EGU22-6157 | Presentations | MAL21 | EMRP Division Outstanding ECS Award
MCADAM: A continuous paleomagnetic dipole moment model for the past 3.5 billion years using the PINT v8.0.0 databaseEGU22-8972 | Presentations | MAL21 | Louis Néel Medal Lecture
A Laboratory Perspective on Earthquake NucleationEMRP1 – Rock and Mineral Physics
EGU22-3309 | Presentations | ERE5.2
CT scan of a small-scale fault network: 3D fault geometries and their interpretationEGU22-3414 | Presentations | ERE5.2
Fluid pressure diffusion in fractured media: insights from harmonic and non-harmonic periodic pumping testsEGU22-3553 | Presentations | ERE5.2
A new paradigm for flow through faults and fractures in the context of geoenergyEGU22-6166 | Presentations | ERE5.2
Assessing damage pattern at depth near the Alpine Fault, New ZealandEGU22-10259 | Presentations | ERE5.2
CHENILLE: Coupled beHavior undErstaNdIng of fauLts: from the Laboratory to the fiEldEGU22-5704 | Presentations | GD9.1 | Highlight
How composable software tools in Julia help developing multi-physics codes in geodynamicsEGU22-8816 | Presentations | GD9.1
GPU-based pseudo-transient finite difference solution for 3-D gravity- and shear-driven power-law viscous flowEGU22-8849 | Presentations | GD9.1
Mass-Conserving Thermal Structure for Slabs in Instantaneous Models of SubductionEGU22-9133 | Presentations | GD9.1
Testing a (quasi-)free base for modelling core-mantle boundary topographyEGU22-9232 | Presentations | GD9.1
Automatic generation of the adjoint of the StagYY mantle convection modelEGU22-9815 | Presentations | GD9.1
Assessing the robustness and scalability of the accelerated pseudo-transient method towards exascale computingEGU22-11469 | Presentations | GD9.1
Strain localization in a visco-elasto-plastic medium using strain-dependent weakening and healing rheologyEGU22-11494 | Presentations | GD9.1
MAGEMin, a new and efficient Gibbs free energy minimizer: application to igneous systemsEGU22-12398 | Presentations | GD9.1
Nonlinear solver acceleration based on machine learning applied to multiphase porous media flowEGU22-3339 | Presentations | GD6.2
Evidence for Anisotropy in the Innermost Inner Core from the Earthquake Coda-correlation WavefieldEGU22-5322 | Presentations | GD6.2 | Highlight
Constraining Seismic Anisotropy on Mars: New Challenges and First DetectionEGU22-5497 | Presentations | GD6.2
New imaging strategies for constraining upper mantle anisotropy with teleseismic P- and S-wave delay timesEGU22-6498 | Presentations | GD6.2
A hybrid computational Framework for 3D anisotropic full-Waveform inversion at a regional scaleEGU22-7184 | Presentations | GD6.2
Patchwork structure of continental lithosphere captured in 3D body-wave images of its anisotropic fabricsEGU22-10088 | Presentations | GD6.2
Quantifying the effective seismic anisotropy produced by a ridge-transform modelEGU22-11438 | Presentations | GD6.2
Numerical modelling of strain localization by anisotropy evolution during 2D viscous simple shearingEGU22-12169 | Presentations | GD6.2
Surface wave detectability of transition zone anisotropy induced by non-Newtonian mantle flowEGU22-648 | Presentations | TS1.4
In situ stress state and earthquake hazard assessment in Dayi seismic gap of the Longmenshan thrust beltEGU22-2742 | Presentations | TS1.4 | Highlight
Assessing the effect of mass withdrawal from a surface quarry on the Mw4.9 Le Teil (France) earthquake triggeringEGU22-3272 | Presentations | TS1.4
The stress memory in rocks: insight from the deformation rate analysis (DRA) and acoustic emission (AE)EGU22-4574 | Presentations | TS1.4
Geophysical research and monitorind within a block-layered model with inclusions of hierrchical structureEGU22-4738 | Presentations | TS1.4
Modeling principal stress orientations in the Arabian plate using plate velocitiesEGU22-5494 | Presentations | TS1.4 | Highlight
Stress characterization in the Canadian Shield: Complexity in stress rotationEGU22-6453 | Presentations | TS1.4
Can we afford fracture pressure uncertainty? Limit tests as a key calibration for geomechanical modelsEGU22-8802 | Presentations | TS1.4
Stress state and patterns at the upper plate of Hikurangi Subduction MarginEGU22-11827 | Presentations | TS1.4
A kinematic model for observed surface subsidence above a salt cavern gas storage site in Northern GermanyEGU22-11879 | Presentations | TS1.4
Optimizing the use of InSAR observations in data assimilation problems to estimate reservoir compactionEGU22-1324 | Presentations | TS2.2
Stochastic mechanical analysis of the stress field in a 3D thrust foldEGU22-1572 | Presentations | TS2.2 | Highlight
Effects of regional and local stresses on fault slip tendency in the southern Taranaki Basin, New ZealandEGU22-2969 | Presentations | TS2.2
Determination of the six unknowns of the paleostress tensor from vein dataEGU22-3901 | Presentations | TS2.2
Semi-brittle Deformation of Carrara Marble: A Complex Interplay of Strength, Hardening and Deformation MechanismsEGU22-7305 | Presentations | TS2.2
A new free software to reconstruct stress trajectories: the Atmo-stress serviceEGU22-8449 | Presentations | TS2.2 | Highlight
Numerical modelling of current state of stress in the Geneva Basin and adjacent Jura fold-and-thrust belt (Switzerland and France).EGU22-13201 | Presentations | TS2.2
Joint inversion of tectonic stress and magma pressures using dyke trajectoriesEGU22-2121 | Presentations | PS6.1
Spontaneous formation and evolution of a weak hydrous layer at a slab interface: a numerical perspectiveEGU22-3062 | Presentations | PS6.1
Heat flow in the cores of Earth, Mercury and Venus from resistivity experiments on Fe-Ni-SiEGU22-5975 | Presentations | PS6.1
Water planet thresholds: The topographic scope for land atop a stagnant lidEGU22-8661 * | Presentations | PS6.1 | Highlight
Compositional constraints on the lifetime of habitable climates on rocky exoplanetsEGU22-10678 | Presentations | PS6.1
New insights into the formation of the pallasites from the Sericho meteorite from EBSD.EGU22-11313 | Presentations | PS6.1
Solubility of water in peridotite liquids and the formation of steam atmospheres on rocky planetsEGU22-11544 | Presentations | PS6.1
Delineating driving mechanisms of Phanerozoic climate: building a habitable EarthEGU22-12614 | Presentations | PS6.1
A python package for fast interior modelling of terrestrial (exo-)planets using a Gibbs free energy minimizationEGU22-12795 | Presentations | PS6.1
Experimental Phase Relations in the CaS-FeS and MgS-FeS Systems and their Bearing on the Evolution of MercuryEGU22-1438 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Could the moderate-sized earthquakes trigger pre-seismic ionospheric irregularities? Study of the 2011 Murcia earthquake in the Mediterranean region (SE-Spain).EGU22-1505 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Testing spatial aftershock forecasts accounting for large secondary events during on going earthquake sequences: A case study of the 2017-2019 Kermanshah sequenceEGU22-2152 | Presentations | NH4.1
Extension of the radon monitoring network in seismic areas in RomaniaEGU22-3138 | Presentations | NH4.1
The Jun 15, 2019, M7.2 Kermadec Islands (New Zealand) earthquake as analyzed from ground to spaceEGU22-3194 | Presentations | NH4.1
Using Operational Earthquake Forecasting Tool for Decision Making: A Synthetic Case StudyEGU22-3337 | Presentations | NH4.1
Multiparametric and multilayer investigation of global earthquakes in the World by a statistical approachEGU22-4417 | Presentations | NH4.1
The study of the geomagnetic diurnal variation behavior associated with Mw>4.9 Vrancea (Romania) EarthquakesEGU22-5375 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Non-tectonic-induced stress variations on active faultsEGU22-7107 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Primary-level Site Effect Zoning in Developing Urban Areas Through the Geomorphic Interpretation of LandformsEGU22-8426 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Earthquake nowcasting: Retrospective testing in Greece 2019 - 2021EGU22-8924 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
The Cascading Foreshock Sequence of the Ms 6.4 Yangbi Earthquake in Yunnan, ChinaEGU22-10161 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Analysis of VLF and LF signal fluctuations recorded by Graz facility prior to earthquakes occurrencesEGU22-10371 | Presentations | NH4.1
Utilizing machine learning techniques along with GPS ionospheric TEC maps for potentially predicting earthquake eventsEGU22-10488 | Presentations | NH4.1
Results of the analysis of VLF and ULF perturbations and modeling atmosphere-ionosphere couplingEGU22-10961 | Presentations | NH4.1
Regional applicability of earthquake forecasts using geoelectric statistical moments: Application to Kakioka, JapanEGU22-11299 | Presentations | NH4.1
b-value and kinematic parameters from 3D focal mechanisms distributions in Southern CaliforniaEGU22-11511 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Earthquake forecasting probability by statistical correlations between low to moderate seismic events and variations in geochemical parametersEGU22-12275 | Presentations | NH4.1
Virtual Earthquakes Cooperating with Natural Hazards and Simultaneously Scheduled Seismic ActivitiesEGU22-12349 | Presentations | NH4.1 | Highlight
Multi-channel singular spectrum analysis of soil radon concentration, Japan: Relationship between soil radon flux and precipitation and the local seismic activityEGU22-748 | Presentations | NH3.5
Insights on factors controlling rockslope failure from pre-event crackingEGU22-1718 | Presentations | NH3.5
What causes transient deformations in the Åknes landslide, Norway?EGU22-1866 | Presentations | NH3.5
Spatial rockfall susceptibility prediction from rockwall surface classificationEGU22-2623 | Presentations | NH3.5
Detection of rockfall activity due to rock freezing and thawing by electronic geotechnical sensors in SloveniaEGU22-2810 | Presentations | NH3.5
Large rock avalanches into a glacial lake(s): a new chapter of the Patagonian Ice Sheet storyEGU22-2954 | Presentations | NH3.5
How does anisotropy control rock slope deformation? A discrete element modelling investigationEGU22-3023 | Presentations | NH3.5
Rock slope dynamics in flysch formation under cold climate (part 1) : rock cracking and failure mechanismEGU22-3079 | Presentations | NH3.5
Rock slope dynamics in flysch formation under cold climate (part 3) : rockfall forecasting