TS – Tectonics & Structural Geology
TS1.2 – Fault rocks in the lab and in the field: structural constraints on fault growth and mechanics (co-organized)
EGU2016-4032 | Posters | TS1.2 Propagation of syn-sedimentary faults within the passive margin Otway Basin, Australia |
EGU2016-14942 | Posters | TS1.2 Complex brittle deformation pattern along the Southern Patagonian Andes (Argentina) |
EGU2016-2398 | Orals | TS1.2 How do normal faults grow? |
EGU2016-8926 | Orals | TS1.2 Geometry and kinematics of non-colinear normal fault populations: The role of deep-seated crustal lineaments throughout multiphase rifting |
EGU2016-8619 | Posters | TS1.2 Significance of first-order faults in folding mechanically isotropic layers: evidence from the Sudbury Basin, Canada. |
EGU2016-6661 | Orals | TS1.2 The effect of mechanical discontinuities on the growth of faults |
EGU2016-6824 | Posters | TS1.2 3-D fault development in a geothermal system in the German Molasse Basin |
EGU2016-9799 | Orals | TS1.2 Fault zone roughness controls slip stability |
EGU2016-15851 | Posters | TS1.2 Faulting of a turbidite sandstone-siltstone successions: the case study of the Macigno Formation, Tuscany, Italy |
EGU2016-15386 | Posters | TS1.2 Tectonic origin for polygonal normal faults in pelagic limestones of the Cingoli anticline hinge (Italy) |
EGU2016-13519 | Orals | TS1.2 Microstructural evolution from stable sliding to fast stick slip: insights from rock deformation experiments on quartz |
EGU2016-3601 | Posters | TS1.2 Microstructural and magnetic investigations of pseudotachylyte and ultracataclasite in the Hoping River, Tananao Complex, Eastern Taiwan |
EGU2016-5312 | Orals | TS1.2 Multiple episodes of breccia formation by particle fluidization in fault zones: implications repeated, rupture-controlled fluid flow and seismicity styles |
EGU2016-2525 | Posters | TS1.2 Cockade-textured cataclasite and silica gel from damage zone in carbonated ultramafics: markers of cycles of seismic activity? |
EGU2016-5072 | Orals | TS1.2 Experimental constraints on the energy budget of dynamic gouge formation: effects of rock strength, material heterogeneity, and initial flaw characteristics |
EGU2016-11425 | Posters | TS1.2 The Livingstone Fault: a case study of faulting and slip dynamics in ultramafic rocks |
EGU2016-4100 | Posters | TS1.2 Carbonate pseudotachylite? from a Miocene extensional detachment, W. Cyclades, Greece. |
EGU2016-5216 | Orals | TS1.2 From flash heating to frictional melting: capturing the incipient microstructural development of experimental fault interfaces |
EGU2016-10872 | Orals | TS1.2 Texture evolution in calcite gouge formed at sub-seismic slip |
EGU2016-4002 | Posters | TS1.2 Normal fault growth above pre-existing structures: insights from discrete element modelling |
EGU2016-15205 | Orals | TS1.2 Laboratory study of fault healing in Carrara marble |
EGU2016-3082 | Posters | TS1.2 Instantaneous healing of micro-fractures during coseismic slip: evidence from microstructure and Ti in quartz geochemistry within an exhumed pseudotachylyte-bearing fault in tonalite |
EGU2016-2531 | Orals | TS1.2 "Coseismic foliations" in gouge and cataclasite: experimental observations and consequences for interpreting the fault rock record |
EGU2016-1268 | Posters | TS1.2 Porosity reduction within shear deformation bands in unconsolidated Pleistocene sediments |
EGU2016-11254 | Orals | TS1.2 Highly plastic behavior and fluidization of gouge; implications for fault and landslide mechanics and for the generation of mud volcanoes |
EGU2016-6509 | Posters | TS1.2 Evolution of the heterogeneous structure of 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake thrust in Chushan excavation site, central Taiwan, based on distinct element models |
EGU2016-8356 | Posters | TS1.2 Microstructural investigation of a locally mirror-like surface collected at 4 km depth in a Pomeranian shale sample |
EGU2016-13195 | Posters | TS1.2 Dilatant normal faulting in jointed cohesive rocks: insights from physical modeling |
EGU2016-13036 | Posters | TS1.2 Mechanisms of clay smear formation in 3D – a field study |
EGU2016-13322 | Posters | TS1.2 The role of thin, mechanical discontinuities on the propagation of reverse faults: insights from analogue models |
EGU2016-15867 | Posters | TS1.2 Influence of the confining pressure on precursory and rupture processes of Westerly granite. |
EGU2016-18128 | Posters | TS1.2 Brittle deformation in Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT): A study of pseudotachylyte bearing fractures along Gangavalli Shear Zone (GSZ), Tamil Nadu, India. |
EGU2016-9135 | Posters | TS1.2 A generalized Nadai failure criterion for both crystalline and clastic rocks based on true triaxial tests |
EGU2016-8667 | Posters | TS1.2 Slickenline development during fault slip depends on temperature under hydrothermal conditions |
EGU2016-8353 | Posters | TS1.2 High Strain Rate Testing of Rocks using a Split-Hopkinson-Pressure Bar |
EGU2016-4136 | Posters | TS1.2 Deformation mechanisms in experimentally deformed Boom Clay |
TS1.3 – Stress, Fracturing, Flow and Transformation in Porous Media (co-organized)
EGU2016-4693 | Orals | TS1.3 | Media interest Impact of ductility on hydraulic fracturing in shales |
EGU2016-144 | Posters | TS1.3 Methane bubble ascent within muddy aquatic sediments under different ambient methane source strengths |
EGU2016-1110 | Orals | TS1.3 The 4D evolution of porosity during ongoing pressure-solution processes in NaCl using x-ray microtomography |
EGU2016-9324 | Posters | TS1.3 Are stylolites progressive strain markers and windows into time? |
EGU2016-12444 | Orals | TS1.3 A visco-poroelastic damage model for modelling compaction and brittle failure of porous rocks |
EGU2016-1441 | Posters | TS1.3 Use of non-fault fractures in stress tensor reconstruction using the Mohr Circle with the Win-tensor program |
EGU2016-13382 | Orals | TS1.3 3D pore-network analysis and permeability estimation of deformation bands hosted in carbonate grainstones. |
EGU2016-3912 | Posters | TS1.3 Orientation distribution analysis of fault planes for constraining friction coefficient |
EGU2016-7465 | Posters | TS1.3 Thermodynamically consistent model of brittle oil shales under overpressure |
EGU2016-13497 | Orals | TS1.3 Compaction instabilities described by cnoidal waves in ore-hosting dolomites |
EGU2016-7547 | Posters | TS1.3 Fault kinematic and Mesozoic paleo-stress evolution of the Hoop fault complex, Barents Sea |
EGU2016-15511 | Orals | TS1.3 New inversion of calcite twin data for paleostress tested and calibrated on numerically-generated and natural data |
EGU2016-793 | Orals | TS1.3 Understanding Aero-Fractures using optics and acoustics |
EGU2016-7747 | Posters | TS1.3 Regional polyphase deformation of the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina Andean foreland): strengths and weaknesses of paleostress inversion |
EGU2016-13596 | Orals | TS1.3 Destabilization of confined granular packings due to fluid flow |
EGU2016-7878 | Posters | TS1.3 Microdeformation and subcritical cracking in chalk |
EGU2016-16307 | Orals | TS1.3 Pneumatic fractures in Confined Granular Media |
EGU2016-8200 | Posters | TS1.3 Introducing dolomite seams: hybrid compaction-dissolution bands in dolomitic limestones |
EGU2016-11966 | Posters | TS1.3 Solving the simultaneous equations of stress, temperature, depth, and critical resolved shear stress using calcite e-twin data |
EGU2016-15959 | Orals | TS1.3 Capturing poromechanical coupling effects of the reactive fracturing process in porous rock via a DEM-network model |
EGU2016-13824 | Orals | TS1.3 Dynamics of barite growth in porous media quantified by in situ synchrotron X-ray tomography |
EGU2016-13369 | Posters | TS1.3 Carbonate concretions in synkinematic Quaternary sediments as markers of paleo-fluid flow induced by the development of the Quattro Castella growth anticline, Northern Apennines, Italy |
EGU2016-11815 | Orals | TS1.3 Deciphering the brittle evolution of SW Norway through a combined structural, mineralogical and geochronological approach |
EGU2016-13847 | Posters | TS1.3 A generic model of pattern formation in Mississippi Valley-Type deposits based on analytical findings |
EGU2016-17354 | Posters | TS1.3 Variation on microstructure of sandstone caused by CO2 injection test |
EGU2016-17295 | Posters | TS1.3 Two phase granular transport in cylindrical confinement |
EGU2016-17103 | Posters | TS1.3 Experimental investigation of the displacement dynamics during biphasic flow in porous media |
EGU2016-16932 | Posters | TS1.3 Invasion Patterns During Two-phase Flow In Deformable Porous Media |
EGU2016-9139 | Posters | TS1.3 Modelling Layer parallel stylolites |
EGU2016-9213 | Posters | TS1.3 Hydraulic fracturing and the creation of hydraulic breccias |
EGU2016-14565 | Posters | TS1.3 Stress field modelling from digital geological map data |
EGU2016-14005 | Posters | TS1.3 Influence of mechanical rock properties and fracture healing rate on crustal fluid flow dynamics |
EGU2016-14928 | Posters | TS1.3 Waves on a Hele-Shaw Cell: Simulations of Acoustic Emissions During Aerofracture |
EGU2016-13915 | Posters | TS1.3 Fingerprinting stress: stylolite and calcite twinning paleopiezometry reveal the complexity of stress distribution during the growth of the Monte Nero anticline (Apennines, Italy). |
EGU2016-5884 | Posters | TS1.3 Control On Fluid Flow Properties In Sandstone: Interactions Between Diagenesis Processes And Fracture Corridors |
EGU2016-8455 | Posters | TS1.3 A non-Linear transport model for determining shale rock characteristics |
EGU2016-11369 | Posters | TS1.3 Separation of deviatoric stress tensors from heterogeneous calcite twin data using a statistical mixture model |
EGU2016-14037 | Posters | TS1.3 Stylolite shape, roughness growth dynamics and related burial history: a 3D analysis. |
EGU2016-15062 | Posters | TS1.3 A theory of time-dependent compaction by fracturing and pressure solution |
TS1.4 – Oceanic and continental transform plate boundaries: nucleation, evolution and tectonic significance (Posters only) (co-organized)
EGU2016-9285 | Posters | TS1.4 Basement-driven strike-slip deformation involving a salt-stock canopy system |
EGU2016-584 | Posters | TS1.4 Analogue modelling of the effect of topographic steps in the development of strike-slip faults |
EGU2016-4187 | Posters | TS1.4 Oceanic crust formation in the Egeria Fracture Zone Complex (Central Indian Ocean) |
EGU2016-7604 | Posters | TS1.4 Moho depth and crustal thinning in the Marmara Sea region from gravity data inversion |
EGU2016-8369 | Posters | TS1.4 Rheology and friction along the Vema transform fault (Central Atlantic) inferred by thermal modeling |
EGU2016-8729 | Posters | TS1.4 Control of hyper-extended passive margin architecture on subduction initiation with application to the Alps and present-day North Atlantic ocean |
EGU2016-16429 | Posters | TS1.4 Deep view of the Subduction-Transform Edge Propagator (STEP) fault in the Calabrian Subduction Zone |
EGU2016-10067 | Posters | TS1.4 How historical seismicity in oceans can be deduced from sailors’ testimonies and related to modern tectonics |
EGU2016-13214 | Posters | TS1.4 Understanding of the rheology of the structure on the NW-SE crosssection of the North Anatolian Fault Zone around İzmit |
TS2.2 – Analysis of microstructure, texture and deformation mechanisms in nature and experiment (co-organized)
EGU2016-1247 | Orals | TS2.2 Imaging Water in Deformed Quartzites: Examples from Caledonian and Himalayan Shear Zones |
EGU2016-10513 | Orals | TS2.2 Micro-scale strain mapping technique: a tool to quantify strain partitioning during creep deformation |
EGU2016-10902 | Posters | TS2.2 Assimilation of Sonic Velocity and Thin Section Measurements from the NEEM Ice Core |
EGU2016-7530 | Orals | TS2.2 Reconstruction of 3d grain boundaries from rock thin sections, using polarised light |
EGU2016-3664 | Posters | TS2.2 State of the art of study on strength of frozen soils |
EGU2016-622 | Orals | TS2.2 Characterizing 3D grain size distributions from 2D sections in mylonites using a modified version of the Saltykov method |
EGU2016-12273 | Posters | TS2.2 Pre-lithification tectonic foliation development in a clastic sedimentary sequence |
EGU2016-5588 | Posters | TS2.2 Grain size and shape evolution of experimentally deformed sediments: the role of slip rate |
EGU2016-9748 | Orals | TS2.2 The role of dislocations in varied olivine deformation mechanisms investigated using high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction |
EGU2016-9535 | Posters | TS2.2 Composite grain size sensitive and grain size insensitive creep of bischofite, carnallite and mixed bischofite-carnallite-halite salt rock |
EGU2016-1761 | Orals | TS2.2 Dislocations: do you want them moving or in 3D ? |
EGU2016-18293 | Orals | TS2.2 Experimental Studies of Dynamic Fault Weakening Due to Thermal Pressurization of Pore Fluids |
EGU2016-13069 | Posters | TS2.2 Brittle-to-viscous behaviour of quartz gouge in shear experiments |
EGU2016-1815 | Orals | TS2.2 Relating rheology to geometry in large-scale natural shear zones |
EGU2016-6903 | Posters | TS2.2 Microstructures and elastic properties of sheared calcite flowstone |
EGU2016-3710 | Orals | TS2.2 Strain analysis in quartzites with negative magnetic susceptibility using AMS and EBSD data |
EGU2016-10806 | Orals | TS2.2 Deformation Processes Along the Moyagee Fault, Western Australia - a Subtle Interplay of Fracture, Flow and Mineralizing Fluids |
EGU2016-9561 | Posters | TS2.2 Grain-scale alignment of melt in sheared partially molten rocks: implications for viscous anisotropy |
EGU2016-11894 | Posters | TS2.2 Infrared absorption band in deformed qtz crystals analyzed by combining different microstructural methods |
EGU2016-7933 | Orals | TS2.2 Direct Shear of Olivine Single Crystals |
EGU2016-10771 | Orals | TS2.2 Dynamically- and chemically-induced grain boundary migration in quartz: microstructures, crystallographic fabrics, and trace element contents |
EGU2016-8221 | Posters | TS2.2 Absolute orientations from EBSD measurements - as easy as it seems? |
EGU2016-8731 | Posters | TS2.2 BHQ revisited (1) - Looking at grain size |
EGU2016-17996 | Orals | TS2.2 On the influence of recrystallization on snow fabric and microstructure: study of a snow profile in Central East Antarctica |
EGU2016-14320 | Posters | TS2.2 BHQ revisited (2): Texture development |
EGU2016-10854 | Orals | TS2.2 Uncertainty in Ice Crystal Orientation Distributions in Ice Sheets |
EGU2016-5653 | Posters | TS2.2 Garnet ships in a quartzite sea |
EGU2016-17724 | Orals | TS2.2 Small-scale disturbances in the stratigraphy of ice cores: observations and numerical model simulations |
EGU2016-14040 | Orals | TS2.2 Three dimensional rock microstructures: insights from FIB-SEM tomography |
EGU2016-7271 | Posters | TS2.2 Strain localization along micro-boudinage |
EGU2016-5762 | Orals | TS2.2 Numerical simualtions and implications of air inclusions on the microdynamics of ice and firn |
EGU2016-659 | Posters | TS2.2 The influence of the Dauphine twinning in the development of quartz ribbons |
EGU2016-7843 | Orals | TS2.2 Microstructural, textural and thermal evolution of an exhumed strike-slip fault and insights into localization and rheological transition |
EGU2016-662 | Posters | TS2.2 Flex – rigid behavior of quartzite and its mineralogical, microstructural and textural properties from EBSD |
EGU2016-6093 | Posters | TS2.2 Comparison between different techniques applied to quartz CPO determination in granitoid mylonites |
EGU2016-1067 | Posters | TS2.2 Crystallographic Behavior of Iron Oxide Minerals in the Deformed Iron Formation of Quadrilátero Ferrífero |
EGU2016-2164 | Posters | TS2.2 Crystallographic Fabrics, Grain Boundary Microstructure and Shape Preferred Orientation of Deformed Banded Iron Formations and their Significance for Deformation Interpretation |
EGU2016-14974 | Posters | TS2.2 Low magnification EBSD mapping of texture distribution in a fine-grained matrix |
EGU2016-7385 | Posters | TS2.2 Documenting Mica Microstructures in Mylonites of the Cossato-Mergozzo-Brissago Line, Northern Italy |
EGU2016-14569 | Posters | TS2.2 Effects of fluid-assisted diffusion on texture strength in a mylonitised metagabbro |
EGU2016-15387 | Posters | TS2.2 Tackling pseudosymmetry problems in electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analyses of perovskite structures |
EGU2016-7706 | Posters | TS2.2 Detailed microstructure of two-phase lower mantle mineral analogs from SEM and EBSD |
EGU2016-1869 | Posters | TS2.2 The relationship between strain geometry and geometrically necessary dislocations |
EGU2016-10810 | Posters | TS2.2 Olivine and spinel fabric development in lineated peridotites |
EGU2016-10946 | Posters | TS2.2 Development of olivine crystallographic preferred orientation in response to strain-induced fabric geometry |
EGU2016-11489 | Posters | TS2.2 Microfabrics in depleted mantle plaeotransform (New Caledonia) |
EGU2016-2752 | Posters | TS2.2 Crystal preferred orientation of amphibole and implications for seismic anisotropy in the crust |
EGU2016-2762 | Posters | TS2.2 Microstructures and seismic anisotropy of blueschist and eclogite from Ring Mountain and Jenner in California |
EGU2016-11444 | Posters | TS2.2 Interplay between grain size reduction, chemical reaction, and shear localization in lower crustal rocks: a case study from Archaean Bundelkhand Craton, North-Central India |
EGU2016-8917 | Posters | TS2.2 Ductile strain rate recorded in the Symvolon syn-extensional plutonic body (Rhodope core complex, Greece) |
TS2.3 – Strain localization from the mid-crust to the upper mantle: brittle-ductile transition and ductile shear zones in nature, experiments and theory (including the Stephan Mueller medal lecture by Renée Heilbronner) (co-organized)
EGU2016-547 | Posters | TS2.3 Mineralogically triggered strain localization: inferences from ductile paired shear zones (Tauern Window, Eastern Alps) |
EGU2016-2091 | Orals | TS2.3 Linking natural microstructures with numerical modeling of pinch-and-swell structures |
EGU2016-3079 | Posters | TS2.3 Fe-Ti-oxide textures and microstructures in shear zones from oceanic gabbros at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge |
EGU2016-10122 | Posters | TS2.3 Brittle grain size reduction of feldspar, phase mixing and strain localization in granitoids at mid-crustal conditions (Pernambuco shear zone, NE Brazil) |
EGU2016-8335 | Orals | TS2.3 Development of discrete aggregates of recrystallization along micro-shear zones in quartz ribbons during multistage ductile evolution of a quartz vein |
EGU2016-3594 | Posters | TS2.3 Rheological behavior of glaucophane and lawsonite in experimentally deformed blueschists |
EGU2016-7472 | Orals | TS2.3 Experimental deformation of a mafic rock – interplay between fracturing, reaction and viscous deformation |
EGU2016-5599 | Posters | TS2.3 Microstructures and TitaniQ geothermometry in high – temperature dynamically recrystallized mylonites, Ribeira belt (SE Brazil) |
EGU2016-9048 | Orals | TS2.3 Zipper and freeway shear zone junctions |
EGU2016-12740 | Posters | TS2.3 Effect of length-scale on localization of shear zones along precursor fractures and layers during deformation of middle to lower crustal rocks |
EGU2016-14333 | Orals | TS2.3 The importance of strain localisation in shear zones |
EGU2016-7048 | Posters | TS2.3 Feedback of fluids on ductile strain localization in the upper mantle |
EGU2016-5575 | Orals | TS2.3 The effects of heterogeneities and loading conditions in the development of shear zones |
EGU2016-7730 | Posters | TS2.3 Origin and structure of major orogen-scale exhumed strike-slip |
EGU2016-13725 | Orals | TS2.3 Strain localization in the lower crust: brittle precursors versus lithological heterogeneities (Musgrave Ranges, Central Australia) |
EGU2016-11035 | Posters | TS2.3 Rheological properties of the lower crust and upper mantle beneath Baja California: a microstructural study of xenoliths from San Quintin |
EGU2016-11177 | Orals | TS2.3 Rheological structure of the lithosphere in plate boundary strike-slip fault zones |
EGU2016-13587 | Posters | TS2.3 Metamorphic reactions, grain size reduction and deformation of mafic lower crustal rocks |
EGU2016-14060 | Posters | TS2.3 Eclogitic breccia from the Monviso meta-ophiolite complex: field and petrographic evidences of multiple-stage eclogite-facies brecciation |
EGU2016-1517 | Orals | TS2.3 Deformation of the lithosphere and what microstructures can tell us about it (Stephan Mueller Medal Lecture) |
EGU2016-14663 | Posters | TS2.3 Mechanisms of brittle-ductile flow during strain localization along middle crust fault zones -case study from the Hefangkou detachment fault zone, Yunmengshan, North China |
EGU2016-15133 | Posters | TS2.3 Field and Microstructure Study of Transpressive Jogdadi shear zone near Ambaji, Aravalli- Delhi Mobile Belt, NW India and its tectonic implication on the exhumation of granulites. |
TS2.4 – Intrasalt structure and composition: What do we know, what might we want to know and why might it be important? (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2016-1055 | PICO | TS2.4 Deformation above mobile substrates, salt rheology and spatial distribution of salt structures: A 3D seismic study of the Permian southern North Sea |
EGU2016-1226 | PICO | TS2.4 Structural evolution of the Namakdan salt diapir in the Zagros fold-thrust belt: The Persian Gulf, Iran |
EGU2016-9085 | PICO | TS2.4 The role of mechanical heterogeneities in evaporite sequence during deformation initiated by basement fault activity |
EGU2016-3756 | PICO | TS2.4 3D modelling of salt tectonics with a brittle overburden in an extensional regime |
EGU2016-11426 | PICO | TS2.4 Numerical modelling of salt diapirism and the surrounding temperature field during thin-skinned extension |
EGU2016-5010 | PICO | TS2.4 Complex intrasalt deformation in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil: the role of density inversion |
EGU2016-13249 | PICO | TS2.4 The structure of the Zechstein 3 stringer in the northern Netherlands, and its implications for salt kinematics and rheology |
EGU2016-15642 | PICO | TS2.4 Deep structure study of the salt body of Jbel Rheouis (central tunisia) from geological and gravity data |
EGU2016-16644 | PICO | TS2.4 Rheological stratification in Zechstein rock salt caused by thermodynamically controlled reorganization of grain boundary fluids? A test using gravitationally induced sinking of anhydrite-dolomite stringers. |
EGU2016-16871 | PICO | TS2.4 The early life of a Salt Giant: syndepositional basement faulting in the Zechstein of NE Netherlands. |
EGU2016-17023 | PICO | TS2.4 Internal deformation in layered Zechstein-III K-Mg salts. Structures formed by complex deformation and high contrasts in viscosity observed in drill cores. |
TS4.1 – The Interplay between Earthquakes, the Seismic Cycle and Long-term Deformation (Co-sponsored by AGU Tectonophysics) (Including the Outstanding Young Scientist Award talk by Åke Fagereng) (co-organized)
EGU2016-2469 | Posters | TS4.1 The analysis of GPS crustal deformation, seismicity, and strain rate in October 2013 Ruisui, Taiwan Earthquake |
EGU2016-2801 | Posters | TS4.1 Describing earthquakes potential through mountain building processes: an example within Nepal Himalaya |
EGU2016-3607 | Orals | TS4.1 Building a Framework Earthquake Cycle Deformational Model for Subduction Megathrust Zones: Integrating Observations with Numerical Models |
EGU2016-2299 | Orals | TS4.1 Locking, mass flux and topographic response at convergent plate boundaries – the Chilean case |
EGU2016-1936 | Posters | TS4.1 Deformation transients in the brittle regime: Insights from spring-wedge experiments |
EGU2016-13291 | Posters | TS4.1 Coupling geodynamic earthquake cycles and dynamic ruptures |
EGU2016-9761 | Orals | TS4.1 Long-term tectonic segmentation along the Chilean marine forearc and its implications for the short-term deformation process |
EGU2016-7591 | Posters | TS4.1 High Holocene coastal uplift gives insight into the seismic behavior at the Arica Bend (Peru-Chile subduction zone) |
EGU2016-2558 | Posters | TS4.1 Late 18th to early 19th century sea-level history and inter-seismic behavior along the western Myanmar plate boundary belt recorded by coral microatolls |
EGU2016-17588 | Orals | TS4.1 Upper crustal fault reactivation and the potential of triggered earthquakes on the Atacama Fault System, N-Chile |
EGU2016-13561 | Orals | TS4.1 10Be surface exposure dating reveals strong active deformation in the central Andean backarc interior |
EGU2016-3877 | Posters | TS4.1 The signature of the earthquake cycle at subduction zones: comparing geodetic observations with long-term models for Mw>8 events |
EGU2016-12568 | Orals | TS4.1 Physically-based modelling of the competition between surface uplift and erosion caused by earthquakes and earthquake sequences. |
EGU2016-5316 | Posters | TS4.1 Inelastic strain in the seismogenic zone, Kyushu, Japan inferred from focal mechanism of earthquakes |
EGU2016-618 | Posters | TS4.1 Salted matters: modifying gelatine rheology for subduction thrust fault seismicity models |
EGU2016-17231 | Orals | TS4.1 Mechanisms of postseismic relaxation after a great subduction earthquake constrained by cross-scale thermomechanical model and geodetic observations |
EGU2016-1119 | Posters | TS4.1 Seismic activity in the transitional segment of Southern Andes after Maule 2010 megathrust earthquake |
EGU2016-15585 | Posters | TS4.1 Towards three-dimensional continuum models of self-consistent along-strike megathrust segmentation |
EGU2016-13449 | Orals | TS4.1 Impact of the viscoelastic postseismic deformation following megathrust earthquake on seismic hazard in subduction zones : the case of the Maule and Illapel earthquakes in Chile |
EGU2016-8671 | Posters | TS4.1 Linking the kinematics of the interplate and the offshore morphology along the Chilean subduction margin |
EGU2016-17896 | Orals | TS4.1 Characteristic slip behaviour of the Tabas fold system in eastern Iran: evidence from the 1978 Mw 7.3 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake |
EGU2016-1199 | Posters | TS4.1 Coseismic topography deformation at Sumatra |
EGU2016-8630 | Orals | TS4.1 Continental strike slip fault zones in geologically complex lithosphere: the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey. |
EGU2016-5963 | Posters | TS4.1 Comparison of GPS and Quaternary slip rates: Insights from a new Quaternary fault database for Central Asia |
EGU2016-10593 | Orals | TS4.1 Scaling Between Fault Length, Damaged Zone Thickness and Width of Secondary Fault Fans Derived from Fracture Mechanics |
EGU2016-16091 | Posters | TS4.1 Relations between megathrust frictional properties and long-term deformation of the forearc |
EGU2016-10331 | Orals | TS4.1 What major faults look like, and why this matters for lithospheric dynamics |
EGU2016-9632 | Posters | TS4.1 Rupture process of the Mw7.9 2015 Gorkha earthquake (Nepal): insights into Himalayan megathrust segmentation |
EGU2016-11741 | Posters | TS4.1 Seismo-thermo-mechanical modeling of mature and immature transform faults |
EGU2016-11276 | Posters | TS4.1 Post-seismic deformation of the Mw 6.4 Shonbeh earthquake (south western Iran) of April 9th, 2013 |
EGU2016-15176 | Posters | TS4.1 Grain size reduction and shear heating: a recipe for intermediate-depth earthquake generation? |
EGU2016-1218 | Posters | TS4.1 Thermo-mechanical coupling of faults and mantle shear zones |
EGU2016-15774 | Posters | TS4.1 Spontaneous aseismic and seismic slip on evolving faults in a continuum-mechanics framework |
EGU2016-3155 | Posters | TS4.1 Controls of seismogenic zone width and subduction velocity on interplate seismicity: insights from analog and numerical models |
EGU2016-12827 | Posters | TS4.1 Coulomb Stress Changes from a Viscoelastic Model: Stress Changes after Lamjung (Nepal) Earthquake |
EGU2016-4510 | Posters | TS4.1 Coseismic and postseismic Coulomb stress changes on intra-continental dip-slip faults and the role of viscoelastic relaxation in the lower crust: insights from 3D finite-element models |
EGU2016-15519 | Posters | TS4.1 Effect of Critical Displacement Parameter on Slip Regime at Subduction Fault |
TS4.2 – Active Faults and the Earthquake Cycle (co-organized)
EGU2016-455 | Posters | TS4.2 Neotectonic Features and Kinematics of the North Anatolian Fault in Taşkesti (Bolu), Nw Turkey |
EGU2016-10209 | Orals | TS4.2 | Media interest Seismic slip deficit along Nepal Himalayas: implications for seismic hazard |
EGU2016-644 | Posters | TS4.2 Multi-parameter analysis of seismoturbidites in the Kumburgaz Basin of Sea of Marmara: Implications for creeping versus locked Central High segment of the North Anatolian Fault |
EGU2016-7105 | Orals | TS4.2 Paleoseismic evidence for two major historical earthquakes in Bhutan: new insight for rupture segmentation along the Himalayan arc |
EGU2016-3739 | Posters | TS4.2 Seismotectonics of the Antalya Basin and surrounding regions in eastern Mediterranean from 8-28 December 2013 Mw 5.0-5.8 earthquake sequence |
EGU2016-15322 | Orals | TS4.2 Tectonic geomorphology and neotectonics of the Kyaukkyan Fault, Myanmar |
EGU2016-907 | Posters | TS4.2 Historical Earthquake Scenarios and Effects on the Ancient City of İstanbul (A.D. 478 - 1999) |
EGU2016-12324 | Orals | TS4.2 Neotectonic fault structures in the Lake Thun area (Switzerland) |
EGU2016-1964 | Posters | TS4.2 Preliminary results on the deformation rates of the Malatya Fault (Malatya-Ovacık Fault Zone, Turkey) |
EGU2016-9956 | Orals | TS4.2 Slip-deficit on the Levant fault estimated by paleoseismological investigations |
EGU2016-9856 | Orals | TS4.2 Assessing fault activity in intracontinental settings: paleoseismology and geomorphology in SE Kazakhstan |
EGU2016-2452 | Posters | TS4.2 Preliminary investigation on the deformation rates of the Nazimiye Fault (Eastern Turkey) |
EGU2016-11718 | Posters | TS4.2 Geomorphological and Paleoseismological Studies of the Malatya Fault (Malatya-Ovacık Fault Zone, Turkey) |
EGU2016-7455 | Orals | TS4.2 Geomorphic legacy of medieval Himalayan earthquakes in the Pokhara Valley |
EGU2016-15794 | Orals | TS4.2 Surface rupture of the 1950 Assam earthquake: active faults and recurrence interval along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis |
EGU2016-7170 | Posters | TS4.2 Paleoseismic Trenching along the Central part of Fethiye Burdur Fault Zone, SW Turkey |
EGU2016-7337 | Posters | TS4.2 Paleoseismological Findings on the Eastern Limb of the Manyas Bend, NW Anatolia, Turkey |
EGU2016-4165 | Orals | TS4.2 Monitoring Creep Movement with Terrestrial LIDAR on the Gerede - Bayramören Segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey |
EGU2016-968 | Posters | TS4.2 Using 36Cl fault scarp dating to model Holocene paleoseismic activity in the Büyük Menderes graben, western Turkey |
EGU2016-2327 | Orals | TS4.2 The analysis of historical earthquakes of the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Region, Turkey for the last 15 centuries based on intensity and continuous Coulomb scenarios: Implications for the fault geometry and the interaction of individual earthqua |
EGU2016-13608 | Posters | TS4.2 Reconstruction of the Earthquake History of Limestone Fault Scarps in Knidos Fault Zone Using in-situ Chlorine-36 Exposure Dating and “R” Programming Language |
EGU2016-13189 | Orals | TS4.2 Geological evidence for Holocene earthquakes and tsunamis along the Nankai-Suruga Trough, Japan |
EGU2016-16701 | Orals | TS4.2 Active Fault Characterization in the Urban Area of Vienna |
EGU2016-14251 | Posters | TS4.2 Deriving earthquake history of the Knidos Fault Zone, SW Turkey, using cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating of the fault scarp. |
EGU2016-14159 | Posters | TS4.2 Toward determining the uncertainties associated with the seismic histories retrieved from in situ 36Cl cosmogenic nuclide fault scarp dating: model reappraisal. |
EGU2016-17342 | Posters | TS4.2 Inherited structures impact on co-seismic surface deformation pattern during the 2013 Balochistan, Pakistan, earthquake |
EGU2016-9822 | Posters | TS4.2 The role of large strike-slip faults in a convergent continental setting - first results from the Dzhungarian Fault in Eastern Kazakhstan |
EGU2016-12287 | Posters | TS4.2 Segmented ruptures during intracontinental earthquakes: Kyrgyz Range, N-Tien Shan |
EGU2016-18112 | Posters | TS4.2 The numerical simulation study of the dynamic evolutionary processes in an earthquake cycle on the Longmen Shan Fault |
EGU2016-16964 | Posters | TS4.2 New insights on multiple seismic uplift on the Main Frontal Thrust near the Ratu river, Eastern Nepal using high-resolution topography |
EGU2016-2468 | Posters | TS4.2 The study of characteristics of Longitude Valley Fault derived from the dense continuous GPS array, southeastern Taiwan |
EGU2016-3882 | Posters | TS4.2 Analysis of crustal deformation and the earthquake potential in Taiwan by block modeling and geodetic observations |
EGU2016-6850 | Posters | TS4.2 Seismotectonics at the junction of the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate, in light of the 1990 Hualien earthquake and the near-field waveform inversion |
EGU2016-1848 | Posters | TS4.2 Long-lasting wrenching tectonism in the Fuegian Andes: An overview |
EGU2016-7709 | Posters | TS4.2 The contribution of speleotectonics on active faults investigation in the Central Apennines (Italy) |
EGU2016-419 | Posters | TS4.2 Constraining fault activity by investigating tectonically-deformed Quaternary palaeoshorelines using a synchronous correlation method: the Capo D’Orlando Fault as a case study (NE Sicily, Italy) |
EGU2016-4003 | Posters | TS4.2 A Bayesian Seismic Hazard Analysis for the city of Naples |
EGU2016-14588 | Posters | TS4.2 How to assess magnitudes of paleo-earthquakes from multiple observations |
EGU2016-16712 | Posters | TS4.2 Paleoseismological investigations and Geomorphology on the Gaenserndorf Terrace in the central Vienna Basin (Austria) |
EGU2016-16754 | Posters | TS4.2 H/V mapping of active faults in the urban area of Aachen, Germany |
TS5.1 – The evolution and architecture of rifts and rifted passive margins: from mantle dynamics to surface processes (co-organized)
EGU2016-3292 | Posters | TS5.1 Origin of the Gargia Nappe in the northernmost Scandinavian Caledonides: Pre-Caledonian hyperextension or a traditional basement-cover nappe? |
EGU2016-15366 | Orals | TS5.1 Imaging the lithosphere of rifted passive margins using waveform tomography: North Atlantic, South Atlantic and beyond |
EGU2016-11669 | Orals | TS5.1 Nature of basement highs in ultra-distal ocean-continent transitions: on- and off-shore examples |
EGU2016-6222 | Posters | TS5.1 Wilson-cycle “kick-off”: Constraining the influence of a Large Igneous Province during the Neoproterozoic evolution of the pre-Caledonian margin of Baltica |
EGU2016-1381 | Orals | TS5.1 Discussion on final rifting evolution and breakup : insights from the Mid Norwegian - North East Greenland rifted system |
EGU2016-6621 | Posters | TS5.1 Hyperextension along the pre-Caledonian margin of the Iapetus? Age and origin of discontinuous gneiss sheets associated with deep-marine sediments, Alpine metaperidotites and detrital serpentinites |
EGU2016-6774 | Posters | TS5.1 Peak metamorphic temperatures from Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonaceous Matter (RSCM) and δ18O and δ13C (carb) isotope composition of a major mélange zone in the South Norwegian Caledonides |
EGU2016-15306 | Orals | TS5.1 What is reactivated when at rifted margins? comparing the Northwest Svalbard and Møre segments of the NE Atlantic margin. |
EGU2016-4228 | Orals | TS5.1 New results from a 3D seismic academic dataset across the west Galicia margin |
EGU2016-7176 | Posters | TS5.1 Locating the Caledonian Deformation Front in the Western Barents Sea |
EGU2016-8844 | Posters | TS5.1 The role of Variscan to pre-Jurassic active extension in controlling the architecture of the rifted passive margin of Adria: the example of the Canavese Zone (Western Southern Alps, Italy) |
EGU2016-4996 | Orals | TS5.1 The pre-Caledonian Large Igneous Province and the North Atlantic Wilson Cycle |
EGU2016-9786 | Posters | TS5.1 Exhumation, cooling and deformation history of the necking zone of the fossil Adriatic rifted margin: the Campo/Grosina section (S-Switzerland and N-Italy) |
EGU2016-3245 | Orals | TS5.1 The development of extension and magmatism during continent-ocean transition: evidence from Ethiopia |
EGU2016-2456 | Orals | TS5.1 At the tip of a propagating rift - The offshore East African Rift |
EGU2016-11393 | Posters | TS5.1 Diachronous fault array growth within continental rift basins: Quantitative analyses from the East Shetland Basin, northern North Sea |
EGU2016-18434 | Orals | TS5.1 A new model for the development of the active Afar volcanic margin |
EGU2016-7280 | Posters | TS5.1 Nearshore half-grabens as analogues for offshore, early Carboniferous rift basins along the SW Barents Sea Margin |
EGU2016-14331 | Posters | TS5.1 Orthorhombic faults system at the onset of the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic Barents Sea rifting |
EGU2016-6511 | Orals | TS5.1 Along-axis transition between narrow and wide rifts: Insights from 3D numerical experiments |
EGU2016-16466 | Posters | TS5.1 Structural development of the Jan Mayen microcontinent (JMMC): An update of its role during the rift transition from the Ægir Ridge to the Kolbeinsey Ridge, and effects on the formation of the Greenland-Iceland-Faroe ridge complex. |
EGU2016-2830 | Orals | TS5.1 Preferential development of extension-orthogonal basins in oblique continental rifts |
EGU2016-3492 | Posters | TS5.1 Crustal structure of the Nordland region, northern Norway |
EGU2016-4215 | Posters | TS5.1 Barents Sea Paleozoic basement and basin configurations: Crustal structure from deep seismic and potential field data |
EGU2016-1618 | Posters | TS5.1 Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution of the SW Iberian margin |
EGU2016-4528 | Orals | TS5.1 Ductile deformation, boudinage and low angle normal faults. An overview of the structural variability at present-day rifted margins |
EGU2016-15124 | Posters | TS5.1 Along-axis crustal structure of the Porcupine Basin from seismic refraction data modelling |
EGU2016-13524 | Orals | TS5.1 Structural style and tectonic evolution of the easternmost Gulf of Aden conjugate margins (Socotra - Southern Oman) |
EGU2016-16984 | Orals | TS5.1 Mechanical heterogeneities and lithospheric extension |
EGU2016-6962 | Orals | TS5.1 Long-term coupling and feedbacks between surface processes and tectonics during rifting |
EGU2016-12639 | Posters | TS5.1 Can rifting evolution and passive margins architecture be driven by relative rheological heterogeneities? Insight from analogue modelling focused on South Atlantic margins. |
EGU2016-8364 | Posters | TS5.1 Using Global Plate Velocity Boundary Conditions for Embedded Regional Geodynamic Models: Application to 3-D Modeling of the Early Rifting of the South Atlantic |
EGU2016-6575 | Orals | TS5.1 Morphotectonic evolution of passive margins undergoing active surface processes: large-scale experiments using numerical models. |
EGU2016-17969 | Posters | TS5.1 Geometries of hyperextended continental crust in northeastern continental brazilian margin: insights from potential field and seismic interpretation |
EGU2016-8352 | Orals | TS5.1 Viscous strain softening and its implications on small-scale convection, melting and serpentinisation |
EGU2016-7881 | Posters | TS5.1 Continental hyperextension, mantle exhumation and thin oceanic crust at the continent-ocean transition, West Iberia: new insights from wide-angle seismic |
EGU2016-13876 | Posters | TS5.1 Deep crustal structure and continent-ocean boundary along the Galicia continental margin (NW Iberia) |
EGU2016-5315 | Orals | TS5.1 The magmatic budget of Atlantic type rifted margins: is it related to inheritance? |
EGU2016-2772 | Orals | TS5.1 Hyperextension, micro-continents, magma-poor and magma-rich segments in the pre-Caledonian margin of Baltica: research in progress |
EGU2016-7643 | Posters | TS5.1 Is the Gop rift oceanic? A reevaluation of the Seychelles-India conjugate margins |
EGU2016-7950 | Orals | TS5.1 Magmatism at passive margins: Effect of depth-dependent rifting and depleted continental lithospheric counterflow |
EGU2016-8990 | Posters | TS5.1 Magma Rich Events at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: A South-East Indian Example |
EGU2016-5029 | Orals | TS5.1 Metasomatism and the Weakening of Cratons: A Mechanism to Rift Cratons |
EGU2016-7626 | Posters | TS5.1 The Eastern Sardinian Margin (Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean) : a key area to study the rifting and post-breakup evolution of a back-arc passive continental margin |
EGU2016-12178 | Orals | TS5.1 From magma-poor Ocean Continent Transitions to steady state oceanic spreading: the balance between tectonic and magmatic processes |
EGU2016-10679 | Posters | TS5.1 Analysis of Marine Gravity Anomalies in the Ulleung Basin (East Sea/Sea of Japan) and Its Implications for the Architecture of Rift-Dominated Backarc Basin |
EGU2016-11002 | Orals | TS5.1 Rifting Thick Lithosphere – Canning Basin, Western Australia |
EGU2016-15427 | Posters | TS5.1 Magmatic and non-magmatic history of the Tyrrhenain backarc Basin: new constraints from geophysical and geological data |
EGU2016-15550 | Posters | TS5.1 A wide-angle seismic survey across the Southern Tyrrhenian basin and the Northwestern Ionian (CHIANTI experiment): data and preliminary results |
EGU2016-10468 | Posters | TS5.1 Numerical simulation of rifting controlled by magmatic underplating in the South China Sea |
EGU2016-16229 | Posters | TS5.1 How rifting and spreading center interaction created the architecture of the South China Sea |
EGU2016-1912 | Posters | TS5.1 3D ambient noise tomography across the Taiwan Strait: the structure of a magma-poor rifted margin |
EGU2016-4448 | Posters | TS5.1 Deriving spatial patterns from a novel database of volcanic rock geochemistry in the Virunga Volcanic Province, East African Rift |
EGU2016-11820 | Posters | TS5.1 Evolutionary model of the oblique rift basins- Central African Rifts |
EGU2016-2984 | Posters | TS5.1 Late-stage stretching and subsidence rates in the Danakil Depression, evidenced from borehole records and seismic reflection data |
EGU2016-9013 | Posters | TS5.1 The role of discrete intrabasement shear zones during multiphase continental rifting |
EGU2016-10406 | Posters | TS5.1 The structure and sedimentary sequence of intracratonic rift from Late Sinian to Early Cambrian in the Sichuan Basin, South China |
EGU2016-4627 | Posters | TS5.1 Ridge-parallel-shearing and localized vertical melt migration during spreading: A phenomenon underestimated so far? |
EGU2016-7944 | Posters | TS5.1 Improved treatment of asthenosphere flow and melting in 2D numerical solutions for continental rifting: embedded vs nested modeling approaches. |
EGU2016-8581 | Posters | TS5.1 Hyper-extended continental crust deformation in the light of Coulomb critical wedge theory |
EGU2016-11599 | Posters | TS5.1 The evolutional model of oblique-rifting basin : Insights from discrete element method |
EGU2016-6294 | Posters | TS5.1 Numerical modeling of continental rifting: Implications for the East African Rift system |
EGU2016-4920 | Posters | TS5.1 Stratigraphic signature of lithospheric deformation style in post-rift passive margin basins |
EGU2016-8887 | Posters | TS5.1 Rifted Continental Margins: The Case for Depth-Dependent Extension |
EGU2016-8908 | Posters | TS5.1 Orogenic structural inheritance and rifted passive margin formation |
EGU2016-4244 | Posters | TS5.1 How oblique extension and structural inheritance control rift segment linkage: Insights from 4D analogue models |
EGU2016-8966 | Posters | TS5.1 The evolution of fault geometry and lithosphere mechanical response to faulting during lithosphere hyper-extension at magma-poor rifted margins |
EGU2016-13153 | Posters | TS5.1 Exploring the contrasts between fast and slow rifting |
EGU2016-14938 | Posters | TS5.1 Rheological implications of sediment transport for continental rifting and its impact in margin geometry and major unconformities |
EGU2016-13397 | Posters | TS5.1 Geodynamic settings of microcontinents, non-volcanic islands and submerged continental marginal plateau formation |
TS5.2 – Tectonic and magmatic processes in extensional settings. Insights from cutting-edge seismic data, Iceland, East Africa, the South China Sea, and beyond (co-organized)
EGU2016-9760 | Orals | TS5.2 Magma-tectonic interactions in an area of active extension; a review of recent observations, models and interpretations from Iceland |
EGU2016-6967 | Posters | TS5.2 Peridotite-pyroxenite intraplating near the continental Moho (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Western Alps) |
EGU2016-6347 | Orals | TS5.2 Tectonics of the Afar triple junction from InSAR and GPS derived strain maps and seismicity |
EGU2016-11592 | Posters | TS5.2 Identifying deformation styles and causes at two deforming volcanoes of the Central Main Ethiopian Rift with seismic anisotropy |
EGU2016-12215 | Posters | TS5.2 The Tectonic Origin of the Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh |
EGU2016-4869 | Orals | TS5.2 Magma genesis, storage and eruption processes at Aluto volcano, Ethiopia: lessons from remote sensing, gas emissions and geochemistry |
EGU2016-7032 | Posters | TS5.2 Volcanic activities in the Southern part of East African rift initiation: Melilitites and nephelinites from the Manyara Basin (North Tanzania rift axis) |
EGU2016-2887 | Orals | TS5.2 Mineralogy and geochemistry of alkaline basic dykes from the northern Indian plate: signs of more than one episode of rifting and associated magmatism |
EGU2016-8696 | Orals | TS5.2 Magma Emplacement Processes of the Oligocene Zákupy and Miocene Měrunice Diatremes, Czech Republic: Revealed via Petrography, Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, Paleomegnetic, and Ground Magnetometry Data |
EGU2016-5098 | Posters | TS5.2 The petrology and petrogenesis of the Swaldale region, Motzfeldt Center, South Greenland |
EGU2016-8846 | Posters | TS5.2 A multidisciplinary project to address the onset of rifting and the interaction between deformation and inherited fabrics |
EGU2016-9164 | Posters | TS5.2 Early Holocene volcanism in CKD (Kamchatka) as a mechanical probe of the stress level in the crust. |
EGU2016-18007 | Orals | TS5.2 3D Seismic Reflection Data: Has the Geological Hubble Retained Its Focus? |
EGU2016-12129 | Posters | TS5.2 Unraveling the geochemistry of melts in exhumed mantle domains in present-day and fossil magma-poor rifted margins |
EGU2016-15672 | Orals | TS5.2 Seismic depth conversion vs. structural validation |
EGU2016-3443 | Orals | TS5.2 Seismic properties of fluid bearing formations in magmatic geothermal systems: can we directly detect geothermal activity with seismic methods? |
EGU2016-15572 | Posters | TS5.2 Magmatic cycles pace tectonic and morphological expression of rifting (Afar depression, Ethiopia) |
EGU2016-17614 | Posters | TS5.2 Magma Emplacement and the 3D Geometry of Igneous Bodies in Rift Basins: Insights from the Bornu Basin, Onshore NE Nigeria |
EGU2016-4059 | Posters | TS5.2 Ages and geochemistry of Cretaceous mafic dikes in Southeastern China: implications for paleo-Pacific subduction evolution during Cretaceous |
EGU2016-13335 | Orals | TS5.2 The rift to drift evolution of the South China Sea |
EGU2016-1740 | Orals | TS5.2 Spreading Dynamics and Sedimentary Process of the Southwest Sub-basin, South China Sea: Constraints from multi-channel seismic data and IODP Expedition 349 |
EGU2016-14686 | Posters | TS5.2 Early Cretaceous tectono-magmatic activity and tectonic implications along the Sulu Orogenic Belt—case study of the Dashan complex |
EGU2016-10483 | Orals | TS5.2 Implications of IODP Expedition 349 Age Results for the Spreading History of the South China Sea |
EGU2016-17228 | Posters | TS5.2 Mapping 3D thin shale and permeability pathway within a reservoir system: Case study from the Sleipner Field |
EGU2016-13081 | Orals | TS5.2 Deep Imaging of large scale extensional structures in the SW South China Sea |
EGU2016-17054 | Posters | TS5.2 Seismic texture and amplitude analysis of large scale fluid escape pipes using time lapses seismic surveys: examples from the Loyal Field (Scotland, UK) |
EGU2016-4154 | Posters | TS5.2 Geophysical evidence for fluid flow in the Laminaria High, Bonaparte basin, Northwest shelf of Australia |
EGU2016-7688 | Posters | TS5.2 Do fault-related folds follow the same scaling law as their associated faults? A study using 3D seismic reflection data |
EGU2016-11861 | Posters | TS5.2 Next-generation seismic experiments: wide-angle, multi-azimuth, three-dimensional, full-waveform inversion |
EGU2016-14214 | Posters | TS5.2 Multiscale joint interpretation of seismic and magnetotelluric data in Hontomín (Spain): From shallow subsurface to reservoir. |
EGU2016-16108 | Posters | TS5.2 Exploring the seismic expression of fault zones in 3D seismic volumes |
EGU2016-3767 | Posters | TS5.2 SDEM modelling of deformation associated with a listric fault system and associated fluid flow |
EGU2016-1779 | Posters | TS5.2 Seismic Reflection Moho Structure of Southwest Sub-basin of South China Sea and Implications for Continental Break-up and Seafloor Spreading Mechanisms |
EGU2016-3239 | Posters | TS5.2 The formation of post-spreading volcanic ridges in the South China Sea |
EGU2016-11260 | Posters | TS5.2 Lateral variation of crustal structure and composition in the Cathaysia block of South China and its geodynamic implications |
EGU2016-14821 | Posters | TS5.2 The rift architecture and extensional tectonics of the South China Sea |
EGU2016-10758 | Posters | TS5.2 The lithosphere thermal structure of the Southeast Asia: constrained by Vs data |
EGU2016-2233 | Posters | TS5.2 The complexity of South China Sea kinematics |
EGU2016-4303 | Posters | TS5.2 New insight on the opening of the South China Sea basin |
EGU2016-13487 | Posters | TS5.2 South China Sea crustal thickness and lithosphere thinning from satellite gravity inversion incorporating a lithospheric thermal gravity anomaly correction |
EGU2016-15128 | Posters | TS5.2 Development of Tertiary Basins of SE Asia from the South China Sea to the Andaman Sea region ; a comparative view on structure and timing |
EGU2016-15756 | Posters | TS5.2 Seismic imaging of deformation zones associated with normal fault-related folding |
TS6.1 – Dynamics and Structure of the Mediterranean Collisions and Back-arcs (co-organized)
EGU2016-3250 | Orals | TS6.1 Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean |
EGU2016-5819 | Posters | TS6.1 Geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean basin since the Late Cretaceous |
EGU2016-15874 | Posters | TS6.1 Lithospheric-scale effects of a subduction-driven Alboran plate: improved neotectonic modeling |
EGU2016-3777 | Orals | TS6.1 The upper-mantle transition zone beneath the Ibero-Maghrebian region as seen by teleseismic Pds phases |
EGU2016-6977 | Orals | TS6.1 Slab dragging and the recent geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean plate boundary region |
EGU2016-7658 | Posters | TS6.1 Dynamics of double-polarity subduction: application to the Western Mediterranean |
EGU2016-12579 | Orals | TS6.1 Comparing the Gibraltar and Calabrian subduction zones (central western Mediterranean) based on seismic tomography |
EGU2016-8716 | Posters | TS6.1 Tectonic and petrologic evolution of the Western Mediterranean: the double polarity subduction model |
EGU2016-17265 | Posters | TS6.1 A sharp Moho step under Central and Eastern Betics, Western Mediterranean region |
EGU2016-13691 | Orals | TS6.1 Interplay of plate convergence and arc migration in the central Mediterranean (Sicily and Calabria) |
EGU2016-7731 | Posters | TS6.1 Metamorphic and tectonic evolution of Ceuta peninsula (Internal Rif): new interpretation in the framework of arc and back arc evolution |
EGU2016-14952 | Orals | TS6.1 Calabrian Arc Hazards in Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas: First results from the CHIANTI cruise |
EGU2016-14394 | Orals | TS6.1 Geodynamic controls on a salt giant formation. The Messinian salinity crisis and the tectonic evolution of the westernmost Mediterranean |
EGU2016-7990 | Posters | TS6.1 Deformation of the Calabrian accretionary wedge and relative kinematics of the Calabrian and Peloritan backstops: Insights from multibeam bathymetry, high-resolution reflection and wide-angle seismics and analog modeling |
EGU2016-18046 | Orals | TS6.1 Gravity modeling reveals that the “Miocene Pyrenean peneplain” developed at high elevation |
EGU2016-11564 | Posters | TS6.1 Seismotectonics of Northeastern Sicily and Southern Calabria (Italy): New constraints on the tectonic structures featuring in a crucial sector for the Central Mediterranean geodynamics |
EGU2016-6953 | Posters | TS6.1 Dynamics of the Balkans deformation : regional impact of the Western Hellenic subduction-collision transition |
EGU2016-9040 | Orals | TS6.1 Evidence for oceanic crust in the Herodotus Basin |
EGU2016-11909 | Orals | TS6.1 Tectonometamorphic record in a fossilized subduction channel: insights from the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Cyclades, Greece) |
EGU2016-11598 | Posters | TS6.1 Interplay between active and past tectonics in the Hellenic Arc (Greece): Geological and geomorphic evidences from Kythira Island |
EGU2016-4566 | Orals | TS6.1 Zagros blueschists: Episodic underplating and long-lived cooling of a subduction zone |
EGU2016-6791 | Posters | TS6.1 Automated inter-station phase velocity measurements across the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East |
EGU2016-7071 | Posters | TS6.1 April 16, 2015 Crete Island Earthquake (Mw=5.9) Series and its Seismotectonic Significance, Southern Aegean Sea |
EGU2016-13778 | Orals | TS6.1 From Gondwana to Europe: the journey of Elba Island (Italy) as recorded by U-Pb detrital zircon ages of Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks |
EGU2016-9231 | Orals | TS6.1 Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Kırşehir Block and the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, Turkey |
EGU2016-13950 | Posters | TS6.1 Similarity and Cluster Analysis of Intermediate Deep Events in the Southeastern Aegean |
EGU2016-9113 | Posters | TS6.1 Crustal seismic anisotropy and structure from textural and seismic investigations in the Cycladic region, Greece |
EGU2016-14961 | Orals | TS6.1 Geodynamics of the Sivas Basin (Turkey): from a forearc basin to a retroarc foreland basin |
EGU2016-6810 | Posters | TS6.1 The Pelagonian terrane in Greece: a piece of peri-Gondwanan mosaic of the Eastern Mediterranean and a new piece of information about the geological evolution of Avalonia |
EGU2016-6243 | Orals | TS6.1 The Early Miocene-Early Pliocene Vegetation and Climate Changes at the north to northwest Çankırı -Çorum Basin (Central Anatolian Plateau) |
EGU2016-9536 | Posters | TS6.1 Geometry and thermal structure of the Menderes Massif Core Complex (Western Turkey), implications for thermal evolution of Hellenic subduction zone |
EGU2016-8873 | Orals | TS6.1 Evidence for latest Pleistocene to Holocene uplift at the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP), southern Turkey |
EGU2016-15469 | Posters | TS6.1 Testing alternative tectonic models of Palaeotethys in the E Mediterranean region: new U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses of detrital zircons from Late Carboniferous and Late Triassic sandstones associated with the Anatolide and Tauride blocks (S Turkey) |
EGU2016-12093 | Orals | TS6.1 Surface uplift due to thermo-rheological changes in the crust: The case of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (S Turkey) |
EGU2016-15010 | Orals | TS6.1 Late Pleistocene intraplate extension of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey: Inferences from cosmogenic exposure dating of alluvial fan, landslide and moraine surfaces along the Ecemiş Fault Zone |
EGU2016-12680 | Posters | TS6.1 Tracing source terranes using U-Pb-Hf isotopic analysis of detrital zircons: provenance of the Orhanlar Unit of the Palaeotethyan Karakaya subduction-accretion complex, NW Turkey |
EGU2016-11865 | Posters | TS6.1 Metamorphic sole formation, emplacement and blueschist overprint: early obduction dynamics witnessed by W. Turkey ophiolites |
EGU2016-11863 | Posters | TS6.1 Geology and U-Pb Zircon ages of the Kavacik Leucogranite in the Bornova Flysch Zone (Western Anatolia, Turkey) |
EGU2016-456 | Posters | TS6.1 Early Variscan arc magmatism in NW Turkey: Evidence of geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages |
EGU2016-854 | Posters | TS6.1 Spatial and temporal relations of the ophiolites and the metamorphic soles along the Tauride belt, Turkey |
EGU2016-14621 | Posters | TS6.1 The tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Sivas ophiolite: Implications for pre to post-obduction processes in Anatolia |
EGU2016-191 | Posters | TS6.1 The Ecemiş Fault: A key element for accommodating uplift of the Central Anatolian Plateau’s southern margin |
EGU2016-2319 | Posters | TS6.1 Lithospheric Response of the Anatolian Plateau in the Realm of the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean |
EGU2016-14065 | Posters | TS6.1 Uplift of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP): age constraints from the youngest marine deposits capping the central Tauride Units in the Gülnar district (Mersin, southern Turkey) |
EGU2016-13457 | Posters | TS6.1 Natural hazards at the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP) (southern Turkey): Tsunami evidence |
EGU2016-8198 | Posters | TS6.1 Quantitative dating of Pleistocene terrace deposits of the Kyrenia Range, northern Cyprus: implications for timing, rates of uplift and driving mechanisms in an incipient collision zone |
EGU2016-6492 | Posters | TS6.1 Role of local to regional-scale collisions in the closure history of the Southern Neotethys, exemplified by tectonic development of the Kyrenia Range active margin/collisional lineament, N Cyprus |
EGU2016-11988 | Posters | TS6.1 Distribution of Deformation on Cyprus, Inferences from Morphotectonic Analysis |
EGU2016-11828 | Posters | TS6.1 Preliminary Results of Tectonic Geomorphology Investigation of the Northern Cyprus coasts |
EGU2016-9775 | Posters | TS6.1 Three-dimensional instantaneous dynamics modeling of present-day Aegean subduction |
EGU2016-6506 | Posters | TS6.1 Two-dimensional numerical modeling on crustal shortening partitioning during continental collision |
TS6.2 – The Alps and European Alpine-type orogens: a multidisciplinary vision (co-organized)
EGU2016-2896 | Orals | TS6.2 | Media interest Alpine Post-Collisional Orogeny: topics of debate and possible targets for AlpArray research |
EGU2016-9637 | Posters | TS6.2 Mechanics of Alpine uplift |
EGU2016-5791 | Posters | TS6.2 Upper mantle structure of the Alpine and Adriatic regions unraveled by high-resolution P-wave tomography |
EGU2016-1847 | Orals | TS6.2 Reconciling late fracturing over the entire Alpine belt: from structural analysis to geochronological constrains |
EGU2016-7756 | Posters | TS6.2 Surface and deep deformation of the Alps from geodetic and seismic anisotropy measurements |
EGU2016-9573 | Orals | TS6.2 3D crustal structure of the Alpine belt and foreland basins as imaged by ambient-noise surface wave |
EGU2016-8136 | Orals | TS6.2 Seismic tomography and azimuthal anisotropy for the Southern and Eastern Alps from ambient noise cross-correlations |
EGU2016-7968 | Posters | TS6.2 Upper Mantle Structure of the transition between Alps and Apennines Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting from the CIFALPS Project |
EGU2016-2877 | Orals | TS6.2 Seismic anisotropy beneath the greater region of the central External Dinarides from observations of SKS-splitting |
EGU2016-11744 | Posters | TS6.2 The AlpArray Seismic Network: current status and next steps |
EGU2016-2566 | Orals | TS6.2 Spatial organization of seismicity and fracture pattern at the boundary between Alps and Dinarides |
EGU2016-8207 | Posters | TS6.2 Adria-Europe crustal structure relationship in the Eastern Alps (project EASI) |
EGU2016-12207 | Posters | TS6.2 Strong lateral variations of S-wave velocity in the upper mantle across the western Alps |
EGU2016-12587 | Orals | TS6.2 Late-stage cooling history of the Eastern and Southern Alps and its linkage to Adria indentation |
EGU2016-1845 | Orals | TS6.2 Active deformations of the Jura arc inferred by GPS and seismotectonics |
EGU2016-14261 | Posters | TS6.2 Ellipticity of Rayleigh waves and crustal structure in northern Italy |
EGU2016-13547 | Posters | TS6.2 Seismic Tomography Around the Eastern Edge of the Alps From Ambient-Noise-Based Rayleigh Waves |
EGU2016-9390 | Orals | TS6.2 Cretaceous subduction in the Pyrenees: Iberian plate-kinematics in a mantle reference frame |
EGU2016-7997 | Posters | TS6.2 True propagation paths of surface waves from regional and teleseismic earthquakes across AlpArray Austria |
EGU2016-12396 | Posters | TS6.2 Multiple event location analysis of aftershock sequences in the Pannonian basin |
EGU2016-3795 | Orals | TS6.2 Revisiting the crustal evolution of the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Mountains: inferences from new concepts and data |
EGU2016-8723 | Posters | TS6.2 Earthquakes in Barcelonnette (western French Alps, 2003-2015): where are the faults? |
EGU2016-17080 | Orals | TS6.2 Formation and evolution of magma-poor margins, an example of the West Iberia margin |
EGU2016-7379 | Posters | TS6.2 The role of Permo-Carboniferous graben systems in the development of the external Alpine massifs – an example from the Central Aar massif (Faernigen Zone) |
EGU2016-7646 | Orals | TS6.2 Inherited segmentation of the Iberian-African margins and tectonic reconstruction of a diffuse plate boundary. |
EGU2016-3083 | Posters | TS6.2 The not trivial subdivision of nappes in the Lower Pennine domain of the Central Alps (Riviera and Verzasca Valleys, Swiss Alps) |
EGU2016-8460 | Posters | TS6.2 Structural evolution of the Rieserferner Pluton: insight into the localization of deformation and regional tectonics implications |
EGU2016-7984 | Posters | TS6.2 ~100 Ma Lu-Hf eclogite ages from Koralpe and Saualpe (Austroalpine nappes, Austria): New constraints for the kinematics of Eoalpine subduction |
EGU2016-2176 | Posters | TS6.2 3D structural model and kinematic interpretation of the Panixer Pass Transverse Fold (Infrahelvetic Complex, eastern Switzerland) |
EGU2016-4604 | Posters | TS6.2 Permian and Triassic Meliata-related rift and drift processes in Eastern Alps: middle and lower crust and its potential correlation with sedimentary units |
EGU2016-7125 | Posters | TS6.2 Paleostress Analysis Using Calcite Twins in Carbonates – A key study on the Cretaceous Sava-Klepa Massif, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
EGU2016-7175 | Posters | TS6.2 Tectonic Evolution of the Cretaceous Sava-Klepa Massif, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, based on field observations and microstructural analysis – Towards a new geodynamic Model |
EGU2016-1600 | Posters | TS6.2 Crustal underthrusting in the Crimea - Northern Black Sea area |
EGU2016-6265 | Posters | TS6.2 The problem of the age and structural position of the Blyb metamorphic complex (Fore Range zone, Great Caucasus) granitoids. |
EGU2016-14324 | Posters | TS6.2 Understanding the lithosphere in complex tectonic scenarios by integrating geophysical data: The Pyrenees case study |
EGU2016-16426 | Posters | TS6.2 Lithospheric structure of the Iberian Peninsula from coupled geophysical-petrological inversion |
EGU2016-18160 | Posters | TS6.2 Lithospheric structure of the westernmost Mediterranean inferred from finite frequency Rayleigh wave tomography S-velocity model. |
EGU2016-4555 | Posters | TS6.2 Evidencing a prominent Moho topography beneath the Iberian-Western Mediterranean Region, compiled from controlled-source and natural seismic surveys |
EGU2016-18174 | Posters | TS6.2 Mapping reflections from the sub-crustal lithosphere of southwestern Spain |
EGU2016-6223 | Posters | TS6.2 Crustal structure and composition to the S of the Spanish Central System: Effect of Alpine reactivation in an internal Variscan domain |
EGU2016-12132 | Posters | TS6.2 Crustal deformation evidences for viscous coupling and fragmented lithosphere at the Nubia-Iberia plate boundary (Western Mediterranean) |
EGU2016-15453 | Posters | TS6.2 The reactivation of the SW Iberian passive margin: a brief review |
EGU2016-15281 | Posters | TS6.2 Salt tectonics and thermal imprint along an inverted passive margin: the Montcaou anticline, Chaînons Béarnais, North Pyrenean Zone |
TS6.4 – Continental collision of the Zagros-Himalaya-Tibet orogens
EGU2016-1650 | Posters | TS6.4 The timing of India-Asia collision onset – facts, theories, controversies |
EGU2016-4517 | Orals | TS6.4 | Media interest Tibet and Beyond: Magmatic Records from CIA (Caucasus-Iran-Anatolia) and Southern Tibet with Implications for Asian Orogeny and Continental Growth |
EGU2016-3884 | Posters | TS6.4 Sandstone provenance and tectonic evolution of the Xiukang Mélange from Neotethyan subduction to India–Asia collision (Yarlung-Zangbo suture, south Tibet) |
EGU2016-1332 | Orals | TS6.4 The chronology of the India-Asia collision |
EGU2016-2894 | Orals | TS6.4 Constraints on the collision and the pre-collision tectonic configuration between India and Asia from detrital geochronology, thermochronology, and geochemistry studies in the lower Indus basin, Pakistan |
EGU2016-3182 | Posters | TS6.4 Evolution of the Lower Cretaceous Coqen basin in northern Lhasa, central Tibet Plateau: stratigraphy, sedimentology, and detrital zircon geochronology |
EGU2016-2849 | Posters | TS6.4 Upper Triassic turbidites of the northern Tethyan Himalaya (Langjiexue Group): the terminal of a sediment-routing system sourced in the Gondwanide Orogen |
EGU2016-7012 | Orals | TS6.4 Paleomagnetic constraints on the Mesozoic drift of the Lhasa terrane (Tibet) from Gondwana to Eurasia |
EGU2016-8012 | Orals | TS6.4 Paleogene Pseudoleucite Phonolites in South Tibet: Constrains on the Pre-collisional Mantle Characteristics |
EGU2016-2959 | Posters | TS6.4 Highly fractionation origin of the Himalayan leucogranites: Insights from the Kampa dome in South Tibet |
EGU2016-5553 | Posters | TS6.4 Partial melting and refertilization of mantle peridotites in the Xigaze ophiolite: constraints from whole-rock and mineral geochemistry |
EGU2016-10960 | Orals | TS6.4 In situ SIMS oxygen isotope analysis of olivine in the Tibetan mantle xenoliths |
EGU2016-3150 | Orals | TS6.4 | Media interest Origin of the Luobusa diamond-bearing peridotites from the sub-arc mantle |
EGU2016-8050 | Posters | TS6.4 Geochronogy of leucogranites in Yadong region: constraints on the age of the South Tibetan Detachment System in central-eastern Himalaya |
EGU2016-10623 | Posters | TS6.4 Compositional change of granitoids from Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (NE Turkey) at ca. 84 Ma: Response to slab rollback of the Black Sea |
EGU2016-9841 | Orals | TS6.4 | Media interest The South Tibetan Tadpole Zone: Ongoing density sorting at the Moho beneath the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone (and beneath volcanic arcs?) |
EGU2016-5068 | Orals | TS6.4 | Media interest The Himalayan Seismogenic Zone: A New Frontier for Earthquake Research |
EGU2016-5673 | Posters | TS6.4 Zircon U-Pb geochronological constraints on rapid uplifting of the mantle peridotite of the Xigaze ophiolite, southern Tibet |
EGU2016-7096 | Posters | TS6.4 Linking Tengchong Terrane in SW Yunnan with Lhasa Terrane in southern Tibet through magmatic correlation |
EGU2016-3221 | Orals | TS6.4 U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of Eocene and Oligocene plutons in southeast Iran: Implication for closure of the South Sistan Suture Zone |
EGU2016-5774 | Posters | TS6.4 Subduction of Indian continent beneath southern Tibet in the latest Eocene (∼ 35 Ma): insights from the Quguosha gabbros in southern Lhasa block |
EGU2016-550 | Orals | TS6.4 Revealing the significance and polyphase tectonothermal evolution of a major metamorphic unit in an orogen: the central Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Zagros Mts., Iran |
EGU2016-5421 | Orals | TS6.4 Fine Crustal Structure in the Northwestern Iranian Plateau Revealed by Ambient Noise Tomography |
EGU2016-7425 | Posters | TS6.4 Earthquakes, elevations and the construction of continental plateaux |
EGU2016-7932 | Posters | TS6.4 Partial melting of the mélange for the growth of andesitic crust indicated by the Early Cretaceous arc dioritic/andesitic rocks in southern Qiangtang, central Tibet |
EGU2016-2914 | Posters | TS6.4 Metamorphic and tectonic evolution of the Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex in Nyalam region, south Tibet |
EGU2016-6501 | Posters | TS6.4 Strain localization along the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) zone in the Eastern Himalaya: insights from field and experimental studies |
EGU2016-10772 | Posters | TS6.4 How did the Tibetan Plateau growth outward to the southwestern Qinling? |
EGU2016-8279 | Posters | TS6.4 Tertiary stress field evolution in Sistan (Eastern Iran) |
EGU2016-5364 | Posters | TS6.4 Detrital zircon study of the Dezful Embayment in the central Zagros, southern Iran |
EGU2016-4372 | Posters | TS6.4 Miocene to Quaternary volcanism in NW Iran Azerbaijan: new geochemical and geochronological data |
EGU2016-18230 | Posters | TS6.4 Growth of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt and Foreland Basin, Northern Iraq, Kurdistan |
EGU2016-18433 | Posters | TS6.4 Along-strike structural variation and thermokinematic development of the Cenozoic Bitlis-Zagros fold-thrust belt, Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan |
EGU2016-3427 | Posters | TS6.4 | Media interest New Seismic Array Observation in the Northwestern Iranian Plateau |
EGU2016-3633 | Posters | TS6.4 Cenozoic intracontinental deformation of the Kopeh Dagh Belt, Northeastern Iran |
EGU2016-10601 | Posters | TS6.4 3D Integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of the Iranian lithosphere |
EGU2016-14224 | Posters | TS6.4 Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs) from Gyangze, northern Tethys Himalaya: Evidence for Intra-oceanic Subduction System and Southern Paleolatitute Limit for the Lhasa Block |
EGU2016-7896 | Posters | TS6.4 Hybrid channel flow-type mechanisms in the Greater Himalayan Sequence (West Nepal): new constraints from vorticity of flow and quartz petrofabric analyses. |
TS6.5 – Tectonics of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and the geodynamics of arc systems along convergent plate boundaries
EGU2016-10366 | Orals | TS6.5 | Media interest Tomographic images of subducted oceans matched to the accretionary records of orogens – Case study of North America and relevance to Central Asia |
EGU2016-9753 | Posters | TS6.5 Arc-continent collision in numerical models |
EGU2016-8569 | Orals | TS6.5 | Media interest Crustal Development in the Northeast Asian Orogenic Belt and its comparison with the Central Asian Orogenic Belt |
EGU2016-14286 | Posters | TS6.5 Isotopic age constraints on provenance of exotic terranes, latest Permian collision and fast Late Triassic post-collisional cooling and tectonic exhumation of the Korean collision belt |
EGU2016-11165 | Posters | TS6.5 Formation of Garnet Granulite in the Lower Crust of a paleo-Island Arc |
EGU2016-5849 | Orals | TS6.5 Geophysical and geochemical nature of relaminated arc-derived lower crust underneath oceanic domain in southern Mongolia |
EGU2016-7812 | Orals | TS6.5 Suprasubduction volcanic rocks of the Char ophiolite belt, East Kazakhstan: new geochemical and first geochronological data |
EGU2016-11144 | Posters | TS6.5 Geochemical record of subduction initiation in the sub-arc mantle: insights from Loma Caribe peridotite (Dominican Republic) |
EGU2016-16554 | Posters | TS6.5 Timing of maturation of a Neoproterozoic oceanic arc during Pan-African Orogeny: the Asmlil complex (Anti-Atlas, South Morocco) |
EGU2016-1512 | Orals | TS6.5 Tectonic evolution of the East Junggar terrane, CAOB |
EGU2016-13682 | Posters | TS6.5 Orogenic development of the Adrar des Iforas (Tuareg Shield, NE Mali): new geochemical and geochronological data and geodynamic implications |
EGU2016-7659 | Orals | TS6.5 Upper Paleozoic tectonics in the Tien Shan (Central Asian Orogenic Belt): insight from new structural data (Kyrgyzstan) |
EGU2016-7842 | Posters | TS6.5 The lower Paleozoic granitoids from the central part of the Qilian block, NW China: An example of granitoid magmatism in a continental backarc setting |
EGU2016-600 | Posters | TS6.5 Paleoproterozoic andesitic volcanism in the southern Amazonian craton (northern Brazil); lithofacies analysis and geodynamic setting |
EGU2016-5399 | Orals | TS6.5 Terminal magmatic activities along the Solonker suture zone in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: New insights from the end-Permian magmatic record |
EGU2016-11213 | Posters | TS6.5 Geochemical and zircon U-Pb dating analysis of metamagmatic rocks from the Yuli belt in Taiwan |
EGU2016-16977 | Orals | TS6.5 Arc petrogenesis in southern Ireland and the Isle of Man: Implications for Ordovician accretionary history and constraints from Late Caledonian plutonism |
EGU2016-11483 | Orals | TS6.5 Characterizing slab inputs in the earliest stages of subduction: Preliminary evidence from fluid-mobile element systematics for IODP Expedition 352 recovered volcanic samples |
EGU2016-10683 | Posters | TS6.5 The Taitao Granites: I-type granites formed by subduction of the Chile Ridge and its implication in growth of continental crusts |
EGU2016-10318 | Orals | TS6.5 Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens, Cascades, USA |
EGU2016-11203 | Posters | TS6.5 Geochemical Characteristics and Petrogenesis of Adakites in Sikhote-Alin, Russian Far East |
EGU2016-6376 | Orals | TS6.5 Circum-Pacific accretion of oceanic terranes to continental blocks: accretion of the Early Permian Dun Mountain ophiolite to the E Gondwana continental margin, South Island, New Zealand |
EGU2016-6720 | Posters | TS6.5 Eocene Granitoids of the Okhotsk Complex in Sakhalin Island, Russian Far East: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications from zircon U-Pb ages, geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics |
EGU2016-3849 | Posters | TS6.5 Late Mesozoic deformations of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma orogenic belt, Northeast Russia |
EGU2016-14083 | Orals | TS6.5 Terrane accretion: Insights from numerical modelling |
EGU2016-5859 | Posters | TS6.5 Oroclinal bending in the New England Orogen, eastern Australia |
EGU2016-5723 | Posters | TS6.5 | Media interest Hybrid accretionary/collisional mechanism of Paleozoic Asian continental growth |
EGU2016-3634 | Posters | TS6.5 Late Paleozoic closure of the Ob-Zaisan Ocean along the Irtysh/Chara shear zone and implications for arc amalgamation and oroclinal bending in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt |
EGU2016-1571 | Posters | TS6.5 Tectonic evolution of the Irtysh collision belt: New zircon U-Pb ages of deformed and collisional granitoids in the Kalaxiangar area, NW China |
EGU2016-2952 | Posters | TS6.5 Two-stage formation model of the Junggar basin basement: Constraints to the growth style of Central Asian Orogenic Belt |
EGU2016-4633 | Posters | TS6.5 Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution and concentrated mineralization in Balkhash and West Junggar, western part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt |
EGU2016-6598 | Posters | TS6.5 Tectonic transition associated with Kazakhstan Orocline in the Late Paleozoic: magmatic archives of western Chinese Tianshan |
EGU2016-6156 | Posters | TS6.5 Thermo-tectonic evolution since the Late Paleozoic and associated preserving mechanism of the epithermal deposits in the western Chinese Tianshan: insights from new Apatite Fission Track data |
EGU2016-5363 | Posters | TS6.5 Paleomagnetic study on the Neoproterozoic mafic dikes and Early Permian volcanic-sedimentary rocks from NW Yili Block (NW China): Implications for post-orogenic kinematic evolution of the SW CAOB |
EGU2016-1931 | Posters | TS6.5 Geochronology and geochemistry of mafic-intermediate intrusions in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Implications for a tectonic transition from subduction to post-collisional extension |
EGU2016-8009 | Posters | TS6.5 Paleozoic accretionary orogenesis in the eastern Beishan orogen: constraints from zircon U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology |
EGU2016-1927 | Posters | TS6.5 Geochronology and geochemistry of Paleozoic plutons in the Alxa Terrane: petrogenesis and tectonic implications |
EGU2016-3646 | Posters | TS6.5 Devonian granitoids and their hosted mafic enclaves in the Gorny Altai terrane, northwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: crust-mantle interaction in a continental arc setting |
EGU2016-10473 | Posters | TS6.5 Whole-rock Nd-Hf isotopic study of I-type and peraluminous granitic rocks from the Chinese Altai: constraints on the nature of basement and tectonic setting |
TS6.6 – Fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary wedges: long-term deformation, short-term mechanics and seismicity, analogue and numerical models, fluid flow, surface processes, structural inheritance and relation to lithospheric rheology (co-organized)
EGU2016-7363 | Orals | TS6.6 Why style matters – uncertainty and structural interpretation in thrust belts. |
EGU2016-10261 | Posters | TS6.6 Forward Versus Back Thrusts in Accretionary Wedges: Effects of Rheology and Thickness of the Décollement Layer |
EGU2016-7225 | Orals | TS6.6 Role of Lithosphere structural inheritance in the localization of intraplate deformation: the example of the Tien Shan (Central Asian Orogenic Belt) |
EGU2016-10950 | Posters | TS6.6 Growth and gravitational collapse of a mountain front of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia |
EGU2016-12561 | Posters | TS6.6 Examples of Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations in the central part of the Lower Beskids, (the Polish Flysch Carpathians) |
EGU2016-3057 | Orals | TS6.6 Superimposed positive and negative inversion of the syn-rift fault network preserved in the Montagna dei Fiori Anticline, Central Apennines, Italy |
EGU2016-11003 | Orals | TS6.6 The deep structure of retrowedge thrust belts: New insight from Taiwan and the role of secondary subduction |
EGU2016-11563 | Posters | TS6.6 Thrust fault segmentation and downward fault propagation in accretionary wedges: New Insights from 3D seismic reflection data |
EGU2016-6047 | Orals | TS6.6 The role of salt tectonics in the evolution of the northeastern Pyrenees |
EGU2016-10652 | Posters | TS6.6 Active fold-thrust belts in the foreland of eastern Tibet, the Longquan and Xiongpu anticlines in Sichuan, China |
EGU2016-15037 | Posters | TS6.6 Active deformation of the northern front of the Eastern Great Caucasus |
EGU2016-2513 | Orals | TS6.6 Accommodation of shortening in southern central Andes: a multiscale structural approach |
EGU2016-11268 | Posters | TS6.6 The Qartaba Structure: An Active Backthrust In Central Mt-Lebanon. |
EGU2016-14802 | Orals | TS6.6 The 2015 $\text{M}_\text{w}$ 7.8 Gorkha earthquake: The geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust and the building of topography |
EGU2016-13834 | Posters | TS6.6 Erosion influence the seismicity of active thrust faults |
EGU2016-12937 | Posters | TS6.6 Landward vergence in accretionary prism, evidence for frontal propagation of earthquakes? |
EGU2016-12082 | Orals | TS6.6 Convergence rate controls seismicity styles in collision orogens |
EGU2016-2623 | Orals | TS6.6 New insights into the active deformation of accretionary prisms: examples from the Western Makran, Iran |
EGU2016-10667 | Posters | TS6.6 Initiation process of a thrust fault revealed by analog experiments |
EGU2016-14660 | Orals | TS6.6 Control of structural inheritance on thrust initiation and material transfer in accretionary wedges |
EGU2016-7387 | Posters | TS6.6 A workflow for 3D model building in fold-thrust belts |
EGU2016-13027 | Orals | TS6.6 Analogue modeling of 3-D structural segmentation in fold-and-thrust belts: interactions between frictional and viscous provinces in foreland basins |
EGU2016-3445 | Posters | TS6.6 Kinematic Analysis of Fold-Thrust-Belt Using Integrated Analogue Sandbox Modeling and 3D Palinspatic Reconstructions in Babar-Selaru Area, Banda Sea Region, Indonesia |
EGU2016-13166 | Posters | TS6.6 Late extension in compressional wedges above a weak, viscous décollement: results from analogue modeling |
EGU2016-15879 | Orals | TS6.6 Detachment folds versus thrust-folds: numerical modelling and applications to the Swiss Jura Mountains and the Canadian Foothills |
EGU2016-15255 | Posters | TS6.6 Propagation of the deformation front beyond a decollement disrupted by a step : from the Jura case to general conclusions. |
EGU2016-7524 | Posters | TS6.6 3D numerical modeling of the lateral transition between viscous overthrusting and folding with application to the Helvetic nappe system |
EGU2016-12925 | Posters | TS6.6 The importance of shear heating for shear localization during tectonic nappe displacement |
EGU2016-871 | Posters | TS6.6 Deformation structures in the frontal prism near the Japan Trench: Insights from sandbox models |
EGU2016-14877 | Posters | TS6.6 3D numerical modeling on oblique continental collision |
EGU2016-14989 | Posters | TS6.6 Mechanical study of the Chartreuse Fold-and-Thrust Belt: relationships between fluids overpressure and decollement within the Toarcian source-rock |
EGU2016-13491 | Posters | TS6.6 Polyphase deformation and fluid flow in the Internal Ligurian Units, Italy |
EGU2016-14026 | Posters | TS6.6 The Eocene-Miocene tectonic evolution of the Rif chain (Morocco): new data from the Jebha area |
EGU2016-14622 | Posters | TS6.6 Large and small scale structural evolution of salt controlled minibasin in a fold and thrust belt setting: the case of the Sivas Basin, Turkey. |
EGU2016-4774 | Posters | TS6.6 Geometry and Kinematics of the Lamu Basin Deep-Water Fold-and-Thrust Belt (East Africa) |
EGU2016-8001 | Posters | TS6.6 Changes in basal dip and frictional properties controlling orogenic wedge propagation and frontal collapse: the External central Betics case |
EGU2016-3471 | Posters | TS6.6 Basin-mountain structures and hydrocarbon exploration potential of west Junggar orogen in China |
EGU2016-14293 | Posters | TS6.6 Polyphase evolution of the Chaîne des Matheux frontal thrust (Haiti) |
EGU2016-10888 | Posters | TS6.6 \begin{center} \textbf{Structural analysis from reflection seismic data in the lower slope domain of the accretionary wedge offshore southwestern Taiwan} \end{center} |
EGU2016-7633 | Posters | TS6.6 How the structure of a continental margin affects the development of a fold and thrust belt. 1: A case study in south-central Taiwan |
EGU2016-7677 | Posters | TS6.6 How the structure of a continental margin affects the development of a fold and thrust belt. 2: Imaging basement structures with seismic velocities and seismicity in south-central Taiwan |
EGU2016-7566 | Posters | TS6.6 How the structure of a continental margin affects the development of a fold and thrust belt. 3: evidences from field mapping and geological cross-sections in south-central Taiwan |
EGU2016-2096 | Posters | TS6.6 Reactivation of a syn-growth unconformity during flexural-slip folding (Bóixols Anticline, Pyrenees, Spain) |
EGU2016-12071 | Posters | TS6.6 Reworking of structural inheritance at strike-slip restraining-bends: templates from sandbox analogue models |
TS6.8 – Building mountain roots: from geophysical approaches to geological concepts (in memory of M Beltrando) (co-organized)
EGU2016-2193 | Posters | TS6.8 Deciphering the Tectonic History of the Northern Transantarctic Mountains |
EGU2016-13219 | Orals | TS6.8 Recognition of hyper-extended rifted margin remnants in the internal zone of the Alpine belt: A tribute to Marco Beltrando |
EGU2016-11876 | Orals | TS6.8 What controls the reactivation or preservation of distal ocean-continent transitions: the example of the Err-Platta nappes, SE Switzerland |
EGU2016-2714 | Posters | TS6.8 Lithospheric structure across the central Tien Shan constrained by gravity anomalies and joint inversions of receiver function and Rayleigh group velocity data |
EGU2016-3116 | Posters | TS6.8 Constraints on plateau architecture and assembly from deep crustal xenoliths, northern Altiplano (SE Peru) |
EGU2016-12678 | Orals | TS6.8 P–T paths that make it possible to consistently date high–pressure metamorphic mineral growth using argon geochronology |
EGU2016-5624 | Posters | TS6.8 The deep structure of Alpine-type orogens: how important is rift-inheritance? |
EGU2016-17771 | Orals | TS6.8 Dating the polyphase evolution of the Western Alps |
EGU2016-11467 | Orals | TS6.8 Key role of Upper Mantle rocks in Alpine type orogens: some speculations derived from extensional settings for subduction zone processes and mountain roots |
EGU2016-7307 | Posters | TS6.8 Décollement controls on strain distribution in mountain belts: insights from numerical models. |
EGU2016-11459 | Orals | TS6.8 Revisiting the Wilson Cycle in the North Atlantic: The role of inheritance |
EGU2016-7320 | Posters | TS6.8 The mechanisms of driving lithospheric deformation in India-Asia collision zone: a perspective from 3-D numerical modeling |
EGU2016-3957 | Orals | TS6.8 Imaging crustal roots in the Europe-Mediterranean region: a surface wave perspective |
EGU2016-9082 | Posters | TS6.8 Reactivation of a segmented hyper-extended rift system: the example of the Pamplona transfer zone in the western Pyrenees |
EGU2016-4618 | Orals | TS6.8 Constraining the crustal root geometry beneath the Rif Cordillera (North Morocco) |
EGU2016-14097 | Posters | TS6.8 Partial melt and seismic properties: A case study from the Seiland Igneous Province |
EGU2016-14321 | Posters | TS6.8 Highly retentive core domains in K-feldspar preserve argon ages from high temperature stages of granite exhumation |
EGU2016-15320 | Orals | TS6.8 High resolution imaging of lithospheric structures beneath the Pyrenees by full waveform inversion of shortperiod teleseismic P waves |
EGU2016-14337 | Posters | TS6.8 Imaging the deep architecture of continental orogens by full waveform inversion |
EGU2016-8843 | Orals | TS6.8 | Media interest Deep India meets deep Asia: a seismological view of lithospheric slab interactions under Hindu Kush and Pamir |
EGU2016-1938 | Orals | TS6.8 Numerical models of Indian plate underthrusting after slab break-off: controls on Himalayan-Tibetan tectonics |
EGU2016-16010 | Posters | TS6.8 Bayesian geodynamic inversion to constrain the rheology of the flat subduction system in southwestern Mexico |
EGU2016-4747 | Orals | TS6.8 When mountain belts disrupt mantle flow: from natural evidences to numerical modelling |
EGU2016-16800 | Posters | TS6.8 Eclogitic metatrondhjemites from metaophiolites of the Western Alps |
EGU2016-14234 | Posters | TS6.8 The present-day geodynamics of the India-Asia collision system |
EGU2016-9188 | Posters | TS6.8 Andean flat subduction maintained by slab tunneling |
TS7.1 – Digital mapping in the 21st century: share your experience! (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2016-14103 | PICO | TS7.1 Bridging scales from satellite to grains: Structural mapping aided by tablet and photogrammetry |
EGU2016-11447 | PICO | TS7.1 A Multi-Scale Approach for fracture characterization |
EGU2016-12631 | PICO | TS7.1 Reservoir-scale stratigraphic controls on the distribution of vertical fractures: insights from a 200-m thick carbonate platform exposure (Sorrento peninsula, Italy) |
EGU2016-9519 | PICO | TS7.1 Mapping Hydrothermal Alterations in the Muteh Gold Mining Area in Iran by using ASTER satellite Imagery data |
EGU2016-17090 | PICO | TS7.1 Combination of hand mapping and automatic mapping to reveal the Miocene high elevation Pyrenean peneplain |
EGU2016-16332 | PICO | TS7.1 3D Virtual Reality Applied in Tectonic Geomorphic Study of the Gombori Range of Greater Caucasus Mountains |
EGU2016-12837 | PICO | TS7.1 High-resolution Pleiades DEMs and improved mapping methods for the E-Corinth marine terraces |
EGU2016-5377 | PICO | TS7.1 Creation of of the National GIS system «The geography and geo-ecology of rivers and river basins of European Part of Russia: Spatial Analysis, Assessment and Modeling» |
EGU2016-6717 | PICO | TS7.1 Mapping urban geology of the city of Girona, Catalonia |
EGU2016-14626 | PICO | TS7.1 New generation of integrated geological-geomorphological reconstruction maps in the Rhine-Meuse delta, The Netherlands |
EGU2016-7427 | PICO | TS7.1 Beyond data collection in digital mapping: interpretation, sketching and thought process elements in geological map making |
EGU2016-12094 | PICO | TS7.1 On the reliability of manually produced bedrock lineament maps |
EGU2016-12123 | PICO | TS7.1 Introducing students to digital geological mapping: A workflow based on cheap hardware and free software |
EGU2016-13178 | PICO | TS7.1 Digital bedrock mapping at the Geological Survey of Norway: BGS SIGMA tool and in-house database structure |
EGU2016-7064 | PICO | TS7.1 Digital structural-lithological modeling of sedimentary formations geological objects |
TS7.2 – 3D digital geological models: from terrestrial outcrops to planetary surfaces (co-organized)
EGU2016-16784 | Orals | TS7.2 Interpretation and mapping of geological features using mobile devices for 3D outcrop modelling |
EGU2016-18432 | Posters | TS7.2 3D Strucutural Geological Model of the Alpi Mt. Area (Southern Italy) |
EGU2016-2902 | Posters | TS7.2 Comparing results from actual and virtual linear scanlines in fractured sandstones of the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation, Northern Apennines, Italy |
EGU2016-10485 | Orals | TS7.2 Extraction of "best fit circles" on 3D meshes based on discrete curvatures: application to impact craters detection |
EGU2016-18450 | Posters | TS7.2 3D modelling of the Austroalpine-Penninic collisional wedge of the NW Alps: dataset management and preliminary results |
EGU2016-15142 | Orals | TS7.2 Semi-automatic mapping of fault rocks on a Digital Outcrop Model, Gole Larghe Fault Zone (Southern Alps, Italy) |
EGU2016-2324 | Orals | TS7.2 Geometry of structures within crystalline bedrock constrained in 3D and their relevance for present day water infiltration. |
EGU2016-18451 | Posters | TS7.2 3D modelling of the active normal fault network in the Apulian Ridge (Eastern Mediterranean Sea): Integration of seismic and bathymetric data with implicit surface methods |
EGU2016-13501 | Posters | TS7.2 3D modelling of a dolomitized syn-sedimentary structure: an exhumed potential analogue of hydrocarbon reservoir. |
EGU2016-7196 | Orals | TS7.2 The PRoViDE framework for the quantitative geologic analysis of reconstructed Martian terrain and outcrops |
EGU2016-6340 | Orals | TS7.2 Estimating the complexity of 3D structural models using machine learning methods |
EGU2016-16164 | Posters | TS7.2 Structural modelling of thrust zones utilizing photogrammetry: Western Champsaur basin, SE France |
EGU2016-16854 | Posters | TS7.2 A 3D geological model of 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko northern hemisphere |
EGU2016-4522 | Posters | TS7.2 Extreme 3D reconstruction of the final ROSETTA/PHILAE landing site |
EGU2016-14870 | Posters | TS7.2 Deformation in the Bolivian Subandes: a reconstruction of geologic structures along two transects across the Andean Front in Southern Bolivia |
EGU2016-11333 | Posters | TS7.2 The 3D geological model of the Eastern Romania tectonics and structure |
EGU2016-6978 | Posters | TS7.2 Role of detachments and thrust kinematics in Structural evolution of Kohat and Potwar fold thrust belt in Pakistan |
EGU2016-3086 | Posters | TS7.2 Long-range laser scanning and 3D imaging for the Gneiss quarries survey |
EGU2016-7686 | Posters | TS7.2 UAV-based photogrammetry combination of the elevational outcrop and digital surface models: an example of Sanyi active fault in western Taiwan |
EGU2016-4787 | Posters | TS7.2 Digital mono- and 3D stereo-photogrammetry for geological and geomorphological mapping |
EGU2016-12545 | Posters | TS7.2 Mars, accessing the third dimension: a software tool to exploit Mars ground penetrating radars data. |
EGU2016-12387 | Posters | TS7.2 GeolOkit 1.0: a new Open Source, Cross-Platform software for geological data visualization in Google Earth environment |
TS7.4 – Analogue and numerical modeling of tectonic processes (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2016-3220 | PICO | TS7.4 Viscoelastic silicone oils in analog modeling - a rheological benchmark |
EGU2016-3807 | PICO | TS7.4 Properties of granular analogue model materials: A community wide survey |
EGU2016-8706 | PICO | TS7.4 Scaling the sandbox: New insights from detailed mechanical testing and quantitative comparison to nature |
EGU2016-9404 | PICO | TS7.4 Folder: a MATLAB-based tool for modelling deformation in layered media subject to layer parallel shortening or extension |
EGU2016-8250 | PICO | TS7.4 Towards an integrated numerical simulator for crack-seal vein microstructure: Coupling phase-field with the Discrete Element Method |
EGU2016-13703 | PICO | TS7.4 The evolution of spatial distribution patterns of rigid porphyroclasts under pure and simple shear |
EGU2016-2172 | PICO | TS7.4 Structural inheritance during multilayer buckle folding: How pre-existing asymmetries result in parasitic folds with wrong vergence |
EGU2016-10996 | PICO | TS7.4 Denali in a box: analog experiments modeled after a natural setting provide insight on gentle restraining bend deformation |
EGU2016-12523 | PICO | TS7.4 Modeling along-axis variations in fault architecture in the Main Ethiopian Rift: implications for Nubia-Somalia kinematics |
EGU2016-13063 | PICO | TS7.4 Use of integrated analogue and numerical modelling to predict tridimensional fracture intensity in fault-related-folds. |
EGU2016-4591 | PICO | TS7.4 Fold axis rotation during transpressional folding: Insights from analog and numerical models |
EGU2016-799 | PICO | TS7.4 Numerical Modelling of multi-stage basin inversion in the western Barents Shelf |
EGU2016-5977 | PICO | TS7.4 Deep Structure Model of the South Kara Basin |
EGU2016-8639 | PICO | TS7.4 Upper crustal mechanical stratigraphy and the evolution of thrust wedges: insights from sandbox analogue experiments |
EGU2016-10470 | PICO | TS7.4 Modelling "reality" in tectonics: Simulation of the mechanical evolution of the Jura Mountains-Molasse Basin system, and routes to forward-inverse modelling of fold thrust belts. |
EGU2016-898 | PICO | TS7.4 Axi-asymmetric development of buoyant diapirs in analogue and numerical experiments: the role of source-layer tilts |
EGU2016-1320 | PICO | TS7.4 The role of backarc shortening and extension on forearc deformation induced by aseismic ridge subduction |
TS7.5 – The gallery of failed models and negative results (Posters only) (co-organized)
EGU2016-15174 | Posters | TS7.5 Artefacts or reality? Sometimes interesting modelling results should be discarded |
EGU2016-11171 | Posters | TS7.5 Why do flow laws not predict sensible strain-rate distributions in the crust? |
EGU2016-11205 | Posters | TS7.5 Non-robust numerical simulations of analogue extension experiments |
EGU2016-4791 | Posters | TS7.5 A discussion of numerical subduction initiation |
EGU2016-16492 | Posters | TS7.5 On the use of boussinesq approximation for lithospheric scale problem. |
EGU2016-11522 | Posters | TS7.5 On the use of the stabilised Q1P0 element for geodynamical simulations and why this is a bad choice for buyoancy-driven flows. |
EGU2016-14443 | Posters | TS7.5 Choosing an adequate FEM grid for global mantle convection modelling |
TS8.1 – Open Session on Tectonics and Structural Geology (Posters only)
EGU2016-2068 | Posters | TS8.1 Determination of basic friction angle using various laboratory tests. |
EGU2016-11389 | Posters | TS8.1 Shocked cobbles in Lower Cretaceous Duwon Formation, South Korea: their classification and possible formation mechanisms |
EGU2016-9908 | Posters | TS8.1 The microvein dilemma |
EGU2016-681 | Posters | TS8.1 Identification of active faults in Abruzzo area (central Italy) through the analysis of geological, seismological and gravimetric data |
EGU2016-329 | Posters | TS8.1 A new way to quantify the thermal budget around lithospheric-scale shear zones |
EGU2016-1151 | Posters | TS8.1 Structuring of The Jurassic Basin of Chott in Gabes region (Southern Tunisia) associated to the Liassic rifting from geophysical and well data |
EGU2016-9957 | Posters | TS8.1 Deformation of a continental margin sequence under a thrust sheet: complex stress history in a high pressure cell revealed by vein systems in the Oman Mountains |
EGU2016-7867 | Posters | TS8.1 Paleaostress/strain study and its implications for the geodynamic history of the Jabal Akhdar Dome (Oman) |
EGU2016-2700 | Posters | TS8.1 Extinct mid-ocean ridges and insights on the influence of hotspots at divergent plate boundaries |
EGU2016-5088 | Posters | TS8.1 Seismostratigraphy, tectonics and geological history of the Ninetyeast Ridge |
EGU2016-11272 | Posters | TS8.1 Analysis of Marine Magnetic Field Anomaly Profiles of the West Philippine Basin to Infer Its Style of Opening |
EGU2016-10833 | Posters | TS8.1 India-Eurasia collision triggers formation of an oceanic microplate |
EGU2016-3200 | Posters | TS8.1 Structural analysis and evolution of the Hadong-Sancheong-Hwagae area in the Yeongnam massif, Korea: a NS-trend tectonic frame in the Korean Peninsula |
EGU2016-16079 | Posters | TS8.1 Multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of a new Late Cretaceous continental arc in the Central Pontides (Northern Turkey) |
EGU2016-14353 | Posters | TS8.1 The provenance of Borneo’s enigmatic alluvial diamonds |
EGU2016-6746 | Posters | TS8.1 The alternative concept of global tectonics |
TS8.2 – Geochronology and thermochronology: Time and rate of tectonic, metamorphic and geomorphic processes (co-organized)
EGU2016-6049 | Posters | TS8.2 Brittle-ductile deformation effects on zircon crystal-chemistry and U-Pb ages: an example from the Finero Mafic Complex (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, western Alps) |
EGU2016-4992 | Orals | TS8.2 Apparent partial resetting of U-Th-Pb systems in experimentally altered monazite resulting from nano-mixtures due to incomplete replacement. |
EGU2016-5117 | Posters | TS8.2 Constraints on Alpine hydrothermal activity and deformation from U-Th-Pb dating of cleft monazite and xenotime (Western Alps) |
EGU2016-2674 | Orals | TS8.2 | Media interest Campaign-Style Titanite LASS: Implications for Crustal Flow, Phase Transformations and Titanite Closure |
EGU2016-1866 | Orals | TS8.2 | Media interest Garnet geochronology: improvements and application in studying India-Asia collision |
EGU2016-15274 | Posters | TS8.2 Common-lead problems related to allanite Th-U-Pb dating: Are muliple growth zones the problem or the solution? |
EGU2016-8634 | Posters | TS8.2 Sulfate incorporation in monazite lattice: potential for dating the cycle of sulfur in metamorphic belts |
EGU2016-4560 | Orals | TS8.2 Temporal evolution of a post-Rodinian rift inverted during the formation of the Kaoko Belt in NW Namibia |
EGU2016-17859 | Posters | TS8.2 Timing of crustal melting reactions in migmatites of the Moldanubian batholith from monazite geochronology |
EGU2016-11445 | Orals | TS8.2 Dating slate belts using 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and zircon ages from crosscutting plutons: A case study from east-central Maine, USA |
EGU2016-6616 | Posters | TS8.2 New geochemical and geochronological data constraining metamorphism of the Tavşanlı Zone, NW Turkey |
EGU2016-16203 | Orals | TS8.2 Late Triassic uplift of southern Norway revealed by detrital zircons in the Norwegian–Danish Basin |
EGU2016-7559 | Posters | TS8.2 First geochemical and geohronological data from granitoids in Ordu area, NE Turkey |
EGU2016-12823 | Orals | TS8.2 Active tectonic deformation zones across the Himalaya of northwest India |
EGU2016-7021 | Posters | TS8.2 The Age and Geodynamic Evolution of the Metamorphic sole rocks from Izmir-Ankara-Erzıncan suture zone (Northern-Turkey) |
EGU2016-8774 | Orals | TS8.2 Plio-Pleistocene exhumation of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and its domal ‘pop-up’ |
EGU2016-10989 | Orals | TS8.2 Billion year thermal histories constrained by zircon (U-Th)/He age-eU correlations: Examples from the Laramide and Sevier Provinces of the western U.S. |
EGU2016-12466 | Posters | TS8.2 The Amphiolite Layers In The Cumulate Gabbros, (Northern-Turkey) |
EGU2016-12961 | Posters | TS8.2 Characterization of depositional age and structure of sedimentary successions by U-Pb TIMS and LA-ICP-MS dating of volcanic horizons and detrital zircons: an example from the western Trondheim Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides |
EGU2016-16034 | Orals | TS8.2 Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He age dispersion arising from analysis of variable grain sizes and broken crystals - examples from the Scottish Southern Uplands |
EGU2016-13052 | Orals | TS8.2 Influence of paleo-heat flow variations on estimates of exhumation rates |
EGU2016-17967 | Posters | TS8.2 Detrital zircon age populations from the Moine Supergroup, Scotland, and their implications for tectonic evolution |
EGU2016-5370 | Posters | TS8.2 Detrital zircon provenance of Silurian-Devonian and Triassic sedimentary rocks of the western Yangtze Block: Constraint for the location of South China in Gondwana supercontinent |
EGU2016-12033 | Orals | TS8.2 Helium and neon diffusion in pure hematite (α-Fe2O3) crystal lattice |
EGU2016-14666 | Posters | TS8.2 Geochronology of the Palaeoproterozoic Kautokeino Greenstone Belt, Finnmark, Norway, in its Fennoscandian context |
EGU2016-5595 | Posters | TS8.2 New U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotope data of the age of formation and metamorphic alteration of the Kandalaksha-Kolvitsa gabbro-anorthosite complex (Baltic Shield) |
EGU2016-10393 | Posters | TS8.2 Extensional Tectonics Evidenced in Recent Sediments of Lake Van, Eastern Turkey |
EGU2016-3122 | Posters | TS8.2 Multi-method geo- and thermochronology of glacially transported cobbles reveals the tectonic and exhumation history of the St. Elias Mountains (Alaska/Yukon) |
EGU2016-12755 | Posters | TS8.2 Morphological modifications of the Kerguelen Islands (South Indian Ocean) in response to Neogene climate change: evidence from 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochronology |
EGU2016-16822 | Posters | TS8.2 Mesozoic denudation and cooling events of the Yinshan Mountains, southern Mongolian Plateau |
EGU2016-5196 | Posters | TS8.2 What controls early Miocene relief production of southeastern Tibet? |
EGU2016-8896 | Posters | TS8.2 Differential exhumation rates across the Longriba fault system : insights from low temperature thermochronology |
EGU2016-17214 | Posters | TS8.2 Early Neogene unroofing of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta along the Bucaramanga –Santa Marta Fault |
EGU2016-10086 | Posters | TS8.2 Two-stage Uplift of Granite-Gneiss-Migmatite Complex (GGMC) of Çataldağ Core Complex (Western Anatolia, Turkey): the role of detachment faults on uplift processes |
EGU2016-1301 | Posters | TS8.2 Age of the North Anatolian Fault Segments in the Yalova with U/Th Dating Method by Travertine Data |
EGU2016-18360 | Posters | TS8.2 Apatite U-Pb thermochronolgy applied to complex geological settings – insights from geo/thermochronology and geochemistry |
EGU2016-15942 | Posters | TS8.2 A re-evaluation of geological timescale benchmarks and temperature sensitivity of fission-track annealing in apatites |
EGU2016-14176 | Posters | TS8.2 Dating Amazonian laterites through the novel geochronometers kaolinite and iron oxides |
EGU2016-8587 | Posters | TS8.2 Hematite and Goethite (U-Th)/He/Ne ages interpretation using crystallographic data and diffusion parameters |
EGU2016-15767 | Posters | TS8.2 Local thermal properties of the crust and thermochronometric data - how much can we bias the calculated denudation amount? |
EGU2016-13803 | Posters | TS8.2 Damages dependent sensitivity of Zircon (U-Th)/He ages to thermal processes: the case of Pyrenean samples |
EGU2016-9134 | Posters | TS8.2 Accessing probable thermal histories through dispersed, partially-reset zircon (U-Th)/He ages |
EGU2016-6391 | Posters | TS8.2 Cenozoic uplift on the West Greenland margin: active sedimentary basins in quiet Archean terranes. |
EGU2016-8931 | Posters | TS8.2 Constraining Early Cenozoic exhumation of the British Isles with vertical profile modelling |
EGU2016-1091 | Posters | TS8.2 Low-temperature multi-OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar |
EGU2016-14204 | Posters | TS8.2 The rehydroxylation dating of archeological baked-clay artifacts for determination paleomagnetic data |
TS8.4 – Variation of crustal stresses in space and time
EGU2016-1509 | Orals | TS8.4 | Media interest Earthquake activity and crustal stresses in stable plate interiors |
EGU2016-3872 | Posters | TS8.4 3D stress field simulation for Greater Munich, Germany |
EGU2016-3873 | Orals | TS8.4 The integration of stress, strain, and seismogenic fault data: towards more robust estimates of the earthquake potential in Italy and its surroundings |
EGU2016-3694 | Posters | TS8.4 Temporal pore pressure induced stress changes during injection and depletion |
EGU2016-4851 | Posters | TS8.4 New Crustal Stress Map of the Mediterranean and Central Europe |
EGU2016-18310 | Orals | TS8.4 Analysis of styress heterogeneity in deep fractured chrystalline rock |
EGU2016-9756 | Orals | TS8.4 Analysis and interpretation of stress indicators in deviated wells of the Coso Geothermal Field |
EGU2016-4861 | Posters | TS8.4 The World Stress Map Database Release 2016 - Global Crustal Stress Pattern vs. Absolute Plate Motion |
EGU2016-1939 | Orals | TS8.4 A non-tectonic origin for the present day stress field in the sedimentary Paris Basin |
EGU2016-3834 | Posters | TS8.4 The Stress Pattern of Iceland |
EGU2016-3671 | Posters | TS8.4 Crustal stress field in the Greek region inferred from inversion of moment tensor solutions |
EGU2016-6851 | Orals | TS8.4 3D Stress Modelling of a Neotectonically Active Area in Northwestern Norway |
EGU2016-1664 | Posters | TS8.4 In-situ investigation of the influence of the long-term shear strength of faults on the regional stress field in a granite rock mass |
EGU2016-7740 | Posters | TS8.4 New UK in-situ stress orientation for northern England and controls on borehole wall deformation identified using borehole imaging |
EGU2016-7713 | Posters | TS8.4 Stress field sensitivity analysis within Mesozoic successions in the Swiss Alpine foreland using 3-D-geomechanical-numerical models |
EGU2016-12610 | Posters | TS8.4 A damage mechanics approach for quantifying stress changes due to brittle failure of porous rocks |
EGU2016-11721 | Posters | TS8.4 A Comparison between Deep and Shallow Stress Fields in Korea Using Earthquake Focal Mechanism Inversions and Hydraulic Fracturing Stress Measurements |
EGU2016-16708 | Posters | TS8.4 On the dependence of stress states on viscoelastic rheologies. |
EGU2016-4143 | Posters | TS8.4 Stress Dynamics of Magma Activity during Orogenic Evolution: An Example from Kinmen Island, SE China |
EGU2016-11128 | Posters | TS8.4 Current Tectonic Stress Field in the Northeastern Margin of Tibetan Plateau |
EGU2016-5511 | Posters | TS8.4 A Potential of Borehole Strainmeters for Continuous Monitoring of Stress Change Associated with Earthquakes |
EGU2016-12183 | Posters | TS8.4 Distributed deformation structures in shallow water carbonates subsiding through a simple stress field (Jandaira Formation, NE Brazil) |
EGU2016-15953 | Posters | TS8.4 Anomalous high deformation rate in mudstone of fold-and-thrust belt in southwestern Taiwan: mud diapirism or mud-core anticline? |