IE – Interdisciplinary Events
IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 – Atmosphere – Cryosphere interaction in the Arctic, high latitudes and mountains: Transport and deposition of aerosols, eScience and ensemble methods (co-organized)
EGU2017-12583 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Climate models agree remarkably well on Arctic sea ice reductions |
EGU2017-6452 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Aeolian transport of Icelandic dust: a look from Space |
EGU2017-15759 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Distribution of dust during two dust storms in Iceland |
EGU2017-8499 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Coupling of a continuum ice sheet model and a discrete element calving model using a scientific workflow system |
EGU2017-15651 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Algal communities in cryoconite holes on the Russell glacier, Southwest Greenland |
EGU2017-12980 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Inversion model estimates of methane emissions from northern wetlands during soil freezing period |
EGU2017-18605 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Impacts of light-absorbing impurities on snow and their quantification with bidirectional reflectance measurements |
EGU2017-18978 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Assessing data assimilation and model boundary error strategies for high resolution ocean model downscaling in the Northern North Sea |
EGU2017-14345 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Reconstruction of Aerosol Concentration and Composition from Glacier Ice Cores |
EGU2017-12279 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Modelling of deposited black carbon with the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART in backward mode |
EGU2017-13772 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Quantifying the Impact of Icelandic Dust Storms on High-Latitude Aerosol |
EGU2017-13839 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Influence of surface changes on spatio-temporal variations of basal properties for Kronebreen, Svalbard |
EGU2017-9164 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Monitoring seasonal dust depositions on snow in a high-altitude site of the European Alps |
EGU2017-10780 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 | Highlight Radiative forcing by dust and black carbon in snow of High Mountain Asia: Implications for glaciers and water resources |
EGU2017-15240 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Atmospheric conditions during dust storms |
EGU2017-13081 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 | Highlight Multi-decadal and seasonal variability of dust observations in West Greenland. |
EGU2017-13502 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Contributions of Icelandic and other high-latitude sources to mineral dust in the Arctic |
EGU2017-8370 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Aeolian Environments of Iceland |
EGU2017-688 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Sensitivity Analysis of a Lagrangian Sea Ice Model |
EGU2017-6142 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Microbial degradation on glacier surface is the missing piece of environmental fate of pesticides in cold areas |
EGU2017-16979 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Chemical and geochemical composition of spring-summer Arctic aerosol collected at Ny Alesund, Svalbard Islands. |
EGU2017-8567 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 On the impact of Saharan dust deposition on the evolution of an alpine snowpack |
EGU2017-8508 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Iceland as the largest source of natural air pollution in the Arctic |
EGU2017-7536 | Orals | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Soot on snow in Iceland: First results on black carbon and organic carbon in Iceland 2016 snow and ice samples, including the glacier Solheimajökull |
EGU2017-8741 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Identification of mineral dust layers in high alpine snow packs |
EGU2017-12404 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Source-receptor matrix calculation for deposited mass with a Lagrangian particle dispersion model in backward mode |
EGU2017-13231 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Evaluation of modelled methane emissions over northern peatland sites |
EGU2017-13279 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Methane emission estimates at northern high latitudes for 2004-2014 from CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 |
EGU2017-19479 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Tomographic iterative reconstruction of a passive scalar in a 3D turbulent flow |
EGU2017-19491 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Effects of snow grain non-sphericity on climate simulations: Sensitivity tests with the NorESM model |
EGU2017-19540 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 The Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART version 10 |
EGU2017-14229 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Impacts of large-scale atmospheric circulation changes due to winter sea-ice retreat on Black Carbon transport and deposition to the Arctic |
EGU2017-3320 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Iceland Polar Vortex 2016 campaign: Winter and high-altitude dust size distributions with the balloon-borne Light Optical Aerosol Counter (LOAC) |
EGU2017-16875 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Investigating the effect and uncertainties of light absorbing impurities in snow and ice on snow melt and discharge generation using a hydrologic catchment model and satellite data |
EGU2017-9086 | Posters | IE1.1/CR1.14/AS4.21/BG9.66 Rapid melting dynamics of the Morteratsch glacier (Swiss Alps) from UAV photogrammetry and field spectroscopy data |
IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 – Cross Disciplinary Observations for an Integrated Understanding of the Arctic system (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2017-2115 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) |
EGU2017-2527 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 An intercomparison and validation of satellite-based surface radiative flux estimates over the Arctic |
EGU2017-7198 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Results of surface heat balance and active soil layer observations at the Tiksi Hydrometeorological Observatory and the Research Station “Ice Base "Cape Baranova” |
EGU2017-7341 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Cloudiness and long wave radiation in the Central Arctic |
EGU2017-7423 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Comprehensive studies of the Arctic natural environment on the Research station "Ice Base “Cape Baranov " in 2014 - 2016 years and plans for future |
EGU2017-9462 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Environmental effects of a rare rain event in the high Arctic |
EGU2017-9627 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Observations of the surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic land stations |
EGU2017-10403 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Interdisciplinary Observations of a Transition Month at an Arctic Observatory |
EGU2017-10502 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Evaluating Physical Processes during the Freeze-Up Season using a Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Forecast Model |
EGU2017-10765 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Surface energy budget and turbulent fluxes at Arctic terrestrial sites |
EGU2017-10781 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 INTAROS: Development of an integrated Arctic observation system under Horizon 2020 |
EGU2017-10946 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Biogenic and fossil contributions to organic aerosol at two sites on the North Slope of Alaska |
EGU2017-11853 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 | Highlight Tracking the seasonal cycle of coastal sea ice: Community-based observations and satellite remote sensing in service of societal needs |
EGU2017-12411 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Coordinating interdisciplinary and international research through CATCH (The Cryosphere and ATmospheric CHemistry) |
EGU2017-16823 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Development of the Finse Alpine Research Station towards a platform for multi-disciplinary research on Land-Atmosphere Interaction in Cold Environments (LATICE) |
EGU2017-18357 | PICOs | IE1.2/CR6.11/AS4.23 Farming or seasonal migration? - Potential futures of reindeer husbandry in Fennoscandia studied with Social-Ecological System (SES) approach, co-production of knowledge, and scenarios |
IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 – Citizen science and observatories for environmental monitoring, planning, and disaster resilience building (co-organized)
EGU2017-17841 | Orals | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Challenges of citizen science contributions to modelling hydrodynamics of floods |
EGU2017-4765 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Monitoring urban air quality using a high-density network of low-cost sensor nodes in Oslo, Norway. |
EGU2017-5928 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 How natural hazards influence Internet searches |
EGU2017-11639 | Orals | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Development of Innovative Technology to Provide Low-Cost Surface Atmospheric Observations in Data Sparse Regions |
EGU2017-19266 | Orals | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 | Highlight Picture Pile: A citizen-powered tool for rapid post-disaster damage assessments |
EGU2017-8478 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Multidisciplinary approach to increasing Resilience in communities versus the hydrogeological and volcanic risk |
EGU2017-14064 | Orals | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Using smartphones to assess crop damage and design picture-based crop insurance |
EGU2017-13543 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 When citizens and scientists work together : a french collaborative science network on earthworms communities distribution |
EGU2017-2659 | Orals | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Using smartphone data for studying natural hazards |
EGU2017-15328 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Comparison of a traditional with a new approach based on Graph Theory to vulnerability assessment to natural hazards: a study case on a socio-economic complex system |
EGU2017-6822 | Orals | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Application of crowdsourced hail data and damage information for hail risk assessment in the province of Styria, Austria |
EGU2017-16934 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Crowdsourcing engagement and applications for communities within crisis events |
EGU2017-8662 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Citizen Science for Traffic Planning: A Practical Example |
EGU2017-8562 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 LandSense: A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring |
EGU2017-19568 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 An Examination of the Quality of Wind Observations with Smartphones |
EGU2017-2989 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Addressing the social dimensions of citizen observatories: The Ground Truth 2.0 socio-technical approach for sustainable implementation of citizen observatories |
EGU2017-3498 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Mapping urban air quality in real-time: Applications of crowdsourced microsensor data |
EGU2017-3919 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 The Role of Public Interaction with the Juno Mission: Documentation, Discussion, Selection and Processing of JunoCam Images of Jovian Cloud Features |
EGU2017-7060 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Global Dynamic Exposure and the OpenBuildingMap - Communicating Risk and Involving Communities |
EGU2017-16389 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Matrix Factorisation-based Calibration For Air Quality Crowd-sensing |
EGU2017-16604 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Participatory and Collaborative Digital Mapping to Enhance Disaster Resilience |
EGU2017-19080 | Posters | IE2.1/NH9.19/ESSI3.12 Lessons learned in managing crowdsourced data in the Alaskan Arctic. |
IE2.4/ESSI3.10 – Open Data, Reproducible Research, and Open Science (co-organized)
EGU2017-3294 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Scientific Software – the role of best practices and recommendations |
EGU2017-19186 | Orals | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 The Belmont Forum, Open Data and ‘Human Dimensions’: Lessons learned, ongoing investigations and developing recommendations for the future |
EGU2017-16941 | Orals | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Using open data in near real time disaster analysis and knowledge generation |
EGU2017-7215 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Executable research compendia in geoscience research infrastructures |
EGU2017-8525 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Reproducible Earth observation analytics: challenges, ideas, and a study case on containerized land use change detection |
EGU2017-3644 | Orals | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 EarthServer2 : The Marine Data Service - Web based and Programmatic Access to Ocean Colour Open Data |
EGU2017-6719 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Towards Reproducibility in Computational Hydrology |
EGU2017-10379 | Orals | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Reproducibility and Open Science with ReproZip |
EGU2017-10682 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Open access to Water Indicators for Climate Change Adaptation: proof-of-concept for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) |
EGU2017-15760 | Orals | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 RDMO - Research Data Management Organiser |
EGU2017-7971 | Orals | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Beyond Open Data: the importance of data standards and interoperability - Experiences from ECMWF's Open Data Week |
EGU2017-16221 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Data are data, so why should it be? |
EGU2017-5811 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Enabling Open Research Data Discovery through a Recommender System |
EGU2017-12526 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 The XML Metadata Editor of GFZ Data Services |
EGU2017-6734 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Open Access to Geophysical Data |
EGU2017-10155 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 A Digital Knowledge Preservation Platform for Environmental Sciences |
EGU2017-17669 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 The Freshwater Information Platform – an online network supporting freshwater biodiversity research and policy |
EGU2017-19076 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Active Provenance in Data-intensive Research |
EGU2017-12179 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 The Swiss Data Science Center on a mission to empower reproducible, traceable and reusable science |
EGU2017-10930 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Science Data Center: Technologies, Methods, and Experiences |
EGU2017-5084 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Open data for water-related operational services, the SWITCH-ON approach |
EGU2017-7203 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Hosting and pulishing astronomical data in SQL databases |
EGU2017-8594 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Challenges and Best Practices for the Curation and Publication of Long-Tail Data with GFZ Data Services |
EGU2017-9613 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 An open source tool to analyse heat waves using flow analogues and weather regimes |
EGU2017-12997 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Creating an open access cal/val repository via the LACO-Wiki online validation platform |
EGU2017-13191 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 What does it take to build a medium scale scientific cloud to process significant amounts of Earth observation data? |
EGU2017-17283 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Opening climate sciences to citizens with the Climanosco initiative: Lessons learned from our Launch Challenge |
EGU2017-17673 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 FID GEO: Digital transformation and Open Access in Germany’s geoscience research community |
EGU2017-4767 | Posters | IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Towards an Automatic Framework for Urban Settlement Mapping from Satellite Images: Applications of Geo-referenced Social Media and One Class Classification |
IE3.1/BG9.58 – Information extraction from satellite Earth observations using data-driven methods (co-organized)
EGU2017-2517 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Automatic tracking of dynamical evolutions of oceanic mesoscale eddies with satellite observation data |
EGU2017-12478 | Orals | IE3.1/BG9.58 | Highlight Vegetation Monitoring with Gaussian Processes and Latent Force Models |
EGU2017-5344 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Extracting climate signals from large hydrological data cubes using multivariate statistics - an example for the Mediterranean basin |
EGU2017-11813 | Orals | IE3.1/BG9.58 The emerging Earth System Data Cube: Idea, implementation, and first scientific case studies |
EGU2017-12756 | Orals | IE3.1/BG9.58 Mapping snow cover using multi-source satellite data on big data platforms |
EGU2017-7380 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 First Results of the Performance of the Global Forest/Non-Forest Map derived from TanDEM-X Interferometric Data |
EGU2017-7528 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Detecting Biosphere anomalies hotspots |
EGU2017-8448 | Orals | IE3.1/BG9.58 Investigating the control of climatic oscillations over global terrestrial evaporation using a simple supervised learning method |
EGU2017-13336 | Orals | IE3.1/BG9.58 Global retrieval of soil moisture and vegetation properties using data-driven methods |
EGU2017-11843 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 A wrapper-based strategy to jointly combine remote sensing image segmentation and object detection |
EGU2017-12747 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 A new world lakes database for global hydrological modelling |
EGU2017-4057 | Orals | IE3.1/BG9.58 | Highlight Integrating Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and nano-satellite data for deriving atmospherically corrected vegetation indices at enhanced spatio-temporal resolution |
EGU2017-13224 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Understanding climate impacts on vegetation using a spatiotemporal non-linear Granger causality framework |
EGU2017-13802 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics of Arctic region vegetation based on integrated data processing |
EGU2017-14588 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 The Changing Face of the of Former Soviet Cities: Elucidated by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques |
EGU2017-15283 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Exploring similarity between 15 years of satellite SST and SSH using data-driven methods |
EGU2017-15413 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Detection and Monitoring of Small-Scale Mining Operations in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Using Multi-Temporal, Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data |
EGU2017-17610 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Modelling spatiotemporal change using multidimensional arrays Meng |
EGU2017-17792 | Posters | IE3.1/BG9.58 Savannah fractional woody vegetation cover mapping with optical and radar data and machine learning |
IE3.2/NP4.3 – Big data and machine learning in geosciences (co-organized)
EGU2017-1102 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 | Highlight Towards a global flood detection system using social media |
EGU2017-289 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Proba-V Mission Exploitation Platform |
EGU2017-1729 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Space-time patterns in ignimbrite compositions revealed by GIS and R based statistical analysis |
EGU2017-5651 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Dimensionality reduction and network inference for sea surface temperature data |
EGU2017-10097 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Applying machine learning to global surface ocean and seabed data to reveal the controls on the distribution of deep-sea sediments |
EGU2017-3072 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Investigation of the effect of the hyperparameter optimization and the time lag selection in time series forecasting using machine learning algorithms |
EGU2017-3104 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Reconstruction of Sub-Surface Velocities from Satellite Observations Using Iterative Self-Organizing Maps |
EGU2017-10924 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Semi-supervised Machine Learning for Analysis of Hydrogeochemical Data and Models |
EGU2017-11366 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Overcoming autocorrelation biases for causal inference in large nonlinear geoscientific time series datasets |
EGU2017-4312 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Clustering of Synoptic Pattern over the Korean Peninsula from Meteorological Models |
EGU2017-7899 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Life beyond MSE and R2 — improving validation of predictive models with observations |
EGU2017-4373 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Automated classification of seismic sources in a large database: a comparison of Random Forests and Deep Neural Networks. |
EGU2017-5213 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Different combination of MODIS land surface temperature data for daily air surface temperature estimation in North West Vietnam |
EGU2017-10721 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Compressing climate model simulations: reducing storage burden while preserving information |
EGU2017-8473 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Nationwide lithological interpretation of cone penetration tests using neural networks |
EGU2017-6693 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Random Forests (RFs) for Estimation, Uncertainty Prediction and Interpretation of Monthly Solar Potential |
EGU2017-11298 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Understanding the rural population migration pattern of Uttarakhand using Geophysical, Geological and Socio-Economical BigData |
EGU2017-7352 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 JADDS – towards a tailored global atmospheric composition data service for CAMS forecasts and reanalysis |
EGU2017-16980 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Data Exploration using Unsupervised Feature Extraction for Mixed Micro-Seismic Signals |
EGU2017-8794 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Monsoon Forecasting based on Imbalanced Classification Techniques |
EGU2017-10416 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Analysis of Sediment Transport for Rivers in South Korea based on Data Mining technique |
EGU2017-15567 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Detecting snow in vegetation (PhenoCam) image time series using machine learning |
EGU2017-11648 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Change Detection Method with Spatial and Spectral Information from Deep Learning |
EGU2017-15544 | Orals | IE3.2/NP4.3 Efficient in-situ visualization of unsteady flows in climate simulation |
EGU2017-11681 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Mining key elements for severe convection prediction based on CNN |
EGU2017-14015 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Study of Environmental Data Complexity using Extreme Learning Machine |
EGU2017-16841 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Conceptual compression for pattern recognition in 3D model output |
EGU2017-9964 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Automatic fog detection for public safety by using camera images |
EGU2017-18283 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Fast segmentation of satellite images using SLIC, WebGL and Google Earth Engine |
EGU2017-12116 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Towards a Big Data Infrastructure for DataLab experiments |
EGU2017-12602 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Topological Data Analysis of High-Resolution Temporal Rainfall |
EGU2017-7418 | Posters | IE3.2/NP4.3 Tipping point analysis of a large ocean ambient sound record |
IE3.4/ESSI2.12 – Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals with the huge Remote Sensing archives (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2017-8906 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Developing a Serious Game for decision making for the water-land-food-energy-climate Nexus in Sardinia-Italy: The SIM4NEXUS approach |
EGU2017-16480 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Quantitative Story Telling: Initial steps towards bridging perspectives and tools for a robust nexus assessment |
EGU2017-9397 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 The water-land-food-energy-climate Nexus for a resource-efficient Europe |
EGU2017-18267 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Data Curation and Visualization for MuSIASEM Analysis of the Nexus |
EGU2017-17944 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 The Urban Exploitation Platform - An instrument for the global provision of indicators related to sustainable cities and communities |
EGU2017-18742 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Dynamical resource nexus assessments: from accounting to sustainability approaches |
EGU2017-10997 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Combining integrated models and participatory methods to quantify water and agricultural trade-offs linked to different rural development scenarios |
EGU2017-19145 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Validating large water productivity datasets of the Middle East and Africa: a physical approach |
EGU2017-1685 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Livelihood profiling and sensitivity of livelihood strategies to land cover dynamics and agricultural variability |
EGU2017-2624 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 A multi-scale framework to link remotely sensed metrics with socioeconomic data |
EGU2017-1195 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Big earth-observation data analytics for modelling pan-tropical land-use change trajectories for newly deforested areas |
EGU2017-18043 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Using the LCZ framework for change detection and urban growth monitoring |
EGU2017-3446 | PICOs | IE3.4/ESSI2.12 Automatic supervised classification of multi-temporal images using the expectation-maximization algorithm |
IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 – R’s deliberate role in Earth sciences (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2017-791 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Spatial analysis of fluvial terraces in GRASS GIS accessing R functionality |
EGU2017-3256 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 The R package "sperrorest" : Parallelized spatial error estimation and variable importance assessment for geospatial machine learning |
EGU2017-3301 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Integrating R with GIS for innovative geocomputing – the examples of RQGIS and RSAGA |
EGU2017-18343 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Using R for analysing spatio-temporal datasets: a satellite-based precipitation case study |
EGU2017-18636 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Estimating actual evapotranspiration from remote sensing imagery using R: the package ‘TriangleMethod’. |
EGU2017-6585 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Using R for large spatiotemporal data sets |
EGU2017-4702 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Using R to unravel animal-sediment interactions. |
EGU2017-6307 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 The R-package eseis – A toolbox to weld geomorphic, seismologic, spatial, and time series analysis |
EGU2017-8300 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 ‘spup’ – an R package for uncertainty propagation analysis in spatial environmental modelling |
EGU2017-11880 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 A multi-dimensional environment-health risk analysis system for the English regions |
EGU2017-16427 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Interpolating of climate data using R |
EGU2017-19318 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 The R package ‘RLumModel’: Simulating charge transfer in quartz |
EGU2017-15461 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 The R package ‘Luminescence’: a history of unexpected complexity and concepts to deal with it |
EGU2017-19032 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Easing access to R using ‘shiny’ to create graphical user interfaces: An example for the R package ‘Luminescence’ |
EGU2017-14375 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 Writing your own scientific R packages increases reproducibility, research quality and output |
EGU2017-14655 | PICOs | IE3.6/GM1.8/AS4.50/BG9.65/CL5.26/HS11.23/SSS11.11 | Highlight Mind the gap – do we need more geoscientific expertise for developing R? |
IE3.7/OS1.23 – Surface Drifters for Addressing Big Questions and Applications in Interdisciplinary Ocean Science (co-organized)
EGU2017-12760 | Orals | IE3.7/OS1.23 The Global Drifter Program Currents, Sea Surface Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure and Waves in the World’s OceanThe Global Drifter Program Currents, Sea Surface Temperature, Atmospheric Pressure and Waves in the World’s Ocean |
EGU2017-4717 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Objective Eulerian Coherent Structures Predict Drifter Motion |
EGU2017-17352 | Orals | IE3.7/OS1.23 The surface drifter program for real time and off-line validation of ocean forecasts and reanalyses |
EGU2017-2433 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Why does plastic debris accumulate in the subtropical gyres? Lessons learnt from drifting buoy trajectories |
EGU2017-10732 | Orals | IE3.7/OS1.23 Surface drifters measuring sea water salinity |
EGU2017-6773 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Submesoscale transport in the ocean and shape distortion from surface drifter triplets in the Gulf of Mexico |
EGU2017-7634 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Relative dispersion in the Algerian Basin as derived from satellite-tracked surface drifters |
EGU2017-5075 | Orals | IE3.7/OS1.23 Lagrangian properties at the ocean submesoscales in presence of riverine outflows |
EGU2017-19023 | Orals | IE3.7/OS1.23 Lagrangian Observations and Modeling of Marine Larvae |
EGU2017-7677 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Lateral eddy diffusivity estimates from simulated and observed drifter trajectories: a case study for the Agulhas Current system |
EGU2017-8789 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Migration of surface drifters in different sectors of a filament in the Benguela upwelling region |
EGU2017-7553 | Orals | IE3.7/OS1.23 Tracing the drift of MH370 debris throughout the Indian Ocean |
EGU2017-10016 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Point source dispersion of surface drifters in the southern Gulf of Mexico |
EGU2017-10987 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Estimation of the optimal wind factor of drifting objects from field experiments |
EGU2017-11026 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Relative dispersion in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico |
EGU2017-11392 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Mass and tracer transport within oceanic Lagrangian coherent vortices as diagnosed in a global mesoscale eddying climate model |
EGU2017-16022 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Lagrangian eddy diffusivities and convergence properties in the global ocean |
EGU2017-18280 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Analysis of the global surface drifter dataset using stochastic processes |
EGU2017-13844 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Estimating Eulerian spectra from pairs of drifters |
EGU2017-14729 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Observing mass exchange with the Lofoten Basin using surface drifters |
EGU2017-15595 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Eco-drifters for a dispersion experiment at the mouth of the River Arno: the citizen-science contribution |
EGU2017-13914 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Enhancements to surface drifters enabled by AtlantOS |
EGU2017-15947 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 The intraseasonal SST variability from a global drifter program, two reanalysis products and one climatology |
EGU2017-17998 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Use of surface drifters to increase resolution and accuracy of oceanic geostrophic circulation mapped from satellite only (altimetry and gravimetry) |
EGU2017-18053 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Apparent Temperature ”Biases” of Individual Surface Drifters: Possible Ocean Eddy Effects? |
EGU2017-19137 | Posters | IE3.7/OS1.23 Evaluation of the HF-Radar network system around Taiwan using normalized cumulative Lagrangian separation. |
IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 – Natural Hazards Education, Communications and Science-Policy-Practice Interface (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2017-17452 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 | Highlight “The Eye of the Cyclone” – Teaching Natural Hazards in Schools by Using M-Learning and Augmented Reality Techniques |
EGU2017-18279 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 The SAVEMEDCOASTS Project |
EGU2017-3360 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Supporting communities in reducing their vulnerability against impacts of short-term heavy precipitation events |
EGU2017-2035 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Development of an interactive interface to raise awareness of public, policy makers, and practitioners about natural hazards. |
EGU2017-12575 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Communicating landslide risk by combining hazard and open infrastructure data in interactive visualizations |
EGU2017-18704 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 The knowRISK Portfolio and Practical Guide for non-structural components: tools for preparedness and community resilience |
EGU2017-17960 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Communicating seismic risk: tool and strategies of the KnowRISK project |
EGU2017-19130 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Earth Girl Volcano: An Interactive Game for Disaster Preparedness |
EGU2017-877 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Education and guidance to the civil protection culture: insights and first results from the SicuraMente project |
EGU2017-1433 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Public outreach, participatory communication, and communication impact assessment in Paris flood resilience policies |
EGU2017-8603 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Public knowledge and perception of geo-hydrological risk in Calabria (southern Italy): preliminary results |
EGU2017-8543 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Social transformation in transdisciplinary natural hazard management |
EGU2017-11856 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 | Highlight The great gamble of volcanic tourism |
EGU2017-18524 | PICOs | IE4.1/NH9.3/EOS16 Proposing a Universal Framework for Resilience: Optimizing Risk and Combating Human Vulnerabilities |
IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 – The GEO Geohazards Supersite initiative: improving science uptake in Disaster Risk Reduction (co-organized)
EGU2017-2246 | Orals | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 The Hawai`i Supersite: A Success Story for Science and Society |
EGU2017-10550 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 | Highlight GSNL 2.0: leveraging on Open Science to promote science-based decision making in Disaster Risk Reduction |
EGU2017-11613 | Orals | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 EnCeladus hellenIc Supersite (Evoikos, Corinth rift and Ionian Sea) |
EGU2017-16902 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Coupled geohazards at Southern Andes (Copahue-Lanín volcanoes): Chile’s GEO supersite proposal |
EGU2017-3237 | Orals | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Virunga Volcanoes Supersite: a collaborative initiative to improve Geohazards Assessment and Monitoring of Active Volcanoes in a highly populated region |
EGU2017-15645 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 The Icelandic Volcanoes Supersite: Integrating InSAR space geodetic results into interdisciplinary hazard response and volcano science studies |
EGU2017-19275 | Orals | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Multihazards of the Icy, Tremorous, Volcanic Andes: Proposal for a GSNL Supersite |
EGU2017-10693 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Mt. Etna: rationale and implementation of a Supersite |
EGU2017-10277 | Orals | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Volcanic Supersites as cross-disciplinary laboratories |
EGU2017-18891 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 MARSite–MARMARA SUPERSITE: Accomplishments and Outlook |
EGU2017-17156 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 The Vesuvius/Campi Flegrei Supersite: state of the art and future perspectives |
EGU2017-17832 | Orals | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Risk analysis based on hazards interactions |
EGU2017-4847 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes |
EGU2017-14459 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 MEditerranean Supersite Volcanoes (MED-SUV) project: from objectives to results |
EGU2017-18843 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Building a federated data infrastructure for integrating the European Supersites |
EGU2017-9691 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Contribution of the EVER-EST project to the community of the Geohazard Supersites initiative |
EGU2017-18041 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 ESA’s Geohazards Exploitation Platform support to Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories community |
EGU2017-6744 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 The SISTEMA Project contribution in the implementation of the GEO Geohazards Supersite initiative |
EGU2017-11954 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Seismicity, gas emissions and crustal creeping along the Main Marmara Fault: outcomes from near-fault, seafloor monitoring |
EGU2017-15247 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Long term monitoring of the micro-seismicity along the Main Marmara Fault, Turkey using template matching |
EGU2017-16952 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 P- and S-wave models and statistical characterization of scatterers at the Solfatara Volcano using active seismic data from RICEN experiment |
EGU2017-17080 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Audiomagnetotellurics-Magnetotelluric (AMT-MT) survey of the Campi Flegrei inner caldera |
EGU2017-17119 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Three-axial Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensor for Volcano Monitoring |
EGU2017-17637 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 2D and 3D high resolution seismic imaging of shallow Solfatara crater in Campi Flegrei (Italy): new insights on deep hydrothermal fluid circulation processes |
EGU2017-19129 | Posters | IE4.2/NH9.11/GI1.5/GMPV5.7/SM5.11/TS5.8 Performance of MarSite Multi parameter Borehole Instrumentation |
IE4.3/NH9.12 – Methods and Tools for Risk Management and Communications – Innovative ways of delivering information to end users and sharing data among the scientific community (co-organized)
EGU2017-5768 | Orals | IE4.3/NH9.12 | Highlight Storylines as an alternative method to communicate river research via a knowledge platform |
EGU2017-1407 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Validating the usability of an interactive Earth Observation based web service for landslide investigation |
EGU2017-2313 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Making climate change tangible for strategic adaptation planning: The Climate Corridor Approach |
EGU2017-19611 | Orals | IE4.3/NH9.12 Analysis of temporal and spatial overlapping of hazards interactions at different scales |
EGU2017-18002 | Orals | IE4.3/NH9.12 Multi-dimensional perspectives of flood risk – using a participatory framework to develop new approaches to flood risk communication |
EGU2017-2375 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Development of a Strategic Framework for Drought Management |
EGU2017-10238 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Leveraging social media for flood emergency management: an experience in Campania region (southern Italy) |
EGU2017-13246 | Orals | IE4.3/NH9.12 LANDMON a new integrated system for the management of landslide monitoring networks |
EGU2017-17580 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Socio-economic vulnerability, adaptation to agro-climatic risk and the potential of user-tailored climate services for the Andean Highlands: The case of quinoa production in the region of Puno |
EGU2017-1315 | Orals | IE4.3/NH9.12 Expert Elicitations of 2100 Emission of CO2 |
EGU2017-10869 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) adaption in National Early Warning Alerting Systems of China |
EGU2017-19248 | Orals | IE4.3/NH9.12 | Highlight Sharing data and maps on flood and landslide hazards, vulnerability, and related risk reduction Public Works via a web platform at national scale: the case of #italiasicura |
EGU2017-14294 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 | Highlight An approach to drought data web-dissemination |
EGU2017-716 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Multiple Flood Experiences and Perceived Flood Consequences: Insights from the 2013 Flood in Germany |
EGU2017-929 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 SIRENE - An ICT and collaborative-based tool to cope with disaster-related emergencies |
EGU2017-3533 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Assessing and Responding to the Risks of Global and Societal Changes in the MENA Region |
EGU2017-11033 | Posters | IE4.3/NH9.12 Tailored adaptation guidelines to climate change through new ways of representation |
EGU2017-11970 | Posters | |