CL – Climate: Past, Present, Future
CL0.00 – Open Session on Climate: Past, Present and Future
EGU2017-43 | Posters | CL0.00 The Large-Scale Ocean Dynamical Effect on uncertainty in the Tropical Pacific SST Warming Pattern in CMIP5 Models |
EGU2017-6675 | Orals | CL0.00 | Highlight Subpolar Atlantic cooling and North American east coast warming linked to AMOC slowdown |
EGU2017-2774 | Posters | CL0.00 Maximum 2-day precipitation totals in Slovakia in 1951-2010 period. |
EGU2017-12141 | Orals | CL0.00 British-Irish ice sheet during the LGM consistent with a reduced northward ocean heat transport |
EGU2017-9786 | Orals | CL0.00 Regulation of the climate in coupled convection-permitting simulations |
EGU2017-2873 | Posters | CL0.00 Intermediate to deep water hydrographic changes of the Japan Sea over the past 10 Myr, inferred from radiolarian data (IODP Exp. 346, Site U1425) |
EGU2017-13732 | Orals | CL0.00 Past environmental/climatic changes in the northern part of the South China Sea, input from multi-proxy analysis of core MD12-3432 |
EGU2017-3131 | Posters | CL0.00 Effect of thermic climate continentality on selected characteristics of snow cover in Slovakia in the period 1981/82 - 2010/11 |
EGU2017-15275 | Orals | CL0.00 Climatic triggers for peatland initiation |
EGU2017-3850 | Posters | CL0.00 Impact of increased horizontal resolution in coupled and atmosphere-only models of the HadGEM1.1 family upon the climate patterns of South America |
EGU2017-15318 | Orals | CL0.00 Shifting patterns of mild weather in response to projected radiative forcing |
EGU2017-4665 | Posters | CL0.00 Past and future impact of North Atlantic teleconnection patterns on the hydroclimate of the Caspian catchment area in CESM1.2.2 and observations |
EGU2017-5259 | Posters | CL0.00 A Bayesian Approach for GCMs Selection and Ensemble Projections under the latest Emission Scenarios |
EGU2017-5832 | Posters | CL0.00 Bjerknes Compensation in Meridional Heat Transport under Freshwater Forcing and the Role of Climate Feedback |
EGU2017-7197 | Posters | CL0.00 Sugar beet growth in a changing climate: past, present and future trends in southwest Germany |
EGU2017-9049 | Posters | CL0.00 Climate change in a hydrothermal-thermohaline framework |
EGU2017-9787 | Posters | CL0.00 From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene: Modelling a Complete Glacial Cycle (PalMod) |
EGU2017-10459 | Posters | CL0.00 Scenario dependency of the transient climate response to cumulative emissions |
EGU2017-11907 | Posters | CL0.00 The influence of low latitude forcing on European Ice sheet dynamics |
EGU2017-12857 | Posters | CL0.00 Reconstructing a flash flood record from the late Holocene in sediment cores from the Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat (Red Sea) |
EGU2017-14091 | Posters | CL0.00 Global peatlands and the carbon cycle during the last millennium |
EGU2017-15388 | Posters | CL0.00 Dynamic Hydrological Discharge Modelling for Fully Coupled Paleoclimate Runs of the Last Glacial Cycle |
EGU2017-16870 | Posters | CL0.00 Climate variability of heat wave and future warming scenario in Taiwan |
EGU2017-17512 | Posters | CL0.00 IPSL-CM5A2. An Earth System Model designed to run long simulations for past and future climates. |
EGU2017-17761 | Posters | CL0.00 Multi-component time, spatial and frequency analysis of Paleoclimatic Data |
EGU2017-17899 | Posters | CL0.00 Simulation of comprehensive chemistry and atmospheric methane lifetime in the LGM with EMAC |
EGU2017-18320 | Posters | CL0.00 Future seasonal climate change scenarios for Taiwan using a climate scenario generator |
CL1.01 – Into the Anthropocene; Observing and interpreting the historical record of temperature and other climate indicators (co-organized)
EGU2017-7862 | Orals | CL1.01 | Highlight North Atlantic early 20th century warming and impact on European summer: Mechanisms and Predictability |
EGU2017-4352 | Posters | CL1.01 Hydro-meteorological causes of floods on the Upper and Central Danube River in the years 1895, 1897 and 1899 |
EGU2017-15816 | Orals | CL1.01 Influence of solar activity on the occurrence of Central European weather types from 1763 to 2009 |
EGU2017-9943 | Posters | CL1.01 A Scaling Model for the Anthropocene Climate Variability with Projections to 2100 |
EGU2017-2673 | Posters | CL1.01 Mapping trends of 30 temperature indices at high spatial resolution for Alberta, Canada, for the period 1950 – 2010 |
EGU2017-14427 | Orals | CL1.01 Historical deforestation increased the risk of heat extremes in northern mid-latitudes |
EGU2017-11320 | Posters | CL1.01 Uncertainty in Detecting Trend: A New Criterion and Its Applications to Global SST |
EGU2017-9518 | Orals | CL1.01 How accurately do we know the temperature of the surface of the earth? |
EGU2017-15268 | Posters | CL1.01 Towards a Combined Surface Temperature Dataset for the Arctic from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers |
EGU2017-8622 | Orals | CL1.01 Toward all weather, long record, and real-time land surface temperature retrievals from microwave satellite observations |
EGU2017-8312 | Orals | CL1.01 Modelling the angular effects on satellite retrieved LST at global scale using a land surface classification |
EGU2017-12697 | Posters | CL1.01 | Highlight The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature |
EGU2017-8414 | Posters | CL1.01 Global inter-comparison of microwave and infrared LST from multiple sensors (AMSR-E, MODIS, SEVIRI, GOES, and MTSAT-2) |
EGU2017-15116 | Posters | CL1.01 Comparison of S-NPP VIIRS land surface temperature with SEVIRI |
EGU2017-3059 | Posters | CL1.01 A Case Study of Trends and Spatial Patterns of Land Surface Temperatures over the Greater Los Angeles, CA and Phoenix, AZ using new MODIS LST product (MOD21) |
EGU2017-18123 | Posters | CL1.01 MEaSUREs Land Surface Temperature from GOES Satellites |
EGU2017-6984 | Posters | CL1.01 A comparison of all-weather land surface temperature products |
EGU2017-13853 | Posters | CL1.01 Long-term variability of observed upper-ocean temperature in the western North Pacific marginal seas |
EGU2017-11289 | Posters | CL1.01 Correcting anthropogenic ocean heat uptake estimates for the Little Ice Age |
EGU2017-18046 | Posters | CL1.01 Atmospheric carbon invasion in the meridional border of California Current surface waters |
EGU2017-13872 | Posters | CL1.01 Investigating precipitation changes of anthropic origin: data and methodological issues |
EGU2017-9388 | Posters | CL1.01 The effect of atmospheric variability at intra-seasonal time scale on the SST of the Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf |
EGU2017-15297 | Posters | CL1.01 The long view: Causes of climate change over the instrumental era |
EGU2017-7334 | Posters | CL1.01 Assessing the role of atmospheric circulation on heatwaves using CMIP5 historical simulations |
EGU2017-5618 | Posters | CL1.01 Reanalysis of the 1893 heat wave in France through offline data assimilation in a downscaled ensemble meteorological reconstruction |
EGU2017-17759 | Posters | CL1.01 Effect of anthropogenic activities on atmospheric 14C content and radiocarbon chronologies of the future. |
CL1.02 – Historical Climatology
EGU2017-2764 | Orals | CL1.02 | Highlight Euro-Climhist – a data platform for weather-, climate- and disaster history |
EGU2017-19328 | Posters | CL1.02 Reported weather events in medieval Hungary: the 11th-15th centuries |
EGU2017-10161 | Orals | CL1.02 | Highlight The climatic context of major plague outbreaks in late medieval England |
EGU2017-19353 | Posters | CL1.02 The advantages and disadvantages of medieval narrative sources regarding winters in South Baltic countries |
EGU2017-17923 | Posters | CL1.02 The analysis on the extreme water shortage event in Hangzhou in 1247 AD and its natural and social backgrounds |
EGU2017-16164 | Orals | CL1.02 Floods, droughts and anomalous weather during the late Spörer minimum in Central Europe: the examples of the Carpathian Basin, the Eastern Alpine Region and Northern Italy |
EGU2017-6780 | Orals | CL1.02 Climate fluctuations in the Czech Lands from AD 1500 compiled from various proxies |
EGU2017-7029 | Posters | CL1.02 Critical analysis of documentary sources for Historical Climatology of Northern Portugal (17th-19th centuries) |
EGU2017-19294 | Orals | CL1.02 The Science Behind Moravian Meteorological Observations for Late-18th Century Labrador |
EGU2017-12508 | Posters | CL1.02 Recovery of early meteorological data from Latin-America and the Caribbean |
EGU2017-5615 | Orals | CL1.02 A 305 year monthly rainfall series for the Island of Ireland (1711-2016) |
EGU2017-12070 | Posters | CL1.02 Spatiotemporal variability of hydrometeorological extremes and their impacts in the Jihlava region in the 1650–1880 period |
EGU2017-14175 | Posters | CL1.02 Summer half-year hailstorms in South Moravia, Czech Republic: a long-term chronology |
EGU2017-6922 | Posters | CL1.02 Long-term windstorm variability in the Czech Lands derived from documentary evidence |
EGU2017-7068 | Posters | CL1.02 Two outstanding windstorms on 7 December 1868 and 26/27 October 1870 in the Czech Lands: course, extent, impacts |
EGU2017-7177 | Posters | CL1.02 Windstorms and forest disturbances in the Czech Lands: 1801–2015 |
EGU2017-2231 | Posters | CL1.02 Analysis of extreme hydrological phenomena in southern Italy (Calabria region) |
EGU2017-18082 | Posters | CL1.02 Development of a Historical Hydrological online research and application platform for Switzerland – Historical Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland (HHAS) |
EGU2017-19288 | Posters | CL1.02 Drought multiproxy reconstruction in the Czech Lands from AD 1500 |
EGU2017-19285 | Posters | CL1.02 Drought events in the Czech Republic: past, present, future |
EGU2017-19337 | Posters | CL1.02 Climatic and other responses to the Lakagígar 1783 and Tambora 1815 volcanic eruptions in the Czech Lands |
EGU2017-19507 | Posters | CL1.02 Drought, ecological crisis and famine in late nineteenth century south-eastern Africa |
EGU2017-17972 | Posters | CL1.02 The weather diaries of a hunting and fishing estate in Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland from 1898 to 1972 |
EGU2017-1288 | Posters | CL1.02 Obtaining meteorological data from historical newspapers: La Integridad |
EGU2017-7336 | Posters | CL1.02 Historical halo displays as past weather indicator |
EGU2017-17268 | Posters | CL1.02 Integrating data rescue into the classroom |
CL1.03 – Studying the climate of the last two millennia
EGU2017-4218 | Orals | CL1.03 | Highlight Sea-level variability over the Common Era |
EGU2017-8019 | Posters | CL1.03 Simulation and inversion of borehole temperature profiles in surrogate climates: influence of SAT-GST decoupling processes in last millennium borehole temperature reconstructions |
EGU2017-14625 | Orals | CL1.03 Resolving the phasing and forcing dynamics between North Atlantic climate and deep ocean circulation changes |
EGU2017-8147 | Posters | CL1.03 Impacts of the Last Glacial Cycle on Ground Surface Temperature Reconstructions over the Last Millennium |
EGU2017-8209 | Posters | CL1.03 Long-term ground surface temperature from geothermal data in North America as a complement for GCM control simulations |
EGU2017-8566 | Orals | CL1.03 Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation over the last millennium |
EGU2017-4639 | Orals | CL1.03 Assessing the role of the West Pacific Gradient for global climate teleconnections over the past Millennium |
EGU2017-11328 | Posters | CL1.03 Assimilation of Southern Hemisphere proxy records into a climate modelling framework |
EGU2017-5594 | Orals | CL1.03 Variations in the width of the Indo-Pacific tropical rain belt over the last millennium: synthesis of stalagmite proxy records and climate model simulations |
EGU2017-7257 | Posters | CL1.03 Diagnosing the radiative forcing from a millennium historical model integration – evaluation of a commonly used method |
EGU2017-154 | Orals | CL1.03 European Hydroclimate Response to Volcanic Eruptions over the Past Nine Centuries |
EGU2017-3653 | Posters | CL1.03 Impact of external forcing on simulated hydroclimate from interannual to multicentennial timescales |
EGU2017-5830 | Posters | CL1.03 The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Introduction, Goals and Call for Participation |
EGU2017-10954 | Orals | CL1.03 Arctic temperature and moisture trends during the past 2000 years – Progress from multiproxy-paleoclimate data compilations |
EGU2017-12510 | Orals | CL1.03 Arctic Temperature Variability over the last Millennium |
EGU2017-7071 | Posters | CL1.03 Reconstructing the leading mode of multi-decadal North Atlantic variability over the last two millenia using functional paleoclimate networks |
EGU2017-4198 | Orals | CL1.03 A multi-archive, multi-tiered reconstruction of southeastern Australian hydroclimate variability over the past 1200 years |
EGU2017-7224 | Posters | CL1.03 | Highlight Solar activity as driver for the Dark Age Grand Solar Minimum |
EGU2017-6772 | Posters | CL1.03 Parametrization of environment by geochemistry of the varved clastic and bio- chemogenic lake sediments |
EGU2017-10821 | Orals | CL1.03 Climate and drought over the past 1000 years in the Last Millennium Reanalysis |
EGU2017-5341 | Orals | CL1.03 | Highlight Did European temperatures in 1540 exceed present-day records? |
EGU2017-5819 | Posters | CL1.03 Indian Ocean Dipole variability from Indonesian corals during the Little Ice Age |
EGU2017-9686 | Posters | CL1.03 The climate of the last two millennia off Iberia |
EGU2017-10044 | Orals | CL1.03 | Highlight An Australasian hockey stick and associated climate wars |
EGU2017-11693 | Posters | CL1.03 Vegetation history and climate variability since 1.3kaBP reconstructed from high-resolution multiproxy analysis of mountainous peat sediment, Southeast China |
EGU2017-8547 | Posters | CL1.03 Reconstruction of climate in China during 17th-19th centuries using Chinese chronological records |
EGU2017-11030 | Posters | CL1.03 Wet Little Ice Age in tropical Vietnam consistent with amplification of Pacific Walker Circulation |
EGU2017-3349 | Posters | CL1.03 Multi-proxy reconstructions of precipitation field in China over the past 500 years |
EGU2017-11089 | Posters | CL1.03 Reconstructing hydroclimatic variations using compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis of biomarkers from a maar lake in the Central Highlands, Vietnam |
EGU2017-6093 | Posters | CL1.03 Winter precipitation changes during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age in arid Central Asia |
EGU2017-11268 | Posters | CL1.03 Hydrologic changes across western and eastern Amazon during the late Holocene recorded in sediments from the Xingu Ria |
EGU2017-11437 | Posters | CL1.03 North Atlantic sea-surface variability reflected in an array of Greenlandic methanesulfonic acid (MSA) records |
EGU2017-13078 | Posters | CL1.03 Rapid landscape change in 6th century northern Jordan |
EGU2017-17181 | Posters | CL1.03 Ice cores and calcite precipitates from alpine ice caves as useful proxies in paleoclimate reconstructions |
EGU2017-15070 | Posters | CL1.03 Controls on late Holocene drift-sand dynamics: the role of people and climate on inland aeolian activity in the Netherlands |
EGU2017-813 | Posters | CL1.03 Regional influence of decadal to multidecadal Atlantic Oscillations during the last two millennia in Morocco, inferred from two high resolution δ18O speleothem records |
EGU2017-1007 | Posters | CL1.03 Variability of sea surface temperature and sea ice extent in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard during the last 2 000 years |
EGU2017-6108 | Posters | CL1.03 Heat waves according to warm spell duration index in Slovakia during 1901-2016 |
EGU2017-19359 | Posters | CL1.03 Carotenoids in the Gulf of Gdansk sediments- useful markers of environmental conditions in the past |
CL1.11 – The state-of-the-art in ice coring sciences (co-organized)
EGU2017-1122 | Posters | CL1.11 Carbon isotope ratios suggest no additional methane from boreal wetlands during the rapid Greenland Interstadial 21.2 |
EGU2017-232 | Posters | CL1.11 Optimization of Auger System in Shallow Electromechanical Auger Drills |
EGU2017-9932 | Orals | CL1.11 | Highlight 7000 year European climate record from the Ortles ice core |
EGU2017-1383 | Posters | CL1.11 The Ortles ice cores: uncovering an extended climate archive from the Eastern Alps |
EGU2017-2050 | Posters | CL1.11 Detection of Organic Compounds in Ice Cores for Application to Palaeoclimate Reconstruction – Methodological Development |
EGU2017-2316 | Orals | CL1.11 Frequency of large volcanic eruptions over the past 200,000 years |
EGU2017-5146 | Posters | CL1.11 Climate dynamic of Terminations 2 and 3 in East Antarctica as inferred from the combination of water and air isotopes in Dome C and Vostok ice cores |
EGU2017-5431 | Orals | CL1.11 Molecular diffusion of stable water isotopes in polar firn as a proxy for past temperatures |
EGU2017-5183 | Posters | CL1.11 Evolution of the biological productivity during the last deglaciations using the triple isotopic composition of oxygen |
EGU2017-11372 | Orals | CL1.11 Towards multi-decadal to multi-millennial ice core records from coastal west Greenland ice caps |
EGU2017-5199 | Posters | CL1.11 Towards a novel continuous sublimation extraction/laser spectroscopy method for greenhouse gas measurements in the oldest ice |
EGU2017-10478 | Orals | CL1.11 125,000 year Arctic sea ice variability from the Renland ice core. |
EGU2017-5821 | Posters | CL1.11 Climate history at Aurora Basin North, East Antarctica: A 2,000 year isotopic record |
EGU2017-8083 | Orals | CL1.11 Constructing a High-Resolution Holocene Interpolar Methane Gradient |
EGU2017-6539 | Posters | CL1.11 A method for combined Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic analysis of $<$10 mg dust samples: implication for ice core science |
EGU2017-12948 | Orals | CL1.11 The methane record of Daansgard-Oeschger event 17 in Vostok 4G-2 ice core: effects of layered bubble trapping and smoothing |
EGU2017-5157 | Orals | CL1.11 High vs low latitude sequence of events over the last deglaciation using ice core isotopic proxies and an isotope-enabled climate model |
EGU2017-10623 | Posters | CL1.11 Calibration of micro-particle analysers for ice core studies |
EGU2017-14721 | Orals | CL1.11 In-situ observation of bubble trapping in polar firn |
EGU2017-10893 | Posters | CL1.11 Using the Community Firn Model to investigate the water isotope record in an ice core from the South Pole |
EGU2017-14979 | Orals | CL1.11 No nitrate spikes detectable in several polar ice cores following the largest known solar events |
EGU2017-11492 | Posters | CL1.11 New high-resolution record of Holocene climate change in the Weddell Sea from combined biomarker analysis of the Patriot Hills blue ice area |
EGU2017-11479 | Orals | CL1.11 Links between central Greenland stable isotopes, atmospheric blocking and extreme temperature variability over Europe |
EGU2017-12581 | Posters | CL1.11 Atmospheric CO2 variations on millennial-scale during MIS 6 |
EGU2017-13920 | Posters | CL1.11 Linking pollen deposition and snow accumulation on the Alto dell’Ortles glacier (South Tyrol, Italy) for sub-seasonal dating of a firn core |
EGU2017-14513 | Posters | CL1.11 Snow-pit isotopic, chemical and dust stratigraphies from coastal East Antarctic ice-sheet (GV7 site - Eastern Wilkes Land) |
EGU2017-14576 | Posters | CL1.11 CALICE: Calibrating Plant Biodiversity in Glacier Ice |
EGU2017-14815 | Posters | CL1.11 Automatization of an inverse surface temperature modelling procedure for Greenland ice cores, developed and evaluated using nitrogen and argon isotope data measured on the Gisp2 ice core |
EGU2017-16563 | Posters | CL1.11 Automated Synchronization of Ice Core Records |
EGU2017-16908 | Posters | CL1.11 Towards a new common Greenland Ice Core Chronology for the last 5000 years |
EGU2017-1218 | Posters | CL1.11 Atmospheric depositions of black carbon, inorganic pollutants and mineral dust from the Ortles, Eastern European Alps ice cores during the last 3000 years |
EGU2017-1253 | Posters | CL1.11 Investigating the Microscopic Location of Trace Elements in High-Alpine Glacier Ice |
EGU2017-19200 | Posters | CL1.11 Accumulation rates from 38 ka and 160 ka radio-echo sounding horizons in East Antarctica |
EGU2017-10587 | Posters | CL1.11 Variability of back carbon in Northwest Greenland during the past 350 years |
EGU2017-11500 | Posters | CL1.11 Post-depositional migration and signal reconstruction of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in polar ice cores |
EGU2017-15895 | Posters | CL1.11 POLLiCE (POLLen in the iCE): climate history from Adamello ice cores |
EGU2017-16174 | Posters | CL1.11 How to obtain a quantitative record of Holocene Antarctic temperature variability |
EGU2017-16368 | Posters | CL1.11 In situ-measurement of ice deformation from repeated borehole logging of the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) ice core, East Antarctica. |
EGU2017-16743 | Posters | CL1.11 Climate dependent contrast in surface mass balance in East Antarctica over the past 216 ka |
CL1.12 – Tree ring proxies of climatic and environmental change (co-organized)
EGU2017-19417 | Posters | CL1.12 Stable carbon and oxygen isotope chronologies from Araucaria angustifolia trees as proxies for investigating the impacts of Andean volcanism on South-Eastern American climate |
EGU2017-14285 | Orals | CL1.12 How to make a tree ring: Coupling stem water flow and cambial activity in mature Alpine conifers |
EGU2017-9196 | Orals | CL1.12 Searching for early-warning signals of impending dieback and death in Mediterranean oaks |
EGU2017-1482 | Posters | CL1.12 Oak tree ring stable isotope records of late-summer and autumn temperature changes in the Eastern European lowlands |
EGU2017-1985 | Posters | CL1.12 Tree-ring density variations during the 1450s period of strong volcanic forcing |
EGU2017-5601 | Orals | CL1.12 When tree rings go global: challenges and opportunities for retro- and prospective insights |
EGU2017-6877 | Posters | CL1.12 | Highlight Integrating tree-ring and wine data from the Palatinate (Germany) |
EGU2017-4576 | Orals | CL1.12 Blue Intensity Experiments from around the World: The State of the “Art” |
EGU2017-7067 | Posters | CL1.12 The potential for using tree-ring data from Jeju-island to reconstruct climate in subtropical Korea - A pilot study |
EGU2017-10561 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight Summer temperature and drought co-variability across Europe since 850 CE |
EGU2017-7154 | Posters | CL1.12 Dendrochronological reconstruction of summer precipitation since 1884 in the arid Tian-Shan regions |
EGU2017-7105 | Orals | CL1.12 New paleoclimatic database for the Iberian Peninsula since AD 1700 inferred from tree-ring records and documentary evidence: advances in temperature and drought variability reconstructions |
EGU2017-7716 | Posters | CL1.12 Blue Intensity based experiments for reconstructing North Pacific temperatures along the Gulf of Alaska |
EGU2017-6540 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight 600-year reconstruction of the tri-pole Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (TPI) using tree-ring chronologies and a single coral proxy from Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. |
EGU2017-10356 | Orals | CL1.12 Exploring tree age-related trends in $\delta ^{13}$C and $\delta ^{18}$O data from North Scandinavia over the last millennium |
EGU2017-8604 | Posters | CL1.12 Long-term climatic variations in the highlands of Western China, as evidenced by a 4650-year-long chronology based on tree-ring cores from Qilian junipers (Juniperus przewalskii Kom) |
EGU2017-10465 | Posters | CL1.12 Continental-scale temperature covariance in proxy reconstructions and climate models |
EGU2017-10771 | Orals | CL1.12 Climate variability over the Holocene in the Atacama Desert of Chile as reconstructed from tree ring isotope series |
EGU2017-11367 | Posters | CL1.12 Tree-ring latewood width based July–August SPEI reconstruction in South China since AD 1888 and its possible connection with ENSO |
EGU2017-8775 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight On the paleoenvironmental potential of 253 newly discovered pine stumps from Zurich, Switzerland |
EGU2017-12064 | Posters | CL1.12 Analysis of mountain hazards in the Qilian Mountain based on tree rings |
EGU2017-431 | Orals | CL1.12 Alpine Holocene Tree Ring Isotope Records – A Synthesis of a Multi-Proxy Approach in Dendroclimatology |
EGU2017-14792 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight Dendroecological opportunities to shift and cross disciplinary boundaries |
EGU2017-13353 | Posters | CL1.12 Tree-ring growth patterns and climatic signals along a vertical transect of larch sites in the Simplon and Rhône Valleys (Switzerland) |
EGU2017-13426 | Posters | CL1.12 Distinct effects of water use efficiency increase on growth in Scots pine and sessile oak in the Mediterranean Basin |
EGU2017-14055 | Posters | CL1.12 Does compression wood affect the climatic signal in carbon and oxygen isotopes of Norway spruce? |
EGU2017-16398 | Posters | CL1.12 Shrub sensitivity to recent warming across Arctic Alaska from dendrochronological and remote sensing records |
EGU2017-19322 | Posters | CL1.12 Evaluation of Climate Change in northeastern China by means of d13C in tree-rings in the Great Xiang'An mountains region |
EGU2017-18389 | Posters | CL1.12 Can forest dieback and tree death be predicted by prior changes in wood anatomy? |
EGU2017-2724 | Posters | CL1.12 Seasonal dynamics of radial growth and stem water deficit in co-occurring saplings and mature conifers under drought: Canopy density affects water stress experienced by saplings |
EGU2017-9915 | Posters | CL1.12 Growth divergence: a challenging opportunity for dendrochronology |
EGU2017-14073 | Posters | CL1.12 Particular geoscientific perspectives on stable isotope analysis in the arboreal system |
EGU2017-523 | Posters | CL1.12 Longer growing seasons and warm summers boost Rhododendron ferrugineum L. growth in the Taillefer massif (French Alps) |
EGU2017-2560 | Posters | CL1.12 Tree rings reveal weakening of annual temperature cycle over the Tibetan Plateau since the 1870s |
EGU2017-14642 | Posters | CL1.12 Mid 19th century divergence between tree-ring proxy and instrumental target data at hemispheric scales |
EGU2017-13253 | Posters | CL1.12 Climatic interpretation of tree-ring methoxyl d2H time-series from a central alpine larch forest |
EGU2017-9015 | Posters | CL1.12 A 500-year dual stable isotope tree ring chronology of a Late Glacial cooling event |
EGU2017-11291 | Posters | CL1.12 Tree-ring width based temperature and precipitation reconstruction in southeastern China |
EGU2017-3134 | Posters | CL1.12 Development of a millennium-length density chronology for the Pindus Mountains in Greece |
EGU2017-9257 | Posters | CL1.12 Polar amplification of the early Eocene indicated by δ2H values of lignin methoxyl groups of mummified wood |
EGU2017-10826 | Posters | CL1.12 Spatial and temporal variability of past rainfall in western Australia inferred from tree rings |
EGU2017-8989 | Posters | CL1.12 Dendrometer studies in urban and rural environments in Stockholm, Sweden |
EGU2017-9118 | Posters | CL1.12 Environmental signals in tree-ring δ18O from a temperate catchment in Switzerland |
EGU2017-11338 | Posters | CL1.12 Three centuries of winter temperature change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation |
EGU2017-13583 | Posters | CL1.12 Temperature reconstruction and volcanic eruption signal from tree-ring width and maximum latewood density over the past 304 years in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau |
CL1.13 – The speleothem archive: understanding processes and interpreting Quaternary climate change
EGU2017-4196 | Orals | CL1.13 Temperature reconstruction from dripwater hydrochemistry, speleothem fabric and speleothem δ13C: towards an integrated approach in temperate climate caves |
EGU2017-1487 | Posters | CL1.13 SISAL: A community-driven initiative to create a global database of speleothem data for model evaluation |
EGU2017-1554 | Posters | CL1.13 O and C stable isotopes in cryogenic cave calcite (CCC) – possible proxy for past climate changes |
EGU2017-18024 | Orals | CL1.13 Analysis of lignin oxidation products in a stalagmite from the Herbstlabyrinth-Adventshöhle in Germany and comparison with δ13C and other vegetation proxies |
EGU2017-2117 | Posters | CL1.13 High resolution pCO2 monitoring reveals ventilation of Bunker Cave (NW Germany) and its impact on speleothem growth |
EGU2017-5429 | Orals | CL1.13 Carbon dioxide budgets in cave air and carbon in speleothems; insights from a shallow cave in Ireland |
EGU2017-11447 | Orals | CL1.13 450,000 years of groundwater (234U/238U)0 variations in SW Nevada, USA |
EGU2017-2405 | Posters | CL1.13 Climatic variability during the penultimate interglacial (MIS 7) and glacial (MIS 6) periods recorded in a speleothem from Kanaan cave, Lebanon (Central Levant) |
EGU2017-11786 | Orals | CL1.13 Unravelling links between external weather, climate, cave speleothem growth and del13C records |
EGU2017-3463 | Posters | CL1.13 Flowstone compositions as indicators of centennial fluctuations of hydrological balance in Central Europe during the late Holocene |
EGU2017-13699 | Orals | CL1.13 Characterization of Microbial Community in Lascaux Cave by High Throughput Sequencing |
EGU2017-5186 | Posters | CL1.13 Speleothem records of acid sulphate deposition and organic carbon mobilisation |
EGU2017-3398 | Orals | CL1.13 Subglacial Calcites from Northern Victoria Land: archive of Antarctic volcanism in the Last Glacial Maximum |
EGU2017-5241 | Posters | CL1.13 Indian Summer Monsoon dynamics during Termination II and MIS 5e |
EGU2017-5708 | Posters | CL1.13 Multi-proxy monitoring approaches at Kangaroo Island, South Australia |
EGU2017-14842 | Orals | CL1.13 Flowstones from SE Spain document a close relationship between North Atlantic temperature and precipitation in the Western Mediterranean between 7 and 112 ka |
EGU2017-2006 | Orals | CL1.13 Late Holocene climate and environmental change from Asiul cave speleothems: interpretations in light of modern cave monitoring. |
EGU2017-5951 | Posters | CL1.13 Isotopic re-equilibration of fluid inclusions in natural speleothem by artificial heating |
EGU2017-12674 | Orals | CL1.13 Reconstructing Past Climate Using Speleothems from Cueva de las Perlas, Northern Spain. |
EGU2017-6325 | Posters | CL1.13 Oxygen isotope fractionation processes in the water-calcite-aragonite system |
EGU2017-7498 | Orals | CL1.13 The nature of annual lamination in carbonate flowstones from non-karstic fractures, Vinschgau (northern Italy) |
EGU2017-6882 | Posters | CL1.13 Climate variability during MIS3 recorded by two stalagmites from Donnehue’s Cave, Midwestern USA |
EGU2017-17755 | Orals | CL1.13 The temperature and precipitation reconstructions on Swiss stalagmites with a special emphasis on altitude gradient using noble-gases, δO-18 and δD of fluid inclusions |
EGU2017-7116 | Posters | CL1.13 Sub-annual paleoenvironmental information evaluated from intensity variations of fluorescent annual layers in a stalagmite from Ryuo-do Cave, Nagasaki Prefecture, western Japan |
EGU2017-7425 | Posters | CL1.13 An annually laminated stalagmite record of precipitation in spring persistent rains region over SE China and its relationship to ENSO and PDO |
EGU2017-8726 | Posters | CL1.13 Quantitative Palaeoenvironments from Speleothems (QUEST): magnetic properties of two New Zealand speleothems |
EGU2017-9211 | Posters | CL1.13 A speleothem record of climate of the last millennium in Southeast Spain |
EGU2017-10483 | Posters | CL1.13 A >400 kyrs archive of sedimentation in Scladina cave (Belgium) |
EGU2017-11991 | Posters | CL1.13 Dating the demise of permafrost in South-Western Britain with cryogenic cave carbonates |
EGU2017-12180 | Posters | CL1.13 Insights into the ‘super’-interglacial MIS 11 from a Central European flowstone |
EGU2017-12278 | Posters | CL1.13 Application of LA-MC-ICP-MS for analysis of Sr isotope ratios in speleothems |
EGU2017-13520 | Posters | CL1.13 Annual-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope time series from three stalagmites from Zoolithencave (southern Germany) and their potential for climate reconstruction |
EGU2017-14342 | Posters | CL1.13 Isotopic (18O) signature of CO2-H2O vapor exchange in the vadose air of Nerja cave (Malaga, Spain) |
EGU2017-14383 | Posters | CL1.13 High resolution geochemical proxy record of the last 600yr in a speleothem from the northwest Iberian Peninsula |
EGU2017-14602 | Posters | CL1.13 The speleothem record from Sicily, an important palaeoclimate testimony in the heart of the Mediterranean: overview of current research |
EGU2017-15829 | Posters | CL1.13 Evaluating the cave carbonate chemical signal as a proxy for rain patterns in Mallorca Island |
EGU2017-16655 | Posters | CL1.13 Speleothem dating using Sulfur to Calcium ratio |
CL1.15 – Quaternary climate archives and proxy uncertainty
EGU2017-617 | Posters | CL1.15 Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Insect Fossils, Halashazi Site, Altai Region, China. |
EGU2017-1232 | Posters | CL1.15 Relative contribution of C3 and C4 type terrestrial organic matter in the Mahanadi offshore (Bay of Bengal) sediments and climatic implication. |
EGU2017-8684 | Orals | CL1.15 Ecosystem resilience to abrupt late Quaternary change in continental southern Siberia |
EGU2017-2976 | Posters | CL1.15 Extensive historical charcoal production in Brandenburg (Germany) – identification of potential areas by GIS analysis |
EGU2017-11741 | Orals | CL1.15 A new long sediment record from Padul, southern Spain records orbital- and suborbital-scale environmental and climate changes during the middle and late Quaternary |
EGU2017-5001 | Orals | CL1.15 400 years of summer hydroclimate from stable isotopes in Iberian trees |
EGU2017-3997 | Posters | CL1.15 The Finow soil – a stratigraphic marker or just a pedologic horizon? |
EGU2017-6462 | Posters | CL1.15 Long-term selective degradation of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in a Maderia Abyssal Plain turbidite |
EGU2017-18989 | Orals | CL1.15 An annually-resolved stalagmite tropical cyclone reconstruction from Belize reveals a northward shift in North Atlantic storm track position since 1550 C.E. |
EGU2017-6673 | Posters | CL1.15 The matter of preservation: A comparison of recent organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in sediment trap and core top sediments off Cape Blanc (NW Africa) |
EGU2017-1519 | Orals | CL1.15 Inter-hemispheric synchrony of Holocene mid-latitude atmospheric circulation changes inferred from speleothem geochemical proxies |
EGU2017-6932 | Posters | CL1.15 Evolution of alkaline lakes – Lake Van case study |
EGU2017-6705 | Orals | CL1.15 Functional traits of testate amoebae and multi-proxy data unveil exceptional Baltic bog ecohydrology, autogenic succession and climate change during the last 2000 years in CE Europe |
EGU2017-7593 | Posters | CL1.15 Linking varve-formation processes to climate and lake conditions at Tiefer See (NE Germany) |
EGU2017-8165 | Posters | CL1.15 Processes of seasonal layer formation in varved Lake Czechowskie (N Poland): Linking monitoring and sediment core data |
EGU2017-16018 | Orals | CL1.15 The Baltic Sea – from environmental monitoring data to paleoenvironmental reconstructions in a marine/brackish system |
EGU2017-10168 | Posters | CL1.15 Tornado project – The impact of catastrophic deforestation on the lake and peatland ecosystems of the Tuchola Pinewoods, Northern Poland |
EGU2017-15562 | Orals | CL1.15 Wood anatomical parameters of lowland European oak and Scots pine as proxies for climate reconstructions |
EGU2017-1278 | Orals | CL1.15 Linking tephrochronology and soil characteristics in the Sila and Nebrodi Mountains, Italy |
EGU2017-11581 | Posters | CL1.15 Subannual layer variability in Greenland firn cores |
EGU2017-12318 | Posters | CL1.15 Cyanobacteria during low-wind summers indicate increased lake sensitivity to warming at high nutrient availability (Tiefer See, NE Germany) |
EGU2017-17202 | Orals | CL1.15 A new paleotemperature record from Western Europe covering the last glacial/interglacial cycle |