OS – Ocean Sciences
OS1.1 – Open Session on Ocean Circulation and Climate (including Fridtjof Nansen Medal Lecture by Anne-Marie Tréguier)
EGU2019-11756 | Posters | OS1.1
Intensification of the seasonal cycle of Sea Surface Temperature due to Greenhouse WarmingEGU2019-7288 | Orals | OS1.1
Influence of the Agulhas Current on the physical oceanography of the southeast African shelfEGU2019-2195 | Posters | OS1.1
Timescales of the ocean thermal and carbon response to carbon forcingEGU2019-10539 | Orals | OS1.1
Marine heatwaves: Key processes, detection and attribution, and projectionsEGU2019-3240 | Posters | OS1.1
Deep Atlantic-Ocean warming facilitated by the deep western boundary current and equatorial Kelvin wavesEGU2019-13206 | Posters | OS1.1
The Antarctic Polar Front arising from nonlinearities of the Equation of State of SeawaterEGU2019-2304 | Orals | OS1.1
Interior pathways of Labrador Sea Water in the North Atlantic from the Argo perspectiveEGU2019-11174 | Posters | OS1.1
Tracing net diapycnal mixing in ocean circulation models with Argon saturationEGU2019-19156 | Orals | OS1.1
Analysis of ocean connections between the North Atlantic, Weddell Sea and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in CMIP5 modelsEGU2019-12470 | Posters | OS1.1
Forced and chaotic variability of the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding regions.EGU2019-12248 | Posters | OS1.1
Impact of Agulhas Current Meanders on water masses along the South-East African shelf and slopeEGU2019-18264 | Posters | OS1.1
Observations of circulation and transport in the northwestern subpolar North AtlanticEGU2019-14022 | Posters | OS1.1
Formation and evolution of the East Reykjanes Ridge Current and Irminger CurrentEGU2019-6403 | Posters | OS1.1
Variations of the North Equatorial Current Bifurcation Associated with El Nino FlavorsEGU2019-12578 | Posters | OS1.1
A Near-Uniform Sea Level and Ocean Bottom Pressure Fluctuation and its Associated Change in Temperature over the Antarctic Continental ShelfOS1.2 – Changes in the Arctic Ocean, sea ice and subarctic seas systems: Observations, Models and Perspectives (co-sponsored by NORP) (co-organized)
EGU2019-6737 | Posters | OS1.2 | Highlight
The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC)EGU2019-4913 | Orals | OS1.2
The role of Atlantic heat transport in future Arctic winter sea ice lossEGU2019-18382 | Posters | OS1.2
Arctic summer sea ice reduction projection: consequences for the hydrographyEGU2019-10439 | Posters | OS1.2
Drivers of sea ice decline in the Atlantic water sector of the Fram Strait and north of SvalbardEGU2019-3338 | Posters | OS1.2
The influence of Arctic sea ice loss on mid-latitude climate in the cold sessionEGU2019-4730 | Posters | OS1.2
Change of the relationship between the sea ice of Barents-Kara sea and Beaufort-Chukchi seaEGU2019-1435 | Posters | OS1.2
The structure of long-term ice cover variability in the Western Arctic and its statistical models.EGU2019-3052 | Orals | OS1.2
Impact of an abrupt Arctic sea ice reduction on high and mid-latitude climate.EGU2019-19020 | Posters | OS1.2
The impact on Arctic sea ice of increased ice-ocean drag caused by ocean internal wavesEGU2019-5973 | Orals | OS1.2
Sea ice-water classification on dual-polarized Sentinel-1 imagery during melting seasonEGU2019-4114 | Posters | OS1.2
Understanding the mesoscale eddy genesis mechanisms in the marginal ice zoneEGU2019-1200 | Orals | OS1.2
Assessing bio-physical feedbacks in the Arctic Ocean under Arctic amplificationEGU2019-13219 | Posters | OS1.2
Understanding Arctic and Subpolar Gyre exchanges, means, and trends using The Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate EstimateEGU2019-1928 | Posters | OS1.2
Changes of the heat content in the West Spitsbergen Current region in 1998 – 2017.EGU2019-3120 | Orals | OS1.2
Impact of Atmospheric resolution on ocean heat transport into the ArcticEGU2019-16652 | Posters | OS1.2
Latitudinal transect of benthic foraminifera size spectra in Svalbard and Norwegian fjordsEGU2019-11424 | Orals | OS1.2
The role atmosphere-ocean-ice interactions in Arctic sea ice response to CO2 increase.EGU2019-4996 | Posters | OS1.2
Characteristics and trends of Atlantic water - polar water front north of Svalbard 1905-2018EGU2019-5986 | Posters | OS1.2
Two approaches to describe intrusions in the upper layer of the Deep Polar Water (Arctic Ocean)EGU2019-10136 | Posters | OS1.2
Water masses of the Barents/Kara Sea: modifications, causes thereof and further spreadingEGU2019-1995 | Posters | OS1.2
Dynamical link between the Barents-Kara Sea ice and the Arctic OscillationEGU2019-6762 | Posters | OS1.2
Property change of the Atlantic water around the Chukchi Borderland, western Arctic OceanEGU2019-11543 | Posters | OS1.2
Influence of winter Arctic Oscillation on Arctic sea ice concentrationEGU2019-1613 | Posters | OS1.2
Arctic Ocean near-surface circulation: preliminary results from a comparison between altimetry and in situ observations.EGU2019-6548 | Posters | OS1.2
Observation of topographic Rossby waves in the shelfbreak of the Chukchi SeaOS1.3 – The North Atlantic : natural variability and global change (co-organized)
EGU2019-2721 | Posters | OS1.3
The role of winter blocking anticyclones in the formation of the wind waves in the northern seasEGU2019-2815 | Posters | OS1.3
Dynamical Controls on Ocean Surface Wave Climate in the North AtlanticEGU2019-3134 | Posters | OS1.3
Developing a protocol for reconstructing the AMOC in the historical period using surface dataEGU2019-17669 | Orals | OS1.3
Decadal changes in the heat and freshwater content of the subpolar North AtlanticEGU2019-3105 | Orals | OS1.3
Observed weakening of the circulation in the western subpolar North AtlanticEGU2019-18662 | Orals | OS1.3
Sources of variability of the overturning circulation in the subtropical North AtlanticEGU2019-4814 | Orals | OS1.3
North Atlantic jet variability: bridging the weather and climate perspectivesEGU2019-13419 | Orals | OS1.3
Summer North Atlantic SST and atmospheric circulation patterns in a changing climateEGU2019-1648 | Orals | OS1.3
The Atmospheric Response to a Future Warming Deficit in North Atlantic SSTsEGU2019-8855 | Posters | OS1.3
Quasi-Decadal and Multidecadal North Atlantic Climate Variability and PredictabilityEGU2019-18278 | Orals | OS1.3
Abundant Cyclonic Eddies in the Deep Boundary Current Around Southern GreenlandEGU2019-18159 | Orals | OS1.3
Basin-Wide Decadal Changes of Labrador Sea Water Observed at 47°/48°N in the North AtlanticEGU2019-9210 | Posters | OS1.3
Did anthropogenic global warming break the AMO – NAO interdependence?EGU2019-1283 | Orals | OS1.3
Structure and variability of the West Greenland boundary current systemEGU2019-9339 | Posters | OS1.3
On the interplay between downwelling, deep convection and mesoscale eddies in the Labrador SeaEGU2019-9519 | Posters | OS1.3
Estimates of Decadal Climate Predictability from an Interactive Ensemble ModelEGU2019-1987 | Orals | OS1.3
Interannual variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water in the tropical North AtlanticEGU2019-16454 | Orals | OS1.3
Two distinct phases in the North Atlantic gyre circulation changes under global warmingEGU2019-16644 | Orals | OS1.3
Preconditioning favored deep convection in the Irminger Sea in winters 2016, 2017 and 2018EGU2019-10643 | Posters | OS1.3
The North Atlantic’s response to Greenland melting: Role of atmospheric feedbacksEGU2019-10879 | Posters | OS1.3
Impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on Baltic Sea VariabilityEGU2019-11803 | Posters | OS1.3
The Tripole SST Mode in the North Atlantic Ocean and ENSO Association with Precipitation over Northwest ChinaEGU2019-13208 | Posters | OS1.3
Long-lived radionuclides (129I and 236U) as water mass tracers in the North Atlantic and Fram StraitEGU2019-15615 | Posters | OS1.3
Understanding the annual salinity cycle of the Denmark Strait OverflowEGU2019-16182 | Posters | OS1.3
A analysis of the Northern Atlantic typical wind field patterns and large-scale atmospheric and oceanic conditionsEGU2019-17282 | Posters | OS1.3
Variability of the Deep Bight: Two-years of Mooring Data in the Bight Fracture ZoneOS1.4 – South-to-North: Variability and connectivity along the oceanic current systems from the South Atlantic to the North Atlantic and into the Arctic Ocean (co-organized)
EGU2019-8456 | Posters | OS1.4
Shear dispersion and delayed propagation of temperature anomalies in the Nordic SeasEGU2019-15518 | Posters | OS1.4
Water mass properties derived from satellite observations in the Barents SeaEGU2019-17215 | Posters | OS1.4
Transport variability in the Eastern Subpolar North Atlantic Based on Mooring MeasurementsEGU2019-18966 | Posters | OS1.4
Sub-decadal Variability between Atmosphere and Ocean in the North Atlantic regionEGU2019-17397 | Posters | OS1.4
Aerosols, Atlantic Overturning Circulation, and Meridional heat convergence into the ArcticOS1.5 – The Southern Ocean in a changing climate: from ice shelves to open ocean (co-organized)
EGU2019-12866 | Posters | OS1.5
Lithogenic fluxes across a transect in the SW Indian Ocean since the last glacial inceptionEGU2019-9809 | Posters | OS1.5
Modelling iron - light colimitation in the Amundsen Sea, West AntarcticaEGU2019-15114 | Posters | OS1.5
Decadal prediction experiments over a local Southern Ocean configurationEGU2019-15986 | Orals | OS1.5
Trends and variability in Antarctic Circumpolar Current properties and transportsEGU2019-2813 | Posters | OS1.5
Southern Ocean Mixed Layer Response to Changes in Large-Scale Atmospheric CirculationEGU2019-16690 | Orals | OS1.5
The Weddell Gyre: Warm Deep Water circulation and fluxes of heat derived from Argo floatsEGU2019-17246 | Posters | OS1.5
Remote atmospheric drivers of melt rates in the Filchner Ice Shelf System on inter-annual timescalesEGU2019-8477 | Posters | OS1.5
Wind-driven processes controlling heat delivery to the Amundsen Sea, AntarcticaEGU2019-4225 | Orals | OS1.5
The impact of Weddell Sea polynyas on the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf cavityEGU2019-18368 | Orals | OS1.5
Unprecedented Strong Modified Warm Deep Water Flow towards Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf in 2017EGU2019-9258 | Posters | OS1.5
The influence of the dynamics under the Antarctic ice shelves on ocean bottom pressure patterns simulated by a global ocean circulation modelEGU2019-14004 | Posters | OS1.5
Tides and ice shelves impacts on ice-ocean interactions in east Antarctica.EGU2019-17160 | Posters | OS1.5
The multitude of feedbacks between Antarctica’s Ice and the Southern OceanEGU2019-13645 | Posters | OS1.5
Investigating the Robustness of Antarctic Sea-Ice Reconstructions from Ice CoresEGU2019-13723 | Posters | OS1.5
The boundary currents in the Weddell Sea - the seasonality of an overturning systemEGU2019-15630 | Posters | OS1.5
What controls the heat content of the recently ventilated Southern Ocean?EGU2019-10688 | Posters | OS1.5
Energy of the jets of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and of their eddies in the surface layer of the Southern OceanOS1.7 – Understanding the Indian Ocean’s past, present, and future (co-organized)
EGU2019-4646 | Posters | OS1.7
Oxygen isotope-salinity relationship along a meridional transect (67∘E) in the Western Indian OceanEGU2019-12290 | Posters | OS1.7
Floating islands of water vapor and convection over the western equatorial Indian OceanEGU2019-5673 | Orals | OS1.7
Formation of Anticyclonic Eddies Southeast of Sri Lanka during Summer MonsoonsEGU2019-10310 | Posters | OS1.7
Occurrence and intraseasonal variability of surface currents in the equatorial Indian OceanEGU2019-8625 | Orals | OS1.7
Strengthened Indonesian Throughflow Drives Decadal Warming in the Southern Indian OceanEGU2019-2773 | Posters | OS1.7
Natural decadal sea-level variability in the Indian Ocean: Lessons from CMIP modelsEGU2019-3770 | Posters | OS1.7
Low-frequency Variability and the Unusual Indian Ocean Dipole Events in 2015 and 2016EGU2019-9766 | Orals | OS1.7
Ventilation pathways and timescales of the oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian SeaEGU2019-7466 | Posters | OS1.7
The Low-frequency processes in the Indo-Pacific Region and their impact on tropical Indian OceanOS1.8 – Tropical & Subtropical Ocean Circulation, Equatorial to Mid-Latitude Air-Sea Interactions (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2019-5496 | PICOs | OS1.8
Characteristics of the Atlantic Subtropical Cells inferred from observationsEGU2019-7289 | PICOs | OS1.8
Causes and evolution of the southeastern tropical Atlantic warm event in early 2016EGU2019-10304 | PICOs | OS1.8
The impact of upwelling on the intensification of anticyclones in the Caribbean SeaEGU2019-13967 | PICOs | OS1.8
The coupling between the ocean and the atmosphere in the equatorial Atlantic seasonal cycleEGU2019-16118 | PICOs | OS1.8
Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the eastern tropical Pacific OceanOS1.11 – Interdisciplinary Session on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2019-16229 | PICOs | OS1.11
Biological production and zooplankton hotspots in Eastern Boundary Upwelling SystemsEGU2019-4822 | PICOs | OS1.11
Upper ocean subduction in an idealized eastern boundary upwelling modelEGU2019-7468 | PICOs | OS1.11
The implication of local vs regional based reconstructions in upwelling areasEGU2019-17873 | PICOs | OS1.11
What drives the offshore extension of coastal productivity in the eastern South Pacific ?EGU2019-11876 | PICOs | OS1.11
Impacts of the mesoscale ocean-atmosphere coupling on the Chile biological activityEGU2019-15860 | PICOs | OS1.11
Mass transports in the southern edge of the NW African Upwelling SystemEGU2019-10727 | PICOs | OS1.11
Benguela Niños and Benguela Niñas in forced ocean simulation from 1958 to 2015OS2.1 – Open session on coastal and shelf seas
EGU2019-1315 | Posters | OS2.1
Numerical study on the upwelling system in the Arafura Sea and its relation to ENSOEGU2019-4263 | Posters | OS2.1
Extreme storm tides in the German Bight and their possible amplifications.EGU2019-8879 | Orals | OS2.1
Obtaining directional wave characteristics in front of nearshore field sitesEGU2019-10143 | Posters | OS2.1
Tidally driven tracer transport in narrow straits in northern NorwayEGU2019-14576 | Orals | OS2.1
Interannual variability in larval dispersal in a shelf sea front regionEGU2019-16410 | Posters | OS2.1
WaterPuck the innovative system for the Puck Bay area - the hydrodynamic partEGU2019-15090 | Posters | OS2.1
Monthly variability and response of thermocline in the South China Sea to ENSO eventsEGU2019-13199 | Posters | OS2.1
Seasonal variation in the surface fCO2 and sea-air CO2 fluxes in the Eastern Yellow SeaEGU2019-10618 | Orals | OS2.1
Cross-slope exchange between a temperate shelf sea and the North Atlantic Ocean in autumnEGU2019-9844 | Posters | OS2.1
Spring re-stratification in the Baltic Sea: linking in-situ and satellite dataEGU2019-8124 | Orals | OS2.1
The effect of ebb-tidal delta nourishments on cyclic channel-shoal dynamicsEGU2019-12953 | Posters | OS2.1
Analysing Mean Sea Level trends and variability in the southwestern Baltic SeaEGU2019-13942 | Posters | OS2.1
Modelling of Baltic Sea Ice – preliminary results of sensitivity studies.EGU2019-16086 | Posters | OS2.1
The effect of tidal basin connectivity and waves on sediment transport patterns in the Ameland InletEGU2019-17557 | Posters | OS2.1
Scaldis-Coast: An Integrated Numerical Model for the Simulation of the Belgian Coast MorphodynamicsEGU2019-17635 | Posters | OS2.1
Hydrography, circulation and suspended particle distribution in Ushuaia Bay and the Beagle ChannelOS2.2 – River plumes and estuarine dynamics
EGU2019-15555 | Posters | OS2.2
Observations of internal waves in the near field of the Rhine River PlumeEGU2019-1976 | Posters | OS2.2
Influence of tidal mixing on river plumes in the Kara and Laptev seasEGU2019-358 | Posters | OS2.2
Water exchange between the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea through the Kerch StraitEGU2019-11993 | Orals | OS2.2
Hydrographical Variations at James Bay Eelgrass Beds in Relation to an Under-Ice River PlumeEGU2019-3600 | Posters | OS2.2
Sediment transport capacity under the river–tide interaction in the Changjiang EstuaryEGU2019-7414 | Posters | OS2.2
River estuaries of the Amazon-influenced Guianas coast: diversity and preliminary classificationEGU2019-6635 | Posters | OS2.2
Linking the river plume dynamics to the spring algal blooming off the Changjiang River EstuaryEGU2019-12637 | Posters | OS2.2
Wind modulation on the offshore transport of estuary plume in the northern South China SeaEGU2019-11206 | Posters | OS2.2
Investigating the influence of freshwater discharge on deltaic systemsEGU2019-13520 | Posters | OS2.2
Investigating Rhone river plume dynamics using innovative metrics: ocean color satellite data Vs 3D sediment transport model resultsEGU2019-13770 | Posters | OS2.2
Modeling the Po River Delta with a nested grid approach: impacts on local circulation and plume dynamics of a higher grid resolution over the river mouth.OS2.3 – Nearshore processes: fluid motions and sediment transport (co-organized)
EGU2019-2628 | Orals | OS2.3 | Highlight
Undular bore formation and extreme runup on reef-lined coastsEGU2019-3526 | Posters | OS2.3
Some regularities of the sediment suspension under waves with group structureEGU2019-7846 | Orals | OS2.3
Sand dune morphology under the interaction between periodic waves and coastal structuresEGU2019-10345 | Posters | OS2.3
Sandy coast cross-shore profile changes in a high wave energy environment, Palanga, Baltic SeaEGU2019-10417 | Orals | OS2.3
Beach profile evolution under storm sequence forcing in large-scale experimentsEGU2019-17385 | Posters | OS2.3
Hydrodynamics and sediment transport in Frænfjorden (Western Norway)EGU2019-12232 | Posters | OS2.3
Large-scale physical modeling and numerical simulation of coastal sand dune morphodynamicsEGU2019-7753 | Posters | OS2.3
Measuring the alongshore variability in the wave field over an inundated beachOS2.4 – Oceanography at coastal scales. Modelling, coupling and observations. (co-organized)
EGU2019-4054 | Orals | OS2.4
Nearshore wave energy dissipation patterns on a shore with multiple barsEGU2019-3128 | Posters | OS2.4
Operational modelling of Baltic Sea - port of Liepaja - Liepaja lake systemEGU2019-3884 * | Posters | OS2.4 | Highlight
Marine Drift under Topographic Constraints: the Case of a blown-away Windsurfer in 29. 10. 2018 Scirocco Storm in the northern AdriaticEGU2019-9297 | Posters | OS2.4
Numerical Investigation of the Wind-Driven Turbulence and Cooling Process in the Black SeaEGU2019-9527 | Posters | OS2.4
A comparison of gap-filling methods for HF radar data in the gulf of NaplesEGU2019-15436 | Orals | OS2.4
GolFEM a finite element model for the management of the Goro lagoon, ItalyEGU2019-11480 | Posters | OS2.4
An Adaptive Land Flag for SAR Altimetry Waveform Processing in Coastal AreasEGU2019-11659 | Posters | OS2.4
Characteristic and mechanism of upwelling northwest off the Hainan Island in summerEGU2019-13794 | Posters | OS2.4
Variability of the Rossby radius of deformation in the Hornsund fjordEGU2019-15212 | Posters | OS2.4
Operational high-resolution modelling of oil spills for coastal and port managementEGU2019-15511 | Posters | OS2.4
Downscaling of CMEMS forecasts for added value products in the Spanish coastEGU2019-16157 | Posters | OS2.4
Modelling of upwelling propagation in Tvärminne Storfjärden, Gulf of Finland.EGU2019-16159 | Posters | OS2.4
High-resolution view on seasonal thermocline development in the Eastern Baltic SeaEGU2019-16713 | Posters | OS2.4
GCOAST Model System: coupling of ocean and atmosphere through a dynamic wave interfaceOS2.5 – Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)
EGU2019-9522 | Posters | OS2.5
Multiplatform study of a long lasting anticyclonic eddy in the Algerian basin.EGU2019-13744 | Posters | OS2.5
The Coastal Circulation Model of Buyuk Menderes River and adjacent Coastal AreasEGU2019-18936 | Orals | OS2.5
Long-term trends in the Black Sea biogeochemistry: internal processes and external influences.EGU2019-15293 | Posters | OS2.5
Interactions between variations in the depth of the oxycline and carbonate chemistry in the Black SeaEGU2019-17023 | Posters | OS2.5
The chlorophyll seasonal dynamics in the Black Sea as inferred from Biogeochemical-Argo floatsEGU2019-14886 | Orals | OS2.5
Deep convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Stratification versus FluxesEGU2019-5274 | Posters | OS2.5 | Highlight
Relative sea level rise and potential flooding risk for 2100 on 15 coastal plains of the Mediterranean SeaEGU2019-5633 | Orals | OS2.5
Tidal Records as Liquid Climate Archives for Large-Scale Interior Mediterranean VariabilityEGU2019-8226 | Posters | OS2.5
Tidal dynamics in inter-connected basins: from the ocean to coastal lagoonsOS3.1 – Ocean biogeochemistry, circulation and climate: recent advances and novel approaches to synthesis and predictions (including OS Division Outstanding ECS Lecture by Peter Landschützer) (co-organized)
EGU2019-1776 | Posters | OS3.1
Fe(II) oxidation kinetics in the North Atlantic along the 59.5° N during 2016EGU2019-4679 | Orals | OS3.1 | Highlight
Knowledge gaps in the biological carbon pump: Does black matter? (Part 1)EGU2019-4685 | Orals | OS3.1 | Highlight
Knowledge gaps in the biological carbon pump: Does black matter? (Part 2)EGU2019-3224 | Orals | OS3.1
Stable carbon isotope evidence for large terrestrial carbon inputs to the global oceanEGU2019-9783 | Orals | OS3.1
Potential predictability of marine ecosystem stressors on interannual to decadal timescalesEGU2019-3421 | Posters | OS3.1
A mechanism to ameliorate ocean deoxygenation by phytoplankton adaptationEGU2019-5895 | Posters | OS3.1
Nineteen years of surface ocean nitrous oxide along the Atlantic Meridional TransectEGU2019-17605 | Posters | OS3.1
Satellite-driven preliminary estimates of Total Alkalinity in the Mediterranean basinEGU2019-3116 | Posters | OS3.1
Tracking the increase in surface ocean carbon dioxide with the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT)EGU2019-11413 | Posters | OS3.1
Marine DOC Modeling Suggests the Importance of Hydrothermal Vents and Initial DOC ProductionOS3.2 – Deoxygenation in the marine environment: biological, chemical and physical processes (co-organized) | PICO
EGU2019-13007 | PICOs | OS3.2
Future global ocean oxygen trends are potentially vulnerable to microplastic pollutionEGU2019-15255 | PICOs | OS3.2 | Highlight
Future changes in oxygen ventilation pathways related to 21st century deoxygenationEGU2019-15714 | PICOs | OS3.2
Defining carbon export from oxygen minimum zones using isotopic tracersEGU2019-16412 | PICOs | OS3.2
A Study of Decadal Ocean Deoxygenation and Heat Uptake from a suite of OMIP SimulationsOS3.4 – Effects of Anthropogenic Pressure on Marine Ecosystems (co-organized)
EGU2019-6888 | Posters | OS3.4
Multipurpose cost-effective technologies supporting integrated marine ecosystem monitoringEGU2019-9552 | Posters | OS3.4
Experiences gained from the WaveSAX energy device tests at the Civitavecchia harbour (Italy)EGU2019-9734 | Posters | OS3.4
Sea surface currents measurements off the Northern Tyrrhenian coastal siteEGU2019-12677 | Posters | OS3.4
Physical and biological water column observations during summer breeze windsEGU2019-14564 | Posters | OS3.4
Posidonia oceanica ecosystem services assessment in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, ItalyEGU2019-16339 | Posters | OS3.4
BAT as a tool for reducing seawater pollution effects: the Italian perspectiveOS3.5 – Marine Pollution Assessment, Predictions and Risk Mapping (co-organized)
EGU2019-3289 | Posters | OS3.5
Corsica oil spill, October – November 2018: fusion of modeling and observationsEGU2019-13632 | Posters | OS3.5
Long-term modelling of the Corsica oil spill fate and transport incorporating biodegradation kineticsEGU2019-13861 | Posters | OS3.5
Model-based identification of marine plastic sources for the Mediterranean Marine Protected AreasEGU2019-17724 | Posters | OS3.5
The influence of the Atlantic Ionian Stream in determining the fate of surface drifters in the Sicily ChannelEGU2019-14083 | Posters | OS3.5
Estimated long-term effects of wash water from emission control systems on seagoing vesselsEGU2019-5503 | Posters | OS3.5
How do Ocean Conditions Influence Potential Oil Spills in the Faroe-Shetland Channel?OS4.1 – Open session on ocean processes and techniques and advances due to new instruments and techniques | PICO
EGU2019-2388 | PICOs | OS4.1
Remarkable properties of cold seawater key to the formation of sea ice on EarthEGU2019-4419 | PICOs | OS4.1 | Highlight
Observation of water-mass characteristics in the "Challenger Deep" by using 7000m-level glidersEGU2019-7877 | PICOs | OS4.1
Glider data collected during the Algerian Basin Circulation Unmanned Survey since 2014EGU2019-8331 | PICOs | OS4.1
A new numerical model for understanding free and dissolved gas dynamics in the water columnEGU2019-9706 | PICOs | OS4.1
A new process-based vertical advection/diffusion theoretical model of ocean heat uptakeOS4.2 – Tides. (co-organized)
EGU2019-15955 | Posters | OS4.2
Sensitivity of hydrodynamic tidal models to spatial resolution: effects of staircase coastlinesEGU2019-7307 | Orals | OS4.2
Global Estimates of Tide Surge Interaction and its Benefits for Coastal ProtectionEGU2019-6069 | Orals | OS4.2
Coastal tides and sea level variations at high latitudes from altimetry and GNSS-R.EGU2019-4092 | Posters | OS4.2
Sensitivity of global ocean tides to Antarctic ice-shelf cavity changesEGU2019-6280 | Posters | OS4.2
Multi-century impacts of ice sheet retreat on sea level and tides in Hudson BayEGU2019-15130 | Orals | OS4.2
Assessing 20th century tidal range changes in the North Atlantic and the North SeaEGU2019-14295 | Orals | OS4.2
The role of tides in the Late Pleistocene human migration to AustraliaEGU2019-14127 | Posters | OS4.2
Analysis of global ocean tide models in critical areas with focus on EOT19 preliminary modelEGU2019-2146 | Posters | OS4.2
UoNGBR: A New Assimilation Tidal Model for the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea, AustraliaEGU2019-14105 | Posters | OS4.2
Automatic quality-control on historic high-frequency tide-gauge data in the CaribbeanEGU2019-8332 | Posters | OS4.2
Adapting the spatial tidal characteristic analysis to a numerical model of the German BightOS4.3 – Internal Gravity Waves (co-organized)
EGU2019-18710 | Orals | OS4.3
Gravity waves in convection-permitting simulations of general circulation modelsEGU2019-17673 | Orals | OS4.3
Lagrangian Gravity Wave Spectra in the lower stratosphere of current (re)analysesEGU2019-6855 | Posters | OS4.3
WKBJ Theory of Triad Interactions of Internal Gravity Waves in Varying Background FlowsEGU2019-9873 | Orals | OS4.3
Observation of internal wave breaking on the deep ocean seafloor and associated mixingEGU2019-8382 | Posters | OS4.3
Inertia-gravity Waves in troposphere and lower stratosphere observed with the Beijing MST radarEGU2019-10135 | Orals | OS4.3
Generation and impacts of internal tides over the northern Mid-Atlantic RidgeEGU2019-8730 | Posters | OS4.3
Detecting Nonlinear Internal Waves from Pressure, Thermal, and Flow Fields in the Northern Arabian GulfEGU2019-9111 | Posters | OS4.3
PMC Turbo – Gravity Wave and Instability Dynamics Observed in Polar Mesospheric Cloud Imaging and Lidar Profiling from a Stratospheric BalloonEGU2019-11744 | Posters | OS4.3
Nonlinear interaction between internal waves of inertial and semidiurnal frequencyEGU2019-14920 | Posters | OS4.3
Role of parametrized orographic gravity waves in the lower stratosphereEGU2019-15239 | Posters | OS4.3
Perspectives on re-intepretation of a gravity wave event recorded by ground-based lidarEGU2019-15903 | Posters | OS4.3
Small-scale secondary gravity waves generated by breaking mountain wavesEGU2019-17567 | Posters | OS4.3
Convective gravity waves parameterized in a global model using a transient gravity-wave modelOS4.4 – Surface Waves and Wave-Coupled Effects in Lower Atmosphere and Upper Ocean (co-organized)
EGU2019-1689 | Orals | OS4.4
Momentum and energy exchange mechanisms between wind and surface gravity wavesEGU2019-2392 | Posters | OS4.4
Wave effects in global ocean modeling: parametrizations vs. forcing from a wave modelEGU2019-2713 | Orals | OS4.4
Spatially Tracking Wave Events in Partitioned Numerical Wave Model OutputsEGU2019-4556 | Posters | OS4.4
Determining near-surface currents from measurements of the wave spectrumEGU2019-8373 | Posters | OS4.4
Impacts of surface gravity waves on a tidal front: a coupled model perspectiveEGU2019-9482 | Posters | OS4.4
CASISAC – Changes in the Agulhas System and its Impact on Southern African CoastsEGU2019-14965 | Posters | OS4.4
Changes in the Arctic basin wave characteristics from CMIP5 simulations for the 21st centuryEGU2019-13681 | Orals | OS4.4
Discrepancies in modern wave climate projections based on different atmospheric reanalysesEGU2019-16330 | Posters | OS4.4
Development of a 2-way coupled ocean-wave model: assessment on a global oceanic configurationEGU2019-4777 | Orals | OS4.4
Investigation of turbulent entrainment in ocean thermocline using large eddy simulationEGU2019-18940 | Posters | OS4.4
Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in laboratory non-breaking surface wavesOS4.5 – The realm of (sub)mesoscale dynamics: variability, impact, and new challenges (co-organized)
EGU2019-5325 | Posters | OS4.5
Reconstruction of small scales in satellite data using DINEOF and neural networksEGU2019-5324 | Orals | OS4.5
The role of submesoscale currents in structuring phytoplankton diversityEGU2019-10144 | Orals | OS4.5
Impact of submesoscale processes on phytoplankton community structure across oceanic frontsEGU2019-11864 | Orals | OS4.5
Three-dimensional structure of a standing meander in the Antarctic Circumpolar CurrentEGU2019-3454 | Orals | OS4.5
Impact of Mesoscale Eddies on Chlorophyll Variability off the Coast of ChileEGU2019-14282 | Orals | OS4.5
Dynamical controls on the longevity of a non-linear vortex: The case of the Lofoten Basin EddyEGU2019-18148 | Posters | OS4.5
Vertical structure of Mediterranean vortices : a dive within Pelops and Ierapetra EddiesEGU2019-12534 | Posters | OS4.5
Oxygen depleted eddies at low latitudes in the eastern tropical North AtlanticEGU2019-11478 | Posters | OS4.5
Phytoplankton community temporal and spatial scales of decorrelationOS4.6 – Numerical modelling of the ocean: new scientific advances in ocean models to foster exchanges within NEMO community and contribute to future developments (co-sponsored by NEMO)
EGU2019-1904 | Posters | OS4.6
A New Hybrid Vertical Coordinate Ocean Model and Its Application in the Simulation of Low Salinity Water patches in the Changjiang EstuaryEGU2019-3140 | Posters | OS4.6
A new method for downscaling of forecasting ocean models - the Red Sea case studyEGU2019-4694 | Posters | OS4.6
Effect of varying bottom friction on tidal sea level simulation in the Indo-Pacific OceanEGU2019-8117 | Posters | OS4.6
The sensitivity of ocean-sea ice models to resolution using ACCESS-OM2EGU2019-16675 | Posters | OS4.6
Experiences from NEMO simulations on the Baltic Sea - sea ice and other sensitivitiesEGU2019-18206 | Posters | OS4.6
Understanding ocean parameter choices to improve climate projections over EuropeOS4.7 – Ocean Remote Sensing
EGU2019-141 | Posters | OS4.7
Intrinsic Role of Sea Surface Salinity on the development of Indian Summer Monsoon OnsetEGU2019-315 | Posters | OS4.7
Comparing satellite-derived and modelled ocean currents for predicting oceanic surface driftEGU2019-9153 | Orals | OS4.7
Seasonal variability of Niger and Congo Rivers plumes in the Gulf of Guinea.EGU2019-1881 | Posters | OS4.7
Effects of Surface Winds on Green Island Wakes Observed from Satellite ImageryEGU2019-11013 | Orals | OS4.7
OceanObs19 Summary of Remote Sensing for Ocean Surface Winds and StressEGU2019-4260 | Posters | OS4.7
Detection of harmful algal blooms in the Strait of Hormuz using satellite dataEGU2019-4696 | Posters | OS4.7
Importance of Maritime Continent Monsoonal Water Cycle to the Indonesian ThroughflowEGU2019-10797 | Orals | OS4.7
Perspectives for full Surface Current mapping with the proposed SKIM missionEGU2019-9371 | Posters | OS4.7
Surface kinetic energy distributions in the global oceans from a numerical model and observationsEGU2019-15966 | Posters | OS4.7
Revisiting the island mass effect: a systematic study in the tropical PacificEGU2019-17145 | Orals | OS4.7
Why the wiggles? A study of an unstable front and the birth of submesoscale turbulenceEGU2019-11125 | Orals | OS4.7
What is the Accuracy of In-Situ Sea Surface Temperature Measurements from Global Drifter Program Drifters?EGU2019-16546 | Posters | OS4.7
Multi-scale synergy products for advanced coastal water quality monitoring: the Multi-Sync project.EGU2019-18246 | Posters | OS4.7
Aviso+: altimetry satellite data and products for ocean, hydrology, coastal, and ice applicationsOS4.8 – Using and acquiring monitoring data to enhance the knowledge of key oceanic processes and their interactions (co-sponsored by EMSO)
EGU2019-14733 | Orals | OS4.8 | Highlight
A comprehensive view on ocean processes by the Multidisciplinary Arctic Ocean Observatory FRAMEGU2019-16017 | Orals | OS4.8
New insights into the relevance of deep processes in the ocean circulationEGU2019-14289 | Posters | OS4.8
MEDUSA: a real-time multi-parameter marine monitoring research infrastructureEGU2019-9657 | Orals | OS4.8
Contribution of hydroacoustic data to long-term seismicity studies along then northern MAR.EGU2019-9601 | Posters | OS4.8
Magma chamber to micro-habitats: near seafloor dynamics of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systemsEGU2019-16793 | Posters | OS4.8
HYDROBS: a versatile long-term data-logger with messengers for monitoring the water columnEGU2019-16874 | Posters | OS4.8
Acoustic T-phases recorded by seafloor observatories at the Tyrrhenian and Ionian deep sitesEGU2019-15876 | Posters | OS4.8
Characterization of the presence of free gas in sediment from long term pore pressure monitoringEGU2019-15846 | Posters | OS4.8
The EGIM, EMSO generic instrument module, step towards standardizationOS4.11 – Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS)
EGU2019-5560 | Orals | OS4.11
Validation of CMEMS gridded products through spectral coherence approachEGU2019-16041 | Posters | OS4.11
Recent updates to the Copernicus Marine Service Black Sea Analysis and Forecasting SystemEGU2019-7793 | Orals | OS4.11
High Frequency Radar-derived surface currents: a powerful new data set for CMEMSEGU2019-6748 | Posters | OS4.11
The GHER and NEMO models in the CMEMS Black Sea MFC biogeochemical forecastsEGU2019-17502 | Orals | OS4.11
Framework for improving land boundary conditions in ocean regional productsEGU2019-14417 | Orals | OS4.11
LATEMAR - LArgesT wavEs in MARine environment: new products for wave model forecastEGU2019-5811 | Posters | OS4.11
Assimilation of optical absorption by phytoplankton functional types into ecosystem modelEGU2019-18617 | Posters | OS4.11
Learning from large-ensemble ocean simulations to better interpret satellite and in-situ ocean dataEGU2019-19026 | Orals | OS4.11
A regional ensemble-based approach to design the future of the biogeochemical Argo arrayEGU2019-14857 | Posters | OS4.11
Regionally downscaled climate projections for the Baltic Sea and North SeaEGU2019-14452 | Posters | OS4.11
Lupa : A series of ocean model inter-comparison metrics for assessing the sensitivity of resolved fine scales for designing future global prediction systemsEGU2019-17922 | Posters | OS4.11
HiSea – High resolution Copernicus-based information services at sea for ports and aquaculture*