EGU22-11375 | Presentations | MAL11 | David Bates Medal Lecture
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Aurora at Jupiter and SaturnEGU22-13335 | Presentations | MAL11 | PS Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Saturn's field-aligned current systems as observed by the Cassini missionPS1 – Multi, inter- and trans disciplinary applications in planetary and solar system science studies
EGU22-486 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Enhancing planetary imagery with the holistic attention network algorithmEGU22-1014 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Automatic detection of the electron density from the WHISPER instrument onboard CLUSTER IIEGU22-5739 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Deep learning for surrogate modeling of two-dimensional mantle convectionEGU22-6371 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
STIX solar flare image reconstruction and classification using machine learningEGU22-9077 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Automatic Detection of Interplanetary Coronal Mass EjectionsEGU22-9621 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Machine Learning Techniques for Automated ULF Wave Recognition in Swarm Time SeriesEGU22-10105 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Forecasting solar wind conditions at Mars using transfer learningEGU22-11501 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Automatic detection of solar magnetic tornadoes based on computer vision methods.EGU22-12480 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
A versatile exploration method for simulated data based on Self Organizing MapsEGU22-12830 | Presentations | ITS2.1/PS1.2
Re-implementing and Extending the NURD Algorithm to the Full Duration of the Van Allen Probes MissionPS2 – Space weather and space weathering: Active and passive processes, observations and records
EGU22-169 | Presentations | PS2.2
On the Growth and Development of Non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mars: MAVEN ObservationsEGU22-653 | Presentations | PS2.2
Proton Temperature Anisotropies in the Venus Plasma Environment during Solar Minimum and MaximumEGU22-1814 | Presentations | PS2.2
A Fully Kinetic Perspective on Weakly Active Comets: Symmetric versus Asymmetric OutgassingEGU22-1821 | Presentations | PS2.2
First evidence of carbon escape through Venus magnetosheath along draped magnetic field linesEGU22-2853 | Presentations | PS2.2
Exploring the solar wind-planetary interaction at Mars: Implication for Magnetic ReconnectionEGU22-3658 | Presentations | PS2.2
Solar Orbiter Data-Model Comparison in Venus' Induced MagnetotailEGU22-4000 | Presentations | PS2.2
Influence of planetary space weather on the shapes of Venus plasma boundariesEGU22-4175 | Presentations | PS2.2
LatHyS hybrid simulation of the August, 10 2021 BepiColombo Venus flybyEGU22-4289 | Presentations | PS2.2
Space Weather detections with housekeeping sensors onboard Mars Express, Rosetta, BepiColombo and Solar OrbiterEGU22-4455 | Presentations | PS2.2
Estimating heavy ions escape rate from Mars using hybrid model and observations from MAVENEGU22-5255 | Presentations | PS2.2
Global hybrid modeling of ultra-low frequency solar wind foreshock waves at Mercury, Venus and MarsEGU22-5413 | Presentations | PS2.2
Mirror mode-like structures around unmagnetised planets: a comparison between the magnetosheaths of Mars and VenusEGU22-5648 | Presentations | PS2.2
Observation of dual proton populations by the Rosetta Ion Composition AnalyserEGU22-6298 | Presentations | PS2.2
Global Current System of Martian Induced Magnetosphere: a Hybrid ViewEGU22-6696 | Presentations | PS2.2
Spatially Highly Resolved Solar-wind-induced Magnetic Field on VenusEGU22-7665 | Presentations | PS2.2
Modeling the variability of Martian O+ ion escape due to Solar Wind forcingEGU22-7692 | Presentations | PS2.2
Europa’s interaction with the Jovian plasma from hybrid simulationEGU22-8569 | Presentations | PS2.2
Martian crustal magnetic fields and their control of ionospheric plasma densities and temperatures