GD – Geodynamics
GD2.1 – Geodynamics of continental crust and upper mantle, and the nature of mantle discontinuities (co-organized)
EGU2018-8733 | Posters | GD2.1 New crustal and lithospheric mantle structure of Alaska from geoid, elevation and thermal inversion analysis further constrained by 3D gravity modelling |
EGU2018-2615 | Orals | GD2.1 Anomalous topography and lithosphere structure of the North Atlantic region |
EGU2018-7873 | Orals | GD2.1 African cratonic lithosphere carved by mantle plumes |
EGU2018-2225 | Posters | GD2.1 Lithosphere mantle density of the North China Craton based on gravity data |
EGU2018-5902 | Posters | GD2.1 A chronotectic framework of the Kongling complex in Yangtze craton,South China |
EGU2018-4655 | Orals | GD2.1 The Mantle Lithosphere in China and Sidelobes of S-Receiver Functions |
EGU2018-2318 | Posters | GD2.1 Directions of the lithosphere interactions in the Pamir - Hindu Kush knot inferred from anisotropic tomography |
EGU2018-12420 | Orals | GD2.1 Lithospheric structure and topography in Central-Eastern Greenland |
EGU2018-2400 | Orals | GD2.1 Wyoming craton growth by Shatsky conjugate under-accretion at ~65 Ma |
EGU2018-12590 | Posters | GD2.1 Submeridional boundary zone in Asia: seismicity, lithospheric structure and distribution of convective flows in the upper mantle |
EGU2018-14262 | Posters | GD2.1 High-velocity lower crust and upper mantle metasomatism in the Archean Slave carton revealed by the receiver function inversion |
EGU2018-6063 | Orals | GD2.1 Mantle transition zone of the central Tien Shan |
EGU2018-7075 | Posters | GD2.1 Shear-Velocity Structure and Azimuthal and Radial Anisotropy beneath the Kalahari Craton from Bayesian Inversion of Surface-Wave Data: Evidence for Stratified Lithospheric Fabric |
EGU2018-10856 | Posters | GD2.1 Topography and Thickness of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Scandinavia |
EGU2018-10383 | Posters | GD2.1 The receiver function signature of the Mantle Transition Zone in different geodynamic scenarios |
EGU2018-7272 | Posters | GD2.1 Reprocessing of historical offshore BABEL seismic reflection lines 1, 6, 7, C and B – New insights into tectonic history of the Fennoscandian Shield |
EGU2018-8663 | Posters | GD2.1 Pn tomography of the Eastern Mediterranean Region |
EGU2018-8767 | Posters | GD2.1 Upper mantle structure beneath the Anatolia-Aegean domain from high-resolution teleseismic tomography |
EGU2018-6530 | Posters | GD2.1 P-wave velocity structure of the upper mantle and 410-km discontinuity below the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from ocean-bottom-seismometer data |
EGU2018-13458 | Posters | GD2.1 Deep Structure in the Region of the Mariana Island Arc |
GD2.2 – Crust-Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interplay, Deformation and Dynamics (co-sponsored by JpGU) (co-organized)
EGU2018-2514 | Posters | GD2.2 Joint Inversion of P- and S-Wave Receiver Functions and Dispersion Velocities : A New Technique for Determining Detailed Lithospheric Structure in the Arabian Shield |
EGU2018-2584 | Orals | GD2.2 Deforming plate boundaries and their transients – challenges for modelers from the observational record |
EGU2018-15300 | Posters | GD2.2 Thermal-chemical corrosion beneath the Colorado Plateau: constraints from 1-D models, melt thermobarometry and seismic measurements |
EGU2018-5493 | Orals | GD2.2 Modification of western Gondwana craton by plume-lithosphere interaction |
EGU2018-7936 | Posters | GD2.2 Structure of the lithosphere around La Réunion hotspot from teleseismic receiver functions |
EGU2018-9659 | Orals | GD2.2 Large-scale trench-perpendicular mantle flow beneath central South America |
EGU2018-1532 | Posters | GD2.2 Interaction of Mantle Plumes with Lithospheric Steps |
EGU2018-4456 | Orals | GD2.2 The influence of near-vertical SK(K)S ray path incidence on the backazimuthal variation of shear-wave splitting parameters: A case study in the Pacific Northwest |
EGU2018-617 | Posters | GD2.2 Variation of traction and strain rate with lithospheric thickness: An insight into understanding cratonic stability |
EGU2018-3508 | Orals | GD2.2 Lithospheric and asthenospheric structure below oceans and continents from anisotropic tomography |
EGU2018-2037 | Posters | GD2.2 Rapid Quaternary subsidence in the northwestern German North Sea |
EGU2018-11526 | Orals | GD2.2 Electrical feature supports the melt in the lithosphere – asthenosphere boundary as the origin of the petit-spot in northwestern Pacific |
EGU2018-5108 | Posters | GD2.2 Crustal detachment levels may control transmission of intraplate deformation: A lithosphere transect of North Iberia |
EGU2018-4347 | Posters | GD2.2 Tectonic origin and evolution of Rutba uplift West Iraq; Example of isostatic rebound |
EGU2018-4144 | Posters | GD2.2 Mapping Moho Undulations Using Marine Gravity Data Based on Upper Mantle Density Modelling: Case Study on Atlantic |
EGU2018-13889 | Posters | GD2.2 Dependence of lithospheric slab buoyancy on composition and convergence rate: insights from a thermally-coupled kinematic model |
EGU2018-18458 | Posters | GD2.2 Crustal anisotropy and deformation in the Eastern and Southern Alps |
GD2.3 – Integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of the crust and upper mantle at multiple scales (co-organized)
EGU2018-18232 | Orals | GD2.3 Stochastic inversion of P-to-S converted waves for Earth's thermal and compositional structure: synthetic and data examples |
EGU2018-18948 | Posters | GD2.3 The long wavelength gravity effect from multiple and combined tomography models |
EGU2018-19746 | Posters | GD2.3 3D Earth: Consistent modelling by integrating seismological and satellite gravity data |
EGU2018-9632 | Orals | GD2.3 Trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion of multiple dataset for the thermal structure and chemical composition of the crust and upper mantle |
EGU2018-19690 | Posters | GD2.3 Towards a 3D model of the Sumatra slab using combined gravity and gravity gradients constrained with seismic tomography |
EGU2018-10557 | Orals | GD2.3 Estimating lithospheric density structure using probabilistic joint inversion of satellite gravity gradients and topography |
EGU2018-6492 | Orals | GD2.3 The effects of slab breakoff on the present-day (sub)lithospheric architecture beneath the Iranian Plateau |
EGU2018-19752 | Posters | GD2.3 A reference global lithospheric and upper mantle model for 2 gravity and integrated geophysical studies |
EGU2018-17781 | Orals | GD2.3 GIGJ: a crustal model of the Guangdong Province using GOCE gravity data for predicting geoneutrinos |
EGU2018-9710 | Posters | GD2.3 Global Integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of the lithosphere using satellite andterrestrial observations |
EGU2018-19052 | Posters | GD2.3 Gravitational signal and spectra of the crustal and the mantle layers |
EGU2018-15778 | Orals | GD2.3 Crustal Structure Variation Along the Lesser Antilles Arc Inferred from Seismology and Petrology |
EGU2018-2549 | Posters | GD2.3 Thermochemical Structure of Upper Mante Beneath Hotspot Swells |
EGU2018-7891 | Posters | GD2.3 Moho topography and lithospheric gravity anomalies for the Central Asian Orogenic Belt from satellite gravity gradients |
EGU2018-7661 | Posters | GD2.3 Temperature and compositional variation in the Australian lithospheric mantle |
EGU2018-8766 | Posters | GD2.3 Density structure and isostasy of the lithosphere in Egypt and their relation to seismicity |
EGU2018-3423 | Posters | GD2.3 The lithospheric structure of the Saharan Metacraton from 3D integrated geophysical-petrological modelling |
EGU2018-15009 | Posters | GD2.3 Thermo-chemical heterogeneity of the upper mantle in he North Atlantic region |
EGU2018-11030 | Posters | GD2.3 Joint inversion for crustal structures: Implications for the growth and deformation in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau |
EGU2018-941 | Posters | GD2.3 Modeling the Hales discontinuity beneath the Indian subcontinent |
EGU2018-9253 | Posters | GD2.3 New improvements on LitMod package: A tool for integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of the lithosphere and upper mantle |
EGU2018-11717 | Posters | GD2.3 Updated reference model for lithospheric heat production and geoneutrino flux |
EGU2018-11849 | Posters | GD2.3 Including magnetotelluric data into multi-observable probabilistic inversion: implications for the physical state and water content of the continental lithosphere |
EGU2018-19594 | Posters | GD2.3 Geothermal heat-flux anomalies in continental Greenland from probabilistic inversion of satellite magnetic data |
GD2.4 – Geochemical and geodynamic perspectives on the origin and evolution of deep-seated mantle melts and their interaction with the continental lithosphere | PICO
EGU2018-1565 | PICO | GD2.4 Problem of origin of alkali and tholeiitic basalts in LIPs |
EGU2018-2161 | PICO | GD2.4 Plume-related alkaline and carbonatite magmatism in the Earth,s history. Link to carbonatized and metasomatized mantle. |
EGU2018-8096 | PICO | GD2.4 The magmatism of hot spots and spreading zones of the South Atlantic and the eastern Indian Ocean as a result of mantle plume activity from 130 m.y. ago: the Tristan and Kerguelen plumes |
EGU2018-2348 | PICO | GD2.4 Genesis of Virunga leucite basanites: Mantle metasomatism or crustal contamination? |
EGU2018-432 | PICO | GD2.4 Ingozero TTG geochemical characteristic and geological processes timescale (Baltic Shield) |
EGU2018-2414 | PICO | GD2.4 Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Early Paleozoic-Mesozoic granites in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, South China Block |
EGU2018-2464 | PICO | GD2.4 Origin of the Sopcheozero Deposit and host Dunite Lens, Monchegorsk Pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia |
EGU2018-727 | PICO | GD2.4 Geochemical and mineralogical indicators (Cr-spinelides, Platinum Group Minerals) of the geodynamic settings of formation of mafic- ultramafic Ulan Saridag massif (Eastern Sayan) |
EGU2018-657 | PICO | GD2.4 Aillikites and alkali picrites of Beloziminsky carbonatite massif, East Sayan mountains |
EGU2018-18027 | PICO | GD2.4 High Speed X-ray imaging for the study of liquids behavior at high pressure and temperature |
EGU2018-2248 | PICO | GD2.4 Mineralogy of suivites from the Popigai impact crater, Russia. |
EGU2018-2620 | PICO | GD2.4 Kimberlite magmatism and lithospheric structure |
EGU2018-2426 | PICO | GD2.4 Geodynamics interpretation of the PTX conditions of the diamond inclusions and association in different tectonic settings and their evolutions |
EGU2018-5248 | PICO | GD2.4 New models of the structures and compositions of the large kimberlite pipes in Daldyn Alakite region, Yakutia |
EGU2018-240 | PICO | GD2.4 Regional and local lithospheric mantle heterogeneity under the northern fields of the Yakutian kimberlite province |
EGU2018-987 | PICO | GD2.4 The phlogopite – ilmenite mantle xenoliths from Obnajennaya kimberlite pipe – geochemical features and connection with kimberlites |
EGU2018-6484 | PICO | GD2.4 Komatiite signature in cratonic mantle websterite from Norway and Siberia |
EGU2018-841 | PICO | GD2.4 Genetic code of subsolidus garnet and its role in deciphering of Siberian craton metasomatic history |
EGU2018-12352 | PICO | GD2.4 Aillikite as the protokimberlite melt: evidence by the olivine composition from kimberlite and ultramafic lamprophyre |
EGU2018-335 | PICO | GD2.4 Mono- and polymineralic inclusions within garnet megacrysts from the Grib kimberlite, Arkhangelsk province, Russia: evidence for kimberlite melt evolution |
EGU2018-342 | PICO | GD2.4 Mg-rich ilmenite from the Grib kimberlite (Arkhangelsk region, Russia): composition and origin |
EGU2018-2109 | PICO | GD2.4 The KL01 anomaly – a new kimberlite pipe in Arkhangelsk region (NW Russia)? |
EGU2018-2697 | PICO | GD2.4 Water contents of mantle xenoliths from V.Grib kimberlite pipe (Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province, Russia) |
GD3.1 – Dynamics, structure, evolution and cyclicity of the plate-mantle system in the Earth and planetary bodies (including Augustus Love Medal Lecture) (co-organized)
EGU2018-6534 | Orals | GD3.1 Mantle dynamics and wander of the rotational axis in a reference frame described by hotspots since 200Ma |
EGU2018-8255 | Posters | GD3.1 LLSVP survival from an early Earth mantle: analysing stability beneath a stagnant-lid |
EGU2018-1438 | Orals | GD3.1 Evolution of the plate-mantle system since the late Paleozoic Period |
EGU2018-8656 | Posters | GD3.1 Water in geodynamical models of mantle convection and plate tectonics |
EGU2018-610 | Orals | GD3.1 Future Earth: Testing different scenarios for the next supercontinental gathering and implications for supertidal cycles. |
EGU2018-12950 | Posters | GD3.1 Stabilization of thermochemical piles by compositional viscosity contrasts |
EGU2018-11835 | Posters | GD3.1 Influence of Plate Tectonics, Melting and Crustal Production on the Scaling of Mixing Rate, Velocity and Heat flux |
EGU2018-10933 | Orals | GD3.1 Constraints on thin layers with high-attenuation and low-velocities in the mantle |
EGU2018-7336 | Posters | GD3.1 Waveform inversion for the 3-D elastic and anelastic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath the western Pacific |
EGU2018-6995 | Orals | GD3.1 The pressure and thickness of the post-spinel transition in (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 explaining the sharp 660-km discontinuity |
EGU2018-13151 | Posters | GD3.1 Two stage self-consistent growth of primordial continental crust without the initiation of subduction and plate tectonics |
EGU2018-18438 | Orals | GD3.1 Tracing water in the transition zone: from wadsleyite single-crystal elasticity to seismic observables |
EGU2018-8649 | Orals | GD3.1 Constraining the thermal history of Mars using satellite orbital evolution |
EGU2018-414 | Posters | GD3.1 Exploring seismic small-scale heterogeneities in the lower mantle using PKP precursors |
EGU2018-11023 | Posters | GD3.1 Numerical simulations of the thermo-compositional evolution of the solid mantle bounded by magma oceans |
EGU2018-2411 | Orals | GD3.1 | Highlight Thermal effects of late accretion to the crust and mantle of Mercury |
EGU2018-18867 | Posters | GD3.1 The preservation of primordial heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle due to composition-dependent rheology |
EGU2018-19850 | Orals | GD3.1 The interaction of different scales of convective overturn in planetary mantles |
EGU2018-19049 | Posters | GD3.1 The influence of mantle refertilisation on the formation of TTGs in a plume-lid tectonics setting |
EGU2018-1365 | Orals | GD3.1 What tomographic-geodynamic comparisons teach us about lower mantle composition and dynamics |
EGU2018-716 | Orals | GD3.1 Understanding the chemical differentiation of the Earth using coupled Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd systematics in open system models |
EGU2018-11544 | Posters | GD3.1 Core-exsolved SiO2 dispersal in the Earth’s mantle |
EGU2018-15887 | Posters | GD3.1 Effects of mantle viscosity structure on the evolution and distribution of chemical heterogeneity |
EGU2018-5517 | Orals | GD3.1 The Stirring and Accumulation of Oceanic Crust in the Mantle: How it Changes with Time? |
EGU2018-4432 | Posters | GD3.1 Large-scale topography of the core-mantle boundary constrained by normal modes |
EGU2018-16786 | Orals | GD3.1 Formation of cratonic lithosphere during the initiation of plate tectonics |
EGU2018-3632 | Posters | GD3.1 Dynamic and heat balance in two-body system Earth-Moon at the stage of accumulation. |
EGU2018-491 | Orals | GD3.1 Plutonic-squishy lid: a new global tectonic regime generated by intrusive magmatism on Earth-like planets |
EGU2018-14473 | Orals | GD3.1 Layer formation in the Early Earth's Mantle |
EGU2018-13119 | Posters | GD3.1 New insights into the mineralogy of D” beneath the North Atlantic region |
EGU2018-15447 | Posters | GD3.1 A New Ab Initio Equation of State of hcp-Fe and Its Implication on the Interior Structure and Mass-Radius Relations of Rocky Super-Earths |
EGU2018-1810 | Posters | GD3.1 Phase transitions in rocky mantles - influence of composition and temperature |
EGU2018-8644 | Posters | GD3.1 How Venus’ young surface came to be: New insights from 2D and 3D modelling |
EGU2018-18910 | Posters | GD3.1 Stiffer than expected: high-pressure elasticity of polycrystalline stishovite questions seismic signature of deep silica |
EGU2018-10472 | Posters | GD3.1 Compositional-seismological reference models for Venus’s interior. |
EGU2018-142 | Posters | GD3.1 Using SP precursor waves to detect upper mantle discontinuities |
EGU2018-11813 | Posters | GD3.1 The unique geological features of Venus and the tectonics of lithospheric instabilities |
EGU2018-8786 | Posters | GD3.1 Exploring detailed feature of transition zone seismic discontinuities beneath US continent with receiver function amplitudes |
EGU2018-13817 | Posters | GD3.1 Constraints on the interior structure of Mars from nutation |
EGU2018-4046 | Posters | GD3.1 A plate tectonic interpretation of the supercontinent cycle: measuring subduction length, rift length and connectedness of continental lithosphere |
EGU2018-10180 | Posters | GD3.1 Plume tectonics and the uplift of Martian Tharsis |
EGU2018-10067 | Posters | GD3.1 The SW Indian Ridge - Remelting the Gondwanan Mantle |
EGU2018-15821 | Posters | GD3.1 Mercury's and Mars' core composition estimated from elastic properties of liquid iron alloys. |
EGU2018-5913 | Posters | GD3.1 Decoding Earth's supercycles: A 600 Myr supercontinent cycle modulated by a longer superocean cycle |
EGU2018-9779 | Posters | GD3.1 Heterogeneity in the Main Group Pallasites – How many parent bodies? How many impactors? |
GD3.2 – Causes and consequences of mantle upwellings (co-organized)
EGU2018-11225 | Orals | GD3.2 Application of a Volumetric Approach for Assessing Plume Buoyancy Flux |
EGU2018-4155 | Posters | GD3.2 Tracing the Edges of the LLSVPs in the Spatial Distribution of Seamount Volcanism |
EGU2018-3789 | Posters | GD3.2 Western U.S. Volcanism due to Intruding Hot Oceanic Mantle Driven by Ancient Farallon Slabs |
EGU2018-11413 | Orals | GD3.2 Mantle upwellings and their topographic signatures |
EGU2018-8317 | Posters | GD3.2 Impact of thermo-chemical pile size in the generation of upwellings: insights from mantle convection models featuring paleo-subduction history |
EGU2018-5463 | Orals | GD3.2 Whole-mantle upwelling beneath the Reunion hotspot, western Indian Ocean: structural imaging results from the RHUM-RUM experiment |
EGU2018-8115 | Posters | GD3.2 Geodynamic model of subduction-induced upwelling to explain non-hotspot Samoan volcanism |
EGU2018-1984 | Orals | GD3.2 Reconstructing past upwellings to test mantle convection models |
EGU2018-8087 | Posters | GD3.2 Volcanic signatures of thermo-chemical plumes in the Earth’s mantle predicted by fluid dynamic experiments |
EGU2018-14565 | Orals | GD3.2 A hot, top-down model for the formation of the North Atlantic Igneous Province and the Iceland hot spot |
EGU2018-9966 | Orals | GD3.2 Linking uplift and volcanism of the Borborema Province, northeast Brazil |
EGU2018-15317 | Posters | GD3.2 Mantle upwellings below the Ibero-western Maghrebian region: constraints from teleseismic traveltime P- and S-wave tomography |
EGU2018-18846 | Posters | GD3.2 Evolution of whole-mantle plumes: Consequences for hotspot volcanism |
EGU2018-19528 | Posters | GD3.2 True Polar Wander and the Origin of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend: New Evidence |
EGU2018-13531 | Posters | GD3.2 The effect of Edge-Driven Convection on the generation and characteristics of oceanic volcano chains |
EGU2018-11227 | Posters | GD3.2 Rapid propagation of small-scale mantle upwelling instabilities along the Reykjanes Ridge |
EGU2018-16193 | Posters | GD3.2 Mantle melting and intraplate volcanism due to upwellings from the stagnant slab |
EGU2018-11879 | Posters | GD3.2 Zircon U-Pb ages of the Mikabu ophiolitic belt, Southwest Japan: Implications for the origin of the Shatsky Rise |
EGU2018-5372 | Posters | GD3.2 Investigating the relationship between asthenospheric upwelling, volcanism and uplift across Anatolia |
EGU2018-9939 | Posters | GD3.2 Carbonatites and alkaline rocks from the Ivrea Zone (Southern Alps) related to Pangea break-up |
GD4.1 – Earth's core structure, dynamics and evolution: observations, models, experiments (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2018-5834 | PICO | GD4.1 New Constraints on the Earth's Core From Global Correlation Wavefield |
EGU2018-14663 | PICO | GD4.1 Probing the Earth’s core dynamics through geomagnetic observations and dynamo simulations |
EGU2018-7400 | PICO | GD4.1 Investigation of the fundamental types of the Earth’s core perturbations in the oscillations of the geomagnetic field. |
EGU2018-5180 | PICO | GD4.1 Application of spherical Slepian functions to decomposing core surface flows |
EGU2018-14429 | PICO | GD4.1 On the possibility of assessing processes in planetary dynamos based on the recunstruction of current density distribution using a combined machine learning - genetic algorithm inversion approach |
EGU2018-2163 | PICO | GD4.1 Effects of core-mantle-boundary heat flow anomalies on a thermally stratified outer core |
EGU2018-4542 | PICO | GD4.1 | Highlight Thorium and uranium power plate tectonics, but not the geodynamo |
EGU2018-2899 | PICO | GD4.1 Ab-initio investigation of diffusion properties of Earth's inner core and the role of light elements |
EGU2018-2098 | PICO | GD4.1 Mineral physics constraints on the seismic observations and thermal evolution of the Earth’s core |
EGU2018-13148 | PICO | GD4.1 Velocity-Density Systematics of Fe-Si Alloys at Extreme Conditions: Constraints on Si content in the Earth’s Inner Core |
EGU2018-10972 | PICO | GD4.1 Combining experimental results and seismic observations to understand iron-alloys in Earth's core |
EGU2018-16853 | PICO | GD4.1 Face-Centred Cubic Iron: Ab Initio Calculations of Sound Velocities in the Lunar Core |
EGU2018-6903 | PICO | GD4.1 Topography of the inner core boundary: a stochastic approach |
EGU2018-3964 | PICO | GD4.1 Detection and estimation of the Shlichter mode based on the data of the Baksan long-base laser strainmeter (the Northern Caucasus, Russia) |
EGU2018-10357 | PICO | GD4.1 Seismological models of Earth’s Outer Core derived from normal mode data |
GD5.1 – Subduction dynamics from surface to deep mantle (co-organized)
EGU2018-478 | Posters | GD5.1 Preliminary numerical modelling results of induced subduction initiation: the slab vs. overriding plate thermal control on subduction polarity flip |
EGU2018-9290 | Orals | GD5.1 What controlled the style of subduction and evolution of Plate Tectonics on Earth since the mid-Mesoarchean? |
EGU2018-4835 | Posters | GD5.1 Spontaneous initiation of subduction in mantle convection: new insights from viscoelastic models with a free surface |
EGU2018-18241 | Orals | GD5.1 Evolution of the layout of tectonic plates through global reorganisation |
EGU2018-8418 | Posters | GD5.1 Rheology controlled mechanisms for subduction initiation at passive margin retrieved through analogue modelling. |
EGU2018-8540 | Posters | GD5.1 What does it change to hydrate the lithosphere? Implications for plate tectonics onset. |
EGU2018-15211 | Orals | GD5.1 The effect of sediment fluxes on the dynamics and style of convergent margins |
EGU2018-8499 | Posters | GD5.1 Water-mineral interactions, rock permeabilities and deformation in subduction zones. |
EGU2018-7932 | Orals | GD5.1 Boundary-element modeling of free subduction beneath an overriding plate: role of the subduction interface and partitioning of viscous dissipation |
EGU2018-6946 | Posters | GD5.1 Subduction Flux and Seafloor Production: Estimations and Implications |
EGU2018-7794 | Orals | GD5.1 Episodic Plate Motion and Thermal Structure in Subduction Zones Caused by Slab Folding in the Transition Zone |
EGU2018-7236 | Posters | GD5.1 Numerical modeling of volatiles in Earth's mantle |
EGU2018-8028 | Orals | GD5.1 Buoyancy, collision, and densification of the subducting Nazca slab inferred from focal mechanisms of small earthquakes |
EGU2018-9140 | Posters | GD5.1 Strong plates enhance mantle mixing in early Earth |
EGU2018-6515 | Orals | GD5.1 New look at classical Wilson Cycle concept |
EGU2018-8463 | Posters | GD5.1 Impact of 3D subduction geometry and crustal rheology on deformation at orogen syntaxes: Insights from thermo-mechanical modelling |
EGU2018-9433 | Orals | GD5.1 Are narrow retreating subduction zones oceans invaders? |
EGU2018-2654 | Posters | GD5.1 Formation of rifts in central Tibet: Insight from P-wave radial anisotropy |
EGU2018-10754 | Orals | GD5.1 Subduction initiation is accompanied by rapid fore-arc extension and detachment-mode spreading in the upper plate |
EGU2018-16379 | Posters | GD5.1 Continent obduction induced seamount subduction along Manila Trench : numerical modelling |
EGU2018-9810 | Posters | GD5.1 Modelling accretionary wedge formation interacting with backarc extension: a parametric study |
EGU2018-16182 | Orals | GD5.1 Subduction without initiation signatures: Is magmatism important ? |
EGU2018-1083 | Posters | GD5.1 Mid-mantle slab break-off as a mechanism for slab remnants in the lower mantle |
EGU2018-10723 | Orals | GD5.1 Forced subduction initiation in Oman revealed by ophiolite-sole couple geochronology |
EGU2018-2723 | Orals | GD5.1 Origin of basement of Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc - implications for subduction initiation - |
EGU2018-5107 | Posters | GD5.1 Dynamics of small scale subduction systems: a numerical and analogue approach |
EGU2018-8163 | Posters | GD5.1 Modelling trace element behaviour during slab dehydration |
EGU2018-9692 | Posters | GD5.1 Subducting slab damage at the outer rise explains the subduction dichotomy of strong plates and weak slabs |
EGU2018-9670 | Orals | GD5.1 Along arc variations in the magma source beneath the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt. |
EGU2018-14242 | Posters | GD5.1 Fluid-assisted remobilization of major and trace elements in rodingites from their formation on the seafloor to high-pressure dehydration of enclosing serpentinites (Cerro del Almirez, southern Spain). |
EGU2018-5816 | Orals | GD5.1 Metamorphic conditions of blueschist erupted from serpentinite mud volcanism in the Mariana forearc |
EGU2018-2855 | Posters | GD5.1 Petrological Investigation of Eğrikuyu Monogenetic Field (central Anatolia, Turkey) |
EGU2018-12958 | Orals | GD5.1 How subduction initiation proceeds: deformation and fluid migration across nascent, warm plate boundaries |
EGU2018-13209 | Posters | GD5.1 The influence of mantle flow on the interaction between arc and back-arc melts |
EGU2018-13981 | Orals | GD5.1 The Fate of Subducting Crust: Controlling Dynamics and the Emplacement of Magmatism |
EGU2018-13200 | Posters | GD5.1 Building new crust in a nascent arc setting: the example of the New Caledonia gabbronorites |
EGU2018-11333 | Posters | GD5.1 Adding time to the P–T history of deeply subducted intergranular coesite-bearing eclogite at Yangkou Bay, central Sulu Belt, China |
EGU2018-7585 | Orals | GD5.1 Towards an integrated vision of tectonic underplating and associated deformation in subduction zones, insights from high-resolution numerical modeling |
EGU2018-6169 | Posters | GD5.1 The metamorphic sole of the Andaman-Nicobar Islands: insights from petrology geochemistry and geochronology. |
EGU2018-4708 | Orals | GD5.1 A geodynamic model of flat slab subduction |
EGU2018-4927 | Posters | GD5.1 A possible new UHP unit on the Western Alps: new interpretations on the eclogitic meta-ophiolites of the mid-Susa Valley (Western Alps). |
EGU2018-666 | Orals | GD5.1 Evidence for slab detachment from the flexural backstripping of a foredeep: insight on the evolution of the Pescara basin (Italy) |
EGU2018-11047 | Posters | GD5.1 Analysis of EBSD mapping data of antigorite schist from the Sanbagawa belt, SW Japan and implication of a grain boundary sliding as an antigorite CPO formation mechanism |
EGU2018-6880 | Orals | GD5.1 Plate kinematic consequences of double in-line subduction in Anatolia |
EGU2018-12544 | Orals | GD5.1 Understanding the Effects of Slab Holes on Mantle Flow and Surface Dynamics |
EGU2018-17705 | Posters | GD5.1 Dynamics of Arc-Continent collision in Taiwan: insights from 3-D numerical modeling |
EGU2018-10289 | Posters | GD5.1 Modeling the Structural Evolution of Extensional Tectonics in the Aegean Region |
EGU2018-13489 | Orals | GD5.1 Kinematic reconstruction of the northwest Pacific region since the Late Cretaceous, and the fate of the Pacific-Izanagi ridge |
EGU2018-11174 | Posters | GD5.1 Contrasting styles of plate subduction: The role of continental mantle lithosphere rheology on the burial and exhumation of crustal rocks |
EGU2018-7704 | Orals | GD5.1 Abrupt and continental-wide upper-plate tilting induced by slab–transition-zone collision |
EGU2018-7103 | Orals | GD5.1 Dragging and segmentation of the Burma and Sunda slabs caused by increasing curvature of the Sunda Trench |
EGU2018-13052 | Posters | GD5.1 How does overriding plate crust impact convergence zone dynamics? |
EGU2018-11259 | Posters | GD5.1 3D numerical simulations of subduction and mantle flow beneath SE-Carpathians |
EGU2018-12786 | Posters | GD5.1 Factors controlling back-arc extension or overriding plate shortening – a numerical modeling study of ocean-continent subduction systems |
EGU2018-15403 | Posters | GD5.1 Coupling lithosphere-mantle dynamics to the Cenozoic tectonic evolution in the Caribbean region |
EGU2018-7322 | Posters | GD5.1 Closing to open – Small, subducting oceanic basins and their effects on the deformation of the overriding plate |
EGU2018-13802 | Posters | GD5.1 Mechanical separation of crust from slabs subducted below the transition zone |
EGU2018-16202 | Posters | GD5.1 Formation and stability of a double subduction system: a numerical study |
EGU2018-2237 | Posters | GD5.1 Evolution of the Bolivian Megakink in the Nazca Slab beneath South America |
EGU2018-17303 | Posters | GD5.1 More than one way to skin a continent? Modern natural analogues, findings, and future directions in delamination modelling |
EGU2018-11556 | Posters | GD5.1 Time-space variation of gravity anomaly associated with slab breakoff processes |
EGU2018-11967 | Posters | GD5.1 A New Crustal Structure of the southernmost Mariana Trench |
EGU2018-1194 | Posters | GD5.1 Crustal Structure and Composition of the Rio Grande Rise, South Atlantic, from Potential Field Analyses |
EGU2018-1541 | Posters | GD5.1 Impact of Cocos Ridge (Central America) subduction on the forearc drainage system |
EGU2018-9897 | Posters | GD5.1 Colville Ridge: new clues about the history of northern Zealandia and petrogenesis in the Kermadec arc system |
EGU2018-11171 | Posters | GD5.1 Numerical simulation of faulting in Mentawai of the Sunda Trench shows that seamounts may generate megathrust earthquakes |
EGU2018-11312 | Posters | GD5.1 slow slip event preceding the Valparaíso Mw6.9 2017 earthquake in Central Chile, captured by GPS observations |
GD5.2 – From Oceanic to Continental Subductions (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2018-11916 | PICO | GD5.2 | Highlight Subducting of continental rise, slope and shelf basins in Taiwan oblique arc-continent collision |
EGU2018-4095 | PICO | GD5.2 The transform faults connecting subduction and collision of the northwestern corner of the Philippine Sea Plate |
EGU2018-4219 | PICO | GD5.2 Reconstruction of northeast Asian deformation integrated with western Pacific plate subduction since 200 Ma |
EGU2018-6710 | PICO | GD5.2 Modelling the Wilson Cycle: how structural inheritance affects geodynamics processes. |
EGU2018-7154 | PICO | GD5.2 Tectonic reconstruction of Cyprus reveals Late Miocene continental collision between Africa and Anatolia |
EGU2018-8607 | PICO | GD5.2 Stratigraphic Framework and Sediment Wave Fields in the Huatung Basin Offshore of Taiwan Mountain Belt |
EGU2018-9094 | PICO | GD5.2 Velocities of seismogenic structures in the outer wedge, northern Manila trench area |
EGU2018-10878 | PICO | GD5.2 Fluid-mediated, metamorphic densification of subducted felsic continental crust from the Norwegian Caledonides: implications for buoyancy and rheology |
EGU2018-11718 | PICO | GD5.2 | Highlight The transition from oceanic to continental subduction, illuminated by multi-scale deep transects of the oblique Taiwan arc-continent collision |
EGU2018-16052 | PICO | GD5.2 Can the Northern Borneo Mélange Help Us Understand the End of the Subduction? |
EGU2018-13285 | PICO | GD5.2 Magmatism events of the Panay Island, Center Philippine and its tectonic implications |
EGU2018-19542 | PICO | GD5.2 Influence of the lithospheric structure beneath the Philippine Sea Plate to the surrounding subductions from Anisotropic Rayleigh-wave phase velocity |
EGU2018-3518 | PICO | GD5.2 From Oceanic to Continental Subduction: Inputs of seismic reflexion profiles transverse to the Luzon - Southern Taiwan |
GD6.1 – Models and Observations of Vertical Motion (Move-On) related to rifting, and post-breakup evolution of passive margins: Linking observations to theoretical predictions in geodynamics (co-organized)
EGU2018-633 | Posters | GD6.1 Do thermochronological data store the Parana-Etendeka plume movement? |
EGU2018-9282 | Orals | GD6.1 | Highlight Of mantle plumes and secondary scale convection from global seismic imaging |
EGU2018-250 | Posters | GD6.1 The alkaline complex of Jacupiranga, Brazil: A key location for the South Atlantic “Passive” Continental Margin |
EGU2018-8905 | Orals | GD6.1 On the observability of epeirogenic movement in current and future gravity missions |
EGU2018-605 | Posters | GD6.1 Post-breakup evolution of the Angolan margin in southwestern Africa: Long-term erosion or alternating burial and exhumation episodes? |
EGU2018-13080 | Orals | GD6.1 Testing mantle flow models against seismic observations: Influence of 3-D crustal structure on differential-frequency traveltime residuals |
EGU2018-15380 | Orals | GD6.1 3-D spherical high-resolution modelling of the influence of rifting on South Atlantic plume and mantle flow using a new embedded global modelling approach |
EGU2018-19371 | Posters | GD6.1 Thermochronological constraints on geological evolution of the Argentine and Uruguayan Passive Continental Margin |
EGU2018-4106 | Orals | GD6.1 Modelling Afar plume dynamics and the southward migration of the Afar hotspot over the last 45 million years |
EGU2018-8088 | Posters | GD6.1 Burial and exhumation history of Jurassic sediments on Andøya, northern Norway, based on AFTA and VR data |
EGU2018-13360 | Posters | GD6.1 Sri Lanka: the inverted hinge of Gondwana |
EGU2018-10999 | Orals | GD6.1 Eurasia-North America plate motion and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment |
EGU2018-8496 | Posters | GD6.1 | Highlight Models and observations of vertical motion (MoveOn) associated with rifting to passive margins |
EGU2018-10318 | Posters | GD6.1 New constraints on the morphological evolution of the Namibian passive margin |
EGU2018-513 | Orals | GD6.1 | Highlight Reconciling Geochemical and Geophysical Evidence for Supercontinent Insulation |
EGU2018-14976 | Posters | GD6.1 Analysis of hiatal surfaces and the stratigraphic framework for the plume mode in the East African Rift System (EARS): progress and limitations |
EGU2018-7781 | Posters | GD6.1 Sediment routing systems of cratonic domains to their margins from accumulation histories and continental paleogeography at geological time-scales: the Equatorial Atlantic margins of the West African and Guyana Shields. |
EGU2018-19648 | Orals | GD6.1 Imaging passive margins: a petrological perspective |
EGU2018-8982 | Orals | GD6.1 Tectonic control of the early Cretaceous South Atlantic magmatic province (SAMP) and its relationship to the endorheic rift and salt basin |
EGU2018-6445 | Posters | GD6.1 Asymmetric continental deformation along the South Atlantic and its influence on Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province emplacement |
EGU2018-13382 | Orals | GD6.1 | Highlight Stratigraphic framework for the plume mode of mantle convection |
EGU2018-7830 | Posters | GD6.1 The Wilson cycle and effects of tectonic structural inheritance on rifted passive margin formation |
EGU2018-11309 | Orals | GD6.1 Flexure in response to sedimentation and erosion along the US Atlantic passive margin; reconciling dynamic topography, sea level change and paleoshorelines |
EGU2018-8898 | Posters | GD6.1 Oceanic isostasy and the transition from continental rifting to seafloor spreading |
EGU2018-2816 | Orals | GD6.1 The thermal evolution of marginal basins: Results of thermo-mechanical numerical modelling |
EGU2018-4261 | Posters | GD6.1 | Highlight Plume-lithosphere interactions in rifted margin tectonic settings: Inferences from thermo-mechanical modelling |
EGU2018-1985 | Posters | GD6.1 Retrodictions of Mid Paleogene mantle flow and dynamic topography in the Atlantic region from compressible high resolution adjoint mantle convection models: Sensitivity to deep mantle viscosity and tomographic input model |
EGU2018-5700 | Posters | GD6.1 Numerical modeling for the geodynamic formation of the Tamu Massif, the largest single volcano on Earth |
EGU2018-19287 | Posters | GD6.1 Thickness of Asthenosphere Channel at extreme spatial resolutions and its implications on dynamic topography |
EGU2018-9058 | Posters | GD6.1 The compressible adjoint equations in geodynamics: derivation and numerical assessment |