NP – Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences
NP1.1 – Mathematics of Planet Earth (including Lewis Fry Richardson Medal Lecture and NP Division Outstanding ECS Lecture) (co-organized)
EGU2018-367 | Posters | NP1.1 Investigating inertial particle transport for application in tracking plastic litter in the ocean |
EGU2018-13308 | Orals | NP1.1 | Highlight Topological Origin of Geophysical Waves. |
EGU2018-381 | Posters | NP1.1 Asymptotic limit analysis for compatible numerics in numerical weather prediction |
EGU2018-5958 | Posters | NP1.1 | Highlight Wave breaking for the Stochastic Camassa-Holm equation |
EGU2018-4162 | Orals | NP1.1 Emergence of coherent structures in convectively driven baroclinic flows |
EGU2018-4649 | Posters | NP1.1 Numerically Modelling Stochastic Lie Transport in Quasi-Geostrophic Dynamics |
EGU2018-6722 | Orals | NP1.1 Decomposition of the general atmospheric circulation on a thermodynamic space |
EGU2018-2209 | Orals | NP1.1 On the validity of linear response theory in high-dimensional deterministic dynamical systems |
EGU2018-4644 | Posters | NP1.1 Effective subgrid-scale parameterization for one-dimensional shallow water dynamics using stochastic mode reduction |
EGU2018-6141 | Posters | NP1.1 Entropy Production and Fluctuation Theorem in General Circulation Models |
EGU2018-1569 | Orals | NP1.1 A fluctuation-dissipation relation for the ocean subject to turbulent atmospheric forcing |
EGU2018-8781 | Orals | NP1.1 A proof of concept for scale-adaptive parametrizations: the case of the Lorenz ’96 model |
EGU2018-12005 | Posters | NP1.1 Atmospheric circulation and energy transport changes in warm climates |
EGU2018-15101 | Posters | NP1.1 Intensification of Strongly Tilted Tropical Vortices Through Asymmetric Diabatic Heating |
EGU2018-4587 | Orals | NP1.1 A mathematical approach to understanding emergent constraints |
EGU2018-7736 | Posters | NP1.1 Entropy Production and Coarse Graining of the Climate Fields in a General Circulation Model |
EGU2018-10073 | Posters | NP1.1 Hyperbolic Covariant Coherent Structures in Two Dimensional Flows |
EGU2018-703 | Orals | NP1.1 Data Assimilation for a Stochastic Rotating Shallow Water Model |
EGU2018-10499 | Posters | NP1.1 Variability of Stochastically Forced Beta-Plane Zonal Jets |
EGU2018-6046 | Orals | NP1.1 Numerically Modelling Stochastic Lie Transport in Fluid Dynamics |
EGU2018-212 | Posters | NP1.1 A novel scaling indicator of early warning signals helps anticipate tropical cyclones |
EGU2018-18644 | Orals | NP1.1 Handling Uncertainty in Palaeo-Climate Models and Data |
EGU2018-18722 | Orals | NP1.1 Statistical Mechanics and the Climatology of the Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Distribution |
EGU2018-16415 | Posters | NP1.1 Stochastic geophysics, multifractal vector fields and examples of Lie algebra of their generators |
EGU2018-11735 | Orals | NP1.1 Linking Scales in the Sea Ice System |
EGU2018-5709 | Posters | NP1.1 Reconciling the Paltridge and Lorenz thermodynamic selection criteria for climate steady states |
EGU2018-13291 | Posters | NP1.1 Global Entropy Production from Spectral Radiative Flux |
EGU2018-1384 | Orals | NP1.1 Computation and characterization of local sub-filter-scale energy transfers in atmospheric flows |
EGU2018-9809 | Posters | NP1.1 A Statistical Mechanical Approach for the Parametrization of the Coupling in a Fast-Slow System |
EGU2018-18316 | Posters | NP1.1 Scale Separation of the Dominating Linear Instability Modes and the Background State in a Primitive Equation Model |
EGU2018-13098 | Orals | NP1.1 The sporadic nature of atmospheric heat transport in a hierarchy of models |
EGU2018-8107 | Orals | NP1.1 The link between extremes of temporal and spatial averages in a simplified atmospheric circulation model |
EGU2018-14876 | Posters | NP1.1 Covariant Lyapunov vectors of a quasi-geostrophic baroclinic model: analysis of instabilities and feedbacks |
EGU2018-19167 | Posters | NP1.1 Lyapunov Analysis applied to multiscale dynamics : the Lorenz 96 model |
EGU2018-859 | Orals | NP1.1 Error bounds for data assimilation in dissipative systems with unbounded observation noise |
EGU2018-14894 | Orals | NP1.1 Rate-induced tipping in nonautonomous dynamical systems with bounded noise |
EGU2018-8169 | Posters | NP1.1 A new diagnostic tool for water, energy and entropy budgets in climate models |
EGU2018-13258 | Orals | NP1.1 Set-oriented approach for predicting critical transitions in geophysical flows |
EGU2018-8312 | Posters | NP1.1 Looking for relationships between the ENSO and the Indian summer monsoon in MPI-ESM and CESM ensembles under increasing greenhouse-gas forcing |
EGU2018-17657 | Posters | NP1.1 A unified nonlinear stochastic time series analysis for climate science |
EGU2018-8403 | Posters | NP1.1 Wildfire propagation modelling |
EGU2018-14880 | Orals | NP1.1 Pullback attractors of a low-order ocean model subject to deterministic and random forcing |
EGU2018-10670 | Orals | NP1.1 Stochastic partial differential fluid equations as a diffusive limit of deterministic Lagrangian multi-time dynamics |
EGU2018-16211 | Posters | NP1.1 The dynamics of inertial particle ensembles in raindrop formation and sedimentation. |
EGU2018-8511 | Posters | NP1.1 What is the correct cost function of weakly constrained 4DVar? |
EGU2018-2811 | Orals | NP1.1 From Determinism to Probability in Numerical Weather Prediction |
EGU2018-10512 | Posters | NP1.1 Parametrization of fast subgrid-scale processes using Edgeworth expansions |
EGU2018-5085 | Posters | NP1.1 A dynamical systems approach to the Pleistocene climate |
EGU2018-15917 | Posters | NP1.1 Multifractal Intermittency and Ensemble Prediction Systems |
EGU2018-6250 | Posters | NP1.1 Reduction of long-term drift and construction of multiple-equilibrium states in aquaplanets |
EGU2018-3355 | Posters | NP1.1 Climate-Dependence in empirically tuned Subgrid-Scale Parameterizations using the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem |
EGU2018-7431 | Posters | NP1.1 Dynamical objects governing transport processes in the Arctic Ocean. |
EGU2018-16666 | Posters | NP1.1 Universality and extreme tail fluctuation properties in transport systems |
EGU2018-6978 | Posters | NP1.1 Pattern formation in climate networks - from aquaplanet simulations to real climate |
EGU2018-14435 | Posters | NP1.1 Estimating return times with rare event algorithms |
EGU2018-9543 | Posters | NP1.1 Extreme values for dynamical systems and linear response |
EGU2018-13696 | Posters | NP1.1 Entropy versus Available Potential Energy: What is the right way to define the thermodynamic efficiency of the climate system? |
NP2.1 – ENSO: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling (co-organized)
EGU2018-1564 | Orals | NP2.1 Understanding the warm water volume precursor of ENSO events and its interdecadal variation |
EGU2018-2067 | Posters | NP2.1 Diagnosing present day and future ENSO precipitation shifts using surface relative humidity and temperature |
EGU2018-2413 | Posters | NP2.1 Changes in ENSO amplitude under climate forcings |
EGU2018-1983 | Orals | NP2.1 Thermocline feedback associated with the increasing occurrence of Central Pacific ENSO assessed using a linear, multi-mode model |
EGU2018-3302 | Posters | NP2.1 Eastern and Central Pacific types of ENSO – A new classification method |
EGU2018-8559 | Orals | NP2.1 Unprecedented 2015/16 Indo-Pacific heat transfer speeds up Tropical Pacific heat recharge |
EGU2018-6411 | Orals | NP2.1 On the physical interpretation of the lead relation between Warm Water Volume and the El Niño Southern Oscillation |
EGU2018-4188 | Posters | NP2.1 The Possible Impact of El Niño Events of Different Types and Intensity on the Precipitation in the Following First Flood Season in South China |
EGU2018-13179 | Orals | NP2.1 The warm water volume, a better predictor of La Niña than of El Niño amplitude |
EGU2018-4847 | Posters | NP2.1 Spatio-temporal Distribution of Cloud Cover in Central Taiwan |
EGU2018-11560 | Orals | NP2.1 Predicting El Nino Beyond 1-year Lead: Effect of Western Hemisphere Warm Pool |
EGU2018-6619 | Posters | NP2.1 The salience of nonlinearities in the boreal winter response to ENSO |
EGU2018-5666 | Posters | NP2.1 Contrasting the Skills and Biases of Deterministic Predictions for the Two Types of El Nino |
EGU2018-14306 | Orals | NP2.1 Predicting El Niño in 2014 and 2015 with Met Office GloSea5 and ECMWF System4 |
EGU2018-11362 | Posters | NP2.1 | Highlight Impact of stochastic parametrisation schemes on El Nino-Southern Oscillation in the Community Climate System Model |
EGU2018-9104 | Orals | NP2.1 ENSO change in climate projections: forced response or internal variability? |
EGU2018-6627 | Orals | NP2.1 ENSO's different flavors and global patterns of seasonal climate anomalies |
EGU2018-8789 | Posters | NP2.1 Does ENSO affect the observing conditions in the Atacama Desert? |
EGU2018-11618 | Orals | NP2.1 Understanding regional teleconnections from strong El Niño events: a case study of east Australian springtime rainfall |
EGU2018-19364 | Posters | NP2.1 A potential for La Nina-like climate change in the ENSO Recharge-Oscillator framework. |
EGU2018-1273 | Orals | NP2.1 Changes in structure and radiative impact of mesoscale convective systems with ENSO phase |
EGU2018-939 | Posters | NP2.1 The relationship between GCM biases and internal low-frequency variability in the tropical Pacific |
EGU2018-3742 | Posters | NP2.1 Unusually warm Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures help to arrest development of El Niño in 2014 |
EGU2018-3275 | Orals | NP2.1 Mean-State Dependence of ENSO atmospheric feedbacks and ENSO dynamics in climate models |
EGU2018-4278 | Posters | NP2.1 Can high-resolution GCMs unravel Indian Ocean - ENSO interaction? |
EGU2018-7010 | Posters | NP2.1 Analysis and indications on long-term forecasting of the Oceanic Niño Index with wavelet-induced components |
EGU2018-10745 | Posters | NP2.1 | Highlight The Role of Stochastic Forcing in Generating ENSO Diversity |
EGU2018-5884 | Posters | NP2.1 Uncertainties in Simulated ENSO Arising from Internal Climate Variability |
EGU2018-2633 | Posters | NP2.1 The Impacts of Bias in Cloud-Radiation-Dynamics Interactions on Central-Pacific Seasonal and El Nino Simulations in Contemporary GCMs |
EGU2018-11002 | Posters | NP2.1 Extracting and predicting ENSO through Koopman operator analysis |
EGU2018-14391 | Posters | NP2.1 The impact of stochastic physics on the El Niño Southern Oscillation in the EC-Earth coupled model |
EGU2018-5730 | Posters | NP2.1 Regional changes to the remote impacts of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation |
EGU2018-16710 | Posters | NP2.1 Impact of SST diurnal cycle on ENSO asymmetry |
NP2.2 – Dynamical Extremes in Climate Sciences (co-organized)
EGU2018-9451 | Orals | NP2.2 Edge states in the climate system: exploring global instabilities and critical transitions |
EGU2018-597 | Posters | NP2.2 Recent trends in extreme weather: A model study |
EGU2018-15634 | Orals | NP2.2 | Highlight Future changes in intense precipitation over Europe at the daily and sub-daily time scales |
EGU2018-1128 | Posters | NP2.2 Trends of atmospheric circulation during singular hot days in Europe |
EGU2018-18155 | Orals | NP2.2 Reflective stratospheric polar vortex pattern linked to North American cold-extremes |
EGU2018-2070 | Posters | NP2.2 The impact of polar amplification on mid-latitude Rossby waves and persistent circulation patterns using idealized numerical modeling |
EGU2018-3259 | Posters | NP2.2 Formation Mechanism of an Extreme Hot Weather in North China on 12-13 July 2015 |
EGU2018-8506 | Orals | NP2.2 Local dimension and recurrent circulation patterns in long-term climate simulations |
EGU2018-3847 | Posters | NP2.2 On integral description of an individual atmospheric vortex systems: an application to blocking anticyclone in the Arctic |
EGU2018-13939 | Orals | NP2.2 Role of circulation in European heatwaves using flow analogues |
EGU2018-4390 | Posters | NP2.2 Dimension boundaries for spatially extended fields and implications for climate extremes |
EGU2018-8456 | Orals | NP2.2 | Highlight The severe drought of 2016-2017 in Western Europe |
EGU2018-4407 | Posters | NP2.2 Dynamics and Thermodynamics of weather extremes: a dynamical systems approach |
EGU2018-4928 | Posters | NP2.2 Statistical-mechanical approach to study the hydrodynamic stability of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer |
EGU2018-5453 | Posters | NP2.2 Wavenumber decomposition of midlatitude meridional energy transports and extremes |
EGU2018-6554 | Posters | NP2.2 Selective Ensemble Mean Technique for Severe Mid-latitude Storms |
EGU2018-7316 | Posters | NP2.2 Dynamical properties, seasonality and extremes of Northern Hemisphere climate fields |
EGU2018-7345 | Posters | NP2.2 A comparison of the North Atlantic atmospheric dynamics in CMIP5 models and the 20CRv2c Ensemble over the past 150 years |
EGU2018-7709 | Posters | NP2.2 Stochastic stability of the Lorenz63 model under anthropogenic type forcing |
EGU2018-8196 | Posters | NP2.2 Universal properties of extremes in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic atmospheric model |
EGU2018-9145 | Posters | NP2.2 Attribution of extreme rainfall events in the South of France using EURO-CORDEX simulations |
EGU2018-10358 | Posters | NP2.2 Long-term trends in the dynamical properties of the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation across reanalyses and model simulations |
EGU2018-11528 | Posters | NP2.2 The combined effects of the Arctic warming and the ENSO on the Mid-latitude winter temperature anomalies |
EGU2018-11646 | Posters | NP2.2 Variability of Extreme Temperatures in South Korea Using Generalized Extreme Value Distributions |
EGU2018-12237 | Posters | NP2.2 Improved dynamics due to introducing a nudging approach in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and thermodynamic origin of the remaining errors |
EGU2018-12409 | Posters | NP2.2 Dynamical proxies as a tool for Seasonal forecast. |
EGU2018-12964 | Posters | NP2.2 Constrained Maximum Entropy Prodution Principle as a radiative-convective parametrization |
EGU2018-14786 | Posters | NP2.2 Characterising the dynamical regimes of the global atmospheric circulation using local predictability and persistence measures |
EGU2018-15807 | Posters | NP2.2 Web Processing Services for extreme weather event assessments |
EGU2018-16815 | Posters | NP2.2 Chaotic Crisis and Climate Sensitivity: a Transfer Operator Approach |
EGU2018-18360 | Posters | NP2.2 Return levels of temperature extremes in southern Pakistan |
EGU2018-18964 | Posters | NP2.2 The dynamics of synchronized weather extremes: Planetary wave-resonance and circumglobal teleconnections |
EGU2018-19759 | Posters | NP2.2 East Asian winter temperature anomalies modulated by the circumglobal teleconnections and the coupling with Eurasian teleconnections |
NP2.4 – New model and data-based approaches to study climate behavior
EGU2018-6421 | Orals | NP2.4 On climate prediction: How much can we expect from climate memory? |
EGU2018-181 | Posters | NP2.4 An energy consistent stochastic 2 layer QG model |
EGU2018-5534 | Orals | NP2.4 Stochastic Variational Principles for GFD: Modelling the unknown unknowns |
EGU2018-1591 | Posters | NP2.4 A Hilbert approach to investigate climate connectivity |
EGU2018-2071 | Posters | NP2.4 Isolating forced signals in observations and climate model simulations: Empirical climate emulators and M-SSA based optimal filtering |
EGU2018-8386 | Orals | NP2.4 Predictability of Fat-tailed Extremes |
EGU2018-2604 | Orals | NP2.4 Representing uncertainties in the Next Generation Global Prediction System associated with unresolved flows |
EGU2018-2583 | Posters | NP2.4 Comparison of stochastic parameterizations in the framework of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model |
EGU2018-3222 | Orals | NP2.4 A transition between a quasi-linear and nonlinear regime of the tropospheric jet stream |
EGU2018-3229 | Posters | NP2.4 Nonstationary extreme value analysis of temperature extremes in China |
EGU2018-4168 | Posters | NP2.4 A geometric representation of the eddy stresses underlying the emergence of jets in barotropic turbulence |
EGU2018-11289 | Orals | NP2.4 Constraining Stochastic Parametrisation Schemes using High-Resolution Model Simulations |
EGU2018-8073 | Orals | NP2.4 | Highlight Forced Non-autonomous Empirical Model of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition |
EGU2018-5771 | Posters | NP2.4 Data-driven multiscale stochastic emulators: application to the oceanic gyres |
EGU2018-15457 | Orals | NP2.4 Identifying sudden dynamical shifts in time series with uncertainties |
EGU2018-7237 | Posters | NP2.4 Comparison of tropical and frontal storms using complex networks |
EGU2018-3683 | Orals | NP2.4 Causal dependences between the coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics over the Tropical Pacific, the North Pacific and the North Atlantic |
EGU2018-3802 | Posters | NP2.4 Predictability and Non-Gaussian Characteristics of the North Atlantic Oscillation |
EGU2018-9361 | Orals | NP2.4 CanStoc: a merged CanSIPS-StocSIPS macroweather forecasting system |
EGU2018-5757 | Posters | NP2.4 Percolation Phase Transition of Surface Air Temperature Networks under Attacks of El Niño/La Niña |
EGU2018-6190 | Orals | NP2.4 Detecting abrupt transitions during the Late Quaternary in southern Ethiopia using Recurrence Quantification Analyses |
EGU2018-7611 | Posters | NP2.4 Linear dynamical modes: new variables for empirical prognostic model of ENSO variability |
EGU2018-9521 | Orals | NP2.4 | Highlight From Critical Fluctuations to Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon |
EGU2018-11044 | Posters | NP2.4 Data-adaptive harmonic decomposition and prediction of regional Arctic sea ice extent |
EGU2018-18281 | Posters | NP2.4 Complex network-based approach for identification of influential and expandable station across rainfall network |
EGU2018-18109 | Posters | NP2.4 The recurrence of unseasonable and rare flood dynamics |
EGU2018-17778 | Posters | NP2.4 Can we expect sudden loss of Arctic sea ice due to a non-linear sea ice-albedo feedback? |
EGU2018-12339 | Posters | NP2.4 Vorticity and geopotential height extreme values in ERA-Interim data during boreal winters |
EGU2018-1946 | Posters | NP2.4 The competitive principal modes of annual cycle and the El Niño/Southern Oscillation |
EGU2018-7472 | Posters | NP2.4 Studying the roles of anthropogenic and natural forcings in leading modes of the global SST variability |
EGU2018-7957 | Posters | NP2.4 Phase Synchronization of Precipitation in South America to Rossby Waves |
EGU2018-8777 | Posters | NP2.4 The impacts of inhomogeneous spatial distributions of rain gauging networks highlighted with X-band radar data |
EGU2018-8040 | Posters | NP2.4 | Highlight The impact of stochastic physics on climate sensitivity |
EGU2018-8975 | Posters | NP2.4 Building Statistically Independent subspace sources of the Sea Surface Temperature Variability |
EGU2018-9529 | Posters | NP2.4 Influence of Pacific and Atlantic sea surface temperature variability on rainfall in South America and its forecasting potential |
EGU2018-11816 | Posters | NP2.4 The onset of chaos in nonautonomous dissipative dynamical systems: A low-order ocean–model case study |
EGU2018-5764 | Posters | NP2.4 Data-adaptive harmonic analysis and stochastic modeling of sea level altimetry |
NP3.1 – Scaling, multifractals and Nonlinear dynamics in the atmosphere, ocean and environment
EGU2018-2291 | Orals | NP3.1 Displacement Patterns in Bucharest (Romania) using PS and SBAS Approaches |
EGU2018-748 | Posters | NP3.1 Wavelet Spectral Analysis of the Wind Speed and Temperature data in Germany |
EGU2018-8709 | Orals | NP3.1 Effects of the data loss and data homogenization on the long-term properties of the observed temperature data |
EGU2018-19424 | Posters | NP3.1 Causal factors contributing to global sea level change on different timescales |
EGU2018-2670 | Posters | NP3.1 Why the growth rate of sea-ice in the Barents-Kara Sea is slower than the Labrador Sea? |
EGU2018-2148 | Orals | NP3.1 Revisiting of paleoclimate recording δ18chO as passive scalar turbulence |
EGU2018-6558 | Orals | NP3.1 Evaluating multi-scale variability of disaggregated SMOS soil moisture product in Australia |
EGU2018-6965 | Posters | NP3.1 Identification and Extraction of Mineralization alteration information with multi-fractal filters |
EGU2018-5455 | Orals | NP3.1 Transect measurements by micro-probes in hydrodynamic turbulence: a numerical study |
EGU2018-17213 | Posters | NP3.1 A Novel Hierarchical Clustering Analysis Method Based on Kullback–Leibler divergence and Application on Dalaimiao Geochemical Exploration Data |
EGU2018-16107 | Orals | NP3.1 Analysis of green roof’s water balance components using Universal Multifractal (UM) framework |
EGU2018-14844 | Posters | NP3.1 Local Singularity Analysis of Frequency-Depth Distribution of Large Earthquakes in Subduction Zones of Pacific Plates |
EGU2018-11881 | Posters | NP3.1 Charactering mineralization related geo-processes by Fractal/multifractal analysis |
EGU2018-5472 | Posters | NP3.1 Empirical mode decomposition method applied to high frequency seismic data : An aid to the seismic interpretation and fault detection |
EGU2018-2188 | Posters | NP3.1 Lagrangian Statistics and Intermittency in Gulf of Mexico |
EGU2018-10205 | Posters | NP3.1 Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of observational and reanalysis daily temperature time series over Greece |
EGU2018-16451 | Posters | NP3.1 | Highlight Multifractal structure of storm Eleanor in France and predictions of the extremes |
EGU2018-8032 | Posters | NP3.1 A study of histograms of wavelet coefficients of the Mars topography to determine its scaling properties |
EGU2018-2669 | Posters | NP3.1 | Highlight Large-scale circulation control of summer extreme hot events over China |
EGU2018-3895 | Posters | NP3.1 Extracting the signal of driving force from hierarchical system by Slow Feature Analysis |
EGU2018-6120 | Posters | NP3.1 Forced stationary waves in the planetary geostrophic equations on the sphere |
EGU2018-7629 | Posters | NP3.1 Assessment of the quality of NCEP-2 and CFSR reanalysis daily temperature in China based on long-range correlation |
NP4.1 – Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences - Concepts, Methods and Applications (co-organized)
EGU2018-11454 | Orals | NP4.1 | Highlight How long is causal information being transferred from North Atlantic to Central Europe? |
EGU2018-3814 | Posters | NP4.1 Do the Earth’s rotation velocity decelerations lead to volcanic activation? |
EGU2018-4968 | Posters | NP4.1 Phase space reconstruction for non-uniformly sampled noisy time series |
EGU2018-11236 | Orals | NP4.1 Vector-Valued Spectral Analysis of Indo-Pacific Climate Variability |
EGU2018-8273 | Posters | NP4.1 Earthquake precursory events in geophysical time-series: use of the Hilbert transform for the detection of simultaneous phase-synchronisation anomalies in paired time-series. |
EGU2018-200 | Orals | NP4.1 Adaptive Local Iterative Filtering: a promising technique for the analysis of non–stationary signals. |
EGU2018-18304 | Orals | NP4.1 Partial wavelet coherence analysis for understanding the standalone relationship between Indian Precipitation and Teleconnection patterns |
EGU2018-160 | Posters | NP4.1 Using Hilbert transform to uncover hidden periodicities in SAT time series |
EGU2018-18195 | Orals | NP4.1 Multitaper spectral estimation for the continuous wavelet transform |
EGU2018-7282 | Posters | NP4.1 Global warming and natural variability |
EGU2018-18234 | Orals | NP4.1 A bivariate seasonal hidden Markov model for temperature and precipitation |
EGU2018-19319 | Posters | NP4.1 Estimating daily climatological normals in a changing climate |
EGU2018-11080 | Posters | NP4.1 A Method for Meteorological/Climatic Scenario Generation and Its Application for Hydrological Impacts Assessment Based on Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis and Hilbert-Huang Transform |
EGU2018-9607 | Posters | NP4.1 Complex networks of climate extremes: Why Event Coincidence Analysis is preferable to Event Synchronization |
EGU2018-15613 | Posters | NP4.1 Global co-variability patterns of sea-surface temperatures and precipitation as revealed by coupled climate network analysis |
EGU2018-15592 | Posters | NP4.1 Exploiting the similarity of soil moisture time series based on the matrix profile |
EGU2018-12930 | Posters | NP4.1 Fractal analysis of river flow time series: a case study on Shapur river |
EGU2018-2915 | Posters | NP4.1 Spatial mapping of the multifractal parameters of wind time series in Switzerland |
EGU2018-4371 | Posters | NP4.1 Multifractality of the spatial distribution of seismicity in Landers (1992, Mw 7.3) and Hector Mine (1999, Mw 7.1) aftershock area (Southern California) and possible predictive signs of mainshocks |
EGU2018-4414 | Posters | NP4.1 Kolmogorov entropy: possible predictive signs of Landers (1992) and Hector Mine (1999) Southern California earthquakes |
EGU2018-16109 | Posters | NP4.1 Observation of intermittency-induced critical dynamics in geomagnetic field time series prior to the intense magnetic storms of March, June and December 2015 |
NP5.1 – Inverse Problems, Data Assimilation and Predictability Studies in Geophysics
EGU2018-4462 | Posters | NP5.1 Ensemble Data Assimilation on Non-Conservative Adaptive Moving Mesh |
EGU2018-2339 | Orals | NP5.1 On the use of the saddle formulation in weakly-constrained 4D-Var |
EGU2018-5281 | Posters | NP5.1 Chaotic dynamics and the role of covariance inflation for reduced rank Kalman filters with model error |
EGU2018-55 | Orals | NP5.1 | Highlight The Dynamic Likelihood Filtering Approach |
EGU2018-3750 | Orals | NP5.1 Kernel embedding of maps for Bayesian inference: The variational mapping particle filter |
EGU2018-8339 | Posters | NP5.1 An iterative ensemble Kalman filter in presence of additive model error |
EGU2018-7139 | Orals | NP5.1 Localisation in particle filters: methods comparison and improvements |
EGU2018-18097 | Posters | NP5.1 Particle filters for high-dimensional non-linear systems: a revised implicit equal-weights particle filter |
EGU2018-16722 | Posters | NP5.1 Parameter and state estimation with ensemble Kalman filter based algorithms for convective scale applications |
EGU2018-14881 | Orals | NP5.1 Observability and analyses of volcanic ash emissions and their dispersion by two ensemble-based four-dimensional assimilation approaches applying remote sensing data |
EGU2018-10705 | Posters | NP5.1 An Equilibrium Between Observational Gain and Chaotic Loss of Information in Data Assimilation Cycles |
EGU2018-11533 | Orals | NP5.1 Grain growth prediction and its uncertainty based on multi-phase-field model with 4DVar and second-order adjoint method |
EGU2018-14417 | Posters | NP5.1 Parameter estimation of turbulent closure schemes in marine circulation models using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation method: a proof-of-concept |
EGU2018-15373 | Orals | NP5.1 Conservation laws and ensemble Kalman filter algorithms |
EGU2018-15386 | Posters | NP5.1 Variational data assimilation algorithms at the splitting stages of an atmospheric chemistry transport and transformation model |
EGU2018-3873 | Orals | NP5.1 Adaptive covariance inflation in the EnKF by Gaussian scale mixtures |
EGU2018-371 | Orals | NP5.1 | Highlight Finite or infinite predictability horizon? |
EGU2018-9275 | Posters | NP5.1 Numerical solution of the inverse source problems for the chemical transformation models with image-type measurement data |
EGU2018-9192 | Posters | NP5.1 Variational and Ensemble-based Kalman smoothing for geophysical data assimilation |
EGU2018-2210 | Orals | NP5.1 Stochastically-perturbed bred vectors |
EGU2018-4411 | Orals | NP5.1 A new method for identifying parameter sensitivity in atmosphere and ocean model |
EGU2018-16309 | Posters | NP5.1 Rapid observation system experiments for the observation impact in the ensemble space |
EGU2018-9169 | Orals | NP5.1 Liouville solutions for low complexity systems: characterization of PDF evolutions |
EGU2018-12687 | Posters | NP5.1 Model Uncertainty Quantification for Data Assimilation in partially observed multi-scale systems |
EGU2018-15902 | Posters | NP5.1 Compensation of inaccurate meteorological data in source term determination problem using Bayesian methods |
EGU2018-2906 | Posters | NP5.1 Assimilation of Northwestern Tropical Pacific moored velocity data in a regional ocean modeling: Low frequency capabilities |
EGU2018-6298 | Posters | NP5.1 An air pollution assimilation system using a modified ensemble Kalman filter with error inflation and bias correction |
EGU2018-7174 | Posters | NP5.1 Assessing the convergence of transdimensional inversion used for subsurface geometry reconstruction |
EGU2018-6249 | Posters | NP5.1 Treating sample covariances for use in strongly coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation |
EGU2018-19271 | Posters | NP5.1 Tomographic iterative reconstruction of a passive scalar in a 3D turbulent flow |
EGU2018-5985 | Posters | NP5.1 Using oceanic signatures in the Earth's magnetic field to constrain simulations of the global ocean circulation |
EGU2018-11621 | Posters | NP5.1 Determining Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height with Numerical Differentiation Method Using Bending Angle Data from COSMIC |
EGU2018-5651 | Posters | NP5.1 Evaluation of oceanic surface observation for reproducing the upper ocean structure in ECHAM5/MPI-OM |
EGU2018-15419 | Posters | NP5.1 Importance of interpolation and coincidence errors in data fusion |
EGU2018-15704 | Posters | NP5.1 Uncertainty quantification for image-based motion estimation in bioirrigated marine sediments |
EGU2018-5154 | Posters | NP5.1 An unexpected uniqueness result for tomography-assisted potential-field inversion |
EGU2018-5653 | Posters | NP5.1 Mining air temperature records employing the fractal-multifractal method |
EGU2018-5555 | Posters | NP5.1 SPUX: Scalable high performance uncertainty quantification framework for stochastic models in environmental data sciences |
EGU2018-3238 | Posters | NP5.1 Lyapunov instability study of high-dimensional atmospheric and climate models |
EGU2018-373 | Posters | NP5.1 Impacts of intitial SSS errors on the AMOC decadal predictability problem |
EGU2018-1705 | Posters | NP5.1 An El Nino-Southern Oscillation forecast system formulated by an intermediate coupled model and its nonlinear forcing singular vector |
EGU2018-1706 | Posters | NP5.1 “Summer Predictability Barrier” of the Indian Ocean Dipole Events and Its Error Growth Dynamics |
EGU2018-4107 | Posters | NP5.1 How do initial perturbation amplitudes and ensemble sizes influence ensemble forecast skill? |
EGU2018-18833 | Posters | NP5.1 Estimating the predictability limit of tropical cyclone tracks over the western North Pacific using observational data |
EGU2018-4249 | Posters | NP5.1 Temporal–spatial distribution of the predictability limit of monthly sea surface temperature in the global oceans |
EGU2018-5594 | Posters | NP5.1 The nonlinear optimal triggering perturbation of the Kuroshio large meander and its evolution based on a regional ocean model |
EGU2018-5900 | Posters | NP5.1 Determining the spectrum of the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponents in a multidimensional chaotic system |
EGU2018-5945 | Posters | NP5.1 An improved method for nonlinear parameter estimation: A case study of the Rössler model |
EGU2018-5961 | Posters | NP5.1 A Study on the Optimal Precursor triggering Kuroshio Intrusion in the South China Sea |
NP5.3 – Advances in statistical post-processing for deterministic and ensemble forecasts (co-organized)
EGU2018-4397 | Posters | NP5.3 Analog-Based Postprocessing of Navigation-Related Hydrological Ensemble Forecasts |
EGU2018-10656 | Orals | NP5.3 | Highlight A Bayesian Approach to Statistical Post-Processing |
EGU2018-4865 | Orals | NP5.3 A Bayesian framework based on the ensemble Kalman filter for flow-dependent integration of weather radar extrapolation nowcasts and NWP precipitation fields |
EGU2018-4301 | Posters | NP5.3 Aspects of post-processing of long-range forecasts |
EGU2018-13265 | Orals | NP5.3 Post-processing of spatial extremes |
EGU2018-6955 | Posters | NP5.3 Evaluation of the statistical-dynamical seasonal prediction of the North Atlantic Oscillation |
EGU2018-9044 | Posters | NP5.3 Towards a framework for statistical evaluation of forecast performance under serial dependence |
EGU2018-15422 | Orals | NP5.3 Statistical post-processing and multivariate structuring of high-resolution ensemble precipitation forecasts |
EGU2018-14836 | Posters | NP5.3 Efficient spatial interpolation of point MOS forecasts |
EGU2018-1473 | Orals | NP5.3 Probabilistic Forecasting of Thunderstorms in the Eastern Alps |
EGU2018-8600 | Orals | NP5.3 Verification of probabilistic forecasts: comparing proper scoring rules |
EGU2018-18406 | Posters | NP5.3 Performance of various post-processing bias correction methods for climate change impact studies |
EGU2018-7015 | Posters | NP5.3 Probabilistic forecasts of snow making conditions |
EGU2018-9608 | Posters | NP5.3 Bias Correction of Global Climate Models' data within the framework of HAPPI project |
EGU2018-11872 | Posters | NP5.3 Robust inference methods for post-processing multiple lead-time precipitation forecasts |
EGU2018-12281 | Posters | NP5.3 Simultaneous Ensemble Post-Processing for Multiple Seasons and Lead Times with GAMLSS |
EGU2018-1224 | Posters | NP5.3 Quantifying the skill in probabilistic forecast for the sea breeze deriving from large-scale variables |
EGU2018-1615 | Posters | NP5.3 The principals of ocean temperature forecasting |
EGU2018-2613 | Posters | NP5.3 Hourly Wind Gust Forecast Verification over Canada |
EGU2018-3563 | Posters | NP5.3 Using KDE to estimate probability of precipitation from EPS simulations, a study case. |
EGU2018-6773 | Posters | NP5.3 Skill of Global Raw and Postprocessed Ensemble Predictions of Rainfall over Northern Tropical Africa |