AS – Atmospheric Sciences
AS1.1 – Numerical weather prediction, data assimilation and ensemble forecasting
EGU2018-2341 | Posters | AS1.1 Evaluation and Application of the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System on Heat Wave Process in July 2017 |
EGU2018-10325 | Orals | AS1.1 Development and Implementation Strategies for NOAA's Unified Forecast System for operational NWP at NCEP |
EGU2018-5795 | Posters | AS1.1 Evaluations of Real-time Forecasts of Summer Western Pacific Subtropical High in CMA Numerical Weather Prediction Center |
EGU2018-13813 | Orals | AS1.1 ICON-EPS: The operational global ensemble forecasting system of DWD |
EGU2018-2602 | Orals | AS1.1 A stochastic parameterization of unresolved processes in the Next Generation Global Prediction System |
EGU2018-6911 | Posters | AS1.1 Mean monthly temperature persistence |
EGU2018-4770 | Orals | AS1.1 How fast shall we go? Lessons learned from 30-second-update convection-resolving data assimilation experiments |
EGU2018-5167 | Posters | AS1.1 Atmospheric blocking and upper-level Rossby wave forecast skill dependence on model configuration |
EGU2018-11185 | Orals | AS1.1 Development and Test of the Scale- and Aerosol-Aware Grell-Freitas Convection Parameterization within the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) |
EGU2018-8547 | Posters | AS1.1 Impact of Moroccan ground-based GPS ZTD data assimilation on precipitation events forecast |
EGU2018-5620 | Orals | AS1.1 A Least Norm Finite Volume Scheme for a Future Numerical Prediction Model |
EGU2018-8723 | Posters | AS1.1 1DVAR+3DVAR approach to assimilate radar quantitative precipitation estimate in high-resolution limited-area AROME model |
EGU2018-14693 | Orals | AS1.1 Recent developments and plans for NWP at the Met Office |
EGU2018-1382 | Posters | AS1.1 Uncertainties in the initial temperature perturbations over the southern peninsular India using WRF model |
EGU2018-959 | Posters | AS1.1 Evaluation of microwave radiances of GPM/GMI for the all-sky assimilation in WRF-RTTOV framework |
EGU2018-2656 | Orals | AS1.1 Medium-range forecasts with a non-hydrostatic global atmospheric model on a cubed sphere grid |
EGU2018-8513 | Posters | AS1.1 Assimilating Radar Observations to Study Heavy Rainfalls over the Arabian Red Sea Coast using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model |
EGU2018-19506 | Orals | AS1.1 Short-range cloud/precipitation forecasts from the US NOAA 3-km HRRR model |
EGU2018-120 | Posters | AS1.1 Data Assimilation in a Multi-Scale Model |
EGU2018-10675 | Orals | AS1.1 Ensemble Forecasting: An Enhancer of Information, or an Expensive Filter? |
EGU2018-7825 | Orals | AS1.1 Wind retrieval from 4D-Var assimilation of tracers in moist atmosphere |
EGU2018-6976 | Posters | AS1.1 Cases of wind forecast errors in non-stationary flows |
EGU2018-19627 | Posters | AS1.1 Recent Advances in the Development of a Historical (1981 – 2016) Climate Dataset for Ireland |
EGU2018-6867 | Orals | AS1.1 Sub-seasonal temperature forecasting in Europe and Iceland |
EGU2018-19523 | Orals | AS1.1 ECMWF 2016-2025 strategy: moving towards seamless ensembles |
EGU2018-18743 | Posters | AS1.1 On-demand sub-km Harmonie model for storm forecast in Greenland |
EGU2018-3165 | Orals | AS1.1 NOAA's Next Generation Global Prediction System |
EGU2018-11688 | Posters | AS1.1 Topographic-dependent horizontal localization scales scheme in GRAPES-MESO En-3DVAR hybrid assimilation system |
EGU2018-7482 | Orals | AS1.1 Large effects of the model timestep on simulated explicit convection – the impact, cause and solution |
EGU2018-12545 | Posters | AS1.1 The impact of convection in the West African monsoon region on weather forecasts in the North Atlantic-European sector |
EGU2018-15199 | Orals | AS1.1 Using a global network of temperature lidars to identify temperature biases in the upper stratosphere in ERA-5 reanalysis and in the ECMWF’s seasonal forecast model. |
EGU2018-12849 | Posters | AS1.1 Applications of LAPS/STMAS as a high-resolution real-time 3D analysis tool |
EGU2018-19630 | Orals | AS1.1 A Global Ocean Observing System for Measuring Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure: Effects and Impacts on Numerical Weather Prediction |
EGU2018-13287 | Posters | AS1.1 On the use of Surface Pressure Observations from Smartphones in Data Assimilation using the Harmonie NWP system |
EGU2018-11304 | Posters | AS1.1 Large-eddy Simulation Analysis of Shallow Cumulus Convection at Gray-Zone Resolutions |
EGU2018-8201 | Orals | AS1.1 Circulation response to resolved versus parametrized orographic drag over complex mountain regions |
EGU2018-11407 | Posters | AS1.1 Dependency of Numerical Weather Prediction on the Vertical Resolution in Global Atmospheric Model |
EGU2018-18503 | Posters | AS1.1 Evaluation of WRF and BRAMS for one way downscaling of surface air temperature in Portugal |
EGU2018-6130 | Posters | AS1.1 A comprehensive sensitivity analysis of the WRF model parameterizations over Europe |
EGU2018-9014 | Posters | AS1.1 The comparison of WRF simulations using different approaches in two high-latitude fjords, Hornsund and Porsanger |
EGU2018-10459 | Posters | AS1.1 Enhancing responsiveness of the MYJ turbulence closure scheme to strong instability |
EGU2018-17756 | Posters | AS1.1 Cut-cell Eta: Design and skill in jet stream position accuracy compared to its driver ECMWF ensemble, and illustrations |
EGU2018-11505 | Posters | AS1.1 Verification of real-time forecasts by the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) |
EGU2018-11661 | Posters | AS1.1 Development of a Scale-Adaptive Parameterization of Deep Moist Convection in the WRF Model: A Real Case Evaluation |
EGU2018-10424 | Posters | AS1.1 The impact of different parameterizations of the compensatory feedback between microphysical processes on squall line development |
EGU2018-2283 | Posters | AS1.1 Study of the outlier detection algorithms for automatic weather station time-series |
EGU2018-3471 | Posters | AS1.1 Investigating the added value of the BARRA regional atmospheric reanalysis in Australia |
EGU2018-4135 | Posters | AS1.1 Case study of observations and sensitive region of heavy rainfall in Beijing area Based on Ensemble Transform Sensitivity |
EGU2018-4150 | Posters | AS1.1 Study on initial perturbation construction method for regional ensemble forecast based on dynamical downscaling |
EGU2018-4263 | Posters | AS1.1 Probabilistic Forecasts of 1-15-day 500 hPa Geopotential Height over Northern Hemisphere based on Bayesian Model Averaging |
EGU2018-4300 | Posters | AS1.1 Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Intensities over the Western North Pacific using the IBTrACS dataset |
EGU2018-5505 | Posters | AS1.1 Numerical Weather Prediction for Arctic Region |
EGU2018-5873 | Posters | AS1.1 A new approach to estimate model generated hydrometeors over East Asia |
EGU2018-6316 | Posters | AS1.1 Addressing near-surface biases in global NWP |
EGU2018-6943 | Posters | AS1.1 The largest wind forecast errors in complex terrain |
EGU2018-7505 | Posters | AS1.1 Performance evaluation of WRF for extreme precipitation events by integrating WUDAPT |
EGU2018-15638 | Posters | AS1.1 First example of Sentinel-1 InSAR PWV maps assimilation into a high resolution NWP to improve the forecast of convective system in atmosphere |
EGU2018-18490 | Posters | AS1.1 Validation of WRF and BRAMS for one way downscaling of precipitation in Portugal |
AS1.2 – Forecasting the weather
EGU2018-7962 | Orals | AS1.2 | Highlight Seamless probabilistic analysis and forecasting: from minutes to days ahead |
EGU2018-19009 | Posters | AS1.2 Comparison between different methods to forecast snow events in a warm front in Catalonia |
EGU2018-6361 | Orals | AS1.2 Nowcasting orographic precipitation growth and decay using machine learning algorithms on a 10-year radar archive in the Swiss Alps |
EGU2018-248 | Posters | AS1.2 The diagnostic study of water vapor transport during A strong extreme precipitation event at Yili river valley |
EGU2018-315 | Posters | AS1.2 Some advances of water vapor research in Xinjiang |
EGU2018-8856 | Orals | AS1.2 Ensemble nowcasting from INCA and AROME-EPS |
EGU2018-10716 | Orals | AS1.2 Weather Perceptualized |
EGU2018-2417 | Posters | AS1.2 Study of classified severe convective weather probability forecasts based on the ECMWF ensemble prediction system |
EGU2018-2673 | Posters | AS1.2 Local service usin critical value for each risk level of heavy rainfall and heat wave in Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam of Korea |
EGU2018-8160 | Orals | AS1.2 Development of a limited area NWP model based nowcasting version for Austria |
EGU2018-16337 | Orals | AS1.2 Configuration of sub-km Harmonie-nowcasting ensemble |
EGU2018-2674 | Posters | AS1.2 The characteristics of recent focused heavy rainfall and heat wave in Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam of Korea |
EGU2018-3181 | Posters | AS1.2 Impact of automatic weather station observations on short-term forecasts over the Taiwan strait in the WRF-3DVAR model |
EGU2018-8646 | Orals | AS1.2 Improving forecasts through rapid updating of temperature trajectories and statistical post-processing |
EGU2018-16112 | Orals | AS1.2 Using Model Output Statistics for Aerodrome Weather Forecasts |
EGU2018-4087 | Posters | AS1.2 Topographic impacts on the extreme precipitation event over North China during July 18-21, 2016 |
EGU2018-13223 | Orals | AS1.2 Highly resolved spatial temperature and precipitation calibrations of ensemble forecasts for Austria with standardized anomalies |
EGU2018-4237 | Posters | AS1.2 On the application of the Analog Ensemble to correct model-based temperature prediction |
EGU2018-5922 | Posters | AS1.2 Application and Verification of Extreme Weather Forecast Products of ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System in China |
EGU2018-15374 | Orals | AS1.2 Are precipitation amounts and threshold probabilities based on calibrated point forecasts |
EGU2018-2932 | Orals | AS1.2 Comparison of integrated bias correction to ensemble forecast of precipitation in Southeast China |
EGU2018-5957 | Posters | AS1.2 The ensemble atmospheric dispersion modeling of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident |
EGU2018-6825 | Posters | AS1.2 Statistical Rainfall Forecasts in the Tropics Based on Spatio-Temporal Precipitation Properties and Tropical Wave Activity |
EGU2018-9189 | Orals | AS1.2 Downscaling precipitation data over the UK |
EGU2018-6225 | Posters | AS1.2 A Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter Scheme for Model Uncertainties in the GRAPES Global Ensemble Prediction System |
EGU2018-9610 | Orals | AS1.2 | Highlight NOAA's Strategic Plans for operational environmental modeling |
EGU2018-8619 | Orals | AS1.2 Predictability of thunderstorm events with a convection-permitting ensemble |
EGU2018-11159 | Posters | AS1.2 Analysis of the Development of Convective Cloud caused by Sea-effect on the Yellow Sea in Winter and the Characteristics of Heavy Snowfall in Jeollabuk-do |
EGU2018-9642 | Posters | AS1.2 | Highlight Development of a new seamless prediction system for very short range convective-scale forecasting at Deutscher Wetterdienst |
EGU2018-1966 | Orals | AS1.2 Physical process based stochastic perturbation of model tendencies |
EGU2018-10774 | Posters | AS1.2 a new predictability index of heavy rainfall in China |
EGU2018-3793 | Orals | AS1.2 Ensemble Forecasting and Verification of Extreme Temperature Events in China |
EGU2018-10829 | Posters | AS1.2 The Main Bias and Correction of Chinese Radiosonde Temperature and Humidity Data |
EGU2018-1748 | Orals | AS1.2 Predictability of Wind Gusts during Winter Storms in Central Europe using convection-permitting ensemble forecasts |
EGU2018-1610 | Orals | AS1.2 The influence of tropical cyclones targeted singular vectors on ensemble forecasts |
EGU2018-12051 | Posters | AS1.2 Elaboration of the Situation centre for monitoring and prediction of atmospheric air quality in Saint Petersburg |
EGU2018-11261 | Posters | AS1.2 Ensemble forecast verification adversely affected by model bias |
EGU2018-7359 | Orals | AS1.2 Extreme precipitation events over Northern Italy and their link with the large-scale dynamics |
EGU2018-4985 | Orals | AS1.2 Sensitivity of WRF forecasts of nocturnal convective system morphology evolution in weakly-forced environments to microphysical schemes and horizontal resolution. |
EGU2018-11307 | Posters | AS1.2 Characteristics of Initial perturbation growth rate in the regional ensemble prediction system of GRAPES |
EGU2018-11181 | Orals | AS1.2 Spatio-temporal Characteristics of East Asian Subtropical Jet Perturbationsin Summer |
EGU2018-13180 | Posters | AS1.2 Analysis of 50a’ Geological Disaster and Extreme Rainfall in South West of China |
EGU2018-2892 | Orals | AS1.2 New developments in the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's thunderstorm prediction system - Calibrated Thunder |
EGU2018-15255 | Posters | AS1.2 Two new ECMWF products for precipitation type |
EGU2018-14500 | Posters | AS1.2 Development of the Randomforest Model for Tropical Cyclone Formation using the NCEP FNL Operational Global Analysis Data |
EGU2018-5872 | Orals | AS1.2 Precipitation Forecast Experiments Using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model at Gray-Zone Resolutions |
EGU2018-2131 | Orals | AS1.2 Assimilation Experiments for the Application of Dual-Radar Retrieval Wind Mosaics in Detailed Heavy Precipitation Forecast Produced by Landfall Typhoon “Meranti” (1614) |
EGU2018-18011 | Posters | AS1.2 A new approach for analysis and nowcasting of precipitation |
EGU2018-19253 | Posters | AS1.2 A numerical study of the Livorno 9-10 September 2017 flash flood |
EGU2018-19174 | Posters | AS1.2 A post-processing approach for probability forecasts of multi-category marine fog |
EGU2018-4090 | Posters | AS1.2 The verification of WRF forecast of squall lines in the Jianghuai |
EGU2018-4883 | Posters | AS1.2 Scale-dependent verification of ensemble precipitation forecasts from the COSMO-E model |
EGU2018-5001 | Posters | AS1.2 The impact of adding mixed physics to a mixed initial and lateral boundary condition ensemble used for convection forecasts – results from the 2016 Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble |
EGU2018-10698 | Posters | AS1.2 Design and experiment of a 3D model bias damping scheme in GRAPES Ensemble forecast System |
EGU2018-6067 | Posters | AS1.2 The survival strategies of the Potamogeton Malaianus in a eutrophicated lake, China |
EGU2018-5897 | Posters | AS1.2 Verification of Quantitative Precipitation Guidance Forecast (QPGF) Based on Fine-mesh and Rain gauge Stations in China |
EGU2018-8305 | Posters | AS1.2 A comparison of meteorological data influence on HYSPLIT backward trajectories – a half year study for three stations |
EGU2018-7347 | Posters | AS1.2 Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Hourly Rain Intensity and Recurrence Periods in Eastern China |
EGU2018-11046 | Posters | AS1.2 Analysis and Numerical Modeling of A Heavy Coastal Fog Event over Mid-latitude Ocean in 2016 |
EGU2018-11237 | Posters | AS1.2 The Impact of Observed Variables as Predictors on Model Output Statistics Forecast |
EGU2018-6181 | Posters | AS1.2 Evaluating the role of the EOF analysis in 4DEnVar methods |
EGU2018-2132 | Posters | AS1.2 Uncertainties in the Prediction of Typhoon Neptartak (2016) and Typhoon Talim (2017) as Revealed with ECMWF Ensemble Forecast and Their Association with Initial Fields |
AS1.3 – Aviation Meteorology: Observations, Modeling, and Operations (co-organized)
EGU2018-11429 | Orals | AS1.3 Improvements to ceiling/visibility/turbulence forecasts from the 2018 HRRR/RAP US model and supersite observations for North American aviation applications |
EGU2018-103 | Posters | AS1.3 Mechanism analysis on lower-level wind shear on 20 Jun 2017 |
EGU2018-19358 | Orals | AS1.3 Resolving Gravity Waves with Himawari-8 and GOES-16 Imagery at the New Limit of Resolution and the Application to Aircraft-Scale Turbulence |
EGU2018-2491 | Posters | AS1.3 Simulating high-resolution surface winds around the Incheon International Airport of Korea |
EGU2018-12380 | Orals | AS1.3 NowCastSAT-Aviation: Thunderstorm nowcasting for the en-route flight phase |
EGU2018-4495 | Posters | AS1.3 Microphysical characterization of clouds during the research flight dated 23rd of march, 2017 |
EGU2018-8821 | Orals | AS1.3 Cloudkite: an airborne platform for resolving clouds |
EGU2018-4529 | Posters | AS1.3 Identification and analysis of mountain waves in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula. |
EGU2018-19815 | Orals | AS1.3 Evaluating High-Resolution Model Data for Aviation Impacts due to Cloud and Visibility for the San Francisco International Airport |
EGU2018-4548 | Posters | AS1.3 Comparative study of aircraft icing conditions using different measurements of meteorological instruments and the mesoscale model WRF |
EGU2018-8415 | Orals | AS1.3 Development of inflight icing index for aviation |
EGU2018-4554 | Posters | AS1.3 Observation, modelling and forecasting of radiation fogs |
EGU2018-4721 | Posters | AS1.3 Towards an improved representation of fog in the Swiss numerical weather prediction models |
EGU2018-6066 | Posters | AS1.3 Assessment of the sensitivity to the thermal roughness length in Noah and Noah-MP Land surface model using WRF in an arid region |
EGU2018-6653 | Posters | AS1.3 Detection of atmospheric icing conditions in the vertical profile with a ceilometer - validation of the method |
EGU2018-11675 | Posters | AS1.3 Monitoring of overshooting tops over East Asia using Himawari-8 satellite data and machine learning approaches |
EGU2018-12227 | Posters | AS1.3 Tree-Based Boosting Models For Low-Visibility Forecasts at Different Lead Times |
EGU2018-16989 | Posters | AS1.3 Reverse August precipitation anomalies in eastern China between 1998 and 2016 synchronize with strong El Niño events |
EGU2018-19180 | Posters | AS1.3 Aviation MET Service for identifying climate-optimal aircraft trajectories |
AS1.6 – Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction: meteorology and impacts
EGU2018-17644 | Posters | AS1.6 Skill and limits of predictability for a sub-seasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) hydrological forecasting system over Europe |
EGU2018-15516 | Posters | AS1.6 A dynamical climate-driven malaria early warning system evaluated in Uganda, Rwanda and Malawi |
EGU2018-6806 | Orals | AS1.6 Subseasonal forecasts from a climate services perspective |
EGU2018-1317 | Orals | AS1.6 Subseasonal prediction of active and break phases of the South American monsoon and the influence of the MJO |
EGU2018-4375 | Posters | AS1.6 The S2S predictability of European dry summers under prevailing North-Atlantic weather regimes |
EGU2018-2175 | Orals | AS1.6 A development of weeks 3&4 forecast through the NCEP GEFS |
EGU2018-18205 | Posters | AS1.6 Sub-seasonal predictability of flood pulses in western South-America |
EGU2018-10103 | Posters | AS1.6 European and North American Heat Wave Predictability |
EGU2018-5986 | Orals | AS1.6 The influence of QBO on MJO prediction skill in the S2S models |
EGU2018-7869 | Orals | AS1.6 Identifying wave processes associated with predictability across time scales: An empirical normal mode approach |
EGU2018-1379 | Posters | AS1.6 Relative contributions of synoptic and intraseasonal variations to strong cold events over eastern China |
EGU2018-1577 | Orals | AS1.6 An intercomparison of skill and over/underconfidence of the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation in EUROSIP seasonal forecasts |
EGU2018-4860 | Posters | AS1.6 Sub-seasonal prediction of aerosols fields and impact on meteorology using the ECMWF’s coupled Ensemble Prediction System |
EGU2018-2809 | Posters | AS1.6 Evaluation of Subseasonal Errors and Skill in the FIM-iHYCOM Model |
EGU2018-3480 | Orals | AS1.6 Applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions |
EGU2018-8416 | Posters | AS1.6 Skill improvement of wind speed monthly forecasts |
EGU2018-8983 | Posters | AS1.6 Rossby and inertio-gravity wave response to tropical heating perturbations resembling MJO |
EGU2018-17236 | Orals | AS1.6 | Highlight Operational seasonal impact predictions by the Copernicus Climate Change Service |
EGU2018-1027 | Orals | AS1.6 Sub-seasonal prediction of the 2003 European summer heat wave |
EGU2018-9775 | Posters | AS1.6 Variability in surface air temperature persistence in the Eastern-Adriatic |
EGU2018-507 | Orals | AS1.6 Global assessment of subseasonal prediction skill of atmospheric rivers |
EGU2018-17371 | Posters | AS1.6 Seasonality of infection diseases in Germany compared to climate and its possible predictability on seasonal and climatic timescales |
EGU2018-573 | Posters | AS1.6 Skill assessment of subseasonal forecasts of temperature and precipitation |
EGU2018-6243 | Orals | AS1.6 Drivers and seasonal predictability of extreme wind speeds over Europe |
EGU2018-4352 | Orals | AS1.6 Enhanced Predictability of SSW events for select phases of the MJO |
EGU2018-2130 | Posters | AS1.6 Numerical Simulation of Seasonal Mesoscale Atmospheric Flow-Field Parameters using ARW over Singapore Region: Impact of Land Use Land Cover |
EGU2018-2711 | Posters | AS1.6 The Eurasian pattern-Pacific/North American pattern pathway: how does the East Asian winter monsoon influence the weather over North America on a weekly scale? |
EGU2018-3414 | Posters | AS1.6 Systematic Error Analysis and Calibration for the NCEP GEFS Reforecast of SubX Project |
EGU2018-5129 | Posters | AS1.6 Formation mechanisms and climate impacts of the western Pacific pattern and the ENSO modulation |
EGU2018-10149 | Posters | AS1.6 How do S2S systems beat seasonal forecasts? |
EGU2018-11523 | Posters | AS1.6 Predictability of the Arctic Sea Ice Extent from S2S Multi Model Ensemble |
EGU2018-12020 | Posters | AS1.6 The near-real time prediction system of the East Asian summer monsoon using Subseasonal to Seasonal Models |
EGU2018-12044 | Posters | AS1.6 Impacts of Two Wave Trains on Intraseasonal Variability Over East Asia in Boreal Winter |
EGU2018-14142 | Posters | AS1.6 Estimates of flow-dependent predictability of wintertime Euro-Atlantic weather regimes in medium-range forecasts |
EGU2018-3765 | Posters | AS1.6 Excessive Heat Events and Health: Building Resilience based on Global Scale Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Excessive Heat Outlook Systems |
EGU2018-19481 | Posters | AS1.6 Towards a Fire Early Warning System for Indonesia (ToFEWSI) |
EGU2018-9638 | Posters | AS1.6 Land-surface initialisation affects Indian monsoon subseasonal predictability |
EGU2018-9727 | Posters | AS1.6 Seasonal Prediction of Temperatures in Europe from Arctic Sea Surface Temperatures |
AS1.16 – Precipitation: Measurement, Climatology, Remote Sensing, and Modeling (co-organized)
EGU2018-362 | Posters | AS1.16 A convective rain cell database based upon high-resolution radar images: unravelling convection patterns |
EGU2018-488 | Orals | AS1.16 Rainfall frequency analysis from short data records: state-of-the-art automatic procedures for at-site applications |
EGU2018-862 | Posters | AS1.16 Assessing frontal and extreme precipitation over the Euro-Atlantic domain |
EGU2018-1388 | Posters | AS1.16 77 GHz radar for meteorological purposes: preliminary results |
EGU2018-1396 | Orals | AS1.16 Monsoon low level jet and the variation in thermal structure in wet and dry rainfall episodes over southwest India |
EGU2018-2085 | Posters | AS1.16 Spatial Characteristics of Extreme Rainfall over China with Hourly through 24-Hour Accumulation Periods Based on National-Level Hourly Rain Gauge Data |
EGU2018-3216 | Orals | AS1.16 Empirical Values and Assumptions in the Microphysics of Numerical Models |
EGU2018-2309 | Posters | AS1.16 Different types of El niño events and their influence on summer precipitation in china |
EGU2018-6814 | Orals | AS1.16 A statistical study of rainfall enhancement through an interplay of atmospheric rivers and cut off lows |
EGU2018-3007 | Posters | AS1.16 Monitoring spatial and temporal rainfall distribution by TRMM based methodological approaches, and assessing its advantages, disadvantages, limitations and uncertainties, over El-Qaa Plain, Sinai, Egypt. |
EGU2018-3059 | Orals | AS1.16 The relationship between „atmospheric rivers" and extreme precipitation events in Croatia |
EGU2018-2828 | Orals | AS1.16 Synoptic climatological study on the long-term change in the snowfall around Hokuriku District in Central Japan during the recent 45 years with special attention to the atmospheric conditions on the extreme heavy snowfall days |
EGU2018-15952 | Posters | AS1.16 Analyzing satellite QPE underestimation over mountainous terrain: A NWP-based microphysical investigation |
EGU2018-3315 | Posters | AS1.16 Precipitation simulation with radar reflectivity pre-processing in the Harmonie model |
EGU2018-4059 | Posters | AS1.16 Diurnal cycles of rainfall amount, frequency, intensity, duration and seasonality over the United Kingdom |
EGU2018-1385 | Orals | AS1.16 High resolution KE-maps with X-band mini weather radar |
EGU2018-4361 | Posters | AS1.16 Thermo-fluid dynamic simulation of the Hotplate precipitation gauge |
EGU2018-15898 | Orals | AS1.16 Detection of localized rainfall maxima and minima |
EGU2018-872 | Orals | AS1.16 GPM precipitation data as input for a real time extreme rainfall detection system |
EGU2018-4557 | Posters | AS1.16 Disaggregation techniques for radar precipitation data and rain gauge precipitation data for the Wernersbach catchment in Germany. |
EGU2018-4353 | Orals | AS1.16 Investigation of rainfall kinetic energy in Central Europe and New Zealand |
EGU2018-4692 | Posters | AS1.16 An investigation on the scaling properties of the MSG-derived rainfall product |
EGU2018-5632 | Posters | AS1.16 Topographic effects on spatiotemporal variations of short-duration rainfall events in warm season of central North China |
EGU2018-10096 | Orals | AS1.16 Real-time country-wide rainfall derived from a large network of commercial microwave links in Germany |
EGU2018-5362 | Orals | AS1.16 Evaluation of S-band radar rain rate retrieval algorithms and precipitation variability over a dense rain gauge network |
EGU2018-5950 | Posters | AS1.16 The daily precipitation and temperature data observation in the ASEAN and northern pacific region to identify of Climate Change using the statistical and Gridding method. |
EGU2018-6307 | Posters | AS1.16 How accurate is the Discrete Dipole Approximation for melting ice particles? A comparison against exact scattering techniques |
EGU2018-6357 | Posters | AS1.16 Towards variational retrieval of warm rain from passive microwave observations |
EGU2018-9356 | Orals | AS1.16 Development of the SAPHIR Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme (PRPS). |
EGU2018-8966 | Orals | AS1.16 Constructing 3D ice cloud fields using radar and passive millimeter/submillimeter observations |
EGU2018-6469 | Posters | AS1.16 Design and Performances of the Passive Microwave Neural Network Precipitation Retrieval (PNPR) Algorithm for the Conical Scanning GMI Radiometer |
EGU2018-6834 | Posters | AS1.16 Inter-comparison and Accuracy Assessment of Satellite and Model Precipitation Products |
EGU2018-11901 | Orals | AS1.16 A Space-Based Perspective of Tropical Storms and Other Extremes in 2017 from GPM |
EGU2018-4795 | Orals | AS1.16 Enhancing data assimilation of GPM observations |
EGU2018-8151 | Posters | AS1.16 Comprehensive review of rainfall products over Africa |
EGU2018-4776 | Orals | AS1.16 Challenges in Comparing Satellite Estimates of Falling Snow from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory and CloudSat |
EGU2018-8189 | Posters | AS1.16 Using ground-based triple- frequency observations to investigate strengths and limitations of two-moments ice microphysics in the new ICON model |
EGU2018-5217 | Orals | AS1.16 Snowfall retrieval algorithm for the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) exploiting CloudSat/CALIPSO observations |
EGU2018-9851 | Posters | AS1.16 Observed rainfall trends and precipitation uncertainty in the vicinity of the Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa |
EGU2018-9876 | Posters | AS1.16 Forecast analysis of the “Eurydice” storm on November 15, 2017 associated with the deadly flash flood event over western Attica region, Greece |
EGU2018-10842 | Posters | AS1.16 Global-scale evaluation of 22 precipitation datasets using gauge observations and hydrological modeling |
EGU2018-5738 | Orals | AS1.16 GPM Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar Estimation of Precipitation Rate: A Deep Learning Approach |
EGU2018-3089 | Orals | AS1.16 The GPM Radiometer Algorithm: V5 and Beyond |
EGU2018-10947 | Posters | AS1.16 The GPM Precipitation Gridded Text Product SEt |
EGU2018-11014 | Posters | AS1.16 Low-level rainfall monitoring system using microwave attenuation over an urban area |
EGU2018-15907 | Orals | AS1.16 Comparison of GPM-CO and Ground-Based Radar Retrieval of Mass-Weighted Mean Rain Drop Diameter at Mid-Latitude |
EGU2018-6705 | Orals | AS1.16 Performances of GPM satellite precipitation over the two major Mediterranean islands |
EGU2018-11357 | Posters | AS1.16 Evaluation of Coupled CRCM5-FLake in Reproducing Lake-Induced Snowfall in the Great Lakes Basin |
EGU2018-17673 | Orals | AS1.16 Evaluation of High Resolution IMERG Satellite Precipitation over the Global Oceans using OceanRAIN |
EGU2018-11513 | Posters | AS1.16 Climatic Characterization Of Ecuatorian Littoral Zone |
EGU2018-19669 | Orals | AS1.16 Recent results of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission in Japan |
EGU2018-11788 | Posters | AS1.16 Validation of the first years of GPM operation over Cyprus |
EGU2018-11990 | Posters | AS1.16 Innovations in Version 5 IMERG |
EGU2018-12276 | Posters | AS1.16 Precipitation regime variations in the Black Sea coastal area and regional climate change over the last 30 years |
EGU2018-12407 | Posters | AS1.16 Laboratory assessment of two catching type drop-counting rain gauges. |
EGU2018-12462 | Posters | AS1.16 Variability of Precipitation along an east-west Gradient in Corsica: A Case Study from early December 2017 |
EGU2018-12507 | Posters | AS1.16 Comparison of disdrometer derived and ECMWF wind velocity data at Athalassa, Cyprus |
EGU2018-13821 | Posters | AS1.16 Comparison of the rainfall kinetic energy measured by different distrometers |
EGU2018-14401 | Posters | AS1.16 Comparison of IMERG GPM precipitation data with RADOLAN weather radar data over Germany |
EGU2018-14508 | Posters | AS1.16 Comparison of summer precipitation obtained from different instruments at a mountain lysimeter station |
EGU2018-14566 | Posters | AS1.16 A study of the scaling properties of rainfall and its application to obtain Intensity-Duration-Frequency relationships in Catalunya |
EGU2018-14842 | Posters | AS1.16 Ion composition of precipitation samples collected in an high alpine environment (Sonnblick Observatory, 3106 m a.s.l.) |
EGU2018-15633 | Posters | AS1.16 A real-time adjustment of radar rainfall at European scale for flash flood hazard assessment |
EGU2018-16139 | Posters | AS1.16 Evaluation of the GPM DPR Single- and Double-Frequency Algorithms Over the Mediterranean Area |
EGU2018-16439 | Posters | AS1.16 Development and Evaluation of the Ground Radar and Infrared Satellite Combined Algorithm for the Italian Peninsula |
EGU2018-16800 | Posters | AS1.16 Snow density observations during 1991 to 2016 in Estonia |
EGU2018-19129 | Posters | AS1.16 Rainfall estimation employing commercial microwave links from São Paulo, Brazil |
EGU2018-19153 | Posters | AS1.16 Spatio-temporal interpolation of daily precipitation using parallelized machine learning |
EGU2018-19482 | Posters | AS1.16 Links between circulation types and high precipitation over Prut River Basin |
EGU2018-19629 | Posters | AS1.16 Centralized Rainfall Estimation via Opportunistic Use of Satellite Communication Networks |
AS1.19 – Infrasound, acoustic-gravity waves, and atmospheric dynamics
EGU2018-8608 | Orals | AS1.19 | Highlight Empirical Models of Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations at the Ground Surface from 1-day period to 8 Hz |
EGU2018-3049 | Posters | AS1.19 Observation of infrasound generated by typhoons in the ionosphere |
EGU2018-1100 | Posters | AS1.19 Preliminary catalog of quarry blasts in Hungary recorded by the PSZI infrasound array |
EGU2018-6450 | Orals | AS1.19 Multi-station study of the cross-wind effect on infrasound propagation |
EGU2018-2760 | Posters | AS1.19 Signatures of storm Ophelia in microbarom measurements in the Czech Republic on 15-18 October 2017 |
EGU2018-3631 | Orals | AS1.19 Seismoacoustic Coupled Signals From Earthquakes in Central Italy: Epicentral and Secondary Sources of Infrasound |
EGU2018-1566 | Posters | AS1.19 Infrasound from lightning observed in Romania using seismo-acoustic arrays |
EGU2018-14388 | Orals | AS1.19 Remote monitoring of eruptive events in SE Asia: Detection capability of SE Asia infrasound network in terms of minimum plume height |
EGU2018-13329 | Posters | AS1.19 Namibia’s infrasound array deployment program for atmospheric research and open data sharing. |
EGU2018-18259 | Orals | AS1.19 Middle atmosphere variability and model uncertainties as investigated in the framework of the ARISE project |
EGU2018-7903 | Posters | AS1.19 Seismo-acoustic signals of the Baumgarten (Austria) gas explosion detected by the AlpArray seismic network |
EGU2018-12137 | Orals | AS1.19 | Highlight Gravity wave observation using high-resolution Rayleigh lidar measurements at different latitudes |
EGU2018-6871 | Posters | AS1.19 A 3D array for analysis of regional infrasound propagation in the atmospheric boundary layer |
EGU2018-4930 | Orals | AS1.19 Results from stratospheric and mesospheric wind measurement campaigns from tropical, polar and mid-latitudes by microwave radiometry |
EGU2018-11601 | Posters | AS1.19 Use of the dense regional infrasound network in Kazakhstan to improve detection, location and source discrimination |
EGU2018-15429 | Orals | AS1.19 Gravity wave studies using OH airglow and Rayleigh lidar instruments at Maïdo Observatory |
EGU2018-3254 | Orals | AS1.19 Numerical simulations of acoustic and infrasound waves in the coupled ground-atmosphere system: sensitivity study to atmospheric conditions, synergy between balloon and ground sensors |
EGU2018-13594 | Posters | AS1.19 Well-founded parameters for CLEAN and MUSIC beamforming |
EGU2018-9374 | Posters | AS1.19 IS42: the Azorean crossroad for infrasound monitoring in the North Atlantic Region |
EGU2018-5584 | Orals | AS1.19 Resonance excitation of atmospheric waves by vibration of the ground, ocean surface, and ice shelves |
EGU2018-8229 | Posters | AS1.19 Modeling the seismo-acoustic events of DPRK’s underground nuclear tests |
EGU2018-19254 | Orals | AS1.19 Prefecture-level dense infrasound observation network in Kochi for preventing tsunami disasters |
EGU2018-7876 | Orals | AS1.19 Non-orographic gravity waves: representation in climate models and effects on infrasound |
EGU2018-8158 | Posters | AS1.19 Geospatial analysis of IMS infrasound records related to announced spaceflight activity |
EGU2018-11934 | Posters | AS1.19 Progresses with the IDC Infrasound system |
EGU2018-5644 | Posters | AS1.19 Observations of infrasound signals produced at the sites of underground mine collapses |
EGU2018-9555 | Posters | AS1.19 Infrasound array study at Popocatépetl |
EGU2018-18133 | Posters | AS1.19 Iceland infrasound network performance and optimization for real-time monitoring |
EGU2018-9587 | Posters | AS1.19 2011 Grímsvötn (Iceland) and 2016 Etna (Italy) volcanic activity: Long-range infrasound observations at IS42, Azores, North-Atlantic |
EGU2018-17764 | Posters | AS1.19 Characterizing ocean ambient noise using a regional infrasound network |
EGU2018-7821 | Posters | AS1.19 On the localization capability of a regional infrasound network |
EGU2018-4932 | Posters | AS1.19 Detection of infrasound in the Earth’s upper atmosphere by observing nightglow emissions |