GD – Geodynamics
GD1.1 – Open session in Geodynamics (posters only) (co-organized)
EGU2016-78 | Posters | GD1.1 Growth of lithospheric-scale fault system in NE Tibet: numerical modeling constrained by high-resolution seismic reflection data |
EGU2016-1018 | Posters | GD1.1 Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves and Standard Penetration Test for Sub-Soil Characterization: A Comparison Study. |
EGU2016-1548 | Posters | GD1.1 Coupling of the Matched Gravity and Electromagnetic Fields of the Sun with Jupiter and its Moons Together in Nearest Portion of Jupiter's Orbit to the Sun as the Main Cause of the Peak of Approximately 11 Yearly Solar Cycles and Hazards from Solar Storms |
EGU2016-4302 | Posters | GD1.1 The relationship between the age and depth of the oceanic crust in the central South China Sea |
EGU2016-11430 | Posters | GD1.1 Controls on continental strain partitioning above an oblique subduction zone, Northern Andes |
EGU2016-12551 | Posters | GD1.1 The origin of islands in the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea: joint work of internal and external geodynamic processes |
EGU2016-14860 | Posters | GD1.1 Comparison of seismotomographic and thermogravitational models with distribution of the seismotectonic deformation orientations for Kamchatka region |
GD2.2 – Geodynamics of continental crust and upper mantle, and the nature of mantle discontinuities (co-organized)
EGU2016-6437 | Posters | GD2.2 The upper-mantle transition zone beneath the Chile-Argentina flat subduction zone |
EGU2016-16657 | Orals | GD2.2 Imaging the continental lithosphere: Perspectives from global and regional anisotropic seismic tomography |
EGU2016-6912 | Orals | GD2.2 Density heterogeneity of the cratonic mantle and dynamic topography in southern Africa |
EGU2016-6610 | Posters | GD2.2 Different stages of collision zones on examples of Gujarat province (India) and Caucasus |
EGU2016-9650 | Posters | GD2.2 The Crustal Structure Of The Marmara Region Using Receiver Function Analysis |
EGU2016-3351 | Orals | GD2.2 Lithospheric discontinuities beneath Australia: interaction of large-scale and fine scale structure |
EGU2016-7333 | Orals | GD2.2 The lithosphere-asthenosphere system of the Periadriatic region: a geophysical perspective |
EGU2016-10917 | Posters | GD2.2 Two types of asthenospheric layers and their evolution |
EGU2016-3862 | Orals | GD2.2 Mid-lithospheric discontinuity and its roles in the dynamic evolution of the craton–example from the North China Craton |
EGU2016-12943 | Posters | GD2.2 P-wave receiver function study of crustal structure in Scandinavia |
EGU2016-2332 | Orals | GD2.2 Structure of the upper mantle boundaries in North Eurasia and their origin |
EGU2016-13882 | Posters | GD2.2 Seismic Monitoring of the Arctic region by the International Monitoring System CTBTO |
EGU2016-650 | Orals | GD2.2 The crust and lithosphere thicknesses of Greenland revisited: what do recent gravity data tell us? |
EGU2016-14533 | Posters | GD2.2 Lithosphere erosion and breakup due to the interaction between extension and plume upwelling |
EGU2016-8162 | Orals | GD2.2 The mantle transition zone and the upper mantle in Central-Eastern Greenland |
EGU2016-15597 | Posters | GD2.2 Metasomatism and current state of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field constrained by trace element modelling and magnetotelluric survey |
EGU2016-16341 | Posters | GD2.2 Crustal and upper mantle seismic structure of Russia from teleseismic receiver functions |
EGU2016-4102 | Orals | GD2.2 The complex isostatic equilibration of Australia's deep crust. |
EGU2016-8438 | Orals | GD2.2 Lithosphere structure in Northern Canada from receiver function (RF) |
EGU2016-13762 | Orals | GD2.2 Origins of the 520-km discontinuity |
GD2.3 – Tracing the lithosphere at craton edges, with special focus to the Trans-European Suture Zone. (co-organized)
EGU2016-11305 | Orals | GD2.3 Evidence for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Evolution of the Lithosphere in the Trans-European Suture Zone from Surface Wave Tomography |
EGU2016-4400 | Posters | GD2.3 Tracing edges of Baltic Shield and Karelia craton by means of seismic anisotropy |
EGU2016-3579 | Orals | GD2.3 The Structure of the Mantle Lithosphere in Central Europe from S-Receiver Functions |
EGU2016-8368 | Posters | GD2.3 Teleseismic P-wave traveltime tomography model of the upper mantle below northern part of Fennoscandian Shield |
EGU2016-14014 | Posters | GD2.3 Crustal properties in the continuum Baltic Shield-Scandinavian Mountains from seismic ambient noise and magnetotelluric analysis |
EGU2016-8391 | Orals | GD2.3 Upper mantle structure across the Trans-European Suture Zone from S-receiver functions |
EGU2016-4422 | Orals | GD2.3 TESZ as a diffuse paleoplate boundary between the East European Craton and Phanerozoic Europe |
EGU2016-8935 | Posters | GD2.3 Interaction between an incipient rift and a cratonic lithosphere : The North Tanzania Rift seen from some seismic tools |
EGU2016-13459 | Orals | GD2.3 Variations of the lithospheric strength across the edges of the North American craton and their relation to intraplate earthquakes |
EGU2016-4111 | Posters | GD2.3 2.5D S-wave velocity model of the TESZ area in northern Poland from receiver function analysis |
EGU2016-7194 | Orals | GD2.3 Cratons formation by global plume-lid tectonics in the early Earth |
EGU2016-6354 | Posters | GD2.3 Electromagnetic study of lithospheric structure in Trans-European Suture Zone in Poland |
EGU2016-10068 | Posters | GD2.3 Crustal high-velocity anomaly at the East European Craton margin in SE Poland (TESZ) modelled by 3-D seismic tomography of refracted and reflected arrivals |
EGU2016-6468 | Orals | GD2.3 The Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone – early Palaeozoic strike-slip plate boundary or Ediacaran rifted margin of Baltica? |
EGU2016-9827 | Orals | GD2.3 The edges of Precambrian shields in Scandinavia and the UK |
EGU2016-4145 | Posters | GD2.3 Seasonal changes of the ambient noise recorded by the “13 BB star” array in northern Poland within the Trans European Suture Zone |
EGU2016-9461 | Orals | GD2.3 The lithosphere across the Northern Tornquist Zone – southwestern edge of Baltic Shield |
EGU2016-5628 | Orals | GD2.3 Lithosphere structure in southern Madagascar from receiver function and ambient noise correlation: implication for the crustal evolution |
EGU2016-2201 | Orals | GD2.3 Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of the eastern margin of the Yilgarn Craton (Australia) from passive seismic data |
GD2.6 – Deep seated magmas in different geodynamic settings and their mantle roots: The origin and evolution of mantle melts and their interaction with the lithosphere | PICO
EGU2016-3285 | PICO | GD2.6 Source of magma for Elet-Ozero pluton (NE Baltic Shield) – subduction or plume-related material? |
EGU2016-2836 | PICO | GD2.6 Fractionation of Zr and Hf during the differentiation of peralkaline magmatic system (Lovozero rare metal deposit, Kola Peninsula) |
EGU2016-1669 | PICO | GD2.6 Interaction of extended mantle plume head with ancient lithosphere: evidence from deep-seated xenoliths in basalts and lamprophyre diatremes in Western Syria |
EGU2016-4252 | PICO | GD2.6 Implication of the monomineral eclogite thermobarometry for the reconstruction of the PT conditions and origin of mantle eclogites in the structure of Siberian and other cratons. |
EGU2016-5542 | PICO | GD2.6 Peculiarities of mantle lithosphere beneath the large kimberlite pipes in different regions for Siberian craton |
EGU2016-1070 | PICO | GD2.6 New constraints on the textural and geochemical evolution of the upper mantle beneath the Styrian basin |
EGU2016-358 | PICO | GD2.6 Introduction of sub-lithospheric component into melted lithospheric base by propagating crack: Case study of migrated Quaternary volcanoes in Wudalianchi, China |
EGU2016-10612 | PICO | GD2.6 Magmatism at the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary in developing transtensional zone: Spatial-temporal change of sources for Quaternary potassic volcanic rocks from Wudalianchi, China |
EGU2016-1200 | PICO | GD2.6 Isotope and trace element geochemistry of lamprophyres and syenites from different areas of South-Chuya complex, SE Altai. |
EGU2016-6451 | PICO | GD2.6 Flood-basalt magmatism of the Vodlozero Block of the Karelian Craton: relations between high- and low-Cr Varieties |
EGU2016-17927 | PICO | GD2.6 Platinum-Group Element Mineralization in the Fedorovatundra layered intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia |
EGU2016-2090 | PICO | GD2.6 Granitoids of different geodynamic settings of Baikal region (Russia) their geochemical evolution and origin |
EGU2016-14465 | PICO | GD2.6 The main features of the interaction of mantle magmas with granulite complexes of the lower crust and their relationship with granitic melts (exemplified by the Early Caledonides of the West Baikal Region, Russia) |
EGU2016-5055 | PICO | GD2.6 Riftogenic A-type granites of the Polar Urals, Russia |
EGU2016-17713 | PICO | GD2.6 Diamond morphology as a key to understanding metasomatic processes in subcratonic mantle |
GD2.8 – Fluid circulation in magmatic hydrothermal systems (co-organized)
EGU2016-9825 | Orals | GD2.8 Hydrothermal activity at slow-spreading ridges: variability and importance of magmatic controls |
EGU2016-10698 | Posters | GD2.8 Structure and Dynamics of the Southeast Indian Ridge, 129°E to 140°E, and Off-axis Volcanism: Preliminary Results of the STORM Cruise |
EGU2016-16742 | Orals | GD2.8 The influence of isotropic and anisotropic crustal permeability on hydrothermal flow at fast spreading ridges |
EGU2016-13742 | Posters | GD2.8 Oxidation of the ocean crust: When does it happen? |
EGU2016-12226 | Posters | GD2.8 Anhydrite precipitation in seafloor hydrothermal systems |
EGU2016-5718 | Orals | GD2.8 Experimental study of the Mg and Sr isotopic evolution of seawater interacting with basalt between 150 and 300 ˚ C. |
EGU2016-873 | Orals | GD2.8 Permeability enhancement during gold mineralization: Evidences from Kestanelik epithermal vein system, NW Turkey |
EGU2016-7273 | Posters | GD2.8 Off-axis Submarine Massive Sulfide accumulation at the fault-controlled Logatchev 1 hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge |
EGU2016-2258 | Orals | GD2.8 Brittle versus ductile deformation as the main control of the deep fluid circulation in continental crust |
EGU2016-16288 | Posters | GD2.8 Hydrogeologic controls on saturation profiles in heat-pipe-like hydrothermal systems: numerical study |
EGU2016-7777 | Posters | GD2.8 Physical properties of rocks and aqueous fluids at conditions simulating near- and supercritical reservoirs |
EGU2016-14378 | Orals | GD2.8 Groundwater circulation between volcanic fissure systems evidenced by water stable isotopes |
EGU2016-10002 | Posters | GD2.8 Vesiculation of rhyolite magma in the IDDP-1 borehole at Krafla, Iceland |
EGU2016-14507 | Posters | GD2.8 Quantitative impact of hydrothermal alteration on electrical resistivity in geothermal systems from a joint analysis of laboratory measurements and borehole data in Krafla area, N-E Iceland |
EGU2016-16189 | Posters | GD2.8 A Self Potential study of the summit geothermal system of the Krafla volcano (Iceland). |
EGU2016-2162 | Posters | GD2.8 The geothermal system of Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (Chile-Argentina): New insights from self-potential, soil CO2 degassing, temperature measurements and helium isotopes, with structural and fluid circulation implications. |
EGU2016-10620 | Posters | GD2.8 Structural and alteration controls on gold mineralization the of the amphibolite facies Detour Lake Deposit, Canada |
EGU2016-14553 | Posters | GD2.8 Relantionships between gold mineralization and granite - Discussion with the support of a pluridisciplinary study of the Passa Tres gold deposit (South Brazil) |
EGU2016-4538 | Posters | GD2.8 Crystallochemical and structural evolution of tourmaline in auriferous quartz veins of the Iskel terrane prospect (western Hoggar, Tamanrasset, South Algeria) |
GD3.1 – Mantle dynamics in the Earth and other planetary bodies (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2016-16151 | PICO | GD3.1 Using seismology to map water in the mantle transition zone |
EGU2016-15313 | PICO | GD3.1 The effect of water to mantle rheology and convection |
EGU2016-14778 | PICO | GD3.1 Constraining density and velocity jumps across the 410 km discontinuity |
EGU2016-16731 | PICO | GD3.1 Modeling Continental Growth and Mantle Hydration in Earth's Evolution and the Impact of Life |
EGU2016-13798 | PICO | GD3.1 Direct Shear of Olivine Single Crystals under Hydrous Conditions |
EGU2016-12327 | PICO | GD3.1 Constraining upper mantle mass structure below the oceans from seismic and geodetic data |
EGU2016-14570 | PICO | GD3.1 Mechanisms controlling the modes of the sinking slab into the transition zone |
EGU2016-14633 | PICO | GD3.1 Effects of grain size evolution on mantle dynamics |
EGU2016-14887 | PICO | GD3.1 Evolutionary models of the Earth with a grain size-dependent rheology: diffusion versus dislocation creep |
EGU2016-16840 | PICO | GD3.1 High-pressure, high-temperature deformation of CaGeO3 (perovskite)±MgO aggregates: Elasto-ViscoPlastic Self-Consistent modeling and dynamics in the lower mantle |
EGU2016-9120 | PICO | GD3.1 Long-range Receiver Function Profile of Crustal and Mantle Discontinuities From the Aleutian Arc to Tierra del Fuego |
EGU2016-17063 | PICO | GD3.1 Constraining the deformation and exhumation history of the Ronda Massif, Southern Spain |
EGU2016-15691 | PICO | GD3.1 Archean spherule classification of CT3 drill core, Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa) based on petrography and mineral chemistry |
EGU2016-9339 | PICO | GD3.1 Can eustatic charts go beyond first-order? Insights from the Permo-Triassic |
EGU2016-14631 | PICO | GD3.1 Chemical heterogeneities in the interior of terrestrial bodies |
EGU2016-12830 | PICO | GD3.1 Mixing in mantle convection models with self-consistent plate tectonics and melting and crustal production: Application to mixing in the early Earth |
EGU2016-6174 | PICO | GD3.1 Role of elasticity in stagnant lid convection |
EGU2016-12552 | PICO | GD3.1 Subduction Initiation from a Stagnant Lid: New Insights from Numerical Models with a Free Surface |
EGU2016-5334 | PICO | GD3.1 Correlation between mobile continents and elevated temperatures in the subcontinental mantle |
EGU2016-15442 | PICO | GD3.1 Structures in the Deep Mantle: Implications for the Onset of Plate Tectonics and the Viscosity Structure |
EGU2016-7770 | PICO | GD3.1 Melting-induced crustal production helps plate tectonics on Earth-like planets |
EGU2016-5543 | PICO | GD3.1 Crystallization and Cooling of a Deep Silicate Magma Ocean |
EGU2016-420 | PICO | GD3.1 Modelling magma ocean solidification and volatile outgassing during early planetary evolution. |
EGU2016-15405 | PICO | GD3.1 Dynamiical layering in mantle convection - impact on the viscoisity structure |
EGU2016-12596 | PICO | GD3.1 Effect of Earth’s rotation on thermal convection in the mantle |
EGU2016-9599 | PICO | GD3.1 Coupling giant impacts and longer-term evolution models |
GD3.3 – Understanding The Earth's mantle: interdisciplinary approach (including Augustus Love Medal Lecture) (co-organized)
EGU2016-13558 | Orals | GD3.3 Predicting lower mantle heterogeneity from 4-D Earth models |
EGU2016-15020 | Posters | GD3.3 Structure of North Atlantic upper mantle based on gravity modelling, regional geochemistry and tectonic history |
EGU2016-4341 | Orals | GD3.3 Finding the patterns in mantle convection |
EGU2016-4570 | Posters | GD3.3 Reconstructing mantle heterogeneity with data assimilation based on the back-and-forth nudging method: Implications for mantle-dynamic fitting of past plate motions |
EGU2016-17425 | Orals | GD3.3 | Media interest The 2016 Case for Mantle Plumes and a Plume-Fed Asthenosphere (Augustus Love Medal Lecture) |
EGU2016-796 | Posters | GD3.3 Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Elastic Anisotropy of SnO2 Polymorphs: A First-principles Approach |
EGU2016-13620 | Orals | GD3.3 Compositional layering within the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lower mantle |
EGU2016-16770 | Posters | GD3.3 Seismic imaging beneath southwest Africa based on finite-frequency body wave tomography |
EGU2016-4045 | Orals | GD3.3 Global lower mantle structure from multifrequency P- and Pdiff-wave tomography |
EGU2016-9084 | Posters | GD3.3 Geodynamic investigation of the processes that control Lu-Hf isotopic differences between different mantle domains and the crust |
EGU2016-10976 | Posters | GD3.3 Interpretation of the high conductive anomaly of the Society hotspot |
EGU2016-8270 | Orals | GD3.3 | Media interest Oceanic crust recycling and the formation of lower mantle heterogeneity |
EGU2016-13960 | Orals | GD3.3 Revealing core-mantle boundary temperature and corresponding lower mantle heterogeneities by numerical simulations |
EGU2016-11078 | Posters | GD3.3 The Importance of Grain Size to Mantle Dynamics and Seismological Observations: A Multidisciplinary Approach |
EGU2016-14832 | Posters | GD3.3 Ensemble data assimilation for the reconstruction of mantle circulation |
EGU2016-14290 | Orals | GD3.3 Composition and Structure of Earth’s Lower Mantle from Elasticity and Rheology Measurements |
EGU2016-6755 | Posters | GD3.3 | Media interest Global correlation of lower mantle structure and past subduction |
EGU2016-16133 | Orals | GD3.3 Viscous Dissipation and Criticality of Subducting Slabs |
EGU2016-14376 | Posters | GD3.3 Using thermodynamic data to reproduce main seismic features of transition zone |
EGU2016-3527 | Orals | GD3.3 Subduction on long time scales: Tighter constraints on mantle rheologies require cross-disciplinary engagement with subduction histories. |
EGU2016-15605 | Posters | GD3.3 Convective instability rising out of the underbelly of stagnant slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone |
EGU2016-9460 | Orals | GD3.3 Constraining the rheology of the lithosphere and upper mantle with geodynamic inverse modelling |
EGU2016-13776 | Posters | GD3.3 Seismic tomographic constraints on plate-tectonic reconstruction of Nazca subduction under South America since late Cretaceous (~80 Ma) |
EGU2016-11696 | Orals | GD3.3 Velocity gradients in the Earth's upper mantle: insights from higher mode surface waves |
EGU2016-15003 | Posters | GD3.3 The influence of deep mantle heterogeneity on the rhythms and scales of surface topography evolution |
EGU2016-5166 | Orals | GD3.3 New Evidence that the Emperor Seamount Chain Records Motion of the Pacific Plate Relative to the Deep Mantle |
EGU2016-18131 | Orals | GD3.3 Pacific plate-motion change at the time of the Hawaiian-Emperor bend constrains the viscosity of Earth’s asthenosphere |
EGU2016-16374 | Posters | GD3.3 Estimating the buoyancy field for Earth's lower mantle using seismic and mineralogical models |
EGU2016-15198 | Posters | GD3.3 Subduction History and the Evolution of Earth's Lower Mantle |
EGU2016-14162 | Orals | GD3.3 On retrodictions of global mantle flow with assimilated surface velocities |
EGU2016-15017 | Posters | GD3.3 Towards the Next Generation 3D Global Anelastic Mantle Model |
EGU2016-9879 | Posters | GD3.3 Traveltime dispersion in an isotropic elastic mantle: strong lower-mantle signal in differential-frequency residuals |
EGU2016-14786 | Posters | GD3.3 Seismic constraints on thermo-chemical nature of the lower mantle and on S − to − P heterogeneity ratio |
EGU2016-15829 | Posters | GD3.3 Influence of grain-size evolution on the self-consistent generation of LLSVPs from primordial material and subducted MORB |
EGU2016-9725 | Posters | GD3.3 Investigating the presence of post-perovskite and large-scale chemical variations in Earth’s lower mantle using tomographic-geodynamic model comparisons. |
EGU2016-9444 | Posters | GD3.3 Role of microscopic properties in the evolution of large scale internal structure in the UltraLow Velocity Zones |
GD4.1 – Earth's core structure and dynamics: observations, models, experiments (co-organized)
EGU2016-12578 | Posters | GD4.1 Fluctuations of electrical conductivity: a new source for astrophysical magnetic fields |
EGU2016-8417 | Orals | GD4.1 The composition of Earth's core from equations of state, metal-silicate partitioning, and core formation modeling |
EGU2016-7820 | Posters | GD4.1 Magnetic jerks induced by field roughness |
EGU2016-15891 | Orals | GD4.1 A thermodynamic recipe for baking the Earth's lower mantle and core as a whole |
EGU2016-7660 | Posters | GD4.1 The time dependence of reversed archeomagnetic flux patches |
EGU2016-7860 | Posters | GD4.1 On the applicability of Backus’ mantle filter theory |
EGU2016-7898 | Posters | GD4.1 Geomagnetic secular variation timescales under rapid rotation constraints |
EGU2016-8890 | Orals | GD4.1 Geochemical constraints on Earth’s core composition |
EGU2016-2577 | Posters | GD4.1 Localized temporal variation of Earth's inner-core boundary from high-quality waveform doublets |
EGU2016-6485 | Orals | GD4.1 Instabilities induced by the precession of a tilted inner core. |
EGU2016-5130 | Posters | GD4.1 A multiscale model of Earth's inner-core anisotropy |
EGU2016-11833 | Posters | GD4.1 Double-diffusive inner core convective translation |
EGU2016-5198 | Orals | GD4.1 The Earth's Inner Core: a Black Box |
EGU2016-12099 | Posters | GD4.1 Bounds on metal-silicate equilibration conditions during core formation |
EGU2016-876 | Posters | GD4.1 High P-T experiments and first principles calculations of the diffusion of Si, O, Cr in liquid iron |
EGU2016-1605 | Orals | GD4.1 Toward attenuation tomography of the uppermost inner core from PKP waves |
EGU2016-2825 | Posters | GD4.1 Heat production by energy viscous dissipation at the stage of the Earth’s accumulation. |
EGU2016-8829 | Orals | GD4.1 Core history from paleomagnetic data: Potential changes in stratification but no evidence for a Mesoproterozoic inner core age |
EGU2016-6253 | Orals | GD4.1 The signature of inner core nucleation on the geodynamo |
EGU2016-14822 | Orals | GD4.1 Little Earth Experiment: A model to study the flow in the Earth's Tangent Cylinder |
GD5.2 – Mantle dynamics, rifting and post-breakup evolution of passive continental margins: Geological and geophysical observations and models with emphasis on the Atlantic Ocean (co-organized)
EGU2016-18390 | Orals | GD5.2 Geodynamics of passive margins: insights from the DFG Schwerpunktprogramm SAMPLE for the South Atlantic and beyond |
EGU2016-15285 | Posters | GD5.2 Passive margin asymmetry and its polarity in the presence of a craton |
EGU2016-17806 | Orals | GD5.2 Fast asthenosphere motion in high-resolution global mantle flow models |
EGU2016-16611 | Posters | GD5.2 Testing Predictions of Continental Insulation using Oceanic Crustal Thicknesses |
EGU2016-10015 | Orals | GD5.2 Understanding the interplays between Earth's shallow- and deep- rooted processes through global, quantitative model of the coupled brittle-lithosphere/viscous mantle system |
EGU2016-12054 | Posters | GD5.2 Large-scale pattern of mantle evolution through rifting in hyper-extended margins |
EGU2016-2970 | Orals | GD5.2 Ultraslow, slow, or fast spreading ridges: Arm wrestling between mantle convection and far-field tectonics |
EGU2016-12 | Posters | GD5.2 The Rift Valley of African Plate in Elasto-Plastic Creeping over Magma Motion |
EGU2016-12314 | Orals | GD5.2 The role of deep subduction in supercontinent breakup |
EGU2016-8523 | Posters | GD5.2 Lithospheric thickness jumps at the S-Atlantic continental margins from satellite gravity data and modelled isostatic anomalies |
EGU2016-9071 | Orals | GD5.2 Sequence stratigraphic and geomorphic manifestations of dynamic topography along passive margins |
EGU2016-17444 | Posters | GD5.2 Evolution of the South Atlantic passive continental margin and lithosphere dynamic movement in Southern Brazil derived from zircon and apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He and fission-track data |
EGU2016-17431 | Posters | GD5.2 Long-term evolution of the western South Atlantic passive continental margin in a key area of SE Brazil revealed by thermokinematic numerical modeling using the software code Pecube |
EGU2016-9029 | Orals | GD5.2 Lithosphere structure and subsidence evolution of the conjugate S-African and Argentine margins |
EGU2016-17448 | Orals | GD5.2 Exhumation history of the Serra do Mar, southeast Brazil |
EGU2016-17506 | Posters | GD5.2 Long-term landscape evolution of the southeast Brazilian highlands: comparison of two alkaline intrusions areas |
EGU2016-18056 | Orals | GD5.2 Long-term subsidence, cooling, and exhumation history along the South Atlantic passive continental margin in NW-Namibia |
EGU2016-4976 | Posters | GD5.2 Phanerozoic polycyclic evolution of the southwestern Angola margin: New insights for apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He methodologies |
EGU2016-1598 | Posters | GD5.2 Intraplate compressional deformation in West-Congo and the Congo basin: related to ridge-puch from the South Atlantic spreading ridge? |
EGU2016-4887 | Orals | GD5.2 Cenozoic Source-to-Sink of the African margin of the Equatorial Atlantic |
EGU2016-4904 | Posters | GD5.2 Mesozoic Source-to-Sink of the African margin of the Equatorial Atlantic |
EGU2016-11901 | Orals | GD5.2 Tectonics and sedimentology of post-rift anomalous vertical movements: the rifted margin of Morocco |
EGU2016-11349 | Orals | GD5.2 Isostatic and dynamic support of high topography on a North Atlantic passive margin |
EGU2016-2831 | Posters | GD5.2 A new high-resolution kinematic model for the Central Atlantic region during the Oligocene and Early Miocene |
EGU2016-18338 | Posters | GD5.2 Episodes of subsidence and uplift of the conjugate margins of Greenland and Norway after opening of the NE Atlantic |
EGU2016-4238 | Orals | GD5.2 Miocene uplift of the NE Greenland margin linked to plate tectonics: Seismic evidence from the Greenland Fracture Zone, NE Atlantic. |
EGU2016-18337 | Orals | GD5.2 Phanerozoic burial and exhumation history of southernmost Norway estimated from apatite fission-track analysis data and geological observations |
EGU2016-8865 | Posters | GD5.2 Early Cenozoic “dome like” exhumation around the Irish Sea |
EGU2016-11723 | Orals | GD5.2 Comparing offshore and onshore thermal histories: low-T thermochronology of the Utsira High, western Norway |
EGU2016-8499 | Posters | GD5.2 The problems of the kinematic restoration of hyper-extended rifted margins: the example of the southern North-Atlantic |
EGU2016-12750 | Posters | GD5.2 Late Miocene uplift and doming of Madagascar: topographic implications |
EGU2016-6303 | Orals | GD5.2 Post Rift Evolution of the Indian Margin of Southern Africa |
EGU2016-6928 | Orals | GD5.2 The Zambezi sedimentary system (coastal plain - deep sea fan): a record of the vertical movements of the Mozambican margin since Cretaceous times. |
EGU2016-3840 | Posters | GD5.2 Geochemical and geochronological constrains from the Heilongjiang Complex, NE China and its tectonic implication |
EGU2016-9093 | Orals | GD5.2 Cenozoic vertical motions of the western continental margin of Peninsular India |
EGU2016-1775 | Posters | GD5.2 Tomographic Imaging of a New Seismic Zone in Northern Taiwan: Implications for Crustal Magnetism and Tectonic Inheritance |
EGU2016-3714 | Posters | GD5.2 Holocene denudation pattern across the South-Eastern Australian Escarpment and implications for its evolution |
GD5.3 – Subduction dynamics from surface to deep mantle (co-organized)
EGU2016-910 | Posters | GD5.3 Geodynamic evolution of the lithosphere beneath the Eastern Anatolia region: Constraints from geodynamic modeling |
EGU2016-8247 | Orals | GD5.3 Double subduction of continental lithosphere, a key to form wide plateau |
EGU2016-13633 | Posters | GD5.3 Geodynamic Models for Various Styles of Melting in the Lithosphere Delamination Process |
EGU2016-8324 | Orals | GD5.3 Effects of subduction and slab gaps on mantle flow beneath the Lesser Antilles based on observations of seismic anisotropy |
EGU2016-2540 | Posters | GD5.3 Upper-Mantle Flow Driven Dynamic Topography in Eastern Anatolia |
EGU2016-9124 | Orals | GD5.3 Accretion/underplating, detachment and exhumation: short/long-term rheology of the subduction plate interface |
EGU2016-8518 | Orals | GD5.3 Subduction-Driven Recycling of Continental Margin Lithosphere |
EGU2016-2534 | Posters | GD5.3 Upper- Mantle Driven Dynamic Uplift in Central Anatolia |
EGU2016-9849 | Orals | GD5.3 Multi-stage accretion of high pressure rocks and thermal changes in a subduction channel: evidence from Diego de Almagro Island (Chilean Patagonia) |
EGU2016-14388 | Posters | GD5.3 Petrological evolution of subducted rodingite from seafloor metamorphism to dehydration of enclosing antigorite-serpentinite (Cerro del Almirez massif, southern Spain) |
EGU2016-3780 | Posters | GD5.3 Slab seismicity in the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone: Constraints from tomography and double-difference relocation |
EGU2016-10397 | Orals | GD5.3 Arc Interrupted: The birth, life, and death of the Peruvian flat slab |
EGU2016-13986 | Orals | GD5.3 3-D numerical modeling of plume-induced subduction initiation |
EGU2016-1319 | Posters | GD5.3 Forearc deformation induced by aseismic ridge subduction: Parameter study using 3D finite-element models |
EGU2016-404 | Orals | GD5.3 Interaction between subducting plates: results from numerical and analogue modeling |
EGU2016-3905 | Posters | GD5.3 Numerical Modelling of Subduction Zones: a New Beginning |
EGU2016-15216 | Orals | GD5.3 Oman metamorphic sole formation reveals early subduction dynamics |
EGU2016-3950 | Posters | GD5.3 3D Wilson cycle: structural inheritance and subduction polarity reversals |
EGU2016-6811 | Orals | GD5.3 Insights into a fossil plate interface of an erosional subduction zone: a tectono-metamorphic study of the Tianshan metamorphic belt. |
EGU2016-4458 | Posters | GD5.3 Subduction obliquity as a prime indicator for geotherm in subduction zone |
EGU2016-5033 | Posters | GD5.3 History vs. snapshot: how slab morphology relates to slab age evolution |
EGU2016-6466 | Orals | GD5.3 The effect of rheological approximations on the dynamics and topography in 3D subduction-collision models |
EGU2016-7253 | Orals | GD5.3 Mantle flow influence on the evolution of subduction systems. |
EGU2016-6580 | Posters | GD5.3 Subduction-related prograde metamorphism of the ultramafic members of the Central-Sudetic Ophiolite (SW Poland) |
EGU2016-6149 | Posters | GD5.3 New interpretation of the deep mantle structure beneath eastern China |
EGU2016-8321 | Posters | GD5.3 Geophysical constraints on geodynamic processes at convergent margins: A global perspective |
EGU2016-9894 | Posters | GD5.3 Modelling guided waves in the Alaskan-Aleutian subduction zone |
EGU2016-10377 | Posters | GD5.3 Fluid migration in the subduction zone: a coupled fluid flow approach |
EGU2016-10669 | Posters | GD5.3 Subduction of the Tehuantepec oceanic fracture zone and the relationship with a seismic gap in southern Mexico |
EGU2016-12860 | Posters | GD5.3 Influence of overriding plate velocity changes on slab dip and deformation: insights from laboratory models |
EGU2016-11998 | Posters | GD5.3 From slab rollback to orogenic plateau formation – a numerical modeling study of ocean-continent subduction systems |
EGU2016-8415 | Posters | GD5.3 Amphibolitization of eclogites in a subduction channel (Sistan belt, E. Iran): Monitoring changes in fluid composition during exhumation and tectonic implications |
EGU2016-9834 | Posters | GD5.3 Subduction zone guided waves in Northern Chile |
EGU2016-4148 | Posters | GD5.3 How important is mode-coupling in global surface wave tomography? |
GD5.5 – Orogenesis and geodynamics related to the collision of macro- and micro-plates (co-organized)
EGU2016-8145 | Orals | GD5.5 Tectonic and metamorphic discontinuities in the Greater Himalayan Sequence in Central Himalaya: in-sequence shearing by accretion from the Indian plate |
EGU2016-877 | Posters | GD5.5 The Evolution of the Tethysides during the Medial to Late Triassic |
EGU2016-1871 | Posters | GD5.5 Distribution of garnet grain sizes and morphologies across the Moine Supergroup, northern Scottish Caledonides |
EGU2016-12186 | Orals | GD5.5 Nature and melting processes of the lithosphere beneath the North-East Qiangqtang terrane, Central Tibet, during Eocene times. |
EGU2016-3128 | Posters | GD5.5 Cenozoic evolution of the Yakutat-North American collision zone and structural accommodation of St. Elias syntaxis exhumation, Alaska/Yukon |
EGU2016-7241 | Orals | GD5.5 P-T evolution of slivers of garnet-bearing micaschist in the sole of the Western Vardar Ophiolite Unit at Brezovica, Kosovo |
EGU2016-3896 | Orals | GD5.5 Strain partitioning in the Belledonne and Pelvoux massifs. Some clues to understand the Variscan tectono-thermal evolution. |
EGU2016-3532 | Posters | GD5.5 New U-Pb ages from dykes cross-cutting the Demirci metamorphics, NW Turkey: Implications for multiple orogenic events |
EGU2016-3129 | Orals | GD5.5 Crustal Architecture along BABEL and FIRE profiles – Insight in the Growth of the Svecofennian Orogen |
EGU2016-4113 | Posters | GD5.5 Influence of Subducting Plate Geometry on Upper Plate Deformation at Orogen Syntaxes: A Thermomechanical Modeling Approach |
EGU2016-13879 | Orals | GD5.5 Accommodation of collisional shortening along the Alpine plate boundary : plate kinematics vs rheological controls |
EGU2016-8077 | Posters | GD5.5 The Freyenstein Shear Zone – Implications for exhumation of the South Bohemian Batholith (Moldanubian Superunit, Strudengau, Austria) |
EGU2016-4993 | Orals | GD5.5 Microtectonic-assisted P-T determination on low-grade Alpine metamorphic rocks from the „Tisia Mega-Unit“ of the Slavonian Mountains in Croatia |
EGU2016-9717 | Posters | GD5.5 Ongoing compression triggered exhumation of the orogenic crust in the Variscan Maures-Tanneron Massif, France - Geological arguments and thermo-mechanical tests |
EGU2016-13377 | Orals | GD5.5 Reconstruction of the metamorphic evolution of the Hamadan high-grade metapelites, Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, western Iran |
EGU2016-9744 | Posters | GD5.5 Orogen-parallel mass transport along the arcuate Himalayan front into Nanga Parbat and the western Himalayan syntaxis |
EGU2016-8115 | Orals | GD5.5 Mountain building long after plate collision. Possible mechanisms |
EGU2016-10764 | Posters | GD5.5 Extrusional Tectonics over Plate Corner: an Example in Northern Taiwan |
EGU2016-15221 | Orals | GD5.5 Geophysical Character and Geochemical Evolution of the Mesoproterozoic Figueira Branca Intrusive Suite, SW Amazon Craton (Brazil) |
EGU2016-15622 | Posters | GD5.5 Convergence between central segment of Greater and Lesser Caucasus |
GD6.2 – The Arctic connection - plate tectonics and crustal and mantle dynamics in the North Atlantic, North Pacific and the High Arctic (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists Lecture) (co-organized)
EGU2016-1788 | Posters | GD6.2 Geological Structure and History of the Arctic Ocean |
EGU2016-2507 | Orals | GD6.2 Crustal types of the Circumpolar Arctic |
EGU2016-2495 | Posters | GD6.2 Tectonic Map of the Ellesmerian and Eurekan deformation belts on Svalbard, North Greenland and the Queen Elizabeth Islands (Canadian Arctic) |
EGU2016-16786 | Orals | GD6.2 U/Pb dating of subduction-collision in the Brooks Range: implications for Mesozoic geodynamics of Arctic Alaska |
EGU2016-12362 | Posters | GD6.2 A tectonic window into the crystalline basement of Prins Karls Forland, Svalbard |
EGU2016-16340 | Orals | GD6.2 Seismic stratigraphy of sedimentary cover in Amerasian Basin based on the results of Russian High Arctic expeditions |
EGU2016-7989 | Posters | GD6.2 Metagabbro associated with the shear zone on Prins Karls Forland (Svalbard, Arctic) |
EGU2016-6567 | Orals | GD6.2 Can the South China Sea tell us anything about Canada Basin? |
EGU2016-8125 | Posters | GD6.2 The role of crustal contamination in Neoproterozoic metaigneous rocks from SW coast of Svalbard |
EGU2016-3559 | Orals | GD6.2 Influence of Large Igneous Provinces on Svalbard tectonics and sedimentation from the Late Mesozoic through Cenozoic: Insight from (U-Th)/He zircon and apatite thermochronology |
EGU2016-13613 | Orals | GD6.2 Structure and Temperature Configuration of the Barents Sea and Kara Sea region and implications for its lithospheric strength |
EGU2016-9783 | Posters | GD6.2 (U-Th)/He Ages of Detrital Zircons From Paleozoic Strata of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago (Russian High Arctic): implication for testing the different tectonic models |
EGU2016-2126 | Orals | GD6.2 Waveform Tomography of the North Atlantic Region |
EGU2016-13476 | Posters | GD6.2 Paleomagnetism of the Upper Carboniferous and Upper Permian sedimentary rocks from Novaya Zemlya Archipelago |
EGU2016-14914 | Posters | GD6.2 Tectonic deformations of the NW Novaya Zemlya Archipelago |
EGU2016-1532 | Orals | GD6.2 | Media interest Integrating surface and mantle constraints for palaeo-ocean evolution: a tour of the Arctic and adjacent regions (Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists Lecture) |
EGU2016-4642 | Posters | GD6.2 Age, geochemical affinity and geodynamic setting of granitoids and felsic volcanics in the basement of Wrangel Island |
EGU2016-8810 | Orals | GD6.2 The early opening of the Eurasian Basin – geophysical data from the Yermak Plateau |
EGU2016-15800 | Posters | GD6.2 The crust and upper mantle of central East Greenland – implications for continental accretion and rift evolution |
EGU2016-12196 | Orals | GD6.2 First evidence of the Ellesmerian metamorphism on Svalbard |
EGU2016-2110 | Posters | GD6.2 Relocating Seismicity on the Arctic Plate Boundary Using Teleseismic and Regional Phases and a Bayesian Multiple Event Locator |
EGU2016-2490 | Orals | GD6.2 The Eocene Eurekan deformation in the Arctic - architecture and kinematics of a strange foldbelt |
EGU2016-6601 | Posters | GD6.2 Lively Earthquake Activity in North-Eastern Greenland |
EGU2016-8341 | Orals | GD6.2 Plate motions at the transition from the Lomonosov Ridge to Eurasian Continental Shelf |
EGU2016-15552 | Posters | GD6.2 Comparison of publically available Moho depth and crustal thickness grids with newly derived grids by 3D gravity inversion for the High Arctic region. |
EGU2016-15582 | Posters | GD6.2 Lithospheric thermal and strength model of the Arctic region |
EGU2016-8377 | Posters | GD6.2 Understanding lithospheric stresses in Arctic: constraints and models |
EGU2016-3213 | Posters | GD6.2 Ultraslow spreading, ridge relocation and compressional events in the East Arctic region: A link to the Eurekan orogeny? |
GD7.1 – Long-term rheological behavior of the crust and mantle inferred from observations and models at laboratory and geological time and spatial scales (in memory of E. Burov) (co-organized)
EGU2016-18497 | Orals | GD7.1 Evgenii B. Burov: A co-convenor tribute |
EGU2016-959 | Posters | GD7.1 What we can learn from peak temperatures profiles in inverted metamorphic sequences |
EGU2016-3456 | Posters | GD7.1 Spatial variations of effective elastic thickness of the Lithosphere in the Southeast Asia regions |
EGU2016-4459 | Orals | GD7.1 Estimates of the Effective Elastic Thickness: Any signs of agreement? |
EGU2016-6092 | Orals | GD7.1 Elastic flexure explains the offset of primary volcanic activity upstream of the Réunion and Hawaii plume axis |
EGU2016-4455 | Posters | GD7.1 Dipping fossil fabrics of continental mantle lithosphere as tectonic heritage of oceanic paleosubductions |
EGU2016-12627 | Orals | GD7.1 Lithospheric flexure and sedimentary basin evolution: depositional cycles in the steer’s head model |
EGU2016-4531 | Posters | GD7.1 STRAIN LOCALIZATION WITHIN A SYN-TECTONIC PLUTON IN A BACK-ARC EXTENSIONAL CONTEXT: the Naxos granodiorite (Cyclades, Greece) |
EGU2016-4629 | Posters | GD7.1 Multi-scale strain localization within orthogneiss during subduction and exhumation (Tenda unit, Alpine Corsica) |
EGU2016-11247 | Orals | GD7.1 Deciphering elastic thickness (Te) in the light of GPS measurements |
EGU2016-11691 | Orals | GD7.1 Ice cap melting and low viscosity crustal root explain narrow geodetic uplift of the Western Alps |
EGU2016-4719 | Posters | GD7.1 Parameters driving strain localization in the lithosphere are highly scale-dependent |
EGU2016-4768 | Posters | GD7.1 What are the required conditions to trigger the obduction/subduction initiation? |
EGU2016-6840 | Orals | GD7.1 Triple junctions and multi-directional extension of the lithosphere |
EGU2016-5633 | Posters | GD7.1 Sub-crustal forcing on the tectonic and topographic evolution of collision-subduction transition zones: possible application to the eastern Tibetan margin |
EGU2016-14112 | Orals | GD7.1 Strength and effective elastic thickness (Te) of the Arabian Plate |
EGU2016-6062 | Posters | GD7.1 Self-consistent orogenic wedge formation and shear zone propagation due to thermal softening |
EGU2016-14446 | Orals | GD7.1 Geodynamic inversion to constrain the rheology of the lithosphere: What is the effect of elasticity? |
EGU2016-6585 | Posters | GD7.1 Microstructural variation in the transport direction of a large-scale mid-crustal thrust (Woodroffe Thrust, Central Australia) |
EGU2016-12175 | Orals | GD7.1 Use of interseismic GPS data: a novel way to evaluate the lithosphere rigidity variations. |
EGU2016-10896 | Posters | GD7.1 Microstructural analysis of calcite-filled fractures inherited from basement structures, southern Ontario, Canada: long term instability of the craton? |
EGU2016-2352 | Orals | GD7.1 Inferences of Integrated Lithospheric Strength from Plate-Scale Analyses of Deformation Observed in the Aegean-Anatolian Region and the Indian Ocean |
EGU2016-12423 | Posters | GD7.1 A convective forecast experiment of global tectonics |
EGU2016-10384 | Orals | GD7.1 Flexure and rheology of Pacific oceanic lithosphere |
EGU2016-13655 | Posters | GD7.1 Impact of Water Circulation and Protolith on the Symmetry of Detachment Faults |
EGU2016-17855 | Orals | GD7.1 Possible transient creep events in a brittle-ductile continental crust: observations, experiments and potential models. |
EGU2016-16612 | Orals | GD7.1 Evolution of crustal stress, pressure and temperature around shear zones during orogenic wedge formation: a 2D thermo-mechanical numerical study |
EGU2016-15083 | Posters | GD7.1 Factors controlling core complex initiation and magmatism: Implications for the North China Craton |
EGU2016-15599 | Posters | GD7.1 Metamorphic sole formation and early plate interface rheology: Insights from Griggs apparatus experiments |
EGU2016-8823 | Orals | GD7.1 A mechanical model for giant radiating dike swarms |
EGU2016-17173 | Orals | GD7.1 Implication of Flow in the Lower Crust on Strain Localization |
EGU2016-10616 | Orals | GD7.1 Integrated field and numerical modeling investigation of crustal flow mechanisms and trajectories in migmatite domes |
EGU2016-10619 | Orals | GD7.1 Numerical experiments on the role of buoyancy and rheology during the formation of extension-driven gneiss domes |
EGU2016-16873 | Orals | GD7.1 Rheological behavior of the crust and mantle in subduction zones in the time-scale range from earthquake (minute) to mln years inferred from thermomechanical model and geodetic observations |
EGU2016-6676 | Orals | GD7.1 Thermo-mechanical modeling of continental rift evolution over mantle upwelling in presence of far-field stresses |
EGU2016-8920 | Orals | GD7.1 Linking lithosphere deformation and sedimentary basin formation over multiple scales |
EGU2016-4508 | Orals | GD7.1 Lithospheric deformation and mantle/crust coupling related to slab roll-back and tearing processes: the role of magma-related rheological weakening highlighted by 3D numerical modeling |
EGU2016-9077 | Orals | GD7.1 Subduction in fancy: stripping young slabs as a result of similar crust-mantle rheologies |
EGU2016-17565 | Orals | GD7.1 A melange of subduction temperatures: Zr-in-rutile thermometry of the Catalina Schist and implications for subduction interface rheology |
GD7.2 – Anisotropy from crust to core: Observations, models and implications (co-organized)
EGU2016-12618 | Posters | GD7.2 Inversion of P-wave traveltimes from a VSP experiment in a homogeneous anisotropic medium |
EGU2016-2909 | Orals | GD7.2 Constraining Crustal Anisotropy by Receiver Functions at the Deep Continental Drilling Site KTB in Southern Germany |
EGU2016-1920 | Posters | GD7.2 Constraining the vertical coherence of deformation in lithosphere in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis using GPS, Quaternary fault slip rates and shear wave splitting data |
EGU2016-13091 | Orals | GD7.2 Simultaneous inversion for anisotropic and structural crustal properties by stacking of radial and transverse receiver functions |
EGU2016-5136 | Orals | GD7.2 Anisotropic Lithospheric layering in the North American craton, revealed by Bayesian inversion of short and long period data |
EGU2016-2518 | Posters | GD7.2 Simultaneous Inversion of Multiple Waveforms (SIMW) for SKS splitting measurements: Performance and limits derived from synthetic tests |
EGU2016-4431 | Orals | GD7.2 Long-lived large-scale deformation under Central and Western Europe |
EGU2016-9520 | Posters | GD7.2 Seismic Anisotropy near Hawaii - Evidence for plume-related mantle flow |
EGU2016-8828 | Posters | GD7.2 Crustal anisotropy along the North Anatolian Fault Zone from receiver functions |
EGU2016-1189 | Orals | GD7.2 Investigation of Mantle Kinematics beneath Hellenic-Subduction Zone by using Teleseismic Direct Shear Waves |
EGU2016-8585 | Posters | GD7.2 Analytical study of body waves in orthorhombic media and comparison with SKS-phase observations from selected stations |
EGU2016-8211 | Orals | GD7.2 SKS splitting beneath the Pyrenees domain: an insight on the upper mantle deformation from central Iberia to French Massif Central |
EGU2016-7110 | Posters | GD7.2 Complex Crustal Structure Beneath Western Turkey Revealed by 3D Seismic Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) |
EGU2016-9555 | Orals | GD7.2 The Origin of Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Iceland |
EGU2016-2654 | Orals | GD7.2 Rheologic effects of crystal preferred orientation in upper mantle flow near plate boundaries |
EGU2016-6078 | Posters | GD7.2 Rayleigh-wave Tomography and Seismic Anisotropic Structures in the Region of the Philippine Sea |
EGU2016-5582 | Orals | GD7.2 Downscaling Smooth Tomographic Models: Separating Intrinsic and Apparent Anisotropy |
EGU2016-5097 | Posters | GD7.2 The effects of unaccounted-for elastic anisotropy in isotropic seismic tomographies |
EGU2016-4495 | Posters | GD7.2 Seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath Fennoscandia - Preliminary results of anisotropic tomography with novel code AniTomo |
EGU2016-2465 | Orals | GD7.2 A new fifth parameter for transverse isotropy |
EGU2016-3444 | Orals | GD7.2 Deep Mantle Shear Wave Splitting in Isotropic Earth Models |
EGU2016-3423 | Posters | GD7.2 Anisotropy beneath the Southern Pacific - real or apparent? |
EGU2016-1639 | Orals | GD7.2 Anisotropic plasticity of MgSiO3 post-perovskite from atomic scale modeling |
EGU2016-2348 | Posters | GD7.2 Mantle deformation patterns beneath southern Tibet using splitting of direct-S waves |
EGU2016-2044 | Posters | GD7.2 Observations of the singlets of higher modes based on the OSE |
GD8.1 – Recent advances in Geodynamics: Computational methods and applications (co-organized)
EGU2016-16777 | Orals | GD8.1 Nonlinear waves in deforming porous media with the finite difference method |
EGU2016-5830 | Posters | GD8.1 Flow and transport in single fracture with roughness. |
EGU2016-8493 | Orals | GD8.1 A massively parallel adaptive scheme for melt migration in geodynamics computations |
EGU2016-6135 | Posters | GD8.1 Failure development around a borehole in an orthorhombic thermo-elastoplastic rock medium |
EGU2016-15719 | Orals | GD8.1 Multi-phase multi-component reactive flow in Geodynamics |
EGU2016-9439 | Posters | GD8.1 Sheath fold development around slip surfaces subject to general shear |
EGU2016-5102 | Orals | GD8.1 Aggressive, accelerated subdomain smoothers for Stokes flow with highly heterogeneous viscosity structure |
EGU2016-12869 | Posters | GD8.1 Including the effects of elastic compressibility and volume changes in geodynamical modeling of crust-lithosphere-mantle deformation |
EGU2016-14070 | Orals | GD8.1 Real time solution of parameterised problems via Model Reduction techniques |
EGU2016-16487 | Posters | GD8.1 On the closure of circular holes in nonlinear viscous media. |
EGU2016-3755 | Posters | GD8.1 Determining scaling laws from geodynamic simulations using adjoint gradients. |
EGU2016-10076 | Orals | GD8.1 Boundary condition optimal control problem in lava flow modelling |
EGU2016-10128 | Posters | GD8.1 3D modelling of non-linear visco-elasto-plastic crustal and lithospheric processes using LaMEM |
EGU2016-13605 | Posters | GD8.1 Efficient development of memory bounded geo-applications to scale on modern supercomputers |
EGU2016-11042 | Posters | GD8.1 Implementation of a flexible and scalable particle-in-cell method for massively parallel computations in the mantle convection code ASPECT |
EGU2016-17076 | Posters | GD8.1 Thermo-mechanically coupled deformation with the finite difference method |
EGU2016-17980 | Posters | GD8.1 geomIO: A tool for geodynamicists to turn 2D cross-sections into 3D geometries |
EGU2016-150 | Posters | GD8.1 Tectonic and hydrological controls on multiscale deformations in the Levant: numerical modeling and theoretical analysis |
EGU2016-3669 | Posters | GD8.1 Efficient 2d full waveform inversion using Fortran coarray |
EGU2016-1280 | Posters | GD8.1 Structure-preserving spectral element method in attenuating seismic wave modeling |
EGU2016-5522 | Posters | GD8.1 Equivalent-bodyforce approach on modeling elastic dislocation problem using finite element method |
EGU2016-5454 | Posters | GD8.1 The effects of three-dimensional heterogeneous Earth model of coseismic displacement changes of the Sumatra earthquake of 26 December 2004 |
EGU2016-2512 | Posters | GD8.1 Necessity of using heterogeneous ellipsoidal Earth model with terrain to calculate co-seismic effect |
EGU2016-2774 | Posters | GD8.1 Combined co-seismic effects of the 2010 Mw8.8 Maule, the 2014 Mw8.0 Iquique and the 2015 Mw8.3 Illapel earthquakes in Chile |
EGU2016-791 | Posters | GD8.1 Method of Characteristic Galerkin Scheme on Spherical Geodesic Grid |
GD8.2 – Measurement, processing and interpretation of Earth’s thermal state: new developments and impact on the geo-community (co-organized)
EGU2016-5497 | Orals | GD8.2 Meso-Cenozoic thermal-rheological evolution in Jiyang sub-basin, Bohai Bay Basin and its implication for basin extension revealed by numerical modelling |
EGU2016-1801 | Posters | GD8.2 Heat flow, deep formation temperature and thermal structure of the Tarim Basin, northwest China |
EGU2016-4476 | Orals | GD8.2 New approaches in the indirect quantification of thermal rock properties in sedimentary basins: the well-log perspective |
EGU2016-10463 | Posters | GD8.2 An assessment of thermal regime in and around Japan |
EGU2016-10617 | Orals | GD8.2 Machine learning with neural networks - a case study of estimating thermal conductivity with ancient well-log data |
EGU2016-4516 | Posters | GD8.2 Temperature field and heat flow of the Danish-German border region – borehole measurements and numerical modelling |
EGU2016-9690 | Orals | GD8.2 Correlations between Thermal and Sonic Anisotropy for Low-Permeable Reservoirs |
EGU2016-12463 | Posters | GD8.2 Thermal Properties of West Siberian Sediments in Application to Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling |
EGU2016-12118 | Orals | GD8.2 Thermal Properties of Bazhen fm. Sediments from Thermal Core Logging |
EGU2016-10987 | Posters | GD8.2 Abnormal high surface heat flow caused by the Emeishan mantle plume |
EGU2016-11583 | Orals | GD8.2 Deep drilling for geothermal energy in Finland |
EGU2016-15408 | Posters | GD8.2 Thermal models, lithosphere thickness and heat flow in South Portugal. Some comments about the subject |
EGU2016-15454 | Posters | GD8.2 A review of the heat flow data of NE Morocco |
EGU2016-16938 | Posters | GD8.2 The role of hydrogeological conditions and thermophysical properties on the evaluation of geothermal exchange potential in Central Italy |
EGU2016-7369 | Posters | GD8.2 Groundwater vertical velocity from thermal data in aquifer recharge areas: first results on the Lanzo Fan (Piedmont, NW Italy) |
EGU2016-12141 | Posters | GD8.2 A transient divided-bar method for simultaneous measurements of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity |
EGU2016-17726 | Posters | GD8.2 A measurement method and system of the thermal properties of rocks under high pressure without heat source |
EGU2016-9565 | Posters | GD8.2 Prediction of Geomechanical Properties from Thermal Conductivity of Low-Permeable Reservoirs |
EGU2016-11881 | Posters | GD8.2 New Technique for TOC Estimation Based on Thermal Core Logging in Low-Permeable Formations (Bazhen fm.) |
EGU2016-7285 | Posters | GD8.2 Radiogenic Heat Production in the Gölcük Caldera and Direkli, Isparta Angle (Southwest Anatolia) |
EGU2016-15581 | Posters | GD8.2 Rock cooling history using thermoluminescence of natural radiation dosimeter |
EGU2016-13288 | Posters | GD8.2 Seasonal changes of thermal diffusivity and their effect on heat transfer in soils |
GD8.3 – Exploring crust and mantle under the oceans: innovative instrumentation, processing and interpretation of ocean-bottom data (co-organized)
EGU2016-2004 | Orals | GD8.3 | Media interest MERMAID seismometry in the oceans: resolving the detail of geodynamic processes |
EGU2016-3189 | Posters | GD8.3 NX-2G : autonomous BBOBS-NX for a highly mobile broadband seismic observation at the seafloor |
EGU2016-10555 | Posters | GD8.3 Optimizing OBS data using shielding and by removing ocean wave loading noise with Pressure and Horizontal Pressure Gradient Sensor Data |
EGU2016-2492 | Orals | GD8.3 Five years of the Normal Oceanic Mantle (NOMan) Project |
EGU2016-17327 | Posters | GD8.3 Determining Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Orientations from the RHUM-RUM experiment from P-wave and Rayleigh wave polarizations |
EGU2016-5351 | Orals | GD8.3 Mantle transition zone beneath a normal seafloor in the northwestern Pacific: Electrical conductivity, seismic discontinuity, and water content |
EGU2016-16588 | Posters | GD8.3 The importance of a multidisciplinary approach for solid earth geophysics in Seafloor Observatories data analysis |
EGU2016-10962 | Orals | GD8.3 Three-dimensional conductivity image of the Society hotspot using marine magnetotelluric data |
EGU2016-13727 | Orals | GD8.3 Hunting for the Tristan plume - An upper mantle tomography around the volcanic island Tristan da Cunha |
EGU2016-2514 | Posters | GD8.3 Pacific Array (Transportable Broadband Ocean Floor Array) |
EGU2016-15692 | Posters | GD8.3 OBS FOMAR POOL: Gibraltar and ALERTES-RIM experiments. |
EGU2016-13420 | Orals | GD8.3 The magmatic source of the Tristan da Cunha hotspot: Implication from electrical conductivity |
EGU2016-2908 | Orals | GD8.3 | Media interest Seafloor seismological/geodetic observations in the rupture area of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake |
EGU2016-10834 | Posters | GD8.3 Amphibian Seismological Studies in the Ross Sea, Antarctica |
EGU2016-11470 | Orals | GD8.3 Electrical resistivity distributions of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake based on marine electromagnetic data |
EGU2016-14988 | Posters | GD8.3 Observations of oceanic crust and mantle structures at a deep ocean seismic array in the Eastern Mid Atlantic |
EGU2016-7634 | Posters | GD8.3 Shear-wave velocity structure of young Atlantic Lithosphere from dispersion analysis and waveform modelling of Rayleigh waves |
EGU2016-5210 | Orals | GD8.3 Seismic Constraints on Water and Melt Pathways and Fluxes Through Western Pacific Island Arcs |
EGU2016-5359 | Posters | GD8.3 Upper mantle structure of the Pacific and Philippine Sea plates revealed by seafloor seismic array observations |
EGU2016-12833 | Orals | GD8.3 Seismic structure of lithosphere emplaced at ultra-slow spreading rates |
EGU2016-7227 | Posters | GD8.3 Thermal and compositional constrains on the upper mantle beneath the northwestern Pacific imposed by marine magnetotellurics |
EGU2016-4825 | Posters | GD8.3 Electrical conductivity of partially-molten olivine aggregate and melt interconnectivity in the oceanic upper mantle |
EGU2016-8500 | Orals | GD8.3 Ocean Bottom Seismometers technology: current state and future outlook |
EGU2016-11915 | Orals | GD8.3 LOBSTER - The Next Generation |
EGU2016-2884 | Posters | GD8.3 The thickness of the mantle transition zone beneath the Society hotpots using data from the TIARES network. |
EGU2016-12001 | Posters | GD8.3 Structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the vicinity of the Tristan da Cunha hot spot as seen by surface waves |
EGU2016-4438 | Orals | GD8.3 MUG-OBS - Multiparameter Geophysical Ocean Bottom System : a new instrumental approach to monitor earthquakes. |
EGU2016-12048 | Orals | GD8.3 Practical performance evaluation of the Wave Glider in geophysical observations |
EGU2016-11646 | Posters | GD8.3 Thickness of the oceanic crust and the mantle transition zone in the vicinity of the Tristan da Cunha hot spot estimated from ocean-bottom and ocean-island seismometer receiver functions |
EGU2016-13841 | Posters | GD8.3 Crustal Structure Around the Tristan da Cunha Hotspot Derived from Ambient Noise |
EGU2016-4060 | Orals | GD8.3 Noise on broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) from the German (DEPAS) and French (INSU) instruments pools as recorded in the RHUM-RUM project |
EGU2016-5857 | Posters | GD8.3 Finite frequency P-wave traveltime measurements on ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones in the western Indian Ocean |
EGU2016-6111 | Orals | GD8.3 Comparing hydroacoustic and T-phases from terrestrial and ocean-bottom recordings around La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean |
EGU2016-12942 | Posters | GD8.3 Ambient seismic noise tomography of SW Iberia integrating seafloor- and land-based data |
EGU2016-13209 | Posters | GD8.3 Geophysical monitoring from seafloor observatories in Italian volcanic sites: Marsili Seamount, Etna Volcano and Stromboli Island. |
EGU2016-13832 | Posters | GD8.3 Outline of Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis along the Japan Trench (S-net) |
EGU2016-17157 | Posters | GD8.3 Intensive sound speed monitoring in ocean and its impact on the GPS/acoustic seafloor geodetic measurement |