CL – Climate: Past, Present, Future
CL0.00 – Open Session on Climate: Past, Present and Future (including Milutin Milankovic Medal Lecture)
EGU2016-16345 | Posters | CL0.00 Can Climate Projection Uncertainty be Constrained over Africa Using Contemporary Performance Metrics? |
EGU2016-5667 | Orals | CL0.00 Sensitivity of carbon budgets to permafrost carbon feedbacks and non-CO2 forcings |
EGU2016-8753 | Orals | CL0.00 Climate SPHINX: High-resolution present-day and future climate simulations with an improved representation of small-scale variability |
EGU2016-5433 | Posters | CL0.00 The variability of temperature and precipitation over Korean Peninsula induced by off-equatorial western Pacific precipitation during boreal summer |
EGU2016-2934 | Posters | CL0.00 Connecting climate model projections of global temperature change with the real world |
EGU2016-15369 | Orals | CL0.00 Assessment of bio-physical drought hazards. A case study of Karkheh River basin in Iran |
EGU2016-2099 | Posters | CL0.00 Data Rescue for precipitation station network in Slovak Republic |
EGU2016-3940 | Orals | CL0.00 Tropically-driven climate shifts in southwestern Europe during MIS 19, a low eccentricity interglacial |
EGU2016-4912 | Orals | CL0.00 Climate oscillations reflected in the Arabian Sea subseafloor microbiome |
EGU2016-2086 | Posters | CL0.00 Heat waves and warm periods in Slovakia |
EGU2016-9777 | Orals | CL0.00 Timing and Estimates of Plio-Pleistocene Sea-Level Highstands from the Republic of South Africa (RSA) |
EGU2016-14210 | Posters | CL0.00 Aerosol deposition (trace elements and black carbon) over the highest glacier of the Eastern European Alps during the last centuries |
EGU2016-14012 | Orals | CL0.00 Unexpected climatic impacts of orbital forcing out of the Quaternary |
EGU2016-17661 | Posters | CL0.00 The large volcanic eruptions at different latitude bands and patterns of winter temperature changes over China |
EGU2016-11017 | Orals | CL0.00 North Atlantic Plio-Pliestocene sediment color climate index indicates enhanced 41-k.y. world variability |
EGU2016-4220 | Posters | CL0.00 Ice core reconstruction of sea ice change in the Amundsen-Ross Seas since 1702 AD |
EGU2016-6207 | Posters | CL0.00 The hydro-climatic history of the Gulf of Cadiz throughout the last ~570 kyr from IODP 339 Site U1386 |
EGU2016-4069 | Orals | CL0.00 Trends, Rhythms, and Aberrations in Global Climate during the Cenozoic: The Interplay between Tectonic and Orbital forcing (Milutin Milankovic Medal Lecture) |
EGU2016-10423 | Posters | CL0.00 Late Holocene environmental changes in a mesotidal estuary from Patagonia, Argentina |
EGU2016-9343 | Posters | CL0.00 10Be exposure dating of Holocene moraines in the Sierra Nevada, California |
EGU2016-11703 | Posters | CL0.00 Dynamic controls on the subarctic North Pacific productivity peak during the Bølling-Allerød |
EGU2016-3187 | Posters | CL0.00 Hydroclimate variability in the western Pacific warm pool during the past 60,000 years |
EGU2016-10171 | Posters | CL0.00 Onset of the Tushima Water entering into the Japan Sea during the Heinrich 1 |
EGU2016-13671 | Posters | CL0.00 Isotopic and magnetic provenance characterization of distal IRD in the Galicia Interior Basin (NW Iberia) |
EGU2016-10706 | Posters | CL0.00 A new 0.9 Ma oxygen isotope stratigraphy for a shallow-water sedimentary transect across three IODP 317 sites in the Canterbury Bight of southwest Pacific Ocean |
EGU2016-10580 | Posters | CL0.00 A record of barite accumulation rate for marine export productivity changes in the tropical Indian Ocean during the Mid-Pliocene--Early-Pleistocene transition |
EGU2016-5562 | Posters | CL0.00 Evaluating the mid Miocene paleoclimate of Lower Carinthia (Austria) based on high resolution palynological studies from the Lavanttal Basin |
EGU2016-5601 | Posters | CL0.00 Reinvestigation of the Miocene palynoflora from the Daotaiqiao Formation of north-eastern China using SEM |
EGU2016-2724 | Posters | CL0.00 Global vegetation distribution and terrestrial climate evolution at the Eocene-Oligocene transition |
EGU2016-5336 | Posters | CL0.00 ENSO in a warming world: interannual climate variability in the early Miocene Southern Hemisphere |
EGU2016-15123 | Posters | CL0.00 Relationship between atmospheric methane lifetime, isotope budget and effective sink enrichments simulated in AC-GCM EMAC |
EGU2016-14050 | Posters | CL0.00 Matlab based automatization of an inverse surface temperature modelling procedure for Greenland ice cores using an existing firn densification and heat diffusion model |
EGU2016-786 | Posters | CL0.00 Paleoclimate changes: a stochastic resonance model based on ice-core data analysis |
EGU2016-693 | Posters | CL0.00 Development of source specific diatom lipids biomarkers as Antarctic Sea Ice proxies |
EGU2016-11856 | Posters | CL0.00 A new high-precision technique for measurement of N2O concentration in polar ice cores with small amount of samples |
EGU2016-5688 | Posters | CL0.00 Enhancement of non-CO2 radiative forcing via intensified carbon cycle feedbacks |
CL0.01 – Interdisciplinary Approaches in Climatic Change Research and Assessment (co-organized)
EGU2016-54 | Posters | CL0.01 Evaluating the need for integrated land use and land cover analysis for robust assessment of climate adaptation and mitigation strategies |
EGU2016-8016 | Orals | CL0.01 | Media interest Climate Impacts of the Paris Agreement |
EGU2016-17982 | Orals | CL0.01 | Media interest Historical Responsibility for Climate Change – from countries emissions to contribution to temperature increase |
EGU2016-2358 | Posters | CL0.01 Geoscientists as Politicians; it is a necessity, not a luxury. |
EGU2016-3766 | Posters | CL0.01 Climate impacts on palm oil yields in the Nigerian Niger Delta |
EGU2016-15521 | Orals | CL0.01 How to ensure that the results of climate risk analysis make a difference? - Experience from applied research addressing the challenges of climate change |
EGU2016-14326 | Orals | CL0.01 Multi-disciplinary assessments of climate change impacts on agriculture to support adaptation decision making in developing countries |
EGU2016-5836 | Posters | CL0.01 Development of a risk database for the establishment of invasive mosquito species under impacts of climate change |
EGU2016-10388 | Orals | CL0.01 | Media interest Linkages of periodic climatic and social-economic changes in China during the past 2000 years |
EGU2016-5902 | Posters | CL0.01 Land Use, climate change and BIOdiversity in cultural landscapes (LUBIO): Assessing feedbacks and promoting land-use strategies towards a viable future |
EGU2016-6361 | Posters | CL0.01 Climate City, the new European Project 100 % dedicated to Climate Change |
EGU2016-12179 | Orals | CL0.01 Extended Shared Socioeconomic Pathways for Coastal Impact Assessment: Spatial Coastal Population Scenarios |
EGU2016-13323 | Orals | CL0.01 | Media interest Application of the new scenario framework for climate change research: Future social vulnerability in large urban areas |
EGU2016-6603 | Posters | CL0.01 Impact of farm level adaptation to climate change on agricultural productivity and farmers’ wellbeing: Empirical evidence from Pakistan |
EGU2016-15698 | Orals | CL0.01 Getting ready for crops’ adaptation to climate change in France ; two complementary experiences : what lessons can we draw from them ? |
EGU2016-8419 | Posters | CL0.01 LIFE CLIMATREE project: A novel approach for accounting and monitoring carbon sequestration of tree crops and their potential as carbon sink areas |
EGU2016-9119 | Posters | CL0.01 Modelling of the impact of the Rhone River N:P ratios over the NW Mediterranean planktonic food web |
EGU2016-14642 | Orals | CL0.01 Contrasting perceptions of anthropogenic coastal agricultural landscape meanings and management in Italy and Canada |
EGU2016-7977 | Orals | CL0.01 The Sahelian agro-ecosystem vulnerability to an acceleration of ice-sheet melting during the 21st century |
EGU2016-9584 | Posters | CL0.01 Effects of aerosol emission pathways on future warming and human health |
EGU2016-10975 | Posters | CL0.01 Governmental responses and smallholders’ adaptations to climatic variability in southeastern Mexico |
EGU2016-1543 | Orals | CL0.01 Overcoming scepticism: Interacting influences of geographical location on perceived climate change adaptation measures to water resources in Spain |
EGU2016-16663 | Orals | CL0.01 Looking at the spatial and temporal distribution of global water availability and demand |
EGU2016-12349 | Posters | CL0.01 HyCAW: Hydrological Climate change Adaptation Wizard |
EGU2016-12376 | Posters | CL0.01 Managing European landscapes to meet the 1.5℃ climate target |
EGU2016-13739 | Posters | CL0.01 Experience of the Paris Research Consortium Climate-Environment-Society |
EGU2016-14853 | Posters | CL0.01 Can Climate Information be relevant to decision making for Agriculture on the 1-10 year timescale? Case studies from southern Africa |
EGU2016-15479 | Posters | CL0.01 Towards systematic evaluation of crop model outputs for global land-use models |
EGU2016-16255 | Posters | CL0.01 Communicating across the disciplines to support climate services: the CLIPC portal |
EGU2016-16564 | Posters | CL0.01 Should Climatologists and Spatial Planners Interact? Weather regulation as an ecosystem service to be considered in the land-use planning field. |
EGU2016-17364 | Posters | CL0.01 Mapping Heat-related Risks for Community-based Adaptation Planning under Uncertainty |
EGU2016-17536 | Posters | CL0.01 Future Earth -- New Approaches to address Climate Change and Sustainability in the MENA Region |
CL1.01 – INTIMATE: INTegrating Ice core, MArine, and TErrestrial records (co-organized)
EGU2016-11182 | Orals | CL1.01 Antarctic Forcing of Abrupt Global Climate Change During Isotope Stage 3 |
EGU2016-7598 | Posters | CL1.01 IceChrono1: a probabilistic model to compute a common and optimal chronology for several ice cores |
EGU2016-4365 | Orals | CL1.01 North Atlantic overturning and climate response to meltwater forcing during the last deglaciation |
EGU2016-7705 | Posters | CL1.01 Climate dependent contrast in surface mass balance in East Antarctica over the past 216 kyr |
EGU2016-13734 | Orals | CL1.01 Atmospheric production signal in 10Be from varved sediments of Lake Meerfelder Maar during the late glacial-early Holocene transition |
EGU2016-2794 | Posters | CL1.01 Coeval dust accumulation minima in Greenland and East Central Europe over 31-23 ka |
EGU2016-13664 | Orals | CL1.01 A comparison of the Greenland Ice-Core and IntCal timescales through the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion, utilising new 14c data from Tenaghi Philippon, Greece |
EGU2016-983 | Posters | CL1.01 High-resolution, multi-proxy analyses of the MIS3/2 loess-paleosol sequence Krems-Wachtberg, Austria |
EGU2016-14616 | Posters | CL1.01 First Younger Dryas moraines in Greenland |
EGU2016-9405 | Orals | CL1.01 The 10ka Grímsvötn tephra series in Iceland (usually referred to as the Saksunarvatn ash). A review. |
EGU2016-13924 | Orals | CL1.01 The 14C age of glacial North Atlantic surface waters: Greenland Interstadial Events 2-13 |
EGU2016-9552 | Posters | CL1.01 Indications of a pan-hemispheric bi-partition of the Younger Dryas Stadial from Lake Suigetsu, Japan |
EGU2016-14208 | Posters | CL1.01 A new Holocene record of geomagnetic secular variation from Windermere, UK |
EGU2016-4074 | Posters | CL1.01 Comparing records with related chronologies |
EGU2016-9589 | Posters | CL1.01 An improved chronology for the Lateglacial palaeoenvironmental record of Lake Haemelsee, Germany: challenges for independent site comparisons |
EGU2016-431 | Posters | CL1.01 The last Deglaciation in the Mediterranean region: a multi-archives synthesis |
EGU2016-15592 | Posters | CL1.01 Marine-continental tephra correlations (Pantelleria, Italy, and Ionian Basin): the potential for Mediterranean marker horizons |
EGU2016-17690 | Posters | CL1.01 Impact of climate variability on terrestrial environment in Western Europe between 45 and 9 kyr cal. BP: vegetation dynamics recorded by the Bergsee Lake (Black Forest, Germany). |
CL1.03 – Transition into the Anthropocene – causes of climate change in the 19th and 20th century
EGU2016-3081 | Orals | CL1.03 Estimating pre-industrial global temperature |
EGU2016-747 | Posters | CL1.03 Observation-based Estimate of Climate Sensitivity with a Scaling Climate Response Function |
EGU2016-10613 | Orals | CL1.03 Interdecadal variability in surface climate during the instrumental period |
EGU2016-4276 | Posters | CL1.03 Twentieth century increase in snowfall in coastal West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula |
EGU2016-5082 | Posters | CL1.03 Multidecadal variations and trends of central European temperature in simulated climates |
EGU2016-15805 | Orals | CL1.03 Reconstructions of global near-surface temperature change since the mid 19th century |
EGU2016-12783 | Orals | CL1.03 20CR-1815: Extending reanalysis back to Tambora |
EGU2016-7549 | Posters | CL1.03 Estimating internal variability under changing external forcing |
EGU2016-8309 | Posters | CL1.03 Evaluation of Mechanisms of Extreme Temperatures Over Europe |
EGU2016-15380 | Orals | CL1.03 A new perspective on the 1930s mega-heat waves across central United States |
EGU2016-8903 | Orals | CL1.03 Early global warming in the period 1850 to 1920 |
EGU2016-16373 | Posters | CL1.03 Spatial patterns of substantial climate impact from anthropogenic aerosols in the early instrumental period |
EGU2016-14585 | Posters | CL1.03 End of the “Little Ice Age” in the Alps not forced by industrial black carbon |
EGU2016-13967 | Posters | CL1.03 The 11-year solar radiation rhythm and the North Atlantic Oscillation during the last two centuries |
EGU2016-10846 | Posters | CL1.03 Detection and Attribution of the surface air temperature during last millennium |
EGU2016-14993 | Posters | CL1.03 The contribution of atmospheric circulation to decadal trends in northern hemisphere temperature |
EGU2016-12168 | Posters | CL1.03 Temperature rise, sea level rise and increased radiative forcing – an application of cointegration methods |
EGU2016-3036 | Posters | CL1.03 The sensitivity of precipitation to temperature over islands and oceans |
EGU2016-14637 | Posters | CL1.03 Fusing Paleo-Data and Models: A Monthly Reanalysis for the Period 1600 to 2000 |
EGU2016-14421 | Posters | CL1.03 Using climate models to determine the causes of surface temperature change over the historical period |
EGU2016-12572 | Posters | CL1.03 Comparision of the evolution of the Hadley Circulation between ECMWF ERA-20C centennial reanalysis and the atmospheric model ensemble ERA-20CM |
EGU2016-7000 | Posters | CL1.03 Tropospheric circulation during the early twentieth century Arctic warming |
CL1.04 – Historical Climatology
EGU2016-1436 | Posters | CL1.04 Exploring multiple sources of climatic information within personal and medical diaries, Bombay 1799-1828 |
EGU2016-266 | Orals | CL1.04 Understanding extreme rainfall events in Australia through historical data |
EGU2016-14680 | Posters | CL1.04 Comparison of 19th century ship log wind data and adjoining land-based Royal Observatory data (1843 to 1855): Spot the difference? |
EGU2016-2559 | Orals | CL1.04 April–August temperatures in the Czech Lands, 1499–2012, reconstructed from grape harvest dates |
EGU2016-3479 | Posters | CL1.04 Rescue of historical hydrometric data in the Paraná-Uruguay River basin |
EGU2016-2856 | Orals | CL1.04 Historical reconstruction of storms in the West of France in the early Little Ice Age. |
EGU2016-10892 | Orals | CL1.04 "Ice out": the contribution of citizen scientists to our understanding of climate change |
EGU2016-12508 | Posters | CL1.04 Historic halo displays as weather indicator: Criteria and examples |
EGU2016-14775 | Orals | CL1.04 Volcanically-Induced Nile Flood Failure Promotes Internal Revolt and Suppresses Interstate Conflict in Hellenistic Egypt, 305-30 BCE |
EGU2016-884 | Posters | CL1.04 Building a 19th Century climate chronology for the Karoo: 1840-1870 |
EGU2016-12658 | Orals | CL1.04 Spatial-temporal analysis on climate variation in early Qing dynasty (17th -18th century) using China’s chronological records |
EGU2016-2219 | Posters | CL1.04 Multi-timescale Drought Variations based on standardized precipitation index in China during past 52 years |
EGU2016-2847 | Posters | CL1.04 Climate hazards, adaptation and “resilience” of societies (early Little Ice Age, west of France). |
EGU2016-7503 | Posters | CL1.04 The Indian Summer Monsoon onset revisited: new approach based on the analysis of historical wind observations |
EGU2016-8209 | Posters | CL1.04 The archives of the glacier survey of the Austrian Alpine Club |
EGU2016-16530 | Posters | CL1.04 Reconstruction of El Niño Southern Oscillation using data from ships' logbooks, 1750-1855 |
EGU2016-15250 | Posters | CL1.04 Reassessing the climatic impacts of the AD 1257 Samalas eruption in Europe and in the Northern Hemisphere using historical archives and tree-rings |
CL1.06 – Narrowing the gap: palaeoenvironment and human interaction during Late Quaternary (co-organized)
EGU2016-2867 | Posters | CL1.06 New geochronology of the Stalać section at the southern limit of European loess occurrence through pIR50IR290 dating |
EGU2016-3947 | Orals | CL1.06 Reconstruction of Landscape Evolution Zones (LEZ) from laminated Eifel maar sediments of the last 60 000 years |
EGU2016-4741 | Posters | CL1.06 The Palaeolithic site Bistricioara-Lutărie III in the Romanian Carpathians – Insights from various luminescence methods |
EGU2016-1350 | Orals | CL1.06 Linking lake variability, climate, and human activity in Basotu, Tanzania. |
EGU2016-4453 | Orals | CL1.06 Reconstructing the formation of the Upper Palaeolithic find horizons at Krems-Wachtberg |
EGU2016-7669 | Posters | CL1.06 The Last Glacial Maximum in the Northern European loess belt: Correlations between loess-paleosol sequences and the Dehner Maar core (Eifel Mountains) |
EGU2016-16910 | Posters | CL1.06 Chemical and mineralogical proxies of erosion episodes in the dried lake sediments (Amik Lake, Southern Turkey): paleoenvironmental implications |
EGU2016-16933 | Orals | CL1.06 Prehistoric Human Dispersal to the Tibetan Plateau and Adaptation to the High Altitude Environment |
EGU2016-7883 | Orals | CL1.06 Environmental Prime Movers for Prehistoric Colonization of Islands in Remote Oceania |
EGU2016-12482 | Posters | CL1.06 Evaluating Early Upper Palaeolithic Open-Air Surface Finds from Northern Hungary and Southern Slovakia. |
EGU2016-812 | Orals | CL1.06 The smelting of metals in the Romanian Carpathians throughout the Holocene |
EGU2016-5689 | Posters | CL1.06 Late Pleistocene aeolian dust provenances and wind direction changes reconstructed by heavy mineral analysis of the sediments of the Dehner dry maar (Eifel Mountains, Germany) |
EGU2016-5114 | Posters | CL1.06 Multi-method chronological investigation of a Middle Paleolithic stratigraphic context in Eastern Transylvania, Romania |
EGU2016-5979 | Posters | CL1.06 Relating past occupation patterns to (paleo)environmental properties – hypothesis testing |
EGU2016-18468 | Posters | CL1.06 An Upper Pleistocene to Holocene limnic record from the Carpathian Basin near Vrsac (Vojvodina, Serbia) |
EGU2016-18457 | Posters | CL1.06 Loess in the foothills of the western Carpathians and its importance for paleoenvironmental reconstruction towards the Carpathian Basin |
EGU2016-6730 | Posters | CL1.06 Holocene landslide activity in Moldavian Plateau (NE Romania) based on archaeological evidence |
EGU2016-17374 | Posters | CL1.06 Late Holocene records of fire and human presence in New Zealand |
EGU2016-4441 | Posters | CL1.06 Climate signal detected in sub-fossil and living oak trees data. An analysis of signal frequency components |
EGU2016-16815 | Posters | CL1.06 Environmental changes in the Moulay Bousselham lagoon (Morocco) during the last 7 000 years using a multiproxy approach |
CL1.07 – Studying the climate of the last two millennia
EGU2016-4968 | Orals | CL1.07 European summer temperatures since Roman times |
EGU2016-4950 | Posters | CL1.07 North American regional climate reconstruction from underground temperatures. |
EGU2016-3892 | Posters | CL1.07 Late Holocene stable-isotope based winter temperature records from ice wedges in the Northeast Siberian Arctic |
EGU2016-7792 | Orals | CL1.07 Impacts of climate change on Middle Eastern societies over the last 2700 years: new results from the Gejkar speleothem, Iraq |
EGU2016-4257 | Posters | CL1.07 The climate in China over the past 2000 years in a global Earth System Model simulation |
EGU2016-17684 | Orals | CL1.07 Recent advances on reconstruction of climate and extreme events in China for the past 2000 year |
EGU2016-17694 | Posters | CL1.07 Annually-resolved temperature reconstructions of the past 2000 years from Dome-Fuji, East Antarctica |
EGU2016-12040 | Orals | CL1.07 Reconstructing last 2000 years of temperature variation from Pyrenean caves (N Spain) |
EGU2016-14367 | Orals | CL1.07 Hydroclimate variability in NE Brazil over the last 2K |
EGU2016-11298 | Posters | CL1.07 The climatic signal recorded in Scărișoara Ice Cave (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) during the last millennium |
EGU2016-13935 | Orals | CL1.07 Estimating the climate variability of the last millennium on the East Antarctic plateau |
EGU2016-4641 | Posters | CL1.07 Ocean surface conditions on the SE Greenland shelf during the last millennium – from abrupt changes to centennial variability |
EGU2016-5258 | Posters | CL1.07 Ground surface temperature histories in northern Ontario and Québec for the past 500 years |
EGU2016-1849 | Orals | CL1.07 Quantitative reconstruction of temperature in northern Japan for the last 2000 years and the influential factors to determine climatic fluctuation |
EGU2016-15513 | Posters | CL1.07 Climate, environment and human migrations in the Carpathian region during the Late Roman Period and Early Dark Ages |
EGU2016-3536 | Orals | CL1.07 The dendroclimatic proxies from the northern Quebec taiga in the PAGES 2K network: recent advances and future developments. |
EGU2016-15563 | Posters | CL1.07 The Dark Age of the Lowlands in an Interdisciplinary Light: people, landscape and climate between AD 300 and 1000 |
EGU2016-14613 | Orals | CL1.07 The volcanic fingerprint of four weather regimes over the N-Atlantic as seen in ECHAM5-wiso millennial run from 800-2000 AD. |
EGU2016-15694 | Posters | CL1.07 Short-lived high-amplitude cooling on Svalbard during the Dark Ages |
EGU2016-4988 | Orals | CL1.07 Simulation of Air and Ground Temperatures in PMIP3/CMIP5 Last Millennium Simulations: Implications for Climate Reconstructions from Borehole Temperature Profiles |
EGU2016-15903 | Posters | CL1.07 Functional paleoclimate networks of North Atlantic terrestrial proxies: A new tool for studying spatio-temporal climate variability within the Arctic 2k framework |
EGU2016-17514 | Orals | CL1.07 Modelled rainfall skill assessment against a 1000-year time/space isotope dendro-climatology for southern Africa |
EGU2016-11098 | Orals | CL1.07 Quantifying paleo-reconstruction skill of the Southern Annular Mode in a model framework |
EGU2016-16755 | Posters | CL1.07 eVolv2k: A new ice core-based volcanic forcing reconstruction for the past 2000 years |
EGU2016-14833 | Orals | CL1.07 The volcanic double event at the dawn of the Dark Ages |
EGU2016-17320 | Posters | CL1.07 Trends and variability of the South American hydrological cycle for the last 2000 years |
EGU2016-18392 | Posters | CL1.07 Climate and environmental changes during the last 2000 years on Barentsøya and Edgeøya (E-Svalbard). |
EGU2016-1594 | Orals | CL1.07 Land use changes and its climatic implications in Northern Italy during the Dark Ages |
EGU2016-18447 | Posters | CL1.07 Influence of external climate forcing on coastal upwelling systems analysed in ensemble of past millennium climate simulations |
EGU2016-18464 | Posters | CL1.07 Variability of daily winter wind speed distribution over Northern Europe during the past millennium in regional and global climate simulations |
EGU2016-9505 | Orals | CL1.07 Drought as a Catalyst for Early Medieval European Subsistence Crises and Violence |
EGU2016-6166 | Posters | CL1.07 Climate during the Roman and early-medieval periods in North-western Europe: a review of climate reconstructions from terrestrial archives |
EGU2016-11821 | Orals | CL1.07 C-14 and temperature variation around and after AD 775 - after the Dark Age Grand Minimum |
EGU2016-7093 | Posters | CL1.07 Resilience, rapid transitions and regime shifts: fingerprinting the responses of Lake Żabińskie (NE Poland) to climate variability and human disturbance since 1000 AD |
EGU2016-16682 | Orals | CL1.07 | Media interest Is the onset of the 6th century ‘dark age’ in Maya history related to explosive volcanism? |
EGU2016-10098 | Posters | CL1.07 Comparison of a spatio-temporal speleothem-based reconstruction of late Holocene climate variability to the timing of cultural developments |
EGU2016-11066 | Posters | CL1.07 Reconstructing the Southern Annular Mode over the last millennium: Does methodology matter? |
EGU2016-12751 | Posters | CL1.07 40 shades of black: regional differences in vegetation response to a changing human influence in the Low Countries during the Dark Ages (AD 300-1000). |
EGU2016-13047 | Posters | CL1.07 A 250a speleothem record from Bärenhöhle, Austria: comparison with instrumental data |
EGU2016-13639 | Posters | CL1.07 Paleoclimatic Modeling of Borehole Temperature-Depth Data and Applications for the Recent Climatic Changes in Western Anatolia |
EGU2016-14627 | Posters | CL1.07 The relation between AMOC, gyre circulation, and meridional heat transports in the North Atlantic in model simulations of the last millennium |
EGU2016-97 | Posters | CL1.07 The Imprints of the Solar Activity during the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Climatic Anomaly in SW Anatolia from Lake Sediments |
EGU2016-294 | Posters | CL1.07 Past Temperature and Salinity of the Eastern Arabian Sea: Implications to Sun-Monsoon Precipitation Relationship over Past Couple of Millennia |
EGU2016-950 | Posters | CL1.07 Oxygen Isotope Speleothem record of Decadal and Multidecadal Atlantic Oscillations over the last millennium in Southwestern Morocco |
EGU2016-1254 | Posters | CL1.07 A multi-proxy reconstruction of spatial and temporal variations in Asian summer temperatures over the last millennium |
EGU2016-2002 | Posters | CL1.07 Reconstructions of Circulation in the Northeastern Pacific and Western North America since 1500 A.D.: Relation to Precipitation and Fire Conditions in California |
EGU2016-9110 | Posters | CL1.07 Hydrographic changes in the subpolar North Atlantic at the MCA to LIA transition |
EGU2016-5129 | Posters | CL1.07 Evaluating the Old World Drought Atlas in North Africa |
EGU2016-5141 | Posters | CL1.07 Multicentury Reconstruction of Precipitations (1300-2014) in Eastern Canada from Tree-Ring Width and Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes |
EGU2016-12858 | Posters | CL1.07 Revisiting East Asia temperature and its associated uncertainty over the last 2k from reconstructions and climate simulations |
EGU2016-14684 | Posters | CL1.07 The origin and its environmental significance of thick colluvium on the coast of Xiaolanyu Isle, Taiwan |
EGU2016-15267 | Posters | CL1.07 Prominent features in isotopic, chemical and dust stratigraphies from GV7, a drilling site in East Antarctica |
EGU2016-17024 | Posters | CL1.07 Climate variability and socio-environmental changes in the northern Aegean (NE Mediterranean) during the last 1500 years |
EGU2016-17266 | Posters | CL1.07 400 years of summer climatic conditions in the N Carpathian Mts. (eastern Europe) based on O and C stable isotopes in Pinus Cembra L tree rings |
EGU2016-17440 | Posters | CL1.07 Natural and anthropogenic forcing of North Atlantic tropical cyclone track position since 1550 A.D. |
EGU2016-17529 | Posters | CL1.07 Forced and internal variability in temperature simulations and reconstructions of the Common Era |
CL1.08 – Polar continental margins and fjords – climate, oceanography, tectonics and geohazards (co-organized)
EGU2016-2602 | Orals | CL1.08 Continental Margins of the Arctic Ocean: Implications for Law of the Sea |
EGU2016-724 | Posters | CL1.08 Wintertime water dynamics and moonlight disruption of the acoustic backscatter diurnal signal in an ice-covered Northeast Greenland fjord |
EGU2016-3053 | Posters | CL1.08 The potential macroalgae habitat shifts in an Antarctic Peninsula fjord due to climate change |
EGU2016-13311 | Orals | CL1.08 Evolution of a trough-fan system: Scoresby Sund fjord, central-east Greenland |
EGU2016-3209 | Posters | CL1.08 The Kongsfjorden Channel System offshore NW Spitsbergen, European Arctic: evidence of down-slope processes in a contour-current dominated setting on the continental margin |
EGU2016-17782 | Orals | CL1.08 Ice stream behaviour in the western sector of the North Sea during the end of the last glacial cycle |
EGU2016-3781 | Posters | CL1.08 Towards untangling the changing tectonic and climatic influence on deposition on the Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska: A single grain geochemical and geochronological study |
EGU2016-8303 | Orals | CL1.08 Holocene ice-ocean interactions: Køge Bugt, southeast Greenland |
EGU2016-4463 | Posters | CL1.08 Hydroacoustic habitat mapping in Potter Cove (King George Island, Antarctica) |
EGU2016-7429 | Orals | CL1.08 First evidence for a late LGM subglacial lake in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica |
EGU2016-3344 | Orals | CL1.08 Constraining the Antarctic contribution to global sea-level change: ANDRILL and beyond |
EGU2016-5123 | Posters | CL1.08 A large channel system in the western the Riiser Larsen Sea, East Antarctica: Paleoceanographic and sedimentary aspects |
EGU2016-4575 | Posters | CL1.08 On the Evolution of Glaciated Continental Margins |
EGU2016-6431 | Posters | CL1.08 Late Quaternary development of the Storfjorden and Kveithola Trough Mouth Fans, northwestern Barents Sea |
EGU2016-8818 | Posters | CL1.08 Marine sedimentary record of Meltwater Pulse 1a along the NW Barents Sea continental margin |
EGU2016-9346 | Posters | CL1.08 Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea) |
EGU2016-9583 | Posters | CL1.08 A hydrologically inspired approach to predicting fjord bedrock elevation at the ice-ocean interface of the Greenland Ice Sheet |
EGU2016-10765 | Posters | CL1.08 Evidence for the Late Cenozoic Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution and bottom current dynamics in the central-western Ross Sea outer margin, Antarctica |
EGU2016-11342 | Posters | CL1.08 Circulation and Impacts of Circumpolar Deep Water in a Western Antarctic Peninsula Glacial Fjord |
EGU2016-14282 | Posters | CL1.08 Sediment fluxes of an Antarctic palaeo-ice stream system |
EGU2016-16646 | Posters | CL1.08 Climate-Ocean-Ice sheet interactions across the Pliocene and Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP 341 Exp (Gulf of Alaska). |
EGU2016-16905 | Posters | CL1.08 Acoustic monitoring in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, using hydrophone of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer |
EGU2016-17004 | Posters | CL1.08 Re-evaluating high-latitude warming in the Pliocene Nordic Seas |
EGU2016-17055 | Posters | CL1.08 A new date for a large pre-Holocene Storegga Slide |
CL1.10 – Paleoclimates from the Cretaceous to the Holocene: learning about past and future climate changes from numerical experiments and model-data comparisons
EGU2016-3320 | Posters | CL1.10 Building and applying geographical boundary conditions to model the EOT and other climate transitions in the Cenozoic. |
EGU2016-7758 | Orals | CL1.10 Influence of ocean tide dynamics on the climate system from the Cretaceous to present day |
EGU2016-13948 | Posters | CL1.10 Insights into the paleoclimate of the PETM from an ensemble of EMIC simulations |
EGU2016-11932 | Orals | CL1.10 Drastic changes in the Nordic Seas oceanic circulation and deepwater formation in a Pliocene context |
EGU2016-4949 | Posters | CL1.10 The effect of a flexible hydrological discharge model on the climate of the Middle Miocene |
EGU2016-948 | Orals | CL1.10 Glacial Inception in north-east Canada: The Role of Topography and Clouds |
EGU2016-15045 | Orals | CL1.10 How much rainfall sustained a Green Sahara during the mid-Holocene? |
EGU2016-4938 | Posters | CL1.10 Threshold in North Atlantic-Arctic circulation controlled by the Oligocene-Miocene subsidence of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. |
EGU2016-9051 | Orals | CL1.10 Model Simulation of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone during the Holocene |
EGU2016-4578 | Posters | CL1.10 MIS M2 initiation and termination link to the shallow CAS open and close? |
EGU2016-3526 | Orals | CL1.10 State Dependence of Past Climate Sensitivity |
EGU2016-8357 | Posters | CL1.10 The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 2 |
EGU2016-4942 | Orals | CL1.10 The effect of a dynamic soil scheme on the climate of the mid-Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum |
EGU2016-7590 | Posters | CL1.10 The PMIP4-CMIP6 database and the PMIP 4 community |
EGU2016-8351 | Posters | CL1.10 The CMIP6/PMIP4 Last Millennium Simulations |
EGU2016-738 | Orals | CL1.10 Patterns and mechanisms of warm pool hydroclimate change at the Last Glacial Maximum |
EGU2016-9089 | Posters | CL1.10 The Mid-Holocene and Last Interglacial Experiments in PMIP4/CMIP6 |
EGU2016-5652 | Orals | CL1.10 Regional atmospheric circulation over Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum and its links to precipitation |
EGU2016-8513 | Orals | CL1.10 How do proxy reconstruction artifacts contribute to the outcome of paleoclimate model benchmarking? |
EGU2016-13509 | Posters | CL1.10 The Last Glacial Maximum experiment in PMIP4-CMIP6 |
EGU2016-8670 | Orals | CL1.10 Simulation of glacial ocean biogeochemical tracer and isotope distributions based on the PMIP3 suite of climate models |
EGU2016-13139 | Posters | CL1.10 From Past to future: the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project’s contribution to CMIP6 |
EGU2016-4031 | Posters | CL1.10 Transient climate simulations of the deglaciation 21-9 thousand years before present; PMIP4 Core experiment design and boundary conditions |
EGU2016-14056 | Orals | CL1.10 A simplified methodology to approach the complexity of foraminiferal calcite oxygen-isotope data – model comparison |
EGU2016-11071 | Posters | CL1.10 The influence of glacial ice sheets on Atlantic meridional overturning circulation through atmospheric circulation change under glacial climate |
EGU2016-17798 | Posters | CL1.10 Southern Ocean winds at the LGM: The influence of state dependency and sea ice |
EGU2016-3794 | Posters | CL1.10 The Southern Annular Mode change for the Last Glacial Maximum derived from PMIP2 simulations |
EGU2016-4296 | Posters | CL1.10 Simulating Heinrich events in a coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model |
EGU2016-12605 | Posters | CL1.10 Northwest Pacific Ocean during the last 20,000 years: Initial results of the Sino-German Pacific Ocean Experiment (SiGePax) |
EGU2016-8847 | Posters | CL1.10 Did accelerated North American ice sheet melt contribute to the 8.2 ka cooling event ? |
EGU2016-5495 | Posters | CL1.10 Effects of melting ice sheets and orbital forcing on the early Holocene warming in extratropical Northern Hemisphere |
EGU2016-2235 | Posters | CL1.10 On ENSO suppression during the mid-Holocene in PMIP3 |
EGU2016-13881 | Posters | CL1.10 The last interglacial climate in EC-Earth – comparing the direct and indirect impacts of the insolation changes |
EGU2016-9851 | Posters | CL1.10 Impact of oceanic circulation changes on the CO2 concentration during past interglacials |
EGU2016-7735 | Posters | CL1.10 From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene: Modelling a Complete Glacial Cycle (PalMod) |
EGU2016-8937 | Posters | CL1.10 Changes in southern hemispheric polar amplification over the past 5 million years revealed by climate modelling |
EGU2016-14165 | Posters | CL1.10 Could the Pliocene constrain the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity? |
EGU2016-15065 | Posters | CL1.10 Is it potentially possible to predict a tipping point in the climate? |
CL1.11 – Decadal to millennial scale climate variability of the late Quaternary (co-organized)
EGU2016-15084 | Posters | CL1.11 A first look at the ACER-SST dataset: Mapping the spatio-temporal variability of sea-surface temperatures in the last Glacial and the Holocene |
EGU2016-17567 | Orals | CL1.11 Evaluating the link between explosive volcanism and millennial scale climate change during the Last Glacial |
EGU2016-8388 | Orals | CL1.11 Ice sheet runoff and Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles |
EGU2016-14178 | Posters | CL1.11 Surface water mass distribution, ocean chemistry changes and sea ice conditions in the central Fram Strait over the last 47ka |
EGU2016-1121 | Posters | CL1.11 Sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic Ocean from 30ka to 10ka |
EGU2016-3893 | Orals | CL1.11 Multiple causes of the Younger Dryas cold period: new insights from coupled model experiments constrained by data assimilation |
EGU2016-4782 | Posters | CL1.11 Deglacial-Holocene short-term variability in sea-ice distribution on the Eurasian shelf (Arctic Ocean) - An IP25 biomarker reconstruction. |
EGU2016-7880 | Orals | CL1.11 Norwegian fjord sediments reveal NAO related winter temperature and precipitation changes of the past 2800 years |
EGU2016-3457 | Orals | CL1.11 Late Holocene climate change on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau reconstructed from aeolian sediment sequences |
EGU2016-5132 | Posters | CL1.11 Evolution of the deep Atlantic water masses since the last glacial maximum based on a transient run of NCAR-CCSM3 |
EGU2016-9992 | Posters | CL1.11 Surface heat storage in the subtropical North Atlantic during the LGM |
EGU2016-7678 | Orals | CL1.11 Antarctic warming driven by internal Southern Ocean deep convection oscillations |
EGU2016-1989 | Posters | CL1.11 Younger Dryas thermohaline circulation in the N-Atlantic: Irminger Sea versus Norwegian Sea Basin |
EGU2016-9647 | Posters | CL1.11 Early Holocene meltwater events in the Labrador Sea |
EGU2016-5868 | Posters | CL1.11 Holocene sea surface and deepwater conditions in the Iceland Basin derived from microfossil assemblages |
EGU2016-7935 | Posters | CL1.11 Variable North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre trough the Holocene - a multiproxy study from the Labrador Sea |
EGU2016-11227 | Posters | CL1.11 New high-resolution record of Holocene marine variability in the Weddell Sea from biomarker analysis of the Patriot Hills blue ice record |
EGU2016-13492 | Posters | CL1.11 Reconstructing Holocene palaeo-environmental conditions in the Baltic: A multi-proxy comparison from the Little Belt (IODP Expedition 347, Site M0059) |
EGU2016-12249 | Posters | CL1.11 Dynamical regime shifts in the North Atlantic climate variability during the last 2 ka as revealed by terrestrial proxies |
EGU2016-3680 | Posters | CL1.11 Volcanic Impacts on the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Initiation of the Little Ice Age |
EGU2016-17406 | Posters | CL1.11 A 200 years record of multidecadal oceanographic changes from offshore North Iceland |
EGU2016-11230 | Posters | CL1.11 Boron isotopic composition of Porites corals over the past 500 years in the South China Sea: Evaluating the potential controlling factors |
EGU2016-5650 | Posters | CL1.11 The bioavailable iron in NEEM ice core related to Asian dust records over the past 110 kyr |
EGU2016-320 | Posters | CL1.11 Sedimentary Facies and their possible significance in Holocene paleoclimate reconstruction: Example of Baraila Tal, Central Ganga Plains |
EGU2016-1478 | Posters | CL1.11 Climate variability of Late Pleistocene deglaciation in the North American midcontinent derived from tree rings |
EGU2016-3176 | Posters | CL1.11 ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene: Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough |
EGU2016-640 | Posters | CL1.11 Evolution of the North American Monsoon from the middle Holocene to the present recorded in marine sediments from low Gulf of California |
EGU2016-3747 | Posters | CL1.11 Late-Holocene environmental and climatic changes in central part of the Western Sayan Mountain |
CL1.12 – Antarctic palaeoclimates, sea level change and ice dynamics in past warm episodes: marrying models and data (co-organized)
EGU2016-1794 | Orals | CL1.12 Evidence for an extensive Antarctic Ice Sheet by 37 Ma |
EGU2016-3059 | Posters | CL1.12 The MMCO-EOT conundrum: same benthic δ18O, different CO2 |
EGU2016-3577 | Posters | CL1.12 Large-Ensemble modeling of past and future variations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with a coupled ice-Earth-sea level model |
EGU2016-11650 | Orals | CL1.12 Orbitally resolved records of Oligocene ice-sheet dynamics and deep-water chemistry from ODP Site 689 (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea) |
EGU2016-5078 | Orals | CL1.12 Oceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic cryosphere dynamics during the Oligocene and Miocene: a view from offshore Wilkes Land |
EGU2016-10062 | Posters | CL1.12 Comparison of glacial isostasy contribution to the sea level changes during the Holocene in West and East Antarctic regions. |
EGU2016-2717 | Orals | CL1.12 Oligocene to Miocene terrestrial climate change and the demise of forests on Wilkes Land, East Antarctica |
EGU2016-10131 | Posters | CL1.12 Middle Eocene paleocirculation of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, the anteroom to an ice-house world: evidence from dinoflagellates |
EGU2016-1407 | Orals | CL1.12 | Media interest Antarctic contribution to global sea level in a high CO2 world |
EGU2016-14854 | Posters | CL1.12 Obliquity paced contourite cyclicity in Antarctic sediments from the Wilkes Land (Site U1356) during Late Oligocene |
EGU2016-1052 | Orals | CL1.12 Glacial discharge, upwelling and productivity off the Adélie coast, Antarctica: results from a 171 m Holocene sediment core from IODP Expedition 318 |
EGU2016-12394 | Posters | CL1.12 Pliocene shorelines and the deformation of passive margins. |
EGU2016-16572 | Posters | CL1.12 Marine ice sheet collapse and terrestrial climate stability in Pliocene East Antarctica |
EGU2016-2022 | Posters | CL1.12 Dinocysts and other palynomorphs from the Holocene record of the Adélie coastal margin, Antarctica (IODP Site U1357) |
EGU2016-2637 | Posters | CL1.12 Phytoplankton assemblages and lipid biomarkers indicate sea-surface warming and sea-ice decline in the Ross Sea during Marine Isotope sub-Stage 5e |
EGU2016-6562 | Posters | CL1.12 The transient response of ice volume to orbital-driven climate changes of the Late Pliocene |
EGU2016-15853 | Posters | CL1.12 Climate Model Dependency and Understanding the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Warm Late Pliocene |
EGU2016-11219 | Posters | CL1.12 Estimates of CO2 since the mid-Miocene |
EGU2016-9773 | Posters | CL1.12 Modeling the oxygen isotopic composition of the Antarctic ice sheet and significance to Pliocene sea level |
CL1.13 – Flood and weather extremes of the past (co-organized)
EGU2016-2289 | Orals | CL1.13 Variability of floods, droughts and windstorms over the past 500 years in Central Europe based on documentary and instrumental data |
EGU2016-818 | Posters | CL1.13 Utilisation of Rb/Sr as proxy for mass wasting events in peat records from the Romanian Carpathians |
EGU2016-1016 | Posters | CL1.13 Varved sediments of Lake Oeschinen, NW Alps: filling the gap in the flood frequency-precipitation relationship for the last millennium |
EGU2016-939 | Orals | CL1.13 Long-term persistence in precipitation: are mega-droughts really a riddle? |
EGU2016-1717 | Posters | CL1.13 ENSO-triggered floods in South America |
EGU2016-14962 | Orals | CL1.13 Can tree-ring proxy reflect summer temperature extremes and their associated circulation patterns over Fennoscandia? |
EGU2016-1808 | Orals | CL1.13 Taming the Mighty Mississippi: Integrating paleo-flood data and modeling to understand the patterns and causes of extreme floods on a major river system |
EGU2016-2098 | Posters | CL1.13 Frequency and intensity of palaeofloods at the interface of Atlantic and Mediterranean climate domains |
EGU2016-9544 | Orals | CL1.13 Response of paleofloods to climate variability in alpine catchments of different size reconstructed from floodplain sediments. Similarities or differences? |
EGU2016-2999 | Posters | CL1.13 Controls on Flood Event Frequencies Recorded in Stalagmites from Cave KNI-51, Australian Tropics |
EGU2016-3306 | Posters | CL1.13 The August 1975 Flood over Central China |
EGU2016-12868 | Orals | CL1.13 Quantifying magnitude and frequency of recent extreme floods using a 600 year lake sediment record from the UK |
EGU2016-3799 | Posters | CL1.13 Association of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet with the Southwest Asian summer monsoon: A diagnostic analysis on heavy rain events in Yunnan province, China |
EGU2016-4186 | Posters | CL1.13 Demarcation of Typhoon-induced Sedimentary Layers from Lake Records in Southeast China |
EGU2016-4304 | Posters | CL1.13 Low precipitation events in the European Greater Alpine Region and their space-time patterns in the past 210 years. |
EGU2016-4603 | Posters | CL1.13 Quantifying Sediment Delivery History in Mediterranean Mountain Watersheds from Lake Records (Iberian Range, Spain) |
EGU2016-4767 | Posters | CL1.13 Analysis of the convective timescale during the major floods in the NE Iberian Peninsula since 1871 |
EGU2016-4945 | Posters | CL1.13 Historical flood data series of Eastern Spanish Coast (14th-20th centuries). Improving identification of climatic patterns and human factors of flood events from primary documentary sources |
EGU2016-6780 | Posters | CL1.13 Extreme Winter Cyclones in the North Atlantic in a Last Millennium Climate Simulation with CESM1.0.1 |
EGU2016-5473 | Posters | CL1.13 Magnetic and geochemical signatures of flood layers in lake sediments |
EGU2016-5574 | Posters | CL1.13 Atmospheric circulation patterns associated to the variability of River Ammer floods: evidence from observed and proxy data |
EGU2016-16014 | Posters | CL1.13 Holocene floods in the Central Transylvania Basin, Romania |
EGU2016-11990 | Posters | CL1.13 Documenting historic and recent extreme floods in Kashmir |
EGU2016-11515 | Posters | CL1.13 Historical flood analysis of the Eistlenbach and Farnigraben torrents in the Hasli Valley (Bernese Alps) inferred from sedimentary records, historical maps and remote sensing |
EGU2016-10560 | Posters | CL1.13 Worldwide floods are changing: Evidence from global high-quality annual maximum streamflow records |
EGU2016-9987 | Posters | CL1.13 Generating quantitative palaeoflood data from homogeneous lake sediments: a case-study from Brotherswater, northwest England |
EGU2016-8255 | Posters | CL1.13 A 500-year history of floods in the semi arid basins of south-eastern Spain |
EGU2016-5729 | Posters | CL1.13 Summer North Atlantic Oscillation and flood variability in Switzerland |
CL1.15 – Quaternary continental climate archives: tracking spatial and temporal changes through robust multi-proxy records
EGU2016-14340 | Posters | CL1.15 Holocene record of glacier variability from lake sediments reveals tripartite climate history for Svalbard |
EGU2016-8664 | Orals | CL1.15 Process interpretation of laminated lacustrine sediments from the valley of the river Alf, Quaternary West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany |
EGU2016-263 | Posters | CL1.15 Holocene palaeohydrological history of the Tăul Muced peat bog (Northern Carpathians, Romania) based on testate amoebae (Protozoa) and plant macrofossils |
EGU2016-15943 | Orals | CL1.15 Paleohydrological change in the Turkana Basin at the termination of the African Humid Period |
EGU2016-1674 | Orals | CL1.15 Deciphering paleoclimatic responses for the evolution of Late Pleistocene to Holocene Sedimentary Records of Lake Hazar, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey |
EGU2016-371 | Posters | CL1.15 Fossil gastropods from the Indian Upper Siwaliks and their stable carbon and oxygen isotope values indicate presence of cold climatic conditions in the Early Pleistocene. |
EGU2016-1314 | Posters | CL1.15 Multiple climatic signals inferred from the varved sediments of a coastal lake in the Canadian High Arctic |
EGU2016-17948 | Orals | CL1.15 Regime shifts in the Arctic North Atlantic during the Neoglacial revealed by seabirds and precipitation isotopes on Bjørnøya, Svalbard |
EGU2016-352 | Posters | CL1.15 Reconstruction of early Holocene paleoclimate and environment in the SW Kola region, Russian Arctic |
EGU2016-10352 | Orals | CL1.15 A multi-proxy record from the Quaternary Vienna Basin: Chronology, climate and environmental change at the Alpine-Carpathian transition during the last 250,000 years |
EGU2016-9331 | Orals | CL1.15 Large-scale impacts of climate change on tropical West African ecosystems over the past ~540,000 years |
EGU2016-521 | Posters | CL1.15 Paleolimnological reconstruction of environmental variability during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene in the south-east Baltic region |
EGU2016-13453 | Orals | CL1.15 Assessing the persistence of millennial-scale oscillations during the penultimate glacial phase in southern Europe |
EGU2016-5494 | Posters | CL1.15 Climate inferences between paleontological, geochemical, and geophysical proxies in Late Pleistocene lacustrine sediments from Summer Lake, Oregon, western Great Basin |
EGU2016-14969 | Orals | CL1.15 Pollen chemistry as a tool for reconstructing past solar and ultraviolet irradiance |
EGU2016-6407 | Posters | CL1.15 Preliminary stable isotope results from the Mohos peat bog, East-Carpathians |
EGU2016-4243 | Orals | CL1.15 A 20-ka reconstruction of a Sahelo-Sudanian paleoenvironment using multi-method dating on pedogenic carbonate |
EGU2016-7533 | Posters | CL1.15 Late Holocene subalpine lake sediments record a multi-proxy shift to increased aridity at 3.65 kyr BP, following a millennial-scale neopluvial interval in the Lake Tahoe watershed and western Great Basin, USA |
EGU2016-11662 | Posters | CL1.15 The last millenia sedimentary record of Lake Esponja, Northern Chilean Patagonia |
EGU2016-247 | Orals | CL1.15 Reconstruction of Holocene palaeoclimate and environment in the Khatanga region, Russian Arctic |
EGU2016-8675 | Posters | CL1.15 Multi-proxy sedimentary record from Lake Ghirla (N-Italy) reveals hydro-climatic variations and periods of anthropogenic activities during the past 13 kyrs |
EGU2016-14517 | Orals | CL1.15 Deciphering the environmental and landscape evolution of Sierra Nevada (S Iberia) from bog archives |
EGU2016-5702 | Posters | CL1.15 High-resolution multi-proxy reconstruction of Lake Ighiel (Western Carpathians, Romania): processes and controlling factors of lacustrine dynamics during the mid and late Holocene |
EGU2016-14525 | Orals | CL1.15 Submerged terrestrial landscapes in the Baltic Sea: Evidence from multiproxy analyses of sediment cores from Fehmarnbelt |
EGU2016-11472 | Posters | CL1.15 Holocene fire history reconstruction using Tibetan lacustrine sediments |
EGU2016-2081 | Posters | CL1.15 Paleohydrological and paleoclimatic oscillations during MIS3 revealed by multi-proxies from Balikun Lake, NW China |
EGU2016-2414 | Posters | CL1.15 The quantitative reconstruction of paleoprecipitation from Chinese loess 10Be |
EGU2016-3548 | Posters | CL1.15 What drives the δ18O signal in European carbonates during LGM and Termination II – multi-archive approach revised |
EGU2016-10848 | Posters | CL1.15 A factor controlling long-term variations of the Siberian water cycles during the past two centuries |
EGU2016-13764 | Posters | CL1.15 Amsterdamøya: a key site for the post-glacial of Svalbard |
EGU2016-3791 | Posters | CL1.15 A reconstruction of vegetation and paleohydrologycal changes from peatland in Kansk forest-steppe, Yenisei Siberia |
EGU2016-661 | Posters | CL1.15 Reconstructing temperatures in the Maritime Alps, Italy, since the Last Glacial Maximum using cosmogenic noble gas paleothermometry |
CL1.16 – New insights in past African and Middle Eastern climates: A tribute to Françoise Gasse
EGU2016-1256 | Orals | CL1.16 | Media interest A ~1.3Ma paleoecological record from scientific drilling at Lake Malawi, East Africa |
EGU2016-16625 | Posters | CL1.16 Holocene environmental changes in northern Lebanon as inferred from a multiproxy study on lacustrine-palustrine sediment |
EGU2016-16241 | Posters | CL1.16 Enhanced insights into late Quaternary African hydroclimate dynamics using a water-isotope enabled climate model |
EGU2016-3318 | Orals | CL1.16 From Lake Malawi Drilling: East African Climate May Have Caused Major Evolutionary Turnover in Mammalian Species During MIS 14 |
EGU2016-15088 | Posters | CL1.16 Can an Earth System Model Reproduce the Palaeo-Climate Proxy Record in eastern Africa during the Eemian? |
EGU2016-543 | Orals | CL1.16 Temperature and precipitation reconstruction in correspondence to Dansgaard-Oeschger events and glacial terminations from Turkey |
EGU2016-14571 | Posters | CL1.16 Late Holocene paleoenvironmental changes in Equatorial Africa as reconstructed by a diatom-based study of Lac Divangui (Gabon) sediments |
EGU2016-2614 | Orals | CL1.16 A multi-proxy intercomparison of environmental change in two maar lake records from central Turkey during the last 14 ka |
EGU2016-14419 | Posters | CL1.16 Reconstruction of late Quaternary relative humidity changes on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, East Africa, using a coupled δ2H-δ18O biomarker paleohygrometer |
EGU2016-9656 | Orals | CL1.16 Lake Tanganyika Hydroclimate in the Pleistocene: Insights from New Seismic Reflection Data |
EGU2016-13188 | Posters | CL1.16 Coherent monsoonal changes in the northern tropics revealed by Chadian lakes (L. Chad and Yoa) sedimentary archives during the African Humid Period |
EGU2016-13531 | Orals | CL1.16 Centennial-scale vegetation and climate changes in the Middle Atlas, Morocco: new insights from multi-proxy investigations at Lake Sidi Ali |
EGU2016-11946 | Posters | CL1.16 A potential groundwater aquifer for palaeoclimate reconstruction: Turonian Aquifer, Tadla Basin, Morocco |
EGU2016-11015 | Posters | CL1.16 An Early Pleistocene high-resolution paleoclimate reconstruction from the West Turkana (Kenya) HSPDP drill site |
EGU2016-9289 | Posters | CL1.16 Preliminary results on a promising long paleoclimatic archive for the Near East: the lacustrine sequence of Acigöl (Anatolia, Turkey). |
EGU2016-7289 | Posters | CL1.16 Ostracoda and Foraminifera associated with macrofauna of marginal marine origin in continental sabkha sediments of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) |
EGU2016-6618 | Posters | CL1.16 Climate-driven lacustrine dynamics from the Early Pleistocene Lorenyang Lake, Turkana Basin, Kenya |
EGU2016-6557 | Posters | CL1.16 Crater palaeolakes in the Tibesti mountains (Central Sahara, North Chad) - New insights into past Saharan climates |
EGU2016-5352 | Posters | CL1.16 Precipitation regimes in the Levant during the Holocene inferred from Dead Sea lake levels and stochastic modeling |
EGU2016-665 | Posters | CL1.16 What does the study of swamp ecological transition(s) tell us about past climatic conditions in East Africa? |
EGU2016-4396 | Posters | CL1.16 \textbf{The early Holocene humid period in the Tayma palaeolake, NW Arabian Peninsula -- A high-resolution micro-facies and geochemical approach} |
EGU2016-947 | Posters | CL1.16 Recent hydrological variability and extreme precipitation events in Moroccan Middle-Atlas mountains: micro-scale analyses of lacustrine sediments |
EGU2016-141 | Posters | CL1.16 Paleoclimate change in the Nakuru basin, Kenya, at 119 - 109 ka derived from δ18Odiatom and diatom assemblages and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology |
EGU2016-14792 | Posters | CL1.16 Downscaling precipitation in the Sahara-Sahelian region during the Holocene in order to decipher the paleo-variations of Lake Chad |
CL1.21 – Climate of the Younger Dryas (co-organized)
EGU2016-4939 | Orals | CL1.21 Arctic Ocean freshwater as a trigger for abrupt climate change |
EGU2016-2687 | Posters | CL1.21 Younger Dryas glaciation and climate in the Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland |
EGU2016-5627 | Orals | CL1.21 A new concept for paleohydrological evolution of the Younger Dryas in NE Brazil |
EGU2016-4673 | Posters | CL1.21 Younger Dryas equilibrium line altitudes and precipitation patterns in the Alps |
EGU2016-4918 | Posters | CL1.21 Hydrological and vegetational response to the Younger Dryas climatic oscillations: a high resolution case study from Quoyloo Meadow, Orkney, Scotland |
EGU2016-4638 | Orals | CL1.21 Warm summers during Younger Dryas cold reversal over Eurasia |
EGU2016-16388 | Orals | CL1.21 Final deglaciation of the Barents Sea at 12.9 ka and potential trigger of the Arctic atmospheric dipole |
EGU2016-9162 | Posters | CL1.21 Coeval fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet and a local ice cap during the Younger Dryas: implications for late-glacial climate |
EGU2016-11602 | Orals | CL1.21 A Younger Dryas temperature reconstruction from alpine speleothems |
EGU2016-11734 | Posters | CL1.21 A coupled D/18O approach to reconstruct the paleohumidity during the Younger Dryas in the Eifel, Germany |
EGU2016-13793 | Orals | CL1.21 Spatiotemporal patterns of hydrological changes during the onset of the Younger Dryas along a W-E transect in Europe from decadal resolved lacustrine lipid biomarker D/H records |
EGU2016-12335 | Posters | CL1.21 Abrupt temperature changes and contrasted hydrological responses during Greenland Stadial 1 in northern Iberia |
EGU2016-12583 | Posters | CL1.21 Glacier-derived climate for the Younger Dryas in Europe |
EGU2016-12709 | Posters | CL1.21 Synchoronous inter-hemispheric alpine glacier advances during the Late Glacial? |
EGU2016-12782 | Posters | CL1.21 Regional scale climatic trends derived from Younger Dryas glaciers in Britain. |
EGU2016-16292 | Posters | CL1.21 Spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation change during the Younger Dryas cold period: a modelling study |
EGU2016-16469 | Posters | CL1.21 Speleothem records of the Younger Dryas |
EGU2016-17137 | Posters | CL1.21 Younger Dryas glaciers in the High Atlas, Morocco |
CL1.22 – Multiple archives and climate reconstructions – towards a better integration
EGU2016-7408 | Posters | CL1.22 A terrestrial Pliocene-Pleistocene temperature record from North-Western Europe |
EGU2016-11334 | Posters | CL1.22 Quaternary paleoceanographic reconstruction of Eastern Equatorial Pacific:planktic foraminiferal evidence |
EGU2016-625 | Posters | CL1.22 Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleoceanographic and paleo-climatic changes in Gulf of Gemlik, Sea of Marmara, Turkey |
EGU2016-3707 | Posters | CL1.22 How warm was Greenland during the last interglacial period? |
EGU2016-3227 | Posters | CL1.22 In search of a stratigraphic subdivision of the period 8-0 ka in Greenland ice cores |
EGU2016-789 | Posters | CL1.22 Late Quaternary changes in surface and deep circulation in the Northwest Atlantic |
EGU2016-7654 | Posters | CL1.22 Evidence for humid glacial conditions in Central Spain from leaf waxes in the Loess Paleosol Sequence El Paraíso, Central Spain |
EGU2016-8354 | Posters | CL1.22 Deciphering the signal of Holocene temperature proxy records |
EGU2016-11793 | Posters | CL1.22 Integrating the EMPD with an Alpine altitudinal training set to reconstruct climate variables in Holocene pollen records from high-altitude peat bogs |
EGU2016-14903 | Posters | CL1.22 | Media interest Linking two thousand years of European historical records with environmental change recorded in a high Alpine ice core |
EGU2016-8809 | Posters | CL1.22 Unravelling environmental conditions during the Holocene in the Dead Sea region using multiple archives |
EGU2016-10263 | Posters | CL1.22 Soils and climate: redness and weathering as indicators of mean annual precipitation |
CL1.23 – Past climate - isotopic and multi-proxy records (co-organized)
EGU2016-10665 | Orals | CL1.23 Variation in bird’s originating nitrogen availability limits High Arctic tundra development over last 2000 year (Hornsund, Svalbard) |
EGU2016-16105 | Posters | CL1.23 An extended climate archive from the Eastern Alpine ice coring site of Mt Ortles |
EGU2016-11938 | Posters | CL1.23 Ice-wedge based permafrost chronologies and stable-water isotope records from Arctic Siberia |
EGU2016-12406 | Orals | CL1.23 Cr isotope stratigraphy of Ediacaran cap dolostones, Doushantuo Formation, South China |
EGU2016-553 | Orals | CL1.23 Impact of prehistoric cooking practices on paleoenvironmental proxies in shell midden constituents |
EGU2016-14890 | Posters | CL1.23 Isotope analyses of fossil small mammals in karstic sites |
EGU2016-3499 | Posters | CL1.23 Isotopic composition of water of crystallisation of sulfates of Permian-Triassic age, Eastern Alps, Austria |
EGU2016-17933 | Orals | CL1.23 Deglacial Timing and Dynamics of Paleoclimate Variations in the Bering Sea and Subarctic Pacific |
EGU2016-5828 | Posters | CL1.23 The abrupt installation of the euxinic environment as reflected by the unconsolidated sediments of the western slope of the Black Sea off the Romanian shore |
EGU2016-1734 | Orals | CL1.23 Investigating the Possible Paleoclimate Significance of a Subterranean Ice Deposit, Idaho, USA |
EGU2016-9156 | Posters | CL1.23 Paleoenvironmental evolution and Asian monsoon variability on the southern Tibetan Plateau during the late Quaternary: A comparison of two lake records |
EGU2016-12240 | Orals | CL1.23 Early and Mid-Holocene Climate Variability – A Multi-Proxy Approach from Multi-Millennial Tree Ring Records |
EGU2016-8043 | Posters | CL1.23 Late Quaternary climate and environmental changes in a permafrost section near Igarka, Northern Siberia based on leaf wax analyses |
EGU2016-8768 | Posters | CL1.23 Stable carbon isotope fractionation in pollen of Atlas cedar: first steps towards a new palaeoecological proxy for Northwest Africa |
EGU2016-1952 | Posters | CL1.23 The Crvenka loess-paleosol sequence (Vojvodina, Northern Serbia)- a record of continuous domination of the Late Pleistocene grasslands |
EGU2016-14086 | Posters | CL1.23 Toward a better δDalkanes paleoclimate proxy; Partitioning of seasonal water sources and xylem-leaf deuterium enrichment according to plant growth form and phenology |
EGU2016-15235 | Posters | CL1.23 Leaf waxes and compound-specific δD analyses in a Holocene fluvial sediment-paleosol sequence from the upper Alazani River, SE-Georgia |
EGU2016-15549 | Posters | CL1.23 Changes in the East-West contrast of the upper equatorial Pacific Ocean over the last 10 Ma |
EGU2016-10990 | Posters | CL1.23 Hydrogen isotopes on organic compounds express large hydrological changes in the Mio-Pliocene of the Dacian Basin (Romania) |
EGU2016-894 | Posters | CL1.23 Multiple-proxy study of ostracods from Middle Pleistocene lake sediments at Marks Tey, Essex: Qualitative and quantitative approaches to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction |
EGU2016-13233 | Posters | CL1.23 Geochemical Analyses of Macrophytes (Potamogeton sp.) and ancient DNA from Lake Karakul, Tajikistan |
EGU2016-17276 | Posters | CL1.23 Calcium and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Calcium Carbonates |
EGU2016-5294 | Posters | CL1.23 The records of terrestrial and marine biomarkers in South China Sea EXP349 Sites U1432C and U1433A, B: Implications for East Asian monsoon variability and paleoceanographic variations. |
CL1.25 – The speleothem archive: understanding processes and interpreting Quaternary climate change (co-organized)
EGU2016-1961 | Posters | CL1.25 Numerical simulation of fluorescent annual layer in stalagmites: implication for extracting sub-annual information |
EGU2016-6272 | Orals | CL1.25 Alchemy in the underworld – recent progress and future potential of organic geochemistry applied to speleothems. |
EGU2016-12165 | Orals | CL1.25 Construction of reliable radiocarbon-based chronologies for speleothems |
EGU2016-17662 | Posters | CL1.25 Organic trace analysis of lignin phenols in speleothems using UHPLC-ESI-HRMS and their use as vegetation proxy |
EGU2016-13868 | Orals | CL1.25 Simulating speleothem growth in the laboratory: Determination of stable isotope fractionation factors during precipitation of speleothem calcite |
EGU2016-16618 | Posters | CL1.25 Interpreting δ18O and δ13C of two co-eval calcite and aragonite speleothems supported by cave monitoring from Grotte de Piste, Morocco |
EGU2016-4190 | Posters | CL1.25 From rain to cave drip water: Hydraulic response time and water transfer time at Bunker Cave (NW Germany) |
EGU2016-549 | Orals | CL1.25 Rainfall Control of Karst Solution and the Inter/Intra Annual Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Cave Dripwater: A Long-term, Site-specific Study, Soreq Cave, Israel |
EGU2016-7819 | Orals | CL1.25 Recrystallization-induced oxygen isotope changes in inclusion-hosted water of speleothems – paleoclimatological implications |
EGU2016-7920 | Posters | CL1.25 Stable isotope compositions of carbonate and inclusion-hosted water of speleothems from the last interglacial – spatial patterns of climate fluctuations in Europe |
EGU2016-613 | Orals | CL1.25 Overview of karst modeling approaches and their relevance for paleoclimate reconstruction |
EGU2016-7884 | Posters | CL1.25 The nature of annual lamination in flowstones from non-karstic fractures, Vinschgau (northern Italy) |
EGU2016-923 | Orals | CL1.25 Iranian speleothems: Investigating Quaternary climate variability in semi-arid Western Asia |
EGU2016-11152 | Posters | CL1.25 Northeast Greenland Caves Project: first results from a speleothem-derived record of climate change for the Arctic |
EGU2016-9541 | Posters | CL1.25 Chemical and isotope characteristics of a tufa-precipitating stream in Karwów (south-central Poland) |
EGU2016-14841 | Orals | CL1.25 Speleothem records of western Mediterranean. Hydrological variability along the Last Interglacial Period and marine linkages |
EGU2016-11104 | Posters | CL1.25 Speleothem evidence for chronology of TII in the North Atlantic Realm |
EGU2016-1008 | Orals | CL1.25 Hydrological and thermal changes along the last 2.7 kyr in the central-western Mediterranean based on a multi-archive approach: speleothem and marine sediments |
EGU2016-11124 | Posters | CL1.25 Pluvial Period over NE Brazil linked to Heinrich Stadial Event 1 |
EGU2016-582 | Orals | CL1.25 A critical evaluation of the 4.2 ka BP event using new high resolution evidence from stalagmites in the Middle East |
EGU2016-5031 | Orals | CL1.25 Coherency of European speleothem δ18O records linked to North Atlantic ocean circulation |
EGU2016-12316 | Posters | CL1.25 Source to sink characterization of dissolved organic matter in a tropical karst system |
EGU2016-5063 | Orals | CL1.25 Millennial δ18O oscillations from a replicated Holocene speleothem record from Iberian Peninsula and hemispherical teleconecctions affecting the water cycle |
EGU2016-11194 | Posters | CL1.25 500,000 years of water table fluctuations recorded in Devils Hole 2 cave from southwestern Nevada, USA |
EGU2016-13108 | Posters | CL1.25 Multidecadal climate variability in the northwest Iberian Peninsula during the last millennium based on speleothems records |
EGU2016-13726 | Posters | CL1.25 Influence of isotopic re-equilibration on speleothem and fluid inclusion isotope ratios after primary calcite precipitation |
EGU2016-14281 | Posters | CL1.25 Reconstruction of past climate variability in SE Spain between 14 and 8 ka |
EGU2016-15057 | Posters | CL1.25 Paleotemperature reconstructions from speleothem fluid inclusions between 14 – 10 ka BP in Milandre cave (NW Switzerland) |
EGU2016-12894 | Posters | CL1.25 Past climate variability between 97 and 7 ka reconstructed from a multi proxy speleothem record from Western Cuba |
EGU2016-12601 | Posters | CL1.25 Vegetation productivity during Termination III inferred from a speleothem δ13C record (Ejulve Cave, NE Spain) |
EGU2016-11437 | Posters | CL1.25 High-resolution and high-sensitivity tephra-inferred fingerprints in stalagmite geochemistry |
EGU2016-15928 | Posters | CL1.25 Exploring Holocene climate fluctuations registered in Bosnian stalagmites adopting a multiproxy approach |
EGU2016-16548 | Posters | CL1.25 The 8.2 kyr event recorded at high resolution by a speleothem from the Northern French Alps |
EGU2016-15185 | Posters | CL1.25 Geochemical signal in drip waters and carbonates from three year monitoring of Drac Cave in Mallorca (Western Mediterranean) |
EGU2016-12731 | Posters | CL1.25 Timing and duration of climate variability during the 8.2 ka event reconstructed from four speleothems from Germany |
EGU2016-216 | Posters | CL1.25 600 yr High-Resolution Climate Reconstruction of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation deduced from a Puerto Rican Speleothem |
EGU2016-238 | Posters | CL1.25 Carbonate speleothems from western Mediterranean gypsum karst: palaeoclimate implications |
EGU2016-4811 | Posters | CL1.25 Abrupt decadal-to-centennial hydroclimate changes in the Mediterranean region since the mid-Holocene |
EGU2016-811 | Posters | CL1.25 Past rainfall reconstruction using speleothem from Nakarallu cave, kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India |
EGU2016-6416 | Posters | CL1.25 Evolution of the isotope composition of C and O in the DIC in a water film during precipitation of calcite to the surface of a stalagmite in the presence of isotope exchange with the CO2 of the cave atmosphere and evaporation of the water |
EGU2016-6304 | Posters | CL1.25 Detection and origin of different types of annual laminae in recent stalagmites from Zoolithencave, southern Germany: Evaluation of the potential for quantitative reconstruction of past precipitation variability |
EGU2016-8079 | Posters | CL1.25 Testing the validity of fluid inclusion measurements: reproducibility of a new fluid inclusion analytic line using water standards and calcite samples |
EGU2016-8881 | Posters | CL1.25 Episodic speleothem deposition in Ireland during the late Quaternary; implications for Greenland ice core chronology and British-Irish Ice Sheet dynamics |
EGU2016-9006 | Posters | CL1.25 High Resolution deglacial monsoon δ18O record from a new stalagmite from the Kailash Cave, Central India |
EGU2016-11572 | Posters | CL1.25 Speleothems in the desert: Glimpses of the Pleistocene history of the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, Nevada and California |
EGU2016-14213 | Posters | CL1.25 A multi-proxy reconstruction of Holocene climate change from Blessberg Cave, Germany |
EGU2016-15569 | Posters | CL1.25 Determination of aragonite trace element partition coefficients from speleothem calcite-aragonite transitions |
EGU2016-15895 | Posters | CL1.25 Central European temperature variations over the past two millennia recorded in a stalagmite from western Switzerland |
EGU2016-17306 | Posters | CL1.25 Millennial Scale Cycles from Speleothems of the Gibraltar Caves |
CL2.01 – Urban climate, urban heat island and urban biometeorology (co-organized)
EGU2016-8615 | Orals | CL2.01 Link between Surface and Subsurface Urban Heat Islands |
EGU2016-5866 | Posters | CL2.01 What is an urban heat island? |
EGU2016-1636 | Orals | CL2.01 Anthropogenic signals in Iranian extreme temperature indices |
EGU2016-1344 | Posters | CL2.01 Urban Heat Island ın Ankara |
EGU2016-98 | Posters | CL2.01 Dynamics of urban heat stress events in climate models |
EGU2016-17703 | Orals | CL2.01 Detailed climate-change projections for urban land-use change and green-house gas increases for Belgium with COSMO-CLM coupled to TERRA_URB |
EGU2016-8323 | Orals | CL2.01 The influence of park size and form on micro climate and thermal comfort |
EGU2016-345 | Posters | CL2.01 Impact of regional afforestation on climatic conditions in metropolitan areas: case study of Copenhagen |
EGU2016-10437 | Orals | CL2.01 Title: Impact of Photovoltaic Canopy Shade on Outdoor Thermal Comfort in a Hot Desert City |
EGU2016-1419 | Posters | CL2.01 Trends in heat-related mortality in urban populations of the Czech Republic over 1994-2013 |
EGU2016-5690 | Orals | CL2.01 Investigating the vertical dimension of Singapore's urban heat island through quadcopter platforms: an pilot study |
EGU2016-1420 | Posters | CL2.01 Comparison of SSC and epidemiological approaches to evaluating links between heat stress and mortality in Prague, Czech Republic |
EGU2016-9280 | Orals | CL2.01 Using the Simple Biosphere Model SiB2 to assess the urban impact on semi-arid surface climate: a Case Study in Marrakech, Morocco |
EGU2016-1620 | Posters | CL2.01 Influence of megapolis on the physical field variations |
EGU2016-12477 | Orals | CL2.01 Do we need full mesoscale models to simulate the urban heat island? A study over the city of Barcelona. |
EGU2016-2444 | Posters | CL2.01 Sea breeze analysis based on LES simulations and the particle trace calculations in MM21 district |
EGU2016-3014 | Orals | CL2.01 Urban modelling for Budapest using the Weather Research and Forecasting model |
EGU2016-16489 | Posters | CL2.01 Determining Land Surface Temperature Relations with Land Use-Land Cover and Air Pollution |
EGU2016-17946 | Orals | CL2.01 The urban heat island dynamics during heat waves: a study of cities in the United States |
EGU2016-6020 | Posters | CL2.01 District-level local measuring program of the urban environment in Budapest |
EGU2016-5938 | Orals | CL2.01 Evaluation of the thermal behaviour of different ‘local climate zones’ in Belgium |
EGU2016-7120 | Posters | CL2.01 The impact of green areas in mitigation of urban heat island |
EGU2016-6104 | Posters | CL2.01 Rapid fluctuations of the air and surface temperature in the city of Bucharest (Romania) |
EGU2016-1816 | Orals | CL2.01 Climatic effects of urban expansion over the three largest urban agglomerations of China |
EGU2016-14996 | Posters | CL2.01 Spatial impacts of urban structures on micrometeorological variables |
EGU2016-7453 | Posters | CL2.01 CITYZER - Services for effective decision making and environmental resilience |
EGU2016-7483 | Posters | CL2.01 The climate of Zaragoza (NE of Spain) in the context of global change |
EGU2016-9293 | Posters | CL2.01 Modifications of the urban heat island characteristics under exceptionally hot weather - A case study |
EGU2016-15717 | Posters | CL2.01 Investigation of Urban Heat Island Intensity in Istanbul |
EGU2016-10568 | Posters | CL2.01 Urbanization enhances surface warming in Eastern China |
EGU2016-10182 | Posters | CL2.01 Investigation of detailed spatial structure of the Moscow urban heat island with application of the newest meteorological observations and regional climate modelling |
EGU2016-10999 | Posters | CL2.01 Effect of green roofs on air temperature; measurement study of well-watered and dry conditions |
EGU2016-15631 | Posters | CL2.01 Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 TIRS - A Case Study of Istanbul. |
EGU2016-1802 | Posters | CL2.01 Effects of urban impervious surfaces on land surface temperatures: Spatial scale dependence, temporal variations, and bioclimatic modulation |
CL2.02 – Taking the temperature of Earth: Variability, trends and applications of observed surface temperature data across all domains of Earth's surface (co-organized)
EGU2016-4951 | Orals | CL2.02 Development and Analysis of a Long Term, Global, Terrestrial Land Surface Temperature Dataset Based on HIRS Satellite Retrievals |
EGU2016-12962 | Posters | CL2.02 Improving the global SST record: estimates of biases from engine room intake SST using high quality satellite data |
EGU2016-16025 | Posters | CL2.02 Performance evaluation of Landsat 8 TIRS and the NOAA/METOP AVHRR sensors for lake surface water temperature retrieval |
EGU2016-762 | Orals | CL2.02 Uncertainty of the Linear Trend in the Zonal SST Gradient across the Equatorial Pacific since 1881 |
EGU2016-5438 | Orals | CL2.02 The Likelihood of Recent Record Warmth |
EGU2016-17748 | Posters | CL2.02 New homogenized daily lake surface water temperature data of three decades from multiple sensors confirm warming of large sub-alpine lake Garda |
EGU2016-11248 | Posters | CL2.02 An Investigation of Summertime Inland Water Body Temperatures in California and Nevada (USA): Recent Trends and Future Projections |
EGU2016-14295 | Orals | CL2.02 Ice surface temperatures: seasonal cycle and daily variability from in-situ and satellite observations |
EGU2016-8807 | Orals | CL2.02 Taking the temperature of the world’s lakes: Decadal variability and long-term trends in lake surface temperature from in situ and satellite observations |
EGU2016-8184 | Posters | CL2.02 Recent Inland Water Temperature Trends |
EGU2016-17651 | Posters | CL2.02 MEaSUREs Land Surface Temperature from GOES satellites |
EGU2016-9063 | Orals | CL2.02 Assessment of model land skin temperature and surface-atmosphere coupling using remotely sensed estimates |
EGU2016-1751 | Posters | CL2.02 Comparison of in-situ measurements and satellite-derived surface emissivity over Italian volcanic areas |
EGU2016-9214 | Posters | CL2.02 Status of Land Surface Temperature Product Development at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR for JPSS and GOES-R Missions |
EGU2016-11900 | Posters | CL2.02 Anthropogenic heat flux estimation from space: first results |
EGU2016-13416 | Posters | CL2.02 ESA DUE GlobTemperature project: Infrared-based LST Product |
EGU2016-16484 | Posters | CL2.02 Innovative approach to retrieve land surface emissivity and land surface temperature in areas of highly dynamic emissivity changes by using thermal infrared data |
EGU2016-12015 | Posters | CL2.02 A Useful Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Temperature Estimation of Landsat Infrared Thermal Data |
EGU2016-12801 | Posters | CL2.02 Estimation of Land Surface Temperature from 1-km AVHRR data |
EGU2016-12404 | Posters | CL2.02 IASI-derived Surface Temperature Under Dusty Conditions: Application to the West Africa Region. |
EGU2016-12606 | Posters | CL2.02 Relating trends in land surface-air temperature difference to soil moisture and evapotranspiration |
EGU2016-2583 | Posters | CL2.02 Towards a Combined Surface Temperature Dataset for the Arctic from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers (ATSRs) |
EGU2016-13125 | Posters | CL2.02 The EUSTACE project: combining different components of the observing system to deliver global, daily information on surface air temperature |
EGU2016-7741 | Posters | CL2.02 The EUSTACE break-detection algorithm for a global air temperature dataset |
EGU2016-8750 | Posters | CL2.02 A global database with parallel measurements to study non-climatic changes |
EGU2016-7636 | Posters | CL2.02 A data centred method to estimate and map changes in the full distribution of daily surface temperature |
EGU2016-9148 | Posters | CL2.02 Towards a better way of quantifying uncertainty in the E-OBS temperature dataset |
EGU2016-1817 | Posters | CL2.02 Regional Contrasts of the Warming Rate over Land Significantly Depend on the Calculation Methods of Mean Air Temperature |
EGU2016-16541 | Posters | CL2.02 Analysis of sub-daily temperature change in China |
CL2.03 – Phenology and seasonality in climate change and ecology (co-organized)
EGU2016-1981 | Orals | CL2.03 Wood phenology: from organ-scale processes to terrestrial ecosystem models |
EGU2016-17761 | Orals | CL2.03 Historical climates explain contrasting dormancy-breaking requirements in North American, Asian, and European woody species |
EGU2016-4390 | Posters | CL2.03 Impacts of climate change on spring flower tourism in Beijing, China |
EGU2016-11880 | Posters | CL2.03 Impact of climate extremes on flowering dates of four shrub species |
EGU2016-12171 | Orals | CL2.03 Heat wave beats green wave: the effect of a climate extreme on alpine grassland phenology as seen by phenocams |
EGU2016-4206 | Orals | CL2.03 Analyzing savannah vegetation phenology with remotely sensed data, lagged time-series models and phenopictures |
EGU2016-4376 | Posters | CL2.03 Changes in flowering phenology of woody plants in North China |
EGU2016-10032 | Orals | CL2.03 | Media interest Disruption of the European climate seasonal clock in a warming world |
EGU2016-17047 | Posters | CL2.03 Variations and trends of Fagaceae pollen in Northern Sardinia, Italy |
EGU2016-9284 | Orals | CL2.03 | Media interest Responses of spring phenology to climate warming reduced over the past decades |
EGU2016-6572 | Posters | CL2.03 Temperature sensitivity of a numerical pollen forecast model |
EGU2016-12749 | Posters | CL2.03 Timing of plant phenophases since 1752 in the boreal forest environment |
EGU2016-16334 | Posters | CL2.03 La Serra d'Almos (Tarragona): an example of phenological data rescue and preservation in Catalonia |
EGU2016-6278 | Posters | CL2.03 New automated quality control of phenological data in Switzerland |
EGU2016-6471 | Posters | CL2.03 PEP725: monitoring of apple flowering in the D-A-CH region in 2015 compared with Schnelle´s map from 1965 |
EGU2016-2388 | Posters | CL2.03 Spanning Scale and Platform to Track Spring and Autumn Phenology |
EGU2016-7216 | Posters | CL2.03 Does the start and end of the biological growing season respond independently to a changing climate? |
EGU2016-17065 | Posters | CL2.03 Morphological and Phenological characterization of Mediterranean species in Northern Sardinia, Italy |
EGU2016-4754 | Posters | CL2.03 Trace element profiles in modern horse molar enamel as tracers of seasonality: Evidence from micro-XRF, LA-ICP-MS and stable isotope analysis |
EGU2016-2620 | Posters | CL2.03 Implications of altered phenology on the carbon dynamics of deciduous oak woodland |
EGU2016-4700 | Posters | CL2.03 Experimental warming delays autumn senescence in a boreal spruce bog: Initial results from the SPRUCE experiment |
EGU2016-16698 | Posters | CL2.03 Revisiting the extended spring indices using gridded weather data and machine learning |
EGU2016-7837 | Posters | CL2.03 Modelling the influence of future climates on bud burst phenology |
EGU2016-5158 | Posters | CL2.03 Statistical modeling of phenological phases in Poland based on coupling satellite derived products and gridded meteorological data |
EGU2016-14357 | Posters | CL2.03 Satellite-based phenology detection in broadleaf forests in South-Western Germany |
EGU2016-10375 | Posters | CL2.03 Phenological Metrics Extraction for Agricultural Land-use Types Using RapidEye and MODIS |
EGU2016-17185 | Posters | CL2.03 Phenology cameras observing boreal ecosystems of Finland |
EGU2016-6944 | Posters | CL2.03 Use of a digital camera onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle to monitor spring phenology at individual tree level |
CL2.04 – Earth radiation budget, radiative forcing and climate change
EGU2016-4333 | Posters | CL2.04 Effect of reflectance model choice on earthshine-based terrestrial albedo determinations. |
EGU2016-14361 | Orals | CL2.04 Assessment of climate sensitivity to the representation of aerosols in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model |
EGU2016-11346 | Posters | CL2.04 Modelling 1-minute directional observations of the global irradiance. |
EGU2016-11658 | Orals | CL2.04 The super greenhouse effect in a warming world: the role of dynamics and thermodynamics |
EGU2016-4800 | Posters | CL2.04 MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA Radiation Datasets within the Climate Monitoring SAF |
EGU2016-1807 | Posters | CL2.04 Unexpected pronounced heating in the uppermost layer of the Dead Sea after a sharp drop in noon surface solar radiation |
EGU2016-6584 | Orals | CL2.04 Variability of surface solar radiation in unforced CMIP5 simulations |
EGU2016-2035 | Posters | CL2.04 New Planetary Energy Balance, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and their Effects on Extreme Events in North Atlantic |
EGU2016-3525 | Orals | CL2.04 Implication of radiative forcing distribution for energy transport |
EGU2016-13324 | Orals | CL2.04 The 20th Century evolution of energy budgets and meridional transports in two AMIP-like experiments |
EGU2016-3103 | Posters | CL2.04 Influence of ambient meteorology on the accuracy of radiation measurements: insights from field and laboratory experiments |
EGU2016-4004 | Orals | CL2.04 Where does CO2 in Antarctica cool the atmosphere ? |
EGU2016-4542 | Posters | CL2.04 Radiation profiles measured through clouds using a return glider radiosonde |
EGU2016-15249 | Posters | CL2.04 Role of anthropogenic aerosols in the20th century surface solar radiation, temperature, and meridional heat transport in the Max Planck Earth System Model |
EGU2016-5805 | Posters | CL2.04 Long-term AOD timeseries by Precision Filter Radiometer and assessment of radiative forcing due to the aerosol direct effect at four sites in Switzerland over the last two decades. |
EGU2016-16245 | Orals | CL2.04 A satellite view of the direct effect of aerosols on solar radiation at global scale |
EGU2016-8037 | Orals | CL2.04 An Evaluation of Satellite-Based and Re-Analysis Radiation Budget Datasets Using CERES EBAF Products |
EGU2016-6045 | Posters | CL2.04 Comparison between instrumental sunshine duration and surface solar radiation trends for Italy over the period 1959-2013 |
EGU2016-4723 | Orals | CL2.04 Towards GERB Edition 2 TOA fluxes |
EGU2016-6261 | Posters | CL2.04 The global land and ocean mean energy balance |
EGU2016-9611 | Orals | CL2.04 Variability of Earth’s radiation budget components during 2009 - 2015 from radiometer IKOR-M data |
EGU2016-6360 | Posters | CL2.04 Decadal changes in downward shortwave radiation from a satellite-derived CM SAF product and ground-based observations over Europe |
EGU2016-14541 | Orals | CL2.04 Validation of Direct Normal Irradiance from Meteosat Second Generation |
EGU2016-9450 | Posters | CL2.04 NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget: First Results From The Release 4 GEWEX Integrated Data Products |
EGU2016-8019 | Orals | CL2.04 The Austrian radiation monitoring network ARAD – best practice and added value |
EGU2016-8154 | Posters | CL2.04 Global dimming and urbanization: did stronger negative SSR trends collocate with regions of population growth? |
EGU2016-9038 | Posters | CL2.04 Comparison of 37 months global net radiation flux derived from PICARD-BOS over the same period observations of CERES and ARGO |
EGU2016-7090 | Posters | CL2.04 Sea and land surface temperatures, ocean heat content, Earth’s energy imbalance and net radiative forcing over the last decade |
EGU2016-9368 | Posters | CL2.04 An automated method for the evaluation of the pointing accuracy of sun-tracking devices |
EGU2016-12884 | Posters | CL2.04 The radiative heating response to climate change |
EGU2016-13494 | Posters | CL2.04 The Zugspitze radiative closure experiment: quantification of the near-infrared water vapor continuum from atmospheric measurements |
EGU2016-18088 | Posters | CL2.04 A Paradigm shift to an Old Scheme for Outgoing Longwave Radiation |
EGU2016-6986 | Posters | CL2.04 Mean ocean temperature change over the last glacial transition based on atmospheric changes in heavy noble mixing ratios |
CL2.10 – Detecting and attributing climate change: trends, extreme events, and impacts
EGU2016-1587 | Posters | CL2.10 Trends and variability of precipitation extremes in Sardinia island, 1951-2000: results dependence on the network density. |
EGU2016-16045 | Orals | CL2.10 Detection of anthropogenic influence on multi-decadal changes in ocean stratification |
EGU2016-1925 | Posters | CL2.10 Emergence of the significant local warming of Korea in CMIP5 projections |
EGU2016-3922 | Orals | CL2.10 Sensitivity of worst-case strom surge considering influence of climate change |
EGU2016-4122 | Posters | CL2.10 Spatiotemporal analysis and trends of aridity of Iberian Peninsula (1960-2010) |
EGU2016-2426 | Orals | CL2.10 Climate mechanism for stronger typhoons in a warmer world |
EGU2016-4963 | Posters | CL2.10 | Media interest Near surface temperature changes over India - a detection and attribution study. |
EGU2016-5541 | Orals | CL2.10 A conditional approach to determining the effect of anthropogenic climate change on very rare events. |
EGU2016-15300 | Orals | CL2.10 Attributing extreme precipitation in the Black Sea region to sea surface warming |
EGU2016-6484 | Posters | CL2.10 Dynamical phenomena: implications for extreme event attribution |
EGU2016-7042 | Posters | CL2.10 A historical perspective of the extremely hot 2013 summer in East-central China |
EGU2016-9575 | Orals | CL2.10 | Media interest A probabilistic approach to attribute warming to changes in atmospheric circulation |
EGU2016-11211 | Posters | CL2.10 Competitive influences on droughts: present and future |
EGU2016-14875 | Orals | CL2.10 | Media interest Fast-track extreme event attribution: How fast can we disentangle thermodynamic (forced) and dynamic (internal) contributions? |
EGU2016-18202 | Orals | CL2.10 Event attribution using data assimilation in an intermediate complexity atmospheric model |
EGU2016-6794 | Posters | CL2.10 Attribution of storm surge events in the Baltic Sea |
EGU2016-14678 | Posters | CL2.10 Using prior information to separate the temperature response to greenhouse gas forcing from that of aerosols – Estimating the transient climate response |
EGU2016-2781 | Orals | CL2.10 Detection and attribution of summer 2015's European heatwave using analogues of circulation |
EGU2016-17017 | Posters | CL2.10 "Climate change on Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy): rapid temperature rise, new records of heavy precipitation and orographic effects on temperature extremes across Alps and Adriatic. Analysis of the data of the period 1991-2015 in comparison to the histori |
EGU2016-18400 | Orals | CL2.10 Attributing recent European cold spells to internal dynamics and climate change. |
EGU2016-6946 | Orals | CL2.10 Role of Soil Moisture vs. Recent Climate Change for the 2010 Heat Wave in Western Russia |
EGU2016-17872 | Posters | CL2.10 Climate risks on potato yield in Europe |
EGU2016-8557 | Orals | CL2.10 Attribution of irreversible loss to anthropogenic climate change |
EGU2016-14433 | Posters | CL2.10 Observed Variability and Trends In Winter Extreme Minimum in Turkey, From 1966-2014 |
EGU2016-3683 | Posters | CL2.10 Changes of flash droughts over China |
EGU2016-13999 | Posters | CL2.10 Contribution of the phase transition of Pacific Decadal Oscillation to the late 1990s’ shift in East China summer rainfall |
EGU2016-3765 | Posters | CL2.10 Attribution of an Extreme Summertime Drought in Northeastern China |
EGU2016-12290 | Posters | CL2.10 Recent trends in heavy precipitation extremes over Germany: A thorough intercomparison between different statistical approaches |
EGU2016-1277 | Posters | CL2.10 CLIMCONG: A framework-tool for assessing CLIMate CONGruency |
EGU2016-6814 | Posters | CL2.10 Comparing model ensembles in an event attribution study of 2012 West African rainfall |
EGU2016-7516 | Posters | CL2.10 Attributing the wet Winter season 2013/14 in Southern UK and Northern France using circulation analogues statistics |
EGU2016-15543 | Posters | CL2.10 Data assimilation for computing model evidence: The attribution problem |
EGU2016-16916 | Posters | CL2.10 Multi-method attribution analysis of extreme precipitation in Boulder, Colorado |
CL3.01 – Climate Predictions - from monthly, seasonal to decadal time scales
EGU2016-4319 | Orals | CL3.01 Improved seasonal prediction of winter NAO through ensemble sub-sampling. |
EGU2016-4644 | Posters | CL3.01 Subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasts with CNRM-CM: model evaluation and perspectives |
EGU2016-4345 | Orals | CL3.01 Decadal prediction of Sahel rainfall: where does the skill (or lack of) come from? |
EGU2016-14122 | Posters | CL3.01 Verification of ECMWF monthly forecasts for the use in hydrological predictions |
EGU2016-14052 | Orals | CL3.01 Dynamically downscaled multi-model ensemble seasonal forecasts over Ethiopia |
EGU2016-5737 | Posters | CL3.01 Combination of synoptical-analogous and dynamical methods to increase skill score of monthly air temperature forecasts over Northern Eurasia |
EGU2016-7346 | Posters | CL3.01 Understanding Dry Bias in the Simulations of Indian Monsoon by CFSv2 Through Analysis of Moisture Transport |
EGU2016-17478 | Orals | CL3.01 An empirical model for probabilistic decadal prediction: A global analysis |
EGU2016-9832 | Posters | CL3.01 Impact of the springtime Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau on the onset on the Indian summer monsoon in coupled forecasts |
EGU2016-2203 | Orals | CL3.01 The development of climate models: tuning vs. flux corrections |
EGU2016-9226 | Orals | CL3.01 Spatial-temporal assessment of climate model drifts |
EGU2016-2961 | Posters | CL3.01 Assessment of seasonal prediction skill of East Asian summer monsoon in CMIP5 |
EGU2016-5251 | Orals | CL3.01 Multi-scale enhancement of climate prediction over land by increasing the model sensitivity to vegetation variability in EC-Earth |
EGU2016-8801 | Posters | CL3.01 Towards an automatic statistical model for seasonal precipitation prediction and its application to Central and South Asian headwater catchments |
EGU2016-13201 | Posters | CL3.01 Positive impact of the new 5-layer soil-hydrology scheme on seasonal prediction skill of 2-meter air temperatures over Europe |
EGU2016-984 | Orals | CL3.01 Exploiting the atmosphere’s memory for monthly, seasonal and interannual temperature forecasting using Scaling LInear Macroweather Model (SLIMM) |
EGU2016-14413 | Posters | CL3.01 An empirical system for probabilistic seasonal climate prediction |
EGU2016-2720 | Orals | CL3.01 Progress towards improving climate prediction by mathematical methods. |
EGU2016-15945 | Orals | CL3.01 Supermodeling by Synchronization of Alternative SPEEDO Models |
EGU2016-8151 | Posters | CL3.01 Seasonal predictions of equatorial Atlantic SST in a low-resolution CGCM with surface heat flux correction |
EGU2016-17498 | Posters | CL3.01 Benefits of resolution increase for seasonal forecast quality in EC-Earth |
EGU2016-15413 | Orals | CL3.01 Understanding independence |
EGU2016-5400 | Orals | CL3.01 Predicting Climate Change using Response Theory: Global Averages and Spatial Patterns |
EGU2016-9292 | Posters | CL3.01 Seasonal Forecasts of Climate Indices: Impact of Definition and Spatial Aggregation on Predictive Skill |
EGU2016-16659 | Posters | CL3.01 Evaluation and first forecasts of the German Climate Forecast System 1 (GCFS1) |
EGU2016-17150 | Posters | CL3.01 Seasonal Forecasts for Northern Hemisphere Winter 2015/16 |
EGU2016-9514 | Posters | CL3.01 Calibration and combination of seasonal forecast over Southern Europe |
EGU2016-4308 | Posters | CL3.01 A predictive relationship between early season North Atlantic hurricane activity and the upcoming winter North Atlantic Oscillation |
EGU2016-13280 | Posters | CL3.01 Stratified verification of decadal mid-latitude cyclones and wind storms forecasts |
EGU2016-10249 | Posters | CL3.01 Investigating the potential of SST assimilation for ocean state estimation and climate prediction |
EGU2016-6966 | Posters | CL3.01 Predictability over the North Atlantic ocean in hindcast ensembles of MPI-ESM initialized by EnKF and three nudging systems |
EGU2016-3960 | Posters | CL3.01 Decadal predictability of regional scale wind speed and wind energy potentials over Central Europe |
EGU2016-11537 | Posters | CL3.01 Decadal prediction with a high resolution model |
EGU2016-7413 | Posters | CL3.01 Processes Understanding of Decadal Climate Variability |
EGU2016-389 | Posters | CL3.01 The Relative Contribution of Internal and Model Variabilities to the Uncertainty in Decadal Climate Predictions |
EGU2016-15714 | Posters | CL3.01 The role of the tropical West Pacific in the extreme northern hemisphere winter of 2013/14 |
EGU2016-7876 | Posters | CL3.01 Comparison of surface freshwater fluxes from different climate forecasts produced through different ensemble generation schemes. |
EGU2016-11423 | Posters | CL3.01 Forced synchronization of large-scale circulation to increase predictability of surface states |
EGU2016-10154 | Posters | CL3.01 Diagnosing model errors associated with convective schemes through a super-model approach |
EGU2016-18495 | Posters | CL3.01 Improving predictions by cross pollination in time |
EGU2016-7377 | Posters | CL3.01 The UK Earth System Model project |
EGU2016-11397 | Posters | CL3.01 A performance weighting procedure for GCMs based on explicit probabilistic models and accounting for observation uncertainty |
EGU2016-12422 | Posters | CL3.01 Development and comparison of weighting metrics for probabilistic climate change projections of Mediterranean precipitation |
EGU2016-483 | Posters | CL3.01 Evaluation of GCMs in the context of regional predictive climate impact studies. |
EGU2016-18498 | Posters | CL3.01 Bayesian Attractor Learning |
EGU2016-1489 | Posters | CL3.01 A Piecewise Modeling Approach for Sensitivity Studies – Tests with WRF Model |
CL3.03 – Extreme Events and Impacts (co-organized)
EGU2016-350 | Posters | CL3.03 Heat wave event dynamics over the territory of Ukraine in the context of the global climate change |
EGU2016-16119 | Orals | CL3.03 | Media interest Allowable CO2 emissions based on projected changes in regional extremes and related impacts |
EGU2016-429 | Posters | CL3.03 The waviness of the extratropical jet and daily weather extremes |
EGU2016-2277 | Orals | CL3.03 North Atlantic Ocean drivers of the 2015 European heat wave |
EGU2016-1601 | Posters | CL3.03 Anomalies of Siberian High Intensity and Their Precursors in Climatic Models Output |
EGU2016-10511 | Orals | CL3.03 What weather features produce extreme precipitation globally? |
EGU2016-4099 | Orals | CL3.03 Increasing impacts of climate extremes on critical infrastructures in Europe |
EGU2016-2834 | Posters | CL3.03 Characterization of Heat Waves in the Sahel and associated mechanisms |
EGU2016-3177 | Posters | CL3.03 Century-scale causal relationships between global drought conditions and the state of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans |
EGU2016-14062 | Orals | CL3.03 Robust increase in concurrent hot and dry periods at the global scale |
EGU2016-3321 | Posters | CL3.03 Possible Impact of climate change on future extreme precipitation of the Oldman, Bow and Red Deer River Basins of Alberta |
EGU2016-6343 | Orals | CL3.03 Is the dynamics of European Temperature extremes well represented in CMIP5 historical simulations? |
EGU2016-5426 | Orals | CL3.03 Extreme events of 2012, 2013 and 2014 linked to planetary wave resonance |
EGU2016-4070 | Posters | CL3.03 Multi-hazard assessment in Europe under climate change |
EGU2016-16624 | Orals | CL3.03 The influence of atmospheric blocking on extreme winter minimum temperatures in North America |
EGU2016-4191 | Posters | CL3.03 Increasing severity of damage caused by floods in the Spanish Mediterranean coast (1960-2014), climate change or vulnerability? |
EGU2016-5371 | Posters | CL3.03 Coldest Temperature Extreme Monotonically Increased and Hottest Extreme Oscillated over Northern Hemisphere Land during Last 114 Years |
EGU2016-13901 | Orals | CL3.03 Potential for constraining in the presence of large natural variability |
EGU2016-16870 | Orals | CL3.03 Heatwaves detection, clustering and future projections |
EGU2016-5492 | Posters | CL3.03 Overly persistent circulation in climate models contributes to overestimated frequency and duration of heat waves and cold spells |
EGU2016-6632 | Posters | CL3.03 Changes in Arctic warm and cold spell occurrence during winter and summer |
EGU2016-10434 | Orals | CL3.03 Does extreme precipitation intensity depend on the emissions scenario? |
EGU2016-7126 | Posters | CL3.03 Record-breaking 2015 heat waves in Central Europe: how to view them in the climate change context? |
EGU2016-12663 | Orals | CL3.03 When will unusual heat waves become normal in a warming Africa? |
EGU2016-8878 | Posters | CL3.03 Projected changes to rain-on-snow events over North America |
EGU2016-9946 | Posters | CL3.03 Future precipitation extremes during summer monsoon in southern Pakistan |
EGU2016-10006 | Posters | CL3.03 Impacts of The Future Changes in Extreme Events on Migration in The Middle East |
EGU2016-10431 | Posters | CL3.03 Precipitation extremes and their relation to climatic indices in the Pacific Northwest, USA |
EGU2016-10958 | Posters | CL3.03 The non-Gaussianity and spatial asymmetry of temperature extremes relative to the jet: the role of horizontal advection |
EGU2016-11500 | Posters | CL3.03 Observed heavy precipitation increase confirms theory and early models |
EGU2016-12909 | Posters | CL3.03 Extreme precipitation over European river basins in global Met Office Unified Model high-resolution climate simulations |
EGU2016-12919 | Posters | CL3.03 Simulation of heat waves in climate models using large deviation algorithms |
EGU2016-13861 | Posters | CL3.03 The Extreme Climate Index: a novel and multi-hazard index for extreme weather events. |
EGU2016-14225 | Posters | CL3.03 Impacts of Climate Change on the Climate Extremes of the Middle East |
EGU2016-15087 | Posters | CL3.03 Contribution of the land-use forcing to the increase in risk of warm extreme events since 1850 over North America from constrained CMIP5 simulations |
EGU2016-15548 | Posters | CL3.03 Temperature sensitivity of extreme precipitation events in the south-eastern Alpine forelands |
EGU2016-17825 | Posters | CL3.03 Adaptation potential of naturally ventilated barns to high temperature extremes: The OptiBarn project |
CL3.04 – Modelling climate impacts: Intercomparison, validation, and improvement of impact models
EGU2016-10385 | Orals | CL3.04 Response to droughts and heat waves of the productivity of natural and agricultural ecosystems in Europe within ISI-MIP2 historical simulations |
EGU2016-13867 | Orals | CL3.04 CoFoLaMo: Comparing forest landscape model simulations under different climate, interaction- and land use scenarios |
EGU2016-117 | Posters | CL3.04 Simulation of winter wheat yield and its uncertainty band; A comparison of two crop growth models |
EGU2016-12146 | Orals | CL3.04 Modelling of labour productivity loss due to climate change: HEAT-SHIELD |
EGU2016-160 | Posters | CL3.04 Statistical estimates to emulate yields from global gridded crop models |
EGU2016-4703 | Posters | CL3.04 Spatial Analysis of Weather-induced Annual and Decadal Average Yield Variability as Modeled by EPIC for Rain-fed Wheat in Europe |
EGU2016-14401 | Orals | CL3.04 The impact of climate change on photovoltaic power generation in Europe |
EGU2016-17243 | Orals | CL3.04 Cross‐scale intercomparison of climate change impacts simulated by regional and global hydrological models in eleven large river basins - validation, scenarios and uncertainties |
EGU2016-15974 | Posters | CL3.04 The supply-demand balance of Sahelian net primary production under future climatic and socio-economic scenarios |
EGU2016-14211 | Orals | CL3.04 Inter-sectoral comparison of model uncertainty of climate change impacts in Africa |
EGU2016-5893 | Posters | CL3.04 Impacts of future climate change on the carbon budget of northern high-latitude terrestrial ecosystems: an analysis using ISI-MIP data |
EGU2016-16972 | Posters | CL3.04 Acclimating tree C-N resource balance suggests diverse above-ground growth and carbon stock changes in boreal forests under climate change |
EGU2016-16301 | Posters | CL3.04 Multi-scale evaluation of ISIMIP biome models against NDVI and MODIS NPP data |
EGU2016-3021 | Posters | CL3.04 Hydrological projections of climate change scenarios in the Lena and the Mackenzie basins: modeling and uncertainty issues |
EGU2016-12021 | Posters | CL3.04 Sensitivity of hydrologic simulations to bias corrected driving parameters |
EGU2016-12924 | Posters | CL3.04 Hydrological extremes in China during 1971-2000: from observations and models |
EGU2016-14322 | Posters | CL3.04 Evaluation of regional-scale hydrological models using multiple criteria for 12 large river basins on all continents |
EGU2016-16650 | Posters | CL3.04 Accuracy assessment of ISI-MIP modelled flows in the Hidukush-Karakoram-Himalayan basins |
EGU2016-7500 | Posters | CL3.04 Climate vulnerability of drinking water supplies |
EGU2016-5829 | Posters | CL3.04 Smart climate ensemble exploring approaches: the example of climate impacts on air pollution in Europe. |
EGU2016-15731 | Posters | CL3.04 Modeling climate change impact in hospitality sector, using building resources consumption signature |
EGU2016-15964 | Posters | CL3.04 Continuously on-going hindcast simulations for impact applications |
CL4.02 – Interactions and feedbacks between land ice, sea ice and ocean in the Arctic (co-organized)
EGU2016-2986 | Posters | CL4.02 First continuous flow analysis results from the Greenland ReCAP project |
EGU2016-16291 | Orals | CL4.02 Glacial climate states and abrupt climate change in MIROC AOGCM |
EGU2016-3395 | Posters | CL4.02 Greenland ice sheet melting during the last interglacial |
EGU2016-3025 | Orals | CL4.02 | Media interest Relationships between Greenland and lower latitude climate over the last glacial period from new high resolution measurements of 17O-excess and d-excess on the NorthGRIP ice core |
EGU2016-10424 | Orals | CL4.02 The RECAP ice core – recovering a full Glacial record from Eastern Greenland |
EGU2016-3753 | Posters | CL4.02 Comparison of 2013 and 2012 Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt and Associated Mechanisms |
EGU2016-7824 | Orals | CL4.02 A spatio-temporal reconstruction of sea surface temperature during Dansgaard-Oeschger events from model-data integration |
EGU2016-9252 | Posters | CL4.02 Strong coupling among Antarctic ice shelves, ocean circulation and sea ice in a global sea-ice - ocean circulation model |
EGU2016-10340 | Orals | CL4.02 Tracking millennial-scale Holocene glacial advance and retreat using Osmium isotopes: Insights from the Greenland Ice Sheet |
EGU2016-7942 | Posters | CL4.02 Sea level rise from the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Eemian interglacial: Review of previous work with focus on the surface mass balance |
EGU2016-16352 | Posters | CL4.02 Reconstruction of Greenland ice sheet evolution |
EGU2016-14451 | Orals | CL4.02 Is there a difference between Heinrich and non-Heinrich stadials and what we can learn from it |
EGU2016-14774 | Posters | CL4.02 Assessing the links between Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance and Arctic climate using Climate Models and Observations |
EGU2016-15680 | Posters | CL4.02 Using the EC-Earth atmospheric model to quantify the impact of recent thinning of Arctic sea ice |
EGU2016-7188 | Posters | CL4.02 Sensitivity of Pliocene Arctic climate to orbital forcing, atmospheric CO2 and sea ice albedo parameterisation |
EGU2016-14851 | Posters | CL4.02 Using in-situ thermistor string measurements in the Arctic sea ice to validate total surface energy flux in ERA-Interrim. |
EGU2016-8679 | Posters | CL4.02 Sea ice effects on salinity in northern oceans |
EGU2016-13925 | Posters | CL4.02 On the sea-ice cover of the Nordic Seas in an idealized MITgcm-setup |
EGU2016-2165 | Posters | CL4.02 Ocean farfield response to projected Arctic sea ice loss. |
EGU2016-2905 | Posters | CL4.02 An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations: Hydrography and fluxes |
CL4.04 – Climate change and its impacts in the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations and model projections
EGU2016-6423 | Orals | CL4.04 Two centuries of observed atmospheric variability and change over the North Sea region |
EGU2016-12526 | Posters | CL4.04 Dynamical downscaling of warming scenarios with NEMO-Nordic setup for the North Sea and Baltic Sea |
EGU2016-18527 | Posters | CL4.04 Influence of climate changes on the blooms and toxin production of cyanobacteria in the lakes of Latvia (north-eastern Baltic Sea region) |
EGU2016-15351 | Orals | CL4.04 Recent trends in Sea ice in the southern and western Baltic and the North Sea |
EGU2016-16350 | Posters | CL4.04 Changes in extreme sea levels in the Baltic Sea |
EGU2016-15634 | Orals | CL4.04 Disentangling the role of atmospheric and oceanic conditions in the occurrence of major Baltic inflows: The importance of haline stratification in the Belt Sea. |
EGU2016-3020 | Posters | CL4.04 Determining the ice seasons severity during 1982-2015 using the ice extents sum as a new characteristic |
EGU2016-4447 | Orals | CL4.04 Revisiting sea level changes in the North Sea during the Anthropocene |
EGU2016-7325 | Orals | CL4.04 Sea level trends for all sections of the Baltic Sea coastline |
EGU2016-5571 | Posters | CL4.04 Validation of multi-mission satellite altimetry for the Baltic Sea region |
EGU2016-4079 | Orals | CL4.04 Shoreline responses to storm impacts: North Norfolk coast, southern North Sea |
EGU2016-3709 | Posters | CL4.04 Analysing water level trends and extremes in the Baltic Sea for the period 1950-2015 |
EGU2016-4036 | Posters | CL4.04 Trends of ice cover duration in Finnish lakes in 1963–2015 |
EGU2016-4281 | Posters | CL4.04 Changes of near-bottom water properties in polish zone generated by the inflow 2014 |
EGU2016-4701 | Posters | CL4.04 Vulnerability of boreal zone for increased nitrogen loading due to climate change |
EGU2016-5589 | Posters | CL4.04 Variations in the wave climate of the Baltic Sea in the last 25 years from satellite altimetry |
EGU2016-7430 | Posters | CL4.04 Storm surge and wind conditions for the North Sea under AR5 projections |
EGU2016-8863 | Posters | CL4.04 Pathways of deep cyclones associated with large volume changes (LVCs) and major Baltic inflows (MBIs) |
EGU2016-9378 | Posters | CL4.04 Trends in the components of extreme water levels signal a rotation of winds in strong storms in the eastern Baltic Sea |
EGU2016-8888 | Posters | CL4.04 Combining remote sensing with an inverse Bruun Rule for the analysis and management of almost equilibrium beaches |
EGU2016-2553 | Posters | CL4.04 Processes relevant for decadal changes in primary production of the North Sea and Baltic Sea: hindcast and scenario modelling |
CL4.05 – The climate of the Mediterranean region: from basic science to impacts
EGU2016-5515 | Posters | CL4.05 Impact of Coastline-intensive Anthropogenic Activities on the Atmosphere from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Data in Dubai (2001-2014) |
EGU2016-1902 | Orals | CL4.05 Past and future climatic changes in the Mediterranean area under various global warming scenarios |
EGU2016-3034 | Orals | CL4.05 Spatiotemporal characterization of very long dry spells in the Mediterranean region |
EGU2016-17323 | Posters | CL4.05 Zanclean/Piacenzian transition on Cyprus (SE Mediterranean): calcareous nannofossil and Sea Surface Temperatures evidence of sapropel formation |
EGU2016-12795 | Orals | CL4.05 The Dynamics of Sea Straits Reveals Large-Scale Modes of Variability |
EGU2016-933 | Posters | CL4.05 Environmental control on Emiliania huxleyi coccolithophore calcification in the Mediterranean Sea |
EGU2016-6508 | Orals | CL4.05 Abyssal and deep circulation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Ionian Sea) |
EGU2016-170 | Posters | CL4.05 First approach to the relationship between recent landscape changes and temperature trends in Spanish mainland |
EGU2016-3836 | Posters | CL4.05 All-sky and clear-sky downward surface solar radiation trends for Italy from homogenized instrumental time series (1959-2013) |
EGU2016-8306 | Orals | CL4.05 Atmospheric deposition impacts on nutrients and biological budgets of the Mediterranean Sea, results from the high resolution coupled model NEMOMED12/PISCES |
EGU2016-4006 | Posters | CL4.05 Bio-Climate Change between 1951-1980 and 1981-2010 in Spanish mainland |
EGU2016-4738 | Orals | CL4.05 The Medieval Climate Anomaly and Byzantium: A review of the evidence on climatic fluctuations, economic performance and societal change |
EGU2016-4132 | Posters | CL4.05 Analysis of the relationship between the monthly temperatures and weather types in Iberian Peninsula |
EGU2016-9653 | Orals | CL4.05 Human thermal comfort antithesis in the context of the Mediterranean tourism potential |
EGU2016-4628 | Posters | CL4.05 Climate change in Algeria and its impact on durum wheat |
EGU2016-16114 | Orals | CL4.05 Looking for the factors involved in the evolution of flood events in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula |
EGU2016-6023 | Posters | CL4.05 High-resolution analysis of 1 day extreme precipitation in Sicily |
EGU2016-13670 | Orals | CL4.05 The dependence of wintertime Mediterranean precipitation on the atmospheric circulation response to climate change |
EGU2016-16338 | Orals | CL4.05 Discontinuous Cyclone Movement of Mediterranean cyclones identified through formation analysis of daughter cyclones |
EGU2016-7224 | Posters | CL4.05 On the Relationship between Atmospheric Circulation Indices and Precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean |
EGU2016-8175 | Posters | CL4.05 Examining the Interaction Between the Sea Breeze and the Timing of the Daily Maximum Temperature in Summer Season over the Mediterranean Region of Turkey |
EGU2016-18292 | Orals | CL4.05 Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation influence on weather regimes over Europe and the Mediterranean |
EGU2016-15939 | Orals | CL4.05 Large Scale Moisture Fluxes that are related to dry and wet conditions over Mediterranean Basin |
EGU2016-10112 | Posters | CL4.05 Impacts of the Future Changes in Extreme Events on the Regional Crop Yield in Turkey |
EGU2016-12043 | Posters | CL4.05 Analysis of Projected Changes in Precipitation Regions of Turkey |
EGU2016-12051 | Posters | CL4.05 The role of local and external factors in determining the interannual sea level variability of the Adriatic and Black Seas during the 20th century. |
EGU2016-15721 | Posters | CL4.05 Determining Heat Waves from Observations and COSMO-CLM Simulations in Istanbul |
EGU2016-16040 | Posters | CL4.05 Assessing changes in precipitation and temperature over the Iberian Peninsula during the 21st century |
EGU2016-16517 | Posters | CL4.05 The Portuguese Climate Portal |
EGU2016-17658 | Posters | CL4.05 Climate indices over the last three decades in Tunisia using Weather Research and Forecasting Model:WRF |
EGU2016-17991 | Posters | CL4.05 Assessment of oceanity and continentality conditions of the XX Century in the Iberian Peninsula |
EGU2016-6839 | Posters | CL4.05 A new long instrumental serie for the Etesian winds since 1877 |
EGU2016-6876 | Posters | CL4.05 Statistical downscaling allowing for non-stationarities in the predictors-predictand relationships |
EGU2016-8625 | Posters | CL4.05 Multidecadal variability of the summer length in Europe |
EGU2016-10188 | Posters | CL4.05 Early winter cold spells over the Euro-Mediterranean region |
EGU2016-14520 | Posters | CL4.05 Determination of Climate Types Using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
EGU2016-4247 | Posters | CL4.05 Mapping climate change impact on vegetation and the associated uncertainties in the Euro-Mediterranean area |
EGU2016-8471 | Posters | CL4.05 The MISTRALS programme data portal |
CL4.06 – Tropical Climate Variability and Teleconnections: past, present and future
EGU2016-16132 | Orals | CL4.06 Joint influence of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool and Northern Arabian Sea Temperatures on the Indian Summer Monsoon in a Global Climate Model Simulation |
EGU2016-3599 | Posters | CL4.06 Influence of orbital forcing on the ENSO-East Asia winter monsoon relationship |
EGU2016-6043 | Orals | CL4.06 The crucial role of the Green Sahara in damping ENSO variability during the Holocene |
EGU2016-3759 | Posters | CL4.06 Shoreline dating of the former Quillagua-Llamara Lake, N-Chile – Implications of global teleconnections to the hydrology of the Atacama Desert |
EGU2016-15702 | Posters | CL4.06 Air temperature change in the northern and southern tropical Andes linked to North-Atlantic stadials and Greenland interstadials |
EGU2016-4352 | Orals | CL4.06 Influences of Seaway and CO2 Changes during the Pliocene on Tropical Pacific Sector Climate in the Kiel Climate Model: Mean Sate, Annual Cycle, ENSO, and their Interactions |
EGU2016-2428 | Posters | CL4.06 A new dipole index of the salinity anomalies of the tropical Indian Ocean |
EGU2016-516 | Orals | CL4.06 Relation between mean bias and Atlantic Niño representation in the CMIP5 models |
EGU2016-713 | Orals | CL4.06 Revisiting the role of global SST anomalies and their effects on West African monsoon variability |
EGU2016-6916 | Posters | CL4.06 Indian Ocean zonal mode activity in 20th century observations and simulations |
EGU2016-1141 | Orals | CL4.06 On the low frequency modulation of the oceanic teleconnections with Sahelian rainfall. |
EGU2016-17791 | Posters | CL4.06 Air-sea interactions and oceanic processes in the development of different Atlantic Niño patterns |
EGU2016-17989 | Posters | CL4.06 Mean SST bias and variability at inter-annual and decadal time-scales in CMIP5 models |
EGU2016-17784 | Orals | CL4.06 On the configurations of the Atlantic Niño phenomenon under negative AMO phases |
EGU2016-17760 | Orals | CL4.06 Multidecadal modulation of ENSO teleconnection with Europe in CMIP5 models |
EGU2016-1145 | Posters | CL4.06 Predictability of malaria parameters in Sahel under the S4CAST Model. |
EGU2016-15645 | Orals | CL4.06 Reconciling Past and Future Rainfall Trends over East Africa |
EGU2016-3941 | Posters | CL4.06 Tropical Atmospheric Response to Decadal Changes in the Atlantic Equatorial Mode |
EGU2016-756 | Orals | CL4.06 The Uncertainty of Long-term Linear Trend in Global SST Due to Internal Variation |
EGU2016-17800 | Posters | CL4.06 The impact of sea surface temperature on winter wheat in Iberian Peninsula |
EGU2016-6386 | Orals | CL4.06 Sensitivity of ENSO teleconnections to a warming background state. |
EGU2016-275 | Posters | CL4.06 El Nino as an element of a global-scale wave in the atmosphere-ocean system |
EGU2016-1290 | Posters | CL4.06 Effects of Atlantic warm pool variability over climate of South America tropical transition zone |
EGU2016-16302 | Orals | CL4.06 Statistical dynamical downscaling of present day and future precipitation regimes in southern Vietnam |
EGU2016-3629 | Posters | CL4.06 Investigation on the variability of East Asia Boreal Summer Front Frequency and Linkage between Tropical Air Temperature |
EGU2016-6290 | Posters | CL4.06 Statistically related coupled modes of South Asian summer monsoon interannual variability in the tropics |
EGU2016-3411 | Posters | CL4.06 Long-term Internal Variability of the Tropical Pacific Atmosphere-Ocean System |
EGU2016-5707 | Posters | CL4.06 Trends and variability of East African rainfall and its relationship to the Mascarene High pressure system |
EGU2016-17974 | Posters | CL4.06 Variability and trends of the meridional energy transports and implications for the Hadley circulation |
EGU2016-235 | Posters | CL4.06 The Role of Intraseasonal Atmosphere Variability in ENSO Generation in Future Climate |
EGU2016-5354 | Posters | CL4.06 The global warming-induced South Asian High change and its uncertainty |
EGU2016-8963 | Posters | CL4.06 Walker circulation in a transient climate |
CL4.08 – Mountain climates: processes, change and related impacts (co-organized)
EGU2016-6399 | Posters | CL4.08 | Media interest Reconsidering large-scale climate dynamics for improving the attribution of climatic change in High Asia |
EGU2016-9680 | Orals | CL4.08 Representation of the Alpine snowpack in CMIP5 models |
EGU2016-12786 | Orals | CL4.08 New insights into the Elevation Dependent Warming in the Tibetan Plateau-Himalayas from CMIP5 models |
EGU2016-164 | Posters | CL4.08 Representation of extreme precipitation events in Nepal in CMIP5 models |
EGU2016-16424 | Orals | CL4.08 Objective climate classification as a framework for assessing projected climate change in High Mountain Asia |
EGU2016-6247 | Posters | CL4.08 Patterns of 21st Century Climate Change in the European Alps: The CORDEX RCM ensembles |
EGU2016-7581 | Posters | CL4.08 Changes in the distribution of isotherms across the Carpathian Mountains in response to climate warming |
EGU2016-6136 | Orals | CL4.08 Analysis and simulation of recent climate variability in the high-mountain regions of East Africa |
EGU2016-5163 | Posters | CL4.08 Intercomparison of four cloud microphysics schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the simulation of summer monsoon precipitation in the Langtang Valley, Himalayas |
EGU2016-9812 | Orals | CL4.08 Deducing high-altitude precipitation from glacier mass balance measurements |
EGU2016-7908 | Orals | CL4.08 Climatic change effects on hydro-metereological variables in the Alps: a case study on the upper Arve catchment at Chamonix (France) over the last 50 years |
EGU2016-10270 | Posters | CL4.08 Monitoring variability in trends of temperature and rainfall in the Apennine Alps (Middle Italy) |
EGU2016-10548 | Posters | CL4.08 Fequency of winds in various terrain |
EGU2016-18506 | Orals | CL4.08 Impacts of 1.5°C warming on high mountain systems: state of knowledge, challenges and the way forward |
EGU2016-15202 | Posters | CL4.08 GuMNet - A high altitude monitoring network in the Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, Spain) |
EGU2016-5705 | Orals | CL4.08 Future glacier runoff at the global scale |
EGU2016-893 | Posters | CL4.08 Hydrological processes at the Suntar-Hayata ridge (Eastern Siberia) in past, current and future climate |
EGU2016-7459 | Orals | CL4.08 Evaluating the performance of different predictor strategies in regression-based downscaling with a focus on glacierized mountain environments |
EGU2016-956 | Orals | CL4.08 Glaciological and hydrological sensitivities in the Hindu Kush - Himalaya |
EGU2016-10091 | Posters | CL4.08 Combining data sources to characterise climatic variability for hydrological modelling in high mountain catchments |
EGU2016-2798 | Orals | CL4.08 Simulations of future runoff conditions for glacierized catchments in the Ötztal Alps (Austria) using the physically based hydroclimatological model AMUNDSEN |
EGU2016-15836 | Posters | CL4.08 Characterization of the upper Arve watershed at Chamonix (French Northern Alp) from an integrated glacial-snow-hydrometeorological point of view |
EGU2016-4959 | Orals | CL4.08 Climatic controls and climate proxy potential of Lewis Glacier, Mt Kenya |
EGU2016-13037 | Posters | CL4.08 Influence of meteorological forcing data on the hydrological modelling in a high-altitude, glaciated catchment (Dudh Koshi, Nepalese Himalaya) |
EGU2016-1186 | Posters | CL4.08 Reconciling high-altitude precipitation in the upper Indus basin with glacier mass balances and runoff |
EGU2016-9059 | Posters | CL4.08 Central Asian supra-glacier snow melt enhanced by anthropogenic black carbon |
EGU2016-14374 | Posters | CL4.08 | Media interest Future of Himalayan glaciers: Projections from CMIP5 and CORDEX climate models and their uncertainties |
EGU2016-13160 | Posters | CL4.08 Snow and glaciers in the tropics: the importance of snowfall level and snow line altitude in the Peruvian Cordilleras |
EGU2016-16086 | Posters | CL4.08 TLS monitoring of snowpack distribution in a mountain forested areas: Analysis of canopy disturbance on snow evolution. |
EGU2016-17689 | Posters | CL4.08 Pyrenean Erosion fluxes over the Neoglacial period: From local meteorological climate dynamics to global ones |
EGU2016-5361 | Posters | CL4.08 Inductive analysis about the impact of climate warming on regional geomorphic evolution in arid area |
EGU2016-15996 | Posters | CL4.08 Soil and geomorphological parameters to characterize natural environmental and human induced changes within the Guadarrama Range (Central Spain) |
EGU2016-18504 | Posters | CL4.08 Exploring recent and projected climate change in a steep monsoonal catchment in the middle Himalaya through innovative synthesis of local observations, gridded datasets and community engagement |
EGU2016-16318 | Posters | CL4.08 Preferential flow paths in paraglacial catchments: first order controls on the long-term stability of ‘biodiversity hotspots’ in a changing climate |
EGU2016-4461 | Posters | CL4.08 Local climate assessments in data scarce mountain areas; for example Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh, India |
EGU2016-8039 | Posters | CL4.08 Potential climatic effects of light absorbing particles over the Third Pole regions |
CL4.10 – Sea level rise: past, present and future (co-organized)
EGU2016-1721 | Posters | CL4.10 Mean and extreme sea level changes in the southwestern Baltic Sea |
EGU2016-1842 | Orals | CL4.10 Drivers of Holocene sea-level change – using a global database of relative sea-level records from the Northern and Southern Hemisphere |
EGU2016-2180 | Posters | CL4.10 Upper Limit for Regional Sea Level Projections |
EGU2016-1284 | Orals | CL4.10 Long term variations in global sea level extremes |
EGU2016-3264 | Posters | CL4.10 Sea-level variability in the Mediterranean Sea from altimetry and tide gauges |
EGU2016-6481 | Orals | CL4.10 Arctic Sea Level Change over the altimetry era and reconstructed over the last 60 years. |
EGU2016-4184 | Orals | CL4.10 Revisiting global mean sea level changes from tide gauge records corrected for vertical land motion |
EGU2016-6148 | Posters | CL4.10 Sea level budget in the Arctic during the satellite altimetry era |
EGU2016-11074 | Orals | CL4.10 Evidence of Increased Glacial Melt in Antarctic Sea Level Rise |
EGU2016-7128 | Posters | CL4.10 Debunking the lunar nodal tide in sea level data from the Northwest European shelf |
EGU2016-8720 | Orals | CL4.10 | Media interest The importance of land hydrology changes in sea level rise on decadal time scales: results from 2002-2014 using GRACE |
EGU2016-7298 | Posters | CL4.10 Consistent estimate of ocean warming, land ice melt and sea level rise from Observations |
EGU2016-2511 | Orals | CL4.10 Differences between Changes in Extreme and Mean Sea Levels and Planning Allowances for Coastal Protection for the Extremes of the Future |
EGU2016-7929 | Posters | CL4.10 Total land water storage change over 2003–2013 estimated from a global mass budget approach |
EGU2016-218 | Orals | CL4.10 Multiproxy assessment of Holocene relative sea-level changes in the western Mediterranean: sea-level variability and improvements in the definition of the isostatic signal |
EGU2016-8447 | Posters | CL4.10 Mean Tide Level Data in the PSMSL Mean Sea Level Dataset |
EGU2016-9938 | Posters | CL4.10 GlacierMIP – A model intercomparison of global-scale glacier mass-balance models and projections |
EGU2016-11934 | Orals | CL4.10 Deviation of Baltic, Adriatic and Black Sea level from the global mean during the 20th century: analysis of the main factors involved and a high-end projection to the end of 21st century. |
EGU2016-3584 | Posters | CL4.10 Sources of uncertainty in relative sea-level change projections from a probabilistic point of view. |
EGU2016-8656 | Orals | CL4.10 Evaluating future flooding risks by using a probabilistic approach to include wave height distributions in sea level variations |
EGU2016-2980 | Posters | CL4.10 Accurately measuring sea level change from space: an ESA Climate Change Initiative for MSL closure budget studies |
EGU2016-12778 | Orals | CL4.10 Using GRACE and altimetry to assess the regional sea level budget in the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal |
EGU2016-4245 | Orals | CL4.10 Explaining trends and variability in coastal relative sea level |
EGU2016-3845 | Posters | CL4.10 Intrinsic low-frequency variability in ice sheets, glaciers and ocean dynamics and its relation to the observed 20th century sea level rise |
EGU2016-4229 | Posters | CL4.10 Sea Level Variations in the Yangtze River Estuary Coastal Ocean from Altimetry Waveform Retracked Data |
EGU2016-5733 | Posters | CL4.10 Assessment of 20th century global-mean thermosteric sea level rise from CMIP5 climate models |
EGU2016-7511 | Posters | CL4.10 On how climate variability influences regional sea level change |
EGU2016-7613 | Posters | CL4.10 Spatial scales and the detection of externally forced signals in regional sea surface height in climate simulations |
EGU2016-10735 | Posters | CL4.10 Uncertainties in sea level projections on twenty-year timescales |
EGU2016-8725 | Posters | CL4.10 Sea-level in the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast during the Common Era |
EGU2016-12016 | Posters | CL4.10 Uncertainty estimates of altimetric Global Mean Sea Level timeseries |
EGU2016-11982 | Posters | CL4.10 Sea surface height in the northern North Atlantic Ocean - validation of CMIP5 models against observations and implications for observed change |
EGU2016-12573 | Posters | CL4.10 Contribution of vertical land motions to coastal sea level variations: a global synthesis of multisatellite altimetry, tide gauge and GPS measurements |
EGU2016-16598 | Posters | CL4.10 The future for the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) Sea Level Data Rescue |
EGU2016-16750 | Posters | CL4.10 Comparisons of various sea level reconstructions and sea level from data synthesis products: 1960-2012 |
EGU2016-17729 | Posters | CL4.10 Sea Level Change for Norway: Past and Present Observations and Projections to 2100 |
EGU2016-18220 | Posters | CL4.10 A Simple Model Framework to Explore the Deeply Uncertain, Local Sea Level Response to Climate Change. A Case Study on New Orleans, Louisiana |
EGU2016-13548 | Posters | CL4.10 Measuring mass change with an aging GRACE system |
CL4.11 – Land-climate interactions from models and observations: Implications from past to future climate
EGU2016-1337 | Posters | CL4.11 Potential reciprocal effect between land use / land cover change and climate change |
EGU2016-1391 | Posters | CL4.11 Quantification of the uncertainties in soil and vegetation parameterizations for regional climate predictions |
EGU2016-8102 | Orals | CL4.11 Vegetation stress from increased vapor pressure deficit implicated in recent decline in U.S. evaporation |
EGU2016-2972 | Posters | CL4.11 Towards constraining extreme temperature projections of the CMIP5 ensemble |
EGU2016-3625 | Orals | CL4.11 Observations of land-atmosphere interactions using satellite data |
EGU2016-10300 | Orals | CL4.11 Towards the prediction of actual evaporation from terrestrial surfaces using analytical complementary relationship |
EGU2016-3720 | Posters | CL4.11 Examining the interaction between land use change, temperature extremes and land-atmosphere interactions |
EGU2016-4034 | Posters | CL4.11 Vegetation controls on the biophysical surface properties at global scale |
EGU2016-12938 | Orals | CL4.11 Improvement of boreal vegetation modelling and climate interactions through the introduction of new bryophyte and artic-shrub plant functional types in a land surface model. |
EGU2016-2117 | Orals | CL4.11 Enhanced seasonal CO2 exchange caused by amplified plant productivity in northern ecosystems |
EGU2016-4649 | Posters | CL4.11 Environmental conditions for alternative tree cover states in high latitudes |
EGU2016-8693 | Orals | CL4.11 Global observation-based diagnosis of soil moisture control on land surface flux partition |
EGU2016-5873 | Posters | CL4.11 Dynamical vegetation-atmosphere modelling of the boreal zone |
EGU2016-7073 | Posters | CL4.11 Physically plausible prescription of land surface model soil moisture |
EGU2016-8541 | Orals | CL4.11 Groundwater-soil moisture-climate interactions: lessons from idealized model experiments with forced water table depth |
EGU2016-7676 | Posters | CL4.11 Investigating the Feedbacks between Land Surface Cover and North Atlantic Climate Variability in the HadCM3 Climate Model |
EGU2016-7543 | Orals | CL4.11 Local Biogeopysical Climate Effects Largely Independent of Geographical Land Cover Change Distribution |
EGU2016-8168 | Posters | CL4.11 | Media interest The Biogeophysical Climatic Impacts of Anthropogenic Land Use Change during the Holocene |
EGU2016-4686 | Orals | CL4.11 Comparative assessment of mid-latitude land-cover change effects on temperature in historical LUCID and CMIP5 simulations |
EGU2016-9943 | Posters | CL4.11 Investigation of climate response to land-use and land-cover change in CRCM5 projections over North America |
EGU2016-15602 | Orals | CL4.11 | Media interest Including the biogeochemical impacts of deforestation increases projected warming of climate |
EGU2016-10786 | Posters | CL4.11 Lake-river and lake-atmosphere interactions in a changing climate over Northeast Canada |
EGU2016-8564 | Orals | CL4.11 Impact of interactive vegetation phenology on the simulated pan-Arctic land surface state |
EGU2016-11542 | Posters | CL4.11 A Budyko framework for estimating how lateral redistribution affects large-scale evapotranspiration |
EGU2016-12346 | Posters | CL4.11 Non-stationarities in land-atmosphere-climate interactions in Europe and the Mediterranean region |
EGU2016-12666 | Orals | CL4.11 Aridity under conditions of increased CO2 |
EGU2016-13933 | Posters | CL4.11 Historical influence of irrigation on climate extremes |
EGU2016-16387 | Posters | CL4.11 Evaluating soil moisture constraints on surface fluxes in land surface models globally |
EGU2016-3906 | Posters | CL4.11 A submonthly database for detecting changes in vegetation-atmosphere coupling |
EGU2016-3990 | Posters | CL4.11 Soil frost-induced soil moisture precipitation feedback and effects on atmospheric states |
EGU2016-4658 | Posters | CL4.11 Impact of soil moisture initial conditions on multi model summer predictions over mid-latitudes |
EGU2016-4720 | Posters | CL4.11 Impact of climate change on the vegetation cycle over France and the associated uncertainties |
EGU2016-4962 | Posters | CL4.11 Thermal Coupling between Air and Ground Temperatures in the CMIP5 Historical and Future Simulations |
EGU2016-4975 | Posters | CL4.11 Estimating Continental Energy Storage from CMIP5 Simulations |
EGU2016-7765 | Posters | CL4.11 Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture-atmosphere coupling on global scale |
EGU2016-8559 | Posters | CL4.11 An evaluation of the simulated bare soil evaporation of an atmospheric model |
EGU2016-9765 | Posters | CL4.11 Hydro-climatic Effects of Present and Future Land Cover / Land Use Changes in the Upper Mesopotamia |
EGU2016-11250 | Posters | CL4.11 Vegetation zones shift in changing climate |
EGU2016-13025 | Posters | CL4.11 High-resolution climate and land surface interactions modeling over Belgium: current state and decennial scale projections |
EGU2016-14390 | Posters | CL4.11 Hydrological and biogeochemical constraints on terrestrial carbon cycle projections |
EGU2016-16134 | Posters | CL4.11 Do we need to account for scenarios of land use/land cover changes in regional climate modeling and impact studies? |
EGU2016-16278 | Posters | CL4.11 Quantifying the response of climate to changes in land cover : can we separate direct effects from feedbacks in earth system models’ outputs? |
EGU2016-16778 | Posters | CL4.11 The impacts of thermal roughness length on land surface climate in IPSL-CM |
EGU2016-17066 | Posters | CL4.11 Influence of Climatic Type of Year on Beech and Scots Pine Eustress |
CL4.15 – Understanding past and future changes in the hydrological cycle (co-organized)
EGU2016-3537 | Posters | CL4.15 Analysis of the impacts of EC-Earth Global Circulation Model in the RCP45 climate change scenario on maximum daily streamflow quantiles at global scale |
EGU2016-5058 | Orals | CL4.15 Contrasting responses of terrestrial eco-hydrologic quantities to climate change |
EGU2016-3722 | Posters | CL4.15 Accelerated global warming after 1998 is caused by decrease in terrestrial evapotranspiration |
EGU2016-11387 | Orals | CL4.15 Drivers of long-term ocean salinity changes |
EGU2016-6901 | Posters | CL4.15 A Generalized Framework for Different Drought Indices: Testing its Suitability in a Simulation of the last two Millennia for Europe |
EGU2016-3336 | Orals | CL4.15 The predicted circulation response to global warming and implications for regional hydroclimate. |
EGU2016-6904 | Posters | CL4.15 Recent decadal trends in Iberian water vapour: GPS analysis and WRF process study |
EGU2016-9571 | Orals | CL4.15 The link between convective organization and extreme precipitation in a warming climate |
EGU2016-7671 | Orals | CL4.15 Clouds and the atmospheric circulation response to warming |
EGU2016-7296 | Posters | CL4.15 Influence of cloud radiative effects on tropical circulation and hydrological cycle in the Mid-Holocene |
EGU2016-7492 | Posters | CL4.15 Global semi-arid climate change over last 60 years |
EGU2016-14044 | Orals | CL4.15 Sensitivity of the hydrologic cycle to cloud changes in warm climates |
EGU2016-7615 | Posters | CL4.15 Climate change impact on shallow groundwater conditions in Hungary: Conclusions from a regional modelling study |
EGU2016-8359 | Posters | CL4.15 Responses of Seasonal Precipitation Intensity to Global Warming |
EGU2016-18013 | Posters | CL4.15 The Tropical Ocean Circulation's Role in Damping ITCZ Shifts |
EGU2016-10692 | Posters | CL4.15 Ocean water cycle: its recent amplification and impact on ocean circulation |
EGU2016-11093 | Posters | CL4.15 Processes linking the hydrological cycle and the atmospheric radiative budget |
EGU2016-14142 | Posters | CL4.15 Thermodynamic and dynamic controls on the amplitude of the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle |
EGU2016-12106 | Posters | CL4.15 A simple model to understand changes in land relative humidity |
EGU2016-12806 | Posters | CL4.15 Large uncertainties in projected European summer warming and drying due to ocean-atmosphere and land-atmosphere interactions |
EGU2016-14915 | Posters | CL4.15 Future central European summer drying in a high-resolution global climate model |
EGU2016-12944 | Posters | CL4.15 The sensitivity of water availability to aridity changes and other factors - a probabilistic analysis in the Budyko-space |
EGU2016-13428 | Posters | CL4.15 Record dry summer in 2015 challenges precipitation projections in Central Europe |
EGU2016-13581 | Posters | CL4.15 Understanding climate change projections for precipitation over Western Europe with a weather typing approach |
EGU2016-15095 | Posters | CL4.15 Understanding the drivers of Amazonian evapotranspiration (ET) change in response to increased CO2. |
EGU2016-17475 | Posters | CL4.15 Classification of land-sea shifts in tropical precipitation using temperature and moisture change |
CL5.02 – Advances in Quaternary Geochronology (co-organized)
EGU2016-4163 | Posters | CL5.02 Low 10Be concentrations in geomorphic studies: Problems, strategies, and examples |
EGU2016-4336 | Orals | CL5.02 The role of inter-comparisons in radiocarbon quality assurance |
EGU2016-14257 | Orals | CL5.02 What is the true age uncertainty of radiocarbon dated Holocene records? |
EGU2016-843 | Posters | CL5.02 A high-resolution 14C chronology from the Cormor alluvial megafan (Tagliamento glacier, NE Italy) for the reconstruction of Alpine glacier activity during 50-20 ka BP |
EGU2016-1017 | Orals | CL5.02 87Sr/86Sr as a quantitative geochemical proxy for 14C reservoir age in dynamic, brackish waters: assessing applicability and quantifying uncertainties. |
EGU2016-6713 | Posters | CL5.02 Controls on the evolution of carbonate landscapes in Provence, France using cosmogenic nuclides |
EGU2016-6881 | Posters | CL5.02 10Be depth-profile dating of glaciofluvial sediments in the northern Alpine Foreland |
EGU2016-2657 | Orals | CL5.02 Planktic Foraminifera Record Early Holocene 14C Reservoir Ages in Arctic Gateway |
EGU2016-5679 | Orals | CL5.02 Isochron-burial dating of glacially-driven sediments: first results from the Alps |
EGU2016-6929 | Posters | CL5.02 Comparison of 36Cl and 3He measurements in glacial surfaces on the tropical Altiplano (Cerro Tunupa volcano, 20°S) |
EGU2016-17178 | Orals | CL5.02 Understanding complex exposure history of Mount Hampton, West Antarctica using cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne and 10Be in olivine |
EGU2016-6998 | Posters | CL5.02 Determination of paleoseismic activity over a large time-scale: Fault scarp dating with 36Cl |
EGU2016-15070 | Orals | CL5.02 BRITICE-CHRONO: A multi-method project to determine the timing and rates of change of a marine-influenced ice sheet |
EGU2016-9661 | Posters | CL5.02 Isochron burial dating of Danube terraces in the course of an interlaboratory comparison on sample preparation in Vienna and Budapest |
EGU2016-13895 | Orals | CL5.02 BRITICE-CHRONO: Constraining retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet using luminescence geochronometry |
EGU2016-9718 | Posters | CL5.02 26Al - 10Be cosmogenic nuclide isochron burial dating in combination with luminescence dating of two Danube terraces |
EGU2016-3224 | Posters | CL5.02 Geochronology of Quaternary glaciations in the Puruo Kangri, the largest ice field in the middle and low altitudes of the Earth |
EGU2016-1714 | Orals | CL5.02 Dating fluvial archives of the Riverine Plain, Southeastern Australia |
EGU2016-16190 | Posters | CL5.02 The rock avalanche of the Mt. Peron (Eastern Alps, Italy): new insights from 36Cl exposure dating |
EGU2016-840 | Orals | CL5.02 Advances in cosmogenic surface exposure dating: Using combined in situ 14C-10Be analysis for deglaciation scenarios |
EGU2016-13112 | Posters | CL5.02 The Geomorphological Evolution of a Landscape in a Tectonically Active Region: the Sennwald Landslide |
EGU2016-14508 | Orals | CL5.02 Potentials and pitfalls of depth profile (10Be), burial isochron (26Al/10Be) and palaeomagnetic techniques for dating Early Pleistocene terrace deposits of the Moselle valley (Germany) |
EGU2016-18420 | Posters | CL5.02 Reaching and abandoning the furthest ice extent during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Alps |
EGU2016-17127 | Orals | CL5.02 Timing of methane efflux along the Norwegian and US Atlantic margin |
EGU2016-1125 | Posters | CL5.02 The Last Glacial Maximum around Lago d'Orta, Northern Italy; a multi method reconstruction |
EGU2016-9675 | Posters | CL5.02 Reconstruction of glacier fluctuations in the Western Alps since the LGM using OSL surface exposure dating |
EGU2016-2103 | Posters | CL5.02 Luminescence- and Infrared-Radiofluorescence dating of the Acheulean- to Middle Stone Age sedimentary sequence at Montagu Cave, Western Cape Provence, South Africa |
EGU2016-18369 | Posters | CL5.02 Testing a luminescence surface-exposure dating technique |
EGU2016-4207 | Posters | CL5.02 Towards increasing the spatial resolution of luminescence chronologies – Portable luminescence reader measurements and standardized growth curves applied to the beach-ridge plain of Phra Thong Island, Thailand |
EGU2016-10280 | Posters | CL5.02 Luminescence Dating of Marine Terrace Sediments Between Trabzon and Rize, Eastern Black Sea Basin: Preliminary Results |
EGU2016-14082 | Posters | CL5.02 Improving estimates of surface water radiocarbon reservoir ages in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. |
EGU2016-2271 | Posters | CL5.02 Radiocarbon dating Arctic deep marine sediment to refine the usage of Mn pattern as a stratigraphic tool |
EGU2016-9260 | Posters | CL5.02 Marine radiocarbon reservoir age simulations for the past 50000 years |
EGU2016-1122 | Posters | CL5.02 Stromatolite laminae (Lagoa Vermelha, Brasil) as archives for reservoir age changes |
EGU2016-12260 | Posters | CL5.02 Dating of pollen samples from the sediment core of Lake St Anne in the East Carpathian Mountains, Romania |
EGU2016-13109 | Posters | CL5.02 AMS radiocarbon dating of pollen concentrates in a karstic lake system |
EGU2016-18345 | Posters | CL5.02 New radiocarbon chronology of a late Holocene landslide event in the Mont Blanc massif, Italy |
CL5.03 – Tree-rings as indicators for the eco-physiological response to climate and environmental change (co-organized)
EGU2016-616 | Posters | CL5.03 Pioneer dendroclimatological research in the Western Turkmenistan |
EGU2016-16471 | Orals | CL5.03 The suitability of the dual isotope approach (δ13C and δ18O) in tree ring studies |
EGU2016-10763 | Orals | CL5.03 High sensitivity of broadleaf trees to water availability in northeastern United States |
EGU2016-6244 | Posters | CL5.03 Preliminary results for potential climatic signals in dD of wood lignin methoxyl groups from high-elevation alpine larch trees |
EGU2016-8017 | Posters | CL5.03 Model estimation of hydraulic characteristics of conifer tree-rings by their cellular structure |
EGU2016-17021 | Orals | CL5.03 Summer global atmospheric patterns enhanced the Mediterranean East-West differences on tree growth at rear-edge temperate deciduous forests |
EGU2016-4093 | Orals | CL5.03 Effects of physical blockage of axial phloem transport on growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) saplings under drought |
EGU2016-8220 | Posters | CL5.03 Using stable isotopes and functional wood anatomy to identify underlying mechanisms of drought tolerance in different provenances of lodgepole pine |
EGU2016-10961 | Posters | CL5.03 Time scaling of tree rings cell production in Siberia |
EGU2016-3951 | Orals | CL5.03 Exploring the ‘divergence’ problem using a simple process-based model of tree growth |
EGU2016-5012 | Orals | CL5.03 Boron in tree-ring as an indicator of forest disturbances in the Lower Athabasca Oil Sands region, Northeastern Alberta, Canada |
EGU2016-11435 | Posters | CL5.03 Evaluation of the age related systematic patterns of stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) Eastern Carpathians, Romania |
EGU2016-12343 | Posters | CL5.03 Challenges in Establishing Multi-Millennial Tree Ring Records for the Holocene |
EGU2016-15769 | Posters | CL5.03 Growth-climate relations of Larix decidua and Pinus cembra in an inner-alpine dry valley |
EGU2016-14949 | Posters | CL5.03 Examining the response of larch needle carbohydrates to climate using compound-specific δ13C and concentration analyses |
EGU2016-12768 | Posters | CL5.03 Adaptation of conifers in Central Siberia to changing environment |
EGU2016-10986 | Posters | CL5.03 Parameterization of tree-ring growth in Siberia |
EGU2016-16667 | Posters | CL5.03 Tree ring isotopes of beech and spruce in response to short-term climate variability across Central European sites: Common and contrasting physiological mechanisms |
EGU2016-17274 | Posters | CL5.03 Impacts of climate and land-use changes on mountain forests in Central Apennines |
EGU2016-2179 | Posters | CL5.03 Mean annual temperatures of mid-latitude regions derived from stable hydrogen isotopes of wood lignin |
CL5.04 – Integrated climate and landscape evolution analyses: bridging long proxy data time series and instrumental observation
EGU2016-4494 | Orals | CL5.04 Investigating climatic and anthropogenic disturbance in continental peat archives of C Europe and W Siberia |
EGU2016-4926 | Posters | CL5.04 ICLEA - The Virtual Institute of Integrated Climate and Landscape Evolution Analyses |
EGU2016-6888 | Posters | CL5.04 Practical aspects of registration the transformation of a river valley by beavers using terrestrial laser scanning |
EGU2016-6209 | Orals | CL5.04 Classification and monitoring of reed belts using dual-polarimetric TerraSAR-X time series |
EGU2016-3157 | Orals | CL5.04 Improved understanding of Diatom stratigraphy in a varved sediment through lake monitoring and sediment trap data |
EGU2016-5637 | Posters | CL5.04 Hydrological and geomorphological consequences of beavers activity in the Struga Czechowska valley (Tuchola Pinewood Forest, Poland) |
EGU2016-7814 | Orals | CL5.04 Impact of flood events on lacustrine carbonate isotope records |
EGU2016-5736 | Posters | CL5.04 Lakes-paleolakes cascade system and its role in shaping the runoff and chemical properties of water in the young-glacial catchment - example from the Tuchola Pinewood Forest (Northern Poland) |
EGU2016-4288 | Orals | CL5.04 Linking hydro-climate to the sediment archive: a combined monitoring and calibration study from a varved lake in central Turkey |
EGU2016-3217 | Posters | CL5.04 A vast medieval dam-lake cascade in northern central Europe: review and new data on late Holocene water-level dynamics of the Havel River, Berlin-Brandenburg area (Germany) |
EGU2016-13849 | Posters | CL5.04 Fluctuating lake levels in humid climates: a suitable proxy of past precipitation? |
EGU2016-556 | Orals | CL5.04 Determining the controls on δ13C of sedimentary organic matter in Lake Tiefer See (NE Germany) – an integration of sediment cores and monitoring data |
EGU2016-197 | Posters | CL5.04 Multiple drivers of Holocene lake level changes at a lowland lake in northeastern Germany |
EGU2016-4596 | Orals | CL5.04 Comparative microfacies studies on annually laminated lake sediments from lakes of different sizes in northern Germany- Palaeolimnological implications |
EGU2016-9846 | Orals | CL5.04 Climate or vegetation change – what drove Holocene lake level fluctuations in NE-Germany? |
EGU2016-470 | Posters | CL5.04 Fire and man - reconstructing Holocene biomass burning in the central European lowlands |
EGU2016-7321 | Orals | CL5.04 Climate-landform effects on lateglacial vegetation pattern in northeastern Tuchola Pinewoods (northern Poland): multiproxy evidence from the Lake Czechowskie catchment, northern Poland. |
EGU2016-6631 | Posters | CL5.04 Anthropogenic impact on the sediment record from Lake Czechowskie (N-Poland) based on heavy metal contents in combination with high-resolution pollen and varve data: Geochemical background vs enrichment history and landsurface changes |
EGU2016-5610 | Posters | CL5.04 Spatial analysis of charcoal kiln remains in the former royal forest district Tauer (Lower Lusatia, North German Lowlands) |
EGU2016-14537 | Orals | CL5.04 Late Glacial and Holocene environmental history of Wielkopolska region (western Poland) recorded in sediments of Strzeszyńskie Lake and Kierskie Lake |
EGU2016-15347 | Orals | CL5.04 A 911 year chronology from earlywood vessels of European oak in NE-Germany and its use for climate reconstructions |
EGU2016-11533 | Posters | CL5.04 History of human activity in last 800 years reconstructed from combined archive data and high-resolution analyses of varved lake sediments from Lake Czechowskie, Northern Poland |
EGU2016-5600 | Posters | CL5.04 Early Holocene lake ecosystem development in the southern Baltic lowlands |
EGU2016-8008 | Orals | CL5.04 A 430 year record of hydroclimate variability for NE-Germany based on stable carbon and oxygen isotopes from pine and oak tree rings |
EGU2016-16408 | Posters | CL5.04 Early- to Mid-Holocene environmental and climate changes in the southern Baltic lowland using XRF scanning data |
EGU2016-203 | Posters | CL5.04 Sedimentological characteristics of lake sediment of the Lake Jelonek (North Poland) |
EGU2016-7049 | Posters | CL5.04 Regional climate signal modified by local factors - multi core study records (Lake Czechowskie region, N Poland) |
EGU2016-442 | Posters | CL5.04 Wind influence on the course of sedimentation processes of the laminated lacustrine sediments of Lake Czechowskie |
EGU2016-4236 | Posters | CL5.04 Low-wind summers promote blooms of cyanobacteria in Lake Tiefer See, NE Germany |
EGU2016-7016 | Posters | CL5.04 Paleoenvironmental reconstruction using nitrogen and carbon contents and isotopes in lake sediments of Tiefer See, NE Germany |
EGU2016-9842 | Posters | CL5.04 The new data on the seasonal distribution of diatoms in the Southern Baltic coastal lakes as a basis for diatom-based transfer functions to reconstruct past environmental changes in the Baltic coastal zone |
EGU2016-9795 | Posters | CL5.04 Diatoms as paleoecological indicators of environmental change in the Lake Czechowskie catchments ecosystem (Northern Tuchola Pinewoods, Poland) |
EGU2016-378 | Posters | CL5.04 Refining the time span between the early Holocene Askja-S and Hässeldalen tephras through differential dating based on varve counting from Lake Czechowskie (N Poland) |
EGU2016-1129 | Posters | CL5.04 Evaluating the timing of late Quaternary geomorphodynamics and soil formation: a review of geochronological data from northeastern Germany |
EGU2016-5754 | Posters | CL5.04 Late Holocene eolian fossilization of Podzols in Northeastern Germany |
EGU2016-801 | Posters | CL5.04 Earthquake-ponded sediments as a high-resolution archive of Anthropocene climate change on the Fuyun Fault (Xinjiang, China). |
EGU2016-15971 | Posters | CL5.04 Controls on tree water uptake and information storage in tree rings |
EGU2016-8126 | Posters | CL5.04 Impact of the 2013-2015 weather variability on seasonal growth dynamics and daily stem-size changes of three coexisting broadleaved tree species |
EGU2016-9136 | Posters | CL5.04 DendrometeR: analyzing the pulse of trees in R |
EGU2016-8223 | Posters | CL5.04 Warm & wet or warm & dry? - A tree-ring based drought reconstruction from the European lowlands with emphasis on the medieval climate anomaly |
CL5.06 – Synoptic climatology – methods and applications (co-organized)
EGU2016-3195 | Posters | CL5.06 Cluster analysis of Northern Hemisphere wintertime 500-hPa flow regimes during 1920–2014 |
EGU2016-2973 | Orals | CL5.06 Synoptic climatological analysis of the high level winds over the Carpathian Basin |
EGU2016-4051 | Posters | CL5.06 Winter atmospheric circulation over Europe and the North Atlantic: an intercomparison of reanalysis datasets |
EGU2016-158 | Orals | CL5.06 Weather Types, temperature and relief relationship in the Iberian Peninsula: A regional adiabatic processes under directional weather types |
EGU2016-7072 | Orals | CL5.06 Synoptic and meteorological drivers of extreme ozone concentrations over Europe |
EGU2016-16254 | Posters | CL5.06 Towards a phenomena-based model assessment: The Case of Blocking over Europe |
EGU2016-7926 | Orals | CL5.06 Statistical Downscaling Of Local Climate In The Alpine Region |
EGU2016-3711 | Posters | CL5.06 Validation of Atmospheric Dynamics (VADY) – representation of circulation types/dynamical modes in the decadal-prediction model system of MPI-ESM |
EGU2016-14118 | Posters | CL5.06 Baroclinic wave configurations evolution at European scale in the period 1948–2013 |
EGU2016-3838 | Orals | CL5.06 Validation of winter atmospheric circulation over Europe and the North Atlantic in CMIP5 global circulation model outputs |
EGU2016-11192 | Orals | CL5.06 Innovative use of self-organising maps (SOMs) in model validation. |
EGU2016-3056 | Posters | CL5.06 Synoptic climatological analyses on the seasonal transition from winter to spring in Europe also with attention to the day-to-day variability (Comparing with that in East Asia) |
EGU2016-2928 | Posters | CL5.06 Synoptic climatological analysis of persistent cold air pools over the Carpathian Basin |
EGU2016-14185 | Posters | CL5.06 Worldwide influence of Lamb Weather Types on Temperature, Precipitation and Wind Speed |
EGU2016-7597 | Posters | CL5.06 Changes in large-scale air circulation and connection with climate variables in Romania |
EGU2016-14124 | Posters | CL5.06 Large scale atmospheric drivers for heat waves in the Mediterranean Basin |
EGU2016-11273 | Posters | CL5.06 The hot day frequency of summer 2015 in Central Europe – correspondence with monthly circulation types |
EGU2016-7905 | Posters | CL5.06 Estimation of background CO2 concentrations at the high alpine station Schneefernerhaus by atmospheric observations and inverse modelling |
EGU2016-7976 | Posters | CL5.06 Weather patterns as a downscaling tool – evaluating their skill in stratifying local climate variables |
EGU2016-9056 | Posters | CL5.06 Large-scale atmospheric circulation and local particulate matter concentrations in Bavaria – from current observations to future projections |
EGU2016-7361 | Posters | CL5.06 Future changes in atmospheric circulation types and related precipitation extremes in Central Europe |
CL5.07 – Climate Data Homogenization and Climate Trend and Variability Assessment
EGU2016-5254 | Orals | CL5.07 Impact of automatization in temperature series in Spain and comparison with the POST-AWS dataset |
EGU2016-6267 | Posters | CL5.07 The ESA Cloud_cci project: generation of multi-decadal, consistent, global data sets of cloud properties with uncertainty information |
EGU2016-7354 | Posters | CL5.07 Global solar radiation: comparison of satellite-based climatology with station records |
EGU2016-1411 | Orals | CL5.07 Inter-comparison of upper air temperature over China between Radiosonde and Reanalysis Data |
EGU2016-8507 | Posters | CL5.07 The Moon as Possible Calibration Reference for Microwave Radiometers |
EGU2016-8841 | Orals | CL5.07 | Media interest Large systematic trend difference between national and regional homogenized datasets and global collections |
EGU2016-15578 | Posters | CL5.07 Homogenization of global radiosonde humidity data |
EGU2016-8006 | Orals | CL5.07 Solar elevation dependent radiosonde temperature bias adjustments back to the 1940s |
EGU2016-17719 | Posters | CL5.07 Break and trend analysis of EUMETSAT Climate Data Records |
EGU2016-12784 | Orals | CL5.07 Physics-Based Correction of Inhomogeneities in Temperature Series: Model Transferability Testing and Comparison to Statistical Approaches |
EGU2016-17877 | Posters | CL5.07 Uncertainty Propagation in a Fundamental Climate Data Record derived from Meteosat Visible Band Data |
EGU2016-12487 | Orals | CL5.07 Benchmarking the performance of daily temperature homogenisation algorithms |
EGU2016-16283 | Posters | CL5.07 Quality Control Methodology Of A Surface Wind Observational Database In North Eastern North America |
EGU2016-2011 | Posters | CL5.07 Homogenization of Canada’s hourly surface wind speeds data |
EGU2016-8922 | Posters | CL5.07 Temperature trend biases |
EGU2016-14572 | Posters | CL5.07 Identifying and attributing common data quality problems: temperature and precipitation observations in Bolivia and Peru |
EGU2016-3307 | Posters | CL5.07 Nonstationary Analysis of Annual Maximum Streamflow of Canada |
EGU2016-335 | Posters | CL5.07 Snow depth and snow duration variability in Trentino (North-East Italy) |
CL5.08 – Linkages between climate and impact models: uncertainty analytics to substantiate contextual demands (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2016-13551 | PICO | CL5.08 A user-targeted synthesis of the VALUE perfect predictor experiment |
EGU2016-10887 | PICO | CL5.08 Revealing, Reducing, and Representing Uncertainties in New Hydrologic Projections for Climate-changed Futures |
EGU2016-2837 | PICO | CL5.08 What is the benefit of driving a hydrological model with data from a multi-site weather generator compared to data from a simple delta change approach?“ |
EGU2016-14827 | PICO | CL5.08 Forecasting European cold waves based on subsampling strategies of CMIP5 and Euro-CORDEX ensembles |
EGU2016-16080 | PICO | CL5.08 Hydrological modeling as an evaluation tool of EURO-CORDEX RCMs and bias correction methods |
EGU2016-13442 | PICO | CL5.08 Impacts of climate change and internal climate variability on french rivers streamflows |
EGU2016-14153 | PICO | CL5.08 Evaluation of high-resolution WRF climate simulations for hydrological variables over Iberian Peninsula |
EGU2016-14559 | PICO | CL5.08 Coupling study of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model with WRF model to simulate the streamflow in the Guadalquivir Basin |
EGU2016-5721 | PICO | CL5.08 Downscaling 20th century flooding events in complex terrain (Switzerland) using the WRF regional climate model |
EGU2016-7617 | PICO | CL5.08 Producing physically consistent and bias free extreme precipitation events over the Switzerland: Bridging gaps between meteorology and impact models |
EGU2016-8378 | PICO | CL5.08 Effect of grid size in RCMs on the representation of floods in small and medium sized catchments in Austria: added value of convection-permitting simulations |
EGU2016-18522 | PICO | CL5.08 Extreme Hot Days future projections using Circulation Types |
EGU2016-3314 | PICO | CL5.08 Preserving the World Second Largest Hypersaline Lake under Future Irrigation and Climate Change |
EGU2016-8130 | PICO | CL5.08 Expected climate change impacts on extreme flows in Vietnam: The limits of bias correction techniques |
EGU2016-13481 | PICO | CL5.08 Considering changing temporal structures in the construction of scenario-neutral runoff response surfaces |
EGU2016-11022 | PICO | CL5.08 The drivers of ET sensitivity for different climate zones |
EGU2016-2437 | PICO | CL5.08 Estimating water availability over India using a bottom-up probabilistic Budyko approach |
CL5.09 – Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX
EGU2016-243 | Posters | CL5.09 Cyclone activity in the Arctic from an ensemble of regional climate models (Arctic CORDEX) |
EGU2016-4248 | Orals | CL5.09 Plans for the next phase of CORDEX activities |
EGU2016-6372 | Orals | CL5.09 Large Ensembles of Regional Climate Projections |
EGU2016-2780 | Posters | CL5.09 Quantification of model projection uncertainty in EURO- and MED-CORDEX over Switzerland |
EGU2016-4103 | Posters | CL5.09 Climate-vegetation interactions in the coupled RegCM4 - CLM4.5 CNDV model |
EGU2016-3412 | Orals | CL5.09 Separating climate change signals into thermodynamic, lapse-rate and circulation effects: Theory and application to the European summer climate |
EGU2016-4582 | Posters | CL5.09 Investigating the relationship between Ambrosia pollen concentration and meteorological variables in a European domain based on CORDEX and CMIP5 simulations |
EGU2016-4602 | Orals | CL5.09 Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclones to Resolution, Convection Scheme and Ocean Flux Parameterization over Eastern Tropical Pacific and Tropical North Atlantic Oceans in RegCM4 Model |
EGU2016-6384 | Posters | CL5.09 Evaluation of Polar WRF for different Planetary Boundary Layer schemes over Svalbard |
EGU2016-13211 | Orals | CL5.09 Evaluation of climatic changes in South-Asia |
EGU2016-6355 | Posters | CL5.09 Climate projections of the ALARO-0 model on the EURO-CORDEX domain |
EGU2016-10850 | Orals | CL5.09 Evaluation of the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) - Process-resolving Arctic Climate Simulation |
EGU2016-8289 | Posters | CL5.09 Ensemble of regional climate model projections for Ireland |
EGU2016-5904 | Orals | CL5.09 Assessment of multiple daily precipitation statistics in ERA-Interim driven Med- CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX experiments against high resolution observations |
EGU2016-10009 | Orals | CL5.09 Evaluation of the EURO-CORDEX RCMs to accurately simulate the Etesian wind system |
EGU2016-9083 | Posters | CL5.09 The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Air Quality in the Upper Northern Thailand |
EGU2016-10025 | Posters | CL5.09 Importance of ensembles in projecting regional climate trends |
EGU2016-10441 | Orals | CL5.09 Impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling and high resolution on the simulation of medicanes over the Mediterranean Sea: multi-model analysis with Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX runs |
EGU2016-10041 | Posters | CL5.09 Simulations of The Extreme Precipitation Event Enhanced by Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly over the Black Sea |
EGU2016-3771 | Orals | CL5.09 Evaluation of summer precipitation from EURO-CORDEX fine-scale RCM simulations over Norway |
EGU2016-10839 | Posters | CL5.09 Simulation and projection of summer surface air temperature over China: a comparison between a RCM and the driving global model |
EGU2016-3125 | Orals | CL5.09 Two-way against one-way nesting for climate downscaling in Europe and the Mediterranean region using LMDZ4 |
EGU2016-9587 | Orals | CL5.09 Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over the Contiguous United States Including Potential Climate Change Scenarios |
EGU2016-11985 | Posters | CL5.09 Validation of the regional climate model MAR over the CORDEX Africa domain and comparison with other regional models using unpublished data set |
EGU2016-11989 | Posters | CL5.09 Evaluating multimodel variability of humidity over Europe using long term GPS network and ground base datasets |
EGU2016-12633 | Posters | CL5.09 Climate Change in Nicaragua: a dynamical downscaling of precipitation and temperature. |
EGU2016-12974 | Posters | CL5.09 Do sub-annual bias corrections improve the quantile mapping results for daily precipitation? |
EGU2016-12946 | Posters | CL5.09 Assessment of Projected Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Climatology over the CORDEX-Region 9 via Multi-Model Ensemble Mean of CMIP5 Models |
EGU2016-13743 | Posters | CL5.09 Wind Energy Potential: Current representation and projections for the European domain |
EGU2016-14402 | Posters | CL5.09 Impact of resolution on aerosol radiative feedbacks with in online-coupled chemistry/climate simulations (WRF-Chem) for EURO-CORDEX compliant domains |
EGU2016-16570 | Posters | CL5.09 COPAT – towards a recommended model version of COSMO-CLM |
EGU2016-15760 | Posters | CL5.09 Validation of EURO-CORDEX regional climate models in reproducing the variability of precipitation extremes in Romania |
EGU2016-15450 | Posters | CL5.09 UERRA - Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional Reanalyses |
EGU2016-15190 | Posters | CL5.09 First steps of the regional climate model MAR over the Euro-CORDEX domain |
EGU2016-14650 | Posters | CL5.09 High Resolution Simulations of a Severe Hail Storm and Flooding Event over La Paz city with WRF |
EGU2016-8617 | Posters | CL5.09 Study of Regional Volcanic Impact on the Middle East and North Africa using high-resolution global and regional models |
EGU2016-11325 | Posters | CL5.09 On the assessment of urban land-surface impacts on climate in regional climate model simulations over Central Europe |
EGU2016-12373 | Posters | CL5.09 Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme Rainfall Events over Three Coastal Cities in Africa |
EGU2016-7133 | Posters | CL5.09 Evaluation of simulated decadal variations over the Euro-Mediterranean region from ENSEMBLES to Med-CORDEX |
EGU2016-12252 | Posters | CL5.09 COmbining Regional climate Downscaling EXpertise in Belgium |
EGU2016-4446 | Posters | CL5.09 The Regional Earth System Model (RegESM) using RegCM4 coupled with the MITgcm ocean model: First assessments over the MED-CORDEX domain |
EGU2016-5920 | Posters | CL5.09 The ICTP Regional System Model (RESM) to simulate the monsoon in the South Asia CORDEX domain |
CL5.10 – Atmospheric convection and convection-permitting modelling (co-organized)
EGU2016-18152 | Posters | CL5.10 Characteristic Analysis of Continuous Hailfall in the context of Cold Vortex in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region |
EGU2016-10017 | Orals | CL5.10 A review on regional convection permitting climate modeling |
EGU2016-1324 | Posters | CL5.10 Hailstorms over Switzerland in a warmer climate: a surrogated climate change experiment |
EGU2016-2613 | Orals | CL5.10 A Decade-long Continental-Scale Convection-Resolving Climate Simulation on GPUs |
EGU2016-11044 | Posters | CL5.10 The hourly updated US High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) storm-scale forecast model |
EGU2016-45 | Orals | CL5.10 Large-scale drivers of local precipitation extremes in convection-permitting climate simulations |
EGU2016-2278 | Posters | CL5.10 Characterisation of Convective Regimes over the British Isles |
EGU2016-16504 | Orals | CL5.10 The role of convection permitting modeling to evaluate the contribution of the anthropogenic climate change on the UK Winter 2013-2014 extreme rain |
EGU2016-6538 | Orals | CL5.10 Self-organization of convective clouds and extreme precipitation |
EGU2016-837 | Posters | CL5.10 Model Physics Perturbation Growth Within Different Convective Regimes |
EGU2016-2663 | Posters | CL5.10 On the sensitivity of convective system structure and propagation in convection-allowing runs to horizontal grid spacings |
EGU2016-13648 | Orals | CL5.10 Climatology of precipitating convective clouds in ERA-Interim derived from the Emanuel and Živković-Rothman parameterisation scheme |
EGU2016-8757 | Posters | CL5.10 Quantifying the effects of resolution on convective organisation in cloud-system resolving simulations of West Africa. |
EGU2016-15560 | Posters | CL5.10 Regional Climate Modelling: impact of horizontal grid resolution on precipitation estimates over Ireland |
EGU2016-3054 | Posters | CL5.10 Impact of different convection permitting resolutions on the representation of heavy rainfall over the UK |
EGU2016-10037 | Posters | CL5.10 Evidence for added value of convection-permitting models for studying changes in extreme precipitation |
EGU2016-14649 | Posters | CL5.10 High-resolution simulations of heavy precipitation events: role of the Adriatic SST and air-sea interactions |
EGU2016-4808 | Posters | CL5.10 Added value and land-atmosphere coupling in convection-permitting WRF climate simulations over a Middle European domain |
EGU2016-6919 | Posters | CL5.10 Elevation-dependency of the representation of precipitation with COSMO-CLM at 3km over the Alps |
EGU2016-6084 | Posters | CL5.10 A continuous and prognostic convection scheme based on buoyancy, PCMT |
EGU2016-7039 | Posters | CL5.10 Using the Froude number to evaluate flow-above and blocked-flow situations in the European Alpine region as simulated by convection permitting models |
EGU2016-14936 | Posters | CL5.10 Comparison of turbulence and convection parametrization schemes in the COSMO-CLM model operated on convection permitting scales over the European Alpine region |
EGU2016-8652 | Posters | CL5.10 Coherent structures in stratocumulus-topped boundary layer |
EGU2016-3295 | Posters | CL5.10 Generalized Convective Quasi-Equilibrium Closure |
EGU2016-6804 | Posters | CL5.10 A prototype for the life cycle of a population of cold pools |
EGU2016-9140 | Posters | CL5.10 Quasi-Stationary Shear-parallel MCS in a Near-saturated Environment |
EGU2016-8465 | Posters | CL5.10 Organization of tropical convection in low vertical wind shears: impact of boundary conditions |
EGU2016-9463 | Posters | CL5.10 Convection in Near-Global Aquaplanet CRM |
CL5.11 – Climate Services - Underpinning Science | PICO
EGU2016-9961 | PICO | CL5.11 | Media interest The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): A European Answer to Climate Change |
EGU2016-5274 | PICO | CL5.11 Competencies Framework for Climate Services. |
EGU2016-17117 | PICO | CL5.11 ECOMS-UDG. A User-friendly Data access Gateway to seasonal forecast datasets allowing R-based remote data access, visualization-validation, bias correction and downscaling |
EGU2016-15396 | PICO | CL5.11 A Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC): managing the data flood |
EGU2016-7907 | PICO | CL5.11 Enhancing the usability of seasonal to decadal (S2D) climate information – an evidence-based framework for the identification and assessment of sector-specific vulnerabilities |
EGU2016-16912 | PICO | CL5.11 Project Ukko – Design of a climate service visualisation interface for seasonal wind forecasts |
EGU2016-8108 | PICO | CL5.11 Evaluation of an early warning system for heat wave related mortality in Europe: implications for sub-seasonal-to-seasonal forecasting and climate services |
EGU2016-16563 | PICO | CL5.11 You Can't Always Get What You Want |
EGU2016-9319 | PICO | CL5.11 Seasonal Water Balance Forecasts for Drought Early Warning in Ethiopia |
EGU2016-14175 | PICO | CL5.11 Development of a wind energy climate service based on seasonal climate prediction |
EGU2016-12384 | PICO | CL5.11 FORWINE – Statistical Downscaling of Seasonal forecasts for wine |
EGU2016-9387 | PICO | CL5.11 Use of Seasonal Forecasts for Dams Management in Spain |
EGU2016-18336 | PICO | CL5.11 Measuring the benefits of climate forecasts in predicting PV power production |
EGU2016-4941 | PICO | CL5.11 Assessing the role of summer NAO for the seasonal predictability of climate impact indices in Eastern Europe |
EGU2016-18273 | PICO | CL5.11 Climate Information Systems: Science Underpinning Services |
EGU2016-12607 | PICO | CL5.11 Developing a robust methodology for assessing the value of weather/climate services |
EGU2016-7954 | PICO | CL5.11 Outstanding challenges limiting the development of climate services in Europe |
EGU2016-12116 | PICO | CL5.11 Climate Users Interface Platform: some preliminary ideas from EUPORIAS experience |
EGU2016-638 | PICO | CL5.11 Impacts of Future Climate Change on Ukraine Transportation System |
EGU2016-12382 | PICO | CL5.11 Supporting UK adaptation: building services for the next set of UK climate projections |
EGU2016-15212 | PICO | CL5.11 Using Copernicus earth observation services to monitor climate change impacts and adaptations |
EGU2016-14085 | PICO | CL5.11 The weather roulette: assessing the economic value of seasonal wind speed predictions |
EGU2016-7384 | PICO | CL5.11 Making CORDEX accessible to users : cases studies from the Middle East |
EGU2016-3913 | PICO | CL5.11 A simple next-best alternative to seasonal predictions in Europe |
EGU2016-6722 | PICO | CL5.11 Assessement of user needs for climate change scenarios in Switzerland |
EGU2016-1634 | PICO | CL5.11 Integrated web system of geospatial data services for climate research |
EGU2016-3005 | PICO | CL5.11 A climatological network for regional climate monitoring in Sardinia. |
EGU2016-5075 | PICO | CL5.11 Is “the perfect model” really needed? - Analysis of the quality level of climate information necessary for supporting adaptation in agriculture and forestry |
EGU2016-7554 | PICO | CL5.11 Application of geographic information systems in the field of strategic planning in climate politics via the example of drinking water service |
CL5.12 – Downscaling: methods and applications (co-organized)
EGU2016-12161 | Posters | CL5.12 Actor groups, related needs, and challenges at the climate downscaling interface |
EGU2016-13579 | Orals | CL5.12 An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods for Europe: Overall results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross-validation experiment |
EGU2016-5999 | Orals | CL5.12 Added value of high-resolution regional climate model over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea areas |
EGU2016-14396 | Posters | CL5.12 Validation of spatial variability in downscaling results from the VALUE perfect predictor experiment |
EGU2016-6070 | Orals | CL5.12 Sensitivity to the use of 3DVAR data assimilation in the numerical downscaling of precipitation over the Iberian Peninsula using WRF and WRFDA through the period 1990-1999. |
EGU2016-7068 | Posters | CL5.12 Validation of extremes within the Perfect-Predictor Experiment of the COST Action VALUE |
EGU2016-12824 | Posters | CL5.12 Results from the VALUE perfect predictor experiment: process-based evaluation |
EGU2016-4286 | Orals | CL5.12 Extracting gridded probability density functions for precipitation intensity from point measurements |
EGU2016-4952 | Orals | CL5.12 Performance of Statistical Temporal Downscaling Techniques of Wind Speed Data Over Aegean Sea |
EGU2016-6336 | Posters | CL5.12 The role of observational reference data for climate downscaling: Insights from the VALUE COST Action |
EGU2016-4737 | Posters | CL5.12 Gridded versus point data in the context of validation results from experiments of the COST action VALUE |
EGU2016-13768 | Orals | CL5.12 Statiscal Downscaling of a surface wind field over northeastern North America: annual to centennial variability. |
EGU2016-12447 | Posters | CL5.12 Multi objective climate change impact assessment using multi downscaled climate scenarios |
EGU2016-11965 | Orals | CL5.12 Automatic and global optimization of the Analogue Method for statistical downscaling of precipitation - Which parameters can be determined by Genetic Algorithms? |
EGU2016-17121 | Orals | CL5.12 Using rain-on-snow events to evaluate the quality of bias correction to represent complex inter-variable dependencies |
EGU2016-2060 | Posters | CL5.12 Sampling downscaling in summertime precipitation over Hokkaido |
EGU2016-6083 | Orals | CL5.12 Regionalisation of statistical model outputs creating gridded data sets for Germany |
EGU2016-12689 | Posters | CL5.12 Statistical Downscaling of Climate Data for the River Severn Basin: A Comparative Study |
EGU2016-3876 | Orals | CL5.12 Testing a Weather Generator for Downscaling Climate Change Projections over Switzerland |
EGU2016-14283 | Posters | CL5.12 Parametric vs. non-parametric daily weather generator: validation and comparison |
EGU2016-18263 | Orals | CL5.12 A copula-based downscaling methodology of RCM precipitation fields |
EGU2016-15007 | Posters | CL5.12 On the interest of combining an analog model to a regression model for the adaptation of the downscaling link. Application to probabilistic prediction of precipitation over France. |
EGU2016-17810 | Posters | CL5.12 The conditional resampling model STARS: weaknesses of the modeling concept and development |
EGU2016-12353 | Orals | CL5.12 Evaluating a Combined Bias Correction and Stochastic Downscaling Method |
EGU2016-163 | Posters | CL5.12 Self organizing maps in urban heat stress projections |
EGU2016-6768 | Posters | CL5.12 A review of downscaling procedures – a contribution to the research on climate change impacts at city scale |
EGU2016-18183 | Posters | CL5.12 Fundamental statistical relationships between monthly and daily meteorological variables: Temporal downscaling of weather based on a global observational dataset |
EGU2016-14427 | Posters | CL5.12 Statistical downscaling of sub-daily (6-hour) temperature in Romania, by means of artificial neural networks |
EGU2016-7007 | Posters | CL5.12 Distinction between small scale deterministic disturbance and stochastic noise within a complex quality control system |
EGU2016-395 | Posters | CL5.12 Can we map the interannual variability of the whole upper Southern Ocean with the current database of hydrographic observations? |
EGU2016-16538 | Posters | CL5.12 Islands Climatology at Local Scale. Downscaling with CIELO model |
EGU2016-11945 | Posters | CL5.12 A new generation of the regional climate model REMO: REMO non-hydrostatic |
EGU2016-16293 | Posters | CL5.12 Future Climate Change Index for Greenland Evaluated through Pattern Scaling and CMIP5 - Enhanced and Utilized Climate Information from One RCM Simulation. |
EGU2016-3358 | Posters | CL5.12 Regional projection of Temperature for the 21st Century over the Eastern India |
EGU2016-17062 | Posters | CL5.12 Statistical downscaling of CMIP5 outputs for projecting future maximum and minimum temperature over the Haihe River Bain, China |
EGU2016-12766 | Posters | CL5.12 Multi-Site and Multi-Variables Statistical Downscaling Technique in the Monsoon Dominated Region of Pakistan |
CL5.14 – Ocean waves in the Earth's climate (co-organized)
EGU2016-5677 | Posters | CL5.14 | Media interest Seasonal prediction of ocean surface waves. |
EGU2016-10725 | Orals | CL5.14 | Media interest The Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Project |
EGU2016-2310 | Posters | CL5.14 New wave systems in the “ice-free” future of the Arctic Ocean |
EGU2016-2281 | Orals | CL5.14 Effects of ocean surface gravity waves: on turbulence, climate, and frontogenesis |
EGU2016-5592 | Orals | CL5.14 Approximate Stokes Drift Profiles and their use in Ocean Modelling |
EGU2016-2006 | Posters | CL5.14 Projected changes, climate change signal, and uncertainties in the CMIP5-based projections of ocean surface wave heights |
EGU2016-4156 | Orals | CL5.14 Global trends in significant wave height and marine wind speed from the ERA-20CM |
EGU2016-2360 | Posters | CL5.14 On the assessment of re-assimilation of ASAR Wave Spectra in the ERA-Interim Reanalysis |
EGU2016-11336 | Orals | CL5.14 Climate change impacts of marine storminess along the coast of the Mediterranean sea: ensemble multi-model and multi-scenario projections |
EGU2016-5167 | Posters | CL5.14 Climatology of Global Swell-Atmosphere Interaction |
EGU2016-5172 | Posters | CL5.14 Regional Wave Climates along Eastern Boundary Currents |
EGU2016-15357 | Orals | CL5.14 Projected changes in the annual wind-wave cycle |
EGU2016-14932 | Posters | CL5.14 Coupled wave-atmosphere-ocean modeling under RCP8.5 emissions during the 21st century |
EGU2016-5028 | Posters | CL5.14 The effects of wave climate change and variability on the loads on the Dutch water defences |
EGU2016-2459 | Posters | CL5.14 Estimation of the Wavewatch III Model Performance for Pacific Ocean Wave: In the Perspective of Partitioned Wave Components and Wave-induced Transport |
EGU2016-7233 | Posters | CL5.14 New 67-year long wave hindcast for the North Sea |
EGU2016-5182 | Posters | CL5.14 Changes in the Global Wave Climate from Single-Model Projections |
EGU2016-17029 | Posters | CL5.14 Changes in Wave Climate from a Multi-model Global Statistical projection approach. |
EGU2016-3262 | Posters | CL5.14 Projected Changes on the Global Surface Wave Drift Climate towards the END of the Twenty-First Century |
EGU2016-16857 | Posters | CL5.14 GOW2.0: A global wave hindcast of high resolution |