GM – Geomorphology
GM1.2 – Beyond the case study: The essential role of concepts and history in Earth Sciences (co-organized)
EGU2018-10469 | Orals | GM1.2 From induction to deduction: Using the Earth as a natural laboratory |
EGU2018-2995 | Posters | GM1.2 The history of research in the Breuil Valley (Valaisan and Subbrianconnais Units) and its bearing on the comprehension of the Western Alps |
EGU2018-6657 | Orals | GM1.2 Metamorphic core complexes and the legacy of fixism vs. mobilism debate |
EGU2018-14793 | Posters | GM1.2 The early history of global earthquake maps |
EGU2018-4935 | Orals | GM1.2 Orographic precipitation and landscape evolution in Basse Terre Island, Guadeloupe archipelago (Lesser Antilles Arc) |
EGU2018-18751 | Posters | GM1.2 The first African diamonds discovered by the ancient Arab-Berbers in Algeria |
EGU2018-15799 | Orals | GM1.2 | Highlight A glacial or fluvial origin for Alpine valleys: How personality, politics, and war killed one of the great debates in geomorphology |
EGU2018-2536 | Posters | GM1.2 Bromine stable isotope fractionation in evaporites |
EGU2018-16018 | Orals | GM1.2 Comparing Landscape Evolution Simulations Using Taylor Diagrams |
EGU2018-2863 | Posters | GM1.2 Geothermometry of graphitic material in metasedimentary rocks of the Sierra Madre Oriental, NE, Mexico: revealing the last stages of Pangea. |
EGU2018-7751 | Posters | GM1.2 TThe thought of Roberto Mantovani: a link between mobilistic theories and a reflection about “Realism” |
EGU2018-1440 | Orals | GM1.2 To interpret individualistic river behavior in the past.- Limitations and challenges |
EGU2018-6689 | Posters | GM1.2 Scale invariant feature identification and quantification, without any a priori assumptions about shape |
EGU2018-11607 | Posters | GM1.2 Shape-based models of landscape evolution |
EGU2018-12922 | Posters | GM1.2 Fractality of drainage networks in a tectonically active region of North-West Himalaya |
EGU2018-17479 | Posters | GM1.2 Optimal stress levels for geomorphologists |
EGU2018-6304 | Posters | GM1.2 Revealing causal dependencies between land-surface fluxes and meteorological variables |
EGU2018-7951 | Posters | GM1.2 News from the sandbox – from virtual sediment sections to full measurement models |
EGU2018-9467 | Posters | GM1.2 On the controlling factors of inter-annual variability of ecosystem photosynthetic capacity in forest ecosystems at global scale |
EGU2018-14471 | Posters | GM1.2 Stone pavements and vesicular soil structure: System-wide order from local interactions |
GM1.4 – Planetary Geomorphology (co-organized)
EGU2018-808 | Posters | GM1.4 Characterization and interpretation of the fan-shaped and terrace-like features identified in Nepenthes Mensae, Mars |
EGU2018-3127 | Orals | GM1.4 | Highlight Constraints on the geologic history and transport of materials at five Mars landing sites based on clast morphology |
EGU2018-1087 | Orals | GM1.4 Polyphase mid-latitude glaciation on Mars evidenced by dating of superimposed lobate debris aprons |
EGU2018-6049 | Posters | GM1.4 Fluvial regime, age and duration of the Jezero crater paleolake, Mars |
EGU2018-16047 | Posters | GM1.4 Field study of exhumed channels in Green River and Hanksville areas, Utah, and a comparison with inverted channel features on Mars. |
EGU2018-9664 | Orals | GM1.4 Ancient dune morphologies preserved by partial burial |
EGU2018-17958 | Orals | GM1.4 Longitudinal striations on Martian long run-out landslides and ejecta blankets: a common formation mechanism? |
EGU2018-7365 | Posters | GM1.4 Geomorphological characteristics of Mariner Valley on Mars. In the search for evidences of its origin |
EGU2018-14286 | Orals | GM1.4 Are Knickpoints in Martian Valley Network Recorders of Past Ocean Levels? |
EGU2018-7983 | Posters | GM1.4 Recent rockfalls on Mars |
EGU2018-8376 | Orals | GM1.4 Models and Morphology: Achieving Planetary Geomorphological Uberty |
EGU2018-8070 | Posters | GM1.4 High resolution topographic analysis and numerical simulations of landslides on Mars |
EGU2018-10420 | Posters | GM1.4 Distribution of landforms at the Lunar North Pole |
EGU2018-15502 | Posters | GM1.4 Slow periglacial mass wasting (solifluction) on Mars |
EGU2018-16686 | Posters | GM1.4 Estimating the volume of mid-latitude glacier-like forms on Mars |
EGU2018-7916 | Posters | GM1.4 Highly erosive glaciers on Mars – the role of water |
EGU2018-7802 | Posters | GM1.4 Jumping grains on Mars, or sediment transport by boiling: experiments and models |
EGU2018-16487 | Posters | GM1.4 | Highlight Boiling Water could Levitate Sediment on Mars – An Experimental Study |
EGU2018-1838 | Posters | GM1.4 Triggering and flow conditions in Martian gullies – numerical simulation using RAMMS |
EGU2018-16524 | Posters | GM1.4 The Formation of Martian Dune Gullies by Dry Ice: Field Experiments |
EGU2018-14259 | Posters | GM1.4 Icelandic analogues for faulting in the volcanic regions of Mars: the impact of data resolution and magmatic resurfacing events on understanding fault growth behaviour |
EGU2018-1587 | Posters | GM1.4 Karst landforms as possible lithological marker within a crater in northern Sinus Meridiani,Mars |
EGU2018-5385 | Posters | GM1.4 Possible Subsurface Sediment Mobilization and Release of Volatiles in Southern Chryse Planitia, Mars |
EGU2018-18210 | Posters | GM1.4 Seasonal Microscale Modelling of Namib Dune, Mars |
EGU2018-15847 | Posters | GM1.4 Surface-based 3D measurements of small aeolian bedforms on Mars |
GM1.5 – The importance of granular processes and segregation in geophysical flows: implications for landscape evolution and hazard analysis (co-organized)
EGU2018-6060 | Posters | GM1.5 A 1DH mathematical and numerical scheme for dry granular flows |
EGU2018-11644 | Orals | GM1.5 Segregation, grain size distributions, and debris flow erosion dynamics |
EGU2018-12869 | Posters | GM1.5 Modelling of Collisional Bed Load at High Bed Shear |
EGU2018-3006 | Orals | GM1.5 Bulbous head formation in bidispersed shallow granular flows over inclined planes |
EGU2018-12027 | Orals | GM1.5 Granular segregation in dense, layered, inclined flows of spheres |
EGU2018-14310 | Posters | GM1.5 Triggering mechanism of the wet granular avalanches |
EGU2018-5458 | Orals | GM1.5 Creation and destruction of grain clusters in an experimental channel subject to episodic sediment supply: implications for particle mobility and channel adjustment |
EGU2018-14982 | Posters | GM1.5 High speed confined granular flows down inclines: numerical simulations |
EGU2018-7258 | Orals | GM1.5 Aeolian sand sorting and megaripple formation |
EGU2018-14294 | Posters | GM1.5 Intruders size-segregating under oscillating shear flows |
EGU2018-10495 | Orals | GM1.5 Upscaling of granular processes in sediment transport : from discrete to continuous modeling. |
EGU2018-182 | Posters | GM1.5 Fluidisation pipe dynamics and associated extrudites: An experimental and numerical approach |
EGU2018-7955 | Posters | GM1.5 Image processing for studying size segregation in bedload transport: detection and tracking |
EGU2018-9612 | Posters | GM1.5 Revisiting slope influence in idealized turbulent bedload transport: consequences for transport rate scaling |
EGU2018-7991 | Posters | GM1.5 Vertical size-segregation in bedload sediment transport : from grain scale to continuum models |
EGU2018-15798 | Posters | GM1.5 Kinetic sieving sorting experiments at the grain scale in bedload transport on steep slopes |
EGU2018-12476 | Posters | GM1.5 Vertical size sorting in bedload transport on steep slopes : Investigation at the grain scale |
EGU2018-13938 | Posters | GM1.5 Experimental study of particle saltation motion in high Stokes number regimes for different basal roughness |
EGU2018-7380 | Posters | GM1.5 Grain-scale modeling and splash parametrization for aeolian sand transport |
GM1.6 – Geodiversity and geoheritage: pending and emerging issues and challenges (co-sponsored by JpGU) (co-organized)
EGU2018-2944 | Posters | GM1.6 The basis for a global thematic framework for geodiversity and geoheritage |
EGU2018-8919 | Orals | GM1.6 Issues and challenges for integrating geodiversity and geoheritage in nature conservation and sustainable development agendas |
EGU2018-3005 | Orals | GM1.6 Qualitative assessment of landforms and landforming processes for geoheritage evaluation – how to define ‘significance’ |
EGU2018-3924 | Posters | GM1.6 Addressing pending and emerging issues related to geodiversity and geoheritage through the concept of “Hyper Geosite”: example of the Mont Granier (Chartreuse Massif, French Alps). |
EGU2018-3424 | Orals | GM1.6 Essential Geodiversity Variables - the missing link between science and policy |
EGU2018-6940 | Posters | GM1.6 Recognition and classification of geomorphosites from different geomorphological landscapes in South of Spain. |
EGU2018-8430 | Posters | GM1.6 The National Geoheritage Inventory in France, from knowledge to outreach |
EGU2018-9674 | Posters | GM1.6 The GeoDIVE project for enhancing geodiversity of the Piemonte Region (Italy): “From rocks to stones, from landforms to landscapes” |
EGU2018-88 | Orals | GM1.6 | Highlight Social volcanology meets geoheritage |
EGU2018-10575 | Posters | GM1.6 Application of the geodiversity map in the evaluation of the geotouristic potential of mountain areas. Case study: Podtatrze region, South Poland, Northern Slovakia. |
EGU2018-18923 | Orals | GM1.6 Applied geological and cultural aspects of Leitha Limestone in Roman times (Middle Miocene, Eastern Austria) |
EGU2018-19832 | Orals | GM1.6 Efficacy of geoheritage promotion by analysis of the socio-geosystem interaction at World Heritage Site Messel Pit, Germany |
EGU2018-10731 | Posters | GM1.6 Geodiversity assessment in the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Geopark: the case study of the Pogallo Valley (NW Italy) |
EGU2018-10778 | Posters | GM1.6 Spatial scales of geodiversity and taxonomic hierarchy levels of landforms |
EGU2018-11254 | Posters | GM1.6 Geological heritage and geodiversity: the case of the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil |
EGU2018-1689 | Orals | GM1.6 Genetic and process geomorphology – apples and oranges or two sides of the same coin? (From natural heritage to future). In honour of Frank Ahnert |
EGU2018-16264 | Orals | GM1.6 Rescue Geology – taking advantage of temporary exposures |
EGU2018-16437 | Posters | GM1.6 Cities in the Anthropocene: humans as eco-geomorphological agents |
EGU2018-18652 | Posters | GM1.6 Application of advanced data mining tools for better defining the geoheritage values of volcanic fields |
EGU2018-1166 | Orals | GM1.6 Geoconservation Monitoring Networks: Protecting the World’s Oldest Complex Macrofossils in the Ediacaran of Newfoundland |
EGU2018-18897 | Posters | GM1.6 Integrating geodiversity in teaching, research and management: examples from coastal marine environments in Denmark |
EGU2018-2877 | Orals | GM1.6 Key Geoheritage Sites: A new program proposal in IUCN for Geoheritage Conservation |
EGU2018-5622 | Orals | GM1.6 A strategic plan for managing geopark—an experience of Taiwan |
EGU2018-2407 | Orals | GM1.6 | Highlight With education 2.0. Apps in National Geoparks, visitors see geodiversity sites and have fun in the process! |
EGU2018-3863 | Posters | GM1.6 Exceptional preservation of Jurassic coleoid fossils in Southern England: taphonomy, movable geoheritage, collection and loss |
EGU2018-9041 | Posters | GM1.6 Can geosites be restored? The example of the Alto Vez geosite (Peneda Mountain, Portugal) |
EGU2018-18891 | Posters | GM1.6 Geoheritage Assessment in Northern Malta (Mediterranean Sea) as a Tool for Geoconservation and Tourism Promotion. |
EGU2018-18939 | Posters | GM1.6 The use of limestone in the medieval masonries of Assisi region, Italy |
EGU2018-923 | Posters | GM1.6 Towards The Valorisation Of The Cultural And Natural Heritage Of The Draa Tafilalet Region Of Morocco |
EGU2018-2367 | Posters | GM1.6 Geology interpretation at a spot: knowledge transfer, geoheritage and geoconservation problems in the protected areas of Lithuania |
EGU2018-2436 | Posters | GM1.6 Geoheritage and the ICG: Developing IUGS policy and practice |
EGU2018-2951 | Posters | GM1.6 | Highlight Geomojis – a symbolic alphabet to communicate Earth Sciences |
EGU2018-3333 | Posters | GM1.6 The importance and potential of local geoheritage (case study: Lomnicko and Deblínsko, South Moravian Region, Czech Republic) |
EGU2018-3561 | Posters | GM1.6 The geological landscape and related geosites overview map of Liguria (Italy) |
EGU2018-3659 | Posters | GM1.6 Geomorphology and archaeology of the Moldavian Plateau - Geoheritage site Bahluieț Valley at Costești village |
EGU2018-9099 | Posters | GM1.6 A propose of geoturist itinerary along the coastal area of Caldera (Atacama, Northern Chile) |
EGU2018-11647 | Posters | GM1.6 Geoheritage is coming to town: preservation of geological features in an urban environment with the example of geomorphological mapping on Clermont-Ferrand |
EGU2018-11979 | Posters | GM1.6 Dinosaurian geosites: successful geotouristic destinations ? |
EGU2018-15572 | Posters | GM1.6 Geodiversity, geoheritage and volcano tourism in natural protected areas of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) |
EGU2018-19438 | Posters | GM1.6 | Highlight Virtual Reality displaying and communicating Geoheritage and Georisk: the 3DTeLC ERASMUS+ project |
EGU2018-109 | Posters | GM1.6 Managing Geoparks as complex systems |
EGU2018-685 | Posters | GM1.6 Geotourism assessment in the Csopak area of the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary |
EGU2018-2564 | Posters | GM1.6 Nominating a tectonic landscape on the World Heritage List, a case-study |
EGU2018-2875 | Posters | GM1.6 Outstanding Universal Values of the Korean Archipelago Getbol: Its potential for World Heritage Nomination |
EGU2018-2935 | Posters | GM1.6 The aspiring Hantangang Global Geopark in Korea: Justification to be endorsed by UNESCO Global Geopark |
EGU2018-7176 | Posters | GM1.6 UNESCO Global Geoparks and the Transmission of the Earth Science Knowledge: A Case Study |
GM2.1 – Frontiers in Geomorphometry and Earth Surface Dynamics: Possibilities, Limitations and Perspectives (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2018-3093 | PICO | GM2.1 Landform evolution at small scales – modified Flint’s law vs. hillslope diffusion |
EGU2018-19089 | PICO | GM2.1 Understanding the relationship between colluvial hollow morphology and hillslope processes |
EGU2018-13949 | PICO | GM2.1 Coupling gravimetry and morphometry to quantify and localize mass transfers across scales in geomorphology |
EGU2018-6385 | PICO | GM2.1 Linking vegetation and morphology in a disturbed desert dune system via high resolution modelling of drone data |
EGU2018-3086 | PICO | GM2.1 MMASTER: Improved ASTER DEMs for Elevation Change Monitoring |
EGU2018-7014 | PICO | GM2.1 Suitability of geomorphological indices for the automatic identification of landslides affecting the drainage network: Examples from the Pyrenees |
EGU2018-1043 | PICO | GM2.1 Geomorphometric characterization of natural and anthropogenic land cover in different landscapes context |
EGU2018-14862 | PICO | GM2.1 A global assessment of supraglacial debris cover extents |
EGU2018-8037 | PICO | GM2.1 R’s role in geomorphometry and high resolution data handling |
EGU2018-10337 | PICO | GM2.1 Hydrologic Terrain Analysis Using Web Based Tools |
EGU2018-13326 | PICO | GM2.1 Suitability of different digital elevation models for landform classification methods and further geomorphometric analysis in the Atacama desert |
EGU2018-8155 | PICO | GM2.1 Holocene palaeoDEMs for the Rhine valley and delta plain, the Netherlands and Germany |
EGU2018-9887 | PICO | GM2.1 Controls on rapid post eruption fluvial system response, Calbuco, Chile |
GM2.3 – Environmental Seismology: Deciphering Earth’s surface processes with seismic methods (co-organized)
EGU2018-17732 | Posters | GM2.3 Identification of seismic records left by different landslide types in Norway |
EGU2018-2815 | Orals | GM2.3 Seismic signals preceding the the Nuugaatsiaq landslide (Greenland): Insights into the nucleation processes |
EGU2018-8023 | Orals | GM2.3 Collapsing cliff coasts – near real time seismic warning and trigger-screening on Germany’s largest island |
EGU2018-16346 | Posters | GM2.3 Landslide micro-seismicity: description and classification of endogenous seismic sources |
EGU2018-8595 | Orals | GM2.3 20 years of landslide activity in Alaska from automated machine-learning based seismic detection |
EGU2018-16183 | Posters | GM2.3 Evaluation of the Raspberry Shakes seismometers to monitor rock fall activity in alpine environments |
EGU2018-13461 | Posters | GM2.3 Rock impact location using Matched Field Processing |
EGU2018-9417 | Orals | GM2.3 Monitoring and quantification of frontal ablation at Kronebreen, Svalbard, using records of seismic calving signals |
EGU2018-10275 | Posters | GM2.3 Seismic monitoring at the Hollin Hill Landslide Observatory |
EGU2018-14375 | Orals | GM2.3 Seismic characterization of rock falls from detachment to propagation |
EGU2018-3163 | Orals | GM2.3 Seismic Analysis of the August 2017 Landslide on Piz Cengalo (Switzerland) |
EGU2018-9911 | Posters | GM2.3 Seismic full moment tensors with uncertainties for mass movements in Switzerland |
EGU2018-8479 | Posters | GM2.3 On the effect of the ground seismic characteristics in the estimation of mass movements based on seismic observation. |
EGU2018-7331 | Posters | GM2.3 Seismic data for the characterization of a rockslide and an artificially triggered rockfall |
EGU2018-5469 | Posters | GM2.3 Monitoring surface process with ambient seismic noise: insights from Coda Wave Decorrelation and Locadiff methods |
EGU2018-3052 | Posters | GM2.3 Searching fore- and afterslides of gravitational mass movements |
EGU2018-8620 | Posters | GM2.3 Which dynamic properties can be recovered from the seismic signal of steady and uniform granular flows ? |
EGU2018-9288 | Posters | GM2.3 Seismic signals of torrent related processes at Illgraben, Switzerland |
EGU2018-19497 | Posters | GM2.3 A laboratory experiment to explore ice brittle deformation |
EGU2018-6059 | Posters | GM2.3 Icequakes and microseism in Victoria Land (Antarctica) |
EGU2018-9319 | Posters | GM2.3 Passive seismic monitoring of the subglacial drainage system of Glacier de la Plaine Morte, Switzerland |
Temporal–spatial variations in infrasound sources related to cryosphere dynamics in Lützow–Holm Bay Region, Antarctica |
EGU2018-3550 | Posters | GM2.3 Seismic Monitoring of Hurricane Patricia |
EGU2018-19025 | Posters | GM2.3 Estimating current velocities from strumming noise on OBS data |
GM2.5 – Modelling erosion and sediment production, transport and deposition across landscapes (co-organized)
EGU2018-17655 | Posters | GM2.5 Inspecting the effect of climate and land use changes on a Mediterranean vineyard landscape |
EGU2018-11760 | Orals | GM2.5 Use of discrete element modeling for a physics-based link between bed surface variability and particle entrainment statistics |
EGU2018-19600 | Posters | GM2.5 Modelling climate induced geomorphic changes in two small Austrian alpine catchments using CAESAR-Lisflood |
EGU2018-4715 | Orals | GM2.5 Stochastic transport of pebbles in a Chilean canyon over millennia revealed by 10Be and a simple transport model |
EGU2018-11679 | Orals | GM2.5 A Quantitative framework for understanding past environmental change using meteoric 10Be in lake sediments |
EGU2018-9961 | Posters | GM2.5 Can we model point scale erosion and deposition? – a test of a soil erosion and Landscape Evolution Model |
EGU2018-16446 | Orals | GM2.5 Simulating landslides using a long-term landscape evolution model in the Southern Alps of New Zealand |
EGU2018-14920 | Posters | GM2.5 Cohesive sediment distribution on floodplains driven by crevasse-splay hydrograph characteristics |
EGU2018-16381 | Posters | GM2.5 Assessment of Sediment Concentrations Accounting for Turbulence and Random Particle Alignment |
EGU2018-5025 | Orals | GM2.5 Dynamics of continental sedimentary systems : the role of coupling erosion and sedimentation in a numerical landscape evolution model |
EGU2018-12006 | Orals | GM2.5 Development and validation of a global sediment dynamics model |
EGU2018-9123 | Posters | GM2.5 Sediment recycling buffers the sensitivity of Andean alluvial fans to external forcing |
EGU2018-1135 | Posters | GM2.5 Modelling stratigraphic grain size response to changing rainfall frequency and magnitude in threshold landscapes |
EGU2018-4243 | Posters | GM2.5 Automated mineralogy as efficient tool for provenance analysis of stream sediments and mineral exploration |
EGU2018-11538 | Posters | GM2.5 Modeling the timescale of landscape response to the instantaneous excavation of a large meteorite impact crater in wet tropical mountains |
EGU2018-3311 | Posters | GM2.5 Pyroclastic cover deposit thickness spatial modelling in peri-volcanic areas |
EGU2018-4460 | Posters | GM2.5 Collapse dominated landscape evolution of the Loess Plateau: Implications from a DAC-model based simulation |
EGU2018-7904 | Posters | GM2.5 Forward sedimentary modelling of the Lower-Middle Ordovician carbonate platform in north Tarim Basin, China |
EGU2018-11173 | Posters | GM2.5 The role of tectonics, geodynamics and surface processes in shaping Australian topography since the Pangea supercontinent |
EGU2018-11255 | Posters | GM2.5 Drainage evolution of the transcontinental Cenozoic paleovalleys of Western Australia |
EGU2018-5406 | Posters | GM2.5 Topological classification of drainage networks in the South Island of New Zealand |
EGU2018-15621 | Posters | GM2.5 How does vegetation impact the erosion by modelling landscape evolution of marly catchments in the Southern Alps of France? |
EGU2018-17697 | Posters | GM2.5 Modeling the cross-sectional shape of bedrock channels at steady state: the role of the dominant erosion process (plucking vs attrition) on channel concavity |
EGU2018-10839 | Posters | GM2.5 A new efficient, O(n) and implicit method to solve the Stream Power Law taking into account sediment transport and deposition |
EGU2018-17723 | Posters | GM2.5 Highly efficient methods to solve the Stream Power Law including sediment transport, local minima resolution and multi-direction flow |
EGU2018-15825 | Posters | GM2.5 The impact of DEM resolution on Landscape Evolution Model performance and parameter sensitivity |
GM2.7 – Dates & Rates: Deciphering and Quantifying Geomorphological Processes and Landscape Dynamics (co-organized)
EGU2018-1212 | Orals | GM2.7 Insights in thermal field evolution of the Mont Blanc massif during Late Quaternary using luminescence thermochronometry |
EGU2018-14301 | Posters | GM2.7 Control of erosion and incision dynamics on the luminescence (IRSL) apparent ages of fluvial terraces (Rangitikei River, New Zealand) |
EGU2018-1851 | Orals | GM2.7 Constraining past ice-extent and post-glacial erosion by combining OSL and 10Be surface exposure dating |
EGU2018-6256 | Posters | GM2.7 Age-Depth Models in Integrated Stratigraphy - Value and Discussion Points |
EGU2018-15680 | Orals | GM2.7 Plio-Quaternary incision rates in the Meuse catchment vs long-term uplift rates of the Ardennes (E Belgium): new insights from 26Al/10Be burial dating of in cave-deposited alluvium |
EGU2018-18445 | Posters | GM2.7 Towards quantifying accumulation and reworking rates of plaggic anthrosols – new insights from single-grain feldspar luminescence |
EGU2018-16071 | Posters | GM2.7 The new Open Cosmogenic Isotope and Luminescence Database (OCTOPUS) |
EGU2018-14977 | Orals | GM2.7 Toward the feldspar alternative for cosmogenic 10Be applications |
EGU2018-18256 | Posters | GM2.7 Measuring phases and rates of soil redistribution in an agrarian kettle hole by using OSL and Bayesian age modelling |
EGU2018-15535 | Orals | GM2.7 Exploring sediment dynamics from source to sink in Australia’s large river basins using cosmogenic 14C, 10Be, and 26Al |
EGU2018-8412 | Posters | GM2.7 Bridging erosion rate measurements across timescales |
EGU2018-12260 | Orals | GM2.7 Landscape evolution of Northern Uummannaq, central West Greenland: differential erosion of a Mesozoic rift flank |
EGU2018-16978 | Posters | GM2.7 First optically-stimulated luminescence ages of the Early Khvalynian Caspian Sea transgression |
EGU2018-4654 | Posters | GM2.7 From source (Alps) to sink (Mediterranean): An estimate of late Quaternary denudation rates from cosmogenic nuclide dating and surface process models. |
EGU2018-3911 | Posters | GM2.7 Locating and Dating the Ping River’s Journey Across the Chiang Mai Basin, Thailand |
EGU2018-12699 | Posters | GM2.7 Exposure age patterns of the Eiger north and south faces (Central Swiss Alps) |
EGU2018-17295 | Posters | GM2.7 New OSL-dating results for MIS-5 trasgression of the Black Sea |
EGU2018-1579 | Posters | GM2.7 Pliocene to Quaternary uplift rates quantified by the integration of multiple new and revised terrace age data, Danube River, Hungary, Central Europe |
EGU2018-14381 | Posters | GM2.7 Constraining the Quaternary evolution of the Hida range of the Japanese Alps |
EGU2018-3452 | Posters | GM2.7 Constraining complex post-depositional history of fluvial deposits using 10Be depth profile and forward modelling |
EGU2018-16408 | Posters | GM2.7 Fluvial adjustments to Late Quaternary tectonic activity in the NE extreme of Pannonian Basin |
EGU2018-1894 | Posters | GM2.7 Use of Cosmogenic Nuclide 10Be Concentrations for Estimating Rates of Escarpment Retreat |
EGU2018-17647 | Posters | GM2.7 Phanerozoic uplift and subsidence history of the Canadian Shield and Hudson Bay intracratonic basin |
EGU2018-16124 | Posters | GM2.7 Quantifying basin-average denudation rates over the past 20 ka from landslide-damned lake sediments in the South Western Peruvian Andes |
EGU2018-3353 | Posters | GM2.7 Tectonothermal Evolution of the Fangshan pluton: Constraints from the (U-Th)/He Ages |
EGU2018-12262 | Posters | GM2.7 Quantifying chemical dissolution and mechanical weathering in carbonates and clastic rocks using multiple cosmogenic nuclides and water chemistry Crete, Greece |
GM3.1 – Eroding mountains and filling basins: Detrital records of erosion and sedimentation from source to sink (co-organized)
EGU2018-3242 | Posters | GM3.1 Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of late Miocene-Pleistocene formations: implications for exhumation history of Taiwan orogenic belt |
EGU2018-1008 | Orals | GM3.1 | Highlight 10Be-inferred paleo-denudation rates imply that the mid-Miocene western central Andes eroded as slowly as today |
EGU2018-10895 | Posters | GM3.1 Exhumation history of the New Zealand Southern Alps from detrital thermochronology of the Waiho-1 borehole |
EGU2018-12115 | Orals | GM3.1 Do changes in denudation rates correlate with a shift in hillslope processes? – A case study from the Quebrada del Toro, NW Argentina |
EGU2018-698 | Posters | GM3.1 Late Cenozoic Evolution of Pamir-South Tian Shan Convergence Zone: in Sight from Detrital Zircon and Sedimentary Analysis in the Wuheshalu Section |
EGU2018-11402 | Orals | GM3.1 A binge-purge landscape response to major latitudinal temperature gradient transitions |
EGU2018-8812 | Posters | GM3.1 New constraints from detrital zircon geochronology along the southwestern Siberian margin (Eastern Sayan): Implications to the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic belt |
EGU2018-10364 | Orals | GM3.1 Sedimentological evidence for large, low-sloping Precambrian rivers and implications for continental-scale drainage of Rodinia |
EGU2018-11524 | Posters | GM3.1 Source contributions from quantitative mixture modeling of detrital geochronology age spectra |
EGU2018-15846 | Orals | GM3.1 Sedimentary trends, shifts and breaks across the South-Pyrenean Foreland System |
EGU2018-4827 | Orals | GM3.1 Dispersal pathways in the early Messinian Adriatic foreland and provenance of the Laga Formation (Central Apennines, Italy) |
EGU2018-12003 | Posters | GM3.1 The Detrital Record of Collision between the Anatolid-Tauride and Arabian platforms within the Malatya region (SE Turkey) |
EGU2018-15578 | Posters | GM3.1 Exhumation of Pan-African terranes and their linkage to the great Cambro-Ordovician sandstone of North Gondwana: Detrital zircon and rutile perspectives |
EGU2018-16538 | Posters | GM3.1 OH-defects in quartz as a provenance tool: application to sediments from SW Japan |
EGU2018-2051 | Posters | GM3.1 Heating effect on quart E'center and its potential use in river sediments provenance tracing |
EGU2018-8407 | Posters | GM3.1 Connecting source-to-sink through carbonaceous materials (RSCM and vitinite reflectance) |
EGU2018-4948 | Posters | GM3.1 Provenance of the Thin Mud Facies in the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra delta |
EGU2018-6397 | Posters | GM3.1 Meso-Cenozoic source-to-sink systems in northern South America and its Atlantic margins deciphered from continental-scale paleogeographic maps |
EGU2018-3062 | Posters | GM3.1 Post-orogenic sedimentary evolution of the Aquitaine and Bay of Biscay retro-foreland basins |
EGU2018-19040 | Posters | GM3.1 Magnetostratigraphy and stable isotopes stratigraphy of the middle-upper Eocene deposits of the Ainsa basin (Spain): new age constraints and implications for Pyrenean mountain building |
EGU2018-17200 | Posters | GM3.1 New magnetostratigraphic ages for sediments at the northern margin of the Ebro foreland basin, a rejuvenation of the frontal deformation in the South-Western Pyrenees |
EGU2018-5396 | Posters | GM3.1 Landforms and sedimentary archives of late Quaternary processes in the Miaoli Tablelands, Northwestern Taiwan |
EGU2018-10976 | Posters | GM3.1 The interplay between local and far-traveled sediment in North American Ancestral Rocky Mountain basins |
EGU2018-11417 | Posters | GM3.1 Effects of the carbon storage in an orogenic system – An example from Tai-Yuan Basin, Taiwan |
EGU2018-14151 | Posters | GM3.1 Sediment sizes produced by landslides in a threshold landscape |
EGU2018-5042 | Posters | GM3.1 Inversion of topography and sediment budget to unravel tectonic and climatic evolution; application to the Ogooué system (Gabon) |
EGU2018-19190 | Posters | GM3.1 Tracking the 26Al/10Be source-area signal in sediment-routing systems of arid central Australia |
GM3.2 – Erosion and Sedimentation in Mountain Landscapes (co-organized)
EGU2018-12842 | Orals | GM3.2 Landscape response to the Wenchuan earthquake: sediment, topography, and carbon |
EGU2018-18211 | Posters | GM3.2 Temporal variability of debris flow triggering thresholds (Mühlsturzgraben, National Park Berchtesgaden) |
EGU2018-15353 | Posters | GM3.2 Monitoring of root plate degradation rate – an example from the Tatra Mountains, Poland. |
EGU2018-14660 | Orals | GM3.2 | Highlight The role of landslides in mobilising organic carbon from the biosphere in the Southern Alps, New Zealand |
EGU2018-16348 | Orals | GM3.2 Fluvial censoring and sediment reworking of rock-avalanche deposits on the New Zealand South Island: Field and laboratory studies |
EGU2018-8864 | Posters | GM3.2 Coulomb Mechanics And Landscape Geometry Explain Landslide Size Distribution |
EGU2018-15350 | Orals | GM3.2 Outsize fan evolution in the Upper Rhone Valley, Switzerland -- gradual or catastrophic? |
EGU2018-17032 | Posters | GM3.2 | Highlight Topographic controls on the occurrence and impacts of Himalayan megafloods |
EGU2018-630 | Posters | GM3.2 Dam effect of the “Lavini di Marco” landslide on the valley of Adige River (NE Italy): geomorphological and geoarchaeological investigation |
EGU2018-10505 | Orals | GM3.2 Computer simulations of complex cascading landslide processes: what can we do and what can we learn? |
EGU2018-18987 | Orals | GM3.2 The constant struggle between earthflows and rivers in northern California |
EGU2018-5405 | Posters | GM3.2 Assessing a large-scale debris flow in Barsem, Tajikistan: exceptional size, duration and process chain |
EGU2018-8818 | Posters | GM3.2 Soil and nutrient losses by hydric erosion under different land uses in a mountain catchment in the Ebro Basin (NE Spain) |
EGU2018-5308 | Orals | GM3.2 Temporal variability in detrital CRN concentrations in large Himalayan catchments |
EGU2018-19152 | Posters | GM3.2 Stabilizing slopes in the alpine proglacial zone with microorganisms-assisted plant covers |
EGU2018-19762 | Posters | GM3.2 SMART-SED: A sustainable management of sediment transport in response to climate change conditions |
EGU2018-13289 | Orals | GM3.2 Cascade of sediment from a mountainous watershed: What can we learn from integrating erosion rates at annual and millennial temporal scales? |
EGU2018-15050 | Orals | GM3.2 Implications of Water and Sediment Connectivity for Road Infrastructure in the deeply incised Alpine Arly Canyon, France |
EGU2018-19677 | Orals | GM3.2 Persistence of topography in ancient mountain belts: geomorphology’s ‘elephant in the room’? |
EGU2018-3773 | Posters | GM3.2 Preservation and transportation of landslide deposits under multiple timescales in the Taiwan mountain belt |
EGU2018-8768 | Orals | GM3.2 Coupled increase in sediment flux and grain size export during transient response to tectonics |
EGU2018-7157 | Posters | GM3.2 Sediment reworking of Little Ice Age lateral moraines in the Italian Alps: A morphometric and morphodynamic analysis using multitemporal aerial images and current UAV-data |
EGU2018-13437 | Orals | GM3.2 Controls on lateral channel mobility and the reworked area of active alluvial surfaces |
EGU2018-12798 | Posters | GM3.2 Exhaustion law for post debris-flow sediment redistribution inferred from terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetry (Roßbichelgraben, Germany) |
EGU2018-13120 | Posters | GM3.2 Tracing sedimentary mobilization from debris flows in the Peyronnelle sub-catchment of the Guil River (Queyras, Southern French Alps) |
EGU2018-4574 | Posters | GM3.2 Sediment continuity through the steepland sediment cascade: geomorphic response of an upland river to an extreme flood event |
EGU2018-19573 | Posters | GM3.2 Quantifying sediment dynamics and intermittency of gravel bed rivers; examples from the Gulf of Corinth |
EGU2018-5092 | Posters | GM3.2 Reconstruction of slushflow activity in the Khibiny Mountains based on investigations of associated landforms and deposits |
EGU2018-13997 | Posters | GM3.2 After the ice: post glacial evolution of small overdeepened basins in the NE Alps - Lake Taferlklaussee, Austria |
EGU2018-11829 | Posters | GM3.2 On Nonlinearity of Specific Sediment Yield Scaling with Drainage Area |
EGU2018-12648 | Posters | GM3.2 Sediment yield assessment in different geographic contest: implementation of EPM Model in GIS environment |
EGU2018-2585 | Posters | GM3.2 Decadal rates and spatial distribution of gravel-bed river aggradation and incision from spaceborne DEMs: Applications in the Northwest Argentine Andes |
EGU2018-5275 | Posters | GM3.2 Integrating back analysis and forward modelling of a debris flow with GB-InSAR data to assess the risk in a mountainous valley floor |
EGU2018-6726 | Posters | GM3.2 Mapping hillslope to fluvial transitions in arid and semi-arid mountain landscapes with TerraSAR-X and Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar |
EGU2018-854 | Posters | GM3.2 Tributary-junction fans formation in the Atacama Desert due to the March 2015 extraordinary event and its contribution to long term mountain landscape modification in the Andes. |
EGU2018-16416 | Posters | GM3.2 A Time-Series Analysis of Sediment Transport in Tsaoling Landslide using Photogrammetry and SAR Interferometry |
EGU2018-13591 | Posters | GM3.2 Coherence-loss from InSAR data in the Atacama Desert after the March 2015 extreme event. |
EGU2018-7162 | Posters | GM3.2 Spatio-temporal analysis of soil degradation in Swiss alpine grasslands based on Object-Based Image Analysis |
EGU2018-10181 | Posters | GM3.2 Investigations on climate-induced paraglacial changes in a glacier retreat area with special consideration of proglacial lakes: a case study from the Dachstein group |
EGU2018-12323 | Posters | GM3.2 Basin-wide denudation rates of claystone lithologies in Taiwan from meteoric 10Be/9Be ratios |
EGU2018-14661 | Posters | GM3.2 Where do 10Be-derived denudation rates depend on grain size? |
EGU2018-19010 | Posters | GM3.2 Cosmogenic in-situ 10Be derived denudation rate of the Var catchment, southern French Alps. |
EGU2018-14886 | Posters | GM3.2 A Younger Dryas sediment wave and enhanced erosion at millennial time scales in a non-glacierized catchment, Northern Apennines, Italy |