ST – Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
ST1.1 – Open Session on the Sun and Heliosphere (including Hannes Alfvén Medal Lecture)
EGU2018-5466 | Orals | ST1.1 Coronal loop sources in solar plasma: an analysis of RHESSI observations |
EGU2018-6939 | Posters | ST1.1 Southward shift of the coronal neutral line and the heliospheric current sheet: Evidence for radial evolution of hemispheric asymmetry |
EGU2018-8066 | Posters | ST1.1 Upcoming modern grand minimum and solar activity prediction backwards five millennia |
EGU2018-9337 | Orals | ST1.1 Transport of energetic electrons in the corona and interplanetary medium: input of combined X-ray and radio observations |
EGU2018-16625 | Orals | ST1.1 Study of Magnetic Complexity of Solar Active Regions from 1996 to 2017 |
EGU2018-19303 | Posters | ST1.1 Understanding the shape of sunspot cycles by principal component analysis |
EGU2018-9440 | Posters | ST1.1 On a role of quadruple component of magnetic field in defining solar activity in grand cycles |
EGU2018-18390 | Orals | ST1.1 Evolution of CME Mass in The Corona |
EGU2018-2989 | Orals | ST1.1 On the low frequency break of IMF power spectrum recently observed in slow solar wind |
EGU2018-2152 | Posters | ST1.1 Solar Open Flux Migration from Pole to Pole: Magnetic Field Reversal |
EGU2018-14958 | Orals | ST1.1 The longitudinal distribution of solar energetic particles |
EGU2018-5139 | Posters | ST1.1 Polarity imbalance and quadrupole moment of the photospheric magnetic field |
EGU2018-9819 | Posters | ST1.1 Characteristics of ribbon evolution and reconnection electric fields in Hα two-ribbon flares |
EGU2018-9373 | Orals | ST1.1 Transport modeling of energetic electrons in the 20 October 2002 solar event |
EGU2018-4537 | Orals | ST1.1 Interstellar neutral hydrogen: Eight years of IBEX-Lo observations |
EGU2018-6670 | Posters | ST1.1 The 3-Phase evolution of a long-lived low-latitude coronal hole. |
EGU2018-1790 | Orals | ST1.1 Solar Wind and Kinetic Heliophysics - Hannes Alfven Medal Lecture at the EGU General Assembly 2018 |
EGU2018-9885 | Posters | ST1.1 Optimizing the Time-lag Estimate between Spacecraft for Recurring Solar Wind Structures |
EGU2018-19182 | Posters | ST1.1 Solar wind parameter distributions and thresholds for extreme values |
EGU2018-14670 | Posters | ST1.1 Statistical search for solar wind source variation events |
EGU2018-8187 | Posters | ST1.1 A Machine Learning Technique Applied to Plasma Measurements: Protons and Alpha Particles Identification |
EGU2018-9090 | Posters | ST1.1 Estimates of the energetic proton environment at L1 point |
EGU2018-10485 | Posters | ST1.1 Effective Energy of Neutron Monitors and Cosmogenic Isotopes |
EGU2018-5038 | Posters | ST1.1 On the factors determining the eruptive character of solar flares |
EGU2018-16998 | Posters | ST1.1 Lack of chemical equilibrium and propagation of ion-acoustic waves in the solar chromosphere from 2.5D multifluid simulations |
EGU2018-12362 | Posters | ST1.1 The Relation of Electron Events with EUV Waves Revisited for Solar Cycle 24 Events |
EGU2018-183 | Posters | ST1.1 Pressure and entropy of the solar wind electrons downstream of the termination shock |
EGU2018-2510 | Posters | ST1.1 Space-time structure of turbulent fields in the heliosphere |
EGU2018-7728 | Posters | ST1.1 Solar wind parameters in 24-th solar cycle |
ST1.2 – Preparing for Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe and the heliophysics observatory (including ST Division Outstanding ECS Lecture)
EGU2018-10345 | Orals | ST1.2 | Highlight Parker Solar Probe: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun |
EGU2018-1620 | Posters | ST1.2 Spectroscopic Measurements of the Ion Velocity Distribution at the Base of the Fast Solar Wind |
EGU2018-3293 | Posters | ST1.2 Statistics and parameters of solar coronal mass ejections in the inner heliosphere: what to expect for Parker Solar Probe? |
EGU2018-14217 | Orals | ST1.2 | Highlight Solar Orbiter Mission Status Update |
EGU2018-3905 | Posters | ST1.2 Prospective Out-of-ecliptic White-light Imaging of CIRs and CMEs through the Corona and Heliosphere |
EGU2018-16959 | Orals | ST1.2 Solar Radioastronomy with Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe : capabilities and expectations. |
EGU2018-5245 | Posters | ST1.2 Solar-wind predictions for the Parker Solar Probe orbit |
EGU2018-8544 | Orals | ST1.2 Investigations of the nature of the solar wind electron populations and predictions for the Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser Electron Analyser System (SO-SWA-EAS) |
EGU2018-1787 | Orals | ST1.2 Global non-potential coronal magnetic field models |
EGU2018-7203 | Posters | ST1.2 Forecasting space weather with EUHFORIA in ESA’s Virtual Space Weather Modeling Centre |
EGU2018-7121 | Orals | ST1.2 Early-Stage SEP Acceleration by CME-Driven Shocks with Realistic Seed Spectra |
EGU2018-8827 | Posters | ST1.2 Comparing solar wind models in preparation for Solar Orbiter |
EGU2018-9445 | Posters | ST1.2 Ground-Based Radio Observations in Nançay at the time of the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter |
EGU2018-10796 | Orals | ST1.2 Modeling and Data Analysis Tools in preparation for solar wind studies with Solar Orbiter |
EGU2018-13663 | Posters | ST1.2 Evolution of solar coronal mass ejections in the low corona |
EGU2018-5568 | Orals | ST1.2 Predictions for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter: ICME evolution and GCR modulation in the innermost heliosphere |
EGU2018-14114 | Orals | ST1.2 The slow solar wind that resembles the fast wind: new insights |
EGU2018-14481 | Posters | ST1.2 SPICE Operations and Scientific Exploitation |
EGU2018-14516 | Posters | ST1.2 Small-scale heating events in the solar atmosphere: lifetime, total energy and magnetic properties |
EGU2018-8171 | Orals | ST1.2 The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver (ALPS): A New Tool for Kinetic Physics with Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe |
EGU2018-15029 | Posters | ST1.2 Determining the kappa distributions of space plasmas from observations in a limited energy range |
EGU2018-1625 | Orals | ST1.2 X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) diagnostics of solar flare-accelerated particles |
EGU2018-15465 | Posters | ST1.2 Mapping the Solar Wind to Its Source to Compare Coronal and Heliospheric Boundaries |
EGU2018-15657 | Orals | ST1.2 How ‘Coronal’ Are Suprathermal Solar Wind Electrons? |
EGU2018-16276 | Posters | ST1.2 Comparison between magnetic cloud related decreases observed from 0.3 to 1 AU |
EGU2018-18377 | Posters | ST1.2 The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission |
EGU2018-18404 | Posters | ST1.2 The Wide-Field Imager for the Parker Solar Probe Mission (WISPR) |
EGU2018-18677 | Posters | ST1.2 Simulating observations of the corona/inner heliosphere with the Wide-Field Imager for Parker Solar Probe by raytracing software |
ST1.3 – Theory and Simulation of Solar System Plasmas
EGU2018-1732 | Posters | ST1.3 Properties of whistler waves in warm electron plasmas |
EGU2018-2712 | Orals | ST1.3 DATA-DRIVEN MODELING OF SOLAR CORONA/Inner heliosphere BY A New 3D MHD MODEL |
EGU2018-2127 | Posters | ST1.3 Three-dimensional MHD simulation of interplanetary solar wind |
EGU2018-9241 | Orals | ST1.3 On particle heating by the decay of large amplitude Alfvén waves |
EGU2018-13405 | Orals | ST1.3 Flux canceling in 3D radiative MHD simulations |
EGU2018-2683 | Posters | ST1.3 Simultaneous Transverse and Longitudinal Oscillations in a Quiescent Prominence Triggered by a Coronal Jet |
EGU2018-3576 | Posters | ST1.3 Impact of shock front rippling and self-reformation on the electron reflection at low-Mach-number shocks |
EGU2018-5145 | Orals | ST1.3 Flare particle acceleration resulting from the interaction of twisted coronal flux ropes |
EGU2018-4133 | Posters | ST1.3 Homologous Circular-ribbon Flares Driven by Twisted Flux Emergence |
EGU2018-5387 | Orals | ST1.3 An optimization principle to reconstructing magneto-hydro-static equilibria in the lower solar atmosphere |
EGU2018-3483 | Orals | ST1.3 Multicomponent plasma models in thermal nonequilibrium derived from kinetic theory and numerical methods: application to magnetic reconnection in solar atmosphere |
EGU2018-4208 | Posters | ST1.3 Multi-wavelength observation of a failed helical prominence eruption |
EGU2018-1503 | Orals | ST1.3 Energetic electrons during multiple X line reconnection |
EGU2018-4285 | Posters | ST1.3 Long-term evolution of beam-plasma interaction and associated phenomena. Relevance to type III radiation |
EGU2018-4660 | Posters | ST1.3 Erosion, Heating, and Acceleration of Magnetic Cloud as Impacted by Fast Shock |
EGU2018-8502 | Orals | ST1.3 Kinetic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations of magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath |
EGU2018-5658 | Posters | ST1.3 Modeling relative magnetic helicity in solar active regions and interplanetary magnetic clouds |
EGU2018-18363 | Orals | ST1.3 Study of magnetic reconnection in large scale magnetic island coalescence via two-way coupling of MHD and PIC |
EGU2018-5773 | Posters | ST1.3 Effects of ripples along a quasi-parallel shock front on the ion dynamics and structure evolution: 2-D hybrid simulations |
EGU2018-4058 | Orals | ST1.3 Magnetic reconnection in the strongly magnetized plasma of the low solar chromosphere |
EGU2018-8721 | Posters | ST1.3 Quasi-electrostatic turbulence influence on thermal conductivity in electron temperature jumps of the solar atmosphere |
EGU2018-5638 | Orals | ST1.3 Cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies in a hybrid-Vlasov global simulation |
EGU2018-9974 | Posters | ST1.3 Non-linear Interactions in shallow water magnetohydrodynamics of rotating astrophysical plasma |
EGU2018-9352 | Orals | ST1.3 The Solar Corona and Accelerating Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe |
EGU2018-11015 | Posters | ST1.3 Observations of electron vortex magnetic holes and related wave-particle interactions in the turbulent magnetosheath |
EGU2018-12254 | Posters | ST1.3 Solar Wind Modeling with Slurm, a new MHD Particle-in-Cell Code |
EGU2018-16599 | Posters | ST1.3 Model of solar wind in the heliosphere at low and high latitudes |
EGU2018-17816 | Posters | ST1.3 Reduced kinetic simulations of energetic particle transport in magnetised plasmas |
EGU2018-17916 | Posters | ST1.3 A Lagrange-Maxwell solver for the PIC simulation of the plasma environment of Mercury |
EGU2018-18779 | Posters | ST1.3 Generation of Collimated Electron Jets from Plasma under Appplied Electromagnetostatic Field |
ST1.4 – Turbulence and Heating in Space Plasmas
EGU2018-11791 | Posters | ST1.4 | Highlight THOR - Turbulence Heating ObserveR |
EGU2018-3947 | Orals | ST1.4 Turbulence, Heating and Reconnection: what causes what? |
EGU2018-18448 | Orals | ST1.4 Alfvenic turbulence and magnetic reconnection in a plasma |
EGU2018-4917 | Posters | ST1.4 Observational Evidence for Field-Particle Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Magnetosheath |
EGU2018-6552 | Posters | ST1.4 Local energy transfer rate and kinetic signatures in solar wind turbulence |
EGU2018-9273 | Orals | ST1.4 Triggers of fast reconnection and MHD turbulence |
EGU2018-16947 | Orals | ST1.4 Hybrid simulations of plasma turbulence in support of space missions: a direct quantitative comparison with MMS observations |
EGU2018-18112 | Posters | ST1.4 Intermittency and dissipation in turbulent solar wind: Cluster observations |
EGU2018-12547 | Posters | ST1.4 Direct Measurement of Anisotropic and Asymmetric Wave Vector Spectrum and the three dimensional structure in Ion-scale Solar Wind Turbulence |
EGU2018-16567 | Orals | ST1.4 Wave-mode Identification in Kinetic-scale Turbulence in the Solar Wind at Low and High Beta |
EGU2018-16738 | Orals | ST1.4 Using magnetic helicity to diagnose wave vector direction in solar wind turbulence. |
EGU2018-12450 | Posters | ST1.4 Variability of the Magnetic Field Power Spectrum in the Solar Wind at Electron Scales |
EGU2018-4974 | Orals | ST1.4 Dissipation in weakly-collisional turbulent plasmas |
EGU2018-651 | Posters | ST1.4 Evolution of the kinetic-scale plasma turbulence across the Earth's magnetosheath |
EGU2018-4959 | Orals | ST1.4 In-situ Measurement of Scale-dependent Net Energy Conversion Spectrum in Turbulent Plasmas |
EGU2018-3474 | Posters | ST1.4 Evolution of alpha-proton differential motion in the expanding solar wind |
EGU2018-4788 | Posters | ST1.4 Evolution of Velocity and Density Fluctuations within the Terrestrial Foreshock |
EGU2018-6585 | Orals | ST1.4 Compressible MHD turbulence in the Earth’s magnetosheath: estimation of the energy cascade rate using in-situ spacecraft data |
EGU2018-12924 | Posters | ST1.4 Power spectral density of ion velocity fluctuations in inertial and kinetic ranges |
EGU2018-6401 | Orals | ST1.4 Exact turbulence laws in collisionless plasmas: Hybrid simulations |
EGU2018-14800 | Orals | ST1.4 Local energy transfers in solar wind turbulence in the incompressible MHD limit |
EGU2018-9438 | Posters | ST1.4 Solar wind turbulence at kinetic scales inside 1 AU: HELIOS revisited |
EGU2018-13008 | Posters | ST1.4 Coherent structures and spectral energy transfer in turbulent plasma: a space-filter approach |
EGU2018-17677 | Orals | ST1.4 Features of turbulence in proximity of the Heliopause and in the Local Interstellar Medium from Voyager 1 observations |
EGU2018-11278 | Posters | ST1.4 The thinnest current sheets in the solar wind |
EGU2018-12836 | Posters | ST1.4 Inertial range turbulence of fast and slow solar wind beyond the ecliptic plane |
EGU2018-19634 | Posters | ST1.4 Phase Differencing in 3D: Using Cluster Magnetic Field Data and Wavelet Analysis at a Range of Frequencies |
EGU2018-16007 | Posters | ST1.4 Pattern of small-scale structures in the turbulent magnetosheath |
EGU2018-16993 | Posters | ST1.4 Hall-MHD simulations of plasma turbulence |
EGU2018-11952 | Posters | ST1.4 Hybrid Simulations of Turbulent Ion Heating |
EGU2018-4984 | Posters | ST1.4 Wave interactions measured via wavenumber mismatch in the terrestrial foreshock |
EGU2018-19369 | Posters | ST1.4 Phase-space echos and kinetic density turbulence in the solar wind |
ST1.5 – Solar Eruptions and their Heliospheric imprint (co-organized)
EGU2018-17863 | Posters | ST1.5 Computer Simulated Studies of the Tomographic Reconstruction of Interplanetary CMEs using Wide Angle Heliospheric Imagers |
EGU2018-261 | Orals | ST1.5 | Highlight Forecasting Solar Energetic Particle Events with the SPARX Forecasting System. |
EGU2018-16409 | Posters | ST1.5 Magnetic structure and propagation of a solar flux rope from the Sun to Saturn |
EGU2018-17167 | Orals | ST1.5 Recent advances in CME research using the heliophysics observatory |
EGU2018-10630 | Orals | ST1.5 Modeling of proton acceleration in a shock in application to a ground level enhancement |
EGU2018-15713 | Posters | ST1.5 Case study of July 2017 CMEs using modelling and multi-spacecraft observational approach |
EGU2018-14605 | Posters | ST1.5 Space weather monitor at the L5 point: a case study of a CME observed with STEREO B |
EGU2018-3999 | Orals | ST1.5 | Highlight Combining remote-sensing image data with in-situ measurements supported by modeling for Earth-affecting CME events |
EGU2018-9306 | Orals | ST1.5 Using Forbush decreases to derive the transit time of ICMEs propagating from 1 AU to Mars |
EGU2018-1883 | Posters | ST1.5 Power spectra in the sheath of shock-driven ICMEs |
EGU2018-5451 | Orals | ST1.5 Interplanetary Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections and Shocks and Their Effects on Earth |
EGU2018-2869 | Posters | ST1.5 Solar Energetic Proton Production of a Transient Water Exosphere on Ceres |
EGU2018-3926 | Posters | ST1.5 The three-dimensional angular widths of CMEs and their relations to the source regions |
EGU2018-5303 | Posters | ST1.5 Statistical analysis of mirror mode waves in interplanetary coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions |
EGU2018-6290 | Posters | ST1.5 Sun-Earth connection of the 2017 September CMEs |
EGU2018-6920 | Posters | ST1.5 Complex Eruptive Dynamics Leading to a Prominence Eruption and a Partial-Halo Coronal Mass Ejection |
EGU2018-7408 | Posters | ST1.5 Hard X-ray, EUV, and radio signatures in relation to solar energetic particles |
EGU2018-7600 | Posters | ST1.5 Observational study of a geoeffective `stealth' ICME from STEREO |
EGU2018-7722 | Posters | ST1.5 Observations of the CME shocks and the production of SEPs |
EGU2018-8947 | Posters | ST1.5 Measurements of Forbush decreases at Mars: both by MSL on ground and by MAVEN in orbit |
EGU2018-9905 | Posters | ST1.5 Properties of interplanetary magnetic clouds observed by STEREO (2007-2014) |
EGU2018-10400 | Posters | ST1.5 On the Magnetic Topology and Extreme Ultraviolet in Solar Flares with Late Phase |
EGU2018-10758 | Posters | ST1.5 SWiFT-FORECAST: A fully physics-based solar wind simulation pipeline |
EGU2018-10820 | Posters | ST1.5 Web application for heliospheric propagation of CMEs: Drag-Based Ensemble Model (DBEM) |
EGU2018-12368 | Posters | ST1.5 Multi-point observations of Forbush decreases at Earth and at Mars: a statistical comparison and statistics |
EGU2018-13133 | Posters | ST1.5 The evolution of a small complex active region AR 12550 observed by the GST |
EGU2018-14376 | Posters | ST1.5 Tracking and validating ICMEs propagating towards Mars using STEREO Heliospheric Imagers combined with Forbush decreases detected by MSL/RAD |
EGU2018-6441 | Posters | ST1.5 Sun-to-Earth simulations of geo-effective Coronal Mass Ejections with EUHFORIA: a heliospheric-magnetospheric model chain approach |
ST1.6 – Energy conversion and particle acceleration from the Sun to the Earth: observations, simulations and empirical models
EGU2018-8440 | Orals | ST1.6 Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations of Our Evolving Heliosphere |
EGU2018-15827 | Posters | ST1.6 Publication of pioneering space-borne sunspot and facular datasets in the frame of FP7 projects |
EGU2018-2917 | Orals | ST1.6 The strongest acceleration of >40 keV electrons by ICME-driven Shocks at 1 AU |
EGU2018-8325 | Posters | ST1.6 Particle acceleration in a reconnecting current sheet with multiple X- and O-nullpoints |
EGU2018-8180 | Posters | ST1.6 The real-time SEP prediction tools within the framework of the 'HESPERIA' HORIZON 2020 project |
EGU2018-5422 | Orals | ST1.6 Non-thermal features of the electron velocity distribution functions in the solar wind: their origins, evolution, and constraints |
EGU2018-18114 | Posters | ST1.6 Suprathermal ion populations upstream of interplanetary shocks |
EGU2018-17852 | Orals | ST1.6 Observations of turbulence from MHD to kinetic scales in the solar wind and terrestrial magnetosphere |
EGU2018-11374 | Posters | ST1.6 PROGRESS: Fusion of forecasts from the Sun to the Earth |
EGU2018-10843 | Orals | ST1.6 Current sheets, magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration throughout the heliosphere |
EGU2018-13337 | Orals | ST1.6 Impact of the Eulerian chaos of magnetic field lines in magnetic reconnection |
EGU2018-10734 | Posters | ST1.6 Simulating and cataloguing the solar wind |
EGU2018-7441 | Posters | ST1.6 Key results and services of HELCATS |
EGU2018-12790 | Orals | ST1.6 Vlasiator: A story of two European Research Council grants |
EGU2018-13302 | Orals | ST1.6 Investigating the role of the foreshock in solar wind-magnetosphere coupling |
EGU2018-15396 | Posters | ST1.6 Forbush decrease model for expanding CMEs (ForbMod) |
EGU2018-8911 | Posters | ST1.6 The Structure and Evolution of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Magnetosheaths (SolMAG) |
EGU2018-11366 | Orals | ST1.6 | Highlight Ion acceleration at collisionless shocks |
EGU2018-15859 | Posters | ST1.6 Modeling heavy solar wind ions with an exospheric kinetic model |
EGU2018-13717 | Orals | ST1.6 | Highlight Electron energization near the electron diffusion region of high beta asymmetric reconnection |
EGU2018-6408 | Orals | ST1.6 | Highlight Detection of travelling ionospheric disturbances in TechTIDE EC H2020 project and perspectives for the development of mitigation strategies |
EGU2018-8891 | Posters | ST1.6 Evolution of supra-thermal ion distributions and its relation to spontaneous electromagnetic fluctuations |
EGU2018-2950 | Posters | ST1.6 Non-thermal velocity distributions in the solar wind |
EGU2018-4506 | Orals | ST1.6 | Highlight The EC Horizon 2020 project SWAMI: Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices |
EGU2018-10163 | Posters | ST1.6 Evolution of firehose-unstable electron and proton velocity distributions in a 2.5D PIC simulation |
EGU2018-16841 | Posters | ST1.6 From observational evidence to a consistent theory of suprathermal populations in the solar wind and terrestrial magnetosphere |
EGU2018-2874 | Posters | ST1.6 Solar wind temperature anisotropy instabilities: the interplay of electrons, ions and their suprathermal populations |
EGU2018-3927 | Posters | ST1.6 Particle populations and energy fluxes in non-thermal plasmas |
EGU2018-7031 | Posters | ST1.6 Magnetospheric Multiscale Observation of Plasma Velocity-Space Cascade |
EGU2018-10884 | Posters | ST1.6 New more precise Landau fluid closures |
EGU2018-12649 | Posters | ST1.6 Vlasiator: Latest results |
EGU2018-12712 | Posters | ST1.6 Electron velocity distributions in a global hybrid-Vlasov magnetospheric model |
EGU2018-13002 | Posters | ST1.6 Comparison between self-consistent 2D full-particle and test-particles simulations to investigate the origin of the Earth’s Ion Foreshock. |
EGU2018-16925 | Posters | ST1.6 Injection of protons at the Earth's bow shock: global results of hybrid-Vlasov and test-particle modelling |
EGU2018-10051 | Posters | ST1.6 Shock dynamic and generation of suprathermal ions during variable upstream solar wind conditions |
EGU2018-3441 | Posters | ST1.6 Dissipation Mechanisms and Particle Acceleration at the Earth’s Bow Shock |
EGU2018-2857 | Posters | ST1.6 Evidence of autogenous first-order Fermi acceleration of energetic ions upstream of Earth’s bow shock |
EGU2018-8128 | Posters | ST1.6 Formation of High Speed Jets in the Downstream Region of Quasi-Parallel Shock under different Solar Wind Mach Number conditions |
EGU2018-14005 | Posters | ST1.6 Magnetospheric MultiScale observations of ion acceleration at jet fronts |
EGU2018-16310 | Posters | ST1.6 Magnetospheric MultiScale observations of energetic ion acceleration at multiple turbulent jet fronts |
EGU2018-873 | Posters | ST1.6 Sub-ion magnetic hole in depolarized magnetotail: evidences of the electron energization |
EGU2018-15934 | Posters | ST1.6 Collisionless relaxation of the ion ring distribution in space plasma |
EGU2018-9034 | Posters | ST1.6 Kinetic Study of twisted waves in non-Gyrotropic Plasmas |
ST2.1 – Open Session on the Magnetosphere (including Julius Bartels Medal Lecture)
EGU2018-19587 | Posters | ST2.1 Electromagnetic drift waves in an magnetized plasma |
EGU2018-4458 | Orals | ST2.1 How much flux does a flux transfer event transfer? |
EGU2018-10078 | Orals | ST2.1 The transition between anti-parallel and component magnetic reconnection at the Earth’s dayside magnetopause |
EGU2018-18794 | Posters | ST2.1 The Responses of the Earth’s Bow Shock and Magnetopause to the IMF Bz and the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure: A Parametric Study Using the AMR-CESE-MHD Model |
EGU2018-18691 | Posters | ST2.1 How nitrogen ions affect the ring current dynamics |
EGU2018-6807 | Orals | ST2.1 Evaluation of the plasma pressure during the magnetic storm |
EGU2018-2718 | Posters | ST2.1 Contribution of energy input into the magnetosphere to storm-time TEC modelling in mid-latitudes |
EGU2018-14847 | Orals | ST2.1 Do substorms energise the ring current? |
EGU2018-9881 | Posters | ST2.1 Turbulent processes in the Earth’s magnetotail: statistical and spectral analysis |
EGU2018-2545 | Orals | ST2.1 Forces acting on the bursty bulk flow plasma |
EGU2018-16086 | Orals | ST2.1 A new flapping mechanism of Earth’s magnetotail current sheet: inferred from Cluster observations |
EGU2018-8828 | Posters | ST2.1 Injections of relativistic electrons jointly observed with POLAR-TG2 and RHESSI during geomagnetic storms |
EGU2018-6543 | Posters | ST2.1 The Geomagnetic Storm of May 27, 2017: Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Response |
EGU2018-5577 | Orals | ST2.1 The ARCH Project: The holy grail of magnetosphere-ionosphere physics |
EGU2018-16323 | Posters | ST2.1 Plasma acceleration on multiscale temporal variations of electric and magnetic fields during substorm dipolarization in the Earth’s magnetotail |
EGU2018-3442 | Orals | ST2.1 How Does the Magnetosphere go to Sleep? |
EGU2018-18443 | Posters | ST2.1 MMS observations of Hall currents at the borders of a crater flux transfer event |
EGU2018-4306 | Orals | ST2.1 Extreme Solar Particle Storms: How hostile can the Sun be? |
EGU2018-17157 | Posters | ST2.1 Vortex, ULF wave and aurora observation induced by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Change |
EGU2018-16456 | Posters | ST2.1 Dispersive flapping waves of magnetotail current sheet: event study |
EGU2018-16313 | Posters | ST2.1 New insights for Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling function |
EGU2018-15274 | Posters | ST2.1 Field Line Eigenfrequencies During Storms and Substorms |
EGU2018-4386 | Posters | ST2.1 Ray tracing study of propagation of lower-band whistler-mode emissions in outer radiation belts: A statistical approach |
EGU2018-5211 | Posters | ST2.1 Cosmic ray cutoff rigidity changes caused by the disturbed geomagnetic field of the storm in June 2015 |
EGU2018-7504 | Posters | ST2.1 Dynamics of suprathermal electron and proton fluxes during magnetotail dipolarization associated with magnetic flux pile up in the near-Earth plasma sheet |
EGU2018-7878 | Posters | ST2.1 Plasmaspheric hiss as an external excitation source of the Earth-ionosphere cavity |
EGU2018-12865 | Posters | ST2.1 Current Structure of off-equatorial Dipolarization Fronts from Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Observations |
EGU2018-10653 | Posters | ST2.1 The difference between isolated flux transfer events and flux transfer event cascades |
EGU2018-14778 | Posters | ST2.1 The time response of the plasmasheet composition to the solar wind |
EGU2018-6789 | Posters | ST2.1 Statistical survey of the terrestrial bow shock current system using Cluster observations |
EGU2018-2062 | Posters | ST2.1 Time of flight dispersed and repetitive ion structures in the diffuse auroral zone originating from 1-2 Re altitudes |
ST2.3 – The role of the magnetosheath, cusps, foreshock, and transient solar wind phenomena in solar wind – magnetosphere coupling
EGU2018-3180 | Orals | ST2.3 Properties and evolution of foreshock bubbles |
EGU2018-6184 | Posters | ST2.3 A mission to the Sun-Earth L4/L5 for the solar-terrestrial relationship and space weather investigation |
EGU2018-2100 | Orals | ST2.3 Magnetosheath jet interaction with ambient plasma |
EGU2018-4956 | Posters | ST2.3 Nonlinear waves in the terrestrial quasi-parallel foreshock |
EGU2018-13000 | Posters | ST2.3 Modification of solar wind upstream of the Earth’s foreshock: Multi-instrumental observations |
EGU2018-9057 | Orals | ST2.3 Mid-altitude cusp properties: simultaneous Cluster observations at different MLT sectors |
EGU2018-15975 | Orals | ST2.3 Observations of very-low Mach number inner planet bow shocks during ICMEs |
EGU2018-18041 | Posters | ST2.3 Travelling foreshocks and foreshock phenomena |
EGU2018-17137 | Orals | ST2.3 Three Dimensional Simulations of ULF Wave Particle Interactions: Van Allen Probes Observations |
EGU2018-6433 | Posters | ST2.3 Analysis of anisotropic turbulence behind quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel shocks based on THEMIS mission observations |
EGU2018-3369 | Orals | ST2.3 Variation of the auroral oval size and offset from the Spin-Scan Auroral Imager |
EGU2018-1976 | Posters | ST2.3 Magnetosheath high-speed jet properties and evolution as deduced by Vlasiator: First results |
EGU2018-8224 | Posters | ST2.3 Long-term survey of lion roars across Earth's magnetosheath observed by the STAFF-SA instrument onboard the Cluster spacecraft |
EGU2018-5741 | Posters | ST2.3 Modelling of the electric current and magnetic field structures associated with the polar cusps |
EGU2018-9496 | Posters | ST2.3 Simulations of SMILE X-ray images from global MHD modelling |
EGU2018-11342 | Posters | ST2.3 New remote sensing of the Earth’s magnetosphere: the SMILE mission |
EGU2018-12106 | Posters | ST2.3 Statistical Mapping of X-ray Emissivity in Dayside Magnetosheath and Cusps in Preparation for SMILE |
EGU2018-9411 | Posters | ST2.3 Magnetosheath propagation time for solar wind discontinuities: MHD simulations and observations |
EGU2018-8388 | Posters | ST2.3 Carriers and source of magnetopause current |
EGU2018-2638 | Posters | ST2.3 A Remarkable Event in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure and its Effects on Magnetospheric Currents |
EGU2018-14366 | Posters | ST2.3 Hermean magnetospheric structure shape dynamics |
EGU2018-18465 | Posters | ST2.3 Magnetospheric response to extreme interplanetary magnetic field transients |
EGU2018-16461 | Posters | ST2.3 The excitation and the source location of the long-duration EMIC waves in the dayside outer magnetosphere |
EGU2018-4811 | Posters | ST2.3 Case Study: Substorm External Triggering Associated with Northward and Southward IMF orientation |
EGU2018-1796 | Posters | ST2.3 Substorm Related ULF waves Observed in the Magnetosphere by BD-IES and Van Allan Probes |
EGU2018-6932 | Posters | ST2.3 Correlation of solar activity and solar wind structures with geomagnetic, ionospheric and cosmic-ray ground-data from Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands Observatories |
EGU2018-2108 | Posters | ST2.3 Dynamic Evolution of the Earth’s Plasmapause: Statistics and Model |
ST2.5 – Mass, Momentum, and Energy Transport through boundaries in the magnetosphere
EGU2018-4512 | Posters | ST2.5 Global scale simulation of northward IMF magnetospheric dynamics: Vlasiator results |
EGU2018-1960 | Orals | ST2.5 Dynamics of the Earth’s magnetotail observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) |
EGU2018-13383 | Orals | ST2.5 How accurately can we determine the reconnection rate for the 2017-07-11 MMS magnetotail reconnection event? |
EGU2018-4779 | Posters | ST2.5 Magnetopause under a strong southward IMF |
EGU2018-7574 | Orals | ST2.5 | Highlight Energy exchange and electron dynamics in kinetic Alfvén waves |
EGU2018-3488 | Posters | ST2.5 Dayside magnetopause boundary layers under radial IMF conditions |
EGU2018-5528 | Posters | ST2.5 Fine structure of the night-side equatorial magnetopause: ARTEMIS observations |
EGU2018-2634 | Orals | ST2.5 Reconnection at the Subsolar Magnetopause |
EGU2018-8756 | Orals | ST2.5 On the current reduction by cold ions in magnetic reconnection: PIC simulations and MMS observations |
EGU2018-12349 | Posters | ST2.5 Earth’s magnetopause structure based on the Grad-Shafranov reconstruction solver and THEMIS multi-spacecraft data |
EGU2018-17865 | Orals | ST2.5 MMS Multi-Point Analysis of FTEs: Stress Balance, Plasma Energization, and Instabilities |
EGU2018-3481 | Posters | ST2.5 Do we already touch limits of predictability of the magnetopause location? |
EGU2018-12799 | Posters | ST2.5 Variations of the LLBL thickness under abrupt IMF changes |
EGU2018-17014 | Posters | ST2.5 Solar Wind Plasma/Particle Entry into the magnetosphere during quiet times and its Related Auroral activities |
EGU2018-4591 | Posters | ST2.5 New estimation methods of the reconnection rate using in-situ measurements |
EGU2018-9174 | Posters | ST2.5 Three dimensional hybrid simulation of plasma mixing induced by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability |
EGU2018-10883 | Posters | ST2.5 Electron dynamics in high beta, large shear, intermediate guide field reconnection |
EGU2018-13212 | Posters | ST2.5 Crescent-shaped electron distributions within high-speed plasma jets deflected tangentially at the magnetopause: three-dimensional kinetic solutions |
ST2.7 – Wave-particle interactions in the Earth's magnetosphere and radiation belt dynamics
EGU2018-3497 | Orals | ST2.7 The importance of wave-particle interactions for radiation belts dynamics |
EGU2018-1751 | Posters | ST2.7 How Many Different Sources Are There for (Coherent) Plasmaspheric Hiss and What Are the Implications for Subauroral Energetic Particle Precipitation? |
EGU2018-2853 | Orals | ST2.7 Current state of the art and understanding for forecasting relativistic electrons in Earth’s radiation belts |
EGU2018-3472 | Posters | ST2.7 Preliminary survey of quasiperiodic emissions observed by the Van Allen Probes spacecraft |
EGU2018-5324 | Orals | ST2.7 Radiation Belt Acceleration and Loss: Forecasting Solar Wind Driving Effects |
EGU2018-4769 | Posters | ST2.7 Equatorial noise emissions with quasiperiodic modulation: Investigating the source region |