SSP – Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Palaeontology
SSP1.1 – Open session on stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeontology (sponsored by IAS and SEPM) | PICO
EGU2017-2477 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Depositional Architecture of Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician Siliciclastic Barik Formation; Al Huqf Area, Oman |
EGU2017-11218 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Tectonic-depositional environment and proto-type basins evolution of the Late Ordovician in the Tarim Basin |
EGU2017-16887 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Application of Spectral Gamma Ray for Lithofacies and Paleo-environmental Interpretation: A Case Study from the Late Ordovician Glaciogenic Deposits, Saudi Arabia |
EGU2017-1097 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Depositional environments of the south-eastern Volga–Ural anteclise in the Early-Middle Devonian. |
EGU2017-12089 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Geomechanical Stratigraphy of the Late Ordovician Sarah Formation Glaciogenic Paleochannel Deposits: Reservoir Outcrop Analog from Central Saudi Arabia |
EGU2017-9899 | PICOs | SSP1.1 The Relationship between Litho-Sequential Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy of Khuff Carbonates: Implication for Facies and Paleoenvironmental Recognition and Correlation, Central Saudi Arabia |
EGU2017-13058 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Integrated Sedimentological Approach to Assess Reservoir Quality and Architecture of Khuff Carbonates: Outcrop Analog, Central Saudi Arabia |
EGU2017-16621 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Associations of Earlandia Foraminifera; in the Early Triassic Succession of Khuff Carbonates; Central Saudi Arabia |
EGU2017-3013 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Upper Triassic limestones from the northern part of Japan: new insights on the Panthalassa Ocean and Hokkaido Island |
EGU2017-2965 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Cyrtocrinids from the Štramberk-type limestones of southern Poland |
EGU2017-6226 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of reservoir with thin interbeds of Paleogene Liushagang Formation in Beibuwan Basin, China |
EGU2017-4124 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Sedimentology and High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic Dhruma Formation Carbonates Outcrops in the Central Saudi Arabia |
EGU2017-2837 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Stable isotope analyses of belemnites from the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary: implications for salinity variation within the Tethys Ocean |
EGU2017-17870 | PICOs | SSP1.1 The causes of covariation between C and O isotopes in the inorganic carbonate record |
EGU2017-3258 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Are glendonites reliable indicators of cold conditions? Evidence from the Lower Cretaceous of Spitsbergen |
EGU2017-17047 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Cyclicity and reservoir properties of Lower-Middle Miocene sediments of South Kirinsk oil and gas field |
EGU2017-10092 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Integrated stratigraphy of Contessa quarry section (Umbria-Marche Apennines): new data on a potentially reference section for the Burdigalian GSSP |
EGU2017-4098 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Important Conclusions on the Messinian Salinity Crisis Depositional History of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin |
EGU2017-4069 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Paleo-environments of Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Foreland-Basin Deposits in the Western Foothills of South-Central Taiwan |
EGU2017-17341 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Investigating Miocene Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange (IMMAGE) - an amphibious drilling proposal |
EGU2017-13557 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Marine influx hits Caspian Sea at the Pleistocene transition |
EGU2017-986 | PICOs | SSP1.1 New results on Late Quaternary stratigraphy of Manych depression |
EGU2017-8345 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Nature and evolution of the Quaternary coastal sedimentary wedge of the northern part of Java Island |
EGU2017-19167 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Assessment of heavy metal contamination in core sediment samples in Gulf of Izmir, Aegean Sea, Turkey (by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)) |
EGU2017-17498 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Barium and calcium analyses in sediment cores using µ-XRF core scanners |
EGU2017-17339 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Radionuclide distribution of Holocene sediments and its effects on the habitat of recent foraminifers: A case study from the Western Marmara Sea (Turkey) |
EGU2017-17211 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Effects of heavy metal pollution on foraminifers in the Marmara Sea (Balıkesir-Canakkale-Tekirdag, Turkey) |
EGU2017-1833 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Sedimentological context of the continental sabkhas of Abu Dhabi |
EGU2017-1835 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Documenting a modern day transgressive surface in a carbonate ramp setting |
EGU2017-6356 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Early cements versus pore-water chemical composition in the subsurface of the sabkha of Abu Dhabi |
EGU2017-1886 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Jurassic onychites (arm hooks) from squid-like cephalopods from the Wessex Basin, southern England |
EGU2017-17450 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Scaling laws in sand launch process |
EGU2017-18526 | PICOs | SSP1.1 Yuntaishan Global Geopark VS Grand Canyon World Heritage Site A Contrast of Yuntai/Grand Canyon Physiognomy |
SSP1.3 – Achievements and perspectives in scientific ocean and continental drilling (co-organized)
EGU2017-3947 | Orals | SSP1.3 Quantifying K, U and Th contents of marine sediments using shipboard natural gamma radiation spectra measured on DV JOIDES Resolution |
EGU2017-16385 | Posters | SSP1.3 The Eocene/Oligocene boundary in the western North Atlantic (IODP Site U1411): Paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic change reflected by dinoflagellate cyst assemblages |
EGU2017-1927 | Posters | SSP1.3 Dust influx into the northern Indian Ocean over the last 1.5 Myr. |
EGU2017-8911 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight Using giant piston coring within IODP to track past earthquakes in the sedimentary record along the Japan Trench |
EGU2017-10392 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight Reconstruction of recent ~10Ma thermal structure seaward of updip limit of Nankai seismogenic zone off Kumano inferred from IODP NanTroSEIZE geothermal data and time-dependent numerical model |
EGU2017-3023 | Posters | SSP1.3 Porosity-depth trends of carbonate deposits along the northwest shelf of Australia (IODP Expedition 356) |
EGU2017-3034 | Posters | SSP1.3 Mineralogical influences on porosity-depth trends of shelf deposits (Miocene-Pleistocene) along the northwest shelf of Australia (IODP Expedition 356) |
EGU2017-14689 | Orals | SSP1.3 Sea Bed Drilling Technology MARUM-MeBo: Overview on recent scientific drilling campaigns and technical developments |
EGU2017-3562 | Posters | SSP1.3 Static modeling: Case study of the Pletmos basin, offshore South Africa. |
EGU2017-15786 | Orals | SSP1.3 Stratigraphical division of Holocene depositional succession of Ångermanälven River estuary, Bothnian Sea |
EGU2017-11143 | Orals | SSP1.3 Luminescence signal profiling: a new proxy for sedimentologically "invisible" marine Mass Transport Deposits (MTDs) |
EGU2017-5151 | Posters | SSP1.3 Changing sediment physical properties at the Agulhas Plateau (IODP Site U1475): indications for the long-term variability of deepwater circulation over the last 7 Ma |
EGU2017-4082 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight ICDP project DeepCHALLA: reconstructing East African climate change and environmental history over the past 250,000 years |
EGU2017-5575 | Posters | SSP1.3 Present-day stress state in the Outokumpu deep drill hole, Finland |
EGU2017-6681 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: A 500,000-year climate record from Chew Bahir, a key site in southern Ethiopia |
EGU2017-7963 | Posters | SSP1.3 | Highlight The DIS, the CODD, IGSNs and DOIs: Tools you need to succeed with your ocean and continental scientific drilling project |
EGU2017-3812 | Orals | SSP1.3 An ~500,000 yr record of tropical glaciation recovered during the Lake Junin (Peru) Drilling Project |
EGU2017-8130 | Posters | SSP1.3 Gamma radiation-based astronomical timescale for the Maldives: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 359, Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level |
EGU2017-6743 | Orals | SSP1.3 GONAF – A borehole Geophysical Observatory around the North Anatolian Fault in the Eastern Sea of Marmara |
EGU2017-8309 | Posters | SSP1.3 Latest Pleistocene flash floods in the Dead Sea basin inferred from the ICDP core |
EGU2017-9942 | Orals | SSP1.3 Bedrock Geology of the DFDP-2B Drill-Site, Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand |
EGU2017-9605 | Posters | SSP1.3 Integrating multi-scale geophysical and drill-core data to improve hydraulic characterization of continental sedimentary basins |
EGU2017-14147 | Orals | SSP1.3 ICDP supported coring in IDDP-2 at Reykjanes – the DEEPEGS demonstrator in Iceland – Supercritical conditions reached below 4.6 km depth. |
EGU2017-9743 | Posters | SSP1.3 Past Productivity conditions off SW Iberia at the transition from the 41 ky to the 100 ky world; The record of IODP Sites U1385 and U1391 |
EGU2017-10456 | Posters | SSP1.3 Early to Middle Pleistocene Climate Records off Southern Iberia Reveal two Types of Interglacial Climate Evolution |
EGU2017-11555 | Posters | SSP1.3 Filling material for a buried cavity in a collapse area using light-weighted foam and active feldspar |
EGU2017-12030 | Posters | SSP1.3 Present-day stress state analysis on the Big Island of Hawai´i, USA |
EGU2017-13057 | Posters | SSP1.3 Linking downhole logging data with geology and drilling /coring operations - Example from Chicxulub Expedition 364. |
EGU2017-13670 | Posters | SSP1.3 The “DREAM” IODP project to drill the Mediterranean Salt Giant on the Balearic Promontory |
EGU2017-14048 | Posters | SSP1.3 An interpretation of core and wireline logs for the Petrophysical evaluation of Upper Shallow Marine sandstone reservoirs of the Bredasdorp Basin, offshore South Africa |
EGU2017-15394 | Posters | SSP1.3 Textures of water-rich mud sediments from the continental margin offshore Costa Rica (IODP expeditions 334 and 344) |
EGU2017-14084 | Posters | SSP1.3 Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange at Plio-Pleistocene Transition |
EGU2017-7671 | Posters | SSP1.3 Drilling a crater at the Equator-insides from ICDP DeepCHALLA |
EGU2017-10258 | Posters | SSP1.3 The SCOPSCO Deep Drilling Project: a 1.3 million-year palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from Lake Ohrid using stable isotopes |
EGU2017-12348 | Posters | SSP1.3 Tidal control on gas flux from the Precambrian continental bedrock revealed by gas monitoring at the Outokumpu Deep Drill Hole, Finland |
EGU2017-14900 | Posters | SSP1.3 A new record of mid- to late Pleistocene Indo-Pacific hydroclimate variability from Lake Towuti, Indonesia |
EGU2017-14923 | Posters | SSP1.3 The Colorado Plateau Coring Project: A Continuous Cored Non-Marine Record of Early Mesozoic Environmental and Biotic Change |
EGU2017-12858 | Posters | SSP1.3 Thermogenic Wet Gas in Immature Caprock Sections: Leakage or Generation. |
EGU2017-4248 | Posters | SSP1.3 Initial report on drilling into seismogenic zones of M2.0 – M5.5 earthquakes from deep South African gold mines (DSeis) |
EGU2017-9642 | Posters | SSP1.3 Testing the results of estimating lithological stratigraphy through cluster analysis on geophysical borehole logging data through Multi Sensor Core Logging data |
EGU2017-6793 | Posters | SSP1.3 Stratigraphy, climate and downhole logging data – an example from the ICDP Dead Sea deep drilling project |
SSP2.1 – Paleozoic to Mesozoic stratigraphy, paleoceanography and paleoclimate (sponsored by IAS and SEPM)
EGU2017-13620 | Posters | SSP2.1 Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Cambrian base (La Herrería Formation) in the area of Los Barrios de Luna (N of Spain) |
EGU2017-4299 | Posters | SSP2.1 Lower Cambrian cherts in the northern Tarim Basin, China: implication for the sedimentary environments and tectonic history |
EGU2017-3037 | Orals | SSP2.1 Limitations and opportunities for Permian-Triassic carbonate-carbon isotope stratigraphy posed by microbial-controlled diagenetic mineral additions |
EGU2017-836 | Posters | SSP2.1 Interpretation and mapping of carbonate mounds within the Ordovician on Gotland, Sweden |
EGU2017-15291 | Orals | SSP2.1 Palynology and Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Triassic – Jurassic transition in the Salt Range (Pakistan) |
EGU2017-3961 | Posters | SSP2.1 Paleo-ocean environments before and after the Ordovician glaciation and the correlation with heterogeneous marine black shale: a stratigraphic case study of Wufeng-Longmaxi formation in Fuling, Sichuan basin, SW China |
EGU2017-408 | Orals | SSP2.1 Geochemical evidences for palaeoclimatic fluctuations at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary: southwestern margin of the Neotethys in the Salt Range, Pakistan |
EGU2017-16017 | Orals | SSP2.1 Integrated stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Early Jurassic Posidonienschiefer from the Lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany |
EGU2017-10968 | Posters | SSP2.1 Depositional History and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Ordovician Yeongheung Formation (Yeongweol Group), Taebaeksan Basin, mid-east Korea |
EGU2017-3554 | Orals | SSP2.1 Divergent response of the neritic carbonate factory to environmental changes during the Early Bajocian Event |
EGU2017-9565 | Posters | SSP2.1 Cyclostratigraphic analysis of the Middle to lower Upper Ordovician Postolonnec Formation in the Armorican Massif (France): integrating pXRF, gammay-ray and lithological data |
EGU2017-6346 | Posters | SSP2.1 Chemostratigraphy of the Gohan Formation in the eastern central Korea : implications for the Capitanian environmental change |
EGU2017-4296 | Orals | SSP2.1 | Highlight Overcoming challenges in nonmarine stratigraphy using a multidisciplinary approach: an example from Mesozoic basins of eastern Australia |
EGU2017-2927 | Posters | SSP2.1 The volcano-sedimentary succession of Upper Permian in Wuli area, central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Sedimentology, geochemistry and paleogeography |
EGU2017-13258 | Orals | SSP2.1 An integrated bio-chemostratigraphic framework for Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Cenomanian) shallow-water carbonates of the Central Apennines (Italy) |
EGU2017-11604 | Posters | SSP2.1 Towards a definition of the Induan-Olenekian Boundary: The potential of Eurygnathodus costatus and Eurygnathodus hamadai as index fossils |
EGU2017-9945 | Orals | SSP2.1 Integrated bio-chemostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous organic-rich marine sediments in Israel |
EGU2017-3731 | Orals | SSP2.1 Mid-Cenomanian Event I (MCE I, 96 Ma): elemental and osmium isotope evidence for sea level, climate, and palaeocirculation changes in the NW European epicontinental sea |
EGU2017-12366 | Posters | SSP2.1 Upper Triassic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Geochemistry of Associated Volcanics of Bitlis Massif |
EGU2017-3506 | Posters | SSP2.1 Middle Jurassic Planktonic Foraminifer in Saudi Arabia – a new biostratigraphical marker for the J30 maximum flooding surface in the Middle East |
EGU2017-7957 | Orals | SSP2.1 Effects of mid Cretaceous paleoenvironmental changes on selected coccolith size |
EGU2017-13948 | Posters | SSP2.1 A new high-resolution C-isotope chemostratigraphy through the Aalenian Opalinus Clay and its neighbouring units in Northern Switzerland |
EGU2017-8052 | Orals | SSP2.1 | Highlight Polar ice sheets during the Cretaceous? Insights from coupled numerical modelling. |
EGU2017-7945 | Orals | SSP2.1 Freshwater forcing on the greenhouse Arctic climate in the Late Cretaceous: Implications from proxies and model simulations |
EGU2017-5391 | Posters | SSP2.1 Sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic deposits in the North German Basin (Lower Saxony Basin, Süntel Mountains) |
EGU2017-11249 | Posters | SSP2.1 Composite biostratigraphy and microfacies analysis of the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform to slope successions in Sivrihisar (Eskişehir) region (NW Turkey, Pontides): Remarks on the palaeogeographic evolution of the Western Sakarya Zo |
EGU2017-13262 | Posters | SSP2.1 Stratigraphic implications of trace element and strontium-isotope analyses of Kimmeridgian shell calcite from the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany |
EGU2017-9096 | Posters | SSP2.1 Multi-proxy record of orbital-scale changes in climate and sedimentation during the Weissert Event in the Valanginian Bersek Marl Formation (Gerecse Mts., Hungary) |
EGU2017-6728 | Posters | SSP2.1 Geochemical variability and sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the mudstone- dominated Lower Cretaceous succession in the eastern Lower Saxony Basin, Germany |
EGU2017-5553 | Posters | SSP2.1 High-resolution C and O stable isotope geochemistry of the early Aptian OAE1a at Cau (Prebetic Zone, Spain): Preliminary results from sediment core. |
EGU2017-4955 | Posters | SSP2.1 A Boreal high-resolution composite carbon isotope record of the Albian to Turonian interval from the North German Basin |
EGU2017-10002 | Posters | SSP2.1 The benthic fauna from the lower Maastrichtian chalk of Kronsmoor (Saturn quarry, northern Germany): composition and palaeoecologic implications |
EGU2017-7745 | Posters | SSP2.1 Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous succession in the sub-Arctic region |
SSP2.2 – The Need for Integrated Stratigraphy - Recent advances in cyclostratigraphy, astrochronology, radioisotopic dating and age modelling
EGU2017-180 | Posters | SSP2.2 A new chronostratigraphy (40Ar-39Ar and U-Pb Dating) for the Middle Section of the Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, SW Turkey |
EGU2017-11071 | Orals | SSP2.2 Reconstructing orbital eccentricity between 61 and 66 Ma and the influence of Neptune on Earth’s climate |
EGU2017-8618 | Orals | SSP2.2 | Highlight On the limits of numerical astronomical solutions used in paleoclimate studies |
EGU2017-7218 | Posters | SSP2.2 New high precision U-Pb calibration of the late Early-Triassic (Smithian-Spathian Boundary, South China) |
EGU2017-16130 | Orals | SSP2.2 Timing of global regression and microbial bloom linked with the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction: implications for driving mechanisms |
EGU2017-5764 | Posters | SSP2.2 Integrated stratigraphy of the Agrio Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina): towards an intercalibration with the Mediterranean basins during Valanginian-Hauterivian times |
EGU2017-16107 | Orals | SSP2.2 Astronomical forcing of Eocene monsoons in terrestrial sediments of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau |
EGU2017-12252 | Posters | SSP2.2 On the age of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary |
EGU2017-6975 | Orals | SSP2.2 Late Miocene climate and orbital time scale reconciliation from a deep-sea perspective |
EGU2017-2157 | Posters | SSP2.2 MyDTW – Dynamic Time Warping program for stratigraphical time series |
EGU2017-5621 | Posters | SSP2.2 Revisiting the Ceara Rise, equatorial Atlantic Ocean: isotope stratigraphy of ODP Leg 154 |
EGU2017-11168 | Orals | SSP2.2 Integrating bio-, chemo- and sequence stratigraphy of the Late Ordovician, Early Katian: A connection between onshore and offshore facies using carbon isotope analysis: Kentucky, Ohio, USA |
EGU2017-9404 | Posters | SSP2.2 Automatic adjustment of astrochronologic correlations |
EGU2017-9484 | Posters | SSP2.2 Reproducibility in cyclostratigraphy: initiating an intercomparison project |
EGU2017-12075 | Posters | SSP2.2 Radio-astrochronology of the Agrio Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) to reduce the uncertainties of the geological time scale in Early Cretaceous times |
EGU2017-15997 | Posters | SSP2.2 Upper Cretaceous planktonic stratigraphy of the Göynük composite section, western Tethys (Bolu province, Turkey) |
EGU2017-16399 | Posters | SSP2.2 Stratigraphic scale the Lower Precambrian of Russia |
EGU2017-18299 | Posters | SSP2.2 The middle Eocene Oyambre section (northern Spain): an example of the need for pairing cyclic deep-sea records and outcrop successions in astrochronology |
EGU2017-16976 | Posters | SSP2.2 Lateral variations of carbonate platform facies and cycles: The Dachstein Limestone (Late Triassic, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) |
EGU2017-14385 | Posters | SSP2.2 The base of the Campanian: a magnetostratigraphic definition, integrated biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy |
EGU2017-9699 | Posters | SSP2.2 Integrated stratigraphy of the Ammer section, Northern Alpine Foreland Basin, Germany: examining the age and origin of the earliest deposits in the Paratethys |
EGU2017-8544 | Posters | SSP2.2 Alternating Southern and Northern Hemisphere climate response to astronomical forcing during the past 35 m.y. |
EGU2017-8145 | Posters | SSP2.2 The Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2) in a terrestrial section of the High Arctic: identification by U-Pb zircon ages of volcanic ashes and carbon isotope records of coal and amber (Stenkul Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada) |
EGU2017-2795 | Posters | SSP2.2 How to turn monotonous fossil-barren siliciclastic sediments to environmental archive? |
EGU2017-2159 | Posters | SSP2.2 Integrated magnetostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of five cores in Yangtze delta, China : significance of sedimentary evolution |
SSP2.4 – Mass Extinctions, Volcanism, Impacts, and Catastrophic Environmental Changes: Observations and Processes (sponsored by IAS and SEPM) (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECSs Lecture by Yadong Sun) (co-organized)
EGU2017-3234 | Orals | SSP2.4 The Marinoan 17O depletion (MOSD) event: New data from northern Baltica |
EGU2017-3027 | Posters | SSP2.4 Devonian reef formation and mass extinction on F – F boundary, East Russian Craton |
EGU2017-3434 | Posters | SSP2.4 Improved age model of Mid-Holocene Ulleung-I tephra erupted from Ulleung Island, Korea |
EGU2017-2200 | Orals | SSP2.4 Anoxia, toxic metals and acidification: volcanically-driven causes of the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction in NW Pangaea? |
EGU2017-19550 | Orals | SSP2.4 Burned and buried by the Siberian traps: tree trunks in volcaniclastics and lavas |
EGU2017-6703 | Posters | SSP2.4 Permian-Triassic palynofacies and chemostratigraphy in a core recovered from central Spitsbergen. |
EGU2017-10006 | Orals | SSP2.4 Mercury as a proxy for Large Igneous Province volcanism: A comparison of Mesozoic events |
EGU2017-7424 | Posters | SSP2.4 LIP volcanism and paleo-environmental crises – impact of magma emplacement sequence on thermogenic degassing rates from the Karoo sedimentary basin |
EGU2017-4598 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight The intrusive record of the CAMP and what it means for the end Triassic mass extinction |
EGU2017-7905 | Posters | SSP2.4 Environmental Changes Associated With Deccan Volcanism: evidences from the red bole record |
EGU2017-14736 | Orals | SSP2.4 Timing is everything – implications of a new correlation of Triassic–Jurassic boundary successions and the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province |
EGU2017-9307 | Posters | SSP2.4 End-Cretaceous akaganéite and its potential as a mineral marker of Deccan volcanism in the global sedimentary record |
EGU2017-9380 | Posters | SSP2.4 Tertiary volcanism in the NW Atlantic area: update on the repartition and age |
EGU2017-2304 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight Climate warming during and in the aftermath of the End-Permian mass extinction (Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECSs Lecture) |
EGU2017-10196 | Posters | SSP2.4 Assessing the variation in mercury deposition around the North Atlantic during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) |
EGU2017-2290 | Orals | SSP2.4 Mass Extinctions of Pangea (Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal Lecture) |
EGU2017-11422 | Posters | SSP2.4 Syntectonic volcanic activities in the Miocene Eoil Basin, SE Korea: Implication for differential basin geometries of the basin floor |
EGU2017-18315 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight Sills, aureoles and pipes in the Karoo Basin, South Africa, as triggers for Early Jurassic environmental changes |
EGU2017-8919 | Orals | SSP2.4 Mercury enrichment indicates volcanic triggering of the Valanginian environmental change |
EGU2017-11444 | Posters | SSP2.4 Late Cretaceous volcanic arc system in Southwest Korea: Occurrence, lithological characteristics, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age, and tectonic implications |
EGU2017-7709 | Orals | SSP2.4 Timing and tempo of Deccan volcanism: evidence from mercury anomalies |
EGU2017-12256 | Posters | SSP2.4 Malformations of calpionellid loricas recorded in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates of the Western Carpathians, Western Balcan, Mexico and Cuba - a tool for paleoenvironmental interpretation |
EGU2017-12418 | Posters | SSP2.4 High-resolution stratigraphic analyses of Permian-Triassic core material recovered in central Spitsbergen |
EGU2017-13546 | Orals | SSP2.4 The K–PG boundary: how geological events lead to collapse of marine primary producers |
EGU2017-15014 | Posters | SSP2.4 3D seismic imaging of voluminous earliest Eocene buried lava fields and coastal escarpments off mid-Norway |
EGU2017-4032 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight Carbon sources during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum |
EGU2017-9267 | Orals | SSP2.4 Learning about past catastrophes from the present perturbation |
EGU2017-15378 | Posters | SSP2.4 A new age model for the Late Ordovician bentonites in Oslo, Norway |
EGU2017-16572 | Posters | SSP2.4 Modelling the Gaskiers glaciation, the role of the rapid movement of continents during the Ediacaran |
EGU2017-18553 | Posters | SSP2.4 Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum triggered by Volcanism revealed by Mercury anomalies |
EGU2017-19405 | Posters | SSP2.4 Evidence for a second impactor at the K-Pg Boundary in Baja California, Mexico |
EGU2017-2057 | Posters | SSP2.4 Did volcanic activity of the Emeishan large igneous province expand in Wuchiapingian times? |
EGU2017-2337 | Posters | SSP2.4 Effect of a Quaternary Meteoroid Impact in Indo-China on the Surface Sedimentary Record |
EGU2017-2904 | Posters | SSP2.4 Terrestrial temperature changes during the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition interval in North China and their link to pre-boundary extinctions |
EGU2017-7184 | Posters | SSP2.4 Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) thrived in gymnosperm forests following the end-Triassic extinction |
EGU2017-8946 | Posters | SSP2.4 Surface vitrification caused by natural fires in Late Pleistocene wetlands of the Atacama Desert |
EGU2017-13931 | Posters | SSP2.4 The biotic recovery in the aftermath of the Permian-Triassic Boundary: New data from The Griesbachian of Oman |
EGU2017-15568 | Posters | SSP2.4 Sill induced hydrothermal vent structures: what do they look like in the field? |
SSP2.6 – Salt Giants: causes, processes and impacts on basin evolution
EGU2017-376 | Posters | SSP2.6 The Messinian evaporites in the Levant Basin: lithology, deformation and its evolution |
EGU2017-4428 | Orals | SSP2.6 Gravity gliding in the Bay of Mecklenburg? – New seismic data at the North German Basin margin |
EGU2017-532 | Posters | SSP2.6 Mediterranean salt giants beyond the evaporite model: The Sicily perspective |
EGU2017-5803 | Orals | SSP2.6 Integrated stratigraphy and chronology of Messinian evaporites from the Levant basin in the deep eastern Mediterranean |
EGU2017-3189 | Posters | SSP2.6 Triassic structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Central German North Sea sector |
EGU2017-8939 | Orals | SSP2.6 The Alboran volcanic arc archipelago isolated the Mediterranean during the Messinian salinity crisis forming the land bridge for biota dispersal across the western Mediterranean |
EGU2017-3917 | Posters | SSP2.6 Source rock potential and organic matter characterization of the Messinian evaporitic sequence on Zakynthos Island, Ionian Sea |
EGU2017-8575 | Orals | SSP2.6 \textbf{Was Mediterranean region warmer during the Messinian Salinity Crisis?} |
EGU2017-6177 | Orals | SSP2.6 Increased magma production and volcanism triggered by the Messinian Salinity Crisis |
EGU2017-3950 | Posters | SSP2.6 SSeismic imaging of Messinian Evaporites in the Ionian Basin |
EGU2017-10166 | Orals | SSP2.6 Subsurface dolomite formation during post-depositional flow of sulphate-bearing fluids from underlying salt giants: Early Pliocene example at DSDP Leg 42A, Site 374, Ionian Abyssal Plain |
EGU2017-8047 | Posters | SSP2.6 Scientific networking to address the causes, timing, emplacement mechanisms, and consequences of the Messinian Salinity Crisis |
EGU2017-8152 | Posters | SSP2.6 Late Neogene marine osmium isotopic records of the Mediterranean and Atlantic sediments |
EGU2017-12455 | Posters | SSP2.6 Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated foreland basin: case study of the Sivas Basin (Turkey) |
EGU2017-16546 | Posters | SSP2.6 Messinian post-evaporitic paleogeography of the Po Plain-Adriatic region by 3D numerical modeling: implications for the Central Mediterranean desiccation during the MSC |
EGU2017-17094 | Posters | SSP2.6 Non-halide sediments from the Loule diapir salt mine: characterization and environmental significance |
EGU2017-17835 | Posters | SSP2.6 Genesis of Tuzla salt basin |
EGU2017-17927 | Posters | SSP2.6 Quantitative-qualitative characteristics of salt deposit in Tuzla basin |
EGU2017-18414 | Posters | SSP2.6 On the origin of salt in the Caspian Sea |
EGU2017-18736 | Posters | SSP2.6 Subsurface Fluid Escape at the Palmachim Disturbance in the Levant Basin, SE Mediterranean Sea |
SSP3.4 – Provenance analysis and sediment fingerprinting
EGU2017-7820 | Orals | SSP3.4 Targeted versus statistical approaches to selecting parameters for modelling sediment provenance |
EGU2017-12228 | Orals | SSP3.4 Clastic Sediment Dispersal in Rifted Margins, an Example From the Swiss Alps |
EGU2017-190 | Posters | SSP3.4 Provenance of the Quaternary Southern Kalahari sediments: A wetland that became dry |
EGU2017-13814 | Orals | SSP3.4 Raman counting of heavy minerals in turbidites: Indus Fan, IODP Expedition 355 |
EGU2017-283 | Posters | SSP3.4 Sedimentary provenance of Maastrichtian oil shales, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt |
EGU2017-903 | Posters | SSP3.4 Provenance of sediments from Sumatra, Indonesia |
EGU2017-18244 | Orals | SSP3.4 Elucidating tectonic events and processes from variably tectonized conglomerate clast detrital geochronology: examples from the Hongliuhe Formation in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China |
EGU2017-1196 | Posters | SSP3.4 Deglacial and Holocene Dolomite delivery to the Arctic Ocean from the Mackenzie River |
EGU2017-16228 | Orals | SSP3.4 A multivariate statistical discrimination scheme of garnet chemistry for use in sedimentary provenance analysis |
EGU2017-1626 | Posters | SSP3.4 Provenance of Conglomerates within a Late Cretaceous Turbidite Channel System on the North American Margin: the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico |
EGU2017-17340 | Orals | SSP3.4 Aeolian dust supply from the Yellow River floodplain as recorded in the loess–palaeosol sequences from the Mangshan Plateau |
EGU2017-3253 | Posters | SSP3.4 A detrital garnet fingerprint of the Central Swiss Alps |
EGU2017-4060 | Posters | SSP3.4 A detrital record of the Nile River and its catchment |
EGU2017-4097 | Posters | SSP3.4 Early Triassic change in the erosional level in the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif revealed by detrital garnet assemblages from the Buntsandstein siliciclastics of southern Poland |
EGU2017-4523 | Posters | SSP3.4 Petrographic and geochemical analyisis for determination of provenance of the Slovenj Gradec Miocene Basin fill (Western Central Paratethys) |
EGU2017-4778 | Posters | SSP3.4 Geochemical evidence of the provenance of aeolian deposits in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin (Southern Tibet, China) |
EGU2017-6699 | Posters | SSP3.4 Provenance, detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and tectonic consequences of Late Cretaceous-Eocene turbiditic sequences of Azerbaijan Province, NW Iran |
EGU2017-7041 | Posters | SSP3.4 Deciphering the geochemical and mineralogical changes of a Miocene sedimentary basin infill, Mendoza Province, Argentina |
EGU2017-7626 | Posters | SSP3.4 The Jurassic to Paleogene detrital record of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: results from the Kyrgyz Tien Shan |
EGU2017-9513 | Posters | SSP3.4 The tectono-sedimentary evolution of North Helvetic Flysch basin in Central Alps as revealed by detrital zircon U–Pb age dating and Hf isotope geochemistry |
EGU2017-14231 | Posters | SSP3.4 Raman spectroscopy, an innovative tool to explore the mineralogy and provenance of dust (1-5 µm): Dome B ice core, East Antarctica |
EGU2017-14701 | Posters | SSP3.4 Coupling colour CL of quartz with multiple geochronological proxies in an attempt to determine extent of sediment recycling in Devonian and Mesozoic basins of southern Ireland |
EGU2017-16459 | Posters | SSP3.4 Methodical aspects in heavy mineral identification by Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy |
EGU2017-17032 | Posters | SSP3.4 The pre-orogenic detrital zircon record of the Variscan orogeny: Preliminary results |
EGU2017-17171 | Posters | SSP3.4 QEMSCAN+LA-ICP-MS: a ‘big data’ generator for sedimentary provenance analysis |
SSP3.6 – Limnogeology - reading the geological record of lakes (sponsored by IAS and SEPM)
EGU2017-5581 | Orals | SSP3.6 Earthquake imprints on a lacustrine deltaic system: Example of the Kürk Delta along the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey) |
EGU2017-567 | Posters | SSP3.6 Sedimentary and pore water geochemistry linked to deglaciation and postglacial development of Lake Vättern, Sweden |
EGU2017-1863 | Posters | SSP3.6 Comparison of formation mechanism of fresh-water and salt-water lacustrine organic-rich shale |
EGU2017-13526 | Orals | SSP3.6 Distinguishing megathrust from intraplate earthquakes using lacustrine turbidites (Laguna Lo Encañado, Central Chile) |
EGU2017-4391 | Posters | SSP3.6 Lake Van carbonates: Implications for lacustrine stable isotope analysis |
EGU2017-12355 | Orals | SSP3.6 Sedimentation influx and volcanic interactions in the Fuji Five Lakes: implications for paleoseismological records |
EGU2017-8848 | Posters | SSP3.6 Annual dynamics of halite precipitation in the Dead Sea: In situ observations and their geological implications |
EGU2017-14997 | Orals | SSP3.6 Sedimentology, tephrostratigraphy, and chronology of the DEEP site sediment record, Lake Ohrid (Albania, FYROM) |
EGU2017-4736 | Posters | SSP3.6 Testing the potential of stable iron isotopes from laminated lake sediments as a novel palaeoclimate proxy (IRONLAKE) |
EGU2017-18993 | Orals | SSP3.6 Proxy evidence from Chew Bahir (Ethiopia) that environmental change promoted human dispersal out of Northeast Africa |
EGU2017-6020 | Posters | SSP3.6 Detection gas presence in lakes bottom sediments based on seismic investigations. |
EGU2017-2104 | Orals | SSP3.6 Using palynology to re-assess the Dead Sea laminated sediments - Indeed varves? |
EGU2017-9141 | Posters | SSP3.6 | Highlight Historic mass movements recorded in the sediments of Hallstätter See (Upper Austria) – natural hazards at a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site |
EGU2017-16072 | Posters | SSP3.6 Turbidites as proxy for past flood events: Testing this approach in a large clastic system (Lake Geneva, France/Switzerland) |
EGU2017-12670 | Posters | SSP3.6 How well suited are maar lakes of Madagascar for palaeoenvironmental multi-proxy reconstructions? – First results from shallow seismic, sedimentological and hydrological investigations in Central and Northwest Madagascar. |
EGU2017-14690 | Posters | SSP3.6 Late Quaternary stratigraphy of the La Janda Basin (SW Spain) - first results and palaeoenvironmental significance |
EGU2017-15582 | Posters | SSP3.6 Deposition modes in the paleo-lake Colônia (São Paulo, SE / Brazil): detrital input and bio-geochemical processes |
SSP3.7 – Processes and products of deltas, submarine fans and subaquatic sediment gravity flows (sponsored by IAS and SEPM)
EGU2017-8008 | Orals | SSP3.7 Controls on Sediment Flux Via the Indus Canyon to the Deep Arabian Sea |
EGU2017-2877 | Posters | SSP3.7 Depositional and Stratigraphic Architecture evolution of Deltaic Successions in Different Tectonic Stages: Palaeogene Kongdian and Shahejie Formations, Baxian Sag, East China |
EGU2017-2267 | Orals | SSP3.7 Depositional System Transition from Braided River to Tide Dominated Delta-A Case Study of the MPE3 Block in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin |
EGU2017-2988 | Posters | SSP3.7 A deltaic-sediment gravity flow depositional system in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Southwest Ordos Basin, China |
EGU2017-3896 | Posters | SSP3.7 Sedimentary facies and gas accumulation model of Lower Shihezi Formation in Shenguhao area, northern Ordos basin, China |
EGU2017-14530 | Orals | SSP3.7 From stratigraphy to (inferred) processes: development of the late Pleistocene Po Delta clinothems at millennial to centennial scales |
EGU2017-6330 | Orals | SSP3.7 Understanding the morphodynamics of sediment waves in ancient deepwater CLTZs: are we missing something (super)critical? |
EGU2017-2705 | Posters | SSP3.7 Seismic geomorphology and stratigraphic evolution of the early Eocene lacustrine delta system in the northern steep slope of Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin |
EGU2017-19236 | Orals | SSP3.7 Into the deep: A coarse-grained carbonate turbidite thalweg generated by gigantic submarine chutes |
EGU2017-3396 | Posters | SSP3.7 Deltaic System in the Southern Shelf of the Ulleung Back-Arc Basin, East Sea, Korea |
EGU2017-14950 | Orals | SSP3.7 Suspended sediment dynamics in a large-scale oceanic turbidity current: Direct measurements from the Congo Canyon |
EGU2017-17120 | Posters | SSP3.7 Hydrogeological Framework Model for Dhaka Regional Groundwater Flow System (DGFS), Bangladesh |
EGU2017-16202 | Posters | SSP3.7 Integrating remote sensing and subsurface geological data to characterize a tidally-influenced paleodrainage from the mid-late Holocene succession of the Po Delta Plain (Italy) |
EGU2017-14834 | Posters | SSP3.7 Differences in mouthbar complex geometry and grain size trends across systems with different sediment supply compositions |
EGU2017-5650 | Posters | SSP3.7 Timing and controls on the delivery of coarse sediment to deltas and submarine fans on a formerly glaciated coast and shelf |
EGU2017-7156 | Posters | SSP3.7 Modern diatom assemblages as tools for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: a case study from estuarine intertidal zones in southern Iberia |
EGU2017-15119 | Posters | SSP3.7 Clay minerals behaviour in thin sandy clay-rich lacustrine turbidites (Lake Hazar, Turkey) |
EGU2017-8873 | Posters | SSP3.7 XRF analysis of turbidites in the Japan Trench: Evidences of provenances? |
EGU2017-19069 | Posters | SSP3.7 A Classification of Subaqueous Density Flows Based on Transformations From Proximal to Distal Regions |
EGU2017-8963 | Posters | SSP3.7 3D stratigraphic modeling of the Congo turbidite system since 210 ka: an investigation of factors controlling sedimentation |
EGU2017-11937 | Posters | SSP3.7 Preliminary modeling of turbidity currents associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake |