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Presentation type:

ESSI – Earth & Space Science Informatics

ESSI1.1 – Informatics in Oceanography and Ocean Science (including Ian McHarg Medal Lecture)

EGU2016-6262 | Posters | ESSI1.1

Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) software : recent development and application
Sylvain Watelet, Jean-Marie Beckers, Alexander Barth, and Örjan Back

EGU2016-14690 | Orals | ESSI1.1

Marine Profiles for OGC Sensor Web Enablement Standards
Simon Jirka and the Marine Profiles for OGC Sensor Web Enablement Standards

EGU2016-12970 | Orals | ESSI1.1

A semantically rich and standardised approach enhancing discovery of sensor data and metadata
Alexandra Kokkinaki, Justin Buck, and Louise Darroch

EGU2016-8066 | Posters | ESSI1.1

Oceanography Information System of Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO)
Olvido Tello, María Gómez, and Sonsoles González

EGU2016-15035 | Posters | ESSI1.1

Medclic: the Mediterranean in one click
Charles Troupin, Biel Frontera, Kristian Sebastián, Joan Pau Beltran, Andreas Krietemeyer, Sonia Gómara, Mikel Gomila, Romain Escudier, Mélanie Juza, Baptiste Mourre, Angels Garau, Tomeu Cañellas, and Joaquín Tintoré

EGU2016-18546 | Orals | ESSI1.1

Marine data management: from early explorers to e-infrastructures (Ian McHarg Medal Lecture)
Helen Glaves

EGU2016-9103 | Orals | ESSI1.1

EMODnet MedSea Checkpoint for sustainable Blue Growth
Eric Moussat, Nadia Pinardi, Giuseppe Manzella, and Frederique Blanc and the Medsea

EGU2016-16803 | Posters | ESSI1.1

Using a linked data approach to aid development of a metadata portal to support Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation
Chris Wood

EGU2016-12804 | Orals | ESSI1.1

CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre: A service for operational Oceanography
Fernando Manzano Muñoz, Sylvie Pouliquen, Loic Petit de la Villeon, Thierry Carval, Thomas Loubrieu, Henning Wedhe, Lid Sjur Ringheim, Thomas Hammarklint, Susanne Tamm, Marta De Alfonso, Leonidas Perivoliotis, Antonis Chalkiopoulos, Veselka Marinova, Joaquin Tintore, and Charles Troupin

EGU2016-17697 | Posters | ESSI1.1

The SeaDataNet data products: regional temperature and salinity historical data collections
Simona Simoncelli, Christine Coatanoan, Orjan Bäck, Helge Sagen, Serge Scoy, Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, Dick Schaap, Reiner Schlitzer, Sissy Iona, and Michele Fichaut

EGU2016-6500 | Posters | ESSI1.1

SCHeMA web-based observation data information system
Antonio Novellino, Giacomo Benedetti, Paolo D'Angelo, Fabio Confalonieri, Francesco Massa, Paolo Povero, and Marie-Louise Tercier-Waeber

EGU2016-3831 | Orals | ESSI1.1

EMODnet Physics: One-stop Portal to access Multiplatform Observing Systems
Antonio Novellino, Giacomo Benedetti, Paolo D'Angelo, Patrick Gorringe, Peter Thjisse, Dick Schaap, Sylvie Pouliquen, and Giuseppe Manzella

EGU2016-1891 | Orals | ESSI1.1

EMODNet Bathymetry - building and providing a high resolution digital bathymetry for European seas
Dick M. A. Schaap

EGU2016-5985 | Orals | ESSI1.1

Eutrophication and contaminant data management for EU marine policies: the EMODnet Chemistry infrastructure.
Matteo Vinci, Marina Lipizer, and Alessandra Giorgetti

EGU2016-12332 | Orals | ESSI1.1

Sensor Nanny, data management services for marine observation operators
Thomas Loubrieu, Jérôme Détoc, Arnaud Thorel, and Hamza Azelmat

EGU2016-7118 | Orals | ESSI1.1

Analysis of ocean in situ observations and web-based visualization
Alexander Barth, Sylvain Watelet, Charles Troupin, Aida Alvera Azcarate, Giorgio Santinelli, Gerrit Hendriksen, Alessandra Giorgetti, and Jean-Marie Beckers

EGU2016-15797 | Orals | ESSI1.1

Validation of Ferrybox Observations and Comparison between Ferrybox Ferries
Seppo Kaitala, Jukka Seppälä, Petri Maunula, Kari Y. Kallio, and Jani Ruohola

ESSI1.2 – New approaches to digital environmental models

EGU2016-2826 | Posters | ESSI1.2

Point Cloud Based Change Detection – an Automated Approach for Cloud-based Services
Patrick Collins and Thomas Bahr

EGU2016-11448 | Posters | ESSI1.2

Predicting a roadkill hotspots based on spatial distribution of Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) using Maxent model in South Korea Expressway : In Case of Cheongju-Sangju Expressway
Hyomin Park and Sangdon Lee

EGU2016-13982 | Posters | ESSI1.2

Semi-automatic handling of meteorological ground measurements using WeatherProg: prospects and practical implications
Giuliano Langella, Angelo Basile, Antonello Bonfante, Roberto De Mascellis, Piero Manna, and Fabio Terribile

EGU2016-18477 | Posters | ESSI1.2

Potential solar radiation and land cover contributions to digital climate surface modeling
Pol Puig, Meritxell Batalla, Lluís Pesquer, and Miquel Ninyerola

ESSI1.3 – Earth system and space science applications on current and emerging high performance computing architectures | PICO

EGU2016-5394 | PICO | ESSI1.3

Urban earthquake simulation of Tokyo metropolis using full K computer
Kohei Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, and Muneo Hori

EGU2016-8649 | PICO | ESSI1.3

SISYPHUS: A high performance seismic inversion factory
Alexey Gokhberg, Saulė Simutė, Christian Boehm, and Andreas Fichtner

EGU2016-10304 | PICO | ESSI1.3

A proposal of monitoring and forecasting system for crustal activity in and around Japan using a large-scale high-fidelity finite element simulation codes
Takane Hori, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, and Narumi Takahashi

EGU2016-10360 | PICO | ESSI1.3

An accelerated data assimilation approach for volcanic ash forecast
Guangliang Fu, Haixiang Lin, Arnold Heemink, Arjo Segers, and Sha Lu

EGU2016-13554 | PICO | ESSI1.3

Operational numerical weather prediction on a GPU-accelerated cluster supercomputer
Xavier Lapillonne, Oliver Fuhrer, Pascal Spörri, Carlos Osuna, André Walser, Andrea Arteaga, Tobias Gysi, Stefan Rüdisühli, Katherine Osterried, and Thomas Schulthess

EGU2016-17098 | PICO | ESSI1.3

Exploiting on-node heterogeneity for in-situ analytics of climate simulations via a functional partitioning framework
Karan Sapra, Saurabh Gupta, Scott Atchley, Valentine Anantharaj, Ross Miller, and Sudharshan Vazhkudai

EGU2016-4857 | PICO | ESSI1.3

Large-scale Particle Simulations for Debris Flows using Dynamic Load Balance on a GPU-rich Supercomputer
Satori Tsuzuki and Takayuki Aoki

EGU2016-8048 | PICO | ESSI1.3

Generic algorithms for high performance scalable geocomputing
Kor de Jong, Oliver Schmitz, and Derek Karssenberg

EGU2016-13767 | PICO | ESSI1.3

Efficient stencil assembly in global geodynamic models
Simon Bauer, Marcus Mohr, Ulrich Rüde, and Markus Wittmann

EGU2016-7447 | PICO | ESSI1.3

A Parallel Vector Machine for the PM Programming Language
Tim Bellerby

EGU2016-10050 | PICO | ESSI1.3

ESMPy and OpenClimateGIS: Python Interfaces for High Performance Grid Remapping and Geospatial Dataset Manipulation
Ryan O'Kuinghttons, Benjamin Koziol, Robert Oehmke, Cecelia DeLuca, Gerhard Theurich, Peggy Li, and Joseph Jacob

EGU2016-11679 | PICO | ESSI1.3

Global land surface albedo maps from MODIS using the Google Earth Engine
Zina Mitraka, Nikolaos Benas, Noel Gorelick, and Nektarios Chrysoulakis

ESSI2.4 – International cross-project collaboration and interoperability of data management systems

EGU2016-11708 | Posters | ESSI2.4

Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives
Alessio Rovere, André Düsterhus, Anders Carlson, Natasha Barlow, Tom Bradwell, Andrea Dutton, Roland Gehrels, Fiona Hibbert, Marc Hijma, Benjamin Horton, Volker Klemann, Robert Kopp, Dorit Sivan, Lev Tarasov, and Torbjorn Törnqvist

EGU2016-12621 | Orals | ESSI2.4

An Open and Holistic Approach for Geo and Space Sciences
Bernd Ritschel, Christoph Seelus, Günther Neher, Iyemori Toshihiko, Akiyo Yatagai, Yukinobu Koyama, Yasuhiro Murayama, Todd King, Steve Hughes, Shing Fung, Ivan Galkin, Mike Hapgood, and Anna Belehaki

EGU2016-16753 | Posters | ESSI2.4

Datacubes as a Service Paradigm
Angelo Pio Rossi and Peter Baumann

EGU2016-11457 | Orals | ESSI2.4

WDS/DSA Certification – International collaboration for a trustworthy research data infrastructure
Mustapha Mokrane, Wim Hugo, and Sandy Harrison

EGU2016-8562 | Posters | ESSI2.4

EUDAT B2FIND : A Cross-Discipline Metadata Service and Discovery Portal
Heinrich Widmann and Hannes Thiemann

EGU2016-10505 | Orals | ESSI2.4

PDS4 – The New Infrastructure and Standards for Describing, Managing, Archiving and Sharing Planetary Science Data Across the International Community
Emily Law, Dan Crichton, Steve Hughes, and Sean Hardman

EGU2016-10078 | Orals | ESSI2.4

Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP): developing a common framework for marine data management on a global scale
Helen Glaves and Dick Schaap

EGU2016-6574 | Orals | ESSI2.4

Sharing environmental models: An Approach using GitHub repositories and Web Processing Services
Christoph Stasch, Daniel Nuest, and Benjamin Pross

EGU2016-2835 | Orals | ESSI2.4

River Basin Standards Interoperability Pilot
Lluís Pesquer, Joan Masó, and Christoph Stasch

ESSI2.5 – Metadata, Data Models, and Semantics

EGU2016-6413 | Orals | ESSI2.5

Marine Planning and Service Platform: specific ontology based semantic search engine serving data management and sustainable development
Giuseppe M.R. Manzella, Andrea Bartolini, Franco Bustaffa, Paolo D'Angelo, Maurizio De Mattei, Francesca Frontini, Maurizio Maltese, Daniele Medone, Monica Monachini, Antonio Novellino, and Andrea Spada

EGU2016-1415 | Posters | ESSI2.5

The ISS SOLAR payload data preservation in the frame of the PERICLES FP-7 project: metadata aspects.
Christian Muller and Praveen Pandey

EGU2016-4667 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Developing a Metadata Infrastructure to facilitate data driven science gateway and to provide Inspire/GEMINI compliance for CLIPC
Andrej Mihajlovski, Maarten Plieger, Wim Som de Cerff, and Christian Page

EGU2016-9523 | Orals | ESSI2.5

An algebra for spatio-temporal information generation
Edzer Pebesma, Simon Scheider, Benedikt Gräler, Christoph Stasch, and Matthias Hinz

EGU2016-4953 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Providing oceanographic data and information for Pacific Island communities
James Potemra, John Maurer, and Echelle Burns

EGU2016-12456 | Orals | ESSI2.5

Ontological Encoding of GeoSciML and INSPIRE geological standard vocabularies and schemas: application to geological mapping
Vincenzo Lombardo, Fabrizio Piana, Dario Mimmo, Giandomenico Fubelli, and Marco Giardino

EGU2016-16923 | Orals | ESSI2.5

Exposing Coverage Data to the Semantic Web within the MELODIES project: Challenges and Solutions
Maik Riechert, Jon Blower, and Guy Griffiths

EGU2016-6830 | Posters | ESSI2.5

EARS : Repositioning data management near data acquisition.
Jean-Marc Sinquin, Jordi Sorribas, Paolo Diviacco, Thomas Vandenberghe, Raquel Munoz, and Oscar Garcia

EGU2016-7721 | Posters | ESSI2.5

A physical data model for fields and agents
Kor de Jong, Merijn de Bakker, and Derek Karssenberg

EGU2016-1841 | Orals | ESSI2.5

Interoperable Data Sharing for Diverse Scientific Disciplines
John S. Hughes, Daniel Crichton, Santa Martinez, Emily Law, and Sean Hardman

EGU2016-15650 | Orals | ESSI2.5

Using a Simple Knowledge Organization System to facilitate Catalogue and Search for the ESA CCI Open Data Portal
Antony Wilson, Victoria Bennett, Steve Donegan, Martin Juckes, Philip Kershaw, Ruth Petrie, Ag Stephens, and Alison Waterfall

EGU2016-8485 | Posters | ESSI2.5

A conceptual data model and modelling language for fields and agents
Merijn de Bakker, Kor de Jong, Oliver Schmitz, and Derek Karssenberg

EGU2016-8839 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Linked Ocean Data 2.0
Adam Shepherd, Adam Leadbetter, Michelle Cheatham, and Rob Thomas

EGU2016-9517 | Posters | ESSI2.5

OSCAR/Surface: Metadata for the WMO Integrated Observing System WIGOS
Jörg Klausen, Timo Pröscholdt, Jürg Mannes, Lucia Cappelletti, Estelle Grüter, Bertrand Calpini, and Wenjian Zhang and the WMO ET-WDC and WMO TT-WMD

EGU2016-9613 | Posters | ESSI2.5

A new approach in cross-domain collaborative research
Paolo Diviacco, Peter Fox, and Alessandro Busato

EGU2016-10172 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Developing a common framewrok for marine data management
Helen Glaves

EGU2016-10241 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Semantic modeling of the structural and process entities during plastic deformation of crystals and rocks
Hassan Babaie and Armita Davarpanah

EGU2016-11351 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community
Ethan Davis, Charlie Zender, David Arctur, Aleksandar Jelenak, Dave Santek, Kevin O'Brien, and Mike Dixon

EGU2016-12704 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Federated provenance of oceanographic research cruises: from metadata to data
Rob Thomas, Adam Leadbetter, and Adam Shepherd

EGU2016-14975 | Posters | ESSI2.5

A Spatial Data Model Desing For The Management Of Agricultural Data (Farmer, Agricultural Land And Agricultural Production)
Talha Taşkanat and Halil İbrahim İnan

EGU2016-17716 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Enhancing Geoscience Research Discovery Through the Semantic Web
Linda R. Rowan, M. Benjamin Gross, Matthew Mayernik, Huda Khan, Frances Boler, Keith Maull, Don Stott, Steve Williams, Jon Corson-Rikert, Erica M. Johns, Michael Daniels, Dean B. Krafft, and Charles Meertens

EGU2016-18397 | Posters | ESSI2.5

Research Objects for Sharing and Exchanging Research Data and Methods in Earth Science
José Manuel Gómez Pérez and Raul Palma

ESSI2.6 – 20 years of persistent identifiers - where do we go next? (co-organized)

EGU2016-6429 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Use cases for identifiers and data citation — Separating concerns.
Peter Fox and Mark Parsons

EGU2016-10915 | Posters | ESSI2.6

20 Years of persistent identifiers – Which systems are here to stay?
Jens Klump, Robert Huber, and Kerstin Lehnert

EGU2016-14489 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Persistent Identifiers, Discoverability and Open Science (Communication)
Fiona Murphy, Kerstin Lehnert, and Brooks Hanson

EGU2016-7456 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Citing Dynamic Data - Research Data Alliance working group recommendations
Ari Asmi, Andreas Rauber, Stefan Pröll, and Dieter van Uytvanck

EGU2016-11095 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Implementing RDA Data Citation Recommendations: Case Study in South Africa
Wim Hugo

EGU2016-13253 | Posters | ESSI2.6

panMetaDocs, eSciDoc, and DOIDB – an infrastructure for the curation and publication of file-based datasets for 'GFZ Data Services'
Damian Ulbricht, Kirsten Elger, Roland Bertelmann, and Jens Klump

EGU2016-15795 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Data publication, documentation and user friendly landing pages – improving data discovery and reuse
Kirsten Elger, Damian Ulbricht, and Roland Bertelmann

EGU2016-11639 | Orals | ESSI2.6

How do you assign persistent identifiers to extracts from large, complex, dynamic data sets that underpin scholarly publications?
Lesley Wyborn, Nicholas Car, Benjamin Evans, and Jens Klump

EGU2016-11315 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Data-centric Science: New challenges for long-term archives and data publishers
Martina Stockhause and Michael Lautenschlager

EGU2016-15619 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Moving towards persistent identification in the seismological community
Javier Quinteros, Peter Evans, Angelo Strollo, Damian Ulbricht, Kirsten Elger, and Roland Bertelmann

EGU2016-13297 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Persistent identifiers for CMIP6 data in the Earth System Grid Federation
Merret Buurman, Tobias Weigel, Martin Juckes, Michael Lautenschlager, and Stephan Kindermann

EGU2016-14673 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Data DOIs – virtues and weak points from the perspective of the data journal ESSD
Hans Pfeiffenberger and David Carlson

EGU2016-8067 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Research Elements: new article types by Elsevier to facilitate reproducibility in science
Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, Kitty van Hensbergen, and Bart Wacek

EGU2016-9034 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Persistent Identifiers for Field Expeditions: A Next Step for the US Oceanographic Research Fleet
Robert Arko, Suzanne Carbotte, Cynthia Chandler, Shawn Smith, and Karen Stocks

EGU2016-1562 | Posters | ESSI2.6

The implementation of IGSN in the Australian mineral exploration context
Pavel Golodoniuc, Anusuriya Devaraju, and Jens Klump

EGU2016-15330 | Orals | ESSI2.6

THOR: Connecting People, Places, and Things
Robert Huber, Michael Diepenbroek, Josh Brown, Tom Demeranville, and Markus Stocker

EGU2016-5341 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Physical Samples and Persistent Identifiers: The Implementation of the International Geo Sample Number (IGSN) Registration Service in CSIRO, Australia
Anusuriya Devaraju, Jens Klump, Victor Tey, and Ryan Fraser

EGU2016-17804 | Orals | ESSI2.6

The Internet of Scientific Research Things
Cynthia Chandler, Adam Shepherd, Robert Arko, Adam Leadbetter, Robert Groman, Danie Kinkade, Shannon Rauch, Molly Allison, Nancy Copley, Stephen Gegg, Peter Wiebe, and David Glover

EGU2016-10798 | Orals | ESSI2.6

The IGSN Experience: Successes and Challenges of Implementing Persistent Identifiers for Samples
Kerstin Lehnert and Robert Arko

EGU2016-12405 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Utilizing the International GeoSample Number Concept during ICDP Expedition COSC
Ronald Conze, Henning Lorenz, Damian Ulbricht, Thomas Gorgas, and Kirsten Elger

EGU2016-1558 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Persistent identifiers for web service requests relying on a provenance ontology design pattern
Nicholas Car, Jingbo Wang, Lesley Wyborn, and Wei Si

EGU2016-13216 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Rock and Core Repository Coming Digital
Doris Maicher, Dirk Fleischer, and Andreas Czerniak

EGU2016-5778 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Access and preservation of digital research content: Linked open data services - A research library perspective
Angelina Kraft, Irina Sens, Peter Löwe, and Britta Dreyer

EGU2016-16688 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Application of the IGSN for improved data - sample - drill core linkage
Andree Behnken, Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams, Ursula Röhl, and Frank Krysiak

EGU2016-1506 | Orals | ESSI2.6

Trustworthy persistent identifier systems of the future
Pavel Golodoniuc, Jens Klump, and Nicholas Car

EGU2016-1757 | Posters | ESSI2.6

Persistent Identifiers for Dutch cultural heritage institutions
Marcel Ras and Gijsbert Kruithof

ESSI2.7 – The Networks of Earth Observation, its coordination and their infrastructures to enhance international geoscience information access, provision and use

EGU2016-5578 | Orals | ESSI2.7

NCI’s Transdisciplinary High Performance Scientific Data Platform
Ben Evans, Joseph Antony, Irina Bastrakova, Nicholas Car, Simon Cox, Kelsey Druken, Bradley Evans, Ryan Fraser, Alex Ip, Carina Kemp, Edward King, Stuart Minchin, Pablo Larraondo, Tim Pugh, Clare Richards, Fabiana Santana, Jon Smillie, Claire Trenham, Jingbo Wang, and Lesley Wyborn

EGU2016-3078 | Posters | ESSI2.7

AtlantOS – Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System
Anja Reitz, Martin Visbeck, and the AtlantOS consortium

EGU2016-15226 | Orals | ESSI2.7

ENVRI Cluster – a community-driven platform of European environmental research infrastructures for providing common solution for science and society
Sanna Sorvari, Werner Kutsch, Paolo Laj, Ari Asmi, and Magdalena Brus

EGU2016-9897 | Posters | ESSI2.7

CDGP, the data center for deep geothermal data from Alsace
Marc Schaming, Marc Grunberg, Markus Jahn, Jean Schmittbuhl, Nicolas Cuenot, Albert Genter, and Eléonore Dalmais

EGU2016-16692 | Orals | ESSI2.7

Current status of the Essential Variables as an instrument to assess the Earth Observation Networks in Europe
Palma Blonda, Joan Maso, Antonio Bombelli, Hans Peter Plag, Ian McCallum, Ivette Serral, and Stefano Stefano Nativi

EGU2016-10482 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Challenges and Research of Data Intensive Infrastructures That Enhance Geoscience Knowledge
Emily Law, Dan Crichton, and Thomas Huang

EGU2016-12647 | Orals | ESSI2.7

Sensor Web Standards for Interoperability between in-situ Earth Observation Networks
Matthes Rieke, Raquel Casas, Oscar Garcia, Simon Jirka, Lionel Menard, Thierry Ranchin, Christoph Stasch, and Lucien Wald

EGU2016-10959 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Data System for Structural Geology and Tectonics
Julie Newman, J. Douglas Walker, Basil Tikoff, Jessica Good, Zachary Michels, Jason Ash, Joseph Andrew, and Randolph Williams

EGU2016-16156 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Towards a cross-border hydrogeological model: harmonized data integration within the H3O-projects
Vanessa M.A. Heyvaert, Ronald W. Vernes, Jef Deckers, Frieda Bogemans, Marleen Deceukelaire, Maryke Den Dulk, Hans C. Doornenbal, Michiel Dusar, Jan Hummelman, Patrick Kiden, Timothy Lanckacker, Armin Menkovic, Bruno Meyvis, Dirk K. Munsterman, Reinder N. Reindersma, Johan H. ten Veen, Tamara J.M. van de Ven, Jan Walstra, Wim E. Westerhoff, and Nora Witmans

EGU2016-13610 | Orals | ESSI2.7

The European Marine Observing Network and the development of an Integrated European Ocean Observing System. An EuroGOOS perspective
Vicente Fernandez, Patrick Gorringe, and Glenn Nolan

EGU2016-2503 | Posters | ESSI2.7

A Review of Attitudes towards Sharing Geotechnical Data and the use of Geospatial Data Portals in Hong Kong and the U.K.: Lessons for Europe.
Ashley M. Patton

EGU2016-17298 | Orals | ESSI2.7

The EarthServer Federation: State, Role, and Contribution to GEOSS
Vlad Merticariu and Peter Baumann

EGU2016-8294 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Topology of the European Network of Earth Observation Networks and the need for an European Network of Networks
Joan Masó, Ivette Serral, Ian McCallum, Palma Blonda, and Hans-Peter Plag

EGU2016-9348 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Operating a National Data repository while building a new one
Stephan Gruijters and Rob van der Krogt

EGU2016-10256 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Development and Implementation of Collaborative e-Infrastructures and Data Management for Global Change Research
M Lee Allison and Rowena Davis

EGU2016-12074 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Semantics-informed cartography: the case of Piemonte Geological Map
Fabrizio Piana, Vincenzo Lombardo, Dario Mimmo, Marco Giardino, and Giandomenico Fubelli

EGU2016-16925 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Gap analysis of the European Earth Observation Networks
Guillem Closa, Ivette Serral, and Joan Maso

EGU2016-17579 | Posters | ESSI2.7

Unidata: A cyberinfrastrucuture for the geosciences
Mohan Ramamurthy

ESSI3.1 – Innovative Evaluation and Prediction for Large Earth Science Datasets | PICO

EGU2016-10329 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Climate Change Information Dashboards for Water Resource Managers
Lawrence Buja

EGU2016-13060 | PICO | ESSI3.1 | Media interest

Freva - Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework for Scientific Infrastructures in Earth System Modeling
Christopher Kadow, Sebastian Illing, Oliver Kunst, Thomas Schartner, Ingo Kirchner, Henning W. Rust, Ulrich Cubasch, and Uwe Ulbrich

EGU2016-14982 | PICO | ESSI3.1

In-database processing of a large collection of remote sensing data: applications and implementation
Vladimir Kikhtenko, Elena Mamash, Dmitri Chubarov, and Polina Voronina

EGU2016-11780 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Scalable Earth-observation Analytics for Geoscientists: Spacetime Extensions to the Array Database SciDB
Marius Appel, Florian Lahn, Edzer Pebesma, Wouter Buytaert, and Simon Moulds

EGU2016-14536 | PICO | ESSI3.1

National Verification System of National Meteorological Center , China
Jinyan Zhang, Qing Wei, and Dan Qi

EGU2016-3663 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Status and Preliminary Evaluation for Chinese Re-Analysis Datasets
zhao bin, shi chunxiang, zhao tianbao, si dong, and liu jingwei

EGU2016-14013 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Evaluation and Verification of Decadal Predictions using the MiKlip Central Evaluation System – a Case Study using the MiKlip Prototype Model Data
Sebastian Illing, Mareike Schuster, Christopher Kadow, Igor Kröner, Andy Richling, Jens Grieger, Tim Kruschke, Benjamin Lang, Robert Redl, Thomas Schartner, and Ulrich Cubasch

EGU2016-11163 | PICO | ESSI3.1

An Object-based Approach to the Verification of Precipitation Field
Jingjing Li

EGU2016-7279 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Open science: Investigating precipitation cycles in dynamically downscaled data using openly available radar data and open source software
Scott Collis, Jonathan helmus, Rao Kotamarthi, Jiali Wang, Yan Feng, and Virendra Ghate

EGU2016-9707 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Spatial Characteristics of Multi-year Droughts and Pluvials over Southwestern U.S. using MODE
Abayomi Abatan, Caspar Ammann, Barbara Brown, Lawrence Buja, Gutowski William, and Laurna Kaatz

EGU2016-10079 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Multiscale Hydrologic Evaluation of Radar Rainfall for Flow Simulations
Felipe Quintero, Witold Krajewski, Bong-Chul Seo, and Ricardo Mantilla

EGU2016-12483 | PICO | ESSI3.1

Towards a new tool of wind speed and wind direction verification
Manfred Dorninger

ESSI3.3 – Earth science on Cloud, HPC and Grid

EGU2016-5362 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Unleashing Geophysics Data with Modern Formats and Services
Alex Ip, Ross C. Brodie, Kelsey Druken, Irina Bastrakova, Ben Evans, Carina Kemp, Murray Richardson, Claire Trenham, Jingbo Wang, and Lesley Wyborn

EGU2016-546 | Posters | ESSI3.3

Cloud computing geospatial application for water resources based on free and open source software and open standards – a prototype
Blagoj Delipetrev

EGU2016-18542 | Posters | ESSI3.3

A High Performance Computing approach to model multiple Rayleigh scattering in the Earth atmosphere
Ghislain Franssens, Emmanuel Dekemper, Nina Mateshivili, filip Vanhellemont, didier fussen, and didier pieroux

EGU2016-16733 | Orals | ESSI3.3

EGI-EUDAT integration activity - Pair data and high-throughput computing resources together
Diego Scardaci, Matthew Viljoen, Dejan Vitlacil, Giuseppe Fiameni, Yin Chen, Gergely sipos, and Tiziana Ferrari

EGU2016-16610 | Orals | ESSI3.3

INDIGO: Building a DataCloud Framework to support Open Science
Yin Chen, Jesus Marco de Lucas, Fenando Aguilar, Sandro Fiore, Massimiliano Rossi, and Tiziana Ferrari and the INDIGO Collabration

EGU2016-8390 | Posters | ESSI3.3 | Media interest

A web-based platform for simulating seismic wave propagation in 3D shallow Earth models with DEM surface topography
Cong Luo and Wolfgang Friederich

EGU2016-17019 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Evaluation of Cloud, Grid and HPC resources for big volume and variety of RCM simulations
Carlos Blanco, Antonio S. Cofino, Valvanuz Fernández, and Jesús Fernández

EGU2016-17382 | Posters | ESSI3.3

Challenges and opportunities of cloud computing for atmospheric sciences
Diego A. Pérez Montes, Juan A. Añel, Tomás F. Pena, and David C. H. Wallom

EGU2016-17051 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Towards Supporting Climate Scientists and Impact Assessment Analysts with the Big Data Europe Platform
Iraklis Klampanos, Diamando Vlachogiannis, Spyros Andronopoulos, Antonio Cofiño, Angelos Charalambidis, Rob Lokers, Stasinos Konstantopoulos, and Vangelis Karkaletsis

EGU2016-17434 | Posters | ESSI3.3

The SmartGeo Portal: A retrospective
Zeno Heilmann, Guido Satta, and Ernesto Bonomi

EGU2016-18205 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Implementation of Web Processing Services (WPS) over IPSL Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) node
Nikolay Kadygrov, Sebastien Denvil, Nicolas Carenton, Guillaume Levavasseur, Nils Hempelmann, and Carsten Ehbrecht

EGU2016-2863 | Posters | ESSI3.3

Operational Monitoring of Data Production at KNMI
John van de Vegte, Anecita Kwidama, Wim van Moosel, Rijk Oosterhof, Ronny de Wit de Wit, Henk Jan Klein Ikkink, Wim Som de Cerff, Hans Verhoef, Michal Koutek, Frank Duin, Ian van der Neut, Robert verhagen, and Rene Wollerich

EGU2016-9318 | Posters | ESSI3.3

Delivering Unidata Technology via the Cloud
Ward Fisher and Jennifer Oxelson Ganter

EGU2016-18486 | Orals | ESSI3.3 | Media interest

Challenges in building high performance geoscientific spatial data infrastructures
Fabrice Dubros, Agnes Tellez-Arenas, Faiza Boulahya, Robin Quique, Goneri Le Cozanne, and Hideo Aochi

EGU2016-17886 | Posters | ESSI3.3

Flexible Description and Adaptive Processing of Earth Observation Data through the BigEarth Platform
Dorian Gorgan, Victor Bacu, Teodor Stefanut, Cosmin Nandra, and Danut Mihon

EGU2016-17632 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Unidata cyberinfrastructure in the cloud: A progress report
Mohan Ramamurthy

EGU2016-8689 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Data near processing support for climate data analysis
Stephan Kindermann, Carsten Ehbrecht, and Nils Hempelmann

EGU2016-10658 | Orals | ESSI3.3

SciSpark: Highly Interactive and Scalable Model Evaluation and Climate Metrics
Brian Wilson, Chris Mattmann, Rahul Palamuttam, Kim Whitehall, Renato Marroquin Mogrovejo, Maziyar Boustani, and Rishi Verma

EGU2016-12279 | Orals | ESSI3.3

The Pilot Project 'Optical Image Correlation' of the ESA Geohazards Thematic Exploitation Platform (GTEP)
André Stumpf and Jean-Philippe Malet

EGU2016-18116 | Orals | ESSI3.3

Flexible Description Language for HPC based Processing of Remote Sense Data
Constantin Nandra, Dorian Gorgan, and Victor Bacu

ESSI3.4 – Open Access to Research Data and Public Sector Information towards Open Science

EGU2016-17799 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Mobilising Data in a Knowledge Society
Bridgette Wessels, Rachel Finn, Kush Wadhwa, Lorenzo Bigagli, Stefano Nativi, and Merel Noorman

EGU2016-9826 | Orals | ESSI3.4

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): Open Access to a Climate Data Store
Jean-Noel Thepaut and Dick Dee

EGU2016-12522 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Open hydrological data at hypeweb.smhi.se
Berit Arheimer, Lena Strömbäck, Jafet Andersson, Chantal Donnelly, David Gustafsson, Ilias Pechlivianidis, and Johan Strömqvist

EGU2016-17783 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Open data used in water sciences - Review of access, licenses and understandability
Esa Falkenroth, Emma Lagerbäck Adolphi, and Berit Arheimer

EGU2016-3211 | Orals | ESSI3.4

Open access and preservation of data on the coupled geosphere-biosphere system: the case of the H2020 Project ECOPOTENTIAL
Antonello Provenzale and Stefano Nativi

EGU2016-3048 | Orals | ESSI3.4

Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP): developing a common framework for marine data management on a global scale
Dick M. A. Schaap and Helen Glaves

EGU2016-13376 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Software Writing Skills for Your Research – Lessons Learned from Workshops in the Geosciences
Martin Hammitzsch

EGU2016-15415 | Posters | ESSI3.4

The implementation of the Open Access paradigm to the EC-FP7 MED-SUV (Mediterranean Supersite Volcanoes) project
Giuseppe Puglisi, Fabrice Brito, Hervé Caumont, Luca D'Auria, José Fernandez, Paolo Mazzetti, Pierre Philippe Mathieu, Stefano Nativi, Fabrizio Papeschi, Antonio Pepe, Danilo Reitano, Agata Sangianantoni, Giovanni Scarpato, and Letizia Spampinato

EGU2016-16841 | Orals | ESSI3.4

SIMOcean: Maritime Open Data and Services Platform for Portuguese Institutions
Nuno Almeida, Nuno Grosso, Nuno Catarino, Antonio Gutierrez, Luísa Lamas, Margarida Alves, Sara Almeida, Ricardo Deus, and Paulo Oliveira

EGU2016-10029 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Data Policy Construction Set - Building Blocks from Childhood Constructions
Dirk Fleischer, Thilo Paul-Stueve, Alexandra Jobmann, and Stefan Farrenkopf

EGU2016-17527 | Orals | ESSI3.4

VESPA: developing the planetary science Virtual Observatory in H2020
Stéphane Erard, Baptiste Cecconi, Pierre Le Sidaner, Teresa Capria, and Angelo Pio Rossi

EGU2016-12489 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Providing Open Access to Weather, Climate and Seismological data
Jonas Matser, Wim Som de Cerff, Hans Verhoef, Robert van Versendaal, Maarten Plieger, Mieke Reijmerink, Henk Klein baltink, Ger Inberg, Jeroen Bos, Maarten Brouwers, Andrea Ooms, Rob Tjalma, and Henk-Jan Klein Ikkink

EGU2016-15610 | Orals | ESSI3.4

An Open Data Platform in the framework of the EGI-LifeWatch Competence Center
Fernando Aguilar Gómez, Jesús Marco de Lucas, and Ana Yaiza Rodríguez Marrero

EGU2016-16765 | Posters | ESSI3.4

re3data.org - a global registry of research data repositories
Heinz Pampel, Paul Vierkant, Kirsten Elger, Roland Bertelmann, Michael Witt, Peter Schirmbacher, Jessika Rücknagel, Maxi Kindling, Frank Scholze, and Robert Ulrich

EGU2016-10920 | Posters | ESSI3.4

EarthCube – A Community-led, Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure
Cindy Dick and Lee Allison

EGU2016-5728 | Orals | ESSI3.4

Brokered virtual hubs for facilitating access and use of geospatial Open Data
Paolo Mazzetti, Miguel Latre, Nargess Kamali, Raffaella Brumana, Stefan Braumann, and Stefano Nativi

EGU2016-10882 | Orals | ESSI3.4

Evaluating Sustainability Models for Interoperability through Brokering Software
Jay Pearlman, Karl Benedict, Mairi Best, Sue Fyfe, Cliff Jacobs, William Michener, Stefano Nativi, Lindsay Powers, and Andrew Turner

EGU2016-16406 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Demonstration of FOODIE spcification on Czech pilot implementation
Karel Charvat, Tomas Reznik, Vojtěch Lukas, Karel Charvat Jr, Sarka Horakova, and Jarmila Mekotova

EGU2016-9577 | Orals | ESSI3.4

Why should we publish Linked Data?
Jon Blower, Maik Riechert, Manolis Koubarakis, and Nino Pace

EGU2016-17975 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Arnold Sterenharz, Boris Sokolov, Vyacheslav Zelentsov, and Elena Eyngorn

EGU2016-12272 | Orals | ESSI3.4

Smart POI: Open and linked spatial data
Otakar Cerba, Raitis Berzins, Karel Charvat, and Tomas Mildorf

EGU2016-13265 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Experiencing WPS services in several application domains: opportunities and challenges
francesco paolo lovergine, cristina tarantino, annarita d'addabbo, patrizia adamo, satalino giuseppe, alberto refice, palma blonda, and saverio vicario

EGU2016-17297 | Posters | ESSI3.4

How FOSTER supports training Open Science in the GeoSciences
Astrid Orth

EGU2016-16120 | Orals | ESSI3.4

COPDESS (Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth & Space Sciences): An Update on Progress and Next Steps
Kerstin Lehnert, Brooks Hanson, Andrew Sallans, and Kirsten Elger

EGU2016-7808 | Orals | ESSI3.4

User Driven Development of Software Tools for Open Data Discovery and Exploration
Sascha Schlobinski, Frank Keppel, Pascal Dihe, Gerben Boot, and Esa Falkenroth

EGU2016-3341 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Research Reproducibility in Geosciences: Current Landscape, Practices and Perspectives
An Yan

EGU2016-16394 | Orals | ESSI3.4

DMPwerkzeug - A tool to support the planning, implementation, and organization of research data management.
Jochen Klar, Claudia Engelhardt, Heike Neuroth, and Harry Enke

EGU2016-7396 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Opening Reproducible Research
Daniel Nüst, Markus Konkol, Edzer Pebesma, Christian Kray, Stephanie Klötgen, Marc Schutzeichel, Jörg Lorenz, Holger Przibytzin, and Dirk Kussmann

EGU2016-13938 | Posters | ESSI3.4

Investigation and Evaluation of the open source ETL tools GeoKettle and Talend Open Studio in terms of their ability to process spatial data
Kristin Kuhnert and Jörn Quedenau

ESSI3.5 – Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Geoinformatics and Geosciences (co-organized) | PICO

EGU2016-9005 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Using Jupyter Notebooks for Interactive Space Science Simulations
Albrecht Schmidt

EGU2016-1187 | PICO | ESSI3.5

MELODIST – An open-source MEteoroLOgical observation time series DISaggregation Tool
Kristian Förster, Florian Hanzer, Benjamin Winter, Thomas Marke, and Ulrich Strasser

EGU2016-9906 | PICO | ESSI3.5

FLUXPART: An FOSS Solution for Eddy Covariance Flux Partitioning
Todd Skaggs and Ray Anderson

EGU2016-14947 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Processable Data Making in the Remote Server Sent by Android Phone as a GIS Data Collecting Tool
Abdullah Karaagac and Bulent Bostancı

EGU2016-1832 | PICO | ESSI3.5

mapview - Interactive viewing of spatial data in R
Tim Appelhans, Florian Detsch, Cristoph Reudenbach, and Stefan Woellauer

EGU2016-5639 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Geonucleus, the freeware application for managing geological mapping data in GIS
Gáspár Albert

EGU2016-15961 | PICO | ESSI3.5

The Open Source Snowpack modelling ecosystem
Mathias Bavay, Charles Fierz, Thomas Egger, and Michael Lehning

EGU2016-13099 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Application of Compressed sensing for inversion of Electrical Resistivity Tomography
Srinivasa Rao Peddinti, Shashi Ranjan, and Phanindra Kbvn

EGU2016-6532 | PICO | ESSI3.5

A multi-directional and multi-scale roughness filter to detect lineament segments on digital elevation models – analyzing spatial objects in R
Sebastian Baumann, Jörg Robl, Lorenz Wendt, Ernst Willingshofer, and Sylke Hilberg

EGU2016-7345 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Implementationof a modular software system for multiphysical processes in porous media
Dmitri Naumov, Norihiro Watanabe, Lars Bilke, Thomas Fischer, Christoph Lehmann, Karsten Rink, Marc Walther, Wenqing Wang, and Olaf Kolditz

EGU2016-1312 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Developing Fortran Code for Kriging on the Stampede Supercomputer
Erin Hodgess

EGU2016-7900 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Open source large-scale high-resolution environmental modelling with GEMS
Rein Baarsma, Koko Alberti, Wouter Marra, and Derek Karssenberg

EGU2016-16953 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Massive parallel processing of geospatial data with Python and R on the Intel Xeon Phi platform – Two case studies using Free and Open Source Software
Witold Arndt, Tillmann K. Buttschardt, and André Große-Stoltenberg

EGU2016-9540 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Capitalizing on global demands for open data access and interoperability – the USGIN story
Stephen Richard and Lee Allison

EGU2016-9058 | PICO | ESSI3.5

An integrated development workflow for community-driven FOSS-projects using continuous integration tools
Lars Bilke, Norihiro Watanabe, Dmitri Naumov, and Olaf Kolditz

EGU2016-11164 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Virtual Labs (Science Gateways) as platforms for Free and Open Source Science
David Lescinsky, Nicholas Car, Ryan Fraser, Carsten Friedrich, Carina Kemp, and Geoffrey Squire

EGU2016-5827 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Audiovisual heritage preservation in Earth and Space Science Informatics: Videos from Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conferences in the TIB|AV-Portal.
Peter Löwe, Paloma Marín Arraiza, and Margret Plank

EGU2016-7852 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Geo Issue Tracking System
Mohammad Khakpour, Christoph Paulik, and Sebastian Hahn

EGU2016-1566 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Mobile field data acquisition in geosciences
Pavel Golodoniuc, Jens Klump, Nathan Reid, and David Gray

EGU2016-13182 | PICO | ESSI3.5

Using the FAIMS Mobile App for field data recording
Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Jens Klump, and Shawn Ross

EGU2016-4379 | PICO | ESSI3.5

An Offline-Online Android Application for Hazard Event Mapping Using WebGIS Open Source Technologies
Roya Olyazadeh, Michel Jaboyedoff, Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Marc-Henri Derron, and Sanjaya Devkota

ESSI3.8 – Citizen-empowered science and crowdsourcing in the geosciences. Uncertainty and user perception. (co-organized)

EGU2016-17795 | Posters | ESSI3.8

New technologies to improve the monitoring of tephra fallouts from Etna: the collaborative system Tefranet
Daniele Andronico, Ferruccio Ferrari, Riccardo Merenda, Danilo Reitano, Simona Scollo, Antonio Cristaldi, Luigi Lodato, and Salvatore Mangiagli

EGU2016-2878 | Orals | ESSI3.8 | Media interest

Exploiting crowdsourced observations: High-resolution mapping of real-time urban air quality throughout Europe
Philipp Schneider, Nuria Castell, Islen Vallejo, Joris van den Bossche, William Lahoz, and Alena Bartonova and the CITI-SENSE Consortium

EGU2016-15960 | Posters | ESSI3.8

Crowdsourcing as citizen-empowered tool for natural hazards. The MAppERS project.
Giulia Bossi, Matteo Mantovani, Simone Frigerio, Amalie Møller Janniche, Chiara Bianchizza, and Daniele Del Bianco

EGU2016-13385 | Orals | ESSI3.8

Towards real-time assimilation of crowdsourced observations in hydrological modeling
Maurizio Mazzoleni, Martin Verlaan, Leonardo Alfonso, Daniele Norbiato, Martina Monego, Michele Ferri, and Dimitri Solomatine

EGU2016-9986 | Posters | ESSI3.8

Demonstrating the viability and value of community-based monitoring schemes in catchment science
Eleanor Starkey, Geoff Parkin, Paul Quinn, and Andy Large

EGU2016-3959 | Orals | ESSI3.8 | Media interest

Evaluating the quality and usability of crowdsourced weather data
Martijn Koole and Peter Siegmund

EGU2016-2509 | Orals | ESSI3.8

Dimensions and dynamics of citizen observatories: The case of online amateur weather networks
Mohammad Gharesifard, Uta Wehn, and Pieter van der Zaag

EGU2016-11534 | Posters | ESSI3.8

TransWatL – Crowdsourced water level transmission via short message service within the Sondu River Catchment, Kenya
Björn Weeser, Suzanne Jacobs, Lutz Breuer, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, and Mariana Rufino

EGU2016-5822 | Posters | ESSI3.8 | Media interest

Hailstorms over Switzerland: Verification of Crowd-sourced Data
Pascal-Andreas Noti, Andrey Martynov, Alessandro Hering, and Olivia Martius

EGU2016-17311 | Orals | ESSI3.8

DisasterHub: A mobile application for enabling crowd generated data fusion in Earth Observation disaster management services
Vassilis Tsironis, Themistocles Herekakis, Alexia Tsouni, and Charalampos (Haris) Kontoes

EGU2016-13007 | Posters | ESSI3.8

ECOLES: a Citizen Observers network engaging communities to map climate change at the local level
Peter Thejll, Nicholas Walker, Inge Sandholt, Ian Brown, Rune Solberg, Jason Suwala, Richard Kelly, Helge Tangen, Robin Berglund, Andy Dean, Rune Engset, and Bjarne Siewertsen

EGU2016-10724 | Orals | ESSI3.8

Safecast: How disaster led to empowerment of crowdsourced citizen science for radiation measurement and communication after Fukushima
Azby Brown, Peter Franken, Sean Bonner, Joe Moross, and Nick Dolezal

EGU2016-5649 | Orals | ESSI3.8 | Media interest

CityAir app: Mapping air-quality perception using people as sensors
Nuria Castell, Mirjam Fredriksen, Thomas Cole-Hunter, Johanna Robinson, Hans Keune, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, and Alena Bartonova

EGU2016-5692 | Posters | ESSI3.8

Uncertainty in air quality observations using low-cost sensors
Nuria Castell, Franck R. Dauge, Rozina Dongol, Matthias Vogt, and Philipp Schneider

EGU2016-2907 | Posters | ESSI3.8

Uncertainty in mapping urban air quality using crowdsourcing techniques
Philipp Schneider, Nuria Castell, William Lahoz, and Alena Bartonova and the CITI-SENSE Consortium

EGU2016-16569 | Orals | ESSI3.8 | Media interest

A new android smartphone app for geospatial mapping from drones and kites
Karen Anderson, Dave Griffiths, Leon Debell, Hancock Steve, Duffy James, Shutler Jamie, Reinhardt Liam, Amber Griffiths, and Katie Threadgill

EGU2016-3378 | Orals | ESSI3.8

Use of volunteers’ information to support proactive inspection of hydraulic structures
Juliette Cortes Arevalo, Simone Sterlacchini, Thom Bogaard, Simone Frigerio, Sandra Junier, Luca Schenato, and Nick van den Giesen

EGU2016-15163 | Posters | ESSI3.8

Application of crowd-sourced data to multi-scale evolutionary exposure and vulnerability models
Massimiliano Pittore

EGU2016-16951 | Posters | ESSI3.8

Experiences of citizen-based reporting of rainfall events using lab-generated videos
Leonardo Alfonso and Juan Chacon

EGU2016-8054 | Orals | ESSI3.8

Soil management effects on infiltration and runoff at field scale in a hillslope vineyard
Marcella Biddoccu, Stefano Ferraris, Andrea Pitacco, and Eugenio Cavallo

EGU2016-12796 | Posters | ESSI3.8

Using kittens to unlock photo-sharing website datasets for environmental applications
Simon Gascoin

EGU2016-7868 | Orals | ESSI3.8 | Media interest

Assessing the quality of crowdsourced in-situ land-use and land cover data from the FotoQuest Austria application
Juan Carlos Laso Bayas, Linda See, Steffen Fritz, Tobias Sturn, Mathias Karner, Christoph Perger, Martina Duerauer, Thomas Mondel, Dahlia Domian, Inian Moorthy, Ian McCallum, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Florian Kraxner, and Michael Obersteiner

EGU2016-16640 | Posters | ESSI3.8

HydroCrowd: Citizen-empowered snapshot sampling to assess the spatial distribution of stream
Philipp Kraft, Lutz Breuer, Martin Bach, Alice H. Aubert, and Hans-Georg Frede

EGU2016-2923 | Orals | ESSI3.8

Uncertainty in Citizen Science observations: from measurement to user perception
William Lahoz, Philipp Schneider, and Nuria Castell

EGU2016-1892 | Posters | ESSI3.8 | Media interest

Improved Vote Aggregation Techniques for the Geo-Wiki Cropland Capture Crowdsourcing Game
Artem Baklanov, Steffen Fritz, Michael Khachay, Oleg Nurmukhametov, Carl Salk, Linda See, and Dmitry Shchepashchenko

ESSI4.3 – 3D Point Clouds in Geosciences: Capturing, Analysis and Visualization (co-organized)

EGU2016-10036 | Posters | ESSI4.3

Comparative analysis of different measurement techniques for characterizing soil surface roughness in agricultural soils
Alex Martinez-Agirre, Jesús Álvarez-Mozos, José Manuel Valle, Álvaro Rodríguez, and Rafael Giménez

EGU2016-15378 | Orals | ESSI4.3

Comparison of high resolution terrestrial laser scanning and terrestrial photogrammetry for modeling applications
Samed Özdemir and Temel Bayrak

EGU2016-11904 | Orals | ESSI4.3

Attribute-based point cloud visualization in support of 3-D classification
András Zlinszky, Johannes Otepka, and Adam Kania

EGU2016-3829 | Posters | ESSI4.3

Abu Dhabi Basemap Update Using the LiDAR Mobile Mapping Technology
Omar Alshaiba, M. Amparo Núñez-Andrés, and Nieves Lantada

EGU2016-8467 | Orals | ESSI4.3

Application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging Technique to Improve Automated Edge Detection in a Fossilized Oyster Reef
Ana Djuricic, Eetu Puttonen, Mathias Harzhauser, Peter Dorninger, Balázs Székely, Oleg Mandic, Clemens Nothegger, Gábor Molnár, and Norbert Pfeifer

EGU2016-17061 | Posters | ESSI4.3

Comparison of 3D point clouds produced by LIDAR and UAV photoscan in the Rochefort cave (Belgium)
Arnaud Watlet, Antoine Triantafyllou, Olivier Kaufmann, and Stéphane Le Mouelic

EGU2016-10227 | Posters | ESSI4.3

An interactive mapping tool for visualizing lacunarity of laser scanned point clouds
Adam Kania and Balázs Székely

EGU2016-13536 | Orals | ESSI4.3

Extracting cross sections and water levels of minor streams and ditches from LiDAR point data
Jennifer Roelens, Stefaan Dondeyne, Jozef Deckers, Jos Van Orshoven, and Jan Diels

EGU2016-10237 | Posters | ESSI4.3

Automated identification and geometrical features extraction of individual trees from Mobile Laser Scanning data in Budapest
Zsófia Koma, Balázs Székely, Zoltán Folly-Ritvay, Ferenc Skobrák, Kristina Koenig, and Bernhard Höfle

EGU2016-7036 | Orals | ESSI4.3

Multi-temporal UAV-borne LiDAR point clouds for vegetation analysis – a case study
Gottfried Mandlburger, Martin Wieser, Markus Hollaus, Martin Pfennigbauer, and Ursula Riegl

EGU2016-10323 | Orals | ESSI4.3

Investigating the limitations of tree species classification using the Combined Cluster and Discriminant Analysis method for low density ALS data from a dense forest region in Aggtelek (Hungary)
Zsófia Koma, Márton Deák, József Kovács, Balázs Székely, Kristóf Kelemen, and Tibor Standovár

EGU2016-12091 | Posters | ESSI4.3

A low-cost approach for the documentation and monitoring of an archaeological excavation site
Dirk Hoffmeister, Joel Orrin, and Jürgen Richter

EGU2016-11295 | Posters | ESSI4.3

4D Near Real-Time Environmental Monitoring Using Highly Temporal LiDAR
Bernhard Höfle, Ekrem Canli, Evelyn Schmitz, Sophie Crommelinck, Dirk Hoffmeister, and Thomas Glade

EGU2016-13050 | Orals | ESSI4.3

Terrestrial laser scanning point clouds time series for the monitoring of slope movements: displacement measurement using image correlation and 3D feature tracking
Pierrick Bornemann, Malet Jean-Philippe, Stumpf André, Puissant Anne, and Travelletti Julien

EGU2016-5780 | Posters | ESSI4.3

A 3D clustering approach for point clouds to detect and quantify changes at a rock glacier front
Natan Micheletti, Marj Tonini, and Stuart N. Lane

EGU2016-15593 | Posters | ESSI4.3

Remote sensing techniques applied to seismic vulnerability assessment
Jose Juan Arranz, Yolanda Torres, Azade Hahgi, and Jorge Gaspar-Escribano
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