Presentation type:

SSP – Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Palaeontology

SSP1.1 – Open session on stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeontology (sponsored by IAS and SEPM) | PICO

EGU2017-2477 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Depositional Architecture of Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician Siliciclastic Barik Formation; Al Huqf Area, Oman
Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi

EGU2017-11218 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Tectonic-depositional environment and proto-type basins evolution of the Late Ordovician in the Tarim Basin
Huahua Gao, Dengfa He, Xiaoguang Tong, Zhixin Wen, and Zhaoming Wang

EGU2017-16887 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Application of Spectral Gamma Ray for Lithofacies and Paleo-environmental Interpretation: A Case Study from the Late Ordovician Glaciogenic Deposits, Saudi Arabia
Abdullah Alqubalee, Osman Abdullatif, and Lamidi Babalola

EGU2017-1097 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Depositional environments of the south-eastern Volga–Ural anteclise in the Early-Middle Devonian.
Natalia Selezeneva

EGU2017-12089 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Geomechanical Stratigraphy of the Late Ordovician Sarah Formation Glaciogenic Paleochannel Deposits: Reservoir Outcrop Analog from Central Saudi Arabia
Jarrah Ahmed, Osman Abdullatif, and Mustafa Hariri

EGU2017-9899 | PICOs | SSP1.1

The Relationship between Litho-Sequential Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy of Khuff Carbonates: Implication for Facies and Paleoenvironmental Recognition and Correlation, Central Saudi Arabia
Osman Abdullatif, Ammar Abdlmutalib, Jarrah Ahmed, Mohamed Abdelgadir, and Ammar Adam

EGU2017-13058 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Integrated Sedimentological Approach to Assess Reservoir Quality and Architecture of Khuff Carbonates: Outcrop Analog, Central Saudi Arabia
Mutsim Osman and Osman Abdullatif

EGU2017-16621 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Associations of Earlandia Foraminifera; in the Early Triassic Succession of Khuff Carbonates; Central Saudi Arabia
Ammar Adam, Michael Kaminski, and Osman Abdullatif

EGU2017-3013 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Upper Triassic limestones from the northern part of Japan: new insights on the Panthalassa Ocean and Hokkaido Island
Giovan Peyrotty, Camille Peybernes, Hayato Ueda, and Rossana Martini

EGU2017-2965 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Cyrtocrinids from the Štramberk-type limestones of southern Poland
Dawid Trzęsiok

EGU2017-6226 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of reservoir with thin interbeds of Paleogene Liushagang Formation in Beibuwan Basin, China
Le Sun, Xinghe Yu, Shengli Li, Yulin He, Yarong Qiao, and Zijin Wu

EGU2017-4124 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Sedimentology and High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic Dhruma Formation Carbonates Outcrops in the Central Saudi Arabia
Ibrahim Yousif, Osman Abdullatif, Mohammed Makkawi, and Waleed Abdulghani

EGU2017-2837 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Stable isotope analyses of belemnites from the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary: implications for salinity variation within the Tethys Ocean
Gregory Price

EGU2017-17870 | PICOs | SSP1.1

The causes of covariation between C and O isotopes in the inorganic carbonate record
Peter Swart and Amanda Oehlert

EGU2017-3258 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Are glendonites reliable indicators of cold conditions? Evidence from the Lower Cretaceous of Spitsbergen
Madeleine Vickers, Gregory Price, Matthew Watkinson, and Rhodri Jerrett

EGU2017-17047 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Cyclicity and reservoir properties of Lower-Middle Miocene sediments of South Kirinsk oil and gas field
Nadezhda Kurdina

EGU2017-10092 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Integrated stratigraphy of Contessa quarry section (Umbria-Marche Apennines): new data on a potentially reference section for the Burdigalian GSSP
Chiara Caricchi, Niccolò Baldassini, Agata Di Stefano, Jaume Dinarès-Turell, Alessio Fabbrini, Luca Maria Foresi, Fabrizio Lirer, Simona Patricolo, Leonardo Sagnotti, and Aldo Winkler

EGU2017-4098 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Important Conclusions on the Messinian Salinity Crisis Depositional History of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin
Pinar Gunes, Ali Aksu, and Jeremy Hall

EGU2017-4069 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Paleo-environments of Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Foreland-Basin Deposits in the Western Foothills of South-Central Taiwan
Tzu-Hsuan Chiu, Andrew Tien-Shun Lin, Wen-Rong Chi, and Shih-Wei Wang

EGU2017-17341 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Investigating Miocene Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange (IMMAGE) - an amphibious drilling proposal
Rachel Flecker and the IMMAGE team

EGU2017-13557 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Marine influx hits Caspian Sea at the Pleistocene transition
Iuliana Vasiliev, Christiaan Van Baak, Gert-Jan Reichart, Thomas Hoyle, Wout Krijgsman, and Andreas Mulch

EGU2017-986 | PICOs | SSP1.1

New results on Late Quaternary stratigraphy of Manych depression
Redzhep Kurbanov, Tamara Yanina, and Olga Borisova

EGU2017-8345 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Nature and evolution of the Quaternary coastal sedimentary wedge of the northern part of Java Island
Franto Novico, Menier David, Teuku Iskandar, Duddy Ranawjaya, Riza Rahardiawan, Eko Saputra, Subarsyah Subarsyah, Arif Ali, Cipta Endiyana, Manoj Mathew, and Hendarmawan Hendarmawan

EGU2017-19167 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Assessment of heavy metal contamination in core sediment samples in Gulf of Izmir, Aegean Sea, Turkey (by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES))
Zeki Ünal Yumun, Erol Kam, and Dilek Kurt

EGU2017-17498 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Barium and calcium analyses in sediment cores using µ-XRF core scanners
Dursun Acar, Namık Çağatay, S.Can Genç, K.Kadir Eriş, Erol Sarı, and Gülsen Uçarkus

EGU2017-17339 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Radionuclide distribution of Holocene sediments and its effects on the habitat of recent foraminifers: A case study from the Western Marmara Sea (Turkey)
Zeki Ünal Yumun, Erol Kam, and Ali Murat Kılıc

EGU2017-17211 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Effects of heavy metal pollution on foraminifers in the Marmara Sea (Balıkesir-Canakkale-Tekirdag, Turkey)
Zeki Unal Yumun

EGU2017-1833 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Sedimentological context of the continental sabkhas of Abu Dhabi
Stephen Lokier, Andreas Paul, and Xin Bixiao

EGU2017-1835 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Documenting a modern day transgressive surface in a carbonate ramp setting
Stephen Lokier and Andreas Paul

EGU2017-6356 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Early cements versus pore-water chemical composition in the subsurface of the sabkha of Abu Dhabi
Andreas Paul, Peng Yuan, Wesley M. Court, Stephen W. Lokier, Kirsten E. Dutton, Cees Van der Land, Luiza Lessa Andrade, Angela Sherry, and Ian M. Head

EGU2017-1886 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Jurassic onychites (arm hooks) from squid-like cephalopods from the Wessex Basin, southern England
Malcolm Hart, Zoe Hughes, Kevin Page, Gregory Price, and Christopher Smart

EGU2017-17450 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Scaling laws in sand launch process
Li Min and Zhang Yang

EGU2017-18526 | PICOs | SSP1.1

Yuntaishan Global Geopark VS Grand Canyon World Heritage Site A Contrast of Yuntai/Grand Canyon Physiognomy
Zhao Ting and Zhao Xun

SSP1.3 – Achievements and perspectives in scientific ocean and continental drilling (co-organized)

EGU2017-3947 | Orals | SSP1.3

Quantifying K, U and Th contents of marine sediments using shipboard natural gamma radiation spectra measured on DV JOIDES Resolution
David De Vleeschouwer, Ann G. Dunlea, Gerald Auer, Chloe H. Anderson, Hans Brumsack, Aaron de Loach, Michael C. Gurnis, Youngsook Huh, Takeshige Ishiwa, Kwangchul Jang, Michelle A. Kominz, Christian März, Bernhard Schnetger, Richard W. Murray, Heiko Pälike, and IODP Expedition 356 shipboard scientists

EGU2017-16385 | Posters | SSP1.3

The Eocene/Oligocene boundary in the western North Atlantic (IODP Site U1411): Paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic change reflected by dinoflagellate cyst assemblages
Lisa M. Egger, Steven M. Bohaty, Oliver Friedrich, Richard D. Norris, Paul A. Wilson, and Jörg Pross

EGU2017-1927 | Posters | SSP1.3

Dust influx into the northern Indian Ocean over the last 1.5 Myr.
Tereza Kunkelová, Dick Kroon, Simon Jung, Erica S. de Leau, Nicholas Odling, Silvia Spezzaferri, Stephanie Hayman, Montserrat Alonso-Garcia, James D. Wright, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, Christian Betzler, Gregor P. Eberli, Luigi Jovane, Juan Carlos Laya, Anna Ling Hui-Mee, John Reijmer, Jesus Reolid, and Craig R. Sloss and the Expedition 359 Scientific Party

EGU2017-8911 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight

Using giant piston coring within IODP to track past earthquakes in the sedimentary record along the Japan Trench
Michael Strasser and the IODP Proposal 866 Proponent Team & SO-251 Science

EGU2017-10392 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight

Reconstruction of recent ~10Ma thermal structure seaward of updip limit of Nankai seismogenic zone off Kumano inferred from IODP NanTroSEIZE geothermal data and time-dependent numerical model
Masataka Kinoshita, Eiichiro Araki, Toshinori Kimura, Achim Kopf, Demian Saffer, and Sean Toczko and the IODP Expedition365 Scientists

EGU2017-3023 | Posters | SSP1.3

Porosity-depth trends of carbonate deposits along the northwest shelf of Australia (IODP Expedition 356)
Eun Young Lee, Michelle Kominz, Lars Reuning, Hideko Takayanagi, Wolfgang Knierzinger, Michael Wagreich, and IODP Expedition 356 shipboard scientists

EGU2017-3034 | Posters | SSP1.3

Mineralogical influences on porosity-depth trends of shelf deposits (Miocene-Pleistocene) along the northwest shelf of Australia (IODP Expedition 356)
Wolfgang Knierzinger, Eun Young Lee, and Michael Wagreich and the IODP Expedition 356 shipboard scientists

EGU2017-14689 | Orals | SSP1.3

Sea Bed Drilling Technology MARUM-MeBo: Overview on recent scientific drilling campaigns and technical developments
Tim Freudenthal, Markus Bergenthal, Gerhard Bohrmann, Thomas Pape, Achim Kopf, Katrin Huhn-Frehers, Karsten Gohl, and Gerold Wefer

EGU2017-3562 | Posters | SSP1.3

Static modeling: Case study of the Pletmos basin, offshore South Africa.
Nehemiah Dominick and Mimonitu Opuwari

EGU2017-15786 | Orals | SSP1.3

Stratigraphical division of Holocene depositional succession of Ångermanälven River estuary, Bothnian Sea
Outi Hyttinen, Aarno Kotilainen, Joonas Virtasalo, Pirkko Kekäläinen, Ian Snowball, Stephen Obrochta, and Thomas Andrén

EGU2017-11143 | Orals | SSP1.3

Luminescence signal profiling: a new proxy for sedimentologically "invisible" marine Mass Transport Deposits (MTDs)
Gloria I. López, Or Bialik, and Nicolas Waldmann

EGU2017-5151 | Posters | SSP1.3

Changing sediment physical properties at the Agulhas Plateau (IODP Site U1475): indications for the long-term variability of deepwater circulation over the last 7 Ma
Jens Gruetzner, Nambiyathodi Lathika, Francisco J. Jimenez Espejo, and Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben and the IODP Exp. 361 Scientific Party

EGU2017-4082 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight

ICDP project DeepCHALLA: reconstructing East African climate change and environmental history over the past 250,000 years
Dirk Verschuren, Maarten Van Daele, Christian Wolff, Nicolas Waldmann, Inka Meyer, Titus Ombori, Francien Peterse, Ryan O'Grady, Doug Schnurrenberger, and Daniel Olago and the DeepCHALLA project

EGU2017-5575 | Posters | SSP1.3

Present-day stress state in the Outokumpu deep drill hole, Finland
Simona Pierdominici, Maria Ask, Ilmo Kukkonen, and Jochem Kueck

EGU2017-6681 | Orals | SSP1.3 | Highlight

Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: A 500,000-year climate record from Chew Bahir, a key site in southern Ethiopia
Verena E. Foerster, Asfawossen Asrat, Melissa S. Chapot, Andrew S. Cohen, Jonathan R. Dean, Alan Deino, Christina Günter, Annett Junginger, Henry F. Lamb, Melanie J. Leng, Helen M. Roberts, Frank Schaebitz, and Martin H. Trauth

EGU2017-7963 | Posters | SSP1.3 | Highlight

The DIS, the CODD, IGSNs and DOIs: Tools you need to succeed with your ocean and continental scientific drilling project
Thomas Gorgas, Ronald Conze, Henning Lorenz, Kirsten Elger, Damian Ulbricht, Roy Wilkens, Mitchell Lyle, Thomas Westerhold, Anna Joy Drury, Jun Tian, and Annette Hahn

EGU2017-3812 | Orals | SSP1.3

An ~500,000 yr record of tropical glaciation recovered during the Lake Junin (Peru) Drilling Project
Donald Rodbell, Mark Abbott, Christine Chen, David McGee, Robert Hatfield, Joseph Stoner, Pedro Tapia, Blas Valero Garces, Nicholas Weidhaas, Arielle Woods, Aubrey Hillman, Darren Larsen, Bryan Valencia, and Mark Bush

EGU2017-8130 | Posters | SSP1.3

Gamma radiation-based astronomical timescale for the Maldives: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 359, Maldives Monsoon and Sea Level
Angela Slagle, James Wright, Dick Kroon, Luca Lanci, Christian Betzler, Gregor Eberli, Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, and Expedition 359 Scientists

EGU2017-6743 | Orals | SSP1.3

GONAF – A borehole Geophysical Observatory around the North Anatolian Fault in the Eastern Sea of Marmara
Marco Bohnhoff, Georg Dresen, Ulubey Ceken, Filiz Tuba Kadarioglu, Recai Feyiz Kartal, Tugbay Kilic, Murat Nurlu, Kenan Yanik, Digdem Acarel, Fatih Bulut, Hisao Ito, Wade Johnson, Peter Eric Malin, and Dave Mencin

EGU2017-8309 | Posters | SSP1.3

Latest Pleistocene flash floods in the Dead Sea basin inferred from the ICDP core
Marieke Ahlborn, Yoav Ben Dor, Yehouda Enzel, Ina Neugebauer, Markus J. Schwab, Rik Tjallingii, and Achim Brauer

EGU2017-9942 | Orals | SSP1.3

Bedrock Geology of the DFDP-2B Drill-Site, Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Virginia Toy, Rupert Sutherland, and John Townend and the DFDP-2 Onsite Science Team

EGU2017-9605 | Posters | SSP1.3

Integrating multi-scale geophysical and drill-core data to improve hydraulic characterization of continental sedimentary basins
Nina Kukowski, Pascal Methe, and Andreas Goepel

EGU2017-14147 | Orals | SSP1.3

ICDP supported coring in IDDP-2 at Reykjanes – the DEEPEGS demonstrator in Iceland – Supercritical conditions reached below 4.6 km depth.
Guðmundur Ómar Friðleifsson, Wilfred A. Elders, Robert Zierenberg, Ari Steafánsson, Ómar Sigurðsson, Þór Gíslason, Tobias B. Weisenberger, Björn S. Harðarson, and Kiflom G. Mesfin

EGU2017-9743 | Posters | SSP1.3

Past Productivity conditions off SW Iberia at the transition from the 41 ky to the 100 ky world; The record of IODP Sites U1385 and U1391
Fatima Abrantes, Teresa Rodrigues, Cristina Ventura, Célia Santos, Baohua Li, Jin-Kyoung Kim, Ursula Roehl, Antje Voelker, and David Hodell

EGU2017-10456 | Posters | SSP1.3

Early to Middle Pleistocene Climate Records off Southern Iberia Reveal two Types of Interglacial Climate Evolution
Antje Voelker, Teresa Rodrigues, Maria Padilha, Francisco J. Jimenez-Espejo, Emilia Salgueiro, and Henning Kuhnert

EGU2017-11555 | Posters | SSP1.3

Filling material for a buried cavity in a collapse area using light-weighted foam and active feldspar
Jin Woo Cho, Ju-hyoung Lee, Sung-Wook Kim, and Eun-Kyeong Choi

EGU2017-12030 | Posters | SSP1.3

Present-day stress state analysis on the Big Island of Hawai´i, USA
Simona Pierdominici, Jochem Kueck, John Millett, Sverre Planke, Dougal A. Jerram, Eric Haskins, and Donald Thomas

EGU2017-13057 | Posters | SSP1.3

Linking downhole logging data with geology and drilling /coring operations - Example from Chicxulub Expedition 364.
Johanna Lofi, Dave Smith, Chris Delahunty, Erwan Le Ber, Claire Mellet, Laurent Brun, Gilles Henry, and Jehanne Paris and the Expedition 364 Scientists

EGU2017-13670 | Posters | SSP1.3

The “DREAM” IODP project to drill the Mediterranean Salt Giant on the Balearic Promontory
Johanna Lofi, Angelo Camerlenghi, Giovanni Aloisi, Agnès Maillard, Daniel Garcia-Castellanos, Christian Huebscher, and Junichiro Kuroda and the the DREAM co-proponents

EGU2017-14048 | Posters | SSP1.3

An interpretation of core and wireline logs for the Petrophysical evaluation of Upper Shallow Marine sandstone reservoirs of the Bredasdorp Basin, offshore South Africa
Moses Magoba and Mimonitu Opuwari

EGU2017-15394 | Posters | SSP1.3

Textures of water-rich mud sediments from the continental margin offshore Costa Rica (IODP expeditions 334 and 344)
Rebecca Kuehn, Michael Stipp, and Bernd Leiss

EGU2017-14084 | Posters | SSP1.3

Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange at Plio-Pleistocene Transition
Angela Garcia-Gallardo, Patrick Grunert, and Werner E. Piller

EGU2017-7671 | Posters | SSP1.3

Drilling a crater at the Equator-insides from ICDP DeepCHALLA
Inka Meyer, Maarten Van Daele, Niels Tanghe, Jonas Eloy, Dirk Verschuren, and Marc De Batist and the ICDP DeepCHALLA team members

EGU2017-10258 | Posters | SSP1.3

The SCOPSCO Deep Drilling Project: a 1.3 million-year palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from Lake Ohrid using stable isotopes
Jack Lacey, Melanie Leng, Alexander Francke, Hendrik Vogel, Giovanni Zanchetta, and Bernd Wagner

EGU2017-12348 | Posters | SSP1.3

Tidal control on gas flux from the Precambrian continental bedrock revealed by gas monitoring at the Outokumpu Deep Drill Hole, Finland
Riikka Kietäväinen, Lasse Ahonen, Thomas Wiersberg, Kimmo Korhonen, and Arto Pullinen

EGU2017-14900 | Posters | SSP1.3

A new record of mid- to late Pleistocene Indo-Pacific hydroclimate variability from Lake Towuti, Indonesia
Hendrik Vogel, James Russell, Satria Bijaksana, and Martin Melles and the TDP Science Team

EGU2017-14923 | Posters | SSP1.3

The Colorado Plateau Coring Project: A Continuous Cored Non-Marine Record of Early Mesozoic Environmental and Biotic Change
Randall Irmis, Paul Olsen, John Geissman, George Gehrels, Dennis Kent, Roland Mundil, Cornelia Rasmussen, Dominique Giesler, Morgan Schaller, Wolfram Kürschner, William Parker, and Hesham Buhedma

EGU2017-12858 | Posters | SSP1.3

Thermogenic Wet Gas in Immature Caprock Sections: Leakage or Generation.
Selegha Abrakasa, Francis Beka, and Egesi Ndukauba

EGU2017-4248 | Posters | SSP1.3

Initial report on drilling into seismogenic zones of M2.0 – M5.5 earthquakes from deep South African gold mines (DSeis)
Hiroshi Ogasawara, Raymond Durrheim, Yasuo Yabe, Takatoshi Ito, Gerrie van Aswegen, Michelle Grobbelaar, Akio Funato, Akimasa Ishida, Hiroyuki Ogasawara, Siyanda Mngadi, Musa Manzi, Martin Ziegler, Tony Ward, Pamela Moyer, Margaret Boettcher, Bill Ellsworth, Bennie Liebenberg, Neta Wechsler, Tullis Onstott, and Nicolas Berset and the DSeis

EGU2017-9642 | Posters | SSP1.3

Testing the results of estimating lithological stratigraphy through cluster analysis on geophysical borehole logging data through Multi Sensor Core Logging data
Pascal Methe, Andreas Goepel, and Nina Kukowski

EGU2017-6793 | Posters | SSP1.3

Stratigraphy, climate and downhole logging data – an example from the ICDP Dead Sea deep drilling project
Lisa Coianiz, Zvi Ben-Avraham, and Michael Lazar

SSP2.1 – Paleozoic to Mesozoic stratigraphy, paleoceanography and paleoclimate (sponsored by IAS and SEPM)

EGU2017-13620 | Posters | SSP2.1

Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Cambrian base (La Herrería Formation) in the area of Los Barrios de Luna (N of Spain)
Adriana Georgina Florez Rodriguez, Carlos Aramburu, and Jose Maria Toyos

EGU2017-4299 | Posters | SSP2.1

Lower Cambrian cherts in the northern Tarim Basin, China: implication for the sedimentary environments and tectonic history
chunyu zhang, shuwei guan, lin wu, and rong ren

EGU2017-3037 | Orals | SSP2.1

Limitations and opportunities for Permian-Triassic carbonate-carbon isotope stratigraphy posed by microbial-controlled diagenetic mineral additions
Martin Schobben, Sebastiaan van de Velde, Jana Suchocka, Lucyna Leda, Dieter Korn, Ulrich Struck, Clemens Vinzenz Ullmann, Vachik Hairapetian, Abbas Ghaderi, Christoph Korte, Robert J. Newton, Simon W. Poulton, and Paul B. Wignall

EGU2017-836 | Posters | SSP2.1

Interpretation and mapping of carbonate mounds within the Ordovician on Gotland, Sweden
Tegan Levendal, Daniel Sopher, and Christopher Juhlin

EGU2017-15291 | Orals | SSP2.1

Palynology and Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Triassic – Jurassic transition in the Salt Range (Pakistan)
Wolfram Michael Kuerschner, Shahid Iqbal, Michael Wagreich, Irfan Jan, and Susanne Gier

EGU2017-3961 | Posters | SSP2.1

Paleo-ocean environments before and after the Ordovician glaciation and the correlation with heterogeneous marine black shale: a stratigraphic case study of Wufeng-Longmaxi formation in Fuling, Sichuan basin, SW China
Yangbo Lu, Fang Hao, and Yongchao Lu

EGU2017-408 | Orals | SSP2.1

Geochemical evidences for palaeoclimatic fluctuations at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary: southwestern margin of the Neotethys in the Salt Range, Pakistan
Shahid Iqbal, Michael Wagreich, Irfanullah Jan, Wolfram Michael Kürschner, and Susanne Gier

EGU2017-16017 | Orals | SSP2.1

Integrated stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Early Jurassic Posidonienschiefer from the Lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany
Ricardo Celestino, Micha Ruhl, Alexander J. Dickson, Hugh C. Jenkyns, Erdem Idiz, Jennifer Huggett, Emanuela Mattioli, Daniel Minisini, Johan Weijers, Erik Tegelaar, and Stephen P. Hesselbo

EGU2017-10968 | Posters | SSP2.1

Depositional History and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Ordovician Yeongheung Formation (Yeongweol Group), Taebaeksan Basin, mid-east Korea
Yoo Jin Kwon and Yi Kyun Kwon

EGU2017-3554 | Orals | SSP2.1

Divergent response of the neritic carbonate factory to environmental changes during the Early Bajocian Event
Stephane Bodin, Martin Hönig, Francois-Nicolas Krencker, Jan Danisch, and Lahcen Kabiri

EGU2017-9565 | Posters | SSP2.1

Cyclostratigraphic analysis of the Middle to lower Upper Ordovician Postolonnec Formation in the Armorican Massif (France): integrating pXRF, gammay-ray and lithological data
Matthias Sinnesael, Alfredo Loi, Marie-Pierre Dabard, Thijs Vandenbroucke, and Philippe Claeys

EGU2017-6346 | Posters | SSP2.1

Chemostratigraphy of the Gohan Formation in the eastern central Korea : implications for the Capitanian environmental change
Hyosang Kwon, Yong Il Lee, and Hyoun Soo Lim

EGU2017-4296 | Orals | SSP2.1 | Highlight

Overcoming challenges in nonmarine stratigraphy using a multidisciplinary approach: an example from Mesozoic basins of eastern Australia
Carmine Wainman and Peter McCabe

EGU2017-2927 | Posters | SSP2.1

The volcano-sedimentary succession of Upper Permian in Wuli area, central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Sedimentology, geochemistry and paleogeography
Shengqian Liu, Zaixing Jiang, and Yi Gao

EGU2017-13258 | Orals | SSP2.1

An integrated bio-chemostratigraphic framework for Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Cenomanian) shallow-water carbonates of the Central Apennines (Italy)
Katharina Schmitt, Ulrich Heimhofer, Gianluca Frijia, and Stefan Huck

EGU2017-11604 | Posters | SSP2.1

Towards a definition of the Induan-Olenekian Boundary: The potential of Eurygnathodus costatus and Eurygnathodus hamadai as index fossils
Micha Horacek and Leopold Krystyn

EGU2017-9945 | Orals | SSP2.1

Integrated bio-chemostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous organic-rich marine sediments in Israel
Nitzan Mizrahi, Yehudit Harlavan, Sigal Abramovich, and Sarit Ashckenazi-Polivoda

EGU2017-3731 | Orals | SSP2.1

Mid-Cenomanian Event I (MCE I, 96 Ma): elemental and osmium isotope evidence for sea level, climate, and palaeocirculation changes in the NW European epicontinental sea
Ian Jarvis, Sascha Roest-Ellis, and David Selby

EGU2017-12366 | Posters | SSP2.1

Upper Triassic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Geochemistry of Associated Volcanics of Bitlis Massif
Ayşe Atakul-Özdemir, Demir Altıner, Yavuz Özdemir, and Vural Oyan

EGU2017-3506 | Posters | SSP2.1

Middle Jurassic Planktonic Foraminifer in Saudi Arabia – a new biostratigraphical marker for the J30 maximum flooding surface in the Middle East
Michael Kaminski, Lameed Babalola, and Septriandi Chan

EGU2017-7957 | Orals | SSP2.1

Effects of mid Cretaceous paleoenvironmental changes on selected coccolith size
Cinzia Bottini, Giulia Faucher, and Elisabetta Erba

EGU2017-13948 | Posters | SSP2.1

A new high-resolution C-isotope chemostratigraphy through the Aalenian Opalinus Clay and its neighbouring units in Northern Switzerland
Stephan Wohlwend, Nathan Looser, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Timothy Eglinton, and Gaudenz Deplazes

EGU2017-8052 | Orals | SSP2.1 | Highlight

Polar ice sheets during the Cretaceous? Insights from coupled numerical modelling.
Jean-Baptiste Ladant and Yannick Donnadieu

EGU2017-7945 | Orals | SSP2.1

Freshwater forcing on the greenhouse Arctic climate in the Late Cretaceous: Implications from proxies and model simulations
Wiesława Radmacher, Igor Niezgodzki, Eiichi Setoyama, Jarosław Tyszka, Gunn Mangerud, Michael A. Kaminski, Gregor Knorr, and Gerrit Lohmann

EGU2017-5391 | Posters | SSP2.1

Sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic deposits in the North German Basin (Lower Saxony Basin, Süntel Mountains)
Huaqing Bai, Christian Betzler, Jochen Erbacher, and Fanfan Zuo

EGU2017-11249 | Posters | SSP2.1

Composite biostratigraphy and microfacies analysis of the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform to slope successions in Sivrihisar (Eskişehir) region (NW Turkey, Pontides): Remarks on the palaeogeographic evolution of the Western Sakarya Zo
Serdar G. Atasoy, Demir Altıner, and Aral I. Okay

EGU2017-13262 | Posters | SSP2.1

Stratigraphic implications of trace element and strontium-isotope analyses of Kimmeridgian shell calcite from the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany
Fanfan Zuo, Ulrich Heimhofer, Stefan Huck, Jochen Erbacher, and Stephane Bodin

EGU2017-9096 | Posters | SSP2.1

Multi-proxy record of orbital-scale changes in climate and sedimentation during the Weissert Event in the Valanginian Bersek Marl Formation (Gerecse Mts., Hungary)
David Bajnai, József Pálfy, Mathieu Martinez, Gregory D. Price, Anita Nyerges, and István Főzy

EGU2017-6728 | Posters | SSP2.1

Geochemical variability and sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the mudstone- dominated Lower Cretaceous succession in the eastern Lower Saxony Basin, Germany
Hauke Thöle, Ulrich Heimhofer, Jochen Erbacher, André Bornemann, and Friedrich-Wilhelm Luppold

EGU2017-5553 | Posters | SSP2.1

High-resolution C and O stable isotope geochemistry of the early Aptian OAE1a at Cau (Prebetic Zone, Spain): Preliminary results from sediment core.
Pedro Alejandro Ruiz-Ortiz, Roque Aguado, José Manuel Castro, David Gallego, Ginés Alfonso de Gea, Ian Jarvis, José Miguel Molina, Luis Miguel Nieto, Richard Pancost, María Luisa Quijano, Matías Reolid, Rafael Rodriguez, Peter Skelton, and Helmut Weisser

EGU2017-4955 | Posters | SSP2.1

A Boreal high-resolution composite carbon isotope record of the Albian to Turonian interval from the North German Basin
André Bornemann, Jochen Erbacher, Stefan Huck, and Ulrich Heimhofer

EGU2017-10002 | Posters | SSP2.1

The benthic fauna from the lower Maastrichtian chalk of Kronsmoor (Saturn quarry, northern Germany): composition and palaeoecologic implications
Julia Engelke, Christian Linnert, Jörg Mutterlose, and Markus Wilmsen

EGU2017-7745 | Posters | SSP2.1

Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous succession in the sub-Arctic region
Wiesława Radmacher, Jarosław Tyszka, Gunn Mangerud, and Martin Pearce

SSP2.2 – The Need for Integrated Stratigraphy - Recent advances in cyclostratigraphy, astrochronology, radioisotopic dating and age modelling

EGU2017-180 | Posters | SSP2.2

A new chronostratigraphy (40Ar-39Ar and U-Pb Dating) for the Middle Section of the Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, SW Turkey
İrem Elitez, Cenk Yaltırak, and Gürsel Sunal

EGU2017-11071 | Orals | SSP2.2

Reconstructing orbital eccentricity between 61 and 66 Ma and the influence of Neptune on Earth’s climate
Frits Hilgen, Jacques Laskar, and Christian Zeeden

EGU2017-8618 | Orals | SSP2.2 | Highlight

On the limits of numerical astronomical solutions used in paleoclimate studies
Richard E. Zeebe

EGU2017-7218 | Posters | SSP2.2

New high precision U-Pb calibration of the late Early-Triassic (Smithian-Spathian Boundary, South China)
Philipp Widmann, Marc Leu, Nicolas Goudemand, Urs Schaltegger, and Hugo Bucher

EGU2017-16130 | Orals | SSP2.2

Timing of global regression and microbial bloom linked with the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction: implications for driving mechanisms
Bjoern Baresel, Hugo Bucher, Borhan Bagherpour, Morgane Brosse, Kuang Guodun, and Urs Schaltegger

EGU2017-5764 | Posters | SSP2.2

Integrated stratigraphy of the Agrio Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina): towards an intercalibration with the Mediterranean basins during Valanginian-Hauterivian times
Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta, Mathieu Martinez, Mark Schmitz, Marina Lescano, Julieta Omarini, Andrea Concheyro, Maisa Tunik, Peter Rawson, and Victor Ramos

EGU2017-16107 | Orals | SSP2.2

Astronomical forcing of Eocene monsoons in terrestrial sediments of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Niels Meijer, Rik Tjallingii, Mustafa Kaya, Alexis Licht, Hemmo Abels, Yang Zhang, Zhaojie Guo, Zhongping Lai, and Guillaume Dupont-Nivet

EGU2017-12252 | Posters | SSP2.2

On the age of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary
Luis Lena, Victor Ramos, Marcio Pimentel, Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta, Maximiliano Naipauer, and Urs Schaltegger

EGU2017-6975 | Orals | SSP2.2

Late Miocene climate and orbital time scale reconciliation from a deep-sea perspective
Anna Joy Drury, Thomas Westerhold, Thomas Frederichs, Jun Tian, Roy Wilkens, James E.T. Channell, Helen Evans, Cédric M. John, Mitch Lyle, and Ursula Röhl

EGU2017-2157 | Posters | SSP2.2

MyDTW – Dynamic Time Warping program for stratigraphical time series
Sergey Kotov and Heiko Paelike

EGU2017-5621 | Posters | SSP2.2

Revisiting the Ceara Rise, equatorial Atlantic Ocean: isotope stratigraphy of ODP Leg 154
Roy Wilkens, Anna Joy Drury, Thomas Westerhold, Mitchell Lyle, Thomas Gorgas, and Jun Tian

EGU2017-11168 | Orals | SSP2.2

Integrating bio-, chemo- and sequence stratigraphy of the Late Ordovician, Early Katian: A connection between onshore and offshore facies using carbon isotope analysis: Kentucky, Ohio, USA
Allison Young, Carlton Brett, and Patrick McLaughlin

EGU2017-9404 | Posters | SSP2.2

Automatic adjustment of astrochronologic correlations
Christian Zeeden, Stefanie Kaboth, Frederik Hilgen, and Jacques Laskar

EGU2017-9484 | Posters | SSP2.2

Reproducibility in cyclostratigraphy: initiating an intercomparison project
Matthias Sinnesael, David De Vleeschouwer, Christian Zeeden, and Philippe Claeys

EGU2017-12075 | Posters | SSP2.2

Radio-astrochronology of the Agrio Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) to reduce the uncertainties of the geological time scale in Early Cretaceous times
Mathieu Martinez, Aguirre-Urreta Beatriz, Lescano Marina, Omarini Julieta, Tunik Maisa, Frederichs Thomas, Nickl Anna-Leah, and Pälike Heiko

EGU2017-15997 | Posters | SSP2.2

Upper Cretaceous planktonic stratigraphy of the Göynük composite section, western Tethys (Bolu province, Turkey)
Erik Wolfgring, Shasha Liu, Michael Wagreich, Katharina Böhm, and Ismail Omer Yilmaz

EGU2017-16399 | Posters | SSP2.2

Stratigraphic scale the Lower Precambrian of Russia
Svetlana Anisimova and Yuri Bogdanov

EGU2017-18299 | Posters | SSP2.2

The middle Eocene Oyambre section (northern Spain): an example of the need for pairing cyclic deep-sea records and outcrop successions in astrochronology
Jaume Dinarès-Turell, Naroa Martínez-Braceras, and Aitor Payros

EGU2017-16976 | Posters | SSP2.2

Lateral variations of carbonate platform facies and cycles: The Dachstein Limestone (Late Triassic, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria)
Elias Samankassou and Paul Enos

EGU2017-14385 | Posters | SSP2.2

The base of the Campanian: a magnetostratigraphic definition, integrated biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy
Michael Wagreich, Jaume Dinarès-Turell, Erik Wolfgring, and Ismail Omer Yilmaz

EGU2017-9699 | Posters | SSP2.2

Integrated stratigraphy of the Ammer section, Northern Alpine Foreland Basin, Germany: examining the age and origin of the earliest deposits in the Paratethys
Annique van der boon, Anouk Beniest, Agnieszka Ciurej, Elzbieta Gaździcka, Arjen Grothe, Reinhard Sachsenhofer, Cor Langereis, and Wout Krijgsman

EGU2017-8544 | Posters | SSP2.2

Alternating Southern and Northern Hemisphere climate response to astronomical forcing during the past 35 m.y.
David De Vleeschouwer, Maximilian Vahlenkamp, Michel Crucifix, and Heiko Pälike

EGU2017-8145 | Posters | SSP2.2

The Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2) in a terrestrial section of the High Arctic: identification by U-Pb zircon ages of volcanic ashes and carbon isotope records of coal and amber (Stenkul Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Canada)
Lutz Reinhardt, Werner von Gosen, Karsten Piepjohn, Andreas Lückge, and Mark Schmitz

EGU2017-2795 | Posters | SSP2.2

How to turn monotonous fossil-barren siliciclastic sediments to environmental archive?
Tomas Matys Grygar, Karel Mach, and Mathieu Martinez

EGU2017-2159 | Posters | SSP2.2

Integrated magnetostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of five cores in Yangtze delta, China : significance of sedimentary evolution
Jie Peng, XiaoQiang Yang, XiaoKe Qiang, YeBo Liu, and QiXian Zhou

SSP2.4 – Mass Extinctions, Volcanism, Impacts, and Catastrophic Environmental Changes: Observations and Processes (sponsored by IAS and SEPM) (including Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECSs Lecture by Yadong Sun) (co-organized)

EGU2017-3234 | Orals | SSP2.4

The Marinoan 17O depletion (MOSD) event: New data from northern Baltica
A. Hugh N. Rice, Huiming Bao, and Yongbo Pen

EGU2017-3027 | Posters | SSP2.4

Devonian reef formation and mass extinction on F – F boundary, East Russian Craton
Vitaly Kuznetsov and Liliya Zhuravleva

EGU2017-3434 | Posters | SSP2.4

Improved age model of Mid-Holocene Ulleung-I tephra erupted from Ulleung Island, Korea
Jong-Hwa Chun, Jeong-Heon Choi, and Daekyo Cheong

EGU2017-2200 | Orals | SSP2.4

Anoxia, toxic metals and acidification: volcanically-driven causes of the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction in NW Pangaea?
David Bond, Stephen Grasby, and Paul Wignall

EGU2017-19550 | Orals | SSP2.4

Burned and buried by the Siberian traps: tree trunks in volcaniclastics and lavas
Alexander G. Polozov, Sverre Planke, Henrik H Svensen, Dougal A Jerram, and Cindy Looy

EGU2017-6703 | Posters | SSP2.4

Permian-Triassic palynofacies and chemostratigraphy in a core recovered from central Spitsbergen.
Els van Soelen, Edi Hasic, Sverre Planke, Henrik Svensen, Arve Sleveland, Ivar Midtkandal, Richard Twitchett, and Wolfram Kürschner

EGU2017-10006 | Orals | SSP2.4

Mercury as a proxy for Large Igneous Province volcanism: A comparison of Mesozoic events
Lawrence Percival, Hugh Jenkyns, Tamsin Mather, Stephen Hesselbo, Micha Ruhl, Jessica Whiteside, Alexander Dickson, and Ian Jarvis

EGU2017-7424 | Posters | SSP2.4

LIP volcanism and paleo-environmental crises – impact of magma emplacement sequence on thermogenic degassing rates from the Karoo sedimentary basin
Christophe Galerne and Jörg Hasenclever

EGU2017-4598 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight

The intrusive record of the CAMP and what it means for the end Triassic mass extinction
Joshua Davies, Andrea Marzoli, Hervé Bertrand, Nasrrddine Youbi, Marcia Ernesto, and Urs Schaltegger

EGU2017-7905 | Posters | SSP2.4

Environmental Changes Associated With Deccan Volcanism: evidences from the red bole record
Sharma Nikhil, Sordet Valentin, Adatte Thierry, Keller Gerta, Font Eric, Schoene Blair, Samperton Kyle, and Khadri Syed

EGU2017-14736 | Orals | SSP2.4

Timing is everything – implications of a new correlation of Triassic–Jurassic boundary successions and the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Sofie Lindström, Bas van de Schootbrugge, Gunver K. Pedersen, Peter Alsen, Nicolas Thibault, Katrine H. Hansen, Karen Dybkjær, Christian J. Bjerrum, and Lars Henrik Nielsen

EGU2017-9307 | Posters | SSP2.4

End-Cretaceous akaganéite and its potential as a mineral marker of Deccan volcanism in the global sedimentary record
Eric Font, Julie Carlut, Céline Rémazeilles, Tamsin Mather, Anne Nédélec, José Mirão, and Sandra Casale

EGU2017-9380 | Posters | SSP2.4

Tertiary volcanism in the NW Atlantic area: update on the repartition and age
Mansour M Abdelmalak, Sverre Planke, Stephane Polteau, and Reidun Myklebust

EGU2017-2304 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight

Climate warming during and in the aftermath of the End-Permian mass extinction (Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECSs Lecture)
Yadong Sun

EGU2017-10196 | Posters | SSP2.4

Assessing the variation in mercury deposition around the North Atlantic during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
Morgan Jones, Lawrence Percival, Joost Frieling, Tamsin Mather, and Henrik Svensen

EGU2017-2290 | Orals | SSP2.4

Mass Extinctions of Pangea (Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal Lecture)
Paul B. Wignall

EGU2017-11422 | Posters | SSP2.4

Syntectonic volcanic activities in the Miocene Eoil Basin, SE Korea: Implication for differential basin geometries of the basin floor
Chang Woo Kwon

EGU2017-18315 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight

Sills, aureoles and pipes in the Karoo Basin, South Africa, as triggers for Early Jurassic environmental changes
Henrik H. Svensen, Sverre Planke, Petter Silkoset, Øyvind Hammer, Karthik Iyer, Dani W. Schmid, and Luc Chevallier

EGU2017-8919 | Orals | SSP2.4

Mercury enrichment indicates volcanic triggering of the Valanginian environmental change
Guillaume Charbonnier, Chloé Morales, Stéphanie Duchamp-Alphonse, Stéphane Westermann, Thierry Adatte, and Karl Föllmi

EGU2017-11444 | Posters | SSP2.4

Late Cretaceous volcanic arc system in Southwest Korea: Occurrence, lithological characteristics, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age, and tectonic implications
Hee Jae Koh and Chang Woo Kwon

EGU2017-7709 | Orals | SSP2.4

Timing and tempo of Deccan volcanism: evidence from mercury anomalies
Thierry Adatte, Eric Font, André Mbabi Bitchong, Gerta Keller, Blair Schoene, Kyle Samperton, and Syed Khadri

EGU2017-12256 | Posters | SSP2.4

Malformations of calpionellid loricas recorded in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous pelagic carbonates of the Western Carpathians, Western Balcan, Mexico and Cuba - a tool for paleoenvironmental interpretation
Daniela Reháková, Jozef Michalík, Iskra Lakova, Silviya Petrova, and Rafael López-Martínez

EGU2017-12418 | Posters | SSP2.4

High-resolution stratigraphic analyses of Permian-Triassic core material recovered in central Spitsbergen
Arve Sleveland, Sverre Planke, Valentin Zuchuat, Franziska Franeck, Henrik Svensen, Ivar Midtkandal, Øyvind Hammer, Richard Twitchett, and Deltadalen Study Group

EGU2017-13546 | Orals | SSP2.4

The K–PG boundary: how geological events lead to collapse of marine primary producers
Le Hir guillaume, Fluteau frederic, and Goddéris yves

EGU2017-15014 | Posters | SSP2.4

3D seismic imaging of voluminous earliest Eocene buried lava fields and coastal escarpments off mid-Norway
Sverre Planke, John M Millett, Dwarika Maharjan, Dougal A Jerram, and Mohamed Mansour Abdelmalak

EGU2017-4032 | Orals | SSP2.4 | Highlight

Carbon sources during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Joost Frieling, Francien Peterse, Daniel Lunt, Steven Bohaty, Jaap Sinninghe Damste, Gert-Jan Reichart, and Appy Sluijs

EGU2017-9267 | Orals | SSP2.4

Learning about past catastrophes from the present perturbation
William Hay

EGU2017-15378 | Posters | SSP2.4

A new age model for the Late Ordovician bentonites in Oslo, Norway
Eirik Gottschalk Ballo, Lars Eivind Augland, Øyvind Hammer, and Henrik Svensen

EGU2017-16572 | Posters | SSP2.4

Modelling the Gaskiers glaciation, the role of the rapid movement of continents during the Ediacaran
Frédéric Fluteau, Boris Robert, Guillaume Le Hir, Christophe Dumas, Jean Besse, and Marianne Greff-Lefftz

EGU2017-18553 | Posters | SSP2.4

Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum triggered by Volcanism revealed by Mercury anomalies
Hassan Khozyem, Thierry Adatte, André Mbabi Bitchong, Yoann Chevalier, and Gerta Keller

EGU2017-19405 | Posters | SSP2.4

Evidence for a second impactor at the K-Pg Boundary in Baja California, Mexico
Amanda Santa Catharina, Benjamin Charles Kneller, Juliana Charao Marques, Adam Daniel McArthur, Ian Antony Kane, and Sergio Rafael Silvestre Cevallos Ferriz

EGU2017-2057 | Posters | SSP2.4

Did volcanic activity of the Emeishan large igneous province expand in Wuchiapingian times?
Borhan Bagherpour, Hugo Bucher, Dong-Xun Yuan, Shu-zhong Shen, Marc Leu, and Chao Zhang

EGU2017-2337 | Posters | SSP2.4

Effect of a Quaternary Meteoroid Impact in Indo-China on the Surface Sedimentary Record
Paul Carling, Wickanet Songtham, Riuji Tada, Toshihiro Tada, and Jaa Duangkrayon

EGU2017-2904 | Posters | SSP2.4

Terrestrial temperature changes during the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition interval in North China and their link to pre-boundary extinctions
Laiming Zhang, Chengshan Wang, Paul Wignall, Xiaoqiao Wan, Qian Wang, and Yuan Gao

EGU2017-7184 | Posters | SSP2.4

Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) thrived in gymnosperm forests following the end-Triassic extinction
Bas van de Schootbrugge, Timo van Eldijk, Torsten Wappler, Paul Strother, Carolien van der Weijst, Hossein Rajaei, and Henk Visscher

EGU2017-8946 | Posters | SSP2.4

Surface vitrification caused by natural fires in Late Pleistocene wetlands of the Atacama Desert
Pierrick Roperch, Jerome Gattacceca, Millarca Valenzuela, Bertrand Devouard, Jean-Pierre Lorand, Cesar Arriagada, Pierre Rochette, and Claudio Latorre

EGU2017-13931 | Posters | SSP2.4

The biotic recovery in the aftermath of the Permian-Triassic Boundary: New data from The Griesbachian of Oman
Morgane Brosse, Hugo Bucher, Aymon Baud, Hans Hagdorn, Alexander Nützel, David Ware, Åsa Frisk, and Nicolas Goudemand

EGU2017-15568 | Posters | SSP2.4

Sill induced hydrothermal vent structures: what do they look like in the field?
Dougal Jerram, Henrik Svensen, John Millett, Syahreza Angkasa, Sverre Planke, Petter Silkoset, and Alexander Polozov

SSP2.6 – Salt Giants: causes, processes and impacts on basin evolution

EGU2017-376 | Posters | SSP2.6

The Messinian evaporites in the Levant Basin: lithology, deformation and its evolution
Ye Feng, Josh Steinberg, and Moshe Reshef

EGU2017-4428 | Orals | SSP2.6

Gravity gliding in the Bay of Mecklenburg? – New seismic data at the North German Basin margin
Christian Huebscher, Volkmar Damm, Martin Engels, Christopher Juhlin, Charlotte Krawczyk, Michal Malinowski, Vera Noack, Michael Schnabel, and Elisabeth Seidel

EGU2017-532 | Posters | SSP2.6

Mediterranean salt giants beyond the evaporite model: The Sicily perspective
Fabio Carmelo Manuella, Vittorio Scribano, Serafina Carbone, Martin Hovland, Hans-Konrad Johnsen, and Håkon Rueslåtten

EGU2017-5803 | Orals | SSP2.6

Integrated stratigraphy and chronology of Messinian evaporites from the Levant basin in the deep eastern Mediterranean
Aaron Meilijson, Josh Steinberg, Frits Hilgen, Or Bialik, Peter Ilner, Nicolas Waldmann, and Yizhaq Makovsky

EGU2017-3189 | Posters | SSP2.6

Triassic structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Central German North Sea sector
Marco Wolf and Fabian Jähne-Klingberg

EGU2017-8939 | Orals | SSP2.6

The Alboran volcanic arc archipelago isolated the Mediterranean during the Messinian salinity crisis forming the land bridge for biota dispersal across the western Mediterranean
Guillermo Booth-Rea, Cesar R. Ranero, and Ingo Grevemeyer

EGU2017-3917 | Posters | SSP2.6

Source rock potential and organic matter characterization of the Messinian evaporitic sequence on Zakynthos Island, Ionian Sea
Vasileios Karakitsios, Nefeli Kafousia, Konstantina Agiadi, George Kontakiotis, and Marc de Rafelis

EGU2017-8575 | Orals | SSP2.6

\textbf{Was Mediterranean region warmer during the Messinian Salinity Crisis?}
Iuliana Vasiliev, Stefano Lugli, Eva Niedermeyer, and Andreas Mulch

EGU2017-6177 | Orals | SSP2.6

Increased magma production and volcanism triggered by the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Pietro Sternai, Luca Caricchi, Daniel Garcia-Castellanos, and Sebastien Castelltort

EGU2017-3950 | Posters | SSP2.6

SSeismic imaging of Messinian Evaporites in the Ionian Basin
Angelo Camerlenghi, Anna Del Ben, Edy Forlin, Riccardo Geletti, Arianna Mocnik, and Marco Saule

EGU2017-10166 | Orals | SSP2.6

Subsurface dolomite formation during post-depositional flow of sulphate-bearing fluids from underlying salt giants: Early Pliocene example at DSDP Leg 42A, Site 374, Ionian Abyssal Plain
Judith A. McKenzie, Nick Evans, David Hodell, Giovanni Aloisi, and Crisogono Vasconcelos

EGU2017-8047 | Posters | SSP2.6

Scientific networking to address the causes, timing, emplacement mechanisms, and consequences of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Angelo Camerlenghi, Johanna Lofi, Vanni Aloisi, and Rachel Flecker

EGU2017-8152 | Posters | SSP2.6

Late Neogene marine osmium isotopic records of the Mediterranean and Atlantic sediments
Junichiro Kuroda, Francisco J. Jimenez-Espejo, Tatsuo Nozaki, Rocco Gennari, Stefano Lugli, Vinicio Manzi, Marco Roveri, Rachel Flecker, Francisco J. Sierro, Toshihiro Yoshimura, Katsuhiko Suzuki, and Naohiko Ohkouchi

EGU2017-12455 | Posters | SSP2.6

Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated foreland basin: case study of the Sivas Basin (Turkey)
Alexandre Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, Etienne Legeay, Michel Lopez, Cédric Bonnel, Jean-Paul Callot, and Jean-Claude Ringenbach

EGU2017-16546 | Posters | SSP2.6

Messinian post-evaporitic paleogeography of the Po Plain-Adriatic region by 3D numerical modeling: implications for the Central Mediterranean desiccation during the MSC
Chiara Amadori, Daniel Garcia-Castellanos, Andrea Di Giulio, Roberto Fantoni, Manlio Ghielmi, Pietro Sternai, and Giovanni Toscani

EGU2017-17094 | Posters | SSP2.6

Non-halide sediments from the Loule diapir salt mine: characterization and environmental significance
Carlos Ribeiro, Pedro Terrinha, Alexandre Andrade, Bruno Fonseca, Miguel Caetano, Marta Neres, Eric Font, José Mirão, Cristina Dias, Lúcia Rosado, Anne-France Maurer, and Ana Manhita

EGU2017-17835 | Posters | SSP2.6

Genesis of Tuzla salt basin
Amir Sušić, Amir Baraković, and Snezana Komatina

EGU2017-17927 | Posters | SSP2.6

Quantitative-qualitative characteristics of salt deposit in Tuzla basin
Amir Susic, Amir Barakovic, and Hrustem Smailhodzic

EGU2017-18414 | Posters | SSP2.6

On the origin of salt in the Caspian Sea
Nikolay Esin, Nikolay V. Esin, and Valentina Yanko-Hombach

EGU2017-18736 | Posters | SSP2.6

Subsurface Fluid Escape at the Palmachim Disturbance in the Levant Basin, SE Mediterranean Sea
ovie eruteya, Nicolas Waldmann, Moshe Reshef, and Zvi Ben-Avraham

SSP3.4 – Provenance analysis and sediment fingerprinting

EGU2017-7820 | Orals | SSP3.4

Targeted versus statistical approaches to selecting parameters for modelling sediment provenance
J. Patrick Laceby

EGU2017-159 | Posters | SSP3.4

Sezin Özaksoy, Emel Bayhan, and Cemal Tunoğlu

EGU2017-12228 | Orals | SSP3.4

Clastic Sediment Dispersal in Rifted Margins, an Example From the Swiss Alps
Federico Galster and Daniel Stockli

EGU2017-190 | Posters | SSP3.4

Provenance of the Quaternary Southern Kalahari sediments: A wetland that became dry
Shlomy Vainer, Yigal Erel, and Ari Matmon

EGU2017-13814 | Orals | SSP3.4

Raman counting of heavy minerals in turbidites: Indus Fan, IODP Expedition 355
Sergio Andò

EGU2017-283 | Posters | SSP3.4

Sedimentary provenance of Maastrichtian oil shales, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
Douaa Fathy, Michael Wagreich, Ramadan S. Mohamed, and Rafat Zaki

EGU2017-903 | Posters | SSP3.4

Provenance of sediments from Sumatra, Indonesia
Christof Liebermann, Robert Hall, and Amy Gough

EGU2017-18244 | Orals | SSP3.4

Elucidating tectonic events and processes from variably tectonized conglomerate clast detrital geochronology: examples from the Hongliuhe Formation in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China
Nathan Cleven, Shoufa Lin, Donald Davis, Wenjiao Xiao, and Carl Guilmette

EGU2017-1196 | Posters | SSP3.4

Deglacial and Holocene Dolomite delivery to the Arctic Ocean from the Mackenzie River
Henrik Swärd, Matt O´Regan, and Christoph Vogt

EGU2017-16228 | Orals | SSP3.4

A multivariate statistical discrimination scheme of garnet chemistry for use in sedimentary provenance analysis
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Hilmar von Eynatten, Anne Krippner, and Guido Meinhold

EGU2017-1626 | Posters | SSP3.4

Provenance of Conglomerates within a Late Cretaceous Turbidite Channel System on the North American Margin: the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico
Thisiane Dos Santos, Benjamin Kneller, Andrew Morton, Garibaldi Armelenti, George Pantopoulos, and Luiz Fernando De Ros

EGU2017-17340 | Orals | SSP3.4

Aeolian dust supply from the Yellow River floodplain as recorded in the loess–palaeosol sequences from the Mangshan Plateau
Yuan Shang, Maarten A Prins, Christiaan J Beets, Anu Kaakinen, Yann Lahaye, Simon Troelstra, Noortje Dijkstra, Bin Wang, Roel van Elsas, and Hongbo Zheng

EGU2017-3253 | Posters | SSP3.4

A detrital garnet fingerprint of the Central Swiss Alps
Laura Stutenbecker, Alfons Berger, and Fritz Schlunegger

EGU2017-4060 | Posters | SSP3.4

A detrital record of the Nile River and its catchment
Laura Fielding, Yani Najman, Ian Millar, Peter Butterworth, Sergio Ando, Marta Padoan, Dan Barfod, and Ben Kneller

EGU2017-4097 | Posters | SSP3.4

Early Triassic change in the erosional level in the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif revealed by detrital garnet assemblages from the Buntsandstein siliciclastics of southern Poland
Monika Kowal-Linka and Klaudia Walczak

EGU2017-4523 | Posters | SSP3.4

Petrographic and geochemical analyisis for determination of provenance of the Slovenj Gradec Miocene Basin fill (Western Central Paratethys)
Kristina Ivančič, Mirka Trajanova, Dragomir Skaberne, and Andrej Šmuc

EGU2017-4778 | Posters | SSP3.4

Geochemical evidence of the provenance of aeolian deposits in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin (Southern Tibet, China)
Shisong Du and Yongqiu Wu

EGU2017-6699 | Posters | SSP3.4

Provenance, detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and tectonic consequences of Late Cretaceous-Eocene turbiditic sequences of Azerbaijan Province, NW Iran
Ali Mohammadi, Anna Lechmann, and Jean-Pierre Burg

EGU2017-7041 | Posters | SSP3.4

Deciphering the geochemical and mineralogical changes of a Miocene sedimentary basin infill, Mendoza Province, Argentina
Gabriel Hunger, Andrea Moscariello, and Dario Ventra

EGU2017-7626 | Posters | SSP3.4

The Jurassic to Paleogene detrital record of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: results from the Kyrgyz Tien Shan
Elien De Pelsmaeker, Marc Jolivet, Amandine Dransart Laborde, Cécile Robin, Fedor Zhimulev, Marc Poujol, Simon Nachtergaele, Stijn Glorie, Shana De Clercq, Vladislav Batalev, and Johan De Grave

EGU2017-9513 | Posters | SSP3.4

The tectono-sedimentary evolution of North Helvetic Flysch basin in Central Alps as revealed by detrital zircon U–Pb age dating and Hf isotope geochemistry
Gang Lu, Wilfried Winkler, Sean Willett, and Meinert Rahn

EGU2017-14231 | Posters | SSP3.4

Raman spectroscopy, an innovative tool to explore the mineralogy and provenance of dust (1-5 µm): Dome B ice core, East Antarctica
Chiara Ileana Paleari, Sergio Andò, Barbara Delmonte, Valter Maggi, and Eduardo Garzanti

EGU2017-14701 | Posters | SSP3.4

Coupling colour CL of quartz with multiple geochronological proxies in an attempt to determine extent of sediment recycling in Devonian and Mesozoic basins of southern Ireland
Brenton Fairey, Mohit Tunwal, Patrick Meere, and Kieran Mulchrone

EGU2017-16459 | Posters | SSP3.4

Methodical aspects in heavy mineral identification by Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy
Nils Keno Lünsdorf, István Dunkl, and Hilmar von Eynatten

EGU2017-17032 | Posters | SSP3.4

The pre-orogenic detrital zircon record of the Variscan orogeny: Preliminary results
Tobias Stephan and Uwe Kroner

EGU2017-17171 | Posters | SSP3.4

QEMSCAN+LA-ICP-MS: a ‘big data’ generator for sedimentary provenance analysis
Pieter Vermeesch, Martin Rittner, and Eduardo Garzanti

SSP3.6 – Limnogeology - reading the geological record of lakes (sponsored by IAS and SEPM)

EGU2017-5581 | Orals | SSP3.6

Earthquake imprints on a lacustrine deltaic system: Example of the Kürk Delta along the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey)
Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari, Meriam El-Ouahabi, David Garcia Moreno, Ulaş Avsar, Sevgi Altınok, Nathalie Fagel, and Namık Çağatay

EGU2017-567 | Posters | SSP3.6

Sedimentary and pore water geochemistry linked to deglaciation and postglacial development of Lake Vättern, Sweden
Henrik Swärd, Matt O´Regan, Malin Kylander, Sarah Greenwood, Magnus Mörth, and Martin Jakobsson

EGU2017-1863 | Posters | SSP3.6

Comparison of formation mechanism of fresh-water and salt-water lacustrine organic-rich shale
Senhu Lin

EGU2017-13526 | Orals | SSP3.6

Distinguishing megathrust from intraplate earthquakes using lacustrine turbidites (Laguna Lo Encañado, Central Chile)
Maarten Van Daele, Cristian Araya-Cornejo, Thomas Pille, Inka Meyer, Philipp Kempf, Jasper Moernaut, and Marco Cisternas

EGU2017-4391 | Posters | SSP3.6

Lake Van carbonates: Implications for lacustrine stable isotope analysis
Jeremy McCormack, Adrian Immenhauser, and Ola Kwiecien

EGU2017-12355 | Orals | SSP3.6

Sedimentation influx and volcanic interactions in the Fuji Five Lakes: implications for paleoseismological records
Laura Lamair, Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari, Shinya Yamamoto, Meriam El Ouahabi, Ed Garrett, Masanobu Shishikura, Sabine Schmidt, Evelien Boes, Stephen Obrochta, Atsunori Nakamura, Yosuke Miyairi, Yusuke Yokoyama, Marc De Batist, and Vanessa M.A. Heyvaert

EGU2017-8848 | Posters | SSP3.6

Annual dynamics of halite precipitation in the Dead Sea: In situ observations and their geological implications
Ido Sirota, Yehouda enzel, and Nadav G. Lensky

EGU2017-14997 | Orals | SSP3.6

Sedimentology, tephrostratigraphy, and chronology of the DEEP site sediment record, Lake Ohrid (Albania, FYROM)
Niklas Leicher, Bernd Wagner, Alexander Francke, Janna Just, Giovanni Zanchetta, Roberto Sulpizio, Biagio Giaccio, and Sebastien Nomade

EGU2017-4736 | Posters | SSP3.6

Testing the potential of stable iron isotopes from laminated lake sediments as a novel palaeoclimate proxy (IRONLAKE)
Ina Neugebauer, Camille Thomas, Nicolas D. Waldmann, and Daniel Ariztegui

EGU2017-18993 | Orals | SSP3.6

Proxy evidence from Chew Bahir (Ethiopia) that environmental change promoted human dispersal out of Northeast Africa
Finn Viehberg, Janna Just, Jonathan Dean, Asfawossen Asrat, Martin Claussen, Sven-Oliver Franz, Nicole Klasen, Thomas Kleinen, Henry Lamb, Melanie J. Leng, Patrick Ludwig, Antoni E. Milodowski, Janet Rethemeyer, Frank Schäbitz, and Bernd Wagner

EGU2017-6020 | Posters | SSP3.6

Detection gas presence in lakes bottom sediments based on seismic investigations.
Pavel Krylov, Danis Nurgaliev, and Pavel Yasonov

EGU2017-2104 | Orals | SSP3.6

Using palynology to re-assess the Dead Sea laminated sediments - Indeed varves?
Revital Bookman, Lourdes Lopez-Merino, Reuven Belmaker, Amram Eshel, Valentina Epshtein Epshtein, and Suzanne Leroy

EGU2017-9141 | Posters | SSP3.6 | Highlight

Historic mass movements recorded in the sediments of Hallstätter See (Upper Austria) – natural hazards at a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site
Stefan Lauterbach, Michael Strasser, Rik Tjallingii, Christoph Spötl, and Achim Brauer

EGU2017-16072 | Posters | SSP3.6

Turbidites as proxy for past flood events: Testing this approach in a large clastic system (Lake Geneva, France/Switzerland)
Katrina Kremer and Stéphanie Girardclos

EGU2017-12670 | Posters | SSP3.6

How well suited are maar lakes of Madagascar for palaeoenvironmental multi-proxy reconstructions? – First results from shallow seismic, sedimentological and hydrological investigations in Central and Northwest Madagascar.
Gerhard Daut, Kim Jasmin Krahn, Jean-Jacques Rabhobisoa, Sergénie Ornella Moanazafy, Torsten Haberzettl, Thomas Kasper, Roland Mäusbacher, and Antje Schwalb

EGU2017-14690 | Posters | SSP3.6

Late Quaternary stratigraphy of the La Janda Basin (SW Spain) - first results and palaeoenvironmental significance
Nicole Höbig, Juan Santisteban, Rosa Mediavilla, Simon Matthias May, Nicole Klasen, Helmut Brückner, Jasmijn van't Hoff, and Klaus Reicherter

EGU2017-15582 | Posters | SSP3.6

Deposition modes in the paleo-lake Colônia (São Paulo, SE / Brazil): detrital input and bio-geochemical processes
Patricia Roeser, Marie-Pierre Ledru, Nicolas Thouveny, Kazuyo Tachikawa, Frauke Rostek, Marta Garcia, Ulrich Struck, André Sawakuchi, Charly Favier, and Edouard Bard

SSP3.7 – Processes and products of deltas, submarine fans and subaquatic sediment gravity flows (sponsored by IAS and SEPM)

EGU2017-8008 | Orals | SSP3.7

Controls on Sediment Flux Via the Indus Canyon to the Deep Arabian Sea
Peter Clift, Yuting Li, Peng Zhou, Daniel Stockli, Jerzy Blusztajn, Philipp Böning, and Katharina Pahnke

EGU2017-2877 | Posters | SSP3.7

Depositional and Stratigraphic Architecture evolution of Deltaic Successions in Different Tectonic Stages: Palaeogene Kongdian and Shahejie Formations, Baxian Sag, East China
Li Xiaopeng and Wang Hua

EGU2017-2267 | Orals | SSP3.7

Depositional System Transition from Braided River to Tide Dominated Delta-A Case Study of the MPE3 Block in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin
Wensong Huang, Heping Chen, Fang Xu, Zheng Meng, and Yonghao Li

EGU2017-2988 | Posters | SSP3.7

A deltaic-sediment gravity flow depositional system in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Southwest Ordos Basin, China
Yi Gao, Zaixing Jiang, and Shengqian Liu

EGU2017-3896 | Posters | SSP3.7

Sedimentary facies and gas accumulation model of Lower Shihezi Formation in Shenguhao area, northern Ordos basin, China
Weibing Lin, Lin Chen, Yongchao Lu, and Shuai Zhao

EGU2017-14530 | Orals | SSP3.7

From stratigraphy to (inferred) processes: development of the late Pleistocene Po Delta clinothems at millennial to centennial scales
Claudio Pellegrini, Alessandra Asioli, Tina Drexler, Kevin Bohacs, Michael Sweet, Vittorio Maselli, Fabiano Gamberi, Marzia Rovere, Giacomo Dalla Valle, and Fabio Trincardi

EGU2017-6330 | Orals | SSP3.7

Understanding the morphodynamics of sediment waves in ancient deepwater CLTZs: are we missing something (super)critical?
Menno Hofstra, David M. Hodgson, Jeffrey Peakall, and Christopher J. Stevenson

EGU2017-2705 | Posters | SSP3.7

Seismic geomorphology and stratigraphic evolution of the early Eocene lacustrine delta system in the northern steep slope of Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
Xin Zhang and Xiaomin Zhu

EGU2017-19236 | Orals | SSP3.7

Into the deep: A coarse-grained carbonate turbidite thalweg generated by gigantic submarine chutes
Thierry Mulder, Hervé Gillet, John Reijmer, André Droxler, Thibault cavailhes, Vincent Hanquiez, Kelly Fauquembergue, Stéphane Bujan, David Blanck, Sara bashah, Léa Guiastrennec, Natacha Fabregas, Audrey Recouvreur, and Chloé Seibert

EGU2017-3396 | Posters | SSP3.7

Deltaic System in the Southern Shelf of the Ulleung Back-Arc Basin, East Sea, Korea
Jaehong Ko and Junil Yoon

EGU2017-14950 | Orals | SSP3.7

Suspended sediment dynamics in a large-scale oceanic turbidity current: Direct measurements from the Congo Canyon
Steve Simmons, Maria Azpiroz, Matthieu Cartigny, Mike Clare, Dan Parsons, Esther Sumner, and Pete Talling

EGU2017-17120 | Posters | SSP3.7

Hydrogeological Framework Model for Dhaka Regional Groundwater Flow System (DGFS), Bangladesh
Abm Firoz, Andres Marandi, Christoph Schüth, and Lars Ribbe

EGU2017-16202 | Posters | SSP3.7

Integrating remote sensing and subsurface geological data to characterize a tidally-influenced paleodrainage from the mid-late Holocene succession of the Po Delta Plain (Italy)
Serena Giacomelli, Veronica Rossi, Alessandro Amorosi, Luigi Bruno, Bruno Campo, Andrea Ciampalini, Andrea Civa, Roberto Carlos de Souza Filho, and Maria Sgavetti

EGU2017-14834 | Posters | SSP3.7

Differences in mouthbar complex geometry and grain size trends across systems with different sediment supply compositions
Helena van der Vegt, Joep Storms, Dirk-Jan Walstra, Liang Li, Kjetil Nordahl, Allard Martinius, and Nick Howes

EGU2017-5650 | Posters | SSP3.7

Timing and controls on the delivery of coarse sediment to deltas and submarine fans on a formerly glaciated coast and shelf
Alexandre Normandeau, Pierre Dietrich, Patrick Lajeunesse, Guillaume St-Onge, Jean-François Ghienne, Mathieu Duchesne, and Pierre Francus

EGU2017-7156 | Posters | SSP3.7

Modern diatom assemblages as tools for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: a case study from estuarine intertidal zones in southern Iberia
Ana Gomes, Tomasz Boski, Delminda Moura, Katie Szkornik, Andrzej Witkowski, Simon Connor, Lazaro Laut, Frederico Sobrinho, and Sónia Oliveira

EGU2017-15119 | Posters | SSP3.7

Clay minerals behaviour in thin sandy clay-rich lacustrine turbidites (Lake Hazar, Turkey)
Meriam El Ouahabi, Aurelia Hubert-Ferrari, Laura Lamair, and Sophie Hage

EGU2017-8873 | Posters | SSP3.7

XRF analysis of turbidites in the Japan Trench: Evidences of provenances?
Tobias Schwestermann, Hiske G. Fink, Gerold Wefer, Timo Fleischmann, Cecilia M. McHugh, Ken Ikehara, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Arata Kioka, and Michael Strasser and the SO-251A Science Party

EGU2017-19069 | Posters | SSP3.7

A Classification of Subaqueous Density Flows Based on Transformations From Proximal to Distal Regions
Navid Hermidas, Joris Eggenhuisen, Stefan Luthi, Ricardo Silva Jacinto, Ferenc Toth, and Florian Pohl

EGU2017-8963 | Posters | SSP3.7

3D stratigraphic modeling of the Congo turbidite system since 210 ka: an investigation of factors controlling sedimentation
Dimitri Laurent, Marie Picot, Tania Marsset, Laurence Droz, Marina Rabineau, Didier Granjeon, and Stéphane Molliex

EGU2017-11937 | Posters | SSP3.7

Preliminary modeling of turbidity currents associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
Arata Kioka, Michael Strasser, Jasper Moernaut, Tobias Schwestermann, Ken Ikehara, Toshiya Kanamatsu, and Cecilia M. McHugh and the R/V Sonne SO-251A Scientific Party