Presentation type:

TS – Tectonics & Structural Geology

TS1.1 – Open Session on Tectonics and Structural Geology (Posters only)

EGU2017-2089 | Posters | TS1.1

The Later Paleozoic granites of the Greater Caucasus Fore Range zone: geochemistry, magnetic properties and the structural and metamorphic evolution.
Vladimir Kamzolkin, Anton Latyshev, Stanislav Ivanov, and Jury Vidjapin

EGU2017-5361 | Posters | TS1.1

Plagioclase alteration in anorthositic wall rocks surrounding eclogite facies pseudotachylites
Arianne Petley-Ragan, Håkon Austrheim, Kristina G. Dunkel, and Bjørn Jamtveit

EGU2017-13049 | Posters | TS1.1

An integrated study on microtectonics, geothermometry and thermochronology of the Çataldağ Core Complex (NW Turkey): Implications for cooling, deformation and uplift history
Omer Kamaci and Safak Altunkaynak

EGU2017-2619 | Posters | TS1.1

Structural evolution of Halaban Area, Eastern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia
Yousef Al-Amri and Osama M. K. Kassem1

EGU2017-1867 | Posters | TS1.1

Tectonic Evolution of Jabal Tays Ophiolite Complex, Eastern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia
Saad AlHumidan, Osama Kassem, Majed Almutairi, Hussain Al-Faifi, and Ali Kahal

EGU2017-11614 | Posters | TS1.1

Discontinuities Characteristics of the Upper Jurassic Arab-D Reservoir Equivalent Tight Carbonates Outcrops, Central Saudi Arabia
Ammar Abdlmutalib and Osman Abdullatif

EGU2017-434 | Posters | TS1.1

Geometries of inversion structures and implication for hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Troms-Finnmark Fault Complex, SW Barents Sea
Ioannis Zervas, Kamaldeen Olakunle Omosanya, Stephen John Lippard, Ståle Emil Johansen, and George Marfo

EGU2017-1861 | Posters | TS1.1

Tectonics Timor-style: Episodic, early-stage orogenesis at a young collision plate margin and implications for orogenic and petroleum fluids
Myra Keep, David Haig, and Aaron Benincasa

EGU2017-12111 | Posters | TS1.1

Neotectonic deformation in Tunisia (North of the African plate)
Abdelkader Soumaya, Noureddine Ben Ayed, Ali Kadri, Damien Delvaux, Hayet Khayati Ammar, and Ahmed Braham

EGU2017-12330 | Posters | TS1.1

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of Gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia) during Mezozoic-Cenozoic periods
Malek Tayech, Abdelkader Soumaya, Noureddine Ben Ayed, Mohamed Hedi Inoubli, Damien Delvaux, and Wajdi Belkhiria

EGU2017-2468 | Posters | TS1.1

The velocity structure of a post-spreading volcanic seamount in the Southwest Sub-basin, South China Sea
Jie Zhang, Jiabiao Li, Aiguo Ruan, Zhiteng Yu, and Xiongwei Niu

EGU2017-4170 | Posters | TS1.1

Does intraplate brittle deformation indicate far-field stress signals? A case study of Central Europe
Payman Navabpour, Jonas Kley, Eline Le Breton, Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen, and Kamil Ustaszewski

EGU2017-10810 | Posters | TS1.1

Correlating the Late Mesoproterozoic Unkar Group, Grand Canyon, Arizona with the upper Rocky Cape Group, western Tasmania: A sedimentary record of a southwest Laurentia-East Antarctica connection in Rodinia
Jacob Mulder, Karl Karlstrom, Jacqueline Halpin, Sebastien Meffre, George Gehrels, and Mark Pecha

EGU2017-6204 | Posters | TS1.1

Late Cretaceous extension and exhumation of the Stong Complex and Taku Schist, NE Peninsular Malaysia
Thomas François, Muhammad Afiq Md, Liviu Matenco, Ernst Willingshofer, Tham Fatt Ng, N. Iskandar Taib, and Mustaffa Kamal Shuib

EGU2017-2471 | Posters | TS1.1

Numerical Simulation of Magma Effects on Hydrothermal Venting at Ultra-Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
Hong Zang, Xiongwei Niu, Aiguo Ruan, Jiabiao Li, and Lin Meng

EGU2017-9268 | Posters | TS1.1

Quaternary tectonics from seismic interpretation and its potential relation with deep geothermal fluids in the Marche (Central Italy).
Jessica Chicco, Chiara Invernizzi, Pietro Paolo Pierantoni, and Mario Costa

EGU2017-7660 | Posters | TS1.1

Geostructural context of a hydrothermal system by geophysical methods: Case of Hammam Righa, Algeria
Amina Hocine, Abdesalam Abtout, and Lamine Hamai

EGU2017-2389 | Posters | TS1.1

Joint gravity and seismic data to investigate the tectonic of Taiwan
Yu-Tsung Lo and Horng-Yuan Yen

EGU2017-6294 | Posters | TS1.1

The SPARDIG project - Transforming analogue sparker records from the Norwegian continental shelf into SEG-Y format, first results
Marc Schaming, Leif Rise, Shyam Chand, Bøe Reidulv, Per Terje Osmundsen, and Tim Redfield

EGU2017-15904 | Posters | TS1.1

Structural development of the Dieppe-Hampshire Basin (Eastern English Channel): Contribution of new seismic data
Martin Jollivet-Castelot, Virginie Gaullier, Fabien Paquet, Frank Chanier, Isabelle Thinon, Eric Lasseur, and Olivier Averbuch

EGU2017-12036 | Posters | TS1.1

Preliminary Results from Acoustic Survey Offshore Kefken, Southwestern Black Sea Margin
Derman Dondurur, Onur Karaca, and Aslıhan Nasıf

EGU2017-12079 | Posters | TS1.1

The Morpho-Acoustic Structure of Sakarya Canyon, Southwestern Black Sea
Aslıhan Nasıf and Derman Dondurur

TS1.2 – Teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics in the 21st century (co-organized) | PICO

EGU2017-5051 | PICOs | TS1.2

3D visualisation of geological structures: dismantling a threshold concept in structural geology
Eddie Dempsey

EGU2017-5603 | PICOs | TS1.2

Inspiration from drones, Lidar measurements and 3D models in undergraduate teaching
Thomas Blenkinsop and Jennifer Ellis

EGU2017-5739 | PICOs | TS1.2

Teaching and Learning Structural Geology Using SketchUp
Patrice Rey

EGU2017-6023 | PICOs | TS1.2

Making Ice Creep in the Classroom
David Prior, Matthew Vaughan, Mathilde Banjan, M. Hamish Bowman, Lisa Craw, Lauren Tooley, and Pat Wongpan

EGU2017-8964 | PICOs | TS1.2

STEREOVIDEO YouTube channel: Short educational videos for the on-line learning of the stereographic projection technique in Structural Geology
Juan M. Insua-Arevalo, Jose A. Alvarez-Gomez, Pedro Castiñeiras, Rosa Tejero-Lopez, Jose J. Martinez-Diaz, and Martin J. Rodriguez-Peces

EGU2017-13655 | PICOs | TS1.2

Augmented reality on poster presentations, in the field and in the classroom
Friedrich Hawemann and Folarin Kolawole

EGU2017-16432 | PICOs | TS1.2

Fieldwork Skills in Virtual Worlds
Benjamin Craven, Geoffrey Lloyd, Clare Gordon, Jacqueline Houghton, and Daniel Morgan

EGU2017-17191 | PICOs | TS1.2

Jupyter Notebooks as tools for interactive learning of Concepts in Structural Geology and efficient grading of exercises.
Jan Niederau, Florian Wellmann, Jannik Maersch, and Janos Urai

EGU2017-10365 | PICOs | TS1.2

Use of "perceptual modalities" for a new teaching of Structural Geology and Tectonics
Valentino Straser, Michele Casati, and Gabriele Cataldi

TS1.3 – Folding and Fracturing of Rocks - 50 years of research since the seminal text book of JG. Ramsay

EGU2017-19433 | Posters | TS1.3

Upright folding during extensional and transtensional tectonics
Christian Teyssier, Haakon Fossen, Patrice F. Rey, and Donna L. Whitney

EGU2017-19428 | Orals | TS1.3 | Highlight

Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: the background
John G. Ramsay

EGU2017-13476 | Posters | TS1.3

Numerical modelling of torn boudinage
Marcin Dabrowski and Bernhard Grasemann

EGU2017-19424 | Orals | TS1.3 | Highlight

Fifty years of shear zones
Rodney Graham

EGU2017-11281 | Orals | TS1.3

Folding and fracturing of rock adjacent to salt diapirs
Mark G. Rowan

EGU2017-12395 | Posters | TS1.3

Fracture Systems – Digital Field Data Capture
Richard Haslam

EGU2017-15535 | Orals | TS1.3

Spacing of bending-induced fractures at saturation: Numerical models and approximate analytical solution
Martin Schöpfer, Florian Lehner, Bernhard Grasemann, Klemens Kaserer, and Ralph Hinsch

EGU2017-7265 | Posters | TS1.3

Distinct Element Method modelling of fold-related fractures in a multilayer sequence
Klemens Kaserer, Martin P. J. Schöpfer, and Bernhard Grasemann

EGU2017-19431 | Orals | TS1.3

A plea for geometrical order in tectonics
Stefan Schmid

EGU2017-6302 | Posters | TS1.3

Complex fold patterns developed by progressive deformation
Jordi Carreras and Elena Druguet

EGU2017-19430 | Orals | TS1.3 | Highlight

The Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: A milestone publication in Structural Geology research
Richard Lisle and Fernando Bastida

EGU2017-6352 | Posters | TS1.3

Strain: Fact or Fiction?
Renée Heilbronner

EGU2017-19553 | Posters | TS1.3

Crack - seal veins - what we learnt since the seminal work of John Ramsay
Janos L. Urai and Paul D. Bons

EGU2017-19561 | Posters | TS1.3

Co-axial superposed folding and inverted regional metamorphism in the Tonga Formation: Cretaceous accretionary thrust tectonics in the Cascades crystalline core
Jensen Luke, Hermann Lebit, Scott Paterson, Robert Miller, and Ron Vernon

TS1.4 – New geochronological approaches for quantification of geological processes (co-organized)

EGU2017-7863 | Posters | TS1.4

Improving the apatite fission-track annealing algorithm
Elco Luijendijk, Paul Andriessen, Marlies ter Voorde, and Ronald van Balen

EGU2017-3042 | Orals | TS1.4

Combined structural analysis and dating of authigenic/synkinematic illite: A step towards unravelling brittle faulting processes in time and space
Giulio Viola

EGU2017-6769 | Orals | TS1.4

Dating faults by quantifying shear heating
Matteo Maino, Leonardo Casini, Antonio Langone, Giacomo Oggiano, Silvio Seno, and Finlay Stuart

EGU2017-14288 | Posters | TS1.4

Strategies for joint inversion of AFT and AHe data: application of apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He fragment and radiation damage models.
Mark Wildman, Kerry Gallagher, and Cecile Gautheron

EGU2017-3900 | Posters | TS1.4

Uncoupled vs. coupled thrust belt-foreland deformation: a model for northern Patagonia inferred from U-Th/He and apatite fission track dating
Elisa Savignano, Stefano Mazzoli, Massimiliano Zattin, Cécile Gautheron, and Marta Franchini

EGU2017-7221 | Orals | TS1.4

Cretaceous joints in southeastern Canada: dating calcite-filled fractures
David Schneider, Jennifer Spalding, Cécile Gautheron, Philippe Sarda, Donald Davis, and Duane Petts

EGU2017-4562 | Orals | TS1.4

Detrital mica 40Ar/39Ar dating approach for provenance and exhumation of the Eastern Alps.
lorenzo gemignani, Xilin Sun, Thomas Van Gerve, Jean Braun, and Jan Robert Wijbrans

EGU2017-5496 | Posters | TS1.4

Exhumation of the Cordillera Blanca batholith (Peruvian Andes) constrained by amphibole barometry and low-temperature thermochronology modelling
Audrey Margirier, Laurence Audin, Xavier Robert, Frédéric Herman, Jérôme Ganne, and Stéphane Schwartz

EGU2017-5219 | Posters | TS1.4

Using apatite fission track and an innovative approach to apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry to study the tectonic-geomorphic history of The Grampian Highland area-Scotland.
Awara M.Amin, Roderick Brown, and David Brown

EGU2017-14666 | Orals | TS1.4

Heterogeneity in tectonometamorphic systems; insights from Rb–Sr mica ages from the Cycladic Blueschist Belt, Syros, Greece
Clare E. Bond, Robert. A. Cliff, Robert W. H. Butler, and John E. Dixon

EGU2017-18924 | Orals | TS1.4

Dating kimberlite emplacement with zircon and perovskite (U-Th)/He geochronology
Jessica Stanley and Rebecca Flowers

EGU2017-6856 | Posters | TS1.4

Investigation of vacancy damage influence on He diffusion in apatite: implication for the (U-Th)/He thermochronometer
Cécile Gautheron, Chloé Gerin, Cyril Bachelet, Duval Mbongo Djimbi, Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume, Laurent Tassan-Got, Jérôme Roques, and Frédérico Garrido

EGU2017-7095 | Posters | TS1.4

Impact of mineral fertility and bedrock erosion on single-mineral detrital studies: insights from trace-element and Nd-isotope systematics of detrital apatite from the Po River catchment
Marco Giovanni Malusa', Jiangang Wang, Eduardo Garzanti, Igor M. Villa, and Hella Wittman

EGU2017-13817 | Orals | TS1.4

Interpretation of thermochronological cooling ages using thermal modelling: an example from shallow magma intrusions from the Kerguelen archipelago
Floriane Ahadi, Guillaume Delpech, Cécile Gautheron, Sébastien Nomade, Hermann Zeyen, and Damien Guillaume

EGU2017-17103 | Orals | TS1.4

Cenozoic exhumation patterns of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, northern Colombia, through bayesian modeling of detrital thermochronometric data
Mauricio Parra, Kerry Gallagher, Sebastián Echeverri, and Ana María Patiño

EGU2017-8060 | Posters | TS1.4

Hydrothermal circulation during exhumation constrained by fluid inclusion analyses, zircon fission-track and monazite Th-Pb dating (Belledonne massif, external Alps)
Emilie Janots, Alexis Grand'Homme, Damien Guillaume, Matthias Bernet, Valerie Bosse, Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume, Marie-Christine Boiron, and Magali Rossi

EGU2017-12225 | Orals | TS1.4

Intra-grain common Pb correction in apatite by LA-ICP-MS depth profiling and implications for detrital apatite U-Pb dating
Daniel Stockli, Patrick Boyd, and Federico Galster

EGU2017-9815 | Posters | TS1.4

\textbf{Progress on using deuteron-deuteron fusion generated neutrons for }$^{40}$\textbf{Ar/}$^{39}$\textbf{Ar sample irradiation}
Daniel Rutte, Paul R. Renne, Tim Becker, Cory Waltz, Mauricio Ayllon Unzueta, Susan Zimmerman, Alan Hidy, Robert Finkel, Joseph D. Bauer, Lee Bernstein, and Karl van Bibber

EGU2017-17215 | Orals | TS1.4

QEMSCAN+LAICPMS: a new tool for petrochronology and sedimentary provenance analysis
Pieter Vermeesch, Martin Rittner, and Jenny Omma

EGU2017-18349 | Posters | TS1.4

Geological significance of $^{40}$Ar/$^{39}$Ar mica dates across a mid-crustal continental plate margin and implications for the evolution of lithospheric collisions
Anke Friedrich and Kip Hodges

EGU2017-7273 | Orals | TS1.4

Correcting for long-alpha stopping distances in (U-Th)/He dating
Christoph Glotzbach, Karl Lang, Nikita Avdievitch, Rebecca Flowers, James Metcalf, and Todd Ehlers

EGU2017-1590 | Posters | TS1.4

Prolonged episodic Paleoproterozoic metamorphism in the Thelon Tectonic Zone, Canada: an in-situ SHRIMP/EPMA monazite geochronology study
Rhea Mitchell, Davis William, Berman Robert, Carr Sharon, and Jercinovic Michael

EGU2017-11344 | Posters | TS1.4

Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes from the Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt, Western Shikoku, Japan: evidence for the prevalence for the Late Cretaceous protoliths
Monika Walia, Ulrich Knittel, Shigeyuki Suzuki, Naoki Nishizaka, Kazunari Kimura, Yuan-Hsi Lee, and Hao-Yang Lee

EGU2017-9728 | Orals | TS1.4

Thermoluminescence as a multi- thermochronometer
Rabiul Haque Biswas, Frederic Herman, and Georgina King

EGU2017-13387 | Posters | TS1.4

Weathering and denudation history of the western continental margin of India constrained by combined Ar-Ar dating and paleomagnetism
Amandine Jean, Pierre-Etienne Mathé, Anicet Beauvais, Dominique Chardon, François Demory, and Shazia Janwari

EGU2017-1440 | Posters | TS1.4

Tracing Landscape Evolution of the Sila Massif using 10Be
Gerald Raab, Annina Ruppli, Dagmar Brandová, Fabio Scarciglia, Kevin Norton, Marcus Christl, and Markus Egli

TS2.1 – Faults: the deformation they cause and their effect on long-term crustal strength (co-organized)

EGU2017-12829 | Posters | TS2.1

Juxtaposition of different fault rocks into fault cores in sandstone-dominated formations
Sven Philit, Roger Soliva, Grégory Ballas, Alexandre Chemenda, and Raymi Castilla

EGU2017-2129 | Orals | TS2.1 | Highlight

Tectonic inheritance, reactivation and long term fault weakening processes
Bob Holdsworth

EGU2017-14700 | Posters | TS2.1

Permeability evolution of normal faults with clay smear: insights from structural observations in water saturated sandbox models and numerical simulations
Michael Kettermann, Janos L. Urai, and Peter J. Vrolijk

EGU2017-7835 | Orals | TS2.1

Reactivation of pre-existing mechanical anisotropies during polyphase tectonic evolution: slip tendency analysis as a tool to constrain mechanical properties of rocks
Anna Traforti, Andrea Bistacchi, Matteo Massironi, Dario Zampieri, and Giulio Di Toro

EGU2017-14152 | Posters | TS2.1

Mohr-Coulomb envelopes of fault strength under creep conditions: insights from relaxation experiments on many rock types
Telemaco Tesei

EGU2017-10108 | Orals | TS2.1

Vertical-axis block rotations linked to normal faulting: paleomagnetic and structural evidence from Miocene to Recent extensional basins in southern Turkey
Ayten Koç, Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen, Nuretdin Kaymakcı, and Cornelis G Langereis

EGU2017-717 | Orals | TS2.1

Reverse fault growth and fault interaction with frictional interfaces: insights from analogue models
Emanuele Bonanno, Lorenzo Bonini, Roberto Basili, Giovanni Toscani, and Silvio Seno

EGU2017-285 | Posters | TS2.1

New type of brittle deformations: two-axial turn structure of fractures in the Kovdor carbonatite intrusion (NW Russia)
Dmitry Zhirov

EGU2017-3767 | Orals | TS2.1

A general law of fault wear and its implication to gouge zone evolution
Yuval Boneh and Ze'ev Reches

EGU2017-10385 | Posters | TS2.1

Geotechnical and geomechanical characterization of the “fault gouge” of the “Alhama de Murcia” active fault, SE Spain.
Pablo Rodriguez-Soto, Meaza Tsige, Juan M. Insua-Arevalo, Jose J. Martinez-Diaz, Emilio Rodriguez-Escudero, M.ª Jose Jurado, Elena Crespo, and David Jiménez Molina

EGU2017-15905 | Posters | TS2.1

Mechanisms governing brittle fault mechanics – a multi-scale study from the Permian Khao-Kwang fold-and-thrust belt, Thailand
Christoph von Hagke, Chris Morley, and Waruntorn Kanitpanyacharoen

EGU2017-5773 | Orals | TS2.1

Transformation of graphite by tectonic and hydrothermal processes in an active plate boundary fault zone, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
Matina Kirilova, Virginia Toy, Nicholas Timms, Angela Halfpenny, Catriona Menzies, Dave Craw, Jeremy Rooney, and Carolina Giorgetti and the DFDP Science

EGU2017-15269 | Posters | TS2.1

Testing fault growth models with low-temperature thermochronology
Magdalena Curry, Jason Barnes, and Joseph Colgan

EGU2017-17294 | Posters | TS2.1

Long-term crustal strength: Strain vs. strain-rate weakening
Jonas B. Ruh

EGU2017-18329 | Posters | TS2.1

Impact of different weakening parameterizations on crust and lithosphere deformation
Marcel Thielmann

EGU2017-916 | Posters | TS2.1

Effect of footwall structures on kinematic evolution of dominant thrusts from hinterland of an orogenic wedge: Insights from Sikkim Himalayan FTB
Pritam Ghosh and Kathakali Bhattacharyya

EGU2017-7002 | Posters | TS2.1

Active Tectonic Uplift of the Danba Area in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China
Hou-Ping Ho, Chung-Pai Chang, Chorng-Shern Horng, and Yi-Chun Hsu

EGU2017-7510 | Posters | TS2.1

Structural development of the onshore Otway passive margin (Australia): the interaction of rotating syn-sedimentary faults
David C. Tanner, Jennifer Ziesch, and Charlotte M. Krawczyk

EGU2017-12401 | Posters | TS2.1

Fault analysis as part of urban geothermal exploration in the German Molasse Basin around Munich
Jennifer Ziesch, David C. Tanner, Sabine Hanstein, Hermann Buness, Charlotte M. Krawczyk, and Rüdiger Thomas

EGU2017-4412 | Posters | TS2.1

Restoration of the Cretaceous uplift of the Harz Mountains, North Germany: Evidence for thick-skinned thrusting
David C. Tanner and Charlotte M. Krawczyk

EGU2017-2696 | Posters | TS2.1

Faults characteristics and evolution history based on seismic data in Hangjinqi area,Ordos basin
guiping zhao

EGU2017-15205 | Posters | TS2.1

How segmented is your fault? Deciphering fault relationships from low resolution data
Emma Bramham, Douglas Paton, and Tim Wright

EGU2017-11594 | Posters | TS2.1

Do mesoscale faults in a young fold belt indicate regional or local stress?
Akihiro Kokado, Atsushi Yamaji, and Katsushi Sato

EGU2017-11477 | Posters | TS2.1

Do mesoscale faults near the tip of an active strike-slip fault indicate regional or local stress?
Atsushi Yamaji

EGU2017-8189 | Posters | TS2.1

The boundary effect of hydrocarbon-producing sag and its control on the structural deformations and hydrocarbon accumulation pattern: An example from the Paleogene hydrocarbon-producing sag in the western Qaidam basin, China
Shuwei Guan, Shuichang Zhang, Yongshu Zhang, Xuanjun Yuan, and Ya Shen

EGU2017-16695 | Posters | TS2.1

The Cenzonic tail derived structures of transtensional faults in Bohai Sea, East China
Guangzeng Wang and Zhiping Wu

EGU2017-15286 | Posters | TS2.1

From transpressional to transtensional tectonics in Northern Central America controlled by Cocos – Caribbean subduction coupling change
Jorge Alonso-Henar, José Antonio Alvarez-Gomez, and José Jesús Martinez-Diaz

EGU2017-7400 | Posters | TS2.1

Comparison of fault-related folding algorithms to restore a fold-and-thrust-belt
Christian Brandes and David Tanner

TS2.3 – Structures and patterns in fractured and porous media: witnesses for paleostress and fluid flow (co-organized)

EGU2017-1570 | Posters | TS2.3

Structural controls on Eocene to Pliocene tectonic and metallogenic evolution of the southernmost Lesser Caucasus, Armenia: paleostress field reconstruction and fault-slip analysis
Samvel Hovakimyan, Robert Moritz, and Rodrik Tayan

EGU2017-7617 | Orals | TS2.3

Illite authigenesis during faulting and fluid flow - a microstructural study of fault rocks
Thomas Scheiber, Giulio Viola, Roelant van der Lelij, and Annina Margreth

EGU2017-2083 | Posters | TS2.3

Paleostress Reconstruction from 3D seismic, Natural Fracture and Calcite Twin Analyses: Structural Insights into the Otway Basin, Australia
Hugo Burgin, Khalid Amrouch, and Simon Holford

EGU2017-416 | Orals | TS2.3

Understanding the evolution of channeling and fracturing in porous medium due to fluid flow.
Semih Turkaya, Renaud Toussaint, Fredrik Kvalheim Eriksen, Guillaume Daniel, Olivier Langliné, Eirik Grude Flekkøy, and Knut Jørgen Måløy

EGU2017-833 | Orals | TS2.3 | Highlight

Fracture-driven methane bubble ascent within shallow fine-grained clay-bearing aquatic sediments: dynamics and controlling factors
Shahrazad Tarboush Sirhan, Regina Katsman, and Uri Ten Brink

EGU2017-2926 | Posters | TS2.3

Polygonal deformation bands in sandstone
Marco Antonellini and Pauline Nella Mollema

EGU2017-19498 | Orals | TS2.3

Interface fluctuations during rapid drainage
Monem Ayaz, Renaud Toussaint, Gerhard Schäfer, Knut Jørgen Måløy, and Marcel Moura

EGU2017-3535 | Posters | TS2.3

Linking fault pattern with groundwater flow in crystalline rocks at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland)
Raphael Schneeberger, Alfons Berger, Urs K. Mäder, H. Niklaus Waber, Florian Kober, and Marco Herwegh

EGU2017-6904 | Orals | TS2.3

Intermittent burst dynamics in porous media: experiments on slow drainage flows
Marcel Moura, Knut Jørgen Måløy, and Renaud Toussaint

EGU2017-4137 | Posters | TS2.3

The Al Hoceima earthquake sequence of 1994, 2004 and 2016: Stress transfer and poro-elasticity in the Rif and Alboran Sea region
Jughurta Kariche, Mustapha Meghraoui, Youssef Timoulali, Esra Cetin, and Renaud Toussaint

EGU2017-5438 | Posters | TS2.3

The role of major rift faults in the evolution of deformation bands in the Rio do Peixe Basin, Brazil
Francisco Hilario Bezerra, Renata Araujo, Ingrid Maciel, Francisco Cezar Nogueira, Fabrizio Balsamo, Fabrizio Storti, Jorge Andre Souza, and Bruno Carvalho

EGU2017-17819 | Orals | TS2.3

Dynamics of hydrofracturing and microseismic signals in porous versus tight rocks
Janis Aleksans, Daniel Koehn, and Renaud Toussaint

EGU2017-13860 | Orals | TS2.3

Study of cataclastic deformation in compressive tectonic regime of a sandstone from south central Pyrenees, Spain: Timing of deformation bands occurrence during burial history and comparison with geomechanical models.
Romain Robert, Philippe Robion, Christian David, Pauline Souloumiac, and Elodie Saillet

EGU2017-5597 | Posters | TS2.3

Origin and evolution of phyllosilicate deformation bands in the poorly lithified sandstones of the Rio do Peixe Basin, NE Brazil
Francisco Nogueira, Matheus Nicchio, Fabrizio Balsamo, Francisco Bezerra, Jorge Souza, Bruno Carvalho, and Fabrizio Storti

EGU2017-8205 | Orals | TS2.3

An Integrated Tensorial Approach for Quantifying Porous, Fractured Rocks
David Healy, Roberto Rizzo, Sophie Harland, Natalie Farrell, John Browning, Phil Meredith, Tom Mitchell, Alodie Bubeck, and Richard Walker

EGU2017-5767 | Posters | TS2.3

Fracture network topology and characterization of structural permeability
Rowan Hansberry, Rosalind King, and Simon Holford

EGU2017-7463 | Posters | TS2.3

From vein precipitates to deformation and fluid rock interaction within a SSZ: Insights from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc
Peter Micheuz, Dennis Quandt, and Walter Kurz

EGU2017-4985 | Orals | TS2.3

Tectonic regime and deformation bands properties in porous sandstone
Roger Soliva, Gregory Ballas, Haakon Fossen, and Sven Philit

EGU2017-7548 | Posters | TS2.3

Fault and fluid systems in supra-subduction zones: The Troodos ophiolite
Dennis Quandt, Peter Micheuz, Walter Kurz, and Kurt Krenn

EGU2017-6786 | Orals | TS2.3

Fault fluid evolution at the outermost edges of the southern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt, Italy
Fabrizio Agosta, Claudia Belviso, Francesco Cavalcante, and Angela Vita Petrullo

EGU2017-15876 | Posters | TS2.3

Estimates of chemical compaction and maximum burial depth from bedding parallel stylolites
Marta Gasparrini, Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Marie-Eleonore David, Souhail Youssef, and Daniel Koehn

EGU2017-10027 | Orals | TS2.3

Fracture, fluid flow and paleostress at Sunrise Dam Gold Mine, W. Australia
Thomas Blenkinsop, David Sanderson, and Michael Nugus

EGU2017-15341 | Orals | TS2.3

Syn-orogenic fluid flow in the Jaca basin (South Pyrenean Fold and Thrust Belt) from fracture and vein analyses
Nemo Crognier, Guilhem Hoareau, Charles Aubourg, Michel Dubois, Brice Lacroix, Mathieu Branellec, Jean-Paul Callot, and Torsten Vennemann

EGU2017-17778 | Posters | TS2.3

Exhumation and stress history in the sedimentary cover during Laramide thick-skinned tectonics assessed by stylolite roughness analysis.
Nicolas Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Marie-Eléonore David, Daniel Koehn, and Robin Coltier

EGU2017-9185 | Posters | TS2.3

Compaction and local fluid flow variations estimate through a new stylolite classification
Daniel Koehn and Nicolas Beaudoin

EGU2017-9256 | Posters | TS2.3

Fluid flow and permeabilities in basement fault zones
Allan Hollinsworth and Daniel Koehn

EGU2017-14463 | Posters | TS2.3

Hydrofracturing, fluid pressure gradients and channel drainage
Daniel Koehn and Renaud Toussaint

EGU2017-19598 | Posters | TS2.3

Porous media deformation due to fluid flow and seismic liquefaction, a numerical and experimental study
Renaud Toussaint, Cécile Clément, Gustavo Sanchez-Colina, Shahar Benzeev, Liran Goren, Einat Aharonov, Ernesto Altshuler, Alfo Batista-Leira, Santislav Parez, Menka Stojanova, and Mohammed Bousmaha

EGU2017-19600 | Posters | TS2.3

How cracks are hot and cool: a burning issue for this paper
Renaud Toussaint, Stéphane Santucci, Olivier Lengliné, Knut Jorgen Maloy, Tom Vincent-Dospital, and Muriel Naert-Giuillot

EGU2017-10087 | Posters | TS2.3

Paleo-fluid flow in folded, poorly lithified Quaternary sediments revealed by diagenetic concretions developed during the growth of Quattro Castella Anticline (Northern Apennines, Italy)
Mattia Pizzati, Fabrizio Balsamo, Paola Iacumin, Rudy Swennen, and Fabrizio Storti

EGU2017-10135 | Posters | TS2.3

Structural architecture and petrophysical properties of the Rocca di Neto extensional fault zone developed in the shallow marine sediments of the Crotone Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy).
Mattia Pizzati, Fabrizio Balsamo, Paola Iacumin, Rudy Swennen, and Fabrizio Storti

EGU2017-12356 | Posters | TS2.3

Structural and microstructural evolution of fault zones in Cretaceous poorly lithified sandstones of the Rio do Peixe basin, Paraiba, NE Brazil
Fabrizio Balsamo, Francisco C.C: Nogueira, Fabrizio Storti, Francisco H.R. Bezerra, Bruno R. De Carvalho, and Jorge André De Souza

EGU2017-7320 | Posters | TS2.3

Shear enhanced compaction-solution bands in quartz-rich calcarenites of the Cotiella Massif (Spanish Pyrennes)
Stefano Tavani, Pablo Granado, Irene Cantanero, Fabrizio Balsamo, Amerigo Corradetti, and Josep Muñoz

EGU2017-12410 | Posters | TS2.3

A recipe to create nano-grains on dolomite
Anja Røyne and Anne Pluymakers

EGU2017-725 | Posters | TS2.3 | Highlight

From viscous fingers to wormholes - interactions between structures emerging in unstable growth
Agnieszka Budek, Kamil Kwiatkowski, and Piotr Szymczak

EGU2017-15143 | Posters | TS2.3

The “fault of the Pool” along the Congo River between Kinshasa and Brazzaville, R(D)Congo is no more a myth: Paleostress from small-scale brittle structures
Damien Delvaux, Gloire Ganza, Elvis Kongota, Guilain Fukiabantu, Dim Mbokola, Florent Boudzoumou, Timothée Miyouna, Urbain Gampio, and Hardy Nkodia

EGU2017-16175 | Posters | TS2.3

Coupled Hydro-mechanical process of natural fracture network formation in sedimentary basin
zady Ouraga, Nicolas Guy, and amade Pouya

TS3.1 – Strain localisation and rheology of the lithosphere in nature, experiments and theory. Including the Stephan Mueller Medal lecture by Cees Passchier (co-organized)

EGU2017-9818 | Posters | TS3.1

Strain localization in granulite-facies, oxide-bearing mylonitic gabbros from the Atlantis Bank oceanic detachment fault system, Southwest Indian Ridge (IODP Expedition 360)
Gustavo Viegas, Luiz Morales, Luca Menegon, Jeremy Deans, Christopher MacLeod, and Michael Cheadle

EGU2017-5770 | Orals | TS3.1

Influence of microscale weak zones on bulk viscous strength
Christopher Gerbi, Scott Johnson, Deborah Shulman, and Keith Klepeis

EGU2017-4520 | Posters | TS3.1

Evidence of phase nucleation during olivine diffusion creep: a new perspective for mantle strain localisation
Jacques Précigout and Holger Stünitz

EGU2017-10852 | Orals | TS3.1

Lithospheric strength in the active boundary between the Pacific Plate and Baja California microplate constrained from lower crustal and upper mantle xenoliths
Vasileios Chatzaras, Thomas van der Werf, Leo M. Kriegsman, Andreas Kronenberg, Basil Tikoff, and Martyn R. Drury

EGU2017-7030 | Orals | TS3.1

Progressive softening of brittle-ductile transition due to interplay between chemical and deformation processes
Petr Jeřábek, Zita Bukovská, and Luiz F. G. Morales

EGU2017-4892 | Posters | TS3.1

Formation of seismically-induced non-cohesive high-temperature cataclasites in the granitoid middle crust: An alternative to pseudotachylites?
Marco Herwegh, Philip Wehrens, Alfons Berger, and Max Peters

EGU2017-5857 | Posters | TS3.1

Eclogitization of dry granulite triggers deep crustal seismicity in Southern Tibet
Feng Shi, Yanbin Wang, Tony Yu, Lupei Zhu, Julien Gasc, Junfeng Zhang, and Zhenmin Jin

EGU2017-4329 | Orals | TS3.1

Transient versus long-term strength of the “dry” lower continental crust (Musgrave Ranges, Central Australia)
Neil Mancktelow, Friedrich Hawemann, Sebastian Wex, Giorgio Pennacchioni, and Alfredo Camacho

EGU2017-7240 | Orals | TS3.1

Strain localization in pseudotachylyte veins at lower crustal conditions
Luca Menegon, Giorgio Pennacchioni, and Nadia Malaspina

EGU2017-5999 | Posters | TS3.1

Strain localization and rheological weakening of a high-grade metamorphic massif
Shuyun Cao, Franz Neubauer, Junlai Liu, Xuemei Cheng, and Zunpu Yu

EGU2017-6844 | Posters | TS3.1 | Highlight

Early Cretaceous structural deformation and evolution of the northern segment of the Sulu orogenic belt : a case study of the Rizhao ductile shear zones, eastern Jiaodong
Xiaoxiao Shi, Junlai Liu, and Fengjie Yuan

EGU2017-9306 | Orals | TS3.1

Strain localization during stress-loading and stress-relaxation cycles recorded in mylonitic peridotites from experiments and nature
Claudia Trepmann and Agnes Matysiak

EGU2017-7161 | Posters | TS3.1

Microstructures, textures and geothermometry of graphitic carbon in low- to high-grade mylonites
Shuyun Cao, Franz Neubauer, Meixia Lv, Junyu Li, and Yanlong Dong

EGU2017-10903 | Orals | TS3.1

The effect of mineral reactions and microstructure on long-term experimental fault zone weakening
Andre R. Niemeijer

EGU2017-14985 | Orals | TS3.1

Can epitaxial replacement induce low temperature recovery and recrystallization?
Joe Gardner, John Wheeler, and Elisabetta Mariani

EGU2017-7457 | Posters | TS3.1

Switching deformation mode and mechanisms during subduction of continental crust: a case study from Alpine Corsica
Giancarlo Molli, Luca Menegon, and Alessandro Malasoma

EGU2017-10072 | Posters | TS3.1

Impact of grain size evolution on necking and pinch-and-swell formation in calcite layers
Stefan Markus Schmalholz and Thibault Duretz

EGU2017-14219 | Orals | TS3.1

Grain size assisted thermal runaway: a mechanism to generate intermediate-depth earthquakes and ductile shear zones
Marcel Thielmann, Antoine Rozel, Boris Kaus, and Yanick Ricard

EGU2017-18680 | Orals | TS3.1

The role of creep cavitation and ductile failure in mid-crustal deformation – a critical one in the formation of shear instabilities and the nucleation of deep slow slip events?
Florian Fusseis, James Gilgannon, Thomas Burns, and Luca Menegon

EGU2017-10245 | Posters | TS3.1

Amphibolite boudins in marble on Naxos, Greece: 3D analysis of multiphase deformation on a retrograde P-T path
Simon Virgo, Christoph von Hagke, and Janos L. Urai

EGU2017-13044 | Orals | TS3.1

Deformation of olivine + antigorite aggregates : effect of phase proportions and in-situ evaluation of stress partitionning.
Nadege Hilairet, Thomas Ferrand, Paul Raterron, Sébastien Merkel, Guignard Jérémy, Alexandre Schubnel, Wilson Crichton, and Christopher Langrand

EGU2017-10763 | Posters | TS3.1

Localization in Naturally Deformed Systems – the Default State?
Joseph Clancy White

EGU2017-14774 | Orals | TS3.1

Timing of strain localization in high-pressure low-temperature shear zones: The argon isotopic record
Valentin Laurent, Stéphane Scaillet, Laurent Jolivet, and Romain Augier

EGU2017-7502 | Posters | TS3.1

Protracted weakening during lower crustal shearing along an extensional shear zone
Giulia degli Alessandrini, Luca Menegon, and Francesco Giuntoli

EGU2017-10485 | Posters | TS3.1

Phase mixing and the spatial distribution of material heterogeneities in a crustal fault zone: Insights from New Zealand's Alpine Fault
Katrina M. Sauer, Francois Renard, and Virginia G. Toy

EGU2017-16192 | Orals | TS3.1

Mechanical anisotropy and localisation during diffusion creep
John Wheeler

EGU2017-10240 | Orals | TS3.1

Evidence for brittle deformation events in eclogite-facies (example from the Mt. Emilius klippe, W. Alps).
Solenn Hertgen, Philippe Yamato, Luiz Morales, and Samuel Angiboust

EGU2017-15462 | Posters | TS3.1

Dimensional analysis and scaling for shear zones caused by thermal softening and comparison with 2D numerical models
Dániel Kiss, Thibault Duretz, Yuri Podladchikov, and Stefan M. Schmalholz

EGU2017-19241 | Orals | TS3.1

Panta Rhei – the changing face of rocks (Stephan Mueller Medal Lecture)
Cees W. Passchier

EGU2017-15121 | Posters | TS3.1

Mechanical behaviour of the Oman metamorphic sole: rheology of amphibolites at lower crustal conditions during subduction initiation
Mathieu Soret, Philippe Agard, Benoît Ildefonse, Benoît Dubacq, Cécile Prigent, and Philippe Yamato

EGU2017-12324 | Posters | TS3.1

Strain rate dependent activation of slip systems in calcite marbles from Syros (Cyclades, Greece)
Anna Rogowitz, Bernhard Grasemann, Luiz F. G. Morales, Benjamin Huet, and Joseph C. White

EGU2017-16435 | Posters | TS3.1

Localized ductile deformation in the Rieserferner Pluton (Eastern Alps)
Alberto Ceccato and Giorgio Pennacchioni

EGU2017-17166 | Posters | TS3.1 | Highlight

Seismic anisotropy in localized shear zones versus distributed tectonic fabrics: examples from geologic and seismic observations in western North America and the European Alps
Kevin H. Mahan, Vera Schulte-Pelkum, Cailey Condit, Thomas Leydier, Philippe Goncalves, Anissha Raju, Sarah Brownlee, and Omero F. Orlandini

EGU2017-19131 | Posters | TS3.1 | Highlight

Slip events propagating along a ductile mid-crustal strike-slip shear zone (Malpica-Lamego line, Variscan Orogen, NW Iberia)
Sergio Llana-Fúnez, Nicola de Paola, Giacomo Pozzi, and Marco Antonio Lopez-Sanchez

EGU2017-5781 | Posters | TS3.1

Anatomy of amphibolite facies strain gradients in granitoids of the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone, Ontario, Canada
Christopher Gerbi, Deborah Shulman, Maura Foley, Nicholas Culshaw, Jeffrey Marsh, and Martin Yates

EGU2017-19487 | Posters | TS3.1

Localization of ductile deformation in lithosphere and rocks: the role of grain boundary sliding
Alexandre Dimanov, Jean Rahanel, Michel Bornert, Mathieu Bourcier, Ag Gaye, Eva Heripre, and Wolfgang Ludwig

TS3.2 – Interactions of deformation, metamorphism and fluid flow (co-organized)

EGU2017-4748 | Orals | TS3.2 | Highlight

Earthquakes as a trigger of fluid-driven metamorphism and shear zone development
Bjørn Jamtveit, Claire Aupart, Kristina Dunkel, Arianne Petley-Ragan, and Håkon Austrheim

EGU2017-9466 | Posters | TS3.2

Neoarchean ductile deformation in the Northeastern North China Craton: The Shuangshanzi ductile shear zone in Qinglong area, eastern Heibei, China
Boran Liu, Franz Neubauer, Junlai Liu, Wei Jin, Weimin Li, and Chenyue Liang

EGU2017-3769 | Orals | TS3.2 | Highlight

Pseudotachylitic breccia in mafic and felsic rocks
Elizaveta Kovaleva and Matthew S. Huber

EGU2017-1932 | Posters | TS3.2

Connection between chemical zonation and microstructure as an indicator for the fabric development in eclogites
Kai Neufeld, Ane Kongsro Finstad, Holger Stünitz, and Jiri Konopasek

EGU2017-4953 | Orals | TS3.2

Effects of H2O-content, dynamic recrystallization, porosity, and grain boundary width in experimentally sheared quartz aggregates
Holger Stunitz, Giulia Palazzin, Hugues Raimbourg, Renee Heilbronner, and Kai Neufeld

EGU2017-8714 | Posters | TS3.2

Pressure variations in the Monte Rosa nappe, Western Alps
Cindy Luisier, Joshua Vaughan-Hammon, Lukas Baumgartner, and Stefan Schmalholz

EGU2017-5138 | Posters | TS3.2

Estimating strength differences within the Monte Rosa nappe using a combination of field observations and 2D modelling
Joshua Vaughan Hammon, Cindy Luisier, Stefan Schmalholz, and Lukas Baumgartner

EGU2017-7892 | Orals | TS3.2

Unconventional rheometry: new quantification approach for mechanically-controlled microstructures
Lucie Tajcmanova, Evangelos Moulas, and Yuri Podladchikov

EGU2017-15589 | Orals | TS3.2

Force of crystallisation-development during CaO hydration: theory vs. experiment and the role of fluid transport
Tim Wolterbeek, Reinier van Noort, and Chris Spiers

EGU2017-15772 | Posters | TS3.2

Control of shearing on myrmekite formation in granitoid bodies along the North Purulia Shear Zone
Vedanta Adak, Upama Dutta, and Tapas Bhattacharyya

EGU2017-18186 | Orals | TS3.2 | Highlight

Rheological Implications of Peridotite Serpentinization Reactions and Orogenic Serpentinite Emplacement by “Cold” Intrusion under Hydrothermal Conditions (T < 550°C) in the California Coast Ranges: Insights from Dissolution and Growth Microstructures
Stephen Kirby

EGU2017-404 | Posters | TS3.2

Microtectonics of BIF – New structural insights on the origin of enigmatic banded iron formations
Mathias Egglseder and Alexander Cruden

EGU2017-16394 | Posters | TS3.2

Pre-lithification tectonic foliation development in a clastic sedimentary rock sequence from SW Ireland
Patrick Meere, Kieran Mulchrone, and David McCarthy

EGU2017-1421 | Posters | TS3.2

Lithological controls on microstructural development in the Pofadder Shear Zone and the role of fluids, rheology and metamorphic grade.
Deyanira Cisneros Lazaro, Jodie Miller, Christie Rowe, and Alastair Beach

EGU2017-18073 | Posters | TS3.2

Fluid-Fault rock interaction during progressive deformation in Pelling-Munsiari thrust fault zone: A preliminary study from Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalayan fold thrust belt
Akanksha Singh, Pritam Ghosh, and Kathakali Bhattacharyya

EGU2017-7580 | Posters | TS3.2

Microstructural and geochemical studies of Mid-Miocene deformed leucogranite in the Gular Mandhata area: implications for the initiation age of the Gular Mandhata detachment fault
Lining Cheng and Xiaosong Yang

EGU2017-8632 | Posters | TS3.2

Dissolution-precipitation creep at mid-crustal levels of the Scandian Caledonides: the COSC-1 case study
Francesco Giuntoli, Luca Menegon, and Clare Warren

EGU2017-9231 | Posters | TS3.2

Microstructural observations on hydrothermal veins of Site U1414, IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP 2)
Jennifer Brandstätter, Walter Kurz, and Anna Rogowitz

EGU2017-12326 | Posters | TS3.2

A natural example of fluid-mediated brittle-ductile cyclicity in quartz veins from Olkiluoto Island, SW Finland
Barbara Marchesini, Paolo S. Garofalo, Giulio Viola, Jussi Mattila, and Luca Menegon

EGU2017-16454 | Posters | TS3.2

Relationship Between Far Field Stresses, Fluid Flow and High-Pressure Deserpentinization in Subducting Slabs: a Case Study From the Almirez Ultramafic Massif
Nicole Dilissen, Károly Hidas, Carlos J. Garrido, Vicente López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Wolf-Achim Kahl, José Alberto Padrón-Navarta, and Manuel Jesús Román-Alpiste

EGU2017-7549 | Posters | TS3.2

Water-serpentine interactions and deformation in subduction zones
Hélène Pilorgé, Anne-Céline Ganzhorn, Gilles Montagnac, Hervé Cardon, Sylvie Le Floch, and Bruno Reynard

EGU2017-3203 | Posters | TS3.2

Solution-mass transfer and grain boundary sliding in mafic shear zones – comparison between experiments and nature
Sina Marti, Renée Heilbronner, Holger Stünitz, Oliver Plümper, and Martyn Drury

EGU2017-15804 | Posters | TS3.2

Link between heterogeneous dehydration and deformation during experiments on gypsum: implications for subduction zones
Henri Leclere, Dan Faulkner, John Wheeler, and Elisabetta Mariani

EGU2017-6669 | Posters | TS3.2

Eclogite-facies metamorphic reactions under stress and faulting in granulites from the Bergen Arcs, Norway: an experimental investigation
Sarah Incel, Nadège Hilairet, Loïc Labrousse, Torgeir B. Andersen, Yanbin Wang, and Alexandre Schubnel

EGU2017-14929 | Posters | TS3.2

Mechanical and microstructural effect of partial melting of continental crust
Julien Fauconnier, Claudio Rosenberg, Loïc Labrousse, Holger Stünitz, and Laurent Jolivet

EGU2017-2069 | Posters | TS3.2

Stress distribution in samples from solid confining medium deformation experiments: An experimental and numerical study
Sebastian Cionoiu, Lucie Tajcmanova, Evangelos Moulas, and Holger Stunitz

EGU2017-13005 | Posters | TS3.2

Domainal cleavage as an Anisotropic Reaction-diffusion Process
Kieran Mulchrone and Patrick Meere

EGU2017-17221 | Posters | TS3.2

Growth of enstatite and enstatite-forsterite reaction rims under wet conditions during isostatic annealing and triaxial deformation
Vanessa Helpa, Erik Rybacki, and Georg Dresen

EGU2017-13168 | Posters | TS3.2

Universal scaling of grain size distributions during dislocation creep
Claire Aupart, Kristina G. Dunkel, Luiza Angheluta, Håkon Austrheim, Benoît Ildefonse, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, and Bjørn Jamtveit

TS3.3 – Microstructure and texture analysis: New methods and interpretations (co-organized) | PICO

EGU2017-9926 | PICOs | TS3.3

Laboratory experiments, high angular-resolution EBSD, and micromechanical modelling reveal residual stresses and their distribution in deformed olivine
Lars Hansen, David Wallis, Imogen Kempton, Ricardo Lebensohn, and Angus Wilkinson

EGU2017-8061 | PICOs | TS3.3

Reconstruction of the 3-D Shape and Crystal Preferred Orientation of Olivine: A Combined X–ray µ–CT and EBSD-SEM approach
Wolf-Achim Kahl, Károly Hidas, Nicole Dilissen, Carlos J. Garrido, Vicente López-Sánchez Vizcaíno, and Manuel Jesús Román-Alpiste

EGU2017-12737 | PICOs | TS3.3

Using Antifreeze Proteins to understand ice microstructure evolution
Maddalena Bayer-Giraldi, Nobuhiko Azuma, Morimasa Takata, Christian Weikusat, Hidemasa Kondo, and Sepp Kipfstuhl

EGU2017-6040 | PICOs | TS3.3

Scaling ice microstructures from the laboratory to nature: cryo-EBSD on large samples.
David Prior, Lisa Craw, Daeyeong Kim, Damian Peyroux, Chao Qi, Meike Seidemann, Lauren Tooley, Matthew Vaughan, and Pat Wongpan

EGU2017-15503 | PICOs | TS3.3

Microshear in the deep EDML ice core analyzed using cryogenic EBSD
Ernst-Jan Kuiper, Gill Pennock, Martyn Drury, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Sérgio Faria, and Ilka Weikusat

EGU2017-4253 | PICOs | TS3.3

Observations of grain boundary structures and inclusions in the NEEM ice core by combination of light and scanning electron microscopy
Wataru Shigeyama, Naoko Nagatsuka, Tomoyuki Homma, Morimasa Takata, Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Ilka Weikusat, Martyn R. Drury, Ernst-Jan N. Kuiper, Gill M. Pennock, Ramona V. Mateiu, Nobuhiko Azuma, and Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

EGU2017-8470 | PICOs | TS3.3

Microstructural analysis of the thermal annealing of ice-Ih using EBSD
Károly Hidas, Andréa Tommasi, David Mainprice, Thomas Chauve, Fabrice Barou, and Maurine Montagnat

EGU2017-1379 | PICOs | TS3.3

Grain dissection as a grain size reducing mechanism during ice microdynamics
Florian Steinbach, Ernst N. Kuiper, Jan Eichler, Paul D. Bons, Martin R. Drury, Albert Griera, Gill M. Pennock, and Ilka Weikusat

EGU2017-5608 | PICOs | TS3.3

Complete grain boundaries from incomplete EBSD maps: the influence of segmentation on grain size determinations
Renée Heilbronner and Ruediger Kilian

EGU2017-4461 | PICOs | TS3.3

Micro-fabric damages in Boom Clay inferred from cryo-BIB-SEM experiment: recent results
Guillaume Desbois, Joyce Schmatz, Jop Klaver, and Janos L. Urai

EGU2017-4488 | PICOs | TS3.3

Microstructures and composition of brittle faults in claystones: Constraints on the barrier behavior
Tilo Kneuker, Jörg Hammer, Steffen Jahn, and Gernold Zulauf

EGU2017-17127 | PICOs | TS3.3

Seismic slip on clay nano-foliation
Stefano Aretusini, Oliver Plümper, Elena Spagnuolo, and Giulio Di Toro

EGU2017-14847 | PICOs | TS3.3

EBSD in Antarctic and Greenland Ice
Ilka Weikusat, Ernst-Jan Kuiper, Gill Pennock, Kipfstuhl Sepp, and Martyn Drury

EGU2017-15686 | PICOs | TS3.3

Effect of vorticity on polycrystalline ice deformation
Maria-Gema Llorens, Albert Griera, Florian Steinbach, Paul D. Bons, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Daniela Jansen, Ricardo A. Lebensohn, and Ilka Weikusat

EGU2017-3158 | PICOs | TS3.3

Two new ductile microscopic shear sense indicators from the Oman Mountains
Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, and Bernhard Pracejus

EGU2017-15702 | PICOs | TS3.3

Post-deformational relocation of mica grains in calcite-dolomite marbles identified by cathodoluminescence microscopy
Rebecca Kuehn, Florian Duschl, and Bernd Leiss

EGU2017-9016 | PICOs | TS3.3

The deformation pattern of high-pressure exhumation in the Adula Nappe (Switzerland) – Preliminary results from crystallographic preferred orientations of quartz
Ruth Keppler, Michael Stipp, and Niko Froitzheim

EGU2017-6966 | PICOs | TS3.3

Texture transition in experimentally deformed quartzite
Rüdiger Kilian and Renée Heilbronner

TS3.4 – Understanding salt-related deformation: Seismic, field and physical/numerical modelling case studies

EGU2017-10572 | Orals | TS3.4

Encasement and subsidence of salt minibasins: observations from the SE Precaspian Basin and numerical modeling.
Naiara Fernandez, Oliver B. Duffy, Michael R. Hudec, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, Tim P. Dooley, Martin P.A. Jackson, and George Burg

EGU2017-12784 | Posters | TS3.4

Evaporitic minibasins of the Sivas Basin (Turkey)
Alexandre Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, Jean-Paul Callot, Jean-Claude Ringenbach, and Kaan Kavak

EGU2017-10557 | Posters | TS3.4

Lateral mobility of minibasins during shortening: Insights from the SE Precaspian Basin, Kazakhstan
Oliver B. Duffy, Naiara Fernandez, Michael R. Hudec, Martin P.A. Jackson, George Burg, Tim P. Dooley, and Christopher A-L Jackson

EGU2017-2144 | Orals | TS3.4

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of salt controlled minibasin in a fold-an-thrust belt setting Example from the Sivas Basin Turkey and physical model.
Charlie Kergaravat, Charlotte Ribes, Romain Darnault, Jean-Paul Callot, and Jean-Claude Ringenbach

EGU2017-1351 | Orals | TS3.4

Structure, Kinematics and Origin of Radial Faults: 3D Seismic Observations from the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil
Alexander Coleman and Christopher A-L. Jackson

EGU2017-10513 | Posters | TS3.4

The Origin of Salt-Encased Sediment Packages: Observations from the SE Precaspian Basin (Kazakhstan)
Naiara Fernandez, Oliver B. Duffy, Michael R. Hudec, Martin P.A. Jackson, George Burg, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, and Tim P. Dooley

EGU2017-539 | Posters | TS3.4

Complex deformation associated with anhydrite layers in the Tromsø Basin, SW Barents Sea.
George Marfo, Kamaldeen Olakunle Omosanya, Ståle Emil Johansen, and Ioannis Zervas

EGU2017-19617 | Orals | TS3.4

Mechanical Controls on Halokinesis in Layered Evaporite Sequences: Insights from 2D Geomechanical Forward Models
Rajesh Goteti, Susan M. Agar, John P. Brown, Philip Ball, and Rainer Zuhlke

EGU2017-11442 | Orals | TS3.4

The Port Isabel Fold Belt: Salt enhanced Neogene Gravitational Spreading in the East Breaks, Western Gulf of Mexico
Hermann Lebit, Marie Clavaud, Sam Whitehead, Scott Opdyke, and Catalina Luneburg

EGU2017-14157 | Posters | TS3.4

Along-strike thickness variations of décollement levels controlling lateral changes in fold-and-thrust belts: the Barbastro-Balaguer Anticline (Southern Pyrenees)
Pablo Santolaria, Pablo Calvín, Emilio L. Pueyo, Ruth Soto, Concepción Ayala, Antonio Casas, Carlota Oliván, and Aránzazu Luzón

EGU2017-9213 | Orals | TS3.4

Kinematics and dynamics of salt movement driven by sub-salt normal faulting and supra-salt sediment accumulation – combined analogue experiments and analytical calculations
Michael Warsitzka, Nina Kukowski, and Jonas Kley

EGU2017-10371 | Posters | TS3.4

Salt structures and vertical axis rotations; a case study in the Barbastro-Balaguer anticline, Southern Pyrenees.
Emilio L. Pueyo, Carlota Oliván, Ruth Soto, Adriana Rodríguez-Pintó, Pablo Santolaria, Aránzazu Luzón, Antonio M. Casas, and Conxi Ayala

EGU2017-3157 | Posters | TS3.4

Compressional salt tectonics in the early stages of the South Pyrenean foreland basin
Laura Burrel and Antonio Teixell

EGU2017-7075 | Posters | TS3.4

Using the salt tectonics as a proxy to reveal post-rift active crustal tectonics: The example of the Eastern Sardinian margin
Gaël Lymer, Bruno Vendeville, Virginie Gaullier, Frank Chanier, and Morgane Gaillard

EGU2017-14925 | Posters | TS3.4

Gravitational salt tectonics above a rising basement plateau offshore Algeria
Virginie Gaullier, Bruno C. Vendeville, Grégoire Besème, Gaetan Legoux, Jacques Déverchère, and Gaël Lymer

EGU2017-17159 | Posters | TS3.4

Influence of pre-salt topographic features on supra-salt deformation in Mediterranean basins: Geology vs. physical models
Oriol Ferrer, Oskar Vidal-Royo, Oscar Gratacós, Eduard Roca, Josep Anton Muñoz, Paolo Esestime, Karyna Rodriguez, Mary Yazmin Piragauta, and Nil Feliu

EGU2017-17002 | Posters | TS3.4

Experimental approach to domino-style basement fault systems with evaporites during extension and subsequent inversion
Oriol Ferrer and Ken McClay

EGU2017-15425 | Posters | TS3.4

How rheological heterogeneities control the internal deformation of salt giants.
Alexander Raith and Janos L. Urai

EGU2017-18985 | Posters | TS3.4

Syn-depositional deformation of the late Zechstein evaporites on the Friesland Platform capturing the early life of a salt giant
Alexander Raith and Janos L. Urai

EGU2017-15545 | Posters | TS3.4

Deformation in layered Zechstein-III K-Mg salts with high mechanical contrasts. Core analysis revealing strain concentrations and the development of fracturing and folding into a tectonic mélange.
Alexander Raith and Janos L. Urai

EGU2017-13631 | Posters | TS3.4

Investigating the possible effects of salt in the fault zones on rates of seismicity – insights from analogue and numerical modeling
Janos Urai, Michael Kettermann, and Steffen Abe

EGU2017-18964 | Posters | TS3.4

The role of deformation bands controlling reservoir quality in a salt-walled mini-basin, Central North Sea, UK
Philip Davies, Stuart Jones, and Jonathan Imber

EGU2017-17115 | Posters | TS3.4

Analog modeling and kinematic restoration of inverted hangingwall synclinal basins developed above syn-kinematic salt: Application to the Lusitanian and Parentis basins
Maria Roma, Oskar Vidal-Royo, Ken McClay, Oriol Ferrer, and Josep Anton Muñoz

EGU2017-6509 | Posters | TS3.4

Imprint of salt tectonics on subsidence patterns during rift to post-rift transition: The Central High Atlas case study
Mar Moragas, Jaume Vergés, Eduard Saura, Juan Diego Martín-Martín, Grégoire Messager, and David William Hunt

EGU2017-18084 | Posters | TS3.4

Three dimensional mechanical analysis of a gravity driven salt system using InSAR and numerical modeling
Katherine Kravitz, Karl Mueller, and Phaedra Upton

EGU2017-17387 | Posters | TS3.4

Long term cavity closure in salt using a Carreau viscosity model.
Jan Cornet, Marcin Dabrowski, and Daniel Schmid

EGU2017-14281 | Posters | TS3.4

Microstructures in naturally deformed Upper Rotliegend salt rocks from Northern Germany
Mareike Henneberg, Jörg Hammer, and Michael Mertineit

EGU2017-13263 | Posters | TS3.4

Mineralogical and microstructural investigations of fractures in Permian z2 potash seam and surrounding salt rocks
Michael Mertineit, Wiebke Grewe, Michael Schramm, Jörg Hammer, Hartmut Blanke, and Mario Patzschke

EGU2017-13478 | Posters | TS3.4

Microfabrics and deformation mechanisms of rheologically stratified salt rocks: Constraints from EBSD-analyses of anhydrite and halite of Upper Permian salt rocks
Michael Mertineit, Michael Schramm, Jörg Hammer, Gernold Zulauf, and Nicolas Thiemeyer

TS4.1 – Interactions between tectonics and surface processes from mountain belts to basins (co-organized)

EGU2017-4113 | Orals | TS4.1

Spatial variations in fluvial incision across the eastern margin of Tibet reveal locus of deformation in the deep crust
Eric Kirby

EGU2017-17486 | Posters | TS4.1

The interaction between surface processes and tectonics during the late Quaternary in the Middle Volturno River valley (southern Italy): new morpho-stratigraphic constraints from fluvial terraces
Vincenzo Amato, Pietro Patrizio Ciro Aucelli, Massimo Cesarano, Francesca Filocamo, Santiago Giralt, Natalia Leone, Carmen Maria Rosskopf, and Vittoria Scorpio

EGU2017-174 | Posters | TS4.1

Distributed deformation in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt: insights from geomorphology
Ahmed Obaid and Mark Allen

EGU2017-15510 | Orals | TS4.1

Variations in lateral erosion rates control fluvial planation and strath terrace formation on uplifting folds: Evidence from both the field and sandbox models
Aaron Bufe, Douglas Burbank, Liu Langtao, Chen Jie, Chris Paola, Bodo Bookhagen, and Jessica Thompson Jobe

EGU2017-13073 | Orals | TS4.1

Active shortening, intermontane basin formation, and geomorphic evolution in an orogenic plateau: Central Puna Plateau, NW Argentina (24°37’S, 67°03’W)
Manfred R. Strecker, Ricardo N. Alonso, Bodo Bookhagen, Jessica Freymark, and Heiko Pingel

EGU2017-887 | Posters | TS4.1

Uplift of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia
Gaia Siravo, Claudio Faccenna, Maria Giuditta Fellin, Paola Molin, German Bayona, and Emanuele Giachetta

EGU2017-9089 | Orals | TS4.1

Typhoon-driven landsliding induces earthquakes: example of the 2009 Morakot typhoon
Philippe Steer, Louise Jeandet, Nadaya Cubas, Odin Marc, Patrick Meunier, Niels Hovius, Martine Simoes, Rodolphe Cattin, J. Bruce H. Shyu, Wen-Tzong Liang, Thomas Theunissen, and Shou-Hao Chiang

EGU2017-2123 | Posters | TS4.1

Spatial patterns of erosion and landscape evolution in the central Menderes Massif (Western Turkey) revealed by cosmogenic $^{10}$Be
Caroline Heineke, Ralf Hetzel, Nils-Peter Nilius, Christoph Glotzbach, Andreas Wölfler, Andrea Hampel, Cüneyt Akal, and Marcus Christl

EGU2017-2943 | Posters | TS4.1

Active deformation of the eastern part of the Anatolian scholle: Implications from river long profiles and drainage basins’ analyses
Taylan Sançar

EGU2017-4899 | Orals | TS4.1

10Be erosion rates controlled by normal fault activity through incision and landslide occurrence
Duna Roda-Boluda, Mitch D'Arcy, Alex Whittaker, Delia Gheorghiu, and Angel Rodes

EGU2017-12867 | Orals | TS4.1

Late Eocene Myanmar tectonics constrained by magnetostratigraphy of the Yaw Formation, Chidwin Basin, Kalewa
Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Alexis Licht, Annabelle Bernard, Pierrick Roperch, Zaw Win, Jean-Jacques Jaeger, Day Wa Aung, Myat Kaythi, Hnin Hnin Swe, and Fernando Poblete