Presentation type:

CL – Climate: Past, Present, Future

CL0.00 – Open Session on Climate: Past, Present and Future

EGU2017-43 | Posters | CL0.00

The Large-Scale Ocean Dynamical Effect on uncertainty in the Tropical Pacific SST Warming Pattern in CMIP5 Models
Jun Ying and Ping Huang

EGU2017-6675 | Orals | CL0.00 | Highlight

Subpolar Atlantic cooling and North American east coast warming linked to AMOC slowdown
Stefan Rahmstorf, Levke Caesar, Georg Feulner, and Vincent Saba

EGU2017-2774 | Posters | CL0.00

Maximum 2-day precipitation totals in Slovakia in 1951-2010 period.
Pavel Fasko, Ladislav Markovič, and Oliver Bochníček

EGU2017-12141 | Orals | CL0.00

British-Irish ice sheet during the LGM consistent with a reduced northward ocean heat transport
André Paul, Matthias Prange, Irina Rogozhina, Pepijn Bakker, Michal Kucera, Stefan Mulitza, Michael Schulz, and Julien Seguinot

EGU2017-9786 | Orals | CL0.00

Regulation of the climate in coupled convection-permitting simulations
Cathy Hohenegger and Bjorn Stevens

EGU2017-2873 | Posters | CL0.00

Intermediate to deep water hydrographic changes of the Japan Sea over the past 10 Myr, inferred from radiolarian data (IODP Exp. 346, Site U1425)
Kenji M. Matsuzaki, Takuya Itaki, Ryuji Tada, and Shunsuke Kurokawa

EGU2017-13732 | Orals | CL0.00

Past environmental/climatic changes in the northern part of the South China Sea, input from multi-proxy analysis of core MD12-3432
Quan Chen, Catherine Kissel, and Zhifei Liu

EGU2017-3131 | Posters | CL0.00

Effect of thermic climate continentality on selected characteristics of snow cover in Slovakia in the period 1981/82 - 2010/11
Cyril Siman

EGU2017-15275 | Orals | CL0.00

Climatic triggers for peatland initiation
Paul J. Morris, Graeme T. Swindles, Paul J. Valdes, Ruza F. Ivanovic, Lauren J. Gregoire, Mark W. Smith, Lev Tarasov, Alan M. Haywood, and Karen L. Bacon

EGU2017-3850 | Posters | CL0.00

Impact of increased horizontal resolution in coupled and atmosphere-only models of the HadGEM1.1 family upon the climate patterns of South America
Maria de Souza Custodio, Rosmeri da Rocha, Tercio Ambrizzi, Pier Luigi Vidale, and Marie-Estelle Demory

EGU2017-15318 | Orals | CL0.00

Shifting patterns of mild weather in response to projected radiative forcing
Karin van der Wiel, Sarah Kapnick, and Gabriel Vecchi

EGU2017-4665 | Posters | CL0.00

Past and future impact of North Atlantic teleconnection patterns on the hydroclimate of the Caspian catchment area in CESM1.2.2 and observations
Sri Nandini

EGU2017-5259 | Posters | CL0.00

A Bayesian Approach for GCMs Selection and Ensemble Projections under the latest Emission Scenarios
Firdos Khan and Jürgen Pilz

EGU2017-5832 | Posters | CL0.00

Bjerknes Compensation in Meridional Heat Transport under Freshwater Forcing and the Role of Climate Feedback
Qin Wen

EGU2017-7197 | Posters | CL0.00

Sugar beet growth in a changing climate: past, present and future trends in southwest Germany
Pascal Kremer, Hans-Joachim Fuchs, and Christian Lang

EGU2017-9049 | Posters | CL0.00

Climate change in a hydrothermal-thermohaline framework
Aitor Aldama Campino and Kristofer Döös

EGU2017-9787 | Posters | CL0.00

From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene: Modelling a Complete Glacial Cycle (PalMod)
Tim Brücher and Mojib Latif

EGU2017-10459 | Posters | CL0.00

Scenario dependency of the transient climate response to cumulative emissions
Katherine Turner, Ric Williams, and Andreas Oschlies

EGU2017-11907 | Posters | CL0.00

The influence of low latitude forcing on European Ice sheet dynamics
Stefanie Kaboth, André Bahr, and Lucas J. Lourens

EGU2017-12857 | Posters | CL0.00

Reconstructing a flash flood record from the late Holocene in sediment cores from the Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat (Red Sea)
Akos Kalman, Timor Katz, Alysse Mathalon, Paul Hill, and Beverly Goodman

EGU2017-14091 | Posters | CL0.00

Global peatlands and the carbon cycle during the last millennium
Anne Quillet, Angela Gallego-Sala, Dan Charman, Renato Spahni, and Benjamin Stocker

EGU2017-15388 | Posters | CL0.00

Dynamic Hydrological Discharge Modelling for Fully Coupled Paleoclimate Runs of the Last Glacial Cycle
Thomas Riddick, Victor Brovkin, Stefan Hagemann, and Uwe Mikolajewicz

EGU2017-16870 | Posters | CL0.00

Climate variability of heat wave and future warming scenario in Taiwan
Chuan-yao Lin

EGU2017-17512 | Posters | CL0.00

IPSL-CM5A2. An Earth System Model designed to run long simulations for past and future climates.
Pierre Sepulchre, Arnaud Caubel, Olivier Marti, Frédéric Hourdin, Jean-Louis Dufresne, and Olivier Boucher

EGU2017-17761 | Posters | CL0.00

Multi-component time, spatial and frequency analysis of Paleoclimatic Data
Luigia Cristiano, Johannes Stampa, Ingo Feeser, Walter Dörfler, and Thomas Meier

EGU2017-17899 | Posters | CL0.00

Simulation of comprehensive chemistry and atmospheric methane lifetime in the LGM with EMAC
Sergey Gromov and Benedikt Steil

EGU2017-18320 | Posters | CL0.00

Future seasonal climate change scenarios for Taiwan using a climate scenario generator
Samkele Tfwala and Su-Chin Chen

CL1.01 – Into the Anthropocene; Observing and interpreting the historical record of temperature and other climate indicators (co-organized)

EGU2017-7862 | Orals | CL1.01 | Highlight

North Atlantic early 20th century warming and impact on European summer: Mechanisms and Predictability
Wolfgang Müller

EGU2017-4352 | Posters | CL1.01

Hydro-meteorological causes of floods on the Upper and Central Danube River in the years 1895, 1897 and 1899
Marcel Garaj

EGU2017-15816 | Orals | CL1.01

Influence of solar activity on the occurrence of Central European weather types from 1763 to 2009
Mikhaël Schwander, Stefan Brönnimann, Marco Rohrer, Abdul Malik, Gilles Delaygue, Renate Auchmann, and Yuri Brugnara

EGU2017-9943 | Posters | CL1.01

A Scaling Model for the Anthropocene Climate Variability with Projections to 2100
Raphael Hébert and Shaun Lovejoy

EGU2017-2673 | Posters | CL1.01

Mapping trends of 30 temperature indices at high spatial resolution for Alberta, Canada, for the period 1950 – 2010
Stefan Kienzle

EGU2017-14427 | Orals | CL1.01

Historical deforestation increased the risk of heat extremes in northern mid-latitudes
Quentin Lejeune, Edouard Davin, Lukas Gudmundsson, Johannes Winckler, and Sonia Seneviratne

EGU2017-11320 | Posters | CL1.01

Uncertainty in Detecting Trend: A New Criterion and Its Applications to Global SST
Tao Lian

EGU2017-9518 | Orals | CL1.01

How accurately do we know the temperature of the surface of the earth?
Shaun Lovejoy

EGU2017-15268 | Posters | CL1.01

Towards a Combined Surface Temperature Dataset for the Arctic from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers
Emma Dodd, Karen Veal, Gary Corlett, Darren Ghent, and John Remedios

EGU2017-8622 | Orals | CL1.01

Toward all weather, long record, and real-time land surface temperature retrievals from microwave satellite observations
Carlos Jimenez, Catherine Prigent, Filipe Aires, and Sofia Ermida

EGU2017-8312 | Orals | CL1.01

Modelling the angular effects on satellite retrieved LST at global scale using a land surface classification
Sofia Ermida, Carlos C. DaCamara, Isabel F. Trigo, Ana C. Pires, and Darren Ghent

EGU2017-12697 | Posters | CL1.01 | Highlight

The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
Nick Rayner and the EUSTACE project team

EGU2017-8414 | Posters | CL1.01

Global inter-comparison of microwave and infrared LST from multiple sensors (AMSR-E, MODIS, SEVIRI, GOES, and MTSAT-2)
Sofia L. Ermida, Carlos Jiménez, Catherine Prigent, Isabel F. Trigo, and Carlos C. DaCamara

EGU2017-15116 | Posters | CL1.01

Comparison of S-NPP VIIRS land surface temperature with SEVIRI
Sofia L. Ermida, Isabel F. Trigo, Yuling Liu, and Yunyue Yu

EGU2017-3059 | Posters | CL1.01

A Case Study of Trends and Spatial Patterns of Land Surface Temperatures over the Greater Los Angeles, CA and Phoenix, AZ using new MODIS LST product (MOD21)
Nabin Malakar and Glynn Hulley

EGU2017-18123 | Posters | CL1.01

MEaSUREs Land Surface Temperature from GOES Satellites
Rachel T. Pinker, Wen Chen, Yingtao Ma, Tanvir Islam, Eva Borbas, Chris Hain, Glynn Hulley, and Simon Hook

EGU2017-6984 | Posters | CL1.01

A comparison of all-weather land surface temperature products
Joao Martins, Isabel F. Trigo, Nicolas Ghilain, Frank-M. Goettche, Sofia Ermida, Folke-S. Olesen, Françoise Gellens-Meulenberghs, and Alirio Arboleda

EGU2017-13853 | Posters | CL1.01

Long-term variability of observed upper-ocean temperature in the western North Pacific marginal seas
Hanna Na

EGU2017-11289 | Posters | CL1.01

Correcting anthropogenic ocean heat uptake estimates for the Little Ice Age
Geoffrey Gebbie

EGU2017-18046 | Posters | CL1.01

Atmospheric carbon invasion in the meridional border of California Current surface waters
Yéssica Contreras Pacheco, Juan Carlos Herguera, and Gerardo Quintanilla

EGU2017-13872 | Posters | CL1.01

Investigating precipitation changes of anthropic origin: data and methodological issues
Isabel de Lima and Shaun Lovejoy

EGU2017-9388 | Posters | CL1.01

The effect of atmospheric variability at intra-seasonal time scale on the SST of the Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf
Claudia Simionato, Moira Luz Clara, and Andrés Jaureguizar

EGU2017-15297 | Posters | CL1.01

The long view: Causes of climate change over the instrumental era
Gabriele Hegerl

EGU2017-7334 | Posters | CL1.01

Assessing the role of atmospheric circulation on heatwaves using CMIP5 historical simulations
M. Carmen Alvarez-Castro, Davide Faranda, and Pascal Yiou

EGU2017-5618 | Posters | CL1.01

Reanalysis of the 1893 heat wave in France through offline data assimilation in a downscaled ensemble meteorological reconstruction
Alexandre Devers, Jean-Philippe Vidal, Claire Lauvernet, and Benjamin Graff

EGU2017-17759 | Posters | CL1.01

Effect of anthropogenic activities on atmospheric 14C content and radiocarbon chronologies of the future.
Irka Hajdas

CL1.02 – Historical Climatology

EGU2017-2764 | Orals | CL1.02 | Highlight

Euro-Climhist – a data platform for weather-, climate- and disaster history
Christian Pfister

EGU2017-19328 | Posters | CL1.02

Reported weather events in medieval Hungary: the 11th-15th centuries
Andrea Kiss

EGU2017-10161 | Orals | CL1.02 | Highlight

The climatic context of major plague outbreaks in late medieval England
Kathleen Pribyl

EGU2017-19353 | Posters | CL1.02

The advantages and disadvantages of medieval narrative sources regarding winters in South Baltic countries
Piotr Oliński

EGU2017-17923 | Posters | CL1.02

The analysis on the extreme water shortage event in Hangzhou in 1247 AD and its natural and social backgrounds
Haolong Liu

EGU2017-16164 | Orals | CL1.02

Floods, droughts and anomalous weather during the late Spörer minimum in Central Europe: the examples of the Carpathian Basin, the Eastern Alpine Region and Northern Italy
Andrea Kiss, Silvia Enzi, and Christian Rohr

EGU2017-6780 | Orals | CL1.02

Climate fluctuations in the Czech Lands from AD 1500 compiled from various proxies
Petr Dobrovolný, Rudolf Brázdil, Martin Možný, Miroslav Trnka, Ladislava Řezníčková, Oldřich Kotyza, Hubert Valášek, and Lukáš Dolák

EGU2017-7029 | Posters | CL1.02

Critical analysis of documentary sources for Historical Climatology of Northern Portugal (17th-19th centuries)
Inês Amorim, Luís Sousa Silva, and João Carlos Garcia

EGU2017-19294 | Orals | CL1.02

The Science Behind Moravian Meteorological Observations for Late-18th Century Labrador
Dianne Newell, Cornelia Lüdecke, Michael Matiu, and Annette Menzel

EGU2017-12508 | Posters | CL1.02

Recovery of early meteorological data from Latin-America and the Caribbean
Fernando Domínguez-Castro and the EMERLAC team

EGU2017-5615 | Orals | CL1.02

A 305 year monthly rainfall series for the Island of Ireland (1711-2016)
Conor Murphy, Tim P. Burt, Ciaran Broderick, Catriona Duffy, Neil Macdonald, Tom Matthews, Mark P. McCarthy, Donal Mullan, Simon Noone, Ciara Ryan, Peter Thorne, Seamus Walsh, and Robert L. Wilby

EGU2017-12070 | Posters | CL1.02

Spatiotemporal variability of hydrometeorological extremes and their impacts in the Jihlava region in the 1650–1880 period
Lukas Dolak, Rudolf Brazdil, Katerina Chroma, Hubert Valasek, and Ladislava Reznickova

EGU2017-14175 | Posters | CL1.02

Summer half-year hailstorms in South Moravia, Czech Republic: a long-term chronology
Kateřina Chromá, Rudolf Brázdil, Hubert Valášek, Lukáš Dolák, Ladislava Řezníčková, Pavel Zahradníček, and Petr Dobrovolný

EGU2017-6922 | Posters | CL1.02

Long-term windstorm variability in the Czech Lands derived from documentary evidence
Rudolf Brázdil, Petr Dobrovolný, Ladislava Řezníčková, Lukáš Dolák, Oldřich Kotyza, Hubert Valášek, and Kateřina Chromá

EGU2017-7068 | Posters | CL1.02

Two outstanding windstorms on 7 December 1868 and 26/27 October 1870 in the Czech Lands: course, extent, impacts
Rudolf Brázdil, Peter Stucki, Péter Szabó, Petr Dobrovolný, Ladislava Řezníčková, Oldřich Kotyza, Hubert Valášek, Lukáš Dolák, Pavel Zahradníček, and Silvie Suchánková

EGU2017-7177 | Posters | CL1.02

Windstorms and forest disturbances in the Czech Lands: 1801–2015
Rudolf Brazdil, Petr Dobrovolný, Péter Szabó, Peter Stucki, Ladislava Řezníčková, Oldřich Kotyza, Hubert Valášek, Lukáš Dolák, Radim Tolasz, Kateřina Chromá, and Silvie Suchánková

EGU2017-2231 | Posters | CL1.02

Analysis of extreme hydrological phenomena in southern Italy (Calabria region)
Tommaso Caloiero, Luigi Aceto, A. Aurora Pasqua, and Olga Petrucci

EGU2017-18082 | Posters | CL1.02

Development of a Historical Hydrological online research and application platform for Switzerland – Historical Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland (HHAS)
Oliver Wetter

EGU2017-19288 | Posters | CL1.02

Drought multiproxy reconstruction in the Czech Lands from AD 1500
Petr Dobrovolný, Rudolf Brázdil, Martin Možný, Miroslav Trnka, Michal Rybníček, and Tomáš Kolář

EGU2017-19285 | Posters | CL1.02

Drought events in the Czech Republic: past, present, future
Rudolf Brázdil, Miroslav Trnka, Jiří Mikšovský, Radim Tolasz, Petr Dobrovolný, Ladislava Řezníčková, and Lukáš Dolák

EGU2017-19337 | Posters | CL1.02

Climatic and other responses to the Lakagígar 1783 and Tambora 1815 volcanic eruptions in the Czech Lands
Rudolf Brázdil, Ladislava Řezníčková, Hubert Valášek, Lukáš Dolák, and Oldřich Kotyza

EGU2017-19507 | Posters | CL1.02

Drought, ecological crisis and famine in late nineteenth century south-eastern Africa
Kathleen Pribyl, David J. Nash, Jørgen Klein, and Georgina H. Endfield

EGU2017-17972 | Posters | CL1.02

The weather diaries of a hunting and fishing estate in Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland from 1898 to 1972
Kieran Hickey

EGU2017-1288 | Posters | CL1.02

Obtaining meteorological data from historical newspapers: La Integridad
Ignacio A Ramírez-González, Juan A. Añel, Guadalupe Saenz, Luis Gimeno, Laura de la Torre, Eleni Polychroniadou, and Renán Vidal-Mina

EGU2017-7336 | Posters | CL1.02

Historical halo displays as past weather indicator
Dagmar Neuhäuser and Ralph Neuhäuser

EGU2017-17268 | Posters | CL1.02

Integrating data rescue into the classroom
Ciara Ryan, Broderick Ciaran, Curley Mary, Daly Conor, Duffy Catriona, Peter Thorne, Mairead Treanor, Seamus Walsh, and Conor Murphy

CL1.03 – Studying the climate of the last two millennia

EGU2017-4218 | Orals | CL1.03 | Highlight

Sea-level variability over the Common Era
Robert Kopp, Benjamin Horton, Andrew Kemp, Simon Engelhart, and Chris Little

EGU2017-8019 | Posters | CL1.03

Simulation and inversion of borehole temperature profiles in surrogate climates: influence of SAT-GST decoupling processes in last millennium borehole temperature reconstructions
Camilo Melo Aguilar, Fidel Gonzalez Rouco, Elena García Bustamante, and Jorge Navarro Montesinos

EGU2017-14625 | Orals | CL1.03

Resolving the phasing and forcing dynamics between North Atlantic climate and deep ocean circulation changes
Nil Irvali, Ulysses S. Ninnemann, Helga (Kikki) F. Kleiven, Haflidi Haflidason, and Tor L. Mjell

EGU2017-8147 | Posters | CL1.03

Impacts of the Last Glacial Cycle on Ground Surface Temperature Reconstructions over the Last Millennium
Hugo Beltrami, Gurpreet Matharoo, Jason Smerdon, Lizett Illanes, and Lev Tarasov

EGU2017-8209 | Posters | CL1.03

Long-term ground surface temperature from geothermal data in North America as a complement for GCM control simulations
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero, Almudena García-García, Hugo Beltrami, and Eduardo Zorita

EGU2017-8566 | Orals | CL1.03

Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation over the last millennium
Jianglin Wang, Bao Yang, Fredrik Ljungqvist, Jürg Luterbacher, Timothy Osborn, Keith Briffa, and Eduardo Zorita

EGU2017-4639 | Orals | CL1.03

Assessing the role of the West Pacific Gradient for global climate teleconnections over the past Millennium
Jens Zinke, Stuart A. Browning, Andrew Hoell, and Ian D. Goodwin

EGU2017-11328 | Posters | CL1.03

Assimilation of Southern Hemisphere proxy records into a climate modelling framework
Steven Phipps

EGU2017-5594 | Orals | CL1.03

Variations in the width of the Indo-Pacific tropical rain belt over the last millennium: synthesis of stalagmite proxy records and climate model simulations
Caroline Ummenhofer and Rhawn Denniston

EGU2017-7257 | Posters | CL1.03

Diagnosing the radiative forcing from a millennium historical model integration – evaluation of a commonly used method
Torben Schmith, Peter Thejll, and Eduardo Zorita

EGU2017-154 | Orals | CL1.03

European Hydroclimate Response to Volcanic Eruptions over the Past Nine Centuries
Yujuan Gao and Chaochao Gao

EGU2017-3653 | Posters | CL1.03

Impact of external forcing on simulated hydroclimate from interannual to multicentennial timescales
Pedro Roldán, Jesús Fidel González-Rouco, and Camilo Melo-Aguilar

EGU2017-5830 | Posters | CL1.03

The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Introduction, Goals and Call for Participation
Helen McGregor, Steven Phipps, Lucien von Gunten, Belen Martrat, Lars Linderholm, Nerilie Abram, Oliver Bothe, Raphael Neukom, Scott St. George, Michael Evans, Darrell Kaufman, Hugues Goosse, and Chris Turney

EGU2017-10954 | Orals | CL1.03

Arctic temperature and moisture trends during the past 2000 years – Progress from multiproxy-paleoclimate data compilations
Darrell Kaufman, Cody Routson, Nicholas McKay, Hugo Beltrami, Fernando Jaume-Santero, Bronwen Konecky, and Casey Saenger

EGU2017-12510 | Orals | CL1.03

Arctic Temperature Variability over the last Millennium
Dmitry V. Divine and Johannes P. Werner

EGU2017-7071 | Posters | CL1.03

Reconstructing the leading mode of multi-decadal North Atlantic variability over the last two millenia using functional paleoclimate networks
Jasper G. Franke, Johannes Werner, and Reik V Donner

EGU2017-4198 | Orals | CL1.03

A multi-archive, multi-tiered reconstruction of southeastern Australian hydroclimate variability over the past 1200 years
Bronwyn Dixon, Jonanthan Tyler, Benjamin Henley, Andrew Lorrey, Ian Goodwin, Joelle Gergis, and Russell Drysdale

EGU2017-7224 | Posters | CL1.03 | Highlight

Solar activity as driver for the Dark Age Grand Solar Minimum
Ralph Neuhäuser and Dagmar Neuhäuser

EGU2017-6772 | Posters | CL1.03

Parametrization of environment by geochemistry of the varved clastic and bio- chemogenic lake sediments
Ivan Kalugin, Andrey Darin, Valery Babich, Tatiana Markovich, and Feray Meydan

EGU2017-10821 | Orals | CL1.03

Climate and drought over the past 1000 years in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
Michael Erb, Julien Emile-Geay, Gregory Hakim, Robert Tardiff, Kaleb Horlick, Walter Perkins, David Noone, Eric Steig, and David Anderson

EGU2017-5341 | Orals | CL1.03 | Highlight

Did European temperatures in 1540 exceed present-day records?
Rene Orth, Martha M. Vogel, Jürg Luterbacher, Christian Pfister, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

EGU2017-5819 | Posters | CL1.03

Indian Ocean Dipole variability from Indonesian corals during the Little Ice Age
Bethany Ellis and Nerilie Abram

EGU2017-9686 | Posters | CL1.03

The climate of the last two millennia off Iberia
Fatima Abrantes, Teresa Rodrigues, Marta Rufino, Filipa Naughton, Isabelle Gil, Emilia Salgueiro, Zuzia Stroynowski, Celia Santos, Dulce Oliveira, Sandra Domingues, Teresa Drago, and Mario Mil-Homens

EGU2017-10044 | Orals | CL1.03 | Highlight

An Australasian hockey stick and associated climate wars
David Karoly, Joelle Gergis, Raphael Neukom, and Ailie Gallant

EGU2017-11693 | Posters | CL1.03

Vegetation history and climate variability since 1.3kaBP reconstructed from high-resolution multiproxy analysis of mountainous peat sediment, Southeast China
Chunmei Ma, Anning Cui, Yiman Fang, Lin Zhao, and Yulian Jia

EGU2017-8547 | Posters | CL1.03

Reconstruction of climate in China during 17th-19th centuries using Chinese chronological records
Pao Wang, Kuan-Hui Lin, Yi-Chun Liao, Shih-Yu Lee, Hsiung-Ming Liao, Pi-Ling Pai, and I-Chun Fan

EGU2017-11030 | Posters | CL1.03

Wet Little Ice Age in tropical Vietnam consistent with amplification of Pacific Walker Circulation
Lora Stevens and Kelsey Doiron

EGU2017-3349 | Posters | CL1.03

Multi-proxy reconstructions of precipitation field in China over the past 500 years
Feng Shi, Sen Zhao, Zhengtang Guo, and Hugues Goosse

EGU2017-11089 | Posters | CL1.03

Reconstructing hydroclimatic variations using compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis of biomarkers from a maar lake in the Central Highlands, Vietnam
Kelsey Doiron, Lora Stevens, and Peter Sauer

EGU2017-6093 | Posters | CL1.03

Winter precipitation changes during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age in arid Central Asia
Jens Fohlmeister, Birgit Plessen, Alexey S. Dudashvili, Rik Tjallingii, Christian Wolff, and Hai Cheng

EGU2017-11268 | Posters | CL1.03

Hydrologic changes across western and eastern Amazon during the late Holocene recorded in sediments from the Xingu Ria
Dailson J. Bertassoli Jr., Andre O. Sawakuchi, Henrique O. Sawakuchi, Fabiano N. Pupim, Gelvam A. Hartmann, and Cristiano M. Chiessi

EGU2017-11437 | Posters | CL1.03

North Atlantic sea-surface variability reflected in an array of Greenlandic methanesulfonic acid (MSA) records
Matthew Osman, Sarah B. Das, Luke D. Trusel, Joseph R. McConnell, Matthew J. Evans, Eric S. Saltzman, and Mackenzie Grieman

EGU2017-13078 | Posters | CL1.03

Rapid landscape change in 6th century northern Jordan
Bernhard Lucke

EGU2017-13998 | Posters | CL1.03

Aysegul Feray Meydan, Ivan Kalugin, M. Namik Cagatay, Andrey Darin, Ismet Meydan, and Suna Akkol

EGU2017-17181 | Posters | CL1.03

Ice cores and calcite precipitates from alpine ice caves as useful proxies in paleoclimate reconstructions
Renato R. Colucci, Carlo Barbante, Michele Bertò, Giuliano Dreossi, Daniela Festi, Emanuele Forte, Jacopo Gabrieli, Mauro Guglielmin, Davide Lenaz, Marc Luetscher, Valter Maggi, Francesco Princivalle, Margit Schwikowski, Barbara Stenni, and Manja Žebre

EGU2017-15070 | Posters | CL1.03

Controls on late Holocene drift-sand dynamics: the role of people and climate on inland aeolian activity in the Netherlands
Harm Jan Pierik, Rowin Van Lanen, Marjolein Gouw-Bouman, Bert Groenewoudt, Jakob Wallinga, and Wim Hoek

EGU2017-813 | Posters | CL1.03

Regional influence of decadal to multidecadal Atlantic Oscillations during the last two millennia in Morocco, inferred from two high resolution δ18O speleothem records
Yassine Ait Brahim, Abdelfettah Sifeddine, Myriam Khodri, Lhoussaine Bouchaou, Francisco W Cruz, Núria Pérez-Zanón, Jasper A Wassenburg, and Hai Cheng

EGU2017-1007 | Posters | CL1.03

Variability of sea surface temperature and sea ice extent in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard during the last 2 000 years
Tiia Luostarinen, Arto Miettinen, and Katrine Husum

EGU2017-6108 | Posters | CL1.03

Heat waves according to warm spell duration index in Slovakia during 1901-2016
Oliver Bochníček, Pavel Faško, and Ladislav Markovič

EGU2017-19359 | Posters | CL1.03

Carotenoids in the Gulf of Gdansk sediments- useful markers of environmental conditions in the past
Magdalena Krajewska, Małgorzata Szymczak- Żyła, and Grażyna Kowalewska

CL1.11 – The state-of-the-art in ice coring sciences (co-organized)

EGU2017-1122 | Posters | CL1.11

Carbon isotope ratios suggest no additional methane from boreal wetlands during the rapid Greenland Interstadial 21.2
Peter Sperlich, Hinrich Schaefer, Sara Mikaloff Fletcher, Myriam Guillevic, Keith Lassey, Célia Sapart, Thomas Röckmann, and Thomas Blunier

EGU2017-232 | Posters | CL1.11

Optimization of Auger System in Shallow Electromechanical Auger Drills
Jialin Hong and Pavel Talalay

EGU2017-9932 | Orals | CL1.11 | Highlight

7000 year European climate record from the Ortles ice core
Paolo Gabrielli, Carlo Barbante, Giuliano Bertagna, Michele Bertó, Luca Carturan, Roberto Dinale, Giuliano Dreossi, Daniela Festi, Volkmar Mair, Klaus Oeggl, Roberto Seppi, Barbara Stenni, and David Tonidandel

EGU2017-1383 | Posters | CL1.11

The Ortles ice cores: uncovering an extended climate archive from the Eastern Alps
Giuliano Dreossi, Carlo Barbante, Michele Bertò, Luca Carturan, Fabrizio De Blasi, Jacopo Gabrieli, Paolo Gabrielli, Roberto Seppi, Andrea Spolaor, Barbara Stenni, and Thomas Zanoner

EGU2017-2050 | Posters | CL1.11

Detection of Organic Compounds in Ice Cores for Application to Palaeoclimate Reconstruction – Methodological Development
Amy King, Chiara Giorio, Eric Wolff, Markus Kalberer, Elizabeth Thomas, Ornela Karroca, and Robert Mulvaney

EGU2017-2316 | Orals | CL1.11

Frequency of large volcanic eruptions over the past 200,000 years
Eric Wolff, Sue Mahony, Steven Sparks, Shuji Fujita, Frédéric Parrenin, Mirko Severi, and Roberto Udisti

EGU2017-5146 | Posters | CL1.11

Climate dynamic of Terminations 2 and 3 in East Antarctica as inferred from the combination of water and air isotopes in Dome C and Vostok ice cores
Camille Breant, Amaelle Landais, Patricia Martinerie, Anais Orsi, Nicolas Caillon, Kenji Kawamura, and Jeff Severinghaus

EGU2017-5431 | Orals | CL1.11

Molecular diffusion of stable water isotopes in polar firn as a proxy for past temperatures
Christian Holme, Vasileios Gkinis, and Bo Vinther

EGU2017-5183 | Posters | CL1.11

Evolution of the biological productivity during the last deglaciations using the triple isotopic composition of oxygen
Violaine Favre, Thomas Extier, Amaelle Landais, Masa Kageyama, Laurent Bopp, Thomas Blunier, Stéphanie Duchamp-Alphonse, and Valérie Masson-Delmotte

EGU2017-11372 | Orals | CL1.11

Towards multi-decadal to multi-millennial ice core records from coastal west Greenland ice caps
Sarah B. Das, Matthew B. Osman, Luke D. Trusel, Joseph R. McConnell, Ben E. Smith, Matthew J. Evans, Karen E. Frey, Monica Arienzo, and Nathan Chellman

EGU2017-5199 | Posters | CL1.11

Towards a novel continuous sublimation extraction/laser spectroscopy method for greenhouse gas measurements in the oldest ice
Bernhard Bereiter, Lars Maechler, Jochen Schmitt, Remo Walther, Béla Tuzson, Philipp Scheidegger, Lukas Emmenegger, and Hubertus Fischer

EGU2017-10478 | Orals | CL1.11

125,000 year Arctic sea ice variability from the Renland ice core.
Niccolò Maffezzoli, Paul Vallelonga, Andrea Spolaor, Carlo Barbante, Ross Edwards, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Helle Astrid Kjær, Marius Simonsen, and Bo Vinther

EGU2017-5821 | Posters | CL1.11

Climate history at Aurora Basin North, East Antarctica: A 2,000 year isotopic record
Andrew Moy, Tas van Ommen, Joe McConnel, Mark Curran, Steven Phipps, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Anaïs Orsi, Alexandra Touzeau, Jason Roberts, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Trevor Popp, Anders Svensson, Amaelle Landais, Tessa Vance, Yaping Liu, and Monica Arienzo

EGU2017-8083 | Orals | CL1.11

Constructing a High-Resolution Holocene Interpolar Methane Gradient
Todd Sowers, Diana Vladimirova, and Thomas Blunier

EGU2017-6539 | Posters | CL1.11

A method for combined Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic analysis of $<$10 mg dust samples: implication for ice core science
Gabor Ujvari, Wencke Wegner, and Urs Klötzli

EGU2017-12948 | Orals | CL1.11

The methane record of Daansgard-Oeschger event 17 in Vostok 4G-2 ice core: effects of layered bubble trapping and smoothing
Kévin Fourteau, Xavier Faïn, Patricia Martinerie, Amaëlle Landais, Alexey A. Ekaykin, Vladimir Ya. Lipenkov, and Jérôme Chappellaz

EGU2017-5157 | Orals | CL1.11

High vs low latitude sequence of events over the last deglaciation using ice core isotopic proxies and an isotope-enabled climate model
Amaelle Landais, Didier Roche, Frédéric Prié, Bénédicte Minster, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Bo Vinther, Emilie Capron, Trevor Popp, and Rachael Rhodes

EGU2017-10623 | Posters | CL1.11

Calibration of micro-particle analysers for ice core studies
Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Fumio Nakazawa, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Jun Ogata, Yoshimi Ogawa-Tsukagawa, and Kaori Fukuda

EGU2017-14721 | Orals | CL1.11

In-situ observation of bubble trapping in polar firn
Christoph Florian Schaller, Johannes Freitag, Todd Sowers, Bo Vinther, Alexander Weinhart, and Olaf Eisen

EGU2017-10893 | Posters | CL1.11

Using the Community Firn Model to investigate the water isotope record in an ice core from the South Pole
Emma Kahle, Eric Steig, Edwin Waddington, and C. Max Stevens

EGU2017-14979 | Orals | CL1.11

No nitrate spikes detectable in several polar ice cores following the largest known solar events
Florian Mekhaldi, Joseph R. McConnell, Florian Adolphi, Monica Arienzo, Nathan J. Chellman, Olivia Maselli, Michael Sigl, and Raimund Muscheler

EGU2017-11492 | Posters | CL1.11

New high-resolution record of Holocene climate change in the Weddell Sea from combined biomarker analysis of the Patriot Hills blue ice area
Christopher Fogwill, Chris Turney, Andy Baker, Bethany Ellis, Alan Cooper, David Etheridge, Mauro Rubino, David Thornton, Francisco Fernando, Michale Bird, and Niels Munksgaard

EGU2017-11479 | Orals | CL1.11

Links between central Greenland stable isotopes, atmospheric blocking and extreme temperature variability over Europe
Norel Rimbu, Gerrit Lohmann, Martin Werner, and Monica Ionita

EGU2017-12581 | Posters | CL1.11

Atmospheric CO2 variations on millennial-scale during MIS 6
Jinhwa Shin, Roberto Grilli, Jérôme Chappellaz, Grégory Teste, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Loïc Schmidely, Jochen Schmitt, Thomas Stocker, and Hubertus Fischer

EGU2017-13920 | Posters | CL1.11

Linking pollen deposition and snow accumulation on the Alto dell’Ortles glacier (South Tyrol, Italy) for sub-seasonal dating of a firn core
Daniela Festi, Luca Carturan, Werner Kofler, Giancarlo dalla Fontana, Fabrizio de Blasi, Federico Cazorzi, Edith Bucher, Volkmar Mair, Paolo Gabrielli, and Klaus Oeggl

EGU2017-14513 | Posters | CL1.11

Snow-pit isotopic, chemical and dust stratigraphies from coastal East Antarctic ice-sheet (GV7 site - Eastern Wilkes Land)
Silvia Becagli and Rita Traversi and the GV7 Italian-Korean Team

EGU2017-14576 | Posters | CL1.11

CALICE: Calibrating Plant Biodiversity in Glacier Ice
Daniela Festi, Antonella Cristofori, Cristiano Vernesi, Stefan Zerbe, Camilla Wellstein, Valter Maggi, and Klaus Oeggl

EGU2017-14815 | Posters | CL1.11

Automatization of an inverse surface temperature modelling procedure for Greenland ice cores, developed and evaluated using nitrogen and argon isotope data measured on the Gisp2 ice core
Michael Döring, Takuro Kobashi, and Markus Leuenberger

EGU2017-16563 | Posters | CL1.11

Automated Synchronization of Ice Core Records
Jai Chowdhry Beeman, Frédéric Parrenin, Emmanuel Witrant, and Amaëlle Landais

EGU2017-16908 | Posters | CL1.11

Towards a new common Greenland Ice Core Chronology for the last 5000 years
Mai Winstrup, Sune Olander Rasmussen, Bo Møllesøe Vinther, Eliza Cook, Anders Svensson, Joe McConnell, and Jørgen Peder Steffensen

EGU2017-1218 | Posters | CL1.11

Atmospheric depositions of black carbon, inorganic pollutants and mineral dust from the Ortles, Eastern European Alps ice cores during the last 3000 years
Michele Bertò, Carlo Barbante, Paolo Gabrielli, Jacopo Gabrieli, Andrea Spolaor, Giuliano Dreossi, Paolo Laj, Marco Zanatta, and Barbara Stenni

EGU2017-1253 | Posters | CL1.11

Investigating the Microscopic Location of Trace Elements in High-Alpine Glacier Ice
Sven Erik Avak, Mario Birrer, Oscar Laurent, Marcel Guillong, Markus Wälle, Theo Manuel Jenk, Thorsten Bartels-Rausch, Margit Schwikowski, and Anja Eichler

EGU2017-19200 | Posters | CL1.11

Accumulation rates from 38 ka and 160 ka radio-echo sounding horizons in East Antarctica
Anna Winter, Daniel Steinhage, Timothy Creyts, and Olaf Eisen

EGU2017-10587 | Posters | CL1.11

Variability of back carbon in Northwest Greenland during the past 350 years
Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Yoshimi Ogawa-Tsukagawa, Yutaka Kondo, Remi Dallmayr, Motohiro Hirabayashi, Jun Ogata, Kyotaro Kitamura, Kenji Kawamura, Hideaki Motoyama, Sumito Matoba, Teruo Aoki, Nobuhiro Moteki, Sho Ohata, Tatsuhiro Mori, Makoto Koike, Yuki Komuro, Akane Tsushima, and Naoko Nagatsuka

EGU2017-11500 | Posters | CL1.11

Post-depositional migration and signal reconstruction of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in polar ice cores
Matthew Osman, Sarah B. Das, Olivier Marchal, and Matthew J. Evans

EGU2017-15895 | Posters | CL1.11

POLLiCE (POLLen in the iCE): climate history from Adamello ice cores
Antonella Cristofori, Daniela Festi, Valter Maggi, Christian Casarotto, Elena Bertoni, and Cristiano Vernesi

EGU2017-16174 | Posters | CL1.11

How to obtain a quantitative record of Holocene Antarctic temperature variability
Thomas Laepple, Thomas Münch, Maria Hörhold, Johannes Freitag, and Sepp Kipfstuhl

EGU2017-16368 | Posters | CL1.11

In situ-measurement of ice deformation from repeated borehole logging of the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) ice core, East Antarctica.
Daniela Jansen, Ilka Weikusat, Thomas Kleiner, Frank Wilhelms, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Andreas Frenzel, Tobias Binder, Jan Eichler, Sergio H. Faria, Simon Sheldon, Christian Panton, Sepp Kipfstuhl, and Heinrich Miller

EGU2017-16743 | Posters | CL1.11

Climate dependent contrast in surface mass balance in East Antarctica over the past 216 ka
Frédéric Parrenin, Shuji Fujita, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Kenji Kawamura, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Hideaki Motoyama, Fuyuki Saito, Mirko Severi, Barbara Stenni, Ryu Uemura, and Eric Wolff

CL1.12 – Tree ring proxies of climatic and environmental change (co-organized)

EGU2017-19417 | Posters | CL1.12

Stable carbon and oxygen isotope chronologies from Araucaria angustifolia trees as proxies for investigating the impacts of Andean volcanism on South-Eastern American climate
Olga Churakova (Sidorova), Matthias Saurer, Heitor Evangelista da Silva, Alan Prestes, Christophe Corona, Sèbastien Guillet, Rolf Siegwolf, and Markus Stoffel

EGU2017-14285 | Orals | CL1.12

How to make a tree ring: Coupling stem water flow and cambial activity in mature Alpine conifers
Richard L. Peters, David C. Frank, Kerstin Treydte, Kathy Steppe, Ansgar Kahmen, and Patrick Fonti

EGU2017-9196 | Orals | CL1.12

Searching for early-warning signals of impending dieback and death in Mediterranean oaks
Michele Colangelo, Francesco Ripullone, Jesus Julio Camarero, Veronica De Micco, Antonio Gazol, Tiziana Gentilesca, and Marco Borghetti

EGU2017-1482 | Posters | CL1.12

Oak tree ring stable isotope records of late-summer and autumn temperature changes in the Eastern European lowlands
Viorica Nagavciuc, Aurel Perșoiu, Danny McCarroll, Neil J Loader, and Ionel Popa

EGU2017-1985 | Posters | CL1.12

Tree-ring density variations during the 1450s period of strong volcanic forcing
Jan Esper, Ulf Büntgen, Claudia Hartl-Meier, Clive Oppenheimer, and Lea Schneider

EGU2017-5601 | Orals | CL1.12

When tree rings go global: challenges and opportunities for retro- and prospective insights
Flurin Babst, Olivier Bouriaud, Benjamin Poulter, Zhen Zhang, Valerie Trouet, Margaret Evans, Noah Charney, Sydne Record, Brian Enquist, Kristina Seftigen, Jesper Björklund, Stefan Klesse, Paul Bodesheim, Miguel Mahecha, Martin Girardin, Andrew Friend, and David Frank

EGU2017-6877 | Posters | CL1.12 | Highlight

Integrating tree-ring and wine data from the Palatinate (Germany)
Oliver Konter

EGU2017-4576 | Orals | CL1.12

Blue Intensity Experiments from around the World: The State of the “Art”
Rob Wilson

EGU2017-7067 | Posters | CL1.12

The potential for using tree-ring data from Jeju-island to reconstruct climate in subtropical Korea - A pilot study
Ji-Yoon Jeong, Jee-Hoon Jeong, Baek-Min Kim, and Hans W. Linderholm

EGU2017-10561 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight

Summer temperature and drought co-variability across Europe since 850 CE
Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, Ulf Büntgen, Edward R. Cook, Jan Esper, Dominik Fleitmann, Mary H. Gagen, Elena García Bustamante, Jesús Fidel González-Rouco, Paul J. Krusic, Jürg Luterbacher, Camilo Andrés Melo Aguilar, Kristina Seftigen, Andrea Seim, Olga Solomina, Johannes P. Werner, Elena Xoplaki, and Eduardo Zorita

EGU2017-7154 | Posters | CL1.12

Dendrochronological reconstruction of summer precipitation since 1884 in the arid Tian-Shan regions
Aiperi Zhumalieva, Mariia Mukhanova, and Margarita Syromyatina

EGU2017-7105 | Orals | CL1.12

New paleoclimatic database for the Iberian Peninsula since AD 1700 inferred from tree-ring records and documentary evidence: advances in temperature and drought variability reconstructions
Ernesto Tejedor, Miguel Ángel Saz, Martín de Luis, Jan Esper, Mariano Barriendos, Roberto Serrano-Notivoli, Klemen Novak, Luis Alberto Longares, Edurne Martínez-del Castillo, and José María Cuadrat

EGU2017-7716 | Posters | CL1.12

Blue Intensity based experiments for reconstructing North Pacific temperatures along the Gulf of Alaska
Rob Wilson, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Laia Andreu-Hayles, Rose Oelkers, Greg Wiles, Kevin Anchukaitis, and Nicole Davi

EGU2017-6540 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight

600-year reconstruction of the tri-pole Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (TPI) using tree-ring chronologies and a single coral proxy from Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.
Jonathan Palmer, Edward Cook, Chris Turney, Benjamin Cook, Pavla Fenwick, Kathy Allen, Patrick Baker, and Benjamin Henley

EGU2017-10356 | Orals | CL1.12

Exploring tree age-related trends in $\delta ^{13}$C and $\delta ^{18}$O data from North Scandinavia over the last millennium
Claudia Hartl-Meier, Kerstin Treydte, Bernd Schöne, Michael Maus, and Jan Esper

EGU2017-8604 | Posters | CL1.12

Long-term climatic variations in the highlands of Western China, as evidenced by a 4650-year-long chronology based on tree-ring cores from Qilian junipers (Juniperus przewalskii Kom)
Jingjing Liu, Bao Yang, Dmitry Sonechkin, Nina Datsenko, and Chun Qin

EGU2017-10465 | Posters | CL1.12

Continental-scale temperature covariance in proxy reconstructions and climate models
Claudia Hartl-Meier, Ulf Büntgen, Jason Smerdon, Eduardo Zorita, Paul Krusic, Fredrik Ljungqvist, Lea Schneider, and Jan Esper

EGU2017-10771 | Orals | CL1.12

Climate variability over the Holocene in the Atacama Desert of Chile as reconstructed from tree ring isotope series
Elizabeth Olson, Justin Dodd, and Mario Rivera

EGU2017-11367 | Posters | CL1.12

Tree-ring latewood width based July–August SPEI reconstruction in South China since AD 1888 and its possible connection with ENSO
Yesi Zhao, Jiangfeng Shi, Shiyuan Shi, Jian Yu, and Huayu Lu

EGU2017-8775 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight

On the paleoenvironmental potential of 253 newly discovered pine stumps from Zurich, Switzerland
Frederick Reinig, Daniel Nievergelt, Jan Esper, Michael Friedrich, Gerhard Helle, Lena Hellmann, Bernd Kromer, Sandro Morganti, Maren Pauly, Adam Sookdeo, Willy Tegel, Kerstin Treydte, Lukas Wacker, and Ulf Büntgen

EGU2017-12064 | Posters | CL1.12

Analysis of mountain hazards in the Qilian Mountain based on tree rings
Yong Zhang, Xuemei Shao, and Markus Stoffel

EGU2017-431 | Orals | CL1.12

Alpine Holocene Tree Ring Isotope Records – A Synthesis of a Multi-Proxy Approach in Dendroclimatology
Malin Michelle Ziehmer, Kurt Nicolussi, Christian Schlüchter, and Markus Leuenberger

EGU2017-14792 | Orals | CL1.12 | Highlight

Dendroecological opportunities to shift and cross disciplinary boundaries
Ulf Buentgen

EGU2017-13353 | Posters | CL1.12

Tree-ring growth patterns and climatic signals along a vertical transect of larch sites in the Simplon and Rhône Valleys (Switzerland)
Dana F. C. Riechelmann and Jan Esper

EGU2017-13426 | Posters | CL1.12

Distinct effects of water use efficiency increase on growth in Scots pine and sessile oak in the Mediterranean Basin
Elisabet Martínez-Sancho, Isabel Dorado-Liñán, Emilia Gutiérrez-Merino, Michael Matiu, Ingo Heinrich, Gerhard Helle, and Annette Menzel

EGU2017-14055 | Posters | CL1.12

Does compression wood affect the climatic signal in carbon and oxygen isotopes of Norway spruce?
Karolina Janecka, Ryszard Kaczka, Holger Gärtner, and Kerstin Treydte

EGU2017-16398 | Posters | CL1.12

Shrub sensitivity to recent warming across Arctic Alaska from dendrochronological and remote sensing records
Laia Andreu-Hayles, Benjamin V. Gaglioti, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Kevin J. Anchukaitis, and Scott Goetz

EGU2017-19322 | Posters | CL1.12

Evaluation of Climate Change in northeastern China by means of d13C in tree-rings in the Great Xiang'An mountains region
Qiqin Zhang, Maximo Larry Lopez Caceres, Atsuko Sugimoto, Xiaochun Wang, and Binhui Liu

EGU2017-18389 | Posters | CL1.12

Can forest dieback and tree death be predicted by prior changes in wood anatomy?
Michele Colangelo, Jesus Julio Camarero, Veronica De Micco, Marco Borghetti, Tiziana Gentilesca, Raul Sanchez-Salguero, and Francesco Ripullone

EGU2017-2724 | Posters | CL1.12

Seasonal dynamics of radial growth and stem water deficit in co-occurring saplings and mature conifers under drought: Canopy density affects water stress experienced by saplings
Walter Oberhuber

EGU2017-9915 | Posters | CL1.12

Growth divergence: a challenging opportunity for dendrochronology
Allan Buras, Ute Sass-Klaassen, and Martin Wilmking

EGU2017-14073 | Posters | CL1.12

Particular geoscientific perspectives on stable isotope analysis in the arboreal system
Gerhard Helle, Daniel Balting, Maren Pauly, and Franziska Slotta

EGU2017-523 | Posters | CL1.12

Longer growing seasons and warm summers boost Rhododendron ferrugineum L. growth in the Taillefer massif (French Alps)
Loïc Francon, Christophe Corona, Erwan Roussel, Jerome Lopez Saez, and Markus Stoffel

EGU2017-2560 | Posters | CL1.12

Tree rings reveal weakening of annual temperature cycle over the Tibetan Plateau since the 1870s
Jianping Duan, Jan Esper, Ulf Büntgen, Lun Li, Elena Xoplaki, and Jürg Luterbacher

EGU2017-14642 | Posters | CL1.12

Mid 19th century divergence between tree-ring proxy and instrumental target data at hemispheric scales
Oliver Konter, Mauel Dienst, Christine Kolbe, Juerg Luterbacher, and Jan Esper

EGU2017-13253 | Posters | CL1.12

Climatic interpretation of tree-ring methoxyl d2H time-series from a central alpine larch forest
Dana F. C. Riechelmann, Markus Greule, Rolf T. W. Siegwolf, Jan Esper, and Frank Keppler

EGU2017-9015 | Posters | CL1.12

A 500-year dual stable isotope tree ring chronology of a Late Glacial cooling event
Maren Pauly, Gerhard Helle, Ulf Büntgen, Michael Friedrich, Ingo Heinrich, Bernd Kromer, Daniel Nievergelt, Frederick Reinig, Frank Riedel, Adam Sookdeo, Kerstin Treydte, Lukas Wacker, and Achim Brauer

EGU2017-11291 | Posters | CL1.12

Tree-ring width based temperature and precipitation reconstruction in southeastern China
Jiangfeng Shi, Shiyuan Shi, Yesi Zhao, and Huayu Lu

EGU2017-3134 | Posters | CL1.12

Development of a millennium-length density chronology for the Pindus Mountains in Greece
Lara Klippel, Paul James Krusic, Robert Brandes, Claudia Hartl-Meier, Valerie Trouet, and Jan Esper

EGU2017-9257 | Posters | CL1.12

Polar amplification of the early Eocene indicated by δ2H values of lignin methoxyl groups of mummified wood
Tobias Anhäuser, Benjamin Hook, Jochen Halfar, Markus Greule, and Frank Keppler

EGU2017-10826 | Posters | CL1.12

Spatial and temporal variability of past rainfall in western Australia inferred from tree rings
Alison O'Donnell, Edward Cook, Chris Turney, Jonathan Palmer, Grzegorz Skrzypek, and Pauline Grierson

EGU2017-8989 | Posters | CL1.12

Dendrometer studies in urban and rural environments in Stockholm, Sweden
Eva Rocha and Steffen Holzkämper

EGU2017-9118 | Posters | CL1.12

Environmental signals in tree-ring δ18O from a temperate catchment in Switzerland
Annika Oertel, Kerstin Treydte, Dominik Michel, Elisabeth Tschumi, Ansgar Kahmen, David Frank, and Sonia Isabelle Seneviratne

EGU2017-11338 | Posters | CL1.12

Three centuries of winter temperature change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
Shiyuan Shi, Jinbao Li, Jiangfeng Shi, Yesi Zhao, and Gang Huang

EGU2017-13583 | Posters | CL1.12

Temperature reconstruction and volcanic eruption signal from tree-ring width and maximum latewood density over the past 304 years in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
Mingqi Li, Lei Huang, Zhi-Yong Yin, and Xuemei Shao

CL1.13 – The speleothem archive: understanding processes and interpreting Quaternary climate change

EGU2017-4196 | Orals | CL1.13

Temperature reconstruction from dripwater hydrochemistry, speleothem fabric and speleothem δ13C: towards an integrated approach in temperate climate caves
Andrea Borsato, Silvia Frisia, Vanessa Johnston, and Christoph Spötl

EGU2017-1487 | Posters | CL1.13

SISAL: A community-driven initiative to create a global database of speleothem data for model evaluation
Laia Comas-Bru, Michael Deininger, Sandy Harrison, and Miryam Bar-Matthews

EGU2017-1554 | Posters | CL1.13

O and C stable isotopes in cryogenic cave calcite (CCC) – possible proxy for past climate changes
Badaluta Carmen - Andreea, Vasile Ersek, Natalia Piotrowska, and Aurel Persoiu

EGU2017-18024 | Orals | CL1.13

Analysis of lignin oxidation products in a stalagmite from the Herbstlabyrinth-Adventshöhle in Germany and comparison with δ13C and other vegetation proxies
Inken Heidke, Simon A. Mischel, Denis Scholz, and Thorsten Hoffmann

EGU2017-2117 | Posters | CL1.13

High resolution pCO2 monitoring reveals ventilation of Bunker Cave (NW Germany) and its impact on speleothem growth
Sylvia Riechelmann, Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, and Adrian Immenhauser

EGU2017-5429 | Orals | CL1.13

Carbon dioxide budgets in cave air and carbon in speleothems; insights from a shallow cave in Ireland
Frank McDermott and Dominika Phillips

EGU2017-11447 | Orals | CL1.13

450,000 years of groundwater (234U/238U)0 variations in SW Nevada, USA
Kathleen A. Wendt, Gina E. Moseley, Mathieu Pythoud, Yuri Dublyansky, R. Lawrence Edwards, and Christoph Spötl

EGU2017-2405 | Posters | CL1.13

Climatic variability during the penultimate interglacial (MIS 7) and glacial (MIS 6) periods recorded in a speleothem from Kanaan cave, Lebanon (Central Levant)
Carole Nehme, Sophie Verheyden, Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach, David P. Gillikin, Anouk Verheyden, Hai Cheng, Laurence Edwards, John Hellstrom, Stephen R. Noble, Andrew R. Farrant, Diana Sahy, Thomas Goovaerts, Ghada Salem, and Philippe Claeys

EGU2017-11786 | Orals | CL1.13

Unravelling links between external weather, climate, cave speleothem growth and del13C records
Chris Waring, David Griffith, Stuart Hankin, and Graham Kettlewell

EGU2017-3463 | Posters | CL1.13

Flowstone compositions as indicators of centennial fluctuations of hydrological balance in Central Europe during the late Holocene
Attila Demény, Zoltán Kern, Mihály Molnár, György Czuppon, Szabolcs Leél-Őssy, Gergely Surányi, and Adrian Gilli

EGU2017-13699 | Orals | CL1.13

Characterization of Microbial Community in Lascaux Cave by High Throughput Sequencing
Lise Alonso, Audrey Dubost, Patricia Luis, Thomas Pommier, and Yvan Moënne-Loccoz

EGU2017-5186 | Posters | CL1.13

Speleothem records of acid sulphate deposition and organic carbon mobilisation
Peter Wynn, Ian Fairchild, Clement Bourdin, James Baldini, Wolfgang Muller, Adam Hartland, and Rebecca Bartlett

EGU2017-3398 | Orals | CL1.13

Subglacial Calcites from Northern Victoria Land: archive of Antarctic volcanism in the Last Glacial Maximum
Silvia Frisia, Laura Weirich, John Hellstrom, Andrea Borsato, Nicholas R Golledge, Alexandre M Anesio, Petra Bajo, Russell N Drysdale, Paul C. Augustinus, Carlo Barbante, and Alan Cooper

EGU2017-5241 | Posters | CL1.13

Indian Summer Monsoon dynamics during Termination II and MIS 5e
Matthias Magiera, Andrea M. Erhardt, Adam Hartland, Ola Kwiecien, Hai Cheng, Adrian Immenhauser, Alexandra Turchyn, and Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach

EGU2017-5708 | Posters | CL1.13

Multi-proxy monitoring approaches at Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Bronwyn Dixon, Russell Drysdale, Jonathan Tyler, and Ian Goodwin

EGU2017-14842 | Orals | CL1.13

Flowstones from SE Spain document a close relationship between North Atlantic temperature and precipitation in the Western Mediterranean between 7 and 112 ka
Alexander Budsky, Denis Scholz, Regina Mertz-Kraus, Christoph Spötl, Luis Gibert, and Klaus Peter Jochum

EGU2017-2006 | Orals | CL1.13

Late Holocene climate and environmental change from Asiul cave speleothems: interpretations in light of modern cave monitoring.
Andrew Smith, Peter Wynn, Philip Barker, Melanie Leng, Steve Noble, and Wlodek Tych

EGU2017-5951 | Posters | CL1.13

Isotopic re-equilibration of fluid inclusions in natural speleothem by artificial heating
Ryu Uemura and Yudai Kina

EGU2017-12674 | Orals | CL1.13

Reconstructing Past Climate Using Speleothems from Cueva de las Perlas, Northern Spain.
Laura Deeprose, Peter Wynn, Philip Barker, Melanie Leng, Stephen Noble, and Diana Sahy

EGU2017-6325 | Posters | CL1.13

Oxygen isotope fractionation processes in the water-calcite-aragonite system
Jens Fohlmeister, Christoph Spötl, Birgit Plessen, Rik Tjallingii, Andrea Schröder-Ritzrau, Norbert Frank, Jennifer Arps, Kathrin Leutz, Nicole Vollweiler, and Martin Trüssel

EGU2017-7498 | Orals | CL1.13

The nature of annual lamination in carbonate flowstones from non-karstic fractures, Vinschgau (northern Italy)
Gabriella Koltai, Christoph Spötl, Marc Luetscher, Hai Cheng, Samuel J. Barrett, and Wolfgang Müller

EGU2017-6882 | Posters | CL1.13

Climate variability during MIS3 recorded by two stalagmites from Donnehue’s Cave, Midwestern USA
Mirona Chirienco, Hai Cheng, Christoph Spötl, Xianglei Li, Samuel Panno, and Craig Lundstrom

EGU2017-17755 | Orals | CL1.13

The temperature and precipitation reconstructions on Swiss stalagmites with a special emphasis on altitude gradient using noble-gases, δO-18 and δD of fluid inclusions
Elaheh Ghadiri, Matthias Brennwald, and Rolf Kipfer

EGU2017-7116 | Posters | CL1.13

Sub-annual paleoenvironmental information evaluated from intensity variations of fluorescent annual layers in a stalagmite from Ryuo-do Cave, Nagasaki Prefecture, western Japan
Hana Sasaki, Yuri Onishi, Yoshiro Ishihara, and Kazuhisa Yoshimura

EGU2017-7425 | Posters | CL1.13

An annually laminated stalagmite record of precipitation in spring persistent rains region over SE China and its relationship to ENSO and PDO
Haiwei Zhang, Hai Cheng, Christoph Spötl, and Gayatri Kathayat

EGU2017-8726 | Posters | CL1.13

Quantitative Palaeoenvironments from Speleothems (QUEST): magnetic properties of two New Zealand speleothems
Bethany Fox, Ioan Lascu, Sebastian Breitenbach, and Adam Hartland

EGU2017-9211 | Posters | CL1.13

A speleothem record of climate of the last millennium in Southeast Spain
Campa Celia, Vadillo Iñaki, Muñoz Arsenio, Pisonero Jorge, and Stoll Heather

EGU2017-10483 | Posters | CL1.13

A >400 kyrs archive of sedimentation in Scladina cave (Belgium)
Hubert Vonhof, Dominique Bonjean, Stéphane Pirson, Jeroen van der Lubbe, John Hellstrom, Denis Scholz, and Sophie Verheyden

EGU2017-11991 | Posters | CL1.13

Dating the demise of permafrost in South-Western Britain with cryogenic cave carbonates
Marc Luetscher, Gina Moseley, and R. Lawrence Edwards

EGU2017-12180 | Posters | CL1.13

Insights into the ‘super’-interglacial MIS 11 from a Central European flowstone
David Schäfer, Nicole Vollweiler, Thomas Neumann, and Tobias Kluge

EGU2017-12278 | Posters | CL1.13

Application of LA-MC-ICP-MS for analysis of Sr isotope ratios in speleothems
Michael Weber, Denis Scholz, Jasper A. Wassenburg, Klaus Peter Jochum, and Sebastian Breitenbach

EGU2017-13520 | Posters | CL1.13

Annual-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope time series from three stalagmites from Zoolithencave (southern Germany) and their potential for climate reconstruction
Dana F.C. Riechelmann, Bernd R. Schöne, Detlev K. Richter, and Denis Scholz

EGU2017-14342 | Posters | CL1.13

Isotopic (18O) signature of CO2-H2O vapor exchange in the vadose air of Nerja cave (Malaga, Spain)
Iñaki Vadillo, Lucía Ojeda, José Benavente, Cristina Liñán, Yolanda del Rosal, and Francisco Carrasco

EGU2017-14383 | Posters | CL1.13

High resolution geochemical proxy record of the last 600yr in a speleothem from the northwest Iberian Peninsula
Miguel Iglesias González, Jorge Pisonero, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, and Heather Stoll

EGU2017-14602 | Posters | CL1.13

The speleothem record from Sicily, an important palaeoclimate testimony in the heart of the Mediterranean: overview of current research
Michael Deininger, Marco Vattano, Frank McDermott, Silvia Frisia, Andrea Borsato, Norbert Frank, Christoph Spötl, Denis Scholz, Cipriano Di Maggio, and Giuliana Madonia

EGU2017-15829 | Posters | CL1.13

Evaluating the cave carbonate chemical signal as a proxy for rain patterns in Mallorca Island
Isabel Cacho, Mercé Cisneros, Judit Torner, Albert Català, Ana Moreno, Heather Stoll, Miguel Iglesias, Ileana Bladé, and Joan Fornos

EGU2017-16655 | Posters | CL1.13

Speleothem dating using Sulfur to Calcium ratio
Raghid Sabri

CL1.15 – Quaternary climate archives and proxy uncertainty

EGU2017-617 | Posters | CL1.15

Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Insect Fossils, Halashazi Site, Altai Region, China.
Tianshu Zhang, Scott Elias, and Robert Angus

EGU2017-1232 | Posters | CL1.15

Relative contribution of C3 and C4 type terrestrial organic matter in the Mahanadi offshore (Bay of Bengal) sediments and climatic implication.
Rheane da Silva, Aninda Mazumdar, and Bg Naik

EGU2017-8684 | Orals | CL1.15

Ecosystem resilience to abrupt late Quaternary change in continental southern Siberia
Poppy Harding, Anson Mackay, Elena Bezrukova, and Alexander Shchetnikov

EGU2017-2976 | Posters | CL1.15

Extensive historical charcoal production in Brandenburg (Germany) – identification of potential areas by GIS analysis
Alexandra Raab, Anna Schneider, Alexander Bonhage, Thomas Raab, and Florian Hirsch

EGU2017-11741 | Orals | CL1.15

A new long sediment record from Padul, southern Spain records orbital- and suborbital-scale environmental and climate changes during the middle and late Quaternary
Gonzalo Jimenez-Moreno, Jon Camuera, Maria J. Ramos-Roman, Jaime L. Toney, R. Scott Anderson, Francisco J. Jimenez-Espejo, Darrell Kaufman, Jordon Bright, and Cole Webster

EGU2017-5001 | Orals | CL1.15

400 years of summer hydroclimate from stable isotopes in Iberian trees
Laia Andreu-Hayles, Caroline C. Ummenhofer, Mariano Barriendos, Gerhard H. Schleser, Gerhard Helle, Markus Leuenberger, Emilia Gutierrez, and Edward R. Cook

EGU2017-3997 | Posters | CL1.15

The Finow soil – a stratigraphic marker or just a pedologic horizon?
Florian Hirsch and Thomas Raab

EGU2017-6462 | Posters | CL1.15

Long-term selective degradation of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in a Maderia Abyssal Plain turbidite
Daniel D. Gray, Gerard J.M. Versteegh, and Karin A.F. Zonneveld

EGU2017-18989 | Orals | CL1.15

An annually-resolved stalagmite tropical cyclone reconstruction from Belize reveals a northward shift in North Atlantic storm track position since 1550 C.E.
Lisa Baldini, James Baldini, Jim McElwaine, Amy Frappier, Yemane Asmerom, Kam-biu Liu, Keith Prufer, Harriet Ridley, Victor Polyak, Douglas Kennett, Colin Macpherson, Valorie Aquino, Jaime Awe, and Sebastian Breitenbach

EGU2017-6673 | Posters | CL1.15

The matter of preservation: A comparison of recent organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in sediment trap and core top sediments off Cape Blanc (NW Africa)
Annegret Rüßbült, Karin A.F. Zonneveld, and Vera Pospelova

EGU2017-1519 | Orals | CL1.15

Inter-hemispheric synchrony of Holocene mid-latitude atmospheric circulation changes inferred from speleothem geochemical proxies
Michael Deininger, Frank McDermott, Francisco W. Cruz, Juan Pablo Bernal, Norbert Frank, Pauline Treble, and Christoph Spötl

EGU2017-6932 | Posters | CL1.15

Evolution of alkaline lakes – Lake Van case study
Felix Tillman Meyer, Finn Viehberg, Sonya Bahroun, Annabel Wolf, Adrian Immenhauser, and Ola Kwiecien

EGU2017-6705 | Orals | CL1.15

Functional traits of testate amoebae and multi-proxy data unveil exceptional Baltic bog ecohydrology, autogenic succession and climate change during the last 2000 years in CE Europe
Mariusz Lamentowicz, Mariusz Gałka, Kazimierz Tobolski, Łukasz Lamentowicz, Vasile Ersek, Vincent E.J. Jassey, and Willem O. van der Knaap

EGU2017-7593 | Posters | CL1.15

Linking varve-formation processes to climate and lake conditions at Tiefer See (NE Germany)
Nadine Dräger, Ulrike Kienel, Birgit Plessen, Florian Ott, Brian Brademann, Sylvia Pinkerneil, and Achim Brauer

EGU2017-8165 | Posters | CL1.15

Processes of seasonal layer formation in varved Lake Czechowskie (N Poland): Linking monitoring and sediment core data
Florian Ott, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Gierszewski, Markus Schwab, Brian Brademann, Nadine Dräger, Ulrike Kienel, Sylvia Pinkerneil, Birgit Plessen, Michał Słowiński, Mirosław Błaszkiewicz, and Achim Brauer

EGU2017-16018 | Orals | CL1.15

The Baltic Sea – from environmental monitoring data to paleoenvironmental reconstructions in a marine/brackish system
Helge W. Arz, Olaf Dellwig, Katharina Häusler, Jérôme Kaiser, Thomas Leipe, Matthias Moros, and Falk Pollehne

EGU2017-10168 | Posters | CL1.15

Tornado project – The impact of catastrophic deforestation on the lake and peatland ecosystems of the Tuchola Pinewoods, Northern Poland
Michał Słowiński, Mariusz Lamentowicz, Dominika Łuców, Piotr Kołaczek, Rik Tjallingii, Agnieszka M. Noryśkiewicz, Izabela Zawiska, Christine Lane, Monika Rzodkiewicz, Sandra Słowińska, Mateusz Kramkowski, Mateusz Płóciennik, Sebastian Tyszkowski, Edyta Łokas, Jarosław Kordowski, and Achim Brauer

EGU2017-15562 | Orals | CL1.15

Wood anatomical parameters of lowland European oak and Scots pine as proxies for climate reconstructions
Daniel Balanzategui, Karl-Uwe Heußner, Tomasz Wazny, Gerd Helle, and Ingo Heinrich

EGU2017-1278 | Orals | CL1.15

Linking tephrochronology and soil characteristics in the Sila and Nebrodi Mountains, Italy
Gerald Raab, Dieter Halpern, Fabio Scarciglia, Salvatore Raimondi, Raquel de Castro Portes, Kevin Norton, and Markus Egli

EGU2017-11581 | Posters | CL1.15

Subannual layer variability in Greenland firn cores
Helle Astrid Kjær, Paul Vallelonga, Bo Vinther, Mai Winstrup, Marius Simonsen, Niccoló Maffezzoli, and Camilla Marie Jensen

EGU2017-12318 | Posters | CL1.15

Cyanobacteria during low-wind summers indicate increased lake sensitivity to warming at high nutrient availability (Tiefer See, NE Germany)
Ulrike Kienel, Nadine Dräger, Birgit Plessen, Georgiy Kirillin, Andrea Lami, Florian Ott, Brian Brademann, Sylvia Pinkerneil, Stefano Gerli, and Achim Brauer

EGU2017-17202 | Orals | CL1.15

A new paleotemperature record from Western Europe covering the last glacial/interglacial cycle
Céline Martin, Guillemette Ménot, Nicolas Thouveny, Samuel Meulé, Sébastien Marguerite, and Edouard Bard