Presentation type:

GD – Geodynamics

GD1.1 – Open session in Geodynamics (posters only) (co-organized)

EGU2017-4102 | Posters | GD1.1

The model of Mohorovicic surface for north Athlantic, north-east Canada, Greenland with adjacent seas and Barents-Kara region.
Andrew N. Grushinsky

EGU2017-4330 | Posters | GD1.1

The stress evolution and seismicity before Lushan earthquake in Longmenshan area since 1900
Li Liao

EGU2017-6118 | Posters | GD1.1

A numerical model study to evaluate the effect of sedimentation on the thermal structure of extensional basin
Yeseul Kim and Changyeol Lee

EGU2017-6831 | Posters | GD1.1

Numerical Simulation Research on Relationship between the Strong Earthquakes around the Bayan Har Block
Li Ping en

EGU2017-12481 | Posters | GD1.1

The damages of Ksiaz Castle architecture in relation to new informations on the structure and indications of recent tectonic activity in Świebodzice Depression
Damian Kasza, Marek Kaczorowski, Ryszard Zdunek, and Roman Wronowski

EGU2017-15310 | Posters | GD1.1

Possibility of prediction of strong seismic events in the Middle Odra Fault Zone based on variations of kinematic activity of the Świebodzice Depression
Marek Kaczorowski, Damian Kasza, Ryszard Zdunek, Roman Wronowski, and Zbigniew Szczerbowski

EGU2017-15691 | Posters | GD1.1

The characteristics of mantle lithosphere buoyancy revealed from the northern Manila subduction zone to the active collision in Taiwan region
Chung-Liang Lo, Wen-Bin Doo, Hao Kuo-Chen, Shu-Kun Hsu, and Jing-Yi Lin

GD2.1 – Geodynamics of continental crust and upper mantle, and the nature of mantle discontinuities (including Augustus Love Medal Lecture) (co-organized)

EGU2017-1692 | Posters | GD2.1

3-D thermo-mechanical modeling of continental indentation: Implications for the India-Asia collision
Lin Chen, Lijun Liu, Fabio Capitanio, Taras Gerya, and Yun Chen

EGU2017-19256 | Orals | GD2.1

From Geodesy to Tectonics: Observing Earthquake Processes from Space (Augustus Love Medal Lecture)
Barry Parsons

EGU2017-2216 | Posters | GD2.1

Understanding continental megathrust earthquake potential through geological mountain building processes: an example in Nepal Himalaya
Huai Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Liangshu Wang, Yves Leroy, and Yaolin shi

EGU2017-3248 | Orals | GD2.1

Implications of a-priori constraints in transdimensional Bayesian inversion for continental lithospheric layering
Corinna Roy, Marco Calo, Thomas Bodin, and Barbara Romanowicz

EGU2017-5855 | Orals | GD2.1

Towards a fully probabilistic reconstruction of the elastic, thermal and petrological structure of the Earth’s mantle transition zone
Benoit Tauzin, Juan-Carlos Afonso, Malcolm Sambridge, Hrvoje Tkalcic, Seongryong Kim, and Thomas Bodin

EGU2017-3449 | Posters | GD2.1

Moho Depth of The South China Sea Basin from Three-dimensional gravity inversion with control points and its characteristic
wu zhaocai, Gao Jinyao, and Ding Weiwei

EGU2017-4383 | Posters | GD2.1

Gravity anomaly and crustal structure characteristics in North-South Seismic Belt of China
Chongyang Shen, Songtbai Xuan, Guangliang Yang, and Guiju Wu

EGU2017-5514 | Orals | GD2.1

Crustal uplift of the Precambrian cratons due to metamorphism in crustal rocks under infiltration of mantle fluids
Eugene Artyushkov, Peter Chekhovich, Sergey Korikovsky, and Hans-Joachim Massonne

EGU2017-9732 | Posters | GD2.1

Conditions and Features of Paleoproterozoic Continental Subduction from Supercomputer Modelling Results
Sergey Zavyalov and Vladimir Zakharov

EGU2017-12144 | Orals | GD2.1

EURho: Density structure of the European crust and lithospheric mantle
Kasper Lundvig, Irina Artemieva, and Hans Thybo

EGU2017-10318 | Posters | GD2.1

Lithospheric mantle density structure of the North China Craton
Bing Xia, Hans Thybo, and Irina Artemieva

EGU2017-4039 | Orals | GD2.1

Fluid-filled porosity of magmatic underplates from joint inversion of P and S receiver functions
Lev Vinnik, Sergey Oreshin, Larissa Makeyeva, and Süleyman Dündar

EGU2017-11773 | Posters | GD2.1

Preliminary Results on Scandinavian Lithospheric Structure Revealed by Joint Analysis of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion
Anna Makushkina, Hrvoje Tkalčić, Seongryong Kim, Irina Artemieva, and Hans Thybo

EGU2017-10914 | Orals | GD2.1

Processes and timescales of melt metasomatism in the continental lower crust of West Greenland
Matthijs Smit, Tod Waight, and Troels Nielsen

EGU2017-14252 | Orals | GD2.1

Unraveling African plate structure from elevation, geoid and geology data: implications for the impact of mantle flow and sediment transfers on lithospheric deformation
Flora Bajolet, Alexandra Robert, Dominique Chardon, and Delphine Rouby

EGU2017-12511 | Posters | GD2.1

Studying sub-crustal reflectors in SW-Spain with wide-angle profiles
Imma Palomeras, Puy Ayarza, Ramon Carbonell, JuanCarlos Afonso, and Jordi Diaz

EGU2017-17656 | Orals | GD2.1

The transition zone below the Chile-Argentina flat subduction region
Luciana Bonatto, Claudia Piromallo, and Gabriela Badi

EGU2017-12668 | Posters | GD2.1

Deep earthquakes in the lithospheric structure of northern Germany
Christian Brandes, Thomas Plenefisch, David Tanner, Nicolai Gestermann, and Holger Steffen

EGU2017-12803 | Posters | GD2.1

Synthetic receiver function profiles through the upper mantle and the transition zone for upwelling scenarios
Thorsten Nagel, Erik Düsterhöft, and Christian Schiffer

EGU2017-13406 | Posters | GD2.1

Mantle structure in the Tyrrhenian basin and surrounding areas from teleseismic P and S receiver functions
Stephen Monna, Caterina Montuori, and Lev Vinnik

EGU2017-14630 | Posters | GD2.1

Subsurface signature of North Anatolian Fault Zone and its relation with old sutures: New insight from receiver function analysis.
Arda A. Özacar and Bizhan Abgarmi

EGU2017-16345 | Posters | GD2.1

Defining Incipient Subduction by Detecting Serpentenised Mantle in the Regional Magnetic Field
Rui Pires, Stuart Clark, and Rui Reis

GD2.3 – Lithosphere-asthenosphere interplay, deformation and dynamics (co-organized)

EGU2017-3340 | Orals | GD2.3

Very Broad Band Seismic Constraints on the LAB and Lithospheric Layering in the north American Craton
Barbara Romanowicz, Huaiyu Yuan, Pierre Clouzet, Marco Caló, Corinna Roy, Thomas Bodin, and Satish Maurya

EGU2017-14473 | Posters | GD2.3

Upper mantle anisotropy in western Iran: observations from quasi-Love surface wave scattering
Amir Sadeghi-Bagherabadi, Lucia Margheriti, Abdelkrim Aoudia, Farhad Sobouti, Francesco Pio Lucente, and Paola Baccheschi

EGU2017-14977 | Posters | GD2.3

Seismological mechanism analysis of 2015 Luanxian swarm, Hebei province,China
Yipei Tan, Xu Liao, Hongsheng Ma, Longquan Zhou, and Xingzhou Wang

EGU2017-16369 | Orals | GD2.3

Depth-dependent seismic anisotropy beneath the Turkish-Anatolian Plateau from SKS and Ps splitting analysis
Ayoub Kaviani and Georg Rumpker

EGU2017-4494 | Orals | GD2.3

On the origin of the anisotropy observed beneath the westernmost Mediterranean region
Jordi Diaz

EGU2017-18957 | Posters | GD2.3

Lithospheric structures of the Southeastern Sardinia block inferred by the RF analysis
Mario Anselmi, Irene Bianchi, and Claudio Chiarabba

EGU2017-17502 | Posters | GD2.3

Imaging the Variscan suture and deformation at the KTB deep drilling site, Germany
Irene Bianchi and Götz Bokelmann

EGU2017-12985 | Orals | GD2.3

Controls on sublithospheric small-scale convection on Curie depths
Jeremias Likerman, Sergio Zlotnik, and Li Chun-Feng

EGU2017-5843 | Posters | GD2.3

Modification of continental margin lithosphere by slab subduction beneath northeast Asia
Seongryong Kim, Benoît Tauzin, Hrvoje Tkalčić, and Junkee Rhie

EGU2017-4131 | Orals | GD2.3

Mantle flow and deforming continents, insights from the Tethys realm
Laurent Jolivet, Claudio Faccenna, Thorsten Becker, and Magdala Tesauro

EGU2017-2841 | Posters | GD2.3

Deformation in the asthenospheric mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Ehsan Qorbani, Götz Bokelmann, István Kovács, Frank Horváth, and György Falus

EGU2017-798 | Orals | GD2.3

Modelling of Observed Deformation in Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System During Aseismic Periods in Seismically Active Regions
Subrata Kr Debnath and Sanjay Sen

EGU2017-18948 | Posters | GD2.3

Correlated crustal and mantle deformation in the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps
Ehsan Qorbani, Walter Kurz, Irene Bianchi, and Götz Bokelmann

EGU2017-8697 | Posters | GD2.3

The influence of near-vertical SK(K)S ray path incidence on the backazimuthal variation of shear-wave splitting parameters: A case study of the Central Alps
Eric Löberich, Ehsan Qorbani, and Götz Bokelmann

EGU2017-6708 | Posters | GD2.3

Melt Band Formation in a Mid-Ocean Ridge Corner Flow
David Gebhardt and Samuel Butler

EGU2017-1502 | Posters | GD2.3

Anisotropic grain growth and modification of ‘frozen texture’ in the lithospheric mantle
Yuval Boneh, David Wallis, Lars Hansen, Mike Krawczynski, and Philip Skemer

EGU2017-5666 | Posters | GD2.3

Elastic plate flexure above mantle plumes explains the upstream offset of volcanic activity at la Réunion and Hawaii
Muriel Gerbault, Fabrice Fontaine, Michel Rabinowicz, and Micha Bystricky

EGU2017-1352 | Posters | GD2.3

Effect of a weak layer at the base of an oceanic plate on subduction dynamics
Roberta Carluccio and Boris Kaus

EGU2017-6559 | Posters | GD2.3

Numerical modelling of lithospheric flexure at subduction zones: what controls the formation of petit-spot volcanoes?
Annelore Bessat, Sébastien Pilet, Thibault Duretz, and Stefan M. Schmalholz

EGU2017-2711 | Posters | GD2.3

Geodynamics of divergent double subduction: 3-D numerical modelling of a Cenozoic example in the Molucca Sea region, Indonesia
Qingwen Zhang and Feng Guo

EGU2017-9765 | Posters | GD2.3

Numerical validation of the 'Pop-Down tectonics' as a structural frame for hot lithospheres with particular reference to the Hearne craton (Canadian Shield)
Jonathan Poh, Philippe Yamato, Denis Gapais, Thibault Duretz, and Patrick Ledru

GD2.5 – Geochemical and geodynamic perspectives on the origin and evolution of deep-seated mantle melts and their interaction with the continental lithosphere (co-organized) | PICO

EGU2017-2326 | PICOs | GD2.5

Plume connection of carbonatites: geodynamic Implication
Liya Kogarko and Roman Veselovskiy

EGU2017-2325 | PICOs | GD2.5

Oxygen regime of Siberian alkaline-ultramafic magmas
Igor Ryabchikov and Liya Kogarko

EGU2017-14854 | PICOs | GD2.5

Non-thermal equilibrium two-phase flow for melt migration and ascent
Harro Schmeling and Gabriele Marquart

EGU2017-233 | PICOs | GD2.5

Titanium-bearing phases in the Earth’s mantle (evidence from experiments in the MgO–SiO2–TiO2 ±Al2O3 system at 10–24 GPa)
Ekaterina Sirotkina, Andrey Bobrov, Luca Bindi, and Tetsuo Irifune

EGU2017-562 | PICOs | GD2.5

Dynamic model of intermediate melting zones formation within the permeable lithosphere
Konstantin Sorokin, Yury Perepechko, Viktor Sharapov, Konstantin Chudnenko, and Ludmila Perepechko

EGU2017-10224 | PICOs | GD2.5

Deeper Subduction Zone Melting Explains Enrichment of Upper Mantle and Resolves Dehydration Paradox
Jacqueline Dixon, Ilya Bindeman, and Richard Kingsley

EGU2017-1676 | PICOs | GD2.5

The reason for a Daly gap in magmatic series of large igneous provinces: geological and petrological evidences
Evgenii Sharkov, Maria Bogina, and Alexeii Chistyakov

EGU2017-6244 | PICOs | GD2.5

Mafic dyke swarms of the Bastar Craton, central India: geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopes and tectonic implications
Chien-Yi Liao, J. Gregory Shellnutt, Kosiyathu Raghvan Hari, and Neeraj Viswakarma

EGU2017-12945 | PICOs | GD2.5

Mineralogy of the Banganapalle lamproite, India, and spinel zonation as a record of chemical evolution during crystallisation
Satya P Kumar, Suresh C Patel, Subramanian Ravi, and Kamal L Pruseth

EGU2017-603 | PICOs | GD2.5

Petrology of the Northern Anabar alkaline-ultramafic rocks (the Siberian Craton, Russia) and the role of metasomatized lithospheric mantle in their genesis
Alexey Kargin, Yulia Golubeva, and Elena Demonterova

EGU2017-220 | PICOs | GD2.5

Geochemistry of clinopyroxene megacrysts from the Grib kimberlite pipe, Arkhangelsk province, Russia: metasomatic origin and genetic relationship with clinopyroxene-phlogopite metasomatic xenoliths
Natalia Lebedeva, Alexey Kargin, Lyudmila Sazonova, and Anna Nosova

EGU2017-14717 | PICOs | GD2.5

Cenozoic magmatism in Iran; evidences for existence of juvenile mantle beneath central to the northeast of Iran
Shahrouz Babazadeh and Parham Ahmadi

EGU2017-335 | PICOs | GD2.5

Phenocrysts and megacrysts of olivines from ultramafic lamprophyres of the Chadobets and Il’bokich uplifts, Southwestern Siberia
Maria Smirnova, Lyudmila Sazonova, Anna Nosova, Alexey Kargin, and Vasiliy Shcherbakov

EGU2017-6337 | PICOs | GD2.5

Evolution of the mantle sections beneath the kimberlite pipes example of Yakutia.
Igor Ashchepkov, Ttheodoros Ntaflos, Alla Logvinova, Nikolai Vladykin, Alexandr Ivanov, Zdislav Spetsius, Yury Stegnitsky, Sergei Kostrovitsky, Ravil Salikhov, Igor Makovchuk, Gleb Shmarov, Mikhail Karpenko, Hilary Downes, and Nikolai Madvedev

EGU2017-3889 | PICOs | GD2.5

Universal single grain amphibole thermobarometer for mantle rocks - preliminary calibration.
Igor Ashchepkov

EGU2017-1216 | PICOs | GD2.5

Isotope U-Pb age on single zircon and REE distribution in rocks and zircon from paleoproterozoic Kandalaksha-Kolvitsa complex (Baltic shield)
Ekaterina Steshenko, Tamara Bayanova, Svetlana Drogobuzhskaya, Ludmila Lyalina, Pavel Serov, Viktor Chashchin, and Dmitriy Elizarov

EGU2017-7048 | PICOs | GD2.5

Nd-Sr evidence of Palaeoproterozoic Cu-Ni-Co-PGE-magmatism in Fennoscandia and mantle-crust interaction on stages of layered intrusions formation
Pavel Serov, Tamara Bayanova, and Ekaterina Steshenko

EGU2017-5606 | PICOs | GD2.5

Origin of the Monchegorsk Pluton and associated ores: Evidence from the Nd isotope composition of rocks and trace-element composition of olivine
Maria Bogina, Evgenii Sharkov, Alexey Chistyakov, and Valerii Zlobin

EGU2017-6432 | PICOs | GD2.5

Petrogenesis of Oxidized Arfvedsonite Granite Gneiss from Dimra Pahar, Hazaribagh, Eastern India: Constraints from Mineral Chemistry and Trace Element Geochemistry
Ankita Basak and Bapi Goswami

EGU2017-16079 | PICOs | GD2.5

Proterozoic Eastern Sayan ophiolites (Central Asian Orogenic Belt) record subduction initiation in vicinity of continental block
Vasilii Belyaev, Marina Gornova, Alexander Medvedev, Sergey Dril, and Anas Karimov

GD3.1 – Dynamics of the mantle and core in the Earth and planetary bodies: from magma oceans to the present day (co-organized)

EGU2017-11310 | Orals | GD3.1

High-pressure single-crystal elasticity measurements of Al-Fe-bridgmanite
Alexander Kurnosov, Hauke Marquardt, Dan Frost, Tiziana Boffa-Ballaran, and luca Ziberna

EGU2017-2105 | Posters | GD3.1

Magnetism of Fe under pressure from SQUID magnetometer and Mössbauer spectrometer measurements
Qingguo Wei, Stuart Alan Gilder, and Catherine McCammon

EGU2017-6065 | Posters | GD3.1

Complex inner core of the Earth constrained by differential travel times and differential ray parameters
Tae-Gyu Yee, Junkee Rhie, and Hrvoje Tkalčić

EGU2017-11722 | Orals | GD3.1

First principles investigation of the vibrational properties of hydrous wadsleyite
Jun Tsuchiya

EGU2017-12537 | Posters | GD3.1

Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements during the Earth’s core formation
Pierre Faure, Mohamed Ali Bouhifd, Maud Boyet, Tahar Hammouda, and Geeth Manthilake

EGU2017-17096 | Orals | GD3.1

Electrical conductivity of silicate liquids and a magma ocean dynamo
Lars Stixrude and Roberto Scipioni

EGU2017-8363 | Posters | GD3.1

Plastic deformation of FeSi at high pressures: implications for planetary cores
Ilya Kupenko, Sébastien Merkel, Melissa Achorner, Christian Plückthun, Hanns-Peter Liermann, and Carmen Sanchez-Valle

EGU2017-10842 | Orals | GD3.1

Multiphase Dynamics of Magma Oceans
Charles-Edouard Boukaré, Yanick Ricard, and Edgar M. Parmentier

EGU2017-4038 | Orals | GD3.1

Advancing dynamic and thermodynamic modelling of magma oceans
Dan Bower, Aaron Wolf, Patrick Sanan, and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-3344 | Posters | GD3.1

Effect of the Free Core Resonance derived from tidal strain data
Antonella Amoruso, Luca Crescentini, Vadim Milyukov, Aleksey Mironov, and Andrey Myasnikov

EGU2017-16849 | Posters | GD3.1

Effect of water on metal-silicate partitioning and hydrogen incorporation in the core of the Earth and Mars
Vincent Clesi, Mohamed Ali Bouhifd, Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova, Geeth Manthilake, Denis Andrault, Caroline Raepsaet, Hélène Bureau, and Hicham Khodja

EGU2017-5565 | Orals | GD3.1

Effect of planetary rotation on the differentiation of a terrestrial magma ocean in spherical geometry
Ulrich Hansen and Christian Maas

EGU2017-14356 | Posters | GD3.1

Onset of solid state mantle convection and mixing during magma ocean solidification
Maxime Maurice, Nicola Tosi, Henri Samuel, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Christian Hüttig, and Doris Breuer

EGU2017-6838 | Orals | GD3.1 | Highlight

A sulfide-saturated lunar mantle?
James M. Brenan and James E. Mungall

EGU2017-2830 | Orals | GD3.1 | Highlight

Olivine plus partially molten iron-sulfide: The best proxy for the genesis of fragmented-, rounded-, and mixed-type-olivine pallasites
Giulio Solferino and Golabek Gregor

EGU2017-15290 | Posters | GD3.1

Solid-liquid phase changes at the boundaries between magma oceans and solid mantle: implications for mantle dynamics
Daniela Bolrão, Paul J. Tackley, Stephane Labrosse, and Adrien Morison

EGU2017-2851 | Posters | GD3.1

Post-magma ocean mixing of reservoirs inside the angrite parent body
Gregor Golabek, Bernard Bourdon, Antoine Rozel, and Taras Gerya

EGU2017-16652 | Orals | GD3.1

Experimental constraints on Earth’s core formation
Mohamed Ali Bouhifd

EGU2017-7821 | Orals | GD3.1

Assimilation of SWARM and CHAMP data under realistic spatial and temporal core flow constraints
Olivier Barrois, Christopher Finlay, Nicolas Gillet, and Magnus Hammer

EGU2017-19577 | Posters | GD3.1

A computational approach to modelling magma ocean evolution in 2-D and 3-D
Paul Tackley, Diogo Lourenco, and Ilya Fomin

EGU2017-6187 | Posters | GD3.1

Self-consistent generation of continental crust in global mantle convection models
Charitra Jain, Antoine Rozel, and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-8092 | Orals | GD3.1

An accelerating high-latitude jet in Earth's core
Phil Livermore, Rainer Hollerbach, and Chris Finlay

EGU2017-19429 | Orals | GD3.1

Equatorial magnetic Rossby waves — evidence for a thin, strongly-buoyant stratified layer in earth’s core
Nicholas Knezek and Bruce Buffett

EGU2017-19582 | Posters | GD3.1

Scaling of Mixing Rate in Mantle Convection Models: Influence of Plate Tectonics, Melting and Crustal Production
Paul Tackley

EGU2017-13175 | Orals | GD3.1

Probing the inner core’s African hemisphere boundary with P′P′
Elizabeth Day, James Ward, Ian Bastow, and Jessica Irving

EGU2017-8701 | Posters | GD3.1

Magmatic plumbing system from lower mantle of Hainan plume
Shaohong Xia, Jinlong Sun, Huilong Xu, Haibo Huang, and Jinghe Cao

EGU2017-240 | Orals | GD3.1

The LPO Iron Pattern beneath the Earth’s Inner Core Boundary
Maurizio Mattesini, Anatoly Belonoshko, and Hrvoje Tkalčić

EGU2017-13393 | Posters | GD3.1

Effect of phase transformations on microstructures in deep mantle materials
Sébastien Merkel, Christopher Langrand, Angelika Rosa, and Nadège Hilairet

EGU2017-4803 | Orals | GD3.1

Implications for mantle dynamics based on isotropic and anisotropic velocity variations above the core-mantle boundary
Sanne Cottaar and Vedran Lekic

EGU2017-9320 | Posters | GD3.1

Study Of The Perovskite to Post-Perovskite Transformation Using Multigrain Crystallography
Sébastien Merkel, Christopher Langrand, Nadège Hilairet, Angelika Rosa, Volodymyr Svitlyk, and David Dobson

EGU2017-10683 | Posters | GD3.1

Updated Outer Core Reference Model from a Bayesian Inversion of Normal Mode Eigenfrequencies
Sanne Cottaar, Jessica Irving, and Vedran Lekic

EGU2017-17007 | Orals | GD3.1

Quantitative assessments of mantle flow models against seismic observations: Influence of uncertainties in mineralogical parameters
Bernhard S.A. Schuberth

EGU2017-252 | Posters | GD3.1

Upper mantle seismic discontinuities in the area of the Indian Ocean Geoid Low
Anne-Sophie Reiss, Jac van Driel, Björn Heyn, and Christine Thomas

EGU2017-9329 | Orals | GD3.1

Kinetics Of Bridgmanite To (Mg0.85,Fe0.15)SiO3-Post-Perovskite Towards A Better Comprehension Of The D” Layer
Christopher Langrand, Nadège Hilairet, Denis Andraut, Zuzana Konopkova, and Sébastien Merkel

EGU2017-1029 | Orals | GD3.1

Lower mantle structure beneath the Pacific analysed using out-of-plane reflections
Lina Schumacher and Christine Thomas

EGU2017-586 | Posters | GD3.1

Detecting seismic anisotropy across the 410 km discontinuity through polarity and amplitude variations of the underside reflections
Morvarid Saki, Christine Thomas, Sebastien Merkel, and James Wookey

EGU2017-9724 | Orals | GD3.1 | Highlight

Evidences for recent plume-induced subduction, microplates and localized lateral plate motions on Venus
Anne Davaille and Suzanne Smrekar

EGU2017-10497 | Posters | GD3.1

Measurements of Elastic and Inelastic Properties of Polycrystalline Samples under Simulated Earth’s Mantle Conditions in Large Volume Apparatus
Hans J. Mueller

EGU2017-12774 | Orals | GD3.1

Tidal constraints on the interior of Venus
Caroline Dumoulin, Gabriel Tobie, Olivier Verhoeven, Pascal Rosenblatt, and Nicolas Rambaux

EGU2017-17144 | Posters | GD3.1

Vaporization of SiO2 and MgSiO3
Bing Xiao and Lars Stixrude

EGU2017-16098 | Posters | GD3.1

On the relative influence of initial H2O and CO2 contents on the primitive surface conditions and evolution of rocky (exo-)planets
Arnaud Salvador, Helène Massol, Anne Davaille, Emmanuel Marcq, Eric Chassefière, and Philippe Sarda

EGU2017-12864 | Orals | GD3.1

Geodynamical implication of delamination on felsic crust generation during the Archean
Andrea Piccolo, Boris Kaus, Richard Palin, Richard White, and Tim Johnson

EGU2017-13226 | Orals | GD3.1 | Highlight

Localising Plate Boundaries: Importance of Serpentinisation and Grain Size Reduction on the Rheology of the Lithosphere
Laurent Montesi and Frederic Gueydan

EGU2017-16304 | Orals | GD3.1 | Highlight

Plutonic-squishy lid and beyond: implications of intrusive magmatism and characterization of a new global-tectonic regime on Earth-like planets
Diogo Louro Lourenço, Antoine Rozel, Maxim Ballmer, and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-16992 | Orals | GD3.1

Evolution of bumpy boundary layers in planetary mantles
Ulrich Hansen and Claudia Stein

GD3.2 – Understanding Earth’s mantle with links to geological cycles (co-organized)

EGU2017-2740 | Posters | GD3.2

Insight into asthenospheric seismic anisotropy and deformation in Mainland China
Tao Zhu

EGU2017-4670 | Posters | GD3.2

The stress field and its role in the evolution of asthenosphere and lithosphere
Leszek Czechowski and Marek Grad

EGU2017-1143 | Orals | GD3.2

The dynamic connection between small and large-scale mantle heterogeneity
Daniel Frost, Sebastian Rost, Edward Garmero, Mingming Li, and Barbara Romanowicz

EGU2017-8062 | Posters | GD3.2

New Melting Parameterization for Geodynamic Modelling: Preliminary Results Applied to Plume Setting
Antonio Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba and Maxim D. Ballmer

EGU2017-12224 | Orals | GD3.2

Understanding the Earth’s Mantle Through Advanced Elasticity Measurements
Hauke Marquardt, Kirsten Schulze, Alexander Kurnosov, Johannes Buchen, Daniel Frost, Tiziana Boffa Ballaran, Katharina Marquardt, and Takaaki Kawazoe

EGU2017-8556 | Posters | GD3.2

PyGPlates – a GPlates Python library for data analysis through space and deep geological time
Simon Williams, John Cannon, Xiaodong Qin, and Dietmar Müller

EGU2017-11542 | Orals | GD3.2

Understanding how the shape and spatial distribution of ULVZs provides insight into their cause and to the nature of global-scale mantle convection
Allen McNamara, Mingming Li, Ed Garnero, and Nicole Marin

EGU2017-12152 | Orals | GD3.2

Observation and modelling of scattering in the deep Earth
Christine Thomas and Michael Thorne

EGU2017-8625 | Posters | GD3.2

Grain Boundaries in Forsterite: How do they move to produce shear?
Caroline Bollinger, Robert Farla, Patrick Knoedler, and Katharina Marquardt

EGU2017-9880 | Posters | GD3.2

Sea Level Change due to Time-Dependent Long-Wavelength Dynamic Topography Inferred from Plate Tectonic Reconstructions
Clinton P. Conrad, Bernhard Steinberger, and Trond H. Torsvik

EGU2017-15835 | Orals | GD3.2

Hawaiian lavas: a window into mantle dynamics
Tim Jones, Rhodri Davies, and Ian Campbell

EGU2017-11028 | Posters | GD3.2

Preliminary global paleogeographic maps through the Greenhouse-Icehouse transition: forcing of the Drake Passage and Asian Monsoons.
Fernando Poblete, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Alexis Licht, Douwe van Hinsbergen, Pierrick Roperch, Francois Guillocheau, Guillaume Baby, and Michiel Baatsen

EGU2017-7916 | Orals | GD3.2

On the consistency of tomographically imaged lower mantle slabs
Grace E. Shephard, Kara J. Matthews, Kasra Hosseini, and Mathew Domeier

EGU2017-12242 | Posters | GD3.2

The influence of water on mantle convection and plate tectonics
Stefan Brändli and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-14293 | Posters | GD3.2

Tectonic Reorganization and the Cause of Paleocene and Eocene pCO2 Anomalies
Jacqueline Austermann, Laura B. Carter, Jennifer Middleton, Jessica Stellmann, and Lacey Pyle

EGU2017-5223 | Orals | GD3.2

Teaching machines to find mantle composition
Suzanne Atkins, Paul Tackley, Jeannot Trampert, and Andrew Valentine

EGU2017-16453 | Posters | GD3.2

Interplay between solid Earth and biological evolution
Dennis Höning and Tilman Spohn

EGU2017-15602 | Orals | GD3.2

Using geoneutrinos to constrain the radiogenic power in the Earth's mantle
Ondřej Šrámek, Bedřich Roskovec, Scott A. Wipperfurth, Yufei Xi, and William F. McDonough

EGU2017-14187 | Orals | GD3.2

Ensemble Assimilation of Geodynamic Observations Into Mantle Circulation Models
Marie Bocher, Alexandre Fournier, and Nicolas Coltice

EGU2017-16520 | Posters | GD3.2

Structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the vicinity of the Tristan da Cunha hot spot as seen by surface waves
Raffaele Bonadio, Wolfram H. Geissler, Matteo Ravenna, Sergei Lebedev, Nicolas L. Celli, Wilfried Jokat, Marion Jegen, Christoph Sens-Schönfelder, and Kiyoshi Baba

EGU2017-17433 | Posters | GD3.2

Toward unraveling a secret of the lower mantle: Detecting and characterizing piles using a grain size-dependent, composite rheology
Jana Schierjott, Antoine Rozel, and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-181 | Orals | GD3.2

Evidence for a change in the global shear velocity pattern ∼ 1,000 km depth
stephanie durand, eric debayle, yanick ricard, christophe zaroli, and sophie lambotte

EGU2017-14173 | Orals | GD3.2

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion of Mantle Temperature and Composition, with Application to Iceland
Eric Brown, Kenni Petersen, and Charles Lesher

EGU2017-8049 | Posters | GD3.2

Rock species formation due to deep-mantle melting
Ilya Fomin and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-5036 | Posters | GD3.2

History of the incipient Icelandic plume: Observations from ancient buried landscapes
Gaia Stucky de Quay, Gareth G. Roberts, Jonathan S. Watson, and Christopher A.-L. Jackson

EGU2017-7752 | Orals | GD3.2

Global thermal models of the lithosphere
Fabio Cammarano and Mattia Guerri

EGU2017-2020 | Posters | GD3.2

How ‘cyclic’ is the Supercontinental Cycle
Sergei Pisarevsky

EGU2017-12506 | Posters | GD3.2

Pure climb creep as the dominant mechanism driving flow in the Earth’s lower mantle
Patrick Cordier, Francesca Boioli, Philippe Carrez, Karine Gouriet, Pierre Hirel, Antoine Kraych, and Sebastian Ritterbex

EGU2017-2308 | Orals | GD3.2

Reconstructing mantle flow and long-wavelength dynamic topography since the Jurassic Period (GD Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture)
Nicolas Flament

EGU2017-11048 | Orals | GD3.2

Earth’s Constant Mean Elevation: Implication for Long-Term Sea Level and Controlled by Ocean Lithosphere Dynamics in a Pitman World
David Rowley

EGU2017-13612 | Orals | GD3.2

Some consequences of the geodynamics of sea level on the biosphere. The SE Asian example
Laurent Husson, Anta-Clarisse Sarr, Anne-Morwenn Pastier, Pierre Sepulchre, Kevin Pedoja, Mary Elliot, Wahyoe Hantoro, and Carlos Jaramillo

EGU2017-13646 | Orals | GD3.2

Detection of a dynamic topography signal in last interglacial sea level records
Jacqueline Austermann, Jerry X. Mitrovica, Peter Huybers, and Alessio Rovere

EGU2017-13996 | Orals | GD3.2

Late Cretaceous changes in continental configuration: toward a better-ventilated ocean?
Yannick Donnadieu, Emmanuelle Pucéat, François Guillocheau, and Jean-François Deconinck

EGU2017-6977 | Orals | GD3.2

Global sea level fluctuations and uncertainties through a Wilson cycle based on ocean basin volume reconstructions
Nicky Wright, Maria Seton, Simon E. Williams, and R. Dietmar Müller

EGU2017-5835 | Orals | GD3.2

Improving global paleogeographic reconstructions since the Devonian using paleobiology
Wenchao Cao, Sabin Zahirovic, Simon Williams, Nicolas Flament, and Dietmar Müller

GD5.1 – Subduction dynamics from surface to deep mantle (co-organized)

EGU2017-2143 | Orals | GD5.1

Relamination and the Fate of Subducted Continental Material
Bradley Hacker, Peter Kelemen, and Mark Behn

EGU2017-509 | Posters | GD5.1

Trace element composition of rutile in eclogite from the Karakaya Complex, NW Anatolia: Implications for rutile growth during subduction zone metamorphism
Fırat Şengün

EGU2017-18867 | Posters | GD5.1

Using paleomagnetism to expand the observation time window of plate locking along subduction zones: evidence from the Chilean fore-arc sliver (38ºS – 42ºS)
Catalina Hernandez-Moreno, Fabio Speranza, and Anita Di Chiara

EGU2017-4007 | Orals | GD5.1

Initiation of the Andean orogeny by lower mantle subduction
Claudio Faccenna, Onno Oncken, Adam Holt, and Thorsten Becker

EGU2017-15780 | Orals | GD5.1

Where does subduction initiate and die? Insights from global convection models with continental drift
Martina Ulvrova, Simon Williams, Nicolas Coltice, and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-18387 | Posters | GD5.1

Effect of rheological approximations on slab detachment in 3D numerical simulations of continental collision
Adina E. Pusok, Boris Kaus, and Anton Popov

EGU2017-14029 | Posters | GD5.1

Magmatism in geodynamical models of continental collision zones
Nicholas Schliffke, Jeroen van Hunen, Valentina Magni, Mark Allen, and Rebecca Freeburn

EGU2017-3798 | Orals | GD5.1

The Atlas of the Underworld: a catalogue of slab remnants in the mantle imaged by seismic tomography, and their geological interpretation
Douwe van der Meer, Douwe van Hinsbergen, and Wim Spakman

EGU2017-12733 | Orals | GD5.1

Water migration in the subduction mantle wedge: a two-phase flow approach
Hongliang Wang, Ritske S. Huismans, and Stephane Rondenay

EGU2017-12562 | Posters | GD5.1

Delamination, upper plate extension, and plate margin complexity
Kosuke Ueda, Taras Gerya, and Sean Willett

EGU2017-12321 | Posters | GD5.1

Magmatism in Lithosphere Delamination process inferred from numerical models
Oğuz H Göğüş, Kosuke Ueda, and Taras Gerya

EGU2017-1866 | Orals | GD5.1

Response of river networks at active continental margins to aseismic ridge subduction: a 3D finite-element approach
Stefanie Zeumann and Andrea Hampel

EGU2017-13862 | Orals | GD5.1

The dominant surface-topography contributions of individual subduction parameters
Fabio Crameri, Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, and Paul Tackley

EGU2017-12209 | Posters | GD5.1

Transient subduction following upper plate acceleration/slow down
Benjamin Guillaume, Solenn Hertgen, Nestor Cerpa, and Joseph Martinod

EGU2017-10287 | Posters | GD5.1

Impact of the overriding plate rheology on convergence zone dynamics.
Solenn Hertgen, Philippe Yamato, Benjamin Guillaume, and Jeroen van Hunen

EGU2017-3923 | Orals | GD5.1

Subduction zones dynamics and structure from coupled geodynamic and seismological modelling
Manuele Faccenda

EGU2017-9896 | Posters | GD5.1

Understanding temporal and spatial migration of orogenic magmatism: A numerical modelling approach
Nevena Andric, Katharina Vogt, Liviu Matenco, Vladica Cvetkovic, Sierd Cloetingh, and Taras Gerya

EGU2017-7064 | Orals | GD5.1

A geodynamic model of Andean mountain building
Wouter P. Schellart

EGU2017-624 | Orals | GD5.1

Long distance transport of eclogite and blueschist during early Pacific Ocean subduction rollback
Renee Tamblyn, Martin Hand, David Kelsey, Glen Phillips, and Robert Anczkiewicz

EGU2017-14277 | Posters | GD5.1

From back-arc extension to orogenic plateau formation – a numerical modeling study of ocean-continent subduction systems
Sebastian G. Wolf and Ritske S. Huismans

EGU2017-7489 | Posters | GD5.1

Neogene retro-arc basaltic magmatism in southern Patagonia: are there alternatives to teared slabs and slab window models?
Davide Roggero, Othmar Müntener, and Sébastien Pilet

EGU2017-10947 | Orals | GD5.1

Seismotectonics of the Nicobar Swarm and the geodynamic implications for the 2004 Great Sumatran Earthquake
Gordon Lister

EGU2017-5981 | Posters | GD5.1

Subduction of oceanic plate irregularities and seismicity distribution along the Mexican Subduction Zone
Marina Manea, Vlad Constantin Manea, Taras Gerya, Raul-Valenzuela Wong, and Mircea Radulian

EGU2017-12975 | Orals | GD5.1

3D Numerical modelling of topography development associated with curved subduction zones
Jessica Munch, Kosuke Ueda, Jean-Pierre Burg, Dave May, and Taras Gerya

EGU2017-7314 | Posters | GD5.1

Tear geometry at active STEPs: an analogue model approach
Taco Broerse, Dimitrios Sokoutis, Ernst Willingshofer, and Rob Govers

EGU2017-5962 | Posters | GD5.1

A review of the geodynamic evolution of flat slab subduction in Mexico, Peru, and Chile
Vlad Constantin Manea, Marina Manea, Luca Ferrari, María Teresa Orozco, Raul Wong Valenzuela, Allen Leroy Husker, Vlad Kostoglodovc, and Constantin Ionescu

EGU2017-5466 | Posters | GD5.1

Anatomy of a subduction zone – seismicity structure of the northern Chilean forearc from >100,000 double-difference relocated earthquake hypocenters
Christian Sippl and Bernd Schurr

EGU2017-4677 | Posters | GD5.1

Numerical modelling of volatiles in the deep mantle
Philipp Eichheimer, Marcel Thielmann, and Gregor J. Golabek

EGU2017-4280 | Posters | GD5.1

Effect of Opening of Yamato Basin on Miocene Adakites in Northeast Japan
Changyeol Lee

EGU2017-10590 | Posters | GD5.1

Control of Hikurangi plateau-Chatham rise and free northern slab edge on evolution of the Tonga-Kermadec-Hikurangi subduction zone
Vincent Strak and Wouter P. Schellart

EGU2017-13427 | Posters | GD5.1

Eastern Mediterranean geothermal resources and subduction dynamics
Vincent Roche, Pietro Sternai, Laurent Guillou-Frottier, Laurent Jolivet, and Taras Gerya

EGU2017-4550 | Posters | GD5.1

Analytic models of internal strain during slab bending in subduction zones
Ignacio Romeo and Jose Antonio Álvarez-Gómez

GD5.2 – Orogenesis and geodynamics related to the collision of macro- and micro-plates (co-organized)

EGU2017-1542 | Posters | GD5.2

REE investigation of the Motru Dyke System components from the Danubian basements (South Carpathians, Romania)
Mara Campeanu, Constantin Balica, Ioan Balintoni, Claudiu Tănăselia, and Oana Cadar

EGU2017-16342 | Posters | GD5.2

Tracing collisional route of the Danubian terranes (South Carpathians, Romania), using detrital U-Pb isotopic record
Constantin Balica, Ioan Balintoni, and Mara Campeanu

EGU2017-4065 | Posters | GD5.2

Orogenic wedge formation starting from hyper-extended passive margins: a self-consistent modelling study with application to the Western Alps
Lorenzo Giuseppe Candioti, Thibault Duretz, Suzanne Picazo, and Stefan Markus Schmalholz

EGU2017-4769 | Posters | GD5.2

The Wallner Normal Fault: A new major tectonic structure within the Austroalpine Units south of the Tauern Window (Kreuzeck, Eastern Alps, Austria)
Gerit E.U. Griesmeier, Ralf Schuster, and Bernhard Grasemann

EGU2017-4913 | Posters | GD5.2

Tectono-metamorphic evolution of meta-ophiolitic units along Susa Valley (Italian Western Alps): new suggestions for the exhumation processes
Stefano Ghignone, Alessandro Borghi, Gianni Balestro, and Marco Gattiglio

EGU2017-4552 | Posters | GD5.2

Two Tertiary metamorphic events recognized in metapelites of the Nevado-Filabride Complex (Betic Cordillera, S Spain)
Botao Li and Hans-Joachim Massonne

EGU2017-5092 | Posters | GD5.2

P-T paths of ophiolite-related metamorphic rocks from the Dinaride ophiolite zone in Bosnia
Dražen Balen, Hans-Joachim Massonne, Friedrich Koller, Thomas Theye, Joachim Opitz, Hazim Hrvatović, and Lucija Premužak

EGU2017-5583 | Posters | GD5.2

Phase equilibria of HP mica schists from the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt (Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif)
Jacek Szczepanski, Marcin Golen, and Robert Anczkiewicz

EGU2017-3205 | Posters | GD5.2

Formation of orogenic wedges and tectonic nappes during continental collision
Stefan Markus Schmalholz

EGU2017-9879 | Posters | GD5.2

Plate collision and mounting building separated by long periods of time. Possible causes
Eugene Artyushkov, Peter Chekhovich, and Hans-Joachim Massonne

EGU2017-8253 | Posters | GD5.2

Three-dimensional crustal deformations and strain field features constrained by dense GPS measurements in Northeastern Tibet
Tengxu Zhang, Wen-Bin Shen, and Yuanjin Pan

EGU2017-8804 | Posters | GD5.2

Orogenesis of the Oman Mountains – a new geodynamic model based on structural geology, plate reconstructions and thermochronology
Arne Grobe, Simon Virgo, Christoph von Hagke, Littke Ralf, and Janos L. Urai

EGU2017-10600 | Posters | GD5.2

Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the upper plate of the Eo-Alpine nappe-stack: constraints from the Oberhof Window (Carinthia, Austria)
Marianne Sophie Hollinetz, Benjamin Huet, Christoph Iglseder, Gerd Rantitsch, and Berhard Grasemann

EGU2017-17183 | Posters | GD5.2

Large plates and small blocks: The Variscan orogeny in the Bohemian Massif
Uwe Kroner and Rolf L. Romer

EGU2017-14151 | Posters | GD5.2

Tectonics of an exhumation zone in the Erzgebirge, N-Bohemian Massif: constraints from microstructures and EBSD data
Peter Hallas and Uwe Kroner

EGU2017-15404 | Posters | GD5.2

Intra-continental subduction and contemporaneous lateral extrusion of the upper plate: insights into Alps-Adria interactions
Inge van Gelder, Ernst Willingshofer, Dimitrios Sokoutis, and Sierd Cloetingh

GD5.3 – Mantle dynamics, rifting and post-breakup evolution of passive continental margins: Geological and geophysical observations and models with emphasis on the Atlantic Ocean (co-organized)

EGU2017-2224 | Posters | GD5.3

Basement structures over Rio Grande Rise from gravity inversion
Renata Constantino, Peter Christian Hackspacker, Iata Anderson de Souza, and Iago Sousa Lima Costa

EGU2017-1891 | Orals | GD5.3

Post-breakup burial and exhumation of passive continental margins: nine propositions to inform geodynamic models
Paul F. Green, Ian Duddy, Peter Japsen, James Chalmers, and Johan Bonow

EGU2017-4197 | Orals | GD5.3 | Highlight

Estimating long-wavelength dynamic topographic change of passive continental margins since the Early Cretaceous
Dietmar Müller, Rakib Hassan, Michael Gurnis, Nicolas Flament, and Simon Williams

EGU2017-2763 | Posters | GD5.3

The life cycle of continental rifts: Numerical models of plate tectonics and mantle convection.
Martina Ulvrova, Sascha Brune, and Simon Williams

EGU2017-5327 | Orals | GD5.3

Extensional crustal tectonics and crust-mantle coupling, a view from the geological record
Laurent Jolivet, Armel Menant, Camille Clerc, Pietro Sternai, Jean-Claude Ringenbach, Nicolas Bellahsen, Sylvie Leroy, Claudio Faccenna, and Christian Gorini

EGU2017-4342 | Posters | GD5.3

Reconstruction of middle-west Pangaea in and around Mediterranean Sea : A proposal of Pangaea model A3
O-hyeok Kwon and Hyeong-Bin Cheong

EGU2017-6076 | Posters | GD5.3

Different modes of continental break-up triggered by a sole mantle plume: a 2D and 3D numerical study
Anouk Beniest, Alexander Koptev, Sylvie Leroy, and Evgueni Burov

EGU2017-8725 | Orals | GD5.3

Relating mantle convection, epeirogeny and gravity anomalies
Lorenzo Colli, Siavash Ghelichkhan, and Hans-Peter Bunge

EGU2017-6168 | Posters | GD5.3

Plume-lithosphere interactions in passive margins tectonic settings: Inferences from thermo-mechanical modelling
Thomas François, Alexander Koptev, Sierd Cloetingh, Evgueni Burov, and Taras Gerya

EGU2017-10115 | Orals | GD5.3

Radial, Viscous, Saffman-Taylor Fingering of Hot Asthenosphere associated with the Icelandic plume beneath the North Atlantic Ocean
Nicky White and Charlotte Schoonman

EGU2017-8879 | Posters | GD5.3

Deep Segmentation from 2D Forward Modeling and 3D Tomography of the Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Ceará Margin, NW Brazil
Nuno Afonso Dias, Alexandra Afilhado, Philippe Schnürle, Flora Gallais, José Soares, Reinhardt Fuck, José Cupertino, Adriano Viana, Maryline Moulin, Daniel Aslanian, Luís Matias, Mikael Evain, and Afonso Loureiro

EGU2017-19654 | Orals | GD5.3

Lower continental crust exhumation during passive margin genesis : a possible candidate for a broad uplift?
Daniel Aslanian, Alexandra Afilhado, José Cupertino, Nuno Dias, Mikael Evain, Reinhardt Fuck, Flora Gallais, Estelle Leroux, Afonso Loureiro, Luis Matias, Maryline Moulin, Romain Pellen, Marina Rabineau, Jean-Loup Rubino, Philippe Schnurle, Jose Soares, and Adriano Viana

EGU2017-9095 | Posters | GD5.3

Seismic imaging of a transform segment of the Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Ceará margin, NW Brazil
Philippe Schnurle, Maryline Moulin, Flora Gallais, Alexandra Afilhado, Nuno Afonso Dias, José Soares, Afonso Loureiro, Reinhardt Fuck, José Cupertino, Adriano Viana, Luís Matias, Mikael Evain, and Daniel Aslanian

EGU2017-9250 | Posters | GD5.3

Seismic Imaging of the Deep Crust in the Pull-Apart Basin off Maranhão-Barreirinhas-Ceará Margin, NW Brazil
Alexandra Afilhado, Flora Gallais, Maryline Moulin, Philippe Schnürle, Nuno Afonso Dias, José Soares, Afonso Loureiro, Reinhardt Fuck, José Cupertino, Adriano Viana, Luis Matias, Mikael Evain, and Daniel Aslanian

EGU2017-9369 | Posters | GD5.3

Low-Temperature Thermochronology Of Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic Ocean
Carolina Doranti Tiritan, Peter Christian Hackspacher, and Marli Carina Siqueira Ribeiro

EGU2017-12388 | Posters | GD5.3

Sediment budget on African passive margins: a record of margin bulges and far field very long wavelength deformations
Francois Guillocheau, Cécile Robin, Guillaume Baby, Brendan Simon, Delphine Rouby, and Artiom Loparev

EGU2017-13066 | Posters | GD5.3

Sensitivity analysis of a variability in rock thermal conductivity concerning implications on the thermal evolution of the Brazilian South Atlantic passive continental margin
Christian Stippich, Florian Krob, Ulrich Anton Glasmacher, and Peter Christian Hackspacher

EGU2017-13565 | Posters | GD5.3

New insights on the geological evolution of the continental margin of Southeastern Brazil derived from zircon and apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He and fission-track data
Florian Krob, Christian Stippich, Ulrich A. Glasmacher, and Peter Hackspacher

EGU2017-13768 | Posters | GD5.3

Long-term subsidence, cooling, and exhumation history along the South Atlantic passive continental margin in NW-Namibia
Daniel Menges, Ulrich Anton Glasmacher, Eric Salomon, Peter Christian Hackspacher, and Gabi Schneider

EGU2017-13456 | Posters | GD5.3

Phanerozoic burial, uplift and denudation of the Equatorial Atlantic margin of South America
Peter Japsen, Johan M. Bonow, Paul F. Green, Massimo dall'Asta, Jean-Yves Roig, and Hervé Theveniaut

EGU2017-13954 | Posters | GD5.3

Paleogeographic constraints on continental-scale source-to-sink systems: Northern South America and its Atlantic margins
Flora Bajolet, Dominique Chardon, Delphine Rouby, Massimo Dall'Asta, Jean-Yves Roig, Artiom Loparev, and Renaud Coueffe

EGU2017-15877 | Posters | GD5.3

Syn- and post-rift anomalous vertical movements in the eastern Central Atlantic passive margin: a transect across the Moroccan passive continental margin.
Remi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Angel Arantegui, Tim Luber, and Jonathan Redfern

EGU2017-19090 | Posters | GD5.3

Exhumation History Of Brasilian Highlands After Late Cretaceous Alcaline Magmatism
Carolina Doranti Tiritan, Peter Christian Hackspacher, Marli Carina Siqueira Ribeiro, Ulrich Anton Glasmacher, and Daniel Françoso de Godoy

GD6.1 – The Arctic connection - geodynamic, geologic and oceanographic development of the Arctic (co-organized)

EGU2017-1088 | Posters | GD6.1

Seismic stratigraphy and regional unconformity analysis of Chukchi Sea Basins
Mariia Agasheva, Yury Karpov, Antonina Stoupakova, and Anna Suslova

EGU2017-5447 | Orals | GD6.1

Can a single plume explain widespread volcanism in the North Atlantic / Greenland region around 60 Ma?
Bernhard Steinberger, Eva Bredow, Sergei Lebedev, Andrew Schaeffer, and Trond Torsvik

EGU2017-12768 | Posters | GD6.1

Insight into the sedimentary history of the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Isabel Sauermilch and Wilfried Jokat

EGU2017-9277 | Orals | GD6.1

Melting at the base of the Greenland Ice Sheet explained by the Iceland mantle plume history
Irina Rogozhina, Alexey G. Petrunin, Alan P. M. Vaughan, Bernhard Steinberger, Jesse V. Johnson, Mikhail K. Kaban, Reinhard Calov, Florian Rickers, Maik Thomas, and Ivan Koulakov

EGU2017-2577 | Posters | GD6.1

Seismostratigraphy and Cenozoic evolution of the North- Chukchi basin and adjacent Arctic areas
Sergei Freiman, Anatoly Nikishin, and Eugene Petrov

EGU2017-12107 | Orals | GD6.1

Building and breaking a Large Igneous Province: An example from the High Arctic
Arne Døssing, Carmen Gaina, and John Brozena

EGU2017-13468 | Posters | GD6.1

Stratigraphic, regional unconformity analysis and potential petroleum plays of East Siberian Sea Basin
Yury Karpov, Antonina Stoupakova, Anna Suslova, and Mariia Agasheva

EGU2017-18610 | Orals | GD6.1

Connecting America and Russia: Eocene erosion across the Arctic
Cornelia Spiegel, Frank Lisker, Karsten Piepjohn, Solveig Estrada, and Henning Lorenz

EGU2017-6989 | Posters | GD6.1

Earthquake Activity in the North Greenland Region
Tine B. Larsen, Trine Dahl-Jensen, and Peter H. Voss

EGU2017-6057 | Orals | GD6.1

The 2016 Canada–Sweden Polar Expedition: Initial results of seismic reflection and refraction experiments over the Lomonosov Ridge and Marvin Spur
Thomas Funck, John Shimeld, John R. Hopper, and Deping Chian

EGU2017-11689 | Orals | GD6.1

Thin crust in the southern Nansen Basin imaged with multi-channel seismic data
Rüdiger Lutz, Dieter Franke, Kai Berglar, Ingo Heyde, and Peter Klitzke

EGU2017-8721 | Posters | GD6.1

Link between deglaciation and melt production in Iceland
Isarapong Eksinchol, John Rudge, and John Maclennan

EGU2017-8811 | Posters | GD6.1

Vertical displacements of circum-Arctic lithosphere caused by glacial erosion
Sergei Medvedev, Ebbe Hartz, and Jan Inge Faleide

EGU2017-9568 | Posters | GD6.1

Active seismic profile in east-central Greenland. Seismic explosion sources on an ice cap.
Alexey Shulgin and Hans Thybo

EGU2017-10085 | Posters | GD6.1

Crustal structure of the South Barents Sea.
Alexey Shulgin, Rolf Mjelde, and Jan Inge Faleide

EGU2017-14184 | Posters | GD6.1

New insights into the crustal configuration of the Olga Basin from deep seismic and geochemistry data
Peter Klitzke, Dieter Franke, Martin Blumenberg, Philipp Weniger, Rüdiger Lutz, Kai Berglar, and Axel Ehrhardt

EGU2017-5486 | Posters | GD6.1

The formation of the North Barents Superdeep Basin by gabbro to eclogite transformation in continental crust
Eugene Artyushkov and Peter Chekhovich

EGU2017-10991 | Posters | GD6.1

Local Mesozoic remagnitization of New Siberian Islands sediments
Anna Chernova, Dmitry Metelkin, Valery Vernikovsky, and Nikolay Matushkin

EGU2017-2525 | Posters | GD6.1

Structural-tectonic zoning of the Arctic
Oleg Petrov, Nikolay Sobolev, Andrey Morozov, Sergey Shokalsky, Sergey Kashubin, Garrik Grikurov, Tatiana Tolmacheva, Pavel Rekant, and Evgeny Petrov

EGU2017-4286 | Posters | GD6.1

Refining plate reconstructions of the North Atlantic and Ellesmerian domains
Grace E. Shephard, Mansour M Abdelmalak, Susanne Buiter, Karsten Piepjohn, Morgan Jones, Trond Torsvik, Jan Inge Faleide, and Carmen Gaina

EGU2017-3801 | Posters | GD6.1

Seismic tomography of the Arctic region: Inferences for the thermal structure and evolution of the lithosphere
Sergei Lebedev, Andrew Schaeffer, Javier Fullea, and Victoria Pease

EGU2017-16625 | Posters | GD6.1

Neoproterozoic Stromatolites and Microphytolites of the Spitsbergen Archipelago
Artem Anisimov, Svetlana Anisimova, and Natalia Kosteva

GD6.2 – Unveiling the structure, evolution and influence of the Antarctic Lithosphere (co-organized)

EGU2017-366 | Posters | GD6.2

187Re – 232Th – 238U nuclear geochronometry: constraining magmatism in East-Antarctica and the break-up of Gondwana
Goetz Roller

EGU2017-8923 | Orals | GD6.2

Cryptic sub-ice geology revealed by a U-Pb zircon study of glacial till in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
Joachim Jacobs, Birgitte Opås, Marlina Elburg, Andreas Läufer, Solveig Estrada, Anna K. Ksienzyk, Detlef Damaske, and Mandy Hofmann

EGU2017-1722 | Orals | GD6.2

Uplift and tilting of the Shackleton Range in East Antarctica driven by glacial erosion and normal faulting
Guy Paxman, Stewart Jamieson, Fausto Ferraccioli, Michael Bentley, Rene Forsberg, Neil Ross, and Anthony Watts

EGU2017-4126 | Posters | GD6.2

New U-Pb zircon age data on polyphase plutono-metamorphic complex in western Enderby Land (East Antarctica) and its implications for Neoproterozoic amalgamation of the Gondwanaland
Evgenii Mikhalskii, Dmitriy Krylov, and Nikolay Rodionov

EGU2017-10710 | Orals | GD6.2

Crustal architecture and tectonic evolution in the South Pole frontier, East Antarctica, in light of recent aerogeophysical observations
Fausto Ferraccioli, Tom Jordan, Rene Forsberg, Arne Olesen, Graeme Eagles, Kenichi Matsuoka, and Tania Casal

EGU2017-17888 | Posters | GD6.2

Age and isotopic marks of K-rich Manning Massif trachybasalts: an evidence for Lambert-Amery rift-system initiation (East Antarctica)
German Leitchenkov, Boris Belyatsky, Elena Lepekhina, Anton Antonov, Robert Krymsky, Alex Andronikov, and Sergey Sergeev

EGU2017-11946 | Posters | GD6.2

Low-grade Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks in eastern Wilkes Land inferred from marine sediments
Mayuri Pandey, Naresh Chandra Pant, Fausto Ferraccioli, Devsamridhi Arora, Sonalika Joshi, and Prakash Shrivastava

EGU2017-10680 | Orals | GD6.2

West Antarctic Mantle Plume Hypothesis and Basal Water Generation
Erik Ivins, Helene Seroussi, Doug Wiens, and Johannes Bondzio

EGU2017-2444 | Posters | GD6.2

ADMAP-2: The next-generation Antarctic magnetic anomaly map
Alexander Golynsky, Dmitry Golynsky, Fausto Ferraccioli, Tom Jordan, Detlef Damaske, Don Blankenship, Jack Holt, Duncan Young, Sergey Ivanov, Alexander Kiselev, Wilfried Jokat, Karsten Gohl, Graeme Eagles, Robin Bell, Egidio Armadillo, Emanuelle Bozzo, Giorgio Caneva, Carol Finn, Rene Forsberg, and Alan Aitken and the Yoshifumi Nogi (12), Marta Ghidella (13), Ralph von Frese (14), Hyung Rae Kim (15), Jongkuk Hong (16), Jesus Galindo-Zaldivar (17)

EGU2017-11659 | Orals | GD6.2

Evaluating the relative roles of crustal growth and recycling through continental arc magmatism in the Ross orogen, Antarctica
Graham Hagen-Peter and John Cottle

EGU2017-2773 | Orals | GD6.2

Revised model of the East Gondwana Break-up and formation of the Gateway between India and Antarctica
German Leitchenkov, Julia Guseva, Sergey Ivanov, and Alexander Golynsky

EGU2017-2445 | Posters | GD6.2

New Russian aerogeophysical data providing compelling evidences of riftogenic crust in eastern Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
Dmitry Golynsky, Alexander Golynsky, and Alexander Kiselev

EGU2017-14182 | Posters | GD6.2

A high-resolution aeromagnetic survey over the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
Antonia Ruppel, Andreas Läufer, Laura Crispini, Giovanni Capponi, and Frank Lisker

EGU2017-11750 | Posters | GD6.2

The Forster Magnetic Anomaly: reading between the lines to better understand a major suture crossing central Dronning Maud Land
Antonia Ruppel, Graeme Eagles, Joachim Jacobs, Wilfried Jokat, and Andreas Läufer

EGU2017-17216 | Posters | GD6.2

Imprints of a Pan-African transpressional orogen superimposed on an inferred Grenvillian accretionary belt in central East Antarctica
Fausto Ferraccioli, Samuel Seddon, Carol Finn, Robin Bell, Guochao Wu, and Tom Jordan

EGU2017-18157 | Posters | GD6.2

Geological controls on bedrock topography and ice sheet dynamics in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin sector of East Antarctica
Fausto Ferraccioli, Egidio Armadillo, Duncan Young, Donald Blankenship, Tom Jordan, and Martin Siegert

EGU2017-10857 | Posters | GD6.2

The lithosphere of the Antarctic continent: new insights from satellite gravity gradient data
Fausto Ferraccioli, Jorg Ebbing, Folker Pappa, Michael Kern, and Rene Forsberg

EGU2017-5233 | Posters | GD6.2

Detecting the ancient cores of Antarctica in a new integrated lithospheric model
Folker Pappa, Jörg Ebbing, Fausto Ferraccioli, and Wouter van der Wal

EGU2017-14314 | Posters | GD6.2

The forgotten component of sub-glacial heat flow: Upper crustal heat production and resultant total heat flux on the Antarctic Peninsula
Alex Burton-Johnson, Jacqueline Halpin, Joanne Whittaker, and Sally Watson