NP – Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences
NP1.1 – Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive models and Data Inversion In Geosciences
EGU2017-4132 | Posters | NP1.1 Electrofacies classification using the self-organizing map approach with an example from the Algerian Sahara |
EGU2017-4571 | Posters | NP1.1 Identification of cultivated land using remote sensing images based on object-oriented artificial bee colony algorithm |
EGU2017-6686 | Posters | NP1.1 Slow waves moving near the openings in highly stressed conditions |
EGU2017-6911 | Posters | NP1.1 Rayleigh wave dispersion curve inversion by using particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm |
EGU2017-7037 | Posters | NP1.1 Estimating of aquifer parameters from the single-well water-level measurements in response to advancing longwall mine by using particle swarm optimization |
EGU2017-8751 | Posters | NP1.1 Micro seismic event detection based on neural networks in the Groningen area, The Netherlands |
EGU2017-9429 | Posters | NP1.1 2D Inversion of Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM) |
EGU2017-16173 | Posters | NP1.1 Is the climate system an anticipatory system that minimizes free energy? |
NP2.1 – ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling (including Lewis Fry Richardson Medal Lecture)
EGU2017-8494 | Posters | NP2.1 Modification of ENSO and ENSO-related atmospheric characteristics due to future climate change |
EGU2017-2271 | Orals | NP2.1 Chaotic dynamics in the physical sciences (Lewis Fry Richardson Medal Lecture) |
EGU2017-11984 | Posters | NP2.1 Atmospheric circulation remote response during two types of El Niño in changing climate |
EGU2017-11528 | Orals | NP2.1 Oceanic Internal Variability, Tropical Instability Waves and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation |
EGU2017-13130 | Posters | NP2.1 Performance of the Prognocean Plus system during the El Niño 2015/2016: predictions of sea level anomalies as tools for forecasting El Niño |
EGU2017-3853 | Orals | NP2.1 ENSO in the CMIP5 simulations: lifecycles, diversity, and responses to climate change |
EGU2017-11379 | Posters | NP2.1 Dynamically meaningful metrics of ENSO in climate models |
EGU2017-11702 | Orals | NP2.1 ENSO flavours during the pre-instrumental period |
EGU2017-3921 | Posters | NP2.1 ENSO Sensitivity to Volcanic Eruption Magnitude and Season |
EGU2017-6389 | Orals | NP2.1 Mechanisms of the Indian Ocean Dipole influence on El Niño/Southern Oscillation |
EGU2017-4664 | Posters | NP2.1 Recent Decadal Variations of El Nino Predictability |
EGU2017-3128 | Orals | NP2.1 ENSO amplitude changes due to greenhouse warming in CMIP5: Role of mean tropical precipitation in the 20th centur |
EGU2017-10354 | Orals | NP2.1 Role of the Tropical Atlantic in the mid-70’s ENSO shift |
EGU2017-5932 | Posters | NP2.1 Role of Western Hemisphere Warm Pool in Rapid Climate Changes over the Western North Pacific |
EGU2017-13928 | Orals | NP2.1 External and internal origins of ENSO modulation revealed by Holocene corals and climate model simulations |
EGU2017-6459 | Posters | NP2.1 Mean State Dependence of ENSO Atmospheric Feedbacks in Climate Models |
EGU2017-9237 | Posters | NP2.1 The role of Indonesian convection in the interaction between the Indian Ocean and ENSO |
EGU2017-18384 | Orals | NP2.1 | Highlight Humans have already increased the risk of major disruption to Pacific rainfall |
EGU2017-10792 | Posters | NP2.1 Influence of tropical Pacific winds at different timescales on ENSO evolution |
EGU2017-8336 | Posters | NP2.1 A Real-time Ocean Reanalyses Intercomparison Project in the Context of Tropical Pacific Observing System and ENSO Monitoring |
EGU2017-12639 | Posters | NP2.1 Differential imprints of different ENSO flavors in global patterns of seasonal precipitation extremes |
EGU2017-19142 | Posters | NP2.1 A unified nonlinear stochastic time series analysis for climate science |
NP3.3 – Scaling, multifractals and Nonlinear dynamics in the atmosphere, ocean, climate and environment (co-organized)
EGU2017-1755 | Posters | NP3.3 Dynamical systems proxies of atmospheric predictability and mid-latitude extremes |
EGU2017-2258 | Orals | NP3.3 The Eddy–Mean Flow Interaction and the Intrusion of Western Boundary Current into the South China Sea–Type Basin in an Idealized Model |
EGU2017-3359 | Posters | NP3.3 Analysis of the pullback attractors of a low-order quasigeostrophic ocean model under periodic and aperiodic forcing |
EGU2017-4341 | Orals | NP3.3 Reflections on the nature of non-linear responses of the climate to forcing |
EGU2017-18654 | Posters | NP3.3 | Highlight The possibility of a tipping point in the Arctic sea ice cover, and associated early-warning signals |
EGU2017-5110 | Orals | NP3.3 The atmospheric water circulation is an extension of the oceanic overturning! |
EGU2017-2376 | Posters | NP3.3 | Highlight Arctic sea ice decline and continental cold anomalies: Upstream and downstream effects of Greenland blocking |
EGU2017-13672 | Orals | NP3.3 Three dimensional Lagrangian structures in the Antarctic Polar Vortex. |
EGU2017-1106 | Orals | NP3.3 Baroclinic Adjustment of the Eddy-Driven Jet |
EGU2017-2377 | Posters | NP3.3 Preferred atmospheric circulation patterns of winter Arctic sea ice decline |
EGU2017-7299 | Orals | NP3.3 Scaling Analysis of Temperature and Liquid Water Content in the Marine Boundary Layer Clouds during POST |
EGU2017-2881 | Posters | NP3.3 The long-term correlation properties of precipitation |
EGU2017-1219 | Orals | NP3.3 A global perspective on Glacial- to Interglacial variability change |
EGU2017-2886 | Posters | NP3.3 The impact of inter-annual variability of annual cycle on long-term memory in long historical temperature records |
EGU2017-16186 | Posters | NP3.3 The effect of model bias on Atlantic freshwater transport and implications for AMOC bi-stability |
EGU2017-4877 | Orals | NP3.3 Paleoclimatic scales in the past 800ka based on the high resolution EDC dust record |
EGU2017-12919 | Orals | NP3.3 To what extent can global warming events influence scaling properties of climatic fluctuations in glacial periods? |
EGU2017-15848 | Posters | NP3.3 Non-hydrostatic simulation of tsunamis: application to the April 2014 Iquique earthquake |
EGU2017-14749 | Orals | NP3.3 Interpreting the power spectrum of Dansgaard-Oeschger events via stochastic dynamical systems |
EGU2017-17135 | Posters | NP3.3 Independent Subspace Analysis of the monthly variability of the sea surface temperature field |
EGU2017-5881 | Posters | NP3.3 The impact of oceanic heat transport on the atmospheric circulation |
EGU2017-3844 | Orals | NP3.3 Chemical weathering from the CoDA (Compositional Data Analysis) point of view: new insights for the Alpine rivers geochemistry |
EGU2017-6183 | Posters | NP3.3 Planetary geostrophic equations for the atmosphere with barotropic component of the flow |
EGU2017-17766 | Orals | NP3.3 Singularity analysis of frequency density of isotop age data |
EGU2017-7656 | Posters | NP3.3 Understanding climate sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and orbital forcing in the cGenie Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity |
EGU2017-9971 | Posters | NP3.3 A Scaling Model for the Forced Climate Variability over Multi-Centennial Scales |
EGU2017-13245 | Posters | NP3.3 Spatial and temporal precipitation variability across scales: regional to global, decadal to centennial scales and beyond |
EGU2017-14838 | Posters | NP3.3 Space-time Structure of Temperature Variability |
EGU2017-10374 | Posters | NP3.3 Scaling forecast models for wind turbulence and wind turbine power intermittency |
EGU2017-18904 | Posters | NP3.3 Statistical structure of intrinsic climate variability under global warming |
EGU2017-18753 | Posters | NP3.3 Does the recent warming hiatus exist over northern Asia for winter wind chill temperature? |
EGU2017-10304 | Posters | NP3.3 Multiscale analysis of water level time series and surge-water level interactions |
EGU2017-14222 | Posters | NP3.3 Empirical mode decomposition method applied to high frequency seismic data |
EGU2017-12962 | Posters | NP3.3 Spatial Statistics of atmospheric particulate matter in China |
EGU2017-7758 | Posters | NP3.3 Water-saving interventions assessment framework: an application for the Urmia Lake Restoration Program |
EGU2017-7993 | Posters | NP3.3 Towards an understanding of splitting storms: A theoretical approach |
EGU2017-16157 | Posters | NP3.3 Age and transit time distributions of carbon in a nonlinear global model perturbed by nonautonomous fossil-fuel emissions signals |
EGU2017-9290 | Posters | NP3.3 Multifractal filtering methods to investigate tectono-magmatic framework in the Eastern Tianshan mineral district, China |
EGU2017-9507 | Posters | NP3.3 Anisotropic singularity: a novel way to characterize controlling effects of geological processes |
EGU2017-16381 | Posters | NP3.3 Construction Land Expansion and Transfer of Gravity Center from 1984 to 2016 : A study on Beijing - Tianjin - Hebei Urban Agglomeration |
NP4.1 – Time Series Analysis, Prediction, Verification and Inter-Comparison of Geoscientific Observations and Model Data (co-organized)
EGU2017-5323 | Orals | NP4.1 The implications of rebasing global mean temperature timeseries for GCM based climate projections |
EGU2017-15162 | Posters | NP4.1 WAVEPAL: A Software for Frequency and Wavelet Analysis of Irregularly Sampled Time Series |
EGU2017-13471 | Posters | NP4.1 What does the structure of its visibility graph tell us about the nature of the time series? |
EGU2017-1850 | Orals | NP4.1 Unveiling signatures of interdecadal climate changes by Hilbert analysis |
EGU2017-2854 | Posters | NP4.1 Multiplex Recurrence Networks |
EGU2017-8904 | Orals | NP4.1 Scaling analysis of the observed global temperature data |
EGU2017-2967 | Orals | NP4.1 Data quantile-quantile plots: quantifying the time evolution of space climatology |
EGU2017-8592 | Posters | NP4.1 Differential embedding – From theory to application in palaeoclimatology |
EGU2017-19583 | Posters | NP4.1 A network analysis of global precipitation extremes |
EGU2017-6707 | Orals | NP4.1 Surrogate methods in geophysics |
EGU2017-3516 | Orals | NP4.1 A Half-Cycle Discrete Fourier Transform (HCDFT) for the Improved Identification of Periodic Features in Time-Series |
EGU2017-13300 | Posters | NP4.1 Climate network analysis of regional precipitation extremes: The true story told by event synchronization |
EGU2017-3245 | Posters | NP4.1 Identifying Typhoon Tracks based on Event Synchronization derived Spatially Embedded Climate Networks |
EGU2017-4582 | Orals | NP4.1 Nonlinear Dynamics of River Runoff Elucidated by Horizontal Visibility Graphs |
EGU2017-18171 | Posters | NP4.1 Multiscale complex network analysis: An approach to study spatiotemporal rainfall pattern in south Germany |
EGU2017-2915 | Orals | NP4.1 Network Analyses for Space-Time High Frequency Wind Data |
EGU2017-3068 | Orals | NP4.1 Comparison between stochastic and machine learning methods for hydrological multi-step ahead forecasting: All forecasts are wrong! |
EGU2017-10809 | Posters | NP4.1 Early forecasting of Indian Summer Monsoon: case study 2016 |
EGU2017-4236 | Orals | NP4.1 Data-adaptive Harmonic Decomposition and Real-time Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice Extent |
EGU2017-10539 | Posters | NP4.1 Effects of 7-8yr cycle in European air temperatures via linear and nonlinear approaches |
EGU2017-8900 | Posters | NP4.1 Imprints of approximately 8 year oscillation in climatic time series |
EGU2017-9895 | Orals | NP4.1 Bayesian comparison of conceptual models of abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period |
EGU2017-12505 | Orals | NP4.1 Modelling fast spreading patterns of airborne infectious diseases using complex networks |
EGU2017-17414 | Posters | NP4.1 Structured teleconnections reveal the South American monsoon onset: A network approach |
EGU2017-1040 | Orals | NP4.1 Reduced nonlinear prognostic model construction from high-dimensional data |
EGU2017-15235 | Posters | NP4.1 Ocean – atmospheric interactions in South America revealed by two-layer complex climate network analysis |
EGU2017-6689 | Posters | NP4.1 Nonlinear Dynamical Modeling and Forecast of ENSO Variability |
EGU2017-16891 | Orals | NP4.1 Studying Climate Response to Forcing by the Nonlinear Dynamical Mode Decomposition |
EGU2017-15491 | Posters | NP4.1 Empirical investigation of the mid-Pleistocene transition |
EGU2017-9224 | Orals | NP4.1 Improved Analysis of Earth System Models and Observations using Simple Climate Models |
EGU2017-7252 | Orals | NP4.1 Linear response theory applied to geoengineering |
EGU2017-10209 | Posters | NP4.1 ALIF: a new promising technique for the decomposition and analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary signals |
EGU2017-3366 | Posters | NP4.1 Evaluation of trend in contaminant concentration time series |
EGU2017-5863 | Orals | NP4.1 A proof of concept for scale-adaptive parameterizations: the case of the Lorenz '96 model |
EGU2017-15528 | Posters | NP4.1 Return Levels of Temperature Extremes in Southern Pakistan |
EGU2017-10818 | Orals | NP4.1 Parameterization of stochastic multiscale triads |
EGU2017-17746 | Posters | NP4.1 High resolution dynamical downscaling of air temperature and relative humidity: performance assessment of WRF for Portugal |
EGU2017-17665 | Posters | NP4.1 Verification of high resolution simulation of precipitation and wind in Portugal |
EGU2017-4737 | Posters | NP4.1 Analysis of Numerical Weather Predictions of Reference Evapotranspiration and Precipitation |
EGU2017-9143 | Posters | NP4.1 Time series models for prediction the total and dissolved heavy metals concentration in road runoff and soil solution of roadside embankments |
EGU2017-11362 | Posters | NP4.1 Classification of paddy rice through multi-temporal multi-sensor data fusion |
EGU2017-6360 | Posters | NP4.1 Assessment of winter wheat loss risk impacted by climate change from 1982 to 2011 |
EGU2017-11400 | Posters | NP4.1 Varied representation of the West Pacific pattern in multiple dynamical seasonal predictions of APCC-MME |
EGU2017-16125 | Posters | NP4.1 Information flow associated with precipitation in coupled and uncoupled regional climate simulations |
EGU2017-7056 | Posters | NP4.1 A flexible tool for diagnosing water, energy, and entropy budgets in climate models |
EGU2017-7522 | Posters | NP4.1 An evaluation of parametric sensitivities of different climatic variables simulated by the Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity LOVECLIM |
EGU2017-9582 | Posters | NP4.1 Modeling the potential of different countries for pandemic spread over the global air network |
EGU2017-9279 | Posters | NP4.1 The Annual Deformation Signals Isolation in the GNSS Time Series Analysis in CMONOC |
EGU2017-13548 | Posters | NP4.1 A Multiple Algorithm Approach to the Analysis of GNSS Coordinates Times Series for Detecting Geohazards |
EGU2017-14051 | Posters | NP4.1 Scaling analysis of high-frequency time series of gamma-ray counts |
EGU2017-10175 | Posters | NP4.1 Study of Gutenberg-Richter coefficients considering time evolution for different mexican seismic regions |
EGU2017-10313 | Posters | NP4.1 Time series analysis of geoelectrical field as a possible seismic precursor for Mw=7.2 (2014) in Petatlán, México |
NP5.1 – Inverse Problems, Data Assimilation and Error Dynamics
EGU2017-765 | Posters | NP5.1 Variational data assimilation for limited-area models: solution of the open boundary control problem and its application for the Gulf of Finland |
EGU2017-15609 | Orals | NP5.1 On existence and uniqueness of solutions for variational data assimilation |
EGU2017-766 | Posters | NP5.1 Domain decomposition method for the Baltic Sea based on theory of adjoint equation and inverse problem. |
EGU2017-729 | Orals | NP5.1 Dynamically constrained uncertainty for the Kalman filter covariance in the presence of model error |
EGU2017-2486 | Posters | NP5.1 Simulation of a class of hazardous situations in the ICS «INM RAS – Baltic Sea» |
EGU2017-11587 | Orals | NP5.1 Uncertainty quantification for massive autonomous systems based on a second-order adjoint method |
EGU2017-6656 | Posters | NP5.1 Variational data assimilation problem for the thermodynamics model with displaced pole |
EGU2017-3793 | Orals | NP5.1 Nonlinear data assimilation using synchronization in a particle filter |
EGU2017-15752 | Orals | NP5.1 Toward data-driven methods in geophysics: the Analog Data Assimilation |
EGU2017-13957 | Posters | NP5.1 The Asymmetric EDA |
EGU2017-543 | Orals | NP5.1 Improving Weather Forecasts Through Reduced Precision Data Assimilation |
EGU2017-16744 | Posters | NP5.1 Estimation of 4D-var Data Assimilation Error for Coupled Climate Models |
EGU2017-1125 | Orals | NP5.1 Lagrangian data assimilation and hybrid particle - ensemble Kalman filter |
EGU2017-14526 | Posters | NP5.1 Uncertainty Quantification for Adjoint-Based Inverse Problems with Sparse Data |
EGU2017-9174 | Posters | NP5.1 PEGASOS campaign data for optimizing atmospheric chemical composition by 4D-var data assimilation within EURAD-IM modelling system |
EGU2017-706 | Orals | NP5.1 Data Assimilation Methods on a Non-conservative Adaptive Mesh |
EGU2017-2864 | Posters | NP5.1 Geographic dependent Parameter Optimization on Dust Emission in East Asia by Trajectory-based 4DVar |
EGU2017-7707 | Orals | NP5.1 Formulation and study some inverse problems in modeling of hydrophysical fields in water areas with "liquid" boundaries |
EGU2017-120 | Posters | NP5.1 Evaluation criteria on the design for assimilating remote sensing data using variational approaches |
EGU2017-8659 | Orals | NP5.1 Analysing trace gas filaments in the Ex-UTLS by 4D-variational assimilation of tomographic retrievals |
EGU2017-119 | Posters | NP5.1 A two-way-tracking localized ensemble Kalman filter for assimilating aircraft in situ volcanic ash measurements |
EGU2017-13444 | Orals | NP5.1 The role of ensemble-based statistics in variational assimilation of cloud-affected observations from infrared imagers |
EGU2017-5623 | Orals | NP5.1 Structure of analysis-minus-observation misfits within a global ocean reanalysis system: implications for atmospheric reanalyses |
EGU2017-13327 | Posters | NP5.1 Four-dimensional ensemble variational data assimilation and the unstable subspace |
EGU2017-13562 | Posters | NP5.1 Estimating Model Evidence Using Data Assimilation |
EGU2017-704 | Posters | NP5.1 Multimodel parameter optimization with adaptive population importance sampler (APIS) |
EGU2017-4827 | Posters | NP5.1 Scalable and balanced dynamic hybrid data assimilation |
EGU2017-3734 | Posters | NP5.1 Benchmarking of numerical weather prediction short-range surface temperature forecasts relative to persisted observation deviations and relative to an observation-based statistical interpolation methodology. |
EGU2017-17056 | Posters | NP5.1 Assessment of Forecast Sensitivity to Observation and Its Application to Satellite Radiances Assessment |
EGU2017-1744 | Posters | NP5.1 A practical scheme of the sigma-point Kalman filter for high-dimensional systems |
EGU2017-9241 | Posters | NP5.1 Building Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation Systems with Coupled Models |
EGU2017-17689 | Posters | NP5.1 Balanced Atmospheric Data Assimilation |
EGU2017-7393 | Posters | NP5.1 A flexible additive inflation scheme for treating model error in ensemble Kalman Filters |
EGU2017-10454 | Posters | NP5.1 Ensemble-Type Kalman Filter Algorithm conserving mass, total energy and enstrophy |
EGU2017-3429 | Posters | NP5.1 Is 30-second update fast enough for convection-resolving data assimilation? |
EGU2017-2170 | Posters | NP5.1 Assimilating satellite radiances without vertical localization using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter with up to 1280 ensemble members |
EGU2017-2972 | Posters | NP5.1 A Study on Mutil-Scale Background Error Covariances in 3D-Var Data Assimilation |
EGU2017-13031 | Posters | NP5.1 Land surface parameter optimisation through data assimilation: the adJULES system |
EGU2017-1503 | Posters | NP5.1 Estimation of bias in conventional petrophysical inversion |
EGU2017-17556 | Posters | NP5.1 The application of Bayes probability theory for uncertainty assessments of Antarctic ice sheet predictions |
EGU2017-15995 | Posters | NP5.1 Towards an improved ASCAT wind data assimilation in global NWP |
EGU2017-6021 | Posters | NP5.1 The application of Nonlinear Local Lyapunov Vectors to the Zebiak-Cane Model and their performance in the Ensemble Prediction |
EGU2017-6109 | Posters | NP5.1 Global ionospheric electron density estimation based on multisource TEC data assimilation |
EGU2017-9184 | Posters | NP5.1 Aerosols on a Cube: Development of a New Aerosol Model and Assimilation System for the Future NOAA Forecasting System. |
EGU2017-17822 | Posters | NP5.1 EMPIRE and pyenda: Two ensemble-based data assimilation systems written in Fortran and Python |
EGU2017-14246 | Posters | NP5.1 Potential for wind extraction from 4D-Var assimilation of aerosols and moisture |
EGU2017-14618 | Posters | NP5.1 Scale-dependent estimates of the growth of forecast uncertainties in a global prediction system |
NP5.2 – Initial error dynamics and model error physics in predictability studies of weather and climate
EGU2017-4226 | Orals | NP5.2 Study of Nonlinear Forcing Singular Vector on Tropical Cyclone predictability |
Using an ICM ensemble prediction system outputs to explore the “spring predictability barrier” for 2015/2016 El Niño event |
EGU2017-6627 | Orals | NP5.2 Lyapunov instability properties of a hierarchy of atmospheric models |
Nonlinearity Modulating Central Pacific- and Eastern Pacific-El Niño Events in Intensities and Spatial Structures |
EGU2017-2791 | Orals | NP5.2 Improved ensemble-mean forecasting of ENSO events by a zero-mean stochastic error model of an intermediate coupled model |
EGU2017-218 | Posters | NP5.2 Effect of wind stress forcing uncertainties on predictability of the current through the beginning of Kuroshio |
EGU2017-2415 | Posters | NP5.2 Effects of optimal initial errors on predicting the seasonal reduction of the upstream Kuroshio transport |
EGU2017-1746 | Orals | NP5.2 The Climatologically relevant singular vector and its application in climate predictions |
EGU2017-2416 | Posters | NP5.2 Optimal precursors triggering the Kuroshio Extension state transition obtained by the Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation approach |
EGU2017-14410 | Orals | NP5.2 A Bayesian approach to test hypotheses about the generation and propagation of systematic decadal climate prediction errors |
EGU2017-8738 | Orals | NP5.2 Quantification of persistence/predictability barriers in ENSO and its application |
EGU2017-2935 | Posters | NP5.2 Estimating observing locations for advancing beyond the winter predictability barrier of Indian Ocean dipiole event predictions |
EGU2017-5455 | Posters | NP5.2 The Effects of the Amplification of Numerical Noise through Chaos on Predictability Studies |
EGU2017-5748 | Posters | NP5.2 The role of model errors represented by nonlinear forcing singular vector tendency error in causing the “spring predictability barrier” within ENSO predictions |
EGU2017-6030 | Posters | NP5.2 Predictability of Forced Lorenz Systems |
EGU2017-6631 | Posters | NP5.2 Determining the spectrum of the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponents in a multidimensional chaotic system |
EGU2017-12560 | Posters | NP5.2 Optimal error analysis of the intraseasonal convection due to uncertainties of the sea surface temperature in a coupled model |
EGU2017-18500 | Posters | NP5.2 The adjoint sensitivity of heavy rainfall to initial conditions in debris flow areas in China |
EGU2017-19445 | Posters | NP5.2 Seasonal predictability of sea surface temperature anomalies over the Kuroshio–Oyashio Extension: low in summer and high in winter |
EGU2017-19446 | Posters | NP5.2 Comparison of the initial errors most likely to cause a spring predictability barrier for two types of El Niño events |
NP5.3 – Advances in statistical post-processing for deterministic and ensemble forecasts (co-organized)
EGU2017-3739 | Orals | NP5.3 Development of a post-processing methodology for reliable, skillful probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts with multi-model ensembles and short training data sets. |
EGU2017-2476 | Posters | NP5.3 Bias-correction for precipitation over the Alps during present-day control simulations |
EGU2017-2522 | Posters | NP5.3 Spatial Ensemble Postprocessing of Precipitation Forecasts Using High Resolution Analyses |
EGU2017-2489 | Orals | NP5.3 Multivariate Statistical Postprocessing of Ensemble Forcasts of Precipitation and Temperature over four River Basins in California |
EGU2017-14552 | Orals | NP5.3 Statistical post-processing of seasonal multi-model forecasts: Why is it so hard to beat the multi-model mean? |
EGU2017-2792 | Posters | NP5.3 Discrete post-processing of total cloud cover ensemble forecasts |
EGU2017-2839 | Posters | NP5.3 New approaches for rainfall ensemble post-processing with a focus on extreme and rare events |
EGU2017-5596 | Orals | NP5.3 Probabilistic forecasts of extreme local precipitation using HARMONIE predictors and comparing 3 different post-processing methods |
EGU2017-3315 | Posters | NP5.3 Comparison of multivariate post-processing approaches |
EGU2017-5573 | Orals | NP5.3 Estimation Methods for Non-Homogeneous Regression – Minimum CRPS vs Maximum Likelihood |
EGU2017-11237 | Orals | NP5.3 Improving medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts through statistical post-processing |
EGU2017-3667 | Posters | NP5.3 A comparative verification of high resolution precipitation forecasts using model output statistics |
EGU2017-4254 | Posters | NP5.3 Probabilistic versus deterministic skill in predicting the western North Pacific-East Asian summer monsoon variability with multimodel ensembles |
EGU2017-4337 | Posters | NP5.3 Very short-term rainfall forecasting by effectively using the ensemble outputs of numerical weather prediction models |
EGU2017-7118 | Posters | NP5.3 Simultaneous Ensemble Post-Processing for Multiple Lead Times with Standardized Anomalies |
EGU2017-7168 | Posters | NP5.3 Regularized Nonhomogeneous Regression for Predictor Selection in Ensemble Post-Procession |
EGU2017-7172 | Posters | NP5.3 Post-processing method for wind speed ensemble forecast using wind speed and direction |
EGU2017-7940 | Posters | NP5.3 Predicting the Probability of Lightning Occurrence with Generalized Additive Models |
EGU2017-8141 | Posters | NP5.3 Adaptive correction of ensemble forecasts |
EGU2017-8887 | Posters | NP5.3 Ensemble Postprocessing of Vertical Temperature Profiles using Standardized Anomalies |
EGU2017-11130 | Posters | NP5.3 Post-processing GCM daily rainfall and temperature forecasts for applications in water management and agriculture |
EGU2017-12262 | Posters | NP5.3 A Robust and Effective Multivariate Post-processing approach: Application on North American Multi-Model Ensemble Climate Forecast over the CONUS |
EGU2017-14208 | Posters | NP5.3 Statistical ensemble postprocessing for precipitation forecasting during the West African Monsoon |
EGU2017-14562 | Posters | NP5.3 Improvement of APHRODITE precipitation data over South Korea |
EGU2017-14981 | Posters | NP5.3 Rough Precipitation Forecasts based on Analogue Method: an Operational System |
EGU2017-16894 | Posters | NP5.3 Ensemble post-processing for varied use-cases |
EGU2017-18296 | Posters | NP5.3 Bias correction of daily precipitation projected by the CORDEX-Africa ensemble for a sparsely gauged region in West Africa with regionalized distribution parameters |
EGU2017-18597 | Posters | NP5.3 Developing Multi-model Ensemble for Precipitation and Temperature Seasonal Forecasts: Implications for Karkheh River Basin in Iran |
NP6.1 – Turbulence in the Atmosphere (co-organized)
EGU2017-12809 | Posters | NP6.1 Wind Shear Effects within the Entrainment Zone of Stratocumulus |
EGU2017-15550 | Orals | NP6.1 | Highlight Boundary-layer processes: key findings from MATERHORN-X field campaigns |
EGU2017-2387 | Orals | NP6.1 Helicity in the atmospheric boundary layer |
EGU2017-6469 | Posters | NP6.1 Convection Cells in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer |
EGU2017-2602 | Posters | NP6.1 A Physically Based Horizontal Subgrid-scale Turbulent Mixing Parameterization for the Convective Boundary Layer in Mesoscale Models |
EGU2017-888 | Orals | NP6.1 Integrating surface, entrainment and mesoscale in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer dynamics: a 10-year study in Cabauw (The Netherlands) |
EGU2017-7797 | Posters | NP6.1 Local Characteristics of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer in Response to External Pressure Forcing |
EGU2017-1008 | Orals | NP6.1 Vertical evolution of wind meandering in a nocturnal boundary layer during low-wind speed conditions |
EGU2017-12849 | Orals | NP6.1 Wind Shear Effects on the Structure and Dynamics of the Daytime Atmospheric Boundary Layer |
EGU2017-8389 | Posters | NP6.1 Predicting Fog in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer |
EGU2017-17879 | Orals | NP6.1 | Highlight KASCADE2017 – An experimental study of thermal circulations and turbulence in complex terrain |
EGU2017-8497 | Posters | NP6.1 Interaction of turbulence and horizontal meandering in a low-wind stable boundary layer |
EGU2017-4514 | Posters | NP6.1 Turbulence feature modifications from high to low wind conditions: results from the CCT observations at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. |
EGU2017-10405 | Posters | NP6.1 Influence of tall vegetation canopy on turbulence kinetic energy budget in the stable boundary layer |
EGU2017-1520 | Posters | NP6.1 The study of the evolution of aerosol concentrations at altitudes of civil aviation |
EGU2017-12944 | Posters | NP6.1 Turbulence influence on urban air pollution in a hot spot in Madrid: comparison of winter and summer field campaigns |
EGU2017-14145 | Posters | NP6.1 Study of the air quality in the surroundings of an urban park: A micrometeorological approach |
EGU2017-14802 | Posters | NP6.1 Local and regional characterisation of the diurnal mountain wind systems in the Guadarrama mountain range (Spain) |
EGU2017-12439 | Posters | NP6.1 High-resolution WRF-LES simulations for real episodes: A case study for prealpine terrain |
EGU2017-13354 | Posters | NP6.1 Turbulence structure of the near-surface boundary layer in complex terrain |
EGU2017-940 | Posters | NP6.1 Assessment of WRF surface layer formulations over a complex terrain in a tropical region |
EGU2017-15734 | Posters | NP6.1 Investigation of the spatial variability and possible origins of wind-induced air pressure fluctuations responsible for pressure pumping |
EGU2017-18919 | Posters | NP6.1 Dynamics of the very stable boundary layer with large-eddy simulations |
EGU2017-11419 | Posters | NP6.1 Exploring the impact of unsteady pressure gradients and surface buoyancy on the mean wind and turbulence in the ABL |
EGU2017-7344 | Posters | NP6.1 Novel approaches to estimate turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate from low and moderate resolution velocity fluctuation time series |
EGU2017-9487 | Posters | NP6.1 Analysis and comparison of different methods to characterize turbulent environment |
EGU2017-12098 | Posters | NP6.1 Non-Richardson Turbulent Particle Pair Diffusion |
EGU2017-1674 | Posters | NP6.1 Effect of air turbulence on gas transport in soil; comparison of approaches |
NP6.2 – Recent developments in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Waves, Turbulence, Transport and Intermittency
EGU2017-179 | Posters | NP6.2 Complex Flow Image Velocimetry in Shock Instabilities with Fractal Boundaries |
EGU2017-4189 | Orals | NP6.2 Conservation laws in baroclinic inertial-symmetric instabilities |
EGU2017-3671 | Posters | NP6.2 Atmospheric-like rotating annulus experiment: gravity wave emission from baroclinic jets |
EGU2017-14556 | Orals | NP6.2 Theory of inertial waves in rotating fluids |
EGU2017-16558 | Orals | NP6.2 | Highlight The limiting form of symmetric instability in geophysical flows |
EGU2017-3701 | Posters | NP6.2 | Highlight Nonnormality increases variance of gravity waves trapped in a tilted box |
EGU2017-3854 | Posters | NP6.2 Lagrangian Timescales in the Gulf of Finland |
EGU2017-1494 | Orals | NP6.2 | Highlight Energy transfer in the abyss. |
EGU2017-5281 | Posters | NP6.2 | Highlight Identifying representative shapes in fields of temperature spectra in vacillating baroclinic waves |
EGU2017-4438 | Orals | NP6.2 Transition between symmetric and asymmetric flow in rectangular shallow reservoirs – a case of maximum dissipation? |
EGU2017-4351 | Orals | NP6.2 Small-scale flow patterns at the vertical sidewalls of the thermally driven rotating annulus |
EGU2017-6903 | Posters | NP6.2 Mixing in 3D Sparse Multi-Scale Grid Generated Turbulence |
EGU2017-7801 | Posters | NP6.2 New results of the spherical convection experiment Geoflow IIc |
EGU2017-11380 | Posters | NP6.2 Study of interaction between a vortex ring and a solid surface for a wide range of ring velocities |
EGU2017-11663 | Posters | NP6.2 Mesoscale and submesoscale processes from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) |
EGU2017-12517 | Posters | NP6.2 | Highlight Turbulent Inertial Particle Pair Diffusion |
EGU2017-13955 | Posters | NP6.2 Investigating anomalous transport of electrolytes in charged porous media |
EGU2017-19201 | Posters | NP6.2 | Highlight Intermittency in Complex Flows |
EGU2017-19292 | Posters | NP6.2 Nonlinear effects of internal wave focusing by a horizontally oscillating torus |
EGU2017-19605 | Posters | NP6.2 Environmental turbulence and climate-weather scaling |
NP6.4 – Turbulence, magnetic reconnection, shocks and particle acceleration: nonlinear processes. (co-organized)
EGU2017-10120 | Orals | NP6.4 The Three Dimensional Structure and Dynamics of Magnetotail Reconnection |
EGU2017-7302 | Posters | NP6.4 Comparative statistics of small-scale magnetic structures by observations and simulations |