TS – Tectonics & Structural Geology
TS2.1 – Deformation mechanisms and microstructures
EGU21-1905 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Microstructures reveal brittle and viscous flow during exhumation of the high-temperature lower oceanic crust from Site U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge (IODP Expedition 360)Rhander Taufner, Gustavo Viegas, Frederico Faleiros, Paulo Castellan, and Raylline Silva
Detachment faulting has been hypothesized as the main process of tectonic spreading in mid-ocean ridges. The ongoing faulting leads to exhumation of oceanic core complexes (OCC) through large-scale normal faults, exposing heterogeneous sectors of the mylonitic lower crust, locally interlayered with pristine upper-mantle rocks. However, the mechanisms involved in this process – and the interplay between magmatism, deformation and fluid-rock interaction – are still debatable. To address these issues, we performed a quantitative microstructural analysis and thermodynamic modelling on mafic shear zones that occur in the lower section (≥ 600 meters below sea-floor) of Site U1473A (Atlantis Bank OCC, SW Indian Ridge), the target of IODP Expedition 360, to constrain deformation conditions and strain localization mechanisms during detachment faulting. The gabbroic shear zones consist of large (up to 5 mm in size) porphyroclasts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and olivine embedded in a fine-grained (≤ 30 µm), polyphase matrix composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, amphibole, ilmenite, magnetite and olivine. Plagioclase-rich layers (~ 80 µm) are in abrupt contact with the fine-grained mixture, which define the mylonitic foliation. The porphyroclasts have undulose extinction, subgrains and are surrounded by fine-grained recrystallized grains (core-mantle structure) showing internal lattice distortion. Microfractures are common in orthopyroxene porphyroclasts. Amphibole replaces clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene porphyroclasts at their margins and fills cleavage planes. The plagioclase-rich layers show undulose extinction and subgrain boundaries in the larger grains within the layers. Mechanical twin lamellae occur in some grains regardless of grain size. Plagioclase grains show a weak shape preferred orientation with their long axes parallel to the main planar fabric of the shear zone. The grains in the polyphase matrix are mostly strain free. EBSD data in clinopyroxene clasts indicate activation of (010)[001] slip system and twinning along (001)[100]. Plagioclase-rich layers deforms by slip along the (010)[100] system. The polyphase matrix has a very weak but non-random CPO pattern. #Mg and Al content in the recrystallized clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene grains are lower compared to the porphyroclasts. Plagioclase has similar An content in both porphyroclasts and recrystallized grains. Amphibole has low concentrations of Cl and high content of F. The content of #Mg, Al and Si is similar in amphibole grains replacing pyroxene and in the polyphase matrix. Thermodynamic modelling indicates that the gabbroic shear zones formed at 820-870 °C and 2.0-2.8 kbar. Our results suggest that deformation in the porphyroclasts was accommodated by combined mechanical fragmentation and intracrystalline plasticity, which resulted in fractured grains of orthopyroxene, and clasts rimmed by recrystallized neoblasts. Plagioclase-rich layers formed mainly through dislocation creep. Phase mixing and weak CPO in the polyphase matrix point to oriented-growth during diffusion-assisted grain boundary sliding, mainly in the presence of melt, as evidenced by amphibole formed at the expense of pyroxene. Magmatic fluids are the possible source of reactant amphibole. Such mechanisms effectively resulted in strain localization in fine-grained, polyphase shear zones that contributed to the weakening of the ocean crust during detachment faulting and subsequent exhumation of the Atlantis Bank OCC.
How to cite: Taufner, R., Viegas, G., Faleiros, F., Castellan, P., and Silva, R.: Microstructures reveal brittle and viscous flow during exhumation of the high-temperature lower oceanic crust from Site U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge (IODP Expedition 360), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1905, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1905, 2021.
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Detachment faulting has been hypothesized as the main process of tectonic spreading in mid-ocean ridges. The ongoing faulting leads to exhumation of oceanic core complexes (OCC) through large-scale normal faults, exposing heterogeneous sectors of the mylonitic lower crust, locally interlayered with pristine upper-mantle rocks. However, the mechanisms involved in this process – and the interplay between magmatism, deformation and fluid-rock interaction – are still debatable. To address these issues, we performed a quantitative microstructural analysis and thermodynamic modelling on mafic shear zones that occur in the lower section (≥ 600 meters below sea-floor) of Site U1473A (Atlantis Bank OCC, SW Indian Ridge), the target of IODP Expedition 360, to constrain deformation conditions and strain localization mechanisms during detachment faulting. The gabbroic shear zones consist of large (up to 5 mm in size) porphyroclasts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and olivine embedded in a fine-grained (≤ 30 µm), polyphase matrix composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, amphibole, ilmenite, magnetite and olivine. Plagioclase-rich layers (~ 80 µm) are in abrupt contact with the fine-grained mixture, which define the mylonitic foliation. The porphyroclasts have undulose extinction, subgrains and are surrounded by fine-grained recrystallized grains (core-mantle structure) showing internal lattice distortion. Microfractures are common in orthopyroxene porphyroclasts. Amphibole replaces clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene porphyroclasts at their margins and fills cleavage planes. The plagioclase-rich layers show undulose extinction and subgrain boundaries in the larger grains within the layers. Mechanical twin lamellae occur in some grains regardless of grain size. Plagioclase grains show a weak shape preferred orientation with their long axes parallel to the main planar fabric of the shear zone. The grains in the polyphase matrix are mostly strain free. EBSD data in clinopyroxene clasts indicate activation of (010)[001] slip system and twinning along (001)[100]. Plagioclase-rich layers deforms by slip along the (010)[100] system. The polyphase matrix has a very weak but non-random CPO pattern. #Mg and Al content in the recrystallized clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene grains are lower compared to the porphyroclasts. Plagioclase has similar An content in both porphyroclasts and recrystallized grains. Amphibole has low concentrations of Cl and high content of F. The content of #Mg, Al and Si is similar in amphibole grains replacing pyroxene and in the polyphase matrix. Thermodynamic modelling indicates that the gabbroic shear zones formed at 820-870 °C and 2.0-2.8 kbar. Our results suggest that deformation in the porphyroclasts was accommodated by combined mechanical fragmentation and intracrystalline plasticity, which resulted in fractured grains of orthopyroxene, and clasts rimmed by recrystallized neoblasts. Plagioclase-rich layers formed mainly through dislocation creep. Phase mixing and weak CPO in the polyphase matrix point to oriented-growth during diffusion-assisted grain boundary sliding, mainly in the presence of melt, as evidenced by amphibole formed at the expense of pyroxene. Magmatic fluids are the possible source of reactant amphibole. Such mechanisms effectively resulted in strain localization in fine-grained, polyphase shear zones that contributed to the weakening of the ocean crust during detachment faulting and subsequent exhumation of the Atlantis Bank OCC.
How to cite: Taufner, R., Viegas, G., Faleiros, F., Castellan, P., and Silva, R.: Microstructures reveal brittle and viscous flow during exhumation of the high-temperature lower oceanic crust from Site U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge (IODP Expedition 360), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1905, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1905, 2021.
EGU21-4089 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Plastic Deformation of Plagioclase in a Gabbro Pluton at a Slow-Spreading Ridge (IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian ridge)Maël Allard, Benoît Ildefonse, and Émilien Oliot
The crustal architecture of slow-spread ocean crust results from complex interactions between magmatism, hydrothermalism, and tectonics. IODP Hole U1473A (809 m depth) was drilled during IODP Expeditions 360 and 362T at the summit of the Atlantis Bank, a gabbroic massif exhumed at the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR). In this study, we identify and quantify plastic deformation processes in oceanic gabbros and active slip-systems in plagioclase from 112 thin sections sampled throughout Hole U1473A.
We describe deformed zones using petrographic observations and modern Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) analyses made all along the core. Ductile deformation is widespread and is sometimes strongly localized. It initiated during accretion under magmatic conditions and continued until late brittle conditions. Porphyroclastic microstructures testify to post-magmatic, solid-state, high-temperature (HT) deformation. Plagioclase represents ~60% of rock’s volume and is the dominant phase accommodating deformation in the gabbro. It shows strong dynamic recrystallization accommodated by dislocation creep, forming a fine-grained matrix. Strain localizes in mylonitic and ultramylonitic zones, and these shear zones are often overprinted by lower temperature deformation.
EBSD analyses reveal weak to moderate crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) of plagioclase first developed during early magmatic flow, that has produced a primary fabric with a (010) foliation plane and a [100] lineation axis. This CPO is persistent during subsequent plastic deformation and strain localization and is observed in almost all samples. However, a detailed investigation of internal misorientations measured at subgrains reveals the activity of at least 4 to 5 slip systems in plagioclase grains: , and maybe
. The strength of CPO is first increasing from slightly foliated gabbros to mylonites before decreasing significantly in ultramylonites, which could be explained by orientation scattering after subgrain rotation recrystallization and grain boundary processes (e.g., nucleation, grain boundary sliding).
How to cite: Allard, M., Ildefonse, B., and Oliot, É.: Plastic Deformation of Plagioclase in a Gabbro Pluton at a Slow-Spreading Ridge (IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian ridge), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4089, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4089, 2021.
The crustal architecture of slow-spread ocean crust results from complex interactions between magmatism, hydrothermalism, and tectonics. IODP Hole U1473A (809 m depth) was drilled during IODP Expeditions 360 and 362T at the summit of the Atlantis Bank, a gabbroic massif exhumed at the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR). In this study, we identify and quantify plastic deformation processes in oceanic gabbros and active slip-systems in plagioclase from 112 thin sections sampled throughout Hole U1473A.
We describe deformed zones using petrographic observations and modern Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) analyses made all along the core. Ductile deformation is widespread and is sometimes strongly localized. It initiated during accretion under magmatic conditions and continued until late brittle conditions. Porphyroclastic microstructures testify to post-magmatic, solid-state, high-temperature (HT) deformation. Plagioclase represents ~60% of rock’s volume and is the dominant phase accommodating deformation in the gabbro. It shows strong dynamic recrystallization accommodated by dislocation creep, forming a fine-grained matrix. Strain localizes in mylonitic and ultramylonitic zones, and these shear zones are often overprinted by lower temperature deformation.
EBSD analyses reveal weak to moderate crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) of plagioclase first developed during early magmatic flow, that has produced a primary fabric with a (010) foliation plane and a [100] lineation axis. This CPO is persistent during subsequent plastic deformation and strain localization and is observed in almost all samples. However, a detailed investigation of internal misorientations measured at subgrains reveals the activity of at least 4 to 5 slip systems in plagioclase grains: , and maybe
. The strength of CPO is first increasing from slightly foliated gabbros to mylonites before decreasing significantly in ultramylonites, which could be explained by orientation scattering after subgrain rotation recrystallization and grain boundary processes (e.g., nucleation, grain boundary sliding).
How to cite: Allard, M., Ildefonse, B., and Oliot, É.: Plastic Deformation of Plagioclase in a Gabbro Pluton at a Slow-Spreading Ridge (IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian ridge), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4089, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4089, 2021.
EGU21-14607 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
A database of gabbro seismic properties from an ultraslow spreading ridge (IODP Hole U1473A, Southwest Indian Ridge)Luiz F. G. Morales, Mael Allard, and Benoit Ildefonse
Gabbros are the main component of the oceanic crust and represent ~2/3 of the total magmatic crustal thickness. At the interface between magmatic, tectonic and hydrothermal processes, gabbros from slow spreading ridges may have a complex mineralogy and microstructural evolution. This includes structures that vary from purely magmatic fabrics, with layering and magmatic alignment of minerals, to rocks deformed from subsolidus temperatures to the lower-T brittle-ductile conditions. Such a variation is normally accompanied with changes in mineralogy, microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) of the main phases of these rocks, which in turn a!ect their seismic properties. Here we present a database of the CPO-derived seismic properties of 70 samples collected during the IODP Expedition 360 (site U1473). The dominant phases are plagioclase and clinopyronexe, with variable contents of olivine, enstatite, magnetite, ilmenite, chlorite and amphibole. Velocities of compressional and shear waves decrease drastically with increasing of plagioclase content, increase strongly with increasing of ilmenite content, but increase only slightly with clinopyroxene, while variations in olivine and enstatite content seem to be less important. Maximum velocities can be either parallel to the strongest concentration of (010) poles of plagioclase or olivine/clinopyroxene [001], depending on the proportions between these phases. Anisotropy of P waves vary from ~2% in the more isotropic gabbros with weak magmatic fabric to a maximum of ~9% in more mylonitic terms. A similar effect is observed for the S-waves. Destructive interference between plagioclase CPO vs. clinopyroxene/olivine reducing anisotropy observed in some samples. This is because the maximum Vp in a foliated gabbro is parallel to the maximum concentration of poles to (010), and perpendicular to olivine and clinopyroxene. As the lineation in our gabbros is generally marked by olivine and clinopyroxene [001] (instead of the fast direction [100]), this possibly cause anisotropy reduction. When present in the more mylonitized gabbros, amphibole has strong CPOs and help to increase the general anisotropy of P and S waves, but the increase is not drastic. An increase of Vp and Vs anisotropy is also observed with stronger plagioclase CPOs, which is not observed in the case of clinopyroxene. The elastic constants calculated from these aggregates will be used as input for more physically robust calculations using differential effective medium approaches to better understand the e!ect of melt inclusions in these rocks by the time of their deformation in the lower crust.
How to cite: Morales, L. F. G., Allard, M., and Ildefonse, B.: A database of gabbro seismic properties from an ultraslow spreading ridge (IODP Hole U1473A, Southwest Indian Ridge), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14607, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14607, 2021.
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Gabbros are the main component of the oceanic crust and represent ~2/3 of the total magmatic crustal thickness. At the interface between magmatic, tectonic and hydrothermal processes, gabbros from slow spreading ridges may have a complex mineralogy and microstructural evolution. This includes structures that vary from purely magmatic fabrics, with layering and magmatic alignment of minerals, to rocks deformed from subsolidus temperatures to the lower-T brittle-ductile conditions. Such a variation is normally accompanied with changes in mineralogy, microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) of the main phases of these rocks, which in turn a!ect their seismic properties. Here we present a database of the CPO-derived seismic properties of 70 samples collected during the IODP Expedition 360 (site U1473). The dominant phases are plagioclase and clinopyronexe, with variable contents of olivine, enstatite, magnetite, ilmenite, chlorite and amphibole. Velocities of compressional and shear waves decrease drastically with increasing of plagioclase content, increase strongly with increasing of ilmenite content, but increase only slightly with clinopyroxene, while variations in olivine and enstatite content seem to be less important. Maximum velocities can be either parallel to the strongest concentration of (010) poles of plagioclase or olivine/clinopyroxene [001], depending on the proportions between these phases. Anisotropy of P waves vary from ~2% in the more isotropic gabbros with weak magmatic fabric to a maximum of ~9% in more mylonitic terms. A similar effect is observed for the S-waves. Destructive interference between plagioclase CPO vs. clinopyroxene/olivine reducing anisotropy observed in some samples. This is because the maximum Vp in a foliated gabbro is parallel to the maximum concentration of poles to (010), and perpendicular to olivine and clinopyroxene. As the lineation in our gabbros is generally marked by olivine and clinopyroxene [001] (instead of the fast direction [100]), this possibly cause anisotropy reduction. When present in the more mylonitized gabbros, amphibole has strong CPOs and help to increase the general anisotropy of P and S waves, but the increase is not drastic. An increase of Vp and Vs anisotropy is also observed with stronger plagioclase CPOs, which is not observed in the case of clinopyroxene. The elastic constants calculated from these aggregates will be used as input for more physically robust calculations using differential effective medium approaches to better understand the e!ect of melt inclusions in these rocks by the time of their deformation in the lower crust.
How to cite: Morales, L. F. G., Allard, M., and Ildefonse, B.: A database of gabbro seismic properties from an ultraslow spreading ridge (IODP Hole U1473A, Southwest Indian Ridge), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14607, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14607, 2021.
EGU21-12660 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Elastic anisotropy of oceanic serpentinites – influence of CPO and microstructureRebecca Kühn, Jan Behrmann, Rüdiger Kilian, Bernd Leiss, and Michael Stipp
Physical properties of rocks are mainly controlled by the modal composition, crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) and microstructure of a rock. One of the most relevant physical properties related to the interpretation of seismic data are the elastic properties of a mineral aggregate. Changes of elastic properties - and hence changes in our interpretation of the tectonic architecture of certain regions - can be related to mineral reactions and deformation.
In order to explore the impact of mineral reaction and deformation on elastic anisotropy, we study oceanic serpentinites formed at low-grade metamorphic conditions by hydration of peridotites. Samples are obtained from the Atlantis Massif, which is an Oceanic Core Complex located at 30°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. During IODP Expedition 357, oceanic serpentinites were recovered from drill cores along the southern wall of the Massif. Fully serpentinized samples displaying variable microstructures were analyzed regarding the influence of microstructure and CPO on the overall elastic anisotropy. Microstructure analysis was based on optical microscopy and large area micro X-ray fluorescence mapping. For CPO analysis synchrotron high energy X-ray diffraction in combination with the Rietveld method was applied and the derived CPO was used to compute seismic properties.
Serpentinites with a typical mesh microstructure are interpreted to represent undeformed samples and show a close to uniform CPO. The increase in fabric anisotropy of vein-like magnetite aggregates is interpreted as an increase in deformation. Samples show a single c-axis-maximum and enhanced CPO. Calculated seismic anisotropies show up to >5% anisotropy for compressional waves (Vp) and shear wave splitting up to 0.15 km/s in the deformed samples. Hence, such an anisotropy can be used to differentiate deformed from undeformed zones in seismic data sets using the elastic anisotropy data.
How to cite: Kühn, R., Behrmann, J., Kilian, R., Leiss, B., and Stipp, M.: Elastic anisotropy of oceanic serpentinites – influence of CPO and microstructure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12660, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12660, 2021.
Physical properties of rocks are mainly controlled by the modal composition, crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) and microstructure of a rock. One of the most relevant physical properties related to the interpretation of seismic data are the elastic properties of a mineral aggregate. Changes of elastic properties - and hence changes in our interpretation of the tectonic architecture of certain regions - can be related to mineral reactions and deformation.
In order to explore the impact of mineral reaction and deformation on elastic anisotropy, we study oceanic serpentinites formed at low-grade metamorphic conditions by hydration of peridotites. Samples are obtained from the Atlantis Massif, which is an Oceanic Core Complex located at 30°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. During IODP Expedition 357, oceanic serpentinites were recovered from drill cores along the southern wall of the Massif. Fully serpentinized samples displaying variable microstructures were analyzed regarding the influence of microstructure and CPO on the overall elastic anisotropy. Microstructure analysis was based on optical microscopy and large area micro X-ray fluorescence mapping. For CPO analysis synchrotron high energy X-ray diffraction in combination with the Rietveld method was applied and the derived CPO was used to compute seismic properties.
Serpentinites with a typical mesh microstructure are interpreted to represent undeformed samples and show a close to uniform CPO. The increase in fabric anisotropy of vein-like magnetite aggregates is interpreted as an increase in deformation. Samples show a single c-axis-maximum and enhanced CPO. Calculated seismic anisotropies show up to >5% anisotropy for compressional waves (Vp) and shear wave splitting up to 0.15 km/s in the deformed samples. Hence, such an anisotropy can be used to differentiate deformed from undeformed zones in seismic data sets using the elastic anisotropy data.
How to cite: Kühn, R., Behrmann, J., Kilian, R., Leiss, B., and Stipp, M.: Elastic anisotropy of oceanic serpentinites – influence of CPO and microstructure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12660, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12660, 2021.
EGU21-10718 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Reaction-enhanced ductile deformation during carbonation of serpentinized peridotiteManuel D. Menzel, Janos L. Urai, Peter B. Kelemen, Greg Hirth, Alexander Schwedt, and Andras Kovacs
Carbonated serpentinites record carbon fluxes in subduction zones and are a possible natural analogue for carbon capture and storage via mineralization, but the processes by which the reaction of serpentinite to listvenite (magnesite-quartz rocks) goes to completion are not well understood. Large-scale hydration and carbonation of peridotite in the Oman Ophiolite produced massive listvenites, which have been drilled by the ICDP Oman Drilling Project (OmDP, site BT1) [1]. Here we report evidence for localized ductile deformation during serpentinite carbonation in core BT1B, based on observations from optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence microscopy, SEM, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in segments of the core that lack a brittle overprint after listvenite formation [2].
Microstructural analysis of the serpentinized peridotite protolith shows a range of microstructures common in serpentinite with local ductile deformation manifested by a shape and crystallographic preferred orientation and kinking of lizardite. Listvenites with ductile deformation microstructures contain a penetrative foliation due to a shape preferred alignment of magnesite spheroids and/or dendritic magnesite, bending around Cr-spinel porphyroclasts. Locally the foliation can be due to aligned dendritic overgrowths on euhedral magnesite grains. Magnesite grains have a weak but consistent crystallographic preferred orientation with the c-axis perpendicular to the foliation, and show high internal misorientations. Locally, the microcrystalline quartz matrix also shows a crystallographic preferred orientation with the c-axes preferentially oriented parallel to the foliation. Folding and ductile transposition of early magnesite veins indicates that carbonation initiated before the ductile deformation stage recorded in listvenites with penetrative foliation. On the other hand, dendritic magnesite overgrowths on folded veins and truncated vein tips suggest that folding likely occurred before complete carbonation, when some serpentine was still present. TEM analysis of magnesite revealed that subgrain boundaries oriented at high angle to the foliation can consist of nano-cracks sealed by inclusion-free magnesite precipitates. High dislocation densities are not evident suggesting that dislocation creep was minor or negligible, in agreement with very low predicted strain rates for magnesite dislocation creep at the low temperatures (100 – 200 °C) of serpentinite carbonation. This points to dissolution-precipitation, possibly in addition to grain boundary sliding, as the main mechanism for the formation of the shape preferred orientation of magnesite. The weak magnesite crystallographic preferred orientation may be explained by a combination of initial growth competition in an anisotropic (sheared) serpentine medium with subsequent preferred dissolution of smaller, less favorably oriented grains. We infer that transient lithostatic pore pressures during listvenite formation promoted ductile deformation in the reacting medium through grain boundary sliding accommodated by dilatant granular flow and dissolution-precipitation. Because the reaction product listvenite is stronger than the reacting mass, deformation may be preferentially partitioned in the reacting mass, locally enhancing transient fluid flow and, thus, the carbonation reaction progress.
[1] Kelemen et al., 2020. Site BT1: fluid and mass exchange on a subduction zone plate boundary. In: Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project: College Station, TX
[2] Menzel et al., 2020, JGR Solid Earth 125(10)
How to cite: Menzel, M. D., Urai, J. L., Kelemen, P. B., Hirth, G., Schwedt, A., and Kovacs, A.: Reaction-enhanced ductile deformation during carbonation of serpentinized peridotite, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10718, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10718, 2021.
Carbonated serpentinites record carbon fluxes in subduction zones and are a possible natural analogue for carbon capture and storage via mineralization, but the processes by which the reaction of serpentinite to listvenite (magnesite-quartz rocks) goes to completion are not well understood. Large-scale hydration and carbonation of peridotite in the Oman Ophiolite produced massive listvenites, which have been drilled by the ICDP Oman Drilling Project (OmDP, site BT1) [1]. Here we report evidence for localized ductile deformation during serpentinite carbonation in core BT1B, based on observations from optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence microscopy, SEM, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in segments of the core that lack a brittle overprint after listvenite formation [2].
Microstructural analysis of the serpentinized peridotite protolith shows a range of microstructures common in serpentinite with local ductile deformation manifested by a shape and crystallographic preferred orientation and kinking of lizardite. Listvenites with ductile deformation microstructures contain a penetrative foliation due to a shape preferred alignment of magnesite spheroids and/or dendritic magnesite, bending around Cr-spinel porphyroclasts. Locally the foliation can be due to aligned dendritic overgrowths on euhedral magnesite grains. Magnesite grains have a weak but consistent crystallographic preferred orientation with the c-axis perpendicular to the foliation, and show high internal misorientations. Locally, the microcrystalline quartz matrix also shows a crystallographic preferred orientation with the c-axes preferentially oriented parallel to the foliation. Folding and ductile transposition of early magnesite veins indicates that carbonation initiated before the ductile deformation stage recorded in listvenites with penetrative foliation. On the other hand, dendritic magnesite overgrowths on folded veins and truncated vein tips suggest that folding likely occurred before complete carbonation, when some serpentine was still present. TEM analysis of magnesite revealed that subgrain boundaries oriented at high angle to the foliation can consist of nano-cracks sealed by inclusion-free magnesite precipitates. High dislocation densities are not evident suggesting that dislocation creep was minor or negligible, in agreement with very low predicted strain rates for magnesite dislocation creep at the low temperatures (100 – 200 °C) of serpentinite carbonation. This points to dissolution-precipitation, possibly in addition to grain boundary sliding, as the main mechanism for the formation of the shape preferred orientation of magnesite. The weak magnesite crystallographic preferred orientation may be explained by a combination of initial growth competition in an anisotropic (sheared) serpentine medium with subsequent preferred dissolution of smaller, less favorably oriented grains. We infer that transient lithostatic pore pressures during listvenite formation promoted ductile deformation in the reacting medium through grain boundary sliding accommodated by dilatant granular flow and dissolution-precipitation. Because the reaction product listvenite is stronger than the reacting mass, deformation may be preferentially partitioned in the reacting mass, locally enhancing transient fluid flow and, thus, the carbonation reaction progress.
[1] Kelemen et al., 2020. Site BT1: fluid and mass exchange on a subduction zone plate boundary. In: Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project: College Station, TX
[2] Menzel et al., 2020, JGR Solid Earth 125(10)
How to cite: Menzel, M. D., Urai, J. L., Kelemen, P. B., Hirth, G., Schwedt, A., and Kovacs, A.: Reaction-enhanced ductile deformation during carbonation of serpentinized peridotite, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10718, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10718, 2021.
EGU21-15655 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Periodic Fluid-mediated Weakening and Cementation Drives Cyclic Reorganisation of Shallow Basaltic Fault ZonesBob Bamberg, Richard Walker, and Marc Reichow
Faults constitute the major source for mechanical and permeability heterogeneity in basaltic sequences, yet their architecture, and mechanical and physical properties remain poorly understood. These are however critical as basaltic reservoirs are becoming increasingly important for geothermal applications and CO2 storage. Here we present a detailed microstructural- to outcrop-scale characterisation of mature (decametre-hectometre displacement) fault zones in layered basalts, in the Faroe Islands. Outcrop scale structures and fault rock distribution within the fault zone were mapped in the field to build 3D virtual outcrop models, with detailed characterisation of fault rock microstructure and petrology obtained from optical and SE-microscopy.
The fault zones exhibit evidence for cyclic activity controlled by fault internal fluid pressure variation. Deformation mechanisms in the core alternate between shear-compaction, evidenced by foliated cataclasite and gouge development, and dilatation through fluid overpressure, leading to hydrofracture and vein formation. Generally, a decametre-wide damage zone of Riedel faults is centrally transected by the fault core. The fault core is organised around a principal slip surface (PSS) hosted in a decimetre-wide principal slip zone (PSZ). The PSS and PSZ are dominantly composed of (ultra-) cataclasites, while the remaining core comprises anastomosing cataclastic bands bounding lenticular zones of various brecciated fault rocks. Further, PSS-proximal zones show significant late-stage dilatation by hydrothermal breccias or tabular veins with up to decimetre apertures, filled with early syntaxial to blocky zeolite and/or late coarse (≤ 1 cm) blocky calcite. The structures in the fault core are mutually overprinting, evidencing pulsed fault activity and PSS migration. The native plagioclase-pyroxene assemblage of the host rock is almost completely altered to zeolites and red-brown smectites in the fault core and along surrounding damage of mature faults, while lower displacement faults preserve the host rock mineralogy even in gouge. We infer that fluid flow along initial damage promotes alteration and the associated chemical weakening localises strain into a narrow PSZ. Here, fault activity is governed by alternating deformation styles – shear‑compaction and dilatation – suggesting changes in deformation mechanism linked to transient permeability decrease within the PSZ, followed by fluid overpressure and hydrofracture. Overall rock mechanical properties are thus governed by the combined effects of permanent chemical weakening and transient fluid-mediated mechanical weakening, alternating with cementation and healing, and will be explored by direct shear deformation experiments in the future.
How to cite: Bamberg, B., Walker, R., and Reichow, M.: Periodic Fluid-mediated Weakening and Cementation Drives Cyclic Reorganisation of Shallow Basaltic Fault Zones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15655, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15655, 2021.
Faults constitute the major source for mechanical and permeability heterogeneity in basaltic sequences, yet their architecture, and mechanical and physical properties remain poorly understood. These are however critical as basaltic reservoirs are becoming increasingly important for geothermal applications and CO2 storage. Here we present a detailed microstructural- to outcrop-scale characterisation of mature (decametre-hectometre displacement) fault zones in layered basalts, in the Faroe Islands. Outcrop scale structures and fault rock distribution within the fault zone were mapped in the field to build 3D virtual outcrop models, with detailed characterisation of fault rock microstructure and petrology obtained from optical and SE-microscopy.
The fault zones exhibit evidence for cyclic activity controlled by fault internal fluid pressure variation. Deformation mechanisms in the core alternate between shear-compaction, evidenced by foliated cataclasite and gouge development, and dilatation through fluid overpressure, leading to hydrofracture and vein formation. Generally, a decametre-wide damage zone of Riedel faults is centrally transected by the fault core. The fault core is organised around a principal slip surface (PSS) hosted in a decimetre-wide principal slip zone (PSZ). The PSS and PSZ are dominantly composed of (ultra-) cataclasites, while the remaining core comprises anastomosing cataclastic bands bounding lenticular zones of various brecciated fault rocks. Further, PSS-proximal zones show significant late-stage dilatation by hydrothermal breccias or tabular veins with up to decimetre apertures, filled with early syntaxial to blocky zeolite and/or late coarse (≤ 1 cm) blocky calcite. The structures in the fault core are mutually overprinting, evidencing pulsed fault activity and PSS migration. The native plagioclase-pyroxene assemblage of the host rock is almost completely altered to zeolites and red-brown smectites in the fault core and along surrounding damage of mature faults, while lower displacement faults preserve the host rock mineralogy even in gouge. We infer that fluid flow along initial damage promotes alteration and the associated chemical weakening localises strain into a narrow PSZ. Here, fault activity is governed by alternating deformation styles – shear‑compaction and dilatation – suggesting changes in deformation mechanism linked to transient permeability decrease within the PSZ, followed by fluid overpressure and hydrofracture. Overall rock mechanical properties are thus governed by the combined effects of permanent chemical weakening and transient fluid-mediated mechanical weakening, alternating with cementation and healing, and will be explored by direct shear deformation experiments in the future.
How to cite: Bamberg, B., Walker, R., and Reichow, M.: Periodic Fluid-mediated Weakening and Cementation Drives Cyclic Reorganisation of Shallow Basaltic Fault Zones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15655, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15655, 2021.
EGU21-9399 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Porosity evolution within the active Alpine Fault zone, New Zealand. Implications for fault zone rheology.Martina Kirilova, Virginia Toy, Katrina Sauer, Francois Renard, Klaus Gessner, Richard Wirth, Xianghui Xiao, Risa Matsumura, David Prior, Francesco Cappuccio, and Soltice Morrison
Feedback between deformation mechanisms, fluid-rock interactions and porosity evolution in fault zone rocks has a crucial impact on their bulk rheology. Porosity formation within mid-crustal fault rocks (typically mylonites) can facilitate fluid flow, formation of mineral and geothermal resources, and can promote strain localization. On the contrary, porosity reduction in rocks from a brittle fault core (typically cataclasites) can cause elevated pore fluid pressures, and consequently influence the recurrence time of earthquakes.
We characterized the porosity distribution within the New Zealand’s Alpine Fault zone in cataclasite samples recovered during the first phase of the Deep Fault Drilling Project and outcropping mylonitic rocks collected at Stoney Creek, New Zealand. Synchrotron X-ray microtomography-derived analyses of open pore spaces show total microscale porosity values in the range of 0.1-0.24% within the cataclasites and up to 0.44% in the mylonites. Synchrotron nanotomography datasets reveal additional 0.03 to 0.19% pore volumes within the mylonites. In all samples, pores are very small, not connected, with mainly non-spherical, elongated, flat shapes and show subtle bipolar orientation. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveal the samples’ microstructural organization, where nanoscale pores ornament grain boundaries of the constituent minerals. Pores are mostly associated with (often newly formed) clay minerals in the cataclasite samples, suggesting the orientation of clays controls the shape and orientation of the associated pores. In the mylonitic samples, pores are sub-parallel to the foliation, and often associated with C’-type shear bands, indicating formation during creep cavitation.
Our observations imply that porosity within the Alpine Fault core was reduced due to pressure solution processes and the associated mineral precipitation. Simultaneously propagation of fluids triggered by cavity formation in the ductile regime is likely to cause further mineral precipitation in fluid filled pores within the fault zone. Such precipitation can affect the mechanical behavior of the Alpine Fault by decreasing the already critically low total porosity of the fault core, causing elevated pore fluid pressures, and/or introducing weak mineral phases, and thus lowering the overall fault frictional strength. We conclude that the current state of porosity in the Alpine Fault zone is likely to play a key role in the initiation of the next fault rupture.
How to cite: Kirilova, M., Toy, V., Sauer, K., Renard, F., Gessner, K., Wirth, R., Xiao, X., Matsumura, R., Prior, D., Cappuccio, F., and Morrison, S.: Porosity evolution within the active Alpine Fault zone, New Zealand. Implications for fault zone rheology., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9399, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9399, 2021.
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Feedback between deformation mechanisms, fluid-rock interactions and porosity evolution in fault zone rocks has a crucial impact on their bulk rheology. Porosity formation within mid-crustal fault rocks (typically mylonites) can facilitate fluid flow, formation of mineral and geothermal resources, and can promote strain localization. On the contrary, porosity reduction in rocks from a brittle fault core (typically cataclasites) can cause elevated pore fluid pressures, and consequently influence the recurrence time of earthquakes.
We characterized the porosity distribution within the New Zealand’s Alpine Fault zone in cataclasite samples recovered during the first phase of the Deep Fault Drilling Project and outcropping mylonitic rocks collected at Stoney Creek, New Zealand. Synchrotron X-ray microtomography-derived analyses of open pore spaces show total microscale porosity values in the range of 0.1-0.24% within the cataclasites and up to 0.44% in the mylonites. Synchrotron nanotomography datasets reveal additional 0.03 to 0.19% pore volumes within the mylonites. In all samples, pores are very small, not connected, with mainly non-spherical, elongated, flat shapes and show subtle bipolar orientation. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveal the samples’ microstructural organization, where nanoscale pores ornament grain boundaries of the constituent minerals. Pores are mostly associated with (often newly formed) clay minerals in the cataclasite samples, suggesting the orientation of clays controls the shape and orientation of the associated pores. In the mylonitic samples, pores are sub-parallel to the foliation, and often associated with C’-type shear bands, indicating formation during creep cavitation.
Our observations imply that porosity within the Alpine Fault core was reduced due to pressure solution processes and the associated mineral precipitation. Simultaneously propagation of fluids triggered by cavity formation in the ductile regime is likely to cause further mineral precipitation in fluid filled pores within the fault zone. Such precipitation can affect the mechanical behavior of the Alpine Fault by decreasing the already critically low total porosity of the fault core, causing elevated pore fluid pressures, and/or introducing weak mineral phases, and thus lowering the overall fault frictional strength. We conclude that the current state of porosity in the Alpine Fault zone is likely to play a key role in the initiation of the next fault rupture.
How to cite: Kirilova, M., Toy, V., Sauer, K., Renard, F., Gessner, K., Wirth, R., Xiao, X., Matsumura, R., Prior, D., Cappuccio, F., and Morrison, S.: Porosity evolution within the active Alpine Fault zone, New Zealand. Implications for fault zone rheology., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9399, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9399, 2021.
EGU21-16128 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Effect of pore pressure on the permeability evolution in low porous Indian sandstoneKamal Nanda, Santanu Misra, and Arghya Das
Permeability evolution of low permeable rocks is of critical importance during the flow of gases in processes like, enhanced reservoir recovery and CO2 sequestration. Permeability measurement depends on the geometric structure of flow path (hydraulic radius, connectivity, tortuosity), the stress regimes surrounding the rock (isotropic, deviatoric) and the characteristic of the fluid (viscosity, compressibility, pore pressure). For the case of gas permeability within Knudsen diffusion regime (0.001 < Kn< 0.1), the effect of slippage is prominently observed.
Laboratory scale permeability experiments on an Indian sandstone having connected porosity ~10%, are performed under hydrostatic condition. Nitrogen gas is selected as pore fluid, to avoid adsorption phenomenon. Transient technique of pore-pressure-pulse decay is used for permeability measurement as it is faster and accurate to measure pressure, than the steady state method. Pore pressures and confining pressures are varied in the study to understand the relative effect of matrix compressibility and fluid compressibility on the permeability. Micro-CT analysis of sample is also performed to quantify the geometric attributes of sample.
Apparent gas permeability ranging from 0.1 to 1 micro-Darcy is obtained from the experiments. The permeability is found to be decreasing with simple effective stress (σii-p) for constant pore pressures. But a counter intuitive decrease in permeability with increasing pore-pressure at constant confining pressure is also evident and can be attributed to stress dependent Biot’s coefficient (λ). Slippage corrected permeability is further analysed theoretically and numerically to formulate nonlinear permeability evolution equation in the functional form, f(σii-λp) to support experimental outcomes.
How to cite: Nanda, K., Misra, S., and Das, A.: Effect of pore pressure on the permeability evolution in low porous Indian sandstone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16128, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16128, 2021.
Permeability evolution of low permeable rocks is of critical importance during the flow of gases in processes like, enhanced reservoir recovery and CO2 sequestration. Permeability measurement depends on the geometric structure of flow path (hydraulic radius, connectivity, tortuosity), the stress regimes surrounding the rock (isotropic, deviatoric) and the characteristic of the fluid (viscosity, compressibility, pore pressure). For the case of gas permeability within Knudsen diffusion regime (0.001 < Kn< 0.1), the effect of slippage is prominently observed.
Laboratory scale permeability experiments on an Indian sandstone having connected porosity ~10%, are performed under hydrostatic condition. Nitrogen gas is selected as pore fluid, to avoid adsorption phenomenon. Transient technique of pore-pressure-pulse decay is used for permeability measurement as it is faster and accurate to measure pressure, than the steady state method. Pore pressures and confining pressures are varied in the study to understand the relative effect of matrix compressibility and fluid compressibility on the permeability. Micro-CT analysis of sample is also performed to quantify the geometric attributes of sample.
Apparent gas permeability ranging from 0.1 to 1 micro-Darcy is obtained from the experiments. The permeability is found to be decreasing with simple effective stress (σii-p) for constant pore pressures. But a counter intuitive decrease in permeability with increasing pore-pressure at constant confining pressure is also evident and can be attributed to stress dependent Biot’s coefficient (λ). Slippage corrected permeability is further analysed theoretically and numerically to formulate nonlinear permeability evolution equation in the functional form, f(σii-λp) to support experimental outcomes.
How to cite: Nanda, K., Misra, S., and Das, A.: Effect of pore pressure on the permeability evolution in low porous Indian sandstone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16128, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16128, 2021.
EGU21-7855 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Grain scale investigation of shear reactivation by fluid pressurizationHien Nho Gia Nguyen, Luc Scholtès, Yves Guglielmi, Frédéric Victor Donzé, Zady Ouraga, and Mountaka Souley
Fluid pressurization of critically stressed sheared zones can trigger slip mechanisms at the origin of many geological rupture processes such as earthquakes and landslides. It is now well assumed that the reduction of effective stress induced by fluid pressurization can lead to the reactivation of shear zones. However, the micromechanisms that govern this reactivation remain poorly understood. By using discrete element modeling, we simulate pore-pressure-step creep test experiments on a sheared granular layer at a sub-critical stress state in order to investigate the micromechanical processes at stake during fluid induced reactivation. The simulated responses are consistent with both laboratory and in situ experiments, confirming the scale independent nature of fluid induced slip. The progressive increase of pore pressure promotes slow steady slip at sub-critical stress states and fast accelerated dynamic slip once the critical strength is overcome. The analyses of both global and local quantities show that these two emergent slip behaviors correlate to characteristic deformation modes: diffuse deformation for slow slip and highly localized deformation for fast slip. Our results suggest that, besides the control of the fabric of shear zones on their emergent slip behavior, failure is associated to grain rotations resulting from unlocking of interparticle contacts mostly located within the shear band, which, as a consequence, acts as a roller bearing for the surrounding bulk.
How to cite: Nguyen, H. N. G., Scholtès, L., Guglielmi, Y., Donzé, F. V., Ouraga, Z., and Souley, M.: Grain scale investigation of shear reactivation by fluid pressurization, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7855, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7855, 2021.
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Fluid pressurization of critically stressed sheared zones can trigger slip mechanisms at the origin of many geological rupture processes such as earthquakes and landslides. It is now well assumed that the reduction of effective stress induced by fluid pressurization can lead to the reactivation of shear zones. However, the micromechanisms that govern this reactivation remain poorly understood. By using discrete element modeling, we simulate pore-pressure-step creep test experiments on a sheared granular layer at a sub-critical stress state in order to investigate the micromechanical processes at stake during fluid induced reactivation. The simulated responses are consistent with both laboratory and in situ experiments, confirming the scale independent nature of fluid induced slip. The progressive increase of pore pressure promotes slow steady slip at sub-critical stress states and fast accelerated dynamic slip once the critical strength is overcome. The analyses of both global and local quantities show that these two emergent slip behaviors correlate to characteristic deformation modes: diffuse deformation for slow slip and highly localized deformation for fast slip. Our results suggest that, besides the control of the fabric of shear zones on their emergent slip behavior, failure is associated to grain rotations resulting from unlocking of interparticle contacts mostly located within the shear band, which, as a consequence, acts as a roller bearing for the surrounding bulk.
How to cite: Nguyen, H. N. G., Scholtès, L., Guglielmi, Y., Donzé, F. V., Ouraga, Z., and Souley, M.: Grain scale investigation of shear reactivation by fluid pressurization, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7855, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7855, 2021.
EGU21-11020 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
The effect of grain size and porosity on compaction localisation in high-porosity sandstonesElliot Rice-Birchall, Daniel Faulkner, and John Bedford
As sandstone reservoirs are depleted, the pore pressure reduction can sometimes result in pore collapse and the formation of compaction bands. These are localised features which can significantly reduce the bulk permeability of the reservoir and are therefore problematic in the oil, water, geothermal, and CO2 sequestration industries. However, the influence that grain size, grain shape and sorting have on compaction band formation in sandstone is still poorly understood, due to the fact that finding natural sandstones with specific properties is challenging. Consequently, a method of forming synthetic sandstones has been developed, in order to produce a suite of sandstone specimens with controlled grain size and porosity characteristics. During production of the synthetic sandstones, amorphous quartz cement and sodium chloride are precipitated between sand grains as a product of the reaction between sodium silicate and hydrochloric acid. The salt can then be dissolved, resulting in synthetic sandstones that have very comparable physical properties to their natural counterparts. In this study, triaxial experiments were performed on synthetic sandstone cores with four different grain size ranges of 250-300, 425-500, 600-710 and 850-1000 microns, at three different starting porosities of 27%, 32% and 37%. The samples were each axially loaded from a point along their hydrostat corresponding to 85% of their hydrostatic yield point, P*, values. These conditions mean that failure will occur within the shear-enhanced compaction regime so as to try and produce localised compaction structures. All samples were taken to 5% axial strain. The microstructural results indicate that localisation of deformation within the samples did occur and was favoured in the low starting porosity, small grain size samples. Localisation of deformation was most easily recognised by grain size reduction through grain crushing. This was weakly correlated to a change in porosity but recognition of the localisation of deformation was difficult to make using variations in porosity alone. Porosity reduction was not necessarily associated with a reduction in grain size. With increasing grain size and starting porosity, the deformation becomes more distributed in the samples with the highest starting porosity samples (37%) exhibiting more widely distributed grain crushing which was less intense overall. The results indicate a significant grain size and starting porosity influence on localisation, but also that compaction can occur by two mechanisms; one involving mostly grain rearrangement and the other primarily by grain fracturing. Consequently, the localisation of deformation is most evident in grain size reduction and is only weakly shown by porosity reduction.
How to cite: Rice-Birchall, E., Faulkner, D., and Bedford, J.: The effect of grain size and porosity on compaction localisation in high-porosity sandstones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11020, 2021.
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As sandstone reservoirs are depleted, the pore pressure reduction can sometimes result in pore collapse and the formation of compaction bands. These are localised features which can significantly reduce the bulk permeability of the reservoir and are therefore problematic in the oil, water, geothermal, and CO2 sequestration industries. However, the influence that grain size, grain shape and sorting have on compaction band formation in sandstone is still poorly understood, due to the fact that finding natural sandstones with specific properties is challenging. Consequently, a method of forming synthetic sandstones has been developed, in order to produce a suite of sandstone specimens with controlled grain size and porosity characteristics. During production of the synthetic sandstones, amorphous quartz cement and sodium chloride are precipitated between sand grains as a product of the reaction between sodium silicate and hydrochloric acid. The salt can then be dissolved, resulting in synthetic sandstones that have very comparable physical properties to their natural counterparts. In this study, triaxial experiments were performed on synthetic sandstone cores with four different grain size ranges of 250-300, 425-500, 600-710 and 850-1000 microns, at three different starting porosities of 27%, 32% and 37%. The samples were each axially loaded from a point along their hydrostat corresponding to 85% of their hydrostatic yield point, P*, values. These conditions mean that failure will occur within the shear-enhanced compaction regime so as to try and produce localised compaction structures. All samples were taken to 5% axial strain. The microstructural results indicate that localisation of deformation within the samples did occur and was favoured in the low starting porosity, small grain size samples. Localisation of deformation was most easily recognised by grain size reduction through grain crushing. This was weakly correlated to a change in porosity but recognition of the localisation of deformation was difficult to make using variations in porosity alone. Porosity reduction was not necessarily associated with a reduction in grain size. With increasing grain size and starting porosity, the deformation becomes more distributed in the samples with the highest starting porosity samples (37%) exhibiting more widely distributed grain crushing which was less intense overall. The results indicate a significant grain size and starting porosity influence on localisation, but also that compaction can occur by two mechanisms; one involving mostly grain rearrangement and the other primarily by grain fracturing. Consequently, the localisation of deformation is most evident in grain size reduction and is only weakly shown by porosity reduction.
How to cite: Rice-Birchall, E., Faulkner, D., and Bedford, J.: The effect of grain size and porosity on compaction localisation in high-porosity sandstones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11020, 2021.
EGU21-9409 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Effect of Gap Geometries on the Crack Initiation Stress of Synthetic Rock MaterialEnes Zengin and Zeynal Abiddin Erguler
The cracking phenomenon of the brittle rock and rock-like materials (concrete, gypsum) have been widely researched. Such long-standing intensive research requirement is due to the fact that crack initiation, propagation and coalescence are some of the most important parameters for evaluating the rock failure behavior and strength properties. Especially defining the crack initiation stress is a fundamental part of crack propagation that leads to the rock material's final failure. However, due to the nature of rocks, they may have complex inherit structures containing various gaps and void with different sizes and numbers. Rocks mostly tend to have circular and ellipsoidal voids as a result of long and complex geological processes. Owing to this limitation, it is always hard to understand and assess the crack initiation stress comprehensively. Especially for a couple of decades, with the help of developing computer science and technology, numerical models were used on this subject. In this study, various two-dimensional numerical rock models created using Distinct Element Method (DEM) based Particle Flow Code (PFC) were used to understand the effect of different gap geometries over crack initiation stress values of rock materials under uniaxial loading conditions. A base numerical model was calibrated using laboratory test results belonging to basalt rocks. In order to calibrate the numerical model, uniaxial, conventional triaxial and in-direct tensile test results were used. A flat-jointed contact model was chosen to create bonded material during the calibration process. Seven different numerical models were used to investigate the gap geometry effect on crack initiation stress under uniaxial conditions. The base model has a circular gap with 5.40 mm diameter. The other models created to understand the effect of geometry on crack initiation stress have different ellipsoidal geometry depending on the initial circular gap, 1.5 (8.10 mm), 2.5 (13.50 mm) and 3.5 (18.20 mm) times the diameter in the vertical and horizontal direction, respectively. The results of numerical models reveal that the crack initiation stress value decreases with the increase of the gap's vertical length while the width of gaps remains constant. Based on numerical models' results, the crack initiation stress value decreases with the increase of the gap's vertical length while the diameter of gaps remains constant.
How to cite: Zengin, E. and Erguler, Z. A.: Effect of Gap Geometries on the Crack Initiation Stress of Synthetic Rock Material, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9409, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9409, 2021.
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The cracking phenomenon of the brittle rock and rock-like materials (concrete, gypsum) have been widely researched. Such long-standing intensive research requirement is due to the fact that crack initiation, propagation and coalescence are some of the most important parameters for evaluating the rock failure behavior and strength properties. Especially defining the crack initiation stress is a fundamental part of crack propagation that leads to the rock material's final failure. However, due to the nature of rocks, they may have complex inherit structures containing various gaps and void with different sizes and numbers. Rocks mostly tend to have circular and ellipsoidal voids as a result of long and complex geological processes. Owing to this limitation, it is always hard to understand and assess the crack initiation stress comprehensively. Especially for a couple of decades, with the help of developing computer science and technology, numerical models were used on this subject. In this study, various two-dimensional numerical rock models created using Distinct Element Method (DEM) based Particle Flow Code (PFC) were used to understand the effect of different gap geometries over crack initiation stress values of rock materials under uniaxial loading conditions. A base numerical model was calibrated using laboratory test results belonging to basalt rocks. In order to calibrate the numerical model, uniaxial, conventional triaxial and in-direct tensile test results were used. A flat-jointed contact model was chosen to create bonded material during the calibration process. Seven different numerical models were used to investigate the gap geometry effect on crack initiation stress under uniaxial conditions. The base model has a circular gap with 5.40 mm diameter. The other models created to understand the effect of geometry on crack initiation stress have different ellipsoidal geometry depending on the initial circular gap, 1.5 (8.10 mm), 2.5 (13.50 mm) and 3.5 (18.20 mm) times the diameter in the vertical and horizontal direction, respectively. The results of numerical models reveal that the crack initiation stress value decreases with the increase of the gap's vertical length while the width of gaps remains constant. Based on numerical models' results, the crack initiation stress value decreases with the increase of the gap's vertical length while the diameter of gaps remains constant.
How to cite: Zengin, E. and Erguler, Z. A.: Effect of Gap Geometries on the Crack Initiation Stress of Synthetic Rock Material, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9409, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9409, 2021.
EGU21-12673 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Shear banding in a micromechanics-based brittle damage modelLéo Petit, Jean-Arthur Olive, Harsha S. Bhat, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, and Alexandre Schubnel
The Earth’s brittle upper crust is commonly modeled as a non-associated Mohr-Coulomb (MC) elasto-plastic continuum. This framework enables the localization of shear strain through a process referred to as structural softening: dilatancy related to the build-up of plastic strain inside a shear band can elastically unload the surrounding material as principal stresses rotate inside the band. The strains required to weaken the material and corresponding stress drops are compatible with experimental observations, and provide useful theoretical insights into strain softening parameterizations used in numerical geodynamics. This model however does not account for time-dependent behavior documented in rock deformation experiments, such as the loading rate dependence of the peak strength, and sample failure under a fixed applied stress in brittle creep tests. It also relies on macroscopic properties (e.g., dilatancy angle) which are not straightforwardly related to micro-mechanical and micro-structural rock properties. The MC model thus inherently carries an empirical parameterization which can be an obstacle to a deeper understanding of brittle inelastic deformation.
On the other hand, models that account for time-dependent brittle behavior typically invoke the development of tensile microcracks around shear defects, and derive macroscopic constitutive laws from the micro-mechanics of fracture growth and interaction through a damage state variable. To investigate whether this class of models can account for the time-dependence of strain localization, we perform post-bifurcation analysis on the damage rheology constructed by Ashby & Sammis (1990), coupled with a stress corrosion law for crack growth kinetics. We calculate the co-evolution of stress and 2-D plane strain at a point located within an incipient damage shear band, and at a nearby point in the surrounding rock where damage cannot accumulate. We prescribe a constant shear strain rate within the band, enforce strain compatibility and stress continuity across the shear band boundary, and integrate the incremental constitutive relationships through time.
Dilatancy related to tensile crack growth in the band enables elastic unloading of the surrounding medium. In our simulations, this manifests as a sudden drop in shear stress coincident with a sharp increase in band damage. We characterize the localization phenomenon through the magnitude of both this stress drop and damage increase, and assess their sensitivity to macroscopic parameters such as shear strain rate, shear band orientation, confining pressure, as well as micro-mechanical parameters such as the orientation of shear defects, the stress exponent of the crack growth law, and the initial damage. This type of work may pave the way toward micromechanics-based parameterizations of brittle deformation in long-term tectonic models.
How to cite: Petit, L., Olive, J.-A., S. Bhat, H., Le Pourhiet, L., and Schubnel, A.: Shear banding in a micromechanics-based brittle damage model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12673, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12673, 2021.
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The Earth’s brittle upper crust is commonly modeled as a non-associated Mohr-Coulomb (MC) elasto-plastic continuum. This framework enables the localization of shear strain through a process referred to as structural softening: dilatancy related to the build-up of plastic strain inside a shear band can elastically unload the surrounding material as principal stresses rotate inside the band. The strains required to weaken the material and corresponding stress drops are compatible with experimental observations, and provide useful theoretical insights into strain softening parameterizations used in numerical geodynamics. This model however does not account for time-dependent behavior documented in rock deformation experiments, such as the loading rate dependence of the peak strength, and sample failure under a fixed applied stress in brittle creep tests. It also relies on macroscopic properties (e.g., dilatancy angle) which are not straightforwardly related to micro-mechanical and micro-structural rock properties. The MC model thus inherently carries an empirical parameterization which can be an obstacle to a deeper understanding of brittle inelastic deformation.
On the other hand, models that account for time-dependent brittle behavior typically invoke the development of tensile microcracks around shear defects, and derive macroscopic constitutive laws from the micro-mechanics of fracture growth and interaction through a damage state variable. To investigate whether this class of models can account for the time-dependence of strain localization, we perform post-bifurcation analysis on the damage rheology constructed by Ashby & Sammis (1990), coupled with a stress corrosion law for crack growth kinetics. We calculate the co-evolution of stress and 2-D plane strain at a point located within an incipient damage shear band, and at a nearby point in the surrounding rock where damage cannot accumulate. We prescribe a constant shear strain rate within the band, enforce strain compatibility and stress continuity across the shear band boundary, and integrate the incremental constitutive relationships through time.
Dilatancy related to tensile crack growth in the band enables elastic unloading of the surrounding medium. In our simulations, this manifests as a sudden drop in shear stress coincident with a sharp increase in band damage. We characterize the localization phenomenon through the magnitude of both this stress drop and damage increase, and assess their sensitivity to macroscopic parameters such as shear strain rate, shear band orientation, confining pressure, as well as micro-mechanical parameters such as the orientation of shear defects, the stress exponent of the crack growth law, and the initial damage. This type of work may pave the way toward micromechanics-based parameterizations of brittle deformation in long-term tectonic models.
How to cite: Petit, L., Olive, J.-A., S. Bhat, H., Le Pourhiet, L., and Schubnel, A.: Shear banding in a micromechanics-based brittle damage model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12673, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12673, 2021.
EGU21-499 * | vPICO presentations | TS2.1 | Highlight
Formation of Amorphous Materials Causes Parallel Brittle-viscous Flow of Crustal RocksMatej Pec and Saleh Al Nasser
Relative motion of tectonic plates is accommodated along lithosphere-scale shear zones. The strength and stability of these shear zones control large scale tectonics and the location of earthquakes. It is widely accepted that rocks undergo a “brittle-to-viscous” transition as depth increases, however the details of how this transition is achieved are a topic of active research.
To study this transition in polymineralic rocks, we sheared bi-mineralic aggregates with varying ratio (30:70, 50:50 & 70:30 vol%) of quartz (Qtz) and potassium feldspar (Kfs) at temperature, T = 750˚C and pressure, Pc = 800 MPa under either constant displacement rate or constant load boundary conditions. Under constant displacement rate, samples reach high shear stress (τ ≈ 0.4 - 1 GPa, depending on mineral ratio) and then weaken. Under constant load, the strain rate shows low sensitivity to stress below shear stresses of 400 MPa, followed by a high stress sensitivity at higher stresses irrespective of mineral ratio (stress exponent, n = 9 - 13, assuming that strain rate ∝ stress n).
Strain is localized along "slip zones" in a C and C’ orientation in all experiments irrespective of mineral ratio. These zones delimit larger cataclastic lenses, which develop a weak foliation. Quartz in the lenses shows pervasive Dauphiné twinning that leads to clear CPO patterns in the {r} and {z} rhomb planes. The {r} maxima (and {z} minima) are sub-parallel to the loading direction and rotate synthetically with increasing finite strain suggesting that they track the local σ1 direction. The material in the slip zones shows extreme grain size reduction, no porosity and flow features. At peak strength, 1-2 vol% of the sample is composed of slip zones that are straight and short. With increasing strain, the slip zones become anastomosing and branching and occupy up to 9 vol%; this development is concomitant with strain-weakening of the sample. The best developed slip zones are observed in samples with high Kfs contents (70 & 50 vol%). We infer that the material in the slip zones is formed of nanocrystalline to partly amorphous material (PAM) that is predominantly derived from Kfs. By compiling literature data on PAM development, we show that the volume of PAM increases with increasing homologous temperature and work done (stress x strain per unit volume) on the sample in rocks containing feldspars.
Our results suggest that strain localization leads to microstructural transformation of the rocks from a crystalline solid to an amorphous, fluid-like material in the slip zones. This material forms over a broad range of P-T, stress and strain conditions suggesting that it should form readily in nature. The measured rheological response is a combination of viscous flow in the slip zones and cataclastic flow in coarser-grained lenses and can be modeled as a frictional slider coupled in parallel with a viscous dashpot.
How to cite: Pec, M. and Al Nasser, S.: Formation of Amorphous Materials Causes Parallel Brittle-viscous Flow of Crustal Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-499, 2021.
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Relative motion of tectonic plates is accommodated along lithosphere-scale shear zones. The strength and stability of these shear zones control large scale tectonics and the location of earthquakes. It is widely accepted that rocks undergo a “brittle-to-viscous” transition as depth increases, however the details of how this transition is achieved are a topic of active research.
To study this transition in polymineralic rocks, we sheared bi-mineralic aggregates with varying ratio (30:70, 50:50 & 70:30 vol%) of quartz (Qtz) and potassium feldspar (Kfs) at temperature, T = 750˚C and pressure, Pc = 800 MPa under either constant displacement rate or constant load boundary conditions. Under constant displacement rate, samples reach high shear stress (τ ≈ 0.4 - 1 GPa, depending on mineral ratio) and then weaken. Under constant load, the strain rate shows low sensitivity to stress below shear stresses of 400 MPa, followed by a high stress sensitivity at higher stresses irrespective of mineral ratio (stress exponent, n = 9 - 13, assuming that strain rate ∝ stress n).
Strain is localized along "slip zones" in a C and C’ orientation in all experiments irrespective of mineral ratio. These zones delimit larger cataclastic lenses, which develop a weak foliation. Quartz in the lenses shows pervasive Dauphiné twinning that leads to clear CPO patterns in the {r} and {z} rhomb planes. The {r} maxima (and {z} minima) are sub-parallel to the loading direction and rotate synthetically with increasing finite strain suggesting that they track the local σ1 direction. The material in the slip zones shows extreme grain size reduction, no porosity and flow features. At peak strength, 1-2 vol% of the sample is composed of slip zones that are straight and short. With increasing strain, the slip zones become anastomosing and branching and occupy up to 9 vol%; this development is concomitant with strain-weakening of the sample. The best developed slip zones are observed in samples with high Kfs contents (70 & 50 vol%). We infer that the material in the slip zones is formed of nanocrystalline to partly amorphous material (PAM) that is predominantly derived from Kfs. By compiling literature data on PAM development, we show that the volume of PAM increases with increasing homologous temperature and work done (stress x strain per unit volume) on the sample in rocks containing feldspars.
Our results suggest that strain localization leads to microstructural transformation of the rocks from a crystalline solid to an amorphous, fluid-like material in the slip zones. This material forms over a broad range of P-T, stress and strain conditions suggesting that it should form readily in nature. The measured rheological response is a combination of viscous flow in the slip zones and cataclastic flow in coarser-grained lenses and can be modeled as a frictional slider coupled in parallel with a viscous dashpot.
How to cite: Pec, M. and Al Nasser, S.: Formation of Amorphous Materials Causes Parallel Brittle-viscous Flow of Crustal Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-499, 2021.
EGU21-5534 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Experimental and numerical demonstrations for development of composite planar fabrics in fault zonesTakeshi Miyamoto, Tetsuro Hirono, Akari Fuke, Kiyokazu Oohashi, and Satoshi Yukawa
Many experimental works have previously performed to understand frictional properties of various kinds of rocks and minerals by using friction apparatus at various orders of sliding velocities ranging from nm/s to m/s together with microscopic observation. However, friction experiments at wide range of velocities on a single type of rock or mineral have been rarely reported. Here we conducted friction experiments using powdered pyroclastic samples at velocities ranging from 0.0002 m/s to 1 m/s, 1.5–3.0 MPa normal stress, 10 m slip distance and dry and wet conditions. We also performed numerical simulation by using discrete element method (DEM) that focused on the changes of distances to adjacent particles (referred as CAP) and forces particles experiencing during frictional slip. At higher velocities, the sample showed relatively drastic decrease of friction coefficient and boundary-parallel Y shears. In contrast, R1 shears, oblique to shear direction, were observed in the samples at lower velocities. Numerical simulations at higher velocities of 0.1 and 1 m/s resulted in slip weakening and development of larger CAP lines parallel to boundary. At lower velocities, larger forces and CAPs were concentrated locally. These results could imply that the development of composite planar fabrics has a dependency on slip velocity. Now we are investigating the relationship using synthetic quartz powders, and will show the preliminary results of re-experiments, numerical simulations, and microscopic observations.
How to cite: Miyamoto, T., Hirono, T., Fuke, A., Oohashi, K., and Yukawa, S.: Experimental and numerical demonstrations for development of composite planar fabrics in fault zones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5534, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5534, 2021.
Many experimental works have previously performed to understand frictional properties of various kinds of rocks and minerals by using friction apparatus at various orders of sliding velocities ranging from nm/s to m/s together with microscopic observation. However, friction experiments at wide range of velocities on a single type of rock or mineral have been rarely reported. Here we conducted friction experiments using powdered pyroclastic samples at velocities ranging from 0.0002 m/s to 1 m/s, 1.5–3.0 MPa normal stress, 10 m slip distance and dry and wet conditions. We also performed numerical simulation by using discrete element method (DEM) that focused on the changes of distances to adjacent particles (referred as CAP) and forces particles experiencing during frictional slip. At higher velocities, the sample showed relatively drastic decrease of friction coefficient and boundary-parallel Y shears. In contrast, R1 shears, oblique to shear direction, were observed in the samples at lower velocities. Numerical simulations at higher velocities of 0.1 and 1 m/s resulted in slip weakening and development of larger CAP lines parallel to boundary. At lower velocities, larger forces and CAPs were concentrated locally. These results could imply that the development of composite planar fabrics has a dependency on slip velocity. Now we are investigating the relationship using synthetic quartz powders, and will show the preliminary results of re-experiments, numerical simulations, and microscopic observations.
How to cite: Miyamoto, T., Hirono, T., Fuke, A., Oohashi, K., and Yukawa, S.: Experimental and numerical demonstrations for development of composite planar fabrics in fault zones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5534, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5534, 2021.
EGU21-1860 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Transient effects of a pre-existing lattice preferred orientation on the strength of foliated quartziteCaleb Holyoke and Casey Braccia
Much of our understanding of the strength of the continental crust is based on flow laws derived from homogeneous mono-mineralic aggregates (quartzites). However, crystal plastic deformation of rocks in the middle to lower continental crust during orogenic events forms foliations, lineations and lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) which produce physical and viscous anisotropies in rocks. In some of these orogenic events, such as in the Appalachian mountains, multiple deformation events form different, cross-cutting foliations and overprint existing LPOs. In order to determine the effects foliation/lineation and preexisting LPO have on the strength of rocks in the middle crust, we deformed a natural quartzite with a cross-girdle LPO from the Moine Thrust in Scotland with the compressive stress at six different primary orientations relative to the foliation and lineation. This quartzite has aligned but distributed fine-grained muscovite which defines a foliation and lineation. The cores were deformed at the same temperature (800°C), pressure (1500 MPa) and strain rate (1.6*10-6/s) to similar strains (50-58%), leaving the foliation/lineation orientation as the only difference between experiments. Peak stresses occur at strains of 10-20% and are lowest for the sample with foliation at 45o to the compression direction (400 MPa, the weak orientation). All other cores (hard orientations) have peak strengths of 600 to 1100 MPa and highest for the cores with lineation perpendicular to the compression direction (1100 MPa). These cores in hard orientations all strain weaken to a similar stress (~500 MPa), but are still ~100 MPa stronger than the core with both foliation and lineation initially oriented at 45 degrees to the compression direction. Optical microstructures include undulatory extinction, deformation lamellae, and at high strain (58%), the quartzite is more than 50% recrystallized. Scanning electron microscope electron backscatter diffraction analyses indicate that recrystallized grains in all cores reflect the deformation conditions of the experiment and original grains retain their initial LPO. Strength anisotropy at low strains is due to placing the foliation and lineation at non-ideal (hard) orientations relative to the compression direction and is greatest in cores with the lineation perpendicular to the compression direction. The evolution to a similar strength at high strains indicates that dynamic recrystallization creates new grains oriented for easy slip in the second (experimental) deformation event. These results suggest that differences in lineation and foliation orientations and a pre-existing LPO may cause strength anisotropy in rocks in the mid to lower continental crust, but this anisotropy may be transient and unlikely to exist to high strains.
How to cite: Holyoke, C. and Braccia, C.: Transient effects of a pre-existing lattice preferred orientation on the strength of foliated quartzite, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1860, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1860, 2021.
Much of our understanding of the strength of the continental crust is based on flow laws derived from homogeneous mono-mineralic aggregates (quartzites). However, crystal plastic deformation of rocks in the middle to lower continental crust during orogenic events forms foliations, lineations and lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) which produce physical and viscous anisotropies in rocks. In some of these orogenic events, such as in the Appalachian mountains, multiple deformation events form different, cross-cutting foliations and overprint existing LPOs. In order to determine the effects foliation/lineation and preexisting LPO have on the strength of rocks in the middle crust, we deformed a natural quartzite with a cross-girdle LPO from the Moine Thrust in Scotland with the compressive stress at six different primary orientations relative to the foliation and lineation. This quartzite has aligned but distributed fine-grained muscovite which defines a foliation and lineation. The cores were deformed at the same temperature (800°C), pressure (1500 MPa) and strain rate (1.6*10-6/s) to similar strains (50-58%), leaving the foliation/lineation orientation as the only difference between experiments. Peak stresses occur at strains of 10-20% and are lowest for the sample with foliation at 45o to the compression direction (400 MPa, the weak orientation). All other cores (hard orientations) have peak strengths of 600 to 1100 MPa and highest for the cores with lineation perpendicular to the compression direction (1100 MPa). These cores in hard orientations all strain weaken to a similar stress (~500 MPa), but are still ~100 MPa stronger than the core with both foliation and lineation initially oriented at 45 degrees to the compression direction. Optical microstructures include undulatory extinction, deformation lamellae, and at high strain (58%), the quartzite is more than 50% recrystallized. Scanning electron microscope electron backscatter diffraction analyses indicate that recrystallized grains in all cores reflect the deformation conditions of the experiment and original grains retain their initial LPO. Strength anisotropy at low strains is due to placing the foliation and lineation at non-ideal (hard) orientations relative to the compression direction and is greatest in cores with the lineation perpendicular to the compression direction. The evolution to a similar strength at high strains indicates that dynamic recrystallization creates new grains oriented for easy slip in the second (experimental) deformation event. These results suggest that differences in lineation and foliation orientations and a pre-existing LPO may cause strength anisotropy in rocks in the mid to lower continental crust, but this anisotropy may be transient and unlikely to exist to high strains.
How to cite: Holyoke, C. and Braccia, C.: Transient effects of a pre-existing lattice preferred orientation on the strength of foliated quartzite, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1860, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1860, 2021.
EGU21-7917 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Rheological Bridge Zone: Initialization of LocalizationHe Feng, Christopher Gerbi, and Scott Johnson
Strain localization occurs throughout the crust, in both the brittle and viscous regimes. The causes of strain localization remain under discussion. However, realistic rock records indicate that variations of material properties (e.g. active deformation mechanisms, crystallographic orientation, phase distribution, grain shapes, etc.) are likely to be the dominant factor for weakening. Determining the cause(s) of localization requires investigation of the earliest stages of strain concentration in different P-T conditions. Our study focuses on two rocks that experienced low macroscale strain at amphibolite and/or granulite facies conditions yet exhibit localization on the millimeter and smaller scale. We combine optical and electron beam petrography with chemical mapping and electron backscatter diffraction to characterize these rheologically important domains. Morphologically, these localized zones appear to mechanically link rheologically weak phases or domains. These “bridge” zones typically comprise a band of relatively fine grains with weak crystallographic preferred orientation. The major element compositions of like phases inside and outside the bridge zone are similar, but the modal mineralogy and trace elements vary somewhat. Bridge zones result from not only in-situ grain size reduction (due to, for example, nucleation, recrystallization, or cataclasis), but also chemical processes resulting in phase mixing or element mobility on a short spatial scale. Their spatial distribution suggests that the small modal fraction of microstructural change represented by the bridge zones can lead to a high degree of bulk weakening.
How to cite: Feng, H., Gerbi, C., and Johnson, S.: Rheological Bridge Zone: Initialization of Localization, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7917, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7917, 2021.
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Strain localization occurs throughout the crust, in both the brittle and viscous regimes. The causes of strain localization remain under discussion. However, realistic rock records indicate that variations of material properties (e.g. active deformation mechanisms, crystallographic orientation, phase distribution, grain shapes, etc.) are likely to be the dominant factor for weakening. Determining the cause(s) of localization requires investigation of the earliest stages of strain concentration in different P-T conditions. Our study focuses on two rocks that experienced low macroscale strain at amphibolite and/or granulite facies conditions yet exhibit localization on the millimeter and smaller scale. We combine optical and electron beam petrography with chemical mapping and electron backscatter diffraction to characterize these rheologically important domains. Morphologically, these localized zones appear to mechanically link rheologically weak phases or domains. These “bridge” zones typically comprise a band of relatively fine grains with weak crystallographic preferred orientation. The major element compositions of like phases inside and outside the bridge zone are similar, but the modal mineralogy and trace elements vary somewhat. Bridge zones result from not only in-situ grain size reduction (due to, for example, nucleation, recrystallization, or cataclasis), but also chemical processes resulting in phase mixing or element mobility on a short spatial scale. Their spatial distribution suggests that the small modal fraction of microstructural change represented by the bridge zones can lead to a high degree of bulk weakening.
How to cite: Feng, H., Gerbi, C., and Johnson, S.: Rheological Bridge Zone: Initialization of Localization, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7917, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7917, 2021.
EGU21-13151 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
New sights in crenulation geometry developed in anisotropic materials undergoing simple shear deformationYuanbang Hu, Tamara de Riese, Paul Bons, Shugen Liu, Albert Griera, Maria-Gema Llorens, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, and Melanie Finch
Deformation of foliated rocks commonly leads to crenulation or micro-folding, with the development of cleavage domains and microlithons. We here consider the effect of mechanical anisotropy due to a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) that defines the foliation, for example by of alignment of micas. Mechanical anisotropy enhances shear localisation (Ran, et al., 2018; de Riese et al., 2019), resulting in low-strain domains (microlithons) and high-strain shear bands or cleavage domains. We investigate the crenulation patterns that result from moderate strain simple shear deformation, varying the initial orientation of the mechanical anisotropy relative to the shear plane.
We use the Viscoplastic Full-Field Transform (VPFFT) crystal plasticity code coupled with the modelling platform ELLE (http://www.elle.ws; Llorens et al., 2017) to simulate the deformation of anisotropic single-phase material with an initial given CPO in dextral simple shear in low to medium strain. Deformation is assumed to be accommodated by glide along the basal, prismatic and pyramidal slip systems of a hexagonal model mineral. An approximately transverse anisotropy is achieved by assigning a small critical resolved shear stress to the basal plane. An initially point-maximum CPO at variable angles to the shear plane defines the initial straight foliation at different angles to the shear plane, limiting ourselves to orientations in which the foliation is in the stretching field. The resulting crenulation geometries strongly depend on the orientation of the foliation and we observe four types of localisation behaviour: (1) synthetic shear bands, (2) antithetic shear bands, (3) initial formation of antithetic shear bands and subsequent development of synthetic shear bands, and (4) distributed, approximately shear-margin parallel strain localisation, but no distinct shear bands.
The numerical simulations not only show the evolving strain-rate field, but also the predicted finite strain pattern of existing visible foliations. We show the results for layers parallel to the foliation, but also cases where the visible layering is at an angle to the mechanical anisotropy (e.g. in case of distinct sedimentary layers and a cleavage that controls the mechanical anisotropy). A wide range of crenulation types form as a function of the initial orientation of the visible layering and mechanical anisotropy (comparable to C, C' and C'' shear bands and compressional crenulation cleavage). Most importantly, some of may be highly misleading and may easily be interpreted as indicating the opposite sense of shear.
de Riese, T., et al. (2019). Shear localisation in anisotropic, non-linear viscous materials that develop a CPO: A numerical study. Journal of Structural Geology, 124, 81-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2019.03.006
Llorens, M.-G., et al. (2017). Dynamic recrystallisation during deformation of polycrystalline ice: insights from numerical simulations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Special Issue on Microdynamics of Ice, 375: 20150346. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2015.0346.
Ran, H., et al. (2018). Time for anisotropy: The significance of mechanical anisotropy for the development of deformation structures. Journal of Structural Geology, 125, 41-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2018.04.019
How to cite: Hu, Y., de Riese, T., Bons, P., Liu, S., Griera, A., Llorens, M.-G., Gomez-Rivas, E., and Finch, M.: New sights in crenulation geometry developed in anisotropic materials undergoing simple shear deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13151, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13151, 2021.
Deformation of foliated rocks commonly leads to crenulation or micro-folding, with the development of cleavage domains and microlithons. We here consider the effect of mechanical anisotropy due to a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) that defines the foliation, for example by of alignment of micas. Mechanical anisotropy enhances shear localisation (Ran, et al., 2018; de Riese et al., 2019), resulting in low-strain domains (microlithons) and high-strain shear bands or cleavage domains. We investigate the crenulation patterns that result from moderate strain simple shear deformation, varying the initial orientation of the mechanical anisotropy relative to the shear plane.
We use the Viscoplastic Full-Field Transform (VPFFT) crystal plasticity code coupled with the modelling platform ELLE (http://www.elle.ws; Llorens et al., 2017) to simulate the deformation of anisotropic single-phase material with an initial given CPO in dextral simple shear in low to medium strain. Deformation is assumed to be accommodated by glide along the basal, prismatic and pyramidal slip systems of a hexagonal model mineral. An approximately transverse anisotropy is achieved by assigning a small critical resolved shear stress to the basal plane. An initially point-maximum CPO at variable angles to the shear plane defines the initial straight foliation at different angles to the shear plane, limiting ourselves to orientations in which the foliation is in the stretching field. The resulting crenulation geometries strongly depend on the orientation of the foliation and we observe four types of localisation behaviour: (1) synthetic shear bands, (2) antithetic shear bands, (3) initial formation of antithetic shear bands and subsequent development of synthetic shear bands, and (4) distributed, approximately shear-margin parallel strain localisation, but no distinct shear bands.
The numerical simulations not only show the evolving strain-rate field, but also the predicted finite strain pattern of existing visible foliations. We show the results for layers parallel to the foliation, but also cases where the visible layering is at an angle to the mechanical anisotropy (e.g. in case of distinct sedimentary layers and a cleavage that controls the mechanical anisotropy). A wide range of crenulation types form as a function of the initial orientation of the visible layering and mechanical anisotropy (comparable to C, C' and C'' shear bands and compressional crenulation cleavage). Most importantly, some of may be highly misleading and may easily be interpreted as indicating the opposite sense of shear.
de Riese, T., et al. (2019). Shear localisation in anisotropic, non-linear viscous materials that develop a CPO: A numerical study. Journal of Structural Geology, 124, 81-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2019.03.006
Llorens, M.-G., et al. (2017). Dynamic recrystallisation during deformation of polycrystalline ice: insights from numerical simulations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Special Issue on Microdynamics of Ice, 375: 20150346. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2015.0346.
Ran, H., et al. (2018). Time for anisotropy: The significance of mechanical anisotropy for the development of deformation structures. Journal of Structural Geology, 125, 41-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2018.04.019
How to cite: Hu, Y., de Riese, T., Bons, P., Liu, S., Griera, A., Llorens, M.-G., Gomez-Rivas, E., and Finch, M.: New sights in crenulation geometry developed in anisotropic materials undergoing simple shear deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13151, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13151, 2021.
EGU21-752 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
The ephemeral development of C' shear bandsMelanie Finch, Paul Bons, Florian Steinbach, Albert Griera, Maria-Gema Llorens, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Hao Ran, and Tamara de Riese
C' shear bands are common structures in ductile shear zones but their development is poorly understood. They occur in rocks with a high mechanical strength contrast so we used numerical models of viscoplastic deformation to study the effect of the proportion of weak phase and the phase strength contrast on C' shear band development. We employed simple shear to a finite strain of 18 in 900 steps and recorded the microstructure, stress and strain distribution at each step. We found that C' shear bands form in models with ≥5% weak phase when there is a moderate or high phase strength contrast, and they occur in all models with weak phase proportions ≥15%. Contrary to previous research, we find that C' shear bands form when layers of weak phase parallel to the shear zone boundary rotate forwards. This occurs due to mechanical instabilities that are a result of heterogeneous distributions of stress and strain rate. C' shear bands form on planes of low strain rate and stress, not in sites of maximum strain rate as has previously been suggested. C' shear bands are ephemeral and they either rotate backwards to the C plane once they are inactive or rotate into the field of shortening and thicken to form X- and triangle- shaped structures.
How to cite: Finch, M., Bons, P., Steinbach, F., Griera, A., Llorens, M.-G., Gomez-Rivas, E., Ran, H., and de Riese, T.: The ephemeral development of C' shear bands, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-752, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-752, 2021.
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C' shear bands are common structures in ductile shear zones but their development is poorly understood. They occur in rocks with a high mechanical strength contrast so we used numerical models of viscoplastic deformation to study the effect of the proportion of weak phase and the phase strength contrast on C' shear band development. We employed simple shear to a finite strain of 18 in 900 steps and recorded the microstructure, stress and strain distribution at each step. We found that C' shear bands form in models with ≥5% weak phase when there is a moderate or high phase strength contrast, and they occur in all models with weak phase proportions ≥15%. Contrary to previous research, we find that C' shear bands form when layers of weak phase parallel to the shear zone boundary rotate forwards. This occurs due to mechanical instabilities that are a result of heterogeneous distributions of stress and strain rate. C' shear bands form on planes of low strain rate and stress, not in sites of maximum strain rate as has previously been suggested. C' shear bands are ephemeral and they either rotate backwards to the C plane once they are inactive or rotate into the field of shortening and thicken to form X- and triangle- shaped structures.
How to cite: Finch, M., Bons, P., Steinbach, F., Griera, A., Llorens, M.-G., Gomez-Rivas, E., Ran, H., and de Riese, T.: The ephemeral development of C' shear bands, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-752, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-752, 2021.
EGU21-12021 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Modelling coupled fluid flow and solid deformation with the viscoplastic rheologyLawrence Hongliang Wang, Viktoriya Yarushina, and Yury Podladchikov
The coupling between fluid flow and solid deformation plays important roles in earth dynamics at different timescales and length-scales. Related processes include, magma migration and focusing in the Mid-Ocean Ridges, fluid migration after slab dehydration in the subduction zone, channelized fluid flow observed as seismic chimney in the continental margin, as so on. Here we study how localized fluid channels can develop through asymmetric compaction and decompaction processes of the solid matrix by solving coupled two-phase equations with viscoplastic rheology. Previous studies produced fluid channels with decompaction weakening, while negative effective pressure (Pt-Pf) is inevitable due to the simplified rheology formulation. We develop a viscoplastic rheology formulation that considers the effects of shear stress and plastic failure on the volumetric deformation, consistent with experimental data.
Our model results show that this new rheology can produce channelized fluid flow without negative effective pressure in the model. Our numerical results also clarified that it is the flow instability of the coupled two-phase system that cause the formation of fluid channels. The ratio between shear viscosity and bulk viscosity determines how fast the flow instability develops and manifests. The geometry of the Reservoir, on the other hand, can affect where the channels form. We further study the effects of different background and reservoir porosity, different rock layer, permeability exponents, decompaction weakening factor, and so on. These results provide a better understanding of the two-phase system and its potential applications in geological environments.
How to cite: Wang, L. H., Yarushina, V., and Podladchikov, Y.: Modelling coupled fluid flow and solid deformation with the viscoplastic rheology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12021, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12021, 2021.
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The coupling between fluid flow and solid deformation plays important roles in earth dynamics at different timescales and length-scales. Related processes include, magma migration and focusing in the Mid-Ocean Ridges, fluid migration after slab dehydration in the subduction zone, channelized fluid flow observed as seismic chimney in the continental margin, as so on. Here we study how localized fluid channels can develop through asymmetric compaction and decompaction processes of the solid matrix by solving coupled two-phase equations with viscoplastic rheology. Previous studies produced fluid channels with decompaction weakening, while negative effective pressure (Pt-Pf) is inevitable due to the simplified rheology formulation. We develop a viscoplastic rheology formulation that considers the effects of shear stress and plastic failure on the volumetric deformation, consistent with experimental data.
Our model results show that this new rheology can produce channelized fluid flow without negative effective pressure in the model. Our numerical results also clarified that it is the flow instability of the coupled two-phase system that cause the formation of fluid channels. The ratio between shear viscosity and bulk viscosity determines how fast the flow instability develops and manifests. The geometry of the Reservoir, on the other hand, can affect where the channels form. We further study the effects of different background and reservoir porosity, different rock layer, permeability exponents, decompaction weakening factor, and so on. These results provide a better understanding of the two-phase system and its potential applications in geological environments.
How to cite: Wang, L. H., Yarushina, V., and Podladchikov, Y.: Modelling coupled fluid flow and solid deformation with the viscoplastic rheology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12021, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12021, 2021.
EGU21-10167 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Numerical modelling of quartz-biotite aggregates: Insights on strain weakening and two-phase flow lawsMarkus Rast and Jonas Ruh
Strain weakening is a prerequisite for localization of strain and therefore crucial for the understanding of shear zone evolution. In the context of progressive deformation of multi-phase aggregates, it is unclear whether the change in geometry and orientation of the involved phases leads to structural or geometric strain weakening and thus may control strain localization. Consequently, the question arises how the ductile flow of two-phase rocks can be described or determined. To contribute to a better understanding of the knowledge gaps outlined above, two-dimensional numerical shear experiments of quartz-biotite aggregates were conducted at varying temperatures, background strain rates and fluid pressure ratios. Textural variations after a shear strain of γ ≈ 10 appear to be dependent on the viscosity contrast between the minerals involved. To estimate whether a numerical experiment is undergoing strain weakening or strain hardening (or both), the temporal evolution of the mean second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor was tracked. The results suggest that strain weakening occurs if biotite-inclusions are distinctly isolated and that it is more effective under conditions with larger viscosity contrasts between matrix and inclusions. However, the stress drops in numerical experiments with purely structural / textural strain weakening are rather low (−1.1 to −6.4%) compared to other strain weakening processes. It appears that phase rearrangement and change in phase geometry with evolving strain is of minor importance for the occurrence of strain weakening. Based on the numerical experiments and assuming a power-law relationship between stress and strain, the flow-law parameters of quartz-biotite aggregates with different biotite contents were determined. The results are in the range of existing experimental and analytical mixed-aggregates flow-laws. However, the variations between the different flow-laws show that further research is required, for which numerical models as used in the present study could serve as basis.
How to cite: Rast, M. and Ruh, J.: Numerical modelling of quartz-biotite aggregates: Insights on strain weakening and two-phase flow laws, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10167, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10167, 2021.
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Strain weakening is a prerequisite for localization of strain and therefore crucial for the understanding of shear zone evolution. In the context of progressive deformation of multi-phase aggregates, it is unclear whether the change in geometry and orientation of the involved phases leads to structural or geometric strain weakening and thus may control strain localization. Consequently, the question arises how the ductile flow of two-phase rocks can be described or determined. To contribute to a better understanding of the knowledge gaps outlined above, two-dimensional numerical shear experiments of quartz-biotite aggregates were conducted at varying temperatures, background strain rates and fluid pressure ratios. Textural variations after a shear strain of γ ≈ 10 appear to be dependent on the viscosity contrast between the minerals involved. To estimate whether a numerical experiment is undergoing strain weakening or strain hardening (or both), the temporal evolution of the mean second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor was tracked. The results suggest that strain weakening occurs if biotite-inclusions are distinctly isolated and that it is more effective under conditions with larger viscosity contrasts between matrix and inclusions. However, the stress drops in numerical experiments with purely structural / textural strain weakening are rather low (−1.1 to −6.4%) compared to other strain weakening processes. It appears that phase rearrangement and change in phase geometry with evolving strain is of minor importance for the occurrence of strain weakening. Based on the numerical experiments and assuming a power-law relationship between stress and strain, the flow-law parameters of quartz-biotite aggregates with different biotite contents were determined. The results are in the range of existing experimental and analytical mixed-aggregates flow-laws. However, the variations between the different flow-laws show that further research is required, for which numerical models as used in the present study could serve as basis.
How to cite: Rast, M. and Ruh, J.: Numerical modelling of quartz-biotite aggregates: Insights on strain weakening and two-phase flow laws, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10167, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10167, 2021.
EGU21-10209 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Deformation structures resulting from anisotropy during high-strain deformation of ice 1h with initial CPOTamara de Riese, Paul D. Bons, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Albert Griera, Maria-Gema Llorens, and Ilka Weikusat
Ice 1h shows a strong viscoplastic anisotropy, as the resistance to activate dislocation glide on basal planes is at least one order of magnitude smaller than on the other slip planes. During flow the viscoplastic anisotropy leads to the development of a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). The anisotropic behaviour of flowing ice can lead to strain localisation. Only when the ice is layered (e.g. due to cloudy bands) it may be possible to identify localisation structures, as ice otherwise has no readily recognisable strain markers.
We use the Viscoplastic Full-Field Transform (VPFFT; Lebensohn and Rollett, 2020) crystal plasticity code coupled with the modelling platform ELLE (http://www.elle.ws; Piazolo et al., 2019) to simulate the deformation of intrinsically anisotropic ice 1h with an initial single maximum CPO in dextral simple shear up to very high strains. The VPFFT-approach simulates deformation by dislocation glide, taking into account the different available slip systems and their critical resolved shear stresses. We use an anisotropy similar to that of ice 1h, systematically vary the orientation of the initial CPO, and use passive markers/layers to visualise deformation structures.
The localisation behaviour strongly depends on the initial CPO, but reaches a consistent steady state after very high shear strains of about 30. The fabric and stress evolution reach a steady-state situation as well. The orientation of the CPO controls the style of deformation, which varies from (1) synthetic shear zones with a stable shear-direction parallel orientation and that widen with ongoing strain to unstable, (2) rotating antithetic shear bands, (3) initial formation of antithetic shear bands and subsequent development of synthetic shear bands and (4) distributed localisation. Furthermore, evolving visual structures depend on the presence and orientation of a visual layering in the material. However, at very high strains, the material is almost always strongly mixed and any original layering would be destroyed.
Our results highlight the challenge to identify strain localisation in ice, yet they can help the ice community to identify and interpret deformation structures in large ice masses (e.g. the Greenland ice sheet). As strain localisation in anisotropic materials behaves scale independent (de Riese et al., 2019), large-scale equivalents may occur of the observed small-scale structures (Jansen et al., 2016).
de Riese, T., Evans, L., Gomez-Rivas, E., Griera, A., Lebensohn, R.A., Llorens, M.G., Ran, H., Sachau, T., Weikusat, I., Bons, P.D. 2019. Shear localisation in anisotropic, non-linear viscous materials that develop a CPO: A numerical study. Journal of Structural Geology, 124, 81-90.
Jansen, D., Llorens, M.-G, Westhoff, J., Steinbach, F., Kipfstuhl, S., Bons, P.D., Griera, A., Weikusat, I. 2016. Small-scale disturbances in the stratigraphy of the NEEM ice core: observations and numerical model simulations. The Cryosphere 10, 359-370.
Lebensohn, R.A., Rollett, A.D. 2020. Spectral methods for full-field micromechanical modelling of polycrystalline materials. Computational Materials Science, 173, 109336.
Piazolo, S., Bons, P.D., Griera, A., Llorens, M.G., Gomez-Rivas, E., Koehn, D., ... Jessell, M.W. 2019. A review of numerical modelling of the dynamics of microstructural development in rocks and ice: Past, present and future. Journal of Structural Geology, 125, 111-123.
How to cite: de Riese, T., Bons, P. D., Gomez-Rivas, E., Griera, A., Llorens, M.-G., and Weikusat, I.: Deformation structures resulting from anisotropy during high-strain deformation of ice 1h with initial CPO, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10209, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10209, 2021.
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Ice 1h shows a strong viscoplastic anisotropy, as the resistance to activate dislocation glide on basal planes is at least one order of magnitude smaller than on the other slip planes. During flow the viscoplastic anisotropy leads to the development of a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). The anisotropic behaviour of flowing ice can lead to strain localisation. Only when the ice is layered (e.g. due to cloudy bands) it may be possible to identify localisation structures, as ice otherwise has no readily recognisable strain markers.
We use the Viscoplastic Full-Field Transform (VPFFT; Lebensohn and Rollett, 2020) crystal plasticity code coupled with the modelling platform ELLE (http://www.elle.ws; Piazolo et al., 2019) to simulate the deformation of intrinsically anisotropic ice 1h with an initial single maximum CPO in dextral simple shear up to very high strains. The VPFFT-approach simulates deformation by dislocation glide, taking into account the different available slip systems and their critical resolved shear stresses. We use an anisotropy similar to that of ice 1h, systematically vary the orientation of the initial CPO, and use passive markers/layers to visualise deformation structures.
The localisation behaviour strongly depends on the initial CPO, but reaches a consistent steady state after very high shear strains of about 30. The fabric and stress evolution reach a steady-state situation as well. The orientation of the CPO controls the style of deformation, which varies from (1) synthetic shear zones with a stable shear-direction parallel orientation and that widen with ongoing strain to unstable, (2) rotating antithetic shear bands, (3) initial formation of antithetic shear bands and subsequent development of synthetic shear bands and (4) distributed localisation. Furthermore, evolving visual structures depend on the presence and orientation of a visual layering in the material. However, at very high strains, the material is almost always strongly mixed and any original layering would be destroyed.
Our results highlight the challenge to identify strain localisation in ice, yet they can help the ice community to identify and interpret deformation structures in large ice masses (e.g. the Greenland ice sheet). As strain localisation in anisotropic materials behaves scale independent (de Riese et al., 2019), large-scale equivalents may occur of the observed small-scale structures (Jansen et al., 2016).
de Riese, T., Evans, L., Gomez-Rivas, E., Griera, A., Lebensohn, R.A., Llorens, M.G., Ran, H., Sachau, T., Weikusat, I., Bons, P.D. 2019. Shear localisation in anisotropic, non-linear viscous materials that develop a CPO: A numerical study. Journal of Structural Geology, 124, 81-90.
Jansen, D., Llorens, M.-G, Westhoff, J., Steinbach, F., Kipfstuhl, S., Bons, P.D., Griera, A., Weikusat, I. 2016. Small-scale disturbances in the stratigraphy of the NEEM ice core: observations and numerical model simulations. The Cryosphere 10, 359-370.
Lebensohn, R.A., Rollett, A.D. 2020. Spectral methods for full-field micromechanical modelling of polycrystalline materials. Computational Materials Science, 173, 109336.
Piazolo, S., Bons, P.D., Griera, A., Llorens, M.G., Gomez-Rivas, E., Koehn, D., ... Jessell, M.W. 2019. A review of numerical modelling of the dynamics of microstructural development in rocks and ice: Past, present and future. Journal of Structural Geology, 125, 111-123.
How to cite: de Riese, T., Bons, P. D., Gomez-Rivas, E., Griera, A., Llorens, M.-G., and Weikusat, I.: Deformation structures resulting from anisotropy during high-strain deformation of ice 1h with initial CPO, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10209, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10209, 2021.
EGU21-12078 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Ice fabrics in natural flows: moving away from pure and simple shearDaniel Richards, Sam Pegler, Sandra Piazolo, and Oliver Harlen
How to cite: Richards, D., Pegler, S., Piazolo, S., and Harlen, O.: Ice fabrics in natural flows: moving away from pure and simple shear, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12078, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12078, 2021.
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How to cite: Richards, D., Pegler, S., Piazolo, S., and Harlen, O.: Ice fabrics in natural flows: moving away from pure and simple shear, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12078, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12078, 2021.
EGU21-10343 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Strain shadow “megapores” in mid-crustal ultramylonites - local, transient reservoirs servicing the granular fluid pump?Florian Fusseis and Craig Allsop
Shear zones are important conduits that facilitate the bidirectional migration of fluids and dissolved solids across the middle crust. It is a relatively recent revelation that mylonitic deformation in such shear zones can result in the formation of synkinematic pores that are potentially utilised in long-range fluid migration. The pores definitely influence a shear zone’s hydraulic transport properties on the grain scale, facilitating synkinematic fluid-rock interactions and mass transfer. Our understanding of how exactly various forms of synkinematic porosity integrate with the kinematics and dynamics of shear zones is still growing. Here we show a previously undescribed form of synkinematic porosity in an unweathered, greenschist-facies psammitic ultramylonite from the Cap de Creus Northern Shear Belt (Spain). The sizeable, open pores with volumes > 50k µm3 appear exclusively next to albitic feldspar porphyroclasts, which themselves float in a fine-grained, polymineralic ultramylonitic matrix that likely deformed by grain size-sensitive creep and viscous grain boundary sliding. The pores wrap around their host clasts, occupying asymmetric strain shadows and tailing off into the mylonitic foliation. A detailed analysis using high-resolution backscatter electron imaging and non-invasive synchrotron-based x-ray microtomography confirms that the pores are isolated from each other. We found no evidence for weathering of the samples, or any significant post-mylonitic overprint, unequivocally supporting a synkinematic origin of the pores.
We propose that this strain shadow porosity formed through the rotations of the Ab porphyroclasts, which was governed by the clasts’ shapes and elongation. The ultramylonitic matrix was critical in enabling the formation of pores in the clast’s strain shadows. In the matrix, the individual grains were displaced mostly parallel to the shear direction. As a consequence of clast rotation it can be expected that, in the strain shadows, matrix grains followed diverging movement vectors. As a result, phase boundaries in the YZ plane experienced tensile forces, leading to the opening of pores. We infer that this tensile decoupling among matrix grains established a hydraulic gradient that drained the matrix locally and filled the pores with fluid. The fact that the strain shadow pores remained open in our samples suggests a chemical equilibrium with the fluid. Pore shape and volume will have been subject to continuous modification during ongoing matrix deformation and clast rotation.
This form of synkinematic porosity constitutes a puzzling, yet obvious way to maintain surprisingly large pores in ultramylonites whose transport properties are otherwise likely determined by creep cavitation and the granular fluid pump (Fusseis et al., 2009). We envisage that the strain shadow megapores worked in sync with the granular fluid pump in the ultramylonitic matrix and, while the overall porosity of ultramylonites may be small, locally, substantial fluid reservoirs were available to service fluid-rock interaction and fluid-mediated mass transfer. Our findings add another puzzle piece to our evolving understanding of synkinematic transport properties of mid-crustal ultramylonites and fluid-rock interaction in shear zones at the brittle-to-ductile transition.
How to cite: Fusseis, F. and Allsop, C.: Strain shadow “megapores” in mid-crustal ultramylonites - local, transient reservoirs servicing the granular fluid pump?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10343, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10343, 2021.
Shear zones are important conduits that facilitate the bidirectional migration of fluids and dissolved solids across the middle crust. It is a relatively recent revelation that mylonitic deformation in such shear zones can result in the formation of synkinematic pores that are potentially utilised in long-range fluid migration. The pores definitely influence a shear zone’s hydraulic transport properties on the grain scale, facilitating synkinematic fluid-rock interactions and mass transfer. Our understanding of how exactly various forms of synkinematic porosity integrate with the kinematics and dynamics of shear zones is still growing. Here we show a previously undescribed form of synkinematic porosity in an unweathered, greenschist-facies psammitic ultramylonite from the Cap de Creus Northern Shear Belt (Spain). The sizeable, open pores with volumes > 50k µm3 appear exclusively next to albitic feldspar porphyroclasts, which themselves float in a fine-grained, polymineralic ultramylonitic matrix that likely deformed by grain size-sensitive creep and viscous grain boundary sliding. The pores wrap around their host clasts, occupying asymmetric strain shadows and tailing off into the mylonitic foliation. A detailed analysis using high-resolution backscatter electron imaging and non-invasive synchrotron-based x-ray microtomography confirms that the pores are isolated from each other. We found no evidence for weathering of the samples, or any significant post-mylonitic overprint, unequivocally supporting a synkinematic origin of the pores.
We propose that this strain shadow porosity formed through the rotations of the Ab porphyroclasts, which was governed by the clasts’ shapes and elongation. The ultramylonitic matrix was critical in enabling the formation of pores in the clast’s strain shadows. In the matrix, the individual grains were displaced mostly parallel to the shear direction. As a consequence of clast rotation it can be expected that, in the strain shadows, matrix grains followed diverging movement vectors. As a result, phase boundaries in the YZ plane experienced tensile forces, leading to the opening of pores. We infer that this tensile decoupling among matrix grains established a hydraulic gradient that drained the matrix locally and filled the pores with fluid. The fact that the strain shadow pores remained open in our samples suggests a chemical equilibrium with the fluid. Pore shape and volume will have been subject to continuous modification during ongoing matrix deformation and clast rotation.
This form of synkinematic porosity constitutes a puzzling, yet obvious way to maintain surprisingly large pores in ultramylonites whose transport properties are otherwise likely determined by creep cavitation and the granular fluid pump (Fusseis et al., 2009). We envisage that the strain shadow megapores worked in sync with the granular fluid pump in the ultramylonitic matrix and, while the overall porosity of ultramylonites may be small, locally, substantial fluid reservoirs were available to service fluid-rock interaction and fluid-mediated mass transfer. Our findings add another puzzle piece to our evolving understanding of synkinematic transport properties of mid-crustal ultramylonites and fluid-rock interaction in shear zones at the brittle-to-ductile transition.
How to cite: Fusseis, F. and Allsop, C.: Strain shadow “megapores” in mid-crustal ultramylonites - local, transient reservoirs servicing the granular fluid pump?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10343, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10343, 2021.
EGU21-362 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Forces between reactive surfacesJoanna Dziadkowiec, Bahareh Zareeipolgardani, Hsiu-Wei Cheng, Dag Kristian Dysthe, Anja Røyne, and Markus Valtiner
Adhesive and repulsive, nm-range surface forces acting between mineral grains control colloidal stability and mineral aggregation but less is known about how these forces are affected by surface reactivity and to what extent these grain-scale forces can influence various deformation processes in rocks. In this experimental work, we explore and quantify the surface forces acting between dynamic mineral surfaces that undergo recrystallization or are chemically reactive in contact with water or aqueous salt solutions. Our experimental setup consists of the surface forces apparatus (SFA) coupled with the multiple beam interferometry (MBI). This setup can excellently reproduce a typical grain contact geometry with nanometer-thin water films confined between contacting mineral grains over relatively large, micron-sized contact areas. Owing to the use of MBI, both surface growth or dissolution processes can be monitored during force measurements in real-time. As such, SFA can provide information about the links between surface reactivity and adhesive or repulsive surface forces. Using the examples of force measurements between recrystallizing or chemically reactive mineral surfaces such as carbonates, hydroxides, and silicates, we comment on the relationship between the measured surface forces and surface reactivity. We link our findings with the observed changes in mineral phases, surface topographies, or surface roughness. We also comment on how the micron-scale confinement in the SFA affects the growth and dissolution processes in contrast to less confined regions. The magnitude of the forces associated with dynamic mineral surfaces and the potential significance of these forces to macroscopic deformation processes and cohesion in rocks are discussed.
How to cite: Dziadkowiec, J., Zareeipolgardani, B., Cheng, H.-W., Dysthe, D. K., Røyne, A., and Valtiner, M.: Forces between reactive surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-362, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-362, 2021.
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Adhesive and repulsive, nm-range surface forces acting between mineral grains control colloidal stability and mineral aggregation but less is known about how these forces are affected by surface reactivity and to what extent these grain-scale forces can influence various deformation processes in rocks. In this experimental work, we explore and quantify the surface forces acting between dynamic mineral surfaces that undergo recrystallization or are chemically reactive in contact with water or aqueous salt solutions. Our experimental setup consists of the surface forces apparatus (SFA) coupled with the multiple beam interferometry (MBI). This setup can excellently reproduce a typical grain contact geometry with nanometer-thin water films confined between contacting mineral grains over relatively large, micron-sized contact areas. Owing to the use of MBI, both surface growth or dissolution processes can be monitored during force measurements in real-time. As such, SFA can provide information about the links between surface reactivity and adhesive or repulsive surface forces. Using the examples of force measurements between recrystallizing or chemically reactive mineral surfaces such as carbonates, hydroxides, and silicates, we comment on the relationship between the measured surface forces and surface reactivity. We link our findings with the observed changes in mineral phases, surface topographies, or surface roughness. We also comment on how the micron-scale confinement in the SFA affects the growth and dissolution processes in contrast to less confined regions. The magnitude of the forces associated with dynamic mineral surfaces and the potential significance of these forces to macroscopic deformation processes and cohesion in rocks are discussed.
How to cite: Dziadkowiec, J., Zareeipolgardani, B., Cheng, H.-W., Dysthe, D. K., Røyne, A., and Valtiner, M.: Forces between reactive surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-362, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-362, 2021.
EGU21-8567 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
On the stress sensitivity of the dehydration kinetics of gypsum: insights from fast in-situ synchrotron X-ray scatteringChristoph Schrank, Oliver Gaede, Tomasz Blach, Katherine Gioseffi, Stephen Mudie, Nigel Kirby, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, and Andrzej Radlinski
The potential role of differential stress for mineral stability and the kinetics of mineral replacement reactions remains a matter of hot debate. We present a series of unique in-situ laboratory experiments on the dehydration of polycrystalline natural gypsum to hemihydrate, which were designed to test if the application of small differential stresses affects the mineral transformation rate. The dehydration experiments were conducted in a purpose-built loading cell suitable for in-situ monitoring with synchrotron transmission small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS). The time-resolved SAXS/WAXS data provide measurements of the transformation kinetics and the evolution of nano-pores of the dehydrating samples.
In our experiments, the kinetic effects of two principal variables were examined: dehydration temperature and axial confinement of the sample discs. In contrast to most previous dehydration experiments conducted in triaxial deformation apparatus, we applied different axial pre-stresses to the radially unconfined sample discs, which were well below the uniaxial compressive strength of the test material. This loading condition corresponds to constant-displacement rather than constant-stress boundary conditions. We find that in natural gypsum alabaster with randomly oriented grains an increase in axial pre-stress leads to a significant acceleration of the dehydration rate. Simple estimates of the energy budget suggest that the acceleration of the dehydration rate due to elastic straining is significantly cheaper energetically than due to heating. We hypothesise that the observed strong effect of differential stress on dehydration kinetics can be explained by geometry-energy interactions in the granular sample microstructure.
How to cite: Schrank, C., Gaede, O., Blach, T., Gioseffi, K., Mudie, S., Kirby, N., Regenauer-Lieb, K., and Radlinski, A.: On the stress sensitivity of the dehydration kinetics of gypsum: insights from fast in-situ synchrotron X-ray scattering , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8567, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8567, 2021.
The potential role of differential stress for mineral stability and the kinetics of mineral replacement reactions remains a matter of hot debate. We present a series of unique in-situ laboratory experiments on the dehydration of polycrystalline natural gypsum to hemihydrate, which were designed to test if the application of small differential stresses affects the mineral transformation rate. The dehydration experiments were conducted in a purpose-built loading cell suitable for in-situ monitoring with synchrotron transmission small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS). The time-resolved SAXS/WAXS data provide measurements of the transformation kinetics and the evolution of nano-pores of the dehydrating samples.
In our experiments, the kinetic effects of two principal variables were examined: dehydration temperature and axial confinement of the sample discs. In contrast to most previous dehydration experiments conducted in triaxial deformation apparatus, we applied different axial pre-stresses to the radially unconfined sample discs, which were well below the uniaxial compressive strength of the test material. This loading condition corresponds to constant-displacement rather than constant-stress boundary conditions. We find that in natural gypsum alabaster with randomly oriented grains an increase in axial pre-stress leads to a significant acceleration of the dehydration rate. Simple estimates of the energy budget suggest that the acceleration of the dehydration rate due to elastic straining is significantly cheaper energetically than due to heating. We hypothesise that the observed strong effect of differential stress on dehydration kinetics can be explained by geometry-energy interactions in the granular sample microstructure.
How to cite: Schrank, C., Gaede, O., Blach, T., Gioseffi, K., Mudie, S., Kirby, N., Regenauer-Lieb, K., and Radlinski, A.: On the stress sensitivity of the dehydration kinetics of gypsum: insights from fast in-situ synchrotron X-ray scattering , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8567, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8567, 2021.
EGU21-894 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Fluid inclusion hardening: Nanoscale evidence from naturally deformed pyriteAnna Rogowitz, Renelle Dubosq, David Schneider, Kevin Schweinar, and Baptiste Gault
The interaction of trace elements, fluids and crystal defects plays a vital role in a crystalline material’s response to an applied stress. For example, dislocations can be arrested by the strain field of immobile defects (i.e., particles or precipitates) or by the accumulation of mobile solutes in their cores, which can lead to strain hardening. The rheology of minerals is also strongly influenced by interactions with fluids, which are typically known to facilitate ductile deformation in geomaterials (i.e., hydrolytic weakening, dissolution creep). Investigation of these nanometer scale processes however, requires a correlative approach combining high-spatial resolution analytical techniques. In recent years, increasing developments in microscopy and microanalysis have allowed for the compositional measurements and spatial imaging of materials at the near-atomic scale. Herein, we have combined electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping, electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and atom probe tomography (APT) on a naturally deformed polycrystalline pyrite aggregate from the Abitibi Subprovince in Canada to investigate the role of fluid inclusions on mineral rheology. The combined EBSD and ECCI data reveal minor crystal misorientation and low-angle grain boundary development in the vicinity and at the tip of microfractures indicating a dominantly brittle regime with minor strain accommodation via crystal-plasticity where dislocations are mostly emitted by the propagating fracture. These interpretations are consistent with the peak temperature conditions of the sample estimated at 302 ± 27°C, which falls within the lower range of the brittle to crystal-plastic behaviour of pyrite (260–450°C). Nanoscale structural and chemical data reveal nanoscale fluid inclusions enriched in As, O, Na and K that are linked by As-enriched dislocations. Based on these results, we propose a model of fluid hardening whereby dislocations get pinned at fluid inclusions during crystal-plastic deformation, initiating pipe diffusion of trace elements from the fluid inclusions into dislocations that leads to their stabilization and local hardening. Although additional experiments are required on other mineral phases, our initial efforts advance the understanding of the interplay between nanostructures and impurities and its impact on the rheology of geomaterials during relatively low temperature deformation.
How to cite: Rogowitz, A., Dubosq, R., Schneider, D., Schweinar, K., and Gault, B.: Fluid inclusion hardening: Nanoscale evidence from naturally deformed pyrite, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-894, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-894, 2021.
The interaction of trace elements, fluids and crystal defects plays a vital role in a crystalline material’s response to an applied stress. For example, dislocations can be arrested by the strain field of immobile defects (i.e., particles or precipitates) or by the accumulation of mobile solutes in their cores, which can lead to strain hardening. The rheology of minerals is also strongly influenced by interactions with fluids, which are typically known to facilitate ductile deformation in geomaterials (i.e., hydrolytic weakening, dissolution creep). Investigation of these nanometer scale processes however, requires a correlative approach combining high-spatial resolution analytical techniques. In recent years, increasing developments in microscopy and microanalysis have allowed for the compositional measurements and spatial imaging of materials at the near-atomic scale. Herein, we have combined electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping, electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and atom probe tomography (APT) on a naturally deformed polycrystalline pyrite aggregate from the Abitibi Subprovince in Canada to investigate the role of fluid inclusions on mineral rheology. The combined EBSD and ECCI data reveal minor crystal misorientation and low-angle grain boundary development in the vicinity and at the tip of microfractures indicating a dominantly brittle regime with minor strain accommodation via crystal-plasticity where dislocations are mostly emitted by the propagating fracture. These interpretations are consistent with the peak temperature conditions of the sample estimated at 302 ± 27°C, which falls within the lower range of the brittle to crystal-plastic behaviour of pyrite (260–450°C). Nanoscale structural and chemical data reveal nanoscale fluid inclusions enriched in As, O, Na and K that are linked by As-enriched dislocations. Based on these results, we propose a model of fluid hardening whereby dislocations get pinned at fluid inclusions during crystal-plastic deformation, initiating pipe diffusion of trace elements from the fluid inclusions into dislocations that leads to their stabilization and local hardening. Although additional experiments are required on other mineral phases, our initial efforts advance the understanding of the interplay between nanostructures and impurities and its impact on the rheology of geomaterials during relatively low temperature deformation.
How to cite: Rogowitz, A., Dubosq, R., Schneider, D., Schweinar, K., and Gault, B.: Fluid inclusion hardening: Nanoscale evidence from naturally deformed pyrite, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-894, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-894, 2021.
EGU21-3266 * | vPICO presentations | TS2.1 | Highlight
Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelvesMeghana Ranganathan, Brent Minchew, Colin Meyer, and Matej Pec
The initiation and propagation of fractures in floating regions of Antarctica has the potential to destabilize large regions of the ice sheet, leading to significant sea-level rise. While observations have shown rapid, localized deformation and damage in the margins of fast-flowing glaciers, there remain gaps in our understanding of how rapid deformation affects the creep and toughness of ice. Here we derive a model for dynamic recrystallization in ice and other rocks that includes a novel representation of migration recrystallization, which is absent from existing models but is likely to be dominant in warm areas undergoing rapid deformation within the ice sheet. We show that, in regions of elevated strain rate, grain sizes in ice may be larger than expected (~15 mm) due to migration recrystallization, a significant deviation from solid earth studies which find fine-grained rock in shear zones. This may imply that ice in shear margins deforms primarily by dislocation creep, suggesting a flow-law exponent of n=4 in these regions. Further, we find from existing models that this increase in grain size results in a decrease in tensile strength of ice by ~75% in the margins of glaciers. Thus, we expect that this increase in grain size makes the margins of fast-flowing glaciers less viscous and more vulnerable to fracture than we may suppose from standard model parameters.
How to cite: Ranganathan, M., Minchew, B., Meyer, C., and Pec, M.: Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3266, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3266, 2021.
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The initiation and propagation of fractures in floating regions of Antarctica has the potential to destabilize large regions of the ice sheet, leading to significant sea-level rise. While observations have shown rapid, localized deformation and damage in the margins of fast-flowing glaciers, there remain gaps in our understanding of how rapid deformation affects the creep and toughness of ice. Here we derive a model for dynamic recrystallization in ice and other rocks that includes a novel representation of migration recrystallization, which is absent from existing models but is likely to be dominant in warm areas undergoing rapid deformation within the ice sheet. We show that, in regions of elevated strain rate, grain sizes in ice may be larger than expected (~15 mm) due to migration recrystallization, a significant deviation from solid earth studies which find fine-grained rock in shear zones. This may imply that ice in shear margins deforms primarily by dislocation creep, suggesting a flow-law exponent of n=4 in these regions. Further, we find from existing models that this increase in grain size results in a decrease in tensile strength of ice by ~75% in the margins of glaciers. Thus, we expect that this increase in grain size makes the margins of fast-flowing glaciers less viscous and more vulnerable to fracture than we may suppose from standard model parameters.
How to cite: Ranganathan, M., Minchew, B., Meyer, C., and Pec, M.: Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3266, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3266, 2021.
EGU21-2494 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Distinguishing shock-related microstructures in gneisses from the Vredefort impact structure, South AfricaFabian Dellefant, Claudia Trepmann, Stuart Gilder, Iuliia Sleptsova, Melanie Kaliwoda, and Benjamin Weiss
Shocked gneiss (~8 GPa) from the Vredefort impact structure (South Africa) contain planar fractures in quartz decorated by magnetite and ilmenite, which are commonly attributed to the impact event. However, the surface at Vredefort is riddled by lightning strikes, which also produce rapid pressure-temperature pulses that can modify the microstructure and the magnetic properties of the rocks. To understand the differences between lightning and impact-related shock effects, we investigated samples from two, 10 m-deep drill cores by Raman spectroscopy, polarized light microscopy/U-stage and electron microscopy/electron backscatter diffraction techniques. Magnetite and ilmenite within planar fractures in quartz occur at all depths, and are therefore intrinsic to the impact event, independent of lightning. Primary iron-bearing minerals were locally heated by the generation of shear fractures in neighboring quartz, leading to small volumes (micrometer scales) of melt intruding into nearby fractures. Frictional heating and rapid quenching of feldspar and quartz is indicated by localized, fine-grained aggregates along intragranular planar fractures as well as transgranular pseudotachylytic veins. On the other hand, altered ilmenite grains with exsolved magnetite occur only in gneisses from the uppermost 80 cm of both drill cores. When in contact with biotite, the ilmenite-magnetite boundaries are altered to chlorite, and the ilmenite is partly transformed to anatase. These alteration products contain fine-grained magnetite. It appears that lightning strikes altered the existing ilmenite-magnetite in the Vredefort samples to produce smaller, more single-domain like magnetite grains, consistent with the observed magnetic properties of the samples
How to cite: Dellefant, F., Trepmann, C., Gilder, S., Sleptsova, I., Kaliwoda, M., and Weiss, B.: Distinguishing shock-related microstructures in gneisses from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2494, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2494, 2021.
Shocked gneiss (~8 GPa) from the Vredefort impact structure (South Africa) contain planar fractures in quartz decorated by magnetite and ilmenite, which are commonly attributed to the impact event. However, the surface at Vredefort is riddled by lightning strikes, which also produce rapid pressure-temperature pulses that can modify the microstructure and the magnetic properties of the rocks. To understand the differences between lightning and impact-related shock effects, we investigated samples from two, 10 m-deep drill cores by Raman spectroscopy, polarized light microscopy/U-stage and electron microscopy/electron backscatter diffraction techniques. Magnetite and ilmenite within planar fractures in quartz occur at all depths, and are therefore intrinsic to the impact event, independent of lightning. Primary iron-bearing minerals were locally heated by the generation of shear fractures in neighboring quartz, leading to small volumes (micrometer scales) of melt intruding into nearby fractures. Frictional heating and rapid quenching of feldspar and quartz is indicated by localized, fine-grained aggregates along intragranular planar fractures as well as transgranular pseudotachylytic veins. On the other hand, altered ilmenite grains with exsolved magnetite occur only in gneisses from the uppermost 80 cm of both drill cores. When in contact with biotite, the ilmenite-magnetite boundaries are altered to chlorite, and the ilmenite is partly transformed to anatase. These alteration products contain fine-grained magnetite. It appears that lightning strikes altered the existing ilmenite-magnetite in the Vredefort samples to produce smaller, more single-domain like magnetite grains, consistent with the observed magnetic properties of the samples
How to cite: Dellefant, F., Trepmann, C., Gilder, S., Sleptsova, I., Kaliwoda, M., and Weiss, B.: Distinguishing shock-related microstructures in gneisses from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2494, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2494, 2021.
EGU21-15559 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Twinned calcite within polymict impact breccias from the Nördlinger Ries impact structure, Germany – shock effects and post-shock annealingLina Seybold, Claudia A. Trepmann, Stefan Hölzl, and Melanie Kaliwoda
Approximately one third of the worlds known impact structures are formed in carbonate-bearing target rocks. However, the response of their main constituent mineral, calcite, upon shock loading and unloading is still not well understood. Mechanical twins in calcite are described from natural impactites and shock experiments, yet, reliable indicators to distinguish these shock effects from the very common calcite twins generated in tectonites are missing. Here, we present scanning electron microscopic investigations of twinned calcite within calcite cemented brecciated gneisses from the Ries impact structure.
Calcite cemented brecciated gneisses occur at several outcrops of the Ries impact structure as well as in samples recovered from depth as low as 977 m in the research drilling 1973. At Maihingen, the polymict impact breccias contain shocked gneiss fragments and various generations of calcite in veins. The occurrence of rhombohedral PDFs in quartz from the gneiss fragments indicates shock conditions of >10 GPa. Coarse calcite grains, representing an early generation of calcite in the veins, show exceptionally fine-lamellar twins, indicating high stress and strain rates. The calcite twins show widths of < 0.5 µm, a high density of up to a few hundred lamellae per mm, and appear to crosscut each other, which has been suggested as a criterion for shock-induced twinning. Furthermore, a high density of sets of planar features occur associated and parallel to these twins, but along which no twin domains were resolved in the scanning electron microscope. Twin systems detected by EBSD measurements include e-twins, common also in calcite from tectonites, and another more rarely occurring twin system, characterized by a rotation axes parallel to <-2110> and a rotation angle of ca. 35°. A second generation of calcite without twins is represented by elongate palisade calcite, fine-grained aggregates and rims forming sutured grain boundaries surrounding twinned coarse calcite grains. EDS measurements show that these calcite grains contain up to 2.5 % Fe as well as traces of Mn, Mg, Si, Na and Al. In contrast, the coarse twinned calcite is almost pure CaCO3. Whereas the fine-grained aggregates and sutured grain boundaries indicate recrystallization, the palisade grains indicate precipitation from the pore fluid.
The twinned coarse calcite grains within the polymict impact breccias are interpreted to be shock induced. As coarse calcitic sedimentary target rocks are not known from the Ries area, they can either represent pre-shock calcite veins within the gneisses or possibly marbles that were brecciated together with shocked gneisses during impact cratering. The second generation of calcite represents post-shock recrystallization and precipitation from a fluid.
How to cite: Seybold, L., Trepmann, C. A., Hölzl, S., and Kaliwoda, M.: Twinned calcite within polymict impact breccias from the Nördlinger Ries impact structure, Germany – shock effects and post-shock annealing, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15559, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15559, 2021.
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Approximately one third of the worlds known impact structures are formed in carbonate-bearing target rocks. However, the response of their main constituent mineral, calcite, upon shock loading and unloading is still not well understood. Mechanical twins in calcite are described from natural impactites and shock experiments, yet, reliable indicators to distinguish these shock effects from the very common calcite twins generated in tectonites are missing. Here, we present scanning electron microscopic investigations of twinned calcite within calcite cemented brecciated gneisses from the Ries impact structure.
Calcite cemented brecciated gneisses occur at several outcrops of the Ries impact structure as well as in samples recovered from depth as low as 977 m in the research drilling 1973. At Maihingen, the polymict impact breccias contain shocked gneiss fragments and various generations of calcite in veins. The occurrence of rhombohedral PDFs in quartz from the gneiss fragments indicates shock conditions of >10 GPa. Coarse calcite grains, representing an early generation of calcite in the veins, show exceptionally fine-lamellar twins, indicating high stress and strain rates. The calcite twins show widths of < 0.5 µm, a high density of up to a few hundred lamellae per mm, and appear to crosscut each other, which has been suggested as a criterion for shock-induced twinning. Furthermore, a high density of sets of planar features occur associated and parallel to these twins, but along which no twin domains were resolved in the scanning electron microscope. Twin systems detected by EBSD measurements include e-twins, common also in calcite from tectonites, and another more rarely occurring twin system, characterized by a rotation axes parallel to <-2110> and a rotation angle of ca. 35°. A second generation of calcite without twins is represented by elongate palisade calcite, fine-grained aggregates and rims forming sutured grain boundaries surrounding twinned coarse calcite grains. EDS measurements show that these calcite grains contain up to 2.5 % Fe as well as traces of Mn, Mg, Si, Na and Al. In contrast, the coarse twinned calcite is almost pure CaCO3. Whereas the fine-grained aggregates and sutured grain boundaries indicate recrystallization, the palisade grains indicate precipitation from the pore fluid.
The twinned coarse calcite grains within the polymict impact breccias are interpreted to be shock induced. As coarse calcitic sedimentary target rocks are not known from the Ries area, they can either represent pre-shock calcite veins within the gneisses or possibly marbles that were brecciated together with shocked gneisses during impact cratering. The second generation of calcite represents post-shock recrystallization and precipitation from a fluid.
How to cite: Seybold, L., Trepmann, C. A., Hölzl, S., and Kaliwoda, M.: Twinned calcite within polymict impact breccias from the Nördlinger Ries impact structure, Germany – shock effects and post-shock annealing, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15559, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15559, 2021.
EGU21-1359 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Influence of deformation and fluids on the Ti exchange in quartzMichel Bestmann, Giorgio Pennacchioni, Bernhard Grasemann, and Christoph Schrank
In the last 10 years, many attempts have been mad to use the titanium-in-quartz geothermobarometer (TitaniQ) to constrain the ambient conditions during mylonitization of quartz in metamorphic rocks. However, most of the studies have shown that the TitaniQ is not readily applicable. First, the application of the TitaniQ calibrations1-2 is possible if two of the relevant variables (temperature, pressure and Ti activity) can be fixed. But the results of both calibrations can deviate by >100°C. Secondly, several studies have shown that deformation/recrystallization processes, the availability of aqueous fluids, the amount of strain and the duration of deformation result in microstructures with a heterogeneous distribution of Ti concentrations [Ti]. Therefore, in most cases, homogenous and complete equilibration of the [Ti] at the ambient conditions of deformation does not occur. In quartz mylonites, the microstructure is commonly complex as result of strain partitioning and total accumulated strain. For such a complex rock the challenge for applying TitaniQ is to identify those domains where Ti re-equilibration to the syn-kinematic ambient conditions, did possibly occur. Identifying such domains requires the strict integration of correlated high-resolution analysis by optical microscopy, SEM-CL, EBSD and Ti-in-qtz analysis using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). This integrated information especially provides a robust interpretative tool for the interplay between grain-scale deformation, fluid-rock interaction, geochemical exchange and the evolution of the crystallographic preferred orientation during progressive strain.
We present the study of the deformation microstructures of quartz veins (Schober Group, Eastern Alps) as key example of such an integrated data collection to unravel characteristic deformation processes responsible for the partial or complete resetting of the Ti-in-quartz system under retrograde conditions. The Schober quartz veins developed at amphibolite facies conditions (510-590 °C, 0.5-0.6 GPa) and were overprinted by deformation at lower greenschist facies. Subgrain rotation (SGR) recrystallization was the dominant recrystallization mechanism during mylonitization. During deformation complete resetting of the initial [Ti] of 3-4 ppm down to 0.2-0.6 ppm occurred in domains (e.g. pressure shadows) where sufficient fluids were available and could percolate through the microstructures. High strain and pervasive quartz dynamic recrystallization did not necessarily result in homogeneous and complete re-equilibration of the [Ti]. Our study reveals that subgrain boundaries were locally pathways for partial [Ti] reset.
Using the example of mylonitized quartz veins from the Schober Group in the Austroalpine domain of the Eastern Alps, we aim at showing that the initial Ti-in-qtz and corresponding CL signature of the quartz vein is reset to different degrees even at high strains and pervasive dynamic recrystallization, depending on the availability of fluids and its repartitioning.
(1) Huang, R., Audétat, A., 2012. The titanium-in-quartz (TitaniQ) thermobarometer: a critical examination and re-calibration. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 84, 75–89.
(2) Thomas, J.B., Watson, E.B., Spear, F.S., Shemella, P.T., Nayak, S.K., Lanzirozzi, A., 2010. TitaniQ under pressure: the effect of pressure and temperature on the solubility of Ti in quartz. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 160, 743–759.
How to cite: Bestmann, M., Pennacchioni, G., Grasemann, B., and Schrank, C.: Influence of deformation and fluids on the Ti exchange in quartz, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1359, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1359, 2021.
In the last 10 years, many attempts have been mad to use the titanium-in-quartz geothermobarometer (TitaniQ) to constrain the ambient conditions during mylonitization of quartz in metamorphic rocks. However, most of the studies have shown that the TitaniQ is not readily applicable. First, the application of the TitaniQ calibrations1-2 is possible if two of the relevant variables (temperature, pressure and Ti activity) can be fixed. But the results of both calibrations can deviate by >100°C. Secondly, several studies have shown that deformation/recrystallization processes, the availability of aqueous fluids, the amount of strain and the duration of deformation result in microstructures with a heterogeneous distribution of Ti concentrations [Ti]. Therefore, in most cases, homogenous and complete equilibration of the [Ti] at the ambient conditions of deformation does not occur. In quartz mylonites, the microstructure is commonly complex as result of strain partitioning and total accumulated strain. For such a complex rock the challenge for applying TitaniQ is to identify those domains where Ti re-equilibration to the syn-kinematic ambient conditions, did possibly occur. Identifying such domains requires the strict integration of correlated high-resolution analysis by optical microscopy, SEM-CL, EBSD and Ti-in-qtz analysis using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). This integrated information especially provides a robust interpretative tool for the interplay between grain-scale deformation, fluid-rock interaction, geochemical exchange and the evolution of the crystallographic preferred orientation during progressive strain.
We present the study of the deformation microstructures of quartz veins (Schober Group, Eastern Alps) as key example of such an integrated data collection to unravel characteristic deformation processes responsible for the partial or complete resetting of the Ti-in-quartz system under retrograde conditions. The Schober quartz veins developed at amphibolite facies conditions (510-590 °C, 0.5-0.6 GPa) and were overprinted by deformation at lower greenschist facies. Subgrain rotation (SGR) recrystallization was the dominant recrystallization mechanism during mylonitization. During deformation complete resetting of the initial [Ti] of 3-4 ppm down to 0.2-0.6 ppm occurred in domains (e.g. pressure shadows) where sufficient fluids were available and could percolate through the microstructures. High strain and pervasive quartz dynamic recrystallization did not necessarily result in homogeneous and complete re-equilibration of the [Ti]. Our study reveals that subgrain boundaries were locally pathways for partial [Ti] reset.
Using the example of mylonitized quartz veins from the Schober Group in the Austroalpine domain of the Eastern Alps, we aim at showing that the initial Ti-in-qtz and corresponding CL signature of the quartz vein is reset to different degrees even at high strains and pervasive dynamic recrystallization, depending on the availability of fluids and its repartitioning.
(1) Huang, R., Audétat, A., 2012. The titanium-in-quartz (TitaniQ) thermobarometer: a critical examination and re-calibration. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 84, 75–89.
(2) Thomas, J.B., Watson, E.B., Spear, F.S., Shemella, P.T., Nayak, S.K., Lanzirozzi, A., 2010. TitaniQ under pressure: the effect of pressure and temperature on the solubility of Ti in quartz. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 160, 743–759.
How to cite: Bestmann, M., Pennacchioni, G., Grasemann, B., and Schrank, C.: Influence of deformation and fluids on the Ti exchange in quartz, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1359, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1359, 2021.
EGU21-14625 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Strength of dry and wet quartz in the low–temperature plasticity regime: insights from nanoindentationLuca Menegon, Alberto Ceccato, and Lars N. Hansen
The strength of experimentally deformed natural and synthetic quartz is strongly affected by the intracrystalline water content. Water–related defects weaken quartz by either decreasing the resistance to dislocation motion (Peierls stress) or by enhancing the nucleation of dislocations, during what is commonly referred to as hydrolytic weakening. However, hydrolytic weakening has been observed predominantly in synthetic quartz grains, with water contents higher than 20–30 wt ppm H2O and at high-homologous temperatures, for which the activation of dislocation climb and recovery processes is enhanced.
In the low-temperature plasticity (LTP) regime, at low-homologous temperatures and high stress conditions, quartz plasticity is mainly controlled by dislocation glide. At these conditions, the possible effect of intracrystalline water on quartz strength is still a matter of debate.
In order to analyse the effects of intracrystalline water content on the plastic yield and hardness of quartz in the LTP regime, natural samples from recrystallized quartz domains of a granulite-facies migmatitic gneiss, presenting different water contents and microstructures, have been investigated through a series of spherical and Berkovich nanoindentation tests at room conditions. Nanoindentation tests have been integrated with measurements of intracrystalline water contents of the indented grains with secondary ion-mass spectrometry (SIMS), and with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements of the crystallographic orientation of the indented grains.
Water content of indented quartz grains ranges between 2 and 104 wt ppm H2O. Samples and related nanoindentation tests were thus classified as either “dry” (DQ, for water contents < 20 wt ppm H2O) or “wet” (WQ, for water content > 20 wt ppm H2O). Spherical nanoindentation tests revealed comparable yield stresses (ranging between 3.5 and 8.8 GPa, depending on the crystal orientation) for DQ and WQ grains. In addition, significant strain hardening was observed in both DQ and WQ grains. Berkovich nanoindentation tests also resulted in comparable hardness (ranging from 8.0 to 13.5 GPa) in both DQ and WQ grains. The hardness also increases with indentation depth, which is consistent with the “size-effect” on mineral strength during LTP.
These results suggest that, for the investigated range of water contents, the yield strength and flow stress of quartz in the LTP regime is not affected by the intracrystalline water content of the indented grain. Both the dry and wet quartz experienced significant crystal plastic deformation prior to the nanoindentation tests, as evidenced by the occurrence of undulatory extinction, misorientation bands, subgrains, and recrystallized grains. This pre-indentation strain history may have had a major role in generating the dislocation density, which then controlled the yield stresses during low-temperature plasticity in our experiments. Hence, inherited strain history, crystallographic orientation, and grain size may play a more important role than water in controlling the strength of the continental crust at the brittle–ductile transition, where LTP is dominant and quartz is the most abundant phase.
How to cite: Menegon, L., Ceccato, A., and Hansen, L. N.: Strength of dry and wet quartz in the low–temperature plasticity regime: insights from nanoindentation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14625, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14625, 2021.
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The strength of experimentally deformed natural and synthetic quartz is strongly affected by the intracrystalline water content. Water–related defects weaken quartz by either decreasing the resistance to dislocation motion (Peierls stress) or by enhancing the nucleation of dislocations, during what is commonly referred to as hydrolytic weakening. However, hydrolytic weakening has been observed predominantly in synthetic quartz grains, with water contents higher than 20–30 wt ppm H2O and at high-homologous temperatures, for which the activation of dislocation climb and recovery processes is enhanced.
In the low-temperature plasticity (LTP) regime, at low-homologous temperatures and high stress conditions, quartz plasticity is mainly controlled by dislocation glide. At these conditions, the possible effect of intracrystalline water on quartz strength is still a matter of debate.
In order to analyse the effects of intracrystalline water content on the plastic yield and hardness of quartz in the LTP regime, natural samples from recrystallized quartz domains of a granulite-facies migmatitic gneiss, presenting different water contents and microstructures, have been investigated through a series of spherical and Berkovich nanoindentation tests at room conditions. Nanoindentation tests have been integrated with measurements of intracrystalline water contents of the indented grains with secondary ion-mass spectrometry (SIMS), and with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements of the crystallographic orientation of the indented grains.
Water content of indented quartz grains ranges between 2 and 104 wt ppm H2O. Samples and related nanoindentation tests were thus classified as either “dry” (DQ, for water contents < 20 wt ppm H2O) or “wet” (WQ, for water content > 20 wt ppm H2O). Spherical nanoindentation tests revealed comparable yield stresses (ranging between 3.5 and 8.8 GPa, depending on the crystal orientation) for DQ and WQ grains. In addition, significant strain hardening was observed in both DQ and WQ grains. Berkovich nanoindentation tests also resulted in comparable hardness (ranging from 8.0 to 13.5 GPa) in both DQ and WQ grains. The hardness also increases with indentation depth, which is consistent with the “size-effect” on mineral strength during LTP.
These results suggest that, for the investigated range of water contents, the yield strength and flow stress of quartz in the LTP regime is not affected by the intracrystalline water content of the indented grain. Both the dry and wet quartz experienced significant crystal plastic deformation prior to the nanoindentation tests, as evidenced by the occurrence of undulatory extinction, misorientation bands, subgrains, and recrystallized grains. This pre-indentation strain history may have had a major role in generating the dislocation density, which then controlled the yield stresses during low-temperature plasticity in our experiments. Hence, inherited strain history, crystallographic orientation, and grain size may play a more important role than water in controlling the strength of the continental crust at the brittle–ductile transition, where LTP is dominant and quartz is the most abundant phase.
How to cite: Menegon, L., Ceccato, A., and Hansen, L. N.: Strength of dry and wet quartz in the low–temperature plasticity regime: insights from nanoindentation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14625, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14625, 2021.
EGU21-2316 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Analysing crystal distortions to deduce dislocation slip systemsJohn Wheeler, Sandra Piazolo, David Prior, Jake Tielke, and Pat Trimby
In many parts of the Earth rocks deform by dislocation creep. There is therefore a need to understand which slip systems operated in nature and in experimental products. Knowing the conditions of experiments may then allow natural conditions and strain rates to be characterised. Dislocation creep typically gives lattice preferred orientations (LPOs), since activity on particular slip systems leads to lattice rotations and alignment. For decades LPOs, measured first optically and since the 1990s by EBSD, have been used to infer slip systems. This is a valuable technique but the link between slip sytem activity and LPO is complicated, especially if recrystallisation and/or grain boundary sliding have been involved.
Here we present a more direct method to deduce “geometrically necessary” dislocations (GNDs) from the distortions within crystals. Distortions may be optically visible (e.g. undulose extinction in quartz) but EBSD has revealed how common distortions are, and allowed them to be quantified. The method does not give the complete picture of GNDs but allows hypotheses to be tested about possible slip systems. We illustrate this “Weighted Burgers Vector” method with a number of examples. In olivine the method distinguishes slip parallel to a and c, and in plastically deformed plagioclase it reveals a variety of slip systems which would be difficuilt to deduce from LPOs alone. GNDs may not necessarily reflect the full slip system activity, since many dislocations will have passed through crystals and merged with grain boundaries leaving no signature. Neverthless the method highlights what dislocations are present “stranded” in the microstructure. In many case these will have been produced by deformation although the method can also characterise growth defects.
Wheeler et al. 2009. The weighted Burgers vector: a new quantity for constraining dislocation densities and types using electron backscatter diffraction on 2D sections through crystalline materials. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2009.03136.x
How to cite: Wheeler, J., Piazolo, S., Prior, D., Tielke, J., and Trimby, P.: Analysing crystal distortions to deduce dislocation slip systems, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2316, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2316, 2021.
In many parts of the Earth rocks deform by dislocation creep. There is therefore a need to understand which slip systems operated in nature and in experimental products. Knowing the conditions of experiments may then allow natural conditions and strain rates to be characterised. Dislocation creep typically gives lattice preferred orientations (LPOs), since activity on particular slip systems leads to lattice rotations and alignment. For decades LPOs, measured first optically and since the 1990s by EBSD, have been used to infer slip systems. This is a valuable technique but the link between slip sytem activity and LPO is complicated, especially if recrystallisation and/or grain boundary sliding have been involved.
Here we present a more direct method to deduce “geometrically necessary” dislocations (GNDs) from the distortions within crystals. Distortions may be optically visible (e.g. undulose extinction in quartz) but EBSD has revealed how common distortions are, and allowed them to be quantified. The method does not give the complete picture of GNDs but allows hypotheses to be tested about possible slip systems. We illustrate this “Weighted Burgers Vector” method with a number of examples. In olivine the method distinguishes slip parallel to a and c, and in plastically deformed plagioclase it reveals a variety of slip systems which would be difficuilt to deduce from LPOs alone. GNDs may not necessarily reflect the full slip system activity, since many dislocations will have passed through crystals and merged with grain boundaries leaving no signature. Neverthless the method highlights what dislocations are present “stranded” in the microstructure. In many case these will have been produced by deformation although the method can also characterise growth defects.
Wheeler et al. 2009. The weighted Burgers vector: a new quantity for constraining dislocation densities and types using electron backscatter diffraction on 2D sections through crystalline materials. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2009.03136.x
How to cite: Wheeler, J., Piazolo, S., Prior, D., Tielke, J., and Trimby, P.: Analysing crystal distortions to deduce dislocation slip systems, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2316, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2316, 2021.
EGU21-14508 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Relation of quartz c-axis pole figures to deformation processes and flowRüdiger Kilian, Luiz Morales, Geoffrey Lloyd, and Michael Stipp
Quartz c-axis pole figures are hugely popular for the estimation of various deformation conditions, such as strain state, slip system interpretation or deformation temperature. Most of these relations are purely empirical. Here we present quantitative results of the relation between microstructure and quartz c-axis pole figure data to add to the insights between deformation processes and texture development. We analyze EBSD data of experimentally sheared quartzite (kinematic vorticity number Wk = 0.9, experiments of Heilbronner & Tullis, 2006), a mylonitic quartzite from Eriboll (Wk = 0.5, Lloyd’s pers. collection) and a deformed quartz vein from the Tonale line (Wk = 0.4, Stipp & Kunze, 2008). All samples are composed of deformed old grains and recrystallized (by bulging and/or subgrain rotation) and deformed grains in variable proportions.
C-axis pole figures can be decomposed into several components (girdles and point maxima) which occupy distinct positions. These components can be related to two simple microstructural parameters, aspect ratio and long axis direction of grains. While the grain shape evolution in each of the samples differ in detail, they have several features in common:
1) c-axes of equiaxed grains occupy a position close to the inferred instantaneous shortening direction,
2) c-axes of grains with higher aspect ratios contribute to single girdle distributions,
3) the girdle position depends on the grain long axis direction,
4) grains with long axes parallel to the foliation (inferred XY plane of finite strain) provide highest c-axis concentrations in the center of the pole figure,
5) grains contributing to an oblique grain shaped foliation (“freshly” recrystallized, deformed grains) show elongated, peripheral maxima grading into single girdles inclined with the sense of shear and
6) grain shapes which relate to antithetic flow (in the low Wk samples), relations 3-5 hold, with the exception that the resulting peripheral maximum or girdle is also inclined against the sense of shear.
We interpret the individual c-axis pole figure components to reflect contributions from different processes which relate to oriented nucleation or growth (in the case of bulging recrystallization), as well as to a grains’ strain history. This strain history depends on the ratio of how fast a grain is straining (by glide) to how fast it is recrystallizing. The final c-axis pole figure of a polycrystalline aggregate simply reflects the weighted mixture of these components based on the synchronous contribution of each process.
The individual contribution of each process depends on several parameters (e.g., stress as a driving force for local grain boundary migration, grain boundary mobility, or rate of deformation among others). Since many of these parameters are also temperature-dependent, we suggest, for instance, that the variability of the c-axis opening angle with temperature is merely the result of the temperature different dependencies of the contributing processes. Hence, it is unsurprising that the so-called c-axis opening angle cannot be universally applied as a thermometer and is a good example of unrelated cause and correlation and may be expected to give arbitrary results.
Heilbronner, R., Tullis J., 2006 https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JB004194, 2006.
Stipp, M. and Kunze, K., 2008 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.041, 2008.
How to cite: Kilian, R., Morales, L., Lloyd, G., and Stipp, M.: Relation of quartz c-axis pole figures to deformation processes and flow, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14508, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14508, 2021.
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Quartz c-axis pole figures are hugely popular for the estimation of various deformation conditions, such as strain state, slip system interpretation or deformation temperature. Most of these relations are purely empirical. Here we present quantitative results of the relation between microstructure and quartz c-axis pole figure data to add to the insights between deformation processes and texture development. We analyze EBSD data of experimentally sheared quartzite (kinematic vorticity number Wk = 0.9, experiments of Heilbronner & Tullis, 2006), a mylonitic quartzite from Eriboll (Wk = 0.5, Lloyd’s pers. collection) and a deformed quartz vein from the Tonale line (Wk = 0.4, Stipp & Kunze, 2008). All samples are composed of deformed old grains and recrystallized (by bulging and/or subgrain rotation) and deformed grains in variable proportions.
C-axis pole figures can be decomposed into several components (girdles and point maxima) which occupy distinct positions. These components can be related to two simple microstructural parameters, aspect ratio and long axis direction of grains. While the grain shape evolution in each of the samples differ in detail, they have several features in common:
1) c-axes of equiaxed grains occupy a position close to the inferred instantaneous shortening direction,
2) c-axes of grains with higher aspect ratios contribute to single girdle distributions,
3) the girdle position depends on the grain long axis direction,
4) grains with long axes parallel to the foliation (inferred XY plane of finite strain) provide highest c-axis concentrations in the center of the pole figure,
5) grains contributing to an oblique grain shaped foliation (“freshly” recrystallized, deformed grains) show elongated, peripheral maxima grading into single girdles inclined with the sense of shear and
6) grain shapes which relate to antithetic flow (in the low Wk samples), relations 3-5 hold, with the exception that the resulting peripheral maximum or girdle is also inclined against the sense of shear.
We interpret the individual c-axis pole figure components to reflect contributions from different processes which relate to oriented nucleation or growth (in the case of bulging recrystallization), as well as to a grains’ strain history. This strain history depends on the ratio of how fast a grain is straining (by glide) to how fast it is recrystallizing. The final c-axis pole figure of a polycrystalline aggregate simply reflects the weighted mixture of these components based on the synchronous contribution of each process.
The individual contribution of each process depends on several parameters (e.g., stress as a driving force for local grain boundary migration, grain boundary mobility, or rate of deformation among others). Since many of these parameters are also temperature-dependent, we suggest, for instance, that the variability of the c-axis opening angle with temperature is merely the result of the temperature different dependencies of the contributing processes. Hence, it is unsurprising that the so-called c-axis opening angle cannot be universally applied as a thermometer and is a good example of unrelated cause and correlation and may be expected to give arbitrary results.
Heilbronner, R., Tullis J., 2006 https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JB004194, 2006.
Stipp, M. and Kunze, K., 2008 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.041, 2008.
How to cite: Kilian, R., Morales, L., Lloyd, G., and Stipp, M.: Relation of quartz c-axis pole figures to deformation processes and flow, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14508, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14508, 2021.
EGU21-3456 * | vPICO presentations | TS2.1 | Highlight
Water loss and the origin of thick ultramylonitesMelanie Finch, Roberto Weinberg, and Nicholas Hunter
Hydrolytic weakening has been suggested as a major process facilitating strain localisation, consistent with many studies that have found a positive correlation between water content and intensity of deformation. We examine the role of water in an unusually thick shear zone: the 1 km-thick ultramylonitic layer of the El Pichao shear zone, NW Argentina. We used Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to measure water content in quartz and feldspar, comparing ultramylonitic rocks to mylonites and weakly-deformed rocks. We found that quartz and feldspar in ultramylonites contained half the amount of water of weakly-deformed rocks, contrary to findings in previous studies. We propose that the kilometre-thick ultramylonite formed in three stages: (1) localised deformation and recrystallisation caused release of intracrystalline water to grain boundaries, which promoted grain-boundary sliding, forming the ultramylonite, (2) high pressure in the shear zone continuously expelled intercrystalline water to the surroundings, drying the boundaries and leading to strain hardening, (3) water migrated to neighbouring, less-deformed rocks causing hydrolytic weakening, repeating the cycle, and widening the ultramylonite.
How to cite: Finch, M., Weinberg, R., and Hunter, N.: Water loss and the origin of thick ultramylonites, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3456, 2021.
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Hydrolytic weakening has been suggested as a major process facilitating strain localisation, consistent with many studies that have found a positive correlation between water content and intensity of deformation. We examine the role of water in an unusually thick shear zone: the 1 km-thick ultramylonitic layer of the El Pichao shear zone, NW Argentina. We used Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to measure water content in quartz and feldspar, comparing ultramylonitic rocks to mylonites and weakly-deformed rocks. We found that quartz and feldspar in ultramylonites contained half the amount of water of weakly-deformed rocks, contrary to findings in previous studies. We propose that the kilometre-thick ultramylonite formed in three stages: (1) localised deformation and recrystallisation caused release of intracrystalline water to grain boundaries, which promoted grain-boundary sliding, forming the ultramylonite, (2) high pressure in the shear zone continuously expelled intercrystalline water to the surroundings, drying the boundaries and leading to strain hardening, (3) water migrated to neighbouring, less-deformed rocks causing hydrolytic weakening, repeating the cycle, and widening the ultramylonite.
How to cite: Finch, M., Weinberg, R., and Hunter, N.: Water loss and the origin of thick ultramylonites, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3456, 2021.
EGU21-15287 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Insight into a salt diapir: microstructural study of Praid (Transylvanian Basin, Romania) salt rocksOrsolya Gelencsér, Csaba Szabó, Márta Berkesi, Alexandru Szakács, Ágnes Gál, Ábel Szabó, Tünde Tóth, and György Falus
Middle Miocene salinity crisis in the Central Paratethys resulted in significant amounts of marine evaporite deposits in the Transylvanian Basin (TB), Romania. The thickness of salt at Praid area is potentially suitable for underground storage of radioactive waste or gases. One of the main factors that determines the potential usage of this voluminous salt body for storage or disposal of various materials is the microstructural characteristics of the salt rock.
Praid is located at the eastern margin of the TB as part of the eastern diapir alignment. The underground salt mine at Praid has been operating there continuously for centuries. It is an ideal place for sampling the internal part of a salt diapir body, where 20 representative samples were collected. The aim of this study is to extend our understanding of the deformation mechanism in the Praid salt rock.
Primary and secondary structural features were observed and distinguished through detailed petrographic observation. Two types of salt rock were identified: 1/ massive grey salt with large, elongated halite crystals, containing primary fluid inclusions (FIp), accompanied by submicrometer sized grains of halite and clay matrix, and 2/ layered salt with more uniform grainsize distribution showing alternation of greyish (clay rich) and white (clear halite) layers. The layered rock type has mosaic-like structure with a large number of secondary fluid inclusions (FIs). Beside halite, authigenic anhydrite and dolomite are present subordinately (~ 1 vol. %). Secondary fluid inclusions, composed of nitrogen and methane, are indicators of fluid migration pathways throughout the salt body.
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) mapping was performed both in the massive and layered salt samples to shed light on the microstructure of the salt rocks. Gamma irradiation was carried as a complementary method of EBSD mapping. Comparing the subgrain diameters obtained from the two techniques, the values are fairly overlapping. The detailed microstructural observations allowed to recognize both dislocation creep and pressure solution processes, which acted concurrently in the Praid salt rock. The differential stress calculations on the salt rock samples indicate a maximum differential stress less than 2 MPa for the massive salt and less than 1.8 MPa for the layered salt. The strain rate calculations (total strain rate between 7.3*e-11 s-1 and 1.8*e-10 s-1) are in good agreement with the observed features in the salt mine, where one of the ~260-year-old salt extraction chambers suffered at least 10 % compressional deformation.
The microstructural characters of the salt body reveal a complex deformation history where fluids have played an important role. The results of this project will be useful and comparable with the regional geological knowledge, to better understand the evolution of this Middle Miocene salt body.
The project is supported by the Cooperative Doctoral Programme of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM).
How to cite: Gelencsér, O., Szabó, C., Berkesi, M., Szakács, A., Gál, Á., Szabó, Á., Tóth, T., and Falus, G.: Insight into a salt diapir: microstructural study of Praid (Transylvanian Basin, Romania) salt rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15287, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15287, 2021.
Middle Miocene salinity crisis in the Central Paratethys resulted in significant amounts of marine evaporite deposits in the Transylvanian Basin (TB), Romania. The thickness of salt at Praid area is potentially suitable for underground storage of radioactive waste or gases. One of the main factors that determines the potential usage of this voluminous salt body for storage or disposal of various materials is the microstructural characteristics of the salt rock.
Praid is located at the eastern margin of the TB as part of the eastern diapir alignment. The underground salt mine at Praid has been operating there continuously for centuries. It is an ideal place for sampling the internal part of a salt diapir body, where 20 representative samples were collected. The aim of this study is to extend our understanding of the deformation mechanism in the Praid salt rock.
Primary and secondary structural features were observed and distinguished through detailed petrographic observation. Two types of salt rock were identified: 1/ massive grey salt with large, elongated halite crystals, containing primary fluid inclusions (FIp), accompanied by submicrometer sized grains of halite and clay matrix, and 2/ layered salt with more uniform grainsize distribution showing alternation of greyish (clay rich) and white (clear halite) layers. The layered rock type has mosaic-like structure with a large number of secondary fluid inclusions (FIs). Beside halite, authigenic anhydrite and dolomite are present subordinately (~ 1 vol. %). Secondary fluid inclusions, composed of nitrogen and methane, are indicators of fluid migration pathways throughout the salt body.
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) mapping was performed both in the massive and layered salt samples to shed light on the microstructure of the salt rocks. Gamma irradiation was carried as a complementary method of EBSD mapping. Comparing the subgrain diameters obtained from the two techniques, the values are fairly overlapping. The detailed microstructural observations allowed to recognize both dislocation creep and pressure solution processes, which acted concurrently in the Praid salt rock. The differential stress calculations on the salt rock samples indicate a maximum differential stress less than 2 MPa for the massive salt and less than 1.8 MPa for the layered salt. The strain rate calculations (total strain rate between 7.3*e-11 s-1 and 1.8*e-10 s-1) are in good agreement with the observed features in the salt mine, where one of the ~260-year-old salt extraction chambers suffered at least 10 % compressional deformation.
The microstructural characters of the salt body reveal a complex deformation history where fluids have played an important role. The results of this project will be useful and comparable with the regional geological knowledge, to better understand the evolution of this Middle Miocene salt body.
The project is supported by the Cooperative Doctoral Programme of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM).
How to cite: Gelencsér, O., Szabó, C., Berkesi, M., Szakács, A., Gál, Á., Szabó, Á., Tóth, T., and Falus, G.: Insight into a salt diapir: microstructural study of Praid (Transylvanian Basin, Romania) salt rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15287, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15287, 2021.
EGU21-14101 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Understanding deformation behavior of lower crustal rocks from experimentally deformed metapelitic aggregate: an EBSD-based approachDripta Dutta, Santanu Misra, and David Mainprice
Partial melting of metapelites at high-P and high-T conditions typical of lower crustal levels is a well-known phenomenon. Its role in strain localization – both at micro- and regional scale – and subsequent rheological weakening of rocks have been widely investigated. Previous researchers have also explored the influence of such melt networks on the variation of the dominant phases' active deformation processes – especially quartz – over the entire range of tectono-thermal evolution of the rock. However, mechanisms driving the deformation of the phases crystallized in-situ from the melt has so far been largely overlooked.
In this work, we focus on the deformation behavior of the in-situ crystallized phases with increasing shear strain. In that pursuit, we took a quartz-muscovite mixture (dry) that was initially cold pressed at 200 MPa, followed by hot pressing at 160 MPa and 580 °C to obtain an analogue of pelite. The cylindrical sample was then experimentally deformed in a Patterson-type apparatus under a finite shear strain (γ) of 15.0 at 750 °C, a confining pressure of 300 MPa, and constant shear strain rate ( 3 × 10-4s-1). Subsequently, a longitudinal axial section was cut and was examined using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD).
The initial minerals, quartz (Qtz) and muscovite (Ms), underwent deformation and reacted to produce K-Feldspar (Kfs), Mullite (Mul), Cordierite (Crd), Ilmenite (Ilm), and Biotite (Bt). The Qtz grains show limited evidence of dynamic recrystallization. Ms, on the other hand, exhibit strong crystal preferred orientations (CPO). The J-Indices of both Qtz and Ms increase with shear strain (from the center to the edge of the cylinder). Among the reaction products, Kfs (maximum in volume) show weak CPO throughout, similar to Qtz. The maxima of [001] plot near parallel to the shear direction in the pole figures for all values of γ. The rest of the phases show strong CPOs. The J-Index of Crd and Mul increase with shear strain, whereas that of Ms and Kfs increase till γ = 7 and fall at higher strains. Neighbor-pair misorientation axes for Crd, Ilm, and Kfs, corresponding to the high-angle boundaries (HAGBs), are randomly oriented, implying ‘rigid grain rotation,’ which could also be responsible for the lower [001] pole figure intensities. Overall, with increasing shear strain, the number of HAGBs decreases. The corresponding misorientation axes exhibit stronger preferred alignment, probably signifying restricted rotation with progressive melt crystallization. Although the area-equivalent diameters for all the melt-crystallized phases are nearly close (RMS: 1.5 – 2 µm), the Kfs CPOs are considerably weaker than the rest. This possibly affirms the dominance of fluid/melt in triggering diffusion creep and grain boundary sliding over grain size.
How to cite: Dutta, D., Misra, S., and Mainprice, D.: Understanding deformation behavior of lower crustal rocks from experimentally deformed metapelitic aggregate: an EBSD-based approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14101, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14101, 2021.
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Partial melting of metapelites at high-P and high-T conditions typical of lower crustal levels is a well-known phenomenon. Its role in strain localization – both at micro- and regional scale – and subsequent rheological weakening of rocks have been widely investigated. Previous researchers have also explored the influence of such melt networks on the variation of the dominant phases' active deformation processes – especially quartz – over the entire range of tectono-thermal evolution of the rock. However, mechanisms driving the deformation of the phases crystallized in-situ from the melt has so far been largely overlooked.
In this work, we focus on the deformation behavior of the in-situ crystallized phases with increasing shear strain. In that pursuit, we took a quartz-muscovite mixture (dry) that was initially cold pressed at 200 MPa, followed by hot pressing at 160 MPa and 580 °C to obtain an analogue of pelite. The cylindrical sample was then experimentally deformed in a Patterson-type apparatus under a finite shear strain (γ) of 15.0 at 750 °C, a confining pressure of 300 MPa, and constant shear strain rate ( 3 × 10-4s-1). Subsequently, a longitudinal axial section was cut and was examined using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD).
The initial minerals, quartz (Qtz) and muscovite (Ms), underwent deformation and reacted to produce K-Feldspar (Kfs), Mullite (Mul), Cordierite (Crd), Ilmenite (Ilm), and Biotite (Bt). The Qtz grains show limited evidence of dynamic recrystallization. Ms, on the other hand, exhibit strong crystal preferred orientations (CPO). The J-Indices of both Qtz and Ms increase with shear strain (from the center to the edge of the cylinder). Among the reaction products, Kfs (maximum in volume) show weak CPO throughout, similar to Qtz. The maxima of [001] plot near parallel to the shear direction in the pole figures for all values of γ. The rest of the phases show strong CPOs. The J-Index of Crd and Mul increase with shear strain, whereas that of Ms and Kfs increase till γ = 7 and fall at higher strains. Neighbor-pair misorientation axes for Crd, Ilm, and Kfs, corresponding to the high-angle boundaries (HAGBs), are randomly oriented, implying ‘rigid grain rotation,’ which could also be responsible for the lower [001] pole figure intensities. Overall, with increasing shear strain, the number of HAGBs decreases. The corresponding misorientation axes exhibit stronger preferred alignment, probably signifying restricted rotation with progressive melt crystallization. Although the area-equivalent diameters for all the melt-crystallized phases are nearly close (RMS: 1.5 – 2 µm), the Kfs CPOs are considerably weaker than the rest. This possibly affirms the dominance of fluid/melt in triggering diffusion creep and grain boundary sliding over grain size.
How to cite: Dutta, D., Misra, S., and Mainprice, D.: Understanding deformation behavior of lower crustal rocks from experimentally deformed metapelitic aggregate: an EBSD-based approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14101, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14101, 2021.
EGU21-11091 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Quantification and assessment of quartz-particle 2D size and shape using digital image analysis.Edgar Berrezueta, José Cuervas-Mons, Cynthia Gallego-Ruiz, Berta Ordóñez-Casado, Manuel Ignacio de Paz-Álvarez, Juan Luis Alonso, and Sergio LLana-Fúnez
The size and shape of rock constituent particles can provide substantial information about the environment in which rocks are formed and also about their evolution during their geological history. There are several geological processes that generate specific particle shapes. We focus on three processes and their effects on particles as end members: sediment transport in water producing sub-rounded particles, tectonic fracturing producing angular fragments and chemical corrosion at grain boundaries increasing their rugosity. In this work we test several shape morphological parameters in natural rock specimens with the ultimate goal of quantifying the proportion of different typologies of particles in a rock, all of which can be related to specific geological processes. The main aim of this work is to distinguish different typologies of quartz particles according to the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of shape parameters by using several shape parameters in grains and/or particles.
The procedure followed includes: i) the petrographic characterization of rock specimens in thin section, visually establishing the different typologies of quartz grains present, ii) the acquisition and segmentation of outlines of quartz particles and iii) the quantification of size and shape parameters such as area (A), perimeter (P), fractal dimension (FD), solidity (So), normalized perimeter-area (PoA), Wadell roundness (Rw), Drevin roundness (RD), Pg/Pe roundness (RP), sphericity (S) and a regularity indicator (RBC). A total of 293 particles were studied by means of ImagePro-Plus, ImageJ and Roussillon Toolbox software.
We have used two rock specimens from the base of the Esla nappe, a thrust sheet emplaced in the foreland fold and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen in NW Iberia (Cantabrian Zone). The first phase of this work was to identify the petrographic characteristics of the samples. One specimen was sampled from a quartz sand injection at the base of the thrust sheet. The other is from a sandstone in the footwall, the likely source for the quartz grains injected in the hanging wall. There are some evidence of fracturing and corrosion of the injected quartz grains during the injection process at the base of the Esla nappe. In summary, the first sample contains quartz grains with distinctive shapes that can be directly related to very specific geological processes affecting particle shape in a rock.
The result of the analysis completed allowed the definition of: i) the parameters that best represent the grain shape variations and ii) the range of values for each parameter that are characteristic of each process, thus allowing the classification of the grain shapes. Furthermore, the analysis allowed distinguishing sub-rounded quartz grains of detrital sedimentary origin from grains that have been partially or totally fractured. However, the used shape parameters do not allow a univocal identification of grains corroded by fluids.
Acknowledgments: The Spanish National Plan (CGL2017-86487-P PETROCANTABRICA Project) funded this research.
How to cite: Berrezueta, E., Cuervas-Mons, J., Gallego-Ruiz, C., Ordóñez-Casado, B., de Paz-Álvarez, M. I., Alonso, J. L., and LLana-Fúnez, S.: Quantification and assessment of quartz-particle 2D size and shape using digital image analysis., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11091, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11091, 2021.
The size and shape of rock constituent particles can provide substantial information about the environment in which rocks are formed and also about their evolution during their geological history. There are several geological processes that generate specific particle shapes. We focus on three processes and their effects on particles as end members: sediment transport in water producing sub-rounded particles, tectonic fracturing producing angular fragments and chemical corrosion at grain boundaries increasing their rugosity. In this work we test several shape morphological parameters in natural rock specimens with the ultimate goal of quantifying the proportion of different typologies of particles in a rock, all of which can be related to specific geological processes. The main aim of this work is to distinguish different typologies of quartz particles according to the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of shape parameters by using several shape parameters in grains and/or particles.
The procedure followed includes: i) the petrographic characterization of rock specimens in thin section, visually establishing the different typologies of quartz grains present, ii) the acquisition and segmentation of outlines of quartz particles and iii) the quantification of size and shape parameters such as area (A), perimeter (P), fractal dimension (FD), solidity (So), normalized perimeter-area (PoA), Wadell roundness (Rw), Drevin roundness (RD), Pg/Pe roundness (RP), sphericity (S) and a regularity indicator (RBC). A total of 293 particles were studied by means of ImagePro-Plus, ImageJ and Roussillon Toolbox software.
We have used two rock specimens from the base of the Esla nappe, a thrust sheet emplaced in the foreland fold and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen in NW Iberia (Cantabrian Zone). The first phase of this work was to identify the petrographic characteristics of the samples. One specimen was sampled from a quartz sand injection at the base of the thrust sheet. The other is from a sandstone in the footwall, the likely source for the quartz grains injected in the hanging wall. There are some evidence of fracturing and corrosion of the injected quartz grains during the injection process at the base of the Esla nappe. In summary, the first sample contains quartz grains with distinctive shapes that can be directly related to very specific geological processes affecting particle shape in a rock.
The result of the analysis completed allowed the definition of: i) the parameters that best represent the grain shape variations and ii) the range of values for each parameter that are characteristic of each process, thus allowing the classification of the grain shapes. Furthermore, the analysis allowed distinguishing sub-rounded quartz grains of detrital sedimentary origin from grains that have been partially or totally fractured. However, the used shape parameters do not allow a univocal identification of grains corroded by fluids.
Acknowledgments: The Spanish National Plan (CGL2017-86487-P PETROCANTABRICA Project) funded this research.
How to cite: Berrezueta, E., Cuervas-Mons, J., Gallego-Ruiz, C., Ordóñez-Casado, B., de Paz-Álvarez, M. I., Alonso, J. L., and LLana-Fúnez, S.: Quantification and assessment of quartz-particle 2D size and shape using digital image analysis., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11091, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11091, 2021.
EGU21-10990 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Types of heterogeneities and deformation mechanisms in blueschist rocks: an example from an exhumed subduction complex in Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu ArcSara De Caroli, Ake Fagereng, Kohtaro Ujiie, and Francesca Meneghini
The geological properties of the subduction interface, such as stable metamorphic assemblages and the rheology of shear zone rocks, change with depth. Studies based on seismic and geodetic observations suggest that these changes can be accompanied by differences in seismic styles. In this realm, slow slip events (SSEs) and related tremor signals, grouped as episodic tremor and slip (ETS) events, have been detected down-dip of the subduction megathrust seismogenic zone. A wide range of mechanisms, some invoking rheological heterogeneity, has been proposed to explain ETS occurrence. Given that ETS events accommodate most of the plate interface displacement in a depth range below the seismogenic zone, it is of great interest to understand the rheology of the rock lithologies that are likely to host ETS along the deep subduction interface.
Here, we present data from an exhumed subduction complex in Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Arc. In particular, we analyse the Triassic high pressure-low temperature Tomuru metamorphic rocks, which comprise blueschist and greenschist facies metabasites that underwent subduction-related deformation. These rocks offer an important natural laboratory in which to study the characteristics of blueschist deformation structures to infer rheology and, in particular, the role played by heterogeneities in an environment comparable to modern ETS down-dip of the seismogenic zone.
Through multiscale and multidisciplinary, field- and laboratory-based studies, including quantitative microstructural and image analyses, we focus on two main topics. Firstly, we aim to understand blueschist rheology, by documenting the deformation mechanisms active in blueschist rocks through electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), in order to quantify intracrystalline deformation and lattice preferred orientation (LPO) development. Secondly, we study the effect of grain size on blueschist foliation development and, ultimately, on blueschist deformation. Through these analyses, we hope to constrain both subduction interface strength and dominant mineral- scale deformation mechanisms at blueschist conditions.
How to cite: De Caroli, S., Fagereng, A., Ujiie, K., and Meneghini, F.: Types of heterogeneities and deformation mechanisms in blueschist rocks: an example from an exhumed subduction complex in Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Arc, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10990, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10990, 2021.
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The geological properties of the subduction interface, such as stable metamorphic assemblages and the rheology of shear zone rocks, change with depth. Studies based on seismic and geodetic observations suggest that these changes can be accompanied by differences in seismic styles. In this realm, slow slip events (SSEs) and related tremor signals, grouped as episodic tremor and slip (ETS) events, have been detected down-dip of the subduction megathrust seismogenic zone. A wide range of mechanisms, some invoking rheological heterogeneity, has been proposed to explain ETS occurrence. Given that ETS events accommodate most of the plate interface displacement in a depth range below the seismogenic zone, it is of great interest to understand the rheology of the rock lithologies that are likely to host ETS along the deep subduction interface.
Here, we present data from an exhumed subduction complex in Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Arc. In particular, we analyse the Triassic high pressure-low temperature Tomuru metamorphic rocks, which comprise blueschist and greenschist facies metabasites that underwent subduction-related deformation. These rocks offer an important natural laboratory in which to study the characteristics of blueschist deformation structures to infer rheology and, in particular, the role played by heterogeneities in an environment comparable to modern ETS down-dip of the seismogenic zone.
Through multiscale and multidisciplinary, field- and laboratory-based studies, including quantitative microstructural and image analyses, we focus on two main topics. Firstly, we aim to understand blueschist rheology, by documenting the deformation mechanisms active in blueschist rocks through electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), in order to quantify intracrystalline deformation and lattice preferred orientation (LPO) development. Secondly, we study the effect of grain size on blueschist foliation development and, ultimately, on blueschist deformation. Through these analyses, we hope to constrain both subduction interface strength and dominant mineral- scale deformation mechanisms at blueschist conditions.
How to cite: De Caroli, S., Fagereng, A., Ujiie, K., and Meneghini, F.: Types of heterogeneities and deformation mechanisms in blueschist rocks: an example from an exhumed subduction complex in Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Arc, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10990, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10990, 2021.
EGU21-10686 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
The rheology and mechanical anisotropy of a foliated blueschistLeif Tokle, Lonnie Hufford, Luiz Morales, and Whitney Behr
Blueschists are a major constituent rock type along the subduction zone interface and therefore critical to our understanding of subduction zone dynamics. Previous experimental work on natural blueschists focus on either seismic anisotropy or on the process of eclogization of a blueschist aggregate. We have begun an experimental investigation to constrain the rheology and mechanical anisotropy of a naturally foliated blueschist from the Condrey Mountain Window, CA, USA. General shear experiments were performed in a Griggs apparatus using cores of the natural blueschist at 700°C, 1 GPa, and a shear strain rate of ~10-5 s-1. The starting material consists of ~55% glaucophane, ~40% epidote, ~5% titanite, and <5% quartz where both glaucophane and epidote have strong crystallographic fabrics and shape-preferred orientations that define the foliation. Three types of experiments were performed: 1) with the foliation parallel to the shear plane, 2) with the foliation parallel to the sigma1 direction, and 3) where the starting material was crushed into a powder representing no foliation. Both of the foliated experiments achieve similar peak shear stresses of ~250 MPa; however, the sample with the foliation parallel to the shear plane shows strain weakening while the sample with the foliation parallel to the sigma1 direction shows no strain weakening. We also observe several stress drops of ~20-30 MPa in the sample with the foliation parallel to the sigma1 direction prior to peak stress conditions. Microstructures from both of the foliated samples show evidence for brittle deformation processes, while kinking is also commonly observed in glaucophane. The sample with no foliation has a lower shear stress of ~130 MPa and shows no evidence for brittle deformation processes but rather shows development of a S-C-C’ mylonitic fabric. Additional experiments will be performed at different temperatures and strain rate conditions. A detailed microstructural analysis will accompany the mechanical results.
How to cite: Tokle, L., Hufford, L., Morales, L., and Behr, W.: The rheology and mechanical anisotropy of a foliated blueschist, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10686, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10686, 2021.
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Blueschists are a major constituent rock type along the subduction zone interface and therefore critical to our understanding of subduction zone dynamics. Previous experimental work on natural blueschists focus on either seismic anisotropy or on the process of eclogization of a blueschist aggregate. We have begun an experimental investigation to constrain the rheology and mechanical anisotropy of a naturally foliated blueschist from the Condrey Mountain Window, CA, USA. General shear experiments were performed in a Griggs apparatus using cores of the natural blueschist at 700°C, 1 GPa, and a shear strain rate of ~10-5 s-1. The starting material consists of ~55% glaucophane, ~40% epidote, ~5% titanite, and <5% quartz where both glaucophane and epidote have strong crystallographic fabrics and shape-preferred orientations that define the foliation. Three types of experiments were performed: 1) with the foliation parallel to the shear plane, 2) with the foliation parallel to the sigma1 direction, and 3) where the starting material was crushed into a powder representing no foliation. Both of the foliated experiments achieve similar peak shear stresses of ~250 MPa; however, the sample with the foliation parallel to the shear plane shows strain weakening while the sample with the foliation parallel to the sigma1 direction shows no strain weakening. We also observe several stress drops of ~20-30 MPa in the sample with the foliation parallel to the sigma1 direction prior to peak stress conditions. Microstructures from both of the foliated samples show evidence for brittle deformation processes, while kinking is also commonly observed in glaucophane. The sample with no foliation has a lower shear stress of ~130 MPa and shows no evidence for brittle deformation processes but rather shows development of a S-C-C’ mylonitic fabric. Additional experiments will be performed at different temperatures and strain rate conditions. A detailed microstructural analysis will accompany the mechanical results.
How to cite: Tokle, L., Hufford, L., Morales, L., and Behr, W.: The rheology and mechanical anisotropy of a foliated blueschist, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10686, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10686, 2021.
EGU21-14300 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Experimental investigation of glaucophane rheology through shear and axial compression Griggs apparatus experiments on hot-pressed aggregatesLonnie Hufford, Leif Tokle, and Whitney Behr
Constraining the rheological properties of glaucophane is critical to understanding subduction zone rheology. Based on the rock record, glaucophane is a major constituent mineral associated with subducted mafic oceanic crust at blueschist metamorphic facies. No flow law describing the crystal-plastic deformation of this mineral has been developed. Previous experimental work involving glaucophane focused on the deformation of natural polyphase rocks with an emphasis on seismic anisotropy. Here we focus on experiments intended to activate crystal-plastic deformation mechanisms in glaucophane using a monophase aggregate powder separated from natural samples from Syros Island, Greece. We are conducting general shear and axial compression experiments in a Griggs apparatus using temperatures of 600-800°C, pressures of 1 GPa and shear strain rates between 10-5-10-6. Our first experiment was in a general shear orientation at 700°C, 1 GPa, and a shear strain rate of 1.18x10-5. This experiment had a ~80% modal abundance of glaucophane and appears to have been dominated by brittle deformation. After the first experiment, we decided to produce a purer glaucophane aggregate powder containing ~95% glaucophane with ~5% other phases and are finishing mineral separation at the time of submission. We will present early mechanical and microstructural data from experiments with the aim of developing a glaucophane flow law. Our results will also be compared to ongoing experiments focused on the viscous properties of experimentally deformed natural aggregates (see abstract in this conference by Tokle et al.).
How to cite: Hufford, L., Tokle, L., and Behr, W.: Experimental investigation of glaucophane rheology through shear and axial compression Griggs apparatus experiments on hot-pressed aggregates , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14300, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14300, 2021.
Constraining the rheological properties of glaucophane is critical to understanding subduction zone rheology. Based on the rock record, glaucophane is a major constituent mineral associated with subducted mafic oceanic crust at blueschist metamorphic facies. No flow law describing the crystal-plastic deformation of this mineral has been developed. Previous experimental work involving glaucophane focused on the deformation of natural polyphase rocks with an emphasis on seismic anisotropy. Here we focus on experiments intended to activate crystal-plastic deformation mechanisms in glaucophane using a monophase aggregate powder separated from natural samples from Syros Island, Greece. We are conducting general shear and axial compression experiments in a Griggs apparatus using temperatures of 600-800°C, pressures of 1 GPa and shear strain rates between 10-5-10-6. Our first experiment was in a general shear orientation at 700°C, 1 GPa, and a shear strain rate of 1.18x10-5. This experiment had a ~80% modal abundance of glaucophane and appears to have been dominated by brittle deformation. After the first experiment, we decided to produce a purer glaucophane aggregate powder containing ~95% glaucophane with ~5% other phases and are finishing mineral separation at the time of submission. We will present early mechanical and microstructural data from experiments with the aim of developing a glaucophane flow law. Our results will also be compared to ongoing experiments focused on the viscous properties of experimentally deformed natural aggregates (see abstract in this conference by Tokle et al.).
How to cite: Hufford, L., Tokle, L., and Behr, W.: Experimental investigation of glaucophane rheology through shear and axial compression Griggs apparatus experiments on hot-pressed aggregates , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14300, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14300, 2021.
EGU21-11935 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Texture Evolution of Amphiboles - a Case Study from the Mamonia Complex, CyprusAmir Topaz, Yuval Boneh, and Tzahi Golan
Amphibole’s ubiquitous occurrence in the lower crust and subduction zones together with its anisotropic elastic and rheological properties makes its texture evolution essential for assessing the past and current tectonic regimes. Amphibole often display a typical crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) where the crystals [001] axes align with lineation and the [100] axes align with the normal to the foliation plane. However, this common CPO was attributed to numerous different deformation mechanisms, such as rigid body rotation, dislocation creep, or dissolution precipitation, and there yet to be found a distinct relation between amphibole CPO attributes and the prevailing deformation mechanism. Here, we present a microstructural analysis using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) of a highly deformed amphibolite from the metamorphic sole of Mamonia complex in Cyprus in order to investigate texture evolution in amphibole-rich samples. Samples from two localities ~40 km from each other were analyzed: ‘Agia Varvara’ (AV), and ‘Bath of Aphrodite’ (BOA). The two amphibolites show well-foliated microstructure, comprised mainly of hornblende (50-70%), and plagioclase (20-30%) grains under similar calculated P-T conditions of ~600 °C and 6 kbar. Despite the similar compositions and conditions, there are significant differences in the overall texture between the two samples. Samples from AV show strongly clustered amphibole CPO, with the [001] axis forming a strong point maximum parallel to the lineation (X-axis) and the [100] axis aligned perpendicular to foliation (Z-axis). In addition, amphiboles are aligned with the lineation with relatively curved boundaries and moderate aspect ratio (~2). For samples from BOA, amphiboles grains show two distinct CPO types: axial [001], where the [001] is aligned parallel to the shear direction while [100] and [010] oriented along the Y-Z plane, and orthorhombic, where the [001] and [100] are aligned with the lineation and normal to foliation, respectively. In addition, amphibole are tabular-shaped, elongated grains with distinctively straight boundaries and high aspect ratio of ~3.5. Comparison between the AV and BOA grains with average misorientation spread of >1° shows higher fraction for AV (35%) than BOA (13%). We interpret the textural and microstructural analysis of the amphibolites to reflect different deformation mechanisms for AV and BOA. The lack of compositional zoning within hornblende grains suggests no significant deformation by dissolution precipitation for both AV or BOA. For AV, the strong CPO, curved grains boundaries, and high ratio of grains with intragrain misorientations suggest deformation through dislocation creep. Differently, in BOA, the observations of tabular-shaped amphibole grains, the low amount of intra-grain misorientations, along with shape and crystal orientations that vary together with [001] as the rotation angle suggest deformation by rigid body rotation.
How to cite: Topaz, A., Boneh, Y., and Golan, T.: Texture Evolution of Amphiboles - a Case Study from the Mamonia Complex, Cyprus, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11935, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11935, 2021.
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Amphibole’s ubiquitous occurrence in the lower crust and subduction zones together with its anisotropic elastic and rheological properties makes its texture evolution essential for assessing the past and current tectonic regimes. Amphibole often display a typical crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) where the crystals [001] axes align with lineation and the [100] axes align with the normal to the foliation plane. However, this common CPO was attributed to numerous different deformation mechanisms, such as rigid body rotation, dislocation creep, or dissolution precipitation, and there yet to be found a distinct relation between amphibole CPO attributes and the prevailing deformation mechanism. Here, we present a microstructural analysis using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) of a highly deformed amphibolite from the metamorphic sole of Mamonia complex in Cyprus in order to investigate texture evolution in amphibole-rich samples. Samples from two localities ~40 km from each other were analyzed: ‘Agia Varvara’ (AV), and ‘Bath of Aphrodite’ (BOA). The two amphibolites show well-foliated microstructure, comprised mainly of hornblende (50-70%), and plagioclase (20-30%) grains under similar calculated P-T conditions of ~600 °C and 6 kbar. Despite the similar compositions and conditions, there are significant differences in the overall texture between the two samples. Samples from AV show strongly clustered amphibole CPO, with the [001] axis forming a strong point maximum parallel to the lineation (X-axis) and the [100] axis aligned perpendicular to foliation (Z-axis). In addition, amphiboles are aligned with the lineation with relatively curved boundaries and moderate aspect ratio (~2). For samples from BOA, amphiboles grains show two distinct CPO types: axial [001], where the [001] is aligned parallel to the shear direction while [100] and [010] oriented along the Y-Z plane, and orthorhombic, where the [001] and [100] are aligned with the lineation and normal to foliation, respectively. In addition, amphibole are tabular-shaped, elongated grains with distinctively straight boundaries and high aspect ratio of ~3.5. Comparison between the AV and BOA grains with average misorientation spread of >1° shows higher fraction for AV (35%) than BOA (13%). We interpret the textural and microstructural analysis of the amphibolites to reflect different deformation mechanisms for AV and BOA. The lack of compositional zoning within hornblende grains suggests no significant deformation by dissolution precipitation for both AV or BOA. For AV, the strong CPO, curved grains boundaries, and high ratio of grains with intragrain misorientations suggest deformation through dislocation creep. Differently, in BOA, the observations of tabular-shaped amphibole grains, the low amount of intra-grain misorientations, along with shape and crystal orientations that vary together with [001] as the rotation angle suggest deformation by rigid body rotation.
How to cite: Topaz, A., Boneh, Y., and Golan, T.: Texture Evolution of Amphiboles - a Case Study from the Mamonia Complex, Cyprus, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11935, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11935, 2021.
EGU21-12346 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
High-stress crystal plasticity of amphibole and quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing gneisses and dislocation creep in concordant quartz-rich layers from the Silvretta basal thrust (Austria)Lisa Marie Brückner and Claudia A. Trepmann
Pseudotachylyte-bearing amphibole-rich gneisses with concordant quartz-rich layers from the base of the Silvretta nappe, Austria, are analyzed by polarized light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron back scattered diffraction. Amphibole grains show microfractures, undulatory extinction, deformation lamellae, kink bands, mechanical twins and locally recrystallized grains restricted to sites of high strain, e.g. along microshear zones and twin boundaries. The twins are characterized by a twin plane parallel to (-101), a rotation axis parallel to [101] and a misorientation angle of 178°. The (-101) amphibole twins document the high differential stresses during crystal plasticity coeval with pseudotachylyte formation, given their high critical resolved shear stress of 200 MPa. Directly at the contact to twinned amphibole within the gneisses, quartz grains commonly show subbasal deformation lamellae, short-wavelength undulatory extinction and cleavage cracks mostly parallel to {10-11} rhombohedral planes that are decorated by recrystallized grains with a diameter of < 10 µm. The small recrystallized grains show a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) that is controlled by the orientation of the host grains. This quartz microstructure consistently indicates high-stress crystal plasticity of quartz concurrent with high-stress crystal plasticity of amphibole and pseudotachylyte formation.
Quartz-rich layers (>90% quartz) concordant to the foliation of the gneisses commonly show evidence of dynamic recrystallization in the regime of dislocation creep. The recrystallized grain microstructure is mostly homogenous without a gradient towards the lithological contact to the amphibole-rich gneisses. Locally, however, a gradient of decreasing strain towards the contact can be observed as indicated by a decreasing number of recrystallized grains. Close to the contact, quartz grains are coarse with long axes of a few mm. A core-and-mantle structure, where recrystallized grains surround a few hundred µm wide and mm-long porphyroclasts, is occurring in transition towards an almost completely recrystallized microstructure. The recrystallized grains show a CPO indicating rhombohedral <a> dislocation glide. Recrystallized grains are isometric and subgrains in porphyroclasts are of similar shape and size, indicating dynamic subgrain rotation recrystallization. Stresses on the order of hundred MPa are suggested by the diameter of recrystallized grains of in average about 10 µm. Locally, the recrystallized quartz aggregate is affected by subsequent low-temperature plasticity, as indicated by shear fractures offsetting the recrystallized microstructure. The missing or decreasing strain gradients of dislocation creep within the quartz-rich layers towards the amphibole-rich gneisses indicate that dislocation creep in the quartz-rich layers cannot be responsible for transferring high stresses required for high-stress crystal-plasticity of quartz and amphibole as well as pseudotachylyte-formation and suggest that dislocation creep of quartz represents an independent earlier stage of deformation.
How to cite: Brückner, L. M. and Trepmann, C. A.: High-stress crystal plasticity of amphibole and quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing gneisses and dislocation creep in concordant quartz-rich layers from the Silvretta basal thrust (Austria), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12346, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12346, 2021.
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Pseudotachylyte-bearing amphibole-rich gneisses with concordant quartz-rich layers from the base of the Silvretta nappe, Austria, are analyzed by polarized light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron back scattered diffraction. Amphibole grains show microfractures, undulatory extinction, deformation lamellae, kink bands, mechanical twins and locally recrystallized grains restricted to sites of high strain, e.g. along microshear zones and twin boundaries. The twins are characterized by a twin plane parallel to (-101), a rotation axis parallel to [101] and a misorientation angle of 178°. The (-101) amphibole twins document the high differential stresses during crystal plasticity coeval with pseudotachylyte formation, given their high critical resolved shear stress of 200 MPa. Directly at the contact to twinned amphibole within the gneisses, quartz grains commonly show subbasal deformation lamellae, short-wavelength undulatory extinction and cleavage cracks mostly parallel to {10-11} rhombohedral planes that are decorated by recrystallized grains with a diameter of < 10 µm. The small recrystallized grains show a crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) that is controlled by the orientation of the host grains. This quartz microstructure consistently indicates high-stress crystal plasticity of quartz concurrent with high-stress crystal plasticity of amphibole and pseudotachylyte formation.
Quartz-rich layers (>90% quartz) concordant to the foliation of the gneisses commonly show evidence of dynamic recrystallization in the regime of dislocation creep. The recrystallized grain microstructure is mostly homogenous without a gradient towards the lithological contact to the amphibole-rich gneisses. Locally, however, a gradient of decreasing strain towards the contact can be observed as indicated by a decreasing number of recrystallized grains. Close to the contact, quartz grains are coarse with long axes of a few mm. A core-and-mantle structure, where recrystallized grains surround a few hundred µm wide and mm-long porphyroclasts, is occurring in transition towards an almost completely recrystallized microstructure. The recrystallized grains show a CPO indicating rhombohedral <a> dislocation glide. Recrystallized grains are isometric and subgrains in porphyroclasts are of similar shape and size, indicating dynamic subgrain rotation recrystallization. Stresses on the order of hundred MPa are suggested by the diameter of recrystallized grains of in average about 10 µm. Locally, the recrystallized quartz aggregate is affected by subsequent low-temperature plasticity, as indicated by shear fractures offsetting the recrystallized microstructure. The missing or decreasing strain gradients of dislocation creep within the quartz-rich layers towards the amphibole-rich gneisses indicate that dislocation creep in the quartz-rich layers cannot be responsible for transferring high stresses required for high-stress crystal-plasticity of quartz and amphibole as well as pseudotachylyte-formation and suggest that dislocation creep of quartz represents an independent earlier stage of deformation.
How to cite: Brückner, L. M. and Trepmann, C. A.: High-stress crystal plasticity of amphibole and quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing gneisses and dislocation creep in concordant quartz-rich layers from the Silvretta basal thrust (Austria), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12346, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12346, 2021.
EGU21-3789 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Experimental study on the deformation microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientation of glaucophane and epidote in deformed epidote blueschist at high pressureYong Park, Sejin Jung, and Haemyeong Jung
To understand the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of glaucophane and epidote and deformation microstructures at the top of a subducting slab in a warm subduction zone, deformation experiments of epidote blueschist were conducted in simple shear by using a modified Griggs apparatus. Deformation experiments were performed under high pressure (0.9–1.5 GPa), temperature (400–500 °C), shear strain (γ) in the range of 0.4–4.5, and shear strain rate of 1.5×10-5–1.8×10-4 s-1. After experiments, CPO of minerals were determined by electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) technique, and microstructures of deformed minerals were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). At low shear strain (γ ≤ 1), the [001] axes of glaucophane were in subparallel alignment to shear direction, and the (010) poles were sub-normally aligned to the shear plane. At high shear strain (γ > 2), the [001] axes of glaucophane were in subparallel alignment to shear direction, and the [100] axes were sub-normally aligned to the shear plane. At a shear strain between 2 < γ < 4, the (010) poles of epidote were in subparallel alignment to shear direction, and the [100] axes were sub-normally aligned to the shear plane. At a high shear strain where γ > 4, the alignment of the (010) epidote poles had altered from subparallel to subnormal to the shear plane, while the [001] axes were in subparallel alignment to the shear direction. TEM observations and EBSD mapping revealed that the CPO of glaucophane was developed by dislocation creep, somewhat affected by the cataclastic flow at high shear strain. On the other hand, the CPO development of epidote is considered to have been affected by dislocation creep under a shear strain of 2 < γ < 4 but is highly affected by cataclastic flow with rigid body rotation under a high shear strain (γ > 4). Our experimental results indicate that the magnitude of shear strain and rheological contrast between component minerals plays an important role on the formation of CPOs of glaucophane and epidote.
How to cite: Park, Y., Jung, S., and Jung, H.: Experimental study on the deformation microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientation of glaucophane and epidote in deformed epidote blueschist at high pressure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3789, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3789, 2021.
To understand the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of glaucophane and epidote and deformation microstructures at the top of a subducting slab in a warm subduction zone, deformation experiments of epidote blueschist were conducted in simple shear by using a modified Griggs apparatus. Deformation experiments were performed under high pressure (0.9–1.5 GPa), temperature (400–500 °C), shear strain (γ) in the range of 0.4–4.5, and shear strain rate of 1.5×10-5–1.8×10-4 s-1. After experiments, CPO of minerals were determined by electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) technique, and microstructures of deformed minerals were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). At low shear strain (γ ≤ 1), the [001] axes of glaucophane were in subparallel alignment to shear direction, and the (010) poles were sub-normally aligned to the shear plane. At high shear strain (γ > 2), the [001] axes of glaucophane were in subparallel alignment to shear direction, and the [100] axes were sub-normally aligned to the shear plane. At a shear strain between 2 < γ < 4, the (010) poles of epidote were in subparallel alignment to shear direction, and the [100] axes were sub-normally aligned to the shear plane. At a high shear strain where γ > 4, the alignment of the (010) epidote poles had altered from subparallel to subnormal to the shear plane, while the [001] axes were in subparallel alignment to the shear direction. TEM observations and EBSD mapping revealed that the CPO of glaucophane was developed by dislocation creep, somewhat affected by the cataclastic flow at high shear strain. On the other hand, the CPO development of epidote is considered to have been affected by dislocation creep under a shear strain of 2 < γ < 4 but is highly affected by cataclastic flow with rigid body rotation under a high shear strain (γ > 4). Our experimental results indicate that the magnitude of shear strain and rheological contrast between component minerals plays an important role on the formation of CPOs of glaucophane and epidote.
How to cite: Park, Y., Jung, S., and Jung, H.: Experimental study on the deformation microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientation of glaucophane and epidote in deformed epidote blueschist at high pressure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3789, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3789, 2021.
EGU21-1303 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Amphibole CPO in retrograded gabbro from the Lyngen Magmatic Complex (Northern Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway).Marina Galindos Alfarache, Holger Stünitz, Jiří Konopásek, and Amicia Lee
Deformation of natural mafic rocks by viscous deformation mechanisms can occur even at low temperature conditions. In such instances, crystal plastic mechanisms are not operative, as their activity is restricted to very high temperatures for amphiboles, pyroxenes, and plagioclase. Instead, simultaneous mineral reactions may facilitate deformation at low temperature conditions. The gabbro from the Lyngen Magmatic Complex (LMC) constitutes a good example of such processes, because it has experienced deformation at low temperatures of greenschist to lower amphibolite-facies conditions, and the rock has been transformed from gabbro to greenschist. This study focuses on detailed analysis of deformation processes, metamorphic reactions and fabric development in the LMC gabbro. Most samples are overprinted by epidote amphibolite and greenschist-facies mineral assemblages. Preliminary observations distinguish two different types of amphiboles, which have been interpreted as different generations. The predominant type defines the stretching lineation and shows long prismatic habits whereas the less abundant type crystallized in a sub- to anhedral manner. The metamorphic conditions of growth for each amphibole type is yet not well constrained. However, we initially interpret the former to grow during epidote amphibolite- or greenschist facies-conditions, whereas the latter could represent relict grains from the original magmatic assemblage or products generated at amphibolite- or epidote amphibolite-facies conditions. Further analysis will determine the orientation, geochemistry and metamorphic conditions during growth for both amphibole types. A recent model proposed for eclogites suggests that simultaneous mineral growth and deformation can result in new products growing in a preferred direction. Such preferential growth can generate a shape preferred orientation parallel to the lineation, which results in the formation of crystal preferred orientations (CPO). We aim to test if similar microstructural observations can be translated to the amphiboles of the LMC gabbro. In such case, amphibole CPO’s would not be the product of crystal plasticity but of preferential growth. The large scale deformation of the LMC emphasizes the relevance of these results, as it would demonstrate that the interaction between mineral reactions and deformation can play a major role on regional deformation of large mafic bodies, such as the ocean floor.
How to cite: Galindos Alfarache, M., Stünitz, H., Konopásek, J., and Lee, A.: Amphibole CPO in retrograded gabbro from the Lyngen Magmatic Complex (Northern Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1303, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1303, 2021.
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Deformation of natural mafic rocks by viscous deformation mechanisms can occur even at low temperature conditions. In such instances, crystal plastic mechanisms are not operative, as their activity is restricted to very high temperatures for amphiboles, pyroxenes, and plagioclase. Instead, simultaneous mineral reactions may facilitate deformation at low temperature conditions. The gabbro from the Lyngen Magmatic Complex (LMC) constitutes a good example of such processes, because it has experienced deformation at low temperatures of greenschist to lower amphibolite-facies conditions, and the rock has been transformed from gabbro to greenschist. This study focuses on detailed analysis of deformation processes, metamorphic reactions and fabric development in the LMC gabbro. Most samples are overprinted by epidote amphibolite and greenschist-facies mineral assemblages. Preliminary observations distinguish two different types of amphiboles, which have been interpreted as different generations. The predominant type defines the stretching lineation and shows long prismatic habits whereas the less abundant type crystallized in a sub- to anhedral manner. The metamorphic conditions of growth for each amphibole type is yet not well constrained. However, we initially interpret the former to grow during epidote amphibolite- or greenschist facies-conditions, whereas the latter could represent relict grains from the original magmatic assemblage or products generated at amphibolite- or epidote amphibolite-facies conditions. Further analysis will determine the orientation, geochemistry and metamorphic conditions during growth for both amphibole types. A recent model proposed for eclogites suggests that simultaneous mineral growth and deformation can result in new products growing in a preferred direction. Such preferential growth can generate a shape preferred orientation parallel to the lineation, which results in the formation of crystal preferred orientations (CPO). We aim to test if similar microstructural observations can be translated to the amphiboles of the LMC gabbro. In such case, amphibole CPO’s would not be the product of crystal plasticity but of preferential growth. The large scale deformation of the LMC emphasizes the relevance of these results, as it would demonstrate that the interaction between mineral reactions and deformation can play a major role on regional deformation of large mafic bodies, such as the ocean floor.
How to cite: Galindos Alfarache, M., Stünitz, H., Konopásek, J., and Lee, A.: Amphibole CPO in retrograded gabbro from the Lyngen Magmatic Complex (Northern Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1303, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1303, 2021.
EGU21-2900 * | vPICO presentations | TS2.1 | Highlight
Reaction-induced rheological weakening in the supra-subduction mantle: an example from garnet pyroxenites of Ulten zone (Eastern Alps, N Italy)Luca Pellegrino, Luca Menegon, Stefano Zanchetta, Falko Langenhorst, Kilian Pollok, Simone Tumiati, and Nadia Malaspina
Pyroxenites are common compositional heterogeneities in the upper mantle and represent key lithologies in mantle deformation processes, as the local presence of pyroxene-rich compositions can weaken the mantle strength. Pyroxenites occur ubiquitously as variably deformed layers in most of oceanic and orogenic peridotite massifs, and thus can be used as a proxy to investigate the rheological behavior of the mantle in different geodynamic settings, including subduction zones.
In the Ulten Zone (Tonale nappe, Eastern Alps, N Italy), numerous peridotite bodies occur within high-grade crustal rocks. Peridotites show a transition from coarse protogranular spinel lherzolites to finer-grained amphibole + garnet peridotites (Obata and Morten, 1987). Pyroxenites veins and dikes, transposed along the peridotite foliation, show a similar evolution from coarse garnet-free websterites to finer-grained garnet clinopyroxenites (Morten and Obata, 1983). This evolution has been interpreted to reflect cooling and pressure increase of pyroxenites and host peridotites from spinel- (1200 °C, 1.3-1.6 GPa) to garnet-facies conditions (850 °C and 2.7 GPa) within the mantle corner flow (Nimis and Morten, 2000). This results in the consequent formation of garnet at the expense of spinel. In particular, garnet initially formed as coronas around spinel and as exsolution lamellae in high-T pyroxenes, and later as neoblasts along the foliation of pyroxenites and host peridotites.
Microstructures and crystallographic orientation data indicate that the transition from spinel- to garnet-facies conditions occurred in a deformation regime. Pyroxene porphyroclasts in garnet clinopyroxenites show well-developed crystallographic preferred orientation, high frequency of low-angle misorientations, and non-random distribution of the low-angle misorientation axes. These features indicate that pyroxene porphyroclasts primarily deformed by grain size insensitive (GSI) creep. Core-and-mantle microstructures in pyroxene porphyroclasts also suggest that GSI creep was aided by subgrain rotation (SGR) during recrystallization, leading the formation of smaller, neoblastic, and strain-free pyroxene grains around porphyroclasts. These recrystallized grains have been interpreted to deform by grain boundary sliding, i.e. a grain size sensitive (GSS) creep mechanism, as indicated by the occurrence of quadruple junctions between straight grain boundaries. Our rheological models also suggest that GSS creep of neoblastic pyroxenes occurred at differential stress of 40 MPa and strain rates of 10-18-10-15 s-1.
The transition from GSI creep in the porphyroclasts to GSS creep in the neoblasts was accompanied not only by a reduction of the grain size of pyroxenes, but also by the crystallization of garnet along the pyroxenite foliation which facilitated pinning by second phase in the recrystallized matrix. This stabilized the fine-grained microtexture produced by the GSS creep process, and finally contributed to the rheological weakening of pyroxenites.
Pyroxenites of Ulten Zone thus offer a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of mantle weakening on the processes that control the material exchange between crust and mantle at subduction zones.
Morten, L., & Obata, M. (1983). Bulletin de Minéralogie, 106(6), 775-780.
Nimis, P. & Morten, L. (2000). Journal of Geodynamics, 30(1-2), 93-115
Obata, M., & Morten, L. (1987). Journal of Petrology, 28(3), 599-623.
How to cite: Pellegrino, L., Menegon, L., Zanchetta, S., Langenhorst, F., Pollok, K., Tumiati, S., and Malaspina, N.: Reaction-induced rheological weakening in the supra-subduction mantle: an example from garnet pyroxenites of Ulten zone (Eastern Alps, N Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2900, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2900, 2021.
Pyroxenites are common compositional heterogeneities in the upper mantle and represent key lithologies in mantle deformation processes, as the local presence of pyroxene-rich compositions can weaken the mantle strength. Pyroxenites occur ubiquitously as variably deformed layers in most of oceanic and orogenic peridotite massifs, and thus can be used as a proxy to investigate the rheological behavior of the mantle in different geodynamic settings, including subduction zones.
In the Ulten Zone (Tonale nappe, Eastern Alps, N Italy), numerous peridotite bodies occur within high-grade crustal rocks. Peridotites show a transition from coarse protogranular spinel lherzolites to finer-grained amphibole + garnet peridotites (Obata and Morten, 1987). Pyroxenites veins and dikes, transposed along the peridotite foliation, show a similar evolution from coarse garnet-free websterites to finer-grained garnet clinopyroxenites (Morten and Obata, 1983). This evolution has been interpreted to reflect cooling and pressure increase of pyroxenites and host peridotites from spinel- (1200 °C, 1.3-1.6 GPa) to garnet-facies conditions (850 °C and 2.7 GPa) within the mantle corner flow (Nimis and Morten, 2000). This results in the consequent formation of garnet at the expense of spinel. In particular, garnet initially formed as coronas around spinel and as exsolution lamellae in high-T pyroxenes, and later as neoblasts along the foliation of pyroxenites and host peridotites.
Microstructures and crystallographic orientation data indicate that the transition from spinel- to garnet-facies conditions occurred in a deformation regime. Pyroxene porphyroclasts in garnet clinopyroxenites show well-developed crystallographic preferred orientation, high frequency of low-angle misorientations, and non-random distribution of the low-angle misorientation axes. These features indicate that pyroxene porphyroclasts primarily deformed by grain size insensitive (GSI) creep. Core-and-mantle microstructures in pyroxene porphyroclasts also suggest that GSI creep was aided by subgrain rotation (SGR) during recrystallization, leading the formation of smaller, neoblastic, and strain-free pyroxene grains around porphyroclasts. These recrystallized grains have been interpreted to deform by grain boundary sliding, i.e. a grain size sensitive (GSS) creep mechanism, as indicated by the occurrence of quadruple junctions between straight grain boundaries. Our rheological models also suggest that GSS creep of neoblastic pyroxenes occurred at differential stress of 40 MPa and strain rates of 10-18-10-15 s-1.
The transition from GSI creep in the porphyroclasts to GSS creep in the neoblasts was accompanied not only by a reduction of the grain size of pyroxenes, but also by the crystallization of garnet along the pyroxenite foliation which facilitated pinning by second phase in the recrystallized matrix. This stabilized the fine-grained microtexture produced by the GSS creep process, and finally contributed to the rheological weakening of pyroxenites.
Pyroxenites of Ulten Zone thus offer a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of mantle weakening on the processes that control the material exchange between crust and mantle at subduction zones.
Morten, L., & Obata, M. (1983). Bulletin de Minéralogie, 106(6), 775-780.
Nimis, P. & Morten, L. (2000). Journal of Geodynamics, 30(1-2), 93-115
Obata, M., & Morten, L. (1987). Journal of Petrology, 28(3), 599-623.
How to cite: Pellegrino, L., Menegon, L., Zanchetta, S., Langenhorst, F., Pollok, K., Tumiati, S., and Malaspina, N.: Reaction-induced rheological weakening in the supra-subduction mantle: an example from garnet pyroxenites of Ulten zone (Eastern Alps, N Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2900, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2900, 2021.
EGU21-12360 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Creeping gabbro: dissolution-precipitation creep facilitating deformation in mafic rocksAmicia Lee, Holger Stünitz, Mathieu Soret, Matheus Ariel Battisti, and Jiří Konopásek
Mafic rocks consist of strong minerals (e.g. clinopyroxene, plagioclase) that can only be deformed by crystal plastic mechanisms at high temperatures (>800°C). Yet, mafic rocks do show extensive deformation by non-brittle mechanisms when they have only reached lower temperatures (~650°C). In many of such cases, the deformation is accommodated by an interaction of deformation with simultaneous mineral reactions. Here we show that dissolution-precipitation creep plays a major role in deformation of gabbro lenses at mid and upper amphibolite facies conditions.
The Kågen gabbro in the North Norwegian Caledonides intruded the Vaddas Nappe at 439 Ma at pressures of 7-9 kbar, temperatures of 650-900°C, and depths of ∼26-34 km. The Kågen gabbro on south Arnøya is comprised of undeformed gabbro lenses with sheared margins wrapping around them. This contribution analyses the evolution of the microstructures and metamorphism from the low strain gabbro lenses to high strain mylonites at margins of the lenses. Microstructural and textural data indicate that dissolution-precipitation creep is the dominant deformation mechanism, where dissolution of the gabbro took place in reacting phases of clinopyroxene and plagioclase, and precipitation took place in the form of new minerals: new plagioclase and clinopyroxene, amphibole, and garnet. Amphibole shows a strong CPO that is primarily controlled by its preferential growth in the extension direction. Synchronous deformation and mineral reactions of clinopyroxene suggests mafic rocks can become mechanically weak during the general transformation weakening process, i.e. the interaction of mineral reaction and deformation by diffusion creep. The weakening is directly connected to a fluid-assisted transformation process that facilitates diffusion creep deformation of strong minerals at far lower stresses and temperatures than dislocation creep. Initially strong lithologies can become weak, provided that reactions can proceed during deformation, the transformation process itself is an important weakening mechanism in mafic (and other) rocks, facilitating deformation at low differential stresses.
How to cite: Lee, A., Stünitz, H., Soret, M., Battisti, M. A., and Konopásek, J.: Creeping gabbro: dissolution-precipitation creep facilitating deformation in mafic rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12360, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12360, 2021.
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Mafic rocks consist of strong minerals (e.g. clinopyroxene, plagioclase) that can only be deformed by crystal plastic mechanisms at high temperatures (>800°C). Yet, mafic rocks do show extensive deformation by non-brittle mechanisms when they have only reached lower temperatures (~650°C). In many of such cases, the deformation is accommodated by an interaction of deformation with simultaneous mineral reactions. Here we show that dissolution-precipitation creep plays a major role in deformation of gabbro lenses at mid and upper amphibolite facies conditions.
The Kågen gabbro in the North Norwegian Caledonides intruded the Vaddas Nappe at 439 Ma at pressures of 7-9 kbar, temperatures of 650-900°C, and depths of ∼26-34 km. The Kågen gabbro on south Arnøya is comprised of undeformed gabbro lenses with sheared margins wrapping around them. This contribution analyses the evolution of the microstructures and metamorphism from the low strain gabbro lenses to high strain mylonites at margins of the lenses. Microstructural and textural data indicate that dissolution-precipitation creep is the dominant deformation mechanism, where dissolution of the gabbro took place in reacting phases of clinopyroxene and plagioclase, and precipitation took place in the form of new minerals: new plagioclase and clinopyroxene, amphibole, and garnet. Amphibole shows a strong CPO that is primarily controlled by its preferential growth in the extension direction. Synchronous deformation and mineral reactions of clinopyroxene suggests mafic rocks can become mechanically weak during the general transformation weakening process, i.e. the interaction of mineral reaction and deformation by diffusion creep. The weakening is directly connected to a fluid-assisted transformation process that facilitates diffusion creep deformation of strong minerals at far lower stresses and temperatures than dislocation creep. Initially strong lithologies can become weak, provided that reactions can proceed during deformation, the transformation process itself is an important weakening mechanism in mafic (and other) rocks, facilitating deformation at low differential stresses.
How to cite: Lee, A., Stünitz, H., Soret, M., Battisti, M. A., and Konopásek, J.: Creeping gabbro: dissolution-precipitation creep facilitating deformation in mafic rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12360, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12360, 2021.
EGU21-14195 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Microstructures and deformation temperature of carbonate mylonites in Shajigami shear zone at eastern margin of Abukuma Mountains, Northeastern JapanHiroaki Yokoyama, Jun Muto, and Hiroyuki Nagahama
Microstructural analysis is essential for estimating the deformation conditions of plastically deformed rocks. In this study, we analyze the microstructures of carbonate mylonites and deformation conditions in natural shear zone to reconstruct tectonics. Carbonate mylonites originated from late Carboniferous Tateishi Formation and mylonitized in middle Cretaceous by the strike-slip motion of Shajigami shear zone in the eastern margin of the Abukuma Mountain, Northeastern Japan.
Microstructural analysis was carried out by optical microscope and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) mapping to determine grain size, aspect ratio, shape preferred orientation (SPO) and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of calcite aggregates.
Pervasive deformation twins and dynamically recrystallized grains are observed. Although most porphyroclasts show symmetric structure, some show asymmetric structure that indicates dextral shear sense. Mean dynamically recrystallized grain size is 16-67 µm, and it decreases close to the shear zone. CPOs show that c-axes concentrate normal to the shear plane or slightly rotate to the shear sense. The strong CPOs suggest that the dominant deformation mechanism is dislocation creep. SPOs show the foliation which is slightly oblique or almost parallel to the shear plane. However, we observed the SPOs parallel to the shear plane at the location 150 m away from the shear zone. The 3D dynamically recrystallized grain shapes are between plane-strain ellipsoid and oblate ellipsoid. The grain shapes tend to be relatively polygonal close to the shear zone, while more elongated further away from the shear zone. The distribution of the carbonate mylonite originated from same Tateishi Formation is known to be about 5 km apart from the Shajigami shear zone (Tateishi location). However, based on many aspects of differences in microstructures among both locations such as SPOs of recrystallized grains, we infer that the deformation of Shajigami shear zone was not related to one at Tateishi location. The pervasive dynamic recrystallization suggests that the deformation temperature was at least 200°C. Observed type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ twin morphologies (Burkhard, 1993) of calcite grains suggest deformation temperature below 300°C.
These results indicate that the deformation of the Shajigami shear zone was in the range from 200 to 300℃ and deformation was stronger near the shear zone. In addition, the polygonal grain shape close to the shear zone suggests that the deformation temperature is higher close to the shear zone. Furthermore, SPOs show that pure shear component is larger than simple shear component in terms of SPOs that almost parallel to the shear plane away from the shear zone. This study including several additional results will provide the microstructural development of carbonate mylonites in natural strike-slip shear zones deformed near the brittle-ductile condition of the upper crust.
How to cite: Yokoyama, H., Muto, J., and Nagahama, H.: Microstructures and deformation temperature of carbonate mylonites in Shajigami shear zone at eastern margin of Abukuma Mountains, Northeastern Japan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14195, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14195, 2021.
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Microstructural analysis is essential for estimating the deformation conditions of plastically deformed rocks. In this study, we analyze the microstructures of carbonate mylonites and deformation conditions in natural shear zone to reconstruct tectonics. Carbonate mylonites originated from late Carboniferous Tateishi Formation and mylonitized in middle Cretaceous by the strike-slip motion of Shajigami shear zone in the eastern margin of the Abukuma Mountain, Northeastern Japan.
Microstructural analysis was carried out by optical microscope and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) mapping to determine grain size, aspect ratio, shape preferred orientation (SPO) and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of calcite aggregates.
Pervasive deformation twins and dynamically recrystallized grains are observed. Although most porphyroclasts show symmetric structure, some show asymmetric structure that indicates dextral shear sense. Mean dynamically recrystallized grain size is 16-67 µm, and it decreases close to the shear zone. CPOs show that c-axes concentrate normal to the shear plane or slightly rotate to the shear sense. The strong CPOs suggest that the dominant deformation mechanism is dislocation creep. SPOs show the foliation which is slightly oblique or almost parallel to the shear plane. However, we observed the SPOs parallel to the shear plane at the location 150 m away from the shear zone. The 3D dynamically recrystallized grain shapes are between plane-strain ellipsoid and oblate ellipsoid. The grain shapes tend to be relatively polygonal close to the shear zone, while more elongated further away from the shear zone. The distribution of the carbonate mylonite originated from same Tateishi Formation is known to be about 5 km apart from the Shajigami shear zone (Tateishi location). However, based on many aspects of differences in microstructures among both locations such as SPOs of recrystallized grains, we infer that the deformation of Shajigami shear zone was not related to one at Tateishi location. The pervasive dynamic recrystallization suggests that the deformation temperature was at least 200°C. Observed type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ twin morphologies (Burkhard, 1993) of calcite grains suggest deformation temperature below 300°C.
These results indicate that the deformation of the Shajigami shear zone was in the range from 200 to 300℃ and deformation was stronger near the shear zone. In addition, the polygonal grain shape close to the shear zone suggests that the deformation temperature is higher close to the shear zone. Furthermore, SPOs show that pure shear component is larger than simple shear component in terms of SPOs that almost parallel to the shear plane away from the shear zone. This study including several additional results will provide the microstructural development of carbonate mylonites in natural strike-slip shear zones deformed near the brittle-ductile condition of the upper crust.
How to cite: Yokoyama, H., Muto, J., and Nagahama, H.: Microstructures and deformation temperature of carbonate mylonites in Shajigami shear zone at eastern margin of Abukuma Mountains, Northeastern Japan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14195, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14195, 2021.
EGU21-3600 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Deformation mechanisms in natural dolomite mylonites from a detachment system (Mt. Hymittos, Greece)Mark Coleman, Bernhard Grasemann, David Schneider, Konstantinos Soukis, and Riccardo Graziani
Microstructures may be used to determine the processes, conditions and kinematics under which deformation occurred. For a given set of these variables, different microstructures are observed in various materials due to the material’s physical properties. Dolomite is a major rock forming mineral, yet the mechanics of dolomite are understudied compared to other ubiquitous minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and calcite. Our new study uses petrographic, structural and electron back scatter diffraction analyses on a series of dolomitic and calcitic mylonites to document differences in deformation styles under similar metamorphic conditions. The Attic-Cycladic Crystalline Complex, Greece, comprises a series of core complexes wherein Miocene low-angle detachment systems offset and juxtapose a footwall of high-pressure metamorphosed rocks against a low-grade hanging wall. This recent tectonic history renders the region an excellent natural laboratory for studying the interplay of the processes that accommodate deformation. The bedrock of Mt. Hymittos, Attica, preserves a pair of ductile-then-brittle normal faults dividing a tripartite tectonostratigraphy. Field observations, mineral assemblages and observable microstructures suggests the tectonic packages decrease in metamorphic grade from upper greenschist facies (~470 °C at 0.8 GPa) in the stratigraphically lowest package to sub-greenschist facies in the stratigraphically highest package. Both low-angle normal faults exhibit cataclastic fault cores that grade into the schists and marbles of their respective hanging walls. The middle and lower tectonostratigraphic packages exhibit dolomitic and calcitic marbles that experienced similar geologic histories of subduction and exhumation. The mineralogically distinct units (calcite vs. dolomite) of the middle package deformed via different mechanisms under the same conditions within the same package and may be contrasted with mineralogically similar units that deformed under higher pressure and temperature conditions in the lower package. In the middle unit, dolomitic rocks are brittlely deformed. Middle unit calcitic marble are mylonitic to ultramylonitic with average grain sizes ranging from 30 to 8 μm. These mylonites evince grain-boundary migration and grain size reduction facilitated by subgrain rotation. Within the lower package, dolomitic and calcitic rocks are both mylonitic to ultramylonitic with grain sizes ranging from 28 to 5 μm and preserve clear crystallographic preferred orientation fabrics. Calcitic mylonites exhibit deformation microstructures similar to those of the middle unit. Distinctively, the dolomitic mylonites of the lower unit reveal ultramylonite bands cross-cutting and overprinting an older coarser mylonitic fabric. Correlated missorientation angles suggest these ultramylonites show evidence for grain size reduction accommodated by microfracturing and subgrain rotation. In other samples the dolomitic ultramylonite is the dominant fabric and is overprinting and causing boudinage of veins and relict coarse mylonite zones. Isolated interstitial calcite grains within dolomite ultramylonites are signatures of localized creep-cavitation processes. Following grain size reduction, grain boundary sliding dominantly accommodated further deformation in the ultramylonitic portions of the samples as indicated by randomly distributed correlated misorientation angles. This study finds that natural deformation of dolomitic rocks may occur by different mechanisms than those identified by published experiments; notably that grain-boundary migration and subgrain rotation may be active in dolomite at much lower temperatures than previously suggested.
How to cite: Coleman, M., Grasemann, B., Schneider, D., Soukis, K., and Graziani, R.: Deformation mechanisms in natural dolomite mylonites from a detachment system (Mt. Hymittos, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3600, 2021.
Microstructures may be used to determine the processes, conditions and kinematics under which deformation occurred. For a given set of these variables, different microstructures are observed in various materials due to the material’s physical properties. Dolomite is a major rock forming mineral, yet the mechanics of dolomite are understudied compared to other ubiquitous minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and calcite. Our new study uses petrographic, structural and electron back scatter diffraction analyses on a series of dolomitic and calcitic mylonites to document differences in deformation styles under similar metamorphic conditions. The Attic-Cycladic Crystalline Complex, Greece, comprises a series of core complexes wherein Miocene low-angle detachment systems offset and juxtapose a footwall of high-pressure metamorphosed rocks against a low-grade hanging wall. This recent tectonic history renders the region an excellent natural laboratory for studying the interplay of the processes that accommodate deformation. The bedrock of Mt. Hymittos, Attica, preserves a pair of ductile-then-brittle normal faults dividing a tripartite tectonostratigraphy. Field observations, mineral assemblages and observable microstructures suggests the tectonic packages decrease in metamorphic grade from upper greenschist facies (~470 °C at 0.8 GPa) in the stratigraphically lowest package to sub-greenschist facies in the stratigraphically highest package. Both low-angle normal faults exhibit cataclastic fault cores that grade into the schists and marbles of their respective hanging walls. The middle and lower tectonostratigraphic packages exhibit dolomitic and calcitic marbles that experienced similar geologic histories of subduction and exhumation. The mineralogically distinct units (calcite vs. dolomite) of the middle package deformed via different mechanisms under the same conditions within the same package and may be contrasted with mineralogically similar units that deformed under higher pressure and temperature conditions in the lower package. In the middle unit, dolomitic rocks are brittlely deformed. Middle unit calcitic marble are mylonitic to ultramylonitic with average grain sizes ranging from 30 to 8 μm. These mylonites evince grain-boundary migration and grain size reduction facilitated by subgrain rotation. Within the lower package, dolomitic and calcitic rocks are both mylonitic to ultramylonitic with grain sizes ranging from 28 to 5 μm and preserve clear crystallographic preferred orientation fabrics. Calcitic mylonites exhibit deformation microstructures similar to those of the middle unit. Distinctively, the dolomitic mylonites of the lower unit reveal ultramylonite bands cross-cutting and overprinting an older coarser mylonitic fabric. Correlated missorientation angles suggest these ultramylonites show evidence for grain size reduction accommodated by microfracturing and subgrain rotation. In other samples the dolomitic ultramylonite is the dominant fabric and is overprinting and causing boudinage of veins and relict coarse mylonite zones. Isolated interstitial calcite grains within dolomite ultramylonites are signatures of localized creep-cavitation processes. Following grain size reduction, grain boundary sliding dominantly accommodated further deformation in the ultramylonitic portions of the samples as indicated by randomly distributed correlated misorientation angles. This study finds that natural deformation of dolomitic rocks may occur by different mechanisms than those identified by published experiments; notably that grain-boundary migration and subgrain rotation may be active in dolomite at much lower temperatures than previously suggested.
How to cite: Coleman, M., Grasemann, B., Schneider, D., Soukis, K., and Graziani, R.: Deformation mechanisms in natural dolomite mylonites from a detachment system (Mt. Hymittos, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3600, 2021.
EGU21-14906 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Evolution of melt-bearing shear zones during cooling within an upper crustal aureole: the Calamita Schists (Island of Elba, Italy)Samuele Papeschi, Giovanni Musumeci, Omar Bartoli, Bernardo Cesare, Hans-Joachim Massonne, and Francesco Mazzarini
The Calamita Schists in the aurole of the Late Miocene Porto Azzurro pluton underwent partial melting and HT metamorphism at P < 0.2 – 0.3 GPa and T > 650 – 700 °C, coeval with regional deformation. Deformation produced a network of shear zones that evolved from melt-present conditions to the brittle-ductile transition. Shearing at high temperature in the presence of melt allowed deformation to remain relatively distributed in wide high-strain zones. As the thermal pulse associated with the intrusion progressively faded away, deformation localized into anastomosing, mylonitic greenschist-facies shear zones surrounding lozenges of high-grade migmatitic schist. Mylonitic shear zones formed at low-angle with respect to the well-established high grade foliation preserved as a relic, oblique foliation. We show that such an extreme strain localization was determined by strain hardening of the no longer melt-bearing quartz-feldspar schist, localized embrittlement on precursory shear bands, and fluid-enhanced reaction softening that caused the breakdown of Al-silicates and the development of phyllosilicate-rich mylonitic bands. Consequently, tectonic structures with different orientation developed under the same kinematic regime, as a result of the changing physical and mechanical properties of the cooling rock volume.
How to cite: Papeschi, S., Musumeci, G., Bartoli, O., Cesare, B., Massonne, H.-J., and Mazzarini, F.: Evolution of melt-bearing shear zones during cooling within an upper crustal aureole: the Calamita Schists (Island of Elba, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14906, 2021.
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The Calamita Schists in the aurole of the Late Miocene Porto Azzurro pluton underwent partial melting and HT metamorphism at P < 0.2 – 0.3 GPa and T > 650 – 700 °C, coeval with regional deformation. Deformation produced a network of shear zones that evolved from melt-present conditions to the brittle-ductile transition. Shearing at high temperature in the presence of melt allowed deformation to remain relatively distributed in wide high-strain zones. As the thermal pulse associated with the intrusion progressively faded away, deformation localized into anastomosing, mylonitic greenschist-facies shear zones surrounding lozenges of high-grade migmatitic schist. Mylonitic shear zones formed at low-angle with respect to the well-established high grade foliation preserved as a relic, oblique foliation. We show that such an extreme strain localization was determined by strain hardening of the no longer melt-bearing quartz-feldspar schist, localized embrittlement on precursory shear bands, and fluid-enhanced reaction softening that caused the breakdown of Al-silicates and the development of phyllosilicate-rich mylonitic bands. Consequently, tectonic structures with different orientation developed under the same kinematic regime, as a result of the changing physical and mechanical properties of the cooling rock volume.
How to cite: Papeschi, S., Musumeci, G., Bartoli, O., Cesare, B., Massonne, H.-J., and Mazzarini, F.: Evolution of melt-bearing shear zones during cooling within an upper crustal aureole: the Calamita Schists (Island of Elba, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14906, 2021.
EGU21-9986 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Basal Shear-Zone of the Lower allochthon in the Morais complex (Portugal): microstructural and neutron diffraction constraints.Jeremie Malecki, Juan Gómez Barreiro, Manuela Durán Oreja, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, Magdalena Tettamanti, Santos Barrios Sánchez, Juan Morales Sánchez Migallón, and Inés Puente Orench
The NW Iberian Massif represents a segment of the Variscan Belt, where several allochthonous complexes crop out: : Cabo Ortegal, Ordenes and Malpica-Tuy, in Spain, and Bragança and Morais in Portugal. These allochthonous complexes comprise allochthonous units, overthrusting parautochthonous and autochthonous units. The suture zone of the Variscan orogeny in the NW Iberia preserves the testimony of the collisional dynamics between Gondwana and Laurussia during the Carboniferous. The stacking of allochthonous units into an accretion wedge, and their subsequent incorporation by thrusts into the continental margin of Gondwana, resulted in polyphasic tectonothermal evolution. Different units record valuable information about the deformation mechanisms, rheological behaviour and the configuration of plates during the Palaeozoic.
The kinematic and deformational evolution of major tectonic boundaries of the Variscan Allochthonous units, as well as their mutual relationship in Iberia is critical, in order to constrain their regional meaning and correlation with similar units along the European Variscan Belt. In shear-zones, plastic deformation of polycrystalline aggregates result into microstructural and textural fingerprints that need to be interpreted. Quantitative analyses of fabrics has been crucial in untangling complex tectonothermal evolutions. In this case neutron diffraction experiments have been conducted in transmission mode in the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) (France), to characterize mylonites from the basal shear zone of the Lower Allochthon in Morais Complex. Two different experimental sets have been tested in D1B and D20 beamlines, comparing textural standards and new vanadium sample holders in order to optimize the procedure. Diffraction data were refined with Rietveld software MAUD to obtain quantitative texture information and orientation distribution functions (ODF) for main phases. Afterward, pole figures of relevant planes were interpreted in terms of slip-system activity to understand deformation conditions. Overall, microstructural data and fabric analysis points to a top-to-the SE shearing with a pure-shear component in the mylonitic flow.
Keywords: Shear zones, texture analysis, neutron diffraction, Rietveld method, Variscan orogeny, Morais complex.
How to cite: Malecki, J., Gómez Barreiro, J., Durán Oreja, M., Martínez Catalán, J. R., Tettamanti, M., Barrios Sánchez, S., Sánchez Migallón, J. M., and Puente Orench, I.: Basal Shear-Zone of the Lower allochthon in the Morais complex (Portugal): microstructural and neutron diffraction constraints., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9986, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9986, 2021.
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The NW Iberian Massif represents a segment of the Variscan Belt, where several allochthonous complexes crop out: : Cabo Ortegal, Ordenes and Malpica-Tuy, in Spain, and Bragança and Morais in Portugal. These allochthonous complexes comprise allochthonous units, overthrusting parautochthonous and autochthonous units. The suture zone of the Variscan orogeny in the NW Iberia preserves the testimony of the collisional dynamics between Gondwana and Laurussia during the Carboniferous. The stacking of allochthonous units into an accretion wedge, and their subsequent incorporation by thrusts into the continental margin of Gondwana, resulted in polyphasic tectonothermal evolution. Different units record valuable information about the deformation mechanisms, rheological behaviour and the configuration of plates during the Palaeozoic.
The kinematic and deformational evolution of major tectonic boundaries of the Variscan Allochthonous units, as well as their mutual relationship in Iberia is critical, in order to constrain their regional meaning and correlation with similar units along the European Variscan Belt. In shear-zones, plastic deformation of polycrystalline aggregates result into microstructural and textural fingerprints that need to be interpreted. Quantitative analyses of fabrics has been crucial in untangling complex tectonothermal evolutions. In this case neutron diffraction experiments have been conducted in transmission mode in the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) (France), to characterize mylonites from the basal shear zone of the Lower Allochthon in Morais Complex. Two different experimental sets have been tested in D1B and D20 beamlines, comparing textural standards and new vanadium sample holders in order to optimize the procedure. Diffraction data were refined with Rietveld software MAUD to obtain quantitative texture information and orientation distribution functions (ODF) for main phases. Afterward, pole figures of relevant planes were interpreted in terms of slip-system activity to understand deformation conditions. Overall, microstructural data and fabric analysis points to a top-to-the SE shearing with a pure-shear component in the mylonitic flow.
Keywords: Shear zones, texture analysis, neutron diffraction, Rietveld method, Variscan orogeny, Morais complex.
How to cite: Malecki, J., Gómez Barreiro, J., Durán Oreja, M., Martínez Catalán, J. R., Tettamanti, M., Barrios Sánchez, S., Sánchez Migallón, J. M., and Puente Orench, I.: Basal Shear-Zone of the Lower allochthon in the Morais complex (Portugal): microstructural and neutron diffraction constraints., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9986, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9986, 2021.
EGU21-10483 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Structural deformation-metamorphism and exhumation processes of Yuanmou metamorphic complex, Yunnan, ChinaXuemei Cheng and Shuyun Cao
Within orogenic zone and continental extensional area, it often developed metamorphic complex or metamorphic gneiss dome that widely exposed continental mid-lower crustal rocks, which is an ideal place to study exhumation processes of deep-seated metamorphic complex and rheology. The Yuanmou metamorphic complex is located in the south-central part of the "Kangdian Axis" in the western margin of Qiangtang Block and Yangtze Block, which is a part of the anticline of the Sichuan-Yunnan platform. Many research works mainly focus on the discussion of intrusion ages, aeromagnetic anomalies, and polymetallic deposits. However, the exhumation process and mechanism of the Yuanmou metamorphic complex are rarely discussed and still unclear. This study, based on detailed field geological observations, optical microscopy (OM), cathodoluminescence (CL), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and electron probe (EMPA) were performed to illustrate the geological structure features, deformation-metamorphic evolution process and its tectonic significance of Yuanmou metamorphic complex during the exhumation process. All these analysis results indicate that the Yuanmou metamorphic complex generally exhibits a dome structure with deep metamorphic rocks and deformed rocks of varying degrees widely developed. Mylonitic gneiss and granitic intrusions are located in the footwall of the Yuanmou, which have suffered high-temperature shearing. The mylonitic fabrics and mineral stretching lineations in the deformed rock are strongly developed, forming typical S-L or L-shaped structural features. The high-temperature ductile deformation-metamorphism environment is high amphibolite facies, that is, the temperature range is between 620 ~ 690 ℃ and the pressure is between 0.8 ~ 0.95 Gpa. In the deformed rocks closed to the detachment fault, some of the mylonite fabric features are retained, but most of them have experienced a strongly overprinted retrogression metamorphism and deformation. At the top of the detachment fault zone, it is mainly composed of cataclasites and fault gouge. The comprehensive macro- and microstructural characteristics, geometry, kinematics, and mineral (amphibole, quartz and calcite) EBSD textures indicate that the Yuanmou metamorphic complex has undergone a progressive exhumation process during regional extension, obvious high-temperature plastic deformation-metamorphism in the early stage, and superimposed of low-temperature plastic-brittle and brittle deformation in the subsequent stage, which is also accompanied by strong fluid activities during the exhumation process.
How to cite: Cheng, X. and Cao, S.: Structural deformation-metamorphism and exhumation processes of Yuanmou metamorphic complex, Yunnan, China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10483, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10483, 2021.
Within orogenic zone and continental extensional area, it often developed metamorphic complex or metamorphic gneiss dome that widely exposed continental mid-lower crustal rocks, which is an ideal place to study exhumation processes of deep-seated metamorphic complex and rheology. The Yuanmou metamorphic complex is located in the south-central part of the "Kangdian Axis" in the western margin of Qiangtang Block and Yangtze Block, which is a part of the anticline of the Sichuan-Yunnan platform. Many research works mainly focus on the discussion of intrusion ages, aeromagnetic anomalies, and polymetallic deposits. However, the exhumation process and mechanism of the Yuanmou metamorphic complex are rarely discussed and still unclear. This study, based on detailed field geological observations, optical microscopy (OM), cathodoluminescence (CL), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and electron probe (EMPA) were performed to illustrate the geological structure features, deformation-metamorphic evolution process and its tectonic significance of Yuanmou metamorphic complex during the exhumation process. All these analysis results indicate that the Yuanmou metamorphic complex generally exhibits a dome structure with deep metamorphic rocks and deformed rocks of varying degrees widely developed. Mylonitic gneiss and granitic intrusions are located in the footwall of the Yuanmou, which have suffered high-temperature shearing. The mylonitic fabrics and mineral stretching lineations in the deformed rock are strongly developed, forming typical S-L or L-shaped structural features. The high-temperature ductile deformation-metamorphism environment is high amphibolite facies, that is, the temperature range is between 620 ~ 690 ℃ and the pressure is between 0.8 ~ 0.95 Gpa. In the deformed rocks closed to the detachment fault, some of the mylonite fabric features are retained, but most of them have experienced a strongly overprinted retrogression metamorphism and deformation. At the top of the detachment fault zone, it is mainly composed of cataclasites and fault gouge. The comprehensive macro- and microstructural characteristics, geometry, kinematics, and mineral (amphibole, quartz and calcite) EBSD textures indicate that the Yuanmou metamorphic complex has undergone a progressive exhumation process during regional extension, obvious high-temperature plastic deformation-metamorphism in the early stage, and superimposed of low-temperature plastic-brittle and brittle deformation in the subsequent stage, which is also accompanied by strong fluid activities during the exhumation process.
How to cite: Cheng, X. and Cao, S.: Structural deformation-metamorphism and exhumation processes of Yuanmou metamorphic complex, Yunnan, China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10483, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10483, 2021.
EGU21-10947 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Kinematics, non-coaxial flow and rheological constraints of the South Tibetan Detachment System in central HimalayaNania Laura, Montomoli Chiara, Iaccarino Salvatore, Leiss Bernd, and Carosi Rodolfo
A challenge in tectonic studies concerns the attempt to relate deformation features at the microscale and the crystalline lattice scale of rock-forming minerals up to the regional scale. The South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) in Himalaya is a natural laboratory for such correlations, being a prime example of regional-scale low-angle ductile extensional fault/shear zone systems within collisional settings, with a top-down-to-the-north sense of shear. The STDS shearing involves, with a thickness of c. 1-2 km, the uppermost part of the metamorphic core of the belt, the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS), and the basal part of the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS), developing a mylonitic foliation and a nearly constant strike. Recurrent ideas on the STDS architecture and rheological behavior come from the clearly and well exposed 3D outcrops around the Everest area (Eastern Nepal), where it mostly developed in quartz-bearing lithologies with a lower ductile shear zone and an upper brittle fault. Vice versa, the location of the exact shear zone boundaries and structural evolution of the STDS are still under controversial discussions in Central-Western Nepal, where few kinematic indicators occur in the carbonate-bearing lithologies of both GHS and THS.
In this contribution, we examine a suite of over 20 field-oriented marble samples affected by the STDS, comparing the deformation recorded by calcite in two different areas in central Himalaya, where essentially only the ductile shear zone has been clearly identified. Calcite microstructures (e.g., grain size and shape) and crystallographic preferred orientations (textures) of impure marbles from the Lower Dolpo region and pure marbles from the Manaslu area (Western Nepal), coupled with petrographic observations, allowed us to conclude on temperature, paleo stress, strain rates, and kinematic of the flow. Our results support the idea of a complex history of the STDS in regard to different thermal and lithospheric stress regimes during deformation. Decreasing temperatures from an early-stage of shearing (at HT-MT condition) to a late-stage of shearing (LT conditions) are coupled with increasing differential stress recorded at comparable strain rates and decreasing simple shear conditions. We propose a progressive exhumation of the STDS towards shallower structural levels, with a temporal (rather than spatial) lowering of kinematic vorticity (“decelerating strain path”), in which progressively more general shear replaced high-temperature simple shear flow during cooling, strain hardening, and narrowing of the shear zone. Microstructural and texture analysis of pure and impure marble proved to be a useful approach to characterize the STDS location and architecture, supporting that, when the upper-brittle fault is not well developed, the ductile shearing proceeded at high structural levels.
How to cite: Laura, N., Chiara, M., Salvatore, I., Bernd, L., and Rodolfo, C.: Kinematics, non-coaxial flow and rheological constraints of the South Tibetan Detachment System in central Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10947, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10947, 2021.
A challenge in tectonic studies concerns the attempt to relate deformation features at the microscale and the crystalline lattice scale of rock-forming minerals up to the regional scale. The South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) in Himalaya is a natural laboratory for such correlations, being a prime example of regional-scale low-angle ductile extensional fault/shear zone systems within collisional settings, with a top-down-to-the-north sense of shear. The STDS shearing involves, with a thickness of c. 1-2 km, the uppermost part of the metamorphic core of the belt, the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS), and the basal part of the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS), developing a mylonitic foliation and a nearly constant strike. Recurrent ideas on the STDS architecture and rheological behavior come from the clearly and well exposed 3D outcrops around the Everest area (Eastern Nepal), where it mostly developed in quartz-bearing lithologies with a lower ductile shear zone and an upper brittle fault. Vice versa, the location of the exact shear zone boundaries and structural evolution of the STDS are still under controversial discussions in Central-Western Nepal, where few kinematic indicators occur in the carbonate-bearing lithologies of both GHS and THS.
In this contribution, we examine a suite of over 20 field-oriented marble samples affected by the STDS, comparing the deformation recorded by calcite in two different areas in central Himalaya, where essentially only the ductile shear zone has been clearly identified. Calcite microstructures (e.g., grain size and shape) and crystallographic preferred orientations (textures) of impure marbles from the Lower Dolpo region and pure marbles from the Manaslu area (Western Nepal), coupled with petrographic observations, allowed us to conclude on temperature, paleo stress, strain rates, and kinematic of the flow. Our results support the idea of a complex history of the STDS in regard to different thermal and lithospheric stress regimes during deformation. Decreasing temperatures from an early-stage of shearing (at HT-MT condition) to a late-stage of shearing (LT conditions) are coupled with increasing differential stress recorded at comparable strain rates and decreasing simple shear conditions. We propose a progressive exhumation of the STDS towards shallower structural levels, with a temporal (rather than spatial) lowering of kinematic vorticity (“decelerating strain path”), in which progressively more general shear replaced high-temperature simple shear flow during cooling, strain hardening, and narrowing of the shear zone. Microstructural and texture analysis of pure and impure marble proved to be a useful approach to characterize the STDS location and architecture, supporting that, when the upper-brittle fault is not well developed, the ductile shearing proceeded at high structural levels.
How to cite: Laura, N., Chiara, M., Salvatore, I., Bernd, L., and Rodolfo, C.: Kinematics, non-coaxial flow and rheological constraints of the South Tibetan Detachment System in central Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10947, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10947, 2021.
EGU21-12884 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Insights into a dextral transtensional shear zone in NW Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary results from the three dimensional strain and kinematic analyses of the Marmara Granitoid.Salim Birkan Bayrak, Alp Ünal, Işıl Nur Güraslan, Ömer Kamacı, Erdinç Yiğitbaş, and Şafak Altunkaynak
Marmara Granitoid (MG) is an E-W trending sill-like magmatic body exposed in the center of the Marmara Island, NW Anatolia, Turkey. MG is lower Eocene in age and was concordantly emplaced into metamorphic basement rocks of Saraylar Marble and Erdek Complex. It is represented by a deformed granodiorite which widely displays protomylonitic-mylonitic textures with prominent foliation and lineation. Foliation planes display a mean dip direction-angle of 335/29 and mineral stretching lineations show mean trend-plunge of 286/34. Mica-fishes, rotated porphyroclasts and micro-faults are commonly observed and serve as shear gauges pointing out to a dextral movement. Mineral deformation thermometers such as myrmekite development, chessboard extinction, grain boundary migration (GBM), sub-grain rotation recrystallization (SGR), and bulging recrystallization (BLG) in quartz crystals indicate that solid-state deformation of the MG has experienced a high-temperature ductile deformation and superimposed ductile to brittle deformation.
Three-dimensional strain ellipsoid measurements are investigated on the MG in order to determine the relative amounts of pure shear and simple shear deformation and the mean kinematic vorticity number (Wm). The image processing of quartz grains is used as strain markers to obtain the three-dimensional best-fit ellipsoids. The results show that, Lode’s ratio (ν) of the samples change between -0.010 and -0.650 and Flinn’s k-values range from 1.026 to 11.157 indicating to a general constrictional (prolate) deformation. The calculated kinematic vorticity numbers change between 0.429 and 0.958 which show that shear deformation of MG is mostly dominated by simple shear. All of these micro and meso structural properties and three-dimensional strain and kinematic analyses collectively suggest that MG has experienced a dextral transtensional deformation.
How to cite: Bayrak, S. B., Ünal, A., Güraslan, I. N., Kamacı, Ö., Yiğitbaş, E., and Altunkaynak, Ş.: Insights into a dextral transtensional shear zone in NW Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary results from the three dimensional strain and kinematic analyses of the Marmara Granitoid. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12884, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12884, 2021.
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Marmara Granitoid (MG) is an E-W trending sill-like magmatic body exposed in the center of the Marmara Island, NW Anatolia, Turkey. MG is lower Eocene in age and was concordantly emplaced into metamorphic basement rocks of Saraylar Marble and Erdek Complex. It is represented by a deformed granodiorite which widely displays protomylonitic-mylonitic textures with prominent foliation and lineation. Foliation planes display a mean dip direction-angle of 335/29 and mineral stretching lineations show mean trend-plunge of 286/34. Mica-fishes, rotated porphyroclasts and micro-faults are commonly observed and serve as shear gauges pointing out to a dextral movement. Mineral deformation thermometers such as myrmekite development, chessboard extinction, grain boundary migration (GBM), sub-grain rotation recrystallization (SGR), and bulging recrystallization (BLG) in quartz crystals indicate that solid-state deformation of the MG has experienced a high-temperature ductile deformation and superimposed ductile to brittle deformation.
Three-dimensional strain ellipsoid measurements are investigated on the MG in order to determine the relative amounts of pure shear and simple shear deformation and the mean kinematic vorticity number (Wm). The image processing of quartz grains is used as strain markers to obtain the three-dimensional best-fit ellipsoids. The results show that, Lode’s ratio (ν) of the samples change between -0.010 and -0.650 and Flinn’s k-values range from 1.026 to 11.157 indicating to a general constrictional (prolate) deformation. The calculated kinematic vorticity numbers change between 0.429 and 0.958 which show that shear deformation of MG is mostly dominated by simple shear. All of these micro and meso structural properties and three-dimensional strain and kinematic analyses collectively suggest that MG has experienced a dextral transtensional deformation.
How to cite: Bayrak, S. B., Ünal, A., Güraslan, I. N., Kamacı, Ö., Yiğitbaş, E., and Altunkaynak, Ş.: Insights into a dextral transtensional shear zone in NW Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary results from the three dimensional strain and kinematic analyses of the Marmara Granitoid. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12884, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12884, 2021.
EGU21-13064 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
3D-Microfabric reconstruction of Neoproterozoic diamictites from the Valjean Hills, California (USA)Christoph Kettler, Katarina Pichler, Daniel Smirzka, Thomas Vandyk, and Daniel Le Heron
Neoproterozoic rocks from the Kingston Peak Formation (KPF) in the Valjean Hills (USA) expose a succession of diamictites associated with major glacial events taking place during the Cryogenian, approximately 700 million years ago. Within any glacial period, diamictites are widespread and in addition, their mechanics of deposition are highly variable. Some are massive in appearance at outcrop or in hand specimen, and apparently lacking any information that allows their mode of emplacement to be elucidated. Yet the correct interpretation for deep time successions in this area is especially important, since it is debated whether the diamictites have a tectonically driven, gravitational (Mrofka & Kennedy, 2011) or direct (sub)glacial origin (Le Heron et al. 2016).
In this contribution we determine the origin of the diamictites based on its internal microfabric and associated microstructures. We base our method on the technique of Philips et al. (2011) for Quaternary sediments, by mapping the apparent longest axes of skeleton grains (ranging from fine-grained sand to fine-grained pebbles) in oriented thin sections and reconstructing their fabric in a 3D space, we could identify a bimodal signal in the orientation of the longest axes. Contrary to gravitational deposition, clasts in subglacial diamictites tend to align themselves to a stress field, induced by the movement of the glacier. Macroscopic observations (Fig. 1A), microtexture- and structures (Fig. 1B) as well as the reconstructed microfabric domains (Fig. 1C) suggests a subglacial origin. These circumstances suggest temperate glacial conditions with wet based ice sheets during the deposition of the KPF. Moreover, the quantitative data allow confident flow directions to be extracted from seemingly chaotic diamictites.
Figure 1: (A) Valjean Hills Diamictite (label is 5x5 cm), (B) Rotational structure around bigger skeleton grain, (C) traced long axes of clasts (white lines) and interpreted microfabric domains (blue, orange)
Le Heron, D.P., Tofaif, S., Vandyk, T. & Ali, D.O. (2017): https://doi.org/10.1130/G38460.1
Mrofka, D., Kennedy, M., (2011): https://doi.org/10.1144/M36.40
Phillips, E. et al., (2011): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.04.024
How to cite: Kettler, C., Pichler, K., Smirzka, D., Vandyk, T., and Le Heron, D.: 3D-Microfabric reconstruction of Neoproterozoic diamictites from the Valjean Hills, California (USA), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13064, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13064, 2021.
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Neoproterozoic rocks from the Kingston Peak Formation (KPF) in the Valjean Hills (USA) expose a succession of diamictites associated with major glacial events taking place during the Cryogenian, approximately 700 million years ago. Within any glacial period, diamictites are widespread and in addition, their mechanics of deposition are highly variable. Some are massive in appearance at outcrop or in hand specimen, and apparently lacking any information that allows their mode of emplacement to be elucidated. Yet the correct interpretation for deep time successions in this area is especially important, since it is debated whether the diamictites have a tectonically driven, gravitational (Mrofka & Kennedy, 2011) or direct (sub)glacial origin (Le Heron et al. 2016).
In this contribution we determine the origin of the diamictites based on its internal microfabric and associated microstructures. We base our method on the technique of Philips et al. (2011) for Quaternary sediments, by mapping the apparent longest axes of skeleton grains (ranging from fine-grained sand to fine-grained pebbles) in oriented thin sections and reconstructing their fabric in a 3D space, we could identify a bimodal signal in the orientation of the longest axes. Contrary to gravitational deposition, clasts in subglacial diamictites tend to align themselves to a stress field, induced by the movement of the glacier. Macroscopic observations (Fig. 1A), microtexture- and structures (Fig. 1B) as well as the reconstructed microfabric domains (Fig. 1C) suggests a subglacial origin. These circumstances suggest temperate glacial conditions with wet based ice sheets during the deposition of the KPF. Moreover, the quantitative data allow confident flow directions to be extracted from seemingly chaotic diamictites.
Figure 1: (A) Valjean Hills Diamictite (label is 5x5 cm), (B) Rotational structure around bigger skeleton grain, (C) traced long axes of clasts (white lines) and interpreted microfabric domains (blue, orange)
Le Heron, D.P., Tofaif, S., Vandyk, T. & Ali, D.O. (2017): https://doi.org/10.1130/G38460.1
Mrofka, D., Kennedy, M., (2011): https://doi.org/10.1144/M36.40
Phillips, E. et al., (2011): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.04.024
How to cite: Kettler, C., Pichler, K., Smirzka, D., Vandyk, T., and Le Heron, D.: 3D-Microfabric reconstruction of Neoproterozoic diamictites from the Valjean Hills, California (USA), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13064, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13064, 2021.
EGU21-808 | vPICO presentations | TS2.1
Strain localization mechanism of graphitic carbon-bearing rocks: Constraints from microstructure, texture and graphite geothermometryMeixia Lyu and Shuyun Cao
Graphitic carbon-bearing rocks can occur in low- to high-grade metamorphic units. In low-grade matamorphic rocks, graphitic carbon is often associated with brittle fault gouge whereas in middle- to high-grade metamorphic rocks, graphitic carbon commonly occurs in marble, schist or paragneiss. Previous studies showed that carbonaceous material gradually ordered from the amorphous stage, e.g. graphitization, is mainly controlled by increasing thermal metamorphism and has a good correlation with the metamorphic temperature. Besides, this ordered process is irreversible and the resulting structure is not affected by late metamorphism. Subsequently, the degree of graphitization is believed to be a reliable indicator of peak temperature conditions in the metamorphic rock. In this contribution, based on detailed field observations, the variably deformed and metamorphosed graphitic gneisses to phyllites, located within the footwall and hanging-walls unit of the Cenozoic Ailaoshan-Red River strike-slip shear zone are studied. According to lithological features and temperature determined by Raman spectra of carbonaceous material, these graphitic rocks and deformation fabrics are divided into three types. Type I is represented by medium–grade metamorphism and strongly deformed rocks with an average temperature of 509 °C and a maximum temperature of 604 °C. Type II is affected by low-grade metamorphism and deformed rocks with an average temperature of 420 °C. Type III is affected by lower–grade metamorphism and occurs in weakly deformed/undeformed rocks with an average temperature of 350 °C. Slip–localized micro–shear zone and laterally continuous or discontinuous slip planes constituted by graphitic carbon aggregates are developed in Types I and II. The electron back–scattered diffraction (EBSD) lattice preferred orientation (LPO) patterns of graphitic carbon grains were firstly observed in comparison with LPO patterns of quartz and switch from basal <a>, rhomb <a> to prism <a> slip systems, which indicate increasing deformation temperatures. According to the graphitic slip–planes, micro–shear zones and mylonitic foliation constituted by graphitic carbon minerals, we also propose that the development of fine–grained amorphous carbon plays an important role in rheological weakening of the whole rock during progressive ductile shearing.
Key Words: graphitic carbon, strain localization, graphitic thermometry, slip–localized micro–shear zone, rheological weakening
How to cite: Lyu, M. and Cao, S.: Strain localization mechanism of graphitic carbon-bearing rocks: Constraints from microstructure, texture and graphite geothermometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-808, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-808, 2021.
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Graphitic carbon-bearing rocks can occur in low- to high-grade metamorphic units. In low-grade matamorphic rocks, graphitic carbon is often associated with brittle fault gouge whereas in middle- to high-grade metamorphic rocks, graphitic carbon commonly occurs in marble, schist or paragneiss. Previous studies showed that carbonaceous material gradually ordered from the amorphous stage, e.g. graphitization, is mainly controlled by increasing thermal metamorphism and has a good correlation with the metamorphic temperature. Besides, this ordered process is irreversible and the resulting structure is not affected by late metamorphism. Subsequently, the degree of graphitization is believed to be a reliable indicator of peak temperature conditions in the metamorphic rock. In this contribution, based on detailed field observations, the variably deformed and metamorphosed graphitic gneisses to phyllites, located within the footwall and hanging-walls unit of the Cenozoic Ailaoshan-Red River strike-slip shear zone are studied. According to lithological features and temperature determined by Raman spectra of carbonaceous material, these graphitic rocks and deformation fabrics are divided into three types. Type I is represented by medium–grade metamorphism and strongly deformed rocks with an average temperature of 509 °C and a maximum temperature of 604 °C. Type II is affected by low-grade metamorphism and deformed rocks with an average temperature of 420 °C. Type III is affected by lower–grade metamorphism and occurs in weakly deformed/undeformed rocks with an average temperature of 350 °C. Slip–localized micro–shear zone and laterally continuous or discontinuous slip planes constituted by graphitic carbon aggregates are developed in Types I and II. The electron back–scattered diffraction (EBSD) lattice preferred orientation (LPO) patterns of graphitic carbon grains were firstly observed in comparison with LPO patterns of quartz and switch from basal <a>, rhomb <a> to prism <a> slip systems, which indicate increasing deformation temperatures. According to the graphitic slip–planes, micro–shear zones and mylonitic foliation constituted by graphitic carbon minerals, we also propose that the development of fine–grained amorphous carbon plays an important role in rheological weakening of the whole rock during progressive ductile shearing.
Key Words: graphitic carbon, strain localization, graphitic thermometry, slip–localized micro–shear zone, rheological weakening
How to cite: Lyu, M. and Cao, S.: Strain localization mechanism of graphitic carbon-bearing rocks: Constraints from microstructure, texture and graphite geothermometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-808, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-808, 2021.
TS3.1 – Faults and fractures in rocks : mechanics, occurrence, dating, stress history and fluid flow
EGU21-14729 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Scale discrepancy paradox between observation and modelling in fractured reservoir models in oil and gas industry.Pascal Richard and Loic Bazalgette
Naturally fractured reservoirs represent one of the most challenging resource in the oil and gas industry. The understanding based on centimeter scale observations is upscaled and modeled at 100-meter scale.
In this paper, we will illustrate with case study examples of conceptual fracture model elaborated using static and dynamic data, the disconnect between the scale of observation and the scale of modelling. We will also discuss the potential disconnect between the detail of fundamental, but necessary, research work in universities against the coarse resolution of the models built in the oil industry, and how we can benefit of the differences in scales and approaches.
The appraisal and development of fractured reservoirs offer challenges due to the variations in reservoir quality and natural fracture distribution. Typically, the presence of open, connected fractures is one of the key elements to achieve a successful development. Fracture modelling studies are carried out routinely to support both appraisal and development strategies of these fractured reservoirs.
Overall fracture modelling workflow consists first of a fracture characterization phase concentrating on the understanding of the deformation history and the evaluation of the nature, type and distribution of the fractures; secondly of a fracture modelling part where fracture properties for the dynamic simulation are generated and calibrated against dynamic data. The pillar of the studies is the creation of 3D conceptual fracture diagrams/concepts which summarize both the understanding and the uncertainty of the fracture network of interest. These conceptual diagrams rely on detailed observations at the scale of the wellbore using core and borehole image data which are on contrasting scale compare to the 10’s of meters to 100’s of meter scale of the grid cells of the dynamic models used for the production history match and forecast. These contrasting scales will be the thread of the presentation.
How to cite: Richard, P. and Bazalgette, L.: Scale discrepancy paradox between observation and modelling in fractured reservoir models in oil and gas industry., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14729, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14729, 2021.
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Naturally fractured reservoirs represent one of the most challenging resource in the oil and gas industry. The understanding based on centimeter scale observations is upscaled and modeled at 100-meter scale.
In this paper, we will illustrate with case study examples of conceptual fracture model elaborated using static and dynamic data, the disconnect between the scale of observation and the scale of modelling. We will also discuss the potential disconnect between the detail of fundamental, but necessary, research work in universities against the coarse resolution of the models built in the oil industry, and how we can benefit of the differences in scales and approaches.
The appraisal and development of fractured reservoirs offer challenges due to the variations in reservoir quality and natural fracture distribution. Typically, the presence of open, connected fractures is one of the key elements to achieve a successful development. Fracture modelling studies are carried out routinely to support both appraisal and development strategies of these fractured reservoirs.
Overall fracture modelling workflow consists first of a fracture characterization phase concentrating on the understanding of the deformation history and the evaluation of the nature, type and distribution of the fractures; secondly of a fracture modelling part where fracture properties for the dynamic simulation are generated and calibrated against dynamic data. The pillar of the studies is the creation of 3D conceptual fracture diagrams/concepts which summarize both the understanding and the uncertainty of the fracture network of interest. These conceptual diagrams rely on detailed observations at the scale of the wellbore using core and borehole image data which are on contrasting scale compare to the 10’s of meters to 100’s of meter scale of the grid cells of the dynamic models used for the production history match and forecast. These contrasting scales will be the thread of the presentation.
How to cite: Richard, P. and Bazalgette, L.: Scale discrepancy paradox between observation and modelling in fractured reservoir models in oil and gas industry., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14729, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14729, 2021.
EGU21-235 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Modelling Thousands of Fractures Using Analytic ElementsErik Toller and Otto Strack
Understanding and modelling hydraulic fractures and fracture networks have a fundamental role in mapping the mechanical behaviour of rocks. A problem arises in the discontinuous behaviour of the fractures and how to accurately and efficiently model this. We present a novel approach for modelling many cracks randomly using analytic elements placed under plane strain conditions in an elastic medium. The analytic elements allow us to model the assembly computationally efficiently and up to machine precision. The crack element is the first step in the development of a model suitable for investigating the effect of fissures on tunnels in rock. The model can be used to validate numerical models and more.The solution for a single hydraulic pressurized crack in an infinite domain in plane strain was initially developed by Griffith (1921). We demonstrate that it is possible, by using series expansions in terms of complex variables, based on the Muskhelisvili-Kolosov functions, to generalize this solution to the case of an assembly of non-intersecting pressurized cracks. The solution consists of infinite series for each element Strack & Toller (2020). The expressions for the displacements and stress tensor components approach the exact solution, as the number of terms in the series approaches infinity.We present the case where two cracks approach each other orthogonally to less than 1/2000th of the cracks length. We show the effect of increasing the number of terms in the expansion and how this influences the precision, demonstrating that the result approaches the exact solution. We also present a case with 10,000 cracks; the coefficients are determined using an iterative solver. By using analytic elements, we can both present the corresponding stress and deformations field for the global scale and for small scales in the close proximity of individual cracks.ReferencesGriffith, A. A. (1921). The phenomena of rupture and flow in solids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character, 221(582-593):163–198.Strack, O. D. L. and Toller, E. A. L. (2020). An analytic element model for highly fractured elastic media, manuscript submitted for publication in International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.
How to cite: Toller, E. and Strack, O.: Modelling Thousands of Fractures Using Analytic Elements, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-235, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-235, 2021.
Understanding and modelling hydraulic fractures and fracture networks have a fundamental role in mapping the mechanical behaviour of rocks. A problem arises in the discontinuous behaviour of the fractures and how to accurately and efficiently model this. We present a novel approach for modelling many cracks randomly using analytic elements placed under plane strain conditions in an elastic medium. The analytic elements allow us to model the assembly computationally efficiently and up to machine precision. The crack element is the first step in the development of a model suitable for investigating the effect of fissures on tunnels in rock. The model can be used to validate numerical models and more.The solution for a single hydraulic pressurized crack in an infinite domain in plane strain was initially developed by Griffith (1921). We demonstrate that it is possible, by using series expansions in terms of complex variables, based on the Muskhelisvili-Kolosov functions, to generalize this solution to the case of an assembly of non-intersecting pressurized cracks. The solution consists of infinite series for each element Strack & Toller (2020). The expressions for the displacements and stress tensor components approach the exact solution, as the number of terms in the series approaches infinity.We present the case where two cracks approach each other orthogonally to less than 1/2000th of the cracks length. We show the effect of increasing the number of terms in the expansion and how this influences the precision, demonstrating that the result approaches the exact solution. We also present a case with 10,000 cracks; the coefficients are determined using an iterative solver. By using analytic elements, we can both present the corresponding stress and deformations field for the global scale and for small scales in the close proximity of individual cracks.ReferencesGriffith, A. A. (1921). The phenomena of rupture and flow in solids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character, 221(582-593):163–198.Strack, O. D. L. and Toller, E. A. L. (2020). An analytic element model for highly fractured elastic media, manuscript submitted for publication in International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.
How to cite: Toller, E. and Strack, O.: Modelling Thousands of Fractures Using Analytic Elements, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-235, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-235, 2021.
EGU21-2965 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Predicting fracture network development in crystalline rocksJessica McBeck, John Mark Aiken, Ben Cordonnier, Yehuda Ben-Zion, and Francois Renard
The geometric properties of fractures influence whether they propagate, arrest and coalesce with other fractures. Thus, quantifying the relationship between fracture network characteristics may help predict fracture network development, and hence precursors to catastrophic failure. To constrain the relationship and predictability of fracture characteristics, we deform eight rock cores under triaxial compression while acquiring in situ X-ray tomograms. The tomograms reveal precise measurements of the fracture network characteristics above 6.5 microns. We develop machine learning models to predict the value of each characteristic using the other characteristics, and excluding the macroscopic stress or strain imposed on the rock. The models predict fracture development more accurately in the experiments performed on granite and monzonite, than the experiments on marble. Fracture network development may be more predictable in these igneous rocks because their microstructure is more mechanically homogeneous than the marble, producing more systematic fracture development that is not strongly impeded by grain contacts and cleavage planes. The varying performance of the models suggest that fracture volume, length, and aperture are the most predictable of the characteristics, while fracture orientation is the least predictable. Orientation does not correlate with length, as suggested by the idea that the orientation evolves with increasing differential stress and thus fracture length. This difference between the observed and expected predictability of orientation highlights the significant influence of local stress perturbations on fracture growth within brittle material in laboratory-scale systems with many propagating and interacting fractures.
How to cite: McBeck, J., Aiken, J. M., Cordonnier, B., Ben-Zion, Y., and Renard, F.: Predicting fracture network development in crystalline rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2965, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2965, 2021.
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The geometric properties of fractures influence whether they propagate, arrest and coalesce with other fractures. Thus, quantifying the relationship between fracture network characteristics may help predict fracture network development, and hence precursors to catastrophic failure. To constrain the relationship and predictability of fracture characteristics, we deform eight rock cores under triaxial compression while acquiring in situ X-ray tomograms. The tomograms reveal precise measurements of the fracture network characteristics above 6.5 microns. We develop machine learning models to predict the value of each characteristic using the other characteristics, and excluding the macroscopic stress or strain imposed on the rock. The models predict fracture development more accurately in the experiments performed on granite and monzonite, than the experiments on marble. Fracture network development may be more predictable in these igneous rocks because their microstructure is more mechanically homogeneous than the marble, producing more systematic fracture development that is not strongly impeded by grain contacts and cleavage planes. The varying performance of the models suggest that fracture volume, length, and aperture are the most predictable of the characteristics, while fracture orientation is the least predictable. Orientation does not correlate with length, as suggested by the idea that the orientation evolves with increasing differential stress and thus fracture length. This difference between the observed and expected predictability of orientation highlights the significant influence of local stress perturbations on fracture growth within brittle material in laboratory-scale systems with many propagating and interacting fractures.
How to cite: McBeck, J., Aiken, J. M., Cordonnier, B., Ben-Zion, Y., and Renard, F.: Predicting fracture network development in crystalline rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2965, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2965, 2021.
EGU21-14876 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
3D Digital Outcrop Model analysis of fracture networks: insights from the Mt. Vettore Fault Zone.Riccardo Inama, Yuri Panara, Niccolò Menegoni, Filippo Carboni, Giovanni Toscani, Carlo Alberto Brunori, and Cesare Perotti
In the last years, several studies investigated the Mt. Vettore Fault Zone (MVFZ), activated during the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence. Research has focused mainly on aftershocks and mainshock locations, coseismic slip and surface cracks, while an accurate study of the fracture network in the MVFZ was never conducted.
In this study we present a fracture analysis performed using very high resolution (0.5 – 5 cm) Digital Outcrop Models (DOMs) that developed by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based digital photogrammetry. The UAV gave the possibility to investigate outcrops with dimensions up to hundreds of metres high and wide, and acquire big and precise fracture data using 3D digital automatic and manual mapping techniques. To investigate the structural variability of the MVFZ fracture network, we realized several DOMs located in different positions, along and around the major fault. All the selected outcrops are formed by Calcare Massiccio Fm., which better records brittle deformation in the study area.
This analysis aimed to better understand the MVFZ fracture network, including mechanics, kinematics and local structural evolution. In particular, it allowed to determine: 1) the main sets of fractures; 2) the geometrical parameters of the fracture network (e.g. fracture density, persistence, roughness and aperture); 3) the relative timing of the main tectonic brittle events. The preliminary analysis of the DOMs suggests a variability of the fracture network parameters over the MVFZ, especially for what concerned fracture set orientation and density.
How to cite: Inama, R., Panara, Y., Menegoni, N., Carboni, F., Toscani, G., Brunori, C. A., and Perotti, C.: 3D Digital Outcrop Model analysis of fracture networks: insights from the Mt. Vettore Fault Zone., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14876, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14876, 2021.
In the last years, several studies investigated the Mt. Vettore Fault Zone (MVFZ), activated during the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence. Research has focused mainly on aftershocks and mainshock locations, coseismic slip and surface cracks, while an accurate study of the fracture network in the MVFZ was never conducted.
In this study we present a fracture analysis performed using very high resolution (0.5 – 5 cm) Digital Outcrop Models (DOMs) that developed by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based digital photogrammetry. The UAV gave the possibility to investigate outcrops with dimensions up to hundreds of metres high and wide, and acquire big and precise fracture data using 3D digital automatic and manual mapping techniques. To investigate the structural variability of the MVFZ fracture network, we realized several DOMs located in different positions, along and around the major fault. All the selected outcrops are formed by Calcare Massiccio Fm., which better records brittle deformation in the study area.
This analysis aimed to better understand the MVFZ fracture network, including mechanics, kinematics and local structural evolution. In particular, it allowed to determine: 1) the main sets of fractures; 2) the geometrical parameters of the fracture network (e.g. fracture density, persistence, roughness and aperture); 3) the relative timing of the main tectonic brittle events. The preliminary analysis of the DOMs suggests a variability of the fracture network parameters over the MVFZ, especially for what concerned fracture set orientation and density.
How to cite: Inama, R., Panara, Y., Menegoni, N., Carboni, F., Toscani, G., Brunori, C. A., and Perotti, C.: 3D Digital Outcrop Model analysis of fracture networks: insights from the Mt. Vettore Fault Zone., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14876, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14876, 2021.
EGU21-9979 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
A similarity test for the compartementalization of crystalline rocks into structural domainsAttoumane Abi, Julien Walter, Ali Saeidi, and Romain Chesnaux
It is well known that fracture networks play an important role in fluid circulation in crystalline rock mass. Given that crystalline basements have a negligible primary porosity (porosity of the rock matrix) in comparison to their secondary porosity (porosity due to fractures), fracture characterization generally constitute the most important parameter for the determination of the hydraulic characteristics of the rock mass. Fracture characterization may involve fracture samples from different surveying sources such as outcrops, tunnels and boreholes. For a matter of building a conceptual model, for a study area, the geologist compartmentalizes the study area into several structural homogeneous sub-areas. Those homogeneous sub-areas are called structural domains and how fracture samples are grouped in the same structural domain is the question treated in this presentation.
From field investigations to grouping fracture samples into structural domains, geologists have used methods that are mainly based on the geologist experience and use major structural elements such as faults as domain boundaries. In the case of total absence or limited presence of major structural elements, grouping fracture samples into structural domains becomes complicated. Therefore, several statistical methods which use fracture characteristics have been developed to assist the geologist for that matter. Those methods can be classified into two approaches, which have been introduced by Miller (1983) and Mahtab and Yegulalp (1984). Miller’s approach consists of grouping fracture samples which are totally homogeneous with regard to the fracture characteristic(s) of interest, especially fracture orientation. On the other hand, Mahtab and Yegulalp’s approach consists of grouping fracture samples which share a similar fracture set. While, Miller’s approach got a lot attention, especially in the engineering fields, Mahtab and Yegulalp’s method has the advantage of allowing taking into consideration the blind zones of fracture samples as in practice a fracture sample can hardly be constituted by all the fracture sets of its belonging structural domain. However, Mahtab and Yegulalps’s method ignore fracture characteristics such as fracture spacing, aperture and persistence which are important for fluid circulation in the rock mass.
This presentation proposes a new method that improves Mahtab and Yegulalp’s method by including fracture characteristics such as aperture, persistence and fracture spacing in addition to the fracture orientation considered in the original method. The field investigations took place in the Greenville geological province of the Canadian shield, in Lanaudière region, in Quebec; where fractures were sampled from 30 outcrops and four boreholes. The new method adds a higher level of confidence with regard to the similarity of samples within a structural domain. As a result of the new method, each structural domain has a unique combination of fracture set(s) characteristics which characterize its fracture network. The structural domain compartmentalization impact on the hydrogeological behavior of water flow within the rock mass constitutes the topic of an ongoing research project.
How to cite: Abi, A., Walter, J., Saeidi, A., and Chesnaux, R.: A similarity test for the compartementalization of crystalline rocks into structural domains, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9979, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9979, 2021.
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It is well known that fracture networks play an important role in fluid circulation in crystalline rock mass. Given that crystalline basements have a negligible primary porosity (porosity of the rock matrix) in comparison to their secondary porosity (porosity due to fractures), fracture characterization generally constitute the most important parameter for the determination of the hydraulic characteristics of the rock mass. Fracture characterization may involve fracture samples from different surveying sources such as outcrops, tunnels and boreholes. For a matter of building a conceptual model, for a study area, the geologist compartmentalizes the study area into several structural homogeneous sub-areas. Those homogeneous sub-areas are called structural domains and how fracture samples are grouped in the same structural domain is the question treated in this presentation.
From field investigations to grouping fracture samples into structural domains, geologists have used methods that are mainly based on the geologist experience and use major structural elements such as faults as domain boundaries. In the case of total absence or limited presence of major structural elements, grouping fracture samples into structural domains becomes complicated. Therefore, several statistical methods which use fracture characteristics have been developed to assist the geologist for that matter. Those methods can be classified into two approaches, which have been introduced by Miller (1983) and Mahtab and Yegulalp (1984). Miller’s approach consists of grouping fracture samples which are totally homogeneous with regard to the fracture characteristic(s) of interest, especially fracture orientation. On the other hand, Mahtab and Yegulalp’s approach consists of grouping fracture samples which share a similar fracture set. While, Miller’s approach got a lot attention, especially in the engineering fields, Mahtab and Yegulalp’s method has the advantage of allowing taking into consideration the blind zones of fracture samples as in practice a fracture sample can hardly be constituted by all the fracture sets of its belonging structural domain. However, Mahtab and Yegulalps’s method ignore fracture characteristics such as fracture spacing, aperture and persistence which are important for fluid circulation in the rock mass.
This presentation proposes a new method that improves Mahtab and Yegulalp’s method by including fracture characteristics such as aperture, persistence and fracture spacing in addition to the fracture orientation considered in the original method. The field investigations took place in the Greenville geological province of the Canadian shield, in Lanaudière region, in Quebec; where fractures were sampled from 30 outcrops and four boreholes. The new method adds a higher level of confidence with regard to the similarity of samples within a structural domain. As a result of the new method, each structural domain has a unique combination of fracture set(s) characteristics which characterize its fracture network. The structural domain compartmentalization impact on the hydrogeological behavior of water flow within the rock mass constitutes the topic of an ongoing research project.
How to cite: Abi, A., Walter, J., Saeidi, A., and Chesnaux, R.: A similarity test for the compartementalization of crystalline rocks into structural domains, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9979, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9979, 2021.
EGU21-16341 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Now you see me... : Impact of sample representativity in fracture network characterization.Fatemeh Nazari Vanani and Oscar Fernandez
Adequately characterizing the properties of a fracture network is the first step in accurately modelling its behavior, be it mechanically or hydraulically. Characterizing fracture networks requires determining fracture frequency, orientation, connectivity, and fracture properties. This becomes particularly challenging in subsurface systems, where hard data on fracture networks comes mainly from boreholes, that are samples of very limited volume in relation to the fracture network. Because of this scale relationship between sample dimension and the dimension of natural fracture networks, boreholes capture a very partial picture of the fracture network. This is particularly relevant when attempting to estimate fracture frequency and network connectivity from borehole data. Corrections are normally used to account for sampling bias related to fracture size and orientation. Whereas these corrections are valid for the sample itself, the topology and heterogeneity of fracture networks means that measurements obtained in any given borehole are not necessarily representative of the broader fracture network.
To determine how “wrong” single-borehole analyses can be, we have conducted experiments on synthetic datasets to quantify how representative borehole samples are of entire fracture networks. Results show that properties that have an impact on the anisotropy of the fracture network (orientation, number of fracture sets) can be accurately resolved even in low data-density scenarios. On the contrary, accurately determining fracture frequency (which also impacts connectivity) for the entire fracture network is strongly dependent on the ratio between fracture frequency and the sampled volume. Measurements of fracture frequency in individual boreholes indicate that it frequency easily be overestimated or underestimated by a factor of 2 relative to the real network’s fracture frequency. The application of sampling bias corrections has a limited impact on reducing this error.
Based on the results from our experiments, we present methods to assess how representative of a fracture network a single borehole is. Representativity can be translated into uncertainty in fracture frequency, a metric that can be used in fracture modelling.
How to cite: Nazari Vanani, F. and Fernandez, O.: Now you see me... : Impact of sample representativity in fracture network characterization., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16341, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16341, 2021.
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Adequately characterizing the properties of a fracture network is the first step in accurately modelling its behavior, be it mechanically or hydraulically. Characterizing fracture networks requires determining fracture frequency, orientation, connectivity, and fracture properties. This becomes particularly challenging in subsurface systems, where hard data on fracture networks comes mainly from boreholes, that are samples of very limited volume in relation to the fracture network. Because of this scale relationship between sample dimension and the dimension of natural fracture networks, boreholes capture a very partial picture of the fracture network. This is particularly relevant when attempting to estimate fracture frequency and network connectivity from borehole data. Corrections are normally used to account for sampling bias related to fracture size and orientation. Whereas these corrections are valid for the sample itself, the topology and heterogeneity of fracture networks means that measurements obtained in any given borehole are not necessarily representative of the broader fracture network.
To determine how “wrong” single-borehole analyses can be, we have conducted experiments on synthetic datasets to quantify how representative borehole samples are of entire fracture networks. Results show that properties that have an impact on the anisotropy of the fracture network (orientation, number of fracture sets) can be accurately resolved even in low data-density scenarios. On the contrary, accurately determining fracture frequency (which also impacts connectivity) for the entire fracture network is strongly dependent on the ratio between fracture frequency and the sampled volume. Measurements of fracture frequency in individual boreholes indicate that it frequency easily be overestimated or underestimated by a factor of 2 relative to the real network’s fracture frequency. The application of sampling bias corrections has a limited impact on reducing this error.
Based on the results from our experiments, we present methods to assess how representative of a fracture network a single borehole is. Representativity can be translated into uncertainty in fracture frequency, a metric that can be used in fracture modelling.
How to cite: Nazari Vanani, F. and Fernandez, O.: Now you see me... : Impact of sample representativity in fracture network characterization., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16341, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16341, 2021.
EGU21-6309 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Modelling of interactions between dykes, inclined sheets and faults at Santorini volcanoKyriaki Drymoni, John Browning, and Agust Gudmundsson
Dykes and inclined sheets are known occasionally to exploit faults as parts of their paths, but the conditions that allow this to happen are still not fully understood. Here we report field observations from a well-exposed dyke swarm of the Santorini volcano, Greece, that show dykes and inclined sheets deflected into faults and the results of analytical and numerical models to explain the conditions for deflection. The deflected dykes and sheets belong to a local swarm of 91 dyke/sheet segments that was emplaced in a highly heterogeneous and anisotropic host rock and partially cut by some regional faults and a series of historic caldera collapses, the caldera walls providing, excellent exposures of the structures. The numerical models focus on a normal-fault dipping 65° with a damage zone composed of parallel layers or zones of progressively more compliant rocks with increasing distance from the fault rupture plane. We model sheet-intrusions dipping from 0˚ to 90˚ and with overpressures of alternatively 1 MPa and 5 MPa, approaching the fault. We further tested the effects of changing (1) the sheet thickness, (2) the fault-zone thickness, (3) the fault-zone dip-dimension (height), and (4) the loading by, alternatively, regional extension and compression. We find that the stiffness of the fault core, where a compliant core characterises recently active fault zones, has pronounced effects on the orientation and magnitudes of the local stresses and, thereby, on the likelihood of dyke/sheet deflection into the fault zone. Similarly, the analytical models, focusing on the fault-zone tensile strength and energy conditions for dyke/sheet deflection, indicate that dykes/sheets are most likely to be deflected into and use steeply dipping recently active (zero tensile-strength) normal faults as parts of their paths.
How to cite: Drymoni, K., Browning, J., and Gudmundsson, A.: Modelling of interactions between dykes, inclined sheets and faults at Santorini volcano, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6309, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6309, 2021.
Dykes and inclined sheets are known occasionally to exploit faults as parts of their paths, but the conditions that allow this to happen are still not fully understood. Here we report field observations from a well-exposed dyke swarm of the Santorini volcano, Greece, that show dykes and inclined sheets deflected into faults and the results of analytical and numerical models to explain the conditions for deflection. The deflected dykes and sheets belong to a local swarm of 91 dyke/sheet segments that was emplaced in a highly heterogeneous and anisotropic host rock and partially cut by some regional faults and a series of historic caldera collapses, the caldera walls providing, excellent exposures of the structures. The numerical models focus on a normal-fault dipping 65° with a damage zone composed of parallel layers or zones of progressively more compliant rocks with increasing distance from the fault rupture plane. We model sheet-intrusions dipping from 0˚ to 90˚ and with overpressures of alternatively 1 MPa and 5 MPa, approaching the fault. We further tested the effects of changing (1) the sheet thickness, (2) the fault-zone thickness, (3) the fault-zone dip-dimension (height), and (4) the loading by, alternatively, regional extension and compression. We find that the stiffness of the fault core, where a compliant core characterises recently active fault zones, has pronounced effects on the orientation and magnitudes of the local stresses and, thereby, on the likelihood of dyke/sheet deflection into the fault zone. Similarly, the analytical models, focusing on the fault-zone tensile strength and energy conditions for dyke/sheet deflection, indicate that dykes/sheets are most likely to be deflected into and use steeply dipping recently active (zero tensile-strength) normal faults as parts of their paths.
How to cite: Drymoni, K., Browning, J., and Gudmundsson, A.: Modelling of interactions between dykes, inclined sheets and faults at Santorini volcano, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6309, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6309, 2021.
EGU21-9140 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Thermal controls on the development of fractures in dolostones of the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario, CanadaHenry Gage, Carolyn Eyles, and Rebecca Lee
Little research has been conducted to clarify the mechanism, extent, or factors involved in the fracturing of rocks exposed along the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario. Of particular interest are the effects of fluctuating temperatures during region’s cold winters which may be a contributor to the formation and expansion of fractures within these rocks. The results of a preliminary field-based study of temperature changes in fractured sedimentary rocks exposed at several sites along the Escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario are reported here. The objectives of the study were to examine the characteristics of operant thermal processes and to determine the effectiveness of mechanisms such as freeze-thaw and thermal stress in contributing to fracture formation and development. Fractured dolostone units were identified at three field sites along the escarpment that varied in their aspect, vegetation, and proximity to water. At each site, temperature probes were affixed to the exposed rock surface and inserted into a nearby fracture. Temperature measurements were taken at one-minute intervals throughout the winter of 2020-21. In-situ field measurements of thermal changes within fractured dolostones on the escarpment were supplemented with recordings of rock surface and interior temperatures taken from unfractured dolostone blocks placed in a ‘controlled’ outdoor environment throughout the winter. Initial results from the escarpment probes in the early winter show frequent, rapid shifts from warm to sub-zero temperatures and indicate that changes in temperature recorded at the rock surface closely follow diurnal atmospheric oscillations in both magnitude and timing. However, temperature changes recorded within fractures are less extreme and show a temporal lag. Temperature fluctuations recorded at the field site with the highest degree of exposure, a southeasterly aspect, and little vegetation cover, are significantly higher and show larger thermal responses within fractures. Temperature fluctuations recorded from unfractured blocks in the ‘controlled’ outdoor environment show similar diurnal trends to those recorded on the escarpment but with reduced differential between temperatures at the block surface and interior. Together, these data indicate that temperature fluctuations sufficient to generate freeze-thaw cycles are abundant during the early winter months, temperature variability within fractures does occur, and slope aspect and exposure plays an important role in the determining the magnitude of diurnal temperature fluctuations experienced by surface rocks on the escarpment. The role of thermal stress in fracture development, created by rapid and substantial thermal changes, has yet to be determined.
How to cite: Gage, H., Eyles, C., and Lee, R.: Thermal controls on the development of fractures in dolostones of the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9140, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9140, 2021.
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Little research has been conducted to clarify the mechanism, extent, or factors involved in the fracturing of rocks exposed along the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario. Of particular interest are the effects of fluctuating temperatures during region’s cold winters which may be a contributor to the formation and expansion of fractures within these rocks. The results of a preliminary field-based study of temperature changes in fractured sedimentary rocks exposed at several sites along the Escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario are reported here. The objectives of the study were to examine the characteristics of operant thermal processes and to determine the effectiveness of mechanisms such as freeze-thaw and thermal stress in contributing to fracture formation and development. Fractured dolostone units were identified at three field sites along the escarpment that varied in their aspect, vegetation, and proximity to water. At each site, temperature probes were affixed to the exposed rock surface and inserted into a nearby fracture. Temperature measurements were taken at one-minute intervals throughout the winter of 2020-21. In-situ field measurements of thermal changes within fractured dolostones on the escarpment were supplemented with recordings of rock surface and interior temperatures taken from unfractured dolostone blocks placed in a ‘controlled’ outdoor environment throughout the winter. Initial results from the escarpment probes in the early winter show frequent, rapid shifts from warm to sub-zero temperatures and indicate that changes in temperature recorded at the rock surface closely follow diurnal atmospheric oscillations in both magnitude and timing. However, temperature changes recorded within fractures are less extreme and show a temporal lag. Temperature fluctuations recorded at the field site with the highest degree of exposure, a southeasterly aspect, and little vegetation cover, are significantly higher and show larger thermal responses within fractures. Temperature fluctuations recorded from unfractured blocks in the ‘controlled’ outdoor environment show similar diurnal trends to those recorded on the escarpment but with reduced differential between temperatures at the block surface and interior. Together, these data indicate that temperature fluctuations sufficient to generate freeze-thaw cycles are abundant during the early winter months, temperature variability within fractures does occur, and slope aspect and exposure plays an important role in the determining the magnitude of diurnal temperature fluctuations experienced by surface rocks on the escarpment. The role of thermal stress in fracture development, created by rapid and substantial thermal changes, has yet to be determined.
How to cite: Gage, H., Eyles, C., and Lee, R.: Thermal controls on the development of fractures in dolostones of the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9140, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9140, 2021.
EGU21-9094 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
The influence of fracture networks on stability and geohazards of the Niagara Escarpment in southern OntarioSerena Formenti, Alexander Peace, John Waldron, Carolyn Eyles, and Rebecca Lee
The Niagara Escarpment is a geological feature comprised of highly fractured Ordovician and Silurian shales and carbonates stretching through southern Ontario and parts of the north-eastern United States. Differential erosion of the shale and carbonate strata has generated a steep cliff face bisecting the city of Hamilton, Ontario. Fractures occur throughout the cliff face and result in the formation of loose blocks of rock that are subject to erosion through rockfalls. This presents structural stability issues and an associated geohazard, which is of particular concern due to the proximity of the escarpment to city infrastructure. Previous work has alluded towards the role of geologic fractures in controlling erosion and stability of the Niagara Escarpment, but the causal mechanisms and extent to which these processes operate remains unclear. As such, the aim of this study is to quantify and analyse fracture networks using a combined field and numerical modelling-based approach to understand the distribution and nature of fractures throughout the escarpment, their connectivity, fluid flow properties, and relationship to structural stability. The location, orientation, and aperture of fractures were systematically quantified and documented around Hamilton. Data were plotted and analysed using the software Orient to identify clusters representative of fracture sets and to calculate average fracture set orientations and the respective confidence intervals. Three primary sets of geological fractures were identified including: 1) a near-vertical bedding confined set oriented north-south, 2) a near-vertical bedding confined set oriented east-west and 3) sedimentary bedding planes which have facilitated fracture migration and controlled resultant fracture geometry. Discrete fracture network modelling of these fracture sets in MOVE highlights their high degree of connectivity and indicates that the distribution and nature of these discontinuities are predominant controls on the locations and sizes of rock fragments generated on the cliff face resulting in rockfalls. Moreover, fracture-controlled porosity is a significant contributor to fluid flow throughout the escarpment. We conclude that geologic fractures present a first-order control on the stability of the Niagara Escarpment near Hamilton.
How to cite: Formenti, S., Peace, A., Waldron, J., Eyles, C., and Lee, R.: The influence of fracture networks on stability and geohazards of the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9094, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9094, 2021.
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The Niagara Escarpment is a geological feature comprised of highly fractured Ordovician and Silurian shales and carbonates stretching through southern Ontario and parts of the north-eastern United States. Differential erosion of the shale and carbonate strata has generated a steep cliff face bisecting the city of Hamilton, Ontario. Fractures occur throughout the cliff face and result in the formation of loose blocks of rock that are subject to erosion through rockfalls. This presents structural stability issues and an associated geohazard, which is of particular concern due to the proximity of the escarpment to city infrastructure. Previous work has alluded towards the role of geologic fractures in controlling erosion and stability of the Niagara Escarpment, but the causal mechanisms and extent to which these processes operate remains unclear. As such, the aim of this study is to quantify and analyse fracture networks using a combined field and numerical modelling-based approach to understand the distribution and nature of fractures throughout the escarpment, their connectivity, fluid flow properties, and relationship to structural stability. The location, orientation, and aperture of fractures were systematically quantified and documented around Hamilton. Data were plotted and analysed using the software Orient to identify clusters representative of fracture sets and to calculate average fracture set orientations and the respective confidence intervals. Three primary sets of geological fractures were identified including: 1) a near-vertical bedding confined set oriented north-south, 2) a near-vertical bedding confined set oriented east-west and 3) sedimentary bedding planes which have facilitated fracture migration and controlled resultant fracture geometry. Discrete fracture network modelling of these fracture sets in MOVE highlights their high degree of connectivity and indicates that the distribution and nature of these discontinuities are predominant controls on the locations and sizes of rock fragments generated on the cliff face resulting in rockfalls. Moreover, fracture-controlled porosity is a significant contributor to fluid flow throughout the escarpment. We conclude that geologic fractures present a first-order control on the stability of the Niagara Escarpment near Hamilton.
How to cite: Formenti, S., Peace, A., Waldron, J., Eyles, C., and Lee, R.: The influence of fracture networks on stability and geohazards of the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9094, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9094, 2021.
EGU21-10972 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Structural framework and the timing of landscape-forming faults - a study from Western NorwayÅse Hestnes, Deta Gasser, Thomas Scheiber, Joachim Jacobs, Anna K. Ksienzyk, Roelant van der Lelij, and Jasmin Schönenberger
Brittle fracture and fault networks control the location of topographic features such as valleys and ridges and active faulting can lead to topographic rejuvenation. In Western Norway, however, it is debated how much faulting has contributed to rejuvenating of the topography during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Geometric and temporal constraints on the brittle evolution are therefore important to obtain a comprehensive picture of the post-Caledonian topographic evolution of this region. In this study, we combine remote sensing, structural field measurements, paleo-stress analysis and isotopic dating to study the brittle evolution of a larger region of Western Norway. The region spans from the Sognefjord in the south to the Møre margin in the north. Lineament studies reveal important lineament sets trending N-S, NE-SW, E-W and NW-SE. Field observations show that these lineament sets correspond to both dip-slip and strike-slip faults, some of them parallel to ductile precursor structures and some cutting the ductile fabric. Epidote, chlorite, quartz and zeolite are the dominant mineralizations on fracture and fault surfaces. There is no clear correlation between the type of mineralization and fracture orientation in the region. Paleostress analysis on fault-slip data (n = 173), including faults reactivating older structures, show a good fit with a general E-W extensional regime. However, a considerable amount of faults (n = 115) formed under a strike-slip regime, which has so far not been documented in the region. We combine these findings with K-Ar fault gouge dating from six faults where five fractions (6-10 µm, 2-6 µm, 0.4-2 µm, 0.1-0.4 µm, <0.1µm) from each sample were analysed. These faults represent two of the four fracture sets observed, trending N-S and NE-SW, respectively, and show either strike-slip or dip-slip kinematics. XRD-data from these gouges show that K-feldspar and smectite are the main sources of potassium. The ages show a spread from the Triassic to the Cretaceous, where older ages can be affected by K-feldspar inherited from the host rock. Our results point to an important phase of Mesozoic strike-slip faulting in the region, with steep faults controlling the location of several major valleys. Extensional dip-slip faults might have contributed to the rejuvenation of the footwall topography.
How to cite: Hestnes, Å., Gasser, D., Scheiber, T., Jacobs, J., Ksienzyk, A. K., van der Lelij, R., and Schönenberger, J.: Structural framework and the timing of landscape-forming faults - a study from Western Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10972, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10972, 2021.
Brittle fracture and fault networks control the location of topographic features such as valleys and ridges and active faulting can lead to topographic rejuvenation. In Western Norway, however, it is debated how much faulting has contributed to rejuvenating of the topography during the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Geometric and temporal constraints on the brittle evolution are therefore important to obtain a comprehensive picture of the post-Caledonian topographic evolution of this region. In this study, we combine remote sensing, structural field measurements, paleo-stress analysis and isotopic dating to study the brittle evolution of a larger region of Western Norway. The region spans from the Sognefjord in the south to the Møre margin in the north. Lineament studies reveal important lineament sets trending N-S, NE-SW, E-W and NW-SE. Field observations show that these lineament sets correspond to both dip-slip and strike-slip faults, some of them parallel to ductile precursor structures and some cutting the ductile fabric. Epidote, chlorite, quartz and zeolite are the dominant mineralizations on fracture and fault surfaces. There is no clear correlation between the type of mineralization and fracture orientation in the region. Paleostress analysis on fault-slip data (n = 173), including faults reactivating older structures, show a good fit with a general E-W extensional regime. However, a considerable amount of faults (n = 115) formed under a strike-slip regime, which has so far not been documented in the region. We combine these findings with K-Ar fault gouge dating from six faults where five fractions (6-10 µm, 2-6 µm, 0.4-2 µm, 0.1-0.4 µm, <0.1µm) from each sample were analysed. These faults represent two of the four fracture sets observed, trending N-S and NE-SW, respectively, and show either strike-slip or dip-slip kinematics. XRD-data from these gouges show that K-feldspar and smectite are the main sources of potassium. The ages show a spread from the Triassic to the Cretaceous, where older ages can be affected by K-feldspar inherited from the host rock. Our results point to an important phase of Mesozoic strike-slip faulting in the region, with steep faults controlling the location of several major valleys. Extensional dip-slip faults might have contributed to the rejuvenation of the footwall topography.
How to cite: Hestnes, Å., Gasser, D., Scheiber, T., Jacobs, J., Ksienzyk, A. K., van der Lelij, R., and Schönenberger, J.: Structural framework and the timing of landscape-forming faults - a study from Western Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10972, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10972, 2021.
EGU21-6752 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Structural constraints of the Birimian lithium pegmatites of Bougouni (Southern Mali, Leo-Man shield)Séko Sanogo, Cyril Durand, Michel Dubois, and Ousmane Wane
The Bougouni region is located in the southern Mali, 170 km south-east of Bamako. It is part of the northern edge of the Leo-Man [UdMO1] shield (southern part of the West-African Craton). It is known for its swarm of pegmatites, most investigated as a lithium resource (spodumene pegmatites) and its gold potential. It is made up of metavolcanosedimentary rocks and plutonic complexes of the Birimian (Paleoproterozoic).
The objectives of this study are: 1) to make a review of the main regional structural features, 2) to define the structural control of the pegmatite emplacement. To reach these aims a structural analysis was carried out using the information collected during our field campaigns (2018 and 2019) and data from previous works.
Metavolcanosedimentary rocks had undergone a low grade metamorphism degree. Schistosities in these rocks (n=156 measurements) are distributed along 2 main directions which indicate two deformation phases. The first one, D1, oriented NNW-SSE to N-S. It is ductile, responsible for low grade regional metamorphism (Baratoux et al., 2011) and crustal thickening of the volcano-sedimentary rocks (Wane et al., 2018). It is linked to a compression event oriented E-W to ESE-WNW (Baratoux et al., 2011; Wane et al., 2018). The second one, D2, oriented NNE-SSW to SE-NW, is a ductile-brittle transpressive deformation. It affects metavolcano-sedimentary rocks. It would be contemporaneous with the location of most birimian granitoids (Baratoux et al., 2011; Wane et al., 2018) and it would be responsible for the gold mineralization (McFarlane et al., 2011). The third one, oriented E-W is marked by fracture cleavage and extensional cracks sometimes sigmoidal and generally filled by quartz. It has a brittle-ductile character. The faults have been observed in the field but weren’t measured. Feybesse et al. (2006) showed that they intersect all the lithologies without having any direct link with the different deformation phases.
Pegmatites are hosted in both metavolcanosedimentary and granitoids. Lithium bearing pegmatites are characterized by an assemblage containing spodumene (15-65%; main lithium-host mineral), albite (10-55%), microcline (1-10%), quartz (25-50%) and muscovite (2-10%). The accessory minerals are: apatite; garnet; columbo-tantalite, tourmaline, beryl and rutile. Lithium pegmatites are distributed in three directions (n=209): NNE-SSW (minor, ≃10 %?), ENE-WSW to E-W and ESE-WNW to SE-NW. Most of them are characterized by a steep dip (≃90°). The dyke-host unit contacts are generally sharp and brittle. These results suggest that the emplacement of the lithium bearing pegmatites of Bougouni even of all the Birimian pegmatites (Example of Issia pegmatite, côte d'ivoire Allou, 2005) could be related to the brittle deformation phase D3. This phase is also thought to be linked with the gold mineralization (McFarlane et al., 2011).
Ref: Allou, 2005, thèse à l’université de Chicoutimi ; Baratoux et al., 2011, Precamb. Res. 191, 18–45 ; Feybesse et al., 2006, Carte et Notice explicative de la Carte du Birimien du Mali ; McFarlane et al., 2011, Econ. Geol. 106, 727-750; Wane et al., 2018, Precamb. Res. 305, 444-478
Key words: pegmatite, mineralization, lithium, spodumene, granitoid, Leo-Man shiel, Mali, West African Craton
How to cite: Sanogo, S., Durand, C., Dubois, M., and Wane, O.: Structural constraints of the Birimian lithium pegmatites of Bougouni (Southern Mali, Leo-Man shield), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6752, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6752, 2021.
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The Bougouni region is located in the southern Mali, 170 km south-east of Bamako. It is part of the northern edge of the Leo-Man [UdMO1] shield (southern part of the West-African Craton). It is known for its swarm of pegmatites, most investigated as a lithium resource (spodumene pegmatites) and its gold potential. It is made up of metavolcanosedimentary rocks and plutonic complexes of the Birimian (Paleoproterozoic).
The objectives of this study are: 1) to make a review of the main regional structural features, 2) to define the structural control of the pegmatite emplacement. To reach these aims a structural analysis was carried out using the information collected during our field campaigns (2018 and 2019) and data from previous works.
Metavolcanosedimentary rocks had undergone a low grade metamorphism degree. Schistosities in these rocks (n=156 measurements) are distributed along 2 main directions which indicate two deformation phases. The first one, D1, oriented NNW-SSE to N-S. It is ductile, responsible for low grade regional metamorphism (Baratoux et al., 2011) and crustal thickening of the volcano-sedimentary rocks (Wane et al., 2018). It is linked to a compression event oriented E-W to ESE-WNW (Baratoux et al., 2011; Wane et al., 2018). The second one, D2, oriented NNE-SSW to SE-NW, is a ductile-brittle transpressive deformation. It affects metavolcano-sedimentary rocks. It would be contemporaneous with the location of most birimian granitoids (Baratoux et al., 2011; Wane et al., 2018) and it would be responsible for the gold mineralization (McFarlane et al., 2011). The third one, oriented E-W is marked by fracture cleavage and extensional cracks sometimes sigmoidal and generally filled by quartz. It has a brittle-ductile character. The faults have been observed in the field but weren’t measured. Feybesse et al. (2006) showed that they intersect all the lithologies without having any direct link with the different deformation phases.
Pegmatites are hosted in both metavolcanosedimentary and granitoids. Lithium bearing pegmatites are characterized by an assemblage containing spodumene (15-65%; main lithium-host mineral), albite (10-55%), microcline (1-10%), quartz (25-50%) and muscovite (2-10%). The accessory minerals are: apatite; garnet; columbo-tantalite, tourmaline, beryl and rutile. Lithium pegmatites are distributed in three directions (n=209): NNE-SSW (minor, ≃10 %?), ENE-WSW to E-W and ESE-WNW to SE-NW. Most of them are characterized by a steep dip (≃90°). The dyke-host unit contacts are generally sharp and brittle. These results suggest that the emplacement of the lithium bearing pegmatites of Bougouni even of all the Birimian pegmatites (Example of Issia pegmatite, côte d'ivoire Allou, 2005) could be related to the brittle deformation phase D3. This phase is also thought to be linked with the gold mineralization (McFarlane et al., 2011).
Ref: Allou, 2005, thèse à l’université de Chicoutimi ; Baratoux et al., 2011, Precamb. Res. 191, 18–45 ; Feybesse et al., 2006, Carte et Notice explicative de la Carte du Birimien du Mali ; McFarlane et al., 2011, Econ. Geol. 106, 727-750; Wane et al., 2018, Precamb. Res. 305, 444-478
Key words: pegmatite, mineralization, lithium, spodumene, granitoid, Leo-Man shiel, Mali, West African Craton
How to cite: Sanogo, S., Durand, C., Dubois, M., and Wane, O.: Structural constraints of the Birimian lithium pegmatites of Bougouni (Southern Mali, Leo-Man shield), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6752, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6752, 2021.
EGU21-6485 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
The anatomy of a fractured reef from Cyprus: a possible analogue for the Eastern Mediterranean carbonate reservoirsStefano Patruno, Ian Abdallah, Vittorio Scisciani, Ernestos Sarris, and Fabio Colantonio
The core of the island of Cyprus hosts the inverted Troodos ophiolitic zone, whose flanks are overlain by autochthonous sedimentary rocks, mostly comprising Cenozoic-age carbonate shelf units. Some of these units are likely analogous to the Miocene part of the Levantine Basin “Zohr-like” carbonate buildup reservoirs, which are playing a dominant role in the present-day gas prospectivity and long-term potential for CO2 carbon capture and storage in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The study location hosts a steep sided carbonate hill (c. 90 m elevation and about 0.35 km2 total area. This hill corresponds to a lower Miocene shallow-water Terra Member carbonate buildup (Pakhna Formation), inclusive of a well-developed reefal biohermal fossil community at the summit. The buildup can be subdivided into four main depositional sub-units (informally called ‘beds’). Each of these approximately horizonal “beds” is about 5-20 m thick and hosts a number of near-vertical open fracture and minor fault sets, further enlarged by meteoric diagenesis. The lack of vegetation makes this a world-class example of shallow-water buildup available for geological analyses.
In this work, we have focused on the reservoir-scale physical properties and stratigraphic architecture of the reef outcrop, and in particular on the impact that the fracture and karst networks can be expected to play on the porosity and permeability properties of these rocks. We have utilized 133 drone photographs, subsequently “patched” together in a 3D Digital Terrain Model (DTM) using CMD-MVS; this software takes a series of pictures and creates a 3D point cloud from them thereby solving the problem of structure from motion (SFM). Several photographs have been additionally georeferenced and the visible fracture networks mapped in GIS. Furthermore, fieldwork analyses have been carried out and the following fracture properties measured at several representative locations utilizing linear scanline sampling and circular scanline methods: fracture orientation, aperture, spacing, length, intensity. Finally, representative samples have been collected from the field in order to measure their porosity and permeability properties.
Our analysis suggests the presence of a dominant fracture and fault set, striking approximately NE-SW to ESE-WNW. Additional relatively randomly-oriented, minor fracture sets are also present. Fracture intensity from the linear scanline method varies from 3 fractures per meter to the north-east to 6 fractures per meter to the south-west. The fracture aperture ranges from 0.01 to 1 meter. The studied shallow-water carbonate is characterized by high permeability and moderate porosity, with likely anisotropic flow properties along the main fracture sets. The presence of fractures enlarged by subaerial dissolutions is likely the key property controlling the reservoir parameters of these rocks, although further analyses are needed to find out whether such dissolution is associated with the present-day outcrop exposure to meteoric leaching, or was developed earlier on and can be reasonably expected in the subsurface.
How to cite: Patruno, S., Abdallah, I., Scisciani, V., Sarris, E., and Colantonio, F.: The anatomy of a fractured reef from Cyprus: a possible analogue for the Eastern Mediterranean carbonate reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6485, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6485, 2021.
The core of the island of Cyprus hosts the inverted Troodos ophiolitic zone, whose flanks are overlain by autochthonous sedimentary rocks, mostly comprising Cenozoic-age carbonate shelf units. Some of these units are likely analogous to the Miocene part of the Levantine Basin “Zohr-like” carbonate buildup reservoirs, which are playing a dominant role in the present-day gas prospectivity and long-term potential for CO2 carbon capture and storage in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The study location hosts a steep sided carbonate hill (c. 90 m elevation and about 0.35 km2 total area. This hill corresponds to a lower Miocene shallow-water Terra Member carbonate buildup (Pakhna Formation), inclusive of a well-developed reefal biohermal fossil community at the summit. The buildup can be subdivided into four main depositional sub-units (informally called ‘beds’). Each of these approximately horizonal “beds” is about 5-20 m thick and hosts a number of near-vertical open fracture and minor fault sets, further enlarged by meteoric diagenesis. The lack of vegetation makes this a world-class example of shallow-water buildup available for geological analyses.
In this work, we have focused on the reservoir-scale physical properties and stratigraphic architecture of the reef outcrop, and in particular on the impact that the fracture and karst networks can be expected to play on the porosity and permeability properties of these rocks. We have utilized 133 drone photographs, subsequently “patched” together in a 3D Digital Terrain Model (DTM) using CMD-MVS; this software takes a series of pictures and creates a 3D point cloud from them thereby solving the problem of structure from motion (SFM). Several photographs have been additionally georeferenced and the visible fracture networks mapped in GIS. Furthermore, fieldwork analyses have been carried out and the following fracture properties measured at several representative locations utilizing linear scanline sampling and circular scanline methods: fracture orientation, aperture, spacing, length, intensity. Finally, representative samples have been collected from the field in order to measure their porosity and permeability properties.
Our analysis suggests the presence of a dominant fracture and fault set, striking approximately NE-SW to ESE-WNW. Additional relatively randomly-oriented, minor fracture sets are also present. Fracture intensity from the linear scanline method varies from 3 fractures per meter to the north-east to 6 fractures per meter to the south-west. The fracture aperture ranges from 0.01 to 1 meter. The studied shallow-water carbonate is characterized by high permeability and moderate porosity, with likely anisotropic flow properties along the main fracture sets. The presence of fractures enlarged by subaerial dissolutions is likely the key property controlling the reservoir parameters of these rocks, although further analyses are needed to find out whether such dissolution is associated with the present-day outcrop exposure to meteoric leaching, or was developed earlier on and can be reasonably expected in the subsurface.
How to cite: Patruno, S., Abdallah, I., Scisciani, V., Sarris, E., and Colantonio, F.: The anatomy of a fractured reef from Cyprus: a possible analogue for the Eastern Mediterranean carbonate reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6485, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6485, 2021.
EGU21-7774 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Geometry and topology of fractures and faults affecting anticlines in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt: a multiscale approachMarco Mercuri, Eugenio Carminati, Luca Aldega, and Fabio Trippetta
Faults and fractures play a key role in the permeability of the upper crust. Since anticlines represent very common structural traps for fluids, geometrical (i.e., orientation, length distribution) and topological (i.e., cross-cutting and abutting relationships, intensity) characterization of their fracture network is crucial to assess the migration and accumulation of fluids for CO2 sequestration or hydrocarbon exploitation purposes. For this reason, many previous studies focused on anticlines worldwide, and in particular on the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt where they represent the outcropping analogs of oil fields in SW Iran.
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt involve sediments of the pre-collisional Arabian plate passive margin, arranged in folds elongated in a NW-SE direction and tectonic transport toward SW. The belt is dissected by N-S dextral strike slip transfer faults reactivating former rift-related normal faults. Most of the studies on fracturing in the Zagros belt are based on fracture orientation data collected mainly in the field, or alternatively coming from satellite images, and deal with the origin of fracture sets (fold-related or not). Although two of the classical fold-related sets, oriented roughly parallel and perpendicular to fold axis (i.e., NW-SE and NE-SW striking respectively) can be generally recognized everywhere in the belt, other fracture orientation (e.g., N-S and E-W striking) are locally predominant and there is still no consensus on the nature of all fracture sets. For example, the role of the strike-slip reactivation of N-S and E-W striking inherited faults on fracture set distribution is still not clear.
In this study we leverage on high quality Bing Maps satellite images of the Zagros anticlines and on scanlines performed in the field to provide a multiscale investigation of geometry and topology of the fracture network affecting three anticlines, namely Sim, Kuh-e-Asmari, and Kuh-e-Sarbalesh. The three anticlines have similar dimensions and are variably affected by ~N-S striking dextral strike slip tectonic lineaments. In particular, Kuh-e-Asmari and Sim anticlines are located ~10km far from the Izeh and Sabz-Pushan faults respectively, whilst the Kuh-e-Sarbalesh anticline is characterized by an evident drag in map view against the Kazerun fault.
We manually interpreted the fracture network on satellite images at different scales (1:100 to 1:100.000), producing fracture maps with resolution ranging from 10m to 1km. Each fracture map was then analyzed using the NetworkGT plugin in QGIS. In particular, we were able to identify fracture sets, their spatial distribution and, were possible, the topology of the fracture network. In this framework, scanlines performed in the field represent punctual observations at furtherly higher resolution (~1 cm). Following the same procedure for the three anticlines enables us to test the role of N-S faults on fracture set distribution at various scales.
With such a multiscale approach we provide a “big picture” that can help to shed light on the nature and distribution of the various fracture sets in the anticlines of the Zagros belt. Moreover, fracture sets identified at different scales in this study can be used to better interpret previous and future fracture data collected in the field.
How to cite: Mercuri, M., Carminati, E., Aldega, L., and Trippetta, F.: Geometry and topology of fractures and faults affecting anticlines in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt: a multiscale approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7774, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7774, 2021.
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Faults and fractures play a key role in the permeability of the upper crust. Since anticlines represent very common structural traps for fluids, geometrical (i.e., orientation, length distribution) and topological (i.e., cross-cutting and abutting relationships, intensity) characterization of their fracture network is crucial to assess the migration and accumulation of fluids for CO2 sequestration or hydrocarbon exploitation purposes. For this reason, many previous studies focused on anticlines worldwide, and in particular on the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt where they represent the outcropping analogs of oil fields in SW Iran.
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt involve sediments of the pre-collisional Arabian plate passive margin, arranged in folds elongated in a NW-SE direction and tectonic transport toward SW. The belt is dissected by N-S dextral strike slip transfer faults reactivating former rift-related normal faults. Most of the studies on fracturing in the Zagros belt are based on fracture orientation data collected mainly in the field, or alternatively coming from satellite images, and deal with the origin of fracture sets (fold-related or not). Although two of the classical fold-related sets, oriented roughly parallel and perpendicular to fold axis (i.e., NW-SE and NE-SW striking respectively) can be generally recognized everywhere in the belt, other fracture orientation (e.g., N-S and E-W striking) are locally predominant and there is still no consensus on the nature of all fracture sets. For example, the role of the strike-slip reactivation of N-S and E-W striking inherited faults on fracture set distribution is still not clear.
In this study we leverage on high quality Bing Maps satellite images of the Zagros anticlines and on scanlines performed in the field to provide a multiscale investigation of geometry and topology of the fracture network affecting three anticlines, namely Sim, Kuh-e-Asmari, and Kuh-e-Sarbalesh. The three anticlines have similar dimensions and are variably affected by ~N-S striking dextral strike slip tectonic lineaments. In particular, Kuh-e-Asmari and Sim anticlines are located ~10km far from the Izeh and Sabz-Pushan faults respectively, whilst the Kuh-e-Sarbalesh anticline is characterized by an evident drag in map view against the Kazerun fault.
We manually interpreted the fracture network on satellite images at different scales (1:100 to 1:100.000), producing fracture maps with resolution ranging from 10m to 1km. Each fracture map was then analyzed using the NetworkGT plugin in QGIS. In particular, we were able to identify fracture sets, their spatial distribution and, were possible, the topology of the fracture network. In this framework, scanlines performed in the field represent punctual observations at furtherly higher resolution (~1 cm). Following the same procedure for the three anticlines enables us to test the role of N-S faults on fracture set distribution at various scales.
With such a multiscale approach we provide a “big picture” that can help to shed light on the nature and distribution of the various fracture sets in the anticlines of the Zagros belt. Moreover, fracture sets identified at different scales in this study can be used to better interpret previous and future fracture data collected in the field.
How to cite: Mercuri, M., Carminati, E., Aldega, L., and Trippetta, F.: Geometry and topology of fractures and faults affecting anticlines in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt: a multiscale approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7774, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7774, 2021.
EGU21-8415 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Temperature and flow conditions of quartz-sand injections at the base of the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Iberia)Manuel Ignacio de Paz Álvarez, Sergio Llana-Fúnez, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Juan Luis Alonso, and Heather M. Stoll
The Esla Nappe is located in the foreland and thrust belt of the Variscan Orogen (Cantabrian Zone, NW Iberia). It is formed by a near-complete Palaeozoic sedimentary succession. With a displacement of around 19 km, the nappe was emplaced along a thin (<2–3 m) basal shear zone (ENSZ) at a minimum depth of 4 km during the Moscovian (ca. 312 Ma). Fault-rock assemblages record a variety of alternating deformation mechanisms and processes, including cataclastic flow, pressure solution and hydrofracturing and vein precipitation.
Following emplacement, the ENSZ was breached by clastic dykes and sills injected within re-opened previous anisotropies such as bedding planes, thrust surfaces, joints and stylolites. Together, they constitute an interconnected network of quartz sand-rich lithosomes that reach structural heights in excess of 20 m above the ENSZ. The orientation of the dykes suggests that the injection process took place under low differential stress conditions in the hangingwall and near-lithostatic fluid pressure conditions in the footwall. The injected slurry consisted of overpressured pore fluid, quartz-sand grains derived from the footwall and entrained host-rock fragments. The temperature of the fluids estimated from the clumped isotope composition of calcite cements is 71–86 °C, with an average of 80 ± 4 °C. The calcite isotopic composition (δ13C = -0.15, δ18O = -9.53, both VPDB) is well within the typical values of the host Láncara Fm., which suggests that the fluids achieved equilibrium with the host prior to calcite precipitation. Using this calculated temperature and depth estimates for the base of the Esla Nappe, the geothermal gradient during deformation is estimated to be in the order of 16–24 °C/km, a relatively low value.
Flow conditions within the injections have been inferred from properties such as the particle drag coefficient, morphology, diameter and concentration, and the fluid density and viscosity, necessary for the calculation of the terminal fall velocity of the particle array. Thin injections formed of pure quartz, with a thickness <1 cm, are consistent with flow velocities of 0.01–0.35 m/s and a laminar flow (Reynolds number (Re) <800). Thicker pure quartz injections (<10 cm), on the other hand, required faster flow velocities (0.35 m/s) and transitional to turbulent flows (800 < Re < 8000). The thicker injections (≈1 m) that entrained larger host-derived fragments would require transitional to turbulent flows (1200 < Re < 1.2×104) at fast velocities (0.35 m/s).
The estimated geothermal gradient is consistent with the lower estimations for current foreland basins, and very similar to ocean trenches. The velocities and Reynolds numbers derived for the Esla Nappe are larger than usually estimated for deep seated injections without hydraulic connection with the surface, where the vertical pressure gradient driving them is limited. In those cases, laminar flow conditions are usually invoked, but our results suggest that turbulent flow is possible in the thicker injections. Nonetheless, the values are lower than those reported for shallow injections in connection with the surface.
How to cite: de Paz Álvarez, M. I., Llana-Fúnez, S., Bernasconi, S. M., Alonso, J. L., and Stoll, H. M.: Temperature and flow conditions of quartz-sand injections at the base of the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Iberia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8415, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8415, 2021.
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The Esla Nappe is located in the foreland and thrust belt of the Variscan Orogen (Cantabrian Zone, NW Iberia). It is formed by a near-complete Palaeozoic sedimentary succession. With a displacement of around 19 km, the nappe was emplaced along a thin (<2–3 m) basal shear zone (ENSZ) at a minimum depth of 4 km during the Moscovian (ca. 312 Ma). Fault-rock assemblages record a variety of alternating deformation mechanisms and processes, including cataclastic flow, pressure solution and hydrofracturing and vein precipitation.
Following emplacement, the ENSZ was breached by clastic dykes and sills injected within re-opened previous anisotropies such as bedding planes, thrust surfaces, joints and stylolites. Together, they constitute an interconnected network of quartz sand-rich lithosomes that reach structural heights in excess of 20 m above the ENSZ. The orientation of the dykes suggests that the injection process took place under low differential stress conditions in the hangingwall and near-lithostatic fluid pressure conditions in the footwall. The injected slurry consisted of overpressured pore fluid, quartz-sand grains derived from the footwall and entrained host-rock fragments. The temperature of the fluids estimated from the clumped isotope composition of calcite cements is 71–86 °C, with an average of 80 ± 4 °C. The calcite isotopic composition (δ13C = -0.15, δ18O = -9.53, both VPDB) is well within the typical values of the host Láncara Fm., which suggests that the fluids achieved equilibrium with the host prior to calcite precipitation. Using this calculated temperature and depth estimates for the base of the Esla Nappe, the geothermal gradient during deformation is estimated to be in the order of 16–24 °C/km, a relatively low value.
Flow conditions within the injections have been inferred from properties such as the particle drag coefficient, morphology, diameter and concentration, and the fluid density and viscosity, necessary for the calculation of the terminal fall velocity of the particle array. Thin injections formed of pure quartz, with a thickness <1 cm, are consistent with flow velocities of 0.01–0.35 m/s and a laminar flow (Reynolds number (Re) <800). Thicker pure quartz injections (<10 cm), on the other hand, required faster flow velocities (0.35 m/s) and transitional to turbulent flows (800 < Re < 8000). The thicker injections (≈1 m) that entrained larger host-derived fragments would require transitional to turbulent flows (1200 < Re < 1.2×104) at fast velocities (0.35 m/s).
The estimated geothermal gradient is consistent with the lower estimations for current foreland basins, and very similar to ocean trenches. The velocities and Reynolds numbers derived for the Esla Nappe are larger than usually estimated for deep seated injections without hydraulic connection with the surface, where the vertical pressure gradient driving them is limited. In those cases, laminar flow conditions are usually invoked, but our results suggest that turbulent flow is possible in the thicker injections. Nonetheless, the values are lower than those reported for shallow injections in connection with the surface.
How to cite: de Paz Álvarez, M. I., Llana-Fúnez, S., Bernasconi, S. M., Alonso, J. L., and Stoll, H. M.: Temperature and flow conditions of quartz-sand injections at the base of the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Iberia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8415, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8415, 2021.
EGU21-14589 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Strain Analysis of Transfer Faults in Extending Regions: Inferences from Micropolar TheoryBülent Tokay and Erdin Bozkurt
Transfer faults are generally identified as transversely oriented discrete faults linking normal fault segments in extensional tectonic settings. The presence of the transfer faults in fault networks provides displacement transfer between the normal faults. The role and tectonic significance of transfer faults in overall extensional deformation of the upper crust is however not known very well. Micropolar theory extended by J-2 plasticity facilitates evaluation of a deforming medium in which cataclastic flow takes place with respect to each component of deformation. In this study, a series of experiments based on the Micropolar theory are performed, using fault-slip patterns, to better understand interplay among dip angle of normal and transfer faults connecting to each other, angle of linkage, and extensional direction. Synthetic linkage cases are created systematically considering various orientation of both faults sharing common stretching direction.
Our findings reveal that in orthogonal and oblique linkage cases, 3D strain field is mostly observed; a few cases exhibit plane strain. All cases are subjected to simple shearing. In cases of orthogonal linkage, extensional direction is predominantly oblique to the strike of the normal faults. Many of these cases have no block rotation (microrotation) independent from macrorotation. No particular relationship between changing dip amount of faults and direction of extension is observed. In cases of oblique linkage, (sub)orthogonal direction of extension appear in nearly half of experiments, especially those including normal faults dipping less than 60˚. The frequency of non-zero microrotation is seen apparently more than that in orthogonal linkage cases.
The study represents that structural togetherness of the transfer and normal faults essentially can accommodate complete micropolar strain in a region. This further suggests that not only the normal faults but the transfer faults should also be considered as major primary structural elements in extending domains.
How to cite: Tokay, B. and Bozkurt, E.: Strain Analysis of Transfer Faults in Extending Regions: Inferences from Micropolar Theory, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14589, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14589, 2021.
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Transfer faults are generally identified as transversely oriented discrete faults linking normal fault segments in extensional tectonic settings. The presence of the transfer faults in fault networks provides displacement transfer between the normal faults. The role and tectonic significance of transfer faults in overall extensional deformation of the upper crust is however not known very well. Micropolar theory extended by J-2 plasticity facilitates evaluation of a deforming medium in which cataclastic flow takes place with respect to each component of deformation. In this study, a series of experiments based on the Micropolar theory are performed, using fault-slip patterns, to better understand interplay among dip angle of normal and transfer faults connecting to each other, angle of linkage, and extensional direction. Synthetic linkage cases are created systematically considering various orientation of both faults sharing common stretching direction.
Our findings reveal that in orthogonal and oblique linkage cases, 3D strain field is mostly observed; a few cases exhibit plane strain. All cases are subjected to simple shearing. In cases of orthogonal linkage, extensional direction is predominantly oblique to the strike of the normal faults. Many of these cases have no block rotation (microrotation) independent from macrorotation. No particular relationship between changing dip amount of faults and direction of extension is observed. In cases of oblique linkage, (sub)orthogonal direction of extension appear in nearly half of experiments, especially those including normal faults dipping less than 60˚. The frequency of non-zero microrotation is seen apparently more than that in orthogonal linkage cases.
The study represents that structural togetherness of the transfer and normal faults essentially can accommodate complete micropolar strain in a region. This further suggests that not only the normal faults but the transfer faults should also be considered as major primary structural elements in extending domains.
How to cite: Tokay, B. and Bozkurt, E.: Strain Analysis of Transfer Faults in Extending Regions: Inferences from Micropolar Theory, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14589, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14589, 2021.
EGU21-14503 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Hydrofractures and crustal-scale fluid flowPaul D. Bons, Tamara de Riese, Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Isaac Naaman, and Till Sachau
Fluids can circulate in all levels of the crust, as veins, ore deposits and chemical alterations and isotopic shifts indicate. It is furthermore generally accepted that faults and fractures play a central role as preferred fluid conduits. Fluid flow is, however, not only passively reacting to the presence of faults and fractures, but actively play a role in their creation, (re-) activation and sealing by mineral precipitates. This means that the interaction between fluid flow and fracturing is a two-way process, which is further controlled by tectonic activity (stress field), fluid sources and fluxes, as well as the availability of alternative fluid conduits, such as matrix porosity. Here we explore the interaction between matrix permeability and dynamic fracturing on the spatial and temporal distribution of fluid flow for upward fluid fluxes. Envisaged fluid sources can be dehydration reactions, release of igneous fluids, or release of fluids due to decompression or heating.
Our 2D numerical cellular automaton-type simulations span the whole range from steady matrix-flow to highly dynamical flow through hydrofractures. Hydrofractures are initiated when matrix flow is insufficient to maintain fluid pressures below the failure threshold. When required fluid fluxes are high and/or matrix porosity low, flow is dominated by hydrofractures and the system exhibits self-organised critical phenomena. The size of fractures achieves a power-law distribution, as failure events may sometimes trigger avalanche-like amalgamation of hydrofractures. By far most hydrofracture events only lead to local fluid flow pulses within the source area. Conductive fracture networks do not develop if hydrofractures seal relatively quickly, which can be expected in deeper crustal levels. Only the larger events span the whole system and actually drain fluid from the system. We present the 10 square km hydrothermal Hidden Valley Mega-Breccia on the Paralana Fault System in South Australia as a possible example of large-scale fluid expulsion events. Although field evidence suggests that the breccia formed over a period of at least 150 Myrs, actual cumulative fluid duration may rather have been in the order of days only. This example illustrates the extreme dynamics that crustal-scale fluid flow in hydrofractures can achieve.
How to cite: Bons, P. D., de Riese, T., Gomez-Rivas, E., Naaman, I., and Sachau, T.: Hydrofractures and crustal-scale fluid flow, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14503, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14503, 2021.
Fluids can circulate in all levels of the crust, as veins, ore deposits and chemical alterations and isotopic shifts indicate. It is furthermore generally accepted that faults and fractures play a central role as preferred fluid conduits. Fluid flow is, however, not only passively reacting to the presence of faults and fractures, but actively play a role in their creation, (re-) activation and sealing by mineral precipitates. This means that the interaction between fluid flow and fracturing is a two-way process, which is further controlled by tectonic activity (stress field), fluid sources and fluxes, as well as the availability of alternative fluid conduits, such as matrix porosity. Here we explore the interaction between matrix permeability and dynamic fracturing on the spatial and temporal distribution of fluid flow for upward fluid fluxes. Envisaged fluid sources can be dehydration reactions, release of igneous fluids, or release of fluids due to decompression or heating.
Our 2D numerical cellular automaton-type simulations span the whole range from steady matrix-flow to highly dynamical flow through hydrofractures. Hydrofractures are initiated when matrix flow is insufficient to maintain fluid pressures below the failure threshold. When required fluid fluxes are high and/or matrix porosity low, flow is dominated by hydrofractures and the system exhibits self-organised critical phenomena. The size of fractures achieves a power-law distribution, as failure events may sometimes trigger avalanche-like amalgamation of hydrofractures. By far most hydrofracture events only lead to local fluid flow pulses within the source area. Conductive fracture networks do not develop if hydrofractures seal relatively quickly, which can be expected in deeper crustal levels. Only the larger events span the whole system and actually drain fluid from the system. We present the 10 square km hydrothermal Hidden Valley Mega-Breccia on the Paralana Fault System in South Australia as a possible example of large-scale fluid expulsion events. Although field evidence suggests that the breccia formed over a period of at least 150 Myrs, actual cumulative fluid duration may rather have been in the order of days only. This example illustrates the extreme dynamics that crustal-scale fluid flow in hydrofractures can achieve.
How to cite: Bons, P. D., de Riese, T., Gomez-Rivas, E., Naaman, I., and Sachau, T.: Hydrofractures and crustal-scale fluid flow, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14503, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14503, 2021.
EGU21-16293 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Fluid mixing and mineralization along faults – the role of stable and traveling reactive zonesDaniel Koehn, Gary Mullen, Adrian Boyce, Kelka Ulrich, and Renaud Toussaint
Fluid mixing is one of the important ore-forming processes for hydrothermal mineralization. A common hypothesis envisages hot metal-bearing fluids entering rocks that contain brines derived from paleo-seawater. Upwelling of pressurized hydrothermal fluids may occur along permeable faults or fracture systems along fluid pressure gradients. When the upwelling- and pore fluids mix, the conditions for ore-precipitation are met for instance by varying pH, temperature, or redox-conditions. This would be reflected best by changes in the saturation states of the respective mineral phases.
However, how does this process work in detail? How are the two fluids moving, where are they are meeting, how are they mixing and what minerals are precipitating? In order to study such a system, we link a transport model in the software ELLE with the IPHREEQC library of the USGS. We investigate the case of two fluids, a pore fluid representing paleo-seawater and a hot metal-rich fluid that enters the system at high fluid overpressure. As an initial condition, the pore fluid is equilibrated with different mineral phases reflecting different lithologies with varying permeabilities. Temperature as well as multi-components in the system are advecting along pressure gradients as a function of the local Darcy velocity that is calculated as the influx of a compressible fluid initially entering the system and subsequently leading to a flux through the system. In addition, the different species are diffusing as a function of the timescales set by the pressure diffusion into the system. IPHREEQC then calculates the fluid properties and mineral saturation states for every node in the system.
We show that a reactive wave develops between the two fluids, pore matrix, and infiltrating fluid. The incoming fluid pushes the pore fluid out of the system and the mixing process is mainly governed by diffusion. Depending on the time scales involved, minerals will preferably precipitate between the fluids in relatively “quiet” domains where the reactive zones prevail for an extended time. An example are fault walls where the reactive zone is stable for a longer time, whereas it is moving relatively fast along the faults. We discuss the implications of our observations with respect to low temperature ore deposits, present a first model of reactive domain development in a two-fluid system, and compare the results obtained by utilizing different thermodynamic databases.
How to cite: Koehn, D., Mullen, G., Boyce, A., Ulrich, K., and Toussaint, R.: Fluid mixing and mineralization along faults – the role of stable and traveling reactive zones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16293, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16293, 2021.
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Fluid mixing is one of the important ore-forming processes for hydrothermal mineralization. A common hypothesis envisages hot metal-bearing fluids entering rocks that contain brines derived from paleo-seawater. Upwelling of pressurized hydrothermal fluids may occur along permeable faults or fracture systems along fluid pressure gradients. When the upwelling- and pore fluids mix, the conditions for ore-precipitation are met for instance by varying pH, temperature, or redox-conditions. This would be reflected best by changes in the saturation states of the respective mineral phases.
However, how does this process work in detail? How are the two fluids moving, where are they are meeting, how are they mixing and what minerals are precipitating? In order to study such a system, we link a transport model in the software ELLE with the IPHREEQC library of the USGS. We investigate the case of two fluids, a pore fluid representing paleo-seawater and a hot metal-rich fluid that enters the system at high fluid overpressure. As an initial condition, the pore fluid is equilibrated with different mineral phases reflecting different lithologies with varying permeabilities. Temperature as well as multi-components in the system are advecting along pressure gradients as a function of the local Darcy velocity that is calculated as the influx of a compressible fluid initially entering the system and subsequently leading to a flux through the system. In addition, the different species are diffusing as a function of the timescales set by the pressure diffusion into the system. IPHREEQC then calculates the fluid properties and mineral saturation states for every node in the system.
We show that a reactive wave develops between the two fluids, pore matrix, and infiltrating fluid. The incoming fluid pushes the pore fluid out of the system and the mixing process is mainly governed by diffusion. Depending on the time scales involved, minerals will preferably precipitate between the fluids in relatively “quiet” domains where the reactive zones prevail for an extended time. An example are fault walls where the reactive zone is stable for a longer time, whereas it is moving relatively fast along the faults. We discuss the implications of our observations with respect to low temperature ore deposits, present a first model of reactive domain development in a two-fluid system, and compare the results obtained by utilizing different thermodynamic databases.
How to cite: Koehn, D., Mullen, G., Boyce, A., Ulrich, K., and Toussaint, R.: Fluid mixing and mineralization along faults – the role of stable and traveling reactive zones, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16293, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16293, 2021.
EGU21-12238 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Partitioned Permeability Diagram: an innovative way to estimate Fault Zones hydraulics.Irène Aubert, Juliette Lamarche, and Philippe Leonide
Understanding the impact of fault zones on reservoir trap properties is a major challenge for a variety of geological ressources applications. Fault zones in cohesive rocks are complex structures, composed of 3 components: rock matrix, damage zone fractures and fault core rock. Despite the diversity of existing methods to estimate fault zone permeability/drain properties, up to date none of them integrate simultaneously the 3 components of fracture, fault core and matrix permeability, neither their evolution with time. We present a ternary plot that characterizes the fault zones permeability as well as their drainage properties. The ternary plot aims at (i) characterizing the fault zone permeability between the three vertices of matrix, fractures and fault core permeability ; and at (ii) defining the drain properties among 4 possible hydraulic system: (I) good horizontal and vertical, fault-perpendicular and -parallel; (II) moderate parallel fluid pathway; (III) good parallel fault-core and (IV) good parallel fractures. The ternary plot method is valid for 3 and 2 components fault zones. The application to the Castellas Fault case study show the simplicity and efficiency of the plot for studying underground and/or fossil, simple or polyphase faults in reservoirs with complete or limited permeability data.
How to cite: Aubert, I., Lamarche, J., and Leonide, P.: Partitioned Permeability Diagram: an innovative way to estimate Fault Zones hydraulics., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12238, 2021.
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Understanding the impact of fault zones on reservoir trap properties is a major challenge for a variety of geological ressources applications. Fault zones in cohesive rocks are complex structures, composed of 3 components: rock matrix, damage zone fractures and fault core rock. Despite the diversity of existing methods to estimate fault zone permeability/drain properties, up to date none of them integrate simultaneously the 3 components of fracture, fault core and matrix permeability, neither their evolution with time. We present a ternary plot that characterizes the fault zones permeability as well as their drainage properties. The ternary plot aims at (i) characterizing the fault zone permeability between the three vertices of matrix, fractures and fault core permeability ; and at (ii) defining the drain properties among 4 possible hydraulic system: (I) good horizontal and vertical, fault-perpendicular and -parallel; (II) moderate parallel fluid pathway; (III) good parallel fault-core and (IV) good parallel fractures. The ternary plot method is valid for 3 and 2 components fault zones. The application to the Castellas Fault case study show the simplicity and efficiency of the plot for studying underground and/or fossil, simple or polyphase faults in reservoirs with complete or limited permeability data.
How to cite: Aubert, I., Lamarche, J., and Leonide, P.: Partitioned Permeability Diagram: an innovative way to estimate Fault Zones hydraulics., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12238, 2021.
EGU21-561 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Long-term orogenic-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe – Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines, Italy) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite-vein networksNicolas Beaudoin, Aurélie Labeur, Olivier Lacombe, Daniel Koehn, Andrea Billi, Guilhem Hoareau, Adrian Boyce, Cédric John, Marta Marchegiano, Nick Roberts, Ian Millar, Fanny Claverie, Christophe Pecheyran, and Jean-Paul Callot
Faults, joints and stylolites are ubiquitous features in fold-and-thrust belts commonly used to reconstruct the past fluid flow (or plumbing system) at the scale of folded reservoir/basins. Through the textural and geochemical study of the minerals that fills the fractures, it is possible to understand the history of fluid flow in an orogen, requiring a good knowledge of the burial history and/or of the past thermal gradient. In most of the case, the latter derives from the former, itself often argued over, limiting the interpretations of past fluid temperatures. We present the results of a multi-proxy study that combines novel development in both structural analysis of a fracture-stylolite network and isotopic characterization of calcite vein cements/fault coating. Together with new paleopiezometric and radiometric constraints on burial evolution and deformation timing, these results provide a first-order picture of the regional fluid systems and pathways that were present during the main stages of contraction in the Tuscan Nappe and Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge (Northern Apennines). We reconstruct four steps of deformation at the scale of the belt: burial-related stylolitization, Apenninic-related layer-parallel shortening with a contraction trending NE-SW, local extension related to folding and late stage fold tightening under a contraction still striking NE-SW. We combine the paleopiezometric inversion of the roughness of sedimentary stylolites - that provides a temperature-free constraint on the range of burial depth of strata prior to layer-parallel shortening -, with burial models and U-Pb absolute dating of fault coatings in order to determine the timing of development of mesostructures. In the western part of the ridge, layer-parallel shortening started in Langhian time (~15 Ma), then folding started at Tortonian time (~8 Ma), late stage fold tightening started by the early Pliocene (~5 Ma) and likely lasted until recent/modern extension occurred (~3 Ma onward). The textural and geochemical (δ18O, δ13C, ∆47CO2 and 87Sr/86Sr) study of calcite vein cements and fault coatings reveals that most of the fluids involved in the belt during deformation are basinal brines evolved from various degree of fluid rock interactions between pristine marine fluids (δ18Ofluids = 0‰ SMOW) and surrounding limestones (δ18Ofluids = 10‰ SMOW). The precipitation temperatures (35°C to 75°C) appear consistent with the burial history unraveled by sedimentary stylolite roughness paleopiezometry (600 m to 1500m in the range) and geothermal gradient (23°C/km). However, the western edge of the ridge recorded isotopically depleted past fluids of which corresponding precipitation temperature (100°C to 130°C) are inconsistent with local burial history (1500m). We interpret then pulses of eastward migration of hydrothermal fluids (>140°C), driven by the tectonic contraction and by the difference in structural style of the subsurface between the eastern Tuscan Nappe and the Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge. Allowed by an unprecedented combination of paleopiezometry and isotopic geochemistry, this fluid flow model illustrates how the larger scale structures control the fluid system at the scale of the range.
How to cite: Beaudoin, N., Labeur, A., Lacombe, O., Koehn, D., Billi, A., Hoareau, G., Boyce, A., John, C., Marchegiano, M., Roberts, N., Millar, I., Claverie, F., Pecheyran, C., and Callot, J.-P.: Long-term orogenic-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe – Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines, Italy) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite-vein networks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-561, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-561, 2021.
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Faults, joints and stylolites are ubiquitous features in fold-and-thrust belts commonly used to reconstruct the past fluid flow (or plumbing system) at the scale of folded reservoir/basins. Through the textural and geochemical study of the minerals that fills the fractures, it is possible to understand the history of fluid flow in an orogen, requiring a good knowledge of the burial history and/or of the past thermal gradient. In most of the case, the latter derives from the former, itself often argued over, limiting the interpretations of past fluid temperatures. We present the results of a multi-proxy study that combines novel development in both structural analysis of a fracture-stylolite network and isotopic characterization of calcite vein cements/fault coating. Together with new paleopiezometric and radiometric constraints on burial evolution and deformation timing, these results provide a first-order picture of the regional fluid systems and pathways that were present during the main stages of contraction in the Tuscan Nappe and Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge (Northern Apennines). We reconstruct four steps of deformation at the scale of the belt: burial-related stylolitization, Apenninic-related layer-parallel shortening with a contraction trending NE-SW, local extension related to folding and late stage fold tightening under a contraction still striking NE-SW. We combine the paleopiezometric inversion of the roughness of sedimentary stylolites - that provides a temperature-free constraint on the range of burial depth of strata prior to layer-parallel shortening -, with burial models and U-Pb absolute dating of fault coatings in order to determine the timing of development of mesostructures. In the western part of the ridge, layer-parallel shortening started in Langhian time (~15 Ma), then folding started at Tortonian time (~8 Ma), late stage fold tightening started by the early Pliocene (~5 Ma) and likely lasted until recent/modern extension occurred (~3 Ma onward). The textural and geochemical (δ18O, δ13C, ∆47CO2 and 87Sr/86Sr) study of calcite vein cements and fault coatings reveals that most of the fluids involved in the belt during deformation are basinal brines evolved from various degree of fluid rock interactions between pristine marine fluids (δ18Ofluids = 0‰ SMOW) and surrounding limestones (δ18Ofluids = 10‰ SMOW). The precipitation temperatures (35°C to 75°C) appear consistent with the burial history unraveled by sedimentary stylolite roughness paleopiezometry (600 m to 1500m in the range) and geothermal gradient (23°C/km). However, the western edge of the ridge recorded isotopically depleted past fluids of which corresponding precipitation temperature (100°C to 130°C) are inconsistent with local burial history (1500m). We interpret then pulses of eastward migration of hydrothermal fluids (>140°C), driven by the tectonic contraction and by the difference in structural style of the subsurface between the eastern Tuscan Nappe and the Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge. Allowed by an unprecedented combination of paleopiezometry and isotopic geochemistry, this fluid flow model illustrates how the larger scale structures control the fluid system at the scale of the range.
How to cite: Beaudoin, N., Labeur, A., Lacombe, O., Koehn, D., Billi, A., Hoareau, G., Boyce, A., John, C., Marchegiano, M., Roberts, N., Millar, I., Claverie, F., Pecheyran, C., and Callot, J.-P.: Long-term orogenic-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe – Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines, Italy) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite-vein networks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-561, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-561, 2021.
EGU21-10204 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Pre- to syn-folding closed paleofluid system conditions and their opening in late- to post-folding structural evolution: the case of Urgonian platform carbonates folded in the Parmelan anticline, Bornes Massif, external Western AlpsLuigi Berio, Silvia Mittempergher, Fabrizio Storti, Fabrizio Balsamo, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Anna Cipriani, Federico Lugli, and Andrea Bistacchi
Fluid systems in fold-thrust belts typically evolve from hydrologically closed to open, as a consequence of the incremental development of brittle deformation. The spatial distribution of fold-related fractures depends, among other factors, on the kinematics of folding and on the presence of inherited pre-folding structures. An improved understanding of the impact of the incremental evolution of deformation patterns on fluid migration and accumulation is crucial for industrial purposes. Here, we discuss the evolution of the fluid-rock system of the Parmelan anticline, in the Dauphinois units of the northern Subalpine Chains (Bornes Massif). We combined a detailed structural analysis in the Lower Cretaceous units (e.g. Urgonian Limestones) with the study of syn-tectonic calcite cements, by coupling stable and clumped isotope analysis with trace and major element geochemistry, radiogenic Sr isotopic data, and fluid inclusion microthermometry. The older calcite cements associated with the pre-folding structural assemblages precipitated from an 18O-enriched fluid at temperatures between 90 and 115 °C. This first fluid type was thermally equilibrated with the host rock under maximum burial conditions in the Alpine Foreland and its isotopic composition has been interpreted to reflect a high degree of fluid-rock interaction in a closed system. Trace and major elements and Sr isotopes support a mixed meteoric-marine origin of this fluid, possibly trapped during subaerial platform exposure in the forebulge and then mixed with Eocene seawater. Closed system and rock-buffered conditions persisted during incipient folding whereas, during late folding, longitudinal (i.e. axial parallel) deformation structures allowed fluid circulation in an open system. Open system conditions initially occurred only in crest-limb transitional domains characterized by an higher deformation intensity. By contrast, during post-folding transpression, the formation of a persistent vein set oblique to fold axis allowed external fluids to migrate in the anticline crest. Younger calcite cements precipitated from moderately warm (55-66 °C) 18O-depleted meteoric fluids during the late- to post-folding stages. Our compositional and Sr isotopic data exclude any contribution from basement-derived ascending fluids and rule out a possible downward circulation of these meteoric fluids at basement depths. Our results indicate that, in regional anticlines of shallow crustal sectors in foreland fold-thrust belts, a significant amount of secondary porosity can be produced in the pre-folding stages when the hydromechanical stratigraphy likely preserves closed conditions and regional stratigraphic seals can prevent upward fluid migration during the entire tectonic evolution.
How to cite: Berio, L., Mittempergher, S., Storti, F., Balsamo, F., Bernasconi, S. M., Cipriani, A., Lugli, F., and Bistacchi, A.: Pre- to syn-folding closed paleofluid system conditions and their opening in late- to post-folding structural evolution: the case of Urgonian platform carbonates folded in the Parmelan anticline, Bornes Massif, external Western Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10204, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10204, 2021.
Fluid systems in fold-thrust belts typically evolve from hydrologically closed to open, as a consequence of the incremental development of brittle deformation. The spatial distribution of fold-related fractures depends, among other factors, on the kinematics of folding and on the presence of inherited pre-folding structures. An improved understanding of the impact of the incremental evolution of deformation patterns on fluid migration and accumulation is crucial for industrial purposes. Here, we discuss the evolution of the fluid-rock system of the Parmelan anticline, in the Dauphinois units of the northern Subalpine Chains (Bornes Massif). We combined a detailed structural analysis in the Lower Cretaceous units (e.g. Urgonian Limestones) with the study of syn-tectonic calcite cements, by coupling stable and clumped isotope analysis with trace and major element geochemistry, radiogenic Sr isotopic data, and fluid inclusion microthermometry. The older calcite cements associated with the pre-folding structural assemblages precipitated from an 18O-enriched fluid at temperatures between 90 and 115 °C. This first fluid type was thermally equilibrated with the host rock under maximum burial conditions in the Alpine Foreland and its isotopic composition has been interpreted to reflect a high degree of fluid-rock interaction in a closed system. Trace and major elements and Sr isotopes support a mixed meteoric-marine origin of this fluid, possibly trapped during subaerial platform exposure in the forebulge and then mixed with Eocene seawater. Closed system and rock-buffered conditions persisted during incipient folding whereas, during late folding, longitudinal (i.e. axial parallel) deformation structures allowed fluid circulation in an open system. Open system conditions initially occurred only in crest-limb transitional domains characterized by an higher deformation intensity. By contrast, during post-folding transpression, the formation of a persistent vein set oblique to fold axis allowed external fluids to migrate in the anticline crest. Younger calcite cements precipitated from moderately warm (55-66 °C) 18O-depleted meteoric fluids during the late- to post-folding stages. Our compositional and Sr isotopic data exclude any contribution from basement-derived ascending fluids and rule out a possible downward circulation of these meteoric fluids at basement depths. Our results indicate that, in regional anticlines of shallow crustal sectors in foreland fold-thrust belts, a significant amount of secondary porosity can be produced in the pre-folding stages when the hydromechanical stratigraphy likely preserves closed conditions and regional stratigraphic seals can prevent upward fluid migration during the entire tectonic evolution.
How to cite: Berio, L., Mittempergher, S., Storti, F., Balsamo, F., Bernasconi, S. M., Cipriani, A., Lugli, F., and Bistacchi, A.: Pre- to syn-folding closed paleofluid system conditions and their opening in late- to post-folding structural evolution: the case of Urgonian platform carbonates folded in the Parmelan anticline, Bornes Massif, external Western Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10204, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10204, 2021.
EGU21-7335 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Carbon-oxygen isotope analysis of fault rocks in carbonates from different orogenic cycles in the Cantabrian Zone (N Spain): similarities and differencesSergio Llana-Funez, Manuel Ignacio de Paz-Álvarez, Marco Antonio Lopez-Sanchez, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Juan Luis Alonso, Edgar Berrezueta, Ana Méndez, and Heather Stoll
The isotopic carbon and oxygen isotope composition of carbonates (δ13C and δ18O), determined by temperature and the relative abundances of stable isotopes of both elements in water at the time the carbonate is precipitated, can be modified subsequently during geological processes that involve the recrystallization of carbonate. Temperature changes mostly affect δ18O, while additional sources of carbon have a greater impact on δ13C. Amongst the various processes that may alter the original isotopic signature of carbonate rocks are deformation processes, which can lead the dissolution and reprecipitation of carbonates during deformation, or the involvement of fluids of various origin during younger tectonic events.
Here, we present the results of isotope analysis in fault rocks from two distinct faults in the Cantabrian Zone (CZ) in northern Spain. It represents the foreland fold and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen in Iberia and is characterized by numerous and large thrust sheets that were emplaced during the Carboniferous. Subsequent rifting episodes in the Mesozoic and more recently Alpine North-South convergence produced the overprinting of some of the earlier Variscan structures. In all cases, brittle processes produced often similar-looking rocks as the fracturing occurred under upper crustal conditions, relatively close to the surface. Fluids involved during deformation on both cycles are likely to differ, so to evaluate alternative tools to distinguish the different cycles of fracturing in carbonates, a stable isotope analysis on carbon and oxygen was undertaken in two well-known structures in the region: the Somiedo nappe and the Ventaniella fault.
The Somiedo nappe is one of the largest thrust sheets in the Cantabrian Zone, with an estimated offset close to 20 km. The base of the thrust sheet is characterized by well-developed cataclasites and ultracataclasites that formed on Cambrian fine-grained dolostones. It has relatively minor vein activity associated, although the dolostones have been partially recrystallized. The Ventaniella fault is a dextral strike-slip structure cutting obliquely the Cantabrian Mountains. It runs for tens of kilometres inland and has an estimated offset of approximately 5 km. The fault zone in the studied area is characterized by the fracturing and dextral offset of Carboniferous micritic limestones and, more importantly, a relatively strong vein activity that formed a distributed network of calcite veins.
Cataclasite matrix and fragments, and associated veins were sampled for isotope analysis in the two fault zones. In both cases, the matrix has a signature which is intermediate between the undeformed rock and that of the veins. The fragments have a signature which is indistinguishable from the matrix, suggesting the reworking of the fault rock. The veins have a distinct pattern in both faults, but different from each other. Those related to the Ventaniella fault are mostly hydrothermal, with limited range in δ18O and δ13C, while the veins from the base of the Somiedo nappe have a larger range of δ13C, but limited δ18O variation.
How to cite: Llana-Funez, S., de Paz-Álvarez, M. I., Lopez-Sanchez, M. A., Bernasconi, S. M., Alonso, J. L., Berrezueta, E., Méndez, A., and Stoll, H.: Carbon-oxygen isotope analysis of fault rocks in carbonates from different orogenic cycles in the Cantabrian Zone (N Spain): similarities and differences, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7335, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7335, 2021.
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The isotopic carbon and oxygen isotope composition of carbonates (δ13C and δ18O), determined by temperature and the relative abundances of stable isotopes of both elements in water at the time the carbonate is precipitated, can be modified subsequently during geological processes that involve the recrystallization of carbonate. Temperature changes mostly affect δ18O, while additional sources of carbon have a greater impact on δ13C. Amongst the various processes that may alter the original isotopic signature of carbonate rocks are deformation processes, which can lead the dissolution and reprecipitation of carbonates during deformation, or the involvement of fluids of various origin during younger tectonic events.
Here, we present the results of isotope analysis in fault rocks from two distinct faults in the Cantabrian Zone (CZ) in northern Spain. It represents the foreland fold and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen in Iberia and is characterized by numerous and large thrust sheets that were emplaced during the Carboniferous. Subsequent rifting episodes in the Mesozoic and more recently Alpine North-South convergence produced the overprinting of some of the earlier Variscan structures. In all cases, brittle processes produced often similar-looking rocks as the fracturing occurred under upper crustal conditions, relatively close to the surface. Fluids involved during deformation on both cycles are likely to differ, so to evaluate alternative tools to distinguish the different cycles of fracturing in carbonates, a stable isotope analysis on carbon and oxygen was undertaken in two well-known structures in the region: the Somiedo nappe and the Ventaniella fault.
The Somiedo nappe is one of the largest thrust sheets in the Cantabrian Zone, with an estimated offset close to 20 km. The base of the thrust sheet is characterized by well-developed cataclasites and ultracataclasites that formed on Cambrian fine-grained dolostones. It has relatively minor vein activity associated, although the dolostones have been partially recrystallized. The Ventaniella fault is a dextral strike-slip structure cutting obliquely the Cantabrian Mountains. It runs for tens of kilometres inland and has an estimated offset of approximately 5 km. The fault zone in the studied area is characterized by the fracturing and dextral offset of Carboniferous micritic limestones and, more importantly, a relatively strong vein activity that formed a distributed network of calcite veins.
Cataclasite matrix and fragments, and associated veins were sampled for isotope analysis in the two fault zones. In both cases, the matrix has a signature which is intermediate between the undeformed rock and that of the veins. The fragments have a signature which is indistinguishable from the matrix, suggesting the reworking of the fault rock. The veins have a distinct pattern in both faults, but different from each other. Those related to the Ventaniella fault are mostly hydrothermal, with limited range in δ18O and δ13C, while the veins from the base of the Somiedo nappe have a larger range of δ13C, but limited δ18O variation.
How to cite: Llana-Funez, S., de Paz-Álvarez, M. I., Lopez-Sanchez, M. A., Bernasconi, S. M., Alonso, J. L., Berrezueta, E., Méndez, A., and Stoll, H.: Carbon-oxygen isotope analysis of fault rocks in carbonates from different orogenic cycles in the Cantabrian Zone (N Spain): similarities and differences, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7335, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7335, 2021.
EGU21-7400 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Relationships between intraplate deformations and the cementation of Jurassic carbonates in the eastern Paris Basin revealed by calcite U-Pb geochronology and ∆47 thermometryThomas Blaise, Benjamin Brigaud, Cédric Carpentier, and Xavier Mangenot
In the eastern Paris Basin, the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) and Bathonian to Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) carbonate platforms have been intensively cemented, despite a relatively low burial history (< 1000 m). These limestones units are separated by a 150 m thick succession of Callovian-Oxfordian tight clay-rich rocks that are currently investigated by the French national radioactive waste management agency (Andra).
Most of the initial porosity in the Middle and Upper Jurassic limestones is now cemented by successive stages of calcite, which were thoroughly characterized both petrographically and geochemically over the last fifteen years (Buschaert et al., 2004; Vincent et al., 2007; Brigaud et al., 2009; André et al., 2010; Carpentier et al., 2014). However, despite such research efforts, the timing and temperature of the fluids involved in the cementation of these carbonate rocks are still debated.
Here, we complement these efforts by coupling ∆47 temperatures and U-Pb ages on calcite cement filling tectonic microfractures, as well as the intergranular pore space and vugs.
Our findings indicates that the Middle Jurassic limestones were largely cemented during the Late Jurassic / Early Cretaceous period, with new LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages (Brigaud et al., 2020) in agreement with previously published Isotope Dilution-TIMS U-Pb age of 147.8 ± 3.8 Ma (Pisapia et al., 2017). This event is believed to be associated to the Bay of Biscay rifting. A second and more discrete crystallization event occurred during the Late Eocene / Oligocene period, related to the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS).
The Upper Jurassic limestones were by contrast affected by a broader range of successive deformation events spanning the Late Mesozoic / Cenozoic period. New LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages acquired in ca. 200 µm-thick fractures show that calcite crystallized during three successive periods corresponding respectively to the Pyrenean compression, the ECRIS extension and the Alpine compression.
Our study highlights tectonic stress propagation across hundreds of kilometers, from the rifting or collisional areas toward the cementation area of carbonate rocks. Thanks to the direct radiometric dating and clumped isotope thermometry of calcite cements in microfractures, a refined paragenetic sequence is proposed with emphasis on the genetic link between large-scale deformation and calcite precipitation.
References :
Buschaert et al., 2004. Applied Geochemistry 19, 1201 – 1215. Vincent et al., 2007. Sedimentary Geology 197, 267 – 289. Brigaud et al., 2009. Sedimentary Geology 222, 161 – 180. André et al., 2010. Tectonophysics 490, 214 – 228. Carpentier et al., 2014. Marine and Petroleum Geology 53, 44 – 70. Pisapia et al., 2017. Journal of the Geological Society of London 175, 60 – 70. Brigaud et al., 2020. Geology 48, 851 – 856.
How to cite: Blaise, T., Brigaud, B., Carpentier, C., and Mangenot, X.: Relationships between intraplate deformations and the cementation of Jurassic carbonates in the eastern Paris Basin revealed by calcite U-Pb geochronology and ∆47 thermometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7400, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7400, 2021.
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In the eastern Paris Basin, the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) and Bathonian to Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) carbonate platforms have been intensively cemented, despite a relatively low burial history (< 1000 m). These limestones units are separated by a 150 m thick succession of Callovian-Oxfordian tight clay-rich rocks that are currently investigated by the French national radioactive waste management agency (Andra).
Most of the initial porosity in the Middle and Upper Jurassic limestones is now cemented by successive stages of calcite, which were thoroughly characterized both petrographically and geochemically over the last fifteen years (Buschaert et al., 2004; Vincent et al., 2007; Brigaud et al., 2009; André et al., 2010; Carpentier et al., 2014). However, despite such research efforts, the timing and temperature of the fluids involved in the cementation of these carbonate rocks are still debated.
Here, we complement these efforts by coupling ∆47 temperatures and U-Pb ages on calcite cement filling tectonic microfractures, as well as the intergranular pore space and vugs.
Our findings indicates that the Middle Jurassic limestones were largely cemented during the Late Jurassic / Early Cretaceous period, with new LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages (Brigaud et al., 2020) in agreement with previously published Isotope Dilution-TIMS U-Pb age of 147.8 ± 3.8 Ma (Pisapia et al., 2017). This event is believed to be associated to the Bay of Biscay rifting. A second and more discrete crystallization event occurred during the Late Eocene / Oligocene period, related to the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS).
The Upper Jurassic limestones were by contrast affected by a broader range of successive deformation events spanning the Late Mesozoic / Cenozoic period. New LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages acquired in ca. 200 µm-thick fractures show that calcite crystallized during three successive periods corresponding respectively to the Pyrenean compression, the ECRIS extension and the Alpine compression.
Our study highlights tectonic stress propagation across hundreds of kilometers, from the rifting or collisional areas toward the cementation area of carbonate rocks. Thanks to the direct radiometric dating and clumped isotope thermometry of calcite cements in microfractures, a refined paragenetic sequence is proposed with emphasis on the genetic link between large-scale deformation and calcite precipitation.
References :
Buschaert et al., 2004. Applied Geochemistry 19, 1201 – 1215. Vincent et al., 2007. Sedimentary Geology 197, 267 – 289. Brigaud et al., 2009. Sedimentary Geology 222, 161 – 180. André et al., 2010. Tectonophysics 490, 214 – 228. Carpentier et al., 2014. Marine and Petroleum Geology 53, 44 – 70. Pisapia et al., 2017. Journal of the Geological Society of London 175, 60 – 70. Brigaud et al., 2020. Geology 48, 851 – 856.
How to cite: Blaise, T., Brigaud, B., Carpentier, C., and Mangenot, X.: Relationships between intraplate deformations and the cementation of Jurassic carbonates in the eastern Paris Basin revealed by calcite U-Pb geochronology and ∆47 thermometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7400, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7400, 2021.
EGU21-7161 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Timing of fault gouge formation and fluid-rock interaction during tectonic inversion of the Penninic Frontal Thrust (SW Alps)Antonin Bilau, Yann Rolland, Stéphane Schwartz, Nicolas Godeau, Abel Guihou, Pierre Deschamps, Cécile Gautheron, Rosella Pinna-Jamme, Benjamin Brigaud, Xavier Mangenot, Aurélie Noret, Jérémie Melleton, and Thierry Dumont
In the last decade, important improvements in dating methods have been made and make it possible to go into the details of fault gouge formation and evolution. Common minerals like calcite and hematite can now bring detailed information on timing of fault development and fluid-rock interaction. We applied those novel techniques to a tectonically well constrains alpine context, though still lacking key chronological constrains. The targeted fault zone is the Penninic Frontal Thrust (PFT) of SW Alps, which is a major tectonic boundary that juxtaposed the metamorphic internal Alps over the unmetamorphosed external Alps, primarily as a thrust during the Oligocene (Simon-Labric et al., 2009). The PFT was later reactivated as an extensional detachment in the Mio-Pliocene, though the age of this reactivation remained unconstrained. Sue and Tricart (2003) showed that ongoing extensional seismic activity along the PFT, corresponding to the High-Durance Fault System (HDFS), is characterized at the surface, by an extensional fault network. In this context, the HDFS corresponds to extensional reactivation of the PFT as a consequence of Pelvoux external crystalline massif exhumation.
In this study, we coupled field tectonic, in-situ calcite U-Pb and hematite (U-Th-Sm)/He dating to stable and clumped isotope analysis to infer the HDFS activation age and to investigate the related fluid circulations. Isotopic signature (δ13C and δ18O) of compressional veins, en-echelon extensional veins and cataclasite fault gouge have been determined (Bilau et al., 2020).
This study allows pinpointing the evolution of deformation and fluid-rock interaction in the PFT footwall during its progressive extensional exhumation. The older U-Pb ages obtained on the cement of the gouge fault range between 5 to 3.5 Ma and taking into consideration uplift rate, comparison to currently seismicity depth and calcite brittle/ductile transition temperature, calcite crystallization may have occurred between 5 to 2 km. The hematite crystallization appears at shallower levels in the latest stages of the fault displacement at 3-1 km depth. A transition in the nature of fluids, controlling the redox state, can be highlighted here. This transition occurs between the calcite and hematite forming events at 2-3 km depth, which is probably related to a significant influx of meteoric fluids into the drainage of the fault system.
How to cite: Bilau, A., Rolland, Y., Schwartz, S., Godeau, N., Guihou, A., Deschamps, P., Gautheron, C., Pinna-Jamme, R., Brigaud, B., Mangenot, X., Noret, A., Melleton, J., and Dumont, T.: Timing of fault gouge formation and fluid-rock interaction during tectonic inversion of the Penninic Frontal Thrust (SW Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7161, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7161, 2021.
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In the last decade, important improvements in dating methods have been made and make it possible to go into the details of fault gouge formation and evolution. Common minerals like calcite and hematite can now bring detailed information on timing of fault development and fluid-rock interaction. We applied those novel techniques to a tectonically well constrains alpine context, though still lacking key chronological constrains. The targeted fault zone is the Penninic Frontal Thrust (PFT) of SW Alps, which is a major tectonic boundary that juxtaposed the metamorphic internal Alps over the unmetamorphosed external Alps, primarily as a thrust during the Oligocene (Simon-Labric et al., 2009). The PFT was later reactivated as an extensional detachment in the Mio-Pliocene, though the age of this reactivation remained unconstrained. Sue and Tricart (2003) showed that ongoing extensional seismic activity along the PFT, corresponding to the High-Durance Fault System (HDFS), is characterized at the surface, by an extensional fault network. In this context, the HDFS corresponds to extensional reactivation of the PFT as a consequence of Pelvoux external crystalline massif exhumation.
In this study, we coupled field tectonic, in-situ calcite U-Pb and hematite (U-Th-Sm)/He dating to stable and clumped isotope analysis to infer the HDFS activation age and to investigate the related fluid circulations. Isotopic signature (δ13C and δ18O) of compressional veins, en-echelon extensional veins and cataclasite fault gouge have been determined (Bilau et al., 2020).
This study allows pinpointing the evolution of deformation and fluid-rock interaction in the PFT footwall during its progressive extensional exhumation. The older U-Pb ages obtained on the cement of the gouge fault range between 5 to 3.5 Ma and taking into consideration uplift rate, comparison to currently seismicity depth and calcite brittle/ductile transition temperature, calcite crystallization may have occurred between 5 to 2 km. The hematite crystallization appears at shallower levels in the latest stages of the fault displacement at 3-1 km depth. A transition in the nature of fluids, controlling the redox state, can be highlighted here. This transition occurs between the calcite and hematite forming events at 2-3 km depth, which is probably related to a significant influx of meteoric fluids into the drainage of the fault system.
How to cite: Bilau, A., Rolland, Y., Schwartz, S., Godeau, N., Guihou, A., Deschamps, P., Gautheron, C., Pinna-Jamme, R., Brigaud, B., Mangenot, X., Noret, A., Melleton, J., and Dumont, T.: Timing of fault gouge formation and fluid-rock interaction during tectonic inversion of the Penninic Frontal Thrust (SW Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7161, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7161, 2021.
EGU21-2294 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Shallow deformation kinematic history, a new insight from carbonates U-Pb direct dating by LA-ICP-MS imaging technique.Vincent Monchal, Kerstin Drost, and David Chew
This project aims to refine direct dating of carbonates by the U-Pb system, using a new LA-ICP-MS imaging technique that incorporates complementary element and textural analysis information. The direct dating of carbonates in deep time has been considered desirable for decades (e.g. Jahn and Cuvellier, 1994) given their ubiquity in the Earth system, and carbonates are a key phase for dating geological processes such as brittle-ductile deformation in carbonate successions. This new method facilitates detailed (on the scale of tens of microns) mapping of U-Pb isotope and element distributions (cf Drost et al., 2018), and is here applied to carbonate vein dating to constrain local and regional histories of deformation or fluid activity.
In this presentation we focus on a sample from the Carboniferous North Dublin Basin, Ireland. The basin has been affected by deformation that led to tight chevron folds and kinematically-linked dextral en-echelon vein sets. Additionally bedding-parallel veins and slickenfibres are common. The deformation has been conventionally assumed to be of Variscan age, and some Variscan U-Pb ages are recorded in this study. However many calcites analysed yield late Eocene ages, a deformation phase that is hitherto undetected on the Irish mainland. Our data indicate repeated fault slip over a peroid of at least c. 4 my during late Eocene times and, thus, demonstrate the ability of the LA-ICP-MS imaging approach to not only unravel complex polyphase deformation histories in carbonates but also to resolve processes on fine temporal and spatial scales.
DROST, K., CHEW, D., PETRUS, J. A., SCHOLZE, F., WOODHEAD, J. D., SCHNEIDER, J. W. & HARPER, D. A. T. 2018. An Image Mapping Approach to U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Carbonate Dating and Applications to Direct Dating of Carbonate Sedimentation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 4631-4648.
JAHN, B.-M. & CUVELLIER, H. 1994. Pb-Pb and U-Pb geochronology of carbonate rocks: an assessment. Chemical Geology, 115, 125-151.
How to cite: Monchal, V., Drost, K., and Chew, D.: Shallow deformation kinematic history, a new insight from carbonates U-Pb direct dating by LA-ICP-MS imaging technique., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2294, 2021.
This project aims to refine direct dating of carbonates by the U-Pb system, using a new LA-ICP-MS imaging technique that incorporates complementary element and textural analysis information. The direct dating of carbonates in deep time has been considered desirable for decades (e.g. Jahn and Cuvellier, 1994) given their ubiquity in the Earth system, and carbonates are a key phase for dating geological processes such as brittle-ductile deformation in carbonate successions. This new method facilitates detailed (on the scale of tens of microns) mapping of U-Pb isotope and element distributions (cf Drost et al., 2018), and is here applied to carbonate vein dating to constrain local and regional histories of deformation or fluid activity.
In this presentation we focus on a sample from the Carboniferous North Dublin Basin, Ireland. The basin has been affected by deformation that led to tight chevron folds and kinematically-linked dextral en-echelon vein sets. Additionally bedding-parallel veins and slickenfibres are common. The deformation has been conventionally assumed to be of Variscan age, and some Variscan U-Pb ages are recorded in this study. However many calcites analysed yield late Eocene ages, a deformation phase that is hitherto undetected on the Irish mainland. Our data indicate repeated fault slip over a peroid of at least c. 4 my during late Eocene times and, thus, demonstrate the ability of the LA-ICP-MS imaging approach to not only unravel complex polyphase deformation histories in carbonates but also to resolve processes on fine temporal and spatial scales.
DROST, K., CHEW, D., PETRUS, J. A., SCHOLZE, F., WOODHEAD, J. D., SCHNEIDER, J. W. & HARPER, D. A. T. 2018. An Image Mapping Approach to U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Carbonate Dating and Applications to Direct Dating of Carbonate Sedimentation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 4631-4648.
JAHN, B.-M. & CUVELLIER, H. 1994. Pb-Pb and U-Pb geochronology of carbonate rocks: an assessment. Chemical Geology, 115, 125-151.
How to cite: Monchal, V., Drost, K., and Chew, D.: Shallow deformation kinematic history, a new insight from carbonates U-Pb direct dating by LA-ICP-MS imaging technique., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2294, 2021.
EGU21-457 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Silicification and mechanical stratigraphy control on flow pathways and hypogenic karst development in carbonate rocksLuca Pisani, Marco Antonellini, Francisco Hilario Bezerra, Augusto Auler, and Jo De Waele
Fractured and karstified carbonate rocks are important targets for the hydrocarbon exploration industry as they usually represent very productive reservoirs. Most of the karst features in carbonate reservoirs are the result of rising fluid flow in deeply buried settings (i.e., hypogenic karst), whose origin and solutional efficiency are not connected to surface processes. Hypogenic conduits are often intercepted by drilling during hydrocarbon exploration, and their occurrence is sometimes associated with high-permeability horizons characterized by intense silicification. Silicification is a common diagenetic process in sedimentary basins, in which Si-rich fluids modify textures, mineralogy, and petrophysical properties of the host rock.
We present the preliminary results of a multidisciplinary study performed in a cave developed within a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession of the Salitre Formation, in Northeastern Brazil (Calixto Cave). This cave offers the opportunity to study an accessible and extensive (more than 1 km long) conduit system associated with silicification. We performed a detailed stratigraphic and structural characterization of the sedimentary sequence in the cave, identifying different SiO2 facies and textural associations. Furthermore, we described cave geometry and pattern by topographic and morphometric observations using terrestrial laser scanner 3D models. Petrographic observations at the optical microscope were complemented with porosity-permeability analyses on rock plugs, XRD, XRF, and SEM-EDX analyses to highlight composition and petrophysical properties of the different lithostratigraphic units in the cave.
We found that silicification and mechanical stratigraphy determined the formation of high-permeability and seal units, whose distribution was fundamental for controlling paleo-flow pathways, karstification, and the spatial-morphological organization of the resultant conduit system. Cave morphologies, evidence of silica dissolution, crystalline quartz deposits and their associated paragenesis suggest that the speleogenetic phase contributing to the main karst formation happened in deeply buried hypogenic conditions, involving rising alkaline fluids probably of hydrothermal origin.
How to cite: Pisani, L., Antonellini, M., Bezerra, F. H., Auler, A., and De Waele, J.: Silicification and mechanical stratigraphy control on flow pathways and hypogenic karst development in carbonate rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-457, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-457, 2021.
Fractured and karstified carbonate rocks are important targets for the hydrocarbon exploration industry as they usually represent very productive reservoirs. Most of the karst features in carbonate reservoirs are the result of rising fluid flow in deeply buried settings (i.e., hypogenic karst), whose origin and solutional efficiency are not connected to surface processes. Hypogenic conduits are often intercepted by drilling during hydrocarbon exploration, and their occurrence is sometimes associated with high-permeability horizons characterized by intense silicification. Silicification is a common diagenetic process in sedimentary basins, in which Si-rich fluids modify textures, mineralogy, and petrophysical properties of the host rock.
We present the preliminary results of a multidisciplinary study performed in a cave developed within a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession of the Salitre Formation, in Northeastern Brazil (Calixto Cave). This cave offers the opportunity to study an accessible and extensive (more than 1 km long) conduit system associated with silicification. We performed a detailed stratigraphic and structural characterization of the sedimentary sequence in the cave, identifying different SiO2 facies and textural associations. Furthermore, we described cave geometry and pattern by topographic and morphometric observations using terrestrial laser scanner 3D models. Petrographic observations at the optical microscope were complemented with porosity-permeability analyses on rock plugs, XRD, XRF, and SEM-EDX analyses to highlight composition and petrophysical properties of the different lithostratigraphic units in the cave.
We found that silicification and mechanical stratigraphy determined the formation of high-permeability and seal units, whose distribution was fundamental for controlling paleo-flow pathways, karstification, and the spatial-morphological organization of the resultant conduit system. Cave morphologies, evidence of silica dissolution, crystalline quartz deposits and their associated paragenesis suggest that the speleogenetic phase contributing to the main karst formation happened in deeply buried hypogenic conditions, involving rising alkaline fluids probably of hydrothermal origin.
How to cite: Pisani, L., Antonellini, M., Bezerra, F. H., Auler, A., and De Waele, J.: Silicification and mechanical stratigraphy control on flow pathways and hypogenic karst development in carbonate rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-457, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-457, 2021.
EGU21-12742 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Burial-deformation history of an arcuate fold unraveled by fracture analysis, stylolite paleopiezometry and vein cement geochemistry: a case study in the Cingoli Anticline (Umbria-Marches, northern Apennines)Aurélie Labeur, Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Olivier Lacombe, Guilhem Hoareau, Lorenzo Petraccini, Laurent Emmanuel, Mathieu Daëron, and Jean-Paul Callot
The timing and duration of fold-related deformation - including layer-parallel shortening (LPS) – related to fold growth, are difficult to estimate because of a lack of data in most natural cases. We propose an original combination of direct and indirect dating methods to reconstruct the burial-deformation history of the Mesozoic carbonates that crop out in the Cingoli Anticline in the Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge.
The Cingoli anticline displays an arcuate shape in map view, trending N140 in its northern part and N160 in its southern part). We first study the fracture-stylolite network to characterize the successive stages of deformation. Several sets of mesostructures were discriminated according to their orientation and relative chronology:
- (i) N-S trending vertical joints (after unfolding), likely related to foreland flexure/forebulge development;
- (ii) N045 trending vertical, bedding and fold-axis perpendicular joints/veins, associated with early folding stylolites with N045-oriented peaks and reverse faulting associated with a N045 σ1 (after unfolding), reflecting LPS;
- (iii) bedding-perpendicular and fold axis -parallel joints/veins, e., trending N140 in the northern part and N160 in the southern part of the anticline, reflecting outer-arc extension associated to strata curvature at fold hinge, the variation about 20° in orientation between the northern and southern parts of the fold being consistent with the arcuate shape of the anticline;
- (iv) tectonic stylolites with horizontal peaks striking N045, along with conjugate vertical strike-slip faults, associated with a horizontal N045 contraction affecting the strata after the fold was locked, corresponding to the late stage of fold tightening (LSFT).
These results suggest that the Cingoli anticline developed under a continuous N045 contraction and that its arcuate shape is likely primary and was achieved in relation to the reactivation of an N-S normal fault inherited from the Tethyan rifting, without any vertical-axis rotation of the fold axis.
We further reconstructed burial curves considering sedimentary formation thicknesses, corrected from physical and chemical compaction. We also quantified the vertical stress experienced by sedimentary stylolites from a roughness inversion technique, allowing derivation of the maximum depth experienced by the strata prior to contraction (using bedding-parallel sedimentary stylolites) and during exhumation (using horizontal sedimentary stylolites related to a post-folding compaction). Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios measured in tectonic vein cements point towards a locally-sourced fluid system with limited vertical migration at the scale of the carbonate core, enabling the use of the absolute temperatures obtained from CO2 clumped isotope (D47) to reconstruct the depth during layer-parallel shortening and folding. The comparison of reconstructed depth at which each deformation phase occurred with the burial curve provides absolute timing for the development and exhumation of the Cingoli Anticline. Together with U-Pb ages of calcite vein cements and fault coatings from the nearby San Vicino Anticline, located west of the Cingoli Anticline, our data suggest that contraction started by ~8 Ma (LPS) and ended by ~3 Ma (LSFT), and that the growth of the Cingoli anticline lasted from ~5.5 to 4 Ma.
How to cite: Labeur, A., Beaudoin, N. E., Lacombe, O., Hoareau, G., Petraccini, L., Emmanuel, L., Daëron, M., and Callot, J.-P.: Burial-deformation history of an arcuate fold unraveled by fracture analysis, stylolite paleopiezometry and vein cement geochemistry: a case study in the Cingoli Anticline (Umbria-Marches, northern Apennines), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12742, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12742, 2021.
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The timing and duration of fold-related deformation - including layer-parallel shortening (LPS) – related to fold growth, are difficult to estimate because of a lack of data in most natural cases. We propose an original combination of direct and indirect dating methods to reconstruct the burial-deformation history of the Mesozoic carbonates that crop out in the Cingoli Anticline in the Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge.
The Cingoli anticline displays an arcuate shape in map view, trending N140 in its northern part and N160 in its southern part). We first study the fracture-stylolite network to characterize the successive stages of deformation. Several sets of mesostructures were discriminated according to their orientation and relative chronology:
- (i) N-S trending vertical joints (after unfolding), likely related to foreland flexure/forebulge development;
- (ii) N045 trending vertical, bedding and fold-axis perpendicular joints/veins, associated with early folding stylolites with N045-oriented peaks and reverse faulting associated with a N045 σ1 (after unfolding), reflecting LPS;
- (iii) bedding-perpendicular and fold axis -parallel joints/veins, e., trending N140 in the northern part and N160 in the southern part of the anticline, reflecting outer-arc extension associated to strata curvature at fold hinge, the variation about 20° in orientation between the northern and southern parts of the fold being consistent with the arcuate shape of the anticline;
- (iv) tectonic stylolites with horizontal peaks striking N045, along with conjugate vertical strike-slip faults, associated with a horizontal N045 contraction affecting the strata after the fold was locked, corresponding to the late stage of fold tightening (LSFT).
These results suggest that the Cingoli anticline developed under a continuous N045 contraction and that its arcuate shape is likely primary and was achieved in relation to the reactivation of an N-S normal fault inherited from the Tethyan rifting, without any vertical-axis rotation of the fold axis.
We further reconstructed burial curves considering sedimentary formation thicknesses, corrected from physical and chemical compaction. We also quantified the vertical stress experienced by sedimentary stylolites from a roughness inversion technique, allowing derivation of the maximum depth experienced by the strata prior to contraction (using bedding-parallel sedimentary stylolites) and during exhumation (using horizontal sedimentary stylolites related to a post-folding compaction). Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios measured in tectonic vein cements point towards a locally-sourced fluid system with limited vertical migration at the scale of the carbonate core, enabling the use of the absolute temperatures obtained from CO2 clumped isotope (D47) to reconstruct the depth during layer-parallel shortening and folding. The comparison of reconstructed depth at which each deformation phase occurred with the burial curve provides absolute timing for the development and exhumation of the Cingoli Anticline. Together with U-Pb ages of calcite vein cements and fault coatings from the nearby San Vicino Anticline, located west of the Cingoli Anticline, our data suggest that contraction started by ~8 Ma (LPS) and ended by ~3 Ma (LSFT), and that the growth of the Cingoli anticline lasted from ~5.5 to 4 Ma.
How to cite: Labeur, A., Beaudoin, N. E., Lacombe, O., Hoareau, G., Petraccini, L., Emmanuel, L., Daëron, M., and Callot, J.-P.: Burial-deformation history of an arcuate fold unraveled by fracture analysis, stylolite paleopiezometry and vein cement geochemistry: a case study in the Cingoli Anticline (Umbria-Marches, northern Apennines), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12742, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12742, 2021.
EGU21-15409 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Horizontal and vertical fluid flows as a key control of ore deposition at the basement/cover unconformity: insight from drone imagery of the Vendée coast, FranceLoïc Bouat, Pierre Strzerzynski, Régis Mourgues, and Yannick Branquet
Basement/cover interfaces are important transfer zones for hydrothermal fluids responsible for ore deposition, such as U and Pb-Zn deposits. Unconformities are peculiarly mixing zone where basement-derived fluids encounter sedimentary- and/or meteoric-derived fluids; leading to precipitation of these ores. Fluids are channelized by permeability contrast, i.e. impermeable barriers, until being trapped in porous units, i.e. intrinsic porosity and/or secondary porosity (dissolution and karstification process). In this configuration fracturing channelize the fluid flow by breaking impermeable barriers allowing external fluids to enter and react with the rocks (precipitation and/or dissolution). In this way, structural studies are crucial to highlight the fracture network and the potential of geological units to be good reservoirs.
In France, many occurrences of sediment-hosted deposits are known in Mesozoic basins (i.e. Aquitaine and Paris Basin) especially above the Variscan basement (Morvan district, SW Massif Central district, Poitou High district). The Vendée coast deposit (South Armorican Massif, France) is known for two Pb-Zn(-Ag) occurrences located in Liassic sediments overlying the Variscan basement. Previous works show that, during the Upper Jurassic extensional event (NNE-SSW horizontal stretching), the ore deposition results from the mixing of two different fluids: (1) low temperature brines following a horizontal path from evaporite to basin borders within Liassic sediments along the unconformity, (2) a high temperature and low salinity fluid rising up through the basement from several kilometres depth by a probable vertical pathway.
However, the permeability architecture leading to such mixing remains poorly constrained. The Vendée ore deposits present favourable outcrop conditions to study the structural control of the fluid plumbing system along the basement/cover unconformity. Structural studies assisted by drone imagery coupled with the characterization of the alteration-mineralization pattern show that:
(1) Horizontal path for basin brines is controlled by the impermeable barrier of the Toarcien layer overlying Liassic hosting karsts.
(2) Vertical path of basement-derived fluids is enhanced by new faults and inherited fractures, respectively generated and reopened by the Jurassic extension.
(3) Relative abundance of faults and veins in the Liassic sedimentary cover and the basement is consistent with a mechanical decoupling in a context of fluid overpressure.
How to cite: Bouat, L., Strzerzynski, P., Mourgues, R., and Branquet, Y.: Horizontal and vertical fluid flows as a key control of ore deposition at the basement/cover unconformity: insight from drone imagery of the Vendée coast, France, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15409, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15409, 2021.
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Basement/cover interfaces are important transfer zones for hydrothermal fluids responsible for ore deposition, such as U and Pb-Zn deposits. Unconformities are peculiarly mixing zone where basement-derived fluids encounter sedimentary- and/or meteoric-derived fluids; leading to precipitation of these ores. Fluids are channelized by permeability contrast, i.e. impermeable barriers, until being trapped in porous units, i.e. intrinsic porosity and/or secondary porosity (dissolution and karstification process). In this configuration fracturing channelize the fluid flow by breaking impermeable barriers allowing external fluids to enter and react with the rocks (precipitation and/or dissolution). In this way, structural studies are crucial to highlight the fracture network and the potential of geological units to be good reservoirs.
In France, many occurrences of sediment-hosted deposits are known in Mesozoic basins (i.e. Aquitaine and Paris Basin) especially above the Variscan basement (Morvan district, SW Massif Central district, Poitou High district). The Vendée coast deposit (South Armorican Massif, France) is known for two Pb-Zn(-Ag) occurrences located in Liassic sediments overlying the Variscan basement. Previous works show that, during the Upper Jurassic extensional event (NNE-SSW horizontal stretching), the ore deposition results from the mixing of two different fluids: (1) low temperature brines following a horizontal path from evaporite to basin borders within Liassic sediments along the unconformity, (2) a high temperature and low salinity fluid rising up through the basement from several kilometres depth by a probable vertical pathway.
However, the permeability architecture leading to such mixing remains poorly constrained. The Vendée ore deposits present favourable outcrop conditions to study the structural control of the fluid plumbing system along the basement/cover unconformity. Structural studies assisted by drone imagery coupled with the characterization of the alteration-mineralization pattern show that:
(1) Horizontal path for basin brines is controlled by the impermeable barrier of the Toarcien layer overlying Liassic hosting karsts.
(2) Vertical path of basement-derived fluids is enhanced by new faults and inherited fractures, respectively generated and reopened by the Jurassic extension.
(3) Relative abundance of faults and veins in the Liassic sedimentary cover and the basement is consistent with a mechanical decoupling in a context of fluid overpressure.
How to cite: Bouat, L., Strzerzynski, P., Mourgues, R., and Branquet, Y.: Horizontal and vertical fluid flows as a key control of ore deposition at the basement/cover unconformity: insight from drone imagery of the Vendée coast, France, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15409, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15409, 2021.
EGU21-1943 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Role of pre-existing fabric in abetting fracture formation, fluid flow and vein emplacement in the metavolcanics: a domain for shallow crustal gold mineralization in the Archean greenstone belt, IndiaTridib Kumar Mondal and Sreyashi Bhowmick
Archean greenstone belts gained prominence for its gold mineralization. Gold bearing vein infillings within fracture systems are significant for its economic utility. Fracture formation is often associated with reactivation of the pre-existing host rock fabric under a compatible stress field. Upper crustal fluids are mostly channelized through these fracture systems under variable fluid pressure conditions generating a widespread network of veins. A wide range of vein infilled crosscutting fractures of variable thicknesses, are investigated from the gold-bearing massive metabasalts (supracrustals) of the Chitradurga Schist Belt (CSB) adjacent to the Chitradurga Shear Zone (CSZ), Western Dharwar Craton, southern India. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies are adopted for determining the internal anisotropy of the apparently massive metabasalt hosts. The study involves tensile strength determination of the metabasalts, deciphering the paleostress condition using fault-slip analysis and propensity of fracture/fault reactivation under the prevailing stress field. Parameters like stress ratio (ϕ) and driving pressure ratio (R´) are evaluated for understanding the conditions of fluid induced fracture opening/reactivation. Change in the opening angle (µ) of fractures with fluid pressure (Pf) variation, ϕ and R´ variations with the range of fracture orientations are also ventured upon.
We conclude ~NW-SE oriented (mean 337°/69° NE) magnetic fabric in the metabasalts are a product of regional D1/D2 deformation on an account of NE–SW shortening. This was followed by the D3 deformation with NW–SE to E–W shortening that led to the sinistral movement along CSZ. Thus, prominent fracture orientations representing riedel shear components were formed as a consequence of this sinistral shearing. Under compatible fluid pressure conditions, all such cohesionless pre-existing pathways were reactivated. Schematic models help to understand the mechanism of vein emplacement under episodic fluid pressure fluctuations from high to low Pf at shallow crustal depth (~2.4 km). With respect to the prevailing stress field, fracture orientations coinciding with the host rock fabric show higher values of slip/dilatation tendencies justifying maximum vein thickness along this orientation. Multiple methods were integrated to develop a better understanding of the fracture networking system, channelizing fluids and assisting gold mineralization in the greenstone belt.
How to cite: Mondal, T. K. and Bhowmick, S.: Role of pre-existing fabric in abetting fracture formation, fluid flow and vein emplacement in the metavolcanics: a domain for shallow crustal gold mineralization in the Archean greenstone belt, India, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1943, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1943, 2021.
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Archean greenstone belts gained prominence for its gold mineralization. Gold bearing vein infillings within fracture systems are significant for its economic utility. Fracture formation is often associated with reactivation of the pre-existing host rock fabric under a compatible stress field. Upper crustal fluids are mostly channelized through these fracture systems under variable fluid pressure conditions generating a widespread network of veins. A wide range of vein infilled crosscutting fractures of variable thicknesses, are investigated from the gold-bearing massive metabasalts (supracrustals) of the Chitradurga Schist Belt (CSB) adjacent to the Chitradurga Shear Zone (CSZ), Western Dharwar Craton, southern India. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies are adopted for determining the internal anisotropy of the apparently massive metabasalt hosts. The study involves tensile strength determination of the metabasalts, deciphering the paleostress condition using fault-slip analysis and propensity of fracture/fault reactivation under the prevailing stress field. Parameters like stress ratio (ϕ) and driving pressure ratio (R´) are evaluated for understanding the conditions of fluid induced fracture opening/reactivation. Change in the opening angle (µ) of fractures with fluid pressure (Pf) variation, ϕ and R´ variations with the range of fracture orientations are also ventured upon.
We conclude ~NW-SE oriented (mean 337°/69° NE) magnetic fabric in the metabasalts are a product of regional D1/D2 deformation on an account of NE–SW shortening. This was followed by the D3 deformation with NW–SE to E–W shortening that led to the sinistral movement along CSZ. Thus, prominent fracture orientations representing riedel shear components were formed as a consequence of this sinistral shearing. Under compatible fluid pressure conditions, all such cohesionless pre-existing pathways were reactivated. Schematic models help to understand the mechanism of vein emplacement under episodic fluid pressure fluctuations from high to low Pf at shallow crustal depth (~2.4 km). With respect to the prevailing stress field, fracture orientations coinciding with the host rock fabric show higher values of slip/dilatation tendencies justifying maximum vein thickness along this orientation. Multiple methods were integrated to develop a better understanding of the fracture networking system, channelizing fluids and assisting gold mineralization in the greenstone belt.
How to cite: Mondal, T. K. and Bhowmick, S.: Role of pre-existing fabric in abetting fracture formation, fluid flow and vein emplacement in the metavolcanics: a domain for shallow crustal gold mineralization in the Archean greenstone belt, India, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1943, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1943, 2021.
EGU21-13558 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Zn-Pb deposits as a clue for recognising reactivated structures in the Picos de Europa area (NW Spain)Adriana Georgina Flórez-Rodríguez, Joaquín García-Sansegundo, and Agustín Martín-Izard
The Picos de Europa Region constitutes one of the outermost areas of the Cantabrian Zone, the foreland and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen in NW Iberia. It constitutes a thrust imbricate formed of Carboniferous limestones that was emplaced towards the S-SW during the latest Pennsylvanian. During the Permian and throughout the Mesozoic, the area was subjected to extension, as attested by the scarce remnants of contemporary sedimentary successions. During the N-S Cenozoic Alpine convergence between Iberia and Eurasia, the Picos the Europa Massif was deformed under shallow crustal conditions through the reactivation of previous structures.
Zn-Pb ores, in the form of sphalerite and galena, are abundant in the central and eastern sections of the Picos de Europa Massif, where they formed as Mississippi Valley-type deposits. Although a direct dating of the minerals has not been performed to date, indirect attempts have been made based on field observations and paleomagnetic studies that have resulted in a broad span of age estimations comprised between Permian and Cenozoic times. Our ongoing research includes the study of Pb isotopes within galena samples in several localities in the Picos de Europa. The measured Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.604–18.771, and 207Pb/204Pb = 15.686–15.707) are comparable to those of other Mississippi-Valley-type and Sedex-type ore deposits situated further east in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. This basin was formed throughout the Mesozoic as an extensional basin, and the associated ores have been dated through ore-typology (syn-sedimentary Sedex-type deposits), metallogenic data, and other geological criteria. The similarity of the isotopic ratios in these deposits and our samples from the Picos de Europa Massif suggests a similar ore formation age, around the Lower Cretaceous, based on the interpretation of a comparable Pb crustal source.
The ores from Picos de Europa are largely associated with kilometre-scale faults that have acted simultaneously as fluid conduits and zones of preferential mineralisation. Many of the studied localities display significant deformation of the ore deposits, suggesting subsequent fault reactivation events following precipitation. Thus, the age of the deposits is useful for determining the relative timing of fault reactivation. There are two main mineralised fault systems: faults trending W-E with a variable dip, and a subvertical NW-SE-trending set. Faults from the first system were originally developed as Variscan thrusts and in some cases reactivated as normal and/or, subsequently, reverse faults during the Alpine orogenic cycle (e.g. the Cabuérniga Fault System). In contrast, the age and kinematics of the second fault system are more debated. Zn-Pb deposits from the Ándara and Liordes mining districts constitute illustrative examples of ore precipitation and subsequent brittle deformation along the San Carlos N118E-trending subvertical fault and the Liordes N117E-trending high-angle fault. While the San Carlos Fault accommodated an oblique but mainly dextral strike-slip displacement during ore deformation, the Liordes Fault acted as a dextral oblique fault with a larger reverse component, likely as a result of its slightly different dip angle. The last activity on these structures post-dates the Lower Cretaceous, suggesting a clear linkage with the Alpine orogeny.
How to cite: Flórez-Rodríguez, A. G., García-Sansegundo, J., and Martín-Izard, A.: Zn-Pb deposits as a clue for recognising reactivated structures in the Picos de Europa area (NW Spain), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13558, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13558, 2021.
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The Picos de Europa Region constitutes one of the outermost areas of the Cantabrian Zone, the foreland and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen in NW Iberia. It constitutes a thrust imbricate formed of Carboniferous limestones that was emplaced towards the S-SW during the latest Pennsylvanian. During the Permian and throughout the Mesozoic, the area was subjected to extension, as attested by the scarce remnants of contemporary sedimentary successions. During the N-S Cenozoic Alpine convergence between Iberia and Eurasia, the Picos the Europa Massif was deformed under shallow crustal conditions through the reactivation of previous structures.
Zn-Pb ores, in the form of sphalerite and galena, are abundant in the central and eastern sections of the Picos de Europa Massif, where they formed as Mississippi Valley-type deposits. Although a direct dating of the minerals has not been performed to date, indirect attempts have been made based on field observations and paleomagnetic studies that have resulted in a broad span of age estimations comprised between Permian and Cenozoic times. Our ongoing research includes the study of Pb isotopes within galena samples in several localities in the Picos de Europa. The measured Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.604–18.771, and 207Pb/204Pb = 15.686–15.707) are comparable to those of other Mississippi-Valley-type and Sedex-type ore deposits situated further east in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. This basin was formed throughout the Mesozoic as an extensional basin, and the associated ores have been dated through ore-typology (syn-sedimentary Sedex-type deposits), metallogenic data, and other geological criteria. The similarity of the isotopic ratios in these deposits and our samples from the Picos de Europa Massif suggests a similar ore formation age, around the Lower Cretaceous, based on the interpretation of a comparable Pb crustal source.
The ores from Picos de Europa are largely associated with kilometre-scale faults that have acted simultaneously as fluid conduits and zones of preferential mineralisation. Many of the studied localities display significant deformation of the ore deposits, suggesting subsequent fault reactivation events following precipitation. Thus, the age of the deposits is useful for determining the relative timing of fault reactivation. There are two main mineralised fault systems: faults trending W-E with a variable dip, and a subvertical NW-SE-trending set. Faults from the first system were originally developed as Variscan thrusts and in some cases reactivated as normal and/or, subsequently, reverse faults during the Alpine orogenic cycle (e.g. the Cabuérniga Fault System). In contrast, the age and kinematics of the second fault system are more debated. Zn-Pb deposits from the Ándara and Liordes mining districts constitute illustrative examples of ore precipitation and subsequent brittle deformation along the San Carlos N118E-trending subvertical fault and the Liordes N117E-trending high-angle fault. While the San Carlos Fault accommodated an oblique but mainly dextral strike-slip displacement during ore deformation, the Liordes Fault acted as a dextral oblique fault with a larger reverse component, likely as a result of its slightly different dip angle. The last activity on these structures post-dates the Lower Cretaceous, suggesting a clear linkage with the Alpine orogeny.
How to cite: Flórez-Rodríguez, A. G., García-Sansegundo, J., and Martín-Izard, A.: Zn-Pb deposits as a clue for recognising reactivated structures in the Picos de Europa area (NW Spain), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13558, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13558, 2021.
EGU21-10545 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Geochronological evidence for repeated brittle reactivations of a pre-existing plastic shear zone: The Himdalen–Ørje deformation zone, Southern NorwayEspen Torgersen, Roy Gabrielsen, Johan Petter Nystuen, Roelant van der Lelij, Morgan Ganerød, Jasmin Schönenberger, Sofie Brask, and Alvar Braathen
It is well known that faults, once formed, become permanent weaknesses in the crust, localizing subsequent brittle strain increments. The case of repeated brittle reactivations localized along pre-existing plastic shear zones is less recognized, although this situation is frequently observed in many geologically old terranes.
We have studied the prolonged deformation history of the Himdalen–Ørje Deformation Zone (HØDZ) in SE Norway by combining K–Ar and 40Ar–39Ar geochronology with structural analysis. The HØDZ consists of a large variation of deformation products from mylonites and cataclasites to pseudotachylites and fault gouge. Several generations of mylonites make up the ductile part of HØDZ, called the Ørje shear zone, a km-think SW-dipping shear zone within the late Mesoproterozoic Sveconorwegian orogen. 40Ar–39Ar dating of white mica from one of these mylonites give a plateau age of c. 908 Ma, interpreted to constrain the timing of late-Sveconorwegian extensionial reactivation of the Ørje shear zone.
This mylonitic fabric is extensively reworked in a brittle fashion along the SW-dipping Himdalen fault, a 10–25 m thick fault zone of cataclasite, breccia, fault gouge and, in places, abundant pseduotachylite veins. 40Ar–39Ar dating of pseduotachylite material gives several small plateaus between c. 375 and 300 Ma, whereas K-feldspar clasts from the cataclasitically deformed host rock carry a Caledonian signal (plateau at c. 435 Ma). K–Ar dating of three fault gouges constrain the timing of gouge development at c. 270 and 200 Ma. Two of the fault gouges also contain protolithic K-bearing mineral phases that overlap in age with the c. 375 Ma pseudotachylite 40Ar–39Ar plateau age, consistent with field observations of the former reworking the latter.
In sum, the HØDZ records multiple Paleozoic and Mesozoic brittle reactivations of the early Neoproterozoic (and older) mylonitic Ørje shear zone. Most of the brittle deformation is interpreted to have accumulated during development of the Permian Oslo rift and its subsequent latest Triassic evolution. The suggested late Devonian (c. 375 Ma) initiation of brittle deformation does not have a clear tectonic association, but we speculate that it relates to strike-slip displacements caused by the Variscan orogen, as also suggested for the sub-parallel Tornquist zone to the south.
How to cite: Torgersen, E., Gabrielsen, R., Nystuen, J. P., van der Lelij, R., Ganerød, M., Schönenberger, J., Brask, S., and Braathen, A.: Geochronological evidence for repeated brittle reactivations of a pre-existing plastic shear zone: The Himdalen–Ørje deformation zone, Southern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10545, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10545, 2021.
It is well known that faults, once formed, become permanent weaknesses in the crust, localizing subsequent brittle strain increments. The case of repeated brittle reactivations localized along pre-existing plastic shear zones is less recognized, although this situation is frequently observed in many geologically old terranes.
We have studied the prolonged deformation history of the Himdalen–Ørje Deformation Zone (HØDZ) in SE Norway by combining K–Ar and 40Ar–39Ar geochronology with structural analysis. The HØDZ consists of a large variation of deformation products from mylonites and cataclasites to pseudotachylites and fault gouge. Several generations of mylonites make up the ductile part of HØDZ, called the Ørje shear zone, a km-think SW-dipping shear zone within the late Mesoproterozoic Sveconorwegian orogen. 40Ar–39Ar dating of white mica from one of these mylonites give a plateau age of c. 908 Ma, interpreted to constrain the timing of late-Sveconorwegian extensionial reactivation of the Ørje shear zone.
This mylonitic fabric is extensively reworked in a brittle fashion along the SW-dipping Himdalen fault, a 10–25 m thick fault zone of cataclasite, breccia, fault gouge and, in places, abundant pseduotachylite veins. 40Ar–39Ar dating of pseduotachylite material gives several small plateaus between c. 375 and 300 Ma, whereas K-feldspar clasts from the cataclasitically deformed host rock carry a Caledonian signal (plateau at c. 435 Ma). K–Ar dating of three fault gouges constrain the timing of gouge development at c. 270 and 200 Ma. Two of the fault gouges also contain protolithic K-bearing mineral phases that overlap in age with the c. 375 Ma pseudotachylite 40Ar–39Ar plateau age, consistent with field observations of the former reworking the latter.
In sum, the HØDZ records multiple Paleozoic and Mesozoic brittle reactivations of the early Neoproterozoic (and older) mylonitic Ørje shear zone. Most of the brittle deformation is interpreted to have accumulated during development of the Permian Oslo rift and its subsequent latest Triassic evolution. The suggested late Devonian (c. 375 Ma) initiation of brittle deformation does not have a clear tectonic association, but we speculate that it relates to strike-slip displacements caused by the Variscan orogen, as also suggested for the sub-parallel Tornquist zone to the south.
How to cite: Torgersen, E., Gabrielsen, R., Nystuen, J. P., van der Lelij, R., Ganerød, M., Schönenberger, J., Brask, S., and Braathen, A.: Geochronological evidence for repeated brittle reactivations of a pre-existing plastic shear zone: The Himdalen–Ørje deformation zone, Southern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10545, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10545, 2021.
EGU21-3945 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Estimation of driving pressure ratio and paleostresses from veins in the Pelling-Munsiari shear zone, Sikkim Himalayan Fold Thrust BeltDeblina Ray and Kathakali Bhattacharyya
We analyze veins from the deepest exposure of the regionally folded Pelling-Munsiari thrust (PT), the roof thrust of the Lesser Himalayan duplex, in the Sikkim Himalaya. The PT is exposed as a discontinuous, ~970 m thick quartz-mica mylonite zone near Mangan (27°29′ N, 88°31′ E), and records progressive deformation path where shallow crustal deformation features overprint deeper crustal deformation structures. The mean mylonitic foliation is north easterly oriented in the studied location (mean ~31°, 042°). Based on the angular relationship with respect to the mylonitic foliation, we recognize three different fracture- and associated vein-sets at the outcrop scale. These are low-angle set (<30° with respect to the mylonitic foliation), moderate-angle (30°-60°) and high-angle set (>60°).The high-angle fracture set overprints the mylonitic foliation and is the youngest set. These are also the most dominant fracture set (~58 %), followed by the moderate-angle (~32%) and low-angle (~10%) sets. Interestingly, the low-angle vein set (mean orientation ~ 29°, 054°) is the most dominant set (~61%), followed by the moderate-angle set (~26%; mean orientation ~ 19°, 055°), and the high-angle set (~13% ; mean ~23°, 340°).Field analysis indicates that ~95% of low-angle, ~71% of moderate-angle and ~ 40% of high-angle fracture-sets form veins. Some of the low- and moderate-angle veins are locally folded along with the mylonitic foliation. The co-efficient of variation (Cv) of spacing of both the fracture and vein sets are less than 1, indicating that these follow anti-clustered distribution. The poles to the veins indicate two distinct patterns. The low- and moderate-angle veins define girdle distribution, implying pore fluid pressure (Pf) exceeded intermediate principal stress axis (σ2), whereas the high-angle set shows a clustered distribution indicating σ2 exceeded Pf. A preliminary study reveals presence of blocky texture in the low- and moderate-angle veins with quartz growing at high angles with respect to the vein walls. The average thickness of the low-angle, moderate-angle, and high-angle veins, measured along appropriate scan-lines are ~ 0.92 cm, ~1.03 cm and ~0.64 cm respectively. As the low- and moderate-angle vein-sets are the most dominant sets and both show girdle distribution, we estimated a driving pressure ratio (R' ~0.35-0.6) and stress ratio (ɸ~0.251) for these veins. The estimated paleostresses from these veins are σ1 (28°, 058°), σ2 (2°, 327°), σ3 (62°, 233°).
How to cite: Ray, D. and Bhattacharyya, K.: Estimation of driving pressure ratio and paleostresses from veins in the Pelling-Munsiari shear zone, Sikkim Himalayan Fold Thrust Belt, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3945, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3945, 2021.
We analyze veins from the deepest exposure of the regionally folded Pelling-Munsiari thrust (PT), the roof thrust of the Lesser Himalayan duplex, in the Sikkim Himalaya. The PT is exposed as a discontinuous, ~970 m thick quartz-mica mylonite zone near Mangan (27°29′ N, 88°31′ E), and records progressive deformation path where shallow crustal deformation features overprint deeper crustal deformation structures. The mean mylonitic foliation is north easterly oriented in the studied location (mean ~31°, 042°). Based on the angular relationship with respect to the mylonitic foliation, we recognize three different fracture- and associated vein-sets at the outcrop scale. These are low-angle set (<30° with respect to the mylonitic foliation), moderate-angle (30°-60°) and high-angle set (>60°).The high-angle fracture set overprints the mylonitic foliation and is the youngest set. These are also the most dominant fracture set (~58 %), followed by the moderate-angle (~32%) and low-angle (~10%) sets. Interestingly, the low-angle vein set (mean orientation ~ 29°, 054°) is the most dominant set (~61%), followed by the moderate-angle set (~26%; mean orientation ~ 19°, 055°), and the high-angle set (~13% ; mean ~23°, 340°).Field analysis indicates that ~95% of low-angle, ~71% of moderate-angle and ~ 40% of high-angle fracture-sets form veins. Some of the low- and moderate-angle veins are locally folded along with the mylonitic foliation. The co-efficient of variation (Cv) of spacing of both the fracture and vein sets are less than 1, indicating that these follow anti-clustered distribution. The poles to the veins indicate two distinct patterns. The low- and moderate-angle veins define girdle distribution, implying pore fluid pressure (Pf) exceeded intermediate principal stress axis (σ2), whereas the high-angle set shows a clustered distribution indicating σ2 exceeded Pf. A preliminary study reveals presence of blocky texture in the low- and moderate-angle veins with quartz growing at high angles with respect to the vein walls. The average thickness of the low-angle, moderate-angle, and high-angle veins, measured along appropriate scan-lines are ~ 0.92 cm, ~1.03 cm and ~0.64 cm respectively. As the low- and moderate-angle vein-sets are the most dominant sets and both show girdle distribution, we estimated a driving pressure ratio (R' ~0.35-0.6) and stress ratio (ɸ~0.251) for these veins. The estimated paleostresses from these veins are σ1 (28°, 058°), σ2 (2°, 327°), σ3 (62°, 233°).
How to cite: Ray, D. and Bhattacharyya, K.: Estimation of driving pressure ratio and paleostresses from veins in the Pelling-Munsiari shear zone, Sikkim Himalayan Fold Thrust Belt, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3945, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3945, 2021.
EGU21-7361 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Structural evolution of the Moroccan Central High Atlas Syncline-Topped Anticlinal Ridges: Insights from micro-structural analysis of Tirrhist and Anemzi ridgesHamza Skikra, Khalid Amrouch, Youssef Ahechach, Muhammad Ouabid, Abderrahmane Soulaimani, Otmane Raji, and Jean-Louis Bodinier
The Moroccan High Atlas mountain range is an aborted Mesozoic rift basin that was moderately shortened during the Late Cretaceous‒Cenozoic inversion. The range is currently featured in its central part by the presence of conspicuous S-shaped open gentle synclines where Middle Jurassic strata crop out, with sub-horizontal bottom, separated by 15-to-80-km narrow faulted anticline ridges with two distinct directions: ENE and NE. The tight anticline ridges are cored by Triassic continental red-beds intruded by the CAMP basalts and subsequently by Upper Jurrasic‒Lower Cretaceous alkaline magmatism. Regional cleavage with very low-grade anchi- to epi-zonal metamorphism are depicted along several structures of the High Atlas, particularly the NE-trending anticlines. The sedimentary layers thickness, on the other hand, gets thinner towards the faulted anticlines with the development of intraformational truncations. The structural history of the High Atlas syncline-topped anticlinal ridges remains a controversial matter. Any attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary process of such folded structures must take into consideration the following circumstances:
- After a Triassic rifting episode followed by the establishment of Liassic carbonate platform, the High Atlas basin underwent a wide spread exhumation event at the time interval between the Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous leading to the deposition of continental detrital series and sedimentary hiatus;
- The upward motion was accompanied with the emplacement of alkaline magmas in the Central High Atlas;
- A complex halokinetic history characterizes the Central High Atlas salt province during both pre-orogenic and orogenic stages;
- During the Late Cretaceous‒Cenozoic, the High Atlas experienced a moderate crustal shortening which was focused essentially within the range’s borders;
In order to bring new insights to the structural history of the High Atlas folded structures, a structural investigation was carried out in Tirrhist and Anemzi ridges. In each station, fractures measurements were taken, and oriented samples were collected for micro-structural analysis. First paleo-stress inversion in some stations reveals the presence of pre-folding bedding-parallel maximal horizontal stress oriented NE to NNE. For a deep analysis of pre syn and post-folding stresses history, we use a calcite stress inversion technique, namely Etchecopar’s method, to unravel the paleo-stresses orientations and to quantify the differential stresses during the different episodes of deformation. The present work is a preliminary attempt to quantify tectonic stresses in the hinterland of an arguably weakly deformed orogenic belt.
How to cite: Skikra, H., Amrouch, K., Ahechach, Y., Ouabid, M., Soulaimani, A., Raji, O., and Bodinier, J.-L.: Structural evolution of the Moroccan Central High Atlas Syncline-Topped Anticlinal Ridges: Insights from micro-structural analysis of Tirrhist and Anemzi ridges, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7361, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7361, 2021.
The Moroccan High Atlas mountain range is an aborted Mesozoic rift basin that was moderately shortened during the Late Cretaceous‒Cenozoic inversion. The range is currently featured in its central part by the presence of conspicuous S-shaped open gentle synclines where Middle Jurassic strata crop out, with sub-horizontal bottom, separated by 15-to-80-km narrow faulted anticline ridges with two distinct directions: ENE and NE. The tight anticline ridges are cored by Triassic continental red-beds intruded by the CAMP basalts and subsequently by Upper Jurrasic‒Lower Cretaceous alkaline magmatism. Regional cleavage with very low-grade anchi- to epi-zonal metamorphism are depicted along several structures of the High Atlas, particularly the NE-trending anticlines. The sedimentary layers thickness, on the other hand, gets thinner towards the faulted anticlines with the development of intraformational truncations. The structural history of the High Atlas syncline-topped anticlinal ridges remains a controversial matter. Any attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary process of such folded structures must take into consideration the following circumstances:
- After a Triassic rifting episode followed by the establishment of Liassic carbonate platform, the High Atlas basin underwent a wide spread exhumation event at the time interval between the Middle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous leading to the deposition of continental detrital series and sedimentary hiatus;
- The upward motion was accompanied with the emplacement of alkaline magmas in the Central High Atlas;
- A complex halokinetic history characterizes the Central High Atlas salt province during both pre-orogenic and orogenic stages;
- During the Late Cretaceous‒Cenozoic, the High Atlas experienced a moderate crustal shortening which was focused essentially within the range’s borders;
In order to bring new insights to the structural history of the High Atlas folded structures, a structural investigation was carried out in Tirrhist and Anemzi ridges. In each station, fractures measurements were taken, and oriented samples were collected for micro-structural analysis. First paleo-stress inversion in some stations reveals the presence of pre-folding bedding-parallel maximal horizontal stress oriented NE to NNE. For a deep analysis of pre syn and post-folding stresses history, we use a calcite stress inversion technique, namely Etchecopar’s method, to unravel the paleo-stresses orientations and to quantify the differential stresses during the different episodes of deformation. The present work is a preliminary attempt to quantify tectonic stresses in the hinterland of an arguably weakly deformed orogenic belt.
How to cite: Skikra, H., Amrouch, K., Ahechach, Y., Ouabid, M., Soulaimani, A., Raji, O., and Bodinier, J.-L.: Structural evolution of the Moroccan Central High Atlas Syncline-Topped Anticlinal Ridges: Insights from micro-structural analysis of Tirrhist and Anemzi ridges, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7361, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7361, 2021.
EGU21-10098 | vPICO presentations | TS3.1
Compiling and correlating paleostress fields across Central Europe - A paleostress chart for northern Bavaria and adjacent areasFlorian Duschl, Tobias Stephan, Saskia Köhler, Daniel Köhn, Harald Stollhofen, and Michael Drews
Detailed knowledge on the temporal and spatial distribution of faults and fractures not only reveals the geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the lithosphere. It is also of increasing importance with regard to economic, social, and environmental challenges such as nuclear waste disposal, gas storage, geothermal energy, natural hazards, and mineral resource exploration. In this context reliable data on both timing and kinematics of deformation and their regional impact on faulting and fracture formation provide crucial information to evaluate exploration, storage, and production risks, which in turn stresses the need for comprehensive data on paleostress fields and their influence on deformation, fault reactivation, fluid activity, and hydrothermal mineralization.
In this study we present a first comprehensive approach to compile and visualize information on the crustal paleostress field of Central Europe with a focus on northern Bavaria and adjacent areas. The compilation includes published structural data from kinematic paleostress analyses (e.g. fault-slip analysis, tectonic stylolites) and geo- and thermochronological ages of fracture mineralization and fault activity, respectively. The present compilation comprises structural records from more than 40 studies and age information from more than 100 geo-thermochronological studies. All structural data are categorized according to its tectonic stress regime and quality-ranked for reliability and comparability. The consequent linkage of structural data with thermochronological data wherever possible allows to correlate local paleostress fields and deformation patterns with regional to global tectonic events. As one result, the “Paleostress Chart for Northern Bavaria and adjacent Areas” visualizes the temporal and spatial evolution of several regions in Central Europe together with known tectonic phases, sedimentary unconformities and the plate kinematic framework since the Carboniferous.
This compilation may therefore help to better understand the timing and the spatio-temporal evolution of crustal stress patterns for tectonic events across Central Europe in the context of plate tectonics.
We aim to supplement and improve existing paleostress models on both, regional, and temporal scale by compiling published and original data. In the long term the database is intended as a continuing compilation where data from all across Central Europe are supposed to be included and refined subsequently.
How to cite: Duschl, F., Stephan, T., Köhler, S., Köhn, D., Stollhofen, H., and Drews, M.: Compiling and correlating paleostress fields across Central Europe - A paleostress chart for northern Bavaria and adjacent areas, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10098, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10098, 2021.
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Detailed knowledge on the temporal and spatial distribution of faults and fractures not only reveals the geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the lithosphere. It is also of increasing importance with regard to economic, social, and environmental challenges such as nuclear waste disposal, gas storage, geothermal energy, natural hazards, and mineral resource exploration. In this context reliable data on both timing and kinematics of deformation and their regional impact on faulting and fracture formation provide crucial information to evaluate exploration, storage, and production risks, which in turn stresses the need for comprehensive data on paleostress fields and their influence on deformation, fault reactivation, fluid activity, and hydrothermal mineralization.
In this study we present a first comprehensive approach to compile and visualize information on the crustal paleostress field of Central Europe with a focus on northern Bavaria and adjacent areas. The compilation includes published structural data from kinematic paleostress analyses (e.g. fault-slip analysis, tectonic stylolites) and geo- and thermochronological ages of fracture mineralization and fault activity, respectively. The present compilation comprises structural records from more than 40 studies and age information from more than 100 geo-thermochronological studies. All structural data are categorized according to its tectonic stress regime and quality-ranked for reliability and comparability. The consequent linkage of structural data with thermochronological data wherever possible allows to correlate local paleostress fields and deformation patterns with regional to global tectonic events. As one result, the “Paleostress Chart for Northern Bavaria and adjacent Areas” visualizes the temporal and spatial evolution of several regions in Central Europe together with known tectonic phases, sedimentary unconformities and the plate kinematic framework since the Carboniferous.
This compilation may therefore help to better understand the timing and the spatio-temporal evolution of crustal stress patterns for tectonic events across Central Europe in the context of plate tectonics.
We aim to supplement and improve existing paleostress models on both, regional, and temporal scale by compiling published and original data. In the long term the database is intended as a continuing compilation where data from all across Central Europe are supposed to be included and refined subsequently.
How to cite: Duschl, F., Stephan, T., Köhler, S., Köhn, D., Stollhofen, H., and Drews, M.: Compiling and correlating paleostress fields across Central Europe - A paleostress chart for northern Bavaria and adjacent areas, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10098, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10098, 2021.
TS4.0 – Late-Breaking Session: The December 2020 earthquake sequence in Petrinja, Croatia, and its seismotectonic and geodynamic environments
EGU21-16577 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Rupture analysis of the 2020 Petrinja earthquake based on seismological observationsMathieu Causse
Here, I use seismological observations (~70 broadband stations at distances between 100 and 400 km from the source) to characterize the rupture properties of the Petrinja mainshock (Mw 6.4). First, I perform a spectral analysis of the P-waves to compute the corner frequency. In order to remove the wave propagation effects and isolate the source properties, I use the largest foreshocks and aftershocks (Mw>4) as empirical Green’s functions (EGFs). Assuming a Brune’s source model, the obtained stress drop is ~20 MPa. This rather large value is in agreement with the short rupture length of ~8 km inferred by InSAR data (Ganas et al. 2021). In addition, the weak azimuthal variations of the corner frequencies indicates a bilateral rupture, that is a rupture nucleating close to the fault center. Second, I compute the apparent source time functions (i.e. the source time functions “seen” from any station) using an EGF deconvolution approach. The results indicate an average rupture duration of 5-6 s with weak azimuthal variation of the apparent rupture duration, in agreement with the spectral analysis. Finally, I perform a Bayesian inversion of the apparent source function, in order to obtain a kinematic model of the rupture propagation (slip distribution, rupture velocity). The preliminary results reveal a slow velocity of the rupture propagation. Such a slow rupture velocity associated with a large stress drop has been observed on other faults with slow slip rates (e.g. Causse et al. 2017). This work provides insight on the rupture process of this major event on a poorly documented fault. I am fully open for collaborations to further develop and enrich this study.
Causse, M., G. Cultrera, L. Moreau, A. Herrero, E. Schiapappietra and F. Courboulex. Bayesian rupture imaging in a complex medium. The 29 May 2012 Emilia, Northern Italy, earthquake (2017), Geophysical Research Letters, DOI : 10.1002/2017GL074698.
Ganas, A., Elias, P., Valkaniotis, S., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., Briole, P., 2021, Petrinja earthquake moved crust 10 feet, Temblor, http://doi.org/10.32858/temblor.156
How to cite: Causse, M.: Rupture analysis of the 2020 Petrinja earthquake based on seismological observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16577, 2021.
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Here, I use seismological observations (~70 broadband stations at distances between 100 and 400 km from the source) to characterize the rupture properties of the Petrinja mainshock (Mw 6.4). First, I perform a spectral analysis of the P-waves to compute the corner frequency. In order to remove the wave propagation effects and isolate the source properties, I use the largest foreshocks and aftershocks (Mw>4) as empirical Green’s functions (EGFs). Assuming a Brune’s source model, the obtained stress drop is ~20 MPa. This rather large value is in agreement with the short rupture length of ~8 km inferred by InSAR data (Ganas et al. 2021). In addition, the weak azimuthal variations of the corner frequencies indicates a bilateral rupture, that is a rupture nucleating close to the fault center. Second, I compute the apparent source time functions (i.e. the source time functions “seen” from any station) using an EGF deconvolution approach. The results indicate an average rupture duration of 5-6 s with weak azimuthal variation of the apparent rupture duration, in agreement with the spectral analysis. Finally, I perform a Bayesian inversion of the apparent source function, in order to obtain a kinematic model of the rupture propagation (slip distribution, rupture velocity). The preliminary results reveal a slow velocity of the rupture propagation. Such a slow rupture velocity associated with a large stress drop has been observed on other faults with slow slip rates (e.g. Causse et al. 2017). This work provides insight on the rupture process of this major event on a poorly documented fault. I am fully open for collaborations to further develop and enrich this study.
Causse, M., G. Cultrera, L. Moreau, A. Herrero, E. Schiapappietra and F. Courboulex. Bayesian rupture imaging in a complex medium. The 29 May 2012 Emilia, Northern Italy, earthquake (2017), Geophysical Research Letters, DOI : 10.1002/2017GL074698.
Ganas, A., Elias, P., Valkaniotis, S., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., Briole, P., 2021, Petrinja earthquake moved crust 10 feet, Temblor, http://doi.org/10.32858/temblor.156
How to cite: Causse, M.: Rupture analysis of the 2020 Petrinja earthquake based on seismological observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16577, 2021.
EGU21-16579 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
First results from temporary deployment of small seismic network following the Mw=6.4 Petrinja earthquakeJosip Stipčević, Valerio Poggi, Marijan Herak, Stefano Parolai, Davorka Herak, Iva Dasović, Michele Bertoni, Carla Barnaba, and Damiano Pesaresi
The Department of Geophysics, University of Zagreb and the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) installed on January 4th 2021, five temporary seismic stations near the town of Petrinja, Croatia, in the aftermath of the 29 Decembre 2020 Mw 6.4 earthquake. The stations equipped with a seismometer and a strong motion sensor, recorded the aftershock sequence beginning six days after the mainshock allowing to augment the permanent seismic network in the area improving the azimuthal coverage and providing additional near‐field observations.
In this presentation we summarize the motivation and goals of the deployment; details regarding the station installation, instrumentation, and configurations and observations from the network. The collected data set will be useful for carrying out several seismological studies including the analysis of variability of strong ground motions in near field, the determination of the aftershocks source parameters, the estimation (if any) of rupture directivity of small events, the clustering of events in space and time, the better imaging of the fault zone, the evolution of crustal properties within and outside of the fault zone.
How to cite: Stipčević, J., Poggi, V., Herak, M., Parolai, S., Herak, D., Dasović, I., Bertoni, M., Barnaba, C., and Pesaresi, D.: First results from temporary deployment of small seismic network following the Mw=6.4 Petrinja earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16579, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16579, 2021.
The Department of Geophysics, University of Zagreb and the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) installed on January 4th 2021, five temporary seismic stations near the town of Petrinja, Croatia, in the aftermath of the 29 Decembre 2020 Mw 6.4 earthquake. The stations equipped with a seismometer and a strong motion sensor, recorded the aftershock sequence beginning six days after the mainshock allowing to augment the permanent seismic network in the area improving the azimuthal coverage and providing additional near‐field observations.
In this presentation we summarize the motivation and goals of the deployment; details regarding the station installation, instrumentation, and configurations and observations from the network. The collected data set will be useful for carrying out several seismological studies including the analysis of variability of strong ground motions in near field, the determination of the aftershocks source parameters, the estimation (if any) of rupture directivity of small events, the clustering of events in space and time, the better imaging of the fault zone, the evolution of crustal properties within and outside of the fault zone.
How to cite: Stipčević, J., Poggi, V., Herak, M., Parolai, S., Herak, D., Dasović, I., Bertoni, M., Barnaba, C., and Pesaresi, D.: First results from temporary deployment of small seismic network following the Mw=6.4 Petrinja earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16579, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16579, 2021.
EGU21-16585 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Petrinja Seismogenic Source and its 2020-2021 Earthquake Sequence (central Croatia)Vanja Kastelic, Simone Atzori, Michele M. C. Carafa, Marin Marin Govorčin, Davorka Herak, Marijan Herak, Bojan Matoš, Josip Stipčević, and Bruno Bruno Tomljenović
The ongoing Petrinja earthquake sequence interests a structurally complex area characterized by the transition between the Dinarides and the Pannonian Basin structural units. The sequence mainshock (December 29, 2020; Mw = 6.4) struck in the vicinity of the Petrinja town and caused significant damage in the human and in the natural environments. The preliminary seismological and geodetic analyses indicated a dextral strike-slip NW-SE oriented fault as the event source. Numerous geologic surface deformation patterns have been identified in the aftermath of the main event, including collapsed sinkholes, liquefaction, different forms of landslides, and surface fractures which nature and causative process require further detailed studies.
The aim of our contribution is to apply a multitude of different geophysical, geodetic and geologic methodologies to decipher the Petrinja seismogenic fault geometry in the light of its ongoing earthquake sequence. We will show how the different datasets converge in delineating the fault geometry and discuss their diverging aspects and implications. Our preliminary analyses on the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the mainshock (as well as those of the foreshocks and aftershocks) point to an important structural complexity. This aspect helps us to better understand the seismotectonic framework of the Petrinja seismogenic fault and other regional seismogenic faults of similar geologic and geodynamic setting.
How to cite: Kastelic, V., Atzori, S., Carafa, M. M. C., Marin Govorčin, M., Herak, D., Herak, M., Matoš, B., Stipčević, J., and Bruno Tomljenović, B.: Petrinja Seismogenic Source and its 2020-2021 Earthquake Sequence (central Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16585, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16585, 2021.
The ongoing Petrinja earthquake sequence interests a structurally complex area characterized by the transition between the Dinarides and the Pannonian Basin structural units. The sequence mainshock (December 29, 2020; Mw = 6.4) struck in the vicinity of the Petrinja town and caused significant damage in the human and in the natural environments. The preliminary seismological and geodetic analyses indicated a dextral strike-slip NW-SE oriented fault as the event source. Numerous geologic surface deformation patterns have been identified in the aftermath of the main event, including collapsed sinkholes, liquefaction, different forms of landslides, and surface fractures which nature and causative process require further detailed studies.
The aim of our contribution is to apply a multitude of different geophysical, geodetic and geologic methodologies to decipher the Petrinja seismogenic fault geometry in the light of its ongoing earthquake sequence. We will show how the different datasets converge in delineating the fault geometry and discuss their diverging aspects and implications. Our preliminary analyses on the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the mainshock (as well as those of the foreshocks and aftershocks) point to an important structural complexity. This aspect helps us to better understand the seismotectonic framework of the Petrinja seismogenic fault and other regional seismogenic faults of similar geologic and geodynamic setting.
How to cite: Kastelic, V., Atzori, S., Carafa, M. M. C., Marin Govorčin, M., Herak, D., Herak, M., Matoš, B., Stipčević, J., and Bruno Tomljenović, B.: Petrinja Seismogenic Source and its 2020-2021 Earthquake Sequence (central Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16585, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16585, 2021.
EGU21-16581 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Distorsion of Croatian national positional reference system CROPOS after the earthquake M6.2 in NW CroatiaOlga Bjelotomić Oršulić, Matej Varga, Tomislav Bašić, and Tvrtko Korbar
The precision of geodetic measurements is reliable as much as the reference on which the measurements relies on. From the aspect of todays' most used geodetic method, the GNSS measurements, its reference is defined through a national reference frame established with corresponding reference stations. Hazardous earthquake of M=6.2 occurred in NW Croatia at the very end of year 2020. Earthquake was one of the most hazardous natural phenomena in Croatia in the last century. Due to the tremendous damages left behind, in which also one of the national GNSS reference station temporarily out of the service, we analyzed how much earthquake had impacted the surrounding reference stations and overall the Croatian national reference frame CROPOS. The presentation shows the analysis of GNSS time series in order to determine the scale of displacement of the CROPOS CORS GNSS reference stations due to the earthquake. The results show the greatest shift of 5 cm east on Sisak reference station, with stations in circumstances of 100 km impacted by the earthquake and shifted between 1 and 2.5 cm positional and 2-4 cm in height. Identified displacement of national reference frame and the ground displacement over the affected area will have domino effect on the geodetic field measurements and cadastral survey on that area.
How to cite: Bjelotomić Oršulić, O., Varga, M., Bašić, T., and Korbar, T.: Distorsion of Croatian national positional reference system CROPOS after the earthquake M6.2 in NW Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16581, 2021.
The precision of geodetic measurements is reliable as much as the reference on which the measurements relies on. From the aspect of todays' most used geodetic method, the GNSS measurements, its reference is defined through a national reference frame established with corresponding reference stations. Hazardous earthquake of M=6.2 occurred in NW Croatia at the very end of year 2020. Earthquake was one of the most hazardous natural phenomena in Croatia in the last century. Due to the tremendous damages left behind, in which also one of the national GNSS reference station temporarily out of the service, we analyzed how much earthquake had impacted the surrounding reference stations and overall the Croatian national reference frame CROPOS. The presentation shows the analysis of GNSS time series in order to determine the scale of displacement of the CROPOS CORS GNSS reference stations due to the earthquake. The results show the greatest shift of 5 cm east on Sisak reference station, with stations in circumstances of 100 km impacted by the earthquake and shifted between 1 and 2.5 cm positional and 2-4 cm in height. Identified displacement of national reference frame and the ground displacement over the affected area will have domino effect on the geodetic field measurements and cadastral survey on that area.
How to cite: Bjelotomić Oršulić, O., Varga, M., Bašić, T., and Korbar, T.: Distorsion of Croatian national positional reference system CROPOS after the earthquake M6.2 in NW Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16581, 2021.
EGU21-16582 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Ground displacement over Petrinja area caused by earthquake M6.2: interdisciplinary analysis of geodesy and geology based on analysis from SAR Sentinel-1 dataOlga Bjelotomić Oršulić, Tvrtko Korbar, Danko Markovinović, Matej Varga, and Tomislav Bašić
At the very end of the year 2020, at 29th of December, hazard earthquake of M=6.2 hit near Petrinja, at NW of Croatia. Earthquake have been felt in a circumstance of a 400 kilometers, leaving in an epicenter vicinity inconceivable damage, devastated towns and obstructed lives. In order to obtain the first emergency crisis numbers over the impact of the earthquake on a ground motion, we have analyzed open satellite radar images of Copernicus Sentinel-1 along with the seismic faults. Multiple spatio-temporal Copernicus Sentinel-1 C-SAR images were used and processed for the differentiating the before and after earthquake state of the art. This presentation shows the results of the SAR conducted analysis, with the results of ground displacement in vertical up-down and horizontal east-west direction. The results show the vertical ground displacement to extent of -12 cm at southern area to +22cm at north-west part of a wide area covered by the earthquake impact regarding the epicenter. The horizontal displacement is detected in range between 30 cm towards west and 40 cm towards east is detected around the epicenter area, and +/-5cm horizontal displacement over a wider affected area indicate a spatial extent and hazardous impact the mainshock event made. The SAR results were verified by including the analysis over one station from the national positioning reference frame CROPOS. Accordingly, we obtained matching results of 5 cm easting shift and -3 cm subsidence on Sisak GNSS CROPOS station which coressponds to our SAR findings. Furthermore, geological interepretation of new findings is given based on results detecting Pokupsko and Petrinja fault.
How to cite: Bjelotomić Oršulić, O., Korbar, T., Markovinović, D., Varga, M., and Bašić, T.: Ground displacement over Petrinja area caused by earthquake M6.2: interdisciplinary analysis of geodesy and geology based on analysis from SAR Sentinel-1 data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16582, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16582, 2021.
At the very end of the year 2020, at 29th of December, hazard earthquake of M=6.2 hit near Petrinja, at NW of Croatia. Earthquake have been felt in a circumstance of a 400 kilometers, leaving in an epicenter vicinity inconceivable damage, devastated towns and obstructed lives. In order to obtain the first emergency crisis numbers over the impact of the earthquake on a ground motion, we have analyzed open satellite radar images of Copernicus Sentinel-1 along with the seismic faults. Multiple spatio-temporal Copernicus Sentinel-1 C-SAR images were used and processed for the differentiating the before and after earthquake state of the art. This presentation shows the results of the SAR conducted analysis, with the results of ground displacement in vertical up-down and horizontal east-west direction. The results show the vertical ground displacement to extent of -12 cm at southern area to +22cm at north-west part of a wide area covered by the earthquake impact regarding the epicenter. The horizontal displacement is detected in range between 30 cm towards west and 40 cm towards east is detected around the epicenter area, and +/-5cm horizontal displacement over a wider affected area indicate a spatial extent and hazardous impact the mainshock event made. The SAR results were verified by including the analysis over one station from the national positioning reference frame CROPOS. Accordingly, we obtained matching results of 5 cm easting shift and -3 cm subsidence on Sisak GNSS CROPOS station which coressponds to our SAR findings. Furthermore, geological interepretation of new findings is given based on results detecting Pokupsko and Petrinja fault.
How to cite: Bjelotomić Oršulić, O., Korbar, T., Markovinović, D., Varga, M., and Bašić, T.: Ground displacement over Petrinja area caused by earthquake M6.2: interdisciplinary analysis of geodesy and geology based on analysis from SAR Sentinel-1 data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16582, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16582, 2021.
EGU21-16576 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Ground deformation related to slip and afterslip of the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrijna earthquake (Croatia) imaged by InSARAthanassios Ganas, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Panagiotis Elias, Varvara Tsironi, Ilektra Karasante, Pierre Briole, Eugenio Sansosti, and Vincenzo De Novellis
On December 29, 2020, at 11:19 UTC, a strong (M6.4), shallow earthquake occurred in the central region of Croatia. The epicentre was located near the town of Petrinja, about 40 km to the south of the capital, Zagreb. Here we present a preliminary analysis of the geodetic data (differential InSAR & GNSS) and preliminary estimates of the slip that occurred on the fault during the earthquake and subsequent aftershocks. We picked InSAR data to invert for the seismic fault assuming linear rheology and Okada-type dislocation (rectangular) source with non-uniform slip. The interferograms show an asymmetric, four‐lobed pattern, centered on a NW‐SE oriented discontinuity that is in agreement with the right-lateral plane of the moment tensor solutions for the mainshock. We found that the Petrijna earthquake ruptured a segment of a strike-slip fault zone that is shorter (8 km) than average and with larger slip (~ 3 m). All parameters of the seismic fault are well constrained by InSAR modeling due to the full azimuthal coverage with both ascending and descending data of good quality. The fit to the fringes is better with a steep dip angle (76°) than with a purely vertical fault. The upper edge of the modeled fault is at a depth of ~1 km, this means that the slip drop from 3 to 0 m in the uppermost kilometer and our geodetic analysis cannot assess whether the fault reached the surface in some sections of the fault, however should this be the case, we expect ruptures at the surface in the range of 0.1 to 0 m for consistency with our model and the structure of the fringes pattern. In particular, preliminary modelling results with distributed fault-slip show that the slip reached a peak of more than 2.5 m at a depth of about 2 km. We also found that, differently from what reported in the European database of seismogenic sources (EDSF), the seismic fault dips westward instead of eastward. Additionally, the 2020 rupture and the InSAR mapped trace do not match the EDSF composite seismogenic fault surface trace. Kinematic analysis of GNSS waveforms at station BJEL (about 70-km east of the epicentre) revealed that horizontal ground motion reached 7-cm (peak-to-peak). The InSAR data revealed a 7 km of right-lateral afterslip on the NW-edge of the rupture, and 5 km to the south of the main fault rupture. In particular, the afterslip data on the NW edge of the rupture document the curved shape of the post-seismic deformation, that highlights the non-planarity of faults in nature and possibly indicating the existence of a ramp structure connecting to the neighboring segment towards north.
How to cite: Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S., Elias, P., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., Briole, P., Sansosti, E., and De Novellis, V.: Ground deformation related to slip and afterslip of the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrijna earthquake (Croatia) imaged by InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16576, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16576, 2021.
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On December 29, 2020, at 11:19 UTC, a strong (M6.4), shallow earthquake occurred in the central region of Croatia. The epicentre was located near the town of Petrinja, about 40 km to the south of the capital, Zagreb. Here we present a preliminary analysis of the geodetic data (differential InSAR & GNSS) and preliminary estimates of the slip that occurred on the fault during the earthquake and subsequent aftershocks. We picked InSAR data to invert for the seismic fault assuming linear rheology and Okada-type dislocation (rectangular) source with non-uniform slip. The interferograms show an asymmetric, four‐lobed pattern, centered on a NW‐SE oriented discontinuity that is in agreement with the right-lateral plane of the moment tensor solutions for the mainshock. We found that the Petrijna earthquake ruptured a segment of a strike-slip fault zone that is shorter (8 km) than average and with larger slip (~ 3 m). All parameters of the seismic fault are well constrained by InSAR modeling due to the full azimuthal coverage with both ascending and descending data of good quality. The fit to the fringes is better with a steep dip angle (76°) than with a purely vertical fault. The upper edge of the modeled fault is at a depth of ~1 km, this means that the slip drop from 3 to 0 m in the uppermost kilometer and our geodetic analysis cannot assess whether the fault reached the surface in some sections of the fault, however should this be the case, we expect ruptures at the surface in the range of 0.1 to 0 m for consistency with our model and the structure of the fringes pattern. In particular, preliminary modelling results with distributed fault-slip show that the slip reached a peak of more than 2.5 m at a depth of about 2 km. We also found that, differently from what reported in the European database of seismogenic sources (EDSF), the seismic fault dips westward instead of eastward. Additionally, the 2020 rupture and the InSAR mapped trace do not match the EDSF composite seismogenic fault surface trace. Kinematic analysis of GNSS waveforms at station BJEL (about 70-km east of the epicentre) revealed that horizontal ground motion reached 7-cm (peak-to-peak). The InSAR data revealed a 7 km of right-lateral afterslip on the NW-edge of the rupture, and 5 km to the south of the main fault rupture. In particular, the afterslip data on the NW edge of the rupture document the curved shape of the post-seismic deformation, that highlights the non-planarity of faults in nature and possibly indicating the existence of a ramp structure connecting to the neighboring segment towards north.
How to cite: Ganas, A., Valkaniotis, S., Elias, P., Tsironi, V., Karasante, I., Briole, P., Sansosti, E., and De Novellis, V.: Ground deformation related to slip and afterslip of the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrijna earthquake (Croatia) imaged by InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16576, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16576, 2021.
EGU21-16588 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Geodetic benchmark displacement measurements following the 2020 Petrinja earthquake in CroatiaBranko Kordić, Matija Vukovski, Marko Budić, Marko Špelić, Josip Barbača, Nikola Belić, Vlatko Brčić, Radovan Filjak, Tomislav Kurečić, Damir Palenik, Neven Bočić, Jure Atanackov, Miloš Bavec, Rok Brajkovič, Bogomir Celarc, Ana Novak, Matevž Novak, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Sara Amoroso, Ricccardo Civico, Stefano Pucci, Tullio Ricci, Paolo Bonico, Francesco Iezzi, Bruno Pace, Alessio Testa, Lucilla Benedetti, Maxime Henriquet, Adrien Moulin, Stéphane Baize, Marianne Métois, and Snjezana Markusic
The earthquake with magnitude ML=6.2 that occurred on 29th December 2020 has caused significant material damage to objects and infrastructure in the towns of Petrinja, Sisak,Glina and the surrounding area. According to the satellite interferometry data, the coseismic and postseismic deformation area covers around 500 square kilometers. The existing geodetic benchmarks have been set in the affected towns, and their coordinates have been determined based on previous GPS campaigns. The GPS network was set up and adjusted at the State Geodetic Administration's request for geodetic monitoring of infrastructure and cadastral projects. These points are not primarily intended for high accuracy measurements at the level of a few millimeters, so their accuracy and the absolute shift concerning geodynamic processes in the region should be taken into account. Nevertheless, the data obtained by their observation after the earthquake can provide valuable information about the horizontal and vertical displacements with a certain level of confidence. The field survey has detected disappearance of a large number of benchmarks and some valuable information has been lost. Still, 58 points were found and observed and it has been concluded that 52 points are reliable and can be used for future research. Because the network of benchmarks is not developed in rural areas, there is a gap in the distribution of benchmarks in affected area. Therefore, the additional data was collected using the benchmarks established for the engineering and cadastral projects and studies. From a total of 67 points that have been found and observed, 42 points will be used. Along with the data collected in urban areas, there will be a total of 94 benchmarks. The accuracy of the geodetic benchmark measurements is at the centimeter level, while the values of deformation are at the level of a few decimeters. Therefore, the obtained data can be used to better assess the displacement recorded during the 29 December 2020 event. In the future, field research will focus on finding additional benchmarks to reach a better spatial distribution.
How to cite: Kordić, B., Vukovski, M., Budić, M., Špelić, M., Barbača, J., Belić, N., Brčić, V., Filjak, R., Kurečić, T., Palenik, D., Bočić, N., Atanackov, J., Bavec, M., Brajkovič, R., Celarc, B., Novak, A., Novak, M., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Amoroso, S., Civico, R., Pucci, S., Ricci, T., Bonico, P., Iezzi, F., Pace, B., Testa, A., Benedetti, L., Henriquet, M., Moulin, A., Baize, S., Métois, M., and Markusic, S.: Geodetic benchmark displacement measurements following the 2020 Petrinja earthquake in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16588, 2021.
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The earthquake with magnitude ML=6.2 that occurred on 29th December 2020 has caused significant material damage to objects and infrastructure in the towns of Petrinja, Sisak,Glina and the surrounding area. According to the satellite interferometry data, the coseismic and postseismic deformation area covers around 500 square kilometers. The existing geodetic benchmarks have been set in the affected towns, and their coordinates have been determined based on previous GPS campaigns. The GPS network was set up and adjusted at the State Geodetic Administration's request for geodetic monitoring of infrastructure and cadastral projects. These points are not primarily intended for high accuracy measurements at the level of a few millimeters, so their accuracy and the absolute shift concerning geodynamic processes in the region should be taken into account. Nevertheless, the data obtained by their observation after the earthquake can provide valuable information about the horizontal and vertical displacements with a certain level of confidence. The field survey has detected disappearance of a large number of benchmarks and some valuable information has been lost. Still, 58 points were found and observed and it has been concluded that 52 points are reliable and can be used for future research. Because the network of benchmarks is not developed in rural areas, there is a gap in the distribution of benchmarks in affected area. Therefore, the additional data was collected using the benchmarks established for the engineering and cadastral projects and studies. From a total of 67 points that have been found and observed, 42 points will be used. Along with the data collected in urban areas, there will be a total of 94 benchmarks. The accuracy of the geodetic benchmark measurements is at the centimeter level, while the values of deformation are at the level of a few decimeters. Therefore, the obtained data can be used to better assess the displacement recorded during the 29 December 2020 event. In the future, field research will focus on finding additional benchmarks to reach a better spatial distribution.
How to cite: Kordić, B., Vukovski, M., Budić, M., Špelić, M., Barbača, J., Belić, N., Brčić, V., Filjak, R., Kurečić, T., Palenik, D., Bočić, N., Atanackov, J., Bavec, M., Brajkovič, R., Celarc, B., Novak, A., Novak, M., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Amoroso, S., Civico, R., Pucci, S., Ricci, T., Bonico, P., Iezzi, F., Pace, B., Testa, A., Benedetti, L., Henriquet, M., Moulin, A., Baize, S., Métois, M., and Markusic, S.: Geodetic benchmark displacement measurements following the 2020 Petrinja earthquake in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16588, 2021.
EGU21-16574 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
A database of the environmental effects associated to the December 29th, 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia)Matija Vukovski, Marko Budić, Marko Špelić, Josip Barbača, Nikola Belić, Vlatko Brčić, Radovan Filjak, Tvrtko Korbar, Branko Kordić, Tomislav Kurečić, Damir Palenik, Neven Bočić, Jure Atanackov, Miloš Bavec, Rok Brajkovič, Bogomir Celarc, Ana Novak, Matevž Novak, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Sara Amoroso, Francesca Romana Cinti, Riccardo Civico, Daniela Pantosti, Stefano Pucci, Tullio Ricci, Paolo Boncio, Francesco Lezzi, Bruno Pace, Alessio Testa, Anna Maria Blumetti, Pio Di Manna, Lucilla Benedetti, Maxime Hnriquet, Adrien Moulin, and Stéphane Baize
On December 29th, 2020, a strong Mw 6.4 earthquake hit central Croatia. The epicenter was located approximately 3 km southwest of Petrinja, and the intensity was estimated to VIII-IX EMS. The earthquake led to significant environmental effects related to earthquake magnitude, focal depth, and geological and geotechnical properties of the affected area.
The Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) conducted extensive geological and geodetic surveys starting a few hours following the main shock to measure the earthquake’s effects,
including those on infrastructures. Ten geologists from the Department of Geology carried out surveys from Decmber 31st, 2020 to January 7th, 2021 along the potential seismogenic source (inferred from geological maps and InSAR data) and in the wider epicentral area that suffered significant damage (e.g., Glina and Sisak).
During a second phase, researchers from the University of Zagreb (PMF UniZG), Slovenia (GeoZS), Italy (INGV, ISPRA, U. Chieti) and France (CEREGE, IRSN) were mobilized to complete the observations. The collaboration with these geologists allowed to deepen the investigations and to bring further detail to quantify the effects. The surveys were then compiled based on data formats used by the European Community, namely those of the INGV EMERGEO team (Villani et al., 2017; for environmental effects including surface ruptures and liquefaction) and those of the SURE group (Baize et al., 2019 for surface ruptures).
These observations revealed that the earthquake triggered a discontinuous, few km-long surface rupture with a maximum displacement of about 20 cm, which is consistent with the lower average of observations made on similar events (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994). Liquefaction spread over several tens of square kilometers mostly in river plains, the most distant being about 20 km from the epicenter (to be confirmed!). Other observed effects include lateral spreading, landslides, groundwater regime changes, rockfalls, and various infrastructure damage.
The compilation of the acquired dataset into a unified database, consistent with database of other historical and recent events, is essential for establishing reliable empirical relations between geological effects and physical characteristics of earthquakes (magnitude, depth). This forms the basis for seismic hazard assessments, whether for “surface rupture”, “liquefaction”, or “ground-shaking” potential.
How to cite: Vukovski, M., Budić, M., Špelić, M., Barbača, J., Belić, N., Brčić, V., Filjak, R., Korbar, T., Kordić, B., Kurečić, T., Palenik, D., Bočić, N., Atanackov, J., Bavec, M., Brajkovič, R., Celarc, B., Novak, A., Novak, M., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Amoroso, S., Cinti, F. R., Civico, R., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Ricci, T., Boncio, P., Lezzi, F., Pace, B., Testa, A., Blumetti, A. M., Di Manna, P., Benedetti, L., Hnriquet, M., Moulin, A., and Baize, S.: A database of the environmental effects associated to the December 29th, 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16574, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16574, 2021.
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On December 29th, 2020, a strong Mw 6.4 earthquake hit central Croatia. The epicenter was located approximately 3 km southwest of Petrinja, and the intensity was estimated to VIII-IX EMS. The earthquake led to significant environmental effects related to earthquake magnitude, focal depth, and geological and geotechnical properties of the affected area.
The Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) conducted extensive geological and geodetic surveys starting a few hours following the main shock to measure the earthquake’s effects,
including those on infrastructures. Ten geologists from the Department of Geology carried out surveys from Decmber 31st, 2020 to January 7th, 2021 along the potential seismogenic source (inferred from geological maps and InSAR data) and in the wider epicentral area that suffered significant damage (e.g., Glina and Sisak).
During a second phase, researchers from the University of Zagreb (PMF UniZG), Slovenia (GeoZS), Italy (INGV, ISPRA, U. Chieti) and France (CEREGE, IRSN) were mobilized to complete the observations. The collaboration with these geologists allowed to deepen the investigations and to bring further detail to quantify the effects. The surveys were then compiled based on data formats used by the European Community, namely those of the INGV EMERGEO team (Villani et al., 2017; for environmental effects including surface ruptures and liquefaction) and those of the SURE group (Baize et al., 2019 for surface ruptures).
These observations revealed that the earthquake triggered a discontinuous, few km-long surface rupture with a maximum displacement of about 20 cm, which is consistent with the lower average of observations made on similar events (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994). Liquefaction spread over several tens of square kilometers mostly in river plains, the most distant being about 20 km from the epicenter (to be confirmed!). Other observed effects include lateral spreading, landslides, groundwater regime changes, rockfalls, and various infrastructure damage.
The compilation of the acquired dataset into a unified database, consistent with database of other historical and recent events, is essential for establishing reliable empirical relations between geological effects and physical characteristics of earthquakes (magnitude, depth). This forms the basis for seismic hazard assessments, whether for “surface rupture”, “liquefaction”, or “ground-shaking” potential.
How to cite: Vukovski, M., Budić, M., Špelić, M., Barbača, J., Belić, N., Brčić, V., Filjak, R., Korbar, T., Kordić, B., Kurečić, T., Palenik, D., Bočić, N., Atanackov, J., Bavec, M., Brajkovič, R., Celarc, B., Novak, A., Novak, M., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Amoroso, S., Cinti, F. R., Civico, R., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Ricci, T., Boncio, P., Lezzi, F., Pace, B., Testa, A., Blumetti, A. M., Di Manna, P., Benedetti, L., Hnriquet, M., Moulin, A., and Baize, S.: A database of the environmental effects associated to the December 29th, 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16574, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16574, 2021.
EGU21-16575 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Surface faulting during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia)Paolo Boncio, Sara Amoroso, Jure Atanackov, Stéphane Baize, Josip Barbača, Miloš Bavec, Nikola Belić, Lucilla Benedetti, Rok Brajkovič, Vlatko Brčić, Marko Budić, Marco Caciagli, Bogomor Celarc, Riccardo Civico, Francesca R. Cinti, Paolo Marco De Martini, Radovan Filjak, Maxime Henriquet, Branko Kordić, Francesco Iezzi, Lua Minarelli, Adrien Moulin, Rosa Nappi, Ana Novak, Matevž Novak, Bruno Pace, Damir Palenik, Daniela Pantosti, Stefano Pucci, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Marko Špelić, Alessio Testa, Sotiris Valkaniotis, and Martija Vukovski
The 29 December 2020, Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake nucleated at a depth of ~10 km in the Sisak-Moslavina County in northern Croatia, ~6 km WSW of the Petrinja town. Focal mechanisms, aftershocks distribution, and preliminary Sentinel-1 InSAR interferogram suggest that the NW-SE right-lateral strike-slip Pokupsko-Petrinja fault was the source of this event.
The Croatian Geological Survey, joined by a European team of earthquake geologists from France, Slovenia and Italy, performed a prompt systematic survey of the area to map the surface effects of the earthquake. The field survey was guided by geological maps, preliminary morphotectonic mapping based on 1:5,000 topographical maps and InSAR interferogram. Locally, field mapping was aided by drone survey.
We mapped unambiguous evidence of surface faulting at several sites between Župić to the NW and Hrastovica to the SE, in the central part of the Pokupsko-Petrinja fault, for a total length of ~6.5 km. This is probably a minimum length since several portions of the fault have not been explored yet, and in part crossing forbidden uncleared minefields. Surface faulting was observed on anthropic features (roads, walls) and on Quaternary sediments (soft colluvium and alluvium) and Miocene bedrock (calcarenites). The observed ruptures strike mostly NW-SE, with evidences of strike-slip right-lateral displacement and zones of extension (opening) or contraction (small pressure ridges, moletracks) at
local bends of the rupture trace. Those ruptures are interpreted as evidences of coseismic surface faulting (primary effects) as they affect the morphology independently from the slope direction. Ground failures due to gravitational sliding and liquefaction occurrences were also observed, mapped and interpreted as secondary effects (see Amoroso et al., and Vukovski et al., this session). SE of Križ, the rupture broke a water pipeline with a right-lateral offset of several centimetres. Measured right-lateral net displacement varies from a few centimetres up to ~35 cm. A portion of the maximum measured displacement could be due to afterlisp, as it was mapped several days after the main shock. Hybrid surface ruptures (shear plus opening and liquefaction), striking SW-NE, with cm-size left-lateral strike-slip offsets were mapped on the northern side of the Petrinja town, ~3 km NE of the main fault.
Overall, the rupture zone appears discontinuous. Several factors might be inferred to explain this pattern such as incomplete mapping of the rupture, inherited structural discontinuities within the Pokupsko-Petrinja fault system, or specific mechanical properties of the Neogene-Quaternary strata
How to cite: Boncio, P., Amoroso, S., Atanackov, J., Baize, S., Barbača, J., Bavec, M., Belić, N., Benedetti, L., Brajkovič, R., Brčić, V., Budić, M., Caciagli, M., Celarc, B., Civico, R., Cinti, F. R., De Martini, P. M., Filjak, R., Henriquet, M., Kordić, B., Iezzi, F., Minarelli, L., Moulin, A., Nappi, R., Novak, A., Novak, M., Pace, B., Palenik, D., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Špelić, M., Testa, A., Valkaniotis, S., and Vukovski, M.: Surface faulting during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16575, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16575, 2021.
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The 29 December 2020, Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake nucleated at a depth of ~10 km in the Sisak-Moslavina County in northern Croatia, ~6 km WSW of the Petrinja town. Focal mechanisms, aftershocks distribution, and preliminary Sentinel-1 InSAR interferogram suggest that the NW-SE right-lateral strike-slip Pokupsko-Petrinja fault was the source of this event.
The Croatian Geological Survey, joined by a European team of earthquake geologists from France, Slovenia and Italy, performed a prompt systematic survey of the area to map the surface effects of the earthquake. The field survey was guided by geological maps, preliminary morphotectonic mapping based on 1:5,000 topographical maps and InSAR interferogram. Locally, field mapping was aided by drone survey.
We mapped unambiguous evidence of surface faulting at several sites between Župić to the NW and Hrastovica to the SE, in the central part of the Pokupsko-Petrinja fault, for a total length of ~6.5 km. This is probably a minimum length since several portions of the fault have not been explored yet, and in part crossing forbidden uncleared minefields. Surface faulting was observed on anthropic features (roads, walls) and on Quaternary sediments (soft colluvium and alluvium) and Miocene bedrock (calcarenites). The observed ruptures strike mostly NW-SE, with evidences of strike-slip right-lateral displacement and zones of extension (opening) or contraction (small pressure ridges, moletracks) at
local bends of the rupture trace. Those ruptures are interpreted as evidences of coseismic surface faulting (primary effects) as they affect the morphology independently from the slope direction. Ground failures due to gravitational sliding and liquefaction occurrences were also observed, mapped and interpreted as secondary effects (see Amoroso et al., and Vukovski et al., this session). SE of Križ, the rupture broke a water pipeline with a right-lateral offset of several centimetres. Measured right-lateral net displacement varies from a few centimetres up to ~35 cm. A portion of the maximum measured displacement could be due to afterlisp, as it was mapped several days after the main shock. Hybrid surface ruptures (shear plus opening and liquefaction), striking SW-NE, with cm-size left-lateral strike-slip offsets were mapped on the northern side of the Petrinja town, ~3 km NE of the main fault.
Overall, the rupture zone appears discontinuous. Several factors might be inferred to explain this pattern such as incomplete mapping of the rupture, inherited structural discontinuities within the Pokupsko-Petrinja fault system, or specific mechanical properties of the Neogene-Quaternary strata
How to cite: Boncio, P., Amoroso, S., Atanackov, J., Baize, S., Barbača, J., Bavec, M., Belić, N., Benedetti, L., Brajkovič, R., Brčić, V., Budić, M., Caciagli, M., Celarc, B., Civico, R., Cinti, F. R., De Martini, P. M., Filjak, R., Henriquet, M., Kordić, B., Iezzi, F., Minarelli, L., Moulin, A., Nappi, R., Novak, A., Novak, M., Pace, B., Palenik, D., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Špelić, M., Testa, A., Valkaniotis, S., and Vukovski, M.: Surface faulting during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16575, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16575, 2021.
EGU21-16584 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Liquefaction field reconnaissance following the 29th December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia)Sara Amoroso, Josip Barbača, Nikola Belić, Branko Kordić, Vlatko Brčić, Marko Budić, Riccardo Civico, Paolo Marco De Martini, Nina Hećej, Tomislav Kurečić, Luca Minarelli, Tomislav Novosel, Damir Palenik, Daniela Pantosti, Stefano Pucci, Radovan Filjak, Tullio Ricci, Marko Špelić, and Matija Vukovski
Earthquakes and related coseismic effects at the surface, both primary and secondary, such as liquefaction and lateral spreading, can impact humans due to induced economic or social disruptions (e.g. slope, bridge and building foundation failures, flotation of buried structures). In this respect, it results of primary interest to map liquefaction induced evidences soon after an earthquake. On the 29th December 2020, a major earthquake (Mw 6.4) occurred in Croatia, close to Petrinja, 45 km south of Zagreb, generating widespread liquefaction and lateral spreading phenomena in a radius of approximately 20 km from the epicentre. A European team of researchers (geologists and engineers), in strict collaboration with the Croatian Geological Survey, performed field reconnaissance campaigns with the aim to provide a detailed identification and characterization of the primary and secondary geological and geotechnical coseismic effects induced by the Croatian earthquakes. Specifically with reference to the liquefaction phenomena, the Working Group integrated the data collected directly in the field with those from remote survey by drone aerial photos acquired in the post-event immediate. The adopted process allowed the collection of the liquefaction record with the highest possible completeness both in terms of pattern and distribution of the phenomena. The database includes several detailed case studies typified by the following characteristics: (1) liquefaction occurring on alluvial plain sites (Kupa river, Sava river and Glina river); (2) blows made by sand and/or gravel with local presence of shells and armored mud balls; (3) lateral spreading phenomena along road and river embankments; (4) sand ejecta of different grain size and matrix, even at the same site; (5) sand and/or gravel ejecta along fault traces. The characteristics of these features are discussed with reference to the alluvial setting and tectonic context. All together, the detailed survey of these recent liquefaction features will assist to build new empirical relations, to update the existing ones and to mitigate the effects of future earthquakes recognizing liquefaction prone areas for a correct land use planning, as for seismic microzonation studies.
How to cite: Amoroso, S., Barbača, J., Belić, N., Kordić, B., Brčić, V., Budić, M., Civico, R., De Martini, P. M., Hećej, N., Kurečić, T., Minarelli, L., Novosel, T., Palenik, D., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Filjak, R., Ricci, T., Špelić, M., and Vukovski, M.: Liquefaction field reconnaissance following the 29th December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16584, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16584, 2021.
Earthquakes and related coseismic effects at the surface, both primary and secondary, such as liquefaction and lateral spreading, can impact humans due to induced economic or social disruptions (e.g. slope, bridge and building foundation failures, flotation of buried structures). In this respect, it results of primary interest to map liquefaction induced evidences soon after an earthquake. On the 29th December 2020, a major earthquake (Mw 6.4) occurred in Croatia, close to Petrinja, 45 km south of Zagreb, generating widespread liquefaction and lateral spreading phenomena in a radius of approximately 20 km from the epicentre. A European team of researchers (geologists and engineers), in strict collaboration with the Croatian Geological Survey, performed field reconnaissance campaigns with the aim to provide a detailed identification and characterization of the primary and secondary geological and geotechnical coseismic effects induced by the Croatian earthquakes. Specifically with reference to the liquefaction phenomena, the Working Group integrated the data collected directly in the field with those from remote survey by drone aerial photos acquired in the post-event immediate. The adopted process allowed the collection of the liquefaction record with the highest possible completeness both in terms of pattern and distribution of the phenomena. The database includes several detailed case studies typified by the following characteristics: (1) liquefaction occurring on alluvial plain sites (Kupa river, Sava river and Glina river); (2) blows made by sand and/or gravel with local presence of shells and armored mud balls; (3) lateral spreading phenomena along road and river embankments; (4) sand ejecta of different grain size and matrix, even at the same site; (5) sand and/or gravel ejecta along fault traces. The characteristics of these features are discussed with reference to the alluvial setting and tectonic context. All together, the detailed survey of these recent liquefaction features will assist to build new empirical relations, to update the existing ones and to mitigate the effects of future earthquakes recognizing liquefaction prone areas for a correct land use planning, as for seismic microzonation studies.
How to cite: Amoroso, S., Barbača, J., Belić, N., Kordić, B., Brčić, V., Budić, M., Civico, R., De Martini, P. M., Hećej, N., Kurečić, T., Minarelli, L., Novosel, T., Palenik, D., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Filjak, R., Ricci, T., Špelić, M., and Vukovski, M.: Liquefaction field reconnaissance following the 29th December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16584, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16584, 2021.
EGU21-9434 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Petrinja M6.2 earthquake (Croatia) on 29/12/2020 occurred on the intersection of the two regional active faults at the transition between Dinarides and Pannonian basinTvrtko Korbar and Snježana Markušić
Devastating M6.2 earthquake (1) hit Petrinja epicentral area (2) on 2020-12-29. M5.0 foreshock on 2020-12-28 (1) caused moderate damage on buildings and forced many inhabitants to move out form their homes. Thus, the foreshock was a kind of lucky event that saved many human lives.
Considering the shallow focal depth (1) and QMTS that show clear strike-slip focal mechanisms (3, 4), surface failures were expected after the mainshock. Immediate reports in media allowed quick online research of surface failures indicating that linear infrastructure damages appear along ~30 km long portion of sinistral NE-SW striking Sisak-Petrinja-Glina-Topusko Fault. Quick field inspection revealed that fresh fault planes in the bedrock appear mostly along longitudinal NW-SE striking (Dinaric strike) Pokupsko-Kostajnica-Banja Luka Fault, and show clear dextral co-seismic stike-slip displacements. The map view time-lapse animation of the seismic sequence (5) revealed that ~20 km long portion of the Pokupsko Fault was (re)activated. The two subvertical mutually perpendicular faults intersect near the epicenters. The historically important Pokupsko earthquake occured in the vicinity (6), and was used by a famous Croatian geophysicist Andrija Mohorovičić to discover the MOHO discontinuity.
The fault system is textbook example of major failure in the upper crust along the pre-existing fault net (7) at the critical moment of centennial release of generally north-south oriented compressional strain that is accumulating in the crust because of continuous northward movement of the Adriatic microplate (Adria). Up to 10 mm/yr Adria GPS velocities measured in the Adriatic foreland are mostly accommodating along major External Dinarides active faults, since the Internal Dinarides GPS velocities are only 1-2 mm/yr, while the velocities in the Pannonian basin are near zero (8). The dextral Pokupsko-Banja Luka Fault could be one of the main inherited active faults between the crustal segments of the Adria, while sinistral Petrinja fault could represent reactivated Mesozoic transform fault bordering the crustal fragments (9) of once greater Adria (10).
- (1) https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/geof/seizmoloska_sluzba, Accessed: 2020-12-29 11:50 UTC
- (2) Stanko D, Markušić S, Korbar T, Ivančić J. (2020): Estimation of the High-Frequency Attenuation Parameter Kappa for the Zagreb (Croatia) Seismic Stations. Applied Sciences. 10(24):8974.
- (3) https://www.emsc-csem.org/#2, Accessed: 2020-12-28 05:28:07 UTC
- (4) https://www.emsc-csem.org/#2, Accessed: 2020-12-29 11:35 UTC
- (5) https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/geof/seizmoloska_sluzba, Accessed: 2021-01-03 07:50 UTC
- (6) Herak, D and Herak, M. (2010): The Kupa Valley (Croatia) earthquake of 8 October 1909 – 100 years later. Seismological research letters, 81, 30-36.
- (7) Pikija, M. (1987): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ, 1: 100 000: List Sisak, L 33-93. hgi-cgs.hr
- (8) Battaglia, M., Murray, M.H., Serpelloni, E. and Bürgmann, R. (2004). The Adriatic region: An independent microplate within the Africa-Eurasia collision zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, 1–4.
- (9) Korbar (2009): Orogenic evolution of the External Dinarides in the NE Adriatic region: a model constrained by tectonostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene carbonates. Earth Science Reviews, 96/4, 296-312.
- (10) van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Torsvik, T.H., Schmid, S.M., Maţenco, L.C., Maffione, M., Vissers, R.L.M., Gürer, D., Spakman, W. (2020): Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic. Gondwana Research, 81, 79-229.
How to cite: Korbar, T. and Markušić, S.: Petrinja M6.2 earthquake (Croatia) on 29/12/2020 occurred on the intersection of the two regional active faults at the transition between Dinarides and Pannonian basin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9434, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9434, 2021.
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Devastating M6.2 earthquake (1) hit Petrinja epicentral area (2) on 2020-12-29. M5.0 foreshock on 2020-12-28 (1) caused moderate damage on buildings and forced many inhabitants to move out form their homes. Thus, the foreshock was a kind of lucky event that saved many human lives.
Considering the shallow focal depth (1) and QMTS that show clear strike-slip focal mechanisms (3, 4), surface failures were expected after the mainshock. Immediate reports in media allowed quick online research of surface failures indicating that linear infrastructure damages appear along ~30 km long portion of sinistral NE-SW striking Sisak-Petrinja-Glina-Topusko Fault. Quick field inspection revealed that fresh fault planes in the bedrock appear mostly along longitudinal NW-SE striking (Dinaric strike) Pokupsko-Kostajnica-Banja Luka Fault, and show clear dextral co-seismic stike-slip displacements. The map view time-lapse animation of the seismic sequence (5) revealed that ~20 km long portion of the Pokupsko Fault was (re)activated. The two subvertical mutually perpendicular faults intersect near the epicenters. The historically important Pokupsko earthquake occured in the vicinity (6), and was used by a famous Croatian geophysicist Andrija Mohorovičić to discover the MOHO discontinuity.
The fault system is textbook example of major failure in the upper crust along the pre-existing fault net (7) at the critical moment of centennial release of generally north-south oriented compressional strain that is accumulating in the crust because of continuous northward movement of the Adriatic microplate (Adria). Up to 10 mm/yr Adria GPS velocities measured in the Adriatic foreland are mostly accommodating along major External Dinarides active faults, since the Internal Dinarides GPS velocities are only 1-2 mm/yr, while the velocities in the Pannonian basin are near zero (8). The dextral Pokupsko-Banja Luka Fault could be one of the main inherited active faults between the crustal segments of the Adria, while sinistral Petrinja fault could represent reactivated Mesozoic transform fault bordering the crustal fragments (9) of once greater Adria (10).
- (1) https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/geof/seizmoloska_sluzba, Accessed: 2020-12-29 11:50 UTC
- (2) Stanko D, Markušić S, Korbar T, Ivančić J. (2020): Estimation of the High-Frequency Attenuation Parameter Kappa for the Zagreb (Croatia) Seismic Stations. Applied Sciences. 10(24):8974.
- (3) https://www.emsc-csem.org/#2, Accessed: 2020-12-28 05:28:07 UTC
- (4) https://www.emsc-csem.org/#2, Accessed: 2020-12-29 11:35 UTC
- (5) https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/geof/seizmoloska_sluzba, Accessed: 2021-01-03 07:50 UTC
- (6) Herak, D and Herak, M. (2010): The Kupa Valley (Croatia) earthquake of 8 October 1909 – 100 years later. Seismological research letters, 81, 30-36.
- (7) Pikija, M. (1987): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ, 1: 100 000: List Sisak, L 33-93. hgi-cgs.hr
- (8) Battaglia, M., Murray, M.H., Serpelloni, E. and Bürgmann, R. (2004). The Adriatic region: An independent microplate within the Africa-Eurasia collision zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, 1–4.
- (9) Korbar (2009): Orogenic evolution of the External Dinarides in the NE Adriatic region: a model constrained by tectonostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene carbonates. Earth Science Reviews, 96/4, 296-312.
- (10) van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Torsvik, T.H., Schmid, S.M., Maţenco, L.C., Maffione, M., Vissers, R.L.M., Gürer, D., Spakman, W. (2020): Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic. Gondwana Research, 81, 79-229.
How to cite: Korbar, T. and Markušić, S.: Petrinja M6.2 earthquake (Croatia) on 29/12/2020 occurred on the intersection of the two regional active faults at the transition between Dinarides and Pannonian basin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9434, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9434, 2021.
EGU21-16598 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Coseismic surface "conjugate" faulting of the 29 December 2020., MW 6.4, Petrinja earthquake (Sisak-Moslavina, Croatia)Emanuele Tondi, Anna Maria Blumetti, Mišo Čičak, Pio Di Manna, Zoran Đuroković, Paolo Galli, Chiara Invernizzi, Stefano Mazzoli, Luigi Piccardi, Giorgio Valentini, Eutizio Vittori, and Tiziano Volatili
We provide here a first-hand description of the coseismic surface effects caused by the Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake that hit central Croatia on 29 December 2020. This was one of the strongest seismic events that occurred in Croatia in the last two centuries. Field surveys in the epicentral area allowed us to observe and map primary coseismic effects, including geometry and kinematics of surface faulting, as well as secondary effects, such as liquefaction, sinkholes and landslides. The resulting dataset consists of homogeneous georeferenced records identifying 222 observation points, each of which contains a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 14 numeric and string fields of relevant information. The earthquake caused surface faulting defining a typical ‘conjugate’ fault pattern characterized by Y and X shears, tension cracks (T fractures), and compression structures (P shears) within a ca. 10 km wide, right-lateral strike-slip fault zone (i.e. the Petrinja Fault Zone, PFZ). We believe that the results of the field survey provide fundamental information to improve the interpretation of seismological, GPS and InSAR data of this earthquake. Moreover, the data related to the surface faulting may impact future studies focused on earthquake processes in active strike-slip settings, integrating the estimates of slip amount and distribution in assessing the hazard associated with capable transcurrent faults.
How to cite: Tondi, E., Blumetti, A. M., Čičak, M., Di Manna, P., Đuroković, Z., Galli, P., Invernizzi, C., Mazzoli, S., Piccardi, L., Valentini, G., Vittori, E., and Volatili, T.: Coseismic surface "conjugate" faulting of the 29 December 2020., MW 6.4, Petrinja earthquake (Sisak-Moslavina, Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16598, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16598, 2021.
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We provide here a first-hand description of the coseismic surface effects caused by the Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake that hit central Croatia on 29 December 2020. This was one of the strongest seismic events that occurred in Croatia in the last two centuries. Field surveys in the epicentral area allowed us to observe and map primary coseismic effects, including geometry and kinematics of surface faulting, as well as secondary effects, such as liquefaction, sinkholes and landslides. The resulting dataset consists of homogeneous georeferenced records identifying 222 observation points, each of which contains a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 14 numeric and string fields of relevant information. The earthquake caused surface faulting defining a typical ‘conjugate’ fault pattern characterized by Y and X shears, tension cracks (T fractures), and compression structures (P shears) within a ca. 10 km wide, right-lateral strike-slip fault zone (i.e. the Petrinja Fault Zone, PFZ). We believe that the results of the field survey provide fundamental information to improve the interpretation of seismological, GPS and InSAR data of this earthquake. Moreover, the data related to the surface faulting may impact future studies focused on earthquake processes in active strike-slip settings, integrating the estimates of slip amount and distribution in assessing the hazard associated with capable transcurrent faults.
How to cite: Tondi, E., Blumetti, A. M., Čičak, M., Di Manna, P., Đuroković, Z., Galli, P., Invernizzi, C., Mazzoli, S., Piccardi, L., Valentini, G., Vittori, E., and Volatili, T.: Coseismic surface "conjugate" faulting of the 29 December 2020., MW 6.4, Petrinja earthquake (Sisak-Moslavina, Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16598, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16598, 2021.
EGU21-16572 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
A stronger predecessor to the M 6.2 Petrinja, Croatia earthquake in Antiquity – archaeoseismology of the 4th century Siscia eventMiklós Kázmér and Rosana Škrgulja
Archaeological excavations of the Roman city of Siscia (Sisak, Croatia) found walls of the city, up to 2 m thick, toppled in the moat. Brick masonry wall segments were found in various orientations: tilted, rotated, twisted, toppled, overturned. Foundations display features of twisting and shearing. There are additional shearing planes within the fallen walls, which allowed the segments to extend during collapse. Much of construction material was robbed in later centuries, so original dimensions are estimates only. Subsoil is alluvial sandy clay. We suggest that a major earthquake damaged the city wall of Siscia. Excitated by site effects of loose soil, high peak ground acceleration caused the wall to be sheared off from its foundation, landing it ultimately in the adjacent moat. Rebuilding of the city wall in the late antique period suggests that the first wall collapsed between the beginning of the 3rd and the middle of the 4th century. This earthquake between ~200 AD and ~350 AD is missing from historical catalogues. Both the Antique and the modern earthquakes were of intensity IX. The St. Quirinus site at Siscia is 12 km from the fault which caused the destruction in Petrinja on 29 December 2020, mere 3 km from the fault. We suggest that the Antique earthquake was stronger than the M 6.2 modern event.
How to cite: Kázmér, M. and Škrgulja, R.: A stronger predecessor to the M 6.2 Petrinja, Croatia earthquake in Antiquity – archaeoseismology of the 4th century Siscia event, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16572, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16572, 2021.
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Archaeological excavations of the Roman city of Siscia (Sisak, Croatia) found walls of the city, up to 2 m thick, toppled in the moat. Brick masonry wall segments were found in various orientations: tilted, rotated, twisted, toppled, overturned. Foundations display features of twisting and shearing. There are additional shearing planes within the fallen walls, which allowed the segments to extend during collapse. Much of construction material was robbed in later centuries, so original dimensions are estimates only. Subsoil is alluvial sandy clay. We suggest that a major earthquake damaged the city wall of Siscia. Excitated by site effects of loose soil, high peak ground acceleration caused the wall to be sheared off from its foundation, landing it ultimately in the adjacent moat. Rebuilding of the city wall in the late antique period suggests that the first wall collapsed between the beginning of the 3rd and the middle of the 4th century. This earthquake between ~200 AD and ~350 AD is missing from historical catalogues. Both the Antique and the modern earthquakes were of intensity IX. The St. Quirinus site at Siscia is 12 km from the fault which caused the destruction in Petrinja on 29 December 2020, mere 3 km from the fault. We suggest that the Antique earthquake was stronger than the M 6.2 modern event.
How to cite: Kázmér, M. and Škrgulja, R.: A stronger predecessor to the M 6.2 Petrinja, Croatia earthquake in Antiquity – archaeoseismology of the 4th century Siscia event, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16572, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16572, 2021.
EGU21-16578 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Some geomorphological perspectives on the structure associated with the Petrinja M6.2 earthquake in CroatiaPetra Jamšek Rupnik, Marko Budić, Matija Vukovski, Branko Kordić, Marko Špelić, Nikola Belić, Damir Palenik, Neven Bočić, Jure Atanackov, Bogomir Celarc, Ana Novak, Matevž Novak, Rok Brajkovič, Miloš Bavec, and Stéphane Baize
After the earthquake of 29/12/2020 in Petrinja (ML6.2, ImaxVIII-IX EMS), an attempt was made to characterize the active structure associated with the earthquake. As a first step towards this goal, we performed a geomorphological analysis in order to contribute to the identification and characterization of the surface expression of the active Pokupsko dextral strike-slip fault. We focused on the area between the southernmost parts of Vukomeričke Gorice and the southernmost parts of Hrastovica Mountain, where the NW-SE striking Pokupsko fault has slipped during and after the recent earthquake (Ganas et al., 2021). Using available 1 : 5 000 scale topographic maps and various 10 m resolution digital elevation model visualizations, we mapped lineaments that could represent relatively recently active fault segments. We used a quantitative approach to perform stream sinuosity analysis (e.g., Leopold et al., 1964; Zamolyi et al., 2010) on major streams crossing the structure to identify distinct changes in channel patterns that may be associated with vertical movement along the predominantly strike-slip fault. We observed changes in the shape of the valleys, especially the changes in width, height, and direction. By summarizing various geomorphological indicators of active fault segmentation at the surface with available geological data (Pikija, 1987) and so far limited field observations, we provide insights into the structure of the Pokupsko fault.
Preliminary results show good agreement between lineament mapping, changes in valley shape, changes in the stream sinuosity index, and (to some extent) previously mapped faults. In addition, some of the changes in stream sinuosity correspond to locations where coseismic surface ruptures occurred during the December 29 earthquake (Budić et al., this session; Pollak et al., 2021). Results suggest that the several-kilometer-wide zone of uplifted Neogene deposits results from the dextral-transpressive structure, which at the surface consists of a series of subparallel fault strands branching off the main fault that runs along the SE slopes of the Hrastovica Mountain. The SW-most fault strands are associated with significant changes in the shape of the valleys: the wide valleys of Petrinjčica, Utinja and Šanja change to narrow and deeply incised as they cross the uplifted structure. Paleocene and Eocene rocks, which otherwise underlie the Neogene, outcrop in the NE parts of the fluvial breakthrough valleys, indicating the uplift of the Hrastovica Mountain. Topographic data show a decrease of the mountain range elevation towards the SW. This evidence suggests that the main fault runs on the NE side of the mountain, strikes NW-SE and dips steeply towards the SW. The fault strike deviates between Župić and Farkašić. The fault plane solution for the December 29 earthquake suggests a nearly pure strike-slip fault, while geomorphic evidence strongly indicates areas of active uplift along the fault, further supported by the general antiformal structure. We interpret this as an indication of either a general current transpressional character of the fault or as local kinematic variations due to segmentation and changes in the strike of the fault; further analyses are pending.
How to cite: Jamšek Rupnik, P., Budić, M., Vukovski, M., Kordić, B., Špelić, M., Belić, N., Palenik, D., Bočić, N., Atanackov, J., Celarc, B., Novak, A., Novak, M., Brajkovič, R., Bavec, M., and Baize, S.: Some geomorphological perspectives on the structure associated with the Petrinja M6.2 earthquake in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16578, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16578, 2021.
After the earthquake of 29/12/2020 in Petrinja (ML6.2, ImaxVIII-IX EMS), an attempt was made to characterize the active structure associated with the earthquake. As a first step towards this goal, we performed a geomorphological analysis in order to contribute to the identification and characterization of the surface expression of the active Pokupsko dextral strike-slip fault. We focused on the area between the southernmost parts of Vukomeričke Gorice and the southernmost parts of Hrastovica Mountain, where the NW-SE striking Pokupsko fault has slipped during and after the recent earthquake (Ganas et al., 2021). Using available 1 : 5 000 scale topographic maps and various 10 m resolution digital elevation model visualizations, we mapped lineaments that could represent relatively recently active fault segments. We used a quantitative approach to perform stream sinuosity analysis (e.g., Leopold et al., 1964; Zamolyi et al., 2010) on major streams crossing the structure to identify distinct changes in channel patterns that may be associated with vertical movement along the predominantly strike-slip fault. We observed changes in the shape of the valleys, especially the changes in width, height, and direction. By summarizing various geomorphological indicators of active fault segmentation at the surface with available geological data (Pikija, 1987) and so far limited field observations, we provide insights into the structure of the Pokupsko fault.
Preliminary results show good agreement between lineament mapping, changes in valley shape, changes in the stream sinuosity index, and (to some extent) previously mapped faults. In addition, some of the changes in stream sinuosity correspond to locations where coseismic surface ruptures occurred during the December 29 earthquake (Budić et al., this session; Pollak et al., 2021). Results suggest that the several-kilometer-wide zone of uplifted Neogene deposits results from the dextral-transpressive structure, which at the surface consists of a series of subparallel fault strands branching off the main fault that runs along the SE slopes of the Hrastovica Mountain. The SW-most fault strands are associated with significant changes in the shape of the valleys: the wide valleys of Petrinjčica, Utinja and Šanja change to narrow and deeply incised as they cross the uplifted structure. Paleocene and Eocene rocks, which otherwise underlie the Neogene, outcrop in the NE parts of the fluvial breakthrough valleys, indicating the uplift of the Hrastovica Mountain. Topographic data show a decrease of the mountain range elevation towards the SW. This evidence suggests that the main fault runs on the NE side of the mountain, strikes NW-SE and dips steeply towards the SW. The fault strike deviates between Župić and Farkašić. The fault plane solution for the December 29 earthquake suggests a nearly pure strike-slip fault, while geomorphic evidence strongly indicates areas of active uplift along the fault, further supported by the general antiformal structure. We interpret this as an indication of either a general current transpressional character of the fault or as local kinematic variations due to segmentation and changes in the strike of the fault; further analyses are pending.
How to cite: Jamšek Rupnik, P., Budić, M., Vukovski, M., Kordić, B., Špelić, M., Belić, N., Palenik, D., Bočić, N., Atanackov, J., Celarc, B., Novak, A., Novak, M., Brajkovič, R., Bavec, M., and Baize, S.: Some geomorphological perspectives on the structure associated with the Petrinja M6.2 earthquake in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16578, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16578, 2021.
EGU21-16590 | vPICO presentations | TS4.0
Comparison between the coseismic surface displacement during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia) from optical image correlation and long-term geomorphological observations of cumulative displacementsMaxime Henriquet, Adrien Moulin, Matija Vukovski, Branko Kordić, Marko Budić, James Hollingsworth, Ryan Gold, Stéphane Baize, and Lucilla Benedetti
The Petrinja-Pokupsko fault-system is a NW-SE right-lateral fault system that ruptured during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 earthquake (~40km south-east of Zagreb, Croatia). Field analysis revealed opening of cracks and offsets of several centimeters (3 to 40 cm) along a ~20 km long fault zone extending from the Kupa river (in the northwest) to the Petrinjčica river (in the southeast). Optical image correlation based on WorldView satellite images has been used to document the first-order near-field rupture signal. The pre-event image was acquired on 7th December 2017, and the post-event image on 15th January 2021. The first results indicate a right-lateral displacement of ≈75 cm with a small (<10 cm) extensional dip-slip component localized on the Petrinja fault. Using 1:5,000 topographic maps, a WorldView-derived DEM (1 m), and field observations, we identified and quantified cumulative dextral offsets along the central and southern section of the fault (south of Župić). Right-lateral offsets range from 5 to 200 m near Križ and Cepeliš (central sector). Diverted streams also extend southeast of the Petrinjčica river, where no surface ruptures have currently been reported to date. To the northwest, perched valleys, wind gaps, and karst features all testify to ongoing uplift across NW-SE-trending anticlines. It is unclear if the primary component of faulting changes from strike-slip (in the SE) to reverse (in the NW), or if these folds merely record a transpressive component across the fault. The activity of this fault system is poorly known. The region experienced a magnitude Mw 5.8 in 1909, ~30 km northwest of Petrinja, which may have been associated with the Petrinja-Pokupsko fault system. The recent 29 December 2020 earthquake confirms the seismic potential of this fault system to generate Mw>6 earthquakes. Since the fault extends farther NW and SE, from the Vukomeričke Gorice hills to Mount Kozara (Bosnia), for a total length of about 100 km, it could generate potentially larger events. It is also noteworthy that the 2020 Petrinja event occurred only 9 months after the Zagreb March 2020 (Mw 5.3) earthquake. This event occurred on an ENE-WSW-trending thrust fault, broadly orthogonal to the right-lateral Petrinja-Pokupsko fault system, ~45 km north of Petrinja, and raises the prospect of potential interplay between strike-slip and thrust faults in moderate strain-rate intra-plate settings. To address this problem, future works will aim at constraining the geometry of this fault network and its seismogenic potential.
How to cite: Henriquet, M., Moulin, A., Vukovski, M., Kordić, B., Budić, M., Hollingsworth, J., Gold, R., Baize, S., and Benedetti, L.: Comparison between the coseismic surface displacement during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia) from optical image correlation and long-term geomorphological observations of cumulative displacements, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16590, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16590, 2021.
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The Petrinja-Pokupsko fault-system is a NW-SE right-lateral fault system that ruptured during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 earthquake (~40km south-east of Zagreb, Croatia). Field analysis revealed opening of cracks and offsets of several centimeters (3 to 40 cm) along a ~20 km long fault zone extending from the Kupa river (in the northwest) to the Petrinjčica river (in the southeast). Optical image correlation based on WorldView satellite images has been used to document the first-order near-field rupture signal. The pre-event image was acquired on 7th December 2017, and the post-event image on 15th January 2021. The first results indicate a right-lateral displacement of ≈75 cm with a small (<10 cm) extensional dip-slip component localized on the Petrinja fault. Using 1:5,000 topographic maps, a WorldView-derived DEM (1 m), and field observations, we identified and quantified cumulative dextral offsets along the central and southern section of the fault (south of Župić). Right-lateral offsets range from 5 to 200 m near Križ and Cepeliš (central sector). Diverted streams also extend southeast of the Petrinjčica river, where no surface ruptures have currently been reported to date. To the northwest, perched valleys, wind gaps, and karst features all testify to ongoing uplift across NW-SE-trending anticlines. It is unclear if the primary component of faulting changes from strike-slip (in the SE) to reverse (in the NW), or if these folds merely record a transpressive component across the fault. The activity of this fault system is poorly known. The region experienced a magnitude Mw 5.8 in 1909, ~30 km northwest of Petrinja, which may have been associated with the Petrinja-Pokupsko fault system. The recent 29 December 2020 earthquake confirms the seismic potential of this fault system to generate Mw>6 earthquakes. Since the fault extends farther NW and SE, from the Vukomeričke Gorice hills to Mount Kozara (Bosnia), for a total length of about 100 km, it could generate potentially larger events. It is also noteworthy that the 2020 Petrinja event occurred only 9 months after the Zagreb March 2020 (Mw 5.3) earthquake. This event occurred on an ENE-WSW-trending thrust fault, broadly orthogonal to the right-lateral Petrinja-Pokupsko fault system, ~45 km north of Petrinja, and raises the prospect of potential interplay between strike-slip and thrust faults in moderate strain-rate intra-plate settings. To address this problem, future works will aim at constraining the geometry of this fault network and its seismogenic potential.
How to cite: Henriquet, M., Moulin, A., Vukovski, M., Kordić, B., Budić, M., Hollingsworth, J., Gold, R., Baize, S., and Benedetti, L.: Comparison between the coseismic surface displacement during the 29 December 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia) from optical image correlation and long-term geomorphological observations of cumulative displacements, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16590, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16590, 2021.
TS4.1 – The Mechanics of Earthquake Faulting: a multiscale approach
EGU21-553 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Predicting laboratory earthquakes using machine learningSilke van Klaveren, Ivan Vasconcelos, and Andre Niemeijer
The successful prediction of earthquakes is one of the holy grails in Earth Sciences. Traditional predictions use statistical information on recurrence intervals, but those predictions are not accurate enough. In a recent paper, a machine learning approach was proposed and applied to data of laboratory earthquakes. The machine learning algorithm utilizes continuous measurements of radiated energy through acoustic emissions and the authors were able to successfully predict the timing of laboratory earthquakes. Here, we reproduced their model which was applied to a gouge layer of glass beads and applied it to a data set obtained using a gouge layer of salt. In this salt experiment different load point velocities were set, leading to variable recurrence times. The machine learning technique we use is called random forest and uses the acoustic emissions during the interseismic period. The random forest model succeeds in making a relatively reliable prediction for both materials, also long before the earthquake. Apparently there is information in the data on the timing of the next earthquake throughout the experiment. For glass beads energy is gradually and increasingly released whereas for salt energy is only released during precursor activity, therefore the important features used in the prediction are different. We interpret the difference in results to be due to the different micromechanics of slip. The research shows that a machine learning approach can reveal the presence of information in the data on the timing of unstable slip events (earthquakes). Further research is needed to identify the responsible micromechanical processes which might be then be used to extrapolate to natural conditions.
How to cite: van Klaveren, S., Vasconcelos, I., and Niemeijer, A.: Predicting laboratory earthquakes using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-553, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-553, 2021.
The successful prediction of earthquakes is one of the holy grails in Earth Sciences. Traditional predictions use statistical information on recurrence intervals, but those predictions are not accurate enough. In a recent paper, a machine learning approach was proposed and applied to data of laboratory earthquakes. The machine learning algorithm utilizes continuous measurements of radiated energy through acoustic emissions and the authors were able to successfully predict the timing of laboratory earthquakes. Here, we reproduced their model which was applied to a gouge layer of glass beads and applied it to a data set obtained using a gouge layer of salt. In this salt experiment different load point velocities were set, leading to variable recurrence times. The machine learning technique we use is called random forest and uses the acoustic emissions during the interseismic period. The random forest model succeeds in making a relatively reliable prediction for both materials, also long before the earthquake. Apparently there is information in the data on the timing of the next earthquake throughout the experiment. For glass beads energy is gradually and increasingly released whereas for salt energy is only released during precursor activity, therefore the important features used in the prediction are different. We interpret the difference in results to be due to the different micromechanics of slip. The research shows that a machine learning approach can reveal the presence of information in the data on the timing of unstable slip events (earthquakes). Further research is needed to identify the responsible micromechanical processes which might be then be used to extrapolate to natural conditions.
How to cite: van Klaveren, S., Vasconcelos, I., and Niemeijer, A.: Predicting laboratory earthquakes using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-553, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-553, 2021.
EGU21-899 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Fluid Initiation of Fracture in Dry and Water Saturated RocksTatiana Kartseva, Vladimir Smirnov, Alexander Ponomarev, Andrey Patonin, Anna Isaeva, Natalia Shikhova, Maria Potanina, and Svetlana Stroganova
We present the results of the laboratory studies on fluid-initiated fracture in the samples of porous-fractured rocks that have been initially saturated with a pressure-injected fluid and then tested under increasing fluid pressure in saturated rocks. The tests were conducted at the Geophysical observatory “Borok” of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The laboratory is equipped with electrohydraulic press INOVA-1000. The experiments were conducted on the rock samples with substantially different porosity. The tested samples were made of Buffalo sandstones, granites from the well drilled in the area of Koyna-Warna induced seismicity, and of granites from the well in the Voronezh crystalline massif. The permeability of granite samples was varied by their controlled artificial cracking by successive heating and cooling. A preliminarily dried sample was initially subjected to uniaxial loading in uniform compression (confining pressure). Loading was performed at a constant strain rate until the moment when the growth rate of acoustic emission (AE) activity began to accelerate which indicated that the stress level approaches ultimate strength. Since that, the loading rate was decreased by an order of magnitude, and water was infused into a sample from its top face. The bottom end of a sample was tightly sealed and impermeable to water. After this, the pore pressure in the sample that had got saturated with water to that moment was raised in steps whose amplitudes were varied. The obtained results of the laboratory studies show that the character and intensity of fluid initiation of fracture markedly differ under primary fluid injection into the dry porous-fractured samples and under the subsequent increases of the pore pressure in the saturated samples. The time delay of acoustic response relative to fluid initiation and the amplitude of the response proved to be larger in the case of water injection into dry samples than in the case of raising the pore pressure in saturated samples. The theoretical analysis of fluid propagation in a pore space of an air-filled sample in the model with piston-type air displacement has shown that in the case of water injection into a dry sample, the fluid pressure front propagates more slowly than in the saturated sample.
Investigation of the acoustic activity and GR b-value responses to the cyclic variations of the pore pressure in the fluid saturated rocks was studied in addition. The changes of b-value were found both for increasing and decreasing of the pore pressure. Obtained laboratory results are similar to results from the investigations of the seasonal variations of the induced seismicity in the area of Koyna-Warna water reservoirs.
The work was supported partly by the mega-grant program of the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Education under the project no. 14.W03.31.0033 and partly by the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University «Fundamental and Applied Space Research».
How to cite: Kartseva, T., Smirnov, V., Ponomarev, A., Patonin, A., Isaeva, A., Shikhova, N., Potanina, M., and Stroganova, S.: Fluid Initiation of Fracture in Dry and Water Saturated Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-899, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-899, 2021.
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We present the results of the laboratory studies on fluid-initiated fracture in the samples of porous-fractured rocks that have been initially saturated with a pressure-injected fluid and then tested under increasing fluid pressure in saturated rocks. The tests were conducted at the Geophysical observatory “Borok” of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The laboratory is equipped with electrohydraulic press INOVA-1000. The experiments were conducted on the rock samples with substantially different porosity. The tested samples were made of Buffalo sandstones, granites from the well drilled in the area of Koyna-Warna induced seismicity, and of granites from the well in the Voronezh crystalline massif. The permeability of granite samples was varied by their controlled artificial cracking by successive heating and cooling. A preliminarily dried sample was initially subjected to uniaxial loading in uniform compression (confining pressure). Loading was performed at a constant strain rate until the moment when the growth rate of acoustic emission (AE) activity began to accelerate which indicated that the stress level approaches ultimate strength. Since that, the loading rate was decreased by an order of magnitude, and water was infused into a sample from its top face. The bottom end of a sample was tightly sealed and impermeable to water. After this, the pore pressure in the sample that had got saturated with water to that moment was raised in steps whose amplitudes were varied. The obtained results of the laboratory studies show that the character and intensity of fluid initiation of fracture markedly differ under primary fluid injection into the dry porous-fractured samples and under the subsequent increases of the pore pressure in the saturated samples. The time delay of acoustic response relative to fluid initiation and the amplitude of the response proved to be larger in the case of water injection into dry samples than in the case of raising the pore pressure in saturated samples. The theoretical analysis of fluid propagation in a pore space of an air-filled sample in the model with piston-type air displacement has shown that in the case of water injection into a dry sample, the fluid pressure front propagates more slowly than in the saturated sample.
Investigation of the acoustic activity and GR b-value responses to the cyclic variations of the pore pressure in the fluid saturated rocks was studied in addition. The changes of b-value were found both for increasing and decreasing of the pore pressure. Obtained laboratory results are similar to results from the investigations of the seasonal variations of the induced seismicity in the area of Koyna-Warna water reservoirs.
The work was supported partly by the mega-grant program of the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Education under the project no. 14.W03.31.0033 and partly by the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University «Fundamental and Applied Space Research».
How to cite: Kartseva, T., Smirnov, V., Ponomarev, A., Patonin, A., Isaeva, A., Shikhova, N., Potanina, M., and Stroganova, S.: Fluid Initiation of Fracture in Dry and Water Saturated Rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-899, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-899, 2021.
EGU21-952 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Initiation of Acoustic Emission in Fluid-Saturated Rock Samples under Electric Current ActionAlexander Ponomarev, Vladimir Smirnov, Andrey Patonin, and Tatyana Kartseva
We present the results of the laboratory studies of the activization of acoustic emission in fluid-saturated and uniaxial stressed sandstone and granite samples under the electrical current action. The experiments were carried out at the Geophysical observatory “Borok” of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth (Russian Academy of Sciences) using servocontrolled press INOVA-1000 under strain control.
We recorded acoustic emission (AE), axial load, axial and radial strain of the sample and controlled the electric current flowing through the sample. The electrodes for creating an electric potential difference were mounted at the ends of the cylindrical samples. The experiments were carried out both in the presence and in the absence of a galvanic contact of the electrodes with the sample. We examined dry cores and partially saturated cores with an aqueous NaCl solution of various concentrations.
A significant increase in acoustic activity (more than several times) was found during periods of current action, as well as a decrease in activity after termination of electric action. Radial strain increases during periods of electric current flow, which indicates an increase in the sample volume. We did not find acoustic emission initiation on dry samples and on fluid-containing samples in the absence of galvanic contact of the electrodes with the samples.
The increase in the AE activity depends mainly on the electrical power and the duration of the exposure interval. The product of these parameters gives the amount of Joule heat. This indicates that the mechanism of AE initiation by electric current is of a thermal nature. Acoustic activation increases with an increase in the heat generated by the electric current passing through the sample. This makes it possible to relate the initiation of fracturing by thermal expansion of the fluid in the sample cracks and an increase in pore pressure. Found increasing of the radial deformation during the heating intervals supports this idea. Thus, the discovered phenomenon can be considered as a consequence of an unconventional way of increasing pore pressure in rocks saturated with a conducting fluid.
The effect of increasing the acoustic emission activity under electric current action is observed both in mechanically stressed samples and in free, unloaded samples.
The work was supported partly by the mega-grant program of the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Education under the project no. 14.W03.31.0033 and partly by the state assignment of the Ministry to IPE RAS.
How to cite: Ponomarev, A., Smirnov, V., Patonin, A., and Kartseva, T.: Initiation of Acoustic Emission in Fluid-Saturated Rock Samples under Electric Current Action, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-952, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-952, 2021.
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We present the results of the laboratory studies of the activization of acoustic emission in fluid-saturated and uniaxial stressed sandstone and granite samples under the electrical current action. The experiments were carried out at the Geophysical observatory “Borok” of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth (Russian Academy of Sciences) using servocontrolled press INOVA-1000 under strain control.
We recorded acoustic emission (AE), axial load, axial and radial strain of the sample and controlled the electric current flowing through the sample. The electrodes for creating an electric potential difference were mounted at the ends of the cylindrical samples. The experiments were carried out both in the presence and in the absence of a galvanic contact of the electrodes with the sample. We examined dry cores and partially saturated cores with an aqueous NaCl solution of various concentrations.
A significant increase in acoustic activity (more than several times) was found during periods of current action, as well as a decrease in activity after termination of electric action. Radial strain increases during periods of electric current flow, which indicates an increase in the sample volume. We did not find acoustic emission initiation on dry samples and on fluid-containing samples in the absence of galvanic contact of the electrodes with the samples.
The increase in the AE activity depends mainly on the electrical power and the duration of the exposure interval. The product of these parameters gives the amount of Joule heat. This indicates that the mechanism of AE initiation by electric current is of a thermal nature. Acoustic activation increases with an increase in the heat generated by the electric current passing through the sample. This makes it possible to relate the initiation of fracturing by thermal expansion of the fluid in the sample cracks and an increase in pore pressure. Found increasing of the radial deformation during the heating intervals supports this idea. Thus, the discovered phenomenon can be considered as a consequence of an unconventional way of increasing pore pressure in rocks saturated with a conducting fluid.
The effect of increasing the acoustic emission activity under electric current action is observed both in mechanically stressed samples and in free, unloaded samples.
The work was supported partly by the mega-grant program of the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Education under the project no. 14.W03.31.0033 and partly by the state assignment of the Ministry to IPE RAS.
How to cite: Ponomarev, A., Smirnov, V., Patonin, A., and Kartseva, T.: Initiation of Acoustic Emission in Fluid-Saturated Rock Samples under Electric Current Action, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-952, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-952, 2021.
EGU21-1056 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Thrust-fault dynamics and frictional resistance response inferred though laboratory earthquakesYuval Tal, Vito Runino, Ares Rosakis, and Nadia Lapusta
Observational and numerical studies have shown that the asymmetric geometry of thrust faults with respect to the Earth’s surface leads to a complex dynamic behavior of updip ruptures. Here, we use an experimental technique that combines ultrahigh-speed photography and digital image correlation to characterize the dynamics of transitioned supershear laboratory thrust earthquakes near the free surface with coherent full-field maps of dynamic displacements, velocities, and stresses associated with the ruptures at intervals of one microsecond. The experimental measurements visualize how the free surface breaks the symmetry in the velocity field with a larger velocity magnitude at the hanging-wall and significant rotations into a nearly vertical motion of the hanging wall and footwall motion at a dip angle much shallower than that of the fault. As indicated by the evolving stress maps, these rotations lead to significant normal stress reductions, with a temporal complete release in experiments that were conducted under small initial compressive load. The method enables us to measure the evolving on-fault friction in real time and to unravel the history dependent nature of friction on slip, slip rate as well as fast variations in normal stress. We show that the shear frictional resistance exhibits a significant lag in response to normal stress variations and identify a predictive frictional formulation that captures this effect. Our findings provide guidance to theoretical earthquake source mechanics models by furnishing the necessary on-fault physics needed for the numerical simulation of the rupture process.
How to cite: Tal, Y., Runino, V., Rosakis, A., and Lapusta, N.: Thrust-fault dynamics and frictional resistance response inferred though laboratory earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1056, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1056, 2021.
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Observational and numerical studies have shown that the asymmetric geometry of thrust faults with respect to the Earth’s surface leads to a complex dynamic behavior of updip ruptures. Here, we use an experimental technique that combines ultrahigh-speed photography and digital image correlation to characterize the dynamics of transitioned supershear laboratory thrust earthquakes near the free surface with coherent full-field maps of dynamic displacements, velocities, and stresses associated with the ruptures at intervals of one microsecond. The experimental measurements visualize how the free surface breaks the symmetry in the velocity field with a larger velocity magnitude at the hanging-wall and significant rotations into a nearly vertical motion of the hanging wall and footwall motion at a dip angle much shallower than that of the fault. As indicated by the evolving stress maps, these rotations lead to significant normal stress reductions, with a temporal complete release in experiments that were conducted under small initial compressive load. The method enables us to measure the evolving on-fault friction in real time and to unravel the history dependent nature of friction on slip, slip rate as well as fast variations in normal stress. We show that the shear frictional resistance exhibits a significant lag in response to normal stress variations and identify a predictive frictional formulation that captures this effect. Our findings provide guidance to theoretical earthquake source mechanics models by furnishing the necessary on-fault physics needed for the numerical simulation of the rupture process.
How to cite: Tal, Y., Runino, V., Rosakis, A., and Lapusta, N.: Thrust-fault dynamics and frictional resistance response inferred though laboratory earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1056, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1056, 2021.
EGU21-1114 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
A micromechanically calibrated numerical model reproducing earthquake cycle in the labGuilhem Mollon, Jérôme Aubry, and Alexandre Schubnel
In this communication, we present a novel numerical framework which consists in a direct coupling between a discrete micromechanical modelling of rock damaging processes and a continuous modelling of elastic deformation and acoustic waves. It includes a polygon-based conforming Discrete Element Method (DEM) with a cohesive zone model (CZM, [1]) for the discrete part and a meshfree formulation for the continuum part. This framework is applied to the numerical reproduction of sawcut triaxial tests performed in the lab on marble samples under seismogenic conditions [2]. Realistic boundary conditions (in terms of the elasticity of the loading system, of the absorption of the elastic waves and of the fluid pressure applied on the lateral boundaries) are introduced. Constitutive laws (in the continuum part) and micromechanical parameters (in the discrete part) are calibrated by performing independant simulations based on experimental results found in the literature [3].
Upon loading, this model provides information on the system behavior that nicely complement the experimental data, such as (i) the progressive damaging of the contacting surfaces, leading to the emission of granular matter in the interface, to the formation of a gouge layer, and to a modification of the interface rheology, (ii) the space and time distribution and statistics and the detailed kinematics of the slip events related to the interface evolution, and (iii) the acoustic wave emission and propagation in the medium associated with such events.
The model shows that, depending on the experimental conditions (confining pressure, loading rate, surface roughness, etc.), and without relying to any prior choice of slip- or rate-dependent friction laws, a large number of sliding regimes can emerge from this system. This includes large stress drops, regular stick-slip, or stable sliding. This model thus provides an unprecedented view of both local and global phenomena at stake during lab earthquakes, at sampling rates in both space and time which remain out of reach for experimental instrumentation.
[1]. Mollon, G. (2015). “A numerical framework for discrete modelling of friction and wear using Voronoi polyhedrons”, Tribology International, 90, 343-355
[2]. Aubry, J. (2019). “Séismes au laboratoire: friction, plasticité et bilan énergétique”, PhD Thesis, Ecole Normale Supérieure.
[3]. Fredrich, J. T.; Evans, B. & Wong, T.-F., (1989). “Micromechanics of the brittle to plastic transition in Carrara marble”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
How to cite: Mollon, G., Aubry, J., and Schubnel, A.: A micromechanically calibrated numerical model reproducing earthquake cycle in the lab, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1114, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1114, 2021.
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In this communication, we present a novel numerical framework which consists in a direct coupling between a discrete micromechanical modelling of rock damaging processes and a continuous modelling of elastic deformation and acoustic waves. It includes a polygon-based conforming Discrete Element Method (DEM) with a cohesive zone model (CZM, [1]) for the discrete part and a meshfree formulation for the continuum part. This framework is applied to the numerical reproduction of sawcut triaxial tests performed in the lab on marble samples under seismogenic conditions [2]. Realistic boundary conditions (in terms of the elasticity of the loading system, of the absorption of the elastic waves and of the fluid pressure applied on the lateral boundaries) are introduced. Constitutive laws (in the continuum part) and micromechanical parameters (in the discrete part) are calibrated by performing independant simulations based on experimental results found in the literature [3].
Upon loading, this model provides information on the system behavior that nicely complement the experimental data, such as (i) the progressive damaging of the contacting surfaces, leading to the emission of granular matter in the interface, to the formation of a gouge layer, and to a modification of the interface rheology, (ii) the space and time distribution and statistics and the detailed kinematics of the slip events related to the interface evolution, and (iii) the acoustic wave emission and propagation in the medium associated with such events.
The model shows that, depending on the experimental conditions (confining pressure, loading rate, surface roughness, etc.), and without relying to any prior choice of slip- or rate-dependent friction laws, a large number of sliding regimes can emerge from this system. This includes large stress drops, regular stick-slip, or stable sliding. This model thus provides an unprecedented view of both local and global phenomena at stake during lab earthquakes, at sampling rates in both space and time which remain out of reach for experimental instrumentation.
[1]. Mollon, G. (2015). “A numerical framework for discrete modelling of friction and wear using Voronoi polyhedrons”, Tribology International, 90, 343-355
[2]. Aubry, J. (2019). “Séismes au laboratoire: friction, plasticité et bilan énergétique”, PhD Thesis, Ecole Normale Supérieure.
[3]. Fredrich, J. T.; Evans, B. & Wong, T.-F., (1989). “Micromechanics of the brittle to plastic transition in Carrara marble”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
How to cite: Mollon, G., Aubry, J., and Schubnel, A.: A micromechanically calibrated numerical model reproducing earthquake cycle in the lab, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1114, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1114, 2021.
EGU21-1288 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
On the Relationship between the Omori and Gutenberg–Richter Parameters in Aftershock SequencesVladimir Smirnov, Tatiana Kartseva, Alexander Ponomarev, Andrey Patonin, and Marya Potanina
The issues concerning the relationship between two self-similarity parameters—the Gutenberg– Richter b- and Omori p-values—in the aftershock sequences are explored. In the laboratory experiments, under fracture initiation in the rock by sharp jumps in the axial stress, a correlation between the p- and b-values is revealed in the fracture relaxation regimes similar to aftershocks. The correlation observed in the experiments on water-saturated sandstone samples with the preliminarily formed faults is negative and clearly pronounced. The correlation in the case of dry samples of migmatite and concrete proved to be positive, but its statistical significance is lower than for the wet samples. The analysis of the literature data on detecting the connection between parameters p and b in the natural aftershock sequences shows that the reported results are heterogeneous. Some authors conclude that these parameters are connected and that both positive and negative correlation is noted between them. Other authors present evidence suggesting the absence of any correlation. Our study of the natural aftershocks based on the data of regional earthquake catalogs has shown that the statistical estimates of the Gutenberg–Richter and Omori parameters are fairly sensitive to the quality and homogeneity of the input data. The key factors affecting the estimation quality of these parameters are established, and the procedure for selecting the aftershock catalogs for subject analysis is developed. The results of statistical estimating the Gutenberg–Richter and Omori parameters in the aftershock processes in the regions with different types of the tectonic regimes—subduction zones and regions of shear transform faults—have shown that that the correlation of these parameters in the subduction zones can be positive and negative either. In the zones of the transform faults, the connection between these parameters is not detected. Our study generalizes C.H. Scholtz’s idea that the Omori law can be explained by the superimposition of the relaxation processes having different relaxation times. According to the generalized model, the different sign of the correlation between the self-similarity parameters in the aftershock processes correspond to the different relaxation mechanisms with different types of the dependence of the relaxation time on the “size” of the relaxator. It is currently unclear which particular mechanisms are implemented in the aftershock processes. The relationship between the Omori and Gutenberg–Richter parameters revealed by our laboratory experiments and field studies (positive correlation, negative correlation, or lack of correlation) may indicate the implementation of different relaxation mechanisms in some or other particular conditions.
The work was supported partly by the mega-grant program of the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Education under the project no. 14.W03.31.0033 and partly by the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University «Fundamental and Applied Space Research».
How to cite: Smirnov, V., Kartseva, T., Ponomarev, A., Patonin, A., and Potanina, M.: On the Relationship between the Omori and Gutenberg–Richter Parameters in Aftershock Sequences, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1288, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1288, 2021.
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The issues concerning the relationship between two self-similarity parameters—the Gutenberg– Richter b- and Omori p-values—in the aftershock sequences are explored. In the laboratory experiments, under fracture initiation in the rock by sharp jumps in the axial stress, a correlation between the p- and b-values is revealed in the fracture relaxation regimes similar to aftershocks. The correlation observed in the experiments on water-saturated sandstone samples with the preliminarily formed faults is negative and clearly pronounced. The correlation in the case of dry samples of migmatite and concrete proved to be positive, but its statistical significance is lower than for the wet samples. The analysis of the literature data on detecting the connection between parameters p and b in the natural aftershock sequences shows that the reported results are heterogeneous. Some authors conclude that these parameters are connected and that both positive and negative correlation is noted between them. Other authors present evidence suggesting the absence of any correlation. Our study of the natural aftershocks based on the data of regional earthquake catalogs has shown that the statistical estimates of the Gutenberg–Richter and Omori parameters are fairly sensitive to the quality and homogeneity of the input data. The key factors affecting the estimation quality of these parameters are established, and the procedure for selecting the aftershock catalogs for subject analysis is developed. The results of statistical estimating the Gutenberg–Richter and Omori parameters in the aftershock processes in the regions with different types of the tectonic regimes—subduction zones and regions of shear transform faults—have shown that that the correlation of these parameters in the subduction zones can be positive and negative either. In the zones of the transform faults, the connection between these parameters is not detected. Our study generalizes C.H. Scholtz’s idea that the Omori law can be explained by the superimposition of the relaxation processes having different relaxation times. According to the generalized model, the different sign of the correlation between the self-similarity parameters in the aftershock processes correspond to the different relaxation mechanisms with different types of the dependence of the relaxation time on the “size” of the relaxator. It is currently unclear which particular mechanisms are implemented in the aftershock processes. The relationship between the Omori and Gutenberg–Richter parameters revealed by our laboratory experiments and field studies (positive correlation, negative correlation, or lack of correlation) may indicate the implementation of different relaxation mechanisms in some or other particular conditions.
The work was supported partly by the mega-grant program of the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Education under the project no. 14.W03.31.0033 and partly by the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University «Fundamental and Applied Space Research».
How to cite: Smirnov, V., Kartseva, T., Ponomarev, A., Patonin, A., and Potanina, M.: On the Relationship between the Omori and Gutenberg–Richter Parameters in Aftershock Sequences, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1288, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1288, 2021.
EGU21-1453 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Highly Heterogeneous Pore Fluid Pressure Enabled Rupture of Orthogonal Faults During the 2019 Ridgecrest Mw7.0 EarthquakeQibin Shi and Shengji Wei
Here, we show that the 2019 Mw7.0 Ridgecrest mainshock as well as its Mw6.5 foreshock ruptured orthogonal conjugate faults. We invert the waveforms recorded by the dense strong motion network at relatively high frequencies (up to 1 Hz for P; 0.25 Hz for S) to derive multiple‐point source models for both events, aided by path calibrations from a Mw5.4 and a Mw5.5 earthquake. We demonstrate that the mainshock started from a shallow (3 km) depth with a Mw5.2 event and ruptured the main fault branches oriented in the NW‐SE direction. At ~11 s, two Mw6.2 subevents took place on the SW‐NE oriented fault branches that conjugate to the main fault to the NE and SW. The SW branch rupture partially overlapped with the foreshock rupture. We suggest the coseismic rupture on nearly orthogonal faults was enabled by high pore fluid pressure, which greatly weakened the immature fault system in a heterogeneous way.
How to cite: Shi, Q. and Wei, S.: Highly Heterogeneous Pore Fluid Pressure Enabled Rupture of Orthogonal Faults During the 2019 Ridgecrest Mw7.0 Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1453, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1453, 2021.
Here, we show that the 2019 Mw7.0 Ridgecrest mainshock as well as its Mw6.5 foreshock ruptured orthogonal conjugate faults. We invert the waveforms recorded by the dense strong motion network at relatively high frequencies (up to 1 Hz for P; 0.25 Hz for S) to derive multiple‐point source models for both events, aided by path calibrations from a Mw5.4 and a Mw5.5 earthquake. We demonstrate that the mainshock started from a shallow (3 km) depth with a Mw5.2 event and ruptured the main fault branches oriented in the NW‐SE direction. At ~11 s, two Mw6.2 subevents took place on the SW‐NE oriented fault branches that conjugate to the main fault to the NE and SW. The SW branch rupture partially overlapped with the foreshock rupture. We suggest the coseismic rupture on nearly orthogonal faults was enabled by high pore fluid pressure, which greatly weakened the immature fault system in a heterogeneous way.
How to cite: Shi, Q. and Wei, S.: Highly Heterogeneous Pore Fluid Pressure Enabled Rupture of Orthogonal Faults During the 2019 Ridgecrest Mw7.0 Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1453, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1453, 2021.
EGU21-1525 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Structural characterization of fault damage zones in carbonates (Central Apennines, Italy)Miriana Chinello, Michele Fondriest, and Giulio Di Toro
The Italian Central Apennines are one of the most seismically active areas in the Mediterranean (e.g., L’Aquila 2009, Mw 6.3 earthquake). The mainshocks and the aftershocks of these earthquake sequences propagate and often nucleate in fault zones cutting km-thick limestones and dolostones formations. An impressive feature of these faults is the presence, at their footwall, of few meters to hundreds of meters thick damage zones. However, the mechanism of formation of these damage zones and their role during (1) individual seismic ruptures (e.g., rupture arrest), (2) seismic sequences (e.g., aftershock evolution) and (3) seismic cycle (e.g., long term fault zone healing) are unknown. This limitation is also due to the lack of knowledge regarding the distribution, along strike and with depth, of damage with wall rock lithology, geometrical characteristics (fault length, inherited structures, etc.) and kinematic properties (cumulative displacement, strain rate, etc.) of the associated main faults.
Previous high-resolution field structural surveys were performed on the Vado di Corno Fault Zone, a segment of the ca. 20 km long Campo Imperatore normal fault system, which accommodated ~ 1500 m of vertical displacement (Fondriest et al., 2020). The damage zone was up to 400 m thick and dominated by intensely fractured (1-2 cm spaced joints) dolomitized limestones with the thickest volumes at fault oversteps and where the fault cuts through an older thrust zone. Here we describe two minor faults located in the same area (Central Apennines), but with shorter length along strike. They both strike NNW-SSE and accommodated a vertical displacement of ~300 m.
The Subequana Valley Fault is about 9 km long and consists of multiple segments disposed in an en-echelon array. The fault juxtaposes pelagic limestones at the footwall and quaternary deposits at the hanging wall. The damage zone is < 25 m thick and comprises fractured (1-2 cm spaced joints) limestones beds with decreasing fracture intensity moving away from the master fault. However, the damage zone thickness increases up to ∼100 m in proximity of subsidiary faults striking NNE-SSW. The latter could be reactivated inherited structures.
The Monte Capo di Serre Fault is about 8 km long and characterized by a sharp ultra-polished master fault surface which cuts locally dolomitized Jurassic platform limestones. The damage zone is up to 120 m thick and cut by 10-20 cm spaced joints, but it reaches an higher fracture intensity where is cut by subsidiary, possibly inherited, faults striking NNE-SSW.
Based on these preliminary observations, faults with similar displacement show comparable damage zone thicknesses. The most relevant damage zone thickness variations are related to geometrical complexities rather than changes in lithology (platform vs pelagic carbonates). In particular, the largest values of damage zone thickness and fracture intensity occur at fault overstep or are associated to inherited structures. The latter, by acting as strong or weak barriers (sensu Das and Aki, 1977) during the propagation of seismic ruptures, have a key role in the formation of damage zones and the growth of normal faults.
How to cite: Chinello, M., Fondriest, M., and Di Toro, G.: Structural characterization of fault damage zones in carbonates (Central Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1525, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1525, 2021.
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The Italian Central Apennines are one of the most seismically active areas in the Mediterranean (e.g., L’Aquila 2009, Mw 6.3 earthquake). The mainshocks and the aftershocks of these earthquake sequences propagate and often nucleate in fault zones cutting km-thick limestones and dolostones formations. An impressive feature of these faults is the presence, at their footwall, of few meters to hundreds of meters thick damage zones. However, the mechanism of formation of these damage zones and their role during (1) individual seismic ruptures (e.g., rupture arrest), (2) seismic sequences (e.g., aftershock evolution) and (3) seismic cycle (e.g., long term fault zone healing) are unknown. This limitation is also due to the lack of knowledge regarding the distribution, along strike and with depth, of damage with wall rock lithology, geometrical characteristics (fault length, inherited structures, etc.) and kinematic properties (cumulative displacement, strain rate, etc.) of the associated main faults.
Previous high-resolution field structural surveys were performed on the Vado di Corno Fault Zone, a segment of the ca. 20 km long Campo Imperatore normal fault system, which accommodated ~ 1500 m of vertical displacement (Fondriest et al., 2020). The damage zone was up to 400 m thick and dominated by intensely fractured (1-2 cm spaced joints) dolomitized limestones with the thickest volumes at fault oversteps and where the fault cuts through an older thrust zone. Here we describe two minor faults located in the same area (Central Apennines), but with shorter length along strike. They both strike NNW-SSE and accommodated a vertical displacement of ~300 m.
The Subequana Valley Fault is about 9 km long and consists of multiple segments disposed in an en-echelon array. The fault juxtaposes pelagic limestones at the footwall and quaternary deposits at the hanging wall. The damage zone is < 25 m thick and comprises fractured (1-2 cm spaced joints) limestones beds with decreasing fracture intensity moving away from the master fault. However, the damage zone thickness increases up to ∼100 m in proximity of subsidiary faults striking NNE-SSW. The latter could be reactivated inherited structures.
The Monte Capo di Serre Fault is about 8 km long and characterized by a sharp ultra-polished master fault surface which cuts locally dolomitized Jurassic platform limestones. The damage zone is up to 120 m thick and cut by 10-20 cm spaced joints, but it reaches an higher fracture intensity where is cut by subsidiary, possibly inherited, faults striking NNE-SSW.
Based on these preliminary observations, faults with similar displacement show comparable damage zone thicknesses. The most relevant damage zone thickness variations are related to geometrical complexities rather than changes in lithology (platform vs pelagic carbonates). In particular, the largest values of damage zone thickness and fracture intensity occur at fault overstep or are associated to inherited structures. The latter, by acting as strong or weak barriers (sensu Das and Aki, 1977) during the propagation of seismic ruptures, have a key role in the formation of damage zones and the growth of normal faults.
How to cite: Chinello, M., Fondriest, M., and Di Toro, G.: Structural characterization of fault damage zones in carbonates (Central Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1525, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1525, 2021.
EGU21-1918 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Spatial Distribution of Slip and Stress Changes in Contained Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes with Heterogeneous Initial StressChun-Yu Ke, Gregory McLaskey, and David Kammer
Earthquake ruptures arrest due to either encountering a barrier with high fracture energy or entering unfavorable stress conditions. Our large-scale laboratory earthquake experiments use heterogeneity in initial stress to confine the rupture within a 3-m long saw-cut granite fault. All earthquake processes, i.e., initiation, propagation, and arrest, were spontaneous and contained within the simulated fault. We proposed an analytical crack model to fit our experimental measurements and to better constrain the features in the spatial distribution of both slip and stress changes. Similar to natural earthquakes, laboratory measurements show coseismic slip that gradually tapers near the rupture tips. Measured stress changes show roughly constant stress drop in the center of the ruptured region, a maximum stress increase near the rupture tips, and a smooth transition in between, in a region we describe as the earthquake arrest zone. In our experiments, the earthquake arrest zone is more than one order of magnitude wider than the cohesive zone described by fracture mechanics. We propose that the transition in stress changes and the corresponding linear taper observed in the slip distribution are the result of rupture termination conditions primarily controlled by the initial stress distribution and are not related to the fault strength evolution. We also performed dynamic rupture simulations that confirm how arrest conditions can affect slip distribution and static stress changes, especially near the tip of an arrested rupture. If applicable to larger natural earthquakes, this distinction between the earthquake arrest zone resulted from heterogeneous initial stress and a cohesive zone that depends primarily on strength evolution has important implications for how seismic observations of earthquake fracture energy should be interpreted.
How to cite: Ke, C.-Y., McLaskey, G., and Kammer, D.: Spatial Distribution of Slip and Stress Changes in Contained Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes with Heterogeneous Initial Stress, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1918, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1918, 2021.
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Earthquake ruptures arrest due to either encountering a barrier with high fracture energy or entering unfavorable stress conditions. Our large-scale laboratory earthquake experiments use heterogeneity in initial stress to confine the rupture within a 3-m long saw-cut granite fault. All earthquake processes, i.e., initiation, propagation, and arrest, were spontaneous and contained within the simulated fault. We proposed an analytical crack model to fit our experimental measurements and to better constrain the features in the spatial distribution of both slip and stress changes. Similar to natural earthquakes, laboratory measurements show coseismic slip that gradually tapers near the rupture tips. Measured stress changes show roughly constant stress drop in the center of the ruptured region, a maximum stress increase near the rupture tips, and a smooth transition in between, in a region we describe as the earthquake arrest zone. In our experiments, the earthquake arrest zone is more than one order of magnitude wider than the cohesive zone described by fracture mechanics. We propose that the transition in stress changes and the corresponding linear taper observed in the slip distribution are the result of rupture termination conditions primarily controlled by the initial stress distribution and are not related to the fault strength evolution. We also performed dynamic rupture simulations that confirm how arrest conditions can affect slip distribution and static stress changes, especially near the tip of an arrested rupture. If applicable to larger natural earthquakes, this distinction between the earthquake arrest zone resulted from heterogeneous initial stress and a cohesive zone that depends primarily on strength evolution has important implications for how seismic observations of earthquake fracture energy should be interpreted.
How to cite: Ke, C.-Y., McLaskey, G., and Kammer, D.: Spatial Distribution of Slip and Stress Changes in Contained Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes with Heterogeneous Initial Stress, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1918, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1918, 2021.
EGU21-3093 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Structural evolution of a crustal-scale seismogenic fault in a magmatic arc: The Bolfin Fault Zone (Atacama Fault System)Simone Masoch, Rodrigo Gomila, Michele Fondriest, Erik Jensen, Tom Mitchell, Giorgio Pennacchioni, José Cembrano, and Giulio Di Toro
The nucleation and evolution of major crustal-scale seismogenic faults in the crystalline basement as well as the process of strain localization represent a long-standing, but poorly understood, issue in structural geology and fault mechanics. Here, we addressed the spatio-temporal evolution of the Bolfin Fault Zone (BFZ), a >40-km-long exhumed seismogenic splay fault of the 1000-km-long strike-slip Atacama Fault System. The BFZ has a sinuous fault trace across the Mesozoic magmatic arc of the Coastal Cordillera (Northern Chile). Seismic faulting occurred at 5-7 km depth and ≤ 270 °C in a fluid-rich environment as recorded by extensive propylitic alteration and epidote-chlorite veining. The ancient (125-118 Ma) seismicity is attested by the widespread occurrence of pseudotachylytes both in the fault core and in the damage zone. Field geological surveys indicate nucleation of the BFZ on precursory geometrical anisotropies represented by magmatic foliation of plutons (northern and central segments) and andesitic dyke swarms (southern segment) within the heterogeneous crystalline basement. Faulting exploited the segments of precursory anisotropies that were favorably oriented with respect to the long-term stress field associated with the oblique ancient subduction. The large-scale sinuous geometry of the BFZ may result from linkage of these anisotropy-pinned segments during fault growth. This evolution may provide a model to explain the complex fault pattern of the crustal-scale Atacama Fault System.
How to cite: Masoch, S., Gomila, R., Fondriest, M., Jensen, E., Mitchell, T., Pennacchioni, G., Cembrano, J., and Di Toro, G.: Structural evolution of a crustal-scale seismogenic fault in a magmatic arc: The Bolfin Fault Zone (Atacama Fault System), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3093, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3093, 2021.
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The nucleation and evolution of major crustal-scale seismogenic faults in the crystalline basement as well as the process of strain localization represent a long-standing, but poorly understood, issue in structural geology and fault mechanics. Here, we addressed the spatio-temporal evolution of the Bolfin Fault Zone (BFZ), a >40-km-long exhumed seismogenic splay fault of the 1000-km-long strike-slip Atacama Fault System. The BFZ has a sinuous fault trace across the Mesozoic magmatic arc of the Coastal Cordillera (Northern Chile). Seismic faulting occurred at 5-7 km depth and ≤ 270 °C in a fluid-rich environment as recorded by extensive propylitic alteration and epidote-chlorite veining. The ancient (125-118 Ma) seismicity is attested by the widespread occurrence of pseudotachylytes both in the fault core and in the damage zone. Field geological surveys indicate nucleation of the BFZ on precursory geometrical anisotropies represented by magmatic foliation of plutons (northern and central segments) and andesitic dyke swarms (southern segment) within the heterogeneous crystalline basement. Faulting exploited the segments of precursory anisotropies that were favorably oriented with respect to the long-term stress field associated with the oblique ancient subduction. The large-scale sinuous geometry of the BFZ may result from linkage of these anisotropy-pinned segments during fault growth. This evolution may provide a model to explain the complex fault pattern of the crustal-scale Atacama Fault System.
How to cite: Masoch, S., Gomila, R., Fondriest, M., Jensen, E., Mitchell, T., Pennacchioni, G., Cembrano, J., and Di Toro, G.: Structural evolution of a crustal-scale seismogenic fault in a magmatic arc: The Bolfin Fault Zone (Atacama Fault System), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3093, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3093, 2021.
EGU21-3215 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Rheology and kinematics of dense granular fault gouges with DEM: shear bands formation and evolutionNathalie Casas, Guilhem Mollon, and Ali Daouadji
Earthquakes happen with frictional sliding, by releasing all the stresses accumulated in the pre-stressed surrounding medium. The geological third body (i.e. fault gouge), coming from the wear of previous slips, acts on friction stability and plays a key role in this sudden energy release. A large part of slip mechanisms is influenced, if not controlled, by fault gouge characteristics and environment. We aim to link third body properties (geological, mechanical, physical…) to its rheological behavior by testing numerically different types of dense geological third body (% of porosity, % of cohesion, grains shapes…) with distinct contact laws. Different granular samples are generated to simulate a mature fault gouge with mineral cementation between particles. The gouge is then inserted between two rock walls to realize direct shear experiments with Discrete Element Modelling in the software MELODY2D (Mollon, 2016). A dry contact model is considered to investigate mechanisms without fluid (displacement-driven and under constant confining pressure). Researches are based here on a millimeter-scale portion of gouge, considering that the output values could be used in another model at larger scale.
The peak strength can be sharp, short, and intense for dense and highly cohesive cases (angular particles, 15% initial porosity) and relatively low for ultra-dense samples (polygonal particles, 0% initial porosity). The observed regimes also correspond to an evolution of the amount of ductility within the sample. A very dense or highly cohesive sample behaves as a brittle material, whereas a typical cohesionless and porous geological layer tends to behave as a ductile material. The evolution of gouge characteristics truly influences the shape and formation time of Riedel shear bands. A change in contact laws between particles (%cohesion, friction) modifies the entire kinematics of Riedel bands formation. Indeed, with cohesion between particles, Riedel bands are directly linked to the importance of the dilation phase, depending itself on the initial porosity present within the sample (Casas et al., 2020). Then, increasing friction not only changes the principal orientation or Riedel bands but makes them more numerous within the gouge. It also leads to a more sudden post-peak weakening, which is prone to switch the fault behavior from a ductile aseismic response to a brittle seismic slip, depending on the stiffness of the surrounding medium. Global stiffness of the gouge also has an important role to play on Riedel bands formation, and it can be defined as a combination of multiple parameters such as initial porosity, shape and size of particles, numerical stiffness, gouge thickness… The local Breakdown energy, or energy needed to weaken the fault, is also calculated to be connected to Riedel bands formation.
How to cite: Casas, N., Mollon, G., and Daouadji, A.: Rheology and kinematics of dense granular fault gouges with DEM: shear bands formation and evolution , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3215, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3215, 2021.
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Earthquakes happen with frictional sliding, by releasing all the stresses accumulated in the pre-stressed surrounding medium. The geological third body (i.e. fault gouge), coming from the wear of previous slips, acts on friction stability and plays a key role in this sudden energy release. A large part of slip mechanisms is influenced, if not controlled, by fault gouge characteristics and environment. We aim to link third body properties (geological, mechanical, physical…) to its rheological behavior by testing numerically different types of dense geological third body (% of porosity, % of cohesion, grains shapes…) with distinct contact laws. Different granular samples are generated to simulate a mature fault gouge with mineral cementation between particles. The gouge is then inserted between two rock walls to realize direct shear experiments with Discrete Element Modelling in the software MELODY2D (Mollon, 2016). A dry contact model is considered to investigate mechanisms without fluid (displacement-driven and under constant confining pressure). Researches are based here on a millimeter-scale portion of gouge, considering that the output values could be used in another model at larger scale.
The peak strength can be sharp, short, and intense for dense and highly cohesive cases (angular particles, 15% initial porosity) and relatively low for ultra-dense samples (polygonal particles, 0% initial porosity). The observed regimes also correspond to an evolution of the amount of ductility within the sample. A very dense or highly cohesive sample behaves as a brittle material, whereas a typical cohesionless and porous geological layer tends to behave as a ductile material. The evolution of gouge characteristics truly influences the shape and formation time of Riedel shear bands. A change in contact laws between particles (%cohesion, friction) modifies the entire kinematics of Riedel bands formation. Indeed, with cohesion between particles, Riedel bands are directly linked to the importance of the dilation phase, depending itself on the initial porosity present within the sample (Casas et al., 2020). Then, increasing friction not only changes the principal orientation or Riedel bands but makes them more numerous within the gouge. It also leads to a more sudden post-peak weakening, which is prone to switch the fault behavior from a ductile aseismic response to a brittle seismic slip, depending on the stiffness of the surrounding medium. Global stiffness of the gouge also has an important role to play on Riedel bands formation, and it can be defined as a combination of multiple parameters such as initial porosity, shape and size of particles, numerical stiffness, gouge thickness… The local Breakdown energy, or energy needed to weaken the fault, is also calculated to be connected to Riedel bands formation.
How to cite: Casas, N., Mollon, G., and Daouadji, A.: Rheology and kinematics of dense granular fault gouges with DEM: shear bands formation and evolution , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3215, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3215, 2021.
EGU21-3324 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Bridging the Gap between Seismicity and Exhumed Faults: Insights from a Seismically Active Strike-Slip Fault Zone in the Rawil Depression (Northern Valais, Switzerland)Sandro Truttmann, Tobias Diehl, and Marco Herwegh
The Rawil depression north of the Rhone Simplon fault zone (southwestern Swiss Alps) was host of the Mw = 5.8 Sion earthquake in 1946 (Fäh et al., 2011). It is nowadays one of the seismically most active regions in Switzerland and seismicity forms a cluster, which is elongated approximately in WSW-ENE direction over 40-50 km. In November 2019, a remarkable earthquake sequence occurred within the center of this cluster north of the village of Anzère, with more than 300 earthquakes up to ML = 3.3 recorded by the Swiss Seismological Service within 20 days.
Detecting associated full-scale 3D fault patterns solely based on earthquake hypocenters is challenging because of commonly too limited spatial resolution and insufficient number of seismic events. Within the framework of SeismoTeCH, we aim to improve these limitations by a combination of high-precision hypocenter relocation techniques, reconstruction of subsurface fault patterns and correlative links between surface and subsurface data. Assuming that a fault is seismically active multiple times and that the seismic stress-release is initiated at different locations along the fault, we can calculate 3D fault plane orientations from the hypocenter locations. Together with the 17 focal mechanisms derived for the Anzère sequence, we are able to gain geometrical and kinematic information of the seismic faults in 3D. Our analysis reveals a seismically active transpressional step-over structure within a dextral strike-slip fault zone. With remote sensing and field observations, we detect exhumed faults with similar orientations and kinematics that presumably represent step-over structures, interconnecting previously known strike-slip fault zones.
Although seismic activity occurs at depths between 3-5 km, we conclude that the observed surface fault systems in the Rawil depression can be correlated in terms of fault patterns with those assumed at depth. The linkage of the recent seismicity with structural observations of exhumed, potentially paleo-seismic faults in combination with recent hypocenter relocation techniques therefore have great potential to provide further insights into fault linkage and earthquake rupturing processes.
Fäh, D., Giardini, D., Kästli, P., Deichmann, N., Gisler, M., Schwarz-Zanetti, G., Alvarez-Rubio, S., Sellami, S., Edwards, B., Allmann, B., Bethmann, F., Wössner, J., Gassner-Stamm, G., Fritsche, S., Eberhard, D., 2011. ECOS-09 Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland Release 2011. Report and Database. Public catalogue, 17.4.2011. Swiss Seismological Service ETH Zürich, Report SED/RISK/R/001/20110417.
How to cite: Truttmann, S., Diehl, T., and Herwegh, M.: Bridging the Gap between Seismicity and Exhumed Faults: Insights from a Seismically Active Strike-Slip Fault Zone in the Rawil Depression (Northern Valais, Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3324, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3324, 2021.
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The Rawil depression north of the Rhone Simplon fault zone (southwestern Swiss Alps) was host of the Mw = 5.8 Sion earthquake in 1946 (Fäh et al., 2011). It is nowadays one of the seismically most active regions in Switzerland and seismicity forms a cluster, which is elongated approximately in WSW-ENE direction over 40-50 km. In November 2019, a remarkable earthquake sequence occurred within the center of this cluster north of the village of Anzère, with more than 300 earthquakes up to ML = 3.3 recorded by the Swiss Seismological Service within 20 days.
Detecting associated full-scale 3D fault patterns solely based on earthquake hypocenters is challenging because of commonly too limited spatial resolution and insufficient number of seismic events. Within the framework of SeismoTeCH, we aim to improve these limitations by a combination of high-precision hypocenter relocation techniques, reconstruction of subsurface fault patterns and correlative links between surface and subsurface data. Assuming that a fault is seismically active multiple times and that the seismic stress-release is initiated at different locations along the fault, we can calculate 3D fault plane orientations from the hypocenter locations. Together with the 17 focal mechanisms derived for the Anzère sequence, we are able to gain geometrical and kinematic information of the seismic faults in 3D. Our analysis reveals a seismically active transpressional step-over structure within a dextral strike-slip fault zone. With remote sensing and field observations, we detect exhumed faults with similar orientations and kinematics that presumably represent step-over structures, interconnecting previously known strike-slip fault zones.
Although seismic activity occurs at depths between 3-5 km, we conclude that the observed surface fault systems in the Rawil depression can be correlated in terms of fault patterns with those assumed at depth. The linkage of the recent seismicity with structural observations of exhumed, potentially paleo-seismic faults in combination with recent hypocenter relocation techniques therefore have great potential to provide further insights into fault linkage and earthquake rupturing processes.
Fäh, D., Giardini, D., Kästli, P., Deichmann, N., Gisler, M., Schwarz-Zanetti, G., Alvarez-Rubio, S., Sellami, S., Edwards, B., Allmann, B., Bethmann, F., Wössner, J., Gassner-Stamm, G., Fritsche, S., Eberhard, D., 2011. ECOS-09 Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland Release 2011. Report and Database. Public catalogue, 17.4.2011. Swiss Seismological Service ETH Zürich, Report SED/RISK/R/001/20110417.
How to cite: Truttmann, S., Diehl, T., and Herwegh, M.: Bridging the Gap between Seismicity and Exhumed Faults: Insights from a Seismically Active Strike-Slip Fault Zone in the Rawil Depression (Northern Valais, Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3324, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3324, 2021.
EGU21-3975 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Energy dissipation at the rupture front of laboratory earthquakesDavid Kammer and Gregory McLaskey
The energy dissipated during the friction weakening process at the front of an earthquake rupture, which is known as the fracture energy, is a key earthquake property. It directly affects the nucleation, propagation and arrest of earthquake ruptures, and, is therefore related to important questions, including the maximum possible size of earthquakes at a given fault section. However, estimating the fracture energy in the field is a difficult task and current approaches remain limited. In this work, we present near-fault strain measurements of large-scale laboratory earthquakes on a granite fault. The strain measurements present high-frequency fluctuations while the fault is sliding. These strain fluctuations are indicative of rupture fronts that propagate across the entire fault and occasionally reflect at the boundaries. Here, we will characterize these strain fluctuations by applying fracture-mechanics theory. We will demonstrate that the shape and time scales of the strain fluctuations are well described by the proposed analytical solution. We will further show that by fitting the amplitude of the theory to the experimental measurement, we can estimate the local fracture energy. We apply this process to determine the fracture energy for secondary rupture fronts, which appear within the sliding rupture area. The results are consistent with fracture energy estimates from laboratory-earthquake arrest experiments, but are orders of magnitude lower than reported values from small-scale rotary shear friction experiments. We will discuss the implications and potential of these observations.
How to cite: Kammer, D. and McLaskey, G.: Energy dissipation at the rupture front of laboratory earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3975, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3975, 2021.
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The energy dissipated during the friction weakening process at the front of an earthquake rupture, which is known as the fracture energy, is a key earthquake property. It directly affects the nucleation, propagation and arrest of earthquake ruptures, and, is therefore related to important questions, including the maximum possible size of earthquakes at a given fault section. However, estimating the fracture energy in the field is a difficult task and current approaches remain limited. In this work, we present near-fault strain measurements of large-scale laboratory earthquakes on a granite fault. The strain measurements present high-frequency fluctuations while the fault is sliding. These strain fluctuations are indicative of rupture fronts that propagate across the entire fault and occasionally reflect at the boundaries. Here, we will characterize these strain fluctuations by applying fracture-mechanics theory. We will demonstrate that the shape and time scales of the strain fluctuations are well described by the proposed analytical solution. We will further show that by fitting the amplitude of the theory to the experimental measurement, we can estimate the local fracture energy. We apply this process to determine the fracture energy for secondary rupture fronts, which appear within the sliding rupture area. The results are consistent with fracture energy estimates from laboratory-earthquake arrest experiments, but are orders of magnitude lower than reported values from small-scale rotary shear friction experiments. We will discuss the implications and potential of these observations.
How to cite: Kammer, D. and McLaskey, G.: Energy dissipation at the rupture front of laboratory earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3975, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3975, 2021.
EGU21-4114 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Estimate of earthquake power dissipation from exhumed ancient faults (Gole Larghe fault zone, Italy).Francesco Lazari, Angela Castagna, Stefan Nielsen, Ashley W. Griffith, Phillip Resor, Rodrigo Gomila, and Giulio Di Toro
Several earthquake source parameters cannot be estimated from the analysis of seismic waves, instead, they may be derived from field surveys and experimental studies. Among these parameters, the fault strength evolution (tf (t) in MPa) and the frictional power dissipation ( Q'= tf (t) V(t) in MW m-2, with V being the slip rate) during seismic slip control the moment release rate, the temperature increase in the slip zone and therefore the activation of coseismic fault dynamic weakening mechanisms. Frictional melts (preserved as pseudotachylytes) along the slip zone can be the result of relatively high Q'. In fact, shear heating is proportional to Q': the higher Q', the higher the heat production rate and, consequently, the faster the temperature increase in the slip zone and the steeper the temperature gradient in the boundary rocks (Nielsen et al., 2010). [PR1] The tonalite rocks used in this study come from the Gole Larghe Fault zone (Southern Alps, Italy), and they are made of minerals with different individual melting temperatures. The presence of a steep temperature gradient (high Q') with closely-spaced isotherms at the boundary walls, will cause the minerals to melt uniformly near the sliding surface (i.e. independently of their melting points), resulting in a relatively smooth pseudotachylyte-wall rock boundary. On the other hand, a gentle temperature gradient (low Q') with widely-spaced isotherms will mainly melt those minerals with low melting points, generating higher micro-roughness.
To consider these different scenarios, we collected samples of natural pseudotachylytes belonging to ‘wavy’ faults, together with samples of injection veins (tensile cracks with Q' -> 0). A ‘wavy’ fault presents shear cracks from compressional (high Q'), neutral, and extensional (low Q') domains along strike. We performed a series of experiments using a rotary shear apparatus (i.e., SHIVA, Di Toro et al., 2010) to produce artificial pseudotachylytes at increasing slip rates and normal stresses corresponding to values of increasing Q', ranging from 5 to 25 MW m-2. The micro-roughness is then measured from optical and scanning electron microscope images obtained both from natural and artificial samples for comparison. We found that in the experimental samples, the micro-roughness is inversely proportional to Q', as predicted by the theoretical model. Natural samples show similar trends with the higher micro-roughness present in the injection veins where Q' -> 0. This study demonstrates the robustness of the relation between and fault micro-roughness in both natural and experimental samples. However, further investigations are required to calibrate this methodology to estimate quantitatively the frictional power dissipated during natural earthquakes.
How to cite: Lazari, F., Castagna, A., Nielsen, S., Griffith, A. W., Resor, P., Gomila, R., and Di Toro, G.: Estimate of earthquake power dissipation from exhumed ancient faults (Gole Larghe fault zone, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4114, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4114, 2021.
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Several earthquake source parameters cannot be estimated from the analysis of seismic waves, instead, they may be derived from field surveys and experimental studies. Among these parameters, the fault strength evolution (tf (t) in MPa) and the frictional power dissipation ( Q'= tf (t) V(t) in MW m-2, with V being the slip rate) during seismic slip control the moment release rate, the temperature increase in the slip zone and therefore the activation of coseismic fault dynamic weakening mechanisms. Frictional melts (preserved as pseudotachylytes) along the slip zone can be the result of relatively high Q'. In fact, shear heating is proportional to Q': the higher Q', the higher the heat production rate and, consequently, the faster the temperature increase in the slip zone and the steeper the temperature gradient in the boundary rocks (Nielsen et al., 2010). [PR1] The tonalite rocks used in this study come from the Gole Larghe Fault zone (Southern Alps, Italy), and they are made of minerals with different individual melting temperatures. The presence of a steep temperature gradient (high Q') with closely-spaced isotherms at the boundary walls, will cause the minerals to melt uniformly near the sliding surface (i.e. independently of their melting points), resulting in a relatively smooth pseudotachylyte-wall rock boundary. On the other hand, a gentle temperature gradient (low Q') with widely-spaced isotherms will mainly melt those minerals with low melting points, generating higher micro-roughness.
To consider these different scenarios, we collected samples of natural pseudotachylytes belonging to ‘wavy’ faults, together with samples of injection veins (tensile cracks with Q' -> 0). A ‘wavy’ fault presents shear cracks from compressional (high Q'), neutral, and extensional (low Q') domains along strike. We performed a series of experiments using a rotary shear apparatus (i.e., SHIVA, Di Toro et al., 2010) to produce artificial pseudotachylytes at increasing slip rates and normal stresses corresponding to values of increasing Q', ranging from 5 to 25 MW m-2. The micro-roughness is then measured from optical and scanning electron microscope images obtained both from natural and artificial samples for comparison. We found that in the experimental samples, the micro-roughness is inversely proportional to Q', as predicted by the theoretical model. Natural samples show similar trends with the higher micro-roughness present in the injection veins where Q' -> 0. This study demonstrates the robustness of the relation between and fault micro-roughness in both natural and experimental samples. However, further investigations are required to calibrate this methodology to estimate quantitatively the frictional power dissipated during natural earthquakes.
How to cite: Lazari, F., Castagna, A., Nielsen, S., Griffith, A. W., Resor, P., Gomila, R., and Di Toro, G.: Estimate of earthquake power dissipation from exhumed ancient faults (Gole Larghe fault zone, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4114, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4114, 2021.
EGU21-4168 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Slip modes and interaction in a simplified strike-slip fault system with increasing geometrical complexityMichael Rudolf, Joscha Podlesny, Esther Heckenbach, Matthias Rosenau, Anne Glerum, Ralf Kornhuber, Sascha Brune, and Onno Oncken
The release of elastic energy along an active fault is accommodated by a wide range of slip modes. It ranges from long-term slow slip events (SSEs) and creep to short-term tremors and earthquakes. They vary not only in their characteristic duration but also in their magnitude, spatial extent and slip velocities. The exact relationship is unclear, as in some regions many slip modes occur simultaneously (e.g. Tohoku-Oki) and in others certain slip modes are completely absent (e.g. Cascadia).
One of the driving factors in the generation of this large variety of slip modes is the interplay of fault heterogeneity and geometrical complexity of the fault system. We test various settings in terms of fault heterogeneity and geometrical complexity with a scaled physical model. The experimental results are then validated and benchmarked through multi-scale numerical simulations. We describe the system using a rate-and-state frictional framework and introduce on-fault heterogeneity with variable frictional properties. All properties are the same for analogue and numerical simulation as far as they can be determined or realized experimentally (a-b, vload, Shmax, Shmin, etc...). As analogue material we use segmented, decimetre sized neoprene foam blocks in multiple configurations (e.g. biaxial shear at forces <1 kN) to simulate the elastic upper crust. The contact surfaces are spray-painted with acrylic paint to generate velocity weakening characteristics in between the blocks which is similar to the frictional behaviour of natural faults. We add heterogeneity to the fault surface by varying the fault area that is velocity weakening using grease. Geometrical complexity is implemented using conjugated or parallel sets of additional faults with the same characteristics.
We are able to reliably generate frequent stick-slip events of variable size and recurrence intervals. The slip characteristics, such as slip distribution, are in good agreement with analytical solutions of fault slip in elastic media. In a geometrically simple strike-slip model the recurrence behaviour and magnitude follows straightforward scaling relations in accordance with existing studies. If geometrical complexity is added to the model we observe clustering and variable recurrence that differ from the simpler geometry. Additionally, we are going to give an outlook on the interaction behaviour of multiple faults in dependence of their geometric configuration and the generation of power-law type magnitude scaling relations.
How to cite: Rudolf, M., Podlesny, J., Heckenbach, E., Rosenau, M., Glerum, A., Kornhuber, R., Brune, S., and Oncken, O.: Slip modes and interaction in a simplified strike-slip fault system with increasing geometrical complexity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4168, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4168, 2021.
The release of elastic energy along an active fault is accommodated by a wide range of slip modes. It ranges from long-term slow slip events (SSEs) and creep to short-term tremors and earthquakes. They vary not only in their characteristic duration but also in their magnitude, spatial extent and slip velocities. The exact relationship is unclear, as in some regions many slip modes occur simultaneously (e.g. Tohoku-Oki) and in others certain slip modes are completely absent (e.g. Cascadia).
One of the driving factors in the generation of this large variety of slip modes is the interplay of fault heterogeneity and geometrical complexity of the fault system. We test various settings in terms of fault heterogeneity and geometrical complexity with a scaled physical model. The experimental results are then validated and benchmarked through multi-scale numerical simulations. We describe the system using a rate-and-state frictional framework and introduce on-fault heterogeneity with variable frictional properties. All properties are the same for analogue and numerical simulation as far as they can be determined or realized experimentally (a-b, vload, Shmax, Shmin, etc...). As analogue material we use segmented, decimetre sized neoprene foam blocks in multiple configurations (e.g. biaxial shear at forces <1 kN) to simulate the elastic upper crust. The contact surfaces are spray-painted with acrylic paint to generate velocity weakening characteristics in between the blocks which is similar to the frictional behaviour of natural faults. We add heterogeneity to the fault surface by varying the fault area that is velocity weakening using grease. Geometrical complexity is implemented using conjugated or parallel sets of additional faults with the same characteristics.
We are able to reliably generate frequent stick-slip events of variable size and recurrence intervals. The slip characteristics, such as slip distribution, are in good agreement with analytical solutions of fault slip in elastic media. In a geometrically simple strike-slip model the recurrence behaviour and magnitude follows straightforward scaling relations in accordance with existing studies. If geometrical complexity is added to the model we observe clustering and variable recurrence that differ from the simpler geometry. Additionally, we are going to give an outlook on the interaction behaviour of multiple faults in dependence of their geometric configuration and the generation of power-law type magnitude scaling relations.
How to cite: Rudolf, M., Podlesny, J., Heckenbach, E., Rosenau, M., Glerum, A., Kornhuber, R., Brune, S., and Oncken, O.: Slip modes and interaction in a simplified strike-slip fault system with increasing geometrical complexity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4168, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4168, 2021.
EGU21-5037 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Cycles of seismic and aseismic slip recorded in faulted sediments under shallow burial conditionsMattia Pizzati, Fabrizio Balsamo, and Fabrizio Storti
Valuable information concerning the seismic cycle are mainly provided by the study of exposed fossil subduction-accretionary complexes and by coring and probing through present-day active major plate boundary interfaces. Subduction zone investigation and monitoring allowed to comprehend the mechanics of thrust-related faulting and to discern seismic events with different slip rate (coseismic events, slow slip events and tremor). While subduction zones received particular attention especially following the Mw 9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake in Japan, relatively small-scale extensional faults affecting the uppermost portion of seismogenic zone of the Earth’s crust are still less studied.
Here, we present a field and laboratory study of meso-scale structures recorded within the fault core of an extensional fault zone (Rocca di Neto fault, offset < 100 m) affecting Pleistocene siliciclastic sediments in the Crotone Basin, Calabria, Southern Italy. Due to shallow burial conditions experienced by deformed sediments (< 400-500 m), the fault zone structure is characterised by deformation features typical of high-porosity granular rocks, with extensive occurrence of deformation bands, subsidiary faults and gouges. The 1 m-thick fault core displays a complex network of mutually cross-cutting black gouges and deformation bands developed in foliated sand. Some black gouges have straight pattern parallel to the master fault surface, while others are displaced and dragged along the deformation bands (mm-offset). Black gouges, previously interpreted as coseismic events due to moderate to high-temperature mineral assemblage, are characterised by cm-offset and extreme grain comminution via severe cataclasis (mean grain size of 20-30 μm and fractal dimension from 3.0 to 3.3); clast preferred orientation is almost parallel to the gouge outer boundaries, thus resulting in a well-developed foliation. Deformation bands are organised in two conjugate sets and display moderate to intense cataclasis depending on the accommodated displacement (mean grain size of 80-170 μm and fractal dimension from 2.4 to 2.8), with preferred orientation of clasts describing an angle of 30-45° from the band surface. Within deformation bands the foliation is less defined compared to black gouges. At the intersections between gouges and deformation bands, the resulting tectonic fabric is given by the superposition of different deformation events overprinting the original one.
The difference in grain size distribution, fractal dimension, clast shape preferred orientation (i.e., foliation) and mineral composition between black gouges and deformation bands supports the hypothesis of different slip rates causing their development. In particular, black gouges are interpreted to develop during coseismic slip (~0.1-1 m/s), while deformation bands formed during interseismic intervals (slip rate from nm/s to μm/s). The cross-cutting relationship between gouges and deformation bands, combined with the overprinting of different tectonic fabrics along the intersections, suggests they formed as a result of repeating coseismic (fast slip) and aseismic (slow slip) events occurring at shallow burial-near surface conditions. This feature could be a key point to evaluate the deformation style (fast vs slow slip) and to estimate the potential seismic hazard of superficial faults affecting high-porosity sediments.
How to cite: Pizzati, M., Balsamo, F., and Storti, F.: Cycles of seismic and aseismic slip recorded in faulted sediments under shallow burial conditions, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5037, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5037, 2021.
Valuable information concerning the seismic cycle are mainly provided by the study of exposed fossil subduction-accretionary complexes and by coring and probing through present-day active major plate boundary interfaces. Subduction zone investigation and monitoring allowed to comprehend the mechanics of thrust-related faulting and to discern seismic events with different slip rate (coseismic events, slow slip events and tremor). While subduction zones received particular attention especially following the Mw 9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake in Japan, relatively small-scale extensional faults affecting the uppermost portion of seismogenic zone of the Earth’s crust are still less studied.
Here, we present a field and laboratory study of meso-scale structures recorded within the fault core of an extensional fault zone (Rocca di Neto fault, offset < 100 m) affecting Pleistocene siliciclastic sediments in the Crotone Basin, Calabria, Southern Italy. Due to shallow burial conditions experienced by deformed sediments (< 400-500 m), the fault zone structure is characterised by deformation features typical of high-porosity granular rocks, with extensive occurrence of deformation bands, subsidiary faults and gouges. The 1 m-thick fault core displays a complex network of mutually cross-cutting black gouges and deformation bands developed in foliated sand. Some black gouges have straight pattern parallel to the master fault surface, while others are displaced and dragged along the deformation bands (mm-offset). Black gouges, previously interpreted as coseismic events due to moderate to high-temperature mineral assemblage, are characterised by cm-offset and extreme grain comminution via severe cataclasis (mean grain size of 20-30 μm and fractal dimension from 3.0 to 3.3); clast preferred orientation is almost parallel to the gouge outer boundaries, thus resulting in a well-developed foliation. Deformation bands are organised in two conjugate sets and display moderate to intense cataclasis depending on the accommodated displacement (mean grain size of 80-170 μm and fractal dimension from 2.4 to 2.8), with preferred orientation of clasts describing an angle of 30-45° from the band surface. Within deformation bands the foliation is less defined compared to black gouges. At the intersections between gouges and deformation bands, the resulting tectonic fabric is given by the superposition of different deformation events overprinting the original one.
The difference in grain size distribution, fractal dimension, clast shape preferred orientation (i.e., foliation) and mineral composition between black gouges and deformation bands supports the hypothesis of different slip rates causing their development. In particular, black gouges are interpreted to develop during coseismic slip (~0.1-1 m/s), while deformation bands formed during interseismic intervals (slip rate from nm/s to μm/s). The cross-cutting relationship between gouges and deformation bands, combined with the overprinting of different tectonic fabrics along the intersections, suggests they formed as a result of repeating coseismic (fast slip) and aseismic (slow slip) events occurring at shallow burial-near surface conditions. This feature could be a key point to evaluate the deformation style (fast vs slow slip) and to estimate the potential seismic hazard of superficial faults affecting high-porosity sediments.
How to cite: Pizzati, M., Balsamo, F., and Storti, F.: Cycles of seismic and aseismic slip recorded in faulted sediments under shallow burial conditions, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5037, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5037, 2021.
EGU21-5424 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Pseudotachylyte veins in accretionary complexes: melt or mechanical wear?Benjamin Moris-Muttoni, Hugues Raimbourg, Romain Augier, Rémi Champallier, Emmanuel Le Trong, and Yan Chen
Whether seismic rupture propagates over large distances to generate mega-earthquakes or on the contrary slows down quickly, is heavily dependent on the slip processes operating within the fault core, such as frictional melting or intense grain-size reduction and amorphization. The record, in fossil fault zones, of seismic slip, consists in many instances in Black Faults Rocks (BFR), that consists in a generally thin dark and aphanitic veins similar to volcanic glasses, which cross-cuts sharply a weakly foliated tectonic mélange, and have been interpreted as resulting from quenching of a melt (i.e. pseudotachylytes). Such interpretation has nevertheless been questioned because identical (micro- and nano-) textures have been observed on intensely comminuted natural fault rocks and on slow creep experiments on crustal rocks.
In this study, we report a new dataset of high spatial-resolution Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) profiles across natural BFR from two accretionary complexes. RSCM is sensitive to both temperature and deformation. We have carried out analyses on Okitsu and Nobeoka BFR from the Shimanto Belt and Kodiak BFR from the Kodiak Accretionary Complex to discriminate the slip weakening process. The Raman Intensity Ratio (i.e. R1 in Beyssac et al., 2002) and the Area ratio (RA1 in Lahfid et al., 2010) show a drastic and discontinuous stepped increase along profiles across the BFR, revealing a higher crystallinity. Moreover, in spite of scattering, highest values have been measured on the rim between the BFR and the host-rock. Fluidization structures, interpreted as injection veins, show similar values to the ones in the host rock. Additionally, using an experimentally calibrated kinetics 1D modelling of Intensity ratio evolution with temperature, we compared the natural Raman spectroscopy profiles to different scenarios of temperature increase during seismic slip. In the three examples of BFR from accretionary complexes interpreted as natural pseudotachylytes, RSCM profiles are not consistent with a molten origin and must reflect mechanical wear during deformation.
Consequently, these results bear major consequences on the dynamics of faulting in accretionary complexes, as the slip-weakening processes that occur during seismic slip rely on extreme grain-size reduction and fluidization rather than melting.
How to cite: Moris-Muttoni, B., Raimbourg, H., Augier, R., Champallier, R., Le Trong, E., and Chen, Y.: Pseudotachylyte veins in accretionary complexes: melt or mechanical wear?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5424, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5424, 2021.
Whether seismic rupture propagates over large distances to generate mega-earthquakes or on the contrary slows down quickly, is heavily dependent on the slip processes operating within the fault core, such as frictional melting or intense grain-size reduction and amorphization. The record, in fossil fault zones, of seismic slip, consists in many instances in Black Faults Rocks (BFR), that consists in a generally thin dark and aphanitic veins similar to volcanic glasses, which cross-cuts sharply a weakly foliated tectonic mélange, and have been interpreted as resulting from quenching of a melt (i.e. pseudotachylytes). Such interpretation has nevertheless been questioned because identical (micro- and nano-) textures have been observed on intensely comminuted natural fault rocks and on slow creep experiments on crustal rocks.
In this study, we report a new dataset of high spatial-resolution Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) profiles across natural BFR from two accretionary complexes. RSCM is sensitive to both temperature and deformation. We have carried out analyses on Okitsu and Nobeoka BFR from the Shimanto Belt and Kodiak BFR from the Kodiak Accretionary Complex to discriminate the slip weakening process. The Raman Intensity Ratio (i.e. R1 in Beyssac et al., 2002) and the Area ratio (RA1 in Lahfid et al., 2010) show a drastic and discontinuous stepped increase along profiles across the BFR, revealing a higher crystallinity. Moreover, in spite of scattering, highest values have been measured on the rim between the BFR and the host-rock. Fluidization structures, interpreted as injection veins, show similar values to the ones in the host rock. Additionally, using an experimentally calibrated kinetics 1D modelling of Intensity ratio evolution with temperature, we compared the natural Raman spectroscopy profiles to different scenarios of temperature increase during seismic slip. In the three examples of BFR from accretionary complexes interpreted as natural pseudotachylytes, RSCM profiles are not consistent with a molten origin and must reflect mechanical wear during deformation.
Consequently, these results bear major consequences on the dynamics of faulting in accretionary complexes, as the slip-weakening processes that occur during seismic slip rely on extreme grain-size reduction and fluidization rather than melting.
How to cite: Moris-Muttoni, B., Raimbourg, H., Augier, R., Champallier, R., Le Trong, E., and Chen, Y.: Pseudotachylyte veins in accretionary complexes: melt or mechanical wear?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5424, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5424, 2021.
EGU21-5626 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Dilatancy stabilises shear failure in rockFranciscus Aben and Nicolas Brantut
Failure and fault slip in crystalline rocks is associated with dilation. When pore fluids are present and drainage is insufficient, dilation leads to pore pressure drops, which in turn lead to strengthening of the material. We conducted laboratory rock fracture experiments with direct in-situ fluid pressure measurements which demonstrate that dynamic rupture propagation and fault slip can be stabilised (i.e., become quasi-static) by such a dilatancy strengthening effect. We also observe that, for the same effective pressures but lower pore fluid pressures, the stabilisation process may be arrested when the pore fluid pressure approaches zero and vaporises, resulting in dynamic shear failure. In case of a stable rupture, we witness continued after slip after the main failure event that is the result of pore pressure recharge of the fault zone. All our observations are quantitatively explained by a simple spring-slider model combining slip-weakening behaviour, slip-induced dilation, and pore fluid diffusion. Using our data in an inverse problem, we estimate the key parameters controlling rupture stabilisation, fault dilation rate and fault zone storage. These estimates are used to make predictions for the pore pressure drop associated with faulting, and where in the crust we may expect dilatancy stabilisation or vaporisation during earthquakes. For intact rock and well consolidated faults, we expect strong dilatancy strengthening between 4 and 6 km depth regardless of ambient pore pressure, and at greater depths when the ambient pore pressure approaches lithostatic pressure. In the uppermost part of the crust (<4 km), we predict vaporisation of pore fluids that eliminates dilatancy strengthening. The depth estimates where dilatant stabilisation is most likely coincide with geothermal energy reservoirs in crystalline rock (typically between 2 and 5 km depth) and in regions where slow slip events are observed (pore pressure that approaches lithostatic pressure).
How to cite: Aben, F. and Brantut, N.: Dilatancy stabilises shear failure in rock, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5626, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5626, 2021.
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Failure and fault slip in crystalline rocks is associated with dilation. When pore fluids are present and drainage is insufficient, dilation leads to pore pressure drops, which in turn lead to strengthening of the material. We conducted laboratory rock fracture experiments with direct in-situ fluid pressure measurements which demonstrate that dynamic rupture propagation and fault slip can be stabilised (i.e., become quasi-static) by such a dilatancy strengthening effect. We also observe that, for the same effective pressures but lower pore fluid pressures, the stabilisation process may be arrested when the pore fluid pressure approaches zero and vaporises, resulting in dynamic shear failure. In case of a stable rupture, we witness continued after slip after the main failure event that is the result of pore pressure recharge of the fault zone. All our observations are quantitatively explained by a simple spring-slider model combining slip-weakening behaviour, slip-induced dilation, and pore fluid diffusion. Using our data in an inverse problem, we estimate the key parameters controlling rupture stabilisation, fault dilation rate and fault zone storage. These estimates are used to make predictions for the pore pressure drop associated with faulting, and where in the crust we may expect dilatancy stabilisation or vaporisation during earthquakes. For intact rock and well consolidated faults, we expect strong dilatancy strengthening between 4 and 6 km depth regardless of ambient pore pressure, and at greater depths when the ambient pore pressure approaches lithostatic pressure. In the uppermost part of the crust (<4 km), we predict vaporisation of pore fluids that eliminates dilatancy strengthening. The depth estimates where dilatant stabilisation is most likely coincide with geothermal energy reservoirs in crystalline rock (typically between 2 and 5 km depth) and in regions where slow slip events are observed (pore pressure that approaches lithostatic pressure).
How to cite: Aben, F. and Brantut, N.: Dilatancy stabilises shear failure in rock, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5626, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5626, 2021.
EGU21-5846 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Mirror fault formation and coseismic slip at surface conditions: an example of faulting in unconsolidated deposits in the Central Apennines (Italy)Matteo Demurtas, Oliver Plümper, Markus Ohl, Fabrizio Balsamo, and Mattia Pizzati
Faulting in seismically active regions commonly involves the deformation of unconsolidated to poorly lithified sediments at shallow to near-surface depths. When compared to classic crustal strength profiles that predict a velocity-strengthening behaviour for the first few km of depth, the propagation of seismic rupture to the surface appears counterintuitive. Rock deformation experiments have shown an inverse relationship between normal stress and displacement needed to the onset of dynamic weakening during seismic slip, meaning that for a seismic rupture to be able to propagate towards the surface, displacements should be large enough to counter the progressive decrease of normal and confining stresses.
In this contribution, we document the occurrence of mirror-like faults that formed within 20-30 m-thick, unconsolidated colluvium fan deposits at the hanging wall of the active Vado di Corno Fault Zone (VCFZ) in the Central Apennines, Italy. The deposits lie in direct contact with the master normal-fault surface, are Late Pleistocene to Holocene in age, and consist of angular carbonate clasts with grain size ranging ~0.1-10 mm derived from the dismantling of the adjacent VCFZ footwall. Field observations of cross cutting relationships and marker layer displacements suggest a maximum formation depth of the faults of c. 20-30 m and slip accommodated along single faults on the order of few cm. Faults are organised in three sets: subvertical, N-S and NE-SW trending faults, and WNW-ESE striking faults, synthetic and antithetic to the VCFZ master fault surface (N195/55°). Faults are commonly lineated with a dip-slip to slightly oblique kinematic.
Detailed microstructural analysis of the mirror faults shows extreme strain localization on a 2-5 µm thick principal slip zone composed of calcite nanograins ranging 10s-100s nm in size with amorphous material and phyllosilicates occurring along grain boundaries and within intragranular porosity. Locally, aggregates of nanograins coalesce and transition to µm-sized polygonal, larger grains. Calcite nanograins are mostly equant, with straight grain boundaries, 120° dihedral angles, and negligible porosity. These microstructures strongly resemble high temperature recrystallization structures documented along seismic faults exhumed from >5 km of depth, where stresses are significantly larger. In our case, field constraints show that deformation occurred in very confining stress conditions and with limited displacement.
Collectively, our observations provide new documentation on the conditions for the formation of mirror faults and new insights into the mechanics of faulting and strain accommodation in the shallowest part of the crust (< 1 km).
How to cite: Demurtas, M., Plümper, O., Ohl, M., Balsamo, F., and Pizzati, M.: Mirror fault formation and coseismic slip at surface conditions: an example of faulting in unconsolidated deposits in the Central Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5846, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5846, 2021.
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Faulting in seismically active regions commonly involves the deformation of unconsolidated to poorly lithified sediments at shallow to near-surface depths. When compared to classic crustal strength profiles that predict a velocity-strengthening behaviour for the first few km of depth, the propagation of seismic rupture to the surface appears counterintuitive. Rock deformation experiments have shown an inverse relationship between normal stress and displacement needed to the onset of dynamic weakening during seismic slip, meaning that for a seismic rupture to be able to propagate towards the surface, displacements should be large enough to counter the progressive decrease of normal and confining stresses.
In this contribution, we document the occurrence of mirror-like faults that formed within 20-30 m-thick, unconsolidated colluvium fan deposits at the hanging wall of the active Vado di Corno Fault Zone (VCFZ) in the Central Apennines, Italy. The deposits lie in direct contact with the master normal-fault surface, are Late Pleistocene to Holocene in age, and consist of angular carbonate clasts with grain size ranging ~0.1-10 mm derived from the dismantling of the adjacent VCFZ footwall. Field observations of cross cutting relationships and marker layer displacements suggest a maximum formation depth of the faults of c. 20-30 m and slip accommodated along single faults on the order of few cm. Faults are organised in three sets: subvertical, N-S and NE-SW trending faults, and WNW-ESE striking faults, synthetic and antithetic to the VCFZ master fault surface (N195/55°). Faults are commonly lineated with a dip-slip to slightly oblique kinematic.
Detailed microstructural analysis of the mirror faults shows extreme strain localization on a 2-5 µm thick principal slip zone composed of calcite nanograins ranging 10s-100s nm in size with amorphous material and phyllosilicates occurring along grain boundaries and within intragranular porosity. Locally, aggregates of nanograins coalesce and transition to µm-sized polygonal, larger grains. Calcite nanograins are mostly equant, with straight grain boundaries, 120° dihedral angles, and negligible porosity. These microstructures strongly resemble high temperature recrystallization structures documented along seismic faults exhumed from >5 km of depth, where stresses are significantly larger. In our case, field constraints show that deformation occurred in very confining stress conditions and with limited displacement.
Collectively, our observations provide new documentation on the conditions for the formation of mirror faults and new insights into the mechanics of faulting and strain accommodation in the shallowest part of the crust (< 1 km).
How to cite: Demurtas, M., Plümper, O., Ohl, M., Balsamo, F., and Pizzati, M.: Mirror fault formation and coseismic slip at surface conditions: an example of faulting in unconsolidated deposits in the Central Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5846, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5846, 2021.
EGU21-6978 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
The delayed aftershocks of the Illapel Earthquake Mw 8.3, 2015, ChileFranco Lema and Mahesh Shrivastava
The delayed aftershocks 2018 Mw 6.2 on April 10 and Mw 5.8 on Sept 1 and 2019 Mw 6.7 on January 20, Mw 6.4 on June 14, and Mw 6.2 on November 4, associated with the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Earthquake occurred in the central Chile. The seismic source of this earthquake has been studied with the GPS, InSAR and tide gauge network. Although there are several studies performed to characterize the robust aftershocks and the variations in the field of deformation induced by the megathrust, but there are still aspects to be elucidated of the relationship between the transfer of stresses from the interface between plates towards delayed aftershocks with the crustal structures with seismogenic potential. Therefore, the principal objective of this study is to understand how the stress transfer induced by the 2015 Illapel earthquake of the heterogeneous rupture mechanism to intermediate-deep or crustal earthquakes. For this, coulomb stress changes from finite fault model of the Illapel earthquake and with the biggest aftershocks in year 2015 are used. These cumulative stress pattern provides substantial evidences for the delayed aftershocks in this region. The subducting Challenger Fault Zone and Juan Fernandez Ridge heterogeneity are existing feature, which releases the accumulated coulomb stress changes and provide delayed aftershocks. Therefore along with stress induced by a large earthquake such as Mw 8.3 from Illapel 2015 along with biggest aftershocks, have a direct mechanism that may activate the delayed aftershocks. Our study suggests the activation of crustal faults in this research as a risk assessment factor for the evaluating in the seismic context of the region and useful for another subduction zone.
How to cite: Lema, F. and Shrivastava, M.: The delayed aftershocks of the Illapel Earthquake Mw 8.3, 2015, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6978, 2021.
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The delayed aftershocks 2018 Mw 6.2 on April 10 and Mw 5.8 on Sept 1 and 2019 Mw 6.7 on January 20, Mw 6.4 on June 14, and Mw 6.2 on November 4, associated with the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Earthquake occurred in the central Chile. The seismic source of this earthquake has been studied with the GPS, InSAR and tide gauge network. Although there are several studies performed to characterize the robust aftershocks and the variations in the field of deformation induced by the megathrust, but there are still aspects to be elucidated of the relationship between the transfer of stresses from the interface between plates towards delayed aftershocks with the crustal structures with seismogenic potential. Therefore, the principal objective of this study is to understand how the stress transfer induced by the 2015 Illapel earthquake of the heterogeneous rupture mechanism to intermediate-deep or crustal earthquakes. For this, coulomb stress changes from finite fault model of the Illapel earthquake and with the biggest aftershocks in year 2015 are used. These cumulative stress pattern provides substantial evidences for the delayed aftershocks in this region. The subducting Challenger Fault Zone and Juan Fernandez Ridge heterogeneity are existing feature, which releases the accumulated coulomb stress changes and provide delayed aftershocks. Therefore along with stress induced by a large earthquake such as Mw 8.3 from Illapel 2015 along with biggest aftershocks, have a direct mechanism that may activate the delayed aftershocks. Our study suggests the activation of crustal faults in this research as a risk assessment factor for the evaluating in the seismic context of the region and useful for another subduction zone.
How to cite: Lema, F. and Shrivastava, M.: The delayed aftershocks of the Illapel Earthquake Mw 8.3, 2015, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6978, 2021.
EGU21-7436 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Irregular stick-slip and the role of cohesion in an ice friction experimentEvangelos Korkolis, Florent Gimbert, Jérôme Weiss, and François Renard
Understanding the evolution of fault strength over multiple interseismic periods is crucial to quantifying seismic hazard. According to Coulomb’s failure criterion, restrengthening, or healing, may result from an increase in friction and/or in cohesion. Classic sliding experiments on rocks and fault gouges are not able to resolve the contribution of cohesion to the healing of frictional interfaces. Here, we present a zero nominal normal stress friction experiment capable of large displacements that exhibits similar complexity as the deforming lithosphere (intermittent, aperiodic deformation; Gutenberg-Richter-type scaling of event sizes). This Couette-type apparatus is designed to shear millimeter-thick layers of columnar ice, grown in-situ in a meter scale circular water tank. When the system is driven at low sliding velocities, the ice plate fractures and sliding occurs along a complex, non-prescribed frictional interface. Water beneath the ice can percolate through the sliding interface and freeze, increasing its strength. A torque gauge and an array of acoustic emission transducers are used to measure the shear strength of the frictional interface and to monitor acoustic activity. Previous work, using constant values of sliding velocity, showed that deformation occurs via a combination of slow and fast slip events, and that the “seismic” part consists of two populations of acoustic emission (AE) events: standalone and correlated, with different Gutenberg-Richter b-values. The asymmetric shape of the shear stress (torque) fluctuations was attributed to cohesion-dominated strength recovery. We are currently using a new, high speed sampling system to investigate the relationship between the stress fluctuations and the concurrent AE activity in constant as well as variable sliding velocity experiments. This work aims to evaluate the effect of time-dependent processes on systems that deform intermittently.
How to cite: Korkolis, E., Gimbert, F., Weiss, J., and Renard, F.: Irregular stick-slip and the role of cohesion in an ice friction experiment, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7436, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7436, 2021.
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Understanding the evolution of fault strength over multiple interseismic periods is crucial to quantifying seismic hazard. According to Coulomb’s failure criterion, restrengthening, or healing, may result from an increase in friction and/or in cohesion. Classic sliding experiments on rocks and fault gouges are not able to resolve the contribution of cohesion to the healing of frictional interfaces. Here, we present a zero nominal normal stress friction experiment capable of large displacements that exhibits similar complexity as the deforming lithosphere (intermittent, aperiodic deformation; Gutenberg-Richter-type scaling of event sizes). This Couette-type apparatus is designed to shear millimeter-thick layers of columnar ice, grown in-situ in a meter scale circular water tank. When the system is driven at low sliding velocities, the ice plate fractures and sliding occurs along a complex, non-prescribed frictional interface. Water beneath the ice can percolate through the sliding interface and freeze, increasing its strength. A torque gauge and an array of acoustic emission transducers are used to measure the shear strength of the frictional interface and to monitor acoustic activity. Previous work, using constant values of sliding velocity, showed that deformation occurs via a combination of slow and fast slip events, and that the “seismic” part consists of two populations of acoustic emission (AE) events: standalone and correlated, with different Gutenberg-Richter b-values. The asymmetric shape of the shear stress (torque) fluctuations was attributed to cohesion-dominated strength recovery. We are currently using a new, high speed sampling system to investigate the relationship between the stress fluctuations and the concurrent AE activity in constant as well as variable sliding velocity experiments. This work aims to evaluate the effect of time-dependent processes on systems that deform intermittently.
How to cite: Korkolis, E., Gimbert, F., Weiss, J., and Renard, F.: Irregular stick-slip and the role of cohesion in an ice friction experiment, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7436, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7436, 2021.
EGU21-7733 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Do Intraplate and Plate Boundary Fault Systems Evolve in a Similar Way with Repeated Slip Events?Zoe Shipton, Lucy McKay, Rebecca Lunn, Stella Pytharouli, and Jennifer Roberts
As repeated slip events occur on a fault, energy is partly dissipated through rock fracturing and frictional processes in the fault zone and partly radiated to the surface as seismic energy. Numerous field studies have shown that the core of intraplate faults becomes wider on average with increasing total displacement (and hence slip events). In this study we compile data on the fault core thickness, total displacement and internal structure (e.g., fault core composition, host rock juxtaposition, slip direction, fault type, and/or the number of fault core strands) of plate boundary faults to compare to intraplate faults (within the interior of tectonic plates). Fault core thickness data show that plate boundary faults are anomalously narrow by comparison to intraplate faults of the same displacement and that they remain narrow regardless of how much total displacement they have experienced or the local structure of the fault. By examining the scaling relations between seismic moment, average displacement and surface rupture length for plate boundary and intraplate fault ruptures, we find that for a given value of displacement in an individual earthquake, plate boundary fault earthquakes typically have a greater seismic moment (and hence earthquake magnitude) than intraplate events. We infer that narrow plate boundary faults do not process intact rock as much during seismic events as intraplate faults. Thus, plate boundary faults dissipate less energy than intraplate faults during earthquakes meaning that for a given value of average displacement, more energy is radiated to the surface manifested as higher magnitude earthquakes. By contrast, intraplate faults dissipate more energy and get wider as fault slip increases, generating complex zones of damage in the surrounding rock and propagating through linkage with neighboring structures. The more complex the fault geometry, the more energy has to be consumed at depth during an earthquake and the less energy reaches the surface.
How to cite: Shipton, Z., McKay, L., Lunn, R., Pytharouli, S., and Roberts, J.: Do Intraplate and Plate Boundary Fault Systems Evolve in a Similar Way with Repeated Slip Events?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7733, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7733, 2021.
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As repeated slip events occur on a fault, energy is partly dissipated through rock fracturing and frictional processes in the fault zone and partly radiated to the surface as seismic energy. Numerous field studies have shown that the core of intraplate faults becomes wider on average with increasing total displacement (and hence slip events). In this study we compile data on the fault core thickness, total displacement and internal structure (e.g., fault core composition, host rock juxtaposition, slip direction, fault type, and/or the number of fault core strands) of plate boundary faults to compare to intraplate faults (within the interior of tectonic plates). Fault core thickness data show that plate boundary faults are anomalously narrow by comparison to intraplate faults of the same displacement and that they remain narrow regardless of how much total displacement they have experienced or the local structure of the fault. By examining the scaling relations between seismic moment, average displacement and surface rupture length for plate boundary and intraplate fault ruptures, we find that for a given value of displacement in an individual earthquake, plate boundary fault earthquakes typically have a greater seismic moment (and hence earthquake magnitude) than intraplate events. We infer that narrow plate boundary faults do not process intact rock as much during seismic events as intraplate faults. Thus, plate boundary faults dissipate less energy than intraplate faults during earthquakes meaning that for a given value of average displacement, more energy is radiated to the surface manifested as higher magnitude earthquakes. By contrast, intraplate faults dissipate more energy and get wider as fault slip increases, generating complex zones of damage in the surrounding rock and propagating through linkage with neighboring structures. The more complex the fault geometry, the more energy has to be consumed at depth during an earthquake and the less energy reaches the surface.
How to cite: Shipton, Z., McKay, L., Lunn, R., Pytharouli, S., and Roberts, J.: Do Intraplate and Plate Boundary Fault Systems Evolve in a Similar Way with Repeated Slip Events?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7733, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7733, 2021.
EGU21-8081 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Role of fluid on earthquake occurrence: Example of the 2019 Ridgecrest and the 1997-2016 Central Apennines sequencesKariche Jugurtha
This paper focuses on the study of the temporal evolution of seismicity and related fluid migration following major earthquake sequences occurred in the central Apennines and Eastern California Shear Zone over the last two decades: The 1997 Colfiorito sequence, the 2009 L’Aquila sequence, the 2016 Amatrice-Norcia sequence and the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence. The availability of different high-quality seismic catalogs offers the opportunity to evaluate in detail the temporal evolution of the earthquake's size distribution (or b value) and estimate the effect of the fluid flow process in triggering seismicity. For all seismic sequences, the b value time series show a gradual decrease from a few months to one year before mainshocks. The gradual decrease in the b value is interpreted in terms of coupled fluid-stress intensity as a gradual increase in earthquake activity due essentially to the short-term to intermediate-term pore-fluid fluctuations. Based on laboratory experiments results, the observed short–term fluctuation of b value is presented here as an accelerating cracks growth due essentially to the fluid flow instability. Despite that the occurrence of seismic precursors could have been predictable in areas with high dense seismic networks, the different b value time series show a difficulty to establish a correspondence between the duration of the foreshock activity and the magnitude of the next largest expected earthquake. This may explain that the spatial and temporal evolution of fluid migration controls the size of the ruptures.
How to cite: Jugurtha, K.: Role of fluid on earthquake occurrence: Example of the 2019 Ridgecrest and the 1997-2016 Central Apennines sequences , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8081, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8081, 2021.
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This paper focuses on the study of the temporal evolution of seismicity and related fluid migration following major earthquake sequences occurred in the central Apennines and Eastern California Shear Zone over the last two decades: The 1997 Colfiorito sequence, the 2009 L’Aquila sequence, the 2016 Amatrice-Norcia sequence and the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence. The availability of different high-quality seismic catalogs offers the opportunity to evaluate in detail the temporal evolution of the earthquake's size distribution (or b value) and estimate the effect of the fluid flow process in triggering seismicity. For all seismic sequences, the b value time series show a gradual decrease from a few months to one year before mainshocks. The gradual decrease in the b value is interpreted in terms of coupled fluid-stress intensity as a gradual increase in earthquake activity due essentially to the short-term to intermediate-term pore-fluid fluctuations. Based on laboratory experiments results, the observed short–term fluctuation of b value is presented here as an accelerating cracks growth due essentially to the fluid flow instability. Despite that the occurrence of seismic precursors could have been predictable in areas with high dense seismic networks, the different b value time series show a difficulty to establish a correspondence between the duration of the foreshock activity and the magnitude of the next largest expected earthquake. This may explain that the spatial and temporal evolution of fluid migration controls the size of the ruptures.
How to cite: Jugurtha, K.: Role of fluid on earthquake occurrence: Example of the 2019 Ridgecrest and the 1997-2016 Central Apennines sequences , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8081, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8081, 2021.
EGU21-8152 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Velocity changes across the Ganos segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in NW Turkey from systematic variations in body wave arrival timesEsref Yalcinkaya, Marco Bohnhoff, Patricia Martinez-Garzon, Ethem Görgün, Ali Pınar, and Hakan Alp
Imaging and characterizing transform fault sections that are capable to produce large earthquakes is crucial for evaluating seismic hazard and subsequent risk for nearby population centers. The Marmara Fault near the megacity of Istanbul is one of the best defined seismic gaps in the world and its complexity is captured by seismological, geodetic and geological data. A local dense seismic array (MONGAN) provides a high resolution data set allowing to image the Ganos fault separating two different geological units in the western Marmara region. First results of the waveform analysis from this array present systematic early-phase arrivals at the seismic stations located on the northern block of the Ganos fault which comprises geological units including older and more compact materials than that of the southern block. This difference in the arrival times causes the earthquake epicenters to shift further north than the real locations. In this preliminary results, the early-arrivals will be evaluated according to source azimuths and distances, and possible earth models and wave paths will be discussed. The results have implications for rupture directivity during future earthquakes as input for hazard and risk models for the Marmara region.
How to cite: Yalcinkaya, E., Bohnhoff, M., Martinez-Garzon, P., Görgün, E., Pınar, A., and Alp, H.: Velocity changes across the Ganos segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in NW Turkey from systematic variations in body wave arrival times, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8152, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8152, 2021.
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Imaging and characterizing transform fault sections that are capable to produce large earthquakes is crucial for evaluating seismic hazard and subsequent risk for nearby population centers. The Marmara Fault near the megacity of Istanbul is one of the best defined seismic gaps in the world and its complexity is captured by seismological, geodetic and geological data. A local dense seismic array (MONGAN) provides a high resolution data set allowing to image the Ganos fault separating two different geological units in the western Marmara region. First results of the waveform analysis from this array present systematic early-phase arrivals at the seismic stations located on the northern block of the Ganos fault which comprises geological units including older and more compact materials than that of the southern block. This difference in the arrival times causes the earthquake epicenters to shift further north than the real locations. In this preliminary results, the early-arrivals will be evaluated according to source azimuths and distances, and possible earth models and wave paths will be discussed. The results have implications for rupture directivity during future earthquakes as input for hazard and risk models for the Marmara region.
How to cite: Yalcinkaya, E., Bohnhoff, M., Martinez-Garzon, P., Görgün, E., Pınar, A., and Alp, H.: Velocity changes across the Ganos segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in NW Turkey from systematic variations in body wave arrival times, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8152, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8152, 2021.
EGU21-8174 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Frictional behaviour of carbonate bearing faults at brittle-ductile transitionFrancesco Figura, Carolina Giorgetti, Mathias Lebihain, and Marie Violay
One of the most alarming recent findings in geo-science is the dramatic rise in the rate of human-induced earthquakes in the past decade. This is due to the fluid injection or extraction in deep reservoirs for hydrocarbon production, wastewater and CO2 storage and exploitation of geothermal resources which result in the reactivation of nearby faults. These reservoirs are often located 2-3 km depth (i.e. 30 MPa), and are hosted in or covered by sedimentary carbonate layers. As carbonate undergoes a brittle-ductile transition with increasing confining pressure from values of around 20 MPa, ductile deformation can play an important role on the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes on carbonate faults. Here, we investigate the role of increasing ductile behaviour on fault frictional parameters. The research is performed through the new biaxial apparatus installed at EPFL, the HighSTEPS (High Strain TEmperature Pressure Speed) apparatus, able to measure frictional parameters in a wide range of shearing velocities (10-6 m/s – 0.2 m/s) and under unique boundary conditions representative of the Earth’s crust, i.e., normal stress up to 100 MPa, confining pressure up to 100 MPa, pore fluid pressure up to 100 MPa and temperature up to 120°. The induced stress state in bare surface samples was previously studied by a comparison between results of FEM numerical analyses and experimental ones. Under shear loading conditions, the principal stress σ1 is oriented at about 25° to the vertical axis, and the confining pressure corresponds to the principal stress σ2. Tests are performed under different values of applied confining pressure (1 - 60 MPa) and normal stress (1.5 – 90 MPa) on the faults, keeping constant the ratio between σn/σ3 around ~ 3, to mimic faults at different depth. We present experimental results mapping carbonate fault mechanical behaviour from low shearing velocity 10-6 m/s to high shearing velocity 10-1 m/s. Moreover, experimental results are modelled with rate-and-state friction laws (RSFLs) to define rate and state parameters related to the critical conditions for fault stability and its dependence on the presence of ductile deformation. These results shed new light on the nucleation and propagation of earthquake within the brittle-ductile transition in carbonate bearing rocks.
How to cite: Figura, F., Giorgetti, C., Lebihain, M., and Violay, M.: Frictional behaviour of carbonate bearing faults at brittle-ductile transition, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8174, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8174, 2021.
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One of the most alarming recent findings in geo-science is the dramatic rise in the rate of human-induced earthquakes in the past decade. This is due to the fluid injection or extraction in deep reservoirs for hydrocarbon production, wastewater and CO2 storage and exploitation of geothermal resources which result in the reactivation of nearby faults. These reservoirs are often located 2-3 km depth (i.e. 30 MPa), and are hosted in or covered by sedimentary carbonate layers. As carbonate undergoes a brittle-ductile transition with increasing confining pressure from values of around 20 MPa, ductile deformation can play an important role on the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes on carbonate faults. Here, we investigate the role of increasing ductile behaviour on fault frictional parameters. The research is performed through the new biaxial apparatus installed at EPFL, the HighSTEPS (High Strain TEmperature Pressure Speed) apparatus, able to measure frictional parameters in a wide range of shearing velocities (10-6 m/s – 0.2 m/s) and under unique boundary conditions representative of the Earth’s crust, i.e., normal stress up to 100 MPa, confining pressure up to 100 MPa, pore fluid pressure up to 100 MPa and temperature up to 120°. The induced stress state in bare surface samples was previously studied by a comparison between results of FEM numerical analyses and experimental ones. Under shear loading conditions, the principal stress σ1 is oriented at about 25° to the vertical axis, and the confining pressure corresponds to the principal stress σ2. Tests are performed under different values of applied confining pressure (1 - 60 MPa) and normal stress (1.5 – 90 MPa) on the faults, keeping constant the ratio between σn/σ3 around ~ 3, to mimic faults at different depth. We present experimental results mapping carbonate fault mechanical behaviour from low shearing velocity 10-6 m/s to high shearing velocity 10-1 m/s. Moreover, experimental results are modelled with rate-and-state friction laws (RSFLs) to define rate and state parameters related to the critical conditions for fault stability and its dependence on the presence of ductile deformation. These results shed new light on the nucleation and propagation of earthquake within the brittle-ductile transition in carbonate bearing rocks.
How to cite: Figura, F., Giorgetti, C., Lebihain, M., and Violay, M.: Frictional behaviour of carbonate bearing faults at brittle-ductile transition, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8174, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8174, 2021.
EGU21-8627 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Do active faults’ clay mineral compositions affect whether earthquake ruptures they host will displace the surface?Selina S. Fenske, Virginia G. Toy, Bernhard Schuck, Anja M. Schleicher, and Klaus Reicherter
The tectonophysical paradigm that earthquake ruptures should not start, or easily propagate into, the shallowest few kilometers of Earth’s crust makes it difficult to understand why damaging surface displacements have occurred during historic events. The paradigm is supported by decades of analyses demonstrating that near the surface, most major fault zones are composed of clay minerals – particularly extraordinarily weak smectites – which most laboratory physical measurements suggest should prevent surface rupture if present. Recent studies of New Zealand’s Alpine Fault Zone (AFZ) demonstrate smectites are absent from some near surface fault outcrops, which may explain why this fault was able to offset the surface locally in past events. The absence of smectites in places within the AFZ can be attributed to locally exceptionally high geothermal gradients related to circulation of meteoric (surface-derived) water into the fault zone, driven by significant topographic gradients. The record of surface rupture of the AFZ is heterogeneous, and no one has yet systematically examined the distribution of segments devoid of evidence for recent displacement. There are significant implications for seismic hazard, which comprises both surface displacements and ground shaking with intensity related to the area of fault plane that ruptures (which will be reduced if ruptures do not reach the surface). We will present results of new rigorous XRD clay mineral analyses of AFZ principal slip zone gouges that indicate where smectites are present, and consider if these display systematic relationships to surface displacement records. We also plan to apply the same methodology to the Carboneras Fault Zone in Spain, and the infrequent Holocene-active faults in Western Germany.
How to cite: Fenske, S. S., Toy, V. G., Schuck, B., Schleicher, A. M., and Reicherter, K.: Do active faults’ clay mineral compositions affect whether earthquake ruptures they host will displace the surface?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8627, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8627, 2021.
The tectonophysical paradigm that earthquake ruptures should not start, or easily propagate into, the shallowest few kilometers of Earth’s crust makes it difficult to understand why damaging surface displacements have occurred during historic events. The paradigm is supported by decades of analyses demonstrating that near the surface, most major fault zones are composed of clay minerals – particularly extraordinarily weak smectites – which most laboratory physical measurements suggest should prevent surface rupture if present. Recent studies of New Zealand’s Alpine Fault Zone (AFZ) demonstrate smectites are absent from some near surface fault outcrops, which may explain why this fault was able to offset the surface locally in past events. The absence of smectites in places within the AFZ can be attributed to locally exceptionally high geothermal gradients related to circulation of meteoric (surface-derived) water into the fault zone, driven by significant topographic gradients. The record of surface rupture of the AFZ is heterogeneous, and no one has yet systematically examined the distribution of segments devoid of evidence for recent displacement. There are significant implications for seismic hazard, which comprises both surface displacements and ground shaking with intensity related to the area of fault plane that ruptures (which will be reduced if ruptures do not reach the surface). We will present results of new rigorous XRD clay mineral analyses of AFZ principal slip zone gouges that indicate where smectites are present, and consider if these display systematic relationships to surface displacement records. We also plan to apply the same methodology to the Carboneras Fault Zone in Spain, and the infrequent Holocene-active faults in Western Germany.
How to cite: Fenske, S. S., Toy, V. G., Schuck, B., Schleicher, A. M., and Reicherter, K.: Do active faults’ clay mineral compositions affect whether earthquake ruptures they host will displace the surface?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8627, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8627, 2021.
EGU21-8679 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Dilation and compaction accompanying changes in slip velocity in clay-bearing fault gougesIsabel Ashman and Daniel Faulkner
Many natural fault cores comprise volumes of extremely fine, low permeability, clay-bearing fault rocks. Should these fault rocks undergo transient volume changes in response to changes in fault slip velocity, the subsequent pore pressure transients would produce significant fault weakening or strengthening, strongly affecting earthquake nucleation and possibly leading to episodic slow slip events. Dilatancy at slow slip velocity has previously been measured in quartz-rich gouges but little is known about gouge containing clay. In this work, the mechanical behaviour of synthetic quartz-kaolinite fault gouges and their volume response to velocity step changes were investigated in a suite of triaxial deformation experiments at effective normal stresses of 60MPa, 25MPa and 10MPa. Kaolinite content was varied from 0 to 100wt% and slip velocity was varied between 0.3 and 3 microns/s.
Upon a 10-fold velocity increase or decrease, gouges of all kaolinite-quartz contents displayed measurable volume change transients. The results show the volume change transients are independent of effective normal stress but are sensitive to gouge kaolinite content. Peak dilation values did not occur in the pure quartz gouges, but rather in gouges containing 10wt% to 20wt% kaolinite. Above a kaolinite content of 10wt% to 20wt%, both dilation and compaction decreased with increasing gouge kaolinite content. At 25MPa effective normal stress, the normalised volume changes decreased from 0.1% to 0.06% at 10wt% to 100wt% kaolinite. The gouge mechanical behaviour shows that increasing the gouge kaolinite content decreases the gouge frictional strength and promotes more stable sliding, rather than earthquake slip. Increasing the effective normal stress slightly decreases the frictional strength, enhances the chance of earthquake nucleation, and has no discernible effect on the magnitude of the pore volume changes during slip velocity changes.
Low permeabilities of clay-rich fault gouges, coupled with the observed volume change transients, could produce pore pressure fluctuations up to 10MPa in response to fault slip. This assumes no fluid escape from an isolated fault core. Where the permeability is finite, any pore pressure changes will be mediated by fluid influx into the gouge. Volume change transients could therefore be a significant factor in determining whether fault slip leads to earthquake nucleation or a dampened response, possibly resulting in episodic slow slip in low permeability fault rock volumes.
How to cite: Ashman, I. and Faulkner, D.: Dilation and compaction accompanying changes in slip velocity in clay-bearing fault gouges, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8679, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8679, 2021.
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Many natural fault cores comprise volumes of extremely fine, low permeability, clay-bearing fault rocks. Should these fault rocks undergo transient volume changes in response to changes in fault slip velocity, the subsequent pore pressure transients would produce significant fault weakening or strengthening, strongly affecting earthquake nucleation and possibly leading to episodic slow slip events. Dilatancy at slow slip velocity has previously been measured in quartz-rich gouges but little is known about gouge containing clay. In this work, the mechanical behaviour of synthetic quartz-kaolinite fault gouges and their volume response to velocity step changes were investigated in a suite of triaxial deformation experiments at effective normal stresses of 60MPa, 25MPa and 10MPa. Kaolinite content was varied from 0 to 100wt% and slip velocity was varied between 0.3 and 3 microns/s.
Upon a 10-fold velocity increase or decrease, gouges of all kaolinite-quartz contents displayed measurable volume change transients. The results show the volume change transients are independent of effective normal stress but are sensitive to gouge kaolinite content. Peak dilation values did not occur in the pure quartz gouges, but rather in gouges containing 10wt% to 20wt% kaolinite. Above a kaolinite content of 10wt% to 20wt%, both dilation and compaction decreased with increasing gouge kaolinite content. At 25MPa effective normal stress, the normalised volume changes decreased from 0.1% to 0.06% at 10wt% to 100wt% kaolinite. The gouge mechanical behaviour shows that increasing the gouge kaolinite content decreases the gouge frictional strength and promotes more stable sliding, rather than earthquake slip. Increasing the effective normal stress slightly decreases the frictional strength, enhances the chance of earthquake nucleation, and has no discernible effect on the magnitude of the pore volume changes during slip velocity changes.
Low permeabilities of clay-rich fault gouges, coupled with the observed volume change transients, could produce pore pressure fluctuations up to 10MPa in response to fault slip. This assumes no fluid escape from an isolated fault core. Where the permeability is finite, any pore pressure changes will be mediated by fluid influx into the gouge. Volume change transients could therefore be a significant factor in determining whether fault slip leads to earthquake nucleation or a dampened response, possibly resulting in episodic slow slip in low permeability fault rock volumes.
How to cite: Ashman, I. and Faulkner, D.: Dilation and compaction accompanying changes in slip velocity in clay-bearing fault gouges, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8679, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8679, 2021.
EGU21-9047 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Fast and localized temperature measurements during simulated earthquakes in carbonate rocksGiulio Di Toro, Stefano Aretusini, Arántzazu Núñez-Cascajero, Elena Spagnuolo, Alberto Tapetado, and Maria Carmen Vasquez Garcia
The understanding of earthquake physics is hindered by the poor knowledge of fault strength and temperature evolution during seismic slip. Experiments reproducing seismic velocity (~1 m/s) allow us to measure both the evolution of fault strength and the associated temperature increase due to frictional heating. However, temperature measurements were performed with techniques having insufficient spatial and temporal resolution. Here we conduct high velocity friction experiments on Carrara marble rock samples sheared at 20 MPa normal stress, velocity of 0.3 and 6 m/s, and 20 m of total displacement. We measure the temperature evolution of the fault surface at the acquisition rate of 1 kHz and over a spatial resolution of ~40 µmwith optical fibers conveying the infrared radiation to a two-color pyrometer. Temperatures up to 1250 °C and low coseismic fault shear strength are compatible with the activation of grain size dependent viscous creep.
How to cite: Di Toro, G., Aretusini, S., Núñez-Cascajero, A., Spagnuolo, E., Tapetado, A., and Vasquez Garcia, M. C.: Fast and localized temperature measurements during simulated earthquakes in carbonate rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9047, 2021.
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The understanding of earthquake physics is hindered by the poor knowledge of fault strength and temperature evolution during seismic slip. Experiments reproducing seismic velocity (~1 m/s) allow us to measure both the evolution of fault strength and the associated temperature increase due to frictional heating. However, temperature measurements were performed with techniques having insufficient spatial and temporal resolution. Here we conduct high velocity friction experiments on Carrara marble rock samples sheared at 20 MPa normal stress, velocity of 0.3 and 6 m/s, and 20 m of total displacement. We measure the temperature evolution of the fault surface at the acquisition rate of 1 kHz and over a spatial resolution of ~40 µmwith optical fibers conveying the infrared radiation to a two-color pyrometer. Temperatures up to 1250 °C and low coseismic fault shear strength are compatible with the activation of grain size dependent viscous creep.
How to cite: Di Toro, G., Aretusini, S., Núñez-Cascajero, A., Spagnuolo, E., Tapetado, A., and Vasquez Garcia, M. C.: Fast and localized temperature measurements during simulated earthquakes in carbonate rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9047, 2021.
EGU21-9614 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Ionospheric Induction of Earthquakes: Fitting the DataDaniel Helman
This discussion assumes that there are ionospheric anomalies in total electron count (TEC) as precursors to major earthquakes. Very careful work by Thomas et al. (2017) and others remove TEC anomalies when correlated with natural events such as geomagnetic or solar activity. Without these data, correlation between ionospheric disturbances and large earthquakes (M ≥ 7.0) occurs infrequently (~20% of events) and is within the standard error resulting from the small sample size. There are two possibilities: (1) either the mechanism of volatile (including radon) release that occurs in some regions precursory to major seismic events is unrelated to ionospheric disturbances; or (2) the occurrence of these volatiles is related first to geomagnetic and solar activity. The first hypothesis is easily falsified. In addition to careful statistical analysis by Thomas et al. and others, the mechanism for travel through the lower atmosphere of matter arising on the ground as a stable electric signal is not physically plausible. The second hypothesis awaits falsification, as the correlation fits the data. If natural events such as geomagnetic and solar activity are a trigger for large earthquakes, a plausible mechanism ought to be explored. In considering the effects of ionospheric disturbances on ground-based phenomena, geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) are a reasonable model. GIC occur generally at high latitudes and are responsible for the electrocorrosion of bridges and other metal infrastructure. Fluids laden with dissolved ions occur in faults and are a potential conduit for GIC. Electromagnetic fields induced by ionospheric anomalies may be present at depth. Can these types of fields weaken earth materials? One reason dilatancy diffusion models fell out of favor is scale. The microcracks observed are too small to hold the volume of volatiles required to account for observed changes to groundwater. If instead the presence of electric and magnetic fields aid in the liberation of volatiles and dissolution of certain minerals in rock, seismic events may occur. Andrén et al. (2016), for example, note decreasing groundwater (Si and Na) ion concentrations (ratio 2:1) as well as a small decrease in Ca and an increase in K ion concentrations during a period leading up to two consecutive M > 5 earthquakes in Hafralækur, Iceland. They took well cuttings for petrographic analysis: The observed groundwater changes are consistent with contemporary replacement of labradorite with analcime and the precipitation of zeolite minerals before and during the seismic activity, respectively, when the cuttings were taken. These observations fit the data well. In some cases, solar and geomagnetic activity cause ionospheric anomalies. These then induce electromagnetic currents in faults. The resulting fields aid in the dissolution of certain minerals and release volatiles, which are then precursory to seismic events. Groundwater changes before and after such events are related to the dissolution and subsequent precipitation of minerals in the rock. This rock weakening hypothesis fits the data, and is a simple explanation for how correlations between ionospheric disturbances caused by solar or geomagnetic events and large seismic events may arise.
How to cite: Helman, D.: Ionospheric Induction of Earthquakes: Fitting the Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9614, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9614, 2021.
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This discussion assumes that there are ionospheric anomalies in total electron count (TEC) as precursors to major earthquakes. Very careful work by Thomas et al. (2017) and others remove TEC anomalies when correlated with natural events such as geomagnetic or solar activity. Without these data, correlation between ionospheric disturbances and large earthquakes (M ≥ 7.0) occurs infrequently (~20% of events) and is within the standard error resulting from the small sample size. There are two possibilities: (1) either the mechanism of volatile (including radon) release that occurs in some regions precursory to major seismic events is unrelated to ionospheric disturbances; or (2) the occurrence of these volatiles is related first to geomagnetic and solar activity. The first hypothesis is easily falsified. In addition to careful statistical analysis by Thomas et al. and others, the mechanism for travel through the lower atmosphere of matter arising on the ground as a stable electric signal is not physically plausible. The second hypothesis awaits falsification, as the correlation fits the data. If natural events such as geomagnetic and solar activity are a trigger for large earthquakes, a plausible mechanism ought to be explored. In considering the effects of ionospheric disturbances on ground-based phenomena, geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) are a reasonable model. GIC occur generally at high latitudes and are responsible for the electrocorrosion of bridges and other metal infrastructure. Fluids laden with dissolved ions occur in faults and are a potential conduit for GIC. Electromagnetic fields induced by ionospheric anomalies may be present at depth. Can these types of fields weaken earth materials? One reason dilatancy diffusion models fell out of favor is scale. The microcracks observed are too small to hold the volume of volatiles required to account for observed changes to groundwater. If instead the presence of electric and magnetic fields aid in the liberation of volatiles and dissolution of certain minerals in rock, seismic events may occur. Andrén et al. (2016), for example, note decreasing groundwater (Si and Na) ion concentrations (ratio 2:1) as well as a small decrease in Ca and an increase in K ion concentrations during a period leading up to two consecutive M > 5 earthquakes in Hafralækur, Iceland. They took well cuttings for petrographic analysis: The observed groundwater changes are consistent with contemporary replacement of labradorite with analcime and the precipitation of zeolite minerals before and during the seismic activity, respectively, when the cuttings were taken. These observations fit the data well. In some cases, solar and geomagnetic activity cause ionospheric anomalies. These then induce electromagnetic currents in faults. The resulting fields aid in the dissolution of certain minerals and release volatiles, which are then precursory to seismic events. Groundwater changes before and after such events are related to the dissolution and subsequent precipitation of minerals in the rock. This rock weakening hypothesis fits the data, and is a simple explanation for how correlations between ionospheric disturbances caused by solar or geomagnetic events and large seismic events may arise.
How to cite: Helman, D.: Ionospheric Induction of Earthquakes: Fitting the Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9614, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9614, 2021.
EGU21-9751 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Role of asperities on the transition from seismic to aseismic slip using an experimental fault slip systemWeiwei Shu, Olivier Lengliné, and Jean Schmittbuhl
Faults are common geological structures distributed at various depths within the Earth with different behaviors: from seismic to aseismic. The frictional stability of faults is linked to the properties of asperities that make the contact between fault surfaces. Investigating the interaction between asperities and its link with the frictional stability of faults aims at a better understanding of the intrinsic relationships between the observations of earthquake swarms and the slow local aseismic transient. Here we propose an experimental approach, which allows a customized interface sliding slowly under a well-controlled normal load, to study this problem. This interface consists of asperities modeled by poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) balls in a softer, polymer base representing the parts of the fault that are easily deformed, facing a transparent flat PMMA plate. We employ a high-resolution camera for in-situ optical monitoring of the local deformation of the interface while loaded. We also attach acoustic sensors to capture the dynamics events attesting to local dynamic ruptures. We connect our observations with a mechanical model derived from a high-precision topography of the customized interface. We investigate the effects of various internal parameters of natural fault systems, including the density of asperities, their rigidity or the contrast of rigidity compared to the base, on the evolution of the frictional stability under variable normal load and of the behavior of the population of asperities at the transition between seismic and aseismic slip. Our results, bring new observations on the mechanics of swarm and fault transient.
How to cite: Shu, W., Lengliné, O., and Schmittbuhl, J.: Role of asperities on the transition from seismic to aseismic slip using an experimental fault slip system, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9751, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9751, 2021.
Faults are common geological structures distributed at various depths within the Earth with different behaviors: from seismic to aseismic. The frictional stability of faults is linked to the properties of asperities that make the contact between fault surfaces. Investigating the interaction between asperities and its link with the frictional stability of faults aims at a better understanding of the intrinsic relationships between the observations of earthquake swarms and the slow local aseismic transient. Here we propose an experimental approach, which allows a customized interface sliding slowly under a well-controlled normal load, to study this problem. This interface consists of asperities modeled by poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) balls in a softer, polymer base representing the parts of the fault that are easily deformed, facing a transparent flat PMMA plate. We employ a high-resolution camera for in-situ optical monitoring of the local deformation of the interface while loaded. We also attach acoustic sensors to capture the dynamics events attesting to local dynamic ruptures. We connect our observations with a mechanical model derived from a high-precision topography of the customized interface. We investigate the effects of various internal parameters of natural fault systems, including the density of asperities, their rigidity or the contrast of rigidity compared to the base, on the evolution of the frictional stability under variable normal load and of the behavior of the population of asperities at the transition between seismic and aseismic slip. Our results, bring new observations on the mechanics of swarm and fault transient.
How to cite: Shu, W., Lengliné, O., and Schmittbuhl, J.: Role of asperities on the transition from seismic to aseismic slip using an experimental fault slip system, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9751, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9751, 2021.
EGU21-9764 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Imaging the rupture zone of the 1912 Ganos earthquake using fault zone head waves from a local seismic networkBurcak Gorgun, Esref Yalcinkaya, Ethem Gorgun, Marco Bohnhoff, and Hakan Alp
The Ganos Fault (GF) is the westernmost onshore segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and was last activated in the Mw7.4 Ganos/Mürefte earthquake in 1912. The GF is a first order linear and a right lateral strike-slip fault with a locking depth of 8-17 km. A 40-station seismic array has been deployed between 2017 and 2020 along the GF to study the fault zone characteristics at depth. Fault Zone Head Waves (FZHW) are an important diagnostic signal to detect velocity contrast across fault and thus identify them as interfaces. A fault consisting of a sharp material contrast between different lithologies is expected to generate FZHW. They spend a large portion of their propagation paths refracting along the bimaterial interface. The head waves propagate with the velocity and motion polarity of the faster block, and are radiated from the fault to the slower velocity block where they are characterized by an emergent waveform with opposite motion polarity to that of the direct body waves. The FZHW are the first arriving phases at locations on the slower block with normal distance to the fault less than a critical distance. The high station coverage across the fault will allow us to observe micro-earthquake activity and FZHW close to the seismically active region of the GF throughout the entire seismogenic depth down to approximately 20 km thereby enhancing the resolution of seismological observations in that area. Preliminary results from MONGAN array allow to identify FZHWs at several stations in waveforms originating from events in the western Marmara Sea. We focus on the interpretation of a distinct first phase (FZHW) contained in the waveform coda that is well separated from the direct P wave. FZHWs are visible in many waveforms and have a specific time delay before the direct P wave arrivals at each station. Based on a polarization analysis of records at MONGAN stations, this first phase is interpreted as a FZHW at an interface near the study area. Its particle motion is consistent with FZHW and the direct P wave produced by the bimaterial interface. This is an indication of a bimaterial interface along the GF where the northern block is faster than the southern block.
How to cite: Gorgun, B., Yalcinkaya, E., Gorgun, E., Bohnhoff, M., and Alp, H.: Imaging the rupture zone of the 1912 Ganos earthquake using fault zone head waves from a local seismic network, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9764, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9764, 2021.
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The Ganos Fault (GF) is the westernmost onshore segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and was last activated in the Mw7.4 Ganos/Mürefte earthquake in 1912. The GF is a first order linear and a right lateral strike-slip fault with a locking depth of 8-17 km. A 40-station seismic array has been deployed between 2017 and 2020 along the GF to study the fault zone characteristics at depth. Fault Zone Head Waves (FZHW) are an important diagnostic signal to detect velocity contrast across fault and thus identify them as interfaces. A fault consisting of a sharp material contrast between different lithologies is expected to generate FZHW. They spend a large portion of their propagation paths refracting along the bimaterial interface. The head waves propagate with the velocity and motion polarity of the faster block, and are radiated from the fault to the slower velocity block where they are characterized by an emergent waveform with opposite motion polarity to that of the direct body waves. The FZHW are the first arriving phases at locations on the slower block with normal distance to the fault less than a critical distance. The high station coverage across the fault will allow us to observe micro-earthquake activity and FZHW close to the seismically active region of the GF throughout the entire seismogenic depth down to approximately 20 km thereby enhancing the resolution of seismological observations in that area. Preliminary results from MONGAN array allow to identify FZHWs at several stations in waveforms originating from events in the western Marmara Sea. We focus on the interpretation of a distinct first phase (FZHW) contained in the waveform coda that is well separated from the direct P wave. FZHWs are visible in many waveforms and have a specific time delay before the direct P wave arrivals at each station. Based on a polarization analysis of records at MONGAN stations, this first phase is interpreted as a FZHW at an interface near the study area. Its particle motion is consistent with FZHW and the direct P wave produced by the bimaterial interface. This is an indication of a bimaterial interface along the GF where the northern block is faster than the southern block.
How to cite: Gorgun, B., Yalcinkaya, E., Gorgun, E., Bohnhoff, M., and Alp, H.: Imaging the rupture zone of the 1912 Ganos earthquake using fault zone head waves from a local seismic network, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9764, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9764, 2021.
EGU21-10039 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Effects of heterogeneity on frictional-viscous deformation and the depth-extent of the seismogenic zoneAke Fagereng and Adam Beall
Current conceptual fault models define a seismogenic zone, where earthquakes nucleate, characterised by velocity-weakening fault rocks in a dominantly frictional regime. The base of the seismogenic zone is commonly inferred to coincide with a thermally controlled onset of velocity-strengthening slip or distributed viscous deformation. The top of the seismogenic zone may be determined by low-temperature diagenetic processes and the state of consolidation and alteration. Overall, the seismogenic zone is therefore described as bounded by transitions in frictional and rheological properties. These properties are relatively well-determined for monomineralic systems and simple, planar geometries; but, many exceptions, including deep earthquakes, slow slip, and shallow creep, imply processes involving compositional, structural, or environmental heterogeneities. We explore how such heterogeneities may alter the extent of the seismogenic zone.
We consider mixed viscous-frictional deformation and suggest a simple rule of thumb to estimate the role of heterogeneities by a combination of the viscosity contrast within the fault, and the ratio between the bulk shear stress and the yield strength of the strongest fault zone component. In this model, slip behaviour can change dynamically in response to stress and strength variations with depth and time. We quantify the model numerically, and illustrate the idea with a few field-based examples: 1) earthquakes within the viscous regime, deeper than the thermally-controlled seismogenic zone, can be triggered by an increase in the ratio of shear stress to yield strength, either by increased fluid pressure or increased local stress; 2) there is commonly a depth range of transitional behaviour at the base of the seismogenic zone – the thickness of this zone increases markedly with increased viscosity contrast within the fault zone; and 3) fault zone weakening by phyllosilicate growth and foliation development increases viscosity ratio and decreases bulk shear stress, leading to efficient, stable, fault zone creep. These examples are not new interpretations or observations, but given the substantial complexity of heterogeneous fault zones, we suggest that a simplified, conceptual model based on basic strength and stress parameters is useful in describing and assessing the effect of heterogeneities on fault slip behaviour.
How to cite: Fagereng, A. and Beall, A.: Effects of heterogeneity on frictional-viscous deformation and the depth-extent of the seismogenic zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10039, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10039, 2021.
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Current conceptual fault models define a seismogenic zone, where earthquakes nucleate, characterised by velocity-weakening fault rocks in a dominantly frictional regime. The base of the seismogenic zone is commonly inferred to coincide with a thermally controlled onset of velocity-strengthening slip or distributed viscous deformation. The top of the seismogenic zone may be determined by low-temperature diagenetic processes and the state of consolidation and alteration. Overall, the seismogenic zone is therefore described as bounded by transitions in frictional and rheological properties. These properties are relatively well-determined for monomineralic systems and simple, planar geometries; but, many exceptions, including deep earthquakes, slow slip, and shallow creep, imply processes involving compositional, structural, or environmental heterogeneities. We explore how such heterogeneities may alter the extent of the seismogenic zone.
We consider mixed viscous-frictional deformation and suggest a simple rule of thumb to estimate the role of heterogeneities by a combination of the viscosity contrast within the fault, and the ratio between the bulk shear stress and the yield strength of the strongest fault zone component. In this model, slip behaviour can change dynamically in response to stress and strength variations with depth and time. We quantify the model numerically, and illustrate the idea with a few field-based examples: 1) earthquakes within the viscous regime, deeper than the thermally-controlled seismogenic zone, can be triggered by an increase in the ratio of shear stress to yield strength, either by increased fluid pressure or increased local stress; 2) there is commonly a depth range of transitional behaviour at the base of the seismogenic zone – the thickness of this zone increases markedly with increased viscosity contrast within the fault zone; and 3) fault zone weakening by phyllosilicate growth and foliation development increases viscosity ratio and decreases bulk shear stress, leading to efficient, stable, fault zone creep. These examples are not new interpretations or observations, but given the substantial complexity of heterogeneous fault zones, we suggest that a simplified, conceptual model based on basic strength and stress parameters is useful in describing and assessing the effect of heterogeneities on fault slip behaviour.
How to cite: Fagereng, A. and Beall, A.: Effects of heterogeneity on frictional-viscous deformation and the depth-extent of the seismogenic zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10039, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10039, 2021.
EGU21-10217 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
The state of stress in the shallow crust of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin hangingwall, New ZealandEffat Behboudi, David McNamara, Ivan Lokmer, Laura Wallace, and Tom Manzocchi
Knowledge of in situ stress fields is critical for a better understanding of deformation, faulting regime, and earthquake processes in seismically active margins such as the Hikurangi Subduction Margin (HSM), North Island, New Zealand. In this study, we utilize Leak-off Test (LOTs) data, borehole breakout widths measured from borehole image logs, and rock unconfined compressive strengths (UCS) derived from empirical P-wave velocity log relationships to estimate vertical (Sv), minimum (Shmin), and maximum horizontal stress magnitudes (SHmax) and interpret the likely faulting regime experienced in four boreholes (Kauhauroa-2, Kauhauroa-5, Titihaoa-1, and Tawatawa-1). Using the standard Anderson’s stress regime classification, relative stress magnitudes in Kauhauroa-5 at 1200-1700 m depth and Kauhauroa-2 at 1800-2100 m and indicate that the stress state in the shallow crust of the central and northern part of HSM is predominantly strike-slip (SHmax≥Sv≥Shmin) and normal Sv≥SHmax> Shmin respectively. Moving to the offshore, southern HSM a dominant compressional stress regime (SHmax> Shmin >Sv), with some possible strike slip stress states are observed in Titihaoa-1 from 2240-2660 m and Tawatawa-1 from 750-1350 m. The observed normal/strike-slip stress state in Kauhauroa-2 and Kauhauroa-5 is consistent with the average SHmax orientation of 64° ± 18° (NE-SW) determined from borehole breakouts and dominantly NE–SW striking normal faults interpreted from seismic reflection data. The normal/ strike-slip regime in this area suggests that the stress regime here is probably influenced by the effect of the clockwise rotation of the HSM hangingwall associated with oblique Pacific-Australia plate convergence (ENE-WSW). Alternatively, these stress states could be the result of gravitational collapse due to rapid uplift of the subducting plate during the mid-Miocene. The compressional stress regime in the southern HSM in Titihaoa-1 and Tawatawa-1 is in agreement with the SHmax orientations of 148° ± 14° (NW-SE ) and 102° ± 16° (WNW-ESE) obtained from image logs and mapped NE–SW striking reverse faults in this region. This observation suggests that the tectonics here are strongly linked to the subduction of Hikurangi plateau under Australian Plate (NW-SE) or active frontal thrusts in the overriding plate.
How to cite: Behboudi, E., McNamara, D., Lokmer, I., Wallace, L., and Manzocchi, T.: The state of stress in the shallow crust of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin hangingwall, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10217, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10217, 2021.
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Knowledge of in situ stress fields is critical for a better understanding of deformation, faulting regime, and earthquake processes in seismically active margins such as the Hikurangi Subduction Margin (HSM), North Island, New Zealand. In this study, we utilize Leak-off Test (LOTs) data, borehole breakout widths measured from borehole image logs, and rock unconfined compressive strengths (UCS) derived from empirical P-wave velocity log relationships to estimate vertical (Sv), minimum (Shmin), and maximum horizontal stress magnitudes (SHmax) and interpret the likely faulting regime experienced in four boreholes (Kauhauroa-2, Kauhauroa-5, Titihaoa-1, and Tawatawa-1). Using the standard Anderson’s stress regime classification, relative stress magnitudes in Kauhauroa-5 at 1200-1700 m depth and Kauhauroa-2 at 1800-2100 m and indicate that the stress state in the shallow crust of the central and northern part of HSM is predominantly strike-slip (SHmax≥Sv≥Shmin) and normal Sv≥SHmax> Shmin respectively. Moving to the offshore, southern HSM a dominant compressional stress regime (SHmax> Shmin >Sv), with some possible strike slip stress states are observed in Titihaoa-1 from 2240-2660 m and Tawatawa-1 from 750-1350 m. The observed normal/strike-slip stress state in Kauhauroa-2 and Kauhauroa-5 is consistent with the average SHmax orientation of 64° ± 18° (NE-SW) determined from borehole breakouts and dominantly NE–SW striking normal faults interpreted from seismic reflection data. The normal/ strike-slip regime in this area suggests that the stress regime here is probably influenced by the effect of the clockwise rotation of the HSM hangingwall associated with oblique Pacific-Australia plate convergence (ENE-WSW). Alternatively, these stress states could be the result of gravitational collapse due to rapid uplift of the subducting plate during the mid-Miocene. The compressional stress regime in the southern HSM in Titihaoa-1 and Tawatawa-1 is in agreement with the SHmax orientations of 148° ± 14° (NW-SE ) and 102° ± 16° (WNW-ESE) obtained from image logs and mapped NE–SW striking reverse faults in this region. This observation suggests that the tectonics here are strongly linked to the subduction of Hikurangi plateau under Australian Plate (NW-SE) or active frontal thrusts in the overriding plate.
How to cite: Behboudi, E., McNamara, D., Lokmer, I., Wallace, L., and Manzocchi, T.: The state of stress in the shallow crust of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin hangingwall, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10217, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10217, 2021.
EGU21-10506 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Investigation of strain localization in sheared granular material using 3D numerical discrete element modelChien-Cheng Hung, Andre Niemeijer, Amir Raoof, and Thomas Swijen
We used three-dimensional numerical simulations of the discrete element method (DEM) to investigate slip localization in sheared granular faults under seismic velocities. An aggregate of non-destructive spherical particles with assigned contact properties is subjected to direct shear with periodic boundary in horizontal directions. To investigate whether particle size distribution (PSD) influences slip accommodation, three distinct PSDs, namely Gaussian, log-normal, and power-law with fractal dimension D ranging from 0.8 to 2.6, are employed. In additional simulations, we impose a thin layer of particles with smaller grain size along the boundary as well as in the middle of the granular assemblages to simulate boundary and Y shears occurring in both natural and laboratory fault gouges. Transient microscopic properties, such as particle motion and contact forces, as well as macroscopic properties, such as friction, of the granular layer, are continuously monitored during numerical shearing. Results show that no visible slip localization is observed for all different PSDs based on the current particle motion analysis. On the other hand, we find that much more strain (i.e., displacement) is accommodated in the finer-grained layer even with a small contrast in grain size. Up to 90 % of the displacement is localized in a finer-grained layer when the contrast ratio of the grain size is 50 %. Since more frictional heat will be generated in the localized slip zone, the results provide crucial information on the heat generation and associated slip accommodation in sheared gouge zones. A possible mechanism of slip localization in the simulations is the transfer of the momentum across the granular system. We conclude that the occurrence of a weaker, fine-grained layer within a dense fault zone is likely to result in self-enhanced weakening of the fault planes. Ongoing work includes (1) varying the thickness, grain size, and internal friction of the thinner layer; (2) applying triangulation methods to further analyze the microscale stress and strain tensor between particles; (3) changing the rolling friction of particles.
How to cite: Hung, C.-C., Niemeijer, A., Raoof, A., and Swijen, T.: Investigation of strain localization in sheared granular material using 3D numerical discrete element model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10506, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10506, 2021.
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We used three-dimensional numerical simulations of the discrete element method (DEM) to investigate slip localization in sheared granular faults under seismic velocities. An aggregate of non-destructive spherical particles with assigned contact properties is subjected to direct shear with periodic boundary in horizontal directions. To investigate whether particle size distribution (PSD) influences slip accommodation, three distinct PSDs, namely Gaussian, log-normal, and power-law with fractal dimension D ranging from 0.8 to 2.6, are employed. In additional simulations, we impose a thin layer of particles with smaller grain size along the boundary as well as in the middle of the granular assemblages to simulate boundary and Y shears occurring in both natural and laboratory fault gouges. Transient microscopic properties, such as particle motion and contact forces, as well as macroscopic properties, such as friction, of the granular layer, are continuously monitored during numerical shearing. Results show that no visible slip localization is observed for all different PSDs based on the current particle motion analysis. On the other hand, we find that much more strain (i.e., displacement) is accommodated in the finer-grained layer even with a small contrast in grain size. Up to 90 % of the displacement is localized in a finer-grained layer when the contrast ratio of the grain size is 50 %. Since more frictional heat will be generated in the localized slip zone, the results provide crucial information on the heat generation and associated slip accommodation in sheared gouge zones. A possible mechanism of slip localization in the simulations is the transfer of the momentum across the granular system. We conclude that the occurrence of a weaker, fine-grained layer within a dense fault zone is likely to result in self-enhanced weakening of the fault planes. Ongoing work includes (1) varying the thickness, grain size, and internal friction of the thinner layer; (2) applying triangulation methods to further analyze the microscale stress and strain tensor between particles; (3) changing the rolling friction of particles.
How to cite: Hung, C.-C., Niemeijer, A., Raoof, A., and Swijen, T.: Investigation of strain localization in sheared granular material using 3D numerical discrete element model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10506, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10506, 2021.
EGU21-10681 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
On the scale dependence in the dynamics of ruptureFederica Paglialunga, François Passelègue, Fabian Barras, Mathias Lebihain, Nicolas Brantut, and Marie Violay
Potential energy stored during the inter-seismic period by tectonic loading around faults can be released through earthquakes as radiated energy, heat and rupture energy. The latter is of first importance, since it controls both the nucleation and the propagation of the seismic rupture. On one side, the rupture energy estimated for natural earthquakes (also called Breakdown work) ranges between 1 J/m2 and tens of MJ/m2 for the largest events, and shows a clear slip dependence. On the other side, recent experimental studies highlighted that at the scale of the laboratory, rupture energy is a material property (energy required to break the fault interface), limited by an upper bound value corresponding to the rupture energy of the intact material (1 to 10 kJ/m2), independently of the size of the event, i.e. of the seismic slip.
To reconcile these contradictory observations, we performed stick-slip experiments, as an analog for earthquakes, in a bi-axial shear configuration. We analyzed the fault weakening during frictional rupture by accessing to the on-fault (1 mm away) stress-slip curve through strain-gauge array. We first estimated rupture energy by comparing the experimental strain with the theoretical predictions from both Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and the Cohesive Zone Model (CZM). Secondly, we compared these values to the breakdown work obtained from the integration of the stress-slip curve. Our results showed that, at the scale of our experiments, fault weakening is divided into two stages; the first one, corresponding to an energy of few J/m2, coherent with the estimated rupture energy (by LEFM and CZM), and a long-tailed weakening corresponding to a larger energy not observable at the rupture tip.
Using a theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, we demonstrated that only the first weakening stage controls the nucleation and the dynamics of the rupture tip. The breakdown work induced by the long-tailed weakening can enhance slip during rupture propagation and can allow the rupture to overcome stress heterogeneity along the fault. Additionally, we showed that at a large scale of observation the dynamics of the rupture tip can become controlled by the breakdown work induced by the long-tailed weakening, leading to a larger stress singularity at the rupture tip which becomes less sensitive to stress perturbations. We suggest that while the onset of frictional motions is related to fracture, natural earthquakes propagation is driven by frictional weakening with increasing slip, explaining the large values of estimated breakdown work for natural earthquakes, as well as the scale dependence in the dynamics of rupture.
How to cite: Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F., Barras, F., Lebihain, M., Brantut, N., and Violay, M.: On the scale dependence in the dynamics of rupture, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10681, 2021.
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Potential energy stored during the inter-seismic period by tectonic loading around faults can be released through earthquakes as radiated energy, heat and rupture energy. The latter is of first importance, since it controls both the nucleation and the propagation of the seismic rupture. On one side, the rupture energy estimated for natural earthquakes (also called Breakdown work) ranges between 1 J/m2 and tens of MJ/m2 for the largest events, and shows a clear slip dependence. On the other side, recent experimental studies highlighted that at the scale of the laboratory, rupture energy is a material property (energy required to break the fault interface), limited by an upper bound value corresponding to the rupture energy of the intact material (1 to 10 kJ/m2), independently of the size of the event, i.e. of the seismic slip.
To reconcile these contradictory observations, we performed stick-slip experiments, as an analog for earthquakes, in a bi-axial shear configuration. We analyzed the fault weakening during frictional rupture by accessing to the on-fault (1 mm away) stress-slip curve through strain-gauge array. We first estimated rupture energy by comparing the experimental strain with the theoretical predictions from both Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and the Cohesive Zone Model (CZM). Secondly, we compared these values to the breakdown work obtained from the integration of the stress-slip curve. Our results showed that, at the scale of our experiments, fault weakening is divided into two stages; the first one, corresponding to an energy of few J/m2, coherent with the estimated rupture energy (by LEFM and CZM), and a long-tailed weakening corresponding to a larger energy not observable at the rupture tip.
Using a theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, we demonstrated that only the first weakening stage controls the nucleation and the dynamics of the rupture tip. The breakdown work induced by the long-tailed weakening can enhance slip during rupture propagation and can allow the rupture to overcome stress heterogeneity along the fault. Additionally, we showed that at a large scale of observation the dynamics of the rupture tip can become controlled by the breakdown work induced by the long-tailed weakening, leading to a larger stress singularity at the rupture tip which becomes less sensitive to stress perturbations. We suggest that while the onset of frictional motions is related to fracture, natural earthquakes propagation is driven by frictional weakening with increasing slip, explaining the large values of estimated breakdown work for natural earthquakes, as well as the scale dependence in the dynamics of rupture.
How to cite: Paglialunga, F., Passelègue, F., Barras, F., Lebihain, M., Brantut, N., and Violay, M.: On the scale dependence in the dynamics of rupture, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10681, 2021.
EGU21-10926 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Probing the damage zone on the San Andreas Fault at ParkfieldAndrew Delorey and Paul Johnson
Rocks are heterogeneous materials that exhibit nonlinear elastic (anelastic) behavior in both the laboratory and Earth. In the laboratory, investigators have observed complex relationships between stress and strain that include hysteresis, finite relaxation times, and rate and stress path dependence. These behaviors are linked to stress, porosity, permeability, material integrity and material failure, many of the characteristics we care about in the upper crust. A limited number of studies in the Earth have confirmed that nonlinear elasticity can be measured in situ, but due to logistical challenges these investigations have not achieved the full potential of what can ultimately be learned from this type of investigation. We adapted a ‘pump-probe’ type experiment common in laboratory studies, using solid earth tides as the low frequency pump and empirical Green’s function as the high frequency probe. By probing the velocity at different points in the pump cycle, we constrain some important information about the stress-strain relationship. Near the San Andreas Fault, we observe strongly nonlinear elastic behavior that increases with decreasing distance to the fault that characterizes the damage zone. We also constrain important aspects of hysteretic behavior that are related to damage properties and possibly pore pressure.
How to cite: Delorey, A. and Johnson, P.: Probing the damage zone on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10926, 2021.
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Rocks are heterogeneous materials that exhibit nonlinear elastic (anelastic) behavior in both the laboratory and Earth. In the laboratory, investigators have observed complex relationships between stress and strain that include hysteresis, finite relaxation times, and rate and stress path dependence. These behaviors are linked to stress, porosity, permeability, material integrity and material failure, many of the characteristics we care about in the upper crust. A limited number of studies in the Earth have confirmed that nonlinear elasticity can be measured in situ, but due to logistical challenges these investigations have not achieved the full potential of what can ultimately be learned from this type of investigation. We adapted a ‘pump-probe’ type experiment common in laboratory studies, using solid earth tides as the low frequency pump and empirical Green’s function as the high frequency probe. By probing the velocity at different points in the pump cycle, we constrain some important information about the stress-strain relationship. Near the San Andreas Fault, we observe strongly nonlinear elastic behavior that increases with decreasing distance to the fault that characterizes the damage zone. We also constrain important aspects of hysteretic behavior that are related to damage properties and possibly pore pressure.
How to cite: Delorey, A. and Johnson, P.: Probing the damage zone on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10926, 2021.
EGU21-12188 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Scaling seismic fault thickness from the laboratory to the fieldThomas P. Ferrand, Stefan Nielsen, Loïc Labrousse, and Alexandre Schubnel
Pseudotachylytes originate from the solidification of frictional melt, which transiently forms and lubricates the fault plane during an earthquake. Here we observe how the pseudotachylyte thickness a scales with the relative displacement D both at the laboratory and field scales, for measured slip varying from microns to meters, over six orders of magnitude. Considering all the data jointly, a bend appears in the scaling relationship when slip and thickness reach ∼1 mm and 100 µm, respectively, i.e. MW > 1. This bend can be attributed to the melt thickness reaching a steady‐state value due to melting dynamics under shear heating, as is suggested by the solution of a Stefan problem with a migrating boundary. Each increment of fault is heating up due to fast shearing near the rupture tip and starting cooling by thermal diffusion upon rupture. The building and sustainability of a connected melt layer depends on this energy balance. For plurimillimetric thicknesses (a > 1 mm), melt thickness growth reflects in first approximation the rate of shear heating which appears to decay in D−1/2 to D−1, likely due to melt lubrication controlled by melt + solid suspension viscosity and mobility. The pseudotachylyte thickness scales with moment M0 and magnitude MW; therefore, thickness alone may be used to estimate magnitude on fossil faults in the field in the absence of displacement markers within a reasonable error margin.
How to cite: Ferrand, T. P., Nielsen, S., Labrousse, L., and Schubnel, A.: Scaling seismic fault thickness from the laboratory to the field, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12188, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12188, 2021.
Pseudotachylytes originate from the solidification of frictional melt, which transiently forms and lubricates the fault plane during an earthquake. Here we observe how the pseudotachylyte thickness a scales with the relative displacement D both at the laboratory and field scales, for measured slip varying from microns to meters, over six orders of magnitude. Considering all the data jointly, a bend appears in the scaling relationship when slip and thickness reach ∼1 mm and 100 µm, respectively, i.e. MW > 1. This bend can be attributed to the melt thickness reaching a steady‐state value due to melting dynamics under shear heating, as is suggested by the solution of a Stefan problem with a migrating boundary. Each increment of fault is heating up due to fast shearing near the rupture tip and starting cooling by thermal diffusion upon rupture. The building and sustainability of a connected melt layer depends on this energy balance. For plurimillimetric thicknesses (a > 1 mm), melt thickness growth reflects in first approximation the rate of shear heating which appears to decay in D−1/2 to D−1, likely due to melt lubrication controlled by melt + solid suspension viscosity and mobility. The pseudotachylyte thickness scales with moment M0 and magnitude MW; therefore, thickness alone may be used to estimate magnitude on fossil faults in the field in the absence of displacement markers within a reasonable error margin.
How to cite: Ferrand, T. P., Nielsen, S., Labrousse, L., and Schubnel, A.: Scaling seismic fault thickness from the laboratory to the field, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12188, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12188, 2021.
EGU21-13372 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Source physics interpretation of non-self-similar double-corner frequency source spectral model JA19_2SChen Ji and Ralph Archuleta
Source spectral models developed for strong ground motion simulations are phenomenological models that represent the average effect that the source processes have on near fault ground motion. Their parameters are directly regressed from the observations and often do not have clear meaning for the physics of the source process. We investigate the relation between the kinematic double-corner frequency (DCF) source spectral model JA19_2S (Ji and Archuleta, BSSA, 2020) and static fault geometry scaling relations proposed by Leonard (2010). We derive scaling relations for the low and high corner frequency in terms of static stress drop, dynamic stress drop, fault rupture velocity, fault aspect ratio, and relative hypocenter location. We find that the non-self-similar low corner frequency scaling relation of JA19_2S model for 5.3<M<6.9 earthquakes is well explained using the fault length scaling relation of Leonard’s model combined with a constant rupture velocity. Earthquakes following both models have constant average static stress drop and constant average dynamic stress drop. The high frequency source radiation is controlled by seismic moment, static stress drop and dynamic stress drop but strongly modulated by the fault aspect ratio and the hypocenter’s relative location. The mean, scaled energy (or apparent stress) decreases with magnitude due to the magnitude dependence of the fault aspect ratio. Based on these two models, the commonly quoted average rupture velocity of 70-80% of shear wave speed implies predominantly unilateral rupture.
How to cite: Ji, C. and Archuleta, R.: Source physics interpretation of non-self-similar double-corner frequency source spectral model JA19_2S, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13372, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13372, 2021.
Source spectral models developed for strong ground motion simulations are phenomenological models that represent the average effect that the source processes have on near fault ground motion. Their parameters are directly regressed from the observations and often do not have clear meaning for the physics of the source process. We investigate the relation between the kinematic double-corner frequency (DCF) source spectral model JA19_2S (Ji and Archuleta, BSSA, 2020) and static fault geometry scaling relations proposed by Leonard (2010). We derive scaling relations for the low and high corner frequency in terms of static stress drop, dynamic stress drop, fault rupture velocity, fault aspect ratio, and relative hypocenter location. We find that the non-self-similar low corner frequency scaling relation of JA19_2S model for 5.3<M<6.9 earthquakes is well explained using the fault length scaling relation of Leonard’s model combined with a constant rupture velocity. Earthquakes following both models have constant average static stress drop and constant average dynamic stress drop. The high frequency source radiation is controlled by seismic moment, static stress drop and dynamic stress drop but strongly modulated by the fault aspect ratio and the hypocenter’s relative location. The mean, scaled energy (or apparent stress) decreases with magnitude due to the magnitude dependence of the fault aspect ratio. Based on these two models, the commonly quoted average rupture velocity of 70-80% of shear wave speed implies predominantly unilateral rupture.
How to cite: Ji, C. and Archuleta, R.: Source physics interpretation of non-self-similar double-corner frequency source spectral model JA19_2S, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13372, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13372, 2021.
EGU21-13447 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Imaging damage zones and fault growth processes with high-precision relocations of earthquake sequences.Pierre Henry, Anthony Lomax, and Sophie VIseur
The architecture of fault damage zones combines various elements. Halos of intense fracturing forms around principal slip planes, possibly resulting from the shearing of slip surface rugosity or from dynamic stresses caused by earthquake ruptures. Splays forming off the tips and off the edges of a growing fault result in larger scale fracture networks and damage zones. Faults also grow by coalescence of en-echelon segments, such as Riedel fractures in a shear zone, and stress concentration at the steps results in linking damage zones. We show that these various elements of a shear-crack system can be recognized at seismogenic depth in earthquake sequences. Here we examine high-precision, absolute earthquake relocations for the Mw5.7 Magna UT, Mw6.4 Monte Cristo CA and Mw 5.8 Lone Pine CA earthquake sequences in 2020. We use iterative, source-specific, station corrections to loosely couple and improve event locations, and then waveform similarity between events as a measure for strongly coupling probabilistic event locations between multiplet events to greatly improve precision (see presentation EGU21-14608, and Lomax, 2020). The relocated seismicity shows mainly sparse clusters of seismicity, from which we infer multi-scale fault geometries. The uncertainty on earthquake locations (a few hundred meters) is typically larger than the width of halo damage zones observed in the field so that it is not possible to distinguish small aftershocks that could occur on a fracture within the halo or on a principal slip plane.
The relocated Magna seismicity shows a west-dipping, normal-faulting mainshock surface with an isolated, mainshock hypocenter at its base, surrounded up-dip in the hanging wall by a chevron of complex, clustered seismicity, likely related to secondary fault planes. This seismicity and a shallower up-dip cluster of aftershock seismicity correspond to clusters of background seismicity. The Lone Pine seismicity defines a main, east-dipping normal-faulting surface whose bottom edge connects to a steeper dipping splay, surrounded by a few clusters of background and reactivated seismicity. The space-time relation between background seismicity and multi-scale, foreshock-mainshock sequences are clearly imaged. The Monte Cristo Range seismicity (Lomax 2020) illuminates two, en-echelon primary faulting surfaces and surrounding, characteristic shear-crack features such as edge, wall, tip, and linking damage zones, showing that this sequence ruptured a complete shear crack system. In this example the width of the damage zone increases toward the earth surface. Shallow damage zones align with areas of dense surface fracturing, subsidence and after-slip, showing the importance of damage zones for shaking intensity and earthquake hazard.
For all three sequences, some of the seismicity clusters delineate planar surfaces and concentrate along the edges of the suspected main slip patches. Other clusters of seismicity may result from larger scale damage associated with splay faults, en-echelon systems and linking zones, or with zones of background seismicity reactivated by stress changes from mainshock rupture. These types of seismicity and faulting structures may be more developed in the case of a complex rupture on an immature fault
Lomax (2020) The 2020 Mw6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada earthquake: relocated seismicity shows rupture of a complete shear-crack system. https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/1904
How to cite: Henry, P., Lomax, A., and VIseur, S.: Imaging damage zones and fault growth processes with high-precision relocations of earthquake sequences., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13447, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13447, 2021.
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The architecture of fault damage zones combines various elements. Halos of intense fracturing forms around principal slip planes, possibly resulting from the shearing of slip surface rugosity or from dynamic stresses caused by earthquake ruptures. Splays forming off the tips and off the edges of a growing fault result in larger scale fracture networks and damage zones. Faults also grow by coalescence of en-echelon segments, such as Riedel fractures in a shear zone, and stress concentration at the steps results in linking damage zones. We show that these various elements of a shear-crack system can be recognized at seismogenic depth in earthquake sequences. Here we examine high-precision, absolute earthquake relocations for the Mw5.7 Magna UT, Mw6.4 Monte Cristo CA and Mw 5.8 Lone Pine CA earthquake sequences in 2020. We use iterative, source-specific, station corrections to loosely couple and improve event locations, and then waveform similarity between events as a measure for strongly coupling probabilistic event locations between multiplet events to greatly improve precision (see presentation EGU21-14608, and Lomax, 2020). The relocated seismicity shows mainly sparse clusters of seismicity, from which we infer multi-scale fault geometries. The uncertainty on earthquake locations (a few hundred meters) is typically larger than the width of halo damage zones observed in the field so that it is not possible to distinguish small aftershocks that could occur on a fracture within the halo or on a principal slip plane.
The relocated Magna seismicity shows a west-dipping, normal-faulting mainshock surface with an isolated, mainshock hypocenter at its base, surrounded up-dip in the hanging wall by a chevron of complex, clustered seismicity, likely related to secondary fault planes. This seismicity and a shallower up-dip cluster of aftershock seismicity correspond to clusters of background seismicity. The Lone Pine seismicity defines a main, east-dipping normal-faulting surface whose bottom edge connects to a steeper dipping splay, surrounded by a few clusters of background and reactivated seismicity. The space-time relation between background seismicity and multi-scale, foreshock-mainshock sequences are clearly imaged. The Monte Cristo Range seismicity (Lomax 2020) illuminates two, en-echelon primary faulting surfaces and surrounding, characteristic shear-crack features such as edge, wall, tip, and linking damage zones, showing that this sequence ruptured a complete shear crack system. In this example the width of the damage zone increases toward the earth surface. Shallow damage zones align with areas of dense surface fracturing, subsidence and after-slip, showing the importance of damage zones for shaking intensity and earthquake hazard.
For all three sequences, some of the seismicity clusters delineate planar surfaces and concentrate along the edges of the suspected main slip patches. Other clusters of seismicity may result from larger scale damage associated with splay faults, en-echelon systems and linking zones, or with zones of background seismicity reactivated by stress changes from mainshock rupture. These types of seismicity and faulting structures may be more developed in the case of a complex rupture on an immature fault
Lomax (2020) The 2020 Mw6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada earthquake: relocated seismicity shows rupture of a complete shear-crack system. https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/1904
How to cite: Henry, P., Lomax, A., and VIseur, S.: Imaging damage zones and fault growth processes with high-precision relocations of earthquake sequences., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13447, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13447, 2021.
EGU21-13499 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Two empirical double-corner frequency source spectra and their source physics implicationsRalph Archuleta and Chen Ji
The best-known part of Brune’s (1970) spectral model is the single corner f–2 source spectrum. However, Brune noted that a more realistic heterogeneous rupture would have a source displacement spectrum with a low-frequency f–0 segment proportional to seismic momentM0, a segment with f–2 high-frequency decay, and an intermediate f–1 branch that connects the two. This “f–0–f–1–f–2” shape source spectrum features two corner frequencies fC1 and fC2>fC1. Brune (1970) associated the emergence of the fC2 with the partial stress drop over a fault considering a rupture with heterogeneous stress release. Here we introduce two double-corner source spectral models JA19 and JA19_2S for 3.3≤M≤7.3, constrained by stochastic modeling the mean PGA and mean PGV of the NGA West-2 database. JA19 is self-similar. Its two corner frequencies fC1 and fC2 scale with moment magnitude (M) as (1) log(fC1(M))=1.754– 0.5M and (2) log(fC2(M)) = 3.250 – 0.5M. We find that relation (1) is consistent with the known self-similar scaling relations of the rupture duration (Td) where Td= 1/(πfC1). Relation (2) may reflect scaling relation of the average rise time (TR), whereTR ~0.8/fC2. Stochastic simulations using JA19 cannot reproduce the sharp change in magnitude dependence of PGA and PGV at M5.3, suggesting a breakdown of self-similarity. To model this change, JA19_2S is found by perturbing the fC1 scaling relationship in JA19. For JA19_2S: log(fC1(M)) = 1.474 – 0.415M for M≤5.3 and log(fC1(M)) = 2.375 – 0.585M for M>5.3. In both models the relation fC2/fC1>>1 applies. Seismic radiated energy scales withM02fC12fC2. The ratiofC2/fC1 scales not only with the ratio of effective stress drop and static stress drop as Brune (1970) pointed out but also with the fault aspect ratio. The source spectral shape “f–0–f–1–f–2”, originally proposed by Brune (1970), provides a bridge to reconcile the known scaling relationships in source duration, static stress drop, seismic radiated energy, fault aspect ratio, and ground motion parameters within acceptable uncertainties. It also explains why the stress parameter would generally be larger than static stress drop which is related to the lower corner frequency.
How to cite: Archuleta, R. and Ji, C.: Two empirical double-corner frequency source spectra and their source physics implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13499, 2021.
The best-known part of Brune’s (1970) spectral model is the single corner f–2 source spectrum. However, Brune noted that a more realistic heterogeneous rupture would have a source displacement spectrum with a low-frequency f–0 segment proportional to seismic momentM0, a segment with f–2 high-frequency decay, and an intermediate f–1 branch that connects the two. This “f–0–f–1–f–2” shape source spectrum features two corner frequencies fC1 and fC2>fC1. Brune (1970) associated the emergence of the fC2 with the partial stress drop over a fault considering a rupture with heterogeneous stress release. Here we introduce two double-corner source spectral models JA19 and JA19_2S for 3.3≤M≤7.3, constrained by stochastic modeling the mean PGA and mean PGV of the NGA West-2 database. JA19 is self-similar. Its two corner frequencies fC1 and fC2 scale with moment magnitude (M) as (1) log(fC1(M))=1.754– 0.5M and (2) log(fC2(M)) = 3.250 – 0.5M. We find that relation (1) is consistent with the known self-similar scaling relations of the rupture duration (Td) where Td= 1/(πfC1). Relation (2) may reflect scaling relation of the average rise time (TR), whereTR ~0.8/fC2. Stochastic simulations using JA19 cannot reproduce the sharp change in magnitude dependence of PGA and PGV at M5.3, suggesting a breakdown of self-similarity. To model this change, JA19_2S is found by perturbing the fC1 scaling relationship in JA19. For JA19_2S: log(fC1(M)) = 1.474 – 0.415M for M≤5.3 and log(fC1(M)) = 2.375 – 0.585M for M>5.3. In both models the relation fC2/fC1>>1 applies. Seismic radiated energy scales withM02fC12fC2. The ratiofC2/fC1 scales not only with the ratio of effective stress drop and static stress drop as Brune (1970) pointed out but also with the fault aspect ratio. The source spectral shape “f–0–f–1–f–2”, originally proposed by Brune (1970), provides a bridge to reconcile the known scaling relationships in source duration, static stress drop, seismic radiated energy, fault aspect ratio, and ground motion parameters within acceptable uncertainties. It also explains why the stress parameter would generally be larger than static stress drop which is related to the lower corner frequency.
How to cite: Archuleta, R. and Ji, C.: Two empirical double-corner frequency source spectra and their source physics implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13499, 2021.
EGU21-13889 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Inverse Modeling of Earthquake Source Properties Constrained by Pseudotachylite Surface RoughnessDonglai Yang and Phillip Resor
Under high rates of coseismic slip, frictional melt may be generated at the shear zone potentially altering the dynamics and rendering classical rate-and-state friction laws ineffective. Pseudotachylytes (solidified frictional melt) created in laboratories and found in natural fault zones thus provide thermal and mechanical information critical to the study of dynamic shear zone processes, including thermal runaway, stress drop, and viscous braking. While extensive geochemical and mineralogical evidence has suggested the occurrence of disequilibrium melting during pseudotachylite generation, few studies have leveraged it to resolve the kinematics of co-seismic slip.
In this study, we optimize the kinematic parameters of the regularized Yoffe source function using the topographic relief of a pseudotachylyte/wall rock surface in combination with a one-dimensional fluid-mechanical-thermal finite element model. The model consists of solving a two-phase moving boundary problem with an internal heat source constrained by the slip kinematics of the Yoffe function in tandem with the Couette flow problem as an approximation to the shearing of the viscous melt. The topographic relief data come from a pseudotachylyte-bearing fault within the Gole Larghe fault zone, Italy measured using high-resolution X-ray tomography. On this fault surface, biotites are ~260 (±100) micron lower than the mean surface height as a result of preferential melting associated with a lower fusion temperature than quartz or feldspar. Using Monte Carlo sampling of the relief data distribution and Bayesian optimization, we optimize the kinematic parameters of the regularized Yoffe functions and resolve the statistics of shear stress evolution.
Our preliminary results show that the displacement-averaged shear stress in frictional melt ranges from 2 to 7 MPa with a mean value of 5.5 MPa. This is much smaller than estimates based on pseudotachylyte thickness and laboratory experiments, indicating a more complete stress drop than previously thought. The optimal Yoffe source functions have a mean total rise time of ~4 seconds, which is longer than that inferred from scaling laws. Simulations are ongoing and we look forward to interpreting the results in the context of source properties, source models, and energy partitioning for pseudotachylyte-bearing faults.
How to cite: Yang, D. and Resor, P.: Inverse Modeling of Earthquake Source Properties Constrained by Pseudotachylite Surface Roughness, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13889, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13889, 2021.
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Under high rates of coseismic slip, frictional melt may be generated at the shear zone potentially altering the dynamics and rendering classical rate-and-state friction laws ineffective. Pseudotachylytes (solidified frictional melt) created in laboratories and found in natural fault zones thus provide thermal and mechanical information critical to the study of dynamic shear zone processes, including thermal runaway, stress drop, and viscous braking. While extensive geochemical and mineralogical evidence has suggested the occurrence of disequilibrium melting during pseudotachylite generation, few studies have leveraged it to resolve the kinematics of co-seismic slip.
In this study, we optimize the kinematic parameters of the regularized Yoffe source function using the topographic relief of a pseudotachylyte/wall rock surface in combination with a one-dimensional fluid-mechanical-thermal finite element model. The model consists of solving a two-phase moving boundary problem with an internal heat source constrained by the slip kinematics of the Yoffe function in tandem with the Couette flow problem as an approximation to the shearing of the viscous melt. The topographic relief data come from a pseudotachylyte-bearing fault within the Gole Larghe fault zone, Italy measured using high-resolution X-ray tomography. On this fault surface, biotites are ~260 (±100) micron lower than the mean surface height as a result of preferential melting associated with a lower fusion temperature than quartz or feldspar. Using Monte Carlo sampling of the relief data distribution and Bayesian optimization, we optimize the kinematic parameters of the regularized Yoffe functions and resolve the statistics of shear stress evolution.
Our preliminary results show that the displacement-averaged shear stress in frictional melt ranges from 2 to 7 MPa with a mean value of 5.5 MPa. This is much smaller than estimates based on pseudotachylyte thickness and laboratory experiments, indicating a more complete stress drop than previously thought. The optimal Yoffe source functions have a mean total rise time of ~4 seconds, which is longer than that inferred from scaling laws. Simulations are ongoing and we look forward to interpreting the results in the context of source properties, source models, and energy partitioning for pseudotachylyte-bearing faults.
How to cite: Yang, D. and Resor, P.: Inverse Modeling of Earthquake Source Properties Constrained by Pseudotachylite Surface Roughness, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13889, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13889, 2021.
EGU21-13901 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Searching for low frequency earthquakes with various durations near Parkfield, CaliforniaHui Huang and Jessica Hawthorne
Previous studies suggest that all LFEs could be roughly the same size; most LFE durations are between 0.2 and 0.5 s, and most LFE moments fall within a 1 to 2-magnitude unit range. These apparently characteristic LFE sizes could imply that LFEs are hosted on asperities of a characteristic size on the plate interface. However, it is also possible that LFEs with a range of sizes do occur but are not detected. With existing methods, it is usually harder to detect LFEs with shorter or longer durations. In this study, we search for LFEs with various durations near Parkfield, California. We generate synthetic LFE templates with durations of 0.05 - 1 s by modifying Shelly (2017)’s template waveforms. We cross-correlate time-shifted versions of the templates with 500 days of seismic data to search for LFEs within 5 km of the original template location. We estimate the duration and location of each detection by associating the detection with the template that it matches best.
Our preliminary results are encouraging. We find large numbers of 0.2-s LFEs at the original location, as have been detected previously, but we also appear to detect LFEs with durations of 0.05 - 1 s. These new detections appear to be spread along 1 3-km region on a near-vertical plane that matches the downward extension of regular seismicity. We are currently cautious in interpreting these results, as it remains possible that all the LFEs occur at the original location with the same duration and that our apparent range of detections simply reflects scatter introduced by noisy data. Nevertheless, we note that our initial analysis implies that LFE duration in Parkfield changes minimally with LFE moment, and we are continuing to more rigorously assess the LFEs’ properties and their implications.
How to cite: Huang, H. and Hawthorne, J.: Searching for low frequency earthquakes with various durations near Parkfield, California, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13901, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13901, 2021.
Previous studies suggest that all LFEs could be roughly the same size; most LFE durations are between 0.2 and 0.5 s, and most LFE moments fall within a 1 to 2-magnitude unit range. These apparently characteristic LFE sizes could imply that LFEs are hosted on asperities of a characteristic size on the plate interface. However, it is also possible that LFEs with a range of sizes do occur but are not detected. With existing methods, it is usually harder to detect LFEs with shorter or longer durations. In this study, we search for LFEs with various durations near Parkfield, California. We generate synthetic LFE templates with durations of 0.05 - 1 s by modifying Shelly (2017)’s template waveforms. We cross-correlate time-shifted versions of the templates with 500 days of seismic data to search for LFEs within 5 km of the original template location. We estimate the duration and location of each detection by associating the detection with the template that it matches best.
Our preliminary results are encouraging. We find large numbers of 0.2-s LFEs at the original location, as have been detected previously, but we also appear to detect LFEs with durations of 0.05 - 1 s. These new detections appear to be spread along 1 3-km region on a near-vertical plane that matches the downward extension of regular seismicity. We are currently cautious in interpreting these results, as it remains possible that all the LFEs occur at the original location with the same duration and that our apparent range of detections simply reflects scatter introduced by noisy data. Nevertheless, we note that our initial analysis implies that LFE duration in Parkfield changes minimally with LFE moment, and we are continuing to more rigorously assess the LFEs’ properties and their implications.
How to cite: Huang, H. and Hawthorne, J.: Searching for low frequency earthquakes with various durations near Parkfield, California, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13901, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13901, 2021.
EGU21-14387 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Stress amplification around weak inclusions in the dry and strong subducting oceanic lithosphereGiovanni Toffol, Jianfeng Yang, Manuele Faccenda, Marco Scambelluri, and Giorgio Pennacchioni
Intermediate-depth subduction seismicity is still hiding most of its secrets. While plate unbending is recognised as the main stress loading mechanism, the processes responsible for earthquake nucleation are still unclear and depend upon the question whether failure occur in a wet dehydrating slab or in a completely dry lithosphere. The recent observation of subduction-related pseudotachylytes (quenched frictional melts produced during seismic slip along a fault) in the dry ophiolites of Moncuni (Lanzo Massif, W. Alps)1, an exhumed example of the actual intermediate-depth seismicity, and the interpretation of seismic data from various double-plane seismic zones in subducting slabs2 suggest that the seismogenic portions of subducting oceanic slabs can be dominantly dry. In absence of a fluid-mediated embrittlement (i.e. dehydration embrittlement), a dry and strong slab requires extremely high differential stress for brittle failure to occur.
Here we investigate with numerical simulations the potential of a subducting dry oceanic slab of building up the high differential stress required for failure. We performed pseudo-2D thermo-mechanical simulations of free subduction of a dry slab in the asthenosphere considering a visco-elasto-plastic rheology. We tested both a homogeneous dry plate and a dry plate with scattered weak circular inclusions representing domains of partial hydration in the first 40 km of the slab.
The stress field in the unbending portion of the slab describes two arcs, the outer one in compression and the inner one in extension, in agreement with the two planes of seismicity. For the homogenous plate the maximum values of differential stress are around 1 GPa, i.e. not high enough for triggering earthquakes. The presence of weak inclusions induces a stress amplification, which can be of several folds if elastic properties of the inclusions are sufficiently degraded, but still maintaining a high viscosity. For inclusions with a shear modulus decreased by 60-70% relative to the surrounding material, but similar viscosity, stress values in excess of 4 GPa are obtained, high enough for brittle failure at 100 km of depth. This inclusion rheology is compatible with that of a slightly hydrated and serpentinized meta-peridotite. These meta-peridotite domains are likely to be found in the oceanic lithosphere around faults related to slab bending which represent the main pathways for fluid infiltration in the slab.
We conclude that extremely high deviatoric stresses can be achieved in dry and strong subducting plates in presence of scattered domains of meta-peridotite acting as local stress amplifiers. These previously unreported stress values may explain brittle seismic failure at intermediate depth conditions.
1: Pennacchioni et al., 2020, Record of intermediate-depth subduction seismicity in a dry slab from an exhumed ophiolite, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett. 548, 116490
2: Florez and Prieto, 2019, Controlling factors of seismicity and geometry in double seismic zones, Geophys. Res. Lett. 46, 4171-4181
How to cite: Toffol, G., Yang, J., Faccenda, M., Scambelluri, M., and Pennacchioni, G.: Stress amplification around weak inclusions in the dry and strong subducting oceanic lithosphere, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14387, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14387, 2021.
Intermediate-depth subduction seismicity is still hiding most of its secrets. While plate unbending is recognised as the main stress loading mechanism, the processes responsible for earthquake nucleation are still unclear and depend upon the question whether failure occur in a wet dehydrating slab or in a completely dry lithosphere. The recent observation of subduction-related pseudotachylytes (quenched frictional melts produced during seismic slip along a fault) in the dry ophiolites of Moncuni (Lanzo Massif, W. Alps)1, an exhumed example of the actual intermediate-depth seismicity, and the interpretation of seismic data from various double-plane seismic zones in subducting slabs2 suggest that the seismogenic portions of subducting oceanic slabs can be dominantly dry. In absence of a fluid-mediated embrittlement (i.e. dehydration embrittlement), a dry and strong slab requires extremely high differential stress for brittle failure to occur.
Here we investigate with numerical simulations the potential of a subducting dry oceanic slab of building up the high differential stress required for failure. We performed pseudo-2D thermo-mechanical simulations of free subduction of a dry slab in the asthenosphere considering a visco-elasto-plastic rheology. We tested both a homogeneous dry plate and a dry plate with scattered weak circular inclusions representing domains of partial hydration in the first 40 km of the slab.
The stress field in the unbending portion of the slab describes two arcs, the outer one in compression and the inner one in extension, in agreement with the two planes of seismicity. For the homogenous plate the maximum values of differential stress are around 1 GPa, i.e. not high enough for triggering earthquakes. The presence of weak inclusions induces a stress amplification, which can be of several folds if elastic properties of the inclusions are sufficiently degraded, but still maintaining a high viscosity. For inclusions with a shear modulus decreased by 60-70% relative to the surrounding material, but similar viscosity, stress values in excess of 4 GPa are obtained, high enough for brittle failure at 100 km of depth. This inclusion rheology is compatible with that of a slightly hydrated and serpentinized meta-peridotite. These meta-peridotite domains are likely to be found in the oceanic lithosphere around faults related to slab bending which represent the main pathways for fluid infiltration in the slab.
We conclude that extremely high deviatoric stresses can be achieved in dry and strong subducting plates in presence of scattered domains of meta-peridotite acting as local stress amplifiers. These previously unreported stress values may explain brittle seismic failure at intermediate depth conditions.
1: Pennacchioni et al., 2020, Record of intermediate-depth subduction seismicity in a dry slab from an exhumed ophiolite, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett. 548, 116490
2: Florez and Prieto, 2019, Controlling factors of seismicity and geometry in double seismic zones, Geophys. Res. Lett. 46, 4171-4181
How to cite: Toffol, G., Yang, J., Faccenda, M., Scambelluri, M., and Pennacchioni, G.: Stress amplification around weak inclusions in the dry and strong subducting oceanic lithosphere, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14387, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14387, 2021.
EGU21-14445 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Bridging the failure of surface asperities to the macroscopic rupture energy during the onset of frictional slidingFabian Barras, Ramin Aghababaei, and Jean-François Molinari
The onset of sliding between two rough surfaces held in frictional contact arises through the nucleation and propagation of rupture fronts, whose dynamics has been shown to obey the elastodynamics of a shear crack. By analogy with the fracture energy controlling the growth of brittle crack in intact material, a frictional rupture is governed by an associated rupture energy. In the context of earthquakes, this rupture energy is expected to control the nucleation and the transition from an accelerating slip patch or localized perturbation to a propagating seismic rupture. The microscopic origin of this rupture energy and its relation to the microcontacts topography remain however unsettled.
In this context, this study aims at bridging the macroscopic description of friction to the failure of contacting asperities and frictional wear prevailing at smaller scales. Recent studies demonstrated how the failure of two contacting asperities arises either by plastic deformation or brittle failure of their apices depending on whether their contact junction is respectively smaller or larger than a characteristic length scale. In this study, we investigate numerically how the different failure mechanisms of microcontact asperities impact the nucleation and propagation of frictional rupture fronts.
At a macroscopic level, we study the ability of an interface to withstand a progressively applied shearing, i.e. its frictional strength, while at the microscopic scale, we observe how the failure process develops across the microcontact junctions. We highlight how the microcontacts topography significantly impacts the nucleation and frictional strength, even when comparing interfaces with identical macroscopic properties and rupture energy. We present how the characteristic length governing microcontacts failure can be used to select which details of the surface roughness are homogenized along the tip of a nucleating slip front. Combining the approach proposed in this work with models solving normal contact between rough surfaces will open up new prospects to study the strength and rupture energy of frictional interfaces at the onset of sliding.
How to cite: Barras, F., Aghababaei, R., and Molinari, J.-F.: Bridging the failure of surface asperities to the macroscopic rupture energy during the onset of frictional sliding, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14445, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14445, 2021.
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The onset of sliding between two rough surfaces held in frictional contact arises through the nucleation and propagation of rupture fronts, whose dynamics has been shown to obey the elastodynamics of a shear crack. By analogy with the fracture energy controlling the growth of brittle crack in intact material, a frictional rupture is governed by an associated rupture energy. In the context of earthquakes, this rupture energy is expected to control the nucleation and the transition from an accelerating slip patch or localized perturbation to a propagating seismic rupture. The microscopic origin of this rupture energy and its relation to the microcontacts topography remain however unsettled.
In this context, this study aims at bridging the macroscopic description of friction to the failure of contacting asperities and frictional wear prevailing at smaller scales. Recent studies demonstrated how the failure of two contacting asperities arises either by plastic deformation or brittle failure of their apices depending on whether their contact junction is respectively smaller or larger than a characteristic length scale. In this study, we investigate numerically how the different failure mechanisms of microcontact asperities impact the nucleation and propagation of frictional rupture fronts.
At a macroscopic level, we study the ability of an interface to withstand a progressively applied shearing, i.e. its frictional strength, while at the microscopic scale, we observe how the failure process develops across the microcontact junctions. We highlight how the microcontacts topography significantly impacts the nucleation and frictional strength, even when comparing interfaces with identical macroscopic properties and rupture energy. We present how the characteristic length governing microcontacts failure can be used to select which details of the surface roughness are homogenized along the tip of a nucleating slip front. Combining the approach proposed in this work with models solving normal contact between rough surfaces will open up new prospects to study the strength and rupture energy of frictional interfaces at the onset of sliding.
How to cite: Barras, F., Aghababaei, R., and Molinari, J.-F.: Bridging the failure of surface asperities to the macroscopic rupture energy during the onset of frictional sliding, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14445, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14445, 2021.
EGU21-15274 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Rate-and-State friction as a bulk visco-plastic flow law that includes generation, diffusion, and healing of distributed damageCasper Pranger, Patrick Sanan, Dave May, and Alice Gabriel
The rate- and state-dependent friction (RSF) laws (Dieterich, 1979, JGR; Ruina, 1983, JGR-SE) have been widely successful in capturing the behavior of sliding surfaces in laboratory settings, as well as reproducing a range of natural fault slip phenomena in numerical models.
Studies of exhumed fault zones make it clear that faults are not two-dimensional features at the junction of two distinct bodies of rock, but instead evolve into complex damage zones that show clear signs of multi-scale fracturing, grain diminution, hydro-thermal effects and chemical and petrological changes. Many of these observed factors have been experimentally verified, and several studies have furthered our theoretical understanding of earthquakes and other seismic phenomena as volumetric, bulk-rock processes, including Sleep (1995, 1997), Lyakhovsky and Ben-Zion et al. (2011, J. Mech. Phys. Solids; 2014, PAGeoph; 2014, J. Mech. Phys. Solids; 2016, GJI), Niemeijer, Chen, van den Ende et al. (2007, 2016, JGR-SE; 2018, Tectonophysics), Roubicek (2014, GJI), and Barbot (2019, Tectonophysics).
While the established numerical modeling approach of simulating faults as planar features undergoing friction can be a useful and powerful homogenization of small-scale volumetric processes, there are also cases where this practice falls short -- most notably when studying faults that grow and evolve in response to a changing tectonic environment. This is mainly due to the computational challenges associated with automating the construction of a fault-resolving conformal mesh.
Motivated by this issue, we formulate a generalization of RSF as a plastic or viscous flow law with generation, diffusion, and healing of damage that gives rise to mathematically and numerically well-behaved finite shear bands that closely mimic the behavior of the original laboratory-derived formulation. The proposed formulation includes the well-known RSF laws for an infinitely thin fault as a limit case as the damage diffusion length scale tends to zero. In contrast to previous theoretical work we focus only on a mathematical formalism that is used to generalize and regularize the existing RSF laws in order to retain close correspondence to existing experimental and numerical results. We will demonstrate the behavior of this new bulk RSF formulation with results of 1D and 2D numerical simulations, and hope to engage in a preliminary discussion of the physical implications.
How to cite: Pranger, C., Sanan, P., May, D., and Gabriel, A.: Rate-and-State friction as a bulk visco-plastic flow law that includes generation, diffusion, and healing of distributed damage, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15274, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15274, 2021.
The rate- and state-dependent friction (RSF) laws (Dieterich, 1979, JGR; Ruina, 1983, JGR-SE) have been widely successful in capturing the behavior of sliding surfaces in laboratory settings, as well as reproducing a range of natural fault slip phenomena in numerical models.
Studies of exhumed fault zones make it clear that faults are not two-dimensional features at the junction of two distinct bodies of rock, but instead evolve into complex damage zones that show clear signs of multi-scale fracturing, grain diminution, hydro-thermal effects and chemical and petrological changes. Many of these observed factors have been experimentally verified, and several studies have furthered our theoretical understanding of earthquakes and other seismic phenomena as volumetric, bulk-rock processes, including Sleep (1995, 1997), Lyakhovsky and Ben-Zion et al. (2011, J. Mech. Phys. Solids; 2014, PAGeoph; 2014, J. Mech. Phys. Solids; 2016, GJI), Niemeijer, Chen, van den Ende et al. (2007, 2016, JGR-SE; 2018, Tectonophysics), Roubicek (2014, GJI), and Barbot (2019, Tectonophysics).
While the established numerical modeling approach of simulating faults as planar features undergoing friction can be a useful and powerful homogenization of small-scale volumetric processes, there are also cases where this practice falls short -- most notably when studying faults that grow and evolve in response to a changing tectonic environment. This is mainly due to the computational challenges associated with automating the construction of a fault-resolving conformal mesh.
Motivated by this issue, we formulate a generalization of RSF as a plastic or viscous flow law with generation, diffusion, and healing of damage that gives rise to mathematically and numerically well-behaved finite shear bands that closely mimic the behavior of the original laboratory-derived formulation. The proposed formulation includes the well-known RSF laws for an infinitely thin fault as a limit case as the damage diffusion length scale tends to zero. In contrast to previous theoretical work we focus only on a mathematical formalism that is used to generalize and regularize the existing RSF laws in order to retain close correspondence to existing experimental and numerical results. We will demonstrate the behavior of this new bulk RSF formulation with results of 1D and 2D numerical simulations, and hope to engage in a preliminary discussion of the physical implications.
How to cite: Pranger, C., Sanan, P., May, D., and Gabriel, A.: Rate-and-State friction as a bulk visco-plastic flow law that includes generation, diffusion, and healing of distributed damage, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15274, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15274, 2021.
EGU21-16514 | vPICO presentations | TS4.1
Stress Drops from Trench to Depth in the Northern Chilean Subduction ZoneJonas Folesky, Rens Hofman, and Jörn Kummerow
At the northern Chilean subduction zone the IPOC network monitors seismicity since 2007. During the observation time period two very large earthquakes occurred, the 2007 MW 7.7 Tocopilla earthquake and the 2014 MW 8.1 Iquique earthquake and until today the subduction zone shows a vast amount of seismic activity. A large catalog was compiled and published including over 100000 events by Sippl et al. 2018. Therein, seismicity ranges from close to the trench till deep into the mantle to about 300km depth. Consequently, events occur under a broad variability of physical conditions.
We extend the aforementioned catalog by applying a template matching technique to identify additional events, that are colocated with catalog events. Based on these events we apply an empirical Green’s function method called spectral ratio approach to estimate stress drops. The results cover different nucleation provinces i.e. the data set includes stress drops obtained at the interface, within the subducting plate, from crustal events, intermediate depth events, and from deep to very deep seismicity. The study therefore bears a great potential to better understand the stress drop distribution within an entire subduction zone.
First results show no depth dependency in the shallowest 100 km but spatial variability with high stress drops focused to particular regions on the interface. We also find increased stress drop values in the crust when compared to events close or at the interface.
How to cite: Folesky, J., Hofman, R., and Kummerow, J.: Stress Drops from Trench to Depth in the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16514, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16514, 2021.
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At the northern Chilean subduction zone the IPOC network monitors seismicity since 2007. During the observation time period two very large earthquakes occurred, the 2007 MW 7.7 Tocopilla earthquake and the 2014 MW 8.1 Iquique earthquake and until today the subduction zone shows a vast amount of seismic activity. A large catalog was compiled and published including over 100000 events by Sippl et al. 2018. Therein, seismicity ranges from close to the trench till deep into the mantle to about 300km depth. Consequently, events occur under a broad variability of physical conditions.
We extend the aforementioned catalog by applying a template matching technique to identify additional events, that are colocated with catalog events. Based on these events we apply an empirical Green’s function method called spectral ratio approach to estimate stress drops. The results cover different nucleation provinces i.e. the data set includes stress drops obtained at the interface, within the subducting plate, from crustal events, intermediate depth events, and from deep to very deep seismicity. The study therefore bears a great potential to better understand the stress drop distribution within an entire subduction zone.
First results show no depth dependency in the shallowest 100 km but spatial variability with high stress drops focused to particular regions on the interface. We also find increased stress drop values in the crust when compared to events close or at the interface.
How to cite: Folesky, J., Hofman, R., and Kummerow, J.: Stress Drops from Trench to Depth in the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16514, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16514, 2021.
TS4.2 – Seismic and aseismic deformation at seismogenic faults: from distributed to localized deformation
EGU21-8058 * | vPICO presentations | TS4.2 | Highlight
The influence of heterogeneity on the strength and stability of faultsDaniel Faulkner, John Bedford, Nadia Lapusta, and Valère Lambert
How to cite: Faulkner, D., Bedford, J., Lapusta, N., and Lambert, V.: The influence of heterogeneity on the strength and stability of faults, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8058, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8058, 2021.
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How to cite: Faulkner, D., Bedford, J., Lapusta, N., and Lambert, V.: The influence of heterogeneity on the strength and stability of faults, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8058, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8058, 2021.
EGU21-10278 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Large-scale interseismic deformation along the Altyn Tagh Fault determined from Sentinel-1 InSARLin Shen, Andy Hooper, John Elliott, and Tim Wright
The 1600 km-long Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) is a major intra-continental strike-slip fault along the Northern Tibetan Plateau, the slip rate of which has significant implications for our understanding of the present-day tectonic processes of the Tibetan Plateau region. We present an interseismic velocity field along ~1500 km length of the fault, derived from Sentinel-1 interferograms spanning the period between late 2014 and 2019. It is the first time such a large-scale analysis has been carried out for this fault with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR).
Using a modified elastic half-space model, we find significant strain accumulation along the 1500 km length of the ATF, at a relatively fast rate of ~10 mm/yr and quite localised along the fault. The results indicate an eastward decrease of the slip rate along the fault from 11.6 ± 1.0 mm/yr to 7.5 ± 1.2 mm/yr over the western portion to the central portion, whereas it increases again to 11.1 ± 1.1 mm/yr over the eastern portion. Furthermore, the results suggest that no significant creeping occurs along the fault.
We find a high slip rate of 11.5 ± 1.0 mm/yr along the south-western segment of the ATF, a region not typically covered by previous studies, is transferred to the structurally linked left-lateral strike-slip Longmu-Gozha Co Fault. It demonstrates that the generation of the NS-trending normal faulting events in this region, such as the 2008 Mw 7.2 Yutian earthquake, is ascribed to the EW-trending extensional stress at the Ashikule step-over zone between the two left-lateral faults. We also find a high surface shear strain rate greater than 0.4 μstrain/yr in this region, which could be caused by the stress loading effects of the recent seismic activities.
To investigate the pattern of strain localisation along the ATF, we fit a shear zone model to the derived long-term InSAR velocity field. Inverting for shear zone width reveals two broad shear zones along the ATF, where the strain is distributed over multiple strands rather than concentrated on a single narrow strand. The broad shear zones explain the high estimates of the locking depth found when using the elastic half-space model and also off-fault seismic activity on the strands away from the ATF in these areas. The results also show a relatively wider shear zone from the central portion eastward, where the ATF breaks into three parallel strands.
This study suggests that a slip deficit of around 1 m has been accumulated along the ATF over the last century, and indicates that the fault is capable of rupturing with the potential for a magnitude 7.5 or larger earthquake.
How to cite: Shen, L., Hooper, A., Elliott, J., and Wright, T.: Large-scale interseismic deformation along the Altyn Tagh Fault determined from Sentinel-1 InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10278, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10278, 2021.
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The 1600 km-long Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) is a major intra-continental strike-slip fault along the Northern Tibetan Plateau, the slip rate of which has significant implications for our understanding of the present-day tectonic processes of the Tibetan Plateau region. We present an interseismic velocity field along ~1500 km length of the fault, derived from Sentinel-1 interferograms spanning the period between late 2014 and 2019. It is the first time such a large-scale analysis has been carried out for this fault with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR).
Using a modified elastic half-space model, we find significant strain accumulation along the 1500 km length of the ATF, at a relatively fast rate of ~10 mm/yr and quite localised along the fault. The results indicate an eastward decrease of the slip rate along the fault from 11.6 ± 1.0 mm/yr to 7.5 ± 1.2 mm/yr over the western portion to the central portion, whereas it increases again to 11.1 ± 1.1 mm/yr over the eastern portion. Furthermore, the results suggest that no significant creeping occurs along the fault.
We find a high slip rate of 11.5 ± 1.0 mm/yr along the south-western segment of the ATF, a region not typically covered by previous studies, is transferred to the structurally linked left-lateral strike-slip Longmu-Gozha Co Fault. It demonstrates that the generation of the NS-trending normal faulting events in this region, such as the 2008 Mw 7.2 Yutian earthquake, is ascribed to the EW-trending extensional stress at the Ashikule step-over zone between the two left-lateral faults. We also find a high surface shear strain rate greater than 0.4 μstrain/yr in this region, which could be caused by the stress loading effects of the recent seismic activities.
To investigate the pattern of strain localisation along the ATF, we fit a shear zone model to the derived long-term InSAR velocity field. Inverting for shear zone width reveals two broad shear zones along the ATF, where the strain is distributed over multiple strands rather than concentrated on a single narrow strand. The broad shear zones explain the high estimates of the locking depth found when using the elastic half-space model and also off-fault seismic activity on the strands away from the ATF in these areas. The results also show a relatively wider shear zone from the central portion eastward, where the ATF breaks into three parallel strands.
This study suggests that a slip deficit of around 1 m has been accumulated along the ATF over the last century, and indicates that the fault is capable of rupturing with the potential for a magnitude 7.5 or larger earthquake.
How to cite: Shen, L., Hooper, A., Elliott, J., and Wright, T.: Large-scale interseismic deformation along the Altyn Tagh Fault determined from Sentinel-1 InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10278, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10278, 2021.
EGU21-3052 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
From moderate earthquakes to continuous aseismic slip, a variety of ways to release strain along the Chaman fault (Pakistan, Afghanistan).Manon Dalaison, Romain Jolivet, and Elenora van Rijsingenn
Surface fault slip can be continuously monitored at fine spatial resolution from space using InSAR. Based on 5 years of observations (2014-2019), we describe and interpret the InSAR time series of deformation around the Chaman fault, a major strike-slip fault along the boundary between the Indian and Eurasian plates. Aseismic slip was observed on two >100 km long segments, reaching a maximum of 1 cm/yr. In between, a fault segment delimited by a restraining and releasing bend in the fault trace hosted three Mb 4.2, Mw 5.1 and Mw 5.6 earthquakes in our observation period. These earthquakes were followed by significant postseismic slip with characteristic duration between 1.5 to 3 years. Postseismic to coseismic surface slip ratios reach at least 0.6-1.2. In addition, aseismic slip was observed in close spatio-temporal relationship with those earthquakes. Finally, we argue that we detect numerous micro-slip events of Mw<3, although with large uncertainty. We provide an extensive description of the various modes of slip along this plate boundary fault and discuss the mechanical implications of such entangled behavior.
How to cite: Dalaison, M., Jolivet, R., and van Rijsingenn, E.: From moderate earthquakes to continuous aseismic slip, a variety of ways to release strain along the Chaman fault (Pakistan, Afghanistan). , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3052, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3052, 2021.
Surface fault slip can be continuously monitored at fine spatial resolution from space using InSAR. Based on 5 years of observations (2014-2019), we describe and interpret the InSAR time series of deformation around the Chaman fault, a major strike-slip fault along the boundary between the Indian and Eurasian plates. Aseismic slip was observed on two >100 km long segments, reaching a maximum of 1 cm/yr. In between, a fault segment delimited by a restraining and releasing bend in the fault trace hosted three Mb 4.2, Mw 5.1 and Mw 5.6 earthquakes in our observation period. These earthquakes were followed by significant postseismic slip with characteristic duration between 1.5 to 3 years. Postseismic to coseismic surface slip ratios reach at least 0.6-1.2. In addition, aseismic slip was observed in close spatio-temporal relationship with those earthquakes. Finally, we argue that we detect numerous micro-slip events of Mw<3, although with large uncertainty. We provide an extensive description of the various modes of slip along this plate boundary fault and discuss the mechanical implications of such entangled behavior.
How to cite: Dalaison, M., Jolivet, R., and van Rijsingenn, E.: From moderate earthquakes to continuous aseismic slip, a variety of ways to release strain along the Chaman fault (Pakistan, Afghanistan). , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3052, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3052, 2021.
EGU21-1577 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Damage coalescence controls slow and fast faulting: Insights from dynamic X-ray microtomography experimentsFrancois Renard, Jessica McBeck, and Benoît Cordonnier
During fast and slow earthquakes deformation localizes along narrow and quasi-planar fault surfaces. However, processes controlling the localization process develop not only on the fault surface but also in the volume surrounding the fault zone. How these processes transition from a dispersed to more localized distribution of damage remains controversial. Moreover, to what degree the localization process controls the speed of coseismic slip is an open question. We perform a series of 4D X-ray microtomography experiments on crystalline rocks (granite, marble), with and without a pre-existing slip surface, and image the development of damage while each sample is loaded until system-size brittle failure. We image and deform the samples under in situ stress conditions of a few kilometers depth using the Hades deformation apparatus installed on the tomography beamline ID19 at the European Radiation Synchrotron Facility. By imaging all the microfractures that develop in the samples, we characterize their individual geometry and the geometry of the entire microfracture network. The results show that, when a pre-existing slip surface exists in the sample, slow earthquakes can generate damage in the volume around the fault, leading to catastrophic faulting. When no pre-existing fault is present, microfractures accumulate and can lead to two end-member types of earthquakes. One type is a catastrophic failure of the sample that occurs when the microfractures link into a macroscopic fault, producing a fast earthquake. Alternatively, the microfractures can grow without significant fracture coalescence, leading to the slow development of a fault network with a transient increase of macroscopic deformation rate that resembles that of a slow earthquake. We conclude that damage coalescence influences the slow and fast behaviours of earthquake slip.
How to cite: Renard, F., McBeck, J., and Cordonnier, B.: Damage coalescence controls slow and fast faulting: Insights from dynamic X-ray microtomography experiments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1577, 2021.
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During fast and slow earthquakes deformation localizes along narrow and quasi-planar fault surfaces. However, processes controlling the localization process develop not only on the fault surface but also in the volume surrounding the fault zone. How these processes transition from a dispersed to more localized distribution of damage remains controversial. Moreover, to what degree the localization process controls the speed of coseismic slip is an open question. We perform a series of 4D X-ray microtomography experiments on crystalline rocks (granite, marble), with and without a pre-existing slip surface, and image the development of damage while each sample is loaded until system-size brittle failure. We image and deform the samples under in situ stress conditions of a few kilometers depth using the Hades deformation apparatus installed on the tomography beamline ID19 at the European Radiation Synchrotron Facility. By imaging all the microfractures that develop in the samples, we characterize their individual geometry and the geometry of the entire microfracture network. The results show that, when a pre-existing slip surface exists in the sample, slow earthquakes can generate damage in the volume around the fault, leading to catastrophic faulting. When no pre-existing fault is present, microfractures accumulate and can lead to two end-member types of earthquakes. One type is a catastrophic failure of the sample that occurs when the microfractures link into a macroscopic fault, producing a fast earthquake. Alternatively, the microfractures can grow without significant fracture coalescence, leading to the slow development of a fault network with a transient increase of macroscopic deformation rate that resembles that of a slow earthquake. We conclude that damage coalescence influences the slow and fast behaviours of earthquake slip.
How to cite: Renard, F., McBeck, J., and Cordonnier, B.: Damage coalescence controls slow and fast faulting: Insights from dynamic X-ray microtomography experiments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1577, 2021.
EGU21-7547 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
A Burgers-Brittle model for the seismic-aseismic, brittle-ductile transition within the Earth crustVéronique Dansereau, Nikolai Shapiro, Michel Campillo, and Jérôme Weiss
The rheological stratification of the subducting frontiers of plate tectonics is nowadays recognized. So is the spatial correlation between the transient Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) processes and the brittle-ductile transition that sits between the seismic zone at the surface and the aseismic zone at depth. However, the mechanical processes underlying ETS, their relation to a mixed brittle-ductile rheology and the feedbacks between highly localized and distributed deformations and between ETS and major earthquakes are still not well established. One of the main reason is the lack of direct models that can represent the deformation of subduction zones as a whole (the continental and oceanic plates, their interface and the upper mantle) and that can be compared to seismic and geodetic observations of ETS. In this context, we propose a new continuum, Finite Elements-based model that can serve as a tool to improve the current understanding of the seismic-aseismic, brittle-ductile transition within the Earth crust.
The framework is based on the visco-elastic Burgers rheology. Here, the Maxwell element accounts for the permanent (transient and steady state) deformations within the shearing zone and both plates and the Kelvin-Voigt element accounts for the visco-elastic adjustment of the upper mantle. A unique constitutive equation is applied to the entire system, but the mechanical behavior of each of its parts is differentiated by allowing the elastic modulus and effective viscosity associated with the Maxwell element to evolve in both space and time according to the level of fracturing at the sub-grid scale. This is represented by a scalar damage variable, which increases locally when the state of stress becomes overcritical with respect to a Mohr-Coulomb criterion and decreases logarithmically due to sealing at the sub-grid scale. The coupling is such that within undamaged zones, the relaxation of the stresses is stable and set by the bulk viscosity of the bedrock while within damaged zones, such as the shearing interface of the plates, the deformation is accomodated by a combination of seismic, brittle fracturing and aseismic, transient stress relaxation processes.
The idealized 2-dimensional simulations of the brittle-ductile transition in a subduction zone that will be presented shows that the model represents a damaged shearing zone between the continental and oceanic plates. This zone, which concentrates the deformation, is maintained in time and space through a competition between brittle fracturing events, stress redistribution and healing processes. In between large damage events, associated with major earthquakes, the damage activity is correlated over a wide range of time scales.
How to cite: Dansereau, V., Shapiro, N., Campillo, M., and Weiss, J.: A Burgers-Brittle model for the seismic-aseismic, brittle-ductile transition within the Earth crust, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7547, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7547, 2021.
The rheological stratification of the subducting frontiers of plate tectonics is nowadays recognized. So is the spatial correlation between the transient Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) processes and the brittle-ductile transition that sits between the seismic zone at the surface and the aseismic zone at depth. However, the mechanical processes underlying ETS, their relation to a mixed brittle-ductile rheology and the feedbacks between highly localized and distributed deformations and between ETS and major earthquakes are still not well established. One of the main reason is the lack of direct models that can represent the deformation of subduction zones as a whole (the continental and oceanic plates, their interface and the upper mantle) and that can be compared to seismic and geodetic observations of ETS. In this context, we propose a new continuum, Finite Elements-based model that can serve as a tool to improve the current understanding of the seismic-aseismic, brittle-ductile transition within the Earth crust.
The framework is based on the visco-elastic Burgers rheology. Here, the Maxwell element accounts for the permanent (transient and steady state) deformations within the shearing zone and both plates and the Kelvin-Voigt element accounts for the visco-elastic adjustment of the upper mantle. A unique constitutive equation is applied to the entire system, but the mechanical behavior of each of its parts is differentiated by allowing the elastic modulus and effective viscosity associated with the Maxwell element to evolve in both space and time according to the level of fracturing at the sub-grid scale. This is represented by a scalar damage variable, which increases locally when the state of stress becomes overcritical with respect to a Mohr-Coulomb criterion and decreases logarithmically due to sealing at the sub-grid scale. The coupling is such that within undamaged zones, the relaxation of the stresses is stable and set by the bulk viscosity of the bedrock while within damaged zones, such as the shearing interface of the plates, the deformation is accomodated by a combination of seismic, brittle fracturing and aseismic, transient stress relaxation processes.
The idealized 2-dimensional simulations of the brittle-ductile transition in a subduction zone that will be presented shows that the model represents a damaged shearing zone between the continental and oceanic plates. This zone, which concentrates the deformation, is maintained in time and space through a competition between brittle fracturing events, stress redistribution and healing processes. In between large damage events, associated with major earthquakes, the damage activity is correlated over a wide range of time scales.
How to cite: Dansereau, V., Shapiro, N., Campillo, M., and Weiss, J.: A Burgers-Brittle model for the seismic-aseismic, brittle-ductile transition within the Earth crust, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7547, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7547, 2021.
EGU21-16448 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Post-seismic deformation related to the 2016 central Italy seismic sequence from GPS displacement time-seriesEugenio Mandler, Maria Elina Belardinelli, Enrico Serpelloni, Letizia Anderlini, Adriano Gualandi, and Francesco Pintori
The 2016-2017 Central Italy earthquake sequence was characterized by three main events striking the central Apennines between August 2016 and October 2016 with a Mw ∈ [5.9 to 6.5], plus four earthquakes occurring in January 2017 with a Mw ∈ [5.0; 5.5]. Here we study 85 Global Positioning System (GPS) stations active during the post-seismic phase in a region within a radius of 100 km around the epicentral area, including near and far-field domains. We separate the post-seismic deformation from other, mainly seasonal, deformation signals present in ground displacement time-series via a variational Bayesian Independent Component Analysis (vbICA) technique. Excluding the postseismic transient signal, we found that all the other components are due to hydrological processes, and found no evidence of pre-seismic deformation signals with a spatial and temporal pattern that can be ascribed to a precursory deformation. We study the role played by afterslip on the main structures activated during the co-seismic phase, and we infer the activation during the post-seismic phase of the Paganica fault, which is located further south of the 2016-2017 epicenters and did not rupture during the co-seismic phase. We investigate an aseismic activation of the ∼ 2 − 3 km thick subhorizontal layer of seismicity, which bounds at depth the SW-dipping normal faults where the mainshocks nucleated, and which has been interpreted as a shear zone. Moreover we consider the possibility that the shear zone marks the brittle-ductile transition including the viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and upper mantle as a driving mechanism of the post-seismic displacement. However, neither afterslip nor viscoelasticity can fully explain the observations alone: the former is capable of satisfactorily explaining only the data in the epicentral area but it generally underestimates the displacement in the far-field domain; the latter cannot simultaneously explain the displacement observed in the near-field and far-field domains. Hence we infer a mixed contribution of these two mechanisms.
How to cite: Mandler, E., Belardinelli, M. E., Serpelloni, E., Anderlini, L., Gualandi, A., and Pintori, F.: Post-seismic deformation related to the 2016 central Italy seismic sequence from GPS displacement time-series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16448, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16448, 2021.
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The 2016-2017 Central Italy earthquake sequence was characterized by three main events striking the central Apennines between August 2016 and October 2016 with a Mw ∈ [5.9 to 6.5], plus four earthquakes occurring in January 2017 with a Mw ∈ [5.0; 5.5]. Here we study 85 Global Positioning System (GPS) stations active during the post-seismic phase in a region within a radius of 100 km around the epicentral area, including near and far-field domains. We separate the post-seismic deformation from other, mainly seasonal, deformation signals present in ground displacement time-series via a variational Bayesian Independent Component Analysis (vbICA) technique. Excluding the postseismic transient signal, we found that all the other components are due to hydrological processes, and found no evidence of pre-seismic deformation signals with a spatial and temporal pattern that can be ascribed to a precursory deformation. We study the role played by afterslip on the main structures activated during the co-seismic phase, and we infer the activation during the post-seismic phase of the Paganica fault, which is located further south of the 2016-2017 epicenters and did not rupture during the co-seismic phase. We investigate an aseismic activation of the ∼ 2 − 3 km thick subhorizontal layer of seismicity, which bounds at depth the SW-dipping normal faults where the mainshocks nucleated, and which has been interpreted as a shear zone. Moreover we consider the possibility that the shear zone marks the brittle-ductile transition including the viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and upper mantle as a driving mechanism of the post-seismic displacement. However, neither afterslip nor viscoelasticity can fully explain the observations alone: the former is capable of satisfactorily explaining only the data in the epicentral area but it generally underestimates the displacement in the far-field domain; the latter cannot simultaneously explain the displacement observed in the near-field and far-field domains. Hence we infer a mixed contribution of these two mechanisms.
How to cite: Mandler, E., Belardinelli, M. E., Serpelloni, E., Anderlini, L., Gualandi, A., and Pintori, F.: Post-seismic deformation related to the 2016 central Italy seismic sequence from GPS displacement time-series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16448, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16448, 2021.
EGU21-4332 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
A transient in surface motions dominated by deep afterslip subsequent to a shallow supershear earthquake: the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu case.Nicolai Nijholt, Wim Simons, Joni Efendi, Dina Sarsito, and Riccardo Riva
The 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake is a remarkable strike-slip event due to its nature as a shallow supershear fault rupture across several segments and a destructive tsunami that followed co-seismic deformation. GPS offsets in the wake of the 2018 earthquake display a transient in the surface motions of northwest Sulawesi. A Bayesian approach identifies (predominantly a-seismic) deep afterslip on and below the co-seismic rupture plane as the dominant physical mechanism causing the cumulative, post-seismic, surface displacements whereas viscous relaxation of the lower crust and poro-elastic rebound contribute negligibly. We confirm a correlation between shallow supershear rupture and post-seismic surface transients with afterslip activity in the zone below an inter-seismically locked fault plane where the slip rate tapers from zero to creeping.
How to cite: Nijholt, N., Simons, W., Efendi, J., Sarsito, D., and Riva, R.: A transient in surface motions dominated by deep afterslip subsequent to a shallow supershear earthquake: the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu case., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4332, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4332, 2021.
The 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu earthquake is a remarkable strike-slip event due to its nature as a shallow supershear fault rupture across several segments and a destructive tsunami that followed co-seismic deformation. GPS offsets in the wake of the 2018 earthquake display a transient in the surface motions of northwest Sulawesi. A Bayesian approach identifies (predominantly a-seismic) deep afterslip on and below the co-seismic rupture plane as the dominant physical mechanism causing the cumulative, post-seismic, surface displacements whereas viscous relaxation of the lower crust and poro-elastic rebound contribute negligibly. We confirm a correlation between shallow supershear rupture and post-seismic surface transients with afterslip activity in the zone below an inter-seismically locked fault plane where the slip rate tapers from zero to creeping.
How to cite: Nijholt, N., Simons, W., Efendi, J., Sarsito, D., and Riva, R.: A transient in surface motions dominated by deep afterslip subsequent to a shallow supershear earthquake: the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu case., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4332, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4332, 2021.
EGU21-2322 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Subduction zone seismo-dynamics: how to bridge the gap between long-term subduction dynamics and megathrust seismicity?Adam Beall, Fabio A. Capitanio, Ake Fagereng, and Ylona van Dinther
The largest and most devastating earthquakes on Earth occur along subduction zones. Here, long-term plate motions are accommodated in cycles of strain accumulation and release. Episodic strain release occurs by mechanisms ranging from rapid earthquakes to slow-slip and quasi-static creep along the plate interface. Slip styles can vary between and within subduction zones, though it is unclear what controls margin-scale variability. Current approaches to seismo-tectonics primarily relate the stress state and seismogenesis at subduction margins to interface material properties and plate kinematics, constrained by recorded seismic slip, GPS motions and integrated strain. At larger spatio-temporal scales, significant progress has been made towards the understanding of subduction dynamics and emerging self-consistent plate motions, tectonics and stress coupling at plate margins. The margin stress state is ultimately linked to the force balance arising from interactions between the slab, mantle flow and upper plate. These mantle and lithosphere dynamics are thus expected to govern the tectonic regimes under which seismicity occurs. It remains unclear how these longer- and shorter-term perspectives can be reconciled. We review the aspects of large-scale subduction dynamics that control tectonic loading at plate margins, discuss possible influences on the stress state of the plate interface, and summarise recent advances in integrating the earthquake cycle and large-scale dynamics. It is plausible that variations in large-scale subduction dynamics could systematically influence seismicity, though it remains unclear to what degree this interplay occurs directly through the plate interface stress state and/or indirectly, corresponding to variation of other subduction zone characteristics. While further constraints of the geodynamic controls on the nature of the plate interface and their incorporation into probabilistic earthquake models is required, their ongoing development holds promise for an improved understanding of the global variation of large earthquake occurrence and their associated risk.
How to cite: Beall, A., Capitanio, F. A., Fagereng, A., and van Dinther, Y.: Subduction zone seismo-dynamics: how to bridge the gap between long-term subduction dynamics and megathrust seismicity?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2322, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2322, 2021.
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The largest and most devastating earthquakes on Earth occur along subduction zones. Here, long-term plate motions are accommodated in cycles of strain accumulation and release. Episodic strain release occurs by mechanisms ranging from rapid earthquakes to slow-slip and quasi-static creep along the plate interface. Slip styles can vary between and within subduction zones, though it is unclear what controls margin-scale variability. Current approaches to seismo-tectonics primarily relate the stress state and seismogenesis at subduction margins to interface material properties and plate kinematics, constrained by recorded seismic slip, GPS motions and integrated strain. At larger spatio-temporal scales, significant progress has been made towards the understanding of subduction dynamics and emerging self-consistent plate motions, tectonics and stress coupling at plate margins. The margin stress state is ultimately linked to the force balance arising from interactions between the slab, mantle flow and upper plate. These mantle and lithosphere dynamics are thus expected to govern the tectonic regimes under which seismicity occurs. It remains unclear how these longer- and shorter-term perspectives can be reconciled. We review the aspects of large-scale subduction dynamics that control tectonic loading at plate margins, discuss possible influences on the stress state of the plate interface, and summarise recent advances in integrating the earthquake cycle and large-scale dynamics. It is plausible that variations in large-scale subduction dynamics could systematically influence seismicity, though it remains unclear to what degree this interplay occurs directly through the plate interface stress state and/or indirectly, corresponding to variation of other subduction zone characteristics. While further constraints of the geodynamic controls on the nature of the plate interface and their incorporation into probabilistic earthquake models is required, their ongoing development holds promise for an improved understanding of the global variation of large earthquake occurrence and their associated risk.
How to cite: Beall, A., Capitanio, F. A., Fagereng, A., and van Dinther, Y.: Subduction zone seismo-dynamics: how to bridge the gap between long-term subduction dynamics and megathrust seismicity?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2322, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2322, 2021.
EGU21-13312 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Detecting tectonic tremor during slow slip events in Costa-Rica using templates of ordinary earthquakesJulien Renou and Jessica Hawthorne
Slow slip events (SSEs) have been observed beneath the Nicoya peninsula in Costa-Rica for more than 10 years, and are accompanied by tremor activity both updip and downdip of the seismogenic region. However, tremor detection in this region can be challenging and time-consuming, as many local earthquakes occur amidst the tremor, so envelope-based techniques do not perform as well as they do in other regions. Matched-filter techniques are more appropriate to detect many of the individual low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) that constitute tremor, but these techniques can also be time-consuming and restricted to small areas because they require a set of template seismograms for each LFE family.
In this study, we attempt to take advantage of the many local earthquakes to use the ordinary earthquakes' waveforms as templates to detect tremor all along the subduction interface. We use an extension of matched-filter techniques, a phase coherence (or matched field) method which can identify signals from locations near the template event even if the template and target signals have different source time functions. Because of this specificity of the coherence method, we should be able to detect tremor co-located with an ordinary earthquake, as long as they share similar Green's functions.
We create template waveforms from a catalog created by the Nicoya Seismic Cycle Observatory, whose events are located using local 3-D velocity model (DeShon et al. 2006). We first apply the method during a SSE event in June 2009, and initial investigations suggest that the tremor and earthquakes are similar enough: high coherence values are found at time of known tremor. Bursts of activity with various duration close to the trench are successfully detected, and their location is consistent with slip distribution of the SSE. Our final goal is to identify potential migration of these bursts related to the propagation of the main front of the SSE, as well as investigate the relation between their released seismic energy and duration. These findings will be finally discussed in comparison with tremor characteristics in other subduction areas.
How to cite: Renou, J. and Hawthorne, J.: Detecting tectonic tremor during slow slip events in Costa-Rica using templates of ordinary earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13312, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13312, 2021.
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Slow slip events (SSEs) have been observed beneath the Nicoya peninsula in Costa-Rica for more than 10 years, and are accompanied by tremor activity both updip and downdip of the seismogenic region. However, tremor detection in this region can be challenging and time-consuming, as many local earthquakes occur amidst the tremor, so envelope-based techniques do not perform as well as they do in other regions. Matched-filter techniques are more appropriate to detect many of the individual low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) that constitute tremor, but these techniques can also be time-consuming and restricted to small areas because they require a set of template seismograms for each LFE family.
In this study, we attempt to take advantage of the many local earthquakes to use the ordinary earthquakes' waveforms as templates to detect tremor all along the subduction interface. We use an extension of matched-filter techniques, a phase coherence (or matched field) method which can identify signals from locations near the template event even if the template and target signals have different source time functions. Because of this specificity of the coherence method, we should be able to detect tremor co-located with an ordinary earthquake, as long as they share similar Green's functions.
We create template waveforms from a catalog created by the Nicoya Seismic Cycle Observatory, whose events are located using local 3-D velocity model (DeShon et al. 2006). We first apply the method during a SSE event in June 2009, and initial investigations suggest that the tremor and earthquakes are similar enough: high coherence values are found at time of known tremor. Bursts of activity with various duration close to the trench are successfully detected, and their location is consistent with slip distribution of the SSE. Our final goal is to identify potential migration of these bursts related to the propagation of the main front of the SSE, as well as investigate the relation between their released seismic energy and duration. These findings will be finally discussed in comparison with tremor characteristics in other subduction areas.
How to cite: Renou, J. and Hawthorne, J.: Detecting tectonic tremor during slow slip events in Costa-Rica using templates of ordinary earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13312, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13312, 2021.
EGU21-12141 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Extended Observations and New Insights of Dynamically Triggered Tremor in ParkfieldAllie Hutchison and Piero Poli
We create an extended catalog of dynamically triggered tremor in the Parkfield region of the San Andreas Fault for teleseismic and regional earthquakes from 2001-2020 with a magnitude threshold of M >7. After selection of clear dynamic triggering episodes, each tremor event is precisely located using a multi station approach. Using this new catalog of triggered tremor, we quantitatively evaluate the conditions under which tremor is triggered. In particular, we study the effect of frequency dependent peak dynamic strain, peak ground velocity, and the incident azimuth of triggering waves. We further try to assess if the triggering potential in the San Andreas Fault evolves as function of time. Finally, we search for differences and similarities (e.g. frequency content, location) between triggered and regular tremor. Our observations provide new insights about the physical conditions necessary for triggering tremor, and in general, on the physical processes generating non-volcanic tremors.
How to cite: Hutchison, A. and Poli, P.: Extended Observations and New Insights of Dynamically Triggered Tremor in Parkfield, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12141, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12141, 2021.
We create an extended catalog of dynamically triggered tremor in the Parkfield region of the San Andreas Fault for teleseismic and regional earthquakes from 2001-2020 with a magnitude threshold of M >7. After selection of clear dynamic triggering episodes, each tremor event is precisely located using a multi station approach. Using this new catalog of triggered tremor, we quantitatively evaluate the conditions under which tremor is triggered. In particular, we study the effect of frequency dependent peak dynamic strain, peak ground velocity, and the incident azimuth of triggering waves. We further try to assess if the triggering potential in the San Andreas Fault evolves as function of time. Finally, we search for differences and similarities (e.g. frequency content, location) between triggered and regular tremor. Our observations provide new insights about the physical conditions necessary for triggering tremor, and in general, on the physical processes generating non-volcanic tremors.
How to cite: Hutchison, A. and Poli, P.: Extended Observations and New Insights of Dynamically Triggered Tremor in Parkfield, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12141, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12141, 2021.
EGU21-7452 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Identifying 2000 small and large creep events on the San Andreas Fault.Daniel Gittins and Jessica Hawthorne
The San Andreas fault has been observed to creep at the surface along the 175km section between San Juan Bautista and Cholame (Titus et al., 2011). This section is known as the creeping section and accumulates slip in two modes: during continuous background slip at a long term slip rate and in accelerated slip bursts known as creep events (Gladwin et al., 1994). But the size and importance of creep events remain unclear. Some researchers treat them as small, ~100-m-wide near-surface events (Gladwin et al., 1994), but others suggest that many creep events reach 4 km depth, connecting the surface to the seismogenic zone (Bilham et al., 2016). So, in this study, we systematically characterize the along-strike rupture extents of creep events along the San Andreas Fault, to determine if these are small, localized phenomena or large, segment-rupturing events.
We detect creep events and analyse their propagation using 18 USGS creepmeter records from the San Andreas Fault. Each creepmeter operated for at least 9 of the years between 1985 and 2020. To begin we systematically detect creep events using a cross-correlation approach. We identify periods that have significant slip and signals with high similarity to a template creep event. This automated detection allows us to produce a catalogue with 2000 creep events. The method detects at least 95% of the creep events identified by visual inspection.
Once we have found creep events at each creepmeter, we examine how creep events propagate. We compare creep event detections between pairs of creepmeters to determine how many creep events propagate from one creepmeter to the other. At the northern end of the creeping section, we observe that 18-28% of the creep events found at Harris Ranch are also found at Cienega Winery within 24hrs. This coincident timing implies that 18-28% of creep events in the north have an along-strike length of at least 4 km. Many creep events at the southern end of the creeping section appear to be even larger. For instance, a few events appear to be at least 31 km long; 10-38% of creep events at Slacks Canyon also observed at Work Ranch (31 km away) within 24hrs. These large along-strike rupture extents imply that creep events connect the slip and stress field over large regions of the San Andreas Fault. These events may play an important role in the slip dynamics of the creeping section.
How to cite: Gittins, D. and Hawthorne, J.: Identifying 2000 small and large creep events on the San Andreas Fault., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7452, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7452, 2021.
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The San Andreas fault has been observed to creep at the surface along the 175km section between San Juan Bautista and Cholame (Titus et al., 2011). This section is known as the creeping section and accumulates slip in two modes: during continuous background slip at a long term slip rate and in accelerated slip bursts known as creep events (Gladwin et al., 1994). But the size and importance of creep events remain unclear. Some researchers treat them as small, ~100-m-wide near-surface events (Gladwin et al., 1994), but others suggest that many creep events reach 4 km depth, connecting the surface to the seismogenic zone (Bilham et al., 2016). So, in this study, we systematically characterize the along-strike rupture extents of creep events along the San Andreas Fault, to determine if these are small, localized phenomena or large, segment-rupturing events.
We detect creep events and analyse their propagation using 18 USGS creepmeter records from the San Andreas Fault. Each creepmeter operated for at least 9 of the years between 1985 and 2020. To begin we systematically detect creep events using a cross-correlation approach. We identify periods that have significant slip and signals with high similarity to a template creep event. This automated detection allows us to produce a catalogue with 2000 creep events. The method detects at least 95% of the creep events identified by visual inspection.
Once we have found creep events at each creepmeter, we examine how creep events propagate. We compare creep event detections between pairs of creepmeters to determine how many creep events propagate from one creepmeter to the other. At the northern end of the creeping section, we observe that 18-28% of the creep events found at Harris Ranch are also found at Cienega Winery within 24hrs. This coincident timing implies that 18-28% of creep events in the north have an along-strike length of at least 4 km. Many creep events at the southern end of the creeping section appear to be even larger. For instance, a few events appear to be at least 31 km long; 10-38% of creep events at Slacks Canyon also observed at Work Ranch (31 km away) within 24hrs. These large along-strike rupture extents imply that creep events connect the slip and stress field over large regions of the San Andreas Fault. These events may play an important role in the slip dynamics of the creeping section.
How to cite: Gittins, D. and Hawthorne, J.: Identifying 2000 small and large creep events on the San Andreas Fault., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7452, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7452, 2021.
EGU21-6280 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
High-resolution spatio-temporal fault slip using InSAR observations: insights on seismic and aseismic slip during a shallow crust earthquake swarmYu Jiang and Pablo González
How earthquakes initiate and run-away into major ruptures is still a challenging research topic, that will benefit from increasing our capability to observe processes from the seismogenic source regions. In recent years, two models for earthquake nucleation have been proposed to explain earthquake sequences, a slow-slipping model and a cascade model, based mostly on the analysing seismic data. Here we use geodetic data to contribute to the study of seismogenic source regions during earthquake sequences. Earthquake swarms are unusual as they do not obey observational physics laws, e.g., Gutemberg-Richter law. This deviation might be to a disproportioned contribution of aseismic processes, and hence provide an opportunity to investigate the role of aseismic behaviour in the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes.
Here, we study a shallow seismic swarm in Nevada, USA, in 2011. We process satellite radar images to form differential interferograms and to quantify the surface displacements. From the interferograms, we observe a clear surface displacement signal (~4 cm in line-of-sight direction) consistent with slip along a N-S striking normal fault, before the largest magnitude event (M4.6) in the swarm. We also find that interferograms across the M4.6 are dominated by slip on a NE-SW striking fault. Thus, we consider slip along a fault system with a geometry consisting of two fault planes. To interpret the surface displacement, we invert for its optimal geometry directly using the interferometric wrapped phase. Based on the fault geometry together with inferred surface ruptures, we construct a smooth fault plane with triangular dislocations. Then, we extend our previous method to obtain distributed fault slip models from the wrapped phase. We implement a physics-based linear elastic crack model with no stress singularities, coupled with a linear time inversion with optimal regularization method to estimate the temporal evolution of fault slip. We apply this method to the 2011 Hawthorne swarm geodetic data to test the two conceptual earthquake nucleation and propagation models. The inversion reveals (1) two slip maxima; a narrow (1km2) slip area on the southern fault with high average slip (0.8m) occurring before the M4.6 event; and a wider (40km2) slip area on the northern fault which ruptured during and after the M4.6 event and with lower average slip (0.1m); (2) our results are more consistent with a cascade model of discrete slip patches, rather than a slow-slipping model thought as a growing elliptical crack; (3) the aseismic (geodetic) moment ratio is variable from 100% before the M4.6 event, but remains larger than 60% after it.
The study of the 2011 Hawthorne swarm allows us to illuminate fault slip in much greater detail than usually possible. We conclude that there were significant aseismic fault processes, most likely slow-slip or localized fluid-enhanced fault slip, along with discrete segments of the fault plane active before and after the largest earthquake in this swarm. This study contributes to highlighting the importance of using geodetic data to understand the role of aseismic processes during swarms. An important step towards improving our understanding of the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes.
How to cite: Jiang, Y. and González, P.: High-resolution spatio-temporal fault slip using InSAR observations: insights on seismic and aseismic slip during a shallow crust earthquake swarm, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6280, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6280, 2021.
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How earthquakes initiate and run-away into major ruptures is still a challenging research topic, that will benefit from increasing our capability to observe processes from the seismogenic source regions. In recent years, two models for earthquake nucleation have been proposed to explain earthquake sequences, a slow-slipping model and a cascade model, based mostly on the analysing seismic data. Here we use geodetic data to contribute to the study of seismogenic source regions during earthquake sequences. Earthquake swarms are unusual as they do not obey observational physics laws, e.g., Gutemberg-Richter law. This deviation might be to a disproportioned contribution of aseismic processes, and hence provide an opportunity to investigate the role of aseismic behaviour in the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes.
Here, we study a shallow seismic swarm in Nevada, USA, in 2011. We process satellite radar images to form differential interferograms and to quantify the surface displacements. From the interferograms, we observe a clear surface displacement signal (~4 cm in line-of-sight direction) consistent with slip along a N-S striking normal fault, before the largest magnitude event (M4.6) in the swarm. We also find that interferograms across the M4.6 are dominated by slip on a NE-SW striking fault. Thus, we consider slip along a fault system with a geometry consisting of two fault planes. To interpret the surface displacement, we invert for its optimal geometry directly using the interferometric wrapped phase. Based on the fault geometry together with inferred surface ruptures, we construct a smooth fault plane with triangular dislocations. Then, we extend our previous method to obtain distributed fault slip models from the wrapped phase. We implement a physics-based linear elastic crack model with no stress singularities, coupled with a linear time inversion with optimal regularization method to estimate the temporal evolution of fault slip. We apply this method to the 2011 Hawthorne swarm geodetic data to test the two conceptual earthquake nucleation and propagation models. The inversion reveals (1) two slip maxima; a narrow (1km2) slip area on the southern fault with high average slip (0.8m) occurring before the M4.6 event; and a wider (40km2) slip area on the northern fault which ruptured during and after the M4.6 event and with lower average slip (0.1m); (2) our results are more consistent with a cascade model of discrete slip patches, rather than a slow-slipping model thought as a growing elliptical crack; (3) the aseismic (geodetic) moment ratio is variable from 100% before the M4.6 event, but remains larger than 60% after it.
The study of the 2011 Hawthorne swarm allows us to illuminate fault slip in much greater detail than usually possible. We conclude that there were significant aseismic fault processes, most likely slow-slip or localized fluid-enhanced fault slip, along with discrete segments of the fault plane active before and after the largest earthquake in this swarm. This study contributes to highlighting the importance of using geodetic data to understand the role of aseismic processes during swarms. An important step towards improving our understanding of the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes.
How to cite: Jiang, Y. and González, P.: High-resolution spatio-temporal fault slip using InSAR observations: insights on seismic and aseismic slip during a shallow crust earthquake swarm, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6280, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6280, 2021.
EGU21-13925 * | vPICO presentations | TS4.2 | Highlight
Earthquake cycles and shear zones: interplay between earthquakes, aseismic fault slip, and bulk viscous deformationKali Allison, Laurent Montesi, and Eric Dunham
The interaction between the seismogenic portion of faults and their ductile roots is central to understanding the mechanics of seismic cycles. It is well established that faults are highly localized within the cold and brittle upper crust, but less is known about fault and shear zone structure in the warmer, more ductile, lower crust and in the upper mantle. Increasing temperature with depth causes two transitions in behavior: a frictional transition from seismic to aseismic fault behavior and a transition from brittle to ductile off-fault deformation (BDT). To explore the effects of these two transitions on seismic cycle characteristics (e.g., recurrence interval, nucleation depth, and down-dip limit of coseismic rupture), we simulate seismic cycles on a 2D strike-slip fault. All phases of the earthquake cycle are simulated, allowing the model to spontaneously generate earthquakes and to capture aseismic fault slip and off-fault viscous flow in the interseismic period. The fault is represented with rate-and-state friction. In the off-fault material, distributed viscous flow occurs through dislocation creep. We also consider two possible weakening mechanisms that may be active in lower crustal shear zones: shear heating and grain size reduction, which changes the ductile rheology from dislocation to diffusion creep. This model makes it possible to self-consistently simulate the variations of stress, strain rate, and grain size in the vicinity of a strike-slip fault.
We find that the viscous shear zone beneath the fault (defined as the region of elevated viscous strain rate) is roughly elliptically shaped, extending up to 10 km below the fault and with a width of 1 to 3 km. When weakening mechanisms are neglected, the BDT occurs below the depth of the transition from seismic to aseismic fault slip. In these cases, seismic cycle characteristics are similar to those of a traditional elastic cycle simulation that neglects viscoelastic deformation. However, the inclusion of shear heating, which produces a thermal anomaly relative to the background geotherm, shallows the BDT enough to limit the down-dip propagation of coseismic slip in some cases. In these cases, earthquakes penetrate 1-2 km into the shear zone, consistent with observations of zones in which both viscous flow and coseismic slip occur. Also, in these simulations, very little aseismic fault slip occurs. Instead, tectonic plate motion is accommodated primarily through coseismic slip and bulk viscous flow. Preliminary simulations that include the effects of grain size reduction within the shear zone show similar effects. Both weakening mechanisms narrow the shear zone by up to 20%, suggesting that the fault also plays a large role in controlling shear zone localization.
How to cite: Allison, K., Montesi, L., and Dunham, E.: Earthquake cycles and shear zones: interplay between earthquakes, aseismic fault slip, and bulk viscous deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13925, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13925, 2021.
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The interaction between the seismogenic portion of faults and their ductile roots is central to understanding the mechanics of seismic cycles. It is well established that faults are highly localized within the cold and brittle upper crust, but less is known about fault and shear zone structure in the warmer, more ductile, lower crust and in the upper mantle. Increasing temperature with depth causes two transitions in behavior: a frictional transition from seismic to aseismic fault behavior and a transition from brittle to ductile off-fault deformation (BDT). To explore the effects of these two transitions on seismic cycle characteristics (e.g., recurrence interval, nucleation depth, and down-dip limit of coseismic rupture), we simulate seismic cycles on a 2D strike-slip fault. All phases of the earthquake cycle are simulated, allowing the model to spontaneously generate earthquakes and to capture aseismic fault slip and off-fault viscous flow in the interseismic period. The fault is represented with rate-and-state friction. In the off-fault material, distributed viscous flow occurs through dislocation creep. We also consider two possible weakening mechanisms that may be active in lower crustal shear zones: shear heating and grain size reduction, which changes the ductile rheology from dislocation to diffusion creep. This model makes it possible to self-consistently simulate the variations of stress, strain rate, and grain size in the vicinity of a strike-slip fault.
We find that the viscous shear zone beneath the fault (defined as the region of elevated viscous strain rate) is roughly elliptically shaped, extending up to 10 km below the fault and with a width of 1 to 3 km. When weakening mechanisms are neglected, the BDT occurs below the depth of the transition from seismic to aseismic fault slip. In these cases, seismic cycle characteristics are similar to those of a traditional elastic cycle simulation that neglects viscoelastic deformation. However, the inclusion of shear heating, which produces a thermal anomaly relative to the background geotherm, shallows the BDT enough to limit the down-dip propagation of coseismic slip in some cases. In these cases, earthquakes penetrate 1-2 km into the shear zone, consistent with observations of zones in which both viscous flow and coseismic slip occur. Also, in these simulations, very little aseismic fault slip occurs. Instead, tectonic plate motion is accommodated primarily through coseismic slip and bulk viscous flow. Preliminary simulations that include the effects of grain size reduction within the shear zone show similar effects. Both weakening mechanisms narrow the shear zone by up to 20%, suggesting that the fault also plays a large role in controlling shear zone localization.
How to cite: Allison, K., Montesi, L., and Dunham, E.: Earthquake cycles and shear zones: interplay between earthquakes, aseismic fault slip, and bulk viscous deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13925, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13925, 2021.
EGU21-7752 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
The slip behavior of velocity-weakening fault barriersDiego Molina, Jean-Paul Ampuero, and Andres Tassara
Subduction earthquakes are among the most devastating natural hazards across the planet and yet the factors controlling their size remain poorly understood. It is thus important to investigate the mechanisms controlling rupture arrest and runaway, in particular the nature of rupture barriers (areas where earthquakes tend to stop). Geodetic and seismic observations along several faults suggest that barriers are mostly creeping (low seismic coupling). It is often interpreted that creeping barriers are governed by velocity-strengthening friction (VS), which is a sufficient condition for stable slip. However, some barriers have been observed to host intermediate magnitude earthquakes or to be completely ruptured by a large earthquake. Therefore, the frictional properties of seismic barriers may not be restricted to VS. In particular, the possibility of velocity-weakening (VW) areas behaving as barriers needs to be further explored.
In this work, we characterize the multiple behaviors of seismic barriers on faults governed by velocity-weakening (VW) rate-and-state friction, using earthquake cycle simulations. We consider a 2D model, where a central VW area has a larger critical slip distance (Dc) or higher normal stress (σ) than the surrounding VW areas. We found that the central areas can behave as permanent or temporal barriers to earthquake propagation if their Dc or σ are large enough. On permanent barriers, creep occurs steadily. However, on temporary barriers, the locking degree changes throughout the cycle, despite frictional properties remaining constant.
To understand the efficiency of VW barriers (that is, to determine under what conditions they can stop ruptures), we use fracture mechanics theory. We found that barrier efficiency depends mainly on the ratio between the fracture energy of the barrier, which is proportional to Dc and normal stress, and the energy release rate of the neighboring seismic segment, which is proportional to its stress drop squared and length. If geological features of the overriding and subducting plates affect Dc and σ on the megathrust, our results support the idea of structural controls on the seismic behavior of megathrusts. Thus, understanding how geological features are linked to fracture energy may contribute to seismic hazard assessment by constraining rupture arrest and multi-segment ruptures in earthquake scenarios.
How to cite: Molina, D., Ampuero, J.-P., and Tassara, A.: The slip behavior of velocity-weakening fault barriers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7752, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7752, 2021.
Subduction earthquakes are among the most devastating natural hazards across the planet and yet the factors controlling their size remain poorly understood. It is thus important to investigate the mechanisms controlling rupture arrest and runaway, in particular the nature of rupture barriers (areas where earthquakes tend to stop). Geodetic and seismic observations along several faults suggest that barriers are mostly creeping (low seismic coupling). It is often interpreted that creeping barriers are governed by velocity-strengthening friction (VS), which is a sufficient condition for stable slip. However, some barriers have been observed to host intermediate magnitude earthquakes or to be completely ruptured by a large earthquake. Therefore, the frictional properties of seismic barriers may not be restricted to VS. In particular, the possibility of velocity-weakening (VW) areas behaving as barriers needs to be further explored.
In this work, we characterize the multiple behaviors of seismic barriers on faults governed by velocity-weakening (VW) rate-and-state friction, using earthquake cycle simulations. We consider a 2D model, where a central VW area has a larger critical slip distance (Dc) or higher normal stress (σ) than the surrounding VW areas. We found that the central areas can behave as permanent or temporal barriers to earthquake propagation if their Dc or σ are large enough. On permanent barriers, creep occurs steadily. However, on temporary barriers, the locking degree changes throughout the cycle, despite frictional properties remaining constant.
To understand the efficiency of VW barriers (that is, to determine under what conditions they can stop ruptures), we use fracture mechanics theory. We found that barrier efficiency depends mainly on the ratio between the fracture energy of the barrier, which is proportional to Dc and normal stress, and the energy release rate of the neighboring seismic segment, which is proportional to its stress drop squared and length. If geological features of the overriding and subducting plates affect Dc and σ on the megathrust, our results support the idea of structural controls on the seismic behavior of megathrusts. Thus, understanding how geological features are linked to fracture energy may contribute to seismic hazard assessment by constraining rupture arrest and multi-segment ruptures in earthquake scenarios.
How to cite: Molina, D., Ampuero, J.-P., and Tassara, A.: The slip behavior of velocity-weakening fault barriers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7752, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7752, 2021.
EGU21-14513 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Slip-deficit estimation with a 3D fault model of the North Anatolian Fault by using InSAR time seriesAlison Seidel and Henriette Sudhaus
Crustal earthquakes are events of sudden stress release through rock failure, for example as a consequence of continuous and long-term stress buildup at tectonic faults that eventually exceeds the strength of rock. Before failure, under increasing stress at a fault, the surrounding crust is slowly deforming. The amount and pattern of crustal deformation carries information about location and potential magnitude of future earthquakes.
Time series of space-borne interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data can be used to precisely measure the surface motion, which corresponds to the crustal deformation, in the radar line-of-sight and across large areas. These observations open the opportunity to study fault loading in terms of location, size of locked parts at faults and their slip deficit. Here we study the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), a major right-lateral strike-slip fault zone of about 1500 km length in the north of Turkey and we create its first large-scale 3D finite-fault model based on InSAR data.
We use the InSAR time series of data recorded by ESA’s Envisat SAR satellite between 2002 and 2010 (Hussain et al., 2018 and Walters et al., 2014). We represent the fault with several vertical, planar fault segments that trace the NAF with reasonable resolution. The medium model is a layered half space with a viscoelastic lower crust and mantle. Several GNSS velocity measurements are used to apply a trend correction and calibrate the InSAR time series data to an Eurasia-fixed-reference frame. We use the plate motion difference of the Anatolian and the Eurasian plates calculated through an Euler pole to set up a back-slip finite-fault model. We then optimize the back-slip as the slip deficit, the width and the depth of the locked fault zone at each segment to achieve a good fit to the measured surface motion.
We find shallow locking depths and small slip deficits in the eastern and westernmost regions of the NAF, while the central part shows both deeper locking depths and larger slip deficits for the observation period. For both parameters the trends are in an overall agreement to earlier studies. There, InSAR-time series data have been used to calculate slip deficits at the North Anatolian fault with 2D models and/or assuming a homogeneous and purely elastic medium. Local modeled differences therefore might be connected to differences in the modeling approaches, but also remain subject to further investigations and discussions.
Our model provides a very suitable basis for future time-dependent modeling of the slip deficit at the NAF that includes also more recent InSAR time series based on data from the Sentinel-1 radar satellite mission of ESA.
How to cite: Seidel, A. and Sudhaus, H.: Slip-deficit estimation with a 3D fault model of the North Anatolian Fault by using InSAR time series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14513, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14513, 2021.
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Crustal earthquakes are events of sudden stress release through rock failure, for example as a consequence of continuous and long-term stress buildup at tectonic faults that eventually exceeds the strength of rock. Before failure, under increasing stress at a fault, the surrounding crust is slowly deforming. The amount and pattern of crustal deformation carries information about location and potential magnitude of future earthquakes.
Time series of space-borne interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data can be used to precisely measure the surface motion, which corresponds to the crustal deformation, in the radar line-of-sight and across large areas. These observations open the opportunity to study fault loading in terms of location, size of locked parts at faults and their slip deficit. Here we study the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), a major right-lateral strike-slip fault zone of about 1500 km length in the north of Turkey and we create its first large-scale 3D finite-fault model based on InSAR data.
We use the InSAR time series of data recorded by ESA’s Envisat SAR satellite between 2002 and 2010 (Hussain et al., 2018 and Walters et al., 2014). We represent the fault with several vertical, planar fault segments that trace the NAF with reasonable resolution. The medium model is a layered half space with a viscoelastic lower crust and mantle. Several GNSS velocity measurements are used to apply a trend correction and calibrate the InSAR time series data to an Eurasia-fixed-reference frame. We use the plate motion difference of the Anatolian and the Eurasian plates calculated through an Euler pole to set up a back-slip finite-fault model. We then optimize the back-slip as the slip deficit, the width and the depth of the locked fault zone at each segment to achieve a good fit to the measured surface motion.
We find shallow locking depths and small slip deficits in the eastern and westernmost regions of the NAF, while the central part shows both deeper locking depths and larger slip deficits for the observation period. For both parameters the trends are in an overall agreement to earlier studies. There, InSAR-time series data have been used to calculate slip deficits at the North Anatolian fault with 2D models and/or assuming a homogeneous and purely elastic medium. Local modeled differences therefore might be connected to differences in the modeling approaches, but also remain subject to further investigations and discussions.
Our model provides a very suitable basis for future time-dependent modeling of the slip deficit at the NAF that includes also more recent InSAR time series based on data from the Sentinel-1 radar satellite mission of ESA.
How to cite: Seidel, A. and Sudhaus, H.: Slip-deficit estimation with a 3D fault model of the North Anatolian Fault by using InSAR time series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14513, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14513, 2021.
EGU21-4494 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Slow slip events along the North Anatolian FaultRomain Jolivet, Bertrand Rouet-Leduc, Jorge Jara, Manon Dalaison, Claudia Hulbert, Sylvain Michel, Paul A. Johnson, Ziyadin Çakir, Semih Ergintav, Alpay Özdemir, and Ugur Dogan
While some faults remain locked for tens to hundreds of years, some active faults slip slowly, either continuously or episodically. The discovery of slow, generally silent, slip at the turn of the century led to a profound modification of our understanding of the mechanics of faulting, shedding light on the dynamics of fault slip. Such dynamics areis controlled by the past history of stress along the fault plane (i.e. historical ruptures), fluids circulating in the crust and the rheology of the crust and fault plane. Understanding the influence of these different factors requires dense observations, as suggested by the large range of spatial and temporal scales involved in the control of the slip velocity along a fault. Specifically, the smallest scales of slow slip have beenwere inferred by the observation of tremors or low frequency events, interpreted as the chatter of a fault plane while it slips slowly. We are missing direct observations of such kilometer-scale slow slip events and continental creeping faults are an obvious target for such observationsfor such observations.
Aseismic slip along the North Anatolian Fault was recognized in the 1960’s by the observation of offset man-made features without earthquakes recorded. Following these early observations, multiple geodetic studies focused on recording aseismic slip and analyzed the average rate of shallow slow slip in the vicinity of the town of Ismetpasa. GPS, InSAR and creepmeter data all converge toward an aseismic slip rate reaching 1 cm/yr in places, with significant along- strike variations. Furthermore, earlyHowever, creepmeter measurements in the 80’s, confirmed by records from a more recent instrument, suggest aseismic slip is currently episodic, occurring in bursts of slip. Recent InSAR data from the Cosmo-SkyMed constellation captured a month-long slow slip event with a maximum of 2 cm/yr of slip.
We propose to analyze the geodetic record to search for slow slip events over the 2015-2020 period. We take advantage of a dense network of continuous GNSS stations installed in 2017 and of time series of Sentinel 1 SAR data to identify at least 3 slow slip events along the North Anatolian Fault. Thanks to the dense temporal sampling of the GNSS records, we describe faithfullyobserve the onset of slow slip. We use a deep learning algorithm to extract the surface signature of the slow slip events from the InSAR time series, highlighting a slow rupture front propagating along strike. We compare the occurrences of slow slip events with the local fault geometry, the average distribution of kinematic coupling and the historical seismicity. We discuss the mechanical implications of such detailed description of slow slip along an active fault. In conclusion, while slow slip rate averaged over periods longer than 2-3 years seems constant over the last 40 years, identification of slow slip events suggests this apparently constant rate results from slow slip events over multiple spatial and temporal scales.
How to cite: Jolivet, R., Rouet-Leduc, B., Jara, J., Dalaison, M., Hulbert, C., Michel, S., Johnson, P. A., Çakir, Z., Ergintav, S., Özdemir, A., and Dogan, U.: Slow slip events along the North Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4494, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4494, 2021.
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While some faults remain locked for tens to hundreds of years, some active faults slip slowly, either continuously or episodically. The discovery of slow, generally silent, slip at the turn of the century led to a profound modification of our understanding of the mechanics of faulting, shedding light on the dynamics of fault slip. Such dynamics areis controlled by the past history of stress along the fault plane (i.e. historical ruptures), fluids circulating in the crust and the rheology of the crust and fault plane. Understanding the influence of these different factors requires dense observations, as suggested by the large range of spatial and temporal scales involved in the control of the slip velocity along a fault. Specifically, the smallest scales of slow slip have beenwere inferred by the observation of tremors or low frequency events, interpreted as the chatter of a fault plane while it slips slowly. We are missing direct observations of such kilometer-scale slow slip events and continental creeping faults are an obvious target for such observationsfor such observations.
Aseismic slip along the North Anatolian Fault was recognized in the 1960’s by the observation of offset man-made features without earthquakes recorded. Following these early observations, multiple geodetic studies focused on recording aseismic slip and analyzed the average rate of shallow slow slip in the vicinity of the town of Ismetpasa. GPS, InSAR and creepmeter data all converge toward an aseismic slip rate reaching 1 cm/yr in places, with significant along- strike variations. Furthermore, earlyHowever, creepmeter measurements in the 80’s, confirmed by records from a more recent instrument, suggest aseismic slip is currently episodic, occurring in bursts of slip. Recent InSAR data from the Cosmo-SkyMed constellation captured a month-long slow slip event with a maximum of 2 cm/yr of slip.
We propose to analyze the geodetic record to search for slow slip events over the 2015-2020 period. We take advantage of a dense network of continuous GNSS stations installed in 2017 and of time series of Sentinel 1 SAR data to identify at least 3 slow slip events along the North Anatolian Fault. Thanks to the dense temporal sampling of the GNSS records, we describe faithfullyobserve the onset of slow slip. We use a deep learning algorithm to extract the surface signature of the slow slip events from the InSAR time series, highlighting a slow rupture front propagating along strike. We compare the occurrences of slow slip events with the local fault geometry, the average distribution of kinematic coupling and the historical seismicity. We discuss the mechanical implications of such detailed description of slow slip along an active fault. In conclusion, while slow slip rate averaged over periods longer than 2-3 years seems constant over the last 40 years, identification of slow slip events suggests this apparently constant rate results from slow slip events over multiple spatial and temporal scales.
How to cite: Jolivet, R., Rouet-Leduc, B., Jara, J., Dalaison, M., Hulbert, C., Michel, S., Johnson, P. A., Çakir, Z., Ergintav, S., Özdemir, A., and Dogan, U.: Slow slip events along the North Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4494, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4494, 2021.
EGU21-7710 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Near-fault seismic monitoring reveals the long-lasting activation of a local fault in the Marmara region controlled by slow slipPatricia Martínez-Garzón, Virginie Durand, Stephan Bentz, Taylan Turkmen, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Georg Dresen, Murat Nurlu, and Marco Bohnhoff
Recent laboratory and field observations show that fault seismic and aseismic slip may occur concurrently. Here, we combine microseismicity recordings from a temporary near-fault seismic network (SMARTnet) and borehole strainmeter data from the eastern Marmara region in NW Turkey to track seismic and aseismic deformation around the hypocentral region of a MW 4.5 earthquake that occurred in 2018. The strainmeter data show a clear strain signal transient starting at the time of the MW 4.5 event and lasting for about 150 days. We study about 1,200 microseismic events following the mainshock within and beyond the mainshock fault rupture. The temporal distribution of the seismicity reveals a strong temporal clustering, including four semi-periodic seismic sequences each containing more than 50 events in two days. Two seismic sequences occurred during the strain transient showing different characteristics compared to two sequences occurring afterwards. Seismicity occurring during the transient displayed typical characteristics driven by aseismic slip, such as the activation of a broader region from the mainshock, and the absence of a clear mainshock in each sequence. Seismic sequences occurring after the transient correspond to typical mainshock-aftershock sequences and activated a region closer to the original MW 4.5 mainshock. We suggest post-strain transient seismicity originate from stress redistribution and breaking of remaining asperities. Our observations from a newly installed combined dense seismic and strainmeter network in the eastern Sea of Marmara region allows identifying repeated triggering of aseismic transients within an observation period of three years suggesting these may occur more often than previously thought.
How to cite: Martínez-Garzón, P., Durand, V., Bentz, S., Turkmen, T., Kwiatek, G., Dresen, G., Nurlu, M., and Bohnhoff, M.: Near-fault seismic monitoring reveals the long-lasting activation of a local fault in the Marmara region controlled by slow slip , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7710, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7710, 2021.
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Recent laboratory and field observations show that fault seismic and aseismic slip may occur concurrently. Here, we combine microseismicity recordings from a temporary near-fault seismic network (SMARTnet) and borehole strainmeter data from the eastern Marmara region in NW Turkey to track seismic and aseismic deformation around the hypocentral region of a MW 4.5 earthquake that occurred in 2018. The strainmeter data show a clear strain signal transient starting at the time of the MW 4.5 event and lasting for about 150 days. We study about 1,200 microseismic events following the mainshock within and beyond the mainshock fault rupture. The temporal distribution of the seismicity reveals a strong temporal clustering, including four semi-periodic seismic sequences each containing more than 50 events in two days. Two seismic sequences occurred during the strain transient showing different characteristics compared to two sequences occurring afterwards. Seismicity occurring during the transient displayed typical characteristics driven by aseismic slip, such as the activation of a broader region from the mainshock, and the absence of a clear mainshock in each sequence. Seismic sequences occurring after the transient correspond to typical mainshock-aftershock sequences and activated a region closer to the original MW 4.5 mainshock. We suggest post-strain transient seismicity originate from stress redistribution and breaking of remaining asperities. Our observations from a newly installed combined dense seismic and strainmeter network in the eastern Sea of Marmara region allows identifying repeated triggering of aseismic transients within an observation period of three years suggesting these may occur more often than previously thought.
How to cite: Martínez-Garzón, P., Durand, V., Bentz, S., Turkmen, T., Kwiatek, G., Dresen, G., Nurlu, M., and Bohnhoff, M.: Near-fault seismic monitoring reveals the long-lasting activation of a local fault in the Marmara region controlled by slow slip , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7710, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7710, 2021.
EGU21-8651 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Deciphering deformation along submarine fault branches below the eastern Sea of Marmara (Turkey): insights from seismicity, strainmeter, GPS and InSAR dataVirginie Durand, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Adriano Gualandi, Mahmud Haghighi, Mahdi Motagh, Georg Dresen, and Marco Bohnhoff
More and more studies worldwide show that seismic and aseismic slip can occur jointly, impacting the seismic hazard in a region. It is thus important to be able to reconstruct the deformation partitioning and fault interactions. In this study, we focus on the eastern Sea of Marmara region south of the megalopolis of Istanbul (Turkey). In this region, the plate-bounding North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is splitting into several branches. The northern branch is locked and is considered to host the nucleation zone of a M~7 earthquake expected for the region. In 2016, a 3-days long foreshock sequence preceded a MW 4.2 event located at the junction of the two or more sub-branches. It has been argued that this sequence may have been driven by aseismic slip involved in the earthquake nucleation (Malin et al., 2018). Starting around the time of this earthquake, a large strain signal, lasting 50 days, was identified on a single strainmeter station located ~30km from the M4.2 epicenter (Martinez-Garzon et al., 2019). To better characterize this sequence, we revisit it adding new types of data: we analyze GPS and InSAR data together with reprocessed strainmeter recordings of all the availaible stations in the region during 18 months framing the observed strain signal. To enhance the tectonic features in the strainmeter data, we apply a variational Bayesian Independent Component Analysis (vbICA, Gualandi et al. 2015). Following the M4.2 earthquake, we highlight a 50 km westward migration of the seismicity starting from its epicentral area and lasting 6 months. Increases in the seismic activity correspond to variations in the tectonic components of the recordings at two nearby strainmeters. The first changes in seismicity and strainmeter data occur 2.5 months before the MW4.2 event, and are also concomitant with a variation in the trend of the GPS data. The GPS data, along with the strainmeter ones, exhibit a second clear change at the time of the mainshock, that is also lasting two months. Similarly, the InSAR data highlight a variation in the time series around the time of the earthquake, lasting several weeks. The combination of these different types of measurements covering various signal-frequency bands of deformation in the eastern Sea of Marmara highlights the presence of a measurable large-scale and long-lasting deformation transient that begins and ends several weeks before and after the occurrence of a Mw4.2 earthquake. These observations show that further reducing the observational gap both in terms of detection threshold and frequency band allows to decipher signals that usually remain undetected. This is non-trivial but relevant for seismic hazard and risk assessment especially in case of submarine faults collocated with population centers, as is the case of the study region.
How to cite: Durand, V., Martínez-Garzón, P., Gualandi, A., Haghighi, M., Motagh, M., Dresen, G., and Bohnhoff, M.: Deciphering deformation along submarine fault branches below the eastern Sea of Marmara (Turkey): insights from seismicity, strainmeter, GPS and InSAR data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8651, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8651, 2021.
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More and more studies worldwide show that seismic and aseismic slip can occur jointly, impacting the seismic hazard in a region. It is thus important to be able to reconstruct the deformation partitioning and fault interactions. In this study, we focus on the eastern Sea of Marmara region south of the megalopolis of Istanbul (Turkey). In this region, the plate-bounding North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is splitting into several branches. The northern branch is locked and is considered to host the nucleation zone of a M~7 earthquake expected for the region. In 2016, a 3-days long foreshock sequence preceded a MW 4.2 event located at the junction of the two or more sub-branches. It has been argued that this sequence may have been driven by aseismic slip involved in the earthquake nucleation (Malin et al., 2018). Starting around the time of this earthquake, a large strain signal, lasting 50 days, was identified on a single strainmeter station located ~30km from the M4.2 epicenter (Martinez-Garzon et al., 2019). To better characterize this sequence, we revisit it adding new types of data: we analyze GPS and InSAR data together with reprocessed strainmeter recordings of all the availaible stations in the region during 18 months framing the observed strain signal. To enhance the tectonic features in the strainmeter data, we apply a variational Bayesian Independent Component Analysis (vbICA, Gualandi et al. 2015). Following the M4.2 earthquake, we highlight a 50 km westward migration of the seismicity starting from its epicentral area and lasting 6 months. Increases in the seismic activity correspond to variations in the tectonic components of the recordings at two nearby strainmeters. The first changes in seismicity and strainmeter data occur 2.5 months before the MW4.2 event, and are also concomitant with a variation in the trend of the GPS data. The GPS data, along with the strainmeter ones, exhibit a second clear change at the time of the mainshock, that is also lasting two months. Similarly, the InSAR data highlight a variation in the time series around the time of the earthquake, lasting several weeks. The combination of these different types of measurements covering various signal-frequency bands of deformation in the eastern Sea of Marmara highlights the presence of a measurable large-scale and long-lasting deformation transient that begins and ends several weeks before and after the occurrence of a Mw4.2 earthquake. These observations show that further reducing the observational gap both in terms of detection threshold and frequency band allows to decipher signals that usually remain undetected. This is non-trivial but relevant for seismic hazard and risk assessment especially in case of submarine faults collocated with population centers, as is the case of the study region.
How to cite: Durand, V., Martínez-Garzón, P., Gualandi, A., Haghighi, M., Motagh, M., Dresen, G., and Bohnhoff, M.: Deciphering deformation along submarine fault branches below the eastern Sea of Marmara (Turkey): insights from seismicity, strainmeter, GPS and InSAR data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8651, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8651, 2021.
EGU21-8241 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Fluid pressurisation and earthquake propagation in the Hikurangi subduction zoneStefano Aretusini, Francesca Meneghini, Elena Spagnuolo, Christopher Harbord, and Giulio Di Toro
In subduction zones, seismic slip at shallow crustal depths can lead to the generation of tsunamis. Large slip displacements during tsunamogenic earthquakes are attributed to the low coseismic shear strength of the fluid-saturated and non-lithified clay-rich fault rocks. However, because of experimental challenges in confining these materials, the physical processes responsible of the coseismic reduction in fault shear strength are poorly understood. Using a novel experimental setup, we measured pore fluid pressure during simulated seismic slip in clay-rich materials sampled from the deep oceanic drilling of the Pāpaku thrust (Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand). Here we show that seismic slip is characterized by an initial decrease followed by an increase of pore pressure. The initial pore pressure decrease is indicative of dilatant behavior. The following pore pressure increase, enhanced by the low permeability of the fault, reduces the energy required to propagate earthquake rupture. We suggest that thermal and mechanical pressurisation of fluids facilitates seismic slip in the Hikurangi subduction zone, which was tsunamigenic about 70 years ago. Fluid-saturated clay-rich sediments, occurring at shallow depth in subduction zones, can promote earthquake rupture propagation and slip because of their low permeability and tendency to pressurise when sheared at seismic slip velocities.
How to cite: Aretusini, S., Meneghini, F., Spagnuolo, E., Harbord, C., and Di Toro, G.: Fluid pressurisation and earthquake propagation in the Hikurangi subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8241, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8241, 2021.
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In subduction zones, seismic slip at shallow crustal depths can lead to the generation of tsunamis. Large slip displacements during tsunamogenic earthquakes are attributed to the low coseismic shear strength of the fluid-saturated and non-lithified clay-rich fault rocks. However, because of experimental challenges in confining these materials, the physical processes responsible of the coseismic reduction in fault shear strength are poorly understood. Using a novel experimental setup, we measured pore fluid pressure during simulated seismic slip in clay-rich materials sampled from the deep oceanic drilling of the Pāpaku thrust (Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand). Here we show that seismic slip is characterized by an initial decrease followed by an increase of pore pressure. The initial pore pressure decrease is indicative of dilatant behavior. The following pore pressure increase, enhanced by the low permeability of the fault, reduces the energy required to propagate earthquake rupture. We suggest that thermal and mechanical pressurisation of fluids facilitates seismic slip in the Hikurangi subduction zone, which was tsunamigenic about 70 years ago. Fluid-saturated clay-rich sediments, occurring at shallow depth in subduction zones, can promote earthquake rupture propagation and slip because of their low permeability and tendency to pressurise when sheared at seismic slip velocities.
How to cite: Aretusini, S., Meneghini, F., Spagnuolo, E., Harbord, C., and Di Toro, G.: Fluid pressurisation and earthquake propagation in the Hikurangi subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8241, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8241, 2021.
EGU21-1096 | vPICO presentations | TS4.2
Dense GPS derived deformation and rotation of intraplate blocks in Central Europe - comparison to seismicity and volcanismZhiguo Deng and Torsten Dahm
Intraplate deformation is often small but can nowdays be resolved from high precision GNSS velocity fields derived from decade-long time series and high precision network or point wise solutions if uncertainties are smaller than ~0.2 mm/a.
If local effects are discarded, dense velocity fields may resolve regional patterns of intraplate deformation and motion, which are related to the bending of lithospheric plates, to mantle upwelling, the diffuse or zoned deformation along structural weaknesses or faults, and the rotation of rigid blocks within a plate.
We derive for the first time, dense high precision network solutions at 323 GNSS stations in Germany and adjacent areas and resolve regions experiencing uplift with velocities of up to ~2 mm/a, rotational relative motions with angular velocities of ~0.7±0.3 mas/a, and horizontal shear along an extended, NS trending zone with strain rates in the range of 10-8 1/a.
We integrate European dense velocity solutions into our dataset to discuss the geodynamic context to European microplate motions, the Alpine collision, the structure of the European mantle, Quaternary volcanism and historical seismicity.
Unexpectedly, the zones of high horizontal strain rates only partly correlate to seismicity. Such a non-correlation between ongoing horizontal strain and seismicity has been recognized before. We discuss possible reasons for the absence of intraplate seismicity in regions experiencing recent strain, including the stress shadow effects if the strain buildup is reducing shear stresses from plate tectonics. The combination of GNSS derived dense velocity fields with time dependent seismicity models may change our current understanding of intraplate seismicity and impact the assessment of intraplate seismic hazard in future.
How to cite: Deng, Z. and Dahm, T.: Dense GPS derived deformation and rotation of intraplate blocks in Central Europe - comparison to seismicity and volcanism, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1096, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1096, 2021.
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Intraplate deformation is often small but can nowdays be resolved from high precision GNSS velocity fields derived from decade-long time series and high precision network or point wise solutions if uncertainties are smaller than ~0.2 mm/a.
If local effects are discarded, dense velocity fields may resolve regional patterns of intraplate deformation and motion, which are related to the bending of lithospheric plates, to mantle upwelling, the diffuse or zoned deformation along structural weaknesses or faults, and the rotation of rigid blocks within a plate.
We derive for the first time, dense high precision network solutions at 323 GNSS stations in Germany and adjacent areas and resolve regions experiencing uplift with velocities of up to ~2 mm/a, rotational relative motions with angular velocities of ~0.7±0.3 mas/a, and horizontal shear along an extended, NS trending zone with strain rates in the range of 10-8 1/a.
We integrate European dense velocity solutions into our dataset to discuss the geodynamic context to European microplate motions, the Alpine collision, the structure of the European mantle, Quaternary volcanism and historical seismicity.
Unexpectedly, the zones of high horizontal strain rates only partly correlate to seismicity. Such a non-correlation between ongoing horizontal strain and seismicity has been recognized before. We discuss possible reasons for the absence of intraplate seismicity in regions experiencing recent strain, including the stress shadow effects if the strain buildup is reducing shear stresses from plate tectonics. The combination of GNSS derived dense velocity fields with time dependent seismicity models may change our current understanding of intraplate seismicity and impact the assessment of intraplate seismic hazard in future.
How to cite: Deng, Z. and Dahm, T.: Dense GPS derived deformation and rotation of intraplate blocks in Central Europe - comparison to seismicity and volcanism, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1096, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1096, 2021.
TS4.3 – Linking active faults and the earthquake cycle to Seismic Hazard Assessment: Onshore and Offshore Perspectives
EGU21-12200 * | vPICO presentations | TS4.3 | Highlight
Transforms are foreverPaola Vannucchi, David Iacopini, and Jason P. Morgan
According to Plate Tectonics, fracture zones (FZs) are born at Transform Faults (TFs), which leave behind "inactive" FZs traces as scars on the seafloor that reflect their initial use as one side of a strike-slip transform fault. FZs were originally thought to "heal" as the oceanic lithosphere cooled and strengthened with time. However, the occurrence of recent earthquakes reveals that FZs can be associated with significant seismic activity (for example during the recent Mw 8.6 2012 EQ offshore Sumatra and Mw 7.9 2018 EQ offshore SE Kodiak), and also with permanent deformation that occurs well after passage through the TF.
The TF at the spreading center is known to be accompanied by the formation of the transform valley which exposes serpentinized peridotite to the ocean floor. Valley relief itself can drive fluid flow that promotes continued serpentinization, and also cooling- and volume-change-linked stress variations. Off-axis seismicity suggests that FZs remain weaker that neighbouring oceanic lithosphere. The transform valley relief in general persists as a fracture zone valley that itself can continue to be a major drive of fluid flow even in the “healed” oceanic lithosphere. After reviewing evidence for FZ activity on (normal) ocean floor we will focus on the long-lived impact of FZs at continental margins. Offshore/onshore evidence of ongoing deformation at FZs is observed through seismic activity at both the western Brazilian and eastern Ghana-Côte d’Ivoire ends of the Romanche FZ. The western Brazil end is also characterized by recent folding and faulting, both offshore across the FZ, and onshore co-linearly with FZ extensions into the continent. Seismic activity in continental Brazil is focused where the FZ intersects the continental margin. This activity suggests that FZs remain as permanent weak lithospheric heterogeneities that are able to store elastic strain.
The reasons why FZs remain active are still poorly understood. Possible causes include i) effects of serpentinization that occurs both in the TF and in the FZ through hydrothermal fluid/mantle interaction, ii) thermal stress, iii) changing tectonic stresses related to plate driving forces.
How to cite: Vannucchi, P., Iacopini, D., and Morgan, J. P.: Transforms are forever, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12200, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12200, 2021.
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According to Plate Tectonics, fracture zones (FZs) are born at Transform Faults (TFs), which leave behind "inactive" FZs traces as scars on the seafloor that reflect their initial use as one side of a strike-slip transform fault. FZs were originally thought to "heal" as the oceanic lithosphere cooled and strengthened with time. However, the occurrence of recent earthquakes reveals that FZs can be associated with significant seismic activity (for example during the recent Mw 8.6 2012 EQ offshore Sumatra and Mw 7.9 2018 EQ offshore SE Kodiak), and also with permanent deformation that occurs well after passage through the TF.
The TF at the spreading center is known to be accompanied by the formation of the transform valley which exposes serpentinized peridotite to the ocean floor. Valley relief itself can drive fluid flow that promotes continued serpentinization, and also cooling- and volume-change-linked stress variations. Off-axis seismicity suggests that FZs remain weaker that neighbouring oceanic lithosphere. The transform valley relief in general persists as a fracture zone valley that itself can continue to be a major drive of fluid flow even in the “healed” oceanic lithosphere. After reviewing evidence for FZ activity on (normal) ocean floor we will focus on the long-lived impact of FZs at continental margins. Offshore/onshore evidence of ongoing deformation at FZs is observed through seismic activity at both the western Brazilian and eastern Ghana-Côte d’Ivoire ends of the Romanche FZ. The western Brazil end is also characterized by recent folding and faulting, both offshore across the FZ, and onshore co-linearly with FZ extensions into the continent. Seismic activity in continental Brazil is focused where the FZ intersects the continental margin. This activity suggests that FZs remain as permanent weak lithospheric heterogeneities that are able to store elastic strain.
The reasons why FZs remain active are still poorly understood. Possible causes include i) effects of serpentinization that occurs both in the TF and in the FZ through hydrothermal fluid/mantle interaction, ii) thermal stress, iii) changing tectonic stresses related to plate driving forces.
How to cite: Vannucchi, P., Iacopini, D., and Morgan, J. P.: Transforms are forever, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12200, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12200, 2021.
EGU21-15891 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Linking dynamic earthquake rupture to tsunami modeling for the Húsavík-Flatey transform fault system in North IcelandFabian Kutschera, Sara Aniko Wirp, Bo Li, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Benedikt Halldórsson, Claudia Abril, and Leonhard Rannabauer
Earthquake generated tsunamis are generally associated with large submarine events on dip-slip faults, in particular on subduction zone megathrusts (Bilek and Lay, 2018). Submerged ruptures across strike-slip fault systems mostly produce minor vertical offset and hence no significant disturbance of the water column. For the 2018 Mw 7.5 Sulawesi earthquake in Indonesia, linked dynamic earthquake rupture and tsunami modeling implies that coseismic, mixed strike-slip and normal faulting induced seafloor displacements were a critical component generating an unexpected and devastating local tsunami in Palu Bay (Ulrich et al., 2019), with important implications for tsunami hazard assessment of submarine strike-slip fault systems in transtensional tectonic settings worldwide.
We reassess the tsunami potential of the ~100 km Húsavík Flatey Fault (HFF) in North Iceland using physics-based, linked earthquake-tsunami modelling. The HFF consists of multiple fault segments that localise both strike-slip and normal movements, agreeing with a transtensional deformation pattern (Garcia and Dhont, 2005). The HFF hosted several historical earthquakes with M>6. It crosses from off-shore to on-shore in immediate proximity to the town of Húsavík. We analyse simple and complex fault geometries and varying hypocenter locations accounting for newly inferred fault geometries (Einarsson et al., 2019), 3-D subsurface structure (Abril et al., 2020), bathymetry and topography of the area, primary stress orientations and the stress shape ratio constrained by the inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms (Ziegler et al., 2016).
Dynamic rupture models are simulated with SeisSol (https://github.com/SeisSol/SeisSol), a scientific open-source software for 3D dynamic earthquake rupture simulation (www.seissol.org, Pelties et al., 2014). SeisSol, a flagship code of the ChEESE project (https://cheese-coe.eu), enables us to explore simple and complex fault and subsurface geometries by using unstructured tetrahedral meshes. The dynamically adaptive, parallel software sam(oa)²-flash (https://gitlab.lrz.de/samoa/samoa) is used for tsunami propagation and inundation simulations and solves the hydrostatic shallow water equations (Meister, 2016). We consider the contribution of the horizontal ground deformation of realistic bathymetry to the vertical displacement following Tanioka and Satake, 1996. The tsunami simulations use time-dependent seafloor displacements to initialise bathymetry perturbations.
We show that up to 2 m of vertical coseismic offset can be generated during dynamic earthquake rupture scenarios across the HFF, which resemble historic magnitudes and are controlled by spontaneous fault interaction in terms of dynamic and static stress transfer and rupture jumping across the complex fault network. Our models reveal rake deviations from pure right-lateral strike-slip motion, indicating the presence of dip-slip components, in combination with large shallow fault slip (~8 m for a hypocenter in the East), which can cause a sizable tsunami affecting North Iceland. Sea surface height (ssh), which is defined as the deviation from the mean sea level, and inundation synthetics give an estimate about the impact of the tsunami along the coastline. We further investigate a physically plausible worst-case scenario of a tsunamigenic HFF event, accounting for tsunami sourcing mechanisms similar to the one causing the Sulawesi Tsunami in 2018.
How to cite: Kutschera, F., Wirp, S. A., Li, B., Gabriel, A.-A., Halldórsson, B., Abril, C., and Rannabauer, L.: Linking dynamic earthquake rupture to tsunami modeling for the Húsavík-Flatey transform fault system in North Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15891, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15891, 2021.
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Earthquake generated tsunamis are generally associated with large submarine events on dip-slip faults, in particular on subduction zone megathrusts (Bilek and Lay, 2018). Submerged ruptures across strike-slip fault systems mostly produce minor vertical offset and hence no significant disturbance of the water column. For the 2018 Mw 7.5 Sulawesi earthquake in Indonesia, linked dynamic earthquake rupture and tsunami modeling implies that coseismic, mixed strike-slip and normal faulting induced seafloor displacements were a critical component generating an unexpected and devastating local tsunami in Palu Bay (Ulrich et al., 2019), with important implications for tsunami hazard assessment of submarine strike-slip fault systems in transtensional tectonic settings worldwide.
We reassess the tsunami potential of the ~100 km Húsavík Flatey Fault (HFF) in North Iceland using physics-based, linked earthquake-tsunami modelling. The HFF consists of multiple fault segments that localise both strike-slip and normal movements, agreeing with a transtensional deformation pattern (Garcia and Dhont, 2005). The HFF hosted several historical earthquakes with M>6. It crosses from off-shore to on-shore in immediate proximity to the town of Húsavík. We analyse simple and complex fault geometries and varying hypocenter locations accounting for newly inferred fault geometries (Einarsson et al., 2019), 3-D subsurface structure (Abril et al., 2020), bathymetry and topography of the area, primary stress orientations and the stress shape ratio constrained by the inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms (Ziegler et al., 2016).
Dynamic rupture models are simulated with SeisSol (https://github.com/SeisSol/SeisSol), a scientific open-source software for 3D dynamic earthquake rupture simulation (www.seissol.org, Pelties et al., 2014). SeisSol, a flagship code of the ChEESE project (https://cheese-coe.eu), enables us to explore simple and complex fault and subsurface geometries by using unstructured tetrahedral meshes. The dynamically adaptive, parallel software sam(oa)²-flash (https://gitlab.lrz.de/samoa/samoa) is used for tsunami propagation and inundation simulations and solves the hydrostatic shallow water equations (Meister, 2016). We consider the contribution of the horizontal ground deformation of realistic bathymetry to the vertical displacement following Tanioka and Satake, 1996. The tsunami simulations use time-dependent seafloor displacements to initialise bathymetry perturbations.
We show that up to 2 m of vertical coseismic offset can be generated during dynamic earthquake rupture scenarios across the HFF, which resemble historic magnitudes and are controlled by spontaneous fault interaction in terms of dynamic and static stress transfer and rupture jumping across the complex fault network. Our models reveal rake deviations from pure right-lateral strike-slip motion, indicating the presence of dip-slip components, in combination with large shallow fault slip (~8 m for a hypocenter in the East), which can cause a sizable tsunami affecting North Iceland. Sea surface height (ssh), which is defined as the deviation from the mean sea level, and inundation synthetics give an estimate about the impact of the tsunami along the coastline. We further investigate a physically plausible worst-case scenario of a tsunamigenic HFF event, accounting for tsunami sourcing mechanisms similar to the one causing the Sulawesi Tsunami in 2018.
How to cite: Kutschera, F., Wirp, S. A., Li, B., Gabriel, A.-A., Halldórsson, B., Abril, C., and Rannabauer, L.: Linking dynamic earthquake rupture to tsunami modeling for the Húsavík-Flatey transform fault system in North Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15891, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15891, 2021.
EGU21-745 * | vPICO presentations | TS4.3 | Highlight
Deformation, earthquakes and tsunamis along thickly sedimented subduction: Arakan segment of the Sunda ArcCecilia McHugh, Leonardo Seeber, Michael Steckler, Syed Humayun Akhter, and Nickolas Dubin
Incoming sediment thickness and composition are primary factors in the morphology and shallow structure of subduction boundaries. Sediment thickness in the Indian Ocean increases SE to NW along the Sunda arc. From <1km along Java to >15km where the boundary encounters the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (GBD). Here the accretionary prism broadens to the NW to >300 km wide. It is dominated by shallow-water to non-marine sediment. This segment also features a broad shallow megathrust overlain by linear anticlines rooted in splay faults. It is entirely above sea level and blind in its frontal part. This GBD segment transitions to a more familiar subduction structure and morphology along the submerged Arakan segment to the SE. The SE portion of this segment is characterized by larger splay faults that expose deep-water sediment with mud diapirism forming volcanoes and circular synclines. With increasing sediment input, the NW portion of the Arakan segment encroaches onto the GBD shelf. Both the SE and NW portions of the Arakan segment ruptured in the Mw>8.5 1762 tsunamigenic earthquake according to field and modeling evidence.
Uplifted coral reefs and marine terraces along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts document a >500 km rupture in 1762. The uplift, ranging from 6 m to 2 m from south to north, has been linked to rupture on the megathrust and on shallow splays. Tsunami deposits are traced for ~10 km along the St. Martin’s Island anticline and for >40 km along the Teknaf peninsula. Microfossils and mollusk assemblages in these deposits are consistently of shallow water affinity and date the tsunami to 1762. This deposit covers only a small fraction of the inferred megathrust rupture. If it is representative of the total tsunami distribution, a local anticline may have been the main source. Evidence from live coral microatolls show uplift on St. Martin’s Island continuing 250 years after the earthquake. This motion could stem from continued anelastic deformation of the anticline updip of the rupture. More widely distributed evidence from sediment and corals could address questions about megathrust and splay behavior in 1762 and after. Plans include multichannel seismic surveying, high resolution subbottom profiling and 40 m long piston coring to compare the SE to NW shelf portions to the Arakan segment along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts. More generally, we aim to better understand subduction and geohazards along thickly sedimented systems.
How to cite: McHugh, C., Seeber, L., Steckler, M., Akhter, S. H., and Dubin, N.: Deformation, earthquakes and tsunamis along thickly sedimented subduction: Arakan segment of the Sunda Arc, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-745, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-745, 2021.
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Incoming sediment thickness and composition are primary factors in the morphology and shallow structure of subduction boundaries. Sediment thickness in the Indian Ocean increases SE to NW along the Sunda arc. From <1km along Java to >15km where the boundary encounters the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (GBD). Here the accretionary prism broadens to the NW to >300 km wide. It is dominated by shallow-water to non-marine sediment. This segment also features a broad shallow megathrust overlain by linear anticlines rooted in splay faults. It is entirely above sea level and blind in its frontal part. This GBD segment transitions to a more familiar subduction structure and morphology along the submerged Arakan segment to the SE. The SE portion of this segment is characterized by larger splay faults that expose deep-water sediment with mud diapirism forming volcanoes and circular synclines. With increasing sediment input, the NW portion of the Arakan segment encroaches onto the GBD shelf. Both the SE and NW portions of the Arakan segment ruptured in the Mw>8.5 1762 tsunamigenic earthquake according to field and modeling evidence.
Uplifted coral reefs and marine terraces along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts document a >500 km rupture in 1762. The uplift, ranging from 6 m to 2 m from south to north, has been linked to rupture on the megathrust and on shallow splays. Tsunami deposits are traced for ~10 km along the St. Martin’s Island anticline and for >40 km along the Teknaf peninsula. Microfossils and mollusk assemblages in these deposits are consistently of shallow water affinity and date the tsunami to 1762. This deposit covers only a small fraction of the inferred megathrust rupture. If it is representative of the total tsunami distribution, a local anticline may have been the main source. Evidence from live coral microatolls show uplift on St. Martin’s Island continuing 250 years after the earthquake. This motion could stem from continued anelastic deformation of the anticline updip of the rupture. More widely distributed evidence from sediment and corals could address questions about megathrust and splay behavior in 1762 and after. Plans include multichannel seismic surveying, high resolution subbottom profiling and 40 m long piston coring to compare the SE to NW shelf portions to the Arakan segment along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts. More generally, we aim to better understand subduction and geohazards along thickly sedimented systems.
How to cite: McHugh, C., Seeber, L., Steckler, M., Akhter, S. H., and Dubin, N.: Deformation, earthquakes and tsunamis along thickly sedimented subduction: Arakan segment of the Sunda Arc, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-745, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-745, 2021.
EGU21-15554 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Structural reconstruction, fault parameterization, and slip rate analysis in the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy): implications for the Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity of long-lived offshore buried thrusts.Yuri Panara, Francesco Emanuele Maesano, Chiara Amadori, Jakub Fedorik, Manlio Ghielmi, Giovanni Toscani, and Roberto Basili
The northern Apennines foredeep is characterized by a Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity whose driving structures (thrust faults and related anticlines) are always buried by a high amount of syntectonic sediments, both onshore (Po Plain) and offshore (Adriatic Sea), thereby leaving subtle or none apparent signatures in the topo-bathymetry. Compared to the rest of Italy, this area has a relatively moderate earthquake hazard, but historical reports and instrumental recordings testify for significant seismicity. Seismological analyses of recent sizeable earthquakes (e.g., the Mw 6.1, Emilia earthquake in 2012) confirmed that the seismic activity is mainly due to the outermost northern Apennines buried thrusts. In this work, we reconstructed and parameterized the 3D geometry of such buried faults in an offshore sector just south of the Po River delta by interpreting a dense network of 2D seismic reflection profiles. The availability of two regional seismic reflection profiles, coupled with a detailed reconstruction of Plio-Pleistocene horizons, allowed us to restore the deformation cumulated by these thrusts. Our analysis was aimed at (1) establishing the age of inception of the main crustal thrusts, (2) reconstruct the main Plio-Pleistocene tectonic events affecting the study area, and (3) calculate the Plio-Pleistocene slip rates at different time slices and reporting them through probability distribution functions that take into account the uncertainties associated with horizon ages and restoration parameters. Our results show that the Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity is variably distributed on different thrust faults and decreases exponentially over time after the Gelasian. The analysis performed on the most recent reflectors suggests that a low but not negligible tectonic activity characterizes the main thrusts in the studied region in the last 4-500 ka and hints at a residual activity that may last until the present.
How to cite: Panara, Y., Maesano, F. E., Amadori, C., Fedorik, J., Ghielmi, M., Toscani, G., and Basili, R.: Structural reconstruction, fault parameterization, and slip rate analysis in the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy): implications for the Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity of long-lived offshore buried thrusts., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15554, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15554, 2021.
The northern Apennines foredeep is characterized by a Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity whose driving structures (thrust faults and related anticlines) are always buried by a high amount of syntectonic sediments, both onshore (Po Plain) and offshore (Adriatic Sea), thereby leaving subtle or none apparent signatures in the topo-bathymetry. Compared to the rest of Italy, this area has a relatively moderate earthquake hazard, but historical reports and instrumental recordings testify for significant seismicity. Seismological analyses of recent sizeable earthquakes (e.g., the Mw 6.1, Emilia earthquake in 2012) confirmed that the seismic activity is mainly due to the outermost northern Apennines buried thrusts. In this work, we reconstructed and parameterized the 3D geometry of such buried faults in an offshore sector just south of the Po River delta by interpreting a dense network of 2D seismic reflection profiles. The availability of two regional seismic reflection profiles, coupled with a detailed reconstruction of Plio-Pleistocene horizons, allowed us to restore the deformation cumulated by these thrusts. Our analysis was aimed at (1) establishing the age of inception of the main crustal thrusts, (2) reconstruct the main Plio-Pleistocene tectonic events affecting the study area, and (3) calculate the Plio-Pleistocene slip rates at different time slices and reporting them through probability distribution functions that take into account the uncertainties associated with horizon ages and restoration parameters. Our results show that the Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity is variably distributed on different thrust faults and decreases exponentially over time after the Gelasian. The analysis performed on the most recent reflectors suggests that a low but not negligible tectonic activity characterizes the main thrusts in the studied region in the last 4-500 ka and hints at a residual activity that may last until the present.
How to cite: Panara, Y., Maesano, F. E., Amadori, C., Fedorik, J., Ghielmi, M., Toscani, G., and Basili, R.: Structural reconstruction, fault parameterization, and slip rate analysis in the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy): implications for the Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity of long-lived offshore buried thrusts., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15554, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15554, 2021.
EGU21-6715 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Structure of the SW Iberian Margin from Combined Wide-angle and Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data (FRAME Project)Ricardo Correia, Manel Prada, Valenti Sallares, Irene Merino, Alcinoe Calahorrano, Luis M. Pinheiro, and César R. Ranero
The SW Iberian Margin has a complex tectonic setting and crustal structure derived from a succession of rift events related to the opening of North Atlantic and Neotethys from the Mesozoic to the Lower Cretaceous, and to the subsequent convergence between Nubian and Eurasian plates from Lower Oligocene to present day. Neogene plate convergence led to the reactivation of pre-existing extensional faults originated during the Mesozoic rifting in a combination of thrust and strike-slip systems. Despite a slow convergence rate, these faults now represent a major regional seismological and tsunamigenic hazard, as demonstrated by the devastating 1755 Lisbon earthquake of M>8.5 and the ensuing tsunami. Thus, unveiling the lithospheric structure along the SW Iberian Margin is not only important to understand the different stages of rifting and compression, but also to characterize the distribution of major lithospheric-scale boundaries, currently active and potentially capable of generating great, destructive tsunamigenic earthquakes.
To this end, we use here a spatially coincident wide-angle seismic (WAS) and multichannel seismic (MCS) data set collected along a NW-SE ~320 km transect SW of São Vicente cape during the FRAME survey in 2018. WAS data were recorded by 24 ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones (OBS/H) while the MCS data were recorded by a 6 km long, 480 channel streamer. From NW to SE, the transect runs from the Tagus Abyssal plain to the westernmost extension of the Gulf of Cadiz across four major thrust faults, namely, the Tagus Abyssal Plain fault, Marquês de Pombal fault, São Vicente fault, and Horseshoe fault.
We applied joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography (TTT) using a combination of arrival times identified at both WAS and MCS recordings to invert for the 2D P-wave velocity (Vp) structure of the crust and uppermost mantle, as well as the geometry of the main structural boundaries identified as seismic reflectors: the top of the acoustic basement and the Moho. Combining WAS and MCS travel-times brings a remarkable increase in the resolution and accuracy of the structure of the upper layers (i.e. top of the basement) thanks to the huge increase of spatial sampling in the shallow parts of the crust provided by MCS data as compared to WAS data alone.
The inverted model shows a Vp structure with abrupt lateral velocity and structural variations marked by a rough Top of Basement topography and sharp changes in crustal thickness. In the northernmost part of the model there is evidence of mantle exhumation. The Moho shallows beneath the NE continuation of the Horseshoe Basin and the Gorringe Bank, coinciding with the location of the Marquês de Pombal, São Vicente, and Horseshoe thrust faults. The inversion of deep seismic phases reveals the presence of four southwest dipping reflectors that sheds new light into the deep geometry these major regional thrust faults.
How to cite: Correia, R., Prada, M., Sallares, V., Merino, I., Calahorrano, A., M. Pinheiro, L., and R. Ranero, C.: Structure of the SW Iberian Margin from Combined Wide-angle and Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data (FRAME Project), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6715, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6715, 2021.
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The SW Iberian Margin has a complex tectonic setting and crustal structure derived from a succession of rift events related to the opening of North Atlantic and Neotethys from the Mesozoic to the Lower Cretaceous, and to the subsequent convergence between Nubian and Eurasian plates from Lower Oligocene to present day. Neogene plate convergence led to the reactivation of pre-existing extensional faults originated during the Mesozoic rifting in a combination of thrust and strike-slip systems. Despite a slow convergence rate, these faults now represent a major regional seismological and tsunamigenic hazard, as demonstrated by the devastating 1755 Lisbon earthquake of M>8.5 and the ensuing tsunami. Thus, unveiling the lithospheric structure along the SW Iberian Margin is not only important to understand the different stages of rifting and compression, but also to characterize the distribution of major lithospheric-scale boundaries, currently active and potentially capable of generating great, destructive tsunamigenic earthquakes.
To this end, we use here a spatially coincident wide-angle seismic (WAS) and multichannel seismic (MCS) data set collected along a NW-SE ~320 km transect SW of São Vicente cape during the FRAME survey in 2018. WAS data were recorded by 24 ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones (OBS/H) while the MCS data were recorded by a 6 km long, 480 channel streamer. From NW to SE, the transect runs from the Tagus Abyssal plain to the westernmost extension of the Gulf of Cadiz across four major thrust faults, namely, the Tagus Abyssal Plain fault, Marquês de Pombal fault, São Vicente fault, and Horseshoe fault.
We applied joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography (TTT) using a combination of arrival times identified at both WAS and MCS recordings to invert for the 2D P-wave velocity (Vp) structure of the crust and uppermost mantle, as well as the geometry of the main structural boundaries identified as seismic reflectors: the top of the acoustic basement and the Moho. Combining WAS and MCS travel-times brings a remarkable increase in the resolution and accuracy of the structure of the upper layers (i.e. top of the basement) thanks to the huge increase of spatial sampling in the shallow parts of the crust provided by MCS data as compared to WAS data alone.
The inverted model shows a Vp structure with abrupt lateral velocity and structural variations marked by a rough Top of Basement topography and sharp changes in crustal thickness. In the northernmost part of the model there is evidence of mantle exhumation. The Moho shallows beneath the NE continuation of the Horseshoe Basin and the Gorringe Bank, coinciding with the location of the Marquês de Pombal, São Vicente, and Horseshoe thrust faults. The inversion of deep seismic phases reveals the presence of four southwest dipping reflectors that sheds new light into the deep geometry these major regional thrust faults.
How to cite: Correia, R., Prada, M., Sallares, V., Merino, I., Calahorrano, A., M. Pinheiro, L., and R. Ranero, C.: Structure of the SW Iberian Margin from Combined Wide-angle and Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data (FRAME Project), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6715, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6715, 2021.
EGU21-3849 * | vPICO presentations | TS4.3 | Highlight
Morphotectonic analysis along the northern margin of Samos Island, related to the seismic activity of October 2020, Aegean Sea, GreeceParaskevi Nomikou, Dimitris Evangelidis, Dimitris Papanikolaou, Danai Lampridou, Dimitris Litsas, Giannis Tsaparas, and Ilias Koliopanos
On October 30th 2020 a strong earthquake of magnitude 7.0 occurred north of Samos Island at the Eastern Aegean Sea. This seismic event was another destructive active deformation in the long seismic history of Samos since the ancient times. Preliminary reports focused the seismic epicenter at about 10 km north of Karlovassi, situated at the western part of the Samos E-W trending coastline. The earthquake mechanism corresponds to an E-W normal fault dipping to the north. The activated fault was assumed to be running along the northern margin of Samos Island, which bounds from the south the Samos basin.
Immediately after the seismic activity and during the aftershock period in December 2020 an hydrographic survey off the northern coastal margin of Samos Island was conducted with R/V NAUTILOS of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, using the multibeam SeaBat 7160 RESON. The result of the hydrographic survey was a detailed bathymetric map with 15m grid interval and 50m isobaths. The main morphological aspects of Samos Basin are a 14 km long, 6 km wide and 690 m deep elongated E-W basin developed north of Samos Island.
The southern margin of the basin is abrupt with morphological slopes of more than 10o, following the major E-W normal fault surface, running along the coastal zone, with an overall throw of more than 500m. In contrast, the northern margin of the basin shows a gradual slope increase towards the south from 1o to 5o. Numerous small canyons trending N-S transversal to the main direction of the Samos coastline are observed along the southern margin, between 600 and 100 m water depth. These canyons have a length around 2,7 km and width between 100-300 m. Two large submarine landslides with a canyon width of 1,3 km and 0,8 Km, are located north of Karlovasi. The creation of the canyons is probably due to the uplift of Northern Samos Island and their 500 m vertical height difference corresponds to the average fault throw that has controlled the steep slopes of the margin. The orientation of the fault scarp changes at the western Samos coastline from E-W to ENE-WSW facing the neighboring Ikaria Basin, which is developed to the west of Samos Basin. The division line between the Ikaria and Samos basins runs N-S from the northern slopes and coast of the Kerketeas mountain (1443m). The aftershocks of the 30th October main shock are limited east of the N-S division line with only a minor activity 15 km to the west within the eastern margin of the Ikaria Basin.
How to cite: Nomikou, P., Evangelidis, D., Papanikolaou, D., Lampridou, D., Litsas, D., Tsaparas, G., and Koliopanos, I.: Morphotectonic analysis along the northern margin of Samos Island, related to the seismic activity of October 2020, Aegean Sea, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3849, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3849, 2021.
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On October 30th 2020 a strong earthquake of magnitude 7.0 occurred north of Samos Island at the Eastern Aegean Sea. This seismic event was another destructive active deformation in the long seismic history of Samos since the ancient times. Preliminary reports focused the seismic epicenter at about 10 km north of Karlovassi, situated at the western part of the Samos E-W trending coastline. The earthquake mechanism corresponds to an E-W normal fault dipping to the north. The activated fault was assumed to be running along the northern margin of Samos Island, which bounds from the south the Samos basin.
Immediately after the seismic activity and during the aftershock period in December 2020 an hydrographic survey off the northern coastal margin of Samos Island was conducted with R/V NAUTILOS of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, using the multibeam SeaBat 7160 RESON. The result of the hydrographic survey was a detailed bathymetric map with 15m grid interval and 50m isobaths. The main morphological aspects of Samos Basin are a 14 km long, 6 km wide and 690 m deep elongated E-W basin developed north of Samos Island.
The southern margin of the basin is abrupt with morphological slopes of more than 10o, following the major E-W normal fault surface, running along the coastal zone, with an overall throw of more than 500m. In contrast, the northern margin of the basin shows a gradual slope increase towards the south from 1o to 5o. Numerous small canyons trending N-S transversal to the main direction of the Samos coastline are observed along the southern margin, between 600 and 100 m water depth. These canyons have a length around 2,7 km and width between 100-300 m. Two large submarine landslides with a canyon width of 1,3 km and 0,8 Km, are located north of Karlovasi. The creation of the canyons is probably due to the uplift of Northern Samos Island and their 500 m vertical height difference corresponds to the average fault throw that has controlled the steep slopes of the margin. The orientation of the fault scarp changes at the western Samos coastline from E-W to ENE-WSW facing the neighboring Ikaria Basin, which is developed to the west of Samos Basin. The division line between the Ikaria and Samos basins runs N-S from the northern slopes and coast of the Kerketeas mountain (1443m). The aftershocks of the 30th October main shock are limited east of the N-S division line with only a minor activity 15 km to the west within the eastern margin of the Ikaria Basin.
How to cite: Nomikou, P., Evangelidis, D., Papanikolaou, D., Lampridou, D., Litsas, D., Tsaparas, G., and Koliopanos, I.: Morphotectonic analysis along the northern margin of Samos Island, related to the seismic activity of October 2020, Aegean Sea, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3849, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3849, 2021.
EGU21-12597 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Tectonic constraints on submarine hydrothermal activity, degassing, and subseafloor gas storage (Milos Shallow Water Hydrothermal System, Greece)Javier Escartín, Alex Hughes, Jean-Emmanuel Martelat, Valentine Puzenat, Thibaut Barreyre, Paraskevi Nomikou, Guillaume Jouvé, Alban Bouchard, Remi Stephan, Alain Philippe, and Mathias Delescluse
The Milos hydrothermal field is one of the largest known shallow water hydrothermal systems, and shows both fluid and gas outflow through the seafloor. Recent studies based on imagery acquired by both aerial and submarine drones (Puzenat et al., submitted) reveal several types of fluid outflow associated with bacterial mats along the SE coast of the island (Paleochori, Spathi, and Agia Kyriaki bays). From these observations? include: a) zones of polygonal hydrothermal outflow and associated bacterial mats, b) extended white (bacterial) patches, and c) isolated ones. Subseafloor hydrothermal circulation is hosted in sediments with subseafloor temperatures >50°C, and there is a clear association between hydrothermal circulation and active degassing.
To understand the controls on and relationships between fluid and gas outflow in the area, we need to characterise: a) the nature of the subseafloor (sediment thickness, composition & permeability); b) the distribution of gas and subseafloor fluids, and c) the distribution of gas flares emanating from the seafloor. In November 2020, we conducted a short pilot geophysical study at Paleochori Bay, deploying a towed catamaran with a multibeam echo sounder (iXblue Seapix) to obtain seafloor bathymetry, acoustic backscatter and water column detection of gas flares. We also deployed a sub-bottom profiler (iXblue Echoes 3500 T1) to image sediment architecture and gas/fluid diffusion within the sediment. Our survey focused on Paleochori Bay, surveing areas from ~5 m (nearshore) to ~100 m waterdepth (offshore).
Preliminary results of this geophysical survey suggest that subseafloor gas accumulations play a major role on the nature and structure of hydrothermal activity at Milos. These gas accumulations within the sediments develop along an onshore/offshore fault system, and likely control the shallow subseafloor thermal structure, establishing a thin thermal conductive layer between the roof of gas pockets and the seafloor.[GJ1] [je2] We will report on the link between the distribution and geometry (extent, depth, acoustic nature of the accumulations) of gas pockets, fluid outflows, and gas outflows, all of which will be characterised from both seafloor imagery and subsurface geophysical surveys. We will also discuss how gas pocket geometry may be linked to both fluid flow and subseafloor temperature structure. [HA3]
How to cite: Escartín, J., Hughes, A., Martelat, J.-E., Puzenat, V., Barreyre, T., Nomikou, P., Jouvé, G., Bouchard, A., Stephan, R., Philippe, A., and Delescluse, M.: Tectonic constraints on submarine hydrothermal activity, degassing, and subseafloor gas storage (Milos Shallow Water Hydrothermal System, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12597, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12597, 2021.
The Milos hydrothermal field is one of the largest known shallow water hydrothermal systems, and shows both fluid and gas outflow through the seafloor. Recent studies based on imagery acquired by both aerial and submarine drones (Puzenat et al., submitted) reveal several types of fluid outflow associated with bacterial mats along the SE coast of the island (Paleochori, Spathi, and Agia Kyriaki bays). From these observations? include: a) zones of polygonal hydrothermal outflow and associated bacterial mats, b) extended white (bacterial) patches, and c) isolated ones. Subseafloor hydrothermal circulation is hosted in sediments with subseafloor temperatures >50°C, and there is a clear association between hydrothermal circulation and active degassing.
To understand the controls on and relationships between fluid and gas outflow in the area, we need to characterise: a) the nature of the subseafloor (sediment thickness, composition & permeability); b) the distribution of gas and subseafloor fluids, and c) the distribution of gas flares emanating from the seafloor. In November 2020, we conducted a short pilot geophysical study at Paleochori Bay, deploying a towed catamaran with a multibeam echo sounder (iXblue Seapix) to obtain seafloor bathymetry, acoustic backscatter and water column detection of gas flares. We also deployed a sub-bottom profiler (iXblue Echoes 3500 T1) to image sediment architecture and gas/fluid diffusion within the sediment. Our survey focused on Paleochori Bay, surveing areas from ~5 m (nearshore) to ~100 m waterdepth (offshore).
Preliminary results of this geophysical survey suggest that subseafloor gas accumulations play a major role on the nature and structure of hydrothermal activity at Milos. These gas accumulations within the sediments develop along an onshore/offshore fault system, and likely control the shallow subseafloor thermal structure, establishing a thin thermal conductive layer between the roof of gas pockets and the seafloor.[GJ1] [je2] We will report on the link between the distribution and geometry (extent, depth, acoustic nature of the accumulations) of gas pockets, fluid outflows, and gas outflows, all of which will be characterised from both seafloor imagery and subsurface geophysical surveys. We will also discuss how gas pocket geometry may be linked to both fluid flow and subseafloor temperature structure. [HA3]
How to cite: Escartín, J., Hughes, A., Martelat, J.-E., Puzenat, V., Barreyre, T., Nomikou, P., Jouvé, G., Bouchard, A., Stephan, R., Philippe, A., and Delescluse, M.: Tectonic constraints on submarine hydrothermal activity, degassing, and subseafloor gas storage (Milos Shallow Water Hydrothermal System, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12597, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12597, 2021.
EGU21-6570 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Active faulting offshore the Maltese Islands revealed by geophysical and geochemical observationsAaron Micallef, Daniele Spatola, Antonio Caracausi, Francesco Italiano, Giovanni Barreca, Sebastiano D'Amico, Lorenzo Petronio, Franco Coren, Lorenzo Facchin, Rita Blanos, Alessandro Pavan, Paolo Paganini, Marco Taviani, Luca Baradello, and Emiliano Gordini
The Maltese Islands (central Mediterranean Sea) are intersected by two normal fault systems associated with continental rifting to the south. Because of a lack of evidence for offshore displacement and insignificant historical seismicity, the systems have been considered to be inactive. Here we integrate aerial and marine geological, geophysical and geochemical data to demonstrate that: (i) the majority of faults offshore the Maltese Islands underwent extensional to transtensional deformation during the last 20 ka, (ii) active degassing of CH4 and CO2 occurs via these faults. The gases migrate through Miocene carbonate bedrock and the overlying Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary layers to generate pockmarks at the muddy seafloor and rise through the water column into the atmosphere. We infer that the offshore faults systems are permeable and that they were active recently and simultaneously. The latter can be explained by a transtensional system involving two right-stepping, right-lateral NW-SE trending faults, either binding a pull-apart basin between the islands of Malta and Gozo or associated with minor connecting antitethic structures. Such a configuration may be responsible for the generation or reactivation of faults onshore and offshore the Maltese Islands, and fits into the modern divergent strain-stress regime inferred from geodetic data.
How to cite: Micallef, A., Spatola, D., Caracausi, A., Italiano, F., Barreca, G., D'Amico, S., Petronio, L., Coren, F., Facchin, L., Blanos, R., Pavan, A., Paganini, P., Taviani, M., Baradello, L., and Gordini, E.: Active faulting offshore the Maltese Islands revealed by geophysical and geochemical observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6570, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6570, 2021.
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The Maltese Islands (central Mediterranean Sea) are intersected by two normal fault systems associated with continental rifting to the south. Because of a lack of evidence for offshore displacement and insignificant historical seismicity, the systems have been considered to be inactive. Here we integrate aerial and marine geological, geophysical and geochemical data to demonstrate that: (i) the majority of faults offshore the Maltese Islands underwent extensional to transtensional deformation during the last 20 ka, (ii) active degassing of CH4 and CO2 occurs via these faults. The gases migrate through Miocene carbonate bedrock and the overlying Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary layers to generate pockmarks at the muddy seafloor and rise through the water column into the atmosphere. We infer that the offshore faults systems are permeable and that they were active recently and simultaneously. The latter can be explained by a transtensional system involving two right-stepping, right-lateral NW-SE trending faults, either binding a pull-apart basin between the islands of Malta and Gozo or associated with minor connecting antitethic structures. Such a configuration may be responsible for the generation or reactivation of faults onshore and offshore the Maltese Islands, and fits into the modern divergent strain-stress regime inferred from geodetic data.
How to cite: Micallef, A., Spatola, D., Caracausi, A., Italiano, F., Barreca, G., D'Amico, S., Petronio, L., Coren, F., Facchin, L., Blanos, R., Pavan, A., Paganini, P., Taviani, M., Baradello, L., and Gordini, E.: Active faulting offshore the Maltese Islands revealed by geophysical and geochemical observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6570, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6570, 2021.
EGU21-555 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Combined on-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence in the postglacial lacustrine sediments of Achensee (Austria, Eastern Alps)Patrick Oswald, Jasper Moernaut, Stefano Fabbri, Marc De Batist, Irka Hajdas, Ortner Hugo, and Michael Strasser
Intraplate tectonic regimes such as the European Alps are characterized by low crustal deformation rates and thus long recurrence rates of severe earthquakes. High-quality paleoseismic archives are required to overcome our limited perspective of earthquake recurrence and maximum magnitude. However, especially on-fault paleoseismic evidence is scarcely found because of high erosion rates, gravitational slope processes and penetrative anthropogenic landscape modification, which often obscure geomorphic features related to surface ruptures.
Here, we present the inneralpine lake archive of Achensee in the Northern Calcareous Alps (6.8km² area; 133m water depth) cross-cut by a major fault and potentially holding a continuous paleoseismic archive since the last deglaciation at ~18 ka BP. This major fault is a Cretaceous-Paleogene relatively steep-dipping thrust, with at least 15km length and several hundreds of meters geological offset, located within the current area of enhanced seismicity and oriented to be preferentially re-activated in the current stress field. We used a high-resolution multi-beam bathymetry, a combination of a very dense grid of 3.5kHz “pinger” subbottom profiler and single-channel high-frequency (~0.8-2.0kHz) “sparker” reflection seismics to investigate the postglacial infill with high-resolution and image the deeper structures (e.g. the glacially scoured valley). The seismo-stratigraphic interpretation was ground-truthed and 14C-dated by five, up to 11m long sediment cores from the two main subbasins.
We discovered at least eight strong earthquakes hitting the region in the past 11,000 years by off-fault paleoseismic evidence expressed by coeval, multiple mass-transport deposits (MTDs) and co-genetic turbidites. These earthquakes must have reached seismic intensity of >VI (EMS-98) at the lake site calibrated with the strongest known historical earthquake of the region (ML 5.2 in Hall CE1670). MTD size and extent corresponding to the CE1670 earthquake compared to the other earthquake imprints let us infer that at least four of the paleo-earthquakes reached higher intensities at Achensee.
Strikingly, Achensee has also recorded on-fault evidence expressed by steeply-dipping to vertical faults offsetting the lacustrine stratigraphy. These stratigraphic offsets can be traced downwards to the acoustic basement, which hints at faulting originating in the bedrock. For at least two stratigraphic levels, these faults are directly overlain by multiple MTDs indicating that fault activity and slope failures have occurred quasi-simultaneously. The faults observed on the seismic data, affecting the sedimentary infill of the lake, are located above the inferred trace of the major fault where it crosses the lake. Based on this rather unique combined on-fault and off-fault evidence we propose strong paleo-earthquakes documenting activity of this major thrust at ~8.5 ka BP and in the Late Glacial period (below reach of sediment cores). We suggest that these earthquakes have reached ML~5.5-6, which is within the magnitude capability of this thrust and at the lower limit of generating surface ruptures according to worldwide magnitude-surface rupture relationships. The other six event horizons lacking in on-fault evidence either represent earthquakes sourced from another fault in the region, earthquakes with a smaller magnitude not capable of surface rupturing like the ML5.2 earthquake in Hall CE1670 or on-fault evidence is blurred in seismic data by subsequent stacking of MTDs.
How to cite: Oswald, P., Moernaut, J., Fabbri, S., De Batist, M., Hajdas, I., Hugo, O., and Strasser, M.: Combined on-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence in the postglacial lacustrine sediments of Achensee (Austria, Eastern Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-555, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-555, 2021.
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Intraplate tectonic regimes such as the European Alps are characterized by low crustal deformation rates and thus long recurrence rates of severe earthquakes. High-quality paleoseismic archives are required to overcome our limited perspective of earthquake recurrence and maximum magnitude. However, especially on-fault paleoseismic evidence is scarcely found because of high erosion rates, gravitational slope processes and penetrative anthropogenic landscape modification, which often obscure geomorphic features related to surface ruptures.
Here, we present the inneralpine lake archive of Achensee in the Northern Calcareous Alps (6.8km² area; 133m water depth) cross-cut by a major fault and potentially holding a continuous paleoseismic archive since the last deglaciation at ~18 ka BP. This major fault is a Cretaceous-Paleogene relatively steep-dipping thrust, with at least 15km length and several hundreds of meters geological offset, located within the current area of enhanced seismicity and oriented to be preferentially re-activated in the current stress field. We used a high-resolution multi-beam bathymetry, a combination of a very dense grid of 3.5kHz “pinger” subbottom profiler and single-channel high-frequency (~0.8-2.0kHz) “sparker” reflection seismics to investigate the postglacial infill with high-resolution and image the deeper structures (e.g. the glacially scoured valley). The seismo-stratigraphic interpretation was ground-truthed and 14C-dated by five, up to 11m long sediment cores from the two main subbasins.
We discovered at least eight strong earthquakes hitting the region in the past 11,000 years by off-fault paleoseismic evidence expressed by coeval, multiple mass-transport deposits (MTDs) and co-genetic turbidites. These earthquakes must have reached seismic intensity of >VI (EMS-98) at the lake site calibrated with the strongest known historical earthquake of the region (ML 5.2 in Hall CE1670). MTD size and extent corresponding to the CE1670 earthquake compared to the other earthquake imprints let us infer that at least four of the paleo-earthquakes reached higher intensities at Achensee.
Strikingly, Achensee has also recorded on-fault evidence expressed by steeply-dipping to vertical faults offsetting the lacustrine stratigraphy. These stratigraphic offsets can be traced downwards to the acoustic basement, which hints at faulting originating in the bedrock. For at least two stratigraphic levels, these faults are directly overlain by multiple MTDs indicating that fault activity and slope failures have occurred quasi-simultaneously. The faults observed on the seismic data, affecting the sedimentary infill of the lake, are located above the inferred trace of the major fault where it crosses the lake. Based on this rather unique combined on-fault and off-fault evidence we propose strong paleo-earthquakes documenting activity of this major thrust at ~8.5 ka BP and in the Late Glacial period (below reach of sediment cores). We suggest that these earthquakes have reached ML~5.5-6, which is within the magnitude capability of this thrust and at the lower limit of generating surface ruptures according to worldwide magnitude-surface rupture relationships. The other six event horizons lacking in on-fault evidence either represent earthquakes sourced from another fault in the region, earthquakes with a smaller magnitude not capable of surface rupturing like the ML5.2 earthquake in Hall CE1670 or on-fault evidence is blurred in seismic data by subsequent stacking of MTDs.
How to cite: Oswald, P., Moernaut, J., Fabbri, S., De Batist, M., Hajdas, I., Hugo, O., and Strasser, M.: Combined on-fault and off-fault paleoseismic evidence in the postglacial lacustrine sediments of Achensee (Austria, Eastern Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-555, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-555, 2021.
EGU21-12955 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Did the Pleistocene tectonics in the Alboran Sea change the distribution and origin of submarine landslides?Manfred Lafosse, Elia d'Acremont, Sara Lafuerza, Alain Rabaute, Martin Jollivet-Castelot, Belén Alonso, Gemma Ercilla, Juan-Tomas Vazquez, and Christian Gorini
The tectonics of the Alboran Sea control the distribution of topographic highs and depressions, influencing the water masses' paths controlling the deep basins sedimentation rates. Altogether tectonics and deep currents shaped the seafloor on which we map active faults, contourites, pockmarks, and submarine landslides. Recent numerical models highlight that some of those landslides can generate tsunamis waves on nearby coastal areas, creating the need to describe better and understand those seabed features. Consequently, we put together bathymetric and seismic data to measure Pleistocene slides affecting the deep Alboran basin in an unprecedented collective effort.
We mapped and relatively dated 66 mass transport deposits (MTDs) in the West Alboran and Pytheas fields on the north and south flank of the Alboran Ridge. We measured their surfaces, decompacted volumes, slopes, run out, scars heights, scars elevations, and described their type (debris flow or slide) qualitatively from their echo facies. When possible, we also measured the run-off from the scar. We investigated the factor of safety (FOS) and computed based seismic moments based on empirical relationship and faults geometry to characterize the preconditioning factors and triggering mechanisms. The first important result is that post-1.12 Ma MTDs mobilized the most important volumes, in line with the Alboran Sea's topographic highs. Second, seismic lines and the bathymetric images evidence blind reverse faults related to fluid escapes that could contribute to local overpressures in shallow contouritic sediments. Third, we show that local slopes are too flat to allow slopes to destabilize under gravity force only, suggesting that other causal factors need to be considered. Fourth, known seismicity on strike-slip faults in the Alboran Sea is unlikely to trigger MTDs in most investigated areas, suggesting that a combination of preconditioning factors, such as local overpressures and/or reduced strength properties with reverse faults activity, seems the most plausible explanation to trigger the observed MTDs.
The overall results highlight that the Alboran tectonics explain the slope destabilization, with varying local sediment properties. However, those properties and past overpressures, deformations, and fluid flows remain to be locally detailed. Future works involving sediments characterizations and dating will follow after the ALBACORE survey scheduled in 2021.
How to cite: Lafosse, M., d'Acremont, E., Lafuerza, S., Rabaute, A., Jollivet-Castelot, M., Alonso, B., Ercilla, G., Vazquez, J.-T., and Gorini, C.: Did the Pleistocene tectonics in the Alboran Sea change the distribution and origin of submarine landslides? , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12955, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12955, 2021.
The tectonics of the Alboran Sea control the distribution of topographic highs and depressions, influencing the water masses' paths controlling the deep basins sedimentation rates. Altogether tectonics and deep currents shaped the seafloor on which we map active faults, contourites, pockmarks, and submarine landslides. Recent numerical models highlight that some of those landslides can generate tsunamis waves on nearby coastal areas, creating the need to describe better and understand those seabed features. Consequently, we put together bathymetric and seismic data to measure Pleistocene slides affecting the deep Alboran basin in an unprecedented collective effort.
We mapped and relatively dated 66 mass transport deposits (MTDs) in the West Alboran and Pytheas fields on the north and south flank of the Alboran Ridge. We measured their surfaces, decompacted volumes, slopes, run out, scars heights, scars elevations, and described their type (debris flow or slide) qualitatively from their echo facies. When possible, we also measured the run-off from the scar. We investigated the factor of safety (FOS) and computed based seismic moments based on empirical relationship and faults geometry to characterize the preconditioning factors and triggering mechanisms. The first important result is that post-1.12 Ma MTDs mobilized the most important volumes, in line with the Alboran Sea's topographic highs. Second, seismic lines and the bathymetric images evidence blind reverse faults related to fluid escapes that could contribute to local overpressures in shallow contouritic sediments. Third, we show that local slopes are too flat to allow slopes to destabilize under gravity force only, suggesting that other causal factors need to be considered. Fourth, known seismicity on strike-slip faults in the Alboran Sea is unlikely to trigger MTDs in most investigated areas, suggesting that a combination of preconditioning factors, such as local overpressures and/or reduced strength properties with reverse faults activity, seems the most plausible explanation to trigger the observed MTDs.
The overall results highlight that the Alboran tectonics explain the slope destabilization, with varying local sediment properties. However, those properties and past overpressures, deformations, and fluid flows remain to be locally detailed. Future works involving sediments characterizations and dating will follow after the ALBACORE survey scheduled in 2021.
How to cite: Lafosse, M., d'Acremont, E., Lafuerza, S., Rabaute, A., Jollivet-Castelot, M., Alonso, B., Ercilla, G., Vazquez, J.-T., and Gorini, C.: Did the Pleistocene tectonics in the Alboran Sea change the distribution and origin of submarine landslides? , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12955, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12955, 2021.
EGU21-941 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Stress-cycle driven evolution of faulting in a plate boundary transition zoneKirsty McKenzie and Kevin Furlong
Upper plate faults along the Cascadia subduction margin of North America go through a 3 stage evolution over millions of years as a consequence of the migrating Mendocino Triple Junction (MTJ). Initially, NE-directed cyclic shortening produced by the Cascadia subduction earthquake cycle drives reverse dip-slip motion on trench-parallel faults. As the triple junction moves north, NNW-shortening associated with the Mendocino Crustal Conveyor (MCC, Furlong & Govers, 1999) is superimposed on the cyclic subduction-earthquake-cycle regional stress field. As the triple junction migrates further north, and these faults transfer from the subduction to transform plate boundary, they become part of the San Andreas system and are loaded by right-lateral shear. In this work we investigate how the faulting behavior in northern California evolves through time from first being driven by cyclic subduction zone stresses (superimposed on a NNW-oriented shortening field) to eventually forming the primary structures within a dominantly strike-slip stress regime.
We decompose the observed horizontal GPS velocity field in southern Cascadia to determine a subduction coupling component and a NNW-directed displacement component to separate the subduction cycle effects from other tectonic effects on the behavior of upper plate faulting and its evolution through time. Since the MCC processes acts over millions of years, we assume that the effects associated with the NNW-directed signal can be represented by a constant stress field over subduction earthquake cycle timescales. Early in the subduction earthquake cycle, the principal stresses north of the MTJ are oriented in this NNW-SSE direction and rotate clockwise as the subduction component increases. This stress cycle then resets following each large megathrust event. Coulomb stress analyses indicate that the cyclic nature of the regional stress field, changes the likelihood of faulting and slip behavior on faults in southern Cascadia over time intervals of 100s of years. Trench-parallel faults are most likely to exhibit right-lateral or oblique motion early in the seismic cycle, however by ~100-200 years following a megathrust event, they are more likely to exhibit reverse dip-slip motion as the stress effects from the subduction component increase.
Though the NNW-oriented displacement field is assumed to be temporally constant over subduction earthquake cycle timescales, the spatial extent of this deformation field constrains strain localization within the upper plate. For example, a steep decrease in GPS velocities from SW to NE in southernmost Cascadia indicates right-lateral strain is accumulating adjacent to the relatively rigid Klamath Mountain Province. This region of localized right-lateral shear coincides with the location of the development of several regional-scale right-lateral strike slip faults. We hypothesize these faults, formed within the subduction regime, evolve to become regional-scale 'San Andreas-type' plate boundary faults. Understanding the implications of such time- and space-variable stress regimes provides insight into interpreting geologic estimates of the slip history of faults along the Cascadia and northern San Andreas margins of North America, and also a framework for understanding how a new plate boundary develops following a major change in plate interaction.
How to cite: McKenzie, K. and Furlong, K.: Stress-cycle driven evolution of faulting in a plate boundary transition zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-941, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-941, 2021.
Upper plate faults along the Cascadia subduction margin of North America go through a 3 stage evolution over millions of years as a consequence of the migrating Mendocino Triple Junction (MTJ). Initially, NE-directed cyclic shortening produced by the Cascadia subduction earthquake cycle drives reverse dip-slip motion on trench-parallel faults. As the triple junction moves north, NNW-shortening associated with the Mendocino Crustal Conveyor (MCC, Furlong & Govers, 1999) is superimposed on the cyclic subduction-earthquake-cycle regional stress field. As the triple junction migrates further north, and these faults transfer from the subduction to transform plate boundary, they become part of the San Andreas system and are loaded by right-lateral shear. In this work we investigate how the faulting behavior in northern California evolves through time from first being driven by cyclic subduction zone stresses (superimposed on a NNW-oriented shortening field) to eventually forming the primary structures within a dominantly strike-slip stress regime.
We decompose the observed horizontal GPS velocity field in southern Cascadia to determine a subduction coupling component and a NNW-directed displacement component to separate the subduction cycle effects from other tectonic effects on the behavior of upper plate faulting and its evolution through time. Since the MCC processes acts over millions of years, we assume that the effects associated with the NNW-directed signal can be represented by a constant stress field over subduction earthquake cycle timescales. Early in the subduction earthquake cycle, the principal stresses north of the MTJ are oriented in this NNW-SSE direction and rotate clockwise as the subduction component increases. This stress cycle then resets following each large megathrust event. Coulomb stress analyses indicate that the cyclic nature of the regional stress field, changes the likelihood of faulting and slip behavior on faults in southern Cascadia over time intervals of 100s of years. Trench-parallel faults are most likely to exhibit right-lateral or oblique motion early in the seismic cycle, however by ~100-200 years following a megathrust event, they are more likely to exhibit reverse dip-slip motion as the stress effects from the subduction component increase.
Though the NNW-oriented displacement field is assumed to be temporally constant over subduction earthquake cycle timescales, the spatial extent of this deformation field constrains strain localization within the upper plate. For example, a steep decrease in GPS velocities from SW to NE in southernmost Cascadia indicates right-lateral strain is accumulating adjacent to the relatively rigid Klamath Mountain Province. This region of localized right-lateral shear coincides with the location of the development of several regional-scale right-lateral strike slip faults. We hypothesize these faults, formed within the subduction regime, evolve to become regional-scale 'San Andreas-type' plate boundary faults. Understanding the implications of such time- and space-variable stress regimes provides insight into interpreting geologic estimates of the slip history of faults along the Cascadia and northern San Andreas margins of North America, and also a framework for understanding how a new plate boundary develops following a major change in plate interaction.
How to cite: McKenzie, K. and Furlong, K.: Stress-cycle driven evolution of faulting in a plate boundary transition zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-941, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-941, 2021.
EGU21-304 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Influence of Regional Tectonic and Rheological Structure on the Seismic Cycle for Northeast JapanIrina Vladimirova, Yurii Gabsatarov, Grigory Steblov, and Leopold Lobkovsky
The subduction zone is a natural laboratory for studying the seismic cycle. On March 11, 2011, in the central part of the Japan subduction zone, the strongest Mw=9.0 Tohoku earthquake occurred, terminating a seismic cycle that lasted about 1200 years. We analyzed two decades of GNSS observations at 1400 GEONET stations to reveal the peculiarities of the tectonic and rheological structure of the Japan subduction zone which driven such a long-term seismic cycle. We consider GNSS data within the framework of a generalized approach, including the assessment of the coupling of the interplate interface before the earthquake, the construction of a model of the distributed displacement in the source zone, and the study of postseismic processes characterizing the relaxation of elastic stresses in the vicinity of the source.
As a result, we found that in the last year before the earthquake, there was an increase in the rates of elastic deformation of the continental margin and a corresponding increase in the interplate coupling. To study the process of the release of elastic energy during the Tohoku earthquake, we built a model of the distributed slip in the source. We used different earth models during inversion of GNSS data to study the impact of the regional tectonic and rheological structure and confirm the resilience of our inversion technique. We used GNSS data to build a model of pure afterslip in the first six months after the Tohoku earthquake and a model of afterslip combined with the short-term viscoelastic relaxation to estimate the relative contributions of these postseismic processes to the observed displacement field. Long-term postseismic time series of GNSS displacements were used to build the model of viscoelastic relaxation in the asthenosphere following the Tohoku earthquake. To estimate the transition time of the subduction zone to the steady-state of elastic stress accumulation we constructed a forecast of attenuation of viscoelastic stresses in the asthenosphere on the basis of our viscoelastic relaxation model.
We also studied the possible block structure of the Japanese Islands and its impact on the seismic cycle performing cluster analysis of GNSS displacement data at different stages of the seismic cycle.
This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project 20–17-00140).
How to cite: Vladimirova, I., Gabsatarov, Y., Steblov, G., and Lobkovsky, L.: Influence of Regional Tectonic and Rheological Structure on the Seismic Cycle for Northeast Japan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-304, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-304, 2021.
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The subduction zone is a natural laboratory for studying the seismic cycle. On March 11, 2011, in the central part of the Japan subduction zone, the strongest Mw=9.0 Tohoku earthquake occurred, terminating a seismic cycle that lasted about 1200 years. We analyzed two decades of GNSS observations at 1400 GEONET stations to reveal the peculiarities of the tectonic and rheological structure of the Japan subduction zone which driven such a long-term seismic cycle. We consider GNSS data within the framework of a generalized approach, including the assessment of the coupling of the interplate interface before the earthquake, the construction of a model of the distributed displacement in the source zone, and the study of postseismic processes characterizing the relaxation of elastic stresses in the vicinity of the source.
As a result, we found that in the last year before the earthquake, there was an increase in the rates of elastic deformation of the continental margin and a corresponding increase in the interplate coupling. To study the process of the release of elastic energy during the Tohoku earthquake, we built a model of the distributed slip in the source. We used different earth models during inversion of GNSS data to study the impact of the regional tectonic and rheological structure and confirm the resilience of our inversion technique. We used GNSS data to build a model of pure afterslip in the first six months after the Tohoku earthquake and a model of afterslip combined with the short-term viscoelastic relaxation to estimate the relative contributions of these postseismic processes to the observed displacement field. Long-term postseismic time series of GNSS displacements were used to build the model of viscoelastic relaxation in the asthenosphere following the Tohoku earthquake. To estimate the transition time of the subduction zone to the steady-state of elastic stress accumulation we constructed a forecast of attenuation of viscoelastic stresses in the asthenosphere on the basis of our viscoelastic relaxation model.
We also studied the possible block structure of the Japanese Islands and its impact on the seismic cycle performing cluster analysis of GNSS displacement data at different stages of the seismic cycle.
This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project 20–17-00140).
How to cite: Vladimirova, I., Gabsatarov, Y., Steblov, G., and Lobkovsky, L.: Influence of Regional Tectonic and Rheological Structure on the Seismic Cycle for Northeast Japan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-304, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-304, 2021.
EGU21-4164 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Contemporary deformation and earthquake hazard of the Capital Circle of China inferred from GPS MeasurementsShaogang Wei, Xiwei Xu, Tuo Shen, and Xiaoqiong Lei
The Capital Circle (CC) is a region with high risk of great damaging earthquake hazards. In our present study, by using a subset of rigorously GPS data around the North China Plain (NCP), med-small recent earthquakes data and focal mechanism of high earthquakes data covering its surrounding regions, the following major conclusions have been reached: (a) Driven by the deformation force associated with both eastward and westward motion, with respect to the NCP, of the rigid South China and the rigid Amurian block, widespread sinistral shear appear over the NCP, which results in clusters of parallel NNE-trending faults with predominant right-lateral strike-slips via bookshelf faulting within the interior of the NCP. (b) Fault plane solutions of recent earthquakes show that tectonic stress field in the NCP demonstrate overwhelming NE-ENE direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress, and that almost all great historical earthquakes in the NCP occurred along the NWW-trending Zhangjiakou-Bohai seismic belt and the NNE-trending Tangshan-Hejian-Cixian seismic belt. Additionally, We propose a simple conceptual model for inter-seismic deformation associated with the Capital Circle, which might suggest that two seismic gaps are located on the middle part of Tangshan-Hejian-Cixian fault seismic belt (Tianjin-Hejian segment) and the northeast part of Tanlu seismic belt (Anqiu segment), and constitute as, in our opinion, high risk areas prone to great earthquakes.
How to cite: Wei, S., Xu, X., Shen, T., and Lei, X.: Contemporary deformation and earthquake hazard of the Capital Circle of China inferred from GPS Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4164, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4164, 2021.
The Capital Circle (CC) is a region with high risk of great damaging earthquake hazards. In our present study, by using a subset of rigorously GPS data around the North China Plain (NCP), med-small recent earthquakes data and focal mechanism of high earthquakes data covering its surrounding regions, the following major conclusions have been reached: (a) Driven by the deformation force associated with both eastward and westward motion, with respect to the NCP, of the rigid South China and the rigid Amurian block, widespread sinistral shear appear over the NCP, which results in clusters of parallel NNE-trending faults with predominant right-lateral strike-slips via bookshelf faulting within the interior of the NCP. (b) Fault plane solutions of recent earthquakes show that tectonic stress field in the NCP demonstrate overwhelming NE-ENE direction of the maximum horizontal principal stress, and that almost all great historical earthquakes in the NCP occurred along the NWW-trending Zhangjiakou-Bohai seismic belt and the NNE-trending Tangshan-Hejian-Cixian seismic belt. Additionally, We propose a simple conceptual model for inter-seismic deformation associated with the Capital Circle, which might suggest that two seismic gaps are located on the middle part of Tangshan-Hejian-Cixian fault seismic belt (Tianjin-Hejian segment) and the northeast part of Tanlu seismic belt (Anqiu segment), and constitute as, in our opinion, high risk areas prone to great earthquakes.
How to cite: Wei, S., Xu, X., Shen, T., and Lei, X.: Contemporary deformation and earthquake hazard of the Capital Circle of China inferred from GPS Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4164, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4164, 2021.
EGU21-6588 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Crustal strain and seismic hazard of the NE Tibetan PlateauQi Ou, Simon Daout, Chris Rollins, Jonathan Weiss, and Barry Parsons
Seismic hazard assessment for the NE Tibetan Plateau is of paramount importance because of the growing population density and the accelerated communication and trade activities along the rejuvenated Ancient Silk Road, following the Belt and Road Initiative, and the opening of the high speed railways. Previous-generation seismic hazard assessments were largely based on earthquake catalogues which are shorter than typical earthquake cycles and are temporally and spatially incomplete. This is exacerbated by the fact that magnitudes of many historical Chinese earthquakes are overestimated. In this study, we present new earthquake rate estimates for the NE Tibetan Plateau derived from both an InSAR strain rate map and a re-estimated magnitude of the 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake. First, we obtain a ~100 m resolution strain rate map from five years of Sentinel-1 InSAR data covering an area of 439254 km2 which shows strain concentrated along the Haiyuan and East Kunlun Faults and distributed across the Qilian thrusts and the West Qingling Fault. Second, the magnitude of the Haiyuan Earthquake has been re-estimated to Mw 7.9 ± 0.2 using both historical seismograms and offset measurements. Taking the total moment release rate given by the strain rate map and the magnitude of the 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake as the largest magnitude in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship, we generate rate-balancing frequency-magnitude models with different b values and percentages of seismic moment release. Comparing our models against four earthquake catalogues covering different periods and magnitude ranges suggests the following: (1) With a b value of 1 and 75% seismic moment release, the calculated relationship fits well the International Seismological Centre - Global Earthquakes Catalogue (ISC-GEM, 97 years) catalogue in the range Mw>6.5, but overestimates all other catalogues not containing the Haiyuan Earthquake; (2) keeping a b value of 1 and in order to fit the Global Centroid Moment Tensor Catalogue (GCMT, 34 years), the China Earthquake Networks Center Catalogue (CENC, 12 years) and the China Historical Strong Earthquakes Catalogue (CHSEC, 411 years), a low seismic release rate of 30% would be required; the resultant relationship also fits the ISC-GEM catalogue excluding the Haiyuan Earthquake and its aftershocks; (3) to fit all of the catalogues, it is necessary to reduce the b value to 0.7, in which case only 25% aseismic moment release would be required, giving confidence that Mw 7.9 ± 0.2 is likely the largest magnitude required to balance the tectonic strain in the NE Tibetan Plateau. This study highlights the dominating strain release by, and the effect on the b value of, the largest earthquake and demonstrates the advantage of combining tectonic strain and earthquake catalogues for seismic hazard assessment.
How to cite: Ou, Q., Daout, S., Rollins, C., Weiss, J., and Parsons, B.: Crustal strain and seismic hazard of the NE Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6588, 2021.
Seismic hazard assessment for the NE Tibetan Plateau is of paramount importance because of the growing population density and the accelerated communication and trade activities along the rejuvenated Ancient Silk Road, following the Belt and Road Initiative, and the opening of the high speed railways. Previous-generation seismic hazard assessments were largely based on earthquake catalogues which are shorter than typical earthquake cycles and are temporally and spatially incomplete. This is exacerbated by the fact that magnitudes of many historical Chinese earthquakes are overestimated. In this study, we present new earthquake rate estimates for the NE Tibetan Plateau derived from both an InSAR strain rate map and a re-estimated magnitude of the 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake. First, we obtain a ~100 m resolution strain rate map from five years of Sentinel-1 InSAR data covering an area of 439254 km2 which shows strain concentrated along the Haiyuan and East Kunlun Faults and distributed across the Qilian thrusts and the West Qingling Fault. Second, the magnitude of the Haiyuan Earthquake has been re-estimated to Mw 7.9 ± 0.2 using both historical seismograms and offset measurements. Taking the total moment release rate given by the strain rate map and the magnitude of the 1920 Haiyuan Earthquake as the largest magnitude in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship, we generate rate-balancing frequency-magnitude models with different b values and percentages of seismic moment release. Comparing our models against four earthquake catalogues covering different periods and magnitude ranges suggests the following: (1) With a b value of 1 and 75% seismic moment release, the calculated relationship fits well the International Seismological Centre - Global Earthquakes Catalogue (ISC-GEM, 97 years) catalogue in the range Mw>6.5, but overestimates all other catalogues not containing the Haiyuan Earthquake; (2) keeping a b value of 1 and in order to fit the Global Centroid Moment Tensor Catalogue (GCMT, 34 years), the China Earthquake Networks Center Catalogue (CENC, 12 years) and the China Historical Strong Earthquakes Catalogue (CHSEC, 411 years), a low seismic release rate of 30% would be required; the resultant relationship also fits the ISC-GEM catalogue excluding the Haiyuan Earthquake and its aftershocks; (3) to fit all of the catalogues, it is necessary to reduce the b value to 0.7, in which case only 25% aseismic moment release would be required, giving confidence that Mw 7.9 ± 0.2 is likely the largest magnitude required to balance the tectonic strain in the NE Tibetan Plateau. This study highlights the dominating strain release by, and the effect on the b value of, the largest earthquake and demonstrates the advantage of combining tectonic strain and earthquake catalogues for seismic hazard assessment.
How to cite: Ou, Q., Daout, S., Rollins, C., Weiss, J., and Parsons, B.: Crustal strain and seismic hazard of the NE Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6588, 2021.
EGU21-934 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Vertical tectonic motions in the Lesser Antilles: linking short- and long-term observationsElenora van Rijsingen, Eric Calais, Romain Jolivet, Jean-Bernard de Chabalier, Richard Robertson, Graham Ryan, and Steeve Symithe
Horizontal GPS velocities show that the Lesser Antilles subduction zone is currently experiencing low interseismic coupling, meaning that little to no elastic strain is building up as the North- and South American plates subduct beneath the Caribbean plate. However, geological data on Quaternary coral terraces and active micro-atolls in the central part of the arc reveal slow subsidence over the past 125,000 to 100 years, likely tectonic in origin. It has been proposed that coupling along the subduction interface could be responsible for this geological subsidence. We use forward elastic models with a realistic slab geometry to show that a locked subduction interface would actually produce uplift of the island arc, which contradicts these geological observations. We also show that vertical GPS data in the Lesser Antilles indicates a subsidence of 1-2 mm/yr of the entire arc. This short-term subsidence is in agreement with the ~100-year trend of 1.1 mm/yr subsidence derived from coral micro-atolls in eastern Martinique. Since locking of the subduction interface is inconsistent with this observed subsidence of the arc, we explore other mechanisms that could this observation, such as postseismic effects of historical earthquakes, slab retreat, tectonic erosion, accretionary wedge collapse or extension in the overriding plate.
How to cite: van Rijsingen, E., Calais, E., Jolivet, R., de Chabalier, J.-B., Robertson, R., Ryan, G., and Symithe, S.: Vertical tectonic motions in the Lesser Antilles: linking short- and long-term observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-934, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-934, 2021.
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Horizontal GPS velocities show that the Lesser Antilles subduction zone is currently experiencing low interseismic coupling, meaning that little to no elastic strain is building up as the North- and South American plates subduct beneath the Caribbean plate. However, geological data on Quaternary coral terraces and active micro-atolls in the central part of the arc reveal slow subsidence over the past 125,000 to 100 years, likely tectonic in origin. It has been proposed that coupling along the subduction interface could be responsible for this geological subsidence. We use forward elastic models with a realistic slab geometry to show that a locked subduction interface would actually produce uplift of the island arc, which contradicts these geological observations. We also show that vertical GPS data in the Lesser Antilles indicates a subsidence of 1-2 mm/yr of the entire arc. This short-term subsidence is in agreement with the ~100-year trend of 1.1 mm/yr subsidence derived from coral micro-atolls in eastern Martinique. Since locking of the subduction interface is inconsistent with this observed subsidence of the arc, we explore other mechanisms that could this observation, such as postseismic effects of historical earthquakes, slab retreat, tectonic erosion, accretionary wedge collapse or extension in the overriding plate.
How to cite: van Rijsingen, E., Calais, E., Jolivet, R., de Chabalier, J.-B., Robertson, R., Ryan, G., and Symithe, S.: Vertical tectonic motions in the Lesser Antilles: linking short- and long-term observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-934, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-934, 2021.
EGU21-305 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Two-Element Keyboard-Block Model Of Megathrust Earthquakes Generation For Central KurilsYurii Gabsatarov, Irina Vladimirova, Dmitry Alexeev, and Leopold Lobkovsky
The strongest subduction earthquakes (M≥8) lead to the release of the huge amount of elastic stresses accumulated over hundreds or even thousands of years. Prediction of such earthquakes, causing significant socio-economic and environmental damage, is one of the most important and urgent tasks of geophysics.
To date, significant advances have been made in the field of earthquake prediction using models based on the concept of a continuous geophysical medium that ruptured coseismically along the main fault. As an alternative, models are proposed that take into account the fault-block structure of the continental margin, confirmed by seismological and oceanographic studies. In our study, we consider one of such models - a keyboard-block model (single-element) which combines the ideas of possible synchronous destruction of several adjacent asperities, mutual slip along a plane with variable friction depending on velocity, and subsequent healing of destructed portions of the medium under high-pressure conditions. This concept made it possible to simulate the displacement of surface points of frontal seismogenic blocks at all stages of the seismic cycle.
GNSS observations in subduction regions are carried out mostly on islands situated on the rear massif far from the seismogenic blocks. Strong multidirectional motion registered on GNSS stations during the seismic cycle, as well as seismological and geological data, clearly indicate that the rear part of the arc also has a complex structure and is divided into separate segments by large faults rooted into the contact zone of interacting lithospheric plates. We made a generalization (double-element) of the original model to consider the discontinuity of not only the frontal but also the rear part of the island arc.
We compared the earth's surface displacements during the seismic cycle in the Central Kurils, obtained within the framework of the continuous model, as well as the single-element and two-element keyboard models, to establish the influence of various configurations of the fault-block structure of the continental margin on the seismic cycle. We constructed the continuous model on the basis of our slip distribution model for the 2006 Simushir earthquake which indicates the interplate coupling patches prior to this earthquake.
This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project 20–17-00140).
How to cite: Gabsatarov, Y., Vladimirova, I., Alexeev, D., and Lobkovsky, L.: Two-Element Keyboard-Block Model Of Megathrust Earthquakes Generation For Central Kurils, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-305, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-305, 2021.
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The strongest subduction earthquakes (M≥8) lead to the release of the huge amount of elastic stresses accumulated over hundreds or even thousands of years. Prediction of such earthquakes, causing significant socio-economic and environmental damage, is one of the most important and urgent tasks of geophysics.
To date, significant advances have been made in the field of earthquake prediction using models based on the concept of a continuous geophysical medium that ruptured coseismically along the main fault. As an alternative, models are proposed that take into account the fault-block structure of the continental margin, confirmed by seismological and oceanographic studies. In our study, we consider one of such models - a keyboard-block model (single-element) which combines the ideas of possible synchronous destruction of several adjacent asperities, mutual slip along a plane with variable friction depending on velocity, and subsequent healing of destructed portions of the medium under high-pressure conditions. This concept made it possible to simulate the displacement of surface points of frontal seismogenic blocks at all stages of the seismic cycle.
GNSS observations in subduction regions are carried out mostly on islands situated on the rear massif far from the seismogenic blocks. Strong multidirectional motion registered on GNSS stations during the seismic cycle, as well as seismological and geological data, clearly indicate that the rear part of the arc also has a complex structure and is divided into separate segments by large faults rooted into the contact zone of interacting lithospheric plates. We made a generalization (double-element) of the original model to consider the discontinuity of not only the frontal but also the rear part of the island arc.
We compared the earth's surface displacements during the seismic cycle in the Central Kurils, obtained within the framework of the continuous model, as well as the single-element and two-element keyboard models, to establish the influence of various configurations of the fault-block structure of the continental margin on the seismic cycle. We constructed the continuous model on the basis of our slip distribution model for the 2006 Simushir earthquake which indicates the interplate coupling patches prior to this earthquake.
This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project 20–17-00140).
How to cite: Gabsatarov, Y., Vladimirova, I., Alexeev, D., and Lobkovsky, L.: Two-Element Keyboard-Block Model Of Megathrust Earthquakes Generation For Central Kurils, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-305, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-305, 2021.
EGU21-7112 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Recurrence of megathrust events: Impact on hazard and risk in South AmericaJochen Woessner, Jessica Velasquez, Marleen Nyst, Delphine Fitzenz, and Laura Eads
Megathrust earthquakes along the South American subduction zone where the Nazca plate slips below the South American plate rapidly subducts below the South American plate contribute significantly to the seismic hazard in Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Estimating recurrence of the megathrust events is of prime interest not only for securing effective counter measures for engineering purposes, but also for assessing seismic hazard and risk for appropriate disaster risk management solutions in the insurance sector.
We present an evaluation and interpretation of recent research on the recurrence of megathrust earthquakes along the South America subduction zone. The modelling approach is conceptually founded in the asperity model and in this spirit evidence for documented earthquakes is assembled. We utilize time-independent and time-dependent recurrence models to understand the range and likelihood of recurrence times given the incomplete picture of the seismic history and the impact from uncertain event dates based on paleo-seismic / paleo-tsunami studies. In addition, we illustrate the sensitivity of recurrence rates for the largest earthquakes due to assumptions on seismic coupling and the size of potential ruptures.
Downstream from the recurrence rate analysis, the results are used to estimate the impact of the subduction interface model seismicity on a select set of exposure subject to earthquake shaking due to those events. These examples highlight the potential range of seismic hazard and risk and set the basis to further constrain disaster risk management solutions.
How to cite: Woessner, J., Velasquez, J., Nyst, M., Fitzenz, D., and Eads, L.: Recurrence of megathrust events: Impact on hazard and risk in South America, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7112, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7112, 2021.
Megathrust earthquakes along the South American subduction zone where the Nazca plate slips below the South American plate rapidly subducts below the South American plate contribute significantly to the seismic hazard in Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Estimating recurrence of the megathrust events is of prime interest not only for securing effective counter measures for engineering purposes, but also for assessing seismic hazard and risk for appropriate disaster risk management solutions in the insurance sector.
We present an evaluation and interpretation of recent research on the recurrence of megathrust earthquakes along the South America subduction zone. The modelling approach is conceptually founded in the asperity model and in this spirit evidence for documented earthquakes is assembled. We utilize time-independent and time-dependent recurrence models to understand the range and likelihood of recurrence times given the incomplete picture of the seismic history and the impact from uncertain event dates based on paleo-seismic / paleo-tsunami studies. In addition, we illustrate the sensitivity of recurrence rates for the largest earthquakes due to assumptions on seismic coupling and the size of potential ruptures.
Downstream from the recurrence rate analysis, the results are used to estimate the impact of the subduction interface model seismicity on a select set of exposure subject to earthquake shaking due to those events. These examples highlight the potential range of seismic hazard and risk and set the basis to further constrain disaster risk management solutions.
How to cite: Woessner, J., Velasquez, J., Nyst, M., Fitzenz, D., and Eads, L.: Recurrence of megathrust events: Impact on hazard and risk in South America, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7112, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7112, 2021.
EGU21-8649 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Seismogenic potential of the Main Himalayan Thrust constrained by coupling segmentation and earthquake scalingSylvain Michel, Romain Jolivet, Chris Rollins, Jorge Jara, and Luca Dal Zilio
Recent studies have shown that the Himalayan region is under the threat of earthquakes of magnitude 9 or larger. These estimates are based on comparisons of the geodetically inferred moment deficit rate with the seismicity of the region. However, these studies do not account for the physics of fault slip, specifically the influence of frictional barriers on earthquake rupture dynamics, which controls the extent and therefore the magnitude of large earthquakes. Here, we propose a methodology for incorporating outcomes of physics-based earthquake cycle models into hazard estimates. The methodology takes also into account the moment deficit rate, the magnitude-frequency of the current and historical catalogs, and the moment-area earthquake scaling law.
For the Himalaya setting, we estimate an improved probabilistic estimate moment deficit rate using coupling estimates inferred using a Bayesian framework. The locking distribution of the fault suggests an along-strike segmentation of the MHT with three segments that may act as aseismic barriers. The effect of the barriers on rupture propagation is assessed using results from dynamic models of the earthquake cycle. We show that, accounting for measurement and methodological uncertainties, the MHT is prone to rupturing in M8.7 earthquakes every T>200 yr, with M>9.5 events being greatly improbable. The methodology also allows to estimate the probability of the position of earthquakes on the fault based on the effect of the seismic barriers and their magnitude. This study provides a straightforward and computationally efficient method for estimating regional seismic hazard accounting for the full physics of fault slip.
How to cite: Michel, S., Jolivet, R., Rollins, C., Jara, J., and Dal Zilio, L.: Seismogenic potential of the Main Himalayan Thrust constrained by coupling segmentation and earthquake scaling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8649, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8649, 2021.
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Recent studies have shown that the Himalayan region is under the threat of earthquakes of magnitude 9 or larger. These estimates are based on comparisons of the geodetically inferred moment deficit rate with the seismicity of the region. However, these studies do not account for the physics of fault slip, specifically the influence of frictional barriers on earthquake rupture dynamics, which controls the extent and therefore the magnitude of large earthquakes. Here, we propose a methodology for incorporating outcomes of physics-based earthquake cycle models into hazard estimates. The methodology takes also into account the moment deficit rate, the magnitude-frequency of the current and historical catalogs, and the moment-area earthquake scaling law.
For the Himalaya setting, we estimate an improved probabilistic estimate moment deficit rate using coupling estimates inferred using a Bayesian framework. The locking distribution of the fault suggests an along-strike segmentation of the MHT with three segments that may act as aseismic barriers. The effect of the barriers on rupture propagation is assessed using results from dynamic models of the earthquake cycle. We show that, accounting for measurement and methodological uncertainties, the MHT is prone to rupturing in M8.7 earthquakes every T>200 yr, with M>9.5 events being greatly improbable. The methodology also allows to estimate the probability of the position of earthquakes on the fault based on the effect of the seismic barriers and their magnitude. This study provides a straightforward and computationally efficient method for estimating regional seismic hazard accounting for the full physics of fault slip.
How to cite: Michel, S., Jolivet, R., Rollins, C., Jara, J., and Dal Zilio, L.: Seismogenic potential of the Main Himalayan Thrust constrained by coupling segmentation and earthquake scaling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8649, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8649, 2021.
EGU21-2599 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
2D finite-element modelling of the interaction between poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation during the seismic cycleJill Peikert, Andrea Hampel, and Meike Bagge
The analysis of the Coulomb stress changes has become an important tool for seismic hazard evaluation because such stress changes may trigger or delay next earthquakes. Processes that can cause significant Coulomb stress changes include coseismic slip, earthquake-induced poroelastic effects as well as transient postseismic processes such as viscoelastic relaxation. In this study, we investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of pore fluid pressure changes and fluid flow during the seismic cycle, their dependency on the permeability in the crust and the interaction with postseismic viscoelastic relaxation. To achieve this, we use 2D finite-element models for intra-continental normal and thrust faults, which include coseismic slip, poroelastic effects, postseismic viscoelastic relaxation and interseismic stress accumulation. In different experiments, we vary (1) the permeability of the upper and lower crust while keeping the viscosity structure constant and (2) the viscosity of the lower crust and lithospheric mantle, while we keep the permeabilities constant. (1) The modelling results show that the highest changes in pore fluid pressure during and after the earthquake occur within a distance of ~ 1 km around the lower fault tip at the transition between upper and lower crust. The evolution of pore pressure and fluid flow depends primarily on the permeability in the upper crust. With decreasing permeability, the possibility of the pore fluids to flow decreases and thus, in the postseismic phase, the duration of the poroelastic relaxation increases, from a few days to several years, until the pore pressure reaches the initial pressure of the preseismic phase. In contrast, the influence of variations of the permeability in the lower crust on the pore pressure changes is negligible. For high upper-crustal permeabilities, postseismic vertical velocities are high and decreases rapidly with time, from around 120 mm/a after the first year by two orders of magnitude after 10 years, whereas for low permeabilities they remain consistently low over the years after the earthquake. (2) Models with low viscosity of the lower crust show that the timescales of poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation overlap and affect the postseismic velocity already in the early postseismic phase and that both processes decay within a few years after the earthquake. For higher viscosities, the velocity is initially dominated by pore pressure changes during the first few years, whereas viscoelastic relaxation lasts for decades. Both processes also show differences in their spatial scale. Poroelastic effects occur within a few kilometers around the fault, whereas viscoelastic relaxation acts on tens to hundreds of kilometers. As both processes can cause Coulomb stress changes on faults in the vicinity of the earthquake source fault, it is important to understand the spatial and temporal evolution, the effects on the individual faults and the interaction of both processes during the earthquake cycle. Future work will therefore include the calculation and examination of Coulomb stress changes on intra-continental normal and thrust faults using 3D models that include poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation.
How to cite: Peikert, J., Hampel, A., and Bagge, M.: 2D finite-element modelling of the interaction between poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation during the seismic cycle, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2599, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2599, 2021.
The analysis of the Coulomb stress changes has become an important tool for seismic hazard evaluation because such stress changes may trigger or delay next earthquakes. Processes that can cause significant Coulomb stress changes include coseismic slip, earthquake-induced poroelastic effects as well as transient postseismic processes such as viscoelastic relaxation. In this study, we investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of pore fluid pressure changes and fluid flow during the seismic cycle, their dependency on the permeability in the crust and the interaction with postseismic viscoelastic relaxation. To achieve this, we use 2D finite-element models for intra-continental normal and thrust faults, which include coseismic slip, poroelastic effects, postseismic viscoelastic relaxation and interseismic stress accumulation. In different experiments, we vary (1) the permeability of the upper and lower crust while keeping the viscosity structure constant and (2) the viscosity of the lower crust and lithospheric mantle, while we keep the permeabilities constant. (1) The modelling results show that the highest changes in pore fluid pressure during and after the earthquake occur within a distance of ~ 1 km around the lower fault tip at the transition between upper and lower crust. The evolution of pore pressure and fluid flow depends primarily on the permeability in the upper crust. With decreasing permeability, the possibility of the pore fluids to flow decreases and thus, in the postseismic phase, the duration of the poroelastic relaxation increases, from a few days to several years, until the pore pressure reaches the initial pressure of the preseismic phase. In contrast, the influence of variations of the permeability in the lower crust on the pore pressure changes is negligible. For high upper-crustal permeabilities, postseismic vertical velocities are high and decreases rapidly with time, from around 120 mm/a after the first year by two orders of magnitude after 10 years, whereas for low permeabilities they remain consistently low over the years after the earthquake. (2) Models with low viscosity of the lower crust show that the timescales of poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation overlap and affect the postseismic velocity already in the early postseismic phase and that both processes decay within a few years after the earthquake. For higher viscosities, the velocity is initially dominated by pore pressure changes during the first few years, whereas viscoelastic relaxation lasts for decades. Both processes also show differences in their spatial scale. Poroelastic effects occur within a few kilometers around the fault, whereas viscoelastic relaxation acts on tens to hundreds of kilometers. As both processes can cause Coulomb stress changes on faults in the vicinity of the earthquake source fault, it is important to understand the spatial and temporal evolution, the effects on the individual faults and the interaction of both processes during the earthquake cycle. Future work will therefore include the calculation and examination of Coulomb stress changes on intra-continental normal and thrust faults using 3D models that include poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation.
How to cite: Peikert, J., Hampel, A., and Bagge, M.: 2D finite-element modelling of the interaction between poroelastic effects and viscoelastic relaxation during the seismic cycle, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2599, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2599, 2021.
EGU21-6723 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Combinatorial Framework for Obtaining the Optimal Spatial Distribution of Earthquakes on Complex Fault SystemsEric Geist and Tom Parsons
A critical component of seismic hazard analysis is understanding the frequency and spatial distribution of earthquakes with different magnitudes on nearby faults. A framework for determining the optimal spatial distribution of earthquakes on a complex fault system is developed using combinatorial optimization methods. Input to the framework is a millennia-scale sample of earthquakes taken from a regional Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) relation. We then determine the optimal spatial arrangement of each earthquake in the fault system according to an objective function and constraints. Our previously published results focus on minimizing the total misfit in slip rates as the objective function; constraints were maximum and minimum slip rate values that incorporate uncertainty in slip-rate values for each fault. Both global and local combinatorial optimization methods have been developed to solve these problems: integer programming and the greedy sequential algorithm, respectively. Resulting on-fault magnitude distributions cannot be simply classified as being either purely characteristic or G-R. For example, faults may exhibit multiple “characteristic” magnitudes or a power-law distribution of magnitudes over a restricted range. Current research involves adapting the general combinatorial framework to include other and multiple objective functions, including minimizing the variation in accumulated stress over millennia. The framework can also accommodate branching and step-over connections for the slip-rate objective, while current research is underway to include interaction stress loading among the different faults in the fault system for stress-based objectives. Results from these methods are valuable for verifying the assumed magnitude-frequency distributions for faults in probabilistic seismic and tsunami hazard analyses.
How to cite: Geist, E. and Parsons, T.: Combinatorial Framework for Obtaining the Optimal Spatial Distribution of Earthquakes on Complex Fault Systems, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6723, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6723, 2021.
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A critical component of seismic hazard analysis is understanding the frequency and spatial distribution of earthquakes with different magnitudes on nearby faults. A framework for determining the optimal spatial distribution of earthquakes on a complex fault system is developed using combinatorial optimization methods. Input to the framework is a millennia-scale sample of earthquakes taken from a regional Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) relation. We then determine the optimal spatial arrangement of each earthquake in the fault system according to an objective function and constraints. Our previously published results focus on minimizing the total misfit in slip rates as the objective function; constraints were maximum and minimum slip rate values that incorporate uncertainty in slip-rate values for each fault. Both global and local combinatorial optimization methods have been developed to solve these problems: integer programming and the greedy sequential algorithm, respectively. Resulting on-fault magnitude distributions cannot be simply classified as being either purely characteristic or G-R. For example, faults may exhibit multiple “characteristic” magnitudes or a power-law distribution of magnitudes over a restricted range. Current research involves adapting the general combinatorial framework to include other and multiple objective functions, including minimizing the variation in accumulated stress over millennia. The framework can also accommodate branching and step-over connections for the slip-rate objective, while current research is underway to include interaction stress loading among the different faults in the fault system for stress-based objectives. Results from these methods are valuable for verifying the assumed magnitude-frequency distributions for faults in probabilistic seismic and tsunami hazard analyses.
How to cite: Geist, E. and Parsons, T.: Combinatorial Framework for Obtaining the Optimal Spatial Distribution of Earthquakes on Complex Fault Systems, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6723, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6723, 2021.
EGU21-13998 | vPICO presentations | TS4.3
Paleoearthquakes on the Húsavík-Flatey Fault in northern Iceland: Where are the large earthquakes?Remi Matrau, Yann Klinger, Jonathan Harrington, Ulas Avsar, Esther R. Gudmundsdottir, Thorvaldur Thordarson, Armann Hoskuldsson, and Sigurjon Jonsson
Paleoseismology is key to study earthquake recurrence and fault slip rates during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene. The Húsavík-Flatey Fault (HFF) in northern Iceland is a 100 km-long right-lateral transform fault connecting the onshore Northern Volcanic Zone to the offshore Kolbeinsey Ridge and accommodating, together with the Grímsey Oblique Rift (GOR), ~18 mm/yr of relative motion between the Eurasian and North American plates. Significant earthquakes occurred on the HFF in 1755, 1838 and 1872 with estimated magnitudes of 6.5-7. However, historical information on past earthquakes prior to 1755 is very limited in both timing and size.
We excavated five trenches in a small basin (Vestari Krubbsskál) located 5.5 km southeast of the town of Húsavík and at 300 m.a.s.l. and one trench in an alluvial fan (Traðargerði) located 0.5 km north of Húsavík and at 50 m.a.s.l. In a cold and wet environment, such as in coastal parts of Iceland, one has to take into account periglacial processes affecting the topsoil to discriminate tectonic from non-tectonic deformation. We used tephra layers in the Vestari Krubbsskál and Traðargerði trenches as well as birch wood samples in Traðargerði to constrain the timing of past earthquakes. Tephra layers Hekla-3 (2971 BP) and Hekla-4 (4331±20 BP) are visible in the top half of all the trenches. In addition, a few younger tephra layers are visible in the top part of the trenches. In Traðargerði several dark layers rich in organic matter are found, including birch wood-rich layers from the Earlier Birch Period (9000-7000 BP) and the Later Birch Period (5000-2500 BP). In Vestari Krubbsskál the lower halves of the trenches display mostly lacustrine deposits whereas in Traðargerði the lower half of the trench shows alluvial deposits overlaying coarser deposits (gravels/pebbles) most likely of late-glacial or early post-glacial origins. In addition, early Holocene tephra layers are observed in some of the trenches at both sites and may correspond to Askja-S (10800 BP), Saksunarvatn (10300 BP) and Vedde (12100 BP). These observations provide good age constraints and suggest that both the Vestari Krubbsskál and Traðargerði trenches cover the entire Holocene.
Trenches at both sites show significant normal deformation in addition to strike-slip, well correlated with their larger scale topographies (pull-apart basin in Vestari Krubbsskál and 45 m-high fault scarp in Traðargerði). We mapped layers, cracks and faults on all trench walls to build a catalogue of Holocene earthquakes. We identified events based on the upward terminations of the cracks and retrodeformation. Our results yield fewer major earthquakes than expected, suggesting that large earthquakes (around magnitude 7) are probably rare and the more typical HFF earthquakes of magnitude 6-6.5 likely produce limited topsoil deformation.[yk1] Our interpretation also suggests that the Holocene slip rate [yk2] for the fault section we are studying may be slower than the estimated geodetic slip rate (6 to 9 mm/yr)[yk3] for the entire onshore HFF, although secondary onshore sub-parallel fault strands could accommodate part of the deformation.
How to cite: Matrau, R., Klinger, Y., Harrington, J., Avsar, U., Gudmundsdottir, E. R., Thordarson, T., Hoskuldsson, A., and Jonsson, S.: Paleoearthquakes on the Húsavík-Flatey Fault in northern Iceland: Where are the large earthquakes?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13998, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13998, 2021.
Paleoseismology is key to study earthquake recurrence and fault slip rates during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene. The Húsavík-Flatey Fault (HFF) in northern Iceland is a 100 km-long right-lateral transform fault connecting the onshore Northern Volcanic Zone to the offshore Kolbeinsey Ridge and accommodating, together with the Grímsey Oblique Rift (GOR), ~18 mm/yr of relative motion between the Eurasian and North American plates. Significant earthquakes occurred on the HFF in 1755, 1838 and 1872 with estimated magnitudes of 6.5-7. However, historical information on past earthquakes prior to 1755 is very limited in both timing and size.
We excavated five trenches in a small basin (Vestari Krubbsskál) located 5.5 km southeast of the town of Húsavík and at 300 m.a.s.l. and one trench in an alluvial fan (Traðargerði) located 0.5 km north of Húsavík and at 50 m.a.s.l. In a cold and wet environment, such as in coastal parts of Iceland, one has to take into account periglacial processes affecting the topsoil to discriminate tectonic from non-tectonic deformation. We used tephra layers in the Vestari Krubbsskál and Traðargerði trenches as well as birch wood samples in Traðargerði to constrain the timing of past earthquakes. Tephra layers Hekla-3 (2971 BP) and Hekla-4 (4331±20 BP) are visible in the top half of all the trenches. In addition, a few younger tephra layers are visible in the top part of the trenches. In Traðargerði several dark layers rich in organic matter are found, including birch wood-rich layers from the Earlier Birch Period (9000-7000 BP) and the Later Birch Period (5000-2500 BP). In Vestari Krubbsskál the lower halves of the trenches display mostly lacustrine deposits whereas in Traðargerði the lower half of the trench shows alluvial deposits overlaying coarser deposits (gravels/pebbles) most likely of late-glacial or early post-glacial origins. In addition, early Holocene tephra layers are observed in some of the trenches at both sites and may correspond to Askja-S (10800 BP), Saksunarvatn (10300 BP) and Vedde (12100 BP). These observations provide good age constraints and suggest that both the Vestari Krubbsskál and Traðargerði trenches cover the entire Holocene.
Trenches at both sites show significant normal deformation in addition to strike-slip, well correlated with their larger scale topographies (pull-apart basin in Vestari Krubbsskál and 45 m-high fault scarp in Traðargerði). We mapped layers, cracks and faults on all trench walls to build a catalogue of Holocene earthquakes. We identified events based on the upward terminations of the cracks and retrodeformation. Our results yield fewer major earthquakes than expected, suggesting that large earthquakes (around magnitude 7) are probably rare and the more typical HFF earthquakes of magnitude 6-6.5 likely produce limited topsoil deformation.[yk1] Our interpretation also suggests that the Holocene slip rate [yk2] for the fault section we are studying may be slower than the estimated geodetic slip rate (6 to 9 mm/yr)[yk3] for the entire onshore HFF, although secondary onshore sub-parallel fault strands could accommodate part of the deformation.
How to cite: Matrau, R., Klinger, Y., Harrington, J., Avsar, U., Gudmundsdottir, E. R., Thordarson, T., Hoskuldsson, A., and Jonsson, S.: Paleoearthquakes on the Húsavík-Flatey Fault in northern Iceland: Where are the large earthquakes?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13998, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13998, 2021.
TS4.4 – Active Tectonics and Geodynamics of Eastern Mediterranean
EGU21-630 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Mapping tectonic strain in the central Alpine-Himalayan Belt with Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS observationsChris Rollins, Tim Wright, Jonathan Weiss, Andrew Hooper, Richard Walters, Milan Lazecky, and Yasser Maghsoudi
Geodetic measurements of crustal deformation provide crucial constraints on a region’s tectonics, geodynamics and seismic hazard. However, such geodetic constraints have traditionally been hampered by poor spatial and/or temporal sampling, which can result in ambiguities about how the lithosphere accommodates strain in space and time, and therefore where and how often earthquakes might occur. High-resolution surface deformation maps address this limitation by imaging (rather than presuming or modelling) where and how deformation takes place. These maps are now within reach for the Alpine-Himalayan Belt thanks to the COMET-LiCSAR InSAR processing system, which performs large-scale automated processing and time-series analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data. Expanding from our work focused on Anatolia, we are combining LiCSAR products with GNSS data to generate high-resolution maps of tectonic strain rates across the central Alpine-Himalayan Belt. Then, assuming that the buildup rate of seismic moment (deficit) from this geodetically-derived strain is balanced over the long term by the rate of moment release in earthquakes, we pair these strain rate maps with seismic catalogs to estimate the recurrence intervals of large, moderate and small earthquakes throughout the region. We also use arguments from dislocation modeling to identify two key signatures of a locked fault in a strain rate field, allowing us to convert the strain maps to “effective fault maps” and assess the contribution of individual fault systems to crustal deformation and seismic hazard. Finally, we address how to expand these approaches to the Alpine-Himalaya Belt as a whole.
How to cite: Rollins, C., Wright, T., Weiss, J., Hooper, A., Walters, R., Lazecky, M., and Maghsoudi, Y.: Mapping tectonic strain in the central Alpine-Himalayan Belt with Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-630, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-630, 2021.
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Geodetic measurements of crustal deformation provide crucial constraints on a region’s tectonics, geodynamics and seismic hazard. However, such geodetic constraints have traditionally been hampered by poor spatial and/or temporal sampling, which can result in ambiguities about how the lithosphere accommodates strain in space and time, and therefore where and how often earthquakes might occur. High-resolution surface deformation maps address this limitation by imaging (rather than presuming or modelling) where and how deformation takes place. These maps are now within reach for the Alpine-Himalayan Belt thanks to the COMET-LiCSAR InSAR processing system, which performs large-scale automated processing and time-series analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data. Expanding from our work focused on Anatolia, we are combining LiCSAR products with GNSS data to generate high-resolution maps of tectonic strain rates across the central Alpine-Himalayan Belt. Then, assuming that the buildup rate of seismic moment (deficit) from this geodetically-derived strain is balanced over the long term by the rate of moment release in earthquakes, we pair these strain rate maps with seismic catalogs to estimate the recurrence intervals of large, moderate and small earthquakes throughout the region. We also use arguments from dislocation modeling to identify two key signatures of a locked fault in a strain rate field, allowing us to convert the strain maps to “effective fault maps” and assess the contribution of individual fault systems to crustal deformation and seismic hazard. Finally, we address how to expand these approaches to the Alpine-Himalaya Belt as a whole.
How to cite: Rollins, C., Wright, T., Weiss, J., Hooper, A., Walters, R., Lazecky, M., and Maghsoudi, Y.: Mapping tectonic strain in the central Alpine-Himalayan Belt with Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-630, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-630, 2021.
EGU21-1204 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Distribution of Interseismic Coupling Along the North and East Anatolian Faults Inferred From InSAR and GPS DataQuentin Bletery, Olivier Cavalié, Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, and Théa Ragon
The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) has produced numerous major earthquakes. After decades of quiescence, the Mw 6.8 Elazı˘g earthquake (24 January 2020) has recently reminded us that the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) is also capable of producing significant earthquakes. To better estimate the seismic hazard associated with these two faults, we jointly invert interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and GPS data to image the spatial distribution of interseismic coupling along the eastern part of both the NAF and EAF.We perform the inversion in a Bayesian framework, enabling to estimate uncertainties on both long-term relative plate motion and coupling. We find that coupling is high and deep (0–20 km) on the NAF and heterogeneous and superficial (0–5 km) on the EAF. Our model predicts that the Elazı˘g earthquake released between 200 and 250 years of accumulated moment, suggesting a bicentennial recurrence time.
How to cite: Bletery, Q., Cavalié, O., Nocquet, J.-M., and Ragon, T.: Distribution of Interseismic Coupling Along the North and East Anatolian Faults Inferred From InSAR and GPS Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1204, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1204, 2021.
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The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) has produced numerous major earthquakes. After decades of quiescence, the Mw 6.8 Elazı˘g earthquake (24 January 2020) has recently reminded us that the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) is also capable of producing significant earthquakes. To better estimate the seismic hazard associated with these two faults, we jointly invert interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and GPS data to image the spatial distribution of interseismic coupling along the eastern part of both the NAF and EAF.We perform the inversion in a Bayesian framework, enabling to estimate uncertainties on both long-term relative plate motion and coupling. We find that coupling is high and deep (0–20 km) on the NAF and heterogeneous and superficial (0–5 km) on the EAF. Our model predicts that the Elazı˘g earthquake released between 200 and 250 years of accumulated moment, suggesting a bicentennial recurrence time.
How to cite: Bletery, Q., Cavalié, O., Nocquet, J.-M., and Ragon, T.: Distribution of Interseismic Coupling Along the North and East Anatolian Faults Inferred From InSAR and GPS Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1204, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1204, 2021.
EGU21-7824 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Seismic coupling and aseismic slip along the central section of the North Anatolian FaultJorge Jara, Romain Jolivet, Alpay Ozdemir, Ugur Dogan, Ziyadin Çakir, and Semih Ergintav
The ever-increasing amount of geodetic observations worldwide allows detailed studies on the evolution of slip along active faults. Models predicting such observations reveal the spatial and temporal distribution of slip on faults during the interseismic phase. Some fault segments are locked, building up stress that will end up being released during future earthquakes, while other segments slip slowly (mm/yr to cm/yr), releasing stress aseismically. Detailed mapping of slip behavior is critical for understanding the relationship between locked and aseismic segments, thus providing insights into seismic hazard.
We analyze GNSS and InSAR data to study fault kinematic coupling along the central section of the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) using a Bayesian framework. This section slips aseismically at least since the 1960s, with early evidence recognized in the vicinity of the small town of Ismetpasa. This segment also hosted large earthquakes, including the 1943 and 1944 M7+ earthquakes. We combine InSAR and GNSS data acquired over the last ten years to derive ground velocity fields over the last decade. We process SAR images (ALOS and Sentinel01) as well as continuous GPS to build maps of ground velocity, confirming the presence of a 100 km-long aseismic section, at rates of ~ 1 cm/yr. We then model these velocity fields to derive the Probability Density Function of slip, inferring probabilistic estimates of interseismic coupling. The quantified spatial slip variations are interpreted in terms of the fault mechanical behavior as well as compared with the historical events in the region.
How to cite: Jara, J., Jolivet, R., Ozdemir, A., Dogan, U., Çakir, Z., and Ergintav, S.: Seismic coupling and aseismic slip along the central section of the North Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7824, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7824, 2021.
The ever-increasing amount of geodetic observations worldwide allows detailed studies on the evolution of slip along active faults. Models predicting such observations reveal the spatial and temporal distribution of slip on faults during the interseismic phase. Some fault segments are locked, building up stress that will end up being released during future earthquakes, while other segments slip slowly (mm/yr to cm/yr), releasing stress aseismically. Detailed mapping of slip behavior is critical for understanding the relationship between locked and aseismic segments, thus providing insights into seismic hazard.
We analyze GNSS and InSAR data to study fault kinematic coupling along the central section of the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) using a Bayesian framework. This section slips aseismically at least since the 1960s, with early evidence recognized in the vicinity of the small town of Ismetpasa. This segment also hosted large earthquakes, including the 1943 and 1944 M7+ earthquakes. We combine InSAR and GNSS data acquired over the last ten years to derive ground velocity fields over the last decade. We process SAR images (ALOS and Sentinel01) as well as continuous GPS to build maps of ground velocity, confirming the presence of a 100 km-long aseismic section, at rates of ~ 1 cm/yr. We then model these velocity fields to derive the Probability Density Function of slip, inferring probabilistic estimates of interseismic coupling. The quantified spatial slip variations are interpreted in terms of the fault mechanical behavior as well as compared with the historical events in the region.
How to cite: Jara, J., Jolivet, R., Ozdemir, A., Dogan, U., Çakir, Z., and Ergintav, S.: Seismic coupling and aseismic slip along the central section of the North Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7824, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7824, 2021.
EGU21-11185 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Detecting Transient Creep Events on the Ismetpasa Segment of the North Anatolian Fault with Continuous GNSS Time SeriesAlpay Özdemir, Uğur Doğan, Jorge Jara, Romain Jolivet, Semih Ergintav, Ziyadin Çakır, Seda Özarpacı, and Roger Bilham
Twenty six years after the Mw 7.3 Bolu/Gerede Earthquake of 1944, Ambraseys (1970) first recognized, in the offset of a manmade wall constructed across the fault in 1957, the signature of slow aseismic slip along the central segment of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). Following this discovery, many studies have characterized the behaviour of this aseismic slip with land- and space-based geodetic techniques, and with creepmeters. It is now recognized that the rate of aseismic slip decreases logarithmically from more than 3 cm/yr in the years following the Gerede Earthquake to approximately 6±2 mm/yr today. Of this rate, approximately 1.2 mm/year is residual afterslip and the remainder appears to be linear creep interrupted by creep events. In the last two decades, InSAR allowed the derivation of maps of ground velocities that indicates aseismic slip extends along a 100-km-long section of the fault, with a spatially variable aseismic slip rate, reaching its peak value approximately 15-24 km east of the city of Ismetpasa. Furthermore, creepmeter measurements and InSAR time series indicate that surface aseismic slip in the region of Ismetpasa is largely episodic, alternating between quiescent periods and transient episodes of relatively rapid aseismic slip. These observations raise questions about how slip accommodates tectonic stress along the fault with significant implications in terms of hazard along the seismogenic zone.
In July 2016, we established ISMENET (Ismetpasa Continuous GNSS Network) to monitor spatial and temporal variations in the aseismic slip rate and detect slow slip events along the fault. ISMENET stations are distributed along 120 km long segment of the fault. In order to explore the shallow, fine spatio-temporal behavior of aseismic slip, 19 stations are located within 200 m to 10 km of the fault with 30 and 1 sec sampling rate. We analysed the GNSS time series to extract the signature of aseismic slip using a principal component analysis to reduce the influence of non-tectonic noise. We compared results with creep events quantified by creepmeters.
Keywords: Ismetpasa, Aseismic slip, GNSS, PCA, Time Series Analysis, NAFZ
How to cite: Özdemir, A., Doğan, U., Jara, J., Jolivet, R., Ergintav, S., Çakır, Z., Özarpacı, S., and Bilham, R.: Detecting Transient Creep Events on the Ismetpasa Segment of the North Anatolian Fault with Continuous GNSS Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11185, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11185, 2021.
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Twenty six years after the Mw 7.3 Bolu/Gerede Earthquake of 1944, Ambraseys (1970) first recognized, in the offset of a manmade wall constructed across the fault in 1957, the signature of slow aseismic slip along the central segment of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). Following this discovery, many studies have characterized the behaviour of this aseismic slip with land- and space-based geodetic techniques, and with creepmeters. It is now recognized that the rate of aseismic slip decreases logarithmically from more than 3 cm/yr in the years following the Gerede Earthquake to approximately 6±2 mm/yr today. Of this rate, approximately 1.2 mm/year is residual afterslip and the remainder appears to be linear creep interrupted by creep events. In the last two decades, InSAR allowed the derivation of maps of ground velocities that indicates aseismic slip extends along a 100-km-long section of the fault, with a spatially variable aseismic slip rate, reaching its peak value approximately 15-24 km east of the city of Ismetpasa. Furthermore, creepmeter measurements and InSAR time series indicate that surface aseismic slip in the region of Ismetpasa is largely episodic, alternating between quiescent periods and transient episodes of relatively rapid aseismic slip. These observations raise questions about how slip accommodates tectonic stress along the fault with significant implications in terms of hazard along the seismogenic zone.
In July 2016, we established ISMENET (Ismetpasa Continuous GNSS Network) to monitor spatial and temporal variations in the aseismic slip rate and detect slow slip events along the fault. ISMENET stations are distributed along 120 km long segment of the fault. In order to explore the shallow, fine spatio-temporal behavior of aseismic slip, 19 stations are located within 200 m to 10 km of the fault with 30 and 1 sec sampling rate. We analysed the GNSS time series to extract the signature of aseismic slip using a principal component analysis to reduce the influence of non-tectonic noise. We compared results with creep events quantified by creepmeters.
Keywords: Ismetpasa, Aseismic slip, GNSS, PCA, Time Series Analysis, NAFZ
How to cite: Özdemir, A., Doğan, U., Jara, J., Jolivet, R., Ergintav, S., Çakır, Z., Özarpacı, S., and Bilham, R.: Detecting Transient Creep Events on the Ismetpasa Segment of the North Anatolian Fault with Continuous GNSS Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11185, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11185, 2021.
EGU21-13441 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Kinematics of the Sea of Marmara using GPS, InSAR and underwater geodetic data: Possible Influence of Crustal HeterogeneityVolkan Özbey, Mehmet Sinan Özeren, Pierre Henry, Olivier Cavalié, Xavier Le Pichon, Elliot Klein, Ergin Tarı, and Gerald Galgana
Seismological studies on the western part of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) revealed the possibility that it may constitute a bimaterial interface at various locations. One evidence for this came from Karadere and Mudurnu segments where Fault Zone Head Waves (FZHW) and Fault Zone Reflected Waves (FZRW) indicated bimaterial interfaces and damage zones of various depth ranges. These were often interpreted as factors affecting various aspects of rupture propagation velocities and rupture lengths. In addition, the difference in crustal structure between the northern shore of the Sea of Marmara and the deep basins may results in an effective rigidity contrast across the Main Marmara Fault, at least in its Eastern part from Kumburgaz Basin, to the entrance of Izmit Gulf. This could result in reduced elastic loading of the northern block, leading to an underestimation of slip deficit in geodetic models. However, the problem was never looked at using multiple constraints at the same time such as the GPS, InSAR and underwater geodetic data. In this study we use the interseismic slip distribution on the westernmost section of the NAF (comprising largely the Main Marmara Fault and the bifurcation zone to the east of the Izmit Gulf) obtained using a block model as a reference model and use a finite element model to test the perturbations to this model as a function of the elastic moduli contrasts across the fault. We are testing the case where there is a bimaterial interface all the way from Izmit Gulf to Kumburgaz and then a lack of such a contrast in the Central Basin. We are also investigating a scenario where the Ganos region also has bimaterial interface (but reverse in its nature).
How to cite: Özbey, V., Özeren, M. S., Henry, P., Cavalié, O., Le Pichon, X., Klein, E., Tarı, E., and Galgana, G.: Kinematics of the Sea of Marmara using GPS, InSAR and underwater geodetic data: Possible Influence of Crustal Heterogeneity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13441, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13441, 2021.
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Seismological studies on the western part of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) revealed the possibility that it may constitute a bimaterial interface at various locations. One evidence for this came from Karadere and Mudurnu segments where Fault Zone Head Waves (FZHW) and Fault Zone Reflected Waves (FZRW) indicated bimaterial interfaces and damage zones of various depth ranges. These were often interpreted as factors affecting various aspects of rupture propagation velocities and rupture lengths. In addition, the difference in crustal structure between the northern shore of the Sea of Marmara and the deep basins may results in an effective rigidity contrast across the Main Marmara Fault, at least in its Eastern part from Kumburgaz Basin, to the entrance of Izmit Gulf. This could result in reduced elastic loading of the northern block, leading to an underestimation of slip deficit in geodetic models. However, the problem was never looked at using multiple constraints at the same time such as the GPS, InSAR and underwater geodetic data. In this study we use the interseismic slip distribution on the westernmost section of the NAF (comprising largely the Main Marmara Fault and the bifurcation zone to the east of the Izmit Gulf) obtained using a block model as a reference model and use a finite element model to test the perturbations to this model as a function of the elastic moduli contrasts across the fault. We are testing the case where there is a bimaterial interface all the way from Izmit Gulf to Kumburgaz and then a lack of such a contrast in the Central Basin. We are also investigating a scenario where the Ganos region also has bimaterial interface (but reverse in its nature).
How to cite: Özbey, V., Özeren, M. S., Henry, P., Cavalié, O., Le Pichon, X., Klein, E., Tarı, E., and Galgana, G.: Kinematics of the Sea of Marmara using GPS, InSAR and underwater geodetic data: Possible Influence of Crustal Heterogeneity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13441, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13441, 2021.
EGU21-757 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
A robust seismic structure along the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Central Marmara Sea, and its implication for seismogenesisYojiro Yamamoto, Dogan Kalafat, Ali Pinar, Narumi Takahashi, Remzi Polat, Yoshiyuki Kaneda, and Haluk Ozener
The offshore part of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) beneath the Marmara Sea is a well-known seismic gap for future M > 7 earthquakes in the sense that more than 250 years have passed since the last major earthquake in the Central Marmara region. Here, an assessment on the location of possible asperities to host the expected next large earthquake is done based on the heterogeneities on the seismic velocity structure. Using long-term ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) observation data, seismic tomography and precise hypocenter estimations have been conducted. As a result, about five times more microearthquakes than the events in a land-based catalog has been detected. A comparison with previously published results suggests that the seismicity pattern has not changed during the three years period between Sep. 2014 and Jun. 2017. The obtained velocity model shows strong lateral contrast whose changing points locate at 28.10°E and 28.50°E. The western corner of the area (28.10°E) corresponds to a segmentation boundary where the dip angle of the NAF segments changed. The high velocity zones in the tomographic images are characterized by low seismicity eastward from the segment boundary at 28.10°E. Eastern 28.50°E, the high velocity zone becomes thicker in the depth direction. These zones are interpreted as asperities to be ruptured by the next large earthquake which are possibly accumulating strain since the mainshock rupture associated with the May 1766 Ms7.3 earthquake.
How to cite: Yamamoto, Y., Kalafat, D., Pinar, A., Takahashi, N., Polat, R., Kaneda, Y., and Ozener, H.: A robust seismic structure along the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Central Marmara Sea, and its implication for seismogenesis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-757, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-757, 2021.
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The offshore part of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) beneath the Marmara Sea is a well-known seismic gap for future M > 7 earthquakes in the sense that more than 250 years have passed since the last major earthquake in the Central Marmara region. Here, an assessment on the location of possible asperities to host the expected next large earthquake is done based on the heterogeneities on the seismic velocity structure. Using long-term ocean bottom seismograph (OBS) observation data, seismic tomography and precise hypocenter estimations have been conducted. As a result, about five times more microearthquakes than the events in a land-based catalog has been detected. A comparison with previously published results suggests that the seismicity pattern has not changed during the three years period between Sep. 2014 and Jun. 2017. The obtained velocity model shows strong lateral contrast whose changing points locate at 28.10°E and 28.50°E. The western corner of the area (28.10°E) corresponds to a segmentation boundary where the dip angle of the NAF segments changed. The high velocity zones in the tomographic images are characterized by low seismicity eastward from the segment boundary at 28.10°E. Eastern 28.50°E, the high velocity zone becomes thicker in the depth direction. These zones are interpreted as asperities to be ruptured by the next large earthquake which are possibly accumulating strain since the mainshock rupture associated with the May 1766 Ms7.3 earthquake.
How to cite: Yamamoto, Y., Kalafat, D., Pinar, A., Takahashi, N., Polat, R., Kaneda, Y., and Ozener, H.: A robust seismic structure along the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Central Marmara Sea, and its implication for seismogenesis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-757, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-757, 2021.
EGU21-6040 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Crustal Thickness Variation Across the Sea of Marmara Region, NW Turkey: A Reflection of Modern and Ancient Tectonic ProcessesJennifer Jenkins, Simon Stephenson, Patricia Martinez-Garzon, Marco Bohnhoff, and Murat Nurlu
The Marmara region in Turkey is an important geological setting, both from a tectonic and a seismic hazard/risk perspective. Here we present a recently published map of crustal thickness variation across this complex region (Jenkins et al., 2020), to aid in furthering our understanding of the past and present tectonic processes that formed present‐day structure. The crustal thickness map was created using Ps converted phases and receiver function (RF) analysis of earthquakes recorded at all publicly available seismic stations and stations in the national monitoring network (run by AFAD Disaster and Emergency Management Authority Turkey). RFs were converted from time to depth using a local 3‐D full‐waveform tomographic model and combined in multiphase common conversion point stacks, such that direct P to S converted arrivals and associated multiples are used together to produce continuous maps of the Moho discontinuity. Results reveal the Moho beneath Marmara ranges in depth from 26–41 km, and shows a regional trend of westward thinning, reflecting the effects of the extensional regime in western Anatolia and the neighboring Aegean Sea. The thinnest crust is observed beneath the western end of the Sea of Marmara, and can be attributed to transtensional basin opening. A distinct region of increased crustal thickness bounded by the West Black Sea Fault in the west, and the northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault in the south, defines the ancient crustal terrane of the Istanbul Zone. Isostatic arguments indicate that the thickened crust and lower elevation in the Istanbul Zone require it to be underlain by thicker lithosphere, a conclusion that is consistent with its hypothesized origin near the Odessa shelf.
How to cite: Jenkins, J., Stephenson, S., Martinez-Garzon, P., Bohnhoff, M., and Nurlu, M.: Crustal Thickness Variation Across the Sea of Marmara Region, NW Turkey: A Reflection of Modern and Ancient Tectonic Processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6040, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6040, 2021.
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The Marmara region in Turkey is an important geological setting, both from a tectonic and a seismic hazard/risk perspective. Here we present a recently published map of crustal thickness variation across this complex region (Jenkins et al., 2020), to aid in furthering our understanding of the past and present tectonic processes that formed present‐day structure. The crustal thickness map was created using Ps converted phases and receiver function (RF) analysis of earthquakes recorded at all publicly available seismic stations and stations in the national monitoring network (run by AFAD Disaster and Emergency Management Authority Turkey). RFs were converted from time to depth using a local 3‐D full‐waveform tomographic model and combined in multiphase common conversion point stacks, such that direct P to S converted arrivals and associated multiples are used together to produce continuous maps of the Moho discontinuity. Results reveal the Moho beneath Marmara ranges in depth from 26–41 km, and shows a regional trend of westward thinning, reflecting the effects of the extensional regime in western Anatolia and the neighboring Aegean Sea. The thinnest crust is observed beneath the western end of the Sea of Marmara, and can be attributed to transtensional basin opening. A distinct region of increased crustal thickness bounded by the West Black Sea Fault in the west, and the northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault in the south, defines the ancient crustal terrane of the Istanbul Zone. Isostatic arguments indicate that the thickened crust and lower elevation in the Istanbul Zone require it to be underlain by thicker lithosphere, a conclusion that is consistent with its hypothesized origin near the Odessa shelf.
How to cite: Jenkins, J., Stephenson, S., Martinez-Garzon, P., Bohnhoff, M., and Nurlu, M.: Crustal Thickness Variation Across the Sea of Marmara Region, NW Turkey: A Reflection of Modern and Ancient Tectonic Processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6040, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6040, 2021.
EGU21-2524 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Spatio-temporal slip rate variability of the Doruneh fault (eastern Iran) from dense GNSS and SENTINEL data and a tectonic studyAndrea Walpersdorf, Fatemeh Khorrami, Zahra Mousavi, Erwan Pathier, Farokh Tavakoli, Richard Walker, Hamid Reza Nankali, Marie-Pierre Doin, Seied Abdolreza Saadat, and Yahya Djamour
The recent activity of the 600 km long E-W trending Doruneh fault in eastern Iran is attested by clear geomorphological features along its trace, while no instrumental earthquake can be related to this fault. The only two Mw7 events in this area took place on the Dasht-e Bayaz fault, south of Doruneh. The great length of the fault, the lack of the seismicity and the active regional N-S shortening induced by the Arabian-Eurasian convergence highlight the seismic potential of the Doruneh fault. However, until today, the short- and long-term slip rate estimates of the Doruneh fault remain controversial. Geomorphological offset dating indicates long-term slip rates between 2.5 mm/yr and 8.2 mm/yr. Preliminary GNSS measurements and local InSAR data reveal rates between 1 and 5 mm/yr. This wide range of slip rate estimates suggests either temporal or spatial variability of the Doruneh fault activity.
To investigate the along-strike slip variability of the Doruneh fault, a dense GNSS survey including 18 sites has been conducted in 2012 and 2018. This network completes the 17 regional permanent GNSS stations. Combining campaign and permanent data, the horizontal GNSS velocity field constrains the slip velocity and its variability along the fault by complementary approaches, on profiles perpendicular to the fault, and by a rigid block model. Sinistral motion is maximal in the western part of the fault (1 to 4 mm/yr), and decreasing towards the east. A complementary InSAR velocity map based on Sentinel-1 images between 2014 and 2019 exploits two ascending tracks (A159 and A86) across the Doruneh fault. We followed the SBAS time series analysis approach and corrected the effects of annual loading cycles and tropospheric delay. Sand and unexpected large tropospheric effects prohibited correlation in some places, but a coherent mean velocity map in line of sight (LOS) direction to the satellites is obtained for most of our study area. This map shows no sharp variations along the fault trace that could indicate shallow fault creep. The clearest signals are zones of anthropogenic subsidence. Looking for a long-wavelength tectonic signal (less than 3 mm/yr spread over 100 km), we masked these areas of rapid and short-wavelength deformation. The resulting velocity maps for both tracks are projected on profiles perpendicular to the fault and indicate a long-wavelength signal across the Doruneh fault of less than 2 mm/yr in LOS direction. A systematic parameter search yields a first best fit on track A159 combining a horizontal slip rate of 3.25 mm/yr with a locking depth of 8 km in the western part of the fault. This approach will be pursued on track A86, covering the eastern part, after more thorough cleaning.
We finally compare the combined GNSS-InSAR present-day fault slip rates to new long-term slip rates from geomorphological offset dating, to evaluate the time variability of the Doruneh fault activity. Our multi-disciplinary study will enhance our understanding of the Doruneh fault mechanism and its role in the kinematics of the Arabia-Eurasia collision, and contribute to a better seismic hazard assessment in eastern Iran.
How to cite: Walpersdorf, A., Khorrami, F., Mousavi, Z., Pathier, E., Tavakoli, F., Walker, R., Nankali, H. R., Doin, M.-P., Saadat, S. A., and Djamour, Y.: Spatio-temporal slip rate variability of the Doruneh fault (eastern Iran) from dense GNSS and SENTINEL data and a tectonic study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2524, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2524, 2021.
The recent activity of the 600 km long E-W trending Doruneh fault in eastern Iran is attested by clear geomorphological features along its trace, while no instrumental earthquake can be related to this fault. The only two Mw7 events in this area took place on the Dasht-e Bayaz fault, south of Doruneh. The great length of the fault, the lack of the seismicity and the active regional N-S shortening induced by the Arabian-Eurasian convergence highlight the seismic potential of the Doruneh fault. However, until today, the short- and long-term slip rate estimates of the Doruneh fault remain controversial. Geomorphological offset dating indicates long-term slip rates between 2.5 mm/yr and 8.2 mm/yr. Preliminary GNSS measurements and local InSAR data reveal rates between 1 and 5 mm/yr. This wide range of slip rate estimates suggests either temporal or spatial variability of the Doruneh fault activity.
To investigate the along-strike slip variability of the Doruneh fault, a dense GNSS survey including 18 sites has been conducted in 2012 and 2018. This network completes the 17 regional permanent GNSS stations. Combining campaign and permanent data, the horizontal GNSS velocity field constrains the slip velocity and its variability along the fault by complementary approaches, on profiles perpendicular to the fault, and by a rigid block model. Sinistral motion is maximal in the western part of the fault (1 to 4 mm/yr), and decreasing towards the east. A complementary InSAR velocity map based on Sentinel-1 images between 2014 and 2019 exploits two ascending tracks (A159 and A86) across the Doruneh fault. We followed the SBAS time series analysis approach and corrected the effects of annual loading cycles and tropospheric delay. Sand and unexpected large tropospheric effects prohibited correlation in some places, but a coherent mean velocity map in line of sight (LOS) direction to the satellites is obtained for most of our study area. This map shows no sharp variations along the fault trace that could indicate shallow fault creep. The clearest signals are zones of anthropogenic subsidence. Looking for a long-wavelength tectonic signal (less than 3 mm/yr spread over 100 km), we masked these areas of rapid and short-wavelength deformation. The resulting velocity maps for both tracks are projected on profiles perpendicular to the fault and indicate a long-wavelength signal across the Doruneh fault of less than 2 mm/yr in LOS direction. A systematic parameter search yields a first best fit on track A159 combining a horizontal slip rate of 3.25 mm/yr with a locking depth of 8 km in the western part of the fault. This approach will be pursued on track A86, covering the eastern part, after more thorough cleaning.
We finally compare the combined GNSS-InSAR present-day fault slip rates to new long-term slip rates from geomorphological offset dating, to evaluate the time variability of the Doruneh fault activity. Our multi-disciplinary study will enhance our understanding of the Doruneh fault mechanism and its role in the kinematics of the Arabia-Eurasia collision, and contribute to a better seismic hazard assessment in eastern Iran.
How to cite: Walpersdorf, A., Khorrami, F., Mousavi, Z., Pathier, E., Tavakoli, F., Walker, R., Nankali, H. R., Doin, M.-P., Saadat, S. A., and Djamour, Y.: Spatio-temporal slip rate variability of the Doruneh fault (eastern Iran) from dense GNSS and SENTINEL data and a tectonic study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2524, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2524, 2021.
EGU21-7105 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Pseudo-3D ground deformation map of Sicily derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR time-seriesMaxime Henriquet, Michel Peyret, Stéphane Dominguez, Giovanni Barreca, Jacques Malavieille, and Carmelo Monaco
Since the Neogene, the Central Mediterranean geodynamics is controlled by the migration of narrow orogenic belts, driven by fast slabs retreat, and the slowly converging Nubian and Eurasian plates. Nowadays, the Calabrian Arc continues its southeast migration in response to the Ionian oceanic plate rollback but at a much slower rate. The Sicilian kinematics has reached a transient state between the ending subduction-collision phase that formed the island, and the steady-state convergence between Africa and Eurasia. This setting explains why Sicily is among the most seismically active region of the Mediterranean, gathering the most destructive historical events recorded in Italy, such as the Noto (1693, Mw ∼ 7.4) and Messina earthquakes (1908, Mw ∼ 7.1). Such tectonic activity has led to numerous studies aimed at evaluating current surface motions at a regional scale using GPS networks. To improve the spatial coverage, we built the first 3D geodetic velocity field over the whole Sicily Island by processing from the Sentinel-1 InSAR time-series.
Averaged velocities along the ascending and descending satellite line-of-sight (LOS) were obtained using the Permanent-Scatterer approach (PS-InSAR) over the 2015-2020 period. We converted PS velocity fields into the Nubia reference frame, with the ITRF2014 vertical reference, by adjusting PS to 3D-GPS mean velocities. Reliable GPS velocities were retrieved from time-series of the MAGNET GPS network, leading to about 40selectedsitescoveringSicily and south-west Calabria. Onalltracks, theagreementbetweenPSandGPSLOSvelocitiesisexcellent (rms < 1mm/yr), and derived orbital corrections are robust, except for the western descending track that is only constrained by five GPS data. Since the projected north-south GPS velocity difference along the LOS is about 0.5 mm/yr, we assumed that thenorth-componentoftheground displacementisnegligible. By reducing the problem to a 2D estimation(East and Up component) and using both ascending and descending LOS velocities, we derived the East-andUp-component of the ground deformation within the Nubia-ITRF2014 reference frame. Uncertainties are estimated in the order of 1mm/yr.
The results show that the Up-component is consistent with previous works indicating a significant uplift of the Peloritani range (~ 1±0.5 mm/yr) in north-eastern Sicily. Together with the East-component, the whole Peloritani block appears, however, as a coherent tectonic unit and does not show any dislocation along the Tindari line, as suggested by previous structural field observations. Interestingly, PS-InSAR data evidence an eastward tilting of the Hyblean Plateau, with about 1.5 mm/yr of subsidence of the Augusta bay relative to the Vittoria plain, and a 1 to 2 mm/yr of differential vertical motion along the southern coast, between Agrigento and the Licata and Sciacca locations. Although the reconstructed ground motion only captures a short time-window of the seismic cycle, these data represent a major milestone to evaluate the seismic hazard of Sicily.
How to cite: Henriquet, M., Peyret, M., Dominguez, S., Barreca, G., Malavieille, J., and Monaco, C.: Pseudo-3D ground deformation map of Sicily derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR time-series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7105, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7105, 2021.
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Since the Neogene, the Central Mediterranean geodynamics is controlled by the migration of narrow orogenic belts, driven by fast slabs retreat, and the slowly converging Nubian and Eurasian plates. Nowadays, the Calabrian Arc continues its southeast migration in response to the Ionian oceanic plate rollback but at a much slower rate. The Sicilian kinematics has reached a transient state between the ending subduction-collision phase that formed the island, and the steady-state convergence between Africa and Eurasia. This setting explains why Sicily is among the most seismically active region of the Mediterranean, gathering the most destructive historical events recorded in Italy, such as the Noto (1693, Mw ∼ 7.4) and Messina earthquakes (1908, Mw ∼ 7.1). Such tectonic activity has led to numerous studies aimed at evaluating current surface motions at a regional scale using GPS networks. To improve the spatial coverage, we built the first 3D geodetic velocity field over the whole Sicily Island by processing from the Sentinel-1 InSAR time-series.
Averaged velocities along the ascending and descending satellite line-of-sight (LOS) were obtained using the Permanent-Scatterer approach (PS-InSAR) over the 2015-2020 period. We converted PS velocity fields into the Nubia reference frame, with the ITRF2014 vertical reference, by adjusting PS to 3D-GPS mean velocities. Reliable GPS velocities were retrieved from time-series of the MAGNET GPS network, leading to about 40selectedsitescoveringSicily and south-west Calabria. Onalltracks, theagreementbetweenPSandGPSLOSvelocitiesisexcellent (rms < 1mm/yr), and derived orbital corrections are robust, except for the western descending track that is only constrained by five GPS data. Since the projected north-south GPS velocity difference along the LOS is about 0.5 mm/yr, we assumed that thenorth-componentoftheground displacementisnegligible. By reducing the problem to a 2D estimation(East and Up component) and using both ascending and descending LOS velocities, we derived the East-andUp-component of the ground deformation within the Nubia-ITRF2014 reference frame. Uncertainties are estimated in the order of 1mm/yr.
The results show that the Up-component is consistent with previous works indicating a significant uplift of the Peloritani range (~ 1±0.5 mm/yr) in north-eastern Sicily. Together with the East-component, the whole Peloritani block appears, however, as a coherent tectonic unit and does not show any dislocation along the Tindari line, as suggested by previous structural field observations. Interestingly, PS-InSAR data evidence an eastward tilting of the Hyblean Plateau, with about 1.5 mm/yr of subsidence of the Augusta bay relative to the Vittoria plain, and a 1 to 2 mm/yr of differential vertical motion along the southern coast, between Agrigento and the Licata and Sciacca locations. Although the reconstructed ground motion only captures a short time-window of the seismic cycle, these data represent a major milestone to evaluate the seismic hazard of Sicily.
How to cite: Henriquet, M., Peyret, M., Dominguez, S., Barreca, G., Malavieille, J., and Monaco, C.: Pseudo-3D ground deformation map of Sicily derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR time-series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7105, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7105, 2021.
EGU21-2675 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Contemporary crustal deformation in Georgia (Caucasus)Giorgi Khazaradze Tsilosani, Giorgi Sokhadze, Galaktion Hahubia, and Manana Kachakhidze
The Republic of Georgia is located in the Caucasus, between the Black and Caspian seas from the west and the east, and the Greater and Lesser Caucasus mountains from the north and the south. Tectonically, the region belongs to the Alpine-Himalayan collisional zone, formed during the late Cenozoic period as a result of a collision between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. The deformation zone due to this collision is broad and extends from Zagros mountains in southern Iran to the Greater Caucasus in the north. The GPS studies conducted during the last decade suggest a convergence rate of up to 20 mm/yr between the Arabia and Eurasia plates. Although majority of this convergence occurs in the southern part of the deformation zone, important part of this convergence takes place in Georgia, implying an elevated seismic risk in the region. This is corroborated by a presence of significant historical and instrumental earthquakes in the country.
As part of the project dealing with the detection of possible low frequency electromagnetic emissions proceeding earthquakes, in summer of 2016 we have installed a continuous GNSS station MTSK between Mtskheta and Tbilisi. The station consists of Leica GRX1200 GNSS receiver with an AS10 antenna. It is mounted on top of the building, anchored to the existing brick wall. In contrast, principal convergence between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus across the Tbilisi segment, occurs along the northern boundary of the Lesser Caucasus. To constrain the velocity gradient to the northern boundary of the lesser Caucasus, in 2019 an additional continuous GNSS station MKRN was installed in this deformation zone by the GTDI near the settlement of Mukhrani. It consists of Trimble 5700 receiver with a Zephyr Geodetic antenna.
The analysis of the data is performed using the Gamit/Globk software package from MIT and it is processed in conjunction with 26 continuous GNSS stations of the GEO-CORS network operated by National Agency of Public Registry of Georgia (geocors.napr.gov.ge). In addition, we analyze data form the stations located on Eurasia, Arabia and Africa plates. The main objective of the given work is to monitor a millimeter level deformation of the crust due to the collision of Arabia and Eurasia tectonic plates and identify the regions of higher deformation and relate them to individual faults.
This work has been partially supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (grant DI/21/9-140/13) and PROMONTEC (CGL2017-84720-R AEI/FEDER, UE) project, financed by the Spanish MINEICO. We are grateful to the Andronikashvili Institute of Physics (www.aiphysics.tsu.ge) for letting us use their facility for the installation of the GNSS station.
How to cite: Khazaradze Tsilosani, G., Sokhadze, G., Hahubia, G., and Kachakhidze, M.: Contemporary crustal deformation in Georgia (Caucasus), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2675, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2675, 2021.
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The Republic of Georgia is located in the Caucasus, between the Black and Caspian seas from the west and the east, and the Greater and Lesser Caucasus mountains from the north and the south. Tectonically, the region belongs to the Alpine-Himalayan collisional zone, formed during the late Cenozoic period as a result of a collision between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. The deformation zone due to this collision is broad and extends from Zagros mountains in southern Iran to the Greater Caucasus in the north. The GPS studies conducted during the last decade suggest a convergence rate of up to 20 mm/yr between the Arabia and Eurasia plates. Although majority of this convergence occurs in the southern part of the deformation zone, important part of this convergence takes place in Georgia, implying an elevated seismic risk in the region. This is corroborated by a presence of significant historical and instrumental earthquakes in the country.
As part of the project dealing with the detection of possible low frequency electromagnetic emissions proceeding earthquakes, in summer of 2016 we have installed a continuous GNSS station MTSK between Mtskheta and Tbilisi. The station consists of Leica GRX1200 GNSS receiver with an AS10 antenna. It is mounted on top of the building, anchored to the existing brick wall. In contrast, principal convergence between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus across the Tbilisi segment, occurs along the northern boundary of the Lesser Caucasus. To constrain the velocity gradient to the northern boundary of the lesser Caucasus, in 2019 an additional continuous GNSS station MKRN was installed in this deformation zone by the GTDI near the settlement of Mukhrani. It consists of Trimble 5700 receiver with a Zephyr Geodetic antenna.
The analysis of the data is performed using the Gamit/Globk software package from MIT and it is processed in conjunction with 26 continuous GNSS stations of the GEO-CORS network operated by National Agency of Public Registry of Georgia (geocors.napr.gov.ge). In addition, we analyze data form the stations located on Eurasia, Arabia and Africa plates. The main objective of the given work is to monitor a millimeter level deformation of the crust due to the collision of Arabia and Eurasia tectonic plates and identify the regions of higher deformation and relate them to individual faults.
This work has been partially supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (grant DI/21/9-140/13) and PROMONTEC (CGL2017-84720-R AEI/FEDER, UE) project, financed by the Spanish MINEICO. We are grateful to the Andronikashvili Institute of Physics (www.aiphysics.tsu.ge) for letting us use their facility for the installation of the GNSS station.
How to cite: Khazaradze Tsilosani, G., Sokhadze, G., Hahubia, G., and Kachakhidze, M.: Contemporary crustal deformation in Georgia (Caucasus), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2675, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2675, 2021.
EGU21-9819 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Vertical velocity fields along the Eastern Mediterranean coast as revealed by late Holocene sea-level markersMarco Liberatore, Domenico Cosentino, Elsa Gliozzi, Paola Cipollari, Nazik Öğretmen, and Giorgio Spada
Vertical movements of the solid surface reflect crustal deformation and mantle deep related phenomena. For Holocene times, coastlines displaced from the present mean sea level are often used, combined with past relative sea levels (RSL) prediction models, to clue the vertical deformational field.
Along the coast from south-western Turkey until Israel and Cyprus, a certain amount of good quality data is already published, leaving only a gap where data are absent along the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP) coast. Based on new field observations along with this sector, between Adalia and Adana (Mersin, southern Turkey), together with AMS 14C dating, the gap is filled, allowing to describe an overall frame made by vertical differential movements along the Eastern Mediterranean coast.
Most recent Glacial Isostatic Adjustments (GIA) models have been used to remove the glacio-hydro isostatic component of the RSL. Different solutions from ICE-6G(VM5a) and ICE-7G(VM7) models (developed by W.R. Peltier and co-workers, Toronto University), as also a solution from the GIA model progressively developed by K. Lambeck and collaborators at the Australian National University, have been applied on 201 middle-to-late Holocene markers of RSL. Both GIA models have been implemented within the numerical Sea level Equation solver SELEN4.
Tectonic velocity has been therefore calculated. Starting from southwestern Turkey, subsidence has been found within the range between -0.91 mm/yr and -2.15 mm/yr confirming values from previous works. Velocities from the new markers along the CAP coast are positive ranging between 1.01 and 1.65 mm/yr. These two first blocks are separated by a sharp velocity contact, occurring along the complex fault zone of the Isparta Angle. Such values for the CAP margin were expected as recently published papers report high vertical velocities for a Middle to Late Pleistocene uplift event. Moving to the east, velocities are also positive, within 0.3-0.6 mm/yr, along the coast between the Hatay Gulf and southern Lebanon. The spiked profile of the Lebanese sector is likely due to co-seismic deformations along the Lebanese Restraining Bend faults (LRB). To the south, the Israeli coast is instead showing stability according to some unique RSL markers named piscinae while other markers indicate slow subsidence. Hence another velocity jump of at least 0.5 mm/yr is recognizable between Israel and Lebanon: it is probably associated with already known brittle structures. In northern Cyprus, the only Holocene sea-level marker confirms the almost zero vertical velocity values already obtained for the MIS 5e marine terrace. Therefore, a vertical velocity jump occurs between stable Cyprus and the uplifting CAP southern margin, although they are placed on the same overriding plate of the subduction system. High-angle normal faults at the northern margin of the Adana-Cilicia Basin could explain these different vertical velocity fields.
These results depict a complex frame of wide independently moving crustal blocks where kinematic separation occurs along well-known regional fault zones. Driving causes of the block movements could be related either to regional tectonics, as it probably is for the LRB coast, or to mantle dynamics, for the uplifting Turkish sector where deeper processes should be considered.
How to cite: Liberatore, M., Cosentino, D., Gliozzi, E., Cipollari, P., Öğretmen, N., and Spada, G.: Vertical velocity fields along the Eastern Mediterranean coast as revealed by late Holocene sea-level markers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9819, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9819, 2021.
Vertical movements of the solid surface reflect crustal deformation and mantle deep related phenomena. For Holocene times, coastlines displaced from the present mean sea level are often used, combined with past relative sea levels (RSL) prediction models, to clue the vertical deformational field.
Along the coast from south-western Turkey until Israel and Cyprus, a certain amount of good quality data is already published, leaving only a gap where data are absent along the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP) coast. Based on new field observations along with this sector, between Adalia and Adana (Mersin, southern Turkey), together with AMS 14C dating, the gap is filled, allowing to describe an overall frame made by vertical differential movements along the Eastern Mediterranean coast.
Most recent Glacial Isostatic Adjustments (GIA) models have been used to remove the glacio-hydro isostatic component of the RSL. Different solutions from ICE-6G(VM5a) and ICE-7G(VM7) models (developed by W.R. Peltier and co-workers, Toronto University), as also a solution from the GIA model progressively developed by K. Lambeck and collaborators at the Australian National University, have been applied on 201 middle-to-late Holocene markers of RSL. Both GIA models have been implemented within the numerical Sea level Equation solver SELEN4.
Tectonic velocity has been therefore calculated. Starting from southwestern Turkey, subsidence has been found within the range between -0.91 mm/yr and -2.15 mm/yr confirming values from previous works. Velocities from the new markers along the CAP coast are positive ranging between 1.01 and 1.65 mm/yr. These two first blocks are separated by a sharp velocity contact, occurring along the complex fault zone of the Isparta Angle. Such values for the CAP margin were expected as recently published papers report high vertical velocities for a Middle to Late Pleistocene uplift event. Moving to the east, velocities are also positive, within 0.3-0.6 mm/yr, along the coast between the Hatay Gulf and southern Lebanon. The spiked profile of the Lebanese sector is likely due to co-seismic deformations along the Lebanese Restraining Bend faults (LRB). To the south, the Israeli coast is instead showing stability according to some unique RSL markers named piscinae while other markers indicate slow subsidence. Hence another velocity jump of at least 0.5 mm/yr is recognizable between Israel and Lebanon: it is probably associated with already known brittle structures. In northern Cyprus, the only Holocene sea-level marker confirms the almost zero vertical velocity values already obtained for the MIS 5e marine terrace. Therefore, a vertical velocity jump occurs between stable Cyprus and the uplifting CAP southern margin, although they are placed on the same overriding plate of the subduction system. High-angle normal faults at the northern margin of the Adana-Cilicia Basin could explain these different vertical velocity fields.
These results depict a complex frame of wide independently moving crustal blocks where kinematic separation occurs along well-known regional fault zones. Driving causes of the block movements could be related either to regional tectonics, as it probably is for the LRB coast, or to mantle dynamics, for the uplifting Turkish sector where deeper processes should be considered.
How to cite: Liberatore, M., Cosentino, D., Gliozzi, E., Cipollari, P., Öğretmen, N., and Spada, G.: Vertical velocity fields along the Eastern Mediterranean coast as revealed by late Holocene sea-level markers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9819, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9819, 2021.
EGU21-12428 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Late Mesozoic – Cenozoic evolution of the eastern Cyprus offshoreNicolò Bertone, Lorenzo Bonini, Anna Del Ben, Giuseppe Brancatelli, Angelo Camerlenghi, Edy Forlin, Dirk Klaeschen, and Gian Andrea Pini
The present‐day tectonic setting of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea results from a long deformation history, characterized by an alternation of extensional and contractional phases: from Mesozoic rifting to Late Cretaceous-present-day compression. This study focused on the tectonic reconstruction of the north-eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea, on a sector located between the Turkish coast and the northern Levantine Basin, using seismic reflection profiles. Previous studies dealt with the recent (Neogene) evolution because they did not have enough depth of investigation to recognize deeper reflections. We used vintage data such as MS and Strakhov surveys to analyze the deeper part of the area. We interpreted and depth-converted these seismic data, and we developed a sequential restoration to reconstruct the stratigraphic and structural evolution of the study area.
In general, from north to south, we recognize the Cilicia Basin: a piggy-back basin bordered to the south by the offshore continuation of the Kyrenia Range. The Kyrenia Range is a positive flower structure generated during a transpressional phase because of the rotation of the Arabic plate. Southward, a secondary contractional system with an onlapping wedge is present in the area between the Kyrenia Range and another prominent ridge, i.e. the Larnaca Ridge. In the southern part, the same transpressional phase that generated the Kyrenia Range led to a positive inversion of an ancient extensional system, i.e. the Latakia Ridge. Beyond these positive flowers, the Levantine Basin is affected by extensional structures showing weak positive reactivation, including halokinetic features.
In summary, we found that the inherited extensional structures strongly impacted the following contractional ones affecting both their geometry and their kinematics.
How to cite: Bertone, N., Bonini, L., Del Ben, A., Brancatelli, G., Camerlenghi, A., Forlin, E., Klaeschen, D., and Pini, G. A.: Late Mesozoic – Cenozoic evolution of the eastern Cyprus offshore, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12428, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12428, 2021.
The present‐day tectonic setting of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea results from a long deformation history, characterized by an alternation of extensional and contractional phases: from Mesozoic rifting to Late Cretaceous-present-day compression. This study focused on the tectonic reconstruction of the north-eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea, on a sector located between the Turkish coast and the northern Levantine Basin, using seismic reflection profiles. Previous studies dealt with the recent (Neogene) evolution because they did not have enough depth of investigation to recognize deeper reflections. We used vintage data such as MS and Strakhov surveys to analyze the deeper part of the area. We interpreted and depth-converted these seismic data, and we developed a sequential restoration to reconstruct the stratigraphic and structural evolution of the study area.
In general, from north to south, we recognize the Cilicia Basin: a piggy-back basin bordered to the south by the offshore continuation of the Kyrenia Range. The Kyrenia Range is a positive flower structure generated during a transpressional phase because of the rotation of the Arabic plate. Southward, a secondary contractional system with an onlapping wedge is present in the area between the Kyrenia Range and another prominent ridge, i.e. the Larnaca Ridge. In the southern part, the same transpressional phase that generated the Kyrenia Range led to a positive inversion of an ancient extensional system, i.e. the Latakia Ridge. Beyond these positive flowers, the Levantine Basin is affected by extensional structures showing weak positive reactivation, including halokinetic features.
In summary, we found that the inherited extensional structures strongly impacted the following contractional ones affecting both their geometry and their kinematics.
How to cite: Bertone, N., Bonini, L., Del Ben, A., Brancatelli, G., Camerlenghi, A., Forlin, E., Klaeschen, D., and Pini, G. A.: Late Mesozoic – Cenozoic evolution of the eastern Cyprus offshore, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12428, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12428, 2021.
EGU21-14174 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Preliminary results on the slip history of the Pazarcik Segment of the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey): Insights from the integrated analyses of ASTER T-1 and Landsat 8 OLI multi-spectral imagery-based lithological mappingErdem Kırkan, Gülsen Uçarkuş, and Cengiz Zabcı
Multi-spectral satellite imagery becomes a powerful tool in analyses of the earth’s surface in various aspects, including tectonic studies. There are many worldwide samples of such studies, documenting the distribution of faulting or deformation of lithological units especially in arid, semi-arid regions. The East Anatolian Shear Zone and its most prominent member, the East Anatolian Fault (EAF), is part of such a region, where the modern techniques of remote sensing can provide information on the history of this transform fault system. The EASZ and the EAF, together form the eastern boundary of the Anatolian Block, which in this study, we compare the efficiency of Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images in the discrimination of lithological formations and the Pazarcik Segment of the EAF. First, we used the band combinations of 2/5/1 and 7/3/1, then 4/3-6/2-7/4 and 1/3-1/9-3/9 band ratios were independently selected in order to make an additional evaluation of the lithological discrimination for Landsat 8 OLI and ASTER T1 images, respectively. In the last stage, we used Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which provided a richer colour spectrum than the Band Combination and Band Ratio methods. The preliminary joint-analysis of these three methods allowed us to better understand the basin geometry along this part of the Pazarcik Segment. Accordingly the northern part of the Golbasi basin which hosts the Golbasi Lake, presents a rhomboidal geometry whereas the southern part is divided from the north with a wedge-shaped basin geometry. Towards southwest of the Pazarcik Segment, the Kisik River is left-laterally offset about ~4.8 km which is detectable on the band ratio images. Most critically, the image analysis highlight a geological offset along the Pazarcik Fault Segment at the Golbasi Lake side of the Hoya Formation. A left-lateral cumulative offset of ~11 km is measured along the displaced Hoya formation favouring the hypotheses of either a diachronic origin for the northern and eastern tectonic boundaries of Anatolia, among which the northern one highly exceeds the eastern boundary in terms of total slip, hence the age, or a wider shear zone where the total strain has been shared among parallel/sub-parallel segments.
How to cite: Kırkan, E., Uçarkuş, G., and Zabcı, C.: Preliminary results on the slip history of the Pazarcik Segment of the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey): Insights from the integrated analyses of ASTER T-1 and Landsat 8 OLI multi-spectral imagery-based lithological mapping, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14174, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14174, 2021.
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Multi-spectral satellite imagery becomes a powerful tool in analyses of the earth’s surface in various aspects, including tectonic studies. There are many worldwide samples of such studies, documenting the distribution of faulting or deformation of lithological units especially in arid, semi-arid regions. The East Anatolian Shear Zone and its most prominent member, the East Anatolian Fault (EAF), is part of such a region, where the modern techniques of remote sensing can provide information on the history of this transform fault system. The EASZ and the EAF, together form the eastern boundary of the Anatolian Block, which in this study, we compare the efficiency of Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images in the discrimination of lithological formations and the Pazarcik Segment of the EAF. First, we used the band combinations of 2/5/1 and 7/3/1, then 4/3-6/2-7/4 and 1/3-1/9-3/9 band ratios were independently selected in order to make an additional evaluation of the lithological discrimination for Landsat 8 OLI and ASTER T1 images, respectively. In the last stage, we used Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which provided a richer colour spectrum than the Band Combination and Band Ratio methods. The preliminary joint-analysis of these three methods allowed us to better understand the basin geometry along this part of the Pazarcik Segment. Accordingly the northern part of the Golbasi basin which hosts the Golbasi Lake, presents a rhomboidal geometry whereas the southern part is divided from the north with a wedge-shaped basin geometry. Towards southwest of the Pazarcik Segment, the Kisik River is left-laterally offset about ~4.8 km which is detectable on the band ratio images. Most critically, the image analysis highlight a geological offset along the Pazarcik Fault Segment at the Golbasi Lake side of the Hoya Formation. A left-lateral cumulative offset of ~11 km is measured along the displaced Hoya formation favouring the hypotheses of either a diachronic origin for the northern and eastern tectonic boundaries of Anatolia, among which the northern one highly exceeds the eastern boundary in terms of total slip, hence the age, or a wider shear zone where the total strain has been shared among parallel/sub-parallel segments.
How to cite: Kırkan, E., Uçarkuş, G., and Zabcı, C.: Preliminary results on the slip history of the Pazarcik Segment of the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey): Insights from the integrated analyses of ASTER T-1 and Landsat 8 OLI multi-spectral imagery-based lithological mapping, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14174, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14174, 2021.
EGU21-16315 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
3D discrete element modeling of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone and related extrusion of the Anatolian BlockLiqing Jiao, Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari, and Yann Klinger
The Arabia-Eurasia collision zone is an example of large-scale continental deformation. The collision started recently (25-15 Ma) and is characterized by a low shortening rate. The shortening caused by the collision is partly accommodated by vertical uplift, leading to large fold-and-thrust belts that give rise to the Zagros, Caucasus, and Alborz mountain ranges. The other part of the shortening is presently taken up by the lateral extrusion toward the west of the Anatolian block, a relatively rigid continental lithospheric block. This extrusion is accommodated by the conjugate North and East Anatolian Faults.
In this work we aim at understanding the dynamic of the crustal deformation processes resulting from the continental collision, including generation of positive topography and localization of major shear zones that evolve into lithospheric-scale strike-slip faults. Previous modeling attempt were mostly limited to the kinematic description of the strike-slip fault system and did not consider any topographic changes. In this earlier attempt fault geometry was usually assigned a-priori, and most often slab-pull along the Aegean subduction zone was partly needed to drive the extrusion.
Here, using a Discrete Element Modeling approach, we built a 3D model of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone, including gravity forces, to study the temporal evolutions of the different tectonic structures, thrust and strike-slip faults, involved in accommodating the continental collision deformation processes.
On one hand, our modeling approach does not require to pre-set any fault geometry at the beginning of the collision. On the other hand, this approach allows us testing the impact of specific boundary conditions, such as the existence of two oceanic-crust relics forming respectively the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and which are considered 100% rigid.
Our preliminary models reproduce at first order the successive deformation steps of the Arabia-Eurasia collision that lead to the current configuration. The first phase of deformation is characterized by the formation of a wide fold-and-thrust belt in front of the Arabian plate indenter. Only in a second phase, the extrusion of an Anatolian block westward is taking place. This extrusion, however, happens only when rigid bodies (the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea) are present in the model. Conversely, extrusion in our models does not require the existence of slab-pull to occur. Eventually, the strike-slip faults generated in our models are showing good qualitative agreement with the current geometry of the North and East Anatolian faults. Faults generated in our models accommodate the rotation of the extruded block in a consistent way with the present-day pattern of the Anatolia block. Further work will allow quantifying the length of the different time steps in the collision process, and to explore the impact of the geometry of the indenter.
How to cite: Jiao, L., Hubert-Ferrari, A., and Klinger, Y.: 3D discrete element modeling of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone and related extrusion of the Anatolian Block, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16315, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16315, 2021.
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The Arabia-Eurasia collision zone is an example of large-scale continental deformation. The collision started recently (25-15 Ma) and is characterized by a low shortening rate. The shortening caused by the collision is partly accommodated by vertical uplift, leading to large fold-and-thrust belts that give rise to the Zagros, Caucasus, and Alborz mountain ranges. The other part of the shortening is presently taken up by the lateral extrusion toward the west of the Anatolian block, a relatively rigid continental lithospheric block. This extrusion is accommodated by the conjugate North and East Anatolian Faults.
In this work we aim at understanding the dynamic of the crustal deformation processes resulting from the continental collision, including generation of positive topography and localization of major shear zones that evolve into lithospheric-scale strike-slip faults. Previous modeling attempt were mostly limited to the kinematic description of the strike-slip fault system and did not consider any topographic changes. In this earlier attempt fault geometry was usually assigned a-priori, and most often slab-pull along the Aegean subduction zone was partly needed to drive the extrusion.
Here, using a Discrete Element Modeling approach, we built a 3D model of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone, including gravity forces, to study the temporal evolutions of the different tectonic structures, thrust and strike-slip faults, involved in accommodating the continental collision deformation processes.
On one hand, our modeling approach does not require to pre-set any fault geometry at the beginning of the collision. On the other hand, this approach allows us testing the impact of specific boundary conditions, such as the existence of two oceanic-crust relics forming respectively the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and which are considered 100% rigid.
Our preliminary models reproduce at first order the successive deformation steps of the Arabia-Eurasia collision that lead to the current configuration. The first phase of deformation is characterized by the formation of a wide fold-and-thrust belt in front of the Arabian plate indenter. Only in a second phase, the extrusion of an Anatolian block westward is taking place. This extrusion, however, happens only when rigid bodies (the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea) are present in the model. Conversely, extrusion in our models does not require the existence of slab-pull to occur. Eventually, the strike-slip faults generated in our models are showing good qualitative agreement with the current geometry of the North and East Anatolian faults. Faults generated in our models accommodate the rotation of the extruded block in a consistent way with the present-day pattern of the Anatolia block. Further work will allow quantifying the length of the different time steps in the collision process, and to explore the impact of the geometry of the indenter.
How to cite: Jiao, L., Hubert-Ferrari, A., and Klinger, Y.: 3D discrete element modeling of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone and related extrusion of the Anatolian Block, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16315, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16315, 2021.
EGU21-464 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Stress State Analysis and Active Tectonics of Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) Province, (NW Anatolia, Turkey) from Pre-Late Cenozoic to QuaternaryGülen Tunç and Süha Özden
Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) province plays a very important role to understand geology and tectonics of the Western Anatolia. Active tectonics characteristics of the region give major information about the evolution of tectonics of the Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) and surrounding areas especially from Late Cenozoic to present day. In this study, kinematic analysis of observed faults in the field and focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes from this region and surroundings are used to reveal the Late Cenozoic stress states of Çavdarhisar (Kütahya). Kinematic analysis results of the faults give four different stress state (SS) regimes from Pre-Late Miocene to Quaternary. Firstly, a main strike-slip faulting (transpressional) (SS.1) has been developed under a NE-SW local compressional tectonic regime in Pre-Late Pliocene with 32°/31° (σ1) and 124°/10° (σ3) trends and Rm ratio was calculated as 0.616. Secondly and consistently with first regime, a NW-SE trending extensional regime (SS.2) produce a local normal faulting presents a minimum stress with 329°/6° (σ3) trend as in horizontal plane in the same period. Then, a NW-SE trending compressional tectonic regime has been efficient in Late Pliocene. This tectonic regime (SS.3) developed a strike-slip faulting (transtensional) has showing by a maximum stress axis by 325°/19° (σ1) and 60°/8° (σ3) trends and Rm ratio was calculated as 0.499. Finally, in the study area, a tectonic regime change has occurred during Quaternary time interval. This regime (SS.4) is oriented a minimum stress state trend as in horizontal plane by a NE-SW directed extensional regime produce a normal faulting in present day and shows a minimum stress with 58°/17° (σ3) trend and Rm ratio is calculated as 0.549. Focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes that hit the study area show NNE–SSW extension direction which is consistent with present day extensional regime of Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) and surrounding areas. The reason for the regionally effective NNE–SSW trending extensional regime in western and south western Anatolia is related with complex subduction processes between African and Anatolian plates.
Key words: Çavdarhisar, Kütahya, kinematic analysis, tectonic regime, active tectonics, stress state
How to cite: Tunç, G. and Özden, S.: Stress State Analysis and Active Tectonics of Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) Province, (NW Anatolia, Turkey) from Pre-Late Cenozoic to Quaternary, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-464, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-464, 2021.
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Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) province plays a very important role to understand geology and tectonics of the Western Anatolia. Active tectonics characteristics of the region give major information about the evolution of tectonics of the Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) and surrounding areas especially from Late Cenozoic to present day. In this study, kinematic analysis of observed faults in the field and focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes from this region and surroundings are used to reveal the Late Cenozoic stress states of Çavdarhisar (Kütahya). Kinematic analysis results of the faults give four different stress state (SS) regimes from Pre-Late Miocene to Quaternary. Firstly, a main strike-slip faulting (transpressional) (SS.1) has been developed under a NE-SW local compressional tectonic regime in Pre-Late Pliocene with 32°/31° (σ1) and 124°/10° (σ3) trends and Rm ratio was calculated as 0.616. Secondly and consistently with first regime, a NW-SE trending extensional regime (SS.2) produce a local normal faulting presents a minimum stress with 329°/6° (σ3) trend as in horizontal plane in the same period. Then, a NW-SE trending compressional tectonic regime has been efficient in Late Pliocene. This tectonic regime (SS.3) developed a strike-slip faulting (transtensional) has showing by a maximum stress axis by 325°/19° (σ1) and 60°/8° (σ3) trends and Rm ratio was calculated as 0.499. Finally, in the study area, a tectonic regime change has occurred during Quaternary time interval. This regime (SS.4) is oriented a minimum stress state trend as in horizontal plane by a NE-SW directed extensional regime produce a normal faulting in present day and shows a minimum stress with 58°/17° (σ3) trend and Rm ratio is calculated as 0.549. Focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes that hit the study area show NNE–SSW extension direction which is consistent with present day extensional regime of Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) and surrounding areas. The reason for the regionally effective NNE–SSW trending extensional regime in western and south western Anatolia is related with complex subduction processes between African and Anatolian plates.
Key words: Çavdarhisar, Kütahya, kinematic analysis, tectonic regime, active tectonics, stress state
How to cite: Tunç, G. and Özden, S.: Stress State Analysis and Active Tectonics of Çavdarhisar (Kütahya) Province, (NW Anatolia, Turkey) from Pre-Late Cenozoic to Quaternary, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-464, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-464, 2021.
EGU21-14816 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Faulting, doming and basin formation during orogenic arcuation – the case of the Shkoder-Peja Normal Fault System (northern Albania and Kosovo)Marc U. Grund, Mark R. Handy, Jörg Giese, Jan Pleuger, Lorenzo Gemignani, and Kujtim Onuzi
The junction between the Dinarides and the Hellenides coincides with an orogenic bend characterized by a complex system of faults, domes and sedimentary basins. The major structure at this junction is the Shkoder-Peja Normal Fault (SPNF) system, which trends oblique to the orogen and is segmented along strike, with ductile-to-brittle branches in its southwestern and central parts that border two domes in its footwall: (1) the Cukali Dome (RSCM peak-T 190-280°C), a doubly-plunging upright antiform deforming Dinaric nappes, including the Krasta-Cukali nappe with its Middle Triassic to Early Eocene sediments; (2) the newly discovered Decani Dome (RSCM peak-T 320-460°C) delimited to the E by the ~1500 m wide Decani Shear Zone (DSZ) that exposes Paleozoic to Mesozoic strata of the East Bosnian Durmitor nappe (EBD). In the northeasternmost segment, the strike of the SPNF system changes from roughly orogen-perpendicular to orogen-parallel. There, the SPNF system has brittle branches- most notably the Dukagjini Fault (DF) that forms the northwestern limit of the Western Kosovo Basin (WKB).
The westernmost ductile-brittle SPNF segment strikes along the southern limb of the Cukali Dome with an increasing vertical offset from 0 m near Shkoder eastwards to >1000 m at the eastern extent of the dome (near Fierza) where normal faulting cuts the nappe contact between the High Karst and Krasta-Cukali unit. The central segment north of the Tropoja Basin, with several smaller branches changing in strike, has a vertical throw of at least 1500 meters based on topographic constraints. Even further to the northeast, the SPNF system includes the moderately E-dipping DSZ juxtaposing the EBD in its footwall against mèlange of the West Vardar unit in its hanging wall, where offset is difficult to determine. 3 km eastwards, in the hanging wall to the DSZ, the brittle DF accommodates another 1000 m of vertical displacement as constrained by maximum depth of sediments of the WKB.
Ductile deformation along the Cukali and Decani Domes occurred sometime between the end of Dinaric thrusting and the formation of the WKB. Brittle faulting partly reactivates ductile segments, but also creates new branches (DF) within the hanging wall of the ductile DSZ. These were active during mid-Miocene to Pliocene times as constrained by syn-tectonic sediments in the WKB. We interpret the SPNF system as a two-phase composite extensional structure with normal faulting that migrated from its older trace along the ductile DSZ to the brittle DF as indicated by cross-cutting relations. The Decani Dome, with higher metamorphic temperature conditions than the Cukali Dome, may reflect the south-westernmost extent of late Paleogene extension in the Dinarides. It may be related to other core complexes and possibly to limited subduction rollback beneath the Dinarides (Matenco and Radivojevi, 2012). Extension from mid-Miocene time onwards was probably related to Hellenic CW rotation during Neogene orogenic arcuation, possibly triggered by enhanced rollback beneath the Hellenides (Handy et al., 2019).
Handy, M.R.,et al. 2019: Tectonics, v. 38, p. 2803–2828, doi:10.1029/2019TC005524.
Matenco, L.,& Radivojevi, D. 2012: Tectonics, v. 31, p. 1–31, doi:10.1029/2012TC003206.
How to cite: Grund, M. U., Handy, M. R., Giese, J., Pleuger, J., Gemignani, L., and Onuzi, K.: Faulting, doming and basin formation during orogenic arcuation – the case of the Shkoder-Peja Normal Fault System (northern Albania and Kosovo), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14816, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14816, 2021.
The junction between the Dinarides and the Hellenides coincides with an orogenic bend characterized by a complex system of faults, domes and sedimentary basins. The major structure at this junction is the Shkoder-Peja Normal Fault (SPNF) system, which trends oblique to the orogen and is segmented along strike, with ductile-to-brittle branches in its southwestern and central parts that border two domes in its footwall: (1) the Cukali Dome (RSCM peak-T 190-280°C), a doubly-plunging upright antiform deforming Dinaric nappes, including the Krasta-Cukali nappe with its Middle Triassic to Early Eocene sediments; (2) the newly discovered Decani Dome (RSCM peak-T 320-460°C) delimited to the E by the ~1500 m wide Decani Shear Zone (DSZ) that exposes Paleozoic to Mesozoic strata of the East Bosnian Durmitor nappe (EBD). In the northeasternmost segment, the strike of the SPNF system changes from roughly orogen-perpendicular to orogen-parallel. There, the SPNF system has brittle branches- most notably the Dukagjini Fault (DF) that forms the northwestern limit of the Western Kosovo Basin (WKB).
The westernmost ductile-brittle SPNF segment strikes along the southern limb of the Cukali Dome with an increasing vertical offset from 0 m near Shkoder eastwards to >1000 m at the eastern extent of the dome (near Fierza) where normal faulting cuts the nappe contact between the High Karst and Krasta-Cukali unit. The central segment north of the Tropoja Basin, with several smaller branches changing in strike, has a vertical throw of at least 1500 meters based on topographic constraints. Even further to the northeast, the SPNF system includes the moderately E-dipping DSZ juxtaposing the EBD in its footwall against mèlange of the West Vardar unit in its hanging wall, where offset is difficult to determine. 3 km eastwards, in the hanging wall to the DSZ, the brittle DF accommodates another 1000 m of vertical displacement as constrained by maximum depth of sediments of the WKB.
Ductile deformation along the Cukali and Decani Domes occurred sometime between the end of Dinaric thrusting and the formation of the WKB. Brittle faulting partly reactivates ductile segments, but also creates new branches (DF) within the hanging wall of the ductile DSZ. These were active during mid-Miocene to Pliocene times as constrained by syn-tectonic sediments in the WKB. We interpret the SPNF system as a two-phase composite extensional structure with normal faulting that migrated from its older trace along the ductile DSZ to the brittle DF as indicated by cross-cutting relations. The Decani Dome, with higher metamorphic temperature conditions than the Cukali Dome, may reflect the south-westernmost extent of late Paleogene extension in the Dinarides. It may be related to other core complexes and possibly to limited subduction rollback beneath the Dinarides (Matenco and Radivojevi, 2012). Extension from mid-Miocene time onwards was probably related to Hellenic CW rotation during Neogene orogenic arcuation, possibly triggered by enhanced rollback beneath the Hellenides (Handy et al., 2019).
Handy, M.R.,et al. 2019: Tectonics, v. 38, p. 2803–2828, doi:10.1029/2019TC005524.
Matenco, L.,& Radivojevi, D. 2012: Tectonics, v. 31, p. 1–31, doi:10.1029/2012TC003206.
How to cite: Grund, M. U., Handy, M. R., Giese, J., Pleuger, J., Gemignani, L., and Onuzi, K.: Faulting, doming and basin formation during orogenic arcuation – the case of the Shkoder-Peja Normal Fault System (northern Albania and Kosovo), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14816, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14816, 2021.
EGU21-7672 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Micro-seismicity, seismic-wave velocity model and earthquake clustering in the Akarnanian region (western Greece)Valentine Lefils, Alexis Rigo, and Efthimios Sokos
Characterized for the first time in 2013, the Island Akarnanian Block (IAB) is a micro-plate located in the western Greece. This micro-plate accommodates the deformation in between larger scale tectonic structures as the Gulf of Corinth (South-East), the Hellenic subduction (South) and the Apulian Collison (West).
We started a micro-seismic survey (MADAM) at the end of 2015 with a dense seismological network over the area, between the Gulf of Patras and the Gulf of Amvrakikos. In order to obtain precise locations of the recorded events, we better constrained the local velocity model. In fact, several velocity models (local or regional) have been proposed for this area. However, the velocity model generally used by the scientific community remains the Hasslinger 98 velocity model. This model, nevertheless, raises some questions about its physical meaning, mainly due to a low velocity layer between 4 and 7 km-depth.
Thanks to our seismological network and permanent networks of the Corinth Rift Laboratory and the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network, we collected and analysed a huge quantity of data acquired between October 2015 and December 2017. Those analyses of more than 10,000 events allowed us to develop a new and robust local velocity model, which is consistent with the seismic data and the geophysical observations.
The observed seismic activity is characterized by the presence of numerous clusters. The clusters are analysed in detail by relative relocations in order to appraise their physical processes and their possible implications in the fault activity to finally have a better understanding of the deformation mode(s) of the IAB micro-plate.
How to cite: Lefils, V., Rigo, A., and Sokos, E.: Micro-seismicity, seismic-wave velocity model and earthquake clustering in the Akarnanian region (western Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7672, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7672, 2021.
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Characterized for the first time in 2013, the Island Akarnanian Block (IAB) is a micro-plate located in the western Greece. This micro-plate accommodates the deformation in between larger scale tectonic structures as the Gulf of Corinth (South-East), the Hellenic subduction (South) and the Apulian Collison (West).
We started a micro-seismic survey (MADAM) at the end of 2015 with a dense seismological network over the area, between the Gulf of Patras and the Gulf of Amvrakikos. In order to obtain precise locations of the recorded events, we better constrained the local velocity model. In fact, several velocity models (local or regional) have been proposed for this area. However, the velocity model generally used by the scientific community remains the Hasslinger 98 velocity model. This model, nevertheless, raises some questions about its physical meaning, mainly due to a low velocity layer between 4 and 7 km-depth.
Thanks to our seismological network and permanent networks of the Corinth Rift Laboratory and the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network, we collected and analysed a huge quantity of data acquired between October 2015 and December 2017. Those analyses of more than 10,000 events allowed us to develop a new and robust local velocity model, which is consistent with the seismic data and the geophysical observations.
The observed seismic activity is characterized by the presence of numerous clusters. The clusters are analysed in detail by relative relocations in order to appraise their physical processes and their possible implications in the fault activity to finally have a better understanding of the deformation mode(s) of the IAB micro-plate.
How to cite: Lefils, V., Rigo, A., and Sokos, E.: Micro-seismicity, seismic-wave velocity model and earthquake clustering in the Akarnanian region (western Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7672, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7672, 2021.
EGU21-15736 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Upper-plate structural controls on the segmentation of the Kefalonia Fault (Ionian Sea, Greece)Emmanuel Skourtsos, Haralambos Kranis, Spyridon Mavroulis, and Efthimios Lekkas
The NNE-SSW, right-lateral Kefalonia Transform Fault (KTF) marks the western termination of the subducting Hellenic slab, which is a part of the oceanic remnant of the African plate. The inception of the KTF, described as a STEP fault, is placed in the Pliocene. KTF is considered to be the most active earthquake source in the Eastern Mediterranean. During the last two decades, four significant earthquakes (M>6.0) have been associated with the KTF. These events are attributed to the reactivation of different segments of the KTF, which are (from North to South) the North Lefkada, South Lefkada, Fiskardo, Paliki and Zakynthos segments: the North Lefkada segment ruptured in the 2003 earthquake, the 2014 Kefalonia events are associated with the Paliki segment and the 2015 Lefkada earthquake with the South Lefkada (and possibly the Fiskardo) segments.
The upper plate structure in the islands of Lefkada and Kefalonia is characterized by the Ionian Unit, thrusted over the Paxi (or Pre-Apulian) Unit. The Ionian Thrust, which brings the Ionian over the Paxi Unit, is a main upper-plate NNW-SSE, NE-dipping structure. It runs through the island of Lefkada, to be mapped onshore again at the western coast of Ithaki and at SE Kefalonia. Two other major thrusts are mapped on this island: the Aenos thrust, which has a WNW-ESE strike at the southern part of the island and gradually curves towards NNW-SSE in the west and the Kalo Fault in the northern part. These Pliocene (and still active) structures developed during the late-most stages of thrusting in the Hellenides, strike obliquely to the KTF and appear to abut against it.
We suggest that these thrusts control not only the deformation within the upper plate, but also the earthquake segmentation of the KTF. This suggestion is corroborated by the spatio-temporal distribution and source parameters of the recent, well-documented earthquake events and by the macroseismic effects of these earthquakes. The abutment of the Ionian thrust against the KTF marks the southern termination of the Lefkada earthquake segment, which ruptured in the 2003 earthquake, while the Aenos, (or the Kalo) thrust mark the southern end of the Fiskardo segment. The spatial distribution of the Earthquake Environmental Effects related to the four significant events in the last 20 years displays a good correlation with our interpretation: most of the 2003 macroseismic effects are located in the northern part of Lefkada, which belongs to the upper block of the Ionian thrust; similarly, the effects of the 2014 earthquakes of Kefalonia are distributed mainly in the Paliki Peninsula and the southern part of the island that belong to the footwall of the Aenos thrust and the 2015 effects are found in SW Lefkada, which is part of the footwall of the Ionian thrust.
We suggest that correlation between upper-plate structure and plate boundary faulting can provide insights in the understanding of faulting pattern in convergent settings, therefore contributing to earthquake management plans.
How to cite: Skourtsos, E., Kranis, H., Mavroulis, S., and Lekkas, E.: Upper-plate structural controls on the segmentation of the Kefalonia Fault (Ionian Sea, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15736, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15736, 2021.
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The NNE-SSW, right-lateral Kefalonia Transform Fault (KTF) marks the western termination of the subducting Hellenic slab, which is a part of the oceanic remnant of the African plate. The inception of the KTF, described as a STEP fault, is placed in the Pliocene. KTF is considered to be the most active earthquake source in the Eastern Mediterranean. During the last two decades, four significant earthquakes (M>6.0) have been associated with the KTF. These events are attributed to the reactivation of different segments of the KTF, which are (from North to South) the North Lefkada, South Lefkada, Fiskardo, Paliki and Zakynthos segments: the North Lefkada segment ruptured in the 2003 earthquake, the 2014 Kefalonia events are associated with the Paliki segment and the 2015 Lefkada earthquake with the South Lefkada (and possibly the Fiskardo) segments.
The upper plate structure in the islands of Lefkada and Kefalonia is characterized by the Ionian Unit, thrusted over the Paxi (or Pre-Apulian) Unit. The Ionian Thrust, which brings the Ionian over the Paxi Unit, is a main upper-plate NNW-SSE, NE-dipping structure. It runs through the island of Lefkada, to be mapped onshore again at the western coast of Ithaki and at SE Kefalonia. Two other major thrusts are mapped on this island: the Aenos thrust, which has a WNW-ESE strike at the southern part of the island and gradually curves towards NNW-SSE in the west and the Kalo Fault in the northern part. These Pliocene (and still active) structures developed during the late-most stages of thrusting in the Hellenides, strike obliquely to the KTF and appear to abut against it.
We suggest that these thrusts control not only the deformation within the upper plate, but also the earthquake segmentation of the KTF. This suggestion is corroborated by the spatio-temporal distribution and source parameters of the recent, well-documented earthquake events and by the macroseismic effects of these earthquakes. The abutment of the Ionian thrust against the KTF marks the southern termination of the Lefkada earthquake segment, which ruptured in the 2003 earthquake, while the Aenos, (or the Kalo) thrust mark the southern end of the Fiskardo segment. The spatial distribution of the Earthquake Environmental Effects related to the four significant events in the last 20 years displays a good correlation with our interpretation: most of the 2003 macroseismic effects are located in the northern part of Lefkada, which belongs to the upper block of the Ionian thrust; similarly, the effects of the 2014 earthquakes of Kefalonia are distributed mainly in the Paliki Peninsula and the southern part of the island that belong to the footwall of the Aenos thrust and the 2015 effects are found in SW Lefkada, which is part of the footwall of the Ionian thrust.
We suggest that correlation between upper-plate structure and plate boundary faulting can provide insights in the understanding of faulting pattern in convergent settings, therefore contributing to earthquake management plans.
How to cite: Skourtsos, E., Kranis, H., Mavroulis, S., and Lekkas, E.: Upper-plate structural controls on the segmentation of the Kefalonia Fault (Ionian Sea, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15736, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15736, 2021.
EGU21-8623 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Slow-slip, earthquake-swarms and fault-interactions at the western-end of the Hellenic Subduction System precede the Mw 6.9 Zakynthos Earthquake, GreeceVasiliki Mouslopoulou, Gian Maria Bocchini, Simone Cesca, Vasso Saltogianni, Jonathan Bedford, Gesa Petersen, Michael Gianniou, and Onno Oncken
The month-to-year-long deformation of the Earth’s crust where active subduction zones terminate is poorly explored. Here we report on a multidisciplinary dataset that captures the synergy of slow-slip events, earthquake swarms and fault-interactions during the ~5 years leading up to the 2018 Mw 6.9 Zakynthos Earthquake at the western termination of the Hellenic Subduction System (HSS). It appears that this long-lasting preparatory phase initiated due to a slow-slip event that lasted ~4 months and released strain equivalent to a ~Mw 6.3 earthquake. We propose that the slow-slip event, which is the first to be reported in the HSS, tectonically destabilised the upper 20-40 km of the crust, producing alternating phases of seismic and aseismic deformation, including intense microseismicity (M<4) on neighbouring faults, earthquake swarms in the epicentral area of the Mw 6.9 earthquake ~1.5 years before the main event, another episode of slow-slip immediately preceding the mainshock and, eventually, the large (Mw 6.9) Zakynthos Earthquake. Tectonic instability in the area is evidenced by a prolonged (~4 years) period of overall suppressed b-values (<1) and strong earthquake interactions on discrete strike-slip, thrust and normal faults. We propose that composite faulting patterns accompanied by alternating (seismic/aseismic) deformation styles may characterise multi-fault subduction-termination zones and may operate over a range of timescales (from individual earthquakes to millions of years).
How to cite: Mouslopoulou, V., Bocchini, G. M., Cesca, S., Saltogianni, V., Bedford, J., Petersen, G., Gianniou, M., and Oncken, O.: Slow-slip, earthquake-swarms and fault-interactions at the western-end of the Hellenic Subduction System precede the Mw 6.9 Zakynthos Earthquake, Greece , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8623, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8623, 2021.
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The month-to-year-long deformation of the Earth’s crust where active subduction zones terminate is poorly explored. Here we report on a multidisciplinary dataset that captures the synergy of slow-slip events, earthquake swarms and fault-interactions during the ~5 years leading up to the 2018 Mw 6.9 Zakynthos Earthquake at the western termination of the Hellenic Subduction System (HSS). It appears that this long-lasting preparatory phase initiated due to a slow-slip event that lasted ~4 months and released strain equivalent to a ~Mw 6.3 earthquake. We propose that the slow-slip event, which is the first to be reported in the HSS, tectonically destabilised the upper 20-40 km of the crust, producing alternating phases of seismic and aseismic deformation, including intense microseismicity (M<4) on neighbouring faults, earthquake swarms in the epicentral area of the Mw 6.9 earthquake ~1.5 years before the main event, another episode of slow-slip immediately preceding the mainshock and, eventually, the large (Mw 6.9) Zakynthos Earthquake. Tectonic instability in the area is evidenced by a prolonged (~4 years) period of overall suppressed b-values (<1) and strong earthquake interactions on discrete strike-slip, thrust and normal faults. We propose that composite faulting patterns accompanied by alternating (seismic/aseismic) deformation styles may characterise multi-fault subduction-termination zones and may operate over a range of timescales (from individual earthquakes to millions of years).
How to cite: Mouslopoulou, V., Bocchini, G. M., Cesca, S., Saltogianni, V., Bedford, J., Petersen, G., Gianniou, M., and Oncken, O.: Slow-slip, earthquake-swarms and fault-interactions at the western-end of the Hellenic Subduction System precede the Mw 6.9 Zakynthos Earthquake, Greece , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8623, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8623, 2021.
EGU21-12256 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
The North Evia Gulf rift system in Central Greece: structural development and crustal inheritances from onshore fault analysis and offshore Sparker seismic data (WATER project)Frank Chanier, Fabien Caroir, Virginie Gaullier, Julien Bailleul, Agnès Maillard, Fabien Paquet, Dimitris Sakellariou, Olivier Averbuch, Jacky Ferriere, Fabien Graveleau, and Louise Watremez
The Sperchios - North Evia Gulf rift system is WNW-ESE directed and participates to the widespread crustal extension induced by the respectively southward and south-westward Nubian and Ionian slabs retreat, and by the extrusion of the Anatolia-Aegean microplate. This crustal stretching, active at least since the early Pliocene, is partly coeval with the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) propagation through the Marmara Sea and the North Aegean domain. At the western termination of the NAF, in the studied area, the domain is widely heterogeneous as it has been previously deformed by successive tectonic events during Hellenic orogeny, from Middle Jurassic to Paleogene times. The low elevation of the Internal Zones in respect to the External Zones of Hellenides suggest that the Frontal Thrust of the Internal Zones, that crosscut the Sperchios Rift, plays a major role in the distribution of rift systems within that area. The Sperchios-North Evia Gulf rift developed over the internal Zones and was driven by at least two major extensional episodes. The first one is characterised by a NNE-SSW extensional direction while the second, still active, is NNW-SSE to N-S. This change in direction can be associated to a modification of the tectonic setting within the Aegean Plate or can be a consequence of clockwise rotation of the whole western Aegean domain.
The WATER survey (Western Aegean Tectonic Evolution and Reactivations), conducted in July-August 2017 onboard the R/V “Téthys II”, allowed to acquire more than 1300 km of very high resolution seismic reflection profiles (Sparker 50-300 Joules) around North Evia Island (North Evia Gulf, Oreoi Channel and Skopelos Basin). The new dataset issued from this survey illustrates structural patterns that can be correlated with onland fault systems.
The interpretation of this new seismic data allowed us to precise the main trends of the North Evia Gulf rift deformation. For example, the rift bordering faults show rapid longitudinal changes in terms of offsets and of their main tilting polarity. Our structural analysis results, together with the kinematic analysis of onshore fault zones, give detailed constraints on the rift structural organisation as well as on the relative chronology of tectonic episodes.
Furthermore, these results provide important data in order to discuss the relations of some major rift structures with other crustal structures inherited from earlier deformation in the Hellenides, and also to consider the deformation patterns in the south-western prolongation of the North Anatolian Fault system during Pliocene to Quaternary times. We discuss the relations between various generations of crustal-scale structures and propose that the variations in the rift asymmetry were triggered, during its initial development, by the presence of older crustal heterogeneities.
How to cite: Chanier, F., Caroir, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Maillard, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Averbuch, O., Ferriere, J., Graveleau, F., and Watremez, L.: The North Evia Gulf rift system in Central Greece: structural development and crustal inheritances from onshore fault analysis and offshore Sparker seismic data (WATER project), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12256, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12256, 2021.
The Sperchios - North Evia Gulf rift system is WNW-ESE directed and participates to the widespread crustal extension induced by the respectively southward and south-westward Nubian and Ionian slabs retreat, and by the extrusion of the Anatolia-Aegean microplate. This crustal stretching, active at least since the early Pliocene, is partly coeval with the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) propagation through the Marmara Sea and the North Aegean domain. At the western termination of the NAF, in the studied area, the domain is widely heterogeneous as it has been previously deformed by successive tectonic events during Hellenic orogeny, from Middle Jurassic to Paleogene times. The low elevation of the Internal Zones in respect to the External Zones of Hellenides suggest that the Frontal Thrust of the Internal Zones, that crosscut the Sperchios Rift, plays a major role in the distribution of rift systems within that area. The Sperchios-North Evia Gulf rift developed over the internal Zones and was driven by at least two major extensional episodes. The first one is characterised by a NNE-SSW extensional direction while the second, still active, is NNW-SSE to N-S. This change in direction can be associated to a modification of the tectonic setting within the Aegean Plate or can be a consequence of clockwise rotation of the whole western Aegean domain.
The WATER survey (Western Aegean Tectonic Evolution and Reactivations), conducted in July-August 2017 onboard the R/V “Téthys II”, allowed to acquire more than 1300 km of very high resolution seismic reflection profiles (Sparker 50-300 Joules) around North Evia Island (North Evia Gulf, Oreoi Channel and Skopelos Basin). The new dataset issued from this survey illustrates structural patterns that can be correlated with onland fault systems.
The interpretation of this new seismic data allowed us to precise the main trends of the North Evia Gulf rift deformation. For example, the rift bordering faults show rapid longitudinal changes in terms of offsets and of their main tilting polarity. Our structural analysis results, together with the kinematic analysis of onshore fault zones, give detailed constraints on the rift structural organisation as well as on the relative chronology of tectonic episodes.
Furthermore, these results provide important data in order to discuss the relations of some major rift structures with other crustal structures inherited from earlier deformation in the Hellenides, and also to consider the deformation patterns in the south-western prolongation of the North Anatolian Fault system during Pliocene to Quaternary times. We discuss the relations between various generations of crustal-scale structures and propose that the variations in the rift asymmetry were triggered, during its initial development, by the presence of older crustal heterogeneities.
How to cite: Chanier, F., Caroir, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Maillard, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Averbuch, O., Ferriere, J., Graveleau, F., and Watremez, L.: The North Evia Gulf rift system in Central Greece: structural development and crustal inheritances from onshore fault analysis and offshore Sparker seismic data (WATER project), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12256, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12256, 2021.
EGU21-12153 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Recent and active deformation in the North Evia domain, a diffuse plate boundary between Eurasia and Aegean plates in the Western termination of the North Anatolian Fault.Fabien Caroir, Frank Chanier, Virginie Gaullier, Julien Bailleul, Agnès Maillard-Lenoir, Fabien Paquet, Dimitris Sakellariou, Olivier Averbuch, Jacky Ferrière, Fabien Graveleau, and Louise Watremez
The Anatolia-Aegean microplate is currently extruding toward the South and the South-West. This extrusion is classically attributed to the southward retreat of the Aegean subduction zone together with the northward displacement of the Arabian plate. The displacement of Aegean-Anatolian block relative to Eurasia is accommodated by dextral motion along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), with current slip rates of about 20 mm/yr. The NAF is propagating westward within the North Aegean domain where it gets separated into two main branches, one of them bordering the North Aegean Trough (NAT). This particular context is responsible for dextral and normal stress regimes between the Aegean plate and the Eurasian plate. South-West of the NAT, there is no identified major faults in the continuity of the NAF major branch and the plate boundary deformation is apparently distributed within a wide domain. This area is characterised by slip rates of 20 to 25 mm/yr relative to Eurasian plate but also by clockwise rotation of about 10° since ca 4 Myr. It constitutes a major extensional area involving three large rift basins: the Corinth Gulf, the Almiros Basin and the Sperchios-North Evia Gulf. The latter develops in the axis of the western termination of the NAT, and is therefore a key area to understand the present-day dynamics and the evolution of deformation within this diffuse plate boundary area.
Our study is mainly based on new structural data from field analysis and from very high resolution seismic reflexion profiles (Sparker 50-300 Joules) acquired during the WATER survey in July-August 2017 onboard the R/V “Téthys II”, but also on existing data on recent to active tectonics (i.e. earthquakes distribution, focal mechanisms, GPS data, etc.). The results from our new marine data emphasize the structural organisation and the evolution of the deformation within the North Evia region, SW of the NAT.
The combination of our structural analysis (offshore and onshore data) with available data on active/recent deformation led us to define several structural domains within the North Evia region, at the western termination of the North Anatolian Fault. The North Evia Gulf shows four main fault zones, among them the Central Basin Fault Zone (CBFZ) which is obliquely cross-cutting the rift basin and represents the continuity of the onshore Kamena Vourla - Arkitsa Fault System (KVAFS). Other major fault zones, such as the Aedipsos Politika Fault System (APFS) and the Melouna Fault Zone (MFZ) played an important role in the rift initiation but evolved recently with a left-lateral strike-slip motion. Moreover, our seismic dataset allowed to identify several faults in the Skopelos Basin including a large NW-dipping fault which affects the bathymetry and shows an important total vertical offset (>300m). Finally, we propose an update of the deformation pattern in the North Evia region including two lineaments with dextral motion that extend southwestward the North Anatolian Fault system into the Oreoi Channel and the Skopelos Basin. Moreover, the North Evia Gulf domain is dominated by active N-S extension and sinistral reactivation of former large normal faults.
How to cite: Caroir, F., Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Maillard-Lenoir, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Averbuch, O., Ferrière, J., Graveleau, F., and Watremez, L.: Recent and active deformation in the North Evia domain, a diffuse plate boundary between Eurasia and Aegean plates in the Western termination of the North Anatolian Fault. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12153, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12153, 2021.
The Anatolia-Aegean microplate is currently extruding toward the South and the South-West. This extrusion is classically attributed to the southward retreat of the Aegean subduction zone together with the northward displacement of the Arabian plate. The displacement of Aegean-Anatolian block relative to Eurasia is accommodated by dextral motion along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), with current slip rates of about 20 mm/yr. The NAF is propagating westward within the North Aegean domain where it gets separated into two main branches, one of them bordering the North Aegean Trough (NAT). This particular context is responsible for dextral and normal stress regimes between the Aegean plate and the Eurasian plate. South-West of the NAT, there is no identified major faults in the continuity of the NAF major branch and the plate boundary deformation is apparently distributed within a wide domain. This area is characterised by slip rates of 20 to 25 mm/yr relative to Eurasian plate but also by clockwise rotation of about 10° since ca 4 Myr. It constitutes a major extensional area involving three large rift basins: the Corinth Gulf, the Almiros Basin and the Sperchios-North Evia Gulf. The latter develops in the axis of the western termination of the NAT, and is therefore a key area to understand the present-day dynamics and the evolution of deformation within this diffuse plate boundary area.
Our study is mainly based on new structural data from field analysis and from very high resolution seismic reflexion profiles (Sparker 50-300 Joules) acquired during the WATER survey in July-August 2017 onboard the R/V “Téthys II”, but also on existing data on recent to active tectonics (i.e. earthquakes distribution, focal mechanisms, GPS data, etc.). The results from our new marine data emphasize the structural organisation and the evolution of the deformation within the North Evia region, SW of the NAT.
The combination of our structural analysis (offshore and onshore data) with available data on active/recent deformation led us to define several structural domains within the North Evia region, at the western termination of the North Anatolian Fault. The North Evia Gulf shows four main fault zones, among them the Central Basin Fault Zone (CBFZ) which is obliquely cross-cutting the rift basin and represents the continuity of the onshore Kamena Vourla - Arkitsa Fault System (KVAFS). Other major fault zones, such as the Aedipsos Politika Fault System (APFS) and the Melouna Fault Zone (MFZ) played an important role in the rift initiation but evolved recently with a left-lateral strike-slip motion. Moreover, our seismic dataset allowed to identify several faults in the Skopelos Basin including a large NW-dipping fault which affects the bathymetry and shows an important total vertical offset (>300m). Finally, we propose an update of the deformation pattern in the North Evia region including two lineaments with dextral motion that extend southwestward the North Anatolian Fault system into the Oreoi Channel and the Skopelos Basin. Moreover, the North Evia Gulf domain is dominated by active N-S extension and sinistral reactivation of former large normal faults.
How to cite: Caroir, F., Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Bailleul, J., Maillard-Lenoir, A., Paquet, F., Sakellariou, D., Averbuch, O., Ferrière, J., Graveleau, F., and Watremez, L.: Recent and active deformation in the North Evia domain, a diffuse plate boundary between Eurasia and Aegean plates in the Western termination of the North Anatolian Fault. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12153, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12153, 2021.
EGU21-4767 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
The Vertical Coseismic Deformation Field of the Samos-Izmir Earthquake (Mw6.9)Muharrem Hilmi Erkoç, Seda Özarpacı, Alpay Özdemir, Figen Eskiköy, Efe Turan Ayruk, İlay Farimaz, Uğur Doğan, and Semih Ergintav
The Samos-Izmir Earthquake (Mw=6.9) of October 30, 2020 is among the strongest earthquakes that occurred in recent years throughout the Eastern Aegean. The epicenter of this earthquake was 14 km away from Samos Island and 25 km away from Gümüldür-İzmir region. The local tsunami with the wave heights reaching ~2m was triggered by the mainshock. The most affected areas were Sigacik and Akarca in Tukey (Yalciner et. al.,2020) and Vathy Town (NE Samos Island) in Greece (Triantafyllou et. al.,2020).
In this study, we present an estimation of co-seismic deformations using an indirect approach based on GNSS, InSAR and Tide Gauge data. GNSS time series were used from 25 continuous GNSS stations data obtained from TUSAGA-Aktif in Turkey and NOANET in Greek, and the campaign GNSS measurement for 10 GNSS sites located at the western Turkey coast has been carried out after the earthquake. Moreover, InSAR deformation analyses have been performed using Sentinel-1 data. In addition, relative sea level changes have been analyzed in KOS, PLOMARI, and MENTES tide gauge stations.
The vertical components of GPS stations have shown 10 cm uplift in Samos Island and 10 cm subsidence in the coast of Turkey. The results of the geodetic (GNSS, InSAR) analysis are consistent with each other. The rise time estimated here may correspond to the time elapsed shortly before the generation of tsunami waves reached up to 6 meters that propagated rapidly and caused significant damage around the source region. Also, it has been seen that whereas relative sea level in KOS and PLOMARI tide gauge stations are affected by the local tsunami, but relative sea level changes could not be observed in the MENTES station.
How to cite: Erkoç, M. H., Özarpacı, S., Özdemir, A., Eskiköy, F., Ayruk, E. T., Farimaz, İ., Doğan, U., and Ergintav, S.: The Vertical Coseismic Deformation Field of the Samos-Izmir Earthquake (Mw6.9), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4767, 2021.
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The Samos-Izmir Earthquake (Mw=6.9) of October 30, 2020 is among the strongest earthquakes that occurred in recent years throughout the Eastern Aegean. The epicenter of this earthquake was 14 km away from Samos Island and 25 km away from Gümüldür-İzmir region. The local tsunami with the wave heights reaching ~2m was triggered by the mainshock. The most affected areas were Sigacik and Akarca in Tukey (Yalciner et. al.,2020) and Vathy Town (NE Samos Island) in Greece (Triantafyllou et. al.,2020).
In this study, we present an estimation of co-seismic deformations using an indirect approach based on GNSS, InSAR and Tide Gauge data. GNSS time series were used from 25 continuous GNSS stations data obtained from TUSAGA-Aktif in Turkey and NOANET in Greek, and the campaign GNSS measurement for 10 GNSS sites located at the western Turkey coast has been carried out after the earthquake. Moreover, InSAR deformation analyses have been performed using Sentinel-1 data. In addition, relative sea level changes have been analyzed in KOS, PLOMARI, and MENTES tide gauge stations.
The vertical components of GPS stations have shown 10 cm uplift in Samos Island and 10 cm subsidence in the coast of Turkey. The results of the geodetic (GNSS, InSAR) analysis are consistent with each other. The rise time estimated here may correspond to the time elapsed shortly before the generation of tsunami waves reached up to 6 meters that propagated rapidly and caused significant damage around the source region. Also, it has been seen that whereas relative sea level in KOS and PLOMARI tide gauge stations are affected by the local tsunami, but relative sea level changes could not be observed in the MENTES station.
How to cite: Erkoç, M. H., Özarpacı, S., Özdemir, A., Eskiköy, F., Ayruk, E. T., Farimaz, İ., Doğan, U., and Ergintav, S.: The Vertical Coseismic Deformation Field of the Samos-Izmir Earthquake (Mw6.9), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4767, 2021.
EGU21-15291 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Imaging the Samos 2020 Mw7.0 earthquake rupture by backprojecting local strong-motion recordings and relocating the aftershock sequenceIoannis Fountoulakis, Christos P. Evangelidis, and Olga-Joan Ktenidou
On November 30, 2020 11:51 UTC, a major earthquake (Mw7.0) struck the northern area offshore Samos island, Greece, causing serious damage to the island and nearby Turkish coast. This seismic event is an ideal opportunity to explore extensional seismicity in the back-arc area of the Hellenic subduction zone. To that end, first and foremost we study the behavior and characteristics of the main event source. Then, we examine the evolution of the aftershock in space and time and relate it to the main event. We implement the technique of local backprojection on strong-motion recordings (e.g. Kao & Shan, 2007; Evangelidis, 2013) to infer the spatiotemporal distribution of the earthquake source. This method is performed at relatively short periods, making it possible to map in detail the high-frequency radiation of the source, without imposing any a priori constraints on the geometry or shape of the ruptured fault. Furthermore, and which is not often the case, the strong-motion recordings were carefully assessed prior to being used in backprojection, in order to avoid any significant influence of local site effects and amplification, which could in impact the robustness of the backprojection solution. Synthetic tests were also used to resolve the accuracy. Our results show evidence of multiple distinct sources of high-frequency radiation during the earthquake rupture. In addition, the first month of the aftershock sequence was located, clustered and relocated, ultimately highlighting the faults activated in the area. The quality of the resulting high-resolution catalogue was further assessed, and the moment tensors of the strongest events were estimated. Combining the backprojection results with the detailed picture of the aftershock seismic sequence leads to an interpretation of the short- and long-term fault rupture process and their associated secondary effects (tsunami, landslides) in the area.
The research work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (SIREN, Project Number: 910).
How to cite: Fountoulakis, I., Evangelidis, C. P., and Ktenidou, O.-J.: Imaging the Samos 2020 Mw7.0 earthquake rupture by backprojecting local strong-motion recordings and relocating the aftershock sequence, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15291, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15291, 2021.
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On November 30, 2020 11:51 UTC, a major earthquake (Mw7.0) struck the northern area offshore Samos island, Greece, causing serious damage to the island and nearby Turkish coast. This seismic event is an ideal opportunity to explore extensional seismicity in the back-arc area of the Hellenic subduction zone. To that end, first and foremost we study the behavior and characteristics of the main event source. Then, we examine the evolution of the aftershock in space and time and relate it to the main event. We implement the technique of local backprojection on strong-motion recordings (e.g. Kao & Shan, 2007; Evangelidis, 2013) to infer the spatiotemporal distribution of the earthquake source. This method is performed at relatively short periods, making it possible to map in detail the high-frequency radiation of the source, without imposing any a priori constraints on the geometry or shape of the ruptured fault. Furthermore, and which is not often the case, the strong-motion recordings were carefully assessed prior to being used in backprojection, in order to avoid any significant influence of local site effects and amplification, which could in impact the robustness of the backprojection solution. Synthetic tests were also used to resolve the accuracy. Our results show evidence of multiple distinct sources of high-frequency radiation during the earthquake rupture. In addition, the first month of the aftershock sequence was located, clustered and relocated, ultimately highlighting the faults activated in the area. The quality of the resulting high-resolution catalogue was further assessed, and the moment tensors of the strongest events were estimated. Combining the backprojection results with the detailed picture of the aftershock seismic sequence leads to an interpretation of the short- and long-term fault rupture process and their associated secondary effects (tsunami, landslides) in the area.
The research work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (SIREN, Project Number: 910).
How to cite: Fountoulakis, I., Evangelidis, C. P., and Ktenidou, O.-J.: Imaging the Samos 2020 Mw7.0 earthquake rupture by backprojecting local strong-motion recordings and relocating the aftershock sequence, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15291, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15291, 2021.
EGU21-14970 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Slip Distribution of the 2020 Mw6.9 Samos Earthquake Using a Bayesian ApproachFigen Eskikoy, Semih Ergintav, Uğur Dogan, Seda Özarpacı, Alpay Özdemir, M.Hilmi Erkoç, Efe Ayruk, İlay Farimaz, Hannes Vasyura-Bathke, and Ali Özgün Konca
On 2020 October 30, an Mw6.9 earthquake struck offshore Samos Island. Severe structural damages were observed in Greek Islands and city of Izmir (Turkey). 114 people lost their lives and more than a thousand people were injured in Turkey. The earthquake triggered local tsunami. Significant seismic activity occurred in this region following the earthquake and ~1800 aftershocks (M>1) were recorded by KOERI within the first three days. In this study, we analyze the slip distribution and aftershocks of the 2020 earthquake.
For the aftershock relocations, the continuous waveforms were collected from NOA, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority of Turkey (AFAD) and KOERI networks. The database was created based on merged catalogs from AFAD and KOERI. For estimating optimized aftershock location distribution, the P and S phases of the aftershocks are picked manually and relocated with double difference algorithm. In addition, source mechanisms of aftershocks M>4 are obtained from regional body and surface waveforms.
The surface deformation of the earthquake was obtained from both descending and ascending orbits of the Sentinel-1 A/B and ALOS2 satellites. Since the rupture zone is beneath the Gulf of Kusadası, earthquake related deformation in the interferograms can only be observed on the northern part of the Samos Island. We processed all possible pairs chose the image pairs with the lowest noise level.
In this study, we used 25 continuous GPS stations which are compiled from TUSAGA-Aktif in Turkey and NOANET in Greece. In addition to continuous GPS data, on 2020 November 1, GPS survey was initiated and the earthquake deformation was measured on 10 GNSS campaign sites (TUTGA), along onshore of Turkey.
The aim of this study is to estimate the spatial and temporal rupture evolution of the earthquake from geodetic data jointly with near field displacement waveforms. To do so, we use the Bayesian Earthquake Analysis Tool (BEAT).
As a first step of the study, rectangular source parameters were estimated by using GPS data. In order to estimate the slip distribution, we used both ascending and descending tracks of Sentinel-1 data, ALOS2 and GPS displacements. In our preliminary geodetic data based finite fault model, we used the results of focal mechanism and GPS data inversion solutions for the initial fault plane parameters. The slip distribution results indicate that earthquake rupture is ~35 km long and the maximum slip is ~2 m normal slip along a north dipping fault plane. This EW trending, ~45° north dipping normal faulting system consistent with this tectonic regime in the region. This seismically active area is part of a N-S extensional regime and controlled primarily by normal fault systems.
This work is supported by the Turkish Directorate of Strategy and Budget under the TAM Project number 2007K12-873.
How to cite: Eskikoy, F., Ergintav, S., Dogan, U., Özarpacı, S., Özdemir, A., Erkoç, M. H., Ayruk, E., Farimaz, İ., Vasyura-Bathke, H., and Konca, A. Ö.: Slip Distribution of the 2020 Mw6.9 Samos Earthquake Using a Bayesian Approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14970, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14970, 2021.
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On 2020 October 30, an Mw6.9 earthquake struck offshore Samos Island. Severe structural damages were observed in Greek Islands and city of Izmir (Turkey). 114 people lost their lives and more than a thousand people were injured in Turkey. The earthquake triggered local tsunami. Significant seismic activity occurred in this region following the earthquake and ~1800 aftershocks (M>1) were recorded by KOERI within the first three days. In this study, we analyze the slip distribution and aftershocks of the 2020 earthquake.
For the aftershock relocations, the continuous waveforms were collected from NOA, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority of Turkey (AFAD) and KOERI networks. The database was created based on merged catalogs from AFAD and KOERI. For estimating optimized aftershock location distribution, the P and S phases of the aftershocks are picked manually and relocated with double difference algorithm. In addition, source mechanisms of aftershocks M>4 are obtained from regional body and surface waveforms.
The surface deformation of the earthquake was obtained from both descending and ascending orbits of the Sentinel-1 A/B and ALOS2 satellites. Since the rupture zone is beneath the Gulf of Kusadası, earthquake related deformation in the interferograms can only be observed on the northern part of the Samos Island. We processed all possible pairs chose the image pairs with the lowest noise level.
In this study, we used 25 continuous GPS stations which are compiled from TUSAGA-Aktif in Turkey and NOANET in Greece. In addition to continuous GPS data, on 2020 November 1, GPS survey was initiated and the earthquake deformation was measured on 10 GNSS campaign sites (TUTGA), along onshore of Turkey.
The aim of this study is to estimate the spatial and temporal rupture evolution of the earthquake from geodetic data jointly with near field displacement waveforms. To do so, we use the Bayesian Earthquake Analysis Tool (BEAT).
As a first step of the study, rectangular source parameters were estimated by using GPS data. In order to estimate the slip distribution, we used both ascending and descending tracks of Sentinel-1 data, ALOS2 and GPS displacements. In our preliminary geodetic data based finite fault model, we used the results of focal mechanism and GPS data inversion solutions for the initial fault plane parameters. The slip distribution results indicate that earthquake rupture is ~35 km long and the maximum slip is ~2 m normal slip along a north dipping fault plane. This EW trending, ~45° north dipping normal faulting system consistent with this tectonic regime in the region. This seismically active area is part of a N-S extensional regime and controlled primarily by normal fault systems.
This work is supported by the Turkish Directorate of Strategy and Budget under the TAM Project number 2007K12-873.
How to cite: Eskikoy, F., Ergintav, S., Dogan, U., Özarpacı, S., Özdemir, A., Erkoç, M. H., Ayruk, E., Farimaz, İ., Vasyura-Bathke, H., and Konca, A. Ö.: Slip Distribution of the 2020 Mw6.9 Samos Earthquake Using a Bayesian Approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14970, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14970, 2021.
EGU21-5221 | vPICO presentations | TS4.4
Comparison of local kinematic rupture joint inversion approaches for tsunami early warning: Examples of the 2017-2020 Mw > 6.3 East Aegean earthquakesMalte Metz, Marius Isken, Rongjiang Wang, Torsten Dahm, Haluk Özener, Konstantinos Chousianitis, Stefano Lorito, and Fabrizio Romano
The fast inversion of reliable centroid moment tensor and kinematic rupture parameters of earthquakes occurring near coastal margins is a key for the assessment of the tsunamigenic potential and early tsunami warning (TEW). In recent years, more and more multi-channel seismic and geodetic online station networks have been built-up to improve the TEW, for instance the GNSS and strong motion networks in Italy, Greece, and Turkey, additionally to the broadband seismological monitoring. Inclusion of such data for the fast kinematic source inversion can improve the resolution and robustness of its’ solutions. However, methods have to be further developed and tested to fully exploit the potential of such rich joint dataset.
In this frame, we compare and test two in-house developed, kinematic / dynamic rupture inversion methods which are based on completely different approaches. The IDS (Iterative Deconvolution and Stacking, Zhang et al., 2014) combines an iterative seismic network inversion with back projection techniques to retrieve subfault source time functions. The pseudo dynamic rupture model (Dahm et al., in review) links the rupture front propagation estimate based on the Eikonal equation with the dislocation derived from a boundary element method to model dislocation snapshots. We used the latter in both a fast rupture estimate and a fully probabilistic source inversion.
We use some Mw > 6.3 earthquakes that occurred in the coastal range of the Aegean Sea as an example for comparison: the Mw 6.3 Lesbos earthquake (12 June 2017), the Mw 6.6 Bodrum earthquake (20 July 2017), and the recent Mw 7.0 earthquake which occurred at Samos on 30 October 2020. The latter earthquake and the resulting tsunami caused fatalities and severe damage at the shorelines of Samos and around the city of Izmir, Turkey.
The fast estimates are based on only little data and/or prior information obtained from the regional seismicity catalogue and available active fault information. The large number of seismic (broadband, strong motion) and geodetic (high-rate GNSS) stations in local and regional distance from the earthquake with good azimuthal coverage jointly inverted with InSAR data allows for robust inversion results. These, and other solutions, are used as a reference for the comparison of our fast source estimates.
Preliminary results of the slip distribution and the source time function are in good agreement with modelling results from other authors.
We present our insights into the kinematics of the chosen earthquakes investigated by means of joint inversions. Finally, the accuracy of our first fast source estimates, which could be of potential use in tsunami early warning, will be discussed.
How to cite: Metz, M., Isken, M., Wang, R., Dahm, T., Özener, H., Chousianitis, K., Lorito, S., and Romano, F.: Comparison of local kinematic rupture joint inversion approaches for tsunami early warning: Examples of the 2017-2020 Mw > 6.3 East Aegean earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5221, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5221, 2021.
The fast inversion of reliable centroid moment tensor and kinematic rupture parameters of earthquakes occurring near coastal margins is a key for the assessment of the tsunamigenic potential and early tsunami warning (TEW). In recent years, more and more multi-channel seismic and geodetic online station networks have been built-up to improve the TEW, for instance the GNSS and strong motion networks in Italy, Greece, and Turkey, additionally to the broadband seismological monitoring. Inclusion of such data for the fast kinematic source inversion can improve the resolution and robustness of its’ solutions. However, methods have to be further developed and tested to fully exploit the potential of such rich joint dataset.
In this frame, we compare and test two in-house developed, kinematic / dynamic rupture inversion methods which are based on completely different approaches. The IDS (Iterative Deconvolution and Stacking, Zhang et al., 2014) combines an iterative seismic network inversion with back projection techniques to retrieve subfault source time functions. The pseudo dynamic rupture model (Dahm et al., in review) links the rupture front propagation estimate based on the Eikonal equation with the dislocation derived from a boundary element method to model dislocation snapshots. We used the latter in both a fast rupture estimate and a fully probabilistic source inversion.
We use some Mw > 6.3 earthquakes that occurred in the coastal range of the Aegean Sea as an example for comparison: the Mw 6.3 Lesbos earthquake (12 June 2017), the Mw 6.6 Bodrum earthquake (20 July 2017), and the recent Mw 7.0 earthquake which occurred at Samos on 30 October 2020. The latter earthquake and the resulting tsunami caused fatalities and severe damage at the shorelines of Samos and around the city of Izmir, Turkey.
The fast estimates are based on only little data and/or prior information obtained from the regional seismicity catalogue and available active fault information. The large number of seismic (broadband, strong motion) and geodetic (high-rate GNSS) stations in local and regional distance from the earthquake with good azimuthal coverage jointly inverted with InSAR data allows for robust inversion results. These, and other solutions, are used as a reference for the comparison of our fast source estimates.
Preliminary results of the slip distribution and the source time function are in good agreement with modelling results from other authors.
We present our insights into the kinematics of the chosen earthquakes investigated by means of joint inversions. Finally, the accuracy of our first fast source estimates, which could be of potential use in tsunami early warning, will be discussed.
How to cite: Metz, M., Isken, M., Wang, R., Dahm, T., Özener, H., Chousianitis, K., Lorito, S., and Romano, F.: Comparison of local kinematic rupture joint inversion approaches for tsunami early warning: Examples of the 2017-2020 Mw > 6.3 East Aegean earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5221, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5221, 2021.
TS5.3 – Rift basin evolution: Interplay between tectonic deformation and surface processes
EGU21-8665 * | vPICO presentations | TS5.3 | Highlight
A discussion on how, when and where surface processes interplay with extensional tectonic deformationSusanne Buiter
Fascinating feedback relationships between surface processes and tectonic deformation have long been highlighted for convergent settings. Mountains influence local climate, with precipitation increasing with mountain height and focusing at windward-facing slopes. The resulting erosion reduces the elevation and width of mountain belts, in turn leading to a focussing of tectonic deformation and exhumation at eroding regions. Thus, in convergent settings, erosion and tectonic deformation show positive feedback by enhancing each other. In comparison, the role of surface processes in extensional settings has received less attention, which does not mean that erosion or sedimentation might not equally affect tectonics deformation during extension. In this presentation, i will review theoretical expectations, discuss numerical experiments, and pose questions on how, when, and where surface processes interplay with tectonic deformation during extension.
How: The removal of material by erosion is expected to decrease vertical crustal stress and reduce brittle strength (which is the main process leading to focussing of deformation in shortening). Sedimentation conversely increases brittle strength. However, sediments of low thermal conductivity in extensional basins can trap heat, increasing crustal temperatures, and reducing viscous crustal strength. Will brittle strengthening or viscous weakening dominate during sedimentation? And during rifting, is erosion the controlling surface process, or sedimentation, or both?
When: Usually, subsidence needs to create accommodation space before sedimentation occurs and rocks should uplift before they can be eroded. This would imply that surface processes need time to start up and cannot play a decisive role in initial stages of deformation. This then begs the question: once an extensional system starts to deform in a certain style, can surface processes still change the style? For rift basins, we find from numerical experiments that sedimentation favours symmetric basins over asymmetric half-graben and single basins over distributed deformation. For rifted margins, i have found that sedimentation promotes hyperextension by forming wide areas of thinned continental crust, thus supressing early break-up. These experiments point out that surface processes seem to be able to exert a control on the style of rifting. But at which stage in rift evolution do surface processes start to play a role? And is there a crucial timing, after which erosion and sedimentation no longer influence the extensional style?
Where: Analogous to convergent tectonic settings, erosion of rift footwalls can enhance tectonic deformation and, on a large-scale, turn a ‘passive’ margin ‘active’ in a tectonic sense. Footwall uplift provides a sediment source region, linking erosion to offshore sedimentation. For rifted margins, where does deposition of sediments (whether they are brittle strengthening or viscous weakening) play the most influential role in the rifting process? Can strong near-footwall sedimentation suppress footwall uplift, thus providing a negative feedback in the system?
How to cite: Buiter, S.: A discussion on how, when and where surface processes interplay with extensional tectonic deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8665, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8665, 2021.
Fascinating feedback relationships between surface processes and tectonic deformation have long been highlighted for convergent settings. Mountains influence local climate, with precipitation increasing with mountain height and focusing at windward-facing slopes. The resulting erosion reduces the elevation and width of mountain belts, in turn leading to a focussing of tectonic deformation and exhumation at eroding regions. Thus, in convergent settings, erosion and tectonic deformation show positive feedback by enhancing each other. In comparison, the role of surface processes in extensional settings has received less attention, which does not mean that erosion or sedimentation might not equally affect tectonics deformation during extension. In this presentation, i will review theoretical expectations, discuss numerical experiments, and pose questions on how, when, and where surface processes interplay with tectonic deformation during extension.
How: The removal of material by erosion is expected to decrease vertical crustal stress and reduce brittle strength (which is the main process leading to focussing of deformation in shortening). Sedimentation conversely increases brittle strength. However, sediments of low thermal conductivity in extensional basins can trap heat, increasing crustal temperatures, and reducing viscous crustal strength. Will brittle strengthening or viscous weakening dominate during sedimentation? And during rifting, is erosion the controlling surface process, or sedimentation, or both?
When: Usually, subsidence needs to create accommodation space before sedimentation occurs and rocks should uplift before they can be eroded. This would imply that surface processes need time to start up and cannot play a decisive role in initial stages of deformation. This then begs the question: once an extensional system starts to deform in a certain style, can surface processes still change the style? For rift basins, we find from numerical experiments that sedimentation favours symmetric basins over asymmetric half-graben and single basins over distributed deformation. For rifted margins, i have found that sedimentation promotes hyperextension by forming wide areas of thinned continental crust, thus supressing early break-up. These experiments point out that surface processes seem to be able to exert a control on the style of rifting. But at which stage in rift evolution do surface processes start to play a role? And is there a crucial timing, after which erosion and sedimentation no longer influence the extensional style?
Where: Analogous to convergent tectonic settings, erosion of rift footwalls can enhance tectonic deformation and, on a large-scale, turn a ‘passive’ margin ‘active’ in a tectonic sense. Footwall uplift provides a sediment source region, linking erosion to offshore sedimentation. For rifted margins, where does deposition of sediments (whether they are brittle strengthening or viscous weakening) play the most influential role in the rifting process? Can strong near-footwall sedimentation suppress footwall uplift, thus providing a negative feedback in the system?
How to cite: Buiter, S.: A discussion on how, when and where surface processes interplay with extensional tectonic deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8665, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8665, 2021.
EGU21-5193 * | vPICO presentations | TS5.3 | Highlight
Measurable impact of river incision on rift tectonicsJean-Arthur Olive, Luca Malatesta, Mark Behn, and Roger Buck
Models that couple tectonics and surface processes commonly predict that efficient erosion and sedimentation help focus crustal deformation onto fewer, longer-lived faults. However, because their geomorphic parameters are difficult to calibrate against real landscapes, the sensitivity of tectonic deformation to a realistic range of surface process efficiencies remains poorly known. Here we model the growth of structurally simple half-graben structures subjected to fluvial incision of specified efficiency and sedimentation. Numerical simulations predict that infinitely-efficient erosion and deposition (i.e., complete surface leveling) can more than double the maximum offset reached on a master normal fault before crustal strain localizes elsewhere. Further, leveling footwall relief tends to promote the migration of strain towards the hanging wall to form new grabens instead of horsts.
To test whether the efficiency of river incision can vary sufficiently across real rifts to exert a control on tectonic styles, we analyze the profiles of rivers draining half-graben footwalls and horst blocks in the Basin & Range, Taupo, Rio Grande, and East African Rift. We adapt the standard methodology of equilibrium river profile analysis to account for spatial variations in uplift expected from crustal flexure in a fault-bounded block. Erosional efficiency (EE) is defined as the inverse of the (dimensionless) slope of uplift- and drainage area-corrected river elevation plots. Measured EEs range between ~0.1 and ~4, reflecting natural variability in lithology, climate, and uplift rates across sites. Incorporating EEs within this documented range in numerical simulations, we find that increasing EE can increase the maximum throw on half-graben master faults by ~50%. Changing EE also affects the geometry of subsequent faults, with lower EEs favoring the transition from half-graben to horsts. These models predict that rifting in a colder, stronger continental crust is less sensitive to surface processes and requires even lower EE to develop horst structures. Our simulations are consistent with a compilation of EE, crustal strength proxies, and fault characteristics across real rift zones. These results suggest that natural variability in climatic conditions and surface erodibility has a measurable impact on the tectonic makeup of Earth's plate boundaries.
How to cite: Olive, J.-A., Malatesta, L., Behn, M., and Buck, R.: Measurable impact of river incision on rift tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5193, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5193, 2021.
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Models that couple tectonics and surface processes commonly predict that efficient erosion and sedimentation help focus crustal deformation onto fewer, longer-lived faults. However, because their geomorphic parameters are difficult to calibrate against real landscapes, the sensitivity of tectonic deformation to a realistic range of surface process efficiencies remains poorly known. Here we model the growth of structurally simple half-graben structures subjected to fluvial incision of specified efficiency and sedimentation. Numerical simulations predict that infinitely-efficient erosion and deposition (i.e., complete surface leveling) can more than double the maximum offset reached on a master normal fault before crustal strain localizes elsewhere. Further, leveling footwall relief tends to promote the migration of strain towards the hanging wall to form new grabens instead of horsts.
To test whether the efficiency of river incision can vary sufficiently across real rifts to exert a control on tectonic styles, we analyze the profiles of rivers draining half-graben footwalls and horst blocks in the Basin & Range, Taupo, Rio Grande, and East African Rift. We adapt the standard methodology of equilibrium river profile analysis to account for spatial variations in uplift expected from crustal flexure in a fault-bounded block. Erosional efficiency (EE) is defined as the inverse of the (dimensionless) slope of uplift- and drainage area-corrected river elevation plots. Measured EEs range between ~0.1 and ~4, reflecting natural variability in lithology, climate, and uplift rates across sites. Incorporating EEs within this documented range in numerical simulations, we find that increasing EE can increase the maximum throw on half-graben master faults by ~50%. Changing EE also affects the geometry of subsequent faults, with lower EEs favoring the transition from half-graben to horsts. These models predict that rifting in a colder, stronger continental crust is less sensitive to surface processes and requires even lower EE to develop horst structures. Our simulations are consistent with a compilation of EE, crustal strength proxies, and fault characteristics across real rift zones. These results suggest that natural variability in climatic conditions and surface erodibility has a measurable impact on the tectonic makeup of Earth's plate boundaries.
How to cite: Olive, J.-A., Malatesta, L., Behn, M., and Buck, R.: Measurable impact of river incision on rift tectonics, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5193, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5193, 2021.
EGU21-1108 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Modelling the effects of normal faulting on alluvial river morphodynamics.Hessel Woolderink, Steven Weisscher, Maarten Kleinhans, Cornelis Kasse, and Ronald Van Balen
Normal faulting acts as a forcing on the morphodynamics of alluvial rivers by changing the topographic gradient of the river valley and channel around the fault zone. Normal faulting affects river morphodynamics either instantaneously by surface rupturing earthquakes, or gradually by continuous vertical displacement. The morphodynamic responses to normal faulting range from longitudinal bed profile adjustments to channel pattern changes. However, the effect of faulting on river morphodynamics and morphology is complex, as they also depend on numerous local, non-tectonic characteristics of flow, river bed/bank composition and vegetation cover. Moreover, river response to faulting is often transient. Such time-dependent river response is important to consider when deriving relationships between faulting and river dynamics from a morphological and sedimentological record. To enhance our understanding of river response to tectonic faulting, we used the physics-based, two-dimensional morphodynamic model Nays2D to simulate the responses of a laboratory-scale alluvial river to various faulting and offset scenarios. Our model focusses on the morphodynamic responses at the scale of multiple meander bends around a normal fault zone. Channel sinuosity increases as the downstream meander bend expands as a result of the faulting-enhanced valley gradient, after which a chute cutoff reduces channel sinuosity to a new dynamic equilibrium that is generally higher than the pre-faulting sinuosity. Relative uplift of the downstream part of the river due to a fault leads to reduced fluvial activity upstream, caused by a backwater effect. The position along a meander bend at which faulting occurs has a profound influence on channel sinuosity; fault locations that enhance flow velocities over the point bar result in a faster sinuosity increase and subsequent chute cutoff than locations that cause increased flow velocity directed towards the outer floodplain. Our study shows that inclusion of process-based reasoning in the interpretation of geomorphological and sedimentological observations of fluvial response to faulting improves our understanding of the natural processes involved and, therefore, contributes to better prediction of faulting effects on river morphodynamics.
How to cite: Woolderink, H., Weisscher, S., Kleinhans, M., Kasse, C., and Van Balen, R.: Modelling the effects of normal faulting on alluvial river morphodynamics., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1108, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1108, 2021.
Normal faulting acts as a forcing on the morphodynamics of alluvial rivers by changing the topographic gradient of the river valley and channel around the fault zone. Normal faulting affects river morphodynamics either instantaneously by surface rupturing earthquakes, or gradually by continuous vertical displacement. The morphodynamic responses to normal faulting range from longitudinal bed profile adjustments to channel pattern changes. However, the effect of faulting on river morphodynamics and morphology is complex, as they also depend on numerous local, non-tectonic characteristics of flow, river bed/bank composition and vegetation cover. Moreover, river response to faulting is often transient. Such time-dependent river response is important to consider when deriving relationships between faulting and river dynamics from a morphological and sedimentological record. To enhance our understanding of river response to tectonic faulting, we used the physics-based, two-dimensional morphodynamic model Nays2D to simulate the responses of a laboratory-scale alluvial river to various faulting and offset scenarios. Our model focusses on the morphodynamic responses at the scale of multiple meander bends around a normal fault zone. Channel sinuosity increases as the downstream meander bend expands as a result of the faulting-enhanced valley gradient, after which a chute cutoff reduces channel sinuosity to a new dynamic equilibrium that is generally higher than the pre-faulting sinuosity. Relative uplift of the downstream part of the river due to a fault leads to reduced fluvial activity upstream, caused by a backwater effect. The position along a meander bend at which faulting occurs has a profound influence on channel sinuosity; fault locations that enhance flow velocities over the point bar result in a faster sinuosity increase and subsequent chute cutoff than locations that cause increased flow velocity directed towards the outer floodplain. Our study shows that inclusion of process-based reasoning in the interpretation of geomorphological and sedimentological observations of fluvial response to faulting improves our understanding of the natural processes involved and, therefore, contributes to better prediction of faulting effects on river morphodynamics.
How to cite: Woolderink, H., Weisscher, S., Kleinhans, M., Kasse, C., and Van Balen, R.: Modelling the effects of normal faulting on alluvial river morphodynamics., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1108, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1108, 2021.
EGU21-5681 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Sedimentary breccias formed during extensional tectonics: facies organization and processesTarik Kernif, Thierry Nalpas, Sylvie Bourquin, Pierre Gautier, and Marc Poujol
Sedimentary breccias formed during extensional tectonics are spatially associated with large-throw normal faults. They result from the creation of a steep topography that becomes unstable, producing major rockfalls. The studied breccias, in Crete and in the Pyrenees, are up to 300 meters thick and are characterized by poorly sorted polygenic deposits of pebbles to boulders composed of highly angular plurimillimetric to plurimetric carbonate clasts. A lateral evolution is observed, with pebble-size clasts found near the normal fault and boulder-size clasts away from the fault. This evolution is related to the rockfall process as the total kinetic energy acquired by the small clasts during the fall is lower than that acquired by the bigger ones; as a result, the latter are able to travel farther. Interestingly, the fact that the smallest clasts are proximal while the bigger ones are more distal is contrary to the distribution found in alluvial fan systems, making it possible to differentiate from one another. The studied breccias commonly show disorganized layers and/or no noticeable layering across large distances. We interpret this feature as related to the movement on the normal fault, which progressively tilts the breccia layers and favours their gliding along the slope. Gliding is an important internal process to take into account in rockfall systems because it may disorganize the layering, create specific geometries like onlap around olistoliths, and produce deformation inside the breccia layers; the latter feature could be mistakenly interpreted as resulting from post-deposition regional deformation.
According to our observations, active normal faults with large throws provide the conditions for the formation and preservation of great volumes of sedimentary breccias through the following processes: i) footwall uplift, creating a pronounced topography with steep slopes, giving rise to major rockfalls, ii) hangingwall rapid subsidence, which allows the accumulation and preservation of the breccias without clast reworking by drainage systems. The latter is reinforced by the fact that, during the early stages of extension, the main watersheds point in a direction opposite to the fault slope whereas only small, discontinuously distributed watersheds flow in the direction of the fault slope. Upon ongoing extension, the size of these small watersheds increase. At one point, the sedimentary flow coming from these watersheds becomes more important than rockfall processes. Part of the breccia body is then eroded, reworked, and replaced by conglomerates of an alluvial fan deposited unconformably above the breccias.
Summing up, sedimentary breccias are readily formed as thick syn-tectonic deposits during early stages of extensional basin development. Thus, they may be considered as a typical lithology, and a marker, of continental extension.
How to cite: Kernif, T., Nalpas, T., Bourquin, S., Gautier, P., and Poujol, M.: Sedimentary breccias formed during extensional tectonics: facies organization and processes , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5681, 2021.
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Sedimentary breccias formed during extensional tectonics are spatially associated with large-throw normal faults. They result from the creation of a steep topography that becomes unstable, producing major rockfalls. The studied breccias, in Crete and in the Pyrenees, are up to 300 meters thick and are characterized by poorly sorted polygenic deposits of pebbles to boulders composed of highly angular plurimillimetric to plurimetric carbonate clasts. A lateral evolution is observed, with pebble-size clasts found near the normal fault and boulder-size clasts away from the fault. This evolution is related to the rockfall process as the total kinetic energy acquired by the small clasts during the fall is lower than that acquired by the bigger ones; as a result, the latter are able to travel farther. Interestingly, the fact that the smallest clasts are proximal while the bigger ones are more distal is contrary to the distribution found in alluvial fan systems, making it possible to differentiate from one another. The studied breccias commonly show disorganized layers and/or no noticeable layering across large distances. We interpret this feature as related to the movement on the normal fault, which progressively tilts the breccia layers and favours their gliding along the slope. Gliding is an important internal process to take into account in rockfall systems because it may disorganize the layering, create specific geometries like onlap around olistoliths, and produce deformation inside the breccia layers; the latter feature could be mistakenly interpreted as resulting from post-deposition regional deformation.
According to our observations, active normal faults with large throws provide the conditions for the formation and preservation of great volumes of sedimentary breccias through the following processes: i) footwall uplift, creating a pronounced topography with steep slopes, giving rise to major rockfalls, ii) hangingwall rapid subsidence, which allows the accumulation and preservation of the breccias without clast reworking by drainage systems. The latter is reinforced by the fact that, during the early stages of extension, the main watersheds point in a direction opposite to the fault slope whereas only small, discontinuously distributed watersheds flow in the direction of the fault slope. Upon ongoing extension, the size of these small watersheds increase. At one point, the sedimentary flow coming from these watersheds becomes more important than rockfall processes. Part of the breccia body is then eroded, reworked, and replaced by conglomerates of an alluvial fan deposited unconformably above the breccias.
Summing up, sedimentary breccias are readily formed as thick syn-tectonic deposits during early stages of extensional basin development. Thus, they may be considered as a typical lithology, and a marker, of continental extension.
How to cite: Kernif, T., Nalpas, T., Bourquin, S., Gautier, P., and Poujol, M.: Sedimentary breccias formed during extensional tectonics: facies organization and processes , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5681, 2021.
EGU21-96 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Geological fissures: linking sub-surface structures to surface processesBob Holdsworth, Kit Hardman, Rich Walker, Alodie Bubeck, Cat Greenfield, Jack Lee, Ken McCaffrey, and Eddie Dempsey
Dilatant fissures are a common feature at the Earth’s surface in active rift systems where faults cut mechanically-strong rocks, such as igneous rocks, metamorphic basement or carbonates. Much attention has focused on modern examples of large-aperture fissures in basaltic rocks, where in most cases, only the near-surface-expression is accessible to depths of ~100 m. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of such dilatant fractures, including near-surface tensile fracturing along active normal faults at depth, geometric mismatch along faults, and fault-block rotation. However, fissure system architecture and connectivity in the subsurface, and the depth to which dilatant sections can grow are less well understood, as are the ways in which such structures may interact with surface processes.
In this presentation, we focus on dilatant faults and fractures from the ancient rock record, including examples hosted in rocks below regional erosional unconformities, commonly on the upfaulted flanks of nearby sedimentary basins. Such fissures are typically sub-vertical Mode I fractures that can be kilometres long, tens of metres wide and can extend to depths of 1 km or more below the palaeosurface. They are filled with a remarkably diverse range of high porosity, high permeability fills which act as natural proppants holding fractures open for tens to hundreds of million years. Fills include: wall rock collapse breccias; clastic or carbonate sediment; fossiliferous materials, and a variety of epithermal mineral deposits with characteristically vuggy forms and cockade-like textures. Alteration related to weathering and/or near-surface epithermal mineralization may extend down fissure systems to depths of many hundreds of metres. The subterranean clastic fills are commonly water-lain and preserve a unique record of the stratigraphic or fossil record that may be missing due to erosion at the overlying unconformity. Fissures can form along active normal faults at depth, as later-stage reactivations of pre-existing exhumed fault zones and along regional joint sets associated with folds. Some fissures form along the margins or interior of pre-existing mafic dykes or may act as sites of subsequent dyke emplacement – or both. Sub-unconformity fissure systems and their associated fills are likely to be a major influence on both the fluid storage capacity and flow behaviour in subsurface reservoirs including those hosting hydrocarbons, geothermal resources, and in aquifers worldwide.
How to cite: Holdsworth, B., Hardman, K., Walker, R., Bubeck, A., Greenfield, C., Lee, J., McCaffrey, K., and Dempsey, E.: Geological fissures: linking sub-surface structures to surface processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-96, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-96, 2021.
Dilatant fissures are a common feature at the Earth’s surface in active rift systems where faults cut mechanically-strong rocks, such as igneous rocks, metamorphic basement or carbonates. Much attention has focused on modern examples of large-aperture fissures in basaltic rocks, where in most cases, only the near-surface-expression is accessible to depths of ~100 m. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of such dilatant fractures, including near-surface tensile fracturing along active normal faults at depth, geometric mismatch along faults, and fault-block rotation. However, fissure system architecture and connectivity in the subsurface, and the depth to which dilatant sections can grow are less well understood, as are the ways in which such structures may interact with surface processes.
In this presentation, we focus on dilatant faults and fractures from the ancient rock record, including examples hosted in rocks below regional erosional unconformities, commonly on the upfaulted flanks of nearby sedimentary basins. Such fissures are typically sub-vertical Mode I fractures that can be kilometres long, tens of metres wide and can extend to depths of 1 km or more below the palaeosurface. They are filled with a remarkably diverse range of high porosity, high permeability fills which act as natural proppants holding fractures open for tens to hundreds of million years. Fills include: wall rock collapse breccias; clastic or carbonate sediment; fossiliferous materials, and a variety of epithermal mineral deposits with characteristically vuggy forms and cockade-like textures. Alteration related to weathering and/or near-surface epithermal mineralization may extend down fissure systems to depths of many hundreds of metres. The subterranean clastic fills are commonly water-lain and preserve a unique record of the stratigraphic or fossil record that may be missing due to erosion at the overlying unconformity. Fissures can form along active normal faults at depth, as later-stage reactivations of pre-existing exhumed fault zones and along regional joint sets associated with folds. Some fissures form along the margins or interior of pre-existing mafic dykes or may act as sites of subsequent dyke emplacement – or both. Sub-unconformity fissure systems and their associated fills are likely to be a major influence on both the fluid storage capacity and flow behaviour in subsurface reservoirs including those hosting hydrocarbons, geothermal resources, and in aquifers worldwide.
How to cite: Holdsworth, B., Hardman, K., Walker, R., Bubeck, A., Greenfield, C., Lee, J., McCaffrey, K., and Dempsey, E.: Geological fissures: linking sub-surface structures to surface processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-96, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-96, 2021.
EGU21-1027 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Interplay of near surface rift evolution and deep-seated lower crustal flow: New findings from fully quantified crustal-scale analogue modelsTimothy Schmid, Guido Schreurs, Jürgen Adam, and Dave Hollis
Here we present new results and findings from an analogue modelling series using an extension gradient to simulate continental rifting in rotational settings. We study the effect of a pressure-gradient driven, rift-axis parallel lower crustal flow on rift propagation. The dynamically scaled two-layer models represent a brittle upper and a ductile lower crust. To simulate different crustal set-ups, we use variable ductile/brittle ratios RDB, where increasing values indicate a hotter crust with the brittle-ductile transition at relatively shallower depth. An additional package of sand on one part of the model simulates tectonic loading to provoke a pressure-gradient driven lower crustal flow.
Several factors play a role in dynamic rift propagation such as extension rates, fault evolution and the interplay of vertical motions at the surface as well as model-internal rift-axis parallel horizontal flow. We combine surface and internal deformation analysis using stereoscopic Digital Image Correlation and Digital Volume Correlation applied on surface stereo images and XRCT images, respectively to obtain the fully quantified model deformation.
Our results show that rift propagation occurs in two consecutive stages: (i) bidirectional step-wise growth in fault length by linkage and (ii) unidirectional linear fault growth. Strain partitioning of bulk extension causes episodic alternative fault growth on conjugate rift margin faults. Over time, fault activity abandons rift boundary faults and migrates inward creating intra-rift faults. This process occurs segment-wise along the rift axis, where different fault generations are simultaneously active. We quantify increasing lower crustal flow parallel to the rift axis with increasing RDB as the result of tectonic loading. In return, such lower crustal flow causes vertical and horizontal motions at the surface expressed by dynamic topography and deformation features.
These results give insights into deformation processes of rifting and highlight the important role of extension gradients on fault growth and strain partitioning in segmented rotational rift systems. Rift-axis parallel lower crustal flow in rotational rift settings may be of relevance when dealing with restorations of 2D crustal seismic sections across rifts.
How to cite: Schmid, T., Schreurs, G., Adam, J., and Hollis, D.: Interplay of near surface rift evolution and deep-seated lower crustal flow: New findings from fully quantified crustal-scale analogue models, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1027, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1027, 2021.
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Here we present new results and findings from an analogue modelling series using an extension gradient to simulate continental rifting in rotational settings. We study the effect of a pressure-gradient driven, rift-axis parallel lower crustal flow on rift propagation. The dynamically scaled two-layer models represent a brittle upper and a ductile lower crust. To simulate different crustal set-ups, we use variable ductile/brittle ratios RDB, where increasing values indicate a hotter crust with the brittle-ductile transition at relatively shallower depth. An additional package of sand on one part of the model simulates tectonic loading to provoke a pressure-gradient driven lower crustal flow.
Several factors play a role in dynamic rift propagation such as extension rates, fault evolution and the interplay of vertical motions at the surface as well as model-internal rift-axis parallel horizontal flow. We combine surface and internal deformation analysis using stereoscopic Digital Image Correlation and Digital Volume Correlation applied on surface stereo images and XRCT images, respectively to obtain the fully quantified model deformation.
Our results show that rift propagation occurs in two consecutive stages: (i) bidirectional step-wise growth in fault length by linkage and (ii) unidirectional linear fault growth. Strain partitioning of bulk extension causes episodic alternative fault growth on conjugate rift margin faults. Over time, fault activity abandons rift boundary faults and migrates inward creating intra-rift faults. This process occurs segment-wise along the rift axis, where different fault generations are simultaneously active. We quantify increasing lower crustal flow parallel to the rift axis with increasing RDB as the result of tectonic loading. In return, such lower crustal flow causes vertical and horizontal motions at the surface expressed by dynamic topography and deformation features.
These results give insights into deformation processes of rifting and highlight the important role of extension gradients on fault growth and strain partitioning in segmented rotational rift systems. Rift-axis parallel lower crustal flow in rotational rift settings may be of relevance when dealing with restorations of 2D crustal seismic sections across rifts.
How to cite: Schmid, T., Schreurs, G., Adam, J., and Hollis, D.: Interplay of near surface rift evolution and deep-seated lower crustal flow: New findings from fully quantified crustal-scale analogue models, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1027, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1027, 2021.
EGU21-1726 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Mantle flow and orography: the effect of basal lithospheric shearing and lateral erosion gradients on continental riftingPietro Sternai
Mantle plume-lithosphere interactions modulated by surface processes across extensional tectonic settings give rise to outstanding topographies and sedimentary basins. However, the nature of these interactions and the mechanisms through which they control the evolution of continental rifts are still elusive. Basal lithospheric shearing due to plume-related mantle flow leads to extensional lithospheric rupturing and associated magmatism, rock exhumation, and topographic uplift away from the plume axis by a distance inversely proportional to the lithospheric elastic thickness. When moisturized air encounters a topographic barrier, it rises, decompresses, and saturates, leading to enhanced erosion on the windward side of the uplifted terrain. Orographic precipitation and asymmetric erosional unloading facilitate strain localization and lithospheric rupturing on the wetter and more eroded side of an extensional system. This simple model is validated against petro-thermo-mechanical numerical experiments where a rheologically stratified lithosphere above a mantle plume is subject to fluvial erosion proportional to stream power during extension. These findings are consistent with Eocene mantle upwelling and flood basalts in Ethiopia synchronous with distal initiation of lithospheric stretching in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden as well as asymmetric topography and slip along extensional structures where orography sets an erosional gradient in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). I conclude that, although inherently related to the lithosphere rheology, the evolution of continental rifts is even more seriously conditioned by the mantle and surface dynamics than previously thoughts.
How to cite: Sternai, P.: Mantle flow and orography: the effect of basal lithospheric shearing and lateral erosion gradients on continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1726, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1726, 2021.
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Mantle plume-lithosphere interactions modulated by surface processes across extensional tectonic settings give rise to outstanding topographies and sedimentary basins. However, the nature of these interactions and the mechanisms through which they control the evolution of continental rifts are still elusive. Basal lithospheric shearing due to plume-related mantle flow leads to extensional lithospheric rupturing and associated magmatism, rock exhumation, and topographic uplift away from the plume axis by a distance inversely proportional to the lithospheric elastic thickness. When moisturized air encounters a topographic barrier, it rises, decompresses, and saturates, leading to enhanced erosion on the windward side of the uplifted terrain. Orographic precipitation and asymmetric erosional unloading facilitate strain localization and lithospheric rupturing on the wetter and more eroded side of an extensional system. This simple model is validated against petro-thermo-mechanical numerical experiments where a rheologically stratified lithosphere above a mantle plume is subject to fluvial erosion proportional to stream power during extension. These findings are consistent with Eocene mantle upwelling and flood basalts in Ethiopia synchronous with distal initiation of lithospheric stretching in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden as well as asymmetric topography and slip along extensional structures where orography sets an erosional gradient in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). I conclude that, although inherently related to the lithosphere rheology, the evolution of continental rifts is even more seriously conditioned by the mantle and surface dynamics than previously thoughts.
How to cite: Sternai, P.: Mantle flow and orography: the effect of basal lithospheric shearing and lateral erosion gradients on continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1726, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1726, 2021.
EGU21-6135 * | vPICO presentations | TS5.3 | Highlight
Tectonic controls on the sedimentation patterns in the Danakil Depression, Afar, EthiopiaValentin Rime, Anneleen Foubert, Léa Perrochet, David Jaramillo-Vogel, Haileyesus Negga, Balemwal Atnafu, and Tesfaye Kidane
The Danakil depression in the northern part of the Afar is the only modern example of a rift undergoing the active transition from continental to marine settings, a crucial stage in rift and passive margin development. Thick evaporite deposits in its central part, and fringing Pleistocene coralgal reef terraces along its margins evidence at least four Red Sea incursions in to the basin and subsequent desiccation. The two youngest coralgal reef terraces were dated as respectively MIS 5e and MIS 7. Recent field expeditions measuring the paleo-shorelines' elevation provide a precious record of neotectonic activity in the basin. The margins show varied uplift while outcrops situated closer to the rift axis subsided below sea level. MIS 7 sediments at the northern, western margin, were uplifted up to 170 masl. Neotectonic movements are smaller on the eastern margin of the Danakil depression but moderate uplift was sufficient to avoid flooding of the depression during the Holocene. Syn-rift sedimentary patterns in the Danakil basin illustrate that the transition from continental to marine conditions is not gradual but marked by alternating marine and continental episodes. This alternation is controlled by the interaction between eustatic, tectonic and volcanic processes. Significant increase in accommodation space and sediment deposition can happen at very short time intervals.
How to cite: Rime, V., Foubert, A., Perrochet, L., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Negga, H., Atnafu, B., and Kidane, T.: Tectonic controls on the sedimentation patterns in the Danakil Depression, Afar, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6135, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6135, 2021.
The Danakil depression in the northern part of the Afar is the only modern example of a rift undergoing the active transition from continental to marine settings, a crucial stage in rift and passive margin development. Thick evaporite deposits in its central part, and fringing Pleistocene coralgal reef terraces along its margins evidence at least four Red Sea incursions in to the basin and subsequent desiccation. The two youngest coralgal reef terraces were dated as respectively MIS 5e and MIS 7. Recent field expeditions measuring the paleo-shorelines' elevation provide a precious record of neotectonic activity in the basin. The margins show varied uplift while outcrops situated closer to the rift axis subsided below sea level. MIS 7 sediments at the northern, western margin, were uplifted up to 170 masl. Neotectonic movements are smaller on the eastern margin of the Danakil depression but moderate uplift was sufficient to avoid flooding of the depression during the Holocene. Syn-rift sedimentary patterns in the Danakil basin illustrate that the transition from continental to marine conditions is not gradual but marked by alternating marine and continental episodes. This alternation is controlled by the interaction between eustatic, tectonic and volcanic processes. Significant increase in accommodation space and sediment deposition can happen at very short time intervals.
How to cite: Rime, V., Foubert, A., Perrochet, L., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Negga, H., Atnafu, B., and Kidane, T.: Tectonic controls on the sedimentation patterns in the Danakil Depression, Afar, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6135, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6135, 2021.
EGU21-2456 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Effects of the tectonics of the East African Rift System on the evolution of the Tanzania margin offshore Zanzibar and Pemba Islands.Marina Dottore Stagna, Vittorio Maselli, Djordje Grujic, Pamela Reynolds, David Reynolds, David Iacopini, Bill Richards, John Underhill, and Dick Kroon
The East African Rift Systems (EARS) is a modern example of a divergent plate boundary at early stages of development. In Tanzania, the rift has evolved in two branches since the Early Miocene. In addition, recent studies have proposed the existence of a marine branch of the rift in the western Indian Ocean, corresponding to the Kerimbas Graben – Davie Ridge (DR) system offshore northern Mozambique and southern Tanzania. North of this region, putative passive margin structures are present: the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, and the troughs that separate them from the mainland. Although different theories for their formation have been proposed, a clear understanding of how the islands relate to the regional tectonic regime and the effect on the deep-water sediment routing system is lacking.
In this study, we use 2D seismic reflection profiles and exploration wells to investigate the Oligocene to recent stratigraphy offshore northern Tanzania to examine the following two questions: When did the Pemba and Zanzibar islands form? And how does the evolution of deep-water depositional systems record rift tectonics? Regional correlation of dated seismic horizons, integrated with 3D reconstruction of canyons/channels network through time, allow understanding of the main depositional events and their timing. A net decrease in the number of slope channels is visible offshore Pemba during the middle-late Miocene, which we interpreted to mark the onset of the uplift of the island. At the same time, deep-water channels were still aggrading offshore Zanzibar, indicating that the uplift of this island occurred later, likely during the late Miocene to early Pliocene. The uplift of the islands promoted the formation of a newly discovered giant canyon, characterized by a modern width of > 30 km and depth of > 485 m at > 2,200 m water depth.
The timing of the islands’ uplift indicates a potential relation with the EARS tectonics. While the structures which form the anticlines of Pemba and Zanzibar Islands may be related to Tertiary (EARS) inversion of Mesozoic-aged rift faults, numerous high-angle normal faults, both antithetic and synthetic, dissect the post-Oligocene stratigraphy. These create horsts and grabens on a variety of scales, some of which (e.g. Kerimbas Graben and Zanzibar/Pemba trough) show comparative shape and size respect to onshore rift basins. The stratigraphic evolution of deep-water channel systems provides a tape-recorder with which to determine the modification of EARS’ tectonics on sedimentation of the older Tanzania margin.
Supported by these new results, we propose a new alternative conceptual model for the evolution of the central East African margin during the Neogene and Quaternary, highlighting the main tectonic structures and their timing of formation.
How to cite: Dottore Stagna, M., Maselli, V., Grujic, D., Reynolds, P., Reynolds, D., Iacopini, D., Richards, B., Underhill, J., and Kroon, D.: Effects of the tectonics of the East African Rift System on the evolution of the Tanzania margin offshore Zanzibar and Pemba Islands., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2456, 2021.
The East African Rift Systems (EARS) is a modern example of a divergent plate boundary at early stages of development. In Tanzania, the rift has evolved in two branches since the Early Miocene. In addition, recent studies have proposed the existence of a marine branch of the rift in the western Indian Ocean, corresponding to the Kerimbas Graben – Davie Ridge (DR) system offshore northern Mozambique and southern Tanzania. North of this region, putative passive margin structures are present: the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, and the troughs that separate them from the mainland. Although different theories for their formation have been proposed, a clear understanding of how the islands relate to the regional tectonic regime and the effect on the deep-water sediment routing system is lacking.
In this study, we use 2D seismic reflection profiles and exploration wells to investigate the Oligocene to recent stratigraphy offshore northern Tanzania to examine the following two questions: When did the Pemba and Zanzibar islands form? And how does the evolution of deep-water depositional systems record rift tectonics? Regional correlation of dated seismic horizons, integrated with 3D reconstruction of canyons/channels network through time, allow understanding of the main depositional events and their timing. A net decrease in the number of slope channels is visible offshore Pemba during the middle-late Miocene, which we interpreted to mark the onset of the uplift of the island. At the same time, deep-water channels were still aggrading offshore Zanzibar, indicating that the uplift of this island occurred later, likely during the late Miocene to early Pliocene. The uplift of the islands promoted the formation of a newly discovered giant canyon, characterized by a modern width of > 30 km and depth of > 485 m at > 2,200 m water depth.
The timing of the islands’ uplift indicates a potential relation with the EARS tectonics. While the structures which form the anticlines of Pemba and Zanzibar Islands may be related to Tertiary (EARS) inversion of Mesozoic-aged rift faults, numerous high-angle normal faults, both antithetic and synthetic, dissect the post-Oligocene stratigraphy. These create horsts and grabens on a variety of scales, some of which (e.g. Kerimbas Graben and Zanzibar/Pemba trough) show comparative shape and size respect to onshore rift basins. The stratigraphic evolution of deep-water channel systems provides a tape-recorder with which to determine the modification of EARS’ tectonics on sedimentation of the older Tanzania margin.
Supported by these new results, we propose a new alternative conceptual model for the evolution of the central East African margin during the Neogene and Quaternary, highlighting the main tectonic structures and their timing of formation.
How to cite: Dottore Stagna, M., Maselli, V., Grujic, D., Reynolds, P., Reynolds, D., Iacopini, D., Richards, B., Underhill, J., and Kroon, D.: Effects of the tectonics of the East African Rift System on the evolution of the Tanzania margin offshore Zanzibar and Pemba Islands., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2456, 2021.
EGU21-9066 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Neogene rift tectonic activity in the West Somali Basin, offshore Tanzania: example of a segmented oblique rift structure.Salvatore Ruocco, David Iacopini, Stefano Tavani, Cynthia Ebinger, Marina Dottore Stagna, Dave Reynolds, and Vittorio Maselli
Little is still known about the structural fabric of a potential continuation of the East African Rift System (EARS) offshore Tanzania in the West Somali Basin. This continuation has been established mostly through sparse GPS measurements, earthquake slip vector data, spatial distribution of teleseismically detected earthquake focal mechanisms, and some recent seismic reflection data. West of the Davie Ridge (which part of a larger structure named the Davie Fracture Zone) and across its northern extension, regional seismic reflection profiles indicate the occurrence of continental - oceanic crust transition, which is characterized by early Cretaceous reverse faulting localized along deformation corridors. After the Aptian, the seafloor spreading ceased and the Tanzania margin evolved into a passive margin dominated by clastic deep-water deposition. In this contribution, we describe some results obtained from structural mapping of a 3D seismic dataset, calibrated by few explorations well, covering an area located between the Davie Ridge and the continent, south of Mafia Island. The seismic data maps suggest a major structural style change across the Neogene that is still active today. The recent structures are represented by two main interacting fault trends: some NS boundary faults corridors and a NW-SE internal arcuate segmented fault, both depicting a widely and diffused distribution of normal fault (with an overall cumulative amount of horizontal brittle extension ranging between 5 to 10 km). Some of the largest faults appear to reactivate older extensional structures but the general absence of growth faults cutting across the Paleo-Neogene depositional units suggest very recent rift re-activation. The recent rift system appears to show a component of obliquity with respect to the orientation of the Davie Ridge, and to the onshore structure related to the EARS tectonics.
How to cite: Ruocco, S., Iacopini, D., Tavani, S., Ebinger, C., Dottore Stagna, M., Reynolds, D., and Maselli, V.: Neogene rift tectonic activity in the West Somali Basin, offshore Tanzania: example of a segmented oblique rift structure., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9066, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9066, 2021.
Little is still known about the structural fabric of a potential continuation of the East African Rift System (EARS) offshore Tanzania in the West Somali Basin. This continuation has been established mostly through sparse GPS measurements, earthquake slip vector data, spatial distribution of teleseismically detected earthquake focal mechanisms, and some recent seismic reflection data. West of the Davie Ridge (which part of a larger structure named the Davie Fracture Zone) and across its northern extension, regional seismic reflection profiles indicate the occurrence of continental - oceanic crust transition, which is characterized by early Cretaceous reverse faulting localized along deformation corridors. After the Aptian, the seafloor spreading ceased and the Tanzania margin evolved into a passive margin dominated by clastic deep-water deposition. In this contribution, we describe some results obtained from structural mapping of a 3D seismic dataset, calibrated by few explorations well, covering an area located between the Davie Ridge and the continent, south of Mafia Island. The seismic data maps suggest a major structural style change across the Neogene that is still active today. The recent structures are represented by two main interacting fault trends: some NS boundary faults corridors and a NW-SE internal arcuate segmented fault, both depicting a widely and diffused distribution of normal fault (with an overall cumulative amount of horizontal brittle extension ranging between 5 to 10 km). Some of the largest faults appear to reactivate older extensional structures but the general absence of growth faults cutting across the Paleo-Neogene depositional units suggest very recent rift re-activation. The recent rift system appears to show a component of obliquity with respect to the orientation of the Davie Ridge, and to the onshore structure related to the EARS tectonics.
How to cite: Ruocco, S., Iacopini, D., Tavani, S., Ebinger, C., Dottore Stagna, M., Reynolds, D., and Maselli, V.: Neogene rift tectonic activity in the West Somali Basin, offshore Tanzania: example of a segmented oblique rift structure., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9066, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9066, 2021.
EGU21-5698 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He geochronology of the central Morondava Basin, MadagascarWillem Schetselaar, David Schneider, Gabor Tari, Hoby Raharisolofo, Sophie Rahajarivelo, and Fanomezana Ramboasalama
Formation of the Phanerozoic basins of Madagascar coincided with the initial stages of Permian break-up of Gondwana. The sources of the sediments in these basins are from the seven major Precambrian terranes that border them. The tectonic history of rifting, drifting, and uplift of the Madagascan terrane over the last 300 million years is recorded within the sedimentary strata that comprise the Morondava Basin, the largest of these basins located along the west coast. In this study, we have applied detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and (U-Th)/He low-temperature thermochronology to resolve the sedimentation patterns and thermal history of the Morondava Basin as Madagascar separated from Africa and subsequently India. Nine coarse-grained siliciclastic samples were taken along two transects parallel to the Morondava River in the central Morondava Basin. Karoo sandstones and shales were deposited directly atop the basement during Permo-Triassic rifting. Two samples from each transect were taken in the uppermost Jurassic Karoo sandstones. Overlying the Karoo are carbonates that were deposited as part of a carbonate platform as the basin experienced Middle Jurassic subsidence due to successful rifting during the separation of Madagascar and Africa. A Late Jurassic unconformity suggests tectonic quiescence. As the passive margin subsidence renewed, changes in eustatic sea level resulted in several cycles of sedimentation, and two Cretaceous samples in each transect were collected from this interval. Separation of India from Madagascar during the Turonian resulted in uplift of the central highlands and tilting of the Morondava Basin accompanied by extensive volcanic activity throughout the basin. Previously published apatite fission track studies mark this as the final stage of cooling. Above a Paleocene unconformity, deposition occurred in the Eocene with a package of sandstones and shales represented by a single sample in the southern transect. The detrital zircon U-Pb age distributions include common Neoarchean and Neoproterozoic populations which suggests input from the basement terranes of the Madagascan central highlands (Antananarivo domain). A subset of samples contain a Paleo- to Mesoarchean population linked to the metasedimentary Anosyen domain and a Cambrian population associated with metamorphic zircon formed during the Pan-African Orogeny the source of which occurs in the southwestern basement terranes. Spatial variations within the detrital zircon U-Pb age populations indicate two distinct sedimentation patterns separating the north and south parts of the basin and a likely post-Jurassic sediment recycling history within the Morondava Basin. Initial zircon (U-Th)/He ages range from 500 to 80 Ma with effective uranium (eU) values ranging from 35 to 1760, which exhibit a strong negative eU-age relationship and indicate partial resetting of zircon throughout the basin. The combined data will be utilized to construct the low-temperature thermal history of the basin.
How to cite: Schetselaar, W., Schneider, D., Tari, G., Raharisolofo, H., Rahajarivelo, S., and Ramboasalama, F.: Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He geochronology of the central Morondava Basin, Madagascar, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5698, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5698, 2021.
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Formation of the Phanerozoic basins of Madagascar coincided with the initial stages of Permian break-up of Gondwana. The sources of the sediments in these basins are from the seven major Precambrian terranes that border them. The tectonic history of rifting, drifting, and uplift of the Madagascan terrane over the last 300 million years is recorded within the sedimentary strata that comprise the Morondava Basin, the largest of these basins located along the west coast. In this study, we have applied detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and (U-Th)/He low-temperature thermochronology to resolve the sedimentation patterns and thermal history of the Morondava Basin as Madagascar separated from Africa and subsequently India. Nine coarse-grained siliciclastic samples were taken along two transects parallel to the Morondava River in the central Morondava Basin. Karoo sandstones and shales were deposited directly atop the basement during Permo-Triassic rifting. Two samples from each transect were taken in the uppermost Jurassic Karoo sandstones. Overlying the Karoo are carbonates that were deposited as part of a carbonate platform as the basin experienced Middle Jurassic subsidence due to successful rifting during the separation of Madagascar and Africa. A Late Jurassic unconformity suggests tectonic quiescence. As the passive margin subsidence renewed, changes in eustatic sea level resulted in several cycles of sedimentation, and two Cretaceous samples in each transect were collected from this interval. Separation of India from Madagascar during the Turonian resulted in uplift of the central highlands and tilting of the Morondava Basin accompanied by extensive volcanic activity throughout the basin. Previously published apatite fission track studies mark this as the final stage of cooling. Above a Paleocene unconformity, deposition occurred in the Eocene with a package of sandstones and shales represented by a single sample in the southern transect. The detrital zircon U-Pb age distributions include common Neoarchean and Neoproterozoic populations which suggests input from the basement terranes of the Madagascan central highlands (Antananarivo domain). A subset of samples contain a Paleo- to Mesoarchean population linked to the metasedimentary Anosyen domain and a Cambrian population associated with metamorphic zircon formed during the Pan-African Orogeny the source of which occurs in the southwestern basement terranes. Spatial variations within the detrital zircon U-Pb age populations indicate two distinct sedimentation patterns separating the north and south parts of the basin and a likely post-Jurassic sediment recycling history within the Morondava Basin. Initial zircon (U-Th)/He ages range from 500 to 80 Ma with effective uranium (eU) values ranging from 35 to 1760, which exhibit a strong negative eU-age relationship and indicate partial resetting of zircon throughout the basin. The combined data will be utilized to construct the low-temperature thermal history of the basin.
How to cite: Schetselaar, W., Schneider, D., Tari, G., Raharisolofo, H., Rahajarivelo, S., and Ramboasalama, F.: Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He geochronology of the central Morondava Basin, Madagascar, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5698, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5698, 2021.
EGU21-5950 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
The Congo basin: an example of failed riftFrancesca Maddaloni, Damien Delvaux, Magdala Tesauro, Taras Gerya, and Carla Braitenberg
The Congo basin (CB), considered as a typical intracratonic basin, due its slow and long-lived subsidence history and the largely unknown formation mechanisms, occupies a large part of the Congo craton, derived from the amalgamation of different cratonic pieces. It recorded the history of deposition of up to one billion years of sediments, one of the longest geological records on Earth above a metamorphic basement. The CB initiated very probably as a failed rift in late Mesoproterozoic and evolved during the Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic under the influence of far-field compressional tectonic events, global climate fluctuation between icehouse and greenhouse conditions and drifting of Central Africa through the South Pole then towards its present-day equatorial position. Since Cretaceous, the CB has been subjected to an intraplate compressional setting due to ridge-push forces related to the spreading of the South Atlantic Ocean, where most of sediments are being eroded and accumulated only in the center of the basin.
In this study, we first reconstructed the stratigraphy, the depths of the main seismic horizons, and the tectonic history of the CB, using geological and exploration geophysical data. In particular, we interpreted about 2600 km of seismic reflection profiles and well log data located inside the central area of the CB (Cuvette Centrale). We used the obtained results to constrain the gravity field data that we analyzed, in order to reconstruct the depth of the basement and investigate the shallow crustal structure of the basin. To this purpose, we used a gravity inversion method with two different density contrasts between the surface sediments and crystalline rocks.
The results evidence NW-SE trending structures, also revealed by magnetic and seismic data, corresponding to the alternation of highs and sediments filled topographic depressions, related to rift structures, characterizing the first stage of evolution of the CB. They also show a general good consistency between the seismic and gravity basement along the seismic profiles and evidence the presence of possible high-density bodies in the shallow to deep crust. The identified structures are prevalently the product of an extensional tectonics, which likely acted in more than one direction.
Therefore, we performed 3D numerical simulations to test the hypothesis of the formation of the CB as multi-extensional rift in a cratonic area, using the thermomechanical I3ELVIS code, based on a combination of a finite difference method applied on a uniformly spaced Eulerian staggered grid with the marker-in-cell technique. To this purpose, the numerical tests have been conducted considering a sub-circular weak zone in the central part of the cratonic lithosphere and applying a velocity of 2.5 cm/yr in two orthogonal directions (N-S and E-W). We repeated these numerical tests by increasing the size of the weak zone and varying its lithospheric thickness. The results show the formation of a circular basin in the central part of the cratonic lithosphere, characterized by a series of highs and depressions, consistent with those obtained from geophysical/geological reconstructions.
How to cite: Maddaloni, F., Delvaux, D., Tesauro, M., Gerya, T., and Braitenberg, C.: The Congo basin: an example of failed rift, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5950, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5950, 2021.
The Congo basin (CB), considered as a typical intracratonic basin, due its slow and long-lived subsidence history and the largely unknown formation mechanisms, occupies a large part of the Congo craton, derived from the amalgamation of different cratonic pieces. It recorded the history of deposition of up to one billion years of sediments, one of the longest geological records on Earth above a metamorphic basement. The CB initiated very probably as a failed rift in late Mesoproterozoic and evolved during the Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic under the influence of far-field compressional tectonic events, global climate fluctuation between icehouse and greenhouse conditions and drifting of Central Africa through the South Pole then towards its present-day equatorial position. Since Cretaceous, the CB has been subjected to an intraplate compressional setting due to ridge-push forces related to the spreading of the South Atlantic Ocean, where most of sediments are being eroded and accumulated only in the center of the basin.
In this study, we first reconstructed the stratigraphy, the depths of the main seismic horizons, and the tectonic history of the CB, using geological and exploration geophysical data. In particular, we interpreted about 2600 km of seismic reflection profiles and well log data located inside the central area of the CB (Cuvette Centrale). We used the obtained results to constrain the gravity field data that we analyzed, in order to reconstruct the depth of the basement and investigate the shallow crustal structure of the basin. To this purpose, we used a gravity inversion method with two different density contrasts between the surface sediments and crystalline rocks.
The results evidence NW-SE trending structures, also revealed by magnetic and seismic data, corresponding to the alternation of highs and sediments filled topographic depressions, related to rift structures, characterizing the first stage of evolution of the CB. They also show a general good consistency between the seismic and gravity basement along the seismic profiles and evidence the presence of possible high-density bodies in the shallow to deep crust. The identified structures are prevalently the product of an extensional tectonics, which likely acted in more than one direction.
Therefore, we performed 3D numerical simulations to test the hypothesis of the formation of the CB as multi-extensional rift in a cratonic area, using the thermomechanical I3ELVIS code, based on a combination of a finite difference method applied on a uniformly spaced Eulerian staggered grid with the marker-in-cell technique. To this purpose, the numerical tests have been conducted considering a sub-circular weak zone in the central part of the cratonic lithosphere and applying a velocity of 2.5 cm/yr in two orthogonal directions (N-S and E-W). We repeated these numerical tests by increasing the size of the weak zone and varying its lithospheric thickness. The results show the formation of a circular basin in the central part of the cratonic lithosphere, characterized by a series of highs and depressions, consistent with those obtained from geophysical/geological reconstructions.
How to cite: Maddaloni, F., Delvaux, D., Tesauro, M., Gerya, T., and Braitenberg, C.: The Congo basin: an example of failed rift, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5950, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5950, 2021.
EGU21-1498 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Investigating tectonic geomorphology of three half-graben basins onshore the NE Atlantic marginLinda Cecilia Haaland, Per Terje Osmundsen, Tim Redfield, Katia Svendby, and Kim Senger
Tectonic controls on landscape evolution are well documented globally. In actively extending areas, tectonic geomorphology is typically represented by uplifted footwalls, downthrown hanging walls, distinct bounding escarpments, and characteristic drainage patterns.
In onshore parts of the NE Atlantic margin, several studies suggest that some present-day landforms are inherited from rifting and margin formation in the Late Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic. Such inheritance can be difficult to recognize because much of the pre-existing landscapes are obscured by erosional features related to post-rift Cenozoic uplift and repeated glaciations during the Quaternary. Interpretations of these landscapes vary considerably; some have suggested the preservation of vast Mesozoic erosion surfaces, whereas others argue that most present-day landforms are Quaternary in origin with little pre-Quaternary inheritance. However, some remnants of Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic rifting are demonstrably preserved directly inboard of the NE Atlantic margin, in the form of sedimentary basins.
In this study we use structural and geomorphological field observations and DTM (Digital Terrain Model) analyses to investigate the landscape surrounding three half-graben basins. Detailed landscape classification and analysis is used to systematically review present-day landscape distribution and bounding faults in and around the remnant basins, in order to distinguish extensional tectonic landforms from other geomorphological features. The half-grabens considered in this study are the Carboniferous Billefjorden half-graben on central Spitsbergen, Svalbard; the Jurassic Sortlandsundet half-graben in Vesterålen, northern Norway; and the Jurassic Beitstadfjorden half-graben in Trøndelag, mainland Norway.
Preliminary results reveal major topographic contrasts between footwall and hanging wall in all three half-grabens, with generally higher topographical elevations and deeper incision in the footwalls compared to the hanging walls. Additionally, the three study areas have very distinct landscape signatures, suggesting a difference in the post-rift landscape evolution. These differences appear to be dependent on a number of factors related to unique post-rift events. The inherited half-grabens display profoundly different degrees of erosional exploitation of pre-rift structures, glacial incision, and possible late-Cretaceous or younger reactivation of the basin-bounding normal faults. This study will provide insight into the relationships between inherited, tectonically controlled landforms, and incising Cenozoic and Quaternary landforms.
How to cite: Haaland, L. C., Osmundsen, P. T., Redfield, T., Svendby, K., and Senger, K.: Investigating tectonic geomorphology of three half-graben basins onshore the NE Atlantic margin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1498, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1498, 2021.
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Tectonic controls on landscape evolution are well documented globally. In actively extending areas, tectonic geomorphology is typically represented by uplifted footwalls, downthrown hanging walls, distinct bounding escarpments, and characteristic drainage patterns.
In onshore parts of the NE Atlantic margin, several studies suggest that some present-day landforms are inherited from rifting and margin formation in the Late Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic. Such inheritance can be difficult to recognize because much of the pre-existing landscapes are obscured by erosional features related to post-rift Cenozoic uplift and repeated glaciations during the Quaternary. Interpretations of these landscapes vary considerably; some have suggested the preservation of vast Mesozoic erosion surfaces, whereas others argue that most present-day landforms are Quaternary in origin with little pre-Quaternary inheritance. However, some remnants of Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic rifting are demonstrably preserved directly inboard of the NE Atlantic margin, in the form of sedimentary basins.
In this study we use structural and geomorphological field observations and DTM (Digital Terrain Model) analyses to investigate the landscape surrounding three half-graben basins. Detailed landscape classification and analysis is used to systematically review present-day landscape distribution and bounding faults in and around the remnant basins, in order to distinguish extensional tectonic landforms from other geomorphological features. The half-grabens considered in this study are the Carboniferous Billefjorden half-graben on central Spitsbergen, Svalbard; the Jurassic Sortlandsundet half-graben in Vesterålen, northern Norway; and the Jurassic Beitstadfjorden half-graben in Trøndelag, mainland Norway.
Preliminary results reveal major topographic contrasts between footwall and hanging wall in all three half-grabens, with generally higher topographical elevations and deeper incision in the footwalls compared to the hanging walls. Additionally, the three study areas have very distinct landscape signatures, suggesting a difference in the post-rift landscape evolution. These differences appear to be dependent on a number of factors related to unique post-rift events. The inherited half-grabens display profoundly different degrees of erosional exploitation of pre-rift structures, glacial incision, and possible late-Cretaceous or younger reactivation of the basin-bounding normal faults. This study will provide insight into the relationships between inherited, tectonically controlled landforms, and incising Cenozoic and Quaternary landforms.
How to cite: Haaland, L. C., Osmundsen, P. T., Redfield, T., Svendby, K., and Senger, K.: Investigating tectonic geomorphology of three half-graben basins onshore the NE Atlantic margin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1498, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1498, 2021.
EGU21-3751 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
Early Cretaceous syn- to post-rift evolution of the Mentelle Basin on the southwest Australian rifted margin (IODP Expedition 369 Sites U1513–U1516)Eun Young Lee, Erik Wolfgring, Maria Luisa G. Tejada, Seung Soo Chun, Sangheon Yi, Bernhard Schentger, Hans-Jürgen Brumsack, Laurent Riquier, and Maria Meszar
The Mentelle Basin is a large and deep-water sedimentary basin located on the southwest Australian rifted margin. The basin lies west of the Perth Basin, east of the Naturaliste Plateau and south of the Perth Abyssal Plain. The rifted margin formed when the Greater Indian plate separated from the Australian-Antarctic plate during the Jurassic to early Cretaceous. Based on seismic reflection data, several km thick sediments infilling the basin have been interpreted. However, due to lack of geological and geophysical data, the basin has not been studied enough to understand its evolution. In 2017, International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 369 drilled four sites, U1513–U1516, in the Mentelle Basin and recovered important cores including late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sections. At Site U1515 on the eastern margin of the basin, drilling penetrated below the seismically imaged breakup unconformity into the middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous syn-rift strata. Holes at Site U1513 on the western margin cored the syn-rift volcanic sequence, the Hauterivian to early Aptian volcaniclastic-rich sandstone sequence spanning the syn- to post-rift phase, and the Aptian to Albian post-rift claystone sequence. Drilling at Sites U1514 and U1516 in the central part reached the Albian post-rift sequence. Using a combination of shipboard and post-expedition data, we interpret the lithological, paleontological and geochemical characteristics of the syn- to post-rift sequences. The results allowed us to reconstruct the Early Cretaceous stratigraphy, tectonics, paleo-environment, and basin evolution of the Mentelle Basin. During the syn-rift phase, the middle Jurassic to lower Cretaceous non-marine sediments were deposited in the eastern Mentelle Basin, while volcanic rocks were emplaced in the western part. The 82 m thick volcanic sequence consists of alternating basalt flows and volcaniclastics with dolerite dikes, which indicate multiple volcanic eruption events in subaerial to shallow water environments. It was overlain by the 235 m thick volcaniclastic-rich sequence consisting of massive or laminated sandstone layers, deposited in shelf to upper bathyal depths. The deposition period spans the syn- to post-rift phase of the basin but decreasing sedimentation rate and shallow marine setting suggest that the post-rift thermal subsidence did not immediately follow the final continental breakup. We interpret that the delayed thermal subsidence was likely to be induced by adjacent mantle plume activities. Deep marine claystone sequences blanketing most of the basin indicate Aptian to Albian post-rift thermal subsidence.
How to cite: Lee, E. Y., Wolfgring, E., Tejada, M. L. G., Chun, S. S., Yi, S., Schentger, B., Brumsack, H.-J., Riquier, L., and Meszar, M.: Early Cretaceous syn- to post-rift evolution of the Mentelle Basin on the southwest Australian rifted margin (IODP Expedition 369 Sites U1513–U1516), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3751, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3751, 2021.
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The Mentelle Basin is a large and deep-water sedimentary basin located on the southwest Australian rifted margin. The basin lies west of the Perth Basin, east of the Naturaliste Plateau and south of the Perth Abyssal Plain. The rifted margin formed when the Greater Indian plate separated from the Australian-Antarctic plate during the Jurassic to early Cretaceous. Based on seismic reflection data, several km thick sediments infilling the basin have been interpreted. However, due to lack of geological and geophysical data, the basin has not been studied enough to understand its evolution. In 2017, International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 369 drilled four sites, U1513–U1516, in the Mentelle Basin and recovered important cores including late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sections. At Site U1515 on the eastern margin of the basin, drilling penetrated below the seismically imaged breakup unconformity into the middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous syn-rift strata. Holes at Site U1513 on the western margin cored the syn-rift volcanic sequence, the Hauterivian to early Aptian volcaniclastic-rich sandstone sequence spanning the syn- to post-rift phase, and the Aptian to Albian post-rift claystone sequence. Drilling at Sites U1514 and U1516 in the central part reached the Albian post-rift sequence. Using a combination of shipboard and post-expedition data, we interpret the lithological, paleontological and geochemical characteristics of the syn- to post-rift sequences. The results allowed us to reconstruct the Early Cretaceous stratigraphy, tectonics, paleo-environment, and basin evolution of the Mentelle Basin. During the syn-rift phase, the middle Jurassic to lower Cretaceous non-marine sediments were deposited in the eastern Mentelle Basin, while volcanic rocks were emplaced in the western part. The 82 m thick volcanic sequence consists of alternating basalt flows and volcaniclastics with dolerite dikes, which indicate multiple volcanic eruption events in subaerial to shallow water environments. It was overlain by the 235 m thick volcaniclastic-rich sequence consisting of massive or laminated sandstone layers, deposited in shelf to upper bathyal depths. The deposition period spans the syn- to post-rift phase of the basin but decreasing sedimentation rate and shallow marine setting suggest that the post-rift thermal subsidence did not immediately follow the final continental breakup. We interpret that the delayed thermal subsidence was likely to be induced by adjacent mantle plume activities. Deep marine claystone sequences blanketing most of the basin indicate Aptian to Albian post-rift thermal subsidence.
How to cite: Lee, E. Y., Wolfgring, E., Tejada, M. L. G., Chun, S. S., Yi, S., Schentger, B., Brumsack, H.-J., Riquier, L., and Meszar, M.: Early Cretaceous syn- to post-rift evolution of the Mentelle Basin on the southwest Australian rifted margin (IODP Expedition 369 Sites U1513–U1516), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3751, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3751, 2021.
EGU21-14568 | vPICO presentations | TS5.3
3D structure of detachment faulting and related tectono-sedimentary processes in the SE South China SeaEtienne Legeay, Geoffroy Mohn, Jean-Claude Ringenbach, and William Vetel
Before Break-Up, the opening of the South China Sea Passive Margin (SCS) was characterized by a wide rift mode during Cenozoic rifting. Such wide extensional margin (>600 km wide) is controlled by a set of hyper-extended sub-basins separated by basement highs.
These basins infill recorded a polyphased extensional deformation hence resulting in complex 3D sedimentary evolution. Based on a recent industrial 3D seismic reflection survey along the Sabah area (southern margin of the SCS), this contribution aims to investigate the detailed 3D geometries of extensional structures as well as their control on the overlying successive sedimentary sequences and relation to crustal deformation.
We mapped and analyzed several crustal-scale rolling hinge structures controlled by a series of low-angle normal faults. Deeper crustal levels are likely exhumed along the core of these rolling hinge structures, separated by extensional allochthones blocs of upper continental crust. Our structural analysis enables us to identify three main extensional phases corresponding to distinct sedimentary packages: (1) a synrift sequence 1 controlled by small offset normal faults formed during incipient rifting; (2) an intermediate synrift sequence 2 recording the development of extensional detachment faults. (3) a thick syn-rift sequence 3 recording a continuation of extension along the detachment faults resulting in the dismembering of the syn-
rift sequence 2. Intra-basement seismic reflectors dipping towards the north-west are observed, onto which extensional structures often seem to root. Some of these reflectors are interpreted as interleaved thrust sheets from a dismantled accretionary wedge of the former Mesozoic active margin (Yenshanian magmatic Arc).
Our results provide new key observations on the 3D mechanisms of detachment faulting and its control on sedimentary evolution as well as coeval crustal deformation. 3D approach throw some light on the detailed geometries of a metamorphic core-complex in relation with crustal boudinage, shear zones and lower/middle crust exhumation below the syn- rift sediments. These geometries can be compared to those described in the Basin and Range province or the Aegean Sea. Consequently, our results have implications for our understanding of rift and breakup mechanisms of marginal basins as a whole.
How to cite: Legeay, E., Mohn, G., Ringenbach, J.-C., and Vetel, W.: 3D structure of detachment faulting and related tectono-sedimentary processes in the SE South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14568, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14568, 2021.
Before Break-Up, the opening of the South China Sea Passive Margin (SCS) was characterized by a wide rift mode during Cenozoic rifting. Such wide extensional margin (>600 km wide) is controlled by a set of hyper-extended sub-basins separated by basement highs.
These basins infill recorded a polyphased extensional deformation hence resulting in complex 3D sedimentary evolution. Based on a recent industrial 3D seismic reflection survey along the Sabah area (southern margin of the SCS), this contribution aims to investigate the detailed 3D geometries of extensional structures as well as their control on the overlying successive sedimentary sequences and relation to crustal deformation.
We mapped and analyzed several crustal-scale rolling hinge structures controlled by a series of low-angle normal faults. Deeper crustal levels are likely exhumed along the core of these rolling hinge structures, separated by extensional allochthones blocs of upper continental crust. Our structural analysis enables us to identify three main extensional phases corresponding to distinct sedimentary packages: (1) a synrift sequence 1 controlled by small offset normal faults formed during incipient rifting; (2) an intermediate synrift sequence 2 recording the development of extensional detachment faults. (3) a thick syn-rift sequence 3 recording a continuation of extension along the detachment faults resulting in the dismembering of the syn-
rift sequence 2. Intra-basement seismic reflectors dipping towards the north-west are observed, onto which extensional structures often seem to root. Some of these reflectors are interpreted as interleaved thrust sheets from a dismantled accretionary wedge of the former Mesozoic active margin (Yenshanian magmatic Arc).
Our results provide new key observations on the 3D mechanisms of detachment faulting and its control on sedimentary evolution as well as coeval crustal deformation. 3D approach throw some light on the detailed geometries of a metamorphic core-complex in relation with crustal boudinage, shear zones and lower/middle crust exhumation below the syn- rift sediments. These geometries can be compared to those described in the Basin and Range province or the Aegean Sea. Consequently, our results have implications for our understanding of rift and breakup mechanisms of marginal basins as a whole.
How to cite: Legeay, E., Mohn, G., Ringenbach, J.-C., and Vetel, W.: 3D structure of detachment faulting and related tectono-sedimentary processes in the SE South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14568, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14568, 2021.
TS5.4 – Studying tectonic and volcanic active areas by geomorphological observations and data collection on high-resolution models, and numerical simulations of tectonic and gravity driven processes
EGU21-8084 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Fault animation with 3D model integrating drone and satellite images.Riccardo Rocca
This presentation describes the new improvements applied to the display of a model already presented at EGU2020.
The model was describing a strike/slip fault located in the Venezuelan Andes, and it was special because the fault movement could be animated by the user. The animation was achieved by implementing the options provided by the combination of two software, Blender and Sketchfab, that are typically used for computer games.
The new version allows a better understanding of the fault evolution by expanding the area represented in the model and by graphically highlighting the various elements of the topography. The first improvement is achieved by integrating the portion of the model acquired with a drone, with the DTM and imagery acquired by satellites. The second improvement is achieved by colouring the topography with false colours that can be switched on by the user by pressing a button.
This new version further improves the initial drone SfM model, so that it can be didactically more effective.
How to cite: Rocca, R.: Fault animation with 3D model integrating drone and satellite images., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8084, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8084, 2021.
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This presentation describes the new improvements applied to the display of a model already presented at EGU2020.
The model was describing a strike/slip fault located in the Venezuelan Andes, and it was special because the fault movement could be animated by the user. The animation was achieved by implementing the options provided by the combination of two software, Blender and Sketchfab, that are typically used for computer games.
The new version allows a better understanding of the fault evolution by expanding the area represented in the model and by graphically highlighting the various elements of the topography. The first improvement is achieved by integrating the portion of the model acquired with a drone, with the DTM and imagery acquired by satellites. The second improvement is achieved by colouring the topography with false colours that can be switched on by the user by pressing a button.
This new version further improves the initial drone SfM model, so that it can be didactically more effective.
How to cite: Rocca, R.: Fault animation with 3D model integrating drone and satellite images., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8084, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8084, 2021.
EGU21-3467 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
UAV-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry used for reconstructing Late Pleistocene-Holocene deformation: an example from Krafla Rift (NE Iceland)Noemi Corti, Fabio Luca Bonali, Alessandro Tibaldi, Luca Fallati, and Elena Russo
Quantifying the extension rate and the spreading direction in a rift zone is fundamental for several reasons, like the assessment of seismic and volcanic hazard. However, this work requires the collection of a huge amount of precise data along a rift zone, which sometimes can be difficult to obtain, due to hard logistic conditions or to the large width of the study area. In our work we show how the use of UAVs, coupled with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry, allows to overcome these problems and to collect plenty of data even in difficult terrains, where field survey can be affected by the logistics.
We applied this technique in a 2.7 km2 – large area located in the NW part of the Krafla Fissure Swarm (NE Iceland), an active volcanic rift in the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland composed of extension fractures, normal faults, eruptive fissures and a central volcano. The study area is situated about 7 km north of the central caldera, and it is characterized by the presence of extension fractures and normal faults, affecting two lava flows dated 11-12 ka BP, and a hyaloclastite ridge dated back to the Weichselian High Glacial (29.1-12.1 ka BP).
The area has been surveyed through 9 different missions, carried out during summer 2019, which allowed to collect a total of 6068 photos. Thanks to the SfM workflow, we obtained a high quality Orthomosaic (2.59 cm/pixel resolution), a DSM (10.40 cm/pixel resolution), and a 3-D Tiled model. By importing the resulting models in a GIS environment, we were able to redraw the geological map of the area, tracing the limits with very high detail, and thus to recognize and map a total of 1355 fractures, classified as normal faults (86) and extension fractures (1269). Moreover, we took structural measurements along both extension fractures and normal faults: at extension fractures, we measured opening directions, local strike and amount of opening in 568 sites, for a total of 1704 structural data, whereas at normal faults we quantified vertical offset in 284 sites. Finally, we interpolated the σhmin values, using the unpublished software ATMO-STRESS, prepared in the framework of the EU NEANIAS project (https://www.neanias.eu/), to plot the strain field.
This approach allowed us to obtain an average spreading direction for this area of N97.7°E, with the majority of data characterized by a right-lateral component of motion, suggesting the influence of dyking at shallow depths on the surface deformation in this area. Furthermore, total extensions of 16.6 m and 11.2 m have been calculated along the fractures affecting Holocene lava units, and an extension of 29.3 m in the hyaloclastites, resulting in an extension rate of 1.4 mm/yr in the Holocene lavas and 1.7 ± 0.7 mm/yr in the Weichselian hyaloclastite. Stretch values are 1.018–1.027 for post-LGM units and 1.049 for the Weichselian unit, suggesting the contribution of both tectonic and magmatic forces in dictating surface deformation in the area.
How to cite: Corti, N., Bonali, F. L., Tibaldi, A., Fallati, L., and Russo, E.: UAV-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry used for reconstructing Late Pleistocene-Holocene deformation: an example from Krafla Rift (NE Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3467, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3467, 2021.
Quantifying the extension rate and the spreading direction in a rift zone is fundamental for several reasons, like the assessment of seismic and volcanic hazard. However, this work requires the collection of a huge amount of precise data along a rift zone, which sometimes can be difficult to obtain, due to hard logistic conditions or to the large width of the study area. In our work we show how the use of UAVs, coupled with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry, allows to overcome these problems and to collect plenty of data even in difficult terrains, where field survey can be affected by the logistics.
We applied this technique in a 2.7 km2 – large area located in the NW part of the Krafla Fissure Swarm (NE Iceland), an active volcanic rift in the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland composed of extension fractures, normal faults, eruptive fissures and a central volcano. The study area is situated about 7 km north of the central caldera, and it is characterized by the presence of extension fractures and normal faults, affecting two lava flows dated 11-12 ka BP, and a hyaloclastite ridge dated back to the Weichselian High Glacial (29.1-12.1 ka BP).
The area has been surveyed through 9 different missions, carried out during summer 2019, which allowed to collect a total of 6068 photos. Thanks to the SfM workflow, we obtained a high quality Orthomosaic (2.59 cm/pixel resolution), a DSM (10.40 cm/pixel resolution), and a 3-D Tiled model. By importing the resulting models in a GIS environment, we were able to redraw the geological map of the area, tracing the limits with very high detail, and thus to recognize and map a total of 1355 fractures, classified as normal faults (86) and extension fractures (1269). Moreover, we took structural measurements along both extension fractures and normal faults: at extension fractures, we measured opening directions, local strike and amount of opening in 568 sites, for a total of 1704 structural data, whereas at normal faults we quantified vertical offset in 284 sites. Finally, we interpolated the σhmin values, using the unpublished software ATMO-STRESS, prepared in the framework of the EU NEANIAS project (https://www.neanias.eu/), to plot the strain field.
This approach allowed us to obtain an average spreading direction for this area of N97.7°E, with the majority of data characterized by a right-lateral component of motion, suggesting the influence of dyking at shallow depths on the surface deformation in this area. Furthermore, total extensions of 16.6 m and 11.2 m have been calculated along the fractures affecting Holocene lava units, and an extension of 29.3 m in the hyaloclastites, resulting in an extension rate of 1.4 mm/yr in the Holocene lavas and 1.7 ± 0.7 mm/yr in the Weichselian hyaloclastite. Stretch values are 1.018–1.027 for post-LGM units and 1.049 for the Weichselian unit, suggesting the contribution of both tectonic and magmatic forces in dictating surface deformation in the area.
How to cite: Corti, N., Bonali, F. L., Tibaldi, A., Fallati, L., and Russo, E.: UAV-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry used for reconstructing Late Pleistocene-Holocene deformation: an example from Krafla Rift (NE Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3467, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3467, 2021.
EGU21-4281 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Analysis of deformation features using integrated field methods and aerial drone imaging on the Bach Long Vy island, Gulf of Tonkin, VietnamHoang Bui, Michael Fyhn, Tuan Nguyen, Toan Do, Jussi Hovikoski, and Long Hoang
Situated in the junction between the Song Hong Basin and the Beibuwan Basin, the Bach Long Vy island exposes Paleogene syn-rift rocks not seen elsewhere in the Gulf of Tonkin. The island underwent a complex geological history related to the Cenozoic SE-ward tectonic escape of Indochina, recorded as deformation features along the outstanding, continuous coastal exposure. To analyze these deformation features in detail and relate them to the regional events, we acquired a high-resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dataset covering about 635,000m2 of the 3.5 km long coastal outcrop. In addition, 656 strike and dip measurements were made and 390 photos were taken using smart phone apps, thus on-the-ground data were rapidly acquired and georeferenced. Strike and dip measurements from smart phone apps were periodically checked against traditional Brunton compasses for their reliability. The ground photos were correlated with the UAV image during interpretation. QGIS allows both datasets to be overlain on one another for detailed analysis and interpretation.
We interpreted 2236 deformation features from the dataset, which can be divided into three major types: sand injectites, NW-SE faults, and NE-SW faults. Sand injectites can be divided into three main types: linear dikes, irregular dikes, and massive remobilized sands. Linear dikes trend dominantly N80-100E.
NW-SE faults are closely spaced and have high dip with N110-130E trend. They consistently left-laterally offset sand dikes while most of the time left-laterally offset the gently dipping beds. Apparent right-lateral separation of beddings probably resulted from variation of the slip vector from horizontal pure strike-slip. Occasionally, sand dikes fill in these NW-SE faults. The offsets are small, mostly less than 1 m.
NE-SW faults are larger scale than the NW-SE faults, and are associated with drag folding of the strata. No fault surface kinematic indicators were found, probably due to wave erosion. The drag folds are consistently right-lateral, while the bedding separation can be either left-lateral or right lateral. Left-lateral separation is inferred to indicate a second phase of movement along the same fault. Sand dikes cross-cut the drag folds, thus sand dikes formed after the drag folds and the right-lateral motion on NE-SW faults.
The orientations of these deformation features are consistent with the regional stress field associated with the End-Oligocene inversion, which affected the northern Song Hong Basin and the western Beibuwan Basin due to transpression along the junction between the two basins. The inversion caused regional tilting and NE-SW right-lateral faulting, followed by the main phase of sand injection, and finally the left-lateral NW-SE faults that offset sand dikes. Previously the inversion event was characterized at large scale using industrial seismic and well data. This study provides further evidence of the inversion at the outcrop scale, well below the resolution of the seismic data.
How to cite: Bui, H., Fyhn, M., Nguyen, T., Do, T., Hovikoski, J., and Hoang, L.: Analysis of deformation features using integrated field methods and aerial drone imaging on the Bach Long Vy island, Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4281, 2021.
Situated in the junction between the Song Hong Basin and the Beibuwan Basin, the Bach Long Vy island exposes Paleogene syn-rift rocks not seen elsewhere in the Gulf of Tonkin. The island underwent a complex geological history related to the Cenozoic SE-ward tectonic escape of Indochina, recorded as deformation features along the outstanding, continuous coastal exposure. To analyze these deformation features in detail and relate them to the regional events, we acquired a high-resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dataset covering about 635,000m2 of the 3.5 km long coastal outcrop. In addition, 656 strike and dip measurements were made and 390 photos were taken using smart phone apps, thus on-the-ground data were rapidly acquired and georeferenced. Strike and dip measurements from smart phone apps were periodically checked against traditional Brunton compasses for their reliability. The ground photos were correlated with the UAV image during interpretation. QGIS allows both datasets to be overlain on one another for detailed analysis and interpretation.
We interpreted 2236 deformation features from the dataset, which can be divided into three major types: sand injectites, NW-SE faults, and NE-SW faults. Sand injectites can be divided into three main types: linear dikes, irregular dikes, and massive remobilized sands. Linear dikes trend dominantly N80-100E.
NW-SE faults are closely spaced and have high dip with N110-130E trend. They consistently left-laterally offset sand dikes while most of the time left-laterally offset the gently dipping beds. Apparent right-lateral separation of beddings probably resulted from variation of the slip vector from horizontal pure strike-slip. Occasionally, sand dikes fill in these NW-SE faults. The offsets are small, mostly less than 1 m.
NE-SW faults are larger scale than the NW-SE faults, and are associated with drag folding of the strata. No fault surface kinematic indicators were found, probably due to wave erosion. The drag folds are consistently right-lateral, while the bedding separation can be either left-lateral or right lateral. Left-lateral separation is inferred to indicate a second phase of movement along the same fault. Sand dikes cross-cut the drag folds, thus sand dikes formed after the drag folds and the right-lateral motion on NE-SW faults.
The orientations of these deformation features are consistent with the regional stress field associated with the End-Oligocene inversion, which affected the northern Song Hong Basin and the western Beibuwan Basin due to transpression along the junction between the two basins. The inversion caused regional tilting and NE-SW right-lateral faulting, followed by the main phase of sand injection, and finally the left-lateral NW-SE faults that offset sand dikes. Previously the inversion event was characterized at large scale using industrial seismic and well data. This study provides further evidence of the inversion at the outcrop scale, well below the resolution of the seismic data.
How to cite: Bui, H., Fyhn, M., Nguyen, T., Do, T., Hovikoski, J., and Hoang, L.: Analysis of deformation features using integrated field methods and aerial drone imaging on the Bach Long Vy island, Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4281, 2021.
EGU21-8414 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Integration between data collection through field and UAV-based surveys in volcano-tectonic environments: an example from the Krafla Fissure Swarm (NE Iceland)Sofia Bressan, Noemi Corti, Valentina Rigoni, and Elena Russo
Due to its strategic position at the boundary between European and American plates, Iceland is extraordinarily well suited for the investigation of various geological processes, like the interaction between active rifting processes and magmatic stresses. In this study, we focused on surveying with very high detail different key areas located within the Krafla Fissure Swarm (KFS), an active volcanic system located in the Northern Volcanic Zone, NE Iceland.
The Krafla volcanic rift is characterized by the presence of a central volcano and by a 100 km-long swarm of extension fractures, normal faults and eruptive fissures mainly affecting post-LGM (Late Glacial Maximum) Holocene lavas. Our work focuses on three different areas, located in the northernmost sector of the rift, about 5 km north of the central caldera, and south of the central volcano. All these areas have been investigated through field surveys performed both with classical methods and through two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), the DJI Phantom 4 PRO and DJI Spark: thanks to Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques, we obtained Orthomosaics, Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and 3D models of the study area, with centimetric resolution.
The integration of the above cited methodologies allowed us to collect a huge amount of data, also overcoming difficulties due to logistics, which can sometimes impede classical field survey. More in detail, we collected 2476 structural measurements at 918 sites along extension fractures, and at 185 sites along normal faults. At extension fractures, we measured local fracture strike, dilation and, whenever possible, opening direction. On the other hand, along normal faults we measured local fault strike and the vertical offset. From our data, we obtained an average opening direction of N101°E, thus observing the presence of lateral components of motion along extension fractures. Finally, considering both extension fractures and normal faults, we quantified the cumulative dilation along these sectors, in order to assess the stretch value along the rift.
How to cite: Bressan, S., Corti, N., Rigoni, V., and Russo, E.: Integration between data collection through field and UAV-based surveys in volcano-tectonic environments: an example from the Krafla Fissure Swarm (NE Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8414, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8414, 2021.
Due to its strategic position at the boundary between European and American plates, Iceland is extraordinarily well suited for the investigation of various geological processes, like the interaction between active rifting processes and magmatic stresses. In this study, we focused on surveying with very high detail different key areas located within the Krafla Fissure Swarm (KFS), an active volcanic system located in the Northern Volcanic Zone, NE Iceland.
The Krafla volcanic rift is characterized by the presence of a central volcano and by a 100 km-long swarm of extension fractures, normal faults and eruptive fissures mainly affecting post-LGM (Late Glacial Maximum) Holocene lavas. Our work focuses on three different areas, located in the northernmost sector of the rift, about 5 km north of the central caldera, and south of the central volcano. All these areas have been investigated through field surveys performed both with classical methods and through two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), the DJI Phantom 4 PRO and DJI Spark: thanks to Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry techniques, we obtained Orthomosaics, Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and 3D models of the study area, with centimetric resolution.
The integration of the above cited methodologies allowed us to collect a huge amount of data, also overcoming difficulties due to logistics, which can sometimes impede classical field survey. More in detail, we collected 2476 structural measurements at 918 sites along extension fractures, and at 185 sites along normal faults. At extension fractures, we measured local fracture strike, dilation and, whenever possible, opening direction. On the other hand, along normal faults we measured local fault strike and the vertical offset. From our data, we obtained an average opening direction of N101°E, thus observing the presence of lateral components of motion along extension fractures. Finally, considering both extension fractures and normal faults, we quantified the cumulative dilation along these sectors, in order to assess the stretch value along the rift.
How to cite: Bressan, S., Corti, N., Rigoni, V., and Russo, E.: Integration between data collection through field and UAV-based surveys in volcano-tectonic environments: an example from the Krafla Fissure Swarm (NE Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8414, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8414, 2021.
EGU21-7015 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Volcanoes geological mapping and structural geology with UAS High Resolution Digital Terrain Model : the Kuei-Shan Tao case example (Eastern Taiwan).Benoit Deffontaines, Kuo-Jen Chang, Samuel Magalhaes, and Gérardo Fortunato
Volcanic areas in the World are often difficult to map especially in a structural point of view as (1) fault planes are generally covered and filled by more recent lava flows and (2) volcanic rocks have very few tectonic striations. Kuei-Shan Tao (11km from Ilan Plain – NE Taiwan) is a volcanic island, located at the soutwestern tip of the South Okinawa trough (SWOT). Two incompatible geological maps had been already published both lacking faults and structural features (Hsu, 1963 and Chiu et al., 2010). We propose herein not only to up-date the Kuei-Shan Tao geological map with our high resolution dataset, but also to create the Kuei-Shan Tao structural scheme in order to better understand its geological and tectonic history.
Consequently, we first acquired aerial photographs from our UAS survey and get our new UAS high resolution DTM (HR UAS-DTM hereafter) with a ground resolution <10cm processed through classical photogrammetric methods. Taking into account common sense geomorphic and structural interpretation and reasoning deduced form our HR UAS-DTM, and the outcropping lithologies situated all along the shoreline, we have up-dated the Kuei-Shan Tao geological mapping and its major structures. To conclude, the lithologies (andesitic lava flows and pyroclastic falls) and the new structural scheme lead us to propose a scenario for both the construction as well as the dismantling of Kuei-Shan Tao which are keys for both geology and geodynamics of the SWOT.
How to cite: Deffontaines, B., Chang, K.-J., Magalhaes, S., and Fortunato, G.: Volcanoes geological mapping and structural geology with UAS High Resolution Digital Terrain Model : the Kuei-Shan Tao case example (Eastern Taiwan)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7015, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7015, 2021.
Volcanic areas in the World are often difficult to map especially in a structural point of view as (1) fault planes are generally covered and filled by more recent lava flows and (2) volcanic rocks have very few tectonic striations. Kuei-Shan Tao (11km from Ilan Plain – NE Taiwan) is a volcanic island, located at the soutwestern tip of the South Okinawa trough (SWOT). Two incompatible geological maps had been already published both lacking faults and structural features (Hsu, 1963 and Chiu et al., 2010). We propose herein not only to up-date the Kuei-Shan Tao geological map with our high resolution dataset, but also to create the Kuei-Shan Tao structural scheme in order to better understand its geological and tectonic history.
Consequently, we first acquired aerial photographs from our UAS survey and get our new UAS high resolution DTM (HR UAS-DTM hereafter) with a ground resolution <10cm processed through classical photogrammetric methods. Taking into account common sense geomorphic and structural interpretation and reasoning deduced form our HR UAS-DTM, and the outcropping lithologies situated all along the shoreline, we have up-dated the Kuei-Shan Tao geological mapping and its major structures. To conclude, the lithologies (andesitic lava flows and pyroclastic falls) and the new structural scheme lead us to propose a scenario for both the construction as well as the dismantling of Kuei-Shan Tao which are keys for both geology and geodynamics of the SWOT.
How to cite: Deffontaines, B., Chang, K.-J., Magalhaes, S., and Fortunato, G.: Volcanoes geological mapping and structural geology with UAS High Resolution Digital Terrain Model : the Kuei-Shan Tao case example (Eastern Taiwan)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7015, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7015, 2021.
EGU21-5246 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Reconstruction of the entire rift architecture of Theistareykir Fissure Swarm (northeast Iceland): integration between extensive UAV and field surveysElena Russo, Noemi Corti, Fabio Luca Bonali, Alessandro Tibaldi, Federico Pasquaré Mariotto, Luca Fallati, and Fabio Marchese
Reconstructing the origin and kinematics of structures along active rifts is essential to gain a deeper knowledge on rifting processes, with important implications for the assessment of volcanic and seismic hazard. Here we reconstruct the architecture of an entire rift, the 70-km-long Theistareykir Fissure Swarm (ThFS) within the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland, through the collection of an extensive amount of 7500 quantitative measurements along extension fractures and normal faults, thanks to the integration between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) mapping with centimetric resolution through Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques and extensive field surveys with classical methods. Quantitative measurements, collected across a wide area during several campaigns, comprise strike, opening direction and amount of opening at extension fractures, and strike and offset values at faults, along 6124 post-Late Glacial Maximum (LGM) and 685 pre-LGM structures.
The extent of the area covered by our data allowed us to pinpoint differences in the structural architecture of the rift. From south to north: i) extension fractures and faults strike ranges from mainly N10°-20°, to N00-10°, to N30-40°; ii) the opening direction starts from N110°, reaches N90-100° in the center and amounts to N125° in the northernmost sector; and iii) the dilation amount is in the range 0.1–10 m, then 0.1–9 m and it finally reaches 0.1–8 m. We explore such differences as due to the interaction with the WNW-ESE-striking Husavik-Flatey transform fault and the Grímsey Oblique Rift (Grímsey lineament), and to the structural inheritance of older NNE- to NE-striking normal faults. The reconstruction of the stress field resulting from such data allows the interpolation of the σhmin values, through the unpublished software ATMO-STRESS, prepared in the framework of the EU NEANIAS project, in order to plot and examine the strain field.
Furthermore, mechanisms of rift propagation and the relation between magma systems are here investigated through the analysis of 281 slip profiles of the main Pleistocene-Holocene faults. Our data show a mechanism of along-axis propagation of the rift outward from the volcano: in fact, north of the volcano, 75% of the asymmetric faults propagated northward, whereas south of the volcano 47% of the asymmetric faults propagated southward. This can be due to the combination between the development of faults following lateral dyke propagation outward from the magma chamber, and faults nucleation near the volcano as a consequence of the different crustal rock rheology produced by a higher heat flux.
How to cite: Russo, E., Corti, N., Bonali, F. L., Tibaldi, A., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Fallati, L., and Marchese, F.: Reconstruction of the entire rift architecture of Theistareykir Fissure Swarm (northeast Iceland): integration between extensive UAV and field surveys, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5246, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5246, 2021.
Reconstructing the origin and kinematics of structures along active rifts is essential to gain a deeper knowledge on rifting processes, with important implications for the assessment of volcanic and seismic hazard. Here we reconstruct the architecture of an entire rift, the 70-km-long Theistareykir Fissure Swarm (ThFS) within the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland, through the collection of an extensive amount of 7500 quantitative measurements along extension fractures and normal faults, thanks to the integration between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) mapping with centimetric resolution through Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques and extensive field surveys with classical methods. Quantitative measurements, collected across a wide area during several campaigns, comprise strike, opening direction and amount of opening at extension fractures, and strike and offset values at faults, along 6124 post-Late Glacial Maximum (LGM) and 685 pre-LGM structures.
The extent of the area covered by our data allowed us to pinpoint differences in the structural architecture of the rift. From south to north: i) extension fractures and faults strike ranges from mainly N10°-20°, to N00-10°, to N30-40°; ii) the opening direction starts from N110°, reaches N90-100° in the center and amounts to N125° in the northernmost sector; and iii) the dilation amount is in the range 0.1–10 m, then 0.1–9 m and it finally reaches 0.1–8 m. We explore such differences as due to the interaction with the WNW-ESE-striking Husavik-Flatey transform fault and the Grímsey Oblique Rift (Grímsey lineament), and to the structural inheritance of older NNE- to NE-striking normal faults. The reconstruction of the stress field resulting from such data allows the interpolation of the σhmin values, through the unpublished software ATMO-STRESS, prepared in the framework of the EU NEANIAS project, in order to plot and examine the strain field.
Furthermore, mechanisms of rift propagation and the relation between magma systems are here investigated through the analysis of 281 slip profiles of the main Pleistocene-Holocene faults. Our data show a mechanism of along-axis propagation of the rift outward from the volcano: in fact, north of the volcano, 75% of the asymmetric faults propagated northward, whereas south of the volcano 47% of the asymmetric faults propagated southward. This can be due to the combination between the development of faults following lateral dyke propagation outward from the magma chamber, and faults nucleation near the volcano as a consequence of the different crustal rock rheology produced by a higher heat flux.
How to cite: Russo, E., Corti, N., Bonali, F. L., Tibaldi, A., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Fallati, L., and Marchese, F.: Reconstruction of the entire rift architecture of Theistareykir Fissure Swarm (northeast Iceland): integration between extensive UAV and field surveys, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5246, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5246, 2021.
EGU21-11896 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
New 3D constraints on the co-seismic displacement field for the 1959 (Mw 7.2) Hebgen Lake earthquake from optical image correlation of historical aerial imagesLucia Andreuttiova, James Hollingsworth, Pieter Vermeesch, and Thomas Mitchell
Optical image correlation (OIC) is a powerful tool for measuring the 3-D near-field surface displacements produced in large earthquakes. The method compares pre- and post-earthquake orthorectified images; shifts between common pixels in the image pair reflects a 2-D (horizontal) offset. The third dimension (vertical displacement) is calculated by differencing the pre- and post-topography, while accounting for the horizontal displacements. Optical image correlation has a sub-pixel detection capability, and can provide information on the displacement field close to fault ruptures (where InSAR typically decorrelates). Small-scale measurements of the distributed damage provide important constraints on the strain distribution within the fault core and the surrounding damage zone, as well as offering insights into the rupture mechanics.
OIC is frequently applied to the recent earthquakes where the image footprint is large relative to the rupture extents. However, historical ruptures are documented by aerial photographs which cover a relatively small area. This means that many images are needed to cover the rupture area and all pixels in pre-and post-earthquake images which span the rupture are typically affected by the ground displacement. This creates complications for image co-registration, alignment and correlation of the final mosaics.
To address this problem we developed a workflow that automatically generates a DEM (digital elevation model) and an orthorectified image mosaic. The process uses structure-from-motion (SfM) and stereo-matching approaches, and results in precise and accurate registration between the image pairs.
We applied this method to the 1959 Hebgen Lake earthquake, SW Montana, U.S. This large (Mw 7.2) intraplate normal event re-activated pre-existing faults north of the Hebgen Lake reservoir and created a complex rupture network. We used 20 pre-earthquake photographs from 1947 and 70 post-earthquake images from 1977 and 1982. The final results show a 3-D displacement localized onto several prominent structures: the Hebgen fault and the Red Canyon fault, consistent with field mapping following the earthquake. A significant vertical offset and a large horizontal NS-component agree well with SW extension on NW-SE-striking normal faults. Additionally, we used fault-perpendicular profiles to explore the along-strike variation in fault displacement and to determine the extent of the off-fault damage.
This work demonstrates that the application of OIC techniques to historical earthquakes can provide new information relating to the geometry and displacement of fault ruptures, and isolate the last event from the previously accumulated displacements. Additionally, the method we propose offers potential for the characterisation of historical earthquakes in general, and promises to improve our understanding of rupture behaviour through a statistical analysis of many earthquakes.
How to cite: Andreuttiova, L., Hollingsworth, J., Vermeesch, P., and Mitchell, T.: New 3D constraints on the co-seismic displacement field for the 1959 (Mw 7.2) Hebgen Lake earthquake from optical image correlation of historical aerial images, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11896, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11896, 2021.
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Optical image correlation (OIC) is a powerful tool for measuring the 3-D near-field surface displacements produced in large earthquakes. The method compares pre- and post-earthquake orthorectified images; shifts between common pixels in the image pair reflects a 2-D (horizontal) offset. The third dimension (vertical displacement) is calculated by differencing the pre- and post-topography, while accounting for the horizontal displacements. Optical image correlation has a sub-pixel detection capability, and can provide information on the displacement field close to fault ruptures (where InSAR typically decorrelates). Small-scale measurements of the distributed damage provide important constraints on the strain distribution within the fault core and the surrounding damage zone, as well as offering insights into the rupture mechanics.
OIC is frequently applied to the recent earthquakes where the image footprint is large relative to the rupture extents. However, historical ruptures are documented by aerial photographs which cover a relatively small area. This means that many images are needed to cover the rupture area and all pixels in pre-and post-earthquake images which span the rupture are typically affected by the ground displacement. This creates complications for image co-registration, alignment and correlation of the final mosaics.
To address this problem we developed a workflow that automatically generates a DEM (digital elevation model) and an orthorectified image mosaic. The process uses structure-from-motion (SfM) and stereo-matching approaches, and results in precise and accurate registration between the image pairs.
We applied this method to the 1959 Hebgen Lake earthquake, SW Montana, U.S. This large (Mw 7.2) intraplate normal event re-activated pre-existing faults north of the Hebgen Lake reservoir and created a complex rupture network. We used 20 pre-earthquake photographs from 1947 and 70 post-earthquake images from 1977 and 1982. The final results show a 3-D displacement localized onto several prominent structures: the Hebgen fault and the Red Canyon fault, consistent with field mapping following the earthquake. A significant vertical offset and a large horizontal NS-component agree well with SW extension on NW-SE-striking normal faults. Additionally, we used fault-perpendicular profiles to explore the along-strike variation in fault displacement and to determine the extent of the off-fault damage.
This work demonstrates that the application of OIC techniques to historical earthquakes can provide new information relating to the geometry and displacement of fault ruptures, and isolate the last event from the previously accumulated displacements. Additionally, the method we propose offers potential for the characterisation of historical earthquakes in general, and promises to improve our understanding of rupture behaviour through a statistical analysis of many earthquakes.
How to cite: Andreuttiova, L., Hollingsworth, J., Vermeesch, P., and Mitchell, T.: New 3D constraints on the co-seismic displacement field for the 1959 (Mw 7.2) Hebgen Lake earthquake from optical image correlation of historical aerial images, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11896, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11896, 2021.
EGU21-6216 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
An application of field-based photogrammetry as a virtual outcrop building target: a key example from Santorini’s northern caldera wall, GreeceFabio Luca Bonali, Luca Fallati, Varvara Antoniou, Kyriaki Drymoni, Federico Pasquaré Mariotto, Noemi Corti, Alessandro Tibaldi, Agust Gudmundsson, and Paraskevi Nomikou
The application of photogrammetry to volcanic areas is usually made using UAVs for collecting pictures aimed at producing high-resolution orthomosaic and digital surface models. In the present work, instead, we use a boat-camera-based photogrammetry approach, as a tool for orthomosaic, digital surface modelling and virtual outcrop production at an almost vertical 300-m-high geological feature: the northern caldera wall of Santorini. This is a geological structure of great interest, where many tens of dykes crop out within a heterogeneous host rock made of sequences of effusive and explosive volcanic deposits. Some active and inactive faults also dissect the caldera wall. Thus, the study area is almost inaccessible for classic field surveys due to challenging logistic conditions and landslide hazard.
We used a 20 MPX camera run by an operator who collected a total of 887 pictures almost continuously, orthogonal to the ground and opposite to the target, during a 5.5-km-long boat survey. We performed the study along the northern caldera wall, at a constant boat velocity and at a distance from the coast/caldera wall that varied between 35.8 m and 296.5 m. The outcomes of the photogrammetry application include: 1) a high-resolution 3D model of the study area, 2) a high-resolution virtual outcrop for two selected parts of the caldera, 3) qualitative and quantitative structural data (dyke attitude, thickness, cross-cutting relationships, host rock lithology) along the vertical caldera cliff. Our method represents a new approach for 3D outcrop building for research under extreme logistic conditions.
How to cite: Bonali, F. L., Fallati, L., Antoniou, V., Drymoni, K., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Corti, N., Tibaldi, A., Gudmundsson, A., and Nomikou, P.: An application of field-based photogrammetry as a virtual outcrop building target: a key example from Santorini’s northern caldera wall, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6216, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6216, 2021.
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The application of photogrammetry to volcanic areas is usually made using UAVs for collecting pictures aimed at producing high-resolution orthomosaic and digital surface models. In the present work, instead, we use a boat-camera-based photogrammetry approach, as a tool for orthomosaic, digital surface modelling and virtual outcrop production at an almost vertical 300-m-high geological feature: the northern caldera wall of Santorini. This is a geological structure of great interest, where many tens of dykes crop out within a heterogeneous host rock made of sequences of effusive and explosive volcanic deposits. Some active and inactive faults also dissect the caldera wall. Thus, the study area is almost inaccessible for classic field surveys due to challenging logistic conditions and landslide hazard.
We used a 20 MPX camera run by an operator who collected a total of 887 pictures almost continuously, orthogonal to the ground and opposite to the target, during a 5.5-km-long boat survey. We performed the study along the northern caldera wall, at a constant boat velocity and at a distance from the coast/caldera wall that varied between 35.8 m and 296.5 m. The outcomes of the photogrammetry application include: 1) a high-resolution 3D model of the study area, 2) a high-resolution virtual outcrop for two selected parts of the caldera, 3) qualitative and quantitative structural data (dyke attitude, thickness, cross-cutting relationships, host rock lithology) along the vertical caldera cliff. Our method represents a new approach for 3D outcrop building for research under extreme logistic conditions.
How to cite: Bonali, F. L., Fallati, L., Antoniou, V., Drymoni, K., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., Corti, N., Tibaldi, A., Gudmundsson, A., and Nomikou, P.: An application of field-based photogrammetry as a virtual outcrop building target: a key example from Santorini’s northern caldera wall, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6216, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6216, 2021.
EGU21-13288 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Preliminary morpho-structural analyses of the summit craters of Etna, in the last 4 Years, based on data extracted through SfM techniqueCristina Proietti, Massimo Cantarero, and Emanuela De Beni
Morphological changes of the summit craters of active volcanoes are of pivotal interest in volcano monitoring because they could be the consequences of volcanic activities and represent the prelude of dangerous events.
Several methodologies have been used during the years in the volcanological monitoring, starting from ground measurements and remote sensing techniques such as aerial observation and satellite data analysis. However, in the last decade UAVs have emerged in monitoring active volcanoes. In fact, they represent tools of indisputable value due to their relatively low cost, speed in mission planning, repeatability of surveys for data acquisition and increased operator safety.
During the last 4 Years we performed 15 UAVs surveys and 3 from helicopter to monitor the four summit craters of ETNA. The acquired data have been processed through structure-from-motion photogrammetric software to extract DEMs and orthomosaics with resolution ranging between 5 and 20 cm. A multi-temporal comparison of the extracted data has been successively performed on a GIS platform with the final aims of performing morpho-structural analyses of Etna summit craters, identifying areas of structural weakness, that could indicate areas of possible lateral collapses, and computing volume balances between gained and lost volumes.
The presented elaborations could help to quantify the hazard related to Etna summit eruptive activity and to mitigate the risk on an area visited by several tourists, especially in summer time.
How to cite: Proietti, C., Cantarero, M., and De Beni, E.: Preliminary morpho-structural analyses of the summit craters of Etna, in the last 4 Years, based on data extracted through SfM technique, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13288, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13288, 2021.
Morphological changes of the summit craters of active volcanoes are of pivotal interest in volcano monitoring because they could be the consequences of volcanic activities and represent the prelude of dangerous events.
Several methodologies have been used during the years in the volcanological monitoring, starting from ground measurements and remote sensing techniques such as aerial observation and satellite data analysis. However, in the last decade UAVs have emerged in monitoring active volcanoes. In fact, they represent tools of indisputable value due to their relatively low cost, speed in mission planning, repeatability of surveys for data acquisition and increased operator safety.
During the last 4 Years we performed 15 UAVs surveys and 3 from helicopter to monitor the four summit craters of ETNA. The acquired data have been processed through structure-from-motion photogrammetric software to extract DEMs and orthomosaics with resolution ranging between 5 and 20 cm. A multi-temporal comparison of the extracted data has been successively performed on a GIS platform with the final aims of performing morpho-structural analyses of Etna summit craters, identifying areas of structural weakness, that could indicate areas of possible lateral collapses, and computing volume balances between gained and lost volumes.
The presented elaborations could help to quantify the hazard related to Etna summit eruptive activity and to mitigate the risk on an area visited by several tourists, especially in summer time.
How to cite: Proietti, C., Cantarero, M., and De Beni, E.: Preliminary morpho-structural analyses of the summit craters of Etna, in the last 4 Years, based on data extracted through SfM technique, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13288, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13288, 2021.
EGU21-5875 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Massive data collection in volcanic areas owing to photogrammetry-derived models: a key example from the NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy).Emanuela De Beni, Alessandro Tibaldi, Noemi Corti, Fabio L. Bonali, Susanna Falsaperla, Horst Langer, Marco Neri, Massimo Cantarero, Danilo Reitano, and Luca Fallati
The collection of a conspicuous amount of data in volcanic areas is a key for a deeper understanding of the relationships between faulting, diking and superficial volcanic processes. A way to quickly collect huge amounts of data is to analyse photogrammetry-derived models (Digital surface models, orthomosaics and 3D models) using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to collect all necessary pictures obtaining final models with a texture ground resolution up to 2-3 cm/pix.
In this work, we describe our approach to build up models of a broad area located in the NE Rift of Mt. Etna, which is affected by continuous ground deformation linked to gravity sliding of the eastern flank of the volcano and dyke injection. The area is characterized by the presence of eruptive craters and fissures, extension fractures, and normal faults, as well as by historical lava flows. The goal was to quantify the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, integrating the latter with seismological data to reconstruct the stress field acting in this peculiar sector of the volcano. By the point of view of UAV surveying, the test area is challenging since it is located at an altitude ranging between 2700 and 1900 m a.s.l., and it is affected by extreme weather conditions, like a strong wind. Resulting models, in the form of DSM and orthomosaic, are characterised by a resolution of 11.86 and 2.97 cm/pix, respectively, obtained from the elaboration of 4018 photos and covering an area of 2.2 km2. Thanks to these models, we recognized the presence of 20 normal fault segments, 250 extension fractures, and 54 single eruptive fissures. Considering all the above mention data, we quantified the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, obtaining an extension rate of 1.9 cm/yr for the last 406 yr.
How to cite: De Beni, E., Tibaldi, A., Corti, N., Bonali, F. L., Falsaperla, S., Langer, H., Neri, M., Cantarero, M., Reitano, D., and Fallati, L.: Massive data collection in volcanic areas owing to photogrammetry-derived models: a key example from the NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5875, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5875, 2021.
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The collection of a conspicuous amount of data in volcanic areas is a key for a deeper understanding of the relationships between faulting, diking and superficial volcanic processes. A way to quickly collect huge amounts of data is to analyse photogrammetry-derived models (Digital surface models, orthomosaics and 3D models) using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to collect all necessary pictures obtaining final models with a texture ground resolution up to 2-3 cm/pix.
In this work, we describe our approach to build up models of a broad area located in the NE Rift of Mt. Etna, which is affected by continuous ground deformation linked to gravity sliding of the eastern flank of the volcano and dyke injection. The area is characterized by the presence of eruptive craters and fissures, extension fractures, and normal faults, as well as by historical lava flows. The goal was to quantify the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, integrating the latter with seismological data to reconstruct the stress field acting in this peculiar sector of the volcano. By the point of view of UAV surveying, the test area is challenging since it is located at an altitude ranging between 2700 and 1900 m a.s.l., and it is affected by extreme weather conditions, like a strong wind. Resulting models, in the form of DSM and orthomosaic, are characterised by a resolution of 11.86 and 2.97 cm/pix, respectively, obtained from the elaboration of 4018 photos and covering an area of 2.2 km2. Thanks to these models, we recognized the presence of 20 normal fault segments, 250 extension fractures, and 54 single eruptive fissures. Considering all the above mention data, we quantified the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, obtaining an extension rate of 1.9 cm/yr for the last 406 yr.
How to cite: De Beni, E., Tibaldi, A., Corti, N., Bonali, F. L., Falsaperla, S., Langer, H., Neri, M., Cantarero, M., Reitano, D., and Fallati, L.: Massive data collection in volcanic areas owing to photogrammetry-derived models: a key example from the NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5875, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5875, 2021.
EGU21-4279 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Multidisciplinary analyses for mapping and evaluating kinematics and stress/strain field at active faults and fissures at NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy)Susanna Falsaperla, Alessandro Tibaldi, Noemi Corti, Emanuela De Beni, Fabio L. Bonali, Horst Langer, Marco Neri, Massimo Cantarero, Danilo Reitano, and Luca Fallati
Strategies for disaster risk reduction in volcanic areas are mostly driven by multidisciplinary analyses, which offer effective and complementary information on complex geomorphological and volcano-tectonic environments. For example, quantification of the offset at active faults and fissures is of paramount importance to shed light on the kinematics of zones prone to deformation and/or seismic activity. This provides key information for the assessment of seismic hazard, but also for the identification of conditions that may favor magma uprising and opening of eruptive fissures.
Here we present the results of a study encompassing detailed geological, structural and seismological observations focusing on part of the NE Rift at Etna volcano (Italy). The area is situated at an elevation ranging between 2700 and 1900 m a.s.l. where harsh meteorological conditions and difficult logistics render classical field work a troublesome issue. In order to bypass these difficulties, high-resolution (2.8 cm) UAV survey has been recently completed. The survey highlights the presence of 250 extension fractures, 20 normal fault segments, and 54 eruptive fissures. The study allows us to quantify the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, obtaining an extension rate of 1.9 cm/yr for the last 406 yr. With a total of 432 structural data collected by UAV along with SfM photogrammetry, this work also demonstrates the suitability of the application of such surveys for the monitoring of hazardous zone.
How to cite: Falsaperla, S., Tibaldi, A., Corti, N., De Beni, E., Bonali, F. L., Langer, H., Neri, M., Cantarero, M., Reitano, D., and Fallati, L.: Multidisciplinary analyses for mapping and evaluating kinematics and stress/strain field at active faults and fissures at NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4279, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4279, 2021.
Strategies for disaster risk reduction in volcanic areas are mostly driven by multidisciplinary analyses, which offer effective and complementary information on complex geomorphological and volcano-tectonic environments. For example, quantification of the offset at active faults and fissures is of paramount importance to shed light on the kinematics of zones prone to deformation and/or seismic activity. This provides key information for the assessment of seismic hazard, but also for the identification of conditions that may favor magma uprising and opening of eruptive fissures.
Here we present the results of a study encompassing detailed geological, structural and seismological observations focusing on part of the NE Rift at Etna volcano (Italy). The area is situated at an elevation ranging between 2700 and 1900 m a.s.l. where harsh meteorological conditions and difficult logistics render classical field work a troublesome issue. In order to bypass these difficulties, high-resolution (2.8 cm) UAV survey has been recently completed. The survey highlights the presence of 250 extension fractures, 20 normal fault segments, and 54 eruptive fissures. The study allows us to quantify the kinematics at extensional fractures and normal faults, obtaining an extension rate of 1.9 cm/yr for the last 406 yr. With a total of 432 structural data collected by UAV along with SfM photogrammetry, this work also demonstrates the suitability of the application of such surveys for the monitoring of hazardous zone.
How to cite: Falsaperla, S., Tibaldi, A., Corti, N., De Beni, E., Bonali, F. L., Langer, H., Neri, M., Cantarero, M., Reitano, D., and Fallati, L.: Multidisciplinary analyses for mapping and evaluating kinematics and stress/strain field at active faults and fissures at NE Rift, Mt Etna (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4279, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4279, 2021.
EGU21-16312 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Volcano flank dynamics: breakthroughs delivered by space technologiesGiuseppe Puglisi
Flank dynamics is an ensemble of phenomena observable in many volcanoes, caused by shallow (e.g. material erosion) or deep sources (e.g. tectonics or magma dynamics). Whatever its origin, the most evident effect of flank dynamics is the continuous/steady movement of the flanks of the volcano. The interaction between gravity, tectonics and magma dynamics produce deep-seated, steady-state movement of large sectors of the volcanoes (sometimes called “persistent flank motion” or “volcanic spreading”), whose effects may be severe, either when it evolves in sudden transient acceleration (producing flank collapses or landslides) or when the steady movement damages essential infrastructures or inhabited areas.
Before space-based observations begun, the knowledge of flank dynamics was limited in terms of areal dimension, magnitude and evolution. Since the 90s, first the GPS, then the SAR interferometry have produced a dramatic shift in the capacity to measure ground deformations at the scale of the volcano. GPS and InSAR now give a complete picture of the persistent flank motion and allow inferring the processes inducing this phenomenon. All this impacts the ability to improve the Hazard Assessment and Risk Reduction related to the persistent flank dynamics. Some worldwide examples are reported in the presentation, among of which from Supersite volcanoes. In particular, Mt. Etna offers the opportunity to make some considerations on the benefit of these improvements in hazard assessment of the flank dynamics.
How to cite: Puglisi, G.: Volcano flank dynamics: breakthroughs delivered by space technologies, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16312, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16312, 2021.
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Flank dynamics is an ensemble of phenomena observable in many volcanoes, caused by shallow (e.g. material erosion) or deep sources (e.g. tectonics or magma dynamics). Whatever its origin, the most evident effect of flank dynamics is the continuous/steady movement of the flanks of the volcano. The interaction between gravity, tectonics and magma dynamics produce deep-seated, steady-state movement of large sectors of the volcanoes (sometimes called “persistent flank motion” or “volcanic spreading”), whose effects may be severe, either when it evolves in sudden transient acceleration (producing flank collapses or landslides) or when the steady movement damages essential infrastructures or inhabited areas.
Before space-based observations begun, the knowledge of flank dynamics was limited in terms of areal dimension, magnitude and evolution. Since the 90s, first the GPS, then the SAR interferometry have produced a dramatic shift in the capacity to measure ground deformations at the scale of the volcano. GPS and InSAR now give a complete picture of the persistent flank motion and allow inferring the processes inducing this phenomenon. All this impacts the ability to improve the Hazard Assessment and Risk Reduction related to the persistent flank dynamics. Some worldwide examples are reported in the presentation, among of which from Supersite volcanoes. In particular, Mt. Etna offers the opportunity to make some considerations on the benefit of these improvements in hazard assessment of the flank dynamics.
How to cite: Puglisi, G.: Volcano flank dynamics: breakthroughs delivered by space technologies, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16312, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16312, 2021.
EGU21-10745 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
An investigation approach of the volcanic geomorphology in the Călimani – Gurghiu – Harghita volcanic chain, RomaniaViorel Marian Mirea, Alexandru Szakács, and Ioan Seghedi
In poorly-exposed forest-covered volcanic areas, the main challenge in classical geological and geomorphological studies is the interpretations of landforms and volcanic structures. The usage of 3D models provides modern opportunities in visualization of volcanic landforms in volcanological studies in areas with dense vegetation cover.
Geological mapping of the Neogene Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita (CGH) volcanic chain is challenging due poor exposure of area. The Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita volcanic chain exhibits ~10 My age range spanning from North (> 10 Ma) to South (< 0.03 Ma) linked to the evolution of the adjacent intra-mountain sedimentary basins (Bilbor, Borsec, Gheorgheni, Upper Ciuc, Lower Ciuc, Brașov and Baraolt basins). The geomorphological analysis of the CGH volcanic chain is currently performed using SRTM data. However, the SRTM data are affected by the vegetation cover. Instead, we used a digital elevation models (DEM) built from topographic maps in combinations with volcanological field observations.
Our method uses a DEM 3D spatial view with overlay standard geological maps, shaded relief complemented with terrain analysis and landform recognition. Then, the study integrates field-based observations and geomorphological mapping results in a new general overview of the complex volcanic topography of the CGH volcanic chain.
Using digital elevation models (DEM) allows the general identification of volcanic facies distribution (proximal, medial and distal) belonging to an individual volcanic structures as well as the regional assemblages of the whole volcanic chain. DEM studies also permit to reconstruct the erosion level of volcanic edifices in conjunctions with field-based volcanological studies. This approach may also help identifying volcanological formations and various types of volcanic facies resulting from both construction and destructions of the edifices in poorly exposed areas.
By using this methodology a broad range of volcanic morphological features have been observed along the CGH volcanic range including the Călimani caldera morphology, features of the old and young debris avalanche deposits of various volcanic edifices and the youngest lava-dome morphology of Ciomadul volcano. Our DEM approach provides better results than those obtained by previous studies pointing out, for instance, that the volcanic edifices are highly to moderately eroded in the north and progressively better preserved toward the south.
Acknowledgements. The research was funded through CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-4-0014, within PNCDI III.
How to cite: Mirea, V. M., Szakács, A., and Seghedi, I.: An investigation approach of the volcanic geomorphology in the Călimani – Gurghiu – Harghita volcanic chain, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10745, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10745, 2021.
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In poorly-exposed forest-covered volcanic areas, the main challenge in classical geological and geomorphological studies is the interpretations of landforms and volcanic structures. The usage of 3D models provides modern opportunities in visualization of volcanic landforms in volcanological studies in areas with dense vegetation cover.
Geological mapping of the Neogene Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita (CGH) volcanic chain is challenging due poor exposure of area. The Călimani-Gurghiu-Harghita volcanic chain exhibits ~10 My age range spanning from North (> 10 Ma) to South (< 0.03 Ma) linked to the evolution of the adjacent intra-mountain sedimentary basins (Bilbor, Borsec, Gheorgheni, Upper Ciuc, Lower Ciuc, Brașov and Baraolt basins). The geomorphological analysis of the CGH volcanic chain is currently performed using SRTM data. However, the SRTM data are affected by the vegetation cover. Instead, we used a digital elevation models (DEM) built from topographic maps in combinations with volcanological field observations.
Our method uses a DEM 3D spatial view with overlay standard geological maps, shaded relief complemented with terrain analysis and landform recognition. Then, the study integrates field-based observations and geomorphological mapping results in a new general overview of the complex volcanic topography of the CGH volcanic chain.
Using digital elevation models (DEM) allows the general identification of volcanic facies distribution (proximal, medial and distal) belonging to an individual volcanic structures as well as the regional assemblages of the whole volcanic chain. DEM studies also permit to reconstruct the erosion level of volcanic edifices in conjunctions with field-based volcanological studies. This approach may also help identifying volcanological formations and various types of volcanic facies resulting from both construction and destructions of the edifices in poorly exposed areas.
By using this methodology a broad range of volcanic morphological features have been observed along the CGH volcanic range including the Călimani caldera morphology, features of the old and young debris avalanche deposits of various volcanic edifices and the youngest lava-dome morphology of Ciomadul volcano. Our DEM approach provides better results than those obtained by previous studies pointing out, for instance, that the volcanic edifices are highly to moderately eroded in the north and progressively better preserved toward the south.
Acknowledgements. The research was funded through CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-4-0014, within PNCDI III.
How to cite: Mirea, V. M., Szakács, A., and Seghedi, I.: An investigation approach of the volcanic geomorphology in the Călimani – Gurghiu – Harghita volcanic chain, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10745, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10745, 2021.
EGU21-9026 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Morphometric classification, evolution, and distribution of volcanic edifices in the PhilippinesEngielle Mae R. Paguican, Pablo Grosse, Gareth N. Fabbro, and Matthieu Kervyn
Volcano morphometry provides evidence for the magmatic and tectonic factors that control the growth of edifices and their spatial distribution in volcanic fields. We identified 731 volcanic edifices in the Philippine island arc using SRTM 30 m digital elevation models, and quantitatively described their morphology using the MORVOLC algorithm and their spatial distribution using Matlab GIAS and three-point analysis codes. A hierarchical classification by principal component analysis (HCPC) was used to morphometrically classify the edifices into four classes, which we interpret as small flat cones, small steep cones, large cones, and massifs. This classification is mainly based on edifice size and irregularity (PC1) and steepness (mean slope and height/basal width ratio; PC2), and to a lesser extent on the size of the summit region and edifice truncation (PC3), and edifice elongation (PC4). Both small flat cones and small steep cones have volumes of <10 km3 with means of <1 km3. The small flat cones have mean slopes of <21° (mean = 13°), whereas the small steep cones have mean slopes of 14–37° (mean = 22°). The large cones have volumes mostly between 1 and 200 km3 (mean = 29 km3), whereas massifs have larger volumes: between 76 and 675 km3 (mean = 267 km3). Both classes have similar mean slopes with overall means of 15°.
The morphometric classification, complemented by previously published geochemical data from some edifices, indicates continuous variation between volcano classes, which represent stages along an evolutionary trend. The small flat cones are mostly monogenetic, whereas the small steep cones represent an early growth stage of stratovolcanoes. Some small cones develop into large polygenetic cones, and these can grow laterally into massifs. Both large cones and massifs are mostly found on thickened crust. There is a trend towards more silicic compositions from small to large cones, perhaps due to larger edifice loads preventing mafic dykes from reaching the surface, that in turn drives magmatic evolution. More evolved and explosive magmas cause more silicic volcanoes to be less steep than andesitic volcanoes. The distribution and alignment of smaller edifices within eight volcanic fields shows that the dominant regional or local stress conditions and pre-existing structures influenced magma propagation and their spatial distribution. Associating morphometric classification with the stages of volcano growth will help in the initial assessment of the factors controlling volcano evolution, which might impact our assessment of hazards related to volcanoes.
How to cite: Paguican, E. M. R., Grosse, P., Fabbro, G. N., and Kervyn, M.: Morphometric classification, evolution, and distribution of volcanic edifices in the Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9026, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9026, 2021.
Volcano morphometry provides evidence for the magmatic and tectonic factors that control the growth of edifices and their spatial distribution in volcanic fields. We identified 731 volcanic edifices in the Philippine island arc using SRTM 30 m digital elevation models, and quantitatively described their morphology using the MORVOLC algorithm and their spatial distribution using Matlab GIAS and three-point analysis codes. A hierarchical classification by principal component analysis (HCPC) was used to morphometrically classify the edifices into four classes, which we interpret as small flat cones, small steep cones, large cones, and massifs. This classification is mainly based on edifice size and irregularity (PC1) and steepness (mean slope and height/basal width ratio; PC2), and to a lesser extent on the size of the summit region and edifice truncation (PC3), and edifice elongation (PC4). Both small flat cones and small steep cones have volumes of <10 km3 with means of <1 km3. The small flat cones have mean slopes of <21° (mean = 13°), whereas the small steep cones have mean slopes of 14–37° (mean = 22°). The large cones have volumes mostly between 1 and 200 km3 (mean = 29 km3), whereas massifs have larger volumes: between 76 and 675 km3 (mean = 267 km3). Both classes have similar mean slopes with overall means of 15°.
The morphometric classification, complemented by previously published geochemical data from some edifices, indicates continuous variation between volcano classes, which represent stages along an evolutionary trend. The small flat cones are mostly monogenetic, whereas the small steep cones represent an early growth stage of stratovolcanoes. Some small cones develop into large polygenetic cones, and these can grow laterally into massifs. Both large cones and massifs are mostly found on thickened crust. There is a trend towards more silicic compositions from small to large cones, perhaps due to larger edifice loads preventing mafic dykes from reaching the surface, that in turn drives magmatic evolution. More evolved and explosive magmas cause more silicic volcanoes to be less steep than andesitic volcanoes. The distribution and alignment of smaller edifices within eight volcanic fields shows that the dominant regional or local stress conditions and pre-existing structures influenced magma propagation and their spatial distribution. Associating morphometric classification with the stages of volcano growth will help in the initial assessment of the factors controlling volcano evolution, which might impact our assessment of hazards related to volcanoes.
How to cite: Paguican, E. M. R., Grosse, P., Fabbro, G. N., and Kervyn, M.: Morphometric classification, evolution, and distribution of volcanic edifices in the Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9026, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9026, 2021.
EGU21-14500 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4 | Highlight
The role of erosion in the morphometry of composite volcanoesRoos van Wees, Pierre-Yves Tournigand, Daniel O’Hara, Pablo Grosse, Gabor Kereszturi, Benjamin Campforts, Pierre Lahitte, and Matthieu Kervyn
Volcanoes are extremely dynamic landforms. They grow by the accumulation of eruptive products and intrusions and degrade by a range of erosion processes such as superficial runoff, chemical and physical weathering, fluvial and glacial incision, and mass movements. In this study, we aim at documenting and quantifying the morphology of natural composite volcanoes using a range of morphometric indices, to better understand the factors that control erosion rates and patterns.
In addition to standard morphometric indices, including edifice ellipticity and irregularity, computed by the MORVOLC algorithm, a fractal dimension tool is developed to quantitatively report the shape complexity of stratovolcanoes. A convex hull approach is used to derive minimal erosion volumes and estimate erosion rates, considering available geochronological constraints. Morphometric parameters are derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) for a few exemplary stratovolcanoes of contrasted ages from the same volcanic region. To analyse the potential bias induced by the selected DEMs and the identification of the volcanic edifice outline, we also conduct a sensitivity analysis. The morphometric parameters are similarly extracted using the freely and globally available ALOS 30m (AW3D30), SRTM 30m (SRTMGL1), and ASTER 30m (GDEM 003), and compared to values obtained with the TanDEM-X 12m. The subjective user-drawn edifice outlines are compared to outlines generated by available algorithms, i.e. NETVOLC and MBOA, and their impact on the accuracy of morphometric indexes is quantified.
Our results highlight that erosion increases edifice irregularity and fractal dimension. Preliminary trends between volcano fractal dimension, eroded volume, and age suggest that fractal analysis has the potential to be used as a relative age determination tool. The proposed morphometric characterisation paves the way for a comparison between natural volcanoes and controlled lab experiments reproducing the degradation of pristine volcanic cones by surface runoff to be developed later in our project.
How to cite: van Wees, R., Tournigand, P.-Y., O’Hara, D., Grosse, P., Kereszturi, G., Campforts, B., Lahitte, P., and Kervyn, M.: The role of erosion in the morphometry of composite volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14500, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14500, 2021.
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Volcanoes are extremely dynamic landforms. They grow by the accumulation of eruptive products and intrusions and degrade by a range of erosion processes such as superficial runoff, chemical and physical weathering, fluvial and glacial incision, and mass movements. In this study, we aim at documenting and quantifying the morphology of natural composite volcanoes using a range of morphometric indices, to better understand the factors that control erosion rates and patterns.
In addition to standard morphometric indices, including edifice ellipticity and irregularity, computed by the MORVOLC algorithm, a fractal dimension tool is developed to quantitatively report the shape complexity of stratovolcanoes. A convex hull approach is used to derive minimal erosion volumes and estimate erosion rates, considering available geochronological constraints. Morphometric parameters are derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) for a few exemplary stratovolcanoes of contrasted ages from the same volcanic region. To analyse the potential bias induced by the selected DEMs and the identification of the volcanic edifice outline, we also conduct a sensitivity analysis. The morphometric parameters are similarly extracted using the freely and globally available ALOS 30m (AW3D30), SRTM 30m (SRTMGL1), and ASTER 30m (GDEM 003), and compared to values obtained with the TanDEM-X 12m. The subjective user-drawn edifice outlines are compared to outlines generated by available algorithms, i.e. NETVOLC and MBOA, and their impact on the accuracy of morphometric indexes is quantified.
Our results highlight that erosion increases edifice irregularity and fractal dimension. Preliminary trends between volcano fractal dimension, eroded volume, and age suggest that fractal analysis has the potential to be used as a relative age determination tool. The proposed morphometric characterisation paves the way for a comparison between natural volcanoes and controlled lab experiments reproducing the degradation of pristine volcanic cones by surface runoff to be developed later in our project.
How to cite: van Wees, R., Tournigand, P.-Y., O’Hara, D., Grosse, P., Kereszturi, G., Campforts, B., Lahitte, P., and Kervyn, M.: The role of erosion in the morphometry of composite volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14500, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14500, 2021.
EGU21-9539 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Remote sensing of steep-slope volcanoes: the Stromboli case studyFederico Di Traglia, Claudio De Luca, Alessandro Fornaciai, Mariarosaria Manzo, Teresa Nolesini, Massimiliano Favalli, Riccardo Lanari, Nicola Casagli, and Francesco Casu
Steep-slope volcanoes are geomorphological systems receptive to both exogenous and endogenous phenomena. Volcanic activity produces debris and lava accumulation, whereas magmatic/tectonic and gravitational processes can have a destructive effect, triggering mass-wasting and erosion.
Optical and radar sensors have often been used to identify areas impacted by eruptive and post-eruptive phenomena, quantify of topographic changes, and/or map ground deformation related to magmatic-tectonic-gravitational processes.
In this work, the slope processes on high-gradient volcano flanks in response to shift in volcanic activity have been identified by means of remote sensing techniques. The Sciara del Fuoco unstable flank of Stromboli volcano (Italy) was studied, having a very large set (2010-2020) of different remote sensing data available.
Data includes LiDAR and tri-stereo PLEIADES-1 DEMs, high-spatial-resolution (HSR) optical imagery (QUICKBIRD and PLEIADES-1), and space-borne and ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Multi-temporal DEMs and HSR optical imagery permits to map areas affected by major lithological and morphological changes, and the volumes of deposited/eroded material. The results lead to the identification of topographical variations and geomorphological processes that occurred in response to the variation in eruptive intensity. The joint exploitation of space-borne and ground-based Differential and Multi Temporal SAR Interferometry (InSAR and MT-InSAR) measurements revealed deformation phenomena affecting the volcano edifice, and in particular the Sciara del Fuoco flank.
The presented results demonstrate the effectiveness of the joint exploitation of multi-temporal DEMs, HSR optical imagery, and InSAR measurements obtained through satellite and terrestrial SAR systems, highlighting their strong complementarity to map and interpret the slope phenomena in volcanic areas.
This work was financially supported by the “Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento della Protezione Civile” (Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department of Civil Protection); this publication, however, does not reflect the position and official policies of the Department".
How to cite: Di Traglia, F., De Luca, C., Fornaciai, A., Manzo, M., Nolesini, T., Favalli, M., Lanari, R., Casagli, N., and Casu, F.: Remote sensing of steep-slope volcanoes: the Stromboli case study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9539, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9539, 2021.
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Steep-slope volcanoes are geomorphological systems receptive to both exogenous and endogenous phenomena. Volcanic activity produces debris and lava accumulation, whereas magmatic/tectonic and gravitational processes can have a destructive effect, triggering mass-wasting and erosion.
Optical and radar sensors have often been used to identify areas impacted by eruptive and post-eruptive phenomena, quantify of topographic changes, and/or map ground deformation related to magmatic-tectonic-gravitational processes.
In this work, the slope processes on high-gradient volcano flanks in response to shift in volcanic activity have been identified by means of remote sensing techniques. The Sciara del Fuoco unstable flank of Stromboli volcano (Italy) was studied, having a very large set (2010-2020) of different remote sensing data available.
Data includes LiDAR and tri-stereo PLEIADES-1 DEMs, high-spatial-resolution (HSR) optical imagery (QUICKBIRD and PLEIADES-1), and space-borne and ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Multi-temporal DEMs and HSR optical imagery permits to map areas affected by major lithological and morphological changes, and the volumes of deposited/eroded material. The results lead to the identification of topographical variations and geomorphological processes that occurred in response to the variation in eruptive intensity. The joint exploitation of space-borne and ground-based Differential and Multi Temporal SAR Interferometry (InSAR and MT-InSAR) measurements revealed deformation phenomena affecting the volcano edifice, and in particular the Sciara del Fuoco flank.
The presented results demonstrate the effectiveness of the joint exploitation of multi-temporal DEMs, HSR optical imagery, and InSAR measurements obtained through satellite and terrestrial SAR systems, highlighting their strong complementarity to map and interpret the slope phenomena in volcanic areas.
This work was financially supported by the “Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento della Protezione Civile” (Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department of Civil Protection); this publication, however, does not reflect the position and official policies of the Department".
How to cite: Di Traglia, F., De Luca, C., Fornaciai, A., Manzo, M., Nolesini, T., Favalli, M., Lanari, R., Casagli, N., and Casu, F.: Remote sensing of steep-slope volcanoes: the Stromboli case study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9539, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9539, 2021.
EGU21-14689 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Interplay of volcanotectonic, sedimentary, and regional tectonic processes at Mount Etna’s submerged south-eastern flankMorelia Urlaub, Alessandro Bonforte, Jacob Geersen, Felix Gross, and Bruna Pandolpho
Collapses of coastal and ocean island volcanoes can cause damaging tsunamis and thus pose ocean-wide hazards. To assess the collapse hazard of an unstable flank, a profound understanding of its structural setting and active deformation is essential. This knowledge is, however, often missing, especially for the remote and submerged offshore part of the edifice. Long before satellite-based techniques were available, observations of extensional structures in the summit region and transpressive to compressional structures farther downslope helped to constrain flank instability onshore at many volcanoes globally. Similar deformation structures are also expected offshore where they might be even better preserved due to the absence of anthropogenic influence, limited weathering and erosion. However, in the offshore realm structures related to flank instability are masked by and interact with other processes that act on underwater slopes, such as bottom currents, downslope sediment transport, and regional tectonics. Furthermore, the remote location of offshore flanks complicates geophysical, geomorphological, and geological investigations. Using (micro-) bathymetric and high-resolution seismic data we analyse the seascape forming processes at the Eastern Sicily continental slope at the foot of Mount Etna's unstable south-eastern flank. We untangle seafloor structures related to volcanotectonic, sedimentary, and regional tectonic processes. This allows singling out patterns and structures related to volcano flank instability, such as the lateral and outward boundaries of the unstable flank. We identify a strike-slip fault that changes its morphological appearance from a sharp linear feature atop a pressure ridge north of Catania Canyon to an almost smooth seafloor further downslope, where gravitational sediment transport outbeats volcanotectonic activity. Sediment transport from the continent to the abyss occurs along several canyons and channels that partly align with fault systems. Furthermore, uplift at the distant toe of Etna‘s south-eastern flank may indicate compression from the downwards moving flank, while at the same time provoking erosional responses, e.g. landslides. This new information provides important constraints for kinematic models that seek to explain the drivers of flank instability. It also forms the base for future studies that will infer the styles and rates of offshore flank deformation from the geological record.
How to cite: Urlaub, M., Bonforte, A., Geersen, J., Gross, F., and Pandolpho, B.: Interplay of volcanotectonic, sedimentary, and regional tectonic processes at Mount Etna’s submerged south-eastern flank, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14689, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14689, 2021.
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Collapses of coastal and ocean island volcanoes can cause damaging tsunamis and thus pose ocean-wide hazards. To assess the collapse hazard of an unstable flank, a profound understanding of its structural setting and active deformation is essential. This knowledge is, however, often missing, especially for the remote and submerged offshore part of the edifice. Long before satellite-based techniques were available, observations of extensional structures in the summit region and transpressive to compressional structures farther downslope helped to constrain flank instability onshore at many volcanoes globally. Similar deformation structures are also expected offshore where they might be even better preserved due to the absence of anthropogenic influence, limited weathering and erosion. However, in the offshore realm structures related to flank instability are masked by and interact with other processes that act on underwater slopes, such as bottom currents, downslope sediment transport, and regional tectonics. Furthermore, the remote location of offshore flanks complicates geophysical, geomorphological, and geological investigations. Using (micro-) bathymetric and high-resolution seismic data we analyse the seascape forming processes at the Eastern Sicily continental slope at the foot of Mount Etna's unstable south-eastern flank. We untangle seafloor structures related to volcanotectonic, sedimentary, and regional tectonic processes. This allows singling out patterns and structures related to volcano flank instability, such as the lateral and outward boundaries of the unstable flank. We identify a strike-slip fault that changes its morphological appearance from a sharp linear feature atop a pressure ridge north of Catania Canyon to an almost smooth seafloor further downslope, where gravitational sediment transport outbeats volcanotectonic activity. Sediment transport from the continent to the abyss occurs along several canyons and channels that partly align with fault systems. Furthermore, uplift at the distant toe of Etna‘s south-eastern flank may indicate compression from the downwards moving flank, while at the same time provoking erosional responses, e.g. landslides. This new information provides important constraints for kinematic models that seek to explain the drivers of flank instability. It also forms the base for future studies that will infer the styles and rates of offshore flank deformation from the geological record.
How to cite: Urlaub, M., Bonforte, A., Geersen, J., Gross, F., and Pandolpho, B.: Interplay of volcanotectonic, sedimentary, and regional tectonic processes at Mount Etna’s submerged south-eastern flank, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14689, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14689, 2021.
EGU21-11042 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Numerical modelling of tsunamis generated by mass flows at Stromboli VolcanoIrene Manzella, Symeon Makris, Federico Di Traglia, Karim Kelfoun, Paul Cole, Daniele Casalbore, and Francesco L Chiocci
As demonstrated by the Anak Krakatau eruption-induced flank collapse in 2018 in Indonesia, tsunamis generated by large mass flows like landslides and pyroclastic density currents can have devastating effects in volcanic areas. However, these phenomena are still poorly understood as they are unusual and complex events, largely unpredictable and often poorly constrained.
Stromboli is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, extensively monitored and studied in the last few decades. Many tsunamigenic landslides (sub-aerial and/or submarine) have taken place; at least seven have occurred in the last 150 years and a devastating one is believed to have reached the coast of Naples, at more than 200 km distance, during the Middle Ages. Because the level of activity of the volcano has remained similar ever since and the likelihood of such disastrous events is not negligible, the hazard related to tsunamigenic mass flows in this area needs to be carefully assessed.
Associated with the 3rd of July 2019 eruption, at least three mass flows were triggered along the Sciara del Fuoco slope; two subaerial Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and a submarine landslide. Simultaneously, three buoys registered the height of the resulting tsunami wave ranging from 0.2 m in front of the Ginostra village to 1.5 m in front of the Sciara del Fuoco. Thanks to the dense monitoring network and the accurate bathymetry survey carried out by the IGAG-CNR, these events have been well constrained.
The tsunami waves studied here are smaller than those that could constitute a threat for the population living in this area, nevertheless they can be used to characterize the behaviour of the tsunamigenic mass flows. Back analysis of these events were undertaken with the two-fluids version of VolcFlow; this is a continuum mechanics model based on the depth-average approximation that has been developed for the simulation of volcanic flows. VolcFlow can take into account several different rheologies for each of the two fluids. In the present case, one fluid was used for the water body and one for simulating the mass flow. For the latter one, a constant retaining stress type of rheology was used (Dade and Huppert, 1998). Backanalysis suggested that it was the PDC which generated the tsunami wave during the events of July 2019 and best fitting simulations identified a constant retaining stress of 7kPa. With these input parameters it has been possible to run a large number of numerical simulations of possible scenarios. This has allowed to assess threshold values of volume and discharge of mass flows which could generate significant and potentially destructive tsunami waves. This constitutes an important input to improve early warning systems and to reduce the risk related to these unpredictable but extremely dangerous phenomena.
How to cite: Manzella, I., Makris, S., Di Traglia, F., Kelfoun, K., Cole, P., Casalbore, D., and Chiocci, F. L.: Numerical modelling of tsunamis generated by mass flows at Stromboli Volcano, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11042, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11042, 2021.
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As demonstrated by the Anak Krakatau eruption-induced flank collapse in 2018 in Indonesia, tsunamis generated by large mass flows like landslides and pyroclastic density currents can have devastating effects in volcanic areas. However, these phenomena are still poorly understood as they are unusual and complex events, largely unpredictable and often poorly constrained.
Stromboli is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, extensively monitored and studied in the last few decades. Many tsunamigenic landslides (sub-aerial and/or submarine) have taken place; at least seven have occurred in the last 150 years and a devastating one is believed to have reached the coast of Naples, at more than 200 km distance, during the Middle Ages. Because the level of activity of the volcano has remained similar ever since and the likelihood of such disastrous events is not negligible, the hazard related to tsunamigenic mass flows in this area needs to be carefully assessed.
Associated with the 3rd of July 2019 eruption, at least three mass flows were triggered along the Sciara del Fuoco slope; two subaerial Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and a submarine landslide. Simultaneously, three buoys registered the height of the resulting tsunami wave ranging from 0.2 m in front of the Ginostra village to 1.5 m in front of the Sciara del Fuoco. Thanks to the dense monitoring network and the accurate bathymetry survey carried out by the IGAG-CNR, these events have been well constrained.
The tsunami waves studied here are smaller than those that could constitute a threat for the population living in this area, nevertheless they can be used to characterize the behaviour of the tsunamigenic mass flows. Back analysis of these events were undertaken with the two-fluids version of VolcFlow; this is a continuum mechanics model based on the depth-average approximation that has been developed for the simulation of volcanic flows. VolcFlow can take into account several different rheologies for each of the two fluids. In the present case, one fluid was used for the water body and one for simulating the mass flow. For the latter one, a constant retaining stress type of rheology was used (Dade and Huppert, 1998). Backanalysis suggested that it was the PDC which generated the tsunami wave during the events of July 2019 and best fitting simulations identified a constant retaining stress of 7kPa. With these input parameters it has been possible to run a large number of numerical simulations of possible scenarios. This has allowed to assess threshold values of volume and discharge of mass flows which could generate significant and potentially destructive tsunami waves. This constitutes an important input to improve early warning systems and to reduce the risk related to these unpredictable but extremely dangerous phenomena.
How to cite: Manzella, I., Makris, S., Di Traglia, F., Kelfoun, K., Cole, P., Casalbore, D., and Chiocci, F. L.: Numerical modelling of tsunamis generated by mass flows at Stromboli Volcano, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11042, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11042, 2021.
EGU21-16176 | vPICO presentations | TS5.4
Multi-scale impacts of Antuco basaltic stratovolcano (Southern Andes, Chile) ca. 6.2 ka sector collapse: avalanche deposition, eruptive behavior transformation and hydrologic reconfigurationJorge Romero, Margherita Polacci, Hugo Moreno, Sebastian Watt, Miguel Angel Parada, Kevin Valenzuela, Luis Albornoz, Fabio Arzilli, Giuseppe La Spina, Inés Rodríguez, and Mike Burton
Reconstructing the complex processes triggered by catastrophic destruction of volcanoes on both their own magmatic system and the surrounding landscape, is a fundamental task for evaluating long-timescale volcanic hazards and controls on the development of volcanoes. Antuco stratovolcano (37.4°S, 71.4°W; Chile), is a dominantly basaltic composite edifice which original ca. 3300 m altitude edifice experienced a ca. 5 km3 Bandai-type sector collapse at ~6.2 ka BP. We carried out field studies of its debris avalanche deposit (DAD), which was distributed to the W and consist of chaotic breccias, with a longitudinal facies transformation from 2 large proximal toreva-block facies (4 & 9 km W from the scar) to megablocks, blocks and matrix facies in distal areas (up to 20 km from the scar). Basal facies are fine grained shredded rocks and contain substratum injections and clastic dykes. The surface of the avalanche is hummocky, and the size, internal architecture and lithology of hummocks vary with distance. At El Peñón and Manquel (10 to 20 km W from the scar) the DAD is overlaid by a sequence of dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) containing juvenile ash and highly vesicular porphyritic basalt scoria fine to medium lapilli size. Further W, one of the latest dilute PDC gave ca. 3.4 ky BP in charcoal. These PDCs are separated from two thick, far-reaching basaltic andesite overlying lava flows (post-collapse Antuco basal flows) by a paleosol, and they show compositional features consistent with mixing of a highly zoned or compartmentalised magma storage system at <5km depth. Subsequently, that event was followed by the initiation of a renewed basaltic magmatic stage and cone regeneration at Antuco during the Late Holocene to the present. These observations plus the detailed study of the composition and texture of post-collapse products suggests a long-lasting reconfiguration of the plumbing system in response to depressurization induced by the sector collapse. The DAD also blocked the natural output of Lake Laja, increasing its level ca. 200 m and then triggering catastrophic outburst floods by dam rupture, preserved as alluvial beds interpreted as debris and hyperconcetrated flow deposits. The ancestral Laja lake outburst, eroded and redeposited tens of meters of basaltic sediments and boulders as far as 120 km within the Central Depression, W from the volcano. Downstream, along the Itata and Biobío rivers (the latter fed by Laja River) at least two fluvial/alluvial terraces are formed by these volcaniclastic materials, 140-170 km WNW from Antuco volcano. These deposits develop laminar, cross bedded and flaser structures. In addition, fragments of pumice, charcoal and archaeological ceramics have been recognised in the sediments. Ceramics where likely produced at the Talcahuano-1 archaeological site (ca. 1.890 BP), in agreement with charcoal that provides a maximum age between 1.8 and 1.85 ky BP for the younger flooding events. The coupled investigation of the impacts produced by massive debris avalanches, especially at basaltic-arc stratovolcanoes, is important to understand their long-term system evolution and hazards.
How to cite: Romero, J., Polacci, M., Moreno, H., Watt, S., Parada, M. A., Valenzuela, K., Albornoz, L., Arzilli, F., La Spina, G., Rodríguez, I., and Burton, M.: Multi-scale impacts of Antuco basaltic stratovolcano (Southern Andes, Chile) ca. 6.2 ka sector collapse: avalanche deposition, eruptive behavior transformation and hydrologic reconfiguration, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16176, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16176, 2021.
Reconstructing the complex processes triggered by catastrophic destruction of volcanoes on both their own magmatic system and the surrounding landscape, is a fundamental task for evaluating long-timescale volcanic hazards and controls on the development of volcanoes. Antuco stratovolcano (37.4°S, 71.4°W; Chile), is a dominantly basaltic composite edifice which original ca. 3300 m altitude edifice experienced a ca. 5 km3 Bandai-type sector collapse at ~6.2 ka BP. We carried out field studies of its debris avalanche deposit (DAD), which was distributed to the W and consist of chaotic breccias, with a longitudinal facies transformation from 2 large proximal toreva-block facies (4 & 9 km W from the scar) to megablocks, blocks and matrix facies in distal areas (up to 20 km from the scar). Basal facies are fine grained shredded rocks and contain substratum injections and clastic dykes. The surface of the avalanche is hummocky, and the size, internal architecture and lithology of hummocks vary with distance. At El Peñón and Manquel (10 to 20 km W from the scar) the DAD is overlaid by a sequence of dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) containing juvenile ash and highly vesicular porphyritic basalt scoria fine to medium lapilli size. Further W, one of the latest dilute PDC gave ca. 3.4 ky BP in charcoal. These PDCs are separated from two thick, far-reaching basaltic andesite overlying lava flows (post-collapse Antuco basal flows) by a paleosol, and they show compositional features consistent with mixing of a highly zoned or compartmentalised magma storage system at <5km depth. Subsequently, that event was followed by the initiation of a renewed basaltic magmatic stage and cone regeneration at Antuco during the Late Holocene to the present. These observations plus the detailed study of the composition and texture of post-collapse products suggests a long-lasting reconfiguration of the plumbing system in response to depressurization induced by the sector collapse. The DAD also blocked the natural output of Lake Laja, increasing its level ca. 200 m and then triggering catastrophic outburst floods by dam rupture, preserved as alluvial beds interpreted as debris and hyperconcetrated flow deposits. The ancestral Laja lake outburst, eroded and redeposited tens of meters of basaltic sediments and boulders as far as 120 km within the Central Depression, W from the volcano. Downstream, along the Itata and Biobío rivers (the latter fed by Laja River) at least two fluvial/alluvial terraces are formed by these volcaniclastic materials, 140-170 km WNW from Antuco volcano. These deposits develop laminar, cross bedded and flaser structures. In addition, fragments of pumice, charcoal and archaeological ceramics have been recognised in the sediments. Ceramics where likely produced at the Talcahuano-1 archaeological site (ca. 1.890 BP), in agreement with charcoal that provides a maximum age between 1.8 and 1.85 ky BP for the younger flooding events. The coupled investigation of the impacts produced by massive debris avalanches, especially at basaltic-arc stratovolcanoes, is important to understand their long-term system evolution and hazards.
How to cite: Romero, J., Polacci, M., Moreno, H., Watt, S., Parada, M. A., Valenzuela, K., Albornoz, L., Arzilli, F., La Spina, G., Rodríguez, I., and Burton, M.: Multi-scale impacts of Antuco basaltic stratovolcano (Southern Andes, Chile) ca. 6.2 ka sector collapse: avalanche deposition, eruptive behavior transformation and hydrologic reconfiguration, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16176, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16176, 2021.
TS6.1 – Continental Rift Evolution: from inception to break-up, with special attention to the The Afro-Arabian rifting system
EGU21-1580 * | vPICO presentations | TS6.1 | Highlight
The Main Ethiopian Rift: Ongoing deformation inferred from earthquake mechanismAmeha Muluneh
How to cite: Muluneh, A.: The Main Ethiopian Rift: Ongoing deformation inferred from earthquake mechanism, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1580, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1580, 2021.
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How to cite: Muluneh, A.: The Main Ethiopian Rift: Ongoing deformation inferred from earthquake mechanism, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1580, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1580, 2021.
EGU21-10695 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Semi-automated fault extraction and structural analysis from DEM data of the Magadi and Natron basins, East African Rift SystemPauline Gayrin, Thilo Wrona, Sascha Brune, Simon Riedl, and Tim Hake
Continental rifts show surface expressions of deep crustal processes, such as faulting and volcanism. The East African Rift System (EARS) is one of the most prominent examples of an active continental rift driven by tectonics and magmatism. Nonetheless, we still struggle to quantify the amount of extension due to these processes on a kyr- to Myr-time-scale. In particular, the distribution of extension within low-offset normal fault networks within rift basin interiors is challenging to determine.
To address these issues, we develop a semi-automated workflow to extract normal faults from the TanDEM-X science DEM data (12 m horizontal resolution, 0.4 m average height error) of the Magadi-Natron Region of the Eastern branch of the EARS, limited to the north by the Suswa caldera (1.15°S) and to the south by Gelai and Oldoinyo Lengai volcanoes (2.75°S). This data allows us to quantify brittle surface deformation that occurred since the last deposition of widespread volcanic lavas in these basins. Our workflow consists of five steps: (1) gradient calculation, (2) thresholding, (3) skeletonization, (4) Hough transformation, and (5) clustering. Because the surface faults appear as topographic discontinuities, we first calculate the gradient of the DEM to detect them. Then we use an adaptive threshold (Otsu) to distinguish faults from unfaulted areas. Next, we skeletonize the threshold to extract line segments and perform a Hough transformation to determine the orientation of these segments. Finally, we use a density-based clustering algorithm (DBSCAN) to group these segments into faults. This algorithm is considering proximity between the segment, similarity in dip and strike direction.
A strike analysis applied on the fault data of the whole basin shows four main directions from distinct fault populations. Each direction cluster corresponds to a geological layer and a time interval. For example, the azimuth N20°, corresponds to present and recent rift direction, mostly on the ~1Myr old Magadi trachyte. A direction of N170° is mostly represented in earlier, Mio-Pliocene volcanic units of the rift. Moreover, we derive the fault displacement distribution throughout the basin.This allows us to calculate the total extension of each geological unit and to compute the overall amount of extension of the region during geologically recent times.
We provide a new high-resolution fault map that depicts strike direction and throw even of small-offset normal faults. This characterization helps us increase our understanding of recent brittle deformation within the Magadi-Natron region and thus the propagation of rifting in the eastern branch of the East African Rift System.
How to cite: Gayrin, P., Wrona, T., Brune, S., Riedl, S., and Hake, T.: Semi-automated fault extraction and structural analysis from DEM data of the Magadi and Natron basins, East African Rift System, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10695, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10695, 2021.
Continental rifts show surface expressions of deep crustal processes, such as faulting and volcanism. The East African Rift System (EARS) is one of the most prominent examples of an active continental rift driven by tectonics and magmatism. Nonetheless, we still struggle to quantify the amount of extension due to these processes on a kyr- to Myr-time-scale. In particular, the distribution of extension within low-offset normal fault networks within rift basin interiors is challenging to determine.
To address these issues, we develop a semi-automated workflow to extract normal faults from the TanDEM-X science DEM data (12 m horizontal resolution, 0.4 m average height error) of the Magadi-Natron Region of the Eastern branch of the EARS, limited to the north by the Suswa caldera (1.15°S) and to the south by Gelai and Oldoinyo Lengai volcanoes (2.75°S). This data allows us to quantify brittle surface deformation that occurred since the last deposition of widespread volcanic lavas in these basins. Our workflow consists of five steps: (1) gradient calculation, (2) thresholding, (3) skeletonization, (4) Hough transformation, and (5) clustering. Because the surface faults appear as topographic discontinuities, we first calculate the gradient of the DEM to detect them. Then we use an adaptive threshold (Otsu) to distinguish faults from unfaulted areas. Next, we skeletonize the threshold to extract line segments and perform a Hough transformation to determine the orientation of these segments. Finally, we use a density-based clustering algorithm (DBSCAN) to group these segments into faults. This algorithm is considering proximity between the segment, similarity in dip and strike direction.
A strike analysis applied on the fault data of the whole basin shows four main directions from distinct fault populations. Each direction cluster corresponds to a geological layer and a time interval. For example, the azimuth N20°, corresponds to present and recent rift direction, mostly on the ~1Myr old Magadi trachyte. A direction of N170° is mostly represented in earlier, Mio-Pliocene volcanic units of the rift. Moreover, we derive the fault displacement distribution throughout the basin.This allows us to calculate the total extension of each geological unit and to compute the overall amount of extension of the region during geologically recent times.
We provide a new high-resolution fault map that depicts strike direction and throw even of small-offset normal faults. This characterization helps us increase our understanding of recent brittle deformation within the Magadi-Natron region and thus the propagation of rifting in the eastern branch of the East African Rift System.
How to cite: Gayrin, P., Wrona, T., Brune, S., Riedl, S., and Hake, T.: Semi-automated fault extraction and structural analysis from DEM data of the Magadi and Natron basins, East African Rift System, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10695, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10695, 2021.
EGU21-10761 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Role of inherited structures and magmatism in North Tanzania from high resolution teleseismic P and S body-wave tomographies.Stéphanie Gautier, Adeline Clutier, Christel Tiberi, Fleurice Parat, Benoit Gibert, and Michel Gregoire
The North Tanzanian Divergence (NTD) is a zone of rift initiation. Its surface expression results from interactions between deep-mantle (mantle plume), lithospheric (inherited rheology and stratification, melting...) and crustal (dyke propagation, fault activation...) processes. However, the role of each process on the observed surface activity is still debated, because highly difficult to decorrelate.
We recently carried out a study to obtain enhanced P and S-wave tomography, from the surface down to 150-200 km depth. The particularity of our method consists in its initial velocity model. It is composed of a 1D IASP91 regional velocity model in which we inserted an a priori 3D crustal velocity model with a fine grid. This crustal model was deduced from an independent local tomography inversion.
The P and S images obtained, resulting from the teleseismic inversion of this hybrid method, show strong contrasted velocity anomalies: from 10 % of P (Vp) and S velocity (Vs) variation on the craton, to -17 % below the rift axis. The anomalies locations are consistent with the surface geology (rifting basin, border faults, volcanoes). At a regional scale, the strongest velocity contrasts correspond to the lithospheric inherited structure (Tanzanian craton and Proterozoic belts) boundaries, which control the propagation of the rift. In particular, the Masai cratonic block, south of the NTD, is inferred to have a strong influence in the rift evolution. The transition from the North-South axial valley into three diverging rift arms (Eyasi, Natron-Manyara and Pangani) is likely due to the change in rheology and to the presence of magma along inherited sutures between the craton and the mobile belts.
However, interrogations about the role of the thermal changes, the melt/fluid presence and the mantle composition in the NTD on these velocity anomalies still remain. To distinguish which parameters are acting in the rift, we realize a Vp/Vs ratio map. With this new data, and in the light of parallel petrological studies, we interpret the Vp/Vs anomalies in term of gas and/or melt concentration zones.
How to cite: Gautier, S., Clutier, A., Tiberi, C., Parat, F., Gibert, B., and Gregoire, M.: Role of inherited structures and magmatism in North Tanzania from high resolution teleseismic P and S body-wave tomographies., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10761, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10761, 2021.
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The North Tanzanian Divergence (NTD) is a zone of rift initiation. Its surface expression results from interactions between deep-mantle (mantle plume), lithospheric (inherited rheology and stratification, melting...) and crustal (dyke propagation, fault activation...) processes. However, the role of each process on the observed surface activity is still debated, because highly difficult to decorrelate.
We recently carried out a study to obtain enhanced P and S-wave tomography, from the surface down to 150-200 km depth. The particularity of our method consists in its initial velocity model. It is composed of a 1D IASP91 regional velocity model in which we inserted an a priori 3D crustal velocity model with a fine grid. This crustal model was deduced from an independent local tomography inversion.
The P and S images obtained, resulting from the teleseismic inversion of this hybrid method, show strong contrasted velocity anomalies: from 10 % of P (Vp) and S velocity (Vs) variation on the craton, to -17 % below the rift axis. The anomalies locations are consistent with the surface geology (rifting basin, border faults, volcanoes). At a regional scale, the strongest velocity contrasts correspond to the lithospheric inherited structure (Tanzanian craton and Proterozoic belts) boundaries, which control the propagation of the rift. In particular, the Masai cratonic block, south of the NTD, is inferred to have a strong influence in the rift evolution. The transition from the North-South axial valley into three diverging rift arms (Eyasi, Natron-Manyara and Pangani) is likely due to the change in rheology and to the presence of magma along inherited sutures between the craton and the mobile belts.
However, interrogations about the role of the thermal changes, the melt/fluid presence and the mantle composition in the NTD on these velocity anomalies still remain. To distinguish which parameters are acting in the rift, we realize a Vp/Vs ratio map. With this new data, and in the light of parallel petrological studies, we interpret the Vp/Vs anomalies in term of gas and/or melt concentration zones.
How to cite: Gautier, S., Clutier, A., Tiberi, C., Parat, F., Gibert, B., and Gregoire, M.: Role of inherited structures and magmatism in North Tanzania from high resolution teleseismic P and S body-wave tomographies., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10761, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10761, 2021.
EGU21-1399 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Evolution of the East Africa-Arabia plume headChiara Civiero, Sergei Lebedev, and Nicolas L. Celli
Hot plumes rising from Earth’s deep mantle are thought to form broad plume heads beneath lithospheric plates. In continents, mantle plumes cause uplift, rifting and volcanism, often dispersed over surprisingly broad areas. Using seismic waveform tomography, we image a star-shaped, low-velocity anomaly centered at Afar and composed of three narrow branches: beneath East Africa, beneath the Gulf of Aden, and beneath the Red Sea and West Arabia, extending north to Levant. We interpret this anomaly as the seismic expression of interconnected corridors of hot, partially molten rock beneath the East Africa-Arabia region. The corridors underlie areas of uplift, rifting and volcanism and accommodate an integral, active plume head. Eruption ages and plate reconstructions indicate that it developed south-to-north, and tomography shows it being fed by three deep upwellings beneath Kenya, Afar and Levant. These results demonstrate the complex feedbacks between the continental-lithosphere heterogeneity and plume-head evolution. Star-shaped plume heads sprawling within thin-lithosphere valleys can account for the enigmatic dispersed volcanism in large igneous provinces and are likely to be a basic mechanism of plume-continent interaction.
How to cite: Civiero, C., Lebedev, S., and Celli, N. L.: Evolution of the East Africa-Arabia plume head, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1399, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1399, 2021.
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Hot plumes rising from Earth’s deep mantle are thought to form broad plume heads beneath lithospheric plates. In continents, mantle plumes cause uplift, rifting and volcanism, often dispersed over surprisingly broad areas. Using seismic waveform tomography, we image a star-shaped, low-velocity anomaly centered at Afar and composed of three narrow branches: beneath East Africa, beneath the Gulf of Aden, and beneath the Red Sea and West Arabia, extending north to Levant. We interpret this anomaly as the seismic expression of interconnected corridors of hot, partially molten rock beneath the East Africa-Arabia region. The corridors underlie areas of uplift, rifting and volcanism and accommodate an integral, active plume head. Eruption ages and plate reconstructions indicate that it developed south-to-north, and tomography shows it being fed by three deep upwellings beneath Kenya, Afar and Levant. These results demonstrate the complex feedbacks between the continental-lithosphere heterogeneity and plume-head evolution. Star-shaped plume heads sprawling within thin-lithosphere valleys can account for the enigmatic dispersed volcanism in large igneous provinces and are likely to be a basic mechanism of plume-continent interaction.
How to cite: Civiero, C., Lebedev, S., and Celli, N. L.: Evolution of the East Africa-Arabia plume head, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1399, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1399, 2021.
EGU21-7898 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Evolution of the Alu-Dalafilla and Borale Volcanoes, Afar, EthiopiaEmma J. Watts, Thomas M. Gernon, Rex N. Taylor, Derek Keir, Melanie Siegburg, Jasmin Jarman, Carolina Pagli, and Anna Gioncada
The Danakil depression in the Afar region of Ethiopia marks the change from subaerial continental rifting to seafloor spreading further north in the Red Sea [1]. Extension and volcanism in this incipient spreading centre is localised to the ~70-km-long, 20-km-wide active Erta Ale volcanic segment (EAVS), with multiple volcanic centres consisting of a combination of fissures, shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes [2]. This study aims to better understand the nature of interaction between three volcanoes with the EAVS (Alu, Dalafilla and Borale) while also investigating their evolution during the transition from continental to oceanic crustal production.
Here we combine results of mapping, using remote sensing, and geochemical analysis of Alu, Dalafilla and Borale in the northern half of the EAVS. Multispectral images were used to create a high-resolution map and establish a relative chronology of lava flows. Our results show that the majority of flows are sourced from a combination of scoria cones and fissures, representing in total 15 phases of volcanism within four major eruptive stages.
The first stage represents large-scale fissure volcanism comprising basaltic phases that erupted in a submarine environment. Stage two involves basaltic fissure volcanism centred around the Alu dome. The third stage is dominated by trachy-andesite to rhyolitic (SiO2 of 59-70%) volcanism sourced from the volcanic edifices of Alu, Dalafilla and Borale. The fourth and final stage is characterised by a resumption of small-scale basaltic/trachybasalt (SiO2 of 49-55%) fissure eruptions.
Geochemical modelling indicates a paucity of crustal assimilation and mixing within the sub-volcanic magmatic system. Spatial analysis of volcanic cones and fissures within the area indicate the presence of a cone sheet and ring faults. The fissures are likely fed by sills connecting the magma source with the volcanic edifices of Alu and Borale. Our results reveal the cyclic nature of both eruption style and composition of major volcanic complexes in rift environments, prior to the onset of seafloor spreading.
[1] Wolfenden et al. (2005) EPSL 224:213-228
[2] Barberi and Varet (1970) Bull Volcanologique 34:848-917
How to cite: Watts, E. J., Gernon, T. M., Taylor, R. N., Keir, D., Siegburg, M., Jarman, J., Pagli, C., and Gioncada, A.: Evolution of the Alu-Dalafilla and Borale Volcanoes, Afar, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7898, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7898, 2021.
The Danakil depression in the Afar region of Ethiopia marks the change from subaerial continental rifting to seafloor spreading further north in the Red Sea [1]. Extension and volcanism in this incipient spreading centre is localised to the ~70-km-long, 20-km-wide active Erta Ale volcanic segment (EAVS), with multiple volcanic centres consisting of a combination of fissures, shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes [2]. This study aims to better understand the nature of interaction between three volcanoes with the EAVS (Alu, Dalafilla and Borale) while also investigating their evolution during the transition from continental to oceanic crustal production.
Here we combine results of mapping, using remote sensing, and geochemical analysis of Alu, Dalafilla and Borale in the northern half of the EAVS. Multispectral images were used to create a high-resolution map and establish a relative chronology of lava flows. Our results show that the majority of flows are sourced from a combination of scoria cones and fissures, representing in total 15 phases of volcanism within four major eruptive stages.
The first stage represents large-scale fissure volcanism comprising basaltic phases that erupted in a submarine environment. Stage two involves basaltic fissure volcanism centred around the Alu dome. The third stage is dominated by trachy-andesite to rhyolitic (SiO2 of 59-70%) volcanism sourced from the volcanic edifices of Alu, Dalafilla and Borale. The fourth and final stage is characterised by a resumption of small-scale basaltic/trachybasalt (SiO2 of 49-55%) fissure eruptions.
Geochemical modelling indicates a paucity of crustal assimilation and mixing within the sub-volcanic magmatic system. Spatial analysis of volcanic cones and fissures within the area indicate the presence of a cone sheet and ring faults. The fissures are likely fed by sills connecting the magma source with the volcanic edifices of Alu and Borale. Our results reveal the cyclic nature of both eruption style and composition of major volcanic complexes in rift environments, prior to the onset of seafloor spreading.
[1] Wolfenden et al. (2005) EPSL 224:213-228
[2] Barberi and Varet (1970) Bull Volcanologique 34:848-917
How to cite: Watts, E. J., Gernon, T. M., Taylor, R. N., Keir, D., Siegburg, M., Jarman, J., Pagli, C., and Gioncada, A.: Evolution of the Alu-Dalafilla and Borale Volcanoes, Afar, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7898, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7898, 2021.
EGU21-10863 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Hidden but ubiquitous: the pre-rift continental mantle in the Red Sea regionCamilla Sani, Alessio Sanfilippo, Najeeb M.A. Rasul, Luigi Vigliotti, Nawaf Widinly, Abdulnasser S. AlQutub, Ahmed Osemi, and Marco Ligi
The extensive volcanism in the western part of the Arabian plate forms one of the largest Cenozoic alkali basalt provinces in the world where large lava fields with sub-alkaline to alkaline affinity are scattered from Syria and the Dead Sea Transform Zone through western Saudi Arabia to Yemen (Coleman et al. 1983). Most of volcanism took place after the emplacement of the Afar plume in Yemen (~30 Ma) and progressively propagated northward due to the lithospheric thinning related to the Red Sea rifting starting from 27-25 Ma (Bosworth and Stockli, 2016). However, few lava fields were emplaced during the Mesozoic, with the oldest volcanic activity as old as 200 Ma in the north Israel (Atlit- 1 and Haifa-1 drillholes) (Khon et al., 1993). Here, we report new results from volcanic pipes in the Marthoum area immediately to the east of Harrat Uwayrid where over a hundred pipes are aligned along NW-SE fractures in the Ordovician sandstone of the Saq Formation. The chilled vitric nature of these basalts suggests that the pipes are the result of phreatomagmatic explosions which occurred when the rising magma columns met the water table in the porous sandstone host. These lavas have Sr-Pb-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions that plot out of the field of the Cenozoic Arabian alkaline volcanism, being far more enriched in Nd-Hf and Pb isotopes than any lava ever reported in the Arabian plate. New K-Ar dating limits their age to 80 and 50 Ma, thus predating the emplacement of the Afar plume and the rifting in the Red Sea. Our findings indicate that these volcanic eruptions formed from melts generated by a low-degree partial melting of an enriched lithospheric source triggered by local variations in the asthenosphere-lithospheric boundary. This mantle source has a composition similar to the HIMU-like enriched isotopic component reported in eastern Africa Rift (Rooney et al., 2014) and considered to represent the lowermost lithospheric mantle of the Nubian shield. Although apparently hidden, this enriched deep lithospheric component is therefore ubiquitous and widespread in the cratonic roots of the Arabian and African lithospheric mantle, but variously mixed with melts derived from a depleted asthenosphere to produce a HIMU-like flavour dispersed in the Cenozoic Arabian alkaline volcanism.
Bosworth, W. and Stockli, D. Early magmatism in the greater Red Sea rift: timing and significance. Can. J. Earth. Sci., 53, 1158–1176, 2016.
Coleman, R. G., Gregory, R. T., Brown, G. F. Cenozoic volcanic rocks of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian Deputy Minist. Miner. Resour., Open File Report, USGS-OF-03-93, pp. 82, 1983.
Khon, B. P., Lang, B. and Steinitz, G. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Atlit-1 volcanic sequence, northern Israel, Israel J. Earth-Sci., 42, 17–28, 1993.
Rooney, T. O., Nelson, W. R., Dosso, L., Furman, T., Hanan, B. The role of continental lithosphere metasomes in the production of HIMU-like magmatism on the northeast African and Arabian plates. Geology, 42, 419–422, 2014.
How to cite: Sani, C., Sanfilippo, A., Rasul, N. M. A., Vigliotti, L., Widinly, N., AlQutub, A. S., Osemi, A., and Ligi, M.: Hidden but ubiquitous: the pre-rift continental mantle in the Red Sea region , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10863, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10863, 2021.
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The extensive volcanism in the western part of the Arabian plate forms one of the largest Cenozoic alkali basalt provinces in the world where large lava fields with sub-alkaline to alkaline affinity are scattered from Syria and the Dead Sea Transform Zone through western Saudi Arabia to Yemen (Coleman et al. 1983). Most of volcanism took place after the emplacement of the Afar plume in Yemen (~30 Ma) and progressively propagated northward due to the lithospheric thinning related to the Red Sea rifting starting from 27-25 Ma (Bosworth and Stockli, 2016). However, few lava fields were emplaced during the Mesozoic, with the oldest volcanic activity as old as 200 Ma in the north Israel (Atlit- 1 and Haifa-1 drillholes) (Khon et al., 1993). Here, we report new results from volcanic pipes in the Marthoum area immediately to the east of Harrat Uwayrid where over a hundred pipes are aligned along NW-SE fractures in the Ordovician sandstone of the Saq Formation. The chilled vitric nature of these basalts suggests that the pipes are the result of phreatomagmatic explosions which occurred when the rising magma columns met the water table in the porous sandstone host. These lavas have Sr-Pb-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions that plot out of the field of the Cenozoic Arabian alkaline volcanism, being far more enriched in Nd-Hf and Pb isotopes than any lava ever reported in the Arabian plate. New K-Ar dating limits their age to 80 and 50 Ma, thus predating the emplacement of the Afar plume and the rifting in the Red Sea. Our findings indicate that these volcanic eruptions formed from melts generated by a low-degree partial melting of an enriched lithospheric source triggered by local variations in the asthenosphere-lithospheric boundary. This mantle source has a composition similar to the HIMU-like enriched isotopic component reported in eastern Africa Rift (Rooney et al., 2014) and considered to represent the lowermost lithospheric mantle of the Nubian shield. Although apparently hidden, this enriched deep lithospheric component is therefore ubiquitous and widespread in the cratonic roots of the Arabian and African lithospheric mantle, but variously mixed with melts derived from a depleted asthenosphere to produce a HIMU-like flavour dispersed in the Cenozoic Arabian alkaline volcanism.
Bosworth, W. and Stockli, D. Early magmatism in the greater Red Sea rift: timing and significance. Can. J. Earth. Sci., 53, 1158–1176, 2016.
Coleman, R. G., Gregory, R. T., Brown, G. F. Cenozoic volcanic rocks of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian Deputy Minist. Miner. Resour., Open File Report, USGS-OF-03-93, pp. 82, 1983.
Khon, B. P., Lang, B. and Steinitz, G. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Atlit-1 volcanic sequence, northern Israel, Israel J. Earth-Sci., 42, 17–28, 1993.
Rooney, T. O., Nelson, W. R., Dosso, L., Furman, T., Hanan, B. The role of continental lithosphere metasomes in the production of HIMU-like magmatism on the northeast African and Arabian plates. Geology, 42, 419–422, 2014.
How to cite: Sani, C., Sanfilippo, A., Rasul, N. M. A., Vigliotti, L., Widinly, N., AlQutub, A. S., Osemi, A., and Ligi, M.: Hidden but ubiquitous: the pre-rift continental mantle in the Red Sea region , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10863, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10863, 2021.
EGU21-7102 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
The Northern Red Sea - a model for rifting leading to continental break-upKen McClay, Bill Bosworth, Samir Khalil, Marco Ligi, and Danny Stockli
The Gulf of Suez and the Northern Red Sea form the northwestern sector of the Afro-Arabian rift system. Studies of outstanding outcrops of rift fault systems and syntectonic strata integrated with sub-surface data together with thermo-chronological studies indicate that the Gulf of Suez - Northern Red Sea rift system initiated at around the Oligocene to Miocene transition (24 to 23 Ma). A regional NW-SE trending Oligocene-Miocene (~23 Ma) alkali basalt dike swarm and basalt flows near Cairo, appears to mark the onset of crustal-scale extension and continental rifting. These dikes and scarce local flows, are interbedded with the oldest siliciclastic syn-rift strata (Aquitanian Nukhul Fm.), and are associated with the oldest recognized extensional faulting in the Red Sea. Bedrock thermochronometric results from the Gulf of Suez and both margins of the Red Sea also point to a latest Oligocene onset of major normal faulting and rift flank exhumation and large-magnitude early Miocene extension along the entire length of the Red Sea rift. The early phase of rifting produced complex, discontinuous fault patterns with very high rates of fault block rotation, distinct sub-basins with alternating regional dip domains separated by well-defined accommodation zones. Sedimentary facies were laterally and vertically complex and dominated by marginal to shallow marine siliciclastics of the Abu Zenima, Nukhul and Nakheil Formations. Neotethyan faunas appeared throughout all of the sub-basins at this time. During the Early Burdigalian (~20 Ma) tectonically-driven subsidence accelerated and was accompanied by a concordant increase in denudation and uplift of the rift shoulders. The intra-rift fault networks coalesced into through-going structures and extension became progressively more focused along the rift axis. This reconfiguration resulted in more laterally continuous depositional facies and the moderate-to-deep marine deposits of the Rudeis, Kareem and Ranga Formations.
At the early Middle Miocene (~14 Ma) onset of the left-lateral Gulf of Aqaba transform fault system marked dramatic changes in rift kinematics and sedimentary depositional environments. The Gulf of Suez became isolated from the active northern Red Sea rift, with a switch from orthogonal to oblique rifting and to hyperextension in the northern Red Sea. The previous open marine seaway was replaced by an extensive evaporitic basin along the entire length of the rift from the central Gulf of Suez to Yemen/Eritrea. In Egypt these evaporites are ascribed to the Belayim, South Gharib, Zeit and Abu Dabbab Formations. Evaporite deposition continued to dominate until the end of the Miocene (~5 Ma) when a subaerial unconformity developed across most of the basins. With the onset of seafloor spreading in the southern Red Sea, Indian Ocean marine waters re-entered through the Bab el Mandab in the earliest Pliocene and re-established open marine conditions. In the northern Red Sea well and seismic data demonstrate that continental crust extends at least several tens of kilometers offshore. The northern Red Sea is a highly extended non-volcanic rift and true, laterally integrated sea-floor spreading has not yet developed.
How to cite: McClay, K., Bosworth, B., Khalil, S., Ligi, M., and Stockli, D.: The Northern Red Sea - a model for rifting leading to continental break-up, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7102, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7102, 2021.
The Gulf of Suez and the Northern Red Sea form the northwestern sector of the Afro-Arabian rift system. Studies of outstanding outcrops of rift fault systems and syntectonic strata integrated with sub-surface data together with thermo-chronological studies indicate that the Gulf of Suez - Northern Red Sea rift system initiated at around the Oligocene to Miocene transition (24 to 23 Ma). A regional NW-SE trending Oligocene-Miocene (~23 Ma) alkali basalt dike swarm and basalt flows near Cairo, appears to mark the onset of crustal-scale extension and continental rifting. These dikes and scarce local flows, are interbedded with the oldest siliciclastic syn-rift strata (Aquitanian Nukhul Fm.), and are associated with the oldest recognized extensional faulting in the Red Sea. Bedrock thermochronometric results from the Gulf of Suez and both margins of the Red Sea also point to a latest Oligocene onset of major normal faulting and rift flank exhumation and large-magnitude early Miocene extension along the entire length of the Red Sea rift. The early phase of rifting produced complex, discontinuous fault patterns with very high rates of fault block rotation, distinct sub-basins with alternating regional dip domains separated by well-defined accommodation zones. Sedimentary facies were laterally and vertically complex and dominated by marginal to shallow marine siliciclastics of the Abu Zenima, Nukhul and Nakheil Formations. Neotethyan faunas appeared throughout all of the sub-basins at this time. During the Early Burdigalian (~20 Ma) tectonically-driven subsidence accelerated and was accompanied by a concordant increase in denudation and uplift of the rift shoulders. The intra-rift fault networks coalesced into through-going structures and extension became progressively more focused along the rift axis. This reconfiguration resulted in more laterally continuous depositional facies and the moderate-to-deep marine deposits of the Rudeis, Kareem and Ranga Formations.
At the early Middle Miocene (~14 Ma) onset of the left-lateral Gulf of Aqaba transform fault system marked dramatic changes in rift kinematics and sedimentary depositional environments. The Gulf of Suez became isolated from the active northern Red Sea rift, with a switch from orthogonal to oblique rifting and to hyperextension in the northern Red Sea. The previous open marine seaway was replaced by an extensive evaporitic basin along the entire length of the rift from the central Gulf of Suez to Yemen/Eritrea. In Egypt these evaporites are ascribed to the Belayim, South Gharib, Zeit and Abu Dabbab Formations. Evaporite deposition continued to dominate until the end of the Miocene (~5 Ma) when a subaerial unconformity developed across most of the basins. With the onset of seafloor spreading in the southern Red Sea, Indian Ocean marine waters re-entered through the Bab el Mandab in the earliest Pliocene and re-established open marine conditions. In the northern Red Sea well and seismic data demonstrate that continental crust extends at least several tens of kilometers offshore. The northern Red Sea is a highly extended non-volcanic rift and true, laterally integrated sea-floor spreading has not yet developed.
How to cite: McClay, K., Bosworth, B., Khalil, S., Ligi, M., and Stockli, D.: The Northern Red Sea - a model for rifting leading to continental break-up, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7102, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7102, 2021.
EGU21-4185 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading in the northern Red Sea areaSami El Khrepy, Ivan Koulakov, Nassir Al-Arifi, Mamdouh S. Alajmi, and Ayman N. Qadrouh
Lithosphere extension, which plays an essential role in plate tectonics, occurs both in continents (as rift systems) and oceans (spreading along mid-oceanic ridges). The northern Red Sea area is a unique natural geodynamic laboratory, where the ongoing transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading can be observed. Here, we analyze travel time data from a merged catalogue provided by the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian seismic networks to build a three-dimensional model of seismic velocities in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the northern Red Sea and surroundings. The derived structures clearly reveal a high-velocity anomaly coinciding with the Red Sea basin and a narrow low-velocity anomaly centered along the rift axis. We interpret these structures as a transition of lithospheric extension from continental rifting to oceanic spreading. The transitional lithosphere is manifested by a dominantly positive seismic anomaly indicating the presence of a 50–70-km-thick and 200–300-km-wide cold lithosphere. Along the forming oceanic ridge axis, an elongated low-velocity anomaly marks a narrow localized nascent spreading zone that disrupts the transitional lithosphere. Along the eastern margins of the Red Sea, the lithosphere is disturbed by the lower-velocity anomalies coinciding with areas of basaltic magmatism.
How to cite: El Khrepy, S., Koulakov, I., Al-Arifi, N., S. Alajmi, M., and N. Qadrouh, A.: Transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading in the northern Red Sea area, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4185, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4185, 2021.
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Lithosphere extension, which plays an essential role in plate tectonics, occurs both in continents (as rift systems) and oceans (spreading along mid-oceanic ridges). The northern Red Sea area is a unique natural geodynamic laboratory, where the ongoing transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading can be observed. Here, we analyze travel time data from a merged catalogue provided by the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian seismic networks to build a three-dimensional model of seismic velocities in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the northern Red Sea and surroundings. The derived structures clearly reveal a high-velocity anomaly coinciding with the Red Sea basin and a narrow low-velocity anomaly centered along the rift axis. We interpret these structures as a transition of lithospheric extension from continental rifting to oceanic spreading. The transitional lithosphere is manifested by a dominantly positive seismic anomaly indicating the presence of a 50–70-km-thick and 200–300-km-wide cold lithosphere. Along the forming oceanic ridge axis, an elongated low-velocity anomaly marks a narrow localized nascent spreading zone that disrupts the transitional lithosphere. Along the eastern margins of the Red Sea, the lithosphere is disturbed by the lower-velocity anomalies coinciding with areas of basaltic magmatism.
How to cite: El Khrepy, S., Koulakov, I., Al-Arifi, N., S. Alajmi, M., and N. Qadrouh, A.: Transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading in the northern Red Sea area, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4185, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4185, 2021.
EGU21-9474 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Crustal contamination and hybridization of an embryonic oceanic crust during the Red Sea rifting: An example from the Tihama Asir igneous complex, Saudi ArabiaValentin Basch, Alessio Sanfilippo, Luigi Vigliotti, Antonio Langone, Najeeb Rasul, Salem AlNomani, Ali AlTharowi, Adel Jerais, and Marco Ligi
The Red Sea rift system represents the best case study of the rift-to-drift history, i.e., the transition from a continental to an oceanic rift and the formation of passive margins. Although the onset of seafloor spreading has been constrained by geophysical observations to 5 Ma in the southern Red Sea, recent studies have suggested that MORB-type melts were intruded within the extended continental crust already during the early stages of rifting. We present here a petro-geochemical investigation of gabbroic bodies and associated basaltic intrusions from the Tihama Asir igneous complex, which formed as part of the intense magmatism that occurred during early Red Sea continental rifting. The most primitive olivine gabbros present modal, bulk and mineral compositions consistent with formation from MORB-type parental melts, but more evolved gabbros and oxide gabbros show saturation of phlogopite and define a geochemical evolution that progressively diverges from that of lower oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges. Indeed, the Tihama Asir evolved gabbros are characterized by enrichments in LREE and highly incompatible elements (Rb, Ba, U, Th, Nb, Sr, K), suggesting hybridization of a MORB-type parental melt through a process of progressive assimilation of continental crust during the emplacement of gabbroic bodies. Additionally, the gabbros are associated with basaltic dike swarms intruded into the extending continental crust. The basalts show enrichments in LREE and highly incompatible elements similar to the gabbros, suggesting that they formed from melts extracted from the hybridized gabbroic crystal mush. This indicates that the Red Sea oceanization started before the onset of seafloor spreading, and that the cold continental crust was partially assimilated and replaced by hot gabbroic bodies since the early stages of continental rifting.
How to cite: Basch, V., Sanfilippo, A., Vigliotti, L., Langone, A., Rasul, N., AlNomani, S., AlTharowi, A., Jerais, A., and Ligi, M.: Crustal contamination and hybridization of an embryonic oceanic crust during the Red Sea rifting: An example from the Tihama Asir igneous complex, Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9474, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9474, 2021.
The Red Sea rift system represents the best case study of the rift-to-drift history, i.e., the transition from a continental to an oceanic rift and the formation of passive margins. Although the onset of seafloor spreading has been constrained by geophysical observations to 5 Ma in the southern Red Sea, recent studies have suggested that MORB-type melts were intruded within the extended continental crust already during the early stages of rifting. We present here a petro-geochemical investigation of gabbroic bodies and associated basaltic intrusions from the Tihama Asir igneous complex, which formed as part of the intense magmatism that occurred during early Red Sea continental rifting. The most primitive olivine gabbros present modal, bulk and mineral compositions consistent with formation from MORB-type parental melts, but more evolved gabbros and oxide gabbros show saturation of phlogopite and define a geochemical evolution that progressively diverges from that of lower oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges. Indeed, the Tihama Asir evolved gabbros are characterized by enrichments in LREE and highly incompatible elements (Rb, Ba, U, Th, Nb, Sr, K), suggesting hybridization of a MORB-type parental melt through a process of progressive assimilation of continental crust during the emplacement of gabbroic bodies. Additionally, the gabbros are associated with basaltic dike swarms intruded into the extending continental crust. The basalts show enrichments in LREE and highly incompatible elements similar to the gabbros, suggesting that they formed from melts extracted from the hybridized gabbroic crystal mush. This indicates that the Red Sea oceanization started before the onset of seafloor spreading, and that the cold continental crust was partially assimilated and replaced by hot gabbroic bodies since the early stages of continental rifting.
How to cite: Basch, V., Sanfilippo, A., Vigliotti, L., Langone, A., Rasul, N., AlNomani, S., AlTharowi, A., Jerais, A., and Ligi, M.: Crustal contamination and hybridization of an embryonic oceanic crust during the Red Sea rifting: An example from the Tihama Asir igneous complex, Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9474, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9474, 2021.
EGU21-10872 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Insights into the Red Sea area from magnetic and gravity analysisRan Issachar, Jörg Ebbing, Dilixiati Yixiati, and Nils Holzrichter
We explore the lithosphere structure of the Red Sea using gravity and magnetic data.
We re-processed marine data form past surveys conducted during the 70’s and the 80’s, available at the NGDC database. By correcting the magnetic measurements according to the DGRF (definitive magnetic reference field), leveling and replacing the long wavelengths with satellite data (LCS1 model) we managed to generate a consistent magnetic anomaly map for the entire length of the Red Sea that is composed of 10 different surveys and contain overs 100,000 measuring points. The magnetic anomaly map highlights structural differences between the southern, central and northern parts of the Red Sea.
Using forward gravity approach, constrains from seismic, wells and petrophysical data, and by integrating insights from magnetic analysis, we define the lithospheric model of the Red Sea to address key questions regarding rifting, sea floor spreading and transition processes. For example, the southern parts of the Red Sea are characterized by shallow and wide asthenosphere upwelling, while in the axial trough lithosphere is thin with thicknesses of less than 15 km. The lithosphere thickness increase asymmetrically towards the rift shoulders. In general, the lithosphere is thicker on the eastern sides than on the western sides. In the central parts of the Red Sea, the lithosphere structure is not significantly different from the southern parts, however, asthenosphere upwelling is slightly narrower. In northern parts of the Red Sea asthenosphere upwelling significantly narrows and focused mainly beneath the axial trough and the lithosphere is thicker. This architecture reflects the currently transition from continental rifting (in the north) to oceanic seafloor spreading (in the south) in the Red Sea.
How to cite: Issachar, R., Ebbing, J., Yixiati, D., and Holzrichter, N.: Insights into the Red Sea area from magnetic and gravity analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10872, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10872, 2021.
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We explore the lithosphere structure of the Red Sea using gravity and magnetic data.
We re-processed marine data form past surveys conducted during the 70’s and the 80’s, available at the NGDC database. By correcting the magnetic measurements according to the DGRF (definitive magnetic reference field), leveling and replacing the long wavelengths with satellite data (LCS1 model) we managed to generate a consistent magnetic anomaly map for the entire length of the Red Sea that is composed of 10 different surveys and contain overs 100,000 measuring points. The magnetic anomaly map highlights structural differences between the southern, central and northern parts of the Red Sea.
Using forward gravity approach, constrains from seismic, wells and petrophysical data, and by integrating insights from magnetic analysis, we define the lithospheric model of the Red Sea to address key questions regarding rifting, sea floor spreading and transition processes. For example, the southern parts of the Red Sea are characterized by shallow and wide asthenosphere upwelling, while in the axial trough lithosphere is thin with thicknesses of less than 15 km. The lithosphere thickness increase asymmetrically towards the rift shoulders. In general, the lithosphere is thicker on the eastern sides than on the western sides. In the central parts of the Red Sea, the lithosphere structure is not significantly different from the southern parts, however, asthenosphere upwelling is slightly narrower. In northern parts of the Red Sea asthenosphere upwelling significantly narrows and focused mainly beneath the axial trough and the lithosphere is thicker. This architecture reflects the currently transition from continental rifting (in the north) to oceanic seafloor spreading (in the south) in the Red Sea.
How to cite: Issachar, R., Ebbing, J., Yixiati, D., and Holzrichter, N.: Insights into the Red Sea area from magnetic and gravity analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10872, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10872, 2021.
EGU21-10905 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Bathymetry and uplift rate of the Gulf of Aqaba, Dead Sea Fault.Matthieu Ribot, Yann Klinger, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Marthe Lefevre, and Sigurjón Jónsson
Initially described in the late 50’s, the Dead Sea Fault system connects at its southern end to the Red Sea extensive system, through a succession of left-stepping faults. In this region, the left-lateral differential displacement of the Arabian plate with respect to the Sinai micro-plate along the Dead Sea fault results in the formation of a depression corresponding to the Gulf Aqaba. We acquired new bathymetric data in the areas of the Gulf of Aqaba and Strait of Tiran during two marine campaigns (June 2018, September 2019) in order to investigate the location of the active faults, which structure and control the morphology of the area. The high-resolution datasets (10-m posting) allow us to present a new fault map of the gulf and to discuss the seismic potential of the main active faults.
We also investigated the eastern margin of the Gulf of Aqaba and Tiran island to assess the vertical uplift rate. To do so, we computed high-resolution topographic data and we processed new series of U-Th analyses on corals from the uplifted marine terraces.
Combining our results with previous studies, we determined the local and the regional uplift in the area of the Gulf of Aqaba and Strait of Tiran.
Eventually, we discussed the tectonic evolution of the gulf since the last major change of the tectonic regime and we propose a revised tectonic evolution model of the area.
How to cite: Ribot, M., Klinger, Y., Pons-Branchu, E., Lefevre, M., and Jónsson, S.: Bathymetry and uplift rate of the Gulf of Aqaba, Dead Sea Fault., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10905, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10905, 2021.
Initially described in the late 50’s, the Dead Sea Fault system connects at its southern end to the Red Sea extensive system, through a succession of left-stepping faults. In this region, the left-lateral differential displacement of the Arabian plate with respect to the Sinai micro-plate along the Dead Sea fault results in the formation of a depression corresponding to the Gulf Aqaba. We acquired new bathymetric data in the areas of the Gulf of Aqaba and Strait of Tiran during two marine campaigns (June 2018, September 2019) in order to investigate the location of the active faults, which structure and control the morphology of the area. The high-resolution datasets (10-m posting) allow us to present a new fault map of the gulf and to discuss the seismic potential of the main active faults.
We also investigated the eastern margin of the Gulf of Aqaba and Tiran island to assess the vertical uplift rate. To do so, we computed high-resolution topographic data and we processed new series of U-Th analyses on corals from the uplifted marine terraces.
Combining our results with previous studies, we determined the local and the regional uplift in the area of the Gulf of Aqaba and Strait of Tiran.
Eventually, we discussed the tectonic evolution of the gulf since the last major change of the tectonic regime and we propose a revised tectonic evolution model of the area.
How to cite: Ribot, M., Klinger, Y., Pons-Branchu, E., Lefevre, M., and Jónsson, S.: Bathymetry and uplift rate of the Gulf of Aqaba, Dead Sea Fault., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10905, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10905, 2021.
EGU21-6227 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Biostratigraphically constrained Neogene palaeoenvironments of the Red Sea riftGeraint Hughes and Osman Varol
Marine sediments deposited in response to the Neogene opening of the Red Sea during divergence of the African-Arabian plate margin provide micropalaeontological chronological evidence to calibrate synchronous palaeoenvironmental events from the Gulf of Suez to the Gulf of Aden. This facility provides insights to the timing and relative rates of tectonic subsidence associated with the rifting episodes of the region. Biostratigraphic index forms include planktonic and benthonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. These, combined with various associated microfossils and macrofossil fragments, permit interpretation of a range of depositional environments that span intertidal to bathyal regimes. Onset and recovery from various hypersaline events are similarly interpreted by integrating microfossils and lithology. Following an episode of emergence and sporadic volcanicity, subsidence and the first Neogene marine transgression created brackish to shallow marine lagoons during the Early Miocene (Foraminiferal Letter Stage Upper Te). Rapid subsidence and accumulation of deep marine mudstones, of local hydrocarbon source-rock quality, with thinly interbedded siliciclastic and calciclastic debris flows commenced in the Early Miocene (Planktonic foraminiferal zones N5-N8; Nannofossil zones NN3-NN5). The debris flows increased in abundance and provide good hydrocarbon reservoirs. The Gulf of Suez and Red Sea experienced episodic isolation from the Indian Ocean during the latest Early Miocene and earliest Middle Miocene (Planktonic foraminiferal zones N8-N9; Nannofossil zone NN5 Foraminiferal Letter Stage Middle-Upper Tf1), resulting in hypersaline events with precipitation of submarine gypsum and halite. The isolation is attributed to constriction of the southern Red Sea, in the vicinity of the Bab El Mandab Straits, by eustatic sea level fall as well as probable tectonic activity; the synchronous Gulf of Aden succession does not display evidence for such hypersaline events. A prolonged hypersaline phase extended over most of the Middle Miocene, for which absence of biostratigraphic data precludes age control. During the latest Middle Miocene to Late Miocene, rejuvenation of the hinterland cause rapid deposition of terrestrial and fluviatile coarse and fine siliciclastics, with similar biostratigraphic paucity except for rare diatoms and palynomorphs. Renewed subsidence, associated with opening of the Aqaba Fault, combined with eustatic sea level rise caused marine deposition to recommence in the Pliocene.
How to cite: Hughes, G. and Varol, O.: Biostratigraphically constrained Neogene palaeoenvironments of the Red Sea rift, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6227, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6227, 2021.
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Marine sediments deposited in response to the Neogene opening of the Red Sea during divergence of the African-Arabian plate margin provide micropalaeontological chronological evidence to calibrate synchronous palaeoenvironmental events from the Gulf of Suez to the Gulf of Aden. This facility provides insights to the timing and relative rates of tectonic subsidence associated with the rifting episodes of the region. Biostratigraphic index forms include planktonic and benthonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. These, combined with various associated microfossils and macrofossil fragments, permit interpretation of a range of depositional environments that span intertidal to bathyal regimes. Onset and recovery from various hypersaline events are similarly interpreted by integrating microfossils and lithology. Following an episode of emergence and sporadic volcanicity, subsidence and the first Neogene marine transgression created brackish to shallow marine lagoons during the Early Miocene (Foraminiferal Letter Stage Upper Te). Rapid subsidence and accumulation of deep marine mudstones, of local hydrocarbon source-rock quality, with thinly interbedded siliciclastic and calciclastic debris flows commenced in the Early Miocene (Planktonic foraminiferal zones N5-N8; Nannofossil zones NN3-NN5). The debris flows increased in abundance and provide good hydrocarbon reservoirs. The Gulf of Suez and Red Sea experienced episodic isolation from the Indian Ocean during the latest Early Miocene and earliest Middle Miocene (Planktonic foraminiferal zones N8-N9; Nannofossil zone NN5 Foraminiferal Letter Stage Middle-Upper Tf1), resulting in hypersaline events with precipitation of submarine gypsum and halite. The isolation is attributed to constriction of the southern Red Sea, in the vicinity of the Bab El Mandab Straits, by eustatic sea level fall as well as probable tectonic activity; the synchronous Gulf of Aden succession does not display evidence for such hypersaline events. A prolonged hypersaline phase extended over most of the Middle Miocene, for which absence of biostratigraphic data precludes age control. During the latest Middle Miocene to Late Miocene, rejuvenation of the hinterland cause rapid deposition of terrestrial and fluviatile coarse and fine siliciclastics, with similar biostratigraphic paucity except for rare diatoms and palynomorphs. Renewed subsidence, associated with opening of the Aqaba Fault, combined with eustatic sea level rise caused marine deposition to recommence in the Pliocene.
How to cite: Hughes, G. and Varol, O.: Biostratigraphically constrained Neogene palaeoenvironments of the Red Sea rift, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6227, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6227, 2021.
EGU21-12263 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
The Red Sea Metalliferous SedimentsM. Clara Modenesi and J. Carlos Santamarina
The demand for metals and raw materials continues to increase as onshore deposits become more depleted. Our oceans contain large unexplored areas that may contain new resources in the form of Mn-nodules, Co-rich crusts, and massive sulfides. A complete characterization and assessment of these deposits are fundamental for the evaluation of resource extraction, separation, and disposal processes.
The Red Sea holds unique examples of sediment accumulations formed under distinctive environmental conditions. The Atlantis II deep is located in the central part of the Red Sea at 2 km depth and on top of the spreading axis. This deep accumulates sediments that result predominantly from the discharge of hydrothermal fluids into hot and stratified brine pools. The changes in environmental conditions and the hydro-chemical conditions in the brine pool control sediment formation. The accumulations are enriched with metals, such as Ag, Au, Cu, Co, and Zn. The sediments in this deep hold a record of the formation history and their brine pools tell a story about on-going processes.
On-going research at the Energy Geo-Engineering Laboratory EGEL, KAUST includes (1) Geotechnical index properties (liquid limit, grain size distribution, and specific surface) and consolidation tests to infer engineering properties, (2) Sediment classification based on the Revised Soil Classification System, (3) Geochemistry and mineralogy using XRD, ICP-OES and (4) Microstructure and texture with SEM imaging. An advanced sediment characterization of these fine-grained metalliferous deposits gives a comprehensive understanding of the soil behavior.
How to cite: Modenesi, M. C. and Santamarina, J. C.: The Red Sea Metalliferous Sediments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12263, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12263, 2021.
The demand for metals and raw materials continues to increase as onshore deposits become more depleted. Our oceans contain large unexplored areas that may contain new resources in the form of Mn-nodules, Co-rich crusts, and massive sulfides. A complete characterization and assessment of these deposits are fundamental for the evaluation of resource extraction, separation, and disposal processes.
The Red Sea holds unique examples of sediment accumulations formed under distinctive environmental conditions. The Atlantis II deep is located in the central part of the Red Sea at 2 km depth and on top of the spreading axis. This deep accumulates sediments that result predominantly from the discharge of hydrothermal fluids into hot and stratified brine pools. The changes in environmental conditions and the hydro-chemical conditions in the brine pool control sediment formation. The accumulations are enriched with metals, such as Ag, Au, Cu, Co, and Zn. The sediments in this deep hold a record of the formation history and their brine pools tell a story about on-going processes.
On-going research at the Energy Geo-Engineering Laboratory EGEL, KAUST includes (1) Geotechnical index properties (liquid limit, grain size distribution, and specific surface) and consolidation tests to infer engineering properties, (2) Sediment classification based on the Revised Soil Classification System, (3) Geochemistry and mineralogy using XRD, ICP-OES and (4) Microstructure and texture with SEM imaging. An advanced sediment characterization of these fine-grained metalliferous deposits gives a comprehensive understanding of the soil behavior.
How to cite: Modenesi, M. C. and Santamarina, J. C.: The Red Sea Metalliferous Sediments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12263, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12263, 2021.
EGU21-13564 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Revisiting Hotspots and Continental Breakup – Updating the Classical Three-arm ModelCarol Stein, Seth Stein, Molly Gallahue, and Reece Elling
In two classic papers, Burke and Dewey (1973) and Dewey and Burke (1974) proposed that continental rifting begins at hotspots - domal uplifts with associated magmatism - from which three rift arms extend. Rift arms from different hotspots link up to form new plate boundaries along which the continent breaks up, generating a new ocean basin and leaving failed arms termed aulacogens within the continent. In subsequent studies, hotspots became increasingly viewed as manifestations of deeper upwellings or plumes, which were the primary cause of continental rifting. We revisit this conceptual model and find that it remains useful, though some aspects require updates based on subsequent results. Many three-arm systems identified by Burke and Dewey (1973) are now recognized to be or have been boundaries of transient microplates accommodating motion between diverging major plates. Present-day examples include the East African Rift system and the Sinai microplate. Older examples include rifts associated with the opening of the South Atlantic in the Mesozoic and the North Atlantic Ocean over the last 200 Ma, rifts in the southern U.S associated with the breakup of Rodinia, and intracontinental rifts formed within India during the breakup of Gondwanaland. The microplates form as continents break up, and are kinematically distinct from the neighboring plates, in that they move separately. Ultimately, the microplates are incorporated into one of the major plates, leaving identifiable fossil features on land and/or offshore. In many cases the boundaries of microplates during continental breakup are located on preexisting zones of weakness and influenced by pre-existing fabric, including older collisional zones. Hotspots play at most a secondary role in continental breakup, in that most of the associated volcanism reflects plate divergence, so three-arm junction points may not reflect localized upwelling of a deep mantle plume.
How to cite: Stein, C., Stein, S., Gallahue, M., and Elling, R.: Revisiting Hotspots and Continental Breakup – Updating the Classical Three-arm Model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13564, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13564, 2021.
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In two classic papers, Burke and Dewey (1973) and Dewey and Burke (1974) proposed that continental rifting begins at hotspots - domal uplifts with associated magmatism - from which three rift arms extend. Rift arms from different hotspots link up to form new plate boundaries along which the continent breaks up, generating a new ocean basin and leaving failed arms termed aulacogens within the continent. In subsequent studies, hotspots became increasingly viewed as manifestations of deeper upwellings or plumes, which were the primary cause of continental rifting. We revisit this conceptual model and find that it remains useful, though some aspects require updates based on subsequent results. Many three-arm systems identified by Burke and Dewey (1973) are now recognized to be or have been boundaries of transient microplates accommodating motion between diverging major plates. Present-day examples include the East African Rift system and the Sinai microplate. Older examples include rifts associated with the opening of the South Atlantic in the Mesozoic and the North Atlantic Ocean over the last 200 Ma, rifts in the southern U.S associated with the breakup of Rodinia, and intracontinental rifts formed within India during the breakup of Gondwanaland. The microplates form as continents break up, and are kinematically distinct from the neighboring plates, in that they move separately. Ultimately, the microplates are incorporated into one of the major plates, leaving identifiable fossil features on land and/or offshore. In many cases the boundaries of microplates during continental breakup are located on preexisting zones of weakness and influenced by pre-existing fabric, including older collisional zones. Hotspots play at most a secondary role in continental breakup, in that most of the associated volcanism reflects plate divergence, so three-arm junction points may not reflect localized upwelling of a deep mantle plume.
How to cite: Stein, C., Stein, S., Gallahue, M., and Elling, R.: Revisiting Hotspots and Continental Breakup – Updating the Classical Three-arm Model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13564, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13564, 2021.
EGU21-13631 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Comparing onshore and offshore volumes of large igneous provinces associated with passive continental marginsSeth Stein, Molly Gallahue, Carol Stein, Tyrone Rooney, and Andie Gomez-Patron
The rifting of continents can lead to the initiation of seafloor spreading and the formation of passive margins. Magma-rich passive margins, which are defined as being underlain by enormous volumes of igneous rocks, are often associated with large igneous provinces (LIPs). However, the relationship between the igneous units found along these magma-rich passive margins, rifting processes, and LIPs is poorly understood.
We have developed the VOLMIR (VOLcanic passive Margin Igneous Rocks) dataset to investigate these relationships. VOLMIR is based on seismic reflection profiles in which the volumes and geometries of both shallow seaward dipping reflector (SDR) and deeper high velocity lower crustal (HVLC) units can be measured. We find a relatively consistent ratio of SDR to HVLC volumes, with SDR volumes about one third that of HVLC. This consistency suggests that the units are related during formation and may be used to provide insight into how such units form during continental rifting and breakup. Presumably, as magmas rise and erupt to the surface to form SDRs, the remaining high-density residuum or cumulate becomes the HVLC. The volumes of SDR units are moderately positively correlated with distance from the Euler pole, and weakly negatively correlated with distance from the nearest hotspot, suggesting that lithospheric processes play more of a role in late-stage continental rifting and breakup than hotspot/mantle plume processes.
The Mid- and South Atlantic Ocean breakups, and the resulting offshore volcanic passive margins, are temporally and spatially associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) and Paraná-Etendeka LIP. Using VOLMIR, we estimate the amount of igneous material in the offshore volcanic passive and compare it to estimates for the adjacent on-land LIPs. The results indicate that a significant volume of volcanics exist in the offshore passive margins, increasing the inferred amount of volcanic output associated with the LIPs. Further studies will provide insight into the relationship between offshore passive margins and on-land LIPs, and perhaps provide further understanding on the role of magmatism in rifting processes.
How to cite: Stein, S., Gallahue, M., Stein, C., Rooney, T., and Gomez-Patron, A.: Comparing onshore and offshore volumes of large igneous provinces associated with passive continental margins , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13631, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13631, 2021.
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The rifting of continents can lead to the initiation of seafloor spreading and the formation of passive margins. Magma-rich passive margins, which are defined as being underlain by enormous volumes of igneous rocks, are often associated with large igneous provinces (LIPs). However, the relationship between the igneous units found along these magma-rich passive margins, rifting processes, and LIPs is poorly understood.
We have developed the VOLMIR (VOLcanic passive Margin Igneous Rocks) dataset to investigate these relationships. VOLMIR is based on seismic reflection profiles in which the volumes and geometries of both shallow seaward dipping reflector (SDR) and deeper high velocity lower crustal (HVLC) units can be measured. We find a relatively consistent ratio of SDR to HVLC volumes, with SDR volumes about one third that of HVLC. This consistency suggests that the units are related during formation and may be used to provide insight into how such units form during continental rifting and breakup. Presumably, as magmas rise and erupt to the surface to form SDRs, the remaining high-density residuum or cumulate becomes the HVLC. The volumes of SDR units are moderately positively correlated with distance from the Euler pole, and weakly negatively correlated with distance from the nearest hotspot, suggesting that lithospheric processes play more of a role in late-stage continental rifting and breakup than hotspot/mantle plume processes.
The Mid- and South Atlantic Ocean breakups, and the resulting offshore volcanic passive margins, are temporally and spatially associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) and Paraná-Etendeka LIP. Using VOLMIR, we estimate the amount of igneous material in the offshore volcanic passive and compare it to estimates for the adjacent on-land LIPs. The results indicate that a significant volume of volcanics exist in the offshore passive margins, increasing the inferred amount of volcanic output associated with the LIPs. Further studies will provide insight into the relationship between offshore passive margins and on-land LIPs, and perhaps provide further understanding on the role of magmatism in rifting processes.
How to cite: Stein, S., Gallahue, M., Stein, C., Rooney, T., and Gomez-Patron, A.: Comparing onshore and offshore volumes of large igneous provinces associated with passive continental margins , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13631, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13631, 2021.
EGU21-6683 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
The Pescadero Basin Complex, southern Gulf of California: structure, tectono-stratigraphic evolution and magmatismRonald M. Spelz, Néstor Ramírez-Zerpa, Juan Contreras, Ismael Yarbuh, Antonio González-Fernández, David Caress, David Clague, Robert Zierenberg, Jennifer B. Paduan, Raquel Negrete-Aranda, John M. Fletcher, Florian Neumann, and Brian Cousens
The Pescadero Basin Complex (PBC) in the southern Gulf of California comprises three distinctive stretched rhomboid pull-apart basins separated by several short transforms. Multibeam and Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bathymetry data collected at 40-m and 1-m resolution, respectively, combined with the processing and interpretation of three 2-D high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection profiles, were used to characterize the architecture of the entire PBC, as well as the internal structure of the northern Pescadero basin. Detailed mapping and cross-sectional kinematic modeling based on multichannel seismic images of the northern Pescadero basin reveals a highly evolved pull-part geometry, characterized by a well-defined ~1.8 km wide axial graben stretching ~32 km in an NNE-SSW direction. Both finite and incremental strain analyses carried out in this study point out that the PBC developed under sustained transtensional deformation, where the relative motion of the crustal blocks is oblique and divergent to the transforms or principal displacement zones (PDZ's), and subsidence is likely being accommodated by one of more décollement layers located at the bottom of a broad negative flower structure. We also present new geochemical data of lava flows with a N-MORB composition outcropping on the NE segment of the northern Pescadero axial graben, and lava-flow samples of E-MORB composition from an uplifted sediment hill on the western margin of the southern Pescadero basin. MORB samples from the PBC represent the northernmost surface flows known in the Gulf of California, highlighting that the PBC has evolved beyond being a pull-apart complex to having initiated seafloor spreading with new oceanic crust formation in response to the opening of the Gulf of California.
How to cite: Spelz, R. M., Ramírez-Zerpa, N., Contreras, J., Yarbuh, I., González-Fernández, A., Caress, D., Clague, D., Zierenberg, R., Paduan, J. B., Negrete-Aranda, R., Fletcher, J. M., Neumann, F., and Cousens, B.: The Pescadero Basin Complex, southern Gulf of California: structure, tectono-stratigraphic evolution and magmatism, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6683, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6683, 2021.
The Pescadero Basin Complex (PBC) in the southern Gulf of California comprises three distinctive stretched rhomboid pull-apart basins separated by several short transforms. Multibeam and Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bathymetry data collected at 40-m and 1-m resolution, respectively, combined with the processing and interpretation of three 2-D high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection profiles, were used to characterize the architecture of the entire PBC, as well as the internal structure of the northern Pescadero basin. Detailed mapping and cross-sectional kinematic modeling based on multichannel seismic images of the northern Pescadero basin reveals a highly evolved pull-part geometry, characterized by a well-defined ~1.8 km wide axial graben stretching ~32 km in an NNE-SSW direction. Both finite and incremental strain analyses carried out in this study point out that the PBC developed under sustained transtensional deformation, where the relative motion of the crustal blocks is oblique and divergent to the transforms or principal displacement zones (PDZ's), and subsidence is likely being accommodated by one of more décollement layers located at the bottom of a broad negative flower structure. We also present new geochemical data of lava flows with a N-MORB composition outcropping on the NE segment of the northern Pescadero axial graben, and lava-flow samples of E-MORB composition from an uplifted sediment hill on the western margin of the southern Pescadero basin. MORB samples from the PBC represent the northernmost surface flows known in the Gulf of California, highlighting that the PBC has evolved beyond being a pull-apart complex to having initiated seafloor spreading with new oceanic crust formation in response to the opening of the Gulf of California.
How to cite: Spelz, R. M., Ramírez-Zerpa, N., Contreras, J., Yarbuh, I., González-Fernández, A., Caress, D., Clague, D., Zierenberg, R., Paduan, J. B., Negrete-Aranda, R., Fletcher, J. M., Neumann, F., and Cousens, B.: The Pescadero Basin Complex, southern Gulf of California: structure, tectono-stratigraphic evolution and magmatism, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6683, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6683, 2021.
EGU21-3187 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Exploring rift magmatism and evolution through gravity analysis of North America's failed riftsReece Elling, Seth Stein, Carol Stein, and G. Randy Keller
Comparative study of North America’s failed continental rifts allows investigation of the effects of extension, magmatism, magmatic underplating and rift inversion in the evolution of rifting. We explore this issue by examining the gravity signatures of the Midcontinent Rift (MCR), Reelfoot Rift (RR), and Southern Oklahoman Aulacogen (SOA). The ~1.1 Ga MCR records aspects of the complex assembly of Rodina, while the structures related to the ~560 Ma RR and SOA formed during the later breakup of Rodinia and subsequent assembly of Pangea. Combining average gravity anomalies along each rift with seismic data, we examine whether these data support the existence of high-density residual melt underplates (“rift pillows”), reflect the possible amounts of inversion, and whether these rifts should be considered analogs of one another at different stages in rift evolution. The MCR and SOA have strong gravity highs along much of their length. Furthermore, the west and east arms of the MCR have different gravity signatures. The west arm of the MCR has a positive gravity anomaly of 80-100 mgals, while the east arm and SOA have positive anomalies of only 40-50 mgals. The RR does not exhibit a high positive anomaly along much of its length. The positive anomalies of both arms of the MCR and SOA reflect 10-20 km thick underplates at the base of the crust. These gravity anomalies also reflect greater amounts of inversion, during which the rift-bounding normal faults are reactivated by later compression, bringing the high-density igneous rocks closer to the surface. By averaging gravity data along the length of each failed rift, we can more easily distinguish between the history of individual rifts and general features of rifting that apply to other failed or active rifts around the world.
How to cite: Elling, R., Stein, S., Stein, C., and Keller, G. R.: Exploring rift magmatism and evolution through gravity analysis of North America's failed rifts, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3187, 2021.
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Comparative study of North America’s failed continental rifts allows investigation of the effects of extension, magmatism, magmatic underplating and rift inversion in the evolution of rifting. We explore this issue by examining the gravity signatures of the Midcontinent Rift (MCR), Reelfoot Rift (RR), and Southern Oklahoman Aulacogen (SOA). The ~1.1 Ga MCR records aspects of the complex assembly of Rodina, while the structures related to the ~560 Ma RR and SOA formed during the later breakup of Rodinia and subsequent assembly of Pangea. Combining average gravity anomalies along each rift with seismic data, we examine whether these data support the existence of high-density residual melt underplates (“rift pillows”), reflect the possible amounts of inversion, and whether these rifts should be considered analogs of one another at different stages in rift evolution. The MCR and SOA have strong gravity highs along much of their length. Furthermore, the west and east arms of the MCR have different gravity signatures. The west arm of the MCR has a positive gravity anomaly of 80-100 mgals, while the east arm and SOA have positive anomalies of only 40-50 mgals. The RR does not exhibit a high positive anomaly along much of its length. The positive anomalies of both arms of the MCR and SOA reflect 10-20 km thick underplates at the base of the crust. These gravity anomalies also reflect greater amounts of inversion, during which the rift-bounding normal faults are reactivated by later compression, bringing the high-density igneous rocks closer to the surface. By averaging gravity data along the length of each failed rift, we can more easily distinguish between the history of individual rifts and general features of rifting that apply to other failed or active rifts around the world.
How to cite: Elling, R., Stein, S., Stein, C., and Keller, G. R.: Exploring rift magmatism and evolution through gravity analysis of North America's failed rifts, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3187, 2021.
EGU21-4543 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Structural Evolution of Extended Continental Crust Deciphered From the Cretaceous Batholith in SE China, a Kinmen Island PerspectiveTsung-Han Huang, Meng Wan Yeh, and Ching-Hua Lo
The continental crust of southeast Asia underwent from thickening, thinning to almost rifting during the Mesozoic era as the active continental margin transformed into a passive one. Such crustal thinning history is well-preserved in the Kinmen Island, as the lower crustal granitoids retrograded and rapidly exhumed to surface that were crosscutted by mafic dike swarm. Kinmen Island is situated on the SE coast of Asia, featured by the widespread Cretaceous magmatism as the Paleo-Pacific plate subducted and rollbacked underneath the South China block. Although these complex magmatism are well reported and studied, their associated structural evolution and plate kinematics have not been clearly deciphered. Detailed field mapping, structural measurement, and petrographic analysis of the Kinmen Island were conducted. Up to five deformation events accompanied with five relevant magmatic episodes as well as their corresponding kinematic setting are reconstructed. The ∼129 Ma Chenggong Tonalite (G1) preserved all deformation events identified in this study, which marks the lower bound timing of all reported events. D1 formed a gneiss dome with the Taiwushan Granite (∼139 Ma) at the core bounded by moderately dipping gneissic foliation (S1) as crust extended. D2 formed subhorizontal S-tectonite (S2) with further exhumation of D1 gneiss dome due to middle-to-lower crustal flow associated with further crustal thinning. D3 formed a sinistral ENE-WSW striking steeply S dipping shear belts with well-developed S/C/C’ fabrics. The moderately E-plunging lineation on C surface indicates its transtensional nature. Widespread garnet-bearing leucogranite (G2) associated with decompressional melting showed long lasting intrusion prior to D2 until post D3. D4 was the intrusion of biotite-bearing Tienpu Granite (∼100 Ma; G3) that truncated G1, G2, and all fabrics, which was followed by the intrusion of E-W striking, steeply dipping biotite-bearing pegmatite (G4) as the crust further extended. The youngest deformation event (D5) was NE-SW striking subvertical mafic dike swarm (G5; 90–76 Ma) due to mantle upwelling through significantly thinned crust. By integrating the structural evolution and the previously reported strain pattern, we delineate the slab rollback direction of the Paleo-Pacific plate, which changed from northeastward (129∼114 Ma) to southeastward (107∼76 Ma). This plate kinematic movement switched during 114–107 Ma.
How to cite: Huang, T.-H., Yeh, M. W., and Lo, C.-H.: Structural Evolution of Extended Continental Crust Deciphered From the Cretaceous Batholith in SE China, a Kinmen Island Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4543, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4543, 2021.
The continental crust of southeast Asia underwent from thickening, thinning to almost rifting during the Mesozoic era as the active continental margin transformed into a passive one. Such crustal thinning history is well-preserved in the Kinmen Island, as the lower crustal granitoids retrograded and rapidly exhumed to surface that were crosscutted by mafic dike swarm. Kinmen Island is situated on the SE coast of Asia, featured by the widespread Cretaceous magmatism as the Paleo-Pacific plate subducted and rollbacked underneath the South China block. Although these complex magmatism are well reported and studied, their associated structural evolution and plate kinematics have not been clearly deciphered. Detailed field mapping, structural measurement, and petrographic analysis of the Kinmen Island were conducted. Up to five deformation events accompanied with five relevant magmatic episodes as well as their corresponding kinematic setting are reconstructed. The ∼129 Ma Chenggong Tonalite (G1) preserved all deformation events identified in this study, which marks the lower bound timing of all reported events. D1 formed a gneiss dome with the Taiwushan Granite (∼139 Ma) at the core bounded by moderately dipping gneissic foliation (S1) as crust extended. D2 formed subhorizontal S-tectonite (S2) with further exhumation of D1 gneiss dome due to middle-to-lower crustal flow associated with further crustal thinning. D3 formed a sinistral ENE-WSW striking steeply S dipping shear belts with well-developed S/C/C’ fabrics. The moderately E-plunging lineation on C surface indicates its transtensional nature. Widespread garnet-bearing leucogranite (G2) associated with decompressional melting showed long lasting intrusion prior to D2 until post D3. D4 was the intrusion of biotite-bearing Tienpu Granite (∼100 Ma; G3) that truncated G1, G2, and all fabrics, which was followed by the intrusion of E-W striking, steeply dipping biotite-bearing pegmatite (G4) as the crust further extended. The youngest deformation event (D5) was NE-SW striking subvertical mafic dike swarm (G5; 90–76 Ma) due to mantle upwelling through significantly thinned crust. By integrating the structural evolution and the previously reported strain pattern, we delineate the slab rollback direction of the Paleo-Pacific plate, which changed from northeastward (129∼114 Ma) to southeastward (107∼76 Ma). This plate kinematic movement switched during 114–107 Ma.
How to cite: Huang, T.-H., Yeh, M. W., and Lo, C.-H.: Structural Evolution of Extended Continental Crust Deciphered From the Cretaceous Batholith in SE China, a Kinmen Island Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4543, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4543, 2021.
EGU21-1625 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
The continent-ocean transition architecture and breakup mechanism at the mid-northern South China SeaCuimei Zhang, Zhen Sun, Gianreto Manatschal, Xiong Pang, Sanzhong Li, Daniel Sauter, and Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic
Ocean Continent Transition (OCT) located between the edge of the continental and unequivocal oceanic crust is an ideal laboratory to understand one of the most fundamental processes of Plate Tectonics, namely the mechanism of formation of a new plate boundary, also referred to as lithospheric breakup. However, the location and architecture of the OCT and the processes governing the rupture of continental lithosphere and creation of new oceanic crust remain debated. In this paper, we present newly released high-resolution seismic reflection profiles that image the complete transition from unambiguous continental to oceanic crust in the mid-northern South China Sea (SCS), accompanied with IODP drill hole and gravity data, with the aim to map the OCT and explore where, when and how lithospheric breakup occur.
Based on observations and interpretations we define the limits of OCT. The results show that OCT corresponds to hybrid crust resulting from the complex interaction between crustal thinning along detachment systems and accretion of new syn-tectonic igneous materials. The observations suggest a sharp along strike transition in the OCT from a lower to an upper plate setting over a lateral distance of 25 km. The breakup in the northern SCS and the conjugate margin occurred asymmetrically and was accomplished by core-complex type structures related to a successive oceanward transition from tectonic to magma-controlled processes during plate separation. The along-strike variability in the basement architecture and the abrupt flip in detachment polarity in the OCT imply a sharp transfer fault to explain the segmentation of the margin. Such segmentation results from inherited pre-rift crustal and/or lithospheric heterogeneities. It is important to note that the segmentation did not control breakup and subsequent oceanic accretion.
How to cite: Zhang, C., Sun, Z., Manatschal, G., Pang, X., Li, S., Sauter, D., and Peron-Pinvidic, G.: The continent-ocean transition architecture and breakup mechanism at the mid-northern South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1625, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1625, 2021.
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Ocean Continent Transition (OCT) located between the edge of the continental and unequivocal oceanic crust is an ideal laboratory to understand one of the most fundamental processes of Plate Tectonics, namely the mechanism of formation of a new plate boundary, also referred to as lithospheric breakup. However, the location and architecture of the OCT and the processes governing the rupture of continental lithosphere and creation of new oceanic crust remain debated. In this paper, we present newly released high-resolution seismic reflection profiles that image the complete transition from unambiguous continental to oceanic crust in the mid-northern South China Sea (SCS), accompanied with IODP drill hole and gravity data, with the aim to map the OCT and explore where, when and how lithospheric breakup occur.
Based on observations and interpretations we define the limits of OCT. The results show that OCT corresponds to hybrid crust resulting from the complex interaction between crustal thinning along detachment systems and accretion of new syn-tectonic igneous materials. The observations suggest a sharp along strike transition in the OCT from a lower to an upper plate setting over a lateral distance of 25 km. The breakup in the northern SCS and the conjugate margin occurred asymmetrically and was accomplished by core-complex type structures related to a successive oceanward transition from tectonic to magma-controlled processes during plate separation. The along-strike variability in the basement architecture and the abrupt flip in detachment polarity in the OCT imply a sharp transfer fault to explain the segmentation of the margin. Such segmentation results from inherited pre-rift crustal and/or lithospheric heterogeneities. It is important to note that the segmentation did not control breakup and subsequent oceanic accretion.
How to cite: Zhang, C., Sun, Z., Manatschal, G., Pang, X., Li, S., Sauter, D., and Peron-Pinvidic, G.: The continent-ocean transition architecture and breakup mechanism at the mid-northern South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1625, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1625, 2021.
EGU21-2444 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Cenozoic subsidence characteristics and evolution at a hyper-extended continental margin: Revealed by 3D high-resolution seismic data from the Baiyun Sag, northern South China SeaPenggao Fang, Weiwei Ding, and Yanghui Zhao
The hyper-extended continental crust in the passive margins, which recording the extensional processes in relation with the breakup of continental crust and lithosphere as well as the onset of seafloor spreading, have been widely recognized and studied at present-day rifted margins. The Baiyun Sag (BS) represents one of the hyper-extended continental marginal basins with a sharply thinned continental crust from 25 km to 7 km over a ~ 50 km distance along the Northern South China Sea, which experienced syn-rift to post-rift during the Cenozoic. Although the Cenozoic infill of the BS has been extensively described, newly acquired 3D seismic profiles revealed a thick succession (up to 10 km) with thicken syn-rift but relatively thin post-rift strata particularly well imaged in the central part. The imaged succession is controlled by the interaction between well-developed detachment systems and depth-dependent stretching, resulting in different and complex subsidence architecture. Attempts had been made to quantify the subsidence in the BS, while most studies were only carried out in a limit set with one or few 2D seismic sections and generally focused on the post-rift subsidence but ignoring that in the syn-rift stage. As result, we investigate the interaction between spatial-temporal distributions of tectonic subsidence from continent break-up to post-rift and the evolution of hyper-extended rift systems along the relatively young age passive margins.
In this presentation we analyze the vertical and horizontal motions of tectonic subsidence and sedimentary processes with integrated high-quality multi-channel seismic profile grid data (~30 seismic sections). This study enables us to 1) interpret the main unconformities and analyze the depth conversion of the BS, 2) reconstruct the tectonic subsidence from syn-rift to post-rift, 3) provide a 3D subsidence analysis unravelling the temporal and spatial architecture of Cenozoic infill of the BS. The main objectives of this contribution is to discuss the possible mechanisms accounting for the origin and subsidence at the BS, reveal its interrelationships with magmatic activities, and explore the style of rift to post-rift subsidence pattern at a hyper-extended continental margin.
How to cite: Fang, P., Ding, W., and Zhao, Y.: Cenozoic subsidence characteristics and evolution at a hyper-extended continental margin: Revealed by 3D high-resolution seismic data from the Baiyun Sag, northern South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2444, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2444, 2021.
The hyper-extended continental crust in the passive margins, which recording the extensional processes in relation with the breakup of continental crust and lithosphere as well as the onset of seafloor spreading, have been widely recognized and studied at present-day rifted margins. The Baiyun Sag (BS) represents one of the hyper-extended continental marginal basins with a sharply thinned continental crust from 25 km to 7 km over a ~ 50 km distance along the Northern South China Sea, which experienced syn-rift to post-rift during the Cenozoic. Although the Cenozoic infill of the BS has been extensively described, newly acquired 3D seismic profiles revealed a thick succession (up to 10 km) with thicken syn-rift but relatively thin post-rift strata particularly well imaged in the central part. The imaged succession is controlled by the interaction between well-developed detachment systems and depth-dependent stretching, resulting in different and complex subsidence architecture. Attempts had been made to quantify the subsidence in the BS, while most studies were only carried out in a limit set with one or few 2D seismic sections and generally focused on the post-rift subsidence but ignoring that in the syn-rift stage. As result, we investigate the interaction between spatial-temporal distributions of tectonic subsidence from continent break-up to post-rift and the evolution of hyper-extended rift systems along the relatively young age passive margins.
In this presentation we analyze the vertical and horizontal motions of tectonic subsidence and sedimentary processes with integrated high-quality multi-channel seismic profile grid data (~30 seismic sections). This study enables us to 1) interpret the main unconformities and analyze the depth conversion of the BS, 2) reconstruct the tectonic subsidence from syn-rift to post-rift, 3) provide a 3D subsidence analysis unravelling the temporal and spatial architecture of Cenozoic infill of the BS. The main objectives of this contribution is to discuss the possible mechanisms accounting for the origin and subsidence at the BS, reveal its interrelationships with magmatic activities, and explore the style of rift to post-rift subsidence pattern at a hyper-extended continental margin.
How to cite: Fang, P., Ding, W., and Zhao, Y.: Cenozoic subsidence characteristics and evolution at a hyper-extended continental margin: Revealed by 3D high-resolution seismic data from the Baiyun Sag, northern South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2444, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2444, 2021.
EGU21-8366 * | vPICO presentations | TS6.1 | Highlight
Unusual Mw 7.0 Extensional Aegean Earthquake Related to African Slab Rollback and Formation of Extensional Plate Boundary in AnatoliaJiannan Meng, Ozan Sinoplu, Zhipeng Zhou, Bulent Tokay, Timothy Kusky, Erdin Bozkurt, and Lu Wang
A devastating M 7.0 earthquake on October 30, 2020, offshore Samos Island, Greece, was a consequence of the Aegean and Anatolian upper crust being pulled apart by north-south extensional stresses resulting from slab rollback, where the African plate is subducting northwards beneath Eurasia, while the slab is sinking by gravitational forces, causing it to retreat southwards. Since the retreating African slab is coupled with the overriding plate, it tears the upper plate apart as it retreats, breaking it into numerous small plates with frequent earthquakes along their boundaries. The earthquake happened offshore of the extensional Büyük Menderes Graben, where a 150 km long, 10 km wide, incipient upper plate rift system formed in the Anatolian plate, showing that the entire Aegean-Western Anatolian region is being pulled apart by extensional stresses related to the slab rollback. Earthquake solutions and fault plane studies around western Anatolia support this spectacular extension, and show that the modern extension was preceded on many faults by oblique extension and strike-slip motions, perhaps reflecting a change in tectonic setting from sideways escape from the Africa-Arabia collision with Eurasia, to the pure extension related to slab rollback of the African plate, and the retreat of the Hellenic trench. Historical earthquake swarms and deformation of the upper plate in the Aegean have been associated with massive volcanism and cataclysmic devastation, such as the M 7.7 Amorgos earthquake in July 1956 between the islands of Naxos and Santorini (Thera). Even more notable was the eruption of Santorini 3650 years ago, which contributed to the fall of the Minoan civilization. The Samos earthquake highlights the long historical lack of appreciation of links between deep tectonic processes and upper crustal deformation and geological hazards, and is a harbinger of future earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, establishing a basis for studies to institute better protection of infrastructure and upper plate cultures in the region. Further detailed studies are needed in this area to better understand and predict earthquake frequency, possible locations, and to establish better building codes to protect people's lives and property.
How to cite: Meng, J., Sinoplu, O., Zhou, Z., Tokay, B., Kusky, T., Bozkurt, E., and Wang, L.: Unusual Mw 7.0 Extensional Aegean Earthquake Related to African Slab Rollback and Formation of Extensional Plate Boundary in Anatolia , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8366, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8366, 2021.
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A devastating M 7.0 earthquake on October 30, 2020, offshore Samos Island, Greece, was a consequence of the Aegean and Anatolian upper crust being pulled apart by north-south extensional stresses resulting from slab rollback, where the African plate is subducting northwards beneath Eurasia, while the slab is sinking by gravitational forces, causing it to retreat southwards. Since the retreating African slab is coupled with the overriding plate, it tears the upper plate apart as it retreats, breaking it into numerous small plates with frequent earthquakes along their boundaries. The earthquake happened offshore of the extensional Büyük Menderes Graben, where a 150 km long, 10 km wide, incipient upper plate rift system formed in the Anatolian plate, showing that the entire Aegean-Western Anatolian region is being pulled apart by extensional stresses related to the slab rollback. Earthquake solutions and fault plane studies around western Anatolia support this spectacular extension, and show that the modern extension was preceded on many faults by oblique extension and strike-slip motions, perhaps reflecting a change in tectonic setting from sideways escape from the Africa-Arabia collision with Eurasia, to the pure extension related to slab rollback of the African plate, and the retreat of the Hellenic trench. Historical earthquake swarms and deformation of the upper plate in the Aegean have been associated with massive volcanism and cataclysmic devastation, such as the M 7.7 Amorgos earthquake in July 1956 between the islands of Naxos and Santorini (Thera). Even more notable was the eruption of Santorini 3650 years ago, which contributed to the fall of the Minoan civilization. The Samos earthquake highlights the long historical lack of appreciation of links between deep tectonic processes and upper crustal deformation and geological hazards, and is a harbinger of future earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, establishing a basis for studies to institute better protection of infrastructure and upper plate cultures in the region. Further detailed studies are needed in this area to better understand and predict earthquake frequency, possible locations, and to establish better building codes to protect people's lives and property.
How to cite: Meng, J., Sinoplu, O., Zhou, Z., Tokay, B., Kusky, T., Bozkurt, E., and Wang, L.: Unusual Mw 7.0 Extensional Aegean Earthquake Related to African Slab Rollback and Formation of Extensional Plate Boundary in Anatolia , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8366, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8366, 2021.
EGU21-8632 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Fluid circulations associated with the necking of the crust: the example of the Mont-Blanc detachment faultNicolas Dall'asta, Guilhem Hoareau, Gianreto Manatschal, and Charlotte Ribes
The external crystalline massifs of the Alps, which include the Mont-Blanc massif, are found in between the external and internal parts of the orogen. The external parts correspond to the proximal domain of the Alpine Tethys (Helvetic domain), whereas the internal part corresponds to the former distal domain of the margin (Penninic domain). Therefore, the Mont-Blanc massif is a key place for understanding the proximal-distal transition during Jurassic rifting of the Alpine Tethys.
Despite numerous seismic observations at modern passive margins, the tectono-sedimentary and fluid evolution recorded in these domains called necking zone remain poorly understood. Many questions remain concerning the thermal evolution, the origin and composition of the fluids, their link to large-scale hydrothermal systems, and the impact of element transfer on the diagenesis of syn-rift sediments.
Here we focus on the Col du Bonhomme (southern Mont-Blanc massif near Bourg St-Maurice, France), where late Triassic / early Jurassic to late Jurassic sediments preserve pre-Alpine contacts between the sediment and the basement. The syn-rift sedimentary tract is composed of Sinemurian to Pliensbachian sandstones called “Grès Singuliers”, lying unconformably above the pre-rift and over an exhumed fault plane corresponding to the top basement.
Characterization of the faults and overlying sediments requires a multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach combining field observation, petrography, sedimentology, structural geology, and geochemistry. The protolith of the fault rocks is a Variscan migmatitic gneiss. The damaged zone consists of cataclasites and the core zone is made of black gouge. The gouge is overlaid conformably by Liassic sandstones that contain reworked clasts of cataclasite. The observations that the top basement fault is cut by a Pliensbachian high-angle normal fault and Triassic clasts occur in the gouge enables to date this fault as Early Jurassic.
At the micro scale, the basement shows hydratation leading to chloritization of biotite and sericitisation of feldspaths (orthoclase and plagioclase). A strong hydration-assisted deformation with increase of deformation toward the fault core leads to the formation of cataclasites. They are composed of quartz, sericite with small remnants of orthoclase, chlorites with secondary pyrites and rutiles. The fault core is a black gouge with grain size comminuition and mineral neoformation.
Evidence for fluid flow is observed in the fault leading to the hydrothermal alteration of the basement (sericitisation of feldspath and corrosion of quartz) and the formation of syn-gouge quartz and quartz-adularia veins in the black gouge (datation using the Rb-Sr an adularia and U-Pb on calcite method is in progress) .
Based on our observations we interpret the fault observed at Col du Bonhomme as a Jurassic exhumation fault associated with the necking of the European crust during Jurassic rifting. This preliminary work shows that the fault acted as an important pathway for crustal fluids with important transfer of silica and at least K, Fe and Ti. The Col du Bonhomme area gives an opportunity to study fluid circulation and basement alteration along a rift-related detachment fault in the necking domain and therefore to understand fluid-mediated element mobility during rifting.
Keywords : Detachment fault, Mont-Blanc massif, Fluid circulation , Alpine Tethys, Necking zone
How to cite: Dall'asta, N., Hoareau, G., Manatschal, G., and Ribes, C.: Fluid circulations associated with the necking of the crust: the example of the Mont-Blanc detachment fault, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8632, 2021.
The external crystalline massifs of the Alps, which include the Mont-Blanc massif, are found in between the external and internal parts of the orogen. The external parts correspond to the proximal domain of the Alpine Tethys (Helvetic domain), whereas the internal part corresponds to the former distal domain of the margin (Penninic domain). Therefore, the Mont-Blanc massif is a key place for understanding the proximal-distal transition during Jurassic rifting of the Alpine Tethys.
Despite numerous seismic observations at modern passive margins, the tectono-sedimentary and fluid evolution recorded in these domains called necking zone remain poorly understood. Many questions remain concerning the thermal evolution, the origin and composition of the fluids, their link to large-scale hydrothermal systems, and the impact of element transfer on the diagenesis of syn-rift sediments.
Here we focus on the Col du Bonhomme (southern Mont-Blanc massif near Bourg St-Maurice, France), where late Triassic / early Jurassic to late Jurassic sediments preserve pre-Alpine contacts between the sediment and the basement. The syn-rift sedimentary tract is composed of Sinemurian to Pliensbachian sandstones called “Grès Singuliers”, lying unconformably above the pre-rift and over an exhumed fault plane corresponding to the top basement.
Characterization of the faults and overlying sediments requires a multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach combining field observation, petrography, sedimentology, structural geology, and geochemistry. The protolith of the fault rocks is a Variscan migmatitic gneiss. The damaged zone consists of cataclasites and the core zone is made of black gouge. The gouge is overlaid conformably by Liassic sandstones that contain reworked clasts of cataclasite. The observations that the top basement fault is cut by a Pliensbachian high-angle normal fault and Triassic clasts occur in the gouge enables to date this fault as Early Jurassic.
At the micro scale, the basement shows hydratation leading to chloritization of biotite and sericitisation of feldspaths (orthoclase and plagioclase). A strong hydration-assisted deformation with increase of deformation toward the fault core leads to the formation of cataclasites. They are composed of quartz, sericite with small remnants of orthoclase, chlorites with secondary pyrites and rutiles. The fault core is a black gouge with grain size comminuition and mineral neoformation.
Evidence for fluid flow is observed in the fault leading to the hydrothermal alteration of the basement (sericitisation of feldspath and corrosion of quartz) and the formation of syn-gouge quartz and quartz-adularia veins in the black gouge (datation using the Rb-Sr an adularia and U-Pb on calcite method is in progress) .
Based on our observations we interpret the fault observed at Col du Bonhomme as a Jurassic exhumation fault associated with the necking of the European crust during Jurassic rifting. This preliminary work shows that the fault acted as an important pathway for crustal fluids with important transfer of silica and at least K, Fe and Ti. The Col du Bonhomme area gives an opportunity to study fluid circulation and basement alteration along a rift-related detachment fault in the necking domain and therefore to understand fluid-mediated element mobility during rifting.
Keywords : Detachment fault, Mont-Blanc massif, Fluid circulation , Alpine Tethys, Necking zone
How to cite: Dall'asta, N., Hoareau, G., Manatschal, G., and Ribes, C.: Fluid circulations associated with the necking of the crust: the example of the Mont-Blanc detachment fault, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8632, 2021.
EGU21-2822 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Lithospheric architecture of the Ligurian Basin from seismic travel time tomographyAnke Dannowski, Heidrun Kopp, Ingo Grevemeyer, Grazia Caielli, Roberto de Franco, Dietrich Lange, Martin Thorwart, Christian Filbrandt, Cruise participants msm71, and AlpArray Working Group
The Ligurian Basin is located north-west of Corsica at the transition from the western Alpine orogen to the Apennine system. The Back-arc basin was generated by the southeast retreat of the Apennines-Calabrian subduction zone. The opening took place from late Oligocene to Miocene. While the extension led to extreme continental thinning little is known about the style of back-arc rifting. Today, seismicity indicates the closure of this back-arc basin. In the basin, earthquake clusters occur in the lower crust and uppermost mantle and are related to re-activated, inverted, normal faults created during rifting.
To shed light on the present day crustal and lithospheric architecture of the Ligurian Basin, active seismic data have been recorded on short period ocean bottom seismometers in the framework of SPP2017 4D-MB, the German component of AlpArray. An amphibious refraction seismic profile was shot across the Ligurian Basin in an E-W direction from the Gulf of Lion to Corsica. The profile comprises 35 OBS and three land stations at Corsica to give a complete image of the continental thinning including the necking zone.
The majority of the refraction seismic data show mantle phases with offsets up to 70 km. The arrivals of seismic phases were picked and used to generate a 2-D P-wave velocity model. The results show a crust-mantle boundary in the central basin at ~12 km depth below sea surface. The P-wave velocities in the crust reach 6.6 km/s at the base. The uppermost mantle shows velocities >7.8 km/s. The crust-mantle boundary becomes shallower from ~18 km to ~12 km depth within 30 km from Corsica towards the basin centre. The velocity model does not reveal an axial valley as expected for oceanic spreading. Further, it is difficult to interpret the seismic data whether the continental lithosphere was thinned until the mantle was exposed to the seafloor. However, an extremely thinned continental crust indicates a long lasting rifting process that possibly did not initiate oceanic spreading before the opening of the Ligurian Basin stopped. The distribution of earthquakes and their fault plane solutions, projected along our seismic velocity model, is in-line with the counter-clockwise opening of the Ligurian Basin.
How to cite: Dannowski, A., Kopp, H., Grevemeyer, I., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Lange, D., Thorwart, M., Filbrandt, C., msm71, C. P., and Working Group, A.: Lithospheric architecture of the Ligurian Basin from seismic travel time tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2822, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2822, 2021.
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The Ligurian Basin is located north-west of Corsica at the transition from the western Alpine orogen to the Apennine system. The Back-arc basin was generated by the southeast retreat of the Apennines-Calabrian subduction zone. The opening took place from late Oligocene to Miocene. While the extension led to extreme continental thinning little is known about the style of back-arc rifting. Today, seismicity indicates the closure of this back-arc basin. In the basin, earthquake clusters occur in the lower crust and uppermost mantle and are related to re-activated, inverted, normal faults created during rifting.
To shed light on the present day crustal and lithospheric architecture of the Ligurian Basin, active seismic data have been recorded on short period ocean bottom seismometers in the framework of SPP2017 4D-MB, the German component of AlpArray. An amphibious refraction seismic profile was shot across the Ligurian Basin in an E-W direction from the Gulf of Lion to Corsica. The profile comprises 35 OBS and three land stations at Corsica to give a complete image of the continental thinning including the necking zone.
The majority of the refraction seismic data show mantle phases with offsets up to 70 km. The arrivals of seismic phases were picked and used to generate a 2-D P-wave velocity model. The results show a crust-mantle boundary in the central basin at ~12 km depth below sea surface. The P-wave velocities in the crust reach 6.6 km/s at the base. The uppermost mantle shows velocities >7.8 km/s. The crust-mantle boundary becomes shallower from ~18 km to ~12 km depth within 30 km from Corsica towards the basin centre. The velocity model does not reveal an axial valley as expected for oceanic spreading. Further, it is difficult to interpret the seismic data whether the continental lithosphere was thinned until the mantle was exposed to the seafloor. However, an extremely thinned continental crust indicates a long lasting rifting process that possibly did not initiate oceanic spreading before the opening of the Ligurian Basin stopped. The distribution of earthquakes and their fault plane solutions, projected along our seismic velocity model, is in-line with the counter-clockwise opening of the Ligurian Basin.
How to cite: Dannowski, A., Kopp, H., Grevemeyer, I., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Lange, D., Thorwart, M., Filbrandt, C., msm71, C. P., and Working Group, A.: Lithospheric architecture of the Ligurian Basin from seismic travel time tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2822, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2822, 2021.
EGU21-1825 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Some evidence for a wide fan-shaped extension of the East Antarctic plate at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transitionEgidio Armadillo, Daniele Rizzello, Pietro Balbi, Davide Scafidi, Andrea Zunino, Fausto Ferraccioli, Guy Paxman, Alessandro Ghirotto, and Martin Siegert
The Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) separate the Mesozoic to recent West Antarctic rift system (WARS) from a wide and depressed triangular sector of East Antarctica spanning from 100° E to 160° E in longitude and from the Oates, George V and Adelie coastlines to 85° S in latitude. The sub-ice bedrock of this sector shows a basin and range style topography comprising two major basins of continental proportions -the Wilkes Basin and the Aurora Basin complex- and many smaller basins such as the Adventure, Concordia, Aurora and Vostok trenches. Most of these basins and trenches exhibit a triangular shape with the acutest angle pointing approximatively to a single pole towards the South, giving a fan shaped pattern of significant dimensions. We name here this region as the East Antarctic Fan shaped Basin Province (EAFBP). To the West, this province is limited by the intraplate Gamburtsev Mountains (GM).
Origins and inter-relationships between these four fundamental Antarctic tectonic units (WARS, TAM, EAFBP, GM) are still poorly understood and strongly debated. In the EAFBP, very little is known about the mechanism generating the basins, their formation time, whether they are all coeval and if and how they relate to Australia basins before Antarctica-Australia rifting. Present genetic hypotheses for some of the basins span from continental rifting to a purely flexural origin or a combination of the two. Also, post-tectonic erosional and depositional processes may have had a significant impact on the present-day topographic configuration.
Here we investigate the possibility that the EAFBP is the result of a single genetic mechanism: a wide fan-shaped intra-continental extension around a pivot point at about 135° E, 85° S that occurred at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition. We discuss evidence from the sub-ice topography and potential field airborne and satellite data.
We have used international community-based Antarctic compilations in public domain, including BedMachine (Morlighem et al., 2020), AntGG (Scheinert et al., 2016) and ADMAP 2.0 (Golynsky et al., 2018). We have applied image segmentation techniques to the rebounded sub-ice topography to automatically trace the first order shape of the sub-ice basins. Then we have fitted the edges of the basins by maximum circles and we have estimated the best Euler pole identified by their intersection. Potential field anomalies have been taken into account in order to enlighten major discontinuities not revealed by the sub-ice topography.
Software simulations of the EAFBP opening in the frame of global plate tectonics reconstructions indicate that it may be inserted in the frame of the later phase of the Antarctica-Australia rifting, giving constraints on timing that allow us to date the EAFBP opening at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition.
The reconnaissance of the EAFBP as the result of a continental-scale fan-shaped extension may have deep implications on global and regional tectonics plate reconstructions, plate deformation assumptions and new tectonic evolutionary models of WARS, TAM and GM.
How to cite: Armadillo, E., Rizzello, D., Balbi, P., Scafidi, D., Zunino, A., Ferraccioli, F., Paxman, G., Ghirotto, A., and Siegert, M.: Some evidence for a wide fan-shaped extension of the East Antarctic plate at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1825, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1825, 2021.
The Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) separate the Mesozoic to recent West Antarctic rift system (WARS) from a wide and depressed triangular sector of East Antarctica spanning from 100° E to 160° E in longitude and from the Oates, George V and Adelie coastlines to 85° S in latitude. The sub-ice bedrock of this sector shows a basin and range style topography comprising two major basins of continental proportions -the Wilkes Basin and the Aurora Basin complex- and many smaller basins such as the Adventure, Concordia, Aurora and Vostok trenches. Most of these basins and trenches exhibit a triangular shape with the acutest angle pointing approximatively to a single pole towards the South, giving a fan shaped pattern of significant dimensions. We name here this region as the East Antarctic Fan shaped Basin Province (EAFBP). To the West, this province is limited by the intraplate Gamburtsev Mountains (GM).
Origins and inter-relationships between these four fundamental Antarctic tectonic units (WARS, TAM, EAFBP, GM) are still poorly understood and strongly debated. In the EAFBP, very little is known about the mechanism generating the basins, their formation time, whether they are all coeval and if and how they relate to Australia basins before Antarctica-Australia rifting. Present genetic hypotheses for some of the basins span from continental rifting to a purely flexural origin or a combination of the two. Also, post-tectonic erosional and depositional processes may have had a significant impact on the present-day topographic configuration.
Here we investigate the possibility that the EAFBP is the result of a single genetic mechanism: a wide fan-shaped intra-continental extension around a pivot point at about 135° E, 85° S that occurred at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition. We discuss evidence from the sub-ice topography and potential field airborne and satellite data.
We have used international community-based Antarctic compilations in public domain, including BedMachine (Morlighem et al., 2020), AntGG (Scheinert et al., 2016) and ADMAP 2.0 (Golynsky et al., 2018). We have applied image segmentation techniques to the rebounded sub-ice topography to automatically trace the first order shape of the sub-ice basins. Then we have fitted the edges of the basins by maximum circles and we have estimated the best Euler pole identified by their intersection. Potential field anomalies have been taken into account in order to enlighten major discontinuities not revealed by the sub-ice topography.
Software simulations of the EAFBP opening in the frame of global plate tectonics reconstructions indicate that it may be inserted in the frame of the later phase of the Antarctica-Australia rifting, giving constraints on timing that allow us to date the EAFBP opening at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition.
The reconnaissance of the EAFBP as the result of a continental-scale fan-shaped extension may have deep implications on global and regional tectonics plate reconstructions, plate deformation assumptions and new tectonic evolutionary models of WARS, TAM and GM.
How to cite: Armadillo, E., Rizzello, D., Balbi, P., Scafidi, D., Zunino, A., Ferraccioli, F., Paxman, G., Ghirotto, A., and Siegert, M.: Some evidence for a wide fan-shaped extension of the East Antarctic plate at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1825, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1825, 2021.
EGU21-9481 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Detachment Faulting, Successive Incision and Controls on Supradetachment Basin Formation at the Mid-Norwegian Rifted MarginJulie Linnéa Sehested Gresseth, Per Terje Osmundsen, and Gwenn Péron-Pinvidic
Detachment fault systems recording displacements in the order of 10s to 100s of km remain poorly understood compared to smaller scale normal faults. The evolutionary models developed for the growth and interaction of Andersonian-type faults are not fully applicable to these large-magnitude systems. Consequently, the associated basins - the so-called supradetachment basins - are still poorly understood compared to extensional half-graben basins.
Numerical and analogue 2D modelling have shed light on the mechanisms of footwall back-rotation during progressive extension (rolling hinge model; e.g. Lavier et al., 1999) but the along-strike evolution of such large-scale detachment systems remain poorly understood. It has been proposed that with increasing amounts of extension, detachment faulting favors formation of isostatically induced, longitudinal and transverse folds and consequently basin inversion in the area of maximum displacement (e.g. Kapp et al., 2008; Osmundsen & Péron-Pinvidic, 2018). The 4D configuration of the associated supradetachment basins is then controlled by the growth and (potential) lateral linkage of such faults - which may result in complex geometries.
In this study, we use interpretation of 3D- and 2D seismic reflection data from the necking domain of the Mid-Norwegian rifted margin to discuss the effects of lateral interaction and linkage of extensional detachment faults. The study area demonstrates how successive incision of such master faults may induce a complex structural relief in response to extensional detachment faulting and folding. In the inner parts of the south Vøring and northeastern Møre basins, the Klakk and Main Møre Fault Complexes form the outer necking breakaway complex and the western boundary of the Frøya High. The central Frøya High contains remnants of a metamorphic core complex, which we interpret as an extension parallel turtleback-structure. The turtleback is flanked two main synclinal depocenters constituting a supradetachment basin, whose location corresponds to the crustal taper break associated with the outer necking domain. We attribute the turtleback exhumation to Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous detachment faulting along the Klakk and Main Møre Fault Complexes. Southwest of the Frøya High, the supradetachment basin links the Frøya High Turtleback with the core complex previously interpreted for the Gossa High, near where the Main Møre Fault Complex incises the Slørebotn detachment. The Slørebotn Subbasin consequently forms a synclinal keel basin with rafted blocks, a structural configuration which is recognizable also north of the ‘Frøya High Turtleback’ towards the Halten Terrace. We find that the pre-rift structural template and crustal heterogeneity facilitated differential supradetachment basin configuration during and after Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rifting, and that the supradetachment basin architecture was likely controlled by localized isostatic uplift, lateral linkage and successive incision of large-magnitude normal faults.
How to cite: Gresseth, J. L. S., Osmundsen, P. T., and Péron-Pinvidic, G.: Detachment Faulting, Successive Incision and Controls on Supradetachment Basin Formation at the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9481, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9481, 2021.
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Detachment fault systems recording displacements in the order of 10s to 100s of km remain poorly understood compared to smaller scale normal faults. The evolutionary models developed for the growth and interaction of Andersonian-type faults are not fully applicable to these large-magnitude systems. Consequently, the associated basins - the so-called supradetachment basins - are still poorly understood compared to extensional half-graben basins.
Numerical and analogue 2D modelling have shed light on the mechanisms of footwall back-rotation during progressive extension (rolling hinge model; e.g. Lavier et al., 1999) but the along-strike evolution of such large-scale detachment systems remain poorly understood. It has been proposed that with increasing amounts of extension, detachment faulting favors formation of isostatically induced, longitudinal and transverse folds and consequently basin inversion in the area of maximum displacement (e.g. Kapp et al., 2008; Osmundsen & Péron-Pinvidic, 2018). The 4D configuration of the associated supradetachment basins is then controlled by the growth and (potential) lateral linkage of such faults - which may result in complex geometries.
In this study, we use interpretation of 3D- and 2D seismic reflection data from the necking domain of the Mid-Norwegian rifted margin to discuss the effects of lateral interaction and linkage of extensional detachment faults. The study area demonstrates how successive incision of such master faults may induce a complex structural relief in response to extensional detachment faulting and folding. In the inner parts of the south Vøring and northeastern Møre basins, the Klakk and Main Møre Fault Complexes form the outer necking breakaway complex and the western boundary of the Frøya High. The central Frøya High contains remnants of a metamorphic core complex, which we interpret as an extension parallel turtleback-structure. The turtleback is flanked two main synclinal depocenters constituting a supradetachment basin, whose location corresponds to the crustal taper break associated with the outer necking domain. We attribute the turtleback exhumation to Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous detachment faulting along the Klakk and Main Møre Fault Complexes. Southwest of the Frøya High, the supradetachment basin links the Frøya High Turtleback with the core complex previously interpreted for the Gossa High, near where the Main Møre Fault Complex incises the Slørebotn detachment. The Slørebotn Subbasin consequently forms a synclinal keel basin with rafted blocks, a structural configuration which is recognizable also north of the ‘Frøya High Turtleback’ towards the Halten Terrace. We find that the pre-rift structural template and crustal heterogeneity facilitated differential supradetachment basin configuration during and after Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rifting, and that the supradetachment basin architecture was likely controlled by localized isostatic uplift, lateral linkage and successive incision of large-magnitude normal faults.
How to cite: Gresseth, J. L. S., Osmundsen, P. T., and Péron-Pinvidic, G.: Detachment Faulting, Successive Incision and Controls on Supradetachment Basin Formation at the Mid-Norwegian Rifted Margin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9481, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9481, 2021.
EGU21-3352 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
The importance of Iberia for the restoration of the Mesozoic Alpine TethysGianluca Frasca, Gianreto Manatschal, Patricia Cadenas, Jordi Mirò, and Rodolphe Lescoutre
Fossil remnants of rifted margins sampled in orogens enable to unravel the nature of rocks, structures and conditions controlling the formation of rifted margins and lithosphere breakup. However, a major problem in orogens is that disconnected remnants of only one margin are preserved, while the conjugate has often been subducted and/or obliterated during convergence. Thus, our understanding of rift processes leading to lithosphere breakup is hampered by the impossibility to direct access to well-preserved examples of conjugate rifted margins fossilised onshore. Here we focus our attention on the Mesozoic Alpine Tethys, bounded by the European and African plates and interleaving crustal blocks such Iberia and Adria. Two key points have to be resolved in order to reconstruct conjugate distal margins in the Alpine Tethys paleogeographic setting. First, a restoration of the European western side of the Alpine Tethys has to be performed. Second, the position of Iberia during the Mesozoic has to be restored taking into account the evolution and opening of the southern North Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay. Here we propose a new Mesozoic kinematic model for Iberia, which is compatible at a first order and large scale with recently published data and interpretations from the North Iberian margin and the Pyrenean domain. We discuss the impact of the results for the reconstruction of the Alpine Tethys.
How to cite: Frasca, G., Manatschal, G., Cadenas, P., Mirò, J., and Lescoutre, R.: The importance of Iberia for the restoration of the Mesozoic Alpine Tethys, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3352, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3352, 2021.
Fossil remnants of rifted margins sampled in orogens enable to unravel the nature of rocks, structures and conditions controlling the formation of rifted margins and lithosphere breakup. However, a major problem in orogens is that disconnected remnants of only one margin are preserved, while the conjugate has often been subducted and/or obliterated during convergence. Thus, our understanding of rift processes leading to lithosphere breakup is hampered by the impossibility to direct access to well-preserved examples of conjugate rifted margins fossilised onshore. Here we focus our attention on the Mesozoic Alpine Tethys, bounded by the European and African plates and interleaving crustal blocks such Iberia and Adria. Two key points have to be resolved in order to reconstruct conjugate distal margins in the Alpine Tethys paleogeographic setting. First, a restoration of the European western side of the Alpine Tethys has to be performed. Second, the position of Iberia during the Mesozoic has to be restored taking into account the evolution and opening of the southern North Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay. Here we propose a new Mesozoic kinematic model for Iberia, which is compatible at a first order and large scale with recently published data and interpretations from the North Iberian margin and the Pyrenean domain. We discuss the impact of the results for the reconstruction of the Alpine Tethys.
How to cite: Frasca, G., Manatschal, G., Cadenas, P., Mirò, J., and Lescoutre, R.: The importance of Iberia for the restoration of the Mesozoic Alpine Tethys, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3352, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3352, 2021.
EGU21-5369 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Automated reconstruction of the Vøring volcanic margin incorporating non-extensional processesSebastien Gac, Mansour M. Abdelmalak, Jan Inge Faleide, Daniel Schmid, and Dmitrii Zastrozhnov
The Vøring Margin offshore Norway is a typical example of volcanic passive margin. The evolution of the inner Vøring Margin is well explained by standard models of lithosphere extension (McKenzie, 1978). Basin modelling tools based on the assumption of lithosphere extension then satisfactorily simulate the tectonic and thermal evolution of the inner margin.
However, models of extension fail to reproduce key observations at the outer (volcanic) domain of the Vøring Margin. These specific observations include uplift at time of breakup, the presence of SDRs and magma additions at the base of the lower crust usually referred as the lower crustal body and interpreted as magma underplating or highly intruded lower crust. Additional, non-extensional processes are required to satisfy these observations.
Excess magmatism and uplift of the outer margin during the breakup time has been explained by the arrival of the hot Icelandic mantle “plume” (Skogseid et al., 2000) or by other sublithospheric processes such as small-scale convection (van Wijk et al., 2001). Melt retention in the asthenosphere has also been proposed to explain uplift at passive margins (Quirk & Rüpke, 2018). At last, mantle phase transitions caused by pressure and temperature changes in the mantle during extension may contribute to uplift (Simon & Podladchikov, 2008).
These processes must be included in the basin modelling procedure to reliably simulate the evolution of the volcanic margin.
We use the Tecmod2d modelling suite (Rüpke et al., 2008) to simulate the tectono-thermal evolution along two crustal transects crossing the Vøring Margin. Tecmod uses an automated inversion scheme approach. Processes such as magmatic underplating, melt retention, mantle phase transitions, and differential thinning can be taken into account.
We test various tectono-thermal models of the margin evolution that incorporate or not these processes. Models incorporating a plume emplaced at Eocene time and taking into account magmatic processes (melt retention and magmatic underplate) satisfactorily reproduce the specific observations of the outer (volcanic) margin. This result backs the contribution of the hot Iceland plume on the evolution of the Vøring Margin.
McKenzie, D. (1978) Some remarks on development of sedimentary basins. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 40, 25-32.
Quirk, D.G., Rüpke, L.H. Melt-induced buoyancy may explain the elevated rift-rapid sag paradox during breakup of continental plates. Sci Rep 8, 9985 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27981-2
Rüpke, L.H., Schmalholz, S.M., Schmid, D.W. & Podladchikov, Y.Y. (2008) Automated Thermotectonostratigraphic basin reconstruction: Viking Graben case study. AAPG Bull., 92, 309^326.
Simon, N.S.C., Podladchikov, Y.Y., 2008. The effect of mantle composition on density in the extending lithosphere. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.272, 148–157.
Skogseid, J., Planke, S., Faleide, J.I., Pedersen, T., Eldholm, O. & Neverdal, F. (2000)Ne Atlantic continental rifting and volcanic margin formation. In: Dynamics of the NorwegianMargin (Ed. by A.Nottvedt, B.T. Larsen, R.H.Gabrielsen, S. Olaussen, B.Torudbakken, J. Skogseid,H. Brekke & O. Birkeland), Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 167, 295^326.
van Wijk, J. W., Huismans, R. S., Ter Voorde, M., & Cloetingh, S. A. P. L. (2001). Melt generation at volcanic continental margins: No need for a mantle plume? Geophysical Research Letters, 28(20), 3995–3998. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL012848.
How to cite: Gac, S., Abdelmalak, M. M., Faleide, J. I., Schmid, D., and Zastrozhnov, D.: Automated reconstruction of the Vøring volcanic margin incorporating non-extensional processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5369, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5369, 2021.
The Vøring Margin offshore Norway is a typical example of volcanic passive margin. The evolution of the inner Vøring Margin is well explained by standard models of lithosphere extension (McKenzie, 1978). Basin modelling tools based on the assumption of lithosphere extension then satisfactorily simulate the tectonic and thermal evolution of the inner margin.
However, models of extension fail to reproduce key observations at the outer (volcanic) domain of the Vøring Margin. These specific observations include uplift at time of breakup, the presence of SDRs and magma additions at the base of the lower crust usually referred as the lower crustal body and interpreted as magma underplating or highly intruded lower crust. Additional, non-extensional processes are required to satisfy these observations.
Excess magmatism and uplift of the outer margin during the breakup time has been explained by the arrival of the hot Icelandic mantle “plume” (Skogseid et al., 2000) or by other sublithospheric processes such as small-scale convection (van Wijk et al., 2001). Melt retention in the asthenosphere has also been proposed to explain uplift at passive margins (Quirk & Rüpke, 2018). At last, mantle phase transitions caused by pressure and temperature changes in the mantle during extension may contribute to uplift (Simon & Podladchikov, 2008).
These processes must be included in the basin modelling procedure to reliably simulate the evolution of the volcanic margin.
We use the Tecmod2d modelling suite (Rüpke et al., 2008) to simulate the tectono-thermal evolution along two crustal transects crossing the Vøring Margin. Tecmod uses an automated inversion scheme approach. Processes such as magmatic underplating, melt retention, mantle phase transitions, and differential thinning can be taken into account.
We test various tectono-thermal models of the margin evolution that incorporate or not these processes. Models incorporating a plume emplaced at Eocene time and taking into account magmatic processes (melt retention and magmatic underplate) satisfactorily reproduce the specific observations of the outer (volcanic) margin. This result backs the contribution of the hot Iceland plume on the evolution of the Vøring Margin.
McKenzie, D. (1978) Some remarks on development of sedimentary basins. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 40, 25-32.
Quirk, D.G., Rüpke, L.H. Melt-induced buoyancy may explain the elevated rift-rapid sag paradox during breakup of continental plates. Sci Rep 8, 9985 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27981-2
Rüpke, L.H., Schmalholz, S.M., Schmid, D.W. & Podladchikov, Y.Y. (2008) Automated Thermotectonostratigraphic basin reconstruction: Viking Graben case study. AAPG Bull., 92, 309^326.
Simon, N.S.C., Podladchikov, Y.Y., 2008. The effect of mantle composition on density in the extending lithosphere. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.272, 148–157.
Skogseid, J., Planke, S., Faleide, J.I., Pedersen, T., Eldholm, O. & Neverdal, F. (2000)Ne Atlantic continental rifting and volcanic margin formation. In: Dynamics of the NorwegianMargin (Ed. by A.Nottvedt, B.T. Larsen, R.H.Gabrielsen, S. Olaussen, B.Torudbakken, J. Skogseid,H. Brekke & O. Birkeland), Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 167, 295^326.
van Wijk, J. W., Huismans, R. S., Ter Voorde, M., & Cloetingh, S. A. P. L. (2001). Melt generation at volcanic continental margins: No need for a mantle plume? Geophysical Research Letters, 28(20), 3995–3998. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL012848.
How to cite: Gac, S., Abdelmalak, M. M., Faleide, J. I., Schmid, D., and Zastrozhnov, D.: Automated reconstruction of the Vøring volcanic margin incorporating non-extensional processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5369, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5369, 2021.
EGU21-4877 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Modelling thermal lithospheric thickness along the conjugate South Atlantic passive margins implies asymmetric rift initiationPeter Haas, R. Dietmar Müller, Jörg Ebbing, Gregory A. Houseman, Nils-Peter Finger, and Mikhail K. Kaban
In this contribution, we examine the evolution of the South Atlantic passive margins, based on a new thermal lithosphere-asthenosphere-boundary (LAB) model. Our model is calculated by 1D advection and diffusion with rifting time, crustal thickness and stretching factors as input parameters. The initial lithospheric thickness is defined by isostatic equilibrium with laterally variable crustal and mantle density. We simulate the different rifting stages that caused the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean and pick the LAB as the T=1330° C isotherm. The modelled LAB shows a heterogeneous structure with deeper values at equatorial latitudes, as well as a more variable lithosphere along the southern part. This division reflects different stages of the South Atlantic opening: Initial opening of the southern South Atlantic caused substantial lithospheric thinning, followed by the rather oblique-oriented opening of the equatorial South Atlantic accompanied by severe thinning. Compared to global models, our LAB reflects a higher variability associated with tectonic features on a smaller scale. As an example, we identify anomalously high lithospheric thickness in the South American Santos Basin that is only poorly observed in global LAB models. Comparing the LAB of the conjugate South American and African passive margins in a Gondwana framework reveals a variable lithospheric architecture for the southern parts. Strong differences up to 80 km for selected margin segments correlate with strong gradients in margin width for conjugate pairs. This mutual asymmetry suggests highly asymmetric melting and lithospheric thinning prior to rifting.
How to cite: Haas, P., Müller, R. D., Ebbing, J., Houseman, G. A., Finger, N.-P., and Kaban, M. K.: Modelling thermal lithospheric thickness along the conjugate South Atlantic passive margins implies asymmetric rift initiation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4877, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4877, 2021.
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In this contribution, we examine the evolution of the South Atlantic passive margins, based on a new thermal lithosphere-asthenosphere-boundary (LAB) model. Our model is calculated by 1D advection and diffusion with rifting time, crustal thickness and stretching factors as input parameters. The initial lithospheric thickness is defined by isostatic equilibrium with laterally variable crustal and mantle density. We simulate the different rifting stages that caused the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean and pick the LAB as the T=1330° C isotherm. The modelled LAB shows a heterogeneous structure with deeper values at equatorial latitudes, as well as a more variable lithosphere along the southern part. This division reflects different stages of the South Atlantic opening: Initial opening of the southern South Atlantic caused substantial lithospheric thinning, followed by the rather oblique-oriented opening of the equatorial South Atlantic accompanied by severe thinning. Compared to global models, our LAB reflects a higher variability associated with tectonic features on a smaller scale. As an example, we identify anomalously high lithospheric thickness in the South American Santos Basin that is only poorly observed in global LAB models. Comparing the LAB of the conjugate South American and African passive margins in a Gondwana framework reveals a variable lithospheric architecture for the southern parts. Strong differences up to 80 km for selected margin segments correlate with strong gradients in margin width for conjugate pairs. This mutual asymmetry suggests highly asymmetric melting and lithospheric thinning prior to rifting.
How to cite: Haas, P., Müller, R. D., Ebbing, J., Houseman, G. A., Finger, N.-P., and Kaban, M. K.: Modelling thermal lithospheric thickness along the conjugate South Atlantic passive margins implies asymmetric rift initiation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4877, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4877, 2021.
EGU21-688 | vPICO presentations | TS6.1
Are complex rift patterns the result of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses, or of multiphase rifting? An analogue modelling studyFrank Zwaan, Pauline Chenin, Duncan Erratt, Gianreto Manatschal, and Guido Schreurs
During extension of the continental lithosphere, deformation often localizes along pre-existing weaknesses originating from previous tectonic phases. When simulating such structures with analogue or numerical methods, modellers often focus on either crustal or mantle heterogeneities. By contrast, here we present results from 3D analogue models to test the combined effect and relative impact of (differently oriented) mantle and crustal weaknesses on rift systems.
Our model set-up involves a rigid base plate fixed to a mobile sidewall. When this sidewall moves outward, the edge of the base plate induces a “velocity discontinuity” (VD) that acts as an upper mantle fault/shear zone in a strong upper mantle. The VD is either parallel to the model axis, or 30˚ oblique. On top of this base plate, we apply a viscous layer representing the ductile lower crust, followed by a sand cover that simulates the brittle upper crust. Crustal weaknesses were either imposed by implementing “seeds” (i.e. ridges of viscous material at the base of the sand layer), or by pre-cutting the sand. Similar to the basal plate edge, we apply different crustal weakness orientations as well.
Without weaknesses in the model crust, an axis-parallel VD forms an axis-parallel rift basin above along the VD. When adding oblique seeds, they strongly localize deformation, creating a series of obliquely oriented graben. Yet the VD still induces faulting along the model axis, leading to the development of offset axial graben as well. Pre-cut faults also localize deformation but are less dominant than the seeds. As a result, the VD has more control and the axial rift structures are much more pronounced. In the oblique VD case, the reference model develops a series of en echelon graben along the VD. Axis-parallel seeds strongly localize faulting, to such a degree that the effect of the VD is very much overruled. Pre-cut faults allow more influence from the VD, but still dominate the system. Doubling the extension rate increases the strength of the viscous layer, enhancing coupling between the VD and sand cover, so that a series of en echelon graben crosscutting the seed-induced structures develop.
We find that the orientation and relative weakness of inherited weaknesses in the mantle and crust, as well as extension rates control subsequent rift structures. These structures and their relative evolution can be complex due to the interplay of the above factors, and importantly, all develop under the same pure shear extensional boundary condition. Our results show that very differently oriented rift structures can form during one phase of extension without the need to invoke multiple rift phases. Furthermore, coupling can change over time due to changes in extension velocity or gradual thinning of the lower crust, thus affecting rift evolution. These findings provide a strong incentive to reassess the tectonic history of various natural examples.
How to cite: Zwaan, F., Chenin, P., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., and Schreurs, G.: Are complex rift patterns the result of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses, or of multiphase rifting? An analogue modelling study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-688, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-688, 2021.
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During extension of the continental lithosphere, deformation often localizes along pre-existing weaknesses originating from previous tectonic phases. When simulating such structures with analogue or numerical methods, modellers often focus on either crustal or mantle heterogeneities. By contrast, here we present results from 3D analogue models to test the combined effect and relative impact of (differently oriented) mantle and crustal weaknesses on rift systems.
Our model set-up involves a rigid base plate fixed to a mobile sidewall. When this sidewall moves outward, the edge of the base plate induces a “velocity discontinuity” (VD) that acts as an upper mantle fault/shear zone in a strong upper mantle. The VD is either parallel to the model axis, or 30˚ oblique. On top of this base plate, we apply a viscous layer representing the ductile lower crust, followed by a sand cover that simulates the brittle upper crust. Crustal weaknesses were either imposed by implementing “seeds” (i.e. ridges of viscous material at the base of the sand layer), or by pre-cutting the sand. Similar to the basal plate edge, we apply different crustal weakness orientations as well.
Without weaknesses in the model crust, an axis-parallel VD forms an axis-parallel rift basin above along the VD. When adding oblique seeds, they strongly localize deformation, creating a series of obliquely oriented graben. Yet the VD still induces faulting along the model axis, leading to the development of offset axial graben as well. Pre-cut faults also localize deformation but are less dominant than the seeds. As a result, the VD has more control and the axial rift structures are much more pronounced. In the oblique VD case, the reference model develops a series of en echelon graben along the VD. Axis-parallel seeds strongly localize faulting, to such a degree that the effect of the VD is very much overruled. Pre-cut faults allow more influence from the VD, but still dominate the system. Doubling the extension rate increases the strength of the viscous layer, enhancing coupling between the VD and sand cover, so that a series of en echelon graben crosscutting the seed-induced structures develop.
We find that the orientation and relative weakness of inherited weaknesses in the mantle and crust, as well as extension rates control subsequent rift structures. These structures and their relative evolution can be complex due to the interplay of the above factors, and importantly, all develop under the same pure shear extensional boundary condition. Our results show that very differently oriented rift structures can form during one phase of extension without the need to invoke multiple rift phases. Furthermore, coupling can change over time due to changes in extension velocity or gradual thinning of the lower crust, thus affecting rift evolution. These findings provide a strong incentive to reassess the tectonic history of various natural examples.
How to cite: Zwaan, F., Chenin, P., Erratt, D., Manatschal, G., and Schreurs, G.: Are complex rift patterns the result of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses, or of multiphase rifting? An analogue modelling study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-688, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-688, 2021.
TS7.1 – Dynamics and structural evolution of fold-and-thrust belts: From nature to models across spatial and temporal scales
EGU21-13767 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
The Role of Isostasy in the Evolution of Thin-Skinned Fold and Thrust BeltYouseph Ibrahim and Patrice Rey
The stacking of thrust sheets and mass transfer of sediment during fold and thrust belt accretion imposes a load on the basement and underlying mantle. This load induces an isostatic adjustment through a flexural response, which may also contribute to the overall architecture of the fold and thrust belt. Whereas plate kinematics imposes its tempo to evolving fold and thrust belts, the rheology of the mantle controls the tempo of the isostatic flexure. Using two-dimensional high-resolution numerical experiments, we explore how the interplay between the tectonic compressional rate and the isostatic flexural rate influences the structural evolution and final architecture of fold and thrust belts.
We run a suite of numerical experiments using the well-tested code Underworld. Our geological model is mapped over a 42 km by 16 km numerical grid, with a cell resolution of 80 m. The geological model consists from top to bottom of ‘sticky air’, 4 km of sediment that alternates in competence at 500 m intervals, a 3 km thick basement, and a basal layer which - in combination with a basal kinematic boundary condition - controls the amount of isostatic flexure. Materials have a mechanical behavior that results from elasto-visco-plastic rheology. The pressure at the base of the model is held constant, and the vertical velocity is updated at each timestep. The amount of material entering or exiting the model at each point along the base scales with the density of the basal layer, which is used to control the isostatic rate. Sedimentation and erosion are self-consistent through mechanical erosion and a hillslope diffusion law. Our models show that as the ratio between tectonic and flexural rates decreases (i.e. flexure gets faster), fold and thrust belts become narrower, lower in elevation, and structurally more complex. We compare these results with natural analogs including the Cordilleran and Jura fold and thrust belts.
How to cite: Ibrahim, Y. and Rey, P.: The Role of Isostasy in the Evolution of Thin-Skinned Fold and Thrust Belt, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13767, 2021.
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The stacking of thrust sheets and mass transfer of sediment during fold and thrust belt accretion imposes a load on the basement and underlying mantle. This load induces an isostatic adjustment through a flexural response, which may also contribute to the overall architecture of the fold and thrust belt. Whereas plate kinematics imposes its tempo to evolving fold and thrust belts, the rheology of the mantle controls the tempo of the isostatic flexure. Using two-dimensional high-resolution numerical experiments, we explore how the interplay between the tectonic compressional rate and the isostatic flexural rate influences the structural evolution and final architecture of fold and thrust belts.
We run a suite of numerical experiments using the well-tested code Underworld. Our geological model is mapped over a 42 km by 16 km numerical grid, with a cell resolution of 80 m. The geological model consists from top to bottom of ‘sticky air’, 4 km of sediment that alternates in competence at 500 m intervals, a 3 km thick basement, and a basal layer which - in combination with a basal kinematic boundary condition - controls the amount of isostatic flexure. Materials have a mechanical behavior that results from elasto-visco-plastic rheology. The pressure at the base of the model is held constant, and the vertical velocity is updated at each timestep. The amount of material entering or exiting the model at each point along the base scales with the density of the basal layer, which is used to control the isostatic rate. Sedimentation and erosion are self-consistent through mechanical erosion and a hillslope diffusion law. Our models show that as the ratio between tectonic and flexural rates decreases (i.e. flexure gets faster), fold and thrust belts become narrower, lower in elevation, and structurally more complex. We compare these results with natural analogs including the Cordilleran and Jura fold and thrust belts.
How to cite: Ibrahim, Y. and Rey, P.: The Role of Isostasy in the Evolution of Thin-Skinned Fold and Thrust Belt, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13767, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13767, 2021.
EGU21-5075 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Spatially varying ductile structures in fold-and-thrust belts: insights from laboratory experimentsSreetama Roy, Santanu Bose, and Puspendu Saha
Fold and thrust belts (FTBs), formed by the collision of two continental plates, accommodate tectonic convergence through folding and faulting of crustal rocks. The effects of distributed deformation although ubiquitous in all fold-and-thrust belts, regionally occurring ductile structures are often interpreted as an outcome of localized deformation. Our study presents 3D laboratory-scale models using a viscous thin sheet as crustal layer to investigate the evolution of distributed ductile strain in FTBs. Here, we tested the role of mechanical coupling at the basal decollement (i.e., weak versus strong) on the nature of ductile strain variations within a deforming tectonic wedge. Convergence velocity has been kept constant in all experiments to avoid the influence of rate-dependence on viscous rheology. Our results reveal that the mode of wedge growth with changing basal coupling is crucial for varying strain pattern towards the hinterland. Weak decollement models yield a zone of constriction towards the central part of the hinterland, explaining the occurrence of isolated patches of L-tectonites and cross-folds in FTBs; while strong decollement condition allows the gravity-driven flow to be dominant over horizontal shortening, leading to rotation of earlier structures and formation of orogen-parallel recumbent folds, particularly towards the hinterland. The deformation towards the frontal part of the tectonic wedge, irrespective of coupling strength in both models is similar, forming a characteristic pattern of pervasive, hinterland dipping ductile fabrics. We correlate our findings to infer that spatio-temporal variations in basal coupling are responsible for the development of variably occurring ductile structures in FTBs.
How to cite: Roy, S., Bose, S., and Saha, P.: Spatially varying ductile structures in fold-and-thrust belts: insights from laboratory experiments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5075, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5075, 2021.
Fold and thrust belts (FTBs), formed by the collision of two continental plates, accommodate tectonic convergence through folding and faulting of crustal rocks. The effects of distributed deformation although ubiquitous in all fold-and-thrust belts, regionally occurring ductile structures are often interpreted as an outcome of localized deformation. Our study presents 3D laboratory-scale models using a viscous thin sheet as crustal layer to investigate the evolution of distributed ductile strain in FTBs. Here, we tested the role of mechanical coupling at the basal decollement (i.e., weak versus strong) on the nature of ductile strain variations within a deforming tectonic wedge. Convergence velocity has been kept constant in all experiments to avoid the influence of rate-dependence on viscous rheology. Our results reveal that the mode of wedge growth with changing basal coupling is crucial for varying strain pattern towards the hinterland. Weak decollement models yield a zone of constriction towards the central part of the hinterland, explaining the occurrence of isolated patches of L-tectonites and cross-folds in FTBs; while strong decollement condition allows the gravity-driven flow to be dominant over horizontal shortening, leading to rotation of earlier structures and formation of orogen-parallel recumbent folds, particularly towards the hinterland. The deformation towards the frontal part of the tectonic wedge, irrespective of coupling strength in both models is similar, forming a characteristic pattern of pervasive, hinterland dipping ductile fabrics. We correlate our findings to infer that spatio-temporal variations in basal coupling are responsible for the development of variably occurring ductile structures in FTBs.
How to cite: Roy, S., Bose, S., and Saha, P.: Spatially varying ductile structures in fold-and-thrust belts: insights from laboratory experiments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5075, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5075, 2021.
EGU21-4162 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
A discussion of the (re)activation of basement structures during multi-phase shortening in thin- and thick-skinned stylesNicolas Molnar and Susanne Buiter
Shortening in fold-and-thrust belts can be accommodated with little or substantial basement involvement, with the former, thin-skinned, style arguably being the more common (Pfiffner, GSA Special Paper, 2006). Experimental studies on thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts have confirmed critical taper theory and have highlighted the roles of bulk rheology, embedded weak layers, décollement strength, and surface processes in structural evolution. However, analogue models of thick-skinned fold-and-thrust belts are less common, which may be related to practical challenges involved in shortening thick layers of brittle materials. Here we focus on basement fault reactivation, which has been suggested for several fold-and-thrust belts, such as the Swiss Alps, the Laramide belt in North America and the Sierras Pampeanas in South America, which show evidence of deep-rooted thrust systems, pointing to a thick-skinned style of shortening.
Within an orogenic system, the shortening style may change between thin- and thick-skinned in space (foreland to hinterland) and time. This raises the question how inherited structures from one shortening phase may influence the next. We aim to use analogue experiments of multi-phase shortening to discuss the effects of deep-seated shortening-related inherited structures, such as thrusts and basement topography, on the structural evolution of fold-and-thrust belts.
We employ a push-type experimental apparatus that can impose shortening in both thick- and thin-skinned style. The device has two independently moving backstops, permitting to change between these shortening styles over time, allowing the simulation of multiple contractional scenarios. We start with an initial stage of thick-skinned shortening, followed by either thin- or thick-skinned reactivation. We use quartz sand to simulate crustal materials and microbeads for embedded weak (sedimentary) layers. Surface and lateral strain, as well as topography, is quantified using a high-resolution particle imaging velocimetry and digital photogrammetry monitoring system.
We will present preliminary results of this innovative experimental approach with the objective of discussing to what extent pre-existing conditions in the basement control the geometric, kinematic, and mechanical evolution of thick-skinned and basement-involved thin-skinned tectonics. In this presentation, we hope for a discussion of mechanisms of localisation of shortening in brittle analogue models, of sequences of thin- and thick-skinned deformation expected during multi-phase shortening, and comparisons to ongoing research and natural observations. Questions we aim to discuss are: Can weaknesses and anisotropies within the basement influence and control later structural evolution? Are pre-existing structures, such as thrusts or shear zones within the basement, responsible for subsequent fault nucleation, thin-skinned folding or basement uplift? What role does the rheology of the basement-cover interface play in the reactivation of basement thrusts? Can we model these reactivations with an analogue setup?
How to cite: Molnar, N. and Buiter, S.: A discussion of the (re)activation of basement structures during multi-phase shortening in thin- and thick-skinned styles, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4162, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4162, 2021.
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Shortening in fold-and-thrust belts can be accommodated with little or substantial basement involvement, with the former, thin-skinned, style arguably being the more common (Pfiffner, GSA Special Paper, 2006). Experimental studies on thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts have confirmed critical taper theory and have highlighted the roles of bulk rheology, embedded weak layers, décollement strength, and surface processes in structural evolution. However, analogue models of thick-skinned fold-and-thrust belts are less common, which may be related to practical challenges involved in shortening thick layers of brittle materials. Here we focus on basement fault reactivation, which has been suggested for several fold-and-thrust belts, such as the Swiss Alps, the Laramide belt in North America and the Sierras Pampeanas in South America, which show evidence of deep-rooted thrust systems, pointing to a thick-skinned style of shortening.
Within an orogenic system, the shortening style may change between thin- and thick-skinned in space (foreland to hinterland) and time. This raises the question how inherited structures from one shortening phase may influence the next. We aim to use analogue experiments of multi-phase shortening to discuss the effects of deep-seated shortening-related inherited structures, such as thrusts and basement topography, on the structural evolution of fold-and-thrust belts.
We employ a push-type experimental apparatus that can impose shortening in both thick- and thin-skinned style. The device has two independently moving backstops, permitting to change between these shortening styles over time, allowing the simulation of multiple contractional scenarios. We start with an initial stage of thick-skinned shortening, followed by either thin- or thick-skinned reactivation. We use quartz sand to simulate crustal materials and microbeads for embedded weak (sedimentary) layers. Surface and lateral strain, as well as topography, is quantified using a high-resolution particle imaging velocimetry and digital photogrammetry monitoring system.
We will present preliminary results of this innovative experimental approach with the objective of discussing to what extent pre-existing conditions in the basement control the geometric, kinematic, and mechanical evolution of thick-skinned and basement-involved thin-skinned tectonics. In this presentation, we hope for a discussion of mechanisms of localisation of shortening in brittle analogue models, of sequences of thin- and thick-skinned deformation expected during multi-phase shortening, and comparisons to ongoing research and natural observations. Questions we aim to discuss are: Can weaknesses and anisotropies within the basement influence and control later structural evolution? Are pre-existing structures, such as thrusts or shear zones within the basement, responsible for subsequent fault nucleation, thin-skinned folding or basement uplift? What role does the rheology of the basement-cover interface play in the reactivation of basement thrusts? Can we model these reactivations with an analogue setup?
How to cite: Molnar, N. and Buiter, S.: A discussion of the (re)activation of basement structures during multi-phase shortening in thin- and thick-skinned styles, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4162, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4162, 2021.
EGU21-2609 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
The role of inherited structures and basin geometry during the 3D inversion of a passive continental margin: the case of the Doldenhorn-Aar Massif system (Central Swiss Alps)Ferdinando Musso Piantelli, David Mair, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, Eva Kurmann, Michael Wiederkehr, Fritz Schlunegger, Roland Baumberger, and Andreas Möri
Inversion of passive margins and their transportation into fold-and-thrust belts is a critical stage of mountain building processes and their structural interpretation is fundamental for understanding collisional orogens. Due to the multitude of parameters that influence their formation (e.g. the interaction between sedimentary cover and basement, the mechanical stratigraphy or the rheology of different rock types) as well as along-strike internal variations, a single cross-sectional view is insufficient in exploring the 3D evolution of a fold-and-thrust belt. Hence, a 3D geological characterization is required to better comprehend such complex systems. Based on a detailed digital map, a 3D structural model of the current tectonic situation and sequential retrodeformation, we elaborate the 3D evolution of a part of the former European passive continental margin. In this setting, we focus on the Doldenhorn Nappe (DN) and the underlying western Aar massif (external Central Alps, Switzerland). The DN is part of the Helvetic nappe system and consists of a large-scale recumbent fold with a thin inverted limb of intensively deformed sediments (Herwegh and Pfiffner 2005). The sedimentary rocks of the DN were deposited in Mesozoic-Cenozoic times in a small-sized basin, which has been inverted during the compression of the Alpine orogeny (Burkhard 1988). Along NNW-SSE striking geological cross-sections, restoration techniques reveal the original asymmetric triangular shape of the DN basin and how the basin has been exhumed from ~ -12 km (Berger et al. 2020) to its present position at 4km elevation above sea level throughout several Alpine deformation stages. Moreover, the model allows to visualize the current structural position of the DN and the massif as well as the geometric and overprinting relationships of the articulated deformation sequence that shaped the investigated area throughout the Alpine evolution. Here we document that: (i) the DN is a strongly non-cylindrical recumbent fold that progressively pinches out toward the NE; (ii) significant along-strike (W-E) stratigraphy thickness variations are reflected in structural variations from a single basal thrust deformation (W) to an in-sequence thrust deformation (E); and (iii) the progressive exhumation of the basement units towards the E and thrusting towards the N. In this context, special emphasis is given to illustrate how three-dimensional geometry of inherited pre-orogenic structures (e.g., Variscan-Permian and rifting related basement cover structures) play a key role in the structural style of fold-and-thrust belts. In summary, today’s structural position of the DN is the result of the inversion of a small basin in an early stage of thrusting, which was followed by sub-vertical buoyancy driven exhumation of the Aar massif and subsequent thrust related shortening. All three stages are deeply coupled with an original non-cylindrical shape of the former European passive continental margin.
How to cite: Musso Piantelli, F., Mair, D., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., Kurmann, E., Wiederkehr, M., Schlunegger, F., Baumberger, R., and Möri, A.: The role of inherited structures and basin geometry during the 3D inversion of a passive continental margin: the case of the Doldenhorn-Aar Massif system (Central Swiss Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2609, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2609, 2021.
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Inversion of passive margins and their transportation into fold-and-thrust belts is a critical stage of mountain building processes and their structural interpretation is fundamental for understanding collisional orogens. Due to the multitude of parameters that influence their formation (e.g. the interaction between sedimentary cover and basement, the mechanical stratigraphy or the rheology of different rock types) as well as along-strike internal variations, a single cross-sectional view is insufficient in exploring the 3D evolution of a fold-and-thrust belt. Hence, a 3D geological characterization is required to better comprehend such complex systems. Based on a detailed digital map, a 3D structural model of the current tectonic situation and sequential retrodeformation, we elaborate the 3D evolution of a part of the former European passive continental margin. In this setting, we focus on the Doldenhorn Nappe (DN) and the underlying western Aar massif (external Central Alps, Switzerland). The DN is part of the Helvetic nappe system and consists of a large-scale recumbent fold with a thin inverted limb of intensively deformed sediments (Herwegh and Pfiffner 2005). The sedimentary rocks of the DN were deposited in Mesozoic-Cenozoic times in a small-sized basin, which has been inverted during the compression of the Alpine orogeny (Burkhard 1988). Along NNW-SSE striking geological cross-sections, restoration techniques reveal the original asymmetric triangular shape of the DN basin and how the basin has been exhumed from ~ -12 km (Berger et al. 2020) to its present position at 4km elevation above sea level throughout several Alpine deformation stages. Moreover, the model allows to visualize the current structural position of the DN and the massif as well as the geometric and overprinting relationships of the articulated deformation sequence that shaped the investigated area throughout the Alpine evolution. Here we document that: (i) the DN is a strongly non-cylindrical recumbent fold that progressively pinches out toward the NE; (ii) significant along-strike (W-E) stratigraphy thickness variations are reflected in structural variations from a single basal thrust deformation (W) to an in-sequence thrust deformation (E); and (iii) the progressive exhumation of the basement units towards the E and thrusting towards the N. In this context, special emphasis is given to illustrate how three-dimensional geometry of inherited pre-orogenic structures (e.g., Variscan-Permian and rifting related basement cover structures) play a key role in the structural style of fold-and-thrust belts. In summary, today’s structural position of the DN is the result of the inversion of a small basin in an early stage of thrusting, which was followed by sub-vertical buoyancy driven exhumation of the Aar massif and subsequent thrust related shortening. All three stages are deeply coupled with an original non-cylindrical shape of the former European passive continental margin.
How to cite: Musso Piantelli, F., Mair, D., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., Kurmann, E., Wiederkehr, M., Schlunegger, F., Baumberger, R., and Möri, A.: The role of inherited structures and basin geometry during the 3D inversion of a passive continental margin: the case of the Doldenhorn-Aar Massif system (Central Swiss Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2609, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2609, 2021.
EGU21-3417 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
The western termination of the South Pyrenean Triangle Zone; a structural and geophysical characterization.Pablo Santolaria, Concepción Ayala, Emilio L. Pueyo, Félix M. Rubio, Ruth Soto, Pablo Calvín, Aranzazu Luzón, Adriana Rodríguez-Pintó, Carlota Oliván, and Antonio M. Casas-Sainz
The presence of multiple evaporite levels strongly influence the structural style and kinematics of fold-and-thrust belts. Particularly (but not exclusively) in their fronts, it is common for these décollements to favor the formation of triangle zones. In the central portion of the Pyrenees, the South Pyrenean Triangle Zone represents the frontal part of this chain, that involves the Oligocene-Miocene Ebro Basin foreland deposits. We have focused on its western termination, characterized by a salt-cored anticline that laterally passes to a backthrust which dies out to the west. These structures are detached on the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene syntectonic evaporite Barbastro Formation (and lateral equivalents) that acted as a multidetachment unit. To the north, the south-directed Pyrenean thrust unit detached on Middle-Upper Triassic evaporites to finally glide along the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene décollement horizons.
In this contribution, we present a detailed structural and stratigraphic model of this triangle zone termination, constructed accordingly to two major approaches (1) constraining the geometry and structural architecture based on surface geology, interpretation of seismic lines (>900 km) and wells and, (2) obtaining the 3D density distribution of the detachment level (Barbastro Fm. and lateral equivalents as well as deeper, Triassic evaporites) using gravity stochastic inversion by means of more than 7000 gravity stations and 1500 actual density data from surface rocks. All in all, this multidisciplinary approach allows us to characterize the western termination of the South Pyrenean Triangle zone as the transition from a ramp-dominated and multiple triangle zone to a detachment-dominated one whose geometry, kinematics, and location were controlled by the distribution and heterogeneity of the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene syntectonic décollements and the southern pinch-out of the basal detachment of this unit.
How to cite: Santolaria, P., Ayala, C., Pueyo, E. L., Rubio, F. M., Soto, R., Calvín, P., Luzón, A., Rodríguez-Pintó, A., Oliván, C., and Casas-Sainz, A. M.: The western termination of the South Pyrenean Triangle Zone; a structural and geophysical characterization., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3417, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3417, 2021.
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The presence of multiple evaporite levels strongly influence the structural style and kinematics of fold-and-thrust belts. Particularly (but not exclusively) in their fronts, it is common for these décollements to favor the formation of triangle zones. In the central portion of the Pyrenees, the South Pyrenean Triangle Zone represents the frontal part of this chain, that involves the Oligocene-Miocene Ebro Basin foreland deposits. We have focused on its western termination, characterized by a salt-cored anticline that laterally passes to a backthrust which dies out to the west. These structures are detached on the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene syntectonic evaporite Barbastro Formation (and lateral equivalents) that acted as a multidetachment unit. To the north, the south-directed Pyrenean thrust unit detached on Middle-Upper Triassic evaporites to finally glide along the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene décollement horizons.
In this contribution, we present a detailed structural and stratigraphic model of this triangle zone termination, constructed accordingly to two major approaches (1) constraining the geometry and structural architecture based on surface geology, interpretation of seismic lines (>900 km) and wells and, (2) obtaining the 3D density distribution of the detachment level (Barbastro Fm. and lateral equivalents as well as deeper, Triassic evaporites) using gravity stochastic inversion by means of more than 7000 gravity stations and 1500 actual density data from surface rocks. All in all, this multidisciplinary approach allows us to characterize the western termination of the South Pyrenean Triangle zone as the transition from a ramp-dominated and multiple triangle zone to a detachment-dominated one whose geometry, kinematics, and location were controlled by the distribution and heterogeneity of the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene syntectonic décollements and the southern pinch-out of the basal detachment of this unit.
How to cite: Santolaria, P., Ayala, C., Pueyo, E. L., Rubio, F. M., Soto, R., Calvín, P., Luzón, A., Rodríguez-Pintó, A., Oliván, C., and Casas-Sainz, A. M.: The western termination of the South Pyrenean Triangle Zone; a structural and geophysical characterization., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3417, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3417, 2021.
EGU21-8249 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Characterization of a relative gravity minimum in the core of the Pyrenean Axial Zone (Central Pyrenees)Pilar Clariana, Ruth Soto, Conxi Ayala, Aina Margalef, Antonio Casas-Sainz, Teresa Román-Berdiel, Emilio L. Pueyo, Carmen Rey-Moral, Belén Oliva-Urcia, Elisabet Beamud, and Felix M. Rubio
The characterization of the basement architecture of the Pyrenean Axial Zone, backbone of the chain, is crucial to understand its geodynamic evolution and the interplay between tectonism and magmatism. In this work, a new gravity-constrained cross section was built along the Central Pyrenees, between two of the largest Pyrenean Late Variscan granitic complexes, La Maladeta and Andorra-Mont Louis granites, to infer the geometry at depth of the basement host rocks. This cross section is ca. 65 km long and extends from the Mesozoic Bóixols basin in the South to the Late Variscan Bassiès granite to the North, close to the northern end of the Axial Zone. It is based on available geological maps, previous published works and new geological field data; together with newly acquired gravimetric stations (1141), to improve the existent spatial resolution of the gravity data from the databases of the Spanish and Catalan Geological Surveys, and density values from 65 rock samples covering all different lithologies in the cross section. Thus, its geometry at depth is constrained by means of an integrated 2.5D gravity/structural/petrophysical modelling.
The La Maladeta and Andorra-Mont Louis granites appear aligned in a WNW-ESE direction and both lie within the same Alpine basement unit, the Orri thrust sheet. They are separated about 40 km by the WNW-ESE-oriented Llavorsí syncline, formed by Devonian and Silurian rocks and limited to the north and south by south vergent thrusts. This syncline is located between two large Cambro-Ordovician anticlinorium structures, the La Pallaresa and Orri massifs to the north and south respectively, formed by a monotonous alternation of shales and sandstones with some intercalations of limestones and conglomerates affected by very low to medium grade of metamorphism. Most structures show southern vergence along the cross section, and its southern part is characterized by the occurrence of Triassic evaporites, a significant detachment level decoupling deformation between the Paleozoic basement and the Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover rocks.
The observed residual anomaly along the cross section shows a relative maximum, coinciding with the southern edge of the Axial Zone (Nogueras Zone) and southern half of the Orri massif, followed to the north by a relative large minimum. This gravity minimum in the core of the Axial Zone coincides with the northern half of the Orri massif, the Llavorsí syncline and southern half of the La Pallaresa massif and must be related at depth with rocks of lower density with respect to rocks located to the North and South. Two possible solutions have been postulated to explain the presence of lower density rocks: (i) the presence of Triassic evaporites at depth as a continuation to the North of the Triassic evaporites outcropping in the Rialp window located to the South and/or (ii) the presence of buried granitic bodies equivalent to the adjacent La Maladeta and Andorra-Mont Louis granites.
How to cite: Clariana, P., Soto, R., Ayala, C., Margalef, A., Casas-Sainz, A., Román-Berdiel, T., Pueyo, E. L., Rey-Moral, C., Oliva-Urcia, B., Beamud, E., and Rubio, F. M.: Characterization of a relative gravity minimum in the core of the Pyrenean Axial Zone (Central Pyrenees) , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8249, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8249, 2021.
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The characterization of the basement architecture of the Pyrenean Axial Zone, backbone of the chain, is crucial to understand its geodynamic evolution and the interplay between tectonism and magmatism. In this work, a new gravity-constrained cross section was built along the Central Pyrenees, between two of the largest Pyrenean Late Variscan granitic complexes, La Maladeta and Andorra-Mont Louis granites, to infer the geometry at depth of the basement host rocks. This cross section is ca. 65 km long and extends from the Mesozoic Bóixols basin in the South to the Late Variscan Bassiès granite to the North, close to the northern end of the Axial Zone. It is based on available geological maps, previous published works and new geological field data; together with newly acquired gravimetric stations (1141), to improve the existent spatial resolution of the gravity data from the databases of the Spanish and Catalan Geological Surveys, and density values from 65 rock samples covering all different lithologies in the cross section. Thus, its geometry at depth is constrained by means of an integrated 2.5D gravity/structural/petrophysical modelling.
The La Maladeta and Andorra-Mont Louis granites appear aligned in a WNW-ESE direction and both lie within the same Alpine basement unit, the Orri thrust sheet. They are separated about 40 km by the WNW-ESE-oriented Llavorsí syncline, formed by Devonian and Silurian rocks and limited to the north and south by south vergent thrusts. This syncline is located between two large Cambro-Ordovician anticlinorium structures, the La Pallaresa and Orri massifs to the north and south respectively, formed by a monotonous alternation of shales and sandstones with some intercalations of limestones and conglomerates affected by very low to medium grade of metamorphism. Most structures show southern vergence along the cross section, and its southern part is characterized by the occurrence of Triassic evaporites, a significant detachment level decoupling deformation between the Paleozoic basement and the Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover rocks.
The observed residual anomaly along the cross section shows a relative maximum, coinciding with the southern edge of the Axial Zone (Nogueras Zone) and southern half of the Orri massif, followed to the north by a relative large minimum. This gravity minimum in the core of the Axial Zone coincides with the northern half of the Orri massif, the Llavorsí syncline and southern half of the La Pallaresa massif and must be related at depth with rocks of lower density with respect to rocks located to the North and South. Two possible solutions have been postulated to explain the presence of lower density rocks: (i) the presence of Triassic evaporites at depth as a continuation to the North of the Triassic evaporites outcropping in the Rialp window located to the South and/or (ii) the presence of buried granitic bodies equivalent to the adjacent La Maladeta and Andorra-Mont Louis granites.
How to cite: Clariana, P., Soto, R., Ayala, C., Margalef, A., Casas-Sainz, A., Román-Berdiel, T., Pueyo, E. L., Rey-Moral, C., Oliva-Urcia, B., Beamud, E., and Rubio, F. M.: Characterization of a relative gravity minimum in the core of the Pyrenean Axial Zone (Central Pyrenees) , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8249, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8249, 2021.
EGU21-14714 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Paleogene synorogenic sediments of the NE sector of the Ebro Foreland Basin (Spanish Pyrenees)Charlotte Peigney, Elisabet Beamud, Òscar Gratacós, Eduard Roca, Alberto Sáez, Luis Valero, and Josep Anton Muñoz
In foreland settings at the front of active orogens, the aggradation/progradation of fluvial fans and sedimentary changes in lacustrine systems depends greatly on the tectonic activity and the derived drainage pattern changes in the hinterland. As a result of the emplacement and erosion of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets, a system of N-S fluvial fans prograded into the Ebro foreland basin from late Eocene to Oligocene times. After the synorogenic deposition of the Priabonian (late Eocene) marine evaporites of the Cardona Fm, the Ebro Basin was characterized by internal drainage, with the fluvial fans grading to lacustrine systems at the center of the basin, which developed and migrated in response to subsidence changes. All these deposits were deformed by variably oriented salt-detached folds, evidencing the basinwards propagation of the deformation. In this work, we study the Solsona-Sanaüja fluvial fan system by means of litostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy aiming to determine the age of the transition from fluvial fan to lacustrine systems in the NE sector of the Ebro Basin. The precise dating of this succession reveals causal relationships between tectonic and climatic processes affecting the source-to-sink system, including changes in the depositional style linked to the evolution of the Pyrenean fold and thrust belt.
Our new magnetostratigraphic study consisted in the sampling and analysis of 195 samples along a ca. 1800m thick stratigraphic section of the late Eocene-Oligocene succession in the northern limb of the NW-SE oriented Sanaüja Anticline. Our results show overall Priabonian to Rupelian ages for the succession, considering an age of 36 Ma. (C16n) for the top of the Cardona Fm from previous magnetostratigraphic studies. This allows dating the end of the evaporitic sedimentation (top of the Barbastro Fm) as Priabonian and establishing a late Priabonian to early Rupelian (C13r) age for the transition from the younger lacustrine deposits (Torà Fm) to the continuous and most important fluvial fan episode of progradation in the study area. The final progradation of the fluvial fan system was coeval to a tectonically controlled reorganization of the drainage pattern of the basin responding to the emplacement of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets. Meanwhile, smaller scale (hectometric-decametric) alternation between lacustrine and alluvial deposits was possibly driven by climatic changes related to orbital eccentricity cycles. The correlation and integration of these results with previous magnetostratigraphic studies in the area can help analyzing sedimentation patterns and architectural changes in the basin margins at a regional scale.
How to cite: Peigney, C., Beamud, E., Gratacós, Ò., Roca, E., Sáez, A., Valero, L., and Muñoz, J. A.: Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Paleogene synorogenic sediments of the NE sector of the Ebro Foreland Basin (Spanish Pyrenees), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14714, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14714, 2021.
In foreland settings at the front of active orogens, the aggradation/progradation of fluvial fans and sedimentary changes in lacustrine systems depends greatly on the tectonic activity and the derived drainage pattern changes in the hinterland. As a result of the emplacement and erosion of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets, a system of N-S fluvial fans prograded into the Ebro foreland basin from late Eocene to Oligocene times. After the synorogenic deposition of the Priabonian (late Eocene) marine evaporites of the Cardona Fm, the Ebro Basin was characterized by internal drainage, with the fluvial fans grading to lacustrine systems at the center of the basin, which developed and migrated in response to subsidence changes. All these deposits were deformed by variably oriented salt-detached folds, evidencing the basinwards propagation of the deformation. In this work, we study the Solsona-Sanaüja fluvial fan system by means of litostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy aiming to determine the age of the transition from fluvial fan to lacustrine systems in the NE sector of the Ebro Basin. The precise dating of this succession reveals causal relationships between tectonic and climatic processes affecting the source-to-sink system, including changes in the depositional style linked to the evolution of the Pyrenean fold and thrust belt.
Our new magnetostratigraphic study consisted in the sampling and analysis of 195 samples along a ca. 1800m thick stratigraphic section of the late Eocene-Oligocene succession in the northern limb of the NW-SE oriented Sanaüja Anticline. Our results show overall Priabonian to Rupelian ages for the succession, considering an age of 36 Ma. (C16n) for the top of the Cardona Fm from previous magnetostratigraphic studies. This allows dating the end of the evaporitic sedimentation (top of the Barbastro Fm) as Priabonian and establishing a late Priabonian to early Rupelian (C13r) age for the transition from the younger lacustrine deposits (Torà Fm) to the continuous and most important fluvial fan episode of progradation in the study area. The final progradation of the fluvial fan system was coeval to a tectonically controlled reorganization of the drainage pattern of the basin responding to the emplacement of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets. Meanwhile, smaller scale (hectometric-decametric) alternation between lacustrine and alluvial deposits was possibly driven by climatic changes related to orbital eccentricity cycles. The correlation and integration of these results with previous magnetostratigraphic studies in the area can help analyzing sedimentation patterns and architectural changes in the basin margins at a regional scale.
How to cite: Peigney, C., Beamud, E., Gratacós, Ò., Roca, E., Sáez, A., Valero, L., and Muñoz, J. A.: Magnetostratigraphic dating of the Paleogene synorogenic sediments of the NE sector of the Ebro Foreland Basin (Spanish Pyrenees), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14714, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14714, 2021.
EGU21-8977 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Using bedrock thermochronometer systems to constrain fold-thrust belt geometry and kinematics, insight from the eastern Himalayas, Arunachal Pradesh, India.Nadine McQuarrie and Mary Braza
One of the first order questions regarding a cross-section representation through a fold-thrust belt (FTB) is usually “how unique is this geometrical interpretation of the subsurface?” The proposed geometry influences perceptions of inherited structures, decollement horizons, and both rheological and kinematic behavior. Balanced cross sections were developed as a tool to produce more accurate and thus more predictive geological cross sections. While balanced cross sections provide models of subsurface geometry that can reproduce the mapped surface geology, they are non-unique, opening the possibility that different geometries and kinematics may be able to satisfy the same set of observations. The most non-unique aspects of cross sections are: (1) the geometry of structures that is not seen at the surface, and (2) the sequence of thrust faulting. We posit that integrating sequentially restored cross sections with thermokinematic models that calculate the resulting subsurface thermal field and predicted cooling ages of rocks at the surface provides a valuable means to assess the viability of proposed geometry and kinematics. Mineral cooling ages in compressional settings are the outcome of surface uplift and the resulting focused erosion. As such they are most sensitive to the vertical component of the kinematic field imparted by ramps and surface breaking faults in sequential reconstructions of FTB. Because balanced cross sections require that the lengths and locations of hanging-wall and footwall ramps match, they provide a template of the ways in which the location and magnitude of ramps in the basal décollement have evolved with time. Arunachal Pradesh in the eastern Himalayas is an ideal place to look at the sensitivity of cooling ages to different cross section geometries and kinematic models. Recent studies from this portion of the Himalayan FTB include both a suite of different cross section geometries and a robust bedrock thermochronology dataset. The multiple published cross-sections differ in the details of geometry, implied amounts of shortening, kinematic history, and thus exhumation pathways. Published cooling ages data show older ages (6-10 Ma AFT, 12-14 Ma ZFT) in the frontal portions of the FTB and significantly younger ages (2-5 Ma AFT, 6-8 Ma ZFT) in the hinterland. These ages are best reproduced with kinematic sequence that involves early forward propagation of the FTB from 14-10 Ma. The early propagation combined with young hinterland cooling ages require several periods of out-of-sequence faulting. Out-of-sequence faults are concentrated in two windows of time (10-8 Ma and 7-5 Ma) that show systematic northward reactivation of faults. Quantitative integration of cross section geometry, kinematics and cooling ages require notably more complicated kinematic and exhumation pathways than are typically assumed with a simple in-sequence model of cross section deformation. While also non-unique, the updated cross section geometry and kinematics highlight components of geometry, deformation and exhumation that must be included in any valid cross section model for this portion of the eastern Himalaya.
How to cite: McQuarrie, N. and Braza, M.: Using bedrock thermochronometer systems to constrain fold-thrust belt geometry and kinematics, insight from the eastern Himalayas, Arunachal Pradesh, India., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8977, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8977, 2021.
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One of the first order questions regarding a cross-section representation through a fold-thrust belt (FTB) is usually “how unique is this geometrical interpretation of the subsurface?” The proposed geometry influences perceptions of inherited structures, decollement horizons, and both rheological and kinematic behavior. Balanced cross sections were developed as a tool to produce more accurate and thus more predictive geological cross sections. While balanced cross sections provide models of subsurface geometry that can reproduce the mapped surface geology, they are non-unique, opening the possibility that different geometries and kinematics may be able to satisfy the same set of observations. The most non-unique aspects of cross sections are: (1) the geometry of structures that is not seen at the surface, and (2) the sequence of thrust faulting. We posit that integrating sequentially restored cross sections with thermokinematic models that calculate the resulting subsurface thermal field and predicted cooling ages of rocks at the surface provides a valuable means to assess the viability of proposed geometry and kinematics. Mineral cooling ages in compressional settings are the outcome of surface uplift and the resulting focused erosion. As such they are most sensitive to the vertical component of the kinematic field imparted by ramps and surface breaking faults in sequential reconstructions of FTB. Because balanced cross sections require that the lengths and locations of hanging-wall and footwall ramps match, they provide a template of the ways in which the location and magnitude of ramps in the basal décollement have evolved with time. Arunachal Pradesh in the eastern Himalayas is an ideal place to look at the sensitivity of cooling ages to different cross section geometries and kinematic models. Recent studies from this portion of the Himalayan FTB include both a suite of different cross section geometries and a robust bedrock thermochronology dataset. The multiple published cross-sections differ in the details of geometry, implied amounts of shortening, kinematic history, and thus exhumation pathways. Published cooling ages data show older ages (6-10 Ma AFT, 12-14 Ma ZFT) in the frontal portions of the FTB and significantly younger ages (2-5 Ma AFT, 6-8 Ma ZFT) in the hinterland. These ages are best reproduced with kinematic sequence that involves early forward propagation of the FTB from 14-10 Ma. The early propagation combined with young hinterland cooling ages require several periods of out-of-sequence faulting. Out-of-sequence faults are concentrated in two windows of time (10-8 Ma and 7-5 Ma) that show systematic northward reactivation of faults. Quantitative integration of cross section geometry, kinematics and cooling ages require notably more complicated kinematic and exhumation pathways than are typically assumed with a simple in-sequence model of cross section deformation. While also non-unique, the updated cross section geometry and kinematics highlight components of geometry, deformation and exhumation that must be included in any valid cross section model for this portion of the eastern Himalaya.
How to cite: McQuarrie, N. and Braza, M.: Using bedrock thermochronometer systems to constrain fold-thrust belt geometry and kinematics, insight from the eastern Himalayas, Arunachal Pradesh, India., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8977, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8977, 2021.
EGU21-3808 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
A comparison of different methods for estimating penetrative strain using natural and synthetic data: A study from the Sikkim HimalayaChirantan Parui and Kathakali Bhattacharyya
Convergence-related shortening gets primarily accommodated in faults, fault-related folds and penetrative strain in fold thrust belts (FTB). For example, in the Himalayan FTB, ~477-919 km minimum orogen-scale shortening is accommodated by a series of folded, south vergent thrust systems that vary laterally in their geometry resulting in laterally varying shortening distribution. From hinterland to foreland, these major thrust faults are the Main Central thrust, the Pelling-Munsiari thrust, the Lesser Himalayan duplex, the Main Boundary thrust, and the Main Frontal thrust. In the Sikkim Himalayan FTB, the structural geometry of these thrust sheets laterally varies over ~15 km. Based on two regional, transport-parallel balanced cross-sections, ~542-589 km minimum wedge-scale shortening has been estimated. To quantify grain-scale shortening, we analyzed 201 thin-sections cut from 96 quartz-rich samples (sandstone, quartzite, phyllite, schist, and gneiss) and calculated penetrative strain from them. Penetrative strain results indicate that ~25-26% of total Himalayan shortening is recorded at the grain-scale in this section of the eastern Himalaya.
In the internal thrust sheets, the strain magnitude (RS) remains higher (~1.4-2.43 ), and it progressively decreases in the frontal thrust sheets (~1.08-1.51). The normalized Fry and the Rf-φ are the two most commonly used graphical methods to estimate best-fit strain ellipse parameters, i.e., RS and φ (long-axis orientation). However, in thrust sheets with less deformed sandstones, where initial grain shapes were not spherical, these graphical methods do not accurately estimate the best-fit strain ellipse parameters. The central vacancy in the Fry plot was objectively fitted using the enhanced normalized Fry (ENFRY), the point-count density (PCD), the continuous function method (CFM), and weighted least square (WLS) methods. From the Rf-φ data, we calculated the best-fit strain ellipse using the shape matrix eigenvector (SME), centroids of the hyperbolic plot (HP), Elliot’s polar graph (EPG), and Rf-φ graph, harmonic mean (HM) and vector mean (VM) methods. In this study, we calculate the accuracy of these strain methods as a function of the strain magnitude and structural position within the orogenic wedge. The SME and HP methods record the lowest bootstrap errors in the strain parameters in the internal thrust sheets. In contrast, RS and φ values estimated by the WLS method records the lowest bootstrap error in the frontal thrust sheets, followed by the SME, HP, and EPG methods. We also created six synthetic aggregates containing 150-170 random elliptical grains with random long-axis orientations. We deformed these aggregates under pure-shear, simple-shear, and general-shear conditions at various strain increments. We have generated 7560 strain data. To understand the accuracy of these strain methods in estimating penetrative strain, we calculated the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for every strain method and every type of deformation. Experimental results indicate that the SME and HP methods record the lowest errors in the RS and φ values. In low strain conditions (RS<1.5), the SME, HP, and EPG methods record lower errors in the strain parameters. Therefore, this study shows that the SME and HP methods overall yield a better penetrative strain estimate.
How to cite: Parui, C. and Bhattacharyya, K.: A comparison of different methods for estimating penetrative strain using natural and synthetic data: A study from the Sikkim Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3808, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3808, 2021.
Convergence-related shortening gets primarily accommodated in faults, fault-related folds and penetrative strain in fold thrust belts (FTB). For example, in the Himalayan FTB, ~477-919 km minimum orogen-scale shortening is accommodated by a series of folded, south vergent thrust systems that vary laterally in their geometry resulting in laterally varying shortening distribution. From hinterland to foreland, these major thrust faults are the Main Central thrust, the Pelling-Munsiari thrust, the Lesser Himalayan duplex, the Main Boundary thrust, and the Main Frontal thrust. In the Sikkim Himalayan FTB, the structural geometry of these thrust sheets laterally varies over ~15 km. Based on two regional, transport-parallel balanced cross-sections, ~542-589 km minimum wedge-scale shortening has been estimated. To quantify grain-scale shortening, we analyzed 201 thin-sections cut from 96 quartz-rich samples (sandstone, quartzite, phyllite, schist, and gneiss) and calculated penetrative strain from them. Penetrative strain results indicate that ~25-26% of total Himalayan shortening is recorded at the grain-scale in this section of the eastern Himalaya.
In the internal thrust sheets, the strain magnitude (RS) remains higher (~1.4-2.43 ), and it progressively decreases in the frontal thrust sheets (~1.08-1.51). The normalized Fry and the Rf-φ are the two most commonly used graphical methods to estimate best-fit strain ellipse parameters, i.e., RS and φ (long-axis orientation). However, in thrust sheets with less deformed sandstones, where initial grain shapes were not spherical, these graphical methods do not accurately estimate the best-fit strain ellipse parameters. The central vacancy in the Fry plot was objectively fitted using the enhanced normalized Fry (ENFRY), the point-count density (PCD), the continuous function method (CFM), and weighted least square (WLS) methods. From the Rf-φ data, we calculated the best-fit strain ellipse using the shape matrix eigenvector (SME), centroids of the hyperbolic plot (HP), Elliot’s polar graph (EPG), and Rf-φ graph, harmonic mean (HM) and vector mean (VM) methods. In this study, we calculate the accuracy of these strain methods as a function of the strain magnitude and structural position within the orogenic wedge. The SME and HP methods record the lowest bootstrap errors in the strain parameters in the internal thrust sheets. In contrast, RS and φ values estimated by the WLS method records the lowest bootstrap error in the frontal thrust sheets, followed by the SME, HP, and EPG methods. We also created six synthetic aggregates containing 150-170 random elliptical grains with random long-axis orientations. We deformed these aggregates under pure-shear, simple-shear, and general-shear conditions at various strain increments. We have generated 7560 strain data. To understand the accuracy of these strain methods in estimating penetrative strain, we calculated the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for every strain method and every type of deformation. Experimental results indicate that the SME and HP methods record the lowest errors in the RS and φ values. In low strain conditions (RS<1.5), the SME, HP, and EPG methods record lower errors in the strain parameters. Therefore, this study shows that the SME and HP methods overall yield a better penetrative strain estimate.
How to cite: Parui, C. and Bhattacharyya, K.: A comparison of different methods for estimating penetrative strain using natural and synthetic data: A study from the Sikkim Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3808, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3808, 2021.
EGU21-3824 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Effect of kinematics of orogenic wedge on kinematic evolutionary paths and deformation profiles of major shear zones: An example from the eastern HimalayaPritam Ghosh and Kathakali Bhattacharyya
We examine how the deformation profile and kinematic evolutionary paths of two major shear zones with prolonged deformation history and large translations differ with varying structural positions along its transport direction in an orogenic wedge. We conduct this analysis on multiple exposures of the internal thrusts from the Sikkim Himalayan fold thrust belt, the Pelling-Munsiari thrust (PT), the roof thrust of the Lesser Himalayan duplex (LHD), and the overlying Main Central thrust (MCT). These two thrusts are regionally folded due to growth of the LHD and are exposed at different structural positions. The hinterlandmost exposures of the MCT and PT zones lie in the trailing parts of the duplex, while the foreland-most exposures of the same studied shear zones lie in the leading part of the duplex, and thus have recorded a greater connectivity with the duplex. The thicknesses of the shear zones progressively decrease toward the leading edge indicating variation in deformation conditions. Thickness-displacement plot reveals strain-softening from all the five studied MCT and the PT mylonite zones. However, the strain-softening mechanisms varied along its transport direction with the hinterland exposures recording dominantly dislocation-creep, while dissolution-creep and reaction-softening are dominant in the forelandmost exposures. Based on overburden estimation, the loss of overburden on the MCT and the PT zones is more in the leading edge (~26km and ~15km, respectively) than in the trailing edge (~10km and ~17km, respectively), during progressive deformation. Based on recalibrated recrystallized quartz grain thermometer (Law, 2014), the estimated deformation temperatures in the trailing edge are higher (~450-650°C) than in the leading edge (350-550°C) of the shear zones. This variation in the deformation conditions is also reflected in the shallow-crustal deformation structures with higher fracture intensity and lower spacing in the leading edge exposures of the shear zones as compared to the trailing edge exposures.
The proportion of mylonitic domains and micaceous minerals within the exposed shear zones increase and grain-size of the constituent minerals decreases progressively along the transport direction. This is also consistent with progressive increase in mean Rs-values toward leading edge exposures of the same shear zones. Additionally, the α-value (stretch ratio) gradually increases toward the foreland-most exposures along with increasing angular shear strain. Vorticity estimates from multiple incremental strain markers indicate that the MCT and PT zones generally record a decelerating strain path. Therefore, the results from this study are counterintuitive to the general observation of a direct relationship between higher Rs-value and higher pure-shear component. We explain this observation in the context of the larger kinematics of the orogen, where the leading edge exposures have passed through the duplex structure, recording the greatest connectivity and most complete deformation history, resulting in the weakest shear zone that is also reflected in the deformation profiles and strain attributes. This study demonstrates that the same shear zone records varying deformation profile, strain and kinematic evolutionary paths due to varying deformation conditions and varying connectivity to the underlying footwall structures during progressive deformation of an orogenic wedge.
How to cite: Ghosh, P. and Bhattacharyya, K.: Effect of kinematics of orogenic wedge on kinematic evolutionary paths and deformation profiles of major shear zones: An example from the eastern Himalaya , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3824, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3824, 2021.
We examine how the deformation profile and kinematic evolutionary paths of two major shear zones with prolonged deformation history and large translations differ with varying structural positions along its transport direction in an orogenic wedge. We conduct this analysis on multiple exposures of the internal thrusts from the Sikkim Himalayan fold thrust belt, the Pelling-Munsiari thrust (PT), the roof thrust of the Lesser Himalayan duplex (LHD), and the overlying Main Central thrust (MCT). These two thrusts are regionally folded due to growth of the LHD and are exposed at different structural positions. The hinterlandmost exposures of the MCT and PT zones lie in the trailing parts of the duplex, while the foreland-most exposures of the same studied shear zones lie in the leading part of the duplex, and thus have recorded a greater connectivity with the duplex. The thicknesses of the shear zones progressively decrease toward the leading edge indicating variation in deformation conditions. Thickness-displacement plot reveals strain-softening from all the five studied MCT and the PT mylonite zones. However, the strain-softening mechanisms varied along its transport direction with the hinterland exposures recording dominantly dislocation-creep, while dissolution-creep and reaction-softening are dominant in the forelandmost exposures. Based on overburden estimation, the loss of overburden on the MCT and the PT zones is more in the leading edge (~26km and ~15km, respectively) than in the trailing edge (~10km and ~17km, respectively), during progressive deformation. Based on recalibrated recrystallized quartz grain thermometer (Law, 2014), the estimated deformation temperatures in the trailing edge are higher (~450-650°C) than in the leading edge (350-550°C) of the shear zones. This variation in the deformation conditions is also reflected in the shallow-crustal deformation structures with higher fracture intensity and lower spacing in the leading edge exposures of the shear zones as compared to the trailing edge exposures.
The proportion of mylonitic domains and micaceous minerals within the exposed shear zones increase and grain-size of the constituent minerals decreases progressively along the transport direction. This is also consistent with progressive increase in mean Rs-values toward leading edge exposures of the same shear zones. Additionally, the α-value (stretch ratio) gradually increases toward the foreland-most exposures along with increasing angular shear strain. Vorticity estimates from multiple incremental strain markers indicate that the MCT and PT zones generally record a decelerating strain path. Therefore, the results from this study are counterintuitive to the general observation of a direct relationship between higher Rs-value and higher pure-shear component. We explain this observation in the context of the larger kinematics of the orogen, where the leading edge exposures have passed through the duplex structure, recording the greatest connectivity and most complete deformation history, resulting in the weakest shear zone that is also reflected in the deformation profiles and strain attributes. This study demonstrates that the same shear zone records varying deformation profile, strain and kinematic evolutionary paths due to varying deformation conditions and varying connectivity to the underlying footwall structures during progressive deformation of an orogenic wedge.
How to cite: Ghosh, P. and Bhattacharyya, K.: Effect of kinematics of orogenic wedge on kinematic evolutionary paths and deformation profiles of major shear zones: An example from the eastern Himalaya , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3824, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3824, 2021.
EGU21-3854 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Strain partitioning within thrust sheets of tectonic windows: Insights from eastern HimalayaJyoti Das and Kathakali Bhattacharyya
In a fold-thrust belt (FTB), penetrative strain within thrust sheets vary in its magnitude, orientation and type. Addressing variation in magnitude and orientation of strain from major thrust sheets in a FTB, both along the transport direction and along-strike, enable us to understand the complexity of strain partitioning during orogeny. Tectonic windows provide an opportunity to understand the impact of footwall structures on finite strain geometry and orientations of the overlying thrust sheets. In this study, we investigate how penetrative strain is partitioned from the internal to the external major thrust sheets in the Siang window in far-eastern Arunachal Himalayan FTB. We also compare these results with similar thrust sheets from well preserved tectonic windows in the eastern Himalaya, i.e., the Teesta window of the Sikkim and Kuru Chu window of the Bhutan Himalayan FTB.
We conduct finite strain analysis on quartz grains using Rf-φ, normalized Fry and Shape Matrix Eigenvector methods. The studied lithologies are gneiss for the internal Pelling-Munsiari-Bomdilla thrust (PT) sheet, while quartzite and sandstone dominantly comprise the external Main Boundary thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal thrust (MFT) sheets. The rocks north of the PT sheet are not accessible. Results from this study indicate that all the studied rocks record an overall flattening strain. Magnitude of the finite penetrative strain decreases from the internal PT sheet to the external MBT, MFT sheets in the Siang window. The long axes of the finite strain ellipsoids (X) generally have a low plunge and vary in bearing, irrespective of the structural positions of the different thrust sheets. Finite strain ellipses are folded along with the thrust sheets indicating that the penetrative strain developed prior to folding of the thrust sheets. The results also indicate that the footwall structures affect the strain geometry in the interior part of the Himalayan wedge. The grain scale shortening percentage is highest for internal PT sheet and it progressively decreases towards the external MFT sheet. The results indicate greater contribution of thrust-parallel stretch than thrust-perpendicular component, in both internal and external thrust sheets in the Siang window. Preliminary results also suggest that the strain magnitude and grain-scale shortening percentage are the lowest, and orientations of X-axes are more variable with respect to the regional transport direction in the far-eastern Siang window as compared to the other westerly lying regional transects of the Himalayan FTB.
How to cite: Das, J. and Bhattacharyya, K.: Strain partitioning within thrust sheets of tectonic windows: Insights from eastern Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3854, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3854, 2021.
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In a fold-thrust belt (FTB), penetrative strain within thrust sheets vary in its magnitude, orientation and type. Addressing variation in magnitude and orientation of strain from major thrust sheets in a FTB, both along the transport direction and along-strike, enable us to understand the complexity of strain partitioning during orogeny. Tectonic windows provide an opportunity to understand the impact of footwall structures on finite strain geometry and orientations of the overlying thrust sheets. In this study, we investigate how penetrative strain is partitioned from the internal to the external major thrust sheets in the Siang window in far-eastern Arunachal Himalayan FTB. We also compare these results with similar thrust sheets from well preserved tectonic windows in the eastern Himalaya, i.e., the Teesta window of the Sikkim and Kuru Chu window of the Bhutan Himalayan FTB.
We conduct finite strain analysis on quartz grains using Rf-φ, normalized Fry and Shape Matrix Eigenvector methods. The studied lithologies are gneiss for the internal Pelling-Munsiari-Bomdilla thrust (PT) sheet, while quartzite and sandstone dominantly comprise the external Main Boundary thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal thrust (MFT) sheets. The rocks north of the PT sheet are not accessible. Results from this study indicate that all the studied rocks record an overall flattening strain. Magnitude of the finite penetrative strain decreases from the internal PT sheet to the external MBT, MFT sheets in the Siang window. The long axes of the finite strain ellipsoids (X) generally have a low plunge and vary in bearing, irrespective of the structural positions of the different thrust sheets. Finite strain ellipses are folded along with the thrust sheets indicating that the penetrative strain developed prior to folding of the thrust sheets. The results also indicate that the footwall structures affect the strain geometry in the interior part of the Himalayan wedge. The grain scale shortening percentage is highest for internal PT sheet and it progressively decreases towards the external MFT sheet. The results indicate greater contribution of thrust-parallel stretch than thrust-perpendicular component, in both internal and external thrust sheets in the Siang window. Preliminary results also suggest that the strain magnitude and grain-scale shortening percentage are the lowest, and orientations of X-axes are more variable with respect to the regional transport direction in the far-eastern Siang window as compared to the other westerly lying regional transects of the Himalayan FTB.
How to cite: Das, J. and Bhattacharyya, K.: Strain partitioning within thrust sheets of tectonic windows: Insights from eastern Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3854, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3854, 2021.
EGU21-9034 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Influence of inherited superposed folding on back-thrusting development: a case study from the Variscan foreland fold-and-thrust belt of SardiniaFabrizio Cocco and Antonio Funedda
The Variscan foreland of SW-Sardinia consists of a Cambrian to lower Carboniferous succession polydeformed under very low-grade metamorphism. It is characterized by the following superposed structures: 1) E-W-trending upright folds; 2) N-S-trending inclined folds, penecontemporaneous with 3) W-ward fore-thrusts, and 4) E-ward back-thrusts.
A peculiar feature of this sector of the Variscan foreland is the widespread occurrence of back-thrusts, apparently more common than fore-thrusts, unlike the majority of foreland fold-and-thrust belts.
Our research focuses on the role played by the folded basement in limiting extensive fore-thrusts development and how fold shape and orientation, along with litho-stratigraphic heterogeneity, influenced the back-thrust geometry.
Generally, back-thrusts occur when the shortening can no longer be accommodated by fore-thrusts, usually because of buttressing induced by fore-thrust-related thickening and duplication of the stratigraphic succession. However, in the segment of Variscan foreland outcropping in SW-Sardinia, back-thrusting seems to be activated by a different mechanism. The inherited structural setting is characterized by two perpendicular generation of superposed folds that gave rise to a type 1 interference pattern with pluri-km-scale domes and basins. In particular, in the western sector of the foreland (i.e., the farthest from the nappe zone thrusted over the foreland) domes are made up of about 500 m thick lower Cambrian sandstone and limestones formations that may have acted as a buttress, hindering fore-thrusting propagation and facilitating extensive E-ward back-thrusting. This is corroborated by the large number of back-thrusts that crop out between the buttress and the nappe front.
In this area, back-thrusts affect the folded sedimentary succession that is progressively younger and weaker E-ward. As commonly accepted in thrust faults, ramps developed in the competent stratigraphic sequence, here made up of sandstones and limestones, and flats in weak stratigraphic horizons, here consisting of marly limestones and shales. As a result, in the study area the dip of back-thrusts decreases towards the nappes front, where the weaker lithologies have been overthrusted.
The back-thrusts’ surface is characterized by discontinuous antiforms and synforms that do not affect the underlaying succession; so, a later deformation phase that folded the back-thrusts can be ruled out. Therefore, the fault plane should have been deformed throughout the back-thrusts growth and development.
Interestingly, strictly relationships can be noticed between the fault plane geometry and the inherited structures in the footwall of the back-thrusts. Where the back-thrusts cut across upright limbs perpendicular to the back-thrust strike, the fault plane shows an antiformal shape; where the back-thrusts take place above the pre-existing synforms with the axis plunging towards the back-thrust dip, the fault plane takes the form of the underlying synforms. Instead, back-thrusts are uninfluenced by pre-existing folds where they cut either synforms with the axis that plunges opposite to the dip direction of the fault plane or antiforms, regardless the plunging direction of their axis.
To conclude, this research highlights the relevant role of the inherited structural setting on fold-and-thrust belt style and suggests that the strata attitude and the axes plunging directions of pre-existing folds could have a control in the back-thrust geometry.
How to cite: Cocco, F. and Funedda, A.: Influence of inherited superposed folding on back-thrusting development: a case study from the Variscan foreland fold-and-thrust belt of Sardinia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9034, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9034, 2021.
The Variscan foreland of SW-Sardinia consists of a Cambrian to lower Carboniferous succession polydeformed under very low-grade metamorphism. It is characterized by the following superposed structures: 1) E-W-trending upright folds; 2) N-S-trending inclined folds, penecontemporaneous with 3) W-ward fore-thrusts, and 4) E-ward back-thrusts.
A peculiar feature of this sector of the Variscan foreland is the widespread occurrence of back-thrusts, apparently more common than fore-thrusts, unlike the majority of foreland fold-and-thrust belts.
Our research focuses on the role played by the folded basement in limiting extensive fore-thrusts development and how fold shape and orientation, along with litho-stratigraphic heterogeneity, influenced the back-thrust geometry.
Generally, back-thrusts occur when the shortening can no longer be accommodated by fore-thrusts, usually because of buttressing induced by fore-thrust-related thickening and duplication of the stratigraphic succession. However, in the segment of Variscan foreland outcropping in SW-Sardinia, back-thrusting seems to be activated by a different mechanism. The inherited structural setting is characterized by two perpendicular generation of superposed folds that gave rise to a type 1 interference pattern with pluri-km-scale domes and basins. In particular, in the western sector of the foreland (i.e., the farthest from the nappe zone thrusted over the foreland) domes are made up of about 500 m thick lower Cambrian sandstone and limestones formations that may have acted as a buttress, hindering fore-thrusting propagation and facilitating extensive E-ward back-thrusting. This is corroborated by the large number of back-thrusts that crop out between the buttress and the nappe front.
In this area, back-thrusts affect the folded sedimentary succession that is progressively younger and weaker E-ward. As commonly accepted in thrust faults, ramps developed in the competent stratigraphic sequence, here made up of sandstones and limestones, and flats in weak stratigraphic horizons, here consisting of marly limestones and shales. As a result, in the study area the dip of back-thrusts decreases towards the nappes front, where the weaker lithologies have been overthrusted.
The back-thrusts’ surface is characterized by discontinuous antiforms and synforms that do not affect the underlaying succession; so, a later deformation phase that folded the back-thrusts can be ruled out. Therefore, the fault plane should have been deformed throughout the back-thrusts growth and development.
Interestingly, strictly relationships can be noticed between the fault plane geometry and the inherited structures in the footwall of the back-thrusts. Where the back-thrusts cut across upright limbs perpendicular to the back-thrust strike, the fault plane shows an antiformal shape; where the back-thrusts take place above the pre-existing synforms with the axis plunging towards the back-thrust dip, the fault plane takes the form of the underlying synforms. Instead, back-thrusts are uninfluenced by pre-existing folds where they cut either synforms with the axis that plunges opposite to the dip direction of the fault plane or antiforms, regardless the plunging direction of their axis.
To conclude, this research highlights the relevant role of the inherited structural setting on fold-and-thrust belt style and suggests that the strata attitude and the axes plunging directions of pre-existing folds could have a control in the back-thrust geometry.
How to cite: Cocco, F. and Funedda, A.: Influence of inherited superposed folding on back-thrusting development: a case study from the Variscan foreland fold-and-thrust belt of Sardinia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9034, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9034, 2021.
EGU21-8600 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
3D geometry and kinematics of the Northern Variscan Thrust Front in Northern France: new insights based on reprocessing and interpretation of seismic reflection profiles.Aurore Laurent, Olivier Averbuch, Laurent Beccaletto, Fabien Graveleau, Frédéric Lacquement, Laure Capar, and Stéphane Marc
In NW Europe, the Upper Carboniferous Variscan collision between Avalonia and the Armorica-Gondwana accretion complex led to the progressive tectonic inversion of the southern Avalonian margin and the development of a crustal-scale north-vergent thrust system propagating outward from the Late Mississippian to the Middle Pennsylvanian (330-305 Ma). The northern Variscan thrust front spreads over 2,000 km across NW Europe. In the Nord-Pas-de-Calais (NPC) coal district area (northern France), its 3D geometry and kinematics have been investigated through the reprocessing and interpretation of 532 km in length of industrial seismic reflection profiles acquired in the 1980s. The seismic interpretations point out the major compressional and extensional tectonic features affecting this fossil, deeply eroded, mountain front, highlighting its very atypical structure and kinematics.
The deformation front is characterized by a main frontal thrust zone localizing most of the northward displacement (i.e. several tens of kilometers) of the Ardennes Allochthonous Unit above the slightly-deformed part of the Avalonian margin, referred to as the Brabant Para-autochthonous Unit. This large displacement induced the underthrusting of the molassic foreland basin (NPC coal basin) over nearly 20 km and was associated to the out-of-sequence dislocation of the mountain front. The underthrust Brabant Para-autochthonous Unit, made of both the Namurian-Westphalian (330-305 Ma) molassic foreland basin and the underlying Mid-Upper Devonian (390-360 Ma) and Dinantian (360-330 Ma) carbonate platform, is deformed by a series of second-order north-vergent thrust faults, often associated with ramp-related folds. These thrust faults are rooted in décollement zones located either at the transition between the Namurian shales and the Dinantian carbonates or in the Famennian shales.
The 3D integration of the seismic interpretations led to the characterization of a major lateral ramp oriented NW-SE, affecting both the main frontal thrust zone and the basal thrust of some Overturned Thrust Sheets developed at its footwall. This lateral ramp represents a major zone of relay along the thrust front, in between two major segments, oriented respectively ENE-WSW to the east and WNW-ESE to the west. At the base of the underthrust Brabant Para-autochthonous Unit, the Mid-Upper Devonian platform is shown to be structured by synsedimentary normal faults responsible for the southward deepening and thickening of the southern Avalonian margin. These faults are oriented along two main directions i.e. N060-080° and N110-130°, that is the general orientation of the future Variscan structures. Overall, the results indicate that the Devonian pre-structuration of the southern Avalonian margin exerted a primary control on the dynamics and segmentation of the Northern Variscan Front in northern France by localizing both the frontal and lateral ramps within the thrust wedge.
How to cite: Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Capar, L., and Marc, S.: 3D geometry and kinematics of the Northern Variscan Thrust Front in Northern France: new insights based on reprocessing and interpretation of seismic reflection profiles., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8600, 2021.
In NW Europe, the Upper Carboniferous Variscan collision between Avalonia and the Armorica-Gondwana accretion complex led to the progressive tectonic inversion of the southern Avalonian margin and the development of a crustal-scale north-vergent thrust system propagating outward from the Late Mississippian to the Middle Pennsylvanian (330-305 Ma). The northern Variscan thrust front spreads over 2,000 km across NW Europe. In the Nord-Pas-de-Calais (NPC) coal district area (northern France), its 3D geometry and kinematics have been investigated through the reprocessing and interpretation of 532 km in length of industrial seismic reflection profiles acquired in the 1980s. The seismic interpretations point out the major compressional and extensional tectonic features affecting this fossil, deeply eroded, mountain front, highlighting its very atypical structure and kinematics.
The deformation front is characterized by a main frontal thrust zone localizing most of the northward displacement (i.e. several tens of kilometers) of the Ardennes Allochthonous Unit above the slightly-deformed part of the Avalonian margin, referred to as the Brabant Para-autochthonous Unit. This large displacement induced the underthrusting of the molassic foreland basin (NPC coal basin) over nearly 20 km and was associated to the out-of-sequence dislocation of the mountain front. The underthrust Brabant Para-autochthonous Unit, made of both the Namurian-Westphalian (330-305 Ma) molassic foreland basin and the underlying Mid-Upper Devonian (390-360 Ma) and Dinantian (360-330 Ma) carbonate platform, is deformed by a series of second-order north-vergent thrust faults, often associated with ramp-related folds. These thrust faults are rooted in décollement zones located either at the transition between the Namurian shales and the Dinantian carbonates or in the Famennian shales.
The 3D integration of the seismic interpretations led to the characterization of a major lateral ramp oriented NW-SE, affecting both the main frontal thrust zone and the basal thrust of some Overturned Thrust Sheets developed at its footwall. This lateral ramp represents a major zone of relay along the thrust front, in between two major segments, oriented respectively ENE-WSW to the east and WNW-ESE to the west. At the base of the underthrust Brabant Para-autochthonous Unit, the Mid-Upper Devonian platform is shown to be structured by synsedimentary normal faults responsible for the southward deepening and thickening of the southern Avalonian margin. These faults are oriented along two main directions i.e. N060-080° and N110-130°, that is the general orientation of the future Variscan structures. Overall, the results indicate that the Devonian pre-structuration of the southern Avalonian margin exerted a primary control on the dynamics and segmentation of the Northern Variscan Front in northern France by localizing both the frontal and lateral ramps within the thrust wedge.
How to cite: Laurent, A., Averbuch, O., Beccaletto, L., Graveleau, F., Lacquement, F., Capar, L., and Marc, S.: 3D geometry and kinematics of the Northern Variscan Thrust Front in Northern France: new insights based on reprocessing and interpretation of seismic reflection profiles., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8600, 2021.
EGU21-3225 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Structure of the Inner Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary borderlands, UK: regional mapping and seismic interpretation yield a refined model for mountain front deformation and inversion.Marios N. Miliorizos, Nicholas Reiss, Nikolaos S. Melis, and William A.J. Rutter
Decades of work has been completed on Variscan geology of the inner Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, yet there are few structural models that correctly portray their regional framework. Many published charts loosely depict the positions, strikes and nature of the Variscan deformation front and its geometry across SE Wales. Thus, we correlate seismic data with coastal outcrop at appropriate scales and detail, to present a refined model for the front.
Coastal outcrops, in conjunction with known crustal-scale seismic data: BIRPS, SWAT and LISPB, are combined with archives of intermediate scale: wide-angle reflection, seismic refraction and reflection records. They justify a reinterpretation of the front and may explain the geometry and kinematics of its foreland. Using these data, we draw new sections from north Devon to South Wales showing the position of structural units, both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, affected either directly by thrusts, folds and disturbances or indirectly through structural inheritance during reactivation.
We correlate extracts from SWAT lines 2 and 3, a reinterpretation of LISPB data and the new fine-scale sections, S-N across the inner channel and W-E across the estuary. They enable the synopsis of crustal-scale data and regional maps. We find from measurement of several hundred lineaments and planes along the borderlands that the predominant orientation is ENE-WSW, unlike the central Bristol Channel which is WNW-ESE. All these, plus outcrop scale geometries and striation analyses, support the new tectonic partition of SE Wales and west of England.
Much information on the partition boundaries can be gathered from the marine geography of the estuary using Admiralty charts that yield accurate soundings. Seabed profiles across the estuary illustrate the positions of bedrock. Many align with onshore structure both locally and on the grander scale and through 3D reconstruction, we find that a crucial confluence of three discrete trends of lineament converge near Flat Holm and Steep Holm and may represent the pristine Variscan WNW, the Caledonoid NE and pervasive NNW trends. These islands in the estuary are sentinels at a boundary to the hybrid terrane that underlies SE Wales.
Mesozoic strata of marginal to distal facies, preserved close to negatively inverted faults with partial growth, mark the reactivated stems of Variscan ramps and NE disturbances with significant thrust displacements. We note two phases of negative inversion require restoration in order to reconstruct the orientations within the Variscan basement. In addition, close examination of late (Tertiary) fault history of the estuary is required to adjust basement trends and displacements to get a better sense of rotation within the Palaeozoic foreland.
Through restoration the new hybrid sub terrane preserves characteristics of Variscan and Caledonoid trending faults and we deduce that a rotation in major thrust trajectory occurred contemporaneously with reactivation of deeper lineaments. This was followed by a structural decapitation as shallow-level thrusts encroached SE Wales, during late stages of the Variscan Orogeny. Finally, the detached stems were incorporated into an imbricate fan which was significantly affected by post-Carboniferous inversion.
How to cite: Miliorizos, M. N., Reiss, N., Melis, N. S., and Rutter, W. A. J.: Structure of the Inner Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary borderlands, UK: regional mapping and seismic interpretation yield a refined model for mountain front deformation and inversion. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3225, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3225, 2021.
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Decades of work has been completed on Variscan geology of the inner Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, yet there are few structural models that correctly portray their regional framework. Many published charts loosely depict the positions, strikes and nature of the Variscan deformation front and its geometry across SE Wales. Thus, we correlate seismic data with coastal outcrop at appropriate scales and detail, to present a refined model for the front.
Coastal outcrops, in conjunction with known crustal-scale seismic data: BIRPS, SWAT and LISPB, are combined with archives of intermediate scale: wide-angle reflection, seismic refraction and reflection records. They justify a reinterpretation of the front and may explain the geometry and kinematics of its foreland. Using these data, we draw new sections from north Devon to South Wales showing the position of structural units, both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, affected either directly by thrusts, folds and disturbances or indirectly through structural inheritance during reactivation.
We correlate extracts from SWAT lines 2 and 3, a reinterpretation of LISPB data and the new fine-scale sections, S-N across the inner channel and W-E across the estuary. They enable the synopsis of crustal-scale data and regional maps. We find from measurement of several hundred lineaments and planes along the borderlands that the predominant orientation is ENE-WSW, unlike the central Bristol Channel which is WNW-ESE. All these, plus outcrop scale geometries and striation analyses, support the new tectonic partition of SE Wales and west of England.
Much information on the partition boundaries can be gathered from the marine geography of the estuary using Admiralty charts that yield accurate soundings. Seabed profiles across the estuary illustrate the positions of bedrock. Many align with onshore structure both locally and on the grander scale and through 3D reconstruction, we find that a crucial confluence of three discrete trends of lineament converge near Flat Holm and Steep Holm and may represent the pristine Variscan WNW, the Caledonoid NE and pervasive NNW trends. These islands in the estuary are sentinels at a boundary to the hybrid terrane that underlies SE Wales.
Mesozoic strata of marginal to distal facies, preserved close to negatively inverted faults with partial growth, mark the reactivated stems of Variscan ramps and NE disturbances with significant thrust displacements. We note two phases of negative inversion require restoration in order to reconstruct the orientations within the Variscan basement. In addition, close examination of late (Tertiary) fault history of the estuary is required to adjust basement trends and displacements to get a better sense of rotation within the Palaeozoic foreland.
Through restoration the new hybrid sub terrane preserves characteristics of Variscan and Caledonoid trending faults and we deduce that a rotation in major thrust trajectory occurred contemporaneously with reactivation of deeper lineaments. This was followed by a structural decapitation as shallow-level thrusts encroached SE Wales, during late stages of the Variscan Orogeny. Finally, the detached stems were incorporated into an imbricate fan which was significantly affected by post-Carboniferous inversion.
How to cite: Miliorizos, M. N., Reiss, N., Melis, N. S., and Rutter, W. A. J.: Structure of the Inner Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary borderlands, UK: regional mapping and seismic interpretation yield a refined model for mountain front deformation and inversion. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3225, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3225, 2021.
EGU21-7009 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Development of Detachment Folds in the Mexican Ridges Foldbelt, Western Gulf of Mexico BasinIsmael Yarbuh, Juan Contreras, Antonio González-Fernández, Ronald M. Spelz, and Raquel Negrete-Aranda
Examples of natural folds growing in a homogenous mechanical stratigraphy of alternating competent and incompetent thin layers of fine- and coarse-grained sediments are examined, and the fold growth process is quantified. Our analysis reveals that the overall response to loading of siliciclastic sequences corresponds to that of flexural flow and parallel-to-bedding heterogeneous pure shear. Folds start out as low-amplitude sinusoidal disturbances that rapidly become finite-amplitude folds of heterogeneous strain. We also derive the following scaling relations: (i) degree of amplification scales with both the height above the detachment and strain, (ii) wavelength selectivity broadens with increasing strain, and (iii) deposition of syn-sedimentary geometries is function of strain. These relations are a natural consequence of idealized area-preserving laws of fold growth. From these results we devise a method to estimate fold strain by means of an amplitude versus depth diagram. We are also able to define a progression of fold shape change as a function of the fundamental parameter strain. Initially, structures grow by limb rotation and the selective amplification of a single dominant wavelength giving rise to sinusoidal folds. When strain reaches ~8%, softening/plastic yielding around hinges results in the development of sharp fold profiles. Limbs lock their dips at 35°–45°, suggesting that growth in this stage is permitted by hinge mobility along ramps and blind faults. Moreover, hinge migration causes fold development to accelerate spontaneously. These findings suggest that conclusions relating periods of accelerated erosion/uplift in contractional structures to tectonic processes should be treated with caution.
How to cite: Yarbuh, I., Contreras, J., González-Fernández, A., Spelz, R. M., and Negrete-Aranda, R.: Development of Detachment Folds in the Mexican Ridges Foldbelt, Western Gulf of Mexico Basin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7009, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7009, 2021.
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Examples of natural folds growing in a homogenous mechanical stratigraphy of alternating competent and incompetent thin layers of fine- and coarse-grained sediments are examined, and the fold growth process is quantified. Our analysis reveals that the overall response to loading of siliciclastic sequences corresponds to that of flexural flow and parallel-to-bedding heterogeneous pure shear. Folds start out as low-amplitude sinusoidal disturbances that rapidly become finite-amplitude folds of heterogeneous strain. We also derive the following scaling relations: (i) degree of amplification scales with both the height above the detachment and strain, (ii) wavelength selectivity broadens with increasing strain, and (iii) deposition of syn-sedimentary geometries is function of strain. These relations are a natural consequence of idealized area-preserving laws of fold growth. From these results we devise a method to estimate fold strain by means of an amplitude versus depth diagram. We are also able to define a progression of fold shape change as a function of the fundamental parameter strain. Initially, structures grow by limb rotation and the selective amplification of a single dominant wavelength giving rise to sinusoidal folds. When strain reaches ~8%, softening/plastic yielding around hinges results in the development of sharp fold profiles. Limbs lock their dips at 35°–45°, suggesting that growth in this stage is permitted by hinge mobility along ramps and blind faults. Moreover, hinge migration causes fold development to accelerate spontaneously. These findings suggest that conclusions relating periods of accelerated erosion/uplift in contractional structures to tectonic processes should be treated with caution.
How to cite: Yarbuh, I., Contreras, J., González-Fernández, A., Spelz, R. M., and Negrete-Aranda, R.: Development of Detachment Folds in the Mexican Ridges Foldbelt, Western Gulf of Mexico Basin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7009, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7009, 2021.
EGU21-12429 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Exhumation history of the Lomas de Olmedo basin: constraining multi-phase deformation using low-temperature thermochronologyWillemijn S.M.T. van Kooten, Edward R. Sobel, Cecilia del Papa, Patricio Payrola, Alejandro Bande, and Daniel Starck
The Cretaceous period in NW Argentina is dominated by the formation of the Salta rift basin, an intracontinental rift basin with multiple branches extending from the central Salta-Jujuy High. One of these branches is the ENE-WSW striking Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin, which hosts up to 5 km of syn- and post-rift deposits of the Salta Group, accommodated by substantial throw along SW-NE striking normal faults and subsequent thermal subsidence during the Cretaceous-Paleogene. Early compressive movement in the Eastern Cordillera led to the formation of a foreland basin setting that was further dissected in the Neogene by the uplift of basement-cored ranges. As a consequence, the northwestern part of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin was disconnected from the Andean foreland and local depocenters such as the Cianzo basin were formed, whereas the eastern sub-basin area is still part of the Andean foreland. Thus, the majority of the Salta Group to the east is located in the subsurface and has been extensively explored for petroleum, while in northwestern part of the sub-basin, the Salta Group is increasingly deformed and is fully exposed in the km-scale Cianzo syncline of the Hornocal ranges. The SW-NE striking Hornocal fault delimits the Cianzo basin to the south and the Cianzo syncline to the north. During the Cretaceous, it formed the northern margin of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin, which is indicated by an increasing thickness of the syn-rift deposits towards the Hornocal fault, as well as a lack of syn-rift deposits on the footwall block. Structural mapping and unpublished apatite fission track (AFT) data show that the Hornocal normal fault was reactivated and inverted during the Miocene. Although structural and sedimentary features of the Cianzo basin infill provide information about the relative timing of fault activity, there is a lack of low-temperature thermochronology. Herein, we aim to constrain the exhumation of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin during the Cretaceous rifting phase, as well as the onset and magnitude of fault reactivation in the Miocene. We collected 74 samples for low-temperature thermochronology along two major NW-SE transects in the Cianzo basin and adjacent areas. Of these samples, 59 have been analyzed using apatite and/or zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology (AHe, ZHe). Furthermore, 49 samples have been prepared for AFT analysis. The ages are incorporated in thermo-kinematic modelling using Pecube in order to test the robustness of uplift and exhumation scenarios. On the hanging wall block of the N-S striking east-vergent Cianzo thrust north of the Hornocal fault, Jurassic ZHe ages are attributed to pre-Salta Group exhumation. However, associated thrusts to the south show ZHe ages as young as Eocene-Oligocene, which might indicate early post-rift activity along those thrusts. AHe data from the Cianzo syncline show a direct age-elevation relationship with Late Miocene-Pliocene cooling ages, indicating the onset of rapid exhumation along the Hornocal fault in the Miocene. This is consistent with regional data and suggests that pre-existing extensional structures were reactivated during Late Miocene-Pliocene compressive movement within this part of the Central Andes.
How to cite: van Kooten, W. S. M. T., Sobel, E. R., del Papa, C., Payrola, P., Bande, A., and Starck, D.: Exhumation history of the Lomas de Olmedo basin: constraining multi-phase deformation using low-temperature thermochronology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12429, 2021.
The Cretaceous period in NW Argentina is dominated by the formation of the Salta rift basin, an intracontinental rift basin with multiple branches extending from the central Salta-Jujuy High. One of these branches is the ENE-WSW striking Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin, which hosts up to 5 km of syn- and post-rift deposits of the Salta Group, accommodated by substantial throw along SW-NE striking normal faults and subsequent thermal subsidence during the Cretaceous-Paleogene. Early compressive movement in the Eastern Cordillera led to the formation of a foreland basin setting that was further dissected in the Neogene by the uplift of basement-cored ranges. As a consequence, the northwestern part of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin was disconnected from the Andean foreland and local depocenters such as the Cianzo basin were formed, whereas the eastern sub-basin area is still part of the Andean foreland. Thus, the majority of the Salta Group to the east is located in the subsurface and has been extensively explored for petroleum, while in northwestern part of the sub-basin, the Salta Group is increasingly deformed and is fully exposed in the km-scale Cianzo syncline of the Hornocal ranges. The SW-NE striking Hornocal fault delimits the Cianzo basin to the south and the Cianzo syncline to the north. During the Cretaceous, it formed the northern margin of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin, which is indicated by an increasing thickness of the syn-rift deposits towards the Hornocal fault, as well as a lack of syn-rift deposits on the footwall block. Structural mapping and unpublished apatite fission track (AFT) data show that the Hornocal normal fault was reactivated and inverted during the Miocene. Although structural and sedimentary features of the Cianzo basin infill provide information about the relative timing of fault activity, there is a lack of low-temperature thermochronology. Herein, we aim to constrain the exhumation of the Lomas de Olmedo sub-basin during the Cretaceous rifting phase, as well as the onset and magnitude of fault reactivation in the Miocene. We collected 74 samples for low-temperature thermochronology along two major NW-SE transects in the Cianzo basin and adjacent areas. Of these samples, 59 have been analyzed using apatite and/or zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology (AHe, ZHe). Furthermore, 49 samples have been prepared for AFT analysis. The ages are incorporated in thermo-kinematic modelling using Pecube in order to test the robustness of uplift and exhumation scenarios. On the hanging wall block of the N-S striking east-vergent Cianzo thrust north of the Hornocal fault, Jurassic ZHe ages are attributed to pre-Salta Group exhumation. However, associated thrusts to the south show ZHe ages as young as Eocene-Oligocene, which might indicate early post-rift activity along those thrusts. AHe data from the Cianzo syncline show a direct age-elevation relationship with Late Miocene-Pliocene cooling ages, indicating the onset of rapid exhumation along the Hornocal fault in the Miocene. This is consistent with regional data and suggests that pre-existing extensional structures were reactivated during Late Miocene-Pliocene compressive movement within this part of the Central Andes.
How to cite: van Kooten, W. S. M. T., Sobel, E. R., del Papa, C., Payrola, P., Bande, A., and Starck, D.: Exhumation history of the Lomas de Olmedo basin: constraining multi-phase deformation using low-temperature thermochronology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12429, 2021.
EGU21-10949 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
A progressive episode of deformation in the foreland of the West-Congo Belt: From folding to brittle shearing, in Republic of CongoHardy Medry Dieu-Veill Nkodia, Florent Boudzoumou, Timothée Miyouna, Alex Ibarra-Gnianga, and Damien Delvaux
The West Congo belt is a Panafrican orogenic belt that evolved and resulted from the collision of the Sao Francisco craton and the Congo Craton during late Neoproterozoic (630 Ma) to late Cambrian (490 Ma ?). It constitutes the counterpart of the most studied Araçuaì belt in Brasil. Over the past decades, most structural analysis focused in Araçuaì belt while few structural data were obtained from the West-Congo Belt. Understanding the West Congo belt and particularly in its foreland is relevant to establish a unified structural model for its evolution, as the late phases of deformation of both orogens are still debated. In the Comba basin at Mont Bélo, Loutété, Mfouati, most of the folds are gently plunging, upright to moderately inclined fold, with sometimes chevron shape, circular shape and box shape. Some of the folds show decollement within their limbs. Most of these fold display flexural slip displacements along the layers where slickensides are associated with calcite fibres. Most of the limbs developed boudinage in the carbonate layers. The folds are oriented WNW-ESE and they are cut by a system of conjugate NW-SE striking strike-slip dextral fault and NNE-SSW striking sinistral fault. A kinematic analysis from fault slip data using the Win-Tensor program reveal that faults originate from NNE-SSW shortening and ESE-WNW extension. This kinematic analysis is consistent with the orientation of the fold according the Riedel model. The brittle deformation occurred in continuity of the deformation after the folding as folds hinges are displaced in certain localities.This episode of progressive deformation probably ends with intense shearing of the belts, as several dominating regularly spaced NE-striking shear zones cut the orogen from the Republic of Congo to the democratic Republic of Congo. Further investigations will be conducted in the continuity of the west Congo Belt in the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to enlarge the regional perspective.
How to cite: Nkodia, H. M. D.-V., Boudzoumou, F., Miyouna, T., Ibarra-Gnianga, A., and Delvaux, D.: A progressive episode of deformation in the foreland of the West-Congo Belt: From folding to brittle shearing, in Republic of Congo, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10949, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10949, 2021.
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The West Congo belt is a Panafrican orogenic belt that evolved and resulted from the collision of the Sao Francisco craton and the Congo Craton during late Neoproterozoic (630 Ma) to late Cambrian (490 Ma ?). It constitutes the counterpart of the most studied Araçuaì belt in Brasil. Over the past decades, most structural analysis focused in Araçuaì belt while few structural data were obtained from the West-Congo Belt. Understanding the West Congo belt and particularly in its foreland is relevant to establish a unified structural model for its evolution, as the late phases of deformation of both orogens are still debated. In the Comba basin at Mont Bélo, Loutété, Mfouati, most of the folds are gently plunging, upright to moderately inclined fold, with sometimes chevron shape, circular shape and box shape. Some of the folds show decollement within their limbs. Most of these fold display flexural slip displacements along the layers where slickensides are associated with calcite fibres. Most of the limbs developed boudinage in the carbonate layers. The folds are oriented WNW-ESE and they are cut by a system of conjugate NW-SE striking strike-slip dextral fault and NNE-SSW striking sinistral fault. A kinematic analysis from fault slip data using the Win-Tensor program reveal that faults originate from NNE-SSW shortening and ESE-WNW extension. This kinematic analysis is consistent with the orientation of the fold according the Riedel model. The brittle deformation occurred in continuity of the deformation after the folding as folds hinges are displaced in certain localities.This episode of progressive deformation probably ends with intense shearing of the belts, as several dominating regularly spaced NE-striking shear zones cut the orogen from the Republic of Congo to the democratic Republic of Congo. Further investigations will be conducted in the continuity of the west Congo Belt in the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to enlarge the regional perspective.
How to cite: Nkodia, H. M. D.-V., Boudzoumou, F., Miyouna, T., Ibarra-Gnianga, A., and Delvaux, D.: A progressive episode of deformation in the foreland of the West-Congo Belt: From folding to brittle shearing, in Republic of Congo, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10949, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10949, 2021.
EGU21-12892 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
The structuration of the External Rif (Rif belt: Northern Morocco). An insights from paleo-thermal and structural analysesAchraf Atouabat, Sveva Corrado, Dominique Frizon de Lamotte, Geoffroy Mohn, Faouziya Haissen, Remi Leprêtre, and Andrea Schito
Belonging to the Maghrebides system, the Rif belt (Northern Morocco) suffered an important Cenozoic Alpine compressional deformation as a consequence of the closure of the Maghrebian Tethys and the westward translation and docking of the Alboran Domain onto the African margin during the Late Burdigalian. The Mesozoic North African Margin is still partially preserved in the Eastern Rif (e.g., Senhadja Jurassic-Cretaceous unit) and inverted in its Central portion (North of the Nekor Fault Zone) due to the high shortening in this area. It is in agreement with sub-surface data suggesting that the thickest crust along the chain is located in the central Rif (Izzaren Area, External Rif), and can be interpreted as a deep-rooted crustal imbrication.
This contribution aims to characterize the role of the structural inheritance of the rifted North African margin in the development and the propagation of the Rif belt by the combination of paleothermal and structural data collected along a NE-SW regional transect (between Chefchaouen and Ouezzane provinces), focusing mainly on the external zones (namely, Intrarif, Mesorif and Prerif) sampling the deformed domains originally developed along the North African paleo-passive margin. A new paleo-thermal dataset of vitrinite reflectance (Ro%), micro-Raman spectroscopy on organic matter and XRD on clayey fraction of sediments displays levels of thermal maturity between early and deep diagenetic conditions (Ro% from 0.49% to 1.15%). The highest thermal maturity values along the section are concentrated in the Lower to middle Cretaceous Loukkos Intrarifain sub-unit that is structurally squeezed between Tangier Intrarif Upper Cretaceous sub-unit and the Mesorif “Izzaren Duplex”. It attests for an important amount of shortening leading to the development of an imbricate fan of thrusts.
The geometry of the “Izzaren Duplex”, limited at surface by two first-order thrust faults, is controlled by pre-existing tectonic structures, probably inherited by the former architecture of the North African paleomargin. Moreover, the Chattian-Middle Miocene siliciclastic succession filling the Zoumi basin is in a stratigraphic continuity with the Izzaren Upper Jurassic-Upper Cretaceous substratum, sheding new light on its geodynamic meaning. This observation is supported by the homogeneity of deformation and the absence of thermal jump between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic successions, attesting for an active compressive deformation in the area between the Late Serravalian and Late Tortonian.
In conclusion, the combination of paleo-thermal and structural analysis allowed to reconstruct robust tectono-thermal model in order to propose an accurate reconstruction of the structural evolution and a new geological restoration of the Rif belt with respect to the geometry of the rifted paleo-margin.
How to cite: Atouabat, A., Corrado, S., Frizon de Lamotte, D., Mohn, G., Haissen, F., Leprêtre, R., and Schito, A.: The structuration of the External Rif (Rif belt: Northern Morocco). An insights from paleo-thermal and structural analyses, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12892, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12892, 2021.
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Belonging to the Maghrebides system, the Rif belt (Northern Morocco) suffered an important Cenozoic Alpine compressional deformation as a consequence of the closure of the Maghrebian Tethys and the westward translation and docking of the Alboran Domain onto the African margin during the Late Burdigalian. The Mesozoic North African Margin is still partially preserved in the Eastern Rif (e.g., Senhadja Jurassic-Cretaceous unit) and inverted in its Central portion (North of the Nekor Fault Zone) due to the high shortening in this area. It is in agreement with sub-surface data suggesting that the thickest crust along the chain is located in the central Rif (Izzaren Area, External Rif), and can be interpreted as a deep-rooted crustal imbrication.
This contribution aims to characterize the role of the structural inheritance of the rifted North African margin in the development and the propagation of the Rif belt by the combination of paleothermal and structural data collected along a NE-SW regional transect (between Chefchaouen and Ouezzane provinces), focusing mainly on the external zones (namely, Intrarif, Mesorif and Prerif) sampling the deformed domains originally developed along the North African paleo-passive margin. A new paleo-thermal dataset of vitrinite reflectance (Ro%), micro-Raman spectroscopy on organic matter and XRD on clayey fraction of sediments displays levels of thermal maturity between early and deep diagenetic conditions (Ro% from 0.49% to 1.15%). The highest thermal maturity values along the section are concentrated in the Lower to middle Cretaceous Loukkos Intrarifain sub-unit that is structurally squeezed between Tangier Intrarif Upper Cretaceous sub-unit and the Mesorif “Izzaren Duplex”. It attests for an important amount of shortening leading to the development of an imbricate fan of thrusts.
The geometry of the “Izzaren Duplex”, limited at surface by two first-order thrust faults, is controlled by pre-existing tectonic structures, probably inherited by the former architecture of the North African paleomargin. Moreover, the Chattian-Middle Miocene siliciclastic succession filling the Zoumi basin is in a stratigraphic continuity with the Izzaren Upper Jurassic-Upper Cretaceous substratum, sheding new light on its geodynamic meaning. This observation is supported by the homogeneity of deformation and the absence of thermal jump between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic successions, attesting for an active compressive deformation in the area between the Late Serravalian and Late Tortonian.
In conclusion, the combination of paleo-thermal and structural analysis allowed to reconstruct robust tectono-thermal model in order to propose an accurate reconstruction of the structural evolution and a new geological restoration of the Rif belt with respect to the geometry of the rifted paleo-margin.
How to cite: Atouabat, A., Corrado, S., Frizon de Lamotte, D., Mohn, G., Haissen, F., Leprêtre, R., and Schito, A.: The structuration of the External Rif (Rif belt: Northern Morocco). An insights from paleo-thermal and structural analyses, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12892, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12892, 2021.
EGU21-13646 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Tectonic deformation and mantle-driven uplift of the Middle Atlas mountain belt (Morocco) during the late CenozoicAhmed Yaaqoub, Abderrahim Essaifi, Romano Clementucci, Paolo Ballato, and Claudio Faccenna
The Middle Atlas mountain range represents the northeastern branch of the Atlas system, which spans approximately 2000 km from the Atlantic coast of Morocco to Tunisia. The Atlas system is a prominent example of active intracontinental mountain belts that developed in the African plate of the Cenozoic Alpine belt.
The Middle Atlas is an inverted Mesozoic rift that began to rise during the late Cretaceous with limited crustal thickening. It can be divided into two geomorphological provinces: 1) an elevated, low-relief area called Tabular Middle Atlas (TMA), which is located in the north-western orogenic sectors and consists of weakly deformed Mesozoic sediments in stratigraphic contact with the Paleozoic basement of the western Meseta, and 2) a deeply dissected, high-relief area known as Folded Middle Atlas to the southeast, where crustal deformation is dominated by transpressive tectonics induced by a NNW-SSE maximum shortening direction. Seismicity and geomorphic landforms suggest that tectonic deformation is still active, at least in some sectors of the orogen.
In order to investigate the tectonic evolution of the Middle Atlas, we combined structural and geomorphic analysis. Although the age control of the continental syn-orogenic deposits is limited, the eastern boundary of the orogen shows evidence of recent tectonic deformation and flexural subsidence with the development of a foreland basin. Conversely, the western boundary of the orogen does not include syn-orogenic foreland basins suggesting the lack of flexural subsidence. This boundary is also characterized by alkaline late Miocene-Quaternary lava flows over a wide surface of ca. 960 km2. These lava flows cover part of the TMA where they fill valleys crossing the Meseta and draining towards the Atlantic Ocean. The degree of subsequent fluvial incision of the lavas is lower in the TMA than in the Meseta. While incision does not go beyond the stratigraphic contact lava-substratum in the TMA, it goes further down in the Meseta indicating a higher magnitude of uplift. The lack of contractional deformation, however, suggests that such an uplift is not controlled by tectonics.
Overall, our preliminary observations suggest the occurrence of an asymmetry between the two orogenic flanks. Uplift along the eastern orogenic boundary has been triggered by late Cenozoic contractional deformation, whereas deep-seated, most likely mantle-driven processes essentially control uplift of the western boundary.
How to cite: Yaaqoub, A., Essaifi, A., Clementucci, R., Ballato, P., and Faccenna, C.: Tectonic deformation and mantle-driven uplift of the Middle Atlas mountain belt (Morocco) during the late Cenozoic, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13646, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13646, 2021.
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The Middle Atlas mountain range represents the northeastern branch of the Atlas system, which spans approximately 2000 km from the Atlantic coast of Morocco to Tunisia. The Atlas system is a prominent example of active intracontinental mountain belts that developed in the African plate of the Cenozoic Alpine belt.
The Middle Atlas is an inverted Mesozoic rift that began to rise during the late Cretaceous with limited crustal thickening. It can be divided into two geomorphological provinces: 1) an elevated, low-relief area called Tabular Middle Atlas (TMA), which is located in the north-western orogenic sectors and consists of weakly deformed Mesozoic sediments in stratigraphic contact with the Paleozoic basement of the western Meseta, and 2) a deeply dissected, high-relief area known as Folded Middle Atlas to the southeast, where crustal deformation is dominated by transpressive tectonics induced by a NNW-SSE maximum shortening direction. Seismicity and geomorphic landforms suggest that tectonic deformation is still active, at least in some sectors of the orogen.
In order to investigate the tectonic evolution of the Middle Atlas, we combined structural and geomorphic analysis. Although the age control of the continental syn-orogenic deposits is limited, the eastern boundary of the orogen shows evidence of recent tectonic deformation and flexural subsidence with the development of a foreland basin. Conversely, the western boundary of the orogen does not include syn-orogenic foreland basins suggesting the lack of flexural subsidence. This boundary is also characterized by alkaline late Miocene-Quaternary lava flows over a wide surface of ca. 960 km2. These lava flows cover part of the TMA where they fill valleys crossing the Meseta and draining towards the Atlantic Ocean. The degree of subsequent fluvial incision of the lavas is lower in the TMA than in the Meseta. While incision does not go beyond the stratigraphic contact lava-substratum in the TMA, it goes further down in the Meseta indicating a higher magnitude of uplift. The lack of contractional deformation, however, suggests that such an uplift is not controlled by tectonics.
Overall, our preliminary observations suggest the occurrence of an asymmetry between the two orogenic flanks. Uplift along the eastern orogenic boundary has been triggered by late Cenozoic contractional deformation, whereas deep-seated, most likely mantle-driven processes essentially control uplift of the western boundary.
How to cite: Yaaqoub, A., Essaifi, A., Clementucci, R., Ballato, P., and Faccenna, C.: Tectonic deformation and mantle-driven uplift of the Middle Atlas mountain belt (Morocco) during the late Cenozoic, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13646, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13646, 2021.
EGU21-11594 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Relationships between deformation and morphology of forearc wedges and earthquake rupturesNadaya Cubas
Over the last decade, we have accumulated evidence that, along subduction zones, a significant part of the seismic cycle deformation is permanently acquired by the medium and reflects the variation of rupture properties along the megathrust. Assuming a persistence of the megathrust segmentation over several hundred thousand years, this permanent deformation and the forearc topography could thus reveal the mechanics of the megathrust. Numerous recent studies have also shown that the megathrust effective friction appears to differ significantly between aseismic or seismic areas. From mechanical modelling, I will first discuss how such differences in effective friction are significant enough to induce wedge segments with varying morphologies and deformation patterns. I will present examples from different subduction zones characterized by either erosive or accretionary wedges, and by different seismic behaviors. Secondly, I will present how this long-lived deformation can in turn control earthquake ruptures. I will show, that along the Chilean subduction zone, all recent mega-earthquakes are surrounded by basal erosion and underplating. Therefore, the deformation and morphology of forearcs would both be partly linked to the megathrust rupture properties and should be used in a more systematic manner to improve earthquake rupture prediction.
How to cite: Cubas, N.: Relationships between deformation and morphology of forearc wedges and earthquake ruptures, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11594, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11594, 2021.
Over the last decade, we have accumulated evidence that, along subduction zones, a significant part of the seismic cycle deformation is permanently acquired by the medium and reflects the variation of rupture properties along the megathrust. Assuming a persistence of the megathrust segmentation over several hundred thousand years, this permanent deformation and the forearc topography could thus reveal the mechanics of the megathrust. Numerous recent studies have also shown that the megathrust effective friction appears to differ significantly between aseismic or seismic areas. From mechanical modelling, I will first discuss how such differences in effective friction are significant enough to induce wedge segments with varying morphologies and deformation patterns. I will present examples from different subduction zones characterized by either erosive or accretionary wedges, and by different seismic behaviors. Secondly, I will present how this long-lived deformation can in turn control earthquake ruptures. I will show, that along the Chilean subduction zone, all recent mega-earthquakes are surrounded by basal erosion and underplating. Therefore, the deformation and morphology of forearcs would both be partly linked to the megathrust rupture properties and should be used in a more systematic manner to improve earthquake rupture prediction.
How to cite: Cubas, N.: Relationships between deformation and morphology of forearc wedges and earthquake ruptures, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11594, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11594, 2021.
EGU21-2434 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Seismogenic fault system of the Mw 6.4 November 2019 Albania earthquake: new insights into the structural architecture and active tectonic setting of the outer AlbanidesSimone Teloni, Chiara Invernizzi, Stefano Mazzoli, Pietro Paolo Pierantoni, and Vincenzo Spina
Fault geometries are usually reconstructed through seismic data, which can provide a very good image of the subsurface. However, the recognition of deep structures is often difficult for the shallow depth of these data and their low resolution in depth. On the contrary, recent earthquakes and their parameters (e.g. hypocentre, focal mechanism, magnitude, etc.) may have an important role in better understanding deep features, outlining the active crustal structures.
November 26th 2019 a 6.4 Mw Durres earthquake struck the Albanian coastal area, claiming 51 victims and hundreds of injured people. This seismic sequence sheds new light into the structural architecture and active tectonic setting of the northern outer Albanides. Stress field analysis performed through local mechanisms of the main seismic events of the sequence and those recorded since 1997 by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) confirm that the area is dominated by ENE trending, horizontal maximum compression, with a ENE dipping thrust faults roughly parallel to the coastline. Further analysis to investigate the structural architecture of this area was conducted plotting hypocentre distribution which show that shallower hypocentres tend to cluster around the deeper portion of projected fault segment proposed by the DISS ‘composite seismogenic source’ labelled ALCS002, whereas most of the seismic events including the Mw = 6.4 main shock are nucleated within the crystalline basement. This result unravels for the first time the fundamental role of deeply rooted, crustal ramp-dominated thrusting in seismogenesis, implying a profound reconsideration of the seismotectonic setting of the region.
The outcomes of this study show here that the recent earthquakes are pivotal in outlining the active crustal frontal structure of the thrust belt, providing new fundamental constraints, not only on the active tectonic setting of the region, but also on the crustal architecture of the outer Albanides. In this regard, the identification of such deep seismogenic sources and the definition of their dimensional parameters may have major implications on the correct assessment of the seismic hazard, especially for this large and densely populated area of Albania. Furthermore, the evidence provided in this study for a deep seismogenic thrust system in a foreland basin setting may be of general interest in similar tectonic contexts worldwide, where deep structures are possibly unidentified, and may represent a weakness in seismic hazard assessment.
How to cite: Teloni, S., Invernizzi, C., Mazzoli, S., Pierantoni, P. P., and Spina, V.: Seismogenic fault system of the Mw 6.4 November 2019 Albania earthquake: new insights into the structural architecture and active tectonic setting of the outer Albanides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2434, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2434, 2021.
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Fault geometries are usually reconstructed through seismic data, which can provide a very good image of the subsurface. However, the recognition of deep structures is often difficult for the shallow depth of these data and their low resolution in depth. On the contrary, recent earthquakes and their parameters (e.g. hypocentre, focal mechanism, magnitude, etc.) may have an important role in better understanding deep features, outlining the active crustal structures.
November 26th 2019 a 6.4 Mw Durres earthquake struck the Albanian coastal area, claiming 51 victims and hundreds of injured people. This seismic sequence sheds new light into the structural architecture and active tectonic setting of the northern outer Albanides. Stress field analysis performed through local mechanisms of the main seismic events of the sequence and those recorded since 1997 by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) confirm that the area is dominated by ENE trending, horizontal maximum compression, with a ENE dipping thrust faults roughly parallel to the coastline. Further analysis to investigate the structural architecture of this area was conducted plotting hypocentre distribution which show that shallower hypocentres tend to cluster around the deeper portion of projected fault segment proposed by the DISS ‘composite seismogenic source’ labelled ALCS002, whereas most of the seismic events including the Mw = 6.4 main shock are nucleated within the crystalline basement. This result unravels for the first time the fundamental role of deeply rooted, crustal ramp-dominated thrusting in seismogenesis, implying a profound reconsideration of the seismotectonic setting of the region.
The outcomes of this study show here that the recent earthquakes are pivotal in outlining the active crustal frontal structure of the thrust belt, providing new fundamental constraints, not only on the active tectonic setting of the region, but also on the crustal architecture of the outer Albanides. In this regard, the identification of such deep seismogenic sources and the definition of their dimensional parameters may have major implications on the correct assessment of the seismic hazard, especially for this large and densely populated area of Albania. Furthermore, the evidence provided in this study for a deep seismogenic thrust system in a foreland basin setting may be of general interest in similar tectonic contexts worldwide, where deep structures are possibly unidentified, and may represent a weakness in seismic hazard assessment.
How to cite: Teloni, S., Invernizzi, C., Mazzoli, S., Pierantoni, P. P., and Spina, V.: Seismogenic fault system of the Mw 6.4 November 2019 Albania earthquake: new insights into the structural architecture and active tectonic setting of the outer Albanides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2434, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2434, 2021.
EGU21-13351 | vPICO presentations | TS7.1
Seismic hazard of the Western Makran subduction zone: Effect of heat flow on frictional properties combining mechanical and thermo-mechanical modelling approachessepideh pajang, Nadaya Cubas, Laetitia Le-pourhiet, Eloise Bessiere, Jean Letouzey, Seyedmohsen Seyedali, Marc Fournier, Philippe Agard, Mohammad Mahdi Khatib, Mahmoudreza Heyhat, and Mohammad Mokhtari
Western Makran is one of the few subduction zones left with a largely unconstrained seismogenic potential. According to the sparse GPS stations, the subduction is accumulating some strain to be released during future earthquakes. Mechanical modelling is first used to retrieve the spatial variations of the frictional properties of the megathrust, and discuss its seismogenic potential. To do so, we first build a structural map along the Iranian part of the Oman Sea and investigate three N-S seismic profiles. The profiles are characterized by a long imbricated thrust zone that takes place at the front of the wedge. A diapiric zone of shallow origin lies in between the imbricated zone and the shore. Along the eastern and western shores, active listric normal faults root down to the megathrust. Eastern and western domains have developed similar deformation, with three zones of active faulting: the normal faults on shore, thrusts ahead of the mud diapirs, and the frontal thrusts. On the contrary, no normal faults are identified along the central domain, where a seamount is entering into subduction. From mechanical modelling, we show that along the eastern and western profiles, a transition from very low to extremely low friction is required to activate the large coastal normal fault. To propagate the deformation to the front, an increase of friction along the imbricated zone is necessary. These along-dip transitions could either be related to a transition from an aseismic to seismic behavior or the brittle-viscous transition.
To decipher, we run 2-D thermo-mechanical modelling incorporating temperature evolution, with a heat flow boundary condition. Our simulations are first calibrated to reproduce the heat flow estimates based on the BSR depth. Then the effects of the illite-smectite and brittle-viscous transitions on the deformation are investigated. The decrease in heat flow landward is due to the landward deepening of the oceanic plate and thickening of sediments of the accretionary wedge. Deformation starts at the rear of the model and migrates forming in-sequence, forward verging thrust sheets. The two brittle-viscous and illite-smectite transitions affect the topographic slope and friction. A reduction of friction due to the illite-smectite transition reduces the slope by normal faulting that does not appear in the brittle-viscous transition simulations. Therefore, the presence of normal faults could permit to distinguish viscously creeping segments from segments that deform seismically. As a consequence, the normal fault is most probably related to the presence of a seismic asperity, and the difference in deformation along strike would thus reveal the existence of two different patches, one along the eastern domain and a second along the western domain. Since no large earthquake has been historically reported and given the high convergence rate, a major earthquake will strike the Makran region. We suggest that the magnitude of this event will depend on the behavior of the Central region, and the ability of the earthquake to propagate from the eastern to the western asperity or the Pakistani Makran.
How to cite: pajang, S., Cubas, N., Le-pourhiet, L., Bessiere, E., Letouzey, J., Seyedali, S., Fournier, M., Agard, P., Khatib, M. M., Heyhat, M., and Mokhtari, M.: Seismic hazard of the Western Makran subduction zone: Effect of heat flow on frictional properties combining mechanical and thermo-mechanical modelling approaches, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13351, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13351, 2021.
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Western Makran is one of the few subduction zones left with a largely unconstrained seismogenic potential. According to the sparse GPS stations, the subduction is accumulating some strain to be released during future earthquakes. Mechanical modelling is first used to retrieve the spatial variations of the frictional properties of the megathrust, and discuss its seismogenic potential. To do so, we first build a structural map along the Iranian part of the Oman Sea and investigate three N-S seismic profiles. The profiles are characterized by a long imbricated thrust zone that takes place at the front of the wedge. A diapiric zone of shallow origin lies in between the imbricated zone and the shore. Along the eastern and western shores, active listric normal faults root down to the megathrust. Eastern and western domains have developed similar deformation, with three zones of active faulting: the normal faults on shore, thrusts ahead of the mud diapirs, and the frontal thrusts. On the contrary, no normal faults are identified along the central domain, where a seamount is entering into subduction. From mechanical modelling, we show that along the eastern and western profiles, a transition from very low to extremely low friction is required to activate the large coastal normal fault. To propagate the deformation to the front, an increase of friction along the imbricated zone is necessary. These along-dip transitions could either be related to a transition from an aseismic to seismic behavior or the brittle-viscous transition.
To decipher, we run 2-D thermo-mechanical modelling incorporating temperature evolution, with a heat flow boundary condition. Our simulations are first calibrated to reproduce the heat flow estimates based on the BSR depth. Then the effects of the illite-smectite and brittle-viscous transitions on the deformation are investigated. The decrease in heat flow landward is due to the landward deepening of the oceanic plate and thickening of sediments of the accretionary wedge. Deformation starts at the rear of the model and migrates forming in-sequence, forward verging thrust sheets. The two brittle-viscous and illite-smectite transitions affect the topographic slope and friction. A reduction of friction due to the illite-smectite transition reduces the slope by normal faulting that does not appear in the brittle-viscous transition simulations. Therefore, the presence of normal faults could permit to distinguish viscously creeping segments from segments that deform seismically. As a consequence, the normal fault is most probably related to the presence of a seismic asperity, and the difference in deformation along strike would thus reveal the existence of two different patches, one along the eastern domain and a second along the western domain. Since no large earthquake has been historically reported and given the high convergence rate, a major earthquake will strike the Makran region. We suggest that the magnitude of this event will depend on the behavior of the Central region, and the ability of the earthquake to propagate from the eastern to the western asperity or the Pakistani Makran.
How to cite: pajang, S., Cubas, N., Le-pourhiet, L., Bessiere, E., Letouzey, J., Seyedali, S., Fournier, M., Agard, P., Khatib, M. M., Heyhat, M., and Mokhtari, M.: Seismic hazard of the Western Makran subduction zone: Effect of heat flow on frictional properties combining mechanical and thermo-mechanical modelling approaches, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13351, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13351, 2021.
TS7.2 – Subduction zones evolution and slip styles: advances from tectonics, metamorphism and rheology
EGU21-10097 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Subduction initiation and subsequent burial-exhumation of (ultra)high-pressure rockStefan Markus Schmalholz, Lorenzo Candioti, Joshua Vaughan-Hammon, and Thibault Duretz
Subduction zones are one of the main features of plate tectonics, they are essential for geochemical cycling and are often a key player during mountain building. However, several processes related to subduction zones remain elusive, such as the initiation of subduction or the exhumation of (ultra)high-pressure rocks.
Collision orogens, such as the European Alps or Himalayas, provide valuable insight into long-term subduction zone processes and the larger geodynamic cycles of plate extension and subsequent convergence. For the Alps, geological reconstructions suggest a horizontally forced subduction initiation caused by the onset of convergence between the Adriatic and European plates. During Alpine orogeny, the Piemont-Liguria basin and the European passive magma-poor margin (including the Briançonnais domain) were subducted below Adria. The petrological rock record indicates burial and subsequent exhumation of both continental and oceanic crustal rocks that were exposed to (ultra)high-pressure metamorphic conditions during their Alpine burial-exhumation cycle. Moreover, estimates of exhumation velocities yield magnitudes in the range of several mm/yr to several cm/yr. However, published estimates of exhumation velocities, ages of peak metamorphic conditions and estimates for peak pressure and peak temperature vary partly significantly, even for the same tectonic unit. Consequently, many, partly significantly, contrasting conceptual models for subduction initiation (convergence versus buoyancy driven) or rock exhumation (channel-flow, diapirism, episodic regional extension, erosion etc.) have been proposed for the Alps.
Complementary to the data-driven approach, mathematical models of the lithosphere and upper mantle system are useful tools to investigate geodynamic processes. These mathematical models integrate observational and experimental data with the fundamental laws of physics (e.g. conservation of mass, momentum and energy) and are useful to test conceptual models of subduction initiation and rock exhumation. Here, we present numerical solutions of two-dimensional petrological-thermo-mechanical models. The initial model configuration consists of an isostatically and thermally equilibrated lithosphere, which includes mechanical heterogeneities in the form of elliptical regions with different effective viscosity. We model a continuous geodynamic cycle of subsequent extension, no far-field deformation and convergence. During extension, the continental crust is necked, separated and mantle is exhumed, forming a marine basin bounded by passive margins. During the subsequent stage with no far-field deformation, the thermal field of the lithosphere is re-equilibrated above a convecting mantle. During convergence, subduction is initiated at one passive margin and the mantle lithosphere below the marine basin as well as the other passive margin are subducted. During progressive subduction, parts of the subducted continental upper crust are sheared-off the subducting plate and are exhumed to the surface, ultimately forming an orogenic wedge. For the convergence, we test the impact of serpentinites at the top of the exhumed mantle on orogenic wedge formation. We compare the model results with observational and experimental constraints, discuss the involved processes and driving forces and propose a model for subduction initiation and (ultra)high-pressure rock exhumation for the Alps.
How to cite: Schmalholz, S. M., Candioti, L., Vaughan-Hammon, J., and Duretz, T.: Subduction initiation and subsequent burial-exhumation of (ultra)high-pressure rock, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10097, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10097, 2021.
Subduction zones are one of the main features of plate tectonics, they are essential for geochemical cycling and are often a key player during mountain building. However, several processes related to subduction zones remain elusive, such as the initiation of subduction or the exhumation of (ultra)high-pressure rocks.
Collision orogens, such as the European Alps or Himalayas, provide valuable insight into long-term subduction zone processes and the larger geodynamic cycles of plate extension and subsequent convergence. For the Alps, geological reconstructions suggest a horizontally forced subduction initiation caused by the onset of convergence between the Adriatic and European plates. During Alpine orogeny, the Piemont-Liguria basin and the European passive magma-poor margin (including the Briançonnais domain) were subducted below Adria. The petrological rock record indicates burial and subsequent exhumation of both continental and oceanic crustal rocks that were exposed to (ultra)high-pressure metamorphic conditions during their Alpine burial-exhumation cycle. Moreover, estimates of exhumation velocities yield magnitudes in the range of several mm/yr to several cm/yr. However, published estimates of exhumation velocities, ages of peak metamorphic conditions and estimates for peak pressure and peak temperature vary partly significantly, even for the same tectonic unit. Consequently, many, partly significantly, contrasting conceptual models for subduction initiation (convergence versus buoyancy driven) or rock exhumation (channel-flow, diapirism, episodic regional extension, erosion etc.) have been proposed for the Alps.
Complementary to the data-driven approach, mathematical models of the lithosphere and upper mantle system are useful tools to investigate geodynamic processes. These mathematical models integrate observational and experimental data with the fundamental laws of physics (e.g. conservation of mass, momentum and energy) and are useful to test conceptual models of subduction initiation and rock exhumation. Here, we present numerical solutions of two-dimensional petrological-thermo-mechanical models. The initial model configuration consists of an isostatically and thermally equilibrated lithosphere, which includes mechanical heterogeneities in the form of elliptical regions with different effective viscosity. We model a continuous geodynamic cycle of subsequent extension, no far-field deformation and convergence. During extension, the continental crust is necked, separated and mantle is exhumed, forming a marine basin bounded by passive margins. During the subsequent stage with no far-field deformation, the thermal field of the lithosphere is re-equilibrated above a convecting mantle. During convergence, subduction is initiated at one passive margin and the mantle lithosphere below the marine basin as well as the other passive margin are subducted. During progressive subduction, parts of the subducted continental upper crust are sheared-off the subducting plate and are exhumed to the surface, ultimately forming an orogenic wedge. For the convergence, we test the impact of serpentinites at the top of the exhumed mantle on orogenic wedge formation. We compare the model results with observational and experimental constraints, discuss the involved processes and driving forces and propose a model for subduction initiation and (ultra)high-pressure rock exhumation for the Alps.
How to cite: Schmalholz, S. M., Candioti, L., Vaughan-Hammon, J., and Duretz, T.: Subduction initiation and subsequent burial-exhumation of (ultra)high-pressure rock, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10097, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10097, 2021.
EGU21-11068 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Subduction dynamics and rheology control on forearc and backarc subsidence: Numerical models and observations from the MediterraneanAttila Balazs, Claudio Faccenna, Taras Gerya, Kosuke Ueda, and Francesca Funiciello
The dynamics of oceanic and continental subduction zones is linked to the rise and demise of forearc and backarc basins in the overriding plate. Subsidence and uplift rates of these distinct sedimentary basins are controlled by variations in plate convergence and subduction velocities and determined by lithospheric rheological structure and different lithospheric thicknesses.
In this study we conducted a series of high-resolution 2D numerical models applying the thermo-mechanical code 2DELVIS (Gerya and Yuen, 2007). The model, based on finite differences and marker-in-cell techniques, solves the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations for incompressible media; assumes elasto-visco-plastic rheologies and involves erosion, sedimentation and hydration processes.
The models show the evolution of wedge-top basins lying on top of the accretionary wedge and retro-forearc basins in the continental overriding plate, separated by a forearc high. These forearc regions are affected by repeated compression and extension phases. Higher subsidence rates are recorded in the syncline structure of the retro-forearc basin when the slab dip angle is higher and the subduction interface is stronger and before the slab reaches the 660 km discontinuity. This implies the importance of the slab suction force as the main forcing factor creating up to 3-4 km negative dynamics topographic signals.
Extensional back-arc basins are either localized along inherited crustal or lithospheric weak zones at large distance from the forearc region or are initiated just above the hydrated mantle wedge. During trench retreat and slab roll-back the older volcanic arc area becomes part of the back-arc region. Back-arc subsidence is primarily governed by crustal and lithospheric thinning controlled by slab roll-back. Onset of continental subduction and soft collision is linked to the rapid uplift of the forearc basins; however, the back-arc region records ongoing extension. Finally, during hard collision the forarc and back-arc basins are ultimately under compression.
Our results are compared with the evolution of the Mediterranean and based on the reconstructed plate kinematics, subsidence and heat flow evolution we classify the Western and Eastern Alboran, Paola and Tyrrhenian, Transylvanian and Pannonian Basins to be genetically similar forearc–backarc basins, respectively.
How to cite: Balazs, A., Faccenna, C., Gerya, T., Ueda, K., and Funiciello, F.: Subduction dynamics and rheology control on forearc and backarc subsidence: Numerical models and observations from the Mediterranean , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11068, 2021.
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The dynamics of oceanic and continental subduction zones is linked to the rise and demise of forearc and backarc basins in the overriding plate. Subsidence and uplift rates of these distinct sedimentary basins are controlled by variations in plate convergence and subduction velocities and determined by lithospheric rheological structure and different lithospheric thicknesses.
In this study we conducted a series of high-resolution 2D numerical models applying the thermo-mechanical code 2DELVIS (Gerya and Yuen, 2007). The model, based on finite differences and marker-in-cell techniques, solves the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations for incompressible media; assumes elasto-visco-plastic rheologies and involves erosion, sedimentation and hydration processes.
The models show the evolution of wedge-top basins lying on top of the accretionary wedge and retro-forearc basins in the continental overriding plate, separated by a forearc high. These forearc regions are affected by repeated compression and extension phases. Higher subsidence rates are recorded in the syncline structure of the retro-forearc basin when the slab dip angle is higher and the subduction interface is stronger and before the slab reaches the 660 km discontinuity. This implies the importance of the slab suction force as the main forcing factor creating up to 3-4 km negative dynamics topographic signals.
Extensional back-arc basins are either localized along inherited crustal or lithospheric weak zones at large distance from the forearc region or are initiated just above the hydrated mantle wedge. During trench retreat and slab roll-back the older volcanic arc area becomes part of the back-arc region. Back-arc subsidence is primarily governed by crustal and lithospheric thinning controlled by slab roll-back. Onset of continental subduction and soft collision is linked to the rapid uplift of the forearc basins; however, the back-arc region records ongoing extension. Finally, during hard collision the forarc and back-arc basins are ultimately under compression.
Our results are compared with the evolution of the Mediterranean and based on the reconstructed plate kinematics, subsidence and heat flow evolution we classify the Western and Eastern Alboran, Paola and Tyrrhenian, Transylvanian and Pannonian Basins to be genetically similar forearc–backarc basins, respectively.
How to cite: Balazs, A., Faccenna, C., Gerya, T., Ueda, K., and Funiciello, F.: Subduction dynamics and rheology control on forearc and backarc subsidence: Numerical models and observations from the Mediterranean , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11068, 2021.
EGU21-3047 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Extrusion of subducted crust explains the emplacement of far-travelled ophiolitesKristóf Porkoláb, Thibault Duretz, Philippe Yamato, Antoine Auzemery, and Ernst Willingshofer
Continental subduction below oceanic plates and associated emplacement of ophiolite sheets remain enigmatic chapters in global plate tectonics. Numerous ophiolite belts on Earth exhibit a far-travelled ophiolite sheet that is separated from its oceanic root by tectonic windows exposing continental crust, which experienced subduction-related high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism during obduction. However, the link between continental subduction-exhumation dynamics and far-travelled ophiolite emplacement remains poorly understood. We combine data collected from ophiolite belts worldwide with thermo-mechanical simulations of continental subduction dynamics to show the causal link between the extrusion of subducted continental crust and the emplacement of far-travelled ophiolite sheets. Our results reveal that buoyancy-driven extrusion of subducted crust triggers necking and breaking of the overriding oceanic upper plate. The broken-off piece of oceanic lithosphere is then transported on top of the continent along a flat thrust segment and becomes a far-travelled ophiolite sheet separated from its root by the extruded continental crust. Our results indicate that the extrusion of the subducted continental crust and the emplacement of far-travelled ophiolite sheets are inseparable processes.
How to cite: Porkoláb, K., Duretz, T., Yamato, P., Auzemery, A., and Willingshofer, E.: Extrusion of subducted crust explains the emplacement of far-travelled ophiolites, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3047, 2021.
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Continental subduction below oceanic plates and associated emplacement of ophiolite sheets remain enigmatic chapters in global plate tectonics. Numerous ophiolite belts on Earth exhibit a far-travelled ophiolite sheet that is separated from its oceanic root by tectonic windows exposing continental crust, which experienced subduction-related high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism during obduction. However, the link between continental subduction-exhumation dynamics and far-travelled ophiolite emplacement remains poorly understood. We combine data collected from ophiolite belts worldwide with thermo-mechanical simulations of continental subduction dynamics to show the causal link between the extrusion of subducted continental crust and the emplacement of far-travelled ophiolite sheets. Our results reveal that buoyancy-driven extrusion of subducted crust triggers necking and breaking of the overriding oceanic upper plate. The broken-off piece of oceanic lithosphere is then transported on top of the continent along a flat thrust segment and becomes a far-travelled ophiolite sheet separated from its root by the extruded continental crust. Our results indicate that the extrusion of the subducted continental crust and the emplacement of far-travelled ophiolite sheets are inseparable processes.
How to cite: Porkoláb, K., Duretz, T., Yamato, P., Auzemery, A., and Willingshofer, E.: Extrusion of subducted crust explains the emplacement of far-travelled ophiolites, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3047, 2021.
EGU21-8587 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Underplating altered oceanic crust: Insights from numerical modellingZoe Braden, Jonas B. Ruh, and Whitney M. Behr
Observations of several active shallow subduction megathrusts suggest that they are localized as décollements within sedimentary sequences or at the contact between sedimentary layers and the underlying mafic oceanic crust. Exhumed accretionary complexes from a range of subduction depths, however, preserve underplated mafic slivers, which indicate that megathrust faults can occasionally develop within the mafic oceanic crustal column. The incorporation of mafic rocks into the subduction interface shear zone has the potential to influence both long-term subduction dynamics and short-term seismic and transient slip behaviour, but the processes and conditions that favour localisation of the megathrust into deeper oceanic crustal levels are poorly understood.
In this work, we use visco-elasto-plastic numerical modelling to explore the long-term (million year) factors influencing the incorporation of mafic volcanic rocks into the subduction interface and accretionary wedge through underplating. We focus on the potential importance of oceanic seafloor alteration in facilitating oceanic crustal weakening, which is implemented through a temperature-dependent pore-fluid pressure ratio (lambda = 0.90-0.99 between 160 and 300oC). We then examine the underplating response to changes in sediment thickness, geothermal gradient, sediment fluid pressure, and surface erosion rates. Our results indicate that a thinner incoming sediment package and a lower geothermal gradient cause oceanic crustal underplating to initiate deeper beneath the backstop (overriding plate) compared to thicker incoming sediment and a higher geothermal gradient. Relative pore fluid pressure differences between sediments and altered oceanic crust control the amount of altered oceanic crust that is underplated, as well as the location of underplating beneath the backstop or accretionary wedge. When sediments on top of the altered oceanic crust have the same fluid pressure as the altered oceanic crust, no oceanic crustal underplating occurs. Modelling results are also compared to exhumed subduction complexes to examine the amount and distribution of underplated mafic rocks.
How to cite: Braden, Z., Ruh, J. B., and Behr, W. M.: Underplating altered oceanic crust: Insights from numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8587, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8587, 2021.
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Observations of several active shallow subduction megathrusts suggest that they are localized as décollements within sedimentary sequences or at the contact between sedimentary layers and the underlying mafic oceanic crust. Exhumed accretionary complexes from a range of subduction depths, however, preserve underplated mafic slivers, which indicate that megathrust faults can occasionally develop within the mafic oceanic crustal column. The incorporation of mafic rocks into the subduction interface shear zone has the potential to influence both long-term subduction dynamics and short-term seismic and transient slip behaviour, but the processes and conditions that favour localisation of the megathrust into deeper oceanic crustal levels are poorly understood.
In this work, we use visco-elasto-plastic numerical modelling to explore the long-term (million year) factors influencing the incorporation of mafic volcanic rocks into the subduction interface and accretionary wedge through underplating. We focus on the potential importance of oceanic seafloor alteration in facilitating oceanic crustal weakening, which is implemented through a temperature-dependent pore-fluid pressure ratio (lambda = 0.90-0.99 between 160 and 300oC). We then examine the underplating response to changes in sediment thickness, geothermal gradient, sediment fluid pressure, and surface erosion rates. Our results indicate that a thinner incoming sediment package and a lower geothermal gradient cause oceanic crustal underplating to initiate deeper beneath the backstop (overriding plate) compared to thicker incoming sediment and a higher geothermal gradient. Relative pore fluid pressure differences between sediments and altered oceanic crust control the amount of altered oceanic crust that is underplated, as well as the location of underplating beneath the backstop or accretionary wedge. When sediments on top of the altered oceanic crust have the same fluid pressure as the altered oceanic crust, no oceanic crustal underplating occurs. Modelling results are also compared to exhumed subduction complexes to examine the amount and distribution of underplated mafic rocks.
How to cite: Braden, Z., Ruh, J. B., and Behr, W. M.: Underplating altered oceanic crust: Insights from numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8587, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8587, 2021.
EGU21-2019 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
What slates can tell us about strain localisation and fluid flow in accretionary wedges: a microstructural analysis of deforming foreland basin sedimentsIsmay Vénice Akker, Christoph E. Schrank, Michael W.M. Jones, Cameron M. Kewish, Alfons Berger, and Marco Herwegh
During the accretion of foreland basin sediments into an accretionary or orogenic wedge, the sediments dehydrate and deform. Both dehydration and deformation intensity increase from the outer to the inner wedge and are a function of metamorphic processes and strain. Here, we study the microstructural evolution of slates from the exhumed Flysch units making up a paleo accretionary wedge in the European Alps. With classic SEM imaging and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy, we document the evolution of slate fabrics and calcite veins and aim at understanding the role of the evolving slate fabrics for strain localisation and fluid flow at the micro-scale.
The investigated slate samples are from a NW-SE transect covering the outer and inner wedge from 200 to 330 °C. The metamorphic gradient directly correlates with an increasing background strain gradient. With the use of the autocorrelation function, we quantify the evolution of the microfabrics along the metamorphic gradient and document deformation stages from a weakly deformed slate without foliation in the outer wedge to a strongly deformed slate with a dense spaced foliation in the inner wedge. The foliation mainly forms by dissolution-precipitation processes, which increase with increasing metamorphic gradient.
The slate matrix reveals two main sets of veins. The first vein set includes micron-scaled calcite veinlets with very high spatial densities. The second vein set includes layer parallel calcite veins that form vein-arrays (couple of metres thick) in the inner wedge. Both vein sets could have moved large amounts of fluids through the wedge. The spatial distribution of the micron-veinlets reveals that fluids were moved pervasively. In the case of the layer parallel veins forming vein-arrays, fluid flow was localized, supported by the dense spaced foliation formed in the slate matrix in the inner wedge. This way we now establish a direct link between the microstructural evolution in the slate matrix and associated dehydration, where fluids become increasingly channelled towards the inner wedge. Knowing that the vein-arrays have length dimensions in the order or hundreds of metres to kilometres, these structures are important for larger-scale fluid flow, the feeding of fluids into megathrusts and for related seismic activity in the wedge.
How to cite: Akker, I. V., Schrank, C. E., Jones, M. W. M., Kewish, C. M., Berger, A., and Herwegh, M.: What slates can tell us about strain localisation and fluid flow in accretionary wedges: a microstructural analysis of deforming foreland basin sediments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2019, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2019, 2021.
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During the accretion of foreland basin sediments into an accretionary or orogenic wedge, the sediments dehydrate and deform. Both dehydration and deformation intensity increase from the outer to the inner wedge and are a function of metamorphic processes and strain. Here, we study the microstructural evolution of slates from the exhumed Flysch units making up a paleo accretionary wedge in the European Alps. With classic SEM imaging and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy, we document the evolution of slate fabrics and calcite veins and aim at understanding the role of the evolving slate fabrics for strain localisation and fluid flow at the micro-scale.
The investigated slate samples are from a NW-SE transect covering the outer and inner wedge from 200 to 330 °C. The metamorphic gradient directly correlates with an increasing background strain gradient. With the use of the autocorrelation function, we quantify the evolution of the microfabrics along the metamorphic gradient and document deformation stages from a weakly deformed slate without foliation in the outer wedge to a strongly deformed slate with a dense spaced foliation in the inner wedge. The foliation mainly forms by dissolution-precipitation processes, which increase with increasing metamorphic gradient.
The slate matrix reveals two main sets of veins. The first vein set includes micron-scaled calcite veinlets with very high spatial densities. The second vein set includes layer parallel calcite veins that form vein-arrays (couple of metres thick) in the inner wedge. Both vein sets could have moved large amounts of fluids through the wedge. The spatial distribution of the micron-veinlets reveals that fluids were moved pervasively. In the case of the layer parallel veins forming vein-arrays, fluid flow was localized, supported by the dense spaced foliation formed in the slate matrix in the inner wedge. This way we now establish a direct link between the microstructural evolution in the slate matrix and associated dehydration, where fluids become increasingly channelled towards the inner wedge. Knowing that the vein-arrays have length dimensions in the order or hundreds of metres to kilometres, these structures are important for larger-scale fluid flow, the feeding of fluids into megathrusts and for related seismic activity in the wedge.
How to cite: Akker, I. V., Schrank, C. E., Jones, M. W. M., Kewish, C. M., Berger, A., and Herwegh, M.: What slates can tell us about strain localisation and fluid flow in accretionary wedges: a microstructural analysis of deforming foreland basin sediments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2019, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2019, 2021.
EGU21-2391 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Deformation mechanisms in naturally-deformed blueschist facies metabasalts: constraints from exhumed subduction complexes in Greece and CaliforniaCarolyn Tewksbury-Christle, Alissa Kotowski, and Whitney Behr
The strength, or viscosity, of the subduction interface is a key parameter in subduction dynamics, influencing both long-term subduction plate speeds and short-term transient deformation styles. Fossil subduction interfaces exhumed from downdip of the megathrust record ductile deformation accommodated by diverse lithologies, including metasedimentary and metamafic rocks. Existing flow laws for quartz-rich rocks predict relatively low viscosities, in contrast to high viscosities predicted for basalt and eclogite, but the rheological properties of blueschists representative of metamorphosed oceanic crust of the down-going slab are poorly constrained. Two key questions remain: 1) are there significant viscosity contrasts between blueschists and quartz- or mica-rich metasedimentary rocks, and 2) what are the microscale mechanisms for creep in naturally deformed blueschists and how do they vary with pressure and temperature? To address these questions, we characterized deformation in natural samples from the Condrey Mountain Schist (CMS) in northern California, USA, and the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) on Syros Island, Cyclades, Greece, using outcrop-scale structural observations, optical microscopy, and Electron Backscatter Diffraction. The CMS and CBU record pressure-temperature conditions of 0.8-1.1 GPa, 350-450°C and 1.4-1.8 GPa, 450-550°C, respectively.
In the field, blueschists form m- to km-scale lenses that are interfolded with quartz schists, ultramafics, and, in the CBU, eclogites and marbles. At the outcrop scale in both localities, quartz-rich schists and blueschists each exhibit strong foliations and lineations and planar contacts at lithological boundaries. At the thin section scale, the prograde foliation and mineral lineation in blueschists are commonly defined by Na-amphiboles elongated in the lineation direction. Crystallographic preferred orientations in Na-amphibole in all samples have c-axes parallel to lineation and a-axes predominantly defining point-maxima perpendicular to the foliation, suggesting some component of dislocation activity for all temperature conditions in our sample suite. Microtextures in lower temperature CMS samples suggest strain accommodation primarily by dislocation glide and kinking in Na-amphibole, with extremely high-aspect-ratio grains and limited evidence for climb-controlled dynamic recrystallization. Some higher temperature CBU samples show large porphyroclasts with apparent ‘core-and-mantle’-type recrystallization textures and subgrain orientation analyses consistent with the (hk0)[001] slip systems. In contrast, epidote grains accommodate less strain than Na-amphibole, via some combination of rigid rotation, brittle boudinage, and minor intracrystalline plasticity.
Observations of evenly-distributed strain, despite lithological heterogeneity, suggest low viscosity contrasts and comparable bulk strengths of quartz schists and blueschists. Our microstructural observations suggest that Na-amphibole was the weakest phase and accommodated the majority of strain in mafic blueschists. Dislocation activity, and not just rigid-body-rotation or diffusional processes, accommodated some component of strain and possibly transitioned with increasing temperature from glide- to climb-controlled. Although effective viscosities appear to be similar, subduction interface shear zones dominated by blueschists may exhibit a power-law rheology consistent with dislocation activity, in contrast to the common inference of Newtonian creep in metasediments. Complementary experimental work on CMS and CBU rocks will also be presented at this meeting (see Tokle et al. and Hufford et al.).
How to cite: Tewksbury-Christle, C., Kotowski, A., and Behr, W.: Deformation mechanisms in naturally-deformed blueschist facies metabasalts: constraints from exhumed subduction complexes in Greece and California, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2391, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2391, 2021.
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The strength, or viscosity, of the subduction interface is a key parameter in subduction dynamics, influencing both long-term subduction plate speeds and short-term transient deformation styles. Fossil subduction interfaces exhumed from downdip of the megathrust record ductile deformation accommodated by diverse lithologies, including metasedimentary and metamafic rocks. Existing flow laws for quartz-rich rocks predict relatively low viscosities, in contrast to high viscosities predicted for basalt and eclogite, but the rheological properties of blueschists representative of metamorphosed oceanic crust of the down-going slab are poorly constrained. Two key questions remain: 1) are there significant viscosity contrasts between blueschists and quartz- or mica-rich metasedimentary rocks, and 2) what are the microscale mechanisms for creep in naturally deformed blueschists and how do they vary with pressure and temperature? To address these questions, we characterized deformation in natural samples from the Condrey Mountain Schist (CMS) in northern California, USA, and the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) on Syros Island, Cyclades, Greece, using outcrop-scale structural observations, optical microscopy, and Electron Backscatter Diffraction. The CMS and CBU record pressure-temperature conditions of 0.8-1.1 GPa, 350-450°C and 1.4-1.8 GPa, 450-550°C, respectively.
In the field, blueschists form m- to km-scale lenses that are interfolded with quartz schists, ultramafics, and, in the CBU, eclogites and marbles. At the outcrop scale in both localities, quartz-rich schists and blueschists each exhibit strong foliations and lineations and planar contacts at lithological boundaries. At the thin section scale, the prograde foliation and mineral lineation in blueschists are commonly defined by Na-amphiboles elongated in the lineation direction. Crystallographic preferred orientations in Na-amphibole in all samples have c-axes parallel to lineation and a-axes predominantly defining point-maxima perpendicular to the foliation, suggesting some component of dislocation activity for all temperature conditions in our sample suite. Microtextures in lower temperature CMS samples suggest strain accommodation primarily by dislocation glide and kinking in Na-amphibole, with extremely high-aspect-ratio grains and limited evidence for climb-controlled dynamic recrystallization. Some higher temperature CBU samples show large porphyroclasts with apparent ‘core-and-mantle’-type recrystallization textures and subgrain orientation analyses consistent with the (hk0)[001] slip systems. In contrast, epidote grains accommodate less strain than Na-amphibole, via some combination of rigid rotation, brittle boudinage, and minor intracrystalline plasticity.
Observations of evenly-distributed strain, despite lithological heterogeneity, suggest low viscosity contrasts and comparable bulk strengths of quartz schists and blueschists. Our microstructural observations suggest that Na-amphibole was the weakest phase and accommodated the majority of strain in mafic blueschists. Dislocation activity, and not just rigid-body-rotation or diffusional processes, accommodated some component of strain and possibly transitioned with increasing temperature from glide- to climb-controlled. Although effective viscosities appear to be similar, subduction interface shear zones dominated by blueschists may exhibit a power-law rheology consistent with dislocation activity, in contrast to the common inference of Newtonian creep in metasediments. Complementary experimental work on CMS and CBU rocks will also be presented at this meeting (see Tokle et al. and Hufford et al.).
How to cite: Tewksbury-Christle, C., Kotowski, A., and Behr, W.: Deformation mechanisms in naturally-deformed blueschist facies metabasalts: constraints from exhumed subduction complexes in Greece and California, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2391, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2391, 2021.
EGU21-5897 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Accretion-controlled forearc deformation pulses recorded by high-pressure paleo-accretionary wedges: the example of the Hellenic subduction zoneArmel Menant, Onno Oncken, Johannes Glodny, Samuel Angiboust, Laurent Jolivet, Romain Augier, Eloïse Bessière, and Taras Gerya
Subduction margins are the loci of a wide range of deformation processes occurring at different timescales along the plate interface and in the overriding forearc crust. Whereas long-term deformation is usually considered as stable over Myr-long periods, this vision is challenged by an increasing number of observations suggesting a long-term pulsing evolution of active margins. To appraise this emerging view of a highly dynamic subduction system and identify the driving mechanisms, detailed studies on high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) exhumed accretionary complexes are crucial as they open a window on the deformation history affecting the whole forearc region.
In this study, we combine structural and petrological observations, Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material, Rb/Sr multi-mineral geochronology and thermo-mechanical numerical models to unravel with an unprecedented resolution the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Late-Cenozoic HP-LT nappe stack cropping out in western Crete (Hellenic subduction zone). A consistent decrease of peak temperatures and deformation ages toward the base of the nappe pile allows us to identify a minimum of three basal accretion episodes between ca. 24 Ma and ca. 15 Ma. On the basis of structural evidences and pressure-temperature-time-strain predictions from numerical modeling, we argue that each of these mass-flux events triggered a pulse in the strain rate, sometimes associated with a switch of the stress regime (i.e., compressional/extensional). Such accretion-controlled transient deformation episodes last at most ca. 1-2 Myr and may explain the poly-phased structural records of exhumed rocks without involving changes in far-field stress conditions. This long-term background tectonic signal controlled by deep accretionary processes plays a part in active deformations monitored at subduction margins, though it may remain blind to most of geodetic methods because of superimposed shorter-timescale transients, such as seismic-cycle-related events.
How to cite: Menant, A., Oncken, O., Glodny, J., Angiboust, S., Jolivet, L., Augier, R., Bessière, E., and Gerya, T.: Accretion-controlled forearc deformation pulses recorded by high-pressure paleo-accretionary wedges: the example of the Hellenic subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5897, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5897, 2021.
Subduction margins are the loci of a wide range of deformation processes occurring at different timescales along the plate interface and in the overriding forearc crust. Whereas long-term deformation is usually considered as stable over Myr-long periods, this vision is challenged by an increasing number of observations suggesting a long-term pulsing evolution of active margins. To appraise this emerging view of a highly dynamic subduction system and identify the driving mechanisms, detailed studies on high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) exhumed accretionary complexes are crucial as they open a window on the deformation history affecting the whole forearc region.
In this study, we combine structural and petrological observations, Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material, Rb/Sr multi-mineral geochronology and thermo-mechanical numerical models to unravel with an unprecedented resolution the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Late-Cenozoic HP-LT nappe stack cropping out in western Crete (Hellenic subduction zone). A consistent decrease of peak temperatures and deformation ages toward the base of the nappe pile allows us to identify a minimum of three basal accretion episodes between ca. 24 Ma and ca. 15 Ma. On the basis of structural evidences and pressure-temperature-time-strain predictions from numerical modeling, we argue that each of these mass-flux events triggered a pulse in the strain rate, sometimes associated with a switch of the stress regime (i.e., compressional/extensional). Such accretion-controlled transient deformation episodes last at most ca. 1-2 Myr and may explain the poly-phased structural records of exhumed rocks without involving changes in far-field stress conditions. This long-term background tectonic signal controlled by deep accretionary processes plays a part in active deformations monitored at subduction margins, though it may remain blind to most of geodetic methods because of superimposed shorter-timescale transients, such as seismic-cycle-related events.
How to cite: Menant, A., Oncken, O., Glodny, J., Angiboust, S., Jolivet, L., Augier, R., Bessière, E., and Gerya, T.: Accretion-controlled forearc deformation pulses recorded by high-pressure paleo-accretionary wedges: the example of the Hellenic subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5897, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5897, 2021.
EGU21-13868 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Exhumation of subducted mafic rocks in a dynamically evolving thermal structure: constraints from phase equilibria modellingRilla C. McKeegan, Victor E. Guevara, Adam F. Holt, and Cailey B. Condit
The dominant mechanisms that control the exhumation of subducted rocks and how these mechanisms evolve through time in a subduction zone remain unclear. Dynamic models of subduction zones suggest that their thermal structures evolve from subduction initiation to maturity. The series of metamorphic reactions that occur within the slab, resultant density, and buoyancy with respect to the mantle wedge will co-evolve with the thermal structure. We combine dynamic models of subduction zone thermal structure with phase equilibria modeling to place constraints on the dominant controls on the depth limits of exhumation. This is done across the temporal evolution of a subduction zone for various endmember lithologic associations observed in exhumed high-pressure terranes: sedimentary and serpentinite mélanges, and oceanic tectonic slices.
Initial modeling suggests that both serpentinite and sedimentary mélanges remain positively buoyant with respect to the mantle wedge throughout all stages of subduction (up to 65 Myr), and for the spectrum of naturally constrained ratios of mafic blocks to serpentinite/sedimentary matrix. In these settings, exhumation depth limits and the “point of no return” (c. 2.3 GPa) are not directly limited by buoyancy, but potentially rheological changes in the slab at the blueschist-eclogite transition stemming from: the switch from amphibole-dominated to pyroxene-dominated rheology and/or dehydration embrittlement. These mechanisms may increase the possibility of brittle failure and hence promote detachment of the slab top into the subduction channel. For the range of temperatures recorded by exhumed serpentinite mélanges, the locus of dehydration for altered MORB at the slab top coincides with the point of no return (2.3 GPa) between 35 and 40 Myr, suggesting a strong temporal dependence on deep exhumation in the subduction channel.
Tectonic slices composed of 50% mafic rocks and 50% serpentinized slab mantle show a temporal dependence on the depth limits of positive buoyancy. For the range of temperatures recorded by exhumed tectonic slices, the upper pressure limit of positive buoyancy is ~2 GPa, and is only crossed between ~30 and 40 Myr after subduction initiation. Some exhumed tectonic slices record much higher pressures (2.5 GPa); thus, other mechanisms or lithologic combinations may also play a significant role in determining the exhumation limits of tectonic slices.
Future work includes constraining how the loci of dehydration vary through time for different degrees of oceanic crust alteration, how exhumation limits and mechanisms may change with different subducting plate ages, and calculating how initial exhumation velocities may vary through time. Further comparison with the rock record will constrain the parameters that control the timing and limits of exhumation in subduction zones.
How to cite: McKeegan, R. C., Guevara, V. E., Holt, A. F., and Condit, C. B.: Exhumation of subducted mafic rocks in a dynamically evolving thermal structure: constraints from phase equilibria modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13868, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13868, 2021.
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The dominant mechanisms that control the exhumation of subducted rocks and how these mechanisms evolve through time in a subduction zone remain unclear. Dynamic models of subduction zones suggest that their thermal structures evolve from subduction initiation to maturity. The series of metamorphic reactions that occur within the slab, resultant density, and buoyancy with respect to the mantle wedge will co-evolve with the thermal structure. We combine dynamic models of subduction zone thermal structure with phase equilibria modeling to place constraints on the dominant controls on the depth limits of exhumation. This is done across the temporal evolution of a subduction zone for various endmember lithologic associations observed in exhumed high-pressure terranes: sedimentary and serpentinite mélanges, and oceanic tectonic slices.
Initial modeling suggests that both serpentinite and sedimentary mélanges remain positively buoyant with respect to the mantle wedge throughout all stages of subduction (up to 65 Myr), and for the spectrum of naturally constrained ratios of mafic blocks to serpentinite/sedimentary matrix. In these settings, exhumation depth limits and the “point of no return” (c. 2.3 GPa) are not directly limited by buoyancy, but potentially rheological changes in the slab at the blueschist-eclogite transition stemming from: the switch from amphibole-dominated to pyroxene-dominated rheology and/or dehydration embrittlement. These mechanisms may increase the possibility of brittle failure and hence promote detachment of the slab top into the subduction channel. For the range of temperatures recorded by exhumed serpentinite mélanges, the locus of dehydration for altered MORB at the slab top coincides with the point of no return (2.3 GPa) between 35 and 40 Myr, suggesting a strong temporal dependence on deep exhumation in the subduction channel.
Tectonic slices composed of 50% mafic rocks and 50% serpentinized slab mantle show a temporal dependence on the depth limits of positive buoyancy. For the range of temperatures recorded by exhumed tectonic slices, the upper pressure limit of positive buoyancy is ~2 GPa, and is only crossed between ~30 and 40 Myr after subduction initiation. Some exhumed tectonic slices record much higher pressures (2.5 GPa); thus, other mechanisms or lithologic combinations may also play a significant role in determining the exhumation limits of tectonic slices.
Future work includes constraining how the loci of dehydration vary through time for different degrees of oceanic crust alteration, how exhumation limits and mechanisms may change with different subducting plate ages, and calculating how initial exhumation velocities may vary through time. Further comparison with the rock record will constrain the parameters that control the timing and limits of exhumation in subduction zones.
How to cite: McKeegan, R. C., Guevara, V. E., Holt, A. F., and Condit, C. B.: Exhumation of subducted mafic rocks in a dynamically evolving thermal structure: constraints from phase equilibria modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13868, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13868, 2021.
EGU21-12967 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
An Exhumation Pulse From the Nascent Franciscan Subduction Zone (California, USA)Daniel Rutte, Joshua Garber, Andrew Kylander-Clark, and Paul Renne
We investigated a suite of metabasite blocks from serpentinite matrix and shale matrix mélanges of the California Coast Ranges. Our new data set consists of 40Ar/39Ar dates of amphibole and phengite and U‐Pb dates of metamorphic zircon. Combined with published geochronology, including prograde Lu‐Hf garnet ages from the same blocks, we can reconstruct the timing and time scales of prograde and retrograde metamorphism of individual blocks. In particular we find that exhumation from amphibole‐eclogite facies conditions occurred as a single episode at 165–157 Ma, with an apparent southward younging trend. The rate and timing of exhumation were initially uniform (when comparing individual blocks) and fast (with cooling rates up to ~140°C/Ma). In the cooler and shallower blueschist facies, exhumation slowed and became less uniform among blocks. Considering the subduction zone system, the high‐grade exhumation temporally correlates with a magmatic arc pulse (Sierra Nevada) and the termination of forearc spreading (Coast Range Ophiolite). Our findings suggest that a geodynamic one‐time event led to exhumation of amphibole‐eclogite facies rocks. We propose that interaction of the Franciscan subduction zone with a spreading ridge led to extraction of the forearc mantle wedge from its position between forearc crust and subducting crust. The extraction led to fast and uniform exhumation of subducted rocks into the blueschist facies. We also show that the Franciscan subduction zone did not undergo significant cooling over time and that its initiation was not coeval with blueschist‐facies metamorphism of the Red Ant schist of the Sierra Nevada foothills.
How to cite: Rutte, D., Garber, J., Kylander-Clark, A., and Renne, P.: An Exhumation Pulse From the Nascent Franciscan Subduction Zone (California, USA), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12967, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12967, 2021.
We investigated a suite of metabasite blocks from serpentinite matrix and shale matrix mélanges of the California Coast Ranges. Our new data set consists of 40Ar/39Ar dates of amphibole and phengite and U‐Pb dates of metamorphic zircon. Combined with published geochronology, including prograde Lu‐Hf garnet ages from the same blocks, we can reconstruct the timing and time scales of prograde and retrograde metamorphism of individual blocks. In particular we find that exhumation from amphibole‐eclogite facies conditions occurred as a single episode at 165–157 Ma, with an apparent southward younging trend. The rate and timing of exhumation were initially uniform (when comparing individual blocks) and fast (with cooling rates up to ~140°C/Ma). In the cooler and shallower blueschist facies, exhumation slowed and became less uniform among blocks. Considering the subduction zone system, the high‐grade exhumation temporally correlates with a magmatic arc pulse (Sierra Nevada) and the termination of forearc spreading (Coast Range Ophiolite). Our findings suggest that a geodynamic one‐time event led to exhumation of amphibole‐eclogite facies rocks. We propose that interaction of the Franciscan subduction zone with a spreading ridge led to extraction of the forearc mantle wedge from its position between forearc crust and subducting crust. The extraction led to fast and uniform exhumation of subducted rocks into the blueschist facies. We also show that the Franciscan subduction zone did not undergo significant cooling over time and that its initiation was not coeval with blueschist‐facies metamorphism of the Red Ant schist of the Sierra Nevada foothills.
How to cite: Rutte, D., Garber, J., Kylander-Clark, A., and Renne, P.: An Exhumation Pulse From the Nascent Franciscan Subduction Zone (California, USA), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12967, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12967, 2021.
EGU21-15318 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Constraints on continental subduction in the Dora-Maira massif from rutile and titanite U-Pb geochronologyGuillaume Bonnet, Christian Chopin, Andrew Kylander-Clark, and Bradley Hacker
The Dora-Maira massif (Western Alps) is among the most studied subducted continental terranes in the world. It consists of a tectonic stack of <km-thick units metamorphosed at different grades, from blueschist to Ultra-High-Pressure (UHP) eclogite. While the UHP unit has been extensively studied, little is known about the chronology of subduction and exhumation of other units.
We here present new petrological observations and U-Pb geochronology on rutile and titanite to constrain the prograde, peak and retrograde evolution of distinct units.
Rutile U-Pb geochronology on peak UHP assemblages is compared to existing results and is examined in light of closure temperatures for Pb diffusion. The results confirm peak metamorphism at ~35 Ma and fast cooling rates. This method is then applied to colder units (where closure temperatures are higher than peak temperatures, as shown by the preservation of the Permian age of pre-Alpine rutiles) and yields peak metamorphic ages of the different units between 39 and 32 Ma.
Rutile and titanite U-Pb geochronology help constrain the age of pervasive retrogression in the Dora Maira massif which is likely synchronous with the early exhumation of the lowermost continental unit and the transition from subduction to collision at 32-31 Ma.
We finally examine the possibility and potential consequences of melt circulation in the UHP unit during subduction.
How to cite: Bonnet, G., Chopin, C., Kylander-Clark, A., and Hacker, B.: Constraints on continental subduction in the Dora-Maira massif from rutile and titanite U-Pb geochronology , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15318, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15318, 2021.
The Dora-Maira massif (Western Alps) is among the most studied subducted continental terranes in the world. It consists of a tectonic stack of <km-thick units metamorphosed at different grades, from blueschist to Ultra-High-Pressure (UHP) eclogite. While the UHP unit has been extensively studied, little is known about the chronology of subduction and exhumation of other units.
We here present new petrological observations and U-Pb geochronology on rutile and titanite to constrain the prograde, peak and retrograde evolution of distinct units.
Rutile U-Pb geochronology on peak UHP assemblages is compared to existing results and is examined in light of closure temperatures for Pb diffusion. The results confirm peak metamorphism at ~35 Ma and fast cooling rates. This method is then applied to colder units (where closure temperatures are higher than peak temperatures, as shown by the preservation of the Permian age of pre-Alpine rutiles) and yields peak metamorphic ages of the different units between 39 and 32 Ma.
Rutile and titanite U-Pb geochronology help constrain the age of pervasive retrogression in the Dora Maira massif which is likely synchronous with the early exhumation of the lowermost continental unit and the transition from subduction to collision at 32-31 Ma.
We finally examine the possibility and potential consequences of melt circulation in the UHP unit during subduction.
How to cite: Bonnet, G., Chopin, C., Kylander-Clark, A., and Hacker, B.: Constraints on continental subduction in the Dora-Maira massif from rutile and titanite U-Pb geochronology , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15318, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15318, 2021.
EGU21-3543 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Petrotectonic implications of metabasites of the Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex at Lago O´Higgins-San Martin, southern PatagoniaDiego Rojo, Mauricio Calderón, Matias Ghiglione, Rodrigo Javier Suárez, Paulo Quezada, Francisco Hervé, Marly Babinski, and C. Mark Fanning
The Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex (EAMC) in southwestern Patagonia (4°-52°S) is a 450 km long belt mainly composed by low-grade metasedimentary rocks of Upper Devonian-lower Carboniferous, and Permian-lower Triassic ages. Previous works have suggested a passive margin environment for the deposition of the protolith. The EAMC comprise scarce interleaved tectonic slices of marbles, metabasites, and exceptional serpentinite bodies. At Lago O´Higgins-San Martin (48°30’S-49°00’S) the metasedimentary sucessions are tectonically juxtaposed with lenses of pillowed metabasalts and greenschists having OIB, N-MORB, BABB and IAT geochemical affinities. The Nd-isotopic composition of metabasalts is characterized by εNd(t=350 Ma) of +6 and +7. The metabasalts show no signal of crustal contamination, instead, the mantle source was probably modified by subduction components. New and already published provenance data based on mineralogy, geochemistry and zircon geochronology indicate that the quartz-rich protolith of metasandstones were deposited during late Devonian-early Carboniferous times (youngest single zircon ages around of latest Devonian-earliest Carboniferous times) sourced from igneous and/or sedimentary rocks located in the interior of Gondwana, as the Deseado Massif, for instance. Noticeable, the detrital age patterns of all samples reveal a prominent population of late Neoproterozoic zircons, probably directly derived from igneous and/or metaigneous rocks of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogen or from reworked material from variably metamorphosed sedimentary units that crops out at the same latitudes in the extra-Andean region of Patagonia. We propose that the protolith of metabasites formed part of the upper part of an oceanic-like lithosphere generated in a marginal basin above a supra-subduction zone, where plume-related oceanic island volcanoes were generated. The closure of the marginal basin, probably in mid-Carboniferous times, or soon after. The oceanic lithosphere was likely underthrusted within an east-to-northeast-dipping subduction zone, where ophiolitic rocks and metasedimentary sequences were tectonically interleaved at the base of an accretionary wedge.
How to cite: Rojo, D., Calderón, M., Ghiglione, M., Suárez, R. J., Quezada, P., Hervé, F., Babinski, M., and Fanning, C. M.: Petrotectonic implications of metabasites of the Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex at Lago O´Higgins-San Martin, southern Patagonia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3543, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3543, 2021.
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The Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex (EAMC) in southwestern Patagonia (4°-52°S) is a 450 km long belt mainly composed by low-grade metasedimentary rocks of Upper Devonian-lower Carboniferous, and Permian-lower Triassic ages. Previous works have suggested a passive margin environment for the deposition of the protolith. The EAMC comprise scarce interleaved tectonic slices of marbles, metabasites, and exceptional serpentinite bodies. At Lago O´Higgins-San Martin (48°30’S-49°00’S) the metasedimentary sucessions are tectonically juxtaposed with lenses of pillowed metabasalts and greenschists having OIB, N-MORB, BABB and IAT geochemical affinities. The Nd-isotopic composition of metabasalts is characterized by εNd(t=350 Ma) of +6 and +7. The metabasalts show no signal of crustal contamination, instead, the mantle source was probably modified by subduction components. New and already published provenance data based on mineralogy, geochemistry and zircon geochronology indicate that the quartz-rich protolith of metasandstones were deposited during late Devonian-early Carboniferous times (youngest single zircon ages around of latest Devonian-earliest Carboniferous times) sourced from igneous and/or sedimentary rocks located in the interior of Gondwana, as the Deseado Massif, for instance. Noticeable, the detrital age patterns of all samples reveal a prominent population of late Neoproterozoic zircons, probably directly derived from igneous and/or metaigneous rocks of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogen or from reworked material from variably metamorphosed sedimentary units that crops out at the same latitudes in the extra-Andean region of Patagonia. We propose that the protolith of metabasites formed part of the upper part of an oceanic-like lithosphere generated in a marginal basin above a supra-subduction zone, where plume-related oceanic island volcanoes were generated. The closure of the marginal basin, probably in mid-Carboniferous times, or soon after. The oceanic lithosphere was likely underthrusted within an east-to-northeast-dipping subduction zone, where ophiolitic rocks and metasedimentary sequences were tectonically interleaved at the base of an accretionary wedge.
How to cite: Rojo, D., Calderón, M., Ghiglione, M., Suárez, R. J., Quezada, P., Hervé, F., Babinski, M., and Fanning, C. M.: Petrotectonic implications of metabasites of the Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex at Lago O´Higgins-San Martin, southern Patagonia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3543, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3543, 2021.
EGU21-3833 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Life cycle of an Archean subduction zone from initiation to arc–polarity reversal: Insights from the Zunhua ophiolitic mélange, North China CratonWenbin Ning, Timothy Kusky, Junpeng Wang, Lu Wang, Hao Deng, Ali Polat, Bo Huang, Hongtao Peng, and Peng Feng
Subduction initiation and arc–polarity reversal have rarely been recognized in the Archean rock record. We document Neoarchean subduction initiation, fore-arc magmatism, and an arc–polarity reversal event from the Zunhua structural belt along the eastern margin of the Central Orogenic Belt (COB) of the North China Craton (NCC). The Zunhua ophiolitic mélange within the Zunhua structural belt is a mappable unit characterized by blocks of metamorphosed harzburgite/lherzolite, podiform chromite –bearing dunite, pyroxenite, amphibolite, metabasites (basalt and diabase) with rare intermediate volcanics, chert, and tectonic lenses of banded iron formation in a strongly sheared metapelitic matrix. New geochronological and geochemical analyses of magmatic blocks within the ophiolitic mélange show that the crustal magmatic rocks were produced in a fore-arc region at 2.55–2.52 Ga from depletion of the harzburgitic–lherzolitic mantle tectonites. Chemical, petrological, and temporal links between the depleted mantle blocks, and the suite of magmatic blocks derived from partial melting and metasomatism of these depleted mantle blocks, unequivocally shows that they represent part of the same original Neoarchean fore-arc ophiolite suite. After formation and accretion in the oceanic realm, the mélange was emplaced on the continental margin of the Eastern Block between 2.52–2.50 Ga, and underwent two stages of metamorphism at ca. 2.48–2.46 Ga and 1.81 Ga. Metamorphosed intermediate–mafic volcanic blocks exhibit systematic successive geochemical variations, from MORB-like to volcanic arc-like, and the N-MORB-like meta-basalts show remarkable similarity with the subduction initiation-related Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) fore-arc basalts. We suggest that the Zunhua fore-arc complex records continuous geodynamic processes from subduction initiation to arc magmatism. The Zunhua ophiolitic mélange is part of a ca. 2.5 Ga suture between an oceanic arc of the COB and Eastern Block of the NCC. After the arc–continent collision, an arc–polarity reversal event has been proposed to initiate a new eastward–dipping subduction zone on the western side of the COB. This arc–polarity reversal can be traced for more than 1,600 km along the length of the orogen, similar in scale, geometry, and duration between collision and polarity flip to the present-day arc–polarity reversal of the Sunda–Banda arc during its ongoing collision with the Australia continent. This indicates that a life cycle of an Archean subduction zone, including birth (subduction initiation), maturity (arc magmatism), death (arc-continent collision) and re-birth (arc–polarity reversal), is recorded in the Zunhua ophiolitic mélange, and the geodynamics of plate tectonics at the end of the Archean was similar to that of today.
How to cite: Ning, W., Kusky, T., Wang, J., Wang, L., Deng, H., Polat, A., Huang, B., Peng, H., and Feng, P.: Life cycle of an Archean subduction zone from initiation to arc–polarity reversal: Insights from the Zunhua ophiolitic mélange, North China Craton , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3833, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3833, 2021.
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Subduction initiation and arc–polarity reversal have rarely been recognized in the Archean rock record. We document Neoarchean subduction initiation, fore-arc magmatism, and an arc–polarity reversal event from the Zunhua structural belt along the eastern margin of the Central Orogenic Belt (COB) of the North China Craton (NCC). The Zunhua ophiolitic mélange within the Zunhua structural belt is a mappable unit characterized by blocks of metamorphosed harzburgite/lherzolite, podiform chromite –bearing dunite, pyroxenite, amphibolite, metabasites (basalt and diabase) with rare intermediate volcanics, chert, and tectonic lenses of banded iron formation in a strongly sheared metapelitic matrix. New geochronological and geochemical analyses of magmatic blocks within the ophiolitic mélange show that the crustal magmatic rocks were produced in a fore-arc region at 2.55–2.52 Ga from depletion of the harzburgitic–lherzolitic mantle tectonites. Chemical, petrological, and temporal links between the depleted mantle blocks, and the suite of magmatic blocks derived from partial melting and metasomatism of these depleted mantle blocks, unequivocally shows that they represent part of the same original Neoarchean fore-arc ophiolite suite. After formation and accretion in the oceanic realm, the mélange was emplaced on the continental margin of the Eastern Block between 2.52–2.50 Ga, and underwent two stages of metamorphism at ca. 2.48–2.46 Ga and 1.81 Ga. Metamorphosed intermediate–mafic volcanic blocks exhibit systematic successive geochemical variations, from MORB-like to volcanic arc-like, and the N-MORB-like meta-basalts show remarkable similarity with the subduction initiation-related Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) fore-arc basalts. We suggest that the Zunhua fore-arc complex records continuous geodynamic processes from subduction initiation to arc magmatism. The Zunhua ophiolitic mélange is part of a ca. 2.5 Ga suture between an oceanic arc of the COB and Eastern Block of the NCC. After the arc–continent collision, an arc–polarity reversal event has been proposed to initiate a new eastward–dipping subduction zone on the western side of the COB. This arc–polarity reversal can be traced for more than 1,600 km along the length of the orogen, similar in scale, geometry, and duration between collision and polarity flip to the present-day arc–polarity reversal of the Sunda–Banda arc during its ongoing collision with the Australia continent. This indicates that a life cycle of an Archean subduction zone, including birth (subduction initiation), maturity (arc magmatism), death (arc-continent collision) and re-birth (arc–polarity reversal), is recorded in the Zunhua ophiolitic mélange, and the geodynamics of plate tectonics at the end of the Archean was similar to that of today.
How to cite: Ning, W., Kusky, T., Wang, J., Wang, L., Deng, H., Polat, A., Huang, B., Peng, H., and Feng, P.: Life cycle of an Archean subduction zone from initiation to arc–polarity reversal: Insights from the Zunhua ophiolitic mélange, North China Craton , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3833, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3833, 2021.
EGU21-9155 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Composition, structure and tectonic analysis of the Shangrimuce arc-continent collision zone on the northern margin of the Central Qilian, NW ChinaHongyuan Zhang, Zhibin Lei, Bo Yang, Qing Liu, Haijun Zhang, Yongquan Li, and Chenhang Lv
A 1:50000 regional survey, covering an area of about 2000 km2, was carried out in the Shangrimuce area of Qilian Mountain in Northwest China. The results show that during Caledonian, the northern margin of the Central Qilian block experienced collision with mature island arcs and subsequently northward expansion. In the Shangrimuce study area, five geological units have been identified; they are, form south to north, back-arc basin, early Ordovician island arc, inter arc basin, middle Late Ordovician island arc, and fore-arc and oceanic lithosphere amalgamation zone.
(1) back-arc basin. In the Yangyuchi- Shule River- Cuorigang- Wawusi area, there may be a back-arc spreading basin, and there should be spreading basins in this area. It is speculated that there was a northward reverse subduction in the late Ordovician, accompanied by a syenite body, a broad spectrum dyke swarms and an accretionary wedge zone in the whole area.
(2) early Ordovician island arc. In the Shangrimuce-Dander area, the Proterozoic basement granitic gneiss, the early Ordovician island arc block and the high-pressure geological body all occur in the form of thrust horses, forming a double metamorphic belt, which reveals the existence of ocean subduction to south in the early Ordovician.
(3) inter arc basin. On both banks of Tuolai River to the east of Yanglong Township, there are early Middle Ordovician inter-arc basins with oceanic crust.
(4) middle Late Ordovician island arc. To the north of Tuolai River, there is a middle Late Ordovician island arc belt. Both sides of the island arc zone experienced strong ductile shear deformation, which recorded a complex arc-continent collision.
(5) fore-arc and oceanic lithosphere amalgamation zone (Fig.1). The Yushigou area has developed a fore-arc and oceanic lithospheric amalgamation zone, with weakly deformed fore-arc flysch basin, strongly deformed siliceous rocks, pillow Basalt, diabase, gabbro, peridotite and other rock assemblages.
Combined with the characteristics of arc-continent collision zone in the Western Pacific, there are two stages of shear zone series (Fig.2). One is ductile shear zones formed by the South dipping gneissic belt, revealing the existence of oceanic subduction accretion wedge and emplacement of high-pressure rocks. Another superimposed one is north dipping. This indicates that the arc-continent collision caused by back-arc reverse subduction, which ultimately controls the overall geometric and kinematic characteristics of the shear zones in the region.
Figure 1 United sections showing a Caledonian trench-arc system in the Qilian Mountain, NW China.
Figure 2 Structural analysis at Hongyahuo, indicating two stages of deformation.
The research has been supported by projects from the Ministry of Land and Resources (No.201211024-04; 1212011121188) and the 2020 undergraduate class construction project from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) (No. HHSKE202003).
How to cite: Zhang, H., Lei, Z., Yang, B., Liu, Q., Zhang, H., Li, Y., and Lv, C.: Composition, structure and tectonic analysis of the Shangrimuce arc-continent collision zone on the northern margin of the Central Qilian, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9155, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9155, 2021.
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A 1:50000 regional survey, covering an area of about 2000 km2, was carried out in the Shangrimuce area of Qilian Mountain in Northwest China. The results show that during Caledonian, the northern margin of the Central Qilian block experienced collision with mature island arcs and subsequently northward expansion. In the Shangrimuce study area, five geological units have been identified; they are, form south to north, back-arc basin, early Ordovician island arc, inter arc basin, middle Late Ordovician island arc, and fore-arc and oceanic lithosphere amalgamation zone.
(1) back-arc basin. In the Yangyuchi- Shule River- Cuorigang- Wawusi area, there may be a back-arc spreading basin, and there should be spreading basins in this area. It is speculated that there was a northward reverse subduction in the late Ordovician, accompanied by a syenite body, a broad spectrum dyke swarms and an accretionary wedge zone in the whole area.
(2) early Ordovician island arc. In the Shangrimuce-Dander area, the Proterozoic basement granitic gneiss, the early Ordovician island arc block and the high-pressure geological body all occur in the form of thrust horses, forming a double metamorphic belt, which reveals the existence of ocean subduction to south in the early Ordovician.
(3) inter arc basin. On both banks of Tuolai River to the east of Yanglong Township, there are early Middle Ordovician inter-arc basins with oceanic crust.
(4) middle Late Ordovician island arc. To the north of Tuolai River, there is a middle Late Ordovician island arc belt. Both sides of the island arc zone experienced strong ductile shear deformation, which recorded a complex arc-continent collision.
(5) fore-arc and oceanic lithosphere amalgamation zone (Fig.1). The Yushigou area has developed a fore-arc and oceanic lithospheric amalgamation zone, with weakly deformed fore-arc flysch basin, strongly deformed siliceous rocks, pillow Basalt, diabase, gabbro, peridotite and other rock assemblages.
Combined with the characteristics of arc-continent collision zone in the Western Pacific, there are two stages of shear zone series (Fig.2). One is ductile shear zones formed by the South dipping gneissic belt, revealing the existence of oceanic subduction accretion wedge and emplacement of high-pressure rocks. Another superimposed one is north dipping. This indicates that the arc-continent collision caused by back-arc reverse subduction, which ultimately controls the overall geometric and kinematic characteristics of the shear zones in the region.
Figure 1 United sections showing a Caledonian trench-arc system in the Qilian Mountain, NW China.
Figure 2 Structural analysis at Hongyahuo, indicating two stages of deformation.
The research has been supported by projects from the Ministry of Land and Resources (No.201211024-04; 1212011121188) and the 2020 undergraduate class construction project from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) (No. HHSKE202003).
How to cite: Zhang, H., Lei, Z., Yang, B., Liu, Q., Zhang, H., Li, Y., and Lv, C.: Composition, structure and tectonic analysis of the Shangrimuce arc-continent collision zone on the northern margin of the Central Qilian, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9155, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9155, 2021.
EGU21-14473 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Slow subduction initiation drives fast mantle upwelling and lithosphere formationMathieu Soret, Guillaume Bonnet, Philippe Agard, Kyle Larson, John Cottle, Benoit Dubacq, Alexander Kylander-Clark, Mark Button, and Nicolas Rividi
Subduction zones are crucial features of Earth’s plate tectonics, yet subduction initiation remains enigmatic and controversial. Herein, we reappraise the timing of formation of the first fragments detached from the leading edge of the downgoing slab during subduction initiation (i.e., the Semail metamorphic sole; Oman–United Arab Emirates). Based on geochronology and phase equilibrium modeling, we demonstrate that subduction initiated prior to 105 Ma and at a slow pace (< cm/yr). Subduction stagnated at relatively warm conditions (15–20°C/km) for at least 10 Myr before evolving into a faster (≥ 2–5 cm/yr) and colder (~7°C/km) self-sustained regime. Subduction unlocking at 95-96 Ma, through the progressive change of the interplate thermo-mechanical structure, triggered the onset of slab retreat, large-scale corner flow and fast ocean spreading in the overriding plate. These results reconcile conflicting analogue and numerical subduction initiation models and reveal the thermal, mechanical and kinematic complexity of early subduction steps.
How to cite: Soret, M., Bonnet, G., Agard, P., Larson, K., Cottle, J., Dubacq, B., Kylander-Clark, A., Button, M., and Rividi, N.: Slow subduction initiation drives fast mantle upwelling and lithosphere formation , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14473, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14473, 2021.
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Subduction zones are crucial features of Earth’s plate tectonics, yet subduction initiation remains enigmatic and controversial. Herein, we reappraise the timing of formation of the first fragments detached from the leading edge of the downgoing slab during subduction initiation (i.e., the Semail metamorphic sole; Oman–United Arab Emirates). Based on geochronology and phase equilibrium modeling, we demonstrate that subduction initiated prior to 105 Ma and at a slow pace (< cm/yr). Subduction stagnated at relatively warm conditions (15–20°C/km) for at least 10 Myr before evolving into a faster (≥ 2–5 cm/yr) and colder (~7°C/km) self-sustained regime. Subduction unlocking at 95-96 Ma, through the progressive change of the interplate thermo-mechanical structure, triggered the onset of slab retreat, large-scale corner flow and fast ocean spreading in the overriding plate. These results reconcile conflicting analogue and numerical subduction initiation models and reveal the thermal, mechanical and kinematic complexity of early subduction steps.
How to cite: Soret, M., Bonnet, G., Agard, P., Larson, K., Cottle, J., Dubacq, B., Kylander-Clark, A., Button, M., and Rividi, N.: Slow subduction initiation drives fast mantle upwelling and lithosphere formation , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14473, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14473, 2021.
EGU21-6388 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
4D stress signals in the upper plate record subduction nucleation and lateral propagationBrandon Shuck, Sean Gulick, Harm Van Avendonk, Michael Gurnis, Rupert Sutherland, Joann Stock, Erin Hightower, and Jiten Patel
Subduction zones are fundamental to Earth’s plate tectonic history yet details of how they initiate remain enigmatic. Geodynamic models suggest that early stages of subduction depend on whether underthrusting is driven by horizontal or vertical forces. If horizontal forces dominate, the upper plate experiences compression and uplift followed by extension and subsidence, whereas vertically-forced subduction involves only extension. Geologic evidence from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc supports a ~1 Myr rapid transition, whereas observations from Oman indicate a >8 Myr time lag between initial underthrusting and the onset of upper plate extension. We present seismic images of the incipient Puysegur subduction zone south of New Zealand. Our data show evidence for a stress signal (compression followed by extension) that spread from north to south as the trench initiated and propagated along the plate boundary. Both the magnitude and duration of the compressional phase diminish from ~8 Myrs long in the north to ~5 Myrs in the south. This timing indicates that the transition to self-sustaining subduction is more rapid when an adjacent downgoing slab contributes a driving force that aids subduction initiation. We therefore argue for a new framework in which horizontal forces dominate at sites of subduction nucleation and vertical forces gradually strengthen during later propagation as the developing plate boundary weakens and the slab-pull force intensifies. Our findings corroborate evidence for ancient horizontally-forced subduction initiation events and suggest that the geologic record may be biased, since vertically-forced scenarios of subduction propagation are more likely to be preserved than destructive subduction nucleation events.
How to cite: Shuck, B., Gulick, S., Van Avendonk, H., Gurnis, M., Sutherland, R., Stock, J., Hightower, E., and Patel, J.: 4D stress signals in the upper plate record subduction nucleation and lateral propagation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6388, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6388, 2021.
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Subduction zones are fundamental to Earth’s plate tectonic history yet details of how they initiate remain enigmatic. Geodynamic models suggest that early stages of subduction depend on whether underthrusting is driven by horizontal or vertical forces. If horizontal forces dominate, the upper plate experiences compression and uplift followed by extension and subsidence, whereas vertically-forced subduction involves only extension. Geologic evidence from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc supports a ~1 Myr rapid transition, whereas observations from Oman indicate a >8 Myr time lag between initial underthrusting and the onset of upper plate extension. We present seismic images of the incipient Puysegur subduction zone south of New Zealand. Our data show evidence for a stress signal (compression followed by extension) that spread from north to south as the trench initiated and propagated along the plate boundary. Both the magnitude and duration of the compressional phase diminish from ~8 Myrs long in the north to ~5 Myrs in the south. This timing indicates that the transition to self-sustaining subduction is more rapid when an adjacent downgoing slab contributes a driving force that aids subduction initiation. We therefore argue for a new framework in which horizontal forces dominate at sites of subduction nucleation and vertical forces gradually strengthen during later propagation as the developing plate boundary weakens and the slab-pull force intensifies. Our findings corroborate evidence for ancient horizontally-forced subduction initiation events and suggest that the geologic record may be biased, since vertically-forced scenarios of subduction propagation are more likely to be preserved than destructive subduction nucleation events.
How to cite: Shuck, B., Gulick, S., Van Avendonk, H., Gurnis, M., Sutherland, R., Stock, J., Hightower, E., and Patel, J.: 4D stress signals in the upper plate record subduction nucleation and lateral propagation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6388, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6388, 2021.
EGU21-10467 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Post-seismic recovery of subsided coastal northeast Japan after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquakeSambuddha Dhar, Jun Muto, Yoshiaki Ito, Satoshi Miura, James D. P. Moore, Yusaku Ohta, and Takeshi Iinuma
During the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake the pacific coast of northeast Japan experienced significant subsidence, while in the years after it has undergone a continuous phase of uplift during the post-seismic period. The dense geodetic network deployed by GEONET and Tohoku university between 2011 and 2016 have captured variations in surface deformation along the coast, highlighting rapid uplift rates of ~7 cm/year on the Miyagi coast (Muto et al., 2019, Sci.Adv.) and ~3-4 cm/year on the Fukushima and Iwate coasts. Previous studies in the last decade have revealed the post-seismic deformation is due to a combination of both rapid viscoelastic flow and stress-driven afterslip, explaining the post-seismic vertical deformation pattern over northeast Japan as well as unravel its associated rheological complexity (e.g., Agata et al., 2019, Nat. Commun; Freed et al., 2017, EPSL; Hu et al., 2016, JGR; Muto et al., 2019, Sci.Adv.). Furthermore, continuous coastal uplift has had societal consequences, where the piers at the port are no longer suited to conduct many activities, particularly those for the fish industry. The large co-seismic subsidence of coastal areas caused the submersion of port piers, with rapid rebuilding to return the now submerged piers to sea-level. Nevertheless, the continuous uplift in the post-seismic period has now raised these rebuild piers above sea level and necessitates reduction in height back to sea level again (Iinuma, 2018, JDR). In this presentation, we employ forward modeling to improve estimates of future uplift and the time required for full recovery of coastal regions to their pre-event relative sea level.
We present a numerical model using laboratory-derived constitutive laws and compare our modeled displacement with the geodetic observations (Ozawa et al., 2012, JGR; Tomita et al., 2017, Sci.Adv.; Watanabe et al., 2014, GRL). The model is constrained by terrestrial and seafloor geodetic observations in both horizontal and vertical components and incorporates a three-dimensional heterogeneous viscoelastic rheology fully coupled with stress-driven afterslip on the plate interface.
Our model exhibits good agreement with the cumulative displacements, both in magnitude and azimuthal direction. We extend the time-series simulation for a further 20 years and estimate the recovery time to pre-event levels for the GNSS sites along the coastal areas. Our results show a recovery period of ~18 years after the mainshock for Ishinomaki site in Miyagi prefecture, which had the largest coseismic subsidence (up to ~1.2 m). We also estimate a recovery period of ~14-16 years for the coastal areas of Iwate and Fukushima prefectures, which experienced coseismic subsidence of ~0.5 m. The model adds an improvement to the previous estimates (Iinuma, 2018, JDR) by incorporating consideration of the coupling of viscoelastic relaxation and stress-driven afterslip.
How to cite: Dhar, S., Muto, J., Ito, Y., Miura, S., Moore, J. D. P., Ohta, Y., and Iinuma, T.: Post-seismic recovery of subsided coastal northeast Japan after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10467, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10467, 2021.
During the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake the pacific coast of northeast Japan experienced significant subsidence, while in the years after it has undergone a continuous phase of uplift during the post-seismic period. The dense geodetic network deployed by GEONET and Tohoku university between 2011 and 2016 have captured variations in surface deformation along the coast, highlighting rapid uplift rates of ~7 cm/year on the Miyagi coast (Muto et al., 2019, Sci.Adv.) and ~3-4 cm/year on the Fukushima and Iwate coasts. Previous studies in the last decade have revealed the post-seismic deformation is due to a combination of both rapid viscoelastic flow and stress-driven afterslip, explaining the post-seismic vertical deformation pattern over northeast Japan as well as unravel its associated rheological complexity (e.g., Agata et al., 2019, Nat. Commun; Freed et al., 2017, EPSL; Hu et al., 2016, JGR; Muto et al., 2019, Sci.Adv.). Furthermore, continuous coastal uplift has had societal consequences, where the piers at the port are no longer suited to conduct many activities, particularly those for the fish industry. The large co-seismic subsidence of coastal areas caused the submersion of port piers, with rapid rebuilding to return the now submerged piers to sea-level. Nevertheless, the continuous uplift in the post-seismic period has now raised these rebuild piers above sea level and necessitates reduction in height back to sea level again (Iinuma, 2018, JDR). In this presentation, we employ forward modeling to improve estimates of future uplift and the time required for full recovery of coastal regions to their pre-event relative sea level.
We present a numerical model using laboratory-derived constitutive laws and compare our modeled displacement with the geodetic observations (Ozawa et al., 2012, JGR; Tomita et al., 2017, Sci.Adv.; Watanabe et al., 2014, GRL). The model is constrained by terrestrial and seafloor geodetic observations in both horizontal and vertical components and incorporates a three-dimensional heterogeneous viscoelastic rheology fully coupled with stress-driven afterslip on the plate interface.
Our model exhibits good agreement with the cumulative displacements, both in magnitude and azimuthal direction. We extend the time-series simulation for a further 20 years and estimate the recovery time to pre-event levels for the GNSS sites along the coastal areas. Our results show a recovery period of ~18 years after the mainshock for Ishinomaki site in Miyagi prefecture, which had the largest coseismic subsidence (up to ~1.2 m). We also estimate a recovery period of ~14-16 years for the coastal areas of Iwate and Fukushima prefectures, which experienced coseismic subsidence of ~0.5 m. The model adds an improvement to the previous estimates (Iinuma, 2018, JDR) by incorporating consideration of the coupling of viscoelastic relaxation and stress-driven afterslip.
How to cite: Dhar, S., Muto, J., Ito, Y., Miura, S., Moore, J. D. P., Ohta, Y., and Iinuma, T.: Post-seismic recovery of subsided coastal northeast Japan after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10467, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10467, 2021.
EGU21-13926 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Warm thermal structures in subduction zones lead to ample dehydration at the depths of deep slow slip and tremor and resultant transformations in viscous rheologyCailey Condit, Victor Guevara, Melodie French, Adam Holt, and Jonathan Delph
Feedbacks amongst petrologic and mechanical processes along the subduction plate boundary play a central role influencing slip behaviors and deformation styles. Metamorphic reactions, resultant fluid production, deformation mechanisms, and strength are strongly temperature dependent, making the thermal structure of these zones a key control on slip behaviors.
Firstly, we investigate the role of metamorphic devolatilization reactions in the production of Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) in warm subduction zones. Geophysical and geologic observations of ETS hosting subduction zones suggest the plate interface is fluid-rich and critically stressed, which together, suggests that this area is a zone of near lithostatic pore fluid pressure. Fluids and high pore fluid pressures have been invoked in many models for ETS. However, whether these fluids are sourced from local dehydration reactions in particular lithologies, or via up-dip transport from greater depths remains an open question. We present thermodynamic models of the petrologic evolution of four lithologies typical of the plate interface along predicted pressure–temperature (P-T) paths for the plate boundary along Cascadia, Nankai, and Mexico which all exhibit ETS at depths between 25-65 km. Our models suggest that 1-2 wt% H2O is released at the depths of ETS along these subduction segments due to punctuated dehydration reactions within MORB, primarily through chlorite and/or lawsonite breakdown. These reactions produce sufficient in-situ fluid across this narrow P-T range to cause high pore fluid pressures. Punctuated dehydration of oceanic crust provides the dominant source of fluids at the base of the seismogenic zone in these warm subduction margins, and up-dip migration of fluids from deeper in the subduction zone is not required to produce ETS-facilitating high pore fluid pressures. These dehydration reactions not only produce metamorphic fluids at these depths, but also result in an increased strength of viscous deformation through the breakdown of weak hydrous phases (e.g., chlorite, glaucophane) and the growth of stronger minerals (e.g., garnet, omphacite, Ca-amphibole). Lastly, we present preliminary data on viscosity along warm subduction paths showing the locations of these dehydration pulses correlate with viscosity increases in mafic lithologies along the shallow forarc.
How to cite: Condit, C., Guevara, V., French, M., Holt, A., and Delph, J.: Warm thermal structures in subduction zones lead to ample dehydration at the depths of deep slow slip and tremor and resultant transformations in viscous rheology , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13926, 2021.
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Feedbacks amongst petrologic and mechanical processes along the subduction plate boundary play a central role influencing slip behaviors and deformation styles. Metamorphic reactions, resultant fluid production, deformation mechanisms, and strength are strongly temperature dependent, making the thermal structure of these zones a key control on slip behaviors.
Firstly, we investigate the role of metamorphic devolatilization reactions in the production of Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) in warm subduction zones. Geophysical and geologic observations of ETS hosting subduction zones suggest the plate interface is fluid-rich and critically stressed, which together, suggests that this area is a zone of near lithostatic pore fluid pressure. Fluids and high pore fluid pressures have been invoked in many models for ETS. However, whether these fluids are sourced from local dehydration reactions in particular lithologies, or via up-dip transport from greater depths remains an open question. We present thermodynamic models of the petrologic evolution of four lithologies typical of the plate interface along predicted pressure–temperature (P-T) paths for the plate boundary along Cascadia, Nankai, and Mexico which all exhibit ETS at depths between 25-65 km. Our models suggest that 1-2 wt% H2O is released at the depths of ETS along these subduction segments due to punctuated dehydration reactions within MORB, primarily through chlorite and/or lawsonite breakdown. These reactions produce sufficient in-situ fluid across this narrow P-T range to cause high pore fluid pressures. Punctuated dehydration of oceanic crust provides the dominant source of fluids at the base of the seismogenic zone in these warm subduction margins, and up-dip migration of fluids from deeper in the subduction zone is not required to produce ETS-facilitating high pore fluid pressures. These dehydration reactions not only produce metamorphic fluids at these depths, but also result in an increased strength of viscous deformation through the breakdown of weak hydrous phases (e.g., chlorite, glaucophane) and the growth of stronger minerals (e.g., garnet, omphacite, Ca-amphibole). Lastly, we present preliminary data on viscosity along warm subduction paths showing the locations of these dehydration pulses correlate with viscosity increases in mafic lithologies along the shallow forarc.
How to cite: Condit, C., Guevara, V., French, M., Holt, A., and Delph, J.: Warm thermal structures in subduction zones lead to ample dehydration at the depths of deep slow slip and tremor and resultant transformations in viscous rheology , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13926, 2021.
EGU21-15157 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Tracing the Evolution of Slab Fluids during Progressive Subduction: Insights from Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes in the Mariana ForearcCatriona D. Menzies, Olivier Sissmann, Jeffrey G. Ryan, C. Geoff Wheat, Adrian J. Boyce, Thomas B. Chalk, Gavin L. Foster, and Damon A. H. Teagle
Geological processes in subduction zones strongly influence seismicity, igneous activity, and geochemical cycling between the oceans, crust, and mantle. The down-going plate experiences metamorphism, and the associated dehydration and fluid flow alters the physical properties of the plate interface and overlying mantle wedge. Direct study of active slab evolution is inhibited by the great depths at which these processes occur and there is a dearth of physical samples to assess the state of water-rock-sediment reactions, thermal and pressure conditions, and physical properties of materials within the subduction channel.
The drilling of serpentinite mud volcanoes in the Mariana forearc provides a telescope into these deep processes and allows us to sample fluids and xenoliths from the subducting slab and forearc mantle. Fluid-laden serpentinite is transported along active extensional faults in the upper plate and seeps out at mud volcano edifices. There is widespread evidence for episodic voluminous serpentine eruptions, likely related to seismic events. Mud volcanoes are found across the forearc and sample the slab interface from 13 to 19 km depth. Samples obtained over three Scientific ocean drilling legs (ODP Legs 125 and 195; IODP Leg 366) and additional ROV expeditions elucidate the evolution of fluid production, reaction and exchange, during the progressive subduction of the down-going plate.
Fluid analyses show clear trends in pore water chemical and isotopic composition with progressive subduction. These parameters can be used to assess the thermal state of the subduction channel at different depths, identify the reactions controlling fluid releases, and to estimate fluid fluxes. Pore waters from the shallowest depths-to-slab (13-16 km) are Ca and Sr-enriched compared to seawater, but otherwise solute poor, low alkalinity fluids of pH ~11. In contrast, more deeply derived fluids (>18 km) have higher pH (12.5), reduced concentrations of Ca and Sr and elevated DIC, Na and Cl, as well as B and K compared to seawater – these changes are associated with the breakdown of slab sheet silicate phases. These waters also have higher δD and δ11B values than shallower waters (δD values up to +16 ‰; δ11B ~ 14-15 ‰ cf. δD < 0‰; δ11B ~ 12-13 ‰). PHREEQC modelling indicates pore water chemical evolution reflects mineralogical characteristics of a predominately basaltic source from the downgoing Pacific Plate; however, a component from sediment sources is a likely contributor, especially for those mud volcanoes near the trench.
Our new data indicate that the lawsonite-epidote mineral transformation boundary (~250 °C, >18 km depth) is an important source of devolatilization waters and may also drive slab carbonate breakdown, despite its apparent thermodynamic stability at such temperatures and pressures. At shallower depths, the main reactions controlling fluid liberation are sediment compaction (<13 km) followed by clay diagenesis and desorbed water release (>13 km depth). This study thus provides direct evidence for the progressive mineralogical and chemical evolution of a subducting oceanic plate.
How to cite: Menzies, C. D., Sissmann, O., Ryan, J. G., Wheat, C. G., Boyce, A. J., Chalk, T. B., Foster, G. L., and Teagle, D. A. H.: Tracing the Evolution of Slab Fluids during Progressive Subduction: Insights from Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes in the Mariana Forearc, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15157, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15157, 2021.
Geological processes in subduction zones strongly influence seismicity, igneous activity, and geochemical cycling between the oceans, crust, and mantle. The down-going plate experiences metamorphism, and the associated dehydration and fluid flow alters the physical properties of the plate interface and overlying mantle wedge. Direct study of active slab evolution is inhibited by the great depths at which these processes occur and there is a dearth of physical samples to assess the state of water-rock-sediment reactions, thermal and pressure conditions, and physical properties of materials within the subduction channel.
The drilling of serpentinite mud volcanoes in the Mariana forearc provides a telescope into these deep processes and allows us to sample fluids and xenoliths from the subducting slab and forearc mantle. Fluid-laden serpentinite is transported along active extensional faults in the upper plate and seeps out at mud volcano edifices. There is widespread evidence for episodic voluminous serpentine eruptions, likely related to seismic events. Mud volcanoes are found across the forearc and sample the slab interface from 13 to 19 km depth. Samples obtained over three Scientific ocean drilling legs (ODP Legs 125 and 195; IODP Leg 366) and additional ROV expeditions elucidate the evolution of fluid production, reaction and exchange, during the progressive subduction of the down-going plate.
Fluid analyses show clear trends in pore water chemical and isotopic composition with progressive subduction. These parameters can be used to assess the thermal state of the subduction channel at different depths, identify the reactions controlling fluid releases, and to estimate fluid fluxes. Pore waters from the shallowest depths-to-slab (13-16 km) are Ca and Sr-enriched compared to seawater, but otherwise solute poor, low alkalinity fluids of pH ~11. In contrast, more deeply derived fluids (>18 km) have higher pH (12.5), reduced concentrations of Ca and Sr and elevated DIC, Na and Cl, as well as B and K compared to seawater – these changes are associated with the breakdown of slab sheet silicate phases. These waters also have higher δD and δ11B values than shallower waters (δD values up to +16 ‰; δ11B ~ 14-15 ‰ cf. δD < 0‰; δ11B ~ 12-13 ‰). PHREEQC modelling indicates pore water chemical evolution reflects mineralogical characteristics of a predominately basaltic source from the downgoing Pacific Plate; however, a component from sediment sources is a likely contributor, especially for those mud volcanoes near the trench.
Our new data indicate that the lawsonite-epidote mineral transformation boundary (~250 °C, >18 km depth) is an important source of devolatilization waters and may also drive slab carbonate breakdown, despite its apparent thermodynamic stability at such temperatures and pressures. At shallower depths, the main reactions controlling fluid liberation are sediment compaction (<13 km) followed by clay diagenesis and desorbed water release (>13 km depth). This study thus provides direct evidence for the progressive mineralogical and chemical evolution of a subducting oceanic plate.
How to cite: Menzies, C. D., Sissmann, O., Ryan, J. G., Wheat, C. G., Boyce, A. J., Chalk, T. B., Foster, G. L., and Teagle, D. A. H.: Tracing the Evolution of Slab Fluids during Progressive Subduction: Insights from Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes in the Mariana Forearc, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15157, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15157, 2021.
EGU21-13728 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Episodic fluid pressure cycling controls earthquake sequences on subduction megathrustsLuca Dal Zilio and Taras Gerya
A major goal in earthquake physics is to derive a constitutive framework for fault slip that captures the dependence of friction on lithology, sliding velocity, temperature, and pore fluid pressure. Here, we present a newly-developed two-phase flow numerical model — which couples solid rock deformation and pervasive fluid flow — to show how crustal stresses and fluid pressures within subducting megathrust evolve before and during slow slip and fast events. This unified 2D numerical framework couples inertial mechanical deformation and fluid flow by using finite difference methods, marker-in-cell technique, and poro-visco-elasto-plastic rheology. An adaptive time stepping allows the correct resolution of both long- and short-time scales, ranging from years to milliseconds during the dynamic propagation of dynamic rupture.
We investigate how permeability and its spatial distribution control the interseismic coupling along the megathrust interface, the interplay between seismic and aseismic slip, and the nucleation of large earthquakes. While a constant permeability leads to more regular seismic cycles, a depth dependent permeability contributes substantially to the development of two distinct megathrust zones: a shallow, locked seismogenic zone and a deep, narrow aseismic segment characterized by slow-slip events. Furthermore, we show that without requiring any specific friction law, our models reveal that permeability, episodic stress transfer and fluid pressure cycling control the predominant slip mode along the subduction megathrust. Furthermore, we analyze how rate dependent strength and dilatation affect rupture propagation and arrest. Our preliminary results show that fluid-solid poro-visco-elasto-plastic coupling behaves similarly to rate- and state-dependent friction. In this context, fluid pressure plays the role of state parameter whose time evolution is governed by: (i) the short-term elasto-plastic collapse of pores inside faults during the rupture (coseismic self-pressurization of faults) and (ii) the long-term pore-pressure diffusion from the faults into surrounding rocks (post- and interseismic relaxation of fluid pressure). This newly-developed numerical framework contributes to improve our understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying large megathrust earthquakes, and demonstrate that fluid play a key role in controlling the interplay between seismic and aseismic slip.
How to cite: Dal Zilio, L. and Gerya, T.: Episodic fluid pressure cycling controls earthquake sequences on subduction megathrusts, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13728, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13728, 2021.
A major goal in earthquake physics is to derive a constitutive framework for fault slip that captures the dependence of friction on lithology, sliding velocity, temperature, and pore fluid pressure. Here, we present a newly-developed two-phase flow numerical model — which couples solid rock deformation and pervasive fluid flow — to show how crustal stresses and fluid pressures within subducting megathrust evolve before and during slow slip and fast events. This unified 2D numerical framework couples inertial mechanical deformation and fluid flow by using finite difference methods, marker-in-cell technique, and poro-visco-elasto-plastic rheology. An adaptive time stepping allows the correct resolution of both long- and short-time scales, ranging from years to milliseconds during the dynamic propagation of dynamic rupture.
We investigate how permeability and its spatial distribution control the interseismic coupling along the megathrust interface, the interplay between seismic and aseismic slip, and the nucleation of large earthquakes. While a constant permeability leads to more regular seismic cycles, a depth dependent permeability contributes substantially to the development of two distinct megathrust zones: a shallow, locked seismogenic zone and a deep, narrow aseismic segment characterized by slow-slip events. Furthermore, we show that without requiring any specific friction law, our models reveal that permeability, episodic stress transfer and fluid pressure cycling control the predominant slip mode along the subduction megathrust. Furthermore, we analyze how rate dependent strength and dilatation affect rupture propagation and arrest. Our preliminary results show that fluid-solid poro-visco-elasto-plastic coupling behaves similarly to rate- and state-dependent friction. In this context, fluid pressure plays the role of state parameter whose time evolution is governed by: (i) the short-term elasto-plastic collapse of pores inside faults during the rupture (coseismic self-pressurization of faults) and (ii) the long-term pore-pressure diffusion from the faults into surrounding rocks (post- and interseismic relaxation of fluid pressure). This newly-developed numerical framework contributes to improve our understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying large megathrust earthquakes, and demonstrate that fluid play a key role in controlling the interplay between seismic and aseismic slip.
How to cite: Dal Zilio, L. and Gerya, T.: Episodic fluid pressure cycling controls earthquake sequences on subduction megathrusts, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13728, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13728, 2021.
EGU21-3954 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Seismic and transient slip characteristics of frictional-viscous shear zones in subduction environmentsWhitney Behr and Taras Gerya
The deep roots of subduction megathrusts exhibit aseismic slow slip events, commonly accompanied by tremor and low-frequency earthquakes. Observations from exhumed rocks suggest that the deep subduction interface is a shear zone in which frictional lenses are embedded in a weaker, distributed viscous matrix deformed under high fluid pressures and low stresses. Here we use numerical models to explore the transient slip characteristics of finite-width frictional-viscous shear zones. Our model formulation utilizes an invariant form of rate- and state-dependent friction (RSF) and simulates earthquakes along spontaneously evolving faults embedded in a 2D continuum. The setup includes two elastic plates bounding a viscoelastoplastic shear zone (subduction interface) with inclusions (clasts) of varying sizes, aspect ratios, distributions and viscosity contrasts with respect to the surrounding matrix. The entire shear zone exhibits the same velocity-weakening RSF parameters, but the low viscosity matrix in the shear zone has the capacity to switch between RSF and linear viscous creep as a function of its local viscosity and stress state. Results show that for a range of matrix viscosities near a threshold viscosity (representative of the frictional-viscous transition), viscous damping and stress heterogeneity in these shear zones both 1) sets the ‘speed limit’ for earthquake ruptures that nucleate in clasts such that they propagate at velocities similar to observed slow slip events; and 2) simultaneously permits the transmission of slow slip from clast to clast, allowing slow ruptures to propagate substantial distances over the model domain. For reasonable input parameters, modeled events have moment-duration statistics, stress drops, and rupture propagation rates that match natural slow slip events. Events resembling very low-frequency earthquakes appear to be favored at high clast densities and low matrix viscosities, whereas longer duration, higher-magnitude slow slip events are favored at intermediate clast densities and near-threshold viscosities. These model results have potential to reconcile geophysical constraints on slow slip phenomena with the exhumed geological record of the slow slip environment.
How to cite: Behr, W. and Gerya, T.: Seismic and transient slip characteristics of frictional-viscous shear zones in subduction environments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3954, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3954, 2021.
The deep roots of subduction megathrusts exhibit aseismic slow slip events, commonly accompanied by tremor and low-frequency earthquakes. Observations from exhumed rocks suggest that the deep subduction interface is a shear zone in which frictional lenses are embedded in a weaker, distributed viscous matrix deformed under high fluid pressures and low stresses. Here we use numerical models to explore the transient slip characteristics of finite-width frictional-viscous shear zones. Our model formulation utilizes an invariant form of rate- and state-dependent friction (RSF) and simulates earthquakes along spontaneously evolving faults embedded in a 2D continuum. The setup includes two elastic plates bounding a viscoelastoplastic shear zone (subduction interface) with inclusions (clasts) of varying sizes, aspect ratios, distributions and viscosity contrasts with respect to the surrounding matrix. The entire shear zone exhibits the same velocity-weakening RSF parameters, but the low viscosity matrix in the shear zone has the capacity to switch between RSF and linear viscous creep as a function of its local viscosity and stress state. Results show that for a range of matrix viscosities near a threshold viscosity (representative of the frictional-viscous transition), viscous damping and stress heterogeneity in these shear zones both 1) sets the ‘speed limit’ for earthquake ruptures that nucleate in clasts such that they propagate at velocities similar to observed slow slip events; and 2) simultaneously permits the transmission of slow slip from clast to clast, allowing slow ruptures to propagate substantial distances over the model domain. For reasonable input parameters, modeled events have moment-duration statistics, stress drops, and rupture propagation rates that match natural slow slip events. Events resembling very low-frequency earthquakes appear to be favored at high clast densities and low matrix viscosities, whereas longer duration, higher-magnitude slow slip events are favored at intermediate clast densities and near-threshold viscosities. These model results have potential to reconcile geophysical constraints on slow slip phenomena with the exhumed geological record of the slow slip environment.
How to cite: Behr, W. and Gerya, T.: Seismic and transient slip characteristics of frictional-viscous shear zones in subduction environments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3954, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3954, 2021.
EGU21-1885 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Localized megathrust slip controlled by metasomatic reactions in subduction mélangesKohtaro Ujiie, Kazuya Noro, Norio Shigematsu, Åke Fagereng, Naoki Nishiyama, Christopher Tulley, and Haruna Masuyama
Aseismic megathrust slip down-dip of the seismogenic zone is accommodated by either steady creep or episodic slow slip events (SSEs). However, the geological conditions defining the rheology of megathrust slip remain elusive. Here, we show that subduction mélanges deformed at ~370–500 °C in warm-slab environments record fluid release and viscous shear localization associated with metasomatic reactions between juxtaposed metapelitic and metabasaltic rocks. Metasomatic reactions induced albitization of metapelite, resulting in depth-dependent rheological behavior. In a mélange deformed at ~370 °C, near the down-dip limit of the seismogenic zone, very fine-grained metasomatic albite facilitated grain boundary diffusion creep at stresses less than those in the surrounding metapelite and metabasalt, contributing to an overall decreased megathrust strength. In a mélange deformed at ~500 °C, near the mantle wedge corner, metasomatic reactions led to brittle fracturing, albite grain growth, and incorporation of strengthened albitized metapelite blocks into a chlorite-actinolite matrix deforming at locally elevated strain rate of ~10-10 s-1. We suggest that metasomatic reactions facilitate localized changes in megathrust slip mode with depth, potentially providing a mechanism for change from viscous creep to SSEs with tremor.
How to cite: Ujiie, K., Noro, K., Shigematsu, N., Fagereng, Å., Nishiyama, N., Tulley, C., and Masuyama, H.: Localized megathrust slip controlled by metasomatic reactions in subduction mélanges, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1885, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1885, 2021.
Aseismic megathrust slip down-dip of the seismogenic zone is accommodated by either steady creep or episodic slow slip events (SSEs). However, the geological conditions defining the rheology of megathrust slip remain elusive. Here, we show that subduction mélanges deformed at ~370–500 °C in warm-slab environments record fluid release and viscous shear localization associated with metasomatic reactions between juxtaposed metapelitic and metabasaltic rocks. Metasomatic reactions induced albitization of metapelite, resulting in depth-dependent rheological behavior. In a mélange deformed at ~370 °C, near the down-dip limit of the seismogenic zone, very fine-grained metasomatic albite facilitated grain boundary diffusion creep at stresses less than those in the surrounding metapelite and metabasalt, contributing to an overall decreased megathrust strength. In a mélange deformed at ~500 °C, near the mantle wedge corner, metasomatic reactions led to brittle fracturing, albite grain growth, and incorporation of strengthened albitized metapelite blocks into a chlorite-actinolite matrix deforming at locally elevated strain rate of ~10-10 s-1. We suggest that metasomatic reactions facilitate localized changes in megathrust slip mode with depth, potentially providing a mechanism for change from viscous creep to SSEs with tremor.
How to cite: Ujiie, K., Noro, K., Shigematsu, N., Fagereng, Å., Nishiyama, N., Tulley, C., and Masuyama, H.: Localized megathrust slip controlled by metasomatic reactions in subduction mélanges, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1885, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1885, 2021.
EGU21-3326 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
The Mw7.1 September 19th Puebla-Morelos (Mexico) earthquake triggered by brucite and antigorite dewateringFabián Gutiérrez-Aguilar, David Hernández-Uribe, Robert M. Holder, and Cailey B. Condit
Subduction controls key geological processes at convergent margins including seismicity and resultant seismic hazard. The September 19th 2017 Mw7.1 Mexican earthquake nucleated ~250 km from the trench within the Cocos plate near its Moho, ~57 km below Earth’s surface. The prevailing hypothesis suggests that this earthquake resulted from bending stresses occurring at the flat-to-steep subduction transition. Here, we present an alternative, but not mutually exclusive, hypothesis: the dehydration reaction brucite + antigorite = olivine + H2O in the slab mantle controls intermediate-depth seismicity along the flat portion of the subducted Cocos plate. This reaction releases a substantial amount of H2O, resulting in a large positive volume change, and thus in an increase in pore fluid pressure at the appropriate depth–temperature conditions to cause the Puebla-Morelos and other intraslab earthquakes in Mexico. The amount of H2O released by this reaction depends on the degree of serpentinization of the oceanic mantle prior to subduction. Only oceanic mantle with > 60% serpentinization—as expected along abundant deep extensional faults at the mid-ocean-ridge or where the plate bends at the outer rise—will stabilize brucite, and thus, will experience this reaction at the same depths where the September 19th 2017 earthquake nucleated.
How to cite: Gutiérrez-Aguilar, F., Hernández-Uribe, D., M. Holder, R., and B. Condit, C.: The Mw7.1 September 19th Puebla-Morelos (Mexico) earthquake triggered by brucite and antigorite dewatering, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3326, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3326, 2021.
Subduction controls key geological processes at convergent margins including seismicity and resultant seismic hazard. The September 19th 2017 Mw7.1 Mexican earthquake nucleated ~250 km from the trench within the Cocos plate near its Moho, ~57 km below Earth’s surface. The prevailing hypothesis suggests that this earthquake resulted from bending stresses occurring at the flat-to-steep subduction transition. Here, we present an alternative, but not mutually exclusive, hypothesis: the dehydration reaction brucite + antigorite = olivine + H2O in the slab mantle controls intermediate-depth seismicity along the flat portion of the subducted Cocos plate. This reaction releases a substantial amount of H2O, resulting in a large positive volume change, and thus in an increase in pore fluid pressure at the appropriate depth–temperature conditions to cause the Puebla-Morelos and other intraslab earthquakes in Mexico. The amount of H2O released by this reaction depends on the degree of serpentinization of the oceanic mantle prior to subduction. Only oceanic mantle with > 60% serpentinization—as expected along abundant deep extensional faults at the mid-ocean-ridge or where the plate bends at the outer rise—will stabilize brucite, and thus, will experience this reaction at the same depths where the September 19th 2017 earthquake nucleated.
How to cite: Gutiérrez-Aguilar, F., Hernández-Uribe, D., M. Holder, R., and B. Condit, C.: The Mw7.1 September 19th Puebla-Morelos (Mexico) earthquake triggered by brucite and antigorite dewatering, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3326, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3326, 2021.
EGU21-7741 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Large-scale fluid circulation in deep subduction interfaces: implications on fast and slow earthquake-related processesJesús Muñoz-Montecinos, Samuel Angiboust, Antonio Garcia-Casco, Johannes Glodny, and Gray Bebout
Devolatilization and fluid-rock interaction processes along subduction interfaces, in particular at depths where episodic tremor and slip events (ETS) are inferred, are evidenced by the occurrence of metamorphic veins in exhumed metamorphic terranes. We investigate the late Cretaceous lawsonite blueschist-facies Seghin complex, part of the Zagros suture zone (Iran), a well-preserved paleo-subduction mélange composed of an antigorite-rich matrix wrapping foliated metatuffs and minor carbonate-bearing metasediments. We first focus on characterizing the relative chronology, conditions of deformation and potential fluid source(s) of Lws+Cpx+Gln veins and aragonite-filled explosive hydraulic breccias. Petrological, geochemical as well as O-C and Sr-Nd isotopic systematics of silicate-rich veins suggest formation mostly from internal devolatilization. This stage is followed at near peak burial conditions by pervasive, externally-derived fluid influx events, with fluids characterized by REE enrichments, and geochemical signatures indicating mixing between metasedimentary-derived fluids and far-traveled mafic-ultramafic-derived fluids. Our geochemical and petrological observations suggest that a host rock-buffered isotopic homogenization occurred between the infiltrating fluids and the rock matrix.
The high pore fluid pressures that enabled the formation of these deep veins also enabled the formation of shallower fault-related rocks including breccias, foliated cataclasites and fluidized ultracataclasites, intimately associated with extensional Gln-bearing veins and Lws+Gln+Ph+Ab fluid-filled pockets. Mineral assemblages reveal that this faulting occurred upon exhumation throughout the lawsonite blueschist-facies (i.e. 35 to 20 km depth). Crosscutting relationships among multiple generations of fluidized ultracataclasites and extensional veins show that episodic seismic faulting and hydrofracturing were contemporaneous processes. Mechanical modelling confirms that the studied fault-related features can only form under nearly lithostatic pore fluid pressure conditions, maintaining the system in a critically unstable regime that promotes recurrent seismic faulting. We propose a large-scale tectonic model in which deeply produced H2O-rich fluids are transported as highly pressurized “pulses” over tens of km parallel to the subduction interface, triggering episodic hydrofracturing and host rock-buffered isotopic homogenization within the ETS region. The mechanical consequence of these events is the triggering of unstable slip within the seismogenic window, as deduced in this unique record of blueschist-facies crustal paleo-earthquakes. These results shed a new light on the physical nature of the numerous moderate magnitude events (Mw=3-6) that are extensively recorded nowadays in Mariana-type plate boundary systems.
How to cite: Muñoz-Montecinos, J., Angiboust, S., Garcia-Casco, A., Glodny, J., and Bebout, G.: Large-scale fluid circulation in deep subduction interfaces: implications on fast and slow earthquake-related processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7741, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7741, 2021.
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Devolatilization and fluid-rock interaction processes along subduction interfaces, in particular at depths where episodic tremor and slip events (ETS) are inferred, are evidenced by the occurrence of metamorphic veins in exhumed metamorphic terranes. We investigate the late Cretaceous lawsonite blueschist-facies Seghin complex, part of the Zagros suture zone (Iran), a well-preserved paleo-subduction mélange composed of an antigorite-rich matrix wrapping foliated metatuffs and minor carbonate-bearing metasediments. We first focus on characterizing the relative chronology, conditions of deformation and potential fluid source(s) of Lws+Cpx+Gln veins and aragonite-filled explosive hydraulic breccias. Petrological, geochemical as well as O-C and Sr-Nd isotopic systematics of silicate-rich veins suggest formation mostly from internal devolatilization. This stage is followed at near peak burial conditions by pervasive, externally-derived fluid influx events, with fluids characterized by REE enrichments, and geochemical signatures indicating mixing between metasedimentary-derived fluids and far-traveled mafic-ultramafic-derived fluids. Our geochemical and petrological observations suggest that a host rock-buffered isotopic homogenization occurred between the infiltrating fluids and the rock matrix.
The high pore fluid pressures that enabled the formation of these deep veins also enabled the formation of shallower fault-related rocks including breccias, foliated cataclasites and fluidized ultracataclasites, intimately associated with extensional Gln-bearing veins and Lws+Gln+Ph+Ab fluid-filled pockets. Mineral assemblages reveal that this faulting occurred upon exhumation throughout the lawsonite blueschist-facies (i.e. 35 to 20 km depth). Crosscutting relationships among multiple generations of fluidized ultracataclasites and extensional veins show that episodic seismic faulting and hydrofracturing were contemporaneous processes. Mechanical modelling confirms that the studied fault-related features can only form under nearly lithostatic pore fluid pressure conditions, maintaining the system in a critically unstable regime that promotes recurrent seismic faulting. We propose a large-scale tectonic model in which deeply produced H2O-rich fluids are transported as highly pressurized “pulses” over tens of km parallel to the subduction interface, triggering episodic hydrofracturing and host rock-buffered isotopic homogenization within the ETS region. The mechanical consequence of these events is the triggering of unstable slip within the seismogenic window, as deduced in this unique record of blueschist-facies crustal paleo-earthquakes. These results shed a new light on the physical nature of the numerous moderate magnitude events (Mw=3-6) that are extensively recorded nowadays in Mariana-type plate boundary systems.
How to cite: Muñoz-Montecinos, J., Angiboust, S., Garcia-Casco, A., Glodny, J., and Bebout, G.: Large-scale fluid circulation in deep subduction interfaces: implications on fast and slow earthquake-related processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7741, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7741, 2021.
EGU21-7760 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Temporal changes in pore fluid pressure during slow earthquake cycle estimated from foliation-parallel extension crackingMakoto Otsubo, Kohtaro Ujiie, Hanae Saishu, Ayumu Miyakawa, and Asuka Yamaguchi
Pore fluid pressure (Pf) is of great importance to understand slow earthquake mechanics. In this study, we estimated the pore fluid pressure during the formation of foliation-parallel quartz veins filling mode I cracks in the Makimine mélange eastern Kyushu, SW Japan. The mélange preserves quartz-filled shear veins, foliation-parallel extension veins and subvertical extension tension vein arrays. The coexistence of the crack-seal veins and viscously sheared veins (aperture width of a quartz vein: a few tens of microns) may represent episodic tremor and slow slip (Ujiie et al., 2018). The foliation-parallel extension cracks can function as the fluid pathway in the mélange. We applied the stress tensor inversion approach proposed by Sato et al. (2013) to estimate stress regimes by using foliation-parallel extension vein orientations. The estimated stress is a reverse faulting stress regime with a sub-horizontal σ1-axis trending NNW–SSE and a sub-vertical σ3-axis, and the driving pore fluid pressure ratio P* (P* = (Pf – σ3) / (σ1 – σ3)) is ~0.1. When the pore fluid pressure exceeds σ3, veins filling mode I cracks are constructed (Jolly and Sanderson, 1997). The pore fluid pressure that exceeds σ3 is the pore fluid overpressure ΔPf (ΔPf = Pf – σ3). To estimate the pore fluid overpressure, we used the poro-elastic model for extension quartz vein formation (Gudmundsson, 1999). Pf and ΔPf in the case of the Makimine mélange are ~280 MPa and 80–160 kPa (assuming depth = 10 km, density = 2800 kg/m3, tensile strength = 1 MPa and Young’s modulus = 7.5–15 GPa). When the pore fluid overpressure is released, the cracks are closed and the reduction of pore fluid pressure is stopped (Otsubo et al., 2020). After the pore fluid overpressure is reduced, the normalized pore pressure ratio λ* (λ* = (Pf – Ph) / (Pl – Ph), Pl: lithostatic pressure; Ph: hydrostatic pressure) is ~1.01 (Pf > Pl). The results indicate that the pore fluid pressure constantly maintains the lithostatic pressure during the extension cracking along the foliation.
References: Gudmundsson (1999) Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 115–118; Jolly and Sanderson (1997) Jour. Struct. Geol., 19, 887–892; Otsubo et al. (2020) Sci. Rep., 10:12281; Palazzin et al. (2016) Tectonophysics, 687, 28–43; Sato et al. (2013) Tectonophysics, 588, 69–81; Ujiie et al. (2018) Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 5371–5379, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL078374.
How to cite: Otsubo, M., Ujiie, K., Saishu, H., Miyakawa, A., and Yamaguchi, A.: Temporal changes in pore fluid pressure during slow earthquake cycle estimated from foliation-parallel extension cracking, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7760, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7760, 2021.
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Pore fluid pressure (Pf) is of great importance to understand slow earthquake mechanics. In this study, we estimated the pore fluid pressure during the formation of foliation-parallel quartz veins filling mode I cracks in the Makimine mélange eastern Kyushu, SW Japan. The mélange preserves quartz-filled shear veins, foliation-parallel extension veins and subvertical extension tension vein arrays. The coexistence of the crack-seal veins and viscously sheared veins (aperture width of a quartz vein: a few tens of microns) may represent episodic tremor and slow slip (Ujiie et al., 2018). The foliation-parallel extension cracks can function as the fluid pathway in the mélange. We applied the stress tensor inversion approach proposed by Sato et al. (2013) to estimate stress regimes by using foliation-parallel extension vein orientations. The estimated stress is a reverse faulting stress regime with a sub-horizontal σ1-axis trending NNW–SSE and a sub-vertical σ3-axis, and the driving pore fluid pressure ratio P* (P* = (Pf – σ3) / (σ1 – σ3)) is ~0.1. When the pore fluid pressure exceeds σ3, veins filling mode I cracks are constructed (Jolly and Sanderson, 1997). The pore fluid pressure that exceeds σ3 is the pore fluid overpressure ΔPf (ΔPf = Pf – σ3). To estimate the pore fluid overpressure, we used the poro-elastic model for extension quartz vein formation (Gudmundsson, 1999). Pf and ΔPf in the case of the Makimine mélange are ~280 MPa and 80–160 kPa (assuming depth = 10 km, density = 2800 kg/m3, tensile strength = 1 MPa and Young’s modulus = 7.5–15 GPa). When the pore fluid overpressure is released, the cracks are closed and the reduction of pore fluid pressure is stopped (Otsubo et al., 2020). After the pore fluid overpressure is reduced, the normalized pore pressure ratio λ* (λ* = (Pf – Ph) / (Pl – Ph), Pl: lithostatic pressure; Ph: hydrostatic pressure) is ~1.01 (Pf > Pl). The results indicate that the pore fluid pressure constantly maintains the lithostatic pressure during the extension cracking along the foliation.
References: Gudmundsson (1999) Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 115–118; Jolly and Sanderson (1997) Jour. Struct. Geol., 19, 887–892; Otsubo et al. (2020) Sci. Rep., 10:12281; Palazzin et al. (2016) Tectonophysics, 687, 28–43; Sato et al. (2013) Tectonophysics, 588, 69–81; Ujiie et al. (2018) Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 5371–5379, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL078374.
How to cite: Otsubo, M., Ujiie, K., Saishu, H., Miyakawa, A., and Yamaguchi, A.: Temporal changes in pore fluid pressure during slow earthquake cycle estimated from foliation-parallel extension cracking, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7760, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7760, 2021.
EGU21-10988 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
How fluids impact seismic/aseismic slip in the Ecuadorian subduction zone? The HIPER marine projectAudrey Galve, Andreas Rietbrock, Philippe Charvis, Giorgio De la Torre, Sandro Vaca, Monica Segovia, Anne Meltzer, and Susan Beck and the HIPER Team
Identifying the circulation of fluids in subduction zone system and understanding their role on the megathrust fault slip modes remains one of the outstanding challenges in Earth Sciences. As these faults have the capacity to generate mega-earthquakes, the associated hazard to the society is significant.
The Ecuadorian subduction zone is one of the places in the world where very large earthquakes can occur, as shown by the Mw 8.8 earthquake in 1906. In April 2016, a Mw 7.8 earthquake broke the southern part of the 1906 earthquake rupture zone, causing hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in damages along an increasingly populated coastline. The seismological and geodetic network in place since several years and a dense post-seismic deployment, contributed to observe and define the rupture zone and areas affected by aseismic slip on the shallowest portion of the megathrust fault. Those hints of transient slip behaviors, for which fluids have been invoked to explain their occurrence, bring Ecuador to the forefront of natural laboratories to study the link between fluids and slip mode.
The HIPER marine campaign in March/April 2020 on board R/V Atalante was designed to acquire a dense active/passive, 2D/3D, onshore/offshore dataset, and in particular to derive the role of fluids in slip modes on the Ecuadorian margin. Thanks to an international consortium (Ecuador, Germany, France, United States) we had access to a large number of OBS (47) and land stations (~700) to record both R/V Atalante’s shots and the seismic activity.
The large-N experiment allowed a high density onshore/offshore deployment to perform shots and earthquakes FWI (Full Waveform Inversion) and obtain sufficient resolution to tackle the role of fluids with respect to interplate roughness, the nature of sediments, upper plate and lower plate’s structural heterogeneity in seismic/aseismic slip behavior.
A few days after starting the marine campaign, countries closed their frontiers due to the Covid-19 health crisis. The HIPER marine campaign was stopped and scientists on board were repatriated home. During the 10 days out of the 42 days planned, we managed to acquire the planed multichannel seismic reflection lines (abstract by L. Schenini - TS12.1). However, we collected only one of the three planned OBS wide-angle seismic lines (abstract by A. Skrubej - GD4.3), and no OBSs have been deployed for seismic activity monitoring.
The unique joint reflection/refraction line is perpendicular to the trench, sampling the megathrust fault where aseismic slip occurs, north of Pedernales. On our tomographic inversion, iso-velocity contours characterizing the oceanic crust entering the subduction, are downwards deflected 15 km before the trench. Such observation could be related to fluids affecting the crust and the upper mantle. On MCS image, we observe within the trench a rough oceanic basement, with a horst-like topographic high which outcrops at sea-bottom. Such structure could facilitate fluids infiltrating the crust before the trench in addition to bending faults, and possibly explain low Vp anomaly obtained on our coincident tomographic image.
A new marine campaign HIPER 2.0 is rescheduled in March/April 2022 to acquire the missing data.
How to cite: Galve, A., Rietbrock, A., Charvis, P., De la Torre, G., Vaca, S., Segovia, M., Meltzer, A., and Beck, S. and the HIPER Team: How fluids impact seismic/aseismic slip in the Ecuadorian subduction zone? The HIPER marine project, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10988, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10988, 2021.
Identifying the circulation of fluids in subduction zone system and understanding their role on the megathrust fault slip modes remains one of the outstanding challenges in Earth Sciences. As these faults have the capacity to generate mega-earthquakes, the associated hazard to the society is significant.
The Ecuadorian subduction zone is one of the places in the world where very large earthquakes can occur, as shown by the Mw 8.8 earthquake in 1906. In April 2016, a Mw 7.8 earthquake broke the southern part of the 1906 earthquake rupture zone, causing hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in damages along an increasingly populated coastline. The seismological and geodetic network in place since several years and a dense post-seismic deployment, contributed to observe and define the rupture zone and areas affected by aseismic slip on the shallowest portion of the megathrust fault. Those hints of transient slip behaviors, for which fluids have been invoked to explain their occurrence, bring Ecuador to the forefront of natural laboratories to study the link between fluids and slip mode.
The HIPER marine campaign in March/April 2020 on board R/V Atalante was designed to acquire a dense active/passive, 2D/3D, onshore/offshore dataset, and in particular to derive the role of fluids in slip modes on the Ecuadorian margin. Thanks to an international consortium (Ecuador, Germany, France, United States) we had access to a large number of OBS (47) and land stations (~700) to record both R/V Atalante’s shots and the seismic activity.
The large-N experiment allowed a high density onshore/offshore deployment to perform shots and earthquakes FWI (Full Waveform Inversion) and obtain sufficient resolution to tackle the role of fluids with respect to interplate roughness, the nature of sediments, upper plate and lower plate’s structural heterogeneity in seismic/aseismic slip behavior.
A few days after starting the marine campaign, countries closed their frontiers due to the Covid-19 health crisis. The HIPER marine campaign was stopped and scientists on board were repatriated home. During the 10 days out of the 42 days planned, we managed to acquire the planed multichannel seismic reflection lines (abstract by L. Schenini - TS12.1). However, we collected only one of the three planned OBS wide-angle seismic lines (abstract by A. Skrubej - GD4.3), and no OBSs have been deployed for seismic activity monitoring.
The unique joint reflection/refraction line is perpendicular to the trench, sampling the megathrust fault where aseismic slip occurs, north of Pedernales. On our tomographic inversion, iso-velocity contours characterizing the oceanic crust entering the subduction, are downwards deflected 15 km before the trench. Such observation could be related to fluids affecting the crust and the upper mantle. On MCS image, we observe within the trench a rough oceanic basement, with a horst-like topographic high which outcrops at sea-bottom. Such structure could facilitate fluids infiltrating the crust before the trench in addition to bending faults, and possibly explain low Vp anomaly obtained on our coincident tomographic image.
A new marine campaign HIPER 2.0 is rescheduled in March/April 2022 to acquire the missing data.
How to cite: Galve, A., Rietbrock, A., Charvis, P., De la Torre, G., Vaca, S., Segovia, M., Meltzer, A., and Beck, S. and the HIPER Team: How fluids impact seismic/aseismic slip in the Ecuadorian subduction zone? The HIPER marine project, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10988, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10988, 2021.
EGU21-9339 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Spatial changes in inclusion band spacing as an indicator of temporal changes in slow earthquake recurrence intervalsNaoki Nishiyama, Kohtaro Ujiie, and Masayuki Kano
Repeated slow earthquakes downdip of the seismogenic zones may trigger megathrust earthquakes by transferring stress to the seismogenic zones. Geodetic observations have suggested that the recurrence intervals of slow earthquakes decrease toward a next megathrust earthquake. However, the temporal variation in recurrence intervals of slow earthquakes during megathrust earthquake cycles remains poorly understood due to the limited duration of geodetic and seismological monitoring of slow earthquakes. The quartz-filled, crack-seal shear veins in the subduction mélange deformed near the downdip limit of seismogenic zone in warm-slab environments record the cyclic changes in the inclusion band spacing in the range of 5–65 μm. The two-phase primary fluid inclusions in quartz between inclusion bands show various vapor/liquid ratios regardless of inclusion band spacing, suggesting a common occurrence of fast quartz sealing due to a rapid decrease in quartz solubility associated with a large fluid pressure reduction. A kinetic model of quartz precipitation, considering a large fluid pressure change and inclusion band spacings, indicates that the sealing time during a single crack-seal event cyclically decreased and increased in the range of 0.2–2.7 years, with minimum one cycle duration estimated to be 31–93 years. The ranges of sealing time and one cycle duration may be comparable to the recurrence intervals of slow earthquakes and megathrust earthquakes, respectively. We suggest that the spatial change in the inclusion band spacing is a potential geological indicator of the temporal changes in slow earthquake recurrence intervals, particularly when large fluid pressure reduction occurred by brittle fracturing.
How to cite: Nishiyama, N., Ujiie, K., and Kano, M.: Spatial changes in inclusion band spacing as an indicator of temporal changes in slow earthquake recurrence intervals, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9339, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9339, 2021.
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Repeated slow earthquakes downdip of the seismogenic zones may trigger megathrust earthquakes by transferring stress to the seismogenic zones. Geodetic observations have suggested that the recurrence intervals of slow earthquakes decrease toward a next megathrust earthquake. However, the temporal variation in recurrence intervals of slow earthquakes during megathrust earthquake cycles remains poorly understood due to the limited duration of geodetic and seismological monitoring of slow earthquakes. The quartz-filled, crack-seal shear veins in the subduction mélange deformed near the downdip limit of seismogenic zone in warm-slab environments record the cyclic changes in the inclusion band spacing in the range of 5–65 μm. The two-phase primary fluid inclusions in quartz between inclusion bands show various vapor/liquid ratios regardless of inclusion band spacing, suggesting a common occurrence of fast quartz sealing due to a rapid decrease in quartz solubility associated with a large fluid pressure reduction. A kinetic model of quartz precipitation, considering a large fluid pressure change and inclusion band spacings, indicates that the sealing time during a single crack-seal event cyclically decreased and increased in the range of 0.2–2.7 years, with minimum one cycle duration estimated to be 31–93 years. The ranges of sealing time and one cycle duration may be comparable to the recurrence intervals of slow earthquakes and megathrust earthquakes, respectively. We suggest that the spatial change in the inclusion band spacing is a potential geological indicator of the temporal changes in slow earthquake recurrence intervals, particularly when large fluid pressure reduction occurred by brittle fracturing.
How to cite: Nishiyama, N., Ujiie, K., and Kano, M.: Spatial changes in inclusion band spacing as an indicator of temporal changes in slow earthquake recurrence intervals, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9339, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9339, 2021.
EGU21-320 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Brittle-ductile deformation in high-pressure continental units and deep episodic tremor and slipFrancesco Giuntoli and Giulio Viola
The geological record of deep seismic activity in subduction zones is generally limited due to common rock overprinting during exhumation and only a few regions allow studying well-preserved exhumed deep structures. The Northern Apennines (Italy) are one such area, granting access to continental units (Tuscan Metamorphic Units) that were subducted to high-pressure conditions, were affected by brittle-ductile deformation while accommodating deep tremor and slip and then exhumed back to surface, with only minor retrogression.
Our approach is based on detailed fieldwork, microstructural and petrological investigations. Field observations reveal a metamorphosed broken formation composed of boudinaged metaconglomerate levels enveloped by metapelite displaying a pervasive mylonitic foliation. Shear veins occur in both lithologies, but are more common and laterally continuous in the metapelite. They are mostly parallel to the foliation and composed of iso-oriented stretched quartz and Mg-carpholite (XMg>0.5) fibres, which are single-grains up to several centimetres long. These fibres define a stretching direction coherent with that observed in the metaconglomerate and metapelite, which is marked by K-white mica and quartz. Thermodynamic modeling constrains the formation of the high-pressure veins and the mylonitic foliation to ~ 1 GPa and 350°C, corresponding to c. 30-40 km depth in the subduction channel.
Shear veins developed in subducted (meta)sediments are a key indicator of episodic tremor and slip (e.g. 1). We propose that these structures reflect the repeated alternation of localised brittle failure, with shear veins development, and more diffuse viscous deformation. These cycles were probably related to the fluctuation of pore pressure that repeatedly reached lithostatic values. Concluding, these structures can be considered the geological record of episodic tremors and slip occurring at >30 km of depth in the Apenninic subduction channel.
1. Fagereng, Å., Remitti, F. & Sibson, R. H. Incrementally developed slickenfibers — Geological record of repeating low stress-drop seismic events? Tectonophysics 510, 381–386 (2011).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 839779.
How to cite: Giuntoli, F. and Viola, G.: Brittle-ductile deformation in high-pressure continental units and deep episodic tremor and slip, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-320, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-320, 2021.
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The geological record of deep seismic activity in subduction zones is generally limited due to common rock overprinting during exhumation and only a few regions allow studying well-preserved exhumed deep structures. The Northern Apennines (Italy) are one such area, granting access to continental units (Tuscan Metamorphic Units) that were subducted to high-pressure conditions, were affected by brittle-ductile deformation while accommodating deep tremor and slip and then exhumed back to surface, with only minor retrogression.
Our approach is based on detailed fieldwork, microstructural and petrological investigations. Field observations reveal a metamorphosed broken formation composed of boudinaged metaconglomerate levels enveloped by metapelite displaying a pervasive mylonitic foliation. Shear veins occur in both lithologies, but are more common and laterally continuous in the metapelite. They are mostly parallel to the foliation and composed of iso-oriented stretched quartz and Mg-carpholite (XMg>0.5) fibres, which are single-grains up to several centimetres long. These fibres define a stretching direction coherent with that observed in the metaconglomerate and metapelite, which is marked by K-white mica and quartz. Thermodynamic modeling constrains the formation of the high-pressure veins and the mylonitic foliation to ~ 1 GPa and 350°C, corresponding to c. 30-40 km depth in the subduction channel.
Shear veins developed in subducted (meta)sediments are a key indicator of episodic tremor and slip (e.g. 1). We propose that these structures reflect the repeated alternation of localised brittle failure, with shear veins development, and more diffuse viscous deformation. These cycles were probably related to the fluctuation of pore pressure that repeatedly reached lithostatic values. Concluding, these structures can be considered the geological record of episodic tremors and slip occurring at >30 km of depth in the Apenninic subduction channel.
1. Fagereng, Å., Remitti, F. & Sibson, R. H. Incrementally developed slickenfibers — Geological record of repeating low stress-drop seismic events? Tectonophysics 510, 381–386 (2011).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 839779.
How to cite: Giuntoli, F. and Viola, G.: Brittle-ductile deformation in high-pressure continental units and deep episodic tremor and slip, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-320, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-320, 2021.
EGU21-9856 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Deformation structure and peak-metamorphic temperature in Kodiak accretionary complex, AlaskaKristijan Rajic, Hugues Raimbourg, Vincent Famin, Donald Fisher, and Kristin Morell
The Kodiak archipelago (Southwest Alaska) represents a well exposed paleo-accretionary prism with its modern equivalent to the modern Alaskan Trench further southeast. The complex consists of metasedimentary and magmatic rocks, whose age span from the Triassic-Jurassic units on the northwestern side of the archipelago towards the Miocene units on the southeast. The complex dominantly consists of trench sediments, in which the sedimentary stratification is still visible. In addition, two tectonic mélanges, composed of lenses of metabasites embedded in sheared metasediments, are intercalated between the coherent formations. We carried out an extensive field survey to describe the kinematics and temperature conditions of deformation across the whole subduction complex.
Mélange terrains are characterized by subduction-related deformation in the form of a pervasive network of top-to-the-trench shear zones. In contrast, we observed wider range of deformation geometries in coherent units: The Kodiak Landward belt is characterized by top-to-the-trench simple shear. In the Kodiak Central belt, strain geometry varies spatially from dominant top-to-the-trench simple shear to horizontal extension evidenced by conjugate sets of extensional shear bands. Further to southeast, the Kodiak Seaward belt and the Ghost Rocks Formation are characterized by horizontal shortening with conjugate thrust faults and symmetric folds. Post-Paleocene deformation includes strike-slip faulting in the southeastern part as well as in the Kodiak granite, which was previously described as completely undeformed. The main tectonic contact in the area is the Uganik Thrust, delimiting the Uyak Complex and the Kodiak Formation. The thrust consists of a meter-thick mylonitic zone of the hanging wall material (Uyak Complex), with significantly deformed foot wall (Kodiak Formation). Finally, extension can be observed in the Narrow Cape Formation, unconformably overlying the Ghost Rocks mélange in the SE margin of the belt. Such extension predates the very recent-to-present deformation, characterized by normal faulting and block tilting within the SE margin.
Preliminary results of Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material (RSCM) provide essential information as to the large-scale thermal structure of the accretionary prism. In the investigated profile, running from southeastern margin towards the northwest, the temperature does not increase monotonically towards the inner part of the wedge. Indeed, the highest temperatures (>300 ℃) are found within the central part of the complex, in very thick turbiditic series accreted in a short period of time in the Paleocene. The thermal gap at the unconformity between the Ghost Rocks and Narrow Cape formations indicates fast uplift after accretion, followed by erosion, subsidence and sedimentation of Narrow Cape sediments. On the other side, no thermal gap is found around the Uganik Thrust like described at other OOST thrusts, which suggests that its activity predates exposure to the peak temperature.
How to cite: Rajic, K., Raimbourg, H., Famin, V., Fisher, D., and Morell, K.: Deformation structure and peak-metamorphic temperature in Kodiak accretionary complex, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9856, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9856, 2021.
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The Kodiak archipelago (Southwest Alaska) represents a well exposed paleo-accretionary prism with its modern equivalent to the modern Alaskan Trench further southeast. The complex consists of metasedimentary and magmatic rocks, whose age span from the Triassic-Jurassic units on the northwestern side of the archipelago towards the Miocene units on the southeast. The complex dominantly consists of trench sediments, in which the sedimentary stratification is still visible. In addition, two tectonic mélanges, composed of lenses of metabasites embedded in sheared metasediments, are intercalated between the coherent formations. We carried out an extensive field survey to describe the kinematics and temperature conditions of deformation across the whole subduction complex.
Mélange terrains are characterized by subduction-related deformation in the form of a pervasive network of top-to-the-trench shear zones. In contrast, we observed wider range of deformation geometries in coherent units: The Kodiak Landward belt is characterized by top-to-the-trench simple shear. In the Kodiak Central belt, strain geometry varies spatially from dominant top-to-the-trench simple shear to horizontal extension evidenced by conjugate sets of extensional shear bands. Further to southeast, the Kodiak Seaward belt and the Ghost Rocks Formation are characterized by horizontal shortening with conjugate thrust faults and symmetric folds. Post-Paleocene deformation includes strike-slip faulting in the southeastern part as well as in the Kodiak granite, which was previously described as completely undeformed. The main tectonic contact in the area is the Uganik Thrust, delimiting the Uyak Complex and the Kodiak Formation. The thrust consists of a meter-thick mylonitic zone of the hanging wall material (Uyak Complex), with significantly deformed foot wall (Kodiak Formation). Finally, extension can be observed in the Narrow Cape Formation, unconformably overlying the Ghost Rocks mélange in the SE margin of the belt. Such extension predates the very recent-to-present deformation, characterized by normal faulting and block tilting within the SE margin.
Preliminary results of Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material (RSCM) provide essential information as to the large-scale thermal structure of the accretionary prism. In the investigated profile, running from southeastern margin towards the northwest, the temperature does not increase monotonically towards the inner part of the wedge. Indeed, the highest temperatures (>300 ℃) are found within the central part of the complex, in very thick turbiditic series accreted in a short period of time in the Paleocene. The thermal gap at the unconformity between the Ghost Rocks and Narrow Cape formations indicates fast uplift after accretion, followed by erosion, subsidence and sedimentation of Narrow Cape sediments. On the other side, no thermal gap is found around the Uganik Thrust like described at other OOST thrusts, which suggests that its activity predates exposure to the peak temperature.
How to cite: Rajic, K., Raimbourg, H., Famin, V., Fisher, D., and Morell, K.: Deformation structure and peak-metamorphic temperature in Kodiak accretionary complex, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9856, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9856, 2021.
EGU21-10074 | vPICO presentations | TS7.2
Fluid pressure variations recorded by quartz vein geochemistryHugues Raimbourg, Vincent Famin, Kristijan Rajic, Saskia Erdmann, Benjamin Moris-Muttoni, Donald Fisher, and Kristin Morell
Veins that form contemporaneously with deformation are the best recorders of the fluids circulating in the depths of orogenic and subduction zones. We have analyzed syn-kinematic quartz veins from accretionary prisms (Shimanto Belt in Japan, Kodiak accretionary Complex in Alaska) and tectonic nappes in collisional orogens (Flysch à Helminthoïdes in the Alps, southern nappes of the variscan Montagne Noire), which formed at temperature conditions between 250 and 350°C, i.e. spanning the downdip limit of large subduction earthquakes and the generation of slow slip events. In all geological domains, veins hosted in rocks that have experienced the lower temperature conditions (~250-300°C) show quartz grains with crystallographic facets and growth rims. Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of these growth rims shows two different colors, a short-lived blue color and a brown one, attesting to cyclic variations in precipitation conditions. In contrast, veins hosted in rocks that have experienced the higher temperature conditions (~350°C), show a homogeneous, CL-brown colored quartz, except for some very restricted domains of crack-seal structures of CL-blue quartz found in Japan, Kodiak and Montagne Noire.
Based on laser ablation analysis and electron microprobe mapping, variations in CL colors appear correlated with the trace element content of quartz. The highly luminescent quartz contains high concentrations of aluminum (Al) and lithium (Li), up to 3000 and 400 ppm, respectively. Variations in Al and Li correlate well, so that Li appears as the main charge‐compensating cation for SiàAl substitution.
Due to their ubiquitous presence in various settings, the variations in CL colors in the lower temperature range reflect a common, general process. We interpret these cyclic growth structures as a result of deformation/fracturing events, which triggered transient changes in fluid pressure. The CL-blue growth rims delineate zones where quartz growth was rapid and crystals incorporated a large proportion of Al and Li. Crystal growth continued at lower pace after fluid pressure evolved to equilibrium conditions, leading to the formation of CL-brown quartz with fewer substitutions of tetrahedral Si. The variations in fluid pressure fluctuated at values close to lithostatic conditions, as indicated by growth in cavities that remained open.
The crack-seal microstructures have been interpreted as the result of slow-slip events near the base of the seismogenic zone (Fisher and Brantley, 2014; Ujiie et al., 2018). Our observations on quartz composition suggest that the quartz in crack-seal microstructures records episodic variation in fluid pressure, similar to vein quartz at T<~300 °C. In contrast to the cooler and shallower domain, the variations are significantly smaller, as recorded by the very limited extent of the CL-blue domains, and most if not all of the quartz growth occurred under constant physico-chemical conditions, including a near lithostatic fluid pressure.
We conclude that quartz trace element content might be a useful tool to track variations in fluid conditions. In particular, at seismogenic depths (i.e. near 250°C), fluid pressure varies significantly around a lithostatic value. In contrast, deeper, near the base of the seismogenic zone where slow slip events occur (i.e. near 350°C), the variations in fluid pressure are smaller.
How to cite: Raimbourg, H., Famin, V., Rajic, K., Erdmann, S., Moris-Muttoni, B., Fisher, D., and Morell, K.: Fluid pressure variations recorded by quartz vein geochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10074, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10074, 2021.
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Veins that form contemporaneously with deformation are the best recorders of the fluids circulating in the depths of orogenic and subduction zones. We have analyzed syn-kinematic quartz veins from accretionary prisms (Shimanto Belt in Japan, Kodiak accretionary Complex in Alaska) and tectonic nappes in collisional orogens (Flysch à Helminthoïdes in the Alps, southern nappes of the variscan Montagne Noire), which formed at temperature conditions between 250 and 350°C, i.e. spanning the downdip limit of large subduction earthquakes and the generation of slow slip events. In all geological domains, veins hosted in rocks that have experienced the lower temperature conditions (~250-300°C) show quartz grains with crystallographic facets and growth rims. Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of these growth rims shows two different colors, a short-lived blue color and a brown one, attesting to cyclic variations in precipitation conditions. In contrast, veins hosted in rocks that have experienced the higher temperature conditions (~350°C), show a homogeneous, CL-brown colored quartz, except for some very restricted domains of crack-seal structures of CL-blue quartz found in Japan, Kodiak and Montagne Noire.
Based on laser ablation analysis and electron microprobe mapping, variations in CL colors appear correlated with the trace element content of quartz. The highly luminescent quartz contains high concentrations of aluminum (Al) and lithium (Li), up to 3000 and 400 ppm, respectively. Variations in Al and Li correlate well, so that Li appears as the main charge‐compensating cation for SiàAl substitution.
Due to their ubiquitous presence in various settings, the variations in CL colors in the lower temperature range reflect a common, general process. We interpret these cyclic growth structures as a result of deformation/fracturing events, which triggered transient changes in fluid pressure. The CL-blue growth rims delineate zones where quartz growth was rapid and crystals incorporated a large proportion of Al and Li. Crystal growth continued at lower pace after fluid pressure evolved to equilibrium conditions, leading to the formation of CL-brown quartz with fewer substitutions of tetrahedral Si. The variations in fluid pressure fluctuated at values close to lithostatic conditions, as indicated by growth in cavities that remained open.
The crack-seal microstructures have been interpreted as the result of slow-slip events near the base of the seismogenic zone (Fisher and Brantley, 2014; Ujiie et al., 2018). Our observations on quartz composition suggest that the quartz in crack-seal microstructures records episodic variation in fluid pressure, similar to vein quartz at T<~300 °C. In contrast to the cooler and shallower domain, the variations are significantly smaller, as recorded by the very limited extent of the CL-blue domains, and most if not all of the quartz growth occurred under constant physico-chemical conditions, including a near lithostatic fluid pressure.
We conclude that quartz trace element content might be a useful tool to track variations in fluid conditions. In particular, at seismogenic depths (i.e. near 250°C), fluid pressure varies significantly around a lithostatic value. In contrast, deeper, near the base of the seismogenic zone where slow slip events occur (i.e. near 350°C), the variations in fluid pressure are smaller.
How to cite: Raimbourg, H., Famin, V., Rajic, K., Erdmann, S., Moris-Muttoni, B., Fisher, D., and Morell, K.: Fluid pressure variations recorded by quartz vein geochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10074, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10074, 2021.
TS7.6 – Effects of tectonics and surface processes interactions on the evolution of orogenic plateaus and active orogens
EGU21-708 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
East Asian orogenic collapse caused by oblique subduction and reduced boundary forceMark Allen, Shuguang Song, Jean-Arthur Jean-Arthur Olive, Yang Chu, and Chao Wang
East Asia experienced compressional deformation in the early Mesozoic, across the South China Block, North China Craton (NCC) and the part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt to the north of the NCC. Deformation and magmatism resulted from Triassic collisions that accreted the continental blocks, and also Izanagi (Paleo-Pacific) Plate subduction from the east. We suggest that there was a single East Asian orogenic plateau by the Middle Jurassic, from NE Russia to SW China, with a length of ~4000 km. The causes and timings of the destruction of this plateau are unclear, especially loss of the lower lithosphere of the NCC. Here, we synthesize evidence for late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic crustal thinning via extension and denudation, to quantify the previous crustal thickness. We find that there was a ~50 km thick crust by the Middle Jurassic across much of the area between NE Asia and SW China, which has since undergone ~30% thinning. A force balance indicates that the buoyancy force produced by the gravitational potential energy of this thick crust drove extension from the latest Jurassic - Early Cretaceous (~145 Ma), when a rapid switch from orthogonal to oblique subduction at the Asia-Izanagi plate margin reduced the compressive boundary force by ~30%. Mantle lithosphere thinning of the NCC exceeds crustal thinning by a factor of ~2; extensional collapse cannot be the only cause of cratonic destruction, but played a major role, and potentially triggered mantle instability. Early Cretaceous extension was accompanied by a flare-up in volcanism along East Asia, which we speculate contributed to the Cretaceous hothouse climate.
How to cite: Allen, M., Song, S., Jean-Arthur Olive, J.-A., Chu, Y., and Wang, C.: East Asian orogenic collapse caused by oblique subduction and reduced boundary force, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-708, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-708, 2021.
East Asia experienced compressional deformation in the early Mesozoic, across the South China Block, North China Craton (NCC) and the part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt to the north of the NCC. Deformation and magmatism resulted from Triassic collisions that accreted the continental blocks, and also Izanagi (Paleo-Pacific) Plate subduction from the east. We suggest that there was a single East Asian orogenic plateau by the Middle Jurassic, from NE Russia to SW China, with a length of ~4000 km. The causes and timings of the destruction of this plateau are unclear, especially loss of the lower lithosphere of the NCC. Here, we synthesize evidence for late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic crustal thinning via extension and denudation, to quantify the previous crustal thickness. We find that there was a ~50 km thick crust by the Middle Jurassic across much of the area between NE Asia and SW China, which has since undergone ~30% thinning. A force balance indicates that the buoyancy force produced by the gravitational potential energy of this thick crust drove extension from the latest Jurassic - Early Cretaceous (~145 Ma), when a rapid switch from orthogonal to oblique subduction at the Asia-Izanagi plate margin reduced the compressive boundary force by ~30%. Mantle lithosphere thinning of the NCC exceeds crustal thinning by a factor of ~2; extensional collapse cannot be the only cause of cratonic destruction, but played a major role, and potentially triggered mantle instability. Early Cretaceous extension was accompanied by a flare-up in volcanism along East Asia, which we speculate contributed to the Cretaceous hothouse climate.
How to cite: Allen, M., Song, S., Jean-Arthur Olive, J.-A., Chu, Y., and Wang, C.: East Asian orogenic collapse caused by oblique subduction and reduced boundary force, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-708, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-708, 2021.
EGU21-2045 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Paleozoic subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate: insight from the petrogenesis of Ordovician to Devonian granitic plutons in the Hangay Range, central Mongoliajiaqi Ling and pengfei Li
Email: pengfeili@gig.ac.cn; pengfeili2013@gmail.com
The pre-Mesozoic subduction history of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate has been poorly understood. Here we conducted geochronological and geochemical studies on four granitic plutons in the westernmost Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen (Hangay Range), with an aim to understand their petrogenesis and role in the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen. Our geochronological results constrain four granitic plutons to be emplaced from middle Ordovician to early Devonian. Geochemically, the Ordovician pluton belongs to A2-type granites, and three Silurian to Devonian plutons show the characteristics of I-type granites. These granitic plutons were probably generated by partial melting of basaltic rocks in the lower crust given the high contents of Na2O and K2O. The negative εNd(t) values (-4.7 to -0.9) and variable εHf(t) values (-2.6 to +6.1) for the four granitic plutons suggest that ancient basement materials were possibly involved in the magma source. We further investigate the geodynamic origin of these plutons in the context of the Paleozoic tectonics of the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen, and we conclude that they were probably formed in response to the Ordovician to Devonian subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate.
How to cite: Ling, J. and Li, P.: Paleozoic subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate: insight from the petrogenesis of Ordovician to Devonian granitic plutons in the Hangay Range, central Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2045, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2045, 2021.
Email: pengfeili@gig.ac.cn; pengfeili2013@gmail.com
The pre-Mesozoic subduction history of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate has been poorly understood. Here we conducted geochronological and geochemical studies on four granitic plutons in the westernmost Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen (Hangay Range), with an aim to understand their petrogenesis and role in the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen. Our geochronological results constrain four granitic plutons to be emplaced from middle Ordovician to early Devonian. Geochemically, the Ordovician pluton belongs to A2-type granites, and three Silurian to Devonian plutons show the characteristics of I-type granites. These granitic plutons were probably generated by partial melting of basaltic rocks in the lower crust given the high contents of Na2O and K2O. The negative εNd(t) values (-4.7 to -0.9) and variable εHf(t) values (-2.6 to +6.1) for the four granitic plutons suggest that ancient basement materials were possibly involved in the magma source. We further investigate the geodynamic origin of these plutons in the context of the Paleozoic tectonics of the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen, and we conclude that they were probably formed in response to the Ordovician to Devonian subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate.
How to cite: Ling, J. and Li, P.: Paleozoic subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate: insight from the petrogenesis of Ordovician to Devonian granitic plutons in the Hangay Range, central Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2045, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2045, 2021.
EGU21-16411 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Magmatic evidence for Late Carboniferous-Early Permian slab breakoff and extension of the southern Mongolia collage system in Central AsiaHai Zhou, Guochun Zhao, and Donghai Zhang
Oceanic subduction and its last underthrusted part can both triggers arc-like magmatism. As the existence of multi-subduction zones in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, controversy still surrounds on when and especially how the subduction of the (Paleo-Asian Ocean) PAO terminated. We present geochronological, geochemical, and Lu-Hf isotopic data for a suite of basalt-andesites, dacite-rhyolites and later trachyandesite-mugearitic dykes from the Khan-Bogd area in the Gobi Tianshan Zone (GTZ) of the southern Mongolia. U-Pb dating of zircons indicate the basalt-andesites and dacite-rhyolites were formed at ~334-338 Ma, and the dykes at ~300 Ma. These Early Carboniferous volcanic rocks display high U/Th, Ba/Th, low La/Sm and variable Zr/Nb ratios, implying the involvement of subduction fluids or sediment melt. They display arc geochemical features such as calc-alkaline and metaluminous nature and positive Ba and U and negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies. Moreover, their continental geochemical signals (e.g. positive Pb, K anomalies) and some old captured zircons implying a continental arc setting. Comparatively, the ~300 Ma dykes are characterized by high alkaline contents, which are common for coeval (~320-290 Ma) and widespread post-subductional granites there. Given a mainly crust-derived magma source for those granites, these dykes likely reflect a mantle disturbance due to: (1) their relative low SiO2 (51.71-55.85 wt. %) and high Mg# (40.3-67.3) values, and (2) positive zircon ƐHf(t) (most > 12). Considering a slab rollback model during the Carboniferous and Triassic, the mantle disturbance was possibly induced by the oceanic slab breakoff. Combined with previous work, this ~320-290 Ma slab breakoff-induced extension marks the closure of a wide secondary ocean (North Tianshan-Hegenshan ocean) north of the main ocean basin of the PAO. This research was financially supported by NSFC Projects (41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237) and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
How to cite: Zhou, H., Zhao, G., and Zhang, D.: Magmatic evidence for Late Carboniferous-Early Permian slab breakoff and extension of the southern Mongolia collage system in Central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16411, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16411, 2021.
Oceanic subduction and its last underthrusted part can both triggers arc-like magmatism. As the existence of multi-subduction zones in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, controversy still surrounds on when and especially how the subduction of the (Paleo-Asian Ocean) PAO terminated. We present geochronological, geochemical, and Lu-Hf isotopic data for a suite of basalt-andesites, dacite-rhyolites and later trachyandesite-mugearitic dykes from the Khan-Bogd area in the Gobi Tianshan Zone (GTZ) of the southern Mongolia. U-Pb dating of zircons indicate the basalt-andesites and dacite-rhyolites were formed at ~334-338 Ma, and the dykes at ~300 Ma. These Early Carboniferous volcanic rocks display high U/Th, Ba/Th, low La/Sm and variable Zr/Nb ratios, implying the involvement of subduction fluids or sediment melt. They display arc geochemical features such as calc-alkaline and metaluminous nature and positive Ba and U and negative Nb, Ta and Ti anomalies. Moreover, their continental geochemical signals (e.g. positive Pb, K anomalies) and some old captured zircons implying a continental arc setting. Comparatively, the ~300 Ma dykes are characterized by high alkaline contents, which are common for coeval (~320-290 Ma) and widespread post-subductional granites there. Given a mainly crust-derived magma source for those granites, these dykes likely reflect a mantle disturbance due to: (1) their relative low SiO2 (51.71-55.85 wt. %) and high Mg# (40.3-67.3) values, and (2) positive zircon ƐHf(t) (most > 12). Considering a slab rollback model during the Carboniferous and Triassic, the mantle disturbance was possibly induced by the oceanic slab breakoff. Combined with previous work, this ~320-290 Ma slab breakoff-induced extension marks the closure of a wide secondary ocean (North Tianshan-Hegenshan ocean) north of the main ocean basin of the PAO. This research was financially supported by NSFC Projects (41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237) and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
How to cite: Zhou, H., Zhao, G., and Zhang, D.: Magmatic evidence for Late Carboniferous-Early Permian slab breakoff and extension of the southern Mongolia collage system in Central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16411, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16411, 2021.
EGU21-15599 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
New paleomagnetic results of the earliest Permian dykes in South Mongolia and their implications for the paleogeography of the Eastern CAOBDonghai Zhang, Guochun Zhao, Baochun Huang, Qian Zhao, Hai Zhou, and Enkh-Orshikh Orsoo
Debates of the Permo-Carboniferous paleogeography of the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) mainly focus on the existence, extent, and thereby evolutionary history of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO) in this period. South Mongolia locates at a key position that denotes the southernmost margin of the Mongolia block. Here, we present a paleomagnetic study on the earliest Permian dykes near the Khanbogd of South Gobi Province in Mongolia to better constrain the paleo-position of the Mongolia block. Zircon U-Pb dating results of the studied dykes indicate an emplacement age of 299 ± 3 Ma. Magnetites are the dominant magnetic carriers as revealed by the synthesized rock magnetic experiments. A likely primary high coercivity/temperature component was isolated from 66 of 125 samples and displays consistent reverse polarity, which coincides with the Kiaman Reverse Superchron that overlapping the emplacement age of our studied dykes. Accordingly, a ~299 Ma paleomagnetic pole is calculated at λ/φ = −4.1°N/146.3°E (dp = 3.8, dm = 5.8, n = 66). Potential influence from Paleo-Secular Variation (PSV) is excluded following the Deenen et al. (2011) procedure. Our new results present a ~30.9°N paleolatitude for the Mongolia block, which differs from the lower paleolatitude of the North China and Xilinhot blocks as well as the much higher paleolititude of Siberia. Surrounded by these blocks of different paleolatitude, the PAO and Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean both remained wide open at least by the earliest Permian.
This research was funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (41902229, 41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
Deenen, M. H. L. , Langereis, C. G. , Van, H. D. J. J. , & Biggin, A. J. . (2011). Geomagnetic secular variation and the statistics of palaeomagnetic directions. Geophysical Journal International(2), 509-520.
How to cite: Zhang, D., Zhao, G., Huang, B., Zhao, Q., Zhou, H., and Orsoo, E.-O.: New paleomagnetic results of the earliest Permian dykes in South Mongolia and their implications for the paleogeography of the Eastern CAOB, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15599, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15599, 2021.
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Debates of the Permo-Carboniferous paleogeography of the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) mainly focus on the existence, extent, and thereby evolutionary history of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO) in this period. South Mongolia locates at a key position that denotes the southernmost margin of the Mongolia block. Here, we present a paleomagnetic study on the earliest Permian dykes near the Khanbogd of South Gobi Province in Mongolia to better constrain the paleo-position of the Mongolia block. Zircon U-Pb dating results of the studied dykes indicate an emplacement age of 299 ± 3 Ma. Magnetites are the dominant magnetic carriers as revealed by the synthesized rock magnetic experiments. A likely primary high coercivity/temperature component was isolated from 66 of 125 samples and displays consistent reverse polarity, which coincides with the Kiaman Reverse Superchron that overlapping the emplacement age of our studied dykes. Accordingly, a ~299 Ma paleomagnetic pole is calculated at λ/φ = −4.1°N/146.3°E (dp = 3.8, dm = 5.8, n = 66). Potential influence from Paleo-Secular Variation (PSV) is excluded following the Deenen et al. (2011) procedure. Our new results present a ~30.9°N paleolatitude for the Mongolia block, which differs from the lower paleolatitude of the North China and Xilinhot blocks as well as the much higher paleolititude of Siberia. Surrounded by these blocks of different paleolatitude, the PAO and Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean both remained wide open at least by the earliest Permian.
This research was funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (41902229, 41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
Deenen, M. H. L. , Langereis, C. G. , Van, H. D. J. J. , & Biggin, A. J. . (2011). Geomagnetic secular variation and the statistics of palaeomagnetic directions. Geophysical Journal International(2), 509-520.
How to cite: Zhang, D., Zhao, G., Huang, B., Zhao, Q., Zhou, H., and Orsoo, E.-O.: New paleomagnetic results of the earliest Permian dykes in South Mongolia and their implications for the paleogeography of the Eastern CAOB, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15599, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15599, 2021.
EGU21-1010 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Late Paleozoic oroclinal bending, arc amalgamation, and large-scale transcurrent tectonics in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt: termination of accretionary orogenesis and initiation of aridification in Central Asia?Pengfei Li
The western Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) underwent the prolonged accretion from Neoproterozoic to latest Paleozoic, and evolved into an intracontinental orogenic environment in the Mesozoic to Cenozoic, which was accompanied by significant changes of climatic environments. To constrain earlier accretion mechanisms and processes of the CAOB is fundamentally important given its control on the orogenic architecture and paleogeography, which inevitably affects the subsequent intracontinental orogeny. Here, I focus on the late Paleozoic tectonic reconstruction of the western CAOB with an aim to understand the role of oroclinal bending, arc amalgamation, and large-scale transcurrent tectonics in shaping the orogenic architecture of the western CAOB. My results show that the development of the U-shaped Kazakhstan Orocline in the western CAOB may have been controlled by the along-strike variation of the trench retreat, which was accompanied by the consumption of the Junggar Ocean in the core area of the orocline. The subsequent amalgamation of multiple arcs in the western CAOB may further amplify the oroclinal structure, and I emphasize that the orogen-parallel extension plays a significant role in arc amalgamation of the western CAOB. In the Permian, the large scale of strike-slip faults characterized the western CAOB with sinistral shearing in the north (Chinese Altai) and dextral kinematics in the south (Tianshan), which together indicates the eastward migration of orogenic materials (current coordinate). Following the termination of accretionary orogeny, the western CAOB was in an intracontinental environment with relatively arid climate in the early to middle Triassic as indicated by the widespread occurrence of red beds, which may mark the initiation of aridification in Central Asia.
Acknowledgements: this study was financially supported by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council (HKU17302317), the international partnership program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (132744KYSB20200001), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC0601205), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872222) and a project from Guangdong Province (2019QN01H101).
How to cite: Li, P.: Late Paleozoic oroclinal bending, arc amalgamation, and large-scale transcurrent tectonics in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt: termination of accretionary orogenesis and initiation of aridification in Central Asia?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1010, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1010, 2021.
The western Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) underwent the prolonged accretion from Neoproterozoic to latest Paleozoic, and evolved into an intracontinental orogenic environment in the Mesozoic to Cenozoic, which was accompanied by significant changes of climatic environments. To constrain earlier accretion mechanisms and processes of the CAOB is fundamentally important given its control on the orogenic architecture and paleogeography, which inevitably affects the subsequent intracontinental orogeny. Here, I focus on the late Paleozoic tectonic reconstruction of the western CAOB with an aim to understand the role of oroclinal bending, arc amalgamation, and large-scale transcurrent tectonics in shaping the orogenic architecture of the western CAOB. My results show that the development of the U-shaped Kazakhstan Orocline in the western CAOB may have been controlled by the along-strike variation of the trench retreat, which was accompanied by the consumption of the Junggar Ocean in the core area of the orocline. The subsequent amalgamation of multiple arcs in the western CAOB may further amplify the oroclinal structure, and I emphasize that the orogen-parallel extension plays a significant role in arc amalgamation of the western CAOB. In the Permian, the large scale of strike-slip faults characterized the western CAOB with sinistral shearing in the north (Chinese Altai) and dextral kinematics in the south (Tianshan), which together indicates the eastward migration of orogenic materials (current coordinate). Following the termination of accretionary orogeny, the western CAOB was in an intracontinental environment with relatively arid climate in the early to middle Triassic as indicated by the widespread occurrence of red beds, which may mark the initiation of aridification in Central Asia.
Acknowledgements: this study was financially supported by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council (HKU17302317), the international partnership program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (132744KYSB20200001), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC0601205), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872222) and a project from Guangdong Province (2019QN01H101).
How to cite: Li, P.: Late Paleozoic oroclinal bending, arc amalgamation, and large-scale transcurrent tectonics in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt: termination of accretionary orogenesis and initiation of aridification in Central Asia?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1010, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1010, 2021.
EGU21-1653 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Arc-arc collision in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: insight from the eastern segment of the Irtysh Shear Zone, NW China.Wanwan Hu and Pengfei Li
As the largest accretionary orogen, the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) involved episodic accretion/collision of arc terranes or microcontinental blocks from Neoproterozoic to late Paleozoic. Understanding the time and processes of such collisional events is crucial for the tectonic reconstruction of the CAOB. Here we focus on the Irtysh Shear Zone that represents the suture of the Peri-Siberian orogenic system (Chinese Altai Orogen) with the Kazakhstan orogenic system/East Junggar Terrane. On a basis of a combined structural and chronological study along the eastern segment of the Irtysh Shear Zone (Qinghe area), we reconstructed the collisional processes of the Chinese Altai Orogen with an intra-oceanic island arc of the East Junggar Terrane. Our results show that the oceanic basin between the Chinese Altai Orogen and the East Junggar Terrane was completely consumed in the late Carboniferous. The following arc-arc collision was characterized by early stage of orogen-perpendicular contraction, followed by orogen-parallel extension and transpressional deformation. The orogen-parallel extension, which is demonstrated by originally sub-horizontal foliation and associated orogen-parallel stretching lineation, may have be responsible for Permian high-temperature metamorphism and extensive magmatism in the southern Chinese Altai. On a scale of the western CAOB, the sinistral kinematics of the Irtysh Shear Zone, together with dextral shearing farther south in the Tianshan, suggests eastward tectonic wedging in the Permian, possibly in response to the coeval convergence of the Siberian, Baltic, and Tarim cratons.
E-mail addresses: pengfeili@gig.ac.cn, pengfeili2013@gmail.com (P. Li).
Acknowledgements: this study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872222), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC0601205), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (HKU17302317) and a project from Guangdong Province (2019QN01H101).
How to cite: Hu, W. and Li, P.: Arc-arc collision in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: insight from the eastern segment of the Irtysh Shear Zone, NW China., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1653, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1653, 2021.
As the largest accretionary orogen, the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) involved episodic accretion/collision of arc terranes or microcontinental blocks from Neoproterozoic to late Paleozoic. Understanding the time and processes of such collisional events is crucial for the tectonic reconstruction of the CAOB. Here we focus on the Irtysh Shear Zone that represents the suture of the Peri-Siberian orogenic system (Chinese Altai Orogen) with the Kazakhstan orogenic system/East Junggar Terrane. On a basis of a combined structural and chronological study along the eastern segment of the Irtysh Shear Zone (Qinghe area), we reconstructed the collisional processes of the Chinese Altai Orogen with an intra-oceanic island arc of the East Junggar Terrane. Our results show that the oceanic basin between the Chinese Altai Orogen and the East Junggar Terrane was completely consumed in the late Carboniferous. The following arc-arc collision was characterized by early stage of orogen-perpendicular contraction, followed by orogen-parallel extension and transpressional deformation. The orogen-parallel extension, which is demonstrated by originally sub-horizontal foliation and associated orogen-parallel stretching lineation, may have be responsible for Permian high-temperature metamorphism and extensive magmatism in the southern Chinese Altai. On a scale of the western CAOB, the sinistral kinematics of the Irtysh Shear Zone, together with dextral shearing farther south in the Tianshan, suggests eastward tectonic wedging in the Permian, possibly in response to the coeval convergence of the Siberian, Baltic, and Tarim cratons.
E-mail addresses: pengfeili@gig.ac.cn, pengfeili2013@gmail.com (P. Li).
Acknowledgements: this study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872222), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC0601205), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (HKU17302317) and a project from Guangdong Province (2019QN01H101).
How to cite: Hu, W. and Li, P.: Arc-arc collision in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: insight from the eastern segment of the Irtysh Shear Zone, NW China., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1653, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1653, 2021.
EGU21-8111 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
A Tarim-North India connection in northern Gondwana: Constraints from provenance of early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Altyn Tagh orogen, southeastern TarimQian Liu, Toshiaki Tsunogae, Guochun Zhao, Yigui Han, Jinlong Yao, Jianhua Li, and Peng Wang
Amalgamation of northern Gondwana involves a wealth of present-day East Asian blocks (e.g., South China, North China, Alxa, Tarim, Indochina, Qiangtang, Sibumasu, Lhasa, etc.) due to consumption and closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Locating the Tarim craton during assembly of northern Gondwana remains enigmatic, with different models separating Tarim from Gondwana by a paleoceanic domain throughout the Paleozoic, advocating a long-term Tarim-Australia linkage in the Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic, or suggesting a Tarim-Arabia connection in the early Paleozoic.
This study carried out field-based zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic analyses for early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Altyn Tagh orogen, southeastern Tarim. New dating results revealed that the early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks were deposited from ca. 494 to 449 Ma. Provenance tracing indicates the ca. 494-477 Ma sedimentary rocks were primarily sourced from the local Altyn Tagh orogen to the south of the North Altyn Ocean (one branch of the Proto-Tethys Ocean between southeastern Tarim and northern Gondwana). In contrast, the ca. 465-449 Ma sedimentary rocks have remarkably increasing ca. 840-780 Ma, 2.0-1.7 Ga, and 2.7-2.4 Ga detrital zircons, indicating an augmented supply of detritus from the Tarim craton to the north of the North Altyn Ocean. Such a significant provenance shift between ca. 477 and 465 Ma marks the timing of the final closure of the North Altyn Ocean. Combined with the timing of the final closure of other branches of the Proto-Tethys Ocean, the entire Proto-Tethys Ocean might have been progressively closed at ca. 500-420 Ma, resulting in the connection of most East Asian blocks with northern Gondwana. Based on detrital zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic comparison, Tarim most likely shared a North Indian affinity with many East Asian blocks (such as North Qilian, North Qinling, South China, Indochina, South Qiangtang, etc.). This new finding argues against an Australian or Arabian affinity for the Tarim craton.
This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China Projects (grants 41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237, and 41888101), Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (grant 17307918), and Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to Prof. Toshiaki Tsunogae (No. 18H01300) and to Dr. Qian Liu (No. 19F19020). JSPS fellowship is also much appreciated.
How to cite: Liu, Q., Tsunogae, T., Zhao, G., Han, Y., Yao, J., Li, J., and Wang, P.: A Tarim-North India connection in northern Gondwana: Constraints from provenance of early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Altyn Tagh orogen, southeastern Tarim, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8111, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8111, 2021.
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Amalgamation of northern Gondwana involves a wealth of present-day East Asian blocks (e.g., South China, North China, Alxa, Tarim, Indochina, Qiangtang, Sibumasu, Lhasa, etc.) due to consumption and closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Locating the Tarim craton during assembly of northern Gondwana remains enigmatic, with different models separating Tarim from Gondwana by a paleoceanic domain throughout the Paleozoic, advocating a long-term Tarim-Australia linkage in the Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic, or suggesting a Tarim-Arabia connection in the early Paleozoic.
This study carried out field-based zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic analyses for early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Altyn Tagh orogen, southeastern Tarim. New dating results revealed that the early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks were deposited from ca. 494 to 449 Ma. Provenance tracing indicates the ca. 494-477 Ma sedimentary rocks were primarily sourced from the local Altyn Tagh orogen to the south of the North Altyn Ocean (one branch of the Proto-Tethys Ocean between southeastern Tarim and northern Gondwana). In contrast, the ca. 465-449 Ma sedimentary rocks have remarkably increasing ca. 840-780 Ma, 2.0-1.7 Ga, and 2.7-2.4 Ga detrital zircons, indicating an augmented supply of detritus from the Tarim craton to the north of the North Altyn Ocean. Such a significant provenance shift between ca. 477 and 465 Ma marks the timing of the final closure of the North Altyn Ocean. Combined with the timing of the final closure of other branches of the Proto-Tethys Ocean, the entire Proto-Tethys Ocean might have been progressively closed at ca. 500-420 Ma, resulting in the connection of most East Asian blocks with northern Gondwana. Based on detrital zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic comparison, Tarim most likely shared a North Indian affinity with many East Asian blocks (such as North Qilian, North Qinling, South China, Indochina, South Qiangtang, etc.). This new finding argues against an Australian or Arabian affinity for the Tarim craton.
This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China Projects (grants 41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237, and 41888101), Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (grant 17307918), and Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to Prof. Toshiaki Tsunogae (No. 18H01300) and to Dr. Qian Liu (No. 19F19020). JSPS fellowship is also much appreciated.
How to cite: Liu, Q., Tsunogae, T., Zhao, G., Han, Y., Yao, J., Li, J., and Wang, P.: A Tarim-North India connection in northern Gondwana: Constraints from provenance of early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Altyn Tagh orogen, southeastern Tarim, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8111, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8111, 2021.
EGU21-16501 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of andalusite from syn-tectonic quartz veins: perspectives on dating regional deformation and metamorphism eventsMing Xiao, Ying-De Jiang, Hua-Ning Qiu, and Guo-Chun Zhao
A long-lasting orogenic process often generates vast complexity of deformation and metamorphism. Understanding the time scales of these processes is essential for the reconstruction of the finite architecture of a fossil orogenic belt, which, nevertheless, is not always straightforward. This is because multiple episodes of tectonic events would lead to multiple growth periods of accessory minerals and deformation of rock-forming minerals, which brings challenges for conventional dating methods such as U–Pb, K/Ar, and 40Ar/39Ar step-heating. Fortunately, the emplacement of syn-tectonic quartz veins witness the deformation process and potentially, the associated metamorphism. They, therefore, have the potential to provide vital age information for regional crustal evolution. These veins, especially those in metapelitic terranes, usually contain andalusite, a fluid inclusion bearing K-poor pure aluminosilicate, which stands a good chance for directly dating syn-tectonic veining events by the fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing technique.
Combined with detailed petro-structural investigation, this study applies the fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, for the first time, on andalusite minerals in syn-tectonic quartz veins from the Chinese Altai Orogenic Belt, Central Asia, to explore a new way for dating deformation and metamorphism. 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing on three andalusite samples yielded well-defined Early Permain ages of 282–274 Ma. These ages are consistent with previously published emplacement ages of regional syn-tectonic leucosome/pegmatite/granite veins and metamorphic ages for local and region schist/gneiss from the same metamorphic series. These results collectively suggest that the fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of andalusite in syn-tectonic quartz veins has the potential to constrain the timing of fluid-present deformation and potentially contemporaneous metamorphism. This work, therefore, provides a novel way for the age constraints of regional tectonic-thermal evolution of metapelitic terranes in general.
This project was supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (No. 2019A1515012190), the International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 132744KYSB20190039) and the Projects funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2019M663133). A Guangdong Special Support Program to Y.D. Jiang is also acknowledged.
How to cite: Xiao, M., Jiang, Y.-D., Qiu, H.-N., and Zhao, G.-C.: Fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of andalusite from syn-tectonic quartz veins: perspectives on dating regional deformation and metamorphism events, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16501, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16501, 2021.
A long-lasting orogenic process often generates vast complexity of deformation and metamorphism. Understanding the time scales of these processes is essential for the reconstruction of the finite architecture of a fossil orogenic belt, which, nevertheless, is not always straightforward. This is because multiple episodes of tectonic events would lead to multiple growth periods of accessory minerals and deformation of rock-forming minerals, which brings challenges for conventional dating methods such as U–Pb, K/Ar, and 40Ar/39Ar step-heating. Fortunately, the emplacement of syn-tectonic quartz veins witness the deformation process and potentially, the associated metamorphism. They, therefore, have the potential to provide vital age information for regional crustal evolution. These veins, especially those in metapelitic terranes, usually contain andalusite, a fluid inclusion bearing K-poor pure aluminosilicate, which stands a good chance for directly dating syn-tectonic veining events by the fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing technique.
Combined with detailed petro-structural investigation, this study applies the fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, for the first time, on andalusite minerals in syn-tectonic quartz veins from the Chinese Altai Orogenic Belt, Central Asia, to explore a new way for dating deformation and metamorphism. 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing on three andalusite samples yielded well-defined Early Permain ages of 282–274 Ma. These ages are consistent with previously published emplacement ages of regional syn-tectonic leucosome/pegmatite/granite veins and metamorphic ages for local and region schist/gneiss from the same metamorphic series. These results collectively suggest that the fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of andalusite in syn-tectonic quartz veins has the potential to constrain the timing of fluid-present deformation and potentially contemporaneous metamorphism. This work, therefore, provides a novel way for the age constraints of regional tectonic-thermal evolution of metapelitic terranes in general.
This project was supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (No. 2019A1515012190), the International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 132744KYSB20190039) and the Projects funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2019M663133). A Guangdong Special Support Program to Y.D. Jiang is also acknowledged.
How to cite: Xiao, M., Jiang, Y.-D., Qiu, H.-N., and Zhao, G.-C.: Fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of andalusite from syn-tectonic quartz veins: perspectives on dating regional deformation and metamorphism events, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16501, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16501, 2021.
EGU21-15241 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Collision and reactivation along the South Tianshan Orogen (NW China) through late Paleozoic to Mesozoic timeYigui Han and Guochun Zhao
The South Tianshan Orogenic Belt in NW China marks the suturing site between the Tarim Craton and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) during late Paleozoic-Mesozoic time. Despite numerous investigations, the amalgamation history along the South Tianshan Orogen remains controversial, especially on the timing and process of the final continental collision between the Tarim Craton and the Central Tianshan (CTS)-Yili Block. We inquire into this issue on the basis of a compiled dataset across the Tarim, South Tianshan and CTS-Yili regions, comprising elemental and isotopic data of magmatic rocks and radiometric ages of regional magmatism, detrital zircons, (ultra-)high pressure metamorphism and tectonothermal events. The data support a continental collision along the South Tianshan belt in 310-300 Ma, in accord with a contemporaneous magmatic quiescence and a prominent decrease of εNd(t) and εHf(t) values of magmatic rocks in the CTS region, and a main exhumation stage of (U)HP rocks in the South Tianshan region. The collisional orogeny along the South Tianshan have most likely been influenced by a mantle plume initiated at ca. 300 Ma underneath the northern Tarim Craton, as evidenced by temporal and spatial variations of geochemical proxies tracing magma source characteristics. The new model of plume-modified collision orogeny reconciles the absence of continental-type (U)HP rocks in the orogen and the insignificant upper-plate uplift during continental collision. In the mid-Triassic (ca. 240 Ma), the Chinese western Tianshan underwent intense surface uplift and denudation, as indicated by sedimentary provenance analysis and tectonothermal events. Paleocurrent and detrital zircon age data from Triassic strata in northern Tarim suggest a provenance change from a single source of the Tarim Craton to multiple sources including the CTS-Yili Block to the north and the Western Kunlun Orogen to the south. We suggest that the mid-Triassic uplifting in Chinese western Tianshan was an intracontinental orogeny caused by far-field effects of the collision between the Tarim Craton and the Qiangtang Block. This research was financially supported by NSFC Projects (41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237) and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
How to cite: Han, Y. and Zhao, G.: Collision and reactivation along the South Tianshan Orogen (NW China) through late Paleozoic to Mesozoic time, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15241, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15241, 2021.
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The South Tianshan Orogenic Belt in NW China marks the suturing site between the Tarim Craton and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) during late Paleozoic-Mesozoic time. Despite numerous investigations, the amalgamation history along the South Tianshan Orogen remains controversial, especially on the timing and process of the final continental collision between the Tarim Craton and the Central Tianshan (CTS)-Yili Block. We inquire into this issue on the basis of a compiled dataset across the Tarim, South Tianshan and CTS-Yili regions, comprising elemental and isotopic data of magmatic rocks and radiometric ages of regional magmatism, detrital zircons, (ultra-)high pressure metamorphism and tectonothermal events. The data support a continental collision along the South Tianshan belt in 310-300 Ma, in accord with a contemporaneous magmatic quiescence and a prominent decrease of εNd(t) and εHf(t) values of magmatic rocks in the CTS region, and a main exhumation stage of (U)HP rocks in the South Tianshan region. The collisional orogeny along the South Tianshan have most likely been influenced by a mantle plume initiated at ca. 300 Ma underneath the northern Tarim Craton, as evidenced by temporal and spatial variations of geochemical proxies tracing magma source characteristics. The new model of plume-modified collision orogeny reconciles the absence of continental-type (U)HP rocks in the orogen and the insignificant upper-plate uplift during continental collision. In the mid-Triassic (ca. 240 Ma), the Chinese western Tianshan underwent intense surface uplift and denudation, as indicated by sedimentary provenance analysis and tectonothermal events. Paleocurrent and detrital zircon age data from Triassic strata in northern Tarim suggest a provenance change from a single source of the Tarim Craton to multiple sources including the CTS-Yili Block to the north and the Western Kunlun Orogen to the south. We suggest that the mid-Triassic uplifting in Chinese western Tianshan was an intracontinental orogeny caused by far-field effects of the collision between the Tarim Craton and the Qiangtang Block. This research was financially supported by NSFC Projects (41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237) and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
How to cite: Han, Y. and Zhao, G.: Collision and reactivation along the South Tianshan Orogen (NW China) through late Paleozoic to Mesozoic time, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15241, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15241, 2021.
EGU21-16422 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Late Paleozoic tectonism of the Bogda region in Chinese North Tianshan: Insights from sedimentary provenance analysisQian Wang, Guochun Zhao, Yigui Han, and Jinlong Yao
The Chinese North Tianshan (CNTS) extends E-W along the southern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and has undergone complicated accretion-collision processes in the Paleozoic. This study attempts to clarify the late Paleozoic tectonism in the region by investigating the provenance of the Late Paleozoic sedimentary successions from the Bogda Mountain in the eastern CNTS by U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses of detrital zircons. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages (N=519) from seven samples range from 261 ± 4 Ma to 2827 ± 32 Ma, with the most prominent age peak at 313 Ma. There are Precambrian detrital zircon ages (~7%) ranged from 694 to 1024 Ma. The youngest age components in each sample yielded weighted mean ages ranging from 272 ± 9 Ma to 288 ± 5 Ma, representing the maximum depositional ages. These and literature data indicate that some previously-assumed “Carboniferous” strata in the Bogda area were deposited in the Early Permian, including the Qijiaojing, Julideneng, Shaleisaierke, Yangbulake, Shamaershayi, Liushugou, Qijiagou, and Aoertu formations. The low maturity of the sandstones, zircon morphology and provenance analyses indicate a proximal sedimentation probably sourced from the East Junggar Arc and the Harlik-Dananhu Arc in the CNTS. The minor Precambrian detrital zircons are interpreted as recycled materials from the older strata in the Harlik-Dananhu Arc. Zircon ɛHf(t) values have increased since ~408 Ma, probably reflecting a tectonic transition from regional compression to extension. This event might correspond to the opening of the Bogda intra-arc/back arc rift basin, possibly resulting from a slab rollback during the northward subduction of the North Tianshan Ocean. A decrease of zircon ɛHf(t) values at ~300 Ma was likely caused by the cessation of oceanic subduction and subsequent collision, which implies that the North Tianshan Ocean closed at the end of the Late Carboniferous. This research was financially supported by the Youth Program of Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation (2020JQ-589), the NSFC Projects (41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237) and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
How to cite: Wang, Q., Zhao, G., Han, Y., and Yao, J.: Late Paleozoic tectonism of the Bogda region in Chinese North Tianshan: Insights from sedimentary provenance analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16422, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16422, 2021.
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The Chinese North Tianshan (CNTS) extends E-W along the southern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and has undergone complicated accretion-collision processes in the Paleozoic. This study attempts to clarify the late Paleozoic tectonism in the region by investigating the provenance of the Late Paleozoic sedimentary successions from the Bogda Mountain in the eastern CNTS by U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses of detrital zircons. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages (N=519) from seven samples range from 261 ± 4 Ma to 2827 ± 32 Ma, with the most prominent age peak at 313 Ma. There are Precambrian detrital zircon ages (~7%) ranged from 694 to 1024 Ma. The youngest age components in each sample yielded weighted mean ages ranging from 272 ± 9 Ma to 288 ± 5 Ma, representing the maximum depositional ages. These and literature data indicate that some previously-assumed “Carboniferous” strata in the Bogda area were deposited in the Early Permian, including the Qijiaojing, Julideneng, Shaleisaierke, Yangbulake, Shamaershayi, Liushugou, Qijiagou, and Aoertu formations. The low maturity of the sandstones, zircon morphology and provenance analyses indicate a proximal sedimentation probably sourced from the East Junggar Arc and the Harlik-Dananhu Arc in the CNTS. The minor Precambrian detrital zircons are interpreted as recycled materials from the older strata in the Harlik-Dananhu Arc. Zircon ɛHf(t) values have increased since ~408 Ma, probably reflecting a tectonic transition from regional compression to extension. This event might correspond to the opening of the Bogda intra-arc/back arc rift basin, possibly resulting from a slab rollback during the northward subduction of the North Tianshan Ocean. A decrease of zircon ɛHf(t) values at ~300 Ma was likely caused by the cessation of oceanic subduction and subsequent collision, which implies that the North Tianshan Ocean closed at the end of the Late Carboniferous. This research was financially supported by the Youth Program of Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation (2020JQ-589), the NSFC Projects (41730213, 42072264, 41902229, 41972237) and Hong Kong RGC GRF (17307918).
How to cite: Wang, Q., Zhao, G., Han, Y., and Yao, J.: Late Paleozoic tectonism of the Bogda region in Chinese North Tianshan: Insights from sedimentary provenance analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16422, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16422, 2021.
EGU21-12907 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Late Neogene climatic features recorded by isotope records in the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyzstan.Anna Kudriavtseva, Edward Sobel, Alexandru Codilean, Sophie Roud, Michael Wack, Stuart Gilder, Gregory Hoke, Andreas Mulch, Alexander Mikolaichuk, David Fink, Réka Fülöp, and Klaus Wilcken
We present two carbonate oxygen and carbon isotope records from late Miocene – early Pleistocene stratigraphic sections from the southern flank of the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyz Tien Shan. The two sections are 700 and 500 m thick and composed of fluvial and lacustrine sediments. They were dated using magnetostratigraphy (Roud et al., G-Cubed, in review) and 26Al/10Be isochron burial dating (presented here).
Carbonate stable isotope data is useful for reconstruction of climate in Asia over the Cenozoic. Oxygen isotopes are commonly used to detect moisture sources and their interaction with topography. Pedogenic carbon isotopes are used to reconstruct past atmospheric CO2 levels or the spread of C4 vegetation.
The environment of Central Asia is primarily affected by the northern mid-latitude westerlies − winds transporting moisture eastward across Eurasia. Issyk Kul basin is situated on the windward side of the northern Tien Shan. Published data suggest that the Tien Shan mountain ranges interacted with the westerlies since late Oligocene and reorganized Central Asian climate during Neogene (Caves et al., 2017; Charreau et al., 2012; Macaulay et al., 2016; Wang, et al., 2020). The amount of existing published paleoclimate data from northern Central Asia is scarce compared to interior China, and therefore the influence of the Tien Shan uplift on climate in Asia during the Cenozoic is poorly reconstructed.
Our data provide new insight into the role of the range and its interaction with the westerlies in forming climate on the windward side of the northern Tien Shan in the late Neogene. We combine our data with published stratigraphically-older sections nearby (Macaulay et al., 2016) to complete the Neogene stable isotope record of the Issyk Kul basin and study how the evolution of the basin influenced regional climate.
Our d18O and d13C values show slightly positive trends, unlike stratigraphically-older data from the Issyk Kul basin. The preliminary interpretation suggests that the circulation pattern within the range was changed in late Miocene possibly reflecting active tectonic uplift northward of the basin and an increase in aridification.
How to cite: Kudriavtseva, A., Sobel, E., Codilean, A., Roud, S., Wack, M., Gilder, S., Hoke, G., Mulch, A., Mikolaichuk, A., Fink, D., Fülöp, R., and Wilcken, K.: Late Neogene climatic features recorded by isotope records in the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyzstan. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12907, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12907, 2021.
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We present two carbonate oxygen and carbon isotope records from late Miocene – early Pleistocene stratigraphic sections from the southern flank of the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyz Tien Shan. The two sections are 700 and 500 m thick and composed of fluvial and lacustrine sediments. They were dated using magnetostratigraphy (Roud et al., G-Cubed, in review) and 26Al/10Be isochron burial dating (presented here).
Carbonate stable isotope data is useful for reconstruction of climate in Asia over the Cenozoic. Oxygen isotopes are commonly used to detect moisture sources and their interaction with topography. Pedogenic carbon isotopes are used to reconstruct past atmospheric CO2 levels or the spread of C4 vegetation.
The environment of Central Asia is primarily affected by the northern mid-latitude westerlies − winds transporting moisture eastward across Eurasia. Issyk Kul basin is situated on the windward side of the northern Tien Shan. Published data suggest that the Tien Shan mountain ranges interacted with the westerlies since late Oligocene and reorganized Central Asian climate during Neogene (Caves et al., 2017; Charreau et al., 2012; Macaulay et al., 2016; Wang, et al., 2020). The amount of existing published paleoclimate data from northern Central Asia is scarce compared to interior China, and therefore the influence of the Tien Shan uplift on climate in Asia during the Cenozoic is poorly reconstructed.
Our data provide new insight into the role of the range and its interaction with the westerlies in forming climate on the windward side of the northern Tien Shan in the late Neogene. We combine our data with published stratigraphically-older sections nearby (Macaulay et al., 2016) to complete the Neogene stable isotope record of the Issyk Kul basin and study how the evolution of the basin influenced regional climate.
Our d18O and d13C values show slightly positive trends, unlike stratigraphically-older data from the Issyk Kul basin. The preliminary interpretation suggests that the circulation pattern within the range was changed in late Miocene possibly reflecting active tectonic uplift northward of the basin and an increase in aridification.
How to cite: Kudriavtseva, A., Sobel, E., Codilean, A., Roud, S., Wack, M., Gilder, S., Hoke, G., Mulch, A., Mikolaichuk, A., Fink, D., Fülöp, R., and Wilcken, K.: Late Neogene climatic features recorded by isotope records in the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyzstan. , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12907, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12907, 2021.
EGU21-14582 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Tectonics–Earth surface processes interactions of the Central Anatolian Plateau during the late Miocene to Pliocene revealed by ecosystem and paleotemperature reconstructionsMaud J.M. Meijers, Gilles Y. Brocard, Ferhat Kaya, Cesur Pehlevan, Okşan Başoğlu, Faysal Bibi, Emilija Krsnik, and Andreas Mulch
The Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP, Turkey, elevation ca. 1-1.5 km) was established during the late Miocene. Prior to Pleistocene surface uplift of its southern margin (Tauride Mountains), a southern margin orographic barrier with similar-to-present elevations (ca. 2 km) existed between 8 and 5 Ma.
To unravel the interactions between tectonics and Earth surface processes, we quantify biotic and abiotic parameters for the late Miocene to Pliocene. As the CAP exposes presently incised fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary rocks of well-dated Miocene to Pliocene age, the region provides an excellent archive for reconstructing past landscape dynamics, such as surface uplift, lake hydrology, and drainage integration. Within this established framework, we now reconstruct the late Miocene to Pliocene ecosystem by measuring clumped isotope (Δ47) temperatures of carbonate formation and δ13C and δ18O values of paleosol carbonate and fossil mammal tooth enamel. Collectively, our data allow for the reconstruction of paleoclimate, vegetation types (C3 vs. C4), mammalian diet, landscape heterogeneity, and seasonality.
The first clumped isotope-derived paleotemperatures indicate a large (8 °C) temperature difference at ca. 5.5 Ma between lacustrine carbonate from the Mediterranean coastal region (Adana Basin; ca. 26 ± 1.8 °C) and paleosol carbonate from the central Anatolian interior (ca. 18 ± 1.7 °C), which likely reflects the higher elevation of the CAP. Soil carbonate δ13C values from the plateau interior (13 sites, N= 344, ca. 10 to 2 Ma) are much higher between ca. 8 and 5 Ma (ca. –3 to 0 ‰) than earlier or later in time (ca. –8 to –5 ‰), which indicates the presence of a significant component of C4 vegetation, characterized by wooded grasslands and grasslands, during the latest Miocene. In contrast, C3-dominated vegetation reflecting more wooded environments were dominant at ca. 10 Ma and from 4 to 2 Ma. The increase in C4 vegetation during the late Miocene is coeval with surface uplift of the southern CAP margin, whereas an increase of C3 vegetation by the Pliocene could coincide with a phase of subsidence of the southern CAP margin prior to its final phase of Pleistocene surface uplift. Furthermore, we collected mammal tooth enamel samples (equid, bovid, rhinocerotid, suid) from 11 individuals at one ca. 9 Ma-old and one latest Miocene-Pliocene fossil site. δ13C and δ18O values indicate the mammals at the two nearby fossil sites had varying diets and therefore access to different vegetation and water supplies. We are currently improving the stratigraphic framework and dating of these fossil sites, as well as obtaining tooth enamel δ13C and δ18O values of 44 more individuals to further constrain paleoenvironmental conditions and eventually the causality between tectonics and Earth surface processes in central Anatolia.
References: Meijers et al., 2018a: Palaeo3, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.03.001; Meijers et al., 2018b: EPSL, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.05.040; Huang, Meijers et al., 2019: J of Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/jbi.13622; Meijers et al., 2020: Geosphere, doi: 10.1130/GES02135.1
How to cite: Meijers, M. J. M., Brocard, G. Y., Kaya, F., Pehlevan, C., Başoğlu, O., Bibi, F., Krsnik, E., and Mulch, A.: Tectonics–Earth surface processes interactions of the Central Anatolian Plateau during the late Miocene to Pliocene revealed by ecosystem and paleotemperature reconstructions , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14582, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14582, 2021.
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The Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP, Turkey, elevation ca. 1-1.5 km) was established during the late Miocene. Prior to Pleistocene surface uplift of its southern margin (Tauride Mountains), a southern margin orographic barrier with similar-to-present elevations (ca. 2 km) existed between 8 and 5 Ma.
To unravel the interactions between tectonics and Earth surface processes, we quantify biotic and abiotic parameters for the late Miocene to Pliocene. As the CAP exposes presently incised fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary rocks of well-dated Miocene to Pliocene age, the region provides an excellent archive for reconstructing past landscape dynamics, such as surface uplift, lake hydrology, and drainage integration. Within this established framework, we now reconstruct the late Miocene to Pliocene ecosystem by measuring clumped isotope (Δ47) temperatures of carbonate formation and δ13C and δ18O values of paleosol carbonate and fossil mammal tooth enamel. Collectively, our data allow for the reconstruction of paleoclimate, vegetation types (C3 vs. C4), mammalian diet, landscape heterogeneity, and seasonality.
The first clumped isotope-derived paleotemperatures indicate a large (8 °C) temperature difference at ca. 5.5 Ma between lacustrine carbonate from the Mediterranean coastal region (Adana Basin; ca. 26 ± 1.8 °C) and paleosol carbonate from the central Anatolian interior (ca. 18 ± 1.7 °C), which likely reflects the higher elevation of the CAP. Soil carbonate δ13C values from the plateau interior (13 sites, N= 344, ca. 10 to 2 Ma) are much higher between ca. 8 and 5 Ma (ca. –3 to 0 ‰) than earlier or later in time (ca. –8 to –5 ‰), which indicates the presence of a significant component of C4 vegetation, characterized by wooded grasslands and grasslands, during the latest Miocene. In contrast, C3-dominated vegetation reflecting more wooded environments were dominant at ca. 10 Ma and from 4 to 2 Ma. The increase in C4 vegetation during the late Miocene is coeval with surface uplift of the southern CAP margin, whereas an increase of C3 vegetation by the Pliocene could coincide with a phase of subsidence of the southern CAP margin prior to its final phase of Pleistocene surface uplift. Furthermore, we collected mammal tooth enamel samples (equid, bovid, rhinocerotid, suid) from 11 individuals at one ca. 9 Ma-old and one latest Miocene-Pliocene fossil site. δ13C and δ18O values indicate the mammals at the two nearby fossil sites had varying diets and therefore access to different vegetation and water supplies. We are currently improving the stratigraphic framework and dating of these fossil sites, as well as obtaining tooth enamel δ13C and δ18O values of 44 more individuals to further constrain paleoenvironmental conditions and eventually the causality between tectonics and Earth surface processes in central Anatolia.
References: Meijers et al., 2018a: Palaeo3, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.03.001; Meijers et al., 2018b: EPSL, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.05.040; Huang, Meijers et al., 2019: J of Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/jbi.13622; Meijers et al., 2020: Geosphere, doi: 10.1130/GES02135.1
How to cite: Meijers, M. J. M., Brocard, G. Y., Kaya, F., Pehlevan, C., Başoğlu, O., Bibi, F., Krsnik, E., and Mulch, A.: Tectonics–Earth surface processes interactions of the Central Anatolian Plateau during the late Miocene to Pliocene revealed by ecosystem and paleotemperature reconstructions , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14582, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14582, 2021.
EGU21-9330 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Shallow crustal structure in the northwestern Iranian Plateau and its tectonic implicationsXu Wang, Ling Chen, Morteza Talebian, Yinshuang Ai, Mingming Jiang, Huajian Yao, Yumei He, Abdolreza Ghods, Farhad Sobouti, Bo Wan, Yang Chu, Guangbing Hou, Qifu Chen, Wenjiao Xiao, Fuyuan Wu, Rixiang Zhu, and Sun-Lin Chung
The crustal structure of the Iranian Plateau bears important information about the details of the tectono-magmatic processes associated with the Neo-Tethys subduction and subsequent Arabia-Eurasia collision. Using a newly developed method of joint inversion of multi-frequency waveforms around and horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) ratios of the direct P arrivals in teleseismic P-wave receiver functions, we construct the shear-wave velocity image of the shallow crust (from surface up to 10-km depth below sea level) along a dense seismic array across the Zagros suture in the northwest Iranian Plateau. The most striking structural feature of the study region is the presence of low- and high-velocity anomalies (LVAs and HVAs) beneath the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt and the Iranian continent, respectively, indicating strong structural differences on the two sides of the suture. Systematic analysis on the velocity estimates and comparison with laboratory measurements and regional geology suggest that the LVAs and HVAs are representatives of Zagros sedimentary rocks and arc to intraplate magmatic rocks, respectively. The LVAs (1.3-2.0 km/s) are characterized by a series of faulted anti-form structures at ~1-7 km depths beneath Zagros. They are likely dominantly composed of shales and mudstones, and could have acted as mechanically weaknesses to accommodate different deformations of surroundings and give rise to the present-day depth-dependent seismicity. The HVAs beneath the central domain and Alborz in the Iranian continent present large ranges in both velocity (3.2-3.9 km/s) and depth (0-10 km), probably suggesting strong lithological variations in these areas. Most of the HVAs above 5-km depth have shear-wave velocities of 3.2 to 3.6 km/s, comparable to those of andesites and basalts dominated in the northwestern Iranian plateau. The deeper HVAs (below 5-km depth), which generally have greater velocities ~3.6-3.9 km/s falling into the velocity range of intrusive rocks such as granodiorites, diorites and diabases, appear to have much larger volumes at depth than that exposed on the surface in the study region. Moreover, the surface projections of the HVAs are spatially coincident with the major faults or tectonic boundaries of the region, suggesting a causal link. Our observations provide evidence for not only the lithology-controlled layering in both sedimentary structure and deformation in the Zagros passive margin but also the much more substantial magma generation and emplacement at depth than faulting-facilitated eruption and exposure on the surface in the Iranian active margin during the subduction and collision processes.
How to cite: Wang, X., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Yao, H., He, Y., Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Wan, B., Chu, Y., Hou, G., Chen, Q., Xiao, W., Wu, F., Zhu, R., and Chung, S.-L.: Shallow crustal structure in the northwestern Iranian Plateau and its tectonic implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9330, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9330, 2021.
The crustal structure of the Iranian Plateau bears important information about the details of the tectono-magmatic processes associated with the Neo-Tethys subduction and subsequent Arabia-Eurasia collision. Using a newly developed method of joint inversion of multi-frequency waveforms around and horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) ratios of the direct P arrivals in teleseismic P-wave receiver functions, we construct the shear-wave velocity image of the shallow crust (from surface up to 10-km depth below sea level) along a dense seismic array across the Zagros suture in the northwest Iranian Plateau. The most striking structural feature of the study region is the presence of low- and high-velocity anomalies (LVAs and HVAs) beneath the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt and the Iranian continent, respectively, indicating strong structural differences on the two sides of the suture. Systematic analysis on the velocity estimates and comparison with laboratory measurements and regional geology suggest that the LVAs and HVAs are representatives of Zagros sedimentary rocks and arc to intraplate magmatic rocks, respectively. The LVAs (1.3-2.0 km/s) are characterized by a series of faulted anti-form structures at ~1-7 km depths beneath Zagros. They are likely dominantly composed of shales and mudstones, and could have acted as mechanically weaknesses to accommodate different deformations of surroundings and give rise to the present-day depth-dependent seismicity. The HVAs beneath the central domain and Alborz in the Iranian continent present large ranges in both velocity (3.2-3.9 km/s) and depth (0-10 km), probably suggesting strong lithological variations in these areas. Most of the HVAs above 5-km depth have shear-wave velocities of 3.2 to 3.6 km/s, comparable to those of andesites and basalts dominated in the northwestern Iranian plateau. The deeper HVAs (below 5-km depth), which generally have greater velocities ~3.6-3.9 km/s falling into the velocity range of intrusive rocks such as granodiorites, diorites and diabases, appear to have much larger volumes at depth than that exposed on the surface in the study region. Moreover, the surface projections of the HVAs are spatially coincident with the major faults or tectonic boundaries of the region, suggesting a causal link. Our observations provide evidence for not only the lithology-controlled layering in both sedimentary structure and deformation in the Zagros passive margin but also the much more substantial magma generation and emplacement at depth than faulting-facilitated eruption and exposure on the surface in the Iranian active margin during the subduction and collision processes.
How to cite: Wang, X., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Yao, H., He, Y., Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Wan, B., Chu, Y., Hou, G., Chen, Q., Xiao, W., Wu, F., Zhu, R., and Chung, S.-L.: Shallow crustal structure in the northwestern Iranian Plateau and its tectonic implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9330, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9330, 2021.
EGU21-7270 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.6 | Highlight
Deciphering paleogeography from orogenic architecture: constructing orogens by a future closure of the Indian Ocean as thought experimentThomas Schouten and Douwe van Hinsbergen
Orogens that form at convergent plate boundaries typically consist of accreted rock units that form an incomplete archive of subducted oceanic and continental lithosphere, as well as of deformed crust of the former upper plate. Reading the construction of orogenic architecture forms the key to decipher the paleogeographic distribution of oceans and continents, as well as bathymetric and topographic features that existed thereon such as igneous plateaus, seamounts, microcontinents, or magmatic arcs. Owing to its complicated opening history, the Indian Ocean comprises a mosaic of such features that is an excellent illustration of the degree of geographic complexity that must have occurred in now-subducted oceanic realms of the geologic past and provides the ideal natural laboratory to validate interpretations of present-day orogenic architecture in terms of paleogeography. Current classification schemes of orogens divide between settings associated with termination of subduction (continent-continent collision, continent-ocean collision (obduction)) and with ongoing subduction (accretionary orogenesis), alongside intraplate orogens. Perceived diagnostic features for such classifications, particularly of collisional orogenesis, hinge on dynamic interpretations linking downgoing plate paleogeography to upper plate deformation, plate motion changes, or magmatism. Here, we show, however, that Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogens that undergo collision almost all defy these proposed diagnostic features and behave like accretionary orogens instead. To reconstruct paleogeography of subducted and upper plates, we therefore propose an alternative approach to navigating through orogenic architecture: subducted plate units comprise nappes (or mélanges) with Ocean Plate Stratigraphy (OPS) and Continental Plate Stratigraphy (CPS) stripped from their now-subducted or otherwise underthrust lower crustal and mantle lithospheric underpinnings. Upper plate deformation and paleogeography respond to the competition between absolute motion of the upper plate and the subducting slab. Our navigation approach through orogenic architecture aims to avoid a priori dynamic interpretations that link downgoing plate paleogeography to deformation or magmatic responses in the upper plate, to provide an independent basis for geodynamic analysis. From our analysis we identify ‘rules of orogenesis’ that link the rules of rigid plate tectonics with the reality of plate deformation. We illustrate the use of these rules with a thought experiment, in which we predict two contrasting orogenic architectures that may result from the closure of the Indian Ocean and subsequent collision of the Somali, Malagasy and Indian Margins in a global continental drift scenario for a future supercontinent. We illustrate that our inferred rules (of thumb) generate orogenic architecture that is analogous to elements of modern orogens, unlocking the well-known modern geography as inspiration for developing testable hypotheses that aid interpreting paleogeography from orogens that formed since the birth of
plate tectonics.
How to cite: Schouten, T. and van Hinsbergen, D.: Deciphering paleogeography from orogenic architecture: constructing orogens by a future closure of the Indian Ocean as thought experiment, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7270, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7270, 2021.
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Orogens that form at convergent plate boundaries typically consist of accreted rock units that form an incomplete archive of subducted oceanic and continental lithosphere, as well as of deformed crust of the former upper plate. Reading the construction of orogenic architecture forms the key to decipher the paleogeographic distribution of oceans and continents, as well as bathymetric and topographic features that existed thereon such as igneous plateaus, seamounts, microcontinents, or magmatic arcs. Owing to its complicated opening history, the Indian Ocean comprises a mosaic of such features that is an excellent illustration of the degree of geographic complexity that must have occurred in now-subducted oceanic realms of the geologic past and provides the ideal natural laboratory to validate interpretations of present-day orogenic architecture in terms of paleogeography. Current classification schemes of orogens divide between settings associated with termination of subduction (continent-continent collision, continent-ocean collision (obduction)) and with ongoing subduction (accretionary orogenesis), alongside intraplate orogens. Perceived diagnostic features for such classifications, particularly of collisional orogenesis, hinge on dynamic interpretations linking downgoing plate paleogeography to upper plate deformation, plate motion changes, or magmatism. Here, we show, however, that Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogens that undergo collision almost all defy these proposed diagnostic features and behave like accretionary orogens instead. To reconstruct paleogeography of subducted and upper plates, we therefore propose an alternative approach to navigating through orogenic architecture: subducted plate units comprise nappes (or mélanges) with Ocean Plate Stratigraphy (OPS) and Continental Plate Stratigraphy (CPS) stripped from their now-subducted or otherwise underthrust lower crustal and mantle lithospheric underpinnings. Upper plate deformation and paleogeography respond to the competition between absolute motion of the upper plate and the subducting slab. Our navigation approach through orogenic architecture aims to avoid a priori dynamic interpretations that link downgoing plate paleogeography to deformation or magmatic responses in the upper plate, to provide an independent basis for geodynamic analysis. From our analysis we identify ‘rules of orogenesis’ that link the rules of rigid plate tectonics with the reality of plate deformation. We illustrate the use of these rules with a thought experiment, in which we predict two contrasting orogenic architectures that may result from the closure of the Indian Ocean and subsequent collision of the Somali, Malagasy and Indian Margins in a global continental drift scenario for a future supercontinent. We illustrate that our inferred rules (of thumb) generate orogenic architecture that is analogous to elements of modern orogens, unlocking the well-known modern geography as inspiration for developing testable hypotheses that aid interpreting paleogeography from orogens that formed since the birth of
plate tectonics.
How to cite: Schouten, T. and van Hinsbergen, D.: Deciphering paleogeography from orogenic architecture: constructing orogens by a future closure of the Indian Ocean as thought experiment, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7270, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7270, 2021.
EGU21-14050 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Revised chronology of central Tibet uplift and its implicationsXiaomin Fang, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Chengshan Wang, Chunhui Song, Qingquan Meng, Weilin Zhang, Junsheng Nie, Tao Zhang, and Ziqiang Mao
Understanding the Tibetan Plateau (TP) topographic history is essential to determining its building mechanisms and its role in driving regional climate, environments and biodiversity. The Lunpola Basin (central-southern Tibet) is the key place to constrain the Tibet building because it deposits the most complete Cenozoic stratigraphy sequence in the central TP and bears many layers of tuffs, abundant fossil plants and mammals and paleosols. It is also the first place that stable isotope based paleoaltimetry was applied to, which suggested that similar to present elevation was attained in the central TP at least 35 Ma ago, implying a much earlier uplift of the TP than before. This view was soon widely accepted by international society but was challenged by recent discoveries of low elevations tropical fossil apparently deposited at 25.5 Ma. However, we use magnetostratigraphic and radiochronologic dating to robustly revise the chronology of regional elevation estimates both from the stable isotope and fossils in the Lunpola Basin. The results indicate that both ages estimated for the stable and fossil based elevations are wrong with the former from ~40 Ma revising to ~26-21 Ma and the later from ~26 Ma to ~40 Ma. Thus this revised chronology demonstrates that central Tibet was generally low (<2.3 km) since at least ~40 Ma and became high (3.5-4.5 km) since at least ~26 Ma. This supports the Eocene existence of a lowland between the Gangdese Shan and Tanggula Shan until their early Miocene uplift. This later uplift of central-southern Tibet has important implications for Tibetan Plateau (TP) growth mechanisms and agrees well with recently updated studies of the TP-imposed impacts on Asian atmospheric circulations, surface processes and biotic evolution and diversification differentiation.
How to cite: Fang, X., Dupont-Nivet, G., Wang, C., Song, C., Meng, Q., Zhang, W., Nie, J., Zhang, T., and Mao, Z.: Revised chronology of central Tibet uplift and its implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14050, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14050, 2021.
Understanding the Tibetan Plateau (TP) topographic history is essential to determining its building mechanisms and its role in driving regional climate, environments and biodiversity. The Lunpola Basin (central-southern Tibet) is the key place to constrain the Tibet building because it deposits the most complete Cenozoic stratigraphy sequence in the central TP and bears many layers of tuffs, abundant fossil plants and mammals and paleosols. It is also the first place that stable isotope based paleoaltimetry was applied to, which suggested that similar to present elevation was attained in the central TP at least 35 Ma ago, implying a much earlier uplift of the TP than before. This view was soon widely accepted by international society but was challenged by recent discoveries of low elevations tropical fossil apparently deposited at 25.5 Ma. However, we use magnetostratigraphic and radiochronologic dating to robustly revise the chronology of regional elevation estimates both from the stable isotope and fossils in the Lunpola Basin. The results indicate that both ages estimated for the stable and fossil based elevations are wrong with the former from ~40 Ma revising to ~26-21 Ma and the later from ~26 Ma to ~40 Ma. Thus this revised chronology demonstrates that central Tibet was generally low (<2.3 km) since at least ~40 Ma and became high (3.5-4.5 km) since at least ~26 Ma. This supports the Eocene existence of a lowland between the Gangdese Shan and Tanggula Shan until their early Miocene uplift. This later uplift of central-southern Tibet has important implications for Tibetan Plateau (TP) growth mechanisms and agrees well with recently updated studies of the TP-imposed impacts on Asian atmospheric circulations, surface processes and biotic evolution and diversification differentiation.
How to cite: Fang, X., Dupont-Nivet, G., Wang, C., Song, C., Meng, Q., Zhang, W., Nie, J., Zhang, T., and Mao, Z.: Revised chronology of central Tibet uplift and its implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14050, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14050, 2021.
EGU21-1137 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Monsoon-driven incision and exhumation of the Eastern Tibetan PlateauKatharine Groves, Mark Allen, Christopher Saville, Martin Hurst, and Stuart Jones
The formation and uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau, driven by the India-Eurasia collision, is the subject of intense research. We analyse the link between climate and tectonics in the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau using geomorphic indices of surface roughness (SR) hypsometric integral (HI) and elevation-relief ratio (ZR) and mean annual precipitation, thermochronology and erosion rate data. Geomorphic indices capture the landscape response to competition between climate and tectonics and reflect the spatial distribution of erosion. This is a region where competing tectonic models suggest either early Cenozoic plateau growth, or a late phase of crustal thickening, surface uplift and plateau growth driven by lower crustal flow (“channel flow”). Swath profiles of rainfall, elevation and the geomorphic indices were constructed, orthogonal to the internal drainage boundary. Each profile was analysed to find the location of maximum change in trend. We identify a broad ˜WSW-ENE trending transition in the landscape where changes in landscape and precipitation are grouped and in alignment. It represents, from east to west, a sharp decline in precipitation (interpreted as the western extent of the East Asian monsoon), a change to a low relief landscape at 4500-5000 m elevation, an increase in ZR and a transition to low HI and SR. This zone cuts across structural boundaries and is not a drainage divide: the main rivers have their headwaters further West, in the interior of the plateau. We argue that this geomorphic-climatic transition zone represents a change from incised to non-incised landscapes, the location of which is controlled by the western extent of the monsoon. Modern erosion rates are lower in the non-incised region, west of the monsoon extent (mean 0.02 mm/yr), than the incised region (mean 0.26 mm/yr). Compiled thermochronology data shows an increase in exhumation from ˜25 Ma in the incised area but no evidence of this increased exhumation in the non-incised area. This pattern supports a model of early Cenozoic growth of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, superimposed by incision driven by Miocene monsoon intensification. Our results do not support the channel flow model, which would predict an eastwards wave of surface uplift and therefore erosion and exhumation during the Miocene, which are not present in the data.
How to cite: Groves, K., Allen, M., Saville, C., Hurst, M., and Jones, S.: Monsoon-driven incision and exhumation of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1137, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1137, 2021.
The formation and uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau, driven by the India-Eurasia collision, is the subject of intense research. We analyse the link between climate and tectonics in the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau using geomorphic indices of surface roughness (SR) hypsometric integral (HI) and elevation-relief ratio (ZR) and mean annual precipitation, thermochronology and erosion rate data. Geomorphic indices capture the landscape response to competition between climate and tectonics and reflect the spatial distribution of erosion. This is a region where competing tectonic models suggest either early Cenozoic plateau growth, or a late phase of crustal thickening, surface uplift and plateau growth driven by lower crustal flow (“channel flow”). Swath profiles of rainfall, elevation and the geomorphic indices were constructed, orthogonal to the internal drainage boundary. Each profile was analysed to find the location of maximum change in trend. We identify a broad ˜WSW-ENE trending transition in the landscape where changes in landscape and precipitation are grouped and in alignment. It represents, from east to west, a sharp decline in precipitation (interpreted as the western extent of the East Asian monsoon), a change to a low relief landscape at 4500-5000 m elevation, an increase in ZR and a transition to low HI and SR. This zone cuts across structural boundaries and is not a drainage divide: the main rivers have their headwaters further West, in the interior of the plateau. We argue that this geomorphic-climatic transition zone represents a change from incised to non-incised landscapes, the location of which is controlled by the western extent of the monsoon. Modern erosion rates are lower in the non-incised region, west of the monsoon extent (mean 0.02 mm/yr), than the incised region (mean 0.26 mm/yr). Compiled thermochronology data shows an increase in exhumation from ˜25 Ma in the incised area but no evidence of this increased exhumation in the non-incised area. This pattern supports a model of early Cenozoic growth of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, superimposed by incision driven by Miocene monsoon intensification. Our results do not support the channel flow model, which would predict an eastwards wave of surface uplift and therefore erosion and exhumation during the Miocene, which are not present in the data.
How to cite: Groves, K., Allen, M., Saville, C., Hurst, M., and Jones, S.: Monsoon-driven incision and exhumation of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1137, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1137, 2021.
EGU21-4934 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Middle Miocene rise of the Greater Himalaya establishing a new orographic barrierRasmus Thiede, Dirk Scherler, and Christoph Glotzbach
The Himalaya is the highest and steepest mountain range on Earth and an efficient north-south barrier for moisture-bearing winds. The close coupling of changes in topography, erosion rates, and uplift has previously been interpreted as an expression of a climatic control on tectonic deformation. Here, we present 17 new zircon U/Th-He (ZHe) bedrock-cooling ages from the Sutlej Valley that – together with >100 previously published mica 40Ar/39Ar, zircon and apatite fission track ages – allow us to constrain the crustal cooling and exhumation history over the last ~20 Myr. Using 1D-thermal modeling, we observe a rapid decrease in exhumation rates from >1 km/Myr to <0.5 km/Myr that initiated at ~17-15 Ma across the entire Greater and Tethyan Himalaya, as far north as the north-Himalayan Leo Pargil gneiss dome. This decrease is recognized both in the hanging and footwall of major Miocene shear zones and suggests that cooling is associated to surface erosion rather than to tectonic unroofing. We explain the middle Miocene deceleration of exhumation with major reorganization of Himalayan deformation and the onset of the growth of the Lesser Himalayan duplex. This resulted in accelerated uplift of the Greater Himalaya above a mid-crustal ramp, and thus forming a new efficient orographic barrier. The period of slow exhumation in the upper Sutlej Valley coincides with a period of internal drainage in the south-Tibetan Zada Basin further upstream, which we interpret to be a consequence of tectonic damming of the upper Sutlej River. External drainage of the Zada Basin was re-established ~1 Ma, when we observe exhumation rates in the upper Sutlej Valley to accelerate again. Our new finding document that the location of tectonic deformation processes control the first order spatial pattern of both climatic zones and erosion across the orogen.
How to cite: Thiede, R., Scherler, D., and Glotzbach, C.: Middle Miocene rise of the Greater Himalaya establishing a new orographic barrier, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4934, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4934, 2021.
The Himalaya is the highest and steepest mountain range on Earth and an efficient north-south barrier for moisture-bearing winds. The close coupling of changes in topography, erosion rates, and uplift has previously been interpreted as an expression of a climatic control on tectonic deformation. Here, we present 17 new zircon U/Th-He (ZHe) bedrock-cooling ages from the Sutlej Valley that – together with >100 previously published mica 40Ar/39Ar, zircon and apatite fission track ages – allow us to constrain the crustal cooling and exhumation history over the last ~20 Myr. Using 1D-thermal modeling, we observe a rapid decrease in exhumation rates from >1 km/Myr to <0.5 km/Myr that initiated at ~17-15 Ma across the entire Greater and Tethyan Himalaya, as far north as the north-Himalayan Leo Pargil gneiss dome. This decrease is recognized both in the hanging and footwall of major Miocene shear zones and suggests that cooling is associated to surface erosion rather than to tectonic unroofing. We explain the middle Miocene deceleration of exhumation with major reorganization of Himalayan deformation and the onset of the growth of the Lesser Himalayan duplex. This resulted in accelerated uplift of the Greater Himalaya above a mid-crustal ramp, and thus forming a new efficient orographic barrier. The period of slow exhumation in the upper Sutlej Valley coincides with a period of internal drainage in the south-Tibetan Zada Basin further upstream, which we interpret to be a consequence of tectonic damming of the upper Sutlej River. External drainage of the Zada Basin was re-established ~1 Ma, when we observe exhumation rates in the upper Sutlej Valley to accelerate again. Our new finding document that the location of tectonic deformation processes control the first order spatial pattern of both climatic zones and erosion across the orogen.
How to cite: Thiede, R., Scherler, D., and Glotzbach, C.: Middle Miocene rise of the Greater Himalaya establishing a new orographic barrier, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4934, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4934, 2021.
EGU21-14073 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Paleoaltitudinal histories for the northern and southern margins of the Tibetan Plateau during the Late Cenozoic: revealed by GDGTsChihao Chen, Yan Bai, Xiaomin Fang, Haichao Guo, Weilin Zhang, Qingquan Meng, Qiang Xu, Tao Zhang, Tao Deng, Jiankun He, and Qinghu Chen
As an important driver of global climate change during the Cenozoic, the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) has strongly influenced the origination and evolution of the Asian monsoon system, and therefore the aridification of central Asia. Over the last two decades, the application of stable isotope paleoaltimeters and the discoveries of mammal and plant fossils have greatly promoted the understanding of the uplift history of the TP. However, paleoaltitudinal reconstructions based on different paleoaltimeters have suggested differing outcomes and therefore remain controversial. Novel paleoaltimeters have therefore needed to be developed and applied to constrain the uplift history of the TP more accurately and effectively by comparing and verifying multi-proxies. Paleothermometers based on glyceryl dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are widely used in terrestrial and ocean temperature reconstructions. In this study, GDGT-based paleothermometers were tentatively applied to the Gyirong Basin on the southern TP, and the Xining Basins on the northern TP, in an attempt to quantitatively reconstruct their paleoaltitudes.
Both soil and aquatic-typed branched GDGTs have been identified from Late Miocene to Mid-Pliocene (7.0-3.2 Ma) samples taken from the Gyirong Basin; their reconstructed paleotemperatures were 7.5±3.3°C and 14.2±4.5°C, respectively. The former temperature may represent the mean temperature of the terrestrial organic matter input area, while the latter may represent the lake surface temperature. The results would suggest that the lake surface of the Gyirong Basin during the Late Miocene to Mid-Pliocene was 2.5±0.8 km and that the surrounding mountains exceeded 3.6±0.6 km, implying that the central Himalayas underwent a rapid uplift of ~1.5 km after the Mid-Pliocene.
GDGT-based paleotemperature reconstructions using MBT'5ME values show that the Xining Basin dropped in temperature by ~10°C during the ~10.5-8 Ma period, exceeding that in sea surface temperatures and low-altitude terrestrial temperatures during these periods. By combining these results with contemporaneous tectonic and sedimentary records, we infer that these cooling events signaled the regional uplift with the amplitude of ~1 km of the Xining basins. Our results support that the TP was still growing and uplifting substantially since the Late Miocene, which may provide new evidence for understanding the growth, expansion and uplift patterns of the TP.
How to cite: Chen, C., Bai, Y., Fang, X., Guo, H., Zhang, W., Meng, Q., Xu, Q., Zhang, T., Deng, T., He, J., and Chen, Q.: Paleoaltitudinal histories for the northern and southern margins of the Tibetan Plateau during the Late Cenozoic: revealed by GDGTs, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14073, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14073, 2021.
As an important driver of global climate change during the Cenozoic, the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) has strongly influenced the origination and evolution of the Asian monsoon system, and therefore the aridification of central Asia. Over the last two decades, the application of stable isotope paleoaltimeters and the discoveries of mammal and plant fossils have greatly promoted the understanding of the uplift history of the TP. However, paleoaltitudinal reconstructions based on different paleoaltimeters have suggested differing outcomes and therefore remain controversial. Novel paleoaltimeters have therefore needed to be developed and applied to constrain the uplift history of the TP more accurately and effectively by comparing and verifying multi-proxies. Paleothermometers based on glyceryl dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are widely used in terrestrial and ocean temperature reconstructions. In this study, GDGT-based paleothermometers were tentatively applied to the Gyirong Basin on the southern TP, and the Xining Basins on the northern TP, in an attempt to quantitatively reconstruct their paleoaltitudes.
Both soil and aquatic-typed branched GDGTs have been identified from Late Miocene to Mid-Pliocene (7.0-3.2 Ma) samples taken from the Gyirong Basin; their reconstructed paleotemperatures were 7.5±3.3°C and 14.2±4.5°C, respectively. The former temperature may represent the mean temperature of the terrestrial organic matter input area, while the latter may represent the lake surface temperature. The results would suggest that the lake surface of the Gyirong Basin during the Late Miocene to Mid-Pliocene was 2.5±0.8 km and that the surrounding mountains exceeded 3.6±0.6 km, implying that the central Himalayas underwent a rapid uplift of ~1.5 km after the Mid-Pliocene.
GDGT-based paleotemperature reconstructions using MBT'5ME values show that the Xining Basin dropped in temperature by ~10°C during the ~10.5-8 Ma period, exceeding that in sea surface temperatures and low-altitude terrestrial temperatures during these periods. By combining these results with contemporaneous tectonic and sedimentary records, we infer that these cooling events signaled the regional uplift with the amplitude of ~1 km of the Xining basins. Our results support that the TP was still growing and uplifting substantially since the Late Miocene, which may provide new evidence for understanding the growth, expansion and uplift patterns of the TP.
How to cite: Chen, C., Bai, Y., Fang, X., Guo, H., Zhang, W., Meng, Q., Xu, Q., Zhang, T., Deng, T., He, J., and Chen, Q.: Paleoaltitudinal histories for the northern and southern margins of the Tibetan Plateau during the Late Cenozoic: revealed by GDGTs, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14073, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14073, 2021.
EGU21-1618 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Rise and fall of the Acadian altiplano: Evidence for a Paleozoic orogenic plateau in the northern Appalachian OrogenIan Hillenbrand, Michael Williams, Cong Li, Haiying Gao, and Michael Jercinovic
High elevation orogenic plateaus are formed by a complex interplay of deep and surficial processes yet understanding of the deeper processes is limited by few recognized exposures of the lower levels of plateaus. We present evidence for the existence of an orogenic plateau during and after the Devonian Acadian orogeny (sensu lato), the mid-crustal roots of which are exposed in the New England Appalachians. The four-dimensional crustal evolution of this paleo-plateau is constrained by the integration of petrochronology, petrologic and geochronologic databases, and geophysical imaging. Doubly thickened crust, widespread amphibolite to granulite-facies metamorphic conditions, a paleo-isobaric surface, and protracted mid-crustal anatexis all indicate the presence of a high elevation (~5 km), low relief plateau by 380 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology shows a distinct signature with very slow cooling rates of 2-4°C/m.y. following peak metamorphic conditions. Thermochronologic data, trace element and Nd isotope geochemistry, and monazite and xenotime petrochronology suggest a 50 m.y. lifespan of the plateau (380-330 Ma). Orogen parallel ductile flow and extrusion of gneiss domes resulted in plateau collapse, crustal thinning, and block-like exhumation at ca. 330-300 Ma. Thinning of the plateau crust may have led to the sharp 12-15 km step in Moho depth in western New England, possibly by reactivating the suture between Laurentia and accreted Gondwanan-derived terranes. The formation of the Acadian altiplano may have influenced Li-pegmatite genesis and Paleozoic paleoclimate, while its recognition may provide a window into the deeper processes of orogenic plateaus including partial melting, plutonism, and collapse by ductile extension.
How to cite: Hillenbrand, I., Williams, M., Li, C., Gao, H., and Jercinovic, M.: Rise and fall of the Acadian altiplano: Evidence for a Paleozoic orogenic plateau in the northern Appalachian Orogen, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1618, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1618, 2021.
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High elevation orogenic plateaus are formed by a complex interplay of deep and surficial processes yet understanding of the deeper processes is limited by few recognized exposures of the lower levels of plateaus. We present evidence for the existence of an orogenic plateau during and after the Devonian Acadian orogeny (sensu lato), the mid-crustal roots of which are exposed in the New England Appalachians. The four-dimensional crustal evolution of this paleo-plateau is constrained by the integration of petrochronology, petrologic and geochronologic databases, and geophysical imaging. Doubly thickened crust, widespread amphibolite to granulite-facies metamorphic conditions, a paleo-isobaric surface, and protracted mid-crustal anatexis all indicate the presence of a high elevation (~5 km), low relief plateau by 380 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology shows a distinct signature with very slow cooling rates of 2-4°C/m.y. following peak metamorphic conditions. Thermochronologic data, trace element and Nd isotope geochemistry, and monazite and xenotime petrochronology suggest a 50 m.y. lifespan of the plateau (380-330 Ma). Orogen parallel ductile flow and extrusion of gneiss domes resulted in plateau collapse, crustal thinning, and block-like exhumation at ca. 330-300 Ma. Thinning of the plateau crust may have led to the sharp 12-15 km step in Moho depth in western New England, possibly by reactivating the suture between Laurentia and accreted Gondwanan-derived terranes. The formation of the Acadian altiplano may have influenced Li-pegmatite genesis and Paleozoic paleoclimate, while its recognition may provide a window into the deeper processes of orogenic plateaus including partial melting, plutonism, and collapse by ductile extension.
How to cite: Hillenbrand, I., Williams, M., Li, C., Gao, H., and Jercinovic, M.: Rise and fall of the Acadian altiplano: Evidence for a Paleozoic orogenic plateau in the northern Appalachian Orogen, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1618, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1618, 2021.
EGU21-9466 | vPICO presentations | TS7.6
Deformation of the western flank of the Andes at ~20–22°S: a contribution to the quantification of crustal shorteningTania Habel, Robin Lacassin, Martine Simoes, Daniel Carrizo, German Aguilar, and Audrey Margirier
The Andes are the case example of an active Cordilleran-type orogen. It is generally admitted that, in the Bolivian Orocline (Central Andes at ~20°S), mountain-building started ~50–60 Myr ago, close to the subduction margin, and then propagated eastward. Though suggested by some early geological cross-sections, the structures sustaining the uplift of the western flank of the Altiplano have often been dismissed, and the most common view theorizes that the Andes grow only by east-vergent deformation along its eastern margin. However, recent studies emphasize the significant contribution of the West Andean front to mountain-building and crustal thickening, in particular at the latitude of Santiago de Chile (~33.5°S), and question the contribution of similar structures elsewhere along the Andes. Here, we focus on the western margin of the Altiplano at 20–22°S, in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. We present our results on the structure and kinematic evolution on two sites where the structures are well exposed. We combine mapping from high-resolution satellite images with field observations and numerical trishear forward modeling to provide quantitative constraints on the kinematic evolution of the western front of the Andes. Our results confirm two main structures: (1) a major west-vergent thrust placing Andean Paleozoic basement over Mesozoic strata, and (2) a west-vergent fold-and-thrust-belt deforming primarily Mesozoic units. Once restored, we estimate that both structures accommodate together at least ~6–9 km of shortening across the sole ~7–17 km-wide outcropping fold-and-thrust-belt. Further west, structures of this fold-and-thrust-belt are unconformably buried under much less deformed Cenozoic units, as revealed from seismic profiles. By comparing the scale of these buried structures to those investigated previously, we propose that the whole fold-and-thrust-belt has most probably absorbed at least ~15–20 km of shortening. The timing of the recorded main deformation can be bracketed sometime between ~68 and ~29 Ma – and possibly between ~68 and ~44 Ma – from dated deformed geological layers, with a subsequent significant slowing-down of shortening rates. This is in good agreement with preliminary modeling of apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He dates suggesting that basement exhumation by thrusting started by ~70–60 Ma, slowed down by ~50–40 Ma, and tended to cease by ~30–20 Ma. Minor shortening affecting the mid-late Cenozoic deposits indicates that deformation continued after ~29 Ma along the western Andean fold-and-thrust-belt, but remained limited compared to the more intense deformation that occured during the Paleogene. Altogether, the data presented here will provide a quantitative evaluation of the contribution of the western margin of the Altiplano plateau to mountain-building at this latitude, in particular at its earliest stages.
How to cite: Habel, T., Lacassin, R., Simoes, M., Carrizo, D., Aguilar, G., and Margirier, A.: Deformation of the western flank of the Andes at ~20–22°S: a contribution to the quantification of crustal shortening, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9466, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9466, 2021.
The Andes are the case example of an active Cordilleran-type orogen. It is generally admitted that, in the Bolivian Orocline (Central Andes at ~20°S), mountain-building started ~50–60 Myr ago, close to the subduction margin, and then propagated eastward. Though suggested by some early geological cross-sections, the structures sustaining the uplift of the western flank of the Altiplano have often been dismissed, and the most common view theorizes that the Andes grow only by east-vergent deformation along its eastern margin. However, recent studies emphasize the significant contribution of the West Andean front to mountain-building and crustal thickening, in particular at the latitude of Santiago de Chile (~33.5°S), and question the contribution of similar structures elsewhere along the Andes. Here, we focus on the western margin of the Altiplano at 20–22°S, in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. We present our results on the structure and kinematic evolution on two sites where the structures are well exposed. We combine mapping from high-resolution satellite images with field observations and numerical trishear forward modeling to provide quantitative constraints on the kinematic evolution of the western front of the Andes. Our results confirm two main structures: (1) a major west-vergent thrust placing Andean Paleozoic basement over Mesozoic strata, and (2) a west-vergent fold-and-thrust-belt deforming primarily Mesozoic units. Once restored, we estimate that both structures accommodate together at least ~6–9 km of shortening across the sole ~7–17 km-wide outcropping fold-and-thrust-belt. Further west, structures of this fold-and-thrust-belt are unconformably buried under much less deformed Cenozoic units, as revealed from seismic profiles. By comparing the scale of these buried structures to those investigated previously, we propose that the whole fold-and-thrust-belt has most probably absorbed at least ~15–20 km of shortening. The timing of the recorded main deformation can be bracketed sometime between ~68 and ~29 Ma – and possibly between ~68 and ~44 Ma – from dated deformed geological layers, with a subsequent significant slowing-down of shortening rates. This is in good agreement with preliminary modeling of apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He dates suggesting that basement exhumation by thrusting started by ~70–60 Ma, slowed down by ~50–40 Ma, and tended to cease by ~30–20 Ma. Minor shortening affecting the mid-late Cenozoic deposits indicates that deformation continued after ~29 Ma along the western Andean fold-and-thrust-belt, but remained limited compared to the more intense deformation that occured during the Paleogene. Altogether, the data presented here will provide a quantitative evaluation of the contribution of the western margin of the Altiplano plateau to mountain-building at this latitude, in particular at its earliest stages.
How to cite: Habel, T., Lacassin, R., Simoes, M., Carrizo, D., Aguilar, G., and Margirier, A.: Deformation of the western flank of the Andes at ~20–22°S: a contribution to the quantification of crustal shortening, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9466, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9466, 2021.
TS7.7 – Central Asian Tectonics - Pamir, Tian Shan and Tibet from Paleozoic to Present
EGU21-4086 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Structure and shear-sense indicators of the Mesoproterozoic basement of the North Tianshan microcontinent: Example of granitoid gneisses of the Karadjilga pluton, NW KyrgyzstanAnastasia Kushnareva, Andrey Khudoley, Dmitriy Alexeiev, and Eugeny Petrov
The Mesoproterozoic Karadjilga pluton is a poorly studied fragment of the North Tianshan microcontinent located in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Metasedimentary rocks surrounding the pluton consist of marbles and mica schists of the Mesoproterozoic Ortotau Group. These rocks constitute a major west-northwest trending syncline with steep to subvertical limbs. The hinge of the fold is well expressed in the west part of the syncline and plunges east with 30-40° angle of plunge. Eastern termination of the syncline is cut by faults. Granitoid gneisses and granites of the Karadjilga pluton crop out in the core of the syncline. The contacts of the pluton are sub-parallel to bedding and schistosity in surrounding rocks. Primary magmatic contacts are locally reworked by reverse faults and thrusts. Our detailed mapping and structural study revealed inhomogeneous deformation of rocks of the Karadjilga pluton. The following rock types are identified: 1) undeformed granite 2) foliated granite 3) granite-gneiss and 4) mylonite. Undeformed granites form <25-30% of total volume of the pluton and are most widespread in the northeast part of the pluton. On some geological maps they are shown as Ordovician or Devonian. However, U-Pb dating of 9 zircon grains by SHRIMP-II (VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia) yielded a 1125±5 Ma concordant age. It agrees with previously reported U-Pb SHRIMP ages for deformed granites and gneisses (Degtyarev et al., 2011; Kröner et al., 2013) and indicates that undeformed granites belongs to the same Mesoproterozoic magmatic complex. Foliated granites and gneisses prevail and constitute up to 60-70% of total volume. They form west-northwest trending zones alternating with mylonites or undeformed granite. Mylonites are subordinate and occur mainly along the contacts of the pluton. Shear zones seem to be approximately parallel to the schistosity of deformed granites, but their geometry needs more study and mapping. Shear-sense indicators were studied in the oriented thin sections and are represented mainly by sigma and delta structures and oblique foliation with rare folds and other indicators. In all but one sample only strike-slip displacement has been identified. In the northern part of the pluton sinistral displacement predominates, whereas dextral displacement prevails in the southern part of the pluton. Shear zones are most widespread on the margins of the Karadjilga pluton, but locally also occur in the central part of the pluton, where they form narrow west-northwest trending zones. According to shear-sense indicators, displacement within the Karadjilga pluton occurred mainly in the approximately west-east direction that strongly differs from the north-south sense of displacement in the Paleozoic thrust and fold belts of Tianshan.
The study was supported by the RFBR project 20-05-00252.
How to cite: Kushnareva, A., Khudoley, A., Alexeiev, D., and Petrov, E.: Structure and shear-sense indicators of the Mesoproterozoic basement of the North Tianshan microcontinent: Example of granitoid gneisses of the Karadjilga pluton, NW Kyrgyzstan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4086, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4086, 2021.
The Mesoproterozoic Karadjilga pluton is a poorly studied fragment of the North Tianshan microcontinent located in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Metasedimentary rocks surrounding the pluton consist of marbles and mica schists of the Mesoproterozoic Ortotau Group. These rocks constitute a major west-northwest trending syncline with steep to subvertical limbs. The hinge of the fold is well expressed in the west part of the syncline and plunges east with 30-40° angle of plunge. Eastern termination of the syncline is cut by faults. Granitoid gneisses and granites of the Karadjilga pluton crop out in the core of the syncline. The contacts of the pluton are sub-parallel to bedding and schistosity in surrounding rocks. Primary magmatic contacts are locally reworked by reverse faults and thrusts. Our detailed mapping and structural study revealed inhomogeneous deformation of rocks of the Karadjilga pluton. The following rock types are identified: 1) undeformed granite 2) foliated granite 3) granite-gneiss and 4) mylonite. Undeformed granites form <25-30% of total volume of the pluton and are most widespread in the northeast part of the pluton. On some geological maps they are shown as Ordovician or Devonian. However, U-Pb dating of 9 zircon grains by SHRIMP-II (VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia) yielded a 1125±5 Ma concordant age. It agrees with previously reported U-Pb SHRIMP ages for deformed granites and gneisses (Degtyarev et al., 2011; Kröner et al., 2013) and indicates that undeformed granites belongs to the same Mesoproterozoic magmatic complex. Foliated granites and gneisses prevail and constitute up to 60-70% of total volume. They form west-northwest trending zones alternating with mylonites or undeformed granite. Mylonites are subordinate and occur mainly along the contacts of the pluton. Shear zones seem to be approximately parallel to the schistosity of deformed granites, but their geometry needs more study and mapping. Shear-sense indicators were studied in the oriented thin sections and are represented mainly by sigma and delta structures and oblique foliation with rare folds and other indicators. In all but one sample only strike-slip displacement has been identified. In the northern part of the pluton sinistral displacement predominates, whereas dextral displacement prevails in the southern part of the pluton. Shear zones are most widespread on the margins of the Karadjilga pluton, but locally also occur in the central part of the pluton, where they form narrow west-northwest trending zones. According to shear-sense indicators, displacement within the Karadjilga pluton occurred mainly in the approximately west-east direction that strongly differs from the north-south sense of displacement in the Paleozoic thrust and fold belts of Tianshan.
The study was supported by the RFBR project 20-05-00252.
How to cite: Kushnareva, A., Khudoley, A., Alexeiev, D., and Petrov, E.: Structure and shear-sense indicators of the Mesoproterozoic basement of the North Tianshan microcontinent: Example of granitoid gneisses of the Karadjilga pluton, NW Kyrgyzstan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4086, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4086, 2021.
EGU21-10663 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Neoproterozoic I-type granites geochronology and geochemistry of the Chinese Central Tianshan BlockYujia Song, Xijun Liu, Zhiguo Zhang, Pengde Liu, and Yao Xiao
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), also known as the Altay orogenic belt, is the largest accretionary orogenic belt in the world. It is situated between the Eastern European, Siberian, Tarim, and North China cratons. The CAOB is a large and complex suture zone formed by amalgamation of diverse geologic units including several microcontinents, ophiolites, island arcs, seamounts and accretionary wedges. The evolution of the Precambrian basement in these microcontinents is central to understanding the accretionary and collisional tectonics of the CAOB as well as the evolution of Rodinia supercontinent. The Tianshan block, an important part of the CAOB, is located in the southwestern CAOB, and subdivided from north to south into North Tianshan, Central Tianshan-Yili blocks, and South Tianshan. The Central Tianshan block, located between the Tarim block, the Junggar block and the Kazakhstan block, is one of numerous microcontinental block within the CAOB that overlie Precambrian basement rocks. Constraining the evolution of these ancient basement rocks is central to understanding the accretionary and collisional tectonics of the CAOB, and its place within the Rodinia supercontinent. However, to date, the timing and tectonic settings in which the basement rocks in the Central Tianshan formed are poorly constrained, with only sparse geochemical and geochronological data from granitic rocks within the central segment of the belt. Here, we present a systematic study combining U-Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry, and the Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of newly-identified granites from the Bingdaban area of Central Tianshan. The analyzed samples yield a weighted mean Neoproterozoic 206Pb/238U ages of 975-911 Ma. All have affinities with calc-alkaline, weakly-peraluminous, magnesian I-type granites. The samples are enriched in LREE, display relatively flat HREE patterns with negative Eu anomalies, and show a depletion in the high field strength elements (HFSEs) Nb, Ta, and Ti and enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) Rb, U, Th and Nd geochemical characteristics indicative of subduction-related magmatism. All samples show initial (87Sr/86Sr)(t) ratios between 0.705136 and 0.706745. Values for ƐNd(t) in the granites are in the range -1.2 to -5.7, corresponding to Nd model ages of 1.6-2.1 Ga, indicating a role for Mesoproterozoic to Paleoproterozoic rocks in the generation of the granitic protoliths. The documented geochemical features indicate the protoliths for the granites had a similar petrogenesis and magmatic source, which may reflect partial melting of thickened crust with the addition of small amounts of mantle-derived material. The Tianshan Block probably constituted part of an exterior orogen that developed along the margin of the Rodinian supercontinent during the early Neoproterozoic, and which underwent a transition from subduction to syn-collision compression at 975-911 Ma. This study reveals that crustal reworking may played a key role in Neoproterozoic crustal evolution in the Central Tianshan block and this block has a tectonic affinity to the Yili block.
This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41772059) and the CAS “Light of West China” Program (2018-XBYJRC-003).
How to cite: Song, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Liu, P., and Xiao, Y.: Neoproterozoic I-type granites geochronology and geochemistry of the Chinese Central Tianshan Block, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10663, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10663, 2021.
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), also known as the Altay orogenic belt, is the largest accretionary orogenic belt in the world. It is situated between the Eastern European, Siberian, Tarim, and North China cratons. The CAOB is a large and complex suture zone formed by amalgamation of diverse geologic units including several microcontinents, ophiolites, island arcs, seamounts and accretionary wedges. The evolution of the Precambrian basement in these microcontinents is central to understanding the accretionary and collisional tectonics of the CAOB as well as the evolution of Rodinia supercontinent. The Tianshan block, an important part of the CAOB, is located in the southwestern CAOB, and subdivided from north to south into North Tianshan, Central Tianshan-Yili blocks, and South Tianshan. The Central Tianshan block, located between the Tarim block, the Junggar block and the Kazakhstan block, is one of numerous microcontinental block within the CAOB that overlie Precambrian basement rocks. Constraining the evolution of these ancient basement rocks is central to understanding the accretionary and collisional tectonics of the CAOB, and its place within the Rodinia supercontinent. However, to date, the timing and tectonic settings in which the basement rocks in the Central Tianshan formed are poorly constrained, with only sparse geochemical and geochronological data from granitic rocks within the central segment of the belt. Here, we present a systematic study combining U-Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry, and the Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of newly-identified granites from the Bingdaban area of Central Tianshan. The analyzed samples yield a weighted mean Neoproterozoic 206Pb/238U ages of 975-911 Ma. All have affinities with calc-alkaline, weakly-peraluminous, magnesian I-type granites. The samples are enriched in LREE, display relatively flat HREE patterns with negative Eu anomalies, and show a depletion in the high field strength elements (HFSEs) Nb, Ta, and Ti and enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) Rb, U, Th and Nd geochemical characteristics indicative of subduction-related magmatism. All samples show initial (87Sr/86Sr)(t) ratios between 0.705136 and 0.706745. Values for ƐNd(t) in the granites are in the range -1.2 to -5.7, corresponding to Nd model ages of 1.6-2.1 Ga, indicating a role for Mesoproterozoic to Paleoproterozoic rocks in the generation of the granitic protoliths. The documented geochemical features indicate the protoliths for the granites had a similar petrogenesis and magmatic source, which may reflect partial melting of thickened crust with the addition of small amounts of mantle-derived material. The Tianshan Block probably constituted part of an exterior orogen that developed along the margin of the Rodinian supercontinent during the early Neoproterozoic, and which underwent a transition from subduction to syn-collision compression at 975-911 Ma. This study reveals that crustal reworking may played a key role in Neoproterozoic crustal evolution in the Central Tianshan block and this block has a tectonic affinity to the Yili block.
This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41772059) and the CAS “Light of West China” Program (2018-XBYJRC-003).
How to cite: Song, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Liu, P., and Xiao, Y.: Neoproterozoic I-type granites geochronology and geochemistry of the Chinese Central Tianshan Block, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10663, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10663, 2021.
EGU21-10786 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Tectonic setting and geochronology of Paleo-Asian Baijiantan Ophiolite in West Junggar, NW ChinaYao Xiao, Xijun Liu, Zhiguo Zhang, Yujia Song, and Pengde Liu
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), is the largest proliferative orogenic belt in the phanerozoic, located between Siberia and the Tarim north China plate. Its tectonic evolution is closely related to the evolution of the ancient Asian Ocean. The CAOB has an intimate connection with the evolution of Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO) which experienced geodynamic processes like seamounts accretion, ridge-trench interaction, the constitution of back-arc basins. Since the Paleozoic era, the PAO has undergone expansion, subduction and closure, and finally formed the current Central Asian orogenic belt. The West Junggar, located in the southwest of the Central Asian orogenic belt, is an accretive Mosaic body on the southern edge of the Siberian Craton. It is an important part of the Palaeozoic orogenic collage of the CAOB, and a composite terrane composed of island arcs, ophiolites, seamounts and a key area for the study of the tectonic evolution of The Central Asian orogenic belt during the Paleozoic era. The ophiolite mélange zone in Karamay and the carboniferous siliceous calcite with great thickness jointly indicate the existence of the late Paleozoic residual ocean basin in Junggar area. This paper presents new zircon geochronolgy and whole rock major and element, and Sr-Nd isotope data for mafic rocks in the Baijiantan ophiolitic mélanges.
The studying area is located in the northeast part of Karamay city, In the substratum of metamorphic peridotite serpentine, the pyroxenite, gabbro, jasper and radiolarite blocks of different sizes are distributed, and the edge of the blocks is fragmented and in contact with the matrix structure. The Baijiantan ophiolitic mélange is covered by a set of late Carboniferous volcanic-sedimentary tectonic unconformities .
The magmatic zircons from a anorthosite in Baijiantan ophiolite yield concordia U–Pb isotope age of 370.1±1.2Ma, which is interpreted as the crystallization age of the anorthosite. The mafic rocks of Baijiantan ophiolite are geochemically belong to tholeiitic basalts with low SiO2 contents as well as relatively depleted in light rare earth element (LREE) and flat in heavy rare earth element (HREE), while the high-field strength elements (Nb and Ta) display a weak depletion. thus they have a N-MORB-type characteristics. which is similar to those of basalts from back-arc basin. The (87Sr/86Sr)i of Baijiantan ophiolite range from 0.704567 to 0.705172, and they have positive εNd(t) with from +8.23 to +8.81, indicating they were derived from a depleted MORB-type mantle source.
To sum up, the Baijiantan ophiolite in the western Junggar was formed in the late Devonian. The mafic rocks are characterized by MORB type of basaltic magma. Their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions indicate they were derived from a depleted asthenospheric mantle, all of these features are similar to the back-arc basin basalts. Thus, we suggest the Baijiantan ophiolite was possibly formed in the back arc oceanic basin in the late Devonian.
Acknowledgments:This work is granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41772059), CAS "Light of West China" Program (2018-XBYJRC-003), Guangxi National Natural Science Foundation (Nos. 2018GXNSFFA281009) and Bagui Scholar Innovation Project of Guangxi Province.
How to cite: Xiao, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Song, Y., and Liu, P.: Tectonic setting and geochronology of Paleo-Asian Baijiantan Ophiolite in West Junggar, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10786, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10786, 2021.
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), is the largest proliferative orogenic belt in the phanerozoic, located between Siberia and the Tarim north China plate. Its tectonic evolution is closely related to the evolution of the ancient Asian Ocean. The CAOB has an intimate connection with the evolution of Paleo-Asian Ocean (PAO) which experienced geodynamic processes like seamounts accretion, ridge-trench interaction, the constitution of back-arc basins. Since the Paleozoic era, the PAO has undergone expansion, subduction and closure, and finally formed the current Central Asian orogenic belt. The West Junggar, located in the southwest of the Central Asian orogenic belt, is an accretive Mosaic body on the southern edge of the Siberian Craton. It is an important part of the Palaeozoic orogenic collage of the CAOB, and a composite terrane composed of island arcs, ophiolites, seamounts and a key area for the study of the tectonic evolution of The Central Asian orogenic belt during the Paleozoic era. The ophiolite mélange zone in Karamay and the carboniferous siliceous calcite with great thickness jointly indicate the existence of the late Paleozoic residual ocean basin in Junggar area. This paper presents new zircon geochronolgy and whole rock major and element, and Sr-Nd isotope data for mafic rocks in the Baijiantan ophiolitic mélanges.
The studying area is located in the northeast part of Karamay city, In the substratum of metamorphic peridotite serpentine, the pyroxenite, gabbro, jasper and radiolarite blocks of different sizes are distributed, and the edge of the blocks is fragmented and in contact with the matrix structure. The Baijiantan ophiolitic mélange is covered by a set of late Carboniferous volcanic-sedimentary tectonic unconformities .
The magmatic zircons from a anorthosite in Baijiantan ophiolite yield concordia U–Pb isotope age of 370.1±1.2Ma, which is interpreted as the crystallization age of the anorthosite. The mafic rocks of Baijiantan ophiolite are geochemically belong to tholeiitic basalts with low SiO2 contents as well as relatively depleted in light rare earth element (LREE) and flat in heavy rare earth element (HREE), while the high-field strength elements (Nb and Ta) display a weak depletion. thus they have a N-MORB-type characteristics. which is similar to those of basalts from back-arc basin. The (87Sr/86Sr)i of Baijiantan ophiolite range from 0.704567 to 0.705172, and they have positive εNd(t) with from +8.23 to +8.81, indicating they were derived from a depleted MORB-type mantle source.
To sum up, the Baijiantan ophiolite in the western Junggar was formed in the late Devonian. The mafic rocks are characterized by MORB type of basaltic magma. Their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions indicate they were derived from a depleted asthenospheric mantle, all of these features are similar to the back-arc basin basalts. Thus, we suggest the Baijiantan ophiolite was possibly formed in the back arc oceanic basin in the late Devonian.
Acknowledgments:This work is granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41772059), CAS "Light of West China" Program (2018-XBYJRC-003), Guangxi National Natural Science Foundation (Nos. 2018GXNSFFA281009) and Bagui Scholar Innovation Project of Guangxi Province.
How to cite: Xiao, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Song, Y., and Liu, P.: Tectonic setting and geochronology of Paleo-Asian Baijiantan Ophiolite in West Junggar, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10786, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10786, 2021.
EGU21-11906 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Early Carboniferous Paleo-Asian oceanic plate subduction: Implications from geochronology and geochemistry of early Carboniferous magmatism in southern West Junggar, NW ChinaPengde Liu, Xijun Liu, Zhiguo Zhang, Yujia Song, Yao Xiao, and Dechao Li
The subduction and closure of the Paleo-Asia Ocean generated the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), which extends from the Urals in the west through Kazakhstan, northwestern China, Mongolia, and northeastern China to the Russian Far East. It is generally accepted that the CAOB comprises a complicated and varied collage of terranes, including island arcs, ophiolites, accretionary prisms, seamounts, and microcontinents. The CAOB is the world’s largest accretionary orogen and is also considered a type area for studying Phanerozoic continental growth. The accretionary processes of the orogen might have resulted from either the progressive duplication of a single and long-lived island-arc system or the collision of several island arcs and micro-continents, similar to the complex archipelago systems in the modern southwestern Pacific. West Junggar is located in a key area of the CAOB, has been a focus of studies of the tectonic evolution and crustal growth of the orogenic belt. West Junggar has been considered by some geologists as a paleo-Asian intra-oceanic subduction system, whereas others have variously argued that West Junggar was formed by single subduction, arc–arc collision, or ridge subduction, or by post-collisional processes after the early Carboniferous. An understanding of the Carboniferous tec-tonic setting is critical for determining the evolution of West Junggar. A series of early Carboniferous volcanic and intrusive rocks occur in the southern West Junggar. Our new zircon U–Pb geochronological data reveal that diorite intruded at 334.1 ± 1.1 Ma, and that basaltic andesite was erupted at 334.3 ± 3.7 Ma. These intrusive and volcanic rocks are calc-alkaline, display moderate MgO (1.62–4.18 wt.%) contents and Mg# values (40–59), low Cr (14.5–47.2 ppm) and Ni (7.5–34.6 ppm) contents, and are characterized by enrichment in light rare-earth elements and large-ion lithophile elements and depletion in heavy rare-earth elements and high-field-strength elements, meaning that they belong to typical subduction-zone island-arc magma. The rocks show low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.703649 to 0.705008), positive ƐNd(t) values (+4.8 to +6.2, mean +5.4), and young TDM Nd model ages ranging from 1016 to 616 Ma, indicating a magmatic origin from depleted mantle involving partial melting of 10%–25% garnet and spinel lherzolite. Combining our results with those of previous studies, we suggest that these rocks formed as a result of northwestward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Junggar oceanic plate, which caused partial melting of sub-arc mantle. We conclude that intra-oceanic arc magmatism was extensive in southern Paleo-Asian Ocean during the early Carboniferous.
This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41772059) and the CAS “Light of West China” Program (2018-XBYJRC-003).
How to cite: Liu, P., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Song, Y., Xiao, Y., and Li, D.: Early Carboniferous Paleo-Asian oceanic plate subduction: Implications from geochronology and geochemistry of early Carboniferous magmatism in southern West Junggar, NW China , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11906, 2021.
The subduction and closure of the Paleo-Asia Ocean generated the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), which extends from the Urals in the west through Kazakhstan, northwestern China, Mongolia, and northeastern China to the Russian Far East. It is generally accepted that the CAOB comprises a complicated and varied collage of terranes, including island arcs, ophiolites, accretionary prisms, seamounts, and microcontinents. The CAOB is the world’s largest accretionary orogen and is also considered a type area for studying Phanerozoic continental growth. The accretionary processes of the orogen might have resulted from either the progressive duplication of a single and long-lived island-arc system or the collision of several island arcs and micro-continents, similar to the complex archipelago systems in the modern southwestern Pacific. West Junggar is located in a key area of the CAOB, has been a focus of studies of the tectonic evolution and crustal growth of the orogenic belt. West Junggar has been considered by some geologists as a paleo-Asian intra-oceanic subduction system, whereas others have variously argued that West Junggar was formed by single subduction, arc–arc collision, or ridge subduction, or by post-collisional processes after the early Carboniferous. An understanding of the Carboniferous tec-tonic setting is critical for determining the evolution of West Junggar. A series of early Carboniferous volcanic and intrusive rocks occur in the southern West Junggar. Our new zircon U–Pb geochronological data reveal that diorite intruded at 334.1 ± 1.1 Ma, and that basaltic andesite was erupted at 334.3 ± 3.7 Ma. These intrusive and volcanic rocks are calc-alkaline, display moderate MgO (1.62–4.18 wt.%) contents and Mg# values (40–59), low Cr (14.5–47.2 ppm) and Ni (7.5–34.6 ppm) contents, and are characterized by enrichment in light rare-earth elements and large-ion lithophile elements and depletion in heavy rare-earth elements and high-field-strength elements, meaning that they belong to typical subduction-zone island-arc magma. The rocks show low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.703649 to 0.705008), positive ƐNd(t) values (+4.8 to +6.2, mean +5.4), and young TDM Nd model ages ranging from 1016 to 616 Ma, indicating a magmatic origin from depleted mantle involving partial melting of 10%–25% garnet and spinel lherzolite. Combining our results with those of previous studies, we suggest that these rocks formed as a result of northwestward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Junggar oceanic plate, which caused partial melting of sub-arc mantle. We conclude that intra-oceanic arc magmatism was extensive in southern Paleo-Asian Ocean during the early Carboniferous.
This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41772059) and the CAS “Light of West China” Program (2018-XBYJRC-003).
How to cite: Liu, P., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Song, Y., Xiao, Y., and Li, D.: Early Carboniferous Paleo-Asian oceanic plate subduction: Implications from geochronology and geochemistry of early Carboniferous magmatism in southern West Junggar, NW China , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11906, 2021.
EGU21-10555 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Petrogenesis of late Carboniferous sanukitoids from northern West Junggar of China in the Central Asian Orogenic BeltZhiguo Zhang, Xijun Liu, Pengde Liu, Yujia Song, Yao Xiao, and Dechao Li
Sanukitoid is a type of high-Mg andesite that is distinct from typical andesite in being characterized by elevated MgO contents and/or Mg#[=100* Mg/(Mg + Fe)]. They represent rare mantle-derived rocks that are preserved in both modern and Archean subduction settings, as well as in accretionary orogenic belts. The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is a giant accretionary orogen and the most important area of Phanerozoic continental growth around the world. It is evolved through a long-lived orogeny involving multiple episodes of subductions and accretions marking a major phase of continental growth during the Paleozoic. The West Junggar is an important component within the core of the CAOB, and is located at the junction between the Siberian, Kazakhstan and Tarim blocks. The rocks in West Junggar preserve the amalgamation of the southern CAOB, and are subdivided into northern and southern parts by the Xiemisitai Fault. The study of Carboniferous magmatism in northern West Junggar plays an important role in understanding the tectonic evolution of that part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. In this study, we present petrology, zircon U–Pb geochronology, mineral and whole-rock geochemistry, and the Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope compositions of volcanic rocks from the Hamutusi area of northern West Junggar. LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb analysis of a representative andesite yielded an early to late Carboniferous age of 324.4±6.9Ma. The volcanic rocks are calc-alkaline, with high SiO2 (58.10–59.01 wt%), MgO (6.09–6.99 wt%), Mg# (60.7–62.2), Cr (147–403 ppm), and Ni (29–119 ppm) contents, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), but depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE), These characteristics are similar to those of typical sanukitoids within the Setouchi volcanic belt in Japan. All samples have radiogenic initial Sr and Pb isotopic compositions, and low εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, indicating the sanukitoids were generated by partial melting of subducting sediments in which the melts interacted with the mantle. Geochemical modeling calculations indicate a proportion of 3-10% sediment melt and slab-derived fluids were mixed with the depleted mantle to produce the bulk of the Hamutusi rocks. We conclude that the studied rocks from Northern West Junggar record the transition from normal subduction to subduction of young and hot oceanic lithosphere between the early and late Carboniferous.
This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41772059) and the CAS “Light of West China” Program (2018-XBYJRC-003)
How to cite: Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Liu, P., Song, Y., Xiao, Y., and Li, D.: Petrogenesis of late Carboniferous sanukitoids from northern West Junggar of China in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10555, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10555, 2021.
Sanukitoid is a type of high-Mg andesite that is distinct from typical andesite in being characterized by elevated MgO contents and/or Mg#[=100* Mg/(Mg + Fe)]. They represent rare mantle-derived rocks that are preserved in both modern and Archean subduction settings, as well as in accretionary orogenic belts. The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is a giant accretionary orogen and the most important area of Phanerozoic continental growth around the world. It is evolved through a long-lived orogeny involving multiple episodes of subductions and accretions marking a major phase of continental growth during the Paleozoic. The West Junggar is an important component within the core of the CAOB, and is located at the junction between the Siberian, Kazakhstan and Tarim blocks. The rocks in West Junggar preserve the amalgamation of the southern CAOB, and are subdivided into northern and southern parts by the Xiemisitai Fault. The study of Carboniferous magmatism in northern West Junggar plays an important role in understanding the tectonic evolution of that part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. In this study, we present petrology, zircon U–Pb geochronology, mineral and whole-rock geochemistry, and the Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope compositions of volcanic rocks from the Hamutusi area of northern West Junggar. LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb analysis of a representative andesite yielded an early to late Carboniferous age of 324.4±6.9Ma. The volcanic rocks are calc-alkaline, with high SiO2 (58.10–59.01 wt%), MgO (6.09–6.99 wt%), Mg# (60.7–62.2), Cr (147–403 ppm), and Ni (29–119 ppm) contents, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), but depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE), These characteristics are similar to those of typical sanukitoids within the Setouchi volcanic belt in Japan. All samples have radiogenic initial Sr and Pb isotopic compositions, and low εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, indicating the sanukitoids were generated by partial melting of subducting sediments in which the melts interacted with the mantle. Geochemical modeling calculations indicate a proportion of 3-10% sediment melt and slab-derived fluids were mixed with the depleted mantle to produce the bulk of the Hamutusi rocks. We conclude that the studied rocks from Northern West Junggar record the transition from normal subduction to subduction of young and hot oceanic lithosphere between the early and late Carboniferous.
This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41772059) and the CAS “Light of West China” Program (2018-XBYJRC-003)
How to cite: Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Liu, P., Song, Y., Xiao, Y., and Li, D.: Petrogenesis of late Carboniferous sanukitoids from northern West Junggar of China in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10555, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10555, 2021.
EGU21-9516 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
No continuous suture between Kudi and Oytag: new evidence from geochronology and geochemistry dataJohannes Rembe, Edward R. Sobel, Jonas Kley, Renjie Zhou, Rasmus Thiede, and Jie Chen
A lateral continuity between belts of mafic and ultramafic Paleozoic rocks found in the West Kunlun of Northern Tibet and comparable rocks, known from an outcrop in the Chinese North Pamir, has long been proposed. This led to the concept of an originally generally straight, E–W trending Oytag–Kudi suture zone. In turn, this paleogeographic model formed a key constraint for the hypothesis, that the Pamir has indented 300 km northward with respect to Tibet during the Cenozoic. We show, that the arc volcanic rocks found in the North Pamir are distinguishable from the units known from the West Kunlun.
The North Pamir is dominated by Paleozoic arc volcanic rocks. We present new geochemical and geochronological data to give a holistic view of an early to mid-Carboniferous arc complex. This belt was previously identified as an intraoceanic arc in the northeastern North Pamir. Our data yields evidence for a gradual lateral change towards the west into a Cordilleran-style arc in the Tajik North Pamir. Large leucocratic granitoid intrusions are hosted in part by Devonian to Carboniferous oceanic crust and the metamorphic Kurguvad basement block of Ediacaran age (maximum deposition age) in Tajikistan. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircons, together with whole rock geochemistry derived from tonalitic to granodioritic intrusions, reveal a major Visean to Bashkirian intrusive phase between 340 and 320 Ma ago.
The West Kunlun experienced two major intrusive phases, connected with arc-volcanic activity — a first phase during Proto-Tethys closure in Ordovician and Silurian times and a second phase connected to the Triassic Paleo-Tethys closure. The Carboniferous arc-volcanic phase in the North Pamir clearly postdates Paleozoic arc-magmatic activity in the West Kunlun by ~100 Ma. This observation, along with geochemical evidence for a more pronounced mantle component in the Carboniferous arc-magmatic rocks of the North Pamir, disagrees with the common model of a continuous Kunlun belt from the West Kunlun into the North Pamir. Moreover, Paleozoic oceanic units younger than and west of Tarim cratonic crust challenge the idea of a continuous cratonic Tarim-Tajik continent beneath the Pamir.
How to cite: Rembe, J., Sobel, E. R., Kley, J., Zhou, R., Thiede, R., and Chen, J.: No continuous suture between Kudi and Oytag: new evidence from geochronology and geochemistry data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9516, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9516, 2021.
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A lateral continuity between belts of mafic and ultramafic Paleozoic rocks found in the West Kunlun of Northern Tibet and comparable rocks, known from an outcrop in the Chinese North Pamir, has long been proposed. This led to the concept of an originally generally straight, E–W trending Oytag–Kudi suture zone. In turn, this paleogeographic model formed a key constraint for the hypothesis, that the Pamir has indented 300 km northward with respect to Tibet during the Cenozoic. We show, that the arc volcanic rocks found in the North Pamir are distinguishable from the units known from the West Kunlun.
The North Pamir is dominated by Paleozoic arc volcanic rocks. We present new geochemical and geochronological data to give a holistic view of an early to mid-Carboniferous arc complex. This belt was previously identified as an intraoceanic arc in the northeastern North Pamir. Our data yields evidence for a gradual lateral change towards the west into a Cordilleran-style arc in the Tajik North Pamir. Large leucocratic granitoid intrusions are hosted in part by Devonian to Carboniferous oceanic crust and the metamorphic Kurguvad basement block of Ediacaran age (maximum deposition age) in Tajikistan. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircons, together with whole rock geochemistry derived from tonalitic to granodioritic intrusions, reveal a major Visean to Bashkirian intrusive phase between 340 and 320 Ma ago.
The West Kunlun experienced two major intrusive phases, connected with arc-volcanic activity — a first phase during Proto-Tethys closure in Ordovician and Silurian times and a second phase connected to the Triassic Paleo-Tethys closure. The Carboniferous arc-volcanic phase in the North Pamir clearly postdates Paleozoic arc-magmatic activity in the West Kunlun by ~100 Ma. This observation, along with geochemical evidence for a more pronounced mantle component in the Carboniferous arc-magmatic rocks of the North Pamir, disagrees with the common model of a continuous Kunlun belt from the West Kunlun into the North Pamir. Moreover, Paleozoic oceanic units younger than and west of Tarim cratonic crust challenge the idea of a continuous cratonic Tarim-Tajik continent beneath the Pamir.
How to cite: Rembe, J., Sobel, E. R., Kley, J., Zhou, R., Thiede, R., and Chen, J.: No continuous suture between Kudi and Oytag: new evidence from geochronology and geochemistry data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9516, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9516, 2021.
EGU21-12484 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Transect across the External Pamir thrust belt and Main Pamir Thrust along the Altyn Darya valley, KyrgyzstanJonas Kley, Thomas Voigt, Edward R. Sobel, Johannes Rembe, and Chen Jie
The ca. 35 km long, N-S-trending Altyn Darya valley in Kyrgyzstan exposes a nearly complete cross-section of the External Pamir thrust belt (EP), extending from the active Pamir Frontal Thrust in the north to the Main Pamir Thrust (MPT) and some distance into its hanging-wall. The EP comprises a northward imbricated stack of Carboniferous to Late Neogene rocks. From north to south, young clastics of the Alai Valley foreland basin are overthrust by an intensely folded and thrust-repeated frontal stack of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene limestone, shale and evaporite. Lower Cretaceous red sandstones first emerge above north- and south-verging thrusts forming a triangle zone whose core comprises spectacular isoclinal folds in Upper Cretaceous strata. Towards the south, another thrust imbricate of Lower Cretaceous is overthrust by Late Triassic-Jurassic sandstones and mafic volcanics which are themselves overthrust by an internally deformed, Carboniferous to Triassic succession of, from bottom to top, greywacke and shale, limestone, volcanoclastic conglomerates, variegated sandstone-shale and pink conglomerates. The Carboniferous units in the south are truncated by the MPT which emplaces a succession of greenschist, marble and chert overlain by a km-thick sequence of metamorphosed and deformed, pillow-bearing lavas of Carboniferous age. Structural geometries and fault preference indicate that the basal detachment of the EP deepens southward very gently, stepping down from a detachment in Upper Cretaceous shale to another one near the base of the Lower Cretaceous and eventually a third one in Triassic shale. Cross-section balancing suggests minimum shortening of 75 km for units in the MPT´s footwall. The displacement on the MPT is poorly constrained due to eroded hanging-wall cutoffs, but must exceed 15 km. The basal detachment cuts into basement no earlier than 100 km from the present thrust front, too far south to link up with the top of the Pamir slab.
The stratigraphic succession exposed in Altyn Darya can be readily correlated with less deformed and less metamorphosed transects in westernmost China (Qimgan and Kawuke), some 250 km to the east. A marble-greenschist sequence similar to that carried on the MPT in Altyn Darya has been identified there as a tectonic nappe of the Karakul-Mazar unit, emplaced from the south already in an Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic (Late Cimmerian) event. If the correlation is correct, then the MPT had a Mesozoic precursor structure extending over much of the E-W striking segment of the Northern Pamir.
How to cite: Kley, J., Voigt, T., Sobel, E. R., Rembe, J., and Jie, C.: Transect across the External Pamir thrust belt and Main Pamir Thrust along the Altyn Darya valley, Kyrgyzstan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12484, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12484, 2021.
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The ca. 35 km long, N-S-trending Altyn Darya valley in Kyrgyzstan exposes a nearly complete cross-section of the External Pamir thrust belt (EP), extending from the active Pamir Frontal Thrust in the north to the Main Pamir Thrust (MPT) and some distance into its hanging-wall. The EP comprises a northward imbricated stack of Carboniferous to Late Neogene rocks. From north to south, young clastics of the Alai Valley foreland basin are overthrust by an intensely folded and thrust-repeated frontal stack of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene limestone, shale and evaporite. Lower Cretaceous red sandstones first emerge above north- and south-verging thrusts forming a triangle zone whose core comprises spectacular isoclinal folds in Upper Cretaceous strata. Towards the south, another thrust imbricate of Lower Cretaceous is overthrust by Late Triassic-Jurassic sandstones and mafic volcanics which are themselves overthrust by an internally deformed, Carboniferous to Triassic succession of, from bottom to top, greywacke and shale, limestone, volcanoclastic conglomerates, variegated sandstone-shale and pink conglomerates. The Carboniferous units in the south are truncated by the MPT which emplaces a succession of greenschist, marble and chert overlain by a km-thick sequence of metamorphosed and deformed, pillow-bearing lavas of Carboniferous age. Structural geometries and fault preference indicate that the basal detachment of the EP deepens southward very gently, stepping down from a detachment in Upper Cretaceous shale to another one near the base of the Lower Cretaceous and eventually a third one in Triassic shale. Cross-section balancing suggests minimum shortening of 75 km for units in the MPT´s footwall. The displacement on the MPT is poorly constrained due to eroded hanging-wall cutoffs, but must exceed 15 km. The basal detachment cuts into basement no earlier than 100 km from the present thrust front, too far south to link up with the top of the Pamir slab.
The stratigraphic succession exposed in Altyn Darya can be readily correlated with less deformed and less metamorphosed transects in westernmost China (Qimgan and Kawuke), some 250 km to the east. A marble-greenschist sequence similar to that carried on the MPT in Altyn Darya has been identified there as a tectonic nappe of the Karakul-Mazar unit, emplaced from the south already in an Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic (Late Cimmerian) event. If the correlation is correct, then the MPT had a Mesozoic precursor structure extending over much of the E-W striking segment of the Northern Pamir.
How to cite: Kley, J., Voigt, T., Sobel, E. R., Rembe, J., and Jie, C.: Transect across the External Pamir thrust belt and Main Pamir Thrust along the Altyn Darya valley, Kyrgyzstan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12484, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12484, 2021.
EGU21-10405 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Uplift and growth of the northwest PamirEdward R. Sobel, Rasmus Thiede, Paolo Ballato, Konstanze Stübner, Jonas Kley, Johannes Rembe, Mustafo Gadoev, Ilhomjon Oimahmadov, and Manfred Strecker
The Pamir forms the northwestern tail of the Tibetan plateau and is a first-order tectonic feature of the Cenozoic Indo-Eurasian collision. The nature of the topographic uplift and orogenic growth of the entire northwestern margin of the Pamir is poorly constrained; however, this history can provide important constraints that are required to test geodynamic models of the tectonic evolution of the Pamir. Here we focus on the uplift history of the western and northwestern unglaciated margin of the Northern Pamir, the Darvaz and the Peter-the-First Ranges. These three ranges were formed by three major fault systems: the Main Pamir Thrust (MPT), the Darvaz and the Vakhsh fault zones (DFZ, VFZ). To assess the impact of tectonic uplift on the geomorphic evolution, we analyzed geomorphic characteristics of the topography, the longitudinal river profiles and the relief. To better constrain the regional crustal cooling history and uplift, we obtained thermochronologic cooling ages from the three regions.
We present 19 new zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He (ZHe) ages, 7 apatite fission track (AFT) ages, and 4 apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) ages, ranging between >200 and 4 Ma, 14 and 4 Ma, and 15 and 3 Ma, respectively. The three units are characterized by unique Neogene cooling pathways, suggesting that they exhumed independently.
We discovered extensive low-relief landscapes with Neogene sedimentary cover uplifted ~2 km in elevation above the present-day regional base level. Our analysis indicates that the Panj and Vakhsh rivers form the regional base levels for the river network draining the entire northern and western margin of the Pamir. In the hanging wall of DFZ, the Paleozoic bedrock is characterized by significant relief (>1 km), the Neogene cover onlaps directly onto this Paleozoic bedrock. The tributary rivers crossing these landscapes are characterized by gentle, concave upstream longitudinal profiles at high elevation. These are interrupted by major knickpoint zones and steep downstream segments draining towards the deeply incised Panj and Vakhsh rivers. This indicates that the Darvaz Fault hanging wall had been uplifted and eroded prior to deposition of upper Neogene sediments, suggesting that the DFZ has a prolonged Neogene slip history. In contrast to the northeastern Pamir, here, the MPT-hanging-wall is characterized by reset late Oligocene-Early Miocene ZHe cooling ages ranging between 26 and 17 Ma. AFT and AHe-ages between 15 and 13 Ma suggest that exhumation suddenly terminated during the middle Miocene. In contrast, Jurassic sandstones exposed near the DFZ yield mostly un-reset Triassic-Jurassic ZHe ages (~250-170 Ma), a reset AFT age of ~5 Ma and a 2.5 Ma AHe age. Within the Peter-the-1st-Range, we obtained fully reset ~ 5 Ma ZHe ages, and ~4 Ma AFT ages. The rapid cooling trends since at least ~5 Ma suggest that deformation and a significant portion of crustal shortening propagated into the Tadjik foreland basin, causing enhanced uplift and erosion of the hanging wall of the VFZ and related faults. This deformation triggered ~2 km uplift of the entire northwest Pamir, recorded in uplifted paleo-landscapes and dissected tributaries of the Panj and Vakhsh rivers.
How to cite: Sobel, E. R., Thiede, R., Ballato, P., Stübner, K., Kley, J., Rembe, J., Gadoev, M., Oimahmadov, I., and Strecker, M.: Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10405, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10405, 2021.
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The Pamir forms the northwestern tail of the Tibetan plateau and is a first-order tectonic feature of the Cenozoic Indo-Eurasian collision. The nature of the topographic uplift and orogenic growth of the entire northwestern margin of the Pamir is poorly constrained; however, this history can provide important constraints that are required to test geodynamic models of the tectonic evolution of the Pamir. Here we focus on the uplift history of the western and northwestern unglaciated margin of the Northern Pamir, the Darvaz and the Peter-the-First Ranges. These three ranges were formed by three major fault systems: the Main Pamir Thrust (MPT), the Darvaz and the Vakhsh fault zones (DFZ, VFZ). To assess the impact of tectonic uplift on the geomorphic evolution, we analyzed geomorphic characteristics of the topography, the longitudinal river profiles and the relief. To better constrain the regional crustal cooling history and uplift, we obtained thermochronologic cooling ages from the three regions.
We present 19 new zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He (ZHe) ages, 7 apatite fission track (AFT) ages, and 4 apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) ages, ranging between >200 and 4 Ma, 14 and 4 Ma, and 15 and 3 Ma, respectively. The three units are characterized by unique Neogene cooling pathways, suggesting that they exhumed independently.
We discovered extensive low-relief landscapes with Neogene sedimentary cover uplifted ~2 km in elevation above the present-day regional base level. Our analysis indicates that the Panj and Vakhsh rivers form the regional base levels for the river network draining the entire northern and western margin of the Pamir. In the hanging wall of DFZ, the Paleozoic bedrock is characterized by significant relief (>1 km), the Neogene cover onlaps directly onto this Paleozoic bedrock. The tributary rivers crossing these landscapes are characterized by gentle, concave upstream longitudinal profiles at high elevation. These are interrupted by major knickpoint zones and steep downstream segments draining towards the deeply incised Panj and Vakhsh rivers. This indicates that the Darvaz Fault hanging wall had been uplifted and eroded prior to deposition of upper Neogene sediments, suggesting that the DFZ has a prolonged Neogene slip history. In contrast to the northeastern Pamir, here, the MPT-hanging-wall is characterized by reset late Oligocene-Early Miocene ZHe cooling ages ranging between 26 and 17 Ma. AFT and AHe-ages between 15 and 13 Ma suggest that exhumation suddenly terminated during the middle Miocene. In contrast, Jurassic sandstones exposed near the DFZ yield mostly un-reset Triassic-Jurassic ZHe ages (~250-170 Ma), a reset AFT age of ~5 Ma and a 2.5 Ma AHe age. Within the Peter-the-1st-Range, we obtained fully reset ~ 5 Ma ZHe ages, and ~4 Ma AFT ages. The rapid cooling trends since at least ~5 Ma suggest that deformation and a significant portion of crustal shortening propagated into the Tadjik foreland basin, causing enhanced uplift and erosion of the hanging wall of the VFZ and related faults. This deformation triggered ~2 km uplift of the entire northwest Pamir, recorded in uplifted paleo-landscapes and dissected tributaries of the Panj and Vakhsh rivers.
How to cite: Sobel, E. R., Thiede, R., Ballato, P., Stübner, K., Kley, J., Rembe, J., Gadoev, M., Oimahmadov, I., and Strecker, M.: Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10405, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10405, 2021.
EGU21-9901 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.7 | Highlight
Large recent counterclockwise rotations in the Tajik Basin and implications on the Pamir salient formationLin Li, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Pierrick Roperch, Yani Najman, Mustafa Kaya, Niels Meijer, and Jovid Aminov
Contrasting models have been proposed to explain the formation of the Pamir salient: either largely inherited from a Mesozoic arcuate structure or recently formed by Indian northward indentation and possibly related to syn-orogenic lateral extrusion. The vertical-axis counterclockwise rotations observed in the Tajik Basin are key constraints on testing these models, but the timing of these rotations remains hindered by poor age control on the basin sediments. We report a combined analysis of vertical-axis rotation and magnetostratigraphic dating of a long sedimentary section in the eastern Tajik Basin, which yields strong counterclockwise rotations (~56°) in early Late Cretaceous to late Miocene strata. This result suggests that rotation in the Tajik Basin occurred after ~8 Ma, much later than previously suggested. Combining with a regional compilation of previous paleomagnetic studies as well as structural and GPS constraints including Pamir and Tarim, we explore potential implications on models of the Pamir salient. We infer that after 8 Ma (probably even later), the Pamir (North, Central, and South) began to overthrust west- and northwest-ward, causing counterclockwise rotations in the Tajik Basin. This reconstruction allows for ~150 km of post-8 Ma northwestward indentation into the Tajik Basin, in agreement with coeval underthrusting of the Indian mantle lithosphere into Asia.
How to cite: Li, L., Dupont-Nivet, G., Roperch, P., Najman, Y., Kaya, M., Meijer, N., and Aminov, J.: Large recent counterclockwise rotations in the Tajik Basin and implications on the Pamir salient formation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9901, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9901, 2021.
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Contrasting models have been proposed to explain the formation of the Pamir salient: either largely inherited from a Mesozoic arcuate structure or recently formed by Indian northward indentation and possibly related to syn-orogenic lateral extrusion. The vertical-axis counterclockwise rotations observed in the Tajik Basin are key constraints on testing these models, but the timing of these rotations remains hindered by poor age control on the basin sediments. We report a combined analysis of vertical-axis rotation and magnetostratigraphic dating of a long sedimentary section in the eastern Tajik Basin, which yields strong counterclockwise rotations (~56°) in early Late Cretaceous to late Miocene strata. This result suggests that rotation in the Tajik Basin occurred after ~8 Ma, much later than previously suggested. Combining with a regional compilation of previous paleomagnetic studies as well as structural and GPS constraints including Pamir and Tarim, we explore potential implications on models of the Pamir salient. We infer that after 8 Ma (probably even later), the Pamir (North, Central, and South) began to overthrust west- and northwest-ward, causing counterclockwise rotations in the Tajik Basin. This reconstruction allows for ~150 km of post-8 Ma northwestward indentation into the Tajik Basin, in agreement with coeval underthrusting of the Indian mantle lithosphere into Asia.
How to cite: Li, L., Dupont-Nivet, G., Roperch, P., Najman, Y., Kaya, M., Meijer, N., and Aminov, J.: Large recent counterclockwise rotations in the Tajik Basin and implications on the Pamir salient formation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9901, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9901, 2021.
EGU21-2552 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.7 | Highlight
High-resolution InSAR rate maps showcase tectonic and anthropogenic processes in the Tajik Basin, Central AsiaSabrina Metzger, Łukasz Gągała, Lothar Ratschbacher, Bernd Schurr, Milan Lazecky, and Yasser Maghsoudi Mehrani
Embedded between the South Tian Shan in the north, the Pamir in the east, and the Hindu Kush in the south, the Tajik basin is a remnant of the Mesozoic-Miocene Tajik-Tarim basin. Since ~12 Ma, ~E-W shortening has been dominating due to the westward collapse of the north-advancing Pamir-plateau, inverting the basin into a thin-skinned, W-convex fold-and-thrust belt detached on Upper Jurassic evaporites. The detachment depth is ~6-8 km b.s.l. under most of the basin, shallowing north towards the Tian Shan. Geologic cross sections yield a maximum of 150 km of E-W shortening, distributed between foreland- and hinterland-vergent fold and thrusts. From the eastern to the western rim of the basin, sparse global positioning (GNSS) rates decay from ~15 mm/yr WNW to 2 mm/yr NNW. Seismicity highlights dextral shear along the ~E-striking Ilyak fault – bounding the basin in the north –, and distributed E-W shortening in the central and eastern Tajik basin and in the foothills of the Hindu Kush. The majority of seismic events occurs below the evaporitic detachment. In 1907, the region was struck by a Ms7.6±0.3 earthquake with a poorly-constrained epicenter, either at the northwestern rim of the basin or more than 200 km farther east at the Pamir’s rim.
We present rate maps of the region obtained from Sentinel-1 radar interferometric (InSAR) time-series. The underlying data-base comprises 900+ radar scenes, acquired over 2-4.5 years in two view angles (LOS) on 13 frames. The initial LiCSAR interferograms1) and tropospheric delay maps2) were created automatically. The LOS rate maps resulting from a small-baseline inversion (LiCSBAS) were Gaussian-filtered both in space and time. Before decomposition to east and vertical rates, the rate maps were tied to a Eurasian-stable GNSS reference frame. The final products span from the western basin to the eastern Pamir, and from the southern edge of the Tian Shan to the northern Hindu Kush, covering an area of 270 000 km2 with a spatial sampling of ~400 m.
The most reliable results were obtained in the Tajik basin, where the rate maps unveil a combination of basin-scale tectonics, localized halokinesis, effects of extensive irrigation, and seasonal precipitation. Our key findings are: (1) The Tajik basin infill is largely being displaced west as a result of the western collapse of the Pamir. The westward rates decrease away from the Pamir, reflecting dissipated shortening on thin-skinned structures. (2) A bulk of E-W shortening of ~6 mm/yr is absorbed by the most external Babatag (back)thrust with >20 km of past displacement evidenced by borehole data. (3) The Ilyak fault accommodates ~5-8 mm/yr of dextral slip with eastward increasing values; sharply decaying rates suggest a locking depth of ≤1 km. (4) A strong (>10 mm/yr) uplift and westward motion is associated with the sinistral-transpressive Darvaz fault, bounding the basin against the western Pamir. (5) The highest displacement rates >300 mm/yr are demonstrated over the Hoja Mumin salt fountain.
1) See LiCSAR data portal: https://comet.nerc.ac.uk/comet-lics-portal/
2) See Generic Atmospheric Correction Online Service for InSAR: http://www.gacos.net/
How to cite: Metzger, S., Gągała, Ł., Ratschbacher, L., Schurr, B., Lazecky, M., and Maghsoudi Mehrani, Y.: High-resolution InSAR rate maps showcase tectonic and anthropogenic processes in the Tajik Basin, Central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2552, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2552, 2021.
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Embedded between the South Tian Shan in the north, the Pamir in the east, and the Hindu Kush in the south, the Tajik basin is a remnant of the Mesozoic-Miocene Tajik-Tarim basin. Since ~12 Ma, ~E-W shortening has been dominating due to the westward collapse of the north-advancing Pamir-plateau, inverting the basin into a thin-skinned, W-convex fold-and-thrust belt detached on Upper Jurassic evaporites. The detachment depth is ~6-8 km b.s.l. under most of the basin, shallowing north towards the Tian Shan. Geologic cross sections yield a maximum of 150 km of E-W shortening, distributed between foreland- and hinterland-vergent fold and thrusts. From the eastern to the western rim of the basin, sparse global positioning (GNSS) rates decay from ~15 mm/yr WNW to 2 mm/yr NNW. Seismicity highlights dextral shear along the ~E-striking Ilyak fault – bounding the basin in the north –, and distributed E-W shortening in the central and eastern Tajik basin and in the foothills of the Hindu Kush. The majority of seismic events occurs below the evaporitic detachment. In 1907, the region was struck by a Ms7.6±0.3 earthquake with a poorly-constrained epicenter, either at the northwestern rim of the basin or more than 200 km farther east at the Pamir’s rim.
We present rate maps of the region obtained from Sentinel-1 radar interferometric (InSAR) time-series. The underlying data-base comprises 900+ radar scenes, acquired over 2-4.5 years in two view angles (LOS) on 13 frames. The initial LiCSAR interferograms1) and tropospheric delay maps2) were created automatically. The LOS rate maps resulting from a small-baseline inversion (LiCSBAS) were Gaussian-filtered both in space and time. Before decomposition to east and vertical rates, the rate maps were tied to a Eurasian-stable GNSS reference frame. The final products span from the western basin to the eastern Pamir, and from the southern edge of the Tian Shan to the northern Hindu Kush, covering an area of 270 000 km2 with a spatial sampling of ~400 m.
The most reliable results were obtained in the Tajik basin, where the rate maps unveil a combination of basin-scale tectonics, localized halokinesis, effects of extensive irrigation, and seasonal precipitation. Our key findings are: (1) The Tajik basin infill is largely being displaced west as a result of the western collapse of the Pamir. The westward rates decrease away from the Pamir, reflecting dissipated shortening on thin-skinned structures. (2) A bulk of E-W shortening of ~6 mm/yr is absorbed by the most external Babatag (back)thrust with >20 km of past displacement evidenced by borehole data. (3) The Ilyak fault accommodates ~5-8 mm/yr of dextral slip with eastward increasing values; sharply decaying rates suggest a locking depth of ≤1 km. (4) A strong (>10 mm/yr) uplift and westward motion is associated with the sinistral-transpressive Darvaz fault, bounding the basin against the western Pamir. (5) The highest displacement rates >300 mm/yr are demonstrated over the Hoja Mumin salt fountain.
1) See LiCSAR data portal: https://comet.nerc.ac.uk/comet-lics-portal/
2) See Generic Atmospheric Correction Online Service for InSAR: http://www.gacos.net/
How to cite: Metzger, S., Gągała, Ł., Ratschbacher, L., Schurr, B., Lazecky, M., and Maghsoudi Mehrani, Y.: High-resolution InSAR rate maps showcase tectonic and anthropogenic processes in the Tajik Basin, Central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2552, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2552, 2021.
EGU21-3721 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
The Cenozoic structural evolution of the southwestern Tarim Basin, ChinaWenhang Liu, Piotr krzywiec, Stanisław Mazur, Fanwen Meng, and Zhuxin Chen
The vast Tarim basin is surrounded by Tian Shan Mountains in the north, West Kunlun Mountains in the southwest, and the Altyn Mountains in the southeast. The southwestern Tarim Basin developed within the foreland of the West Kunlun Mountains and cumulated up to 10 km of Cenozoic strata. Despite several decades of geological studies its structural styles and details of its geological evolution are still being debated. In this study, we used seven regional seismic transects from the Yecheng - Hotan area calibrated by deep wells to assess lateral variations of a structural style and syn-tectonic sedimentation in this part of the basin.
The basement of the SW Tarim Basin is covered by Paleozoic and Cenozoic strata, as revealed by several deep calibration wells. The regional north-directed basement thrust together with two evaporitic detachments including the Middle Cambrian evaporites (Awatage Formation) and Paleogene evaporites (Aertashi Formation) controlled the overall tectonic framework and structural evolution of this part of the basin. The visible growth strata on seismic data indicate progressive development of the structural wedge within the frontal W Kunlun Mountains from the Late Miocene to the Present day.
Four main Cenozoic evolutionary stages of the W Kunlun Mountains and adjacent SW Tarim Basin have been determined. At the end of Paleogene, evaporites of the Aertashi Formation have been deposited in SW Tarim Basin; their thickness, as indicated by seismic data, increases towards the Kunlun orogenic wedge which suggests their deposition within the flexural foreland basin. Then, during the Early to Middle Miocene, about 4000m of sediments have been deposited in rapidly subsiding foreland basin. Towards the end of Late Miocene-Pliocene, tectonic wedging along thrust front led to significant uplift of the Kunlun Mountains that presently form S margin of the Tarim Basin. Quaternary migration of compressional deformations towards the North, towards the basin interior led to formation of the intra-basinal Jade anticline that was re-interpreted as a thin-skinned syn-depositional “fish tail” structure detached within the Paleogene evaporites. Present-day activity along some deeply buried thrusts of the Kunlun Mts. tectonic wedge might be related to current earthquakes.
How to cite: Liu, W., krzywiec, P., Mazur, S., Meng, F., and Chen, Z.: The Cenozoic structural evolution of the southwestern Tarim Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3721, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3721, 2021.
The vast Tarim basin is surrounded by Tian Shan Mountains in the north, West Kunlun Mountains in the southwest, and the Altyn Mountains in the southeast. The southwestern Tarim Basin developed within the foreland of the West Kunlun Mountains and cumulated up to 10 km of Cenozoic strata. Despite several decades of geological studies its structural styles and details of its geological evolution are still being debated. In this study, we used seven regional seismic transects from the Yecheng - Hotan area calibrated by deep wells to assess lateral variations of a structural style and syn-tectonic sedimentation in this part of the basin.
The basement of the SW Tarim Basin is covered by Paleozoic and Cenozoic strata, as revealed by several deep calibration wells. The regional north-directed basement thrust together with two evaporitic detachments including the Middle Cambrian evaporites (Awatage Formation) and Paleogene evaporites (Aertashi Formation) controlled the overall tectonic framework and structural evolution of this part of the basin. The visible growth strata on seismic data indicate progressive development of the structural wedge within the frontal W Kunlun Mountains from the Late Miocene to the Present day.
Four main Cenozoic evolutionary stages of the W Kunlun Mountains and adjacent SW Tarim Basin have been determined. At the end of Paleogene, evaporites of the Aertashi Formation have been deposited in SW Tarim Basin; their thickness, as indicated by seismic data, increases towards the Kunlun orogenic wedge which suggests their deposition within the flexural foreland basin. Then, during the Early to Middle Miocene, about 4000m of sediments have been deposited in rapidly subsiding foreland basin. Towards the end of Late Miocene-Pliocene, tectonic wedging along thrust front led to significant uplift of the Kunlun Mountains that presently form S margin of the Tarim Basin. Quaternary migration of compressional deformations towards the North, towards the basin interior led to formation of the intra-basinal Jade anticline that was re-interpreted as a thin-skinned syn-depositional “fish tail” structure detached within the Paleogene evaporites. Present-day activity along some deeply buried thrusts of the Kunlun Mts. tectonic wedge might be related to current earthquakes.
How to cite: Liu, W., krzywiec, P., Mazur, S., Meng, F., and Chen, Z.: The Cenozoic structural evolution of the southwestern Tarim Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3721, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3721, 2021.
EGU21-7443 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Kinematics of Cenozoic shortening across the foothills of the Western Kunlun Range (Xinjiang, China): the case of the Hotan anticlineGuillaume Baby, Martine Simoes, Laurie Barrier, Christelle Guilbaud, Jérôme Van der Woerd, and Haibing Li
Quantitative constraints on the Cenozoic deformation of the northwestern edge of the Tibetan Plateau remain limited, in particular in terms of shortening rates and of their possible evolution over time. This is indeed the case for the Western Kunlun Range, along the southwestern rim of the Tarim Basin, even though surface geological data and an extensive database of seismic profiles allow to explore the sedimentary record of Cenozoic deformation. Here, we take advantage of these data to document the structural geometry and Cenozoic kinematics of the large scale east-west striking Hotan anticline along the mountain front. Four balanced cross-sections are constructed, and the temporal evolution of deformation is deciphered from the exceptionally seismically well imaged growth strata on the forelimb of the anticline.
The fold results from a broad unfaulted basement ramp anticline, subsequently deformed by a duplex structure that developed in the footwall units. The total shortening of the Hotan thrust system is relatively constant along strike, from ~40 to ~32 km. The shortening accommodated by the duplex varies laterally from west to east, from ~50-40 % to 0 % of the total shortening.
Two distinct successive patterns of growth strata are recognised in the forelimb, and are interpreted to be representative of deformation on the basement ramp, followed by deformation related to the growth of the underlying duplex. Deformation on the basement ramp initiated by ~17 Ma, when calibrating growth seismic reflectors on surface magnetostratigraphic sections. Deformation of the underlying duplex began at ~12 Ma to the west and subsequently propagated eastward.
From these results on shortening and timing of deformation, we determine a shortening rate of 4-3 mm/yr from ~17 to ~7 Ma across the Hotan anticline. We find a significant subsequent decrease in shortening rates, possibly down to <0.5 mm/yr since the uppermost Miocene. These rates are compared to existing values and their regional significance is discussed.
How to cite: Baby, G., Simoes, M., Barrier, L., Guilbaud, C., Van der Woerd, J., and Li, H.: Kinematics of Cenozoic shortening across the foothills of the Western Kunlun Range (Xinjiang, China): the case of the Hotan anticline, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7443, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7443, 2021.
Quantitative constraints on the Cenozoic deformation of the northwestern edge of the Tibetan Plateau remain limited, in particular in terms of shortening rates and of their possible evolution over time. This is indeed the case for the Western Kunlun Range, along the southwestern rim of the Tarim Basin, even though surface geological data and an extensive database of seismic profiles allow to explore the sedimentary record of Cenozoic deformation. Here, we take advantage of these data to document the structural geometry and Cenozoic kinematics of the large scale east-west striking Hotan anticline along the mountain front. Four balanced cross-sections are constructed, and the temporal evolution of deformation is deciphered from the exceptionally seismically well imaged growth strata on the forelimb of the anticline.
The fold results from a broad unfaulted basement ramp anticline, subsequently deformed by a duplex structure that developed in the footwall units. The total shortening of the Hotan thrust system is relatively constant along strike, from ~40 to ~32 km. The shortening accommodated by the duplex varies laterally from west to east, from ~50-40 % to 0 % of the total shortening.
Two distinct successive patterns of growth strata are recognised in the forelimb, and are interpreted to be representative of deformation on the basement ramp, followed by deformation related to the growth of the underlying duplex. Deformation on the basement ramp initiated by ~17 Ma, when calibrating growth seismic reflectors on surface magnetostratigraphic sections. Deformation of the underlying duplex began at ~12 Ma to the west and subsequently propagated eastward.
From these results on shortening and timing of deformation, we determine a shortening rate of 4-3 mm/yr from ~17 to ~7 Ma across the Hotan anticline. We find a significant subsequent decrease in shortening rates, possibly down to <0.5 mm/yr since the uppermost Miocene. These rates are compared to existing values and their regional significance is discussed.
How to cite: Baby, G., Simoes, M., Barrier, L., Guilbaud, C., Van der Woerd, J., and Li, H.: Kinematics of Cenozoic shortening across the foothills of the Western Kunlun Range (Xinjiang, China): the case of the Hotan anticline, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7443, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7443, 2021.
EGU21-15075 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Incremental shortening calculation of the mixed-shear fault-bend foldsWeiheng Zhang, Jie Chen, and Tao Li
Shear fault-bend folds are characterized by a long back-limb that dips more gently than the fault ramp [1]. During the folding growth, the back limb rotates and widens progressively through a combination of limb rotation and kink-band migration. Two end-member models of shear fault-bend folding theories, including simple-shear fault-bend folding (C=0.5) and pure-shear fault-bend folding (C=1), have been developed and widely applied. Mixtures of pure and simple shear (0.5<C<1) are possible and have been found in the natural. Few quantitative methods to limit the shear-index (C) of the shear fault-bend folds so far. The incremental shortening can be calculated based on a simplified equation that assumes the linear relationship between the shortening and the limb rotation angle of the back limb [2]. However, the relationship of these two parameters is nonlinear according to the shear fault-bend folding theory [1]. Calculation results of the linear model have large uncertainty.
Here, we develop a method to calculate the shear-index (C), providing an idea to improve the mixed-shear fault-bend fold models, and establishing a formula to calculate the incremental shortening based on the nonlinear relationship between the back-limb dip angle and the shortening. It is a more general method to calculate the incremental shortening of the shear fault-bend folds.
This model has been applied to the Tugulu anticline in the northern foreland of Chinese Tian Shan, which is a mixed-shear fault-bend fold based on previous studies [3]. Through an analysis of deformed fluvial terraces and growth strata, we develop the shortening history of the Tugulu anticline along the Hutubi River using our developed nonlinear model. Our results show that the Tugulu anticline has a shear-index of ~0.91 and a steady shortening rate of ~1.5mm/yr over the last 500ka.
- [1] Suppe et al. (2004) AAPG Memoir 82: 303-323.
- [2] Yue et al. ( 2011) AAPG Memoir 94: 153–186.
- [3] Qiu et al. ( 2019) Tectonophysics 772:228209.
How to cite: Zhang, W., Chen, J., and Li, T.: Incremental shortening calculation of the mixed-shear fault-bend folds, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15075, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15075, 2021.
Shear fault-bend folds are characterized by a long back-limb that dips more gently than the fault ramp [1]. During the folding growth, the back limb rotates and widens progressively through a combination of limb rotation and kink-band migration. Two end-member models of shear fault-bend folding theories, including simple-shear fault-bend folding (C=0.5) and pure-shear fault-bend folding (C=1), have been developed and widely applied. Mixtures of pure and simple shear (0.5<C<1) are possible and have been found in the natural. Few quantitative methods to limit the shear-index (C) of the shear fault-bend folds so far. The incremental shortening can be calculated based on a simplified equation that assumes the linear relationship between the shortening and the limb rotation angle of the back limb [2]. However, the relationship of these two parameters is nonlinear according to the shear fault-bend folding theory [1]. Calculation results of the linear model have large uncertainty.
Here, we develop a method to calculate the shear-index (C), providing an idea to improve the mixed-shear fault-bend fold models, and establishing a formula to calculate the incremental shortening based on the nonlinear relationship between the back-limb dip angle and the shortening. It is a more general method to calculate the incremental shortening of the shear fault-bend folds.
This model has been applied to the Tugulu anticline in the northern foreland of Chinese Tian Shan, which is a mixed-shear fault-bend fold based on previous studies [3]. Through an analysis of deformed fluvial terraces and growth strata, we develop the shortening history of the Tugulu anticline along the Hutubi River using our developed nonlinear model. Our results show that the Tugulu anticline has a shear-index of ~0.91 and a steady shortening rate of ~1.5mm/yr over the last 500ka.
- [1] Suppe et al. (2004) AAPG Memoir 82: 303-323.
- [2] Yue et al. ( 2011) AAPG Memoir 94: 153–186.
- [3] Qiu et al. ( 2019) Tectonophysics 772:228209.
How to cite: Zhang, W., Chen, J., and Li, T.: Incremental shortening calculation of the mixed-shear fault-bend folds, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15075, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15075, 2021.
EGU21-12517 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
New constraints on Quaternary slip partitioning near the eastern termination of the Altyn Tagh FaultNimrod Wieler, Amit Mushkin, Eitan Shelef, Huiping Zhang, Amir Sagy, Naomi Porat, Zhikun Ren, Feipeng Huang, and Jinrui Liu
Slip partitioning along the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau is essential for understanding regional deformation and the seismic potential of the different faults that accommodate it. Within this framework the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) is commonly viewed as the primary structure that separates the Tibetan Plateau from the stable Gobi-Alashan block to the north. Late Quaternary sinistral slip rates of 8-12 mm/yr across the central ATF between 86° and 93°E decrease eastwards to zero as the fault approaches its mid-continental termination at ~97°E. To better understand how late Quaternary slip is partitioned along the ATF’s eastern termination we obtained new slip-rate measurements for the ~200-km-long left-lateral ENE striking Sanweishan Fault (SSF) located ~60 km north of the ATF between 94°-96°E near the town of Dunhuang.
Multiple sinistral offsets ranging up to 600 m were identified by linking the clast assemblage of offset alluvial fan remnants with their provenance upstream of the fault. Luminescence dating revealed depositional ages ranging from 100 - 200 ka for the offset features and time-invariant minimum sinistral slip of 2.5±1 mm/yr during the last ~200 ka, which is approximately an order of magnitude higher than previously reported slip-rates for the SSF. Our results indicate that the SSF and the eastern segment of the ATF accommodate comparable magnitudes of late Quaternary slip. Considering this substantial transfer of lateral slip as far as 60 km north of the eastern ATF we propose that the SSF may represent juvenile northeastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau into previously stable parts of the Gobi-Alashan block.
How to cite: Wieler, N., Mushkin, A., Shelef, E., Zhang, H., Sagy, A., Porat, N., Ren, Z., Huang, F., and Liu, J.: New constraints on Quaternary slip partitioning near the eastern termination of the Altyn Tagh Fault , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12517, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12517, 2021.
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Slip partitioning along the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau is essential for understanding regional deformation and the seismic potential of the different faults that accommodate it. Within this framework the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) is commonly viewed as the primary structure that separates the Tibetan Plateau from the stable Gobi-Alashan block to the north. Late Quaternary sinistral slip rates of 8-12 mm/yr across the central ATF between 86° and 93°E decrease eastwards to zero as the fault approaches its mid-continental termination at ~97°E. To better understand how late Quaternary slip is partitioned along the ATF’s eastern termination we obtained new slip-rate measurements for the ~200-km-long left-lateral ENE striking Sanweishan Fault (SSF) located ~60 km north of the ATF between 94°-96°E near the town of Dunhuang.
Multiple sinistral offsets ranging up to 600 m were identified by linking the clast assemblage of offset alluvial fan remnants with their provenance upstream of the fault. Luminescence dating revealed depositional ages ranging from 100 - 200 ka for the offset features and time-invariant minimum sinistral slip of 2.5±1 mm/yr during the last ~200 ka, which is approximately an order of magnitude higher than previously reported slip-rates for the SSF. Our results indicate that the SSF and the eastern segment of the ATF accommodate comparable magnitudes of late Quaternary slip. Considering this substantial transfer of lateral slip as far as 60 km north of the eastern ATF we propose that the SSF may represent juvenile northeastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau into previously stable parts of the Gobi-Alashan block.
How to cite: Wieler, N., Mushkin, A., Shelef, E., Zhang, H., Sagy, A., Porat, N., Ren, Z., Huang, F., and Liu, J.: New constraints on Quaternary slip partitioning near the eastern termination of the Altyn Tagh Fault , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12517, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12517, 2021.
EGU21-3633 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Lithospheric buckling dominates the Cenozoic subsidence of the Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan PlateauHu Xiaoyi and Wu Lei
Flexural basins are the common geological feature in convergent settings, and usually regarded as the result of flexural subsidence of the margins of under-thrusting cratons in response to the gravitational load of over-riding orogens. This process usually causes the fastest tectonic subsidence and thickest orogenic-related deposits in the basin margins adjacent to the orogens, such as India Foreland Basin in front of the Himalaya. The Qaidam Basin, which is the largest sedimentary basin within the Tibetan Plateau interior, was once interpreted to belong to this type and form by flexural subsidence on its south and north margins in response to loading of the Qiman Tagh and the South Qilian Shan orogenic belts, respectively. However, the latest studies present sedimentary and structural features that contrast to a typical foreland basin. These features include (1) depocenters being located along the central axis, rather than the margins, with thickest sediments up to 15 km, and (2) development of many high-angle reverse faults, rather than thin-skinned thrusts, to generate upper-crustal shortening as low as 10-15% (20 – 30 km), indicating that the widths of the orogenic belts juxtaposed atop the basin margins are limited. These features cannot be explained by the flexural subsidence of basin margins and/or sediment load. Herein, we investigate the impact of lithospheric buckling, which has been ignored in most studies of basin formation in compressional settings, on the tectonic subsidence of the Qaidam Basin through numerical simulation based on finite elastic plate model. We first use the flexural backstripping method to calculate the tectonic subsidence of the Cenozoic basement across the Qaidam Basin. And then, we simulate the tectonic subsidence caused by (1) gravitational load of orogenic belts alone, and (2) combined gravitational load and lithosphere buckling. The result shows that the simulated tectonic subsidence curve fits well with the real one only when considering the effect of lithospheric buckling that accounts for >90% tectonic subsidence. Our finding indicates for the first time that lithospheric buckling is also an important mechanism for the subsidence of intramountain basins like the Qaidam Basin, and should not be ignored when studying lithospheric-scale deformation across large orogenic belts.
How to cite: Xiaoyi, H. and Lei, W.: Lithospheric buckling dominates the Cenozoic subsidence of the Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3633, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3633, 2021.
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Flexural basins are the common geological feature in convergent settings, and usually regarded as the result of flexural subsidence of the margins of under-thrusting cratons in response to the gravitational load of over-riding orogens. This process usually causes the fastest tectonic subsidence and thickest orogenic-related deposits in the basin margins adjacent to the orogens, such as India Foreland Basin in front of the Himalaya. The Qaidam Basin, which is the largest sedimentary basin within the Tibetan Plateau interior, was once interpreted to belong to this type and form by flexural subsidence on its south and north margins in response to loading of the Qiman Tagh and the South Qilian Shan orogenic belts, respectively. However, the latest studies present sedimentary and structural features that contrast to a typical foreland basin. These features include (1) depocenters being located along the central axis, rather than the margins, with thickest sediments up to 15 km, and (2) development of many high-angle reverse faults, rather than thin-skinned thrusts, to generate upper-crustal shortening as low as 10-15% (20 – 30 km), indicating that the widths of the orogenic belts juxtaposed atop the basin margins are limited. These features cannot be explained by the flexural subsidence of basin margins and/or sediment load. Herein, we investigate the impact of lithospheric buckling, which has been ignored in most studies of basin formation in compressional settings, on the tectonic subsidence of the Qaidam Basin through numerical simulation based on finite elastic plate model. We first use the flexural backstripping method to calculate the tectonic subsidence of the Cenozoic basement across the Qaidam Basin. And then, we simulate the tectonic subsidence caused by (1) gravitational load of orogenic belts alone, and (2) combined gravitational load and lithosphere buckling. The result shows that the simulated tectonic subsidence curve fits well with the real one only when considering the effect of lithospheric buckling that accounts for >90% tectonic subsidence. Our finding indicates for the first time that lithospheric buckling is also an important mechanism for the subsidence of intramountain basins like the Qaidam Basin, and should not be ignored when studying lithospheric-scale deformation across large orogenic belts.
How to cite: Xiaoyi, H. and Lei, W.: Lithospheric buckling dominates the Cenozoic subsidence of the Qaidam Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3633, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3633, 2021.
EGU21-13718 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.7 | Highlight
Climate as the great equalizer of continental-scale erosionGilby Jepson, Barbara Carrapa, Jack Gillespie, Ran Feng, Peter DeCelles, Clay Tabor, and Jiang Zhu
Central Asia is one of the most tectonically active and orographically diverse regions in the world and is the location of the highest topography on Earth resulting from major plate tectonic collisional events. Yet the role of tectonics versus climate on erosion remains one of the greatest debates of our time. We present the first regional scale analysis of 2526 published low-temperature thermochronometric dates from Central Asia spanning the Altai-Sayan, Tian Shan, Tibet, Pamir, and Himalaya. We compare these dates to tectonic processes (proximity to tectonic boundaries, crustal thickness, seismicity) and state-of-the-art paleoclimate simulations in order to constrain the relative influences of climate and tectonics on the topographic architecture and erosion of Central Asia. Predominance of pre-Cenozoic ages in much of the interior of central Asia suggests that significant topography was created prior to the India-Eurasia collision and implies limited subsequent erosion. Increasingly young cooling ages are associated with increasing proximity to active tectonic boundaries, suggesting a first-order control of tectonics on erosion. However, areas that have been sheltered from significant precipitation for extensive periods of time retain old cooling ages. This suggests that ultimately climate is the great equalizer of erosion. Climate plays a key role by enhancing erosion in areas with developed topography and high precipitation such as the Tian Shan and Altai-Sayan during the Mesozoic and the Himalaya during the Cenozoic. Older thermochronometric dates are associated with sustained aridity following more humid periods.
How to cite: Jepson, G., Carrapa, B., Gillespie, J., Feng, R., DeCelles, P., Tabor, C., and Zhu, J.: Climate as the great equalizer of continental-scale erosion, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13718, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13718, 2021.
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Central Asia is one of the most tectonically active and orographically diverse regions in the world and is the location of the highest topography on Earth resulting from major plate tectonic collisional events. Yet the role of tectonics versus climate on erosion remains one of the greatest debates of our time. We present the first regional scale analysis of 2526 published low-temperature thermochronometric dates from Central Asia spanning the Altai-Sayan, Tian Shan, Tibet, Pamir, and Himalaya. We compare these dates to tectonic processes (proximity to tectonic boundaries, crustal thickness, seismicity) and state-of-the-art paleoclimate simulations in order to constrain the relative influences of climate and tectonics on the topographic architecture and erosion of Central Asia. Predominance of pre-Cenozoic ages in much of the interior of central Asia suggests that significant topography was created prior to the India-Eurasia collision and implies limited subsequent erosion. Increasingly young cooling ages are associated with increasing proximity to active tectonic boundaries, suggesting a first-order control of tectonics on erosion. However, areas that have been sheltered from significant precipitation for extensive periods of time retain old cooling ages. This suggests that ultimately climate is the great equalizer of erosion. Climate plays a key role by enhancing erosion in areas with developed topography and high precipitation such as the Tian Shan and Altai-Sayan during the Mesozoic and the Himalaya during the Cenozoic. Older thermochronometric dates are associated with sustained aridity following more humid periods.
How to cite: Jepson, G., Carrapa, B., Gillespie, J., Feng, R., DeCelles, P., Tabor, C., and Zhu, J.: Climate as the great equalizer of continental-scale erosion, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13718, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13718, 2021.
EGU21-13963 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Role of Longitudinal Lithological Contrast On the Channel Evolution of Piedmont RiversJintang Qin, Kechang Li, Jie Chen, and Shenghua Li
The cut-and-fill terrace sequence, resulted from aggradation and incision cycles of alluvial rivers on the piedmont of active orogens, is a common tectonic geomorphological feature observed across different continents under different climatic regimes. Such aggradation and incision cycles are identified on both the orbital and sub-orbital cycles, which poses a question about their origins. Efforts have been put into disentangling the contributions from tectonics, climate and other autogenic sources. In this study, we investigated it by exploring the cut-and-fill terrace sequences along the Jingou River on the northern piedmont of Chinese Tianshan, where numerous terraces are seen along tens of alluvial rivers flowing through the fold-and-thrust belt. More than ten terrace flights, are observed where Jingou River flows across the active Huoerguosi anticline. We collected sediment samples for OSL dating to decipher the building and abandonment processes of these terraces and made topographic measurements to evaluate the paleo-slope of this section of Jingou River. Detailed field survey of sedimentary structure and luminescence dates unambiguously unveil the aggradation and incision cycles on sub-orbital cycles since the last interglacial. Down-cutting of no less than 80 meters is identified during the last ten thousands of years. We tentatively evaluated the possible roles of regional climatic variation, anticline deformation and the autogenic processes. Of all these factors, we detailedly investigated the role of longitudinal contrast of lithologies along the river due to the deformation of the Huoerguosi anticline, which always promotes the channel incision.
How to cite: Qin, J., Li, K., Chen, J., and Li, S.: Role of Longitudinal Lithological Contrast On the Channel Evolution of Piedmont Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13963, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13963, 2021.
The cut-and-fill terrace sequence, resulted from aggradation and incision cycles of alluvial rivers on the piedmont of active orogens, is a common tectonic geomorphological feature observed across different continents under different climatic regimes. Such aggradation and incision cycles are identified on both the orbital and sub-orbital cycles, which poses a question about their origins. Efforts have been put into disentangling the contributions from tectonics, climate and other autogenic sources. In this study, we investigated it by exploring the cut-and-fill terrace sequences along the Jingou River on the northern piedmont of Chinese Tianshan, where numerous terraces are seen along tens of alluvial rivers flowing through the fold-and-thrust belt. More than ten terrace flights, are observed where Jingou River flows across the active Huoerguosi anticline. We collected sediment samples for OSL dating to decipher the building and abandonment processes of these terraces and made topographic measurements to evaluate the paleo-slope of this section of Jingou River. Detailed field survey of sedimentary structure and luminescence dates unambiguously unveil the aggradation and incision cycles on sub-orbital cycles since the last interglacial. Down-cutting of no less than 80 meters is identified during the last ten thousands of years. We tentatively evaluated the possible roles of regional climatic variation, anticline deformation and the autogenic processes. Of all these factors, we detailedly investigated the role of longitudinal contrast of lithologies along the river due to the deformation of the Huoerguosi anticline, which always promotes the channel incision.
How to cite: Qin, J., Li, K., Chen, J., and Li, S.: Role of Longitudinal Lithological Contrast On the Channel Evolution of Piedmont Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13963, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13963, 2021.
EGU21-14055 | vPICO presentations | TS7.7
Geomorphic signatures of the neotectonic activity in Haridwar-Kotdwar region, Northwestern Himalaya, IndiaAbhishek Kralia and Mahesh Thakur
In this study, we investigate the ongoing crustal deformation in the Haridwar-Kotdwar piedmont zone of the Northwestern Himalaya, India. The Himalayan mountain front has been actively deforming along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) which marks the conjunction between the Siwalik hills and the Indo-Gangetic Plains. We report NNE-SSW trending left lateral strike-slip fault towards the west of the study area namely Haridwar Fault (HF) and it offsets the HFT sinistrally by ~ 9 Km. Using the satellite imagery (Cartosat-1 stereo pairs) flat-lying uplifted river terrace have been identified, which is at an elevation of ~80 m from the flood plain of Mitthawali River. Along with uplifted terraces, the HF offsets various structural features, the rivers flowing across it and manifests itself as a series of scarps and slope breaks visible in the satellite imagery. The Khoh River Fault (KRF) trends N-S and offsets HFT dextrally by ~12 Km, this controls the course of the Khoh River and forms a lateral ramp perpendicular to HFT. The KRF manifests itself geomorphically as uplifted terraces at an elevation of ~50 m from the flood plain of the Khoh River which is conspicuous in the DEM and the Cartosat-1 imagery of the area. The Haridwar-Kotdwar piedmont zone has been surrounded in the north by HFT, in the south by Najibabad Fault (NF), towards east by KRF and the western margin has been dissected by HF. The KRF and HF show signatures of neotectonic activity and offsets HFT at two locations forming two ramps in the region. The piedmont zone has been showing signatures of upwarping which causes sudden migration of the rivers flowing into the piedmont zone on a decadal scale, mainly caused by an E-W trending NF. NF is a blind fault and manifests itself geomorphically by series of knee turn bending of the rivers in the study area. The deformation caused by NF has been comprehended using the satellite imageries and Gradient Length Anomalies (GLA). The GLA results show signatures of upliftment in the piedmont zone along the NF. The Haridwar-Kotdwar piedmont zone is surrounded by neotectonically active faults from four sides, making this block a potential seismic hazard in near future.
How to cite: Kralia, A. and Thakur, M.: Geomorphic signatures of the neotectonic activity in Haridwar-Kotdwar region, Northwestern Himalaya, India, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14055, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14055, 2021.
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In this study, we investigate the ongoing crustal deformation in the Haridwar-Kotdwar piedmont zone of the Northwestern Himalaya, India. The Himalayan mountain front has been actively deforming along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) which marks the conjunction between the Siwalik hills and the Indo-Gangetic Plains. We report NNE-SSW trending left lateral strike-slip fault towards the west of the study area namely Haridwar Fault (HF) and it offsets the HFT sinistrally by ~ 9 Km. Using the satellite imagery (Cartosat-1 stereo pairs) flat-lying uplifted river terrace have been identified, which is at an elevation of ~80 m from the flood plain of Mitthawali River. Along with uplifted terraces, the HF offsets various structural features, the rivers flowing across it and manifests itself as a series of scarps and slope breaks visible in the satellite imagery. The Khoh River Fault (KRF) trends N-S and offsets HFT dextrally by ~12 Km, this controls the course of the Khoh River and forms a lateral ramp perpendicular to HFT. The KRF manifests itself geomorphically as uplifted terraces at an elevation of ~50 m from the flood plain of the Khoh River which is conspicuous in the DEM and the Cartosat-1 imagery of the area. The Haridwar-Kotdwar piedmont zone has been surrounded in the north by HFT, in the south by Najibabad Fault (NF), towards east by KRF and the western margin has been dissected by HF. The KRF and HF show signatures of neotectonic activity and offsets HFT at two locations forming two ramps in the region. The piedmont zone has been showing signatures of upwarping which causes sudden migration of the rivers flowing into the piedmont zone on a decadal scale, mainly caused by an E-W trending NF. NF is a blind fault and manifests itself geomorphically by series of knee turn bending of the rivers in the study area. The deformation caused by NF has been comprehended using the satellite imageries and Gradient Length Anomalies (GLA). The GLA results show signatures of upliftment in the piedmont zone along the NF. The Haridwar-Kotdwar piedmont zone is surrounded by neotectonically active faults from four sides, making this block a potential seismic hazard in near future.
How to cite: Kralia, A. and Thakur, M.: Geomorphic signatures of the neotectonic activity in Haridwar-Kotdwar region, Northwestern Himalaya, India, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14055, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14055, 2021.
EGU21-15346 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.7 | Highlight
Contrasting exhumation histories and relief development within the Three Rivers Region (Southeast Tibet)Xiong Ou, Anne Replumaz, and Peter van der Beek
The Southeast Tibet is characterized by extensive low-relief high-elevation surfaces that have been interpreted as “relict surfaces”, where thermochronological data generally show old ages and very little exhumation during the India-Asia collision. Those relict surfaces are proposed either to be formed at low elevation and then uplifted and dissected by large rivers since middle Miocene, or to inherit a pre-existing low-relief landscape by or prior to the collision, as revealed by stable-isotope paleoaltimetry. Among these relict surfaces, the BaimaXueshan low-relief (<600 m), moderate-elevation (~4500 m) massif is the closest to the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) in the Three Rivers Region, where Salween, Mekong and Yangtze rivers flow southward parallelly and closely, showing large-scale shortening during the collision.This region represents a transition between the strongly deformed zone around EHS and the less deformed southeast Tibetan plateau margin in Yunnan and Sichuan, and is an appropriate zone to examine the relief development and the interaction between pre-existing structures, Cenozoic tectonics and river incision during the Tibetan plateau growth.
We compile and model published thermochronometric ages for BaimaXueshan massif, east of the Mekong River, to constrain its exhumation and relief history using the thermo-kinematic code Pecube. Modelling results show regional rock uplift at a rate of 0.25 km/Myr since ~10 Ma, following slow exhumation at a rate of 0.01 km/Myr since at least 22 Ma. Estimated Mekong River incision accounts for a maximum of 30% of the total exhumation since 10 Ma. We interpret moderate exhumation of the BaimaXueshan massif since 10 Ma as a response to a regional uplift due to the continuous northward indentation of NE India in a zone around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and delimited by Longmucuo-Shuanghu suture in the north. Thus BaimaXueshan massif with significant exhumation could not be classified as “relict surface”, as proposed by previous studies and its low relief results from in part glacial “buzzsaw-like” processes at high elevation, enhancing since ~2 Ma. In contrast, modelling results for the high-relief, high-elevation Kawagebo massif to the west of the Mekong River, facing the BaimaXueshan massif, imply a similar contribution of Mekong River incision (25%) to exhumation, but much stronger local rock uplift at a rate of 0.45 km/Myr since at least 10 Ma, accelerating to 1.86 km/Myr since 1.6 Ma. We show that the thermochronometric ages are best reproduced by local rock uplift related to late Miocene reactivation of a kinked westward-dipping thrust, striking roughly parallel to the Mekong River, with a steep shallow segment flattening out at depth. Thus, the strong differences in elevation and relief that characterize both massifs are linked to variable exhumation histories due to a strongly differing tectonic imprint.
How to cite: Ou, X., Replumaz, A., and van der Beek, P.: Contrasting exhumation histories and relief development within the Three Rivers Region (Southeast Tibet), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15346, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15346, 2021.
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The Southeast Tibet is characterized by extensive low-relief high-elevation surfaces that have been interpreted as “relict surfaces”, where thermochronological data generally show old ages and very little exhumation during the India-Asia collision. Those relict surfaces are proposed either to be formed at low elevation and then uplifted and dissected by large rivers since middle Miocene, or to inherit a pre-existing low-relief landscape by or prior to the collision, as revealed by stable-isotope paleoaltimetry. Among these relict surfaces, the BaimaXueshan low-relief (<600 m), moderate-elevation (~4500 m) massif is the closest to the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) in the Three Rivers Region, where Salween, Mekong and Yangtze rivers flow southward parallelly and closely, showing large-scale shortening during the collision.This region represents a transition between the strongly deformed zone around EHS and the less deformed southeast Tibetan plateau margin in Yunnan and Sichuan, and is an appropriate zone to examine the relief development and the interaction between pre-existing structures, Cenozoic tectonics and river incision during the Tibetan plateau growth.
We compile and model published thermochronometric ages for BaimaXueshan massif, east of the Mekong River, to constrain its exhumation and relief history using the thermo-kinematic code Pecube. Modelling results show regional rock uplift at a rate of 0.25 km/Myr since ~10 Ma, following slow exhumation at a rate of 0.01 km/Myr since at least 22 Ma. Estimated Mekong River incision accounts for a maximum of 30% of the total exhumation since 10 Ma. We interpret moderate exhumation of the BaimaXueshan massif since 10 Ma as a response to a regional uplift due to the continuous northward indentation of NE India in a zone around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and delimited by Longmucuo-Shuanghu suture in the north. Thus BaimaXueshan massif with significant exhumation could not be classified as “relict surface”, as proposed by previous studies and its low relief results from in part glacial “buzzsaw-like” processes at high elevation, enhancing since ~2 Ma. In contrast, modelling results for the high-relief, high-elevation Kawagebo massif to the west of the Mekong River, facing the BaimaXueshan massif, imply a similar contribution of Mekong River incision (25%) to exhumation, but much stronger local rock uplift at a rate of 0.45 km/Myr since at least 10 Ma, accelerating to 1.86 km/Myr since 1.6 Ma. We show that the thermochronometric ages are best reproduced by local rock uplift related to late Miocene reactivation of a kinked westward-dipping thrust, striking roughly parallel to the Mekong River, with a steep shallow segment flattening out at depth. Thus, the strong differences in elevation and relief that characterize both massifs are linked to variable exhumation histories due to a strongly differing tectonic imprint.
How to cite: Ou, X., Replumaz, A., and van der Beek, P.: Contrasting exhumation histories and relief development within the Three Rivers Region (Southeast Tibet), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15346, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15346, 2021.
TS7.8 – The Alps and neighbouring mountain belts (Pyrenees, Apennines, Dinarides, Carpathians): a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray)
EGU21-8121 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Receiver Function mapping of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath Western Alps using scaled 3-D velocity correctionsDongyang Liu, Liang Zhao, Anne Paul, Huaiyu Yuan, Stefano Solarino, Coralie Aubert, Thierry Dumont, Elena Eva, Stéphane Guillot, Marco G. Malusà, Silvia Pondrelli, Simone Salimbeni, and Stéphane Schwartz
The Alpine orogenic belt is the result of the continental collision and convergence between the Adriatic microplate and European plate during the Mesozoic. The Alps orogenic belt has a complex tectonic history and the deformation in and around the Alps are significantly affected by several microplates (e.g., Adriatic and Iberia) and blocks, in particular the Apennines, Betics, Dinarides. The mantle transition zone is delineated by seismic velocity discontinuities around the depths of 410 and 660 km which are generally interpreted as polymorphic phase changes in the olivine system and garnet-pyroxene system.The subduction depth of the European plate and the origin of the mantle flow behind the plate plays crucial roles for our understanding of regional geodynamic (Zhao et al., 2016; Hua et al., 2017). Therefore, we use receiver function method to study the seismic features of discontinuities beneath the Western Alps to constrain the structure of subducted plate and study the geodynamic origin of the low velocity anomaly behind the subduction zone and its relationship with the high-relief topography.
This study uses data collected from 293 permanent and temporary broadband seismic stations (e.g., CIFALPS). Teleseismic events are selected from 30o to 90o epicentral distrance with magnitudes (Mw) between 5.3 and 9.0. Data are carefully checked by automated and manual procedures to to give a total of 24904 receiver functions. Both 1D velocity model of the IASP91 and 3D velocity model of the EU60 (Zhu et al., 2015) are used for time-to-depth migration. The results show that using 3D velocity model to image the two discontinuities may obtain a more accurate structure image of the mantle transition zone.
In the northern part of the study area, along the alpine orogenic belt, we find a localized arc-shaped thinning area with a depressed 410 discontinuity, which is attributed to hot mantle upwellings. The uplift is hardly seen on the 660 discontinuity, suggesting that the thermal anomaly is unlikely to be interpreted as a mantle plume. The uplift of the 410-km can be interpreted as the European plate subducting to the depth of the upper transition zone. The depression of the 660-km is likely attributed to the remnants from the oceanic mantle lithosphere that detached from the Eurasian plate after closure of the Alpine Tethys. Our results show a good agreement between the thinning area of MTZ and the area of topographic uplift, the mantle upwelling promotes the temperature increase which is conducive to the uplift of topographic.
Zhao L , Paul A , Marco G. Malusà, et al. Continuity of the Alpine slab unraveled by high-resolution P-wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2016, 121.
Hua, Y., D. Zhao, and Y. Xu (2017), P wave anisotropic tomography of the Alps, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, 4509–4528, doi:10.1002/2016JB013831.
Zhu H,Bozdag E and Tromp J.Seismic structure of the European upper mantle based on adjoint tomography.Geophys. J. Int. 2015, 201, 18–52
How to cite: Liu, D., Zhao, L., Paul, A., Yuan, H., Solarino, S., Aubert, C., Dumont, T., Eva, E., Guillot, S., Malusà, M. G., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Schwartz, S.: Receiver Function mapping of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath Western Alps using scaled 3-D velocity corrections, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8121, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8121, 2021.
The Alpine orogenic belt is the result of the continental collision and convergence between the Adriatic microplate and European plate during the Mesozoic. The Alps orogenic belt has a complex tectonic history and the deformation in and around the Alps are significantly affected by several microplates (e.g., Adriatic and Iberia) and blocks, in particular the Apennines, Betics, Dinarides. The mantle transition zone is delineated by seismic velocity discontinuities around the depths of 410 and 660 km which are generally interpreted as polymorphic phase changes in the olivine system and garnet-pyroxene system.The subduction depth of the European plate and the origin of the mantle flow behind the plate plays crucial roles for our understanding of regional geodynamic (Zhao et al., 2016; Hua et al., 2017). Therefore, we use receiver function method to study the seismic features of discontinuities beneath the Western Alps to constrain the structure of subducted plate and study the geodynamic origin of the low velocity anomaly behind the subduction zone and its relationship with the high-relief topography.
This study uses data collected from 293 permanent and temporary broadband seismic stations (e.g., CIFALPS). Teleseismic events are selected from 30o to 90o epicentral distrance with magnitudes (Mw) between 5.3 and 9.0. Data are carefully checked by automated and manual procedures to to give a total of 24904 receiver functions. Both 1D velocity model of the IASP91 and 3D velocity model of the EU60 (Zhu et al., 2015) are used for time-to-depth migration. The results show that using 3D velocity model to image the two discontinuities may obtain a more accurate structure image of the mantle transition zone.
In the northern part of the study area, along the alpine orogenic belt, we find a localized arc-shaped thinning area with a depressed 410 discontinuity, which is attributed to hot mantle upwellings. The uplift is hardly seen on the 660 discontinuity, suggesting that the thermal anomaly is unlikely to be interpreted as a mantle plume. The uplift of the 410-km can be interpreted as the European plate subducting to the depth of the upper transition zone. The depression of the 660-km is likely attributed to the remnants from the oceanic mantle lithosphere that detached from the Eurasian plate after closure of the Alpine Tethys. Our results show a good agreement between the thinning area of MTZ and the area of topographic uplift, the mantle upwelling promotes the temperature increase which is conducive to the uplift of topographic.
Zhao L , Paul A , Marco G. Malusà, et al. Continuity of the Alpine slab unraveled by high-resolution P-wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2016, 121.
Hua, Y., D. Zhao, and Y. Xu (2017), P wave anisotropic tomography of the Alps, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, 4509–4528, doi:10.1002/2016JB013831.
Zhu H,Bozdag E and Tromp J.Seismic structure of the European upper mantle based on adjoint tomography.Geophys. J. Int. 2015, 201, 18–52
How to cite: Liu, D., Zhao, L., Paul, A., Yuan, H., Solarino, S., Aubert, C., Dumont, T., Eva, E., Guillot, S., Malusà, M. G., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Schwartz, S.: Receiver Function mapping of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath Western Alps using scaled 3-D velocity corrections, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8121, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8121, 2021.
EGU21-5377 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Shear-Wave Splitting in the Alpine RegionGötz Bokelmann, Gerrit Hein, Petr Kolinsky, Irene Bianchi, and AlpArray Working Group
To constrain seismic anisotropy under and around the Alps in Europe, we study SKS shear-wave splitting from the region densely covered by the AlpArray seismic network. We apply a technique based on measuring the splitting intensity, constraining well both the fast orientation and the splitting delay. 4 years of teleseismic earthquake data were processed automatically (without human intervention), from 724 temporary and permanent broadband stations of the AlpArray deployment including ocean-bottom seismometers. We have obtained an objective image of anisotropic structure in and around the Alpine region, at a spatial resolution that is unprecedented. As in earlier studies, we observe a coherent rotation of fast axes in the western part of the Alpine chain, and a region of homogeneous fast orientation in the central Alps. The spatial variation of splitting delay times is particularly interesting. On one hand, there is a clear positive correlation with Alpine topography, suggesting that part of the seismic anisotropy (deformation) is caused by the Alpine orogeny. On the other hand, anisotropic strength around the mountain chain shows a distinct contrast between western and eastern Alps. This difference is best explained by the more active mantle flow around the Western Alps. We discuss earlier concepts of Alpine geodynamics in the light of these new observational constraints.
How to cite: Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Kolinsky, P., Bianchi, I., and Working Group, A.: Shear-Wave Splitting in the Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5377, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5377, 2021.
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To constrain seismic anisotropy under and around the Alps in Europe, we study SKS shear-wave splitting from the region densely covered by the AlpArray seismic network. We apply a technique based on measuring the splitting intensity, constraining well both the fast orientation and the splitting delay. 4 years of teleseismic earthquake data were processed automatically (without human intervention), from 724 temporary and permanent broadband stations of the AlpArray deployment including ocean-bottom seismometers. We have obtained an objective image of anisotropic structure in and around the Alpine region, at a spatial resolution that is unprecedented. As in earlier studies, we observe a coherent rotation of fast axes in the western part of the Alpine chain, and a region of homogeneous fast orientation in the central Alps. The spatial variation of splitting delay times is particularly interesting. On one hand, there is a clear positive correlation with Alpine topography, suggesting that part of the seismic anisotropy (deformation) is caused by the Alpine orogeny. On the other hand, anisotropic strength around the mountain chain shows a distinct contrast between western and eastern Alps. This difference is best explained by the more active mantle flow around the Western Alps. We discuss earlier concepts of Alpine geodynamics in the light of these new observational constraints.
How to cite: Bokelmann, G., Hein, G., Kolinsky, P., Bianchi, I., and Working Group, A.: Shear-Wave Splitting in the Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5377, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5377, 2021.
EGU21-14505 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Lithosphere-asthenosphere decoupling in the Central/Eastern Alps from seismic anisotropy beneath the dense SWATH-D networkFrederik Link and Georg Rümpker
The Alpine orogeny is characterized by tectonic sequences of subduction and collision accompanied by break-off events and possibly preceded by a flip of subduction polarity. The tectonic evolution of the transition to the Eastern Alps has thus been under debate. The dense Swath-D seismic network as complementary experiment to the AlpArray network provides unprecedented lateral resolution to address this open discussion. We analyze shear wave splitting of this data set to get insights into the deformation at depth by studying seismic anisotropy. Previous studies indicate two-layer anisotropy in the Eastern Alps. This is supported by azimuthal pattern of the measured fast axis direction across all stations of the network. The temporary character of the deployment requires a joint analysis of multiple stations to increase the number of events adding complementary information of the anisotropic property of the mantle. We perform a cluster analysis based on a correlation of the remaining transverse energy between all stations. The energy tensor is calculated in the grid search for the best fitting two-layer splitting parameters to the ensemble of events at each station. This leads to two main groups of different two-layer properties separated at 12.5 degrees Longitude. We identify a layer with constant fast axis direction of 60° over the whole area, with a possible dip from West to East. The lower layer in the West shows N-S direction and upper layer in the East 115° alignment. We propose two likely scenarios, both accompanied by a slab break-off in the Eastern part. The continuous layer can either be interpreted as frozen-in anisotropy with lithospheric origin or an asthenospheric flow evading the retreat of the European slab that would precede the break-off event. In both scenarios the upper layer in the East is result of a channel flow through the gap formed in the slab break-off. The N-S direction is interpreted as asthenospheric flow mainly driven by the subduction of the European plate below Adria.
How to cite: Link, F. and Rümpker, G.: Lithosphere-asthenosphere decoupling in the Central/Eastern Alps from seismic anisotropy beneath the dense SWATH-D network, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14505, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14505, 2021.
The Alpine orogeny is characterized by tectonic sequences of subduction and collision accompanied by break-off events and possibly preceded by a flip of subduction polarity. The tectonic evolution of the transition to the Eastern Alps has thus been under debate. The dense Swath-D seismic network as complementary experiment to the AlpArray network provides unprecedented lateral resolution to address this open discussion. We analyze shear wave splitting of this data set to get insights into the deformation at depth by studying seismic anisotropy. Previous studies indicate two-layer anisotropy in the Eastern Alps. This is supported by azimuthal pattern of the measured fast axis direction across all stations of the network. The temporary character of the deployment requires a joint analysis of multiple stations to increase the number of events adding complementary information of the anisotropic property of the mantle. We perform a cluster analysis based on a correlation of the remaining transverse energy between all stations. The energy tensor is calculated in the grid search for the best fitting two-layer splitting parameters to the ensemble of events at each station. This leads to two main groups of different two-layer properties separated at 12.5 degrees Longitude. We identify a layer with constant fast axis direction of 60° over the whole area, with a possible dip from West to East. The lower layer in the West shows N-S direction and upper layer in the East 115° alignment. We propose two likely scenarios, both accompanied by a slab break-off in the Eastern part. The continuous layer can either be interpreted as frozen-in anisotropy with lithospheric origin or an asthenospheric flow evading the retreat of the European slab that would precede the break-off event. In both scenarios the upper layer in the East is result of a channel flow through the gap formed in the slab break-off. The N-S direction is interpreted as asthenospheric flow mainly driven by the subduction of the European plate below Adria.
How to cite: Link, F. and Rümpker, G.: Lithosphere-asthenosphere decoupling in the Central/Eastern Alps from seismic anisotropy beneath the dense SWATH-D network, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14505, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14505, 2021.
EGU21-442 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
The seismic structure of the lithosphere in the greater Alpine area from S-to-P converted wavesRainer Kind, Stefan Schmid, Xiaohui Yuan, and Ben Heit
In the frame of the AlpArray project we analyse teleseismic data from permanent and temporary stations of the greater Alpine region to study seismic discontinuities in the entire lithosphere. We use broadband S-to-P converted signals from below the seismic stations. In order to avoid sidelobes, no deconvolution or filtering is applied and S arrival times are used as reference. We show a number of north-south and east-west profiles through the greater Alpine area. The Moho signals are always seen very clearly, and also negative velocity gradients below the Moho are visible in a number of profiles. The subducting European Moho is visible in the Eastern Alps west of 13.5°E (the eastern edge of the Tauern Window) and reaches there about 60km depth at 47°N. East of about 13.5°E, the image of the Moho changes completely. No south dipping European Moho is found anymore, instead the Moho is shallowing towards the Pannonian Basin. This suggests severe post-nappe emplacement modifications east of about 13.5°E, most probably associated with delamination of the mantle lithosphere within the formerly subducting European slab, i.e. mantle that separated from the crustal parts of the Alpine-West Carpathian orogen during the last ca. 20 Ma when the Pannonian basin formed and the ALCAPA block underwent its E-directed lateral extrusion.
Ratschbacher, L., Frisch, W., Linzer, H.-G. and Merle, O. (1991) Lateral extrusion in the Eastern Alps, Part 2: Structural analysis. Tectonics, vol.10, No.2, 257-271.
How to cite: Kind, R., Schmid, S., Yuan, X., and Heit, B.: The seismic structure of the lithosphere in the greater Alpine area from S-to-P converted waves, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-442, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-442, 2021.
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In the frame of the AlpArray project we analyse teleseismic data from permanent and temporary stations of the greater Alpine region to study seismic discontinuities in the entire lithosphere. We use broadband S-to-P converted signals from below the seismic stations. In order to avoid sidelobes, no deconvolution or filtering is applied and S arrival times are used as reference. We show a number of north-south and east-west profiles through the greater Alpine area. The Moho signals are always seen very clearly, and also negative velocity gradients below the Moho are visible in a number of profiles. The subducting European Moho is visible in the Eastern Alps west of 13.5°E (the eastern edge of the Tauern Window) and reaches there about 60km depth at 47°N. East of about 13.5°E, the image of the Moho changes completely. No south dipping European Moho is found anymore, instead the Moho is shallowing towards the Pannonian Basin. This suggests severe post-nappe emplacement modifications east of about 13.5°E, most probably associated with delamination of the mantle lithosphere within the formerly subducting European slab, i.e. mantle that separated from the crustal parts of the Alpine-West Carpathian orogen during the last ca. 20 Ma when the Pannonian basin formed and the ALCAPA block underwent its E-directed lateral extrusion.
Ratschbacher, L., Frisch, W., Linzer, H.-G. and Merle, O. (1991) Lateral extrusion in the Eastern Alps, Part 2: Structural analysis. Tectonics, vol.10, No.2, 257-271.
How to cite: Kind, R., Schmid, S., Yuan, X., and Heit, B.: The seismic structure of the lithosphere in the greater Alpine area from S-to-P converted waves, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-442, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-442, 2021.
EGU21-10724 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
European-Adriatic plate collision in teleseismic tomography of the Eastern AlpsJaroslava Plomerova, Helena Zlebcikova, Gyorgy Hetenyi, Ludek Vecsey, Vladislav Babuska, and AlpArray Working Group
We present potential scenarios of the European and Adriatic plates’ collision that formed the Alps and the neighbouring mountain belts. Our results are based on teleseismic body-wave data from the AlpArray-EASI complementary experiment (2014-2015, Hetényi et al., Tectonophysics 2018) and the AlpArray Seismic Network (Hetényi et al., Surv. Geophys. 2018). Tomography of seismic velocities in the upper mantle along a ca. 200 km broad and 540 km long north-south transect images steady southward thickening of the lithosphere beneath the Bohemian Massif and northward dipping East-Alpine lithospheric keel. Thanks to the dense spacing of the AlpArray Seismic Network stations and high-quality data, the high-resolution tomography resolves for the first time two sub-parallel down-going high-velocity heterogeneities beneath the Eastern Alps, instead of a single, thick anomaly. The southern heterogeneity, which we relate to the subducted Adriatic plate, is more distinct than the northern one, which loses its connection with the shallow parts. Moreover, amplitudes and size of this heterogeneity decrease in cross-sections perpendicular to the strike of the Alps when shifting towards the Central Alps. The presented collision scenarios consider the smaller northern heterogeneity as (1) a remnant of a delaminated early phase subduction of the European plate with the reversed polarity relative to that in the Western Alps, (2) a piece of continental and oceanic lithosphere together, or, (3) a fragment of a quite extended lithosphere margin foundering in a preceding phase of the Adriatic subduction.
How to cite: Plomerova, J., Zlebcikova, H., Hetenyi, G., Vecsey, L., Babuska, V., and Working Group, A.: European-Adriatic plate collision in teleseismic tomography of the Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10724, 2021.
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We present potential scenarios of the European and Adriatic plates’ collision that formed the Alps and the neighbouring mountain belts. Our results are based on teleseismic body-wave data from the AlpArray-EASI complementary experiment (2014-2015, Hetényi et al., Tectonophysics 2018) and the AlpArray Seismic Network (Hetényi et al., Surv. Geophys. 2018). Tomography of seismic velocities in the upper mantle along a ca. 200 km broad and 540 km long north-south transect images steady southward thickening of the lithosphere beneath the Bohemian Massif and northward dipping East-Alpine lithospheric keel. Thanks to the dense spacing of the AlpArray Seismic Network stations and high-quality data, the high-resolution tomography resolves for the first time two sub-parallel down-going high-velocity heterogeneities beneath the Eastern Alps, instead of a single, thick anomaly. The southern heterogeneity, which we relate to the subducted Adriatic plate, is more distinct than the northern one, which loses its connection with the shallow parts. Moreover, amplitudes and size of this heterogeneity decrease in cross-sections perpendicular to the strike of the Alps when shifting towards the Central Alps. The presented collision scenarios consider the smaller northern heterogeneity as (1) a remnant of a delaminated early phase subduction of the European plate with the reversed polarity relative to that in the Western Alps, (2) a piece of continental and oceanic lithosphere together, or, (3) a fragment of a quite extended lithosphere margin foundering in a preceding phase of the Adriatic subduction.
How to cite: Plomerova, J., Zlebcikova, H., Hetenyi, G., Vecsey, L., Babuska, V., and Working Group, A.: European-Adriatic plate collision in teleseismic tomography of the Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10724, 2021.
EGU21-8429 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Teleseismic P-wave travel time tomography of the Alpine upper mantle using AlpArray seismic network dataMarcel Paffrath and Wolfgang Friederich and the the AlpArray Working Group
We perform a teleseismic P-wave travel time tomography to examine geometry and slab structure of the upper mantle beneath the Alpine orogen. Vertical component data of the extraordinary dense seismic network AlpArray are used which were recorded at over 600 temporary and permanent broadband stations deployed by 24 different European institutions in the greater Alpine region, reaching from the Massif Central to the Pannonian Basin and from the Po plain to the river Main. Mantle phases of 370 teleseismic events between 2015 and 2019 of magnitude 5.5 and higher are evaluated automatically for direct and core diffracted P arrivals using a combination of higher-order statistics picking algorithms and signal cross correlation. The resulting database contains over 170.000 highly accurate absolute P picks that were manually revised for each event. The travel time residuals exhibit very consistent and reproducible spatial patterns, already pointing at high velocity slabs in the mantle.
For predicting P-wave travel times we consider a large computational box encompassing the Alpine region up to a depth of 600 km within which we allow 3D-variations of P-wave velocity. To account for influences of the strongly heterogeneous crust that cannot be resolved with teleseismic data, we integrate a complex three-dimensional crustal model directly into our model. Outside the box we assume a spherically symmetric earth and apply the Tau-P method to calculate travel times and ray paths. These are injected at the boundaries of the regional box and continued using the fast marching method (Rawlinson et al. 2005). We invert differences between observed and predicted traveltimes for P-wave velocities inside the box. Velocity is discretized on a regular grid with a spacing of about 25x25x15 km. The misfit reduction reaches values of over 80% depending on damping and smoothing parameters.
The resulting model shows several steeply dipping high velocity anomalies following the Alpine arc. The most prominent structure stretches from the western Alps into the Apennines mountain range reaching depths of over 500 km. Two further anomalies of high complexity extending down to a depth of 300 km are located below the central and eastern Alps, both being detached from the lithosphere and separated by a clear gap below the western part of the Tauern window. The central anomaly shows mainly southwards dipping, whereas the eastern anomaly is mainly dipping to the northeast. We compare our results to former studies, confirming lateral positions of the anomalies. However, the new results can benefit from the superior resolution capabilities of the dense AlpArray seismic network, providing more accurate insights into depth extent, dip angle and directions. We perform various general, as well as purpose-built resolution tests, to verify the capabilities of our setup to resolve slab gaps as well as different possible slab dipping directions.
How to cite: Paffrath, M. and Friederich, W. and the the AlpArray Working Group: Teleseismic P-wave travel time tomography of the Alpine upper mantle using AlpArray seismic network data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8429, 2021.
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We perform a teleseismic P-wave travel time tomography to examine geometry and slab structure of the upper mantle beneath the Alpine orogen. Vertical component data of the extraordinary dense seismic network AlpArray are used which were recorded at over 600 temporary and permanent broadband stations deployed by 24 different European institutions in the greater Alpine region, reaching from the Massif Central to the Pannonian Basin and from the Po plain to the river Main. Mantle phases of 370 teleseismic events between 2015 and 2019 of magnitude 5.5 and higher are evaluated automatically for direct and core diffracted P arrivals using a combination of higher-order statistics picking algorithms and signal cross correlation. The resulting database contains over 170.000 highly accurate absolute P picks that were manually revised for each event. The travel time residuals exhibit very consistent and reproducible spatial patterns, already pointing at high velocity slabs in the mantle.
For predicting P-wave travel times we consider a large computational box encompassing the Alpine region up to a depth of 600 km within which we allow 3D-variations of P-wave velocity. To account for influences of the strongly heterogeneous crust that cannot be resolved with teleseismic data, we integrate a complex three-dimensional crustal model directly into our model. Outside the box we assume a spherically symmetric earth and apply the Tau-P method to calculate travel times and ray paths. These are injected at the boundaries of the regional box and continued using the fast marching method (Rawlinson et al. 2005). We invert differences between observed and predicted traveltimes for P-wave velocities inside the box. Velocity is discretized on a regular grid with a spacing of about 25x25x15 km. The misfit reduction reaches values of over 80% depending on damping and smoothing parameters.
The resulting model shows several steeply dipping high velocity anomalies following the Alpine arc. The most prominent structure stretches from the western Alps into the Apennines mountain range reaching depths of over 500 km. Two further anomalies of high complexity extending down to a depth of 300 km are located below the central and eastern Alps, both being detached from the lithosphere and separated by a clear gap below the western part of the Tauern window. The central anomaly shows mainly southwards dipping, whereas the eastern anomaly is mainly dipping to the northeast. We compare our results to former studies, confirming lateral positions of the anomalies. However, the new results can benefit from the superior resolution capabilities of the dense AlpArray seismic network, providing more accurate insights into depth extent, dip angle and directions. We perform various general, as well as purpose-built resolution tests, to verify the capabilities of our setup to resolve slab gaps as well as different possible slab dipping directions.
How to cite: Paffrath, M. and Friederich, W. and the the AlpArray Working Group: Teleseismic P-wave travel time tomography of the Alpine upper mantle using AlpArray seismic network data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8429, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8429, 2021.
EGU21-11826 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Time for a change of paradigm for Alpine subduction?Mark R. Handy, Stefan M. Schmid, Marcel Paffrath, and Wolfgang Friederich
The prevailing paradigm of mountain building in the Alps entails subduction of European continental lithosphere some 100km thick beneath the Adriatic plate. Based on recent results of AlpArray, we propose a new model that involves subduction and wholesale detachment of locally much thicker (200-240 km) European lithosphere. Our approach combines teleseismic P-wave tomography and existing Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) to image the Alpine slabs and their connections with the overlying orogenic crust at unprecedented resolution. The images call into question the simple notion that slabs comprise only seismically fast lithosphere and suggest that the mantle of the downgoing European plate is compositionally heterogeneous, containing both positive and negative seismic anomalies of up to 5%. We interpret these as compositional rather than thermal anomalies, inherited from the Paleozoic Variscan orogenic cycle and presently dipping beneath the Alpine orogenic front. In contrast to the European Plate, the lithosphere of the Adriatic Plate is thinner (100-120 km) and has a more poorly defined lower boundary approximately at the interface between positive and negative Vp anomalies.
Horizontal and vertical tomographic slices reveal that beneath the Central and Western Alps, the downgoing European Plate dips steeply to the S and SE and is locally detached from the Alpine crust. However, in the Eastern Alps and Carpathians east of the central Tauern Window, the Alpine slab anomaly occupies the 150-400 km depth interval and dips steeply to the N-NE, having completely detached from the Alpine orogenic crust. This along-strike change coincides with an abrupt eastward decrease in Moho depth (Kind et al., this session), the Moho being underlain by a pronounced negative Vp anomaly reaching eastward into the Pannonian Basin area. This negative Vp anomaly is interpreted to represent hot upwelling asthenosphere that was instrumental in accommodating Neogene orogen-parallel lateral extrusion of the ALCAPA tectonic unit (upper plate crustal edifice of Alps and Carpathians) to the E. An Adriatic origin of the northward-dipping, detached slab segment beneath the Eastern Alps is unlikely since its imaged down-dip length (200-300 km) matches estimated Tertiary shortening in the Eastern Alps accommodated by south-dipping subduction of European lithosphere, whereas shortening in the south-vergent eastern Southern Alps is only ≤ 70 km.
A slab anomaly beneath the northernmost Dinarides, laterally adjoining the Eastern Alps, is missing. The slab anomaly beneath the northern Apennines, of Adriatic origin und dipping beneath the Tyrrhenian backarc, hangs subvertically and appears to be almost detached from the Apenninic orogenic crust. Except for its westernmost segment where it meets the Alpine slab, this slab is clearly separated from the latter by a broad extent of upwelling asthenosphere located south of the Alpine slabs beneath the Po Plain, i.e., just south of the Alpine subduction zone. Considered as a whole, the slabs beneath the Alpine chain are interpreted as attenuated, largely detached sheets of continental margin and Alpine Tethyan lithosphere that locally reach down to a slab graveyard in the Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ).
How to cite: Handy, M. R., Schmid, S. M., Paffrath, M., and Friederich, W.: Time for a change of paradigm for Alpine subduction?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11826, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11826, 2021.
The prevailing paradigm of mountain building in the Alps entails subduction of European continental lithosphere some 100km thick beneath the Adriatic plate. Based on recent results of AlpArray, we propose a new model that involves subduction and wholesale detachment of locally much thicker (200-240 km) European lithosphere. Our approach combines teleseismic P-wave tomography and existing Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) to image the Alpine slabs and their connections with the overlying orogenic crust at unprecedented resolution. The images call into question the simple notion that slabs comprise only seismically fast lithosphere and suggest that the mantle of the downgoing European plate is compositionally heterogeneous, containing both positive and negative seismic anomalies of up to 5%. We interpret these as compositional rather than thermal anomalies, inherited from the Paleozoic Variscan orogenic cycle and presently dipping beneath the Alpine orogenic front. In contrast to the European Plate, the lithosphere of the Adriatic Plate is thinner (100-120 km) and has a more poorly defined lower boundary approximately at the interface between positive and negative Vp anomalies.
Horizontal and vertical tomographic slices reveal that beneath the Central and Western Alps, the downgoing European Plate dips steeply to the S and SE and is locally detached from the Alpine crust. However, in the Eastern Alps and Carpathians east of the central Tauern Window, the Alpine slab anomaly occupies the 150-400 km depth interval and dips steeply to the N-NE, having completely detached from the Alpine orogenic crust. This along-strike change coincides with an abrupt eastward decrease in Moho depth (Kind et al., this session), the Moho being underlain by a pronounced negative Vp anomaly reaching eastward into the Pannonian Basin area. This negative Vp anomaly is interpreted to represent hot upwelling asthenosphere that was instrumental in accommodating Neogene orogen-parallel lateral extrusion of the ALCAPA tectonic unit (upper plate crustal edifice of Alps and Carpathians) to the E. An Adriatic origin of the northward-dipping, detached slab segment beneath the Eastern Alps is unlikely since its imaged down-dip length (200-300 km) matches estimated Tertiary shortening in the Eastern Alps accommodated by south-dipping subduction of European lithosphere, whereas shortening in the south-vergent eastern Southern Alps is only ≤ 70 km.
A slab anomaly beneath the northernmost Dinarides, laterally adjoining the Eastern Alps, is missing. The slab anomaly beneath the northern Apennines, of Adriatic origin und dipping beneath the Tyrrhenian backarc, hangs subvertically and appears to be almost detached from the Apenninic orogenic crust. Except for its westernmost segment where it meets the Alpine slab, this slab is clearly separated from the latter by a broad extent of upwelling asthenosphere located south of the Alpine slabs beneath the Po Plain, i.e., just south of the Alpine subduction zone. Considered as a whole, the slabs beneath the Alpine chain are interpreted as attenuated, largely detached sheets of continental margin and Alpine Tethyan lithosphere that locally reach down to a slab graveyard in the Mantle Transition Zone (MTZ).
How to cite: Handy, M. R., Schmid, S. M., Paffrath, M., and Friederich, W.: Time for a change of paradigm for Alpine subduction?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11826, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11826, 2021.
EGU21-14525 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the Pannonian Region using Rayleigh wave ambient noise tomographyMáté Timkó, Lars Wiesenberg, Amr El-Sharkawy, Zoltán Wéber, and Thomas Meier and the AlpArray Working Group
The Pannonian Basin is located in Central-Europe surrounded by the Alpine, Carpathian, and Dinarides mountain ranges. This is a back-arc basin characterized by shallow Moho depth, updoming mantle and high heat flow. In this study, we present the results of the Rayleigh wave based ambient noise tomography to investigate the velocity structure of the Carpathian-Pannonian region.
For the ambient noise measurements, we collected the continuous waveform data from more than 1280 seismological stations from the broader Central-Eastern European region. This dataset embraces all the permanent and the temporary (AlpArray, PASSEQ, CBP, SCP) stations from the 9-degree radius of the Pannonian Basin which were operating between the time period between 2005 and 2018. All the possible vertical component noise cross-correlation functions were calculated and all phase velocity curves were determined in the 5-80 s period range using an automated measuring algorithm.
The collected dispersion measurements were then used to create tomographic images that are characterized by similar velocity anomalies in amplitude, pattern and location that are consistent with the well-known tectonic and geologic structure of the research area and are comparable to previous tomographic models published in the literature.
How to cite: Timkó, M., Wiesenberg, L., El-Sharkawy, A., Wéber, Z., and Meier, T. and the AlpArray Working Group: Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the Pannonian Region using Rayleigh wave ambient noise tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14525, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14525, 2021.
The Pannonian Basin is located in Central-Europe surrounded by the Alpine, Carpathian, and Dinarides mountain ranges. This is a back-arc basin characterized by shallow Moho depth, updoming mantle and high heat flow. In this study, we present the results of the Rayleigh wave based ambient noise tomography to investigate the velocity structure of the Carpathian-Pannonian region.
For the ambient noise measurements, we collected the continuous waveform data from more than 1280 seismological stations from the broader Central-Eastern European region. This dataset embraces all the permanent and the temporary (AlpArray, PASSEQ, CBP, SCP) stations from the 9-degree radius of the Pannonian Basin which were operating between the time period between 2005 and 2018. All the possible vertical component noise cross-correlation functions were calculated and all phase velocity curves were determined in the 5-80 s period range using an automated measuring algorithm.
The collected dispersion measurements were then used to create tomographic images that are characterized by similar velocity anomalies in amplitude, pattern and location that are consistent with the well-known tectonic and geologic structure of the research area and are comparable to previous tomographic models published in the literature.
How to cite: Timkó, M., Wiesenberg, L., El-Sharkawy, A., Wéber, Z., and Meier, T. and the AlpArray Working Group: Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the Pannonian Region using Rayleigh wave ambient noise tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14525, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14525, 2021.
EGU21-14133 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Adria microplate fragmentation: geophysical perspectiveJosip Stipčević, Tena Belinić, Petr Kolínský, Marijan Herak, Irene Molinari, and Iva Dasović
Adriatic microplate (Adria) has been a major component of the central Mediterranean geodynamic history since at least Late Cretaceous time. Although Cenozoic motion of Adria is relatively well established, there remains several open questions regarding its dynamics. This is especially evident when trying to reconstruct the motion of Adria since early Miocene. Although there is a general consensus about the counterclockwise rotation of Adria with respect to Europe, the amount of this rotation is still a matter of vigorous debate. In order to explain various measurements, several models of Adria motion were introduced: 1) Adria moving in conjunction with Africa, 2) Adria moving independently as a single block and 3) Adria moving independently but divided into two fragments.
Here we explore the third model by using data from temporary seismic station deployments (AlpArray and AlpArray-CASE) and available permanent stations surrounding the Adriatic Sea. We constructed the tomography image of the Adriatic Sea region using the interstation surface wave dispersion measurements from teleseismic events. Additionally, we test the properties of the Central Adriatic crust by analyzing P-receiver functions from mid-Adriatic island seismic stations. Preliminary results show anomalous lithospheric structure in the Central Adriatic dividing Adria into two sections thus indicating that Adria fragmentation has progressed all the way to the base of the lithosphere.
How to cite: Stipčević, J., Belinić, T., Kolínský, P., Herak, M., Molinari, I., and Dasović, I.: Adria microplate fragmentation: geophysical perspective, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14133, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14133, 2021.
Adriatic microplate (Adria) has been a major component of the central Mediterranean geodynamic history since at least Late Cretaceous time. Although Cenozoic motion of Adria is relatively well established, there remains several open questions regarding its dynamics. This is especially evident when trying to reconstruct the motion of Adria since early Miocene. Although there is a general consensus about the counterclockwise rotation of Adria with respect to Europe, the amount of this rotation is still a matter of vigorous debate. In order to explain various measurements, several models of Adria motion were introduced: 1) Adria moving in conjunction with Africa, 2) Adria moving independently as a single block and 3) Adria moving independently but divided into two fragments.
Here we explore the third model by using data from temporary seismic station deployments (AlpArray and AlpArray-CASE) and available permanent stations surrounding the Adriatic Sea. We constructed the tomography image of the Adriatic Sea region using the interstation surface wave dispersion measurements from teleseismic events. Additionally, we test the properties of the Central Adriatic crust by analyzing P-receiver functions from mid-Adriatic island seismic stations. Preliminary results show anomalous lithospheric structure in the Central Adriatic dividing Adria into two sections thus indicating that Adria fragmentation has progressed all the way to the base of the lithosphere.
How to cite: Stipčević, J., Belinić, T., Kolínský, P., Herak, M., Molinari, I., and Dasović, I.: Adria microplate fragmentation: geophysical perspective, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14133, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14133, 2021.
EGU21-11044 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Filling the Moho gap: High resolution crustal structure of the Eastern AlpsStefan Mroczek, Frederik Tilmann, Jan Pleuger, Xiaohui Yuan, and Ben Heit and the the AlpArray Working Group
The dense SWATH-D seismic network in the Central-Eastern Alps gives an unprecedented window into the collision of the Adriatic and European plates. Previous studies have suggested a Moho gap overlying a subduction polarity switch. This switch, from European subduction in the west to Adriatic subduction in the east, was suggested by teleseismic tomography where low velocity zones in the mantle were interpreted as two slabs with opposite subduction polarity. The TRANSALP profile at 12°E indeed showed a gently southward dipping European Moho truncated by a nearly flat Adriatic Moho in receiver function (RF) images, which clearly indicated southward directed subduction. In contrast, RF images derived from the EASI profile at 13.3°E were interpreted to show Moho topography consistent with underthrusting Adriatic Moho, which would support the hypothesized polarity switch, but the image is actually ambiguous.
We apply the receiver function method to stations in the dense SWATH-D broadband seismic network, covering approximately the area from 45-49°N and 10-15°E, supplemented by the AlpArray Seismic Network and the EASI data. We construct common conversion point stacks in order to pick the Moho conversion and its multiples. The 15 km average station spacing has allowed us to fill in areas where previously the Moho was too weak to image. In this more comprehensive image, the asymmetry of the Moho in the TRANSALP profile can be traced to continue to at least the longitude of the EASI profile, suggesting continued southward-directed underthrusting of the European crust along the extent of the Eastern Alps, in conflict with the popular polarity switch hypothesis. At the eastern border of our study area we capture a sharp transition from European to extended Pannonian crust. Here the Adriatic Moho retreats and dips below the Pannonian Moho as it continues beneath the Dinarides.
How to cite: Mroczek, S., Tilmann, F., Pleuger, J., Yuan, X., and Heit, B. and the the AlpArray Working Group: Filling the Moho gap: High resolution crustal structure of the Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11044, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11044, 2021.
The dense SWATH-D seismic network in the Central-Eastern Alps gives an unprecedented window into the collision of the Adriatic and European plates. Previous studies have suggested a Moho gap overlying a subduction polarity switch. This switch, from European subduction in the west to Adriatic subduction in the east, was suggested by teleseismic tomography where low velocity zones in the mantle were interpreted as two slabs with opposite subduction polarity. The TRANSALP profile at 12°E indeed showed a gently southward dipping European Moho truncated by a nearly flat Adriatic Moho in receiver function (RF) images, which clearly indicated southward directed subduction. In contrast, RF images derived from the EASI profile at 13.3°E were interpreted to show Moho topography consistent with underthrusting Adriatic Moho, which would support the hypothesized polarity switch, but the image is actually ambiguous.
We apply the receiver function method to stations in the dense SWATH-D broadband seismic network, covering approximately the area from 45-49°N and 10-15°E, supplemented by the AlpArray Seismic Network and the EASI data. We construct common conversion point stacks in order to pick the Moho conversion and its multiples. The 15 km average station spacing has allowed us to fill in areas where previously the Moho was too weak to image. In this more comprehensive image, the asymmetry of the Moho in the TRANSALP profile can be traced to continue to at least the longitude of the EASI profile, suggesting continued southward-directed underthrusting of the European crust along the extent of the Eastern Alps, in conflict with the popular polarity switch hypothesis. At the eastern border of our study area we capture a sharp transition from European to extended Pannonian crust. Here the Adriatic Moho retreats and dips below the Pannonian Moho as it continues beneath the Dinarides.
How to cite: Mroczek, S., Tilmann, F., Pleuger, J., Yuan, X., and Heit, B. and the the AlpArray Working Group: Filling the Moho gap: High resolution crustal structure of the Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11044, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11044, 2021.
EGU21-13514 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Imaging azimuthal anisotropy in the alpine crust from ambient noise beamforming.Dorian Soergel, Helle Pedersen, Thomas Bodin, Anne Paul, and Laurent Stehly
Noise cross-correlations provide a good azimuthal coverage, limited only by the distribution of noise sources and the layout of the stations used. It is therefore a promising method to constrain azimuthal anisotropy. As noise cross-correlations consist mainly of surface waves, they are especially sensitive to the crust and provide good depth constraints, as opposed to SKS-splitting data that are more sensitive to the upper mantle. We use the AlpArray network as well as stations from permanent networks all across Europe to perform time-domain beamforming on noise cross-correlations. The extent and density of the AlpArray network allows us to obtain reliable measurements all across the Alps. We divide the area in smaller zones using all stations outside the zone as sources and all stations inside as a sub-array for beamforming. This allows us to estimate the quality of our measurements in a region where strong lateral heterogeneities make measurements challenging, by estimating the magnitude of bias due to heterogeneities using the cos(theta) amplitude and evaluating uncertainties with bootstrap. This way, we measure Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy in several period bands between 15 s and 60 s period. Inversion of dispersion curves in specific areas allows us to constrain the depth of the observed anisotropy. The results are broadly similar to results from SKS-splitting as they are generally parallel to the mountain belt. However, we observe lower anisotropy at short periods (40 seconds and less) in the Alps themselves than in surrounding regions. We also observe several structures in the crust that are not observed with SKS-splitting data. The most striking is a strong and spatially coherent NE-oriented anisotropy to the NW of the Alps that is possibly related to Variscan inheritance (at 40 seconds and less, in the upper and lower crust). In the Northern Apennines, we observe anisotropy perpendicular to the belt at 30 s period (middle crust) that correlates well with an area of strong radial anisotropy recently observed by Alder et al (in review) at 30 km depth.
How to cite: Soergel, D., Pedersen, H., Bodin, T., Paul, A., and Stehly, L.: Imaging azimuthal anisotropy in the alpine crust from ambient noise beamforming., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13514, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13514, 2021.
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Noise cross-correlations provide a good azimuthal coverage, limited only by the distribution of noise sources and the layout of the stations used. It is therefore a promising method to constrain azimuthal anisotropy. As noise cross-correlations consist mainly of surface waves, they are especially sensitive to the crust and provide good depth constraints, as opposed to SKS-splitting data that are more sensitive to the upper mantle. We use the AlpArray network as well as stations from permanent networks all across Europe to perform time-domain beamforming on noise cross-correlations. The extent and density of the AlpArray network allows us to obtain reliable measurements all across the Alps. We divide the area in smaller zones using all stations outside the zone as sources and all stations inside as a sub-array for beamforming. This allows us to estimate the quality of our measurements in a region where strong lateral heterogeneities make measurements challenging, by estimating the magnitude of bias due to heterogeneities using the cos(theta) amplitude and evaluating uncertainties with bootstrap. This way, we measure Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy in several period bands between 15 s and 60 s period. Inversion of dispersion curves in specific areas allows us to constrain the depth of the observed anisotropy. The results are broadly similar to results from SKS-splitting as they are generally parallel to the mountain belt. However, we observe lower anisotropy at short periods (40 seconds and less) in the Alps themselves than in surrounding regions. We also observe several structures in the crust that are not observed with SKS-splitting data. The most striking is a strong and spatially coherent NE-oriented anisotropy to the NW of the Alps that is possibly related to Variscan inheritance (at 40 seconds and less, in the upper and lower crust). In the Northern Apennines, we observe anisotropy perpendicular to the belt at 30 s period (middle crust) that correlates well with an area of strong radial anisotropy recently observed by Alder et al (in review) at 30 km depth.
How to cite: Soergel, D., Pedersen, H., Bodin, T., Paul, A., and Stehly, L.: Imaging azimuthal anisotropy in the alpine crust from ambient noise beamforming., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13514, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13514, 2021.
EGU21-3197 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
First step towards an integrated geophysical-geological model of the W-Alps: A new Vs model from transdimensional ambient-noise tomographyAhmed Nouibat, Laurent Stehly, Anne Paul, Romain Brossier, Thomas Bodin, Stéphane Schwartz, and AlpArray Working Group
We have successfully derived a new 3-D high resolution shear wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle of a large part of W-Europe from transdimensional ambient-noise tomography. This model is intended to contribute to the development of the first 3-D crustal-scale integrated geophysical-geological model of the W-Alps to deepen understanding of orogenesis and its relationship to mantle dynamics.
We used an exceptional dataset of 4 years of vertical-component, daily seismic noise records (2015 - 2019) of more than 950 permanent broadband seismic stations located in and around the Greater Alpine region, complemented by 490 temporary stations from the AlpArray sea-land seismic network and 110 stations from Cifalps dense deployments.
We firstly performed a 2-D data-driven transdimensional travel time inversion for group velocity maps from 4 to 150 s (Bodin & Sambridge, 2009). The data noise level was treated as a parameter of the inversion problem, and determined within a Hierarchical Bayes method. We used Fast Marching Eikonal solver (Rawlinson & Sambridge, 2005) jointly with the reversible jump algorithm to update raypath geometry during inversion. In the inversion of group velocity maps for shear-wave velocity, we set up a new formulation of the approach proposed by Lu et al (2018) by including group velocity uncertainties. Posterior probability distributions on Vs and interfaces were estimated by exploring a set of 130 millions synthetic 4-layer 1-D Vs models that allow for low-velocity zones. The obtained probabilistic model was refined using a linearized inversion. For the ocean-bottom seismometers of the Ligurian-Provencal basin, we applied a specific processing to clean daily noise signals from instrumental and oceanic noises (Crawford & Webb, 2000) and adapted the inversion for Vs to include the water column.
Our Vs model evidences strong variations of the crustal structure along strike, particulary in the subduction complex. The European crust includes lower crustal low-velocity zones and a Moho jump of ~8-12 km beneath the W-boundary of the external crystalline massifs. We observe a deep LVZ structure (50 - 80 km) in the prolongation of the European continental subduction beneath the Ivrea body. The striking fit between the receiver functions ccp migrated section across the Cifalps profile and this new Vs model validate its reliability.
How to cite: Nouibat, A., Stehly, L., Paul, A., Brossier, R., Bodin, T., Schwartz, S., and Working Group, A.: First step towards an integrated geophysical-geological model of the W-Alps: A new Vs model from transdimensional ambient-noise tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3197, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3197, 2021.
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We have successfully derived a new 3-D high resolution shear wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle of a large part of W-Europe from transdimensional ambient-noise tomography. This model is intended to contribute to the development of the first 3-D crustal-scale integrated geophysical-geological model of the W-Alps to deepen understanding of orogenesis and its relationship to mantle dynamics.
We used an exceptional dataset of 4 years of vertical-component, daily seismic noise records (2015 - 2019) of more than 950 permanent broadband seismic stations located in and around the Greater Alpine region, complemented by 490 temporary stations from the AlpArray sea-land seismic network and 110 stations from Cifalps dense deployments.
We firstly performed a 2-D data-driven transdimensional travel time inversion for group velocity maps from 4 to 150 s (Bodin & Sambridge, 2009). The data noise level was treated as a parameter of the inversion problem, and determined within a Hierarchical Bayes method. We used Fast Marching Eikonal solver (Rawlinson & Sambridge, 2005) jointly with the reversible jump algorithm to update raypath geometry during inversion. In the inversion of group velocity maps for shear-wave velocity, we set up a new formulation of the approach proposed by Lu et al (2018) by including group velocity uncertainties. Posterior probability distributions on Vs and interfaces were estimated by exploring a set of 130 millions synthetic 4-layer 1-D Vs models that allow for low-velocity zones. The obtained probabilistic model was refined using a linearized inversion. For the ocean-bottom seismometers of the Ligurian-Provencal basin, we applied a specific processing to clean daily noise signals from instrumental and oceanic noises (Crawford & Webb, 2000) and adapted the inversion for Vs to include the water column.
Our Vs model evidences strong variations of the crustal structure along strike, particulary in the subduction complex. The European crust includes lower crustal low-velocity zones and a Moho jump of ~8-12 km beneath the W-boundary of the external crystalline massifs. We observe a deep LVZ structure (50 - 80 km) in the prolongation of the European continental subduction beneath the Ivrea body. The striking fit between the receiver functions ccp migrated section across the Cifalps profile and this new Vs model validate its reliability.
How to cite: Nouibat, A., Stehly, L., Paul, A., Brossier, R., Bodin, T., Schwartz, S., and Working Group, A.: First step towards an integrated geophysical-geological model of the W-Alps: A new Vs model from transdimensional ambient-noise tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3197, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3197, 2021.
EGU21-8928 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Role of the deep crustal scale geometry on Western Alps strain partitioning : Insights from S-wave velocity tomographyStéphane Schwartz, Ahmed Nouibat, Yann Rolland, Thierry Dumont, Anne Paul, Stéphane Guillot, Marco Malusà, Laurent Stehly, Cifalps Group, and AlpArray Working Group
The recent S-wave velocity tomography undertaken at the scale of the Alps by Nouibat et al. (2021) allows a reappraisal of the deep structure of this mountain belt. These geophysical data highlight the role of crustal geometry in the strain field development observed in the Western Alps. The geophysical imagery shows a standard crustal thickness in the foreland, with slow velocities (<3.6 km.s-1) in the lower crust. The occurrence of a sharp Moho offset of 5-12 km is detected beneath the External Crystalline Massifs (ECMs). The ECMs do not show any significant crustal thickening in their frontal parts (<35 km), except for the Pelvoux ECM (35-40 km). Beneath the internal zones, east of the Penninic Frontal Thrust, the crustal geometry is more complex with the presence of an European continental slab subducting locally deeper than 80 km beneath the Adria plate. This slab is overlain by a high-pressure metamorphic orogenic prism. The lower part, corresponding to the Ivrea gravimetry anomaly, shows seismic signatures of serpentinized mantle (Vs between 3.8 and 4.3 km.s-1) whose upper limit is located at 10 km depth below the Dora Maira internal crystalline massif. This new crustal-scale image can be compared to the current deformation pattern, which appears highly partitioned at the scale of the Alpine arc. The internal zones show a transtensional deformation regime, whose activity is distributed along two major seismic lineaments (the ‘Piemontais’ and ‘Briançonnais’ ones). The Alpine European foreland shows a transpressional deformation that is more diffuse and associated with vertical displacements in the ECMs. Beneath the Po plain, the seismic activity is deeper (>40 km), and correlates with a transpressional deformation which is localized along sub-vertical lineaments. The deformation of the orogenic prism appears controlled by a deeper and rigid mantle indenter split in two units by a major subvertical serpentinized structure. The upper unit, which indents horizontally and vertically the crustal orogenic prism, is located between 20 and 45 km depth. The lower unit corresponds to the western boundary of the Adria mantle that pinches directly the European slab. The surface observations and geochronological data suggest that the Moho offstets are superposed on European crustal-scale faults trend inherited from the Variscan orogeny, following the East-Variscan strike-slip system. This structural anisotropy was reactivated during the Alpine orogeny as shear zones in a mainly transpressional regime since about 25-30 Ma, as documented by Ar-Ar data on syn-kinematic mica and U-Pb on monazite. The comparison of current seismicity with the kinematics of exhumed shear zones suggests a continuity of this regime since 25-30 Ma, in response to the Adria plate anticlockwise rotation.
How to cite: Schwartz, S., Nouibat, A., Rolland, Y., Dumont, T., Paul, A., Guillot, S., Malusà, M., Stehly, L., Group, C., and Working Group, A.: Role of the deep crustal scale geometry on Western Alps strain partitioning : Insights from S-wave velocity tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8928, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8928, 2021.
The recent S-wave velocity tomography undertaken at the scale of the Alps by Nouibat et al. (2021) allows a reappraisal of the deep structure of this mountain belt. These geophysical data highlight the role of crustal geometry in the strain field development observed in the Western Alps. The geophysical imagery shows a standard crustal thickness in the foreland, with slow velocities (<3.6 km.s-1) in the lower crust. The occurrence of a sharp Moho offset of 5-12 km is detected beneath the External Crystalline Massifs (ECMs). The ECMs do not show any significant crustal thickening in their frontal parts (<35 km), except for the Pelvoux ECM (35-40 km). Beneath the internal zones, east of the Penninic Frontal Thrust, the crustal geometry is more complex with the presence of an European continental slab subducting locally deeper than 80 km beneath the Adria plate. This slab is overlain by a high-pressure metamorphic orogenic prism. The lower part, corresponding to the Ivrea gravimetry anomaly, shows seismic signatures of serpentinized mantle (Vs between 3.8 and 4.3 km.s-1) whose upper limit is located at 10 km depth below the Dora Maira internal crystalline massif. This new crustal-scale image can be compared to the current deformation pattern, which appears highly partitioned at the scale of the Alpine arc. The internal zones show a transtensional deformation regime, whose activity is distributed along two major seismic lineaments (the ‘Piemontais’ and ‘Briançonnais’ ones). The Alpine European foreland shows a transpressional deformation that is more diffuse and associated with vertical displacements in the ECMs. Beneath the Po plain, the seismic activity is deeper (>40 km), and correlates with a transpressional deformation which is localized along sub-vertical lineaments. The deformation of the orogenic prism appears controlled by a deeper and rigid mantle indenter split in two units by a major subvertical serpentinized structure. The upper unit, which indents horizontally and vertically the crustal orogenic prism, is located between 20 and 45 km depth. The lower unit corresponds to the western boundary of the Adria mantle that pinches directly the European slab. The surface observations and geochronological data suggest that the Moho offstets are superposed on European crustal-scale faults trend inherited from the Variscan orogeny, following the East-Variscan strike-slip system. This structural anisotropy was reactivated during the Alpine orogeny as shear zones in a mainly transpressional regime since about 25-30 Ma, as documented by Ar-Ar data on syn-kinematic mica and U-Pb on monazite. The comparison of current seismicity with the kinematics of exhumed shear zones suggests a continuity of this regime since 25-30 Ma, in response to the Adria plate anticlockwise rotation.
How to cite: Schwartz, S., Nouibat, A., Rolland, Y., Dumont, T., Paul, A., Guillot, S., Malusà, M., Stehly, L., Group, C., and Working Group, A.: Role of the deep crustal scale geometry on Western Alps strain partitioning : Insights from S-wave velocity tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8928, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8928, 2021.
EGU21-9391 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Striking differences in lithospheric structure between the north- and south-western Alps: insights from receiver functions along the Cifalps profiles and a new Vs modelAnne Paul, Ahmed Nouibat, Liang Zhao, Stefano Solarino, Stéphane Schwartz, Marco Malusà, Laurent Stehly, Coralie Aubert, Thierry Dumont, Elena Eva, Stéphane Guillot, Silvia Pondrelli, Simone Salimbeni, and AlpArray Working Group
The CIFALPS receiver-function (RF) profile in the southwestern Alps provided the first seismological evidence of continental subduction in the Alps, with the detection of waves converted on the European Moho at 75-80 km depth beneath the western edge of the Po basin (Zhao et al., 2015). To complement the CIFALPS profile and enhance our knowledge of the lithospheric structure of the Western Alps, we installed CIFALPS2, a temporary network of 55 broadband seismic stations that operated for ~14 months (2018-2019) across the North-Western Alps (Zhao et al., 2018). The CIFALPS2 line runs from the Eastern Massif Central to the Ligurian coast, across the Mont-Blanc and Gran Paradiso massifs and the Ligurian Alps. Seismic stations were installed along a quasi-linear profile with a spacing of 7-10 km.
We will show 2 receiver-function CCP (common-conversion point) depth-migrated sections along the CIFALPS2 profile, the first one across the Alps, and the second one across the Ligurian Alps and the Po basin. The time-to-depth migration of RF data is based on the new 3-D Vs model of the Greater Alpine region derived by Nouibat et al. (2021) using transdimensional ambient noise tomography on a large dataset including the AlpArray seismic network. Depth sections across the Vs model are also useful for interpreting the RF CCP sections as they have striking similarities.
The images of the lithospheric structure of the NW Alps along CIFALPS2 are surprisingly different from those of the SW Alps along CIFALPS. The deepest P-to-S converted phases on the European Moho are detected at 60-65 km depth beneath the Ivrea-Verbano zone, that is 15 km less than on CIFALPS. The negative polarity converted phase interpreted as the base of the Ivrea body mantle flake on the CIFALPS section is still visible on CIFALPS2, but with a lower amplitude. The RF section confirms the existence of a jump of the European Moho of ~10 km amplitude in less than 10 km distance, which is located within a few km from the western boundary of the Mont Blanc external crystalline massif. All these observations are confirmed by the Vs model that also displays a less deep continental subduction than on CIFALPS, weaker S-wave velocities in the Ivrea body wedge, and the jump of the European Moho.
The Moho beneath the Ligurian Alps is detected at 25-30 km depth both on the RF and on the Vs depth sections. Moving northwards, this Ligurian Moho is separated from the Adriatic Moho by a puzzling S-dipping set of P-to-S converted waves with negative polarity. The crust of the Ligurian Alps is characterized by a set of north-dipping negative-polarity converted waves at 10 to 20 km depth beneath the Valosio massif, which is a small internal crystalline massif of (U)HP metamorphic rocks located north of Voltri. The similarity of this set of negative-polarity conversions to the one observed beneath the Dora Maira massif on the CIFALPS profile suggests that it may be a relic of the Alpine structure overprinted by the opening of the Ligurian sea.
How to cite: Paul, A., Nouibat, A., Zhao, L., Solarino, S., Schwartz, S., Malusà, M., Stehly, L., Aubert, C., Dumont, T., Eva, E., Guillot, S., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Working Group, A.: Striking differences in lithospheric structure between the north- and south-western Alps: insights from receiver functions along the Cifalps profiles and a new Vs model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9391, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9391, 2021.
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The CIFALPS receiver-function (RF) profile in the southwestern Alps provided the first seismological evidence of continental subduction in the Alps, with the detection of waves converted on the European Moho at 75-80 km depth beneath the western edge of the Po basin (Zhao et al., 2015). To complement the CIFALPS profile and enhance our knowledge of the lithospheric structure of the Western Alps, we installed CIFALPS2, a temporary network of 55 broadband seismic stations that operated for ~14 months (2018-2019) across the North-Western Alps (Zhao et al., 2018). The CIFALPS2 line runs from the Eastern Massif Central to the Ligurian coast, across the Mont-Blanc and Gran Paradiso massifs and the Ligurian Alps. Seismic stations were installed along a quasi-linear profile with a spacing of 7-10 km.
We will show 2 receiver-function CCP (common-conversion point) depth-migrated sections along the CIFALPS2 profile, the first one across the Alps, and the second one across the Ligurian Alps and the Po basin. The time-to-depth migration of RF data is based on the new 3-D Vs model of the Greater Alpine region derived by Nouibat et al. (2021) using transdimensional ambient noise tomography on a large dataset including the AlpArray seismic network. Depth sections across the Vs model are also useful for interpreting the RF CCP sections as they have striking similarities.
The images of the lithospheric structure of the NW Alps along CIFALPS2 are surprisingly different from those of the SW Alps along CIFALPS. The deepest P-to-S converted phases on the European Moho are detected at 60-65 km depth beneath the Ivrea-Verbano zone, that is 15 km less than on CIFALPS. The negative polarity converted phase interpreted as the base of the Ivrea body mantle flake on the CIFALPS section is still visible on CIFALPS2, but with a lower amplitude. The RF section confirms the existence of a jump of the European Moho of ~10 km amplitude in less than 10 km distance, which is located within a few km from the western boundary of the Mont Blanc external crystalline massif. All these observations are confirmed by the Vs model that also displays a less deep continental subduction than on CIFALPS, weaker S-wave velocities in the Ivrea body wedge, and the jump of the European Moho.
The Moho beneath the Ligurian Alps is detected at 25-30 km depth both on the RF and on the Vs depth sections. Moving northwards, this Ligurian Moho is separated from the Adriatic Moho by a puzzling S-dipping set of P-to-S converted waves with negative polarity. The crust of the Ligurian Alps is characterized by a set of north-dipping negative-polarity converted waves at 10 to 20 km depth beneath the Valosio massif, which is a small internal crystalline massif of (U)HP metamorphic rocks located north of Voltri. The similarity of this set of negative-polarity conversions to the one observed beneath the Dora Maira massif on the CIFALPS profile suggests that it may be a relic of the Alpine structure overprinted by the opening of the Ligurian sea.
How to cite: Paul, A., Nouibat, A., Zhao, L., Solarino, S., Schwartz, S., Malusà, M., Stehly, L., Aubert, C., Dumont, T., Eva, E., Guillot, S., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Working Group, A.: Striking differences in lithospheric structure between the north- and south-western Alps: insights from receiver functions along the Cifalps profiles and a new Vs model, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9391, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9391, 2021.
EGU21-8117 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Configuration of continental subduction beneath the Western Alps: results using forward modeling of receiver functions and gravity dataYuantong Mao, Liang Zhao, Anne Paul, Stefano Solarino, Coralie Aubert, Thierry Dumont, Elena Eva, Stéphane Guillot, Marco G. Malusà, Silvia Pondrelli, Simone Salimbeni, and Stéphane Schwartz
The Alpine orogeny, which was formed by subduction of the European plate beneath the Adria plate, is considered as one of the world’s foremost natural laboratories for the study of orogenic processes. In contrast to other mountain belts, the Western Alpine belt is curved and affected by three-dimensional effects. Due to differences in stress distribution and rheological properties of crustal rocks, the Moho geometry and crustal structure along different sections differ, in particular in the vicinity of the continental subduction complex.
To better understand the configuration of continental subduction along a profile that crosscuts the North-Western Alps, we combine receiver function analysis with computation of synthetic receiver functions and gravity anomaly modeling to precise the subduction structures and estimate a crustal 2D shear wave velocity and density model. Seismic data come from the CIFALPS2 (China-Italy-France Alps seismic survey) temporary experiment, which operated from 2018 to 2020. We use a 2D hybrid waveform simulation method (Zhao et al., 2008) that is reliable and efficient and has a better response to 2D structures compared to conventional 1D waveform inversion methods, in particular for the dipping Moho interface of the subduction complex. We compute synthetic receiver functions for a large set of models compatible with surface geology data, which are then processed to obtain synthetic CCP depth-migrated stacks. Furthermore, we model the Bouguer gravity data along the same profile to obtain preferred density distribution. The nature of rocks in the subduction complex can be inferred from our synthetical models.
Compared to the results of the CIFALPS profile in the Central Western Alps (Zhao et al., 2015), the subduction along the CIFALPS2 profile has a shallower dip angle, which is a significant difference between the two sections. As for velocity and density models, the two sections have a high velocity and high-density wedge in the subduction complex. We argue that the reason for the difference in crustal structures between the two sections may be related to the difference in stress distribution.
Zhao, L., et al. (2008). "A two-dimensional hybrid method for modeling seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media." Journal of Geophysical Research 113(B12).
Zhao, L., et al. (2015). "First seismic evidence for continental subduction beneath the Western Alps." Geology 43(9): 815-818.
How to cite: Mao, Y., Zhao, L., Paul, A., Solarino, S., Aubert, C., Dumont, T., Eva, E., Guillot, S., Malusà, M. G., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Schwartz, S.: Configuration of continental subduction beneath the Western Alps: results using forward modeling of receiver functions and gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8117, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8117, 2021.
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The Alpine orogeny, which was formed by subduction of the European plate beneath the Adria plate, is considered as one of the world’s foremost natural laboratories for the study of orogenic processes. In contrast to other mountain belts, the Western Alpine belt is curved and affected by three-dimensional effects. Due to differences in stress distribution and rheological properties of crustal rocks, the Moho geometry and crustal structure along different sections differ, in particular in the vicinity of the continental subduction complex.
To better understand the configuration of continental subduction along a profile that crosscuts the North-Western Alps, we combine receiver function analysis with computation of synthetic receiver functions and gravity anomaly modeling to precise the subduction structures and estimate a crustal 2D shear wave velocity and density model. Seismic data come from the CIFALPS2 (China-Italy-France Alps seismic survey) temporary experiment, which operated from 2018 to 2020. We use a 2D hybrid waveform simulation method (Zhao et al., 2008) that is reliable and efficient and has a better response to 2D structures compared to conventional 1D waveform inversion methods, in particular for the dipping Moho interface of the subduction complex. We compute synthetic receiver functions for a large set of models compatible with surface geology data, which are then processed to obtain synthetic CCP depth-migrated stacks. Furthermore, we model the Bouguer gravity data along the same profile to obtain preferred density distribution. The nature of rocks in the subduction complex can be inferred from our synthetical models.
Compared to the results of the CIFALPS profile in the Central Western Alps (Zhao et al., 2015), the subduction along the CIFALPS2 profile has a shallower dip angle, which is a significant difference between the two sections. As for velocity and density models, the two sections have a high velocity and high-density wedge in the subduction complex. We argue that the reason for the difference in crustal structures between the two sections may be related to the difference in stress distribution.
Zhao, L., et al. (2008). "A two-dimensional hybrid method for modeling seismic wave propagation in anisotropic media." Journal of Geophysical Research 113(B12).
Zhao, L., et al. (2015). "First seismic evidence for continental subduction beneath the Western Alps." Geology 43(9): 815-818.
How to cite: Mao, Y., Zhao, L., Paul, A., Solarino, S., Aubert, C., Dumont, T., Eva, E., Guillot, S., Malusà, M. G., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and Schwartz, S.: Configuration of continental subduction beneath the Western Alps: results using forward modeling of receiver functions and gravity data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8117, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8117, 2021.
EGU21-2902 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
New insights into structure and seismicity of the Central Alps from 3D Pg and Sg tomography and improved hypocenter relocationsTobias Diehl, Edi Kissling, Marco Herwegh, and Stefan Schmid
Accuracy of hypocenter location, in particular focal depth, is a precondition for high-resolution seismotectonic analysis of natural and induced seismicity. For instance, linking seismicity with mapped fault segments requires hypocenter accuracy at the sub-kilometer scale. In this study, we demonstrate that inaccurate velocity models and improper phase selection can bias absolute hypocenter locations and location uncertainties, resulting in errors larger than the targeted accuracy. To avoid such bias in densely instrumented seismic networks, we propose a coupled hypocenter-velocity inversion restricted to direct, upper-crustal Pg and Sg phases. The derived three-dimensional velocity models, combined with dynamic phase selection and non-linear location algorithms result in a highly accurate earthquake catalog, including consistent hypocenter uncertainties. We apply this procedure to about 60’000 Pg and 30’000 Sg quality-checked phases of local earthquakes in the Central Alps region. The derived tomographic models image the Vp and Vs velocity structure of the Central Alps’ upper crust at unprecedented resolution, including small-scale anomalies such as those caused by a Permo-Carboniferous trough in the northern foreland, Subalpine Molasse below the Alpine front or crystalline basement units within the Penninic nappes. The external Aar Massif is characterized by low Vp/Vs ratios of about 1.625-1.675 in the depth range of 2-6.5 km, which we relate to a felsic composition of the uplifted crustal block, possibly with increased quartz content. Finally, we discuss along-strike variations imaged by relocated seismicity in the Central Alps and demonstrate how joint interpretation of velocity structure and hypocenters provides additional constraints on lithologies of upper-crustal seismicity.
How to cite: Diehl, T., Kissling, E., Herwegh, M., and Schmid, S.: New insights into structure and seismicity of the Central Alps from 3D Pg and Sg tomography and improved hypocenter relocations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2902, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2902, 2021.
Accuracy of hypocenter location, in particular focal depth, is a precondition for high-resolution seismotectonic analysis of natural and induced seismicity. For instance, linking seismicity with mapped fault segments requires hypocenter accuracy at the sub-kilometer scale. In this study, we demonstrate that inaccurate velocity models and improper phase selection can bias absolute hypocenter locations and location uncertainties, resulting in errors larger than the targeted accuracy. To avoid such bias in densely instrumented seismic networks, we propose a coupled hypocenter-velocity inversion restricted to direct, upper-crustal Pg and Sg phases. The derived three-dimensional velocity models, combined with dynamic phase selection and non-linear location algorithms result in a highly accurate earthquake catalog, including consistent hypocenter uncertainties. We apply this procedure to about 60’000 Pg and 30’000 Sg quality-checked phases of local earthquakes in the Central Alps region. The derived tomographic models image the Vp and Vs velocity structure of the Central Alps’ upper crust at unprecedented resolution, including small-scale anomalies such as those caused by a Permo-Carboniferous trough in the northern foreland, Subalpine Molasse below the Alpine front or crystalline basement units within the Penninic nappes. The external Aar Massif is characterized by low Vp/Vs ratios of about 1.625-1.675 in the depth range of 2-6.5 km, which we relate to a felsic composition of the uplifted crustal block, possibly with increased quartz content. Finally, we discuss along-strike variations imaged by relocated seismicity in the Central Alps and demonstrate how joint interpretation of velocity structure and hypocenters provides additional constraints on lithologies of upper-crustal seismicity.
How to cite: Diehl, T., Kissling, E., Herwegh, M., and Schmid, S.: New insights into structure and seismicity of the Central Alps from 3D Pg and Sg tomography and improved hypocenter relocations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2902, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2902, 2021.
EGU21-8028 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
3-D Qp and Qs Seismic Attenuation for the Central Alps and their ForelandFederica Lanza, Tobias Diehl, Donna Eberhart-Phillips, Marco Herwegh, Donat Fäh, and Stefan Wiemer
In the framework of the SeismoTeCH project, which aims at advancing our understanding of seismotectonic processes in Switzerland, we present the first 3-D attenuation model of the upper crust for the Central Alps and their northern foreland. The 3-D inversions derive the quality factor Q (1/attenuation) using path attenuation t∗ observations for 4,192 distributed earthquakes recorded on permanent and temporary stations, including both velocity and acceleration records for the period 2002-2019. We followed a procedure of gradational inversions, in which a series of inversions with increasingly grid complexity are performed, with the goal of obtaining a useful Q model everywhere despite the varied data distribution. The Qs and Qp results show large-scale features in the upper crust, which are consistent with a recently improved high-resolution velocity models of the same region and serve to refine the interpretations of crustal structures from Vp and Vp/Vs. For example, the foreland region of southern Germany and northern Switzerland show a low Q crustal block bounded by high Q regions in the uppermost layer between -2.5 and 2.0 km depth. This markedly correlates with the overlying surface geology, where low Q areas coincide with the Molasse Basin, and the transition between low and high Q regions outline the geological boundary between the Molasse and the Mesozoic sediments towards north and the Alpine front to the south. At depths ranging between 2.0 - 6.5 km, low Q is imaged along the Rhone valley in the Valais in southwest Switzerland. This region presents the transition between the Centrals and Western Alps and hosts the presently seismically most active fault zones. As the attenuation of fractured areas is enhanced by fluids, low Q values may relate here to distributed microfractures that produce greater fracture connectivity and permeability in a relatively higher strain-rate zone. These geophysical constraints seem to support crustal scale fluid flow along fracture networks as manifest by the prominent occurrence of hot springs in this area. On the other hand, the moderate-to-high Qs and Qp (400-800) along with low Vp/Vs ratio and high Vs observed in the external Aar Massif could be indicative of metamorphic processes leading to different Vp/Vs ratios compared to the basement in the northern foreland (Black Forest Massif), and possibly image the continuation of the massif 20-30 km further to the northeast. In combination with recently developed Vp and Vs velocity models, the developed 3-D attenuation models provide additional constraints in terms of composition and physical properties of the uppermost crust of the central Alps as well as crucial input for next generation seismic hazard models of Switzerland, allowing for a more realistic prediction of earthquake related ground motions.
How to cite: Lanza, F., Diehl, T., Eberhart-Phillips, D., Herwegh, M., Fäh, D., and Wiemer, S.: 3-D Qp and Qs Seismic Attenuation for the Central Alps and their Foreland, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8028, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8028, 2021.
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In the framework of the SeismoTeCH project, which aims at advancing our understanding of seismotectonic processes in Switzerland, we present the first 3-D attenuation model of the upper crust for the Central Alps and their northern foreland. The 3-D inversions derive the quality factor Q (1/attenuation) using path attenuation t∗ observations for 4,192 distributed earthquakes recorded on permanent and temporary stations, including both velocity and acceleration records for the period 2002-2019. We followed a procedure of gradational inversions, in which a series of inversions with increasingly grid complexity are performed, with the goal of obtaining a useful Q model everywhere despite the varied data distribution. The Qs and Qp results show large-scale features in the upper crust, which are consistent with a recently improved high-resolution velocity models of the same region and serve to refine the interpretations of crustal structures from Vp and Vp/Vs. For example, the foreland region of southern Germany and northern Switzerland show a low Q crustal block bounded by high Q regions in the uppermost layer between -2.5 and 2.0 km depth. This markedly correlates with the overlying surface geology, where low Q areas coincide with the Molasse Basin, and the transition between low and high Q regions outline the geological boundary between the Molasse and the Mesozoic sediments towards north and the Alpine front to the south. At depths ranging between 2.0 - 6.5 km, low Q is imaged along the Rhone valley in the Valais in southwest Switzerland. This region presents the transition between the Centrals and Western Alps and hosts the presently seismically most active fault zones. As the attenuation of fractured areas is enhanced by fluids, low Q values may relate here to distributed microfractures that produce greater fracture connectivity and permeability in a relatively higher strain-rate zone. These geophysical constraints seem to support crustal scale fluid flow along fracture networks as manifest by the prominent occurrence of hot springs in this area. On the other hand, the moderate-to-high Qs and Qp (400-800) along with low Vp/Vs ratio and high Vs observed in the external Aar Massif could be indicative of metamorphic processes leading to different Vp/Vs ratios compared to the basement in the northern foreland (Black Forest Massif), and possibly image the continuation of the massif 20-30 km further to the northeast. In combination with recently developed Vp and Vs velocity models, the developed 3-D attenuation models provide additional constraints in terms of composition and physical properties of the uppermost crust of the central Alps as well as crucial input for next generation seismic hazard models of Switzerland, allowing for a more realistic prediction of earthquake related ground motions.
How to cite: Lanza, F., Diehl, T., Eberhart-Phillips, D., Herwegh, M., Fäh, D., and Wiemer, S.: 3-D Qp and Qs Seismic Attenuation for the Central Alps and their Foreland, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8028, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8028, 2021.
EGU21-3164 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Implications on recent tectonics in the Alps from centroid moment tensor inversion of weak to moderate seismicityGesa Maria Petersen, Simone Cesca, Sebastian Heimann, Peter Niemz, Torsten Dahm, Daniela Kühn, Jörn Kummerow, Thomas Plenefisch, and the AlpArray working group
Despite recent tectonic activity, the Alpine mountain range in central Europe is mostly characterized by weak to moderate seismicity. Low earthquake magnitudes and the heterogeneous crust comprising of different tectonic units challenge centroid moment tensor inversions in this region. Thanks to the dense AlpArray seismic network, comprising more than 600 stations across the Alps, as well as the adoption of a flexible, bootstrap-based inversion tool, we were able to reduce the magnitude threshold for moment tensor inversion to Mw 3.0. The inversion set-up was implemented after systematic tests of different frequency bands, distance ranges, input data types and azimuthal gaps. We quantified the uncertainties of centroid locations and moment tensors, and assessed the reliability of potential non double couple components. Here, we present ~80 deviatoric moment tensor solutions and compare our results to strain rates, historic and recent seismic activity as well as to other published focal mechanisms. We identify three main seismically active subregions, namely the Western Alps, the Lake Garda region and the SE Alps, and two clusters further away from the study region, in the Dinarides and the Apennines. Seismicity is particularly low in the NE Alps and in parts of the central Alps. Additionally, we apply a focal mechanism clustering algorithm to the joint catalog, including our moment tensor solutions and those from existing catalogs. While typical E-W to ENE-WSW striking thrust faulting is observed in the Friuli area in the SE Alps, strike-slip faulting with a similarly oriented pressure axis is observed along the central Alps and in the Dinarides. NW-SE striking normal faulting is observed in the NW Alps with a similar strike direction as the dominant normal faulting events in the Apennines. In the W Alps as well as in the SE Alps, rotations of mechanisms are observed. Both, our centroid depths as well as hypocentral depths in existing catalogs indicate that Alpine seismicity is predominantly very shallow, with 80 % of the studied events being shallower than 10 km.
How to cite: Petersen, G. M., Cesca, S., Heimann, S., Niemz, P., Dahm, T., Kühn, D., Kummerow, J., Plenefisch, T., and AlpArray working group, T.: Implications on recent tectonics in the Alps from centroid moment tensor inversion of weak to moderate seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3164, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3164, 2021.
Despite recent tectonic activity, the Alpine mountain range in central Europe is mostly characterized by weak to moderate seismicity. Low earthquake magnitudes and the heterogeneous crust comprising of different tectonic units challenge centroid moment tensor inversions in this region. Thanks to the dense AlpArray seismic network, comprising more than 600 stations across the Alps, as well as the adoption of a flexible, bootstrap-based inversion tool, we were able to reduce the magnitude threshold for moment tensor inversion to Mw 3.0. The inversion set-up was implemented after systematic tests of different frequency bands, distance ranges, input data types and azimuthal gaps. We quantified the uncertainties of centroid locations and moment tensors, and assessed the reliability of potential non double couple components. Here, we present ~80 deviatoric moment tensor solutions and compare our results to strain rates, historic and recent seismic activity as well as to other published focal mechanisms. We identify three main seismically active subregions, namely the Western Alps, the Lake Garda region and the SE Alps, and two clusters further away from the study region, in the Dinarides and the Apennines. Seismicity is particularly low in the NE Alps and in parts of the central Alps. Additionally, we apply a focal mechanism clustering algorithm to the joint catalog, including our moment tensor solutions and those from existing catalogs. While typical E-W to ENE-WSW striking thrust faulting is observed in the Friuli area in the SE Alps, strike-slip faulting with a similarly oriented pressure axis is observed along the central Alps and in the Dinarides. NW-SE striking normal faulting is observed in the NW Alps with a similar strike direction as the dominant normal faulting events in the Apennines. In the W Alps as well as in the SE Alps, rotations of mechanisms are observed. Both, our centroid depths as well as hypocentral depths in existing catalogs indicate that Alpine seismicity is predominantly very shallow, with 80 % of the studied events being shallower than 10 km.
How to cite: Petersen, G. M., Cesca, S., Heimann, S., Niemz, P., Dahm, T., Kühn, D., Kummerow, J., Plenefisch, T., and AlpArray working group, T.: Implications on recent tectonics in the Alps from centroid moment tensor inversion of weak to moderate seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3164, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3164, 2021.
EGU21-9829 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Microseismicity in the Eastern Alps: Preliminary Results From the Swath-D NetworkRens Hofman, Joern Kummerow, Simone Cesca, Joachim Wassermann, and Thomas Plenefisch and the AlpArray Working Group
The AlpArray seismological experiment is an international and interdisciplinary project to advance our understanding of geophysical processes in the greater Alpine region. The heart of the project consists of a large seismological array that covers the mountain range and its surrounding areas. To understand how the Alps and their neighbouring mountain belts evolved through time, we can only study its current structure and processes. The Eastern Alps are of prime interest since they currently demonstrate the highest crustal deformation rates. A key question is how these surface processes are linked to deeper structures. The Swath-D network is an array of temporary seismological stations complementary to the AlpArray network located in the Eastern Alps. This creates a unique opportunity to investigate high resolution seismicity on a local scale.
In this study, a combination of waveform-based detection methods was used to find small earthquakes in the large data volume of the Swath-D network. Methods were developed to locate the seismic events using semi-automatic picks, and estimate event magnitudes. We present an overview of the methods and workflow, as well as a preliminary overview of the seismicity in the Eastern Alps.
How to cite: Hofman, R., Kummerow, J., Cesca, S., Wassermann, J., and Plenefisch, T. and the AlpArray Working Group: Microseismicity in the Eastern Alps: Preliminary Results From the Swath-D Network, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9829, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9829, 2021.
The AlpArray seismological experiment is an international and interdisciplinary project to advance our understanding of geophysical processes in the greater Alpine region. The heart of the project consists of a large seismological array that covers the mountain range and its surrounding areas. To understand how the Alps and their neighbouring mountain belts evolved through time, we can only study its current structure and processes. The Eastern Alps are of prime interest since they currently demonstrate the highest crustal deformation rates. A key question is how these surface processes are linked to deeper structures. The Swath-D network is an array of temporary seismological stations complementary to the AlpArray network located in the Eastern Alps. This creates a unique opportunity to investigate high resolution seismicity on a local scale.
In this study, a combination of waveform-based detection methods was used to find small earthquakes in the large data volume of the Swath-D network. Methods were developed to locate the seismic events using semi-automatic picks, and estimate event magnitudes. We present an overview of the methods and workflow, as well as a preliminary overview of the seismicity in the Eastern Alps.
How to cite: Hofman, R., Kummerow, J., Cesca, S., Wassermann, J., and Plenefisch, T. and the AlpArray Working Group: Microseismicity in the Eastern Alps: Preliminary Results From the Swath-D Network, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9829, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9829, 2021.
EGU21-10922 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Template matching applied to the seismicity of the Albstadt Shear Zone, SW GermanySarah Mader, Andrea Brüstle, and Joachim R. R. Ritter and the the AlpArray Working Group
EGU21-6411 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Local Seismicity indicates basin inversion in the Ligurian SeaMartin Thorwart, Anke Dannowski, Ingo Grevemeyer, Dietrich Lange, Heidrun Kopp, Florian Petersen, Wayne Crawford, and Anne Paul and the AlpArray Working Group
The Alpine orogen and the Apennine system are part of the complex tectonic setting in the Mediterranean Sea caused by the convergence between Africa and Eurasia. Between 30 Ma and 15 Ma the Calabrian subduction retreated in a southeast direction pulling Corsica and Sardinia away from the Eurasian landmass. In this extensional setting, the Ligurian Sea was formed as a back-arc basin. The rifting jumped 15 Ma ago in the Tyrrhenian Sea leaving Corsica and Sardinia in a stable position relative to Eurasia.
Within the framework of the AlpArray research initiative a long-term seismological experiment was conducted in the Ligurian Sea to investigate the lithospheric structure and the seismicity in the Ligurian basin. The passive seismic network consisted of 29 broad-band ocean bottom stations from Germany and France. It was in operation between June 2017 and February 2018.
Two seismicity clusters occurred in the centre of the Ligurian Basin. The 18 earthquakes are located in the lower crust and in the upper-most mantle at depths between 10 km and 16 km. Re-location was performed only using picks from the OBS in the centre of the Ligurian Sea to avoid artifacts from the complex 3D velocity structure of the basin. Mantle refractions Pn and Sn have apparent velocities of 8.2 km/s and 4.7 km/s. The low Vp-Vs-ratio of 1.72 indicates a more brittle behaviour of the mantle material.
Fault plane solutions were determined for four events using also the data of land stations in southern France, Corsica, Sardinia and northern Italy. The focal mechanisms are thrust faulting. Fault planes strike in a NE-SW direction, coinciding with the alignment of the events and the direction of the basin axis.
We interprete the two earthquake clusters related to the inversion of the Ligurian Basin where the basin’s centre is under compression and stresses are taken up by reactivated faults in the crust and uppermost mantle. The compressional forces could be caused by the convergence of Africa and Europe. In general, observations of earthquakes in continental mantle lithosphere are rare and they reveal on the one hand a strengthening of the crust and uppermost mantle during rifting and on the other hand they support the interpretation that rifting failed in the northern Ligurian Basin.
How to cite: Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A., Grevemeyer, I., Lange, D., Kopp, H., Petersen, F., Crawford, W., and Paul, A. and the AlpArray Working Group: Local Seismicity indicates basin inversion in the Ligurian Sea , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6411, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6411, 2021.
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The Alpine orogen and the Apennine system are part of the complex tectonic setting in the Mediterranean Sea caused by the convergence between Africa and Eurasia. Between 30 Ma and 15 Ma the Calabrian subduction retreated in a southeast direction pulling Corsica and Sardinia away from the Eurasian landmass. In this extensional setting, the Ligurian Sea was formed as a back-arc basin. The rifting jumped 15 Ma ago in the Tyrrhenian Sea leaving Corsica and Sardinia in a stable position relative to Eurasia.
Within the framework of the AlpArray research initiative a long-term seismological experiment was conducted in the Ligurian Sea to investigate the lithospheric structure and the seismicity in the Ligurian basin. The passive seismic network consisted of 29 broad-band ocean bottom stations from Germany and France. It was in operation between June 2017 and February 2018.
Two seismicity clusters occurred in the centre of the Ligurian Basin. The 18 earthquakes are located in the lower crust and in the upper-most mantle at depths between 10 km and 16 km. Re-location was performed only using picks from the OBS in the centre of the Ligurian Sea to avoid artifacts from the complex 3D velocity structure of the basin. Mantle refractions Pn and Sn have apparent velocities of 8.2 km/s and 4.7 km/s. The low Vp-Vs-ratio of 1.72 indicates a more brittle behaviour of the mantle material.
Fault plane solutions were determined for four events using also the data of land stations in southern France, Corsica, Sardinia and northern Italy. The focal mechanisms are thrust faulting. Fault planes strike in a NE-SW direction, coinciding with the alignment of the events and the direction of the basin axis.
We interprete the two earthquake clusters related to the inversion of the Ligurian Basin where the basin’s centre is under compression and stresses are taken up by reactivated faults in the crust and uppermost mantle. The compressional forces could be caused by the convergence of Africa and Europe. In general, observations of earthquakes in continental mantle lithosphere are rare and they reveal on the one hand a strengthening of the crust and uppermost mantle during rifting and on the other hand they support the interpretation that rifting failed in the northern Ligurian Basin.
How to cite: Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A., Grevemeyer, I., Lange, D., Kopp, H., Petersen, F., Crawford, W., and Paul, A. and the AlpArray Working Group: Local Seismicity indicates basin inversion in the Ligurian Sea , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6411, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6411, 2021.
EGU21-9759 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Structural inversion of the North Ligurian margin: results from the SEFASILS experimentAlbane Canva, Jean-Xavier Dessa, Alessandra Ribodetti, Marie-Odile Beslier, Laure Schenini, Christophe Larroque, Isabelle Thinon, Serge Sambolian, Nicolas Chamot-Rooke, Matthias Delescluse, and Jacques Déverchère
The north Ligurian margin is a stretched continental margin located at the junction of the Western Mediterranean Sea and the Alpine belt. This region underwent several phases of contrasting deformation styles. The Ligurian basin opened from late Oligocene to early Miocene times, as a result of a back-arc extension induced by the rollback of the subducted Apulian plate. Since then, it has been evolving in the immediate vicinity of the active Alpine orogen, in a regional compressional setting between the Corsica-Sardinia continental block and mainland Europe.
Nowadays, continuous seismic activity, with mainly reverse focal mechanisms, is recorded in the northeastern part of the Ligurian Basin. It is attributed to the compressional phase at work in the Gulf of Genoa since about 5 Myrs, which led to a significant uplift of the north margin documented by a vertical offset of the Messinian stratigraphic markers by more than 1000 m offshore Imperia. Although active seismogenic faults are still poorly known, a fault system outcropping at the foot of the continental slope, offshore Liguria and the French Riviera, is suspected from previous joint high-resolution seismic reflection data interpretation and sismotectonic studies.
The SEFASILS project (Seismic Exploration of Faults And Structures In the Ligurian Sea) aims to better understand the mechanisms of the ongoing tectonic inversion of the margin and the crustal-scale tectonic structures –active or not– marking its evolution. We also aim to better characterize the sharp transition from the South Alpine belt to the Ligurian basin. Acquiring quality deep seismic data in the Ligurian Sea is challenging due to the complexity of structures beneath the margin and to the screening effect of the thick Messinian evaporitic series interlayered in the sedimentary cover farther seaward. To this end, joint acquisitions of deep, long-streamer multichannel seismic (MSC) reflection data and dense sea-bottom wide angle refraction data (WAS) have been carried out along a 150 km long profile offshore Nice, perpendicularly to the basin’s axis.
The MCS data, thanks to pre- and post-stack migration, highlight faults at the foot of the continental slope rooting deeper than the salt decollement level. A first arrival travel time tomographic inversion of the wide angle data allowed us to build a velocity model of the study area reaching down to the uppermost mantle. Here, we present the results obtained from the joint analysis of MCS and WAS data. On the southern part of our profile some deep reflectivity, closely mirrored by the 7 km/s tomographic isovelocity, likely corresponds to the Moho. It is lost to the north, where shallower reflectivity, which could be interpreted as the base the thick sedimentary cover, coincides with the 5 km/s isovelocity. These two features are separately observed on both sides of what appears to be a major structural discontinuity between two contrasting basement domains, coinciding with an anomalously large salt diapiric complex in the sedimentary cover, also observed farther east in the basin. Such observations and their potential consequences will be discussed, in the light of previous regional studies.
How to cite: Canva, A., Dessa, J.-X., Ribodetti, A., Beslier, M.-O., Schenini, L., Larroque, C., Thinon, I., Sambolian, S., Chamot-Rooke, N., Delescluse, M., and Déverchère, J.: Structural inversion of the North Ligurian margin: results from the SEFASILS experiment, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9759, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9759, 2021.
The north Ligurian margin is a stretched continental margin located at the junction of the Western Mediterranean Sea and the Alpine belt. This region underwent several phases of contrasting deformation styles. The Ligurian basin opened from late Oligocene to early Miocene times, as a result of a back-arc extension induced by the rollback of the subducted Apulian plate. Since then, it has been evolving in the immediate vicinity of the active Alpine orogen, in a regional compressional setting between the Corsica-Sardinia continental block and mainland Europe.
Nowadays, continuous seismic activity, with mainly reverse focal mechanisms, is recorded in the northeastern part of the Ligurian Basin. It is attributed to the compressional phase at work in the Gulf of Genoa since about 5 Myrs, which led to a significant uplift of the north margin documented by a vertical offset of the Messinian stratigraphic markers by more than 1000 m offshore Imperia. Although active seismogenic faults are still poorly known, a fault system outcropping at the foot of the continental slope, offshore Liguria and the French Riviera, is suspected from previous joint high-resolution seismic reflection data interpretation and sismotectonic studies.
The SEFASILS project (Seismic Exploration of Faults And Structures In the Ligurian Sea) aims to better understand the mechanisms of the ongoing tectonic inversion of the margin and the crustal-scale tectonic structures –active or not– marking its evolution. We also aim to better characterize the sharp transition from the South Alpine belt to the Ligurian basin. Acquiring quality deep seismic data in the Ligurian Sea is challenging due to the complexity of structures beneath the margin and to the screening effect of the thick Messinian evaporitic series interlayered in the sedimentary cover farther seaward. To this end, joint acquisitions of deep, long-streamer multichannel seismic (MSC) reflection data and dense sea-bottom wide angle refraction data (WAS) have been carried out along a 150 km long profile offshore Nice, perpendicularly to the basin’s axis.
The MCS data, thanks to pre- and post-stack migration, highlight faults at the foot of the continental slope rooting deeper than the salt decollement level. A first arrival travel time tomographic inversion of the wide angle data allowed us to build a velocity model of the study area reaching down to the uppermost mantle. Here, we present the results obtained from the joint analysis of MCS and WAS data. On the southern part of our profile some deep reflectivity, closely mirrored by the 7 km/s tomographic isovelocity, likely corresponds to the Moho. It is lost to the north, where shallower reflectivity, which could be interpreted as the base the thick sedimentary cover, coincides with the 5 km/s isovelocity. These two features are separately observed on both sides of what appears to be a major structural discontinuity between two contrasting basement domains, coinciding with an anomalously large salt diapiric complex in the sedimentary cover, also observed farther east in the basin. Such observations and their potential consequences will be discussed, in the light of previous regional studies.
How to cite: Canva, A., Dessa, J.-X., Ribodetti, A., Beslier, M.-O., Schenini, L., Larroque, C., Thinon, I., Sambolian, S., Chamot-Rooke, N., Delescluse, M., and Déverchère, J.: Structural inversion of the North Ligurian margin: results from the SEFASILS experiment, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9759, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9759, 2021.
EGU21-1806 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Millennial seismicity of the Upper Rhine GrabenMiklos Kazmer and Klaus Reicherter
The apparent seismic quiescence of the Upper Rhine Graben, as opposed to the Lower Rhine Graben, inspired authors to put the question whether it is real or due to short sampling (Stein et al. 2015). Lack of destructive earthquakes in the Leydecker (2011) historical catalogue (except two in the very north and south) made us to survey an alternative source of seismic documentation. We carried out archaeoseismological studies on the built environment: on Roman cities of Mogontiacum (Mainz) and Augusta Raurica (Kaiseraugust) on opposite ends of the Upper Rhine Graben, and on Medieval sites: the cathedrals of Mainz, Worms, Speyer, Strasbourg and Basel, the monastery churches of Lorsch, Ladenburg and Achern, altogether at 19 sites. Buildings were checked for seismic deformation. Detailed architectural history of construction, destruction and repair was created for each. Dating of (re)construction was achieved by studying published historical documents. Known earthquake epicenters were re-positioned, intensities corrected (usually raised), and previously unknown, highly destructive events recognized and dated. The 1080 AD Mainz earthquake (I=VI) is shifted to Speyer, causing collapse and rebuilding of the imperial cathedral there (I=IX). An additional earthquake occurred there in early modern times, damaging the newly built parts. The late 12thcentury has seen the rebuilding of the Strasbourg cathedral: surviving Romanesque parts still carry evidence for earthquake damage, covered by the Gothic cross-nave. A strange belfry was added to the western front to reinforce the two towers in unsatisfactory status in 1384. Destruction of the 1356 Basel earthquake is much larger than previously recorded: churches citywide carry evidence for damage followed by substantial reconstruction. The Upper Rhine Graben was seismically active in the past two millennia: instrumental quiescence is is misleading, causing dangerously low hazard estimates.
How to cite: Kazmer, M. and Reicherter, K.: Millennial seismicity of the Upper Rhine Graben, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1806, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1806, 2021.
The apparent seismic quiescence of the Upper Rhine Graben, as opposed to the Lower Rhine Graben, inspired authors to put the question whether it is real or due to short sampling (Stein et al. 2015). Lack of destructive earthquakes in the Leydecker (2011) historical catalogue (except two in the very north and south) made us to survey an alternative source of seismic documentation. We carried out archaeoseismological studies on the built environment: on Roman cities of Mogontiacum (Mainz) and Augusta Raurica (Kaiseraugust) on opposite ends of the Upper Rhine Graben, and on Medieval sites: the cathedrals of Mainz, Worms, Speyer, Strasbourg and Basel, the monastery churches of Lorsch, Ladenburg and Achern, altogether at 19 sites. Buildings were checked for seismic deformation. Detailed architectural history of construction, destruction and repair was created for each. Dating of (re)construction was achieved by studying published historical documents. Known earthquake epicenters were re-positioned, intensities corrected (usually raised), and previously unknown, highly destructive events recognized and dated. The 1080 AD Mainz earthquake (I=VI) is shifted to Speyer, causing collapse and rebuilding of the imperial cathedral there (I=IX). An additional earthquake occurred there in early modern times, damaging the newly built parts. The late 12thcentury has seen the rebuilding of the Strasbourg cathedral: surviving Romanesque parts still carry evidence for earthquake damage, covered by the Gothic cross-nave. A strange belfry was added to the western front to reinforce the two towers in unsatisfactory status in 1384. Destruction of the 1356 Basel earthquake is much larger than previously recorded: churches citywide carry evidence for damage followed by substantial reconstruction. The Upper Rhine Graben was seismically active in the past two millennia: instrumental quiescence is is misleading, causing dangerously low hazard estimates.
How to cite: Kazmer, M. and Reicherter, K.: Millennial seismicity of the Upper Rhine Graben, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1806, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1806, 2021.
EGU21-16332 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Geophysical signature of the alpine slab: Field analogues and direct modelsManon Sonnet, Loïc Labrousse, Jérôme Bascou, and Alexis Plunder
Recent geophysical data (receiver functions and body wave tomography) in the Alps show the continuity of the alpine dipping slab with the lower continental crust of the European plate. The eclogitization of the continental crust is often mentioned to explain its signature and its disappearing in the mantle beneath 80 km.
The aim of the present study is to use potential lithological analogues sampled in the outcropping European crust to directly predict the seismic properties of the buried crust. Here, we focus on mafic intercalations, present in the variscan basement series of the external crystalline massifs. We compare them with acknowledged generic chemical compositions for the continental lower crust or regional granulite facies rock units. Using the bulk rock chemistries of these samples and representative rocks, we calculate pressure-temperature on which we represent the seismic velocities (Vp, Vs ot Vp/Vs) assuming that the rocks have completely rebalanced during burial. In these diagrams, the main seismic contrasts seem to match the onset of jadeite formation (mostly Vp/Vs diagram), as well as the boundaries of the garnet and omphacite stability fields.
Considering the selected rocks are relevant analogues, we then compare the evolution of the seismic properties along the top of the alpine dipping slab with the profiles deduced from recent Vp and Vs tomography models (CIFALPS and AlpArray), varying the effective thermal profile of the Alpine slab, its reaction rate and its overall chemistry. Preliminary results suggest the Alpine lower crustal slab inherited most of his properties from its burial stage, with limited impact of subsequent evolution.
How to cite: Sonnet, M., Labrousse, L., Bascou, J., and Plunder, A.: Geophysical signature of the alpine slab: Field analogues and direct models , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16332, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16332, 2021.
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Recent geophysical data (receiver functions and body wave tomography) in the Alps show the continuity of the alpine dipping slab with the lower continental crust of the European plate. The eclogitization of the continental crust is often mentioned to explain its signature and its disappearing in the mantle beneath 80 km.
The aim of the present study is to use potential lithological analogues sampled in the outcropping European crust to directly predict the seismic properties of the buried crust. Here, we focus on mafic intercalations, present in the variscan basement series of the external crystalline massifs. We compare them with acknowledged generic chemical compositions for the continental lower crust or regional granulite facies rock units. Using the bulk rock chemistries of these samples and representative rocks, we calculate pressure-temperature on which we represent the seismic velocities (Vp, Vs ot Vp/Vs) assuming that the rocks have completely rebalanced during burial. In these diagrams, the main seismic contrasts seem to match the onset of jadeite formation (mostly Vp/Vs diagram), as well as the boundaries of the garnet and omphacite stability fields.
Considering the selected rocks are relevant analogues, we then compare the evolution of the seismic properties along the top of the alpine dipping slab with the profiles deduced from recent Vp and Vs tomography models (CIFALPS and AlpArray), varying the effective thermal profile of the Alpine slab, its reaction rate and its overall chemistry. Preliminary results suggest the Alpine lower crustal slab inherited most of his properties from its burial stage, with limited impact of subsequent evolution.
How to cite: Sonnet, M., Labrousse, L., Bascou, J., and Plunder, A.: Geophysical signature of the alpine slab: Field analogues and direct models , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16332, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16332, 2021.
EGU21-11552 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
How seismicity relates to lithospheric heterogeneity in the AlpsAjay Kumar, Cameron Spooner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, and Mauro Cacace
The Alps mountains and its forelands consist of a heterogeneous lithosphere, comprised of a multitude of tectonic blocks from different tectonic provinces with different thermo-physical properties. Patterns of seismicity distribution are also observed to vary significantly throughout the region. However, the relationship between seismicity and lithospheric heterogeneity has been often overlooked in previous studies. We present an overview of recent results that have attempted to address these questions through the use of integrated 3D modelling techniques, thereby including: (i) a gravity and seismic data constrained, 3D, density structural model of the lithosphere; (ii) a 3D thermal model constrained against available wellbore temperature data; and, (iii) a 3D rheological model of the long-term lithospheric strength and effective viscosities. Our models support the existence of a first-order correlation between the distribution of seismicity (laterally and with depth) and the strength of the lithosphere, with the former being clustered mainly within weaker domains. Beneath the Alps, observed upper-crustal level (i.e., unimodal) seismicity correlates with a weaker lithosphere where plate strength is controlled by the thick crustal root. Whereas in the southern foreland, weaker zones are found preferentially around the stronger Adriatic indenter while in the northern foreland they are located in the crust beneath the the Upper Rhine Graben (URG). We found that this correlation is primarily controlled by resolved thermal gradients and is a function of the tectonic inheritance setting (e.g., UGR), crustal architecture (e.g., thickness of sediments, upper and lower crust) and LAB depth. Sediment thickness and topographic effects controls the shallow thermal filed (0 – 10 km) whereas the deeper thermal field is controlled by the thickness of felsic upper crust (higher radiogenic heat contribution), the mafic lower crust (less radiogenic heat contribution) and basal thermal boundary condition from LAB depth. Seismicity is bounded by specific isotherms, 450 oC in the crust and < 600 oC in the mantle, except in regions where slabs are imaged by seismic tomography models. This is in contrast to the recent proposition that convergence velocity is a first-order factor controlling seismicity in an orogen rather than its architecture. Fast convergence rates (e.g., Himalayas) have been related to the subduction of the cold crust to deeper crustal depths thereby leading to a deepening of the brittle domain and to a bimodal (i.e., upper and lower crust) seismicity character. In contrast, slow convergence (e.g., Alps) is thought to lead to a hotter ductile lower crust thus limiting brittle deformation within the upper crust. We therefore end our contribution by opening a discussion on the relative role of convergence rates and lithospheric heterogeneities, inherited and/or developed during orogenesis, in controlling the seismicity. In doing so we carry out a comparison between observed seismicity and lithospheric architecture in the other mountain ranges of the western Alpine-Himalayan collision zone where convergence velocities are of a similar order of magnitudes as Alps, i.e., the Betics, the Pyrenees and the Apennines but where seismicity is observed to occur both at upper and lower crustal levels.
How to cite: Kumar, A., Spooner, C., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., and Cacace, M.: How seismicity relates to lithospheric heterogeneity in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11552, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11552, 2021.
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The Alps mountains and its forelands consist of a heterogeneous lithosphere, comprised of a multitude of tectonic blocks from different tectonic provinces with different thermo-physical properties. Patterns of seismicity distribution are also observed to vary significantly throughout the region. However, the relationship between seismicity and lithospheric heterogeneity has been often overlooked in previous studies. We present an overview of recent results that have attempted to address these questions through the use of integrated 3D modelling techniques, thereby including: (i) a gravity and seismic data constrained, 3D, density structural model of the lithosphere; (ii) a 3D thermal model constrained against available wellbore temperature data; and, (iii) a 3D rheological model of the long-term lithospheric strength and effective viscosities. Our models support the existence of a first-order correlation between the distribution of seismicity (laterally and with depth) and the strength of the lithosphere, with the former being clustered mainly within weaker domains. Beneath the Alps, observed upper-crustal level (i.e., unimodal) seismicity correlates with a weaker lithosphere where plate strength is controlled by the thick crustal root. Whereas in the southern foreland, weaker zones are found preferentially around the stronger Adriatic indenter while in the northern foreland they are located in the crust beneath the the Upper Rhine Graben (URG). We found that this correlation is primarily controlled by resolved thermal gradients and is a function of the tectonic inheritance setting (e.g., UGR), crustal architecture (e.g., thickness of sediments, upper and lower crust) and LAB depth. Sediment thickness and topographic effects controls the shallow thermal filed (0 – 10 km) whereas the deeper thermal field is controlled by the thickness of felsic upper crust (higher radiogenic heat contribution), the mafic lower crust (less radiogenic heat contribution) and basal thermal boundary condition from LAB depth. Seismicity is bounded by specific isotherms, 450 oC in the crust and < 600 oC in the mantle, except in regions where slabs are imaged by seismic tomography models. This is in contrast to the recent proposition that convergence velocity is a first-order factor controlling seismicity in an orogen rather than its architecture. Fast convergence rates (e.g., Himalayas) have been related to the subduction of the cold crust to deeper crustal depths thereby leading to a deepening of the brittle domain and to a bimodal (i.e., upper and lower crust) seismicity character. In contrast, slow convergence (e.g., Alps) is thought to lead to a hotter ductile lower crust thus limiting brittle deformation within the upper crust. We therefore end our contribution by opening a discussion on the relative role of convergence rates and lithospheric heterogeneities, inherited and/or developed during orogenesis, in controlling the seismicity. In doing so we carry out a comparison between observed seismicity and lithospheric architecture in the other mountain ranges of the western Alpine-Himalayan collision zone where convergence velocities are of a similar order of magnitudes as Alps, i.e., the Betics, the Pyrenees and the Apennines but where seismicity is observed to occur both at upper and lower crustal levels.
How to cite: Kumar, A., Spooner, C., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., and Cacace, M.: How seismicity relates to lithospheric heterogeneity in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11552, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11552, 2021.
EGU21-12724 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Surface deformation analysis in Northeast Italy by using PS-InSAR and GNSS dataGiulia Areggi, John Peter Merryman Boncori, Giuseppe Pezzo, Enrico Serpelloni, and Lorenzo Bonini
Geodetic data play a crucial role in the detection of surface deformation related to active tectonic processes. The present study aimed to investigate the Northeastern Italian sector, characterized by a convergent regime due to the NNW-ward motion of the Adria microplate towards the Eurasian plate, at a rate of ~ 2mm/yr. N-S shortening is accommodated by fold and thrust systems in the Alpine chain and buried below the Friuli-Venetian plain sediments. We used InSAR and GNSS data respectively in 2015-2019 and 2000-2020 time interval to estimate the surface kinematics and deformation pattern of the area. We processed the SAR images acquired by the European satellites Sentinel 1A/B from ascending and descending tracks by using the Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS). A post-processing of the resulting Line-Of-Sight (LOS) deformation time series was carried out by applying a spatial-temporal filter and calibrating using the velocities provided by GNSS stations. Finally, the post-processed ascending and descending LOS measurements were combined to solve for the vertical and horizontal (east-west) deformation components. We observed a positive vertical signal toward the Alps, in the northern region of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Moreover, we observed a significant negative vertical signal located in the plain and in the coastal zones due to the subsidence that strongly affects these areas. Horizontal velocities with rate of 1-2 mm/yr are observed close to main tectonic structures, especially in the eastern and the northwestern sector of the study area, where GNSS data reveal higher shortening rate.
How to cite: Areggi, G., Merryman Boncori, J. P., Pezzo, G., Serpelloni, E., and Bonini, L.: Surface deformation analysis in Northeast Italy by using PS-InSAR and GNSS data , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12724, 2021.
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Geodetic data play a crucial role in the detection of surface deformation related to active tectonic processes. The present study aimed to investigate the Northeastern Italian sector, characterized by a convergent regime due to the NNW-ward motion of the Adria microplate towards the Eurasian plate, at a rate of ~ 2mm/yr. N-S shortening is accommodated by fold and thrust systems in the Alpine chain and buried below the Friuli-Venetian plain sediments. We used InSAR and GNSS data respectively in 2015-2019 and 2000-2020 time interval to estimate the surface kinematics and deformation pattern of the area. We processed the SAR images acquired by the European satellites Sentinel 1A/B from ascending and descending tracks by using the Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS). A post-processing of the resulting Line-Of-Sight (LOS) deformation time series was carried out by applying a spatial-temporal filter and calibrating using the velocities provided by GNSS stations. Finally, the post-processed ascending and descending LOS measurements were combined to solve for the vertical and horizontal (east-west) deformation components. We observed a positive vertical signal toward the Alps, in the northern region of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Moreover, we observed a significant negative vertical signal located in the plain and in the coastal zones due to the subsidence that strongly affects these areas. Horizontal velocities with rate of 1-2 mm/yr are observed close to main tectonic structures, especially in the eastern and the northwestern sector of the study area, where GNSS data reveal higher shortening rate.
How to cite: Areggi, G., Merryman Boncori, J. P., Pezzo, G., Serpelloni, E., and Bonini, L.: Surface deformation analysis in Northeast Italy by using PS-InSAR and GNSS data , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12724, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12724, 2021.
EGU21-16529 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
The arc of the Western Alps : understanding its kinematics and formation mechanisms based on new structural and paleomagnetic datas, and thermo-mechanical modelling.Quentin Brunsmann, Claudio Rosenberg, Nicolas Bellahsen, and Laetitia Le Pourhiet
The Alps have an overall East-West orientation, which changes radically in their western termination, where they rotate southward into a N-S strike, and then eastward into an E-W strike, forming the arc of the Western Alps. This arc is commonly inferred to have formed during collision, due to indentation of the Adriatic plate into the European continental margin. Several models attempted to provide a kinematic explanation for the formation of this arched, lateral end of the Alps. Indeed, the radial nature of the transport directions observed along the arc of the Western Alps cannot be explained by a classic convergence model.
For more than 50 years the formation of this arc was been associated to westward-directed indentation of Adria, accommodated along East-West oriented strike-slip faults, a sinistral one in the South of the arc and a dextral one in the North. The dextral one correspond to the Insubric Fault. The sinistral strike-slip zone, inferred to be localized along the «Stura corridor» (Piedmont, Italy) would correspond to a displacement of 100 to 150 km according to palaeogeographical, and geometric analyses. However, field evidence is scarce and barely documented in the literature.
Vertical axis rotations of the Adriatic indenter also inferred to be syn-collisional could have influenced the acquisition of the morphology of the arc. Paleomagnetic analyses carried out in the Internal Zone and in the Po plain suggest a southward increading amount of counter-clockwise rotation of the Adriatic plate and the Internal Zone, varying from 20°-25° in the North to nearly 120° in the South.
Dextral shear zones possibly accommodating this rotation in some conceptual models is observed in several places below the Penninic Front and affect the Argentera massif to the south. However, the measured displacement quantities do not appear to be equivalent to those induced by such rotations.
The present study aims to constrain the kinematic evolution of the arc of the Western Alps through a multidisciplinary approach. The first aspect of this project is the structural analysis of the area (Stura corridor) inferred to accommodate large sinistral displacements allowing for the westward indentation of the Adriatic indenter. We discuss the general lack of field evidence supporting sinistral strike-slip movements, in contrast to large-scale compilation of structures suggesting the possible occurrence of such displacement. The second part consists of a palaeomagnetic study, in which new data are integred with a compilation of already existing data. This compilation shows that several parts of the arc in the External Zone did not suffer any Cenozoic rotations, hence suggesting that a proto-arc already axisted at the onset collision, as suggested by independent evidence of some paleogeographic reconstruction. Finally, 2D and 3D thermo-mechanical modeling in using the pTatin3D code is used to test which structural (geometrical), and rheological parameters affected the first-order morphology of the Western Alpin arc and its kinematics. The synthesis of these different approaches allows us to propose a new model explaining the kinematics and the mechanisms of formation of the Western Alps arc.
How to cite: Brunsmann, Q., Rosenberg, C., Bellahsen, N., and Le Pourhiet, L.: The arc of the Western Alps : understanding its kinematics and formation mechanisms based on new structural and paleomagnetic datas, and thermo-mechanical modelling., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16529, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16529, 2021.
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The Alps have an overall East-West orientation, which changes radically in their western termination, where they rotate southward into a N-S strike, and then eastward into an E-W strike, forming the arc of the Western Alps. This arc is commonly inferred to have formed during collision, due to indentation of the Adriatic plate into the European continental margin. Several models attempted to provide a kinematic explanation for the formation of this arched, lateral end of the Alps. Indeed, the radial nature of the transport directions observed along the arc of the Western Alps cannot be explained by a classic convergence model.
For more than 50 years the formation of this arc was been associated to westward-directed indentation of Adria, accommodated along East-West oriented strike-slip faults, a sinistral one in the South of the arc and a dextral one in the North. The dextral one correspond to the Insubric Fault. The sinistral strike-slip zone, inferred to be localized along the «Stura corridor» (Piedmont, Italy) would correspond to a displacement of 100 to 150 km according to palaeogeographical, and geometric analyses. However, field evidence is scarce and barely documented in the literature.
Vertical axis rotations of the Adriatic indenter also inferred to be syn-collisional could have influenced the acquisition of the morphology of the arc. Paleomagnetic analyses carried out in the Internal Zone and in the Po plain suggest a southward increading amount of counter-clockwise rotation of the Adriatic plate and the Internal Zone, varying from 20°-25° in the North to nearly 120° in the South.
Dextral shear zones possibly accommodating this rotation in some conceptual models is observed in several places below the Penninic Front and affect the Argentera massif to the south. However, the measured displacement quantities do not appear to be equivalent to those induced by such rotations.
The present study aims to constrain the kinematic evolution of the arc of the Western Alps through a multidisciplinary approach. The first aspect of this project is the structural analysis of the area (Stura corridor) inferred to accommodate large sinistral displacements allowing for the westward indentation of the Adriatic indenter. We discuss the general lack of field evidence supporting sinistral strike-slip movements, in contrast to large-scale compilation of structures suggesting the possible occurrence of such displacement. The second part consists of a palaeomagnetic study, in which new data are integred with a compilation of already existing data. This compilation shows that several parts of the arc in the External Zone did not suffer any Cenozoic rotations, hence suggesting that a proto-arc already axisted at the onset collision, as suggested by independent evidence of some paleogeographic reconstruction. Finally, 2D and 3D thermo-mechanical modeling in using the pTatin3D code is used to test which structural (geometrical), and rheological parameters affected the first-order morphology of the Western Alpin arc and its kinematics. The synthesis of these different approaches allows us to propose a new model explaining the kinematics and the mechanisms of formation of the Western Alps arc.
How to cite: Brunsmann, Q., Rosenberg, C., Bellahsen, N., and Le Pourhiet, L.: The arc of the Western Alps : understanding its kinematics and formation mechanisms based on new structural and paleomagnetic datas, and thermo-mechanical modelling., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16529, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16529, 2021.
EGU21-8681 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Westward propagation of thrusts in the external Western Alps (France) reappraised from an updated chronostratigraphy of the Miocene MolassesAmir Kalifi, Philippe-Hervé Leloup, Philippe Sorrel, Albert Galy, François Demory, Vincenzo Spina, Bastien Huet, Kilian Lecacheur, Romain Grime, Bernard Pittet, and Jean-Loup Rubino
The fact that the western Alps Miocene foreland basin succession is poorly dated impacts directly our understanding of the deformation kinematics of that part of the external part of the Alpine belt (France). Here we propose a multidisciplinary approach aiming at building a robust tectono-stratigraphic framework of the Miocene deposits at the basin scale (northern subalpine massifs, southern Jura, Royans, Bas-Dauphiné and La Bresse basins). Sr isotopes stratigraphy combined with magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy enable sequence stratigraphy subdivisions S1 to S8 between the Upper Aquitanian (-21 Ma) and the Tortonian (-9 Ma) dated with a precision <0.5 Ma. These results highlight four different palaeogeographical domains during the Miocene: (i) the oriental domain with depositional sequences S1a to S3 (~21.3 to 15Ma), (ii) the median domain, in which sequences S2, S3, S4 and S5 occurred (~17.8 to 14Ma), (iii) the occidental domain with sequences S2 to S8 (~17.8 to ~9.5Ma); and (iv) the Bressan domain, in which sequences S6 to S8 are found (~ 11.5 to ~9.5Ma).
This revised chronostratigraphy was complemented with a structural and tectono-sedimentary study based on new fieldwork data and a reappraisal of regional seismic profiles, allowing to highlight five major faults zones (FZ). It appears that the oriental, median and occidental paleogeographical domains are delineated by FZ1, FZ2 and FZ3, therefore suggesting a strong interplay between tectonics and sedimentation. Evidences of syntectonic deposits and a westward migration of the depocenters impart the following deformation chronology : a Oligocene compressive phase (P1) corresponding to thrusting above FZ1 rooted east (above) Belledonne, which generated reliefs that limited the early Miocene transgression to the east; an Early- to Middle Miocene W-WNW/E-ESE-directed compressive phase (P2) involving the Belledonne massif basal thrust, which between 18.05 +/- 0.15 Ma and 12Ma successively activated the Salève thrust fault, and the FZ2 to FZ5 from east to west. P2 deeply impacted the Miocene palaeogeographical evolution by a rapid westward migration of depocenters in response to the exhumation of piggy-back basins above the growing fault zones; a last Tortonian phase (P3), less well constrained, apparently implied a significant uplift in the subalpine massifs, combined with the activation of the frontal Jura thrust.
How to cite: Kalifi, A., Leloup, P.-H., Sorrel, P., Galy, A., Demory, F., Spina, V., Huet, B., Lecacheur, K., Grime, R., Pittet, B., and Rubino, J.-L.: Westward propagation of thrusts in the external Western Alps (France) reappraised from an updated chronostratigraphy of the Miocene Molasses, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8681, 2021.
The fact that the western Alps Miocene foreland basin succession is poorly dated impacts directly our understanding of the deformation kinematics of that part of the external part of the Alpine belt (France). Here we propose a multidisciplinary approach aiming at building a robust tectono-stratigraphic framework of the Miocene deposits at the basin scale (northern subalpine massifs, southern Jura, Royans, Bas-Dauphiné and La Bresse basins). Sr isotopes stratigraphy combined with magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy enable sequence stratigraphy subdivisions S1 to S8 between the Upper Aquitanian (-21 Ma) and the Tortonian (-9 Ma) dated with a precision <0.5 Ma. These results highlight four different palaeogeographical domains during the Miocene: (i) the oriental domain with depositional sequences S1a to S3 (~21.3 to 15Ma), (ii) the median domain, in which sequences S2, S3, S4 and S5 occurred (~17.8 to 14Ma), (iii) the occidental domain with sequences S2 to S8 (~17.8 to ~9.5Ma); and (iv) the Bressan domain, in which sequences S6 to S8 are found (~ 11.5 to ~9.5Ma).
This revised chronostratigraphy was complemented with a structural and tectono-sedimentary study based on new fieldwork data and a reappraisal of regional seismic profiles, allowing to highlight five major faults zones (FZ). It appears that the oriental, median and occidental paleogeographical domains are delineated by FZ1, FZ2 and FZ3, therefore suggesting a strong interplay between tectonics and sedimentation. Evidences of syntectonic deposits and a westward migration of the depocenters impart the following deformation chronology : a Oligocene compressive phase (P1) corresponding to thrusting above FZ1 rooted east (above) Belledonne, which generated reliefs that limited the early Miocene transgression to the east; an Early- to Middle Miocene W-WNW/E-ESE-directed compressive phase (P2) involving the Belledonne massif basal thrust, which between 18.05 +/- 0.15 Ma and 12Ma successively activated the Salève thrust fault, and the FZ2 to FZ5 from east to west. P2 deeply impacted the Miocene palaeogeographical evolution by a rapid westward migration of depocenters in response to the exhumation of piggy-back basins above the growing fault zones; a last Tortonian phase (P3), less well constrained, apparently implied a significant uplift in the subalpine massifs, combined with the activation of the frontal Jura thrust.
How to cite: Kalifi, A., Leloup, P.-H., Sorrel, P., Galy, A., Demory, F., Spina, V., Huet, B., Lecacheur, K., Grime, R., Pittet, B., and Rubino, J.-L.: Westward propagation of thrusts in the external Western Alps (France) reappraised from an updated chronostratigraphy of the Miocene Molasses, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8681, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8681, 2021.
EGU21-8595 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Rediscovery of a major alpine thrust : the Helvetic Basal DecollementAntoine Mercier, Philippe Hervé Leloup, Gabriel Courrioux, Séverine Caritg, Simon Lopez, and Amir Kalifi
Since two centuries the European Alps are a natural laboratory to study continental lithosphere deformation during mountain building. Since the early studies, a constant question has been to evaluate the importance of vertical versus horizontal displacements in the building of reliefs. Whilst the occurrence of large thrust sheets, as initially proposed from field observations, are now well explained in the frame of plate tectonics, controversies still arise on the precise geometry, amount, and timing of major thrusting during the orogeny.
We present a new detailed 3D structural study of the cover/basement relationships in the Chamonix synclinorium in between the Mont-Blanc (MB) and Aiguilles Rouges (AR) ranges. These massifs are two of the main external basement ranges of the western Alps. The study allows deciphering the area structural history: the Mesozoic sedimentary cover has been thrust at least 10km NW above the Helvetic Basal Décollement (HBD) before to be offset by late steep thrusts during exhumation in the Miocene.
Such interpretation fundamentally diverges from the classical view of the sedimentary cover of the Chamonix synclinorium being expulsed from a former graben during a single deformation phase and implies that a major thrust phase lasting ~10 Ma has been overlooked. Our observations show that the HBD was a major thrust system active between ~30 and ~20 Ma, possibly until 15 Ma, with a shortening of more than 10km in the south to 20km in the north. It extends below most of the subalpine ranges and emerges in front of the Bauges and within the Chartreuse and Vercors massifs, and was rooted east of the External Cristalline Massifs (Mont-Blanc and Belledonne). During the Miocene, the HBD was cut by steep reverse faults and uplifted above the basement culmination of the External Cristalline Massifs obscuring its continuity and precluding its recognition as a major structure even if it was previously described at several localities.
How to cite: Mercier, A., Leloup, P. H., Courrioux, G., Caritg, S., Lopez, S., and Kalifi, A.: Rediscovery of a major alpine thrust : the Helvetic Basal Decollement, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8595, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8595, 2021.
Since two centuries the European Alps are a natural laboratory to study continental lithosphere deformation during mountain building. Since the early studies, a constant question has been to evaluate the importance of vertical versus horizontal displacements in the building of reliefs. Whilst the occurrence of large thrust sheets, as initially proposed from field observations, are now well explained in the frame of plate tectonics, controversies still arise on the precise geometry, amount, and timing of major thrusting during the orogeny.
We present a new detailed 3D structural study of the cover/basement relationships in the Chamonix synclinorium in between the Mont-Blanc (MB) and Aiguilles Rouges (AR) ranges. These massifs are two of the main external basement ranges of the western Alps. The study allows deciphering the area structural history: the Mesozoic sedimentary cover has been thrust at least 10km NW above the Helvetic Basal Décollement (HBD) before to be offset by late steep thrusts during exhumation in the Miocene.
Such interpretation fundamentally diverges from the classical view of the sedimentary cover of the Chamonix synclinorium being expulsed from a former graben during a single deformation phase and implies that a major thrust phase lasting ~10 Ma has been overlooked. Our observations show that the HBD was a major thrust system active between ~30 and ~20 Ma, possibly until 15 Ma, with a shortening of more than 10km in the south to 20km in the north. It extends below most of the subalpine ranges and emerges in front of the Bauges and within the Chartreuse and Vercors massifs, and was rooted east of the External Cristalline Massifs (Mont-Blanc and Belledonne). During the Miocene, the HBD was cut by steep reverse faults and uplifted above the basement culmination of the External Cristalline Massifs obscuring its continuity and precluding its recognition as a major structure even if it was previously described at several localities.
How to cite: Mercier, A., Leloup, P. H., Courrioux, G., Caritg, S., Lopez, S., and Kalifi, A.: Rediscovery of a major alpine thrust : the Helvetic Basal Decollement, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8595, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8595, 2021.
EGU21-12342 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
New insights on the Vélodrome syncline in the western sub-alpine foreland basin of Haute Provence : 3-D geometrical modelling approachAgathe Faure, Laurent Jolivet, Charles Gumiaux, Cécile Allanic, Gautier Laurent, Nicolas Loget, Jean-Paul Callot, and Myette Guiomar
In the front of the Digne thrust, the deformed foreland basin, the well exposed tectonic window of Barles, is still not well understood. This region has undergone a complex tectonic history involving synsedimentary deformation, potential migration of alpine front, late exhumation related to surface processes and potential salt tectonics. Although the stratigraphy and the structural geology of the area is well known, the respective contributions of regional tectonics, salt tectonic and surface processes remain uncertain. The region displays still enigmatic objects emplaced at each step, from the rifting phase to the late exhumation, such as the overturned Liassic Barre de Chine or the overturned Miocene syncline of the Vélodrome. This study aims at understanding the evolution of the foreland Valensole basin from the deposition of first sediments 30Ma ago to late exhumation and relief formation. We focused our work on the emblematic Vélodrome syncline which is also the only place where a continuous sequence of the basin deposits is exposed. The molassic and conglomeratic layers of the Vélodrome form an overturned syncline with a curved axis of which direction changes from EW in the north to NS in the most south-eastern part. The Vélodrome has been studied for more than a century but its history is still debated. If the Vélodrome is often interpreted as a growth fold which explain the observation of progressive unconformities, microstructural analyses (Fournier et al., 2008) suggest that folding postdates sedimentation. Moreover, recent studies (Graham et al., 2012) propose that this spectacular fold formed as a result of salt tectonic. The obliquity of the regional shortening direction regarding the axis direction, the 3-D pattern of the overturned Miocene series and the origin of the progressive unconformities are issues still not resolved. Such a complex tectonic structure as the Vélodrome fold requires a thorough understanding of the 3-D geometries and their evolution through time. Based on field observations and 3-D geometrical modelling (GeoModeller - ©BRGM), we propose a preliminary model of the Vélodrome that brings new insights on this part of the Valensole basin. The implicit approach that offer the GeoModeller and the field structural data-based approach (here more than 2000 structural data) bring an objective and new vision of the geometries in 3-D of the Vélodrome basin and provide arguments to determine the contribution of each geological processes in the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the north margin of the Valensole basin and subsequent shortening at the western subalpine front.
How to cite: Faure, A., Jolivet, L., Gumiaux, C., Allanic, C., Laurent, G., Loget, N., Callot, J.-P., and Guiomar, M.: New insights on the Vélodrome syncline in the western sub-alpine foreland basin of Haute Provence : 3-D geometrical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12342, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12342, 2021.
In the front of the Digne thrust, the deformed foreland basin, the well exposed tectonic window of Barles, is still not well understood. This region has undergone a complex tectonic history involving synsedimentary deformation, potential migration of alpine front, late exhumation related to surface processes and potential salt tectonics. Although the stratigraphy and the structural geology of the area is well known, the respective contributions of regional tectonics, salt tectonic and surface processes remain uncertain. The region displays still enigmatic objects emplaced at each step, from the rifting phase to the late exhumation, such as the overturned Liassic Barre de Chine or the overturned Miocene syncline of the Vélodrome. This study aims at understanding the evolution of the foreland Valensole basin from the deposition of first sediments 30Ma ago to late exhumation and relief formation. We focused our work on the emblematic Vélodrome syncline which is also the only place where a continuous sequence of the basin deposits is exposed. The molassic and conglomeratic layers of the Vélodrome form an overturned syncline with a curved axis of which direction changes from EW in the north to NS in the most south-eastern part. The Vélodrome has been studied for more than a century but its history is still debated. If the Vélodrome is often interpreted as a growth fold which explain the observation of progressive unconformities, microstructural analyses (Fournier et al., 2008) suggest that folding postdates sedimentation. Moreover, recent studies (Graham et al., 2012) propose that this spectacular fold formed as a result of salt tectonic. The obliquity of the regional shortening direction regarding the axis direction, the 3-D pattern of the overturned Miocene series and the origin of the progressive unconformities are issues still not resolved. Such a complex tectonic structure as the Vélodrome fold requires a thorough understanding of the 3-D geometries and their evolution through time. Based on field observations and 3-D geometrical modelling (GeoModeller - ©BRGM), we propose a preliminary model of the Vélodrome that brings new insights on this part of the Valensole basin. The implicit approach that offer the GeoModeller and the field structural data-based approach (here more than 2000 structural data) bring an objective and new vision of the geometries in 3-D of the Vélodrome basin and provide arguments to determine the contribution of each geological processes in the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the north margin of the Valensole basin and subsequent shortening at the western subalpine front.
How to cite: Faure, A., Jolivet, L., Gumiaux, C., Allanic, C., Laurent, G., Loget, N., Callot, J.-P., and Guiomar, M.: New insights on the Vélodrome syncline in the western sub-alpine foreland basin of Haute Provence : 3-D geometrical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12342, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12342, 2021.
EGU21-11119 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Synconvergent and coherent (ultra)high-pressure crustal rock exhumationLorenzo G. Candioti, Joshua D. Vaughan-Hammon, Thibault Duretz, and Stefan M. Schmalholz
Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) continental crustal rocks were first discovered in the Western Alps in 1984 and have since then been observed at many convergent plate boundaries worldwide. Unveiling the processes leading to the formation and exhumation of (U)HP metamorphic crustal rocks is key to understand the geodynamic evolution of orogens such as the Alps.
Previous numerical studies investigating (U)HP rock exhumation in the Alps predicted deep (>80 km) subduction of crustal rocks and rapid buoyancy-driven exhumation of mainly incoherent (U)HP units, involving significant tectonic mixing forming so-called mélanges. Furthermore, these predictions often rely on excessive erosion or periods of divergent plate motion as important exhumation mechanism. Inconsistent with field observations and natural data, application of these models to the Western Alps was recently criticised.
Here, we present models with continuous plate convergence, which exhibit local tectonic-driven upper plate extension enabling compressive- and buoyancy-driven exhumation of coherent (U)HP units along the subduction interface, involving feasible erosion.
The two-dimensional petrological-thermo-mechanical numerical models presented here predict both subduction initiation and serpentinite channel formation without any a priori prescription of these two features. The (U)HP units are exhumed coherently, without significant internal deformation. Modelled pressure and temperature trajectories and exhumation velocities of selected crustal units agree with estimates for the Western Alps. The presented models support previous hypotheses of synconvergent exhumation, but do not rely on excessive erosion or divergent plate motion. Thus, our predictions provide new insights into processes leading to the exhumation of coherent (U)HP crustal units consistent with observations and natural data from the Western Alps.
How to cite: Candioti, L. G., Vaughan-Hammon, J. D., Duretz, T., and Schmalholz, S. M.: Synconvergent and coherent (ultra)high-pressure crustal rock exhumation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11119, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11119, 2021.
Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) continental crustal rocks were first discovered in the Western Alps in 1984 and have since then been observed at many convergent plate boundaries worldwide. Unveiling the processes leading to the formation and exhumation of (U)HP metamorphic crustal rocks is key to understand the geodynamic evolution of orogens such as the Alps.
Previous numerical studies investigating (U)HP rock exhumation in the Alps predicted deep (>80 km) subduction of crustal rocks and rapid buoyancy-driven exhumation of mainly incoherent (U)HP units, involving significant tectonic mixing forming so-called mélanges. Furthermore, these predictions often rely on excessive erosion or periods of divergent plate motion as important exhumation mechanism. Inconsistent with field observations and natural data, application of these models to the Western Alps was recently criticised.
Here, we present models with continuous plate convergence, which exhibit local tectonic-driven upper plate extension enabling compressive- and buoyancy-driven exhumation of coherent (U)HP units along the subduction interface, involving feasible erosion.
The two-dimensional petrological-thermo-mechanical numerical models presented here predict both subduction initiation and serpentinite channel formation without any a priori prescription of these two features. The (U)HP units are exhumed coherently, without significant internal deformation. Modelled pressure and temperature trajectories and exhumation velocities of selected crustal units agree with estimates for the Western Alps. The presented models support previous hypotheses of synconvergent exhumation, but do not rely on excessive erosion or divergent plate motion. Thus, our predictions provide new insights into processes leading to the exhumation of coherent (U)HP crustal units consistent with observations and natural data from the Western Alps.
How to cite: Candioti, L. G., Vaughan-Hammon, J. D., Duretz, T., and Schmalholz, S. M.: Synconvergent and coherent (ultra)high-pressure crustal rock exhumation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11119, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11119, 2021.
EGU21-6160 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Missing lawsonite found ! Resolving paradoxes of the metamorphic structure of the Western AlpsPaola Manzotti, Michel Ballèvre, Pavel Pitra, and Federica Schiavi
Lawsonite is a strongly hydrated (12 weight % H2O) Ca- and Al-rich silicate, exclusively stable along low P/T gradients, typical of subduction zones. The distribution and preservation of lawsonite at the scale of a subduction/collision belt reflect the occurrence of rocks with favourable chemical composition (mainly hydrothermally altered metabasalts and marly limestones (i.e. calcschists), two lithologies especially common in the oceanic units) and their pressure-temperature-fluid history (with preservation favoured by decreasing T during decompression).
The distribution of lawsonite in the Western Alps has been investigated since several decades. In the blueschist-facies units from the South-Western Alps (Queyras, Ubaye), lawsonite is well preserved in the external domain, at the contact with the Briançonnais domain, but is largely pseudomorphed in the more internal domain, at the contact with the Viso Unit. Further North, neither lawsonite nor lawsonite pseudomorphs have been reported in the supposedly blueschist-facies Combin Zone, taken by most studies as an equivalent of the Queyras-Ubaye units. This constitutes a paradox with respect to the overall metamorphic structure of the Alpine belt.
This study documents for the first time several occurrences of lawsonite and garnet in the calcschists from the Combin Zone. Field and metamorphic data (thermodynamic modelling and Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material) point to the occurrence of two tectonometamorphic units within the Combin Zone, characterised by distinct geometry, lithological content and Alpine P-T conditions.
In the higher grade unit, lawsonite and garnet were stable at peak P-T conditions (~14-16 kbar and ~460-490 °C) at very low X(CO2) values. Although lawsonite is systematically pseudomorphed, we have been able to recognize hourglass zoning in lawsonite or preservation of an internal fabric associated with the prograde ductile deformation.
The lower grade unit (~8 ± 1 kbar ~370-400 °C) is discontinuously exposed along the western base of the Dent Blanche nappe and records Alpine P-T conditions similar to those reached by the Dent Blanche nappe (Manzotti et al. 2020).
Our data show that lawsonite is not missing in the Combin Zone, and resolve a paradox about the large-scale metamorphic structure of the Alps.
Manzotti, P., Ballèvre, M., Pitra, P., Müntener, O., Putlitz, B., Robyr, M. (2020). Journal of Petrology, egaa044, https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egaa044.
How to cite: Manzotti, P., Ballèvre, M., Pitra, P., and Schiavi, F.: Missing lawsonite found ! Resolving paradoxes of the metamorphic structure of the Western Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6160, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6160, 2021.
Lawsonite is a strongly hydrated (12 weight % H2O) Ca- and Al-rich silicate, exclusively stable along low P/T gradients, typical of subduction zones. The distribution and preservation of lawsonite at the scale of a subduction/collision belt reflect the occurrence of rocks with favourable chemical composition (mainly hydrothermally altered metabasalts and marly limestones (i.e. calcschists), two lithologies especially common in the oceanic units) and their pressure-temperature-fluid history (with preservation favoured by decreasing T during decompression).
The distribution of lawsonite in the Western Alps has been investigated since several decades. In the blueschist-facies units from the South-Western Alps (Queyras, Ubaye), lawsonite is well preserved in the external domain, at the contact with the Briançonnais domain, but is largely pseudomorphed in the more internal domain, at the contact with the Viso Unit. Further North, neither lawsonite nor lawsonite pseudomorphs have been reported in the supposedly blueschist-facies Combin Zone, taken by most studies as an equivalent of the Queyras-Ubaye units. This constitutes a paradox with respect to the overall metamorphic structure of the Alpine belt.
This study documents for the first time several occurrences of lawsonite and garnet in the calcschists from the Combin Zone. Field and metamorphic data (thermodynamic modelling and Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material) point to the occurrence of two tectonometamorphic units within the Combin Zone, characterised by distinct geometry, lithological content and Alpine P-T conditions.
In the higher grade unit, lawsonite and garnet were stable at peak P-T conditions (~14-16 kbar and ~460-490 °C) at very low X(CO2) values. Although lawsonite is systematically pseudomorphed, we have been able to recognize hourglass zoning in lawsonite or preservation of an internal fabric associated with the prograde ductile deformation.
The lower grade unit (~8 ± 1 kbar ~370-400 °C) is discontinuously exposed along the western base of the Dent Blanche nappe and records Alpine P-T conditions similar to those reached by the Dent Blanche nappe (Manzotti et al. 2020).
Our data show that lawsonite is not missing in the Combin Zone, and resolve a paradox about the large-scale metamorphic structure of the Alps.
Manzotti, P., Ballèvre, M., Pitra, P., Müntener, O., Putlitz, B., Robyr, M. (2020). Journal of Petrology, egaa044, https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egaa044.
How to cite: Manzotti, P., Ballèvre, M., Pitra, P., and Schiavi, F.: Missing lawsonite found ! Resolving paradoxes of the metamorphic structure of the Western Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6160, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6160, 2021.
EGU21-2080 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Ordovician zircons as detrital markers in the Ötztal Nappe (Austroalpine, Italy)Linus Klug, Nikolaus Froitzheim, Frank Tomaschek, and Markus Lagos
The Austroalpine Ötztal Nappe shows pervasive Eoalpine and local Variscan high-pressure metamorphism and deformation in its southeastern end, which obscure prior structures. We used magmatic and detrital zircon U-Pb dating by laser ablation ICP-MS to identify the precursor units of the Ötztal Nappe and the relationships among them.
Magmatic protolith dating of granitoid othogneisses in the Ötztal basement yielded Ordovician ages (450 – 470 Ma). The zircons of the Ordovician magmatism are important markers in the detrital zircon record. The paragneisses of the Ötztal basement, in which the Ordovician granitoids intruded, show no Ordovician zircons. The partly calcareous metasediments of the Schneeberg Complex and the Laas Series record some Ordovician detrital zircons. While the Schneeberg Complex is in tectonic contact to the Ötztal Nappe (Klug & Froitzheim, subm.), the Laas Series is the post-Ordovician sedimentary cover of the Ötztal basement. A Permo-Triassic basal metasandstone of the Brenner Mesozoic shows next to a strong Ordovician zircon age population some Variscan and Permo-Triassic zircons.
Zircon dating allowed to identify pre-Ordovician basement with Ordovician intrusions covered by post-Ordovician-pre-Variscan and Permo-Mesozoic sediments. This supports the concept of a non-tectonic unity in the southeastern Ötztal Nappe outside of the Schneeberg Complex.
How to cite: Klug, L., Froitzheim, N., Tomaschek, F., and Lagos, M.: Ordovician zircons as detrital markers in the Ötztal Nappe (Austroalpine, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2080, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2080, 2021.
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The Austroalpine Ötztal Nappe shows pervasive Eoalpine and local Variscan high-pressure metamorphism and deformation in its southeastern end, which obscure prior structures. We used magmatic and detrital zircon U-Pb dating by laser ablation ICP-MS to identify the precursor units of the Ötztal Nappe and the relationships among them.
Magmatic protolith dating of granitoid othogneisses in the Ötztal basement yielded Ordovician ages (450 – 470 Ma). The zircons of the Ordovician magmatism are important markers in the detrital zircon record. The paragneisses of the Ötztal basement, in which the Ordovician granitoids intruded, show no Ordovician zircons. The partly calcareous metasediments of the Schneeberg Complex and the Laas Series record some Ordovician detrital zircons. While the Schneeberg Complex is in tectonic contact to the Ötztal Nappe (Klug & Froitzheim, subm.), the Laas Series is the post-Ordovician sedimentary cover of the Ötztal basement. A Permo-Triassic basal metasandstone of the Brenner Mesozoic shows next to a strong Ordovician zircon age population some Variscan and Permo-Triassic zircons.
Zircon dating allowed to identify pre-Ordovician basement with Ordovician intrusions covered by post-Ordovician-pre-Variscan and Permo-Mesozoic sediments. This supports the concept of a non-tectonic unity in the southeastern Ötztal Nappe outside of the Schneeberg Complex.
How to cite: Klug, L., Froitzheim, N., Tomaschek, F., and Lagos, M.: Ordovician zircons as detrital markers in the Ötztal Nappe (Austroalpine, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2080, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2080, 2021.
EGU21-13598 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Internal deformation of the Dolomites Indenter, eastern Southern Alps: An integrated field, thermochronology and physical analogue modelling approachAnna-Katharina Sieberer, Thomas Klotz, Hannah Pomella, Hugo Ortner, Bernhard Fügenschuh, and Ernst Willingshofer
The Dolomites Indenter (DI) represents the front of the Neogene to ongoing N(W)-directed continental indentation of Adria into Europe. Deformation of the DI is well studied along its rim, documented by important fault zones as, e.g., the Periadriatic fault system (PFS), the Giudicarie belt, and the Valsugana and Montello fault systems. With this study, we aim to investigate the internal deformation of the DI and its eastern continuation towards the Dinarides including the interference of Dinaric SW-directed and Alpine SE-directed folds and thrusts. What also remains unsolved at present is the relationship between deep-seated mantle dynamics and their control on the geometry and internal deformation of the DI. Our approach to unravel this tectonic history is a combination of (i) compilation and acquisition of detailed structural field data within the DI, (ii) collection of a new and comprehensive low-temperature thermochronological dataset covering the entire DI, and (iii) crustal- to lithospheric scale physical analogue experiments.
The existing but limited thermochronological dataset already indicates the presence of relative vertical motions within the DI after the onset of indentation, including mostly Miocene Apatite fission track (AFT) ages along the PFS and the Valsugana fault and two age clusters of Triassic to Jurassic AFT data. One cluster represents the Monti Lessini east of Riva del Garda, the second is located SE of Bozen, in the footwall of the Truden line. Are these Mesozoic AFT age clusters resulting from tectonic vertical movements and/or are they linked to inhomogeneities within the DI, like the Mesozoic platform-basin geometries or the Permian Athesian Volcanic Complex? Ongoing thermochronological investigations aim to clarify these issues.
By using crustal-scale (as a first step) physical analogue models, we aim to study (i) the impact of Jurassic E-W extension and (ii) the effect of crustal strengthening on the NW-SE directed deformation of the DI since Neogene times. Jurassic NNE-SSW trending normal faults led to a platform-basin-topography resulting, from west to east, in the Lombardian basin, Trento platform, Belluno basin, and Friuli platform (Winterer & Bosellini, 1981) but were inverted during Alpine orogeny. Moreover, the Trento platform approximately coincides with the extent of the up to ~2 km thick (Avanzini et al., 2013) Permian Athesian Volcanic Group. We simulate rigid Permian magmatic rocks, which could have led to a critical strengthening of the crust, in our analogue experiments by incorporating an additional strong domain to the lower upper crust. This, together with studying the influence of structural inheritance on the geometry and kinematics of Dinaric and Alpine deformation in the Southern Alps, allows us to model various deformational styles and -wavelengths of the DI during Neogene indentation.
This study will contribute substantially to the understanding of internal deformation and thus enable conclusions to be drawn about the processes at lithospheric scale also addressed by AlpArray.
Avanzini, M. et al. (2013): Note illustrative della carta geologica d'Italia, foglio 026 Appiano. Roma, Servizio Geologico d'Italia, 324 pp.
Winterer, E. L., & Bosellini, A. (1981): Subsidence and Sedimentation on Jurassic Passive Continental Margin, Southern Alps, Italy. AAPG Bulletin, 65(3), 394-421.
How to cite: Sieberer, A.-K., Klotz, T., Pomella, H., Ortner, H., Fügenschuh, B., and Willingshofer, E.: Internal deformation of the Dolomites Indenter, eastern Southern Alps: An integrated field, thermochronology and physical analogue modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13598, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13598, 2021.
The Dolomites Indenter (DI) represents the front of the Neogene to ongoing N(W)-directed continental indentation of Adria into Europe. Deformation of the DI is well studied along its rim, documented by important fault zones as, e.g., the Periadriatic fault system (PFS), the Giudicarie belt, and the Valsugana and Montello fault systems. With this study, we aim to investigate the internal deformation of the DI and its eastern continuation towards the Dinarides including the interference of Dinaric SW-directed and Alpine SE-directed folds and thrusts. What also remains unsolved at present is the relationship between deep-seated mantle dynamics and their control on the geometry and internal deformation of the DI. Our approach to unravel this tectonic history is a combination of (i) compilation and acquisition of detailed structural field data within the DI, (ii) collection of a new and comprehensive low-temperature thermochronological dataset covering the entire DI, and (iii) crustal- to lithospheric scale physical analogue experiments.
The existing but limited thermochronological dataset already indicates the presence of relative vertical motions within the DI after the onset of indentation, including mostly Miocene Apatite fission track (AFT) ages along the PFS and the Valsugana fault and two age clusters of Triassic to Jurassic AFT data. One cluster represents the Monti Lessini east of Riva del Garda, the second is located SE of Bozen, in the footwall of the Truden line. Are these Mesozoic AFT age clusters resulting from tectonic vertical movements and/or are they linked to inhomogeneities within the DI, like the Mesozoic platform-basin geometries or the Permian Athesian Volcanic Complex? Ongoing thermochronological investigations aim to clarify these issues.
By using crustal-scale (as a first step) physical analogue models, we aim to study (i) the impact of Jurassic E-W extension and (ii) the effect of crustal strengthening on the NW-SE directed deformation of the DI since Neogene times. Jurassic NNE-SSW trending normal faults led to a platform-basin-topography resulting, from west to east, in the Lombardian basin, Trento platform, Belluno basin, and Friuli platform (Winterer & Bosellini, 1981) but were inverted during Alpine orogeny. Moreover, the Trento platform approximately coincides with the extent of the up to ~2 km thick (Avanzini et al., 2013) Permian Athesian Volcanic Group. We simulate rigid Permian magmatic rocks, which could have led to a critical strengthening of the crust, in our analogue experiments by incorporating an additional strong domain to the lower upper crust. This, together with studying the influence of structural inheritance on the geometry and kinematics of Dinaric and Alpine deformation in the Southern Alps, allows us to model various deformational styles and -wavelengths of the DI during Neogene indentation.
This study will contribute substantially to the understanding of internal deformation and thus enable conclusions to be drawn about the processes at lithospheric scale also addressed by AlpArray.
Avanzini, M. et al. (2013): Note illustrative della carta geologica d'Italia, foglio 026 Appiano. Roma, Servizio Geologico d'Italia, 324 pp.
Winterer, E. L., & Bosellini, A. (1981): Subsidence and Sedimentation on Jurassic Passive Continental Margin, Southern Alps, Italy. AAPG Bulletin, 65(3), 394-421.
How to cite: Sieberer, A.-K., Klotz, T., Pomella, H., Ortner, H., Fügenschuh, B., and Willingshofer, E.: Internal deformation of the Dolomites Indenter, eastern Southern Alps: An integrated field, thermochronology and physical analogue modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13598, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13598, 2021.
EGU21-1068 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
What steers deformation within fold-and-thrust belts: insights from the carbonate multilayer footwall of the Belluno Thrust, Italian eastern Southern AlpsCostantino Zuccari, Giulio Viola, Gianluca Vignaroli, and Luca Aldega
Despite significant recent progress in the understanding and quantification of the parameters controlling deformation modes in carbonate multilayers within fold-and-thrust belts, the details of early deformation and faulting during the initial stages of large-scale thrusting remain poorly documented and understood. Aiming to narrow this knowledge gap, we have chosen to study the relatively low-strain carbonate multilayer footwall of the Belluno Thrust (BT), one of the most external and S-vergent thrusts of the eastern Southern Alps (Italy). The BT footwall is composed of a c. 600 m thick Meso-Cenozoic multilayer succession of shallow water carbonate and pelagic sedimentary units characterized by strong mineralogical heterogeneity, with calcite (32-98%), sheet silicates (1-27%), and quartz (1-37%) as principal components. Its structural framework reflects cumulative strain due to multiple deformation events and is defined by the superposition of different structures such as i) south-verging asymmetric folds, ii) faulted folds, cut by slip planes with centimetric to metric throw, iii) SC-C’ fabrics in the marly layers, and iv) cataclastic domains. Structures recording the early shortening increments are generally well preserved mesoscopic upright folds. Asymmetric folds with gently N-dipping backlimbs and steeply S-dipping (or even overturned N-dipping) forelimbs, record further shortening of the early upright and symmetrical folds. Strain is strongly partitioned within the marly layers, with discrete faults commonly defined by multiple slip surfaces forming duplex geometries and SC-C’ fabrics and exploiting millimetric to centimetric marly beds as detachment layers. Thrusts and diffuse reverse faults not associated with any cataclasite localise along the backlimbs of the asymmetric folds, suggesting dominant layer-parallel shortening. Cataclasites develop instead along the thrust surfaces that cut across the steeply dipping (locally even overturned) forelimbs, where cataclastic flow becomes the dominant deformation mechanism. On the vertical forelimbs, cataclasis and strain localisation are commonly associated with veins, which contributed to harden the rock system.
Based on our systematic observations, we propose that deformation progressively evolved from folding and layer-parallel shortening (initial phases) to faulting and cataclasis (final phases) as a function of the dynamic interplay of the following factors: i) the geometrical relationships between fault orientation, fold attitude (forelimb and backlimb domains) and stress field, ii) the lithotype, which we conveniently account for by referring to the ratio between the cumulative thickness of the outcrop marly layers and the total measured stratigraphic thickness, iii) the involvement of fluids during deformation, iv) the mineral assemblage of the involved layers and v) the geometric framework of the domain localising strain with respect to the principal stress axes orientation. We conclude that these parameters play a major role in guiding strain localisation and partitioning during continuous shortening within fold-and-thrust belts. They also govern the transition from overall aseismic creep to coseismic rupturing at the scale of mesoscopic structures and, possibly, of the entire belt.
How to cite: Zuccari, C., Viola, G., Vignaroli, G., and Aldega, L.: What steers deformation within fold-and-thrust belts: insights from the carbonate multilayer footwall of the Belluno Thrust, Italian eastern Southern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1068, 2021.
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Despite significant recent progress in the understanding and quantification of the parameters controlling deformation modes in carbonate multilayers within fold-and-thrust belts, the details of early deformation and faulting during the initial stages of large-scale thrusting remain poorly documented and understood. Aiming to narrow this knowledge gap, we have chosen to study the relatively low-strain carbonate multilayer footwall of the Belluno Thrust (BT), one of the most external and S-vergent thrusts of the eastern Southern Alps (Italy). The BT footwall is composed of a c. 600 m thick Meso-Cenozoic multilayer succession of shallow water carbonate and pelagic sedimentary units characterized by strong mineralogical heterogeneity, with calcite (32-98%), sheet silicates (1-27%), and quartz (1-37%) as principal components. Its structural framework reflects cumulative strain due to multiple deformation events and is defined by the superposition of different structures such as i) south-verging asymmetric folds, ii) faulted folds, cut by slip planes with centimetric to metric throw, iii) SC-C’ fabrics in the marly layers, and iv) cataclastic domains. Structures recording the early shortening increments are generally well preserved mesoscopic upright folds. Asymmetric folds with gently N-dipping backlimbs and steeply S-dipping (or even overturned N-dipping) forelimbs, record further shortening of the early upright and symmetrical folds. Strain is strongly partitioned within the marly layers, with discrete faults commonly defined by multiple slip surfaces forming duplex geometries and SC-C’ fabrics and exploiting millimetric to centimetric marly beds as detachment layers. Thrusts and diffuse reverse faults not associated with any cataclasite localise along the backlimbs of the asymmetric folds, suggesting dominant layer-parallel shortening. Cataclasites develop instead along the thrust surfaces that cut across the steeply dipping (locally even overturned) forelimbs, where cataclastic flow becomes the dominant deformation mechanism. On the vertical forelimbs, cataclasis and strain localisation are commonly associated with veins, which contributed to harden the rock system.
Based on our systematic observations, we propose that deformation progressively evolved from folding and layer-parallel shortening (initial phases) to faulting and cataclasis (final phases) as a function of the dynamic interplay of the following factors: i) the geometrical relationships between fault orientation, fold attitude (forelimb and backlimb domains) and stress field, ii) the lithotype, which we conveniently account for by referring to the ratio between the cumulative thickness of the outcrop marly layers and the total measured stratigraphic thickness, iii) the involvement of fluids during deformation, iv) the mineral assemblage of the involved layers and v) the geometric framework of the domain localising strain with respect to the principal stress axes orientation. We conclude that these parameters play a major role in guiding strain localisation and partitioning during continuous shortening within fold-and-thrust belts. They also govern the transition from overall aseismic creep to coseismic rupturing at the scale of mesoscopic structures and, possibly, of the entire belt.
How to cite: Zuccari, C., Viola, G., Vignaroli, G., and Aldega, L.: What steers deformation within fold-and-thrust belts: insights from the carbonate multilayer footwall of the Belluno Thrust, Italian eastern Southern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1068, 2021.
EGU21-9814 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Strain-partitioning and mechanics of deformation during oblique indentation: Inferences from the SE external Dinarides post- middle Miocene evolutionNil Feliu, Vedad Demir, Liviu Matenco, Milica Mrdak, Slobodan Radusinović, and Martin Đaković
Late-stage orogenic evolution often leads to multiple segmented slab systems, where the relative motion along oblique plate boundaries partitions the crustal strain into strike-slip and reverse faulting. The strain partitioning patterns and mechanics of deformation are thought to be closely related to the rheology inherited from previous tectonic events that affected various orogenic areas. The SE External Dinarides is one place to study such strain partitioning in a less understood tectonic setting. The Dinarides orogenic build-up is characterised by top SW thrusting during Late Cretaceous to Oligocene times. Subsequently, the N to NE indentation of the Adria microplate took place in this area after an early - middle Miocene period of generalized extension and was characterised by N-S to NNE-SSW oriented contraction, which is oblique to the inherited NW-SE oriented structural grain. We have studied the interplay between various structures creating strain partitioning during the Adria indentation in a SE External Dinarides region situated between the Trebinje city in SE Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Tivat city of SW Montenegro.
The post- middle Miocene orogenic evolution is characterised by regional NNW-SSE to N-S dextral strike-slip faulting associated with strain partitioning by the reactivation of NW-SE inherited rheological weak zones (former thrusts, nappe contacts or rheologically weak sediments). Kinematic analyses along individual structures define the strain partitioning pattern by a number of fault groups. The kinematically constrained mechanics of deformation (correlated to strain partition groups) in focus areas depict a gradual SE-ward transfer of deformation in the external thrust sheets of Montenegro. Such migration of deformation is done by an interplay between strike-slip, high-angle reverse faults and thrusts, which are locally associated with moderate block rotations (CW and CCW). The overall analysis demonstrates that oblique motions in advanced orogenic stages do not constrain a single paleostress field, and therefore they should be analysed by an improved kinematic approach aimed to understand strain partitioning and their effects superposed over an inherited structural grain.
How to cite: Feliu, N., Demir, V., Matenco, L., Mrdak, M., Radusinović, S., and Đaković, M.: Strain-partitioning and mechanics of deformation during oblique indentation: Inferences from the SE external Dinarides post- middle Miocene evolution, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9814, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9814, 2021.
Late-stage orogenic evolution often leads to multiple segmented slab systems, where the relative motion along oblique plate boundaries partitions the crustal strain into strike-slip and reverse faulting. The strain partitioning patterns and mechanics of deformation are thought to be closely related to the rheology inherited from previous tectonic events that affected various orogenic areas. The SE External Dinarides is one place to study such strain partitioning in a less understood tectonic setting. The Dinarides orogenic build-up is characterised by top SW thrusting during Late Cretaceous to Oligocene times. Subsequently, the N to NE indentation of the Adria microplate took place in this area after an early - middle Miocene period of generalized extension and was characterised by N-S to NNE-SSW oriented contraction, which is oblique to the inherited NW-SE oriented structural grain. We have studied the interplay between various structures creating strain partitioning during the Adria indentation in a SE External Dinarides region situated between the Trebinje city in SE Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Tivat city of SW Montenegro.
The post- middle Miocene orogenic evolution is characterised by regional NNW-SSE to N-S dextral strike-slip faulting associated with strain partitioning by the reactivation of NW-SE inherited rheological weak zones (former thrusts, nappe contacts or rheologically weak sediments). Kinematic analyses along individual structures define the strain partitioning pattern by a number of fault groups. The kinematically constrained mechanics of deformation (correlated to strain partition groups) in focus areas depict a gradual SE-ward transfer of deformation in the external thrust sheets of Montenegro. Such migration of deformation is done by an interplay between strike-slip, high-angle reverse faults and thrusts, which are locally associated with moderate block rotations (CW and CCW). The overall analysis demonstrates that oblique motions in advanced orogenic stages do not constrain a single paleostress field, and therefore they should be analysed by an improved kinematic approach aimed to understand strain partitioning and their effects superposed over an inherited structural grain.
How to cite: Feliu, N., Demir, V., Matenco, L., Mrdak, M., Radusinović, S., and Đaković, M.: Strain-partitioning and mechanics of deformation during oblique indentation: Inferences from the SE external Dinarides post- middle Miocene evolution, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9814, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9814, 2021.
EGU21-13148 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Post‑collisional mantle delamination in the Dinarides implied from staircases of Oligo‑Miocene uplifted marine terracesPhilipp Balling, Christoph Grützner, Bruno Tomljenović, Wim Spakman, and Kamil Ustaszewski
The Dinarides fold and thrust belt on the Balkan Peninsula is the result of the long-lasting convergence between the Adriatic and Eurasian plates since the Mid-Jurassic. Late Jurassic obduction of ophiolites, Early Cretaceous composite nappe stacking, and subsequent continent-continent collision in the latest Cretaceous resulted in folding and thrusting that in the most external part of the Dinarides took place during the Middle Eocene – Oligocene. This extensive last phase of substantial crustal shortening and thickening was associated with flexural foreland basin deposition, resulting in Eo- to early Oligocene syntectonic units. These rocks and older Mesozoic carbonate platform units now form the mountain chain of the external Dinarides. So far, the driving mechanism behind the rock uplift was unknown and it was not clear when the present-day topography formed. Here we show that horizontal marine terraces preserved at elevations of up to 600 m in the external Dinarides are crucial to answer these questions.
We extracted horizontal surfaces, river incision profiles, and the Adriatic and Black Sea catchments from a digital elevation model (DEM). The extracted horizontal surfaces are interpreted as marine terraces because they are degradational, locally preserved in a staircase morphology, neither bedding- nor fault-related, and located close to the present-day Adriatic shoreline. The marine terraces stretch c. 600 km along-strike the entire Dinaric coastal region. Their spatial correlation agrees with the position of a reported positive P-wave tomography anomaly beneath the Dinarides. This up to 180 km deep anomaly correlates also with the thinnest part of the Adriatic lithosphere and the Adriatic-Black Sea drainage divide. The orogen-perpendicular river incisions profiles reveal a symmetric river incision pattern on both sides of the drainage divide. The mean amount of the river incision is equivalent to the mean elevation of the documented marine terraces. All results point to an orogen-wide surface uplift of the Dinarides.
Based on the geological record this post-collisional uplift event can be relatively dated to Oligocene-Miocene (28-17 Ma) and seems to be broadly contemporaneous with the emplacement of igneous rocks with mantle affinity (33-22 Ma) in the internal Dinarides. Previously published geophysical and petrological, as well as the new geomorphological data presented here suggest that the post-collisional reorganization of the Dinarides is attributed to an Oligocene-Miocene mantle delamination event, which results in uplift event affecting the entire Dinarides. We also show that no significant, orogen-scale deformation affected the uplifted Dinarides after the Early Miocene.
How to cite: Balling, P., Grützner, C., Tomljenović, B., Spakman, W., and Ustaszewski, K.: Post‑collisional mantle delamination in the Dinarides implied from staircases of Oligo‑Miocene uplifted marine terraces, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13148, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13148, 2021.
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The Dinarides fold and thrust belt on the Balkan Peninsula is the result of the long-lasting convergence between the Adriatic and Eurasian plates since the Mid-Jurassic. Late Jurassic obduction of ophiolites, Early Cretaceous composite nappe stacking, and subsequent continent-continent collision in the latest Cretaceous resulted in folding and thrusting that in the most external part of the Dinarides took place during the Middle Eocene – Oligocene. This extensive last phase of substantial crustal shortening and thickening was associated with flexural foreland basin deposition, resulting in Eo- to early Oligocene syntectonic units. These rocks and older Mesozoic carbonate platform units now form the mountain chain of the external Dinarides. So far, the driving mechanism behind the rock uplift was unknown and it was not clear when the present-day topography formed. Here we show that horizontal marine terraces preserved at elevations of up to 600 m in the external Dinarides are crucial to answer these questions.
We extracted horizontal surfaces, river incision profiles, and the Adriatic and Black Sea catchments from a digital elevation model (DEM). The extracted horizontal surfaces are interpreted as marine terraces because they are degradational, locally preserved in a staircase morphology, neither bedding- nor fault-related, and located close to the present-day Adriatic shoreline. The marine terraces stretch c. 600 km along-strike the entire Dinaric coastal region. Their spatial correlation agrees with the position of a reported positive P-wave tomography anomaly beneath the Dinarides. This up to 180 km deep anomaly correlates also with the thinnest part of the Adriatic lithosphere and the Adriatic-Black Sea drainage divide. The orogen-perpendicular river incisions profiles reveal a symmetric river incision pattern on both sides of the drainage divide. The mean amount of the river incision is equivalent to the mean elevation of the documented marine terraces. All results point to an orogen-wide surface uplift of the Dinarides.
Based on the geological record this post-collisional uplift event can be relatively dated to Oligocene-Miocene (28-17 Ma) and seems to be broadly contemporaneous with the emplacement of igneous rocks with mantle affinity (33-22 Ma) in the internal Dinarides. Previously published geophysical and petrological, as well as the new geomorphological data presented here suggest that the post-collisional reorganization of the Dinarides is attributed to an Oligocene-Miocene mantle delamination event, which results in uplift event affecting the entire Dinarides. We also show that no significant, orogen-scale deformation affected the uplifted Dinarides after the Early Miocene.
How to cite: Balling, P., Grützner, C., Tomljenović, B., Spakman, W., and Ustaszewski, K.: Post‑collisional mantle delamination in the Dinarides implied from staircases of Oligo‑Miocene uplifted marine terraces, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13148, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13148, 2021.
EGU21-5818 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
An overview on Structural position of Mesozoic succession of distal Adriatic continental margin on Ivanščica Mt. (NW Croatia)Matija Vukovski, Duje Kukoč, and Bruno Tomljenović
Mt. Ivanščica is one of inselbergs in the Internal Dinarides (NW Croatia) in the transitional area with Southern Alps. In this area, NNW-verging Dinaric structures are overprinted by S-verging Alpine structures. Mt. Ivanščica is composed of Mesozoic shallow to deep-marine sedimentary succession of the passive continental margin of Adriatic plate, which was facing the Neotethys ocean, overthrust by ophiolitic mélange. Here, we aim to present new preliminary structural data from pelagic sediments of Ivanščica Mt. in attempt to better understand tectonic history of this part of Internal Dinarides.
Mesozoic succession of Mt. Ivanščica is composed of Triassic clastic, volcanic and carbonate rocks overlain by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic shallow-marine carbonates. These are overlain by Jurassic pelagic carbonates and cherts followed by Tithonian−Valanginian pelagic “Aptychus Limestones”. The uppermost part of this succession is composed of Lower Cretaceous Oštrc fm., which conformably overlies the “Aptychus Limestone”. The Oštrc fm. is characterized by turbidites with ophiolitic detritus and represents syn-orogenic deposits presumed as formed in a front of advancing ophiolitic nappe(s).
The focus of our investigation is primarily on structural characteristics of the “Aptichus Limestones” and the Oštrc fm. The character of the contact between the “Aptychus Limestones” and underlying Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic carbonates is still uncertain. According to Šimunić et al. (1982) “Aptychus limestones” unconformably overlays Triassic carbonates in periclinal geometry, while Babić (1974) suggests continuous condensed pelagic sedimentation throughout the Jurassic. In contrast with previous observations and interpretations, our observations suggest a tectonic contact, characterized by significantly different orientation of bedding and locally marked by fault gauge (clay) seams.
Structural analysis shows numerous gentle to open asymmetric folds in the “Aptychus Limestones” and closed chevron folds and isoclinal folds in overlaying Oštrc fm. Chevron folds and open to gentle asymmetric folds indicate NW vergence in present day orientation with fold axis parallel to the strike of the contact with underlying unit. Although different in shape and size, these folds are likely formed during the same tectonic event while their geometry is controlled by differences in rheological properties. Isoclinal folds occurring exclusively at the contact with ophiolitic mélange are characterized by E-W oriented fold axis and S dipping axial surfaces which is in a contrast with aforementioned folds. Thus, we assume that these folds originated from another, presumably older tectonic event. Bedding in Triassic dolomites uniformly dips towards the SE. Local occurrence of condensed pelagic limestones and radiolarian cherts is interpreted, as rheologically weak horizon ideal to form a décollement that, at least locally, could be interpreted to mark a thrust fault.
Formation of isoclinal folds in the Oštrc fm. and the tectonic contact with ophiolitic mélange is preliminarily attributed to the Aptian-Albian nappe stacking known from the Internal Dinarides. In addition, we assume that the pelagic succession of the “Aptychus Limestones” together with the overlying Oštrc fm. and the ophiolitic mélange are thrusted over the Upper Triassic to Liassic carbonates sometime later, possibly during the final stage of Neotethys closure in the Internal Dinarides.
How to cite: Vukovski, M., Kukoč, D., and Tomljenović, B.: An overview on Structural position of Mesozoic succession of distal Adriatic continental margin on Ivanščica Mt. (NW Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5818, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5818, 2021.
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Mt. Ivanščica is one of inselbergs in the Internal Dinarides (NW Croatia) in the transitional area with Southern Alps. In this area, NNW-verging Dinaric structures are overprinted by S-verging Alpine structures. Mt. Ivanščica is composed of Mesozoic shallow to deep-marine sedimentary succession of the passive continental margin of Adriatic plate, which was facing the Neotethys ocean, overthrust by ophiolitic mélange. Here, we aim to present new preliminary structural data from pelagic sediments of Ivanščica Mt. in attempt to better understand tectonic history of this part of Internal Dinarides.
Mesozoic succession of Mt. Ivanščica is composed of Triassic clastic, volcanic and carbonate rocks overlain by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic shallow-marine carbonates. These are overlain by Jurassic pelagic carbonates and cherts followed by Tithonian−Valanginian pelagic “Aptychus Limestones”. The uppermost part of this succession is composed of Lower Cretaceous Oštrc fm., which conformably overlies the “Aptychus Limestone”. The Oštrc fm. is characterized by turbidites with ophiolitic detritus and represents syn-orogenic deposits presumed as formed in a front of advancing ophiolitic nappe(s).
The focus of our investigation is primarily on structural characteristics of the “Aptichus Limestones” and the Oštrc fm. The character of the contact between the “Aptychus Limestones” and underlying Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic carbonates is still uncertain. According to Šimunić et al. (1982) “Aptychus limestones” unconformably overlays Triassic carbonates in periclinal geometry, while Babić (1974) suggests continuous condensed pelagic sedimentation throughout the Jurassic. In contrast with previous observations and interpretations, our observations suggest a tectonic contact, characterized by significantly different orientation of bedding and locally marked by fault gauge (clay) seams.
Structural analysis shows numerous gentle to open asymmetric folds in the “Aptychus Limestones” and closed chevron folds and isoclinal folds in overlaying Oštrc fm. Chevron folds and open to gentle asymmetric folds indicate NW vergence in present day orientation with fold axis parallel to the strike of the contact with underlying unit. Although different in shape and size, these folds are likely formed during the same tectonic event while their geometry is controlled by differences in rheological properties. Isoclinal folds occurring exclusively at the contact with ophiolitic mélange are characterized by E-W oriented fold axis and S dipping axial surfaces which is in a contrast with aforementioned folds. Thus, we assume that these folds originated from another, presumably older tectonic event. Bedding in Triassic dolomites uniformly dips towards the SE. Local occurrence of condensed pelagic limestones and radiolarian cherts is interpreted, as rheologically weak horizon ideal to form a décollement that, at least locally, could be interpreted to mark a thrust fault.
Formation of isoclinal folds in the Oštrc fm. and the tectonic contact with ophiolitic mélange is preliminarily attributed to the Aptian-Albian nappe stacking known from the Internal Dinarides. In addition, we assume that the pelagic succession of the “Aptychus Limestones” together with the overlying Oštrc fm. and the ophiolitic mélange are thrusted over the Upper Triassic to Liassic carbonates sometime later, possibly during the final stage of Neotethys closure in the Internal Dinarides.
How to cite: Vukovski, M., Kukoč, D., and Tomljenović, B.: An overview on Structural position of Mesozoic succession of distal Adriatic continental margin on Ivanščica Mt. (NW Croatia), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5818, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5818, 2021.
EGU21-11499 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Structural evolution of the Nekézseny Fault – a displaced segment of the Dinaric-ALCAPA contact zone in NE Hungary (Bükk and Uppony Hills)Éva Oravecz, Dorina Juhász, Annette Götz, Szilvia Kövér, Benjamin Scherman, and László Fodor
The Bükk and Uppony Hills (NE Hungary) are two adjacent structural units with correlations to the Northern Dinarides and Inner Western Carpathians (ALCAPA), respectively. These two units are separated by the Nekézseny Fault, which may therefore be considered as a presently displaced segment of the Dinaric-ALCAPA contact zone (Schmid et al. 2008). Along this contact zone, the Bükk-type Permo-Mesozoic formations are thrust over the Paleozoic and Senonian formations of the Uppony Unit (Schréter 1945). Despite of the Nekézseny Fault being a terrain boundary, its structural evolution has not been studied in details. Preliminary structural data suggested multiple faulting events between the latest Senonian and early Miocene (Fodor et al. 2005), however, the initial age of the contact zone has remained uncertain.
In this study a detailed structural analysis was carried out in order to understand the deformation geometry, kinematics and the timing of movements along the Nekézseny Fault. Our preliminary results show that the Nekézseny Fault developed in response to NW-SE shortening. Low-angle fractures within individual pebbles suggest an early (latest Cretaceous or early Paleogene) age for the NW-SE shortening, as pebble fracturing is limited to the early stage of diagenesis and requires soft or semi-consolidated fine-grained matrix.
The top-to-the-NW emplacement of the Bükk over the Uppony Unit was accompanied by the folding of the Senonian conglomerate in the footwall, where a large, almost isoclinal recumbent fold developed due to the estimated several km of displacement along the main contact zone. Despite of the similarity in the shortening directions, the top-to-the-NW shortening certainly post-dates the penetrative S-SE-vergent contractional structures present throughout the Bükk Hills, that are related to the latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous nappe stacking and subsequent shortening (Csontos 1999). Microtectonic analysis of the Nekézseny Fault Zone proved that the main contact zone is a strongly distorted cataclastite zone, which suggests a late-stage low-temperature deformation. Similarly younger semi-ductile or low-temperature contractional structures (e.g. kink folds) were recognized in several parts of the Bükk Unit, all of which were dated tentatively to the late Cretaceous (Flórián-Szabó & Csontos 2002, Juhász 2020, McIntosh 2014, Koroknai et al. 2008, Scherman 2018). Our observations indicate that the top-to-the-NW displacement was much more extensive than previously thought and incorporated large part of the Bükk Unit. This shows that the top-to-the-NW displacement represents an important deformation phase, which should be integrated into the Mesozoic structural evolution of the Alpine-Dinaric area.
This study was supported by the research founds NKFIH OTKA 113013 and 134873, the ÚNKP-17-2 and ÚNKP-20-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities.
Csontos (1999): Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society 129, 4, 611-651.
Fodor et al. (2005): GeoLines 19: 141-161.
Juhász (2020): TDK thesis, ELTE, Budapest.
Koroknai et al. (2008): Journal of Structural Geology 30, 159-176.
McIntosh (2014): PhD thesis, University of Debrecen, Debrecen.
Scherman (2018): MSc thesis, ELTE, Budapest.
Schmid et al. (2008): Swiss Journal of Geosciences 101: 139-183.
Schréter (1945): Annual Report of the Geological Institute of Hungary, 1941-42: 197-237.
How to cite: Oravecz, É., Juhász, D., Götz, A., Kövér, S., Scherman, B., and Fodor, L.: Structural evolution of the Nekézseny Fault – a displaced segment of the Dinaric-ALCAPA contact zone in NE Hungary (Bükk and Uppony Hills), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11499, 2021.
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The Bükk and Uppony Hills (NE Hungary) are two adjacent structural units with correlations to the Northern Dinarides and Inner Western Carpathians (ALCAPA), respectively. These two units are separated by the Nekézseny Fault, which may therefore be considered as a presently displaced segment of the Dinaric-ALCAPA contact zone (Schmid et al. 2008). Along this contact zone, the Bükk-type Permo-Mesozoic formations are thrust over the Paleozoic and Senonian formations of the Uppony Unit (Schréter 1945). Despite of the Nekézseny Fault being a terrain boundary, its structural evolution has not been studied in details. Preliminary structural data suggested multiple faulting events between the latest Senonian and early Miocene (Fodor et al. 2005), however, the initial age of the contact zone has remained uncertain.
In this study a detailed structural analysis was carried out in order to understand the deformation geometry, kinematics and the timing of movements along the Nekézseny Fault. Our preliminary results show that the Nekézseny Fault developed in response to NW-SE shortening. Low-angle fractures within individual pebbles suggest an early (latest Cretaceous or early Paleogene) age for the NW-SE shortening, as pebble fracturing is limited to the early stage of diagenesis and requires soft or semi-consolidated fine-grained matrix.
The top-to-the-NW emplacement of the Bükk over the Uppony Unit was accompanied by the folding of the Senonian conglomerate in the footwall, where a large, almost isoclinal recumbent fold developed due to the estimated several km of displacement along the main contact zone. Despite of the similarity in the shortening directions, the top-to-the-NW shortening certainly post-dates the penetrative S-SE-vergent contractional structures present throughout the Bükk Hills, that are related to the latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous nappe stacking and subsequent shortening (Csontos 1999). Microtectonic analysis of the Nekézseny Fault Zone proved that the main contact zone is a strongly distorted cataclastite zone, which suggests a late-stage low-temperature deformation. Similarly younger semi-ductile or low-temperature contractional structures (e.g. kink folds) were recognized in several parts of the Bükk Unit, all of which were dated tentatively to the late Cretaceous (Flórián-Szabó & Csontos 2002, Juhász 2020, McIntosh 2014, Koroknai et al. 2008, Scherman 2018). Our observations indicate that the top-to-the-NW displacement was much more extensive than previously thought and incorporated large part of the Bükk Unit. This shows that the top-to-the-NW displacement represents an important deformation phase, which should be integrated into the Mesozoic structural evolution of the Alpine-Dinaric area.
This study was supported by the research founds NKFIH OTKA 113013 and 134873, the ÚNKP-17-2 and ÚNKP-20-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities.
Csontos (1999): Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society 129, 4, 611-651.
Fodor et al. (2005): GeoLines 19: 141-161.
Juhász (2020): TDK thesis, ELTE, Budapest.
Koroknai et al. (2008): Journal of Structural Geology 30, 159-176.
McIntosh (2014): PhD thesis, University of Debrecen, Debrecen.
Scherman (2018): MSc thesis, ELTE, Budapest.
Schmid et al. (2008): Swiss Journal of Geosciences 101: 139-183.
Schréter (1945): Annual Report of the Geological Institute of Hungary, 1941-42: 197-237.
How to cite: Oravecz, É., Juhász, D., Götz, A., Kövér, S., Scherman, B., and Fodor, L.: Structural evolution of the Nekézseny Fault – a displaced segment of the Dinaric-ALCAPA contact zone in NE Hungary (Bükk and Uppony Hills), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11499, 2021.
EGU21-2648 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Diachronous exhumation of the Carpathians from low-temperature thermochronologyMarion Roger, Peter van der Beek, Arjan de Leeuw, and Laurent Husson
The Carpathians fold-and-thrust belt results from oblique collision of ALCAPA and Tisza-Dacia plates with the eastern European margin. It formed during the Oligocene and Miocene, propagating laterally from NW to SE as clearly demonstrated by balanced-cross sections (Nakapelyukh et al., 2017; Castellucio et al., 2016; Merten et al., 2010). The coeval development of the foreland basin (Roure et al., 1993) is revealed by an axial transport system that prograded from NW to SE, ultimately supplying sediments to the Black Sea (de Leeuw et al., 2020). However, lacking a regional synthesis and integration of thermochronology data, lateral propagation of exhumation in the orogen has not been demonstrated yet.
We reconstruct the exhumation history of the entire Carpathians from the Oligocene onwards and link it with the development of the Carpathians foreland basin (CFB) using a source-to-sink approach. We compiled more than 500 apatite and zircon fission-track and (U-Th)/He ages from the literature. This comprehensive database was separated by region (Western, Eastern, and South-Eastern Carpathians) and by tectonic domain (as defined in Schmid et al., 2008). This partitioning allows for the inversion of large datasets, reflects the tectonic complexity of the belt, and avoids spurious spatial correlations (Schildgen et al., 2018). The thermochronology data was inverted using Pecube (Braun et al., 2012) to constrain exhumation rates in a Bayesian approach. We thus obtain estimates of exhumation rates through time along the belt (with their uncertainty) and convert these into bulk sediment fluxes over time, permitting tracking of sediment routing from the eroding belt to the CFB. Ultimately, these data will be used to unravel deeper geodynamics, including the possible effects of slab detachment on the evolution of the belt and its foreland basin.
Key words: Low-temperature thermochronology, Carpathians, exhumation, source to sink, Pecube inversions.
How to cite: Roger, M., van der Beek, P., de Leeuw, A., and Husson, L.: Diachronous exhumation of the Carpathians from low-temperature thermochronology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2648, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2648, 2021.
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The Carpathians fold-and-thrust belt results from oblique collision of ALCAPA and Tisza-Dacia plates with the eastern European margin. It formed during the Oligocene and Miocene, propagating laterally from NW to SE as clearly demonstrated by balanced-cross sections (Nakapelyukh et al., 2017; Castellucio et al., 2016; Merten et al., 2010). The coeval development of the foreland basin (Roure et al., 1993) is revealed by an axial transport system that prograded from NW to SE, ultimately supplying sediments to the Black Sea (de Leeuw et al., 2020). However, lacking a regional synthesis and integration of thermochronology data, lateral propagation of exhumation in the orogen has not been demonstrated yet.
We reconstruct the exhumation history of the entire Carpathians from the Oligocene onwards and link it with the development of the Carpathians foreland basin (CFB) using a source-to-sink approach. We compiled more than 500 apatite and zircon fission-track and (U-Th)/He ages from the literature. This comprehensive database was separated by region (Western, Eastern, and South-Eastern Carpathians) and by tectonic domain (as defined in Schmid et al., 2008). This partitioning allows for the inversion of large datasets, reflects the tectonic complexity of the belt, and avoids spurious spatial correlations (Schildgen et al., 2018). The thermochronology data was inverted using Pecube (Braun et al., 2012) to constrain exhumation rates in a Bayesian approach. We thus obtain estimates of exhumation rates through time along the belt (with their uncertainty) and convert these into bulk sediment fluxes over time, permitting tracking of sediment routing from the eroding belt to the CFB. Ultimately, these data will be used to unravel deeper geodynamics, including the possible effects of slab detachment on the evolution of the belt and its foreland basin.
Key words: Low-temperature thermochronology, Carpathians, exhumation, source to sink, Pecube inversions.
How to cite: Roger, M., van der Beek, P., de Leeuw, A., and Husson, L.: Diachronous exhumation of the Carpathians from low-temperature thermochronology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2648, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2648, 2021.
EGU21-2015 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Migration of Late Miocene to Quaternary alkaline magmatism at the Alpine-Pannonian transition area: Significance for deformation rates and decoupling of lithospheric levelsFranz Neubauer and Shuyun Cao
Within-plate migration of alkaline basaltic centers is generally related to translation of the lithosphere with a hot spot above a largely stationary mantle plume. Here, we report, for the first time, a hitherto unrecognized migration of small-sized Late Miocene to Early Quaternary alkali-basaltic volcanic centers at the transition from Eastern Alps to the Pannonian Basin. The volcanic centers migrated along the South Burgenland High in a regular sequence over a 95 km distance from NNE to SSW between 11 Ma and 1.7 Ma. The basaltic magmatism was also associated with thinning of the crust and lithosphere and an increase of the thermal gradient as previous studies testify. In detail, three stages of migration are recognized as follows: (i) Stage 1 with a 55 km SSW-toward shift of volcanism between 11 and 5 Ma; (ii) Stage 2 with a 35 km-WSW shift and enlargement of the distribution of volcanic centers between ca. 5 and 3.5 Ma; and (iii) Stage 3 with a S-directed shift of ca. 25 km between 3.5 and 1.7 Ma. We propose that this pattern and mechanism of migration of the volcanic centers along the South Burgenland High resulted from thermally induced progressive thinning of the lithosphere over a mantle plume underneath the ALCAPA block, which was moving from SSW to the NNE between 11 and 1.7 Ma, interrupted by a marked eastward shift between 5 and 3.5 Ma (Stage 2). The Stage 1 shift of alkali-basaltic volcanism can be also observed in the Little Hungarian Plain and South Slovakia volcanic fields, here rotated in a sinistral wrench corridor, and the Stage 2 in the Balaton-Bakony of the Pannonian Basin (north of Lake Balaton). The migration of volcanic centers correlates with orientation and timing of regional shortening phases and inversion of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian system although the overall amount of shortening remains uncertain. The convergence of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaric system is driven by the northward motion of the Adriatic microplate. Previous balancing of the shortening of Eastern Alps resulted in an approximately constant convergence rate of ca. 10 mm/yr since 20 Ma ago although the system changed to overall compression since ca. 6 Ma and lower shortening rates can be expected. Interestingly, the reasonable estimated migration rates of volcanic centers are all in a similar order of magnitude between 6.5 and 13.8 mm/yr as the mentioned 10 mm/yr. This is nearly an order of magnitude larger than present-day rates of 1 – 2 mm/yr with E to NE-directed motion, but similar to the global hotspot-fixed reference frame, which implies a ca. northeast-directed motion of >10 mm/yr. Although this could represent an explanation of observed migration of volcanic centers, we exclude it because of the short tracks (maximum 95 km) and small volumes of volcanic products implying rather local plumes in the upper mantle.
Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), grant no. M-1343.
How to cite: Neubauer, F. and Cao, S.: Migration of Late Miocene to Quaternary alkaline magmatism at the Alpine-Pannonian transition area: Significance for deformation rates and decoupling of lithospheric levels, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2015, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2015, 2021.
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Within-plate migration of alkaline basaltic centers is generally related to translation of the lithosphere with a hot spot above a largely stationary mantle plume. Here, we report, for the first time, a hitherto unrecognized migration of small-sized Late Miocene to Early Quaternary alkali-basaltic volcanic centers at the transition from Eastern Alps to the Pannonian Basin. The volcanic centers migrated along the South Burgenland High in a regular sequence over a 95 km distance from NNE to SSW between 11 Ma and 1.7 Ma. The basaltic magmatism was also associated with thinning of the crust and lithosphere and an increase of the thermal gradient as previous studies testify. In detail, three stages of migration are recognized as follows: (i) Stage 1 with a 55 km SSW-toward shift of volcanism between 11 and 5 Ma; (ii) Stage 2 with a 35 km-WSW shift and enlargement of the distribution of volcanic centers between ca. 5 and 3.5 Ma; and (iii) Stage 3 with a S-directed shift of ca. 25 km between 3.5 and 1.7 Ma. We propose that this pattern and mechanism of migration of the volcanic centers along the South Burgenland High resulted from thermally induced progressive thinning of the lithosphere over a mantle plume underneath the ALCAPA block, which was moving from SSW to the NNE between 11 and 1.7 Ma, interrupted by a marked eastward shift between 5 and 3.5 Ma (Stage 2). The Stage 1 shift of alkali-basaltic volcanism can be also observed in the Little Hungarian Plain and South Slovakia volcanic fields, here rotated in a sinistral wrench corridor, and the Stage 2 in the Balaton-Bakony of the Pannonian Basin (north of Lake Balaton). The migration of volcanic centers correlates with orientation and timing of regional shortening phases and inversion of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian system although the overall amount of shortening remains uncertain. The convergence of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian-Dinaric system is driven by the northward motion of the Adriatic microplate. Previous balancing of the shortening of Eastern Alps resulted in an approximately constant convergence rate of ca. 10 mm/yr since 20 Ma ago although the system changed to overall compression since ca. 6 Ma and lower shortening rates can be expected. Interestingly, the reasonable estimated migration rates of volcanic centers are all in a similar order of magnitude between 6.5 and 13.8 mm/yr as the mentioned 10 mm/yr. This is nearly an order of magnitude larger than present-day rates of 1 – 2 mm/yr with E to NE-directed motion, but similar to the global hotspot-fixed reference frame, which implies a ca. northeast-directed motion of >10 mm/yr. Although this could represent an explanation of observed migration of volcanic centers, we exclude it because of the short tracks (maximum 95 km) and small volumes of volcanic products implying rather local plumes in the upper mantle.
Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), grant no. M-1343.
How to cite: Neubauer, F. and Cao, S.: Migration of Late Miocene to Quaternary alkaline magmatism at the Alpine-Pannonian transition area: Significance for deformation rates and decoupling of lithospheric levels, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2015, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2015, 2021.
EGU21-13300 | vPICO presentations | TS7.8
Migration of deformation, subsidence, and basin formation in the SW Pannonian Basin (central Europe) and the change to contractional deformationLászló Fodor, Attila Balázs, Gábor Csillag, István Dunkl, Gábor Héja, Péter Kelemen, Szilvia Kövér, András Németh, Dániel Nyíri, Éva Oravecz, Ildikó Selmeczi, Mirka Trajanova, Marko Vrabec, and Mirijam Vrabec
The Pannonian Basin is a continental extensional basin system with various depocentres within the Alpine–Carpathian–Dinaridic orogenic belt. Along the western basin margin, exhumation along the Rechnitz, Pohorje, Kozjak, and Baján detachments resulted in cooling of diverse crustal segments of the Alpine nappe stack (Koralpe-Wölz and Penninic nappes); the process is constrained by variable thermochronological data between ~25–23 to ~15 Ma. Rapid subsidence in supradetachment sub-basins indicates the onset of sedimentation in the late Early Miocene (Ottnangian? or Karpatian, from ~19 or 17.2 Ma). In addition to extensional structures, strike-slip faults mostly accommodated differential extension between domains marked by large low-angle normal faults. Branches of the Mid-Hungarian Shear Zone (MHZ) also played the role of transfer faults, although shear-zones perpendicular to extension also occurred locally.
During this period, the distal margin of the large tilted block in the hanging wall of the detachment system, the pre-Miocene rocks of the Transdanubian Range (TR) experienced surface exposure, karstification, and terrestrial sedimentation. The situation changed after ~15–14.5 Ma when faulting, subsidence, and basin formation shifted north-eastward. Migration of normal faulting resulted in fault-controlled basin subsidence within the TR which lasted until ~8 Ma.
3D thermo-mechanical lithospheric and basin-scale numerical models predict similar spatial migration of the depocenters from the orogenic margin towards the basin center. The reason for this migration is found in the interaction of deep Earth and surface processes. A lithospheric and smaller crustal-scale weak zones inherited from a preceding orogenic structure localize initial deformation, while their redistribution controls asymmetric extension accompanied by the upraising of the asthenopshere and flexure of the lithosphere. Models suggest ~4–5 Myr delay of the onset of sedimentation after the onset of crustal extension and ~150–200 km of shift in depocenters during ~12 Myr. These modeling results agree well with our robust structural and chronological data on basin migration.
Simultaneously with or shortly after depocenter migration, the southern part of the former rift system, mostly near the MHZ, underwent ~N–S shortening; the basin fill was folded and the boundary normal faults were inverted. The style of deformation changed from pure contraction to transpression. The Baján detachment could be slightly folded, although its synformal shape could also be considered a detachment corrugation. Deformation was dated to ~15–14 Ma (middle Badenian) in certain sub-basins while in other sub-basins deformation seems to be continuous throughout the late Middle Miocene from ~15 Ma to ~11.6 Ma.
Another contractional pulse occurred in the earliest Late Miocene, between ~11.6 and ~9.7 Ma while the western part of the TR was still affected by extensional faulting and subsidence. All these contractional deformations can be linked to the much larger fold-and-thrust belt that extends from the Southern and Julian Alps through the Sava folds region in Slovenia. Contraction is still active, as indicated by recent earthquakes in Croatia.
Mol Ltd. largely supported the research. The research is supported by the scientific grant NKFI OTKA 134873 and the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P1-0195).
How to cite: Fodor, L., Balázs, A., Csillag, G., Dunkl, I., Héja, G., Kelemen, P., Kövér, S., Németh, A., Nyíri, D., Oravecz, É., Selmeczi, I., Trajanova, M., Vrabec, M., and Vrabec, M.: Migration of deformation, subsidence, and basin formation in the SW Pannonian Basin (central Europe) and the change to contractional deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13300, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13300, 2021.
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The Pannonian Basin is a continental extensional basin system with various depocentres within the Alpine–Carpathian–Dinaridic orogenic belt. Along the western basin margin, exhumation along the Rechnitz, Pohorje, Kozjak, and Baján detachments resulted in cooling of diverse crustal segments of the Alpine nappe stack (Koralpe-Wölz and Penninic nappes); the process is constrained by variable thermochronological data between ~25–23 to ~15 Ma. Rapid subsidence in supradetachment sub-basins indicates the onset of sedimentation in the late Early Miocene (Ottnangian? or Karpatian, from ~19 or 17.2 Ma). In addition to extensional structures, strike-slip faults mostly accommodated differential extension between domains marked by large low-angle normal faults. Branches of the Mid-Hungarian Shear Zone (MHZ) also played the role of transfer faults, although shear-zones perpendicular to extension also occurred locally.
During this period, the distal margin of the large tilted block in the hanging wall of the detachment system, the pre-Miocene rocks of the Transdanubian Range (TR) experienced surface exposure, karstification, and terrestrial sedimentation. The situation changed after ~15–14.5 Ma when faulting, subsidence, and basin formation shifted north-eastward. Migration of normal faulting resulted in fault-controlled basin subsidence within the TR which lasted until ~8 Ma.
3D thermo-mechanical lithospheric and basin-scale numerical models predict similar spatial migration of the depocenters from the orogenic margin towards the basin center. The reason for this migration is found in the interaction of deep Earth and surface processes. A lithospheric and smaller crustal-scale weak zones inherited from a preceding orogenic structure localize initial deformation, while their redistribution controls asymmetric extension accompanied by the upraising of the asthenopshere and flexure of the lithosphere. Models suggest ~4–5 Myr delay of the onset of sedimentation after the onset of crustal extension and ~150–200 km of shift in depocenters during ~12 Myr. These modeling results agree well with our robust structural and chronological data on basin migration.
Simultaneously with or shortly after depocenter migration, the southern part of the former rift system, mostly near the MHZ, underwent ~N–S shortening; the basin fill was folded and the boundary normal faults were inverted. The style of deformation changed from pure contraction to transpression. The Baján detachment could be slightly folded, although its synformal shape could also be considered a detachment corrugation. Deformation was dated to ~15–14 Ma (middle Badenian) in certain sub-basins while in other sub-basins deformation seems to be continuous throughout the late Middle Miocene from ~15 Ma to ~11.6 Ma.
Another contractional pulse occurred in the earliest Late Miocene, between ~11.6 and ~9.7 Ma while the western part of the TR was still affected by extensional faulting and subsidence. All these contractional deformations can be linked to the much larger fold-and-thrust belt that extends from the Southern and Julian Alps through the Sava folds region in Slovenia. Contraction is still active, as indicated by recent earthquakes in Croatia.
Mol Ltd. largely supported the research. The research is supported by the scientific grant NKFI OTKA 134873 and the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P1-0195).
How to cite: Fodor, L., Balázs, A., Csillag, G., Dunkl, I., Héja, G., Kelemen, P., Kövér, S., Németh, A., Nyíri, D., Oravecz, É., Selmeczi, I., Trajanova, M., Vrabec, M., and Vrabec, M.: Migration of deformation, subsidence, and basin formation in the SW Pannonian Basin (central Europe) and the change to contractional deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13300, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13300, 2021.
TS7.9 – Inheritance control on plate boundaries, and inheritance, structures, and kinematics of the Apennines
EGU21-469 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
From orogeny to rifting: when and how does rifting begin? Insights from the Norwegian ‘reactivation phase’.Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, Per Terje Osmundsen, Loic Fourel, and Susanne Buiter
Following the Wilson Cycle theory, most rifts and rifted margins around the world developed on former orogenic suture zones (Wilson, 1966). This implies that the pre-rift lithospheric configuration is heterogeneous in most cases. However, for convenience and lack of robust information, most models envisage the onset of rifting based on a homogeneously layered lithosphere (e.g. Lavier and Manatschal, 2006). In the last decade this has seen a change, thanks to the increased academic access to high-resolution, deeply imaging seismic datasets, and numerous studies have focused on the impact of inheritance on the architecture of rifts and rifted margins. The pre-rift tectonic history has often been shown as strongly influencing the subsequent rift phases (e.g. the North Sea case - Phillips et al., 2016).
In the case of rifts developing on former orogens, one important question relates to the distinction between extensional structures formed during the orogenic collapse and the ones related to the proper onset of rifting. The collapse deformation is generally associated with polarity reversal along orogenic thrusts, ductile to brittle deformation and important crustal thinning with exhumation of deeply buried rocks (Andersen et al., 1994; Fossen, 2000). The resulting structural template commonly involves metamorphic core complexes, extensional shear zones and detachment faults superposed on inherited thrust assemblages (Fossen, 2000). On the other hand, the proximal domains of rifted margins often show only moderately reduced crustal thicknesses (Whitmarsh et al., 2001). The top basement geometries are typically summarized as series of tilted blocks, bordered by 'Andersonian-type' normal faults rooted in the brittle-ductile transition at mid-crustal levels, accounting for minor amounts of extension (the ‘stretching phase’ of Lavier and Manatschal, 2006). Thus, orogenic collapse and early rifting are considered to represent very different deformation modes with distinct structural geometries. We used the post-Caledonian Norwegian rift system to study the relationship between these two end-member forms of deformation.
Based on onshore and offshore observations from the Mid-Norwegian and North Sea extensional systems, and on numerical modelling experiments, we show that the near-coastal onshore and proximal offshore Norwegian area is floored by a unit of intensively sheared basement, mylonitic shear zones, core complexes and detachment faults that attest to significant crustal thinning. We describe how, when and where the post-Caledonian continental crust evolved from a context of orogenic collapse to one of continental rifting. We highlight the importance of a deformation stage that occurred between the collapse mode and the high-angle faulting mode often associated with early rifting of continental crust. This transitional stage - termed the reactivation phase - which we interpret as the earliest stage of rifting, includes unexpected large magnitudes of crustal thinning facilitated through the reactivation and further development of inherited collapse structures, including detachment faults, shear zones and metamorphic core complexes. The reduction of the already re-equilibrated post-orogenic crust to only ~50% of normal thickness over large areas, and considerably less locally, during this stage shows that the common assumption of very moderate extension in the proximal margin domain may not conform to margins that developed on collapsed orogens.
How to cite: Peron-Pinvidic, G., Osmundsen, P. T., Fourel, L., and Buiter, S.: From orogeny to rifting: when and how does rifting begin? Insights from the Norwegian ‘reactivation phase’., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-469, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-469, 2021.
Following the Wilson Cycle theory, most rifts and rifted margins around the world developed on former orogenic suture zones (Wilson, 1966). This implies that the pre-rift lithospheric configuration is heterogeneous in most cases. However, for convenience and lack of robust information, most models envisage the onset of rifting based on a homogeneously layered lithosphere (e.g. Lavier and Manatschal, 2006). In the last decade this has seen a change, thanks to the increased academic access to high-resolution, deeply imaging seismic datasets, and numerous studies have focused on the impact of inheritance on the architecture of rifts and rifted margins. The pre-rift tectonic history has often been shown as strongly influencing the subsequent rift phases (e.g. the North Sea case - Phillips et al., 2016).
In the case of rifts developing on former orogens, one important question relates to the distinction between extensional structures formed during the orogenic collapse and the ones related to the proper onset of rifting. The collapse deformation is generally associated with polarity reversal along orogenic thrusts, ductile to brittle deformation and important crustal thinning with exhumation of deeply buried rocks (Andersen et al., 1994; Fossen, 2000). The resulting structural template commonly involves metamorphic core complexes, extensional shear zones and detachment faults superposed on inherited thrust assemblages (Fossen, 2000). On the other hand, the proximal domains of rifted margins often show only moderately reduced crustal thicknesses (Whitmarsh et al., 2001). The top basement geometries are typically summarized as series of tilted blocks, bordered by 'Andersonian-type' normal faults rooted in the brittle-ductile transition at mid-crustal levels, accounting for minor amounts of extension (the ‘stretching phase’ of Lavier and Manatschal, 2006). Thus, orogenic collapse and early rifting are considered to represent very different deformation modes with distinct structural geometries. We used the post-Caledonian Norwegian rift system to study the relationship between these two end-member forms of deformation.
Based on onshore and offshore observations from the Mid-Norwegian and North Sea extensional systems, and on numerical modelling experiments, we show that the near-coastal onshore and proximal offshore Norwegian area is floored by a unit of intensively sheared basement, mylonitic shear zones, core complexes and detachment faults that attest to significant crustal thinning. We describe how, when and where the post-Caledonian continental crust evolved from a context of orogenic collapse to one of continental rifting. We highlight the importance of a deformation stage that occurred between the collapse mode and the high-angle faulting mode often associated with early rifting of continental crust. This transitional stage - termed the reactivation phase - which we interpret as the earliest stage of rifting, includes unexpected large magnitudes of crustal thinning facilitated through the reactivation and further development of inherited collapse structures, including detachment faults, shear zones and metamorphic core complexes. The reduction of the already re-equilibrated post-orogenic crust to only ~50% of normal thickness over large areas, and considerably less locally, during this stage shows that the common assumption of very moderate extension in the proximal margin domain may not conform to margins that developed on collapsed orogens.
How to cite: Peron-Pinvidic, G., Osmundsen, P. T., Fourel, L., and Buiter, S.: From orogeny to rifting: when and how does rifting begin? Insights from the Norwegian ‘reactivation phase’., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-469, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-469, 2021.
EGU21-3450 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Remote-predictive geologic mapping of the Reykjanes Ridge: Implications for the volcanic and structural evolution of a slow-spreading Mid-Ocean RidgeSofia Panasiuk, Melissa O. Anderson, Ármann Höskuldsson, Fernando Martinez, and Dominik Pałgan
The Reykjanes Ridge is a spreading center that presents an opportunity to track the dynamic formation of structural and volcanic features at an asymmetric slow-spreading plate boundary. The ridge spans the northern ~1000 km of the Mid Atlantic Ridge and has been spreading at a full spreading rate of ~20 mm/year [1]. The characteristic along-ridge basement depth, crustal thickness, and chemical gradient have been variably attributed to an active mantle plume beneath Iceland, or a passive mantle anomaly pre-dating the rifting [1]. A unique feature of the ridge is that it spreads obliquely to the spreading axis: a consequence of the change in spreading direction from ~125o to ~100o due to the failure of the triple junction between the Greenland, Eurasian, and North American plates 37 Mya [2]. Along with the sudden change in orientation, disjunct ridge segments were formed and separated by transform faults which have been continuously eliminating from north to south, thereby re-establishing the original linear geometry of the ridge [1]. The Bight Transform Zone is the final remaining transform fault and constitutes the boundary between the southern Reykjanes Ridge and the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Despite the termination of strike-slip transform fault motion, the ridge remains in a state of active tectonic deformation as demonstrated by the time-dependant orientations of linear structures, lengths of spreading segments, and deviation from the previously asserted linear continuity of the ridge. Investigating the relationship between structures, volcanism, and regional geodynamics is possible with the application of a novel remote-predictive geological mapping method based on interpretations from newly acquired bathymetric and acoustic backscatter data. Notably, the bathymetric data provides significant high-resolution coverage of both on-axis and off-axis regions, allowing us to track the evolution of the ridge for up to 13 Mya. The acoustic backscatter data aids in the interpretation of geologic features and terrains whose distribution and morphology reflect both present-day and historic ridge dynamics. This analysis will produce new insight into the on-going first and second-order deformation of the Reykjanes Ridge, its controls, and its effects on diffuse low-temperature vs. focused high-temperature hydrothermal venting.
[1] Martinez et al., 2020. Reykjanes Ridge evolution: Effects of plate kinematics, small-scale upper mantle convection, and a regional mantle gradient. Earth-Science Reviews.
[2] Jones, Stephen M., 2003. Test of a ridge–plume interaction model using oceanic crustal structure around Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
How to cite: Panasiuk, S., Anderson, M. O., Höskuldsson, Á., Martinez, F., and Pałgan, D.: Remote-predictive geologic mapping of the Reykjanes Ridge: Implications for the volcanic and structural evolution of a slow-spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3450, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3450, 2021.
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The Reykjanes Ridge is a spreading center that presents an opportunity to track the dynamic formation of structural and volcanic features at an asymmetric slow-spreading plate boundary. The ridge spans the northern ~1000 km of the Mid Atlantic Ridge and has been spreading at a full spreading rate of ~20 mm/year [1]. The characteristic along-ridge basement depth, crustal thickness, and chemical gradient have been variably attributed to an active mantle plume beneath Iceland, or a passive mantle anomaly pre-dating the rifting [1]. A unique feature of the ridge is that it spreads obliquely to the spreading axis: a consequence of the change in spreading direction from ~125o to ~100o due to the failure of the triple junction between the Greenland, Eurasian, and North American plates 37 Mya [2]. Along with the sudden change in orientation, disjunct ridge segments were formed and separated by transform faults which have been continuously eliminating from north to south, thereby re-establishing the original linear geometry of the ridge [1]. The Bight Transform Zone is the final remaining transform fault and constitutes the boundary between the southern Reykjanes Ridge and the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Despite the termination of strike-slip transform fault motion, the ridge remains in a state of active tectonic deformation as demonstrated by the time-dependant orientations of linear structures, lengths of spreading segments, and deviation from the previously asserted linear continuity of the ridge. Investigating the relationship between structures, volcanism, and regional geodynamics is possible with the application of a novel remote-predictive geological mapping method based on interpretations from newly acquired bathymetric and acoustic backscatter data. Notably, the bathymetric data provides significant high-resolution coverage of both on-axis and off-axis regions, allowing us to track the evolution of the ridge for up to 13 Mya. The acoustic backscatter data aids in the interpretation of geologic features and terrains whose distribution and morphology reflect both present-day and historic ridge dynamics. This analysis will produce new insight into the on-going first and second-order deformation of the Reykjanes Ridge, its controls, and its effects on diffuse low-temperature vs. focused high-temperature hydrothermal venting.
[1] Martinez et al., 2020. Reykjanes Ridge evolution: Effects of plate kinematics, small-scale upper mantle convection, and a regional mantle gradient. Earth-Science Reviews.
[2] Jones, Stephen M., 2003. Test of a ridge–plume interaction model using oceanic crustal structure around Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
How to cite: Panasiuk, S., Anderson, M. O., Höskuldsson, Á., Martinez, F., and Pałgan, D.: Remote-predictive geologic mapping of the Reykjanes Ridge: Implications for the volcanic and structural evolution of a slow-spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3450, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3450, 2021.
EGU21-8283 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Extensional detachments related to extreme crustal thinning and their fate during contractional reactivation: the Le Danois-North Mauléon offshore-onshore examples in north IberiaPatricia Cadenas, Rodolphe Lescoutre, and Gianreto Manatschal
Extensional detachment faults accommodate high degrees of crustal thinning and exhumation, shaping largely the final architecture of magma-poor rifted margins. Great efforts have been directed to study extensional detachments based on offshore seismic surveys and onshore field analogues. However, little is known about the breakaway of these structures as well as their role and evolution during rifting and subsequent contractional reactivation.
In this work, we use the Le Danois-Labourd offshore-onshore natural laboratory (northern Spain) to explore the features characterising major Mesozoic extensional detachment faults and their fate during subsequent Alpine contractional reactivation. Both sites keep evidence of Mesozoic extensional detachment faulting and high degrees of crustal thinning, including exhumed mid-crustal granulites reworked as clasts into Apto-Albian syn-rift sediments, and show mild Alpine reactivation, corresponding at present-day to structural highs. Relying on the interpretation of high quality 2D seismic reflection profiles offshore and on field-based cross-sections onshore, we describe and compare the former rift architecture associated with these major detachment faults and the distribution of contractional structures at the two sites.
This combined study enable us to evidence strong structural similarities between the two sites and to propose that the Le Danois and the North Mauléon extensional detachment systems are major rift structures within the North Iberian rift system. We propose that they were responsible for high degrees of crustal thinning and the exhumation of mid-crustal rocks during the Late Aptian to Albian N-S directed extension. Major thrusts truncated the two extensional detachments during subsequent Alpine reactivation, leading to the uplift and tilting of the Le Danois and the Labourd rift-inherited crustal blocks. We suggest that the location of the two blocks at the termination of offset/overlapped hyperextended rift segments allowed for their preservation as mildly inverted structural highs, including rift-related structures.
How to cite: Cadenas, P., Lescoutre, R., and Manatschal, G.: Extensional detachments related to extreme crustal thinning and their fate during contractional reactivation: the Le Danois-North Mauléon offshore-onshore examples in north Iberia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8283, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8283, 2021.
Extensional detachment faults accommodate high degrees of crustal thinning and exhumation, shaping largely the final architecture of magma-poor rifted margins. Great efforts have been directed to study extensional detachments based on offshore seismic surveys and onshore field analogues. However, little is known about the breakaway of these structures as well as their role and evolution during rifting and subsequent contractional reactivation.
In this work, we use the Le Danois-Labourd offshore-onshore natural laboratory (northern Spain) to explore the features characterising major Mesozoic extensional detachment faults and their fate during subsequent Alpine contractional reactivation. Both sites keep evidence of Mesozoic extensional detachment faulting and high degrees of crustal thinning, including exhumed mid-crustal granulites reworked as clasts into Apto-Albian syn-rift sediments, and show mild Alpine reactivation, corresponding at present-day to structural highs. Relying on the interpretation of high quality 2D seismic reflection profiles offshore and on field-based cross-sections onshore, we describe and compare the former rift architecture associated with these major detachment faults and the distribution of contractional structures at the two sites.
This combined study enable us to evidence strong structural similarities between the two sites and to propose that the Le Danois and the North Mauléon extensional detachment systems are major rift structures within the North Iberian rift system. We propose that they were responsible for high degrees of crustal thinning and the exhumation of mid-crustal rocks during the Late Aptian to Albian N-S directed extension. Major thrusts truncated the two extensional detachments during subsequent Alpine reactivation, leading to the uplift and tilting of the Le Danois and the Labourd rift-inherited crustal blocks. We suggest that the location of the two blocks at the termination of offset/overlapped hyperextended rift segments allowed for their preservation as mildly inverted structural highs, including rift-related structures.
How to cite: Cadenas, P., Lescoutre, R., and Manatschal, G.: Extensional detachments related to extreme crustal thinning and their fate during contractional reactivation: the Le Danois-North Mauléon offshore-onshore examples in north Iberia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8283, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8283, 2021.
EGU21-3043 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Assessing the rotation and segmentation of the Porcupine Bank, Irish Atlantic margin, during oblique rifting using deformable plate reconstructionPei Yang, J. Kim Welford, and Michael King
With an increasing number of global and regional plate reconstruction models established in recent years, the motion of the Porcupine Bank, Irish Atlantic continental margin, underlain by orogeny-related pre-rift crustal basement terranes, have been investigated and restored as well. However, these reconstructed models of the Porcupine Bank margin mainly depend on potential field data analysis and lack seismic constraints, failing to reveal the role of inherited crustal sutures during rifting and associated crustal deformation over geological time. In this study, five deformable models with distinct structural inheritance trends are established in GPlates by adjusting a previously published regional restoration model for the North Atlantic realm. For each model, driving factors (e.g., such as whether the Orphan Knoll is included, the altered rotational poles of the Flemish Cap, and the motion of the eastern border of the Porcupine Basin) are also taken into consideration. Crustal thicknesses from gravity inversion and seismic refraction data modelling are compared against those from these deformable plate reconstruction models to identify the most geologically reasonable one. The resulting preferred model has the Porcupine Bank subdivided into four blocks with each experiencing polyphase rotations and shearing prior to final continental breakup, implying strong inheritance and segmentation of the Porcupine Bank and the Porcupine Basin. The derived reconstructed paleo-positions over time of the Flemish Cap and the Porcupine Bank within the deforming topological network reveal new and evolving conjugate relationships during rifting, which are assessed using regional seismic transects from both margins. Finally, extensional obliquity between both margins is quantitatively restored, showing time-variant orientations due to the rotation and shearing of associated continental blocks, which contributes to unraveling the spatial and temporal evolution of southern North Atlantic rifting during the Mesozoic, prior to the initiation of seafloor spreading.
How to cite: Yang, P., Welford, J. K., and King, M.: Assessing the rotation and segmentation of the Porcupine Bank, Irish Atlantic margin, during oblique rifting using deformable plate reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3043, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3043, 2021.
With an increasing number of global and regional plate reconstruction models established in recent years, the motion of the Porcupine Bank, Irish Atlantic continental margin, underlain by orogeny-related pre-rift crustal basement terranes, have been investigated and restored as well. However, these reconstructed models of the Porcupine Bank margin mainly depend on potential field data analysis and lack seismic constraints, failing to reveal the role of inherited crustal sutures during rifting and associated crustal deformation over geological time. In this study, five deformable models with distinct structural inheritance trends are established in GPlates by adjusting a previously published regional restoration model for the North Atlantic realm. For each model, driving factors (e.g., such as whether the Orphan Knoll is included, the altered rotational poles of the Flemish Cap, and the motion of the eastern border of the Porcupine Basin) are also taken into consideration. Crustal thicknesses from gravity inversion and seismic refraction data modelling are compared against those from these deformable plate reconstruction models to identify the most geologically reasonable one. The resulting preferred model has the Porcupine Bank subdivided into four blocks with each experiencing polyphase rotations and shearing prior to final continental breakup, implying strong inheritance and segmentation of the Porcupine Bank and the Porcupine Basin. The derived reconstructed paleo-positions over time of the Flemish Cap and the Porcupine Bank within the deforming topological network reveal new and evolving conjugate relationships during rifting, which are assessed using regional seismic transects from both margins. Finally, extensional obliquity between both margins is quantitatively restored, showing time-variant orientations due to the rotation and shearing of associated continental blocks, which contributes to unraveling the spatial and temporal evolution of southern North Atlantic rifting during the Mesozoic, prior to the initiation of seafloor spreading.
How to cite: Yang, P., Welford, J. K., and King, M.: Assessing the rotation and segmentation of the Porcupine Bank, Irish Atlantic margin, during oblique rifting using deformable plate reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3043, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3043, 2021.
EGU21-4492 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The influence of laterally varying crustal strength on rift physiography – Combining 3D numerical models and geological observationsThomas Phillips, John Naliboff, Ken McCaffrey, Sophie Pan, and Jeroen van Hunen
Continental rifts form across a mosaic of crustal units, each unit displaying properties that reflect their own unique tectonic evolution and lithology. The physiography of rift systems is largely reflective of this underlying crustal substrate, which may change over short distances along-strike of the rift. Pervasive, well-developed structural heterogeneities represent sites where strain may localise and may thus weaken a crustal volume. In contrast, relatively pristine areas of crust, such as igneous batholiths, contain few heterogeneities and may be considered relatively strong. Characteristic rift physiographies associated with these ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ crustal units, and how rift physiography changes across areas where these units are juxtaposed remain elusive.
In this study we use the 3D thermo-mechanical numerical code ASPECT to investigate how areas of differing upper crustal strength influence rift physiography. We extend a 500x500x100km volume, within which we define four 125km wide upper crustal domains of either ‘strong’, ‘normal’ or ‘weak’ crust. Crustal strength is determined by varying the initial plastic strain in the model across 5km blocks, producing a static-like pattern. Weak domains contain weakened blocks with large initial plastic strain values, creating large contrasts with adjacent blocks. In contrast, 5 km blocks within the strong domain have relatively low values of initial plastic strain, producing little variation between adjacent blocks.
Our modelling simulations reveal that strain rapidly localises onto high-displacement structures (equivalent to faults) in the weak domain. Fault spacing and the strain accommodated by each fault decreases in the normal domain, with the strong domain characterised by closely-spaced, low displacement faults approximating uniform strain. When heterogeneities are incorporated into the strong domain, we find that these rapidly localise strain, effectively partitioning the domain into a series of smaller, strong areas separated by faults. Faults are initially inhibited at the boundaries with adjacent stronger domains; as extension progresses, these faults break through the barrier and propagate into the stronger domains.
Our observations have important implications for rift system development, particularly in areas of highly heterogeneous basement. Studies have shown that the Tanganyika rift developed at high angles to cratonic and mobile belt basement terranes, with localisation inhibted in the stronger cratonic areas. Similarly, extension in the Great South Basin (GSB), New Zealand, initially localised in weak, dominantly sedimentary, terranes, compared to stronger, more homogenous granitic areas. Terrane boundaries in the GSB also inhibit the lateral propagation of faults. Comparing our model results with observations from these and other systems globally, we determine characteristic structural styles and examine how rift physiography varies across ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ crustal volumes.
How to cite: Phillips, T., Naliboff, J., McCaffrey, K., Pan, S., and van Hunen, J.: The influence of laterally varying crustal strength on rift physiography – Combining 3D numerical models and geological observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4492, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4492, 2021.
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Continental rifts form across a mosaic of crustal units, each unit displaying properties that reflect their own unique tectonic evolution and lithology. The physiography of rift systems is largely reflective of this underlying crustal substrate, which may change over short distances along-strike of the rift. Pervasive, well-developed structural heterogeneities represent sites where strain may localise and may thus weaken a crustal volume. In contrast, relatively pristine areas of crust, such as igneous batholiths, contain few heterogeneities and may be considered relatively strong. Characteristic rift physiographies associated with these ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ crustal units, and how rift physiography changes across areas where these units are juxtaposed remain elusive.
In this study we use the 3D thermo-mechanical numerical code ASPECT to investigate how areas of differing upper crustal strength influence rift physiography. We extend a 500x500x100km volume, within which we define four 125km wide upper crustal domains of either ‘strong’, ‘normal’ or ‘weak’ crust. Crustal strength is determined by varying the initial plastic strain in the model across 5km blocks, producing a static-like pattern. Weak domains contain weakened blocks with large initial plastic strain values, creating large contrasts with adjacent blocks. In contrast, 5 km blocks within the strong domain have relatively low values of initial plastic strain, producing little variation between adjacent blocks.
Our modelling simulations reveal that strain rapidly localises onto high-displacement structures (equivalent to faults) in the weak domain. Fault spacing and the strain accommodated by each fault decreases in the normal domain, with the strong domain characterised by closely-spaced, low displacement faults approximating uniform strain. When heterogeneities are incorporated into the strong domain, we find that these rapidly localise strain, effectively partitioning the domain into a series of smaller, strong areas separated by faults. Faults are initially inhibited at the boundaries with adjacent stronger domains; as extension progresses, these faults break through the barrier and propagate into the stronger domains.
Our observations have important implications for rift system development, particularly in areas of highly heterogeneous basement. Studies have shown that the Tanganyika rift developed at high angles to cratonic and mobile belt basement terranes, with localisation inhibted in the stronger cratonic areas. Similarly, extension in the Great South Basin (GSB), New Zealand, initially localised in weak, dominantly sedimentary, terranes, compared to stronger, more homogenous granitic areas. Terrane boundaries in the GSB also inhibit the lateral propagation of faults. Comparing our model results with observations from these and other systems globally, we determine characteristic structural styles and examine how rift physiography varies across ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ crustal volumes.
How to cite: Phillips, T., Naliboff, J., McCaffrey, K., Pan, S., and van Hunen, J.: The influence of laterally varying crustal strength on rift physiography – Combining 3D numerical models and geological observations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4492, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4492, 2021.
EGU21-9600 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Self-consistent grain size evolution controls lithospheric shear zone formation during continental riftingJonas B. Ruh, Leif Tokle, and Whitney M. Behr
In geodynamic numerical models, grain-size-independent dislocation creep often solely defines the governing crystal-plastic flow law in the upper mantle. However, grain-size-dependent diffusion creep may become the dominant deformation mechanism if grain size is sufficiently small. Previous studies implying composite diffusion-dislocation creep rheologies and fixed grain size suggest that the upper mantle is stratified with the dominant mechanism being dislocation creep at shallow depths and diffusion creep further down. Studies with variable grain size in the upper mantle depending on common grain-size evolution models demonstrate that the contrary might be the case, where diffusion creep is acting within the mantle lithosphere and dislocation creep in the asthenosphere below. Diffusion creep as a dominant mechanism has important implications for the overall strength of the lithosphere and therefore for the dynamic evolution of lithospheric-scale extension and orogeny.
To investigate the importance of grain size and the effects of resulting crystal-plastic creep within the upper mantle, we developed a two-dimensional thermo-mechanical numerical code based on the finite difference method with a fully staggered Eularian grid and freely advecting Lagrangian markers. The model implies a composite diffusion-dislocation creep rheology and a dynamic grain-size evolution model based on the paleowattmeter including recently published olivine grain growth laws.
Results of upper mantle extension indicate olivine grain sizes of ~7 cm for large parts of the upper mantle below the LAB, while in the lithosphere grain size ranges from ~1 mm at the Moho to ~5 cm at the LAB. This grain size distribution indicates that dislocation creep dominates deformation in the entire upper mantle. However, diffusion creep activates along lithospheric-scale shear zones during rifting where intense grain size reduction occurs to local stress increase. We furthermore test the implications of wet and dry olivine rheology and respective crystal growth laws and interpret their effects on large-scale tectonic processes. Our results help explain strain localization during extension by strength loss related to grain size reduction and consequent diffusion creep activation.
How to cite: Ruh, J. B., Tokle, L., and Behr, W. M.: Self-consistent grain size evolution controls lithospheric shear zone formation during continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9600, 2021.
In geodynamic numerical models, grain-size-independent dislocation creep often solely defines the governing crystal-plastic flow law in the upper mantle. However, grain-size-dependent diffusion creep may become the dominant deformation mechanism if grain size is sufficiently small. Previous studies implying composite diffusion-dislocation creep rheologies and fixed grain size suggest that the upper mantle is stratified with the dominant mechanism being dislocation creep at shallow depths and diffusion creep further down. Studies with variable grain size in the upper mantle depending on common grain-size evolution models demonstrate that the contrary might be the case, where diffusion creep is acting within the mantle lithosphere and dislocation creep in the asthenosphere below. Diffusion creep as a dominant mechanism has important implications for the overall strength of the lithosphere and therefore for the dynamic evolution of lithospheric-scale extension and orogeny.
To investigate the importance of grain size and the effects of resulting crystal-plastic creep within the upper mantle, we developed a two-dimensional thermo-mechanical numerical code based on the finite difference method with a fully staggered Eularian grid and freely advecting Lagrangian markers. The model implies a composite diffusion-dislocation creep rheology and a dynamic grain-size evolution model based on the paleowattmeter including recently published olivine grain growth laws.
Results of upper mantle extension indicate olivine grain sizes of ~7 cm for large parts of the upper mantle below the LAB, while in the lithosphere grain size ranges from ~1 mm at the Moho to ~5 cm at the LAB. This grain size distribution indicates that dislocation creep dominates deformation in the entire upper mantle. However, diffusion creep activates along lithospheric-scale shear zones during rifting where intense grain size reduction occurs to local stress increase. We furthermore test the implications of wet and dry olivine rheology and respective crystal growth laws and interpret their effects on large-scale tectonic processes. Our results help explain strain localization during extension by strength loss related to grain size reduction and consequent diffusion creep activation.
How to cite: Ruh, J. B., Tokle, L., and Behr, W. M.: Self-consistent grain size evolution controls lithospheric shear zone formation during continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9600, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9600, 2021.
EGU21-11949 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Evolution of strain patterns in deforming upper plates in subduction zones: the case study of Cretaceous extension in the Iranian plateauTiphaine Larvet, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, and Philippe Agard
Existing plate tectonic models rely on two essential features: (1) rigid tectonic plates and (2) very narrow plate boundaries where all deformation is localized. On the world geological map, plate boundaries are materialized by lines. Subduction plate boundaries, however, affect domains several hundred kilometers wide. In the upper plate of subduction zones, this deformation can result in the formation of orogenic-like compressive structures or extensional back-arc basins. In both cases, the respective contributions of slab movements, far-field stresses (i.e., boundary conditions) and tectonic inheritance in localizing strain in the upper plate are not yet well understood.
Located in the upper plate of the Late Triassic to Oligocene Neotethys subduction, the Iranian plateau records a long-lived convergence history, with numerous episodes of intraplate deformation. We herein focus on the Cretaceous back-arc opening (e.g., formation of the Nain-Baft marginal basin), whose possible triggers include a change in internal slab dynamics and/or regional-scale convergence dynamics (e.g., kinematics of the Neotethyan subduction, ridge subduction, opening of peripheral basins such as the Caspian Sea).
The Iranian plateau is part of a composite continental lithosphere made of blocks detached from Gondwana during the Paleozoic. It preserves evidence for structures inherited from the Precambrian Panafrican orogeny, as well as thinning and shortening during the opening and closure of the Paleotethys (during the Devonian and Late Triassic, respectively). Important lateral contrasts are observed after the Neotethys Permian rifting: the southwestern part (Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone) was thinned and filled with volcanic products, whereas the northeastern part (Kopeh-Dag and Yadz block) was thickened during the Late Triassic Cimmerian event. From NW to SE, deformation was also likely partitioned across large-scale strike-slip faults such as the Doruneh fault. These imprints make it difficult to assess the nature and extent of lateral heterogeneities in the crust, and in particular the variation of Moho depths prior to the Cretaceous extension.
In order to determine which parameters controlled the deformation of the Iranian upper plate, ultimately leading to localized back-arc extension along the Nain-Baft basin (i.e., SE of the Doruneh fault), we designed a parametric numerical study using the thermo-mechanical code pTatin2D, in which metamorphic reactions were implemented to model the subduction process realistically. Model results are evaluated based on the evolution of strain in the upper plate, in particular the characteristic size (~500 km) and duration of back-arc deformation (~30 Ma of extension prior to closure of this domain). The importance of structural inheritance is assessed by imposing either (1) a prexisiting crustal scale fault, (2) a partially thickened (3) or thinned crust. Those different tests allow to propose tentative geodynamic scenarios for the deformation of the upper plate Iranian plateau during the Cretaceous.
How to cite: Larvet, T., Le Pourhiet, L., and Agard, P.: Evolution of strain patterns in deforming upper plates in subduction zones: the case study of Cretaceous extension in the Iranian plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11949, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11949, 2021.
Existing plate tectonic models rely on two essential features: (1) rigid tectonic plates and (2) very narrow plate boundaries where all deformation is localized. On the world geological map, plate boundaries are materialized by lines. Subduction plate boundaries, however, affect domains several hundred kilometers wide. In the upper plate of subduction zones, this deformation can result in the formation of orogenic-like compressive structures or extensional back-arc basins. In both cases, the respective contributions of slab movements, far-field stresses (i.e., boundary conditions) and tectonic inheritance in localizing strain in the upper plate are not yet well understood.
Located in the upper plate of the Late Triassic to Oligocene Neotethys subduction, the Iranian plateau records a long-lived convergence history, with numerous episodes of intraplate deformation. We herein focus on the Cretaceous back-arc opening (e.g., formation of the Nain-Baft marginal basin), whose possible triggers include a change in internal slab dynamics and/or regional-scale convergence dynamics (e.g., kinematics of the Neotethyan subduction, ridge subduction, opening of peripheral basins such as the Caspian Sea).
The Iranian plateau is part of a composite continental lithosphere made of blocks detached from Gondwana during the Paleozoic. It preserves evidence for structures inherited from the Precambrian Panafrican orogeny, as well as thinning and shortening during the opening and closure of the Paleotethys (during the Devonian and Late Triassic, respectively). Important lateral contrasts are observed after the Neotethys Permian rifting: the southwestern part (Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone) was thinned and filled with volcanic products, whereas the northeastern part (Kopeh-Dag and Yadz block) was thickened during the Late Triassic Cimmerian event. From NW to SE, deformation was also likely partitioned across large-scale strike-slip faults such as the Doruneh fault. These imprints make it difficult to assess the nature and extent of lateral heterogeneities in the crust, and in particular the variation of Moho depths prior to the Cretaceous extension.
In order to determine which parameters controlled the deformation of the Iranian upper plate, ultimately leading to localized back-arc extension along the Nain-Baft basin (i.e., SE of the Doruneh fault), we designed a parametric numerical study using the thermo-mechanical code pTatin2D, in which metamorphic reactions were implemented to model the subduction process realistically. Model results are evaluated based on the evolution of strain in the upper plate, in particular the characteristic size (~500 km) and duration of back-arc deformation (~30 Ma of extension prior to closure of this domain). The importance of structural inheritance is assessed by imposing either (1) a prexisiting crustal scale fault, (2) a partially thickened (3) or thinned crust. Those different tests allow to propose tentative geodynamic scenarios for the deformation of the upper plate Iranian plateau during the Cretaceous.
How to cite: Larvet, T., Le Pourhiet, L., and Agard, P.: Evolution of strain patterns in deforming upper plates in subduction zones: the case study of Cretaceous extension in the Iranian plateau, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11949, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11949, 2021.
EGU21-8280 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Potential field constraints on the basement structure of the Taiwan thrust-and-fold belt: preliminary resultsOlivia Lozano, Puy Ayarza, Joaquina Alvarez-Marrón, and Dennis Brown
The Taiwan orogen forms an active mountain range that has been evolving since the Late Miocene as a result of the oblique collision between the Luzon Arc, located in the Philippine Sea Plate, and the continental margin of the Eurasian Plate. Due to this configuration, some inherited structures from the continental margin are at high angle to the structural trend of the Taiwan thrust-and-fold belt and are thought to play an important role in present day tectonics. The inherited structures resulted from processes undergone by the Eurasian margin, such as rifting in the Early Eocene, and further local extension in the Middle Miocene. They comprise sub-vertical faults that are presently being reactivated and are actively involved in the evolution of the structure, seismicity and topography of Taiwan, causing transverse zones in its thrust-and-fold belt and foreland.
The key objective of this research is to help define the deep structure in southern Taiwan, as well as the location and kinematics of these inherited east-northeast striking faults. To achieve this goal, we undergo a multidisciplinary approach based on the analysis and modelling of gravity (free-air and Bouguer anomaly) and magnetic data. The application of analytical techniques, such as horizontal directional derivatives allows us to identify gradients that can be related to the geometry and minimum horizontal extent of these basement structures in the margin and in Taiwan. Forward modelling of gravity and magnetic data contributes further to provide a better-constrained quantitative approach to their depth as they appear to affect the top of the basement. Finally, these results have been integrated with structural studies and earthquake information in order to improve our understanding of the southern Taiwan and Eurasian continental margin structure.
The preliminary results allow us to discuss the limitations of vertical derivatives and residual potential field data when dealing with deep inherited basement structures. The present dataset has proven to be useful to discern the existence of a deformed reactivated basement in the foreland and frontal part of the Taiwan thrust-and-fold belt, and improve our comprehension of its crustal structure. Due to the limitations of potential field data as the depth of the source increases, the resolution diminishes towards the E of the thrust-and-fold belt.
This research is part of project PGC2018-094227-B-I00 funded by the Spanish Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Olivia Lozano acknowledges funding from the same agency through contract PRE2019-091431.
How to cite: Lozano, O., Ayarza, P., Alvarez-Marrón, J., and Brown, D.: Potential field constraints on the basement structure of the Taiwan thrust-and-fold belt: preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8280, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8280, 2021.
The Taiwan orogen forms an active mountain range that has been evolving since the Late Miocene as a result of the oblique collision between the Luzon Arc, located in the Philippine Sea Plate, and the continental margin of the Eurasian Plate. Due to this configuration, some inherited structures from the continental margin are at high angle to the structural trend of the Taiwan thrust-and-fold belt and are thought to play an important role in present day tectonics. The inherited structures resulted from processes undergone by the Eurasian margin, such as rifting in the Early Eocene, and further local extension in the Middle Miocene. They comprise sub-vertical faults that are presently being reactivated and are actively involved in the evolution of the structure, seismicity and topography of Taiwan, causing transverse zones in its thrust-and-fold belt and foreland.
The key objective of this research is to help define the deep structure in southern Taiwan, as well as the location and kinematics of these inherited east-northeast striking faults. To achieve this goal, we undergo a multidisciplinary approach based on the analysis and modelling of gravity (free-air and Bouguer anomaly) and magnetic data. The application of analytical techniques, such as horizontal directional derivatives allows us to identify gradients that can be related to the geometry and minimum horizontal extent of these basement structures in the margin and in Taiwan. Forward modelling of gravity and magnetic data contributes further to provide a better-constrained quantitative approach to their depth as they appear to affect the top of the basement. Finally, these results have been integrated with structural studies and earthquake information in order to improve our understanding of the southern Taiwan and Eurasian continental margin structure.
The preliminary results allow us to discuss the limitations of vertical derivatives and residual potential field data when dealing with deep inherited basement structures. The present dataset has proven to be useful to discern the existence of a deformed reactivated basement in the foreland and frontal part of the Taiwan thrust-and-fold belt, and improve our comprehension of its crustal structure. Due to the limitations of potential field data as the depth of the source increases, the resolution diminishes towards the E of the thrust-and-fold belt.
This research is part of project PGC2018-094227-B-I00 funded by the Spanish Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Olivia Lozano acknowledges funding from the same agency through contract PRE2019-091431.
How to cite: Lozano, O., Ayarza, P., Alvarez-Marrón, J., and Brown, D.: Potential field constraints on the basement structure of the Taiwan thrust-and-fold belt: preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8280, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8280, 2021.
EGU21-106 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Lithospheric-scale anisotropies control first-order stress orientation during Cretaceous-Cenozoic plate kinematics in Western-Central EuropeTobias Stephan, Uwe Kroner, Saskia Köhler, Daniel Koehn, Wolfgang Bauer, and Harald Stollhofen
Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic plate convergence led to widespread intraplate deformation in Western-Central Europe during the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene and the Miocene until today reflecting the collision of Eurasia with Iberia-Africa and Adria, respectively. The resulting complex deformation pattern inside the plate boundary zone contrasts with a rather uniform orientation adjacent to the north. Although there is broad consensus that the orientation of the first-order stress is controlled by plate kinematics, there is no sufficient explanation for the variation of the stress field across the plate boundary. We model plate kinematic trajectories and analyze the spatial distribution of paleostress data from fault-slip inversion and tectonic stylolites. The comparison reveals the coexistence of two contrasting stress provinces in Europe throughout the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Inside the diffuse plate boundary zone, trajectories of plate motion fit deformation patterns. Outside of that zone, however, there is significant deviation. Here deformation is mainly accommodated by the reactivation of Paleozoic shear zones. Thus, we argue that lithospheric-scale structural inheritance from the Pangea assemblage controls the stress-strain pattern of Western-Central Europe between the active plate boundary zone and the East European Craton since the Late Mesozoic.
How to cite: Stephan, T., Kroner, U., Köhler, S., Koehn, D., Bauer, W., and Stollhofen, H.: Lithospheric-scale anisotropies control first-order stress orientation during Cretaceous-Cenozoic plate kinematics in Western-Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-106, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-106, 2021.
Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic plate convergence led to widespread intraplate deformation in Western-Central Europe during the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene and the Miocene until today reflecting the collision of Eurasia with Iberia-Africa and Adria, respectively. The resulting complex deformation pattern inside the plate boundary zone contrasts with a rather uniform orientation adjacent to the north. Although there is broad consensus that the orientation of the first-order stress is controlled by plate kinematics, there is no sufficient explanation for the variation of the stress field across the plate boundary. We model plate kinematic trajectories and analyze the spatial distribution of paleostress data from fault-slip inversion and tectonic stylolites. The comparison reveals the coexistence of two contrasting stress provinces in Europe throughout the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Inside the diffuse plate boundary zone, trajectories of plate motion fit deformation patterns. Outside of that zone, however, there is significant deviation. Here deformation is mainly accommodated by the reactivation of Paleozoic shear zones. Thus, we argue that lithospheric-scale structural inheritance from the Pangea assemblage controls the stress-strain pattern of Western-Central Europe between the active plate boundary zone and the East European Craton since the Late Mesozoic.
How to cite: Stephan, T., Kroner, U., Köhler, S., Koehn, D., Bauer, W., and Stollhofen, H.: Lithospheric-scale anisotropies control first-order stress orientation during Cretaceous-Cenozoic plate kinematics in Western-Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-106, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-106, 2021.
EGU21-5574 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The role of structural inheritance on Africa-Eurasia plate boundary evolution and neotectonics in the central Mediterranean seaAlina Polonia, Andrea Artoni, Graziella Barberi, Andrea Billi, Luca Gasperini, Mimmo Palano, Tiziana Sgroi, Salvatore Spampinato, Federica Sparacino, Luigi Torelli, and Andrea Ursino
Africa-Eurasia plate convergence and the retreat of the subducting slab led to the consumption of the Tethys ocean lithosphere, which has now mostly disappeared below or accreted/exhumed within the Alps/Apennines. Slab tearing plays a major role in plate boundary evolution, asthenospheric upwelling, dynamic topography and magmatism. However, the role played by structural inheritance on the Africa plate is not well constrained. Based on seismological, geodetic and marine geophysical data, we analyse the pattern of crustal deformation in the Calabrian Arc and Sicily Channel, two key regions to unravel the complex Africa/Eurasia plate interaction in the central Mediterranean Sea.
The Calabrian Arc subduction-rollback system accommodates Africa/Eurasia plate convergence along thrust faults developing both in the frontal and inner domains of the accretionary wedge. However, the most intriguing and tectonically active features are represented by arc-orthogonal faults deforming the subduction system along a complex strike-slip/transtensional pattern that may have been the source of major earthquakes in the Calabrian Arc. Deformation along the lithospheric transtensional faults is punctuated by buried sub-circular magnetized bodies aligned with Mt. Etna, that were interpreted as serpentinite/mud diapirs intruding the subduction system from the lower plate mantle. These faults are part of the overall dextral shear deformation, resulting from differences in Africa-Eurasia motion between the western and eastern sectors of the Tyrrhenian margin of northern Sicily, and accommodating diverging motions in the adjacent compartments of the Calabrian Arc. To the West, the Sicily Channel is part of the Pelagian block and experienced a lithospheric-scale continental rifting starting from the late Miocene with the development of NW-SE-trending tectonic depressions, bordered by crustal normal faults with variable throws. Our geophysical data, however, show that the most active tectonic feature in the area is a N-S trending and ~220-km-long lithospheric fault system characterized by volcanism, high heat flow and seismic activity. The NW-SE elongated rifting pattern, considered the first order structure in this region, appears currently inactive and sealed by undeformed Pleistocene deposits suggesting a recent change in structural development.
Seismological data show that the lithospheric boundaries present in the Calabrian Arc and Sicily Channel correlate well with spatial changes in the depth distribution of earthquakes and separate regions with different Moho depths and thickness of the seismogenic layer. We propose that these boundaries may represent long-lived inherited Mesozoic discontinuities controlling plate boundary evolution and neotectonics.
How to cite: Polonia, A., Artoni, A., Barberi, G., Billi, A., Gasperini, L., Palano, M., Sgroi, T., Spampinato, S., Sparacino, F., Torelli, L., and Ursino, A.: The role of structural inheritance on Africa-Eurasia plate boundary evolution and neotectonics in the central Mediterranean sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5574, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5574, 2021.
Africa-Eurasia plate convergence and the retreat of the subducting slab led to the consumption of the Tethys ocean lithosphere, which has now mostly disappeared below or accreted/exhumed within the Alps/Apennines. Slab tearing plays a major role in plate boundary evolution, asthenospheric upwelling, dynamic topography and magmatism. However, the role played by structural inheritance on the Africa plate is not well constrained. Based on seismological, geodetic and marine geophysical data, we analyse the pattern of crustal deformation in the Calabrian Arc and Sicily Channel, two key regions to unravel the complex Africa/Eurasia plate interaction in the central Mediterranean Sea.
The Calabrian Arc subduction-rollback system accommodates Africa/Eurasia plate convergence along thrust faults developing both in the frontal and inner domains of the accretionary wedge. However, the most intriguing and tectonically active features are represented by arc-orthogonal faults deforming the subduction system along a complex strike-slip/transtensional pattern that may have been the source of major earthquakes in the Calabrian Arc. Deformation along the lithospheric transtensional faults is punctuated by buried sub-circular magnetized bodies aligned with Mt. Etna, that were interpreted as serpentinite/mud diapirs intruding the subduction system from the lower plate mantle. These faults are part of the overall dextral shear deformation, resulting from differences in Africa-Eurasia motion between the western and eastern sectors of the Tyrrhenian margin of northern Sicily, and accommodating diverging motions in the adjacent compartments of the Calabrian Arc. To the West, the Sicily Channel is part of the Pelagian block and experienced a lithospheric-scale continental rifting starting from the late Miocene with the development of NW-SE-trending tectonic depressions, bordered by crustal normal faults with variable throws. Our geophysical data, however, show that the most active tectonic feature in the area is a N-S trending and ~220-km-long lithospheric fault system characterized by volcanism, high heat flow and seismic activity. The NW-SE elongated rifting pattern, considered the first order structure in this region, appears currently inactive and sealed by undeformed Pleistocene deposits suggesting a recent change in structural development.
Seismological data show that the lithospheric boundaries present in the Calabrian Arc and Sicily Channel correlate well with spatial changes in the depth distribution of earthquakes and separate regions with different Moho depths and thickness of the seismogenic layer. We propose that these boundaries may represent long-lived inherited Mesozoic discontinuities controlling plate boundary evolution and neotectonics.
How to cite: Polonia, A., Artoni, A., Barberi, G., Billi, A., Gasperini, L., Palano, M., Sgroi, T., Spampinato, S., Sparacino, F., Torelli, L., and Ursino, A.: The role of structural inheritance on Africa-Eurasia plate boundary evolution and neotectonics in the central Mediterranean sea, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5574, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5574, 2021.
EGU21-14924 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Plate kinematic relationship between the Tyrrhenian basin and the Apennine chain (Central Mediterranean)Pietro Paolo Pierantoni, Giulia Penza, Chiara Macchiavelli, Antonio Schettino, and Eugenio Turco
The fragmentation of the Adriatic plate and the sinking of the remnant Alpine Tethys and Ionian lithosphere give rise to passive subduction processes that, together with the collision of the African and European plates, characterize the Central Mediterranean area.
Circum - Mediterranean mountain ranges and Alboran, Balearic, Tyrrhenian and Hellenic back-arc basins are formed in this complex deformation system.
The evolution of the geodynamic processes that guided the opening of the Tyrrhenian basin and the contemporary formation of the Apennine chain are described in this work using the plate kinematics technique.
The study area has been divided into polygons (crustal blocks of microplates) after careful observation of the regional structures. The polygons are distinguished on the basis of the direction of the Tyrrhenian extension and the boundaries between them coincide with the large structures that characterize the Tyrrhenian-Apennine area.
The Tyrrhenian extension directions are indicators of the Euler poles of the individual polygons, in the Sardo-Corso block reference frame. The velocity ratios were determined by the slip vectors of the structures (plate boundaries) that separates the polygons. The rotation time and angle are determined respectively: using the stratigraphic records of the syn-rift sequences and comparing the crustal balance with the speed ratios.
At the end including the new kinematic framework in the global rotation model we were able to reconstruct the tectonic evolution of the central Mediterranean during the opening of the Tyrrhenian basin.
How to cite: Pierantoni, P. P., Penza, G., Macchiavelli, C., Schettino, A., and Turco, E.: Plate kinematic relationship between the Tyrrhenian basin and the Apennine chain (Central Mediterranean), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14924, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14924, 2021.
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The fragmentation of the Adriatic plate and the sinking of the remnant Alpine Tethys and Ionian lithosphere give rise to passive subduction processes that, together with the collision of the African and European plates, characterize the Central Mediterranean area.
Circum - Mediterranean mountain ranges and Alboran, Balearic, Tyrrhenian and Hellenic back-arc basins are formed in this complex deformation system.
The evolution of the geodynamic processes that guided the opening of the Tyrrhenian basin and the contemporary formation of the Apennine chain are described in this work using the plate kinematics technique.
The study area has been divided into polygons (crustal blocks of microplates) after careful observation of the regional structures. The polygons are distinguished on the basis of the direction of the Tyrrhenian extension and the boundaries between them coincide with the large structures that characterize the Tyrrhenian-Apennine area.
The Tyrrhenian extension directions are indicators of the Euler poles of the individual polygons, in the Sardo-Corso block reference frame. The velocity ratios were determined by the slip vectors of the structures (plate boundaries) that separates the polygons. The rotation time and angle are determined respectively: using the stratigraphic records of the syn-rift sequences and comparing the crustal balance with the speed ratios.
At the end including the new kinematic framework in the global rotation model we were able to reconstruct the tectonic evolution of the central Mediterranean during the opening of the Tyrrhenian basin.
How to cite: Pierantoni, P. P., Penza, G., Macchiavelli, C., Schettino, A., and Turco, E.: Plate kinematic relationship between the Tyrrhenian basin and the Apennine chain (Central Mediterranean), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14924, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14924, 2021.
EGU21-14921 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Tectonic escape of Sicily Microplate in the context of Africa-Europe collisionGiulia Penza, Pietro Paolo Pierantoni, Chiara Macchiavelli, and Eugenio Turco
Sicily is in the centre of an area where complex geodynamic processes work together, these are: the Tyrrhenian-Apennine System evolution, the African-Ionian slab subduction and Africa-Europe collision.
During the last 5 Ma it was involved in a process of escape towards east-southeast: while on one side Africa acted as an intender pushing toward north, on the other side the fragmentation and retreat of the African-Ionian slab created space to the east.
The aim of this study is to reconstruct the kinematic evolution of Sicily, here considered as an independent plate starting from 5 Ma ago, and its role in the context of the Tyrrhenian-Apennine system.
The plates and microplate involved in the evolution are Europe, Africa and Calabria. The boundaries between these and Sicily are the margin of the Sicily microplate and are lithospheric structures known from the literature and identifiable from high resolution bathymetric maps, seismic sections, geodetic data, focal mechanism of recent earthquakes, gravimetric maps, lithosphere thickness maps and so on.
Briefly the margin between Sicily and Europe is along the Elimi chain, a E-W trending morpho-structure with transpressive kinematics, the margin with Calabria microplate is along the right-lateral Taormina line and the margin with Africa is expressed along the Malta Escarpment, south of Etna Mount, with transpressive kinematics and along the Sicily Channel, where a series of troughs (Pantelleria, Linosa and Malta) were interpreted in literature as pull-apart basins related to a dextral trascurrent zone.
The Euler pole of rotation between Sicily and Africa was found starting from the structures in the Sicily Channel and using the GPlates software, then we were able to find also Sicily-Europe and Sicily-Calabria poles and the respective velocity vectors and to compare these with the geological data and better refine the model.
How to cite: Penza, G., Pierantoni, P. P., Macchiavelli, C., and Turco, E.: Tectonic escape of Sicily Microplate in the context of Africa-Europe collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14921, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14921, 2021.
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Sicily is in the centre of an area where complex geodynamic processes work together, these are: the Tyrrhenian-Apennine System evolution, the African-Ionian slab subduction and Africa-Europe collision.
During the last 5 Ma it was involved in a process of escape towards east-southeast: while on one side Africa acted as an intender pushing toward north, on the other side the fragmentation and retreat of the African-Ionian slab created space to the east.
The aim of this study is to reconstruct the kinematic evolution of Sicily, here considered as an independent plate starting from 5 Ma ago, and its role in the context of the Tyrrhenian-Apennine system.
The plates and microplate involved in the evolution are Europe, Africa and Calabria. The boundaries between these and Sicily are the margin of the Sicily microplate and are lithospheric structures known from the literature and identifiable from high resolution bathymetric maps, seismic sections, geodetic data, focal mechanism of recent earthquakes, gravimetric maps, lithosphere thickness maps and so on.
Briefly the margin between Sicily and Europe is along the Elimi chain, a E-W trending morpho-structure with transpressive kinematics, the margin with Calabria microplate is along the right-lateral Taormina line and the margin with Africa is expressed along the Malta Escarpment, south of Etna Mount, with transpressive kinematics and along the Sicily Channel, where a series of troughs (Pantelleria, Linosa and Malta) were interpreted in literature as pull-apart basins related to a dextral trascurrent zone.
The Euler pole of rotation between Sicily and Africa was found starting from the structures in the Sicily Channel and using the GPlates software, then we were able to find also Sicily-Europe and Sicily-Calabria poles and the respective velocity vectors and to compare these with the geological data and better refine the model.
How to cite: Penza, G., Pierantoni, P. P., Macchiavelli, C., and Turco, E.: Tectonic escape of Sicily Microplate in the context of Africa-Europe collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14921, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14921, 2021.
EGU21-8874 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The interaction between the Apula plate and the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge in the Northern Ionian Sea: tectonic-stratigraphic evolution and implications for subduction processes.Nicolò Chizzini, Andrea Artoni, Luigi Torelli, Alina Polonia, Jessica Basso, and Luca Gasperini
In the collisional setting of the Northern Ionian Sea, the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge, which represents the Southeastward prolongation of the Southern Apennines, is facing directly the subducting Apula plate, which is mainly made of Mesozoic to Tertiary Carbonate Platform. The aim of this contribution is to illuminate the structures and stratigraphic relationships between the frontal part of the orogenic belt, the foredeep and adjacent Apulian foreland. Because of the lack of exploration wells in these deep offshore basins, a detailed seismic facies analysis of six multichannel seismic profiles has been carried out to define the tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the study area.
Seismic interpretation allows to identify four main structural domains. The highly tectonized accretionary wedge is characterized by compressive tectonics. A narrow foredeep basin is filled by a thick (1,5–0,9 s TWT) Pliocene-Holocene subhorizontal succession and lies above buried normal faults. A massive carbonate succession of the Apulian Platform, shows reef and carbonate platform margin facies. A layered carbonate succession of the Apulian Platform is characterized by ‘'intra-platform'’ facies and located in the easternmost portion of the area. Seismic stratigraphic analysis allows to define two main regional unconformities with characteristic relationships with structural trends: i) the Messinian unconformity, related to a regional and significant erosion associated to paleokarst processes on the exposed Mesozoic Apulian Platform, is cut by an array of normal faults affecting the entire Apulian foreland and by reverse faults in the accretionary wedge; ii) the middle Pliocene Unconformity, an angular and erosive unconformity truncating the Lower Pliocene reflectors, is affected by normal faults in the foreland and by compressive tectonics in the Calabrian wedge that is progressively advancing.
Seismic data analyses shows that the compressive tectonics is currently active in the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge and concentrated in the innermost domains where thrust faults deform the sea floor. The Mesozoic Apulian Platform is affected by normal faulting driven by flexural bending since Lower Pliocene. The new structural map shows that transpressive and positive inversion tectonics is a common deformational style in the foreland that can be associated with the Dinaric-Hellenic subduction, which is synchronous with respect to Calabrian subduction. According to these observations, the compressive tectonics affecting the Apulia plate can be interpreted as related to both the Calabrian and Dinaric-Hellenic shortening processes. The interference of these two orogenic wedges with the Apulia Plate plays an important role in defining the tectonic evolution of the Northern Ionian Sea.
How to cite: Chizzini, N., Artoni, A., Torelli, L., Polonia, A., Basso, J., and Gasperini, L.: The interaction between the Apula plate and the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge in the Northern Ionian Sea: tectonic-stratigraphic evolution and implications for subduction processes., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8874, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8874, 2021.
In the collisional setting of the Northern Ionian Sea, the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge, which represents the Southeastward prolongation of the Southern Apennines, is facing directly the subducting Apula plate, which is mainly made of Mesozoic to Tertiary Carbonate Platform. The aim of this contribution is to illuminate the structures and stratigraphic relationships between the frontal part of the orogenic belt, the foredeep and adjacent Apulian foreland. Because of the lack of exploration wells in these deep offshore basins, a detailed seismic facies analysis of six multichannel seismic profiles has been carried out to define the tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the study area.
Seismic interpretation allows to identify four main structural domains. The highly tectonized accretionary wedge is characterized by compressive tectonics. A narrow foredeep basin is filled by a thick (1,5–0,9 s TWT) Pliocene-Holocene subhorizontal succession and lies above buried normal faults. A massive carbonate succession of the Apulian Platform, shows reef and carbonate platform margin facies. A layered carbonate succession of the Apulian Platform is characterized by ‘'intra-platform'’ facies and located in the easternmost portion of the area. Seismic stratigraphic analysis allows to define two main regional unconformities with characteristic relationships with structural trends: i) the Messinian unconformity, related to a regional and significant erosion associated to paleokarst processes on the exposed Mesozoic Apulian Platform, is cut by an array of normal faults affecting the entire Apulian foreland and by reverse faults in the accretionary wedge; ii) the middle Pliocene Unconformity, an angular and erosive unconformity truncating the Lower Pliocene reflectors, is affected by normal faults in the foreland and by compressive tectonics in the Calabrian wedge that is progressively advancing.
Seismic data analyses shows that the compressive tectonics is currently active in the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge and concentrated in the innermost domains where thrust faults deform the sea floor. The Mesozoic Apulian Platform is affected by normal faulting driven by flexural bending since Lower Pliocene. The new structural map shows that transpressive and positive inversion tectonics is a common deformational style in the foreland that can be associated with the Dinaric-Hellenic subduction, which is synchronous with respect to Calabrian subduction. According to these observations, the compressive tectonics affecting the Apulia plate can be interpreted as related to both the Calabrian and Dinaric-Hellenic shortening processes. The interference of these two orogenic wedges with the Apulia Plate plays an important role in defining the tectonic evolution of the Northern Ionian Sea.
How to cite: Chizzini, N., Artoni, A., Torelli, L., Polonia, A., Basso, J., and Gasperini, L.: The interaction between the Apula plate and the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge in the Northern Ionian Sea: tectonic-stratigraphic evolution and implications for subduction processes., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8874, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8874, 2021.
EGU21-8451 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The post-Messinian translation of the Southern Apennines-Calabrian Arc in the Bradano basin (Northern Ionian Sea)Andrea Artoni, Jessica Basso, Luigi Torelli, Alina Polonia, Nicolò Chizzini, Luca Gasperini, and Mirko Carlini
In Northern Calabria, the Southern Apennines orogenic wedge bends and passes to the Calabrian Arc while they are both colliding with the subducting Apulia plate. The boundary between Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc is commonly placed along the NW-SE trending Sangineto Lineament whose offshore prolongation is not clearly defined. A multi-scale seismic reflection dataset combined with exploration wells and seafloor bathymetry allowed us to define the post-Messinian tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Bradano Basin adjacent to the orogenic belt.
After Messinian times, two main tectono-sedimentary events deeply modified the Bradano Basin. During the first event (early Pliocene-early Pleistocene), a left-lateral transpressive system, about 20-30 km wide, was part of an oblique convergent margin along which the Southern Apennines and the Calabrian Arc collided; remnants of this transpressive system are now buried under the western portion of the Bradano Basin near the Calabrian margin. Shelf to deep marine turbiditic deposits were prevailing during this first event. Around the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary (2.58 Ma), a sudden and widespread basin rearrangement occurred. During the second event (early Pleistocene-Present) the orogenic front of the Southern Apennines and the earlier transcurrent systems were suddenly translated to the NE of about 50 km and the left-lateral transpressive boundary between the Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc became part of the orogenic wedge. During this second event, both upper and lower converging plates were shortened together along multiple detachments levels and out-of-sequence thrusts. The second tectono-sedimentary event is characterized by prograding deltaic and shelfal deposits that seal the earlier transpressive system and pass to deep marine deposits in the central part of the Bradano basin.
The study reveals that the eastern boundary between Southern Apennine and Calabrian Arc is a wide deformation belt including the Sangineto Lineament while the Messinian-Pliocene orogenic transpressive system is buried and translating toward the NE since Early Pleistocene.
How to cite: Artoni, A., Basso, J., Torelli, L., Polonia, A., Chizzini, N., Gasperini, L., and Carlini, M.: The post-Messinian translation of the Southern Apennines-Calabrian Arc in the Bradano basin (Northern Ionian Sea), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8451, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8451, 2021.
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In Northern Calabria, the Southern Apennines orogenic wedge bends and passes to the Calabrian Arc while they are both colliding with the subducting Apulia plate. The boundary between Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc is commonly placed along the NW-SE trending Sangineto Lineament whose offshore prolongation is not clearly defined. A multi-scale seismic reflection dataset combined with exploration wells and seafloor bathymetry allowed us to define the post-Messinian tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Bradano Basin adjacent to the orogenic belt.
After Messinian times, two main tectono-sedimentary events deeply modified the Bradano Basin. During the first event (early Pliocene-early Pleistocene), a left-lateral transpressive system, about 20-30 km wide, was part of an oblique convergent margin along which the Southern Apennines and the Calabrian Arc collided; remnants of this transpressive system are now buried under the western portion of the Bradano Basin near the Calabrian margin. Shelf to deep marine turbiditic deposits were prevailing during this first event. Around the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary (2.58 Ma), a sudden and widespread basin rearrangement occurred. During the second event (early Pleistocene-Present) the orogenic front of the Southern Apennines and the earlier transcurrent systems were suddenly translated to the NE of about 50 km and the left-lateral transpressive boundary between the Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc became part of the orogenic wedge. During this second event, both upper and lower converging plates were shortened together along multiple detachments levels and out-of-sequence thrusts. The second tectono-sedimentary event is characterized by prograding deltaic and shelfal deposits that seal the earlier transpressive system and pass to deep marine deposits in the central part of the Bradano basin.
The study reveals that the eastern boundary between Southern Apennine and Calabrian Arc is a wide deformation belt including the Sangineto Lineament while the Messinian-Pliocene orogenic transpressive system is buried and translating toward the NE since Early Pleistocene.
How to cite: Artoni, A., Basso, J., Torelli, L., Polonia, A., Chizzini, N., Gasperini, L., and Carlini, M.: The post-Messinian translation of the Southern Apennines-Calabrian Arc in the Bradano basin (Northern Ionian Sea), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8451, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8451, 2021.
EGU21-15312 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The Numidian Sand Event in the Burdigalian Foreland Basin System of the Rif (Morocco) in a source-to-sink perspectiveAnas Abbassi, Paola Cipollari, Maria Giuditta Fellin, Mohamed Najib Zaghloul, Marcel Guillong, Mohamed El Morabet, and Domenico Cosentino
During the Tertiary evolution of the Western Mediterranean subduction system, the orogenic accretion at the Maghrebian margin let the stacking of three main tectonic zones of the Rif fold-and-thrust belt: 1) the Internal Zone; 2) the “Maghrebian Flysch” Nappes; and 3) the External Zone. In this context, a migrating foreland basin system developed between the Maghrebian orogenic belt and the adjacent African Craton.
A comprehensive reconstruction of the foreland basin system of the Rif Chain for each phase of its accretional history is still missing. In this work, by integrating field observations with quantitative biostratigraphic data from calcareous nannofossils assemblages, sandstone composition, and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology from selected stratigraphic successions, we reconstruct the foreland basin system that in the early Miocene developed in front of the growing Rif orogen. The analyzed successions are representative of (1) the “Beliounis Facies”, made of quartz-arenites and litharenites (Numidian-like “mixed succession”), from the Predorsalian Unit; (2) the “Mérinides Facies”, made of a Numidian-like “mixed succession”, from the “Maghrebian Flysch Basin”; and (3) the classical “Numidian Facies”, exclusively made of quartzarenites, from the Intrarifian Tanger Unit.
The petrographic analyses and the detrital zircon U-Pb ages show the provenance of the quartzarenites of the “Numidian Facies” from the African Craton, whereas the sublitharenites and feldspathic litharenites, of both the “Mérinides Facies” and “Beliounis Facies”, show provenance from a cratonic area and the growing and unroofing Rif Chain, respectively.
The Alpine signature of the detrital grains sedimented into the foredeep deposits of the early Miocene orogenic system of the Rif Chain is from the feldspathic litharenites of both the Mérinides Facies and the Beni Ider Flysch. Both show Mesozoic and Cenozoic U-Pb zircon populations, with a large population of zircons centered at ca. 32 Ma. The U and Th concentration, the Th/U ratio, and the REE pattern of this population of zircons suggest a possible source area from Oligocene doleritic rock intrusions, similar to the magmatic dyke swarms (diorite) cropping out in the Malaga region ( SE Spain).
The biostratigraphic analyses pinpoint the same age for the arrival of the quartz grains in the Numidian, Mérinides, and Beliounis deposits, indicating about 1 Myr for their sedimentation (ca. 20-19 Ma, early Burdigalian). Together with field evidence, the biostratigraphic results point to an autochthonous deposition of the Numidian Sandstones on top of the Tanger Unit, allowing to delineate the early Burdigalian foreland basin system of the Rif Chain. The foreland depozone involved the Tanger Unit and received the “Numidian Facies” deposits ; the foredeep depozone hosted about 2000 m of the “Mérinides Facies” and the Beni Ider Flysch, and developed on the so-called “Flysch Basin Domain”; and, finally, the wedge-top depozone, characterized by the “Beliounis Facies”, developed on top of the Predorsalian Unit.
The Numidian Sandstones and the Numidian-like deposits analyzed in Morocco show the same age of similar deposits from Algeria, Tunisia, and Sicily, suggesting a comparable early Burdigalian tectono-sedimentary evolution along the southern branch of the Western Mediterranean subduction-related orogen.
How to cite: Abbassi, A., Cipollari, P., Fellin, M. G., Zaghloul, M. N., Guillong, M., El Morabet, M., and Cosentino, D.: The Numidian Sand Event in the Burdigalian Foreland Basin System of the Rif (Morocco) in a source-to-sink perspective, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15312, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15312, 2021.
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During the Tertiary evolution of the Western Mediterranean subduction system, the orogenic accretion at the Maghrebian margin let the stacking of three main tectonic zones of the Rif fold-and-thrust belt: 1) the Internal Zone; 2) the “Maghrebian Flysch” Nappes; and 3) the External Zone. In this context, a migrating foreland basin system developed between the Maghrebian orogenic belt and the adjacent African Craton.
A comprehensive reconstruction of the foreland basin system of the Rif Chain for each phase of its accretional history is still missing. In this work, by integrating field observations with quantitative biostratigraphic data from calcareous nannofossils assemblages, sandstone composition, and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology from selected stratigraphic successions, we reconstruct the foreland basin system that in the early Miocene developed in front of the growing Rif orogen. The analyzed successions are representative of (1) the “Beliounis Facies”, made of quartz-arenites and litharenites (Numidian-like “mixed succession”), from the Predorsalian Unit; (2) the “Mérinides Facies”, made of a Numidian-like “mixed succession”, from the “Maghrebian Flysch Basin”; and (3) the classical “Numidian Facies”, exclusively made of quartzarenites, from the Intrarifian Tanger Unit.
The petrographic analyses and the detrital zircon U-Pb ages show the provenance of the quartzarenites of the “Numidian Facies” from the African Craton, whereas the sublitharenites and feldspathic litharenites, of both the “Mérinides Facies” and “Beliounis Facies”, show provenance from a cratonic area and the growing and unroofing Rif Chain, respectively.
The Alpine signature of the detrital grains sedimented into the foredeep deposits of the early Miocene orogenic system of the Rif Chain is from the feldspathic litharenites of both the Mérinides Facies and the Beni Ider Flysch. Both show Mesozoic and Cenozoic U-Pb zircon populations, with a large population of zircons centered at ca. 32 Ma. The U and Th concentration, the Th/U ratio, and the REE pattern of this population of zircons suggest a possible source area from Oligocene doleritic rock intrusions, similar to the magmatic dyke swarms (diorite) cropping out in the Malaga region ( SE Spain).
The biostratigraphic analyses pinpoint the same age for the arrival of the quartz grains in the Numidian, Mérinides, and Beliounis deposits, indicating about 1 Myr for their sedimentation (ca. 20-19 Ma, early Burdigalian). Together with field evidence, the biostratigraphic results point to an autochthonous deposition of the Numidian Sandstones on top of the Tanger Unit, allowing to delineate the early Burdigalian foreland basin system of the Rif Chain. The foreland depozone involved the Tanger Unit and received the “Numidian Facies” deposits ; the foredeep depozone hosted about 2000 m of the “Mérinides Facies” and the Beni Ider Flysch, and developed on the so-called “Flysch Basin Domain”; and, finally, the wedge-top depozone, characterized by the “Beliounis Facies”, developed on top of the Predorsalian Unit.
The Numidian Sandstones and the Numidian-like deposits analyzed in Morocco show the same age of similar deposits from Algeria, Tunisia, and Sicily, suggesting a comparable early Burdigalian tectono-sedimentary evolution along the southern branch of the Western Mediterranean subduction-related orogen.
How to cite: Abbassi, A., Cipollari, P., Fellin, M. G., Zaghloul, M. N., Guillong, M., El Morabet, M., and Cosentino, D.: The Numidian Sand Event in the Burdigalian Foreland Basin System of the Rif (Morocco) in a source-to-sink perspective, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15312, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15312, 2021.
EGU21-12579 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Lower plate extension of a retreating subduction zone: case study of the Sicily Channel Rift ZoneEline Le Breton, Mirko Carlini, Robert Neumeister, Jessica Ecke, Nicolo Chizzini, Luigi Torelli, and Andrea Artoni
The Alpine-Mediterranean belt is remarkable because of the strong arcuation of its subduction front and the abundance of extensional basins developed within an overall compressional setting. Both resulted from rapid slab rollback and trench retreat especially in Neogene time, accompanied by upper-plate extension and the opening of the Western Mediterranean basins. The Strait of Sicily is a very interesting geological area in the Western-Central Mediterranean, as it has undergone tectonic extension and opening of a rift zone (Sicily Channel Rift Zone, SCRZ) on the lower plate (Africa) of the subduction zone, marked by the Gela Front and the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge, located south and south-east of Sicily, respectively. Furthermore, the SCRZ is important for understanding and quantifying the independent motion and counter-clockwise rotation of the Adriatic plate in Neogene time (Le Breton et al. 2017). However, the exact timing, tectonic style and amount of deformation along the SCRZ remain unclear.
To tackle these questions, we re-evaluate multichannel seismic reflection profiles across the SCRZ (CROP seismic lines M24 and M25), as well as a series of seismic lines correlated with boreholes data from the VIDEPI project (www.videpi.com). Main stratigraphic horizons and tectonic structures are mapped in a 3D database using the MOVE Software (provided by Petex). Preliminary results indicate ~30 km of NE-SW extension through the Pantelleria Rift and onset of syn-rift deposition during the upper Messinian, which could be related with the fast slab retreat of the Calabrian Arc.
Le Breton E., M.R. Handy, G. Molli and K. Ustaszewski (2017). Post-20 Ma motion of the Adriatic plate – new constrains from surrounding orogens and implications for crust-mantle decoupling, Tectonics, doi:10.1002/2016TC004443
How to cite: Le Breton, E., Carlini, M., Neumeister, R., Ecke, J., Chizzini, N., Torelli, L., and Artoni, A.: Lower plate extension of a retreating subduction zone: case study of the Sicily Channel Rift Zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12579, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12579, 2021.
The Alpine-Mediterranean belt is remarkable because of the strong arcuation of its subduction front and the abundance of extensional basins developed within an overall compressional setting. Both resulted from rapid slab rollback and trench retreat especially in Neogene time, accompanied by upper-plate extension and the opening of the Western Mediterranean basins. The Strait of Sicily is a very interesting geological area in the Western-Central Mediterranean, as it has undergone tectonic extension and opening of a rift zone (Sicily Channel Rift Zone, SCRZ) on the lower plate (Africa) of the subduction zone, marked by the Gela Front and the Calabrian Accretionary Wedge, located south and south-east of Sicily, respectively. Furthermore, the SCRZ is important for understanding and quantifying the independent motion and counter-clockwise rotation of the Adriatic plate in Neogene time (Le Breton et al. 2017). However, the exact timing, tectonic style and amount of deformation along the SCRZ remain unclear.
To tackle these questions, we re-evaluate multichannel seismic reflection profiles across the SCRZ (CROP seismic lines M24 and M25), as well as a series of seismic lines correlated with boreholes data from the VIDEPI project (www.videpi.com). Main stratigraphic horizons and tectonic structures are mapped in a 3D database using the MOVE Software (provided by Petex). Preliminary results indicate ~30 km of NE-SW extension through the Pantelleria Rift and onset of syn-rift deposition during the upper Messinian, which could be related with the fast slab retreat of the Calabrian Arc.
Le Breton E., M.R. Handy, G. Molli and K. Ustaszewski (2017). Post-20 Ma motion of the Adriatic plate – new constrains from surrounding orogens and implications for crust-mantle decoupling, Tectonics, doi:10.1002/2016TC004443
How to cite: Le Breton, E., Carlini, M., Neumeister, R., Ecke, J., Chizzini, N., Torelli, L., and Artoni, A.: Lower plate extension of a retreating subduction zone: case study of the Sicily Channel Rift Zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12579, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12579, 2021.
EGU21-10302 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Spatial-temporal migration of the central-southern Apennine belt and foreland basin system (Italy) constrained by Sr-isotope stratigraphyMonia Sabbatino, Stefano Tavani, Stefano Vitale, Amerigo Corradetti, Lorenzo Consorti, and Mariano Parente
The Apennines form an active fold and thrust belt that develops as part of the W-Mediterranean subduction zone. The evolution of the collisional system is driven by the retreating subduction of the alpine Tethys, which has caused the migration of compressive fronts and the opening of the Liguro-Provençal and Tyrrhenian back-arc basins, along with the rotation and translation of the Sardinia-Corsica and Calabria blocks. The Apennines make the northern limb of the Apennines-Calabria-Sicily orocline, developed due to the differential SE-ward retreat of the subduction system. In such a context, the central-southern Apennine system develops a foreland basin floored by a subaerial forebulge unconformity followed by a trinity of diachronous lithostratigraphic units: (i) shallow-water carbonates, (ii) hemipelagic marls, and (iii) siliciclastic turbidites. Previous studies have used the following datasets for reconstructing the evolution of the orogenic-foreland basin system: paleomagnetic data; the age of the siliciclastic syn-orogenic deposits filling the foredeep and wedge-top depozones; the age of the late-orogenic extensional basins. In this study, we highlight the importance of dating with high precision the onset of the Apennine orogenesis by means of Sr-isotope stratigraphy applied to the first carbonate sediments overlying the forebulge unconformity. In this regard, we have investigated a transect of the Apennine belt, extending from inner to outer sectors, in order to constrain the timing and style of migration of the belt and foreland basin. Our results show progressive rejuvenation of the forebulge unconformity toward the outer portions of the belt. More importantly, we highlight a time delay between the onset of syn-orogenic shallow-water carbonate deposition and the onset of siliciclastic turbidite deposition that ranges between 1 and 11 myr. In detail, the trends in the delay point at three main evolutive steps: 1) rapid evolution from forebulge to foredeep during the Burdigalian, 2) higher delays from the Serravallian until the latest Miocene, and 3) progressive decrease of the delay from the Zanclean. We associate the different velocity of migration with the differential slab retreat and spreading of the back-arc basins.
How to cite: Sabbatino, M., Tavani, S., Vitale, S., Corradetti, A., Consorti, L., and Parente, M.: Spatial-temporal migration of the central-southern Apennine belt and foreland basin system (Italy) constrained by Sr-isotope stratigraphy, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10302, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10302, 2021.
The Apennines form an active fold and thrust belt that develops as part of the W-Mediterranean subduction zone. The evolution of the collisional system is driven by the retreating subduction of the alpine Tethys, which has caused the migration of compressive fronts and the opening of the Liguro-Provençal and Tyrrhenian back-arc basins, along with the rotation and translation of the Sardinia-Corsica and Calabria blocks. The Apennines make the northern limb of the Apennines-Calabria-Sicily orocline, developed due to the differential SE-ward retreat of the subduction system. In such a context, the central-southern Apennine system develops a foreland basin floored by a subaerial forebulge unconformity followed by a trinity of diachronous lithostratigraphic units: (i) shallow-water carbonates, (ii) hemipelagic marls, and (iii) siliciclastic turbidites. Previous studies have used the following datasets for reconstructing the evolution of the orogenic-foreland basin system: paleomagnetic data; the age of the siliciclastic syn-orogenic deposits filling the foredeep and wedge-top depozones; the age of the late-orogenic extensional basins. In this study, we highlight the importance of dating with high precision the onset of the Apennine orogenesis by means of Sr-isotope stratigraphy applied to the first carbonate sediments overlying the forebulge unconformity. In this regard, we have investigated a transect of the Apennine belt, extending from inner to outer sectors, in order to constrain the timing and style of migration of the belt and foreland basin. Our results show progressive rejuvenation of the forebulge unconformity toward the outer portions of the belt. More importantly, we highlight a time delay between the onset of syn-orogenic shallow-water carbonate deposition and the onset of siliciclastic turbidite deposition that ranges between 1 and 11 myr. In detail, the trends in the delay point at three main evolutive steps: 1) rapid evolution from forebulge to foredeep during the Burdigalian, 2) higher delays from the Serravallian until the latest Miocene, and 3) progressive decrease of the delay from the Zanclean. We associate the different velocity of migration with the differential slab retreat and spreading of the back-arc basins.
How to cite: Sabbatino, M., Tavani, S., Vitale, S., Corradetti, A., Consorti, L., and Parente, M.: Spatial-temporal migration of the central-southern Apennine belt and foreland basin system (Italy) constrained by Sr-isotope stratigraphy, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10302, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10302, 2021.
EGU21-803 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The Late Miocene-Early Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusting event: new insights into the tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines (Italy)Vitale Stefano, Prinzi Ernesto Paolo, Francesco D'Assisi Tramparulo, and Sabatino Ciarcia
We present a structural study on late Miocene-early Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusts affecting the southern Apennine chain. The analyzed structures are exposed in the Campania region (southern Italy). Here, leading thrusts bound the N-NE side of the carbonate ridges that form the regional mountain backbone. In several outcrops, the Mesozoic carbonates are superposed onto the unconformable wedge-top basin deposits of the upper Miocene Castelvetere Group, providing constraints to the age of the activity of this thrusting event. We further analyzed the tectonic windows of Giffoni and Campagna, located on the rear of the leading thrust. We reconstructed the orogenic evolution of this part of the orogen. The first was related to the in-sequence thrusting with minor thrusts and folds, widespread both in the footwall and in the hanging wall. A subsequent extension has formed normal faults crosscutting the early thrusts and folds. All structures were subsequently affected by two shortening stages, which also deformed the upper Miocene wedge top basin deposits of the Castelvetere Group. We interpreted these late structures as related to an out-of-sequence thrust system defined by a main frontal E-verging thrust and lateral ramps characterized by N and S vergences. Associated with these thrusting events, LANFs were formed in the hanging wall of the major thrusts. Such out-of-sequence thrusts are observed in the whole southern Apennines and record a thrusting event that occurred in the late Messinian-early Pliocene. We related this tectonic episode to the positive inversion of inherited normal faults located in the Paleozoic basement. These envelopments thrust upward crosscut the allochthonous wedge, including, in the western zone of the chain, the upper Miocene wedge-top basin deposits. Finally, we suggest that the two tectonic windows are the result of the formation of an E-W trending regional antiform, associated with a late S-verging back-thrust, that has been eroded and crosscut by Early Pleistocene normal faults.
How to cite: Stefano, V., Ernesto Paolo, P., Tramparulo, F. D., and Ciarcia, S.: The Late Miocene-Early Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusting event: new insights into the tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-803, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-803, 2021.
We present a structural study on late Miocene-early Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusts affecting the southern Apennine chain. The analyzed structures are exposed in the Campania region (southern Italy). Here, leading thrusts bound the N-NE side of the carbonate ridges that form the regional mountain backbone. In several outcrops, the Mesozoic carbonates are superposed onto the unconformable wedge-top basin deposits of the upper Miocene Castelvetere Group, providing constraints to the age of the activity of this thrusting event. We further analyzed the tectonic windows of Giffoni and Campagna, located on the rear of the leading thrust. We reconstructed the orogenic evolution of this part of the orogen. The first was related to the in-sequence thrusting with minor thrusts and folds, widespread both in the footwall and in the hanging wall. A subsequent extension has formed normal faults crosscutting the early thrusts and folds. All structures were subsequently affected by two shortening stages, which also deformed the upper Miocene wedge top basin deposits of the Castelvetere Group. We interpreted these late structures as related to an out-of-sequence thrust system defined by a main frontal E-verging thrust and lateral ramps characterized by N and S vergences. Associated with these thrusting events, LANFs were formed in the hanging wall of the major thrusts. Such out-of-sequence thrusts are observed in the whole southern Apennines and record a thrusting event that occurred in the late Messinian-early Pliocene. We related this tectonic episode to the positive inversion of inherited normal faults located in the Paleozoic basement. These envelopments thrust upward crosscut the allochthonous wedge, including, in the western zone of the chain, the upper Miocene wedge-top basin deposits. Finally, we suggest that the two tectonic windows are the result of the formation of an E-W trending regional antiform, associated with a late S-verging back-thrust, that has been eroded and crosscut by Early Pleistocene normal faults.
How to cite: Stefano, V., Ernesto Paolo, P., Tramparulo, F. D., and Ciarcia, S.: The Late Miocene-Early Pliocene out-of-sequence thrusting event: new insights into the tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-803, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-803, 2021.
EGU21-13381 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Stratigraphic and Structural setting of Cenozoic deep-sea units from the Agri valley (southern Apennines, Italy), recording the tectonic evolution of the Southern Apennines.Giacomo Prosser and Giuseppe Palladino
Cenozoic units from thrust-top and foredeep basins provide crucial information for constraining the progressive evolution of the Southern Apennine thrust and fold belt and, more in general, the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean area. For this reason, we have analysed the stratigraphic and tectonic setting of deep-sea Cenozoic units exposed in the southeastern sector of the Agri Valley (Basilicata, Southern Italy), in an area located immediately north of the Montemurro village, between the Costa Molina and Monte dell’Agresto localities. These units have not been studied in detail so far and different interpretations are reported in the literature. The study was based on an accurate field survey which led to a new geological map and to the reconstruction of the stratigraphic and structural setting of the area. Results of the field survey were constrained by well, seismic and new biostratigraphic data kindly provided by Eni. In our study, we focussed on the Albidona Formation, which was deposited in a thrust-top basin on the Liguride accretionary wedge, formed above the NW-dipping subduction of the Ligurian Tethys Ocean during the Late Cretaceous? - Early Miocene. Facies characteristics and age determinations allowed the differentiation of the Albidona Formation in two members, with the older one, identified as Member B-C (Lutetian) consisting of alternating marls, sandstones and clays and the younger one, identified as Member D (Barthonian/Priabonian), consisting in alternating sandstones and conglomerates. In particular, the presence of marker horizons such as a pebbly mudstone containing ophiolite debris strongly helped in the structural reconstructions. By this means, we recognized the presence of two folding phases affecting the Albidona Formation. Moreover, the geometrical relationships between the two members and the overlying Miocene Gorgoglione Formation allowed recognising two major NE-trending normal faults, which crosscut the aforementioned structures. These data provide new indications on the tectonic setting and the evolution of the Southern Apennines thrust and fold belt.
How to cite: Prosser, G. and Palladino, G.: Stratigraphic and Structural setting of Cenozoic deep-sea units from the Agri valley (southern Apennines, Italy), recording the tectonic evolution of the Southern Apennines., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13381, 2021.
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Cenozoic units from thrust-top and foredeep basins provide crucial information for constraining the progressive evolution of the Southern Apennine thrust and fold belt and, more in general, the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean area. For this reason, we have analysed the stratigraphic and tectonic setting of deep-sea Cenozoic units exposed in the southeastern sector of the Agri Valley (Basilicata, Southern Italy), in an area located immediately north of the Montemurro village, between the Costa Molina and Monte dell’Agresto localities. These units have not been studied in detail so far and different interpretations are reported in the literature. The study was based on an accurate field survey which led to a new geological map and to the reconstruction of the stratigraphic and structural setting of the area. Results of the field survey were constrained by well, seismic and new biostratigraphic data kindly provided by Eni. In our study, we focussed on the Albidona Formation, which was deposited in a thrust-top basin on the Liguride accretionary wedge, formed above the NW-dipping subduction of the Ligurian Tethys Ocean during the Late Cretaceous? - Early Miocene. Facies characteristics and age determinations allowed the differentiation of the Albidona Formation in two members, with the older one, identified as Member B-C (Lutetian) consisting of alternating marls, sandstones and clays and the younger one, identified as Member D (Barthonian/Priabonian), consisting in alternating sandstones and conglomerates. In particular, the presence of marker horizons such as a pebbly mudstone containing ophiolite debris strongly helped in the structural reconstructions. By this means, we recognized the presence of two folding phases affecting the Albidona Formation. Moreover, the geometrical relationships between the two members and the overlying Miocene Gorgoglione Formation allowed recognising two major NE-trending normal faults, which crosscut the aforementioned structures. These data provide new indications on the tectonic setting and the evolution of the Southern Apennines thrust and fold belt.
How to cite: Prosser, G. and Palladino, G.: Stratigraphic and Structural setting of Cenozoic deep-sea units from the Agri valley (southern Apennines, Italy), recording the tectonic evolution of the Southern Apennines., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13381, 2021.
EGU21-537 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Cenozoic magmatism in the Alps with special reference to the Ligurian knotAlfons Berger
More than half a century of investigations on the chemical and isotopic compositions and on geochronological data of the Cenozoic magmatic rocks in the Alps and the transition to the Apennine will be summarized. The Alps itself are dominated by a calc-alkaline series between ~42 and 30 Ma, which we summarized as Periadriatic magmatism. This magmatism includes also eroded volcanic parts and several dykes in the Southern Alps and Tyrol. In addition, Sesia Zone magmatic rocks are characterized by ultrapotassic, shoshonitic and calc-alkaline rocks between 33 and 30 Ma. Two other magmatic provinces are located in between the Alps and the Apennine: (1) Veneto volcanic province (=VVP; nephelinites, basanites and alkali basalts between 52 and 30 Ma); (2) Mortara volcano (~28 Ma). Another group is the Esterél magmatic province, which is located in the Alps and their direct foreland, but are not related to Alpine geodynamics. These are basalts, andesites and dacites with mantle signature developed between 40 and 20 Ma. In the hanging plate of the early Apennine geometry, some minor volcanic activity is preserved in Sardinia. The major volume of Apennine magmatism itself (Elba etc.) is Late Miocene-Pleistocene in age and is related to roll back dynamics of the Apennine.
The Eocene/Oligocene Periadriatic magmatism of the Alps requires significant melt production in the crust combined with some ACF processes. This is possible by infiltration of fluids in the mantle wedge and the lower crust and a change of P-T conditions in the mantle. Their calc-alkaline character is related to Na-dominated input in the mantle and crust, which is commonly inferred to result from subduction of oceanic units. Ultrapotassic melts in the Sesia-unit most likely result from infiltration of K-dominated fluids, related to dehydration of continental material. The dynamics of Apennine and possible related forearc extension would allow an extensional related magmatism in the Esterél. This magmatism overlap in time with Alpine magmatism, and require a small-scale mantle dynamic due to the development of two slabs. In addition, the VVP and the Mortara volcano are located on the non deformed continental fragment of Adria between the Alps and Apennine. This area is characterized by overfilled basins and local magmatism inside the Adriatic continental plate.
The sometimes minor preserved volumes, but well constrain timing of magmatic rocks at the interaction between Alps and Apennine give insights in the lower crust/mantle dynamics at Oligocene/Early Miocene times. These interpretations may differ from models based on upper crustal tectonics, due to the decoupling between upper crust and lower crust/mantle.
How to cite: Berger, A.: Cenozoic magmatism in the Alps with special reference to the Ligurian knot, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-537, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-537, 2021.
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More than half a century of investigations on the chemical and isotopic compositions and on geochronological data of the Cenozoic magmatic rocks in the Alps and the transition to the Apennine will be summarized. The Alps itself are dominated by a calc-alkaline series between ~42 and 30 Ma, which we summarized as Periadriatic magmatism. This magmatism includes also eroded volcanic parts and several dykes in the Southern Alps and Tyrol. In addition, Sesia Zone magmatic rocks are characterized by ultrapotassic, shoshonitic and calc-alkaline rocks between 33 and 30 Ma. Two other magmatic provinces are located in between the Alps and the Apennine: (1) Veneto volcanic province (=VVP; nephelinites, basanites and alkali basalts between 52 and 30 Ma); (2) Mortara volcano (~28 Ma). Another group is the Esterél magmatic province, which is located in the Alps and their direct foreland, but are not related to Alpine geodynamics. These are basalts, andesites and dacites with mantle signature developed between 40 and 20 Ma. In the hanging plate of the early Apennine geometry, some minor volcanic activity is preserved in Sardinia. The major volume of Apennine magmatism itself (Elba etc.) is Late Miocene-Pleistocene in age and is related to roll back dynamics of the Apennine.
The Eocene/Oligocene Periadriatic magmatism of the Alps requires significant melt production in the crust combined with some ACF processes. This is possible by infiltration of fluids in the mantle wedge and the lower crust and a change of P-T conditions in the mantle. Their calc-alkaline character is related to Na-dominated input in the mantle and crust, which is commonly inferred to result from subduction of oceanic units. Ultrapotassic melts in the Sesia-unit most likely result from infiltration of K-dominated fluids, related to dehydration of continental material. The dynamics of Apennine and possible related forearc extension would allow an extensional related magmatism in the Esterél. This magmatism overlap in time with Alpine magmatism, and require a small-scale mantle dynamic due to the development of two slabs. In addition, the VVP and the Mortara volcano are located on the non deformed continental fragment of Adria between the Alps and Apennine. This area is characterized by overfilled basins and local magmatism inside the Adriatic continental plate.
The sometimes minor preserved volumes, but well constrain timing of magmatic rocks at the interaction between Alps and Apennine give insights in the lower crust/mantle dynamics at Oligocene/Early Miocene times. These interpretations may differ from models based on upper crustal tectonics, due to the decoupling between upper crust and lower crust/mantle.
How to cite: Berger, A.: Cenozoic magmatism in the Alps with special reference to the Ligurian knot, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-537, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-537, 2021.
EGU21-14220 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
On the syn-orogenic basins of the Alps-Apennines tectonic system in NW ItalyFabrizio Piana, Anna d'Atri, and Andrea Irace
The Alps and the westernmost part of Apennines physically join in NW Italy (Piemonte), where the Apennine thrusts interfered, since Late Oligocene, with both the inner boundary faults of the uplifting Alps axial belt and the outer fronts of the Alpine antithetic retrobelt (the Southern Alps). As the two orogenic belts had been intergrowing since the late Oligocene, coeval syn-orogenic basins developed on both, either as separate depocenters or, more frequently, to form a continuous sedimentary domain, strongly controlled by the tectonic evolution of the Alps-Apennines orogenic system. These syn-orogenic basins both recorded the main stages of the Alps (neoAlpine events) and Apennines tectonic evolution, whose evidence (mostly represented by regional-scale unconformities) can be correlated within each basin and across them. Correlations (in terms of sharing common geologic events) can be found also with the middle Eocene to lower Oligocene basal part of the Alpine foreland basin succession, which extended continuously on the external side of the Western Alps. This contribution will briefly discuss this complex matter in an integrated Alpine-Apennines perspective and in the frame of the post-Eocene evolution of the Western Mediterranean area.
How to cite: Piana, F., d'Atri, A., and Irace, A.: On the syn-orogenic basins of the Alps-Apennines tectonic system in NW Italy, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14220, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14220, 2021.
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The Alps and the westernmost part of Apennines physically join in NW Italy (Piemonte), where the Apennine thrusts interfered, since Late Oligocene, with both the inner boundary faults of the uplifting Alps axial belt and the outer fronts of the Alpine antithetic retrobelt (the Southern Alps). As the two orogenic belts had been intergrowing since the late Oligocene, coeval syn-orogenic basins developed on both, either as separate depocenters or, more frequently, to form a continuous sedimentary domain, strongly controlled by the tectonic evolution of the Alps-Apennines orogenic system. These syn-orogenic basins both recorded the main stages of the Alps (neoAlpine events) and Apennines tectonic evolution, whose evidence (mostly represented by regional-scale unconformities) can be correlated within each basin and across them. Correlations (in terms of sharing common geologic events) can be found also with the middle Eocene to lower Oligocene basal part of the Alpine foreland basin succession, which extended continuously on the external side of the Western Alps. This contribution will briefly discuss this complex matter in an integrated Alpine-Apennines perspective and in the frame of the post-Eocene evolution of the Western Mediterranean area.
How to cite: Piana, F., d'Atri, A., and Irace, A.: On the syn-orogenic basins of the Alps-Apennines tectonic system in NW Italy, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14220, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14220, 2021.
EGU21-381 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Structural characterization of the wedge - top Epiligurian Units in the framework of the Northern Apennines tectonic evolution (northern Italy)Francesca Stendardi, Gianluca Vignaroli, and Giulio Viola
The Northern Apennines are an accretionary wedge formed in response to the Late Cretaceous-Eocene closure of the Ligurian-Piedmont ocean and the subsequent Oligocene-Miocene convergence and collision between Africa and Europe. The wedge is formed by a stack of different paleogeographic units which, from the innermost to the outermost and from top to bottom, are: (i) the Ligurian Domain (formed by Jurassic ophiolites and their Cretaceous-to-Paleocene sedimentary cover); (ii) the Sub-Ligurian Domain (Paleocene-to-lower Miocene deep marine sediments and turbidites); (iii) the Tuscan-Umbria-Marche Domain (mostly including Jurassic-to-Oligocene platform and basinal carbonate successions, overlain by Miocene-Pliocene turbidites). The wedge is shaped by WNW-ESE-striking and SW-dipping thrusts, accommodating a general northeastward tectonic transport. Atop of the deformed Ligurian Domain there occur the Epiligurian Units, which consist of middle Eocene-upper Miocene bathyal to shallow-water siliciclastic deposits infilling wedge-top basins. These Units presently fill in separate basins with poor lateral interconnectivity due to erosion and deformation. Since the Miocene, thrusting toward the (eastern) orogenic foreland occurred simultaneously with extension in the (western) hinterland domain, causing the formation of NW-SE-striking normal faults. Presently, focal mechanisms of the stronger earthquakes constrain dominant thrusting associated with NE-SW regional shortening, whereas the extensional regime controls the seismicity along the axial portion of the wedge. This recently launched study aims to better characterize the deformation structures affecting the Epiligurian Units in the internal and external sectors of the Northern Apennines (Emilia-Romagna Region) with the goal to provide a comprehensive syn-to-post accretion evolutionary scenario for these shallow basins. In particular, deformation structures affecting these wedge-top sequences of the inner (southwestern) side of the wedge are being studied by their systematic geometric and kinematic multiscalar and multitechnique characterization. Top-to-the NE, WNW-ESE-striking thrusts/reverse faults, dipping moderately to SSW are defined by planar slip surfaces associated with thin clastic damage zones. Top-to-the SE, ENE-WSW-striking thrusts/reverse faults, are instead generally devoid of well-developed damage zones. These contractional faults are systematically cut by NW-SE and NE-SW-striking normal and oblique faults systems, characterized by mutually intersecting fault planes accommodating centimetric to decimetric throws. Associated with the extensional structures occur widespread cataclastic and disaggregation deformation bands. They are found as either single bands or clusters, cutting across upper Eocene coarse-grained sandstones. Our preliminary results show that the Epiligurian Units experienced a complex tectonic evolution, including NNE-SSW shortening followed by NE-SW extension. The structural record of these wedge top basins is useful to infer the kinematics and rate of wedge build up and tearing down during the progressive evolution of the continental collision. The Epiligurian Units can thus be considered as useful gages of the deformation history of the Northern Apennines wedge, with noteworthy implications on its current seismotectonic setting.
How to cite: Stendardi, F., Vignaroli, G., and Viola, G.: Structural characterization of the wedge - top Epiligurian Units in the framework of the Northern Apennines tectonic evolution (northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-381, 2021.
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The Northern Apennines are an accretionary wedge formed in response to the Late Cretaceous-Eocene closure of the Ligurian-Piedmont ocean and the subsequent Oligocene-Miocene convergence and collision between Africa and Europe. The wedge is formed by a stack of different paleogeographic units which, from the innermost to the outermost and from top to bottom, are: (i) the Ligurian Domain (formed by Jurassic ophiolites and their Cretaceous-to-Paleocene sedimentary cover); (ii) the Sub-Ligurian Domain (Paleocene-to-lower Miocene deep marine sediments and turbidites); (iii) the Tuscan-Umbria-Marche Domain (mostly including Jurassic-to-Oligocene platform and basinal carbonate successions, overlain by Miocene-Pliocene turbidites). The wedge is shaped by WNW-ESE-striking and SW-dipping thrusts, accommodating a general northeastward tectonic transport. Atop of the deformed Ligurian Domain there occur the Epiligurian Units, which consist of middle Eocene-upper Miocene bathyal to shallow-water siliciclastic deposits infilling wedge-top basins. These Units presently fill in separate basins with poor lateral interconnectivity due to erosion and deformation. Since the Miocene, thrusting toward the (eastern) orogenic foreland occurred simultaneously with extension in the (western) hinterland domain, causing the formation of NW-SE-striking normal faults. Presently, focal mechanisms of the stronger earthquakes constrain dominant thrusting associated with NE-SW regional shortening, whereas the extensional regime controls the seismicity along the axial portion of the wedge. This recently launched study aims to better characterize the deformation structures affecting the Epiligurian Units in the internal and external sectors of the Northern Apennines (Emilia-Romagna Region) with the goal to provide a comprehensive syn-to-post accretion evolutionary scenario for these shallow basins. In particular, deformation structures affecting these wedge-top sequences of the inner (southwestern) side of the wedge are being studied by their systematic geometric and kinematic multiscalar and multitechnique characterization. Top-to-the NE, WNW-ESE-striking thrusts/reverse faults, dipping moderately to SSW are defined by planar slip surfaces associated with thin clastic damage zones. Top-to-the SE, ENE-WSW-striking thrusts/reverse faults, are instead generally devoid of well-developed damage zones. These contractional faults are systematically cut by NW-SE and NE-SW-striking normal and oblique faults systems, characterized by mutually intersecting fault planes accommodating centimetric to decimetric throws. Associated with the extensional structures occur widespread cataclastic and disaggregation deformation bands. They are found as either single bands or clusters, cutting across upper Eocene coarse-grained sandstones. Our preliminary results show that the Epiligurian Units experienced a complex tectonic evolution, including NNE-SSW shortening followed by NE-SW extension. The structural record of these wedge top basins is useful to infer the kinematics and rate of wedge build up and tearing down during the progressive evolution of the continental collision. The Epiligurian Units can thus be considered as useful gages of the deformation history of the Northern Apennines wedge, with noteworthy implications on its current seismotectonic setting.
How to cite: Stendardi, F., Vignaroli, G., and Viola, G.: Structural characterization of the wedge - top Epiligurian Units in the framework of the Northern Apennines tectonic evolution (northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-381, 2021.
EGU21-1764 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Late evolution of the inner Northern Apennines from the structure of the Monti del Chianti-Monte Cetona Ridge (Tuscany, Italy)Andrea Brogi
The Neogene and Quaternary tectonic evolution of the inner Northern Apennines (i.e southern Tuscany and northern Tyrrhenian Sea), as well as its crustal features (i.e. low crustal thickness, Neogene-Quaternary magmatism, widespread geothermal anomalies, lateral segmentation of the stacked tectonic units, extensive deep sedimentary basins), are framed in different geodynamic scenarios: compressional, extensional or both, pulsing. Consequently, the basin and range structure that characterises the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and southern Tuscany is considered as a consequence of (i) out-of-sequence thrusts and related thrust-top-basins, (ii) polyphased normal faulting that formed horst and graben structures or (iii) a combination of both. This paper provides a new dataset from a sector of the eastern inner Northern Apennines (i.e. Monti del Chianti - Monte Cetona ridge) contributing to this scientific debate. New fieldwork and structural analysis carried out in selected areas along the ridge allowed to define the chronology of the main tectonic events on the basis of their influence on the marine and continental sedimentation. The dataset supports for early Miocene - (?) Serravallian in-sequence and out-of-sequence thrusting. Thrusting produced complex staking patterns of Tuscan and Ligurian Units. Extensional detachments developed since later middle Miocene and controlled the Neogene sedimentation in bowl-shaped structural depressions, later dissected by normal faults enhancing the accommodation space for Pliocene marine deposits in broad NNW-trending basins (Siena-Radicofani and Valdichiana Basins). In this perspective, no data supports for active, continuous or pulsing, compressional tectonics after late Serravalian. As a result, in the whole inland inner Northern Apennines the extensional tectonics was continuously active at least since middle Miocene and controlled the basins development, magmatism and structure of the crust and lithosphere.
How to cite: Brogi, A.: Late evolution of the inner Northern Apennines from the structure of the Monti del Chianti-Monte Cetona Ridge (Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1764, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1764, 2021.
The Neogene and Quaternary tectonic evolution of the inner Northern Apennines (i.e southern Tuscany and northern Tyrrhenian Sea), as well as its crustal features (i.e. low crustal thickness, Neogene-Quaternary magmatism, widespread geothermal anomalies, lateral segmentation of the stacked tectonic units, extensive deep sedimentary basins), are framed in different geodynamic scenarios: compressional, extensional or both, pulsing. Consequently, the basin and range structure that characterises the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and southern Tuscany is considered as a consequence of (i) out-of-sequence thrusts and related thrust-top-basins, (ii) polyphased normal faulting that formed horst and graben structures or (iii) a combination of both. This paper provides a new dataset from a sector of the eastern inner Northern Apennines (i.e. Monti del Chianti - Monte Cetona ridge) contributing to this scientific debate. New fieldwork and structural analysis carried out in selected areas along the ridge allowed to define the chronology of the main tectonic events on the basis of their influence on the marine and continental sedimentation. The dataset supports for early Miocene - (?) Serravallian in-sequence and out-of-sequence thrusting. Thrusting produced complex staking patterns of Tuscan and Ligurian Units. Extensional detachments developed since later middle Miocene and controlled the Neogene sedimentation in bowl-shaped structural depressions, later dissected by normal faults enhancing the accommodation space for Pliocene marine deposits in broad NNW-trending basins (Siena-Radicofani and Valdichiana Basins). In this perspective, no data supports for active, continuous or pulsing, compressional tectonics after late Serravalian. As a result, in the whole inland inner Northern Apennines the extensional tectonics was continuously active at least since middle Miocene and controlled the basins development, magmatism and structure of the crust and lithosphere.
How to cite: Brogi, A.: Late evolution of the inner Northern Apennines from the structure of the Monti del Chianti-Monte Cetona Ridge (Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1764, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1764, 2021.
EGU21-1491 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Neogene tectonics during granite emplacement in Northern Apennines: the case of the Gavorrano monzogranite (southern Tuscany, Italy)Domenico Liotta, Alfredo Caggianelli, Andrea Brogi, Martina Zucchi, Amalia Spina, Enrico Capezzuoli, Alessandra Casini, and Elena Buracchi
The tectonic setting of Neogene is under debate, being interpreted as a contractional, pulsing or extensional framework. On the key-areas to unravel this issue is the Gavorrano monzogranite, located nearby the Tyrrhenian seacoast, in the inner zone of the Northern Apennines (southern Tuscany), where a Neogene monzogranite body (estimated in about 3 km long, 1.5 km wide, and 0.7 km thick) emplaced during early Pliocene. This magmatic intrusion is partially exposed in a ridge bounded by regional faults delimiting broad structural depressions. A widespread circulation of geothermal fluids accompanied the cooling of the magmatic body and gave rise to an extensive Fe-ore deposit (mainly pyrite) exploited during the past century. Data from a new fieldwork dataset, integrated with information from the mining activity, have been integrated to refine the geological setting of the whole crustal sector where the Gavorrano monzogranite was emplaced and exhumed. Our review, implemented by new palynological, petrological and structural data pointed out that: i) the age of the Palaeozoic phyllite (hosting rocks) is middle-late Permian, thus resulting younger than previously described (i.e. pre-Carboniferous); ii) the P-T conditions at which the metamorphic aureole developed are estimated at about 660 °C and at a maximum depth of c. 5 km; iii) the tectonic evolution which determined the emplacement and exhumation of the monzogranite is constrained in a transfer zone, in the frame of the extensional tectonics affecting the area continuously since Miocene.
How to cite: Liotta, D., Caggianelli, A., Brogi, A., Zucchi, M., Spina, A., Capezzuoli, E., Casini, A., and Buracchi, E.: Neogene tectonics during granite emplacement in Northern Apennines: the case of the Gavorrano monzogranite (southern Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1491, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1491, 2021.
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The tectonic setting of Neogene is under debate, being interpreted as a contractional, pulsing or extensional framework. On the key-areas to unravel this issue is the Gavorrano monzogranite, located nearby the Tyrrhenian seacoast, in the inner zone of the Northern Apennines (southern Tuscany), where a Neogene monzogranite body (estimated in about 3 km long, 1.5 km wide, and 0.7 km thick) emplaced during early Pliocene. This magmatic intrusion is partially exposed in a ridge bounded by regional faults delimiting broad structural depressions. A widespread circulation of geothermal fluids accompanied the cooling of the magmatic body and gave rise to an extensive Fe-ore deposit (mainly pyrite) exploited during the past century. Data from a new fieldwork dataset, integrated with information from the mining activity, have been integrated to refine the geological setting of the whole crustal sector where the Gavorrano monzogranite was emplaced and exhumed. Our review, implemented by new palynological, petrological and structural data pointed out that: i) the age of the Palaeozoic phyllite (hosting rocks) is middle-late Permian, thus resulting younger than previously described (i.e. pre-Carboniferous); ii) the P-T conditions at which the metamorphic aureole developed are estimated at about 660 °C and at a maximum depth of c. 5 km; iii) the tectonic evolution which determined the emplacement and exhumation of the monzogranite is constrained in a transfer zone, in the frame of the extensional tectonics affecting the area continuously since Miocene.
How to cite: Liotta, D., Caggianelli, A., Brogi, A., Zucchi, M., Spina, A., Capezzuoli, E., Casini, A., and Buracchi, E.: Neogene tectonics during granite emplacement in Northern Apennines: the case of the Gavorrano monzogranite (southern Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1491, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1491, 2021.
EGU21-1316 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Unveiling ductile deformation during fast exhumation of a granitic pluton in a transfer zoneRichard Spiess, Antonio Langone, Alfredo Caggianelli, Finlay M. Stuart, Martina Zucchi, Caterina Bianco, Andrea Brogi, and Domenico Liotta
Exhumation and cooling of upper crustal plutons is generally assumed to develop in the brittle domain, thus determining an abrupt passage from crystallization to faulting. To challenge this general statement, we have applied an integrated approach involving meso- and micro-structural studies, thermochronology, geochronology and rheological modeling. We have analyzed the Miocene syn-tectonic Porto Azzurro pluton on Elba (Tuscan archipelago – Italy), emplaced in an extensional setting, and have realized that its fast exhumation is accompanied by localized ductile shear zones, developing along dykes and veins, later affected by brittle deformation. This is unequivocally highlighted by field studies and the analysis of microstructures with EBSD. In order to constrain the emplacement and exhumation rate of the Porto Azzurro pluton we performed U-Pb zircon dating and (U+Th)/He apatite thermochronology. It results in a magma emplacement age of 6.4 ± 0.4 Ma and an exhumation rate of 3.4 to 3.9 mm/yr. By thermo-rheological modeling we were able to establish that localized ductile deformation occurred at two different time steps: within felsic dykes when the pluton first entered into the brittle field at 380 kyr, and along quartz-rich hydrothermal veins at c. 550 kyr after pluton emplacement. Hence, the major conclusion of our data is that ductile deformation can affect a granitic intrusion even when it is entered into the brittle domain in a fast exhuming extensional regime.
How to cite: Spiess, R., Langone, A., Caggianelli, A., Stuart, F. M., Zucchi, M., Bianco, C., Brogi, A., and Liotta, D.: Unveiling ductile deformation during fast exhumation of a granitic pluton in a transfer zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1316, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1316, 2021.
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Exhumation and cooling of upper crustal plutons is generally assumed to develop in the brittle domain, thus determining an abrupt passage from crystallization to faulting. To challenge this general statement, we have applied an integrated approach involving meso- and micro-structural studies, thermochronology, geochronology and rheological modeling. We have analyzed the Miocene syn-tectonic Porto Azzurro pluton on Elba (Tuscan archipelago – Italy), emplaced in an extensional setting, and have realized that its fast exhumation is accompanied by localized ductile shear zones, developing along dykes and veins, later affected by brittle deformation. This is unequivocally highlighted by field studies and the analysis of microstructures with EBSD. In order to constrain the emplacement and exhumation rate of the Porto Azzurro pluton we performed U-Pb zircon dating and (U+Th)/He apatite thermochronology. It results in a magma emplacement age of 6.4 ± 0.4 Ma and an exhumation rate of 3.4 to 3.9 mm/yr. By thermo-rheological modeling we were able to establish that localized ductile deformation occurred at two different time steps: within felsic dykes when the pluton first entered into the brittle field at 380 kyr, and along quartz-rich hydrothermal veins at c. 550 kyr after pluton emplacement. Hence, the major conclusion of our data is that ductile deformation can affect a granitic intrusion even when it is entered into the brittle domain in a fast exhuming extensional regime.
How to cite: Spiess, R., Langone, A., Caggianelli, A., Stuart, F. M., Zucchi, M., Bianco, C., Brogi, A., and Liotta, D.: Unveiling ductile deformation during fast exhumation of a granitic pluton in a transfer zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1316, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1316, 2021.
EGU21-4423 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Fluid flow and faulting history of the Iano tectonic window (Southern Tuscany, Italy).Paolo Fulignati, Martina Zucchi, Andrea Brogi, Enrico Capezzuoli, Domenico Liotta, Giovanni Sarti, and Giancarlo Molli
In the Iano area (Southern Tuscany) a small tectonic window of Tuscan metamorphic units is observed. This belongs to the northernmost part of the so-called Mid-Tuscan ridge and, during Pliocene, formed a submarine high, now defining the easternmost shoulder of the Volterra Pliocene basin. The area gives the opportunity to investigate the complete cycle of negative inversion from crustal thickening to crustal thinning, which characterizes Southern Tuscany. Our new data focus on the western margin of the Iano ridge, and in particular on a system of high angle normal faults that represents the youngest structures of the investigated area. These structures, deformed low angle regional detachments locally juxtaposing the uppermost units of contractional nappe stack (the ophiolite-bearing Ligurian units), with the Tuscan metamorphic units, with an almost complete excision of at least 3.5 Km thick Mesozoic to Tertiary Tuscan nappe succession. The high angle normal faults show variable Plio-Quaternary vertical displacements from few meters to about 500 meters, and acted as pathways for the upwelling of hydrothermal fluids, as revealed by Pleistocene travertine deposits, hydrothermal alteration and occurrence of different generations of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal veins associated with these fault systems. Fluid inclusions were studied in quartz veins hosted in the Verrucano metasediments forming the top of the Tuscan metamorphic unit, as well as in some carbonate lithotypes (Cretaceous to Tertiary in age) of the overlying Tuscan Nappe. Two different kinds of fluid inclusions were documented. The Type 1 are multiphase (liquid + vapor + 1 daughter mineral) liquid-rich fluid inclusions whereas the Type 2 are two-phase (liquid + vapor) liquid-rich fluid inclusions. Type 1 fluid inclusions are primary in origin and were found only in quartz veins present in Verrucano metarudites, whereas Type 2 fluid inclusions occur in quartz veins present in both Verrucano phyllites and quartzites and in the carbonate units of the Tuscan Nappe. These are secondary and can be furthermore distinguished in two sub-populations (Type 2a and Type 2b) on the basis of petrographic observation and microthermometric data. Fluid inclusion investigation evidenced an evolution of the hydrothermal fluids from relatively high-T (~265°C) and hypersaline (35 wt.% NaClequiv.) fluids trapped at about 100 MPa, to lower temperature (~195°C) and salinity (~9.5 wt.% NaClequiv.) fluids, having circulated in the high-angle fault system. Based on the new data and a revision of the local tectonic setting a fluid-rock interaction history has been reconstructed with new hints and constraints for the Plio-Quaternary extensional history of the Volterra basin.
How to cite: Fulignati, P., Zucchi, M., Brogi, A., Capezzuoli, E., Liotta, D., Sarti, G., and Molli, G.: Fluid flow and faulting history of the Iano tectonic window (Southern Tuscany, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4423, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4423, 2021.
In the Iano area (Southern Tuscany) a small tectonic window of Tuscan metamorphic units is observed. This belongs to the northernmost part of the so-called Mid-Tuscan ridge and, during Pliocene, formed a submarine high, now defining the easternmost shoulder of the Volterra Pliocene basin. The area gives the opportunity to investigate the complete cycle of negative inversion from crustal thickening to crustal thinning, which characterizes Southern Tuscany. Our new data focus on the western margin of the Iano ridge, and in particular on a system of high angle normal faults that represents the youngest structures of the investigated area. These structures, deformed low angle regional detachments locally juxtaposing the uppermost units of contractional nappe stack (the ophiolite-bearing Ligurian units), with the Tuscan metamorphic units, with an almost complete excision of at least 3.5 Km thick Mesozoic to Tertiary Tuscan nappe succession. The high angle normal faults show variable Plio-Quaternary vertical displacements from few meters to about 500 meters, and acted as pathways for the upwelling of hydrothermal fluids, as revealed by Pleistocene travertine deposits, hydrothermal alteration and occurrence of different generations of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal veins associated with these fault systems. Fluid inclusions were studied in quartz veins hosted in the Verrucano metasediments forming the top of the Tuscan metamorphic unit, as well as in some carbonate lithotypes (Cretaceous to Tertiary in age) of the overlying Tuscan Nappe. Two different kinds of fluid inclusions were documented. The Type 1 are multiphase (liquid + vapor + 1 daughter mineral) liquid-rich fluid inclusions whereas the Type 2 are two-phase (liquid + vapor) liquid-rich fluid inclusions. Type 1 fluid inclusions are primary in origin and were found only in quartz veins present in Verrucano metarudites, whereas Type 2 fluid inclusions occur in quartz veins present in both Verrucano phyllites and quartzites and in the carbonate units of the Tuscan Nappe. These are secondary and can be furthermore distinguished in two sub-populations (Type 2a and Type 2b) on the basis of petrographic observation and microthermometric data. Fluid inclusion investigation evidenced an evolution of the hydrothermal fluids from relatively high-T (~265°C) and hypersaline (35 wt.% NaClequiv.) fluids trapped at about 100 MPa, to lower temperature (~195°C) and salinity (~9.5 wt.% NaClequiv.) fluids, having circulated in the high-angle fault system. Based on the new data and a revision of the local tectonic setting a fluid-rock interaction history has been reconstructed with new hints and constraints for the Plio-Quaternary extensional history of the Volterra basin.
How to cite: Fulignati, P., Zucchi, M., Brogi, A., Capezzuoli, E., Liotta, D., Sarti, G., and Molli, G.: Fluid flow and faulting history of the Iano tectonic window (Southern Tuscany, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4423, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4423, 2021.
EGU21-1668 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Geothermal manifestations in the Tyrrhenian area: the role of faults in channelling superhot geothermal fluidsMartina Zucchi
Extensional tectonics and related magmatism affecting continental crust can favour the development of geothermal systems. Granitoids intruded in the upper crust represent the main expression of magmatism; they are strictly controlled by brittle structures during their emplacement and exhumation. The cooling of the magmatic bodies produce a thermal perturbation in the hosting rocks resulting in thermo-metamorphic aureoles of several meter thick, usually characterised by valuable ore deposits. After the emplacement and during the cooling stage such granitoids can promote the geothermal fluids circulation mainly through the fault zones. In case of favourable geological and structural conditions, geothermal fluids can be stored in geological traps (reservoirs), generally represented by rock volumes with sufficient permeability for storing a significant amount of fluid. Traps are confined, at the top, by rocks characterised by low, or very low permeability, referred to as the cap rocks of a geothermal system. Several studies are addressed to the study of fluid migration through the permeable rock volumes, whereas few papers are dealing with fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction within the cap rocks.
In this presentation, an example of fault-controlled geothermal fluid within low permeability rocks is presented. The study area is located in the south-eastern side of Elba Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy), where a succession made up of shale, marl and limestone (Argille a Palombini Fm, early Cretaceous) was affected by contact metamorphism related to the Porto Azzurro monzogranite, which produced different mineral assemblages, depending on the involved lithotypes. These metamorphic rocks were dissected by high-angle normal faults that channelled superhot geothermal fluids. Fluid inclusions analyses on hydrothermal quartz and calcite suggest that at least three paleo-geothermal fluids permeated through the fault zones, at a maximum P of about 0.8 kbar. The results reveal how brittle deformation induces fluid flow in rocks characterised by very low permeability and allow the characterisation of the paleo-geothermal fluids in terms of salinity and P-T trapping conditions.
How to cite: Zucchi, M.: Geothermal manifestations in the Tyrrhenian area: the role of faults in channelling superhot geothermal fluids, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1668, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1668, 2021.
Extensional tectonics and related magmatism affecting continental crust can favour the development of geothermal systems. Granitoids intruded in the upper crust represent the main expression of magmatism; they are strictly controlled by brittle structures during their emplacement and exhumation. The cooling of the magmatic bodies produce a thermal perturbation in the hosting rocks resulting in thermo-metamorphic aureoles of several meter thick, usually characterised by valuable ore deposits. After the emplacement and during the cooling stage such granitoids can promote the geothermal fluids circulation mainly through the fault zones. In case of favourable geological and structural conditions, geothermal fluids can be stored in geological traps (reservoirs), generally represented by rock volumes with sufficient permeability for storing a significant amount of fluid. Traps are confined, at the top, by rocks characterised by low, or very low permeability, referred to as the cap rocks of a geothermal system. Several studies are addressed to the study of fluid migration through the permeable rock volumes, whereas few papers are dealing with fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction within the cap rocks.
In this presentation, an example of fault-controlled geothermal fluid within low permeability rocks is presented. The study area is located in the south-eastern side of Elba Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy), where a succession made up of shale, marl and limestone (Argille a Palombini Fm, early Cretaceous) was affected by contact metamorphism related to the Porto Azzurro monzogranite, which produced different mineral assemblages, depending on the involved lithotypes. These metamorphic rocks were dissected by high-angle normal faults that channelled superhot geothermal fluids. Fluid inclusions analyses on hydrothermal quartz and calcite suggest that at least three paleo-geothermal fluids permeated through the fault zones, at a maximum P of about 0.8 kbar. The results reveal how brittle deformation induces fluid flow in rocks characterised by very low permeability and allow the characterisation of the paleo-geothermal fluids in terms of salinity and P-T trapping conditions.
How to cite: Zucchi, M.: Geothermal manifestations in the Tyrrhenian area: the role of faults in channelling superhot geothermal fluids, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1668, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1668, 2021.
EGU21-8433 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Sedimentary record and the late - Quaternary tectonics of the “Livorno-Empoli Fault” (Northern Tuscany, Italy)Giovanni Sarti, Vito Gerardo Giannico, Daniele Pittaro, Lorenzo Porta, and Giancarlo Molli
The “Livorno-Empoli” fault represents the westernmost segment of one a major transversal structure of the inner Northern Apennines the so-called “Livorno-Sillaro Line” a regional structure described in the literature, for a long time (e.g., Ghelardoni, 1967; Bortolotti, 1966; Bernini et al., 1991; Cantini et al., 2001; Pascucci et al., 2007; Rosenbaum, Agostinetti, 2015). In the frame of our ongoing studies, in this contribution, we will focus on the short term history of this regional fault. A new stratigraphic-sequence frame for the late-Quaternary deposits has been developed by using the different facies associations as defined through a large surface database analysis. Moreover, a correlation has been done between subsoil deposits and the outcropping sediments on the hilly areas (Livorno, Pisa, and Cerbaie hills) surrounding the Arno valley.
Additionally, a morphotectonic analysis of the hydrographic networks and relief distribution has been done the Lidar data (DTM), supplied by the Tuscany Region, at the 2 m and 10 m of resolution. Specifically, the river system is particularly sensitive to deformation processes. The fluvial streams are in fact characterized by low geomorphological inertia and, therefore, by response times of a few hundred thousand years to the tectonic processes ongoing.
As a result of the integrated multidisciplinary analysis, it was possible to highlight the evidence of middle Pleistocene-Holocene tectonics of the “Livorno-Empoli Fault” until now neglected by the literature.
Ghelardoni, R. (1967) Osservazioni sulla tettonica trasversale dell’Appennino Settentrionale. Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana, 84, 1–14.
Bortolotti V. (1966) – La tettonica trasversale dell’Appennino – La linea Livorno-Sillaro. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, Vol.85, pp. 529-540, 3 ff., 1 tav.
Bernini, M., Boccaletti, M., Moratti, G., Papani, G., Sani, F., & Torelli, L. (1991). Episodi compressivi neogenico-quaternari nell’area estensionale tirrenica. Dati in mare e a terra. Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana 1990, 45, 577–589.
Cantini P., Testa G., Zanchetta G. & Cavallini R. The Plio-Pleistocenic evolution of extensional tectonics in northern Tuscany, as constrained by new gravimetric data from the Montecarlo Basin (lower Arno Valley, Italy). Tectonophysics, 2001, 330, 25-43.
Pascucci V.; Martini I.P.; Sagri M.; Sandrelli F. Effects of transverse structural lineaments on the Neogene-Quaternary basins of Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines, Italy). Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins: A Tribute to Peter Friend, 2007,
Rosenbaum, G.; Agostinetti., N.P. (2015). Crustal and upper mantle responses to lithospheric segmentation in the northern Apennines. Tectonics, 34, 648–661, doi:10.1002/2013TC003498.
How to cite: Sarti, G., Giannico, V. G., Pittaro, D., Porta, L., and Molli, G.: Sedimentary record and the late - Quaternary tectonics of the “Livorno-Empoli Fault” (Northern Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8433, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8433, 2021.
The “Livorno-Empoli” fault represents the westernmost segment of one a major transversal structure of the inner Northern Apennines the so-called “Livorno-Sillaro Line” a regional structure described in the literature, for a long time (e.g., Ghelardoni, 1967; Bortolotti, 1966; Bernini et al., 1991; Cantini et al., 2001; Pascucci et al., 2007; Rosenbaum, Agostinetti, 2015). In the frame of our ongoing studies, in this contribution, we will focus on the short term history of this regional fault. A new stratigraphic-sequence frame for the late-Quaternary deposits has been developed by using the different facies associations as defined through a large surface database analysis. Moreover, a correlation has been done between subsoil deposits and the outcropping sediments on the hilly areas (Livorno, Pisa, and Cerbaie hills) surrounding the Arno valley.
Additionally, a morphotectonic analysis of the hydrographic networks and relief distribution has been done the Lidar data (DTM), supplied by the Tuscany Region, at the 2 m and 10 m of resolution. Specifically, the river system is particularly sensitive to deformation processes. The fluvial streams are in fact characterized by low geomorphological inertia and, therefore, by response times of a few hundred thousand years to the tectonic processes ongoing.
As a result of the integrated multidisciplinary analysis, it was possible to highlight the evidence of middle Pleistocene-Holocene tectonics of the “Livorno-Empoli Fault” until now neglected by the literature.
Ghelardoni, R. (1967) Osservazioni sulla tettonica trasversale dell’Appennino Settentrionale. Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana, 84, 1–14.
Bortolotti V. (1966) – La tettonica trasversale dell’Appennino – La linea Livorno-Sillaro. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, Vol.85, pp. 529-540, 3 ff., 1 tav.
Bernini, M., Boccaletti, M., Moratti, G., Papani, G., Sani, F., & Torelli, L. (1991). Episodi compressivi neogenico-quaternari nell’area estensionale tirrenica. Dati in mare e a terra. Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana 1990, 45, 577–589.
Cantini P., Testa G., Zanchetta G. & Cavallini R. The Plio-Pleistocenic evolution of extensional tectonics in northern Tuscany, as constrained by new gravimetric data from the Montecarlo Basin (lower Arno Valley, Italy). Tectonophysics, 2001, 330, 25-43.
Pascucci V.; Martini I.P.; Sagri M.; Sandrelli F. Effects of transverse structural lineaments on the Neogene-Quaternary basins of Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines, Italy). Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins: A Tribute to Peter Friend, 2007,
Rosenbaum, G.; Agostinetti., N.P. (2015). Crustal and upper mantle responses to lithospheric segmentation in the northern Apennines. Tectonics, 34, 648–661, doi:10.1002/2013TC003498.
How to cite: Sarti, G., Giannico, V. G., Pittaro, D., Porta, L., and Molli, G.: Sedimentary record and the late - Quaternary tectonics of the “Livorno-Empoli Fault” (Northern Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8433, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8433, 2021.
EGU21-1473 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Active Fault Systems in the inner North West Apennines: an updated viewGiancarlo Molli, Rick Bennett, Jacques Malavieille, Enrico Serpelloni, Fabrizio Storti, Aurelien Bigot, Gabriele Pinelli, Serena Giacomelli, Luca Angeli, Tiziano Giampietro, Alessio Lucca, and Lorenzo Porta
As part of an ongoing project of mapping, structural studies and fault characterization we present an updated tectonic scheme and data set for the active fault systems that shaped the inner portion of the Apennines north of the Arno river. Geomorphology, stratigraphy of Plio-Quaternary sediments, GPS data, historical and instrumental seismicity have been reviewed and combined with structural studies to define the neotectonic history of the investigated region. Within the studied area, first-order physiographic and structural features allow to define different structural domains related to a set of ranges with a dominant NW-SE direction separated by intramontane or continental/marine morphotectonic depressions of the Lunigiana, Garfagnana, Lucca-Mt.Albano, La Spezia-Carrara and the off-shore Viareggio basin. The main boundary faults and internal fault segments of the different structural domains were described while the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary records has been used to constrain their long to short term deformation and rates, with the aim to improve current Italian catalogues - DISS (INGV) and Ithaca (ISPRA) - with some utilities for the seismic microzonation local projects. Moreover, our work aims to draw the attention of the scientific community to the seismotectonics of a region in which the seismic hazard is largely considered medium to low despite the occurrence, one century ago, of one of the most destructive earthquakes that have struck the Italian peninsula, the 1920 Fivizzano EQ, with an estimated Mw 6.5 similar to the main shock of the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence.
How to cite: Molli, G., Bennett, R., Malavieille, J., Serpelloni, E., Storti, F., Bigot, A., Pinelli, G., Giacomelli, S., Angeli, L., Giampietro, T., Lucca, A., and Porta, L.: Active Fault Systems in the inner North West Apennines: an updated view, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1473, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1473, 2021.
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As part of an ongoing project of mapping, structural studies and fault characterization we present an updated tectonic scheme and data set for the active fault systems that shaped the inner portion of the Apennines north of the Arno river. Geomorphology, stratigraphy of Plio-Quaternary sediments, GPS data, historical and instrumental seismicity have been reviewed and combined with structural studies to define the neotectonic history of the investigated region. Within the studied area, first-order physiographic and structural features allow to define different structural domains related to a set of ranges with a dominant NW-SE direction separated by intramontane or continental/marine morphotectonic depressions of the Lunigiana, Garfagnana, Lucca-Mt.Albano, La Spezia-Carrara and the off-shore Viareggio basin. The main boundary faults and internal fault segments of the different structural domains were described while the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary records has been used to constrain their long to short term deformation and rates, with the aim to improve current Italian catalogues - DISS (INGV) and Ithaca (ISPRA) - with some utilities for the seismic microzonation local projects. Moreover, our work aims to draw the attention of the scientific community to the seismotectonics of a region in which the seismic hazard is largely considered medium to low despite the occurrence, one century ago, of one of the most destructive earthquakes that have struck the Italian peninsula, the 1920 Fivizzano EQ, with an estimated Mw 6.5 similar to the main shock of the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence.
How to cite: Molli, G., Bennett, R., Malavieille, J., Serpelloni, E., Storti, F., Bigot, A., Pinelli, G., Giacomelli, S., Angeli, L., Giampietro, T., Lucca, A., and Porta, L.: Active Fault Systems in the inner North West Apennines: an updated view, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1473, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1473, 2021.
EGU21-2319 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Cross-cutting relationships between the Sibillini Mts. Thrust and Mt. Vettore normal fault system (Central Apennines, Italy)Fabbi Simone, Stendardi Francesca, Capotorti Franco, Bigi Sabina, Ricci Valeria, and Silvestri Stefania
We present the results of a detailed geological mapping project performed in the southernmost part of the Sibillini Mts., where the Sibillini Thrust (ST), one of the longest compressional structures of the Central Apennines, crops out. In the studied area the Meso-Cenozoic Umbria-Marche carbonate succession overthrusts the Messinian siliciclastic deposits of the adjacent Laga foredeep Basin. After the Messinian/Pliocene compressional tectonic phase, linked with the development of essentially W-dipping thrust systems, the E-verging Apennines accretionary wedge was affected by a Quaternary extensional tectonic phase during which SW-dipping normal fault systems developed. Among these normal faults, the Mt. Vettore extensional system (which includes the Castelluccio Plain fault (CPF) and the Mt. Vettoretto fault (MVF)) is one of the most important, being capable to produce destructive earthquakes (Mw 6.5 October 20, 2016). A long-lasting debate exists in literature concerning the cross-cutting relationships between the ST and the Mt. Vettore normal fault system: i.e., the thrust was alternatively considered as being nondisplaced by the normal faults or variously displaced with throws ranging between ~200 m and >2 km. Unfortunately, where normal faults should cut the thrust, a thick debris cover hides the tectonic structures and only speculative hypotheses can, thus, be done about this issue. In addition, important evidence of pre-thrusting extension is known in the area, that make difficult to discriminate the effective Quaternary activity of faults if the intersection with the compressional structures is not exposed. The aim of this study is to constrain the position of the ST under the debris cover and its relationship with the CPF and MVF, based on the following field data: i) thrust plane attitude; ii) position of the Laga Fm. outcrops, representing the footwall of the ST; iii) hanging wall anticline geometry; iv) geometry of normal faults and their recent activity; v) thickness of the Castelluccio Plain Quaternary infill at the hanging wall of the ST. The thrust position under the debris cover has been determined considering the variation of the hanging wall anticline geometry. In fact, where the Jurassic-Paleogene basinal formations crop out, the hanging wall anticline is well developed with vertical to overturned forelimb and fold axis essentially parallel to the thrust trend. This is crucial, because the occurrence in the field of an incomplete anticline (i.e., lacking the vertical to overturned forelimb) juxtaposed to the Laga Fm. (originally the footwall of the thrust) suggests the displacement of the anticline by a normal fault, allows us to infer the cross-cutting relationship between the tectonic lineaments and to estimate Quaternary normal fault throws. We conclude that the ST was displaced by the CPF with max throw ~250 m, which is consistent with the thickness of the Quaternary infill of the Castelluccio Plain. Both the CPF and the ST are in turn cut by the MVF (the youngest fault of the area, active in the 2016 earthquake) with a ~50 m throw, and is also inferred to partly reuse with negative inversion the ST plane where the plane geometry was favorable to extension.
How to cite: Simone, F., Francesca, S., Franco, C., Sabina, B., Valeria, R., and Stefania, S.: Cross-cutting relationships between the Sibillini Mts. Thrust and Mt. Vettore normal fault system (Central Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2319, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2319, 2021.
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We present the results of a detailed geological mapping project performed in the southernmost part of the Sibillini Mts., where the Sibillini Thrust (ST), one of the longest compressional structures of the Central Apennines, crops out. In the studied area the Meso-Cenozoic Umbria-Marche carbonate succession overthrusts the Messinian siliciclastic deposits of the adjacent Laga foredeep Basin. After the Messinian/Pliocene compressional tectonic phase, linked with the development of essentially W-dipping thrust systems, the E-verging Apennines accretionary wedge was affected by a Quaternary extensional tectonic phase during which SW-dipping normal fault systems developed. Among these normal faults, the Mt. Vettore extensional system (which includes the Castelluccio Plain fault (CPF) and the Mt. Vettoretto fault (MVF)) is one of the most important, being capable to produce destructive earthquakes (Mw 6.5 October 20, 2016). A long-lasting debate exists in literature concerning the cross-cutting relationships between the ST and the Mt. Vettore normal fault system: i.e., the thrust was alternatively considered as being nondisplaced by the normal faults or variously displaced with throws ranging between ~200 m and >2 km. Unfortunately, where normal faults should cut the thrust, a thick debris cover hides the tectonic structures and only speculative hypotheses can, thus, be done about this issue. In addition, important evidence of pre-thrusting extension is known in the area, that make difficult to discriminate the effective Quaternary activity of faults if the intersection with the compressional structures is not exposed. The aim of this study is to constrain the position of the ST under the debris cover and its relationship with the CPF and MVF, based on the following field data: i) thrust plane attitude; ii) position of the Laga Fm. outcrops, representing the footwall of the ST; iii) hanging wall anticline geometry; iv) geometry of normal faults and their recent activity; v) thickness of the Castelluccio Plain Quaternary infill at the hanging wall of the ST. The thrust position under the debris cover has been determined considering the variation of the hanging wall anticline geometry. In fact, where the Jurassic-Paleogene basinal formations crop out, the hanging wall anticline is well developed with vertical to overturned forelimb and fold axis essentially parallel to the thrust trend. This is crucial, because the occurrence in the field of an incomplete anticline (i.e., lacking the vertical to overturned forelimb) juxtaposed to the Laga Fm. (originally the footwall of the thrust) suggests the displacement of the anticline by a normal fault, allows us to infer the cross-cutting relationship between the tectonic lineaments and to estimate Quaternary normal fault throws. We conclude that the ST was displaced by the CPF with max throw ~250 m, which is consistent with the thickness of the Quaternary infill of the Castelluccio Plain. Both the CPF and the ST are in turn cut by the MVF (the youngest fault of the area, active in the 2016 earthquake) with a ~50 m throw, and is also inferred to partly reuse with negative inversion the ST plane where the plane geometry was favorable to extension.
How to cite: Simone, F., Francesca, S., Franco, C., Sabina, B., Valeria, R., and Stefania, S.: Cross-cutting relationships between the Sibillini Mts. Thrust and Mt. Vettore normal fault system (Central Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2319, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2319, 2021.
EGU21-16190 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The Volsci Volcanic Field (central Italy): Anatomy of a tectonically controlled, carbonate-seated, volcanic activityGiovanni Luca Cardello, Fabrizio Marra, Danilo Palladino, Lorenzo Consorti, Mario Gaeta, Gianluca Sottili, Eugenio Carminati, and Carlo Doglioni
The Quaternary Volsci Volcanic Field (VVF) represents one of the products of the west-directed subduction of the Adriatic slab that drove the development of the Apennine mountain belt in central Italy. Here, we present new results on the eruptive history and the diatreme processes of exemplar tectonically controlled carbonate-seated maar-diatreme volcanoes. The VVF is defined by phreatomagmatic surge deposits, rich in accidental carbonate lithics, and subordinate Strombolian scoria fall deposits and lava flows, locally sourced from some tens of monogenetic eruptive centers, mostly consisting of small volume (0.01-0.1 km3) tuff rings and scoria cones. In light of new 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data and compositional characterization of juvenile eruptive products, we refine the history of VVF activity and envisage the implications on the pre-eruptive magma system and the continental subduction processes involved. Leucite-bearing, high-K (HKS) magmas mostly fed the early phase of activity (∼761–539 ka); primitive, plagioclase-bearing (KS) magmas appeared during the climactic phase (∼424–349 ka), partially overlapping with HKS ones, and then prevailed during the late phase of activity (∼300–231 ka). As the volcanic centers cluster along high-angle faults, we investigate the relationships between faulting and explosive magma-water interaction, as well as the distribution pattern of the eruptive centers. New field data allowed to retrieve the fold-and-thrust belt structure associated with the eruptive centers. Analysis of componentry, grain-size, degrees of whiteness and roundness of carbonate lithic inclusions, along with their micropaleontological features, has allowed to establish volcano tectonic correlations. In our interpretation, the clustering of eruptive centers is controlled by tectonic features. Specifically, a first order control is tentatively related to crustal laceration and deep magma injection along a ENE-trending Quaternary lateral tear in the slab and to Mesozoic rift-related normal faults. A second-order control is provided by orogenic structures (mainly thrust and extensional faults). In particular, magma-water explosive interaction occurred at multiple levels (< 2.3 km depth), depending on the structural setting of the Albian-Cenomanian aquifer-bearing carbonates, which are intersected by high-angle faults. The progressive comminution, rounding and whitening of entrained carbonate lithics allow us to trace multistage diatreme processes. Finally, our findings bear implications on volcanic hazard assessment in the densely populated (> 0.4 million people) areas of the Volsci Range and adjoining Pontina Plain and Middle Latin Valley.
How to cite: Cardello, G. L., Marra, F., Palladino, D., Consorti, L., Gaeta, M., Sottili, G., Carminati, E., and Doglioni, C.: The Volsci Volcanic Field (central Italy): Anatomy of a tectonically controlled, carbonate-seated, volcanic activity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16190, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16190, 2021.
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The Quaternary Volsci Volcanic Field (VVF) represents one of the products of the west-directed subduction of the Adriatic slab that drove the development of the Apennine mountain belt in central Italy. Here, we present new results on the eruptive history and the diatreme processes of exemplar tectonically controlled carbonate-seated maar-diatreme volcanoes. The VVF is defined by phreatomagmatic surge deposits, rich in accidental carbonate lithics, and subordinate Strombolian scoria fall deposits and lava flows, locally sourced from some tens of monogenetic eruptive centers, mostly consisting of small volume (0.01-0.1 km3) tuff rings and scoria cones. In light of new 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data and compositional characterization of juvenile eruptive products, we refine the history of VVF activity and envisage the implications on the pre-eruptive magma system and the continental subduction processes involved. Leucite-bearing, high-K (HKS) magmas mostly fed the early phase of activity (∼761–539 ka); primitive, plagioclase-bearing (KS) magmas appeared during the climactic phase (∼424–349 ka), partially overlapping with HKS ones, and then prevailed during the late phase of activity (∼300–231 ka). As the volcanic centers cluster along high-angle faults, we investigate the relationships between faulting and explosive magma-water interaction, as well as the distribution pattern of the eruptive centers. New field data allowed to retrieve the fold-and-thrust belt structure associated with the eruptive centers. Analysis of componentry, grain-size, degrees of whiteness and roundness of carbonate lithic inclusions, along with their micropaleontological features, has allowed to establish volcano tectonic correlations. In our interpretation, the clustering of eruptive centers is controlled by tectonic features. Specifically, a first order control is tentatively related to crustal laceration and deep magma injection along a ENE-trending Quaternary lateral tear in the slab and to Mesozoic rift-related normal faults. A second-order control is provided by orogenic structures (mainly thrust and extensional faults). In particular, magma-water explosive interaction occurred at multiple levels (< 2.3 km depth), depending on the structural setting of the Albian-Cenomanian aquifer-bearing carbonates, which are intersected by high-angle faults. The progressive comminution, rounding and whitening of entrained carbonate lithics allow us to trace multistage diatreme processes. Finally, our findings bear implications on volcanic hazard assessment in the densely populated (> 0.4 million people) areas of the Volsci Range and adjoining Pontina Plain and Middle Latin Valley.
How to cite: Cardello, G. L., Marra, F., Palladino, D., Consorti, L., Gaeta, M., Sottili, G., Carminati, E., and Doglioni, C.: The Volsci Volcanic Field (central Italy): Anatomy of a tectonically controlled, carbonate-seated, volcanic activity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16190, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16190, 2021.
EGU21-8673 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
The role of regional-scale shear zones in paleogeographic reconstructions: the case study of the Variscan belt in the Mediterranean areaMatteo Simonetti, Rodolfo Carosi, Chiara Montomoli, and Salvatore Iaccarino
Paleogeographic reconstruction and recognition of the tectono-metamorphic evolution of ancient orogenic belt is often complex. The combination of an adequate amount of paleomagnetic, metamorphic, structural and geochronological data is necessary. Fundamental data derive from the study of regional-scale shear zones, that can be directly observed, by combining detailed field work with structural analysis, microstructural analysis and petrochronology. The Southern European Variscan Belt in the Mediterranean area was partially overprinted by the Alpine cycle (Stampfli and Kozur, 2006) and correlations are mainly based on lithological similarities. Little attention has been paid to the compatibility of structures in the dispersed fragments. A main debate is the connection among the Corsica-Sardinia Block (CSB), the Maures-Tanneron Massif (MTM) and the future Alpine External Crystalline Massifs (ECM) (Stampfli et al., 2002; Advokaat et al., 2014) and if these sectors were connected by a network of shear zones of regional extent, known as the East Variscan Shear Zone (EVSZ).
We present a multidisciplinary study of shear zones cropping out in the CSB (the Posada-Asinara shear zone; Carosi et al., 2020), in the MTM (the Cavalaire Fault; Simonetti et al., 2020a) and in the ECM (the Ferriere-Mollières and the Emosson-Berard shear zones; Simonetti et al., 2018; 2020b).
Kinematic and finite strain analysis allowed to recognize a transpressional deformation, with a major component of pure shear and a variable component of simple shear, coupled with general flattening deformation. Syn-kinematic paragenesis, microstructures and quartz c-axis fabrics revealed that shear deformation, in all the studied sectors, occurred under decreasing temperature starting from amphibolite-facies up to greenschist-facies. A systematic petrochronological study (U-Th-Pb on monazite collected in the sheared rocks) was conducted in order to constrain the timing of deformation. We obtained ages ranging between ~340 Ma and ~320 Ma. Ages of ~340-330 Ma can be interpreted as the beginning of the activity of the EVSZ along its older branches while ages of ~320 Ma, obtained in all the shear zones, demonstrate that they were all active in the same time span.
The multidisciplinary approach revealed a similar kinematics and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the studied shear zones contributing to better constrain the extension and timing the EVSZ and to strength the paleogeographic reconstructions of the Southern Variscan belt during Late Carboniferous time, with important implications on the evolution of the Mediterranean area after the Late Paleozoic. This case study demonstrates how paleogeographic reconstructions could benefit from datasets obtained from large-scale structures (i.e., shear zones) that can be directly investigated.
Advokaat et al. (2014). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, 183–195
Carosi et al. (2012). Terra Nova 24, 42–51
Carosi and Palmeri (2002). Geological Magazine 139.
Carosi et al. (2020). Geosciences 10, 288.
Simonetti et al (2020a). International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 2261–2285
Simonetti et al. (2020b). Tectonics 39
Simonetti et al. (2018). International Journal of Earth Sciences. 107, 2163–2189
Stampfli and Kozur (2006). Geological Society, London, Memoirs 32, 57–82
Stampfli et al. (2002). Journal of the Virtual Explorer 8, 77
How to cite: Simonetti, M., Carosi, R., Montomoli, C., and Iaccarino, S.: The role of regional-scale shear zones in paleogeographic reconstructions: the case study of the Variscan belt in the Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8673, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8673, 2021.
Paleogeographic reconstruction and recognition of the tectono-metamorphic evolution of ancient orogenic belt is often complex. The combination of an adequate amount of paleomagnetic, metamorphic, structural and geochronological data is necessary. Fundamental data derive from the study of regional-scale shear zones, that can be directly observed, by combining detailed field work with structural analysis, microstructural analysis and petrochronology. The Southern European Variscan Belt in the Mediterranean area was partially overprinted by the Alpine cycle (Stampfli and Kozur, 2006) and correlations are mainly based on lithological similarities. Little attention has been paid to the compatibility of structures in the dispersed fragments. A main debate is the connection among the Corsica-Sardinia Block (CSB), the Maures-Tanneron Massif (MTM) and the future Alpine External Crystalline Massifs (ECM) (Stampfli et al., 2002; Advokaat et al., 2014) and if these sectors were connected by a network of shear zones of regional extent, known as the East Variscan Shear Zone (EVSZ).
We present a multidisciplinary study of shear zones cropping out in the CSB (the Posada-Asinara shear zone; Carosi et al., 2020), in the MTM (the Cavalaire Fault; Simonetti et al., 2020a) and in the ECM (the Ferriere-Mollières and the Emosson-Berard shear zones; Simonetti et al., 2018; 2020b).
Kinematic and finite strain analysis allowed to recognize a transpressional deformation, with a major component of pure shear and a variable component of simple shear, coupled with general flattening deformation. Syn-kinematic paragenesis, microstructures and quartz c-axis fabrics revealed that shear deformation, in all the studied sectors, occurred under decreasing temperature starting from amphibolite-facies up to greenschist-facies. A systematic petrochronological study (U-Th-Pb on monazite collected in the sheared rocks) was conducted in order to constrain the timing of deformation. We obtained ages ranging between ~340 Ma and ~320 Ma. Ages of ~340-330 Ma can be interpreted as the beginning of the activity of the EVSZ along its older branches while ages of ~320 Ma, obtained in all the shear zones, demonstrate that they were all active in the same time span.
The multidisciplinary approach revealed a similar kinematics and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the studied shear zones contributing to better constrain the extension and timing the EVSZ and to strength the paleogeographic reconstructions of the Southern Variscan belt during Late Carboniferous time, with important implications on the evolution of the Mediterranean area after the Late Paleozoic. This case study demonstrates how paleogeographic reconstructions could benefit from datasets obtained from large-scale structures (i.e., shear zones) that can be directly investigated.
Advokaat et al. (2014). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, 183–195
Carosi et al. (2012). Terra Nova 24, 42–51
Carosi and Palmeri (2002). Geological Magazine 139.
Carosi et al. (2020). Geosciences 10, 288.
Simonetti et al (2020a). International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 2261–2285
Simonetti et al. (2020b). Tectonics 39
Simonetti et al. (2018). International Journal of Earth Sciences. 107, 2163–2189
Stampfli and Kozur (2006). Geological Society, London, Memoirs 32, 57–82
Stampfli et al. (2002). Journal of the Virtual Explorer 8, 77
How to cite: Simonetti, M., Carosi, R., Montomoli, C., and Iaccarino, S.: The role of regional-scale shear zones in paleogeographic reconstructions: the case study of the Variscan belt in the Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8673, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8673, 2021.
EGU21-1675 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Reconsidering the Variscan basement of southern Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines)Enrico Capezzuoli, Amalia Spina, Andrea Brogi, Domenico Liotta, Gabriella Bagnoli, Martina Zucchi, Giancarlo Molli, and Renzo Regoli
The Pre-Mesozoic units exposed in the inner Northern Apennines mostly consist of middle-late Carboniferous-Permian successions unconformably deposited on a continental crust consolidated at the end of the Variscan (i.e. Hercynian) orogenic cycle (Silurian-Carboniferous). In the inner Northern Apennines, exposures of this continental crust, Cambrian?-early Carboniferous in age, have been described in the Northern Tuscany, Elba Island (Tuscan Archipelago) and, partly, in scattered and isolated outcrops of southern Tuscany. In this contribution, we reappraise the most significative succession (i.e. Risanguigno Formation) exposed in southern Tuscany and considered by most authors as part of the Variscan Basement. New stratigraphic and structural studies, coupled with palynological analyses, allow us to refine the age of the Risanguigno Fm and its geological setting and evolution. Based on the microfloristic content, the structural setting and the fieldwork study, we attribute this formation to late Tournaisian-Visean (middle Mississipian) time interval and conclude it is not showing evidence of a pre-Alpine deformation. These results, together with the already existing data, allow us to presume that no exposures of rocks involved in the Variscan orogenesis occur in southern Tuscany.
How to cite: Capezzuoli, E., Spina, A., Brogi, A., Liotta, D., Bagnoli, G., Zucchi, M., Molli, G., and Regoli, R.: Reconsidering the Variscan basement of southern Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1675, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1675, 2021.
The Pre-Mesozoic units exposed in the inner Northern Apennines mostly consist of middle-late Carboniferous-Permian successions unconformably deposited on a continental crust consolidated at the end of the Variscan (i.e. Hercynian) orogenic cycle (Silurian-Carboniferous). In the inner Northern Apennines, exposures of this continental crust, Cambrian?-early Carboniferous in age, have been described in the Northern Tuscany, Elba Island (Tuscan Archipelago) and, partly, in scattered and isolated outcrops of southern Tuscany. In this contribution, we reappraise the most significative succession (i.e. Risanguigno Formation) exposed in southern Tuscany and considered by most authors as part of the Variscan Basement. New stratigraphic and structural studies, coupled with palynological analyses, allow us to refine the age of the Risanguigno Fm and its geological setting and evolution. Based on the microfloristic content, the structural setting and the fieldwork study, we attribute this formation to late Tournaisian-Visean (middle Mississipian) time interval and conclude it is not showing evidence of a pre-Alpine deformation. These results, together with the already existing data, allow us to presume that no exposures of rocks involved in the Variscan orogenesis occur in southern Tuscany.
How to cite: Capezzuoli, E., Spina, A., Brogi, A., Liotta, D., Bagnoli, G., Zucchi, M., Molli, G., and Regoli, R.: Reconsidering the Variscan basement of southern Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1675, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1675, 2021.
EGU21-2112 | vPICO presentations | TS7.9
Permian sporomorphs from upper Palaeozoic succession of Southern Tuscany (Italy): new constraints for the stratigraphy and palaeogeographic setting of the Tuscan DomainAmalia Spina, Mauro Aldinucci, Andrea Brogi, Enrico Capezzuoli, Simonetta Cirilli, and Domenico Liotta
Recent biostratigraphic and sedimentological studies in the inner Northern Apennines (Italy) permit to refine the upper Palaeozoic successions of southern Tuscany, allowing new hypothesis to frame these formations in the palaeogeographic scenario inherited by the Variscan orogenesis. The Tuscan pre-Triassic successions, now exposed in the Monticiano-Roccastrada Unit, are generally barren or scarce in term of biomineralized fossiliferous content. They were mostly affected by HP-LT to LP-HT metamorphism that, together with their limited exposures, made difficult the stratigraphic correlations. This presentation is focused on three units (i.e. Falsacqua, Torrente Mersino and Carpineta formations) which age attribution and correlation were strongly debated. The Falsacqua Formation is mainly characterized by black to dark-grey phyllite, metasiltstone and metasandstone with dark metacarbonate intercalation. Due to the lack of biomineralized fossil content, by lithostratigraphic correlation with other Tuscan successions, this formation was referred to late Carboniferous-early Permian or Devonian. The Torrente Mersino Formation mainly consists of black to dark-grey quartz-phyllite, quartz metaconglomerate, light-grey quartzite, green phyllite and quartzite and light-grey phyllite. This formation is barren of fossil content and has been alternately assigned to Ordovician-Silurian, Silurian-Devonian, late Carboniferous-Permian and Triassic by lithostratigraphic correlation with other Tuscan and Sardinian successions. The Carpineta Formation is characterized by graphite-rich mudstones with carbonate-siltitic nodules. This unit was referred to the upper Visean-Serpukhovian based on its palaeontological content within the carbonate nodules. The first finding of a well-preserved microflora of middle Permian age in the Falsacqua and Torrente Mersino formations and of middle-late Permian age in the Carpineta Formation adds more constrains to the age attribution. This new age assignment permits to correlate the investigated Falsacqua and Torrente Mersino formations with the coeval ones belonging to southern Tuscany (i.e. Farma and Poggio al Carpino formations) and Elba Island (Rio Marina Formation) characterized by a similar microfloral content and to support a younger deposition of the Carpineta Formation than the Farma Formation one. Moreover, the occurrence of Gondwana-related sporomorphs in all the considered formations proposes a new palaeogeographic scenario for the northern Gondwana margin. Specifically, the present integrated study suggests that the northern margin of Gondwana fragmented through a series of transtensional phases. In this framework, the investigated upper Palaeozoic formations recorded marine siliciclastic sedimentation within either coeval pull-apart basins or laterally related facies of the same basin.
How to cite: Spina, A., Aldinucci, M., Brogi, A., Capezzuoli, E., Cirilli, S., and Liotta, D.: Permian sporomorphs from upper Palaeozoic succession of Southern Tuscany (Italy): new constraints for the stratigraphy and palaeogeographic setting of the Tuscan Domain, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2112, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2112, 2021.
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Recent biostratigraphic and sedimentological studies in the inner Northern Apennines (Italy) permit to refine the upper Palaeozoic successions of southern Tuscany, allowing new hypothesis to frame these formations in the palaeogeographic scenario inherited by the Variscan orogenesis. The Tuscan pre-Triassic successions, now exposed in the Monticiano-Roccastrada Unit, are generally barren or scarce in term of biomineralized fossiliferous content. They were mostly affected by HP-LT to LP-HT metamorphism that, together with their limited exposures, made difficult the stratigraphic correlations. This presentation is focused on three units (i.e. Falsacqua, Torrente Mersino and Carpineta formations) which age attribution and correlation were strongly debated. The Falsacqua Formation is mainly characterized by black to dark-grey phyllite, metasiltstone and metasandstone with dark metacarbonate intercalation. Due to the lack of biomineralized fossil content, by lithostratigraphic correlation with other Tuscan successions, this formation was referred to late Carboniferous-early Permian or Devonian. The Torrente Mersino Formation mainly consists of black to dark-grey quartz-phyllite, quartz metaconglomerate, light-grey quartzite, green phyllite and quartzite and light-grey phyllite. This formation is barren of fossil content and has been alternately assigned to Ordovician-Silurian, Silurian-Devonian, late Carboniferous-Permian and Triassic by lithostratigraphic correlation with other Tuscan and Sardinian successions. The Carpineta Formation is characterized by graphite-rich mudstones with carbonate-siltitic nodules. This unit was referred to the upper Visean-Serpukhovian based on its palaeontological content within the carbonate nodules. The first finding of a well-preserved microflora of middle Permian age in the Falsacqua and Torrente Mersino formations and of middle-late Permian age in the Carpineta Formation adds more constrains to the age attribution. This new age assignment permits to correlate the investigated Falsacqua and Torrente Mersino formations with the coeval ones belonging to southern Tuscany (i.e. Farma and Poggio al Carpino formations) and Elba Island (Rio Marina Formation) characterized by a similar microfloral content and to support a younger deposition of the Carpineta Formation than the Farma Formation one. Moreover, the occurrence of Gondwana-related sporomorphs in all the considered formations proposes a new palaeogeographic scenario for the northern Gondwana margin. Specifically, the present integrated study suggests that the northern margin of Gondwana fragmented through a series of transtensional phases. In this framework, the investigated upper Palaeozoic formations recorded marine siliciclastic sedimentation within either coeval pull-apart basins or laterally related facies of the same basin.
How to cite: Spina, A., Aldinucci, M., Brogi, A., Capezzuoli, E., Cirilli, S., and Liotta, D.: Permian sporomorphs from upper Palaeozoic succession of Southern Tuscany (Italy): new constraints for the stratigraphy and palaeogeographic setting of the Tuscan Domain, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2112, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2112, 2021.
TS7.10 – A trans-disciplinary view of the Tethyan realm through space and time: subduction and collisional zones from the Mediterranean to southeast Asia
EGU21-6932 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Recognising spatially and geochemically anomalous arc magmatism (SGAM) and implications for plate tectonic reconstructionsGideon Rosenbaum, John Caulfield, Teresa Ubide, Jack Ward, Mike Sandiford, and Dan Sandiford
Subduction zones generate volcanic arcs, but there are many examples where magmatism in convergent plate boundaries occurs in unexpected locations relative to the subducting slab. These magmas are commonly also geochemically anomalous relative to the composition of neighbouring typical subduction-related rocks. The origin of such Spatially and Geochemically Anomalous arc Magmatism (SGAM) may correspond to local variations in subduction parameters, the presence of crustal and lithospheric heterogeneities, or the potential contribution of melts generated by slab tearing and slab edge effects. Using the Holocene volcanoes in South America as a case study, we investigated spatial and geochemical patterns of volcanism along the Andean volcanic belt. Based on a series of geochemical indices, we developed a scoring system for the composition of volcanic rocks, with the lowest and highest scores indicating ‘typical’ and ‘anomalous’ arc melting processes, respectively. The results show that a number of Holocene volcanoes in South America can be unambiguously defined as SGAM. Volcanism in these localities may correspond to disruptions in the geometry of the subducting slab, or to areas affected by mantle flow in the proximity of the slab edge. To test the potential applicability of this method for plate tectonic reconstructions, we calculated geochemical anomaly scores for whole-rock analyses of volcanic rocks from other convergent boundary settings. The results show that high geochemical anomaly scores are obtained in areas where slab tearing has been documented or postulated, such as in Mount Etna (Sicily). The occurrence of anomalous magmatic rocks in older convergent plate boundary settings (e.g., Neogene rocks from the Gibraltar area) corroborates plate tectonic reconstructions that incorporated processes such as subduction segmentation, slab tearing, and the development of asthenospheric windows. Accordingly, we suggest that the recognition of SGAM from other modern and ancient arc settings may inform on similar types of processes, even in cases where the three-dimensional slab structure is no longer detectable.
How to cite: Rosenbaum, G., Caulfield, J., Ubide, T., Ward, J., Sandiford, M., and Sandiford, D.: Recognising spatially and geochemically anomalous arc magmatism (SGAM) and implications for plate tectonic reconstructions, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6932, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6932, 2021.
Subduction zones generate volcanic arcs, but there are many examples where magmatism in convergent plate boundaries occurs in unexpected locations relative to the subducting slab. These magmas are commonly also geochemically anomalous relative to the composition of neighbouring typical subduction-related rocks. The origin of such Spatially and Geochemically Anomalous arc Magmatism (SGAM) may correspond to local variations in subduction parameters, the presence of crustal and lithospheric heterogeneities, or the potential contribution of melts generated by slab tearing and slab edge effects. Using the Holocene volcanoes in South America as a case study, we investigated spatial and geochemical patterns of volcanism along the Andean volcanic belt. Based on a series of geochemical indices, we developed a scoring system for the composition of volcanic rocks, with the lowest and highest scores indicating ‘typical’ and ‘anomalous’ arc melting processes, respectively. The results show that a number of Holocene volcanoes in South America can be unambiguously defined as SGAM. Volcanism in these localities may correspond to disruptions in the geometry of the subducting slab, or to areas affected by mantle flow in the proximity of the slab edge. To test the potential applicability of this method for plate tectonic reconstructions, we calculated geochemical anomaly scores for whole-rock analyses of volcanic rocks from other convergent boundary settings. The results show that high geochemical anomaly scores are obtained in areas where slab tearing has been documented or postulated, such as in Mount Etna (Sicily). The occurrence of anomalous magmatic rocks in older convergent plate boundary settings (e.g., Neogene rocks from the Gibraltar area) corroborates plate tectonic reconstructions that incorporated processes such as subduction segmentation, slab tearing, and the development of asthenospheric windows. Accordingly, we suggest that the recognition of SGAM from other modern and ancient arc settings may inform on similar types of processes, even in cases where the three-dimensional slab structure is no longer detectable.
How to cite: Rosenbaum, G., Caulfield, J., Ubide, T., Ward, J., Sandiford, M., and Sandiford, D.: Recognising spatially and geochemically anomalous arc magmatism (SGAM) and implications for plate tectonic reconstructions, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6932, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6932, 2021.
EGU21-581 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Early exhumation of the Beni Bousera granulites and peridotites at the northern margin of the westernmost Tethys (Rif belt, Morocco); new constraints from overlying marblesAboubaker Farah, André Michard, Omar Saddiqi, Ahmed Chalouan, Christian Chopin, Pilar Montero, Michel Corsini, and Fernando Bea
The West Mediterranean Alpine belts of the Rif and its northern counterpart, the Betics, are famous for the subcontinental peridotites exposed in their Internal zones (Alboran Domain), the Beni Bousera (BB) and Ronda massifs, respectively. The Beni Bousera Marbles (BBMs) here described are known for long in the northern Rif, but remained overlooked so far. Since Kornprobst (1974), these marbles have been considered as simple intercalations within the kinzigites (migmatitic granulites) envelope of the BB peridotite. Based on the integration of field mapping, structural and petrology investigations and supported by SHRIMP U-Th-Pb geochronology, we present a new interpretation of these marbles and infer geodynamic implications at the local and regional scale. The field data show that the BBMs form minor, dismembered units within a ~30 to 300 m-thick mylonitic contact zone between the kinzigites and the overlying gneisses of the Filali Unit (Filali-Beni Bousera Shear Zone, FBBSZ). They display bedding structures marked by more or less siliceous marbles and some mica-rich or conglomeratic beds. The FBBSZ includes secondary ductile thrusts that determine kinzigite horses carried NW-ward over the marbles. Within the latter, NNE-trending folds are conspicuous. Brittle, northward-dipping normal faults crosscut the FBBSZ ductile structures. An unconformable contact, either of stratigraphic or tectonic origin, onto the kinzigites can be locally observed. The petrological investigation allows us to define pebbles and/or detrital grains, including K-feldspar, quartz, garnet, and zircon in these high-grade marbles. Peak mineral assemblage consists of forsterite, Mg-Al-spinel, phlogopite, and geikielite (MgTiO3) in dolomite marbles, phlogopite, scapolite, diopside, and titanite in calcite marbles. This characterizes a peak HT-LP metamorphism at ~700-750°C, 4-8 kbar. The BBMs compare with the Triassic carbonates deposited over the crustal units of the Alpujarrides-Sebtides. The detrital cores of the zircon grains from the BBMs yield two U-Th-Pb age clusters of ~270 Ma and ~340 Ma, distinct from the 290-300 Ma age of the zircon grains from the kinzigites (Rossetti et al., 2020), and supporting a Triassic age of the protoliths; the zircon rims yield ~21 Ma ages. The BBMs protoliths may have been deposited onto the kinzigites or carried later as extensional allochthons over a detachment in the frame of the incipient formation of the Alboran Domain continental margin, which is dated from the late Liassic-Dogger in the “Dorsale calcaire” detached units (Chalouan et al., 2008). Thus, the Beni Bousera mantle rocks would have been exhumed at shallow depth during the early rifting events responsible for the birth of the Maghrebian Tethys, i.e., as early as the Triassic-late Liassic.
Keywords: BBMs/ FFBSZ/ HT-LP metamorphism/ SHRIMP U-Th-Pb geochronology / hyperextended margin/ mantle rocks exhumation / Gibraltar Arc
References :
Please use this link for access to the cited references: https://www.docdroid.net/hPSheTG/references-farah-et-al-2021-vegu-pdf
How to cite: Farah, A., Michard, A., Saddiqi, O., Chalouan, A., Chopin, C., Montero, P., Corsini, M., and Bea, F.: Early exhumation of the Beni Bousera granulites and peridotites at the northern margin of the westernmost Tethys (Rif belt, Morocco); new constraints from overlying marbles, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-581, 2021.
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The West Mediterranean Alpine belts of the Rif and its northern counterpart, the Betics, are famous for the subcontinental peridotites exposed in their Internal zones (Alboran Domain), the Beni Bousera (BB) and Ronda massifs, respectively. The Beni Bousera Marbles (BBMs) here described are known for long in the northern Rif, but remained overlooked so far. Since Kornprobst (1974), these marbles have been considered as simple intercalations within the kinzigites (migmatitic granulites) envelope of the BB peridotite. Based on the integration of field mapping, structural and petrology investigations and supported by SHRIMP U-Th-Pb geochronology, we present a new interpretation of these marbles and infer geodynamic implications at the local and regional scale. The field data show that the BBMs form minor, dismembered units within a ~30 to 300 m-thick mylonitic contact zone between the kinzigites and the overlying gneisses of the Filali Unit (Filali-Beni Bousera Shear Zone, FBBSZ). They display bedding structures marked by more or less siliceous marbles and some mica-rich or conglomeratic beds. The FBBSZ includes secondary ductile thrusts that determine kinzigite horses carried NW-ward over the marbles. Within the latter, NNE-trending folds are conspicuous. Brittle, northward-dipping normal faults crosscut the FBBSZ ductile structures. An unconformable contact, either of stratigraphic or tectonic origin, onto the kinzigites can be locally observed. The petrological investigation allows us to define pebbles and/or detrital grains, including K-feldspar, quartz, garnet, and zircon in these high-grade marbles. Peak mineral assemblage consists of forsterite, Mg-Al-spinel, phlogopite, and geikielite (MgTiO3) in dolomite marbles, phlogopite, scapolite, diopside, and titanite in calcite marbles. This characterizes a peak HT-LP metamorphism at ~700-750°C, 4-8 kbar. The BBMs compare with the Triassic carbonates deposited over the crustal units of the Alpujarrides-Sebtides. The detrital cores of the zircon grains from the BBMs yield two U-Th-Pb age clusters of ~270 Ma and ~340 Ma, distinct from the 290-300 Ma age of the zircon grains from the kinzigites (Rossetti et al., 2020), and supporting a Triassic age of the protoliths; the zircon rims yield ~21 Ma ages. The BBMs protoliths may have been deposited onto the kinzigites or carried later as extensional allochthons over a detachment in the frame of the incipient formation of the Alboran Domain continental margin, which is dated from the late Liassic-Dogger in the “Dorsale calcaire” detached units (Chalouan et al., 2008). Thus, the Beni Bousera mantle rocks would have been exhumed at shallow depth during the early rifting events responsible for the birth of the Maghrebian Tethys, i.e., as early as the Triassic-late Liassic.
Keywords: BBMs/ FFBSZ/ HT-LP metamorphism/ SHRIMP U-Th-Pb geochronology / hyperextended margin/ mantle rocks exhumation / Gibraltar Arc
References :
Please use this link for access to the cited references: https://www.docdroid.net/hPSheTG/references-farah-et-al-2021-vegu-pdf
How to cite: Farah, A., Michard, A., Saddiqi, O., Chalouan, A., Chopin, C., Montero, P., Corsini, M., and Bea, F.: Early exhumation of the Beni Bousera granulites and peridotites at the northern margin of the westernmost Tethys (Rif belt, Morocco); new constraints from overlying marbles, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-581, 2021.
EGU21-7837 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Lateral variations of pressure-temperature evolution in non-cylindrical orogens and 3-D subduction dynamics: the Betic-Rif Cordillera exampleEloïse Bessière, Laurent Jolivet, Romain Augier, Stéphane Scaillet, Jacques Précigout, José Miguel Azañon, Ana Crespo-Blanc, Emmanuel Masini, and Damien Do Couto
Orogens closely linked to 3-D subduction dynamics are frequently non-cylindrical and the Mediterranean region is a perfect natural laboratory to observe several of them, as well as their interactions. Through the succession of extension, subduction and sometimes collision events, the kinematic reconstructions of such orogens can be difficult and the subject of active debates. The internal zones are often non-consensual, especially when their long-term Pressure-Temperature-time-deformation (P-T-t-d) evolutions are studied. This complexity is mostly due to pre-orogenic inheritance or complex interactions between the subducting lithosphere, the overriding plate and the asthenosphere. All these elements are described and documented in Mediterranean orogens, i.e., a complex shape of the Eurasian and African margins in pre-orogenic times and a complex slab retreat and tearing dynamics. Their 3-D geometry results in strongly arcuate belts, such as the Betic-Rif Cordillera, located in the westernmost part of the Mediterranean region.
Focused on the Internal Zones of the Betic-Rif Cordillera and based on recent findings (Orogen Project framework), a synthesis of the tectono-metamorphic evolution shows the relations in space and time between tectonic and P-T evolutions. The reinterpretation of the contact between peridotite massifs and Mesozoic sediments as an extensional detachment leads to a discussion of the geodynamic setting and timing of mantle exhumation. Based on new 40Ar/39Ar ages in the Alpujárride Complex (metamorphic formations of the Betic Internal Zones) and a discussion of published ages in the Nevado-Filabride Complex (metamorphic formations of the Betic Internal Zones), we conclude that the age of the HP-LT metamorphism is Eocene in all the Internal Zones. A first-order observation is the contrast between the well-preserved Eocene HP-LT blueschists-facies rocks of the Eastern Alpujárride-Sebtide Complex and the younger HT-LP conditions reaching partial melting recorded in the Western Alpujárride. We propose a model where the large longitudinal variations in the P-T evolution are mainly due to (i) differences in the timing of subduction and exhumation, (ii) the nature of the subducting lithosphere and (iii) a major change in subduction dynamics at ~20 Ma associated with a slab-tearing event.
How to cite: Bessière, E., Jolivet, L., Augier, R., Scaillet, S., Précigout, J., Azañon, J. M., Crespo-Blanc, A., Masini, E., and Do Couto, D.: Lateral variations of pressure-temperature evolution in non-cylindrical orogens and 3-D subduction dynamics: the Betic-Rif Cordillera example, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7837, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7837, 2021.
Orogens closely linked to 3-D subduction dynamics are frequently non-cylindrical and the Mediterranean region is a perfect natural laboratory to observe several of them, as well as their interactions. Through the succession of extension, subduction and sometimes collision events, the kinematic reconstructions of such orogens can be difficult and the subject of active debates. The internal zones are often non-consensual, especially when their long-term Pressure-Temperature-time-deformation (P-T-t-d) evolutions are studied. This complexity is mostly due to pre-orogenic inheritance or complex interactions between the subducting lithosphere, the overriding plate and the asthenosphere. All these elements are described and documented in Mediterranean orogens, i.e., a complex shape of the Eurasian and African margins in pre-orogenic times and a complex slab retreat and tearing dynamics. Their 3-D geometry results in strongly arcuate belts, such as the Betic-Rif Cordillera, located in the westernmost part of the Mediterranean region.
Focused on the Internal Zones of the Betic-Rif Cordillera and based on recent findings (Orogen Project framework), a synthesis of the tectono-metamorphic evolution shows the relations in space and time between tectonic and P-T evolutions. The reinterpretation of the contact between peridotite massifs and Mesozoic sediments as an extensional detachment leads to a discussion of the geodynamic setting and timing of mantle exhumation. Based on new 40Ar/39Ar ages in the Alpujárride Complex (metamorphic formations of the Betic Internal Zones) and a discussion of published ages in the Nevado-Filabride Complex (metamorphic formations of the Betic Internal Zones), we conclude that the age of the HP-LT metamorphism is Eocene in all the Internal Zones. A first-order observation is the contrast between the well-preserved Eocene HP-LT blueschists-facies rocks of the Eastern Alpujárride-Sebtide Complex and the younger HT-LP conditions reaching partial melting recorded in the Western Alpujárride. We propose a model where the large longitudinal variations in the P-T evolution are mainly due to (i) differences in the timing of subduction and exhumation, (ii) the nature of the subducting lithosphere and (iii) a major change in subduction dynamics at ~20 Ma associated with a slab-tearing event.
How to cite: Bessière, E., Jolivet, L., Augier, R., Scaillet, S., Précigout, J., Azañon, J. M., Crespo-Blanc, A., Masini, E., and Do Couto, D.: Lateral variations of pressure-temperature evolution in non-cylindrical orogens and 3-D subduction dynamics: the Betic-Rif Cordillera example, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7837, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7837, 2021.
EGU21-10913 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Blueschist facies conditions in Tethyan passive margin metabasaltic rocks of the easternmost Lower Alpujarride Units (Internal Betic Zone, Spain)Eva Santamaría-Pérez, Idael Francisco Blanco-Quintero, Agustín Martín-Algarra, David Benavente, Juan Carlos Cañaveras, José María González-Jiménez, and Antonio Garcia-Casco
Jurassic shallow-intrusive basic bodies within the Permian-Triassic Tethyan passive margin sedimentary sequences of the Lower Alpujarride units (Internal Betic Zone, Spain) locally show Alpine low-grade metamorphism in the greenschist and blueschist facies. A small sill-like mafic body near Redován town (Callosa Range) partially preserves igneous ophitic/subophitic texture and relics of augite, ferrohornblende-ferroedenite, kaersutite and K-feldspar (orthoclase). The metamorphic overprint corresponds to high-pressure and low-temperature mineral assemblages that comprise magnesioriebeckite, actinolite, albite, stilpnomelane, phengite and chlorite, with rutile, apatite and titanite as accessory minerals. Major and trace element geochemical data reveal igneous protoliths derived from magmas of alkaline basalt composition enriched in incompatible elements and E-MORB geochemical affinity. The intrusion emplacement occurred at shallow crustal levels in an extensional geodynamic setting (within-plate basalts) related to the breakoff of Pangea. Pressure-Temperature (P-T) conditions estimated by means of pseudosection calculations and the intersection of phengite (Si) and chlorite (Mg#) isopleths indicate a cold thermal gradient with calculated peak metamorphic conditions of ca. 8 kbar at 310 ºC. These conditions are consistent with metamorphism during burial down to ca. 24 km depth and a thermal gradient of ca. 13 ºC/km. Although the easternmost Lower Alpujarride units have been traditionally described as reaching only lower-greenschist to greenschist metamorphic peak conditions, the textures, mineral compositions and P-T conditions of the studied metagabbroic body reveal blueschist facies conditions that attest for a regional early stage (Eocene) of subduction of the lower Alpujarride units. This event predates the late Oligocene - early Miocene subduction-related metamorphism of the Intermediate and Upper Alpujarride units.
How to cite: Santamaría-Pérez, E., Blanco-Quintero, I. F., Martín-Algarra, A., Benavente, D., Cañaveras, J. C., González-Jiménez, J. M., and Garcia-Casco, A.: Blueschist facies conditions in Tethyan passive margin metabasaltic rocks of the easternmost Lower Alpujarride Units (Internal Betic Zone, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10913, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10913, 2021.
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Jurassic shallow-intrusive basic bodies within the Permian-Triassic Tethyan passive margin sedimentary sequences of the Lower Alpujarride units (Internal Betic Zone, Spain) locally show Alpine low-grade metamorphism in the greenschist and blueschist facies. A small sill-like mafic body near Redován town (Callosa Range) partially preserves igneous ophitic/subophitic texture and relics of augite, ferrohornblende-ferroedenite, kaersutite and K-feldspar (orthoclase). The metamorphic overprint corresponds to high-pressure and low-temperature mineral assemblages that comprise magnesioriebeckite, actinolite, albite, stilpnomelane, phengite and chlorite, with rutile, apatite and titanite as accessory minerals. Major and trace element geochemical data reveal igneous protoliths derived from magmas of alkaline basalt composition enriched in incompatible elements and E-MORB geochemical affinity. The intrusion emplacement occurred at shallow crustal levels in an extensional geodynamic setting (within-plate basalts) related to the breakoff of Pangea. Pressure-Temperature (P-T) conditions estimated by means of pseudosection calculations and the intersection of phengite (Si) and chlorite (Mg#) isopleths indicate a cold thermal gradient with calculated peak metamorphic conditions of ca. 8 kbar at 310 ºC. These conditions are consistent with metamorphism during burial down to ca. 24 km depth and a thermal gradient of ca. 13 ºC/km. Although the easternmost Lower Alpujarride units have been traditionally described as reaching only lower-greenschist to greenschist metamorphic peak conditions, the textures, mineral compositions and P-T conditions of the studied metagabbroic body reveal blueschist facies conditions that attest for a regional early stage (Eocene) of subduction of the lower Alpujarride units. This event predates the late Oligocene - early Miocene subduction-related metamorphism of the Intermediate and Upper Alpujarride units.
How to cite: Santamaría-Pérez, E., Blanco-Quintero, I. F., Martín-Algarra, A., Benavente, D., Cañaveras, J. C., González-Jiménez, J. M., and Garcia-Casco, A.: Blueschist facies conditions in Tethyan passive margin metabasaltic rocks of the easternmost Lower Alpujarride Units (Internal Betic Zone, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10913, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10913, 2021.
EGU21-5235 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Ocean subduction dynamics in the AlpsPhilippe Agard and Mark Handy
The Alps preserve abundant oceanic blueschists and eclogites that exemplify the selective preservation of fragments of relatively short-lived, small, slow-spreading North Atlantic-type ocean basins (here the ~400-700 km wide Alpine Tethys), whose subducting slabs reach down to the Mantle Transition Zone. Whereas none of the subducted fragments were returned during the first half of the subduction history, those exhumed afterwards experienced conditions typical of mature subduction zones worldwide. Sedimentary-dominated units were underplated intermittently, mostly at ~30-40 km depth, while mafic/ultramafic-dominated units subducted to ~80 km (In the W. Alps), whose protoliths had formed close to the continent, were offscraped from the slab only a few Ma before continental subduction. Spatiotemporal contrasts in burial and preservation of the fragments reveal how along-strike segmentation of the continental margin affects ocean subduction dynamics.
How to cite: Agard, P. and Handy, M.: Ocean subduction dynamics in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5235, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5235, 2021.
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The Alps preserve abundant oceanic blueschists and eclogites that exemplify the selective preservation of fragments of relatively short-lived, small, slow-spreading North Atlantic-type ocean basins (here the ~400-700 km wide Alpine Tethys), whose subducting slabs reach down to the Mantle Transition Zone. Whereas none of the subducted fragments were returned during the first half of the subduction history, those exhumed afterwards experienced conditions typical of mature subduction zones worldwide. Sedimentary-dominated units were underplated intermittently, mostly at ~30-40 km depth, while mafic/ultramafic-dominated units subducted to ~80 km (In the W. Alps), whose protoliths had formed close to the continent, were offscraped from the slab only a few Ma before continental subduction. Spatiotemporal contrasts in burial and preservation of the fragments reveal how along-strike segmentation of the continental margin affects ocean subduction dynamics.
How to cite: Agard, P. and Handy, M.: Ocean subduction dynamics in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5235, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5235, 2021.
EGU21-10909 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Hf isotopic constraints for Austroalpine basement evolution of Eastern Alps: review and new dataRuihong Chang, Franz Neubauer, Johann Genser, Yongjiang Liu, Sihua Yuan, Qianwen Huang, Qingbin Guan, and Shengyao Yu
The Alps as part of the Alpine mountain belts are one of the classical examples of orogenesis where the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution is well known, but not of the basement because poor age data. New data from the pre–Alpine basement of the Austroalpine megaunit indicate that this basement is composed of a series of continental rocks, island arcs, ophiolites and subduction mélanges,accretionary wedges, and seamounts with different metamorphic, but often amphibolite facies grade. This study presents new results of LA–ICP–MS U–Pb and MC–ICP–MS Lu–Hf dating of zircons from three key areas of Austroalpine basement units: i) the Wechsel–Waldbach–Sieggraben, (ii) the Saualpe–Koralpe –Pohorje, and (iii) the Schladming Mts. areas. As a result, the Wechsel unit is a continental magmatic arc during 500-560 Ma, and 2.1 to 2.2 Ga-and 2.5 to 2.8 Ga age show the close relationship to northern Gondwana, with depleted mantle model ages as old as 3.5 Ga. Even the Wechsel Phyllite Unit overlying the Wechselgneiss, but they have partly different sources, include juvenile crust formed at ca. 530 Ma. The Waldbach Complex is constantly added new crustal material during 490-470Ma, and considerably more positive εHf(t) values from 700 to 500 Ma interpreted being part of a magmatic arc during closure of the Prototethys and got metamorphosed during Variscan orogenic events. We consider that Schladming to Wechsel Complexes represent a Cambrian-Ordovician volcanic-magmatic arc system followed proto-Tethys subduction, and the ophiolitic Speik complex represent a back-arc basin. Many granites were formed during Permian (Grobgneiss and various granites in Pohorje Mts.) likely in an extensional environment, remelting a crust with mainly Middle Proterozoic model Hf isotopic model ages. The Plankogel Complex represents accreted oceanic, ocean island and continental-derived materials, it should belong to the accretion complex formed during Permotriassic closure of Paleotethys. We argue that the various basement complexes of the Austroalpine are different sources of ages of different tectonic evolutionary histories and likely represent, different locations before drifting. Consequently, the Austroalpine meagunit represents a composite pre-Alpine mega-unit likely assembled not earlier as Permian or Triassic times.
How to cite: Chang, R., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Liu, Y., Yuan, S., Huang, Q., Guan, Q., and Yu, S.: Hf isotopic constraints for Austroalpine basement evolution of Eastern Alps: review and new data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10909, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10909, 2021.
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The Alps as part of the Alpine mountain belts are one of the classical examples of orogenesis where the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution is well known, but not of the basement because poor age data. New data from the pre–Alpine basement of the Austroalpine megaunit indicate that this basement is composed of a series of continental rocks, island arcs, ophiolites and subduction mélanges,accretionary wedges, and seamounts with different metamorphic, but often amphibolite facies grade. This study presents new results of LA–ICP–MS U–Pb and MC–ICP–MS Lu–Hf dating of zircons from three key areas of Austroalpine basement units: i) the Wechsel–Waldbach–Sieggraben, (ii) the Saualpe–Koralpe –Pohorje, and (iii) the Schladming Mts. areas. As a result, the Wechsel unit is a continental magmatic arc during 500-560 Ma, and 2.1 to 2.2 Ga-and 2.5 to 2.8 Ga age show the close relationship to northern Gondwana, with depleted mantle model ages as old as 3.5 Ga. Even the Wechsel Phyllite Unit overlying the Wechselgneiss, but they have partly different sources, include juvenile crust formed at ca. 530 Ma. The Waldbach Complex is constantly added new crustal material during 490-470Ma, and considerably more positive εHf(t) values from 700 to 500 Ma interpreted being part of a magmatic arc during closure of the Prototethys and got metamorphosed during Variscan orogenic events. We consider that Schladming to Wechsel Complexes represent a Cambrian-Ordovician volcanic-magmatic arc system followed proto-Tethys subduction, and the ophiolitic Speik complex represent a back-arc basin. Many granites were formed during Permian (Grobgneiss and various granites in Pohorje Mts.) likely in an extensional environment, remelting a crust with mainly Middle Proterozoic model Hf isotopic model ages. The Plankogel Complex represents accreted oceanic, ocean island and continental-derived materials, it should belong to the accretion complex formed during Permotriassic closure of Paleotethys. We argue that the various basement complexes of the Austroalpine are different sources of ages of different tectonic evolutionary histories and likely represent, different locations before drifting. Consequently, the Austroalpine meagunit represents a composite pre-Alpine mega-unit likely assembled not earlier as Permian or Triassic times.
How to cite: Chang, R., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Liu, Y., Yuan, S., Huang, Q., Guan, Q., and Yu, S.: Hf isotopic constraints for Austroalpine basement evolution of Eastern Alps: review and new data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10909, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10909, 2021.
EGU21-8373 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Cambrian-Ordovician evolution of Eastern Alps: New evidences constrain from magmatic rocks in the Schladming Complex (Austroalpine unit)Qianwen Huang, Yongjiang Liu, Johann Genser, Franz Neubauer, Sihua Yuan, Shengyao Yu, Manfred Bernroider, Qingbin Guan, Jin Wei, and Ruihong Chang
The pre-Mesozoic basements in the Eastern Alps overprinted by the Variscan and alpine metamorphism (Neubauer and Frisch, 1993), which still remained the pre-Variscan tectonic evolution evidences. Many of these basements left away from their lithospheric roots due to large-scale tectonic activities (von Raumer et al., 2001), whereas their origin and tectonic history can be recorded by detailed geochemistry and geochronology. Here we present a study on the Schladming Complex, one part of Silvretta-Seckau nappe system in Austroalpine Unit, that located in the northern part of Alps to discuss their ages, origin, and tectonic relationship with the Proto-Tethys Ocean.
The Schladming Complex basement mainly comprises biotite-plagioclase gneiss, hornblende-gneiss, mica-schists, together with some amphibolites, orthogneisses, paragneisses, metagabbro and migmatites, which covered by sequence of metasedimentary (Slapansky and Frank, 1987). It underwent the medium- to high-grade metamorphism during the Variscan event and is overprinted by the greenschist facies metamorphism during the Alpine orogeny (Slapansky and Frank, 1987).
Granodioritic gneisses (539~538 Ma) and fine-grained amphibolite (531±2 Ma) in the basement represent a bimodal magmatism. Geochemical data show that the granodioritic gneisses belong to A2-type granite and originated from the lower crust, while the fine-grained amphibolites have an E-MORB affinity and the magma origined from the lithospheric mantle and contaminated by the arc-related materials. The data implies that the Schladming Complex formed in a back-arc rift tectonic setting in the Early Cambrian.
A medium-grained amphibolite gives an age of 495±5 Ma, exhibits ocean island basalt-like geochemical features and zircons positive εHf(t) values (+5.3~+10.9) indicating that the medium-grained amphibolite derived from a depleted mantle source. The monzonite granitic gneiss and plagioclase gneiss yields ages of 464±4 Ma for and 487±3 Ma, respectively. The monzonite granitic gneiss derived from the mixing of melts derived from pelitic and metaluminous rocks. The protolith of plagioclase gneiss is aplite, which has positive εHf(t) values of +5.9~+7.9, indicating it derived from the lower crust sources. The monzonite granitic gneiss and plagioclase gneiss exhibit S-type and I-type geochemical features, respectively. They are geochemically similar to the volcanic arc granite.
In summary, our data presents record of the Cambrian to Ordovician magmatism in the Schladming Complex, which provided new evidence of tectonic evolution history between Proto-Tethys and Gondwana. According to the data, we proposed that a series of rift developed in the northern margin of Gondwana during 540-530 Ma, the rifts continually expanded into a back-arc ocean in ~490 Ma and was closed around 460 Ma with S-type granitic magma intruded.
Neubauer, F., Frisch, W. 1993. The Austroalpine metamorphic basement east of the Tauern window. In: Raumer, J. von & Neubauer, F. (eds.): Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps. Berlin (Springer), pp. 515–536.
von Raumer, J., Stampfli, G., Borel, G., Bussy, F., 2001. Organization of pre-Variscan basement areas at the north-Gondwanan margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences 91, 35-52.
Slapansky, P., Frank, W. 1987. Structural evolution and geochronology of the northern margin of the Austroalpine in the northwestern Schladming crystalline (NE Tadstädter Tauern). In: Flügel, H. W. & Faupl, P. (eds.), Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps, pp. 244-262.
How to cite: Huang, Q., Liu, Y., Genser, J., Neubauer, F., Yuan, S., Yu, S., Bernroider, M., Guan, Q., Wei, J., and Chang, R.: Cambrian-Ordovician evolution of Eastern Alps: New evidences constrain from magmatic rocks in the Schladming Complex (Austroalpine unit), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8373, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8373, 2021.
The pre-Mesozoic basements in the Eastern Alps overprinted by the Variscan and alpine metamorphism (Neubauer and Frisch, 1993), which still remained the pre-Variscan tectonic evolution evidences. Many of these basements left away from their lithospheric roots due to large-scale tectonic activities (von Raumer et al., 2001), whereas their origin and tectonic history can be recorded by detailed geochemistry and geochronology. Here we present a study on the Schladming Complex, one part of Silvretta-Seckau nappe system in Austroalpine Unit, that located in the northern part of Alps to discuss their ages, origin, and tectonic relationship with the Proto-Tethys Ocean.
The Schladming Complex basement mainly comprises biotite-plagioclase gneiss, hornblende-gneiss, mica-schists, together with some amphibolites, orthogneisses, paragneisses, metagabbro and migmatites, which covered by sequence of metasedimentary (Slapansky and Frank, 1987). It underwent the medium- to high-grade metamorphism during the Variscan event and is overprinted by the greenschist facies metamorphism during the Alpine orogeny (Slapansky and Frank, 1987).
Granodioritic gneisses (539~538 Ma) and fine-grained amphibolite (531±2 Ma) in the basement represent a bimodal magmatism. Geochemical data show that the granodioritic gneisses belong to A2-type granite and originated from the lower crust, while the fine-grained amphibolites have an E-MORB affinity and the magma origined from the lithospheric mantle and contaminated by the arc-related materials. The data implies that the Schladming Complex formed in a back-arc rift tectonic setting in the Early Cambrian.
A medium-grained amphibolite gives an age of 495±5 Ma, exhibits ocean island basalt-like geochemical features and zircons positive εHf(t) values (+5.3~+10.9) indicating that the medium-grained amphibolite derived from a depleted mantle source. The monzonite granitic gneiss and plagioclase gneiss yields ages of 464±4 Ma for and 487±3 Ma, respectively. The monzonite granitic gneiss derived from the mixing of melts derived from pelitic and metaluminous rocks. The protolith of plagioclase gneiss is aplite, which has positive εHf(t) values of +5.9~+7.9, indicating it derived from the lower crust sources. The monzonite granitic gneiss and plagioclase gneiss exhibit S-type and I-type geochemical features, respectively. They are geochemically similar to the volcanic arc granite.
In summary, our data presents record of the Cambrian to Ordovician magmatism in the Schladming Complex, which provided new evidence of tectonic evolution history between Proto-Tethys and Gondwana. According to the data, we proposed that a series of rift developed in the northern margin of Gondwana during 540-530 Ma, the rifts continually expanded into a back-arc ocean in ~490 Ma and was closed around 460 Ma with S-type granitic magma intruded.
Neubauer, F., Frisch, W. 1993. The Austroalpine metamorphic basement east of the Tauern window. In: Raumer, J. von & Neubauer, F. (eds.): Pre-Mesozoic Geology in the Alps. Berlin (Springer), pp. 515–536.
von Raumer, J., Stampfli, G., Borel, G., Bussy, F., 2001. Organization of pre-Variscan basement areas at the north-Gondwanan margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences 91, 35-52.
Slapansky, P., Frank, W. 1987. Structural evolution and geochronology of the northern margin of the Austroalpine in the northwestern Schladming crystalline (NE Tadstädter Tauern). In: Flügel, H. W. & Faupl, P. (eds.), Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps, pp. 244-262.
How to cite: Huang, Q., Liu, Y., Genser, J., Neubauer, F., Yuan, S., Yu, S., Bernroider, M., Guan, Q., Wei, J., and Chang, R.: Cambrian-Ordovician evolution of Eastern Alps: New evidences constrain from magmatic rocks in the Schladming Complex (Austroalpine unit), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8373, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8373, 2021.
EGU21-8301 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Opening of the West Paleo-Tethys Ocean: New insights from Early Devonian meta-mafic rocks in the southern Saualpe crystalline basement, Eastern AlpsYongjiang Liu, Qingbin Guan, Franz Neubauer, Johann Genser, Sihua Yuan, Ruihong Chang, and Qianwen Huang
Timing of the opening of the West Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Eastern Alps remains controversial. The debate over the timing has revolved mainly around three possible periods, namely Silurian, Early Devonian and Middle–Late Devonian. To constrain this event, we present new zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotopic compositions, and whole-rock major- and trace-element data for the meta-mafic rocks in the southern Saualpe crystalline basement, Eastern Alps. Zircon U-Pb dating results from three samples yielded crystallization ages of 418 ± 6 Ma, 417 ± 3 Ma and 415 ± 3 Ma, indicating that they formed during the Early Devonian. Geochemically, these meta-mafic rocks have relatively low SiO2 and MgO contents and high TiO2 contents. They are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE), particularly in Nb and Ta, and show relatively flat heavy rare-earth elements (HREE) patterns, indicating that they have affinities with the alkaline oceanic island basalts (OIB). The geochemical characteristics, together with the positive εHf(t) values of 0.7–11.1, imply that the OIB-like meta-mafic rocks originated from partial melting of a lherzolite source including spinel and garnet. And the primary magma showed complex sources involving the asthenospheric, lithospheric mantle and subducted slab components and subsequently modified by crustal contamination, revealing that the magma formed in a slab window environment associated with mid-ocean ridge subduction. The contemporaneous OIB-like alkaline amphibolites were also found in the central Austroalpine basement and Northwestern Turkey. We suggest that the Late Silurian–Early Devonian OIB-like magmatism is related to a back-arc extension setting in the northern margin of Gondwana leading to the detachment of the European Hunic terranes and hence placing an age on the opening of the West Paleo-Tethys Ocean.
How to cite: Liu, Y., Guan, Q., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Yuan, S., Chang, R., and Huang, Q.: Opening of the West Paleo-Tethys Ocean: New insights from Early Devonian meta-mafic rocks in the southern Saualpe crystalline basement, Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8301, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8301, 2021.
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Timing of the opening of the West Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Eastern Alps remains controversial. The debate over the timing has revolved mainly around three possible periods, namely Silurian, Early Devonian and Middle–Late Devonian. To constrain this event, we present new zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotopic compositions, and whole-rock major- and trace-element data for the meta-mafic rocks in the southern Saualpe crystalline basement, Eastern Alps. Zircon U-Pb dating results from three samples yielded crystallization ages of 418 ± 6 Ma, 417 ± 3 Ma and 415 ± 3 Ma, indicating that they formed during the Early Devonian. Geochemically, these meta-mafic rocks have relatively low SiO2 and MgO contents and high TiO2 contents. They are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE), particularly in Nb and Ta, and show relatively flat heavy rare-earth elements (HREE) patterns, indicating that they have affinities with the alkaline oceanic island basalts (OIB). The geochemical characteristics, together with the positive εHf(t) values of 0.7–11.1, imply that the OIB-like meta-mafic rocks originated from partial melting of a lherzolite source including spinel and garnet. And the primary magma showed complex sources involving the asthenospheric, lithospheric mantle and subducted slab components and subsequently modified by crustal contamination, revealing that the magma formed in a slab window environment associated with mid-ocean ridge subduction. The contemporaneous OIB-like alkaline amphibolites were also found in the central Austroalpine basement and Northwestern Turkey. We suggest that the Late Silurian–Early Devonian OIB-like magmatism is related to a back-arc extension setting in the northern margin of Gondwana leading to the detachment of the European Hunic terranes and hence placing an age on the opening of the West Paleo-Tethys Ocean.
How to cite: Liu, Y., Guan, Q., Neubauer, F., Genser, J., Yuan, S., Chang, R., and Huang, Q.: Opening of the West Paleo-Tethys Ocean: New insights from Early Devonian meta-mafic rocks in the southern Saualpe crystalline basement, Eastern Alps, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8301, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8301, 2021.
EGU21-9978 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Role of the Adria plate structural heterogeneities on the dynamics of the Central-Western Mediterranean regionRosalia Lo Bue, Manuele Faccenda, and Jianfeng Yang
In the geodynamic context of the slow Africa-Europe plates convergence, the Central-Western Mediterranean region has been involved in a complex subduction process, which in the last 30 Myr was characterized by the rapid retreat of the Ionian slab, the opening of back-arc extensional basins (i.e., Liguro-Provençal, Algerian, Alboran, and Tyrrhenian basins) and episodes of slab lateral tearing, segmentation and break-off. A proper modelling of 3-D mantle flow evolution beneath the Mediterranean could provide important clarifications about the complex mantle dynamics of this region and help us understanding the interaction between surface tectono-magmatic processes and mantle convection patterns.
The mantle flow and its relations with plate horizontal and vertical motions can be determined by measuring seismic anisotropy generated by strain-induced lattice/crystal preferred orientation (LPO/CPO) of intrinsically anisotropic minerals. Seismic anisotropy is widespread in the Mediterranean and it shows an intricate pattern that likely has some relations with the recent (20-30 Myr) behavior of subducting slabs. The extrapolation of the mantle flow from seismic anisotropy is neither simple nor always warranted, especially at subduction zones where complex and non-steady-state 3D flow patterns may establish. A promising approach, which helps reducing the number of plausible models that can explain a given anisotropy dataset, is to compare seismic measurements with predictions of numerical and experimental flow models (Long et al.,2007). Recently, Faccenda and Capitanio (2013) and Faccenda (2014) have extended this methodology to account for the non-steady state evolution typical of many subduction zones, yielding mantle fabrics that are physically consistent with the deformation history.
In this study, we apply a similar modelling approach to the complex Central-Western Mediterranean convergent margin. We use the wealth of observations from the Mediterranean region available in the literature to design and calibrate 3D thermo-mechanical subduction modelling. We test different initial configurations defined at 30 Ma according to the paleogeographic and tectonic reconstructions derived from (Lucente and Speranza, 2001; Carminati et al., 2012; van Hinsbergen et al., 2014) in order to optimize the fit between predicted and observed slabs position and obtain a final model configuration resembling the present-day surface and deeper structures.
In particular, here we want to evaluate the influence on rollback rates, trench shape and the occurrence and timing of slab tears (Mason et al., 2010) of structural heterogeneities within the Adria plate as proposed by (Lucente and Speranza, 2001). In all models, subduction migrates south-eastward driven by the subducting oceanic lithosphere, and slab lateral tearing or break-off occurs when a continental margin enters the trench. More importantly, we show that the presence of a stiffer continental promontory in central Adria together with a thinned continental margin in the Umbria-Marche region plays a fundamental role on (i) the development of a slab window below the Central Apennines, (ii) the retreat of the Northern Apenninic trench till the Adriatic Sea, and (iii) the retreat of the Ionian slab till the present-day position.
How to cite: Lo Bue, R., Faccenda, M., and Yang, J.: Role of the Adria plate structural heterogeneities on the dynamics of the Central-Western Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9978, 2021.
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In the geodynamic context of the slow Africa-Europe plates convergence, the Central-Western Mediterranean region has been involved in a complex subduction process, which in the last 30 Myr was characterized by the rapid retreat of the Ionian slab, the opening of back-arc extensional basins (i.e., Liguro-Provençal, Algerian, Alboran, and Tyrrhenian basins) and episodes of slab lateral tearing, segmentation and break-off. A proper modelling of 3-D mantle flow evolution beneath the Mediterranean could provide important clarifications about the complex mantle dynamics of this region and help us understanding the interaction between surface tectono-magmatic processes and mantle convection patterns.
The mantle flow and its relations with plate horizontal and vertical motions can be determined by measuring seismic anisotropy generated by strain-induced lattice/crystal preferred orientation (LPO/CPO) of intrinsically anisotropic minerals. Seismic anisotropy is widespread in the Mediterranean and it shows an intricate pattern that likely has some relations with the recent (20-30 Myr) behavior of subducting slabs. The extrapolation of the mantle flow from seismic anisotropy is neither simple nor always warranted, especially at subduction zones where complex and non-steady-state 3D flow patterns may establish. A promising approach, which helps reducing the number of plausible models that can explain a given anisotropy dataset, is to compare seismic measurements with predictions of numerical and experimental flow models (Long et al.,2007). Recently, Faccenda and Capitanio (2013) and Faccenda (2014) have extended this methodology to account for the non-steady state evolution typical of many subduction zones, yielding mantle fabrics that are physically consistent with the deformation history.
In this study, we apply a similar modelling approach to the complex Central-Western Mediterranean convergent margin. We use the wealth of observations from the Mediterranean region available in the literature to design and calibrate 3D thermo-mechanical subduction modelling. We test different initial configurations defined at 30 Ma according to the paleogeographic and tectonic reconstructions derived from (Lucente and Speranza, 2001; Carminati et al., 2012; van Hinsbergen et al., 2014) in order to optimize the fit between predicted and observed slabs position and obtain a final model configuration resembling the present-day surface and deeper structures.
In particular, here we want to evaluate the influence on rollback rates, trench shape and the occurrence and timing of slab tears (Mason et al., 2010) of structural heterogeneities within the Adria plate as proposed by (Lucente and Speranza, 2001). In all models, subduction migrates south-eastward driven by the subducting oceanic lithosphere, and slab lateral tearing or break-off occurs when a continental margin enters the trench. More importantly, we show that the presence of a stiffer continental promontory in central Adria together with a thinned continental margin in the Umbria-Marche region plays a fundamental role on (i) the development of a slab window below the Central Apennines, (ii) the retreat of the Northern Apenninic trench till the Adriatic Sea, and (iii) the retreat of the Ionian slab till the present-day position.
How to cite: Lo Bue, R., Faccenda, M., and Yang, J.: Role of the Adria plate structural heterogeneities on the dynamics of the Central-Western Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9978, 2021.
EGU21-13235 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Floating the Vrancea slab and tectonic reconstruction of the collapse of the PalaeoPannonian BasinJack Muston, Wim Spakman, and Gordon Lister
Here we present the first 4D tectonic reconstruction that models the Vrancea slablet and incorporates the floated slab as a constraint on the magnitude of slab rollback during collapse of the Palaeo-Pannonian Basin. Seismic tomographic images provide insight into the geometry and tectonic history of subducted slabs. High velocity anomalies can be interpreted as ‘cold’ lithosphere penetrating ‘warmer’ lower velocity asthenosphere, and 3D models created using the SKUA-GOCAD modelling software. Combined with information from the 3D distribution of earthquake hypocentres, we thereby obtain a simple approximation to slab geometry beneath the Vrancea region. The resultant DXF was imported into the Pplates tectonic reconstruction software, and floated back to the Earth’s surface. The method utilised assumes no significant deformation (stretching, buckling, folding, shortening) during or after subduction, so that the obtained geometry estimates the pre-subduction configuration. The resultant floated slab is then incorporated as a constraint on 2D + time tectonic reconstructions. We apply a double-saloon-door rollback model, which involves propagation of a slab tear along the mid-Hungarian lineament. Each saloon-door rolls back independently of the other and this leads to two epochs of extension. AlPaCa is ‘pulled’ eastwards and rotated counter-clockwise as the western saloon-door rolls back. The Tisza-Dacia unit is then ‘pulled’ eastward, and rotated, but in a clockwise sense as the eastern saloon-door rolls back. Once the subduction hinge reached the East European Platform, the slab was left hanging. Gravitational forces then drove slab-boudinage and detachment in a similar fashion as occurs today beneath the Hindu Kush. This model explains the large opposing-sense vertical-axis rotations that occurred during convergence of the AlPaCa and Tisza-Dacia terranes. The zipper fault model rotates the microplates without requiring large-scale thrusting. Interpretation of the Mid-Hungarian lineament as a zipper-fault system is also consistent with the geodynamic effects expected because of tearing in a subducting plate leading to a double-saloon-door rollback. The vertical extent of the slab is roughly 300 km, which only fills half of the basin, consistent with the double-saloon-door roll-back model interpretation.
How to cite: Muston, J., Spakman, W., and Lister, G.: Floating the Vrancea slab and tectonic reconstruction of the collapse of the PalaeoPannonian Basin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13235, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13235, 2021.
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Here we present the first 4D tectonic reconstruction that models the Vrancea slablet and incorporates the floated slab as a constraint on the magnitude of slab rollback during collapse of the Palaeo-Pannonian Basin. Seismic tomographic images provide insight into the geometry and tectonic history of subducted slabs. High velocity anomalies can be interpreted as ‘cold’ lithosphere penetrating ‘warmer’ lower velocity asthenosphere, and 3D models created using the SKUA-GOCAD modelling software. Combined with information from the 3D distribution of earthquake hypocentres, we thereby obtain a simple approximation to slab geometry beneath the Vrancea region. The resultant DXF was imported into the Pplates tectonic reconstruction software, and floated back to the Earth’s surface. The method utilised assumes no significant deformation (stretching, buckling, folding, shortening) during or after subduction, so that the obtained geometry estimates the pre-subduction configuration. The resultant floated slab is then incorporated as a constraint on 2D + time tectonic reconstructions. We apply a double-saloon-door rollback model, which involves propagation of a slab tear along the mid-Hungarian lineament. Each saloon-door rolls back independently of the other and this leads to two epochs of extension. AlPaCa is ‘pulled’ eastwards and rotated counter-clockwise as the western saloon-door rolls back. The Tisza-Dacia unit is then ‘pulled’ eastward, and rotated, but in a clockwise sense as the eastern saloon-door rolls back. Once the subduction hinge reached the East European Platform, the slab was left hanging. Gravitational forces then drove slab-boudinage and detachment in a similar fashion as occurs today beneath the Hindu Kush. This model explains the large opposing-sense vertical-axis rotations that occurred during convergence of the AlPaCa and Tisza-Dacia terranes. The zipper fault model rotates the microplates without requiring large-scale thrusting. Interpretation of the Mid-Hungarian lineament as a zipper-fault system is also consistent with the geodynamic effects expected because of tearing in a subducting plate leading to a double-saloon-door rollback. The vertical extent of the slab is roughly 300 km, which only fills half of the basin, consistent with the double-saloon-door roll-back model interpretation.
How to cite: Muston, J., Spakman, W., and Lister, G.: Floating the Vrancea slab and tectonic reconstruction of the collapse of the PalaeoPannonian Basin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13235, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13235, 2021.
EGU21-177 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Balance between tectonics and sedimentation during geodynamic evolution of the Adria-Europe convergence zone in central SerbiaUros Stojadinovic, Nemanja Krstekanić, Bojan Kostić, and Tamara Bogdanović
The Cretaceous sedimentation along the NE Dinarides margin was associated with subduction and collision of the Neotethys Ocean located between continental units of Adria and Europe (i.e., the Sava subduction system). In this region, we have performed a coupled kinematic and sedimentological study in order to understand the main controlling mechanism of deposition in basins situated above the Sava subduction zone.
The Cretaceous sedimentation on the upper plate of the Sava subduction system took place in a fore-arc basin developed in frontal parts of the active European continental margin. The sedimentary facies indicate three cycles of deposition during Early Cretaceous–Cenomanian, Turonian–Santonian, and Campanian-Maastrichtian. Lower Cretaceous–Cenomanian deposition was associated with regional contraction and characterized by the clastic-carbonatic cyclic shelf and slope deposits (i.e., the “para-flysch”). The European fore-arc “para-flysch” sequences, deposited during Berriasian–Aptian times, presently outcrop in the Gledićke Mts and Rudnik area in central Serbia. Following the Albian–Cenomanian regression that created regional unconformity across the entire fore-arc domain, Turonian–Santonian extension resulted in subsidence and syn-depositional bimodal magmatism. Fore-arc syn-subductional extension was triggered by retreating and steepening of the subducting Neotethys lithosphere. The final Campanian–Maastrichtian regression was initiated by large-scale shortening during the onset of Adria-Europe collision.
Unlike the European fore-arc domain, the Cretaceous sedimentation over the passive continental margin of the Dinarides was exclusively controlled by continuous shortening and overall transgression over the subducting Adria plate. Deposition starts with transgressive Albian–Cenomanian coarse-clastics and gradually deepens into the clastic-carbonatic shelf deposits. Rapid subsidence since the late Turonian resulted in deposition of slope carbonates followed by the deep pelagic sedimentation of Coniacian to Campanian–Maastrichtian limestones with cherts (i.e., the Struganik facies). The onset of deposition in the Sava subduction trench, as well as the accelerated subsidence in the entire lower Adria plate domain was coeval with Turonian–Coniacian switch to syn-subductional extension in the European fore-arc basin. The trench sedimentation starts with Turonian distal mudstones overlain by Coniacian–Maastrichtian clastic-carbonatic turbidites, as observed in the Rudnik Formation in Central Serbia. The westward expansion and migration of trench deposition towards the lower Adria plate culminated with Middle Campanian–Late Maastrichtian deposition of siliciclastic trench turbidites observed in the Ljig Formation.
The onset of the latest Cretaceous–Paleogene Adria-Europe continental collision resulted in large-scale W-wards thrusting that inverted the Cretaceous basins along NE Dinarides margin and emplaced sedimentary infill and basement of the European fore-arc over the Sava trench turbidites. The continued continental collision led to the propagation of thrusting during Eocene, which was characterized by formation of the large offset out-of-sequence thrusts. The eduction that followed break-off of the Neotethys slab beneath the Dinarides triggered Oligocene–Miocene extension which reactivated the inherited thrust contacts as extensional detachments along the entire Dinarides margin. The extension exhumed the lower Adria plate and additionally fragmented and deformed the former Cretaceous basins. The rates of extensional exhumation are decreasing to the NE, from the Dinarides margin towards the Carpathians.
How to cite: Stojadinovic, U., Krstekanić, N., Kostić, B., and Bogdanović, T.: Balance between tectonics and sedimentation during geodynamic evolution of the Adria-Europe convergence zone in central Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-177, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-177, 2021.
The Cretaceous sedimentation along the NE Dinarides margin was associated with subduction and collision of the Neotethys Ocean located between continental units of Adria and Europe (i.e., the Sava subduction system). In this region, we have performed a coupled kinematic and sedimentological study in order to understand the main controlling mechanism of deposition in basins situated above the Sava subduction zone.
The Cretaceous sedimentation on the upper plate of the Sava subduction system took place in a fore-arc basin developed in frontal parts of the active European continental margin. The sedimentary facies indicate three cycles of deposition during Early Cretaceous–Cenomanian, Turonian–Santonian, and Campanian-Maastrichtian. Lower Cretaceous–Cenomanian deposition was associated with regional contraction and characterized by the clastic-carbonatic cyclic shelf and slope deposits (i.e., the “para-flysch”). The European fore-arc “para-flysch” sequences, deposited during Berriasian–Aptian times, presently outcrop in the Gledićke Mts and Rudnik area in central Serbia. Following the Albian–Cenomanian regression that created regional unconformity across the entire fore-arc domain, Turonian–Santonian extension resulted in subsidence and syn-depositional bimodal magmatism. Fore-arc syn-subductional extension was triggered by retreating and steepening of the subducting Neotethys lithosphere. The final Campanian–Maastrichtian regression was initiated by large-scale shortening during the onset of Adria-Europe collision.
Unlike the European fore-arc domain, the Cretaceous sedimentation over the passive continental margin of the Dinarides was exclusively controlled by continuous shortening and overall transgression over the subducting Adria plate. Deposition starts with transgressive Albian–Cenomanian coarse-clastics and gradually deepens into the clastic-carbonatic shelf deposits. Rapid subsidence since the late Turonian resulted in deposition of slope carbonates followed by the deep pelagic sedimentation of Coniacian to Campanian–Maastrichtian limestones with cherts (i.e., the Struganik facies). The onset of deposition in the Sava subduction trench, as well as the accelerated subsidence in the entire lower Adria plate domain was coeval with Turonian–Coniacian switch to syn-subductional extension in the European fore-arc basin. The trench sedimentation starts with Turonian distal mudstones overlain by Coniacian–Maastrichtian clastic-carbonatic turbidites, as observed in the Rudnik Formation in Central Serbia. The westward expansion and migration of trench deposition towards the lower Adria plate culminated with Middle Campanian–Late Maastrichtian deposition of siliciclastic trench turbidites observed in the Ljig Formation.
The onset of the latest Cretaceous–Paleogene Adria-Europe continental collision resulted in large-scale W-wards thrusting that inverted the Cretaceous basins along NE Dinarides margin and emplaced sedimentary infill and basement of the European fore-arc over the Sava trench turbidites. The continued continental collision led to the propagation of thrusting during Eocene, which was characterized by formation of the large offset out-of-sequence thrusts. The eduction that followed break-off of the Neotethys slab beneath the Dinarides triggered Oligocene–Miocene extension which reactivated the inherited thrust contacts as extensional detachments along the entire Dinarides margin. The extension exhumed the lower Adria plate and additionally fragmented and deformed the former Cretaceous basins. The rates of extensional exhumation are decreasing to the NE, from the Dinarides margin towards the Carpathians.
How to cite: Stojadinovic, U., Krstekanić, N., Kostić, B., and Bogdanović, T.: Balance between tectonics and sedimentation during geodynamic evolution of the Adria-Europe convergence zone in central Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-177, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-177, 2021.
EGU21-1570 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Strain partitioning around an indenter during oroclinal bending: kinematics of the Circum-Moesian fault system of the Carpatho-BalkanidesNemanja Krstekanic, Liviu Matenco, Uros Stojadinovic, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, and Daan Tamminga
The Carpatho-Balkanides of south-eastern Europe is a double 180° curved orogenic system. It is comprised of a foreland-convex orocline, situated in the north and east and a backarc-convex orocline situated in the south and west. The southern orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides orogen formed during the Cretaceous closure of the Alpine Tethys Ocean and collision of the Dacia mega-unit with the Moesian Platform. Following the main orogen-building processes, the Carpathians subduction and Miocene slab retreat in the West and East Carpathians have driven the formation of the backarc-convex oroclinal bending in the south and west. The orocline formed during clockwise rotation of the Dacia mega-unit and coeval docking against the Moesian indenter. This oroclinal bending was associated with a Paleocene-Eocene orogen-parallel extension that exhumed the Danubian nappes of the South Carpathians and with a large late Oligocene – middle Miocene Circum-Moesian fault system that affected the orogenic system surrounding the Moesian Platform along its southern, western and northern margins. This fault system is composed of various segments that have different and contrasting types of kinematics, which often formed coevally, indicating a large degree of strain partitioning during oroclinal bending. It includes the curved Cerna and Timok faults that cumulate up to 100 km of dextral offset, the lower offset Sokobanja-Zvonce and Rtanj-Pirot dextral strike-slip faults, associated with orogen parallel extension that controls numerous intra-montane basins and thrusting of the western Balkans units over the Moesian Platform. We have performed a field structural study in order to understand the mechanisms of deformation transfer and strain partitioning around the Moesian indenter during oroclinal bending by focusing on kinematics and geometry of large-scale faults within the Circum-Moesian fault system.
Our structural analysis shows that the major strike-slip faults are composed of multi-strand geometries associated with significant strain partitioning within tens to hundreds of metres wide deformation zones. Kinematics of the Circum-Moesian fault system changes from transtensional in the north, where the formation of numerous basins is controlled by the Cerna or Timok faults, to strike-slip and transpression in the south, where transcurrent offsets are gradually transferred to thrusting in the Balkanides. The characteristic feature of the whole system is splaying of major faults to facilitate movements around the Moesian indenter. Splaying towards the east connects the Circum-Moesian fault system with deformation observed in the Getic Depression in front of the South Carpathians, while in the south-west the Sokobanja-Zvonce and Rtanj-Pirot faults splay off the Timok Fault. These two faults are connected by coeval E-W oriented normal faults that control several intra-montane basins and accommodate orogen-parallel extension. We infer that all these deformations are driven by the roll-back of the Carpathians slab that exerts a northward pull on the upper Dacia plate in the Serbian Carpathians. However, the variability in deformation styles is controlled by geometry of the Moesian indenter and the distance to Moesia, as the rotation and northward displacements increase gradually to the north and west.
How to cite: Krstekanic, N., Matenco, L., Stojadinovic, U., Willingshofer, E., Toljić, M., and Tamminga, D.: Strain partitioning around an indenter during oroclinal bending: kinematics of the Circum-Moesian fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1570, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1570, 2021.
The Carpatho-Balkanides of south-eastern Europe is a double 180° curved orogenic system. It is comprised of a foreland-convex orocline, situated in the north and east and a backarc-convex orocline situated in the south and west. The southern orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides orogen formed during the Cretaceous closure of the Alpine Tethys Ocean and collision of the Dacia mega-unit with the Moesian Platform. Following the main orogen-building processes, the Carpathians subduction and Miocene slab retreat in the West and East Carpathians have driven the formation of the backarc-convex oroclinal bending in the south and west. The orocline formed during clockwise rotation of the Dacia mega-unit and coeval docking against the Moesian indenter. This oroclinal bending was associated with a Paleocene-Eocene orogen-parallel extension that exhumed the Danubian nappes of the South Carpathians and with a large late Oligocene – middle Miocene Circum-Moesian fault system that affected the orogenic system surrounding the Moesian Platform along its southern, western and northern margins. This fault system is composed of various segments that have different and contrasting types of kinematics, which often formed coevally, indicating a large degree of strain partitioning during oroclinal bending. It includes the curved Cerna and Timok faults that cumulate up to 100 km of dextral offset, the lower offset Sokobanja-Zvonce and Rtanj-Pirot dextral strike-slip faults, associated with orogen parallel extension that controls numerous intra-montane basins and thrusting of the western Balkans units over the Moesian Platform. We have performed a field structural study in order to understand the mechanisms of deformation transfer and strain partitioning around the Moesian indenter during oroclinal bending by focusing on kinematics and geometry of large-scale faults within the Circum-Moesian fault system.
Our structural analysis shows that the major strike-slip faults are composed of multi-strand geometries associated with significant strain partitioning within tens to hundreds of metres wide deformation zones. Kinematics of the Circum-Moesian fault system changes from transtensional in the north, where the formation of numerous basins is controlled by the Cerna or Timok faults, to strike-slip and transpression in the south, where transcurrent offsets are gradually transferred to thrusting in the Balkanides. The characteristic feature of the whole system is splaying of major faults to facilitate movements around the Moesian indenter. Splaying towards the east connects the Circum-Moesian fault system with deformation observed in the Getic Depression in front of the South Carpathians, while in the south-west the Sokobanja-Zvonce and Rtanj-Pirot faults splay off the Timok Fault. These two faults are connected by coeval E-W oriented normal faults that control several intra-montane basins and accommodate orogen-parallel extension. We infer that all these deformations are driven by the roll-back of the Carpathians slab that exerts a northward pull on the upper Dacia plate in the Serbian Carpathians. However, the variability in deformation styles is controlled by geometry of the Moesian indenter and the distance to Moesia, as the rotation and northward displacements increase gradually to the north and west.
How to cite: Krstekanic, N., Matenco, L., Stojadinovic, U., Willingshofer, E., Toljić, M., and Tamminga, D.: Strain partitioning around an indenter during oroclinal bending: kinematics of the Circum-Moesian fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1570, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1570, 2021.
EGU21-9893 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Numerical simulation of the Late Jurassic closure of the Vardar TethysNikola Stanković, Vesna Cvetkov, and Vladica Cvetković
We report updated results of our ongoing research on constraining geodynamic conditions associated with the final closure of the Vardar branch of the Tethys Ocean by means of application of numerical simulations (previous interim results reported in EGU2020-5919).
The aim of our numerical study is to test the hypothesis that a single eastward subduction in the Jurassic is a valid explanation for the occurrence of three major, presently observed geological entities that are left behind after the closure of the Vardar Tethys. These include: ophiolite-like igneous rocks of the Sava-Vardar zone and presumably subduction related Timok Magmatic Complex, both Late Cretaceous in age as well as Jurassic ophiolites obducted onto the Adriatic margin. In our simulations we initiate an intraoceanic subduction in the Early/Middle Jurassic, which eventually transitions into an oceanic closure and subsequent continental collision processes.
In the scope of our study numerical simulations are performed by solving a set of partial differential equations: the continuity equation, the Navier-Stokes equations and the temperature equation. To this end we used I2VIS thermo-mechanical code which utilizes marker in cell approach with finite difference discretization of equations on a staggered grid [Gerya et al., 2000; Gerya&Yuen, 2003].
The 2D model consists of two continental plates separated by two oceanic slabs connected at a mid-oceanic ridge. Intraoceanic subduction is initiated along the ridge by assigning a weak zone beneath the ridge. Time-dependent boundary conditions for velocity are imposed on the simulation in order to model a transient spreading period. The change of sign in plate velocities is found to be useful for both obtaining obduction / ophiolite emplacement [Duretz et al., 2016] and causing back-arc extension. Changes in velocities are linear in time. Simulations follow a three-phase evolution of velocity boundary conditions consisting of two convergent phases separated by a single divergent phase where spreading regime is dominant. Effect of duration and magnitude of the second phase on model evolution is also explored.
Our so far obtained simulations were able to reproduce the westward obduction and certain extension processes along the active (European) margin, which match the existing geological relationships. However, the simulations involve an unreasonably short geodynamic event (cca 15-20 My) and we are working on solving this problem with new simulations.
How to cite: Stanković, N., Cvetkov, V., and Cvetković, V.: Numerical simulation of the Late Jurassic closure of the Vardar Tethys, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9893, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9893, 2021.
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We report updated results of our ongoing research on constraining geodynamic conditions associated with the final closure of the Vardar branch of the Tethys Ocean by means of application of numerical simulations (previous interim results reported in EGU2020-5919).
The aim of our numerical study is to test the hypothesis that a single eastward subduction in the Jurassic is a valid explanation for the occurrence of three major, presently observed geological entities that are left behind after the closure of the Vardar Tethys. These include: ophiolite-like igneous rocks of the Sava-Vardar zone and presumably subduction related Timok Magmatic Complex, both Late Cretaceous in age as well as Jurassic ophiolites obducted onto the Adriatic margin. In our simulations we initiate an intraoceanic subduction in the Early/Middle Jurassic, which eventually transitions into an oceanic closure and subsequent continental collision processes.
In the scope of our study numerical simulations are performed by solving a set of partial differential equations: the continuity equation, the Navier-Stokes equations and the temperature equation. To this end we used I2VIS thermo-mechanical code which utilizes marker in cell approach with finite difference discretization of equations on a staggered grid [Gerya et al., 2000; Gerya&Yuen, 2003].
The 2D model consists of two continental plates separated by two oceanic slabs connected at a mid-oceanic ridge. Intraoceanic subduction is initiated along the ridge by assigning a weak zone beneath the ridge. Time-dependent boundary conditions for velocity are imposed on the simulation in order to model a transient spreading period. The change of sign in plate velocities is found to be useful for both obtaining obduction / ophiolite emplacement [Duretz et al., 2016] and causing back-arc extension. Changes in velocities are linear in time. Simulations follow a three-phase evolution of velocity boundary conditions consisting of two convergent phases separated by a single divergent phase where spreading regime is dominant. Effect of duration and magnitude of the second phase on model evolution is also explored.
Our so far obtained simulations were able to reproduce the westward obduction and certain extension processes along the active (European) margin, which match the existing geological relationships. However, the simulations involve an unreasonably short geodynamic event (cca 15-20 My) and we are working on solving this problem with new simulations.
How to cite: Stanković, N., Cvetkov, V., and Cvetković, V.: Numerical simulation of the Late Jurassic closure of the Vardar Tethys, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9893, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9893, 2021.
EGU21-3275 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Synchronous Eocene deformation recorded on either side of a major Miocene thrust bounding the Almyropotamos tectonic window in Evia, GreeceTaylor Ducharme, Iwona Klonowska, David Schneider, Bernhard Grasemann, and Kostantinos Soukis
Southern Evia in Greece exposes an inverted high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) metamorphic sequence that has been loosely correlated with the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU). On the island, the CBU is divided into the metavolcanic and ophiolitic Ochi Nappe and predominantly metacarbonate Styra Nappe. A lower-grade unit, the Almyropotamos Nappe, is exposed in the core of a N-S trending antiform and comprises Eocene platform carbonates overlain by metaflysch. The Almyropotamos Nappe occupies a tectonic window defined by the Evia Thrust, a brittle-ductile fault zone that emplaced the Ochi and Styra nappes atop the Almyropotamos Nappe. New multiple single-grain white mica total fusion 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that deformation occurred along the Evia Thrust at 25-23 Ma. White mica 40Ar/39Ar data on either side of the tectonic window record Eocene dates between 40 and 32 Ma, consistent with previously published 40Ar/39Ar dates and a single Rb-Sr age of c. 30 Ma. These ages broadly coincide with estimates for the timing of NE-directed thrusting of the Ochi Nappe over the Styra Nappe. Strain associated with thrusting localized as cylindrical folds in Styra marbles, with fold axes parallel to the stretching lineation and a clear strain gradient increasing toward the upper contact with the Ochi Nappe. The most prominent structures in the Ochi Nappe are a strong L-S fabric defined by acicular blue amphibole and type-3 refold structures with fold axes trending parallel to the NE-SW oriented stretching lineation. Whereas the Ochi Nappe and Styra Nappe locally preserve peak blueschist facies mineral assemblages, all three units commonly display evidence only for retrogressed initial HP-LT assemblages in the form of ferroglaucophane inclusions in albite porphyroblasts. Isochemical phase diagrams calculated in the Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2±O2 system support minimum peak metamorphic conditions of 12.5 ± 1.5 kbar and 465 ± 75 °C for an Ochi Nappe blueschist, and 6.0 ± 0.5 kbar and 315 ± 15 °C for an albite mica schist from the Evia Thrust. Peak P-T conditions for the Ochi Nappe support a metamorphic history more closely resembling that of the Lower Cycladic Blueschist Nappe, indicating that the entire section of the CBU exposed on Evia lies below the Trans-Cycladic Thrust. The Early Miocene ages from the Evia Thrust overlap with the proposed timing for the initiation of bivergent greenschist facies extension in the Cyclades. The remainder of the region, including high-strain corridors within individual nappes such as the Almyropotamos Thrust, uniformly records Eocene deformation ages. The similarity in 40Ar/39Ar ages across the tectonic window contrasts with age relationships observed in similar tectonic packages on Lavrion, and suggests that regional scale deformation persisted until the Late Eocene before strain became localized in brittle-ductile corridors by the Early Miocene.
How to cite: Ducharme, T., Klonowska, I., Schneider, D., Grasemann, B., and Soukis, K.: Synchronous Eocene deformation recorded on either side of a major Miocene thrust bounding the Almyropotamos tectonic window in Evia, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3275, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3275, 2021.
Southern Evia in Greece exposes an inverted high pressure-low temperature (HP-LT) metamorphic sequence that has been loosely correlated with the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU). On the island, the CBU is divided into the metavolcanic and ophiolitic Ochi Nappe and predominantly metacarbonate Styra Nappe. A lower-grade unit, the Almyropotamos Nappe, is exposed in the core of a N-S trending antiform and comprises Eocene platform carbonates overlain by metaflysch. The Almyropotamos Nappe occupies a tectonic window defined by the Evia Thrust, a brittle-ductile fault zone that emplaced the Ochi and Styra nappes atop the Almyropotamos Nappe. New multiple single-grain white mica total fusion 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that deformation occurred along the Evia Thrust at 25-23 Ma. White mica 40Ar/39Ar data on either side of the tectonic window record Eocene dates between 40 and 32 Ma, consistent with previously published 40Ar/39Ar dates and a single Rb-Sr age of c. 30 Ma. These ages broadly coincide with estimates for the timing of NE-directed thrusting of the Ochi Nappe over the Styra Nappe. Strain associated with thrusting localized as cylindrical folds in Styra marbles, with fold axes parallel to the stretching lineation and a clear strain gradient increasing toward the upper contact with the Ochi Nappe. The most prominent structures in the Ochi Nappe are a strong L-S fabric defined by acicular blue amphibole and type-3 refold structures with fold axes trending parallel to the NE-SW oriented stretching lineation. Whereas the Ochi Nappe and Styra Nappe locally preserve peak blueschist facies mineral assemblages, all three units commonly display evidence only for retrogressed initial HP-LT assemblages in the form of ferroglaucophane inclusions in albite porphyroblasts. Isochemical phase diagrams calculated in the Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2±O2 system support minimum peak metamorphic conditions of 12.5 ± 1.5 kbar and 465 ± 75 °C for an Ochi Nappe blueschist, and 6.0 ± 0.5 kbar and 315 ± 15 °C for an albite mica schist from the Evia Thrust. Peak P-T conditions for the Ochi Nappe support a metamorphic history more closely resembling that of the Lower Cycladic Blueschist Nappe, indicating that the entire section of the CBU exposed on Evia lies below the Trans-Cycladic Thrust. The Early Miocene ages from the Evia Thrust overlap with the proposed timing for the initiation of bivergent greenschist facies extension in the Cyclades. The remainder of the region, including high-strain corridors within individual nappes such as the Almyropotamos Thrust, uniformly records Eocene deformation ages. The similarity in 40Ar/39Ar ages across the tectonic window contrasts with age relationships observed in similar tectonic packages on Lavrion, and suggests that regional scale deformation persisted until the Late Eocene before strain became localized in brittle-ductile corridors by the Early Miocene.
How to cite: Ducharme, T., Klonowska, I., Schneider, D., Grasemann, B., and Soukis, K.: Synchronous Eocene deformation recorded on either side of a major Miocene thrust bounding the Almyropotamos tectonic window in Evia, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3275, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3275, 2021.
EGU21-3890 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
The Late Cretaceous Asteroussia event as recorded in the Cyclades: a potential key to Western Tethys tectonic evolutionSonia Yeung, Marnie Forster, Emmanuel Skourtsos, and Gordon Lister
The Cretaceous arc system formed during closure of West Tethys closure has long been a research focus for crustal geometry and associated ore deposits. Understanding the Africa-Europe motion across time is the key to its resolution. Evidence as to the time that Tethys subduction initiated is preserved in subduction accreted tectonic slices such as in the Gondwanan basement terranes on Ios, Cyclades, Greece. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology in its granitoid basement and the structurally overlying garnet-mica schist tectonic slice identified a Late Cretaceous high pressure, medium temperature (HP–MP) metamorphic event. The timing and metamorphic conditions are comparable with geochronology and metamorphic conditions reported from other Cycladic islands. We suggest the northward extension of the Asteroussia crystalline terrane on Crete should therefore include the Ios basement tectonic slices, thus revising the regional geometry of the terrane stack. The northern part of the Hellenic terrane stack is overlain by individual Cycladic Eclogite-Blueschist terrane slices (e.g., on Ios) and the southern part is underplated by the tectonic units of the external Hellenides (Crete). To make such an architecture possible, we propose a 250-300 km southward jump of the subduction megathrust when the Ios basement terranes were accreted to the European terrane stack. Such a significant leap of the subduction megathrust supports a tectonic mode switch in which crust above the subduction zone was first subjected to shortening followed by a stretching event. Accretion of the Asteroussia slices to the terrane stack likely commenced at or about ~38 Ma. During accretion, the already stretched and exhumed terranes of the Cycladic Eclogite-Blueschist Unit begun to thrust over the newly accreted Ios basement. The subduction jump had likely been accomplished by ~35 Ma, with rollback recommencing after a period of flat slab subduction followed by slab break off in the new subduction zone. This would allow explanation of the extreme extension that exhumed the Ios basement terrane, with the Asteroussia slices defining the core of the Ios metamorphic core complex, followed by the onset of Oligo-Miocene extension and accompanying magmatism in the Cyclades.
How to cite: Yeung, S., Forster, M., Skourtsos, E., and Lister, G.: The Late Cretaceous Asteroussia event as recorded in the Cyclades: a potential key to Western Tethys tectonic evolution, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3890, 2021.
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The Cretaceous arc system formed during closure of West Tethys closure has long been a research focus for crustal geometry and associated ore deposits. Understanding the Africa-Europe motion across time is the key to its resolution. Evidence as to the time that Tethys subduction initiated is preserved in subduction accreted tectonic slices such as in the Gondwanan basement terranes on Ios, Cyclades, Greece. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology in its granitoid basement and the structurally overlying garnet-mica schist tectonic slice identified a Late Cretaceous high pressure, medium temperature (HP–MP) metamorphic event. The timing and metamorphic conditions are comparable with geochronology and metamorphic conditions reported from other Cycladic islands. We suggest the northward extension of the Asteroussia crystalline terrane on Crete should therefore include the Ios basement tectonic slices, thus revising the regional geometry of the terrane stack. The northern part of the Hellenic terrane stack is overlain by individual Cycladic Eclogite-Blueschist terrane slices (e.g., on Ios) and the southern part is underplated by the tectonic units of the external Hellenides (Crete). To make such an architecture possible, we propose a 250-300 km southward jump of the subduction megathrust when the Ios basement terranes were accreted to the European terrane stack. Such a significant leap of the subduction megathrust supports a tectonic mode switch in which crust above the subduction zone was first subjected to shortening followed by a stretching event. Accretion of the Asteroussia slices to the terrane stack likely commenced at or about ~38 Ma. During accretion, the already stretched and exhumed terranes of the Cycladic Eclogite-Blueschist Unit begun to thrust over the newly accreted Ios basement. The subduction jump had likely been accomplished by ~35 Ma, with rollback recommencing after a period of flat slab subduction followed by slab break off in the new subduction zone. This would allow explanation of the extreme extension that exhumed the Ios basement terrane, with the Asteroussia slices defining the core of the Ios metamorphic core complex, followed by the onset of Oligo-Miocene extension and accompanying magmatism in the Cyclades.
How to cite: Yeung, S., Forster, M., Skourtsos, E., and Lister, G.: The Late Cretaceous Asteroussia event as recorded in the Cyclades: a potential key to Western Tethys tectonic evolution, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3890, 2021.
EGU21-3522 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Geodynamic constraints deciphered from the petrology and geochemistry of the Late Cretaceous granitoids from Anafi island (Cyclades - Greece)Petros Koutsovitis, Konstantinos Soukis, Panagiotis Voudouris, Stylianos Lozios, Theodoros Ntaflos, Christina Stouraiti, and Nikolaos Koukouzas
In the Aegean region (Cyclades - Greece), the island of Anafi island comprises Late Cretaceous intermediate and felsic granitoids that intruded within exhumed HT/LP metamorphic sequences that include amphibolites, serpentinites and metasediments. The granitoids correspond to I-type arc-related rocks with calc-alkaline geochemical affinities. Variations in their petrography mineral chemistry and geochemical features are attributed to magma differentiation with removal of plagioclase and/or K-feldspar, but also amphibole and biotite. Differentiation processes of the upwelling granitoid magma included fractional crystallization accompanied with crustal assimilation, pointing to interaction with the overriding continental crust. Mineral chemistry and geochemical results display that the Anafi granitoids are highly comparable with the Late Cretaceous granitoids of East Crete and Donousa island suggesting that this magmatic activity was not a local event. Geothermometric results show relatively moderate temperature crystallization conditions (~790 °C) for the compositionally intermediate granitoids, which are and lower for the felsic granitoids (~630 °C). Geobarometric calculations suggest shallow intrusion conditions (~2.0-6.5 kbar), which corresponds to a depth of crystallization of ~12 ± 4 km.
The thrust sheets that overly the flysch constitute a subducted and metamorphosed oceanic sequence, that after the intrusion of the granitoids was exhumed from the Late Cretaceous to the Late Oligocene. These metamorphic units likely represent a part of the Pindos - CBU domain that was subducted at an earlier pre-Campanian stage. In the hydrated mantle wedge, incorporation of shallow level granitoids within metamorphic units was likely facilitated via corner flow intrusion mechanisms. Ongoing underplating of subducted material gradually brought the granitoids along with the host units to shallow structural levels and on top of the parautochtonous flysch.
How to cite: Koutsovitis, P., Soukis, K., Voudouris, P., Lozios, S., Ntaflos, T., Stouraiti, C., and Koukouzas, N.: Geodynamic constraints deciphered from the petrology and geochemistry of the Late Cretaceous granitoids from Anafi island (Cyclades - Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3522, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3522, 2021.
In the Aegean region (Cyclades - Greece), the island of Anafi island comprises Late Cretaceous intermediate and felsic granitoids that intruded within exhumed HT/LP metamorphic sequences that include amphibolites, serpentinites and metasediments. The granitoids correspond to I-type arc-related rocks with calc-alkaline geochemical affinities. Variations in their petrography mineral chemistry and geochemical features are attributed to magma differentiation with removal of plagioclase and/or K-feldspar, but also amphibole and biotite. Differentiation processes of the upwelling granitoid magma included fractional crystallization accompanied with crustal assimilation, pointing to interaction with the overriding continental crust. Mineral chemistry and geochemical results display that the Anafi granitoids are highly comparable with the Late Cretaceous granitoids of East Crete and Donousa island suggesting that this magmatic activity was not a local event. Geothermometric results show relatively moderate temperature crystallization conditions (~790 °C) for the compositionally intermediate granitoids, which are and lower for the felsic granitoids (~630 °C). Geobarometric calculations suggest shallow intrusion conditions (~2.0-6.5 kbar), which corresponds to a depth of crystallization of ~12 ± 4 km.
The thrust sheets that overly the flysch constitute a subducted and metamorphosed oceanic sequence, that after the intrusion of the granitoids was exhumed from the Late Cretaceous to the Late Oligocene. These metamorphic units likely represent a part of the Pindos - CBU domain that was subducted at an earlier pre-Campanian stage. In the hydrated mantle wedge, incorporation of shallow level granitoids within metamorphic units was likely facilitated via corner flow intrusion mechanisms. Ongoing underplating of subducted material gradually brought the granitoids along with the host units to shallow structural levels and on top of the parautochtonous flysch.
How to cite: Koutsovitis, P., Soukis, K., Voudouris, P., Lozios, S., Ntaflos, T., Stouraiti, C., and Koukouzas, N.: Geodynamic constraints deciphered from the petrology and geochemistry of the Late Cretaceous granitoids from Anafi island (Cyclades - Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3522, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3522, 2021.
EGU21-15918 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
A reconstruction of the Cycladic Blueschist Domain (Cyclades, Greece)Konstantinos Soukis and Daniel Stockli
The birth and death of oceanic areas have often proved to involve contemporaneous destruction of previously created and evolved oceanic domains and the initiation of new ones in back-arc areas. As a result, several and often competing geodynamic processes, have been taking place at the same time, thus creating a complex tectonostratigraphy.
The Attic-Cycladic Crystalline Complex (ACCC), in the Aegean Sea (Greece), the outcome of the formation and destruction of Paleotethyan and Tethyan oceanic domains, is one such case. Four major units have been identified in the ACCC. These are from top to bottom, the complex Upper Cycladic Nappe, the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, the pre-alpine Cycladic Basement, and the Basal Unit. The present-day configuration has resulted from an Eocene stage of subduction and metamorphism under blueschist to eclogite facies and an Oligocene-Miocene exhumation and metamorphic core complex formation, through a combination of contractional and extensional mechanisms. Original relations between these four units have been obscured from the Cenozoic tectonometamorphic processes and several conflicting views have been expressed in the literature, regarding the nature of the Cycladic Blueschist domain, the relation between the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and the Cycladic Basement.
In this paper, we make a reconstruction of the domain, from which the Cycladic Blueschist Unit originated, based on a synthesis of structural, tectonostratigraphic, geochemical, and geochronological data. Through this reconstruction, we attempt to reconcile existing controversies and differences of views in the literature and to highlight the major structures that controlled the main features and geological evolution of this remarkable area.
How to cite: Soukis, K. and Stockli, D.: A reconstruction of the Cycladic Blueschist Domain (Cyclades, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15918, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15918, 2021.
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The birth and death of oceanic areas have often proved to involve contemporaneous destruction of previously created and evolved oceanic domains and the initiation of new ones in back-arc areas. As a result, several and often competing geodynamic processes, have been taking place at the same time, thus creating a complex tectonostratigraphy.
The Attic-Cycladic Crystalline Complex (ACCC), in the Aegean Sea (Greece), the outcome of the formation and destruction of Paleotethyan and Tethyan oceanic domains, is one such case. Four major units have been identified in the ACCC. These are from top to bottom, the complex Upper Cycladic Nappe, the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, the pre-alpine Cycladic Basement, and the Basal Unit. The present-day configuration has resulted from an Eocene stage of subduction and metamorphism under blueschist to eclogite facies and an Oligocene-Miocene exhumation and metamorphic core complex formation, through a combination of contractional and extensional mechanisms. Original relations between these four units have been obscured from the Cenozoic tectonometamorphic processes and several conflicting views have been expressed in the literature, regarding the nature of the Cycladic Blueschist domain, the relation between the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and the Cycladic Basement.
In this paper, we make a reconstruction of the domain, from which the Cycladic Blueschist Unit originated, based on a synthesis of structural, tectonostratigraphic, geochemical, and geochronological data. Through this reconstruction, we attempt to reconcile existing controversies and differences of views in the literature and to highlight the major structures that controlled the main features and geological evolution of this remarkable area.
How to cite: Soukis, K. and Stockli, D.: A reconstruction of the Cycladic Blueschist Domain (Cyclades, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15918, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15918, 2021.
EGU21-13757 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Closing the Neotethys Ocean in western Anatolia: Insights from forearc and foreland sedimentary basin recordsMegan Mueller, Alexis Licht, Clay Campbell, Faruk Ocakoğlu, Gui Akşit, Grégoire Métais, Pauline Coster, K. Christopher Beard, and Michael Taylor
Across the Tethyan realm, subduction zones are characterized by phases of forearc and backarc extension, and subsequent collisions are protracted and polygenetic, often resulting in significant discrepancies among proxies of collision age. The closure of the northern branch of the Neotethys Ocean along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture in Anatolia has been variously estimated from the Late Cretaceous to Eocene. It remains unclear whether this age range results from a protracted, multi-phase collision or disparities between proxies and geographic location. Near-continuous Jurassic through Eocene deposition in the forearc-to-foreland Central Sakarya Basin system in western Anatolia makes it an ideal location to integrate pre-collisional extension and multi-stage collision into a holistic reconstruction of subduction through collision. The Central Sakarya Basin system is located north of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture, where the Gondwanan-derived Anatolide and Tauride terranes to the south collided with the Laurasian-derived Pontide terrane in the north. By integrating new sandstone petrography and detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes with other geologic proxies, we demonstrate four phases of evolution of subduction and collision. (1) Magmatism began on the Pontides at 110 Ma, potentially the signal of subduction (re-)initiation, and is coincident with extension in the forearc. (2) Forearc obduction began around 94 Ma with initial subduction of lower plate continental lithosphere. Extension migrated to the backarc and opened the Black Sea. (3) The onset of intercontinental collision at 76 Ma is marked by gradual arc shutdown, basement exhumation, and uplift of the suture zone. (4) This first contractional phase is followed by thick-skinned deformation and basin partitioning starting around 54 Ma, coeval with regional syn-collisional magmatism. The 20-Myr protracted collision in western Anatolia could be explained by three non-exclusive mechanisms that produced a change in plate coupling: relict basin closure, progressive underthrusting of thicker lithosphere, and slab breakoff.
How to cite: Mueller, M., Licht, A., Campbell, C., Ocakoğlu, F., Akşit, G., Métais, G., Coster, P., Beard, K. C., and Taylor, M.: Closing the Neotethys Ocean in western Anatolia: Insights from forearc and foreland sedimentary basin records, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13757, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13757, 2021.
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Across the Tethyan realm, subduction zones are characterized by phases of forearc and backarc extension, and subsequent collisions are protracted and polygenetic, often resulting in significant discrepancies among proxies of collision age. The closure of the northern branch of the Neotethys Ocean along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture in Anatolia has been variously estimated from the Late Cretaceous to Eocene. It remains unclear whether this age range results from a protracted, multi-phase collision or disparities between proxies and geographic location. Near-continuous Jurassic through Eocene deposition in the forearc-to-foreland Central Sakarya Basin system in western Anatolia makes it an ideal location to integrate pre-collisional extension and multi-stage collision into a holistic reconstruction of subduction through collision. The Central Sakarya Basin system is located north of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture, where the Gondwanan-derived Anatolide and Tauride terranes to the south collided with the Laurasian-derived Pontide terrane in the north. By integrating new sandstone petrography and detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes with other geologic proxies, we demonstrate four phases of evolution of subduction and collision. (1) Magmatism began on the Pontides at 110 Ma, potentially the signal of subduction (re-)initiation, and is coincident with extension in the forearc. (2) Forearc obduction began around 94 Ma with initial subduction of lower plate continental lithosphere. Extension migrated to the backarc and opened the Black Sea. (3) The onset of intercontinental collision at 76 Ma is marked by gradual arc shutdown, basement exhumation, and uplift of the suture zone. (4) This first contractional phase is followed by thick-skinned deformation and basin partitioning starting around 54 Ma, coeval with regional syn-collisional magmatism. The 20-Myr protracted collision in western Anatolia could be explained by three non-exclusive mechanisms that produced a change in plate coupling: relict basin closure, progressive underthrusting of thicker lithosphere, and slab breakoff.
How to cite: Mueller, M., Licht, A., Campbell, C., Ocakoğlu, F., Akşit, G., Métais, G., Coster, P., Beard, K. C., and Taylor, M.: Closing the Neotethys Ocean in western Anatolia: Insights from forearc and foreland sedimentary basin records, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13757, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13757, 2021.
EGU21-6240 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Stratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous volcanic arc sequence north of Istanbul, Pontides, NW TurkeyCemre Ay, Gürsel Sunal, and Aral I. Okay
Upper Cretaceous arc-related volcanic and volcanoclastic units overlying the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Istanbul Zone are a key unit related to the opening of the Black Sea as a back-arc basin. They formed as a result of north dipping subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean beneath Laurasia. We studied the Upper Cretaceous volcanic units north of Istanbul along several stratigraphic sections, and present new geochemical data from the volcanic rocks in order to understand Cretaceous geodynamic evolution of the İstanbul Zone.
The Upper Cretaceous volcanic units north of Istanbul are divided into two formations. At the base there is a fore-arc turbidite succession,the İshaklı Formation, which is made up of volcaniclastic sandstone, shale, marl, tuff, debris flow horizons and epiclastic rocks of Turonian age. The İshaklı Formation is conformably overlain by the volcanoclastics, tuffs, andesite and basalt lavas and agglomerates- the Riva Formation, which represents the arc/ intra-arc series.
Geochemically, basalts and basaltic andesites of the Riva Formation are low K calc-alkaline to medium-high K calc-alkaline and with magnesium numbers ranging from 32.6% to 51.5% Primitive mantle normalized spider diagram of trace elements show enrichment in LILE elements (K, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Th and U) and depletion in HFS elements ( Nb,Ta and Ti) . The high ratio of LILE/ HFS and negative Nb-Ta anomalies indicate that the volcanism evolved in subduction setting. Chondirite-normalized REE pattern display slight negative Eu anomalies and the La/Yb ratios of the samples range between 2,76 and 4,89. Our new geochemical, stratigraphical and the regional geological data suggest that north of Istanbul there was a transition from fore-arc deposition to arc volcanism during the Late Cretaceous opening of the Western Black Sea. Considering the whole Pontide – Sredna-Gora Upper Cretaceous magmatic arc, it can be stated that calc-alkaline volcanism developed in relation to northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere during the Turonian, and may have passed into high-K calc alkaline and shoshonitic magmatism as a result of the progressive extentional tectonism during the Campanian.
How to cite: Ay, C., Sunal, G., and Okay, A. I.: Stratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous volcanic arc sequence north of Istanbul, Pontides, NW Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6240, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6240, 2021.
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Upper Cretaceous arc-related volcanic and volcanoclastic units overlying the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Istanbul Zone are a key unit related to the opening of the Black Sea as a back-arc basin. They formed as a result of north dipping subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean beneath Laurasia. We studied the Upper Cretaceous volcanic units north of Istanbul along several stratigraphic sections, and present new geochemical data from the volcanic rocks in order to understand Cretaceous geodynamic evolution of the İstanbul Zone.
The Upper Cretaceous volcanic units north of Istanbul are divided into two formations. At the base there is a fore-arc turbidite succession,the İshaklı Formation, which is made up of volcaniclastic sandstone, shale, marl, tuff, debris flow horizons and epiclastic rocks of Turonian age. The İshaklı Formation is conformably overlain by the volcanoclastics, tuffs, andesite and basalt lavas and agglomerates- the Riva Formation, which represents the arc/ intra-arc series.
Geochemically, basalts and basaltic andesites of the Riva Formation are low K calc-alkaline to medium-high K calc-alkaline and with magnesium numbers ranging from 32.6% to 51.5% Primitive mantle normalized spider diagram of trace elements show enrichment in LILE elements (K, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Th and U) and depletion in HFS elements ( Nb,Ta and Ti) . The high ratio of LILE/ HFS and negative Nb-Ta anomalies indicate that the volcanism evolved in subduction setting. Chondirite-normalized REE pattern display slight negative Eu anomalies and the La/Yb ratios of the samples range between 2,76 and 4,89. Our new geochemical, stratigraphical and the regional geological data suggest that north of Istanbul there was a transition from fore-arc deposition to arc volcanism during the Late Cretaceous opening of the Western Black Sea. Considering the whole Pontide – Sredna-Gora Upper Cretaceous magmatic arc, it can be stated that calc-alkaline volcanism developed in relation to northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere during the Turonian, and may have passed into high-K calc alkaline and shoshonitic magmatism as a result of the progressive extentional tectonism during the Campanian.
How to cite: Ay, C., Sunal, G., and Okay, A. I.: Stratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrology of the Upper Cretaceous volcanic arc sequence north of Istanbul, Pontides, NW Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6240, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6240, 2021.
EGU21-5108 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Petrogenesis of the Upper Cretaceous volcanism in the Kefken region, Western Pontides, NW TurkeyTurgut Duzman, Ezgi Sağlam, and Aral I. Okay
The Upper Cretaceous volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks crop out along the Black Sea coastline in Turkey. They are part of a magmatic arc that formed as a result of northward subduction of the Tethys ocean beneath the southern margin of Laurasia. The lower part of the Upper Cretaceous volcanism in the Kefken region, 100 km northeast of Istanbul, is represented by basaltic andesites, andesites, agglomerates and tuffs, which have yielded Late Cretaceous (Campanian, ca. 83 Ma) U-Pb zircon ages. The volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks are stratigraphically overlain by shallow to deep marine limestones, which range in age from Late Campanian to Early Eocene. Geochemically, basaltic andesites and andesites display negative anomalies in Nb, Ta and Ti, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) relative to high field strength elements (HFSE). Light rare earth elements (LREE) show slightly enrichment relative to heavy rare earth elements (Lacn/Ybcn =2.51-3.63) and there are slight negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.71-0.95) in basaltic andesite and andesite samples. The geochemical data indicate that Campanian volcanic rocks were derived from the partial melting of the mantle wedge induced by hydrous fluids released by dehydration of the subducted oceanic slab.
There is also a horizon of volcanic rocks, about 230 m thick, within the Late Campanian-Early Eocene limestone sequence. This volcanic horizon, which consists of pillow basalts, porphyritic basalts, andesites and dacites, is of Maastrichtian age based on paleontological data from the intra-pillow sediments and U-Pb zircon ages from the andesites and dacites (72-68 Ma). The Maastrichtian andesites and dacites are geochemically distinct from the Campanian volcanic rocks. They show distinct adakite-like geochemical signatures with high ratios of Sr/Y (>85.5), high Lacn/Ybcn (16.4-23.7) ratios, low content of Y (7.4-8.6 ppm) and low content of heavy rare-earth elements (HREE). The adakitic rocks most probably formed as a result of partial melting of the subducting oceanic slab under garnet and amphibole stable conditions.
The Upper Cretaceous arc sequence in the Kefken region shows a change from typical subduction-related magmas to adakitic ones, accompanied by decrease in the volcanism.
How to cite: Duzman, T., Sağlam, E., and Okay, A. I.: Petrogenesis of the Upper Cretaceous volcanism in the Kefken region, Western Pontides, NW Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5108, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5108, 2021.
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The Upper Cretaceous volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks crop out along the Black Sea coastline in Turkey. They are part of a magmatic arc that formed as a result of northward subduction of the Tethys ocean beneath the southern margin of Laurasia. The lower part of the Upper Cretaceous volcanism in the Kefken region, 100 km northeast of Istanbul, is represented by basaltic andesites, andesites, agglomerates and tuffs, which have yielded Late Cretaceous (Campanian, ca. 83 Ma) U-Pb zircon ages. The volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks are stratigraphically overlain by shallow to deep marine limestones, which range in age from Late Campanian to Early Eocene. Geochemically, basaltic andesites and andesites display negative anomalies in Nb, Ta and Ti, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) relative to high field strength elements (HFSE). Light rare earth elements (LREE) show slightly enrichment relative to heavy rare earth elements (Lacn/Ybcn =2.51-3.63) and there are slight negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.71-0.95) in basaltic andesite and andesite samples. The geochemical data indicate that Campanian volcanic rocks were derived from the partial melting of the mantle wedge induced by hydrous fluids released by dehydration of the subducted oceanic slab.
There is also a horizon of volcanic rocks, about 230 m thick, within the Late Campanian-Early Eocene limestone sequence. This volcanic horizon, which consists of pillow basalts, porphyritic basalts, andesites and dacites, is of Maastrichtian age based on paleontological data from the intra-pillow sediments and U-Pb zircon ages from the andesites and dacites (72-68 Ma). The Maastrichtian andesites and dacites are geochemically distinct from the Campanian volcanic rocks. They show distinct adakite-like geochemical signatures with high ratios of Sr/Y (>85.5), high Lacn/Ybcn (16.4-23.7) ratios, low content of Y (7.4-8.6 ppm) and low content of heavy rare-earth elements (HREE). The adakitic rocks most probably formed as a result of partial melting of the subducting oceanic slab under garnet and amphibole stable conditions.
The Upper Cretaceous arc sequence in the Kefken region shows a change from typical subduction-related magmas to adakitic ones, accompanied by decrease in the volcanism.
How to cite: Duzman, T., Sağlam, E., and Okay, A. I.: Petrogenesis of the Upper Cretaceous volcanism in the Kefken region, Western Pontides, NW Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5108, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5108, 2021.
EGU21-9926 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
New thermal constraints for the Anatolian lithosphere from Curie depth point and Pn tomographyAli Deger Ozbakir and Hayrullah Karabulut
Continental deformation can be described in two end-member approaches: block (or microplate) and continuum models. The first considers a strong lithosphere with deformation localized in fault zones. For the latter, however, the lithosphere is weak and deforms as a thin viscous sheet. The Anatolia – Aegean domain represents both continuum and plate-like deformation. Furthermore, recent modeling studies suggest a dynamic support mechanism of the Anatolian plateaus, with dynamic topography estimates ranging from 1 to 3 km for various crustal models and geodynamic scenarios, although the gravity and crustal thickness data support predominant Airy isostasy. The solution to both intricacies relies on the thermal structure of the crust and the lithosphere. Available thermal considerations stem from either the uppermost mantle velocity structure or thermal modeling with assumptions on radiogenic heat production and boundary conditions. Yet, homogeneous and independent constraints on the lithospheric structure are scarce. We aim to contribute to this knowledge gap by providing Curie Point Depths (CPDs), which corresponds to the depth at which rock-forming minerals lose their magnetization at the Curie temperature, ~580 oC.
Resolution of deep magnetic sources requires spectral methods with large windows, which reduce the CPD resolution. Moving & overlapping smaller windows have been used in order to increase the resolution, but these introduce spectral leakage and bias. In previous studies, subjective wavenumber ranges of the magnetic anomaly spectra were used, often combined with wrong scaling factors between map units and the equations. This resulted in generally erroneous CPD estimates. Furthermore, CPD uncertainties have often been unquantified for the study area. We use a wavelet transform method, which overcomes the artifacts due to segmentation of magnetic signal to finite windows, results in higher spatial resolution as well as enabling uncertainty estimation. We used as large an area as possible for constraining the edge effects away from the study area. The resultant CPD map spatially correlates well with low Pn velocity areas, locations of volcanoes, and thermal springs.
How to cite: Ozbakir, A. D. and Karabulut, H.: New thermal constraints for the Anatolian lithosphere from Curie depth point and Pn tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9926, 2021.
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Continental deformation can be described in two end-member approaches: block (or microplate) and continuum models. The first considers a strong lithosphere with deformation localized in fault zones. For the latter, however, the lithosphere is weak and deforms as a thin viscous sheet. The Anatolia – Aegean domain represents both continuum and plate-like deformation. Furthermore, recent modeling studies suggest a dynamic support mechanism of the Anatolian plateaus, with dynamic topography estimates ranging from 1 to 3 km for various crustal models and geodynamic scenarios, although the gravity and crustal thickness data support predominant Airy isostasy. The solution to both intricacies relies on the thermal structure of the crust and the lithosphere. Available thermal considerations stem from either the uppermost mantle velocity structure or thermal modeling with assumptions on radiogenic heat production and boundary conditions. Yet, homogeneous and independent constraints on the lithospheric structure are scarce. We aim to contribute to this knowledge gap by providing Curie Point Depths (CPDs), which corresponds to the depth at which rock-forming minerals lose their magnetization at the Curie temperature, ~580 oC.
Resolution of deep magnetic sources requires spectral methods with large windows, which reduce the CPD resolution. Moving & overlapping smaller windows have been used in order to increase the resolution, but these introduce spectral leakage and bias. In previous studies, subjective wavenumber ranges of the magnetic anomaly spectra were used, often combined with wrong scaling factors between map units and the equations. This resulted in generally erroneous CPD estimates. Furthermore, CPD uncertainties have often been unquantified for the study area. We use a wavelet transform method, which overcomes the artifacts due to segmentation of magnetic signal to finite windows, results in higher spatial resolution as well as enabling uncertainty estimation. We used as large an area as possible for constraining the edge effects away from the study area. The resultant CPD map spatially correlates well with low Pn velocity areas, locations of volcanoes, and thermal springs.
How to cite: Ozbakir, A. D. and Karabulut, H.: New thermal constraints for the Anatolian lithosphere from Curie depth point and Pn tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9926, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9926, 2021.
EGU21-3201 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Integrated geological-geophysical study of the junction zone of Eurasia and GondwanaLev Eppelbaum and Youri Katz
Tectonically the considered area of junction of four lithospheric plates (Nubian, Arabian, Aegean-Anatolian and Sinai) belongs to the Eastern Mediterranean, with its Cyprus-Levantine marine and Anatolian-Nubian-Arabian continental framing. The anomalousness of the region is manifested in the tectono-structural features of the mantle, lithosphere, hydrosphere and specifics of atmospheric, biospheric processes, and Hominid evolution.
The study region is distinguished by a complex junction of elements of the continental and oceanic crust. This intricate structure is caused by the simultaneous development of collision processes associated with the latitudinal zone of the Neotethys Ocean closure and manifestation of the initial stages of spreading of the Red Sea – Indian Ocean submeridional rift system. This area is characterized by presence of several geological-geophysical phenomena: (1) anomalous thickening of the mantle lithosphere in the Cyprus-Levantine zone, (2) development of the most ancient oceanic crust block with the Kiama paleomagnetic hyperzone, (3) presence of significant in size and amplitude gravitational and magnetic anomalies and lowest values of thermal flow, (4) presence of mantle diapirs, (5) high seismic activity, (5) development of a counterclockwise circular rotation of the GPS vectors, and (6) the location of the apical part of the oval structure occurring in the Earth's lower mantle. The study area is also distinguished by unique geomorphological and paleogeographic features. At present, the lowest elevations of the earth's surface relief developed here reach –430 m on the Dead Sea coast, and the deepest zones of the Mediterranean Sea almost reach the ultra-abyssal depth of –5267 m in the Calypso depression in the Ionian arc of Greece. In the epoch of the Mediterranean Sea drying out in the end of the Miocene (the Messinian crisis), the earth's surface marks (taking into account the hydro-isostatic effect) could reach 3000-4000 m below the hydrosphere level; this was probably the lowest land hypsometric minimum in the Earth geological history.
The aforementioned phenomena make it possible to conclude that this region is a giant geodynamic node formed in the northern hemisphere at the intersection of the latitudinal critical parallel (35о) in the Eurasia and Gondwana junction zone and the meridional step of the Ural-African geoid anomaly. The combined use of systematic data analysis, geodynamic constructions, structural-tectonic zonation, and cyclic analysis enabled to clarify the history of geodynamic development and genesis of the tectono-physical formation of individual geological structures, and the region as a whole.
A special importance was paid to the satellite gravity data analysis with the subsequent modeling and transformation and identification of the heterogeneous structures in the Earth's crust, mantle lithosphere and lower mantle. Paleomagnetic mapping of the region indicates an increase of the frequency and diversity of magmatic complexes from the west to east. Obviously, this manifestation is due to the counterclockwise rotation of the Earth's crust relative to elongated axis of the discovered deep mantle structure (Eppelbaum et al., 2021).
Eppelbaum, L.V., Ben-Avraham, Z., Katz, Y., Cloetingh, S. and Kaban, M., 2021. Giant quasi-ring mantle structure in the African-Arabian junction: Results derived from the geological-geophysical data integration. Geotectonics, 55, No. 1, 1-28
How to cite: Eppelbaum, L. and Katz, Y.: Integrated geological-geophysical study of the junction zone of Eurasia and Gondwana, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3201, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3201, 2021.
Tectonically the considered area of junction of four lithospheric plates (Nubian, Arabian, Aegean-Anatolian and Sinai) belongs to the Eastern Mediterranean, with its Cyprus-Levantine marine and Anatolian-Nubian-Arabian continental framing. The anomalousness of the region is manifested in the tectono-structural features of the mantle, lithosphere, hydrosphere and specifics of atmospheric, biospheric processes, and Hominid evolution.
The study region is distinguished by a complex junction of elements of the continental and oceanic crust. This intricate structure is caused by the simultaneous development of collision processes associated with the latitudinal zone of the Neotethys Ocean closure and manifestation of the initial stages of spreading of the Red Sea – Indian Ocean submeridional rift system. This area is characterized by presence of several geological-geophysical phenomena: (1) anomalous thickening of the mantle lithosphere in the Cyprus-Levantine zone, (2) development of the most ancient oceanic crust block with the Kiama paleomagnetic hyperzone, (3) presence of significant in size and amplitude gravitational and magnetic anomalies and lowest values of thermal flow, (4) presence of mantle diapirs, (5) high seismic activity, (5) development of a counterclockwise circular rotation of the GPS vectors, and (6) the location of the apical part of the oval structure occurring in the Earth's lower mantle. The study area is also distinguished by unique geomorphological and paleogeographic features. At present, the lowest elevations of the earth's surface relief developed here reach –430 m on the Dead Sea coast, and the deepest zones of the Mediterranean Sea almost reach the ultra-abyssal depth of –5267 m in the Calypso depression in the Ionian arc of Greece. In the epoch of the Mediterranean Sea drying out in the end of the Miocene (the Messinian crisis), the earth's surface marks (taking into account the hydro-isostatic effect) could reach 3000-4000 m below the hydrosphere level; this was probably the lowest land hypsometric minimum in the Earth geological history.
The aforementioned phenomena make it possible to conclude that this region is a giant geodynamic node formed in the northern hemisphere at the intersection of the latitudinal critical parallel (35о) in the Eurasia and Gondwana junction zone and the meridional step of the Ural-African geoid anomaly. The combined use of systematic data analysis, geodynamic constructions, structural-tectonic zonation, and cyclic analysis enabled to clarify the history of geodynamic development and genesis of the tectono-physical formation of individual geological structures, and the region as a whole.
A special importance was paid to the satellite gravity data analysis with the subsequent modeling and transformation and identification of the heterogeneous structures in the Earth's crust, mantle lithosphere and lower mantle. Paleomagnetic mapping of the region indicates an increase of the frequency and diversity of magmatic complexes from the west to east. Obviously, this manifestation is due to the counterclockwise rotation of the Earth's crust relative to elongated axis of the discovered deep mantle structure (Eppelbaum et al., 2021).
Eppelbaum, L.V., Ben-Avraham, Z., Katz, Y., Cloetingh, S. and Kaban, M., 2021. Giant quasi-ring mantle structure in the African-Arabian junction: Results derived from the geological-geophysical data integration. Geotectonics, 55, No. 1, 1-28
How to cite: Eppelbaum, L. and Katz, Y.: Integrated geological-geophysical study of the junction zone of Eurasia and Gondwana, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3201, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3201, 2021.
EGU21-179 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Miocene structural inversion of the Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collisionThomas Gusmeo, William Cavazza, Victor Alania, Onise Enukidze, Massimiliano Zattin, and Sveva Corrado
Young back-arc rift basins, because of the not yet dissipated extensional thermal signature, can be easily inverted following changes in the geodynamic regime and/or far-field stress transmission. Structural inversion of such basins mainly develops through reactivation of normal faults, particularly if the latter are favourably oriented with respect to the direction of stress transfer. The Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt of SW Georgia is an example of this mechanism, resulting from the structural inversion of a continental back-arc rift basin developed on the upper plate of the northern Neotethys slab in Paleogene times, behind the Pontides-Lesser Caucasus magmatic arc. New low-temperature thermochronological data [apatite fission-track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He (AHe) analyses] were obtained from a number of samples, collected across the Adjara-Trialeti belt from the former sedimentary fill of the basin and from syn-rift plutons. AFT central ages range between 46 and 15 Ma, while AHe ages cluster mainly between 10 and 3 Ma. Thermal modelling, integrating AFT and AHe data with independent geological constraints (e.g. depositional/intrusion age, other geochronological data, thermal maturity indicators and stratigraphic relationships), clearly indicates that the Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin was inverted starting from the late Middle Miocene, at 14-10 Ma. This result is corroborated by many independent geological evidences, found for example in the adjacent Rioni, Kartli and Kura foreland basins and in the eastern Black Sea offshore, which all suggest a Middle-Late Miocene phase of deformation linked with the Adjara-Trialeti FTB building. Adjara-Trialeti structural inversion can be associated with the widespread Middle-to-Late Miocene phase of shortening and exhumation that is recognised from the eastern Pontides to the Lesser Caucasus, the Talysh and the Alborz ranges. This tectonic phase can in turn be interpreted as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision, developed along the Bitlis suture hundreds of kilometres to the south.
How to cite: Gusmeo, T., Cavazza, W., Alania, V., Enukidze, O., Zattin, M., and Corrado, S.: Miocene structural inversion of the Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-179, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-179, 2021.
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Young back-arc rift basins, because of the not yet dissipated extensional thermal signature, can be easily inverted following changes in the geodynamic regime and/or far-field stress transmission. Structural inversion of such basins mainly develops through reactivation of normal faults, particularly if the latter are favourably oriented with respect to the direction of stress transfer. The Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt of SW Georgia is an example of this mechanism, resulting from the structural inversion of a continental back-arc rift basin developed on the upper plate of the northern Neotethys slab in Paleogene times, behind the Pontides-Lesser Caucasus magmatic arc. New low-temperature thermochronological data [apatite fission-track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He (AHe) analyses] were obtained from a number of samples, collected across the Adjara-Trialeti belt from the former sedimentary fill of the basin and from syn-rift plutons. AFT central ages range between 46 and 15 Ma, while AHe ages cluster mainly between 10 and 3 Ma. Thermal modelling, integrating AFT and AHe data with independent geological constraints (e.g. depositional/intrusion age, other geochronological data, thermal maturity indicators and stratigraphic relationships), clearly indicates that the Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin was inverted starting from the late Middle Miocene, at 14-10 Ma. This result is corroborated by many independent geological evidences, found for example in the adjacent Rioni, Kartli and Kura foreland basins and in the eastern Black Sea offshore, which all suggest a Middle-Late Miocene phase of deformation linked with the Adjara-Trialeti FTB building. Adjara-Trialeti structural inversion can be associated with the widespread Middle-to-Late Miocene phase of shortening and exhumation that is recognised from the eastern Pontides to the Lesser Caucasus, the Talysh and the Alborz ranges. This tectonic phase can in turn be interpreted as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision, developed along the Bitlis suture hundreds of kilometres to the south.
How to cite: Gusmeo, T., Cavazza, W., Alania, V., Enukidze, O., Zattin, M., and Corrado, S.: Miocene structural inversion of the Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-179, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-179, 2021.
EGU21-8590 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Spatial variation in seismic anisotropy beneath the eastern and northeastern Iranian plateau and its geodynamic implicationsYifan Gao, Ling Chen, Morteza Talebian, Zimu Wu, Xu Wang, Haiqiang Lan, Yinshuang Ai, Mingming Jiang, Mohammad Mahdi Khatib, Wenjiao Xiao, and Rixiang Zhu
The Iranian plateau is a natural laboratory for studying the early stage of continental collision and plateau development. The collisional front and northern plateau are the major areas accommodating the Arabia-Eurasia convergence. GPS observations suggest that the blocks of central Iran with minor shortening may be relatively rigid. However, recent seismic imaging results suggest that the lithosphere in this region might not be rigid for it is thin and not seismically fast. Widespread mantle-derived magmatism since Middle Miocene also lends support to a relatively hot and weak lithosphere. It may raise a question of why these blocks could behave rigidly when transmitting stresses to the north.
Deformation patterns of the lithosphere and asthenosphere in the northeastern and eastern Iranian plateau, which can be constrained by seismic anisotropy, may help to understand the nature of the lithosphere within the continental interior and its responses to the Arabia-Eurasia collision. We studied the seismic anisotropy of the region via teleseismic shear-wave splitting analysis on dense array data and compared the new results with multidisciplinary observations, particularly the surface strain rates and the structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system. In northeastern Iran around the Paleo-Tehtys suture, the dominant fast polarization direction (FPD) is NW-SE, subparallel to the strikes of thrust faults and orogenic belts. This combined with the relatively higher strain rates and thicker crust and lithosphere suggests that northeastern Iran with pre-existing weakness may have experienced considerable lithospheric shortening. The Lut block, which is a major block of eastern Iran bounded by large-scale strike-slip faults and previously assumed rigid, shows a complex anisotropic structure. In its northern part where the strain rates are low, the average NE-SW FPD has no obvious link to active faults but is roughly parallel to the collision-induced asthenospheric flow. The area to the south around the Dasht-e-Bayaz fault shows high strain rates and a complex structure of Moho. The generally NW-SE FPDs are subparallel to the direction of the surface right-lateral shear, possibly reflecting a fault-controlled lithospheric deformation pattern. Further south is the central Lut area with moderate strain rates. It is characterized by a two-layer structure of anisotropy, with the FPDs in the upper and lower layers being similar to those of the area around the Dasht-e-Bayaz fault and the northern Lut block, respectively. This feature indicates that the anisotropy and deformation of the central Lut area could be affected by both large-scale strike-slip faults and collision-induced mantle flow.
Collectively, our observations suggest that both the collisional processes at the plate boundary and the nature and structural heterogeneities of the continental lithosphere may control the intracontinental deformation of the Iranian plateau. The observed minor deformation of the Lut block and also other blocks within this young plateau does not necessarily mean that these blocks are rigid, but is probably because of significant deformation preferentially taking place at not only the collision front but also mechanically weak zones in the hinterland, which may have accommodated most of the Arabia-Eurasia convergence.
How to cite: Gao, Y., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Wu, Z., Wang, X., Lan, H., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Khatib, M. M., Xiao, W., and Zhu, R.: Spatial variation in seismic anisotropy beneath the eastern and northeastern Iranian plateau and its geodynamic implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8590, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8590, 2021.
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The Iranian plateau is a natural laboratory for studying the early stage of continental collision and plateau development. The collisional front and northern plateau are the major areas accommodating the Arabia-Eurasia convergence. GPS observations suggest that the blocks of central Iran with minor shortening may be relatively rigid. However, recent seismic imaging results suggest that the lithosphere in this region might not be rigid for it is thin and not seismically fast. Widespread mantle-derived magmatism since Middle Miocene also lends support to a relatively hot and weak lithosphere. It may raise a question of why these blocks could behave rigidly when transmitting stresses to the north.
Deformation patterns of the lithosphere and asthenosphere in the northeastern and eastern Iranian plateau, which can be constrained by seismic anisotropy, may help to understand the nature of the lithosphere within the continental interior and its responses to the Arabia-Eurasia collision. We studied the seismic anisotropy of the region via teleseismic shear-wave splitting analysis on dense array data and compared the new results with multidisciplinary observations, particularly the surface strain rates and the structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system. In northeastern Iran around the Paleo-Tehtys suture, the dominant fast polarization direction (FPD) is NW-SE, subparallel to the strikes of thrust faults and orogenic belts. This combined with the relatively higher strain rates and thicker crust and lithosphere suggests that northeastern Iran with pre-existing weakness may have experienced considerable lithospheric shortening. The Lut block, which is a major block of eastern Iran bounded by large-scale strike-slip faults and previously assumed rigid, shows a complex anisotropic structure. In its northern part where the strain rates are low, the average NE-SW FPD has no obvious link to active faults but is roughly parallel to the collision-induced asthenospheric flow. The area to the south around the Dasht-e-Bayaz fault shows high strain rates and a complex structure of Moho. The generally NW-SE FPDs are subparallel to the direction of the surface right-lateral shear, possibly reflecting a fault-controlled lithospheric deformation pattern. Further south is the central Lut area with moderate strain rates. It is characterized by a two-layer structure of anisotropy, with the FPDs in the upper and lower layers being similar to those of the area around the Dasht-e-Bayaz fault and the northern Lut block, respectively. This feature indicates that the anisotropy and deformation of the central Lut area could be affected by both large-scale strike-slip faults and collision-induced mantle flow.
Collectively, our observations suggest that both the collisional processes at the plate boundary and the nature and structural heterogeneities of the continental lithosphere may control the intracontinental deformation of the Iranian plateau. The observed minor deformation of the Lut block and also other blocks within this young plateau does not necessarily mean that these blocks are rigid, but is probably because of significant deformation preferentially taking place at not only the collision front but also mechanically weak zones in the hinterland, which may have accommodated most of the Arabia-Eurasia convergence.
How to cite: Gao, Y., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Wu, Z., Wang, X., Lan, H., Ai, Y., Jiang, M., Khatib, M. M., Xiao, W., and Zhu, R.: Spatial variation in seismic anisotropy beneath the eastern and northeastern Iranian plateau and its geodynamic implications, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8590, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8590, 2021.
EGU21-5209 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Opening and closure of Iranian back-arc basins: A seismic tomography viewNalan Lom, Abdul Qayyum, Derya Gürer, Douwe G. van der Meer, Wim Spakman, and Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen
Iran is a mosaic of continental blocks that are surrounded by Tethyan oceanic relics. Remnants of these oceanic rock assemblages are exposed around the Central Iranian Microcontinent (CIM), discretely along the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone and in Jaz-Murian. The ophiolite belts surrounding the CIM are mainly assumed to represent narrow back-arc basins that opened in Cretaceous and closed before the Eocene. Although these ophiolites are exposed as small pieces on continental crust today, they represent oceans wide enough to form supra-subduction ophiolites and arc-related magmatic rocks which suggest that their palaeogeographic width was at least some hundreds of kilometers. Current models for the palaeogeographic dimension, opening and closure of these basins are highly schematic. They usually seem plausible in two-dimensional reconstructions, however a single three-dimensional model explaining whole Iran and its surrounding regions has not been fully accomplished. This is mostly because while the geological record provides constraints on the origin and ages of the subducted ocean floor, it provides limited information about onset and cessation of the subduction and almost no constraints on the dimension of these oceans and the subduction zones that consumed them.
In this study, we follow a novel approach in estimating the dimension and evolution of these back-arc basin by using seismic tomography. Seismic tomography has revealed that we can image and trace subducted lithosphere relics. Imaged mantle structure is now being used to link sinking slabs with sutures and to define shape of a slab. Systematic comparison of regions where the timing of subduction is reasonably well constrained by geological data showed that slabs sink gradually through the mantle at rates more or less the same. This perspective enabled us to study slab shape as a function of absolute trench motion. While mantle stationary trenches tend to create steep slabs or slab walls, the flat-lying segments are formed where the overlying trenches are mobile relative to the mantle, normal facing during roll-back, overturned during slab advance. Under the assumption of vertical sinking after break-off, it is also possible to locate the palaeo-trenches. When combined with absolute plate motion reconstructions, tomographically determined volume and size of the subducted lithosphere can also be used to estimate the size/width of the prehistoric oceans. To this end, we build on and further develop concepts that relate absolute trench motion during subduction to modern slab geometry to evaluate the possible range of dimensions associated with opening and closure of the Iranian back-arc basins.
How to cite: Lom, N., Qayyum, A., Gürer, D., van der Meer, D. G., Spakman, W., and van Hinsbergen, D. J. J.: Opening and closure of Iranian back-arc basins: A seismic tomography view, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5209, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5209, 2021.
Iran is a mosaic of continental blocks that are surrounded by Tethyan oceanic relics. Remnants of these oceanic rock assemblages are exposed around the Central Iranian Microcontinent (CIM), discretely along the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone and in Jaz-Murian. The ophiolite belts surrounding the CIM are mainly assumed to represent narrow back-arc basins that opened in Cretaceous and closed before the Eocene. Although these ophiolites are exposed as small pieces on continental crust today, they represent oceans wide enough to form supra-subduction ophiolites and arc-related magmatic rocks which suggest that their palaeogeographic width was at least some hundreds of kilometers. Current models for the palaeogeographic dimension, opening and closure of these basins are highly schematic. They usually seem plausible in two-dimensional reconstructions, however a single three-dimensional model explaining whole Iran and its surrounding regions has not been fully accomplished. This is mostly because while the geological record provides constraints on the origin and ages of the subducted ocean floor, it provides limited information about onset and cessation of the subduction and almost no constraints on the dimension of these oceans and the subduction zones that consumed them.
In this study, we follow a novel approach in estimating the dimension and evolution of these back-arc basin by using seismic tomography. Seismic tomography has revealed that we can image and trace subducted lithosphere relics. Imaged mantle structure is now being used to link sinking slabs with sutures and to define shape of a slab. Systematic comparison of regions where the timing of subduction is reasonably well constrained by geological data showed that slabs sink gradually through the mantle at rates more or less the same. This perspective enabled us to study slab shape as a function of absolute trench motion. While mantle stationary trenches tend to create steep slabs or slab walls, the flat-lying segments are formed where the overlying trenches are mobile relative to the mantle, normal facing during roll-back, overturned during slab advance. Under the assumption of vertical sinking after break-off, it is also possible to locate the palaeo-trenches. When combined with absolute plate motion reconstructions, tomographically determined volume and size of the subducted lithosphere can also be used to estimate the size/width of the prehistoric oceans. To this end, we build on and further develop concepts that relate absolute trench motion during subduction to modern slab geometry to evaluate the possible range of dimensions associated with opening and closure of the Iranian back-arc basins.
How to cite: Lom, N., Qayyum, A., Gürer, D., van der Meer, D. G., Spakman, W., and van Hinsbergen, D. J. J.: Opening and closure of Iranian back-arc basins: A seismic tomography view, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5209, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5209, 2021.
EGU21-13537 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Structural style of the Kashan-Ardestan syn-tectonic sedimentary basin in Central Iran, Arabian-Eurasian collision zoneFarzad Gholamian, Mahdi Najafi, J. Kim Welford, Abdolreza Ghods, and Mohammad reza Bakhtiari
The Kashan-Ardestan sedimentary basin in Central Iran was initially formed by back-arc extension due to the subduction of Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere beneath the Iranian Plate during Eocene time. Following rifting and the onset of the Arabian-Central Iranian continental collision in the Oligocene, the basin was infilled by a sequence of continental clastic and evaporitic sediments referred to as the Lower Red Formation. Post-rift cooling and thermal subsidence led to the development of a shallow marine environment for the accumulation of Qom Formation carbonates and shales in the late Oligocene–early Miocene. The Qom Formation is the most significant hydrocarbon target in Central Iran, containing both source and reservoir rocks. The continental collision triggered the reactivation of pre-existing normal and strike-slip fault systems. The basin was subjected to compressional tectonism during the deposition of the Miocene Upper Red Formation and overlying Plio-Quaternary sediments. This long-lasting and multi-episodic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Kashan-Ardestan Basin has led to the formation of a complex structural style, which must be resolved before petroleum system modeling and drilling of prospects can take place.
In this study, several transverse and longitudinal 2D seismic lines were converted to depth and interpreted to define the deep-seated geometry of structures in the basin. The seismic lines were tied to the data from three exploration wells, reaching depths of ~ 4 km. In addition, ~ 15000 gravity and magnetic stations, covering the entire Kashan-Ardestan Basin, were integrated into our model.
The results of our study indicate that two major strike-slip fault systems, including the Qom-Zefreh and Ardestan faults in the south and the Gazu fault zone in the north, control the geometry and evolution of the Kashan-Ardestan Basin. In this basin, the rheological profiles of the sedimentary sequences control the folding style and deformation mechanisms. Both basement-involved and thin-skinned faults developed in the basin and formed different types of fault-related anticlines. The reactivation of pre-existing strike-slip faults has produced positive flower structures during compression. There is some evidence that the Navab Anticline in the SW developed as a forced fold, with basement involvement. In addition, several thin-skinned detachment folds are observed above the evaporites of the Lower Red Formation at the base of the sedimentary cover. The Lower Red Formation thins and pinches out toward the eastern limit of the basin, where the Qom carbonates directly overly the Eocene volcanic basement. Meanwhile, the Upper Red Formation thins toward the north and northeastern limits of the basin, and towards the crests of anticlines. These syntectonic thickness variations allow us to define the geometric evolution of the Kashan-Ardestan Basin through geologic times, allowing for the burial history of the source rock and timing of trap formation at the reservoir level to be described.
How to cite: Gholamian, F., Najafi, M., Welford, J. K., Ghods, A., and Bakhtiari, M. R.: Structural style of the Kashan-Ardestan syn-tectonic sedimentary basin in Central Iran, Arabian-Eurasian collision zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13537, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13537, 2021.
The Kashan-Ardestan sedimentary basin in Central Iran was initially formed by back-arc extension due to the subduction of Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere beneath the Iranian Plate during Eocene time. Following rifting and the onset of the Arabian-Central Iranian continental collision in the Oligocene, the basin was infilled by a sequence of continental clastic and evaporitic sediments referred to as the Lower Red Formation. Post-rift cooling and thermal subsidence led to the development of a shallow marine environment for the accumulation of Qom Formation carbonates and shales in the late Oligocene–early Miocene. The Qom Formation is the most significant hydrocarbon target in Central Iran, containing both source and reservoir rocks. The continental collision triggered the reactivation of pre-existing normal and strike-slip fault systems. The basin was subjected to compressional tectonism during the deposition of the Miocene Upper Red Formation and overlying Plio-Quaternary sediments. This long-lasting and multi-episodic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Kashan-Ardestan Basin has led to the formation of a complex structural style, which must be resolved before petroleum system modeling and drilling of prospects can take place.
In this study, several transverse and longitudinal 2D seismic lines were converted to depth and interpreted to define the deep-seated geometry of structures in the basin. The seismic lines were tied to the data from three exploration wells, reaching depths of ~ 4 km. In addition, ~ 15000 gravity and magnetic stations, covering the entire Kashan-Ardestan Basin, were integrated into our model.
The results of our study indicate that two major strike-slip fault systems, including the Qom-Zefreh and Ardestan faults in the south and the Gazu fault zone in the north, control the geometry and evolution of the Kashan-Ardestan Basin. In this basin, the rheological profiles of the sedimentary sequences control the folding style and deformation mechanisms. Both basement-involved and thin-skinned faults developed in the basin and formed different types of fault-related anticlines. The reactivation of pre-existing strike-slip faults has produced positive flower structures during compression. There is some evidence that the Navab Anticline in the SW developed as a forced fold, with basement involvement. In addition, several thin-skinned detachment folds are observed above the evaporites of the Lower Red Formation at the base of the sedimentary cover. The Lower Red Formation thins and pinches out toward the eastern limit of the basin, where the Qom carbonates directly overly the Eocene volcanic basement. Meanwhile, the Upper Red Formation thins toward the north and northeastern limits of the basin, and towards the crests of anticlines. These syntectonic thickness variations allow us to define the geometric evolution of the Kashan-Ardestan Basin through geologic times, allowing for the burial history of the source rock and timing of trap formation at the reservoir level to be described.
How to cite: Gholamian, F., Najafi, M., Welford, J. K., Ghods, A., and Bakhtiari, M. R.: Structural style of the Kashan-Ardestan syn-tectonic sedimentary basin in Central Iran, Arabian-Eurasian collision zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13537, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13537, 2021.
EGU21-3259 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
The Zagros Suture Amphibolites Record the Cretaceous Thermal Evolution of the Closing Tethyan RealmRegina Holtmann, Jesus Muñoz-Montecinos, Samuel Angiboust, Aitor Cambeses, Guillaume Bonnet, Johannes Glodny, Zeynab Gharamohammadi, Ali Kananian, and Philippe Agard
A Cretaceous paleo-accretionary wedge (the Ashin Complex) now exposed along the Zagros suture zone in southern Iran exhibits mafic and metapelitic lithologies. Field, geochemical and petrological observations point to a high-temperature event that gave rise to the formation of peritectic (trondhjemitic) melts associated with restitic garnet-bearing amphibolites in the structurally highest sliver of the Ashin Complex. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of grains crystallized in trondhjemitic leucosomes yields a 206Pb/238U weighted mean age of 104 ±1 Ma, interpreted as the peak temperature event, which occurred in the amphibolite facies (c. 640-650°C at 1.1-1.3 GPa), based on thermodynamic modeling. Rutile crystals from several leucosomes yield Zr-in-rutile temperatures between 580-640°C and LA-ICP-MS U/Pb ages of 87-94 Ma. This rutile generation may be related to the observed static formation of Na-clinopyroxene and Si-rich phengite rims, as well as the growth of lawsonite in late fractures. The latter paragenetic sequence has been previously interpreted as reflecting a long-term isobaric cooling that occurred at least until the end of the Cretaceous (ages in Angiboust et al., 2016).
While the latter observations point to a long-term cooling of the Zagros subduction thermal gradient down to 7°C/km during late Cretaceous times, this first report of an earlier melting event in the Zagros paleo-accretionary wedge indicates an abnormally high thermal gradient of 17-20°C/km. GPLATES paleogeographic reconstructions of the Tethyan realm evolution during Cretaceous times reveal the presence of a spreading ridge jump followed by the subduction of the formerly active ridge-segment between 105-115 Ma, which possibly left an imprint marked by the unusually hot gradient seen in Ashin amphibolites. The model further predicts the subduction of progressively aging oceanic lithosphere, possibly explaining the observed cooling of the subduction thermal regime.
How to cite: Holtmann, R., Muñoz-Montecinos, J., Angiboust, S., Cambeses, A., Bonnet, G., Glodny, J., Gharamohammadi, Z., Kananian, A., and Agard, P.: The Zagros Suture Amphibolites Record the Cretaceous Thermal Evolution of the Closing Tethyan Realm, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3259, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3259, 2021.
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A Cretaceous paleo-accretionary wedge (the Ashin Complex) now exposed along the Zagros suture zone in southern Iran exhibits mafic and metapelitic lithologies. Field, geochemical and petrological observations point to a high-temperature event that gave rise to the formation of peritectic (trondhjemitic) melts associated with restitic garnet-bearing amphibolites in the structurally highest sliver of the Ashin Complex. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of grains crystallized in trondhjemitic leucosomes yields a 206Pb/238U weighted mean age of 104 ±1 Ma, interpreted as the peak temperature event, which occurred in the amphibolite facies (c. 640-650°C at 1.1-1.3 GPa), based on thermodynamic modeling. Rutile crystals from several leucosomes yield Zr-in-rutile temperatures between 580-640°C and LA-ICP-MS U/Pb ages of 87-94 Ma. This rutile generation may be related to the observed static formation of Na-clinopyroxene and Si-rich phengite rims, as well as the growth of lawsonite in late fractures. The latter paragenetic sequence has been previously interpreted as reflecting a long-term isobaric cooling that occurred at least until the end of the Cretaceous (ages in Angiboust et al., 2016).
While the latter observations point to a long-term cooling of the Zagros subduction thermal gradient down to 7°C/km during late Cretaceous times, this first report of an earlier melting event in the Zagros paleo-accretionary wedge indicates an abnormally high thermal gradient of 17-20°C/km. GPLATES paleogeographic reconstructions of the Tethyan realm evolution during Cretaceous times reveal the presence of a spreading ridge jump followed by the subduction of the formerly active ridge-segment between 105-115 Ma, which possibly left an imprint marked by the unusually hot gradient seen in Ashin amphibolites. The model further predicts the subduction of progressively aging oceanic lithosphere, possibly explaining the observed cooling of the subduction thermal regime.
How to cite: Holtmann, R., Muñoz-Montecinos, J., Angiboust, S., Cambeses, A., Bonnet, G., Glodny, J., Gharamohammadi, Z., Kananian, A., and Agard, P.: The Zagros Suture Amphibolites Record the Cretaceous Thermal Evolution of the Closing Tethyan Realm, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3259, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3259, 2021.
EGU21-9755 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Ediacaran to Toarcian evolution of the Gasht Metamorphic Complex, Alborz Mountains, N IranLeila Rezaei, Martin J. Timmerman, Uwe Altenberger, Mohssen Moazzen, Franziska D. H. Wilke, Christina Günter, Masafumi Sudo, and Jiří Sláma
The Alborz Mountains in N Iran underwent several tectono-metamorphic events that reflect the opening and closure of the Paleo- and Neotethys Oceans. Metamorphic rocks that recorded these are rare and discontinuously exposed. They range from the HP-LT Asalem-Shanderman Complex in the west, to the Gasht Metamorphic Complex (GMC, this study), to the Gorgan Schists, and Fariman Schists near Mashhad in the east. They are considered to have formed during the closure of the Paleotethys Ocean. The GMC comprises poorly exposed metasediments and amphibolite metamorphosed under greenschist- to amphibolite-facies conditions. In addition, smaller volumes of granite occur. As the evolution of the basement rocks of the Alborz Mountains is still poorly known and their radiometric ages are very limited, we applied different dating methods to selected samples of the GMC basement to better understand the geological evolution of this part of the Alborz Mountains.
The granite yielded an Ediacaran 551 ± 2.5 Ma LA-ICP-MS U-Pb pooled zircon age. Monazites in two amphibolite-facies metapelites (Bt-Ms-St ± And schists) yielded Triassic 226 ± 24 and 229 ± 25 Ma CHIME U-Pb ages. Foliation-defining biotite and retrograde white mica replacing andalusite porphyroblasts in metapelites and peak-metamorphic amphibole from an amphibolite yielded much younger 175.1 ± 0.5 Ma to 177.0 ± 0.4 Ma 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages.
The Ediacaran crystallization age of the granite agrees with the late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian zircon age of the Lahijan granite in the eastern GMC reported by Guest et al. (2006) and indicates that the Alborz basement was a part of the northern margin of Gondwana at that time. It rifted and drifted away from Gondwana due to the opening of the Neotethys, probably in the Permian, along with other Iranian blocks (the so-called Cimmerian terranes). The mid to late Triassic monazite ages date the Barrovian peak metamorphism of the GMC and mark collision and accretion of a Cimmerian terrane following closure of the Paleotethys. The monazite ages overlap with the early Late Triassic age of deposition of the lowest parts of the unconformably overlying Shemshak Group in the central and eastern Alborz Mountains (ca. 213 Ma, Horton et al. 2008). Younger and very similar Toarcian 40Ar/39Ar ages for both pro- and retrograde minerals with different nominal closure temperatures, reflect very rapid cooling of GMC basement below the Shemshak Group due to extension-triggered uplift. This late Toarcian to Aalenian extension event can be correlated with the regional Mid-Cimmerian unconformity of mid-Bajocian age (c. 170 Ma) that resulted from the tectonic movements causing rapid uplift and erosion (Fürsich et al. 2009). Extension probably started in the western Alborz Mountains in the Toarcian and culminated in the Aalenian in the eastern Alborz with the formation of a deep-marine basin and was triggered by the onset of the subduction of Neotethys oceanic crust beneath the Central Iranian Microcontinent (Wilmsen et al. 2009).
Fürsich et al. 2009, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 312, 189-203. Guest et al., 2006, GSA Bulletin 118, 1507-1521. Horton et al., 2008, Tectonophysics 451, 97–122. Wilmsen et al. 2009, Terra Nova 21, 211–218.
How to cite: Rezaei, L., Timmerman, M. J., Altenberger, U., Moazzen, M., Wilke, F. D. H., Günter, C., Sudo, M., and Sláma, J.: Ediacaran to Toarcian evolution of the Gasht Metamorphic Complex, Alborz Mountains, N Iran, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9755, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9755, 2021.
The Alborz Mountains in N Iran underwent several tectono-metamorphic events that reflect the opening and closure of the Paleo- and Neotethys Oceans. Metamorphic rocks that recorded these are rare and discontinuously exposed. They range from the HP-LT Asalem-Shanderman Complex in the west, to the Gasht Metamorphic Complex (GMC, this study), to the Gorgan Schists, and Fariman Schists near Mashhad in the east. They are considered to have formed during the closure of the Paleotethys Ocean. The GMC comprises poorly exposed metasediments and amphibolite metamorphosed under greenschist- to amphibolite-facies conditions. In addition, smaller volumes of granite occur. As the evolution of the basement rocks of the Alborz Mountains is still poorly known and their radiometric ages are very limited, we applied different dating methods to selected samples of the GMC basement to better understand the geological evolution of this part of the Alborz Mountains.
The granite yielded an Ediacaran 551 ± 2.5 Ma LA-ICP-MS U-Pb pooled zircon age. Monazites in two amphibolite-facies metapelites (Bt-Ms-St ± And schists) yielded Triassic 226 ± 24 and 229 ± 25 Ma CHIME U-Pb ages. Foliation-defining biotite and retrograde white mica replacing andalusite porphyroblasts in metapelites and peak-metamorphic amphibole from an amphibolite yielded much younger 175.1 ± 0.5 Ma to 177.0 ± 0.4 Ma 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages.
The Ediacaran crystallization age of the granite agrees with the late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian zircon age of the Lahijan granite in the eastern GMC reported by Guest et al. (2006) and indicates that the Alborz basement was a part of the northern margin of Gondwana at that time. It rifted and drifted away from Gondwana due to the opening of the Neotethys, probably in the Permian, along with other Iranian blocks (the so-called Cimmerian terranes). The mid to late Triassic monazite ages date the Barrovian peak metamorphism of the GMC and mark collision and accretion of a Cimmerian terrane following closure of the Paleotethys. The monazite ages overlap with the early Late Triassic age of deposition of the lowest parts of the unconformably overlying Shemshak Group in the central and eastern Alborz Mountains (ca. 213 Ma, Horton et al. 2008). Younger and very similar Toarcian 40Ar/39Ar ages for both pro- and retrograde minerals with different nominal closure temperatures, reflect very rapid cooling of GMC basement below the Shemshak Group due to extension-triggered uplift. This late Toarcian to Aalenian extension event can be correlated with the regional Mid-Cimmerian unconformity of mid-Bajocian age (c. 170 Ma) that resulted from the tectonic movements causing rapid uplift and erosion (Fürsich et al. 2009). Extension probably started in the western Alborz Mountains in the Toarcian and culminated in the Aalenian in the eastern Alborz with the formation of a deep-marine basin and was triggered by the onset of the subduction of Neotethys oceanic crust beneath the Central Iranian Microcontinent (Wilmsen et al. 2009).
Fürsich et al. 2009, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 312, 189-203. Guest et al., 2006, GSA Bulletin 118, 1507-1521. Horton et al., 2008, Tectonophysics 451, 97–122. Wilmsen et al. 2009, Terra Nova 21, 211–218.
How to cite: Rezaei, L., Timmerman, M. J., Altenberger, U., Moazzen, M., Wilke, F. D. H., Günter, C., Sudo, M., and Sláma, J.: Ediacaran to Toarcian evolution of the Gasht Metamorphic Complex, Alborz Mountains, N Iran, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9755, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9755, 2021.
EGU21-3557 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Tectonic evolution of Paleo-Tethys in NE IranYang Chu, Bo Wan, Mark B. Allen, Ling Chen, Wei Lin, and Morteza Talebian
The timings of the onset of oceanic spreading, subduction and collision are crucial in plate tectonic reconstructions, but not always straightforward to resolve. The evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean dominated the Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic tectonics of West Asia, but the timeline of events is still poorly-constrained. In this study we present detrital zircon ages from NE Iran, in order to determine the timing of tectonic events in the region, and the wider implications for regional tectonics, paleogeography and climate change. Paleozoic clastic rocks record two major age peaks at ~800 Ma and ~600 Ma. The consistency in age patterns shows a dominant provenance from the Neoproterozoic basement of northern Gondwana. We interpret deposition on a long-lasting passive continental margin after the initial spreading of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Initial collision between the South Turan (Eurasia) and Central Iran (Gondwana) blocks caused coarse clastic deposition, the protolith of the Mashhad Phyllite, in a peripheral foreland basin on the Paleozoic passive margin. The Mashhad Phyllite yields major zircon age clusters at 450-250 Ma and 1900-1800 Ma, with a clear provenance from the active, Eurasian, margin. The Paleozoic ages reveal a long-lived subduction zone under the South Turan Block began in the latest Ordovician. Analysis of the age spectra allows us to constrain the timing of initial collision as no later than 228 Ma, which is also a constraint on the maximum depositional age of the Mashhad Phyllite. Based on our new results and previous data, we discuss the interaction between the Rheic and Paleo-Tethys oceans, and explain how a new subduction zone may have initiated after continental collision. The timing of collision is similar to the Carnian Pluvial Event (CPE). Paleo-Tethys collision has previously been suggested as the trigger for this climatic change, and our study provides timing evidence that reinforces Paleo-Tethys closure as a causal mechanism for the CPE.
How to cite: Chu, Y., Wan, B., Allen, M. B., Chen, L., Lin, W., and Talebian, M.: Tectonic evolution of Paleo-Tethys in NE Iran, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3557, 2021.
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The timings of the onset of oceanic spreading, subduction and collision are crucial in plate tectonic reconstructions, but not always straightforward to resolve. The evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean dominated the Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic tectonics of West Asia, but the timeline of events is still poorly-constrained. In this study we present detrital zircon ages from NE Iran, in order to determine the timing of tectonic events in the region, and the wider implications for regional tectonics, paleogeography and climate change. Paleozoic clastic rocks record two major age peaks at ~800 Ma and ~600 Ma. The consistency in age patterns shows a dominant provenance from the Neoproterozoic basement of northern Gondwana. We interpret deposition on a long-lasting passive continental margin after the initial spreading of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Initial collision between the South Turan (Eurasia) and Central Iran (Gondwana) blocks caused coarse clastic deposition, the protolith of the Mashhad Phyllite, in a peripheral foreland basin on the Paleozoic passive margin. The Mashhad Phyllite yields major zircon age clusters at 450-250 Ma and 1900-1800 Ma, with a clear provenance from the active, Eurasian, margin. The Paleozoic ages reveal a long-lived subduction zone under the South Turan Block began in the latest Ordovician. Analysis of the age spectra allows us to constrain the timing of initial collision as no later than 228 Ma, which is also a constraint on the maximum depositional age of the Mashhad Phyllite. Based on our new results and previous data, we discuss the interaction between the Rheic and Paleo-Tethys oceans, and explain how a new subduction zone may have initiated after continental collision. The timing of collision is similar to the Carnian Pluvial Event (CPE). Paleo-Tethys collision has previously been suggested as the trigger for this climatic change, and our study provides timing evidence that reinforces Paleo-Tethys closure as a causal mechanism for the CPE.
How to cite: Chu, Y., Wan, B., Allen, M. B., Chen, L., Lin, W., and Talebian, M.: Tectonic evolution of Paleo-Tethys in NE Iran, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3557, 2021.
EGU21-14258 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Age of the Eastern Iranian oroclinal Buckling inferred from a U235/Pb207 dating on radial dikes in the Qayen AreaEmad Rojhani, Sasan Bagheri, Douwe Hinsbergen, Hossein Azizi, Farzin Ghaemi, Nalan Lom, and Abdul Qayyum
The Eastern Iranian Orocline provides us several opportunities to study magmatism in relation to tectonic events. The buckling of this orocline is accompanied by an extreme extension in its Khorasan outer arc during which a calc-alkaline dike swarm, generally andesite to dacite, intruded in a radial pattern into the Paleocene-Eocene volcano-sedimentary units, belonging to the platform of the Lut block. The azimuth of these dikes shows a declination of 30 degrees, from N300o to N330o. The U235/Pb207 age of ~41±74 Ma from zircon crystals taken from the dikes represents a considerable buckling with an extension occurred during the middle-upper Eocene. In fact, this time refers to the buckling in the boundary of the inner- and outer-arc of the orocline. This could be a noticeable document of syn-orocline magmatism in the Tethyan realm in the east of the Iranian plateau. The dikes and their host rocks are also sampled for AMS analysis and paleomagnetic measurements to test the amount of the oroclinal buckling in the Qayen area.
How to cite: Rojhani, E., Bagheri, S., Hinsbergen, D., Azizi, H., Ghaemi, F., Lom, N., and Qayyum, A.: Age of the Eastern Iranian oroclinal Buckling inferred from a U235/Pb207 dating on radial dikes in the Qayen Area, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14258, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14258, 2021.
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The Eastern Iranian Orocline provides us several opportunities to study magmatism in relation to tectonic events. The buckling of this orocline is accompanied by an extreme extension in its Khorasan outer arc during which a calc-alkaline dike swarm, generally andesite to dacite, intruded in a radial pattern into the Paleocene-Eocene volcano-sedimentary units, belonging to the platform of the Lut block. The azimuth of these dikes shows a declination of 30 degrees, from N300o to N330o. The U235/Pb207 age of ~41±74 Ma from zircon crystals taken from the dikes represents a considerable buckling with an extension occurred during the middle-upper Eocene. In fact, this time refers to the buckling in the boundary of the inner- and outer-arc of the orocline. This could be a noticeable document of syn-orocline magmatism in the Tethyan realm in the east of the Iranian plateau. The dikes and their host rocks are also sampled for AMS analysis and paleomagnetic measurements to test the amount of the oroclinal buckling in the Qayen area.
How to cite: Rojhani, E., Bagheri, S., Hinsbergen, D., Azizi, H., Ghaemi, F., Lom, N., and Qayyum, A.: Age of the Eastern Iranian oroclinal Buckling inferred from a U235/Pb207 dating on radial dikes in the Qayen Area, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14258, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14258, 2021.
EGU21-9304 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Slab segmentation and continental collision: reconstructing slab deformation in South-East Iran during the closure of Neotethys.Reuben Creighton, Wim Spakman, and Gordon Lister
EGU21-8321 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Novelly discovered post-mid-Eocene sinistral slip in the eastern Oman Mountains: widely distributed shear with wrench-fault assemblage related to Arabia-India convergenceFrank Mattern, Robert Bolhar, Andreas Scharf, Katharina Scharf, Paul Mattern, and Ivan Callegari
The geology of the Oman Mountains was shaped by the SW-directed obduction of allochthonous deep-sea rocks (Hawasina), trench-facies rocks (Haybi) and oceanic lithosphere (Semail Ophiolite) onto Arabian autochthonous shelf carbonates during the Late Cretaceous. Locally, the resulting obduction orogen was overprinted by significant post-obductional extension. NNE-directed extension occurred during at least two episodes which took place from the latest Cretaceous to early Eocene and late Eocene to Oligocene/Miocene, respectively. Moreover, the Oman Mountains, between the eastern Batinah Coastal Plain and the Sur area (Qalhat Fault) display numerous ~N/S-oriented folds and reverse faults. These structures overprinted mid-Eocene to at least Oligocene/Miocene formations (i.e., the Seeb to Barzaman formations).
Detailed structural/field work and satellite image analyses provide ample evidence that these ~N/S-compressional features are cogenetic with ~WNW to NW-striking sinistral faults. All these post-mid-Eocene structures are part of one major left-lateral WNW- to NW-striking shear zone from the Batinah Coastal Plain in the NW to the Batain area in the SE. Sinistral shearing is localized along the southwestern margin of the Saih Hatat Dome, crosses the Fanja area and continues to the northern part of the Jabal Akhdar Dome (Jabal Nakhl Subdome). The straight southwestern margin of the Saih Hatat Dome may correlate with a Permo-Triassic major extensional fault, active during the Pangea rifting. Shearing also affected rocks northeast of this zone, i.e., within the Salma Plateau and the Rusayl Embayment. Thus, shearing affected an area of 250 km by 40 km in width. We term this shear zone hereafter the “Hajar Shear Zone” (HSZ). The amount of sinistral shearing is unknown due to the absence of markers and wide strain distribution, but is likely to be at the order of a few tens of kilometers.
The cause for the WNW-directed sinistral shearing is the overall E/W-directed shortening between the Arabian and Indian plates. During shortening, a pre-existing WNW-striking basement fault zone was reactivated, creating the HSZ. A G-Plates reconstruction between the two plates reveals an ~8° counter-clockwise rotation of India (with respect to fixed Arabia) between 32.5 and 20 Ma, resulting in ~150 km E/W-shortening between both plates at the easternmost tip of Arabia. The area northeast of the HSZ underwent most E-W-shortening. The 150 km interplate E/W-shortening is the maximum value for sinistral shearing along the HSZ and other faults. Some of the shortening may have been absorbed offshore Oman across the Owen Basin and/or along the continental/oceanic transitions of both plates.
How to cite: Mattern, F., Bolhar, R., Scharf, A., Scharf, K., Mattern, P., and Callegari, I.: Novelly discovered post-mid-Eocene sinistral slip in the eastern Oman Mountains: widely distributed shear with wrench-fault assemblage related to Arabia-India convergence, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8321, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8321, 2021.
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The geology of the Oman Mountains was shaped by the SW-directed obduction of allochthonous deep-sea rocks (Hawasina), trench-facies rocks (Haybi) and oceanic lithosphere (Semail Ophiolite) onto Arabian autochthonous shelf carbonates during the Late Cretaceous. Locally, the resulting obduction orogen was overprinted by significant post-obductional extension. NNE-directed extension occurred during at least two episodes which took place from the latest Cretaceous to early Eocene and late Eocene to Oligocene/Miocene, respectively. Moreover, the Oman Mountains, between the eastern Batinah Coastal Plain and the Sur area (Qalhat Fault) display numerous ~N/S-oriented folds and reverse faults. These structures overprinted mid-Eocene to at least Oligocene/Miocene formations (i.e., the Seeb to Barzaman formations).
Detailed structural/field work and satellite image analyses provide ample evidence that these ~N/S-compressional features are cogenetic with ~WNW to NW-striking sinistral faults. All these post-mid-Eocene structures are part of one major left-lateral WNW- to NW-striking shear zone from the Batinah Coastal Plain in the NW to the Batain area in the SE. Sinistral shearing is localized along the southwestern margin of the Saih Hatat Dome, crosses the Fanja area and continues to the northern part of the Jabal Akhdar Dome (Jabal Nakhl Subdome). The straight southwestern margin of the Saih Hatat Dome may correlate with a Permo-Triassic major extensional fault, active during the Pangea rifting. Shearing also affected rocks northeast of this zone, i.e., within the Salma Plateau and the Rusayl Embayment. Thus, shearing affected an area of 250 km by 40 km in width. We term this shear zone hereafter the “Hajar Shear Zone” (HSZ). The amount of sinistral shearing is unknown due to the absence of markers and wide strain distribution, but is likely to be at the order of a few tens of kilometers.
The cause for the WNW-directed sinistral shearing is the overall E/W-directed shortening between the Arabian and Indian plates. During shortening, a pre-existing WNW-striking basement fault zone was reactivated, creating the HSZ. A G-Plates reconstruction between the two plates reveals an ~8° counter-clockwise rotation of India (with respect to fixed Arabia) between 32.5 and 20 Ma, resulting in ~150 km E/W-shortening between both plates at the easternmost tip of Arabia. The area northeast of the HSZ underwent most E-W-shortening. The 150 km interplate E/W-shortening is the maximum value for sinistral shearing along the HSZ and other faults. Some of the shortening may have been absorbed offshore Oman across the Owen Basin and/or along the continental/oceanic transitions of both plates.
How to cite: Mattern, F., Bolhar, R., Scharf, A., Scharf, K., Mattern, P., and Callegari, I.: Novelly discovered post-mid-Eocene sinistral slip in the eastern Oman Mountains: widely distributed shear with wrench-fault assemblage related to Arabia-India convergence, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8321, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8321, 2021.
EGU21-9890 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Architecture of the crust and lithosphere beneath the Semail Ophiolite from ambient noise tomography and receiver functions: insights on the tectonic evolution of eastern ArabiaChristian Weidle, Lars Wiesenberg, Andreas Scharf, Philippe Agard, Amr El-Sharkawy, Frank Krüger, and Thomas Meier
The Semail Ophiolite is the world‘s largest and best exposed oceanic lithosphere on land and a primary reference site for studies of creation of oceanic lithosphere, initiation of subduction, geodynamic models of obduction, subduction and exhumation of continental rocks during obduction. Five decades of geological mapping, structural, petrological and geochronological research provide a robust understanding of the geodynamic evolution of the shallow continental crust in northern Oman and how the late Cretaceous obduction process largely shaped the present-day landscape. Yet, prior to obduction, other first-order tectonic processes have left their imprint in the lithosphere, in particular the Neoproterozoic accretion of Arabia and Permian breakup of Pangea. Due to the scarcity of deep structure imaging below the ophiolite, the presence and significance of inherited structures for the obduction process remain unclear.
We discuss a new 3-D anisotropic shear wave velocity model of the crust below northern Oman derived from ambient noise tomography and Receiver Function analysis which allows to resolve some key unknowns in geodynamics of eastern Arabia: (1) Several NE-trending structural boundaries in the middle and lower crust are attributed to the Pan-African orogeny and align with first-order lateral changes in surface geology and topography. (2) The well-known Semail Gap Fault Zone is an upper crustal feature whereas two other deep crustal faults are newly identified. (3) Permian rifting occurred on both eastern and northern margins but large-scale mafic intrusions and/or underplating occurred only in the east. (4) While obduction is inherently lithospheric by nature, its effects are mostly observed at shallow crustal depths, and lateral variations in its geometry and dynamics can be explained by effects on pre-existing Pan-African and Permian structures. (5) Continental subduction and exhumation during late Cretaceous obduction may be the cause for crustal thickening below today‘s topography. (6) Thinning of the continental lithosphere below northern Oman in late Eocene times – possibly related to thermal effects of the incipient Afar mantle plume - provides a plausible mechanism for the broad emergence of the Oman Mountains and in particular the Jabal Akhdar Dome. Uplift might thus be unrelated to compressional tectonics during Arabia-Eurasia convergence as previously believed.
How to cite: Weidle, C., Wiesenberg, L., Scharf, A., Agard, P., El-Sharkawy, A., Krüger, F., and Meier, T.: Architecture of the crust and lithosphere beneath the Semail Ophiolite from ambient noise tomography and receiver functions: insights on the tectonic evolution of eastern Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9890, 2021.
The Semail Ophiolite is the world‘s largest and best exposed oceanic lithosphere on land and a primary reference site for studies of creation of oceanic lithosphere, initiation of subduction, geodynamic models of obduction, subduction and exhumation of continental rocks during obduction. Five decades of geological mapping, structural, petrological and geochronological research provide a robust understanding of the geodynamic evolution of the shallow continental crust in northern Oman and how the late Cretaceous obduction process largely shaped the present-day landscape. Yet, prior to obduction, other first-order tectonic processes have left their imprint in the lithosphere, in particular the Neoproterozoic accretion of Arabia and Permian breakup of Pangea. Due to the scarcity of deep structure imaging below the ophiolite, the presence and significance of inherited structures for the obduction process remain unclear.
We discuss a new 3-D anisotropic shear wave velocity model of the crust below northern Oman derived from ambient noise tomography and Receiver Function analysis which allows to resolve some key unknowns in geodynamics of eastern Arabia: (1) Several NE-trending structural boundaries in the middle and lower crust are attributed to the Pan-African orogeny and align with first-order lateral changes in surface geology and topography. (2) The well-known Semail Gap Fault Zone is an upper crustal feature whereas two other deep crustal faults are newly identified. (3) Permian rifting occurred on both eastern and northern margins but large-scale mafic intrusions and/or underplating occurred only in the east. (4) While obduction is inherently lithospheric by nature, its effects are mostly observed at shallow crustal depths, and lateral variations in its geometry and dynamics can be explained by effects on pre-existing Pan-African and Permian structures. (5) Continental subduction and exhumation during late Cretaceous obduction may be the cause for crustal thickening below today‘s topography. (6) Thinning of the continental lithosphere below northern Oman in late Eocene times – possibly related to thermal effects of the incipient Afar mantle plume - provides a plausible mechanism for the broad emergence of the Oman Mountains and in particular the Jabal Akhdar Dome. Uplift might thus be unrelated to compressional tectonics during Arabia-Eurasia convergence as previously believed.
How to cite: Weidle, C., Wiesenberg, L., Scharf, A., Agard, P., El-Sharkawy, A., Krüger, F., and Meier, T.: Architecture of the crust and lithosphere beneath the Semail Ophiolite from ambient noise tomography and receiver functions: insights on the tectonic evolution of eastern Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9890, 2021.
EGU21-1916 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Contributions from the detrital approach to unravelling the timing of India-Asia collision and Himalayan evolutionYani Najman and Shihu Li
Knowledge of the timing of India-Asia collision and associated Tethyan closure in the region is critical to advancement of models of crustal deformation. One of a number of methods traditionally used to constrain the time of India-Asia collision is the detrital approach. This involves determination of when Asian material first arrived on the Indian plate, with most recent estimates documenting collision at ca 60 Ma (e.g. Hu et al, Earth Science Reviews 2016). However, more recently, such data and a number of other approaches providing data previously used to determine the timing of India-Asia collision, have been controversially re-interpreted to represent collision of India with an Island arc, with terminal India-Asia collision occurring significantly later, ca 34 Ma (e.g. Aitchison et al, J. Geophysical Research 2007). Clearly, for the detrital approach to advance the debate, discrimination between Asian detritus and arc detritus is required. Such a discrimination was proposed in Najman et al (EPSL 2017), dating the timing of terminal India-Asia collision at 54 Ma. However, this evidence is far from universally accepted. For example, such data are at variance with various palaeomagnetic studies which suggest that an oceanic Transtethyan subduction zone existed 600-2300 kms south of the Eurasian margin in the Paleocene (e.g. Martin et al, PNAS 2020) and therefore these authors propose different explanations to explain the detrital data. This presentation will discuss the uncertainties associated with our current understanding of the timing of India-Asia collision.
How to cite: Najman, Y. and Li, S.: Contributions from the detrital approach to unravelling the timing of India-Asia collision and Himalayan evolution, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1916, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1916, 2021.
Knowledge of the timing of India-Asia collision and associated Tethyan closure in the region is critical to advancement of models of crustal deformation. One of a number of methods traditionally used to constrain the time of India-Asia collision is the detrital approach. This involves determination of when Asian material first arrived on the Indian plate, with most recent estimates documenting collision at ca 60 Ma (e.g. Hu et al, Earth Science Reviews 2016). However, more recently, such data and a number of other approaches providing data previously used to determine the timing of India-Asia collision, have been controversially re-interpreted to represent collision of India with an Island arc, with terminal India-Asia collision occurring significantly later, ca 34 Ma (e.g. Aitchison et al, J. Geophysical Research 2007). Clearly, for the detrital approach to advance the debate, discrimination between Asian detritus and arc detritus is required. Such a discrimination was proposed in Najman et al (EPSL 2017), dating the timing of terminal India-Asia collision at 54 Ma. However, this evidence is far from universally accepted. For example, such data are at variance with various palaeomagnetic studies which suggest that an oceanic Transtethyan subduction zone existed 600-2300 kms south of the Eurasian margin in the Paleocene (e.g. Martin et al, PNAS 2020) and therefore these authors propose different explanations to explain the detrital data. This presentation will discuss the uncertainties associated with our current understanding of the timing of India-Asia collision.
How to cite: Najman, Y. and Li, S.: Contributions from the detrital approach to unravelling the timing of India-Asia collision and Himalayan evolution, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1916, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1916, 2021.
EGU21-13684 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Paleomagnetic results from the western Himalaya indicate multi-stage India-Eurasia collisionCraig R Martin, Oliver Jagoutz, Rajeev Upadhyay, Leigh H Royden, Michael P Eddy, Elizabeth Bailey, Claire I O Nichols, and Benjamin P Weiss
The classical model for the collision between India and Eurasia, which resulted in the formation of the Himalayan orogeny, is a single-stage continent-continent collision event at around 55 – 50 Ma. However, it has also been proposed that the India-Eurasia collision was a multi-stage process involving an intra-oceanic Trans-Tethyan subduction zone south of the Eurasian margin. We present paleomagnetic data constraining the location the Kohistan-Ladakh arc, a remnant of this intra-oceanic subduction zone, to a paleolatitude of 8.1 ± 5.6 °N between 66 – 62 Ma. Comparing this result with new paleomagnetic data from the Eurasian Karakoram terrane, and previous paleomagnetic reconstructions of the Lhasa terrane reveals that the Trans-Tethyan Subduction zone was situated 600 – 2,300 km south of the contemporaneous Eurasian margin at the same time as the first ophiolite obduction event onto the northern Indian margin. Our results confirm that the collision was a multistage process involving at least two subduction systems. Collision began with docking between India and the Trans-Tethyan subduction zone in the Late Cretaceous and Early Paleocene, followed by the India-Eurasia collision in the mid-Eocene. The final stage of India-Eurasia collision occurred along the Shyok-Tsangpo suture zone, rather than the Indus-Tsangpo. The addition of the Kshiroda oceanic plate, north of India after the Paleocene reconciles the amount of convergence between India and Eurasia with the observed shortening across the India–Eurasia collision system. Our results constrain the total post-collisional convergence accommodated by crustal deformation in the Himalaya to 1,350 – 2,150 km, and the north-south extent of the northwestern part of Greater India to < 900 km.
How to cite: Martin, C. R., Jagoutz, O., Upadhyay, R., Royden, L. H., Eddy, M. P., Bailey, E., Nichols, C. I. O., and Weiss, B. P.: Paleomagnetic results from the western Himalaya indicate multi-stage India-Eurasia collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13684, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13684, 2021.
The classical model for the collision between India and Eurasia, which resulted in the formation of the Himalayan orogeny, is a single-stage continent-continent collision event at around 55 – 50 Ma. However, it has also been proposed that the India-Eurasia collision was a multi-stage process involving an intra-oceanic Trans-Tethyan subduction zone south of the Eurasian margin. We present paleomagnetic data constraining the location the Kohistan-Ladakh arc, a remnant of this intra-oceanic subduction zone, to a paleolatitude of 8.1 ± 5.6 °N between 66 – 62 Ma. Comparing this result with new paleomagnetic data from the Eurasian Karakoram terrane, and previous paleomagnetic reconstructions of the Lhasa terrane reveals that the Trans-Tethyan Subduction zone was situated 600 – 2,300 km south of the contemporaneous Eurasian margin at the same time as the first ophiolite obduction event onto the northern Indian margin. Our results confirm that the collision was a multistage process involving at least two subduction systems. Collision began with docking between India and the Trans-Tethyan subduction zone in the Late Cretaceous and Early Paleocene, followed by the India-Eurasia collision in the mid-Eocene. The final stage of India-Eurasia collision occurred along the Shyok-Tsangpo suture zone, rather than the Indus-Tsangpo. The addition of the Kshiroda oceanic plate, north of India after the Paleocene reconciles the amount of convergence between India and Eurasia with the observed shortening across the India–Eurasia collision system. Our results constrain the total post-collisional convergence accommodated by crustal deformation in the Himalaya to 1,350 – 2,150 km, and the north-south extent of the northwestern part of Greater India to < 900 km.
How to cite: Martin, C. R., Jagoutz, O., Upadhyay, R., Royden, L. H., Eddy, M. P., Bailey, E., Nichols, C. I. O., and Weiss, B. P.: Paleomagnetic results from the western Himalaya indicate multi-stage India-Eurasia collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13684, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13684, 2021.
EGU21-7181 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Dissimilar age and provenance of the Nindam and Jurutze volcaniclastic formations, Zanskar Gorge, Ladakh (India)Goran Andjic, Renjie Zhou, Tara N. Jonell, and Jonathan C. Aitchison
Pre-early Eocene volcaniclastic rocks exposed in the Indus Suture Zone (Ladakh, India) are key to deciphering the complex magmatic and tectonic evolution of the convergent margins that existed between India and Eurasia. Several hypotheses exist regarding the provenance of the middle Cretaceous to early Cenozoic Jurutze and Nindam formations yet there is presently no consensus. Leading models propose that: (a) they were either formed in neighbouring sub-basins at one convergent margin consisting of the Kohistan-Ladakh-Dras arc; or (b) they became stratigraphically superposed after the collision between the Kohistan-Ladakh and Dras arcs. Here we present new U-Pb detrital zircon, major and trace element geochemical, and petrographic datasets from the Nindam and Jurutze formations that support a disparate provenance and thus necessitate an alternative model. The Jurutze Fm. has a geochemical composition typical of arcs built on continental crust, whereas the Nindam Fm. presents a geochemical signature compatible with that of an intraoceanic arc. The significant age gap between these formations (>20 m.y.) in the Zanskar Gorge further precludes the possibility that the Jurutze Fm. was deposited on top of the Nindam Fm. We propose that the Nindam and Jurutze formations were deposited in distinct forearc basins and explore scenarios for their formation at separate convergent margins, i.e. the separate Kohistan-Ladakh and Dras arcs, respectively.
How to cite: Andjic, G., Zhou, R., Jonell, T. N., and Aitchison, J. C.: Dissimilar age and provenance of the Nindam and Jurutze volcaniclastic formations, Zanskar Gorge, Ladakh (India), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7181, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7181, 2021.
Pre-early Eocene volcaniclastic rocks exposed in the Indus Suture Zone (Ladakh, India) are key to deciphering the complex magmatic and tectonic evolution of the convergent margins that existed between India and Eurasia. Several hypotheses exist regarding the provenance of the middle Cretaceous to early Cenozoic Jurutze and Nindam formations yet there is presently no consensus. Leading models propose that: (a) they were either formed in neighbouring sub-basins at one convergent margin consisting of the Kohistan-Ladakh-Dras arc; or (b) they became stratigraphically superposed after the collision between the Kohistan-Ladakh and Dras arcs. Here we present new U-Pb detrital zircon, major and trace element geochemical, and petrographic datasets from the Nindam and Jurutze formations that support a disparate provenance and thus necessitate an alternative model. The Jurutze Fm. has a geochemical composition typical of arcs built on continental crust, whereas the Nindam Fm. presents a geochemical signature compatible with that of an intraoceanic arc. The significant age gap between these formations (>20 m.y.) in the Zanskar Gorge further precludes the possibility that the Jurutze Fm. was deposited on top of the Nindam Fm. We propose that the Nindam and Jurutze formations were deposited in distinct forearc basins and explore scenarios for their formation at separate convergent margins, i.e. the separate Kohistan-Ladakh and Dras arcs, respectively.
How to cite: Andjic, G., Zhou, R., Jonell, T. N., and Aitchison, J. C.: Dissimilar age and provenance of the Nindam and Jurutze volcaniclastic formations, Zanskar Gorge, Ladakh (India), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7181, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7181, 2021.
EGU21-636 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Expanse of greater india in the cretaceousJun Meng, Stuart Gilder, Yalin Li, and Chengshan Wang
Knowing the original size of Greater India is a fundamental parameter to quantify the amount of continental lithosphere that was subducted to help form the Tibetan Plateau and to constrain the tectonic evolution of the India-Asia collision. Here, we report Early Cretaceous paleomagnetic data from the central and eastern Tethyan Himalaya that yield paleolatitudes consistent with previous Early Cretaceous paleogeographic reconstructions. These data suggest Greater India extended at least 2,675 ± 720 and 1,950 ± 970 km farther north from the present northern margin of India at 83.6°E and 92.4°E, respectively. The paleomagnetic data from Upper Cretaceous rocks of the western Tethyan Himalaya that are consistent with a model that Greater India extended ~2700 km farther north from its present northern margin at the longitude of 79.6°E before collision with Asia. Our result further suggests that the Indian plate, together with Greater India, acted as a single entity since at least the Early Cretaceous. An area of lithosphere ≥4.7 × 106 km2 was consumed through subduction, thereby placing a strict limit on the minimum amount of Indian lithosphere consumed since the breakup of Gondwanaland. The pre-collision geometry of Greater India’s leading margin helped shape the India-Asia plate boundary. The proposed configuration produced right lateral shear east of the indenter, thereby accounting for the clockwise vertical axis block rotations observed there.
How to cite: Meng, J., Gilder, S., Li, Y., and Wang, C.: Expanse of greater india in the cretaceous, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-636, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-636, 2021.
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Knowing the original size of Greater India is a fundamental parameter to quantify the amount of continental lithosphere that was subducted to help form the Tibetan Plateau and to constrain the tectonic evolution of the India-Asia collision. Here, we report Early Cretaceous paleomagnetic data from the central and eastern Tethyan Himalaya that yield paleolatitudes consistent with previous Early Cretaceous paleogeographic reconstructions. These data suggest Greater India extended at least 2,675 ± 720 and 1,950 ± 970 km farther north from the present northern margin of India at 83.6°E and 92.4°E, respectively. The paleomagnetic data from Upper Cretaceous rocks of the western Tethyan Himalaya that are consistent with a model that Greater India extended ~2700 km farther north from its present northern margin at the longitude of 79.6°E before collision with Asia. Our result further suggests that the Indian plate, together with Greater India, acted as a single entity since at least the Early Cretaceous. An area of lithosphere ≥4.7 × 106 km2 was consumed through subduction, thereby placing a strict limit on the minimum amount of Indian lithosphere consumed since the breakup of Gondwanaland. The pre-collision geometry of Greater India’s leading margin helped shape the India-Asia plate boundary. The proposed configuration produced right lateral shear east of the indenter, thereby accounting for the clockwise vertical axis block rotations observed there.
How to cite: Meng, J., Gilder, S., Li, Y., and Wang, C.: Expanse of greater india in the cretaceous, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-636, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-636, 2021.
EGU21-10737 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Plate kinematic and mantle seismic tomography constraints for the India-Asia collision, Part II: Insights from Myanmar to SulawesiAndrew Parsons, Karin Sigloch, and Kasra Hosseini
The India-Asia collision is one of the most globally significant tectonic events of the Cenozoic era. It is widely cited as providing a unique natural laboratory for studying collisional tectonics, offering invaluable insights of processes associated with continental collision across a multitude of scales. Yet despite its importance, significant debate continues to surround the validity of three mutually exclusive models to explain the India-Asia collision. These include: (1) the single subduction model; (2) the double subduction model; and (3) the Greater India Basin hypothesis. In our recent review (Parsons et al. 2020, Earth-Science Reviews) we demonstrated that available constraints from the Himalayan orogen and Tibetan plateau, including tomographic analysis of subducted slabs beneath these regions, are unable to robustly define the relative likeliness of each model. In this contribution, we expand upon the work of Parsons et al. (2020), with geological, geophysical, and plate kinematic constraints from the southern Eurasian margin between Myanmar and Sulawesi.
Our analysis focuses on the interpretation of subducted oceanic lithosphere beneath Myanmar to Sulawesi and includes a cross sectional area-based restoration of actively subducting India-Australia plate oceanic lithosphere. Our results provide a new restoration for the southern Eurasian margin and the India-Australia plate boundary (the Wharton ridge) during the India-Asia collision. Our integration of plate kinematic constraints with tomographic interpretation of subducted slabs suggests that the plate boundary between the Indian continent and southern Tibet migrated ~1000-2000 km northwards during collision. This includes ~1000 km lateral migration of subducted Indian plate oceanic lithosphere, now imaged beneath northern India and southern Tibet.
Our reconstruction proposes that northward migration of the India-Tibet suture and subducted Indian plate oceanic lithosphere initiated at ~43 Ma and reflects a major plate network reorganisation event. At this time, “hard collision” of the Indian continent with southern Eurasia occurred synchronously with (1) reduction in Indian plate velocity; (2) cessation of the Wharton ridge and coupling of the Indian and Australian plates; (3) subduction initiation of Australian plate oceanic lithosphere beneath southeast Eurasia, and onset of northeast migration of the Australian continent; (4) accelerated ocean spreading between Australia and Antarctica; and (5) southwest ridge jump of the Central India spreading ridge. Buoyancy of the Indian continent kept it afloat, whilst oceanic lithosphere to the east continued to drive wholesale motion of the coupled India-Australia plate. This forced the Indian continent to migrate northwards, dragging the subducted Indian plate oceanic slab with it, which effectively unzipped the coupled India-Australia plate along the extinct Wharton ridge, during subduction.
Our findings are most consistent with models (2) and (3), which are characterised by two collisions, the latter of which occurred between India and the Eurasian margin at ~45-40 Ma. More generally, our study demonstrates how changes in the balance of forces within a plate network, caused by events such as continental collision, can lead to significant plate network reorganisations. Such events can have dramatic effects on the position and geometry of subducted slabs and should be considered when interpreting plate restorations from deep-mantle structure.
How to cite: Parsons, A., Sigloch, K., and Hosseini, K.: Plate kinematic and mantle seismic tomography constraints for the India-Asia collision, Part II: Insights from Myanmar to Sulawesi, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10737, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10737, 2021.
The India-Asia collision is one of the most globally significant tectonic events of the Cenozoic era. It is widely cited as providing a unique natural laboratory for studying collisional tectonics, offering invaluable insights of processes associated with continental collision across a multitude of scales. Yet despite its importance, significant debate continues to surround the validity of three mutually exclusive models to explain the India-Asia collision. These include: (1) the single subduction model; (2) the double subduction model; and (3) the Greater India Basin hypothesis. In our recent review (Parsons et al. 2020, Earth-Science Reviews) we demonstrated that available constraints from the Himalayan orogen and Tibetan plateau, including tomographic analysis of subducted slabs beneath these regions, are unable to robustly define the relative likeliness of each model. In this contribution, we expand upon the work of Parsons et al. (2020), with geological, geophysical, and plate kinematic constraints from the southern Eurasian margin between Myanmar and Sulawesi.
Our analysis focuses on the interpretation of subducted oceanic lithosphere beneath Myanmar to Sulawesi and includes a cross sectional area-based restoration of actively subducting India-Australia plate oceanic lithosphere. Our results provide a new restoration for the southern Eurasian margin and the India-Australia plate boundary (the Wharton ridge) during the India-Asia collision. Our integration of plate kinematic constraints with tomographic interpretation of subducted slabs suggests that the plate boundary between the Indian continent and southern Tibet migrated ~1000-2000 km northwards during collision. This includes ~1000 km lateral migration of subducted Indian plate oceanic lithosphere, now imaged beneath northern India and southern Tibet.
Our reconstruction proposes that northward migration of the India-Tibet suture and subducted Indian plate oceanic lithosphere initiated at ~43 Ma and reflects a major plate network reorganisation event. At this time, “hard collision” of the Indian continent with southern Eurasia occurred synchronously with (1) reduction in Indian plate velocity; (2) cessation of the Wharton ridge and coupling of the Indian and Australian plates; (3) subduction initiation of Australian plate oceanic lithosphere beneath southeast Eurasia, and onset of northeast migration of the Australian continent; (4) accelerated ocean spreading between Australia and Antarctica; and (5) southwest ridge jump of the Central India spreading ridge. Buoyancy of the Indian continent kept it afloat, whilst oceanic lithosphere to the east continued to drive wholesale motion of the coupled India-Australia plate. This forced the Indian continent to migrate northwards, dragging the subducted Indian plate oceanic slab with it, which effectively unzipped the coupled India-Australia plate along the extinct Wharton ridge, during subduction.
Our findings are most consistent with models (2) and (3), which are characterised by two collisions, the latter of which occurred between India and the Eurasian margin at ~45-40 Ma. More generally, our study demonstrates how changes in the balance of forces within a plate network, caused by events such as continental collision, can lead to significant plate network reorganisations. Such events can have dramatic effects on the position and geometry of subducted slabs and should be considered when interpreting plate restorations from deep-mantle structure.
How to cite: Parsons, A., Sigloch, K., and Hosseini, K.: Plate kinematic and mantle seismic tomography constraints for the India-Asia collision, Part II: Insights from Myanmar to Sulawesi, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10737, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10737, 2021.
EGU21-15621 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Northward motion of the Burma Terrane alongside India during the Cenozoic.Jan Westerweel, Pierrick Roperch, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Alexis Licht, Nathan Cogne, and Fernando Poblete
Recent paleomagnetic data from early Late Cretaceous and late Eocene rocks from Myanmar (1,2) demonstrate that the Burma Terrane (BT) underwent an important northward translation alongside India in the Cenozoic. We present new paleomagnetic results from Paleocene to Eocene sediments that confirm the slightly southern to equatorial paleolatitudes during the Paleocene to mid Eocene. However, these paleomagnetic results imply a new paleogeography not compatible with the typical view of the geology of Myanmar as an andean-type margin above an active subduction of the Tethys/India oceanic crust below Sundaland. Most previous models proposed an active subduction below Myanmar during the Paleogene but a slab anchored in the mantle would impede the large northward motion of the BT implied by our paleomagnetic data. We thus review the geology of the BT in light of the new latitudinal constraints provided by the paleomagnetic data. The BT contains >10km thick Cenozoic basins (Central Myanmar Basins (CMBs)) recording the Cenozoic geological evolution of the BT. The CMBs were previously interpreted with sediment sources located within the Myanmar magmatic arc and to the east in Sibumasu. The numerous studies on detrital zircons from the Late Cretaceous - Paleogene sediments of the CMBs highlight a clear correlation in the distribution of the ages of the pre-Cretaceous zircons (~40% of the zircons in the sediments) with the one from the Triassic turbidites (Pane Chaung Formation) of the Indo-Burman Ranges and the Triassic sediments from the Tethyan Himalaya (Langjiexue Fm.). Thus, the source of sediments is unlikely to be in Sibumasu but proposed to be in an actively eroding north-western extension of the Indo-Burman ranges (Greater Burma block, (2)) possibly linked to the Tethyan Himalaya and consistent with a BT position within the India plate during the Cenozoic. In any case, we find little evidence for a nearby active magmatic arc in the detrital zircon record supporting the hypothesis of an active subduction below the BT. Thus this review of the geology of the BT supports a rapid northward moving BT alongside India during the Cenozoic. We will discuss the implication of this new paleogeography on the India-Asia collision models.
(1) Westerweel et al. « Burma Terrane Part of the Trans-Tethyan Arc during Collision with India According to Palaeomagnetic Data ». Nature Geoscience 12, no 10 (octobre 2019): 863‑68. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-019-0443-2.
(2) Westerweel et al. « Burma Terrane Collision and Northward Indentation in the Eastern Himalayas Recorded in the Eocene‐Miocene Chindwin Basin (Myanmar) ». Tectonics 39, no 10 (octobre 2020). https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006413.
How to cite: Westerweel, J., Roperch, P., Dupont-Nivet, G., Licht, A., Cogne, N., and Poblete, F.: Northward motion of the Burma Terrane alongside India during the Cenozoic., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15621, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15621, 2021.
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Recent paleomagnetic data from early Late Cretaceous and late Eocene rocks from Myanmar (1,2) demonstrate that the Burma Terrane (BT) underwent an important northward translation alongside India in the Cenozoic. We present new paleomagnetic results from Paleocene to Eocene sediments that confirm the slightly southern to equatorial paleolatitudes during the Paleocene to mid Eocene. However, these paleomagnetic results imply a new paleogeography not compatible with the typical view of the geology of Myanmar as an andean-type margin above an active subduction of the Tethys/India oceanic crust below Sundaland. Most previous models proposed an active subduction below Myanmar during the Paleogene but a slab anchored in the mantle would impede the large northward motion of the BT implied by our paleomagnetic data. We thus review the geology of the BT in light of the new latitudinal constraints provided by the paleomagnetic data. The BT contains >10km thick Cenozoic basins (Central Myanmar Basins (CMBs)) recording the Cenozoic geological evolution of the BT. The CMBs were previously interpreted with sediment sources located within the Myanmar magmatic arc and to the east in Sibumasu. The numerous studies on detrital zircons from the Late Cretaceous - Paleogene sediments of the CMBs highlight a clear correlation in the distribution of the ages of the pre-Cretaceous zircons (~40% of the zircons in the sediments) with the one from the Triassic turbidites (Pane Chaung Formation) of the Indo-Burman Ranges and the Triassic sediments from the Tethyan Himalaya (Langjiexue Fm.). Thus, the source of sediments is unlikely to be in Sibumasu but proposed to be in an actively eroding north-western extension of the Indo-Burman ranges (Greater Burma block, (2)) possibly linked to the Tethyan Himalaya and consistent with a BT position within the India plate during the Cenozoic. In any case, we find little evidence for a nearby active magmatic arc in the detrital zircon record supporting the hypothesis of an active subduction below the BT. Thus this review of the geology of the BT supports a rapid northward moving BT alongside India during the Cenozoic. We will discuss the implication of this new paleogeography on the India-Asia collision models.
(1) Westerweel et al. « Burma Terrane Part of the Trans-Tethyan Arc during Collision with India According to Palaeomagnetic Data ». Nature Geoscience 12, no 10 (octobre 2019): 863‑68. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-019-0443-2.
(2) Westerweel et al. « Burma Terrane Collision and Northward Indentation in the Eastern Himalayas Recorded in the Eocene‐Miocene Chindwin Basin (Myanmar) ». Tectonics 39, no 10 (octobre 2020). https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006413.
How to cite: Westerweel, J., Roperch, P., Dupont-Nivet, G., Licht, A., Cogne, N., and Poblete, F.: Northward motion of the Burma Terrane alongside India during the Cenozoic., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15621, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15621, 2021.
EGU21-7210 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Trench Advance in Collisional settings: insights from large scale 2D and 3D modelsArijit Laik, Wouter P. Schellart, and Vincent Strak
Continental collision, which leads to mountain building (e.g. Himalayas, Alps), has been under the geodynamic modelling lenses for the last few decades. Such processes subjected to physical and numerical investigations, in conjunction with observational studies, enrich knowledge on mountain belts and have worked out the general architectural large-scale structure and crustal shortening in such regions. The intent to understand the driving forces of long term (~50 Ma) and consistent convergence at the India-Eurasia collisional zone is the goal of the dynamic self-consistent buoyancy-driven whole-mantle scale 2D and 3D models presented in this contribution. The maximum post-collisional convergence rate (~0.362 cm/year) in 2D models, is less than 2 cm/year convergence of India considering it advanced ~1000 km in about 50 Ma. Additionally, the 2D models are inadequate in exploring the spatio-temporal evolution and dynamics of natural systems, thus necessitating modelling large scale subduction and subsequent continental collision resolving the 3D components of mantle flow. With a whole mantle reservoir and buoyancy-driven 2D models, the observed trench advance rate, with a large and fixed overriding plate, is relatively novel and higher than previous studies and the high resolution in 2D models also shows crustal-scale localisation in conjunction with large scale mantle flow. The computationally intensive simulations have significantly large (11520 km) trench-perpendicular (in 2D and 3D) and parallel (in 3D) lengths, include two sets of modelled depths: whole mantle (2880 km) and, upper mantle + partial lower mantle (960 km) and use the Underworld2 framework. In 3D, the interaction of an adjacent subducting oceanic plate(s) significantly aids the indentation and trench advance in the collisional margin. These would help understand the dynamics of analogues system(s) in nature such as the Sunda subduction zone and the India-Eurasia collision zone.
How to cite: Laik, A., Schellart, W. P., and Strak, V.: Trench Advance in Collisional settings: insights from large scale 2D and 3D models, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7210, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7210, 2021.
Continental collision, which leads to mountain building (e.g. Himalayas, Alps), has been under the geodynamic modelling lenses for the last few decades. Such processes subjected to physical and numerical investigations, in conjunction with observational studies, enrich knowledge on mountain belts and have worked out the general architectural large-scale structure and crustal shortening in such regions. The intent to understand the driving forces of long term (~50 Ma) and consistent convergence at the India-Eurasia collisional zone is the goal of the dynamic self-consistent buoyancy-driven whole-mantle scale 2D and 3D models presented in this contribution. The maximum post-collisional convergence rate (~0.362 cm/year) in 2D models, is less than 2 cm/year convergence of India considering it advanced ~1000 km in about 50 Ma. Additionally, the 2D models are inadequate in exploring the spatio-temporal evolution and dynamics of natural systems, thus necessitating modelling large scale subduction and subsequent continental collision resolving the 3D components of mantle flow. With a whole mantle reservoir and buoyancy-driven 2D models, the observed trench advance rate, with a large and fixed overriding plate, is relatively novel and higher than previous studies and the high resolution in 2D models also shows crustal-scale localisation in conjunction with large scale mantle flow. The computationally intensive simulations have significantly large (11520 km) trench-perpendicular (in 2D and 3D) and parallel (in 3D) lengths, include two sets of modelled depths: whole mantle (2880 km) and, upper mantle + partial lower mantle (960 km) and use the Underworld2 framework. In 3D, the interaction of an adjacent subducting oceanic plate(s) significantly aids the indentation and trench advance in the collisional margin. These would help understand the dynamics of analogues system(s) in nature such as the Sunda subduction zone and the India-Eurasia collision zone.
How to cite: Laik, A., Schellart, W. P., and Strak, V.: Trench Advance in Collisional settings: insights from large scale 2D and 3D models, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7210, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7210, 2021.
EGU21-2055 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Lithospheric Extension of the Accretionary Wedge: An Example From the Lanling High-Pressure Metamorphic Terrane in Central Qiangtang, TibetXiao Liang, Genhou Wang, Wentao Cao, Marnie Forster, and Gordon Lister
Deciphering the exhumation mechanism of high-pressure, low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphic rocks can provide important insights into the tectonic evolution of oceanic subduction zones at active continental margins. Here we present a multidisciplinary study examining the exhumation tectonics of the Permo–Triassic eclogite-bearing Lanling HP-LT terrane within the Central Qiangtang metamorphic belt (CQMB). Field relations and microscopic observations show that the HP-LT rocks are separated from the Permian ophiolite mélange of the hanging wall by low-angle detachments and exhibit five stages of deformation. The pervasive top-to-the-SW and -S shearing structures imply that the Lanling HP-LT terrane was exhumed as a transtensional metamorphic core complex (mcc). The results of the petrological and mineralogical analysis and pseudosection modeling of eclogites indicate that the eclogites and blueschists are characterized by synexhumation mineral growth pulses with decompressional P-T trajectories. A compilation of previous geochronological data and our 40Ar/39Ar dating results of shearing structures in HP-LT rocks indicate a continuous exhumation at ca. 244–210 Ma. Moreover, the CQMB experienced lithospheric transtension, as shown by the Middle–Late Triassic geological events, which include mantle upwelling at ca. 237–230 Ma and abyssal basin development in the Anisian–middle Norian. These observations indicate that the CQMB is likely a autochthonous accretionary wedge resulting from northward subduction of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean beneath the North Qiangtang Block (NQB). Moreover, the transtension of the CQMB occurred in the late stage of the oceanic subduction, which was probably triggered by oceanic slab rollback.
How to cite: Liang, X., Wang, G., Cao, W., Forster, M., and Lister, G.: Lithospheric Extension of the Accretionary Wedge: An Example From the Lanling High-Pressure Metamorphic Terrane in Central Qiangtang, Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2055, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2055, 2021.
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Deciphering the exhumation mechanism of high-pressure, low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphic rocks can provide important insights into the tectonic evolution of oceanic subduction zones at active continental margins. Here we present a multidisciplinary study examining the exhumation tectonics of the Permo–Triassic eclogite-bearing Lanling HP-LT terrane within the Central Qiangtang metamorphic belt (CQMB). Field relations and microscopic observations show that the HP-LT rocks are separated from the Permian ophiolite mélange of the hanging wall by low-angle detachments and exhibit five stages of deformation. The pervasive top-to-the-SW and -S shearing structures imply that the Lanling HP-LT terrane was exhumed as a transtensional metamorphic core complex (mcc). The results of the petrological and mineralogical analysis and pseudosection modeling of eclogites indicate that the eclogites and blueschists are characterized by synexhumation mineral growth pulses with decompressional P-T trajectories. A compilation of previous geochronological data and our 40Ar/39Ar dating results of shearing structures in HP-LT rocks indicate a continuous exhumation at ca. 244–210 Ma. Moreover, the CQMB experienced lithospheric transtension, as shown by the Middle–Late Triassic geological events, which include mantle upwelling at ca. 237–230 Ma and abyssal basin development in the Anisian–middle Norian. These observations indicate that the CQMB is likely a autochthonous accretionary wedge resulting from northward subduction of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean beneath the North Qiangtang Block (NQB). Moreover, the transtension of the CQMB occurred in the late stage of the oceanic subduction, which was probably triggered by oceanic slab rollback.
How to cite: Liang, X., Wang, G., Cao, W., Forster, M., and Lister, G.: Lithospheric Extension of the Accretionary Wedge: An Example From the Lanling High-Pressure Metamorphic Terrane in Central Qiangtang, Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2055, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2055, 2021.
EGU21-11976 | vPICO presentations | TS7.10
Tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Southwest Guangxi: evidence from acidic magmatic rocks in the Pingxiang area, SW ChinaWenmin Huang, Xijun Liu, Zhenglin Li, Bing Zhao, and Yiying Han
Early Mesozoic development of Southeast Asia involved oceanic subduction, closure, accretion and collision of discrete terranes rifted from Gondwana. South China, as an important continental terrane, is bound to the north by the Qinling-Dabie collisional orogenic belt, to the south by the Indochina Block, and to the east by the Pacific Plate. The role of continental collision and subduction during the Early Mesozoic development of South China has sparked the interest of geologists worldwide and stimulated considerable research. The Triassic tectonic history of the southwestern South China Block is marked by the Indosinian orogeny that records amalgamation of the Indochina and South China blocks during the late Permian to Triassic as a result of closure of the eastern branch of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. In South China, there is widespread granitic magmatism, metamorphism and deformation. The closure of eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean and subsequent collision between the South China block and Indochina Block has caused the collision zone metamorphism and formation of granites during the Permo-Triassic, with the Song Ma fault zone as the collision boundary. The Indosinian magmatism in the Pingxiang region was the magmatic products in this period. We report the new results of bulk-rock major and trace element, Nd, Hf isotopic compositions and zircon U–Pb dating of granites and rhyolites in the Pingxiang region in Guangxi Province, Southwest China, to decipher their petrogenesis and tectonic settings. The granites and rhyolitics in the Pingxiang area have low Mg# values (11.1–36.7), low Nb/Ta ratios (9.26–13.74) exhibiting a both affinity from S-type to I-type granaite. The isotopic features of these rocks show negative εHf(t) with the values ranging from -9.89 to -6.09, negative εNd(t) values ranging from -12.89 to -12.02 and T2DM values of 1.8–3.3 Ga, suggesting that the Pingxiang granites and rhyolites was derived from partial melting of paleoproterozoic crust rocks. The granites yielded 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 243 to 241 Ma, and the rhyolites yielded 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 247 to 245 Ma, which are both within the age range of the subduction to collision. Combine the regional geology, we suggest these granitoids and rhyolites were formed by the partial melting of crustal rocks during a transition from subduction to post-collisional environment with closure of Paleo-Tethys Ocean between the South China block and Indochina Block.
This study was financially supported by Guangxi Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (2018GXNSFFA281009) and the Fifth Bagui Scholar Innovation Project of Guangxi Province (to XU Ji-feng).
How to cite: Huang, W., Liu, X., Li, Z., Zhao, B., and Han, Y.: Tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Southwest Guangxi: evidence from acidic magmatic rocks in the Pingxiang area, SW China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11976, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11976, 2021.
Early Mesozoic development of Southeast Asia involved oceanic subduction, closure, accretion and collision of discrete terranes rifted from Gondwana. South China, as an important continental terrane, is bound to the north by the Qinling-Dabie collisional orogenic belt, to the south by the Indochina Block, and to the east by the Pacific Plate. The role of continental collision and subduction during the Early Mesozoic development of South China has sparked the interest of geologists worldwide and stimulated considerable research. The Triassic tectonic history of the southwestern South China Block is marked by the Indosinian orogeny that records amalgamation of the Indochina and South China blocks during the late Permian to Triassic as a result of closure of the eastern branch of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. In South China, there is widespread granitic magmatism, metamorphism and deformation. The closure of eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean and subsequent collision between the South China block and Indochina Block has caused the collision zone metamorphism and formation of granites during the Permo-Triassic, with the Song Ma fault zone as the collision boundary. The Indosinian magmatism in the Pingxiang region was the magmatic products in this period. We report the new results of bulk-rock major and trace element, Nd, Hf isotopic compositions and zircon U–Pb dating of granites and rhyolites in the Pingxiang region in Guangxi Province, Southwest China, to decipher their petrogenesis and tectonic settings. The granites and rhyolitics in the Pingxiang area have low Mg# values (11.1–36.7), low Nb/Ta ratios (9.26–13.74) exhibiting a both affinity from S-type to I-type granaite. The isotopic features of these rocks show negative εHf(t) with the values ranging from -9.89 to -6.09, negative εNd(t) values ranging from -12.89 to -12.02 and T2DM values of 1.8–3.3 Ga, suggesting that the Pingxiang granites and rhyolites was derived from partial melting of paleoproterozoic crust rocks. The granites yielded 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 243 to 241 Ma, and the rhyolites yielded 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 247 to 245 Ma, which are both within the age range of the subduction to collision. Combine the regional geology, we suggest these granitoids and rhyolites were formed by the partial melting of crustal rocks during a transition from subduction to post-collisional environment with closure of Paleo-Tethys Ocean between the South China block and Indochina Block.
This study was financially supported by Guangxi Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (2018GXNSFFA281009) and the Fifth Bagui Scholar Innovation Project of Guangxi Province (to XU Ji-feng).
How to cite: Huang, W., Liu, X., Li, Z., Zhao, B., and Han, Y.: Tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Southwest Guangxi: evidence from acidic magmatic rocks in the Pingxiang area, SW China, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11976, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11976, 2021.
TS7.11 – The Caledonian orogen of the North Atlantic region: a natural laboratory for studying tectonic processes
EGU21-10080 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.11 | Highlight
Petrologic constraints on subduction zone metamorphism from a coesite-bearing metapelite in the Northern Appalachian OrogenJoseph P. Gonzalez, Suzanne L. Baldwin, Jay B. Thomas, William O. Nachlas, Paul G. Fitzgerald, and Pierre Lanari
The Caledonian orogen formed following Paleozoic subduction of the Iapetus Ocean and preserves evidence of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism and exhumation of crustal rocks from mantle depths. The Appalachian orogen similarly formed in the Paleozoic following subduction of Iapetus Ocean crust, but evidence for (U)HP metamorphism in exhumed Appalachian rocks has been challenging to identify. We present results from a metapelite from high-pressure rocks of the Tillotson Peak Complex in the northern Appalachians, which formed during the middle-Ordovician Taconic orogeny. This sample contained mm-cm scale garnet porphyroblasts that host abundant mineral inclusions. Confocal Raman microspectroscopy of inclusions in the rims of a garnet porphyroblast identified relic coesite, preserved as a bi-mineralic inclusion composed of coesite in α-quartz. Raman depth profiling and 2-dimensional mapping indicate the relic coesite is ~10 μm3, suggesting that mineralogical evidence of UHP metamorphism in the Appalachians may be preserved only as μm-scale inclusions contained in polymetamorphosed rocks. We applied quantitative WDS X-ray maps acquired with electron microprobe, quartz-in-garnet elastic thermobarometry, and Zr-in-rutile trace element thermometry to further constrain the metamorphic history of the coesite-bearing metapelite. Garnet zoning patterns in conjunction with elastic and trace element thermobarometry applied to co-entrapped mineral inclusions suggest that garnet nucleated at 14-15.5 kbar and 420-520 °C, and continuously crystallized to 15-19.5 kbar and 470-560 °C during subduction zone metamorphism. Peak metamorphic conditions based on the stability field of coesite and on Zr-in-rutile thermometry from inclusions in the garnet rims suggest UHP metamorphism at >28 kbar and 530 °C. UHP metamorphism of pelitic sediments within the Taconic paleo-subduction zone invite comparisons with similar UHP rocks in the Caledonian orogeny. Future studies of UHP metamorphism in the Appalachian orogen will focus on constraining: 1) the spatial and temporal scales of UHP metamorphism, 2) the retrograde/exhumation P–T path of the coesite-bearing metapelite, and 3) the P–T history of other nearby metamorphic units, such as the Tillotson peak metabasites, to evaluate if these units shared a similar metamorphic history.
How to cite: Gonzalez, J. P., Baldwin, S. L., Thomas, J. B., Nachlas, W. O., Fitzgerald, P. G., and Lanari, P.: Petrologic constraints on subduction zone metamorphism from a coesite-bearing metapelite in the Northern Appalachian Orogen, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10080, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10080, 2021.
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The Caledonian orogen formed following Paleozoic subduction of the Iapetus Ocean and preserves evidence of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism and exhumation of crustal rocks from mantle depths. The Appalachian orogen similarly formed in the Paleozoic following subduction of Iapetus Ocean crust, but evidence for (U)HP metamorphism in exhumed Appalachian rocks has been challenging to identify. We present results from a metapelite from high-pressure rocks of the Tillotson Peak Complex in the northern Appalachians, which formed during the middle-Ordovician Taconic orogeny. This sample contained mm-cm scale garnet porphyroblasts that host abundant mineral inclusions. Confocal Raman microspectroscopy of inclusions in the rims of a garnet porphyroblast identified relic coesite, preserved as a bi-mineralic inclusion composed of coesite in α-quartz. Raman depth profiling and 2-dimensional mapping indicate the relic coesite is ~10 μm3, suggesting that mineralogical evidence of UHP metamorphism in the Appalachians may be preserved only as μm-scale inclusions contained in polymetamorphosed rocks. We applied quantitative WDS X-ray maps acquired with electron microprobe, quartz-in-garnet elastic thermobarometry, and Zr-in-rutile trace element thermometry to further constrain the metamorphic history of the coesite-bearing metapelite. Garnet zoning patterns in conjunction with elastic and trace element thermobarometry applied to co-entrapped mineral inclusions suggest that garnet nucleated at 14-15.5 kbar and 420-520 °C, and continuously crystallized to 15-19.5 kbar and 470-560 °C during subduction zone metamorphism. Peak metamorphic conditions based on the stability field of coesite and on Zr-in-rutile thermometry from inclusions in the garnet rims suggest UHP metamorphism at >28 kbar and 530 °C. UHP metamorphism of pelitic sediments within the Taconic paleo-subduction zone invite comparisons with similar UHP rocks in the Caledonian orogeny. Future studies of UHP metamorphism in the Appalachian orogen will focus on constraining: 1) the spatial and temporal scales of UHP metamorphism, 2) the retrograde/exhumation P–T path of the coesite-bearing metapelite, and 3) the P–T history of other nearby metamorphic units, such as the Tillotson peak metabasites, to evaluate if these units shared a similar metamorphic history.
How to cite: Gonzalez, J. P., Baldwin, S. L., Thomas, J. B., Nachlas, W. O., Fitzgerald, P. G., and Lanari, P.: Petrologic constraints on subduction zone metamorphism from a coesite-bearing metapelite in the Northern Appalachian Orogen, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10080, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10080, 2021.
EGU21-6526 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Unravelling the enigmatic Grampian Shear Zone: In-situ monazite and titanite U-Pb analysis of the juxtaposed Badenoch and Grampian GroupsLewis Evason, Anna Bird, Eddie Dempsey, Kit Hardman, Martin Smith, and Rob Strachan
The Grampian Shear Zone (GSZ) represents a highly deformed tectonostratigraphic contact between the Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Dalradian Group from the underlying high grade metamorphic Neoproterozoic rocks of the Badenoch Group within the Grampian Highlands. The nature (tectonic suture or palaeo-unconformity), age and structure of the GSZ and indeed the underling Badenoch Group are poorly constrained. Previous studies of the GSZ and synkinematic (intruded during shearing) pegmatites found therein, yielded metamorphic/deformation (and magmatic) ages ranging from c.a. 808 to 440 M. This study reinvestigates this shearzone using in-situ (within section) petrochonological analysis on a range of U-Pb and Rb-Sr chronometers – Monazite, zircon, titanite, rutile and mica. Carrying out this analysis in-situ and using a variety of minerals allows us to directly date deformation fabrics over a wide range of deformation temperatures, giving us a far more detailed picture of the events recorded within these rocks. Large monazite grains (≥100μm) were mapped using in-situ LA-ICP-MS to show within grain variation of major elements and REEs. Monazite U-Pb spot analysis from the GSZ has yielded ages ranging from 784.11 ± 1.2Ma to 442.58 ± 0.58Ma. The same analysis was performed on a sample from the Grampian group which yielded an age of 441.34 ± 037Ma. In addition to this monazite data, in-situ U-Pb Titanite analysis from the Badenoch Group gave ages of 526.96 ± 1.33 Ma from a metabasite sample, with a metasedimentary sample giving a range of titanite U Pb ages from 540 to 460Ma. These age ranges show that the Badnoch Group and the GSZ have recorded a complex polyorogenic history relative to the “simple” overlying Dalradian metasediments. We propose that the Grampian Shear Zone represents a deep-seated Knoydartian (808 to 784Ma) age shear zone within the meso-Neoproterozoic Badenoch Group. This shear zone was then reactivated during the Grampian phase of the Caledonian Orogeny resulting in the tectonic emplacement of the Dalradian metasediments above the Badenoch group.
How to cite: Evason, L., Bird, A., Dempsey, E., Hardman, K., Smith, M., and Strachan, R.: Unravelling the enigmatic Grampian Shear Zone: In-situ monazite and titanite U-Pb analysis of the juxtaposed Badenoch and Grampian Groups, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6526, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6526, 2021.
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The Grampian Shear Zone (GSZ) represents a highly deformed tectonostratigraphic contact between the Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Dalradian Group from the underlying high grade metamorphic Neoproterozoic rocks of the Badenoch Group within the Grampian Highlands. The nature (tectonic suture or palaeo-unconformity), age and structure of the GSZ and indeed the underling Badenoch Group are poorly constrained. Previous studies of the GSZ and synkinematic (intruded during shearing) pegmatites found therein, yielded metamorphic/deformation (and magmatic) ages ranging from c.a. 808 to 440 M. This study reinvestigates this shearzone using in-situ (within section) petrochonological analysis on a range of U-Pb and Rb-Sr chronometers – Monazite, zircon, titanite, rutile and mica. Carrying out this analysis in-situ and using a variety of minerals allows us to directly date deformation fabrics over a wide range of deformation temperatures, giving us a far more detailed picture of the events recorded within these rocks. Large monazite grains (≥100μm) were mapped using in-situ LA-ICP-MS to show within grain variation of major elements and REEs. Monazite U-Pb spot analysis from the GSZ has yielded ages ranging from 784.11 ± 1.2Ma to 442.58 ± 0.58Ma. The same analysis was performed on a sample from the Grampian group which yielded an age of 441.34 ± 037Ma. In addition to this monazite data, in-situ U-Pb Titanite analysis from the Badenoch Group gave ages of 526.96 ± 1.33 Ma from a metabasite sample, with a metasedimentary sample giving a range of titanite U Pb ages from 540 to 460Ma. These age ranges show that the Badnoch Group and the GSZ have recorded a complex polyorogenic history relative to the “simple” overlying Dalradian metasediments. We propose that the Grampian Shear Zone represents a deep-seated Knoydartian (808 to 784Ma) age shear zone within the meso-Neoproterozoic Badenoch Group. This shear zone was then reactivated during the Grampian phase of the Caledonian Orogeny resulting in the tectonic emplacement of the Dalradian metasediments above the Badenoch group.
How to cite: Evason, L., Bird, A., Dempsey, E., Hardman, K., Smith, M., and Strachan, R.: Unravelling the enigmatic Grampian Shear Zone: In-situ monazite and titanite U-Pb analysis of the juxtaposed Badenoch and Grampian Groups, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6526, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6526, 2021.
EGU21-722 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Complex kinematics in a major ductile shear zone, NW Shetland: Evidence of ductile extrusion during Caledonian transpressionTimothy Armitage, Robert Holdsworth, Robin Strachan, Thomas Zach, Diana Alvarez-Ruiz, and Eddie Dempsey
Ductile shear zones are heterogeneous areas of strain localisation which often display variation in strain geometry and combinations of coaxial and non-coaxial deformation. One such heterogeneous shear zone is the c. 2 km thick Uyea Shear Zone (USZ) in northwest Mainland Shetland (UK), which separates variably deformed Neoarchaean orthogneisses in its footwall from Neoproterozoic metasediments in its hanging wall (Fig. a). The USZ is characterised by decimetre-scale layers of dip-slip thrusting and extension, strike-slip sinistral and dextral shear senses and interleaved ultramylonitic coaxially deformed horizons. Within the zones of transition between shear sense layers, mineral lineations swing from foliation down-dip to foliation-parallel in kinematically compatible, anticlockwise/clockwise-rotations on a local and regional scale (Fig. b). Rb-Sr dating of white mica grains via laser ablation indicates a c. 440-425 Ma Caledonian age for dip-slip and strike-slip layers and an 800 Ma Neoproterozoic age for coaxial layers. Quartz opening angles and microstructures suggest an upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite facies temperature for deformation. We propose that a Neoproterozoic, coaxial event is overprinted by Caledonian sinistral transpression under upper greenschist/lower amphibolite facies conditions. Interleaved kinematics and mineral lineation swings are attributed to result from differential flow rates resulting in vertical and lateral extrusion and indicate regional-scale sinistral transpression during the Caledonian orogeny in NW Shetland. This study highlights the importance of linking geochronology to microstructures in a poly-deformed terrane and is a rare example of a highly heterogeneous shear zone in which both vertical and lateral extrusion occurred during transpression.
How to cite: Armitage, T., Holdsworth, R., Strachan, R., Zach, T., Alvarez-Ruiz, D., and Dempsey, E.: Complex kinematics in a major ductile shear zone, NW Shetland: Evidence of ductile extrusion during Caledonian transpression, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-722, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-722, 2021.
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Ductile shear zones are heterogeneous areas of strain localisation which often display variation in strain geometry and combinations of coaxial and non-coaxial deformation. One such heterogeneous shear zone is the c. 2 km thick Uyea Shear Zone (USZ) in northwest Mainland Shetland (UK), which separates variably deformed Neoarchaean orthogneisses in its footwall from Neoproterozoic metasediments in its hanging wall (Fig. a). The USZ is characterised by decimetre-scale layers of dip-slip thrusting and extension, strike-slip sinistral and dextral shear senses and interleaved ultramylonitic coaxially deformed horizons. Within the zones of transition between shear sense layers, mineral lineations swing from foliation down-dip to foliation-parallel in kinematically compatible, anticlockwise/clockwise-rotations on a local and regional scale (Fig. b). Rb-Sr dating of white mica grains via laser ablation indicates a c. 440-425 Ma Caledonian age for dip-slip and strike-slip layers and an 800 Ma Neoproterozoic age for coaxial layers. Quartz opening angles and microstructures suggest an upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite facies temperature for deformation. We propose that a Neoproterozoic, coaxial event is overprinted by Caledonian sinistral transpression under upper greenschist/lower amphibolite facies conditions. Interleaved kinematics and mineral lineation swings are attributed to result from differential flow rates resulting in vertical and lateral extrusion and indicate regional-scale sinistral transpression during the Caledonian orogeny in NW Shetland. This study highlights the importance of linking geochronology to microstructures in a poly-deformed terrane and is a rare example of a highly heterogeneous shear zone in which both vertical and lateral extrusion occurred during transpression.
How to cite: Armitage, T., Holdsworth, R., Strachan, R., Zach, T., Alvarez-Ruiz, D., and Dempsey, E.: Complex kinematics in a major ductile shear zone, NW Shetland: Evidence of ductile extrusion during Caledonian transpression, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-722, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-722, 2021.
EGU21-10091 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Tectonostratigraphy of the Southernmost Scandinavian Caledonides: testing the Shetland correlation and the Laurentian/Renlandian linkBernard Bingen, Espen Torgersen, and Morgan Ganerød
Geological mapping, zircon U–Pb dating of 28 samples, and mica 40Ar–39Ar dating of 7 samples in the Stavanger–Ryfylke region (Stavanger, Suldal, Nedstrand, Randøy) characterizes the tectonostratigraphy of the southernmost nappes in the Scandinavian Caledonides. Four main tectonostratigraphic levels are described. (1) The lowest phyllite/mica schist nappes –Buadalen, Holmasjø, Lower Finse, Synnfjell– represent the Cambro–Ordovician sediment cover of the Baltic margin. (2) The overlying nappes –Madla, Storheia, Dyrskard, Hallingskarvet– consist of felsic metaigneous rocks with a consistent age between c.1525 and 1493 Ma. They host c.1040 Ma intrusives and c.1025 Ma Sveconorwegian metamorphism. They likely represent transported Baltican (Sveconorwegian) basement, widely exposed in S Norway. (3) The overlying nappes –Sola, Boknafjord, Kvitenut, Revseggi– are more diverse and lack counterparts in the exposed Baltican crust. The Sola nappe, near Stavanger, comprises a marine succession –Kolnes succession– of mica schist, metasandstone, marble, amphibolite and felsic metavolcanic rocks. The metavolcanic rocks –Snøda metadacite–rhyolite– are fine-grained mica gneisses, with calc-alkaline composition. Their extrusion age of c.941–934 Ma date deposition of the sequence. Detrital zircons in a metasandstone sample (n=138) yield main age modes at c.1040, 1150 and 1395 Ma, as well as significant Paleoproterozoic and Archaean modes. The Kolnes succession was affected by Taconian/Grampian metamorphism peaking in eclogite-facies conditions between c.471 and 458 Ma (Smit et al., 2010), followed by regional cooling around 445–435 Ma. Leucogranite bodies (c.429 Ma) cut the Grampian fabric. Several 40Ar–39Ar white mica and biotite plateau ages constrain the timing of Scandian top-to-the SE nappe stacking at c.420 Ma. The Boknafjord nappe in Nedstrand comprises a c.932 Ma augen gneiss, overlain successively by amphibolite and mica schist units. Preliminary detrital zircon data (n=11) imply an Ordovician (<459 Ma) deposition for the mica schist. (4) The highest nappes –Karmsund and Hardangerfjord– host the Karmøy and Bømlo ophiolite complexes. These complexes comprise a c.493 Ma supra subduction zone ophiolite, intruded by c.485–466 Ma volcanic arc plutonic rocks, and unconformably overlain by fossiliferous upper Ordovician (<c.445 Ma) clastic sediments (Pedersen and Dunning, 1997).
We propose that the Iapetan Karmøy–Bømlo ophiolite complexes were accreted onto the Kolnes succession on the Laurentian side of the Iapetus realm, during the Grampian orogeny, before integration of both in the Scandian nappe pile. The age of HP metamorphism in the Kolnes succession (471–458 Ma) matches the inferred timing for obduction of the Karmøy–Bømlo complexes (485–448 Ma). The evidence for a Laurentian margin obduction stems from a conspicuous similarity with Shetland. On Shetland, the c.492 Ma Unst–Fetlar ophiolite complex was obducted during the Grampian orogeny onto Neoproterozoic Laurentian marine sequences (psammite-marble-mica gneiss) of the Westing, Yell Sound and East Mainland successions. The Westing and Yell Sound successions are characterized by a c. 944–925 Ma, Renlandian, high-grade metamorphism, a dominant detrital zircon mode at 1030 Ma, and common Archean detrital zircons. They correlate well with the Kolnes succession and suggest an ancestry along the Neoproterozoic Renlandian active margin of Laurentia and Rodinia, before opening of Iapetus.
How to cite: Bingen, B., Torgersen, E., and Ganerød, M.: Tectonostratigraphy of the Southernmost Scandinavian Caledonides: testing the Shetland correlation and the Laurentian/Renlandian link, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10091, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10091, 2021.
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Geological mapping, zircon U–Pb dating of 28 samples, and mica 40Ar–39Ar dating of 7 samples in the Stavanger–Ryfylke region (Stavanger, Suldal, Nedstrand, Randøy) characterizes the tectonostratigraphy of the southernmost nappes in the Scandinavian Caledonides. Four main tectonostratigraphic levels are described. (1) The lowest phyllite/mica schist nappes –Buadalen, Holmasjø, Lower Finse, Synnfjell– represent the Cambro–Ordovician sediment cover of the Baltic margin. (2) The overlying nappes –Madla, Storheia, Dyrskard, Hallingskarvet– consist of felsic metaigneous rocks with a consistent age between c.1525 and 1493 Ma. They host c.1040 Ma intrusives and c.1025 Ma Sveconorwegian metamorphism. They likely represent transported Baltican (Sveconorwegian) basement, widely exposed in S Norway. (3) The overlying nappes –Sola, Boknafjord, Kvitenut, Revseggi– are more diverse and lack counterparts in the exposed Baltican crust. The Sola nappe, near Stavanger, comprises a marine succession –Kolnes succession– of mica schist, metasandstone, marble, amphibolite and felsic metavolcanic rocks. The metavolcanic rocks –Snøda metadacite–rhyolite– are fine-grained mica gneisses, with calc-alkaline composition. Their extrusion age of c.941–934 Ma date deposition of the sequence. Detrital zircons in a metasandstone sample (n=138) yield main age modes at c.1040, 1150 and 1395 Ma, as well as significant Paleoproterozoic and Archaean modes. The Kolnes succession was affected by Taconian/Grampian metamorphism peaking in eclogite-facies conditions between c.471 and 458 Ma (Smit et al., 2010), followed by regional cooling around 445–435 Ma. Leucogranite bodies (c.429 Ma) cut the Grampian fabric. Several 40Ar–39Ar white mica and biotite plateau ages constrain the timing of Scandian top-to-the SE nappe stacking at c.420 Ma. The Boknafjord nappe in Nedstrand comprises a c.932 Ma augen gneiss, overlain successively by amphibolite and mica schist units. Preliminary detrital zircon data (n=11) imply an Ordovician (<459 Ma) deposition for the mica schist. (4) The highest nappes –Karmsund and Hardangerfjord– host the Karmøy and Bømlo ophiolite complexes. These complexes comprise a c.493 Ma supra subduction zone ophiolite, intruded by c.485–466 Ma volcanic arc plutonic rocks, and unconformably overlain by fossiliferous upper Ordovician (<c.445 Ma) clastic sediments (Pedersen and Dunning, 1997).
We propose that the Iapetan Karmøy–Bømlo ophiolite complexes were accreted onto the Kolnes succession on the Laurentian side of the Iapetus realm, during the Grampian orogeny, before integration of both in the Scandian nappe pile. The age of HP metamorphism in the Kolnes succession (471–458 Ma) matches the inferred timing for obduction of the Karmøy–Bømlo complexes (485–448 Ma). The evidence for a Laurentian margin obduction stems from a conspicuous similarity with Shetland. On Shetland, the c.492 Ma Unst–Fetlar ophiolite complex was obducted during the Grampian orogeny onto Neoproterozoic Laurentian marine sequences (psammite-marble-mica gneiss) of the Westing, Yell Sound and East Mainland successions. The Westing and Yell Sound successions are characterized by a c. 944–925 Ma, Renlandian, high-grade metamorphism, a dominant detrital zircon mode at 1030 Ma, and common Archean detrital zircons. They correlate well with the Kolnes succession and suggest an ancestry along the Neoproterozoic Renlandian active margin of Laurentia and Rodinia, before opening of Iapetus.
How to cite: Bingen, B., Torgersen, E., and Ganerød, M.: Tectonostratigraphy of the Southernmost Scandinavian Caledonides: testing the Shetland correlation and the Laurentian/Renlandian link, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10091, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10091, 2021.
EGU21-16408 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Reconstructing the Ediacaran to Ordovician history of the Baltoscandian Margin of continent BalticaDavid G. Gee and Jarosław Majka
In the Scandes, the lower thrust sheets of the Caledonian allochthons provide unambiguous stratigraphic evidence of correlation with the successions of the Baltoscandian platform. Cambrian successions, including the Alum Shale Formation, providing the footwall for the main Caledonian decollement in Scandinavia, can be followed at least 200 km westwards from the thrust front into the hinterland of the orogen. The overlying early Palaeozoic strata provide evidence of facies changes into foreland basin deposits in the mid Ordovician and early Silurian; also of Ediacaran and Cryogenian successions, including Marinoan tillites. The amount of internal shortening in the Lower Allochthon is not uncontroversial, but certainly amounts to more than 100 km, implying that all the overlying alllochthons in the Scandes were derived from west of the Norwegian coast.
The metamorphic grade of the units in the Lower Allochthon increases from low to high greenschist facies, from the thrust front westwards into the deep hinterland. Overlying thrust sheets of the Middle Allochthon are of higher metamorphic grade and more ductilely deformed. The basal parts are usually dominated by basement-derived units and Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. They are overthrust by dolerite dyke-intruded thrust sheets, the Särv Nappes, with host-rocks dominated by Cryogenian and Ediacaran sandstones, the former including subordinate limestones and Marinoan tillites. The Baltoscandian margin dolerite dyke swarms amount to up to c. 35% of these thrust sheets.
The overlying, highest tectonic units in the Middle Allochthon (the Seve Nappe Complex, SNC) are of amphibolite and higher metamorphic grade. They include a greater variety of lithologies, including some that are very similar to those in the underlying Särv Nappes (e,g. quartzites and eclogitized dolerites). The metasedimentay host rocks include a wide range of paragneisses and marbles. Abundant mafic rocks include metamorphosed gabbros, basalts and peridotites and, together with the dyke swarms, can totally dominate the composition of some thrust sheets. The similar geochemistry and early Ediacaran age (c. 600 Ma) of the mafic rocks in the Särv and Seve nappes define the Baltoscandian outermost margin and continent-ocean transition zone (COT). Iapetus Ocean terranes comprise the overlying thrust sheets of the Upper Allochthon (e.g. the Köli Nappe Complex).
The metamorphism of the different thrust sheets in the SNC provide clear evidence that some parts were subducted; others not. A wide range of isotope age data constrain the timing of subduction, with the earliest ages in the mid Cambrian (c. 505 Ma) to early Ordovician (c. 483 Ma). It has been suggested that the deposition of the Alum Shale Formation on the Baltscandian platform, was related to this early Caledonian subduction. A more probable interpretation is that subduction along the outermost edge of this highly extended COT did not influence the edge of the platform till the early Tremadoc.
Some authors have introduced cryptic sutures into the Baltoscandian outer margin, described above. They should reassess their data and better define the evidence for their conviction.
How to cite: Gee, D. G. and Majka, J.: Reconstructing the Ediacaran to Ordovician history of the Baltoscandian Margin of continent Baltica, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16408, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16408, 2021.
In the Scandes, the lower thrust sheets of the Caledonian allochthons provide unambiguous stratigraphic evidence of correlation with the successions of the Baltoscandian platform. Cambrian successions, including the Alum Shale Formation, providing the footwall for the main Caledonian decollement in Scandinavia, can be followed at least 200 km westwards from the thrust front into the hinterland of the orogen. The overlying early Palaeozoic strata provide evidence of facies changes into foreland basin deposits in the mid Ordovician and early Silurian; also of Ediacaran and Cryogenian successions, including Marinoan tillites. The amount of internal shortening in the Lower Allochthon is not uncontroversial, but certainly amounts to more than 100 km, implying that all the overlying alllochthons in the Scandes were derived from west of the Norwegian coast.
The metamorphic grade of the units in the Lower Allochthon increases from low to high greenschist facies, from the thrust front westwards into the deep hinterland. Overlying thrust sheets of the Middle Allochthon are of higher metamorphic grade and more ductilely deformed. The basal parts are usually dominated by basement-derived units and Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. They are overthrust by dolerite dyke-intruded thrust sheets, the Särv Nappes, with host-rocks dominated by Cryogenian and Ediacaran sandstones, the former including subordinate limestones and Marinoan tillites. The Baltoscandian margin dolerite dyke swarms amount to up to c. 35% of these thrust sheets.
The overlying, highest tectonic units in the Middle Allochthon (the Seve Nappe Complex, SNC) are of amphibolite and higher metamorphic grade. They include a greater variety of lithologies, including some that are very similar to those in the underlying Särv Nappes (e,g. quartzites and eclogitized dolerites). The metasedimentay host rocks include a wide range of paragneisses and marbles. Abundant mafic rocks include metamorphosed gabbros, basalts and peridotites and, together with the dyke swarms, can totally dominate the composition of some thrust sheets. The similar geochemistry and early Ediacaran age (c. 600 Ma) of the mafic rocks in the Särv and Seve nappes define the Baltoscandian outermost margin and continent-ocean transition zone (COT). Iapetus Ocean terranes comprise the overlying thrust sheets of the Upper Allochthon (e.g. the Köli Nappe Complex).
The metamorphism of the different thrust sheets in the SNC provide clear evidence that some parts were subducted; others not. A wide range of isotope age data constrain the timing of subduction, with the earliest ages in the mid Cambrian (c. 505 Ma) to early Ordovician (c. 483 Ma). It has been suggested that the deposition of the Alum Shale Formation on the Baltscandian platform, was related to this early Caledonian subduction. A more probable interpretation is that subduction along the outermost edge of this highly extended COT did not influence the edge of the platform till the early Tremadoc.
Some authors have introduced cryptic sutures into the Baltoscandian outer margin, described above. They should reassess their data and better define the evidence for their conviction.
How to cite: Gee, D. G. and Majka, J.: Reconstructing the Ediacaran to Ordovician history of the Baltoscandian Margin of continent Baltica, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16408, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16408, 2021.
EGU21-6121 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Large-scale flat-lying mafic intrusions in the granitic Baltica crust of central Sweden and implications for basement deformation during Caledonian orogenyRodolphe Lescoutre, Bjarne Almqvist, Hemin Koyi, Olivier Galland, Peter Hedin, Sonia Brahimi, Henning Lorenz, and Christopher Juhlin
The role of inheritance in localizing basement deformation in the foreland has been demonstrated in orogens in different parts of the world. In the external domain of the central Scandinavian Caledonides, questions remain about the amount and the distribution of deformation accommodated by the Baltica basement during Caledonian orogeny. However, to answer these questions, it is necessary to understand the architecture of the Baltica crust underneath the Caledonian nappes and to determine the occurrence of potential detachment horizons or inherited structures that accommodated the shortening.
In this work, we study the lithological and structural architecture of the Baltica basement in central Sweden, east and west of the present-day Caledonian front. The aim is twofold: 1) identifying the main geological features of the Fennoscandian Shield and their regional extent underneath the Caledonian nappes to the west, and 2) to address their role in accommodating deformation during Caledonian orogeny.
The study area is characterized by mainly ~1.8 Ga granitic bodies intruded by various generations of mafic intrusions and locally bounded by major crustal shear zones. On the one hand, based on seismic interpretations, magnetic and gravimetry forward modeling and mapping, and results from the recently drilled COSC-2 borehole (as part of the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) drilling project), we show that the basement underlying the Caledonian nappes is characterized by inclined to sub-horizontal mafic intrusions with large extent, emplaced at mid-crustal level. We propose that these intrusions are similar in size, geometry, and potentially age, to the 1.25 Ga Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group (CSDG) that are mapped as 100’s km long elliptic bodies or described as saucer-shaped intrusions further east. On the other hand, based on observations from COSC-2 drill cores and previous studies, analogue modelling and 2D seismic restoration, we propose that favorably oriented intrusions influenced, at least partly, crustal shortening in this area by localizing deformation along their margins. At a regional scale, we discuss the distribution of thick-skinned and thin-skinned deformation at the present-day orogenic front. On a broader scale, this study raises the question regarding the influence of pre-existing mafic intrusions in controlling the structural evolution and the segmentation of orogenic or rift systems in general.
How to cite: Lescoutre, R., Almqvist, B., Koyi, H., Galland, O., Hedin, P., Brahimi, S., Lorenz, H., and Juhlin, C.: Large-scale flat-lying mafic intrusions in the granitic Baltica crust of central Sweden and implications for basement deformation during Caledonian orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6121, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6121, 2021.
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The role of inheritance in localizing basement deformation in the foreland has been demonstrated in orogens in different parts of the world. In the external domain of the central Scandinavian Caledonides, questions remain about the amount and the distribution of deformation accommodated by the Baltica basement during Caledonian orogeny. However, to answer these questions, it is necessary to understand the architecture of the Baltica crust underneath the Caledonian nappes and to determine the occurrence of potential detachment horizons or inherited structures that accommodated the shortening.
In this work, we study the lithological and structural architecture of the Baltica basement in central Sweden, east and west of the present-day Caledonian front. The aim is twofold: 1) identifying the main geological features of the Fennoscandian Shield and their regional extent underneath the Caledonian nappes to the west, and 2) to address their role in accommodating deformation during Caledonian orogeny.
The study area is characterized by mainly ~1.8 Ga granitic bodies intruded by various generations of mafic intrusions and locally bounded by major crustal shear zones. On the one hand, based on seismic interpretations, magnetic and gravimetry forward modeling and mapping, and results from the recently drilled COSC-2 borehole (as part of the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) drilling project), we show that the basement underlying the Caledonian nappes is characterized by inclined to sub-horizontal mafic intrusions with large extent, emplaced at mid-crustal level. We propose that these intrusions are similar in size, geometry, and potentially age, to the 1.25 Ga Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group (CSDG) that are mapped as 100’s km long elliptic bodies or described as saucer-shaped intrusions further east. On the other hand, based on observations from COSC-2 drill cores and previous studies, analogue modelling and 2D seismic restoration, we propose that favorably oriented intrusions influenced, at least partly, crustal shortening in this area by localizing deformation along their margins. At a regional scale, we discuss the distribution of thick-skinned and thin-skinned deformation at the present-day orogenic front. On a broader scale, this study raises the question regarding the influence of pre-existing mafic intrusions in controlling the structural evolution and the segmentation of orogenic or rift systems in general.
How to cite: Lescoutre, R., Almqvist, B., Koyi, H., Galland, O., Hedin, P., Brahimi, S., Lorenz, H., and Juhlin, C.: Large-scale flat-lying mafic intrusions in the granitic Baltica crust of central Sweden and implications for basement deformation during Caledonian orogeny, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6121, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6121, 2021.
EGU21-11471 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Deciphering the Vássačorru Igneous Complex within the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian CaledonidesSabine Rousku, Erika Nääs, Christopher Barnes, Abigail Barker, and Jarosław Majka
The Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) of the Scandinavian Caledonides comprises Neoproterozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks that experienced high-pressure metamorphism and deformation during subduction and exhumation. Fieldwork was conducted in the Kebnekaise region in northern Sweden, focusing on the Aurek metagabbro and the Vistas metaigneous rocks within the Vássačorru Igneous Complex (VIC), hosted within SNC metasediments. Field observations show that the Aurek metagabbro is locally sheared with well-defined foliation and lineation. In contrast, the Vistas metaigneous rocks, consisting of both granite and gabbro bodies, are only locally foliated. Furthermore, the granite is intruded by ENE-WSW striking dolerite and rhyolite dykes that parallel the local foliation, and are weakly deformed, whereas a NNE-SSW striking syenite dyke is observed in a portion of undeformed gabbro.
The Aurek metagabbro mineral assemblages consist of garnet, amphibole, plagioclase, biotite, chlorite, and pyroxene. The Vistas gabbro and dolerite dyke both consist of plagioclase, pyroxene, and amphibole. The Vistas granites and rhyolite dyke include quartz, feldspar, biotite, muscovite, ± garnet, and the syenite dyke contains feldspar, plagioclase, pyroxene, amphibole, quartz, and biotite. The Vistas metaigneous rocks generally show primary igneous assemblages.
Bulk rock chemistry shows that the Aurek and Vistas gabbros, and the Vistas dolerite dyke, are classified as tholeiites. For the Aurek gabbros, Th/Yb of 0.06-1.86 and Nb/Yb of 0.11-5.14 indicate that they have N-MORB to E-MORB compositions, with possible crustal input. The Vistas gabbro (Th/Yb of 0.09 and Nb/Yb of 1.15) and the dolerite dyke (Th/Yb of 0.12 and Nb/Yb of 0.66) also suggest such trend. The Vistas granites, rhyolite, and syenite dyke all have calc-alkaline composition. Trace elements confirm volcanic arc affinity for the granites and the syenite dyke (Nb: 3.1-5.9 ppm, Rb: 116.5-177.5 ppm, Y: 12.9-18.0 ppm, Ta: 0.3-0.4 ppm, Yb: 2.04-3.19 ppm), whereas the rhyolite dyke (Nb: 38.2 ppm, Rb: 247.8 ppm, Y: 72.6 ppm, Ta: 2.8 ppm and Yb: 12.62 ppm) reflects a within plate setting.
Combining the field relationship with geochemistry of the studied metaigneous rocks, we tentatively propose that the VIC is composed of three pulses of magmatism: (1) mafic MORB magmatism represented by the gabbros, emplaced in an extensional regime; (2) felsic calc-alkaline magmatism represented by granites and syenite, emplaced in an active continental margin environment; and (3) bimodal within-plate magmatism or crustal assimilation in a volcanic arc represented by dolerite and rhyolite dykes. However, the only existing age is from U-Pb zircon dating of the Vistas granite, which yielded 845±14 Ma (Paulsson & Andreasson, 2002). Further zircon U-Pb geochronology will be conducted to obtain ages of the various lithologies of the VIC to better understand temporal relationships and to link the VIC with tectonic events in the Scandinavian Caledonides.
This study was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) grant no. 2019/33/B/ST10/01728 to J. Majka.
Paulsson, O., Andreasson, P.-G., 2002. Attempted break-up of Rodinia at 850 Ma: Geochronological evidence from the Seve-Kalak Superterrane, Scandinavian Caledonides. J. Geol. Soc. 159, 751–761. https://doi.org/10.1144/0016-764901-156
How to cite: Rousku, S., Nääs, E., Barnes, C., Barker, A., and Majka, J.: Deciphering the Vássačorru Igneous Complex within the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11471, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11471, 2021.
The Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) of the Scandinavian Caledonides comprises Neoproterozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks that experienced high-pressure metamorphism and deformation during subduction and exhumation. Fieldwork was conducted in the Kebnekaise region in northern Sweden, focusing on the Aurek metagabbro and the Vistas metaigneous rocks within the Vássačorru Igneous Complex (VIC), hosted within SNC metasediments. Field observations show that the Aurek metagabbro is locally sheared with well-defined foliation and lineation. In contrast, the Vistas metaigneous rocks, consisting of both granite and gabbro bodies, are only locally foliated. Furthermore, the granite is intruded by ENE-WSW striking dolerite and rhyolite dykes that parallel the local foliation, and are weakly deformed, whereas a NNE-SSW striking syenite dyke is observed in a portion of undeformed gabbro.
The Aurek metagabbro mineral assemblages consist of garnet, amphibole, plagioclase, biotite, chlorite, and pyroxene. The Vistas gabbro and dolerite dyke both consist of plagioclase, pyroxene, and amphibole. The Vistas granites and rhyolite dyke include quartz, feldspar, biotite, muscovite, ± garnet, and the syenite dyke contains feldspar, plagioclase, pyroxene, amphibole, quartz, and biotite. The Vistas metaigneous rocks generally show primary igneous assemblages.
Bulk rock chemistry shows that the Aurek and Vistas gabbros, and the Vistas dolerite dyke, are classified as tholeiites. For the Aurek gabbros, Th/Yb of 0.06-1.86 and Nb/Yb of 0.11-5.14 indicate that they have N-MORB to E-MORB compositions, with possible crustal input. The Vistas gabbro (Th/Yb of 0.09 and Nb/Yb of 1.15) and the dolerite dyke (Th/Yb of 0.12 and Nb/Yb of 0.66) also suggest such trend. The Vistas granites, rhyolite, and syenite dyke all have calc-alkaline composition. Trace elements confirm volcanic arc affinity for the granites and the syenite dyke (Nb: 3.1-5.9 ppm, Rb: 116.5-177.5 ppm, Y: 12.9-18.0 ppm, Ta: 0.3-0.4 ppm, Yb: 2.04-3.19 ppm), whereas the rhyolite dyke (Nb: 38.2 ppm, Rb: 247.8 ppm, Y: 72.6 ppm, Ta: 2.8 ppm and Yb: 12.62 ppm) reflects a within plate setting.
Combining the field relationship with geochemistry of the studied metaigneous rocks, we tentatively propose that the VIC is composed of three pulses of magmatism: (1) mafic MORB magmatism represented by the gabbros, emplaced in an extensional regime; (2) felsic calc-alkaline magmatism represented by granites and syenite, emplaced in an active continental margin environment; and (3) bimodal within-plate magmatism or crustal assimilation in a volcanic arc represented by dolerite and rhyolite dykes. However, the only existing age is from U-Pb zircon dating of the Vistas granite, which yielded 845±14 Ma (Paulsson & Andreasson, 2002). Further zircon U-Pb geochronology will be conducted to obtain ages of the various lithologies of the VIC to better understand temporal relationships and to link the VIC with tectonic events in the Scandinavian Caledonides.
This study was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) grant no. 2019/33/B/ST10/01728 to J. Majka.
Paulsson, O., Andreasson, P.-G., 2002. Attempted break-up of Rodinia at 850 Ma: Geochronological evidence from the Seve-Kalak Superterrane, Scandinavian Caledonides. J. Geol. Soc. 159, 751–761. https://doi.org/10.1144/0016-764901-156
How to cite: Rousku, S., Nääs, E., Barnes, C., Barker, A., and Majka, J.: Deciphering the Vássačorru Igneous Complex within the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11471, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11471, 2021.
EGU21-4119 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.11 | Highlight
A mantle plume origin for the Scandinavian Dyke Complex: a “piercing point” for 615 Ma plate reconstruction of Baltica?Christian Tegner, Torgeir B. Andersen, Hans Jørgen Kjøll, Eric L. Brown, Graham Hagen-Peter, Fernando Corfu, Sverre Planke, and Trond H. Torsvik
The origin of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) associated with continental breakup and the reconstruction of continents older than c. 320 million years (pre-Pangea) are contentious research problems. Here we study the petrology of a 615 - 590 Myr dolerite dyke complex that intruded rift-basins of the magma-rich margin of Baltica and now is exposed in the Scandinavian Caledonides. These dykes are part of the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province (CIMP), a LIP emplaced in Baltica and Laurentia during opening of the Iapetus Ocean within the Caledonian Wilson Cycle. The >1000 km long dyke complex displays lateral geochemical zonation from enriched to depleted basaltic compositions from south to north. Geochemical modelling of major and trace elements shows these compositions are best explained by melting hot mantle 75-250°C above ambient mantle. Although the trace element modelling solutions are non-unique, the best explanation involves melting a laterally zoned mantle plume with enriched and depleted peridotite lithologies, similar to present-day Iceland and to the North Atlantic Igneous Province. The origin of CIMP appears to have involved several mantle plumes. This is best explained if rifting and breakup magmatism coincided with plume generation zones at the margins of a Large Low Shear-wave Velocity Province (LLSVP) at the core mantle boundary. If the LLSVPs are quasi-stationary back in time as suggested in recent geodynamic models, the CIMP provides a guide for reconstructing the paleogeography of Baltica and Laurentia 615 million years ago to the LLSVP now positioned under the Pacific Ocean. Our results provide a stimulus for using LIPs as piercing points for plate reconstructions.
How to cite: Tegner, C., Andersen, T. B., Kjøll, H. J., Brown, E. L., Hagen-Peter, G., Corfu, F., Planke, S., and Torsvik, T. H.: A mantle plume origin for the Scandinavian Dyke Complex: a “piercing point” for 615 Ma plate reconstruction of Baltica?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4119, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4119, 2021.
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The origin of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) associated with continental breakup and the reconstruction of continents older than c. 320 million years (pre-Pangea) are contentious research problems. Here we study the petrology of a 615 - 590 Myr dolerite dyke complex that intruded rift-basins of the magma-rich margin of Baltica and now is exposed in the Scandinavian Caledonides. These dykes are part of the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province (CIMP), a LIP emplaced in Baltica and Laurentia during opening of the Iapetus Ocean within the Caledonian Wilson Cycle. The >1000 km long dyke complex displays lateral geochemical zonation from enriched to depleted basaltic compositions from south to north. Geochemical modelling of major and trace elements shows these compositions are best explained by melting hot mantle 75-250°C above ambient mantle. Although the trace element modelling solutions are non-unique, the best explanation involves melting a laterally zoned mantle plume with enriched and depleted peridotite lithologies, similar to present-day Iceland and to the North Atlantic Igneous Province. The origin of CIMP appears to have involved several mantle plumes. This is best explained if rifting and breakup magmatism coincided with plume generation zones at the margins of a Large Low Shear-wave Velocity Province (LLSVP) at the core mantle boundary. If the LLSVPs are quasi-stationary back in time as suggested in recent geodynamic models, the CIMP provides a guide for reconstructing the paleogeography of Baltica and Laurentia 615 million years ago to the LLSVP now positioned under the Pacific Ocean. Our results provide a stimulus for using LIPs as piercing points for plate reconstructions.
How to cite: Tegner, C., Andersen, T. B., Kjøll, H. J., Brown, E. L., Hagen-Peter, G., Corfu, F., Planke, S., and Torsvik, T. H.: A mantle plume origin for the Scandinavian Dyke Complex: a “piercing point” for 615 Ma plate reconstruction of Baltica?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4119, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4119, 2021.
EGU21-9213 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Late Neoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphism of the Upper Gneiss unit (Seve Nappe Complex) in the Váivančohkka-Salmmečohkat area, northern Scandinavian CaledonidesRiccardo Callegari, Katarzyna Walczak, Grzegorz Ziemniak, Christopher Barnes, and Jaroslaw Majka
Here, we present preliminary petrochronological results of paragneisses and schists containing bodies of metamafic rocks belonging the Upper Gneiss unit that occurs within the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in the Váivančohkka-Salmmečohkat area, north of the lake Torneträsk in northern Sweden and Norway.
At the outcrop scale, the paragneiss is pervasively foliated and bears features of migmatization. It hosts garnet amphibolite bodies that are locally transected by leucocratic veins. Thin section observations of the paragneiss reveal a mineral assemblage composed of Q+Grt+Amp+Bi±Pl±Ms±Sil±Ru. The leucocratic vein contains Q+Pl+Ms+Bi+Grt+Kfs±Sil. Importantly, some of the studied gneisses contain quartz, exhibiting lobate boundaries, as well as garnet surrounded by melt rim. The presence of quartz forming pseudomorphs after melt was also identified and observed to host both monophase and fluid inclusions. All of these microtextures are indicative of partial melting.
Preliminary pressure-temperature estimates derived using conventional geothermobarometry and phase equilibrium modelling corroborated petrographic observations. The peak metamorphic conditions were estimated to 8–10kbar and 800–850°C, i.e., in the stability field of melt.
Uranium-Pb zircon and Th-U-total Pb monazite dating of the migmatitic paragneiss yielded consistent age estimates of 602±5Ma and 599±3Ma, respectively. Nearly the same U-Pb age of 604±7Ma was obtained for the zircon from the leucocratic vein transecting the amphibolite within the studied gneiss. Interestingly, no Caledonian zircon nor monazite were identified. Considering the textural position of the dated zircon and monazite, as well as their chemical character, we suggest that these minerals date the partial melting event recorded by the rocks.
Regionally, we interpret that the Upper Gneiss unit of SNC in the Váivančohkka-Salmmečohkat area could be a northern continuation of the Leavasvággi gneiss associated with the Vassačoru Igneous Complex of SNC in the Kebnekaise region. Notably, the latter reveals evidence of high temperature metamorphism at c. 600Ma (Paulsson and Andréasson 2002) and its mafic component (see also Rousku et al. in this session) could be an equivalent to the metamafic rocks enclosed within the Upper Gneiss unit. The Leavasvággi gneiss and the Upper Gneiss unit together with similar rocks farther north in Indre Troms and in Corrovare which also yield a c. 610-600Ma age of high grade overprint (Gee et al. 2016; Kjøll et al. 2019). Altogether, these areas with only localized Caledonian influence diverge from traditional models developed for the SNC farther south and offer an additional insight into the development of the late Neoproterozoic margin of Baltica at the early stages of Iapetus opening.
This study was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) grant no. 2019/33/B/ST10/01728 to J. Majka.
Gee et al. 2016. Baltoscandian margin, Sveconorwegian crust lost by subduction during Caledonian collisional orogeny. GFF 139, 36–51.
Kjøll et al. 2019. Timing of break-up and thermal evolution of a pre-Caledonian Neoproterozoic exhumed magma-rich rifted margin. Tectonics 38, 1843-1862.
Paulsson & Andréasson 2002. Attempted break-up of Rodinia at 850 Ma: geochronological evidence from the Seve–Kalak Superterrane, Scandinavian Caledonides. JGS, 159, 751-761.
How to cite: Callegari, R., Walczak, K., Ziemniak, G., Barnes, C., and Majka, J.: Late Neoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphism of the Upper Gneiss unit (Seve Nappe Complex) in the Váivančohkka-Salmmečohkat area, northern Scandinavian Caledonides , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9213, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9213, 2021.
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Here, we present preliminary petrochronological results of paragneisses and schists containing bodies of metamafic rocks belonging the Upper Gneiss unit that occurs within the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in the Váivančohkka-Salmmečohkat area, north of the lake Torneträsk in northern Sweden and Norway.
At the outcrop scale, the paragneiss is pervasively foliated and bears features of migmatization. It hosts garnet amphibolite bodies that are locally transected by leucocratic veins. Thin section observations of the paragneiss reveal a mineral assemblage composed of Q+Grt+Amp+Bi±Pl±Ms±Sil±Ru. The leucocratic vein contains Q+Pl+Ms+Bi+Grt+Kfs±Sil. Importantly, some of the studied gneisses contain quartz, exhibiting lobate boundaries, as well as garnet surrounded by melt rim. The presence of quartz forming pseudomorphs after melt was also identified and observed to host both monophase and fluid inclusions. All of these microtextures are indicative of partial melting.
Preliminary pressure-temperature estimates derived using conventional geothermobarometry and phase equilibrium modelling corroborated petrographic observations. The peak metamorphic conditions were estimated to 8–10kbar and 800–850°C, i.e., in the stability field of melt.
Uranium-Pb zircon and Th-U-total Pb monazite dating of the migmatitic paragneiss yielded consistent age estimates of 602±5Ma and 599±3Ma, respectively. Nearly the same U-Pb age of 604±7Ma was obtained for the zircon from the leucocratic vein transecting the amphibolite within the studied gneiss. Interestingly, no Caledonian zircon nor monazite were identified. Considering the textural position of the dated zircon and monazite, as well as their chemical character, we suggest that these minerals date the partial melting event recorded by the rocks.
Regionally, we interpret that the Upper Gneiss unit of SNC in the Váivančohkka-Salmmečohkat area could be a northern continuation of the Leavasvággi gneiss associated with the Vassačoru Igneous Complex of SNC in the Kebnekaise region. Notably, the latter reveals evidence of high temperature metamorphism at c. 600Ma (Paulsson and Andréasson 2002) and its mafic component (see also Rousku et al. in this session) could be an equivalent to the metamafic rocks enclosed within the Upper Gneiss unit. The Leavasvággi gneiss and the Upper Gneiss unit together with similar rocks farther north in Indre Troms and in Corrovare which also yield a c. 610-600Ma age of high grade overprint (Gee et al. 2016; Kjøll et al. 2019). Altogether, these areas with only localized Caledonian influence diverge from traditional models developed for the SNC farther south and offer an additional insight into the development of the late Neoproterozoic margin of Baltica at the early stages of Iapetus opening.
This study was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) grant no. 2019/33/B/ST10/01728 to J. Majka.
Gee et al. 2016. Baltoscandian margin, Sveconorwegian crust lost by subduction during Caledonian collisional orogeny. GFF 139, 36–51.
Kjøll et al. 2019. Timing of break-up and thermal evolution of a pre-Caledonian Neoproterozoic exhumed magma-rich rifted margin. Tectonics 38, 1843-1862.
Paulsson & Andréasson 2002. Attempted break-up of Rodinia at 850 Ma: geochronological evidence from the Seve–Kalak Superterrane, Scandinavian Caledonides. JGS, 159, 751-761.
How to cite: Callegari, R., Walczak, K., Ziemniak, G., Barnes, C., and Majka, J.: Late Neoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphism of the Upper Gneiss unit (Seve Nappe Complex) in the Váivančohkka-Salmmečohkat area, northern Scandinavian Caledonides , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9213, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9213, 2021.
EGU21-13097 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Timing of deformation, metamorphism and leucogranite intrusion in the lower part of the Seve Nappe Complex in central Jämtland, Swedish CaledonidesIwona Klonowska, Anna Ladenberger, David G. Gee, Pauline Jeanneret, and Yuan Li
The new LA-ICP-MS zircon isotope age data from paragneiss, amphibolite and two leucogranite intrusions in the Lower Seve Nappe of the Åre synform in the Caledonides of central Jämtland provide evidence of both Silurian and Ordovician tectonothermal histories. Well established concordant c. 468 and c. 470 Ma magmatic ages for the Så quarry leucogranite, which cut earlier foliations and folds in the host-rock amphibolites and paragneisses, imply a tectonothermal history prior to the Middle Ordovician (c. 469 Ma), perhaps synchronous with what has been previously recognized in the Seve Nappe Complex of Norrbotten (e.g. Root & Corfu, 2012), 400 km farther north in the Swedish Caledonides, and very recently also in the Middle Seve Nappe in central Jämtland (Walczak et al. 2020).
The field relationships and data presented here show that magmatic activity occurred during the early Silurian (c. 443 Ma) and earlier during the Early to Middle Ordovician (c. 469 Ma), and that deformation and metamorphism took place both prior to and after c. 469 Ma. The Lower Seve rocks from the nearby COSC-1 drill core have been metamorphosed in the upper amphibolite facies, however, the remnants of the high-pressure metamorphic history are preserved in the relic minerals, including high-silica white mica, in the garnet-bearing mica schists. The exact age of the high-pressure metamorphism is not known so far; however, it predates the 460-430 Ma amphibolite facies deformation recorded by titanites in the amphibolites (Giuntoli et al. 2020).
Zircons in an amphibolite proved to be highly discordant but indicate Early Silurian metamorphism during isoclinal folding. Detrital zircons in a paragneiss are dominated by Sveconorwegian populations, but also include a range of younger Neoproterozoic grains down to the Early Ediacaran (c. 600 Ma).
This new evidence of early Caledonian deformation and metamorphism indicates that the Seve tectonothermal history in central Jämtland probably started early in the Ordovician, or before. Subduction and accretion along the Baltoscandian outer margin occurred prior to the Scandian continent-continent collision, with Siluro-Devonian emplacement of the Seve Nappe Complex across the foreland basins onto the Baltoscandian platform.
Giuntoli, F., Menegon, L., Warren, C.J., Darling, J., Anderson, M.W. 2020. Tectonics, 39, e2020TC006267, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006267.
Root, D., Corfu, F. 2012. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 163, 769-788, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-011-0698-0.
Walczak, K., Barnes, C.J., Majka, J., Gee, D.G. Klonowska, I., 2020. Geoscience Frontiers (in press), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2020.11.009.
This work is financially supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) research project no. 2018/29/B/ST10/02315 and is part of the ICDP project “Collisional Orogeny of the Scandinavian Caledonides.”
How to cite: Klonowska, I., Ladenberger, A., Gee, D. G., Jeanneret, P., and Li, Y.: Timing of deformation, metamorphism and leucogranite intrusion in the lower part of the Seve Nappe Complex in central Jämtland, Swedish Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13097, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13097, 2021.
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The new LA-ICP-MS zircon isotope age data from paragneiss, amphibolite and two leucogranite intrusions in the Lower Seve Nappe of the Åre synform in the Caledonides of central Jämtland provide evidence of both Silurian and Ordovician tectonothermal histories. Well established concordant c. 468 and c. 470 Ma magmatic ages for the Så quarry leucogranite, which cut earlier foliations and folds in the host-rock amphibolites and paragneisses, imply a tectonothermal history prior to the Middle Ordovician (c. 469 Ma), perhaps synchronous with what has been previously recognized in the Seve Nappe Complex of Norrbotten (e.g. Root & Corfu, 2012), 400 km farther north in the Swedish Caledonides, and very recently also in the Middle Seve Nappe in central Jämtland (Walczak et al. 2020).
The field relationships and data presented here show that magmatic activity occurred during the early Silurian (c. 443 Ma) and earlier during the Early to Middle Ordovician (c. 469 Ma), and that deformation and metamorphism took place both prior to and after c. 469 Ma. The Lower Seve rocks from the nearby COSC-1 drill core have been metamorphosed in the upper amphibolite facies, however, the remnants of the high-pressure metamorphic history are preserved in the relic minerals, including high-silica white mica, in the garnet-bearing mica schists. The exact age of the high-pressure metamorphism is not known so far; however, it predates the 460-430 Ma amphibolite facies deformation recorded by titanites in the amphibolites (Giuntoli et al. 2020).
Zircons in an amphibolite proved to be highly discordant but indicate Early Silurian metamorphism during isoclinal folding. Detrital zircons in a paragneiss are dominated by Sveconorwegian populations, but also include a range of younger Neoproterozoic grains down to the Early Ediacaran (c. 600 Ma).
This new evidence of early Caledonian deformation and metamorphism indicates that the Seve tectonothermal history in central Jämtland probably started early in the Ordovician, or before. Subduction and accretion along the Baltoscandian outer margin occurred prior to the Scandian continent-continent collision, with Siluro-Devonian emplacement of the Seve Nappe Complex across the foreland basins onto the Baltoscandian platform.
Giuntoli, F., Menegon, L., Warren, C.J., Darling, J., Anderson, M.W. 2020. Tectonics, 39, e2020TC006267, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006267.
Root, D., Corfu, F. 2012. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 163, 769-788, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-011-0698-0.
Walczak, K., Barnes, C.J., Majka, J., Gee, D.G. Klonowska, I., 2020. Geoscience Frontiers (in press), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2020.11.009.
This work is financially supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) research project no. 2018/29/B/ST10/02315 and is part of the ICDP project “Collisional Orogeny of the Scandinavian Caledonides.”
How to cite: Klonowska, I., Ladenberger, A., Gee, D. G., Jeanneret, P., and Li, Y.: Timing of deformation, metamorphism and leucogranite intrusion in the lower part of the Seve Nappe Complex in central Jämtland, Swedish Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13097, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13097, 2021.
EGU21-8943 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
The subduction, exhumation, and deformation history of the Vaimok Lens, Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian CaledonidesChristopher Barnes, Jarosław Majka, David Schneider, Mattia Gilio, Matteo Alvaro, Michał Bukała, and Matthijs Smit
The Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) of the Scandinavian Caledonides represents portions of the Baltican margin that were subducted to mantle depths. Eclogite-bearing sub-units of the SNC provide a record of this important step in orogen development. One such sub-unit is the Vaimok Lens of the SNC in southern Norrbotten. The Vaimok Lens constitutes eclogites hosted within metasedimentary rocks that reached ultra-high pressure (UHP) conditions in the Cambrian/Early Ordovician period. The metasedimentary rocks are typically composed of quartz, white mica, garnet, plagioclase, biotite, clinozoisite, apatite and titanite, and show a pervasive ‘S2’ foliation that developed during exhumation. Garnet is recognized as a relic of prograde metamorphism during subduction, whereas the other minerals represent retrogressive metamorphism during exhumation. To resolve the timing of prograde metamorphism, Lu-Hf geochronology was conducted on metasediment-hosted garnet that preserves prograde, bell-shaped Mn-zoning with a chemical formula of Alm69-59Grs32-24Sps13-2Prp5-2. The results indicate garnet growth at 495.3 ± 2.6 Ma. Quartz-in-garnet (QuiG) elastic geobarometry was also conducted on garnet from the same sample, providing pressures of 0.9-1.3 GPa, calculated at 500-700°C. Six samples were obtained for in-situ 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, targeting white mica defining the S2 foliation. Samples can be classified as: 1) low-strain (n: 3), with large (>400 µm width), undeformed micas that are chemically homogeneous (XCel: 0.24-0.35), which yielded a weighted average 40Ar/39Ar population of 470.5 ± 5.9 Ma; 2) high-strain (n: 3), with small (<300 µm width) mica fish with heterogeneous chemistry (XCel: 0.03-0.27), which provided weighted average 40Ar/39Ar populations of 447.6 ± 2.6 Ma and 431.1 ± 4.1 Ma. An additional sample from the basal thrust of the lens that contains large (>300 µm width), homogeneous (XCel: 0.24-0.34) mica was also dated, yielding a population of 414.1 ± 5.8 Ma. Altogether, the data indicates that the Vaimok Lens was subducting by c. 495 Ma. The lens underwent post-decompression cooling at c. 470 Ma, possibly decompressing to 0.9-1.3 GPa by this time. This would equate to an exhumation rate of 3-9 mm/yr. Imbrication of the SNC in southern Norrbotten is taken to be c. 447 Ma. Scandian deformation was active by c. 431 Ma and led to overthrusting of the SNC onto subjacent nappes by latest c. 414 Ma. Both the timescale for subduction and the rates of exhumation for the Vaimok Lens reflect subduction-exhumation dynamics of large UHP terranes. Furthermore, the timing of imbrication and Scandian deformation in southern Norrbotten is similar to estimates along strike of the SNC. These results indicate that the SNC acted as a large UHP terrane that underwent a ~25 Myr cycle of subduction and exhumation during the late Cambrian/Early Ordovician, before being deformed and partially dismembered in subsequent accretionary and collisional events.
Research funded by National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2014/14/E/ST10/00321 to J. Majka.
How to cite: Barnes, C., Majka, J., Schneider, D., Gilio, M., Alvaro, M., Bukała, M., and Smit, M.: The subduction, exhumation, and deformation history of the Vaimok Lens, Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8943, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8943, 2021.
The Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) of the Scandinavian Caledonides represents portions of the Baltican margin that were subducted to mantle depths. Eclogite-bearing sub-units of the SNC provide a record of this important step in orogen development. One such sub-unit is the Vaimok Lens of the SNC in southern Norrbotten. The Vaimok Lens constitutes eclogites hosted within metasedimentary rocks that reached ultra-high pressure (UHP) conditions in the Cambrian/Early Ordovician period. The metasedimentary rocks are typically composed of quartz, white mica, garnet, plagioclase, biotite, clinozoisite, apatite and titanite, and show a pervasive ‘S2’ foliation that developed during exhumation. Garnet is recognized as a relic of prograde metamorphism during subduction, whereas the other minerals represent retrogressive metamorphism during exhumation. To resolve the timing of prograde metamorphism, Lu-Hf geochronology was conducted on metasediment-hosted garnet that preserves prograde, bell-shaped Mn-zoning with a chemical formula of Alm69-59Grs32-24Sps13-2Prp5-2. The results indicate garnet growth at 495.3 ± 2.6 Ma. Quartz-in-garnet (QuiG) elastic geobarometry was also conducted on garnet from the same sample, providing pressures of 0.9-1.3 GPa, calculated at 500-700°C. Six samples were obtained for in-situ 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, targeting white mica defining the S2 foliation. Samples can be classified as: 1) low-strain (n: 3), with large (>400 µm width), undeformed micas that are chemically homogeneous (XCel: 0.24-0.35), which yielded a weighted average 40Ar/39Ar population of 470.5 ± 5.9 Ma; 2) high-strain (n: 3), with small (<300 µm width) mica fish with heterogeneous chemistry (XCel: 0.03-0.27), which provided weighted average 40Ar/39Ar populations of 447.6 ± 2.6 Ma and 431.1 ± 4.1 Ma. An additional sample from the basal thrust of the lens that contains large (>300 µm width), homogeneous (XCel: 0.24-0.34) mica was also dated, yielding a population of 414.1 ± 5.8 Ma. Altogether, the data indicates that the Vaimok Lens was subducting by c. 495 Ma. The lens underwent post-decompression cooling at c. 470 Ma, possibly decompressing to 0.9-1.3 GPa by this time. This would equate to an exhumation rate of 3-9 mm/yr. Imbrication of the SNC in southern Norrbotten is taken to be c. 447 Ma. Scandian deformation was active by c. 431 Ma and led to overthrusting of the SNC onto subjacent nappes by latest c. 414 Ma. Both the timescale for subduction and the rates of exhumation for the Vaimok Lens reflect subduction-exhumation dynamics of large UHP terranes. Furthermore, the timing of imbrication and Scandian deformation in southern Norrbotten is similar to estimates along strike of the SNC. These results indicate that the SNC acted as a large UHP terrane that underwent a ~25 Myr cycle of subduction and exhumation during the late Cambrian/Early Ordovician, before being deformed and partially dismembered in subsequent accretionary and collisional events.
Research funded by National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2014/14/E/ST10/00321 to J. Majka.
How to cite: Barnes, C., Majka, J., Schneider, D., Gilio, M., Alvaro, M., Bukała, M., and Smit, M.: The subduction, exhumation, and deformation history of the Vaimok Lens, Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8943, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8943, 2021.
EGU21-12823 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Regional study of orogenic ultramafics of the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides - preliminary results from northern and central Jämtland, SwedenDaniel Buczko, Magdalena Matusiak-Małek, Jarosław Majka, Iwona Klonowska, and Grzegorz Ziemniak
The Scandinavian Caledonides comprise numerous ultramafic bodies emplaced within metamorphic nappe complexes. A hypothetical suture between the most distal crustal units representing Baltican margin (Seve Nappe Complex, SNC) with the oceanic Iapetian terranes (Köli Nappe Complex) is abundant in such occurrences. Here we present preliminary data on garnet/spinel peridotites/pyroxenites from SNC in central and northern parts of Swedish Jämtland county. The presented results are a part of a project involving regional study focused on orogenic peridotites (mostly spinel-bearing) of Seve and Köli nappe complexes.
The ultramafic bodies in the study area range from a meters to kilometer scale and comprise: 1) garnet peridotites, 2) spinel peridotites, 3) spinel pyroxenites and 4) garnet pyroxenites. Individual outcrops often record different levels of serpentinisation.
The Grt-peridotites are usually harzburgites (sparsely dunites/lherzolites) with an assemblage of Ol+Opx+Cpx+Amph+Grt+Spl. Minerals within the Grt-peridotites are characterised by Ol Fo=~90-91 and Mg# in pyroxenes 90-92 and 92-96 (enstatite and diopside/Cr-diopside, respectively). Garnet is pyrope with end-members Prp=60-69%, Usp=0-4% and Cr#=0.5-4. Amphibole (pargasite; Mg#=88-92) typically occurs as patches or rims around Grt and often host significant amounts of Spl. The spinel has an intermediate composition between hercynite-spinel and magnesiochromite-chromite (Cr#=41-55, Mg#=40-57).
The spinel peridotites are formed of Ol+Opx+Amph+Chl+Spl and classify mostly as harzburgites/dunites. Olivine and Opx (enstatite, rarely Cr-enstatite; often as porphyrocrysts) show a high range of Fo/Mg# values (90-95 and 90-94, respectively). Amphibole (tremolite; Mg#=91-96) is usually evenly distributed within the rock, while Chl is often associated with grain boundaries. Spinel has a chromite composition (Cr#=82-100, Mg#=5-10). Within single large (~0.5mm) spinel grains, cores with higher Mg# (~23) and lower Cr# (~82) can be observed.
The garnet pyroxenites are websterites characterised by lower Mg# (88-90) in enstatite, presence of Al-diopside and lower Cr# (<0.5) in pyrope than in peridotites. The Spl-pyroxenites are orthopyroxenites with Mg# in enstatite (86-88) lower than in peridotitic orthopyroxene.
The presented preliminary data suggest that lithologies formed under different pressures (i.e. Grt and Spl facies) and must have recorded different evolution paths. Garnet ultramafics mineralogy resembles typical “mantle” assemblage with Prg suggesting possible metamorphic input also for other consisting phases (similarly to M2 paragenesis described in [1]). While the Grt ultramafic rocks and their evolution has been a subject of several studies before, the Spl ultramafics are relatively understudied and can shed new light on the evolution of SNC. The composition of Spl peridotites represents a mixture of typical “magmatic” mantle phases with metamorphic minerals (Amph+Chl). Very high Mg# values and occurrence of 120° triple point junctions in Ol (also described in [2]) suggest complex genesis, which probably includes serpentinisation (+exhumation?) followed by deserpentinisation. This indicates that the Spl ultramafics of SNC might have been subducted after their primary serpentinisation, which can be related either to emplacement and exhumation of ultramafics during Rodinia breakup or derivation from shallow, serpentinised “wet” mantle wedge in the subduction zone.
Research founded by Polish National Science Centre grant no. 2019/35/N/ST10/00519.
[1] Gilio et al. (2015). Lithos 230, 1-16.
[2] Clos et al. (2014). Lithos 192-195, 8-20.
How to cite: Buczko, D., Matusiak-Małek, M., Majka, J., Klonowska, I., and Ziemniak, G.: Regional study of orogenic ultramafics of the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides - preliminary results from northern and central Jämtland, Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12823, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12823, 2021.
The Scandinavian Caledonides comprise numerous ultramafic bodies emplaced within metamorphic nappe complexes. A hypothetical suture between the most distal crustal units representing Baltican margin (Seve Nappe Complex, SNC) with the oceanic Iapetian terranes (Köli Nappe Complex) is abundant in such occurrences. Here we present preliminary data on garnet/spinel peridotites/pyroxenites from SNC in central and northern parts of Swedish Jämtland county. The presented results are a part of a project involving regional study focused on orogenic peridotites (mostly spinel-bearing) of Seve and Köli nappe complexes.
The ultramafic bodies in the study area range from a meters to kilometer scale and comprise: 1) garnet peridotites, 2) spinel peridotites, 3) spinel pyroxenites and 4) garnet pyroxenites. Individual outcrops often record different levels of serpentinisation.
The Grt-peridotites are usually harzburgites (sparsely dunites/lherzolites) with an assemblage of Ol+Opx+Cpx+Amph+Grt+Spl. Minerals within the Grt-peridotites are characterised by Ol Fo=~90-91 and Mg# in pyroxenes 90-92 and 92-96 (enstatite and diopside/Cr-diopside, respectively). Garnet is pyrope with end-members Prp=60-69%, Usp=0-4% and Cr#=0.5-4. Amphibole (pargasite; Mg#=88-92) typically occurs as patches or rims around Grt and often host significant amounts of Spl. The spinel has an intermediate composition between hercynite-spinel and magnesiochromite-chromite (Cr#=41-55, Mg#=40-57).
The spinel peridotites are formed of Ol+Opx+Amph+Chl+Spl and classify mostly as harzburgites/dunites. Olivine and Opx (enstatite, rarely Cr-enstatite; often as porphyrocrysts) show a high range of Fo/Mg# values (90-95 and 90-94, respectively). Amphibole (tremolite; Mg#=91-96) is usually evenly distributed within the rock, while Chl is often associated with grain boundaries. Spinel has a chromite composition (Cr#=82-100, Mg#=5-10). Within single large (~0.5mm) spinel grains, cores with higher Mg# (~23) and lower Cr# (~82) can be observed.
The garnet pyroxenites are websterites characterised by lower Mg# (88-90) in enstatite, presence of Al-diopside and lower Cr# (<0.5) in pyrope than in peridotites. The Spl-pyroxenites are orthopyroxenites with Mg# in enstatite (86-88) lower than in peridotitic orthopyroxene.
The presented preliminary data suggest that lithologies formed under different pressures (i.e. Grt and Spl facies) and must have recorded different evolution paths. Garnet ultramafics mineralogy resembles typical “mantle” assemblage with Prg suggesting possible metamorphic input also for other consisting phases (similarly to M2 paragenesis described in [1]). While the Grt ultramafic rocks and their evolution has been a subject of several studies before, the Spl ultramafics are relatively understudied and can shed new light on the evolution of SNC. The composition of Spl peridotites represents a mixture of typical “magmatic” mantle phases with metamorphic minerals (Amph+Chl). Very high Mg# values and occurrence of 120° triple point junctions in Ol (also described in [2]) suggest complex genesis, which probably includes serpentinisation (+exhumation?) followed by deserpentinisation. This indicates that the Spl ultramafics of SNC might have been subducted after their primary serpentinisation, which can be related either to emplacement and exhumation of ultramafics during Rodinia breakup or derivation from shallow, serpentinised “wet” mantle wedge in the subduction zone.
Research founded by Polish National Science Centre grant no. 2019/35/N/ST10/00519.
[1] Gilio et al. (2015). Lithos 230, 1-16.
[2] Clos et al. (2014). Lithos 192-195, 8-20.
How to cite: Buczko, D., Matusiak-Małek, M., Majka, J., Klonowska, I., and Ziemniak, G.: Regional study of orogenic ultramafics of the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides - preliminary results from northern and central Jämtland, Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12823, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12823, 2021.
EGU21-3394 * | vPICO presentations | TS7.11 | Highlight
How reliable are maximum depositional age estimates based on detrital zircon? An example from Early Palaeozoic successions of the Trondheim Nappe Complex, Scandinavian CaledonidesDeta Gasser, Tor Grenne, Bjørgunn Dalslåen, Trond Slagstad, David Roberts, Torkil S. Røhr, and Øyvind Skår
U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons are widely used to estimate maximum depositional ages (MDA) for sedimentary successions of various age. Different methods have been proposed for calculating an MDA. The most common are based on calculated ages of either the youngest single grain (YSG), the youngest grain cluster composed of three or more grains that overlap at 2σ (YGC 2σ), or the youngest graphical peak (YPP). Many of these methods produce MDAs consistent with biostratigraphic age or the radiometric age of volcanic horizons within the same unit; however, several studies have shown that MDA estimates based on detrital zircon can be younger than the true depositional age, particularly in active tectonic settings, indicating that the methods should be applied with care for successions where independent depositional age control is lacking.
In this contribution we present a compilation of 27 detrital zircon samples from Ordovician to Silurian strata from a part of the Trondheim Nappe Complex of the central Scandinavian Caledonides. The samples belong to six stratigraphically distinct units with independent age control from fossils, dated volcanic horizons or bracketing units of known age. These successions represent various marginal basins filled during the closing stages of the Iapetus Ocean in an overall active tectonic setting with detritus from both continental landmasses and Cambro-Ordovician island arcs. Shortly after deposition, the successions were folded and metamorphosed at up to greenschist facies during Taconian accretionary events and/or the Scandian continent-continent collision.
We calculated MDAs by the three methods YSG, YGC 2σ and YPP for all samples based on 206Pb/ 238U ages, applying a rigorous discordance filter of 5% (most studies use 10%), in order to use the most reliable analyses possible. Our analysis shows that the YSG MDA is up to 36 m.y. younger than the known depositional age for 17 of the 27 samples, with up to six individual grains giving too young age estimates in some samples. Hence, YSG MDA obviously does not provide a reliable MDA estimate. Of the YGC 2σ (weighted mean age) estimates, six are still significantly younger than known depositional age; and an additional seven are younger but overlap with the known depositional age when considering the maximum error on the YGC 2σ estimate. The only method which provides an MDA estimate within the age of known deposition or older for all samples is the YPP method.
Our results indicate that statistically robust estimates of MDA from detrital zircon data in such an active orogenic setting are provided only by the YPP method; both the YSG and the YGC 2σ methods provided unreliably young estimates even with a discordance filter of 5% (using a filter of only 10% makes the problem considerably worse). The spuriously young ages of up to six near-concordant grains in some samples is probably due to concealed lead loss, possibly caused by (fluid-assisted?) recrystallisation of zircon domains during regional greenschist-facies metamorphism shortly after deposition.
How to cite: Gasser, D., Grenne, T., Dalslåen, B., Slagstad, T., Roberts, D., S. Røhr, T., and Skår, Ø.: How reliable are maximum depositional age estimates based on detrital zircon? An example from Early Palaeozoic successions of the Trondheim Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3394, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3394, 2021.
U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons are widely used to estimate maximum depositional ages (MDA) for sedimentary successions of various age. Different methods have been proposed for calculating an MDA. The most common are based on calculated ages of either the youngest single grain (YSG), the youngest grain cluster composed of three or more grains that overlap at 2σ (YGC 2σ), or the youngest graphical peak (YPP). Many of these methods produce MDAs consistent with biostratigraphic age or the radiometric age of volcanic horizons within the same unit; however, several studies have shown that MDA estimates based on detrital zircon can be younger than the true depositional age, particularly in active tectonic settings, indicating that the methods should be applied with care for successions where independent depositional age control is lacking.
In this contribution we present a compilation of 27 detrital zircon samples from Ordovician to Silurian strata from a part of the Trondheim Nappe Complex of the central Scandinavian Caledonides. The samples belong to six stratigraphically distinct units with independent age control from fossils, dated volcanic horizons or bracketing units of known age. These successions represent various marginal basins filled during the closing stages of the Iapetus Ocean in an overall active tectonic setting with detritus from both continental landmasses and Cambro-Ordovician island arcs. Shortly after deposition, the successions were folded and metamorphosed at up to greenschist facies during Taconian accretionary events and/or the Scandian continent-continent collision.
We calculated MDAs by the three methods YSG, YGC 2σ and YPP for all samples based on 206Pb/ 238U ages, applying a rigorous discordance filter of 5% (most studies use 10%), in order to use the most reliable analyses possible. Our analysis shows that the YSG MDA is up to 36 m.y. younger than the known depositional age for 17 of the 27 samples, with up to six individual grains giving too young age estimates in some samples. Hence, YSG MDA obviously does not provide a reliable MDA estimate. Of the YGC 2σ (weighted mean age) estimates, six are still significantly younger than known depositional age; and an additional seven are younger but overlap with the known depositional age when considering the maximum error on the YGC 2σ estimate. The only method which provides an MDA estimate within the age of known deposition or older for all samples is the YPP method.
Our results indicate that statistically robust estimates of MDA from detrital zircon data in such an active orogenic setting are provided only by the YPP method; both the YSG and the YGC 2σ methods provided unreliably young estimates even with a discordance filter of 5% (using a filter of only 10% makes the problem considerably worse). The spuriously young ages of up to six near-concordant grains in some samples is probably due to concealed lead loss, possibly caused by (fluid-assisted?) recrystallisation of zircon domains during regional greenschist-facies metamorphism shortly after deposition.
How to cite: Gasser, D., Grenne, T., Dalslåen, B., Slagstad, T., Roberts, D., S. Røhr, T., and Skår, Ø.: How reliable are maximum depositional age estimates based on detrital zircon? An example from Early Palaeozoic successions of the Trondheim Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3394, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3394, 2021.
EGU21-7179 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Deciphering the structural and metamorphic history of the Balsfjord Series in the Upper Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides in northern NorwayStephan Höpfl, Jiří Konopásek, Holger Stünitz, and Steffen G. Bergh
Deciphering the structural and metamorphic history of the Balsfjord Series in the Upper Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides in northern Norway
Höpfl Stephan1, Konopásek Jiří1, Stünitz Holger1,2 Bergh G., Steffen1
UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Institutt for geovitenskap, stephan.m.hopfl@uit.no
1Department of Geosciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø 9037, Norway
2Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTO), Université d’Orleans, Orleans 45100, France
The Balsfjord Series is located in the central part of Troms–Finnmark County, northern Norway, and is part of the upper allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides. It consists of an Ordovician–Silurian metsedimentary sequence lying on top of the mostly gabbroic Lyngen Magmatic Complex (LMC). The unit exhibits an inverted metamorphic gradient, where the metamorphic conditions increase from the base to the top, from very low grade in the southeast to medium grade in the west and northwest. The Balsfjord Series is sandwiched between two high-grade units, the Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex in the hanging wall and the Nordmannvik Nappe as the top part of the Reisa Nappe Complex (RNC) in the footwall. The Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex features metamorphic peak ages of ca. 455–450 Ma and the Nordmannvik Nappe of ca. 430 Ma. The peak metamorphism of the Balsfjord Series has never been dated and the role of the inverted metamorphic gradient is not yet understood. One of the main motivations in this project is to resolve the Caledonian deformation history in the Balsfjord Series, ideally leading to a regional tectonic model explaining the tectonostratigraphic and metamorphic relationships between the abovementioned units.
The Balsfjord Series features two main discernible folding phases. The earlier phase displays tight to isoclinal folds with flat lying axial surfaces parallel to the penetrative foliation. Observed fold axes are parallel with the stretching lineation. These folds are best preserved in the northwestern, upper part of the unit and are syn-metamorphic in certain areas, as they fold original bedding (transposed foliation). A later folding phase is represented by mainly open folds with inclined to steep axial surfaces. Their fold axes are gently plunging with a predominant NE–SW orientation. We interpret these two folding events to be genetically related but slightly diachronous. The earlier folding phase with flat lying axial surfaces was likely generated during nappe thrusting and peak metamorphism of the Balsfjord Series. The subsequent open folding with inclined to steep axial surfaces is explained as a result of continued shearing and shortening of the weaker metapelitic Balsfjord Series against the more rigid gabbroic part of the LMC during the late stages of the Caledonian nappe thrusting.
Observed thrust kinematics and penetrative retrogression at the bottom of the Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex suggest that its final exhumation took place during prograde metamorphism of the underlying Balsfjord Series. The ongoing dating of the prograde metamorphism in the Balsfjord series will provide important information about a possible continuity between the timing of peak metamorphism in the Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex, the Balsfjord series and the underlying RNC.
How to cite: Höpfl, S., Konopásek, J., Stünitz, H., and Bergh, S. G.: Deciphering the structural and metamorphic history of the Balsfjord Series in the Upper Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides in northern Norway , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7179, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7179, 2021.
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Deciphering the structural and metamorphic history of the Balsfjord Series in the Upper Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides in northern Norway
Höpfl Stephan1, Konopásek Jiří1, Stünitz Holger1,2 Bergh G., Steffen1
UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Institutt for geovitenskap, stephan.m.hopfl@uit.no
1Department of Geosciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø 9037, Norway
2Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTO), Université d’Orleans, Orleans 45100, France
The Balsfjord Series is located in the central part of Troms–Finnmark County, northern Norway, and is part of the upper allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides. It consists of an Ordovician–Silurian metsedimentary sequence lying on top of the mostly gabbroic Lyngen Magmatic Complex (LMC). The unit exhibits an inverted metamorphic gradient, where the metamorphic conditions increase from the base to the top, from very low grade in the southeast to medium grade in the west and northwest. The Balsfjord Series is sandwiched between two high-grade units, the Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex in the hanging wall and the Nordmannvik Nappe as the top part of the Reisa Nappe Complex (RNC) in the footwall. The Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex features metamorphic peak ages of ca. 455–450 Ma and the Nordmannvik Nappe of ca. 430 Ma. The peak metamorphism of the Balsfjord Series has never been dated and the role of the inverted metamorphic gradient is not yet understood. One of the main motivations in this project is to resolve the Caledonian deformation history in the Balsfjord Series, ideally leading to a regional tectonic model explaining the tectonostratigraphic and metamorphic relationships between the abovementioned units.
The Balsfjord Series features two main discernible folding phases. The earlier phase displays tight to isoclinal folds with flat lying axial surfaces parallel to the penetrative foliation. Observed fold axes are parallel with the stretching lineation. These folds are best preserved in the northwestern, upper part of the unit and are syn-metamorphic in certain areas, as they fold original bedding (transposed foliation). A later folding phase is represented by mainly open folds with inclined to steep axial surfaces. Their fold axes are gently plunging with a predominant NE–SW orientation. We interpret these two folding events to be genetically related but slightly diachronous. The earlier folding phase with flat lying axial surfaces was likely generated during nappe thrusting and peak metamorphism of the Balsfjord Series. The subsequent open folding with inclined to steep axial surfaces is explained as a result of continued shearing and shortening of the weaker metapelitic Balsfjord Series against the more rigid gabbroic part of the LMC during the late stages of the Caledonian nappe thrusting.
Observed thrust kinematics and penetrative retrogression at the bottom of the Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex suggest that its final exhumation took place during prograde metamorphism of the underlying Balsfjord Series. The ongoing dating of the prograde metamorphism in the Balsfjord series will provide important information about a possible continuity between the timing of peak metamorphism in the Nakkedal + Tromsø Nappe Complex, the Balsfjord series and the underlying RNC.
How to cite: Höpfl, S., Konopásek, J., Stünitz, H., and Bergh, S. G.: Deciphering the structural and metamorphic history of the Balsfjord Series in the Upper Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides in northern Norway , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7179, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7179, 2021.
EGU21-16336 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Large meta-eclogite massifs within the Western Gneiss Region, Scandinavian Caledonides: Subducted ocean-continent transition?Simon Cuthbert
The northern part of the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) has distinctive belts of allochthonous metasediments and mafic rocks lying within tight infolds into the Baltica basement. They outcrop from the Grong-Olden Window to the Norwegian coast, possibly as far SW as Sørøyane, predominantly comprising metapelite and amphibolite with psammite, marble, calc-silicate, local large eclogite (>4km) lenses and ultramafites. These supracrustal lithotectonic units are attributed to the Blåhø Nappe, correlated with the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in its main outcrop in Sweden, which is considered to represent the pre-Caledonian continent-ocean transition (COT) of Baltica. They closely resemble the Lower Seve Nappe in northern Sweden where large amphibolite massifs with marbles are common, along with local eclogites. At least some have geochemical characteristics of spilitised extrusive MORB basalt in contrast to the better known, Neoproterozoic Baltoscandian Dyke Swarm in the SNC.
In the WGR near Molde a >10km long massif of such “amphibolite” at Tverrfjella commonly exhibits a relict high-P granulite precursor that has, in turn, overprinted eclogite. It encloses marble, scapolite-bearing calc-silicate, garnet peridotite (harzburgite) and Cu ores. Marble and meta-eclogite are intermixed which, along with its high Na spilitic character, suggests that the protolith was extrusive. Limited geochemical data suggest MORB composition. P-T estimates for eclogites in adjacent belts suggest UHP, possibly diamond-stable, conditions; in Sørøyane the well-known Ulsteinvik eclogite contains coesite. In the Molde area some of the mafic rocks and metasediments have partially melted. Eclogite metamorphism was Scandian in the Tverrfjell massif at 418 ± 11 Ma, with similar ages but tighter errors for adjacent belts and Ulsteinvik. These are significantly younger than ages for (U)HP metamorphism in the main SNC outcrop in Sweden, where early Ordovician subduction with a latest Ordovician granulite overprint is recorded. However, metapelites in other Blåhø-like supracrustal belts in the WGR do seem to record this earlier history as does one eclogite, consistent with the “double-dunk” hypothesis in this hinterland region. The protolith age of the metabasalts is unknown; analogy with the BDS suggests Neoproterozoic, but some zircon data from the WGR may suggest magmatic crystallisation during the Ordovician.O-isotopes indicate that the marbles were Palaeozoic, rather than Proterozoic, carbonates. Overall, the available literature data show that some large mafic massifs in the WGR, with associated metasediments and peridotites, are allochthonous with respect to Baltica basement; they represent major additions of extrusive basalt to a far-distal COT or fully oceanic basin that have been subducted at least once during the Caledonian Wilson cycle. Isotopic data hint that at least some of their protoliths are unusually young. These supracrustal belts certainly merit closer attention.
How to cite: Cuthbert, S.: Large meta-eclogite massifs within the Western Gneiss Region, Scandinavian Caledonides: Subducted ocean-continent transition?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16336, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16336, 2021.
The northern part of the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) has distinctive belts of allochthonous metasediments and mafic rocks lying within tight infolds into the Baltica basement. They outcrop from the Grong-Olden Window to the Norwegian coast, possibly as far SW as Sørøyane, predominantly comprising metapelite and amphibolite with psammite, marble, calc-silicate, local large eclogite (>4km) lenses and ultramafites. These supracrustal lithotectonic units are attributed to the Blåhø Nappe, correlated with the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in its main outcrop in Sweden, which is considered to represent the pre-Caledonian continent-ocean transition (COT) of Baltica. They closely resemble the Lower Seve Nappe in northern Sweden where large amphibolite massifs with marbles are common, along with local eclogites. At least some have geochemical characteristics of spilitised extrusive MORB basalt in contrast to the better known, Neoproterozoic Baltoscandian Dyke Swarm in the SNC.
In the WGR near Molde a >10km long massif of such “amphibolite” at Tverrfjella commonly exhibits a relict high-P granulite precursor that has, in turn, overprinted eclogite. It encloses marble, scapolite-bearing calc-silicate, garnet peridotite (harzburgite) and Cu ores. Marble and meta-eclogite are intermixed which, along with its high Na spilitic character, suggests that the protolith was extrusive. Limited geochemical data suggest MORB composition. P-T estimates for eclogites in adjacent belts suggest UHP, possibly diamond-stable, conditions; in Sørøyane the well-known Ulsteinvik eclogite contains coesite. In the Molde area some of the mafic rocks and metasediments have partially melted. Eclogite metamorphism was Scandian in the Tverrfjell massif at 418 ± 11 Ma, with similar ages but tighter errors for adjacent belts and Ulsteinvik. These are significantly younger than ages for (U)HP metamorphism in the main SNC outcrop in Sweden, where early Ordovician subduction with a latest Ordovician granulite overprint is recorded. However, metapelites in other Blåhø-like supracrustal belts in the WGR do seem to record this earlier history as does one eclogite, consistent with the “double-dunk” hypothesis in this hinterland region. The protolith age of the metabasalts is unknown; analogy with the BDS suggests Neoproterozoic, but some zircon data from the WGR may suggest magmatic crystallisation during the Ordovician.O-isotopes indicate that the marbles were Palaeozoic, rather than Proterozoic, carbonates. Overall, the available literature data show that some large mafic massifs in the WGR, with associated metasediments and peridotites, are allochthonous with respect to Baltica basement; they represent major additions of extrusive basalt to a far-distal COT or fully oceanic basin that have been subducted at least once during the Caledonian Wilson cycle. Isotopic data hint that at least some of their protoliths are unusually young. These supracrustal belts certainly merit closer attention.
How to cite: Cuthbert, S.: Large meta-eclogite massifs within the Western Gneiss Region, Scandinavian Caledonides: Subducted ocean-continent transition?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16336, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16336, 2021.
EGU21-223 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Timescales of continental subduction: Constraints from ultrahigh-pressure metapelites in the Western Gneiss Region, NorwaySamantha March, Renée Tamblyn, Martin Hand, Bruna Carvelho, and Chris Clark
The Western Gneiss Region (WGR), Norway is an archetypal continental ultrahigh-pressure (U)HP terrane with an extensive metamorphic history, recording the subduction and subsequent exhumation of continental crust to depths exceeding 120 km. The vast bulk of past work within the WGR has focused on mafic eclogites. In this study, data from rare garnet-kyanite metapelites in (UHP) domains of the WGR is presented. U–Pb geochronology and trace element compositions in zircon, monazite, apatite, rutile and garnet were acquired, and P–T conditions were calculated by mineral equilibria forward modelling and Zr-in-rutile thermometry. The Ulsteinvik metapelite defines a prograde path that traverses through ~600–710 °C and ~11–14 kbar. Minimum peak conditions are ~750 °C and ~2.9 GPa in an inferred garnet-kyanite-coesite-omphacite-muscovite-rutile-quartz-H2O assemblage. Plagioclase-biotite-quartz intergrowths developed after omphacite-phengite-rutile breakdown on the early retrograde path, followed by cordierite-spinel-plagioclase symplectites after garnet-kyanite-biotite, defining a retrograde P–T point at ~740 °C and ~7 kbar. Late Ordovician-Early Silurian (~470–440 Ma) zircon and rutile age data in Ulsteinvik pre-dates the major Scandian UHP subduction episode in the WGR, interpreted as recording early Caledonian subduction within the Blåhø nappe. Monazite and apatite U-Pb geochronology and trace element data suggest exhumation occurred at ~400 Ma. The Fjørtoft metapelite is a constituent of the Blåhø nappe. Minimum peak P–T conditions are ~1.8 GPa and ~750 °C, with poor peak mineral fidelity attributed to extensive retrograde deformation. Negative Eu anomalies in ~423 Ma monazite suggest retrograde conditions were reached [RJT1] by ~423 Ma. Ulsteinvik and Fjørtoft may have experienced pre-Scandian subduction together within the Blåhø nappe, but record dissimilar histories after this. Two potential scenarios are presented: (1) Ulsteinvik resided within the mantle for 20 million-years longer than Fjørtoft during Scandian subduction, or (2), the samples were exhumed at different times during pre-Scandian subduction of the Blåhø nappe. The preservation of prograde zoning within Ulsteinvik garnets precludes a long-term residence within the mantle and suggests the latter option. In this scenario, the subducting Blåhø nappe experienced a degree of slab tear and partial underplating of the upper plate during the early stages of continental underthrusting. Discrete pieces may have later reattached to the lower plate at different times, partially exhumed, and then subducted to mantle-depths during the Scandian.
How to cite: March, S., Tamblyn, R., Hand, M., Carvelho, B., and Clark, C.: Timescales of continental subduction: Constraints from ultrahigh-pressure metapelites in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-223, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-223, 2021.
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The Western Gneiss Region (WGR), Norway is an archetypal continental ultrahigh-pressure (U)HP terrane with an extensive metamorphic history, recording the subduction and subsequent exhumation of continental crust to depths exceeding 120 km. The vast bulk of past work within the WGR has focused on mafic eclogites. In this study, data from rare garnet-kyanite metapelites in (UHP) domains of the WGR is presented. U–Pb geochronology and trace element compositions in zircon, monazite, apatite, rutile and garnet were acquired, and P–T conditions were calculated by mineral equilibria forward modelling and Zr-in-rutile thermometry. The Ulsteinvik metapelite defines a prograde path that traverses through ~600–710 °C and ~11–14 kbar. Minimum peak conditions are ~750 °C and ~2.9 GPa in an inferred garnet-kyanite-coesite-omphacite-muscovite-rutile-quartz-H2O assemblage. Plagioclase-biotite-quartz intergrowths developed after omphacite-phengite-rutile breakdown on the early retrograde path, followed by cordierite-spinel-plagioclase symplectites after garnet-kyanite-biotite, defining a retrograde P–T point at ~740 °C and ~7 kbar. Late Ordovician-Early Silurian (~470–440 Ma) zircon and rutile age data in Ulsteinvik pre-dates the major Scandian UHP subduction episode in the WGR, interpreted as recording early Caledonian subduction within the Blåhø nappe. Monazite and apatite U-Pb geochronology and trace element data suggest exhumation occurred at ~400 Ma. The Fjørtoft metapelite is a constituent of the Blåhø nappe. Minimum peak P–T conditions are ~1.8 GPa and ~750 °C, with poor peak mineral fidelity attributed to extensive retrograde deformation. Negative Eu anomalies in ~423 Ma monazite suggest retrograde conditions were reached [RJT1] by ~423 Ma. Ulsteinvik and Fjørtoft may have experienced pre-Scandian subduction together within the Blåhø nappe, but record dissimilar histories after this. Two potential scenarios are presented: (1) Ulsteinvik resided within the mantle for 20 million-years longer than Fjørtoft during Scandian subduction, or (2), the samples were exhumed at different times during pre-Scandian subduction of the Blåhø nappe. The preservation of prograde zoning within Ulsteinvik garnets precludes a long-term residence within the mantle and suggests the latter option. In this scenario, the subducting Blåhø nappe experienced a degree of slab tear and partial underplating of the upper plate during the early stages of continental underthrusting. Discrete pieces may have later reattached to the lower plate at different times, partially exhumed, and then subducted to mantle-depths during the Scandian.
How to cite: March, S., Tamblyn, R., Hand, M., Carvelho, B., and Clark, C.: Timescales of continental subduction: Constraints from ultrahigh-pressure metapelites in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-223, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-223, 2021.
EGU21-1364 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Exhumation History of the Western Gneiss Region Revealed Through Symplectite ThermobarometryIsabel S. M. Carter, Andrew Parsons, David J. Waters, and Phillip Gopon
The Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway, part of the Caledonian Orogenic Belt, is one of the largest and best studied examples of exhumed ultra-high pressure (UHP) continental terrains in the world. This makes it an ideal candidate for studying the poorly understood processes that facilitate and control the exhumation of UHP continental material. Although the WGR is often considered the type example of the eduction model of UHP exhumation (Andersen et al., 1991), validation of exhumation models requires robust estimates of pressure and temperature across the full range of retrograde conditions which follow peak metamorphism. However, such constraints are often difficult to obtain as there is commonly overprinting of early-stage exhumation records during later stages of exhumation.
UHP assemblages in the WGR are primarily preserved within numerous mafic eclogite enclaves, making them ideal candidates for studying processes and conditions that occur during exhumation from UHP conditions. In this study, we present detailed Electron Probe Micro-Analyses (EPMA) combined with Scanning Electron and Optical Microscopy characterization from a suite of mafic eclogite samples from the Stadlandet Peninsula of Western Norway. Our analyses focus on diopside–plagioclase (± amphibole) symplectite, which form from breakdown of omphacite during exhumation. Spatial variations in the compositions of minerals within these symplectites reflect a detailed record of P-T conditions during exhumation (Boland & van Roermund, 1983; Joanny et al., 1991; Waters, 2002). We used a novel technique of high resolution, low voltage EPMA, combined with secondary fluorescence corrections, which permits the analysis of individual symplectite lamellae with widths down to 1μm. Retrograde P-T pathways were then constructed from these data using the hornblende-plagioclase thermometer and clinopyroxene-plagioclase-hornblende barometer (Waters, 2002).
P-T estimates from the symplectites fall in the range 470-720°C and 3-16 kbar. Combining the P-T arrays with existing peak P-T estimates indicates a two-stage exhumation path, with a steep initial isothermal decompression from depth followed by a more gentle cooling trajectory at lower pressures. The inflection in the exhumation path is estimated to be around 10-15 kbar at 650-700°C. The path shape is usually interpreted to record an initial rapid buoyancy driven exhumation from UHP to the base of the crust or lithosphere, followed by a second stage of slow exhumation to crustal depths. This confirmation of two-stage exhumation paths helps to constrain models of exhumation for the WGR, which in turn provides insights into how UHP terrains exhume globally.
Andersen, T. B., Jamtveit, B., Dewey, J. F. & Swensson E. (1991). Subduction and Eduction of Continental Crust: Major Mechanisms during Continent-Continent Collision and Orogenic Extensional Collapse, a Model Based on the South Norwegian Caledonides. Terra Nova, 3(3), 303–10
Boland, J., & van Roermund, H. (1983). Mechanisms of exsolution in omphacites from high temperature, type B, eclogites. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 9(1), 30–37.
Joanny, V., van Roermund, H. & Lardeaux, J. M. (1991). The clinopyroxene/plagioclase symplectite in retrograde eclogites. Geologische Rundschau, 80(2), 303–320
Waters, D. J. (2002). Clinopyroxene-amphibole-plagioclase symplectites in Norwegian eclogites. Mineralogical Society, Winter Conference, Derby.
How to cite: Carter, I. S. M., Parsons, A., Waters, D. J., and Gopon, P.: Exhumation History of the Western Gneiss Region Revealed Through Symplectite Thermobarometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1364, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1364, 2021.
The Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway, part of the Caledonian Orogenic Belt, is one of the largest and best studied examples of exhumed ultra-high pressure (UHP) continental terrains in the world. This makes it an ideal candidate for studying the poorly understood processes that facilitate and control the exhumation of UHP continental material. Although the WGR is often considered the type example of the eduction model of UHP exhumation (Andersen et al., 1991), validation of exhumation models requires robust estimates of pressure and temperature across the full range of retrograde conditions which follow peak metamorphism. However, such constraints are often difficult to obtain as there is commonly overprinting of early-stage exhumation records during later stages of exhumation.
UHP assemblages in the WGR are primarily preserved within numerous mafic eclogite enclaves, making them ideal candidates for studying processes and conditions that occur during exhumation from UHP conditions. In this study, we present detailed Electron Probe Micro-Analyses (EPMA) combined with Scanning Electron and Optical Microscopy characterization from a suite of mafic eclogite samples from the Stadlandet Peninsula of Western Norway. Our analyses focus on diopside–plagioclase (± amphibole) symplectite, which form from breakdown of omphacite during exhumation. Spatial variations in the compositions of minerals within these symplectites reflect a detailed record of P-T conditions during exhumation (Boland & van Roermund, 1983; Joanny et al., 1991; Waters, 2002). We used a novel technique of high resolution, low voltage EPMA, combined with secondary fluorescence corrections, which permits the analysis of individual symplectite lamellae with widths down to 1μm. Retrograde P-T pathways were then constructed from these data using the hornblende-plagioclase thermometer and clinopyroxene-plagioclase-hornblende barometer (Waters, 2002).
P-T estimates from the symplectites fall in the range 470-720°C and 3-16 kbar. Combining the P-T arrays with existing peak P-T estimates indicates a two-stage exhumation path, with a steep initial isothermal decompression from depth followed by a more gentle cooling trajectory at lower pressures. The inflection in the exhumation path is estimated to be around 10-15 kbar at 650-700°C. The path shape is usually interpreted to record an initial rapid buoyancy driven exhumation from UHP to the base of the crust or lithosphere, followed by a second stage of slow exhumation to crustal depths. This confirmation of two-stage exhumation paths helps to constrain models of exhumation for the WGR, which in turn provides insights into how UHP terrains exhume globally.
Andersen, T. B., Jamtveit, B., Dewey, J. F. & Swensson E. (1991). Subduction and Eduction of Continental Crust: Major Mechanisms during Continent-Continent Collision and Orogenic Extensional Collapse, a Model Based on the South Norwegian Caledonides. Terra Nova, 3(3), 303–10
Boland, J., & van Roermund, H. (1983). Mechanisms of exsolution in omphacites from high temperature, type B, eclogites. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 9(1), 30–37.
Joanny, V., van Roermund, H. & Lardeaux, J. M. (1991). The clinopyroxene/plagioclase symplectite in retrograde eclogites. Geologische Rundschau, 80(2), 303–320
Waters, D. J. (2002). Clinopyroxene-amphibole-plagioclase symplectites in Norwegian eclogites. Mineralogical Society, Winter Conference, Derby.
How to cite: Carter, I. S. M., Parsons, A., Waters, D. J., and Gopon, P.: Exhumation History of the Western Gneiss Region Revealed Through Symplectite Thermobarometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1364, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1364, 2021.
EGU21-7275 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
In-situ U-(Th-)Pb dating and REE analysis of zircon and monazite in the Grt-bearing gneisses from Gossa: Tracing early subduction into the highest-grade domains of the Western Gneiss Region, NorwayPauline Jeanneret, Katarzyna Walczak, Jarosław Majka, Michał Bukała, Simon Cuthbert, and Ellen Kooijman
To better understand the subduction–exhumation cycles of the Baltoscandian margin that reached (U)HP depths during the Caledonian orogeny, we have performed in-situ U-(Th-)Pb dating coupled with REE analysis of zircon and ± monazite in four samples from the supracrustal rocks of the Blåhø Nappe on Gossa island in the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway. We dated two garnet-plagioclase-biotite gneisses and two garnet-plagioclase-amphibole gneisses. Our research focused on deciphering the early metamorphic evolution of these complex rocks that have been overprinted by exhumation-related structures and pervasive retrogressive metamorphism.
The dated zircon grains are spherical or slightly elongated in shape, some of which display clear multi-stage growth features. Only one grain armored by garnet preserved an older detrital core that yielded early Neoproterozoic dates between 1.1-1.0 Ga. This grain does not provide any Caledonian signal. Younger individual 206Pb/238U dates show three distinct populations that yield three concordia ages, each obtained from distinctly different compositional domains, the oldest from cores and the two youngest from overgrowths. The cores are characterized by HREE enrichment (high Lu/Gd ratios ca. 14.5), high Th/U ratios (> 0.1), and large Eu anomalies. They yield a concordia age of 474 ± 6.4 Ma. These cores can be rimmed by two different types of zircon overgrowth. The first overgrowth type (1) displays the same REE pattern as the cores and gives a concordia age of 444± 4.3 Ma. The second overgrowth type (2) shows a very weak Eu anomaly, no HREE enrichment (low Lu/Gd ratios ca. 2.37) and a very low Th/U ratios (<0.1). These yield a concordia age of 416± 3.7 Ma. The two older U–Pb zircon age populations are tentatively interpreted as reflecting two distinct metamorphic events or a prolonged episode of metamorphism. The youngest concordant metamorphic zircon dates a high grade, probably (U)HP, metamorphic overprint at ca. 416 Ma, subsequent to the previous events. Analyses performed on monazite provided complementary age records to those obtained on zircon. Monazite grains are weakly zoned, exhibit wormy shapes and are aligned with the youngest foliation. Th–U–total Pb dating of monazite, coupled with major and trace element mapping of monazite, yielded a very homogeneous age of 382 ± 1.6 Ma (n=65) interpreted to date the late shearing, which possibly accommodated a late stage of exhumation.
Funded by the National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2014/14/E/ST10/00321.
How to cite: Jeanneret, P., Walczak, K., Majka, J., Bukała, M., Cuthbert, S., and Kooijman, E.: In-situ U-(Th-)Pb dating and REE analysis of zircon and monazite in the Grt-bearing gneisses from Gossa: Tracing early subduction into the highest-grade domains of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7275, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7275, 2021.
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To better understand the subduction–exhumation cycles of the Baltoscandian margin that reached (U)HP depths during the Caledonian orogeny, we have performed in-situ U-(Th-)Pb dating coupled with REE analysis of zircon and ± monazite in four samples from the supracrustal rocks of the Blåhø Nappe on Gossa island in the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway. We dated two garnet-plagioclase-biotite gneisses and two garnet-plagioclase-amphibole gneisses. Our research focused on deciphering the early metamorphic evolution of these complex rocks that have been overprinted by exhumation-related structures and pervasive retrogressive metamorphism.
The dated zircon grains are spherical or slightly elongated in shape, some of which display clear multi-stage growth features. Only one grain armored by garnet preserved an older detrital core that yielded early Neoproterozoic dates between 1.1-1.0 Ga. This grain does not provide any Caledonian signal. Younger individual 206Pb/238U dates show three distinct populations that yield three concordia ages, each obtained from distinctly different compositional domains, the oldest from cores and the two youngest from overgrowths. The cores are characterized by HREE enrichment (high Lu/Gd ratios ca. 14.5), high Th/U ratios (> 0.1), and large Eu anomalies. They yield a concordia age of 474 ± 6.4 Ma. These cores can be rimmed by two different types of zircon overgrowth. The first overgrowth type (1) displays the same REE pattern as the cores and gives a concordia age of 444± 4.3 Ma. The second overgrowth type (2) shows a very weak Eu anomaly, no HREE enrichment (low Lu/Gd ratios ca. 2.37) and a very low Th/U ratios (<0.1). These yield a concordia age of 416± 3.7 Ma. The two older U–Pb zircon age populations are tentatively interpreted as reflecting two distinct metamorphic events or a prolonged episode of metamorphism. The youngest concordant metamorphic zircon dates a high grade, probably (U)HP, metamorphic overprint at ca. 416 Ma, subsequent to the previous events. Analyses performed on monazite provided complementary age records to those obtained on zircon. Monazite grains are weakly zoned, exhibit wormy shapes and are aligned with the youngest foliation. Th–U–total Pb dating of monazite, coupled with major and trace element mapping of monazite, yielded a very homogeneous age of 382 ± 1.6 Ma (n=65) interpreted to date the late shearing, which possibly accommodated a late stage of exhumation.
Funded by the National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2014/14/E/ST10/00321.
How to cite: Jeanneret, P., Walczak, K., Majka, J., Bukała, M., Cuthbert, S., and Kooijman, E.: In-situ U-(Th-)Pb dating and REE analysis of zircon and monazite in the Grt-bearing gneisses from Gossa: Tracing early subduction into the highest-grade domains of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7275, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7275, 2021.
EGU21-13315 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Re-investigating the Barrovian metamorphic rocks of the Isbjørnhamna Group, Svalbard CaledonidesMargot Patry, Iwona Klonowska, Karolina Kośmińska, and Jarosław Majka
The Isbjørnhamna Group, which crops out in the south-west of Svalbard in the High Arctic, is crucial for understanding Svalbard’s regional geology. It can be traced in southern Wedel Jarlsberg Land and Sørkapp Land, and it consists of a Barrovian-type series of metapelites that were metamorphosed during the Torellian (c. 640Ma; Majka et al. 2008) and overprinted during the Caledonian orogenesis (Majka & Kośmińska, 2017). Although relatively recent petrological study exists, there are certain gaps in it. In order to fill these gaps, we decided to re-investigate these rocks using the most up-to-date petrochronological approach. Hence, we aim to determine the metamorphic history of these rocks in detail, test the hypothesis if there are indeed several orogenic events registered by these rocks and what was a possible exhumation mechanism responsible for uplift of this sequence.
The studied garnet-bearing mica schists preserve four different parageneses, ranging from chloritoid to kyanite metamorphic zones. Here we report on the samples containing chlorite and chloritoid, kyanite, staurolite and both staurolite and kyanite. The studied samples are the same exact rocks that have been previously studied by Majka et al. (2008, 2010) using both geothermobarometry and petrogenetic grids in the KFMASH system. According to those authors the estimated pressure-temperature conditions (P-T) were c. 655°C at 11kbar for the kyanite-bearing shist, c. 624°C at 6.6 to 8.7kbar for the staurolite + kyanite pelite and c. 580°C at 8-9kbar for the staurolite-bearing rock. The chloritoid schist has not been studied previously.
Our preliminary phase equilibrium modelling in the MnNCKFMASHTO system using the Theriak-Domino software indicates P-T conditions of c. 660°C at 7 kbar for the kyanite-schist and c. 575°C at 8 to 9.5kbar for the staurolite-schist, respectively. The chloritoid schist yielded conditions of c. 560°C at 7.5kbar. Further P-T modelling coupled with in-situ Ar-Ar and U-Pb geochronology should allow for much better understanding of the complex geological history of these rocks as well as potential flaws in the previous studies.
Research funded by National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2019/33/B/ST10/01728.
Majka & Kośmińska (2017): Arktos, 3:5, 1.17.
Majka et al. (2008): Geological Magazine, 145, 822-830.
Majka et al. (2010): Polar Research, 29, 250-264.
How to cite: Patry, M., Klonowska, I., Kośmińska, K., and Majka, J.: Re-investigating the Barrovian metamorphic rocks of the Isbjørnhamna Group, Svalbard Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13315, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13315, 2021.
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The Isbjørnhamna Group, which crops out in the south-west of Svalbard in the High Arctic, is crucial for understanding Svalbard’s regional geology. It can be traced in southern Wedel Jarlsberg Land and Sørkapp Land, and it consists of a Barrovian-type series of metapelites that were metamorphosed during the Torellian (c. 640Ma; Majka et al. 2008) and overprinted during the Caledonian orogenesis (Majka & Kośmińska, 2017). Although relatively recent petrological study exists, there are certain gaps in it. In order to fill these gaps, we decided to re-investigate these rocks using the most up-to-date petrochronological approach. Hence, we aim to determine the metamorphic history of these rocks in detail, test the hypothesis if there are indeed several orogenic events registered by these rocks and what was a possible exhumation mechanism responsible for uplift of this sequence.
The studied garnet-bearing mica schists preserve four different parageneses, ranging from chloritoid to kyanite metamorphic zones. Here we report on the samples containing chlorite and chloritoid, kyanite, staurolite and both staurolite and kyanite. The studied samples are the same exact rocks that have been previously studied by Majka et al. (2008, 2010) using both geothermobarometry and petrogenetic grids in the KFMASH system. According to those authors the estimated pressure-temperature conditions (P-T) were c. 655°C at 11kbar for the kyanite-bearing shist, c. 624°C at 6.6 to 8.7kbar for the staurolite + kyanite pelite and c. 580°C at 8-9kbar for the staurolite-bearing rock. The chloritoid schist has not been studied previously.
Our preliminary phase equilibrium modelling in the MnNCKFMASHTO system using the Theriak-Domino software indicates P-T conditions of c. 660°C at 7 kbar for the kyanite-schist and c. 575°C at 8 to 9.5kbar for the staurolite-schist, respectively. The chloritoid schist yielded conditions of c. 560°C at 7.5kbar. Further P-T modelling coupled with in-situ Ar-Ar and U-Pb geochronology should allow for much better understanding of the complex geological history of these rocks as well as potential flaws in the previous studies.
Research funded by National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2019/33/B/ST10/01728.
Majka & Kośmińska (2017): Arktos, 3:5, 1.17.
Majka et al. (2008): Geological Magazine, 145, 822-830.
Majka et al. (2010): Polar Research, 29, 250-264.
How to cite: Patry, M., Klonowska, I., Kośmińska, K., and Majka, J.: Re-investigating the Barrovian metamorphic rocks of the Isbjørnhamna Group, Svalbard Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13315, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13315, 2021.
EGU21-10492 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
Near-isothermal exhumation of lower crust in the Caledonian Orogen: Metamorphic path of kyanite eclogite from the Danmarkshavn area, North-East Greenland CaledonidesWentao Cao, Jane Gilotti, and Hans-Joachim Massonne
Kyanite eclogite from the North-East Greenland Caledonides – the upper plate of the Caledonian orogeny – preserves a mineral assemblage and petrographic texture that are consistent with an initial near-isothermal exhumation path. Two medium-grained kyanite eclogites from the Danmarkshavn area (76°46’N, 18°40’W) located west of the Germania Land shear zone contain the peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + amphibole + rutile. Subhedral garnet encloses monomineralic omphacite and polymineralic inclusions of clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± quartz ± amphibole ± K-feldspar ± kyanite. X-ray mapping of garnet indicates a homogenous core with a composition of Py51–52Alm28–29Gr19–20Sp0–1, along with a slightly zoned rim of Py54Alm31Gr15Sp1 that is replaced by a corona of symplectitic amphibole + plagioclase. Omphacite (XNa up to 0.41), rarely present in the matrix, is indicated by symplectite of clinopyroxene + amphibole + plagioclase. Symplectites of corundum + plagioclase, spinel + plagioclase and sapphirine + plagioclase replace former kyanite. These symplectites are typically surrounded by a plagioclase corona with decreasing Ca (from XAn = 92–97 to XAn = 47–53) from the symplectite to the matrix. Isochemical phase equilibrium modeling along with homogenous garnet core and peak omphacite compositions yielded a peak metamorphic pressure-temperature (P-T) condition at 1.9 GPa, 840 ˚C. Assuming local equilibrium at the microscopic scale, an attempt to model a symplectite of spinel + sapphirine + plagioclase after kyanite using a pseudosection yielded estimated P-T conditions at 0.8–1.3 GPa and 700–900 ˚C. Integrating the calculated P-T conditions and previous geochronological results, an initial exhumation path from 1.9 GPa to ~1.0 GPa from ~415–390 Ma to ~375 Ma is nearly isothermal at around 800 ˚C.
How to cite: Cao, W., Gilotti, J., and Massonne, H.-J.: Near-isothermal exhumation of lower crust in the Caledonian Orogen: Metamorphic path of kyanite eclogite from the Danmarkshavn area, North-East Greenland Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10492, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10492, 2021.
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Kyanite eclogite from the North-East Greenland Caledonides – the upper plate of the Caledonian orogeny – preserves a mineral assemblage and petrographic texture that are consistent with an initial near-isothermal exhumation path. Two medium-grained kyanite eclogites from the Danmarkshavn area (76°46’N, 18°40’W) located west of the Germania Land shear zone contain the peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + amphibole + rutile. Subhedral garnet encloses monomineralic omphacite and polymineralic inclusions of clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± quartz ± amphibole ± K-feldspar ± kyanite. X-ray mapping of garnet indicates a homogenous core with a composition of Py51–52Alm28–29Gr19–20Sp0–1, along with a slightly zoned rim of Py54Alm31Gr15Sp1 that is replaced by a corona of symplectitic amphibole + plagioclase. Omphacite (XNa up to 0.41), rarely present in the matrix, is indicated by symplectite of clinopyroxene + amphibole + plagioclase. Symplectites of corundum + plagioclase, spinel + plagioclase and sapphirine + plagioclase replace former kyanite. These symplectites are typically surrounded by a plagioclase corona with decreasing Ca (from XAn = 92–97 to XAn = 47–53) from the symplectite to the matrix. Isochemical phase equilibrium modeling along with homogenous garnet core and peak omphacite compositions yielded a peak metamorphic pressure-temperature (P-T) condition at 1.9 GPa, 840 ˚C. Assuming local equilibrium at the microscopic scale, an attempt to model a symplectite of spinel + sapphirine + plagioclase after kyanite using a pseudosection yielded estimated P-T conditions at 0.8–1.3 GPa and 700–900 ˚C. Integrating the calculated P-T conditions and previous geochronological results, an initial exhumation path from 1.9 GPa to ~1.0 GPa from ~415–390 Ma to ~375 Ma is nearly isothermal at around 800 ˚C.
How to cite: Cao, W., Gilotti, J., and Massonne, H.-J.: Near-isothermal exhumation of lower crust in the Caledonian Orogen: Metamorphic path of kyanite eclogite from the Danmarkshavn area, North-East Greenland Caledonides, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10492, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10492, 2021.
EGU21-15127 | vPICO presentations | TS7.11
The Thores volcanic island arc of the Pearya Terrane from Ellesmere Island formed on Precambrian continental crustJarosław Majka, Karolina Kośmińska, Jakub Bazarnik, and William C. McClelland
We report on U-Pb zircon dating and bulk rock geochemistry results of intermediate to felsic rocks of the Thores Suite of the Pearya Terrane, northern Ellesmere Island (Arctic Canada). Our new results together with the previously published data show that the Thores Suite was formed in the Early Ordovician (c. 490-470 Ma) as a part of an island arc. Some of the dated samples revealed common xenocrystic zircon. The latter yielded ages ranging between c. 2690 Ma and c. 520 Ma. The obtained ages of xenocrystic zircon are interpreted to be typical of Laurentia. We propose that the youngest obtained cluster of ages c. 580-570 Ma expresses a component typical for the Timanide Orogen, which is conventionally tied to Baltica. The newdataset sheds light on the history and understanding of the Thores Suite, which used to be explained as an effect of the M’Clintock orogenesis. The latter event was commonly presented as foreign to the major Caledonian orogenesis sensu stricto. In our view, the Thores Suite represents an island arc, which was formed on a fragment of continental crust dismembered during Iapetus opening. Importantly, the age of the Thores island arc is coeval with other island arcs and high pressure metamorphic units of the Scandinavian and Svalbard Caledonides. Thus, it is likely that the Thores volcanic island arc was a part of the larger arc system operating within northern Iapetus. The juxtaposition of the Thores arc with the other successions of the Pearya Terrane is ascribed to a major sinistral strike-slip escape fault-system developed along the northeastern margins of Baltica and Laurentia, broadly concurrent with the main Scandian collision between the two aforementioned continents. This crustal scale fault structure enabled the juxtaposition of numerous crustal blocks of different Precambrian ancestry that can be found in various regions of the current High Arctic, including Svalbard, Greenland and Ellesmere Island.
This research was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2015/17B/ST10/03114 and the internal AGH-UST funding to J. Majka, the internal grant of the Polish Geological Institute - NRI no. 62.9012.2014.00.0 to J. Bazarnik and the National Science Foundation (USA) grant EAR1650022 to J. Gilotti and W. McClelland.
How to cite: Majka, J., Kośmińska, K., Bazarnik, J., and McClelland, W. C.: The Thores volcanic island arc of the Pearya Terrane from Ellesmere Island formed on Precambrian continental crust, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15127, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15127, 2021.
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We report on U-Pb zircon dating and bulk rock geochemistry results of intermediate to felsic rocks of the Thores Suite of the Pearya Terrane, northern Ellesmere Island (Arctic Canada). Our new results together with the previously published data show that the Thores Suite was formed in the Early Ordovician (c. 490-470 Ma) as a part of an island arc. Some of the dated samples revealed common xenocrystic zircon. The latter yielded ages ranging between c. 2690 Ma and c. 520 Ma. The obtained ages of xenocrystic zircon are interpreted to be typical of Laurentia. We propose that the youngest obtained cluster of ages c. 580-570 Ma expresses a component typical for the Timanide Orogen, which is conventionally tied to Baltica. The newdataset sheds light on the history and understanding of the Thores Suite, which used to be explained as an effect of the M’Clintock orogenesis. The latter event was commonly presented as foreign to the major Caledonian orogenesis sensu stricto. In our view, the Thores Suite represents an island arc, which was formed on a fragment of continental crust dismembered during Iapetus opening. Importantly, the age of the Thores island arc is coeval with other island arcs and high pressure metamorphic units of the Scandinavian and Svalbard Caledonides. Thus, it is likely that the Thores volcanic island arc was a part of the larger arc system operating within northern Iapetus. The juxtaposition of the Thores arc with the other successions of the Pearya Terrane is ascribed to a major sinistral strike-slip escape fault-system developed along the northeastern margins of Baltica and Laurentia, broadly concurrent with the main Scandian collision between the two aforementioned continents. This crustal scale fault structure enabled the juxtaposition of numerous crustal blocks of different Precambrian ancestry that can be found in various regions of the current High Arctic, including Svalbard, Greenland and Ellesmere Island.
This research was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland) project no. 2015/17B/ST10/03114 and the internal AGH-UST funding to J. Majka, the internal grant of the Polish Geological Institute - NRI no. 62.9012.2014.00.0 to J. Bazarnik and the National Science Foundation (USA) grant EAR1650022 to J. Gilotti and W. McClelland.
How to cite: Majka, J., Kośmińska, K., Bazarnik, J., and McClelland, W. C.: The Thores volcanic island arc of the Pearya Terrane from Ellesmere Island formed on Precambrian continental crust, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15127, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15127, 2021.
TS9.1 – Analogue and numerical modelling of tectonic processes
EGU21-14923 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Tectonic modelling state of the art and future challengesLaetitia Le Pourhiet
Tectonic modelling is a very wide area of application over a large range of time scale and length scale. What mainly characterize this modelling field is the coexistence of brittle fractures which relates to the field of fracture mechanics and plastic to viscous shear zones which belongs to the two main branch of continuum mechanics (solid and fluid respectively).
This type of problems arises sometimes in engineering but material do not change their behavior with loading rate or with time or with temperature, and rarely are engineers interested in modelling large displacement in post failure stage. As a result, tectonicists cannot use commercial packages to simulate their problems and need to develop methodologies specific to their field.
Historically, the first tectonics models made use of simple analogue materials and corresponded more to modelism than actual analogue models. While the imaging of the models, and the characterization of the analogue materials have made a lot of progress in the last 15 years, up to recently, most analogue models still relied on sand and silicone putty to represent the brittle and viscous counter part of tectonic plates.
Since the late 80’s, but mostly during the years 2000, numerical modelling has exploded on the market, as contrarily to analogue modelling, it was easier to capture the thermal dependence of frictional-viscous transition, I use frictional here because most models in tectonics use continuum mechanics approach and in fine do not include brittle material s.s. but rather frictional shear bands. Some groups run these types of simulation routinely in 3D today but this performance has been made at the cost of a major simplification in the rheology: the disappearance of elasticity and compressibility which was present in late 90’s early 2000 simulations and is still very costly because the treatment of “brittle” rheology seriously amped code performances.
Until recently, in both analogue and numerical modelling, I have some kind of feeling that we have been running the same routine experiments over and over again with better performance, or better acquisition.
We are now entering a new exciting era in tectonic modelling both from experimental and numerical side: a ) emergence of complex analogue material or rheological laws that efforts in upscaling from micro-mechanical process observed on the field to plate boundary scale, or from earthquake cycle to plate tectonics, b) emergence of new interesting set up’s in terms of boundary conditions in 3D, c) development of robust numerical technics for brittle behavior d) development of new applications to make our field more predictive that will enlarge the community of end-users of the modelling results
I will review these novelties with some of the work develop with colleagues and students but also with examples from the literature and try to quickly draw a picture of where we are at and where we go.
How to cite: Le Pourhiet, L.: Tectonic modelling state of the art and future challenges , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14923, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14923, 2021.
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Tectonic modelling is a very wide area of application over a large range of time scale and length scale. What mainly characterize this modelling field is the coexistence of brittle fractures which relates to the field of fracture mechanics and plastic to viscous shear zones which belongs to the two main branch of continuum mechanics (solid and fluid respectively).
This type of problems arises sometimes in engineering but material do not change their behavior with loading rate or with time or with temperature, and rarely are engineers interested in modelling large displacement in post failure stage. As a result, tectonicists cannot use commercial packages to simulate their problems and need to develop methodologies specific to their field.
Historically, the first tectonics models made use of simple analogue materials and corresponded more to modelism than actual analogue models. While the imaging of the models, and the characterization of the analogue materials have made a lot of progress in the last 15 years, up to recently, most analogue models still relied on sand and silicone putty to represent the brittle and viscous counter part of tectonic plates.
Since the late 80’s, but mostly during the years 2000, numerical modelling has exploded on the market, as contrarily to analogue modelling, it was easier to capture the thermal dependence of frictional-viscous transition, I use frictional here because most models in tectonics use continuum mechanics approach and in fine do not include brittle material s.s. but rather frictional shear bands. Some groups run these types of simulation routinely in 3D today but this performance has been made at the cost of a major simplification in the rheology: the disappearance of elasticity and compressibility which was present in late 90’s early 2000 simulations and is still very costly because the treatment of “brittle” rheology seriously amped code performances.
Until recently, in both analogue and numerical modelling, I have some kind of feeling that we have been running the same routine experiments over and over again with better performance, or better acquisition.
We are now entering a new exciting era in tectonic modelling both from experimental and numerical side: a ) emergence of complex analogue material or rheological laws that efforts in upscaling from micro-mechanical process observed on the field to plate boundary scale, or from earthquake cycle to plate tectonics, b) emergence of new interesting set up’s in terms of boundary conditions in 3D, c) development of robust numerical technics for brittle behavior d) development of new applications to make our field more predictive that will enlarge the community of end-users of the modelling results
I will review these novelties with some of the work develop with colleagues and students but also with examples from the literature and try to quickly draw a picture of where we are at and where we go.
How to cite: Le Pourhiet, L.: Tectonic modelling state of the art and future challenges , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14923, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14923, 2021.
EGU21-2268 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Self-weakening feedbacks in the ductile lithospheric mantle: looking for a realistic mantle rheology enabling plate boundary formationFanny Garel, Catherine Thoraval, Andrea Tommasi, Sylvie Demouchy, and D. Rhodri Davies
Deformed plate boundaries, rigid lithospheric plates, and the more deformable asthenospheric mantle underneath, are for the most part made of homogeneous peridotite, which most abundant mineral is olivine. The key ingredient explaining such contrasted mechanical properties is the rheology, with deformation mechanisms depend on physical conditions and on intrinsic, possibly inherited, material properties such as grain size or crystal orientation. Here, we investigate plate break-up using thermo-mechanical models of subduction with a deforming upper plate. Our models feature cutting-edge low-temperature dislocation creep ensuring a continuity in rheology from asthenosphere to lithosphere. We discuss the dynamical transition from lithosphere to asthenosphere at the base of the plates, and how this transitions shallows during plate extension. The potential of deformation to localize from the base of the lithospheric plate is evaluated through the partitioning between diffusion and dislocation creep and its evolution resulting from a feedback related to strain-rate dependent viscosity. We analyze the evolution of physical fields to understand why deformation sometimes (but not always) localize to form a new plate boundary.
How to cite: Garel, F., Thoraval, C., Tommasi, A., Demouchy, S., and Davies, D. R.: Self-weakening feedbacks in the ductile lithospheric mantle: looking for a realistic mantle rheology enabling plate boundary formation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2268, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2268, 2021.
Deformed plate boundaries, rigid lithospheric plates, and the more deformable asthenospheric mantle underneath, are for the most part made of homogeneous peridotite, which most abundant mineral is olivine. The key ingredient explaining such contrasted mechanical properties is the rheology, with deformation mechanisms depend on physical conditions and on intrinsic, possibly inherited, material properties such as grain size or crystal orientation. Here, we investigate plate break-up using thermo-mechanical models of subduction with a deforming upper plate. Our models feature cutting-edge low-temperature dislocation creep ensuring a continuity in rheology from asthenosphere to lithosphere. We discuss the dynamical transition from lithosphere to asthenosphere at the base of the plates, and how this transitions shallows during plate extension. The potential of deformation to localize from the base of the lithospheric plate is evaluated through the partitioning between diffusion and dislocation creep and its evolution resulting from a feedback related to strain-rate dependent viscosity. We analyze the evolution of physical fields to understand why deformation sometimes (but not always) localize to form a new plate boundary.
How to cite: Garel, F., Thoraval, C., Tommasi, A., Demouchy, S., and Davies, D. R.: Self-weakening feedbacks in the ductile lithospheric mantle: looking for a realistic mantle rheology enabling plate boundary formation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2268, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2268, 2021.
EGU21-9746 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
A Micromechanics-based Multiscale Approach toward Continental Deformation and Tectonic ProcessesLucy (Xi) Lu, Dazhi Jiang, Adam Beall, and Ake Fagereng
The Earth’s lithosphere has abundant structures and fabrics generated by various tectonic processes. These geological features span a wide range of characteristic lengths, from crystal lattice spacing to the dimensions of lithospheric plates. Using field observations of exhumed geological features, we aim to understand the rheological behaviour of Earth’s lithosphere. However, our direct field and laboratory observations are limited to the most accessible scales, typically from outcrops to microscopes. There is therefore a significant intrinsic scale gap between direct observations and the tectonic processes operating along plate boundaries. A micromechanics-based Multi-order Power-Law Approach (MOPLA) has been developed to bridge this scale gap. MOPLA treats the heterogeneous rock mass as a continuum of rheologically distinct elements. The rheological properties and the strain rate and stress fields of the constituent elements and the composite material are computed by solving partitioning and homogenization equations self-consistently. The partitioned ‘local’ fields in individual elements are related to small-scale geological features. The ‘bulk’ fields and the homogenized rheological properties are associated with tectonic processes and the macroscopic behaviour of the heterogeneous rock mass. The algorithm of MOPLA is implemented in a MATLAB package and has been successfully applied to various studies on multiscale deformation in the lithosphere. In this work, we will introduce this multiscale approach and also briefly introduce our ongoing work on characterising the rheological behaviour of a heterogeneous subduction shear zone using MOPLA.
How to cite: Lu, L. (., Jiang, D., Beall, A., and Fagereng, A.: A Micromechanics-based Multiscale Approach toward Continental Deformation and Tectonic Processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9746, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9746, 2021.
The Earth’s lithosphere has abundant structures and fabrics generated by various tectonic processes. These geological features span a wide range of characteristic lengths, from crystal lattice spacing to the dimensions of lithospheric plates. Using field observations of exhumed geological features, we aim to understand the rheological behaviour of Earth’s lithosphere. However, our direct field and laboratory observations are limited to the most accessible scales, typically from outcrops to microscopes. There is therefore a significant intrinsic scale gap between direct observations and the tectonic processes operating along plate boundaries. A micromechanics-based Multi-order Power-Law Approach (MOPLA) has been developed to bridge this scale gap. MOPLA treats the heterogeneous rock mass as a continuum of rheologically distinct elements. The rheological properties and the strain rate and stress fields of the constituent elements and the composite material are computed by solving partitioning and homogenization equations self-consistently. The partitioned ‘local’ fields in individual elements are related to small-scale geological features. The ‘bulk’ fields and the homogenized rheological properties are associated with tectonic processes and the macroscopic behaviour of the heterogeneous rock mass. The algorithm of MOPLA is implemented in a MATLAB package and has been successfully applied to various studies on multiscale deformation in the lithosphere. In this work, we will introduce this multiscale approach and also briefly introduce our ongoing work on characterising the rheological behaviour of a heterogeneous subduction shear zone using MOPLA.
How to cite: Lu, L. (., Jiang, D., Beall, A., and Fagereng, A.: A Micromechanics-based Multiscale Approach toward Continental Deformation and Tectonic Processes, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9746, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9746, 2021.
EGU21-6046 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Classifying large strains from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformationTaco Broerse, Nemanja Krstekanic, Cor Kasbergen, and Ernst Willingshofer
We are interested in reconstructing the time evolution of 2D plane deformation of analogue models of tectonic processes. Under relevant forcings, these models develop internal deformation, such as faults, and broader zones of deformation. We use Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to derive incremental displacements from top-view images that we use in subsequent steps to calculate the shape changes that come with large deformation. Because PIV describes displacement in a spatial reference, and material moves through the area in view, displacements at any given time refer to fixed locations in space, and not to specific material points. By reconstructing the path of material, we can follow small regions of material while they translate, rotate and change shape.
To aid the qualitative interpretation of this deformation, we have developed a novel method that can qualitatively describe shape changes coming from extensional, shortening and horizontal shearing (strike-slip) deformation or combinations of these. This method is based on a logarithmic measure of stretch and results agree well with the visual interpretation of structures that we observe in our models. Thus, we provide tools with which the evolution of 2D tectonic deformation can be interpreted in a physically meaningful manner, but our method may be useful outside the realm of tectonics. Our software to compute deformation is freely available and can be used to post-process incremental displacements from PIV or similar autocorrelation methods.
How to cite: Broerse, T., Krstekanic, N., Kasbergen, C., and Willingshofer, E.: Classifying large strains from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6046, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6046, 2021.
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We are interested in reconstructing the time evolution of 2D plane deformation of analogue models of tectonic processes. Under relevant forcings, these models develop internal deformation, such as faults, and broader zones of deformation. We use Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to derive incremental displacements from top-view images that we use in subsequent steps to calculate the shape changes that come with large deformation. Because PIV describes displacement in a spatial reference, and material moves through the area in view, displacements at any given time refer to fixed locations in space, and not to specific material points. By reconstructing the path of material, we can follow small regions of material while they translate, rotate and change shape.
To aid the qualitative interpretation of this deformation, we have developed a novel method that can qualitatively describe shape changes coming from extensional, shortening and horizontal shearing (strike-slip) deformation or combinations of these. This method is based on a logarithmic measure of stretch and results agree well with the visual interpretation of structures that we observe in our models. Thus, we provide tools with which the evolution of 2D tectonic deformation can be interpreted in a physically meaningful manner, but our method may be useful outside the realm of tectonics. Our software to compute deformation is freely available and can be used to post-process incremental displacements from PIV or similar autocorrelation methods.
How to cite: Broerse, T., Krstekanic, N., Kasbergen, C., and Willingshofer, E.: Classifying large strains from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6046, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6046, 2021.
EGU21-13590 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Analogue modelling of strike-slip tectonics from basin to structural-scale comparing silica sand and new rock-analogue materialsLuigi Massaro, Jürgen Adam, Elham Jonade, and Yasuhiro Yamada
Strike-slip fault zones commonly display complex 3D geometries, with high structural variability along strike and with depth and their architecture and evolution are difficult to analyse. In this regard, analogue modelling represents a powerful tool to investigate the structural, kinematic and mechanical processes in strike-slip fault systems with variable scales. In detail, dynamically scaled experiments allow the direct comparison between model and nature. The geometrical scale factor defines the model resolution, in terms of model/prototype length equivalence, and depends on the physical properties of prototype and model material. Therefore, the choice of the analogue material is critical in scaled analogue experiments.
Granular materials like dry silica sand are ideal for the simulation of upper crustal deformation processes due to similar non-linear strain-dependent deformation behaviour of granular flow and brittle rock deformation. Comparing the geometrical scaling factor of the common analogue materials applied in tectonic models, we identified a model resolution gap for the simulation of fault-fracture processes corresponding to the structural scale (1 m – 100 m) observed in fault zones and damage zones in outcrops, field studies or subsurface well data. We developed a new Granular Rock-Analogue Material (GRAM) for the simulation of fault-fracture processes at the structural scale. GRAM is an ultra-weak sand aggregate composed of silica sand and hemihydrate powder capable to deform by tensile and shear failure under variable stress conditions. Based on dynamical shear tests, the new GRAM is characterised by a similar stress-strain curve as dry silica sand and has a geometrical scaling factor L*= Lmodel/Lnature = 10-3 (1 cm in model = 20 m in nature).
We performed strike-slip experiments at two different length scales, applying as model material dry silica sand and the new GRAM. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) time-series stereo images of the experiments surface allowed the comparison of the developed structures at different stages of dextral displacement above a single planar basement fault. The analysis of fractures localisation and growth in the strike-slip zone with displacement and strain components enabled the comparison of the different structural styles characterising dry silica sand and GRAM models. The application of the developed GRAM in scaled experiments can provide new insights to the multi-scale investigation of complex deformation processes with analogue models.
How to cite: Massaro, L., Adam, J., Jonade, E., and Yamada, Y.: Analogue modelling of strike-slip tectonics from basin to structural-scale comparing silica sand and new rock-analogue materials, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13590, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13590, 2021.
Strike-slip fault zones commonly display complex 3D geometries, with high structural variability along strike and with depth and their architecture and evolution are difficult to analyse. In this regard, analogue modelling represents a powerful tool to investigate the structural, kinematic and mechanical processes in strike-slip fault systems with variable scales. In detail, dynamically scaled experiments allow the direct comparison between model and nature. The geometrical scale factor defines the model resolution, in terms of model/prototype length equivalence, and depends on the physical properties of prototype and model material. Therefore, the choice of the analogue material is critical in scaled analogue experiments.
Granular materials like dry silica sand are ideal for the simulation of upper crustal deformation processes due to similar non-linear strain-dependent deformation behaviour of granular flow and brittle rock deformation. Comparing the geometrical scaling factor of the common analogue materials applied in tectonic models, we identified a model resolution gap for the simulation of fault-fracture processes corresponding to the structural scale (1 m – 100 m) observed in fault zones and damage zones in outcrops, field studies or subsurface well data. We developed a new Granular Rock-Analogue Material (GRAM) for the simulation of fault-fracture processes at the structural scale. GRAM is an ultra-weak sand aggregate composed of silica sand and hemihydrate powder capable to deform by tensile and shear failure under variable stress conditions. Based on dynamical shear tests, the new GRAM is characterised by a similar stress-strain curve as dry silica sand and has a geometrical scaling factor L*= Lmodel/Lnature = 10-3 (1 cm in model = 20 m in nature).
We performed strike-slip experiments at two different length scales, applying as model material dry silica sand and the new GRAM. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) time-series stereo images of the experiments surface allowed the comparison of the developed structures at different stages of dextral displacement above a single planar basement fault. The analysis of fractures localisation and growth in the strike-slip zone with displacement and strain components enabled the comparison of the different structural styles characterising dry silica sand and GRAM models. The application of the developed GRAM in scaled experiments can provide new insights to the multi-scale investigation of complex deformation processes with analogue models.
How to cite: Massaro, L., Adam, J., Jonade, E., and Yamada, Y.: Analogue modelling of strike-slip tectonics from basin to structural-scale comparing silica sand and new rock-analogue materials, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13590, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13590, 2021.
EGU21-13914 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
The influence of backstop geometry in the structural style of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: A sandbox modeling approachCamilo Andrés Conde Carvajal, Cristhian Bolívar Riascos Rodríguez, Michael Andres Avila Paez, and Andreas Kammer
Among the foreland belts of the Andean mountain system, the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (EC) represents a unique example of an isolated, bi-vergent mountain belt. In contrast, to block tectonics of broken foreland basins, it displays a ductile deformation style which involves two mountain fronts with a structural relief of the order of 10 km. Internal parts of the EC have been shortened by buckling at high and a homogeneously strained basement at deeper structural levels. These deformation patterns likely attest to conditions of a thermally weakened backarc setting. Two opposed scenarios have been postulated for its surface uplift and consequent exhumation: 1) an E-migrating deformation front and the formation of progressively forward breaking faults; and 2) the pop-up of a weak crustal welt enclosed by strong foreland blocks. In this latter setting, a synchronous early formation of marginal mountain fronts and a late-stage surface uplift of a central domain may be anticipated. These two constellations compare, in terms of a contrasting model setup, to a foreland migrating orogenic wedge or a relatively stable, doubly vergent wedge formed above a structural discontinuity or rheologic boundaries that acted as sites for the nucleation of the marginal faults.
In this contribution, we opt to examine the “boundary” conditions for the development of a doubly vergent wedge formed at the tip line of a rigid tapering backstop, that simulates a rigid foreland block. With respect to the shape of this backstop, we examine the effects of tip angles less than the angle of internal friction (<30°) and find, that at a low tip angle of 10° the pop-up evolves above a forward-breaking principal kink-band with the synchronous formation of a sequence of conjugate back-kinks that cut into the sand pack, as it is pushed toward the backstop. At a moderate tip angle of 20o the forward-breaking kink-band is slightly steeper than the backstop and gives rise to a frontal fold with an overturned limb. This latter geometrical configuration loosely compares to the structural relations of a structural section through the high plains of Bogotá, where the eastern mountain front defines a strongly deformed antiform, that is juxtaposed against an undeformed margin of the adjacent Guyana shield.
How to cite: Conde Carvajal, C. A., Riascos Rodríguez, C. B., Avila Paez, M. A., and Kammer, A.: The influence of backstop geometry in the structural style of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: A sandbox modeling approach , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13914, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13914, 2021.
Among the foreland belts of the Andean mountain system, the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (EC) represents a unique example of an isolated, bi-vergent mountain belt. In contrast, to block tectonics of broken foreland basins, it displays a ductile deformation style which involves two mountain fronts with a structural relief of the order of 10 km. Internal parts of the EC have been shortened by buckling at high and a homogeneously strained basement at deeper structural levels. These deformation patterns likely attest to conditions of a thermally weakened backarc setting. Two opposed scenarios have been postulated for its surface uplift and consequent exhumation: 1) an E-migrating deformation front and the formation of progressively forward breaking faults; and 2) the pop-up of a weak crustal welt enclosed by strong foreland blocks. In this latter setting, a synchronous early formation of marginal mountain fronts and a late-stage surface uplift of a central domain may be anticipated. These two constellations compare, in terms of a contrasting model setup, to a foreland migrating orogenic wedge or a relatively stable, doubly vergent wedge formed above a structural discontinuity or rheologic boundaries that acted as sites for the nucleation of the marginal faults.
In this contribution, we opt to examine the “boundary” conditions for the development of a doubly vergent wedge formed at the tip line of a rigid tapering backstop, that simulates a rigid foreland block. With respect to the shape of this backstop, we examine the effects of tip angles less than the angle of internal friction (<30°) and find, that at a low tip angle of 10° the pop-up evolves above a forward-breaking principal kink-band with the synchronous formation of a sequence of conjugate back-kinks that cut into the sand pack, as it is pushed toward the backstop. At a moderate tip angle of 20o the forward-breaking kink-band is slightly steeper than the backstop and gives rise to a frontal fold with an overturned limb. This latter geometrical configuration loosely compares to the structural relations of a structural section through the high plains of Bogotá, where the eastern mountain front defines a strongly deformed antiform, that is juxtaposed against an undeformed margin of the adjacent Guyana shield.
How to cite: Conde Carvajal, C. A., Riascos Rodríguez, C. B., Avila Paez, M. A., and Kammer, A.: The influence of backstop geometry in the structural style of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: A sandbox modeling approach , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13914, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13914, 2021.
EGU21-11205 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Combining thermo-kinematic and mechanical modelling on thrust faults - a quantitative approach to crustal deformation history: Case study from SE TibetPaul Pitard, Anne Replumaz, Marie-Pierre Doin, Cédric Thieulot, Marie-Luce Chevalier, Philippe Hervé Leloup, Julia de Sigoyer, Mingkun Bai, Li Haibing, and Mélanie Balvay
Decoding the Tibetan plateau and its structural evolution has been a thorny issue for decades, triggering many controversial discussions between the proponents of the numerous key models. Numerical simulations of buoyancy forces associated with a thick crust and a low viscosity channel in the Tibetan crust predict continuous deformation, crustal uplift and thickening through an outward flow of partially molten middle/lower crust. Surface geological observations of fault systems, however, favor a model of localized deformation through the interaction between strike-slip and thrust faults. Here, we investigate the role of thrusting mechanisms involved in the plateau formation, which is essential in order to discuss these end-members competing models. We focus on the Muli thrust, a major Miocene thrust fault located at the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, characterized by a pronounced topographic step of ~2000 m. We provide here an innovative quantitative approach combining thermo-kinematic modelling based on low-temperature thermochronology data, with conceptual 2-dimensional (2D) simulations of the crust’s mechanical behavior. Using the code PECUBE, we test different scenarios of rock cooling by forward modelling and inversion method in order to constrain the amount and timing of exhumation, as well as its simplified first-order crustal geometry. Given that low-temperature thermochronology data only provides the thermal history of the upper part of the crust (< 10 km), such thermo-kinematic modelling does not reveal any direct evidence of the potential implication of the lower crust. To overcome such limitations, we performed 2D mechanical modelling of the Muli thrust to constrain its mechanical behavior at the crustal scale to decipher its importance in the thickening of the plateau margin. We present here, how complementary numerical simulations based on in-situ geological observations on thrust faults, combined with thermochronology data, can be used to have a better understanding of the geological processes involved in the thickening of the Tibetan crust, and discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of such modelling.
How to cite: Pitard, P., Replumaz, A., Doin, M.-P., Thieulot, C., Chevalier, M.-L., Leloup, P. H., de Sigoyer, J., Bai, M., Haibing, L., and Balvay, M.: Combining thermo-kinematic and mechanical modelling on thrust faults - a quantitative approach to crustal deformation history: Case study from SE Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11205, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11205, 2021.
Decoding the Tibetan plateau and its structural evolution has been a thorny issue for decades, triggering many controversial discussions between the proponents of the numerous key models. Numerical simulations of buoyancy forces associated with a thick crust and a low viscosity channel in the Tibetan crust predict continuous deformation, crustal uplift and thickening through an outward flow of partially molten middle/lower crust. Surface geological observations of fault systems, however, favor a model of localized deformation through the interaction between strike-slip and thrust faults. Here, we investigate the role of thrusting mechanisms involved in the plateau formation, which is essential in order to discuss these end-members competing models. We focus on the Muli thrust, a major Miocene thrust fault located at the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, characterized by a pronounced topographic step of ~2000 m. We provide here an innovative quantitative approach combining thermo-kinematic modelling based on low-temperature thermochronology data, with conceptual 2-dimensional (2D) simulations of the crust’s mechanical behavior. Using the code PECUBE, we test different scenarios of rock cooling by forward modelling and inversion method in order to constrain the amount and timing of exhumation, as well as its simplified first-order crustal geometry. Given that low-temperature thermochronology data only provides the thermal history of the upper part of the crust (< 10 km), such thermo-kinematic modelling does not reveal any direct evidence of the potential implication of the lower crust. To overcome such limitations, we performed 2D mechanical modelling of the Muli thrust to constrain its mechanical behavior at the crustal scale to decipher its importance in the thickening of the plateau margin. We present here, how complementary numerical simulations based on in-situ geological observations on thrust faults, combined with thermochronology data, can be used to have a better understanding of the geological processes involved in the thickening of the Tibetan crust, and discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of such modelling.
How to cite: Pitard, P., Replumaz, A., Doin, M.-P., Thieulot, C., Chevalier, M.-L., Leloup, P. H., de Sigoyer, J., Bai, M., Haibing, L., and Balvay, M.: Combining thermo-kinematic and mechanical modelling on thrust faults - a quantitative approach to crustal deformation history: Case study from SE Tibet, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11205, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11205, 2021.
EGU21-433 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Centrifuge Experiments of the Initiation of Self-Sustaining SubductionYossi Mart, Liran Goren, and Einat Aharonov
The post-Triassic age of all oceanic lithospheres indicates the efficiency and the sustainability of lithospheric subduction, which consumes the basaltic seafloor and recirculates it in the upper mantle. Since at present the initiation of subduction is very rare, comprehension of this cardinal process should be carried through modeling – numeric or analog. While deciphering processes through numeric modeling is commonly comprehensive, the analog models can determine major factor that constrain a tectonic procedure. Analog centrifuge experiments were applied to initiate self-sustained modelled subduction, trying to determine the critical factors that trigger its early stages.
Analytically we presumed that where densities of two lithospheric plates, juxtaposed across a weakness zone, exceed a critical value, then the denser lithosphere eventually will drive underneath the lighter one, provided the friction across the interface is not too high. Consequently, analog experiments were carried out in a centrifuge at acceleration of ca. 1000 g., deforming miniaturized models of three layers representing the asthenosphere, the ductile and the brittle lithosphere. The lithospheres were modeled to include lighter and denser components, juxtaposed along a slightly lubricated contact plane, where the density difference between these components was ca. 200 kg/m3. No mechanism of lateral force was applied in the experiment (even though such a vector exists in nature due to the seafloor spreading at the oceanic ridges), to test the possibility of subduction in domains where such a force is minor or non-existent.
The analog experiments showed that the penetration of the denser modeled lithosphere under the lighter one led to extension and subsequent break-up of the over-riding plate. That break-up generated seawards trench rollback, normal faulting, rifting, and formed proto-back-arc basins. Lateral differential reduction of the friction between the juxtaposed plates led to the development of arcuate subduction zones. The experimental miniaturization, and subsequent numerical and analytical modeling, suggest that the observed deformation in the analog models could be meaningful to the planet as well.
Constraints of the analog experimentation setting did not enable the modeling of the subduction beyond the initial stages, but there is ground to presume that at depths of 40-50 km, metamorphic processes of the generation of eclogites would change the initial mineralogy on the subducting plate. Reactions with water would convert basalts into metamorphic serpentinites and schists. Higher temperatures and pressures would melt parts of the subducted slab to generate felsic magmas, which would ascend towards the surface diapirically due to their lighter density. Alternately, low availability of H2O would gradually alter the oceanic basalt and gabbro into eclogite, which would sink into the mantle due to its increased density.
How to cite: Mart, Y., Goren, L., and Aharonov, E.: Centrifuge Experiments of the Initiation of Self-Sustaining Subduction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-433, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-433, 2021.
The post-Triassic age of all oceanic lithospheres indicates the efficiency and the sustainability of lithospheric subduction, which consumes the basaltic seafloor and recirculates it in the upper mantle. Since at present the initiation of subduction is very rare, comprehension of this cardinal process should be carried through modeling – numeric or analog. While deciphering processes through numeric modeling is commonly comprehensive, the analog models can determine major factor that constrain a tectonic procedure. Analog centrifuge experiments were applied to initiate self-sustained modelled subduction, trying to determine the critical factors that trigger its early stages.
Analytically we presumed that where densities of two lithospheric plates, juxtaposed across a weakness zone, exceed a critical value, then the denser lithosphere eventually will drive underneath the lighter one, provided the friction across the interface is not too high. Consequently, analog experiments were carried out in a centrifuge at acceleration of ca. 1000 g., deforming miniaturized models of three layers representing the asthenosphere, the ductile and the brittle lithosphere. The lithospheres were modeled to include lighter and denser components, juxtaposed along a slightly lubricated contact plane, where the density difference between these components was ca. 200 kg/m3. No mechanism of lateral force was applied in the experiment (even though such a vector exists in nature due to the seafloor spreading at the oceanic ridges), to test the possibility of subduction in domains where such a force is minor or non-existent.
The analog experiments showed that the penetration of the denser modeled lithosphere under the lighter one led to extension and subsequent break-up of the over-riding plate. That break-up generated seawards trench rollback, normal faulting, rifting, and formed proto-back-arc basins. Lateral differential reduction of the friction between the juxtaposed plates led to the development of arcuate subduction zones. The experimental miniaturization, and subsequent numerical and analytical modeling, suggest that the observed deformation in the analog models could be meaningful to the planet as well.
Constraints of the analog experimentation setting did not enable the modeling of the subduction beyond the initial stages, but there is ground to presume that at depths of 40-50 km, metamorphic processes of the generation of eclogites would change the initial mineralogy on the subducting plate. Reactions with water would convert basalts into metamorphic serpentinites and schists. Higher temperatures and pressures would melt parts of the subducted slab to generate felsic magmas, which would ascend towards the surface diapirically due to their lighter density. Alternately, low availability of H2O would gradually alter the oceanic basalt and gabbro into eclogite, which would sink into the mantle due to its increased density.
How to cite: Mart, Y., Goren, L., and Aharonov, E.: Centrifuge Experiments of the Initiation of Self-Sustaining Subduction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-433, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-433, 2021.
EGU21-13393 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Subduction and roll-back of narrow oceanic slabs: Back-arc basin modelling of the Carpathians subduction zoneIstván Bozsó, Ylona van Dinther, Liviu Matenco, Attila Balázs, and István Kovács
The Carpathians subduction system evolved similarly to many Mediterranean systems where extensional back-arc basins and separate large sag basins develop in the overriding plate. The evolution of such basins can be explained in the context of roll-back of narrow oceanic slabs. Their evolution is linked to extensional and sag back-arc basins, retreating orogenic systems and slab detachment. A recent example of slab detachment can be studied by the Vrancea slab beneath the SE Carpathians.
Significant effort has been dedicated to modelling such Mediterranean-style subduction systems, and in most cases the model was set up with a narrow oceanic domain, which has an increased difficulty to create rollback due to reduced buoyancy of the slab.
Our approach is to use a two-dimensional thermo-mechanical numerical model that introduces an inherited oceanic domain, which adds to the younger, narrow ocean developed in the later stages.
Our model can produce sustained subduction of the oceanic slab associated with roll-back and slab detachment. In most of our models a retro-arc sag basin develops, which can be interpreted as the Transylvanian Basin. This sag basin is one of the most consistent features of our model. At larger distances from the subduction zone, the extensional back-arc of the Pannonian basin can be modelled by introducing an lithospheric weakness zone, which represents a suture zone inherited from a previous orogenic evolution. Such a suture zone is compatible with the overall orogenic evolution of the Alps-Carpathians-Dinarides system. We furthermore discuss the limitations of our 2D modeling in the overall 3D settings of the Carpathians system and possibilities of future integration.
How to cite: Bozsó, I., van Dinther, Y., Matenco, L., Balázs, A., and Kovács, I.: Subduction and roll-back of narrow oceanic slabs: Back-arc basin modelling of the Carpathians subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13393, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13393, 2021.
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The Carpathians subduction system evolved similarly to many Mediterranean systems where extensional back-arc basins and separate large sag basins develop in the overriding plate. The evolution of such basins can be explained in the context of roll-back of narrow oceanic slabs. Their evolution is linked to extensional and sag back-arc basins, retreating orogenic systems and slab detachment. A recent example of slab detachment can be studied by the Vrancea slab beneath the SE Carpathians.
Significant effort has been dedicated to modelling such Mediterranean-style subduction systems, and in most cases the model was set up with a narrow oceanic domain, which has an increased difficulty to create rollback due to reduced buoyancy of the slab.
Our approach is to use a two-dimensional thermo-mechanical numerical model that introduces an inherited oceanic domain, which adds to the younger, narrow ocean developed in the later stages.
Our model can produce sustained subduction of the oceanic slab associated with roll-back and slab detachment. In most of our models a retro-arc sag basin develops, which can be interpreted as the Transylvanian Basin. This sag basin is one of the most consistent features of our model. At larger distances from the subduction zone, the extensional back-arc of the Pannonian basin can be modelled by introducing an lithospheric weakness zone, which represents a suture zone inherited from a previous orogenic evolution. Such a suture zone is compatible with the overall orogenic evolution of the Alps-Carpathians-Dinarides system. We furthermore discuss the limitations of our 2D modeling in the overall 3D settings of the Carpathians system and possibilities of future integration.
How to cite: Bozsó, I., van Dinther, Y., Matenco, L., Balázs, A., and Kovács, I.: Subduction and roll-back of narrow oceanic slabs: Back-arc basin modelling of the Carpathians subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13393, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13393, 2021.
EGU21-10396 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Effective rheology of a two-phase subduction shear zone: insights from numerical simple shear experiments and implications for subduction zone interfacesParaskevi Io Ioannidi, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Philippe Agard, Samuel Angiboust, and Onno Oncken
Exhumed subduction shear zones often exhibit block-in-matrix structures comprising strong clasts within a weak matrix (mélanges). Inspired by such observations, we create synthetic models with different proportions of strong clasts and compare them to natural mélange outcrops. We use 2D Finite Element visco-plastic numerical simulations in simple shear kinematic conditions and we determine the effective rheology of a mélange with basaltic blocks embedded within a wet quartzitic matrix. Our models and their structures are scale-independent; this allows for upscaling published field geometries to km-scale models, compatible with large-scale far-field observations. By varying confining pressure, temperature and strain rate we evaluate effective rheological estimates for a natural subduction interface. Deformation and strain localization are affected by the block-in-matrix ratio. In models where both materials deform viscously, the effective dislocation creep parameters (A, n, and Q) vary between the values of the strong and the weak phase. Approaching the frictional-viscous transition, the mélange bulk rheology is effectively viscous creep but in the small scale parts of the blocks are frictional, leading to higher stresses. This results in an effective value of the stress exponent, n, greater than that of both pure phases, as well as an effective viscosity lower than the weak phase. Our effective rheology parameters may be used in large scale geodynamic models, as a proxy for a heterogeneous subduction interface, if an appropriate evolution law for the block concentration of a mélange is given.
How to cite: Ioannidi, P. I., Le Pourhiet, L., Agard, P., Angiboust, S., and Oncken, O.: Effective rheology of a two-phase subduction shear zone: insights from numerical simple shear experiments and implications for subduction zone interfaces, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10396, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10396, 2021.
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Exhumed subduction shear zones often exhibit block-in-matrix structures comprising strong clasts within a weak matrix (mélanges). Inspired by such observations, we create synthetic models with different proportions of strong clasts and compare them to natural mélange outcrops. We use 2D Finite Element visco-plastic numerical simulations in simple shear kinematic conditions and we determine the effective rheology of a mélange with basaltic blocks embedded within a wet quartzitic matrix. Our models and their structures are scale-independent; this allows for upscaling published field geometries to km-scale models, compatible with large-scale far-field observations. By varying confining pressure, temperature and strain rate we evaluate effective rheological estimates for a natural subduction interface. Deformation and strain localization are affected by the block-in-matrix ratio. In models where both materials deform viscously, the effective dislocation creep parameters (A, n, and Q) vary between the values of the strong and the weak phase. Approaching the frictional-viscous transition, the mélange bulk rheology is effectively viscous creep but in the small scale parts of the blocks are frictional, leading to higher stresses. This results in an effective value of the stress exponent, n, greater than that of both pure phases, as well as an effective viscosity lower than the weak phase. Our effective rheology parameters may be used in large scale geodynamic models, as a proxy for a heterogeneous subduction interface, if an appropriate evolution law for the block concentration of a mélange is given.
How to cite: Ioannidi, P. I., Le Pourhiet, L., Agard, P., Angiboust, S., and Oncken, O.: Effective rheology of a two-phase subduction shear zone: insights from numerical simple shear experiments and implications for subduction zone interfaces, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10396, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10396, 2021.
EGU21-2074 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
3D mantle flow induced by retreating and advancing slabs: insights from analogue subduction models analysed with a tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry techniqueVincent Strak, Wouter Pieter Schellart, and Kai Xue
Slab rollback-induced mantle flow in retreating subduction zones is known to have a significant geodynamic impact on Earth. The resulting quasi-toroidal circulation can deflect mantle plumes, transport geochemical signatures and have an upwelling component that thereby generates atypical intraplate volcanism near lateral slab edges. Nevertheless, the mantle flow generated by advancing slabs remains unstudied and its geodynamic significance unclear. We therefore conducted analogue buoyancy-driven subduction models to investigate the mantle flow generated in both retreating and advancing subduction modes. We analysed our models using a novel tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry technique, allowing us to compute the 3D velocity field in a volume of the mantle. Our model results show that the advancing subduction mode develops a slab rollover geometry that produces a quasi-toroidal mantle flow with mantle material displaced from the mantle wedge domain to below the subducting plate, opposite to mantle flow during the retreating mode. This slab rollover-induced mantle flow generates an upwelling component that is laterally offset from the subducting plate and is located some ~1000 km from the trench on the subducting plate side. Such newly imaged mantle flow may have implications for intraplate volcanism and the distribution of mantellic geochemical signatures associated with advancing subduction zones, such as the Makran, and continental subduction zones, such as the Himalaya.
How to cite: Strak, V., Schellart, W. P., and Xue, K.: 3D mantle flow induced by retreating and advancing slabs: insights from analogue subduction models analysed with a tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry technique, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2074, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2074, 2021.
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Slab rollback-induced mantle flow in retreating subduction zones is known to have a significant geodynamic impact on Earth. The resulting quasi-toroidal circulation can deflect mantle plumes, transport geochemical signatures and have an upwelling component that thereby generates atypical intraplate volcanism near lateral slab edges. Nevertheless, the mantle flow generated by advancing slabs remains unstudied and its geodynamic significance unclear. We therefore conducted analogue buoyancy-driven subduction models to investigate the mantle flow generated in both retreating and advancing subduction modes. We analysed our models using a novel tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry technique, allowing us to compute the 3D velocity field in a volume of the mantle. Our model results show that the advancing subduction mode develops a slab rollover geometry that produces a quasi-toroidal mantle flow with mantle material displaced from the mantle wedge domain to below the subducting plate, opposite to mantle flow during the retreating mode. This slab rollover-induced mantle flow generates an upwelling component that is laterally offset from the subducting plate and is located some ~1000 km from the trench on the subducting plate side. Such newly imaged mantle flow may have implications for intraplate volcanism and the distribution of mantellic geochemical signatures associated with advancing subduction zones, such as the Makran, and continental subduction zones, such as the Himalaya.
How to cite: Strak, V., Schellart, W. P., and Xue, K.: 3D mantle flow induced by retreating and advancing slabs: insights from analogue subduction models analysed with a tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry technique, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2074, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2074, 2021.
EGU21-4553 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Role of rigid block in tectonic transformation zone at east TibetTuo Shen, Xiwei Xu, Shiyong Zhou, Shaogang Wei, and Xiaoqiong Lei
In recent decades, plateau margins have attracted attention because the understanding of their dynamics and history provides insights into the modes of crustal deformation responsible for the plateau structure and morphology and more widely into the deformation of continental lithosphere. The slip transformation and strain partitioning mechanism at the eastern termination of the Kunlun fault system remain unclear. Geophysics investigations revealed the Ruoergai Basin as a rigid block; however, insufficient information is available on the role of this block in tectonic transformation zone at east Tibet. We employed the finite element method in our simulations to delimitate the presence of the Ruoergai block and determine how it affects the surrounding area. We found that the Ruoergai block moves independently to the east or northeast, and its motion differs from that of the Bayan Har block in the eastward escape process of this last-named block. The formation and behavior of Awancang fault and Longriba fault seems to impact by the Ruoergai block. The influence of the Ruoergai block in the east margin should not be ignored. The Awancang fault and Ruoergai block absorbed the north vector velocity of the Bayan Har block, after which the Bayan Har block started moving southeast. The strain partitioning at the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau is progressively complete[A1] from the Awancang fault, Ruoergai block, and Longriba fault area to the Longmenshan block. The presence of the Ruoergai block could decrease the strike-slip rate of the Maqin–Maqu section of the Kunlun fault. Given its influence in the region, the Ruoergai block should be incorporated in future studies on regional deformation and in deformation and tectonic transformation models. Then we compared the deformation and tectonic transformation models in the northern margin of the Tibet Plateau. Proposed a rigid block compression pattern unite the tectonic transformation and deformation issue, further explain most of the fault behaviors in the northern margin and eastern margin of Tibet.
How to cite: Shen, T., Xu, X., Zhou, S., Wei, S., and Lei, X.: Role of rigid block in tectonic transformation zone at east Tibet , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4553, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4553, 2021.
In recent decades, plateau margins have attracted attention because the understanding of their dynamics and history provides insights into the modes of crustal deformation responsible for the plateau structure and morphology and more widely into the deformation of continental lithosphere. The slip transformation and strain partitioning mechanism at the eastern termination of the Kunlun fault system remain unclear. Geophysics investigations revealed the Ruoergai Basin as a rigid block; however, insufficient information is available on the role of this block in tectonic transformation zone at east Tibet. We employed the finite element method in our simulations to delimitate the presence of the Ruoergai block and determine how it affects the surrounding area. We found that the Ruoergai block moves independently to the east or northeast, and its motion differs from that of the Bayan Har block in the eastward escape process of this last-named block. The formation and behavior of Awancang fault and Longriba fault seems to impact by the Ruoergai block. The influence of the Ruoergai block in the east margin should not be ignored. The Awancang fault and Ruoergai block absorbed the north vector velocity of the Bayan Har block, after which the Bayan Har block started moving southeast. The strain partitioning at the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau is progressively complete[A1] from the Awancang fault, Ruoergai block, and Longriba fault area to the Longmenshan block. The presence of the Ruoergai block could decrease the strike-slip rate of the Maqin–Maqu section of the Kunlun fault. Given its influence in the region, the Ruoergai block should be incorporated in future studies on regional deformation and in deformation and tectonic transformation models. Then we compared the deformation and tectonic transformation models in the northern margin of the Tibet Plateau. Proposed a rigid block compression pattern unite the tectonic transformation and deformation issue, further explain most of the fault behaviors in the northern margin and eastern margin of Tibet.
How to cite: Shen, T., Xu, X., Zhou, S., Wei, S., and Lei, X.: Role of rigid block in tectonic transformation zone at east Tibet , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4553, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4553, 2021.
EGU21-13297 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Strike-slip fault in a sandbox: insight of on- and off-fault deformation from analogue modellingSarah Visage, Pauline Souloumiac, Nadaya Cubas, Bertrand Maillot, Arthur Delorme, and Yann Klinger
During large strike-slip earthquakes, the displacement at the ground surface, only partially measured, is often under-estimated in comparison with the amount of slip inferred at depth. The resulting concept of shallow slip deficit is challenged by the precise measurements of surface deformation of on- and off-fault deformation by space imaging techniques, showing that a significant amount of deformation might be accommodated through distributed damage in a zone several hundred meters to kilometers wide around the fault. In this study, analogue modeling is used to quantify the distribution of on/off-fault surface deformation along strike-slip faults over the long term and to understand how it relates to the deep structure of the fault.
To do so, we used a 1.5 m x 1.34 m PVC box, and studied the deformation of a homogeneous sand pack deposited above a straight basal fault, with sand thicknesses varying from 2 to 8 cm. During strike-slip fault experiments, the first structures to appear are the Riedel shears (R-shears) followed by the synthetic shears (S-shears). These structures eventually coalesce to form an anastomosed fault zone, made of a succession of segments separated by geometrical complexities of variable size. Optical imagery is used, at every stage of the strike-slip fault formation, to (1) describe the 3D surface displacement and (2) precisely quantify on/off-fault deformation.
At the initiation of the fault before the formation of the Riedels, a zone of diffuse deformation is highlighted by a positive divergence of the displacement. This diffuse zone is also characterized by a vertical deformation that forms a bulge.
When the displacement Ux parallel to the basal fault has a gradient dUx/dy >= 0.1, we consider that it is "on-fault" deformation, and it is "off-fault, when that gradient is between 0.02 and 0.1.
At the Riedel shear stage, we find 40% of off-fault deformation over a unique Riedel fault and about 60% if deformation is distributed over two Riedels.
Once the strike-slip fault is formed, the ratio drops between 0 to 5 % of off-fault deformation over a fault segment, but the ratio increases to 20% along geometrical complexities.
Moreover, we also show that off-fault deformation around the early Riedel structures partly control the long-lived segmentation and morphology of the strike-slip fault.
Experimental results are then compared to observations and measurements of near-field and far-field deformation obtained along the 2013 Mw 7.7 Balochistan earthquake by Vallage et al. (2015) and Gold et al. (2015). Azimuthal displacements measured in a relay zone (Vallage et al. 2015) are consistent with those observed along our experimental relay zones. Although our experiments were only run with sand, we found a similar distribution of the deformation at the surface. These observations suggest that the distribution of the surface deformation of strike-slip fault earthquakes is inherent to the fault structure, possibly inherited from the Riedel shear stage, and not induced by earthquakes dynamics.
How to cite: Visage, S., Souloumiac, P., Cubas, N., Maillot, B., Delorme, A., and Klinger, Y.: Strike-slip fault in a sandbox: insight of on- and off-fault deformation from analogue modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13297, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13297, 2021.
During large strike-slip earthquakes, the displacement at the ground surface, only partially measured, is often under-estimated in comparison with the amount of slip inferred at depth. The resulting concept of shallow slip deficit is challenged by the precise measurements of surface deformation of on- and off-fault deformation by space imaging techniques, showing that a significant amount of deformation might be accommodated through distributed damage in a zone several hundred meters to kilometers wide around the fault. In this study, analogue modeling is used to quantify the distribution of on/off-fault surface deformation along strike-slip faults over the long term and to understand how it relates to the deep structure of the fault.
To do so, we used a 1.5 m x 1.34 m PVC box, and studied the deformation of a homogeneous sand pack deposited above a straight basal fault, with sand thicknesses varying from 2 to 8 cm. During strike-slip fault experiments, the first structures to appear are the Riedel shears (R-shears) followed by the synthetic shears (S-shears). These structures eventually coalesce to form an anastomosed fault zone, made of a succession of segments separated by geometrical complexities of variable size. Optical imagery is used, at every stage of the strike-slip fault formation, to (1) describe the 3D surface displacement and (2) precisely quantify on/off-fault deformation.
At the initiation of the fault before the formation of the Riedels, a zone of diffuse deformation is highlighted by a positive divergence of the displacement. This diffuse zone is also characterized by a vertical deformation that forms a bulge.
When the displacement Ux parallel to the basal fault has a gradient dUx/dy >= 0.1, we consider that it is "on-fault" deformation, and it is "off-fault, when that gradient is between 0.02 and 0.1.
At the Riedel shear stage, we find 40% of off-fault deformation over a unique Riedel fault and about 60% if deformation is distributed over two Riedels.
Once the strike-slip fault is formed, the ratio drops between 0 to 5 % of off-fault deformation over a fault segment, but the ratio increases to 20% along geometrical complexities.
Moreover, we also show that off-fault deformation around the early Riedel structures partly control the long-lived segmentation and morphology of the strike-slip fault.
Experimental results are then compared to observations and measurements of near-field and far-field deformation obtained along the 2013 Mw 7.7 Balochistan earthquake by Vallage et al. (2015) and Gold et al. (2015). Azimuthal displacements measured in a relay zone (Vallage et al. 2015) are consistent with those observed along our experimental relay zones. Although our experiments were only run with sand, we found a similar distribution of the deformation at the surface. These observations suggest that the distribution of the surface deformation of strike-slip fault earthquakes is inherent to the fault structure, possibly inherited from the Riedel shear stage, and not induced by earthquakes dynamics.
How to cite: Visage, S., Souloumiac, P., Cubas, N., Maillot, B., Delorme, A., and Klinger, Y.: Strike-slip fault in a sandbox: insight of on- and off-fault deformation from analogue modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13297, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13297, 2021.
EGU21-15277 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Role of kinematic thermomechanical modelling on constraining asymmetric continental break upPaul Perron, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Anthony Jourdon, Tristan Cornu, and Claude Gout
For a long time, the complexity of the lithosphere was ignored by numerical modelling because the inherited structural and compositional complexity of the “real” lithosphere is indeed mainly unknown to geologists so modeler preferred to understand first order parameters such as rate of extension, lithospheric thickness, mechanical coupling or decoupling at the Moho. These models were not representative of any particular region but they were helpful. As a wider community of geologist became interested in numerical modelling, a growing number of numerical models have attempted to account for a major player in structural geology: inheritance. However, the complexity of “real” Earth has been simplified and “idealized” where inherited “anomalies” (e.g. fault, pluton, craton) or a combination of them has been added without really knowing the exact initial conditions which are the unknown of the problem. Yet another approach has been to add a lot of them in a more or less random mater or to replace them by initial noise in the parameters. None of these approaches actually fulfil the need for end-users community to have predictive models.
Realizing that structural inheritance is some kind of kinematic forcing in the solution of the models but also that it is not possible to anticipate and identify all the geological structures that can be inherited in rifted margin lithospheres, we have developed a new approach, through the integration of a new kinematic module to pTatin2D thermomechanical code, permitting to understand the kinematics of deformation of the continental lithosphere and asthenosphere through time leading to the establishment of rifted margins. The method is settled and validated by fitting the architecture (i.e. basement, Moho, LAB, Tmax) and by solving the kinematics of a random unknow 2D cross section extracted from 3D thermomechanical rifted margin model.
This new tool aims to help geologists to better constrain and draw on their 2D geological cross sections the position of the Moho, the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary (LAB), the temperature isotherms and the heat flux.
Key words: Kinematic thermomechanical modelling, asymmetric rifted margin architecture, modelling method.
How to cite: Perron, P., Le Pourhiet, L., Jourdon, A., Cornu, T., and Gout, C.: Role of kinematic thermomechanical modelling on constraining asymmetric continental break up, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15277, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15277, 2021.
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For a long time, the complexity of the lithosphere was ignored by numerical modelling because the inherited structural and compositional complexity of the “real” lithosphere is indeed mainly unknown to geologists so modeler preferred to understand first order parameters such as rate of extension, lithospheric thickness, mechanical coupling or decoupling at the Moho. These models were not representative of any particular region but they were helpful. As a wider community of geologist became interested in numerical modelling, a growing number of numerical models have attempted to account for a major player in structural geology: inheritance. However, the complexity of “real” Earth has been simplified and “idealized” where inherited “anomalies” (e.g. fault, pluton, craton) or a combination of them has been added without really knowing the exact initial conditions which are the unknown of the problem. Yet another approach has been to add a lot of them in a more or less random mater or to replace them by initial noise in the parameters. None of these approaches actually fulfil the need for end-users community to have predictive models.
Realizing that structural inheritance is some kind of kinematic forcing in the solution of the models but also that it is not possible to anticipate and identify all the geological structures that can be inherited in rifted margin lithospheres, we have developed a new approach, through the integration of a new kinematic module to pTatin2D thermomechanical code, permitting to understand the kinematics of deformation of the continental lithosphere and asthenosphere through time leading to the establishment of rifted margins. The method is settled and validated by fitting the architecture (i.e. basement, Moho, LAB, Tmax) and by solving the kinematics of a random unknow 2D cross section extracted from 3D thermomechanical rifted margin model.
This new tool aims to help geologists to better constrain and draw on their 2D geological cross sections the position of the Moho, the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary (LAB), the temperature isotherms and the heat flux.
Key words: Kinematic thermomechanical modelling, asymmetric rifted margin architecture, modelling method.
How to cite: Perron, P., Le Pourhiet, L., Jourdon, A., Cornu, T., and Gout, C.: Role of kinematic thermomechanical modelling on constraining asymmetric continental break up, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15277, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15277, 2021.
EGU21-15906 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Physical modelling of structural features of the Agulhas Basin and its evolution (South Atlantic)Anastasiia Tolstova, Eugene Dubinin, and Andrey Groholsky
The evolution of the Agulhas oceanic basin was influenced by the formation of the southern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) as a result of the jump of the spreading axis. This sector of the South Atlantic began to open up as a result of the breakup of Gondwana about 135-140 million years ago. The process of opening was accompanied by kinematic rearrangements in the movement of the lithospheric plates. According to some evolutionary models, the jumps of the spreading axis in the area of the Agulhas basin occurred under the influence of hot spots. The hot spots of Shona, Bouvet, and Discovery played an important role in the evolutionary process of plate boundaries.
The previously active Agulhas spreading ridge is located in the central part of basin. From the east, the basin is framed by the Agulhas plateau, from the west is the Meteor rise. On the north the basin is bounded by the Agulhas transform fault, and on the south by the Southwest Indian Ridge.
Using the method of physical modeling, the formation of volcanic provinces that influenced the formation of the Agulhas basin was modeled.
The first series of experiments is devoted to the jump of the spreading axis of the Agulhas Ridge and the formation of the MAR and the Meteor rise. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the conditions for the formation of Meteor rise, located on the western edge of the Agulhas basin. Experiments have shown that the formation of this block may be due to the action of a hot spot, and the block itself may have a complex structure and contain inclusions of continental crust, which could have separated during the break of the Falkland Plateau and the jump of the spreading axis.
The second series of experiments was devoted to modeling the Agulhas ridge, located on the northern rim of the Agulhas basin. The ridge has a linear structure extending along the Agulhas-Falkland transform fault. The purpose of the experiments was to test the hypothesis of the magmatic origin of this ridge in the conditions of a transform fault with transtension under the thermal influence of the Shona and Discovery hot spot. Experiments have shown that a linear magmatic ridge similar to the Agulhas ridge is formed in the transtension condition. It is also possible that the formation of the ridge may be associated with a change in the speed and direction of spreading.
The Antarctic sector of the South Atlantic, and in particular the Agulhas Basin, has a complex history of evolution. This is due to the displacement of the three major Gondwanan continents, and the activity of hot spots in this region and kinematic rearrangements, and the spatiotemporal migration of the Bouve triple junction with a complex stress field, the existence of the continental Falkland Plateau, and other factors.
The geological environment of the Agulhas basin is characterized by objects and structures that allow us to approach the history of the evolution of this complex area.
How to cite: Tolstova, A., Dubinin, E., and Groholsky, A.: Physical modelling of structural features of the Agulhas Basin and its evolution (South Atlantic), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15906, 2021.
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The evolution of the Agulhas oceanic basin was influenced by the formation of the southern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) as a result of the jump of the spreading axis. This sector of the South Atlantic began to open up as a result of the breakup of Gondwana about 135-140 million years ago. The process of opening was accompanied by kinematic rearrangements in the movement of the lithospheric plates. According to some evolutionary models, the jumps of the spreading axis in the area of the Agulhas basin occurred under the influence of hot spots. The hot spots of Shona, Bouvet, and Discovery played an important role in the evolutionary process of plate boundaries.
The previously active Agulhas spreading ridge is located in the central part of basin. From the east, the basin is framed by the Agulhas plateau, from the west is the Meteor rise. On the north the basin is bounded by the Agulhas transform fault, and on the south by the Southwest Indian Ridge.
Using the method of physical modeling, the formation of volcanic provinces that influenced the formation of the Agulhas basin was modeled.
The first series of experiments is devoted to the jump of the spreading axis of the Agulhas Ridge and the formation of the MAR and the Meteor rise. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the conditions for the formation of Meteor rise, located on the western edge of the Agulhas basin. Experiments have shown that the formation of this block may be due to the action of a hot spot, and the block itself may have a complex structure and contain inclusions of continental crust, which could have separated during the break of the Falkland Plateau and the jump of the spreading axis.
The second series of experiments was devoted to modeling the Agulhas ridge, located on the northern rim of the Agulhas basin. The ridge has a linear structure extending along the Agulhas-Falkland transform fault. The purpose of the experiments was to test the hypothesis of the magmatic origin of this ridge in the conditions of a transform fault with transtension under the thermal influence of the Shona and Discovery hot spot. Experiments have shown that a linear magmatic ridge similar to the Agulhas ridge is formed in the transtension condition. It is also possible that the formation of the ridge may be associated with a change in the speed and direction of spreading.
The Antarctic sector of the South Atlantic, and in particular the Agulhas Basin, has a complex history of evolution. This is due to the displacement of the three major Gondwanan continents, and the activity of hot spots in this region and kinematic rearrangements, and the spatiotemporal migration of the Bouve triple junction with a complex stress field, the existence of the continental Falkland Plateau, and other factors.
The geological environment of the Agulhas basin is characterized by objects and structures that allow us to approach the history of the evolution of this complex area.
How to cite: Tolstova, A., Dubinin, E., and Groholsky, A.: Physical modelling of structural features of the Agulhas Basin and its evolution (South Atlantic), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15906, 2021.
EGU21-2907 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
The role of tectonic inheritance during multiphase rifting: insights from analogue model experimentsGuido Schreurs and Mario Bühler
Rift systems worldwide are influenced by pre-existing crustal or lithospheric structures. Here, we use brittle-viscous analogue models to examine the role of tectonic inheritance on fault evolution during two non-coaxial rift phases. In our experiments the tectonic inheritance is a linear crustal weakness zone consisting of two offset and parallel linear segments connected by a central oblique linear segment. The first phase of rifting is either orthogonal and followed by a second phase of oblique rifting or vice versa.
The experiments reveal that the tectonic inheritance localizes initial faulting during early rifting, with faults in the domains away from it forming later. The nature and orientation of early faults depends on first-phase rift obliquity, with a progressive switch from dip-slip dominated faulting to strike-slip dominated faulting with increasing obliquity, even resulting in local transpressional structures at very high rift obliquities. First-phase rift structures, in particular those above the tectonic inheritance, exert an important control on the overall fault geometry during the second phase of rifting. Our experiments show that two-phase rifting results in fault patterns evolving by the formation of second-phase new faults and the reactivation of first-phase faults. Irrespective of the order of the applied two phases of non-coaxial rifting and the difference in rift obliquity angle between the two phases, a major rift (master rift) forms above the tectonic inheritance, underlining its strong control on fault evolution despite markedly different multiphase rift histories.
Nevertheless, close inspection of the master rift reveals differences related to the relative order of the two rift phases: (i) Oblique rifting superseding orthogonal rifting results in a major master rift, whose rift-boundary faults are not reactivated during second-phase rifting. Instead, first-phase intra-rift normal faults are being reactivated with an important strike-slip component of displacement.
Above the oblique segment of the tectonic inheritance, first-phase en echelon intra-rift normal faults are mostly reactivated and propagate along strike reorienting their tips into high angles to the local principal stretching direction (ii) Orthogonal rifting overprinting oblique rifting, on the other hand, produces first-phase strike-slip faults that link up and trend (sub)-parallel to later formed rift-boundary faults and intra-rift normal faults.
Away from the tectonic inheritance faults have more freedom to evolve in response to the regional rift obliquity, and although they may reactivate, propagate sideways and slightly reorient their fault tips during the second phase of rifting, their trend at the end of the second-phase of rifting with respect to the orientation of the master rift reflects whether first-phase rifting was orthogonal or oblique. Our model results can be used to assess the influence of tectonic inheritance on faulting, the relative order of rifting and the relative difference in obliquity in natural settings that have undergone two phases of rifting.
How to cite: Schreurs, G. and Bühler, M.: The role of tectonic inheritance during multiphase rifting: insights from analogue model experiments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2907, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2907, 2021.
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Rift systems worldwide are influenced by pre-existing crustal or lithospheric structures. Here, we use brittle-viscous analogue models to examine the role of tectonic inheritance on fault evolution during two non-coaxial rift phases. In our experiments the tectonic inheritance is a linear crustal weakness zone consisting of two offset and parallel linear segments connected by a central oblique linear segment. The first phase of rifting is either orthogonal and followed by a second phase of oblique rifting or vice versa.
The experiments reveal that the tectonic inheritance localizes initial faulting during early rifting, with faults in the domains away from it forming later. The nature and orientation of early faults depends on first-phase rift obliquity, with a progressive switch from dip-slip dominated faulting to strike-slip dominated faulting with increasing obliquity, even resulting in local transpressional structures at very high rift obliquities. First-phase rift structures, in particular those above the tectonic inheritance, exert an important control on the overall fault geometry during the second phase of rifting. Our experiments show that two-phase rifting results in fault patterns evolving by the formation of second-phase new faults and the reactivation of first-phase faults. Irrespective of the order of the applied two phases of non-coaxial rifting and the difference in rift obliquity angle between the two phases, a major rift (master rift) forms above the tectonic inheritance, underlining its strong control on fault evolution despite markedly different multiphase rift histories.
Nevertheless, close inspection of the master rift reveals differences related to the relative order of the two rift phases: (i) Oblique rifting superseding orthogonal rifting results in a major master rift, whose rift-boundary faults are not reactivated during second-phase rifting. Instead, first-phase intra-rift normal faults are being reactivated with an important strike-slip component of displacement.
Above the oblique segment of the tectonic inheritance, first-phase en echelon intra-rift normal faults are mostly reactivated and propagate along strike reorienting their tips into high angles to the local principal stretching direction (ii) Orthogonal rifting overprinting oblique rifting, on the other hand, produces first-phase strike-slip faults that link up and trend (sub)-parallel to later formed rift-boundary faults and intra-rift normal faults.
Away from the tectonic inheritance faults have more freedom to evolve in response to the regional rift obliquity, and although they may reactivate, propagate sideways and slightly reorient their fault tips during the second phase of rifting, their trend at the end of the second-phase of rifting with respect to the orientation of the master rift reflects whether first-phase rifting was orthogonal or oblique. Our model results can be used to assess the influence of tectonic inheritance on faulting, the relative order of rifting and the relative difference in obliquity in natural settings that have undergone two phases of rifting.
How to cite: Schreurs, G. and Bühler, M.: The role of tectonic inheritance during multiphase rifting: insights from analogue model experiments, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2907, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2907, 2021.
EGU21-8014 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
The influence of lithospheric rheology on escarpment evolution at divergent margins: a numerical approachJoão Pedro Macedo Silva, Victor Sacek, and Rafael Monteiro da Silva
The evolution of escarpments bordering the coast during the post-rift phase is numerically simulated mostly by landscape surface processes models. However, there are few thermomechanical models that were applied to study the post-rift evolution of these escarpments. In the present work, we used a finite element thermomechanical model to simulate lithospheric extension and evaluate the sensitivity of escarpment amplitude over time under different geological and rheological conditions from the onset of lithospheric extension to the post-rift phase. The results showed that the evolution of escarpment amplitude and its preservation for tens of millions of years are sensitive to crustal and lithospheric thicknesses. We observed that escarpment preservation is higher for scenarios with a thinner crust with a strong lower crust and a thicker lithospheric mantle. This behavior is related to the degree of coupling between the crust and lithospheric mantle that affect the vertical displacement of the lithosphere due to flexural and isostatic response. Additionally, even without surface processes of erosion and sedimentation, the amplitude of the escarpment can monotonically decrease with time due to the lateral flow of the lower crust. This effect is expressive in the scenarios where the effective viscosity of the lower crust is relatively low and the upper crust is rheologically decoupled from the lithospheric mantle. In these cases, the amplitude of the escarpment can decrease from 2-3 km during the rifting phase to less 1 km after 40 Myr after the onset of lithospheric extension. On the other hand, in scenarios where the crust is rheologically coupled, the amplitude of the escarpment after 100 Myr since the lithospheric stretching is only ~25% smaller than maximum amplitude observed during the rifting phase. We conclude that the rheological structure of the lithosphere can play an important role in the formation and preservation of escarpments at divergent margins simultaneously with surface process.
How to cite: Macedo Silva, J. P., Sacek, V., and Monteiro da Silva, R.: The influence of lithospheric rheology on escarpment evolution at divergent margins: a numerical approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8014, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8014, 2021.
The evolution of escarpments bordering the coast during the post-rift phase is numerically simulated mostly by landscape surface processes models. However, there are few thermomechanical models that were applied to study the post-rift evolution of these escarpments. In the present work, we used a finite element thermomechanical model to simulate lithospheric extension and evaluate the sensitivity of escarpment amplitude over time under different geological and rheological conditions from the onset of lithospheric extension to the post-rift phase. The results showed that the evolution of escarpment amplitude and its preservation for tens of millions of years are sensitive to crustal and lithospheric thicknesses. We observed that escarpment preservation is higher for scenarios with a thinner crust with a strong lower crust and a thicker lithospheric mantle. This behavior is related to the degree of coupling between the crust and lithospheric mantle that affect the vertical displacement of the lithosphere due to flexural and isostatic response. Additionally, even without surface processes of erosion and sedimentation, the amplitude of the escarpment can monotonically decrease with time due to the lateral flow of the lower crust. This effect is expressive in the scenarios where the effective viscosity of the lower crust is relatively low and the upper crust is rheologically decoupled from the lithospheric mantle. In these cases, the amplitude of the escarpment can decrease from 2-3 km during the rifting phase to less 1 km after 40 Myr after the onset of lithospheric extension. On the other hand, in scenarios where the crust is rheologically coupled, the amplitude of the escarpment after 100 Myr since the lithospheric stretching is only ~25% smaller than maximum amplitude observed during the rifting phase. We conclude that the rheological structure of the lithosphere can play an important role in the formation and preservation of escarpments at divergent margins simultaneously with surface process.
How to cite: Macedo Silva, J. P., Sacek, V., and Monteiro da Silva, R.: The influence of lithospheric rheology on escarpment evolution at divergent margins: a numerical approach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8014, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8014, 2021.
EGU21-15031 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Open AR-Sandbox: a Haptic Interface for Geoscience Education and OutreachFlorian Wellmann, Simon Virgo, Daniel Escallon, Miguel de la Varga, Alexander Jüstel, Florian Wagner, Julia Kowalski, and Robin Fehling
Augmented Reality Sandboxes are a valuable tool for science outreach and teaching due to their intuitive and haptic interaction-enhancing operation. Most of the common AR-Sandboxes are limited to the visualization of topography with contour lines and colours, as well as water simulations on the digital terrain surface. However, many geologists will intuitively want to use this system to visualize geology and literally “dig deeper”, to see how geological units change below the surface. In fact, if we consider the AR-Sandbox in its bare essential, as a 2.5-D haptic dynamic interface to a 3-D or 4-D system, then many more potential applications come to mind: from geological education and outreach, over the representation of geophysical fields, to dynamic simulations.
In this contribution, we present an open-source implementation of an AR-Sandbox system with an interface in Python, which enables simple access to this tool. This implementation allows for creative and novel applications in geosciences education and outreach in general. With a link to a 3-D geomodelling system, we show how we can display geologic subsurface information such as the outcropping lithology, creating an interactive geological map for structural geology classes. The relations of subsurface structures, topography and outcrop, can be explored in a playful and comprehensible way. Additional examples are geoelectric fields and the propagation of seismic waves, as well as simulations of landslides at the surface. We further extended the functionality with an implementation of ArUco marker detection to enable interactive cross-section generation, among other examples. Many other implementations can be envisaged for the use of this system, and we look forward to creative contributions to geoscience education.
How to cite: Wellmann, F., Virgo, S., Escallon, D., de la Varga, M., Jüstel, A., Wagner, F., Kowalski, J., and Fehling, R.: Open AR-Sandbox: a Haptic Interface for Geoscience Education and Outreach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15031, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15031, 2021.
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Augmented Reality Sandboxes are a valuable tool for science outreach and teaching due to their intuitive and haptic interaction-enhancing operation. Most of the common AR-Sandboxes are limited to the visualization of topography with contour lines and colours, as well as water simulations on the digital terrain surface. However, many geologists will intuitively want to use this system to visualize geology and literally “dig deeper”, to see how geological units change below the surface. In fact, if we consider the AR-Sandbox in its bare essential, as a 2.5-D haptic dynamic interface to a 3-D or 4-D system, then many more potential applications come to mind: from geological education and outreach, over the representation of geophysical fields, to dynamic simulations.
In this contribution, we present an open-source implementation of an AR-Sandbox system with an interface in Python, which enables simple access to this tool. This implementation allows for creative and novel applications in geosciences education and outreach in general. With a link to a 3-D geomodelling system, we show how we can display geologic subsurface information such as the outcropping lithology, creating an interactive geological map for structural geology classes. The relations of subsurface structures, topography and outcrop, can be explored in a playful and comprehensible way. Additional examples are geoelectric fields and the propagation of seismic waves, as well as simulations of landslides at the surface. We further extended the functionality with an implementation of ArUco marker detection to enable interactive cross-section generation, among other examples. Many other implementations can be envisaged for the use of this system, and we look forward to creative contributions to geoscience education.
How to cite: Wellmann, F., Virgo, S., Escallon, D., de la Varga, M., Jüstel, A., Wagner, F., Kowalski, J., and Fehling, R.: Open AR-Sandbox: a Haptic Interface for Geoscience Education and Outreach, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15031, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15031, 2021.
EGU21-16301 | vPICO presentations | TS9.1
Sharing experimental data and facilities in EPOS: Updates on services for the analogue modelling community in the TCS Multi-scale LaboratoriesErnst Willingshofer, Francesca Funiciello, Matthias Rosenau, Guido Schreurs, Frank Zwaan, Susanne Buiter, Geertje ter Maat, Otto Lange, Kirsten Elger, Claudio Faccenna, Valerio Acocella, Riccardo Reitano, Giacomo Mastella, Benjamin Guillaume, and Fabio Corbi and the EPOS TCS MSL analogue modelling team
EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a unique e-infrastructure and collaborative environment for the solid earth science community in Europe and beyond. A wide range of world-class experimental (analogue modelling and rock and melt physics) and analytical (paleomagnetic, geochemistry, microscopy) laboratory infrastructures are concerted in a “Thematic Core Service” (TCS) labelled “Multi-scale Laboratories” (MSL). Sharing experimental facilities and data on analogue modelling of tectonic processes as well as on properties and applicability of different rock analogue materials are among the thematic areas that have been achieved during the current implementation phase of EPOS. The TCS Multi-scale Laboratories offers coordination of the laboratories’ network, data services, and trans-national access to laboratory facilities.
In the framework of Transnational Access (TNA), TCS Multi-scale laboratories’ facilities are accessible to researchers across the world, creating new opportunities for synergy, collaboration and scientific innovation, according to trans-national access rules. TNA can be realized in the form of physical access (in-situ experimenting and analysis), remote service (sample analysis) and virtual access (remote processing). After three successful TNA calls, the 2020 and 2021 TNA calls have been suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. A TNA call is now foreseen for 2022 offering access to a variety of experimental facilities and complementary expertise.
In the framework of data services, TCS Multi Scale Laboratories promotes FAIR (Findable-Accessible-Interoperable-Re-Usable) sharing of experimental research data sets through Open Access data publications. Data sets are assigned with digital object identifiers (DOI) and are published under open CC BY licences. They are thus citable in all relevant scientific journals. A dedicated metadata schema (following international standards that are enrichiched with disciplinary controlled community vocabulary) eases exploration of the various data sets in a TCS catalogue. With respect to analogue modelling, a growing number of analogue modelling data sets include analogue material properties (friction and rheology data) and modelling results (images, maps, graphs, animations) as well as software (visualization and analysis). The main repository for data sets is currently GFZ Data Services, a domain repository for Geosciences, hosted at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, but others are planned to be implemented within the next years.
The EPOS TCS Multiscale Laboratories framework will lay the foundation for a comprehensive database of rock analogue materials, a dedicated bibliography, and will facilitate the organization of community wide activities (eg. meetings, benchmarking, etc.) to stimulate collaboration among analogue laboratories and the exchange of know-how.
How to cite: Willingshofer, E., Funiciello, F., Rosenau, M., Schreurs, G., Zwaan, F., Buiter, S., ter Maat, G., Lange, O., Elger, K., Faccenna, C., Acocella, V., Reitano, R., Mastella, G., Guillaume, B., and Corbi, F. and the EPOS TCS MSL analogue modelling team: Sharing experimental data and facilities in EPOS: Updates on services for the analogue modelling community in the TCS Multi-scale Laboratories, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16301, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16301, 2021.
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EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a unique e-infrastructure and collaborative environment for the solid earth science community in Europe and beyond. A wide range of world-class experimental (analogue modelling and rock and melt physics) and analytical (paleomagnetic, geochemistry, microscopy) laboratory infrastructures are concerted in a “Thematic Core Service” (TCS) labelled “Multi-scale Laboratories” (MSL). Sharing experimental facilities and data on analogue modelling of tectonic processes as well as on properties and applicability of different rock analogue materials are among the thematic areas that have been achieved during the current implementation phase of EPOS. The TCS Multi-scale Laboratories offers coordination of the laboratories’ network, data services, and trans-national access to laboratory facilities.
In the framework of Transnational Access (TNA), TCS Multi-scale laboratories’ facilities are accessible to researchers across the world, creating new opportunities for synergy, collaboration and scientific innovation, according to trans-national access rules. TNA can be realized in the form of physical access (in-situ experimenting and analysis), remote service (sample analysis) and virtual access (remote processing). After three successful TNA calls, the 2020 and 2021 TNA calls have been suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. A TNA call is now foreseen for 2022 offering access to a variety of experimental facilities and complementary expertise.
In the framework of data services, TCS Multi Scale Laboratories promotes FAIR (Findable-Accessible-Interoperable-Re-Usable) sharing of experimental research data sets through Open Access data publications. Data sets are assigned with digital object identifiers (DOI) and are published under open CC BY licences. They are thus citable in all relevant scientific journals. A dedicated metadata schema (following international standards that are enrichiched with disciplinary controlled community vocabulary) eases exploration of the various data sets in a TCS catalogue. With respect to analogue modelling, a growing number of analogue modelling data sets include analogue material properties (friction and rheology data) and modelling results (images, maps, graphs, animations) as well as software (visualization and analysis). The main repository for data sets is currently GFZ Data Services, a domain repository for Geosciences, hosted at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, but others are planned to be implemented within the next years.
The EPOS TCS Multiscale Laboratories framework will lay the foundation for a comprehensive database of rock analogue materials, a dedicated bibliography, and will facilitate the organization of community wide activities (eg. meetings, benchmarking, etc.) to stimulate collaboration among analogue laboratories and the exchange of know-how.
How to cite: Willingshofer, E., Funiciello, F., Rosenau, M., Schreurs, G., Zwaan, F., Buiter, S., ter Maat, G., Lange, O., Elger, K., Faccenna, C., Acocella, V., Reitano, R., Mastella, G., Guillaume, B., and Corbi, F. and the EPOS TCS MSL analogue modelling team: Sharing experimental data and facilities in EPOS: Updates on services for the analogue modelling community in the TCS Multi-scale Laboratories, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16301, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16301, 2021.
TS9.2 – 3-D Geological Models as Scientific Tools for Joint Inversion, Uncertainty Quantification, and Machine Learning
EGU21-632 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Current and future limits to automated 3D geological model constructionMark Jessell
In geological settings characterised by folded and faulted strata, and where good field data exist, we have been able to automate a large part of the 3D modelling process directly from the raw geological database (maps, bedding orientations and drillhole data). The automation is based upon the deconstruction of the geological maps and databases into positional, gradient and spatial and temporal topology information, and the combination of deconstructed data into augmented inputs for 3D geological modelling systems, notably LoopStructural and GemPy.
When we try to apply this approach to more complex terranes, such as greenstone belts, we come across two types of problem:
- 1) Insufficient structural data, since the more complexly deformed the geology, the more we need to rely on secondary structural information, such as fold axial traces and vergence to ‘solve’ the structures. Unfortunately these types of data are not always stored in national geological databases. One approach to overcoming this is to analyse the simpler (i.e. bedding) data to try and estimate the secondary information automatically.
- 2) The available information is unsuited to the logic of the modelling system. Most modern modelling platforms assume the knowledge of a chronostratigraphic hierarchy, however, especially in more complexly deformed regions, a lithostratigraphy may be all that is available. Again a pre-processing of the map and stratigraphic information may be possible to overcome this problem.
This presentation will highlight the progress that has been made, as well as the road-blocks to universal automated 3D geological model construction.
We acknowledge the support of the MinEx CRC and the Loop: Enabling Stochastic 3D Geological Modelling (LP170100985) consortia. The work has been supported by the Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre whose activities are funded by the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centre Programme. This is MinEx CRC Document 2020/xxx.
How to cite: Jessell, M.: Current and future limits to automated 3D geological model construction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-632, 2021.
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In geological settings characterised by folded and faulted strata, and where good field data exist, we have been able to automate a large part of the 3D modelling process directly from the raw geological database (maps, bedding orientations and drillhole data). The automation is based upon the deconstruction of the geological maps and databases into positional, gradient and spatial and temporal topology information, and the combination of deconstructed data into augmented inputs for 3D geological modelling systems, notably LoopStructural and GemPy.
When we try to apply this approach to more complex terranes, such as greenstone belts, we come across two types of problem:
- 1) Insufficient structural data, since the more complexly deformed the geology, the more we need to rely on secondary structural information, such as fold axial traces and vergence to ‘solve’ the structures. Unfortunately these types of data are not always stored in national geological databases. One approach to overcoming this is to analyse the simpler (i.e. bedding) data to try and estimate the secondary information automatically.
- 2) The available information is unsuited to the logic of the modelling system. Most modern modelling platforms assume the knowledge of a chronostratigraphic hierarchy, however, especially in more complexly deformed regions, a lithostratigraphy may be all that is available. Again a pre-processing of the map and stratigraphic information may be possible to overcome this problem.
This presentation will highlight the progress that has been made, as well as the road-blocks to universal automated 3D geological model construction.
We acknowledge the support of the MinEx CRC and the Loop: Enabling Stochastic 3D Geological Modelling (LP170100985) consortia. The work has been supported by the Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre whose activities are funded by the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centre Programme. This is MinEx CRC Document 2020/xxx.
How to cite: Jessell, M.: Current and future limits to automated 3D geological model construction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-632, 2021.
EGU21-477 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
3D Modelling of the Northern Upper Rhine Graben Crystalline Basement by Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic DataMatthis Frey, Sebastian Weinert, Kristian Bär, Jeroen van der Vaart, Chrystel Dezayes, Philippe Calcagno, and Ingo Sass
The crystalline basement of the Upper Rhine Graben presents an attractive target for deep geothermal projects due to its favourable temperatures and its high potential as a fractured and faulted reservoir system. It is already exploited at several sites, e.g. Soultz-sous-Forêts or Landau, and further projects are currently planned or under development. The crystalline units are furthermore the main source of radiogenic heat production and thus, together with the shallow Moho depth and convective heat transport along large fault zones, significantly contributing to the crustal temperature field. For these reasons, we developed the most detailed 3D geological model of the basement in the northern Upper Rhine Graben to date within the Interreg NWE DGE-ROLLOUT and Hesse 3D 2.0 projects. Due to the small number of very deep boreholes as well as seismic profiles reaching the basement beneath the locally more than 5 km thick sedimentary cover, we additionally used high-resolution magnetic and gravity datasets. In contrast to common deterministic modelling approaches, we performed a stochastic joint inversion of the geophysical data by applying a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm. This method generates a large set of random but valid models, which enables a statistical evaluation of the results, e.g. concerning the model uncertainties. For a realistic attribution of the model, we used existing petrophysical databases of the region and measured the magnetic susceptibility of more than 430 rock samples. As a result of the inversion, high-resolution voxel models of the density and susceptibility distribution were generated, allowing conclusions about the composition and structure of the crystalline crust, which leads to a reduction of uncertainties and risks associated with deep geothermal drillings in the northern Upper Rhine Graben. Furthermore, our model will serve as a basis for realistic simulations of heat transport processes in the fractured basement and a meaningful assessment of the deep geothermal potential in the future.
How to cite: Frey, M., Weinert, S., Bär, K., van der Vaart, J., Dezayes, C., Calcagno, P., and Sass, I.: 3D Modelling of the Northern Upper Rhine Graben Crystalline Basement by Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-477, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-477, 2021.
The crystalline basement of the Upper Rhine Graben presents an attractive target for deep geothermal projects due to its favourable temperatures and its high potential as a fractured and faulted reservoir system. It is already exploited at several sites, e.g. Soultz-sous-Forêts or Landau, and further projects are currently planned or under development. The crystalline units are furthermore the main source of radiogenic heat production and thus, together with the shallow Moho depth and convective heat transport along large fault zones, significantly contributing to the crustal temperature field. For these reasons, we developed the most detailed 3D geological model of the basement in the northern Upper Rhine Graben to date within the Interreg NWE DGE-ROLLOUT and Hesse 3D 2.0 projects. Due to the small number of very deep boreholes as well as seismic profiles reaching the basement beneath the locally more than 5 km thick sedimentary cover, we additionally used high-resolution magnetic and gravity datasets. In contrast to common deterministic modelling approaches, we performed a stochastic joint inversion of the geophysical data by applying a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm. This method generates a large set of random but valid models, which enables a statistical evaluation of the results, e.g. concerning the model uncertainties. For a realistic attribution of the model, we used existing petrophysical databases of the region and measured the magnetic susceptibility of more than 430 rock samples. As a result of the inversion, high-resolution voxel models of the density and susceptibility distribution were generated, allowing conclusions about the composition and structure of the crystalline crust, which leads to a reduction of uncertainties and risks associated with deep geothermal drillings in the northern Upper Rhine Graben. Furthermore, our model will serve as a basis for realistic simulations of heat transport processes in the fractured basement and a meaningful assessment of the deep geothermal potential in the future.
How to cite: Frey, M., Weinert, S., Bär, K., van der Vaart, J., Dezayes, C., Calcagno, P., and Sass, I.: 3D Modelling of the Northern Upper Rhine Graben Crystalline Basement by Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-477, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-477, 2021.
EGU21-13187 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Rapid 3D geological modeling to assess and visualize uncertainties in a web applicationDaniel Pflieger, Miguel de la Varga Hormazabal, Simon Virgo, Jan von Harten, and Florian Wellmann
Three dimensional modeling is a rapidly developing field in geological scientific and commercial applications. The combination of modeling and uncertainty analysis aides in understanding and quantitatively assessing complex subsurface structures. In recent years, many methods have been developed to facilitate this combined analysis, usually either through an extension of existing desktop applications or by making use of Jupyter notebooks as frontends. We evaluate here if modern web browser technology, linked to high-performance cloud services, can also be used for these types of analyses.
For this purpose, we developed a web application as proof-of-concept with the aim to visualize three dimensional geological models provided by a server. The implementation enables the modification of input parameters with assigned probability distributions. This step enables the generation of randomized realizations of models and the quantification and visualization of propagated uncertainties. The software is implemented using HTML Web Components on the client side and a Python server, providing a RESTful API to the open source geological modeling tool “GemPy”. Encapsulating the main components in custom elements, in combination with a minimalistic state management approach and a template parser, allows for high modularity. This enables rapid extendibility of the functionality of the components depending on the user’s needs and an easy integration into existing web platforms.
Our implementation shows that it is possible to extend and simplify modeling processes by creating an expandable web-based platform for probabilistic modeling, with the aim to increase the usability and to facilitate access to this functionality for a wide range of scientific analyses. The ability to compute models rapidly and with any given device in a web browser makes it flexible to use, and more accessible to a broader range of users.
How to cite: Pflieger, D., de la Varga Hormazabal, M., Virgo, S., von Harten, J., and Wellmann, F.: Rapid 3D geological modeling to assess and visualize uncertainties in a web application, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13187, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13187, 2021.
Three dimensional modeling is a rapidly developing field in geological scientific and commercial applications. The combination of modeling and uncertainty analysis aides in understanding and quantitatively assessing complex subsurface structures. In recent years, many methods have been developed to facilitate this combined analysis, usually either through an extension of existing desktop applications or by making use of Jupyter notebooks as frontends. We evaluate here if modern web browser technology, linked to high-performance cloud services, can also be used for these types of analyses.
For this purpose, we developed a web application as proof-of-concept with the aim to visualize three dimensional geological models provided by a server. The implementation enables the modification of input parameters with assigned probability distributions. This step enables the generation of randomized realizations of models and the quantification and visualization of propagated uncertainties. The software is implemented using HTML Web Components on the client side and a Python server, providing a RESTful API to the open source geological modeling tool “GemPy”. Encapsulating the main components in custom elements, in combination with a minimalistic state management approach and a template parser, allows for high modularity. This enables rapid extendibility of the functionality of the components depending on the user’s needs and an easy integration into existing web platforms.
Our implementation shows that it is possible to extend and simplify modeling processes by creating an expandable web-based platform for probabilistic modeling, with the aim to increase the usability and to facilitate access to this functionality for a wide range of scientific analyses. The ability to compute models rapidly and with any given device in a web browser makes it flexible to use, and more accessible to a broader range of users.
How to cite: Pflieger, D., de la Varga Hormazabal, M., Virgo, S., von Harten, J., and Wellmann, F.: Rapid 3D geological modeling to assess and visualize uncertainties in a web application, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13187, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13187, 2021.
EGU21-3581 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
A blended learning approach to structural field mapping: combining local geology, virtual geology, and web-based toolsVirginia Toy, Steffen Abe, Paul Bons, Simon J. Buckley, Hagen Deckert, Selina Fenske, Martina Kirilova, Conor Lewis, Sebastian Mutz, Julian Owin, Till Sachau, Bernhard Schuck, and Philipp Seelos
In September 2020, the Corona crisis offered us an opportunity to develop and test a blended real and virtual interdisciplinary field mapping class, as well as revealing the need for, and stimulating development of new web-based tools for structural interpretation.
Universität Mainz’ usual Master’s advanced field mapping, and Universität Tübingen’s usual Bachelor’s mapping classes were replaced with combinations of (i) virtual field mapping of Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary units at Molinos, Teruel Province, Spain, and (ii) field mapping of metamorphic rocks in the Mittelrhein Gorge and the Arh Valley, and outcrops of sedimentary rocks near Tübingen, Germany, which the students were mostly able to access on day trips using public transport or by bicycle.
For the Molinos part of the exercise both groups were offered hand specimens containing distinctive fossils, linked to locations (and pseudo-locations) by google .kmz files, a variety of structural measurements also linked via .kmz files, and detailed satellite imagery within which mappable geological units display distinct characteristics. Introductions to the stratigraphy were made in three virtual outcrop sections examined in Google Street View from within Google Earth, and via web-based photogrammetric 3D outcrop models made available on the V3Geo virtual 3D geoscience platform. The students then extrapolated this stratigraphy based on the satellite imagery and .kmz file information.
Our perception, validated by student feedback, is that the real parts of both field excursions were very important since they allowed us to teach and refine mapping and compass methodology and best demonstrate how to analyze 3D geometries of geological structures. Universität Mainz students particularly benefited from being able to visit locations where we had already made 3D outcrop models and offered a digital excursion, in the Ahr Valley (Rhenish Massif). They were able to compare real structural measurements with those derived from the precisely georeferenced 3D models, which enhanced their ability to subsequently obtain such information solely from the models. Although final student maps were of comparable quality to those produced in the field, structural interpretations were hampered by a lack of field measurements. In many cases, the Google Earth DEM is of too low resolution and ways should be found to include higher-resolution DEMs in web-based data sets.
Overall, we think there were advantages compared to traditional field mapping, such as (i) enhanced evidence that methods like ‘structure contouring’ were used in all mapping, (ii) we were stimulated to teach the students to use digital methods to acquire field data, such as StraboSpot and Stereonet11 Apps. We observed these tools, and others we were unaware of, being used in combination with traditional paper and compass during the real mapping exercise. We hope to continue to employ this blended teaching approach even when the Corona crisis passes. This will be facilitated by our development of further 3D outcrop models, .kmz files with key information about outcrops in the Mittelrhein, and especially, web-based (rather than PC-based) tools to extract structural data such as plane and line orientations from 3D outcrop models and enable collaborative work on one data set.
How to cite: Toy, V., Abe, S., Bons, P., Buckley, S. J., Deckert, H., Fenske, S., Kirilova, M., Lewis, C., Mutz, S., Owin, J., Sachau, T., Schuck, B., and Seelos, P.: A blended learning approach to structural field mapping: combining local geology, virtual geology, and web-based tools , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3581, 2021.
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In September 2020, the Corona crisis offered us an opportunity to develop and test a blended real and virtual interdisciplinary field mapping class, as well as revealing the need for, and stimulating development of new web-based tools for structural interpretation.
Universität Mainz’ usual Master’s advanced field mapping, and Universität Tübingen’s usual Bachelor’s mapping classes were replaced with combinations of (i) virtual field mapping of Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary units at Molinos, Teruel Province, Spain, and (ii) field mapping of metamorphic rocks in the Mittelrhein Gorge and the Arh Valley, and outcrops of sedimentary rocks near Tübingen, Germany, which the students were mostly able to access on day trips using public transport or by bicycle.
For the Molinos part of the exercise both groups were offered hand specimens containing distinctive fossils, linked to locations (and pseudo-locations) by google .kmz files, a variety of structural measurements also linked via .kmz files, and detailed satellite imagery within which mappable geological units display distinct characteristics. Introductions to the stratigraphy were made in three virtual outcrop sections examined in Google Street View from within Google Earth, and via web-based photogrammetric 3D outcrop models made available on the V3Geo virtual 3D geoscience platform. The students then extrapolated this stratigraphy based on the satellite imagery and .kmz file information.
Our perception, validated by student feedback, is that the real parts of both field excursions were very important since they allowed us to teach and refine mapping and compass methodology and best demonstrate how to analyze 3D geometries of geological structures. Universität Mainz students particularly benefited from being able to visit locations where we had already made 3D outcrop models and offered a digital excursion, in the Ahr Valley (Rhenish Massif). They were able to compare real structural measurements with those derived from the precisely georeferenced 3D models, which enhanced their ability to subsequently obtain such information solely from the models. Although final student maps were of comparable quality to those produced in the field, structural interpretations were hampered by a lack of field measurements. In many cases, the Google Earth DEM is of too low resolution and ways should be found to include higher-resolution DEMs in web-based data sets.
Overall, we think there were advantages compared to traditional field mapping, such as (i) enhanced evidence that methods like ‘structure contouring’ were used in all mapping, (ii) we were stimulated to teach the students to use digital methods to acquire field data, such as StraboSpot and Stereonet11 Apps. We observed these tools, and others we were unaware of, being used in combination with traditional paper and compass during the real mapping exercise. We hope to continue to employ this blended teaching approach even when the Corona crisis passes. This will be facilitated by our development of further 3D outcrop models, .kmz files with key information about outcrops in the Mittelrhein, and especially, web-based (rather than PC-based) tools to extract structural data such as plane and line orientations from 3D outcrop models and enable collaborative work on one data set.
How to cite: Toy, V., Abe, S., Bons, P., Buckley, S. J., Deckert, H., Fenske, S., Kirilova, M., Lewis, C., Mutz, S., Owin, J., Sachau, T., Schuck, B., and Seelos, P.: A blended learning approach to structural field mapping: combining local geology, virtual geology, and web-based tools , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3581, 2021.
EGU21-4820 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Parallel or not? Quantitative and qualitative methods to identify dissimilarities between sub-conformable contactsMichał Michalak and Lesław Teper
In geological modelling it is often assumed that sub-conformable contacts are parallel. Here, we challenged this assumption by comparing conformable and unconformable horizons within Kraków-Silesian Homocline, Poland. The study objective was to provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of dissimilarities between contacts of interest. The quantitative portion of the research involved geostatistical modelling of angular distance between contacts subdivided by Delaunay triangulation. We confirmed that in general the angular distances within conformable contacts are smaller than these between genetically unrelated horizons. However, there are exceptions from this rule related mainly to elongated zones of unknown origin in which angular distances are greater for sub-conformable contacts. The qualitative portion of the research was based on a specific variant of spatial clustering method based on Delaunay triangulation. Using this method, we aimed to identify geological differences underlying the increased values of angular distances in specific places. We identified convex forms that are developed only in some of the analysed contacts. These convex forms may be due to differences in the competence of tectonically deformed rocks. In such a case, discrete displacements of brittle sandstones are replaced by continuous deformation of claystones in the cover, represented by fault-related flexures or drape folds, which results in sharp changes in the angular distances observed. Acknowledgements: The project is funded by National Science Centre Poland, 2020/37/N/ST10/02504
How to cite: Michalak, M. and Teper, L.: Parallel or not? Quantitative and qualitative methods to identify dissimilarities between sub-conformable contacts, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4820, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4820, 2021.
In geological modelling it is often assumed that sub-conformable contacts are parallel. Here, we challenged this assumption by comparing conformable and unconformable horizons within Kraków-Silesian Homocline, Poland. The study objective was to provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of dissimilarities between contacts of interest. The quantitative portion of the research involved geostatistical modelling of angular distance between contacts subdivided by Delaunay triangulation. We confirmed that in general the angular distances within conformable contacts are smaller than these between genetically unrelated horizons. However, there are exceptions from this rule related mainly to elongated zones of unknown origin in which angular distances are greater for sub-conformable contacts. The qualitative portion of the research was based on a specific variant of spatial clustering method based on Delaunay triangulation. Using this method, we aimed to identify geological differences underlying the increased values of angular distances in specific places. We identified convex forms that are developed only in some of the analysed contacts. These convex forms may be due to differences in the competence of tectonically deformed rocks. In such a case, discrete displacements of brittle sandstones are replaced by continuous deformation of claystones in the cover, represented by fault-related flexures or drape folds, which results in sharp changes in the angular distances observed. Acknowledgements: The project is funded by National Science Centre Poland, 2020/37/N/ST10/02504
How to cite: Michalak, M. and Teper, L.: Parallel or not? Quantitative and qualitative methods to identify dissimilarities between sub-conformable contacts, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4820, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4820, 2021.
EGU21-12978 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Using Graph Neural Networks for 3-D Structural Geological ModellingMichael Hillier, Florian Wellmann, Boyan Brodaric, Eric de Kemp, and Ernst Schetselaar
A new approach for constrained 3-D structural geological modelling using Graph Neural Networks (GNN) has been developed that is driven by a learning through training paradigm. Graph neural networks are an emerging deep learning model for graph structured data which can produce vector embeddings of graph elements including nodes, edges, and graphs themselves, useful for various learning objectives. In this work our graphs represent unstructured volumetric meshes. Our developed GNN architecture can generate spatially interpolated implicit scalar fields and discrete geological unit predictions on graph nodes (e.g. mesh vertices) to construct 3-D structural models. Interpolations are constrained by scattered point data sampling geological units, interfaces, as well as linear and planar orientation measurements. Interpolation constraints are incorporated into the neural architecture using loss functions associated with each constraint type that measure the error between the network’s predictions and data observations. This presentation will describe key concepts involved within this approach including vector embeddings, spatial-based convolutions on graphs, and loss functions for structural geological features. In addition, several modelling results will be given that demonstrate the capabilities and potential of GNNs for representing geological structures.
How to cite: Hillier, M., Wellmann, F., Brodaric, B., de Kemp, E., and Schetselaar, E.: Using Graph Neural Networks for 3-D Structural Geological Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12978, 2021.
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A new approach for constrained 3-D structural geological modelling using Graph Neural Networks (GNN) has been developed that is driven by a learning through training paradigm. Graph neural networks are an emerging deep learning model for graph structured data which can produce vector embeddings of graph elements including nodes, edges, and graphs themselves, useful for various learning objectives. In this work our graphs represent unstructured volumetric meshes. Our developed GNN architecture can generate spatially interpolated implicit scalar fields and discrete geological unit predictions on graph nodes (e.g. mesh vertices) to construct 3-D structural models. Interpolations are constrained by scattered point data sampling geological units, interfaces, as well as linear and planar orientation measurements. Interpolation constraints are incorporated into the neural architecture using loss functions associated with each constraint type that measure the error between the network’s predictions and data observations. This presentation will describe key concepts involved within this approach including vector embeddings, spatial-based convolutions on graphs, and loss functions for structural geological features. In addition, several modelling results will be given that demonstrate the capabilities and potential of GNNs for representing geological structures.
How to cite: Hillier, M., Wellmann, F., Brodaric, B., de Kemp, E., and Schetselaar, E.: Using Graph Neural Networks for 3-D Structural Geological Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12978, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12978, 2021.
EGU21-6385 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Train Deep Learning Models using subsurface geological images datasetsRamy Abdallah, Clare E. Bond, and Robert W.H. Butler
Machine learning is being presented as a new solution for a wide range of geoscience problems. Primarily machine learning has been used for 3D seismic data processing, seismic facies analysis and well log data correlation. The rapid development in technology with open-source artificial intelligence libraries and the accessibility of affordable computer graphics processing units (GPU) makes the application of machine learning in geosciences increasingly tractable. However, the application of artificial intelligence in structural interpretation workflows of subsurface datasets is still ambiguous. This study aims to use machine learning techniques to classify images of folds and fold-thrust structures. Here we show that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as supervised deep learning techniques provide excellent algorithms to discriminate between geological image datasets. Four different datasets of images have been used to train and test the machine learning models. These four datasets are a seismic character dataset with five classes (faults, folds, salt, flat layers and basement), folds types with three classes (buckle, chevron and conjugate), fault types with three classes (normal, reverse and thrust) and fold-thrust geometries with three classes (fault bend fold, fault propagation fold and detachment fold). These image datasets are used to investigate three machine learning models. One Feedforward linear neural network model and two convolutional neural networks models (Convolution 2d layer transforms sequential model and Residual block model (ResNet with 9, 34, and 50 layers)). Validation and testing datasets forms a critical part of testing the model’s performance accuracy. The ResNet model records the highest performance accuracy score, of the machine learning models tested. Our CNN image classification model analysis provides a framework for applying machine learning to increase structural interpretation efficiency, and shows that CNN classification models can be applied effectively to geoscience problems. The study provides a starting point to apply unsupervised machine learning approaches to sub-surface structural interpretation workflows.
How to cite: Abdallah, R., Bond, C. E., and Butler, R. W. H.: Train Deep Learning Models using subsurface geological images datasets, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6385, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6385, 2021.
Machine learning is being presented as a new solution for a wide range of geoscience problems. Primarily machine learning has been used for 3D seismic data processing, seismic facies analysis and well log data correlation. The rapid development in technology with open-source artificial intelligence libraries and the accessibility of affordable computer graphics processing units (GPU) makes the application of machine learning in geosciences increasingly tractable. However, the application of artificial intelligence in structural interpretation workflows of subsurface datasets is still ambiguous. This study aims to use machine learning techniques to classify images of folds and fold-thrust structures. Here we show that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as supervised deep learning techniques provide excellent algorithms to discriminate between geological image datasets. Four different datasets of images have been used to train and test the machine learning models. These four datasets are a seismic character dataset with five classes (faults, folds, salt, flat layers and basement), folds types with three classes (buckle, chevron and conjugate), fault types with three classes (normal, reverse and thrust) and fold-thrust geometries with three classes (fault bend fold, fault propagation fold and detachment fold). These image datasets are used to investigate three machine learning models. One Feedforward linear neural network model and two convolutional neural networks models (Convolution 2d layer transforms sequential model and Residual block model (ResNet with 9, 34, and 50 layers)). Validation and testing datasets forms a critical part of testing the model’s performance accuracy. The ResNet model records the highest performance accuracy score, of the machine learning models tested. Our CNN image classification model analysis provides a framework for applying machine learning to increase structural interpretation efficiency, and shows that CNN classification models can be applied effectively to geoscience problems. The study provides a starting point to apply unsupervised machine learning approaches to sub-surface structural interpretation workflows.
How to cite: Abdallah, R., Bond, C. E., and Butler, R. W. H.: Train Deep Learning Models using subsurface geological images datasets, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6385, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6385, 2021.
EGU21-10333 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Super-resolution in Structural Geological Models.Mustaeen Ur Rehman Qazi and Florian Wellmann
Structural geological models are often calculated on a specific spatial resolution – for example in the form of grid representations, or when surfaces are extracted from implicit fields. However, the structural inventory in these models is limited by the underlying mathematical formulations. It is therefore logical that, above a certain resolution, no additional information is added to the representation.
We evaluate here if Deep Neural Networks can be trained to obtain a high-resolution representation based on a low-resolution structural model, at different levels of resolution. More specifically, we test the use of state-of-the-art Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN’s) for image superresolution in the context of 2-D geological model sections. These techniques aim to learn the hidden structure or information in high resolution image data set and then reproduce highly detailed and super resolved image from its low resolution counterpart. We propose the use of Generative Adversarial Networks GANS for super resolution of geological images and 2D geological models represented as images. In this work a generative adversarial network called SRGAN has been used which uses a perceptual loss function consisting of an adversarial loss, mean squared error loss and content loss for photo realistic image super resolution. First results are promising, but challenges remain due to the different interpretation of color in images for which these GAN’s are typically used, whereas we are mostly interested in structures.
How to cite: Qazi, M. U. R. and Wellmann, F.: Super-resolution in Structural Geological Models., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10333, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10333, 2021.
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Structural geological models are often calculated on a specific spatial resolution – for example in the form of grid representations, or when surfaces are extracted from implicit fields. However, the structural inventory in these models is limited by the underlying mathematical formulations. It is therefore logical that, above a certain resolution, no additional information is added to the representation.
We evaluate here if Deep Neural Networks can be trained to obtain a high-resolution representation based on a low-resolution structural model, at different levels of resolution. More specifically, we test the use of state-of-the-art Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN’s) for image superresolution in the context of 2-D geological model sections. These techniques aim to learn the hidden structure or information in high resolution image data set and then reproduce highly detailed and super resolved image from its low resolution counterpart. We propose the use of Generative Adversarial Networks GANS for super resolution of geological images and 2D geological models represented as images. In this work a generative adversarial network called SRGAN has been used which uses a perceptual loss function consisting of an adversarial loss, mean squared error loss and content loss for photo realistic image super resolution. First results are promising, but challenges remain due to the different interpretation of color in images for which these GAN’s are typically used, whereas we are mostly interested in structures.
How to cite: Qazi, M. U. R. and Wellmann, F.: Super-resolution in Structural Geological Models., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10333, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10333, 2021.
EGU21-7348 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Discrete and continuous conceptual models of fault zones.Tom Manzocchi
Faults can control the large-scale properties of rock volumes through their behaviour as flow conduits and/or barriers or by localising geomechanical effects. Hence, often the fidelity of a numerical model of faulted site relies on the accuracy with which the fault zone is represented. There are two distinct factors that must be considered in a modelling study: first, does the model contain the most relevant characteristics of the fault that influence the behaviour of interest; and second, are these characteristics assigned realistic and representative values that capture both their natural variability and the uncertainty with which they can be determined for the specific case of interest. These two factors are contained in the conceptual fault model and choice of modelling proxy-properties, respectively.
In recent years, two classes of conceptual fault zone model have dominated the description of fault zones, broadly characterised by either a continuous or a discrete approach. Continuous fault zone properties (e.g. fault core and damage zone thickness, displacement partitioning statistics) often show high variability which many modelling studies attempt to capture by running multiple model containing property values sampled from the distribution. Discrete descriptions focus on the presence of individual fault zone elements (e.g. shale smears, relay zones), and models guided by a discrete conceptual model attempt to place representative frequencies of elements. A single discrete model might contain the same property distributions as an ensemble of continuous models yet, because it contains a representative frequency of different elements, its behaviour might lie beyond the extreme behaviour of the continuous ensemble. Hence, the manner in which a geologist’s conceptual model is represented in a modeller’s numerical model can be hugely important for the outcome of the study, and it is in the interest of both modellers and geologists to ensure that they have a correct understanding of the other’s part of the process.
How to cite: Manzocchi, T.: Discrete and continuous conceptual models of fault zones., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7348, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7348, 2021.
Faults can control the large-scale properties of rock volumes through their behaviour as flow conduits and/or barriers or by localising geomechanical effects. Hence, often the fidelity of a numerical model of faulted site relies on the accuracy with which the fault zone is represented. There are two distinct factors that must be considered in a modelling study: first, does the model contain the most relevant characteristics of the fault that influence the behaviour of interest; and second, are these characteristics assigned realistic and representative values that capture both their natural variability and the uncertainty with which they can be determined for the specific case of interest. These two factors are contained in the conceptual fault model and choice of modelling proxy-properties, respectively.
In recent years, two classes of conceptual fault zone model have dominated the description of fault zones, broadly characterised by either a continuous or a discrete approach. Continuous fault zone properties (e.g. fault core and damage zone thickness, displacement partitioning statistics) often show high variability which many modelling studies attempt to capture by running multiple model containing property values sampled from the distribution. Discrete descriptions focus on the presence of individual fault zone elements (e.g. shale smears, relay zones), and models guided by a discrete conceptual model attempt to place representative frequencies of elements. A single discrete model might contain the same property distributions as an ensemble of continuous models yet, because it contains a representative frequency of different elements, its behaviour might lie beyond the extreme behaviour of the continuous ensemble. Hence, the manner in which a geologist’s conceptual model is represented in a modeller’s numerical model can be hugely important for the outcome of the study, and it is in the interest of both modellers and geologists to ensure that they have a correct understanding of the other’s part of the process.
How to cite: Manzocchi, T.: Discrete and continuous conceptual models of fault zones., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7348, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7348, 2021.
EGU21-10865 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Improving implicit geologic models based on data configurationJan von Harten, Florian Wellmann, and Miguel de la Varga
Implicit methods have been the basis of many developments in 3-D structural geologic modeling. Typical input data for these types of models include surface points and orientations of geologic units, as well as the corresponding age relations (stratigraphic pile). In addition, the range of influence of input points needs to be defined, but it is difficult to infer a reasonable stationary estimate from data with highly variable configuration.
Often, this results in models that show artefacts due to data configuration including oversimplified results (underfitting) in areas where data is missing, overcomplex results (overfitting) in areas of high data density and geologically unreasonable surface shapes.
In this work we explore various methods to improve 3-D implicit geologic modeling by manipulating the data configuration using locally varying anisotropic kernels and kernel density estimation. In other words, the influence of input data in the interpolation is weighted based on directions and data density. Input parameters for these methods can either be based on the original input data configuration, inferred from additional supportive data, or be based on geologic expert knowledge. The proposed methods aim to increase model control while retaining the key advantages of implicit modeling.
Model improvements will be shown using a set of typical geologic structures and regularly occurring artefacts. We compare results to previously proposed methods that integrate anisotropies in traditional kriging applications and discuss the specific requirements for applicability in implicit structural geomodeling.
How to cite: von Harten, J., Wellmann, F., and de la Varga, M.: Improving implicit geologic models based on data configuration, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10865, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10865, 2021.
Implicit methods have been the basis of many developments in 3-D structural geologic modeling. Typical input data for these types of models include surface points and orientations of geologic units, as well as the corresponding age relations (stratigraphic pile). In addition, the range of influence of input points needs to be defined, but it is difficult to infer a reasonable stationary estimate from data with highly variable configuration.
Often, this results in models that show artefacts due to data configuration including oversimplified results (underfitting) in areas where data is missing, overcomplex results (overfitting) in areas of high data density and geologically unreasonable surface shapes.
In this work we explore various methods to improve 3-D implicit geologic modeling by manipulating the data configuration using locally varying anisotropic kernels and kernel density estimation. In other words, the influence of input data in the interpolation is weighted based on directions and data density. Input parameters for these methods can either be based on the original input data configuration, inferred from additional supportive data, or be based on geologic expert knowledge. The proposed methods aim to increase model control while retaining the key advantages of implicit modeling.
Model improvements will be shown using a set of typical geologic structures and regularly occurring artefacts. We compare results to previously proposed methods that integrate anisotropies in traditional kriging applications and discuss the specific requirements for applicability in implicit structural geomodeling.
How to cite: von Harten, J., Wellmann, F., and de la Varga, M.: Improving implicit geologic models based on data configuration, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10865, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10865, 2021.
EGU21-12839 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Quantifying Uncertainty through 3D Geological Modeling for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage in the Unayzah Formation in Saudi ArabiaSofia Mantilla Salas, Miguel Corrales, Hussein Hoteit, Abdulkader Alafifi, and Alexandros Tasianas
The development of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology paired with existing energy systems will facilitate a successful transition to a carbon-neutral economy that offers efficient and sustainable energy. It will also enable the survival of multiple and vital economic sectors of high-energy industries that possess few other options to decarbonize. Nowadays, just about one-ten-thousandth of the global annual emissions are being captured and geologically-stored, and therefore with today’s emission panorama, CCS large-scale deployment is more pressing than ever. In this study, a 3D model that represents the key reservoir uncertainties for a CCUS pilot was constructed to investigate the feasibility of CO2 storage in the Unayzah Formation in Saudi Arabia. The study site covers the area of the city of Riyadh and the Hawtah and Nuayyim Trends, which contain one of the most prolific petroleum-producing systems in the country. The Unayzah reservoir is highly stratified and it is subdivided into three compartments: the Unayzah C (Ghazal Member), the Unayzah B (Jawb Member), and the Unayzah A (Wudayhi and Tinat Members). This formation was deposited under a variety of environments, such as glaciofluvial, fluvial, eolian, and coastal plain. Facies probability trend maps and well log data were used to generate a facies model that accounted for the architecture, facies distribution, and lateral and vertical heterogeneity of this high complexity reservoir. Porosity and predicted permeability logs were used with Sequential Gaussian Simulation and co-kriging methods to construct the porosity and permeability models. The static model was then used for CO2 injection simulation purposes to understand the impact of the flow conduits, barriers, and baffles in CO2 flow in all dimensions. Similarly, the CO2 simulations allowed us to better understand the CO2 entrapment process and to estimate a more realistic and reliable CO2 storage capacity of the Unayzah reservoir in the area. To test the robustness of the model predictions, geological uncertainty quantification and a sensitivity analysis were run. Parameters such as porosity, permeability, pay thickness, anisotropy, and connectivity were analyzed as well as how various combinations between them affected the CO2 storage capacity, injectivity, and containment. This approach could improve the storage efficiency of CO2 exceeding 60%. The analyzed reservoir was found to be a promising storage site. The proposed workflow and findings of the static and dynamic modeling described in this publication could serve as a guideline methodology to test the feasibility of the imminent upcoming pilots and facilitate the large-scale deployment of this very promising technology.
How to cite: Mantilla Salas, S., Corrales, M., Hoteit, H., Alafifi, A., and Tasianas, A.: Quantifying Uncertainty through 3D Geological Modeling for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage in the Unayzah Formation in Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12839, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12839, 2021.
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The development of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology paired with existing energy systems will facilitate a successful transition to a carbon-neutral economy that offers efficient and sustainable energy. It will also enable the survival of multiple and vital economic sectors of high-energy industries that possess few other options to decarbonize. Nowadays, just about one-ten-thousandth of the global annual emissions are being captured and geologically-stored, and therefore with today’s emission panorama, CCS large-scale deployment is more pressing than ever. In this study, a 3D model that represents the key reservoir uncertainties for a CCUS pilot was constructed to investigate the feasibility of CO2 storage in the Unayzah Formation in Saudi Arabia. The study site covers the area of the city of Riyadh and the Hawtah and Nuayyim Trends, which contain one of the most prolific petroleum-producing systems in the country. The Unayzah reservoir is highly stratified and it is subdivided into three compartments: the Unayzah C (Ghazal Member), the Unayzah B (Jawb Member), and the Unayzah A (Wudayhi and Tinat Members). This formation was deposited under a variety of environments, such as glaciofluvial, fluvial, eolian, and coastal plain. Facies probability trend maps and well log data were used to generate a facies model that accounted for the architecture, facies distribution, and lateral and vertical heterogeneity of this high complexity reservoir. Porosity and predicted permeability logs were used with Sequential Gaussian Simulation and co-kriging methods to construct the porosity and permeability models. The static model was then used for CO2 injection simulation purposes to understand the impact of the flow conduits, barriers, and baffles in CO2 flow in all dimensions. Similarly, the CO2 simulations allowed us to better understand the CO2 entrapment process and to estimate a more realistic and reliable CO2 storage capacity of the Unayzah reservoir in the area. To test the robustness of the model predictions, geological uncertainty quantification and a sensitivity analysis were run. Parameters such as porosity, permeability, pay thickness, anisotropy, and connectivity were analyzed as well as how various combinations between them affected the CO2 storage capacity, injectivity, and containment. This approach could improve the storage efficiency of CO2 exceeding 60%. The analyzed reservoir was found to be a promising storage site. The proposed workflow and findings of the static and dynamic modeling described in this publication could serve as a guideline methodology to test the feasibility of the imminent upcoming pilots and facilitate the large-scale deployment of this very promising technology.
How to cite: Mantilla Salas, S., Corrales, M., Hoteit, H., Alafifi, A., and Tasianas, A.: Quantifying Uncertainty through 3D Geological Modeling for Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage in the Unayzah Formation in Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12839, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12839, 2021.
EGU21-12940 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
The Application of Neural Operator in subsurface process simulationZhouji Liang, Denise Degen, and Florian Wellmann
Numerical simulations of subsurface processes are essential to the success of many geoengineering projects. These simulations often contain significant uncertainties due to imperfect knowledge of material properties and their spatial distribution, boundary conditions, and initial conditions. However, efficient implementations for the quantification of uncertainties for such simulations are big challenges in Computational Geoscience, mainly due to the curse of dimensionality. Process simulations often involve solving high-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDE) by using discretization methods such as Finite Difference (FD) or Finite Elements (FE) methods. Although such methods often give good approximations, they are computationally intensive and expensive and therefore infeasible in the applications such as MCMC where thousands of evaluations of the forward simulation are required. Previous work by Degen et.al. (2020) has addressed this problem by using a model order reduction method, the so-called reduced basis (RB) method. However, the method has limitations when considering complex (i.e., hyperbolic and non-linear) PDEs. In this work, we aim to employ the recently developed Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) (Li, 2020) as a tool to implement efficient approximation of PDEs in the application of Geothermal reservoir simulation. FNO involves a Fast Fourier transform to directly learn the mapping from the input function to the output function. FNO has the advantage of being independent of the resolution and complexity of the governing PDE. Our preliminary results show that FNO can provide good approximation results in solving four-dimensional PDEs and thus can be used as a tool for further probability studies of the parameters of interest.
How to cite: Liang, Z., Degen, D., and Wellmann, F.: The Application of Neural Operator in subsurface process simulation , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12940, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12940, 2021.
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Numerical simulations of subsurface processes are essential to the success of many geoengineering projects. These simulations often contain significant uncertainties due to imperfect knowledge of material properties and their spatial distribution, boundary conditions, and initial conditions. However, efficient implementations for the quantification of uncertainties for such simulations are big challenges in Computational Geoscience, mainly due to the curse of dimensionality. Process simulations often involve solving high-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDE) by using discretization methods such as Finite Difference (FD) or Finite Elements (FE) methods. Although such methods often give good approximations, they are computationally intensive and expensive and therefore infeasible in the applications such as MCMC where thousands of evaluations of the forward simulation are required. Previous work by Degen et.al. (2020) has addressed this problem by using a model order reduction method, the so-called reduced basis (RB) method. However, the method has limitations when considering complex (i.e., hyperbolic and non-linear) PDEs. In this work, we aim to employ the recently developed Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) (Li, 2020) as a tool to implement efficient approximation of PDEs in the application of Geothermal reservoir simulation. FNO involves a Fast Fourier transform to directly learn the mapping from the input function to the output function. FNO has the advantage of being independent of the resolution and complexity of the governing PDE. Our preliminary results show that FNO can provide good approximation results in solving four-dimensional PDEs and thus can be used as a tool for further probability studies of the parameters of interest.
How to cite: Liang, Z., Degen, D., and Wellmann, F.: The Application of Neural Operator in subsurface process simulation , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12940, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12940, 2021.
EGU21-15515 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
3D geomodelling in the complex metamorphic and poly-deformed units of the Italian Western Alps (Conca di By, Aosta Valley, Italy)Gloria Arienti, Andrea Bistacchi, Bruno Monopoli, Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz, Giovanni Dal Piaz, and Davide Bertolo
3D geological modelling of complex metamorphic terrains that underwent a sequence of ductile and brittle deformation events is an extremely challenging task. Difficulties start from the input data that are frequently sparse and heterogeneous in quality and distribution. In projects based on field data only (without significant subsurface data) uncertainties are even more pronounced, but, in our project, we had the rugged topography of the Western Alps on our side, with elevations ranging from c. 1200 m to c. 3200 m and very continuous outcrops. Other problems, that we address in this contribution, arise during the modelling process. We tested different commercial software packages and some open-source research libraries and we found that no one is capable of modelling our complex structures out-of-the-box. This is not surprising since generally these codes, and particularly the commercial ones, are geared towards modelling gently deformed sedimentary sequences. However, it is possible to overcome a large range of obstacles by “fooling” implicit structural modelling algorithms, simply “cheating” on the geological meaning of model entities. This means (1) developing a conceptual model of polyphase ductile and brittle deformation, (2) finding geological/mathematical entities that are at the same time implemented in the code and able to represent the complex structures, and finally (3) carrying out the implicit modelling. For instance, tectonic contacts between large-scale tectono-metamorphic units can be treated as unconformities (and not as faults) to obtain a realistic representation. In some cases, also conformal lithological boundaries can be considered as unconformities with the goal of allowing larger thickness variations. In other situations, a “fake” stratigraphy where the same units are repeated several times can be used to model sequences of isoclinal folds and thin tectonic slices. In this contribution, some of these modelling solutions are compared in terms of (1) their straightforward implementation, and (2) their ability to generate models that properly fit the very detailed geological maps available in our study area (c. 60 km2 mapped at 1:5.000-1:10.000 with a dense set of structural stations).
How to cite: Arienti, G., Bistacchi, A., Monopoli, B., Dal Piaz, G. V., Dal Piaz, G., and Bertolo, D.: 3D geomodelling in the complex metamorphic and poly-deformed units of the Italian Western Alps (Conca di By, Aosta Valley, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15515, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15515, 2021.
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3D geological modelling of complex metamorphic terrains that underwent a sequence of ductile and brittle deformation events is an extremely challenging task. Difficulties start from the input data that are frequently sparse and heterogeneous in quality and distribution. In projects based on field data only (without significant subsurface data) uncertainties are even more pronounced, but, in our project, we had the rugged topography of the Western Alps on our side, with elevations ranging from c. 1200 m to c. 3200 m and very continuous outcrops. Other problems, that we address in this contribution, arise during the modelling process. We tested different commercial software packages and some open-source research libraries and we found that no one is capable of modelling our complex structures out-of-the-box. This is not surprising since generally these codes, and particularly the commercial ones, are geared towards modelling gently deformed sedimentary sequences. However, it is possible to overcome a large range of obstacles by “fooling” implicit structural modelling algorithms, simply “cheating” on the geological meaning of model entities. This means (1) developing a conceptual model of polyphase ductile and brittle deformation, (2) finding geological/mathematical entities that are at the same time implemented in the code and able to represent the complex structures, and finally (3) carrying out the implicit modelling. For instance, tectonic contacts between large-scale tectono-metamorphic units can be treated as unconformities (and not as faults) to obtain a realistic representation. In some cases, also conformal lithological boundaries can be considered as unconformities with the goal of allowing larger thickness variations. In other situations, a “fake” stratigraphy where the same units are repeated several times can be used to model sequences of isoclinal folds and thin tectonic slices. In this contribution, some of these modelling solutions are compared in terms of (1) their straightforward implementation, and (2) their ability to generate models that properly fit the very detailed geological maps available in our study area (c. 60 km2 mapped at 1:5.000-1:10.000 with a dense set of structural stations).
How to cite: Arienti, G., Bistacchi, A., Monopoli, B., Dal Piaz, G. V., Dal Piaz, G., and Bertolo, D.: 3D geomodelling in the complex metamorphic and poly-deformed units of the Italian Western Alps (Conca di By, Aosta Valley, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15515, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15515, 2021.
EGU21-15814 | vPICO presentations | TS9.2
Implicit geological modeling for the Einstein Telescope (Meuse-Rhine Euroregion)Nils Chudalla, Florian Wellmann, Alexander Jüstel, and Jan von Harten
Expectations for geological models for underground characterization rise with complex engineering tasks. In this project we examine a target area as a potential site for the gravitational-wave observatory “Einstein Telescope” in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany). The Einstein Telescope will be the world’s most sensitive observatory of its kind. It consists of a triangular shaped facility connected by 10 km long arms in 200-300 m depth. A high accuracy 3-D structural geological model is required to constrain the best position of the Einstein Telescope with geophysical and geotechnical methods.
We use an implicit modeling approach based on surface points and orientation data for modeling. This data is extracted from seismic surveys and well logs available in the region. The application of probabilistic methods in this workflow allows to propagate uncertainty of the input data into a resulting model suite, allowing to define a measure of uncertainty for the final model. Specific local difficulties that were encountered during the modelling process, including data management, the representation of complex fault networks and scaling issues will be discussed.
We will show 3-D geological models for the Meuse-Rhine Eurogregion to significantly improve our geological understanding of the target area. This improved understanding is crucial for finding the optimal position for the Einstein Telescope. Data is managed using the open-source library GemGIS. Models are created using the open-source library GemPy.
How to cite: Chudalla, N., Wellmann, F., Jüstel, A., and von Harten, J.: Implicit geological modeling for the Einstein Telescope (Meuse-Rhine Euroregion), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15814, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15814, 2021.
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Expectations for geological models for underground characterization rise with complex engineering tasks. In this project we examine a target area as a potential site for the gravitational-wave observatory “Einstein Telescope” in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany). The Einstein Telescope will be the world’s most sensitive observatory of its kind. It consists of a triangular shaped facility connected by 10 km long arms in 200-300 m depth. A high accuracy 3-D structural geological model is required to constrain the best position of the Einstein Telescope with geophysical and geotechnical methods.
We use an implicit modeling approach based on surface points and orientation data for modeling. This data is extracted from seismic surveys and well logs available in the region. The application of probabilistic methods in this workflow allows to propagate uncertainty of the input data into a resulting model suite, allowing to define a measure of uncertainty for the final model. Specific local difficulties that were encountered during the modelling process, including data management, the representation of complex fault networks and scaling issues will be discussed.
We will show 3-D geological models for the Meuse-Rhine Eurogregion to significantly improve our geological understanding of the target area. This improved understanding is crucial for finding the optimal position for the Einstein Telescope. Data is managed using the open-source library GemGIS. Models are created using the open-source library GemPy.
How to cite: Chudalla, N., Wellmann, F., Jüstel, A., and von Harten, J.: Implicit geological modeling for the Einstein Telescope (Meuse-Rhine Euroregion), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15814, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15814, 2021.
TS10.1 – Isotopic dating of deformation
EGU21-12068 * | vPICO presentations | TS10.1 | Highlight
Progress and pitfalls in dating deformation with carbonate geochronologyNick Roberts and Jack Lee
Several isotopic systems can potentially be used to provide absolute chronology of carbonate minerals; these include Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Pb and U-Th. The production of a robust date requires incorporation of the parent isotope during formation, and ideally low abundance of the daughter isotope. Variable parent-daughter (P/D) abundance during formation additionally can increase the robustness of the resulting isochron. The ability to use high spatial resolution sampling via laser ablation (LA-) ICP-MS, makes it the most attractive technique, as varying P/D ratios can be sampled within single age domains, whether these be crystals, growth bands, or other textural domains. Of the systems available in carbonate, U-Pb is the only one that is commonly applied with LA-ICP-MS methods, although the others are all possible with modern instrumentation. Of note, collision-cell technology means that Rb-Sr is regaining popularity as an in situ dating method. Carbonate geochronology can be achieved at a range of timescales, with U-Th ranging from 100s yrs to ca. 500 ka, and U-Pb ranging from 100s ka to 100s Ma. The potential for isotopic disequilibrium effecting measured U-Pb ages, means that young (< 10 Ma) U-Pb dates are susceptible to inaccuracy. Published LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dates suggest that this method can be pushed well into the Precambrian.
The application of U-Th and U-Pb geochronology to provide direct timing constraints on deformation gained ground around 10 and 5 years ago, respectively. Because LA-ICP-MS instrumentation is relatively common, and because ancient carbonates provide undated material of significant interest, U-Pb in particular has become a rapidly growing technique. The biggest advance in LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating has been the characterisation of matrix-matched calcite reference materials (RMs). The observation of minor matrix-related effects between carbonate matrices however, means that the availability of well characterised RMs for minerals such as dolomite and siderite, are a limiting factor in the accuracy of these non-calcite dates. In terms of deformation, most existing data corresponds to calcite.
Calcite precipitates from fluid at a range of temperatures in the upper crust, with fluid-flow typically being enhanced by brittle deformation, i.e. faulting and fracturing. To link calcite dates to the timing of specific deformational events, such as fault slip or fracture-opening, various ‘syn-tectonic’ or ‘syn-kinematic’ vein types have ben utilised. These include slickenfibres, breccia cements, and various types of vein arrays. Each of these structures has variable ability to faithfully record the timing of fault slip, and the ability to link calcite mineralisation to the timing of fault slip remains one of the most assumptive parts of this method. Detailed petrographic and compositional characterisation and documentation are required, for which a range of methods are available, such as cathodoluminescence and trace element mapping. Along with a summary of the advances in carbonate geochronology, various examples of vein structures and of methods for characterisation will be discussed, including examples where there is evidence for overprinting by later fluid-flow.
How to cite: Roberts, N. and Lee, J.: Progress and pitfalls in dating deformation with carbonate geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12068, 2021.
Several isotopic systems can potentially be used to provide absolute chronology of carbonate minerals; these include Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Pb and U-Th. The production of a robust date requires incorporation of the parent isotope during formation, and ideally low abundance of the daughter isotope. Variable parent-daughter (P/D) abundance during formation additionally can increase the robustness of the resulting isochron. The ability to use high spatial resolution sampling via laser ablation (LA-) ICP-MS, makes it the most attractive technique, as varying P/D ratios can be sampled within single age domains, whether these be crystals, growth bands, or other textural domains. Of the systems available in carbonate, U-Pb is the only one that is commonly applied with LA-ICP-MS methods, although the others are all possible with modern instrumentation. Of note, collision-cell technology means that Rb-Sr is regaining popularity as an in situ dating method. Carbonate geochronology can be achieved at a range of timescales, with U-Th ranging from 100s yrs to ca. 500 ka, and U-Pb ranging from 100s ka to 100s Ma. The potential for isotopic disequilibrium effecting measured U-Pb ages, means that young (< 10 Ma) U-Pb dates are susceptible to inaccuracy. Published LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dates suggest that this method can be pushed well into the Precambrian.
The application of U-Th and U-Pb geochronology to provide direct timing constraints on deformation gained ground around 10 and 5 years ago, respectively. Because LA-ICP-MS instrumentation is relatively common, and because ancient carbonates provide undated material of significant interest, U-Pb in particular has become a rapidly growing technique. The biggest advance in LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating has been the characterisation of matrix-matched calcite reference materials (RMs). The observation of minor matrix-related effects between carbonate matrices however, means that the availability of well characterised RMs for minerals such as dolomite and siderite, are a limiting factor in the accuracy of these non-calcite dates. In terms of deformation, most existing data corresponds to calcite.
Calcite precipitates from fluid at a range of temperatures in the upper crust, with fluid-flow typically being enhanced by brittle deformation, i.e. faulting and fracturing. To link calcite dates to the timing of specific deformational events, such as fault slip or fracture-opening, various ‘syn-tectonic’ or ‘syn-kinematic’ vein types have ben utilised. These include slickenfibres, breccia cements, and various types of vein arrays. Each of these structures has variable ability to faithfully record the timing of fault slip, and the ability to link calcite mineralisation to the timing of fault slip remains one of the most assumptive parts of this method. Detailed petrographic and compositional characterisation and documentation are required, for which a range of methods are available, such as cathodoluminescence and trace element mapping. Along with a summary of the advances in carbonate geochronology, various examples of vein structures and of methods for characterisation will be discussed, including examples where there is evidence for overprinting by later fluid-flow.
How to cite: Roberts, N. and Lee, J.: Progress and pitfalls in dating deformation with carbonate geochronology, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12068, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12068, 2021.
EGU21-8814 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
U-Pb dates measured in fracture-filling calcites from the SE Pyrenees: syn- or post-kinematic mineral growth?David Cruset, Jaume Vergés, and Anna Travé
Recently, U-Pb dating of fracture-filling carbonates has revealed as a powerful tool to constrain the absolute timing of deformation in fold and thrust belts. However, geochronological studies of these minerals have to be combined with petrological observations and geochemical analyses to decipher if measured dates document fluid flow synchronously to deformation or post-kinematic events.
The Pyrenean compressional belt formed from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene due to the stacking of three thrust sheets and a deformed foreland basin. From top-and-older to bottom-and-younger, these consist of the Bóixols-Upper Pedraforca, Lower Pedraforca and Cadí thrust sheets and the Ebro foreland basin. Here, we quantify the duration of thrust sheet emplacement and shortening rates in the SE Pyrenees using U-Pb dating of 43 calcites filling fractures and interparticle porosity.
Four fracture sets related to compressional tectonics and one set related to extension are identified. The compressive sets include: 1) N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW trending veins; 2) E-W trending folding-related veins; 3) E-W trending reverse faults; and 4) NW-SE and NE-SW trending strike-slip faults. Fractures related to extension are NNW-SSE and NW-SE trending normal faults.
Elongated blocky, blocky and bladed calcite textures of the dated cements are observed. Elongated textures are observed in reverse, strike-slip and normal faults and occasionally in N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW and E-W veins. In these fractures, calcite crystals are arranged parallel, oblique, or perpendicular to fracture walls and provide evidence for syn-kinematic growth. Blocky and bladed textures have been identified in N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW veins, E-W folding-related veins, reverse and strike-slip faults and in calcite precipitated between sedimentary breccia clasts. Although these textures indicate precipitation after vein opening or at lower rates than vein opening, their presence in crack-seal veins and in stepped slickensides also indicates syn-kinematic growth. Moreover, clumped isotope temperatures measured in several blocky and bladed calcites precipitated in veins and faults indicate that most of them precipitated from fluids in thermal disequilibrium with host rocks, revealing rapid fluid flow and precipitation just after fracturing. Contrarily, low temperatures measured in blocky and bladed calcite precipitated in the interparticle porosity of sedimentary breccias indicate late fluid migration.
U-Pb dating applied to fracture-filling calcites in the SE Pyrenean fold and thrust belt yielded 46 ages from 70.6 ± 0.9 Ma to 2.8 ± 1.8 Ma (Cruset et al., 2020). The results reveal minimum durations for the emplacement of each thrust sheet (18.7 Myr for the Bóixols-Upper Pedraforca, 11.6 Myr for the Lower Pedraforca and 14.3 Myr for the Cadí), and that piggy-back thrusting was accompanied by post-emplacement deformation of upper thrust units above the lower ones during tectonic transport. These estimated durations, combined with the minimum shortening established for the Bóixols-Upper Pedraforca, Lower Pedraforca and Cadí thrust sheets by other methods, allows calculating shortening rates of 0.6 mm/yr, 3.1 mm/yr and 1.1 mm/yr, respectively. Finally, the results also reveal the development of local normal faults at late Oligocene times during the final stages of compression and exhumation.
Cruset et al. (2020). Geological Society of London. 177, 1186-1196.
How to cite: Cruset, D., Vergés, J., and Travé, A.: U-Pb dates measured in fracture-filling calcites from the SE Pyrenees: syn- or post-kinematic mineral growth?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8814, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8814, 2021.
Recently, U-Pb dating of fracture-filling carbonates has revealed as a powerful tool to constrain the absolute timing of deformation in fold and thrust belts. However, geochronological studies of these minerals have to be combined with petrological observations and geochemical analyses to decipher if measured dates document fluid flow synchronously to deformation or post-kinematic events.
The Pyrenean compressional belt formed from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene due to the stacking of three thrust sheets and a deformed foreland basin. From top-and-older to bottom-and-younger, these consist of the Bóixols-Upper Pedraforca, Lower Pedraforca and Cadí thrust sheets and the Ebro foreland basin. Here, we quantify the duration of thrust sheet emplacement and shortening rates in the SE Pyrenees using U-Pb dating of 43 calcites filling fractures and interparticle porosity.
Four fracture sets related to compressional tectonics and one set related to extension are identified. The compressive sets include: 1) N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW trending veins; 2) E-W trending folding-related veins; 3) E-W trending reverse faults; and 4) NW-SE and NE-SW trending strike-slip faults. Fractures related to extension are NNW-SSE and NW-SE trending normal faults.
Elongated blocky, blocky and bladed calcite textures of the dated cements are observed. Elongated textures are observed in reverse, strike-slip and normal faults and occasionally in N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW and E-W veins. In these fractures, calcite crystals are arranged parallel, oblique, or perpendicular to fracture walls and provide evidence for syn-kinematic growth. Blocky and bladed textures have been identified in N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW veins, E-W folding-related veins, reverse and strike-slip faults and in calcite precipitated between sedimentary breccia clasts. Although these textures indicate precipitation after vein opening or at lower rates than vein opening, their presence in crack-seal veins and in stepped slickensides also indicates syn-kinematic growth. Moreover, clumped isotope temperatures measured in several blocky and bladed calcites precipitated in veins and faults indicate that most of them precipitated from fluids in thermal disequilibrium with host rocks, revealing rapid fluid flow and precipitation just after fracturing. Contrarily, low temperatures measured in blocky and bladed calcite precipitated in the interparticle porosity of sedimentary breccias indicate late fluid migration.
U-Pb dating applied to fracture-filling calcites in the SE Pyrenean fold and thrust belt yielded 46 ages from 70.6 ± 0.9 Ma to 2.8 ± 1.8 Ma (Cruset et al., 2020). The results reveal minimum durations for the emplacement of each thrust sheet (18.7 Myr for the Bóixols-Upper Pedraforca, 11.6 Myr for the Lower Pedraforca and 14.3 Myr for the Cadí), and that piggy-back thrusting was accompanied by post-emplacement deformation of upper thrust units above the lower ones during tectonic transport. These estimated durations, combined with the minimum shortening established for the Bóixols-Upper Pedraforca, Lower Pedraforca and Cadí thrust sheets by other methods, allows calculating shortening rates of 0.6 mm/yr, 3.1 mm/yr and 1.1 mm/yr, respectively. Finally, the results also reveal the development of local normal faults at late Oligocene times during the final stages of compression and exhumation.
Cruset et al. (2020). Geological Society of London. 177, 1186-1196.
How to cite: Cruset, D., Vergés, J., and Travé, A.: U-Pb dates measured in fracture-filling calcites from the SE Pyrenees: syn- or post-kinematic mineral growth?, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8814, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8814, 2021.
EGU21-2497 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Epidote U–Pb ages vs. fluid–mineral interactionVeronica Peverelli, Alfons Berger, Pierre Lanari, Martin Wille, Igor Maria Villa, Daniela Rubatto, Thomas Pettke, and Marco Herwegh
Recently, the application of LA–ICP–MS has enabled U–Pb dating of epidote minerals within the epidote–clinozoisite solid solution series (Peverelli et al., 2020). Epidote crystallization ages can provide an absolute time frame of deformation sequences when combined with detailed microstructural and metamorphic P–T analysis. Epidote deformation occurs in a brittle manner over a wide range of conditions below its closure temperature for Pb diffusion (685–750 °C; Dahl, 1997); hence, such deformation will not affect its formation U–Pb age. Nevertheless, the possibility of isotopically resetting epidote via fluid–mineral interaction has to be taken into account even at low deformation temperatures.
We investigated the geochemical and Sr–Pb isotopic characteristics of epidote in one hydrothermal vein in the Aar Massif (central Swiss Alps). The vein is associated with an Alpine shear zone and it is composed of aggregates of 0.1–1 mm anhedral to subhedral epidote grains (epidote-A) + green biotite within a quartz matrix. This quartz dynamically recrystallized by subgrain rotation at temperatures above 400 °C (Stipp et al., 2002) along with crystallization of a second epidote generation (epidote-B) made of tiny (< 0.1 mm) anhedral epidote grains in part mantling epidote-A and defining a fold. We address whether interaction with the fluid that precipitated epidote-B chemically affected epidote-A, i.e. whether the U–Pb age measured by LA–ICP–MS in epidote-A still dates its crystallization upon vein formation or displays age disturbance.
LA–ICP–MS Sr and Pb concentration data overlap between epidote-A and epidote-B, as do their REE patterns, with (La/Yb)N ratios of 0.03–0.92. Lead and Sr isotopic signatures were measured respectively by solution MC–ICP–MS and by TIMS in epidote-A and in separates mixing different proportions of epidote-A and -B (no pure mechanical separates of epidote-B possible), and they are different. This requires open-system conditions during deformation, i.e., introduction of an external fluid with higher 87Sr/86Sr and 208Pb/206Pb ratios during crystallization of epidote-B. Despite the presence of an external fluid and the incorporation of external Sr and Pb in epidote-B, LA–ICP–MS U–Pb isotopic data for epidote-A define a regression in a Tera–Wasserburg plot indicating an age of 19.2 ± 4.3 Ma, consistent with epidote-A crystallization during original vein opening. The preservation of the crystallization age in epidote-A indicates that interaction with the fluid that formed epidote-B did not geochemically and isotopically affect epidote-A. The consistency in trace element contents between epidote-A and -B hints that the epidote-forming cations were inherited by the fluid from epidote-A, and thus suggests dissolution-precipitation as the formation process for epidote-B.
Dahl, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 150, 277–290, 1997.
Peverelli et al., Geochronology Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-2020-27, in review, 2020.
Stipp et al., Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 200(1), 171-190, 2002
How to cite: Peverelli, V., Berger, A., Lanari, P., Wille, M., Villa, I. M., Rubatto, D., Pettke, T., and Herwegh, M.: Epidote U–Pb ages vs. fluid–mineral interaction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2497, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2497, 2021.
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Recently, the application of LA–ICP–MS has enabled U–Pb dating of epidote minerals within the epidote–clinozoisite solid solution series (Peverelli et al., 2020). Epidote crystallization ages can provide an absolute time frame of deformation sequences when combined with detailed microstructural and metamorphic P–T analysis. Epidote deformation occurs in a brittle manner over a wide range of conditions below its closure temperature for Pb diffusion (685–750 °C; Dahl, 1997); hence, such deformation will not affect its formation U–Pb age. Nevertheless, the possibility of isotopically resetting epidote via fluid–mineral interaction has to be taken into account even at low deformation temperatures.
We investigated the geochemical and Sr–Pb isotopic characteristics of epidote in one hydrothermal vein in the Aar Massif (central Swiss Alps). The vein is associated with an Alpine shear zone and it is composed of aggregates of 0.1–1 mm anhedral to subhedral epidote grains (epidote-A) + green biotite within a quartz matrix. This quartz dynamically recrystallized by subgrain rotation at temperatures above 400 °C (Stipp et al., 2002) along with crystallization of a second epidote generation (epidote-B) made of tiny (< 0.1 mm) anhedral epidote grains in part mantling epidote-A and defining a fold. We address whether interaction with the fluid that precipitated epidote-B chemically affected epidote-A, i.e. whether the U–Pb age measured by LA–ICP–MS in epidote-A still dates its crystallization upon vein formation or displays age disturbance.
LA–ICP–MS Sr and Pb concentration data overlap between epidote-A and epidote-B, as do their REE patterns, with (La/Yb)N ratios of 0.03–0.92. Lead and Sr isotopic signatures were measured respectively by solution MC–ICP–MS and by TIMS in epidote-A and in separates mixing different proportions of epidote-A and -B (no pure mechanical separates of epidote-B possible), and they are different. This requires open-system conditions during deformation, i.e., introduction of an external fluid with higher 87Sr/86Sr and 208Pb/206Pb ratios during crystallization of epidote-B. Despite the presence of an external fluid and the incorporation of external Sr and Pb in epidote-B, LA–ICP–MS U–Pb isotopic data for epidote-A define a regression in a Tera–Wasserburg plot indicating an age of 19.2 ± 4.3 Ma, consistent with epidote-A crystallization during original vein opening. The preservation of the crystallization age in epidote-A indicates that interaction with the fluid that formed epidote-B did not geochemically and isotopically affect epidote-A. The consistency in trace element contents between epidote-A and -B hints that the epidote-forming cations were inherited by the fluid from epidote-A, and thus suggests dissolution-precipitation as the formation process for epidote-B.
Dahl, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 150, 277–290, 1997.
Peverelli et al., Geochronology Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-2020-27, in review, 2020.
Stipp et al., Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 200(1), 171-190, 2002
How to cite: Peverelli, V., Berger, A., Lanari, P., Wille, M., Villa, I. M., Rubatto, D., Pettke, T., and Herwegh, M.: Epidote U–Pb ages vs. fluid–mineral interaction, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2497, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2497, 2021.
EGU21-3856 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Chronology and Element Distribution of Shock-deformed Regions in Zircon from the Chicxulub Impact StructureZhao Jiawei, Xiao Long, He Qi, and Xiao Zhiyong
Zircon is ubiquitously used to nail down the geological events for both terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. The U-Pb system and other trace elements in zircon plausibly remain stable and robust in normal metamorphic processes on Earth, while under the extremely shock condition, trace element behaviors in zircon could be unstable and differential due to the generated extraordinary deformations and thermal annealing. Since the systematic deformations in zircon recovered from the Chicxulub impact structure, such as planar fractures (PFs), reidite and granular zircon, the phenomenon of partially or completely age resetting are discovered in zircons from impact melt, breccia, ejecta and meteorites. In effect, element migration during the shock or post-shock setting is the most critical question, which may yield age resetting in nature. The enrichment of elements in shock-deformed zircon regions (PFs and reidite) are revealed, such as Y, Al, Ca, U, Th and Pb. Due to the limitation of resolution and lack of typical shock deformations, the straightforward correlations among deformations, element migration and chronology in zircon by traditional means have not been illustrated clearly so far. Here we systematically analyzed the correlations between shock deformations (from low to high degree: PFs, reidite and granular zircon) and element distribution in zircon by high-resolution Nano-SIMS mapping data. This can be used to interpret the chronology of shock products both from terrestrial and extraterrestrial bodies.
How to cite: Jiawei, Z., Long, X., Qi, H., and Zhiyong, X.: Chronology and Element Distribution of Shock-deformed Regions in Zircon from the Chicxulub Impact Structure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3856, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3856, 2021.
Zircon is ubiquitously used to nail down the geological events for both terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. The U-Pb system and other trace elements in zircon plausibly remain stable and robust in normal metamorphic processes on Earth, while under the extremely shock condition, trace element behaviors in zircon could be unstable and differential due to the generated extraordinary deformations and thermal annealing. Since the systematic deformations in zircon recovered from the Chicxulub impact structure, such as planar fractures (PFs), reidite and granular zircon, the phenomenon of partially or completely age resetting are discovered in zircons from impact melt, breccia, ejecta and meteorites. In effect, element migration during the shock or post-shock setting is the most critical question, which may yield age resetting in nature. The enrichment of elements in shock-deformed zircon regions (PFs and reidite) are revealed, such as Y, Al, Ca, U, Th and Pb. Due to the limitation of resolution and lack of typical shock deformations, the straightforward correlations among deformations, element migration and chronology in zircon by traditional means have not been illustrated clearly so far. Here we systematically analyzed the correlations between shock deformations (from low to high degree: PFs, reidite and granular zircon) and element distribution in zircon by high-resolution Nano-SIMS mapping data. This can be used to interpret the chronology of shock products both from terrestrial and extraterrestrial bodies.
How to cite: Jiawei, Z., Long, X., Qi, H., and Zhiyong, X.: Chronology and Element Distribution of Shock-deformed Regions in Zircon from the Chicxulub Impact Structure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3856, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3856, 2021.
EGU21-12653 * | vPICO presentations | TS10.1 | Highlight
36Cl exposure dating of post-glacial features along the Mt Vettore Fault (Central Apennines, Italy) constraining fault slip rate and last glacial advance.Lea Pousse-Beltran, Lucilla Benedetti, Jules Fleury, Paolo Boncio, Valery Guillou, Bruno Pace, Magali Rizza, Irene Puliti, and Aster Team
In the Central Apennines (Italy), up to now, no absolute dating directly based on the moraines has been carried out to constrain glacial oscillation. However, climatic constrains are often used in the Central Apennine to estimate long term (> 10 ka) fault slip rate. In addition slip rate assessments based on offset morphotectonic markers on the main branches of fault systems and encompassing several seismic cycles (> 10 ka) are sparse. This is particularly true for the Monte Vettore-Monte Bove fault system which triggered the 2016-2017 seismic sequence. We thus provide new assessment for the vertical slip rates along the Mt Vettore-Mt Bove fault system. Offset measurements were made using a 5-cm resolution DEM obtained through a drone survey and constrain a fault scarp height of 15.5 ± 1.4 m and a cumulative offset of 32-40.5 m. Samples were collected from the Valle Lunga terminal moraine at 1710 m asl and yield 36Cl exposure ages of 12.7 + 2.2/-1.9 ka while the flat, abraded surface located on top of the tectonic scarp yield 36Cl exposure ages of 23.4 + 5.3/-4.3 ka. Assuming the offset started to accumulate when climate conditions allow its preservation, thus once the surface was abandoned, we constrain a vertical slip rate of 1.2 ± 0.2 mm/yr along the master branch of the Mt Vettore normal fault. This rate is higher than the ones previously obtained from trenches along secondary splays of the Mt Vettore-Mt Bove and on the Norcia fault systems. Besides, the yielded chronology for the last glacial maximum in that area at ~23 ka is in good agreement with the timing previously proposed for the LGM in the Apennines.
How to cite: Pousse-Beltran, L., Benedetti, L., Fleury, J., Boncio, P., Guillou, V., Pace, B., Rizza, M., Puliti, I., and Team, A.: 36Cl exposure dating of post-glacial features along the Mt Vettore Fault (Central Apennines, Italy) constraining fault slip rate and last glacial advance., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12653, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12653, 2021.
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In the Central Apennines (Italy), up to now, no absolute dating directly based on the moraines has been carried out to constrain glacial oscillation. However, climatic constrains are often used in the Central Apennine to estimate long term (> 10 ka) fault slip rate. In addition slip rate assessments based on offset morphotectonic markers on the main branches of fault systems and encompassing several seismic cycles (> 10 ka) are sparse. This is particularly true for the Monte Vettore-Monte Bove fault system which triggered the 2016-2017 seismic sequence. We thus provide new assessment for the vertical slip rates along the Mt Vettore-Mt Bove fault system. Offset measurements were made using a 5-cm resolution DEM obtained through a drone survey and constrain a fault scarp height of 15.5 ± 1.4 m and a cumulative offset of 32-40.5 m. Samples were collected from the Valle Lunga terminal moraine at 1710 m asl and yield 36Cl exposure ages of 12.7 + 2.2/-1.9 ka while the flat, abraded surface located on top of the tectonic scarp yield 36Cl exposure ages of 23.4 + 5.3/-4.3 ka. Assuming the offset started to accumulate when climate conditions allow its preservation, thus once the surface was abandoned, we constrain a vertical slip rate of 1.2 ± 0.2 mm/yr along the master branch of the Mt Vettore normal fault. This rate is higher than the ones previously obtained from trenches along secondary splays of the Mt Vettore-Mt Bove and on the Norcia fault systems. Besides, the yielded chronology for the last glacial maximum in that area at ~23 ka is in good agreement with the timing previously proposed for the LGM in the Apennines.
How to cite: Pousse-Beltran, L., Benedetti, L., Fleury, J., Boncio, P., Guillou, V., Pace, B., Rizza, M., Puliti, I., and Team, A.: 36Cl exposure dating of post-glacial features along the Mt Vettore Fault (Central Apennines, Italy) constraining fault slip rate and last glacial advance., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12653, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12653, 2021.
EGU21-6645 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Geochronology of Himalayan shear zones: unravelling the timing of thrusting from structurally complex fault rocksIgor M Villa and Chiara Montemagni
Dating structurally complex fault rocks often results in internally inconsistent ages, as several mineral generations are intergrown at scales << 10 µm and almost always altered to various degrees. We describe here 39Ar-40Ar stepheating using the combination of two independent indicators that allow the discrimination of coexisting mica generations from each other and from the ubiquitous retrogression/alteration phases. A necessary first step is electron probe microanalysis to assess both inventory and spatial distribution of the mineral phases that need to be distinguished a posteriori by 39Ar-40Ar systematics. One indicator is based on mica stoichiometry, which can be proxied by the 39Ar concentration in combination with the 37Ar/39Ar and 38Ar/39Ar (i.e. Ca/K and Cl/K) ratios. The other indicator is the furnace temperature, at which a degassing peak accompanying dehydration and structural collapse is observed. As dehydration rates depend on the average bond strength in the crystal structure, it is predicted (and indeed observed) that the temperature of the differential Ar release peak is variable among different minerals. As the Ca/Cl/K signatures of pure micas coincide with the Ar release peak, their combination identifies the isochemical steps that correspond to the degassing of pristine micas. Only these should be used to date the activity of shear zones.
This procedure should become routine in analysing polydeformed metamorphic rocks.
How to cite: Villa, I. M. and Montemagni, C.: Geochronology of Himalayan shear zones: unravelling the timing of thrusting from structurally complex fault rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6645, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6645, 2021.
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Dating structurally complex fault rocks often results in internally inconsistent ages, as several mineral generations are intergrown at scales << 10 µm and almost always altered to various degrees. We describe here 39Ar-40Ar stepheating using the combination of two independent indicators that allow the discrimination of coexisting mica generations from each other and from the ubiquitous retrogression/alteration phases. A necessary first step is electron probe microanalysis to assess both inventory and spatial distribution of the mineral phases that need to be distinguished a posteriori by 39Ar-40Ar systematics. One indicator is based on mica stoichiometry, which can be proxied by the 39Ar concentration in combination with the 37Ar/39Ar and 38Ar/39Ar (i.e. Ca/K and Cl/K) ratios. The other indicator is the furnace temperature, at which a degassing peak accompanying dehydration and structural collapse is observed. As dehydration rates depend on the average bond strength in the crystal structure, it is predicted (and indeed observed) that the temperature of the differential Ar release peak is variable among different minerals. As the Ca/Cl/K signatures of pure micas coincide with the Ar release peak, their combination identifies the isochemical steps that correspond to the degassing of pristine micas. Only these should be used to date the activity of shear zones.
This procedure should become routine in analysing polydeformed metamorphic rocks.
How to cite: Villa, I. M. and Montemagni, C.: Geochronology of Himalayan shear zones: unravelling the timing of thrusting from structurally complex fault rocks, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6645, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6645, 2021.
EGU21-791 * | vPICO presentations | TS10.1 | Highlight
The timescale of the aseismic to seismic deformation in a cooling pluton: 40Ar-39Ar ages of the solid-state deformation in the Adamello (Southern Italian Alps)Silvia Mittempergher, Stefano Zanchetta, Federico Caldiroli, Andrea Bistacchi, Andrea Zanchi, and Igor Maria Villa
The northern Adamello is crosscut by ductile shear zones and pseudotachylyte-bearing faults, both compatible with the same stress field, with ductile shear zones crosscut by brittle faults. These relations are coherent with the re-equilibration of the pluton-related thermal anomaly to temperatures typical of the base of the seismogenic continental crust (T = 250 – 300°). Our new 40Ar-39Ar ages help to constrain the absolute age and duration of each deformation phase.
Samples included wall-rock biotite, bulk ultramylonites and pseudotchylytes. Before stepwise heating 40Ar-39Ar measurements, samples were characterized by microstructural, geochemical and petrological analyses.
The wall-rock biotite is 33.4±0.1 Ma old, independently of grainsize. Mylonites feature complex age spectra between 28-31 Ma, including biotite and altered feldspar. Four pseudotachylyte matrices are clustered around 30-31.5 Ma, and two samples have 25-26 Ma ages.
Ductile shearing active 2 Ma after wall-rock emplacement indicates either low strain rates, or a long-lasting thermal anomaly, which might be due to high emplacement depth, and/or the progressive assemblage of adjacent plutons through small magma pulses. Seismogenic faulting overlaps with mylonitization around 31 Ma; younger pseudotachylyte ages may be due to late-stage reactivation.
How to cite: Mittempergher, S., Zanchetta, S., Caldiroli, F., Bistacchi, A., Zanchi, A., and Villa, I. M.: The timescale of the aseismic to seismic deformation in a cooling pluton: 40Ar-39Ar ages of the solid-state deformation in the Adamello (Southern Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-791, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-791, 2021.
The northern Adamello is crosscut by ductile shear zones and pseudotachylyte-bearing faults, both compatible with the same stress field, with ductile shear zones crosscut by brittle faults. These relations are coherent with the re-equilibration of the pluton-related thermal anomaly to temperatures typical of the base of the seismogenic continental crust (T = 250 – 300°). Our new 40Ar-39Ar ages help to constrain the absolute age and duration of each deformation phase.
Samples included wall-rock biotite, bulk ultramylonites and pseudotchylytes. Before stepwise heating 40Ar-39Ar measurements, samples were characterized by microstructural, geochemical and petrological analyses.
The wall-rock biotite is 33.4±0.1 Ma old, independently of grainsize. Mylonites feature complex age spectra between 28-31 Ma, including biotite and altered feldspar. Four pseudotachylyte matrices are clustered around 30-31.5 Ma, and two samples have 25-26 Ma ages.
Ductile shearing active 2 Ma after wall-rock emplacement indicates either low strain rates, or a long-lasting thermal anomaly, which might be due to high emplacement depth, and/or the progressive assemblage of adjacent plutons through small magma pulses. Seismogenic faulting overlaps with mylonitization around 31 Ma; younger pseudotachylyte ages may be due to late-stage reactivation.
How to cite: Mittempergher, S., Zanchetta, S., Caldiroli, F., Bistacchi, A., Zanchi, A., and Villa, I. M.: The timescale of the aseismic to seismic deformation in a cooling pluton: 40Ar-39Ar ages of the solid-state deformation in the Adamello (Southern Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-791, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-791, 2021.
EGU21-2162 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Time constraints and fault kinematic evolution of the Periadriatic Fault System along the Meran-Mauls segment (N Italy)Stefano Zanchetta, Chiara Montemagni, Claudia Mascandola, and Andrea Zanchi
The Periadriatic Fault System (PFS) is one of the most important tectonic element in the Alps, separating the Europe-verging collisional wedge from the S-verging Southern Alps. The PFS developed in a dextral transpressional regime during the Cenozoic, following the Adria-Europe collision. The area between the Passeier and the Eisack rivers (Meran, NE Italy) is a key area for the understanding of the interactions among the PFS, the Giudicarie Fault and the fault network here active in the middle to late Cenozoic. Here the elsewhere E-W trending PFS rotates to a NE-SW trend, impliying significant changes in the fault kinematics and evolution.
The NE-SW strand of the PFS, known as the Meran-Mauls fault, is connected to the North Giudicarie Fault to the west and to the Pustertal segment of the PFS to the east. A general evolution from the ductile to brittle deformation regime has been recognized on the base of field-based structural analysis and microstructural analysis of fault rocks. Pseudotachylytes occur all along the fault zone, testifying to the seismic activity of the Meran-Mauls fault. 40Ar-39Ar dating of pseudotachylytes provided ages in the 32-22 Ma time interval, indicating that the PFS experienced a prolonged seismic activity during middle Cenozoic times. Several pseudotachylytes veins show a re-activation as cm-thick ductile shear zones, indicating that the plastic-brittle transition was not sharp in time.
Combining the structural analysis of the PFS with other adjacent faults connected in space and time (Passeier fault, Faltleis fault, Val Nova fault and other minor faults) we reconstructed a marked reverse dip-slip kinematics of the Meran-Mauls Fault during a progressive transition across the plastic-brittle regime, followed in time by a dextral transpression. Paleostress reconstructions performed on these faults populations indicate a progressive switch of the main direction of compression from NW-SE to N-S. This switch likely occurred when the Meran-Mauls segment of the PFS definitively passed to a brittle deformation regime.
How to cite: Zanchetta, S., Montemagni, C., Mascandola, C., and Zanchi, A.: Time constraints and fault kinematic evolution of the Periadriatic Fault System along the Meran-Mauls segment (N Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2162, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2162, 2021.
The Periadriatic Fault System (PFS) is one of the most important tectonic element in the Alps, separating the Europe-verging collisional wedge from the S-verging Southern Alps. The PFS developed in a dextral transpressional regime during the Cenozoic, following the Adria-Europe collision. The area between the Passeier and the Eisack rivers (Meran, NE Italy) is a key area for the understanding of the interactions among the PFS, the Giudicarie Fault and the fault network here active in the middle to late Cenozoic. Here the elsewhere E-W trending PFS rotates to a NE-SW trend, impliying significant changes in the fault kinematics and evolution.
The NE-SW strand of the PFS, known as the Meran-Mauls fault, is connected to the North Giudicarie Fault to the west and to the Pustertal segment of the PFS to the east. A general evolution from the ductile to brittle deformation regime has been recognized on the base of field-based structural analysis and microstructural analysis of fault rocks. Pseudotachylytes occur all along the fault zone, testifying to the seismic activity of the Meran-Mauls fault. 40Ar-39Ar dating of pseudotachylytes provided ages in the 32-22 Ma time interval, indicating that the PFS experienced a prolonged seismic activity during middle Cenozoic times. Several pseudotachylytes veins show a re-activation as cm-thick ductile shear zones, indicating that the plastic-brittle transition was not sharp in time.
Combining the structural analysis of the PFS with other adjacent faults connected in space and time (Passeier fault, Faltleis fault, Val Nova fault and other minor faults) we reconstructed a marked reverse dip-slip kinematics of the Meran-Mauls Fault during a progressive transition across the plastic-brittle regime, followed in time by a dextral transpression. Paleostress reconstructions performed on these faults populations indicate a progressive switch of the main direction of compression from NW-SE to N-S. This switch likely occurred when the Meran-Mauls segment of the PFS definitively passed to a brittle deformation regime.
How to cite: Zanchetta, S., Montemagni, C., Mascandola, C., and Zanchi, A.: Time constraints and fault kinematic evolution of the Periadriatic Fault System along the Meran-Mauls segment (N Italy), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2162, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2162, 2021.
EGU21-9146 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Orogenic listening posts along the margins of western Tethys reveal a major tectonic event involving extreme extension at the start of the Eocene–Miocene transitionMarnie Forster and Gordon Lister
Orogenic listening posts have been established along the northern margins of western Tethys: i) in the west and central Alps; ii) in the Cyclades, Aegean Sea, Greece; and iii) along a traverse in the NW Himalaya. We report on modelling and simulation of data from the conjoint inversion of argon geochronology and ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) diffusion experiments, on rocks from these locations. In the Alps, samples come from either side of the Lepontine dome, a metamorphic core complex that resulted from orogen-parallel extension, with a major pulse of stretching coinciding with the onset of the Eocene–Oligocene transition. In the Cyclades, the samples come from Ios, a metamorphic core complex that began its existence at about the same time, related to extreme extension caused by southward rollback of the Hellenic slab, after an immediately preceding accretion event that incorporated Gondwanan slices into the terrane-stack. In the NW Himalaya, samples come from yet another Tethyan metamorphic core complex, the giant schist and gneiss dome that includes the Tso Morari, in Ladakh, India.
Inversion of data from these locations reveals unprecedented detail in the inferred temperature-time curve, allowing recognition that a rapid cooling event took place in the lower plate of the detachment system at each of these locations, almost at the same time. We discuss the tectonic implications of a synchronised tectonic mode switch at the start of the Eocene–Oligocene transition. In each location there was a preceding period of compressional orogenesis, involving accretion of multiple tectonic slices to the terrane stack after an accretion event, followed by a period during which extreme extension of the continental lithosphere appears to have taken place. This supports our 2001 hypothesis that tectonic mode switches during collisional orogenesis are globally synchronized, in consequence of torque balance being continuously maintained in the planetary assemblages of moving lithospheric plates. Accretion events perturb that torque balance, with tectonic mode switches the result of mechanical adjustment caused by the creation of new subduction systems, with the initiation of rollback offering a potential explanation for the rapid exhumation of core complexes in the over-riding lithosphere.
How to cite: Forster, M. and Lister, G.: Orogenic listening posts along the margins of western Tethys reveal a major tectonic event involving extreme extension at the start of the Eocene–Miocene transition, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9146, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9146, 2021.
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Orogenic listening posts have been established along the northern margins of western Tethys: i) in the west and central Alps; ii) in the Cyclades, Aegean Sea, Greece; and iii) along a traverse in the NW Himalaya. We report on modelling and simulation of data from the conjoint inversion of argon geochronology and ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) diffusion experiments, on rocks from these locations. In the Alps, samples come from either side of the Lepontine dome, a metamorphic core complex that resulted from orogen-parallel extension, with a major pulse of stretching coinciding with the onset of the Eocene–Oligocene transition. In the Cyclades, the samples come from Ios, a metamorphic core complex that began its existence at about the same time, related to extreme extension caused by southward rollback of the Hellenic slab, after an immediately preceding accretion event that incorporated Gondwanan slices into the terrane-stack. In the NW Himalaya, samples come from yet another Tethyan metamorphic core complex, the giant schist and gneiss dome that includes the Tso Morari, in Ladakh, India.
Inversion of data from these locations reveals unprecedented detail in the inferred temperature-time curve, allowing recognition that a rapid cooling event took place in the lower plate of the detachment system at each of these locations, almost at the same time. We discuss the tectonic implications of a synchronised tectonic mode switch at the start of the Eocene–Oligocene transition. In each location there was a preceding period of compressional orogenesis, involving accretion of multiple tectonic slices to the terrane stack after an accretion event, followed by a period during which extreme extension of the continental lithosphere appears to have taken place. This supports our 2001 hypothesis that tectonic mode switches during collisional orogenesis are globally synchronized, in consequence of torque balance being continuously maintained in the planetary assemblages of moving lithospheric plates. Accretion events perturb that torque balance, with tectonic mode switches the result of mechanical adjustment caused by the creation of new subduction systems, with the initiation of rollback offering a potential explanation for the rapid exhumation of core complexes in the over-riding lithosphere.
How to cite: Forster, M. and Lister, G.: Orogenic listening posts along the margins of western Tethys reveal a major tectonic event involving extreme extension at the start of the Eocene–Miocene transition, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9146, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9146, 2021.
EGU21-3632 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Inversion of argon data implies extreme extension in and below the orogenic lid of the European Alps during Eocene–Oligocene collisionGordon Lister, Marnie Forster, Jack Muston, Jason Price, and Gianreto Manatschal
Here we demonstrate conjoint inversion of data combined from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) 39Ar diffusion experiments using potassium feldspar. The method allows precise definition of diffusion parameters for a collection of domains, using an approximation to a fractal geometry. Using the MacArgon program, we could constrain possible temperature histories followed by individual mineral grains in and below the orogenic lid of the European Alps, during its history of mountain building. Tests of the sensitivity of the obtained fits provides insight into the possible range of allowed temperature-time (T-t) paths, and recognition of ‘events’ during which microstructural modification may have taken place. The results suggest a sequence of abrupt cooling events, which could reflect, either: i) cycles of crustal shortening followed by detachment faulting; or ii) initial terrane-stacking beneath the orogenic lid followed by repeated rapid crustal stretching events, each event involving upward stepping of the active detachment fault. Substantial movement on low-angle normal faults and shear zones has taken place, consistent with extreme extension of the mountain belt at high-angles to the convergence direction, in front of the advancing Adriatic indentor. The magnitude of the temperature drop implies that a rapid extension event took place at the time of the Eocene—Oligocene transition, and reduced the thickness of the orogenic lid to a few kilometres.
How to cite: Lister, G., Forster, M., Muston, J., Price, J., and Manatschal, G.: Inversion of argon data implies extreme extension in and below the orogenic lid of the European Alps during Eocene–Oligocene collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3632, 2021.
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Here we demonstrate conjoint inversion of data combined from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) 39Ar diffusion experiments using potassium feldspar. The method allows precise definition of diffusion parameters for a collection of domains, using an approximation to a fractal geometry. Using the MacArgon program, we could constrain possible temperature histories followed by individual mineral grains in and below the orogenic lid of the European Alps, during its history of mountain building. Tests of the sensitivity of the obtained fits provides insight into the possible range of allowed temperature-time (T-t) paths, and recognition of ‘events’ during which microstructural modification may have taken place. The results suggest a sequence of abrupt cooling events, which could reflect, either: i) cycles of crustal shortening followed by detachment faulting; or ii) initial terrane-stacking beneath the orogenic lid followed by repeated rapid crustal stretching events, each event involving upward stepping of the active detachment fault. Substantial movement on low-angle normal faults and shear zones has taken place, consistent with extreme extension of the mountain belt at high-angles to the convergence direction, in front of the advancing Adriatic indentor. The magnitude of the temperature drop implies that a rapid extension event took place at the time of the Eocene—Oligocene transition, and reduced the thickness of the orogenic lid to a few kilometres.
How to cite: Lister, G., Forster, M., Muston, J., Price, J., and Manatschal, G.: Inversion of argon data implies extreme extension in and below the orogenic lid of the European Alps during Eocene–Oligocene collision, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3632, 2021.
EGU21-10125 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
The Cer massif in the internal Dinarides: Exhumation triggered as a far-field effect of the Carpathian slab roll-backGeorg Löwe, Susanne Schneider, Blanka Sperner, Philipp Balling, Jörg Pfänder, and Kamil Ustaszewski
Extension across the southern Pannonian Basin and the internal Dinarides is characterized by the occurrence of a chain of Oligo-Miocene metamorphic core complexes (MCCs) exhumed along mylonitic low-angle extensional shear zones which in part represent former suturing thrusts. Cer MCC at the transition between the internal Dinarides and the Pannonian Basin occupies a structural position within the distal-most Adriatic thrust sheet and originates from two different tectonic processes: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene nappe-stacking during continent-continent collision between Adria and fragments of European lithosphere with Adria residing in a lower plate position, followed by Miocene exhumation. Structural data and a balanced cross section through the Cer massif show that the exhuming shear zone links to a breakaway fault, which reactivated the early Late Cretaceous most internal nappe contact between the two distal-most Adriatic thrust sheets. At Cer MCC, Paleozoic greenschist- to amphibolite-grade lithologies surround a polyphase intrusion composed of I- and S-type granites. These lithologies were exhumed along the shear zone by top-N transport. Thermobarometric analyses indicate an intrusion depth of 7-8 km of the Oligocene I-type granite; cooling below ~500°C occurred at 25.4±0.6 Ma (1σ) yielded by 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende. Biotite and white mica from this intrusion as well as from the mylonitic shear zone yield 40Ar/39Ar ages of 17-18 Ma independent of the used techniques (in-situ laser ablation, single-grain total fusion, single-grain step heating, and multi-grain step heating). White mica from the S-type granite yield an 40Ar/39Ar age of 16.7±0.1 Ma (1σ). Associated dikes intruding the shear zone were also affected by N-S extension, indicating that deformation was still ongoing at that time. Our data suggests that exhumation of the MCC was related to the opening of the Pannonian back-arc basin in response to the Carpathian slab-rollback and triggered extensional reactivation of thrusts in the internal Dinarides.
How to cite: Löwe, G., Schneider, S., Sperner, B., Balling, P., Pfänder, J., and Ustaszewski, K.: The Cer massif in the internal Dinarides: Exhumation triggered as a far-field effect of the Carpathian slab roll-back, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10125, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10125, 2021.
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Extension across the southern Pannonian Basin and the internal Dinarides is characterized by the occurrence of a chain of Oligo-Miocene metamorphic core complexes (MCCs) exhumed along mylonitic low-angle extensional shear zones which in part represent former suturing thrusts. Cer MCC at the transition between the internal Dinarides and the Pannonian Basin occupies a structural position within the distal-most Adriatic thrust sheet and originates from two different tectonic processes: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene nappe-stacking during continent-continent collision between Adria and fragments of European lithosphere with Adria residing in a lower plate position, followed by Miocene exhumation. Structural data and a balanced cross section through the Cer massif show that the exhuming shear zone links to a breakaway fault, which reactivated the early Late Cretaceous most internal nappe contact between the two distal-most Adriatic thrust sheets. At Cer MCC, Paleozoic greenschist- to amphibolite-grade lithologies surround a polyphase intrusion composed of I- and S-type granites. These lithologies were exhumed along the shear zone by top-N transport. Thermobarometric analyses indicate an intrusion depth of 7-8 km of the Oligocene I-type granite; cooling below ~500°C occurred at 25.4±0.6 Ma (1σ) yielded by 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende. Biotite and white mica from this intrusion as well as from the mylonitic shear zone yield 40Ar/39Ar ages of 17-18 Ma independent of the used techniques (in-situ laser ablation, single-grain total fusion, single-grain step heating, and multi-grain step heating). White mica from the S-type granite yield an 40Ar/39Ar age of 16.7±0.1 Ma (1σ). Associated dikes intruding the shear zone were also affected by N-S extension, indicating that deformation was still ongoing at that time. Our data suggests that exhumation of the MCC was related to the opening of the Pannonian back-arc basin in response to the Carpathian slab-rollback and triggered extensional reactivation of thrusts in the internal Dinarides.
How to cite: Löwe, G., Schneider, S., Sperner, B., Balling, P., Pfänder, J., and Ustaszewski, K.: The Cer massif in the internal Dinarides: Exhumation triggered as a far-field effect of the Carpathian slab roll-back, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10125, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10125, 2021.
EGU21-3862 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Timing and rate of exhumation of Central Sredna Gora Zone basement, BulgariaEleonora Balkanska, Stoyan Georgiev, Alexandre Kounov, Irena Peytcheva, Takahiro Tagami, and Shigeru Sueoka
Sredna Gora Zone in Bulgaria is confined between the Balkan fold-thrust belt to the north and the Rhodope metamorphic complex to the south. The pre-Mesozoic basement of the central parts of the zone consists of Variscan high-grade metamorphic rocks intruded by Late Carboniferous granitoid plutons. They are transgressively overlaid by Triassic epicontinental, arc-related Upper Cretaceous volcaniclastic and Paleocene continental deposits. The Paleogene-Neogene sediments of the Thrace basin cover unconformably the older rock sequences. The zone experienced several compressional and extensional events during the Alpine time followed by post-orogenic extension in the Cenozoic.
We performed apatite fission-track analysis on rocks from the central, topographically highest parts of the Sredna Gora Zone in order to constrain the cooling history of the Variscan basement. With this aim four granitic samples were collected at different altitude (between 565 and 1604 m) from the tectonically uninterrupted section along the slope of Sredna Gora Mountains. The samples were processed and analyzed in the newly established Low-Temperature Thermochronology Laboratory in Bulgaria using LA-ICP-MS technique.
The samples yield apatite FT ages between 41.6 ± 2.6 (the highermost sample) and 39.4 ± 3.1 (the lowermost sample). The obtained confined mean tracks lengths are between 12.81 and 14.06 µm with standard deviation between 0.99 and 2.11 µm. The Dpar values vary from 1.75 µm to 1.46 µm (with standard deviation of approx. 0.20 µm).
The obtained positive age-altitude correlation suggests indeed that the studied part of the basement has cooled as one single block. The apparent exhumation rate is estimated to 0.46 mm/year. However, the positive Dpar-age correlation implies that the age dispersion could be influenced by apatite kinetic variability and hence relatively different closure temperature for the analysed samples may be suggested. Therefore, we consider the estimated apparent exhumation rate as only the minimum possible rate. The thermal models of the analysed samples (using HeFTy software) also show moderate cooling rates in the period between 45 and 35 Ma. This cooling could be related to the period of post-orogenic denudation and extension during the Eocene, associated with formation of the Thrace basin to the south-southeast. This extensional event, known from the whole Balkan Peninsula, is well documented in the neighbouring Balkan fold-thrust belt and the Rhodope metamorphic complex from where much faster exhumation rates were reported.
Acknowledgements. The study is supported by the grant 04/9 funded by the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.
How to cite: Balkanska, E., Georgiev, S., Kounov, A., Peytcheva, I., Tagami, T., and Sueoka, S.: Timing and rate of exhumation of Central Sredna Gora Zone basement, Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3862, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3862, 2021.
Sredna Gora Zone in Bulgaria is confined between the Balkan fold-thrust belt to the north and the Rhodope metamorphic complex to the south. The pre-Mesozoic basement of the central parts of the zone consists of Variscan high-grade metamorphic rocks intruded by Late Carboniferous granitoid plutons. They are transgressively overlaid by Triassic epicontinental, arc-related Upper Cretaceous volcaniclastic and Paleocene continental deposits. The Paleogene-Neogene sediments of the Thrace basin cover unconformably the older rock sequences. The zone experienced several compressional and extensional events during the Alpine time followed by post-orogenic extension in the Cenozoic.
We performed apatite fission-track analysis on rocks from the central, topographically highest parts of the Sredna Gora Zone in order to constrain the cooling history of the Variscan basement. With this aim four granitic samples were collected at different altitude (between 565 and 1604 m) from the tectonically uninterrupted section along the slope of Sredna Gora Mountains. The samples were processed and analyzed in the newly established Low-Temperature Thermochronology Laboratory in Bulgaria using LA-ICP-MS technique.
The samples yield apatite FT ages between 41.6 ± 2.6 (the highermost sample) and 39.4 ± 3.1 (the lowermost sample). The obtained confined mean tracks lengths are between 12.81 and 14.06 µm with standard deviation between 0.99 and 2.11 µm. The Dpar values vary from 1.75 µm to 1.46 µm (with standard deviation of approx. 0.20 µm).
The obtained positive age-altitude correlation suggests indeed that the studied part of the basement has cooled as one single block. The apparent exhumation rate is estimated to 0.46 mm/year. However, the positive Dpar-age correlation implies that the age dispersion could be influenced by apatite kinetic variability and hence relatively different closure temperature for the analysed samples may be suggested. Therefore, we consider the estimated apparent exhumation rate as only the minimum possible rate. The thermal models of the analysed samples (using HeFTy software) also show moderate cooling rates in the period between 45 and 35 Ma. This cooling could be related to the period of post-orogenic denudation and extension during the Eocene, associated with formation of the Thrace basin to the south-southeast. This extensional event, known from the whole Balkan Peninsula, is well documented in the neighbouring Balkan fold-thrust belt and the Rhodope metamorphic complex from where much faster exhumation rates were reported.
Acknowledgements. The study is supported by the grant 04/9 funded by the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.
How to cite: Balkanska, E., Georgiev, S., Kounov, A., Peytcheva, I., Tagami, T., and Sueoka, S.: Timing and rate of exhumation of Central Sredna Gora Zone basement, Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3862, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3862, 2021.
EGU21-202 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Alpine tectonic evolution of the Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit: inferences from kinematic and petrological investigationsBojan Kostić, Uroš Stojadinović, Nemanja Krstekanić, Marija Ružić, and Aleksa Luković
The Serbo-Macedonian Massif represents a belt of medium to lower amphibolite facies metamorphics situated along the European continental margin between the Pannonian Basin in the north and the Aegean Sea in the south. Structurally, it comprises the innermost segments of the Dacia mega-unit of the European affinity and is juxtaposed against the Adria-derived units of the Dinarides across the Adria-Europe zone of collision. The peak metamorphic event in the Serbo-Macedonian Massif is Variscan in age, while its magmatism had a complex pre-Alpine evolution, with the youngest stage being related to the crustal extension during the Triassic opening of the northern branch of Neotethys Ocean (or the Vardar Ocean). The subsequent Late Jurassic–Paleogene closure of the Vardar Ocean led to the E-ward subduction of the Neotethys oceanic lithosphere beneath the upper European plate (i.e., the Sava subduction system). The retreating and steepening of subducting lithosphere during the Late Cretaceous triggered syn-subductional extension in the upper plate of the Sava subduction system. The Late Cretaceous extension exhumed and structurally juxtaposed the high-grade Serbo-Macedonian metamorphics against the low-grade metamorphics of the Carpathians Supragetic Unit. The contact is marked by the E-dipping shear zone that can be traced along the eastern margin of Serbo-Macedonian Massif, from the Vršac Mts in the north, across the Jastrebac Mts and further towards the south in the Central Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit of south-eastern Serbia. The Late Cretaceous extension exhumed the Serbo-Macedonian metamorphic core, concurrently creating subsidence in a forearc basin along the frontal part of the European continental margin.
Due to its unique position in the interference zone of the two retreating Carpathian and Dinaridic slabs, the Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit between the Vršac Mts in the north and the Jastrebac Mts in the south was strongly influenced by processes associated with the Oligocene–Miocene Pannonian extension. Hence, large segments of the Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit including its contact with the Supragetic Unit were buried beneath the Neogene sediments of the Morava Valley Corridor, as the southern prolongation of the Pannonian Basin. In order to segregate and quantify the effects of the Oligocene–Miocene extension we have conducted a coupled kinematic, petrological and thermochronological study in the segments of Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit adjacent to the Dinarides and Carpathians. The recent tectonic uplift of the Vršac Mts occurred in the Middle to Late Miocene along the WSW-dipping normal faults that control deposition in the adjacent Zagajica depression. The ENE-WSW oriented extension, which was triggered by the retreat of Carpathian slab, exhumed the core of the mountains and exposed the Late Cretaceous Serbo-Macedonian\Supragetic extensional contact. South from the Vršac Mts such exhumation was hampered by the presence of rigid Moesian indenter. Tectonic exhumation of the Jastrebac Mts, together with a cluster of Serbo-Macedonian gneiss domes that emerge from the surrounding Neogene sediments in the western-central part of the Morava Valley Corridor, was induced by corrugated detachment faults during the Oligocene–Miocene E-W oriented Dinaridic extension.
How to cite: Kostić, B., Stojadinović, U., Krstekanić, N., Ružić, M., and Luković, A.: Alpine tectonic evolution of the Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit: inferences from kinematic and petrological investigations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-202, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-202, 2021.
The Serbo-Macedonian Massif represents a belt of medium to lower amphibolite facies metamorphics situated along the European continental margin between the Pannonian Basin in the north and the Aegean Sea in the south. Structurally, it comprises the innermost segments of the Dacia mega-unit of the European affinity and is juxtaposed against the Adria-derived units of the Dinarides across the Adria-Europe zone of collision. The peak metamorphic event in the Serbo-Macedonian Massif is Variscan in age, while its magmatism had a complex pre-Alpine evolution, with the youngest stage being related to the crustal extension during the Triassic opening of the northern branch of Neotethys Ocean (or the Vardar Ocean). The subsequent Late Jurassic–Paleogene closure of the Vardar Ocean led to the E-ward subduction of the Neotethys oceanic lithosphere beneath the upper European plate (i.e., the Sava subduction system). The retreating and steepening of subducting lithosphere during the Late Cretaceous triggered syn-subductional extension in the upper plate of the Sava subduction system. The Late Cretaceous extension exhumed and structurally juxtaposed the high-grade Serbo-Macedonian metamorphics against the low-grade metamorphics of the Carpathians Supragetic Unit. The contact is marked by the E-dipping shear zone that can be traced along the eastern margin of Serbo-Macedonian Massif, from the Vršac Mts in the north, across the Jastrebac Mts and further towards the south in the Central Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit of south-eastern Serbia. The Late Cretaceous extension exhumed the Serbo-Macedonian metamorphic core, concurrently creating subsidence in a forearc basin along the frontal part of the European continental margin.
Due to its unique position in the interference zone of the two retreating Carpathian and Dinaridic slabs, the Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit between the Vršac Mts in the north and the Jastrebac Mts in the south was strongly influenced by processes associated with the Oligocene–Miocene Pannonian extension. Hence, large segments of the Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit including its contact with the Supragetic Unit were buried beneath the Neogene sediments of the Morava Valley Corridor, as the southern prolongation of the Pannonian Basin. In order to segregate and quantify the effects of the Oligocene–Miocene extension we have conducted a coupled kinematic, petrological and thermochronological study in the segments of Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit adjacent to the Dinarides and Carpathians. The recent tectonic uplift of the Vršac Mts occurred in the Middle to Late Miocene along the WSW-dipping normal faults that control deposition in the adjacent Zagajica depression. The ENE-WSW oriented extension, which was triggered by the retreat of Carpathian slab, exhumed the core of the mountains and exposed the Late Cretaceous Serbo-Macedonian\Supragetic extensional contact. South from the Vršac Mts such exhumation was hampered by the presence of rigid Moesian indenter. Tectonic exhumation of the Jastrebac Mts, together with a cluster of Serbo-Macedonian gneiss domes that emerge from the surrounding Neogene sediments in the western-central part of the Morava Valley Corridor, was induced by corrugated detachment faults during the Oligocene–Miocene E-W oriented Dinaridic extension.
How to cite: Kostić, B., Stojadinović, U., Krstekanić, N., Ružić, M., and Luković, A.: Alpine tectonic evolution of the Northern Serbo-Macedonian sub-unit: inferences from kinematic and petrological investigations, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-202, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-202, 2021.
EGU21-9233 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Isotope systematics (Pb-Nd-Sr) and LA-ICP-MS (REE, Os, PGE) data on time, duration and origin of Paleoproterozoic complex deposits in the N-E part of the Arctic region, Fennoscandian ShieldTamara Bayanova, Pavel Serov, and Svetlana Drogobuzhskaya
The isotope U-Pb system on zircon and baddeleyite reflects the precise age of the origin (2.5, 2.45 and 2.4 Ga) and duration (more than 100 Ma) for Cu-Ni and PGE complex deposits widespread in the N-E part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The Monchegorsk, Fedorovo-Pansky and Mt. Generalskaya layered intrusions and ore regions of the orthomagmatic Cu-Ni and PGE deposits with Pt-Pd reefs originated on the continental crust (3.7 Ga). Main phases of gabbronorites were formed mainly at 2.5 Ga and secondary anorthosites at 2.45 Ga, according to U-Pb data on zircon-baddeleyite geochronometries. The Imandra lopolith with Cr deposits was active from 2.45 Ga to 2.4 Ga due to dyke deformation complexes. Isotope Sm-Nd studies and investigations of rock-forming and sulphide minerals from the deposits indicated coeval ages and 3 magmatic time activity with positive epsilon Nd. Deformation or metamorphic events were dated using the Rb-Sr system on minerals and whole rocks from the deposits at 1.9-1.8 Ga.
The Pados Cr (2.08 Ga), Pechenga Cu-Ni (1.98 Ga) and Kolvitsa Ti-Mg (1.89 Ga) orthomagmatic deposits were dated, using the Pb-Nd-Sr isotope systematics. The mentioned deposits originated probably on the oceanic crust (2.7 Ga). According to new in situ LA-ICP-MS data on Os, PGE and REE concentration in zircon, baddeleyite and sulphide minerals from the complex deposits are characterized by subchondritic sources (Malitch et al., 2019). Paleoproterozoic layered intrusions (2.5-1.8 Ga) and deposits were formed from the plume enrichment mantle reservoir (EM-1), according to Nd-Sr data on whole rocks. Baddeleyite as a mantle mostly mineral (Zircon, 2003) reflects the continental break-up and is connected with the oldest supercontinental reconstruction (Ernst, 2016).
All studies have been supported by RFRB 18-05-70082, Scientific Research Contracts Nos 0226-2019-0032 and 0226-2019-0053.
How to cite: Bayanova, T., Serov, P., and Drogobuzhskaya, S.: Isotope systematics (Pb-Nd-Sr) and LA-ICP-MS (REE, Os, PGE) data on time, duration and origin of Paleoproterozoic complex deposits in the N-E part of the Arctic region, Fennoscandian Shield, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9233, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9233, 2021.
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The isotope U-Pb system on zircon and baddeleyite reflects the precise age of the origin (2.5, 2.45 and 2.4 Ga) and duration (more than 100 Ma) for Cu-Ni and PGE complex deposits widespread in the N-E part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The Monchegorsk, Fedorovo-Pansky and Mt. Generalskaya layered intrusions and ore regions of the orthomagmatic Cu-Ni and PGE deposits with Pt-Pd reefs originated on the continental crust (3.7 Ga). Main phases of gabbronorites were formed mainly at 2.5 Ga and secondary anorthosites at 2.45 Ga, according to U-Pb data on zircon-baddeleyite geochronometries. The Imandra lopolith with Cr deposits was active from 2.45 Ga to 2.4 Ga due to dyke deformation complexes. Isotope Sm-Nd studies and investigations of rock-forming and sulphide minerals from the deposits indicated coeval ages and 3 magmatic time activity with positive epsilon Nd. Deformation or metamorphic events were dated using the Rb-Sr system on minerals and whole rocks from the deposits at 1.9-1.8 Ga.
The Pados Cr (2.08 Ga), Pechenga Cu-Ni (1.98 Ga) and Kolvitsa Ti-Mg (1.89 Ga) orthomagmatic deposits were dated, using the Pb-Nd-Sr isotope systematics. The mentioned deposits originated probably on the oceanic crust (2.7 Ga). According to new in situ LA-ICP-MS data on Os, PGE and REE concentration in zircon, baddeleyite and sulphide minerals from the complex deposits are characterized by subchondritic sources (Malitch et al., 2019). Paleoproterozoic layered intrusions (2.5-1.8 Ga) and deposits were formed from the plume enrichment mantle reservoir (EM-1), according to Nd-Sr data on whole rocks. Baddeleyite as a mantle mostly mineral (Zircon, 2003) reflects the continental break-up and is connected with the oldest supercontinental reconstruction (Ernst, 2016).
All studies have been supported by RFRB 18-05-70082, Scientific Research Contracts Nos 0226-2019-0032 and 0226-2019-0053.
How to cite: Bayanova, T., Serov, P., and Drogobuzhskaya, S.: Isotope systematics (Pb-Nd-Sr) and LA-ICP-MS (REE, Os, PGE) data on time, duration and origin of Paleoproterozoic complex deposits in the N-E part of the Arctic region, Fennoscandian Shield, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9233, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9233, 2021.
EGU21-6013 | vPICO presentations | TS10.1
Structure and geochronology of Sargur schist belt, Western Dharwar Craton, southern IndiaMadhusmita Swain and Sukumari Rekha
The Sargur schist belt (SSB) - one of the oldest supracrustal belt (>3.4 Ga) - occurs as discontinuous band along the south-eastern part of Western Dharwar Craton of Indian peninsula. It is a 320 km long belt present in form of lenses, sheets, enclaves, pockets, patches and disrupted layers within the peninsular gneisses, tectonically interleaved, deformed and metamorphosed together with the associated supracrustal rocks (Janardhan et al., 1978; Srikantappa et al., 1984, 1985; Bidyananda and Mitra, 2005; Jayananda et al., 2008). The SSB shows a wide variation in lithology ranging from metapelites, metamafites, metaultramafites, quartzites, calc-silicates etc. with a varying metamorphic grade from greenschist to granulite facies. The major rock types in the study area include garnet-biotite±muscovite±staurolite schist, talc-tremolite-chlorite schist, banded magnetite quartzite, micaceous quartzite, hornblende-biotite±garnet gneiss, amphibolite schist, pyroxene granulites, foliated/deformed granite etc. The fabric in schistose rocks is mainly defined by the shape preferred aggregates of biotite-muscovite (in metapelites) and tremolite-talc-chlorite/amphibole (in metamafites/ultramafites). Whereas the gneissic fabric is defined by the quartzo-feldspathic rich leucocratic layers and biotite-garnet-amphibole-pyroxene rich melanocratic layers.
In the northern part, the SSB trends roughly N-S but towards the southern part the fabric orientation changes to E-W, whereas the dip is nearly vertical through-out the belt. The belt has undergone at least three phases of deformations. In the northern part the most penetrative fabric is a crenulation cleavage S1. The S1 fabric describes open asymmetric folds having sub-vertical N-S and NNE-SSW axial plane (S2). The F2 fold plunges gentle to moderately towards NNE to SSW. A set of E-W trending shears (S3) truncating the S2 axial zones are zonally developed. In the southern part, as the E-W trending Moyar shear zone approaches, the early fabrics are obliterated or brought into parallelism with the E-W trending penetrative S3 fabric. U-Th-total Pb dating of texturally controlled metamorphic monazites have yielded mainly two different age peaks at 2.2-2.3Ga and 2.4-2.5Ga with few older ages of ~2.7Ga ages along the northern part while the sample from the southern part (near to the E-W trending Moyar shear zone) gave younger ages ranging from 700-850 Ma and 500-600 Ma.
From the integration of structural and chronological data the D2 deformation corresponds to the E-W shortening during the East and West Dharwar Craton accretion is syn- to post-tectonic with respect to the 2.4-2.6 Ga monazite growth. The 700-850 Ma and 500-600 Ma monazite growths post-tectonic with respect to the D3 deformation indicates that the Neoproterozoic accretionary events affected the whole Southern Granulite Terrain and recrystallize the monazites present in the Moyar shear zone.
How to cite: Swain, M. and Rekha, S.: Structure and geochronology of Sargur schist belt, Western Dharwar Craton, southern India, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6013, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6013, 2021.
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The Sargur schist belt (SSB) - one of the oldest supracrustal belt (>3.4 Ga) - occurs as discontinuous band along the south-eastern part of Western Dharwar Craton of Indian peninsula. It is a 320 km long belt present in form of lenses, sheets, enclaves, pockets, patches and disrupted layers within the peninsular gneisses, tectonically interleaved, deformed and metamorphosed together with the associated supracrustal rocks (Janardhan et al., 1978; Srikantappa et al., 1984, 1985; Bidyananda and Mitra, 2005; Jayananda et al., 2008). The SSB shows a wide variation in lithology ranging from metapelites, metamafites, metaultramafites, quartzites, calc-silicates etc. with a varying metamorphic grade from greenschist to granulite facies. The major rock types in the study area include garnet-biotite±muscovite±staurolite schist, talc-tremolite-chlorite schist, banded magnetite quartzite, micaceous quartzite, hornblende-biotite±garnet gneiss, amphibolite schist, pyroxene granulites, foliated/deformed granite etc. The fabric in schistose rocks is mainly defined by the shape preferred aggregates of biotite-muscovite (in metapelites) and tremolite-talc-chlorite/amphibole (in metamafites/ultramafites). Whereas the gneissic fabric is defined by the quartzo-feldspathic rich leucocratic layers and biotite-garnet-amphibole-pyroxene rich melanocratic layers.
In the northern part, the SSB trends roughly N-S but towards the southern part the fabric orientation changes to E-W, whereas the dip is nearly vertical through-out the belt. The belt has undergone at least three phases of deformations. In the northern part the most penetrative fabric is a crenulation cleavage S1. The S1 fabric describes open asymmetric folds having sub-vertical N-S and NNE-SSW axial plane (S2). The F2 fold plunges gentle to moderately towards NNE to SSW. A set of E-W trending shears (S3) truncating the S2 axial zones are zonally developed. In the southern part, as the E-W trending Moyar shear zone approaches, the early fabrics are obliterated or brought into parallelism with the E-W trending penetrative S3 fabric. U-Th-total Pb dating of texturally controlled metamorphic monazites have yielded mainly two different age peaks at 2.2-2.3Ga and 2.4-2.5Ga with few older ages of ~2.7Ga ages along the northern part while the sample from the southern part (near to the E-W trending Moyar shear zone) gave younger ages ranging from 700-850 Ma and 500-600 Ma.
From the integration of structural and chronological data the D2 deformation corresponds to the E-W shortening during the East and West Dharwar Craton accretion is syn- to post-tectonic with respect to the 2.4-2.6 Ga monazite growth. The 700-850 Ma and 500-600 Ma monazite growths post-tectonic with respect to the D3 deformation indicates that the Neoproterozoic accretionary events affected the whole Southern Granulite Terrain and recrystallize the monazites present in the Moyar shear zone.
How to cite: Swain, M. and Rekha, S.: Structure and geochronology of Sargur schist belt, Western Dharwar Craton, southern India, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6013, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6013, 2021.
TS11.1 – Salt and Shale Tectonics : Recent advances and challenges
EGU21-14009 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Different scales of salt-sediment interaction around passive diapirsMark Rowan and Katherine Giles
Passive diapirism entails ongoing, near-surface syndepositional growth of a salt stock or wall. As such, the diapirs and intervening minibasins influence the development and geometries of associated sedimentary strata. In this short overview, we distinguish between two scales and aspects of salt-sediment interaction that reflect a depositional continuum from the topographic highs of diapir roofs to the lows of depocenters. At the larger, multi-km scale, minibasin tectonostratigraphic successions form bowls, troughs, wedges, or layers that respond to differential evacuation of the deep salt layer. These successions have internal concordant, onlapping, or truncated geometries, and they stack into different patterns based on the evolution of active salt tectonic processes. At the smaller scale, passive diapirs create local sea-floor scarps due to drape folding of the diapir roof over the edge of the rising diapir. Depending primarily on the thickness of the roof, this results in tabular or tapered composite halokinetic sequences within 1 km or less of the diapir edge. It is important to keep these geometries and processes separate as they have distinct implications for sediment transport and deposition as well as the definition and detailed geometries of hydrocarbon traps in three-way truncations against diapirs and welds.
How to cite: Rowan, M. and Giles, K.: Different scales of salt-sediment interaction around passive diapirs, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14009, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14009, 2021.
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Passive diapirism entails ongoing, near-surface syndepositional growth of a salt stock or wall. As such, the diapirs and intervening minibasins influence the development and geometries of associated sedimentary strata. In this short overview, we distinguish between two scales and aspects of salt-sediment interaction that reflect a depositional continuum from the topographic highs of diapir roofs to the lows of depocenters. At the larger, multi-km scale, minibasin tectonostratigraphic successions form bowls, troughs, wedges, or layers that respond to differential evacuation of the deep salt layer. These successions have internal concordant, onlapping, or truncated geometries, and they stack into different patterns based on the evolution of active salt tectonic processes. At the smaller scale, passive diapirs create local sea-floor scarps due to drape folding of the diapir roof over the edge of the rising diapir. Depending primarily on the thickness of the roof, this results in tabular or tapered composite halokinetic sequences within 1 km or less of the diapir edge. It is important to keep these geometries and processes separate as they have distinct implications for sediment transport and deposition as well as the definition and detailed geometries of hydrocarbon traps in three-way truncations against diapirs and welds.
How to cite: Rowan, M. and Giles, K.: Different scales of salt-sediment interaction around passive diapirs, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14009, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14009, 2021.
EGU21-14873 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Intense deformation of the caprock on salt extrusions in the Iranian Zagros Mountains – Insights from geological mapping and analogue modelingProkop Závada, Jiří Bruthans, Sadegh Adineh, Michael Warsitzka, and Mohammad Zare
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt in Southern Iran is famous for its spectacular outcrops of salt diapirs. Most of these diapirs already existed prior to the onset of the Zagros orogeny, but tectonic shortening caused their reactivation and extrusion of the salt. Thus, the diapir exposures often provide access to intense internal deformation of the Hormuz salt series and its entrained interlayers. However, highly soluble evaporites (mainly halite) were already dissolved in many of the exposures leaving behind degraded ‘caprock’, which is built of a multi-compositional residuum of less soluble minerals and rocks. Based on geological field studies on two iconic salt diapirs in Southern Iran, the Karmostaj (Gach) and the Siah Taq diapir, we ascertained that the caprock is also intensively deformed. The accessible part of the caprock is roughly 200 m thick and consists of a fine-grained, laminated gypsum containing fragments of brecciated carbonates and siliciclastics. Especially in the down- and mid-slope regions of the salt exposure, this mixture is sheared and folded, but also dissected by thrust faults. Since such deformation processes in the caprock were not described before, there is a lack in explanations for the timing, the depth of formation and the structural evolution of these structures. For instance, it is unclear if the ductile shearing of the relatively competent gypsum matrix and the brecciation of the clasts took place near the surface or in larger depths (a few hundreds of meters), where confining pressure is higher.
In this study, we want to classify the observed structures in the caprock, characterize deformation mechanisms and differentiate typical deformation domains. Based on that, we speculate about the timing and structural evolution of the caprock deformation and suggest that three scenarios can be imagined: (1) Pre-extrusion deformation: The caprock exposed today was buried by a thicker caprock package and, therefore, is compacted and mechanically strong. With the onset of the Zagros orogeny, tectonic shortening of the buried diapir caused lateral deformation before the salt extrusion. (2) Syn-extrusion deformation: The caprock is relatively young and was mechanically weak after its formation. Thus, it was deformed during diapir extrusion and, then, solidified during degradation of the salt. (3) Post-extrusion deformation: The caprock was mainly formed after salt extrusion, but it remained relatively immobile. The caprock matrix is occasionally weakened by the infiltration of meteoric water, and continued to be deformed due to gravitational gliding even after the dissolution of the rock salt. In order to test these hypotheses, we intend to carry out analogue experiments in which we try to model a squeezed diapir. In a parameter study, the thickness and the material of the covering layer simulating the caprock will be varied to assess possible differences in the deformation patterns.
How to cite: Závada, P., Bruthans, J., Adineh, S., Warsitzka, M., and Zare, M.: Intense deformation of the caprock on salt extrusions in the Iranian Zagros Mountains – Insights from geological mapping and analogue modeling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14873, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14873, 2021.
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt in Southern Iran is famous for its spectacular outcrops of salt diapirs. Most of these diapirs already existed prior to the onset of the Zagros orogeny, but tectonic shortening caused their reactivation and extrusion of the salt. Thus, the diapir exposures often provide access to intense internal deformation of the Hormuz salt series and its entrained interlayers. However, highly soluble evaporites (mainly halite) were already dissolved in many of the exposures leaving behind degraded ‘caprock’, which is built of a multi-compositional residuum of less soluble minerals and rocks. Based on geological field studies on two iconic salt diapirs in Southern Iran, the Karmostaj (Gach) and the Siah Taq diapir, we ascertained that the caprock is also intensively deformed. The accessible part of the caprock is roughly 200 m thick and consists of a fine-grained, laminated gypsum containing fragments of brecciated carbonates and siliciclastics. Especially in the down- and mid-slope regions of the salt exposure, this mixture is sheared and folded, but also dissected by thrust faults. Since such deformation processes in the caprock were not described before, there is a lack in explanations for the timing, the depth of formation and the structural evolution of these structures. For instance, it is unclear if the ductile shearing of the relatively competent gypsum matrix and the brecciation of the clasts took place near the surface or in larger depths (a few hundreds of meters), where confining pressure is higher.
In this study, we want to classify the observed structures in the caprock, characterize deformation mechanisms and differentiate typical deformation domains. Based on that, we speculate about the timing and structural evolution of the caprock deformation and suggest that three scenarios can be imagined: (1) Pre-extrusion deformation: The caprock exposed today was buried by a thicker caprock package and, therefore, is compacted and mechanically strong. With the onset of the Zagros orogeny, tectonic shortening of the buried diapir caused lateral deformation before the salt extrusion. (2) Syn-extrusion deformation: The caprock is relatively young and was mechanically weak after its formation. Thus, it was deformed during diapir extrusion and, then, solidified during degradation of the salt. (3) Post-extrusion deformation: The caprock was mainly formed after salt extrusion, but it remained relatively immobile. The caprock matrix is occasionally weakened by the infiltration of meteoric water, and continued to be deformed due to gravitational gliding even after the dissolution of the rock salt. In order to test these hypotheses, we intend to carry out analogue experiments in which we try to model a squeezed diapir. In a parameter study, the thickness and the material of the covering layer simulating the caprock will be varied to assess possible differences in the deformation patterns.
How to cite: Závada, P., Bruthans, J., Adineh, S., Warsitzka, M., and Zare, M.: Intense deformation of the caprock on salt extrusions in the Iranian Zagros Mountains – Insights from geological mapping and analogue modeling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14873, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14873, 2021.
EGU21-3233 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Mesozoic salt tectonics in the Toulon Belt, Eastern Provence : Inversion of a salt-rich fault zoneVincent Wicker and Mary Ford
Detailed structural and stratigraphic field mapping is used to reconstruct the Jurassic to Late Cretaceous diapiric and tectonic evolution of the Toulon Fault Zone, eastern Beausset Syncline and Toulon Belt, southern France, which represents the easternmost vestige of the Pyrenean orogen in Provence. This complex salt-rich area records a complete history from Jurassic-early Cretaceous subsidence and Aptian-Albian oblique rifting to Late Cretaceous Pyrenean-Provençal shortening. Halokinetic sequences and geometries were preserved principally on the northern flank of the Mont Caume salt diapir sourced from the Upper Triassic Keuper unit. Our field observations are best explained by a model where halokinetic activity interacted with regional deviatoric stresses from early-Jurassic to Santonian/Campanian times. Halokinetic wedges of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous carbonates thin toward the diapir, recording early salt mobilisation. Inverted relics of Apto-Albian rift depocenters are aligned along the northern margin of the Toulon Belt and the adjacent Bandol belt that lies to the west. The Turonian-Coniacian Revest depocenter developed due to localized strong asymmetrical growth of the Mont Caume diapir. The three-dimensional form and growth of the diapir controlled lateral migration of the Revest depocenter, thickness variations, progressive unconformities, and the westward increase in stratal overturning of a flap. A component of N-S compression with related accelerated halokinetic activity can explain our observations and can be considered as the earliest expression of N-S convergence in the Provencal fold belt. Further west, the overturned Beausset klippe can be interpreted as the remnant of a megaflap on the northern flank of the Bandol diapir. The Toulon belt salt structures are excellent field analogues to others observed in the external Alps and Pyrenees.
How to cite: Wicker, V. and Ford, M.: Mesozoic salt tectonics in the Toulon Belt, Eastern Provence : Inversion of a salt-rich fault zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3233, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3233, 2021.
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Detailed structural and stratigraphic field mapping is used to reconstruct the Jurassic to Late Cretaceous diapiric and tectonic evolution of the Toulon Fault Zone, eastern Beausset Syncline and Toulon Belt, southern France, which represents the easternmost vestige of the Pyrenean orogen in Provence. This complex salt-rich area records a complete history from Jurassic-early Cretaceous subsidence and Aptian-Albian oblique rifting to Late Cretaceous Pyrenean-Provençal shortening. Halokinetic sequences and geometries were preserved principally on the northern flank of the Mont Caume salt diapir sourced from the Upper Triassic Keuper unit. Our field observations are best explained by a model where halokinetic activity interacted with regional deviatoric stresses from early-Jurassic to Santonian/Campanian times. Halokinetic wedges of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous carbonates thin toward the diapir, recording early salt mobilisation. Inverted relics of Apto-Albian rift depocenters are aligned along the northern margin of the Toulon Belt and the adjacent Bandol belt that lies to the west. The Turonian-Coniacian Revest depocenter developed due to localized strong asymmetrical growth of the Mont Caume diapir. The three-dimensional form and growth of the diapir controlled lateral migration of the Revest depocenter, thickness variations, progressive unconformities, and the westward increase in stratal overturning of a flap. A component of N-S compression with related accelerated halokinetic activity can explain our observations and can be considered as the earliest expression of N-S convergence in the Provencal fold belt. Further west, the overturned Beausset klippe can be interpreted as the remnant of a megaflap on the northern flank of the Bandol diapir. The Toulon belt salt structures are excellent field analogues to others observed in the external Alps and Pyrenees.
How to cite: Wicker, V. and Ford, M.: Mesozoic salt tectonics in the Toulon Belt, Eastern Provence : Inversion of a salt-rich fault zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3233, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3233, 2021.
EGU21-15420 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Salt activity and diapirism during the Paleogene in the Baronnies Orientales (South-East basin, France) : paleogeographic and structural implications.Alexandre Hamon, Caroline Mehl, Damien Huyghe, Sidonie Révillon, and Jean-Paul Callot
The external Alps record a whole Wilson cycle that began at early Mesozoïc times by an extensional phase leading to the deposition of thick marine deposits upon an upper Triassic basement including a thick salt layer. Several diapiric structures (e.g. Astoin, the Barre de Chine ; Célini et al., 2020) are the witnesses of this important salt activity during deposition and the subsequent deformation through the Lower Jurassic. Otherwise, Triassic salt allowed thrusting on several decollement levels and emplacement of major thrusted units, such as the “Nappe de Digne” or the Authon thrust sheet, during the alpine phase s.s, initiated at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. Between these two periods, the external Alps story is more uncertain and none salt activity has been clearly demonstrated except westwards in the Vocontian basin. In the whole South-East basin, only few clues, as bipyramidal quartz found in Priabonian deposits in the western Baronnies suggest a potential salt activity at surface during the Paleogene. However, in the St-Geniez areas, some Oligocene sediments, located at the vicinity of salt structures suggest a potential diapiric growth during this period. Indeed, some stratigraphic gypsum beds are found in an Oligocene lacustrine series, directly thrusted by the Authon thrust sheet. None evaporite environments are described in the whole region at Oligocene times, which suggest a possible recycling of Triassic evaporites.
In order to determine if theses deposits are related to a Paleogene salt activity, a multi-analytical approach was used. First, a field study allowed characterizing the facies and the sedimentary filling and defining the stress regime during the deposit, by kinematic inversion on fractures which indicates a constant N-S compression during the Oligocene. The presence of halophilic fauna at the base of the lacustrine series of the St-Geniez area attests for saline influences during deposit. Moreover, 4km to the SW, a wedge in the conglomerates of the alpine continental molasse (so called red molasse) resting directly on Sorine’s Triassic diapir was put forward. Cargneules and dolomites from the Triassic constitute an important part of the reworked material. These observations indicate that the Sorine's diapir was active during the deposition of the Oligocene series. Then, a precise chemostratigraphic framework was determined by use of δ13C and δ18O isotopic data on the lacustrine limestones. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio on gypsum beds of the lacustrine series aimed at determining their ages and a possible Triassic evaporite sourcing. Our results gave an age ranging from 6 to 23 Ma, which does not correspond with the Oligocene age of the overlying and underlying sediments. Moreover, the large variation in isotope ratios suggests that this gypsum did not come from primary precipitation but from leaching of a pre-existing evaporite source. In conclusion, field observations, together with geochemical analyses, made it possible to highlight the relationships between tectonics, salt tectonics and sedimentation and also to reconstruct the paleogeography of the region at the end of the Paleogene.
Célini, N., Callot, J.P., Ringenbach, J.C., Graham, R. (2020,). Jurassic salt tectonics in the SW sub-Alpine fold and thrust belt. Tectonics
How to cite: Hamon, A., Mehl, C., Huyghe, D., Révillon, S., and Callot, J.-P.: Salt activity and diapirism during the Paleogene in the Baronnies Orientales (South-East basin, France) : paleogeographic and structural implications., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15420, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15420, 2021.
The external Alps record a whole Wilson cycle that began at early Mesozoïc times by an extensional phase leading to the deposition of thick marine deposits upon an upper Triassic basement including a thick salt layer. Several diapiric structures (e.g. Astoin, the Barre de Chine ; Célini et al., 2020) are the witnesses of this important salt activity during deposition and the subsequent deformation through the Lower Jurassic. Otherwise, Triassic salt allowed thrusting on several decollement levels and emplacement of major thrusted units, such as the “Nappe de Digne” or the Authon thrust sheet, during the alpine phase s.s, initiated at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. Between these two periods, the external Alps story is more uncertain and none salt activity has been clearly demonstrated except westwards in the Vocontian basin. In the whole South-East basin, only few clues, as bipyramidal quartz found in Priabonian deposits in the western Baronnies suggest a potential salt activity at surface during the Paleogene. However, in the St-Geniez areas, some Oligocene sediments, located at the vicinity of salt structures suggest a potential diapiric growth during this period. Indeed, some stratigraphic gypsum beds are found in an Oligocene lacustrine series, directly thrusted by the Authon thrust sheet. None evaporite environments are described in the whole region at Oligocene times, which suggest a possible recycling of Triassic evaporites.
In order to determine if theses deposits are related to a Paleogene salt activity, a multi-analytical approach was used. First, a field study allowed characterizing the facies and the sedimentary filling and defining the stress regime during the deposit, by kinematic inversion on fractures which indicates a constant N-S compression during the Oligocene. The presence of halophilic fauna at the base of the lacustrine series of the St-Geniez area attests for saline influences during deposit. Moreover, 4km to the SW, a wedge in the conglomerates of the alpine continental molasse (so called red molasse) resting directly on Sorine’s Triassic diapir was put forward. Cargneules and dolomites from the Triassic constitute an important part of the reworked material. These observations indicate that the Sorine's diapir was active during the deposition of the Oligocene series. Then, a precise chemostratigraphic framework was determined by use of δ13C and δ18O isotopic data on the lacustrine limestones. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio on gypsum beds of the lacustrine series aimed at determining their ages and a possible Triassic evaporite sourcing. Our results gave an age ranging from 6 to 23 Ma, which does not correspond with the Oligocene age of the overlying and underlying sediments. Moreover, the large variation in isotope ratios suggests that this gypsum did not come from primary precipitation but from leaching of a pre-existing evaporite source. In conclusion, field observations, together with geochemical analyses, made it possible to highlight the relationships between tectonics, salt tectonics and sedimentation and also to reconstruct the paleogeography of the region at the end of the Paleogene.
Célini, N., Callot, J.P., Ringenbach, J.C., Graham, R. (2020,). Jurassic salt tectonics in the SW sub-Alpine fold and thrust belt. Tectonics
How to cite: Hamon, A., Mehl, C., Huyghe, D., Révillon, S., and Callot, J.-P.: Salt activity and diapirism during the Paleogene in the Baronnies Orientales (South-East basin, France) : paleogeographic and structural implications., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15420, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15420, 2021.
EGU21-15572 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Geophysical response to dissolution of undisturbed and fractured evaporite rock during brine flowMichael Stanley Dale, Ismael Falcon-Suarez, and Hector Marín-Moreno
Dissolution of halite rock can significantly impact underground constructions (e.g., caverns for energy storage and abandoned caverns) and above ground constructions (e.g., highways and buildings) potentially causing a threat to human life from land subsidence and sinkhole hazards, instability to underground construction and pollutant release. In this work, we explore and quantify changes in elastic and hydromechanical properties during dissolution of halite rock by migration of water.
We evaluated the impact of dissolution on the geophysical properties of pristine (non-fractured) and fractured halite samples (with ~2.7% dolomite), using a synthetic (seawater-like) brine solution (3.5wt% NaCl). The dissolution test commenced by setting an initial effective pressure of 15 MPa (with minimum pore pressure of 0.1 MPa), equivalent to a depth of ~720 m below ground level. This confining pressure of 14.9 MPa ensured the adequate contact between sample and the ultrasonic instrumentation (P- and S-wave sensors), and the set of electrodes for electrical resistivity. The test procedure was set to investigate the effect of increasing pore pressure from 0.1 to 14 MPa on dissolution. This procedure was only successful for the non-fractured sample, as dissolution rapidly occurred in the fractured sample during the initial stage of the test.
The non-fractured halite shows that P-wave velocity increases with increasing inlet pore pressure initially, followed by a lower pore fluid sensitivity stage. After this stage, the P-wave and the Vp/Vs ratio reduce and then ultrasonic velocities tend to their original values when effective pressure tends to zero. These results suggest that capillary pressure effects are initially increasing the bulk properties of the rock by filling the micro-pores, while dissolution is occurring locally, nearby the inlet-flow port, and therefore invisible to our geophysical tools. The small porosity fraction of 1.1% allows the saturating fluid to rapidly equilibrate with the surrounding halite within the pores, slowing down the dissolution process. In a close halite system with a local and continuous brine supply source, local dissolution may allow pressure increase up to the overburden stress and affect the geomechanical integrity of the reservoir by a combined fracturing-dissolution process.
How to cite: Dale, M. S., Falcon-Suarez, I., and Marín-Moreno, H.: Geophysical response to dissolution of undisturbed and fractured evaporite rock during brine flow, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15572, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15572, 2021.
Dissolution of halite rock can significantly impact underground constructions (e.g., caverns for energy storage and abandoned caverns) and above ground constructions (e.g., highways and buildings) potentially causing a threat to human life from land subsidence and sinkhole hazards, instability to underground construction and pollutant release. In this work, we explore and quantify changes in elastic and hydromechanical properties during dissolution of halite rock by migration of water.
We evaluated the impact of dissolution on the geophysical properties of pristine (non-fractured) and fractured halite samples (with ~2.7% dolomite), using a synthetic (seawater-like) brine solution (3.5wt% NaCl). The dissolution test commenced by setting an initial effective pressure of 15 MPa (with minimum pore pressure of 0.1 MPa), equivalent to a depth of ~720 m below ground level. This confining pressure of 14.9 MPa ensured the adequate contact between sample and the ultrasonic instrumentation (P- and S-wave sensors), and the set of electrodes for electrical resistivity. The test procedure was set to investigate the effect of increasing pore pressure from 0.1 to 14 MPa on dissolution. This procedure was only successful for the non-fractured sample, as dissolution rapidly occurred in the fractured sample during the initial stage of the test.
The non-fractured halite shows that P-wave velocity increases with increasing inlet pore pressure initially, followed by a lower pore fluid sensitivity stage. After this stage, the P-wave and the Vp/Vs ratio reduce and then ultrasonic velocities tend to their original values when effective pressure tends to zero. These results suggest that capillary pressure effects are initially increasing the bulk properties of the rock by filling the micro-pores, while dissolution is occurring locally, nearby the inlet-flow port, and therefore invisible to our geophysical tools. The small porosity fraction of 1.1% allows the saturating fluid to rapidly equilibrate with the surrounding halite within the pores, slowing down the dissolution process. In a close halite system with a local and continuous brine supply source, local dissolution may allow pressure increase up to the overburden stress and affect the geomechanical integrity of the reservoir by a combined fracturing-dissolution process.
How to cite: Dale, M. S., Falcon-Suarez, I., and Marín-Moreno, H.: Geophysical response to dissolution of undisturbed and fractured evaporite rock during brine flow, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15572, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15572, 2021.
EGU21-3240 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
SALT: from rifted margins to fold-and-thrust belts. Insights from analogue modelling and case studiesPablo Granado, Pablo Santolaria, Elizabeth Wilson, Oriol Ferrer, and Josep Anton Muñoz
Salt and related structures have a strong influence on the formation of extensional basins during lithospheric stretching and thermal subsidence at rifted margins. Salt significantly influences as well the structural styles and kinematics of fold-and-thrust belts. We aim to characterize the structure of inverted minibasins and salt-influenced fold-and-thrust belts, but the challenge is to understand, and to match, the present day contractional structures with reasonable pre-orogenic configurations. Yet, we still lack proper understanding on the development of these salt-sediment systems and particularly, how salt tectonics is initially triggered and evolves through space and time. Two fundamental triggering mechanisms on rift to passive margin salt tectonics are known: (1) extension by gravitational collapse, and (2) differential loading. Key questions are: do these mechanisms occur at the same time or does one commonly follow the other? Which one is first and which one dominates? Does it depend on the location and timing of deformation on the passive margin? Which are the stratigraphic evidences and structural geometries that may help us to answer these questions? Recognizing the initial structural geometries of these minibasins once they have been incorporated into a fold and thrust belt is challenging but of paramount importance.
In this contribution we address some of these questions by showing a brief historical review of concepts and show end-member analogue models of fold-and-thrust belts developed from the inversion and incorporation of rift to passive margin salt basins. Our work is inspired by field observations from the Pyrenees and the Northern Calcareous Alps, as well as from present day continental margins.
How to cite: Granado, P., Santolaria, P., Wilson, E., Ferrer, O., and Muñoz, J. A.: SALT: from rifted margins to fold-and-thrust belts. Insights from analogue modelling and case studies, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3240, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3240, 2021.
Salt and related structures have a strong influence on the formation of extensional basins during lithospheric stretching and thermal subsidence at rifted margins. Salt significantly influences as well the structural styles and kinematics of fold-and-thrust belts. We aim to characterize the structure of inverted minibasins and salt-influenced fold-and-thrust belts, but the challenge is to understand, and to match, the present day contractional structures with reasonable pre-orogenic configurations. Yet, we still lack proper understanding on the development of these salt-sediment systems and particularly, how salt tectonics is initially triggered and evolves through space and time. Two fundamental triggering mechanisms on rift to passive margin salt tectonics are known: (1) extension by gravitational collapse, and (2) differential loading. Key questions are: do these mechanisms occur at the same time or does one commonly follow the other? Which one is first and which one dominates? Does it depend on the location and timing of deformation on the passive margin? Which are the stratigraphic evidences and structural geometries that may help us to answer these questions? Recognizing the initial structural geometries of these minibasins once they have been incorporated into a fold and thrust belt is challenging but of paramount importance.
In this contribution we address some of these questions by showing a brief historical review of concepts and show end-member analogue models of fold-and-thrust belts developed from the inversion and incorporation of rift to passive margin salt basins. Our work is inspired by field observations from the Pyrenees and the Northern Calcareous Alps, as well as from present day continental margins.
How to cite: Granado, P., Santolaria, P., Wilson, E., Ferrer, O., and Muñoz, J. A.: SALT: from rifted margins to fold-and-thrust belts. Insights from analogue modelling and case studies, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3240, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3240, 2021.
EGU21-4659 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
A new experimental approach to assess the influence of gravity gliding on salt tectonics in rift basinsMichael Warsitzka, Prokop Závada, Fabian Jähne-Klingberg, and Piotr Krzywiec
Salt flow in rift basins is mainly driven by sub- and supra-salt extension imposing shear stresses and differential loading on the salt layer. In many rift basins, the graben flanks are tilted as a result of thermal subsidence and sediment load. Such tilt induces additional basin-ward directed stresses potentially causing downward directed salt flow and gravity gliding of the supra-salt overburden. However, sediment loading in extensional basins is usually largest in the basin centre, which would lead to an upward directed salt expulsion and might act as an effective buttress resisting downward gliding.
Our aim is to investigate the opposing influence of sub-salt extension, sedimentary loading and tilting on deformation patterns in the viscous salt and the brittle overburden. We try to assess under which geological configurations (e.g. minimum basin slope or topographic gradient) upward directed salt flow and downward directed gravity gliding are the dominating deformation processes in extensional basins. Therefore, we developed a new analogue modelling apparatus enabling to simulate the processes of tectonic extension of a graben structure and the gradual tilting of the graben flanks, acting either simultaneously or separately. Using digital image correlation technique, temporal and spatial changes of the displacement and strain patterns can be analysed. Cross sections through the final experiments enable to identify structures characteristic for specific driving processes.
Here, we present results of a preliminary experimental study in which the basic influence of flank tilting and syn-kinematic sedimentation on salt tectonics in rift basins is examined. In case that the graben flanks remain flat during extension, widespread extensional fault zones develop on the footwall sides near the graben faults. In case that the flanks are tilted simultaneously with basal extension, additional extensional fault zones evolve at the upslope basin margins resulting from downward gliding of the overburden. In the downslope basin centre, this peripheral extension is balanced by reduced amounts of extension near the graben and later by shortening above the graben bounding faults and the hanging wall graben centre. If syn-kinematic sedimentation is introduced, downslope gravity gliding is significantly reduced and extensional fault zones are rather localized. Peripheral extensional structures observed in the experiments resemble typical thin-skinned extensional structures occurring at the flanks of many salt-bearing rift basins, e.g. the Polish Basin and Norwegian-Danish Basin. Thus, such structures might serve as diagnostic indicators for the occurrence of gravity gliding in rift basins.
How to cite: Warsitzka, M., Závada, P., Jähne-Klingberg, F., and Krzywiec, P.: A new experimental approach to assess the influence of gravity gliding on salt tectonics in rift basins, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4659, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4659, 2021.
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Salt flow in rift basins is mainly driven by sub- and supra-salt extension imposing shear stresses and differential loading on the salt layer. In many rift basins, the graben flanks are tilted as a result of thermal subsidence and sediment load. Such tilt induces additional basin-ward directed stresses potentially causing downward directed salt flow and gravity gliding of the supra-salt overburden. However, sediment loading in extensional basins is usually largest in the basin centre, which would lead to an upward directed salt expulsion and might act as an effective buttress resisting downward gliding.
Our aim is to investigate the opposing influence of sub-salt extension, sedimentary loading and tilting on deformation patterns in the viscous salt and the brittle overburden. We try to assess under which geological configurations (e.g. minimum basin slope or topographic gradient) upward directed salt flow and downward directed gravity gliding are the dominating deformation processes in extensional basins. Therefore, we developed a new analogue modelling apparatus enabling to simulate the processes of tectonic extension of a graben structure and the gradual tilting of the graben flanks, acting either simultaneously or separately. Using digital image correlation technique, temporal and spatial changes of the displacement and strain patterns can be analysed. Cross sections through the final experiments enable to identify structures characteristic for specific driving processes.
Here, we present results of a preliminary experimental study in which the basic influence of flank tilting and syn-kinematic sedimentation on salt tectonics in rift basins is examined. In case that the graben flanks remain flat during extension, widespread extensional fault zones develop on the footwall sides near the graben faults. In case that the flanks are tilted simultaneously with basal extension, additional extensional fault zones evolve at the upslope basin margins resulting from downward gliding of the overburden. In the downslope basin centre, this peripheral extension is balanced by reduced amounts of extension near the graben and later by shortening above the graben bounding faults and the hanging wall graben centre. If syn-kinematic sedimentation is introduced, downslope gravity gliding is significantly reduced and extensional fault zones are rather localized. Peripheral extensional structures observed in the experiments resemble typical thin-skinned extensional structures occurring at the flanks of many salt-bearing rift basins, e.g. the Polish Basin and Norwegian-Danish Basin. Thus, such structures might serve as diagnostic indicators for the occurrence of gravity gliding in rift basins.
How to cite: Warsitzka, M., Závada, P., Jähne-Klingberg, F., and Krzywiec, P.: A new experimental approach to assess the influence of gravity gliding on salt tectonics in rift basins, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4659, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4659, 2021.
EGU21-12519 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Salt thickness and heterogeneity control the degree of coupling between sub- and supra-salt structure during salt-detached translation: evidence from physical modelsSian Evans, Christopher Jackson, Sylvie Schueller, and Jean-Marie Mengus
Salt flows like a fluid over geological timescales and introduces significant structural complexity to the basins in which it is deposited. Salt typically flows seaward due to tilting of the basin margins, and is therefore influenced by the geometry of the surface that it flows across (e.g. fault scarps or folds on the base-salt surface). This can lead to coupling of sub- and supra-salt structures, with the orientation and distribution of base-salt structures reflected in the structure of the overburden. However, precisely what controls the degree of strain coupling during salt-detached translation is still poorly understood, in particular the role played by salt thickness and lithological heterogeneity. This partly reflects the fact that it can be difficult to deconvolve the relative contributions of natural variables such as the magnitude of relief, sediment supply, and regional tectonic regime. In addition, seismic data provide only the present structural configuration of salt basins, from which their formative kinematics must be inferred. If we can develop a better understanding of how sub-salt structure controls the types and patterns of supra-salt deformation, we can produce better kinematic (structural) restorations of salt basins and, therefore, have a better understanding of the related mechanics.
In order to isolate the influence of salt thickness and heterogeneity on sub- to supra-salt strain coupling during salt-detached horizontal translation, we present a series of physical analogue models with controlled boundary conditions. We use a simple base-salt geometry comprising three oblique base-salt steps, and vary the thickness and composition of the ductile salt analogue in each experiment. X-ray tomography allows us to image the internal structure during model evolution and therefore gain a 4D picture of its structural development.
Results show that thicker and more homogeneous salt units experience more vertical movement (i.e. minibasin subsidence and diapiric rise) and the overburden structure is less explicitly coupled with the underlying base-salt relief. Conversely, thinner and more heterogeneous salt units restrict vertical movement, and therefore the resulting overburden structure is dominated by lateral movement and more closely coupled to the geometry of the base-salt surface. These results highlight the important role of base-salt relief in the subsequent structural evolution of salt basins and why, despite broad similarities between different salt basins, there is significant variability in their structural styles.
How to cite: Evans, S., Jackson, C., Schueller, S., and Mengus, J.-M.: Salt thickness and heterogeneity control the degree of coupling between sub- and supra-salt structure during salt-detached translation: evidence from physical models, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12519, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12519, 2021.
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Salt flows like a fluid over geological timescales and introduces significant structural complexity to the basins in which it is deposited. Salt typically flows seaward due to tilting of the basin margins, and is therefore influenced by the geometry of the surface that it flows across (e.g. fault scarps or folds on the base-salt surface). This can lead to coupling of sub- and supra-salt structures, with the orientation and distribution of base-salt structures reflected in the structure of the overburden. However, precisely what controls the degree of strain coupling during salt-detached translation is still poorly understood, in particular the role played by salt thickness and lithological heterogeneity. This partly reflects the fact that it can be difficult to deconvolve the relative contributions of natural variables such as the magnitude of relief, sediment supply, and regional tectonic regime. In addition, seismic data provide only the present structural configuration of salt basins, from which their formative kinematics must be inferred. If we can develop a better understanding of how sub-salt structure controls the types and patterns of supra-salt deformation, we can produce better kinematic (structural) restorations of salt basins and, therefore, have a better understanding of the related mechanics.
In order to isolate the influence of salt thickness and heterogeneity on sub- to supra-salt strain coupling during salt-detached horizontal translation, we present a series of physical analogue models with controlled boundary conditions. We use a simple base-salt geometry comprising three oblique base-salt steps, and vary the thickness and composition of the ductile salt analogue in each experiment. X-ray tomography allows us to image the internal structure during model evolution and therefore gain a 4D picture of its structural development.
Results show that thicker and more homogeneous salt units experience more vertical movement (i.e. minibasin subsidence and diapiric rise) and the overburden structure is less explicitly coupled with the underlying base-salt relief. Conversely, thinner and more heterogeneous salt units restrict vertical movement, and therefore the resulting overburden structure is dominated by lateral movement and more closely coupled to the geometry of the base-salt surface. These results highlight the important role of base-salt relief in the subsequent structural evolution of salt basins and why, despite broad similarities between different salt basins, there is significant variability in their structural styles.
How to cite: Evans, S., Jackson, C., Schueller, S., and Mengus, J.-M.: Salt thickness and heterogeneity control the degree of coupling between sub- and supra-salt structure during salt-detached translation: evidence from physical models, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12519, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12519, 2021.
EGU21-3263 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Pre-salt rift morphology controls salt tectonics in the Campos Basin, offshore SE BrazilFrancyne B. Amarante, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Leonardo M. Pichel, Claiton M. S. Scherer, and Juliano Kuchle
Salt-bearing passive margin basins offshore SE Brazil have been and remain attractive for hydrocarbon exploration and production. In the Campos Basin, major reservoir types include post-salt turbidites, which are located in structural traps related to thin-skinned faulting above salt anticlines and rollers. Classic models of gravity-driven salt tectonics commonly depict kinematically linked zones of deformation, characterised by updip extension and downdip contraction, separated by a weakly deformed zone associated with downdip translation above a relatively smooth base-salt surface. We use 2D and 3D seismic reflection and borehole data from the south-central Campos Basin to show that this does not adequately capture the styles of salt-detached gravity-driven deformation above relict, rift-related relief. The base-salt surface is composed of elongated, broadly seaward-dipping ramps with structural relief reaching c. 2 km. These ramps define the boundary between the External High and the External Low, basement structures related to the rift tectonics. Local deformation associated with the base-salt ramps can overprint and/or influence regional, margin-scale patterns of deformation producing kinematically-variable and multiphase salt deformation. We define three domains of thin-skinned deformation: an updip extensional domain, subdivided into subdomains E1 and E2, an intermediate multiphase domain and a downdip contractional domain. The multiphase domain is composed of three types of salt structures with a hybrid extensional-contractional origin and evolution. These are: (i) contractional anticlines that were subjected to later extension and normal faulting; (ii) diapirs with passive and active growth later subjected to regional extension, developing landward-dipping normal faults on the landward flank; and, lastly, (iii) an extensional diapir that was subsequently squeezed. We argue that this multiphase style of deformation occurs as a consequence of base-salt geometry and relief creating local variations of salt flow that localize extension at the top and along the ramps, and contraction at the base. Translation and extension of salt and its overburden across major base-salt ramps resulted in three ramp syncline basins northeast of the study area, partially bounded by salt-detached listric faults. The temporal and spatial distribution and evolution of these and other key salt and overburden structures, and their relationship to base-salt relief, suggest 30 to 60 km of horizontal gravity-driven translation of salt and overburden.
How to cite: B. Amarante, F., A-L. Jackson, C., M. Pichel, L., M. S. Scherer, C., and Kuchle, J.: Pre-salt rift morphology controls salt tectonics in the Campos Basin, offshore SE Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3263, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3263, 2021.
Salt-bearing passive margin basins offshore SE Brazil have been and remain attractive for hydrocarbon exploration and production. In the Campos Basin, major reservoir types include post-salt turbidites, which are located in structural traps related to thin-skinned faulting above salt anticlines and rollers. Classic models of gravity-driven salt tectonics commonly depict kinematically linked zones of deformation, characterised by updip extension and downdip contraction, separated by a weakly deformed zone associated with downdip translation above a relatively smooth base-salt surface. We use 2D and 3D seismic reflection and borehole data from the south-central Campos Basin to show that this does not adequately capture the styles of salt-detached gravity-driven deformation above relict, rift-related relief. The base-salt surface is composed of elongated, broadly seaward-dipping ramps with structural relief reaching c. 2 km. These ramps define the boundary between the External High and the External Low, basement structures related to the rift tectonics. Local deformation associated with the base-salt ramps can overprint and/or influence regional, margin-scale patterns of deformation producing kinematically-variable and multiphase salt deformation. We define three domains of thin-skinned deformation: an updip extensional domain, subdivided into subdomains E1 and E2, an intermediate multiphase domain and a downdip contractional domain. The multiphase domain is composed of three types of salt structures with a hybrid extensional-contractional origin and evolution. These are: (i) contractional anticlines that were subjected to later extension and normal faulting; (ii) diapirs with passive and active growth later subjected to regional extension, developing landward-dipping normal faults on the landward flank; and, lastly, (iii) an extensional diapir that was subsequently squeezed. We argue that this multiphase style of deformation occurs as a consequence of base-salt geometry and relief creating local variations of salt flow that localize extension at the top and along the ramps, and contraction at the base. Translation and extension of salt and its overburden across major base-salt ramps resulted in three ramp syncline basins northeast of the study area, partially bounded by salt-detached listric faults. The temporal and spatial distribution and evolution of these and other key salt and overburden structures, and their relationship to base-salt relief, suggest 30 to 60 km of horizontal gravity-driven translation of salt and overburden.
How to cite: B. Amarante, F., A-L. Jackson, C., M. Pichel, L., M. S. Scherer, C., and Kuchle, J.: Pre-salt rift morphology controls salt tectonics in the Campos Basin, offshore SE Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-3263, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3263, 2021.
EGU21-4711 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Three-dimensional geometry and growth of salt-detached strike-slip faults, Outer Kwanza Basin, offshore AngolaAurio Erdi and Christopher Jackson
Strike slip faults are a prominent tectonic feature in Earth to accommodate horizontal and/or oblique slip that trend parallel to fault strike. These faults are commonly formed on plate boundaries setting, where they are basement-involved and driven by elastic crustal loading at seismogenic depths. Still, we also observe the strike slip faults on salt-bearing slopes, where the faults are typically thin-skinned and accommodate spatial variability in the rate of seaward flow of salt and its overburden. In both cases, relatively little is still known of their three-dimensional geometry and growth in comparison to both normal and reverse fault, that have been extensively studied.
We use a high-quality, depth-migrated 3D seismic dataset to investigate salt-detached strike-slip faults in the mid-slope translational domain of the Outer Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola. We show that NE-SW-striking faults are presently located above elongate, margin-parallel, NE-trending ramps, more amorphous, dome-like structural highs, and areas of relatively subdued relief. The faults are broadly planar, display normal and/or reverse offsets, and may locally bound negative flower structures. These faults offset a range of salt and overburden structures, including salt walls and anticlines, and salt -detached thrusts and normal faults, defining six major structural compartments. Our displacement-distance (Tx) analysis of several faults reveal they are characterized by complex throw distributions that define 3-to-10, now hard-linked segments. In vertical profiles, these segments are characterized by symmetric-to-asymmetric throw distributions (Tz) that record throw maxima at the top of the Albian, Eocene and/or Early Miocene. Expansion indices (EI) and isopach maps demonstrate the presence of fault-related growth strata, with complex thickness patterns also reflecting the combined effect of vertical (i.e. diapirism) and horizontal (i.e. translation) salt tectonics. Taken together, our observations suggest the salt detached strike-slip faults evolved during three key phases: (i) Albian – nucleation and local linkage of individual segments; (ii) Eocene-to-Oligocene – reactivation, propagation, and death of many now-linked segments; and (iii) Miocene – local fault reactivation due to salt diapirism.
We show that salt detached strike-slip faults in the translational domain of the Outer Kwanza Basin grew above either rugose or relatively flat base-salt surface. More specifically, salt detached strike-slip faults, like normal and reverse faults documented elsewhere, grew in response to the propagation and eventual linkage of initially isolated segments. We also highlight that the coeval growth of salt walls can play a role in controlling the three-dimensional geometry and kinematics of salt detached strike-slip faults.
How to cite: Erdi, A. and Jackson, C.: Three-dimensional geometry and growth of salt-detached strike-slip faults, Outer Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4711, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4711, 2021.
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Strike slip faults are a prominent tectonic feature in Earth to accommodate horizontal and/or oblique slip that trend parallel to fault strike. These faults are commonly formed on plate boundaries setting, where they are basement-involved and driven by elastic crustal loading at seismogenic depths. Still, we also observe the strike slip faults on salt-bearing slopes, where the faults are typically thin-skinned and accommodate spatial variability in the rate of seaward flow of salt and its overburden. In both cases, relatively little is still known of their three-dimensional geometry and growth in comparison to both normal and reverse fault, that have been extensively studied.
We use a high-quality, depth-migrated 3D seismic dataset to investigate salt-detached strike-slip faults in the mid-slope translational domain of the Outer Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola. We show that NE-SW-striking faults are presently located above elongate, margin-parallel, NE-trending ramps, more amorphous, dome-like structural highs, and areas of relatively subdued relief. The faults are broadly planar, display normal and/or reverse offsets, and may locally bound negative flower structures. These faults offset a range of salt and overburden structures, including salt walls and anticlines, and salt -detached thrusts and normal faults, defining six major structural compartments. Our displacement-distance (Tx) analysis of several faults reveal they are characterized by complex throw distributions that define 3-to-10, now hard-linked segments. In vertical profiles, these segments are characterized by symmetric-to-asymmetric throw distributions (Tz) that record throw maxima at the top of the Albian, Eocene and/or Early Miocene. Expansion indices (EI) and isopach maps demonstrate the presence of fault-related growth strata, with complex thickness patterns also reflecting the combined effect of vertical (i.e. diapirism) and horizontal (i.e. translation) salt tectonics. Taken together, our observations suggest the salt detached strike-slip faults evolved during three key phases: (i) Albian – nucleation and local linkage of individual segments; (ii) Eocene-to-Oligocene – reactivation, propagation, and death of many now-linked segments; and (iii) Miocene – local fault reactivation due to salt diapirism.
We show that salt detached strike-slip faults in the translational domain of the Outer Kwanza Basin grew above either rugose or relatively flat base-salt surface. More specifically, salt detached strike-slip faults, like normal and reverse faults documented elsewhere, grew in response to the propagation and eventual linkage of initially isolated segments. We also highlight that the coeval growth of salt walls can play a role in controlling the three-dimensional geometry and kinematics of salt detached strike-slip faults.
How to cite: Erdi, A. and Jackson, C.: Three-dimensional geometry and growth of salt-detached strike-slip faults, Outer Kwanza Basin, offshore Angola, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4711, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4711, 2021.
EGU21-8999 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Reconstruction of Salt Tectonics: Insights from the Mid North Sea HighChibuike Nnadi and Alexander Peace
The North Sea is a complex rift system that has undergone a polyphase evolutionary history from the Palaeozoic to Recent, including the deposition, and subsequent mobilisation of Upper Permian Zechstein salt. This halokinesis has played an integral role in the geologic evolution of the North Sea, controlling the present-day structural style. The driving mechanisms and kinematics of salt deformation have gained widespread interest partly due to the potential role of salt in hydrocarbon systems, and also due to its potential uses for nuclear waste disposal. However, the primary driving mechanism for salt-related deformation in the North Sea is debated. Here, we focus on the Mid-North Sea High (MNSH), an area of the North Sea in which salt-related deformation is widespread. We interpret open access data made available by United Kingdom Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) including 2D seismic reflection, gravity, magnetic and well data in Petrel, followed by forward modeling and restoration in the MOVE software. The results show that, the style of salt-related deformation in the MNSH region is highly variable, with the influence of local stratigraphy, as well as basement structures, also contributing to the deformation style.
Keywords: Salt tectonics, Halokinesis, North Sea, Mid North Sea High
How to cite: Nnadi, C. and Peace, A.: Reconstruction of Salt Tectonics: Insights from the Mid North Sea High, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8999, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8999, 2021.
The North Sea is a complex rift system that has undergone a polyphase evolutionary history from the Palaeozoic to Recent, including the deposition, and subsequent mobilisation of Upper Permian Zechstein salt. This halokinesis has played an integral role in the geologic evolution of the North Sea, controlling the present-day structural style. The driving mechanisms and kinematics of salt deformation have gained widespread interest partly due to the potential role of salt in hydrocarbon systems, and also due to its potential uses for nuclear waste disposal. However, the primary driving mechanism for salt-related deformation in the North Sea is debated. Here, we focus on the Mid-North Sea High (MNSH), an area of the North Sea in which salt-related deformation is widespread. We interpret open access data made available by United Kingdom Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) including 2D seismic reflection, gravity, magnetic and well data in Petrel, followed by forward modeling and restoration in the MOVE software. The results show that, the style of salt-related deformation in the MNSH region is highly variable, with the influence of local stratigraphy, as well as basement structures, also contributing to the deformation style.
Keywords: Salt tectonics, Halokinesis, North Sea, Mid North Sea High
How to cite: Nnadi, C. and Peace, A.: Reconstruction of Salt Tectonics: Insights from the Mid North Sea High, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8999, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8999, 2021.
EGU21-13593 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Interplay between tectonic inheritance and salt tectonics in the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Sahel basin (eastern Tunisia): implications for hydrocarbon prospectivityWajdi Belkhiria, Haifa Boussiga, Imen Hamdi Nasr, Adnen Amiri, and Mohamed Hédi Inoubli
The Sahel basin in eastern Tunisia has been subject for hydrocarbon exploration since the early fifties. Despite the presence of a working petroleum system in the area, most of the drilled wells were dry or encountered oil shows that failed to give commercial flow rates. A better understanding of the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Sahel basin is of great importance for future hydrocarbon prospectivity. In this contribution, we present integration of 2D seismic reflection profiles, exploration wells and new acquired gravity data. These subsurface data reveal that the Sahel basin developed as a passive margin during Jurassic-Early Cretaceous times and was later inverted during the Cenozoic Alpine orogeny. The occurrence of Triassic age evaporites and shales deposited during the Pangea breakup played a fundamental role in the structural style and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the study area. Seismic and gravity data revealed jointly important deep-seated extensional faults, almost along E-W and few along NNE–SSW and NW-SE directions, delimiting horsts and grabens structures. These syn-rift extensional faults controlled deposition, facies distribution and thicknesses of the Jurassic and Early cretaceous series. Most of these inherited deep-seated normal and transform faults are ornamented by different types of salt-related structures. The first phase of salt rising was initiated mainly along these syn-extensional faults in the Late Jurassic forming salt domes and continued into the Early and Late Cretaceous leading to salt-related diapir structures. During this period, the salt diapirism was accompanied by the development of salt withdrawal minibasins, characterized important growth strata due the differential subsidence. These areas represent important immediate kitchen areas to the salt-related structures. The later Late Cretaceous - Cenozoic shortening phases induced preferential rejuvenation of the diapiric structures and led to the inversion of former graben/half-graben structures and ultimately to vertical salt welds along salt ridges. These salt structures represent key elements that remains largely undrilled in the Sahel basin. Our results improve the understanding of salt growth in eastern Tunisia and consequently greatly impact the hydrocarbon prospectivity in the area.
How to cite: Belkhiria, W., Boussiga, H., Hamdi Nasr, I., Amiri, A., and Inoubli, M. H.: Interplay between tectonic inheritance and salt tectonics in the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Sahel basin (eastern Tunisia): implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13593, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13593, 2021.
The Sahel basin in eastern Tunisia has been subject for hydrocarbon exploration since the early fifties. Despite the presence of a working petroleum system in the area, most of the drilled wells were dry or encountered oil shows that failed to give commercial flow rates. A better understanding of the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Sahel basin is of great importance for future hydrocarbon prospectivity. In this contribution, we present integration of 2D seismic reflection profiles, exploration wells and new acquired gravity data. These subsurface data reveal that the Sahel basin developed as a passive margin during Jurassic-Early Cretaceous times and was later inverted during the Cenozoic Alpine orogeny. The occurrence of Triassic age evaporites and shales deposited during the Pangea breakup played a fundamental role in the structural style and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the study area. Seismic and gravity data revealed jointly important deep-seated extensional faults, almost along E-W and few along NNE–SSW and NW-SE directions, delimiting horsts and grabens structures. These syn-rift extensional faults controlled deposition, facies distribution and thicknesses of the Jurassic and Early cretaceous series. Most of these inherited deep-seated normal and transform faults are ornamented by different types of salt-related structures. The first phase of salt rising was initiated mainly along these syn-extensional faults in the Late Jurassic forming salt domes and continued into the Early and Late Cretaceous leading to salt-related diapir structures. During this period, the salt diapirism was accompanied by the development of salt withdrawal minibasins, characterized important growth strata due the differential subsidence. These areas represent important immediate kitchen areas to the salt-related structures. The later Late Cretaceous - Cenozoic shortening phases induced preferential rejuvenation of the diapiric structures and led to the inversion of former graben/half-graben structures and ultimately to vertical salt welds along salt ridges. These salt structures represent key elements that remains largely undrilled in the Sahel basin. Our results improve the understanding of salt growth in eastern Tunisia and consequently greatly impact the hydrocarbon prospectivity in the area.
How to cite: Belkhiria, W., Boussiga, H., Hamdi Nasr, I., Amiri, A., and Inoubli, M. H.: Interplay between tectonic inheritance and salt tectonics in the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Sahel basin (eastern Tunisia): implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13593, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13593, 2021.
EGU21-4182 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Salt morphologies and crustal segmentation relationship: new insights from Western Mediterranean Sea and other salt passive marginsMassimo Bellucci, Daniel Aslanian, Maryline Moulin, Marina Rabineau, Estelle Leroux, Romain Pellen, Jeffrey Poort, Anna Del Ben, Christian Gorini, and Angelo Camerlenghi
Salt tectonics at salt-bearing margins is often interpreted as the combination of gravity spreading and gravity gliding, mainly driven by differential sedimentary loading and margin tilting, respectively. Nevertheless, in the Western Mediterranean Sea, the classical salt tectonics models are incoherent with its morpho-structural setting: the Messinian salt was deposited in a closed system, formed several Ma before the deposition, horizontally in the entire deep basins, above a homogenous multi-kilometre pre-Messinian thickness. The subsidence is purely vertical in the deep basin, implying a regional constant initial salt thickness, the post-salt overburden is homogenous and the distal salt deformation occurred before the mid-lower slope normal faults activation. Instead, the compilation of MCS and wide-angle seismic data highlighted a clear coincidence between crustal segmentation and salt morphology domains. The geometrical variation of salt structures seems to be related to the underlying crustal nature segmentation. Regional thermal anomalies and/or fluid escapes, associated with the exhumation phase, or the mantle heat segmentation, could therefore play a role in adding a further component on the already known salt tectonics mechanisms. The compilation of crustal segmentation and salt morphologies in different salt-bearing margins, such as the Santos, Angolan, Gulf of Mexico and Morocco-Nova Scotia margins, seems to depict the same coincidence. In view of what is observed in Western Mediterranean Sea, the heat segmentation influence in the passive margins should not be overlooked and deserves further investigation.
How to cite: Bellucci, M., Aslanian, D., Moulin, M., Rabineau, M., Leroux, E., Pellen, R., Poort, J., Del Ben, A., Gorini, C., and Camerlenghi, A.: Salt morphologies and crustal segmentation relationship: new insights from Western Mediterranean Sea and other salt passive margins , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4182, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4182, 2021.
Salt tectonics at salt-bearing margins is often interpreted as the combination of gravity spreading and gravity gliding, mainly driven by differential sedimentary loading and margin tilting, respectively. Nevertheless, in the Western Mediterranean Sea, the classical salt tectonics models are incoherent with its morpho-structural setting: the Messinian salt was deposited in a closed system, formed several Ma before the deposition, horizontally in the entire deep basins, above a homogenous multi-kilometre pre-Messinian thickness. The subsidence is purely vertical in the deep basin, implying a regional constant initial salt thickness, the post-salt overburden is homogenous and the distal salt deformation occurred before the mid-lower slope normal faults activation. Instead, the compilation of MCS and wide-angle seismic data highlighted a clear coincidence between crustal segmentation and salt morphology domains. The geometrical variation of salt structures seems to be related to the underlying crustal nature segmentation. Regional thermal anomalies and/or fluid escapes, associated with the exhumation phase, or the mantle heat segmentation, could therefore play a role in adding a further component on the already known salt tectonics mechanisms. The compilation of crustal segmentation and salt morphologies in different salt-bearing margins, such as the Santos, Angolan, Gulf of Mexico and Morocco-Nova Scotia margins, seems to depict the same coincidence. In view of what is observed in Western Mediterranean Sea, the heat segmentation influence in the passive margins should not be overlooked and deserves further investigation.
How to cite: Bellucci, M., Aslanian, D., Moulin, M., Rabineau, M., Leroux, E., Pellen, R., Poort, J., Del Ben, A., Gorini, C., and Camerlenghi, A.: Salt morphologies and crustal segmentation relationship: new insights from Western Mediterranean Sea and other salt passive margins , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4182, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4182, 2021.
EGU21-16548 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Interactions between salt tectonics and crustal tectonics on the Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian Sea)Virginie Gaullier, Gaël Lymer, Bruno Vendeville, and Frank Chanier
The METYSS project (Messinian Event in the Tyrrhenian from Seismic Study) is based on high-resolution seismic data acquired along the Eastern Sardinian margin. The main aim is to study the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) in the Western Tyrrhenian Basin, but we also investigated the thinning processes of the continental crust and the timing of crustal vertical movements across this backarc domain. Our first results shown that rifting ended before the MSC, but that crustal activity persisted long after the end of the rifting. This has been particularly observed on the proximal margin, the East-Sardinia Basin, where the Mobile Unit (MU, mobile Messinian salt) is thin or absent. In this study, we examined the distal margin, the Cornaglia Terrace, where the MU accumulated during the MSC and acted as a décollement, thus potentially decoupling the basement from the sedimentary cover. Our observations provide evidence for lateral flow and gravity gliding of the salt and its brittle sedimentary overburden along local basement slopes generated by the post-MSC tilting of some basement blocks formerly generated during the rifting. We also investigated an intriguing wedge-shaped body of MU located in a narrow N-S half graben bounded to the west by a major, east-dipping, crustal normal fault. Classically, one could think that this salt wedge is related to the syn-tectonics deposition of the MU, but we propose an original scenario, in which the post-rift vertical motion of the major fault has been cushioned by lateral flow of an initially tabular salt layer, leaving the supra-salt series apparently unaffected by the crustal motions of the basement. We tested this scenario by comparing natural data and physical (analogue) modelling data. Our results reveal that salt tectonics provides a powerful tool to understand the deep crustal tectonics of the margin and to constrain the timing of vertical motions in the Western Tyrrhenian Basin, results that can be applied to rifted salt-bearing margins worldwide.
How to cite: Gaullier, V., Lymer, G., Vendeville, B., and Chanier, F.: Interactions between salt tectonics and crustal tectonics on the Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian Sea), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16548, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16548, 2021.
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The METYSS project (Messinian Event in the Tyrrhenian from Seismic Study) is based on high-resolution seismic data acquired along the Eastern Sardinian margin. The main aim is to study the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) in the Western Tyrrhenian Basin, but we also investigated the thinning processes of the continental crust and the timing of crustal vertical movements across this backarc domain. Our first results shown that rifting ended before the MSC, but that crustal activity persisted long after the end of the rifting. This has been particularly observed on the proximal margin, the East-Sardinia Basin, where the Mobile Unit (MU, mobile Messinian salt) is thin or absent. In this study, we examined the distal margin, the Cornaglia Terrace, where the MU accumulated during the MSC and acted as a décollement, thus potentially decoupling the basement from the sedimentary cover. Our observations provide evidence for lateral flow and gravity gliding of the salt and its brittle sedimentary overburden along local basement slopes generated by the post-MSC tilting of some basement blocks formerly generated during the rifting. We also investigated an intriguing wedge-shaped body of MU located in a narrow N-S half graben bounded to the west by a major, east-dipping, crustal normal fault. Classically, one could think that this salt wedge is related to the syn-tectonics deposition of the MU, but we propose an original scenario, in which the post-rift vertical motion of the major fault has been cushioned by lateral flow of an initially tabular salt layer, leaving the supra-salt series apparently unaffected by the crustal motions of the basement. We tested this scenario by comparing natural data and physical (analogue) modelling data. Our results reveal that salt tectonics provides a powerful tool to understand the deep crustal tectonics of the margin and to constrain the timing of vertical motions in the Western Tyrrhenian Basin, results that can be applied to rifted salt-bearing margins worldwide.
How to cite: Gaullier, V., Lymer, G., Vendeville, B., and Chanier, F.: Interactions between salt tectonics and crustal tectonics on the Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian Sea), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16548, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16548, 2021.
EGU21-9640 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Late Miocene to present-day tectonostratigraphy of the northern central Algerian Basin: Evidence of a contractional salt system from reprocessed seismic dataSimon Blondel, Angelo Camerlenghi, Anna Del Ben, and Massimo Bellucci
This study presents the interpretation of reprocessed seismic data covering the southwestern Balearic promontory and the central Algerian basin. The new depth processing of 2D seismic lines dataset allows for the first time a good resolution on salt structures in the deep basin. Most of the salt structures result from active diapirism. In the deep basin, sedimentary loads and regional shortening are proposed to be the dominant driving forces, showing an overall contractional salt system. The north Algerian margin tectonic reactivation could have provoked a regional shortening of the salt structures and overburden. Identified unconformities suggest that this process probably started shortly after salt deposition and is still active nowadays. It is expressed by salt sheets, pinched diapirs and a décollement level. The African convergence and the narrowness of the western Algerian basin could be the explanation of an overall greater salt deformation intensity compared to the eastern Algerian basin. This demonstrates how in tectonic and sedimentary components appear to be dominant in salt deformation in the central Algerian basin compared to gravitational gliding, only localized in the proximal parts of the margin.
How to cite: Blondel, S., Camerlenghi, A., Del Ben, A., and Bellucci, M.: Late Miocene to present-day tectonostratigraphy of the northern central Algerian Basin: Evidence of a contractional salt system from reprocessed seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9640, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9640, 2021.
This study presents the interpretation of reprocessed seismic data covering the southwestern Balearic promontory and the central Algerian basin. The new depth processing of 2D seismic lines dataset allows for the first time a good resolution on salt structures in the deep basin. Most of the salt structures result from active diapirism. In the deep basin, sedimentary loads and regional shortening are proposed to be the dominant driving forces, showing an overall contractional salt system. The north Algerian margin tectonic reactivation could have provoked a regional shortening of the salt structures and overburden. Identified unconformities suggest that this process probably started shortly after salt deposition and is still active nowadays. It is expressed by salt sheets, pinched diapirs and a décollement level. The African convergence and the narrowness of the western Algerian basin could be the explanation of an overall greater salt deformation intensity compared to the eastern Algerian basin. This demonstrates how in tectonic and sedimentary components appear to be dominant in salt deformation in the central Algerian basin compared to gravitational gliding, only localized in the proximal parts of the margin.
How to cite: Blondel, S., Camerlenghi, A., Del Ben, A., and Bellucci, M.: Late Miocene to present-day tectonostratigraphy of the northern central Algerian Basin: Evidence of a contractional salt system from reprocessed seismic data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9640, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9640, 2021.
EGU21-11948 | vPICO presentations | TS11.1
Gravity gliding and spreading in a compressional setting: the example of the Algerian marginGaia Travan, Virginie Gaullier, Bruno Vendeville, Jacques Déverchère, Fadl Raad, and Johanna Lofi
The Algerian margin, located in the Western Mediterranean basin, is reactivated in compression since 8 My due to the convergence between Africa and Eurasia, and is nowadays subjected to a N45W compression of several mm/y (Jolivet et al., 1995; Noquet et Calais, 2004). While the reactivation is attested by GPS measurements and destructive seismic events, such as the earthquake of Boumerdes in 2003 (M 6.8), the visualization in the seismic data of the deep structures is made difficult by the presence of a thick Messinian salt layer. The seismic reflection profiles acquired on the Algerian margin during the “Maradja I” oceanographic survey (2003) highlighted the presence of north-verging thrusts offshore Algiers (Déverchère et al., 2005; Domzig et al., 2006), as well as the peculiar geometry of the Messinian salt layer (Lofi et al., 2011, Obone Zue Obame, 2011).
Between 2 and 4° East, the margin presents particularly complex salt structures, partly associated to the uplift of the plateau as a consequence of the crustal convergence (Déverchère et al., 2005; Domzig et al., 2006). One of the consequences of the uplift of the plateau is the dipping of the base salt horizon towards W to NNW. Moreover, from the analysis of the seismic reflection profiles, the presence of early (syn-UU) salt movement in the profiles parallel to the margin is clear, while the profiles perpendicular to the margin show compressional features mostly active during the Pliocene to Quaternary period.
From the observation of the natural example, and from the comparison with different analogue models, we conclude that offshore Algiers we find the major salt structures and minibasins formed through salt spreading, while the area offshore Boumerdès is characterized by gravity gliding due to the uplifted plateau. Although from this point of view the N-S compressional tectonics favors gravity gliding through the plateau uplift, on the other hand it influences the salt structure development direction, which present a mainly E-W development and a minor and delayed N-S one. A partial influence of the sedimentary body from Algerian rivers on the position of the major salt structures is inferred.
How to cite: Travan, G., Gaullier, V., Vendeville, B., Déverchère, J., Raad, F., and Lofi, J.: Gravity gliding and spreading in a compressional setting: the example of the Algerian margin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11948, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11948, 2021.
The Algerian margin, located in the Western Mediterranean basin, is reactivated in compression since 8 My due to the convergence between Africa and Eurasia, and is nowadays subjected to a N45W compression of several mm/y (Jolivet et al., 1995; Noquet et Calais, 2004). While the reactivation is attested by GPS measurements and destructive seismic events, such as the earthquake of Boumerdes in 2003 (M 6.8), the visualization in the seismic data of the deep structures is made difficult by the presence of a thick Messinian salt layer. The seismic reflection profiles acquired on the Algerian margin during the “Maradja I” oceanographic survey (2003) highlighted the presence of north-verging thrusts offshore Algiers (Déverchère et al., 2005; Domzig et al., 2006), as well as the peculiar geometry of the Messinian salt layer (Lofi et al., 2011, Obone Zue Obame, 2011).
Between 2 and 4° East, the margin presents particularly complex salt structures, partly associated to the uplift of the plateau as a consequence of the crustal convergence (Déverchère et al., 2005; Domzig et al., 2006). One of the consequences of the uplift of the plateau is the dipping of the base salt horizon towards W to NNW. Moreover, from the analysis of the seismic reflection profiles, the presence of early (syn-UU) salt movement in the profiles parallel to the margin is clear, while the profiles perpendicular to the margin show compressional features mostly active during the Pliocene to Quaternary period.
From the observation of the natural example, and from the comparison with different analogue models, we conclude that offshore Algiers we find the major salt structures and minibasins formed through salt spreading, while the area offshore Boumerdès is characterized by gravity gliding due to the uplifted plateau. Although from this point of view the N-S compressional tectonics favors gravity gliding through the plateau uplift, on the other hand it influences the salt structure development direction, which present a mainly E-W development and a minor and delayed N-S one. A partial influence of the sedimentary body from Algerian rivers on the position of the major salt structures is inferred.
How to cite: Travan, G., Gaullier, V., Vendeville, B., Déverchère, J., Raad, F., and Lofi, J.: Gravity gliding and spreading in a compressional setting: the example of the Algerian margin, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11948, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11948, 2021.
TS12.1 – Imaging subsurface structures
EGU21-21 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Diffraction imaging of sedimentary basins: An example from the Porcupine BasinBrydon Lowney, Lewis Whiting, Ivan Lokmer, Gareth O'Brien, and Christopher Bean
Diffraction imaging is the technique of separating diffraction energy from the source wavefield and processing it independently. As diffractions are formed from objects and discontinuities, or diffractors, which are small in comparison to the wavelength, if the diffraction energy is imaged, so too are the diffractors. These diffractors take many forms such as faults, fractures, and pinch-out points, and are therefore geologically significant. Diffraction imaging has been applied here to the Porcupine Basin; a hyperextended basin located 200km to the southwest of Ireland with a rich geological history. The basin has seen interest both academically and industrially as a study on hyperextension and a potential source of hydrocarbons. The data is characterised by two distinct, basin-wide, fractured carbonates nestled between faulted sandstones and mudstones. Additionally, there are both mass-transport deposits and fans present throughout the data, which pose a further challenge for diffraction imaging. Here, we propose the usage of diffraction imaging to better image structures both within the carbonate, such as fractures, and below.
To perform diffraction imaging, we have utilised a trained Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) which automatically locates and separates the diffraction energy on pre-migrated seismic data. The data has then been migrated to create a diffraction image. This image is used in conjunction with the conventional image as an attribute, akin to coherency or semblance, to identify diffractors which may be geologically significant. Using this technique, we highlight the fracture network of a large Cretaceous chalk body present in the Porcupine, the internal structure of mass-transport deposits, potential fan edges, and additional faults within the data which may affect fluid flow pathways.
How to cite: Lowney, B., Whiting, L., Lokmer, I., O'Brien, G., and Bean, C.: Diffraction imaging of sedimentary basins: An example from the Porcupine Basin , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-21, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-21, 2021.
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Diffraction imaging is the technique of separating diffraction energy from the source wavefield and processing it independently. As diffractions are formed from objects and discontinuities, or diffractors, which are small in comparison to the wavelength, if the diffraction energy is imaged, so too are the diffractors. These diffractors take many forms such as faults, fractures, and pinch-out points, and are therefore geologically significant. Diffraction imaging has been applied here to the Porcupine Basin; a hyperextended basin located 200km to the southwest of Ireland with a rich geological history. The basin has seen interest both academically and industrially as a study on hyperextension and a potential source of hydrocarbons. The data is characterised by two distinct, basin-wide, fractured carbonates nestled between faulted sandstones and mudstones. Additionally, there are both mass-transport deposits and fans present throughout the data, which pose a further challenge for diffraction imaging. Here, we propose the usage of diffraction imaging to better image structures both within the carbonate, such as fractures, and below.
To perform diffraction imaging, we have utilised a trained Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) which automatically locates and separates the diffraction energy on pre-migrated seismic data. The data has then been migrated to create a diffraction image. This image is used in conjunction with the conventional image as an attribute, akin to coherency or semblance, to identify diffractors which may be geologically significant. Using this technique, we highlight the fracture network of a large Cretaceous chalk body present in the Porcupine, the internal structure of mass-transport deposits, potential fan edges, and additional faults within the data which may affect fluid flow pathways.
How to cite: Lowney, B., Whiting, L., Lokmer, I., O'Brien, G., and Bean, C.: Diffraction imaging of sedimentary basins: An example from the Porcupine Basin , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-21, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-21, 2021.
EGU21-20 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
The Variscan structure of the western Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) from ambient noise interferometryJorge Acevedo, Gabriela Fernández-Viejo, Sergio Llana-Fúnez, Luis Pando, Diego Pérez-Millán, Mario Ruiz, and Jordi Díaz
The Variscan belt was formed as a consequence of the collision of two major continents, Laurasia and Gondwana, in the late Paleozoic. Nowadays, it constitutes the basement of the Iberian peninsula (Iberian Massif) and a large part of western and central Europe. In the NW of Spain, the convergence between Iberia and Europe in the Cenozoic originated the uplift of the Cantabrian mountains (CM). In its central sector, the erosion of the Mesozoic sedimentary cover during orogenesis led to the exhumation of the underlying Variscan basement in their western sector. The section of the Variscan belt that is currently exposed in the CM illustrates the transition from the internal zones of an orogen, in the west, to the external ones, to the east.
In order to acquire new passive data from this region, a portable seismic network consisting of 13 three-component broadband stations was deployed (GEOCANTÁBRICA-COSTA, doi:10.7914/SN/YR_2019). The recorded ambient noise seismic signal was cross-correlated using the phase cross-correlation (PCC) processing technique and the resulting daily cross-correlograms were stacked to obtain the empirical Green’s function of the medium between each station pair. Since the vertical and the rotated horizontal components were processed, Rayleigh- and Love-wave group velocity dispersion curves were extracted. From these measurements, group velocity tomographic maps at periods between 2 – 14 s were calculated. Based on this set of tomographic maps, a final 3D S-wave velocity model (2 - 12 km) was derived from the joint inversion of the pseudo-dispersion curves created by extracting the Rayleigh and Love velocity values for each point of a dense grid.
Both the surface-wave and the S-wave velocity maps highlight essential elements of the surface geology of the area. The velocity pattern shows the boundary between two main geological domains: The Cantabrian Zone (CZ), to the east, which constitutes the foreland fold and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen; and the West Asturian-Leonese Zone (WALZ), to the west, the slate belt representing the low grade part of the internal zones. An E-W cross-section of the study area shows a high velocity unit to the west thrusting the lower velocity rocks of the CZ at the transition between the WALZ and the CZ.
How to cite: Acevedo, J., Fernández-Viejo, G., Llana-Fúnez, S., Pando, L., Pérez-Millán, D., Ruiz, M., and Díaz, J.: The Variscan structure of the western Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) from ambient noise interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-20, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-20, 2021.
The Variscan belt was formed as a consequence of the collision of two major continents, Laurasia and Gondwana, in the late Paleozoic. Nowadays, it constitutes the basement of the Iberian peninsula (Iberian Massif) and a large part of western and central Europe. In the NW of Spain, the convergence between Iberia and Europe in the Cenozoic originated the uplift of the Cantabrian mountains (CM). In its central sector, the erosion of the Mesozoic sedimentary cover during orogenesis led to the exhumation of the underlying Variscan basement in their western sector. The section of the Variscan belt that is currently exposed in the CM illustrates the transition from the internal zones of an orogen, in the west, to the external ones, to the east.
In order to acquire new passive data from this region, a portable seismic network consisting of 13 three-component broadband stations was deployed (GEOCANTÁBRICA-COSTA, doi:10.7914/SN/YR_2019). The recorded ambient noise seismic signal was cross-correlated using the phase cross-correlation (PCC) processing technique and the resulting daily cross-correlograms were stacked to obtain the empirical Green’s function of the medium between each station pair. Since the vertical and the rotated horizontal components were processed, Rayleigh- and Love-wave group velocity dispersion curves were extracted. From these measurements, group velocity tomographic maps at periods between 2 – 14 s were calculated. Based on this set of tomographic maps, a final 3D S-wave velocity model (2 - 12 km) was derived from the joint inversion of the pseudo-dispersion curves created by extracting the Rayleigh and Love velocity values for each point of a dense grid.
Both the surface-wave and the S-wave velocity maps highlight essential elements of the surface geology of the area. The velocity pattern shows the boundary between two main geological domains: The Cantabrian Zone (CZ), to the east, which constitutes the foreland fold and thrust belt of the Variscan orogen; and the West Asturian-Leonese Zone (WALZ), to the west, the slate belt representing the low grade part of the internal zones. An E-W cross-section of the study area shows a high velocity unit to the west thrusting the lower velocity rocks of the CZ at the transition between the WALZ and the CZ.
How to cite: Acevedo, J., Fernández-Viejo, G., Llana-Fúnez, S., Pando, L., Pérez-Millán, D., Ruiz, M., and Díaz, J.: The Variscan structure of the western Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) from ambient noise interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-20, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-20, 2021.
EGU21-14283 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
S-wave velocity structure in the central Japan derived from adjoint tomography.Kota Mukumoto and Takeshi Tsuji
In Japan, seismic velocity structures have been estimated by using first arrival tomography method. Many significant crustal structures such as the coordinate of the subducted Philippine Sea plate has been revealed by seismic tomographic images. In this study, we applied the adjoint tomography including full numerical simulation and finite frequency sensitivity kernels for the area of central Japan. The study area is characterized by the very heterogeneous geologic structures. We used 72 natural earthquakes in this study. Because the dominant phase used in our analysis is the surface wave, only S-wave velocity was inverted. We tried to minimize the time-frequency phase misfit between observed and calculated waveforms with the frequency of 0.033~0.1Hz. Based on the checker bord test, our inversion scenario resolved the upper and lower crust. From the results, we identified more heterogeneous structures compared to those from the first arrival tomography. The estimated S-wave velocity model clearly resolved the low velocity anomalies around the active volcanoes. Furthermore, the velocity boundaries agree with the main tectonic lines in the central Japan.
How to cite: Mukumoto, K. and Tsuji, T.: S-wave velocity structure in the central Japan derived from adjoint tomography., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14283, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14283, 2021.
In Japan, seismic velocity structures have been estimated by using first arrival tomography method. Many significant crustal structures such as the coordinate of the subducted Philippine Sea plate has been revealed by seismic tomographic images. In this study, we applied the adjoint tomography including full numerical simulation and finite frequency sensitivity kernels for the area of central Japan. The study area is characterized by the very heterogeneous geologic structures. We used 72 natural earthquakes in this study. Because the dominant phase used in our analysis is the surface wave, only S-wave velocity was inverted. We tried to minimize the time-frequency phase misfit between observed and calculated waveforms with the frequency of 0.033~0.1Hz. Based on the checker bord test, our inversion scenario resolved the upper and lower crust. From the results, we identified more heterogeneous structures compared to those from the first arrival tomography. The estimated S-wave velocity model clearly resolved the low velocity anomalies around the active volcanoes. Furthermore, the velocity boundaries agree with the main tectonic lines in the central Japan.
How to cite: Mukumoto, K. and Tsuji, T.: S-wave velocity structure in the central Japan derived from adjoint tomography., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14283, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14283, 2021.
EGU21-13849 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Full waveform inversion of the crust and upper mantle beneath the East Asia Continent and Western Pacific Subduction ZoneZiyi Xi, Min Chen, Tong Zhou, Baoshan Wang, and Younghee Kim
We present a three-dimensional transversely isotropic velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath the East Asia Continent and Western Pacific subduction zone based on the full waveform inversion (FWI). It minimizes waveform shape misfit between the synthetics and the observations from a large dataset, with 142 earthquakes recorded by about 2,000 broadband stations in East Asia. Compared to the previous models, the new FWI model, East Asia Radial Anisotropy Model 2020 (EARA2020) after 20 iterations shows much stronger wave speed perturbations within the imaged slabs including the Japan, Kuril, Izu-Bonin, Ryuku slabs. The high wave speed anomalies of the subducted slabs have a maximum perturbation of 8% for Vp and 13% for Vs. We have also systematically analyzed the slabs’ morphology, the intraplate tectonic structures including the North China Craton, the Sichuan Basin, and the Songliao Basin. and investigated the origin of four typical intra-continent volcanos in the continent of China including the Hainan volcano, Changbaishan volcano, Tengchong volcano, and Datong volcano.
How to cite: Xi, Z., Chen, M., Zhou, T., Wang, B., and Kim, Y.: Full waveform inversion of the crust and upper mantle beneath the East Asia Continent and Western Pacific Subduction Zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13849, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13849, 2021.
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We present a three-dimensional transversely isotropic velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath the East Asia Continent and Western Pacific subduction zone based on the full waveform inversion (FWI). It minimizes waveform shape misfit between the synthetics and the observations from a large dataset, with 142 earthquakes recorded by about 2,000 broadband stations in East Asia. Compared to the previous models, the new FWI model, East Asia Radial Anisotropy Model 2020 (EARA2020) after 20 iterations shows much stronger wave speed perturbations within the imaged slabs including the Japan, Kuril, Izu-Bonin, Ryuku slabs. The high wave speed anomalies of the subducted slabs have a maximum perturbation of 8% for Vp and 13% for Vs. We have also systematically analyzed the slabs’ morphology, the intraplate tectonic structures including the North China Craton, the Sichuan Basin, and the Songliao Basin. and investigated the origin of four typical intra-continent volcanos in the continent of China including the Hainan volcano, Changbaishan volcano, Tengchong volcano, and Datong volcano.
How to cite: Xi, Z., Chen, M., Zhou, T., Wang, B., and Kim, Y.: Full waveform inversion of the crust and upper mantle beneath the East Asia Continent and Western Pacific Subduction Zone, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13849, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13849, 2021.
EGU21-9509 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Interpreting Time-Varying Processes using Empirical DataAlex Hobé, Ari Tryggvason, Bjarne Almqvist, and Olafur Gudmundsson
Time-varying processes present both challenges and opportunities when interpreting tomographic models. The challenges mainly arise from differences between a method’s temporal and spatial resolution, and the size and timing of the physical processes. A mismatch here will produce a weighted average of the subsurface changes in models using time-dependent tomography. Even when there is such a mismatch, there are clear benefits from studying time-varying processes.
Many different variables are packed into geophysical properties. Seismic velocities, for example, change due to porosity, fluid presence, fluid phase, fractures, and fracture properties, among other factors. This makes interpretation non-unique. Tomographic changes due to time-varying processes help reduce the possibilities for interpretation, especially when integrating multiple geophysical methods. Because tomographic methods can also produce artificial changes between models (Hobé et al., 2021), an important question in time-dependent tomography becomes:
What is the theoretical magnitude of changes in geophysical properties in a time-varying area?
As an initial answer, we present an overview of empirical data from the IMAGE project, which investigated the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland. This overview shows the inherent temporal variability of this volcano-tectonic region. In the lab, geophysical properties changed as much as 30% due to, e.g., fracturing, fracture healing, fluid-phase changes, and changes in fluid saturation. All these phenomena are common occurrences in this area, which hosts several volcanic systems with hydrothermal and seismic activity. These phenomena also have a secondary impact on how the empirical data should be interpreted, which is usually underestimated or overlooked in tomographic interpretations: These time-varying processes can strongly affect effective pressures, which is one of the main variables in the empirical data. To show the magnitude of this oversight, we present examples where effective pressure is affected, along with the theoretical changes in geophysical properties. Lastly, we show how the inclusion of effective pressures in interpretation can aid in the identification of time-varying processes.
Hobé, A., Gudmundsson, O., Tryggvason, A., and the SIL seismological group (2021): Imaging the 2010-2011 inflationary source at Krýsuvík, SW Iceland, using time-dependent Vp/Vs tomography, in Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020, Forthcoming
How to cite: Hobé, A., Tryggvason, A., Almqvist, B., and Gudmundsson, O.: Interpreting Time-Varying Processes using Empirical Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9509, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9509, 2021.
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Time-varying processes present both challenges and opportunities when interpreting tomographic models. The challenges mainly arise from differences between a method’s temporal and spatial resolution, and the size and timing of the physical processes. A mismatch here will produce a weighted average of the subsurface changes in models using time-dependent tomography. Even when there is such a mismatch, there are clear benefits from studying time-varying processes.
Many different variables are packed into geophysical properties. Seismic velocities, for example, change due to porosity, fluid presence, fluid phase, fractures, and fracture properties, among other factors. This makes interpretation non-unique. Tomographic changes due to time-varying processes help reduce the possibilities for interpretation, especially when integrating multiple geophysical methods. Because tomographic methods can also produce artificial changes between models (Hobé et al., 2021), an important question in time-dependent tomography becomes:
What is the theoretical magnitude of changes in geophysical properties in a time-varying area?
As an initial answer, we present an overview of empirical data from the IMAGE project, which investigated the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland. This overview shows the inherent temporal variability of this volcano-tectonic region. In the lab, geophysical properties changed as much as 30% due to, e.g., fracturing, fracture healing, fluid-phase changes, and changes in fluid saturation. All these phenomena are common occurrences in this area, which hosts several volcanic systems with hydrothermal and seismic activity. These phenomena also have a secondary impact on how the empirical data should be interpreted, which is usually underestimated or overlooked in tomographic interpretations: These time-varying processes can strongly affect effective pressures, which is one of the main variables in the empirical data. To show the magnitude of this oversight, we present examples where effective pressure is affected, along with the theoretical changes in geophysical properties. Lastly, we show how the inclusion of effective pressures in interpretation can aid in the identification of time-varying processes.
Hobé, A., Gudmundsson, O., Tryggvason, A., and the SIL seismological group (2021): Imaging the 2010-2011 inflationary source at Krýsuvík, SW Iceland, using time-dependent Vp/Vs tomography, in Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020, Forthcoming
How to cite: Hobé, A., Tryggvason, A., Almqvist, B., and Gudmundsson, O.: Interpreting Time-Varying Processes using Empirical Data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9509, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9509, 2021.
EGU21-12376 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
A new a-priori velocity model for seismic tomography investigation of the Southern Italy regionCristina Totaro, Giancarlo Neri, Barbara Orecchio, Debora Presti, and Silvia Scolaro
By integrating data and constraints available in the literature, we defined a new “a-priori” 3D seismic velocity model imaging the lithospheric structure of Southern Italy, a highly complex area in the Mediterranean region where the Africa-Europe plate convergence and the residual rollback of the Ionian slab coexist. Involving the integration of multiple datasets and constraints (e.g. velocity patterns from seismic profiles and/or tomographies, moho depth estimates, subduction interface geometries) and following a procedure derived to the one already successfully applied in the area about a decade ago, we obtained the simplest 3D velocity structure consistent with all the available collected data. Studies and analyses performed in recent years allowed us to enlarge and improve the previous estimated model by adding further data and useful constraints. The so obtained "a-priori" velocity model has then been used as starting model for a new earthquake tomographic inversion of the study region. Dataset used for the velocity model computation has been selected from the Italian seismic database (www.ingv.it) and consists of ca. 10000 earthquakes with magnitude equal or greater than 2 and occurred in the time period 2000-2020 at depth less than 60 km and with at least 10 station readings. The obtained 3D velocity structure and the related hypocenter locations have been compared with other geophysical and geological observations and interpreted in the frame of the geodynamic models proposed for the region.
How to cite: Totaro, C., Neri, G., Orecchio, B., Presti, D., and Scolaro, S.: A new a-priori velocity model for seismic tomography investigation of the Southern Italy region, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12376, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12376, 2021.
By integrating data and constraints available in the literature, we defined a new “a-priori” 3D seismic velocity model imaging the lithospheric structure of Southern Italy, a highly complex area in the Mediterranean region where the Africa-Europe plate convergence and the residual rollback of the Ionian slab coexist. Involving the integration of multiple datasets and constraints (e.g. velocity patterns from seismic profiles and/or tomographies, moho depth estimates, subduction interface geometries) and following a procedure derived to the one already successfully applied in the area about a decade ago, we obtained the simplest 3D velocity structure consistent with all the available collected data. Studies and analyses performed in recent years allowed us to enlarge and improve the previous estimated model by adding further data and useful constraints. The so obtained "a-priori" velocity model has then been used as starting model for a new earthquake tomographic inversion of the study region. Dataset used for the velocity model computation has been selected from the Italian seismic database (www.ingv.it) and consists of ca. 10000 earthquakes with magnitude equal or greater than 2 and occurred in the time period 2000-2020 at depth less than 60 km and with at least 10 station readings. The obtained 3D velocity structure and the related hypocenter locations have been compared with other geophysical and geological observations and interpreted in the frame of the geodynamic models proposed for the region.
How to cite: Totaro, C., Neri, G., Orecchio, B., Presti, D., and Scolaro, S.: A new a-priori velocity model for seismic tomography investigation of the Southern Italy region, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12376, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12376, 2021.
EGU21-7118 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
A new 3D velocity model of Central Apennines: insights from 2D/3D geological modelling and earthquake relocation.Andrea D'Ambrosio, Eugenio Carminati, Carlo Doglioni, Lorenzo Lipparini, Mario Anselmi, Claudio Chiarabba, Teodoro Cassola, and Jan Federik Derks
The Central Apennines fold-and-thrust belt (Central Italy) is characterized by the presence of several active faults, potentially capable of generating damaging earthquakes. To support seismic hazard studies over the area, a new 3D velocity model was built, integrating a wide range of surface and subsurface data.
The tectonic framework of the area (from Sulmona plain to Maiella Mt), is still debated in literature, also due to the lack of both an adequate geophysical data set and a reliable velocity model at the crustal scale.
In addition, the low number of seismic stations available for the acquisition of Vp/Vs arrival times, and the very low seismicity detected in the study area (the Sulmona and Caramanico Apennine valleys are considered as “seismic gaps”), lead to a difficult interpretation of the subsurface tectonic structures.
3D velocity modelling could well represent an important tool to support these deep crustal reconstructions as well earthquake relocation studies and could enhance the definition of seismogenic faults deep geometries, hence supporting a better risk assessment over the area of these potential locked faults.
Using the knowledge developed within the oil&gas industry as well in gas/CO2 storage projects for the construction of 3D velocity models, extensively used to obtain subsurface imaging and define the geometry of the reservoirs and traps in the depth domain, a similar methodological approach was implemented over the study area.
The subsurface dataset was partially inherited by the past hydrocarbon exploration activities (e.g. seismic lines, exploration wells and sonic logs) and by the literature (e.g. time/depth regional models). Tomographic sections and relocated earthquake hypocentres were also integrated form geophysical studies. Geological maps (1:50.000 & 1:100.000 scale) represent the surface dataset that we used to create the surface interpretation of the regional geology.
As a first step, 18 2D balanced regional geological cross-sections, dip-oriented (W-E) across the Central Apennine, were built define the structural picture at regional scale. The cross-sections were built using MOVE (Petroleum Experts) and Petrel (Schlumberger) software. The following modelling step was the 3D model construction, in which the surface/subsurface data as well as all the geological sections were integrated in the final 3D structural and geological model.
The main geological layers reconstructed in the 3D model were than populated using the appropriated interval velocity values, building the final 3D velocity model in which the lateral velocity variation due to the presence of different facies/geological domains were considered.
As one of the results, we defined several 1D-velocity models coherent with the regional 3D velocity model, in which the key seismic stations and the earthquakes hypocentres dataset for the most potential seismogenic faults were included. 1D models were characterized by different degree of simplification, in order to test diverse approaches for the earthquake relocation. For this exercise, we used public dataset extracted by the analysis of microseismicity of the Sulmona basin.
We believe that the proposed approach can represents an effective method for combining geological and geophysical data to improve the subsurface and seismogenic faults interpretation, contributing to the seismic hazard assessment.
How to cite: D'Ambrosio, A., Carminati, E., Doglioni, C., Lipparini, L., Anselmi, M., Chiarabba, C., Cassola, T., and Derks, J. F.: A new 3D velocity model of Central Apennines: insights from 2D/3D geological modelling and earthquake relocation., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7118, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7118, 2021.
The Central Apennines fold-and-thrust belt (Central Italy) is characterized by the presence of several active faults, potentially capable of generating damaging earthquakes. To support seismic hazard studies over the area, a new 3D velocity model was built, integrating a wide range of surface and subsurface data.
The tectonic framework of the area (from Sulmona plain to Maiella Mt), is still debated in literature, also due to the lack of both an adequate geophysical data set and a reliable velocity model at the crustal scale.
In addition, the low number of seismic stations available for the acquisition of Vp/Vs arrival times, and the very low seismicity detected in the study area (the Sulmona and Caramanico Apennine valleys are considered as “seismic gaps”), lead to a difficult interpretation of the subsurface tectonic structures.
3D velocity modelling could well represent an important tool to support these deep crustal reconstructions as well earthquake relocation studies and could enhance the definition of seismogenic faults deep geometries, hence supporting a better risk assessment over the area of these potential locked faults.
Using the knowledge developed within the oil&gas industry as well in gas/CO2 storage projects for the construction of 3D velocity models, extensively used to obtain subsurface imaging and define the geometry of the reservoirs and traps in the depth domain, a similar methodological approach was implemented over the study area.
The subsurface dataset was partially inherited by the past hydrocarbon exploration activities (e.g. seismic lines, exploration wells and sonic logs) and by the literature (e.g. time/depth regional models). Tomographic sections and relocated earthquake hypocentres were also integrated form geophysical studies. Geological maps (1:50.000 & 1:100.000 scale) represent the surface dataset that we used to create the surface interpretation of the regional geology.
As a first step, 18 2D balanced regional geological cross-sections, dip-oriented (W-E) across the Central Apennine, were built define the structural picture at regional scale. The cross-sections were built using MOVE (Petroleum Experts) and Petrel (Schlumberger) software. The following modelling step was the 3D model construction, in which the surface/subsurface data as well as all the geological sections were integrated in the final 3D structural and geological model.
The main geological layers reconstructed in the 3D model were than populated using the appropriated interval velocity values, building the final 3D velocity model in which the lateral velocity variation due to the presence of different facies/geological domains were considered.
As one of the results, we defined several 1D-velocity models coherent with the regional 3D velocity model, in which the key seismic stations and the earthquakes hypocentres dataset for the most potential seismogenic faults were included. 1D models were characterized by different degree of simplification, in order to test diverse approaches for the earthquake relocation. For this exercise, we used public dataset extracted by the analysis of microseismicity of the Sulmona basin.
We believe that the proposed approach can represents an effective method for combining geological and geophysical data to improve the subsurface and seismogenic faults interpretation, contributing to the seismic hazard assessment.
How to cite: D'Ambrosio, A., Carminati, E., Doglioni, C., Lipparini, L., Anselmi, M., Chiarabba, C., Cassola, T., and Derks, J. F.: A new 3D velocity model of Central Apennines: insights from 2D/3D geological modelling and earthquake relocation., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7118, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7118, 2021.
EGU21-13056 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Using 2D long-streamer seismic waveform tomography to decipher sedimentary processes surrounding a forearc fault offshore AlaskaAmin Kahrizi, Matthias Delescluse, Mathieu Rodriguez, Pierre-Henri Roche, Anne Bécel, Mladen R Nedimovic, Donna Shillington, Manuel Pubellier, and Nicolas Chamot-Rooke
Acoustic full-waveform inversion (FWI), or waveform tomography, involves use of both phase and amplitude of the recorded compressional waves to obtain a high-resolution P-wave velocity model of the propagation medium. Recent theoretical and computing advances now allow the application of this highly non-linear technique to field data. This led to common use of the FWI for industrial purposes related to reservoir imaging, physical properties of rocks, and fluid flow. Application of FWI in the academic domain has, so far, been limited, mostly because of the lack of adequate seismic data. Modern multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data acquisition now have long offsets which, in some cases, enable constraining FWI-derived subsurface velocities at a significant enough depth to be useful for structural or tectonic purposes.
In this study, we show how FWI can help decipher the record of a fault activity through time at the Shumagin Gap in Alaska. The MCS data were acquired on R/V Marcus G. Langseth during the 2011 ALEUT cruise using two 8-km-long seismic streamers and a 6600 cu. in. tuned airgun array. One of the most noticeable reflection features imaged on two profiles is a large, landward-dipping normal fault in the overriding plate; a structural configuration making the area prone to generating both transoceanic and local tsunamis, including from landslides. This fault dips ~40°- 45°, cuts the entire crust and connects to the plate boundary fault at ~35 km depth, near the intersection of the megathrust with the forearc mantle wedge. The fault system reaches the surface at the shelf edge 75 km from the trench and forms the ~6-km deep Sanak basin. However, the record of the recent fault activity remains unclear as contouritic currents tend to be trapped by the topography created by faults, even after they are no longer active. Erosion surfaces and onlaps from contouritic processes as well as gravity collapses and mass transport deposits result in a complex sedimentary record that make it challenging to evaluate the fault activity using conventional MCS imaging alone. The long streamers used facilitated recording of refraction arrivals in the targeted continental slope area, which permitted running streamer traveltime tomography followed by FWI to produce coincident detailed velocity profiles to complement the reflection sections. We performed FWI imaging on two 40-km-long sections of the ALEUT lines crossing the Sanak basin. The images reveal low velocities of mass transport deposits as well as velocity inversions that may indicate mechanically weak layers linking some faults to gravity sliding on a décollement. One section also shows a velocity inversion in continuity to a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) only partially visible in the reflection image. The BSR velocity anomaly abruptly disappears across the main normal fault suggesting either an impermeable barrier or a lack of trapped fluids/gas in the hanging wall.
How to cite: Kahrizi, A., Delescluse, M., Rodriguez, M., Roche, P.-H., Bécel, A., Nedimovic, M. R., Shillington, D., Pubellier, M., and Chamot-Rooke, N.: Using 2D long-streamer seismic waveform tomography to decipher sedimentary processes surrounding a forearc fault offshore Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13056, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13056, 2021.
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Acoustic full-waveform inversion (FWI), or waveform tomography, involves use of both phase and amplitude of the recorded compressional waves to obtain a high-resolution P-wave velocity model of the propagation medium. Recent theoretical and computing advances now allow the application of this highly non-linear technique to field data. This led to common use of the FWI for industrial purposes related to reservoir imaging, physical properties of rocks, and fluid flow. Application of FWI in the academic domain has, so far, been limited, mostly because of the lack of adequate seismic data. Modern multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data acquisition now have long offsets which, in some cases, enable constraining FWI-derived subsurface velocities at a significant enough depth to be useful for structural or tectonic purposes.
In this study, we show how FWI can help decipher the record of a fault activity through time at the Shumagin Gap in Alaska. The MCS data were acquired on R/V Marcus G. Langseth during the 2011 ALEUT cruise using two 8-km-long seismic streamers and a 6600 cu. in. tuned airgun array. One of the most noticeable reflection features imaged on two profiles is a large, landward-dipping normal fault in the overriding plate; a structural configuration making the area prone to generating both transoceanic and local tsunamis, including from landslides. This fault dips ~40°- 45°, cuts the entire crust and connects to the plate boundary fault at ~35 km depth, near the intersection of the megathrust with the forearc mantle wedge. The fault system reaches the surface at the shelf edge 75 km from the trench and forms the ~6-km deep Sanak basin. However, the record of the recent fault activity remains unclear as contouritic currents tend to be trapped by the topography created by faults, even after they are no longer active. Erosion surfaces and onlaps from contouritic processes as well as gravity collapses and mass transport deposits result in a complex sedimentary record that make it challenging to evaluate the fault activity using conventional MCS imaging alone. The long streamers used facilitated recording of refraction arrivals in the targeted continental slope area, which permitted running streamer traveltime tomography followed by FWI to produce coincident detailed velocity profiles to complement the reflection sections. We performed FWI imaging on two 40-km-long sections of the ALEUT lines crossing the Sanak basin. The images reveal low velocities of mass transport deposits as well as velocity inversions that may indicate mechanically weak layers linking some faults to gravity sliding on a décollement. One section also shows a velocity inversion in continuity to a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) only partially visible in the reflection image. The BSR velocity anomaly abruptly disappears across the main normal fault suggesting either an impermeable barrier or a lack of trapped fluids/gas in the hanging wall.
How to cite: Kahrizi, A., Delescluse, M., Rodriguez, M., Roche, P.-H., Bécel, A., Nedimovic, M. R., Shillington, D., Pubellier, M., and Chamot-Rooke, N.: Using 2D long-streamer seismic waveform tomography to decipher sedimentary processes surrounding a forearc fault offshore Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13056, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13056, 2021.
EGU21-10658 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
High Resolution 3-D Shear Wave Velocity Model of Northern Taiwan via Bayesian Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity and Phase Velocity with Formosa ArrayCheng-Nan Liu, Fan-Chi Lin, Hsin-Hua Huang, Yu Wang, Elizabeth M. Berg, and Cheng-Horng Lin
Taiwan located at the convergence margin of the Eurasian Plate (EP) and Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) is one of the most active orogenic belts around the world. Under vigorously tectonic activities, the northern Taiwan is composed of complicated geological features including rifting basins, fold-and-thrust systems, volcanoes, and hydrothermal activity. In this study, we apply the technique of Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) to eight months of continuous waveforms from the Formosa Array and Broadband Array for Seismology in Taiwan (BATS), with 137 broadband stations and ~5km station spacing. We first calculate multi-components cross-correlation functions to extract the information of Rayleigh wave signals. We then invoke Eikonal tomography to calculate the phase velocity map through 3 to 10 second periods and estimate Rayleigh wave ellipticity at each station between 2 to 13 second periods. For each grid point, we jointly invert the two types of Rayleigh wave measurements through a Bayesian-based inversion method to obtain the local 1-D shear wave velocity model. All 1-D models are then combined to construct a comprehensive 3-D model. Our 3-D model reveals upper crustal structures that well correlate with surface geological features. Near the surface, the model delineates the low-velocity Taipei and Ilan basins from the adjacent fast-velocity mountainous areas, with basin geometries consistent with the results of previous geophysical exploration and geological studies. At greater depths, low velocity anomalies are observed associated with the Linkou tableland, Tatun volcano group, and a possible dyke intrusion beneath the southern Ilan basin. The model also provides new geometrical constraints on the major active fault systems in the area, which are important to understand the basin formation and orogeny dynamics. The new 3-D shear wave velocity model allows a comprehensive investigation of shallow geologic structures in northern Taiwan.
How to cite: Liu, C.-N., Lin, F.-C., Huang, H.-H., Wang, Y., Berg, E. M., and Lin, C.-H.: High Resolution 3-D Shear Wave Velocity Model of Northern Taiwan via Bayesian Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity and Phase Velocity with Formosa Array, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10658, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10658, 2021.
Taiwan located at the convergence margin of the Eurasian Plate (EP) and Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) is one of the most active orogenic belts around the world. Under vigorously tectonic activities, the northern Taiwan is composed of complicated geological features including rifting basins, fold-and-thrust systems, volcanoes, and hydrothermal activity. In this study, we apply the technique of Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) to eight months of continuous waveforms from the Formosa Array and Broadband Array for Seismology in Taiwan (BATS), with 137 broadband stations and ~5km station spacing. We first calculate multi-components cross-correlation functions to extract the information of Rayleigh wave signals. We then invoke Eikonal tomography to calculate the phase velocity map through 3 to 10 second periods and estimate Rayleigh wave ellipticity at each station between 2 to 13 second periods. For each grid point, we jointly invert the two types of Rayleigh wave measurements through a Bayesian-based inversion method to obtain the local 1-D shear wave velocity model. All 1-D models are then combined to construct a comprehensive 3-D model. Our 3-D model reveals upper crustal structures that well correlate with surface geological features. Near the surface, the model delineates the low-velocity Taipei and Ilan basins from the adjacent fast-velocity mountainous areas, with basin geometries consistent with the results of previous geophysical exploration and geological studies. At greater depths, low velocity anomalies are observed associated with the Linkou tableland, Tatun volcano group, and a possible dyke intrusion beneath the southern Ilan basin. The model also provides new geometrical constraints on the major active fault systems in the area, which are important to understand the basin formation and orogeny dynamics. The new 3-D shear wave velocity model allows a comprehensive investigation of shallow geologic structures in northern Taiwan.
How to cite: Liu, C.-N., Lin, F.-C., Huang, H.-H., Wang, Y., Berg, E. M., and Lin, C.-H.: High Resolution 3-D Shear Wave Velocity Model of Northern Taiwan via Bayesian Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity and Phase Velocity with Formosa Array, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10658, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10658, 2021.
EGU21-12557 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Band-limited scattered wavefield reconstruction beneath complex overburdens using the Marchenko methodDavid Vargas, Ivan Vasconcelos, and Matteo Ravasi
Structural imaging beneath complex overburdens, such as sub-salt or sub-basalt, typically characterized by high-impedance contrasts represents a major challenge for state-of-the-art seismic methods. Reconstructing complex geological structures in the vicinity of and below salt bodies is challenging not only due to uneven, single-sided illumination of the target area but also because of the imperfect removal of surface and internal multiples from the recorded data, as required by traditional migration algorithms. In such tectonic setups, most of the downgoing seismic wavefield is reflected toward the surface when interacting with the overburden's top layer. Similarly, the sub-salt upcoming energy is backscattered at the salt's base. Consequently, the actual energy illuminating the sub-salt reflectors, recorded at the surface, is around the noise level. In diapiric trap systems, conventional seismic extrapolation techniques do not guarantee sufficient quality to reduce exploration and production risks; likewise, seismic-based reservoir characterization and monitoring are also compromised. In this regard, accurate wavefield extrapolation techniques based on the Marchenko method may open up new ways to exploit seismic data.
The Marchenko redatuming technique retrieves reliable full-wavefield information in the presence of geologic intrusions, which can be subsequently used to produce artefact-free images by naturally including all orders of multiples present in seismic reflection data. To achieve such a goal, the method relies on the estimation of focusing operators allowing the synthesis of virtual surveys at a given depth level. Still, current Marchenko implementations do not fully incorporate available subsurface models with sharp contrasts, due to the requirements regarding the initialization of the focusing functions. Most importantly, in complex media, even a fairly accurate estimation of a direct wave as a proxy for the required initial focusing functions may not be enough to guarantee sufficiently accurate wavefield reconstruction.
In this talk, we will discuss a scattering-based Marchenko redatuming framework which improves the redatuming of seismic surface data in highly complex media when compared to other Marchenko-based schemes. This extended version is designed to accommodate for band-limited, multi-component, and possibly unevenly sampled seismic data, which contain both free-surface and internal multiples, whilst requiring minimum pre-processing steps. The performance of our scattering Marchenko method will be evaluated using a comprehensive set of numerical tests on a complex 2D subsalt model.
How to cite: Vargas, D., Vasconcelos, I., and Ravasi, M.: Band-limited scattered wavefield reconstruction beneath complex overburdens using the Marchenko method, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12557, 2021.
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Structural imaging beneath complex overburdens, such as sub-salt or sub-basalt, typically characterized by high-impedance contrasts represents a major challenge for state-of-the-art seismic methods. Reconstructing complex geological structures in the vicinity of and below salt bodies is challenging not only due to uneven, single-sided illumination of the target area but also because of the imperfect removal of surface and internal multiples from the recorded data, as required by traditional migration algorithms. In such tectonic setups, most of the downgoing seismic wavefield is reflected toward the surface when interacting with the overburden's top layer. Similarly, the sub-salt upcoming energy is backscattered at the salt's base. Consequently, the actual energy illuminating the sub-salt reflectors, recorded at the surface, is around the noise level. In diapiric trap systems, conventional seismic extrapolation techniques do not guarantee sufficient quality to reduce exploration and production risks; likewise, seismic-based reservoir characterization and monitoring are also compromised. In this regard, accurate wavefield extrapolation techniques based on the Marchenko method may open up new ways to exploit seismic data.
The Marchenko redatuming technique retrieves reliable full-wavefield information in the presence of geologic intrusions, which can be subsequently used to produce artefact-free images by naturally including all orders of multiples present in seismic reflection data. To achieve such a goal, the method relies on the estimation of focusing operators allowing the synthesis of virtual surveys at a given depth level. Still, current Marchenko implementations do not fully incorporate available subsurface models with sharp contrasts, due to the requirements regarding the initialization of the focusing functions. Most importantly, in complex media, even a fairly accurate estimation of a direct wave as a proxy for the required initial focusing functions may not be enough to guarantee sufficiently accurate wavefield reconstruction.
In this talk, we will discuss a scattering-based Marchenko redatuming framework which improves the redatuming of seismic surface data in highly complex media when compared to other Marchenko-based schemes. This extended version is designed to accommodate for band-limited, multi-component, and possibly unevenly sampled seismic data, which contain both free-surface and internal multiples, whilst requiring minimum pre-processing steps. The performance of our scattering Marchenko method will be evaluated using a comprehensive set of numerical tests on a complex 2D subsalt model.
How to cite: Vargas, D., Vasconcelos, I., and Ravasi, M.: Band-limited scattered wavefield reconstruction beneath complex overburdens using the Marchenko method, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12557, 2021.
EGU21-8441 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Reassessing legacy seismic reflection data. Extracting new information through advanced seismic processing schemes.Ramon Carbonell, Yesenia Martinez, Irene de Felipe, Juan Alcalde, Imma Palomeras, Maurizio Ercoli, Puy Ayarza, and Edson Borin
Hardware and software innovations taking place since the commercial development of seismic reflection imaging in the 60’s and early 70’s have resulted in various improved powerful seismic imaging solutions. Overall, these have been very successful in contrasting geological environments pursuing a wide variety of different targets. The innovative advances in seismic processing may constitute critical tools when analyzing seismic data acquired in highly heterogeneous geologic environments as they can efficiently increase the resolution power. In addition, they can become relevant when using modern acquisition instrumentation and strategies. Furthermore, these new developments significantly increase the value of legacy seismic reflection data. Currently, reassessing controlled source seismic data is becoming a critical issue mostly due to the increasing difficulties for acquiring new profiles posed by environmental regulations and high prices. However, the knowledge of the subsurface is an asset for our society, for example: land-use planning and management; natural risk assessments; or exploration and exploitation for geo-resources. Here we present examples of analysis schemes such as seismic attribute analysis and Common Reflection Surface stacking applied on a number of old seismic reflection profiles (Deep lithospheric transects as well as high resolution profiles) in an effort to bring up their validity. Results indicate how these leading edge methods contribute to significantly improve the quality of vintage seismic data, significantly reducing reflector uncertainties and easing their interpretation.
This research is supported by: Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR) grant 2017SGR1022 (GREG); EU (H2020) 871121 (EPOS-SP); EIT-RaewMaterias 17024 (SIT4ME).
How to cite: Carbonell, R., Martinez, Y., de Felipe, I., Alcalde, J., Palomeras, I., Ercoli, M., Ayarza, P., and Borin, E.: Reassessing legacy seismic reflection data. Extracting new information through advanced seismic processing schemes., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8441, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8441, 2021.
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Hardware and software innovations taking place since the commercial development of seismic reflection imaging in the 60’s and early 70’s have resulted in various improved powerful seismic imaging solutions. Overall, these have been very successful in contrasting geological environments pursuing a wide variety of different targets. The innovative advances in seismic processing may constitute critical tools when analyzing seismic data acquired in highly heterogeneous geologic environments as they can efficiently increase the resolution power. In addition, they can become relevant when using modern acquisition instrumentation and strategies. Furthermore, these new developments significantly increase the value of legacy seismic reflection data. Currently, reassessing controlled source seismic data is becoming a critical issue mostly due to the increasing difficulties for acquiring new profiles posed by environmental regulations and high prices. However, the knowledge of the subsurface is an asset for our society, for example: land-use planning and management; natural risk assessments; or exploration and exploitation for geo-resources. Here we present examples of analysis schemes such as seismic attribute analysis and Common Reflection Surface stacking applied on a number of old seismic reflection profiles (Deep lithospheric transects as well as high resolution profiles) in an effort to bring up their validity. Results indicate how these leading edge methods contribute to significantly improve the quality of vintage seismic data, significantly reducing reflector uncertainties and easing their interpretation.
This research is supported by: Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR) grant 2017SGR1022 (GREG); EU (H2020) 871121 (EPOS-SP); EIT-RaewMaterias 17024 (SIT4ME).
How to cite: Carbonell, R., Martinez, Y., de Felipe, I., Alcalde, J., Palomeras, I., Ercoli, M., Ayarza, P., and Borin, E.: Reassessing legacy seismic reflection data. Extracting new information through advanced seismic processing schemes., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8441, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8441, 2021.
EGU21-216 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Conceptual model of basement deformation beneath the Southern Atlassic front of Tunisia from gravity modeling, seismic reflection profiles and seismotectonic dataNesrine Frifita, Mohamed Gharbi, and Kevin Mickus
The nature of the basement beneath the Southern Atlassic front of Tunisia is relatively unknown. To study the basement, a geophysical study was undertaken using gravity, seismic reflection and seismicity data. Additionally, these data were used to determine the relationship and the tectonic environment between the known seismicity and basement structures under the Chotts fold belt and the surrounding basins. Based on 2.5D gravity modeling, 2D seismic reflection profiles and known geological mapping, the geometry of the basement was modeled as consisting of horsts,grabens and half-grabens. Specifically, the Sidi Mansour and El-Fejej basins are located on basement uplifts. The variations in the depths of the known earthquakes reveal that the deepest events occurred on basement faults beneath the Metlaoui and Sidi Mansour basins. While the surrounding anticlines within the northern Chotts range are probably inverted into graben and half-graben structures by both thin- and thick-skinned tectonic events. The geophysical findings indicate that the geometry of the basement to consist of a series of uplifted and downdropped regions, where the depth to basement increases from south to north and from east to west. This basement structure can explain the concentration of earthquakes in the northwestern portion of the study area by linking a reactivation of pre-existing east trending fault systems that formed during Alpine Orogeny. The results provide a coherent model showed a mixed thick and thin-skinned tectonic style was active within the study area.
How to cite: Frifita, N., Gharbi, M., and Mickus, K.: Conceptual model of basement deformation beneath the Southern Atlassic front of Tunisia from gravity modeling, seismic reflection profiles and seismotectonic data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-216, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-216, 2021.
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The nature of the basement beneath the Southern Atlassic front of Tunisia is relatively unknown. To study the basement, a geophysical study was undertaken using gravity, seismic reflection and seismicity data. Additionally, these data were used to determine the relationship and the tectonic environment between the known seismicity and basement structures under the Chotts fold belt and the surrounding basins. Based on 2.5D gravity modeling, 2D seismic reflection profiles and known geological mapping, the geometry of the basement was modeled as consisting of horsts,grabens and half-grabens. Specifically, the Sidi Mansour and El-Fejej basins are located on basement uplifts. The variations in the depths of the known earthquakes reveal that the deepest events occurred on basement faults beneath the Metlaoui and Sidi Mansour basins. While the surrounding anticlines within the northern Chotts range are probably inverted into graben and half-graben structures by both thin- and thick-skinned tectonic events. The geophysical findings indicate that the geometry of the basement to consist of a series of uplifted and downdropped regions, where the depth to basement increases from south to north and from east to west. This basement structure can explain the concentration of earthquakes in the northwestern portion of the study area by linking a reactivation of pre-existing east trending fault systems that formed during Alpine Orogeny. The results provide a coherent model showed a mixed thick and thin-skinned tectonic style was active within the study area.
How to cite: Frifita, N., Gharbi, M., and Mickus, K.: Conceptual model of basement deformation beneath the Southern Atlassic front of Tunisia from gravity modeling, seismic reflection profiles and seismotectonic data, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-216, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-216, 2021.
EGU21-1557 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Tectonic activity of the northern and southern plate boundaries of the Niuafo’ou microplate, Lau Basin, southwest Pacific OceanAnouk Beniest, Michael Schnabel, Anke Dannowski, Florian Schmid, Anna Jegen, and Heidrun Kopp
The northern Lau Basin in the southwest Pacific Ocean is one of the fastest opening back-arc basins on Earth, resulting in a mosaic of microplates, including the Niuafo’ou and Tongan microplates. The Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center (FRSC) is the eastern plate boundary that separates the Niuafo’ou from the Tongan microplate. The northern part of the FRSC is actively spreading, whereas the southern part is rifting. What is unclear, however, is how extension of the Lau Basin is accommodated north and south of the FRSC.
We present the results of six Multi-Channel Seismic profiles acquired during the ARCHIMEDES-I expedition and show an analogue lithosphere-scale model example of our proposed tectonic evolution. Profiles P1 (oriented NW-SE) and P2 (oriented W-E) cover the Mangatolu Triple Junction (MTJ) and the northern part of the FRSC. P3 and P4 (both oriented W-E) cover the southern Niuafo’ou microplate. P5 and P6 (both oriented W-E) cover the area south of the FRSC.
The northern profiles (P1 and P2) reveal a thick package of sediment towards the east, covering a heavily faulted basement over a wide area. Some indication for intrusive material is observed closer to the volcanic arc, but also further towards the western end of P2. Faults cross-cutting the basement but that do not reach the surface are considered inactive today. Faults reach the surface close to the MTJ and the northern tip of the FRSC and are considered active today. This leads to the interpretation that an earlier rift phase accommodated extension in a wide rift tectonic setting, whereas today, the extension is accommodated in a narrow rift or spreading tectonic setting. We will show an analogue model example that demonstrates this wide-to-narrow extensional tectonic evolution.
The profiles that cover the southern extent of the FRSC (P3, P4, P5 and P6), show that active faulting occurs towards the west, close to the Central Lau Spreading Center. Hidden faults that have deformed the basement, but do not affect the surface today anymore are observed in the abyssal parts of P3, P4, P5 and P6. Active faults that reach the surface are also observed towards the east. Recent volcanism is observed, both in the form of intrusive bodies, i.e. sills, as well as volcanoes that pierce through the stratigraphy. The observations lead to the conclusion that south of the FRSC an earlier (wide) rift system affected a larger area in the current abyssal parts of the profiles, whereas extension is currently accommodated through spreading in the CLSC, west of the southern tip of the FRSC.
How to cite: Beniest, A., Schnabel, M., Dannowski, A., Schmid, F., Jegen, A., and Kopp, H.: Tectonic activity of the northern and southern plate boundaries of the Niuafo’ou microplate, Lau Basin, southwest Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1557, 2021.
The northern Lau Basin in the southwest Pacific Ocean is one of the fastest opening back-arc basins on Earth, resulting in a mosaic of microplates, including the Niuafo’ou and Tongan microplates. The Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center (FRSC) is the eastern plate boundary that separates the Niuafo’ou from the Tongan microplate. The northern part of the FRSC is actively spreading, whereas the southern part is rifting. What is unclear, however, is how extension of the Lau Basin is accommodated north and south of the FRSC.
We present the results of six Multi-Channel Seismic profiles acquired during the ARCHIMEDES-I expedition and show an analogue lithosphere-scale model example of our proposed tectonic evolution. Profiles P1 (oriented NW-SE) and P2 (oriented W-E) cover the Mangatolu Triple Junction (MTJ) and the northern part of the FRSC. P3 and P4 (both oriented W-E) cover the southern Niuafo’ou microplate. P5 and P6 (both oriented W-E) cover the area south of the FRSC.
The northern profiles (P1 and P2) reveal a thick package of sediment towards the east, covering a heavily faulted basement over a wide area. Some indication for intrusive material is observed closer to the volcanic arc, but also further towards the western end of P2. Faults cross-cutting the basement but that do not reach the surface are considered inactive today. Faults reach the surface close to the MTJ and the northern tip of the FRSC and are considered active today. This leads to the interpretation that an earlier rift phase accommodated extension in a wide rift tectonic setting, whereas today, the extension is accommodated in a narrow rift or spreading tectonic setting. We will show an analogue model example that demonstrates this wide-to-narrow extensional tectonic evolution.
The profiles that cover the southern extent of the FRSC (P3, P4, P5 and P6), show that active faulting occurs towards the west, close to the Central Lau Spreading Center. Hidden faults that have deformed the basement, but do not affect the surface today anymore are observed in the abyssal parts of P3, P4, P5 and P6. Active faults that reach the surface are also observed towards the east. Recent volcanism is observed, both in the form of intrusive bodies, i.e. sills, as well as volcanoes that pierce through the stratigraphy. The observations lead to the conclusion that south of the FRSC an earlier (wide) rift system affected a larger area in the current abyssal parts of the profiles, whereas extension is currently accommodated through spreading in the CLSC, west of the southern tip of the FRSC.
How to cite: Beniest, A., Schnabel, M., Dannowski, A., Schmid, F., Jegen, A., and Kopp, H.: Tectonic activity of the northern and southern plate boundaries of the Niuafo’ou microplate, Lau Basin, southwest Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1557, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1557, 2021.
EGU21-9551 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Northern Andean subduction margin in Ecuador: preliminary seismic processing results from HIPER campaign.Laure Schenini, Alexandra Skrubej, Mireille Laigle, Alessandra Ribodetti, Laure Combe, Audrey Galve, Andreas Rietbrock, Philippe Charvis, Bernard Mercier de Lépinay, and Boris Marcaillou
Offshore 2D-Multichannel seismic (MCS)-reflection profiles were acquired in northern Ecuador during the HIPER survey (March/April 2020, R/V L’Atalante) together with one 2D-OBS-seismic-refraction profile (presented in a joint abstract by A. Skrubej). This project (presented in a joint abstract by A. Galve) aims at deciphering the role of lower plate structural heterogeneities and fluids on subduction zone seismogenesis processes within the 2016 Pedernales rupture segment, which is characterized by contrasting slip behaviors. We put a particular emphasis on the segment located at the northern termination of the subducting Carnegie Ridge which was devoid of previous seismic investigations. Three lines of 315-km-long in total, one North of the 2016 Pedernales rupture zone sampling an area experiencing aseismic slip and two lines parallel to the trench, were recorded using an airgun source of 4990 in3 and a 6-km-long streamer. In this study, we present in detail the seismic processing workflow used to produce an enhanced imaging of the Ecuadorian margin, a prerequisite for tackling the project’s objectives.
We performed routine MCS data processing onboard to produce post-stack time migrated sections using Geovation® CGG’s software. The dip-line collected across the northern Atacames seamounts area provides a detailed image through the whole Nazca oceanic crust down to the Moho, showing a normal crust thickness, at least on the oceanward portion, up to 15 km to the west of the trench. At the trench, we image a horst-like basement topographic high, which outcrops at sea-bottom, offsets the deformation front arcwards, with the outcropping frontal decollement reflector topping this oceanic basement high. Its nature, fluid content potential and lateral extent need to be determined, but its observation at the shallow portion of the interplate megathrust contribute to expand the inventory of subducting rough structures possibly impacting the megathrust frictional slip behavior.
Further advanced processing include noise attenuation, 2D-SRME multiple attenuation, Kirchhoff pre-stack time migration and preserved amplitude pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) performed in the angle domain. The megathrust fault located at the top of the subducting oceanic crust is imaged down to 7 km depth at a distance of 28 km from the trench which will contribute to complement the high-resolution version of the slab’s top topography close to the trench. A joint analyze of this MCS line and the coincident 2D-OBS-refraction Vp model, reveal that variations in moho acoustic features at 15 km distance to the west of the trench correlates with a 30 km wide and >10-km-thick low Vp anomaly. Nearby previous experiment SISTEUR seismic lines are being reprocessed using the same workflow, in order to further investigate the deep crustal seismic structures over the Pedernales 2016 rupture zone.
How to cite: Schenini, L., Skrubej, A., Laigle, M., Ribodetti, A., Combe, L., Galve, A., Rietbrock, A., Charvis, P., Mercier de Lépinay, B., and Marcaillou, B.: Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Northern Andean subduction margin in Ecuador: preliminary seismic processing results from HIPER campaign., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9551, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9551, 2021.
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Offshore 2D-Multichannel seismic (MCS)-reflection profiles were acquired in northern Ecuador during the HIPER survey (March/April 2020, R/V L’Atalante) together with one 2D-OBS-seismic-refraction profile (presented in a joint abstract by A. Skrubej). This project (presented in a joint abstract by A. Galve) aims at deciphering the role of lower plate structural heterogeneities and fluids on subduction zone seismogenesis processes within the 2016 Pedernales rupture segment, which is characterized by contrasting slip behaviors. We put a particular emphasis on the segment located at the northern termination of the subducting Carnegie Ridge which was devoid of previous seismic investigations. Three lines of 315-km-long in total, one North of the 2016 Pedernales rupture zone sampling an area experiencing aseismic slip and two lines parallel to the trench, were recorded using an airgun source of 4990 in3 and a 6-km-long streamer. In this study, we present in detail the seismic processing workflow used to produce an enhanced imaging of the Ecuadorian margin, a prerequisite for tackling the project’s objectives.
We performed routine MCS data processing onboard to produce post-stack time migrated sections using Geovation® CGG’s software. The dip-line collected across the northern Atacames seamounts area provides a detailed image through the whole Nazca oceanic crust down to the Moho, showing a normal crust thickness, at least on the oceanward portion, up to 15 km to the west of the trench. At the trench, we image a horst-like basement topographic high, which outcrops at sea-bottom, offsets the deformation front arcwards, with the outcropping frontal decollement reflector topping this oceanic basement high. Its nature, fluid content potential and lateral extent need to be determined, but its observation at the shallow portion of the interplate megathrust contribute to expand the inventory of subducting rough structures possibly impacting the megathrust frictional slip behavior.
Further advanced processing include noise attenuation, 2D-SRME multiple attenuation, Kirchhoff pre-stack time migration and preserved amplitude pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) performed in the angle domain. The megathrust fault located at the top of the subducting oceanic crust is imaged down to 7 km depth at a distance of 28 km from the trench which will contribute to complement the high-resolution version of the slab’s top topography close to the trench. A joint analyze of this MCS line and the coincident 2D-OBS-refraction Vp model, reveal that variations in moho acoustic features at 15 km distance to the west of the trench correlates with a 30 km wide and >10-km-thick low Vp anomaly. Nearby previous experiment SISTEUR seismic lines are being reprocessed using the same workflow, in order to further investigate the deep crustal seismic structures over the Pedernales 2016 rupture zone.
How to cite: Schenini, L., Skrubej, A., Laigle, M., Ribodetti, A., Combe, L., Galve, A., Rietbrock, A., Charvis, P., Mercier de Lépinay, B., and Marcaillou, B.: Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Northern Andean subduction margin in Ecuador: preliminary seismic processing results from HIPER campaign., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9551, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9551, 2021.
EGU21-10281 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Geological Insigths Gained from a Seismic Data LakeKaryna Rodriguez and Neil Hodgson
Seismic data has been and continues to be the main tool for hydrocarbon exploration. Storing very large quantities of seismic data, as well as making it easily accessible and with machine learning functionality, is the way forward to gain regional and local understanding of petroleum systems. Seismic data has been made available as a streamed service through a web-based platform allowing seismic data access on the spot, from large datasets stored in the cloud. A data lake can be defined as transformed data used for tasks such as reporting, visualization, advanced analytics and machine learning. The global library of data has been deconstructed from the rigid flat file format traditionally associated with seismic and transformed into a distributed, scalable, big data store. This allows for rapid access, complex queries, and efficient use of computer power – fundamental criteria for enabling Big Data technologies such as deep learning.
This data lake concept is already changing the way we access seismic data, enhancing the efficiency of gaining insights into any hydrocarbon basin. Examples include the identification of potentially prolific mixed turbidite/contourite systems in the Trujillo Basin offshore Peru, together with important implications of BSR-derived geothermal gradients, which are much higher than expected in a fore arc setting, opening new exploration opportunities. Another example is de-risking and ranking of offshore Malvinas Basin blocks by gaining new insights into areas until very recently considered to be non-prospective. Further de-risking was achieved by carrying out an in-depth source rock analysis in the Malvinas and conjugate southern South Africa Basins. Additionally, the data lake enabled the development of machine learning algorithms for channel recognition which were successfully applied to data offshore Australia and Norway.
“On demand” regional seismic dataset access is proving invaluable in our efforts to make hydrocarbon exploration more efficient and successful. Machine learning algorithms are helping to automate the more mechanical tasks, leaving time for the more valuable task of analysing the results. The geological insights gained by combining these 2 aspects confirm the value of seismic data lakes.
How to cite: Rodriguez, K. and Hodgson, N.: Geological Insigths Gained from a Seismic Data Lake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10281, 2021.
Seismic data has been and continues to be the main tool for hydrocarbon exploration. Storing very large quantities of seismic data, as well as making it easily accessible and with machine learning functionality, is the way forward to gain regional and local understanding of petroleum systems. Seismic data has been made available as a streamed service through a web-based platform allowing seismic data access on the spot, from large datasets stored in the cloud. A data lake can be defined as transformed data used for tasks such as reporting, visualization, advanced analytics and machine learning. The global library of data has been deconstructed from the rigid flat file format traditionally associated with seismic and transformed into a distributed, scalable, big data store. This allows for rapid access, complex queries, and efficient use of computer power – fundamental criteria for enabling Big Data technologies such as deep learning.
This data lake concept is already changing the way we access seismic data, enhancing the efficiency of gaining insights into any hydrocarbon basin. Examples include the identification of potentially prolific mixed turbidite/contourite systems in the Trujillo Basin offshore Peru, together with important implications of BSR-derived geothermal gradients, which are much higher than expected in a fore arc setting, opening new exploration opportunities. Another example is de-risking and ranking of offshore Malvinas Basin blocks by gaining new insights into areas until very recently considered to be non-prospective. Further de-risking was achieved by carrying out an in-depth source rock analysis in the Malvinas and conjugate southern South Africa Basins. Additionally, the data lake enabled the development of machine learning algorithms for channel recognition which were successfully applied to data offshore Australia and Norway.
“On demand” regional seismic dataset access is proving invaluable in our efforts to make hydrocarbon exploration more efficient and successful. Machine learning algorithms are helping to automate the more mechanical tasks, leaving time for the more valuable task of analysing the results. The geological insights gained by combining these 2 aspects confirm the value of seismic data lakes.
How to cite: Rodriguez, K. and Hodgson, N.: Geological Insigths Gained from a Seismic Data Lake, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10281, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10281, 2021.
EGU21-11139 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Crustal structure across Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) using high-resolution seismic datasetsShashank Verma, Dibakar Ghosal, Viaks Vats, Shudhanshu Pandey, Pratyush Anand, and Harshad Srivastava
The Himalayan fold-thrust belt has been developing due to the northward convergence of the Indian plate against the Eurasian plate since ~55 Ma. Three major thrust systems: Main Central Thrust (MCT), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) are distinctly observed in the Himalayan orogeny from north to south indicating southward propagation of active deformation. These active thrust systems produced several devastating earthquakes in the past such as 1905 Kangra (Mw 7.8), 1934 Nepal-Bihar (Mw 8), and 1950 Assam (Mw 8.6) earthquakes. Presently HFT is found to be the tectonically very active zone that accommodates a strain rate of ~10-15 mm/year and is a zone for great threats in near future to the societies residing over the Himalayan foothills. The present study carried out in the lower Siwalik Himalaya near Pawalgarh in Nainital District of Uttarakhand, India with an objective to estimate the velocity model across HFT in the locality. To accomplish the objective, seismic data were acquired along three profiles of a cumulative length of ~13 km using a seismic thumper as a source and 96 vertical component geophones with the natural frequency of 5 Hz and Remote Acquisition Unites (RAUs) as sensors and data loggers, respectively, and with a group and shot interval of 20 m and near offset of 100 m. Highly uneven Himalayan terrain causes large static errors. In order to overcome this challenge, we used Real Time Kinematics (RTK) to estimate more precise source and receiver surface elevation. In the pre-processing phase of acquired seismic data, three different shots taken at the same location are vertically stacked to eliminate random non-coherent noises and improve the SNR of the data. We then applied a low-frequency array filter (LFAF) to suppress the ground roll using velocity estimates from the ambient noise tomography (ANT). We process the data by implementing conventional seismic processing techniques including normal move-out (NMO) correction, velocity analysis followed by stacking. In the stack section, we observe a northward dipping reflector extending from the surface to ~ 1- 1.25 s TWT indicating evidence of HFT. Another reflector observed at ~3-4 s TWT demarcating the extent of overlying sedimentary deposits on the top of the under-thrusting lithosphere. Rocks of the Siwalik Himalaya mainly composed of sedimentary deposits of sandstone mudstone, and alluvial deposits. Average velocity obtained from the refraction tomography ~ 2900 m/s matches well with rock type in the region. Thus, the high-resolution crustal structure across the highly active HFT can be crucial to understand the earthquake mechanism in the locality and for a better hazard assessment.
How to cite: Verma, S., Ghosal, D., Vats, V., Pandey, S., Anand, P., and Srivastava, H.: Crustal structure across Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) using high-resolution seismic datasets, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11139, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11139, 2021.
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The Himalayan fold-thrust belt has been developing due to the northward convergence of the Indian plate against the Eurasian plate since ~55 Ma. Three major thrust systems: Main Central Thrust (MCT), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT), and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) are distinctly observed in the Himalayan orogeny from north to south indicating southward propagation of active deformation. These active thrust systems produced several devastating earthquakes in the past such as 1905 Kangra (Mw 7.8), 1934 Nepal-Bihar (Mw 8), and 1950 Assam (Mw 8.6) earthquakes. Presently HFT is found to be the tectonically very active zone that accommodates a strain rate of ~10-15 mm/year and is a zone for great threats in near future to the societies residing over the Himalayan foothills. The present study carried out in the lower Siwalik Himalaya near Pawalgarh in Nainital District of Uttarakhand, India with an objective to estimate the velocity model across HFT in the locality. To accomplish the objective, seismic data were acquired along three profiles of a cumulative length of ~13 km using a seismic thumper as a source and 96 vertical component geophones with the natural frequency of 5 Hz and Remote Acquisition Unites (RAUs) as sensors and data loggers, respectively, and with a group and shot interval of 20 m and near offset of 100 m. Highly uneven Himalayan terrain causes large static errors. In order to overcome this challenge, we used Real Time Kinematics (RTK) to estimate more precise source and receiver surface elevation. In the pre-processing phase of acquired seismic data, three different shots taken at the same location are vertically stacked to eliminate random non-coherent noises and improve the SNR of the data. We then applied a low-frequency array filter (LFAF) to suppress the ground roll using velocity estimates from the ambient noise tomography (ANT). We process the data by implementing conventional seismic processing techniques including normal move-out (NMO) correction, velocity analysis followed by stacking. In the stack section, we observe a northward dipping reflector extending from the surface to ~ 1- 1.25 s TWT indicating evidence of HFT. Another reflector observed at ~3-4 s TWT demarcating the extent of overlying sedimentary deposits on the top of the under-thrusting lithosphere. Rocks of the Siwalik Himalaya mainly composed of sedimentary deposits of sandstone mudstone, and alluvial deposits. Average velocity obtained from the refraction tomography ~ 2900 m/s matches well with rock type in the region. Thus, the high-resolution crustal structure across the highly active HFT can be crucial to understand the earthquake mechanism in the locality and for a better hazard assessment.
How to cite: Verma, S., Ghosal, D., Vats, V., Pandey, S., Anand, P., and Srivastava, H.: Crustal structure across Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) using high-resolution seismic datasets, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-11139, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-11139, 2021.
EGU21-13807 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
3D shear velocity structure of the northwestern South America-Caribbean Subduction Zone from ambient noise and ballistic Rayleigh wave tomographyWenpei Miao, John Cornthwaite, Alan Levander, Fenglin Niu, Michael Schmitz, German Prieto, and Viviana Dionicio
The Caribbean plate (CAR) collided with and initiated subduction beneath northwestern South America (SA) at about 60-55 Ma. Since the onset of subduction, it has formed the Lara nappes and subsequently the Laramide-style uplifts of the Merida Andes, Sierra de la Perija and Santa Marta ranges, with maximum elevations > 5km. The triangular Maracaibo block, bounded by the Santa Marta-Bucaramanga, Bocono and Oca-Ancon Faults, is currently escaping to the north relative to SA over both the subducting and nonsubducting elements of the CAR plate.
Although many petroleum related seismic studies have been done in this area, the details of the subduction geometry of the CAR plate beneath the Maracaibo block remain unclear. The few deeper seismic investigations are either very large scale, very local, or only peripheral to this area. Previous geodetic studies have suggested that this region has potential for a great (M~8+) earthquake (Bilham and Mencin, 2013). To investigate this complex region we fielded a 65 element broadband seismic array to complement the 48 existing stations of the Colombian and Venezuelan national seismic networks. The array is collectively referred to as the CARMArray.
In this study, we jointly inverted ambient noise Rayleigh wave Z/H ratios, phase velocities in the 8-30s band and ballistic Rayleigh wave phase velocities in 30-80s band to construct a 3D S-wave velocity model in the area from 75o-65o west and 5o-12o north. Rayleigh wave Z/H ratios are sensitive to the shallow sedimentary structure, while the phase velocity data have good resolution of the crust and upper mantle. The Vs model shows strong low-velocity anomalies beneath the Barinas-Apure and Maracaibo Basins, and the Paraguana Peninsula that are well correlated with surface geology. Sediment thickness beneath the Maracaibo basin reaches up to ~9 km depth, consistent with previous studies (Kellogg & Bonini, 1982). Crustal thickness beneath the Santa Marta uplift is 27-30 km, shallow for its nearly 4km elevation. From the trench to the southeast, Moho depth increases from 25-30 km near the coast to 40-45 km beneath the Maracaibo Basin, with the thickest crust, ~50 km, lying under the Merida Andes beneath the Bocono Fault. Crustal thickness decreases under the Venezeulan interior to ~45 km. From 50km to 150km depth, the CAR plate shows ~2% high Vs anomalies beneath the Santa Marta uplift and the Serrania de Perija range. Our slab image matches local slab seismicity very well (Cornthwaite et al., EGU 2021 GD7.1), and is consistent with and complements images from teleseismic P-wave tomography (Cornthwaite et al, 2021, submitted).
How to cite: Miao, W., Cornthwaite, J., Levander, A., Niu, F., Schmitz, M., Prieto, G., and Dionicio, V.: 3D shear velocity structure of the northwestern South America-Caribbean Subduction Zone from ambient noise and ballistic Rayleigh wave tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13807, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13807, 2021.
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The Caribbean plate (CAR) collided with and initiated subduction beneath northwestern South America (SA) at about 60-55 Ma. Since the onset of subduction, it has formed the Lara nappes and subsequently the Laramide-style uplifts of the Merida Andes, Sierra de la Perija and Santa Marta ranges, with maximum elevations > 5km. The triangular Maracaibo block, bounded by the Santa Marta-Bucaramanga, Bocono and Oca-Ancon Faults, is currently escaping to the north relative to SA over both the subducting and nonsubducting elements of the CAR plate.
Although many petroleum related seismic studies have been done in this area, the details of the subduction geometry of the CAR plate beneath the Maracaibo block remain unclear. The few deeper seismic investigations are either very large scale, very local, or only peripheral to this area. Previous geodetic studies have suggested that this region has potential for a great (M~8+) earthquake (Bilham and Mencin, 2013). To investigate this complex region we fielded a 65 element broadband seismic array to complement the 48 existing stations of the Colombian and Venezuelan national seismic networks. The array is collectively referred to as the CARMArray.
In this study, we jointly inverted ambient noise Rayleigh wave Z/H ratios, phase velocities in the 8-30s band and ballistic Rayleigh wave phase velocities in 30-80s band to construct a 3D S-wave velocity model in the area from 75o-65o west and 5o-12o north. Rayleigh wave Z/H ratios are sensitive to the shallow sedimentary structure, while the phase velocity data have good resolution of the crust and upper mantle. The Vs model shows strong low-velocity anomalies beneath the Barinas-Apure and Maracaibo Basins, and the Paraguana Peninsula that are well correlated with surface geology. Sediment thickness beneath the Maracaibo basin reaches up to ~9 km depth, consistent with previous studies (Kellogg & Bonini, 1982). Crustal thickness beneath the Santa Marta uplift is 27-30 km, shallow for its nearly 4km elevation. From the trench to the southeast, Moho depth increases from 25-30 km near the coast to 40-45 km beneath the Maracaibo Basin, with the thickest crust, ~50 km, lying under the Merida Andes beneath the Bocono Fault. Crustal thickness decreases under the Venezeulan interior to ~45 km. From 50km to 150km depth, the CAR plate shows ~2% high Vs anomalies beneath the Santa Marta uplift and the Serrania de Perija range. Our slab image matches local slab seismicity very well (Cornthwaite et al., EGU 2021 GD7.1), and is consistent with and complements images from teleseismic P-wave tomography (Cornthwaite et al, 2021, submitted).
How to cite: Miao, W., Cornthwaite, J., Levander, A., Niu, F., Schmitz, M., Prieto, G., and Dionicio, V.: 3D shear velocity structure of the northwestern South America-Caribbean Subduction Zone from ambient noise and ballistic Rayleigh wave tomography, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13807, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13807, 2021.
EGU21-16322 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Investigating the seismic imaging of faults using PS data from the Snøhvit field, Barents Sea, and forward seismic modellingJennifer Cunningham, Wiktor Weibull, Nestor Cardozo, and David Iacopini
PS seismic data from the Snøhvit field are compared with forward seismic modelling to understand the effect of azimuthal separation and incidence angle on the imaging of faults. Two faults, one oriented oblique to the survey and one approximately parallel to the survey were chosen. Azimuthally separated W (source is W relative to receivers) and E (source E relative to receivers) data demonstrate that fault imaging is more affected by azimuth when the faults are oblique to the survey orientation, and W data image the faults better. Partial stack data show that with increasing incidence angle there is a systematic improvement in the quality of fault imaging in both the E and W data. In addition, the frequency content of seismic waves back-scattered from within and around fault zones is analysed in the Snøhvit data. Low-medium frequencies are dominant within fault zones, compared with higher frequencies in adjacent areas and haloes of medium frequencies surrounding the faults. Two synthetic experiments support the azimuth, incidence angle and frequency observations. In the first experiment, the fault is modelled as a planar discontinuity and the data were processed in the same way as the Snøhvit data (into separate azimuths and incidence angle stacks). The first experiment confirms a strengthening in the seismic signal from faults in the W data. This is due to the interaction of specular waves and diffractions which are more abundant in the W data. The second experiment had three parts modelling the fault zone with different layering complexity. It proved that frequencies in the fault and adjacent areas increase with fault zone complexity, and that the internal architecture of faults can impact the frequencies in the data adjacent to faults.
How to cite: Cunningham, J., Weibull, W., Cardozo, N., and Iacopini, D.: Investigating the seismic imaging of faults using PS data from the Snøhvit field, Barents Sea, and forward seismic modelling , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16322, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16322, 2021.
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PS seismic data from the Snøhvit field are compared with forward seismic modelling to understand the effect of azimuthal separation and incidence angle on the imaging of faults. Two faults, one oriented oblique to the survey and one approximately parallel to the survey were chosen. Azimuthally separated W (source is W relative to receivers) and E (source E relative to receivers) data demonstrate that fault imaging is more affected by azimuth when the faults are oblique to the survey orientation, and W data image the faults better. Partial stack data show that with increasing incidence angle there is a systematic improvement in the quality of fault imaging in both the E and W data. In addition, the frequency content of seismic waves back-scattered from within and around fault zones is analysed in the Snøhvit data. Low-medium frequencies are dominant within fault zones, compared with higher frequencies in adjacent areas and haloes of medium frequencies surrounding the faults. Two synthetic experiments support the azimuth, incidence angle and frequency observations. In the first experiment, the fault is modelled as a planar discontinuity and the data were processed in the same way as the Snøhvit data (into separate azimuths and incidence angle stacks). The first experiment confirms a strengthening in the seismic signal from faults in the W data. This is due to the interaction of specular waves and diffractions which are more abundant in the W data. The second experiment had three parts modelling the fault zone with different layering complexity. It proved that frequencies in the fault and adjacent areas increase with fault zone complexity, and that the internal architecture of faults can impact the frequencies in the data adjacent to faults.
How to cite: Cunningham, J., Weibull, W., Cardozo, N., and Iacopini, D.: Investigating the seismic imaging of faults using PS data from the Snøhvit field, Barents Sea, and forward seismic modelling , EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16322, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16322, 2021.
EGU21-14384 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Shallow Imaging of Gas and Hydrate Using the Deep-towed ACS Data in Joetsu Basin, Niigata, JapanFernando Hutapea, Takeshi Tsuji, Masafumi Katou, and Eiichi Asakawa
The deep-towed Autonomous Continuous Seismic (ACS) is a deep-towed marine seismic acquisition method. The ACS utilizes high frequency seismic source (ranging from 700 Hz to 2300 Hz) and multi-channel receivers that both source and receivers can be located close the seafloor. Moreover, the ACS is suitable to obtain high-resolution image of shallow geological structures. Since ACS data acquisition can be operated near the seafloor, the ocean (strong) current makes the position of both receivers and sources irregular (unstable) and it is hard to measure the absolute depth of both receivers and sources. During data processing, the unstable depth of both sources and receivers not only make the recorded seismic reflection curve (hyperbolic curve) rugged, but also makes the velocity analysis process more difficult because the velocity semblance is not clear. In this study, we propose a processing scheme to solve the unstable source–receiver position problem and thus to construct an accurate final stack profile (Hutapea et al., 2020 doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103573). We used deep-towed ACS data acquired in the Joetsu Basin in Niigata, Japan, where hydrocarbon features in the form of gas chimneys, gas hydrate, and free gas have been observed. Furthermore, sidelobes in the ACS source signature defocus the source wavelet and decrease the bandwidth frequency content. We designed a filter to focus the source signature. Our proposed approach considerably improved the quality of bandwidth frequency of the source signature and the final stacked profile. Even though depth information was not available for all receivers, the velocity semblance was well focused. Our seismic attribute analyses for the final stack section shows that free gas accumulations are characterized by low reflection amplitude and an unstable frequency component, and that hydrate close to the seafloor can be identified by its high reflection amplitude.
How to cite: Hutapea, F., Tsuji, T., Katou, M., and Asakawa, E.: Shallow Imaging of Gas and Hydrate Using the Deep-towed ACS Data in Joetsu Basin, Niigata, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14384, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14384, 2021.
The deep-towed Autonomous Continuous Seismic (ACS) is a deep-towed marine seismic acquisition method. The ACS utilizes high frequency seismic source (ranging from 700 Hz to 2300 Hz) and multi-channel receivers that both source and receivers can be located close the seafloor. Moreover, the ACS is suitable to obtain high-resolution image of shallow geological structures. Since ACS data acquisition can be operated near the seafloor, the ocean (strong) current makes the position of both receivers and sources irregular (unstable) and it is hard to measure the absolute depth of both receivers and sources. During data processing, the unstable depth of both sources and receivers not only make the recorded seismic reflection curve (hyperbolic curve) rugged, but also makes the velocity analysis process more difficult because the velocity semblance is not clear. In this study, we propose a processing scheme to solve the unstable source–receiver position problem and thus to construct an accurate final stack profile (Hutapea et al., 2020 doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103573). We used deep-towed ACS data acquired in the Joetsu Basin in Niigata, Japan, where hydrocarbon features in the form of gas chimneys, gas hydrate, and free gas have been observed. Furthermore, sidelobes in the ACS source signature defocus the source wavelet and decrease the bandwidth frequency content. We designed a filter to focus the source signature. Our proposed approach considerably improved the quality of bandwidth frequency of the source signature and the final stacked profile. Even though depth information was not available for all receivers, the velocity semblance was well focused. Our seismic attribute analyses for the final stack section shows that free gas accumulations are characterized by low reflection amplitude and an unstable frequency component, and that hydrate close to the seafloor can be identified by its high reflection amplitude.
How to cite: Hutapea, F., Tsuji, T., Katou, M., and Asakawa, E.: Shallow Imaging of Gas and Hydrate Using the Deep-towed ACS Data in Joetsu Basin, Niigata, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14384, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14384, 2021.
EGU21-1217 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
How Chosen Seismic Fault Picking Strategy Influences Subsequent Fault Analyses: A Case Study from the Horda Platform, with Implications for CO2 storageEmma Michie, Mark Mulrooney, and Alvar Braathen
Significant uncertainties occur through varying methodologies when interpreting faults using seismic data. These uncertainties are carried through to the interpretation of how faults may act as baffles/barriers or increase fluid flow. Seismic line spacing chosen by the interpreter when picking fault segments, as well as the chosen surface generation algorithm used, will dictate how detailed or smoothed the surface is, and hence will impact any further interpretation such as fault seal, fault stability and fault growth analyses.
This contribution is a case study showing how picking strategies influence analysis of a bounding fault in terms of CO2 storage assessment. This example utilizes data from the Smeaheia potential storage site within the Horda Platform, 20 km East of Troll East. This is a fault bound prospect, known as the Alpha prospect, and hence the bounding fault is required to have a high seal potential and low chance of reactivation upon CO2 injection.
We can observe that an optimum spacing for fault interpretation for this case study is set at approximately 100 m. It appears that any additional detail through interpretation with a line spacing of ≤50 m simply adds further complexities, associated with sensitivities by the individual interpreter. Hence, interpreting at a finer scale may not necessarily improve the subsurface model and any related analysis, but in fact lead to the production of highly irregular surfaces, which impacts any further fault analysis. Interpreting on spacing greater than 100 m often leads to overly smoothed fault surfaces that miss details that could be crucial, both for fault seal / stability as well as for fault growth models.
Uncertainty associated with the chosen seismic interpretation methodology will follow through to subsequent fault seal analysis, such as analysis of whether in situ stresses, combined with increased pore pressure through CO2 injection, will act to reactivate the faults, leading to up-fault fluid flow / seep. We have shown that changing picking strategies significantly alters the interpreted stability of the fault, where picking with an increased line spacing has shown to increase the overall fault stability, and picking using every line leads to the interpretation of a critically stressed fault. Alternatively, it is important to note that differences in picking strategy show little influence on the overall predicted fault membrane seal (i.e. shale gouge ratio) of the fault, used when interpreting the fault seal capacity for a fault bound CO2 storage site.
How to cite: Michie, E., Mulrooney, M., and Braathen, A.: How Chosen Seismic Fault Picking Strategy Influences Subsequent Fault Analyses: A Case Study from the Horda Platform, with Implications for CO2 storage, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1217, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1217, 2021.
Significant uncertainties occur through varying methodologies when interpreting faults using seismic data. These uncertainties are carried through to the interpretation of how faults may act as baffles/barriers or increase fluid flow. Seismic line spacing chosen by the interpreter when picking fault segments, as well as the chosen surface generation algorithm used, will dictate how detailed or smoothed the surface is, and hence will impact any further interpretation such as fault seal, fault stability and fault growth analyses.
This contribution is a case study showing how picking strategies influence analysis of a bounding fault in terms of CO2 storage assessment. This example utilizes data from the Smeaheia potential storage site within the Horda Platform, 20 km East of Troll East. This is a fault bound prospect, known as the Alpha prospect, and hence the bounding fault is required to have a high seal potential and low chance of reactivation upon CO2 injection.
We can observe that an optimum spacing for fault interpretation for this case study is set at approximately 100 m. It appears that any additional detail through interpretation with a line spacing of ≤50 m simply adds further complexities, associated with sensitivities by the individual interpreter. Hence, interpreting at a finer scale may not necessarily improve the subsurface model and any related analysis, but in fact lead to the production of highly irregular surfaces, which impacts any further fault analysis. Interpreting on spacing greater than 100 m often leads to overly smoothed fault surfaces that miss details that could be crucial, both for fault seal / stability as well as for fault growth models.
Uncertainty associated with the chosen seismic interpretation methodology will follow through to subsequent fault seal analysis, such as analysis of whether in situ stresses, combined with increased pore pressure through CO2 injection, will act to reactivate the faults, leading to up-fault fluid flow / seep. We have shown that changing picking strategies significantly alters the interpreted stability of the fault, where picking with an increased line spacing has shown to increase the overall fault stability, and picking using every line leads to the interpretation of a critically stressed fault. Alternatively, it is important to note that differences in picking strategy show little influence on the overall predicted fault membrane seal (i.e. shale gouge ratio) of the fault, used when interpreting the fault seal capacity for a fault bound CO2 storage site.
How to cite: Michie, E., Mulrooney, M., and Braathen, A.: How Chosen Seismic Fault Picking Strategy Influences Subsequent Fault Analyses: A Case Study from the Horda Platform, with Implications for CO2 storage, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1217, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1217, 2021.
EGU21-5294 | vPICO presentations | TS12.1
Mapping faults in an urban environment from borehole data (Oviedo, NW Spain)Luis Pando, Carlos López-Fernández, Germán Flor-Blanco, and Sergio Llana-Fúnez
The detailed geological mapping in built-up areas presents challenges that arise mainly from the covering of outcrops, and the erase of natural geomorphological features during earthmoving works related to urban development. However, it also benefits from the existence of closely spaced site investigation data, including boreholes, not commonly available outside the cities.
This contribution explains the procedure carried out to improve the interpretation of faults below the city centre of an urban core located in NW Spain. Oviedo is placed on a basin formed by an alternation of sub-horizontal carbonate and siliciclastic formations of Cretaceous age, over which lies an unconformable cover of Paleogene fluvial-lacustrine deposits mostly composed by clays and marls. The paleorelief over which the Paleogene was deposited results in great lateral changes in the thickness of these sediments. Moreover, the basin was deformed during the Alpine convergence in northern Iberia developing an open syncline oriented East-West. During the shortening, a number of minor faults cutting across the gently dipping Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits affect moderately the cartographic pattern of lithostratigraphic units.
Therefore, this research was focused on the preferential use of information on the ground provided by hundreds of rotary boreholes managed through a GIS-type geotechnical database. The procedure of semiautomatic identification consisted essentially of investigating the spatial variations of the boundary between two Cretaceous formations, in order to find anomalies attributable to fault displacements. In using this boundary as a strain marker for post-depositional deformation, two scales were approached, one aimed at the identification of large faults, and another with greater detail based on trend-surface analysis for fractures of smaller size and local incidence (vertical offset less than 10 m).
The research has allowed to discuss faults deduced in previous geological maps, helping to interpret thickenings related to the paleorelief, and also to recognize the existence of structures not described in the regional literature. This study provides also better constrains to the analysis of the structural relationships between the faults affecting the Mesozoic-Palaeogene basin, and the Alpine reactivation of the underlying Palaeozoic basement.
How to cite: Pando, L., López-Fernández, C., Flor-Blanco, G., and Llana-Fúnez, S.: Mapping faults in an urban environment from borehole data (Oviedo, NW Spain), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5294, 2021.
The detailed geological mapping in built-up areas presents challenges that arise mainly from the covering of outcrops, and the erase of natural geomorphological features during earthmoving works related to urban development. However, it also benefits from the existence of closely spaced site investigation data, including boreholes, not commonly available outside the cities.
This contribution explains the procedure carried out to improve the interpretation of faults below the city centre of an urban core located in NW Spain. Oviedo is placed on a basin formed by an alternation of sub-horizontal carbonate and siliciclastic formations of Cretaceous age, over which lies an unconformable cover of Paleogene fluvial-lacustrine deposits mostly composed by clays and marls. The paleorelief over which the Paleogene was deposited results in great lateral changes in the thickness of these sediments. Moreover, the basin was deformed during the Alpine convergence in northern Iberia developing an open syncline oriented East-West. During the shortening, a number of minor faults cutting across the gently dipping Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits affect moderately the cartographic pattern of lithostratigraphic units.
Therefore, this research was focused on the preferential use of information on the ground provided by hundreds of rotary boreholes managed through a GIS-type geotechnical database. The procedure of semiautomatic identification consisted essentially of investigating the spatial variations of the boundary between two Cretaceous formations, in order to find anomalies attributable to fault displacements. In using this boundary as a strain marker for post-depositional deformation, two scales were approached, one aimed at the identification of large faults, and another with greater detail based on trend-surface analysis for fractures of smaller size and local incidence (vertical offset less than 10 m).
The research has allowed to discuss faults deduced in previous geological maps, helping to interpret thickenings related to the paleorelief, and also to recognize the existence of structures not described in the regional literature. This study provides also better constrains to the analysis of the structural relationships between the faults affecting the Mesozoic-Palaeogene basin, and the Alpine reactivation of the underlying Palaeozoic basement.
How to cite: Pando, L., López-Fernández, C., Flor-Blanco, G., and Llana-Fúnez, S.: Mapping faults in an urban environment from borehole data (Oviedo, NW Spain), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5294, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5294, 2021.
TS12.2 – Geometrical characteristics of geological structures in 2- and 3-dimensions
EGU21-2227 * | vPICO presentations | TS12.2 | Highlight
Fault geometry and architecture, an integrated studyAnita Torabi, Behzad Alaei, and Audun Libak
Understanding fault geometry and processes of faulting are important research areas for many applications such as petroleum exploration and production; geothermal energy managements; hydrogeology; waste disposal and CO2 storage underground; earthquake seismology and geological hazard studies. Faults can be described as comprising a core and an enveloping damage zone (e.g. Caine et al. 1996). The fault core accommodates most of the displacement along multiple slip surfaces and may include fault rocks such as fault gouge, cataclasites, breccia, clay smear, fractures, diagenetic features, and lenses of deformed and undeformed rocks trapped between slip surfaces. Whereas, the deformation is less intense in the damage zone and may include fractures and/or deformation bands depending on the initial porosity of the host rock, minor faults, and folds (Torabi et al., 2020). Fault geometric attributes include fault shape, fault displacement, length, damage zone width and fault core thickness (Caine et al., 1996; Torabi and Berg, 2011). Currently, there are uncertainties in defining and understanding of fault 3D geometry. These uncertainties are to some extent related to the accessibility of the fault geometric attributes and the methodological constraints, utilizing biased data. Details of fault damage zone and fault core structures can be mapped at outcrop, however, their descriptions and statistical handling are usually constrained by their accessibility in the field and their definitions by individual researchers.
Reflection seismic data is used to study faults in the subsurface, although the interpretation of faults could be affected by the seismic resolution and the accuracy of interpretation (Marchal et al., 2003; Lohr et al., 2008; Iacopini et al., 2016; Torabi et al., 2016). Utilizing seismic attributes, we are able to directly images faults from seismic without a need for interpretation. Using this method, we extracted fault geometric attributes directly from fault images in the fault attribute volumes and studied the 3D shape and displacement distribution of faults (Torabi et al., 2019). By integrating spectral decomposition with seismic attribute workflows, we created enhanced fault attribute volumes with a high resolution, allowing us to detect, and map fault damaged zone (fault damage zone plus fault core in outcrop scale) in seismic data (Alaei and Torabi, 2017). Finally, we integrated the data from outcrop and seismic study in the scaling relations between the faults geometric attributes in order to predict the fault geometry in the subsurface.
How to cite: Torabi, A., Alaei, B., and Libak, A.: Fault geometry and architecture, an integrated study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2227, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2227, 2021.
Understanding fault geometry and processes of faulting are important research areas for many applications such as petroleum exploration and production; geothermal energy managements; hydrogeology; waste disposal and CO2 storage underground; earthquake seismology and geological hazard studies. Faults can be described as comprising a core and an enveloping damage zone (e.g. Caine et al. 1996). The fault core accommodates most of the displacement along multiple slip surfaces and may include fault rocks such as fault gouge, cataclasites, breccia, clay smear, fractures, diagenetic features, and lenses of deformed and undeformed rocks trapped between slip surfaces. Whereas, the deformation is less intense in the damage zone and may include fractures and/or deformation bands depending on the initial porosity of the host rock, minor faults, and folds (Torabi et al., 2020). Fault geometric attributes include fault shape, fault displacement, length, damage zone width and fault core thickness (Caine et al., 1996; Torabi and Berg, 2011). Currently, there are uncertainties in defining and understanding of fault 3D geometry. These uncertainties are to some extent related to the accessibility of the fault geometric attributes and the methodological constraints, utilizing biased data. Details of fault damage zone and fault core structures can be mapped at outcrop, however, their descriptions and statistical handling are usually constrained by their accessibility in the field and their definitions by individual researchers.
Reflection seismic data is used to study faults in the subsurface, although the interpretation of faults could be affected by the seismic resolution and the accuracy of interpretation (Marchal et al., 2003; Lohr et al., 2008; Iacopini et al., 2016; Torabi et al., 2016). Utilizing seismic attributes, we are able to directly images faults from seismic without a need for interpretation. Using this method, we extracted fault geometric attributes directly from fault images in the fault attribute volumes and studied the 3D shape and displacement distribution of faults (Torabi et al., 2019). By integrating spectral decomposition with seismic attribute workflows, we created enhanced fault attribute volumes with a high resolution, allowing us to detect, and map fault damaged zone (fault damage zone plus fault core in outcrop scale) in seismic data (Alaei and Torabi, 2017). Finally, we integrated the data from outcrop and seismic study in the scaling relations between the faults geometric attributes in order to predict the fault geometry in the subsurface.
How to cite: Torabi, A., Alaei, B., and Libak, A.: Fault geometry and architecture, an integrated study, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2227, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2227, 2021.
EGU21-2229 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Numerical simulation of structural growth in the Lebanese restraining bends, Dead Sea fault systemJakub Fedorik, Francesco E. Maesano, and Abdulkader M. Alafifi
Strike-slip structures are rarely validated because commonly used 2D restoration techniques are not applicable. Here we present the results of 3D numerical simulation of the restraining bends in Lebanon using boundary element methods of fault deformation implemented in MOVE™. The Lebanon restraining bend is the largest transpressional feature along the Dead Sea Transform (DST), and consists of two mountain ranges: Mount Lebanon on the west, dominated by the active Yammouneh fault, and the Anti-Lebanon Range to the east, influenced by the Serghaya and other faults. We built a new 3D geometrical model of the fault surfaces based on previous mapping of faults onshore and offshore Lebanon, complemented by interpretation of satellite images and DEM, and analogy with experimental models of restraining bend or transpressional structures. The model was simulated in response to the regional stress produced by the left-lateral displacement of the Arabian plate. The simulation accurately predicted the shape and magnitude of positive and negative topographic changes and faults slip directions throughout Lebanon. Furthermore, this simulation supports the hypothesis that the formation of the Anti-Lebanon Range was influenced by the intersection of the DST with the older Palmyrides belt, resulting in failed restraining bend. In contrast, the structure of Mt. Lebanon is similar to laboratory experiments of a restraining bend without inheritance. In addition, our simulation presents an approach of how strike-slip structural models may be validated in areas where subsurface data are limited.
How to cite: Fedorik, J., E. Maesano, F., and M. Alafifi, A.: Numerical simulation of structural growth in the Lebanese restraining bends, Dead Sea fault system, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2229, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2229, 2021.
Strike-slip structures are rarely validated because commonly used 2D restoration techniques are not applicable. Here we present the results of 3D numerical simulation of the restraining bends in Lebanon using boundary element methods of fault deformation implemented in MOVE™. The Lebanon restraining bend is the largest transpressional feature along the Dead Sea Transform (DST), and consists of two mountain ranges: Mount Lebanon on the west, dominated by the active Yammouneh fault, and the Anti-Lebanon Range to the east, influenced by the Serghaya and other faults. We built a new 3D geometrical model of the fault surfaces based on previous mapping of faults onshore and offshore Lebanon, complemented by interpretation of satellite images and DEM, and analogy with experimental models of restraining bend or transpressional structures. The model was simulated in response to the regional stress produced by the left-lateral displacement of the Arabian plate. The simulation accurately predicted the shape and magnitude of positive and negative topographic changes and faults slip directions throughout Lebanon. Furthermore, this simulation supports the hypothesis that the formation of the Anti-Lebanon Range was influenced by the intersection of the DST with the older Palmyrides belt, resulting in failed restraining bend. In contrast, the structure of Mt. Lebanon is similar to laboratory experiments of a restraining bend without inheritance. In addition, our simulation presents an approach of how strike-slip structural models may be validated in areas where subsurface data are limited.
How to cite: Fedorik, J., E. Maesano, F., and M. Alafifi, A.: Numerical simulation of structural growth in the Lebanese restraining bends, Dead Sea fault system, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2229, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2229, 2021.
EGU21-7016 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Integration of flower structures in strike-slip fault damage zones classification – examples from the West-Congo belt and forelandHardy Medry Dieu-Veill Nkodia, Timothée Miyouna, Florent Boudzoumou, and Damien Delvaux
Damage zones around strike-slip faults constitutes important site of earthquake initiation, propagation, rupture or barrier. They also constitute important sites that host and conduct fluids. Most investigations of these strike-slip damage zones focus on plan view geometries and little attention is paid to subsurface or profile geometries associated. Depending on the presence of a shortening or extensional component during deformation, strike-slip faults do not often show straight path in cross-section. Understanding the expression of damage zones in cross-section is therefore important in predicting subsurface strike-slip faults features. The Paleozoic red feldspathic sandstones of the Inkisi Group in the foreland of the West-Congo Belt show beautiful examples of strike-slip faults with damage zones in both the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Nkodia et al., 2020). These strike-slip faults are organized in two major faults system developed in a pure strike-slip regime. The oldest system is dominated by NNW–SSE trending sinistral strike-slip faults and minor E–W striking dextral strike-slip faults. The youngest system consists of dominant NE–SW trending dextral strike-slip faults and minor NW–SE trending sinistral strike-slip faults. Field investigation show four arrangement of flowers structures along the strike-slip faults: (i) those associated with wall damage zones; (ii) those associated with linking damage zones; (iii) those associated with tip damage zones; and (iv) “hourglass” flower structures. Further investigation of strike-slip faults in the Schisto-calaire Group of the West-Congo Belt show also similar flower structures arrangement in limestones. In the Inkisi Group, these arrangements are dependent on the fault growth and propagation. Both strike-slip faults system in the Inkisi Group show an evolving pattern, from closely spaced short faults segments, to highly spaced long faults segments with few interactions of pattern.
Nkodia, H.M.D.V., Miyouna, T., Delvaux, D., Boudzoumou, F., 2020. Flower structures in sandstones of the Paleozoic Inkisi Group (Brazzaville, Republic of Congo): evidence for two major strike-slip fault systems and geodynamic implications. South African Journal of Geology 123(4), 531-550. Doi: 10.25131/sajg.123.0038.
How to cite: Nkodia, H. M. D.-V., Miyouna, T., Boudzoumou, F., and Delvaux, D.: Integration of flower structures in strike-slip fault damage zones classification – examples from the West-Congo belt and foreland, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7016, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7016, 2021.
Damage zones around strike-slip faults constitutes important site of earthquake initiation, propagation, rupture or barrier. They also constitute important sites that host and conduct fluids. Most investigations of these strike-slip damage zones focus on plan view geometries and little attention is paid to subsurface or profile geometries associated. Depending on the presence of a shortening or extensional component during deformation, strike-slip faults do not often show straight path in cross-section. Understanding the expression of damage zones in cross-section is therefore important in predicting subsurface strike-slip faults features. The Paleozoic red feldspathic sandstones of the Inkisi Group in the foreland of the West-Congo Belt show beautiful examples of strike-slip faults with damage zones in both the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Nkodia et al., 2020). These strike-slip faults are organized in two major faults system developed in a pure strike-slip regime. The oldest system is dominated by NNW–SSE trending sinistral strike-slip faults and minor E–W striking dextral strike-slip faults. The youngest system consists of dominant NE–SW trending dextral strike-slip faults and minor NW–SE trending sinistral strike-slip faults. Field investigation show four arrangement of flowers structures along the strike-slip faults: (i) those associated with wall damage zones; (ii) those associated with linking damage zones; (iii) those associated with tip damage zones; and (iv) “hourglass” flower structures. Further investigation of strike-slip faults in the Schisto-calaire Group of the West-Congo Belt show also similar flower structures arrangement in limestones. In the Inkisi Group, these arrangements are dependent on the fault growth and propagation. Both strike-slip faults system in the Inkisi Group show an evolving pattern, from closely spaced short faults segments, to highly spaced long faults segments with few interactions of pattern.
Nkodia, H.M.D.V., Miyouna, T., Delvaux, D., Boudzoumou, F., 2020. Flower structures in sandstones of the Paleozoic Inkisi Group (Brazzaville, Republic of Congo): evidence for two major strike-slip fault systems and geodynamic implications. South African Journal of Geology 123(4), 531-550. Doi: 10.25131/sajg.123.0038.
How to cite: Nkodia, H. M. D.-V., Miyouna, T., Boudzoumou, F., and Delvaux, D.: Integration of flower structures in strike-slip fault damage zones classification – examples from the West-Congo belt and foreland, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-7016, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7016, 2021.
EGU21-997 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Three-dimensional geometry and growth of a basement-involved fault network developed during multiphase extension, Enderby Terrace, North West Shelf of AustraliaHongdan Deng and Ken McClay
How to cite: Deng, H. and McClay, K.: Three-dimensional geometry and growth of a basement-involved fault network developed during multiphase extension, Enderby Terrace, North West Shelf of Australia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-997, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-997, 2021.
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How to cite: Deng, H. and McClay, K.: Three-dimensional geometry and growth of a basement-involved fault network developed during multiphase extension, Enderby Terrace, North West Shelf of Australia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-997, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-997, 2021.
EGU21-15228 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Geometrical characterisation of fault arrays in three dimensionsVincent Roche, Giovanni Camanni, Conrad Childs, Tom Manzocchi, John Walsh, John Conneally, Muhammad Mudasar Saqab, and Efstratios Delogkos
Normal faults are often complex three-dimensional structures comprising multiple sub-parallel segments separated by intact or breached relay zones. In this study we outline geometrical characterisations capturing this 3D complexity and providing a semi-quantitative basis for the comparison of faults and for defining the factors controlling their geometrical evolution. Relay zones are classified according to whether they step in the strike or dip direction and whether the relay zone-bounding fault segments are unconnected in 3D or bifurcate from a single surface. Complex fault surface geometry is then described in terms of the relative numbers of different types of relay zones to allow comparison of fault geometry between different faults and different geological settings. A large database of 87 fault arrays compiled primarily from mapping 3D seismic reflection surveys and classified according to this scheme, reveals the diversity of 3D fault geometry. Analysis demonstrates that mapped fault geometries depend on geological controls, primarily the heterogeneity of the faulted sequence and the presence of a pre-existing structure. For example, relay zones with an upward bifurcating geometry are prevalent in faults that reactivate deeper structures, whereas the formation of laterally bifurcating relays is promoted by heterogeneous mechanical stratigraphy. In addition, mapped segmentation depends on resolution limits and biases in fault mapping from seismic data. In particular, the results suggest that the proportion of bifurcating relay zones increases as data resolution increases. Overall, where a significant number of relay zones are mapped on a single fault, a wide variety of relay zone geometries occurs, demonstrating that individual faults can comprise segments that are both bifurcating and unconnected in three dimensions. Models for the geometrical evolution of fault arrays must therefore account for the full range of relay zone geometries that appears to be a characteristic of all faults.
How to cite: Roche, V., Camanni, G., Childs, C., Manzocchi, T., Walsh, J., Conneally, J., Saqab, M. M., and Delogkos, E.: Geometrical characterisation of fault arrays in three dimensions, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15228, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15228, 2021.
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Normal faults are often complex three-dimensional structures comprising multiple sub-parallel segments separated by intact or breached relay zones. In this study we outline geometrical characterisations capturing this 3D complexity and providing a semi-quantitative basis for the comparison of faults and for defining the factors controlling their geometrical evolution. Relay zones are classified according to whether they step in the strike or dip direction and whether the relay zone-bounding fault segments are unconnected in 3D or bifurcate from a single surface. Complex fault surface geometry is then described in terms of the relative numbers of different types of relay zones to allow comparison of fault geometry between different faults and different geological settings. A large database of 87 fault arrays compiled primarily from mapping 3D seismic reflection surveys and classified according to this scheme, reveals the diversity of 3D fault geometry. Analysis demonstrates that mapped fault geometries depend on geological controls, primarily the heterogeneity of the faulted sequence and the presence of a pre-existing structure. For example, relay zones with an upward bifurcating geometry are prevalent in faults that reactivate deeper structures, whereas the formation of laterally bifurcating relays is promoted by heterogeneous mechanical stratigraphy. In addition, mapped segmentation depends on resolution limits and biases in fault mapping from seismic data. In particular, the results suggest that the proportion of bifurcating relay zones increases as data resolution increases. Overall, where a significant number of relay zones are mapped on a single fault, a wide variety of relay zone geometries occurs, demonstrating that individual faults can comprise segments that are both bifurcating and unconnected in three dimensions. Models for the geometrical evolution of fault arrays must therefore account for the full range of relay zone geometries that appears to be a characteristic of all faults.
How to cite: Roche, V., Camanni, G., Childs, C., Manzocchi, T., Walsh, J., Conneally, J., Saqab, M. M., and Delogkos, E.: Geometrical characterisation of fault arrays in three dimensions, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15228, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15228, 2021.
EGU21-150 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Depth-dependent inversion of normal faults: Structural analysis of the Penobscot 3D seismic volume, offshore Nova ScotiaAlexander Peace, Christian Schiffer, Scott Jess, and Jordan Phethean
The inversion of rift-related faults on passive margins through kinematic reactivation is documented globally. Such structures form an integral part in petroleum systems, provide essential constraints on the kinematic and structural evolution of rifts and passive margins, and can be used as global markers for far-field stresses. Despite the importance of inverted normal faults, the controls on their kinematic evolution, as well as existence and interactions within fault populations are often poorly constrained. Here, we present new structural interpretation and kinematic modelling of an inverted relay ramp structure located offshore Nova Scotia, Canada. This structure is imaged on the Penobscot 3D seismic reflection survey down to ~3.5 s TWTT, and is constrained by two exploration wells. We map two major normal faults that display evidence for inversion in their lower portions (reverse faulting and low-amplitude folding), below ~2.5 s TWTT, though retain a normal offset in upper sections. The wider fault population is dominated by ~ENE-WSW striking normal faults that dip both north and south, while both of the two major faults dip approximately south and are associated with antithetic and synthetic faults. This kinematic dichotomy along the major faults is important as inversion such as this may go unrecognised if seismic data does not image the full depth of a structure. To accommodate such depth-dependent inversion, if both horizons co-existed during inversion, a reduction in volume of the sedimentary package is required between the normal and reverse segments of the fault. In this study, we explore possible kinematic mechanisms to explain inversion structure and the mechanisms accommodating the volumetric changes/ or mass movements required using fault restoration and strain modelling. Our results favour a poly-phase deformation history that can be reconciled with other inversion structures on related passive-margin segments, suggesting these could be widespread processes.
How to cite: Peace, A., Schiffer, C., Jess, S., and Phethean, J.: Depth-dependent inversion of normal faults: Structural analysis of the Penobscot 3D seismic volume, offshore Nova Scotia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-150, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-150, 2021.
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The inversion of rift-related faults on passive margins through kinematic reactivation is documented globally. Such structures form an integral part in petroleum systems, provide essential constraints on the kinematic and structural evolution of rifts and passive margins, and can be used as global markers for far-field stresses. Despite the importance of inverted normal faults, the controls on their kinematic evolution, as well as existence and interactions within fault populations are often poorly constrained. Here, we present new structural interpretation and kinematic modelling of an inverted relay ramp structure located offshore Nova Scotia, Canada. This structure is imaged on the Penobscot 3D seismic reflection survey down to ~3.5 s TWTT, and is constrained by two exploration wells. We map two major normal faults that display evidence for inversion in their lower portions (reverse faulting and low-amplitude folding), below ~2.5 s TWTT, though retain a normal offset in upper sections. The wider fault population is dominated by ~ENE-WSW striking normal faults that dip both north and south, while both of the two major faults dip approximately south and are associated with antithetic and synthetic faults. This kinematic dichotomy along the major faults is important as inversion such as this may go unrecognised if seismic data does not image the full depth of a structure. To accommodate such depth-dependent inversion, if both horizons co-existed during inversion, a reduction in volume of the sedimentary package is required between the normal and reverse segments of the fault. In this study, we explore possible kinematic mechanisms to explain inversion structure and the mechanisms accommodating the volumetric changes/ or mass movements required using fault restoration and strain modelling. Our results favour a poly-phase deformation history that can be reconciled with other inversion structures on related passive-margin segments, suggesting these could be widespread processes.
How to cite: Peace, A., Schiffer, C., Jess, S., and Phethean, J.: Depth-dependent inversion of normal faults: Structural analysis of the Penobscot 3D seismic volume, offshore Nova Scotia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-150, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-150, 2021.
EGU21-13661 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Implications of pericline geometries on 3D fold shape analysis, stress distribution and fracture analysisAndreas Eckert, Xiaolong Liu, Avery Welker, Peter Connolly, John Hogan, and Sarah Tindall
The characterization of folds is often limited to two-dimensional cross-sectional views where folds are approximated as cylindrical. This enables simplification of fold shape analysis (using principles such as dip isogons, stereographs, tangent diagrams, and Bezier curve analysis), allows for a simplified analysis of the distribution of stress and strain, and enables and the analysis and visualization of folding associated fractures. However, in a heterogenous medium folds have to terminate somewhere, resulting in more complex three-dimensional geometries. In this study, a 3D finite element modeling approach using a Maxwell visco-elastic rheology is utilized to simulate 3D periclinal folds resulting from single layer buckle folding. With respect to fold shape analysis, we use the forward modeled pericline geometries to demonstrate that geometrical attitude data collected for various cross sections and plotted using traditional 2D methods such as stereographs and tangent diagrams may lead to the misinterpretation of the fold shape as conical. In contrast 3D geometric data such as Gaussian curvature can describe and quantify the 3D fold geometry in its entirety. With respect to folding associated fracture analysis, the 3D modeling results show that shear fractures of various orientations in the fold limb, which cannot be intuitively explained by the strain/stress regimes during 2D buckling and require unrealistic boundary conditions, are feasible to occur during a single deformation event during the development of a pericline. In summary, accounting for the true 3D geometry of buckle fold structures will lead to a better classification of folds, a better understanding of the processes and parameters affecting their development, and enable post-folding failure analysis.
How to cite: Eckert, A., Liu, X., Welker, A., Connolly, P., Hogan, J., and Tindall, S.: Implications of pericline geometries on 3D fold shape analysis, stress distribution and fracture analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13661, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13661, 2021.
The characterization of folds is often limited to two-dimensional cross-sectional views where folds are approximated as cylindrical. This enables simplification of fold shape analysis (using principles such as dip isogons, stereographs, tangent diagrams, and Bezier curve analysis), allows for a simplified analysis of the distribution of stress and strain, and enables and the analysis and visualization of folding associated fractures. However, in a heterogenous medium folds have to terminate somewhere, resulting in more complex three-dimensional geometries. In this study, a 3D finite element modeling approach using a Maxwell visco-elastic rheology is utilized to simulate 3D periclinal folds resulting from single layer buckle folding. With respect to fold shape analysis, we use the forward modeled pericline geometries to demonstrate that geometrical attitude data collected for various cross sections and plotted using traditional 2D methods such as stereographs and tangent diagrams may lead to the misinterpretation of the fold shape as conical. In contrast 3D geometric data such as Gaussian curvature can describe and quantify the 3D fold geometry in its entirety. With respect to folding associated fracture analysis, the 3D modeling results show that shear fractures of various orientations in the fold limb, which cannot be intuitively explained by the strain/stress regimes during 2D buckling and require unrealistic boundary conditions, are feasible to occur during a single deformation event during the development of a pericline. In summary, accounting for the true 3D geometry of buckle fold structures will lead to a better classification of folds, a better understanding of the processes and parameters affecting their development, and enable post-folding failure analysis.
How to cite: Eckert, A., Liu, X., Welker, A., Connolly, P., Hogan, J., and Tindall, S.: Implications of pericline geometries on 3D fold shape analysis, stress distribution and fracture analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13661, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13661, 2021.
EGU21-807 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
A textbook example of triply-folded Ediacaran carbonates – insights into geodynamics and geomorphology (Hat Plateau, Jabal Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains)Andreas Scharf, Ivan Callegari, Frank Mattern, Katharina Scharf, and Eugenio Carminati
The Jabal Akhdar Dome (JAD) of the Oman Mountains contains superbly exposed sedimentary Neoproterozoic formations in its core. Carbonates of the Hajir Formation are resistant against erosion in the prevailing semi-arid conditions unlike the subjacent and overlying siliciclastic formations. Structural fieldwork and satellite image analyses reveals that the central-western JAD (Hat Plateau) was affected by three folding events. Each event produced its own fascinating fold style with associated structures. The widely exposed Hajir carbonates displays these folds spectacularly. The geomorphology of these carbonates reflects the folds with differently oriented rides and troughs as anti- and synclines, respectively. Thus, the JAD acted as a natural laboratory where the 3D fold styles can be directly linked to the geomorphology and vice versa.
A previously unrecognized folding event (F1) produced overturned NNE-verging tight folds. The fold amplitude ranges between tens and hundreds of meters, and the overall non-plunging fold axes trend ESE. The F1 folds are associated with a gently to moderately SSW-ward dipping penetrative axial plane cleavage. Open to tight upright kilometric F2 folds refolded the F1 structures. The F2 folds are overall non-plunging and NE/NNE-trending, and contain a penetrative sub-vertical axial plane schistosity, parallelly oriented to the F2 axes. The youngest folding event (F3) produces one open and broad anticline. The F3 fold axis trends WNW through the Hat Plateau and the anticline contains a WNW-striking sub-vertical spaced axial plane schistosity.
The deformation style of the F2 folds and related structures changes abruptly along a NNE-oriented zone at the western end of the Hat Plateau. West of this, the F2 structures are ENE-oriented while east of it the orientation is NE to NNE. Furthermore, the amplitude of the F2 folds decreases from ~3 km in the west to <1 km in the east. We relate this sudden change of the F2 style to the western flank of a pre-existing subsurface basement horst. We suggest that this NNE-striking horst is the northern continuation of the Makarem-Mabrouk High/Horst below the JAD. The eastern horst shoulder would be at the eastern margin of the JAD and parallel to the Semail Gap. A buttressing effect along the western horst’s shoulder during NW/SE to WNW/ESE-directed F2 shortening would explain the dramatic change in the F2 style.
In summary and in 3D terms, the F1 folds were originally oriented parallel to the present F1 anticline, i.e. before the F2 deformation, while the F2 folds strike almost perpendicularly to this direction. The F1 and F2 folding episodes associated with the abrupt change in F2 style are depicted in a steric block diagram, which visualizes the complex findings, allowing for a 3D understanding of the structures.
How to cite: Scharf, A., Callegari, I., Mattern, F., Scharf, K., and Carminati, E.: A textbook example of triply-folded Ediacaran carbonates – insights into geodynamics and geomorphology (Hat Plateau, Jabal Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-807, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-807, 2021.
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The Jabal Akhdar Dome (JAD) of the Oman Mountains contains superbly exposed sedimentary Neoproterozoic formations in its core. Carbonates of the Hajir Formation are resistant against erosion in the prevailing semi-arid conditions unlike the subjacent and overlying siliciclastic formations. Structural fieldwork and satellite image analyses reveals that the central-western JAD (Hat Plateau) was affected by three folding events. Each event produced its own fascinating fold style with associated structures. The widely exposed Hajir carbonates displays these folds spectacularly. The geomorphology of these carbonates reflects the folds with differently oriented rides and troughs as anti- and synclines, respectively. Thus, the JAD acted as a natural laboratory where the 3D fold styles can be directly linked to the geomorphology and vice versa.
A previously unrecognized folding event (F1) produced overturned NNE-verging tight folds. The fold amplitude ranges between tens and hundreds of meters, and the overall non-plunging fold axes trend ESE. The F1 folds are associated with a gently to moderately SSW-ward dipping penetrative axial plane cleavage. Open to tight upright kilometric F2 folds refolded the F1 structures. The F2 folds are overall non-plunging and NE/NNE-trending, and contain a penetrative sub-vertical axial plane schistosity, parallelly oriented to the F2 axes. The youngest folding event (F3) produces one open and broad anticline. The F3 fold axis trends WNW through the Hat Plateau and the anticline contains a WNW-striking sub-vertical spaced axial plane schistosity.
The deformation style of the F2 folds and related structures changes abruptly along a NNE-oriented zone at the western end of the Hat Plateau. West of this, the F2 structures are ENE-oriented while east of it the orientation is NE to NNE. Furthermore, the amplitude of the F2 folds decreases from ~3 km in the west to <1 km in the east. We relate this sudden change of the F2 style to the western flank of a pre-existing subsurface basement horst. We suggest that this NNE-striking horst is the northern continuation of the Makarem-Mabrouk High/Horst below the JAD. The eastern horst shoulder would be at the eastern margin of the JAD and parallel to the Semail Gap. A buttressing effect along the western horst’s shoulder during NW/SE to WNW/ESE-directed F2 shortening would explain the dramatic change in the F2 style.
In summary and in 3D terms, the F1 folds were originally oriented parallel to the present F1 anticline, i.e. before the F2 deformation, while the F2 folds strike almost perpendicularly to this direction. The F1 and F2 folding episodes associated with the abrupt change in F2 style are depicted in a steric block diagram, which visualizes the complex findings, allowing for a 3D understanding of the structures.
How to cite: Scharf, A., Callegari, I., Mattern, F., Scharf, K., and Carminati, E.: A textbook example of triply-folded Ediacaran carbonates – insights into geodynamics and geomorphology (Hat Plateau, Jabal Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-807, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-807, 2021.
EGU21-2292 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Comparing 3D vs 2D approach in vorticity estimatesChiara Montemagni, Stefano Zanchetta, Salvatore Iaccarino, Chiara Montomoli, Rodolfo Carosi, and Nicoletta Fusi
Kinematic analysis of flow is becoming a well-established methodology, increasingly applied for its capability to contribute to the solution of complex topics in structural geology and tectonics, such as shear zones deforming by general shear.
Vorticity evaluations based on stable porphyroclasts method have been used for many years to deduce large-scale tectonics of shear zones with different kinematics (Fossen & Cavalcante, 2017). However, limitations occur because a complex three dimensional problem, the motion of rigid clasts in a flowing matrix, is reduced to its two-dimensional analysis on the XZ plane of the finite strain ellipsoid (Iacopini et al., 2011; Mancktelow, 2013). Therefore vorticity estimates are limited by the extrapolation to three dimensions of two-dimensional data.
We propose a totally new 3D approach based on the use of X-ray micro-computed tomography (X-ray micro-CT) that reflects the real 3D geometry and orientation of the porphyroclasts population. X-ray micro-CT allows to face the loss of dimensionality information imaging the rock sample in three dimensions and produces stacks of 2D grey-scale value images, called “slices”, that combined in 3D allow observing the internal structure of the scanned sample.
We tested this approach chiefly on mylonitic orthogneiss from an intensively studied crustal scale shear zone: the Main Central Thrust zone (MCTz) of the Himalaya orogenic belt. Mylonites samples from other regional-scale shear zones in the Alps have been also used for comparison.
The first and foremost consideration is that the use of micro-CT certainly increases the number of investigated clasts because hand samples are scanned: all clasts are evaluated. Micro-CT minimizes the problems due to the isolation factor, as it becomes possible to only select the clasts that do not interact with each other. Moreover, observation in three dimensions allows a more realistic evaluation of the aspect ratios and radii of clasts, avoiding erroneous measurements that generate systematic errors in the vorticity evaluation.
We would like to stress that using the microCT we are able to evaluate all the clasts in the sample, avoiding those which do not meet the prerequisites of the method, otherwise not possible using classical 2D thin section based analysis.
Fossen H. & Cavalcante G.C.G., 2017. Earth-Sci. Rev., 171, 434–455.
Iacopini D. et alii, 2011. GSL Spec. Publ., 360, 301–318.
Mancktelow N.S., 2013. J. Struct. Geol., 46, 235-254.
Montemagni C. et alii, 2020. Terra Nova, 32, 215-224.
How to cite: Montemagni, C., Zanchetta, S., Iaccarino, S., Montomoli, C., Carosi, R., and Fusi, N.: Comparing 3D vs 2D approach in vorticity estimates, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2292, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2292, 2021.
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Kinematic analysis of flow is becoming a well-established methodology, increasingly applied for its capability to contribute to the solution of complex topics in structural geology and tectonics, such as shear zones deforming by general shear.
Vorticity evaluations based on stable porphyroclasts method have been used for many years to deduce large-scale tectonics of shear zones with different kinematics (Fossen & Cavalcante, 2017). However, limitations occur because a complex three dimensional problem, the motion of rigid clasts in a flowing matrix, is reduced to its two-dimensional analysis on the XZ plane of the finite strain ellipsoid (Iacopini et al., 2011; Mancktelow, 2013). Therefore vorticity estimates are limited by the extrapolation to three dimensions of two-dimensional data.
We propose a totally new 3D approach based on the use of X-ray micro-computed tomography (X-ray micro-CT) that reflects the real 3D geometry and orientation of the porphyroclasts population. X-ray micro-CT allows to face the loss of dimensionality information imaging the rock sample in three dimensions and produces stacks of 2D grey-scale value images, called “slices”, that combined in 3D allow observing the internal structure of the scanned sample.
We tested this approach chiefly on mylonitic orthogneiss from an intensively studied crustal scale shear zone: the Main Central Thrust zone (MCTz) of the Himalaya orogenic belt. Mylonites samples from other regional-scale shear zones in the Alps have been also used for comparison.
The first and foremost consideration is that the use of micro-CT certainly increases the number of investigated clasts because hand samples are scanned: all clasts are evaluated. Micro-CT minimizes the problems due to the isolation factor, as it becomes possible to only select the clasts that do not interact with each other. Moreover, observation in three dimensions allows a more realistic evaluation of the aspect ratios and radii of clasts, avoiding erroneous measurements that generate systematic errors in the vorticity evaluation.
We would like to stress that using the microCT we are able to evaluate all the clasts in the sample, avoiding those which do not meet the prerequisites of the method, otherwise not possible using classical 2D thin section based analysis.
Fossen H. & Cavalcante G.C.G., 2017. Earth-Sci. Rev., 171, 434–455.
Iacopini D. et alii, 2011. GSL Spec. Publ., 360, 301–318.
Mancktelow N.S., 2013. J. Struct. Geol., 46, 235-254.
Montemagni C. et alii, 2020. Terra Nova, 32, 215-224.
How to cite: Montemagni, C., Zanchetta, S., Iaccarino, S., Montomoli, C., Carosi, R., and Fusi, N.: Comparing 3D vs 2D approach in vorticity estimates, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2292, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2292, 2021.
EGU21-4158 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Transtensional Flanking StructuresFranziska Mayrhofer, Bernhard Grasemann, Martin Schöpfer, and Marta Adamuszek
Flanking structures are deflections of an existing planar fabric (e.g., foliation) alongside a cross-cutting element (e.g., a vein) that can develop in a wide range of rock types, ranging from eclogites to unconsolidated sediments, and also glacier ice, which deforms in temperate glaciers dominantly by dislocation creep and can be considered as a monomineralic metamorphic rock analogue. The finite geometry of flanking structures depends on several factors, such as initial orientation of the cross-cutting element (CE) relative to the shear zone boundary and the kinematic vorticity of the shear zone flow. However, nearly all published examples of flanking structures are interpreted to have formed either under simple shear or transpressional general shear, although in theory flanking structures should also form under transtensional general shear. Here we describe the geometry and development of transtensional flanking structures in glacial ice of the Pasterze, Austria’s largest alpine valley glacier. Mapping was carried out with the aid of high-resolution drone photography and the structures’ attitudes were determined using traditional field techniques. The studied flanking structures develop in an area situated on the orographic right side of the glacier tongue and downstream of a transverse crevasse field. The CEs are closed crevasses containing granular ice and rotate clockwise (when viewed from above), consistent with the large-scale flow field of the glacier. The penetrative foliation, which is regionally parallel to the glacier’s flow direction, is locally deflected alongside the CEs, forming a- (antithetic) and s-type (synthetic) flanking structures. The variability of the cross-cutting elements’ orientation systematically decreases downstream as they rotate into a stable position. We compare the mapped flanking structures with model results of a semi-analytical modified Eshelby solutions for a frictionless CE embedded in an isotropic linear viscous matrix. The model results demonstrate that a variety of a- and s-type flanking structures form under transtensional shear flow for a broad range of kinematic vorticity numbers and initial orientations of the CE but also show that shear bands do not form a stable structure. On the other hand, s-type flanking folds may be diagnostic for transtension because they form stable structures (but still accumulate displacement) when the CE has been rotated parallel to the fabric attractor, which is oblique to the shear zone boundary under transtension. Because of the abundance of shear bands and the lack of s-type flanking structures in natural rocks we speculate that transtensional ductile shear zones rarely occur in nature.
How to cite: Mayrhofer, F., Grasemann, B., Schöpfer, M., and Adamuszek, M.: Transtensional Flanking Structures, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4158, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4158, 2021.
Flanking structures are deflections of an existing planar fabric (e.g., foliation) alongside a cross-cutting element (e.g., a vein) that can develop in a wide range of rock types, ranging from eclogites to unconsolidated sediments, and also glacier ice, which deforms in temperate glaciers dominantly by dislocation creep and can be considered as a monomineralic metamorphic rock analogue. The finite geometry of flanking structures depends on several factors, such as initial orientation of the cross-cutting element (CE) relative to the shear zone boundary and the kinematic vorticity of the shear zone flow. However, nearly all published examples of flanking structures are interpreted to have formed either under simple shear or transpressional general shear, although in theory flanking structures should also form under transtensional general shear. Here we describe the geometry and development of transtensional flanking structures in glacial ice of the Pasterze, Austria’s largest alpine valley glacier. Mapping was carried out with the aid of high-resolution drone photography and the structures’ attitudes were determined using traditional field techniques. The studied flanking structures develop in an area situated on the orographic right side of the glacier tongue and downstream of a transverse crevasse field. The CEs are closed crevasses containing granular ice and rotate clockwise (when viewed from above), consistent with the large-scale flow field of the glacier. The penetrative foliation, which is regionally parallel to the glacier’s flow direction, is locally deflected alongside the CEs, forming a- (antithetic) and s-type (synthetic) flanking structures. The variability of the cross-cutting elements’ orientation systematically decreases downstream as they rotate into a stable position. We compare the mapped flanking structures with model results of a semi-analytical modified Eshelby solutions for a frictionless CE embedded in an isotropic linear viscous matrix. The model results demonstrate that a variety of a- and s-type flanking structures form under transtensional shear flow for a broad range of kinematic vorticity numbers and initial orientations of the CE but also show that shear bands do not form a stable structure. On the other hand, s-type flanking folds may be diagnostic for transtension because they form stable structures (but still accumulate displacement) when the CE has been rotated parallel to the fabric attractor, which is oblique to the shear zone boundary under transtension. Because of the abundance of shear bands and the lack of s-type flanking structures in natural rocks we speculate that transtensional ductile shear zones rarely occur in nature.
How to cite: Mayrhofer, F., Grasemann, B., Schöpfer, M., and Adamuszek, M.: Transtensional Flanking Structures, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4158, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4158, 2021.
EGU21-8993 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Role of impurities within the salt layers on the long-term rheological variations within the evaporite sequence. A case study from the Ocnele Mari salt mine, RomaniaMarta Adamuszek, Dan M. Tamas, Jessica Barabasch, and Janos L. Urai
To predict long-term evolution of underground storage caverns and nuclear waste repositories, information about the mechanical behaviour of halite-dominated evaporites at time scales far longer than possible in the laboratory is critical for safe design and operation. In this project, we aim to interpret the long-term properties of rock salt based on the analysis of natural tectonic structures such as folds that developed over geological time scale. Fold geometry is a sensitive parameter to the rheological properties of the layers and thus it is valuable in the process of deciphering their mechanical behaviour.
We analyse the excellent exposures of layered, folded rock salt in Ocnele Mari salt mine in the Southern Carpathians of Romania. The formation is composed of over 90% of halite, where distinct layering demonstrates variation in the amount of impurities. The layers are millimetres to metres thick and show fold shapes on various scales forming spectacular multiwavelength structures. Our detailed analysis of these structures included field measurements, microanalysis, and 3D model reconstruction models using photogrammetry techniques. Our data clearly indicate that the sequence must be mechanically stratified.
In selected pillars, we digitized folded packages and estimated the relative layer thicknesses based on the assumption of plane strain deformation and no-volume change in the deformed rock mass. The layer thicknesses are then employed to constrain initial geometries for the numerical analysis. With an assumption of the constant fold arclength, we estimate the minimum amount of bulk shortening to be ca. 70-80%. Using FOLDER [1], a numerical tool for analysing the deformation in layered rock, we used different rheological properties of the layers to model the evolving the fold structures after 80% of shortening. For a range of values of viscosity ratio (Newtonian and Power-law) between the layers, our results are very similar to the fold shape pattern observed in the field. Systematic analysis of various models allowed us to constrain the mechanical properties of the formation.
The field observation and numerical data clearly show that the evaporite sequence within the Ocnele Mari salt is mechanically heterogeneous and anisotropic. The long-term viscosity ratio of the layers depends on the amount of impurities and their type. Even a small amount of impurities within the layer can significantly change the viscosity of rock salt. We estimated that viscosity ratio between the selected layers can reach up to 20-30. This points to a significant mechanical anisotropy, even in relatively pure halite deposits. The presence of layers of anhydrite, clay, K-Mg salts etc. will further increase this anisotropy.
[1] Adamuszek, M., Dabrowski, M., Schmid, D.W., 2016. Folder: a numerical tool to simulate the development of structures in layered media. J. Struct. Geol. 84, 85–101.
How to cite: Adamuszek, M., Tamas, D. M., Barabasch, J., and Urai, J. L.: Role of impurities within the salt layers on the long-term rheological variations within the evaporite sequence. A case study from the Ocnele Mari salt mine, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8993, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8993, 2021.
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To predict long-term evolution of underground storage caverns and nuclear waste repositories, information about the mechanical behaviour of halite-dominated evaporites at time scales far longer than possible in the laboratory is critical for safe design and operation. In this project, we aim to interpret the long-term properties of rock salt based on the analysis of natural tectonic structures such as folds that developed over geological time scale. Fold geometry is a sensitive parameter to the rheological properties of the layers and thus it is valuable in the process of deciphering their mechanical behaviour.
We analyse the excellent exposures of layered, folded rock salt in Ocnele Mari salt mine in the Southern Carpathians of Romania. The formation is composed of over 90% of halite, where distinct layering demonstrates variation in the amount of impurities. The layers are millimetres to metres thick and show fold shapes on various scales forming spectacular multiwavelength structures. Our detailed analysis of these structures included field measurements, microanalysis, and 3D model reconstruction models using photogrammetry techniques. Our data clearly indicate that the sequence must be mechanically stratified.
In selected pillars, we digitized folded packages and estimated the relative layer thicknesses based on the assumption of plane strain deformation and no-volume change in the deformed rock mass. The layer thicknesses are then employed to constrain initial geometries for the numerical analysis. With an assumption of the constant fold arclength, we estimate the minimum amount of bulk shortening to be ca. 70-80%. Using FOLDER [1], a numerical tool for analysing the deformation in layered rock, we used different rheological properties of the layers to model the evolving the fold structures after 80% of shortening. For a range of values of viscosity ratio (Newtonian and Power-law) between the layers, our results are very similar to the fold shape pattern observed in the field. Systematic analysis of various models allowed us to constrain the mechanical properties of the formation.
The field observation and numerical data clearly show that the evaporite sequence within the Ocnele Mari salt is mechanically heterogeneous and anisotropic. The long-term viscosity ratio of the layers depends on the amount of impurities and their type. Even a small amount of impurities within the layer can significantly change the viscosity of rock salt. We estimated that viscosity ratio between the selected layers can reach up to 20-30. This points to a significant mechanical anisotropy, even in relatively pure halite deposits. The presence of layers of anhydrite, clay, K-Mg salts etc. will further increase this anisotropy.
[1] Adamuszek, M., Dabrowski, M., Schmid, D.W., 2016. Folder: a numerical tool to simulate the development of structures in layered media. J. Struct. Geol. 84, 85–101.
How to cite: Adamuszek, M., Tamas, D. M., Barabasch, J., and Urai, J. L.: Role of impurities within the salt layers on the long-term rheological variations within the evaporite sequence. A case study from the Ocnele Mari salt mine, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8993, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8993, 2021.
EGU21-8784 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Structural and temporal characterization of volcano-tectonic faults in the Campi Flegrei caldera, southern ItalyJacopo Natale, Giovanni Camanni, Renato Diamanti, Luigi Ferranti, Roberto Isaia, Marco Sacchi, Volkhard Spiess, Lena Steinmann, Francesco d'Assisi Tramparulo, and Stefano Vitale
The Campi Flegrei volcano is a 12 km wide nested caldera in southern Italy. In the last 15 kyr, over 70 eruptions occurred, clustered in time and space and interspersed by centuries- to millennia-long quiescence periods. The vent sites of the major explosive volcanic eruptions are associated with caldera ring faults, intra-caldera fault zones, and regionally-controlled fault systems. This study focuses on caldera-scale deformation structures hosted in both volcanic and marine successions of the last 15 kyr, exposed inland and detected offshore on seismic reflection profiles. In particular, we describe structural variations that faults display in both their dip and strike directions, and how these relate with fault dip angle, mechanical stratigraphy, and time. While at continental outcrops, except for a few exceptions, only 2D observations are available, in the offshore sector of the caldera we are able to study 3D fault characteristics using a dataset of dense seismic reflection profiles. In this sector, we have the chance to characterize and compare both the faults that bound the caldera and those developed at its center. Furthermore, by using a template for the marine stratigraphy, we obtained information on the timing of the faults. Preliminary results suggest that faults activate in a time frame broadly corresponding to the intense volcanic activity epochs suggesting a strong link between the fault activity and volcanic unrests.
How to cite: Natale, J., Camanni, G., Diamanti, R., Ferranti, L., Isaia, R., Sacchi, M., Spiess, V., Steinmann, L., Tramparulo, F. D., and Vitale, S.: Structural and temporal characterization of volcano-tectonic faults in the Campi Flegrei caldera, southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8784, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8784, 2021.
The Campi Flegrei volcano is a 12 km wide nested caldera in southern Italy. In the last 15 kyr, over 70 eruptions occurred, clustered in time and space and interspersed by centuries- to millennia-long quiescence periods. The vent sites of the major explosive volcanic eruptions are associated with caldera ring faults, intra-caldera fault zones, and regionally-controlled fault systems. This study focuses on caldera-scale deformation structures hosted in both volcanic and marine successions of the last 15 kyr, exposed inland and detected offshore on seismic reflection profiles. In particular, we describe structural variations that faults display in both their dip and strike directions, and how these relate with fault dip angle, mechanical stratigraphy, and time. While at continental outcrops, except for a few exceptions, only 2D observations are available, in the offshore sector of the caldera we are able to study 3D fault characteristics using a dataset of dense seismic reflection profiles. In this sector, we have the chance to characterize and compare both the faults that bound the caldera and those developed at its center. Furthermore, by using a template for the marine stratigraphy, we obtained information on the timing of the faults. Preliminary results suggest that faults activate in a time frame broadly corresponding to the intense volcanic activity epochs suggesting a strong link between the fault activity and volcanic unrests.
How to cite: Natale, J., Camanni, G., Diamanti, R., Ferranti, L., Isaia, R., Sacchi, M., Spiess, V., Steinmann, L., Tramparulo, F. D., and Vitale, S.: Structural and temporal characterization of volcano-tectonic faults in the Campi Flegrei caldera, southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8784, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8784, 2021.
EGU21-12039 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Fracture detection using multi seismic attributes ant-tracking in the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield, SW IranZahra Tajmir Riahi, Khalil Sarkarinejad, Ali Faghih, Bahman Soleimany, and Gholam Reza Payrovian
The detailed characterization of faults and fractures can give valuable information about the fluid flow through petroleum reservoir and directly affect the hydrocarbon exploration and production programs. In this study, large- and small-scale fractures in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield were characterized using seismic attribute and well data analyses. Different spatial filters including finite median hybrid (SO-FMH), dip-steered median, dip-steered diffusion, and fault enhancement filters were used on 3D seismic data to reduce noise, enhance the seismic data quality, and create a 3D seismic steering cube. In the next step, seismic attributes such as coherency, similarity, variance, spectral decomposition, dip, and curvature were applied to identify structural features. In order to check the validity of these structural features, results from seismic attributes calibrated by the interpreted fractures from image logs in the Rag-e-Safid oilfield. Then, the ant-tracking algorithm applied on the selected seismic attributes to highlight faults and fractures. These attributes combined using neural network method to create multi-seismic attributes, view different fault- or fold-sensitive seismic attributes in a single image, and facilitate the large-scale fractures extraction process. Finally, automatic fault and fracture extraction technique used to reduce human intervention, improve accuracy and efficiency for the large-scale fracture interpretation and extraction from edge volumes in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield. In addition to, small- scale fractures were characterized by the obtained information from the image logs interpretation for sixteen wells. All the detected fractures from seismic and well data have been divided into eight fracture sets based on their orientation and using the statistical analysis. The obtained results show that fractures characteristics and their origin are different in the northwestern and southeastern parts of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield. The NW Rag-e-Sefid and Nourooz Hendijan Izeh Faults reactivation during Zagros orogeny led to create the dextral shear zone and P, R, R′, T, Y- fracture sets in the northwestern part of the Rag-e-Safid oilfield. Also, activity of the SE-Rag-e-Sefid thrust fault during Zagros orogeny caused to form fault-related fractures sets in the southeastern part of the Rag-e-Sefid field. In addition to, axial, cross axial, oblique fracture sets in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield were created by folding phase during Zagros orogeny. The obtained results were used to fracture modeling in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield.
How to cite: Tajmir Riahi, Z., Sarkarinejad, K., Faghih, A., Soleimany, B., and Payrovian, G. R.: Fracture detection using multi seismic attributes ant-tracking in the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield, SW Iran, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12039, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12039, 2021.
The detailed characterization of faults and fractures can give valuable information about the fluid flow through petroleum reservoir and directly affect the hydrocarbon exploration and production programs. In this study, large- and small-scale fractures in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield were characterized using seismic attribute and well data analyses. Different spatial filters including finite median hybrid (SO-FMH), dip-steered median, dip-steered diffusion, and fault enhancement filters were used on 3D seismic data to reduce noise, enhance the seismic data quality, and create a 3D seismic steering cube. In the next step, seismic attributes such as coherency, similarity, variance, spectral decomposition, dip, and curvature were applied to identify structural features. In order to check the validity of these structural features, results from seismic attributes calibrated by the interpreted fractures from image logs in the Rag-e-Safid oilfield. Then, the ant-tracking algorithm applied on the selected seismic attributes to highlight faults and fractures. These attributes combined using neural network method to create multi-seismic attributes, view different fault- or fold-sensitive seismic attributes in a single image, and facilitate the large-scale fractures extraction process. Finally, automatic fault and fracture extraction technique used to reduce human intervention, improve accuracy and efficiency for the large-scale fracture interpretation and extraction from edge volumes in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield. In addition to, small- scale fractures were characterized by the obtained information from the image logs interpretation for sixteen wells. All the detected fractures from seismic and well data have been divided into eight fracture sets based on their orientation and using the statistical analysis. The obtained results show that fractures characteristics and their origin are different in the northwestern and southeastern parts of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield. The NW Rag-e-Sefid and Nourooz Hendijan Izeh Faults reactivation during Zagros orogeny led to create the dextral shear zone and P, R, R′, T, Y- fracture sets in the northwestern part of the Rag-e-Safid oilfield. Also, activity of the SE-Rag-e-Sefid thrust fault during Zagros orogeny caused to form fault-related fractures sets in the southeastern part of the Rag-e-Sefid field. In addition to, axial, cross axial, oblique fracture sets in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield were created by folding phase during Zagros orogeny. The obtained results were used to fracture modeling in the Asmari horizon of the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield.
How to cite: Tajmir Riahi, Z., Sarkarinejad, K., Faghih, A., Soleimany, B., and Payrovian, G. R.: Fracture detection using multi seismic attributes ant-tracking in the Rag-e-Sefid oilfield, SW Iran, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12039, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12039, 2021.
EGU21-12586 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Tectonic stylolites as a valuable stress archive – new insights from Late Cretaceous intra-plate stresses in EuropeSaskia Köhler and Daniel Koehn
The importance of paleostress analysis is dramatically increasing due to its application in diverse fields, such as sustainable exploration of resources, reservoir potential or storage sites. A good understanding of the subsurface geology, the geological stress-history and associated fracture and fault networks is essentially for these applications. Understanding of the complete paleostress history is not only of interest for applied research, but also for an understanding of the dynamics of geological processes in general. In recent years a diverse toolbox of stress inversion methods has been developed including stress inversion from tectonic stylolites (and slikolites). The pressure solution structures not only preserve the direction of the largest principle stress – they are an archive for the complete stress tensor and the absolute stress magnitude at the moment of their development. Here we present the first results of a systematic study of this upcoming method. For comparison we preformed roughness analysis of tectonic stylolites from Mesozoic limestone from SE Germany. In late Cretaceous the area was affected by shortening in a NE-SW direction, which is clearly illustrated by fault-slip analysis and the orientation of tectonic stylolites. During this tectonic event the stress regime changed from thrusting to strike-slip, with the sampled stylolites persevering the transition between these two stress events. With our preliminarily results we show that roughness analysis of tectonic stylolites enables us to record short time intervals during phases of contraction, and therefore offers crucial insights into stress history and tectonic processes with pulsating stress fields.
How to cite: Köhler, S. and Koehn, D.: Tectonic stylolites as a valuable stress archive – new insights from Late Cretaceous intra-plate stresses in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12586, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12586, 2021.
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The importance of paleostress analysis is dramatically increasing due to its application in diverse fields, such as sustainable exploration of resources, reservoir potential or storage sites. A good understanding of the subsurface geology, the geological stress-history and associated fracture and fault networks is essentially for these applications. Understanding of the complete paleostress history is not only of interest for applied research, but also for an understanding of the dynamics of geological processes in general. In recent years a diverse toolbox of stress inversion methods has been developed including stress inversion from tectonic stylolites (and slikolites). The pressure solution structures not only preserve the direction of the largest principle stress – they are an archive for the complete stress tensor and the absolute stress magnitude at the moment of their development. Here we present the first results of a systematic study of this upcoming method. For comparison we preformed roughness analysis of tectonic stylolites from Mesozoic limestone from SE Germany. In late Cretaceous the area was affected by shortening in a NE-SW direction, which is clearly illustrated by fault-slip analysis and the orientation of tectonic stylolites. During this tectonic event the stress regime changed from thrusting to strike-slip, with the sampled stylolites persevering the transition between these two stress events. With our preliminarily results we show that roughness analysis of tectonic stylolites enables us to record short time intervals during phases of contraction, and therefore offers crucial insights into stress history and tectonic processes with pulsating stress fields.
How to cite: Köhler, S. and Koehn, D.: Tectonic stylolites as a valuable stress archive – new insights from Late Cretaceous intra-plate stresses in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12586, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12586, 2021.
EGU21-1238 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
3D Computer-Assisted Geological Mapping with FaultTrace: Results of the Richât Structure (Mauritania) and the Vineh Structure (Iran)Robert Faber and Gisela Domej
To evaluate the functionality of FaultTrace – a tool for semi-automatic structural geological mapping of faults and bedding planes within the software WinGeol by TerraMath –, we demonstrate its detailed use in two different case studies: The Richât Structure in Mauritania is characterized by a volcanogenic anticline with associated fault systems and shows relatively planar fault structures within low-relief topography; the Vineh Structure in Iran consists of complexly faulted sequences of sedimentary and igneous layers in high mountainous terrain affected by the fault systems of the Purkan-Vardij Fault and the North Tehran Fault. The studies discuss which structural geological settings let expect a satisfying performance of FaultTrace, and what factors limit the achievement of meaningful results.
Used data is freely available and consists of digital elevation models (e.g., SRTM or ALOS Data) and satellite imagery (e.g., Sentinel-2 or Landsat ETM+ Imagery). Where available, additional data such as, for instance, borehole logs and geological cross-sections were displayed to support the mapping process. Results from the structural geological assessments of both case studies were finally compared to previously published studies in order to validate the performance of FaultTrace on the one hand, and to discuss differences on the other hand.
We show that FaultTrace aims to provide a virtual environment allowing for fast-track and optimized data generation for 3D geological models. It can be used for a first remote structural geological assessment without the requirement of being at the site. Therefore, it is well suited for inaccessible terrain – for instance, due to transportation, political restrictions, warfare, natural hazards, or lack of funding. Nevertheless, and to take full advantage of the software, users have to be aware of the limitations and strengths, which are discussed in this work based on two very different case studies.
How to cite: Faber, R. and Domej, G.: 3D Computer-Assisted Geological Mapping with FaultTrace: Results of the Richât Structure (Mauritania) and the Vineh Structure (Iran), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1238, 2021.
To evaluate the functionality of FaultTrace – a tool for semi-automatic structural geological mapping of faults and bedding planes within the software WinGeol by TerraMath –, we demonstrate its detailed use in two different case studies: The Richât Structure in Mauritania is characterized by a volcanogenic anticline with associated fault systems and shows relatively planar fault structures within low-relief topography; the Vineh Structure in Iran consists of complexly faulted sequences of sedimentary and igneous layers in high mountainous terrain affected by the fault systems of the Purkan-Vardij Fault and the North Tehran Fault. The studies discuss which structural geological settings let expect a satisfying performance of FaultTrace, and what factors limit the achievement of meaningful results.
Used data is freely available and consists of digital elevation models (e.g., SRTM or ALOS Data) and satellite imagery (e.g., Sentinel-2 or Landsat ETM+ Imagery). Where available, additional data such as, for instance, borehole logs and geological cross-sections were displayed to support the mapping process. Results from the structural geological assessments of both case studies were finally compared to previously published studies in order to validate the performance of FaultTrace on the one hand, and to discuss differences on the other hand.
We show that FaultTrace aims to provide a virtual environment allowing for fast-track and optimized data generation for 3D geological models. It can be used for a first remote structural geological assessment without the requirement of being at the site. Therefore, it is well suited for inaccessible terrain – for instance, due to transportation, political restrictions, warfare, natural hazards, or lack of funding. Nevertheless, and to take full advantage of the software, users have to be aware of the limitations and strengths, which are discussed in this work based on two very different case studies.
How to cite: Faber, R. and Domej, G.: 3D Computer-Assisted Geological Mapping with FaultTrace: Results of the Richât Structure (Mauritania) and the Vineh Structure (Iran), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1238, 2021.
EGU21-10725 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Brittle deformation effects on the geothermal area framework, in Southern Tuscany, by multiscale lineament domain analysisFederico Rabuffi, Massimo Musacchio, Francesco Salvini, Malvina Silvestri, and Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno
Remote Sensing is a proven tool to study the Earth's surface and allows to analyze the wide portion of the surfaces by using different platforms/sensors (e.g. optical and active remote sensing, lidar), giving the possibility of multidisciplinary and multiscale approaches. In the proposed study, remote sensing analysis provides the possibility to understand the relationship between tectonic structures, lithology, and geothermal manifestations, and to test these techniques to monitor geothermal areas. This study allowed us to better understand the structural framework of a geothermal area, located in Southern Tuscany, highlighting the role of brittle deformation to produce an enhanced pathway for fluid migrations and upwelling.
The studied area is the “Parco Naturalistico delle Biancane” (PNB) in the Grosseto province and belongs to the Cenozoic Tyrrhenian-Apennine orogenic system. The tectonic framework includes a fault and thrust belt setting derived from the collision between the Corsica-Sardinia Block and Adriatic Plate during late Oligocene-Miocene times. This process determined the pile-up of several tectonic units which are, from the top: (1) Ligurian Units consisting of ophiolitic rocks and pelagic sediments (Jurassic - Oligocen); (2) Cretaceous-Oligocene terrigenous deposits; (3) The Mesozoic Tuscan Nappe. Successively, the belt was affected by a regional, mainly extensional tectonics, then a magmatic intrusion affected this thinned Tyrrhenian belt to form the Tuscan Magmatic Province. In Recent time, the region underwent a general, yet differentiated uplift, and the major geothermal areas locate to the relative higher zone. This provides the Southern Tuscany to be the main Italian geothermal area.
In this study, we analyzed the area from several points of view. The lineament domain analysis was performed in a multiscale approach: from 90 meters to 5 meters of pixel size, including 30 m and 10 m. This multiscale analysis allowed the identification of a number of lineament clusters related to the different tectonic phases which affected the PNB area. The found lineament distribution (in terms of azimuth and length) reflects the geodynamics effects on the surface, their clustering was related to the various crustal stress trajectories both at the regional and local scales.
How to cite: Rabuffi, F., Musacchio, M., Salvini, F., Silvestri, M., and Buongiorno, M. F.: Brittle deformation effects on the geothermal area framework, in Southern Tuscany, by multiscale lineament domain analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10725, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10725, 2021.
Remote Sensing is a proven tool to study the Earth's surface and allows to analyze the wide portion of the surfaces by using different platforms/sensors (e.g. optical and active remote sensing, lidar), giving the possibility of multidisciplinary and multiscale approaches. In the proposed study, remote sensing analysis provides the possibility to understand the relationship between tectonic structures, lithology, and geothermal manifestations, and to test these techniques to monitor geothermal areas. This study allowed us to better understand the structural framework of a geothermal area, located in Southern Tuscany, highlighting the role of brittle deformation to produce an enhanced pathway for fluid migrations and upwelling.
The studied area is the “Parco Naturalistico delle Biancane” (PNB) in the Grosseto province and belongs to the Cenozoic Tyrrhenian-Apennine orogenic system. The tectonic framework includes a fault and thrust belt setting derived from the collision between the Corsica-Sardinia Block and Adriatic Plate during late Oligocene-Miocene times. This process determined the pile-up of several tectonic units which are, from the top: (1) Ligurian Units consisting of ophiolitic rocks and pelagic sediments (Jurassic - Oligocen); (2) Cretaceous-Oligocene terrigenous deposits; (3) The Mesozoic Tuscan Nappe. Successively, the belt was affected by a regional, mainly extensional tectonics, then a magmatic intrusion affected this thinned Tyrrhenian belt to form the Tuscan Magmatic Province. In Recent time, the region underwent a general, yet differentiated uplift, and the major geothermal areas locate to the relative higher zone. This provides the Southern Tuscany to be the main Italian geothermal area.
In this study, we analyzed the area from several points of view. The lineament domain analysis was performed in a multiscale approach: from 90 meters to 5 meters of pixel size, including 30 m and 10 m. This multiscale analysis allowed the identification of a number of lineament clusters related to the different tectonic phases which affected the PNB area. The found lineament distribution (in terms of azimuth and length) reflects the geodynamics effects on the surface, their clustering was related to the various crustal stress trajectories both at the regional and local scales.
How to cite: Rabuffi, F., Musacchio, M., Salvini, F., Silvestri, M., and Buongiorno, M. F.: Brittle deformation effects on the geothermal area framework, in Southern Tuscany, by multiscale lineament domain analysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10725, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10725, 2021.
EGU21-5892 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
Modeling gravitational instabilities in the partially molten crust with a Volume-Of-Fluid methodAurélie Louis-Napoleon, Muriel Gerbault, Thomas Bonometti, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, and Roland Martin
This work aims at investigating the thermo-mechanical conditions required for the development of convective instabilities and polydiapirism in the partially molten root of orogenic belts. First, we tested the volume-of-fluid method (VOF) implemented in codes OpenFOAM (open source) and Jadim (in-house IMFT code). Comparison of theoretical and numerical solutions of Rayleigh-Taylor and Rayleigh-Benard instabilities show that Openfoam is most satisfactory in terms of speed and mass conservation (Louis-Napoleon et al., 2020).
Then, we applied the VOF method to investigate specifically the formation of metamorphic domes in Naxos, Greece. These domes are characterized by nested structures of 2 km sub-domes in a 10 km major dome, and contain zircon grains that recorded dissolution-recrystallization cycles of 1 to 2 Myrs attributed to thermal cycles (Vanderhaeghe et al., 2018). We tried to show that these imbricated domes could result from a combination of convective and diapiric episodes, considering the hot orogenic crust as a system of horizontal layers with power-law temperature-dependent viscosities with internal heating. In both 2D and 3D, small domes are systematically destroyed by convection when it appears.
Therefore in a second step we accounted for the specific lower viscosities induced by partial melting as well as compositional small heterogeneities (inclusions). These inclusions are supposed to represent sub-scale clustering of partially molten heterogeneous material with light-soft and heavy-resistant density and viscosity with respect to the "average" crustal domain. Parametric tests allow to define the conditions for the development of convection cells, diapirs and segregation-sedimentation of the inclusions. Two scenarios are then found to potentially explain the formation of the Naxos domes. A first scenario in which melting viscosity is not accounted for, but the inclusions are initially “active”, generates local convection cells around rising clusters of inclusions. Diapirs then emerge above the local convective cells and accumulate at the base of the upper crust. The second scenario takes into account melting viscosity, the inclusions’ properties are active only when temperatures exceed the melt front, and basal heating is progressively shut down. The light inclusions then rise and form domes above larger convection cells, if their rheological properties are frozen. Both these scenarios do not exclude the role of external lateral forces a posteriori to finalise the exhumation process. More generally, we found that the domes characteristics are determined by their mode of formation. We propose a dimensional analysis to distinguish suspension from sedimentation regimes.
How to cite: Louis-Napoleon, A., Gerbault, M., Bonometti, T., Vanderhaeghe, O., and Martin, R.: Modeling gravitational instabilities in the partially molten crust with a Volume-Of-Fluid method, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5892, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5892, 2021.
This work aims at investigating the thermo-mechanical conditions required for the development of convective instabilities and polydiapirism in the partially molten root of orogenic belts. First, we tested the volume-of-fluid method (VOF) implemented in codes OpenFOAM (open source) and Jadim (in-house IMFT code). Comparison of theoretical and numerical solutions of Rayleigh-Taylor and Rayleigh-Benard instabilities show that Openfoam is most satisfactory in terms of speed and mass conservation (Louis-Napoleon et al., 2020).
Then, we applied the VOF method to investigate specifically the formation of metamorphic domes in Naxos, Greece. These domes are characterized by nested structures of 2 km sub-domes in a 10 km major dome, and contain zircon grains that recorded dissolution-recrystallization cycles of 1 to 2 Myrs attributed to thermal cycles (Vanderhaeghe et al., 2018). We tried to show that these imbricated domes could result from a combination of convective and diapiric episodes, considering the hot orogenic crust as a system of horizontal layers with power-law temperature-dependent viscosities with internal heating. In both 2D and 3D, small domes are systematically destroyed by convection when it appears.
Therefore in a second step we accounted for the specific lower viscosities induced by partial melting as well as compositional small heterogeneities (inclusions). These inclusions are supposed to represent sub-scale clustering of partially molten heterogeneous material with light-soft and heavy-resistant density and viscosity with respect to the "average" crustal domain. Parametric tests allow to define the conditions for the development of convection cells, diapirs and segregation-sedimentation of the inclusions. Two scenarios are then found to potentially explain the formation of the Naxos domes. A first scenario in which melting viscosity is not accounted for, but the inclusions are initially “active”, generates local convection cells around rising clusters of inclusions. Diapirs then emerge above the local convective cells and accumulate at the base of the upper crust. The second scenario takes into account melting viscosity, the inclusions’ properties are active only when temperatures exceed the melt front, and basal heating is progressively shut down. The light inclusions then rise and form domes above larger convection cells, if their rheological properties are frozen. Both these scenarios do not exclude the role of external lateral forces a posteriori to finalise the exhumation process. More generally, we found that the domes characteristics are determined by their mode of formation. We propose a dimensional analysis to distinguish suspension from sedimentation regimes.
How to cite: Louis-Napoleon, A., Gerbault, M., Bonometti, T., Vanderhaeghe, O., and Martin, R.: Modeling gravitational instabilities in the partially molten crust with a Volume-Of-Fluid method, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5892, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5892, 2021.
EGU21-15615 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
3D basement geometry of the southwestern Pyrenees: Insights from seismic interpretation.Rosibeth Toro, Antonio Casas, Esther Izquierdo, Emilio Pueyo, Javier Navas, Juliana Martín, Carlos Peropadre, and Jon Jiménez
El suroeste de los Pirineos muestra algunas de las características geométricas clave de la cordillera: 1) la terminación hacia el oeste del afloramiento principal de la Zona Axial, la columna vertebral de la cadena donde emergen las rocas del basamento 2) el afloramiento de unidades de basamento aisladas más al oeste (los llamados Macizos Vascos) y 3) la variación lateral de las geometrías de la corteza, caracterizada por la subestimación de la corteza ibérica inferior por debajo de la europea, con la corteza superior formando una cuña orogénica. El número, la secuencia, la cronología y las relaciones laterales de los empujes del sótano que forman esta cuña de la corteza superior son complejos y el foco del debate científico.
En este, mostramos el primer modelo 3D basado en la interpretación de 142 secciones de reflexión sísmica de tiempo disponible en la región (campañas PP, DP, JAT, JA, JAW, PJ & DP, que comprenden en total más de 1600 km de imágenes del subsuelo que cubren más de 9.000 km 2). Para realizar la conversión de tiempo a profundidad, se considera un modelo de velocidad sísmica basado en registros sónicos de varios pozos (ecuación tiempo-profundidad promedio obtenida de los pozos Roncal-1, Sangüesa-1, Aoiz-1 y Pamplona sur). Los resultados preliminares de los datos sísmicos, superficiales y de pozos evidencian que la estructura del área de estudio consiste en un sistema de empuje imbricado en el sótano que está dirigido al sur y se conecta al sistema de cubierta de pliegue y empuje que forma las Sierras Externas. El sistema de empuje del sótano está separado dentro del Paleozoico (con un nivel de desprendimiento identificado a una profundidad de ~ 4 km por debajo de la parte superior del sótano) y avanzando hacia las evaporitas del Triásico Superior hacia el sur. El sistema de empuje del sótano involucra dos empujes principales que en parte resultan de la reactivación de fallas extensionales heredadas del Pérmico-Triásico durante la convergencia cenozoica. Producen con todo diferencias de altura del nivel estratigráfico de referencia (Cretácico Superior) de más de 8000 m. Unidades de sótano en el muro colgante del empuje norte (empuje de Gavarnie) progresivamente poco profundas hacia el este mientras que las unidades de sótano en la hoja de empuje sur (empuje de Guarga) poco profundas hacia el oeste. Las geometrías de los muros colgantes consiste en grandes paneles planos escalonados que también pueden complicarse con empujes de menor escala oblicuos a la principal tendencia pirenaica.
How to cite: Toro, R., Casas, A., Izquierdo, E., Pueyo, E., Navas, J., Martín, J., Peropadre, C., and Jiménez, J.: 3D basement geometry of the southwestern Pyrenees: Insights from seismic interpretation., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15615, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15615, 2021.
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El suroeste de los Pirineos muestra algunas de las características geométricas clave de la cordillera: 1) la terminación hacia el oeste del afloramiento principal de la Zona Axial, la columna vertebral de la cadena donde emergen las rocas del basamento 2) el afloramiento de unidades de basamento aisladas más al oeste (los llamados Macizos Vascos) y 3) la variación lateral de las geometrías de la corteza, caracterizada por la subestimación de la corteza ibérica inferior por debajo de la europea, con la corteza superior formando una cuña orogénica. El número, la secuencia, la cronología y las relaciones laterales de los empujes del sótano que forman esta cuña de la corteza superior son complejos y el foco del debate científico.
En este, mostramos el primer modelo 3D basado en la interpretación de 142 secciones de reflexión sísmica de tiempo disponible en la región (campañas PP, DP, JAT, JA, JAW, PJ & DP, que comprenden en total más de 1600 km de imágenes del subsuelo que cubren más de 9.000 km 2). Para realizar la conversión de tiempo a profundidad, se considera un modelo de velocidad sísmica basado en registros sónicos de varios pozos (ecuación tiempo-profundidad promedio obtenida de los pozos Roncal-1, Sangüesa-1, Aoiz-1 y Pamplona sur). Los resultados preliminares de los datos sísmicos, superficiales y de pozos evidencian que la estructura del área de estudio consiste en un sistema de empuje imbricado en el sótano que está dirigido al sur y se conecta al sistema de cubierta de pliegue y empuje que forma las Sierras Externas. El sistema de empuje del sótano está separado dentro del Paleozoico (con un nivel de desprendimiento identificado a una profundidad de ~ 4 km por debajo de la parte superior del sótano) y avanzando hacia las evaporitas del Triásico Superior hacia el sur. El sistema de empuje del sótano involucra dos empujes principales que en parte resultan de la reactivación de fallas extensionales heredadas del Pérmico-Triásico durante la convergencia cenozoica. Producen con todo diferencias de altura del nivel estratigráfico de referencia (Cretácico Superior) de más de 8000 m. Unidades de sótano en el muro colgante del empuje norte (empuje de Gavarnie) progresivamente poco profundas hacia el este mientras que las unidades de sótano en la hoja de empuje sur (empuje de Guarga) poco profundas hacia el oeste. Las geometrías de los muros colgantes consiste en grandes paneles planos escalonados que también pueden complicarse con empujes de menor escala oblicuos a la principal tendencia pirenaica.
How to cite: Toro, R., Casas, A., Izquierdo, E., Pueyo, E., Navas, J., Martín, J., Peropadre, C., and Jiménez, J.: 3D basement geometry of the southwestern Pyrenees: Insights from seismic interpretation., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15615, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15615, 2021.
EGU21-16192 | vPICO presentations | TS12.2
An integrated methodological approach for the three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface structures: the case of Borgo Montello, in Latina, Italy.Klodian Skrame, Diego Albini, Carlo Moriconi, Christian Comotti, Redi Muci, Oltion Fociro, and Jeton Pekmezi
In this work, it is intended to highlight the indispensable significance of the geophysical surveys on the hydrogeological research and on the seismic risk mitigation.
This paper describes the acquisition methodologies, the instrumentation used, the techniques and methods of inversion / interpretation and the results of a hybrid geophysical survey carried out for the reconstruction of the 3-D geological modeling of the Borgo Montello case study, in the Province of Latina, in Italy.
The aim of the study was to test the use of hybrid geophysical surveys in order to obtain a detailed geological-stratigraphic and hydrogeological modeling of the subsoil, its interpretation in terms of flow model and to identify the relationships between the parameters that define the geological-hydrogeological-stratigraphic model with the local seismic ground motion amplification of the site.
From a geological point of view, the study area in composed by two main geological formations. The most superficial one is characterized by sedimentary deposits linked to the filling of the Pontine depression: composed by alternations of clays, silty clays and silts, with a subordinate component of silty sands. The second lithological type is linked to the deposition of pyroclastic deposits from the Lazio volcano and in particular from the deposits of reddish pozzolane alternating with thickened tuff, the so-called "Tufo lionato".
A research approach that integrated different geophysical methods, as: resistivity, induced polarization electrical tomography and seismic refraction and high resolution reflection methods were carried out to reproduce the thickness and the extension of the over mentioned deposits.
Afterwards, having obtained 5 independent models (seismic reflection section, seismic refraction section, electrical resistivity tomography, electrical tomography and local seismic amplification section) the authors proceeded, through the k-means algorithm methods, for the analysis of the bivariate dataset cluster, in order to identify the relationships between the 5 sets of variables. The proposed methodology was focuses on characterizing the aquifer potential by using simultaneously all the geophysical parameters obtained together with the stratigraphic data, in order to reduce the uncertainties and ambiguity in the interpretation of the geophysical data for a better modeling of the subsoil.
The obtained results were compared with a collection of existing boreholes, well logs, geotechnical and geophysical data. The 3-D geological models match quite well with the information determined from these previous works.
Lastly, based on the three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface structures, a Local Seismic Response study was carried out.
How to cite: Skrame, K., Albini, D., Moriconi, C., Comotti, C., Muci, R., Fociro, O., and Pekmezi, J.: An integrated methodological approach for the three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface structures: the case of Borgo Montello, in Latina, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16192, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16192, 2021.
In this work, it is intended to highlight the indispensable significance of the geophysical surveys on the hydrogeological research and on the seismic risk mitigation.
This paper describes the acquisition methodologies, the instrumentation used, the techniques and methods of inversion / interpretation and the results of a hybrid geophysical survey carried out for the reconstruction of the 3-D geological modeling of the Borgo Montello case study, in the Province of Latina, in Italy.
The aim of the study was to test the use of hybrid geophysical surveys in order to obtain a detailed geological-stratigraphic and hydrogeological modeling of the subsoil, its interpretation in terms of flow model and to identify the relationships between the parameters that define the geological-hydrogeological-stratigraphic model with the local seismic ground motion amplification of the site.
From a geological point of view, the study area in composed by two main geological formations. The most superficial one is characterized by sedimentary deposits linked to the filling of the Pontine depression: composed by alternations of clays, silty clays and silts, with a subordinate component of silty sands. The second lithological type is linked to the deposition of pyroclastic deposits from the Lazio volcano and in particular from the deposits of reddish pozzolane alternating with thickened tuff, the so-called "Tufo lionato".
A research approach that integrated different geophysical methods, as: resistivity, induced polarization electrical tomography and seismic refraction and high resolution reflection methods were carried out to reproduce the thickness and the extension of the over mentioned deposits.
Afterwards, having obtained 5 independent models (seismic reflection section, seismic refraction section, electrical resistivity tomography, electrical tomography and local seismic amplification section) the authors proceeded, through the k-means algorithm methods, for the analysis of the bivariate dataset cluster, in order to identify the relationships between the 5 sets of variables. The proposed methodology was focuses on characterizing the aquifer potential by using simultaneously all the geophysical parameters obtained together with the stratigraphic data, in order to reduce the uncertainties and ambiguity in the interpretation of the geophysical data for a better modeling of the subsoil.
The obtained results were compared with a collection of existing boreholes, well logs, geotechnical and geophysical data. The 3-D geological models match quite well with the information determined from these previous works.
Lastly, based on the three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface structures, a Local Seismic Response study was carried out.
How to cite: Skrame, K., Albini, D., Moriconi, C., Comotti, C., Muci, R., Fociro, O., and Pekmezi, J.: An integrated methodological approach for the three-dimensional modeling of the subsurface structures: the case of Borgo Montello, in Latina, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16192, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-16192, 2021.