EGU22-1035 | Presentations | MAL27 | Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Lecture
When Geochemistry encounters ArchaeologyEGU22-13600 | Presentations | MAL27 | Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture
A reappraisal of explosive-effusive silicic eruption dynamicsGMPV1 – Advances in techniques with interdisciplinary applications
EGU22-626 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
Triple oxygen isotope fractionation of carbonate during carbonate precipitation and acid digestionEGU22-1186 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
Unraveling the secrets of the Earth through nanogeology: A correlative microscopy approachEGU22-2517 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
EXCITE: A European infrastructure to promote electron and X-ray microscopy of Earth materialsEGU22-3234 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
In-situ nanoscale geochemical characterization of organic matter in shale by AFM-IREGU22-3987 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
40Ar/39Ar In-Situ Dating of Altered Mafic Rocks in the Karoo Large Igneous Provinces.EGU22-6787 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
Self-supervised Automated Mineralogical and Chemical Analysis for Hyperspectral DatasetsEGU22-9146 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
The origins of volatile organic sulfur compounds in natural gas reservoirsEGU22-11603 | Presentations | GMPV1.1
Improving calibrations of in-house water isotope standards using CRDS and OA-CRDS: memory effects versus driftEGU22-6332 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
Implementation of a FAIR Compliant Automated Workflow for InfrastructuresEGU22-7228 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
French feedback from urban soil geochemical data archive to data sharing: state of mind and intentEGU22-8262 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
Data Access Made Easy: flexible, on the fly data standardization and processingEGU22-9960 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
The TRR170-DB Data Repository: The Life Cycle of FAIR Planetary Data from Archive to PublicationEGU22-11103 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
Data amounts and reproducibility: How FAIR Digital Objects can revolutionise Research WorkflowsEGU22-11348 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
GEOROC and EarthChem: Optimizing Data Services for Geochemistry through CollaborationEGU22-11766 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
Implementing semantic data management for bridging empirical and simulative approaches in marine biogeochemistryEGU22-11980 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
From Field Application to Publication: An end-to-end Solution for FAIR Geoscience DataEGU22-12096 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
Identification and Long-lasting Citability of Dynamic Data Queries on EMSO ERIC Harmonized DataEGU22-13317 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
The critical role of unique identification of samples for the geoanalytical data pipelineEGU22-13330 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
EARThD: an effort to make East African tephra geochemical data available and accessibleEGU22-13338 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
A workflow to standardize collection and management of large-scale data and metadata from environmental observatoriesEGU22-13382 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
Science building on synthesis: From standardized palaeoclimate data to climate model evaluationEGU22-13429 | Presentations | ESSI3.2
AusGeochem: an Australian AuScope Geochemistry Network data platform for laboratories and their usersEGU22-629 | Presentations | GI6.1
Utilizing Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Detect Concentration of Cyanobacteria in Freshwater EcosystemsEGU22-1107 | Presentations | GI6.1
New index for assessment of environment in post-mining area – Mining and Geology Impact Factor (MaGIF)EGU22-1185 | Presentations | GI6.1
Application of UAS laser scanning for precision crop monitoring in HungaryEGU22-2545 | Presentations | GI6.1
Trends in vegetation changes over wetland areas in Denmark using remote sensing dataEGU22-2711 | Presentations | GI6.1
Open data sets on spectral properties of boreal forest componentsEGU22-3532 | Presentations | GI6.1
The use of satellite data to support the volcanic monitoring during the last Vulcano island crisisEGU22-4460 | Presentations | GI6.1
Remotely sensed dune movement rates in desert margins of Central Asia over five decades using satellite imageryEGU22-6153 | Presentations | GI6.1 | Highlight
An integrated approach for environmental multi-source remote sensingEGU22-6983 | Presentations | GI6.1
Geochemical investigations of 100 superficial soils observed by Sentinel 2 and PRISMAEGU22-6995 | Presentations | GI6.1
AI-based hydromorphological assessment of river restoration using UAV-remote sensingEGU22-8296 | Presentations | GI6.1
Satellite imagery band ratio for mapping the open pit mines: A preliminary studyEGU22-8417 | Presentations | GI6.1
Impact of different corner reflectors installation on InSAR time-seriesEGU22-9328 | Presentations | GI6.1 | Highlight
Mapping NO2 pollution in Piedmont Region (Italy) using TROPOMI: preliminary resultsEGU22-10455 | Presentations | GI6.1
Large and small-scale multi-sensors remote sensing for dumpsites characterization and monitoringEGU22-10490 | Presentations | GI6.1
Estimation of maize sowing dates from Sentinel 1&2 data, over South PiedmontEGU22-10607 | Presentations | GI6.1
Use of Rapideye images from the planet platform to update vegetation cover studies in Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico.EGU22-11409 | Presentations | GI6.1
Deep Learning and Sentinel-2 data for artisanal mine detection in a semi-desert areaEGU22-11908 | Presentations | GI6.1
Questioning the adequacy of an invasive plant management technique through remote sensing observationsEGU22-1056 | Presentations | BG2.1
Thallium and lead variations in a contaminated peatland: An isotopic study from a mining/smelting areaEGU22-2352 | Presentations | BG2.1
Tracing N2O formation in full-scale wastewater treatment with natural abundance isotopesEGU22-2569 | Presentations | BG2.1
Ab initio calculations of the isotopic effects of sulfate and Mg impurities in carbonate mineralsEGU22-5359 | Presentations | BG2.1
Hydrology and -chemistry of a tidal basin (Königshafen, North Sea): A water isotope perspectiveEGU22-6485 | Presentations | BG2.1
Source-tracking metal contamination using Cu isotopes in two tributaries in the Great Lakes regionEGU22-8563 | Presentations | BG2.1
Sulfur isotope compositions in the weathering profile of magmatic Ni-Cu deposits in SW AustraliaEGU22-12211 | Presentations | BG2.1
Fractionation of stable rhenium isotopes in terrestial hydrothermal systemsEGU22-12236 | Presentations | BG2.1
After the flood: Sulfur authigenesis and isotope discrimination in a rewetting coastal fenEGU22-2024 | Presentations | ITS3.1/SSS1.2 | Highlight
Understanding natural hazards in a changing landscape: A citizen science approach in Kigezi highlands, southwestern UgandaEGU22-4168 | Presentations | ITS3.1/SSS1.2
Extending Rapid Image Classification with the Picture Pile Platform for Citizen ScienceEGU22-5571 | Presentations | ITS3.1/SSS1.2
RESECAN: citizen-driven seismology on an active volcano (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma Island, Canaries)EGU22-7916 | Presentations | ITS3.1/SSS1.2
Citizen science - an invaluable tool for obtaining high-resolution spatial and temporal meteorological dataEGU22-10634 | Presentations | ITS3.1/SSS1.2
Linking citizen scientists with technology to reduce climate data gapsEGU22-12972 | Presentations | ITS3.1/SSS1.2 | Highlight
Collection of valuable polar data and increase in nature awareness among travellers by using Expedition Cruise Ships as platforms of opportunityEGU22-279 | Presentations | GM2.7
Assessment of sensor pre-calibration to mitigate systematic errors in SfM photogrammetric surveysEGU22-344 | Presentations | GM2.7
A sensitivity analysis of Rillstats for soil erosion estimates from UAV derived digital surface models.EGU22-3516 | Presentations | GM2.7
Uncertainty of grain sizes from close-range UAV imagery in gravel barsEGU22-6894 | Presentations | GM2.7
Rapid formation of a bedrock canyon following gravel mining in the Marecchia River, Northern Apennines.EGU22-7374 * | Presentations | GM2.7 | Highlight
Expanding glacier time series of Antarctica and Greenland using Soviet Era KFA-1000 satellite imagesEGU22-7686 | Presentations | GM2.7
Comparison of deep learning methods for colorizing historical aerial imageryEGU22-7967 | Presentations | GM2.7
Time-lapse stereo-cameras and photogrammetry for continuous 3D monitoring of an alpine glacierEGU22-8738 | Presentations | GM2.7 | Highlight
Review on the processing and application of historical aerial and satellite spy images in geosciencesEGU22-9799 | Presentations | GM2.7
Coastal erosion dynamics of high-Arctic rock walls: insights from historical to recent orthoimages and DEMsEGU22-10513 | Presentations | GM2.7
Using UAS-based LiDAR data to quantify oyster reef structural characteristics for temporal monitoringEGU22-10597 | Presentations | GM2.7
Semantic segmentation of historical images in Antarctica with neural networksEGU22-10943 | Presentations | GM2.7
High-resolution topography project on the rock walls of the Mont-Blanc massif to reconstruct volume changeEGU22-11081 | Presentations | GM2.7
Extraction of geomorphological entities from unstructured point clouds – a three-dimensional level-set-based approachEGU22-12200 | Presentations | GM2.7
Terrain Change Detection with ICESat-2: A Case Study of Central Mountain Range in TaiwanGMPV2 – The mantle-surface connection (in partnership with PS and GD)
EGU22-199 | Presentations | GMPV2.1
Evaluation of elastic geobarometry of spinel inclusions in olivine and its application to mantle xenolithsEGU22-517 | Presentations | GMPV2.1
Metal migration and ore minerals across the crust-mantle transition zone (Oman DP ICDP holes CM1A, CM2B)EGU22-1865 | Presentations | GMPV2.1
Preliminary data on mantle xenoliths from the Wum maar, Oku Volcanic Group, Cameroon Volcanic Line (West Africa)EGU22-5414 | Presentations | GMPV2.1
Magmatic processes at rifted margins: Preliminary results from peridotites of the Diamantina zone (SW Australia)EGU22-6901 | Presentations | GMPV2.1
Melt metasomatism and enrichment in metals in the uppermost Earth’s mantleEGU22-9103 | Presentations | GMPV2.1
Features of the composition and structure of the lithospheric mantle of the Upper Muna field.EGU22-13175 | Presentations | GMPV2.1
Xenolith-based thermal and compositional lithospheric mantle profile of the central Siberian cratonEGU22-3092 | Presentations | GMPV2.2
New rutile and titanite phase stability constraints at subsolidus conditions in a mafic systemEGU22-3611 | Presentations | GMPV2.2 | Highlight
Perturbation of the deep-Earth carbon cycle in response to the Cambrian ExplosionEGU22-5782 | Presentations | GMPV2.2
Deep subduction of continental crust contributes to mantle metasomatism and deep carbon cycleEGU22-6180 | Presentations | GMPV2.2
New zircon U-Pb geochronology from the Ketilidian orogen of South GreenlandEGU22-9318 | Presentations | GMPV2.2
Subducted Carbon in the Earth’s lower mantle: The fate of magnesiteEGU22-9783 | Presentations | GMPV2.2
Titanium isotopic fractionation of arc derived melts and cumulates