EOS – Education and Outreach Sessions
EOS1.3 – Science in tomorrow's classroom
EGU2020-1560 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
More than 15 Years of Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops of the European Geoscience Union General AssemblyEGU2020-1564 | Displays | EOS1.3
BSc Applied Physics: A physics degree for students with non-standard qualificationsEGU2020-2430 | Displays | EOS1.3
Earth2Class (E2C) Connecting research scientists with Teachers and StudentsEGU2020-2597 | Displays | EOS1.3
How do high school students teach geosciences to elementary students?EGU2020-2644 | Displays | EOS1.3
Space and life - A training course for teachers of Biology, Earth Sciences and ChemistryEGU2020-3971 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Outdoor Education is Essential for Developing the Environmental Stewards of TomorrowEGU2020-4105 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Memories of the 1969 earthquake in the municipality of Lamego (Portugal): an interdisciplinary project of curriculum articulationEGU2020-4272 | Displays | EOS1.3
Design and implementation of climate and flood risks educational program in Mali, West Africa: A methodological approachEGU2020-4754 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Hands-on activities in climate education at school: three successful examplesEGU2020-6049 | Displays | EOS1.3
Students discover the rocks and minerals that are behind the chemical elements of the Periodic Table.EGU2020-6070 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Realization and use of a digital portable Weather Station - An integrated example of technological applications of low cost and high quality professional hardware platforms for innovative laboratory teaching in the classroomEGU2020-6073 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Linguistically Science (Using EGU Planet Press to promote Science in a native language)EGU2020-6082 | Displays | EOS1.3
Effects of Training Teachers on the Topics Natural Resources and Natural Hazards on Academic Performance of Primary School Pupils in Kaduna MetropolisEGU2020-6763 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
The Story of Plate Tectonics: Engaging A level Geologists in the classroom.EGU2020-7096 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Tell me what's underneath! Using a model to investigate core sampling methodology with secondary school studentsEGU2020-7765 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Developing Active Learners Based on Education for Sustainable DevelopmentEGU2020-9676 | Displays | EOS1.3
Water and sustainability: improving the learning level through an integrated approachEGU2020-10872 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Collaboration project around United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with focus on climate change and human rightsEGU2020-10989 | Displays | EOS1.3
Culture and Release of Eastern Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Catharpin Creek, Prince William County, VirginiaEGU2020-11330 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
The School in the Park. A purpose for our future: 0 km water.EGU2020-11668 | Displays | EOS1.3
Geosciences Interdisciplinary Articulation in the schools, an example of project workEGU2020-11672 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Disaster prevention education through learning about past heavy rainfall and debris flow damageEGU2020-11921 | Displays | EOS1.3 | Highlight
Learn to Teach: how hands-on activities can promote scientific learning across multiple levels of educationEGU2020-12859 | Displays | EOS1.3
The Global Warming By Using The Experimental Methods Within Project-Based Learning ApproachEGU2020-18198 | Displays | EOS1.3
Expo-Laboratory: a learning path based on direct experience and peer educationEGU2020-19074 | Displays | EOS1.3
From “Liceu de Ponta Delgada” to “Antero de Quental Secondary School” (Past and Present)EGU2020-21162 | Displays | EOS1.3
Distribution of schist villages according to water availability in a Portuguese mountain rangeEGU2020-22218 | Displays | EOS1.3
Strategies, methods and data supporting science teachers to deal with teaching climate change in secondary schoolsEOS2.1 – Teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics in the 21st Century
EGU2020-10254 | Displays | EOS2.1
Opportunities and challenges in Teaching Structural Geology and TectonicsEGU2020-12020 | Displays | EOS2.1 | Highlight
Updating the Augmented Reality Sandbox for Geophysics, Structural Geology and StratigraphyEGU2020-13208 | Displays | EOS2.1 | Highlight
Learning geology using VR: student feedbacks on the VirtuaField applicationsEGU2020-13691 | Displays | EOS2.1
Using class exercises to actively engage students in Structural Geology and Tectonics coursesEGU2020-21111 | Displays | EOS2.1
Does having access to uncertainty information improve geologic interpretation? You tell us!EOS3.1 – Geoscience educational research
EGU2020-1273 | Displays | EOS3.1
What do we gain from cruise-based teaching in marine science university education?EGU2020-1636 | Displays | EOS3.1
Climate University: climate education collaboration within universities in FinlandEGU2020-2853 | Displays | EOS3.1
A case study on the efficiency of activity-based Geography teaching and learningEGU2020-11310 | Displays | EOS3.1
It’s Our Future, Ask Us: Centring Children’s Voice In Geoscience Educational ResearchEGU2020-17896 | Displays | EOS3.1
Using the results of dangerous cryogenic processes investigations in student educationEGU2020-22204 | Displays | EOS3.1
Which conceptions do college students hold about changes to earth and life on earth over time?EOS4.2 – Games for Geoscience
EGU2020-4749 | Displays | EOS4.2
RockCheck the rocks – innovative pedagogical approaches for active learning about rockEGU2020-12516 | Displays | EOS4.2
Report on science classes and a workshop for teen students to learn geography and geology using MinecraftEGU2020-9987 | Displays | EOS4.2
Resilience - Combining Sci-Art and card games for more effective public engagementEGU2020-13234 | Displays | EOS4.2
DiG-DAG: Didactic Game for Divulgation of Understandable GeophysicsEOS4.3 – 3D toys in Earth Science: 3D-printing, AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) for outreach and pedagogy
EGU2020-5714 * | Displays | EOS4.3 | Highlight
Visualising large-scale geodynamic simulations: How to Dive into Earth's Mantle with Virtual RealityEGU2020-3515 * | Displays | EOS4.3 | Highlight
3D printing the world: developing geophysical teaching materials and outreach packagesEGU2020-11708 | Displays | EOS4.3
Inside blue dots - Grasping dynamic global fields thanks to Virtual RealityEGU2020-19131 | Displays | EOS4.3
Frictional anisotropy in casted seismic faults: or how to 3D print a fault to better characterize itEGU2020-7069 * | Displays | EOS4.3 | Highlight
Teaching erosion and landscape evolution with an Augmented Reality SandboxEGU2020-8757 | Displays | EOS4.3
Using 3D printed models to help the understanding of geological mapsEGU2020-19037 | Displays | EOS4.3
Dynamic and Interactive Scientific Posters: Visualising 3D Models and Simulation Data Using AREGU2020-6114 | Displays | EOS4.3
Learning by Immersion: Developing Virtual reality Labs for Engineering CoursesEOS4.4 – Science to Action: Communication of Science - Practice, Research and Reflection
EGU2020-977 | Displays | EOS4.4
Keeping Up the Momentum: Early Career Scientists in Policy-making and Community ScienceEGU2020-5261 | Displays | EOS4.4
Rapid collaborative knowledge building via Twitter after significant geohazard eventsEGU2020-14433 | Displays | EOS4.4
A text-mining approach to assess impacts and benefits of Nature-Based SolutionsEGU2020-16061 | Displays | EOS4.4
Reflection on communicating atmospheric composition and its impactsEGU2020-10985 | Displays | EOS4.4
Using Geo-myths in a classroom: towards creative science writing for scholarsEGU2020-7269 | Displays | EOS4.4
Magnetic to the Core - Communicating paleomagnetism with hands-on activitiesEGU2020-16430 | Displays | EOS4.4
25 years of EUGEN – a history of connecting geoscience students in EuropeEGU2020-19777 | Displays | EOS4.4
Contributing to world's largest encylopedia: my experiences as a Wikipedia science communicatorEGU2020-12207 | Displays | EOS4.4
When Science Communication Becomes Difficult: Advice From The BattlefieldsEGU2020-2727 | Displays | EOS4.4
Which communication for higher education in scientific disciplines?EGU2020-7420 | Displays | EOS4.4
Biogeocaching – a scavenger hunt for the treasures of biology around Lake LunzEGU2020-10775 | Displays | EOS4.4
#SciComm via the European Geoscience Union Divisions’ blogs: experiences from the editorial teams.EGU2020-11135 | Displays | EOS4.4
Geobites: Down-to-earth summaries of new geoscience research for a broad audienceEOS5.1 – Geoethics: how and why should geosciences serve society?
EGU2020-16812 | Displays | EOS5.1
How efficient are Early Career Scientists in peer-review activities?EGU2020-10747 | Displays | EOS5.1 | Highlight
The Levaiathan gas rig struggle: environmental, political, regulatory, technological and scientific aspects.EGU2020-7309 | Displays | EOS5.1
Prospection of geo-resources for the building of social houses in CubaEGU2020-2460 | Displays | EOS5.1
Ethical recommendations for Sustainable development of algae aquaculture.EGU2020-5704 | Displays | EOS5.1
Geotourism interactions with Christian Orthodox religion in Tembien (Tigray, Ethiopia)