1. What is the difference between an EGUsphere preprint and a manuscript in review with an EGU journal?

    Manuscripts that are in review with an EGU journal are targeting publication in this journal. They are preprints, but they are posted in the journal's discussion forum und their DOI shows a journal relationship. EGUsphere preprints have a wider range of options:

    1. Preprints can be stand-alone, not aiming at publication in a journal.
    2. Preprints can be submitted as stand-alone preprint, but later consider aiming at publication in either an EGU journal or another journal.
    3. Preprints can be submitted as a preprint targeting publication in an EGU journal.

    Preprints that are targeting publication in an EGU journal, whether following the direct route with a journal, or the route via EGUsphere, are from an editorial and review perspective handled in the same manner. They have a different DOI (e.g., https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2022-1 vs https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2022-1). In the future, EGU aims at all journal preprints to be hosted on EGUsphere.

  2. What is the difference between EGUsphere and other preprint servers, such as, for example, EarthArXiv?

    For stand-alone preprints, there is in principle no difference. In both cases, preprints receive a DOI, they are open to community comments, and preprints can be submitted for publication to a journal of choice. EGUsphere strongly supports preprinting and welcomes close collaboration with other preprint servers. External preprints can join EGUsphere if they intend to receive an interactive public peer review for possible publication in one of EGU's journal.

  3. I have an EGUsphere question, who do I contact?

    1. For non-technical questions related to the screening process of EGUsphere preprints, please contact the EGUsphere coordinator.
    2. For technical questions related to user interfaces or automatic process emails, please contact Copernicus Publications' editorial support team.
    3. For questions related to the abstracts and presentations from EGU conferences, please contact the EGU events coordinator.

  4. How long is my preprint available on EGUsphere?

    All preprints remain indefinitely on EGUsphere. Community discussion for stand-alone preprints is open for 5 years. Preprints that are in review with an EGU journal are open for community discussion during the review period as specified for the journal.

  5. Can I post my preprint on various preprint servers?

    A manuscript can only be hosted on one preprint server. EGUsphere does not allow double preprinting. If you would like to submit a manuscript that is hosted on a non-EGU preprint server to an EGU journal, then please follow the route External preprints seeking publication in an EGU journal.

  6. Will preprints aimed at publication in an EGU journal be visible on the journal page?

    Yes, all preprints aimed at publication in an EGU journal that are submitted to EGUsphere are posted on EGUsphere and co-listed on the journal website. Preprints submitted to the discussion forum of a journal are only posted on the journal website.

  7. Will rejected preprints aimed at journal publication remain on EGUsphere?

    Yes, just like any other document with a DOI. However, they will not show a relation to the journal for which it was intended since its citation is egusphere-YEAR-NUMBER.

  8. How will it work if I decide to convert my 'stand-alone' preprint during or after the 5-year discussion period into a preprint with journal relation?

    Once your 5-year discussion period expires, you will receive an automatic email asking for your decision to take your stand-alone preprint further by applying to an EGU journal or your preprint and its discussion is simply archived on EGUsphere. Should you decide already during the 5-year discussion period to join the peer review for an EGU journal, please inform Copernicus' editorial support team.

  9. What is different between a discussion paper on a journal webpage and an EGUsphere preprint aimed at journal publication?

    For both preprints, all journal parameters equally apply (e.g., length of discussion phase). The main difference between these two preprints is their DOI format: journalname-YEAR-number vs egusphere-YEAR-number

  10. How quickly after submission will my preprints be posted on EGUsphere?

    For preprints with journal relation, the processing times (i.e., file validation, editor assignment, editor decision) are the same as any other submission to this journal. Preprints without journal relation are normally posted within three days after submission.