GM – Geomorphology
GM1.1 – Beyond the case study: Concepts in Earth Sciences (co-organized)
EGU2017-9023 | Posters | GM1.1 Outbursts and Gradualism: Megaflood erosion consistent with long-term landscape evolution |
EGU2017-9302 | Orals | GM1.1 | Highlight Minding the gap: Thinking through spatiotemporal scaling challenges in Earth surface dynamics research |
EGU2017-3426 | Posters | GM1.1 Conceptual frameworks, geomorphic interpretation and storytelling: Tales from Lockyer Creek , Australia. |
EGU2017-11531 | Orals | GM1.1 Is there a self-organization principle of river deltas? |
EGU2017-14444 | Posters | GM1.1 Exploiting virtual sediment deposits to explore conceptual foundations |
EGU2017-15132 | Orals | GM1.1 Fluvial Apophenia |
EGU2017-18284 | Posters | GM1.1 A representation of place attachment: A study of spatial cognition in Latvia |
EGU2017-17197 | Orals | GM1.1 Effect of channel width variation on sediment transport in mixed alluvial-bedrock rivers – from case study to concept |
EGU2017-17518 | Orals | GM1.1 Ozymandias in the Anthropocene: A conceptual framework for the city as an emerging landform |
EGU2017-3492 | Posters | GM1.1 Assessing river health in Europe and Switzerland |
EGU2017-1256 | Posters | GM1.1 A Systematic Study of Zerbar Lake Restoration |
EGU2017-9959 | Orals | GM1.1 | Highlight Climatically controlled increase in Quaternary erosion rates: An exploration of real and perceived biases from thermochronology data |
EGU2017-17865 | Posters | GM1.1 Coastal setback line for the Kyparissiakos Gulf (Ionian Sea, Greece) according to the Mediterranean ICZM protocol |
EGU2017-18490 | Posters | GM1.1 New data from fringing-reef cores for the mid-Holocene higher sea level in Hainan Island, northern South China Sea |
EGU2017-4802 | Posters | GM1.1 Numerical Study of Splash Detail Due to Grain Impact on Granular Bed |
EGU2017-10040 | Posters | GM1.1 Time-lapse photogrammetry in geomorphic studies |
EGU2017-16469 | Posters | GM1.1 Breaking rocks made easy: subcritical processes and tectonic predesign |
EGU2017-13416 | Posters | GM1.1 Insights on chaotic dynamics: mixing experiments between natural silicate melts from Vulcano island (Aeolian Islands, Italy) |
EGU2017-4745 | Posters | GM1.1 Explanation of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling System Anomalous Geophysical Phenomena on the Basis of the Model of Generation of Electromagnetic Emissions Detected Before Earthquake |
GM1.3 – Geodiversity and Geoheritage (co-organized)
EGU2017-7803 | Posters | GM1.3 A Global Systems Framework for All Geoheritage |
EGU2017-8626 | Orals | GM1.3 | Highlight Trends and challenges for geoconservation |
EGU2017-7355 | Posters | GM1.3 Application of principal component analysis to ecodiversity assessment of postglacial landscape (on the example of Debnica Kaszubska commune, Middle Pomerania) |
EGU2017-11319 | Posters | GM1.3 Application of the Geoheritage Tool-kit for inventory-based selection of sites of geoheritage significance |
EGU2017-2639 | Orals | GM1.3 | Highlight The International Commission on Geoheritage (ICG) and the Heritage Sites and Collections Subcommission (HSCS): A new global framework for advancing the science and practice of geodiversity conservation |
EGU2017-17353 | Posters | GM1.3 Conservation and promotion of the geological heritage in the «Ile-de-France» region (France): Establishment of a decision support-tool based on inventory |
EGU2017-1137 | Orals | GM1.3 | Highlight Role of IUCN WCPA Geoheritage Specialist Group for geoheritage conservation and recognition of World Heritage Sites, Global Geoparks and other protected areas |
EGU2017-10150 | Posters | GM1.3 Earth Science knowledge and Geodiversity awareness in the Langhe area |
EGU2017-11284 | Orals | GM1.3 Towards a Convention on Geological Heritage (CGH) for the protection of Geological Heritage |
EGU2017-9282 | Posters | GM1.3 Education for sustainability and environmental education in National Geoparks. EarthCaching - a new method? |
EGU2017-2531 | Orals | GM1.3 The promotion of geosites along a major trail of the Nepal Himalayas: the middle Kali Gandaki Valley. |
EGU2017-15643 | Orals | GM1.3 Using bedrock geology for making ecological base maps |
EGU2017-15747 | Posters | GM1.3 Geodiversity and biodiversity assessment of the Słupsk Bank, Baltic Sea |
EGU2017-8733 | Posters | GM1.3 Geodiversity and Geoheritage of the Danakil and Afar region |
EGU2017-16358 | Orals | GM1.3 Methods for assessing geodiversity |
EGU2017-12547 | Posters | GM1.3 Geodiversity of a large meander bend in the Little Belt strait in the inner Danish waters |
EGU2017-7595 | Orals | GM1.3 Geo-diversity as an indicator of natural resources for geopark in human society |
EGU2017-13694 | Posters | GM1.3 Geodiversity of Georgia: valorization of geotouristic potential |
EGU2017-2952 | Orals | GM1.3 Assessment of landscape diversity and determination of landscape hotspots – a case of Slovenia |
EGU2017-12612 | Posters | GM1.3 Geo-products of urban areas: Silesian Metropolis, Southern Poland |
EGU2017-1139 | Posters | GM1.3 Geodiversity of Island-type tidal flat of Korea: Their uniqueness and potential to be inscribed as a World Heritage site |
EGU2017-18049 | Orals | GM1.3 Riparian landscapes: Linking geodiversity with habitat and biodiversity |
EGU2017-1553 | Orals | GM1.3 Geodiversity assessment in urban areas |
EGU2017-10229 | Posters | GM1.3 Geoheritage + dark cultural heritage= dark geo-cultural heritage. A platform for effective outreach and education? |
EGU2017-18166 | Orals | GM1.3 Natural Capital – putting a value on geological sites |
EGU2017-8680 | Posters | GM1.3 Geoheritage value of the UNESCO site at Leon Viejo and Momotombo volcano, Nicaragua |
EGU2017-13984 | Posters | GM1.3 Geotourism potential of Başkale, Van, Turkey |
EGU2017-8397 | Posters | GM1.3 Inventory of geomorphosites with educational purposes in the Province of Málaga (South of Spain). |
EGU2017-958 | Posters | GM1.3 Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve: Protecting the World’s Oldest Complex Macrofossils at a Newly Inscribed UNESCO World Heritage Site |
EGU2017-16512 | Posters | GM1.3 Multidisciplinary research for the safe fruition of an active geosite: the Salse di Nirano mud volcanoes (Northern Apennines, Italy) |
EGU2017-10979 | Posters | GM1.3 Recognising indigenous peoples values and knowledge systems in Geoheritage: Case studies from New Zealand and the South Pacific. |
EGU2017-282 | Posters | GM1.3 Steps in creating a methodology for interpreting a geodiversity element -integrating a geodiversity element in the popular knowledge |
EGU2017-17892 | Posters | GM1.3 The (serra da) Estrela Aspiring Geopark (Portugal): preserving geoheritage, while promoting science and its links to local communities |
EGU2017-15880 | Posters | GM1.3 The impact of human activities on the natural geoheritage and its effects on geodiversity. The case of the Italian karst areas. |
EGU2017-11527 | Posters | GM1.3 The Western Arabian intracontinental volcanic fields as a potential UNESCO World Heritage site |
EGU2017-19084 | Posters | GM1.3 Towards an international Geopark ‘Delta’ on the border of The Netherlands and Belgium |
EGU2017-5957 | Posters | GM1.3 Urban geomorphological heritage – A new field of research |
EGU2017-15561 | Posters | GM1.3 \textbf{Volcanic geomorphosites and geotourism in Las Ca\~{n}adas del Teide National Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain} |
EGU2017-8032 | Posters | GM1.3 Geological nominations at UNESCO World Heritage, an upstream struggle |
EGU2017-9486 | Posters | GM1.3 Geodiversity and Geoethics: added values for UNESCO Geoparks |
GM1.4 – Planetary Geomorphology (co-organized)
EGU2017-614 | Orals | GM1.4 | Highlight Erosional threshold for the formation of bedrock canyons carved by megafloods on Earth and Mars |
EGU2017-8290 | Posters | GM1.4 Martian aeolian slipface dynamics: 3D airflow modelling and sediment surface changes |
EGU2017-14280 | Posters | GM1.4 Continued monitoring of aeolian activity within Herschel Crater, Mars |
EGU2017-16618 | Orals | GM1.4 Quantitative Investigations of Polygonal Ground in Continental Antarctica: Terrestrial Analogues for Polygons on Mars |
EGU2017-2756 | Orals | GM1.4 Reading the landscape at volcano-tectonic locations within the Tharsis Montes, Mars |
EGU2017-14702 | Posters | GM1.4 Surface-Based 3d measurements of aeolian bedforms on Mars |
EGU2017-19224 | Posters | GM1.4 New evidence for geothermal controls upon recent basal melting of mid-latitude glaciers on Mars |
EGU2017-122 | Orals | GM1.4 The East Kaibab Monocline as a Lobate Scarp on Earth |
EGU2017-10548 | Posters | GM1.4 Gullies, gullies everywhere (on Mars), but not a drop to drink? |
EGU2017-19269 | Orals | GM1.4 | Highlight New opportunities in planetary geomorphology: an assessment of the capabilities of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on The Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter through Image Simulation. |
EGU2017-758 | Posters | GM1.4 | Highlight Time will tell: temporal evolution of Martian gullies and paleoclimatic implications |
EGU2017-18407 | Posters | GM1.4 | Highlight Small-scale lobes on Mars: Solifluction, thaw and clues to gully formation. |
EGU2017-1830 | Posters | GM1.4 Active duration estimation of Subur Vallis, a Martian fluvial system |
EGU2017-2233 | Posters | GM1.4 Karstic terrain in the equatorial layered deposits within a crater in northern Sinus Meridiani, Mars. |
EGU2017-7028 | Posters | GM1.4 Mapping of major volcanic structures on Pavonis Mons in Tharsis, Mars |
EGU2017-9715 | Posters | GM1.4 Insights into the mechanical strength of the Venusian lithosphere from the gravity-driven deformation of large volcanic edifices |
EGU2017-1530 | Posters | GM1.4 Chronology of wrinkle ridge formation and rate of crustal shortening on Lunae Planum, Mars |
EGU2017-17147 | Posters | GM1.4 Formation (and dating) of small impact craters on Earth as an analogue for Mars (Ilumetsa Craters Estonia) |
EGU2017-8549 | Posters | GM1.4 Discrete curvatures combined with machine learning for automated extraction of impact craters on 3D topographic meshes |
EGU2017-11805 | Posters | GM1.4 Parabolic flights as Earth analogue for surface processes on Mars |
EGU2017-19223 | Posters | GM1.4 Test of the MarsSedEx Settling Tube Photometer during the 2nd Swiss Parabolic Flight Campaign |
GM1.5 – Environmental Seismology: Deciphering Earth’s surface processes with seismic methods (co-organized)
EGU2017-3872 | Posters | GM1.5 Seismic Investigation of the Glacier de la Plaine Morte, Switzerland |
EGU2017-10234 | Orals | GM1.5 Investigation in the iceberg capsizing force responsible for glacial earthquakes and ice-volume discharge estimation from seismic records and a numerical modeling |
EGU2017-17090 | Posters | GM1.5 | Highlight Geophysical Tracking of a Subglacial Flood in Near Real-Time |
EGU2017-9458 | Orals | GM1.5 Study of mass movements from a seismological point of view (1995-2017) |
EGU2017-9317 | Posters | GM1.5 Seismic behavior of snow avalanches with respect to other mass movements as regards the seismic energy - duration power law relationship |
EGU2017-14490 | Orals | GM1.5 Catalogs of micro-seismicity recorded at the Pechgraben landslide (Upper Austria) |
EGU2017-4954 | Posters | GM1.5 Seismic detection and characterization of rockfalls in Austria |
EGU2017-3009 | Orals | GM1.5 Frequency-dependent seismic coda-attenuation imaging of volcanic geomorphology: from debris flows at Mount St. Helens volcano to cross-faulting at Campi Flegrei caldera. |
EGU2017-3078 | Orals | GM1.5 Seismic and pressure signals when a hurricane moves over an array |
EGU2017-14511 | Posters | GM1.5 Spatial and temporal patterns of rockfall activity – Drivers, precursors, kinetics and evolution |
EGU2017-18361 | Posters | GM1.5 Understanding slope behavior through microseismic monitoring |
EGU2017-14462 | Orals | GM1.5 Seismic monitoring of the bedload transport in La Réunion Island rivers during tropical cyclones |
EGU2017-13962 | Posters | GM1.5 The rockfall observatory in the Reintal, Wetterstein Massif, German Alps |
EGU2017-17497 | Posters | GM1.5 Automatic identification of alpine mass movements based on seismic and infrasound signals |
EGU2017-7248 | Posters | GM1.5 Detection of rainfall-induced landslides on regional seismic networks |
EGU2017-6151 | Posters | GM1.5 Automated seismic detection of landslides at regional scales: a Random Forest based detection algorithm for Alaska and the Himalaya. |
EGU2017-4306 | Posters | GM1.5 A landslide-quake detection algorithm with STA/LTA and diagnostic functions of moving average and scintillation index: A preliminary case study of the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan |
EGU2017-4307 | Posters | GM1.5 Dynamic processes and basal friction of large-scale landslides derived from broadband seismic inversion |
EGU2017-8678 | Posters | GM1.5 Ambient seismic noise monitoring of the Super-Sauze landslide from a very dense temporary seismic array |
EGU2017-14000 | Posters | GM1.5 Influence of topography on high frequency seismic signal generated by landslides |
EGU2017-11490 | Posters | GM1.5 Seismic characterization of low-magnitude floods and lahars at La Lumbre ravine, Volcán de Colima (Mexico) |
EGU2017-4605 | Posters | GM1.5 5 years of continuous seismic monitoring of a mountain river in the Pyrenees |
EGU2017-11920 | Posters | GM1.5 New seismic instrumentation packaged for all terrestrial environments (including the quietest observatories!). |
EGU2017-12973 | Posters | GM1.5 Advanced seismic imaging of overdeepened alpine valleys |
GM1.6 – Perturbation of earth surface systems by rare events (co-organized)
EGU2017-16387 | Orals | GM1.6 | Highlight Dynamic fracture development in response to extreme summer temperatures: 27/7/2014, Långören Island, Finland |
EGU2017-17370 | Posters | GM1.6 The evolution of hillslope strength following large earthquakes |
EGU2017-9232 | Orals | GM1.6 Rapid post-seismic landslide evacuation boosted by dynamic river width and implications for sediment fluxes during the seismic cycle |
EGU2017-13884 | Posters | GM1.6 Transient responses of surface properties to large earthquakes: what do we learn from coupling geomorphological and geophysical data? |
EGU2017-14800 | Posters | GM1.6 Healing of the landscape after Gorkha earthquake, insights from seismic interferometry |
EGU2017-13537 | Orals | GM1.6 | Highlight Giant landslide deposits and the modalities of their removal by fluvial sediment export in the central Himalayas |
EGU2017-8557 | Orals | GM1.6 | Highlight Tephra, trees, and trouble: forest dieback delays landslide response to pyroclastic eruption |
EGU2017-10071 | Posters | GM1.6 Monitoring perturbations of earth surface process after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal |
EGU2017-15823 | Posters | GM1.6 | Highlight Types of hydrogeological response to large-scale explosions and earthquakes |
EGU2017-7205 | Orals | GM1.6 | Highlight River basin affected by rare perturbation events: the Chaiten volcanic eruption. |
EGU2017-8538 | Posters | GM1.6 Impact of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake on river organic carbon provenance: Insight from biomarkers |
EGU2017-14466 | Orals | GM1.6 | Highlight Using seismic arrays to quantify the physics of a glacial outburst flood and its legacy on upland river dynamics |
EGU2017-15672 | Posters | GM1.6 | Highlight Damages to Himalayan hydropower projects by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake |
EGU2017-5402 | Posters | GM1.6 Across-canyon movement of earthquake-induced sediment gravity flow offshore southwestern Taiwan. |
EGU2017-10570 | Posters | GM1.6 Impacts of the 2016 outburst flood on the Bhote Koshi River valley, central Nepal |
EGU2017-12250 | Posters | GM1.6 Landscape response to rare flood events: a feedback cycle in channel-hillslope coupling |
EGU2017-11450 | Posters | GM1.6 | Highlight One hour of catastrophic landscape change in the upper Rhine River valley 9400 years ago |
EGU2017-11817 | Posters | GM1.6 A case of self-perturbation: channel responses to meander cutoffs in the Ucayali River, Peru |
EGU2017-1803 | Posters | GM1.6 Modelling geomorphic responses to human perturbations: Application to the Kander river, Switzerland |
EGU2017-4538 | Posters | GM1.6 | Highlight Assessment of the predisposing factors for shallow landslides activation in terraced areas: the case of the Rupinaro catchment, Liguria (northwestern Italy). |
EGU2017-1000 | Posters | GM1.6 Landslide potential zonation in Baleghlu watershed (NW Iran) using AHP Fuzzy method |
GM2.1 – Advances in the use of cosmogenic nuclides and the quantification of landscape evolution (co-organized)
EGU2017-12888 | Posters | GM2.1 MASCOT: a new mass-spectrometer facility dedicated to the analysis of cosmogenic noble gases (3He and 21Ne) from terrestrial samples (Institute of Geological Sciences - University of Bern, Switzerland). |
EGU2017-9888 | Orals | GM2.1 From source to sink with in situ cosmogenic nuclides: Modern to late Holocene denudation rates and sediment fluxes in the Po basin |
EGU2017-12399 | Posters | GM2.1 Taste CREp: the Cosmic-Ray Exposure program |
EGU2017-12047 | Orals | GM2.1 The past 1-Myr of erosion in Fennoscandia via inverse modelling with CNs |
EGU2017-10093 | Posters | GM2.1 Carbonate and silicate rock standards for cosmogenic 36Cl |
EGU2017-3925 | Orals | GM2.1 Carbonate landscapes evolution: Insights from 36Cl |
EGU2017-18344 | Orals | GM2.1 | Highlight Cosmogenic 3He in detrital gold |
EGU2017-3939 | Posters | GM2.1 A new sampling strategy for cosmogenic surface exposure dating of moraines: Amalgamated Boulder Chips (ABCs) |
EGU2017-7678 | Orals | GM2.1 From source to sink: Unravelling the complex in situ cosmogenic 10Be-14C signature in eroding bedrock surfaces and river sediment from the Bolivian Altiplano |
EGU2017-4925 | Posters | GM2.1 Paired in-situ 14C and 10Be measurements in a Himalayan catchment: residence time or sediment production process tracer? |
EGU2017-12776 | Orals | GM2.1 Reconstructing the magnitude and timing of late Pleistocene and Holocene strike-slip events within the Marlborough Fault Zone, New Zealand |
EGU2017-4830 | Posters | GM2.1 Millennial size-dependent velocity of coarse river sediment determined using 10Be in cobbles of the Aroma canyon (Atacama, Chile). |
EGU2017-12165 | Posters | GM2.1 Quantifying the erosional mechanisms of steep headwalls: The case of the Eiger (Central Swiss Alps). |
EGU2017-10030 | Posters | GM2.1 Reconstruction of the rock fall/avalanche frequency in the Mont Blanc massif since the Last Glacial Maximum. New results using 10Be cosmogenic dating and reflectance spectroscopy |
EGU2017-17897 | Posters | GM2.1 Plio-Quaternary river incision rates inferred from burial dating (Al-26/Be-10) of in cave-deposited alluvium in the Meuse catchment (E Belgium): new insights into the uplift history of the Ardennes massif |
EGU2017-6239 | Posters | GM2.1 Isochron burial dating of the Haslau terrace of the Danube (Vienna Basin) and interlaboratory comparison of sample preparation in Vienna and Budapest |
EGU2017-10079 | Posters | GM2.1 Calibrated surface ages for desert pavements from spaceborne radar measurements of surface roughness and application of this new dating method for quantifying tectonic slip rates across the Dead Sea Transform since ~1 Ma. |
EGU2017-8315 | Posters | GM2.1 Neogene basin infilling from cosmogenic nuclides (10Be and 21Ne) in Atacama, Chile |
EGU2017-12557 | Posters | GM2.1 K-Ar age constrains on chemically weathered granitic basement rocks (saprolites) in Scandinavia |
EGU2017-12883 | Posters | GM2.1 | Highlight A new paleoaltimeter using multiple radioactive cosmogenic nuclides |
GM3.1 – Frontiers in Geomorphometry and Earth Surface Dynamics: Possibilities, Limitations and Perspectives (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2017-4988 | PICOs | GM3.1 Towards future high performance computing: What will change? How can we be efficient? |
EGU2017-6000 | PICOs | GM3.1 Automatic extraction of supply relationship between glaciers and lakes on the Tibetan Plateau |
EGU2017-17143 | PICOs | GM3.1 Hydro-geomorphic connectivity and landslide features extraction to identifying potential threats and hazardous areas |
EGU2017-10377 | PICOs | GM3.1 Diachronic 3D modelling to monitor fluvial morphodynamics in a restored hydrosystem (Upper Rhine, Rohrschollen island) |
EGU2017-16448 | PICOs | GM3.1 Potential and limitations of high resolution multitemporal sar images in river morphology |
EGU2017-13593 | PICOs | GM3.1 Monitoring of Open-pit mining using geomorphometry and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) |
EGU2017-6662 | PICOs | GM3.1 4D reconstruction of soil surface changes with time-lapse cameras |
EGU2017-7574 | PICOs | GM3.1 Microtopography of bare peat: an objective classification from high-resolution topographic survey data |
EGU2017-13201 | PICOs | GM3.1 Geomorphological characterization of conservation agriculture |
EGU2017-9130 | PICOs | GM3.1 Detectability and geomorphometry of tufa barrages in a small forested karstic river using airborne LiDAR topo-bathymetry |
EGU2017-10566 | PICOs | GM3.1 Geomorphometry in coastal morphodynamics |
EGU2017-7704 | PICOs | GM3.1 Introducing an R-package for calculating channel width and other basic metrics for irregular river polygons |
EGU2017-10708 | PICOs | GM3.1 Local scale validation of the final TanDEM-X DEM in the Lowveld Savanna, South Africa, using highly accurate differential GNSS ground measurements |
EGU2017-4510 | PICOs | GM3.1 Elevation validation and geomorphic metric comparison with focus on ASTER GDEM2, SRTM- C, ALOS World 3D, and TanDEM-X |
EGU2017-14119 | PICOs | GM3.1 How to find every river delta on Earth? |
EGU2017-11858 | PICOs | GM3.1 River morphodynamics from space: the Landsat frontier |
EGU2017-18752 | PICOs | GM3.1 The PRo3D View Planner – interactive simulation of Mars rover camera views to optimise capturing parameters |
EGU2017-15159 | PICOs | GM3.1 Impacts of environment on human diseases: a web service for the human exposome |
GM3.2 – High Resolution Topography in the Geosciences: Methods and Applications (co-organized)
EGU2017-6791 | Posters | GM3.2 Artificial terraced field extraction based on high resolution DEMs |
EGU2017-4789 | Orals | GM3.2 | Highlight 4D monitoring of actively failing rockslopes |
EGU2017-6240 | Posters | GM3.2 Improving the process of geological mapping in sedimentary terrain by using high-resolution topography in 3D environments |
EGU2017-10446 | Orals | GM3.2 Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry applied to historical imagery: plug & play? |
EGU2017-11481 | Orals | GM3.2 Managing the explosion of high resolution topography in the geosciences |
EGU2017-12792 | Posters | GM3.2 MACS-Himalaya: A photogrammetric aerial oblique camera system designed for highly accurate 3D-reconstruction and monitoring in steep terrain and under extreme illumination conditions |
EGU2017-692 | Posters | GM3.2 Study of geomorphological changes by high quality DEMs, obtained from UAVs-Structure from Motion in highest continental cliffs of Europe: A Capelada (Galicia, Spain) |
EGU2017-15952 | Orals | GM3.2 LIME: 3D visualisation and interpretation of virtual geoscience models |
EGU2017-4051 | Posters | GM3.2 Application of structure from motion to digitized historical airphotos to document geomorphic change over the past century |
EGU2017-10158 | Orals | GM3.2 Quantifying river response to landsliding: experiments in DEM differencing using wide-area, structure-from-motion terrain models. |
EGU2017-7547 | Orals | GM3.2 Detection of flood effects in montane streams based on fusion of 2D and 3D information from UAV imagery |
EGU2017-9836 | Posters | GM3.2 Combining satellite photographs and raster lidar data for channel connectivity in tidal marshes. |
EGU2017-13378 | Orals | GM3.2 The challenges in using UAV and plane imagery to quantify channel change in sandy braided rivers |
EGU2017-12894 | Posters | GM3.2 River bathymetry estimation based on the floodplains topography. |
EGU2017-13567 | Orals | GM3.2 Accuracy of long-range Terrestrial Laser Scanner point clouds for documenting the topography and structure of cliffs: a benchmark at the Mont Saint-Eynard (Chartreuse massif, France) |
EGU2017-15337 | Posters | GM3.2 High-resolution topography of 1974 Mount Etna lava flow based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys and Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry |
EGU2017-18847 | Posters | GM3.2 Differentiating tectonic and slope anomalies through a multi-scale morphometric analysis of channel gradient indices. The example of the Napa Valley (California, EEUU). |
EGU2017-7998 | Orals | GM3.2 Multiscale roughness characterization from multiresolution remote sensing data acquired over the Asal-Ghoubbet rift, Republic of Djibouti |
EGU2017-16462 | Orals | GM3.2 Rock discontinuity surface roughness variation with scale |
EGU2017-4499 | Posters | GM3.2 Morphology and Relative Age Modeling of Explosive craters in the Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan |
EGU2017-11150 | Posters | GM3.2 High-resolution DEM generation from multiple remote sensing data sources for improved volcanic hazard assessment - a case study from Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia |
EGU2017-4888 | Orals | GM3.2 Using mm-scale seafloor roughness to improve monitoring of macrobenthos by remote sensing |
EGU2017-9281 | Posters | GM3.2 Long-term stability of the SE Australian escarpment inferred from cosmogenic-nuclides and high-resolution topography analysis |
EGU2017-17941 | Posters | GM3.2 Bed roughness of palaeo-ice streams: insights and implications for contemporary ice sheet dynamics |
EGU2017-16451 | Posters | GM3.2 The roughness of grounded ice sheet beds: Case studies from high resolution radio echo sounding studies in Antarctica |
EGU2017-14025 | Posters | GM3.2 Assessment of terrestrial laser scanner and close range photogrammetry for characterizing surface roughness in agricultural soils |
EGU2017-790 | Posters | GM3.2 Photogrammetric reconstruction of forest floor microtopography: difficulties, advantages and application |
EGU2017-15881 | Posters | GM3.2 The evolution of active Lavina di Roncovetro landslides by multi-temporal high-resolution topographic data |
EGU2017-17430 | Posters | GM3.2 Rainfall events as landslide triggers -- implications for the evolution of the SW-German cuesta landscape |
EGU2017-17932 | Posters | GM3.2 Geomorphic changes of a scarp on a slope gully by applying 3D photo-reconstruction technique (Duratón river valley, central Spain). |
EGU2017-11517 | Posters | GM3.2 Influence of Terraced area DEM Resolution on RUSLE LS Factor |
EGU2017-17992 | Posters | GM3.2 Physical erosion modelling of complex morphodynamics in the upper Val d’Orcia: a combination of EROSION 3D, UAV, SFM and CANUPO |
EGU2017-15680 | Posters | GM3.2 Evaluation of resolution-precision relationships when using Structure-from-Motion to measure low intensity erosion processes, within a laboratory setting. |
EGU2017-14478 | Posters | GM3.2 Plot-scale soil loss estimation with laser scanning and photogrammetry methods |
EGU2017-6698 | Posters | GM3.2 Camera based low-cost system to monitor hydrological parameters in small catchments |
EGU2017-7200 | Posters | GM3.2 3-D uncertainty-based topographic change detection with structure-from-motion photogrammetry and precision maps |
EGU2017-14095 | Posters | GM3.2 Can high resolution topographic surveys provide reliable grain size estimates? |
EGU2017-14804 | Posters | GM3.2 Raw image processing in for Structure-from-Motion surveying |
EGU2017-11558 | Posters | GM3.2 Quality of terrestrial data derived from UAV photogrammetry: a case study of the Hetao irrigation district in northern China |
GM3.3 – Modelling Earth surface processes and geomorphic flows: methods and validation (co-organized)
EGU2017-10265 | Orals | GM3.3 A multilayer approach for turbidity currents |
EGU2017-5370 | Posters | GM3.3 Numerical shockwave anomalies in presence of hydraulic jumps in the SWE with variable bed elevation. |
EGU2017-18303 | Posters | GM3.3 Impact of topography resolution and accuracy on computational shallow flow models for natural hazards |
EGU2017-15180 | Orals | GM3.3 Does fluid infiltration affect the motion of sediment grains? – A 3-D numerical modelling approach using SPH |
EGU2017-18137 | Orals | GM3.3 Implications of sediment transport by subglacial water flow for interpreting contemporary glacial erosion rates |
EGU2017-3645 | Posters | GM3.3 Application of an MPS-based model to the entrainment and deposition process of debris flows |
EGU2017-5163 | Orals | GM3.3 Analytically based forward and inverse models of fluvial landscape evolution during temporally continuous climatic and tectonic variations |
EGU2017-6775 | Posters | GM3.3 Dynamic interaction of two-phase debris flow with pyramidal defense structures: An optimal strategy to efficiently protecting the desired area |
EGU2017-15699 | Orals | GM3.3 LEMSI – The Landscape Evolution Model Sensitivity Investigation |
EGU2017-13203 | Posters | GM3.3 Meshfree simulation of avalanches with the Finite Pointset Method (FPM) |
EGU2017-17277 | Posters | GM3.3 A high-performance model for shallow-water simulations in distributed and heterogeneous architectures |
EGU2017-4809 | Orals | GM3.3 Influence of rock strength variations on interpretation of thermochronologic data |
EGU2017-13966 | Posters | GM3.3 Modelling the transport of solid contaminants originated from a point source |
EGU2017-18898 | Posters | GM3.3 Using high-performance mathematical modelling tools to predict erosion and sediment fluxes in peri-urban catchments |
EGU2017-7512 | Posters | GM3.3 Dynamic transition between fixed- and mobile-bed: mathematical and numerical aspects |
EGU2017-4823 | Posters | GM3.3 A bilayer model for bedload sediment transport as generalization of Exner models |
EGU2017-13684 | Posters | GM3.3 A reduced complexity numerical method for flow accumulation and sediment transport under both convergent and divergent flow conditions |
EGU2017-12624 | Posters | GM3.3 | Highlight Influence of Rainfall Product on Hydrological and Sediment Outputs when Calibrating the STREAP Rainfall Generator for the CAESAR-Lisflood Landscape Evolution Model |
EGU2017-13731 | Posters | GM3.3 Bedrock river erosion measurements and modelling along a river of the Frontal Himalaya |
EGU2017-14136 | Posters | GM3.3 Modelling the impact of vegetation on marly catchments in the Southern Alps of France |
EGU2017-14087 | Posters | GM3.3 4D geomorphological evolution of intertropical islands |
EGU2017-6266 | Posters | GM3.3 Incision rate changes in the upper Var River catchment, southern French Alps: from observations to models. |
EGU2017-10514 | Posters | GM3.3 Climatic and topographic controls on the extent of major Alpine ice sheets: implications from modeling and stratigraphy |
EGU2017-16129 | Posters | GM3.3 Simulating CRN derived erosion rates in a transient Andean catchment using the TTLEM model |
EGU2017-18098 | Posters | GM3.3 Formation and evolution of a drainage network during the Pleistocene through a process of homoclinal shifting initiated by headward erosion. |
EGU2017-10187 | Posters | GM3.3 Deconvolving regional and fault-driven uplift in Calabria using drainage inversion techniques and field observations |
EGU2017-12896 | Posters | GM3.3 Exploring the impact of multiple grain sizes in numerical landscape evolution model |
EGU2017-13534 | Posters | GM3.3 Linking continental erosion to marine transport and sedimentation |
EGU2017-4874 | Posters | GM3.3 | Highlight Inverse modeling of Eocene to mid-Pliocene landscape evolution in Scandinavia using offshore sediment volumes |
EGU2017-13968 | Posters | GM3.3 Exploring southern African Plateau uplift with landscape evolution model inversion and erosion history data |
EGU2017-14947 | Posters | GM3.3 Metrics for Geomorphological Landscape Evolution Modelling |
GM4.1 – Coupling chemical weathering and physical erosion: Insights from geomorphic and geochemical studies (co-organized)
EGU2017-2220 | Orals | GM4.1 Quantifying nutrient uptake as driver of rock weathering in forest ecosystems by magnesium stable isotopes |
EGU2017-3160 | Posters | GM4.1 The effects of later oxidation and weathering process on the seafloor hydrothermal sulfide: Constrains from Cu isotope |
EGU2017-10212 | Orals | GM4.1 Thresholds for soil cover and weathering in mountainous landscapes |
EGU2017-1849 | Posters | GM4.1 Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Upper Maastrichtian–Middle Eocene Clay - Rich Volcano - Sedimentary Units from South-Eastern of Elazıg Basin (Eastern Turkey) |
EGU2017-6484 | Posters | GM4.1 Tufa deposits sheltered by Inland notches as indicators of Quaternary denudation rates |
EGU2017-6864 | Orals | GM4.1 Implementing a conceptual model of physical and chemical soil profile evolution |
EGU2017-12579 | Orals | GM4.1 Topographic imprint on chemical weathering in deeply weathered soil-mantled landscapes (southern Brazil) |
EGU2017-18661 | Posters | GM4.1 Calcium isotope systematics in small upland catchments affected by spruce dieback in the period of extreme acid rain (1970-1990) |
EGU2017-7330 | Posters | GM4.1 Magmatic versus sedimentary 87Sr/86Sr signature in groundwater circulating in a basaltic volcanic systems: Mt. Etna |
EGU2017-13894 | Orals | GM4.1 Chemical weathering of flat continents |
EGU2017-13043 | Posters | GM4.1 Sr isotope characterization of atmospheric inputs to soils along a climate gradient of the Chilean Coastal Range |
EGU2017-19569 | Orals | GM4.1 Climate control on silicate weathering and physical erosion rates in young orogenic belts: Case study along a runoff gradient in Pacific and Amazonian Andean basins based on SNO-HYBAM Monitoring Program data |
EGU2017-10214 | Posters | GM4.1 Mixing of Marine and Terrestrial Sources of Strontium in Coastal Environments |
EGU2017-6012 | Posters | GM4.1 A new parameterization of regolith formation and the response time of weathering front propagation to climate and tectonic forcing |
EGU2017-16200 | Posters | GM4.1 Thermal stress and topography control on the exfoliation of spheroidal granite boulders in Pricopan Ridge, Macin Mountains, Romania |
EGU2017-4776 | Posters | GM4.1 Spatial erosion variability and chemical weathering in a steep tropical catchment, La Réunion volcanic island |
EGU2017-4981 | Posters | GM4.1 The role of sediments stored in valleys in modulating the Quaternary weathering flux variations |
EGU2017-12700 | Posters | GM4.1 VIS/NIR Spectroscopy to determine the spatial variation of the weathering degree in Paleogene clay soil - London Clay Formation |
EGU2017-265 | Posters | GM4.1 Cenozoic carbon cycle imbalances and implications for a variable silicate weathering feedback |
EGU2017-11413 | Posters | GM4.1 Quantifying shale weathering by Li isotopes at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory |
EGU2017-8367 | Posters | GM4.1 Aged organic carbon exported from the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau |
EGU2017-6133 | Posters | GM4.1 Insights into organic carbon oxidation potential during fluvial transport from controlled laboratory and natural field experiments |
GM4.2 – Erosion and Sedimentation in Mountain Landscapes (co-organized)
EGU2017-1054 | Posters | GM4.2 | Highlight Redistribution of radioactive mine wastes by slushflows and other processes in small mountain river basin in Russian Subarctics |
EGU2017-1077 | Posters | GM4.2 | Highlight Mountain rivers may need centuries to adjust to earthquake-triggered sediment pulses, Pokhara, Nepal |
EGU2017-19360 | Orals | GM4.2 Controls on the extent of sediment cover in bedrock-alluvial channels |
EGU2017-1764 | Posters | GM4.2 Alluvial cover and bedrock channel sinuosity |
EGU2017-11337 | Orals | GM4.2 Sediment transport dynamics in steep, tropical volcanic catchments |
EGU2017-6677 | Orals | GM4.2 Decoding sediment transport dynamics on alluvial fans from spatial changes in grain size, Death Valley, California |