Presentation type:

ITS1 – Digital Twins / Digital Earth / Digital Geosciences

EGU23-338 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.1/NH0.1

A Stacking Ensemble Deep Learning Approach for Post Disaster Building Assessment using UAV Imagery 

Leon Sim, Fang-Jung Tsai, and Szu-Yun Lin

Traditional post-disaster building damage assessments were performed manually by the response team, which was risky and time-consuming. With advanced remote sensing technology, such as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), it would be possible to acquire high-quality aerial videos and operate at a variety of altitudes and angles.  The collected data would be sent into a neural network for training and validating. In this study, the Object Detection model (YOLO) was utilized, which is capable of predicting both bounding boxes and damage levels. The network was trained using the ISBDA dataset, which was created from aerial videos of the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence in 2018, and three tornadoes in 2017, 2018, and 2019 in the United States. The Joint Damage Scale was used to classify the buildings in this dataset into four categories: no damage, minor damage, major damage, and destroyed. However, the number of major damage and destroyed classes are significantly lower than the number of no damage and minor damage classes in the dataset. Also, the damage characteristics of minor and major damage classes are similar under such type of disaster. These caused the YOLO model prone to misclassify the intermediate damage levels, i.e., minor and major damage in our earlier experiments. This study aimed to improve the YOLO model using a stacking ensemble deep learning approach with a image classification model called Mobilenet. First, the ISBDA dataset was used and refined to train the YOLO network and the Mobilenet network separately, and the latter provides two classes predictions (0 for no damage or minor damage, 1 for major damage or destroyed) rather than the four classes by the former. In the inference phase, the initial predictions from the trained YOLO network, including bounding box coordinates, confidence scores for four damage classes, and the predicted class, were then extracted and passed to the trained Mobilenet to generate the secondary predictions for each building. Based on the secondary predictions, two hyperparameters were utilized to refine the initial predictions by modifying the confidence scores of each class, and the hyperparameters were trained during this phase. Lastly, the trained hyperparameters were applied to the testing dataset to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results show that our stacking ensemble method could obtain more reliable predictions of intermediate classes.


How to cite: Sim, L., Tsai, F.-J., and Lin, S.-Y.: A Stacking Ensemble Deep Learning Approach for Post Disaster Building Assessment using UAV Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-338,, 2023.

        Since Taiwan is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, seismic activity of varying magnitudes occurs almost every day. Among them, some of these seismic activities have in turn caused severe disasters, resulting in loss of personal property, casualties and damage to important public facilities. Therefore, investigating the long-term spatiotemporal pattern of seismic activities is a crucial task for understanding the causes of seismic activity and to predict future seismic activity, in order to carry out disaster prevention measures in advance. Previous studies mostly focused on the causes of single seismic events on the small spatiotemporal scale. In this study, the data from 1987 to 2020 are used, including seismic events from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the ambient environmental factors such as daily air temperature from Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and daily sea surface temperature data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Then the temperature difference between the land air temperature and the sea surface temperature (SST) to the correlation between the occurrence of seismic activities and the abnormal occurrence of temperature difference are compared. The results show that lots of seismic activities often have positive and negative anomalies of temperature difference from 21 days before to 7 days after the seismic event. Moreover, there is a specific trend of temperature difference anomalies under different magnitude intervals. In the magnitude range of 2.5 to 4 and greater than 6, almost all of the seismic events have significant anomalous differences in the temperature difference between land air temperature and SST compared with no seismic events. This study uncovers anomalous frequency signatures of seismic activities and temperature differences between land air temperature and SST. The significant difference in temperature difference between seismic events and non-seismic events was compared by using statistical analysis. Additionally, the deep neural network (DNN) of deep learning model, logistic regression and random forest of machine learning model was used to identify whether there will be a seismic event under different magnitude intervals. It is hoped that it can provide relevant information for the prediction of future seismic activity, to more accurately prevent disasters that may be caused by seismic activity.

How to cite: Chen, Y.-H. and Lin, Y.-C.: Investigating the Correlation between the Characteristics of Seismic Activity and Environmental Variables in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2564,, 2023.

The 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake sequence (CES) led to unprecedented building damage in the Canterbury region, New Zealand. Commercial and residential buildings were significantly affected. Due to New Zealand’s unique insurance setting, around 80% of the losses were covered by insurance (Bevere & Balz, 2012; King et al., 2014). The Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) estimated the total economic losses to be more than NZ$40 billion, with the Earthquake Commission (EQC) and private insurers covering NZ$10 billion and NZ$21 billion of the losses, respectively (ICNZ, 2021). As a result of the CES and the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, EQC’s Natural Disaster Fund was depleted (EQC, 2022). This highlighted the need for improved tools enabling damage and loss analysis for natural hazards.
This research project used residential building claims collected by EQC following the CES to develop a rapid seismic loss prediction model for residential buildings in Christchurch. Geographic information systems (GIS) tools, data science techniques, and machine learning (ML) were used for the model development. Before the training of the ML model, the claims data was enriched with additional information from external data sources. The seismic demand, building characteristics, soil conditions, and information about the liquefaction occurrence were added to the claims data. Once merged and pre-processed, the aggregated data was used to train ML models based on the main events in the CES. Emphasis was put on the interpretability and explainability of the model. The ML model delivered valuable insights related to the most important features contributing to losses. Those insights are aligned with engineering knowledge and observations from previous studies, confirming the potential of using ML for disaster loss prediction and management. Care was also put into the retrainability of the model to ensure that any new data from future earthquake events can rapidly be added to the model. 

How to cite: Roeslin, S.: Development of a Rapid Seismic Loss Prediction Model for Residential Buildings using Machine Learning - Christchurch, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2996,, 2023.

EGU23-3928 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Comparison of deep learning approaches to monitor trash screen blockage from CCTV cameras 

Remy Vandaele, Sarah L Dance, and Varun Ojha

We investigate the use of CCTV cameras and deep learning to automatically monitor trash screen blockage. 

Trash screens are installed to prevent debris from entering critical parts of river networks (pipes, tunnels, locks,...). When the debris piles up at the trash screens,  it  may block the waterway and can cause flooding. It is thus crucial to clean blocked trash screens and avoid flooding and consequent damage. Currently, the maintenance crews must manually check a camera or river level data or go on site to check the state of the screen to know if it needs cleaning. This wastes valuable time in emergency situations where blocked screens must be urgently cleaned (e.g., in case of forecast  heavy rainfall). Some initial attempts at trying to predict trash screen blockage exist. However, these have not been widely adopted in practice.  CCTV cameras can be easily installed at any location and can thus be used to monitor the state of trash screens, but the images need to be processed by an automated algorithm to inform whether the screen is blocked.

With the help of UK-based practitioners (Environment Agency and local councils), we have created a dataset of 40000 CCTV trash screen images coming from 36 cameras, each labelled with blockage information. Using this database, we have compared 3 deep learning approaches to automate the detection of trash screen blockage: 

  • A binary image classifier, which takes as input a single image, and outputs a binary label that estimates whether the trash screen is blocked.
  • An approach based on anomaly detection which tries to reconstruct the input image with an auto-encoder trained on clean trash screen images.  In consequence, blocked trash screens are detected as anomalies by the auto-encoder.
  • An image similarity estimation approach based on the use of a siamese network, which takes as input two images and outputs a similarity index related, in our case, to whether both images contain trash. 

Using performance criteria chosen in discussion  with practitioners (overall accuracy, false alarm rate, resilience to luminosity / moving fields of view, computing capabilities), we show that deep learning can be used in practice to automate the identification of blocked trash screens. We also analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each of these approaches and provide guidelines for their application.

How to cite: Vandaele, R., Dance, S. L., and Ojha, V.: Comparison of deep learning approaches to monitor trash screen blockage from CCTV cameras, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3928,, 2023.

EGU23-4455 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Traffic Monitoring System Design considering Multi-Hazard Disaster Risks 

Michele Gazzea, Reza Arghandeh, and Amir Miraki

Roadways are critical infrastructure in our society, providing services for people through and between cities. However, they are prone to closures and disruptions, especially after extreme weather events like hurricanes.

At the same time, traffic flow data are a fundamental type of information for any transportation system.

We tackle the problem of traffic sensor placement on roadways to address two tasks at the same time. The first task is traffic data estimation in ordinary situations, which is vital for traffic monitoring and city planning. We design a graph-based method to estimate traffic flow on roads where sensors are not present. The second one is enhanced observability of roadways in case of extreme weather events. We propose a satellite-based multi-domain risk assessment to locate roads at high risk of closures. Vegetation and flood hazards are taken into account. We formalize the problem as a search method over the network to suggest the minimum number and location of traffic sensors to place while maximizing the traffic estimation capabilities and observability of the risky areas of a city.

How to cite: Gazzea, M., Arghandeh, R., and Miraki, A.: Traffic Monitoring System Design considering Multi-Hazard Disaster Risks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4455,, 2023.

Earthquake-induced land deformation and structure failure are more severe over soft soils than over firm soils and rocks owing to the seismic site effect and liquefaction. The site-specific seismic site effect related to the amplification of ground motion, liquefaction, and landslide has spatial uncertainty depending on the local subsurface, surface geological, and topographic conditions. When the 2017 Pohang earthquake (M 5.4), South Korea’s second strongest earthquake in decades, occurred, the severe damages influenced by variable site response and vulnerability indicators were observed focusing on the basin or basin-edge region deposited unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Thus, nationwide site characterization is essential considering empirical correlations with geotechnical site response and hazard parameters and surface proxies. Furthermore, in case of so many variables and tenuously related correlations, machine learning classification models can prove to be very precise than the parametric methods. This study established a multivariate seismic site classification system using the machine learning technique based on the geospatial big data platform.

The supervised machine learning classification techniques and more specifically, random forest, support vector machine (SVM), and artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms have been adopted. Supervised machine learning algorithms analyze a set of labeled training data consisting of a group of input data and desired output values. They produce an inferred function that can be used for predictions from given input data. To optimize the classification criteria by considering the geotechnical uncertainty and local site effects, the training datasets applying principal component analysis (PCA) were verified with k-fold cross-validation. Moreover, the optimized training algorithm, proved by loss estimators (receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC), the area under the ROC curve (AUC)) based on confusion matrix, was selected.

For the southeastern region in South Korea, the boring log information (strata, standard penetration test, etc.), geological map (1:50k scale), digital terrain model (having 5 m × 5 m), soil map (1:250k scale) were collected and constructed as geospatial big data. Preliminarily, to build spatially coincided datasets with geotechnical response parameters and surface proxies, the mesh-type geospatial information was built by advanced geostatistical interpolation and simulation methods.

Site classification systems use seismic hazard parameters related to the geotechnical characteristics of the study area as the classification criteria. The current site classification systems in South Korea and the United States recommend Vs30, which is the average shear wave velocity (Vs) up to 30 m underground. This criterion uses only the dynamic characteristics of the site without considering its geometric distribution characteristics. Thus, the geospatial information included the geo-layer thickness, surface proxies (elevation, slope, geological category, soil category), and Vs30. For the liquefaction and landslide hazard estimation, the liquefaction vulnerability indexes (i.e., liquefaction potential or severity index) and landslide vulnerability indexes (i.e., a factor of safety or displacement) were also trained as input features into the classifier modeling. Finally, the composite status against seismic site effect, liquefaction, and landslide was predicted as hazard class (I.e., safe, slight-, moderate-, extreme-failure) based on the best-fitting classifier.  

How to cite: Kim, H.: Machine Learning-based Site Classification System for Earthquake-Induced Multi-Hazard in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4757,, 2023.

EGU23-4816 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

XAIDA4Detection: A Toolbox for the Detection and Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Extreme Events 

Jordi Cortés-Andrés, Maria Gonzalez-Calabuig, Mengxue Zhang, Tristan Williams, Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Oscar J. Pellicer-Valero, and Gustau Camps-Valls

The automatic anticipation and detection of extreme events constitute a major challenge in the current context of climate change, which has changed their likelihood and intensity. One of the main objectives within the EXtreme Events: Artificial Intelligence for Detection and Attribution (XAIDA) project ( is related to developing novel approaches for the detection and localization of extreme events, such as tropical cyclones and severe convective storms, heat waves and droughts, as well as persistent winter extremes, among others. Here we introduce the XAIDA4Detection toolbox that allows for tackling generic problems of detection and characterization. The open-source toolbox integrates a set of advanced ML models, ranging in complexity, assumptions, and sophistication, and yields spatio-temporal explicit detection maps with probabilistic heatmap estimates. We included supervised and unsupervised methods, deterministic and probabilistic, neural networks based on convolutional and recurrent nets, and density-based methods. The toolbox is intended for scientists, engineers, and students with basic knowledge of extreme events, outlier detection techniques, and Deep Learning (DL), as well as Python programming with basic packages (Numpy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib) and DL packages (PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning). This presentation will summarize the available features and their potential to be adapted to multiple extreme event problems and use cases.

How to cite: Cortés-Andrés, J., Gonzalez-Calabuig, M., Zhang, M., Williams, T., Fernández-Torres, M.-Á., Pellicer-Valero, O. J., and Camps-Valls, G.: XAIDA4Detection: A Toolbox for the Detection and Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Extreme Events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4816,, 2023.

EGU23-5581 | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Vision Transformers for building damage assessment after natural disasters 

Adrien Lagrange, Nicolas Dublé, François De Vieilleville, Aurore Dupuis, Stéphane May, and Aymeric Walker-Deemin

Damage assessment is a critical step in crisis management. It must be fast and accurate in order to organize and scale the emergency response in a manner adapted to the real needs on the ground. The speed requirements motivate an automation of the analysis, at least in support of the photo-interpretation. Deep Learning (DL) seems to be the most suitable methodology for this problem: on one hand for the speed in obtaining the answer, and on the other hand by the high performance of the results obtained by these methods in the extraction of information from images. Following previous studies to evaluate the potential contribution of DL methods for building damage assessment after a disaster, several conventional Deep Neural Network (DNN) and Transformers (TF) architectures were compared.

Made available at the end of 2019, the xView2 database appears to be the most interesting database for this study. It gathers images of disasters between 2011 and 2018 with 6 types of disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, fires and hurricanes. For each of these disasters, pre- and post-disaster images are available with a ground truth containing the building footprint as well as the evaluation of the type of damage divided into 4 classes (no damage, minor damage, major damage, destroyed) similar to those considered in the study.

This study compares a wide range DNN architectures all based on an encoder-decoder structure. Two encoder families were implemented: EfficientNet (B0 to B7 configurations) and Swin TF (Tiny, Small, and Base configurations). Three adaptable decoders were implemented: UNet, DeepLabV3+, FPN. Finally, to benefit from both pre- and post-disaster images, the trained models were designed to proceed images with a Siamese approach: both images are processed independently by the encoder, and the extracted features are then concatenated by the decoder.

Taking benefit of global information (such as the type of disaster for example) present in the image, the Swin TF, associated with FPN decoder, reaches the better performances than all other encoder-decoder architectures. The Shifted WINdows process enables the pipe to process large images in a reasonable time, comparable to the processing time of EfficientNet-based architectures. An interesting additional result is that the models trained during this study do not seem to benefit so much from extra-large configurations, and both small and tiny configurations reach the highest scores.

How to cite: Lagrange, A., Dublé, N., De Vieilleville, F., Dupuis, A., May, S., and Walker-Deemin, A.: Vision Transformers for building damage assessment after natural disasters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5581,, 2023.

Natural and man-made disasters pose a threat to human life, flora-fauna, and infrastructure. It is critical to detect the damage quickly and accurately for infrastructures right after the occurrence of any disaster. The detection and assessment of infrastructure damage help manage financial strategy as well. Recently, many researchers and agencies have made efforts to create high-resolution satellite imageries database related to pre and post-disaster events. The advanced remote sensing satellite imageries can reflect the surface of the earth accurately up to 30 cm spatial resolution on a daily basis. These high spatial resolutions (HSR) imageries can help access any natural hazard's damage by comparing the pre- and post-disaster data. These remote sensing imageries have limitations, such as cloud occlusions. Building under a thick cloud cannot be recognised in optical images. The manual assessment of the severity of damage to buildings/infrastructure by comparing bi-temporal HSR imageries or airborne will be a tedious and subjective job. On the other hand, the emerging use of unmanned aired vehicles (UAV) can be used to assess the situation precisely. The high-resolution UAV imageries and the HSR satellite imageries can complement each other for critical infrastructure damage assessment. In this study, a novel approach is used to integrate UAV data into HSR satellite imageries for the building damage assessment using a convolution neural network (CNN) based deep learning model. The research work is divided into two fundamental sub-tasks: first is the building localisation in the pre-event images, and second is the damage classification by assigning a unique damage level label reflecting the degree of damage to each building instance on the post-disaster images. For the study, the HSR satellite imageries of 36 pairs of pre- and post natural hazard events is acquired for the year 2021-22, similarly available UAV based data for these events is also collected from the open data source. The data is then pre-processed, and the building damage is assessed using a deep object-based semantic change detection framework (ChangeOS). The mentioned model was trained on the xview2 building damage assessment datasets comprised of ~20,000 images with ~730,000 building polygons of pre and post disaster events over the globe from 2011-2018. The experimental setup in this study includes training on the global dataset and testing on the regional-scale building damage assessment using HSR satellite imageries and local-scale using UAV imageries. The result obtained from the bi-temporal assessment of HSR images for the Indonesia Earthquake 2022 has shown an F1 score of ~67%, while the Uttarakhand flooding event 2021 has reported an F1 score of ~64%. The HSR imageries from the UAV Haiti earthquake event in 2011 have also shown less but promising F1 scores of ~54%. It is inferred that merging HSR imageries from satellite and UAV for building damage assessment using the ChangeOS framework represents a robust tool to further promote future research in infrastructure maintenance strategy and policy management in disaster response.

How to cite: Gupta, S. and Nair, S.: A novel approach for infrastructural disaster damage assessment using high spatial resolution satellite and UAV imageries using deep learning algorithms., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5778,, 2023.

EGU23-5913 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Pluto: A global volcanic activity early warning system powered by large scale self-supervised deep learning on InSAR data 

Nikolaos Ioannis Bountos, Dimitrios Michail, Themistocles Herekakis, Angeliki Thanasou, and Ioannis Papoutsis

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have emerged as a powerful tool to study and in some cases forecast natural disasters [1,2]. Recent works have successfully combined deep learning modeling with scientific knowledge stemming from the SAR Interferometry domain propelling research on tasks like volcanic activity monitoring [3], associated with ground deformation. A milestone in this interdisciplinary field has been the release of the Hephaestus [4] InSAR dataset, facilitating automatic InSAR interpretation, volcanic activity localization as well as the detection and categorization of atmospheric contributions in wrapped interferograms. Hephaestus contains annotations for approximately 20,000 InSAR frames, covering the 44 most active volcanoes in the world. The annotation was performed  by a team of InSAR experts that manually examined each InSAR frame individually. However, even with such a large dataset, class imbalance remains a challenge, i.e. the InSAR samples containing volcano deformation fringes are orders of magnitude less than those that do not. This is anticipated since natural hazards are in principle rare in nature. To counter that, the authors of Hephaestus provide more than 100,000 unlabeled InSAR frames to be used for global large-scale self-supervised learning, which is more robust to class imbalance when compared to supervised learning [5]. 

Motivated by the Hephaestus dataset and the insights provided by [2], we train global, task-agnostic models in a self-supervised learning fashion that can handle distribution shifts caused by spatio-temporal variability as well as major class imbalances. By finetuning such a model to the labeled part of Hephaestus we obtain the backbone for a global volcanic activity alerting system, namely Pluto. Pluto is a novel end-to-end AI based system that provides early warnings of volcanic unrest on a global scale.

Pluto automatically synchronizes its database with the Comet-LiCS [6] portal to receive newly generated Sentinel-1 InSAR data acquired over volcanic areas. The new samples are fed to our volcanic activity detection model. If volcanic activity is detected, an automatic email is sent to the service users, which contains information about the intensity, the exact location and the type (Mogi, Sill, Dyk) of the event. To ensure a robust and ever-improving service we augment Pluto with an iterative pipeline that collects samples that were misclassified in production, and uses them to further improve the existing model. 


[1] Kondylatos et al. "Wildfire danger prediction and understanding with Deep Learning." Geophysical Research Letters 49.17 (2022): e2022GL099368.

[2] Bountos et al. "Self-supervised contrastive learning for volcanic unrest detection." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19 (2021): 1-5.

[3] Bountos et al. "Learning from Synthetic InSAR with Vision Transformers: The case of volcanic unrest detection." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2022).

[4] Bountos et al. "Hephaestus: A large scale multitask dataset towards InSAR understanding." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF CVPR. 2022.

[5] Liu et al. "Self-supervised learning is more robust to dataset imbalance." arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05025 (2021).

[6] Lazecký et al. "LiCSAR: An automatic InSAR tool for measuring and monitoring tectonic and volcanic activity." Remote Sensing 12.15 (2020): 2430.

How to cite: Bountos, N. I., Michail, D., Herekakis, T., Thanasou, A., and Papoutsis, I.: Pluto: A global volcanic activity early warning system powered by large scale self-supervised deep learning on InSAR data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5913,, 2023.

It has become increasingly apparent over the past few decades that environmental degradation is something of a common concern for humanity and it is difficult to deny that the present environmental problems are caused primarily by anthropogenic activities rather than natural causes.

To minimize disaster’s risk, the role of geospatial science and technology may be a terribly helpful and necessary technique for hazard zone mapping throughout emergency conditions. 

This approach can definitively help predict harmful events, but also to mitigate damage to the environment from events that cannot be efficiently predicted.

With detailed information obtained through various dataset, decision making has become simpler. This fact is crucial for a quick and effective response to any disaster. Remote sensing, in particular RADAR/SAR data, help in managing a disaster at various stages. 

Prevention for example refers to the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters; preparedness refers to the knowledge and capacities to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions.

Finally relief is the provision of emergency services after a disaster in order to reduce damage to environment and people.

Thanks to the opportunity proposed by ASI (Italian Space Agency) to use COSMO-SkyMed data, in NeMeA Sistemi srl we developed two projects: “Ventimiglia Legalità”, “Edilizia Spontanea” and 3xA.

Their main objective is to detect illegal buildings not present in the land Legal registry.

We developed new and innovative technologies using integrated data for the monitoring and protection of environmental and anthropogenic health, in coastal and nearby areas. 

3xA project addresses the highly challenging problem of automatically detecting changes from a time series of high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. In this context, to fully leverage the potential of such data, an innovative machine learning based approach has been developed. 

The project is characterized by an end-to-end training and inference system which takes as input two raw images and produces a vectorized change map without any human supervision.

More into the details, it takes as input two SAR acquisitions at time t1 and t2, the acquisitions are firstly pre-processed, homogenised and finally undergo a completely self-supervised algorithm which takes advantage of DNNs to classify changed/unchanged areas. This method shows promising results in automatically producing a change map from two input SAR images (Stripmap or Spotlight COSMO-SkyMed data), with 98% accuracy.

Being the process automated, results are produced faster than similar products generated by human operators.

A similar approach has been followed to create an algorithm which performs semantic segmentation from the same kind of data.

This time, only one of the two SAR acquisitions is taken as input for pre-processing steps and then for a supervised neural network. The result is a single image where each pixel is labelled with the class predicted by the algorithm. 

Also in this case, results are promising, reaching around 90% of accuracy. 

How to cite: Pennino, I.: A new approach for hazard and disaster prevention: deep learning algorithms for change detection and classification RADAR/SAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6522,, 2023.

EGU23-6790 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Deep learning for automatic flood mapping from high resolution SAR images 

Arnaud Dupeyrat, abdullah Almaksour, Joao Vinholi, and tapio friberg

 With the gradual warming of the global climate, natural catastrophes have caused billions of dollars in damage to ecosystems, economies and properties. Along with the damage, the loss of life is a very serious possibility. With the unprecedented growth of the human population, large-scale development activities and changes to the natural environment, the frequency, and intensity of extreme natural events and consequent impacts are expected to increase in the future. 

 To be able to mitigate and to reduce the potential damage of the natural catastrophe, continuous monitoring is required. The collection of data using earth observation (EO) systems has been valuable for tracking the effects of natural hazards, especially with their near real-time capabilities for tracking extreme natural events. Remote sensing systems from different platforms also serve as an important decision support tool for devising response strategies, coordinating rescue operations, and making damage and loss estimations.

 Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery provides highly valuable information about our planet that no other technology is capable of. SAR sensors emit their own energy to illuminate objects or areas on Earth and record what’s reflected back from the surface to the sensor. This allows data acquisition day and night since no sunlight is needed. SAR also uses longer wavelengths than optical systems, which gives it the unsurpassed advantage of being able to penetrate clouds, rain, fog and smoke. All of this makes SAR imagery unprecedentedly valuable in sudden events and crisis situations requiring a rapid response.

 In this talk we will be focusing on flood monitoring using our ICEYE SAR images, taking into account multi-satellites, multi-angles and multi-resolutions that are inherent from our constellation and capabilities. We will present the different steps necessary that have allowed us to improve the consistency of our generated flood maps.

How to cite: Dupeyrat, A., Almaksour, A., Vinholi, J., and friberg, T.: Deep learning for automatic flood mapping from high resolution SAR images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6790,, 2023.

Increasing climatic extremes resulted in frequency and severity of urban flood events during the last several decades. Significant economic losses were point out the urgency of flood response. In recent years, the government gradually increased the layout of CCTV water level monitoring facilities for the purpose of decision-making in flood event. However, it is difficult for decision makers to recognize multiple images in the same time. Therefore, the aim of this study attempts to establish an automatic water level recognition method for given closed-circuit television (CCTV) system.

In the last years, many advances have been made in the area of automatic image recognition with methods of artificial intelligence. Little literature has been published on real-time water level recognition of closed-circuit television system for disaster management. The purpose of this study is to examine the possibilities in practice of artificial intelligence for real-time water level recognition with deep convolutional neural network. Proposed methodology will demonstrate with several case studies in Taichung. For the potential issue that AI models may lacks of learning target, the generative adversarial network (GAN) may be adopted for this study. The result of this study could be useful to decision makers responsible for organizing response assignments during flood event.

How to cite: Chen, B. and Li, C.-Y.: A study on the establishment of computer vision for disaster identification based on existing closed-circuit television system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7435,, 2023.

EGU23-8419 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Synthetic Generation of Extra-Tropical Cyclones’ fields with Generative Adversarial Networks 

Filippo Dainelli, Riccardo Taormina, Guido Ascenso, Enrico Scoccimarro, Matteo Giuliani, and Andrea Castelletti

Extra-Tropical Cyclones are major systems ruling and influencing the atmospheric structure at mid-latitudes. They are characterised by strong winds and heavy precipitation, and can cause considerable storm surges potentially devastating for coastal regions. The availability of historical observations of the extreme events caused by intense ETCs are rather limited, hampering risk evaluation. Increasing the amount of significant data available would substantially help several fields of analysis influenced by these events, such as coastal management, agricultural production, energy distribution, air and maritime transportation, and risk assessment and management.

Here, we address the possibility of generating synthetic ETC atmospheric fields of mean sea level pressure, wind speed, and precipitation in the North Atlantic by training a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The purpose of GANs is to learn the distribution of a training set based on a game theoretic scenario where two networks compete against each other, the generator and the discriminator. The former is trained to generate synthetic examples that are plausible and resemble the real ones. The input of the generator is a vector of random Gaussian values, whose domain is known as the “latent space”. The discriminator learns to distinguish whether an example comes from the dataset distribution. The competition set by the game-theoretic approach improves the network until the counterfeits are indistinguishable from the originals.

To train the GAN, we use atmospheric fields extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset in the geographic domain with boundaries 0°- 90°N, 70°W - 20°E and for the period 1st January 1979 - 1st January 2020. We analyse the generated samples’ histograms, the samples’ average fields, the Wasserstein distance and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the generated samples and the test set distributions. Results show that the generative model has learned the distribution of the values of the atmospheric fields and the general spatial trends of the atmosphere in the domain. To evaluate better the atmospheric structure learned by the network, we perform linear and spherical interpolations in the latent space. Specifically, we consider four cyclones and compare the frames of their tracks to those of the synthetic tracks generated by interpolation. The interpolated tracks show interesting features consistent with the original tracks. These findings suggest that GANs can learn meaningful representations of the ETCs’ fields, encouraging further investigations to model the tracks’ temporal evolution.

How to cite: Dainelli, F., Taormina, R., Ascenso, G., Scoccimarro, E., Giuliani, M., and Castelletti, A.: Synthetic Generation of Extra-Tropical Cyclones’ fields with Generative Adversarial Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8419,, 2023.

EGU23-8944 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Towards probabilistic impact-based drought risk analysis – a case study on the Volta Basin 

Marthe Wens, Raed Hamed, Hans de Moel, Marco Massabo, and Anna Mapelli

Understanding the relationships between different drought drivers and observed drought impact can provide important information for early warning systems and drought management planning. Moreover, this relationship can help inform the definition and delineation of drought events. However, currently, drought hazards are often characterized based on their frequency of occurring, rather than based on the impacts they cause. A more data-driven depiction of “impactful drought events”- whereby droughts are defined by the hydrometeorological conditions that, in the past, have led to observable impacts-, has the potential to be more meaningful for drought risk assessments.

In our research, we apply a data-mining method based on association rules, namely fast and frugal decision trees, to link different drought hazard indices to agricultural impacts. This machine learning technique is able to select the most relevant drought hazard drivers (among both hydrological and meteorological indices) and their thresholds associated with “impactful drought events”. The technique can be used to assess the likelihood of occurrence of several impact severities, hence it supports the creation of a loss exceedance curve and estimates of average annual loss. An additional advantage is that such data-driven relations in essence reflect varying local drought vulnerabilities which are difficult to quantify in data-scarce regions.

This contribution exemplifies the use of fast and frugal decision trees to estimate (agricultural) drought risk in the Volta basin and its riparian countries. We find that some agriculture-dependent regions in Ghana, Togo and Côte d’Ivoire face annual average drought-induced maize production losses up to 3M USD, while per hectare, losses can mount to on average 50 USD/ha per year in Burkina Faso. In general, there is a clear north-south gradient in the drought risk, which we find augmented under projected climate conditions. Climate change is estimated to worsen the drought impacts in the Volta Basin, with 11 regions facing increases in annual average losses of more than 50%.

We show that the proposed multi-variate, impact-based, non-parametric, machine learning approach can improve the evaluation of droughts, as this approach directly leverages observed drought impact information to demarcate impactful drought events. We evidence that the proposed technique can support quantitative drought risk assessments which can be used for geographic comparison of disaster losses at a sub-national scale.

How to cite: Wens, M., Hamed, R., de Moel, H., Massabo, M., and Mapelli, A.: Towards probabilistic impact-based drought risk analysis – a case study on the Volta Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8944,, 2023.

EGU23-9091 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Improving near real-time flood extraction pipeline from SAR data using deep learning 

Mathieu Turgeon-Pelchat, Heather McGrath, Fatemeh Esfahani, Simon Tolszczuk-Leclerc, Thomas Rainville, Nicolas Svacina, Lingjun Zhou, Zarrin Langari, and Hospice Houngbo

The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) uses Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM) data for near-real time flood mapping. One of the many advantages of using SAR sensors, is that they are less affected by the cloud coverage and atmospheric conditions, compared to optical sensors. RCM has been used operationally since 2020 and employs 3 satellites, enabling lower revisit times and increased imagery coverage. The team responsible for the production of flood maps in the context of emergency response are able to produce maps within four hours from the data acquisition. Although the results from their automated system are good, there are some limitations to it, requiring manual intervention to correct the data before publication. Main limitations are located in urban and vegetated areas. Work started in 2021 to make use of deep learning algorithms, namely convolutional neural networks (CNN), to improve the performances of the automated production of flood inundation maps. The training dataset make use of the former maps created by the emergency response team and is comprised of over 80 SAR images and corresponding digital elevation model (DEM) in multiple locations in Canada. The training and test images were split in smaller tiles of 256 x 256 pixels, for a total of 22,469 training tiles and 6,821 test tiles. Current implementation uses a U-Net architecture from NRCan geo-deep-learning pipeline ( To measure performance of the model, intersection over union (IoU) metric is used. The model can achieve 83% IoU for extracting water and flood from background areas over the test tiles. Next steps include increasing the number of different geographical contexts in the training set, towards the integration of the model into production.

How to cite: Turgeon-Pelchat, M., McGrath, H., Esfahani, F., Tolszczuk-Leclerc, S., Rainville, T., Svacina, N., Zhou, L., Langari, Z., and Houngbo, H.: Improving near real-time flood extraction pipeline from SAR data using deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9091,, 2023.

EGU23-9426 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Fire hazard modelling with remote sensing data for South America 

Johanna Strebl, Julia Gottfriedsen, Dominik Laux, Max Helleis, and Volker Tresp

Throughout the past couple years, changes in global climate have been turning wildfires into an increasingly unpredictable phenomenon. Many environmental parameters that have been linked to wildfires, such as the number of consecutive hot days, are becoming increasingly unstable. This leads to a twofold problem: adequate fire risk assessment is at the same time more important and more difficult than ever. 

In the past, physical models were the prevalent approach to most questions in the domain of wildfire science. While they tend to provide accurate and transparent results, they require domain expertise and often tedious manual data collection.

In recent years, increased computation capabilities and the improved availability of remote sensing data associated with the new space movement have made deep learning a beneficial approach. Data-driven approaches often yield state of the art performance without requiring expert knowledge at a fraction of the complexity of physical models. The downside, however, is that they are often intransparent and offer no insights into their inner algorithmic workings. 

We want to shed some light on this interpretability/performance tradeoff and compare different approaches for predicting wildfire hazard. We evaluate their strengths and weaknesses with a special focus on explainability. We built a wildfire hazard model for South America based on a spatiotemporal CNN architecture that infers fire susceptibility from environmental conditions that led to fire in the past. The training data used contains selected ECMWF ERA5 Land variables and ESA world cover information. This means that our model is able to learn from actual fire conditions instead of relying on theoretical frameworks. Unlike many other models, we do not make simplifying assumptions such as a standard fuel type, but calculate hazard ratings based on actual environmental conditions. Compared to classical fire hazard models, this approach allows us to account for regional and atypical fire behavior and makes our model readily adaptable and trainable for other ecosystems, too.

The ground truth labels are derived from fusing active fire remote sensing data from 20 different satellites into one active wildfire cluster data set. The problem itself is highly imbalanced with non-fire pixels making up 99.78% of the training data. Therefore we evaluate the ability of our model to correctly predict wildfire hazard using metrics for imbalanced data such as PR-AUC and F1 score. We also compare the results against selected standard fire hazard models such as the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI). 

In addition, we assess the computational complexity and speed of calculating the respective models and consider the accuracy/complexity/speed tradeoff of the different approaches. Furthermore, we aim to provide insights why and how our model makes its predictions by leveraging common explainability methods. This allows for insights into which factors tend to influence wildfire hazard the most and to optimize for relatively lightweight, yet performant and transparent architectures.

How to cite: Strebl, J., Gottfriedsen, J., Laux, D., Helleis, M., and Tresp, V.: Fire hazard modelling with remote sensing data for South America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9426,, 2023.

For recent years, Machine Learning (ML) models have been proven to be useful in solving problems of a wide variety of fields such as medical, economic, manufacturing, transportation, energy, education, etc. With increased interest in ML models and advances in sensor technologies, ML models are being widely applied even in civil engineering domain. ML model enables analysis of large amounts of data, automation, improved decision making and provides more accurate prediction. While several state-of-the-art reviews have been conducted in each sub-domain (e.g., geotechnical engineering, structural engineering) of civil engineering or its specific application problems (e.g., structural damage detection, water quality evaluation), little effort has been devoted to comprehensive review on ML models applied in civil engineering and compare them across sub-domains. A systematic, but domain-specific literature review framework should be employed to effectively classify and compare the models. To that end, this study proposes a novel review approach based on the hierarchical classification tree “D-A-M-I-E (Domain-Application problem-ML models-Input data-Example case)”. “D-A-M-I-E” classification tree classifies the ML studies in civil engineering based on the (1) domain of the civil engineering, (2) application problem, (3) applied ML models and (4) data used in the problem. Moreover, data used for the ML models in each application examples are examined based on the specific characteristic of the domain and the application problem. For comprehensive review, five different domains (structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, water engineering, transportation engineering and energy engineering) are considered and the ML application problem is divided into five different problems (prediction, classification, detection, generation, optimization). Based on the “D-A-M-I-E” classification tree, about 300 ML studies in civil engineering are reviewed. For each domain, analysis and comparison on following questions has been conducted: (1) which problems are mainly solved based on ML models, (2) which ML models are mainly applied in each domain and problem, (3) how advanced the ML models are and (4) what kind of data are used and what processing of data is performed for application of ML models. This paper assessed the expansion and applicability of the proposed methodology to other areas (e.g., Earth system modeling, climate science). Furthermore, based on the identification of research gaps of ML models in each domain, this paper provides future direction of ML in civil engineering based on the approaches of dealing data (e.g., collection, handling, storage, and transmission) and hopes to help application of ML models in other fields.

How to cite: Kim, J. and Jung, D.: State-of-the-Art Review of Machine Learning Models in Civil Engineering: Based on DAMIE Classification Tree, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11636,, 2023.

EGU23-11756 * | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1 | Highlight

Digital twin computing for enhancing resilience of disaster response system 

Shunichi Koshimura and Erick Mas

Digital twin is now recognized as digital copies of physical world's objects stored in digital space and utilized to simulate the sequences and consequences of target phenomena. By incorporating physical world’s data into the digital twin, developers and users have a full view of the target through real-time feedback. Recent advances in high-performance computing and large-scale data fusion of sensing and observations of both natural and social phenomena are enhancing applicability of digital twin paradigm to natural disaster research. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are also being applied more and more widely across the world and contributing as essential elements of digital twin. Those have significant implications for disaster response and recovery to hold out the promise of dramatically improving our understanding of disaster-affected areas and responses in real-time.

A project is underway to enhance resilience of disaster response systems by constructing "Disaster Digital Twin" to support disaster response team in the anticipated tsunami disaster. “Disaster Digital Twin” platform consists of a fusion of real-time hazard simulation, e.g. tsunami inundation forecast, social sensing to identify dynamic exposed population, and multi-agent simulation of disaster response activities to find optimal allocation or strategy of response efforts, and achieve the enhancement of disaster resilience.

To achieve the goal of innovating digital twin computing for enhancing disaster resilience, four preliminary results are shown;

(1) Developing nation-wide real-time tsunami inundation and damage forecast system. The priority target for forecasting is the Pacific coast of Japan, a region where Nankai trough earthquake is likely to occur.

(2) Establishing a real-time estimation of the number of exposed population in the inundation zone and clarifying the relationship between the exposed population and medical demand.

(3) Developing a reinforcement learning-based multi-agent simulation of medical activities in the affected areas with use of damage information, medical demands, and resources in the medical facilities to fid optimal allocation of medical response.

(4) Developing a digital twin computing platform to support disaster medical response activities and find optimal allocation of disaster medical services through what-if analysis of multi-agent simulation.

How to cite: Koshimura, S. and Mas, E.: Digital twin computing for enhancing resilience of disaster response system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11756,, 2023.

EGU23-12240 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Classification Seismic Spectrograms from Deep Neural Network: Application to Alarm System of Post-failure Landslides 

Jui-Ming Chang, Wei-An Chao, and Wei-Kai Huang

Daman Landslide had blocked one of the three cross-island roads in Taiwan, and a road section has been under control since last October. During the period, more than thousands of small-scale post-failures occurred whose irregular patterns affected the safety of engineering workers for slope protection construction and road users. Therefore, we installed one time-lapse camera and two geophones at the crown and closed to the toe of the Daman landslide, respectively to train a classification model to offer in-situ alarm. According to time-lapse photos, those post failures can be categorized into two types. One is rock/debris moving and stopping above the upper slope or road, named type I, and the other is the rock/debris going through the road to download slope, named type II. Type I was almost recorded by the crown station, and type II was shown by both stations with different arrival times and the toe station’ high-frequency signals gradually rising (up to 100 Hz). Those distinct features were exhibited by spectrograms. To keep characteristics simultaneously, we merge two stations’ spectrograms as one to indicate different types of post-failures. However, frequent earthquakes affect the performance of the landslide’s discrimination, which should be involved in the classification model. A total of three labels, type I, type II, and earthquake, contained more than 15,000 images of spectrogram, have been used for deep neural network (DNN) to be a two-station-based automatic classifier. Further, user-defined parameters for the specific frequency band within fixed time span windows, including a sum of power spectrogram density, the arrival time of peak amplitude, cross-correlation coefficient, and signal-to-noise ratio, have been utilized for the decision tree algorithm. Both model results benefit the automatic classifier for post-failure alarms and can readily extend to monitor other landslides with frequent post-failures by transfer learning.

How to cite: Chang, J.-M., Chao, W.-A., and Huang, W.-K.: Classification Seismic Spectrograms from Deep Neural Network: Application to Alarm System of Post-failure Landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12240,, 2023.

EGU23-12716 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Investigating causal effects of anthropogenic factors on global fire modeling 

Nirlipta Pande and Wouter Dorigo

Humans significantly control the natural environment and natural processes. Global fire ignitions are a prime example of how human actions change the frequency of occurrence of otherwise rare events like wildfires. However, human controls on fire ignition are insufficiently characterised by global fire models because impacts are often indirect, complex, and collinear. Hence, modelling fire activity while considering the complex relationships amongst the input variables and their effect on global ignitions is crucial to developing fire models reflecting the real world. 

This presentation leverages causal inference and machine learning frameworks applied to global datasets of fire ignitions from Earth observations and potential drivers to uncover anthropogenic pathways on fire ignition. Potential fire controls include human predictors from Earth observations and statistical data combined with variables traditionally associated with fire activity, like weather, and vegetation abundance and state, derived from earth observations and models.

Our research models causal relationships between fire control variables and global ignitions using Directed Acyclic Graphs(DAGs). Here, every edge between variables symbolises a relation between them; the edge weight indicates the strength of the relationship, and the orientation of the edge between the variables signifies the cause-and-effect relationship between the variables. However, defining a fire ignition distribution using DAGs is challenging owing to the large combinatorial sample space and acyclicity constraint. We use Bayesian structure learning to make these approximations and infer the extent of human intervention when combined with climate variables and vegetation properties. Our research demonstrates the need for causal modelling and the inclusion of anthropogenic factors in global fire modelling.

How to cite: Pande, N. and Dorigo, W.: Investigating causal effects of anthropogenic factors on global fire modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12716,, 2023.

EGU23-13083 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Machine learning modelling of compound flood events 

Agnieszka Indiana Olbert, Sogol Moradian, and Galal Uddin

Flood early warning systems are vital for preventing flood damages and for reducing disaster risks. Such systems are particularly important for forecasting compound events where multiple, often dependent flood drivers co-occur and interact. In this research an early warning system for prediction of coastal-fluvial floods is developed to provide a robust, cost-effective and time-efficient framework for management of flood risks and impacts. This three-step method combines a cascade of three linked models: (1) statistical model that determines probabilities of multiple-driver flood events, (2) hydrodynamic model forced by outputs from the statistical model, and finally (3) machine learning (ML) model that uses hydrodynamic outputs from various probability flood events to train the ML algorithm in order to predict the spatially and temporarily variable inundation patterns resulting from a combination of coastal and fluvial flood drivers occurring simultaneously.

The method has been utilized for the case of Cork City, located in the south-west of Ireland, which has a long history of fluvial-coastal flooding. The Lee  River channelling through the city centre may generate a substantial flood when the downstream river flow draining to the estuary coincides with the sea water propagating upstream on a flood tide. For this hydrological domain the statistical model employs the univariate extreme values analysis and copula functions to calculate joint probabilities of river discharges and sea water levels (astronomical tides and surge residuals) occurring simultaneously. The return levels for these two components along a return level curve produced by the copula function are used to generate synthetic timeseries, which serve as water level boundary conditions for a hydrodynamic flood model. The multi-scale nested flood model (MSN_Flood) was configured for Cork City at 2m resolution to simulate an unsteady, non-uniform flow in the Lee  River and a flood wave propagation over urban floodplains. The ensemble hydrodynamic model outputs are ultimately used to train and test a range machine learning models for prediction of flood extents and water depths. In total, 23 machine learning algorithms including: Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree, Gaussian Process Regression, Linear Regression, Radial Basis Function, Support Vector Machine, and Support Vector Regression were employed to confirm that the ML algorithm can be used successfully to predict the flood inundation depths over urban floodplains for a given set of compound flood drivers. Here, the limited flood conditioning factors taken into account to analyse floods are the upstream flood hydrographs and downstream sea water level timeseries. To evaluate model performance, different statistical skill scores were computed. Results indicated that in most pixels, the Gaussian Process Regression model performs better than the other models.

The main contribution of this research is to demonstrate the ML models can be used in early warning systems for flood prediction and to give insight into the most suitable models in terms of robustness, accuracy, effectiveness, and speed. The findings demonstrate that ML models do help in flood water propagation mapping and assessment of flood risk under various compound flood scenarios.

How to cite: Olbert, A. I., Moradian, S., and Uddin, G.: Machine learning modelling of compound flood events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13083,, 2023.

EGU23-14126 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

ML-based fire spread model and data pipeline optimization 

Tobias Bauer, Julia Miller, Julia Gottfriedsen, Christian Mollière, Juan Durillo Barrionuevo, and Nicolay Hammer

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges to humankind today. The number and severity of wildfires are increasing in many parts of the world, with record-breaking temperatures, prolonged heat waves, and droughts. We can minimize the risks and consequences of these natural disasters by providing accurate and timely wildfire progression predictions through fire spread modeling. Knowing the direction and rate of spread of wildfires over the next hours can help deploy firefighting resources more efficiently and warn nearby populations hours in advance to allow safe evacuation.
Physics-based spread models have proven their applicability on a regional scale but often require detailed spatial input data. Additionally, rendering them in real-time scenarios can be slow and therefore inhibit fast output generation. Deep learning-based models have shown success in specific fire spread scenarios in recent years. But they are limited by their transferability to other regions, explainability, and longer training time. Accurate active fire data products and a fast data pipeline are additional essential requirements of a wildfire spread early-warning system.
In this study, physical models are compared to a deep learning-based CNN approach in terms of computational speed, area accuracy, and spread direction. We use a dataset of the 30 largest wildfires in the US in the year 2021 to evaluate the performance of the model’s predictions.
This work focuses in particular on the optimization of a cloud-based fire spread modeling data pipeline for near-real-time fire progression over the next  2 to 24 hours. We describe our data pipeline, including the collection and pre-processing of ignition points derived from remote sensing-based active fire detections. Furthermore, we use data from SRTM-1 as topography, ESA Land Cover and Corine Land Cover for fuel composition, and ERA-5 Reanalysis products for weather data inputs. The application of the physics-based models is derived from the open-source library ForeFire, to create and execute physical wildfire spread models from single fire ignition points as well as fire fronts. The predictions of the ForeFire model serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of the performance of our Convolutional Neural Network. The CNN forecasts the fire outline based on a spatiotemporal U-Net architecture. 
The scaling of the algorithms to a global setting is enabled by the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre. It enables large-scale cloud-based machine learning to provide a time-sensitive solution for operational fire spread modeling in emergency management based on real-time remote sensing information. 

How to cite: Bauer, T., Miller, J., Gottfriedsen, J., Mollière, C., Durillo Barrionuevo, J., and Hammer, N.: ML-based fire spread model and data pipeline optimization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14126,, 2023.

EGU23-15711 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

A globally distributed dataset using generalized DL for rapid landslide mapping on HR satellite imagery 

Filippo Catani, Sansar Raj Meena, Lorenzo Nava, Kushanav Bhuyan, Silvia Puliero, Lucas Pedrosa Soares, Helen Cristina Dias, and Mario Floris

Multiple landslide events occur often across the world which have the potential to cause significant harm to both human life and property. Although a substantial amount of research has been conducted to address the mapping of landslides using Earth Observation (EO) data, several gaps and uncertainties remain when developing models to be operational at the global scale. To address this issue, we present the HR-GLDD, a high-resolution (HR) dataset for landslide mapping composed of landslide instances from ten different physiographical regions globally: South and South-East Asia, East Asia, South America, and Central America. The dataset contains five rainfall triggered and five earthquake-triggered multiple landslide events that occurred in varying geomorphological and topographical regions. HR-GLDD is one of the first datasets for landslide detection generated by high-resolution satellite imagery which can be useful for applications in artificial intelligence for landslide segmentation and detection studies. Five state-of-the-art deep learning models were used to test the transferability and robustness of the HR-GLDD. Moreover, two recent landslide events were used for testing the performance and usability of the dataset to comment on the detection of newly occurring significant landslide events. The deep learning models showed similar results for testing the HR-GLDD in individual test sites thereby indicating the robustness of the dataset for such purposes. The HR-GLDD can be accessed open access and it has the potential to calibrate and develop models to produce reliable inventories using high-resolution satellite imagery after the occurrence of new significant landslide events. The HR-GLDD will be updated regularly by integrating data from new landslide events.

How to cite: Catani, F., Meena, S. R., Nava, L., Bhuyan, K., Puliero, S., Pedrosa Soares, L., Dias, H. C., and Floris, M.: A globally distributed dataset using generalized DL for rapid landslide mapping on HR satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15711,, 2023.

EGU23-16626 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Danish national early warning system for flash floods based on a gradient boosting machine learning framework 

Grith Martinsen, Yann Sweeney, Jonas Wied Pedersen, Roxana Alexandru, Sergi Capape, Charlotte Harris, Michael Butts, and Maria Diaz

Fluvial and flash floods can have devastating effects if they occur without warning. In Denmark, management of flood risk and performing preventative emergency service actions has been the sole responsibility of local municipalities. However, motivated by the disastrous 2021 floods in Central Europe, the Danish government has recently appointed the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) as the national authority for flood warnings in Denmark, and DMI is in the process of building capacity to fulfill this role.


One of the most cost-effective ways to mitigate flood damages is a well-functioning early warning system. Flood warning systems can rely on various methods ranging from human interpretation of meteorological and hydrological data to advanced hydrological modelling. The aim of this study is to generate short-range streamflow predictions in Danish river systems with lead times of 4-12 hours. To do so, we train and test models with hourly data on 172 catchments.


Machine learning (ML) models have in many cases been shown to outperform traditional hydrological models and offer efficient ways to learn patterns in historical data. Here, we investigate streamflow predictions with LightGBM, which is a gradient boosting framework that employs tree-based ML algorithms and is developed and maintained by Microsoft (Ke et al., 2017). The main argument for choosing a tree-based algorithm is its inherent ability to represent rapid dynamics often observed during flash floods. The main advantages of LightGBM over other tree-based algorithms are efficiency in training and lower memory consumption. We benchmark LightGBM’s performance against persistence, linear regression and various LSTM setups from the Neural Hydrology library (Kratzert et al., 2022).


We evaluate the algorithm trained using different input features. This analysis include model explainability, such as SHAP, and the results indicate that simply using lagged real-time observations of streamflow together with precipitation leads to the best performing and most parsimonious models. The results show that the LightGBM setup outperforms the benchmarks and is able to generate predictions with high Klinge-Gupta Efficiency scores > 0.9 in most catchments. Compared to the persistence benchmark it especially shows strong improvements on peak timing errors.

How to cite: Martinsen, G., Sweeney, Y., Pedersen, J. W., Alexandru, R., Capape, S., Harris, C., Butts, M., and Diaz, M.: Danish national early warning system for flash floods based on a gradient boosting machine learning framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16626,, 2023.

EGU23-1224 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Implications for engineering design of shorter more extreme rainfalls and increased flood variability 

Conrad Wasko, Michelle Ho, Rory Nathan, Ashish Sharma, Caleb Dykman, and Elisabeth Vogel

Increases in extreme rainfall intensities as a result of climate change pose a great risk due to the possible increases in pluvial flooding. But evidence is emerging that the observed increases in extreme rainfall are not resulting in universal increases in flooding. Here, we begin by presenting historical evidence for changes in extreme rainfalls and floods discussing the underlying mechanisms for the changes, before examining the implications of climate change projections on engineering design.

Extreme rainfall is intensifying universally across the globe with more extreme events experiencing larger degrees of intensification. Simultaneously, and somewhat paradoxically, the magnitude of frequent floods (those expected to occur on average once per year) are in general decreasing, particularly in the tropical and arid regions of the world. We suggest this is likely due to the dominance of drying antecedent soil moisture conditions and shorter storm durations at higher temperatures offsetting any increases in rainfall intensity. However, for rare magnitude floods (those expected, on average, to occur less than once every twenty years) the increase in rainfall appears to outweigh any decrease in soil moisture or change in the temporal pattern of the storm.

Climate model projections, downscaled through a continental scale water balance model and locally calibrated rainfall-runoff models, show that future projections of flood responses follow historical trends – with the rarer the flood, the more likely it is to be increasing. To deepen our understanding, we focus our analysis on event runoff coefficients as an indicator of future runoff changes. Across Australia we find runoff coefficients are projected to decrease, that is, reduced runoff resulting from the same amount of rainfall. These results indicate drier conditions and a compounding of the reduced average rainfall and drier conditions already being experiences in many arid parts of the world.

With these historical changes and projections in mind we conclude with some insights and implications on how best to incorporate the additional uncertainty due to climate change when estimating floods for planning and design purposes. As floods constitute a large portion of the inflows into reservoirs, we suggest that future water resources planning will need to account for reduced runoff yields. To assess the potential impacts of future climate change for planning and design purposes we need to consider how changes to rainfall intensity vary with both storm duration and storm rarity, as well as how antecedent conditions influence the proportion of rainfall that appears as runoff. There remains significant work in adapting our current flood guidance to reflect these historical and projected changes.

How to cite: Wasko, C., Ho, M., Nathan, R., Sharma, A., Dykman, C., and Vogel, E.: Implications for engineering design of shorter more extreme rainfalls and increased flood variability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1224,, 2023.

EGU23-5418 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.2/AS5.14

High resolution exposure model for a flood displacement risk assessment 

Daria Ottonelli, Sylvain Ponserre, Lauro Rossi, Roberto Rudari, and Eva Trasforini

Disaster risk determines the potential loss of life, injury, or destroyed or damaged assets which could occur to a system, society or a community in a specific period of time, determined probabilistically as a function of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and capacity. This paper focuses on the exposure elements, that expresses people, infrastructure, housing, production capacities and other tangible human assets located in hazard-prone areas (UNDRR, 2017).  In performing risk analyses, an accurate exposure model should be constructed and specified according to the purpose and spatial scale of the assessment.

The scope of the present work is the flood displacement risk assessment for two small island developing states in the Pacific Ocean, Fiji and Vanuatu, where a new methodology is proposed, that considers different but intrinsically linked components in assessing the contribution of disasters to displacement. In this assessment, three main elements are supposed to trigger (or at least contribute to cause) flood displacements: the loss of housing, the loss of livelihoods or the loss of access to basic services. This implies that, besides the classical vulnerability characterization of a asset based on occupancy (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) and structural elements (number of stories, basement, etc.), the exposure model must also consider a spatial representation of the population relying on the specific function of that asset: residential population in case of residential building; population working in that building in case of commercial, industrial, or service buildings; population working in crop or grazing areas in case of agricultural field; number of students in case of school.

In this context, a procedure for avoiding potential double counting was also implemented. It means that, to evaluate the ratio of population that could suffer impacts due to floods on both livelihoods and housing, each worker must be associated to his/her home with his/her workplace.

Regarding the spatial scale, the small size of the countries allows for the definition of a high-resolution exposure model, that entails a characterization at building Level.

The construction of the exposure model is articulated in three main steps: 1) analysis and integration of different sources of employment and residential data (from global to local information); 2) physical characterization of assets at building scale, using building footprints from the Open Street Map layer and attributes from existing exposure models, such as Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative (PCRAFI) project that lasted from 2012 to 2017 and Global Earthquake Model (GEM) within the project Global Exposure Map (v2018.1); 3) the procedure to avoid double counting, which associates each worker to his/her home with his/her workplace, following the criterion of minimum geometric distance between workplace and residence.

The exposure model is then used in a probabilistic risk assessment, where different flood scenarios and related damage scenarios are computed at building scale. Physical damage above a certain threshold is considered to cause the unavailability of asset function (residence, workplace), thus triggering the displacement of people relying on that function.

How to cite: Ottonelli, D., Ponserre, S., Rossi, L., Rudari, R., and Trasforini, E.: High resolution exposure model for a flood displacement risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5418,, 2023.

EGU23-5563 | Posters virtual | ITS1.2/AS5.14

From vulnerability to vulnerabilities for a probabilistic flood displacement risk model: the case study of Fiji and Vanuatu. 

Eva Trasforini, Lauro Rossi, Sylvain Ponserre, Lorenzo Campo, Andrea Libertino, Daria Ottonelli, and Roberto Rudari

Floods have triggered about 166 million displacements globally since 2008, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC). Since 2008, most of the displacements triggered by floods have been localized in Asia and the Pacific and with an overall estimate of 129 million displacements. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) states bear the greatest displacement risk relative to their population size. Climate change combined with vulnerability of exposed infrastructure, and housing poses an existential threat for some Pacific islands that could see their populations move not only internally but also across borders. These magnitudes of forced movement highlight the importance of the phenomenon. In this context, we present a first attempt to estimate present and future riverine flood displacement risk at the national and sub-national level for two countries in the Pacific Ocean: Fiji and Vanuatu.

This work proposes a new methodology that provides a more comprehensive assessment of vulnerability in the context of disaster displacement risk and recognizes that people’s vulnerability depends on several physical and social factors. Such elements, however, are not yet included in standard risk models because difficultly quantifiable. While quantitative approaches to disaster displacement risk assessment generally consider the likelihood of housing rendered unhabitable as a proxy for displacement, this new methodology expands this concept by taking into account different elements that may trigger displacements or may increase the susceptibility to forced movement: 1) impact on houses; 2) impact on livelihoods; 3) impact on critical facilities and services.

A probabilistic risk assessment was performed at building scale in present and future climate conditions: under current climate conditions (1979-2016); under medium-term projected climate conditions (2016 - 2060); under long-term projected climate conditions (2061 – 2100). As results, displacement risk information - expressed in annual average displacement (AAD) and probable maximum displacement (PMD) - were calculated at national and subnational (NUTS2) scales, allowing for a geographic and quantitative comparison both within and between countries. The computation performed at building scale also allowed for result aggregation by sectors.

The outputs of the probabilistic model  show an important role of climate change in determining future likelihood to displacement due to riverine floods in the area. Flood displacement risk is likely to double by 2060 in both countries, and under the pessimistic long-term scenarios AAD is expected to triple in Fiji and quadruple in Vanuatu. These analyses are an important step in risk awareness processes and key to pushing for risk reduction, adaptation, and management mechanisms to be put in place.



How to cite: Trasforini, E., Rossi, L., Ponserre, S., Campo, L., Libertino, A., Ottonelli, D., and Rudari, R.: From vulnerability to vulnerabilities for a probabilistic flood displacement risk model: the case study of Fiji and Vanuatu., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5563,, 2023.

EGU23-5564 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Flood Modelling and Simulation using HEC-RAS 

Mohd. Usman Saeed Khan, Maaz Abdullah, and Arisha Aslam Khan

Natural disasters are one of the main causes of worry for the majority of nations because they severely harm the global economy. One of the natural disasters that occur on a global scale that seriously damages infrastructure and claims thousands of lives is flooding. Due to its geographical location, India is one of the high-risk nations that is negatively impacted by floods every year. It ranks in the top 20% of countries worldwide for the number of flood-related fatalities. A natural tragedy cannot be prevented. However, if some preventative actions were taken in advance, a sizable portion of the potential damage may be prevented. Professionals and authorities need accurate figures regarding flood depth, amount of flow, scale, and distinct datasets in order to reduce and manage the effects of such catastrophes. The management of flood risk is heavily dependent on flood modelling. One of the many software tools that assists in computing the discharge, depth, magnitude, and statistics of rivers located in high-risk flood zones is HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Centre-River Analysis System).This study employed the Purna River's 1D hydrodynamic floods modelling (50 and 100 years out) on HEC-RAS and it has been found that the great portion of populated area will be affected in future. The goal of this study is to assess the prediction power and carry out a sensitivity analysis to identify the sensitive zones. This research project would enable different flood modelling and risk zone delineation for diverse flood-affected areas in India and around the world. In places affected by flooding, these technologies can also be used to create emergency response protocols.

How to cite: Khan, M. U. S., Abdullah, M., and Khan, A. A.: Flood Modelling and Simulation using HEC-RAS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5564,, 2023.

EGU23-7110 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Combining future projections of land-use and climate change to assess their impact on biodiversity 

Chantal Hari, Inne Vanderkelen, Markus Fischer, and Édouard Davin

Biodiversity loss, land degradation, and climate change are acknowledged environmental challenges faced by humanity. Human activities including land-use changes are key stressors for biodiversity, thus, future projections of biodiversity impacts need to include both climate change and land-use change. While a lot of studies focused on mapping and projecting the vulnerability of multiple species based on different climate mitigation scenarios or warming levels, land-use trajectories are often not included in these projections. Recent work made first steps to address these deficiencies. For example, Hof et al. (2018) evaluated potential future impacts of climate and land-use changes on global species richness of terrestrial vertebrates under a low and high emission scenario. However, they used the same land-use change assumptions for both emission scenarios. In this study, we aim to fill the described research gap by combining future climate scenarios and a matrix of land-use projections derived from integrated assessment modeling (IAM) to estimate the fractional land-use patterns, underlying land-use transitions, and key agricultural management information, to assess the impact of climate change on biodiversity and quantify the additional impact of land-use change.


To this end, we use the global simulations with a species distribution model from the Hof et al. (2018) study forced by four GCMs and both RCP2.6 and RCP6.0 climate scenarios following the ISIMIP2b simulation protocol and apply a land-use filter on the species occurrence probabilities to determine the implications for the world’s amphibians, mammals and reptiles at a 0.5° resolution. The land use data used to include future projections of land-use change is the Land Use Harmonization dataset v2 (LUH2). LUH2 reconstructs and projects changes in land use among 12 categories. To match the species’ habitat preferences, data from IUCN Habitat and Classification Scheme for each species is mapped onto the 12 land-use types represented in the LUH2 dataset according to the conversion table from Carlson et al. (2022). The land-use data is then used to refine the climatic envelope and filter out regions where species cannot persist.


This approach allows to quantify the change of the proportion of affected species distributions between different climate and land-use scenarios and combinations of both. In addition, it provides quantitative information on the impact of future climate change on biodiversity accounting for the combination of land-use change projections and climate-driven species distribution models.


Key Reference:

Hof, C., Voskamp, A., Biber, M. F., Böhning-Gaese, K., Engelhardt, E. K., Niamir, A., Willis, S. G., & Hickler, T. 2018: Bioenergy cropland expansion may offset positive effects of climate change mitigation for global vertebrate diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(52), 13294–13299.

How to cite: Hari, C., Vanderkelen, I., Fischer, M., and Davin, É.: Combining future projections of land-use and climate change to assess their impact on biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7110,, 2023.

EGU23-7346 | Orals | ITS1.2/AS5.14 | Highlight

End-to-end modelling of flood risk and impact for climate change resilience 

Anne Jones, Andrew Taylor, Junaid Butt, Blair Edwards, Jorge Luis Guevara Diaz, and Priscilla Barreria Avegliano

Climate change is driving increased urgency for better quantification of climate hazards and their impacts for stakeholders across multiple economic sectors. Flooding has been highlighted as one of the most significant climates risk to UK economic infrastructure, with costs expected to increase with climate-driven changes to rainfall, such as increased intensity of summer storms. To accelerate climate change adaptation and enable economic resilience to climate change impacts, close collaboration is needed between climate scientists, impact modellers, and stakeholders, and technology advances can support this by enabling and streamlining the process of developing and deploying climate impact modelling workflows to translate complex datasets and scientific models into actionable information.

In this presentation, we describe the application of such a technology for the case of pluvial flooding, undertaken as part of the IBM Research and Science and Technology Facilities Research Council partnership, the Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation (HNCDI), a 5-year programme established to develop and apply new technology to key economic challenges in the UK. Here, we model pluvial flood hazard for a case study region in northeastern England, using a 2-d physical simulation model of flood inundation, driven by open-access geospatial and climate datasets. Flood hazard maps are translated to impact using open asset location data and damage functions.

We consider the sensitivity and scalability (in terms of computational cost) of the hazard and impact predictions to multiple factors, including (1) DEM/DSM representation of land surface (2) soil and land use parameterisation, and (3) model spatial resolution. We also contrast the use of drivers in the form of extreme rainfall scenarios created using a traditional design storm approach, and ensembles of synthetic storms from a stochastic weather generator, both derived from hourly 1km gridded rainfall observations. Finally, we reflect on key gaps to be addressed in the models, data and technology to meaningfully inform climate adaptation across industry sectors.

How to cite: Jones, A., Taylor, A., Butt, J., Edwards, B., Diaz, J. L. G., and Avegliano, P. B.: End-to-end modelling of flood risk and impact for climate change resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7346,, 2023.

EGU23-7522 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/AS5.14

A transdisciplinary chain to assess the risk of direct and indirect impacts linked to extreme climate events from regional to local scale 

Marcello Arosio, Alessandro Caiani, Giorgia Fosser, and Jlenia Di Noia

Climate change is causing increased risks linked to extreme weather events. In order to develop effective adaptation strategies and policies, there is an urgent need for methodologies able to assess how the socio-economic risks associated with extreme climate-related events will change in the coming decades especially at local scale. The development of these methodologies require the expertise from many different scientific disciplines, including: modelling of global and local climatic phenomena, assessment of the intensity and probability of extreme events, representation of their impacts on the society and quantification of the associated risk.

In this work we propose a methodological chain linking the risk of extreme events in a changing climate with both direct and indirect impacts on the socio-economic sector from regional to local scale. The proposed chain integrates the knowledge of three scientific fields: climatologists, engineers and macro-economist. Here, we present agreements and differences between communities (e.g., aim, terminology, methodology, etc.), and evaluate advantages and constrains of the combined used of high-resolution regional climate models, engineering risk assessment models and economic input-output models compared to the state of the art in this field.

To illustrate the advantages of the proposed methodology and its practical feasibility, we present preliminary results from an applied pilot study in the Italian context.

How to cite: Arosio, M., Caiani, A., Fosser, G., and Di Noia, J.: A transdisciplinary chain to assess the risk of direct and indirect impacts linked to extreme climate events from regional to local scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7522,, 2023.

EGU23-9246 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Assessing the appropriateness of different climate modelling approaches for the estimation of aviation NOx climate effects 

Jin Maruhashi, Mariano Mertens, Volker Grewe, and Irene Dedoussi

Aviation’s contribution to anthropogenic global warming is estimated to be between 3 – 5% [1]. This assessment comprises two contributions: the well understood atmospheric impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the more uncertain non-CO2 effects. The latter pertain to persistent contrails and pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx), water vapor (H2O), sulfur oxides (SOx) and soot particles. NOx emissions are involved in non-linear processes that result in the short-term production of ozone (O3) and longer-term destruction of methane (CH4), stratospheric water vapor (SWV), and primary mode ozone (PMO). The aviation-attributable impacts arising from this short-term increase in O3 can vary by more than a factor of 1.5 depending on the selected modelling approach. This O3 increase is associated with the second largest warming effect across aviation’s main climate forcers [1]. We therefore quantify this figure using three modelling approaches (an Eulerian and a Lagrangian tagging scheme as well as a perturbation approach) at three potential aircraft cruise altitudes (200, 250 and 300 hPa) at which NOx pulse emissions are introduced in the Americas, Africa, Eurasia and Australasia. In general, the tagging method computes the contribution by an emission source to the concentration of a chemical species while a perturbation approach consists in calculating the total impact of an emission to the concentration of a species by means of subtracting two simulations: one with all emissions and a second without the specific source’s emissions. We compare results from Eulerian and Lagrangian simulations using the same climate-chemistry code: the ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model. With the Eulerian setup, we are able to capture non-linear processes and feedback effects, but not track the transport of emitted species in detail. The Lagrangian setup [2], on the other hand, allows for the accompaniment of thousands of air parcel trajectories, but at the cost of assuming a simplified linear chemistry mechanism. We find that the Lagrangian tagging approach provides the largest estimates for O3 production and radiative forcing (RF), followed by the Eulerian tagging scheme and lastly by the perturbation method. We therefore investigate the appropriateness of each of these in quantifying aviation’s total and marginal climate effects by addressing the following research questions: 1) By how much are the estimates for the short-term NOx-induced O3 perturbation and consequent RF varying across the three modelling approaches and why? 2) How does this RF vary with emission altitude within the upper Troposphere/lower Stratosphere (UTLS)?

[1] Lee, D.S., Fahey, D.W., Skowron, A., Allen, M.R., Burkhardt, U., Chen, Q., Doherty, S.J., Freeman, S., Forster, P.M., Fuglestvedt, J., Gettelman, A., De León, R.R., Lim, L.L., Lund, M.T., Millar, R.J., Owen, B., Penner, J.E., Pitari, G., Prather, M.J., Sausen, R., and Wilcox, L.J.: The contribution of global aviation to anthropogenic climate forcing for 2000 to 2018, Atmos. Environ., 244, 117834,, 2021.

[2] Maruhashi, J., Grewe, V., Frömming, C., Jöckel, P., and Dedoussi, I. C.: Transport patterns of global aviation NOx and their short-term O3 radiative forcing – a machine learning approach, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 14253–14282,, 2022.

How to cite: Maruhashi, J., Mertens, M., Grewe, V., and Dedoussi, I.: Assessing the appropriateness of different climate modelling approaches for the estimation of aviation NOx climate effects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9246,, 2023.

EGU23-9338 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Future changes in sub-daily extreme precipitation over a complex-orography area from a convection-permitting climate model 

Eleonora Dallan, Giorgia Fosser, Christoph Schaer, Bardia Roghani, Antonio Canale, Marco Marani, Marco Borga, and Francesco Marra

Sub-daily extreme precipitation can generate fast hydro-geomorphic hazards such as flash floods and debris flows, which cause fatalities and damages especially in mountainous regions. Reliable projections of extreme future precipitation is fundamental for risk management and adaptation strategies. Convection-permitting climate models (CPMs) esplicitely resolve large convective systems and represent local processes, especially sub-daily extreme precipitation, more realistically than coarser resolution models, thus leading to higher confidence in their projections. Given their high computation cost, however, the available CPM simulations cover relatively short time periods (10–20 years), too short for deriving precipitation frequency analyses with conventional extreme value methods based on annual maxima or threshold exceedances.

In this work, we evaluate the potential of a non-asymptotic approach based on “ordinary” events, the so-called Simplified Metastatistical Extreme Value (SMEV), to provide information on the future change of short-duration precipitation extremes. We focus on a complex-orography region in the Eastern Italian Alps, where significant changes in sub-daily annual maxima have been already observed. The study is based on COSMO-crCLIM model simulations at 2.2 km resolution under the RCP8.5 scenario and uses three 10-year time periods: historical 1996-2005 (the control period), near-future 2041-2050 and far future 2090-2099. We estimate extreme precipitation for durations ranging from 1 h to 24 h and assess the projected changes with respect to the control period. Specifically, we analyze annual maxima, return levels up to 50 years, and the parameters of the statistical model. A bootstrap procedure is used to evaluate the uncertainty of the estimates, and a permutation test is applied to assess the statistical significance of the projected changes. We compare our results with a modified Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) approach, recently applied for the study of extremes in CPM future time periods.

We found that annual maxima and higher return levels exhibit a general increase in the future especially for the far future and the shorter event durations. On average, the magnitude of the far future change decreases with the precipitation temporal scale. The changes show an interesting spatial organization that can be associated with the orography of the region: significant future increases are mostly located at high elevations, while lowlands and coastal zones show no clear pattern.

This work shows that SMEV reduces the uncertainty in the estimates of higher return levels compared to GEV and can thus provide improved estimates of their future changes from short CPM runs. These findings advance our knowledge about the projected changes in extreme precipitation and their spatial distribution at the different time scales. They can thus help improving risk management and adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Dallan, E., Fosser, G., Schaer, C., Roghani, B., Canale, A., Marani, M., Borga, M., and Marra, F.: Future changes in sub-daily extreme precipitation over a complex-orography area from a convection-permitting climate model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9338,, 2023.

EGU23-9379 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Three Hundred and Fifty Views on what the Natural Hazard Community should do to Support the Implementation of the SDGs 

Bruce D. Malamud, Robert Šakić Trogrlić, and Amy Donovan

We present the results of an NHESS (Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences) 20th anniversary survey, in which 350 natural hazard community members responded to two questions: (Q1) “what are the top three scientific challenges you believe are currently facing our understanding of natural hazards” and (Q2) “what three broad step changes should or could be done by the natural hazard community to address natural hazards in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”? We have analysed the data quantitatively and qualitatively. According to the 350 respondents, the most significant challenges (Q1) are the following (within brackets % of 350 respondents who identified a given theme): (i) shortcomings in the knowledge of risk and risk components (64 %), (ii) deficiencies of hazard and risk reduction approaches (37 %), (iii) influence of global change, especially climate change (35 %), (iv) integration of social factors (18%), (v) inadequate translation of science to policy and practice (17 %), and (vi) lack of interdisciplinary approaches (6 %). In order for the natural hazard community to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Q2), respondents called for (i) enhanced stakeholder engagement, communication and knowledge transfer (39 %), (ii) increased management and reduction of disaster risks (34 %), (iii) enhanced interdisciplinary research and its translation to policy and practice (29 %), (iv) a better understanding of natural hazards (23 %), (v) better data, enhanced access to data and data sharing (9 %), and (vi) increased attention to developing countries (6 %). We note that while the most common knowledge gaps are felt to be around components of knowledge about risk drivers, the step changes that the community felt were necessary related more to issues of wider stakeholder engagement, increased risk management and interdisciplinary working.

How to cite: Malamud, B. D., Šakić Trogrlić, R., and Donovan, A.: Three Hundred and Fifty Views on what the Natural Hazard Community should do to Support the Implementation of the SDGs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9379,, 2023.

EGU23-10210 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Can annual streamflow volumes be characterised by flood events alone? 

Caleb Dykman, Ashish Sharma, Conrad Wasko, and Rory Nathan

Can total annual streamflow in any given year be largely characterised by a relatively small number of high flow events? A comprehensive assessment of this is of high value as there is evidence to suggest that as flood events increase in rarity a more consistent response between streamflow extremes and temperature increases can be established — providing greater reliability in projections of rare events. We propose here a novel methodology to characterise streamflow regimes in the context of total annual streamflow for water supply. Using the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s Hydrologic Reference Station database, we developed annual event flow distributions that standardise the relationship between total annual streamflow and event flows. It was found that the annual event flow distributions are primarily a function of local climate and catchment size and were largely insensitive to interannual variability represented by the El Nino Southern Oscillation Index, mean annual temperature, or total annual rainfall volume. Statistically significant trends were found in the timeseries of annual event flow distribution values, signalling a move to a less even distribution in the southern latitudes and a more even distribution in the northern latitudes. Our results show that total annual streamflows can be characterised by a small number of high flow events. This suggests that for Australia’s most critical surface drinking water supply catchments the streamflow yields can be represented by changes in a few, high flow events, independent of interannual variability. As these relationships are non-stationary, they may provide a basis for understanding changes in water supply into the future.

How to cite: Dykman, C., Sharma, A., Wasko, C., and Nathan, R.: Can annual streamflow volumes be characterised by flood events alone?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10210,, 2023.

EGU23-10715 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Towards global km-scale greenhouse warming simulations with the AWI-CM3 

Sun-Seon Lee, Axel Timmermann, Thomas Jung, Tido Semmler, Jung-Eun Chu, Jan Streffing, and Pavan Harika Raavi

In the past 5 years large efforts have been made to improve our understanding of scale-interactions in the Earth system, and to better resolve atmospheric and oceanic meso-scale processes and their response to greenhouse warming. Here, we provide an overview of the technical and scientific achievements of a new collaboration between the IBS Center for Climate Physics (South Korea) and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Germany) to simulate the climate system at km-scale resolution using the AWI Climate Model, version 3 (AWI-CM3). AWI-CM3 is based on the OpenIFS-FESOM2 coupled model and we conducted several control simulations and transient greenhouse warming runs in a medium-resolution (MR) configuration (31 km in the OpenIFS and 5~27 km in the FESOM2, ‘Tco319-DART’). These simulations will be used in future as initial conditions for shorter coupled storm-resolving (SR) simulations with target resolutions of 9 km and 4 km (Tco1279 and Tco2559). Our presentation focuses on the performance of the MR configuration (with a throughput of about 7 simulation years per day on 350 nodes) and its representation of the mean climate, climate variability such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, tropical cyclone statistics. We will also present preliminary estimates of the expected scaling behavior of the AWI-CM3 SR configuration on different multi-Petaflop supercomputing systems.

How to cite: Lee, S.-S., Timmermann, A., Jung, T., Semmler, T., Chu, J.-E., Streffing, J., and Raavi, P. H.: Towards global km-scale greenhouse warming simulations with the AWI-CM3, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10715,, 2023.

EGU23-11320 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Econometric modelling for the  estimation of direct flood damage to enterprises: a local-scale approach from post-event records in Italy 

Marta Ballocci, Daniela Molinari, Francesco Ballio, and Giovanni Marin

Flood-related damage has increased dramatically in recent decades with direct and indirect economic impacts accounting for a large share of gross national products. Therefore, there is an urgent need to acquire more quantitative knowledge about flood damage to mitigate economic losses and reduce exposure to flood risk.

Firms are especially affected in case of flood. Still, flood damage assessment to businesses is hindered by the paucity of available data to characterize the enterprises, the lack of high-quality damage data to derive new models or validate existing ones, and the high variability of activity types which hampers generalization. This study contributes at improving knowledge about types and extent of damage of flood events on economic activities through the analysis of empirical data, focusing on direct damage and with specific reference to the Italian context.

In detail, the investigated dataset is composed by around a thousand of observed damage records collected after four flood events in Italy, along with additional information on the dimension (i.e., surface and number of employees) and the typology of the affected firms (i.e., NACE category) as well as on local water depth levels. Damage data are further classified in damage to the building structure, the stock, and the equipment.

Several econometric models have been implemented to better understand the links among the damage, the characteristics of the economic activities and the water depth. Since the heterogeneity of the affected firms is very high, in terms of surface, water depth levels, and number of employees and this might have had influence on the firm’s damage reporting, data has been analyzed with Heckman's selection bias model.

Obtained results show the absence of a constant return scale relationship, therefore, the total damage increases less than proportionally to the firm’s surface; the water depth plays an important role to explain the damage to the stock that results the more vulnerable asset.  Information on the NACE category made it possible to quantify the differences in damage by economic sector. The results reveal as the most vulnerable sectors for building structure, stock and equipment, respectively, human health, commercial, and manufacture. The accuracy of the prediction models represented by adjusted R2 varies between 0.25, 0.36 depending on the damage component.

Despite characterized by significant uncertainty, obtained results supply a first model for the prediction of flood damage to firms for the Italian context, in the support of more effective risk mitigation actions. In fact, the model identifies the more vulnerable elements within the business sectors orienting modelers and decision-makers choices.


Authors acknowledge with gratitude: Francesca Carisi, Alessio Domeneghetti and Armando Brath (from University of Bologna), Giovanni Menduni, Giulia Pesaro and Guido Minucci (from Politecnico di Milano), Simone Sterlacchini and Marco Zazzeri (from the Italian National Research Council) for their collaboration in collecting the observed damage records analysed in the research. A special thanks to Marta Galliani (from Politecnico di Milano) for providing the refined dataset used in this study.

How to cite: Ballocci, M., Molinari, D., Ballio, F., and Marin, G.: Econometric modelling for the  estimation of direct flood damage to enterprises: a local-scale approach from post-event records in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11320,, 2023.

EGU23-11432 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Using domestic weather disturbances and price transmission for maize price predictions in Southern Africa 

Patrese Anderson, Frank Davenport, Kathy Baylis, and Shraddhanand Shukla

In this paper we combine traditional econometric time series techniques and machine learning algorithms to construct skillful monthly maize price prediction models for four southern African countries – namely, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Theoretical models of price transmission commonly assume that shocks are transmitted from an external market (typically modeled as the world market) to the largest domestic city or port within a country and then, depending on the degree of market integration within the country, these shocks are transmitted to local markets. However recent evidence suggests that internal shocks have a larger impact on prices than external shocks. In an analysis of 554 local commodity markets across 51 countries during the period between 2008-2012, Brown and Kshirsagar (2015) find that 20% of local market prices were affected by domestic weather disturbances in the short-run in comparison to 9% by international price changes. This finding has prompted more recent literature to relax assumptions about international price transmission to investigate how shocks are transmitted through local and regional markets. 

Here we investigate the effects of domestic weather disturbances on regional maize price transmission. We then use these results of to build skillful price prediction models that use limited price data, weather disturbances, and other readily accessible free secondary data to predict monthly grain prices three, six, and nine months ahead in four Southern African countries. The collection of subnational price data in developing countries is costly and often difficult to obtain. We limit the amount of price data used by first determining if monthly price series in each country co-move and how these co-movements are influenced by domestic climate disturbances. We then use bivariate error correction models to both assess whether price movements in each country follow well-defined paths and identify influencing and influenced markets.

From this analysis we classify markets that act as price anchors in each country. Because local climate conditions have been found to affect and accurately predict agricultural prices, price dispersion, and yields in developing countries we use climate conditions at both the market location and anchor market locations as predictors. We show that during periods classified by drought, price prediction models using anchor market prices and high-resolution climate data have high degrees of predictive accuracy. We hope the results presented in this paper will assist policymakers, government stakeholders, and researchers in systematically constructing subnational price forecasts with minimal price data to be used in early warning and food security monitoring models.


How to cite: Anderson, P., Davenport, F., Baylis, K., and Shukla, S.: Using domestic weather disturbances and price transmission for maize price predictions in Southern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11432,, 2023.

EGU23-13826 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Change in the Tropical Storms activity in the future over the Ganges basin 

Haider Ali, Hayley Fowler, Malcolm Roberts, and Benoit Vanniere

The understanding of climate change impacts on tropical storms (TS) activity is crucial for better planning and risk assessment. Despite the theory and modeling suggest an increase in the TS activity with warming, the change in TS characteristics remain uncertain due to the limitations in the global climate models and tracking algorithms (tracker). Here, we performed tracker-inter-comparison and model-evaluation to find out the reliability of trackers and models at simulating the TS characteristics. We found that both trackers produce qualitatively similar results but quantitative different results due to different specifications of the algorithms and model bias. Our results show a decline in the frequency but rise in the strength of TS in the future for the Ganges and the Mekong basin.

How to cite: Ali, H., Fowler, H., Roberts, M., and Vanniere, B.: Change in the Tropical Storms activity in the future over the Ganges basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13826,, 2023.

EGU23-15643 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Measuring Carbon: A Tool for Analysing Gridded, Continuous, Carbon Measurements at High Temporal and Spatial Resolution 

Mitchell Odhiambo, Raunaq Jain, Yash Gorana, Nikita Kaushal, and Abhilash Mishra

Measuring carbon emissions at high temporal and spatial resolution covering all parts of the globe is key to understanding the sources and sinks of carbon. These measurements are critical for informing both climate modeling and policy decisions to mitigate climate change. Fragmented data sources and the requirement of significant programming knowledge to retrieve, clean, and analyze data from existing data sources pose a significant barrier for climate researchers. As understanding of climate science becomes crucial for fields beyond geophysical sciences, it is especially urgent to build tools that can enable researchers from diverse academic backgrounds to analyze carbon emission data from satellites. 

In this presentation, we will present a novel, user-friendly platform which has pre-built functions and analysis pipelines allowing scientists to perform common data analysis tasks without the need to write code. The underlying data lake combines NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2 and OCO-3) data with other data sources (e.g. MODIS-based fire data) that facilitate a more accurate and complete understanding of the dynamics of the carbon cycle and the factors that influence it. 

We highlight how our approach integrating data discovery, access, and analysis of climate data can help democratize climate research and inform policymaking.

Potential research questions that can be addressed using this approach include: 

(i) studying the impacts of fires on the global carbon cycle with MODIS fire products providing information on the location, intensity, and types of fires, 

(ii) studying the photosynthetic activity of plants and the carbon cycle assimilating OCO-2 SIF data. OCO2-SIF data measures the fluorescence emitted by plants as a result of photosynthesis, which can be used as an indicator of plant health and productivity and 

(iii) AI-assisted audit of industrial emissions incorporating publicly available data on critical CO2 emitting sectors e.g. power plants, steel mills, cement plants, atmospheric “spillover” from agricultural and forest fires, traffic emissions, demographic and economic variables, etc

How to cite: Odhiambo, M., Jain, R., Gorana, Y., Kaushal, N., and Mishra, A.: Measuring Carbon: A Tool for Analysing Gridded, Continuous, Carbon Measurements at High Temporal and Spatial Resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15643,, 2023.

EGU23-17497 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Bridging the Gap: Cervest's Climate Intelligence Approach for Effective Adaptation Strategies 

Edward Peter Morris Boyne, Chloé Prodhomme, Adam Jay Pain, and Benjamin Laken

Cervest, a climate intelligence startup, addresses the need for effective adaptation strategies by bridging the gap between disciplines. We use cutting-edge science techniques such as high-resolution convection-permitting models, remote sensing, hydrology, bayesian statistical modeling, machine learning, and data science to provide accurate, localized physical risk assessments for assets. Our climate intelligence product also accounts for assets vulnerability and multi-hazard, multi-risks. It can be used to assess not only the direct impacts of extreme events but also their indirect effects on supply chains and economic production networks. In this session, we will present our vision for the future of climate intelligence and share our novel probabilistic approach to assessing the impacts of climate change.

How to cite: Morris Boyne, E. P., Prodhomme, C., Pain, A. J., and Laken, B.: Bridging the Gap: Cervest's Climate Intelligence Approach for Effective Adaptation Strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17497,, 2023.

EGU23-17504 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/AS5.14

Cost-Effective Climate-Friendly Aircraft Flight Planning 

Abolfazl Simorgh and Manuel Soler

The aviation-induced non-CO2 climate effects, being responsible for two-thirds of aviation radiative forcing [1], have a direct dependency on atmospheric location and time of emissions. This implies that their associated impacts can be mitigated by planning climate-aware trajectories to avoid areas of airspace with large climate effects [2]. However, for the efficiency of such a mitigation strategy, one needs to consider various sources of uncertainty. In fact, if not accounted for within flight planning a priori, the rather immature scientific understanding of aviation-induced climate effects and uncertainty associated with emissions calculation and meteorological conditions can lead to inefficient aircraft trajectories. In addition, the mitigation potential achieved by the climate-optimal routing option increases the operating costs as the aircraft flies longer by re-routing climate-sensitive areas. In this respect, there is a need to plan robust climate-optimal aircraft trajectories having a minimum cost increase compared to the Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario.

In the current study, we present robust climate optimal aircraft trajectory planning, considering meteorological uncertainties. The airspace is assumed to be fully free routing. The information on the spatio-temporal dependency of aviation-induced climate effects is based on the latest version of the prototype algorithmic climate change functions (aCCF V1.1) [3]. An ensemble prediction weather forecast is used to characterize meteorological uncertainty. The flight planning objective is to find an efficient balance between the increased operating costs and the mitigated climate effects with acceptable ranges of uncertainty. The general approach for decision-making between conflicting objectives relies on building a Pareto-frontier by running the optimization many times, each corresponding to a weighting parameter in the objective function (see e.g., [4]). In this study, by proposing a more efficient modeling scheme in the definition of the aircraft trajectory optimization within the context of optimal control theory, we provide an ability to determine the highest possible mitigation potential with a user-specified limit on the increased operating cost and vice versa only in two iterations. In this approach, we define the “Lagrangian” term of the performance index (used to represents climate effects in the objective function) as an additional state variable, enabling to impose path and boundary constraints on the climate effect and its dispersion.

The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by considering the optimization of 10 flights on June 13, 2018, 0000UTC. Due to the strong variability among different members of relative humidity within the EPS weather forecast, the climate impact of contrails is highly uncertain. This in turn leads to high uncertainty in quantifying the net climate effects due to the dominant impact of contrails compared to the remaining species. For the considered case studies, it is shown that by employing the proposed trajectory optimizer, it is possible to minimize the climate effects while respecting the specified available extra operating cost in US dollars. In addition, the uncertainty on the quantified climate effects lies within the user-defined range, implying that the sensitivity of climate impact to the uncertainty in the forecasted weather conditions can be controlled.

How to cite: Simorgh, A. and Soler, M.: Cost-Effective Climate-Friendly Aircraft Flight Planning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17504,, 2023.

The aviation industry contributes to global warming by releasing CO2 and non-CO2 species into the atmosphere. The climate impacts of non-CO2 emissions have been claimed to be two times higher than the effects of CO2 alone [1]. Unlike CO2 emission, the climate impacts of non-CO2 species highly depend on geographical location, altitude, and time of the emissions. Thus, performing more efficient maneuvers to avoid climate hotspots can potentially mitigate their associated climate effects. So far, several studies have been conducted on micro-scale climate optimal aircraft trajectory planning (i.e., trajectory level) [2]. However, generating a climatically optimal flight plan for each aircraft is not the ultimate solution to this problem when it comes to global traffic scenarios.  
  Besides increasing the operating costs as the aircraft fly longer routes ( mainly due to the tendency to avoid climate-sensitive regions), the climate-optimal trajectories also alter the traffic pattern by increasing the congestion around climate hotspots, which may have negative implications, including, but not limited to, high traffic density, increased workload, complexity, and conflicts. Therefore, the evolution toward an environmentally friendly trajectory planning framework required a holistic perspective on the consequences of adopting climate-optimal routes at network scale. Nonetheless, in the literature, the problem of aircraft trajectory planning for the benefits of climate at a network scale is explored only in a free-routing airspace, considering a regional scenario (i.e., only Spain airspace), and constant altitude for trajectory optimization [3].
  In this study, we aim to explore this problem considering a real large-scale scenario including ≈ 6000 flights on December 20th, 2018, from 12:00 to 16:00 over European airspace. The flight information, including the time and altitude of the first crossed waypoint within the considered time interval, has been extracted from the DDR2 dataset. For flights that start or land outside ECAC airports, we model only the segment of the flight that takes place within ECAC airspace. The algorithmic climate change functions proposed by [4] are employed to quantify the climate impact of each species, including contrails, and emissions of nitrogen oxides, CO2, and water vapor, in terms of average temperature response over the next 20 years. Our recently developed tool for climate-optimal aircraft trajectory planning, ROOST, is then used to optimize each trajectory 1 within the current structured airspace [5]. The effects of adopting climate optimized trajectories are assessed in terms of complexity, demand, and the number of conflicts. A performance map associated with each indicator is generated to spatially analyze the overall behavior of optimized trajectories and detect congested areas.  
  For the considered scenario, the results indicate that by adopting trajectories with less climate impact, the complexity, demand, and conflicts are increased around climate hotspots. This trend is mainly due to the tendency to avoid climate-sensitive regions. In order to mitigate such changes in traffic patterns, an efficient resolution strategy is needed to find the optimal mechanisms to manage the ATM system from a climatic perspective.  

How to cite: Baneshi, F. and Soler, M.: Network Assessment of the Aviation Climate Impact Considering the European Structured Airspace, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17517,, 2023.

EGU23-1988 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Changes in Compound Flood Event frequency in Northern and Central Europe under climate change 

Philipp Heinrich, Stefan Hagemann, and Ralf Weisse

The simultaneous occurrence of increased river discharge and high coastal water levels may cause compound flooding. Compound flood events can potentially cause greater damage than the separate occurrence of the underlying extreme events, making them essential for risk assessment. Even though a general increase in the frequency and/or severity of compound flood events is assumed due to climate change, there have been very few studies conducted for larger regions of Europe. Our work, therefore, focuses on the high-resolution analysis of changes in extreme events of coastal water levels, river discharge, and their concurrent appearance at the end of this century in Northern and Central Europe (2070-2100). For this, we analyse downscaled data sets from two global climate models for the two emissions scenarios RCP2.6 and RCP8.5.

First, we compare the historical runs of the downscaled GCMs to historical reconstruction data to investigate if they deliver comparable results for Northern and Central Europe. Then we study changes in the intensity of extreme events, their number, and the duration of extreme event seasons under climate change. Our analysis shows increases in compound flood events over the whole European domain, mostly due to the rising sea level. This increase is concomitant with an increase in the annual compound flood event season duration.

Furthermore, the sea level rise associated with a global warming of 1.5K will result in a 50% increase in compound flood events for nearly every European river considered.

How to cite: Heinrich, P., Hagemann, S., and Weisse, R.: Changes in Compound Flood Event frequency in Northern and Central Europe under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1988,, 2023.

EGU23-2079 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Hotspots and impacts of present and future compound hot and dry summers in Europe 

Andrea Böhnisch, Elizaveta Felsche, Magdalena Mittermeier, Benjamin Poschlod, and Ralf Ludwig

Compound hot and dry events (such as recent summers of 2015, 2018 and 2022 in Europe) have an impact on a wide range of sectors, including health, transport, energy production, ecology, agriculture and forestry. The co-occurrence of extreme heat and drought poses a risk to water security in particular, since heat exacerbates moisture shortages during dry periods through increased evapotranspiration while at the same time water demand increases (e.g., for drinking water, cooling, irrigation). Current research suggests that climate change will increase the intensity, frequency, and duration of joint hot and dry extreme events in Europe. However, most studies focus on the drivers applying coarse-resolution global climate models.

This study exploits a 50-member single-model initial condition large ensemble (SMILE) of the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5, at 12 km resolution (CRCM5-LE, RCP 8.5 from 2006 onwards, driven by the Canadian Earth System Model Version 2 large ensemble, CanESM2-LE). The application of a regional SMILE provides an extensive database of compound events and, subsequently, robust estimations of their occurrence changes across Europe, from current to future states and in high geographical detail.

We define compound hot and dry summers based on joint exceedances of temperature and (negative) precipitation thresholds (2001-2020 JJA 95th percentiles). By considering low soil moisture (below regional 2001-2020 JJA 10th percentile) as an impact indicator, we further show the spatially varying connection between compound hot and dry summers and low water availability in Europe. Compound event occurrences are investigated in a current climate (2001-2020) and future 20-year slices at global warming levels (GWL, derived from the CanESM2-LE) of +2 °C and +3 °C, with each period represented by 1000 model years. Last, we investigate the underlying processes (e.g., heat budget terms) of changing event occurrences and their spatial distribution, and discuss the land use-specific (e.g., urban, agricultural, natural) exposure to impacts on water availability during compound hot and dry summers.

We identify areas in the Mediterranean and northern France as hotspots with a fivefold occurrence frequency of compound hot and dry summers for +2 °C GWL. With +3 °C GWL, the Mediterranean, France, Belgium, southern Germany, Switzerland, and the south of UK and Ireland are affected by a tenfold occurrence frequency with respect to current climate.

This study is an important boundary condition to the development of adaptation strategies for the affected regions.  At the same time, it quantifies the reduction of event occurrence in a +2°C world compared to the higher GWL of +3°C, highlighting the importance of climate mitigation strategies and policies.

How to cite: Böhnisch, A., Felsche, E., Mittermeier, M., Poschlod, B., and Ludwig, R.: Hotspots and impacts of present and future compound hot and dry summers in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2079,, 2023.

EGU23-3133 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Changes in temperature-precipitation correlations over Europe: Are climate models reliable? 

Mathieu Vrac, Soulivanh Thao, and Pascal Yiou

Inter-variable correlations (e.g., between daily temperature and precipitation) are key statistical properties to characterize probabilities of simultaneous climate events and compound events. Their correct simulations from climate models, both in values and in changes over time, is then a prerequisite to investigate their future changes and associated impacts. Therefore, this study first evaluates the capabilities of one 11-single run multi-model ensemble (CMIP6) and one 40-member single model initial-condition large ensemble (CESM) over Europe to reproduce the characteristics of a reanalysis dataset (ERA5) in terms of temperature-precipitation correlations and their historical changes.

Next, the ensembles’ correlations for the end of the 21st century are compared. Over the historical period, both CMIP6 and CESM ensembles have season-dependent and spatially structured biases. Moreover, the inter-variable correlations from both ensembles mostly appear stationary. Thus, although reanalyses display significant correlation changes, none of the ensembles can reproduce them, with internal variability representing only 30% on the inter-model variability. However, future correlations show significant changes over large spatial patterns. Yet, those patterns are rather different for CMIP6 and CESM, reflecting a large uncertainty in changes. In addition, for historical and future projections, an analysis conditional on atmospheric circulation regimes is performed. The conditional correlations given the regimes are found to be the main contributor to the biases in correlation over the historical period, and to the past and future changes of correlation.

These results highlight the importance of the large-scale circulation regimes and the need to understand their physical relationships with local-scale phenomena associated to specific inter-variable correlations.

How to cite: Vrac, M., Thao, S., and Yiou, P.: Changes in temperature-precipitation correlations over Europe: Are climate models reliable?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3133,, 2023.

EGU23-3172 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

The perfect storm? Concurrent climate extremes in East Africa 

Derrick Muheki, Axel Deijns, Emanuele Bevacqua, Gabriele Messori, Jakob Zscheischler, and Wim Thiery

Concurrent extreme events exacerbate adverse impacts on humans, economy, and environment relative to those from independent extreme events. However, while the effects of climate change on the frequency of individual extreme events have been highly researched, the impacts of climate change on the interaction, dependence and joint occurrence of these extremes have not been extensively investigated, particularly in the East African region. Here, we investigate the joint occurrence of six categories of extreme events in East Africa, namely: river floods, droughts, heatwaves, crop failures, wildfires and tropical cyclones using bias-adjusted impact simulations under past and future climate conditions. We show that the change in the probability of joint occurrence of these extreme events in the region can be explained by the effects of climate change on the frequency, spatial distribution, and dependence of these extreme events. The analysis demonstrates that there is a higher positive correlation between most co-occurring pairs of extremes in the region under end-of-century global warming conditions leading to more frequent concurrence in comparison to the early-industrial period. Our results further highlight the most affected locations in the region by these concurrent events and consequently the main driver(s) in the various co-occurring pairs of extremes. Our results overall highlight that concurrent extremes will become the norm rather than the exception in East Africa under low-end warming scenarios.

How to cite: Muheki, D., Deijns, A., Bevacqua, E., Messori, G., Zscheischler, J., and Thiery, W.: The perfect storm? Concurrent climate extremes in East Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3172,, 2023.

EGU23-3273 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region 

Laurynas Klimavičius and Egidijus Rimkus

Both droughts and heatwaves cause negative impact on human health, agriculture, economy and other areas while occurring separately. However, in recent years the impact of these phenomena acting together has been increasingly analysed as it was found that such events, called compound drought and heatwave events (CHDE), may induce even more damage. The aim of this research is to identify droughts, heatwaves and CDHE in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region during the summer months (June-August) from 1950 to 2022 and to assess their frequency and intensity. For the purpose to identify droughts the 1-month Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) values calculated for each day were used. Droughts were distinguished if the SPI values were lower than -1 for at least five or more days in a row and this condition was met in at least one third of the study area.  Heatwaves were defined as a period of five or more consecutive days when daily maximum air temperature (Tmax) was higher than 90th percentile of Tmax of the study period (1951–2022) for each summer day (on a 5-day moving average) and for one or more days covered at least one third of the study area. Daily Tmax data as well as precipitation data that was needed to calculate SPI were obtained from European Centre of Medium-range Weather Forecast ERA-5 reanalysis dataset with a spatial resolution of 0.25° x 0.25°. CDHE events were defined as time periods when heatwave occurs during the drought period. Study showed that the number of heatwaves in the study area since 1950 increased significantly (by 1.25 per decade). The number of droughts during investigation period slightly decreased. The majority of droughts were identified in 1990’s when dry periods were recorded during six summers in a row (from 1992 to 1997). In total, 19 CDHE during the summer months were distinguished, while a lot of them occurred during 1990‘s (5 events). As a consequence, statistically significant increase of such events during the study period was not observed. CHDE of the highest intensity was found in 1994 while the longest CDHE occurred in 2022 and lasted for 19 days (from August 11th to August 29th).

How to cite: Klimavičius, L. and Rimkus, E.: Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3273,, 2023.

EGU23-5187 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

The influence of modes of variability and their interplay on compound extreme wind and precipitation events in the northern hemisphere. 

Khalil Teber, Bastien Francois, Luis Gimeno-Sotelo, Katharina Küpfer, Lou Brett, Richard Leeding, Ahmet Yavuzdogan, Daniela Domeisen, Laura Suarez, and Emanuele Bevacqua

Countless climate-related impacts are caused by compound events, i.e. by the combination of multiple climate processes at different spatial and temporal scales. For example, when precipitation and wind extremes coincide, the resulting impacts on infrastructure and humans can be very destructive. It is established that climate modes of variability, which are known to oscillate from seasonal to decadal timescales, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Pacific-North American Pattern (PNA) and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) favour the occurrence of extreme weather events such as heavy precipitation in several areas worldwide. However, little is known about the effect that these climate modes of variability have on compound events. In this context, understanding the physical modulators of compound events can contribute to an improved comprehension of their dynamics, and ultimately to a better prediction of their impacts. Here, focussing on compound wind and precipitation extremes, we contribute to closing this research gap by using large ensemble climate model simulations (CESM) and reanalysis data (ERA5). We identify hotspot regions in the northern hemisphere where winter (DJF) compound event occurrences are influenced by modes of variability. We also inspect whether particular combinations of modes of variability, e.g., superposition of extreme states of both ENSO and NAO indices, enhance compound event occurrences. Finally, the identified patterns in the observational data are compared to the model simulations. The findings allow us to understand whether climate modes of variability favour the simultaneous occurrence of compound events over different regions worldwide, and how well the current generation of climate model simulations represents these dynamics.  An improved understanding of these oscillating modes of variability could be used to enhance the development of sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts of compound events, which therefore may reduce their impacts. 

How to cite: Teber, K., Francois, B., Gimeno-Sotelo, L., Küpfer, K., Brett, L., Leeding, R., Yavuzdogan, A., Domeisen, D., Suarez, L., and Bevacqua, E.: The influence of modes of variability and their interplay on compound extreme wind and precipitation events in the northern hemisphere., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5187,, 2023.

EGU23-5942 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Climate Change to Exacerbate the Compounding of Heat Stress and Flooding 

Leonardo Valerio Noto, Dario Treppiedi, and Gabriele Villarini

The role of climate change in exacerbating the impacts of natural hazards has been the focus of extensive interest. However, while the emphasis is generally on a single hazard (e.g., heat stress, extreme precipitation, floods, droughts), their compounding effects under climate change have been the subject of a growing number of studies. Among compound events, heat stress was recently found to be a precursor of summer flooding across the central United States. We show for the first time that heat stress can trigger floods across large areas of North and South America, southern Africa, Asia and eastern Australia. Moreover, using global climate models from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), we show that the compounding of heat stress and floods is projected to worsen under climate change with effects magnified as we move from the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) 1-2.6 to 5-8.5. Under future conditions, the compounding between heat stress and floods is projected to extend to Europe and Russia due to the increased warming. These results highlight the need towards improved preparation and mitigation measures that account for the compound nature of these two hazards, and how the compounding is expected to be exacerbated because of climate change.

How to cite: Noto, L. V., Treppiedi, D., and Villarini, G.: Climate Change to Exacerbate the Compounding of Heat Stress and Flooding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5942,, 2023.

EGU23-6226 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Recurrence of drought events over Iberia under present and future climate conditions 

Julia Moemken, Benjamin Koerner, Florian Ehmele, Hendrik Feldmann, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Seasonal droughts are a common feature of the Iberian climate. They can have severe socioeconomic and ecological impacts – especially, when recurring in consecutive years. We investigate the recurrence of extreme drought events in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) for the past decades and in regional climate change projections. With this aim, we introduce and apply a new set of indices: the Recurrent Dry Year Index (RDYI) and the Consecutive Drought Year (CDY) Index. For the present climate, different gridded observational and reanalysis datasets at several spatial resolutions (10 to 25 km) are used. To analyse the potential impacts of climate change, we apply the indices to a large EURO-CORDEX multi-model ensemble with 12 km horizontal resolution consisting of 25 different global-to-regional model (GCM-RCM) chains for the historical period and future periods along the RCP8.5 scenario.

Results show that the IP is regularly affected by extreme droughts under present climate conditions, with roughly three individual events per decade. Especially the southern and central parts of IP are exposed to recurrent events, which last between two and six years. Under different global warming levels (GWLs), results reveal a general tendency towards more severe drought conditions. Moreover, recurrent drought events are projected to occur more frequent and last longer (up to 14 years). While the ensemble mean responses are only moderate for a GWL of +2°C (compared to the pre-industrial average), recurrent drought conditions are strongly enhanced for the +3°C GWL. The climate change signals are robust for most of IP and the considered recurrent drought indices, with a larger model agreement for the +3°C GWL. For both present and future climate conditions, results show some sensitivity on the choice of index and dataset.

We conclude that the new indices are suitable for the detection and evaluation of recurrent drought events under present and future climate conditions. With ongoing climate change, the Iberian Peninsula faces an increased risk of recurrent drought events. If global warming should exceed the +3°C threshold, the majority of models projects an almost permanent state of drought – with severe consequences for the Iberian population and ecosystems.

How to cite: Moemken, J., Koerner, B., Ehmele, F., Feldmann, H., and Pinto, J. G.: Recurrence of drought events over Iberia under present and future climate conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6226,, 2023.

EGU23-6283 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compound precipitation and wind extremes under recent and future climate conditions 

Jens Grieger and Uwe Ulbrich

Severe winter wind storms are related with strong impacts. We could show in recent studies that the co-occurrence of extreme wind and precipitation is leading to higher damages of residential buildings in comparison to non-compound events. This was done using ERA5 reanalysis data for the European winter season and daily insurance records of damages for residential buildings over Germany provided by the German Insurance Association (GDV).

This study investigates the representation of co-occurrence of extreme wind and precipitation for climate simulations of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) for Europe (EURO-CORDEX). We use multi-model ensemble simulations with horizontal resolution of 0.44° and 0.11°. Individual simulations are analysed with respect to the characteristic of compound events for historical projections. Climate change signals for future scenarios are discussed.

How to cite: Grieger, J. and Ulbrich, U.: Compound precipitation and wind extremes under recent and future climate conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6283,, 2023.

EGU23-6479 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Characterization of compound occurrence of heat waves and drought in Europe and North America 

Natalia Castillo, Marco Gaetani, and Mario Martina

Extreme events such as heat waves and droughts can have major impacts on agriculture, human health, and the energy sector, especially during the co-occurrence of such events. Although there is evidence that heat waves and drought have increased in intensity and frequency in the last decades, the analysis, characterization, and impact assessment of the compound occurrence of drought and heat waves are not well documented yet in a common framework. There are still some open questions related to how changes in midlatitude circulation may transcend in the thermodynamical characteristics of these compound events in the future. Furthermore, the role of some local feedbacks and the relationship with other extremes are still a debating subject.

The purpose of this research is to shed some light and add evidence about the key drivers related to these extreme events. The main atmospheric characteristics of compound heat waves and drought events in Europe and North America are identified through the analysis of the ERA5 dataset during the historical period (1959-2022). Additionally, we evaluate the ability of CMIP6 models with respect ERA5 to reproduce the statistics of these compound events. Specifically, we aim at understanding what are the climatological characteristics of these events in the historical climate and what are the dynamical mechanisms leading to compound occurrence of heat waves and droughts.

How to cite: Castillo, N., Gaetani, M., and Martina, M.: Characterization of compound occurrence of heat waves and drought in Europe and North America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6479,, 2023.

EGU23-7203 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Co-occurring British flood-wind events (1980-2080): Their anatomy & drivers 

John Hillier, Hannah Bloomfield, Freya Garry, Paul Bates, and Len Shaffrey

In wintertime, infrastructure and property in NW Europe are threatened by multiple meteorological hazards, and it is increasingly apparent that these exacerbate risk by tending to co-occurring in events that last days to weeks. Impacted by Atlantic storms, Great Britain (GB) is a sentinel location for weather that later tracks into NW Europe.   A recent, dramatic storm sequence (Dudley, Eunice, Franklin) demonstrated the need for a multi-hazard view by bringing a mixture of damaging and disruptive extremes including extreme winds and flooding over 7-10 days in Feb 2022.

This work uses a stakeholder inspired, event-based approach to jointly consider these two hazards.  A wind event set (n = 3,426) is created from the 12km regional UK Climate projections (1981-1999, 2061-2079) to match previously created high-flow events (Griffin et al, 2023). Then, the two hazards’ time-series are merged using windows up to a maximum size (Δt = 1-180 days) positioned to maximize the size of the largest events’ impact. The benefits and limitations of this methodology are discussed, anatomy of storm sequences (Δt = 21 days) discussed, and potential drivers of co-occurrence in the multi-hazard sequences (e.g. jet stream position/strength) examined.

How to cite: Hillier, J., Bloomfield, H., Garry, F., Bates, P., and Shaffrey, L.: Co-occurring British flood-wind events (1980-2080): Their anatomy & drivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7203,, 2023.

Heatwave events have been increasing in frequency, duration, and intensity along the past decades, leading to severe impacts on ecosystems, human health and basic resources. These events are projected to continue increasing associated to anthropogenic activity. Moreover, droughts have also been more recurrent and intense, which can significantly impact agriculture and reservoirs’ water level and quality.

Events of high temperature can occur both in the atmosphere and the seas. These warmer conditions, together with extremely dry episodes, have been affecting southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, which appear to be very sensitive to climate change. Additionally, the co-occurrence of droughts and heatwaves increases meteorological fire danger, rising the probability of wildfire occurrence and severity and resulting in economic, ecological, and even human losses.

In this sense, it becomes fundamental to pay special attention to the role of compound events and synergies in fueling extreme fire outbreaks. Therefore, we propose to address this problem by analyzing the occurrence of both marine and atmospheric heatwaves and drought conditions over Southern Europe, East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (relying on ERA5 reanalysis), as well as the recorded wildfires (through MODIS burned area product).

This work aims to address the occurrence of heatwaves (marine and atmospheric) and previous and contemporaneous drought episodes on a compound or cascading approach, estimating their contribution to the occurrence of extreme wildfires in the region in the last decades were analyzed on a seasonal scale.


Acknowledgments: This study is partially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research project FirEUrisk (Grant Agreement no. 101003890) and by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020- IDL,  DHEFEUS - 2022.09185.PTDC

How to cite: Santos, R., Russo, A., and Gouveia, C. M.: Assessing the impact of marine and atmospheric heatwaves on droughts and fire activity in the Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7779,, 2023.

EGU23-8588 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Detecting dependencies of large-scale heatwaves and droughts with AI-enhanced point process approaches 

Niklas Luther, Andrea Toreti, Jorge Pérez-Aracil, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Odysseas Vlachopoulos, Andrej Ceglar, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, and Elena Xoplaki

Investigating the global connectivities of extreme events is vital for accurate risk reduction and adaptation planning. While human and natural systems have a certain resilience level against single extremes, they may be unable to cope with multiple extreme events whose impacts tend to be amplified in a non-linear relationship. Concurrent droughts and heatwaves are frequently linked to severe damage in socioeconomic sectors such as agriculture, energy, health, and water resources. They can also have detrimental effects on natural ecosystems. Here, we detect global scale dependencies of large-scale droughts and heatwaves using an AI-enhanced point process-based approach, where large-scale events are defined to occur when a certain amount of grid points (e.g., 20%) of a given region of interest experiences heatwave or drought conditions. The classic inhomogeneous and non-stationary J-function can determine whether the occurrence of the events shows clustering, inhibition or independence. However, the analysis and interpretation of this function are usually affected by a high degree of subjectiveness, and its application for large datasets and/or ensembles is challenging. The proposed AI-based automated interpretation tool replaces a subjective and user-dependent approach. Monte Carlo simulations based on standard point process models, reflecting the aforementioned dependence structures, are utilized, allowing the dependence structure to be labeled and the classification problem to be trained using Deep Learning algorithms. To identify the global connectivities of large-scale droughts and heatwaves, we first detect extreme events at the grid scale based on appropriately selected indices. A cluster analysis pinpoints areas with similar drought and heatwave patterns, thus identifying the regions of interest for the large-scale events. For these events we compute the J-functions, and the dependence structure of the large-scale events is then classified by the AI-tool. Links to teleconnections (such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation) can be further identified by analyzing the dependencies conditioning on the teleconnection phase under consideration. The proposed tool can be used in diverse research questions where a point process approach is appropriate, and thus has applications beyond climate science.

How to cite: Luther, N., Toreti, A., Pérez-Aracil, J., Salcedo-Sanz, S., Vlachopoulos, O., Ceglar, A., Hrast Essenfelder, A., and Xoplaki, E.: Detecting dependencies of large-scale heatwaves and droughts with AI-enhanced point process approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8588,, 2023.

EGU23-8705 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Interdependence among subregional crop production affects global crop failure risk 

Sifang Feng, Jakob Zscheischler, Zengchao Hao, and Emanuele Bevacqua

Synchronous crop failure among multiple breadbaskets worldwide, a typical spatially compound event, may amplify threats to the global food system and food security and has been a growing concern among the scientific community in recent years. While the risk of simultaneous crop loss across multiple breadbasket regions has been analyzed, to date, little is known about how interdependence among regional crop production affects aggregated crop failure at the global scale. Quantifying the impact of dependencies among breadbasket regions on global food production and assessing how the dynamic of spatially compounding crop failures is simulated by climate and crop models is essential for informing the modeling of global food security risk. In this study, focusing on different crop types, we quantify the influence of dependence between crop production of individual regions on global aggregated crop yield based on the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) dataset. We find that spatial dependence between regional crop yields may aggravate global crop deficits and identify a characteristic spatial scale beyond which the dependence between crop production in different regions vanishes. Our results provide valuable information for designing risk strategies for food security at the suited scale.

How to cite: Feng, S., Zscheischler, J., Hao, Z., and Bevacqua, E.: Interdependence among subregional crop production affects global crop failure risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8705,, 2023.

EGU23-9048 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

The joint impact of rainfall events on water- and dike systems in Dutch polders 

Bart Strijker and Matthijs Kok

Polders can be found in coastal and alluvial lowlands all over the world. These polders need an internal drainage system consisting of drainage canals, weirs and/or pumps to discharge the water out of the polder. Next to these drainage canals, dikes can protect the low-lying polder areas that are situated several meters lower than the controlled water levels in these canals. This study investigates the joint impact of extreme rainfall events on water and dike systems within Dutch polders. Previous research has shown that the combined effect of heavy rainfall and storm surge can increase flood risk in coastal polders in the Netherlands. However, the impact of extreme rainfall on multiple water-and-dike systems within a single polder, resulting in multiple hazards, has received little attention. Our analysis uses physical models that are calibrated on measurements and forced by synthetic rainfall and evaporation time series to examine the response time and interdependencies between regional drainage systems and pore-water pressures in canal dikes. Water levels and pore-water pressures and their interrelationships were analyzed as indicators of flood hazards. Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering the joint impact of multiple hazards on flood risk in polders, as the functioning of regional drainage systems and canal dikes can be affected by similar weather events.

How to cite: Strijker, B. and Kok, M.: The joint impact of rainfall events on water- and dike systems in Dutch polders, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9048,, 2023.

EGU23-10996 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

A bottom-up approach for exploring the role of humidity in high heat-related mortality events: A Multi-City, Multi-Country study 

Sidharth Sivaraj, Samuel Lüthi, Eunice Lo, and Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera

Although studies based on physiological models have repeatedly shown that high humidity levels lead to stronger heat stress in humans, findings from epidemiological studies have remained inconclusive on the matter till date. We aim to employ a ‘bottom-up’ strategy of identifying key drivers of compound events to explore the role played by humidity in high heat-related mortality events, spanning across multiple cities in multiple countries. We used daily data on all-cause mortality, mean temperature and mean relative humidity from 11 cities across the world and applied state-of-the-art epidemiological models to compute the daily observed total mortality counts attributable to heat (i.e., limited to days with average temperature exceeding the ‘temperature of minimum mortality’ (MMT) in each city). Each of these days with mean temperature exceeding MMT is considered as an ’event’ and events with highest mortality counts attributable to heat from multiple cities are analysed in a 2D scatter plot of the corresponding percentile rank of temperature and humidity observed during those events. The frequency of such high impact events in the temperature-humidity percentile space across multiple cities, categorised into sub-groups based on the temperature and humidity climatology of the cities, was then studied. It was observed that close to 90% of the high impact events occurred during high temperature (> 90th percentile) and non-high humid (<50th percentile) conditions. The events of high severity, where humidity conditions were comparatively high (> 50th percentile), were mostly representative of cities with prevailing high humidity conditions on average during the warmest months, when compared across all the cities. Based on our preliminary findings, there is no conclusive evidence that high humidity conditions were prevalent during high heat-mortality impact events, but further analysis incorporating more cities and other climatological variables of interests such as absolute humidity, wet-bulb globe temperature etc. are planned. This novel framework provides valuable insights into the role of humidity in heat stress mortality and can be generalised to address other similar complex research questions in environmental epidemiology.

How to cite: Sivaraj, S., Lüthi, S., Lo, E., and Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M.: A bottom-up approach for exploring the role of humidity in high heat-related mortality events: A Multi-City, Multi-Country study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10996,, 2023.

Heavy rainfall events and urban flash floods pose a high risk potential for humans and the environment, as a concrete prediction of the regional impacts is difficult. The effects of heavy rainfall events and urban flash floods depend, among other things, on the characteristics of the respective affected area - such as land use, soil type or topographical factors - but also on prior conditions, especially the pre-rainfall index. River floods also pose a similarly high risk, even if they can be predicted more precisely than heavy rainfall events - especially in larger river systems - and thus a more focused flood risk management can be carried out. If these events overlap in the form of compound flooding from river floods and heavy rainfall, the hazards and the risk to people and the environment increase significantly. This was shown in particular by the flood disaster in July 2021 in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.

Investigations are carried out into the joint occurrence of river floods and heavy rainfall. Discharge data from various stream gauges in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) and precipitation data from radar data of the German Weather Service as well as ERA5-Land reanalysis data of the ECMWF are used for this purpose. First, the respective single events are identified and analysed with regard to various statistical parameters. Then the analysis of the compound events is carried out, considering only events that are identical in time and space. To take this into account, simultaneous series are formed from the time series available. Since not all catchments are equally at risk from compound river flood and heavy rainfall events, one focus is on determining vulnerable areas. Here, various characteristic attributes of the catchments but also weather conditions, such as the pre-rainfall index, are considered. It turns out that special attention must be paid to small to medium-sized catchments and to areas with steep and narrow valleys.

Furthermore, the joint occurrence probability of river floods and heavy rainfall is determined. This is done with archimedean copula functions. A statement on the joint probability of occurrence of river floods and heavy rainfall has not yet been included in practice or in standards but should be adopted for the correct determination of hazards and risks. Furthermore, based on the analyses carried out, a proposal for the preparation of flood hazard maps by compound river floods and heavy rainfall is presented.

How to cite: Simon, F. and Mudersbach, C.: Analysis of compound river flood and heavy rainfall events for a development of combined flood maps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11000,, 2023.

EGU23-11029 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Unfolding the role of active/break spells in compound hot and dry extremes (CHDE) in India 

Iqura Malik and Vimal Mishra


The co-occurrence of temperature and precipitation extremes can have profound consequences than either individual extremes. The role of increasing warm spells in increasing CHDEs has been studied in various studies, but the role of active and break spells on CHDEs during monsoon has not been studied. As a result, in this study, we investigated the fraction of CHDEs in both active and break spells in India. We used copula and threshold-based methodology to characterize CHDE to investigate the uncertainty in the frequency of CHDEs during active and break spells. We also looked at how CHDEs in two different spells will impact society differently. We further investigated the changes in CHDEs to future projections of active-break spells of the Indian Summer Monsoon. The findings of the study may help to mitigate the severe impacts of compound hot and dry extremes in the future.

Keywords: Climate change, Compound extremes, active spells, dry spells

How to cite: Malik, I. and Mishra, V.: Unfolding the role of active/break spells in compound hot and dry extremes (CHDE) in India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11029,, 2023.

EGU23-11220 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compound storm surge and river flood events in the coastal zone: Exploring the influence of data sources and compound approach on extreme recurrence levels 

Kevin Dubois, Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen, Martin Drews, Erik Nilsson, and Anna Rutgersson

Floods are among the most impactful disasters especially in terms of economy in affecting humans’ activities and damaging infrastructures. This is particularly the case along the coast where coastal floods happen. Such floods can be due to three different factors: meteorological (precipitation), hydrological (river runoff) and oceanographic (storm surge). A single factor but also a combination of two or more of such factors happening at the same time can lead to coastal floods also called compound floods. Flood hazards can then be underestimating when compound effects are not considered. 

This study focuses on coastal compound floods from oceanographic and hydrological phenomena at the coastal city of Halmstad (Sweden). It aims to quantify the risk of such flood events at Halmstad and to analyse the sensitivity of data sources and copula’ approaches.

Here, the copula method is used to analyse compound floods based on annual maxima of river discharge and corresponding sea level and vice-versa. A comparison is carried out with the commonly used Extreme Value theory on a single factor and the compound approach. Effects from different data time-series available from observations and models for both river discharge and sea level are studied.

This paper concludes the presence of a higher risk of flooding when compound effects are not considered and that the choices made on input datasets and copulas can have a significant impact.

How to cite: Dubois, K., Andreas Dahl Larsen, M., Drews, M., Nilsson, E., and Rutgersson, A.: Compound storm surge and river flood events in the coastal zone: Exploring the influence of data sources and compound approach on extreme recurrence levels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11220,, 2023.

EGU23-12245 | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Projecting the occurrence of extreme heat-related mortality using long short-term memory networks in cities of Switzerland 

Saeid Ashraf Vaghefi, Veruska Muccione, Ana Vicedo-Cabrera, Raphael Neukom, Christian Huggel, and Nadine Salzmann

Climate change increases the frequency and severity of heat waves, which can negatively impact human health. Extreme heat can lead to heat stroke, dehydration, and other heat-related illnesses. Heatwaves are more severe for vulnerable populations such as older adults, young children, and people with pre-existing medical conditions. In this study, we analyze the occurrence of compound extreme heat-related mortality in five Swiss cities using neural networks.

To define the excess mortality due to compound heat extremes (Hot day, Tmax>30oC, followed by a tropical night, Tmin>20oC) we compared mortality during the four hot summers of 2003, 2015, 2018, and 2019 with long-term average mortality rates (1981-2020). We trained long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks on 40-year time series of maximum and minimum temperatures, hot day / tropical night compound events, and mortality in Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lugano, and Zürich.  LSTM neural networks learn the important parts of the sequence seen so far and forget the less important ones. This makes these models predict with greater accuracy than traditional time series analysis methods.

In general, we found that over the past 40 years, more than six percent of deaths were caused by compound extreme heat waves in the five Swiss cities. Geneva and Lugano are the most affected cities by compound heat, but the risk of heat-related mortality has decreased in these two regions over time, which could be a result of the action plans that exist in the Latin regions of Switzerland.

We further used Switzerland's future climate model scenarios (CH2018), to predict mortality rates in Swiss cities in the near-future (2020–2050) and far-future (2070–2100). We projected that the number of people affected by mortality risks associated with heat could increase by three folds by the end of the century in most cities if no further adaptation is taken place.

Our results show how important it is for governments, public health agencies, and individuals to be aware of the potential impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality and to take steps to mitigate and adapt to these impacts.

How to cite: Ashraf Vaghefi, S., Muccione, V., Vicedo-Cabrera, A., Neukom, R., Huggel, C., and Salzmann, N.: Projecting the occurrence of extreme heat-related mortality using long short-term memory networks in cities of Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12245,, 2023.

EGU23-12427 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compounding hydro-meteorological drivers of forest damage over Europe 

Pauline Rivoire, Daniela Domeisen, Antoine Guisan, and Pascal Vittoz

Extreme meteorological events such as frost, heat, and drought can induce significant damage to vegetation and ecosystems. In particular, heat and drought events are projected to become more frequent under a changing climate. It is therefore crucial to predict the frequency (on climate timescales) and the occurrence (on timescales of weeks to months) of such extremes.

The subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasting timescale refers to forecasting timescales from two weeks to a season. Skillful S2S forecasts of hydro-meteorological hazards can be of crucial importance to prevent large-scale vegetation damage. The utility of S2S forecasts for vegetation is very broad (agriculture, biodiversity and flora protection, wildfire risk management, forest management, etc.).

We focus here on forest damage, defined as negative anomalies of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). We use the AVHRR dataset, providing NDVI data over Europe. Compound droughts and heat waves are known to trigger low NDVI events in summer. A dry summer combined with moist conditions during the previous autumn can also have a negative impact. The idea is to find, among all the hydrometeorological variables available as S2S forecast in the ECMWF model, the most relevant ones to predict forest damage. For that, we establish an automated procedure to identify the compound hydro-meteorological conditions leading to low NDVI events, up to several seasons before the impact. We train a model using ERA5 and ERA5-Land reanalysis datasets for the explicative variables. These variables include temperature, precipitation, dew point temperature, surface latent heat flux, soil moisture, snow water equivalent, soil temperature, etc. Several space and time aggregations are considered in order to find the optimal scales and most relevant combinations of variables to predict low NDVI events. The overall goal of this research project is to bridge the research gap between the S2S forecast of hydrometeorological variables and vegetation damage in general. For that, we assess the forecast skill of variables identified as responsible for compound low NDVI events and vegetation biodiversity loss.

How to cite: Rivoire, P., Domeisen, D., Guisan, A., and Vittoz, P.: Compounding hydro-meteorological drivers of forest damage over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12427,, 2023.

EGU23-13562 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Defining compound extreme events on objective spatiotemporal scales 

Nina Schuhen, Jana Sillmann, Julien Cattiaux, and Carley Iles

Compound extreme events describe the simultaneous occurrence of two or more individual extreme weather or climate events that often have a significant impact on environment, society or economy. Many studies have investigated such events, often using different spatiotemporal scales for the same event, depending on e.g., the country or region of interest. Although appropriate from an impact point of view, this practice might lead to conflicting or inconsistent results. It is therefore necessary to find objective definitions of extreme events for attribution studies or to investigate how likelihoods of certain extreme events change over time.

Building on previous work for single extreme events, we propose a roadmap for obtaining objective compound event definitions, especially with regards to their spatiotemporal characteristics, by estimating multivariate probability distributions via copulas and then maximizing the rarity of the event across several scales. We present applications to past compound extreme events with considerable impact on e.g., human health and agriculture, such as the European heat wave/high ozone event in summer 2003, and also investigate how probabilities of these events change under different emission scenarios.

How to cite: Schuhen, N., Sillmann, J., Cattiaux, J., and Iles, C.: Defining compound extreme events on objective spatiotemporal scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13562,, 2023.

EGU23-14152 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

How compound can a compound event be? Mapping the compoundness of the Gloria storm 

Maria Aguilera Vidal, Jose A Jimenez, Montserrat Llasat, Salvador Castan, and Carmen Llasat

From a risk management perspective, compound events are very relevant because they can significantly increase the intensity and/or the spatial and temporal extension of the impact. Thus, depending on their magnitude, they may overwhelm the capability of emergency-response services to cope with “unusual” situations of major damage and respond to a large number of emergency situations throughout the region at the same time, and/or have to maintain the level of response during a relatively long period of time. When an extreme compound event occurs, its characteristics depart from the idealized conditions that are usually analyzed and, from the risk management perspective, the problem becomes highly multidimensional. This will be illustrated with the impact of the Gloria storm on the Spanish Mediterranean coast in January 2020. During five days extreme conditions (with some record breakings) of multiple hazards (wind, waves, rainfall, river discharge and surge) were recorded. In places such as the mouth of the Tordera River, they occurred simultaneously, but the most common situation was that different extreme conditions of univariate hazard occurred in remote areas of the territory, although they had to be managed simultaneously. In addition, the storm caused massive damage of various kinds, affecting transportation infrastructure, railway services, breakwaters, docks, urban services, housing, agricultural land and four fatalities in Catalonia. As a result of this, although the storm lasted about five days, the management of its impacts was much more extended, so that several months later some repairs were still being carried out. Looking to the event, the analysis of its probability of occurrence will be significantly affected by the adopted perspective. Thus, from the “physical” point of view, the analysis would range from the simplest joint probability of some hazards occurring in a given location (classical 2-drivers multivariate events) to multiple hazards over the whole territory (spatially compound with up to four concurrent hazards). From a "management" point of view, the analysis would focus on the probability of different types of damage (and their corresponding services) occurring at the same time, and on the probability of providing services in remote parts of the territory (and, consequently, dividing the available services) within a short period of time. To illustrate this possible multidimensional study plane, we will map the compoundness of the Gloria storm encompassing its induced hazards, impacts, damage and response. 

This work was supported by the Spanish Agency of Research in the framework of the C3RiskMed project (PID2020-113638RB-C21/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033).

How to cite: Aguilera Vidal, M., Jimenez, J. A., Llasat, M., Castan, S., and Llasat, C.: How compound can a compound event be? Mapping the compoundness of the Gloria storm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14152,, 2023.

EGU23-15290 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Quantifying climate change induced shifts in the risk of jointly and individually occurring drought and late-spring frost 

Benjamin F. Meyer, Marija Tepegjozova, Anja Rammig, Claudia Czado, and Christian S. Zang

Global climate change is altering the frequency, intensity, and timing of drought and late-spring frost (LSF). European beech, an ecological and economical cornerstone of European forestry, has been shown to be susceptible to both extremes. Since recovery from both drought and frost damage requires access to stored carbohydrate reserves, the joint occurrence of drought and late-frost exacerbates the deleterious effects on forest health. Both extremes are projected to increase in frequency with increasing temperatures, yet, a statistical model for compound drought and late-spring frost events over time is still lacking. Thus, in order to facilitate forest risk assessment, we quantify the joint probability of drought and spring late-frost risk in the historic domain and identify shifts in this dependency across multiple, future climate change scenarios. Analogously, we determine the individual probability of both drought and LSF to determine the contribution of each extreme to the joint probability. 

We determine frost risk based on the minimum temperature during the period of leaf flushing as predicted by a phenological model. Drought risk is quantified using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). To quantify the joint risk of these two extremes while accounting for climatic and topographical covariates, we use vine copula based models. Specifically,  we apply a novel, regular vine copula based regression model, Y-vine copula regression, designed for a two-response regression setting.

We establish a historical baseline for the joint probability of drought and LSF and identify critical climatic and topographic covariates. Subsequently, we repeat the analysis with climate projections for three different scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5). We identify differences in the joint probability of drought and LSF across the three climate change trajectories, yet note, that the critical covariates remain constant across scenarios. To further disentangle the coupling between drought and LSF, we use a single response, D-vine copula to determine probability and critical covariates for each extreme separately. Consequently, we are able to determine whether the risk of frost and drought change in concert, how this differs between climate change scenarios, and which covariates drive each extreme. 

How to cite: Meyer, B. F., Tepegjozova, M., Rammig, A., Czado, C., and Zang, C. S.: Quantifying climate change induced shifts in the risk of jointly and individually occurring drought and late-spring frost, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15290,, 2023.

Compound climate-related events are impactful extreme events in which the interactions between multiple variables amplify the final impact. They may be classified depending on the types of interaction and the scales involved. For example, temporal compounding events are characterized by the occurrence of subsequent events in time, as in case of a temporal clustering of precipitation. This last trigger is of great importance when the antecedent soil saturation shapes the intensity or occurrence of a given natural hazard, like for floods or deep landslides. Here, we focus on the characteristics of temporal clustering of precipitation over the Italian territory and its link with landslides occurrence. First, we investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of temporal clustering and the synoptic conditions more prone to it, using Era5-Land dataset. Second, we link the identified clusters with the occurrence of different movements’ types (complex, debris flow, fall, flow, and sliding), using a shuffling procedure to assess the significance. Regarding the first point, clear differences emerged between the Italian regions and the four seasons. Clusters were more widespread in autumn and spring and more localized in winter and summer. During winter, we observed a negative link between the number of clusters and the Mediterranean oscillation index in south-central Italy. Regarding the second point, differences were found between the five landslide typologies: fall events were mostly preceded by an intense precipitation event, debris flow by a temporal clustering over small windows and complex, flow, and sliding with a temporal clustering over long windows.

How to cite: Banfi, F. and De Michele, C.: Temporal compounding of precipitation and its occurrence before landslide events over the Italian territory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15427,, 2023.

EGU23-16867 | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Characterization of Lagged Compound Floods and Droughts Under Climate Change 

Mohammad Reza Najafi, Wooyoung Na, Reza Rezvani, and Melika Rahimi Movaghar

Increases in the frequency and intensity of hydroclimatic extremes (floods and droughts) and their temporal swings have led to severe consequences in many regions around the world. Traditionally, these contrasting extremes have been assessed in isolation without considering their spatial and temporal interactions, implications for infrastructure design and management and the overall compounding risks. Nonetheless, understanding the changing characteristics of such lagged compound events is critical to developing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. In this study, we propose a novel framework to identify and characterize the hydroclimatic whiplash events and investigate their spatiotemporal projections under climate change. Multiple hydroclimate variables such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, runoff, and streamflow are used to identify dry and wet extremes and their transitions. Different scenarios for nonstationary hydrological swings between flood and drought are investigated based on streamflow data. Meteorological wet and dry conditions are investigated using standardized drought indices calculated based on the downscaled and statistically bias-adjusted simulations of CMIP5 for 1.5°C-4 °C global warming levels over three major river basins in northwest North America. Further, three dry-wet spell indices estimated by precipitation, soil moisture, and runoff simulations are merged into an integrated indicator to provide a thorough perspective on the changing risks of such transitions across North America using the Canadian Regional Climate Model version 4 Large Ensemble. We apply an ensemble pooling approach to enhance the sample size for index estimation, which enables projecting the characteristics more robustly. Frequency, intensity, transition time, spatial fraction, aggregation index, and seasonality are quantified for each warming period and compared with those of the baseline period to investigate their projected changes. In addition, we assess the contribution of external forcing and internal variability to the historical and projected changes of the lagged compound events. The results of this study suggest that hydroclimatic whiplash across North America is expected to become more frequent and intensified in a warmer climate. Projections show overall increases in the frequency of hydroclimatic whiplash and a decrease in the corresponding transition times as the climate gets warmer. In addition, the magnitude, intensity, and duration of wet and dry components of such lagged compound events are projected to increase based on the analyses with streamflow. Increasing trends of spatial fraction and spatial aggregation during both transitions between dry and wet spells also imply higher risks and future challenges for water resources management. The findings of this study support the necessity of developing appropriate mitigation measures targeting lagged compound floods and droughts that can lead to severe environmental and socio-economic disasters in North America.

How to cite: Najafi, M. R., Na, W., Rezvani, R., and Rahimi Movaghar, M.: Characterization of Lagged Compound Floods and Droughts Under Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16867,, 2023.

EGU23-17187 | Posters virtual | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Trends in the Frequency and Intensity of Compound Coastal Flooding Events along the Indian coastline during 1980-2020 

Diljit Dutta, V Vemavarapu Srinivas, and Govindasamy Bala

The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea adjoining the coastline of India are breeding grounds for depressions and tropical cyclones, with 2 to 3 cyclones making landfall every year on average. The frequency and intensity of compound coastal flooding events are expected to increase as the world continues to warm. The impact of these events will also be more due to the growing exposure and vulnerability of human settlements in the coastal areas of India. The compound coastal flooding events are primarily driven by extreme sea levels and heavy rainfall during tropical storms and depressions making landfall near the coast. However, there is no comprehensive study on the trends in compound flooding scenarios with reference to Indian coastline. This study presents results from an analysis of compound extreme flood events in the Indian coastal region and assesses the change in frequency and intensity of these events based on in-situ data for the period 1980-2020. The hourly sea-level data was obtained from 9 Tide Gauge stations (TGs) operated by the Survey of India. The daily rainfall data at these stations are extracted from 0.25° resolution gridded rainfall product of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Harmonic analysis is carried out on the detrended sea-level data to separate the astronomical tide component and obtain skew surge time series at predicted high tide timesteps. The extremes corresponding to 90th, 95th and 98th percentile thresholds are identified for both skew surge and rainfall time series, and the co-occurrence probability of the two extreme events is analysed for the historical data. The evolution of frequency and intensity of the potential compound flood days over the historical period is also investigated.

How to cite: Dutta, D., Srinivas, V. V., and Bala, G.: Trends in the Frequency and Intensity of Compound Coastal Flooding Events along the Indian coastline during 1980-2020, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17187,, 2023.

As deep learning (DL) is gathering remarkable attention for its capacity to achieve accurate predictions in various fields, enormous applications of DL in geosciences also emerged. Most studies focus on the high accuracy of DL models by model selections and hyperparameter tuning. However, the interpretability of DL models, which can be loosely defined as comprehending what a model did, is also important but comparatively less discussed. To this end, we select thin section photomicrographs of five types of sedimentary rocks, including quartz arenite, feldspathic arenite, lithic arenite, dolomite, and oolitic packstone. The distinguishing features of these rocks are their characteristic framework grains. For example, the oolitic packstone contains rounded or oval ooids. A regular classification model using ResNet-50 is trained by these photomicrographs, which is assumed as accurate because its accuracy reaches 0.97. However, this regular DL model makes their classifications based on the cracks, cements, or even scale bars in the photomicrographs, and these features are incapable of distinguishing sedimentary rocks in real works. To rectify the models’ focus, we propose an attention-based dual network incorporating the microphotographs' global (the whole photomicrographs) and local features (the distinguishing framework grains). The proposed model has not only high accuracy (0.99) but also presents interpretable feature extractions. Our study indicates that high accuracy should not be the only metric of DL models, interpretability and models incorporating geological information require more attention.

How to cite: Zheng, D., Cao, Z., Hou, L., Ma, C., and Hou, M.: High accuracy doesn’t prove that a deep learning model is accurate: a case study from automatic rock classification of thin section photomicrographs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-244,, 2023.

EGU23-1183 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.5/GI1.5 | Highlight

Detection of anomalous NO2 emitting ships using AutoML on TROPOMI satellite data 

Solomiia Kurchaba, Jasper van Vliet, Fons J. Verbeek, and Cor J. Veenman

Starting from 2021 International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduced more demanding NOx emission restrictions for ships operating in waters of the North and Baltic Seas. All methods currently used for ship compliance monitoring are financially and time-demanding. Thus, it is important to prioritize the inspection of ships that have a high chance of being non-compliant. 


TROPOMI/S5P instrument for the first time allows a distinction of NO2 plumes from individual ships. Here, we present a method for the selection of potentially non-compliant ships using automated machine learning (AutoML) on TROPOMI/S5P satellite data. The study is based on the analysis of 20 months of data in the Mediterranean Sea region. To each ship, we assign a Region of Interest (RoI), where we expect the ship plume to be located. We then train a regression model to predict the amount of NO2 that is expected to be produced by a ship with specific properties operating in the given atmospheric conditions. We use a genetic algorithm-based AutoML for the automatic selection and configuration of a machine-learning pipeline that maximizes prediction accuracy. The difference between the predicted and actual amount of produced NO2 is a measure of inspection worthiness. We rank the analyzed ships accordingly. 


We cross-check the obtained ranks using a previously developed method for supervised ship plume segmentation.  We quantify the amount of NO2 produced by a given ship by summing up concentrations within the pixels identified as a “plume”. We rank the ships based on the difference between the obtained concentrations and the ship emission proxy.


Ships that are also ranked as highly deviating by the segmentation method need further attention. For example, by checking their data for other explanations. If no other explanations are found, these ships are advised to be the candidates for fuel inspection.

How to cite: Kurchaba, S., van Vliet, J., Verbeek, F. J., and Veenman, C. J.: Detection of anomalous NO2 emitting ships using AutoML on TROPOMI satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1183,, 2023.

Compaction of agricultural soil negatively affects its hydraulic proprieties, leading to water erosion and other negative effects on the quality of the environment. This study focused on the effect of compaction on soil hydrodynamic properties under unsaturated and saturated conditions using the Hydraulic Property Analyzer (HYPROP) system. We studied the impact of five levels of compaction among loam sand soils collected in a potato crop field in northern Québec, Canada. Soil samples were collected, and the soil bulk densities of the artificially compacted samples were developed by increasing the bulk density by 0% (C0), 30% (C30), 40% (C40), 50% (C50), and 70% (C70). First, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of each column was measured using the constant-head method. Soil water retention curve (SWRC) dry-end data and unsaturated hydraulic conductivities were obtained via the implementation and evaluation of the HYPROP evaporation measurement system and WP4-T Dew Point PotentioMeter equipment (METER group, Munich, Germany). Second, the soil microporosity was imaged and quantified using the micro-CT-measured pore-size distribution to visualize and quantify soil pore structures. The imaged soil microporosity was related to the saturated hydraulic conductivity, air permeability, porosity and tortuosity measured of the same samples.  Our results supported the application of the Peters–Durner–Iden (PDI) variant of the bimodal unconstrained van Genuchten model (VGm-b-PDI) for complete SWRC estimation based on the root mean square error (RMSE). The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity matched the PDI variant of the unconstrained van-Genuchten model (VGm-PDI) well. Finally, the preliminary results indicated that soil compaction could strongly influence the hydraulic properties of soil in different ways. The saturated conductivity decreased with increasing soil compaction, and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity changed very rapidly with the ratio of water to soil. Overall, the HYPROP methodology performed extremely well in terms of the hydraulic behavior of compacted soils.

How to cite: Mbarki, Y. and Gumiere, S. J.: Study of the effect of compaction on the hydrodynamic properties of a loamy sand soil for precision agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1583,, 2023.

EGU23-1902 | Posters on site | ITS1.5/GI1.5

TACTICIAN: AI-based applications knowledge extraction from ESA’s mission scientific publications 

Omiros Giannakis, Iason Demiros, Konstantinos Koutroumbas, Athanasios Rontogiannis, Vassilis Antonopoulos, Guido De Marchi, Christophe Arviset, George Balasis, Athanasios Daglis, George Vasalos, Zoe Boutsi, Jan Tauber, Marcos Lopez-Caniego, Mark Kidger, Arnaud Masson, and Philippe Escoubet

Scientific publications in space science contain valuable and extensive information regarding the links and relationships between the data interpreted by the authors and the associated observational elements (e.g., instruments or experiments names, observing times, etc.). In this reality of scientific information overload, researchers are often overwhelmed by an enormous and continuously growing number of articles to access in their daily activities. The exploration of recent advances concerning specific topics, methods and techniques, the review and evaluation of research proposals and in general any action that requires a cautious and comprehensive assessment of scientific literature has turned into an extremely complex and time-consuming task.

The availability of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools able to extract information from scientific unstructured textual contents and to turn it into extremely organized and interconnected knowledge, is fundamental in the framework of the use of scientific information. Exploitation of the knowledge that exists in the scientific publications, necessitates state-of-the-art NLP. The semantic interpretation of the scientific texts can support the development of a varied set of applications such as information retrieval from the texts, linking to existing knowledge repositories, topic classification, semi-automatic assessment of publications and research proposals, tracking of scientific and technological advances, scientific intelligence-assisted reporting, review writing, and question answering.

The main objectives of TACTICIAN are to introduce Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the textual analysis of the publications of all ESA Space Science missions, to monitor and evaluate the scientific productivity of the science missions, and to integrate the scientific publications’ metadata into the ESA Space Science Archive. Through TACTICIAN, we extract lexical, syntactic, and semantic information from the scientific publications by applying NLP and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and techniques. Utilizing the wealth of publications, we have created valuable scientific language resources, such as labeled datasets and word embeddings, which were used to train Deep Learning models that assist us in most of the language understanding tasks. In the context of TACTICIAN, we have devised methodologies and developed algorithms that can assign scientific publications to the Mars Express, Herschel, and Cluster ESA science missions and identify selected named entities and observations in these scientific publications. We also introduced a new unsupervised ML technique, based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF), for classifying the Planck mission scientific publications to categories according to the use of the Planck data products.

These methodologies can be applied to any other mission. The combination of NLP and ML constitutes a general basis, which has proved that it can assist in establishing links between the missions’ observations and the scientific publications and to classify them in categories, with high accuracy.

This work has received funding from the European Space Agency under the "ArTificiAl intelligenCe To lInk publiCations wIth observAtioNs (TACTICIAN)" activity under ESA Contract No 4000128429/19/ES/JD.

How to cite: Giannakis, O., Demiros, I., Koutroumbas, K., Rontogiannis, A., Antonopoulos, V., De Marchi, G., Arviset, C., Balasis, G., Daglis, A., Vasalos, G., Boutsi, Z., Tauber, J., Lopez-Caniego, M., Kidger, M., Masson, A., and Escoubet, P.: TACTICIAN: AI-based applications knowledge extraction from ESA’s mission scientific publications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1902,, 2023.

EGU23-2388 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.5/GI1.5

Deep learning based identification of carbonate rock components in core images 

Harriet Dawson and Cédric John

Identification of constituent grains in carbonate rocks is primarily a qualitative skill requiring specialist experience. A carbonate sedimentologist must be able to distinguish between various grains of different ages, preserved in differing alteration stages, and cut in random orientations across core sections. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of machine learning in classifying lithofacies from thin section, core and seismic images, with faster analysis times and reduction of natural biases.  In this study, we explore the application and limitations of convolutional neural network (CNN) based object detection frameworks to identify and quantify multiple types of carbonate grains within close-up core images. Nearly 400 images of carbonate cores we compiled of high-resolution core images from three ODP and IODP expeditions. Over 9,000 individual carbonate components of 11 different classes were manually labelled from this dataset. Using transfer learning, we evaluate one-stage (YOLO v3) and two-stage (Faster R-CNN) detectors under different feature extractors (Darknet and Inception-ResNet-v2). Despite the current popularity of one-stage detectors, our results show Faster R-CNN with Inception-ResNet-v2 backbone provides the most robust performance, achieving nearly 0.8 mean average precision (mAP). Furthermore, we extend the approach by deploying the trained model to ODP Leg 194 Sites 1196 and 1190, developing a performance comparison with human interpretation. 

How to cite: Dawson, H. and John, C.: Deep learning based identification of carbonate rock components in core images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2388,, 2023.

EGU23-3997 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.5/GI1.5

Artificial Intelligence Models for Detecting Spatiotemporal Crop Water Stress in schedule Irrigation: A review 

Elham Koohi, Silvio Jose Gumiere, and Hossein Bonakdari

Water used in agricultural crops can be managed by irrigation scheduling based on plant water stress thresholds. Automated irrigation scheduling limits crop physiological damage and yield reduction. Knowledge of crop water stress monitoring approaches can be effective in optimizing the use of agricultural water. Understanding the physiological mechanisms of crop responding and adapting to water deficit ensures sustainable agricultural management and food supply. This aim could be achieved by analyzing stomatal conductance, growth rate, leaf water potential, and stem water potential. Calculating thresholds of soil matric potential, and available water content improves the precision of irrigation management by preventing water limitations between irrigations. Crop monitoring and irrigation management make informed decisions using geospatial technologies, the internet of things, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence. Remote sensing (RS) could be applied whenever in situ data are not available. High-resolution crop mapping extracts information through index-based methods fed by the multitemporal and multi-sensor data used in detection and classification. Precision Agriculture (PA) means applying farm inputs at the right amount, at the right time, and in the right place. RS in PA captures images in different spatial, and spectral resolutions through in-field, satellites, aerial, and handheld or tractor-mounted such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) sensors. RS sensors receive the electromagnetic signals of plant responses in different spectral domains. Optical satellite data, including narrow-band multispectral remote sensing techniques and thermal imagery, is used for water stress detection. To process and analysis RS data, cloud storage and computing platforms simplify the complex mathematical of incorporating various datasets for irrigation scheduling. Machine learning (ML) algorithms construct models for the regression and classification of multivariate and non-linear crop mapping. The web-based software gathered from all different datasets makes a reliable product to reinforce farmers’ ability to make appropriate decisions in irrigating agricultural crops.

Keywords: Agricultural crops; Crop water stress detection; Irrigation scheduling; Precision agriculture; Remote Sensing.

How to cite: Koohi, E., Gumiere, S. J., and Bonakdari, H.: Artificial Intelligence Models for Detecting Spatiotemporal Crop Water Stress in schedule Irrigation: A review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3997,, 2023.

EGU23-6696 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.5/GI1.5 | Highlight

Satellite-based continental-scale inventory of European wetland types at 10m spatial resolution 

Gyula Mate Kovács, Stefan Oehmcke, Stéphanie Horion, Dimitri Gominski, Xiaoye Tong, and Rasmus Fensholt

Wetlands provide invaluable services for ecosystems and society and are a crucial instrument in our fight against climate change. Although Earth Observation satellites offer cost-effective and accurate information about wetland status at the continental scale; to date, there is no universally accepted, standardized, and regularly updated inventory of European wetlands <100m resolution. Moreover, previous satellite-based global land cover products seldom account for wetland diversity, which often impairs their mapping performances. Here, we mapped major wetland types (i.e., peatland, marshland, and coastal wetlands) across Europe for 2018, based on high resolution (10m) optical and radar time series satellite data as well as field-collected land cover information (LUCAS) using an ensemble model combining traditional machine learning and deep learning approaches. Our results show with high accuracy (>85%) that a substantial extent of European peatlands was previously classified as grassland and other land cover types. In addition, our map highlights cultivated areas (e.g., river floodplains) that can be potentially rewetted. Such accurate and consistent mapping of different wetland types at a continental scale offers a baseline for future wetland monitoring and trend assessment, supports the detailed reporting of European carbon budgets, and lays down the foundation towards a global wetland inventory.

How to cite: Kovács, G. M., Oehmcke, S., Horion, S., Gominski, D., Tong, X., and Fensholt, R.: Satellite-based continental-scale inventory of European wetland types at 10m spatial resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6696,, 2023.

EGU23-8409 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.5/GI1.5

Evaluation of lagoon eutrophication potential under climate change conditions: A novel water quality machine learning and biogeochemical-based framework. 

Federica Zennaro, Elisa Furlan, Donata Melaku Canu, Leslie Aveytua Alcazar, Ginevra Rosati, Sinem Aslan, Cosimo Solidoro, and Andrea Critto

Lagoons are highly valued coastal environments providing unique ecosystem services. However, they are fragile and vulnerable to natural processes and anthropogenic activities. Concurrently, climate change pressures, are likely to lead to severe ecological impacts on lagoon ecosystems. Among these, direct effects are mainly through changes in temperature and associated physico-chemical alterations, whereas indirect ones, mediated through processes such as extreme weather events in the catchment, include the alteration of nutrient loading patterns among others that can, in turn, modify the trophic states leading to depletion or to eutrophication. This phenomenon can lead, under certain circumstances, to harmful algal blooms events, anoxia, and mortality of aquatic flora and fauna, or to the reduction of primary production, with cascading effects on the whole trophic web with dramatic consequences for aquaculture, fishery, and recreational activities. The complexity of eutrophication processes, characterized by compounding and interconnected pressures, highlights the importance of adequate sophisticated methods to estimate future ecological impacts on fragile lagoon environments. In this context, a novel framework combining Machine Learning (ML) and biogeochemical models is proposed, leveraging the potential offered by both approaches to unravel and modelling environmental systems featured by compounding pressures. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Random Forest (RF) models are used (trained, validated, and tested) within the Venice Lagoon case study to assimilate historical heterogenous WQ data (i.e., water temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen) and spatio-temporal information (i.e., monitoring station location and month), and to predict changes in chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) conditions. Then, projections from the biogeochemical model SHYFEM-BFM for 2049, and 2099 timeframes under RCP 8.5 are integrated to evaluate Chl-a variations under future bio-geochemical conditions forced by climate change projections. Annual and seasonal Chl-a predictions were performed out by classes based on two classification modes established on the descriptive statistics computed on baseline data: i) binary classification of Chl-a values under and over the median value, ii) multi-class classification defined by Chl-a quartiles. Results from the case study showed as the RF successfully classifies Chl-a under the baseline scenario with an overall model accuracy of about 80% for the median classification mode, and 61% for the quartile classification mode. Overall, a decreasing trend for the lowest Chl-a values (below the first quartile, i.e. 0.85 µg/l) can be observed, with an opposite rising fashion for the highest Chl-a values (above the fourth quartile, i.e. 2.78 µg/l). On the seasonal level, summer remains the season with the highest Chl-a values in all scenarios, although in 2099 a strong increase in Chl-a is also expected during the spring one. The proposed novel framework represents a valuable approach to strengthen both eutrophication modelling and scenarios analysis, by placing artificial intelligence-based models alongside biogeochemical models.

How to cite: Zennaro, F., Furlan, E., Melaku Canu, D., Aveytua Alcazar, L., Rosati, G., Aslan, S., Solidoro, C., and Critto, A.: Evaluation of lagoon eutrophication potential under climate change conditions: A novel water quality machine learning and biogeochemical-based framework., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8409,, 2023.

EGU23-8702 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.5/GI1.5 | Highlight

Evaluating the risk of cumulative impacts in the Mediterranean Sea using a Random Forest model 

Angelica Bianconi, Elisa Furlan, Christian Simeoni, Vuong Pham, Sebastiano Vascon, Andrea Critto, and Antonio Marcomini

Marine coastal ecosystems (MCEs) are of vital importance for human health and well-being. However, their ecological condition is increasingly threatened by multiple risks induced by the complex interplay between endogenic (e.g. coastal development, shipping traffic) and exogenic (e.g. changes in sea surface temperature, waves, sea level, etc.) pressures. Assessing cumulative impacts resulting from this dynamic interplay is a major challenge to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and biodiversity targets, as well as to drive ecosystem-based management in marine coastal areas. To this aim, a Machine Learning model (i.e. Random Forest - RF), integrating heterogenous data on multiple pressures and ecosystems’ health and biodiversity, was developed to support the evaluation of risk scenarios affecting seagrasses condition and their services capacity within the Mediterranean Sea. The RF model was trained, validated and tested by exploiting data collected from different open-source data platforms (e.g. Copernicus Services) for the baseline 2017. Moreover, based on the designed RF model, future scenario analysis was performed by integrating projections from climate numerical models for sea surface temperature and salinity under the 2050 and 2100 timeframes. Particularly, under the baseline scenario, the model performance achieved an overall accuracy of about 82%. Overall, the results of the analysis showed that the ecological condition and services capacity of seagrass meadows (i.e. spatial distribution, Shannon index, carbon sequestration) are mainly threatened by human-related pressures linked to coastal development (e.g. distance from main urban centres), as well as to changes in nutrient concentration and sea surface temperature. This result also emerged from the scenario analysis, highlighting a decrease in seagrass coverage and related services capacity, in both 2050 and 2100 timeframes. The developed model provides useful predictive insight on possible future ecosystem conditions in response to multiple pressures, supporting marine managers and planners towards more effective ecosystem-based adaptation and management measures in MCEs.

How to cite: Bianconi, A., Furlan, E., Simeoni, C., Pham, V., Vascon, S., Critto, A., and Marcomini, A.: Evaluating the risk of cumulative impacts in the Mediterranean Sea using a Random Forest model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8702,, 2023.

EGU23-10681 | Orals | ITS1.5/GI1.5

EarthQA: A Question Answering Engine for Earth Observation Data Archives 

Dharmen Punjani, Eleni Tsalapati, and Manolis Koubarakis

The standard way for earth observation experts or users to retrieve images from image archives (e.g., ESA's Copernicus Open Access Hub) is to use a graphical user interface, where they can select the geographical area of the image they are interested in and additionally they can specify some other metadata, such as sensing period, satellite platform and cloud cover.

In this work, we are developing the question-answering engine EarthQA that takes as input a question expressed in natural language (English) that asks for satellite images satisfying certain criteria and returns links to such datasets, which can be then downloaded from the CREODIAS cloud platform. To answer user questions, EarthQA queries two interlinked knowledge graphs: a knowledge graph encoding metadata of satellite images from the CREODIAS cloud platform (the SPARQL endpoint of CREODIAS) and the well-known knowledge graph DBpedia. Hence, the questions can refer to image metadata (e.g., satellite platform, sensing period, cloud cover), but also to more generic entities appearing in DBpedia knowledge graph (e.g., lake, Greece). In this way, the users can ask questions like “Find all Sentinel-1 GRD images taken during October 2021 that show large lakes in Greece having an area greater than 100 square kilometers”.

EarthQA follows a template-based approach to translate natural language questions into formal queries (SPARQL). Initially, it decomposes the user question by generating its dependency parse tree and then automatically disambiguates the components appearing in the question to elements of the two knowledge graphs.  In particular, it automatically identifies the spatial or temporal entities (e.g., “Greece”, “October 2021”), concepts (e.g., “lake”), spatial or temporal relations (e.g., “in”, “during”), properties (e.g., “area”) and product types (e.g., “Sentinel-1 GRD”) and other metadata (e.g., “cloud cover below 10%”) mentioned in the question and maps them to the respective elements appearing in the two knowledge graphs (dbr:Greece, dbo:Lake, dbp:area, etc). After this, the SPARQL query is automatically generated.

How to cite: Punjani, D., Tsalapati, E., and Koubarakis, M.: EarthQA: A Question Answering Engine for Earth Observation Data Archives, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10681,, 2023.

EGU23-11527 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.5/GI1.5

Global Layer——An integrated, fully online, cloud based platform 

Xingchen Yang, Yang Song, Zhenhan Wu, and Chaowei Wu

In the current stage of scientific research, it is necessary to break the barriers between traditional disciplines and promote the cross integration of various related disciplines. As one of the important carriers of research achievements of various disciplines, maps can be superimposed and integrated to more intuitively display the results of multidisciplinary integration, promote the integration of disciplines and discover new scientific problems. Traditional geological mapping is often based on different scales for single scale mapping, aiming at the mapping mode of paper printing results. It is difficult to read maps between different scales at the same time. To solve this problem,an integrated platform named Global Layer is being built under the support of Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE). Global Layer is embedded with several core databases such as Geological Map of the World at a scale 1/5M, Global Geothermal Database etc. These databases presented in form of electronic map which enables the results of different scales to be displayed and browsed through one-stop hierarchical promotion. In addition, Users can also upload data in four ways: local file, database connection, cloud file and arcgis data service, and data or maping results can be shared to Facebook, Twitter and other platforms in the form of links, widgets, etc. Construction of Global Layer could provide experience and foundation for integrating global databases related to geological map and constructing data platforms.

How to cite: Yang, X., Song, Y., Wu, Z., and Wu, C.: Global Layer——An integrated, fully online, cloud based platform, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11527,, 2023.

EGU23-12373 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.5/GI1.5

Mapping streams and ditches using Aerial Laser Scanning 

Mariana Dos Santos Toledo Busarello, Anneli Ågren, and William Lidberg

Streams and ditches are seldom identified on current maps due to their small dimensions and sometimes intermittent nature. Estimates point out that only 9% of all ditches are currently mapped, and the underestimation of natural streams is a global issue. Ditches have been dug in European boreal forests and some parts of North America to drain wetlands and increase forest production, consequently boosting the availability of cultivable land and a national-scale landscape modification. Target 6.6 of the Agenda 2030 highlights the importance of protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems. Wetlands are a substantial part of this, having a high carbon storage capability, the property of mitigating floods, and purifying water. All things accounted for, the withdrawal of anthropogenic environment alterations can be on the horizon, even more because ditches are also strong emitters of methane and other greenhouse gases due to their anoxic water and sediment accumulation. However, streams and ditches that are missing from maps and databases are difficult to manage.

The main focus of this study was to develop a method to map channels combining deep learning and national Aerial Laser Scans (ALS). The performance of different topographical indices derived from the ALS data was evaluated, and two different Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolutions were compared. Ditch channels and natural streams were manually digitized from ten regions across Sweden, summing up to 1923km of ditch channels and 248km of natural streams. The topographical indices used were: high-passing median filter, slope, sky-view factor and hillshade (with azimuths of 0°, 45°, 90° and 135°); while 0.5m and 1m were the DEM resolutions analysed. A U-net model was trained to segment images between ditches and stream channels: all pixels from each image were labelled in a way that those with the same class display similar attributes.

Results showed that ditches can be successfully mapped with this method and it can generally be applied anywhere since only local terrain indices are required. Additionally, when the natural streams are present in the dataset the model underperformed in predicting the location of ditches, while a higher resolution had the opposite effect. Streams were more challenging to map, and the model only indicated the channels, not whether or not they contained water. Further research will be required to combine hydrological modelling and deep learning.

How to cite: Dos Santos Toledo Busarello, M., Ågren, A., and Lidberg, W.: Mapping streams and ditches using Aerial Laser Scanning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12373,, 2023.

EGU23-13099 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.5/GI1.5

Mapping Swedish Soils with High-resolution DEM-derived Indices and Machine Learning 

Yiqi Lin, William Lidberg, Cecilia Karlsson, and Anneli Ågren

There is a soaring demand for up-to-date and spatially-explicit soil information to address various environmental challenges. One of the most basic pieces of information, essential for research and decision-making in multiple disciplines is soil classification. Conventional soil maps are often low in spatial resolution and lack the complexity to be practical for hands-on use. Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) has emerged as an efficient alternative for its reproducibility, updatablity, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness, as well as the ability to quantify uncertainties.

Despite DSM’s growing popularity and increasingly wider areas of application, soil information is still rare in forested areas and remote regions, and the integration with high-resolution data on a country scale remains limited. In Sweden, quaternary deposit maps created by the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) have been the main reference input for soil-related research and operation, though most parts of the country still warrant higher quality representation. This study utilizes machine learning to produce a high-resolution surficial deposits map with nationwide coverage, capable of supporting research and decision-making. More specifically, it: i) compares the performance of two tree-based ensemble machine learning models, Extreme Gradient Boosting and Random Forest, in predictive mapping of soils across the entire country of Sweden; ii) determines the best model for spatial prediction of soil classes and estimates the associated uncertainty of the inferred map; iii) discusses the advantages and limitations of this approach, and iv) outputs a map product of soil classes at 2-m resolution. Similar attempts around the globe have shown promising results, though at coarser resolutions and/or of smaller geographical extent. The main assumptions behind this study are: i) terrain indices derived from digital elevation model (DEM) are useful predictors of soil type, though different classification algorithms differ in their effectiveness; ii) machine learning can capture major soil classes that cover most of Sweden, but expert geological and pedological knowledge is required when identifying rare soil types.

To achieve this, approximately 850,000 labeled soil points extracted from the most accurate SGU maps will be combined with a stack of 12 LiDAR DEM-derived topographic and hydrological indices and 4 environmental datasets. Uncertainty estimates of the overall model and for each soil class will be presented. An independent dataset obtained from the Swedish National Forest Soil Inventory will be used to assess the accuracy of the machine learning model. The presentation will cover the method, data handling, and some promising preliminary results.

How to cite: Lin, Y., Lidberg, W., Karlsson, C., and Ågren, A.: Mapping Swedish Soils with High-resolution DEM-derived Indices and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13099,, 2023.

As human activities continue to expand and evolve, their impact on the planet is becoming more evident. These past years Murmuration has been studying one of the most recent and destructive trends that has taken off: mass tourism. In Malta, tourism has been on the rise since before the Covid-19 pandemic. Now that travel restrictions are beginning to lift, it's likely that this trend will go back to increasing in the coming years. While Malta’s economy is mostly based on tourism, it's essential that this activity does not alter the areas in which it takes place. To address these issues and ensure sustainable development, governments and organizations have developed a set of guidelines called Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). SDGs are a set of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to provide a framework to help countries pursue sustainable economic, social and environmental development. They include objectives for mitigating climate change, preventing water pollution and degradation of biodiversity, as well as providing economic benefits to local communities.

In order to help territories like the islands of Malta to cope with these environmental issues, Murmuration carries out studies on various ecological, human and economic indicators. Using the Sentinel satellites of the European Copernicus program for earth imagery data makes possible the collection of geolocated, hourly values on air quality indicators such as NO2, CO and other pollutants but also water quality and vegetation through the analysis of the vegetation health. Other data sources give access to land cover values at meter resolution, tourism infrastructures locations and many more human activity variables. This information is processed into understandable indicators, aggregated indexes which take international standards and SDGs in their design and usage. An example of these standards are the WHO air quality guidelines providing thresholds quantifying the impact on health of the air pollution in the area of interest. The last step is to gather all the data, maps and correlations computed and design understandable visualizations to make it usable by territory management instances, enabling efficient decision making and risk management. The goal here is to achieve a link between satellite imagery, internationally agreed political commitment  and ground level decision-making.

This meaningful aggregation comes in the shape of operational dashboards. A dashboard is an up-to-date, interactive, evolving online tool hosting temporal and geographical linked visualizations on various indicators. This kind of tool allows for a better understanding of the dynamic of a territory in terms of environmental state, human impact and ecological potential.

How to cite: Plantec, M. and Castel, F.: From satellite data and Sustainable Development Goals to interactive tools and better territorial decision making, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14519,, 2023.

EGU23-15656 | Posters virtual | ITS1.5/GI1.5

Karst integration into groundwater recharge simulation in WaterGAP 

Wenhua Wan and Petra Döll

Karst aquifers cover a significant portion of the global water supply. However, a proper representation of groundwater recharge in karst areas is completely absent in the state-of-art global hydrological models. This study, based on the new version of the global hydrological model WaterGAP, (1) presented the first modeling of diffuse groundwater recharge (GWR) in all karst regions using the global map of karstifiable rocks; and (2) adjusted the current GWR algorithm with the up-to-date databases of slope and soil. A large number of ground-based recharge estimates on 818 half degree cells including 75 in karst areas were compared to model results. GWR in karst landscapes assuming equal to the runoff from soil leads to unbiased estimation. The majority of simulated mean annual recharge ranges from 0.6 mm/yr (10th percentile) to 326.9 mm/yr (90th) in nonkarst regions, and 7.5 mm/yr (10th) to 740.2 mm/yr (90th) in karst regions. The recharge rate ranges from 2% to 66% of precipitation according to ground-based estimates in karst regions, while the simulated GWR produces global recharge fractions between 4% (10th) to 68% (90th) in karst areas while that in nonkarst areas rarely exceeds 25%. Unlike the previous studies that claimed global hydrological models consistently underestimate recharge, we observed underestimation only in the very humid regions where recharge exceeds 300 mm/yr. These very high recharge estimates are likely to include preferential flow and adopt a finer spatial and temporal scale than the global model. In karst landscapes and arid regions, we demonstrate that WaterGAP incorporating karst algorithm gives a worthy performance.


How to cite: Wan, W. and Döll, P.: Karst integration into groundwater recharge simulation in WaterGAP, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15656,, 2023.

EGU23-16252 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.5/GI1.5

GEOTEK: Extracting Marine Geological Data from Publications 

Muhammad Asif Suryani, Christian Beth, Klaus Wallmann, and Matthias Renz

In Marine Geology, scientists persistently perform extensive experiments to measure diverse features across the globe, hence to estimate environmental changes. For example, Mass Accumulation Rate (MAR) and Sedimentation Rate (SR) are measured by marine geologists at various oceanographic locations and are largely reported in research publications but have not been compiled in any central database. Furthermore, every MAR and SR observation normally carries i) exact locational information (Longitude and Latitude), ii) the method of measurement (stratigraphy, 210Pb), iii) a numerical value and units (2.4 g/m2/yr), iv) temporal feature (e.g. hundred years ago). The contextual information attached to MAR and SR observations is heterogeneous and manual approaches for information extraction from text are infeasible. It is also worth mentioning that MAR and SR are not denoted in standard international (SI) units.

We propose the comprehensive end-to-end framework GEOTEK (Geological Text to Knowledge) to extract targeted information from marine geology publications. The proposed framework comprises three modules. The first module carries a document relevance model alongside a PDF extractor, capable of filtering relevant sources using metadata, and the extraction module extracts text, tables, and metadata respectively. The second module mainly comprises of two information extractors, namely Geo-Quantities and Geo-Spacy, particularly trained on text from the Marine Geology domain. Geo-Quantities is capable of extracting relevant numerical information from the text and covers more than 100 unit variants for MAR and SR, while Geo-Spacy extracts a set of relevant named entities as well as locational entities, which are further processed to obtain respective geocode boundaries. The third module, the Heterogeneous Information Linking module (HIL), processes exact spatial information from tables and captions and forms links to the previously extracted measurements. Finally, the all-linked information is populated in an interactive map view.

How to cite: Suryani, M. A., Beth, C., Wallmann, K., and Renz, M.: GEOTEK: Extracting Marine Geological Data from Publications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16252,, 2023.

EGU23-16813 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.5/GI1.5 | Highlight

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in ESA’s Climate Change Initiative 

Anna Jungbluth, Ed Pechorro, Clement Albergel, and Susanne Mecklenburg

Climate change is arguably the greatest environmental challenge facing humankind in the twenty-first century. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) facilitates multilateral action to combat climate change and its impacts on humanity and ecosystems. To make decisions on climate change mitigation and adaptation, the UNFCCC requires systematic observations of the global climate system.

The objective of the ESA’s climate programme, currently delivered via the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), is to realise the full potential of the long-term, global-scale, satellite earth observation archive that ESA and its Member States have established over the last 35 years, as a significant and timely contribution to the climate data record required by the UNFCCC.

Since 2010, the programme has contributed to a rapidly expanding body of scientific knowledge on >22 Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), through the production of Climate Data Records (CDRs). Although varying across geophysical parameters, ESA CDRs follow community-driven data standards, facilitating inter- and cross-ECV research of the climate system.

In this work, we highlight the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of the ESA CCI. AI has played a pivotal role in the production and analysis of these Climate Data Records. Eleven CCI projects - Greenhouse Gases (GHG), Aerosols, Clouds, Fire, Ocean Colour, Sea Level, Soil Moisture, High Resolution Landcover, Biomass, Permafrost, and Sea Surface Salinity - have applied AI in their data record production and research or have identified specific AI usage for their research roadmaps.

The use of AI in these CCI projects is varied, for example - GHG CCI algorithms using random forest machine learning techniques; Aerosol CCI algorithms to retrieve dust aerosol optical depth from thermal infrared spectra; Fire CCI algorithms to detect burned areas. Moreover, the ESA climate community has identified climate science gaps in context to ECVs with the potential for meaningful advancement through AI.

We specifically focus on showcasing the use of AI for data homogenization and super-resolution of ESA CCI datasets. For instance, both the land cover and fire CCI dataset were generated globally in low resolution, while high resolution data only exists for specific geographical regions. By adapting super-resolution algorithms to the specific science use cases, we can accelerate the generation of global, high-resolution datasets with the required temporal coverage to support long-term climate studies. 

How to cite: Jungbluth, A., Pechorro, E., Albergel, C., and Mecklenburg, S.: The Use of Artificial Intelligence in ESA’s Climate Change Initiative, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16813,, 2023.

EGU23-67 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2

A global analysis of how human infrastructure squeezes sandy coasts 

Eva Lansu, Valérie Reijers, Solveig Höfer, Arjen Luijendijk, Max Rietkerk, Martin Wassen, Evert Jan Lammerts, and Tjisse van der Heide

Coastal ecosystems provide vital services, including water storage, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and coastal protection. Human disturbances, however, cause massive losses. The most direct impact is habitat destruction through infrastructure development, restricting the space available to coastal ecosystems and impeding their capacity to adapt to sea level rise by landward retreat – a phenomenon called ‘coastal squeeze’. While shoreline retreat is intensively studied, coastal congestion through infrastructure remains unquantified. Here we calculated the distance to the nearest human-made structure along 263,900 transects worldwide to show that infrastructure occurs at a 560-meter median distance from the shoreline. Moreover, we find that 18% of global sandy shores harbour less than 100 m of infrastructure-free space, and that 14-17% of the unimpacted space may drown by 2100 according to sea level rise projections. Further analyses show that population density and gross domestic product explain 40-44% of observed squeeze variation, emphasizing the intensifying pressure imposed as countries develop and populations expand. Encouragingly, we find that nature reserves relieve squeezing by 3-5 times, illustrating their effectiveness. Yet, at present only 16% of world’s sandy shores has a protected status. We therefore argue that expansion of nature reserves could be key to preserving coastal resilience to sea level rise.

How to cite: Lansu, E., Reijers, V., Höfer, S., Luijendijk, A., Rietkerk, M., Wassen, M., Lammerts, E. J., and van der Heide, T.: A global analysis of how human infrastructure squeezes sandy coasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-67,, 2023.

EGU23-1076 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2

Response of dune-building grasses to summer precipitation 

Jan-Markus Homberger, Aaron Lynch, Juul Limpens, and Michel Riksen

Coastal ecosystems are vulnerable to climate change, with rising sea levels and increased anthropogenic pressure constraining space for natural processes. Nature based solutions using sediments rather than hard surfaces in coastal defense may offer an alternative that both creates new habitats and offer a flexible protection against flooding.

In contrast to hard infrastructure, the topography of dunes depends on the highly dynamic processes of wind and waves and the resistance to them offered by dune vegetation. Perennial grass species such as marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) and sand couch (Elytrigia juncea) play a key-role for topographic stability and the development and shape of coastal dune forms. This is usually attributed to their dense cover which effectively traps sand as well as their positive growth response to burial by sediments. Therefore, species like marram grass have been used as ecosystem engineers in both past and recent coastal dune restoration projects.

Whether this solution will be applicable in the future depends on climate change. Coastal vegetation is vulnerable to climate change due to its susceptibility to changes in growing conditions (e.g. Temperature, Precipitation). Especially at the dry-beach section where the influence of groundwater is limited, a change in growing season precipitation could potentially affect the cover of dune grasses. Past research was already able to establish a general link between dune development and growth in function of precipitation. However, to this date direct responses of dune vegetation to precipitation has not been quantified.

We explored the response of dune building grasses to summer precipitation and its implication for the future dune building in a two-step approach. We used a greenhouse-experiment to derive species growth relationships with water availability for marram grass and sand couch. In a second step we used these relationships to explore the impact of potential changes in summer precipitation on the growth of these species. We found that both marram grass and sand couch were equally sensitive to changes in water availability and responded positively to an increase in it. Comparing soil moisture from the field to the greenhouse, showed that field water availability tended to be on the lower end of ranges in the greenhouse. This suggests that dune vegetation in the field is susceptible to drought effects. Exploring these results further using climate scenarios, we found that plant growth was increased by 1.3 % (experimental period) – 1.8 % (extrapolated) under the most recent RCP 4.5 IPCC projection and by 9.6 – 13 % for an extremely wet year. In contrast, for an extremely dry year plant growth could decrease by 6.2 – 8.2 %.

While changes of < 2 % in plant growth might have limited implications for dune development and stability, years of extreme climate conditions show a bigger range in plant growth (- 8 % - + 13 %) which is more likely to also have direct consequences for dune growth and development. Incorporating these relationships between plant growth and climate in models of coastal dune development should improve predictions of climate change impacts.

How to cite: Homberger, J.-M., Lynch, A., Limpens, J., and Riksen, M.: Response of dune-building grasses to summer precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1076,, 2023.

EGU23-1493 | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2 | Highlight

Ice-rich permafrost coastline erosion processes 

Brian Moorman, Andrew Clark, and Dustin Whalen

Around the Arctic Ocean there are many stretches of coastline composed of ice-rich sediments. With the dramatic climatic, oceanic and terrestrial changes that are currently underway, there is considerable concern over the stability of these coasts and how they impact coastal communities. Unfortunately, there is still relatively little research that has been done the processes at work in these environments. Being able to effectively model coastal erosion in a permafrost setting is highly desirable. With the complexity that ice-rich permafrost conditions add to the coastal setting, modelling erosion involves a more detailed understanding of the physical and thermal conditions as well as the sedimentological and wave action processes. This research examines the rate and character of coastal erosion of ice-rich terrain and role that re-sedimentation has on the shallow water energy balance in preserving sub-bottom massive ice. It also addresses it implications to secondary sea bottom disturbance as the water depth increases.

The study area was Peninsula Point which is approximately 10 km west of Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada. The massive ice and retrogressive thaw flows at this location are some of the more dramatic examples of the impact of ice-rich permafrost on coastal processes in the Arctic. Through a three decade long program of remote sensing, geophysical and ground-based monitoring, long-term changes were investigated. The character of coastal retreat above, and below, the waterline in an area where a massive ice body extends to depths below sea level were revealed. Airphoto, satellite imagery and drone data revealed the complexity of erosion with the retreating headwall of retrogressive thaw flow more rapidly eroding the landscape than the observed lateral changes of the waterline. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) imaged the top and base of the massive ice body as well as providing a delineation of the subsurface sedimentary architecture. In winter, the GPR was pulled behind a snowmobile along transects on land, across the shoreline and out onto the near shore area of the Beaufort Sea. This provided the stratigraphic continuity between the terrestrial and sub-sea settings. The roles of erosion, re-sedimentation and shallow-water thermodynamics in the degradation and preservation of massive ground ice were revealed. The results of this study demonstrate how coastal erosion is much more complex that just the inland movement of the waterline.

How to cite: Moorman, B., Clark, A., and Whalen, D.: Ice-rich permafrost coastline erosion processes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1493,, 2023.

EGU23-2771 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2

Recreation impact on establishment of dune building species 

Sasja van Rosmalen, Jan-Markus Homberger, Michel Riksen, and Juul Limpens

Sandy shores serve a multitude of purposes; they protect the inland from flooding, support a high biodiversity, and are recreation hotspots. To what extent these functions can coexist or are mutually exclusive is unclear, especially given increasing stressors such as rising sea levels and urbanization. Knowledge on the trade-offs between these functions is important when designing these areas and nature-based solutions to ensure the desired results. We investigated the effect of recreational pressure on the establishment of two common dune building grass species (Ammophila arenaria and Elytrigia juncea). We conducted a field introduction experiment with seeds and rhizomes of both species along increasing distance to a beach entrance. We established a total of 300 plots, following a randomised block design with 4 factorial treatments (species * type diaspore) and 60 replicates for two beaches on the Dutch barrier Island of Terschelling. Plant material was collected from the wild, using local genetic material. Plant seeds were left in their husk to mimic natural dispersal. Plots were georeferenced by means of Real Time Kinematic and left unmarked to enable undisturbed recreation.  

Recreation pressure was assessed by counting the number of people at different beach sections, confirming that anthropogenic pressure increased with distance to the beach entrance. Establishment success was monitored by counting the number of emerged seeds and sprouted rhizomes per plot at regular intervals across the growing season. To control for drivers other than recreation pressure, we also monitored environmental variables, such as the change in beach level. Preliminary results suggest that environmental factors such as erosion and burial are limiting the establishment success for all treatments. Moreover, a positive effect of distance from the entrance on the establishment success of both species can be observed. This is especially clear within the first 100 meters. The strongest effect seems to be for Ammophila arenaria. These preliminary results indicate that both sediment dynamics and recreational pressure play a role in the new establishment of these species on the upper beach. This means that the impact of both should be considered when designing sandy coastal areas. 

How to cite: van Rosmalen, S., Homberger, J.-M., Riksen, M., and Limpens, J.: Recreation impact on establishment of dune building species, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2771,, 2023.

EGU23-4119 | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2

Morphological changes in a planted coastal dune field: measurements and modelling 

Glenn Strypsteen and Pieter Rauwoens

In front of the traditional dike at Oosteroever, Belgium, a new 120x20 m² artificial dune with planted marram grass of different densities and patterns was built in January 2021. This man-made dune was constructed to reduce the local aeolian sand nuisance on the dike. The complex interaction between aeolian sand transport and vegetation will ensure future morphological development of a dune body strengthening the local coastal protection. For an optimal design of these planted dunes, a fundamental knowledge of morphological changes is required. This study is twofold: 1) Investigate dune growth by exploring a multi-monthly field dataset of wind characteristics and high-resolution topographic data, 2) Development and assessment of the AeoLiS model for simulation of this new planted coastal dune field. The performance of AeoLiS is analyzed by comparing observed and simulated results of erosion and deposition patterns and cross-shore bed level changes. The total volume of sand in the dune has increased significantly since the plantation of marram grass, resulting in 15 m³ m-1 due to aeolian sand transport from the surrounding beach. Most dune growth occurred during the first year. Dune growth during the second year was less pronounced and was attributed to the influence of supply limitations, vegetation characteristics, and sediment erosion by wind and storm events. The results of the model simulations demonstrate that AeoLiS can replicate the spatial patterns and profile development inside the artificial dune area to some extent. However, to adequately account for the interaction between vegetation and aeolian sand transport, the model's treatment of vegetation dynamics needs to be improved.

How to cite: Strypsteen, G. and Rauwoens, P.: Morphological changes in a planted coastal dune field: measurements and modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4119,, 2023.

EGU23-4579 | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2

Morphodynamic evolution of paraglacial spit complexes on a tide-influenced Arctic fjord delta (Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard) 

Kyungsik Choi, Dohyeong Kim, Joohee Jo, Seungyeon Sohn, and Seung-Il Nam

Recent global warming triggered pronounced geomorphic changes such as coastal retreat and delta progradation along the coastlines of the Arctic regions. Coastal morphodynamics and associated sediment transport at the Arctic fjord head remain relatively unexplored due to the logistically limited accessibility to the field area, especially at short-term temporal scales. A repeat survey using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted photogrammetry was conducted to quantify the annual morphodynamics of gravel spit complexes developed on the tidal delta plain of the deglaciated Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard of the Arctic. Results show that the spit morpho-dynamics vary in time and space with an overall downfjord increase in the growth and migration rate of the spits. The youngest spits elongated 22 m yr− 1 and migrated landward 4.3 m yr− 1 between 2015 and 2019, marking the most pronounced spit morphodynamics documented to date in the Svalbard fjord systems. The spit morphodynamics is driven primarily by longshore drift and, to a lesser degree, by overwash processes. Gravels constituting the spits originate from the unconsolidated debris-flow deposits of old alluvial fans, which locally retreat 0.5 m yr− 1. The growth of the spit complexes is also fed by snow meltwater discharge on the alluvial fans, accounting for a downfjord imbrication of angular gravel layers that are intercalated with interlaminated sands and muds on the landward sides of the spits. The breached spits at the most upfjord location have remained stationary during the study period and presumably since the 1930s. Rapid delta progradation combined with an isostatic rebound after the Little Ice Age (LIA) has decreased spit morphodynamics on the tidal delta plain upfjord in Dicksonfjorden with infrequent and insignificant wave influence. The sparse distribution of the isolated spits signifies the intermittent spit development, which is constrained by the proximity to the protruded alluvial fans. The spit complexes in Dicksonfjorden highlight that climate change accelerates coastal geomorphic changes at the fjord head by enhancing wave intensity and regulating episodic sediment delivery that led to the downfjord shift in the locus of wave shoaling.

How to cite: Choi, K., Kim, D., Jo, J., Sohn, S., and Nam, S.-I.: Morphodynamic evolution of paraglacial spit complexes on a tide-influenced Arctic fjord delta (Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4579,, 2023.

EGU23-4673 | Posters on site | ITS1.7/GM2

Restoring Piping Plover Habitat and Building Coastal Resilience with Nature-based Solutions in Atlantic Canada 

Jennie Graham, Danika vanProosdij, Kirsten Ellis, Tony Bowron, and Jubin Thomas

Located in north-eastern Canada near Shippagan, New Brunswick, the Shippagan Gully Conservation Offsetting Project is leveraging salt marsh creation and sand motor techniques to create Piping Plover habitat while increasing resiliency of the Chaisson Office Spit and surrounding communities to climate change. The spit has been altered by more than a century of human activity and is increasingly impacted by climate change and sea-level rise. The project, which employs a holistic approach to improve marine navigation through the Gully and install nature-based solutions for coastal protection and habitat creation, is the first sand motor in Atlantic Canada and the most northern created marsh with sill to date. Extensive modeling was undertaken by NRC prior to the commencement of baseline data collection and design in 2017. Several monitoring and research initiatives are associated with the project, including a fifteen-year monitoring program (regulatory requirement), five-year post-graduate scientific research program, and a 3-year research project which will augment and build on the NRC-led Nature-Based Infrastructure for Coastal Resilience project. Construction began on the sand motor in 2020, with the marsh and marsh sill scheduled to be built in winter 2023 from on-site materials and planted in  spring 2023. The final stages of the implementation will include dune and wetland restoration following the removal of old infrastructure, returning nearly the entire spit to a more natural state and restoring natural processes. The first two years of monitoring following the sand motor implementation have shown a shift in conditions to those more closely matching a nearby control site, as well as the first successful nesting and fledging of Piping Plover (Federally Endangered Species) on the site in over 20 years. The project is the result of a collaborative effort that includes federal and provincial government departments, private industry, academia, and environmental NGOs.

How to cite: Graham, J., vanProosdij, D., Ellis, K., Bowron, T., and Thomas, J.: Restoring Piping Plover Habitat and Building Coastal Resilience with Nature-based Solutions in Atlantic Canada, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4673,, 2023.

EGU23-7877 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.7/GM2

Early melt-season nutrient and inorganic carbon sediment-water fluxes in the Bering and Chukchi Seas 

Lauren Barrett, Penny Vlahos, and Doug Hammond

The Bering and Chukchi Seas are important oceanic regions of carbon sequestration, owing to enhanced gas solubility in cold surface waters and the rapid uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) during intense spring blooms. The biogeochemical impacts of decreasing sea ice extent and earlier onset of spring ice melt in this region are yet uncertain. As these marginal seas of the western Arctic Ocean are quite shallow, mostly <60m depth, there is extensive interaction across air-sea-sediment boundaries, but the transformations and fluxes of inorganic carbon in Bering and Chukchi Sea sediments have not been directly quantified. In May-June 2021, we collected water column samples at 14 stations and sediment cores at 5 stations spanning the eastern Bering Sea and southern and eastern Chukchi Sea. Duplicate cores were incubated for several days at in situ temperature, and core-top water was sampled to estimate inorganic carbon and nutrient fluxes. The stations spanned a range of surface ice coverage history, from greater than one month to less than one day of ice-free conditions. In the Chukchi Sea, salinity-normalized bottom water nutrient and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations increased northward, indicating a net input of remineralization products, although effluxes of these parameters from the sediments decreased northward. Moving northward in the Chukchi Sea, the surface water had greater sea ice concentrations, inhibiting surface productivity and air-sea exchange. This may have reduced the rain of labile carbon to the seafloor, resulting in the decreased benthic remineralization. The combination of increasing northward ice coverage and the northward flow of nutrient and IC-rich Pacific-sourced waters influences the bottom-water concentration of remineralization products and sediment-water fluxes. We expect our northeastern Chukchi Sea flux observations are representative of baseline low wintertime sediment-water flux conditions, while the more southerly stations represent at least one month post-ice melt benthic fluxes when surface water productivity is high and the air-water-sediment system openly interacts. We note that some duplicate core measurements were highly heterogeneous, especially in the Bering Sea, illustrating the dynamic nature of this macrofauna-dominated benthic environment and the range of possible fluxes under different rates of bioturbation. While these observations may serve as a seasonal reference, they may also demonstrate how sedimentary fluxes will evolve under future conditions that are expected when sea ice retreats earlier in the season. Here we present our sediment-water flux and water column DIC and nutrient measurements and place them in context with previous work in the region.

How to cite: Barrett, L., Vlahos, P., and Hammond, D.: Early melt-season nutrient and inorganic carbon sediment-water fluxes in the Bering and Chukchi Seas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7877,, 2023.

EGU23-9832 | Posters on site | ITS1.7/GM2

Beach ridge formation and landward migration along the isostatically rising coastlines of Hudson Bay 

Jens Ehn, Kaushik Gupta, Arijit Reeves, and Anirban Mukhodpadhyay

While most global coasts suffer from a loss of landmass due to sea-level rise and coastal transgression, the Arctic and Sub-Arctic coastlines of Hudson Bay and James Bay witness a reverse phenomenon due to post-glacial rebound. The carbon-rich peatlands Hudson Bay Lowland, that emerged from the retraction of the Tyrell Sea, are witnessing the highest rate of vertical upliftment on the planet. The continual reshaping of the coastline by multiple physical forcings is readily visible by the contiguous and recurrent pattern of raised beach ridges imprinted on the rising land far from the present-day coastline. These beach ridges, formed through the interplay of coastal sea ice dynamics and then preserved above sea-level by uplift, hold back terrestrial runoff and are thus critical to the extensive wetland-saltmarsh ecosystems that provide important habitats for waterfowl and wildlife. This study examines the intricate process behind the formation and modification of these geomorphological units using remote sensing techniques. The study includes the use of various remote sensing products to determine ice duration (Canadian Ice Service- Ice Charts), change detection of ridge dimensions and vectors (Landsat Images), elevation (SRTM and ICESat-2), rate of vertical upliftment (glacial isostasy models) and ice motion in the nearshore zone (GOES). Remote sensing observations reveal that the beach ridges originate offshore on mudflats due to ice scouring and gradually, pushed by sea ice, move shoreward, and often merge and build up existing ridges but sometimes initiating a new beach ridge sequence. The current study documents the impact of changing ice regime on the landward movement of beach ridges on the tidal flats. We find that the seaward point of origin on the tidal flats, and the rate at which the ridges expand and finally merge with the coastline vary greatly across the coastline. The slope of the coast and the dynamics of the sea ice in the nearshore zone are key factors leading to this variability.

How to cite: Ehn, J., Gupta, K., Reeves, A., and Mukhodpadhyay, A.: Beach ridge formation and landward migration along the isostatically rising coastlines of Hudson Bay, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9832,, 2023.

EGU23-11651 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2

Procedure for examining long-term Arctic shoreline displacement from multispectral satellite data 

Tua Nylén, Carlos Gonzales-Inca, and Mikel Calle Navarro

The Arctic coast is facing rapid, irreversible changes mainly caused by Climate Warming, e.g., melting sea ice, permafrost thaw, glacial retreat, land uplift and sea level rise. These processes are leading to fundamental changes in the ecosystem structure and functioning, negatively impacting biological and human communities. Under this complex setting, more knowledge is needed to identify the hotspots of shoreline displacement at an Arctic scale. Thus, the goal of this study was to develop and describe a procedure for mapping long-term shoreline displacement in the Arctic that can provide local communities and environmental managers better opportunities to adapt to further coastal changes. Therefore, the procedure will need to be transferrable to diverse environments and able to handle pan-Arctic analyses at a 30-meter spatial resolution. In this study, the procedure was developed using two test areas: Tanafjorden in the low Arctic mainland Norway and Kongsfjorden in the high Arctic Svalbard. The presentation introduces the final procedure and validation results, and discusses its applicability to pan-Arctic shoreline displacement analyses.

The procedure was calibrated in the surroundings of Tanafjorden. It was built on a 40-year time-series of open Landsat and Sentinel multispectral satellite images, taken during the Arctic summer. Supervised random forest classification was used to identify land and water pixels, utilizing information from multiple infrared bands and spectral indices. Mountain shadow pixels were treated as their own class and then merged to the land class. Open spatial data were used for limiting the area-of-interest and for automated creation of training data. In total over 700 individual images were first classified separately to account for local environmental conditions and transient illumination conditions. Images were then summarized over 5-year time-steps. The classification results were examined against an independent validation dataset of 2000 land cover observations and manually digitized shoreline, and the supervised classification results were compared to single-band classifications based on Otsu’s thresholding. The final procedure was then validated in the Kongsfjorden environment. The process was built on Google Earth Engine’s image collections and cloud computing infrastructure to minimize computing times.

The results indicate that it is possible to transform open satellite imagery into 40-year pan-Arctic shoreline displacement information, with a 30-meter resolution and an overall accuracy of more than 95 %. Data fusion is needed in most processing steps: to limit the area-of-interest, save computing power and reduce errors, provide information that complements multispectral satellite data and reduce the impact of short-term atmospheric and water-level effects. Summarizing dozens of images efficiently removes data gaps and the impact of noise, but this efficiency is sensitive to the number of summarized images. The single-image classification approach is flexible and seems to make the procedure transferable to different locations. Cloud image collections are needed to remove the bottleneck of reading and writing satellite data, and potentially allows the promising procedure to be applied at a pan-Arctic scale in the future.

How to cite: Nylén, T., Gonzales-Inca, C., and Calle Navarro, M.: Procedure for examining long-term Arctic shoreline displacement from multispectral satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11651,, 2023.

The consequences of accelerating climatic warming on Arctic landscape evolution are far-reaching. In Svalbard, glaciers are rapidly retreating after the Little Ice Age, which leads to exposing new coastal landscapes from marine-terminating glaciers. Precise quantification of these changes was limited until the complete dataset of Svalbard glacier outlines from 1930’s was made available. Here, we analyse the new Svalbard glacier change inventory data and demonstrate that glacier retreat was responsible for a major shift from marine-terminating towards land-terminating glaciers in the last century. This retreat also led to the formation of 922.9 km of new coastline since 1930’s (representing increase of 16.37% in coastline length) creating pristine landscapes governed by paraglacial processes and sediment-rich nearshore fjord environments. Recent palaeogeographical reconstructions suggest that such a mode of coastal evolution was dominant over the extended periods of the Holocene. Transitions from marine-terminating to land-based glaciers had significant implications for fjord circulation, biological production, state of marine ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles between land and seas, and CO2 budget in coastal waters. Still ongoing climate warming with associated further glacier retreat may lead to more coasts to be exposed in the future. Moreover, glacier retreat will likely cause collapse of Hornbreen-Hambergbreen glacier bridge leading to separation of Sørkappland and rest of Spitsbergen with severe consequences for regional ocean circulation and climate dynamics.

New bays, new straits, new peninsulas and new islands, that have appeared in the last decades of unprecedented warming and associated decay of marine-terminating glaciers in the Arctic are predominantely uncharted and unexplored territories which foreshadow ice-free Arctic and other cold regions of the warmer future. The importance of transdisciplinary research exploring those deglaciated oases has never been more important than at present.

Acknowledgement: The research leading to these results has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism  2014-2021: SVELTA - Svalbard Delta Systems Under Warming Climate (UMO-2020/37/K/ST10/02852) based at the University of Wroclaw.

How to cite: Kavan, J. and Strzelecki, M.: Glacier decay boosts formation of new Arctic coastal environments – lessons learned from Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12412,, 2023.

EGU23-13052 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.7/GM2

Sea ice, wind waves and coastal erosion in Hornsund, Svalbard 

Zuzanna Swirad, Mateusz Moskalik, Agnieszka Herman, Malin Johansson, and Gareth Rees

Increasing water levels at the shore can cause coastal erosion, wave overtopping and flooding that threaten communities and infrastructure. More frequent, longer and more severe storm events observed in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic bring more energetic waves to beaches of western Svalbard. Decreasing extent and duration of the sea ice cover increases potential fetch which makes the waves higher and longer. At the shore, the number of ice-free days per year has increased and coasts that were protected from waves by ice are becoming exposed perennially or over longer time. Modelling suggests that in future the sea ice will continue to decrease while the storminess will further increase. Better understanding the role of sea ice conditions and nearshore wave transformations on wave energy at the Arctic shores is needed to predict coastal hazards under changing climate.

In this study we focus on wave energy delivery to the shores of Hornsund, a ~300 km2 fjord of south-western Spitsbergen, Svalbard, and particularly to Isbjornhamna bay in northern Hornsund, where the Polish Polar Station infrastructure is located. We monitor continuously nearshore wind wave conditions and the state of the shore ice, and seasonally the wave run-up and beach morphology. We use three nested SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) models that take low-resolution global wind and wave models and nearshore bathymetry to reconstruct wind wave conditions in the nearshore (~15 m depth) Isbjornhamna. Finally, we use Sentinel-1 SAR data to reconstruct sea ice conditions in Hornsund area which need be incorporated into the wave model. Here we show how our monitoring and modelling scheme facilitates the comprehensive understanding of the nearshore and coastal processes in Isbjornhamna.

How to cite: Swirad, Z., Moskalik, M., Herman, A., Johansson, M., and Rees, G.: Sea ice, wind waves and coastal erosion in Hornsund, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13052,, 2023.

EGU23-14578 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2 | Highlight

Pan-Arctic remotely sensed observation of coastal settlements - recent updates 

Rodrigue Tanguy, Annett Bartsch, Barbara Widhalm, Clemens von Baeckmann, Aleksandra Efimova, and Goncalo Vieira

Rapid and unprecedented warming of high latitudes exposes Arctic coastal communities to greater vulnerability as they observe their territory changing through general permafrost degradation, episodes of flooding and accelerated coastal erosion threatening their infrastructure and livelihood. Local information is known for infrastructures mapping and coastal changes but consistency in the measurement is lacking as well as spatial coverage for large coastal areas. The need of a consistent circumpolar dataset is primordial in order to map risks and mitigate impacts for arctic coastal communities. Machine learning methods with Sentinel 1/2 imagery allow the circumpolar mapping of arctic coastal settlements (Bartsch et al. 2021a). Validation of recent updates are supported by high-resolution data from the Pleiades satellites, aerial and drone imagery. 

This study is part of the ESA EO4PAC project which aims to provide a range of satellite derived information, including coastal erosion/accretion and infrastructure in the proximity, for the next generation of the Arctic Coastal Dynamic Database (ACD; Lantuit, et al. 2012).  Previous results highlight the detection of 50% more human presence information than in OpenStreetMap especially in Russia with recent expansion of infrastructures related to expanding oil and gas industry. Recent updates of the SACHI dataset (Bartsch et al. 2021b) will be presented including additional attributes for roads and their validation. A preliminary categorization of settlements with respect to permafrost degradation (based on Permafrost_cci records) and coastal erosion based on the current ACD will be presented.

Bartsch, A., G. Pointner, I. Nitze, A. Efimova, D. Jakober, S. Ley, E. Högström, G. Grosse, P. Schweitzer (2021a): Expanding infrastructure and growing anthropogenic impacts along Arctic coasts. Environmental Research Letters.

Bartsch, Annett, Pointner, Georg, & Nitze, Ingmar. (2021b). Sentinel-1/2 derived Arctic Coastal Human Impact dataset (SACHI) (Version 1) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Lantuit, Hugues; Overduin, Pier Paul; Couture, Nicole; Wetterich, Sebastian; Are, Felix; Atkinson, David; Brown, Jerry; Cherkashov, Georgy A; Drozdov, Dimitry S; Forbes, Donald Lawrence; Graves-Gaylord, Allison; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang; Jordan, James; Jorgenson, M Torre; Ødegård, Rune Strand; Ogorodov, Stanislav; Pollard, Wayne H; Rachold, Volker; Sedenko, Sergey; Solomon, Steve; Steenhuisen, Frits; Streletskaya, Irina; Vasiliev, Alexander (2012): The Arctic Coastal Dynamics Database: A New Classification Scheme and Statistics on Arctic Permafrost Coastlines. Estuaries and Coasts, 35(2), 383-400,

How to cite: Tanguy, R., Bartsch, A., Widhalm, B., von Baeckmann, C., Efimova, A., and Vieira, G.: Pan-Arctic remotely sensed observation of coastal settlements - recent updates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14578,, 2023.

EGU23-14844 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.7/GM2

A framework for assessing the space needed for dune-based coastal adaption at multiple time scales. 

Rut Romero-Martín, Herminia Valdemoro, Rosh Ranasinghe, and Jose A. Jiménez

Under current conditions, the Spanish Mediterranean coast is already presenting hotspots of extreme exposure to coastal hazards and recurrent damage, making it necessary to adopt disruptive adaptation strategies as opposed to the classic expectation of full protection. This situation is expected to worsen under the effect of sea level rise, which will increase existing erosion rates, with some areas being fully eroded due to the lack of accommodation space to allow natural adaptation to the new conditions.

In this context, nature-based solutions (NBS) are becoming one of the main type of measures to be favored in order to be more climate-resilient and thus support EU policy priorities. Although research on the effectiveness of most nature-based coastal protection methods is still limited, some of them such as dune systems and sand banks have been classified as essential for future coastal defense.

In highly-developed coastal zones, which are the most at risk, the lack of the sufficient space limits the viability of using NBS as they cannot be accommodated. Thus, the existence of accommodation space is the required condition to permit the beach migration and rebuilding under SLR, otherwise will progressively decline and ultimately disappear. It has to be stressed that the accommodation space is a relative concept, being related to the expected magnitude of the shoreline retreat at a given time horizon under a given climate forcing scenario. 

Within this context, this work presents a regional-scale framework to assess the accommodation space needed to adopt dune-based NBS planning as a coastal adaptation strategy, by integrating predictions of accommodation space needed to cope with coastal hazards under current and IPCC AR6 climate scenarios and for different time horizons relevant for planning purposes (up to 2100), and to enable dune development. The hazards considered are (i) long-term (decadal scale) coastline evolution; (ii) storm-induced erosion; (iii) SLR-induced erosion; (iv) permanent inundation due to SLR; and (v) storm-induced flooding. The framework applies to the Catalan coast, a 600 km long stretch of the Spanish Mediterranean coastline.

This work was supported by the Spanish Agency of Research in the framework of the CoastSpace project, TED2021-130001B-C21 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).

How to cite: Romero-Martín, R., Valdemoro, H., Ranasinghe, R., and Jiménez, J. A.: A framework for assessing the space needed for dune-based coastal adaption at multiple time scales., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14844,, 2023.

EGU23-14978 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.7/GM2

Cross-Shelf Transport, Composition and Degradation of Terrestrial Permafrost Organic Matter at the Sediment-Water Interface in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas 

Lina Madaj, Kirsi Keskitalo, Örjan Gustafsson, Tommaso Tesi, Igor Semiletov, Oleg Dudarev, Jannik Martens, Negar Haghipour, Lisa Bröder, and Jorien Vonk

The ongoing rise of atmospheric temperatures and sea level is exacerbating Arctic coastal permafrost thaw which leads to increased coastal erosion and input of permafrost soils into the Arctic Ocean. Permafrost soils hold vast amounts of organic carbon (OC) which is released into the coastal waters upon thawing. The fate of this OC with regards to its transport and degradation pathways is not yet fully understood - it could either be degraded within the water column and released into the atmosphere as CO2 or it could be buried at the sea floor. When settling onto the seafloor sediment-water interactions become crucial in the OC degradation process. These so-called flocculation layers at the sediment-water interface hold a high potential for sediment re-suspension and therefore represent an environment favouring the degradation of OC thus preventing burial. Yet, there is little data available from these flocculation (i.e. nepheloid) layers, particularly in the Arctic shelf seas.

To improve our understanding of OC degradation within these flocculation layers, we analysed samples from the flocculation layer and from the underlying surface sediments for organic geochemical parameters (TOC, C/N values, δ13C, Δ14C, sediment surface area). Samples within this study were collected along two cross-shelf transects in the Laptev and in the East Siberian Sea during ISSS-2020 expedition in late summer (Sept-Oct) of 2020 onboard R/V Akademik Msistlav Keldysh. First results show variations in OC composition in both shelf seas between the flocculation and surface sediment layers and also with increasing water depth and distance from shore, further emphasizing the degradation potential of this particular layer. With the collected data, we want to gain new insights into how transport and degradation processes of terrestrial OC vary across the vast Siberian shelves.

How to cite: Madaj, L., Keskitalo, K., Gustafsson, Ö., Tesi, T., Semiletov, I., Dudarev, O., Martens, J., Haghipour, N., Bröder, L., and Vonk, J.: Cross-Shelf Transport, Composition and Degradation of Terrestrial Permafrost Organic Matter at the Sediment-Water Interface in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14978,, 2023.

EGU23-15297 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/GM2

Decision-Making on Nature-Based Solutions for Multifunctional Coastal Climate Adaptation 

Haye Geukes, Alexander Van Oudenhoven, and Peter Van Bodegom

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are fast becoming the norm for multifunctional climate adaptation to the combined challenges of increased sea-level rise, coastal population densities, and erosion of sandy shores worldwide, delivering functions such as flood prevention, recreation, and biodiversity benefits. However, it remains a challenge to the research field to inform decision-makers well on the outcomes and trade-offs of designing, planning, and managing the multifunctional NbS. This study set out to identify the information requirements by decision-makers on NbS for coastal climate adaptation. Using the Sand Motor in The Netherlands as a case study, we applied a policy science framework to distinguish four stages of decision-making to quantitatively analyse the content of functions and indicators utilized per stage in public policy documents. These stages are the ambition, political, bureaucratic, and provisioning processes. This study is the first comprehensive empirical investigation distinguishing these crucial stages of decision-making to analyse NbS information requirements. Our results show, most notably, that as the project developed through the decision-making stages, the content of the functions and indicators changed from abstract to concrete. And, with it, the content of the information required shifted significantly. These results suggest that it is crucial for academic researchers to recognize the decision-making process their information will be used in and adapt its content and level of abstraction accordingly to increase its uptake in decision-making. This study lays the groundwork for future research into the multiple dimensions of NbS decision-making and for the increased understanding of the information requirements on evaluation and trade-offs in planning, designing, and managing NbS, to increase the ability of NbS to deliver multifunctional coastal climate adaptation for sandy shores worldwide.

How to cite: Geukes, H., Van Oudenhoven, A., and Van Bodegom, P.: Decision-Making on Nature-Based Solutions for Multifunctional Coastal Climate Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15297,, 2023.

EGU23-15893 | Posters on site | ITS1.7/GM2

Small-scale nature-based solutions for protection of sandy coasts 

Caroline Hallin, Emanuel Schmidt, and Björn Almström

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are promising methods to enhance biodiversity and adapt to climate change in coastal areas. However, upscaling NBS to replace conventional methods requires knowledge about their performance from multiple perspectives, e.g., biodiversity, coastal safety, and economy. In recent years, great efforts have been put into researching NBS pilots of sandy solutions. Some of the most prominent examples are found in the Netherlands, e.g., the Sandmotor, the Hondsbossche Dunes, and the Prince Hendrik Sand dike. These are examples of large-scale interventions with nourished sand volumes of hundreds of thousands to millions of cubic meters. In contrast, this study focuses on small-scale NBS pilots of sandy solutions with nourishment volumes of hundreds to thousands of cubic meters. Two NBS pilots in Sweden are described and analysed, and the advantages and disadvantages of small-scale NBS are discussed in relation to larger-scale interventions.

The first pilot was installed in 2018 in the Furusund navigational fairway in the Stockholm Archipelago. A few hundred cubic meters of sand was nourished to a beach subject to erosion due to ship-generated waves. The nourishment protects an eroding bluff and prevents the loss of forest areas with high nature values. Compared to hard solutions, e.g., a rock revetment, the small-scale beach nourishment supplies sand to a small sandy beach down-drift used for recreational purposes. Since the implementation, a significant part of the nourishment has already been eroded, and the expected lifetime of this intervention is in the order of a few years.

The second pilot was installed at Fortuna beach, located in the narrow sound between Sweden and Denmark. The area has a low-energy wave climate, and the nourishment was designed to protect a beach in front of a residential area from storm erosion recurring with decadal frequency. The beach and dune area were nourished with approximately 3000 m3 of sediment. The area has limited offshore sand resources that can be extracted without adverse environmental impact. Therefore, the beneficial use of sediment dredged from local marinas and a mixture of sand and seaweed from nearby beach clean-ups was used to carry out the project. Within a year after the nourishment, a storm with a recurrence period of approximately 5-20 years hit the coast, but the dune volume still exceeded the volume before the measures.

Experiences from the small-scale sandy solutions are that the limited extent of the interventions facilitates financing and permitting processes, which can be a bottleneck in upscaling NBS. The limited volume of nourishments makes it easier for beneficial use of dredged material, which in many cases is viewed as a waste rather than a resource. Both the volume and timing can be adapted to nearby dredging operations, thus reducing the cost of maintenance of small marinas with a high cultural value. The short lifetime and low safety level of small-scale NBS can be a disadvantage but allow for more flexibility, and no-regret solutions compatible with adaptive pathway approaches to climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Hallin, C., Schmidt, E., and Almström, B.: Small-scale nature-based solutions for protection of sandy coasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15893,, 2023.

EGU23-164 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5 | Highlight

Improvement and verification of urban extreme temperature predictions with satellite and ground observations in Austria (VERITAS-AT) 

Sandro Oswald, Stefan Schneider, Maja Zuvela-Aloise, Claudia Hahn, and Clemens Wastl

Extreme temperatures, especially long-lasting heat and cold waves in urban areas, lead to thermal stress of the population and increase the number of weather-related health risks and deaths. The observed climate trend and the associated increase of extreme weather events are expected to continue in the future. Thus, the evaluation of urban thermal stress and the associated health effects becomes an important issue for urban planning and risk management. For Austrian cities, an information system for temperature warnings already exists (Weather warnings, ZAMG), which is based on the information of regional weather forecast models. However, this information does not have the required spatial resolution needed to resolve urban structure and thus to account for the urban heat island effect or cold stress situations in winter.

The aim of this project is to provide the basis for the improvement of extreme weather/thermal (dis)comfort warning systems in Austrian major cities by using high-resolution weather predictions (100 m). Therefore, the soil model SURFEX (developed by Météo France) coupled with the AROME numerical weather forecast model is applied to selected cities in Austria and used to determine the best model configuration to compute short-term forecasts (+60 hours). This method provides not a full dynamical model, but a way of pyhsical downscaling with height corrections and a high-resolution surface model.

In this project, land use parameterization will be updated and improved based on Pan-European High Resolution Layers (e.g. Urban Atlas) of the Copernicus Land Monitoring service in ECOCLIMAP (predefined land use classes for SURFEX). The model output will be verified with in-situ operational and crowd-sourced observations. Furthermore, the results will be compared to the micro-scale urban climate model MUKLIMO_3 from the German Weather Service (100 m) and various thermal infrared (TIR with 150 to 250 m) datasets. The novel modeling approach for simulating thermal stress in urban areas serves as the basis for improving the operational prediction system of extreme temperatures, for optimizing the future extreme weather warning system at the ZAMG, and for decision-making for the involved cities and their stakeholders.

How to cite: Oswald, S., Schneider, S., Zuvela-Aloise, M., Hahn, C., and Wastl, C.: Improvement and verification of urban extreme temperature predictions with satellite and ground observations in Austria (VERITAS-AT), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-164,, 2023.

EGU23-353 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/AS5.5

The added value of regional climate simulations at kilometre-scale resolution to describe daily wind speed: the CORDEX FPS-Convection multi-model ensemble runs over the Alps 

María Ofelia Molina, Joao Careto, Claudia Gutiérrez, Enrique Sánchez, and Pedro Soares

In the recent past, the increase in computational resources allowed researchers to run simulations at increasingly horizontal and time resolutions. One such project is the World Climate Research Program’s Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiments Flagship Pilot Studies (FPS) on convective phenomena. This FPS encompasses a set of simulations driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis for the period from 2000-2009 (hindcast) and by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 Global models for the 1996-2005 period (historical). Most models feature a horizontal resolution of 2.2 to 3 km, nested in an intermediate resolution of 12-25 km. An extended Alpine domain is considered for the simulations, due to the complexity of the mountain system together with heavy precipitation events, a large observational network and the high population density of the area. This initiative aims to build first-of-its-kind ensemble climate experiments of convective-permitting models to investigate convective processes over Europe and the Mediterranean.


In this study, the Distribution Added Value metric is used to determine the improvement of the representation of all available FPS hindcast and historical simulations for the daily mean wind speed. The analysis is performed on normalized empirical probability distributions and considers station observation data as a reference. The use of a normalized metric allows for spatial comparison among the different altitudes and seasons. This approach permits a direct assessment of the added value between the higher resolution convection-permitting regional climate model simulations against their global driving simulations and respective coarser resolution Regional Model counterparts. Although the complexity of such simulations, those not always reveal an added value. In general, results show that models add value to their reanalysis or forcing global model, but the nature and magnitude of the improvement on the representation of wind speed vary depending on the model, the spatial distribution and the season.


How to cite: Molina, M. O., Careto, J., Gutiérrez, C., Sánchez, E., and Soares, P.: The added value of regional climate simulations at kilometre-scale resolution to describe daily wind speed: the CORDEX FPS-Convection multi-model ensemble runs over the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-353,, 2023.

EGU23-617 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Applying statistical downscaling to CMIP6 projections of precipitation for South America: Analysis of pre and post-processed simulations 

Glauber Willian de Souza Ferreira, Michelle Simões Reboita, and João Gabriel Martins Ribeiro

Global Climate Models (GCMs) are fundamental for simulating future climate conditions. However, such tools have limitations like their coarse resolution, systematic biases, and considerable uncertainties and spread among the projections generated by different models. Thus, raw outputs from GCMs are insufficient for regional-scale studies, which can be solved using downscaling techniques. These methods are particularly relevant for South America (SA), given the continent's climate regimes and topographic complexity. Moreover, critical socio-economic activities developed in SA, such as rainfed agriculture and hydroelectric power generation, are highly dependent on climate conditions and susceptible to extreme events, which can lead to intense droughts or floods depending on the region. Given the background, this study aims to analyze the performance of the statistical downscaling technique Quantile Delta Mapping (QDM) applied to precipitation projections simulated by an ensemble composed of eight GCMs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) for SA. In this manner, we evaluate both the original precipitation projections from the GCMs, and after applying the QDM statistical downscaling technique. Daily precipitation data from the Climate Prediction Center (CPC), with a horizontal resolution of 0.5°, and from the Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation version 2 (MSWEPV2), with a horizontal resolution of 0.1°, are used as a reference, so the final resolution of the GCMs (and the ensemble) projections after the QDM technique application is the same from the different validation databases. Preliminary results with CPC indicate a satisfactory performance of the technique on precipitation simulations over SA.


The authors thank the CAPES, the R&D Program regulated by ANEEL, and the companies Engie Brasil Energia and Energética Estreito for their financial support.

How to cite: de Souza Ferreira, G. W., Simões Reboita, M., and Martins Ribeiro, J. G.: Applying statistical downscaling to CMIP6 projections of precipitation for South America: Analysis of pre and post-processed simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-617,, 2023.

Two main approaches to downscale global climate projections are possible: dynamical and statistical downscaling. Both families have been widely evaluated, but intercomparison studies between the two families are scarce, and usually limited to temperature and precipitation. In this work, we present a comparison between a Statistical Downscaling Model (SDM) based on Machine Learning and six Regional Climate Models (RCMs) from EURO-CORDEX, for five variables of interest: temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity and solar radiation. The study expands at a continental scale over Europe, with a spatial resolution of 0.11o and daily data. Both the SDM and the RCMs are driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis, and observations are taken from the gridded dataset E-OBS. Several aspects have been evaluated: daily series, mean values and extremes, spatial patterns and also temporal aspects. Additionally, in order to analyze the intervariable consistency, a multivariable index (Fire Weather Index) derived from the fundamental variables has been included. The SDM has reached better scores than the RCMs for all the evaluated aspects with only a few exceptions, mainly related to an underestimation of the variance. After bias correction, both the SDM and the six RCMs present similar results, with no significant differences among them. Results presented here, combined with the low computational expense of SDMs and the limited availability of RCMs over some CORDEX domains, should motivate the consideration of statistical downscaling at the same level as RCMs by official providers of regional information, and its inclusion in reference sites. Nonetheless, further analysis on crucial aspects such as the impact on long-term trends or the sensitivity of different methods to being driven by Global Climate Models instead of by a reanalysis, is needed.

How to cite: Hernanz, A., Correa, C., Domínguez, M., Rodríguez-Guisado, E., and Rodríguez-Camino, E.: Can Statistical Downscaling based on Machine Learning compete with Regional Climate Models? A comparison for temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity and radiation over Europe under present conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1296,, 2023.

The reliable prediction of flash flood relevant heavy precipitation events under climate change conditions remains a challenging task for the downscaling community. Therefore, a huge variety of downscaling approaches have been proposed and successfully applied, however, there is still potential for improvements. The conducted study aims to investigate potential improvements by circulation pattern (CP) trends conservation and their utilization for CP conditional statistical downscaling of daily summer precipitation in the (pre-)alpine region of Bavaria. The CPs have been created taking only atmospheric variables into consideration and the link to precipitation is established via CP conditional cumulative distribution functions (CDF) of the observed precipitation at selected measurement sites across the region. The derived CDFs allow for the sampling of CP conditional precipitation values at the station scale which are subsequently bias corrected by quantile mapping (QM) and parametric transfer functions (PTFs) as tested methods. The predicted precipitation values have been evaluated against obervations using different performance measures such as Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). In order to properly account for extreme events the evaluation has been conducted for the complete precipitation distribution and for the distribution above the 95th percentile seperately. The results show that the described CP conditional downscaling approach is capable of yielding more accurate daily precipitation values especially in the extremes compartment in which an average gain in prediction skill of + 0.24 and a maximum gain of + 0.6 in terms of KGE has been observed. This shows that the conservation of trends and atmospheric information through CPs and their utilization for downscaling can lead to improved precipitation downscaling results.

How to cite: Böker, B., Laux, P., Olschewski, P., and Kunstmann, H.: Accurate heavy precipitation prediction in an (pre-)alpine area: The benefit of trend conservation in circulation pattern conditional statistical downscaling., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2260,, 2023.

While much effort has been devoted to analyzing long-term changes of temperature and precipitation in mean values and extremes, studies on changes in variability have been rather scarce. Trends in variability are, however, important, among others because their interaction with trends in mean values determines the degree with which extremes would change. The knowledge of long-term changes in temporal variability is essential for assessments of climate change impacts on various sectors, including hydrology (floods and droughts), agriculture, health, and energy demand and production.

SPAGETTA is a stochastic spatial daily weather generator (WG), which uses first-order multivariate (dimension = number of variables X number of gridpoints) autoregressive model to represent the spatial and temporal variability of surface weather variables (including precipitation and temperature). We consider the generator to be a suitable tool for assessing changes in the spatial and temporal variability of the weather series because of following reasons: (A) The inter-gridpoint lag-0 and lag-1(day) correlations included in a set of WG parameters may serve as representatives for spatial and temporal variability of input weather variables. (B) Statistical significance of changes in the lag-0 and lag-1 correlations derived from the input series may be easily assessed by comparing the changes with a variability of the lag-0 and lag-1 correlations related to the stochasticity in input weather series (the variability is assessed across a set of multiple realisations of the synthetic series). (C) Separate effects of changes in various statistical characteristics on any climatic characteristic may be easily assessed. Specifically, having analysed changes in the means, variability and inter-gridpoint correlations (e.g. based on RCM simulations of the future climate), we may modify only a selected (possibly only a single one) WG parameter(s) before producing the synthetic series and analysing effect of climate change on the climatic characteristics.

In the first part of the contribution, we employ SPAGETTA generator to analyse changes in interdiurnal variability of precipitation and temperature in 8 European regions (defined in Dubrovsky et al 2020, Theor Appl Climatol) using (a) gridded observational (last N years vs. first N years in available E-OBS times series) and (b) RCM-simulated surface weather series (2070-2099 vs 1971-2000; outputs from 19 RCMs available from the CORDEX database are analysed). In doing this, we assess the statistical significance of the detected changes. In the second part, we assess separate effects of changes in the means, variability and lag-0 & lag-1 correlations of temperature and precipitation (the changes based on a set of 19 RCM simulations are used to modify the corresponding WG parameters) on a set of climatic indices - including a set of compound precipitation-temperature characteristics representing spells of days with spatially significant extent of significantly non-normal weather (e.g. hot-dry spells).

How to cite: Dubrovský, M., Huth, R., Stepanek, P., Lhotka, O., Miksovsky, J., and Meitner, J.: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Precipitation and Temperature: Analysis of Recent Changes and Future Development with Use of the Weather Generator and RCM-Based Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2735,, 2023.

EGU23-3343 | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5 | Highlight

Conceptual development and use of downscaled climate model information 

Robert Wilby and Christian Dawson

Statistical and dynamical downscaling techniques are widely applied in the development of local climate change scenarios. This talk traces the conceptual development of downscaling as a decision-support tool for climate risk assessment, resilience and adaptation planning. Four epochs are identified: (1) early exploration of local changes in key climate variables, such as temperature and precipitation extremes; (2) application of downscaled scenarios to climate impacts modelling (such as for agriculture yield or water resource assessments); (3) advent of ensemble-based methods and more sophisticated handling of uncertainty in the downscaling-impacts workflow; and (4) use of downscaled scenarios to stress-test adaptation options under plausible ranges of climate and non-climatic conditions. Each phase is illustrated by and reflected in the development of the Statistical DownScaling Model – Decision Centric (SDSM-DC) over more than two decades. Questions around fitness for purpose and appropriate uses of the tool are explored. The talk concludes by considering: where next for downscaling?

How to cite: Wilby, R. and Dawson, C.: Conceptual development and use of downscaled climate model information, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3343,, 2023.

An atmospheric single-column model (SCM) developed in the framework of the Canadian Regional Climate Model, CRCM, driven by NCEP-NCAR reanalyses is applied to study the non-linear interactions between the surface and the planetary boundary layer (Goyette et al., 2020). The approach to solve the model equations and the technique described may be implemented in any RCM system environment as a model option. The working hypothesis underlying this SCM formulation is that a substantial portion of the variability simulated in the column can be reproduced by processes operating in the vertical dimension and a lesser portion comes from processes operating in the horizontal dimension. This SCM offers interesting prospects as the horizontal and vertical resolution of the RCM is ever increasing. Due to its low computational cost, multiple simulations may be carried out in a short period of time. In this paper, a range of possible results obtained by changing the lower boundary from open water surface to land, and by varying model parameters are mainly shown for central Mediterranean but also for other applications. Results show that the model responded in a highly nonlinear but coherent manner in the lowest levels with changes in air temperature, moisture and windspeed profiles. The latter are consistent with those of the surface vertical sensible, latent heat and momentum fluxes. For example in the central Mediterranean, during a simulated year, air temperature is increased during all the seasons. Specific humidity is increased during the autumn and winter seasons but decreased by during the spring and summer seasons thus showing the contrasting influence of the land surface. The potential for further developments, as well as some guidance as to how to handle mixed land/open water coupling in RCMs, is also provided.

GOYETTE, Stéphane, FONSECA, Cédric, TRUSCELLO, Léonard. Assessment of nonlinear effects of a deep subgrid lake with an atmospheric single‐column model. In: International Journal of Climatology, 2020. doi: 10.1002/joc.6890

How to cite: Goyette, S. and Kasparian, J.: Numerical investigation with a coupled single-column surface-atmosphere model and an application to central Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3479,, 2023.

EGU23-3741 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Validation of MVT bias correction in dynamical downscaling simulations for climate extreme 

Meng-Zhuo Zhang, Ying Han, Zhongfeng Xu, and Weidong Guo

Dynamical downscaling is a widely-used approach to generate regional projections of future climate extremes at a finer scale. Previous studies indicated that the global climate model (GCM) bias correction method prior to dynamical downscaling can improve the simulation of the climate extreme to a certain extent. Recently, a new bias correction method termed MVT was developed. Note that this method did not correct the GCM biases of the climate extreme event explicitly. In this study, we evaluate the MVT method in terms of various climate extreme events through three dynamical downscaling simulations over Asia-western North Pacific with 25 km grid spacing throughout 1980–2014, and further investigate to what extent and how this bias correction method can improve the simulation of downscaled climate extreme events. The dynamical downscaling simulations driven by the original GCM dataset derived from the MPI-ESM1-2-HR (hereafter WRF_GCM), the bias-corrected GCM (hereafter WRF_GCMbc) are validated against that driven by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis 5 dataset, respectively. The results suggest that compared with the WRF_GCM, the WRF_GCMbc shows more than 26% decrease in root mean square errors of the precipitation and temperature extreme indices, and even 61% out of seasonal extreme indices show more than 50% reduction. Such improvements in the WRF_GCMbc are primarily caused by the correct simulation of the large-scale circulation due to the GCM bias correction. The large-scale circulation in turn improves the simulation of the precipitation and cloud by the water vapor transport and further improves the simulation of the 2m temperature by the radiation process and the surface energy balance, which contribute to the better simulation of the precipitation and temperature extreme indices.

How to cite: Zhang, M.-Z., Han, Y., Xu, Z., and Guo, W.: Validation of MVT bias correction in dynamical downscaling simulations for climate extreme, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3741,, 2023.

EGU23-3922 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Scale Heterogeneity Avoided Dasymetric Mapping for the Gridded Population 

Weipeng Lu and Qihao Weng

The gridded population, crucial for resource allocation and emergency support, is mainly downscaled from the census data with administrative divisions. A common dasymetric mapping approach is building a regression model between aggregated geospatial properties and population potential at the administrative level and then applying this model directly to the grid level. The aggregation of geospatial properties often relies on statistical methods like averaging. However, the difference in scale between the two levels can lead to the heterogeneity of geospatial properties, which causes a gap between the training domain and the target domain and makes these methods fail to preserve the physical meaning of geographic properties. To address this issue, we propose a deep learning-based approach, in which a sophisticated loss function involving tripartite elements, gridded geospatial properties, gridded population potential, and administrative population potential, is designed. In this way, scale heterogeneity both in aggregation and domains can be avoided. In this study, a 30-meter resolution population density map of Hong Kong is produced through the proposed approach. The validation result shows that compared with both the machine learning-based or the artificial neural network-based one, the proposed approach gets a lower RMSE and potentially provides a more accurate reference for detailed urban management.

How to cite: Lu, W. and Weng, Q.: Scale Heterogeneity Avoided Dasymetric Mapping for the Gridded Population, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3922,, 2023.

EGU23-4495 | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Implications of statistical bias adjustment for uncertainties in regional model projections 

Muralidhar Adakudlu, Elena Xoplaki, and Niklas Luther

Regional climate models, due to their systematic biases, are not usable for impact assessment and policy-relevant applications. It is common to post-process the regional model outputs with appropriate bias correction methodologies to provide reliable climate change information. We apply a distribution-based, trend-preserving quantile mapping procedure to bias correct the projections of daily precipitation and temperature from an ensemble of 5 RCMs driven by 5 GCMs, each at a resolution of 0.11°, chosen from the EURO-CORDEX initiative. The gridded observations from the German Weather Service, DWD-HYRAS, has been used as a reference for the bias correction. The impact of the bias correction is found to be more pronounced on precipitation than on temperature, as the precipitation biases are larger. The models are wetter and underestimate (overestimate) the daily maximum (minimum) temperature. The correction method eliminates large parts of these biases and maps the distributions of both the variables well with that of observations. The bias adjustment also leads to the narrowing down of the uncertainties in the projected changes of both the variables. The decomposition of total variance into model uncertainty and internal variability suggests that the bias correction acts mostly on the former component. The internal variability component does not seem, however, to undergo considerable changes following the bias correction. Due to the reduction of the uncertainty, we find a slight improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio in the projections. 

How to cite: Adakudlu, M., Xoplaki, E., and Luther, N.: Implications of statistical bias adjustment for uncertainties in regional model projections, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4495,, 2023.

In this study, a multi-model ensemble of regional climate and air quality coupling model system was established to evaluate current climate and air pollution in China during 2010-2014. Meteorological initial and boundary conditions were obtained from the multi earth system models used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) with a dynamical downscaling method and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction Final Analysis (NCEP-FNL) reanalysis data. These downscaling data under the historical scenario and FNL data were applied to driven the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled to Chemistry (WRF-Chem) to simulate current climate and air quality. A comprehensive evaluation of the current five years was conducted against the ground-level meteorological and chemical observations. The performances for the 2 m temperature were very well and consistently overestimated the wind speed at 10 m by 0.8~1.2 m/s. PM2.5 and ozone concentrations were underestimated by the downscaling data driven simulations compared with the FNL data. The model performance was relatively well and can be used to study the impacts of climate change on China's future air quality and pollution events in the context of carbon neutrality and clean air, which may shed light on policy formulation for medium and long-term air quality management and climate change alleviation.

How to cite: Cui, M.: Multi-model downscaling simulations of regional climate and air quality in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5321,, 2023.

Floods are highly destructive natural hazards causing widespread impacts on socio-ecosystems. This hazard could be further amplified with the ongoing climate change, which will likely alter magnitude and frequency of floods. Estimating how flood-rich periods could change in the future is however challenging. The classical approach is to estimate future changes in floods from hydrological simulations forced by time series scenarios of weather variables for different future climate scenarios. The development of relevant weather scenarios for this is often critical. To be adapted to the critical space and time scales of the considered basins, weather scenarios are thus typically produced from climate models with downscaling models, either dynamical or statistical.

In this study, we assessed the ability of two typical simulations chains to reproduce over the last century (1902-2009) and from large-scale atmospheric information only observed temporal variations of river discharges and flood events of the Upper Rhône River (10,900 km²). The modeling chains are made up of (i) the atmospheric reanalysis ERA-20C, (ii) either the statistical downscaling model SCAMP (Raynaud et al., 2020) or the dynamical downscaling model MAR (Gallée and Schayes, 1994), and (iii) the glacio-hydrological model GSM-SOCONT (Schaefli et al., 2005).

The daily Mean Areal Temperature (MAT) and Precipitation (MAP) time series were compared to the observed ones over the period 1961-2009. The meteorological results highlight the need for a bias-correction for both downscaling models. To avoid irrelevant simulations of the snowpack dynamics, especially for high elevations, the bias-correction was needed not only for the precipitation and temperature scenarios but also for the lapse scenarios of the dynamical downscaling chain. Simulated discharges are globally in very good agreement with the reference ones in the bias-corrected simulations. Whatever the river basin considered, the multi-scale observed variations of discharges are well reproduced (daily, seasonal and interannual). The reconstruction power of the chains is lower for low frequency hydrological situations, namely low flow sequences and annual discharge maxima. Flood events tend to be underestimated by each simulation chain.

Flood activity was also estimated from the discharge time series using the Peak Over Threshold (POT) method. The results over the last century are very promising, and encourage us to continue towards simulations over the last millennium. Outputs from the PMIP4 experiments (CESM1 Last Millennium Ensemble) will be statistically downscaled with the SCAMP model (for reasons of computation costs) and used as forcings in the GSM-SOCONT model.

- Raynaud et al. (2020) HESS 
- Gallée and Schayes, 1994 MWR doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1994)122<0671:DOATDM>2.0.CO;2
- Schaefli et al. (2005) HESS

How to cite: Legrand, C., Wilhelm, B., and Hingray, B.: Simulating river discharges variations and flood events from large-scale atmospheric information with statistical and dynamical downscaling models: Example of the Upper Rhône River, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6168,, 2023.

Climate simulations often need to be adjusted before carrying out climate impact studies at regional scale in order to reduce the biases often present in climate models. To do that, bias adjustment methods are usually applied to climate output simulations and are calibrated over a reference period. This period ideally includes good observational coverage and is often defined as the 2 or 3 more recent decades. However, on these timescales, the climate state may be influenced by the low-frequency internal climate variability. There is therefore a risk of introducing a bias to the climate projections by bias-adjusting simulations with low-frequency variability in a different phase to that of the observations. We proposed here a new pseudo-reality framework using an ensemble of simulations performed with the IPSL-CM6A-LR climate model in order to assess the impact of the low-frequency internal climate variability of the North Atlantic sea surface temperatures on bias-adjusted projections of mean and extreme surface temperature over Europe. We show that adjusting a simulation in a similar phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability to that of the pseudo-observations reduces the pseudo-biases in temperature projections. Therefore, for models and regions where low frequency internal variability matters, it is recommended to sample relevant climate simulations to be bias adjusted in a model ensemble or alternatively to use a very long reference period when possible.

How to cite: Bonnet, R., Vrac, M., Boucher, O., and Jin, X.: Sensitivity of bias adjustment methods to low-frequency internal climate variability over the reference period: an ideal model study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6529,, 2023.

The nature and severity of climate change impacts varies significantly from region to region. Consequently, high-resolution climate information is needed for meaningful impact assessments and the design of mitigation strategies. This demand has lead to an increase in the coupling of Empirical Statistical Downscaling (ESD) models to General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of future climate. Here, we present a new open-source Python package (pyESD; that implements several Perfect Prognosis ESD (PP-ESD) methods and the whole downscaling cycle. The latter includes routines for data preparation, predictor selection and construction, model selection and training, evaluation, utility tools for relevant statistical tests, visualisation, and more. The package includes a collection of well-established Machine Learning algorithms and allows the user to choose a variety of estimators, cross-validation schemes, objective function measures, hyperparameter optimization, etc., in relatively few lines of codes. The package is highly modular and flexible, and allows quick and reproducible downscaling of any climate information, such as precipitation, temperature, wind speed or even glacial retreat. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the new PP-ESD framework by generating station-based downscaling products of precipitation and temperature for complex mountainous terrain in Southwest Germany.

How to cite: Mutz, S. G. and Boateng, D.: pyESD: An open-source Python framework for empirical-statistical downscaling of climate information, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7470,, 2023.

EGU23-8234 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/AS5.5 | Highlight

Weather reconstruction and application for Switzerland: Long-term changes of spring weather impacts since 1763 

Imfeld Noemi and Brönnimann Stefan

Numerous historical sources report on hazardous past climate and weather events that had considerable impacts on society. Studying changes in their occurrence or mechanisms behind such events is however hampered by a lack of spatial weather information. For Switzerland, we created a daily high-resolution (1x1 km2) reconstruction of temperature and precipitation fields for the years 1763 to 1960 using an analog resampling method based on observational data. The resampled fields are further post-processed by assimilating temperature observations and quantile mapping the precipitation fields. Together with the present-day meteorological fields, this forms a more than 250-year long gridded data set.

We use this data set to evaluate changes in spring weather impacts over the last 250 years. The spring season receives fewer attention since it has no extreme events in absolute terms. However, it is relevant since weather conditions in spring can delay vegetation onset and growth, and can create substantial vegetation damages due to for example late frost and snow events. We evaluate therefore the long-term changes of spring fresh snow days, late frost days, frost days, and warm days, and compare it to changes of spring onset and reconstructed phenological stages.

How to cite: Noemi, I. and Stefan, B.: Weather reconstruction and application for Switzerland: Long-term changes of spring weather impacts since 1763, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8234,, 2023.

EGU23-8829 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/AS5.5

A soil moisture downscaling playground of multiple resolution physics-based simulations 

Elena Leonarduzzi and Reed M Maxwell

Knowing soil moisture conditions accurately is extremely important for natural hazards prediction, agriculture, and other water resources management practices. Remote sensing products have been used more and more in these contexts. Their main advantage is the spatial coverage, which allows one to obtain continental or even global products. Nevertheless, there are limitations associated with them, such as reduced penetrating depth, impact of cloudiness and snow/ice, and low spatial and temporal resolutions. To compensate for the low spatial resolution, downscaling techniques have been developed that combine different remote sensing products and/or other data considered to affect soil moisture redistribution. The main limitation in their development, is the lack of data to validate the techniques and the final product. Oftentimes in situ measurements are used for the calibration/training and for the testing/verification. These are very sparse, i.e., only available at few locations, and hard to compare directly, as both the satellite products and the downscaled estimates are volumetric and not point estimates.

Here, we create a soil moisture downscaling playground by generating soil moisture estimates with a physics-based hydrological model (ParFlow-CLM) at different resolutions, from a few kilometers to 100 meters. Having continuous gridded estimates of high- and low- resolution soil moisture with a reliable physics-based model, allows us to test and compare different downscaling techniques as well as the impact on the scaling of individual inputs/parameters. As an initial experiment, we model the East Taylor catchment (Colorado, USA) at 100m and 1000m resolution, by only changing the topography (i.e., all other inputs are resolved at 1000m), which is not only the best-known input even at high resolutions, but also the most impactful in soil moisture redistribution. The best performing downscaling technique will allow us, in an operational setup, to run the physics-based model at a coarser resolution but still have a high-resolution product in a computationally inexpensive manner. Beyond our application, the high- and low- resolution simulations generated in this work can be used for the validation of any downscaling technique also applicable with remote sensing products.

How to cite: Leonarduzzi, E. and Maxwell, R. M.: A soil moisture downscaling playground of multiple resolution physics-based simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8829,, 2023.

EGU23-9644 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Analysis of Ensemble Uncertainty Transfer in AI-Based Downscaling of C3S Seasonal Forecast 

Qing Lin, Fatemeh Heidari, Edgar Fabián Espitia Sarmiento, Muralidhar Adakudlu, Andrea Toreti, and Elena Xoplaki

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) integrates multiple seasonal forecast models of climate variables with multiple ensemble realizations. Assessing the risks of natural hazards with high impacts on human and natural systems and providing actionable services at the local scale require high-resolution predictions. We implement the AI-based approach proposed by Heidari et al. (2023) to address such needs and reach a kilometer scale. While downscaling seasonal forecasts, it is crucial to transfer the full range of the uncertainties given by the ensembles.

This study assesses how uncertainty is transferred by an AI-based downscaling approach. Quantile-based metrics are here used to measure the ensemble variability between seasonal forecasts and their downscaled products. On the other side, quantile-based metrics can also give an alternative description of the ensemble variabilities, which could replace the raw ensemble members in the downscaling process. In this study, the AI-downscaling system is tested by inputting (a) raw ensemble members and (b) quantile-based metrics. Transferred uncertainty and downscaling accuracy are then evaluated to develop and implement an optimal downscaling approach with hazard-dependent inputs being selected at  regional and local scales.


Heidari F., Lin Q., Espitia Sarmiento E.F., Toreti A., and Xoplaki E. (2023): A deep learning technique to realistically bias correct and downscale seasonal forecast ensembles of climate variables towards the development of an AI-based early warning system, EGU 2023 abstract

How to cite: Lin, Q., Heidari, F., Espitia Sarmiento, E. F., Adakudlu, M., Toreti, A., and Xoplaki, E.: Analysis of Ensemble Uncertainty Transfer in AI-Based Downscaling of C3S Seasonal Forecast, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9644,, 2023.

The lack of long-term and consistent meteorological observations limits the application of land-surface simulators (e.g., of phenomena in hydrology, the cryosphere, ecology) at remote locations. For example, most permafrost areas are remote and lacking consistent meteorological time series, models that describe permafrost change over time cannot be driven for comparison with observations or for impact studies. Reanalysis-derived time series are valuable because they are available with global coverage, for a long time period, and for a broad set of physically consistent variables. Multiple reanalyses can be used to provide estimates of uncertainty. Practically, however, this data is difficult to use for several reasons: grid-scale reanalyses must be downscaled and interpolated horizontally (and vertically within the atmospheric column for mountains regions) to the site‑scale, differences in variables, units, and delivery between reanalyses must be reconciled, and large volumes of data need to be handled. Globsim is an open-source python library (available via GitHub) that was developed to handle these challenges and to facilitate a simulation workflow that takes advantage of the multiple reanalysis products available today. It outputs sub-daily meteorological time series that resemble meteorological stations for any location on the planet. Since the release of the first version of Globsim, we have improved usability, refactored code for maintainability and speed, and fixed a number of bugs. We also added support for ERA5 ensemble data, and added more sophisticated heuristic downscaling algorithms, including TOPOscale for elevation-adjusted radiative fluxes. We use Globsim as a core tool in a multi-model permafrost simulation workflow and, as a future step, we intend to use it as part of a debiasing routine to make predictions of permafrost using climate scenarios. We expect this tool to be broadly applicable to climate change impact modelers and other scientists using climate driven simulations working in (remote) locations that lack meteorological data of sufficient quality and duration for their application.

How to cite: Brown, N., Gruber, S., and Cao, B.: Globsim v.3 – Improvements to an open-source software library for utilizing atmospheric reanalyses in point-scale land surface simulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10595,, 2023.

EGU23-11124 | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Reducing negative impacts of bias adjustment on the distribution tail and extreme climate indicators in MIdAS 

Peter Berg, Thomas Bosshard, Lars Bärring, Johan Södling, Renate Wilcke, Wei Yang, and Klaus Zimmermann

Bias adjustment of climate models is today normally performed with quantile mapping methods that account for the whole distribution of the parameter. The bulk of the distribution is well described as long as sufficient data records are used (Berg et al., 2012), however, the extreme tails will always suffer from large uncertainties. These uncertainties stem from both the climate model and the reference data set, which prevents a robust and detailed identification of bias in the extreme tail. Empirical quantile mapping methods are therefore prone to overfitting, and may introduce substantial bias when applied outside the calibration period. Commonly, a constant adjustment is applied for values outside the range of the calibration period, but there is room for improvements of the extrapolation method.

While working with a climate service for Sweden, a clear offset was identified between data adjusted within and outside the calibration period for an extreme indicator of daily maximum precipitation. This study explores different extrapolation methods for the extreme tail of the distribution in the spline-based empirical quantile mapping method of the MIdAS bias adjustment method (Berg et al., 2022). By limiting the bias adjustment to the first 95% of the distribution, and thereafter applying a constant or a linear fit to the remaining 5% of data in the tail, the offset is strongly reduced and the adjusted extremes become more robust and plausible.

Berg, P., Feldmann, H., & Panitz, H. J. (2012). Bias correction of high resolution regional climate model data. Journal of Hydrology448, 80-92.

Berg, P., Bosshard, T., Yang, W., & Zimmermann, K. (2022). MIdASv0. 2.1–MultI-scale bias AdjuStment. Geoscientific Model Development15(15), 6165-6180.

How to cite: Berg, P., Bosshard, T., Bärring, L., Södling, J., Wilcke, R., Yang, W., and Zimmermann, K.: Reducing negative impacts of bias adjustment on the distribution tail and extreme climate indicators in MIdAS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11124,, 2023.

EGU23-11595 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Understanding the double-ITCZ problem over the Atlantic with bias-corrected downscaling 

Shuchang Liu, Christian Zeman, and Christoph Schär

The long-existing double-ITCZ problem in GCMs affects not only the models' ability in simulating the current climate, but also implies limitations regarding the assessment of climate sensitivity and global climate change. Using a regional climate model (RCM) with explicit convection at a horizontal grid spacing of 12 km in a large computational domain covering the tropical and sub-tropical Atlantic, we develop a bias-correction downscaling methodology to remove the biases of a driving GCM. The methodology is related to the pseudo-global warming (PGW) approach. Normally this method is used to impress the climate-change signal to a reanalysis-driven RCM simulation, but it can also be used to modulate the lateral-boundary conditions of a GCM, such as to remove the large-scale biases. We show that the double ITCZ problem persists with classical dynamical downscaling (i.e. when driving the RCM directly by the GCM output), but with our bias-corrected downscaling the double ITCZ problem can be removed. Detailed analysis reveals that the main cause of the double ITCZ problem can be attributed to the GCMs' SST bias. Compared to the GCMs' AMIP simulations, RCMs with higher resolution allow explicit deep convection and enable a better simulation of tropical convection and clouds. By improving the corresponding radiative forcing, vertical motion is better simulated. Subsidence stronger to the south of the ITCZ pushes the ITCZ more north in the boreal spring, which is consistent with the observation of the ITCZ. The developed methodology provides an opportunity for better constraining climate sensitivity by removing double-ITCZ biases.

How to cite: Liu, S., Zeman, C., and Schär, C.: Understanding the double-ITCZ problem over the Atlantic with bias-corrected downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11595,, 2023.

Enel, as most of the Energy Players, has an important exposure on weather risk due to the indirect effect of the power demand and to the direct effects on renewable production. A large component of such risk comes from the hydroelectric production, this is especially true in Southern America where, in some countries, it can represent up to 70% of the total production. We present a practical development of an operational chain to extract information from the seasonal forecasts produced by SEAS5. It works on some catchments in Colombia and Peru with the aim to provide an ensemble forecast of monthly precipitations at a high resolution from the fields at low resolution provided by Copernicus. To produce the high-resolution fields of precipitations we developed a procedure based on Lorenz et al. (2021); for our scope, the biases of the SEAS5 forecasts are corrected following a reference climatology obtained from the SEAS5 hindcasts that is calibrated over the cumulative distribution function calculated be mean of historical measurements of the IDEAM weather stations. The method and preliminary results as well as the validation will be shown in this work.

How to cite: Rea, G., Galuzzo, D., and Formenton, M.: Development of an operational seasonal forecast in Colombia and Peru by mean of statistical downscaling of the SEAS5-Copernicus data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12395,, 2023.

EGU23-12899 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5

A downscaling exercise for the Adriatic Sea in a perfect model approach 

Renata Tatsch Eidt, Giorgia Verri, Vladimir Santos da Costa, Murat Gunduz, and Antonio Navarra

In this study, the predictability of the coastal ocean is assessed in a downscaling exercise for the Adriatic Sea using NEMO 3.6 over a 19 years’ time window (2001-2019). Inspired by the perfect model approach (Denis et al. 2002, De Elia et al. 2002) using a dynamical downscaling setup, a high resolution (2 km) experiment (Big Brother – BB) for the entire Adriatic Sea is used as the “true” reference for a smaller domain, downscaling experiment (Little Brother – LB) in the Northern Adriatic subbasin. The LB experiment has the same horizontal resolution as the BB (2 km) and is downscaled from a low resolution parent model (6 km), in a ratio of 1/3 resolution jump. The 2 km horizontal resolution fits the purpose of reaching an eddy-permitting grid spacing in the Adriatic basin (Masina and Pinardi, 1994; Cushman-Roisin et al. 2002).

Power spectral density analysis is used to evaluate the kinetic energy variance on the frequency domain among the experiments and compare them with the BB experiment. Overall, the LB is more energetic than the parent model, and the timing of the peaks of energy coincides with the ones of the BB. The energy on the 1 year signal is higher in the LB than the BB. The LB can recover a significant amount of energy for all peaks, with special attention to the 6 months period, which is poorly captured by the parent model. The 4 months signal is equally represented in BB and LB, while there is an underestimation of the 6 months signal of LB with respect to BB. Energy in the LB does not deviate from BB more than ~20% in the low frequencies and ~10% in the high frequencies, while the parent model presents in a whole lower energy than the BB, with higher differences on the low frequencies.

The Northern Adriatic circulation is largely influenced by the surface buoyancy flux and the wind forcing (Cessi et al., 2014), which play a significant role in the energy budget and the anti-estuarine overturning circulation of the Adriatic basin. Differences between LB and parent model results may be associated with the energy cascade due to interactions of internal dynamic processes which are differently represented at different resolutions. Differences between LB and BB results are the effect of the downscaling method and the horizontal resolution ratio between the parent model and the nested LB.

Moreover, the analysis of the wavenumber spectra allows a clear overview of the energy distribution in the space domain among the experiments and the representation of small-scale features in the LB. Small scale features less than twice the grid spacing (~12 km) are absent in the low-resolution parent model outputs. Therefore, the comparison with the true reference, BB, reveals the energy spectrum of the parent model solves only the larger scales, while the downscaling LB can recover the smaller scales absent in the initial and lateral boundary conditions.

How to cite: Tatsch Eidt, R., Verri, G., Santos da Costa, V., Gunduz, M., and Navarra, A.: A downscaling exercise for the Adriatic Sea in a perfect model approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12899,, 2023.

EGU23-13876 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Evaluating state-of-art statistical downscaling and analogs approaches on historical climate statistics over European regions 

Daniele Peano, Lorenzo Sangelantoni, and Carmen Alvarez-Castro

Climate change impacts assessment crucially relies on climate information at high temporal and spatial resolutions, not available from global climate models (GCMs) involved in the coupled model intercomparison project (CMIP). At the same time, dynamically downscaled regional climate model simulations do not provide global-scale coverage and in several cases are computationally too expensive.

For this reason, downscaling techniques are commonly applied to bridge the resolution gap between GCM simulations and impact studies. The most common methodology is the statistical downscaling approach. However, statistical downscaling fast computation comes at a price, it does not account for physical and dynamic processes potentially inflates temporal variability of the original simulations’ resolution. Given this limitation, the analogs technique may represent a valuable alternative since it considers both large and local scales dynamics balanced by a reasonable increase in computational costs.

The present study explores differences, added value, and limitations characterizing state-of-the-art bias adjustment/statistical downscaling based on a stochastic quantile mapping approach and the analogs technique. In particular, the comparison applies to the data computed in the inter-sectoral impact model intercomparison project (ISIMIP) and data obtained by applying the analogs method based on the same ISIMIP reference dataset. The two approaches are compared and evaluated in terms of the historical period observed statistics reproduction for a few climate variables over European regions.

This study is performed in the framework of GoNEXUS and NEXOGENESIS European projects.

How to cite: Peano, D., Sangelantoni, L., and Alvarez-Castro, C.: Evaluating state-of-art statistical downscaling and analogs approaches on historical climate statistics over European regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13876,, 2023.

EGU23-14253 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5 | Highlight

Downscaling with a machine learning-based emulator of a local-scale UK climate model 

Henry Addison, Elizabeth Kendon, Suman Ravuri, Laurence Aitchison, and Peter Watson

High resolution rainfall projections are useful for planning for climate change [1] but are expensive to produce using physical simulations. We make novel use of a state-of-the-art generative machine learning (ML) method, diffusion models [2], to more cheaply generate high resolution (8.8km) daily mean rainfall samples over England and Wales conditioned on low resolution (60km) climate model variables. The downscaling model is trained on output from the Met Office UK convection-permitting model (CPM) [3]. We then apply it to predict high-resolution rainfall based on either coarsened CPM output or output from the Met Office HadGEM3 general circulation model (GCM). The downscaling model is stochastic and able to produce samples of high-resolution rainfall that have realistic spatial structure, which previous methods struggle to achieve. It is also easy to train and should better estimate the probability of extreme events compared to previous generative ML approaches.

The downscaling model samples match well the rainfall distribution of CPM simulation output. We use as our conditioning variables We obtained further improvements by also including high-resolution, location-specific parameters that are learnt during the ML training phase. We will discuss the challenges of applying the model trained on coarsened CPM variables to GCM variables and present results about the method’s ability to reproduce the spatial and temporal behaviour of rainfall and extreme events that are better represented in the CPM than the GCM due to the CPM’s ability to model atmospheric convection.


[1] Kendon, E. J. et al. (2021). Update to the UKCP Local (2.2km) projections. Science report, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK. [Online]. Available:

[2] Song, Y. et al. (2021). Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations. ICLR.

[3] Met Office Hadley Centre. (2019). UKCP18 Local Projections at 2.2km Resolution for 1980-2080, Centre for Environmental Data Analysis. [Online]. Available:

How to cite: Addison, H., Kendon, E., Ravuri, S., Aitchison, L., and Watson, P.: Downscaling with a machine learning-based emulator of a local-scale UK climate model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14253,, 2023.

Statistical bias adjustment is now common practice when using climate models for impact studies, prior to or in conjunction with downscaling methods. Examples of widely used methodologies include CDFt (Vrac et al. 2016), ISIMIP3BASD (Lange 2019) or equidistant CDF matching (Li et al. 2010). Though common practice, recent papers (Maraun et al. 2017) have found fundamental issues with statistical bias adjustment. When multivariate aspects are not evaluated, improper use of bias adjustment is not detected. Fundamental misspecifications of the climate model, such as the displacement of large-scale circulation, cannot be corrected. Furthermore, results are sensitive to internal climate variability over the reference period (Bonnet et al 2022). If applied, bias adjustment methods should therefore be evaluated carefully in multivariate aspects and targeted to the use-case at hand.

However, good practice in the evaluation and application of bias adjustment methods is inhibited by what we frame as practical issues. If at all, published bias adjustment methods are often published as individual software packages across different programming languages (mostly R and Python) that do not allow users to adapt aspects of the method, such as the fit distribution, to their use-case. Existing open-source software packages, such as ISIMIP3BASD or CDFt, often do not offer an evaluation framework that covers multivariate (spatial, temporal, multi-variable) aspects necessary to detect misuse of methods, or user-specific impact metrics. Several of these issues apply to downscaling similarly.

To address some of these practical issues, we developed the open-source software package ibicus in collaboration with ECWMF (available on PyPi, extensive documentation, published under Apache 2.0 licence). The package implements eight peer-reviewed bias adjustment methods in a common framework. It also includes an extensive evaluation framework covering multivariate aspects as well as the ETCCDI climate indices. The package thereby contributes to enhanced flexibility and ease-of-use of better evaluation practises in bias adjustment.

Our contribution presents three case studies using ibicus, highlighting a number of pitfalls in the usage of bias adjustment for climate impact modelling, and shows possible ways to address these issues. We investigate extreme indices of precipitation and compound extreme temperature-precipitation indices, modification of the climate change trend, and dry spell length as an example of a temporal index, over northern Spain and Turkey.

We evaluate how bias adjustment adds to the ‘cascade of uncertainty’ and how this can be made transparent in the different use-cases. We also demonstrate how some of the fundamental issues that can arise when applying bias adjustment can be detected and how evaluation of spatial and temporal aspects such as dry spell length can be made specific to the use-case at hand to detect improper use of bias adjustment. Lastly, we demonstrate how the ‘best’ bias adjustment method may depend on the metric of interest, and therefore a user-centric design of comparison and evaluation methods is necessary.

How to cite: Spuler, F., Wessel, J., Cagnazzo, C., and Comyn-Platt, E.: Case studies in bias adjustment: addressing potential pitfalls through model comparison and evaluation using a new open-source python package, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14254,, 2023.

EGU23-15537 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Analysis of the statistical bias correction of ERA5-Land on different time aggregations in Trentino-Alto Adige 

Andrea Menapace, Pranav Dhawan, Daniele Dalla Torre, Michele Larcher, and Maurizio Righetti

Global and regional climate models are constantly improving the quality of their outputs with increasingly fine spatial and temporal resolutions. These products, which comprise, for instance, reanalysis, reforecast and forecast, can be used for several applications, such as boundary conditions for climate simulations, initial conditions for local weather forecasting, and reference datasets for environmental and energy uses. Nevertheless, many authors have pointed out that such climate models are not suitable for direct use in local applications due to the presence of biases between the model results and the metered data. At this aim, several statistical methodologies have been proposed to correct and downscale the climate models outputs and make it available also for local purposes. Therefore, the purpose of this contribution is to analyse the current state-of-the-art statistical bias correction methods on different time aggregation to assess the capabilities of these methods from monthly to hourly temporal scale.

This study is carried out on the Trentino- Alto Adige, which is an alpine region in north Italy equipped with several measuring weather stations, around 300. The temperature and precipitation observations have been then used to produce a reference dataset through the geostatistical interpolation method called kriging. Instead, ERA5-Land, the reanalysis of ECMWF, has been adopted for the bias correction analysis. Several methods have been tested comprising of univariate and multivariate method including: linear scaling, variance scaling, local intensity scaling, local power transformation, quantile mapping, quantile delta mapping, and multivariate bias correction methods such as MBCn, MBCp, and MBCr. The time scale investigated are monthly, daily and hourly aggregations.

The results show a general decreasing of the performance of all the bias correction methods with the increase in the time-frequency of the weather variables. In particular, the mean absolute error of the corrected daily temperature is 50% larger than the monthly one, and the same 50% increase in error is found between daily and hourly corrected data. The increase in error with decreasing temporal resolution is even more pronounced for the precipitation variable, which is known to be discontinuous with respect to temperature. Multivariate bias correction methods seem to have difficulty maintaining dependencies between variables in the case of high-frequency data.

Although the results on the hourly data are not so scarce, it is evident that more depth analysis of temporal high-resolution climate data is needed, including sub-hourly data in the future, and therefore become crucial to develop new methodologies capable of correcting sub-daily bias. In conclusion, with this work, the authors seek to support research in the direction of providing high-frequency weather data for local applications, which are crucial, for example, in hydrological simulations for the assessment of hydrogeological risks and the management of renewable energy in the electricity market.

How to cite: Menapace, A., Dhawan, P., Dalla Torre, D., Larcher, M., and Righetti, M.: Analysis of the statistical bias correction of ERA5-Land on different time aggregations in Trentino-Alto Adige, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15537,, 2023.

EGU23-17077 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/AS5.5

Extending A Posteriori Random Forests for Multivariate Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Projections 

Mikel N. Legasa, Soulivanh Thao, Mathieu Vrac, Ana Casanueva, and Rodrigo Manzanas
Under the perfect prognosis approach, statistical downscaling (SD, Gutiérrez et al., 2019) methods aim to learn the relationships between large-scale variables from reanalysis and local observational records. Typically, these statistical relationships, which can be learnt employing many different statistical and machine learning models, are subsequently applied to downscale future global climate model (GCM) simulations, obtaining local projections for the region and variables of interest. 
A posteriori random forests (APRFs) were introduced in a recent paper (Legasa et al., 2021) for precipitation downscaling, but can be potentially used to estimate any probabilitydistribution. While performing similarly to other state-of-the-art machine learning methodologies like convolutional neural networks in terms of predictive performance (as measured in terms of correlation of the downscaled series with the observed series), APRFs produce less biased simulations, as measured by several distributional indicators.Furthermore, climate change signals projected by APRFs are consistent with those given by the raw GCM outputs, thus proving suitable for downscaling local climate change scenarios (Legasa et al. 2023, in review). Moreover, they also automatically select the most adequate large-scale variables and geographical domain of interest, a time-consuming task and potential source of uncertainty (Manzanas et al. 2020) when downscaling climate change projections.
In this work we show how the APRF methodology can be easily extended to more complex and multivariate distributions. One of the proposed extensions is temporal APRFs, which explicitly model the transition in time for a variable and location of interest (e.g. the rainfall probability conditioned to the dry/wet state of the previous day), thus improving the temporal consistency of the downscaled series in terms of several temporal (e.g. spells) indicators. Other possible extensions within the APRF framework include predicting the joint probability distribution of several geographical locations, thus improving the spatial consistency of the downscaled series; and modeling the multivariate joint distribution of different meteorological variables (e.g. precipitation, humidity and temperature).
Gutiérrez, J.M., Maraun, D., Widmann, M. et al. An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods over Europe: Results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross-validation experiment. Int. J. Climatol. 2019; 39: 3750– 3785. doi:
Legasa, M. N., Manzanas, R., Calviño, A., & Gutiérrez, J. M. (2022). A posteriori random forests for stochastic downscaling of precipitation by predicting probability distributions. Water Resources Research, 58 (4), e2021WR030272. doi:
Legasa, M. N., Thao, S., Vrac, M., & Manzanas, R. (2023). Assessing Three Perfect Prognosis Methods for Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Precipitation Scenarios. Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters.
Manzanas, R., Fiwa, L., Vanya, C. et al. Statistical downscaling or bias adjustment? A case study involving implausible climate change projections of precipitation in Malawi. Climatic Change 162, 1437-1453 (2020). doi:

How to cite: Legasa, M. N., Thao, S., Vrac, M., Casanueva, A., and Manzanas, R.: Extending A Posteriori Random Forests for Multivariate Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Projections, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17077,, 2023.

EGU23-107 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Spatio-temporal variations in environmental DNA within heavily urbanized streams in Berlin, Germany 

Maria Warter, Michael T. Monaghan, Ann-Marie Ring, Jan Christopher, Hanna L. Kissener, Elisabeth Funke, Chris Soulsby, and Dörthe Tetzlaff

Understanding urban ecohydrological interactions is crucial for the assessment of ecosystem responses to climate change and anthropogenic influences, especially in heavily urbanized environments. Urban water bodies can enhance local biodiversity, with urban blue water infrastructure providing valuable ecosystem services that contribute to healthier and more sustainable environments. Because the urban water cycle is less resilient to extreme climate events, there is a need to better understand how biological flow paths interact with climate and hydrological dynamics. To that end, synoptic sampling of environmental DNA (eDNA) was carried out on four major rivers in Berlin, Germany (Spree, Erpe, Wuhle, Panke) on a weekly basis over the course of one year. In conjunction with climate and hydrological data, the spatial and temporal variations in planktonic microbial communities were assessed in order to identify the differences in ecohydrological interactions among urban streams. Preliminary results indicate that while the rivers Wuhle and Erpe harbour similar bacterial communities, the more urbanized rivers Panke and Spree each had a different taxonomic composition. All rivers show a clear seasonal signal, although with varying intensity and directions of change. To further disaggregate the seasonal ecological changes, we determined the relative influence of climate as well as water chemistry, land use and stream flow conditions on bacterial community composition. In future, the integration of eDNA with other ecohydrological tracers such as stable water isotopes will provide even more insights into the ecological and hydrological functioning of urban environments. Such a combination of ecohydrological tracers has wider implications not only for future urban planning but for mitigating the negative effects of climate change in urban environments and assessing the resilience of urban water bodies to future extreme events.

How to cite: Warter, M., Monaghan, M. T., Ring, A.-M., Christopher, J., Kissener, H. L., Funke, E., Soulsby, C., and Tetzlaff, D.: Spatio-temporal variations in environmental DNA within heavily urbanized streams in Berlin, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-107,, 2023.

Building-integrated photovoltaic technology (BIPV) has been proven as an effective way to increase renewable energy in the urban environment. Without occupying any land resources, this technology has great potentials for achieving low carbon in the economically developed cities. Due to the lack of modelling tools, the impact of BIPV window in the street canyon is not well understood. To fill the gap, we developed a new parameterization scheme for BIPV window, and incorporated it into building energy simulations coupled with a single-layer urban canyon model. Model evaluation suggests that the coupled model is able to reasonably capture the diurnal profiles of BIPV window temperature and power generation, building cooling load, and outdoor microclimate. Canyon aspect ratio, window coverage, façade orientation, and power generation efficiency are found to be the most critical factors in maximizing the power generation of BIPV windows. Simulation results of an office floor in three Chinese cities under different climate backgrounds show that Beijing has the greatest solar potential in south orientation for power generation, which is 1.5 times the power generation in Shenzhen and Nanjing. Compared to clear window, BIPV window has positive benefits when window coverage is greater than 60% in open canyon. With lighting energy saving and power generation, BIPV window consistently has positive benefits than wall materials. The benefit of BIPV windows is larger in Beijing, followed by Shenzhen and Nanjing. Under future climate forcing of year 2050, the net electricity benefit of BIPV window will be larger than 15%. Findings in this study provide guidance for BIPV application in the built environment, and cast light on the construction of sustainable and low-carbon neighborhoods.

How to cite: yang, J., Chen, L., and Zheng, X.: Quantifying the BIPV window benefit in urban environment under climate change: a comparison of three Chinese cities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-970,, 2023.

Knowledge creation is essential to encourage regional development especially for areas in regional transition. The positive impact of university-enterprise cooperation on the process has been extensively discussed in previous studies, but a comprehensive picture of the mechanism has not been fully described, such as how academic researches promote practical projects. Modeling this complex nature has been dealt and required by both academia and planner. Toward this target, we propose an empirically founded agent-based model to demonstrate the collaborative network. It uses the literature and patents created in each project as a basis for measuring regional knowledge production and innovation. Based on the analysis of the observed data, a conceptual model of network-based university-enterprise cooperation was constructed with the help of NetLogo. It will simulate the whole process from academic research to industrial practice to explore the driving mechanism of universities for regional knowledge production and innovation. The collaborative network of practice projects is constructed from the partnership data of every project recorded within the REVIERa platform, where each node in the network was classified into fields of research. Knowledge was quantified by metrics such as the quantity and quality of literature. Based on the various characteristics of nodes, networks and their path dependencies, the birth of innovative projects will be simulated and the impact of interdisciplinary on regional transformation will be quantified in the model. The model is based on the real world data and corroborated with it to capture the mechanism and characteristics of this complex process, showing its value to boost the scientific regional planning in the future.

How to cite: Feng, W. and Li, B.: A Network-Based Model for Simulating Regional Transformation Driven by University-Enterprise Collaboration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1091,, 2023.

EGU23-1770 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Influential factors of intercity patient mobility and its network structure in China 

Jiaqi Ding, Yang Chao, Yueyao Wang, Pengfei Li, Fulin Wang, Yuhao Kang, Haoyang Wang, Ze Liang, Jiawei Zhang, Peien Han, Zheng Wang, Erxuan Chu, Shuangcheng Li, and Luxia Zhang

Intercity patient mobility reflects the geographic mismatch between healthcare resources and the population, and has rarely been studied with big data at large spatial scales. In this study, we investigated the patterns of intercity patient mobility and factors influencing this behavior based on over 4 million hospitalization records of patients with chronic kidney disease in China. To provide practical policy recommendations, a role identification framework informed by complex network theory was proposed considering the strength and distribution of connections of cities in mobility networks. Such a mobility network features multiscale community structure with “universal administrative constraints and a few boundary breaches”. We discovered that cross-module visits which accounted for only 20 % of total visits, accounted for >50 % of the total travel distance. The explainable machine learning modeling results revealed that distance has a power-law-like effect on flow volume, and high-quality healthcare resources are an important driving factor. This study provides not only a methodological reference for patient mobility studies but also valuable insights into public health policies.

How to cite: Ding, J., Chao, Y., Wang, Y., Li, P., Wang, F., Kang, Y., Wang, H., Liang, Z., Zhang, J., Han, P., Wang, Z., Chu, E., Li, S., and Zhang, L.: Influential factors of intercity patient mobility and its network structure in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1770,, 2023.

EGU23-1780 | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1 | Highlight

Persistent urban heat 

Dan Li, Linying Wang, and Ting Sun

While there have been many studies on the diurnal and seasonal variations of urban heat islands (UHIs), the day-to-day variability of UHI remains largely unknown, despite being the key to explaining interactions between UHIs and extreme heat events or heatwaves. In this study, we aim to understand and quantify the persistence of urban/rural temperatures. Autocorrelation and spectral analyses are conducted on urban and rural temperatures simulated by a global land model to quantify the urban-rural difference of temperature persistence. A surface energy balance model is then derived to explain the simulation results, elucidating the key biophysical processes that contribute to the stronger persistence of urban surface temperature in certain areas.

How to cite: Li, D., Wang, L., and Sun, T.: Persistent urban heat, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1780,, 2023.

EGU23-1969 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Estimating installed cooling capacities on city scale 

Florian Barth, Simon Schüppler, Kathrin Menberg, and Philipp Blum

Heating and cooling of buildings is one of the largest final energy uses and largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce the impact of heating and cooling on our climate, more efficient strategies are needed. Coupling and centralizing the production of heat and cold in combination with underground seasonal thermal storage (UTES) can significantly reduce CO2 emissions and costs. To plan and implement such strategies for heating and cooling, information on sources and sinks of heat and cold is essential for local authorities. However, spatial information on the cooling sector is rare and difficult to obtain. Often, the theoretical cooling demand of specific buildings and building types is modeled, but not met by air-conditioning equipment in reality. On the other hand, large-scale cooling demand models, which focus on entire countries, may use data from different countries as proxy or are not applicable below kilometer-scale.

In this study, we present a method to identify air-conditioning equipment on the rooftops of buildings and quantify their cooling capacity. Thus, air-cooled and hybrid evaporative condensers, cooling towers and packaged rooftop units are detected on aerial images. Using manufacturer data, regression analyses are created to estimate the cooling capacity based on the size of the units and the number of condenser fans. The unit locations and all required parameters are obtained by convolutional neural network-based pixel classification models, which are easily executable within a geographical information system (GIS) framework. The approach is successfully evaluated by testing the capability of the detection models and comparing our estimated cooling capacities to the actual installed cooling capacities of air-conditioners for different locations. The detection performance strongly depends on the resolution of the used aerial images. At a resolution of 8 cm/pixel, the model detects 93% of the units and the pixel classification overestimates the relevant parameters for the regression by 0.7%. Using the regression analyses, the overall capacity in the evaluated areas is overestimated by 7-21%. To demonstrate the capability of our approach, we map the cooling capacity of air-conditioners in parts of Manhattan. In the Manhattan financial district alone, a cooling capacity of over 2 GW is estimated, which is equivalent to 1.3% of the summer peak load demand of the energy grid of the entire state of New York.

The presented approach is a fast and easy to conduct method that requires little input data. It can detect individual air conditioners over large areas. The obtained information can support the creation of cooling cadastres and can serve as supplement or validation for other cooling demand models, such as building stock models, or example to include additional building types, such as industrial buildings.

How to cite: Barth, F., Schüppler, S., Menberg, K., and Blum, P.: Estimating installed cooling capacities on city scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1969,, 2023.

Lead (Pb) exposure to residents of impacted communities depends on the environmental concentrations of lead that is potentially bioaccessible. Such concentrations are the result of a complex array of interactive factors that influence one another through direct or indirect linkages. Current models to predict the health impact of Pb exposure often do not consider the complexity from a system perspective. Therefore, there exists a great need to develop a holistic modeling strategy to simulate the risk to Pb exposure and resulting blood Pb concentrations based on bioaccessible Pb concentrations in the environment and how socioeconomic status, policy/ scholarly intervention, and collective community behaviors influence that concentration. Our study attempts to develop a grey system integrated system dynamics simulative modeling framework to simulate general Pb bioaccessibility in the environments and how it transmits from the soil, the water, the house, and the general environment to human bodies. The study aims to predicting risk of Pb exposure in the long run in a community/neighborhood, especially the risk to vulnerable populations, such as young children and the aged population. The model also aims to identify the most effective ways to curb human exposure to bioaccessible Pb. This is the first stage of a multi-stage research activity. In this stage, the study focuses on developing a theoretical and empirical modeling framework of the simulative model, and the data structure. In this study, we take a macro perspective to treat a neighborhood/community, a city, or a designated area as an integrated and dynamic system in that it is composed of many interrelated, feedback-linked components. Each component exists and acts because of its interaction with other system components, both observable and hidden. The integrated mutual interaction and multiple components collectively determine how the system will change and evolve in the future, manifested as the change and evolution of the various system components. Bioaccessible Pb in the neighborhood’s environment is our key system component. The grey system and system dynamic simulative model attempts to analyze the potential interactive co-variations among different system components, or the changing and/or evolving trend a system component demonstrates over time. By establishing the interactive feedback loops that connect all the observable system components with sufficient data, the model will be able to simulate the dynamics of the system to predict its behavior and manifestation in the future. Since the simulative model is built upon the interactive feedback loops among all system components, the model will produce simulated results for all observable system components as well. Our goals in later stages are to predict the potential damage to human bodies that will be the basis for Pb reduction and removal related policies at the macro management levels.

How to cite: Yu, D.: A system dynamics simulative modeling framework to assess bioaccessibility of lead and facilitate lead reduction in the urban environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2461,, 2023.

EGU23-2970 | Posters on site | ITS1.10/NP0.1

SuPy and SUEWS urban land surface modelling: new developments and capabilities 

Ting Sun, Sue Grimmond, Oskar Backlin, Lewis Bluun, Robin Hogan, Meg Stretton, and Xiaoxiong Xie

Accurate and agile modelling of weather, climate, hydrology and air quality in cities is essential for delivering integrated urban services. SUEWS (Surface Urban Energy and Water balance Scheme) allows simulation of urban–atmospheric interactions by quantifying the energy, water and carbon fluxes.  SuPy (SUEWS in Python) provides the SUEWS computation kernel, a Python-based data stack that streamlines pre-processing, computation and post-processing to facilitate common urban climate modelling. This paper documents the recent developments in both SuPy and SUEWS, and the background principles of their interface, F2PY (Fortran to Python) configuration and Python front-end implementation. SuPy is deployed via PyPI (Python Package Index) allowing an automated workflow for cross-platform compilation on all mainstream operating systems (Windows, Linux and macOS). The online tutorials, using Jupyter Notebooks, allow users to become familiar with SuPy. A brief overview of other complementary SUEWS developments will be given, and include within canopy layer profiles of temperature, humidity, wind, and radiation that are supporting a wide range of applications; and database developments for obtaining model parameters.

How to cite: Sun, T., Grimmond, S., Backlin, O., Bluun, L., Hogan, R., Stretton, M., and Xie, X.: SuPy and SUEWS urban land surface modelling: new developments and capabilities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2970,, 2023.

EGU23-3148 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Blue Green Infrastructure in a future climate: can we reduce combined sewer overflows? 

Giovan Battista Cavadini and Lauren Cook

In response to climate change and growing ecological threats, many cities are planning to increase the resilience of urban drainage systems, including the reduction of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) - one of the leading causes of surface water pollution. Blue green infrastructure (BGI) are growing in popularity to do so, and recent studies have made progress to evaluate the potential of BGI to eliminate CSOs. However, current research tends to consider a limited number of individual BGI elements and scenarios, often overlooking different combinations (e.g., bioretention basins combined with green roofs) and uncertainty in a future climate. The aim of this research is to evaluate the ability of a range of blue green infrastructure combinations to reduce CSOs under multiple future climate scenarios.
A hydrological simulation model, EPA SWMM, is used to simulate the performance of a 95-hectare combined sewer system near Zurich, Switzerland. Four types of BGI are evaluated, including bioretention basins, porous pavements, green roofs, and stormwater ponds. The potential surface availability for each BGI element was quantified using GIS and LiDAR data, yet scenarios include a range of different implantation rates for each type. Combinations of BGI element types are generated by combining different implementation surfaces to the share of the BGI type (e.g., 20% of the available surface with the same share of bioretention basins, porous pavements and green roofs, etc.).
Bioretention basins are assumed to be implemented on pervious surfaces (i.e., gardens, traffic islands), porous pavements on impervious surfaces (i.e., sidewalks, cycling lanes) and green roofs on flat roof buildings. Observed rainfall data (1990-2019) are used to simulated the baseline conditions, while more than five bias-corrected future rainfall timeseries (2070-2099) from EURO-CORDEX regional climate models (RCP 8.5) are used to represent a worst-case future climate. CSO Volume, duration and frequency are used to characterize system-wide CSO events across the seven outfalls.
Preliminary results show that in a current climate, bioretention basins are most effective at reducing CSO volume, followed by porous pavements and green roofs. BGI do not relevantly reduce the duration and number of CSO events. In one future scenario, future precipitation is concentrated into shorter duration events, which consistently leads to shorter, higher intensity CSO events at a frequency similar to the historical record. Overall, the only scenario that can avoid an increase in future CSO volume is an extensive implementation of bioretention basins. Porous pavement and green roofs are less effective in a future climate because they can store limited amounts of water compared to bioretention basins. As rainfall intensities increase, the ability to retain large amounts of water will be the most effective. These results point to strategies with higher storage capacities to account for high-intensity rainfall events that are expected in the future. Future work will evaluate additional BGI elements, including urban ponds, and a more comprehensive set of BGI scenarios, future climate scenarios, and case studies, enabling a definition of guidelines and BGI design requirements at an urban scale for Switzerland.

How to cite: Cavadini, G. B. and Cook, L.: Blue Green Infrastructure in a future climate: can we reduce combined sewer overflows?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3148,, 2023.

Urbanization has been shown to significantly increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, i.e., extreme precipitation events, and heatwave events. Actually, the occurrence of compound extreme events, such as sequential flood-heatwave (SFH) events, can lead to more severe impacts than singular extreme events. However, the impact of urbanization on these compound extreme events is not well understood. In this study, we examine urbanization effects on the growth of SFH events in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 1961 to 2017. We classify stations into urban and rural types based on dynamic land use data and define SFH events using the criteria from previous studies. We find that the frequency of SFH events in urban stations increased from 0.218 events per year before the 1990s to 1.401 events per year after the 1990s, while the frequency of SFH events in rural stations increased from 0.250 events per year to 0.920 events per year. The urban impact of 0.131 events per decade also shows that urbanization can promote the occurrence of SFH events. Our analysis also indicates that urbanization promotes the growth of SFH events mainly by increasing the frequency of heatwave (HW) events. These findings highlight the need for further research on the effects of urbanization on compound extreme events and the development of effective management strategies to reduce their risks.

How to cite: Liao, W. and Zheng, K.: Urbanization impacts on sequential flood-heatwave events in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area , China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3807,, 2023.

EGU23-3877 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Urban canopy parameterization of the non-local building effects with variable building height 

Jiachen Lu, Negin Nazarian, Melissa Hart, Scott Krayenhoff, and Alberto Martilli

Variability of building height induces flow heterogeneity and directly controls the depth of the roughness sub-layer, the strength of mutual sheltering, and the overlapping of urban canopy flow, which poses challenges for accurate modeling. Large-eddy simulations over 96 building arrays with varying density, height variability (standard deviation of building height), and horizontal arrangements were conducted to reveal the impact on the urban flow. Results demonstrate a strong non-local building effect on the flow due to height variability, where flow around high buildings possesses high wind speed, dispersive momentum flux, and other distinctive flow patterns, whereas around low buildings, the flow pattern is less unique. The complex flow behavior is beyond the capacity of the current multi-layer urban canopy model (MLUCM) where turbulent constants and drag effects were considered in a simplified way. The increased height variability and urban density also blur the interface of urban canopy, further making MLUCM estimates model constants heavily based on a clear urban canopy inappropriate. Based on the original model, we comprehensively tested potential contributing factors such as the estimation of displacement height, height-dependent drag coefficients, and the extended roughness sublayer. The modified model provides a better overall agreement with the LES results, especially above the mean building height where the prediction of the extended urban canopy layer is largely improved. 

How to cite: Lu, J., Nazarian, N., Hart, M., Krayenhoff, S., and Martilli, A.: Urban canopy parameterization of the non-local building effects with variable building height, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3877,, 2023.

Buildings are common components in the urban environment whose 3D information is fundamental for urban hydrometeorological modeling and planning applications. In order to monitor building footprint and height across large areas on a regular basis, recent earth observation research has witnessed promising progress in mapping such information from publicly available satellite imagery by statistical methods using regression between multi-source remotely sensed data and target variables. However, most of them often involve tedious feature preprocessing, which constrains their capability to establish a comprehensive representation of an ever-changing and multi-scale urban system efficiently.

Considering this bottleneck, this work develops a deep-learning-based (DL) Python package-SHAFTS (Simultaneous building Height And FootprinT extraction from Sentinel Imagery) to estimate 3D building information at various scales. SHAFTS provides Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) with the Multi-Branch Multi-Head (MBMH) structure to automatically learn representative features shared by building height and footprint mapping tasks from multi-modal Sentinel imagery and additional background DEM information. Besides, to leverage the power of big data infrastructures, SHAFTS offers essential functionality including automatically collecting potential reference datasets by web scraping and filtering appropriate input imagery from Google Earth Engine, which can effectively ease model upgrading and deployment for large-scale mapping.

To evaluate the patch-level prediction skills and city-level spatial transferability of developed models, this work performs diagnostic performance comparisons in 46 cities worldwide by using conventional machine-learning-based (ML) models and CNN with the Multi-Branch Single-Head (MBSH) structure as benchmarks. Patch-level results show that DL models successfully produce more discriminative feature representation and improve the coefficient of determination of building height and footprint prediction over ML models by 0.27-0.63, 0.11-0.49, respectively. Moreover, stratified error assessment reveals that DL models effectively mitigate severe systematic underestimation of ML models in the high-value domain. Additionally, within the DL family, comparison in spatial transferability demonstrates that the MBMH structure improves the accuracy of CNN and reduces the uncertainty of building height predictions in the high-value domain at the refined scale. Therefore, multi-task learning can be considered as a possible solution for improving the generalization ability of models for 3D building information mapping.

How to cite: Li, R., Sun, T., Tian, F., and Ni, G.: SHAFTS – A deep-learning-based Python package for Simultaneous extraction of building Height And Footprint from Sentinel Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4192,, 2023.

EGU23-4807 | Posters on site | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Effects of roof greening and surface heating on street-canyon flows 

Ju-Hwan Rho, Da-Som Mun, Jang-Woon Wang, and Jae-Jin Kim

Extreme high-temperature phenomena in urban areas are recognized as natural disasters. Asphalt roads and high-rise buildings are concentrated in megacities, and buildings and roads may contribute to extremely high air temperatures, especially in the summer season. For the improvement of the thermal environment in urban areas, green spaces are being created on building roofs. In this study, we investigated the effects of roof greening on street-canyon flows in the presence of roof and ground heating using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. For validation, we compared the simulated street-canyon flows to the measured ones in a wind tunnel experiment. The CFD model used in this study reproduced the wind speeds, turbulent kinetic energies, and air temperatures in a street canyon in the presence of building roof and ground heating.

How to cite: Rho, J.-H., Mun, D.-S., Wang, J.-W., and Kim, J.-J.: Effects of roof greening and surface heating on street-canyon flows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4807,, 2023.

While road transport is a cornerstone of modern civilization bringing profound positive impacts to the economy and human well-being, it is also associated with several undesirable and unsustainable outcomes including urban air pollution, climate change, noise and congestion. Hence, sustainable road transport has been given significant attention in the past two decades. Digital twins of urban transport are promising digital assets to evaluate and improve the sustainability level of the transport systems.  Digital twins provides a testbed whereby the impacts of the current and future policies and strategies can be modelled and analysed in a digital environment, helping ensure that tax money spent delivers the expected results. However, the desperate shortage of spatiotemporal road data is the major challenge in establishing data flow between the digital and physical twins of road transport. Vehicle telematics data, typically collected from GPS-connected, can provide an excellent source of intormation with which to address the spatial and temporal aspects of transport data. This presentation will highlight how telematics data can be used within road transport digital twins.

In this study, we develop digital twins of road transport for Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District (TEED) a small area of east Birmingham, UK, using the newly-developed approach of GeoSpatial and Temporal Mapping of Urban Mobility (GeoSTMUM). GeoSTMUM uses vehicle telematics (location and time) data to estimate several road transport characteristics such as the average speed of traffic flow, travel time, etc., with high spatial and temporal resolutions of 15m and 2h, respectively. It also allows for evaluation of the average vehicle dynamic status as the speed-time-acceleration profile of the roads. Vehicle telematics data for this study were collected for the years 2016 and 2018 through the WM-AIR projct ( We then use real-world fleet composition and exhaustive emission measurements to translate the vehicle dynamics status into the real-urban fuel consumption and CO2 and NOx emission factors. Results highlight the importance on fleet renovation, in terms of vehicle propulsion systems (EURO class, fuel type, etc.) upon real-urban emissions and fuel consumption. The presentation will end with example future use cases of telematics data within digital twins.            

How to cite: Ghaffarpasand, O. and Pope, F.: Using vehicle telematics data within a digital twin of urban transport systems; a case study in the West Midlands, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5315,, 2023.

EGU23-6583 | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1 | Highlight

A spatial regression model to measure the urban population exposure to extreme heat 

Emanuele Massaro, Luca Caporaso, Matteo Piccardo, Rossano Schifanella, Hannes Taubenböck, Alessandro Cescatti, and Gregory Duveiller

Temperatures are rising and the frequency of heat waves is increasing due to anthropogenic climate change. At the same time, the population in urban areas is rapidly growing. As a result, an ever-larger part of humankind will be exposed to even greater heat stress from heat waves in urban areas in the future. In this research, we focus on studying the determinants of land surface temperature (LST) gradients in urban environments. We implement a spatial regression model that is able to predict with high accuracy (R2 > 0.9 in the test phase of k-fold cross-validation) the LST of urban environments across 200 cities based on land surface properties like vegetation, built-up areas, and distance to water bodies, without any additional climate information. We show that, on average, by increasing the overall urban vegetation by 3%, it would be possible to reduce by 50% the exposure of the urban population that lives in the warmest areas of the cities for the average of the three summer months, achieving a reduction of 1 K in LST. By coupling the model information with the population layer, we show that an 11% increase in urban vegetation is necessary in order to obtain a reduction of 1 K in the most populated areas, where at least 50% of the population live. We finally discuss the challenges and the limitations of greening interventions in the context of available surfaces in urban areas.

How to cite: Massaro, E., Caporaso, L., Piccardo, M., Schifanella, R., Taubenböck, H., Cescatti, A., and Duveiller, G.: A spatial regression model to measure the urban population exposure to extreme heat, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6583,, 2023.

EGU23-6611 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Flood Impact to Urban Transport Networks Considering the Flooding Propagation 

Yimeng Liu, Saini Yang, Richard Dawson, Alistair Ford, and Jiting Tang

The urban transport network is threatened by urbanisation and climate change-enhanced urban flood, leading to substantial impacts on economic activities, social well-being and the environment. By taking the flood propagation process into consideration, we developed a flood-impact-assessment method to comprehensively assessed the economic impacts of traffic disruption in terms of time delay, fuel consumption and pollutant emission. The flood is simulated with CADDIES-2D flood model and the traffic flow is simulated with a microscopic model (SUMO). We applied this method to Beijing and quantified the economic damage of various flood scenarios. Comparing the baseline traffic scenario with those of three flooded scenarios yields the impacts of floods on traffic. The study revealed three key findings: (a) a rain occurring at 7 a.m. induces four times more cost than the baseline scenario, while rain of the same intensity and duration occurring at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. lead to a traffic cost increase for 37.33% and 13.21% respectively. (b) The central and southern parts of Beijing suffer more from flooding and should be given priority for adaptation planning. (c) There is no significant spatial correlation between flood depth and traffic cost increase on a census block level. The proposed framework has the potential to assist decision-makers in prioritizing flood mitigation investments and therefore increase the resilience of transport networks to flooding impacts.  

How to cite: Liu, Y., Yang, S., Dawson, R., Ford, A., and Tang, J.: Flood Impact to Urban Transport Networks Considering the Flooding Propagation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6611,, 2023.

EGU23-9249 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1 | Highlight

Europe-wide road traffic noise modelling using a harmonized methodological framework (CNOSSOS-EU) 

Youchen Shen, Kees de Hoogh, Oliver Schmitz, John Gulliver, Derek Karssenberg, Roel Vermeulen, and Gerard Hoek

Road traffic is usually the most pervasive source of noise in an urban environment. Epidemiological studies conducted at the regional or national scale have shown associations of road traffic noise with sleep disturbance, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health problems. Strategic noise mapping (European Noise Directive) only covers populations living in large urban areas. The limited coverage of harmonised noise exposure data at a pan-European scale prevents us from studying the effect of road traffic noise on health in larger populations across Europe. Therefore, this study aims to develop models capturing within-city, intra-city and national variations in road traffic noise exposures across Europe to facilitate pan-European multi-cohort health studies. To estimate noise, we used a simplified version of CNOSSOS-EU (Common NOise aSSessment MethOdS) noise modelling framework.   

The CNOSSOS-EU model requires a range of input data, including a detailed road network, traffic intensity, traffic speed, and land use data including building footprints. We used OpenStreetMap (OSM) to define the road network and buildings. Because traffic intensity is not provided in OSM, we estimated Europe-wide annual average daily traffic (AADT) counts using random forest trained by observations collected in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Three random forest models were built separately for 1) motorway and trunk roads, 2) primary roads, and 3) secondary, tertiary, residential and unclassified roads defined in OpenStreetMap (OSM). Predictor variables included road length, sizes of residential areas, and population within different circular buffer (ranging from 100m to 200km). The models were validated using 5-fold cross-validation. The 5-fold root mean square errors of AADTs were 19646, 6589, 4005, 3824 and 3210 for highway (motorway and trunk roads), primary, secondary, tertiary, and residential roads. The traffic speed was approximated by the speed limit from OSM, and the missing speed limit data was replaced by the legal country-specific speed limit separated by inside and outside built-up areas, depending on the road type. Building height was approximated by using a morphological operation on the AW3D30 digital surface model (DSM). The road traffic noise was estimated at noisiest building façades (i.e., with shortest Euclidean distance to nearby roads within 100m with the highest AADT) using CNOSSOS-EU. The modelled noise level of LAeq16 with these input data ranged from 52.17 dB to 72.54 dB for points in the test city of Bristol in the United Kingdom. In conclusion, we developed the input data required for noise modelling, especially traffic intensity, at a European scale. Modelled noise will be used in Europe-wide studies of health effects of noise. We will also compare our Europe-wide noise estimates with national noise model estimates in the Netherlands and Switzerland.

How to cite: Shen, Y., de Hoogh, K., Schmitz, O., Gulliver, J., Karssenberg, D., Vermeulen, R., and Hoek, G.: Europe-wide road traffic noise modelling using a harmonized methodological framework (CNOSSOS-EU), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9249,, 2023.

It is predicted that over 60% of the urban population in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) lives in slums, and this number is increasing in the coming years. However, issues on urban poverty and slum persistence in SSA cities are ignored and suffered from a paucity of robust evidence for a longtime. As reliable data on where are locations of urban deprived areas and slums, and on how these areas have evolved remain scarce, the scale of urban deprivation and challenges related to slums in SSA cities are underestimated.

This study explores to which extent urban morphology and accessibility of social services could explain urban poverty and slum locations, by using geospatial and socio-economic data, as well as machine learning techniques. Taking four African countries including Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and Malawi as examples, we mapped slum locations and demonstrate that urban building morphological variables only can explain up to over 78% of slum locations. Our results further showed a declining trend in slum growth in old towns that are compacted in space. However, slums are not representing the most deprived urban area, while outskirts of megacities, middle-sized and small cities showed the least economic well-being, demonstrated by lower GDP and wealth index value; poor road and water access services. Our proposed slum and urban poverty mapping methods and results will be accessible and instrumental for scientists, local communities, policy-makers, and city planners, which will accelerate the process of finding solutions for tackling poverty, better managing public health and infrastructure in developing countries.

How to cite: Li, C., Yu, L., and Hong, J.: Monitoring slum and urban deprived area in sub-Saharan Africa using geospatial and socio-economic data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10872,, 2023.

EGU23-12606 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Modelling the coevolution of London's population and railway system 

Isabella Capel-Timms, David Levinson, Sara Bonetti, and Gabriele Manoli

As cities continue to expand it has become crucial to describe their evolution in time and space. Building on analogies with biological systems, we propose a minimalist reaction-diffusion model coupled with economic constraints and an adaptive transport network, describing the co-evolution of population density with the transport system. Using a unique dataset, we reconstruct the evolution of London (UK) over 180 years and show that after an initial phase of diffusion limited growth, population has become less centralised and more suburban in response to economic needs and an expanding railway network. The coevolution of the rail system with a growing urban population has generated a transport network with hierarchical characteristics which have remained relatively constant over time. These results show that urbanisation patterns largely depend on the evolution of transport systems and population-transport feedbacks should be carefully considered when planning and retrofitting urban areas.

How to cite: Capel-Timms, I., Levinson, D., Bonetti, S., and Manoli, G.: Modelling the coevolution of London's population and railway system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12606,, 2023.

The urban environment is made up of a complex and changing mosaic of territories. To what extent these spatial heterogeneities, between territories, determine the quality of life or social, economic or health inequalities? Within the framework of the ANR EGOUT project (, we assume that the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of tracers archived in the sediments of the Parisian sewerage networks can help deciphering the diversity of aboveground conditions and their temporal trajectory.

We compiled the geochemical results acquired before cleaning out operations on sediments accumulated in more than 100 silt traps (STs) that line the sewerage network of the City of Paris. These STs receive sediments that transit through the Parisian combined (wastewater and stormwater) sewer system. These analyses concern granulometry, metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), but also 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These regulatory analyses (which guide the nature of the treatment processes to be implemented) have been available since the year 2000, with cleaning out and thus measurement frequencies varying from one ST to another. They therefore allow addressing not only geochemical spatial disparities but also their temporal evolution.

In order to assign these results to the corresponding catchment areas for every ST, we first defined the catchment areas of each DT. The TIGRE 7 information system of the City of Paris was used to distinguish each sub-network draining the sediments to each ST. Two spatial scales of drainage (wet and dry weather), but also a sedimentary cascade system could be highlighted. The catchment areas of each ST were then defined by linking individual connections to individual addresses and cadastral parcels.

Here are the most striking results from the exploitation of existing data:

  • The Haussmannian buildings, which are present for the most part in the city Centre, are major sources of zinc emissions (Gromaire et al., 2001). This element is found in the sediments of DT draining areas with a high density of historical buildings.
  • Based on concentration ratios (Ayrault et al., 2008), PAHs mainly result from road traffic. The concentration of PAHs has been decreasing in ST sediments since 2000. This decrease could reflect the 59% decrease in the car traffic in Paris recorded between 2001 and 2018.
  • PAH levels and types differ from DT to another, as already noted by Rocher et al. (2004). These differences probably indicate local specificities in PAH production of each catchment area. Cross-referencing our data with other spatialized data related to potential PAH sources (road traffic, heating, etc.) should allow us to better understanding the factors that control their presence in sewer sediments.

How to cite: Asselin, C., Jacob, J., and Moilleron, R.: Controls on the spatial distribution and temporal variation of anthropogenic tracers in the sediments of the Paris sewerage system., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13043,, 2023.

EGU23-13160 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Automatic global building completeness assessment of OpenStreetMap using remote sensing data 

Laurens Jozef Nicolaas Oostwegel, Nicolas Garcia Ospina, Tara Evaz Zadeh, Simantini Shinde, and Danijel Schorlemmer

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the largest crowd-sourced mapping effort to date, with an infrastructure network that is considered near-complete. The mapping activities started as any crowd-sourced information platform: the community expanded OSM anywhere there was a collective interest. Initial efforts were found around universities, hometowns of mappers and areas designated by organizations like the Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT). This resulted in a map that is of non-uniform completeness, with some areas having all building footprints in, while other areas remain incomplete or even untouched. Currently, with 530 million footprints, OSM identifies between a quarter and half of the total building footprints in the world, if we estimate that there are around 1-2 billion buildings in the world.

A global view on the completeness of buildings existing in OSM did not yet exist. Unlike other efforts, that only look at a subset of OSM building data (Biljecki & Ang 2020; Orden et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020), we have used the Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) to estimate completeness of the entire dataset. The remote sensing dataset is distributed onto a grid and in each tile of the grid, the built area of GHSL is compared to the total area of OSM building footprints. The computed ratio is measured against a completeness threshold that is calibrated using areas that were manually assessed.

Using information derived from remote sensing datasets can be problematic: GHSL does not only measure building footprints: it includes any human-built structures, including infrastructure and industrial areas. Next to that, due to circumstances like imperfect input data or failing algorithms, the dataset is not of the same quality as the crowd-sourced data in OSM in areas that are complete. False positives (i.e. rocky coasts) and false negatives (i.e. buildings missing in mountainous areas) exist in automatically generated data.

Even with these limitations, a comprehensive global completeness assessment is created. The assessment should not be used as ground truth, but rather as reflection on the OSM building dataset as is and as a guideline for priorities for the future. Statistics on regional completeness can be created and the quality of GHSL could be assessed on countries that are considered to be complete, such as France or the Netherlands.

How to cite: Oostwegel, L. J. N., Garcia Ospina, N., Evaz Zadeh, T., Shinde, S., and Schorlemmer, D.: Automatic global building completeness assessment of OpenStreetMap using remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13160,, 2023.

EGU23-13747 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Development of a decision support system for regional planning and the assessment of brownfield sites: A case-study 

Ellis Hammond, Frederic Coulon, Stephen Hallett, Russell Thomas, Alistair Dick, Drew Hardy, and Darren Beriro

The complex nature of brownfield sites means that making decisions about their regeneration can be challenging and involve a wide range of stakeholders. To support these stakeholders, data-driven spatial decision support systems (DSSs) are often used. For these kinds of tools to be effective, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the problems and challenges faced by stakeholders. This research builds on previous large-scale stakeholder engagement (Hammond et al., 2023), critical review (Hammond et al., 2021), and detailed user requirements gathering. We present a framework for the development of a novel web-based DSS to support early-stage city region-scale brownfield planning and redevelopment. The DSS has four objectives: (1) improve the findability and visualisation of data, (2) support the assessment and understanding of ground risk posed by contamination and geotechnical instability, (3) provide better visualisation of data related to economic viability assessment, and (4) support evidence gathering for master planning through the modelling of land-use potential using a GIS multi-criteria method. We demonstrate the capabilities of the DSS framework through the implementation of a case-study focussing on the Liverpool City Region, a combined authority area in north-west England. Findings from user testing of the DSS and verification work are also presented.

How to cite: Hammond, E., Coulon, F., Hallett, S., Thomas, R., Dick, A., Hardy, D., and Beriro, D.: Development of a decision support system for regional planning and the assessment of brownfield sites: A case-study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13747,, 2023.

EGU23-14487 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Challenges for achieving clean air - The case of Barcelona (Spain) 

Daniel Rodriguez-Rey, Marc Guevara, Jan Mateu Armengol, Alvaro Criado, Santiago Enciso, Carles Tena, Jaime Benavides, Albert Soret, Oriol Jorba, and Carlos Pérez-Garcia Pando

Air pollution affects the economy, the environment, and public health. This is particularly relevant in dense urban areas due to their urban built, high traffic activity, and near-the-source population exposure. In the city of Barcelona, the 40 ug/m3 nitrogen dioxide NO2 annual limit value set up by the 2008/50/EC European Air Quality Directive (AQD) is systematically exceeded in traffic stations mainly due to the contribution of road transport. In the last Urban Mobility Plan (2019-2024), the city hall of Barcelona presented several traffic management strategies aiming to reduce on-road traffic emissions by both renewing and reducing the private motorized transport in the city. These measures include the application of tactical urban actions, green corridors and superblocks along with a Low Emission Zone, which together are expected to reduce the number of private vehicles circulating throughout the city by -25%. In parallel, the Port of Barcelona has recently announced a plan to electrify the docks and reduce emission from hotelling activities by -38%. To properly assess the impact of such measures, the AQD recommends the application of numerical models in combination with monitoring data. Following AQD recommendations, our study runs a coupled transport-emission model able to characterize traffic movement along the city and produce multiple scenarios that quantify the impact of the aforementioned measures on primary emissions. The resulting scenarios are then used to feed a multi-scale air quality modeling system to estimate NO2 concentration values at very high resolution (20m, hourly). To reduce the uncertainty typically associated with modeling results, the estimated values are corrected with a data-fusion methodology using observations from the official monitoring network and several measurement campaigns. Our results show that the implementation of all mobility restrictions and electrification of the Port will allow Barcelona to comply with the current legislated NO2 air quality standards at the traffic monitoring stations, with reductions up to -24.7% and -12 ug/m3. However, the resulting NO2 levels achieved at these locations would still fail to meet the new 2021 WHO guideline (10 ug/m3) and the recent proposal for a revision of the EU AQD (20 ug/m3). Also, despite the estimated NO2 reductions, several areas in the city would still be above the current legal limit of 40 ug/m3, including 16.7% of schools and 19.7% of hospitals and healthcare facilities. All in all, our results suggest the planned measures are steps in the right direction, yet still insufficient to ensure healthy AQ values across the entire city.

How to cite: Rodriguez-Rey, D., Guevara, M., Armengol, J. M., Criado, A., Enciso, S., Tena, C., Benavides, J., Soret, A., Jorba, O., and Pérez-Garcia Pando, C.: Challenges for achieving clean air - The case of Barcelona (Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14487,, 2023.

EGU23-15135 | Posters on site | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Monitoring Urban Areas for Climate Change Adaptation Using Remotely Sensed Indicators in the UrbanGreenEye Project 

Kathrin Wagner, Annett Frick, Benjamin Stoeckigt, Sascha Gey, Sebastian Lehmler, Nastasja Scholz, Franziska Loeffler, Viktoria Engnath, Stefan Heiland, Sebastian Schubert, and Mohamed Salim

In the context of climate change adaptation, sustainable urban development, and environmental justice, local civil services must meet a range of dynamic demands. To do so, municipalities require both qualitative and quantitative knowledge about the current state and the development of urban structures such as impervious surfaces and vegetated areas within their boundaries. However, obtaining this data through surveys is costly and time-consuming, and the frequency of these surveys is too low to capture changes consistently. As a result, data availability to support urban planning strategies often depends on financial priorities and is not consistently available to all local authorities in Germany. Remote sensing data, which has extensive spatial coverage and is regularly available, offers a more viable option for effective monitoring of urban structures. However, local authorities often lack knowledge about the benefits and limitations of using such data. The UrbanGreenEye project aims to bridge this gap by developing urban climate indicators based on Earth Observation data that meet the needs of local authorities. Drawing on the experience of nine partner municipalities, the project will demonstrate the use and implementation of these indicators in planning processes and strategies. It will also help create digital twins for urban planning applications and provide a free, regularly updated indicator-geodata foundation for Germany to support decision-making, particularly for climate change adaptation. The indicators will help identify locations experiencing high thermal and hydrological stress and quantify the relief provided by vegetated and pervious areas. Land surface temperature (LST) derived from satellite data from the US Landsat program will be used to monitor thermal stress, while the urban green volume and vegetation vitality indicators, derived from EU Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite data, will contribute to thermal stress relief. The imperviousness indicator will also be derived from Sentinel-2 data using spectral models. Artificial intelligence algorithms, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and attention-based transformer models, will be used to extract complex information from the urban surfaces, which require large amounts of reference data to capture necessary details. This reference data will be generated from high-resolution aerial images using CNN, supported by local ground truth data from municipal authorities and citizen science projects. It will then be upscaled and used as a reference for satellite-level models to provide nationwide consistent products. The satellite-based indicators will be validated for error ranges and at different spatial scales using the micro-scale climate model PALM-4U. Eventually, the indicators will be used to create a model for urban green volume deficiency to identify hot spots for adaptation measures and support planning strategies.

How to cite: Wagner, K., Frick, A., Stoeckigt, B., Gey, S., Lehmler, S., Scholz, N., Loeffler, F., Engnath, V., Heiland, S., Schubert, S., and Salim, M.: Monitoring Urban Areas for Climate Change Adaptation Using Remotely Sensed Indicators in the UrbanGreenEye Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15135,, 2023.

EGU23-15145 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Urban meteorological forcing data for building energy simulations at a neighbourhood scale 

Zhihui Ren, Gerald Mills, and Francesco Pilla

Building energy use is one of the largest global demands,  accounting for 36% of final energy use and 39% of energy and process-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Green plans are the recommended planning technique for reducing the energy demand of buildings without changing the current built environment. This study investigates the effect of neighbourhood features on the energy performance of buildings. On the basis of building age and tree density, four typical Dublin city centre neighbourhoods are chosen to generate simulations. Surface Urban Energy and Water Balance Scheme (SUEWS) was used to generate the forcing climate data surrounding the neighbourhood, which was then fed into Integrated Environmental Solutions Virtual Environment (IES VE) as the meteorological data for conducting building energy simulations. The results showed that the fraction of trees plays an important role in wind speed in neighbourhoods. Incorporating the missing neighbourhood signature into the forcing data for building energy modelling improves the simulation's efficiency and precision. This study illustrates the importance of considering the local climate while simulating building energy efficiency.

How to cite: Ren, Z., Mills, G., and Pilla, F.: Urban meteorological forcing data for building energy simulations at a neighbourhood scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15145,, 2023.

EGU23-15999 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

A socio-spatial analysis of air pollution exposure in the Greater Paris 

Taos Benoussaïd, Isabelle Coll, Hélène Charreire, and Arthur Elessa Etuman

According to the WHO, in 2019, 23% of global mortality was attributable to environmental risk factors with significant gradients related to social factors, at the origin of significant health inequalities in the cities. Air pollution is one main environmental risk in urban spaces, and must therefore also be understood by taking into account the issue of socio-spatial inequalities.

Realistic modelling of population exposure to air pollution in large cities requires taking into account air quality at the level of the individual, as well as individual spatial dynamics (mobility and realization of daily activities) that shape each person's risk of exposure. These requirements call for the development of interdisciplinary tools combining the representation of urban space, traffic simulation, emission calculation, advanced air quality models, and the consideration of behavioral and socio-economic dimensions in the modeling process.

We present here a socially and spatially differentiated modeling study of the factors and behaviors that build the exposure of individuals to air pollution in the Greater Paris. This study was carried out using an integrated urban modeling platform including the OLYMPUS emissions model and the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model. The OLYMPUS tool, developed at LISA, is an innovative emission model based on the activity of individuals, making it possible to simulate the socio-differentiated mobility of individuals, for the construction of a pollutant emission inventory adapted to a given urban area. The use of CHIMERE then makes it possible to cross air quality, individuals and mobility, and address the issue of individual exposure to air pollution in a dynamic and integrated manner.

We simulated the year 2009 in the Greater Paris region, and calculated the exposure of individuals taking into account their mobility and their social characteristics, activity and place of residence. Our results are interpreted with regard to the main scientific and societal questions that arise on the subject: Are some individuals more exposed than others? Are these inequalities in exposure linked to the places where people live? To mobility practices? Can they be dependent on socio-professional categories? Do they affect socially vulnerable populations in the same way?

Beyond access to an assessment of exposure inequalities in the current situation, this work makes it possible to support the reflection on the impact of public action on the reduction of environmental inequalities.


This research received funding from the French National Agency for Research (ANR-14-CE22-0013), the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and the Île-de-France region (DIM QI²). It was granted access to the HPC resources of TGCC under the allocation A0090107232 made by GENCI. We acknowledge AIRPARIF for data supply.


Elessa Etuman, A., & Coll, I. (2018). OLYMPUS v1.0: Development of an integrated air pollutant and GHG urban emissions model-methodology and calibration over greater Paris. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(12), 5085–5111.

Elessa Etuman A., Coll I., Makni I., Benoussaid T., Addressing the issue of exposure to primary pollution in urban areas: Application to Greater Paris, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 239, 117661, ISSN 1352-2310,, 2020

How to cite: Benoussaïd, T., Coll, I., Charreire, H., and Elessa Etuman, A.: A socio-spatial analysis of air pollution exposure in the Greater Paris, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15999,, 2023.

EGU23-16298 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Building a LEZ scenario and its social and environmental impacts in the Greater Paris area 

Malo Costes, Arthur Elessa Etuman, Taos Benoussaïd, and Isabelle Coll

The urban environment has a large population and therefore a large number of polluting activities. Urban organization and the organization of road traffic are levers for controlling energy consumption, transport demand, air quality and the exposure of city dwellers, but these initiatives have social repercussions that do not impact all citizens in the same way, which may create a form of social and environmental injustice. Modeling of urban development scenarios should make it possible to investigate these questions. The challenges of such scenarios lie in the difficulty of modeling a given situation at the level of individuals by taking into account their socio-demographic characteristics, their places of life and their mobility behaviors.

In 2017, a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) has been implemented in the Paris Metropolis, including the city of Paris and the nearby municipalities. The objective is to reduce pollutant emissions and improve air quality in the territory. Recent studies have assessed the average health impact expected from such measures, but they did not consider socio-environmental outcomes. In our work, we thus decided to build a complete LEZ scenario considering the mobility of individuals differentiated by their geographic, demographic and socio-professional specificites.

The urban modeling platform that we use is centered on the OLYMPUS tool, which makes it possible to design mobility scenarios and the associated pollutant emissions by taking into account the urban form, the transport offer, the constraints of land use planning as well as than individual and socially differentiated mobility. With this tool we built different forms for the implementation of the Greater Paris LEZ, and we used the resulting emissions in the CHIMERE air quality model.

We present here the methodology implemented to transcribe the LEZ scenario in our platform as well as the first results obtained on the socio-differentiation of the LEZ constraints (mobility for individuals) and impacts (exposure on individuals).



This work was supported by the EUR-LIVE program at Université Paris Est Créteil (French National Research Agency fundings).



Elessa Etuman, A., & Coll, I. (2018). OLYMPUS v1.0: Development of an integrated air pollutant and GHG urban emissions model-methodology and calibration over greater Paris. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(12), 5085–5111.

Elessa Etuman A., Coll I., Makni I., Benoussaid T., Addressing the issue of exposure to primary pollution in urban areas: Application to Greater Paris, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 239, 117661, ISSN 1352-2310,, 2020

Host, Sabine, Cécile Honoré, Fabrice Joly, Adrien Saunal, Alain Le Tertre, et Sylvia Medina. « Implementation of Various Hypothetical Low Emission Zone Scenarios in Greater Paris: Assessment of Fine-Scale Reduction in Exposure and Expected Health Benefits ». Environmental Research 185 (juin 2020): 109405.

How to cite: Costes, M., Elessa Etuman, A., Benoussaïd, T., and Coll, I.: Building a LEZ scenario and its social and environmental impacts in the Greater Paris area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16298,, 2023.

EGU23-16910 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1 | Highlight

Integrated Urban Planning Decision-Making Process Towards Water Neutral Solutions 

Pepe Puchol-Salort, Stanislava Boskovic, Barnaby Dobson, Vladimir Krivtsov, Eduardo Rico-Carranza, Maarten van Reeuwijk, Jennifer Whyte, and Ana Mijic

Urban water security levels will be threatened during the next few years due to new development pressures combined with the climate emergency and increasing population growth in cities. In the UK, London’s planning authorities have a target of more than half a million households for the next 10 years. This new housing will increase the current impacts on urban consumer demand, flood risk, and river water quality indicators. In our previous work, we developed a new concept for urban Water Neutrality (WN) inside an integrated urban planning sustainability framework called CityPlan to deal with water stress and urban complexity issues. This framework integrates the UK’s planning application process with systemic design solutions and evaluation, all being spatially represented in a GIS platform. With the new digital era, there is a constantly increasing number of spatial datasets that are openly available from different sources, but most of them are disaggregated and difficult to understand by key urban stakeholders such as Local Planning Authorities, housing developers, and water companies. Moreover, there are several Multi-Criteria Decision Support Tools (MCDST) that address water management challenges in the literature; but there is still little evidence of one that evaluates the impacts and opportunities to allocate water neutral urban developments.

In this work, we expand the CityPlan framework and present an innovative fully data-driven approach to test WN indicators at different urban scales. WaNetDST integrates GIS spatial data with a series of rules for development impact and offset opportunity based on the current properties of the urban land. This integration is linked to a new scoring system from expert advice that maps strategic areas for water neutral interventions and links the most impactful zones with others more prone to be intervened. The tool connects different urban scales with a series of case study areas: from city (i.e., London), to borough (i.e., Enfield), and to urban development scale (i.e., Meridian Water Development). In the end, WaNetDST visually compares the need for housing vs. green spaces and the trade-offs between new housing vs. retrofitting existing infrastructure, providing a series of maps that guide the planning decision-making process in an integrated way. The results from CityPlan might potentially change the decision-making process for LPAs and housing developers and open a new dialogue between boroughs inside the same city, providing a novel and automated system for WN trade-offs and linking data-driven design with future planning decisions

How to cite: Puchol-Salort, P., Boskovic, S., Dobson, B., Krivtsov, V., Rico-Carranza, E., van Reeuwijk, M., Whyte, J., and Mijic, A.: Integrated Urban Planning Decision-Making Process Towards Water Neutral Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16910,, 2023.

EGU23-17338 | Orals | ITS1.10/NP0.1

Co-Creating Digital Twins for Planning of Water Resources and Housing Development 

Eduardo Rico Carranza, Ana Mijic, and Jennifer Whyte

The potential to deliver better, more efficient and sustainable cities has motivated recent research on Digital Twins (DTs) that seek to support planning decisions by displaying analytical evidence to inform collaborative design actions. Prior research identifies different types of DT tools and gives recommendations for their use, but it has not been grounded in engaged research that co-designs DTs with planning users from the context description and problem formulation stage. We report on a research project to co-create DTs with local government planners to visualize interactions between water resources and housing development. We describe co-creating two different DTs starting from the context and problem for water management and assess the steps against these three categories. While engaging with the field we built on prior studies to identify a set of categories relevant to co-creating and assessing DTs: context, governance, spatial and technical definition.  By recording the steps of the DT design process, and contrasting the results with the theoretical proposals, we develop a three-step framework for the co-creation of DTs. This step-by-step framework, illustrated by examples, provides a contribution to the literature on the co-design of DT, and we conclude by discussing implications for practitioners and areas for further research.  

How to cite: Rico Carranza, E., Mijic, A., and Whyte, J.: Co-Creating Digital Twins for Planning of Water Resources and Housing Development, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17338,, 2023.

This study shows the unintended tradeoffs of water conservation strategies in the City of Las Vegas. We used the Weather and Research Forecasting model coupled with a multilayer Urban Canopy Model, and forced with the Local Climate Zones from WUDAPTv2, to carry out cloud-resolving simulations aiming to estimate the impacts of city-wide turf removal. Results show that removing the turf, which removes most of non-functional urban irrigation needs, significantly warms up surface temperature via surface energy rebalancing by reducing latent heat and increasing sensible and ground heat fluxes. A striking result is that the increase in sensible heat also increases boundary layer instability favoring more and longer lasting clouds and invigorating afternoon storms. The enhanced afternoon storms tend to cool the surface temperature, but the turf removal net warming impact remains. We also used the model to show how climate intervention scenarios based on cool roofing and pavement strategies can ameliorate the underlying turf removal consequences.

How to cite: Mejía Valencia, J. F., Henao, J., and Saher, R.: The effect of removal of all non-functional turf in Las Vegas: tradeoffs between water conservation, excessive heat, and storminess, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17481,, 2023.

EGU23-768 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.11/NP0.2 | Highlight

Deep Learning and Universal Multifractal for Nowcasting Precipitation in Urban Geosciences 

Hai Zhou, Daniel Schertzer, and Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia

Precipitation nowcasting (short-term forecasting ahead for 0 to 6 hours) is crucial for decision-making of weather-dependent industries in order to mitigate socio-economic impacts. Accurate and trustworthy precipitation nowcasting can serve as an early warning of massive floods, as well as a guide for water-related risk management. Although precipitation nowcasting is not a novel concept, it is challenging and complicated due to the extreme variability of precipitation. The traditional theory-driven numerical weather prediction (NWP) methods confront numerous obstacles, including an insufficient understanding of physical processes, enormous initial conditions impacts on predictions and requiring substantial computing resources. On the other hand, data-driven deep learning models establish a relationship between input and output data to predict future precipitation without taking into account the underlying physical processes. The framework of universal multifractal (UM) is also presented to describe the variability of precipitation nowcasting and compared to the radar observations. In this study, the convolutional long short-term memory (ConvLSTM) model is used to perform precipitation nowcasting over Metropolitan France. The study employs radar data collected every 5 minutes with a spatial resolution of 1km from Meteo-France. The preliminary results show that the structure of the field is reasonably forecast, as well as the somewhat moderate rain rates, but not the most intense ones. We discuss how to improve the methodology.

How to cite: Zhou, H., Schertzer, D., and Tchiguirinskaia, I.: Deep Learning and Universal Multifractal for Nowcasting Precipitation in Urban Geosciences, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-768,, 2023.

EGU23-820 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.11/NP0.2

Enhancing landscape connectivity by Nature-based Solutions for cities in a post-COVID world: a case study in Paris 

Yangzi Qiu, Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia, and Daniel Schertzer

During the lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, most countries imposed mobility restrictions such as physical distancing from others, “self-isolation”, and/or “quarantine”. Although these “isolation” measures had been effective in hindering the spread of the virus effectively, people’s mental health can be strongly affected by these “isolation” measures. Some researchers found that the mental health problem indeed increased during the lockdown. In order to reduce the negative effects of isolation on mental health, some studies suggested that people should be brought closer to nature spaces during the lockdown. In this regard, policymakers are paying more attention to Nature-based Solutions (NBS) (e.g. green roofs, gardens, and urban parks), which can potentially improve people's physical and mental health via interactions between people and nature.

In order to enhance the connectivity of the landscape to improve the ecosystem services and reduce health risks with the help of NBS in a post-COVID world, it is significant to consider the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of green spaces. A number of studies have found that estimates of green space areas are scale-dependent, it is therefore important to investigate the intrinsic complexity of the heterogeneity of the green spaces across a range of scales. This could be achieved with the help of the universal multifractal (UM) framework (Schertzer and Lovejoy, 1987), a stochastic approach widely used to quantify the variability of geophysical fields across a range of scales. This study aims to improve the landscape connectivity of the green spaces in Paris across scales with the help of the UM cascade model.

To achieve the aim of this study, we first quantified the heterogeneous spatial distributions of green spaces of the selected areas by using the fractal dimension. Then, a distance analysis is performed for non-green spaces to green spaces, and a series of NBS scenarios are created based on integrating potential NBS into the current landscape by using the UM cascade model. Finally, the spatial distributions of the NBS combined with the original green spaces are quantified by the fractal dimension and distance analysis. The results indicate that NBS can effectively improve the connectivity of the landscape and has the potential to reduce the physical and mental risks caused by COVID-19. More specifically, this study proposes a scale-independent approach for enhancing the multiscale connectivity of the NBS network in urban areas and provides quantitative suggestions for cities in a post-COVID world.

How to cite: Qiu, Y., Tchiguirinskaia, I., and Schertzer, D.: Enhancing landscape connectivity by Nature-based Solutions for cities in a post-COVID world: a case study in Paris, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-820,, 2023.

EGU23-841 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.11/NP0.2

Multifractals, Climate Networks and the extreme variability of precipitation 

Adarsh Jojo Thomas, Jürgen Kurths, and Daniel Schertzer
Precipitation is a complex process that is extremely variable over a wide range of space-time scales. More specifically, it is strongly intermittent: the heaviest precipitation are increasingly concentrated on sparser and sparser fractions of the space-time domain. At the same time, precipitation is a key variable of urban geosciences. 
Multifractals have been developed to analyse and simulate across scales this multiscale intermittency, while the climate networks can detect and characterise event synchronisation. In contrast to multifractal analysis, climate networks are usually performed at a given scale, defined by the resolution of the data. In this communication, we present how to overcome this dichotomy and propose multiscale climate networks in the hope of reaching scales relevant to urban geosciences.
Specifically, we study theoretically and/or numerically the scale dependance of different centrality measures of climate networks determined at different scales by coarse graining the precipitation data, as is done for multifractal analysis. Among the preliminary results, we show how to modify some of the parameters of the climate networks to force scale invariance of their structure.

How to cite: Thomas, A. J., Kurths, J., and Schertzer, D.: Multifractals, Climate Networks and the extreme variability of precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-841,, 2023.

EGU23-1989 * | ECS | Orals | ITS1.11/NP0.2 | Highlight

Tracking global urban green space trends 

Giacomo Falchetta and Ahmed T. Hammad

Urban green space - the presence of vegetation-covered area within cities' boundaries - is an increasingly relevant indicator for evaluating sustainable cities. This is because besides providing a set of local services such as mitigating the urban heat island effect and reducing the impact of extreme precipitation events, urban green space has been widely associated with increasing well-being of urban dwellers. Here we present a global analysis of recent trends in urban green space based on modelling of multi-spectral satellite imagery data to reproduce street-based vegetation presence indicators. We estimate local to continental trends over the 2016-2022 period and estimate global scale (considering a large set of the most populated cities) urban green space change statistical trends. We examine heterogeneities in the direction and magnitude of trends across cities and regions, while also analysing within-city inequalities. Our analysis provides an updated picture of urban green space across world cities and an open-source and open data-driven, spatially cross-validated approach to assess changes in near-real-time.

How to cite: Falchetta, G. and Hammad, A. T.: Tracking global urban green space trends, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1989,, 2023.

EGU23-2994 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.11/NP0.2 | Highlight

Mapping dengue fever risk for a non-endemic high-density city in subtropical region 

Shi Yin, Junyi Hua, Chao Ren, Benoit Guénard, Runxi Wang, André Ibáñez Weemaels, Yuan Shi, Tsz-Cheung Lee, Hsiang-Yu Yuan, Marc Ka-chun Chong, and Linwei Tian

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the dengue virus bringing huge health burdens in tropical regions. With global warming, rapid urbanization, and mosquito species introductions, the range of dengue fever is expected to expand to subtropical regions and increase potential health risks for local populations. To reduce dengue fever transmission, relevant risk map is one of the most effective tools for public health management. Though there is abundant literature about mapping the dengue fever risks in endemic regions, few studies in contrast have investigated dengue fever risks for non-endemic regions; hindering the development of preparedness planning.

In this study, the spatial hazard-exposure-vulnerability assessment framework proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was applied in to detect the dengue fever risk in Hong Kong, which is a typical high-density city located within a subtropical region. Firstly, the spatial distribution of the habitat suitability for Aedes albopictus, a mosquito species common in Hong Kong and proxy for the potential dengue fever hazard, was predicted using MaxEnt models relying on the surveillance data and a list of variables related to urban morphology, landscape, land utilization, and local climate. Secondly, the bivariate local Moran’s I was measured to identify urban areas with both high dengue hazard and high human population exposure. Then, vulnerable groups among the human population were identified from the 2016 Hong Kong census data. Finally, dengue risks were assessed at the community scale by overlapping the results of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability analysis.

In the optimal MaxEnt model predicting the presence possibility of Aedes albopictus, the normalized difference vegetation index, frontal area index, and the aggregation index of public residential land ranked the top three among all predictors, with permutation importance of 31.8%, 22.8%, and 17% respectively. Three components were generated after principal component analysis on the vulnerable groups. Lastly, this approach allowed the identification of 17 high-risk spots within Hong Kong. In addition, the underlying factors behind each hot spot were investigated from the aspects of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability respectively, and specific suggestions for dengue prevention were proposed accordingly.

The findings provide a useful reference for developing local dengue fever risk prevention measures, with the proposed method easily exportable to other high-density cities within subtropical Asia and elsewhere.

This study was funded by the Health and Medical Research Fund of the Food and Health Bureau (No. 20190672).

How to cite: Yin, S., Hua, J., Ren, C., Guénard, B., Wang, R., Weemaels, A. I., Shi, Y., Lee, T.-C., Yuan, H.-Y., Chong, M. K., and Tian, L.: Mapping dengue fever risk for a non-endemic high-density city in subtropical region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2994,, 2023.

This presentation focuses on the governing equations of incompressible and compressible flow in fractional time and multi-fractional space as developed recently by the authors in DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-20911-3. Mathematical differentiation has found many applications in real-life problems in the last two decades, before which it was mainly utilized by mathematicians and theoretical physicists. The proposed fractional governing equations for fluid flow may be interpreted as the general forms of the classical Navier–Stokes equations; as they reduce to the classical ones when integer values are replaced with their fractional powers in space and time. Due to their nonlocal structure, proposed governing equations in factional time/space can reflect the initial conditions for long times, and the boundary conditions for long distances. Results of numerical applications are presented for flow due to a wall suddenly set into motion. It is found that the proposed equations have the potential to model both sub-diffusive and super-diffusive flow cases.

How to cite: Ercan, A. and Kavvas, M. L.: Navier–Stokes equations in Fractional Time and Multi‑Fractional Space, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6138,, 2023.

Limited knowledge on current and future processes as well as data scarcity pose a major challenge when it comes to the evaluation of adaptation strategies towards flooding. Current simulation approaches often lack the flexibility do deal with the inherit dynamics of future development (land use, urban growth, re-development of slum areas, infrastructure construction, etc.) in coastal cities and the resulting changes in flood hazard, exposure and vulnerability whilst facing a lack of sufficient data. Therefore, we developed a modelling approach which is able to integrate future dynamics in the three risk components, hazard, exposure and vulnerability under the uncertainties arising from lacking data as well as limited knowledge. We used Mumbai, India as a first case study to combine Urban Structure Types with Bayesian Networks (BN) and to assess pluvial flooding. BN structures are defined by process understanding supported by existing models, literature and expert evaluations. The quantification of the BNs is done by using urban structure types as proxies for relevant parameters/nodes where data is not available, like the distribution and capacity drainage infrastructure and its condition or the degree of imperviousness of certain areas. This is justified by the assumption that the appearance and the processes in urban structure types are similar. However, the probabilistic definition of nodes in a BN allows to account for the variability within an urban structure type class. As a first step, the approach was set up for the hazard component of risk. Here first results of the simulation of pluvial flooding are shown and validated against flood hotspots reported by the government of Mumbai. The simulation approach reproduced the flooding hotspots, however it has a great sensitivity towards certain parameters, especially towards the digital elevation model and the condition of the drainage infrastructure. In a next step BNs for multi-hazard evaluation and vulnerability assessment will be developed and linked, i.e. fluvial and coastal flooding as well as social vulnerability. The integration of different risk components and the flexibility of the approach help to assess the effect of individual and combinations of soft and hard adaptation measures on future flood risk.

How to cite: Zwirglmaier, V. and Garschagen, M.: Towards an integrated assessment of future flooding in dynamic and data-scarce urban environments by linking Urban Structure Types with Bayesian Network modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6276,, 2023.

EGU23-8235 * | Posters on site | ITS1.11/NP0.2 | Highlight

The influence of geographical factors on COVID-19 outbreak: A literature review 

Paola Coratza, Alessandro Ghinoi, Lucia Palandri, Elena Righi, Cristiana Rizzi, Mauro Soldati, and Vittoria Vandelli

A significant number of papers focusing on the relationships between COVID-19 diffusion and geographic factors is available in literature. The same applies to the use of geographic techniques (e.g., spatial tools and mapping) for the study of the pandemic. Although the literature on these topics is already abundant, a detailed and comprehensive review is still lacking.
In this context, the purpose of this paper is to fill the existing gap by presenting a literature review of geographical studies dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The review is aimed at: i) understanding the role of geographic/territorial determinants (e.g., geographic location of confirmed cases, climatic and environmental characteristics, urbanization) in the spread of COVID-19; ii) identifying common approaches, materials, and methods used in the study of the COVID-19 outbreak from a geographical perspective; iii) recognising possible research gaps to address future in-depth analyses.
To achieve these goals a literature review was made concerning the application of geographical approaches for the study of one or more geographical factors/variables, as well as socioeconomic factors in relation to the outbreak and diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main academic literature databases were inquired. More than 80 papers were reviewed and categorized according to different criteria, e.g., considered variables, investigated period, spatial and temporal resolution and applied methodologies.
This research is part of an interdisciplinary project (“DISCOV19”) funded by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and aiming at identifying the main vulnerability and risk factors related to COVID-19 outbreak and at formulating prevention and management schemes with a focus on the Province of Modena (Northern Italy). The investigation crosses different disciplines: i) public health epidemiology, investigating the contagion modalities and health and socio-demographic predisposing factors; ii) economic-statistical methodology, pointing out the structural characteristics of the networks that convey the contagion and the main social, technological and management vulnerabilities with respect to COVID-19 spread; iii) geography and geomorphology, for thematic mapping and spatial analysis of COVID-19 outbreak and understanding the role of environmental and physical-geographical factors on COVID-19 incidence. The review here presented fits into this context being one of the first outputs of the project implementation.

How to cite: Coratza, P., Ghinoi, A., Palandri, L., Righi, E., Rizzi, C., Soldati, M., and Vandelli, V.: The influence of geographical factors on COVID-19 outbreak: A literature review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8235,, 2023.

The improved ability of imaging sensors to capture very high resolution (VHR) remote sensing images has been boosted by recent enhancement in the data processing algorithms. This improvement raises the potential of providing precise scene understanding for many applications. For instance, the task of semantic segmentation is an important one in the context of 3D building modelling. In this work, the main objective is to show the potential of using images of a stereo pair as inputs to a neural network trained for semantic segmentation into different urban classes. Actually, instead of increasing artificially the amount of training data, the use of stereo pair images can be seen as a realistic data augmentation, where the model will be trained to see the same object from different acquisition angles. From an experimental point of view, the results show that the method achieves better performances and gives a greater ability to generalize compared to the use of a single view. 

The segmentation process is performed using an encoder-decoder network architecture, namely the U-net network which includes an EfficientNet for the encoder part and a RefineNet for the decoder stage. The model is trained on Pleiades images involving different sources of ground truth (OpenStreetMap, IGN databases and in-house LCLU AI4GEO hierarchical labelled data). Additionally to the spectral information, height information is also considered to enhance the segmentation accuracy. This latter information is obtained using digital surface model (DSM). Indeed, classes identifying urban areas (building class for example) can be more easily discerned according to their height information. 

Furthermore, since Pleiades images are used as inputs of the proposed model, some geometrical issues need to be handled. To remove this complexity, a simulated imaging geometry of a perfect instrument is designed with no optical distortion and no high attitude perturbations. Resulting geometry is commonly called perfect sensor geometry. Since then, to avoid problems of geometric offsets between different data sources (satellite images in perfect geometry), terrain geometry of DSM/DTM and various ground truth databases, several tools have been developed to allow conversion between different geometries. The ortho-rectification is a commonly used geometrical correction that aims at presenting images as if they had been captured from the vertical. Therefore, this correction requires the availability of a HR digital terrain model (DTM) and may result on some distortions. In particular, some area may be occluded and others may arise a spreading effect of buildings.

 To address this issue, and preserve the native image information of the perfect sensor geometry, one key contribution of this work is to map the DSM data and ground truth image into the perfect sensor geometry. By doing this geometric processing and object positioning during the training process, better overlays between different data sources (stereo pair images, DSM model and ground truth data) are ensured and geometrical distortions and offsets can be avoided. In addition, the inferences can be done directly on the perfect sensor geometry without having to go through terrain geometries which requires high resolved DSM/DTM models.

How to cite: Akodad, S. and Lassalle, P.: Automatic Land Cover Segmentation from Perfect Sensor Stereo Images with Height Information, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9983,, 2023.

Malaria is a widespread, mosquito-borne, potentially lethal infectious disease that affects humans and other animals. Its prevention and treatment have been targeted in science and medicine for hundreds of years. During the 20th century it was widespread in the Middle East, including Cyprus, and was one of the most important health hazards worldwide. In 1967, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Cyprus as malaria-free, an impressive feat considering malaria had plagued the island since the Roman period (Demetrios, 2009). We conducted a critical analysis of anti-malarial campaigns on urban and rural districts in Cyprus, under British colonial rule (1878 – 1960), in the context of malarial disease knowledge in health surveillance and care policy. Under the HIGH-PASM (High-resolution palaeoclimate records and social vulnerability for the last Millennium) project, we present a methodology for constructing database tools relative to heterogeneously distributed historical sources. The aim of this research is to study the impact of the anti-malarial works on the Cypriot landscape as the social-political situation and the methods implemented did not follow the stringent protocols that exist today. Main issues are the complexity regarding British, Ottoman and French social and political roles, ground truth data extracted from historical sources - that need critical analysis, and the complex phenomena under scope. Primary sources are annual medical reports, written by British medical officers, published from 1913 to 1953. The main focus of these actions linked geography to healthcare issues by eliminating the newly identified malaria-vector by directly influencing the mosquito’s habitat, thus indirectly affecting the Cyprus landscape. The assertion, verification and evaluation of the before mentioned actions requires the medical reports to be contextually placed alongside secondary sources (for example correspondences, journal articles, conference proceedings, etc), which were produced or disseminated during this time period by different actors or groups of actors. We aim to apply methodologies used in digital humanities and conceptual modelling within geosciences to verify and understand spatial-temporal information that may be found within archival references. Raw data are extracted from a small corpus to produce meta-data (data sense ((Hui, 2015)) using existing cultural heritage vocabularies (CIDOC CRM base and extensions) relative to different fields and objects to model spatial-temporal events and align these data with authority databases using W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) semantic web standards (technologies). Given the British colonial role in the governance of the island, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the choices of techniques or actions employed. Thus, this meta-data conceptual modelling and raw data collection, as a data management approach, offers a syntactic, semantic and pragmatic understanding of archival sources. This methodology ultimately aims to study the impact on the landscape of the anti-malarial campaigns by bridging gaps in existing literature by the digitisation of physical reports and digitalisation of a healthcare system from the late 19th to 20th century.

How to cite: Danielkutty, L. E., Krummeich, R., Couillet, A., Charalambidou, I., and Eliot, E.: Constructing an event centred modelling process to produce spatial and temporal data for the critical study of the impact of British colonial rule (1878 – 1960) on the Cypriot landscape through their anti-malarial campaigns, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11346,, 2023.

EGU23-11851 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.11/NP0.2

A feasibility study for a novel remediation and sustainable growth digital tool for the Environment Agency, England, UK 

Darren Beriro, Yolande Macklin, Jane Thrasher, David Griggs, and Angela Haslam

The remediation of brownfield is vital to sustainable place-making and levelling up across the country. It provides an improved local environment that can unlock regeneration and the social, economic and ecological revitalisation of communities. However the total benefits of remediation are not fully understood or utilised in decision making. As a result, sites can remain derelict for years and opportunities to optimise value from public and private investment are missed.

Jacobs and BGS undertook research for the Environment Agency in England to evaluate the feasibility of developing a tool, which included:

  • A virtual workshop using MURAL to enable digital interaction and collaboration to refine scope, define data requirements and map project stakeholders;
  • Primary benefit and user requirements research, including looking at the potential impact of a tool through the development of a Theory of Change model and focussed interviews with key stakeholders to understand user requirements.
  • Review of academic and grey literature;
  • Accelerated design sprint to frame the problem/opportunity, explore technology agonistic solutions for the tool and develop into a storyboard.
  • Develop a low fidelity prototype as a blueprint of how a tool might look.

The outcome of the work indicated there is both a need and demand for such a tool. It was also demonstrated to be technically feasible through the literature review and design sprint. Such a tool would have an extremely positive impact on the perceptions of brownfield, shifting it from a constraint to an opportunity. The presentation will provide a summary of the methods, an overview of the results and a demonstration of a prototype digital tool. Our disucssion will focus on the opportunities presented by using systems thinking combined with design thinking to influence the approach taken to planning and redeveloping brownfield sites.  

How to cite: Beriro, D., Macklin, Y., Thrasher, J., Griggs, D., and Haslam, A.: A feasibility study for a novel remediation and sustainable growth digital tool for the Environment Agency, England, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11851,, 2023.

EGU23-13059 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.11/NP0.2

Profiling households through a combined vulnerability and flood exposure index in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 

Jiachang Tu, Andrea Reimuth, Antje Katzschner, Liang Emlyn Yang, and Matthias Garschagen

Understanding how the exposure and vulnerability to floods and other climate hazard varies between different groups of urban residents is an urgent prerequisite for guiding urban climate change adaptation policy and action. To be most effective, adaptation measures need to be designed specifically in relation the exposure and vulnerability profiles of different groups. Index approaches have since long been used to cluster households according to different levels of exposure and vulnerability. However, two main gaps remain in current research: First, while indices are typically based on either survey or statistical data, approaches transcending both levels of resolution through proxy variables are rare. Second, profiling is typically not linked to spatial categories such as urban morphology types.

The approach presented here contributes to bridging both gaps. We use original household survey data from Ho Chi Minh City to generate an exposure and vulnerability index for the city. We then test the validity of that index, which is based on detailed data, in comparison to an index which builds on rougher statistical data. In a third step, we test how well vulnerability and exposure profiles from the index map against urban morphology types which can be used in risk modeling in order to analyse in how far valid exposure and vulnerability profiles can be linked to such morphology types. Our results show an existing yet limited link between exposure and vulnerability profiles on the one side and urban morphology types on the other. The results are essential for advancing urban risk modeling in an integrated manner and rolling such modeling out to larger spatial areas.

How to cite: Tu, J., Reimuth, A., Katzschner, A., Yang, L. E., and Garschagen, M.: Profiling households through a combined vulnerability and flood exposure index in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13059,, 2023.

EGU23-13357 | Orals | ITS1.11/NP0.2

New trends in urban change detection: detecting 3D changes from bitemporal optical images 

Valerio Marsocci, Virginia Coletta, Roberta Ravanelli, Simone Scardapane, and Mattia Crespi

Keywords: Urban sustainability, Earth observation, 3D change detection, Deep Learning, Dataset

Nowadays, remote sensing products can provide useful and consistent information about urban areas and their morphological structures with different spatial and temporal resolutions, making it possible to perform long term spatiotemporal analyses of the historic development of the cities and in this way to monitor the evolution of their urbanization patterns, a goal strictly related to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) concerning the sustainability of the cities (SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities).

In this context, Change Detection (CD) algorithms estimate the changes occurred at ground level and are employed in a wide range of applications, including the identification of urban changes. Most of the recently developed CD methodologies rely on deep learning architectures. Nevertheless, the CD algorithms currently available are mainly focused on generating two-dimensional (2D) change maps, where the planimetric extent of the areas affected by changes is identified without providing any information on the corresponding elevation (3D) variations. These algorithms can thus only identify planimetric changes such as appearing/disappearing buildings/trees, shrinking/expanding structures and are not able to satisfy the requirements of applications which need to detect and, most of all, to quantify the elevation variations occurred in the area of interest (AOI), such as the estimation of volumetric changes in urban areas.

It is therefore essential to develop CD algorithms capable of automatically generating an elevation (3D) CD map (a map containing the quantitative changes in elevation for the AOI) together with a standard 2D CD map, from the smallest possible amount of information. In this contribution, we will present the MultiTask Bitemporal Images Transformer (MTBIT) [1], a recently developed network, belonging to the family of vision Transformers and based on a semantic tokenizer, explicitly designed to solve the 2D and 3D CD tasks simultaneously from bitemporal optical images, and thus without the need to rely directly on elevation data during the inference phase. 

The MTBIT performances were evaluated in the urban area of Valladolid on the modified version of the 3DCD dataset [2], comparing this architecture with other networks designed to solve the 2D CD task. In particular, MTBIT reaches a metric accuracy equal to 6.46 m – the best performance among the compared architectures – with a limited number of parameters (13,1 M) [1].

The code and the 3DCD dataset are available at



[1] Marsocci, V., Coletta, V., Ravanelli, R., Scardapane, S., and Crespi, M.: Inferring 3D change detection from bitemporal optical images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2023 - in press.

[2] Coletta, V., Marsocci, V., and Ravanelli, R.: 3DCD: A NEW DATASET FOR 2D AND 3D CHANGE DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2022, 1349–1354, 2022.

How to cite: Marsocci, V., Coletta, V., Ravanelli, R., Scardapane, S., and Crespi, M.: New trends in urban change detection: detecting 3D changes from bitemporal optical images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13357,, 2023.

EGU23-13960 | Orals | ITS1.11/NP0.2

Spatial-temporal modeling of COVID-19 areas in Italy and the role of urban settings 

Massimiliano Alvioli, Daniel Fowler, and Samsung Lim

COVID-19 severely affected Italy from the beginning of the pandemic. The number of cases can be analysed within statistical methods, to understand its spread over time, in conjunction with factors as meteorological and environmental conditions, socio-economic conditions and urban settings [1]. The role of spatial aggregation of data is seldom investigated in detail, as the information available to the public is often limited to administrative boundaries.

We investigated the number of infections stratified by spatial location and time, analyzing each of the 107 provinces of Italy during the two infection waves in 2020. Infections were greater in urban areas such as Rome, Milan and Naples. We further investigated the role of urban areas by considering specific spatial aggregations that explicitly included indicators of human presence [2].

We used the hhh4 endemic-epidemic model to study the spatial-temporal pattern of COVID-19 [3]. The model includes three components, representing autoregressive effects (transmission of disease within a single province), neighborhood effects (transmission between provinces) and endemic effects (sporadic events by unobserved sources of infection).  Covariates included daily temperature, humidity, employment rate and number of high-care hospital beds for each province. In addition, we considered specific covariates to account for urban indicators: population, population density, the proportion of urban area, average area of cities, and number of cities. Covariates were considered on both the autoregressive and neighbourhood components to determine the effect of transmission within and between provinces. To simulate the spread between provinces on the neighbourhood component, we considered the spatial adjacency between provinces, and considered decreasing importance with increasing distance.

Outputs from the model included the risk ratios (RRs) of the covariates, with resulting RR of 0.89 on the autoregressive component and RR of 0.83 on the neighbourhood component. An existing study found that higher temperatures were related to a decline in daily confirmed COVID-19 case counts with a corresponding RR of 0.80 [4].

We specifically looked at covariates related to urban settings, as an existing study showed positive correlation between population density and COVID-19 transmission rate [5]. Our results showed a RR of 1.23 (autoregressive component) and RR of 1.48 (neighbourhood component), suggesting that larger population density leads to more infections, and that movement of people across provinces could lead to a higher risk of COVID-19 cases.  Province area, average city area and number of cities were not statistically significant.

Eventually, we explicitly considered the role of urban settings by aggregating spatial-temporal data within individual urban areas [2], instead of administrative boundaries. As COVID-19 data itself were available at the province level, we distributed them to urban areas proportionally to the area occupied within each province; other data was actually aggregated within urban polygons. We argue that study of the spatial-temporal transmission of infection using urban areas may provide reliable results and help selecting characteristics in urban settings that may favour or prevent the spread of diseases.

[1] M. Agnoletti et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020

[2] M. Alvioli. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103906

[3] S. Meyer et al. DOI: 10.1214/14-AOAS743

[4] J. Liu et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138513

[5] K.T.L. Sy et al. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.024927

How to cite: Alvioli, M., Fowler, D., and Lim, S.: Spatial-temporal modeling of COVID-19 areas in Italy and the role of urban settings, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13960,, 2023.

Expansion of built-up areas has consumed large areas of natural ecological patches in many cities around the world, affecting environmental and living quality of urban residents.  Managing urban landscape and urban trees has gained a special attention in Vietnam in recent years. The green space development plan for Hanoi to 2030 and a vision to 2050 has targeted to reach 62% of green spaces. However, there is lack of detailed green space development plan at the district and commune/ward levels. This study aims to assess urban green space area and quality in Hanoi at the commune/ward levels using remote sensing and population data. The study uses combined remote sensing data from Google Earth, Sentinel-2, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to analyze urban green quality and space for Hanoi. The urban green space will be combined with population data at commune/ward level to estimate urban tree cover per person. The research results can contribute to improve the credibility and scientifically of green space construction so that urban planning can adapt and serve the city and its residents and achieve green development.

How to cite: Reimuth, A., Nong, D. H., and Ngo, S. T.: Assessing urban green space area and quality using remote sensing and population data: A case study of Hanoi urban districts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14511,, 2023.

EGU23-14618 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.11/NP0.2

Multifractal analysis of Cn2 scitillometer data and consequences for evapotranspiration estimates in urban areas 

Sitian Zhu, Auguste Gires, Cedo Maksimovic, Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia, and Daniel Schertzer

The cooling impact of green roofs is highlighted in the context of urbanisation and urban heat island (UHI) effect. And it is usually described and quantified by evapotranspiration (ET) processes. Understanding ET process is the key to optimize cooling effect. ET estimation can be achieved either directly (weighing lysimeters) or indirectly (e.g., Penman-Monteith equation). Micro-meteorological approaches have been developed in recent years. Among which scintillometer can evaluate ET by its measurement parameter Cn2 (which corresponds to the fluctuations of air refractive index n ) in combination with surface energy balance (SEB) and Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) . Hence, Cn2 improvement in Cn2 data would result in better ET estimation. But it is often overlooked and very little research has focused on it. In this project, the research area lies on the top of the Carnot and Bienvenüe buildings in Ecole des Ponts Paristech. Covering an area of ​​1 ha, it is a wavy and vegetated large green roof, known as the Blue Green Wave (BGW). Data from a large aperture scintillometer (LAS) with 10-minute time step during December 2019 and January 2020 on BGW is used in this study. Three estimates of Cn2(Cn2_UCn2, Cn2_PUCn2 and Cn2_Var) were analysed with structure function and universal multifractal model (UM). Such framework has been widely use to characterize geophysical fields extremely variable across wide range of space-time scales. There are two relevant parameters in an UM model, the mean codimension of intermittency C1≥0and multifractality index 0≤α≤2. α=0, indicates monofractal; α=2, indicates log-normal model. Data in UM framework is analysed by Trace Moment (TM) method and Double Trace Moment (DTM) method. All of estimates demonstrated scale invariance, which could be used for upscaling and downscaling. Cn2_Var performed well even during measurement malfunction, but UM analysis showed it was contradictory to the hypothesis of lognormality. It implies the way it calculates Cn2_Var need some revisions and an assessment of the scintillometer could be achieved by analysing Cn2. This research provides a complete grasp of the properties of Cn2 and sets the stage for its future application in precise ET estimates.


How to cite: Zhu, S., Gires, A., Maksimovic, C., Tchiguirinskaia, I., and Schertzer, D.: Multifractal analysis of Cn2 scitillometer data and consequences for evapotranspiration estimates in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14618,, 2023.

EGU23-14807 | Posters on site | ITS1.11/NP0.2

Monitoring land deformation through PSI technique for Einstein Telescope site characterization of Sos Enattos (Sardinia, Italy) 

Francesco Dessì, Maria Teresa Melis, Stefania Da Pelo, and Antonio Funedda

The Einstein Telescope (ET) is a proposed underground infrastructure to host a third-generation, gravitational-wave observatory. There are currently two candidate sites to host it: one of this is located in Sardinia region (Italy), in a favourable geological context, the other one in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. Site-characterization studies are under way towards the site selection, which is expected for 2024. The scope work of this research is to evaluate the surface deformation of this site by integration of remote sensing techniques with geological and geophysical data. In this framework the PSI (Persistent Scattered Interferometry) technique with SAR data is the proposed approach for the analysis of a long time-series imagery. Although recent crustal movements in the study area are supposed to be very small (≃ - 0.5 mm/years from 2014 as measured by EUREF Permanent Network, ESA Sentinel-1 data from Copernicus program, represents an effective tool to update this knowledge and monitor the phenomenon. A first analysis has been performed in the study area using the Snap2Stamps methodology. During the first assessment of this research, this methodology has been tested to a dataset of 94 images from Sentinel-1. The radar data (SLC, Single Looking complex) acquired from January 2021 to July 2022 for both descending and ascending orbits on an area of 250 sq km has been managed. The applied methodology requires a long-time for the processing in order to derive vertical velocities, and we considered the opportunity to use a cloud service. So, we exploited the possibility offered by SNAPPING service provided by Terradue (, a cloud on-demand computing service for Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal DInSAR processing, based on integrated SNAP and StaMPS chain. In this service, the dataset can be improved, considering a longer time of acquisition, exploiting the complete Sentinel revisiting time, starting from 2014.

The first results of this analysis have been calibrated with the existing GNSS measures provided by EUREF using the data of the Nuoro station. The ground vertical displacement calculations, composing data from both acquisition orbits, confirm the existing evaluations and extend the current information to the whole study area. Moreover, it will be possible to consider also future acquisition with a continuous monitoring process.

These results can be considered an important value for the proposed Italian site and the ET infrastructure realization.


How to cite: Dessì, F., Melis, M. T., Da Pelo, S., and Funedda, A.: Monitoring land deformation through PSI technique for Einstein Telescope site characterization of Sos Enattos (Sardinia, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14807,, 2023.

EGU23-16718 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.11/NP0.2 | Highlight

Driving mechanisms of urbanization: Evidence from Geographical, Climatic, Social-economic and Nighttime Light data 

Siyi Huang, Lijun Yu, Danlu Cai, Jianfeng Zhu, Ze Liu, Zongke Zhang, Yueping Nie, and Klaus Fraedrich

Urbanization induced changes have attracted widespread attention. Key challenges arise from the inherent uncertainties in attribution models diagnosing the driving mechanisms and the interrelationships of the attributes given by the complexity of interactions within a city. Here, we investigate urbanization dynamics from nighttime light signals before analyzing their driving mechanisms from 2014 to 2020 on both provincial and regional scale and a flat versus mountainous urbanization comparison. Model uncertainties are discussed comparing the contribution results from Geodetector and the Gini importance from Random Forest analyses. The method is applied to Shaanxi Province, where flat urban land is located mainly in its center and mountainous urban land is situated in the North and South. The following results are noted: i) Employing the Geodetector based maximum contribution method for urban region extraction of night time light reveals a notable accuracy improvement in flat urban land compared with the closest area method. ii) Geographical factors attain high contribution for mountainous urban land of Shannan, while for flat urbanization land dynamics, economic factors and community factors prevail. iii) The most obvious driving mechanisms are economic factors which, associated with local urban development strategies, show highest contribution values in 2014 (2018) over the flat (mountainous) urban land of Guanzhong Plain (Northern Shaanxi Plateau or Shanbei region) linked with an early (late) development. iv) Population factors achieve high contribution values in the initially low populated urban land of the northern mountainous land initiating huge migration. v) The contributions resulting from Geodetector are in agreement with the Gini importance from Random Forest in agriculture, geographical and population factors (R2 > 0.5) but not in economy, community and climatic factors (R2 < 0.5). The dynamics of driving mechanisms for urbanization provides insights in connecting urban geographical expansion with multi-factors and thus to assist municipal governments and city stakeholders to design a city with geographical, climatic and social-economic changes and interactions in mind.

How to cite: Huang, S., Yu, L., Cai, D., Zhu, J., Liu, Z., Zhang, Z., Nie, Y., and Fraedrich, K.: Driving mechanisms of urbanization: Evidence from Geographical, Climatic, Social-economic and Nighttime Light data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16718,, 2023.

EGU23-16766 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.11/NP0.2

Supervised versus semi-supervised urban functional area prediction: uncertainty, robustness and sensitivity 

Rui Deng, Yanning Guan, Danlu Cai, Tao Yang, Klaus Fraedrich, Chunyan Zhang, Jiakui Tang, Zhouwei Liao, Zhishou Wei, and Shan Guo

To characterize a community-scale urban functional area using geo-tagged data and available land-use information, several supervised and semi-supervised classification models are presented and evaluated in Hong Kong for comparing their uncertainty, robustness and sensitivity. The following results are noted: (i) As the training set size grows, models’ accuracies are improved, particularly for multi-layer perceptron (MLP) or random forest (RF). The graph convolutional network (GCN) (MLP or RF) model reveals top accuracy when the proportion of training samples is less (greater) than 10% of the total number of functional areas; (ii) With a large amount of training samples, MLP shows the highest prediction accuracy and good performances in cross-validation, but less stability on same training sets; (iii) With a small amount of training samples, GCN provides viable results, by incorporating the auxiliary information provided by the proposed semantic linkages, which is meaningful in real-world predictions; (iv) When the training samples are less than 10%, one should be cautious using MLP to test the optimal epoch for obtaining the best accuracy, due to its model overfitting problem. The above insights could support efficient and scalable urban functional area mapping, even with insufficient land-use information (e.g., covering only ~20% of Beijing in the case study).

How to cite: Deng, R., Guan, Y., Cai, D., Yang, T., Fraedrich, K., Zhang, C., Tang, J., Liao, Z., Wei, Z., and Guo, S.: Supervised versus semi-supervised urban functional area prediction: uncertainty, robustness and sensitivity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16766,, 2023.

EGU23-39 | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Deep Convolutional Architectures for Uncertainty Quantification and Forecast in Inundation Problems 

Azzeddine Soulaïmani, Azzedine Abdedou, Yash Kumar, and Pratyush Bhatt

Most science and engineering problems are modeled by time-dependent and parametrized nonlinear partial differential equations. Their resolution with traditional computational methods may be too expensive, especially in the context of predictions with uncertainty quantification or optimization, to allow for rapid predictions.  In this talk, we will overview data-driven methods aimed at representing high-fidelity computational models by means of reduced-dimension surrogate ones.  Different approaches will be presented for the uncertainty quantification for reliable predictions and forecasts in inundation problems.

Particularly, a non-intrusive reduced-order model based on convolutional autoencoders is proposed as a data-driven tool to build an efficient nonlinear reduced-order model for stochastic spatiotemporal large-scale physical problems. The method uses two-level autoencoders to reduce the spatial and temporal dimensions from a set of high-fidelity snapshots collected from an in-house high-fidelity numerical solver of the shallow-water equations. The encoded latent vectors, generated from two compression levels, are then mapped to the input parameters using a regression-based multilayer perceptron. The accuracy of the proposed approach is compared to the linear reduced-order technique-based artificial neural network (POD-ANN) on benchmark tests (the Burgers and Stoker's solutions) and a hypothetical dam-break flow problem over a complex bathymetry river. The numerical results show that the proposed nonlinear framework presents strong predictive abilities to accurately approximate the statistical moments of the outputs for complex stochastic large-scale and time-dependent problems, with low computational cost during the predictive online stage.

The caveat that remains is the long-term temporal extrapolation for problems marked by sharp gradients and discontinuities. Our study explores forecasting convolutional architectures (LSTM, TCN, and CNN) to obtain accurate solutions for time-steps distant from the training domain, on advection-dominated test cases. A simple convolutional architecture is then proposed and shown to provide accurate results for the forecasts. To evaluate the epistemic uncertainties in the solutions, the methodology of deep ensembles is adopted.


  • Bhatt, Y. Kumar and A. Soulaïmani. Deep Convolutional Architectures for Extrapolative Forecast in Time-dependent Flow Problems, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2209.09651.
  • Abdedou and A. Soulaïmani. Reduced-order modeling for stochastic large-scale and time-dependent problems using deep spatial and temporal convolutional autoencoders.
  • Jacquier, A. Abdedou, V. Delmas and A. Soulaimani. Non-intrusive reduced-order modeling using uncertainty-aware Deep Neural Networks and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: Application to flood modeling. Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 424, 1 January 2021, 109854.
  • Abdedou and A. Soulaïmani. A non-intrusive reduced-order modeling for uncertainty propagation of time-dependent problems using a B-splines Bézier elements-based method and proper orthogonal decomposition: Application to dam-break flows. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. Volume 102, 15 November 2021, Pages 187-205.
  • Chaudhry and A. Soulaimani. A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods for Computational Modeling of the Selective Laser Melting Additive Manufacturing Process. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(5), 2324;
  • Delmas and A. Soulaimani. Parallel high-order resolution of the Shallow-water equations on real large-scale meshes with complex bathymetries. Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 471, 15 December 2022, 111629


How to cite: Soulaïmani, A., Abdedou, A., Kumar, Y., and Bhatt, P.: Deep Convolutional Architectures for Uncertainty Quantification and Forecast in Inundation Problems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-39,, 2023.

EGU23-554 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Using machine learning to emulate the hydrodynamic model for flood inundation modelling 

Santosh Kumar Sasanapuri, Dhanya Chadrika Thulaseedharan, and Gosain Ashwini Kumar

Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters in the world causing loss of human lives and property across the world. These losses can be minimized by accurate prediction of floods well in advance. However, 2D hydrodynamic models which are used for flood inundation modelling require high computational time and hence are unsuitable for development of real-time flood monitoring system in most cases. Therefore, a surrogate machine learning model named XGBoost Regressor (XBGR) is developed for flood inundation modelling. The developed model overcomes the constraint of high computational time required by 2D hydrodynamic models. The XGBR is developed to predict maximum flood depth map and is evaluated with the LISFLOOD-FP hydrodynamic model. The training data for the XGBR model is generated using the LISFLOOD-FP model. The surrogate model is trained on 21 flood events, tested on 4 and validated for 1 flood event. For better development of the surrogate model, physical characteristics of the study area are considered in the form of nine indices referred here as topographic variables along with the flood characteristic variables. However, to refrain the XGBR model from overfitting and decrease the training time, a feed forward feature selection method is used to select the best predictive topographic variables. Four topographic variables are selected after which there is no significant improvement in the model was found. Number of trees and learning rate parameters of XGBR model are parameterized which are having highest impact on the model performance. Mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) are used for evaluating model accuracy. For testing period, the average MAE and RMSE are 0.433 m and 0.780 m, respectively and for the validation event MAE and RMSE are 0.595 m and 0.960 m respectively. For evaluating the accuracy of the surrogate model on flood inundation extent, F1 score is used which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. The F1 score is 0.908 for the testing events and is 0.931 for validation events. The higher value of F1 score (>0.9) indicates good accuracy of the XGBR model when validated using the hydrodynamic model.

How to cite: Sasanapuri, S. K., Chadrika Thulaseedharan, D., and Ashwini Kumar, G.: Using machine learning to emulate the hydrodynamic model for flood inundation modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-554,, 2023.

EGU23-5068 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Advantages and promises of deep neural operators for the prediction of wave propagation 

Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, and Didier Clouteau

Physics-based deep learning experienced a major breakthrough a few years ago with the advent of neural operators. Beyond the traditional use of deep neural networks to predict the solution to a fixed Partial Differential Equation (PDE), these novel methods are able to learn the operator solution to a class of PDEs.

Comparisons and analyses of popular neural operators such as Fourier Neural Operator and DeepONet have been conducted for numerical case studies. However, they are still lacking for more realistic problems in complex settings.

In this study, we compare several neural operators to predict the propagation of seismic waves in heterogeneous media. Our database is composed of more than 12 million ground motion timeseries generated from 50,000 media. We quantify the accuracy of the neural operators, their memory requirements, and their dependence towards both the initial condition and the PDE parameters. We also propose insights on their possible extension to 3 dimensions.

How to cite: Lehmann, F., Gatti, F., Bertin, M., and Clouteau, D.: Advantages and promises of deep neural operators for the prediction of wave propagation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5068,, 2023.

EGU23-5252 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Hybrid generation based on machine learning to enhance numerical simulation for earthquake 

Gottfried Jacquet, Didier Clouteau, and Filippo Gatti

In the last decades, geophysicists have developed numerical simulators to predict earthquakes and other natural catastrophes. However, the more precise the model is, the higher the computational burden and the time to results. In addition, even if we could reproduce the phenomenon with more complex and more representative models, the underlying uncertainty would remain significantly high, affecting the reliability of the final prediction. In response to this challenge, we adopted a hybrid strategy, consisting into mixing physics-based numerical simulations and machine-learning. The goal is to transform synthetic earthquake ground motion, obtained via physics-based simulation, accurate up to a frequency of 5 Hz, into a broader-band prediction that mimics the recorded seismographs. In doing so, we factorize the latent representation of the seismic signal, by forcing an encoding that splits features into two parts: a low frequency one (0-1 Hz) and a high frequency one (1-20 Hz). In the following, we train a convolutional U-Net neural network and apply two different signal-to-signal translation techniques: pix2pix and BiCycleGAN. The latter strategies are compared with the prior work of Gatti et al., 2020, on the Stanford Earthquake Dataset (STEAD) showing their capability of mimicking recorded seismographs. We finally tested the two strategies on the synthetic time-histories obtained for the 2019 Le Teil earthquake (France).


How to cite: Jacquet, G., Clouteau, D., and Gatti, F.: Hybrid generation based on machine learning to enhance numerical simulation for earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5252,, 2023.

EGU23-7773 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Integration of 3D surveying approaches for critical infrastructure digital twins in natural hazard-prone scenarios 

Federica Gaspari, Federico Barbieri, Francesco Ioli, Livio Pinto, and Paolo Valgoi

The fragile geomorphological context of Italy sets a variety of natural challenges, ranging from seismic to hydrogeological risk. In such a complex territory, documenting the conditions of infrastructures is crucial for planning adequate strategies of maintenance through 3D modelling for structural analysis and digital twins’ implementation of structures like dams (Pagliari et al., 2016) or bridges (Gaspari et al., 2022). Geomatics, through periodical surveys using state-of-the-art technologies, reconstruct accurate 3D models of structures that results in the generation of dense pointclouds from which polygon meshes can be derived as well as in the model integration in Building Information Modeling (BIM) or Finite Element Method (FEM) environments for the computation of simulations and deformation monitoring or structural health assessment analysis in support of decision making.

Such data are generated through different approaches. A traditional methodology first implies the materialization and measurement of a topographic network in a local system with a total station and its subsequent georeferencing in a global coordinate reference system through a roto-translation based on Global Navigation Satellite System observations of ground control points. In the same framework, scans for the acquisition of dense pointclouds are defined through the adoption of a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). Hence, the execution of planned drone flights, with nadiral and side view of the structure and its surrounding environment, serving as input for the generation of photogrammetric cloud through a robust Structure from Motion data processing.

Implementing open-source WebGL solutions like Potree supports the digital twin and data sharing with audiences of different technical backgrounds, committers concerned with the adoption of a monitoring platform for integrating products in different format as well as experts with non-geomatics expertise interested in further analysis of collected data through computer vision and deep learning approches that enrich the existent documentation. With a user-friendly interactive web platforms users are able to access the 3D model, make measurements and execute simple processing operation like cross-sections and clipping (e.g.

Since 2019, the dams of the Sila mountains in the Calabria region represented the case study for testing the described integrated approach. The present work concerns the integration of data from different sensors (TLS for indoor and outdoor environment, photogrammetric images and lidar from drone) for the generation of the digital twin of the arcuate-plan gravity dam of Trepidò. The dam digital twin of the dam and adjacencies consists of a pointcloud of 2594370 points, with adaptive density and average accuracy of 1-2 cm for the structure and 10 cm for the downstream vegetated sediment. It can be used to increase knowledge of the structure (built in 1930) and for structural analysis.




Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., Barbieri, F., Belcore, E., and Pinto, L. (2022): Integration of UAV-LiDAR and UAV-photogrammetry for infrastructure monitoring and bridge assessment, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2022, 995–1002,

Pagliari, D., Rossi, L., Passoni, D., Pinto, L., de Michele, C., and Avanzi, F. (2016). Measuring the volume of flushed sediments in a reservoir using multi-temporal images acquired with UAS, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 8(1), 150–166,

How to cite: Gaspari, F., Barbieri, F., Ioli, F., Pinto, L., and Valgoi, P.: Integration of 3D surveying approaches for critical infrastructure digital twins in natural hazard-prone scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7773,, 2023.

EGU23-9555 | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Towards the development of an AI-based early warning system: a deep learning approach to bias correct and downscale seasonal climate forecasts 

Fatemeh Heidari, Qing Lin, Edgar Fabián Espitia Sarmiento, Andrea Toreti, and Elena Xoplaki

Early warning systems protect and support lives, jobs, land and infrastructure. DAKI-FWS, a German national project, aims at developing an early warning system to protect the German society and economy against extreme weather and climate events such as floods, droughts and heatwaves. With a seasonal temporal horizon, DAKI-FWS requires high resolution and bias corrected seasonal forecast of daily minimum and maximum temperatures, daily precipitation and wind speed. To derive such information, we have developed a deep neural network (DNN) approach to downscale and bias correct coarse resolution seasonal forecast ensembles on a 1 degree grid to a 1 arc minute grid.

The proposed DNN approach is here analyzed and compared with other machine learning approaches. Results show that such a deep learning technique can generate realistic, temporally consistent, and high-resolution climate information. The statistical and physical properties of the generated ensembles are analyzed using spatial correlation, cross validation and SVD. The DNN predicts extreme values that are very close to the observed values while preserving the physical relationships in the system as well as the trends in the variables.

How to cite: Heidari, F., Lin, Q., Espitia Sarmiento, E. F., Toreti, A., and Xoplaki, E.: Towards the development of an AI-based early warning system: a deep learning approach to bias correct and downscale seasonal climate forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9555,, 2023.

EGU23-11462 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

A hybrid approach for declustering of earthquake catalogs 

Jonas Köhler, Wei Li, Johannes Faber, Georg Rümpker, Horst Stöcker, and Nishtha Srivastava

Usually, the earthquake catalog for a given region represents a collection of all detected and localized earthquakes and, thus, contains not only the main shocks, but also fore- and aftershocks. In order to perform an independent seismic event and seismic hazard analysis we require a catalog that, ideally, contains only mainshocks. Thus, the removal of dependent fore- and aftershocks from an earthquake catalogby declustering is a crucial step in seismic hazard analysis. Machine learning methods can potentially offer improvements in speed and accuracy in comparison to classical declustering approaches.

Here, we propose a hybrid approach to identify the temporal clusters of earthquakes from the catalogs of California (USGS) and Japan (ISC). We combine unsupervised 1-D clustering algorithms with seismologically informed methods and machine learning techniques. We use epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) generated catalogs as well as classically declustered catalogs to benchmark the method.

How to cite: Köhler, J., Li, W., Faber, J., Rümpker, G., Stöcker, H., and Srivastava, N.: A hybrid approach for declustering of earthquake catalogs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11462,, 2023.

The present paper focuses on the influence of Rayleigh and Love waves on the seismic structural performance of a simplified nonlinear beam structure representing a bridge column. The impact of surface waves in the structure is quantified directly by a coupled 3D SEM-FEM numerical wave
propagation simulation from the earthquake source to the structure using the Domain Reduction Method.
In the first step, ground motions, including basin-induced surface waves, are generated from a regional model containing the earthquake source and a simplified basin. Surface waves are extracted and characterized with the Normalized Inner Product (NIP) in terms of amplitude and
frequency content from ground motions at different locations inside the basin. In the second step, the seismic wavefield from the SE simulation is imposed in a FE model composed of a nonlinear structure placed over a portion of the basin sediments. The model considers soil-structure
interaction and structural non-linearity through a multifiber beam approach.
By placing the structure in different positions, the extracted surface waves and the structural damage can be linked to a specific location inside the basin. Therefore, the spatial variability of the structural damage and the surface wave characteristics can be quantified. Consequently, this work
evaluates if structural damage can be estimated only from typical ground motion intensity parameters or if other parameters associated with surface wave characteristics are necessary. The results show a correlation between obtained seismic damage with rotational components from
surface waves (torsion for Love waves and rocking for Rayleigh waves).

How to cite: Soto, V. and Lopez-Caballero, F.: Quantification of source- and basin-induced surface waves effects on the seismic performance of nonlinear structures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11611,, 2023.

Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) stably and accurately is essential in simulation analysis of a variety of geophysical phenomena. Designing appropriate discretization schemes for PDEs requires careful and rigorous mathematical treatment and has been a long-term research topic. The computational efficiency is additionally a long-standing challenge when what-if hazard scenario analysis is considered. The data-driven discretization is a hybrid approach to combine machine learning and physics-based simulations, which provides a methodology to derive better discretization schemes from reliable references obtained typically using known stable schemes with higher resolution grids. As the resultant schemes may inherit the physics described by the PDEs, surrogate models employing them are expected to be in good agreement with expensive simulations. It is also argued that the learnt schemes by neural network models can exhibit similar characteristics to known sophisticated algorithms and outperform them in terms of accuracy. However, the method has currently been assessed with only limited examples and the detailed mechanisms of the learnt schemes are not well understood. In this presentation, thorough assessment and investigation of learning discretization schemes are conducted by applying the methodology to several types of differential equations with different learning models for the schemes. Whether the methodology has the potential to derive new schemes is also discussed.

How to cite: Ishikawa, T.: On learning discretization schemes of partial differential equations in geoscience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11657,, 2023.

EGU23-13337 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Tropical cyclone storm surge emulation around New Orleans 

Simon Thomas, Dan(i) Jones, Talea Mayo, and Devaraj Gopinathan

Storm surges can have devastating effects on coastal communities. These events, often caused by tropical cyclones, are difficult to simulate due to the challenging nature of process-based modelling and the relative paucity of data covering extreme tropical cyclone conditions. In order to make optimal use of existing physical models, we build an emulator to actively learn the relationship between tropical cyclone characteristics and maximum storm surge height.


We used the ADCIRC physical storm surge model, a reliable but costly tool, to simulate a series of representative tropical cyclones that typically affect the coast near New Orleans. These initial storms were sampled using Latin hypercube design, varying tropical cyclone characteristics such as the landfall speed, central pressure, and others. By running the ADCIRC model for each of these events, we were able to determine the maximum sea surface height caused by each simulated storm. Next, we trained a Gaussian process to fit the maximum sea levels at each point along the coast given the tropical cyclones' characteristics as input. Through active learning, we iteratively selected additional tropical cyclones to further improve the emulator’s accuracy. Finally, we evaluated the model's performance using a held-out test set of idealised tropical cyclones.


Our emulator approach allowed us to efficiently create a high-quality, low-cost statistical model that can potentially be used to predict the probability of future storm surge heights. Additionally, it allowed us to separate uncertainties in the input distribution of tropical cyclone characteristics from uncertainties in the model itself. By better understanding these sources of uncertainties, we can work towards more accurately assessing the potential impacts of future storms on coastal communities.

How to cite: Thomas, S., Jones, D., Mayo, T., and Gopinathan, D.: Tropical cyclone storm surge emulation around New Orleans, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13337,, 2023.

EGU23-15645 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Social & Physics Based Data Driven Methods for Wildfire Prediction 

Jake Lever, Sibo Cheng, and Rossella Arcucci

Twitter is increasingly being used as a real-time human-sensor network during natural disasters, detecting, tracking and documenting events. Current wildfire models currently largely omit social media data, representing a shortcoming in current models, as valuable and timely information is transmitted via this channel. By including this data as a real-time data source, we aim to help disaster managers make more informed, socially driven decisions, by detecting and monitoring online social media sentiment over the course of a wildfire event. This monitoring model is coupled to a real-time forecasting of wildfire dynamics.

Real-time forecasting of wildfire dynamics, which has attracted increasing attention recently in fire safety science, is extremely challenging due to the complexities of the physical models and the geographical features. Running physics-based simulations for large-scale wildfires can be computationally difficult. We propose a novel algorithm scheme, which combines reduced-order modelling (ROM), recurrent neural networks (RNN), data assimilation (DA) and error covariance tuning for real-time forecasting/monitoring of the burned area. An operating cellular automata (CA) simulator is used to compute a data-driven surrogate model for forecasting fire diffusions. A long-short-term-memory (LSTM) neural network is used to build sequence-to-sequence predictions following the simulation results projected/encoded in a reduced-order latent space. 

We implement machine learning in a wildfire prediction model, using social media and geophysical data sources with sentiment analysis to predict wildfire instances and characteristics with high accuracy. The geophysical data is satellite data provided by the Global Fire Atlas, and social data is provided by Twitter. In doing this, we perform our own data collection and analysis, comparing regional differences in online social sentiment expression.

The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested in recent massive wildfire events in California.

How to cite: Lever, J., Cheng, S., and Arcucci, R.: Social & Physics Based Data Driven Methods for Wildfire Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15645,, 2023.

EGU23-16906 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Efficient Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment Using a Hybrid Modeling Approach: A Systematic Evaluation 

Naveen Ragu Ramalingam, Alice Abbate, Erlend Briseid Storrøsten, Kendra Johnson, Gareth Davies, Stefano Lorito, Marco Pagani, and Mario Martina

The hybrid modelling approach combining machine learning and physics-based simulation has been used in a variety of ways to study tsunami and improve our understanding of this complex natural hazard. They are broadly applied for (1) Tsunami forecasting and early warning systems and (2) Tsunami hazard and risk assessment including sensitivity, analysis uncertainty studies and inverse modelling for estimating the source. 

Rigorous evaluation of such a hybrid approach is constrained by the limited size of available simulation datasets which is important to guide their usage by practitioners. This study investigates the application of a hybrid tsunami modelling technique (Ragu Ramalingam et al., 2022, Ragu Ramalingam et al., 2022) which offers a computationally efficient approach for hazard assessment where large events-sets must be modelled typical of probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk assessment (PTHA/PTRA). We use a large tsunami simulation dataset for a coastal region of eastern Sicily, Italy and try to address the following question:

  • How to efficiently sample scenarios used to train the ML models?
  • Where and when are such methods accurate? 
  • How do they compare with other traditional modelling methods like Monte Carlo Sampling?

Additionally, the effort will deliver an open tsunami benchmarking dataset that can be utilised for further development, baseline comparison of various ML algorithms, and improved hyperparameter tuning.


Ragu Ramalingam, N., Johnson, K., Pagani, M., and Martina, M.: A hybrid ML-physical modelling approach for efficient approximation of tsunami waves at the coast for probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5642,, 2022.

Ragu Ramalingam, N., Rao, A., Johnson, K., Pagani, M. and Martina, M. A hybrid ML-physical modelling approach for efficient probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk assessment, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2022), August 1-5, 2022, Virtual.

How to cite: Ragu Ramalingam, N., Abbate, A., Briseid Storrøsten, E., Johnson, K., Davies, G., Lorito, S., Pagani, M., and Martina, M.: Efficient Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment Using a Hybrid Modeling Approach: A Systematic Evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16906,, 2023.

EGU23-582 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Modeling the Variability of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes using Transformers 

Swarnalee Mazumder and Ayush Prasad

The terrestrial carbon cycle is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in climate projections. The terrestrial carbon sink which removes a quarter of anthropogenic CO2 emissions; is highly variable in time and space depending on climate. Previous studies have found that data-driven models such as random forest, artificial neural networks and long short-term memory networks can be used to accurately model Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) and Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) accurately, which are two important metrics to quantify the direction and magnitude of CO2 transfer between the land surface and the atmosphere. Recently, a new class of machine learning models called transformers have gained widespread attention in natural language processing tasks due to their ability to learn from large volumes of sequential data. In this work, we use Transformers to model NEE and GPP from 1996-2022 at 39 Flux stations in the ICOS Europe network using ERA5 reanalysis data. We can compare our results with traditional machine learning approaches to evaluate the generalisability and predictive performance of transformers for carbon flux modelling.

How to cite: Mazumder, S. and Prasad, A.: Modeling the Variability of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes using Transformers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-582,, 2023.

EGU23-1825 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Spatial representation learning for ensemble weather simulations using invariant variational autoencoders 

Jieyu Chen, Kevin Höhlein, and Sebastian Lerch

Weather forecasts today are typically issued in the form of ensemble simulations based on multiple runs of numerical weather prediction models with different perturbations in the initial states and the model physics. In light of the continuously increasing spatial resolutions of operational weather models, this results in large, high-dimensional datasets that nonetheless contain relevant spatial and temporal structure, as well as information about the predictive uncertainty. We propose invariant variational autoencoder (iVAE) models based on convolutional neural network architectures to learn low-dimensional representations of the spatial forecast fields. We specifically aim to account for the ensemble character of the input data and discuss methodological questions about the optimal design of suitable dimensionality reduction methods in this setting. Thereby, our iVAE models extend previous work where low-dimensional representations of single, deterministic forecast fields were learned and utilized for incorporating spatial information into localized ensemble post-processing methods based on neural networks [1], which were able to improve upon model utilizing location-specific inputs only [2]. By additionally incorporating the ensemble dimension and learning representation for probability distributions of spatial fields, we aim to enable a more flexible modeling of relevant predictive information contained in the full forecast ensemble. Additional potential applications include data compression and the generation of forecast ensembles of arbitrary size.

We illustrate our methodological developments based on a 10-year dataset of gridded ensemble forecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts of several meteorological variables over Europe. Specifically, we investigate alternative model architectures and highlight the importance of tailoring the loss function to the specific problem at hand.


[1] Lerch, S. & Polsterer, K.L. (2022). Convolutional autoencoders for spatially-informed ensemble post-processing. ICLR 2022 AI for Earth and Space Science Workshop,

[2] Rasp, S. & Lerch, S. (2018). Neural networks for post-processing ensemble weather forecasts. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 3885-3900.

How to cite: Chen, J., Höhlein, K., and Lerch, S.: Spatial representation learning for ensemble weather simulations using invariant variational autoencoders, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1825,, 2023.

EGU23-3117 | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

AtmoRep: Large Scale Representation Learning for Atmospheric Data 

Christian Lessig, Ilaria Luise, and Martin Schultz

The AtmoRep project asks if one can train one neural network that represents and describes all atmospheric dynamics. AtmoRep’s ambition is hence to demonstrate that the concept of large-scale representation learning, whose principle feasibility and potential was established by large language models such as GPT-3, is also applicable to scientific data and in particular to atmospheric dynamics. The project is enabled by the large amounts of atmospheric observations that have been made in the past as well as advances on neural network architectures and self-supervised learning that allow for effective training on petabytes of data. Eventually, we aim to train on all of the ERA5 reanalysis and, furthermore, fine tune on observational data such as satellite measurements to move beyond the limits of reanalyses.

We will present the theoretical formulation of AtmoRep as an approximate representation for the atmosphere as a stochastic dynamical system. We will also detail our transformer-based network architecture and the training protocol for self-supervised learning so that unlabelled data such as reanalyses, simulation outputs and observations can be employed for training and re-fining the network. Results will be presented for the performance of AtmoRep for downscaling, precipitation forecasting, the prediction of tropical convection initialization, and for model correction. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that AtmoRep has substantial zero-short skill, i.e., it is capable to perform well on tasks it was not trained for. Zero- and few-shot performance (or in context learning) is one of the hallmarks of large-scale representation learning and to our knowledge has never been demonstrated in the geosciences.

How to cite: Lessig, C., Luise, I., and Schultz, M.: AtmoRep: Large Scale Representation Learning for Atmospheric Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3117,, 2023.

Numerical Earth system models (ESMs) are our primary tool for projecting future climate scenarios. Their simulation output is used by impact models that assess the effect of anthropogenic global warming, e.g., on flood events, vegetation changes or crop yields. Precipitation, an atmospheric variable with arguably one of the largest socio-economic impacts, involves various processes on a wide range of spatial-temporal scales. However, these cannot be completely resolved in ESMs due to the limited discretization of the numerical model. 
This can lead to biases in the ESM output that need to be corrected in a post-processing step prior to feeding ESM output into impact models, which are calibrated with observations [1]. While established post-processing methods successfully improve the modelled temporal statistics for each grid cell individually, unrealistic spatial features that require a larger spatial context are not addressed.
Here, we apply a cycle-consistent generative adversarial network (CycleGAN) [2] that is physically constrained to the precipitation output from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6)  ESMs to correct both temporal distributions and spatial patterns. The CycleGAN can be naturally trained on daily ESM and reanalysis fields that are unpaired due to the deviating trajectories of the ESM and observation-based ground truth. 
We evaluate our method against a state-of-the-art bias adjustment framework (ISIMIP3BASD) [3] and find that it outperforms it in correcting spatial patterns and achieves comparable results on temporal distributions. We further discuss the representation of extreme events and suitable metrics for quantifying the realisticness of unpaired precipitation fields.

 [1] Cannon, A.J., et al. "Bias correction of GCM precipitation by quantile mapping: How well do methods preserve changes in quantiles and extremes?." Journal of Climate 28.17 (2015): 6938-6959.

[2] Zhu, J.-Y., et al. "Unpaired image-to-image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks." Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2017.

[3] Lange, S. "Trend-preserving bias adjustment and statistical downscaling with ISIMIP3BASD (v1.0)." Geoscientific Model Development 12.7 (2019): 3055-3070.

How to cite: Hess, P., Lange, S., and Boers, N.: Improving global CMIP6 Earth system model precipitation output with generative adversarial networks for unpaired image-to-image translation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3128,, 2023.

EGU23-3256 | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Emulating radiative transfer in a numerical weather prediction model 

Matthew Chantry, Peter Ukkonen, Robin Hogan, and Peter Dueben

Machine learning, and particularly neural networks, have been touted as a valuable accelerator for physical processes. By training on data generated from an existing algorithm a network may theoretically learn a more efficient representation and accelerate the computations via emulation. For many parameterized physical processes in weather and climate models this being actively pursued. Here, we examine the value of this approach for radiative transfer within the IFS, an operational numerical weather prediction model where both accuracy and speed are vital. By designing custom, physics-informed, neural networks we achieve outstanding offline accuracy for both longwave and shortwave processes. In coupled testing we find minimal changes to forecast scores at near operational resolutions. We carry out coupled inference on GPUs to maximise the speed benefits from the emulator approach.

How to cite: Chantry, M., Ukkonen, P., Hogan, R., and Dueben, P.: Emulating radiative transfer in a numerical weather prediction model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3256,, 2023.

EGU23-3321 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Using machine learning to improve dynamical predictions in a coupled model 

Zikang He, Julien Brajard, Yiguo Wang, Xidong Wang, and Zheqi Shen

Dynamical models used in climate prediction often have systematic errors that can bias the predictions. In this study, we utilized machine learning to address this issue. Machine learning was applied to learn the error corrected by data assimilation and thus build a data-driven model to emulate the dynamical model error. A hybrid model was constructed by combining the dynamical and data-driven models. We tested the hybrid model using synthetic observations generated by a simplified high-resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere model (MAOOAM, De Cruz et al., 2016) and compared its performance to that of a low-resolution version of the same model used as a standalone dynamical model.

To evaluate the forecast skill of the hybrid model, we produced ensemble predictions based on initial conditions determined through data assimilation. The results show that the hybrid model significantly improves the forecast skill for both atmospheric and oceanic variables compared to the dynamical model alone. To explore what affects short-term forecast skills and long-term forecast skills, we built two other hybrid models by correcting errors either only atmospheric or only oceanic variables. For short-term atmospheric forecasts, the results show that correcting only oceanic errors has no effect on atmosphere variables forecasts but correcting only atmospheric variables shows similar forecast skill to correcting both atmospheric and oceanic errors. For the long-term forecast of oceanic variables, correcting the oceanic error can improve the forecast skill, but correcting both atmospheric and oceanic errors can obtain the best forecast skill. The results indicate that for the long-term forecast of oceanic variables, bias correction of both oceanic and atmospheric components can have a significant effect.

How to cite: He, Z., Brajard, J., Wang, Y., Wang, X., and Shen, Z.: Using machine learning to improve dynamical predictions in a coupled model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3321,, 2023.

EGU23-3340 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

An iterative data-driven emulator of an ocean general circulation model 

Rachel Furner, Peter Haynes, Dan(i) Jones, Dave Munday, Brooks Paige, and Emily Shuckburgh

Data-driven models are becoming increasingly competent at tasks fundamental to weather and climate prediction. Relative to machine learning (ML) based atmospheric models, which have shown promise in short-term forecasting, ML-based ocean forecasting remains somewhat unexplored. In this work, we present a data-driven emulator of an ocean GCM and show that performance over a single predictive step is skilful across all variables under consideration. Iterating such data-driven models poses additional challenges, with many models suffering from over-smoothing of fields or instabilities in the predictions. We compare a variety of methods for iterating our data-driven emulator and assess them by looking at how well they agree with the underlying GCM in the very short term and how realistic the fields remain for longer-term forecasts. Due to the chaotic nature of the system being forecast, we would not expect any model to agree with the GCM accurately over long time periods, but instead we expect fields to continue to exhibit physically realistic behaviour at ever increasing lead times. Specifically, we expect well-represented fields to remain stable whilst also maintaining the presence and sharpness of features seen in both reality and in GCM predictions, with reduced emphasis on accurately representing the location and timing of these features. This nuanced and temporally changing definition of what constitutes a ‘good’ forecast at increasing lead times generates questions over both (1) how one defines suitable metrics for assessing data-driven models, and perhaps more importantly, (2) identifying the most promising loss functions to use to optimise these models.

How to cite: Furner, R., Haynes, P., Jones, D., Munday, D., Paige, B., and Shuckburgh, E.: An iterative data-driven emulator of an ocean general circulation model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3340,, 2023.

EGU23-4337 | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2 | Highlight

Towards a new surrogate model for predicting short-term NOx-O3 effects from aviation using Gaussian processes 

Pratik Rao, Richard Dwight, Deepali Singh, Jin Maruhashi, Irene Dedoussi, Volker Grewe, and Christine Frömming

While efforts have been made to curb CO2 emissions from aviation, the more uncertain non-CO2 effects that contribute about two-thirds to the warming in terms of radiative forcing (RF), still require attention. The most important non-CO2 effects include persistent line-shaped contrails, contrail-induced cirrus clouds and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions that alter the ozone (O3) and methane (CH4) concentrations, both of which are greenhouse gases, and the emission of water vapour (H2O). The climate impact of these non-CO2 effects depends on emission location and prevailing weather situation; thus, it can potentially be reduced by advantageous re-routing of flights using Climate Change Functions (CCFs), which are a measure for the climate effect of a locally confined aviation emission. CCFs are calculated using a modelling chain starting from the instantaneous RF (iRF) measured at the tropopause that results from aviation emissions. However, the iRF is a product of computationally intensive chemistry-climate model (EMAC) simulations and is currently restricted to a limited number of days and only to the North Atlantic Flight Corridor. This makes it impossible to run EMAC on an operational basis for global flight planning. A step in this direction lead to a surrogate model called algorithmic Climate Change Functions (aCCFs), derived by regressing CCFs (training data) against 2 or 3 local atmospheric variables at the time of emission (features) with simple regression techniques and are applicable only in parts of the Northern hemisphere. It was found that in the specific case of O3 aCCFs, which provide a reasonable first estimate for the short-term impact of aviation NOx on O3 warming using temperature and geopotential as features, can be vastly improved [1]. There is aleatoric uncertainty in the full-order model (EMAC), stemming from unknown sources (missing features) and randomness in the known features, which can introduce heteroscedasticity in the data. Deterministic surrogates (e.g. aCCFs) only predict point estimates of the conditional average, thereby providing an incomplete picture of the stochastic response. Thus, the goal of this research is to build a new surrogate model for iRF, which is achieved by :

1. Expanding the geographical coverage of iRF (training data) by running EMAC simulations in more regions (North & South America, Eurasia, Africa and Australasia) at multiple cruise flight altitudes,

2. Following an objective approach to selecting atmospheric variables (feature selection) and considering the importance of local as well as non-local effects,

3. Regressing the iRF against selected atmospheric variables using supervised machine learning techniques such as homoscedastic and heteroscedastic Gaussian process regression.

We present a new surrogate model that predicts iRF of aviation NOx-O3 effects on a regular basis with confidence levels, which not only improves our scientific understanding of NOx-O3 effects, but also increases the potential of global climate-optimised flight planning.


[1] Rao, P.; et al. Case Study for Testing the Validity of NOx-Ozone Algorithmic Climate Change Functions for Optimising Flight Trajectories. Aerospace 20229, 231.

How to cite: Rao, P., Dwight, R., Singh, D., Maruhashi, J., Dedoussi, I., Grewe, V., and Frömming, C.: Towards a new surrogate model for predicting short-term NOx-O3 effects from aviation using Gaussian processes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4337,, 2023.

Time transfer functions describe the change of state variables over time in geoscientific numerical simulation models. The identification of these functions is an essential but challenging step in model building. While traditional methods rely on qualitative understanding or first order principles, the availability of large spatio-temporal data sets from direct measurements or extremely detailed physical-based system modelling has enabled the use of machine learning methods to discover the time transfer function directly from data. In this study we explore the feasibility of this data driven approach for numerical simulation of the co-evolution of soil, hydrology, vegetation, and grazing on landscape scale, at geological timescales. From empirical observation and hyper resolution (1 m, 1 week) modelling (Karssenberg et al, 2017) it has been shown that a hillslope system shows complex behaviour with two stable states, respectively high biomass on deep soils (healthy state) and low biomass on thin soils (degraded or desertic state). A catastrophic shift from healthy to degraded state occurs under changes of external forcing (climate, grazing pressure), with a transient between states that is rapid or slow depending on system characteristics. To identify and use the time transfer functions of this system at hillslope scale we follow four procedural steps. First, an extremely large data set of hillslope average soil and vegetation state is generated by a mechanistic hyper resolution (1 m, 1 week) system model, forcing it with different variations in grazing pressure over time. Secondly, a machine learning model predicting the rate of change in soil and vegetation as function of soil, vegetation, and grazing pressure, is trained on this data set. In the third step, we explore the ability of this trained machine learning model to predict the rate of system change (soil and vegetation) on untrained data. Finally, in the fourth step, we use the trained machine learning model as time transfer function in a forward numerical simulation of a hillslope to determine whether it is capable of representing the known complex behaviour of the system. Our findings are that the approach is in principle feasible. We compared the use of a deep neural network and a random forest. Both can achieve great fitting precision, although the latter performs much faster and requires less training data. Even though the machine learning based time transfer function shows differences in the rates of change in system state from those calculated using expert knowledge in Karssenberg et al. (2017), forward simulation appeared to be possible with system behaviour generally in line with that observed in the data from the hyper resolution model. Our findings indicate that discovery of time transfer functions from data is possible. Next steps need to involve the use observational data (e.g., from remote sensing) to test the approach using data from real-world systems.


Karssenberg, D., Bierkens, M.F.P., Rietkerk, M., Catastrophic Shifts in Semiarid Vegetation-Soil Systems May Unfold Rapidly or Slowly. The American Naturalist 2017. Vol. 190, pp. E145–E155.

How to cite: Pomarol Moya, O. and Karssenberg, D.: Machine learning for data driven discovery of time transfer functions in numerical modelling: simulating catastrophic shifts in vegetation-soil systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4454,, 2023.

EGU23-4695 | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Development of PBL Parameterization Emulator using Neural Networks 

Jiyeon Jang, Tae-Jin Oh, Sojung An, Wooyeon Park, Inchae Na, and Junghan Kim

Physical parameterization is one of the major components of Numerical Weather Prediction system. In Korean Integrated Model (KIM), physical parameterizations account for about 30 % of the total computation time. There are many studies of developing neural network based emulators to replace and accelerate physics based parameterization. In this study, we develop a planetary boundary layer(PBL) emulator which is based on Shin-Hong (Hong et al., 2006, 2010; Shin and Hong, 2013, 2015) scheme that computes the parameterized effects of vertical turbulent eddy diffusion of momentum, water vapor, and sensible heat fluxes. We compare the emulator performance with Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) based architectures: simple MLP, MLP application version, and MLP-mixer(Tolstikhin et al., 2021). MLP application version divides data into several vertical groups for better approximation of each vertical group layers. MLP-mixer is MLP based architecture that performs well in computer vision without using convolution and self-attention. We evaluate the resulting MLP based emulator performance. MLP application version and MLP-mixer showed significant performance improvement over simple MLP.

How to cite: Jang, J., Oh, T.-J., An, S., Park, W., Na, I., and Kim, J.: Development of PBL Parameterization Emulator using Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4695,, 2023.

EGU23-4817 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Algorithmic optimisation of key parameters of OpenIFS 

Lauri Tuppi, Madeleine Ekblom, Pirkka Ollinaho, and Heikki Järvinen

Numerical weather prediction models contain parameters that are inherently uncertain and cannot be determined exactly. Traditionally, the parameter tuning has been done manually, which can be an extremely labourious task. Tuning the entire model usually requires adjusting a relatively large amount of parameters. In case of manual tuning, the need to balance a number of requirements at the same time can lead the tuning process being a maze of subjective choices. It is, therefore, desirable to have reliable objective approaches for estimation of optimal values and uncertainties of these parameters. In this presentation we present how to optimise 20 key physical parameters having a strong impact on forecast quality. These parameters belong to the Stochastically Perturbed Parameters Scheme in the atmospheric model Open Integrated Forecasting System.

The results show that simultaneous optimisation of O(20) parameters is possible with O(100) algorithm steps using an ensemble of O(20) members, and that the optimised parameters lead to substantial enhancement of predictive skill. The enhanced predictive skill can be attributed to reduced biases in low-level winds and upper-tropospheric humidity in the optimised model. We find that the optimisation process is dependent on the starting values of the parameters that are optimised (starting from better suited values results in a better model). The results also show that the applicability of the tuned parameter values across different model resolutions is somewhat questionable since the model biases seem to be resolution-specific. Moreover, our optimisation algorithm tends to treat the parameter covariances poorly limiting its ability to converge to the global optimum.

How to cite: Tuppi, L., Ekblom, M., Ollinaho, P., and Järvinen, H.: Algorithmic optimisation of key parameters of OpenIFS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4817,, 2023.

EGU23-5003 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Towards machine-learning calibration of cloud parameters in the kilometre-resolution ICON atmosphere model 

Hannah Marie Eichholz, Jan Kretzschmar, Duncan Watson-Parris, Josefine Umlauft, and Johannes Quaas

In the preparation of the global kilometre-resolution coupled ICON climate model, it is necessary to calibrate cloud microphysical parameters. Here we explore the avenue towards optimally calibrating such parameters using machine learning. The emulator developed by Watson-Parris et al. (2021) is employed in combination with a perturbed-parameter ensemble of limited-area atmosphere-only ICON simulations for the North Atlantic ocean. In a first step, the autoconversion scaling parameter is calibrated, using satellite-retrieved top-of-atmosphere and bottom-of-atmosphere radiation fluxes. For this purpose, limited area simulations of the north atlantic are performed with ICON. In which different cloud microphysical parameters are changed, in order to evaluate possible influences on the output of radiation fluxes.

How to cite: Eichholz, H. M., Kretzschmar, J., Watson-Parris, D., Umlauft, J., and Quaas, J.: Towards machine-learning calibration of cloud parameters in the kilometre-resolution ICON atmosphere model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5003,, 2023.

EGU23-5149 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Machine Learning Parameterization for Super-droplet Cloud Microphysics Scheme 

Shivani Sharma and David Greenberg

Machine learning approaches have been widely used for improving the representation of subgrid scale parameterizations in Earth System Models. In our study we target the Cloud Microphysics parameterization, in particular the two-moment bulk scheme of the ICON (Icosahedral Non-hydrostatic) Model. 


Cloud microphysics parameterization schemes suffer from an accuracy/speed tradeoff. The simplest schemes, often heavy with assumptions (such as the bulk moment schemes) are most common in operational weather prediction models. Conversely, the more complex schemes with fewer assumptions –e.g. Lagrangian schemes such as the super-droplet method (SDM)– are computationally expensive and used only within research and development. SDM allows easy representation of complex scenarios with multiple hydrometeors and can also be used for simulating cloud-aerosol interactions. To bridge this gap and to make the use of more complex microphysical schemes feasible within operational models, we use a data-driven approach. 


Here we train a neural network to mimic the behavior of SDM simulations in a warm-rain scenario in a dimensionless control volume. The network behaves like a dynamical system that converts cloud droplets to rain droplets–represented as bulk moments–with only the current system state as the input. We use a multi-step training loss to stabilize the network over long integration periods, especially in cases with extremely low cloud water to start with. We find that the network is stable across various initial conditions and in many cases, emulates the SDM simulations better than the traditional bulk moment schemes. Our network also performs better than any previous ML-based attempts to learn from SDM. This opens the possibility of using the trained network as a proxy for imitating the computationally expensive SDM within operational weather prediction models with minimum computational overhead. 

How to cite: Sharma, S. and Greenberg, D.: Machine Learning Parameterization for Super-droplet Cloud Microphysics Scheme, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5149,, 2023.

EGU23-5523 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Using weak constrained neural networks to improve simulations in the gray zone 

Yvonne Ruckstuhl, Raphael Kriegmair, Stephan Rasp, and George Craig

Machine learning represents a potential method to cope with the gray zone problem of representing motions in dynamical systems on scales comparable to the model resolution. Here we explore the possibility of using a neural network to directly learn the error caused by unresolved scales. We use a modified shallow water model which includes highly nonlinear processes mimicking atmospheric convection. To create the training dataset, we run the model in a high- and a low-resolution setup and compare the difference after one low-resolution time step, starting from the same initial conditions, thereby obtaining an exact target. The neural network is able to learn a large portion of the difference when evaluated on single time step predictions on a validation dataset. When coupled to the low-resolution model, we find large forecast improvements up to 1 d on average. After this, the accumulated error due to the mass conservation violation of the neural network starts to dominate and deteriorates the forecast. This deterioration can effectively be delayed by adding a penalty term to the loss function used to train the ANN to conserve mass in a weak sense. This study reinforces the need to include physical constraints in neural network parameterizations.

How to cite: Ruckstuhl, Y., Kriegmair, R., Rasp, S., and Craig, G.: Using weak constrained neural networks to improve simulations in the gray zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5523,, 2023.

EGU23-5766 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Best Practices for Fortran-Python Bridges to Integrate Neural Networks in Earth System Models 

Caroline Arnold, Shivani Sharma, Tobias Weigel, and David Greenberg

In recent years, machine learning (ML) based parameterizations have become increasingly common in Earth System Models (ESM). Sub-grid scale physical processes that would be computationally too expensive, e.g., atmospheric chemistry and cloud microphysics, can be emulated by ML algorithms such as neural networks.

Neural networks are trained first on simulations of the sub-grid scale process that is to be emulated. They are then used in so-called inference mode to make predictions during the ESM run, replacing the original parameterization. Training usually requires GPUs, while inference may be done on CPU architectures.

At first, neural networks are evaluated offline, i.e., independently of the ESM on appropriate datasets. However, their performance can ultimately only be evaluated in an online setting, where the ML algorithm is coupled to the ESM, including nonlinear interactions.

We want to shorten the time spent in neural network development and offline testing and move quickly to online evaluation of ML components in our ESM of choice, ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Weather and Climate Model). Since ICON is written in Fortran, and modern ML algorithms are developed in the Python ecosystem, this requires efficient bridges between the two programming languages. The Fortran-Python bridge must be flexible to allow for iterative development of the neural network. Changes to the ESM codebase should be as few as possible, and the runtime overhead should not limit development.

In our contribution we explore three strategies to call the neural network inference from within Fortran using (i) embedded Python code compiled in a dynamic library, (ii) pipes, and (iii) MPI using the ICON coupler YAC. We provide quantitative benchmarks for the proposed Fortran-Python bridges and assess their overall suitability in a qualitative way to derive best practices. The Fortran-Python bridge enables scientists and developers to evaluate ML components in an online setting, and can be extended to other parameterizations and ESMs.

How to cite: Arnold, C., Sharma, S., Weigel, T., and Greenberg, D.: Best Practices for Fortran-Python Bridges to Integrate Neural Networks in Earth System Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5766,, 2023.

EGU23-6287 | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Approximation and Optimization of Atmospheric Simulations in High Spatio-Temporal Resolution with Neural Networks 

Elnaz Azmi, Jörg Meyer, Marcus Strobl, Michael Weimer, and Achim Streit

Accurate forecasts of the atmosphere demand large-scale simulations with high spatio-temporal resolution. Atmospheric chemistry modeling, for example, usually requires solving a system of hundreds of coupled ordinary partial differential equations. Due to the computational complexity, large high performance computing resources are required, which is a challenge as the spatio-temporal resolution increases. Machine learning methods and specially deep learning can offer an approximation of the simulations with some factor of speed-up while using less compute resources. The goal of this study is to investigate the feasibility, opportunities but also challenges and pitfalls of replacing the compute-intensive chemistry of a state-of-the-art atmospheric chemistry model with a trained neural network model to forecast the concentration of trace gases at each grid cell and to reduce the computational complexity of the simulation. In this work, we introduce a neural network model (ICONET) to forecast trace gas concentrations without executing the traditional compute-intensive atmospheric simulations. ICONET is equipped with a multifeature Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model to forecast atmospheric chemicals iteratively in time. We generated the training and test dataset, our ground truth for ICONET, by execution of an atmospheric chemistry simulation in ICON-ART. Applying the ICONET trained model to forecast a test dataset results in a good fit of the forecast values compared to our ground truth dataset. We discuss appropriate metrics to evaluate the quality of models and present the quality of the ICONET forecasts with RMSE and KGE metrics. The variety in the nature of trace gases limits the model's learning and forecast skills according to the variable. In addition to the quality of the ICONET forecasts, we described the computational efficiency of ICONET as its run time speed-up in comparison to the run time of the ICON-ART simulation. The ICONET forecast showed a speed-up factor of 3.1 over the run time of the atmospheric chemistry simulation of ICON-ART, which is a significant achievement, especially when considering the importance of ensemble simulations.

How to cite: Azmi, E., Meyer, J., Strobl, M., Weimer, M., and Streit, A.: Approximation and Optimization of Atmospheric Simulations in High Spatio-Temporal Resolution with Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6287,, 2023.

EGU23-6836 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Parameterising melt at the base of Antarctic ice shelves with a feedforward neural network 

Clara Burgard, Nicolas C. Jourdain, Pierre Mathiot, and Robin Smith

One of the largest sources of uncertainty when projecting the Antarctic contribution to sea-level rise is the ocean-induced melt at the base of Antarctic ice shelves. This is because resolving the ocean circulation and the ice-ocean interactions occurring in the cavity below the ice shelves is computationally expensive.

Instead, for large ensembles and long-term projections of the ice-sheet evolution, ice-sheet models currently rely on parameterisations to link the ocean temperature and salinity in front of ice shelves to the melt at their base. However, current physics-based parameterisations struggle to accurately simulate basal melt patterns.

As an alternative approach, we explore the potential use of a deep feedforward neural network as a basal melt parameterisation. To do so, we train a neural network to emulate basal melt rates simulated by highly-resolved circum-Antarctic ocean simulations. We explore the influence of different input variables and show that the neural network struggles to generalise to ice-shelf geometries unseen during training, while it generalises better on timesteps unseen during training. We also test the parameterisation on separate coupled ocean-ice simulations to assess the neural network’s performance on independent data.  

How to cite: Burgard, C., Jourdain, N. C., Mathiot, P., and Smith, R.: Parameterising melt at the base of Antarctic ice shelves with a feedforward neural network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6836,, 2023.

EGU23-7281 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Neural network surrogate models for multiple scattering: Application to OMPS LP simulations 

Michael Himes, Natalya Kramarova, Tong Zhu, Jungbin Mok, Matthew Bandel, Zachary Fasnacht, and Robert Loughman

Retrieving ozone from limb measurements necessitates the modeling of scattered light through the atmosphere.  However, accurately modeling multiple scattering (MS) during retrieval requires excessive computational resources; consequently, operational retrieval models employ approximations in lieu of the full MS calculation.  Here we consider an alternative MS approximation method, where we use radiative transfer (RT) simulations to train neural network models to predict the MS radiances.  We present our findings regarding the best-performing network hyperparameters, normalization schemes, and input/output data structures.  Using RT calculations based on measurements by the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite's Limb Profiler (OMPS/LP), we compare the accuracy of these neural-network models with both the full MS calculation as well as the current MS approximation methods utilized during OMPS/LP retrievals.

How to cite: Himes, M., Kramarova, N., Zhu, T., Mok, J., Bandel, M., Fasnacht, Z., and Loughman, R.: Neural network surrogate models for multiple scattering: Application to OMPS LP simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7281,, 2023.

EGU23-7368 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Comparison of Methods for Learning Differential Equations from Data 

Christof Schötz

Some results from the DEEB (Differential Equation Estimation Benchmark) are presented. In DEEB, we compare different machine learning approaches and statistical methods for estimating nonlinear dynamics from data. Such methods constitute an important building block for purely data-driven earth system models as well as hybrid models which combine physical knowledge with past observations.

Specifically, we examine approaches for solving the following problem: Given time-state-observations of a deterministic ordinary differential equation (ODE) with measurement noise in the state, predict the future evolution of the system. Of particular interest are systems with chaotic behavior - like Lorenz 63 - and nonparametric settings, in which the functional form of the ODE is completely unknown (in particular, not restricted to a polynomial of low order). To create a fair comparison of methods, a benchmark database was created which includes datasets of simulated observations from different dynamical systems with different complexity and varying noise levels. The list of methods we compare includes: echo state networks, Gaussian processes, Neural ODEs, SINDy, thin plate splines, and more.

Although some methods consistently perform better than others throughout different datasets, there seems to be no silver bullet.

How to cite: Schötz, C.: Comparison of Methods for Learning Differential Equations from Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7368,, 2023.

EGU23-7391 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Learning fluid dynamical statistics using stochastic neural networks 

Martin Brolly
Many practical problems in fluid dynamics demand an empirical approach, where statistics estimated from data inform understanding and modelling. In this context data-driven probabilistic modelling offers an elegant alternative to ad hoc estimation procedures. Probabilistic models are useful as emulators, but also offer an attractive means of estimating particular statistics of interest. In this paradigm one can rely on proper scoring rules for model comparison and validation, and invoke Bayesian statistics to obtain rigorous uncertainty quantification. Stochastic neural networks provide a particularly rich class of probabilistic models, which, when paired with modern optimisation algorithms and GPUs, can be remarkably efficient. We demonstrate this approach by learning the single particle transition density of ocean surface drifters from decades of Global Drifter Program observations using a Bayesian mixture density network. From this we derive maps of various displacement statistics and corresponding uncertainty maps. Our model also offers a means of simulating drifter trajectories as a discrete-time Markov process, which could be used to study the transport of plankton or plastic in the upper ocean.

How to cite: Brolly, M.: Learning fluid dynamical statistics using stochastic neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7391,, 2023.

EGU23-7492 | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Machine Learning and Microseism as a Tool for Sea Wave Monitoring 

Flavio Cannavo', Vittorio Minio, Susanna Saitta, Salvatore Alparone, Alfio Marco Borzì, Andrea Cannata, Giuseppe Ciraolo, Danilo Contrafatto, Sebastiano D’Amico, Giuseppe Di Grazia, and Graziano Larocca

Monitoring the state of the sea is a fundamental task for economic activities in the coastal zone, such as transport, tourism and infrastructure design. In recent years, regular wave height monitoring for marine risk assessment and mitigation has become unavoidable as global warming impacts in more intense and frequent swells.
In particular, the Mediterranean Sea has been considered as one of the most responsive regions to global warming, which may promote the intensification of hazardous natural phenomena as strong winds, heavy precipitation and high sea waves. Because of the high density population along the Mediterranean coastlines, heavy swells could have major socio-economic consequences. To reduce the impacts of such scenarios, the development of more advanced monitoring systems of the sea state becomes necessary.
In the last decade, it has been demonstrated how seismometers can be used to measure sea conditions by exploiting the characteristics of a part of the seismic signal called microseism. Microseism is the continuous seismic signal recorded in the frequency band of 0.05 and 0.4 Hz that is likely generated by interactions of sea waves together and with seafloor or shorelines.
In this work, in the framework of i-WaveNET INTERREG project, we performed a regression analysis to develop a model capable of predicting the sea state in the Sicily Channel (Italy) using microseism, acquired by onshore instruments installed in Sicily and Malta. Considering the complexity of the relationship between spatial sea wave height data and seismic data measured at individual stations, we used supervised machine learning (ML) techniques to develop the prediction model. As input data we used the hourly Root Mean Squared (RMS) amplitude of the seismic signal recorded by 14 broadband stations, along the three components, and in different frequency bands, during 2018 - 2021. These stations, belonging to the permanent seismic networks managed by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology INGV and the Department of Geosciences of the University of Malta, consist of three-component broadband seismometers that record at a sampling frequency of 100 Hz.
As for the target, the significant sea wave height data from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) for the same period were used. Such data is the hindcast product of the Mediterranean Sea Waves forecasting system, with hourly temporal resolution and 1/24° spatial resolution. After a feature selection step, we compared three different kinds of ML algorithms for regression: K-Nearest-Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest (RF) and Light Gradient Boosting (LGB). The hyperparameters were tuned by using a grid-search algorithm, and the best models were selected by cross-validation.  Different metrics, such as MAE, R2 and RMSE, were considered to evaluate the generalization capabilities of the models and special attention was paid to evaluate the predictive ability of the models for extreme wave height values.
Results show model predictive capabilities good enough to develop a sea monitoring system to complement the systems currently in use.

How to cite: Cannavo', F., Minio, V., Saitta, S., Alparone, S., Borzì, A. M., Cannata, A., Ciraolo, G., Contrafatto, D., D’Amico, S., Di Grazia, G., and Larocca, G.: Machine Learning and Microseism as a Tool for Sea Wave Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7492,, 2023.

EGU23-7561 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Deep Learning guided statistical downscaling of climate projections for use in hydrological impact modeling in Danish peatlands 

Thea Quistgaard, Peter L. Langen, Tanja Denager, Raphael Schneider, and Simon Stisen

A course of action to combat the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHG) in a Danish context is to re-wet previously drained peatlands and thereby return them to their natural hydrological state acting as GHG sinks. GHG emissions from peatlands are known to be closely coupled to the hydrological dynamics through the groundwater table depth (WTD). To understand the effect of a changing and variable climate on the spatio-temporal dynamics of hydrological processes and the associated uncertainties, we aim to produce a high-resolution local-scale climate projection ensemble from the global-scale CMIP6 projections.

With focus on hydrological impacts, uncertainties and possible extreme endmembers, this study aims to span the full ensemble of local-scale climate projections in the Danish geographical area corresponding to the CMIP6-ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCMs). Deep learning founded statistical downscaling methods are applied bridge the gap from GCMs to local-scale climate change and variability, which in turn will be used in field-scale hydrological modeling. The approach is developed to specifically accommodate the resolutions, event types and conditions relevant for assessing the impacts on peatland GHG emissions through their relationship with WTD dynamics by applying stacked conditional generative adversarial networks (CGANs) to best downscale precipitation, temperature, and evaporation. In the future, the approach is anticipated to be extended to directly assess the impacts of climate change and ensemble uncertainty on peatland hydrology variability and extremes.

How to cite: Quistgaard, T., Langen, P. L., Denager, T., Schneider, R., and Stisen, S.: Deep Learning guided statistical downscaling of climate projections for use in hydrological impact modeling in Danish peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7561,, 2023.

EGU23-8288 | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Learning operational altimetry mapping from ocean models 

Quentin Febvre, Ronan Fablet, Julien Le Sommer, Clément Ubelmann, and Simon Benaïchouche

In oceanography, altimetry products are used to measure the height of the ocean surface, and ocean modeling is used to understand and predict the behavior of the ocean. There are two main types of gridded altimetry products: operational sea level products, such as DUACS, which are used for forecasting and reconstruction, and ocean model reanalyses, such as Glorys 12, which are used to forecast seasonal trends and assess physical characteristics. However, advances in ocean modeling do not always directly benefit operational forecast or reconstruction products.

In this study, we investigate the potential for deep learning methods, which have been successfully applied in simulated setups, to leverage ocean modeling efforts for improving operational altimetry products. Specifically, we ask under what conditions the knowledge learned from ocean simulations can be applied to real-world operational altimetry mapping. We consider the impact of simulation grid resolution, observation data reanalysis, and physical processes modeled on the performance of a deep learning model.

Our results show that the deep learning model outperforms current operational methods on a regional domain around the Gulfstream, with a 50km improvement in resolved scale. This improvement has the potential to enhance the accuracy of operational altimetry products, which are used for a range of important applications, such as climate monitoring and understanding mesoscale ocean dynamics.

How to cite: Febvre, Q., Fablet, R., Le Sommer, J., Ubelmann, C., and Benaïchouche, S.: Learning operational altimetry mapping from ocean models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8288,, 2023.

EGU23-9285 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Stabilized Neural Differential Equations for Hybrid Modeling with Conservation Laws 

Alistair White and Niklas Boers

Neural Differential Equations (NDEs) provide a powerful framework for hybrid modeling. Unfortunately, the flexibility of the neural network component of the model comes at the expense of potentially violating known physical invariants, such as conservation laws, during inference. This shortcoming is especially critical for applications requiring long simulations, such as climate modeling, where significant deviations from the physical invariants can develop over time. It is hoped that enforcing physical invariants will help address two of the main barriers to adoption for hybrid models in climate modeling: (1) long-term numerical stability, and (2) generalization to out-of-sample conditions unseen during training, such as climate change scenarios. We introduce Stabilized Neural Differential Equations, which augment an NDE model with compensating terms that ensure physical invariants remain approximately satisfied during numerical simulations. We apply Stabilized NDEs to the double pendulum and Hénon–Heiles systems, both of which are conservative, chaotic dynamical systems possessing a time-independent Hamiltonian. We evaluate Stabilized NDEs using both short-term and long-term prediction tasks, analogous to weather and climate prediction, respectively. Stabilized NDEs perform at least as well as unstabilized models at the “weather prediction” task, that is, predicting the exact near-term state of the system given initial conditions. On the other hand, Stabilized NDEs significantly outperform unstabilized models at the “climate prediction” task, that is, predicting long-term statistical properties of the system. In particular, Stabilized NDEs conserve energy during long simulations and consequently reproduce the long-term dynamics of the target system with far higher accuracy than non-energy conserving models. Stabilized NDEs also remain numerically stable for significantly longer than unstabilized models. As well as providing a new and lightweight method for combining physical invariants with NDEs, our results highlight the relevance of enforcing conservation laws for the long-term numerical stability and physical accuracy of hybrid models.

How to cite: White, A. and Boers, N.: Stabilized Neural Differential Equations for Hybrid Modeling with Conservation Laws, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9285,, 2023.

EGU23-10135 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Exploring physics-informed machine learning for accelerated simulation of permafrost processes 

Brian Groenke, Moritz Langer, Guillermo Gallego, and Julia Boike

Permafrost, i.e. ground material that remains perennially frozen, plays a key role in Arctic ecosystems. Monitoring the response of permafrost to rapid climate change remains difficult due to the sparse availability of long-term, high quality measurements of the subsurface. Numerical models are therefore an indispensable tool for understanding the evolution of Arctic permafrost. However, large scale simulation of the hydrothermal processes affecting permafrost is challenging due to the highly nonlinear effects of phase change in porous media. The resulting computational cost of such simulations is especially prohibitive for sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation tasks where a large number of simulations may be necessary for robust inference of quantities such as temperature, water fluxes, and soil properties. In this work, we explore the applicability of recently developed physics-informed machine learning (PIML) methods for accelerating numerical models of permafrost hydrothermal dynamics. We present a preliminary assessment of two possible applications of PIML in this context: (1) linearization of the nonlinear PDE system according to Koopman operator theory in order to reduce the computational burden of large scale simulations, and (2) efficient parameterization of the surface energy balance and snow dynamics on the subsurface hydrothermal regime. By combining the predictive power of machine learning with the underlying conservation laws, PIML can potentially enable researchers and practitioners interested in permafrost to explore complex process interactions at larger spatiotemporal scales.

How to cite: Groenke, B., Langer, M., Gallego, G., and Boike, J.: Exploring physics-informed machine learning for accelerated simulation of permafrost processes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10135,, 2023.

EGU23-10256 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Foehn Wind Analysis using Unsupervised Deep Anomaly Detection 

Tobias Milz, Marte Hofsteenge, Marwan Katurji, and Varvara Vetrova

Foehn winds are accelerated, warm and dry winds that can have significant environmental impacts as they descend into the lee of a mountain range. For example, in the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica, foehn events can cause ice and glacial melt and destabilise ice shelves, which if lost, resulting in a rise in sea level. Consequently, there is a strong interest in a deeper understanding of foehn winds and their meteorological signatures. Most current automatic detection methods rely on rule-based methodologies that require static thresholds of meteorological parameters. However, the patterns of foehn winds are hard to define and differ between alpine valleys around the world. Consequently, data-driven solutions might help create more accurate detection and prediction methodologies. 

State-of-the-art machine learning approaches to this problem have shown promising results but follow a supervised learning paradigm. As such, these approaches require accurate labels, which for the most part, are being created by imprecise static rule-based algorithms. Consequently, the resulting machine-learning models are trained to recognise the same static definitions of the foehn wind signatures. 

In this paper, we introduce and compare the first unsupervised machine-learning approaches for detecting foehn wind events. We focus on data from the Mc Murdo Dry Valleys as an example, however, due to the unsupervised nature of these approaches, our solutions can recognise a more dynamic definition of foehn wind events and are therefore, independent of the location. The first approach is based on multivariate time-series clustering, while the second utilises a deep autoencoder-based anomaly detection method to identify foehn wind events. Our best model achieves an f1-score of 88%, matching or surpassing previous machine-learning methods while providing a more flexible and inclusive definition of foehn events. 

How to cite: Milz, T., Hofsteenge, M., Katurji, M., and Vetrova, V.: Foehn Wind Analysis using Unsupervised Deep Anomaly Detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10256,, 2023.

EGU23-10351 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Deep learning of systematic sea ice model errors from data assimilation increments 

William Gregory, Mitchell Bushuk, Alistair Adcroft, and Yongfei Zhang

Data assimilation is often viewed as a framework for correcting short-term error growth in dynamical climate model forecasts. When viewed on the time scales of climate however, these short-term corrections, or analysis increments, closely mirror the systematic bias patterns of the dynamical model. In this work, we show that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be used to learn a mapping from model state variables to analysis increments, thus promoting the feasibility of a data-driven model parameterization which predicts state-dependent model errors. We showcase this problem using an ice-ocean data assimilation system within the fully coupled Seamless system for Prediction and EArth system Research (SPEAR) model at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), which assimilates satellite observations of sea ice concentration. The CNN then takes inputs of data assimilation forecast states and tendencies, and makes predictions of the corresponding sea ice concentration increments. Specifically, the inputs are sea ice concentration, sea-surface temperature, ice velocities, ice thickness, net shortwave radiation, ice-surface skin temperature, and sea-surface salinity. We show that the CNN is able to make skilful predictions of the increments, particularly between December and February in both the Arctic and Antarctic, with average daily spatial pattern correlations of 0.72 and 0.79, respectively. Initial investigation of implementation of the CNN into the fully coupled SPEAR model shows that the CNN can reduce biases in retrospective seasonal sea ice forecasts by emulating a data assimilation system, further suggesting that systematic sea ice biases could be reduced in a free-running climate simulation.

How to cite: Gregory, W., Bushuk, M., Adcroft, A., and Zhang, Y.: Deep learning of systematic sea ice model errors from data assimilation increments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10351,, 2023.

Current numerical weather prediction models contain significant systematic errors, due in part to indeterminate ground forcing (GF). This study considers an optimal virtual GF (GFo) derived by training observed and simulated datasets of 10-m wind speeds (WS10) for summer and winter. The GFo is added to an offline surface multilayer model (SMM) to revise predictions of WS10 in China by the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF). This revision is a data-based optimization under physical constraints. It reduces WS10 errors and offers wide applicability. The resulting model outperforms two purely physical forecasts (the original WRF forecast and the SMM with physical GF parameterized using urban, vegetation, and subgrid topography) and two purely data-based revisions (i.e., multilinear regression and multilayer perceptron). Compared with original WRF forecasting, using the GFo scheme reduces the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) in WS10 across China by 25% in summer and 32% in winter. The frontal area index of GFo indicates that it includes both the effects of indeterminate GF and other possible complex physical processes associated with WS10.

How to cite: Feng, J.: Mitigate forecast error in surface wind speed using an offline single-column model with optimal ground forcing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10394,, 2023.

EGU23-10726 | Posters virtual | ITS1.13/AS5.2

A hybrid VMD-WT-InceptionTime model for multi-horizon short-term air temperature forecasting in Alaska 

Jaakko Putkonen, M. Aymane Ahajjam, Timothy Pasch, and Robert Chance

The lack of ground level observation stations outside of settlements makes monitoring and forecasting local weather and permafrost challenging in the Arctic. Such predictive pieces of information are essential to help prepare for potentially hazardous weather conditions, especially during winter. In this study, we aim at enhancing predictive analytics in Alaska of permafrost and temperature by using a hybrid forecasting technique. In particular, we propose VMD-WT-InceptionTime model for short-term air temperature forecasting.

This proposed technique incorporates data preprocessing techniques and deep learning to enhance the accuracy of the next seven days air temperature forecasts. Initially, the Spearman correlation coefficient is utilized to examine the relationship between different inputs and the forecast target temperature. Following this, Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) is used to decompose the most output-correlated input variables (i.e., temperature and relative humidity) to extract intrinsic and non-stationary time-frequency features from the original sequences. The Wavelet Transform (WT) is then employed to further extract intrinsic multi-resolution patterns from these decomposed input variables. Finally, a deep InceptionTime model is used for multi-step air temperature forecasting using these processed sequences. This forecasting technique was developed using an open dataset holding 20+ years of data from three locations in Alaska: North Slope, Alaska, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, and Diomede Island region, Bering Strait. Model performance has been rigorously evaluated of metrics including RMSE, MAPE and error.

Results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid model in providing more accurate short-term forecasts than several baselines (GBDT, SVR, ExtraTrees, RF, ARIMA, LSTM, GRU, and Transformer). More specifically, this technique reported RMSE and MAPE average increase rates amounting to 11.21% and 16.13% in North Slope, 30.01% and 34.97% in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and 16.39%, 23.46% in Diomede Island region. In addition, the proposed technique produces forecasts over all seven horizons with a maximum error of <1.5K, a minimum error of >-1.2K, and an average error lower than 0.18K for North Slope. For Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a maximum error of <1K, a minimum error of >-0.9K, and an average of < 0.1K. While a maximum error of <0.9K, a minimum error of >-0.8K, and an average of <0.13K, for Diomede Island region. However, the worst performances achieved were errors of around 6K in the third horizon (i.e., 3rd day) for North Slope and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the last horizon (i.e., 7th day) for the Diomede Islands region. Most of the worst performances of the proposed technique in all three locations can be attributed to having to produce forecasts of higher variations and wider temperature ranges than their averages.

Overall, this research highlights the potential of the decomposition techniques and deep learning to: 1) reveal and effectively learn the underlying cyclicity of air temperatures at varying resolutions that allows for accurate predictions without any knowledge of the governing physics, 2) produce accurate multi-step temperature forecasts in Arctic climates.

How to cite: Putkonen, J., Ahajjam, M. A., Pasch, T., and Chance, R.: A hybrid VMD-WT-InceptionTime model for multi-horizon short-term air temperature forecasting in Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10726,, 2023.

EGU23-10810 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Oceanfourcast: Emulating Ocean Models with Transformers for Adjoint-based Data Assimilation 

Suyash Bire, Björn Lütjens, Dava Newman, and Chris Hill

Adjoints have become a staple of the oceanic and atmospheric numerical modeling community over the past couple of decades as they are useful for tuning of dynamical models, sensitivity analyses, and data assimilation. One such application is generation of reanalysis datasets, which provide an optimal record of our past weather, climate, and ocean. For example, the state-of-the-art ocean-ice renanalysis dataset, ECCO, is created by optimally combining a numerical ocean model with heterogeneous observations through a technique called data assimilation. Data assimilation in ECCO minimizes the distance between model and observations by calculating adjoints, i.e., gradients of the loss w.r.t. simulation forcing fields (wind and surface heat fluxes). The forcing fields are iteratively updated and the model is rerun until the loss is minimized to ensure that the numerical model does not drastically deviate from the observations. Calculating adjoints, however, either requires  disproportionately high computational resources  or rewriting the dynamical model code to be autodifferentiable. 

Therefore, we ask if deep learning-based emulators can provide fast and accurate adjoints. Ocean data is smooth, high-dimensional, and has complex spatiotemporal correlations. Therefore, as an initial foray into ocean emulators, we leverage a combination of neural operators and transformers. Specifically, we have adapted the FourCastNet architecture, which has successfully emulated ERA5 weather data in seconds rather than hours, to emulate an idealized ocean simulation.

We generated a ground-truth dataset by simulating a double-gyre, an idealized representation of the North Atlantic Ocean, using MITgcm, a state-of-the-art dynamical model. The model was forced by zonal wind at the surface and relaxation to a meridional profile of temperature — warm/cold temperatures at low/high latitudes. This simulation produced turbulent western boundary currents embedded in the large-scale gyre circulation. We performed 4 additional simulations by modifying the magnitude of SST relaxation and wind forcing to introduce diversity in the dataset. From these simulations, we used 4 state variables (meridional and zonal surface velocities, pressure, and temperature) as well as the forcing fields (zonal wind velocity and relaxation SST profile) sampled in 10-day steps. The dataset was split into training, validation, and test datasets such that validation and test datasets were unseen during training. These datasets provide an ideal testbed for evaluating and comparing the performance of data-driven ocean emulators.

We used this data to train and evaluate Oceanfourcast. Our initial results in the following figure show that our model, Oceanfourcast, can successfully predict the streamfunction and pressure for a lead time of 1 month. 

We are currently working on generating adjoints from Oceanfourcast.  We expect the adjoint calculation to require significantly less compute time than that from a full-scale dynamical model like MITgcm.  Our work shows a promising path towards deep-learning augmented data assimilation and uncertainty quantification.

How to cite: Bire, S., Lütjens, B., Newman, D., and Hill, C.: Oceanfourcast: Emulating Ocean Models with Transformers for Adjoint-based Data Assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10810,, 2023.

EGU23-10904 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

On the choice of turbulence eddy fluxes to learn from in data-driven methods 

Feier Yan, Julian Mak, and Yan Wang

Recent works have demonstrated the viability of employing data-driven / machine learning 
methods for the purposes of learning more about ocean turbulence, with applications to turbulence parameterisations in ocean general circulation models. Focusing on mesoscale geostrophic turbulence in the ocean context, works thus far have mostly focused on the choice of algorithms and testing of trained up models. Here we focus instead on the choice of eddy flux data to learn from. We argue that, for mesoscale geostrophic turbulence, it might be beneficial from a theoretical as well as practical point of view to learn from eddy fluxes with dynamically inert rotational fluxes removed (ideally in a gauge invariant fashion), instead of the divergence of the eddy fluxes as has been considered thus far. Outlooks for physically constrained and interpretable machine learning will be given in light of the results. 

How to cite: Yan, F., Mak, J., and Wang, Y.: On the choice of turbulence eddy fluxes to learn from in data-driven methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10904,, 2023.

EGU23-10959 | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Deep learning parameterization of small-scale vertical velocity variability for atmospheric models 

Donifan Barahona, Katherine Breen, and Heike Kalesse-Los

Small-scale fluctuations in vertical wind velocity, unresolved by climate and weather forecast models play a particularly important role in determining vapor and tracer fluxes, turbulence and cloud formation. Fluctuations in vertical wind velocity are challenging to represent since they depend on orography, large scale circulation features, convection and wind shear. Parameterizations developed using data retrieved at specific locations typically lack generalization and may introduce error when applied on a wide range of different conditions. Retrievals of vertical wind velocity are also difficult and subject to large uncertainty. This work develops a new data-driven, neural network representation of subgrid scale variability in vertical wind velocity. Using a novel deep learning technique, the new parameterization merges data from high-resolution global cloud resolving model simulations with high frequency Radar and Lidar retrievals.  Our method aims to reproduce observed statistics rather than fitting individual measurements. Hence it is resilient to experimental uncertainty and robust to generalization. The neural network parameterization can be driven by weather forecast and reanalysis products to make real time estimations. It is shown that the new parameterization generalizes well outside of the training data and reproduces much better the statistics of vertical wind velocity than purely data-driven models.

How to cite: Barahona, D., Breen, K., and Kalesse-Los, H.: Deep learning parameterization of small-scale vertical velocity variability for atmospheric models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10959,, 2023.

EGU23-11293 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

National scale agricultural development dynamics under socio-political drivers in Saudi Arabia since 1990 

Ting Li, Oliver López Valencia, Kasper Johansen, and Matthew McCabe

Driven in large part by policy initiatives designed to increase food security and realized via the construction of thousands of center-pivot irrigation fields since the 1970s, agriculture development in Saudi Arabia has undergone tremendous changes. However, little is known about the accurate number, acreage, and the changing dynamics of the fields. To bridge the knowledge gap between the political drivers and in-field response, we leveraged a hybrid machine learning framework by implementing Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Spectral Clustering in a stepwise manner to delineate the center-pivot fields on a national scale in Saudi Arabia using historical Landsat imagery since 1990. The framework achieved producer's and user's accuracies larger than  83.7% and 90.2%, respectively, when assessed against 28,000 manually delineated fields collected from different regions and periods. We explored multi-decadal dynamics of the agricultural development in Saudi Arabia by quantifying the number, acreage, and size distribution of center-pivot fields, along with the first and last detection year of the fields since 1990. The agricultural development in Saudi Arabia experienced four stages, including an initialization stage before 1990, a contraction stage from 1990 to 2010, an expansion stage from 2010 to 2016, and an ongoing contraction stage since 2016. Most of the fields predated 1990, representing over 8,800 km2 in that year, as a result of the policy initiatives to stimulate wheat production, promoting Saudi Arabia as the sixth largest exporter of wheat in the 1980s. A decreasing trend was observed from 1990 to 2010, with an average of 8,011 km2 of fields detected during those two decades, which was a response to the policy initiative implemented to phase-out wheat after 1990. As a consequence of planting fodder crops to promote the dairy industry, the number and extent of fields increased rapidly from 2010 to 2015 and reached its peak in 2016, with 33,961 fields representing 9,400 km2. Agricultural extent has seen a continuous decline since 2016 to a level lower than 1990 values in 2020. This decline has been related to sustainable policy initiatives implemented for the Saudi Vision 2030. There is some evidence of an uptick in 2021 — also observed in an ongoing analysis for 2022 — which might be in response to global influences, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the more recent conflict in the Ukraine, which has disrupted the international supply of agricultural products. The results provide a historical account of agricultural activity throughout the Kingdom and provide a basis for informed decision-making on sustainable irrigation and agricultural practices, helping to better protect and manage the nation's threatened groundwater resources, and providing insights into the resilience and elasticity of the Saudi Arabian food system to global perturbations.

How to cite: Li, T., López Valencia, O., Johansen, K., and McCabe, M.: National scale agricultural development dynamics under socio-political drivers in Saudi Arabia since 1990, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11293,, 2023.

EGU23-11687 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Objectively Determining the Number of Similar Hydrographic Clusters with Unsupervised Machine Learning 

Carola Trahms, Yannick Wölker, and Arne Biastoch

Determining the number of existing water masses and defining their boundaries is subject to ongoing discussion in physical oceanography. Traditionally, water masses are defined manually by experts setting constraints based on experience and previous knowledge about the hydrographic properties describing them. In recent years, clustering, an unsupervised machine learning approach, has been introduced as a tool to determine clusters, i.e., volumes, with similar hydrographic properties without explicitly defining their hydrographic constraints. However, the exact number of clusters to be looked for is set manually by an expert up until now. 

We propose a method that determines a fitting number of clusters for hydrographic clusters in a data driven way. In a first step, the method averages the data in different-sized slices along the time or depth axis as the structure of the hydrographic space changes strongly either in time or depth. Then the method applies clustering algorithms on the averaged data and calculates off-the-shelf evaluation scores (Davies-Bouldin, Calinski-Harabasz, Silhouette Coefficient) for several predefined numbers of clusters. In the last step, the optimal number of clusters is determined by analyzing the cluster evaluation scores across different numbers of clusters for optima or relevant changes in trend. 

For validation we applied this method to the output for the subpolar North Atlantic between 1993 and 1997 of the high-resolution Atlantic Ocean model VIKING20X, in direct exchange with domain experts to discuss the resulting clusters. Due to the change from strong to weak deep convection in these years, the hydrographic properties vary strongly in the time and depth dimension, providing a specific challenge to our methodology. 

Our findings suggest that it is possible to identify an optimal number of clusters using the off-the-shelf cluster evaluation scores that catch the underlying structure of the hydrographic space. The optimal number of clusters identified by our data-driven method agrees with the optimal number of clusters found by expert interviews. These findings contribute to aiding and objectifying water mass definitions across multiple expert decisions, and demonstrate the benefit of introducing data science methods to analyses in physical oceanography.

How to cite: Trahms, C., Wölker, Y., and Biastoch, A.: Objectively Determining the Number of Similar Hydrographic Clusters with Unsupervised Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11687,, 2023.

EGU23-11906 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Untapping the potential of geostationary EO data to understand drought impacts with XAI 

Basil Kraft, Gregory Duveiller, Markus Reichstein, and Martin Jung

Ecosystems are affected by extreme climate conditions such as droughts worldwide but we still lack understanding of the involved dynamics. Which factors render an ecosystem more resilient, and on which temporal scales do weather patterns affect vegetation state and physiology? Traditional approaches to tackle such questions involve assumption-based land surface modeling or inversions. Machine learning (ML) methods can provide a complementary perspective on how ecosystems respond to climate in a more data-driven and assumption-free manner. However, ML depends heavily on data, and commonly used observations of vegetation at best contain one observation per day, but most products are provided at 16-daily to monthly temporal resolution. This masks important processes at sub-monthly time scales. In addition, ML models are inherently difficult to interpret, which still limits their applicability for process understanding.

In the present study, we combine modern deep learning models in the time domain with observations from the geostationary Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite, centered over Africa. We model fractional vegetation cover (representing vegetation state) and land surface temperature (as a proxy for water stress) from MSG as a function of meteorology and static geofactors. MSG collects observations at sub-daily frequency, rendering it into an excellent tool to study short- to mid-term land surface processes. Furthermore, we use methods from explainable ML for post-hoc model interpretation to identify meteorological drivers of vegetation dynamics and their interaction with key geofactors.

From the analysis, we expect to gather novel insights into ecosystem response to droughts with high temporal fidelity. Drought response of vegetation can be highly diverse and complex especially in arid to semi-arid regions prevalent in Africa. Also, we assess the potential of explainable machine learning to discover new linkages and knowledge and discuss potential pitfalls of the approach. Explainable machine learning, combined with potent deep learning approaches and modern Earth observation products offers the opportunity to complement assumption-based modeling to predict and understand ecosystem response to extreme climate.

How to cite: Kraft, B., Duveiller, G., Reichstein, M., and Jung, M.: Untapping the potential of geostationary EO data to understand drought impacts with XAI, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11906,, 2023.

EGU23-11958 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Modelling Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture in Space, Depth, and Time with Machine Learning Techniques 

Maiken Baumberger, Linda Adorf, Bettina Haas, Nele Meyer, and Hanna Meyer

Soil temperature and soil moisture variations have large effects on ecological processes in the soil. To investigate and understand these processes, high-resolution data of soil temperature and soil moisture are required. Here, we present an approach to generate data of soil temperature and soil moisture continuously in space, depth, and time for a 400 km² study area in the Fichtel Mountains (Germany). As reference data, measurements with 1 m long soil probes were taken. To cover many different locations, the available 15 soil probes were shifted regularly in the course of one year. With this approach, around 250 different locations in forest sites, on meadows and on agricultural fields were captured under a variety of meteorological conditions. These measurements are combined with readily available meteorological data, satellite data and soil maps in a machine learning approach to learn the complex relations between these variables. We aim for a model which can predict the soil temperature and soil moisture continuously for our study area in the Fichtel Mountains, with a spatial resolution of 10 m x 10 m, down to 1 m depth with segments of 10 cm each and in an hourly resolution in time. Here, we present the results of our pilot study where we focus on the temperature and moisture change within the depth down to 1 m at one single location. To take temporal lags into account, we construct a Long Short-Term Memory network based on meteorological data as predictors to make temperature and moisture predictions in time and depth. The results indicate a high ability of the model to reproduce the time series of the single location and highlight the potential of the approach for the space-time-depth mapping of soil temperature and soil moisture.

How to cite: Baumberger, M., Adorf, L., Haas, B., Meyer, N., and Meyer, H.: Modelling Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture in Space, Depth, and Time with Machine Learning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11958,, 2023.

EGU23-12218 | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Bias correction of aircraft temperature observations in the Korean Integrated Model based on a deep learning approach 

Hui-nae Kwon, Hyeon-ju Jeon, Jeon-ho Kang, In-hyuk Kwon, and Seon Ki Park

The aircraft-based observation is one of the important anchor data used in the numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Nevertheless, the bias has been noted in the temperature observation through several previous studies. As the performance on the hybrid four-dimensional ensemble variational (hybrid-4DEnVar) data assimilation (DA) system of the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) ⸺ the operational model in the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) ⸺ has been advanced, the need for the aircraft temperature bias correction (BC) has been confirmed. Accordingly, as a preliminary study on the BC, the static BC method based on the linear regression was applied to the KIM Package for Observation Processing (KPOP) system. However, the results showed there were limitations of a spatial discontinuity and a dependency on the calculation period of BC coefficients.

In this study, we tried to develop the machine learning-based bias estimation model to overcome these limitations. The MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP) based learning was performed to consider the vertical, spatial and temporal characteristics of each observation by flight IDs and phases, and at the same time to consider the correlation among observation variables. As a result of removing the predicted bias from the bias estimation model, the mean of the background innovation (O-B) decreases from 0.2217 K to 0.0136 K in a given test period. Afterwards, in order to verify the analysis field impact for BC, the bias estimation model will be grafted onto the KPOP system and then several DA cycle experiments will be conducted in the KIM.

How to cite: Kwon, H., Jeon, H., Kang, J., Kwon, I., and Park, S. K.: Bias correction of aircraft temperature observations in the Korean Integrated Model based on a deep learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12218,, 2023.

EGU23-12355 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Comparison of NWP Models Used in Training Surrogate Wave Models 

Ajit Pillai, Ian Ashton, Jiaxin Chen, and Edward Steele

Machine learning is increasingly being applied to ocean wave modelling. Surrogate modelling has the potential to reduce or bypass the large computational requirements, creating a low computational-cost model that offers a high level of accuracy. One approach integrates in-situ measurements and historical model runs to achieve the spatial coverage of the model and the accuracy of the in-situ measurements. Once operational, such a system requires very little computational power, meaning that it could be deployed to a mobile phone, operational vessel, or autonomous vessel to give continuous data. As such, it makes a significant change to the availability of met-ocean data with potential to revolutionise data provision and use in marine and coastal settings.

This presentation explores the impact that an underlying physics-based model can have in such a machine learning driven framework; comparing training the system on a bespoke regional SWAN wave model developed for wave energy developments in the South West of the UK against training using the larger North-West European Shelf long term hindcast wave model run by the UK Met Office. The presentation discusses the differences in the underlying NWP models, and the impacts that these have on the surrogate wave models’ accuracy in both nowcasting and forecasting wave conditions at areas of interest for renewable energy developments. The results identify the importance in having a high quality, validated, NWP model for training such a system and the way in which the machine learning methods can propagate and exaggerate the underlying model uncertainties.

How to cite: Pillai, A., Ashton, I., Chen, J., and Steele, E.: Comparison of NWP Models Used in Training Surrogate Wave Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12355,, 2023.

EGU23-12403 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

PseudoSpectralNet: A hybrid neural differential equation for atmosphere models 

Maximilian Gelbrecht and Niklas Boers

When predicting complex systems such as parts of the Earth system, one typically relies on differential equations which often can be incomplete, missing unknown influences or include errors through their discretization. To remedy those effects, we present PseudoSpectralNet (PSN): a hybrid model that incorporates both a knowledge-based part of an atmosphere model and a data-driven part, an artificial neural network (ANN). PSN is a neural differential equation (NDE): it defines the right-hand side of a differential equation, combining a physical model with ANNs and is able to train its parameters inside this NDE. Similar to the approach of many atmosphere models, part of the model is computed in the spherical harmonics domain, and other parts in the grid domain. The model consists of ANN layers in each domain, information about derivatives, and parameters such as the orography. We demonstrate the capabilities of PSN on the well-studied Marshall Molteni Quasigeostrophic Model.

How to cite: Gelbrecht, M. and Boers, N.: PseudoSpectralNet: A hybrid neural differential equation for atmosphere models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12403,, 2023.

EGU23-12458 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Training Deep Data Assimilation Networks on Sparse and Noisy Observations 

Vadim Zinchenko and David Greenberg

Data Assimilation (DA) is a challenging and expensive computational problem targetting hidden variables in high-dimensional spaces. 4DVar methods are widely used in weather forecasting to fit simulations to sparse observations by optimization over numerical model input. The complexity of this inverse problem and the sequential nature of common 4DVar approaches lead to long computation times with limited opportunity for parallelization. Here we propose using machine learning (ML) algorithms to replace the entire 4DVar optimization problem with a single forward pass through a neural network that maps from noisy and incomplete observations at multiple time points to a complete system state estimate at a single time point. We train the neural network using a loss function derived from the weak-constraint 4DVar objective, including terms incorporating errors in both model and data. In contrast to standard 4DVar approaches, our method amortizes the computational investment of training to avoid solving optimization problems for each assimilation window, and its non-sequential nature allows for easy parallelization along the time axis for both training and inference. In contrast to most previous ML-based data assimilation methods, our approach does not require access to complete, noise-free simulations for supervised learning or gradient-free approximations such as Ensemble Kalman filtering. To demonstrate the potential of our approach, we show a proof-of-concept on the chaotic Lorenz'96 system, using a novel "1.5D Unet" architecture combining 1D and 2D convolutions.

How to cite: Zinchenko, V. and Greenberg, D.: Training Deep Data Assimilation Networks on Sparse and Noisy Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12458,, 2023.

EGU23-12566 | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Comparison of PM2.5 concentrations prediction model performance using Artificial Intelligence 

Kyung-Hui Wang, Chae-Yeon Lee, Ju-Yong Lee, Min-Woo Jung, Dong-Geon Kim, Seung-Hee Han, Dae-Ryun Choi, and Hui-young Yun

Since PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 µm) directly threatens public health, in order to take appropriate measures(prevention) in advance, the Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE) has been implementing PM10 forecast nationwide since February 2014. PM2.5 forecasts have been implemented nationwide since January 2015. The currently implemented PM forecast by the MOE subdivides the country into 19 regions, and forecasts the level of PM in 4 stages of “Good”, “Moderate”, “Unhealthy”, and “Very unhealthy”.

Currently PM air quality forecasting system operated by the MOE is based on a numerical forecast model along with a weather and emission model. Numerical forecasting model has fundamental limitations such as the uncertainty of input data such as emissions and meteorological data, and the numerical model itself. Recently, many studies on predicting PM using artificial intelligence such as DNN, RNN, LSTM, and CNN have been conducted to overcome the limitations of numerical models.

In this study, in order to improve the prediction performance of the numerical model, past observational data (air quality and meteorological data) and numerical forecasting model data (chemical transport model) are used as input data. The machine learning model consists of DNN and Seq2Seq, and predicts 3 days (D+0, D+1, D+2) using 6-hour and 1-hour average input data, respectively. The PM2.5 concentrations predicted by the machine learning model and the numerical model were compared with the PM2.5 measurements.

The machine learning models were trained for input data from 2015 to 2020, and their PM forecasting performance was tested for 2021. Compared to the numerical model, the machine learning model tended to increase ACC and be similar or lower to FAR and POD.

Time series trend was showed machine learning PM forecasting trend is more similar to PM measurements compared with numerical model. Especially, machine learning forecasting model can appropriately predict PM low and high concentrations that numerical model is used to overestimate.

Machine learning forecasting model with DNN and Seq2Seq can found improvement of PM forecasting performance compared with numerical forecasting model. However, the machine learning model has limitations that the model can not consider external inflow effects.

In order to overcome the drawback, the models should be updated and added some other machine learning module such as CNN with spatial features of PM concentrations.



This study was supported in part by the ‘Experts Training Graduate Program for Particulate Matter Management’ from the Ministry of Environment, Korea and by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), funded by the Ministry of Environment (ME) of the Republic of Korea (NIER-2022-04-02-068).


How to cite: Wang, K.-H., Lee, C.-Y., Lee, J.-Y., Jung, M.-W., Kim, D.-G., Han, S.-H., Choi, D.-R., and Yun, H.: Comparison of PM2.5 concentrations prediction model performance using Artificial Intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12566,, 2023.

EGU23-13013 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Using cGAN for cloud classification from RGB pictures 

Markus Rosenberger, Manfred Dorninger, and Martin Weißmann

Clouds of all kinds play a large role in many atmospheric processes including, e.g. radiation and moisture transport, and their type allows an insight into the dynamics going on in the atmosphere. Hence, the observation of clouds from Earth's surface has always been important to analyse the current weather and its evolution during the day. However, cloud observations by human observers are labour-intensive and hence also costy. In addition to this, cloud classifications done by human observers are always subjective to some extent. Finding an efficient method for automated observations would solve both problems. Although clouds have already been operationally observed using satellites for decades, observations from the surface shed a light on a different set of characteristics. Moreover, the WMO also defined their cloud classification standards according to visual cloud properties when observations are done at the Earth’s surface. Thus, in this work a utilization of machine learning methods to classify clouds from RGB pictures taken at the surface is proposed. Explicitly, a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN) is trained to discriminate between 30 different categories, 10 for each cloud level - low, medium and high; Besides showing robust results in different image classification problems, an additional advantage of using a GAN instead of a classical convolutional neural network is that its output can also artificially enhance the size of the training data set. This is especially useful if the number of available pictures is unevenly distributed among the different classes. Additional background observations like cloud cover and cloud base height can also be used to further improve the performance of the cGAN. Together with a cloud camera, a properly trained cGAN can observe and classify clouds with a high temporal resolution of the order of seconds, which can be used, e.g. for model verification or to efficiently monitor the current status of the weather as well as its short-time evolution. First results will also be presented.

How to cite: Rosenberger, M., Dorninger, M., and Weißmann, M.: Using cGAN for cloud classification from RGB pictures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13013,, 2023.

EGU23-13143 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Comparison of LSTM, GraphNN, and IrradPhyDNet based Approaches for High-resolution Solar Irradiance Nowcasting 

Petrina Papazek, Irene Schicker, and Pascal Gfähler

With fast parallel computing hardware, particularly GPUs, becoming more accessible in the geosciences the now efficiently running deep learning techniques are ready to handle larger amounts of recorded observation and satellite derived data and are able to learn complex structures across time-series. Thus, a suitable deep learning setup is able to generate highly-resolved weather forecasts in real-time and on demand. Forecasts of irradiance and radiation can be challenging in machine learning as they embrace a high degree of diurnal and seasonal variation.

Continuously extended PV/solar power production grows into one of our most important fossil-fuel free energy sources. Unlike the just recently emerging PV power observations, solar irradiance offers long time-series from automized weather station networks. Being directly linked to PV outputs, forecasting highly resolved solar irradiance from nowcasting to short-range plays a crucial role in decision support and managing PV.

In this study, we investigate the suitability of several deep learning techniques adopted and developed to a set of heterogeneous data sources on selected locations. We compare the forecast results to traditional – however computationally expensive - numerical weather prediction models (NWP) and rapid update cycle models. Relevant input features include 3D-fields from NWP models (e.g.: AROME), satellite data and products (e.g.: CAMS), radiation time series from remote sensing, and observation time time-series (site observations and close sites). The amount of time-series data can be extended by a synthetic data generator, a part of our deep learning framework. Our main models investigated includes a sequence-to-sequence LSTM (long-short-term-memory) model using a climatological background model or NWP for post-processing, a Graph NN model, and an analogs based deep learning method. Furthermore, a novel neural network model based on two other ideas, the IrradianceNet and the PhyDNet, was developed. IrradPhyDNet combines the skills of IrradianceNet and PhyDNet and showed improved performance in comparison to the original models.

Results obtained by the developed methods yield, in general, high forecast-skills. For selected case studies of extreme events (e.g. Saharan dust) all novel methods could outperform the traditional methods.  Different combinations of inputs and processing-steps are part of the analysis.

How to cite: Papazek, P., Schicker, I., and Gfähler, P.: Comparison of LSTM, GraphNN, and IrradPhyDNet based Approaches for High-resolution Solar Irradiance Nowcasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13143,, 2023.

EGU23-13322 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Nodal Ambient Noise Tomography and automatic picking of dispersion curves with convolutional neural network: case study at Vulcano-Lipari, Italy 

Douglas Stumpp, Elliot Amir Jiwani-Brown, Célia Barat, Matteo Lupi, Francisco Muñoz, Thomas Planes, and Geneviève Savard

The ambient noise tomography (ANT) method is widely adopted to reconstruct shear-wave velocity anomalies and to generate high-resolution images of the crust and upper-mantle. A critical step in this process is the extraction of surface-wave dispersion curves from cross-correlation functions of continuous ambient noise recordings, which is traditionally performed manually on the dispersion spectrograms through human-machine interfaces. Picking of dispersion curves is sometimes prone to bias due to human interpretation. Furthermore, it is a laborious and time-consuming task that needs to be resolved in an automatized manner, especially when dealing with dense seismic network of nodal geophones where the large amount of generated data severely hinders manual picking approaches. In the last decade, several studies successfully employed machine learning methods in Earth Sciences and across many seismological applications. Early studies have shown versatile and reliable solutions by treating dispersion curve extraction as a visual recognition problem. 

We review and adapt a specific machine learning approach, deep convolutional neural networks, for use on dispersion spectrograms generated with the usual frequency-time analysis (FTAN) processing on ambient noise cross-correlations. To train and calibrate the algorithm we use several available datasets acquired from previous experiments across different geological settings. The main dataset consists of records acquired with a dense local geophone network (150 short period stations sampling at 250 Hz) deployed for one month in October 2021. The dataset has been acquired during the volcanic unrest of the Vulcano-Lipari complex, Italy. The network also accounts for additional 17 permanent broadband stations (sampling at 100 Hz) maintained by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) in Italy. We evaluate the performance of the dispersion curves extraction algorithm. The automatically-picked dispersion curves will be used to construct a shear-wave velocity model of the Vulcano-Lipari magmatic plumbing system and the surrounding area of the Aeolian archipelago.


How to cite: Stumpp, D., Amir Jiwani-Brown, E., Barat, C., Lupi, M., Muñoz, F., Planes, T., and Savard, G.: Nodal Ambient Noise Tomography and automatic picking of dispersion curves with convolutional neural network: case study at Vulcano-Lipari, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13322,, 2023.

EGU23-13367 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Framework for creating daily semantic segmentation maps of classified eddies using SLA along-track altimetry data 

Eike Bolmer, Adili Abulaitijiang, Luciana Fenoglio-Marc, Jürgen Kusche, and Ribana Roscher

Mesoscale eddies are gyrating currents in the ocean and have horizontal scales from 10 km up to 100 km and above. They transport water mass, heat, and nutrients and therefore are of interest among others to marine biologists, oceanographers, and geodesists. Usually, gridded sea level anomaly maps, processed from several radar altimetry missions, are used to detect eddies. However, operational processors create multi-mission (processing level 4) SLA grid maps with an effective spatiotemporal resolution far lower than their grid spacing and temporal resolution. 

This drawback leads to erroneous eddy detection. We, therefore, investigate if the higher-resolution along-track data could be used instead to solve the problem of classifying the SLA observations into cyclonic, anticyclonic, or no eddies in a more accurate way than using processed SLA grid map products. With our framework, we aim to infer a daily two-dimensional segmentation map of classified eddies. Due to repeat cycles between 10 and 35 days and cross-track spacing of a few 10 km to a few 100 km, ocean eddies are clearly visible in altimeter observations but are typically covered only by a few ground tracks where the spatiotemporal context within the input data is highly variable each day. However conventional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) rely on data without varying gaps or jumps in time and space in order to use the intrinsic spatial or temporal context of the observations. Therefore, this is a challenge that needs to be addressed with a deep neural network that on the one hand utilizes the spatiotemporal context information within the modality of along-track data and on the other hand is able to output a two-dimensional segmentation map from data of varying sparsity. Our approach with our architecture Teddy is to use a transformer module to encode and process the spatiotemporal information along with the ground track's sea level anomaly data that produces a sparse feature map. This will then be fed into a sparsity invariant convolutional neural network in order to infer a two-dimensional segmentation map of classified eddies. Reference data that is used to train Teddy is produced by an open-source geometry-based approach (py-eddy-tracker [1]). 

The focus of this presentation is on how we implemented this approach in order to derive two-dimensional segmentation maps of classified eddies with our deep neural network architecture Teddy from along-track altimetry. We show results and limitations for the classification of eddies using only along-track SLA data from the multi-mission level 3 product of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) within the 2017 - 2019 period for the Gulf Stream region. We find that using our methodology, we can create two-dimensional maps of classified eddies from along-track data without using preprocessed SLA grid maps.

[1] Evan Mason, Ananda Pascual, and James C. McWilliams, “A new sea surface height–based code for oceanic mesoscale eddy tracking,” Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1181–1188, 2014.

How to cite: Bolmer, E., Abulaitijiang, A., Fenoglio-Marc, L., Kusche, J., and Roscher, R.: Framework for creating daily semantic segmentation maps of classified eddies using SLA along-track altimetry data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13367,, 2023.

EGU23-13771 | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Machine Learning Emulation of 3D Shortwave Radiative Transfer for Shallow Cumulus Cloud Fields 

Jui-Yuan Christine Chiu, Chen-Kuang Kevin Yang, Jake J. Gristey, Graham Feingold, and William I. Gustafson

Clouds play an important role in determining the Earth’s radiation budget. Despite their complex and three-dimensional (3D) structures, their interactions with radiation in models are often simplified to one-dimensional (1D), considering the time required to compute radiative transfer. Such a simplification ignores cloud Inhomogeneity and horizontal photon transport in radiative processes, which may be an acceptable approximation for low-resolution models, but can lead to significant errors and impact cloud evolution predictions in high-resolution simulations. Since model developments and operations are heading toward a higher resolution that is more susceptible to radiation errors, a fast and accurate 3D radiative transfer scheme becomes important and necessary. To address the need, we develop a machine-learning-based 3D radiative transfer emulator to provide surface radiation, shortwave fluxes at all layers, and heating rate profiles. The emulators are trained for highly heterogeneous shallow cumulus under different solar positions. We will discuss the performance of the emulators in accuracy and efficiency and discuss their potential applications.

How to cite: Chiu, J.-Y. C., Yang, C.-K. K., Gristey, J. J., Feingold, G., and Gustafson, W. I.: Machine Learning Emulation of 3D Shortwave Radiative Transfer for Shallow Cumulus Cloud Fields, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13771,, 2023.

EGU23-14051 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Multi-modal data assimilation of sea surface currents from AIS data streams and satellite altimetry using 4DVARNet 

Simon Benaïchouche, Clément Le Goff, Brahim Boussidi, François Rousseau, and Ronan Fablet

Over the last decades, space oceanography missions, particularly altimeter missions, have greatly advanced our ability to observe sea surface dynamics. However, they still struggle to resolve spatial scales below ~ 100 km. On a global scale, sea surface current are derived from sea surface height by a geostrophical assumption. While future altimeter missions should improve the observation of sea surface height, the observation of sea surface current using altimetry techniques would remains indirect. In the other hands, recent works have considered the use of AIS (automated identification system) as a new mean to reconstruct sea surface current : AIS data streams provide an indirect observational models of total currents including ageostrophic phenomenas. In this work we consider the use of the supervised learning framework 4DVARNet, a supervised data driven approach that allow us to perform multi-modal experiments : We focus on an Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) in a region of the Gulf-Stream and we show that the joint use of AIS and sea surface height (SSH) measurement could improve the reconstruction of sea surface current with respect to product derived solely from AIS or SSH observations in terms of physical and time scale resolved. 

How to cite: Benaïchouche, S., Le Goff, C., Boussidi, B., Rousseau, F., and Fablet, R.: Multi-modal data assimilation of sea surface currents from AIS data streams and satellite altimetry using 4DVARNet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14051,, 2023.

EGU23-15183 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Deep learning approximations of a CFD model for operational wind and turbulence forecasting 

Margrethe Kvale Loe and John Bjørnar Bremnes

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has for many years applied a CFD model to downscale operational NWP forecasts to 100-200m spatial resolution for wind and turbulence forecasting for about 20 Norwegian airports. Due to high computational costs, however, the CFD model can only be run twice per day, each time producing a 12-hour forecast. An approximate approach requiring far less compute resources using deep learning has therefore been developed. In this, the relation between relevant NWP forecast variables at grids of 2.5 km spatial resolution and wind and turbulence from the CFD model has been approximated using neural networks with basic convolutional and dense layers. The deep learning models have been trained on approximately two year of the data separately for each airport. The results show that the models are to a large extent able to capture the characteristics of their corresponding CDF simulations, and the method is in due time intended to fully replace the current operational solution. 

How to cite: Loe, M. K. and Bremnes, J. B.: Deep learning approximations of a CFD model for operational wind and turbulence forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15183,, 2023.

EGU23-15684 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Semi-supervised feature-based learning for prediction of Mass Accumulation Rate of sediments 

Naveenkumar Parameswaran, Everardo Gonzalez, Ewa Bur­wicz-Ga­ler­ne, David Greenberg, Klaus Wallmann, and Malte Braack

Mass accumulation rates of sediments[g/cm2/yr] or sedimentation rates[cm/yr] on the seafloor are important to understand various benthic properties, like the rate of carbon sequestration in the seafloor and seafloor geomechanical stability. Several machine learning models, such as random forests, and k-Nearest Neighbours have been proposed for the prediction of geospatial data in marine geosciences, but face significant challenges such as the limited amount of labels for training purposes, skewed data distribution, a large number of features etc. Previous model predictions show deviation in the global sediment budget, a parameter used to determine a model's predicitve validity, revealing the lack of accurate representation of sedimentation rate by the state of the art models. 

Here we present a semi-supervised deep learning methodology to improve the prediction of sedimentation rates, making use of around 9x106  unlabelled data points. The semi-supervised neural network implementation has two parts: an unsupervised pretraining using an encoder-decoder network. The encoder with the optimized weights from the unsupervised training is then taken out and fitted with layers that lead to the target dimension. This network is then fine-tuned with 2782 labelled data points, which are observed sedimentation rates from peer-reviewed sources. The fine-tuned model then predicts the rate and quantity of sediment accumulating on the ocean floor, globally.

The developed semi-supervised neural network provide better predictions than supervised models trained only on labelled data. The predictions from the semi-supervised neural network are compared with that of the supervised neural network with and without dimensionality reduction(using Principle Component Analysis).

How to cite: Parameswaran, N., Gonzalez, E., Bur­wicz-Ga­ler­ne, E., Greenberg, D., Wallmann, K., and Braack, M.: Semi-supervised feature-based learning for prediction of Mass Accumulation Rate of sediments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15684,, 2023.

EGU23-15756 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Physiography improvements in numerical weather prediction digital twin engines 

Thomas Rieutord, Geoffrey Bessardon, and Emily Gleeson

The next generation of numerical weather prediction model (so-called digital twin engines) will reach hectometric scale, for which the existing physiography databases are insufficient. Our work leverages machine learning and open-access data to produce a more accurate and higher resolution physiography database. One component to improve is the land cover map. The reference data gathers multiple high-resolution thematic maps thanks to an agreement-based decision tree. The input data are taken from the Sentinel-2 satellite. Then, the land cover map generation is made with image segmentation. This work implements and compares several algorithms of different families to study their suitability to the land cover classification problem. The sensitivity to the data quality will also be studied. Compared to existing work, this work is innovative in the reference map construction (both leveraging existing maps and fit for end-user purpose) and the diversity of algorithms to produce our land cover map comparison.

How to cite: Rieutord, T., Bessardon, G., and Gleeson, E.: Physiography improvements in numerical weather prediction digital twin engines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15756,, 2023.

EGU23-15892 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Towards emulated Lagrangian particle dispersion model footprints for satellite observations 

Elena Fillola, Raul Santos-Rodriguez, and Matt Rigby

Lagrangian particle dispersion models (LPDMs) have been used extensively to calculate source-receptor relationships (“footprints”) for use in greenhouse gas (GHG) flux inversions. However, because a backward-running model simulation is required for each data point, LPDMs do not scale well to very large datasets, which makes them unsuitable for use in GHG inversions using high-resolution satellite instruments such as TROPOMI. In this work, we demonstrate how Machine Learning (ML) can be used to accelerate footprint production, by first presenting a proof-of-concept emulator for ground-based site observations, and then discussing work in progress to create an emulator suitable to satellite observations. In Fillola et al (2023), we presented a ML emulator for NAME, the Met Office’s LPDM, which outputs footprints for a small region around an observation point using purely meteorological variables as inputs. The footprint magnitude at each grid cell in the domain is modelled independently using gradient-boosted regression trees. The model is evaluated for seven sites, producing a footprint in 10ms, compared to around 10 minutes for the 3D simulator, and achieving R2 values between 0.6 and 0.8 for CH4 concentrations simulated at the sites when compared to the timeseries generated by NAME. Following on from this work, we demonstrate how this same emulator can be applied to satellite data to reproduce footprints immediately around any measurement point in the domain, evaluating this application with data for Brazil and North Africa and obtaining R2 values of around 0.5 for simulated CH4 concentrations. Furthermore, we propose new emulator architectures for LPDMs applied to satellite observations. These new architectures should tackle some of the weaknesses in the existing approach, for example, by propagating information more flexibly in space and time, potentially improving accuracy of the derived footprints and extending the prediction capabilities to bigger domains.

How to cite: Fillola, E., Santos-Rodriguez, R., and Rigby, M.: Towards emulated Lagrangian particle dispersion model footprints for satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15892,, 2023.

EGU23-15994 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Uncertainty quantification in variational data assimilation with deep learning 

Nicolas Lafon, Philippe Naveau, and Ronan Fablet

The spatio-temporal reconstruction of a dynamical process from some observationaldata is at the core of a wide range of applications in geosciences. This is particularly true for weather forecasting, operational oceanography and climate studies. However, the re35 construction of a given dynamic and the prediction of future states must take into ac36 count the uncertainties that affect the system. Thus, the available observational measurements are only provided with a limited accuracy. Besides, the encoded physical equa38 tions that model the evolution of the system do not capture the full complexity of the real system. Finally, the numerical approximation generates a non-negligible error. For these reasons, it seems relevant to calculate a probability distribution of the state system rather than the most probable state. Using recent advances in machine learning techniques for inverse problems, we propose an algorithm that jointly learns a parametric distribution of the state, the dynamics governing the evolution of the parameters, and a solver. Experiments conducted on synthetic reference datasets, as well as on datasets describing environmental systems, validate our approach.

How to cite: Lafon, N., Naveau, P., and Fablet, R.: Uncertainty quantification in variational data assimilation with deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15994,, 2023.

EGU23-16287 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2

A machine learning emulator for forest carbon stocks and fluxes 

Carolina Natel de Moura, David Martin Belda, Peter Antoni, and Almut Arneth

Forests are a significant carbon sink of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by humans. Climate change is expected to impact forest systems, and their role in the terrestrial carbon cycle in several ways – for example, the fertilization effect of increased atmospheric CO2, and the lengthening of the growing season in northern temperate and boreal areas may increase forest productivity, while more frequent extreme climate events such as storms and windthrows or drought spells, as well as wildfires might reduce disturbances return period, hence increasing forest land loss and reduction of the carbon stored in the vegetation and soils. In addition, forest management in response to an increased demand for wood products and fuel can affect the carbon storage in ecosystems and wood products. State-of-the-art Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) simulate the forest responses to environmental and human processes, however running these models globally for many climate and management scenarios becomes challenging due to computational restraints. Integration of process-based models and machine learning methods through emulation allows us to speed up computationally expensive simulations. In this work, we explore the use of machine learning to surrogate the LPJ-GUESS DGVM. This emulator is spatially-aware to represent forests across the globe in a flexible spatial resolution, and consider past climate and forest management practices to account for legacy effects. The training data for the emulator is derived from dedicated runs of the DGVM sampled across four dimensions relevant to forest carbon and yield: atmospheric CO2 concentration, air Temperature, Precipitation, and forest Management (CTPM). The emulator can capture relevant forest responses to climate and management in a lightweight form, and will support the development of the coupled socio-economic/ecologic model of the land system, namely LandSyMM ( Other relevant scientific applications include the analysis of optimal forestry protocols under climate change, and the forest potential in climate change mitigation.


How to cite: Natel de Moura, C., Belda, D. M., Antoni, P., and Arneth, A.: A machine learning emulator for forest carbon stocks and fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16287,, 2023.

EGU23-16597 | Posters on site | ITS1.13/AS5.2 | Highlight

Global Decadal Sea Surface Height Forecast with Conformal Prediction 

Nils Lehmann, Jonathan Bamber, and Xiaoxiang Zhu

One of the many ways in which anthropogenic climate change impacts our planet is
rising sea levels. The rate of sea level rise (SLR) across the oceans is,
however, not uniform in space or time and is influenced by a complex interplay
of ocean dynamics, heat uptake, and surface forcing. As a consequence,
short-term (years to a decade) regional SLR patterns are difficult to model
using conventional deterministic approaches. For example, the latest climate
model projections (called CMIP6) show some agreement in the globally integrated
rate of SLR but poor agreement when it comes to spatially-resolved
patterns. However, such forecasts are valuable for adaptation planning in
coastal areas and for protecting low lying assets.
Rather than a deterministic modeling approach, here we explore the possibility
of exploiting the high quality satellite altimeter derived record of sea surface
height variations, which cover the global oceans outside of ice-infested waters
over a period of 30 years. Alongside this rich and unique satellite record,
several data-driven models have shown tremendous potential for various
applications in Earth System science. We explore several data-driven deep
learning approaches for sea surface height forecasts over multi-annual to
decadal time frames. A limitation of some machine learning approaches is the
lack of any kind of uncertainty quantification, which is problematic for
applications where actionable evidence is sought. As a consequence, we equip
our models with a rigorous measure of uncertainty, namely conformal prediction which
is a model and dataset agnostic method that provides calibrated predictive
uncertainty with proven coverage guarantees. Based on a 30-year satellite
altimetry record and auxiliary climate forcing data from reanalysis such as
ERA5, we demonstrate that our methodology is a viable and attractive alternative
for decadal sea surface height forecasts.

How to cite: Lehmann, N., Bamber, J., and Zhu, X.: Global Decadal Sea Surface Height Forecast with Conformal Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16597,, 2023.

EGU23-16936 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.13/AS5.2

Analysis of marine heat waves using machine learning 

Said Ouala, Bertrand Chapron, Fabrice Collard, Lucile Gaultier, and Ronan Fablet

Sea surface temperature (SST) is a critical parameter in the global climate system and plays a vital role in many marine processes, including ocean circulation, evaporation, and the exchange of heat and moisture between the ocean and atmosphere. As such, understanding the variability of SST is important for a range of applications, including weather and climate prediction, ocean circulation modeling, and marine resource management.

The dynamics of SST is the compound of multiple degrees of freedom that interact across a continuum of Spatio-temporal scales. A first-order approximation of such a system was initially introduced by Hasselmann. In his pioneering work, Hasselmann (1976) discussed the interest in using a two-scale stochastic model to represent the interactions between slow and fast variables of the global ocean, climate, and atmosphere system. In this paper, we examine the potential of machine learning techniques to derive relevant dynamical models of Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly (SSTA) data in the Mediterranean Sea. We focus on the seasonal modulation of the SSTA and aim to understand the factors that influence the temporal variability of SSTA extremes. Our analysis shows that the variability of the SSTA can indeed well be decomposed into slow and fast components. The dynamics of the slow variables are associated with the seasonal cycle, while the dynamics of the fast variables are linked to the SSTA response to rapid underlying processes such as the local wind variability. Based on these observations, we approximate the probability density function of the SSTA data using a stochastic differential equation parameterized by a neural network. In this model, the drift function represents the seasonal cycle and the diffusion function represents the envelope of the fast SSTA response.


How to cite: Ouala, S., Chapron, B., Collard, F., Gaultier, L., and Fablet, R.: Analysis of marine heat waves using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16936,, 2023.

Large-scale climate variability is analysed, modelled, and predicted mainly based on general circulation models and low-dimensional association analysis. The models’ equational basis makes it difficult to produce mathematical analysis results and clear interpretations, whereas the association analysis cannot establish causation sufficiently to make invariant predictions. However, the macroscale causal structures of the climate system may accomplish the tasks of analysis, modelling, and prediction according to the concepts of causal emergence and causal prediction’s invariance.

Under the assumptions of no unobserved confounders and linear Gaussian models, we examine whether the macroscale causal structures of the climate system can be inferred not only to model but also to predict the large-scale climate variability. Specifically, first, we obtain the causal structures of the macroscale air-sea interactions of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which are interpretable in terms of physics. The structural causal models constructed accordingly can model the ENSO diversity realistically and predict the ENSO variability. Second, this study identifies the joint effect of ENSO and three other winter climate phenomena on the interannual variability in the East Asian summer monsoon. Using regression, these causal precursors can predict the monsoon one season ahead, outperforming association-based empirical models and several climate models. Third, we introduce a framework that infers ENSO’s air-sea interactions from high-dimensional data sets. The framework is based on aggregating the causal discovery results of bootstrap samples to improve high-dimensional variable selection. It is also based on spatial-dimension reduction to allow of clear interpretations at the macroscale.

While further integration with nonlinear non-Gaussian models will be necessary to establish the full benefits of inferring causal structures as a standard practice in research and operational predictions, our study may offer a route to providing concise explanations of the climate system and reaching accurate invariant predictions.

How to cite: He, S., Yang, S., and Chen, D.: Inferring Causal Structures to Model and Predict ENSO and Its Effect on Asian Summer Monsoon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-102,, 2023.

EGU23-239 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Toward a hybrid tropical cyclone global model 

Roberto Ingrosso and Mathieu Boudreault

The future evolution of tropical cyclones (TCs) in a warming world is an important issue, considering their potential socio-economic impacts on the areas hit by these phenomena. Previous studies provide robust responses about the future increase in intensity and in the global proportion of major TCs (Category 4–5). On the other hand, high uncertainty is associated to a projected future decrease in global TCs frequency and to potential changes in TC tracks and translation speed.

Risk management and regulatory actions require more robust quantification in how the climate change affects TCs dynamics.  A probabilistic hybrid TC model based upon statistical and climate models, physically coherent with TCs dynamics, is being built to investigate the potential impacts of climate change. Here, we provide preliminary results, in terms of present climate reconstruction (1980-2021) and future projections (2022-2060) of cyclogenesis locations and TC tracks, based on different statistical models, such as logistic and multiple linear regressions and random forest.  Physical predictors associated with the TC formation and motion and produced by reanalysis (ERA5) and the Community Earth System Model (CESM) ensemble are considered in this study.


How to cite: Ingrosso, R. and Boudreault, M.: Toward a hybrid tropical cyclone global model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-239,, 2023.

EGU23-492 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Separation of climate models and observations based on daily output using two machine learning classifiers 

Lukas Brunner, Sebastian Sippel, and Aiko Voigt

Climate models are primary tools to investigate processes in the climate system, to project future changes, and to inform decision makers. The latest generation of models provides increasingly complex and realistic representations of the real climate system while there is also growing awareness that not all models produce equally plausible or independent simulations. Therefore, many recent studies have investigated how models differ from observed climate and how model dependence affects model output similarity, typically drawing on climatological averages over several decades.

Here, we show that temperature maps from individual days from climate models from the CMIP6 archive can be robustly identified as “observation” or “model” even after removing the global mean. An important exception is a prototype high-resolution simulation from the ICON model family that can not be so  unambiguously classified into one category. These results highlight that persistent differences between observed and simulated climate emerge at very short time scales already, but very high resolution modelling efforts may be able to overcome some of these shortcomings.

We use two different machine learning classifiers: (1) logistic regression, which allows easy insights into the learned coefficients but has the limitation of being a linear method and (2) a convolutional neural network (CNN) which represents rather the other end of the complexity spectrum, allowing to learn nonlinear spatial relations between features but lacking the easy interpretability logistic regression allows. For CMIP6 both methods perform comparably, while the CNN is also able to recognize about 75% of samples from ICON as coming from a model, while linear regression does not have any skill for this case.

Overall, we demonstrate that the use of machine learning classifiers, once trained, can overcome the need for multiple decades of data to investigate a given model. This opens up novel avenues to test model performance on much shorter times scales.

How to cite: Brunner, L., Sippel, S., and Voigt, A.: Separation of climate models and observations based on daily output using two machine learning classifiers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-492,, 2023.

EGU23-753 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

Finding regions of similar sea level variability with the help of a Gaussian Mixture Model 

Lea Poropat, Céline Heuzé, and Heather Reese

In climate research we often want to focus on a specific region and the most prominent processes affecting it, but how exactly do we select the borders of that region? We also often need to use long-term in situ observations to represent a larger area, but which area exactly are they representative for? In ocean sciences we usually consider basins as separate regions or even simpler, just select a rectangle of the ocean, but that does not always correspond to the real, physically relevant borders. As alternative, we use an unsupervised classification model, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), to separate the northwestern European seas into regions based on the sea level variability observed by altimetry satellites.

After performing a principal component (PC) analysis on the 24 years of monthly sea level data, we use the stacked PC maps as input for the GMM. We used the Bayesian Information Criterion to determine into how many regions our area should be split because GMM requires the number of classes to be selected a priori. Depending on the number of PCs used, the optimal number of classes was between 12 and 18, more PCs typically allowing the separation into more regions. Due to the complexity of the data and the dependence of the results on the starting randomly chosen weights, the classification can differ to a degree with every new run of the model, even if we use the exact same data and parameters. To tackle that, instead of using one model, we use an ensemble of models and then determine which class does each grid point belong to by soft voting, i.e., each of the models provides a probability that the point belongs to a particular class and the class with the maximal sum of probabilities wins. As a result, we obtain both the classification and the likelihood of the model belonging to that class.

Despite not using the coordinates of the data points in the model at all, the obtained classes are clearly location dependent, with grid points belonging to the same class always being close to each other. While many classes are defined by bathymetry changes, e.g., the continental shelf break and slope, sometimes other factors come into play, such as for the split of the Norwegian coast into two classes or for the division in the Barents Sea, which is probably based on the circulation. The North Sea is also split into three distinct regions, possibly based on sea level changes caused by dominant wind patterns.

This method can be applied to almost any atmospheric or oceanic variable and used for larger or smaller areas. It is quick and practical, allowing us to delimit the area based on the information we cannot always clearly see from the data, which can facilitate better selection of the regions that need further research.

How to cite: Poropat, L., Heuzé, C., and Reese, H.: Finding regions of similar sea level variability with the help of a Gaussian Mixture Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-753,, 2023.

EGU23-849 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Drivers of sea level variability using neural networks 

Linn Carlstedt, Lea Poropat, and Céline Heuzé

Understanding the forcing of regional sea level variability is crucial as many people all over the world live along the coasts and are endangered by the sea level rise. The adding of fresh water into the oceans due to melting of the Earth’s land ice together with thermosteric changes has led to a rise of the global mean sea level (GMSL) with an accelerating rate during the twentieth century, and has now reached a mean rate of 3.7 mm per year according to IPCCs latest report. However, this change varies spatially and the dynamics behind what forces sea level variability on a regional to local scale is still less known, thus making it hard for decision makers to mitigate and adapt with appropriate strategies.

Here we present a novel approach using machine learning (ML) to identify the dynamics and determine the most prominent drivers forcing coastal sea level variability. We use a recurrent neural network called Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) with the advantage of learning data in sequences and thus capable of storing some memory from previous timesteps, which is beneficial when dealing with time series. To train the model we use hourly ERA5 10-m wind, mean sea level pressure (MSLP), sea surface temperature (SST), evaporation and  precipitation data between 2009-2017 in the North Sea region. To reduce the dimensionality of the data but still preserve maximal information we conduct principal component analysis (PCA) after removing the climatology which are calculated by hourly means over the years. Depending on the explained variance of the PCs for each driver, 2-4 PCs are chosen and cross-correlated to eliminate collinearity, which could affect the model results. Before being used in the ML model the final preprocessed data are normalized by min-max scaling to optimize the learning. The target data in the model are hourly in-situ sea level observations from West-Terschelling in the Netherlands. Using in-situ observations compared to altimeter data enhances the ability of making good predictions in coastal zones as altimeter data has a tendency to degrade along the coasts. The sea level time series is preprocessed by tidal removal and de-seasoned by subtracting the hourly means. To determine which drivers are most prominent for the sea surface variability in our location, we mute one driver at a time in the training of the network and evaluate the eventual improvement or deterioration of the predictions.

Our results show that the zonal wind is the most prominent forcing of sea level variability in our location, followed by meridional wind and MSLP. While the SST greatly affects the GMSL, SST seems to have little to no effect on local sea level variability compared to other drivers. This approach shows great potential and can easily be applied to any coastal zone and is thus very useful for a broad body of decision makers all over the world. Identifying the cause of local sea level variability will also enable the ability of producing better models for future predictions, which is of great importance and interest.

How to cite: Carlstedt, L., Poropat, L., and Heuzé, C.: Drivers of sea level variability using neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-849,, 2023.

EGU23-984 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Data-driven Attributing of Climate Events with Climate Index Collection based on Model Data (CICMoD) 

Marco Landt-Hayen, Willi Rath, Sebastian Wahl, Nils Niebaum, Martin Claus, and Peer Kröger

Machine learning (ML) and in particular artificial neural networks (ANNs) push state-of-the-art solutions for many hard problems e.g., image classification, speech recognition or time series forecasting. In the domain of climate science, ANNs have good prospects to identify causally linked modes of climate variability as key to understand the climate system and to improve the predictive skills of forecast systems. To attribute climate events in a data-driven way with ANNs, we need sufficient training data, which is often limited for real world measurements. The data science community provides standard data sets for many applications. As a new data set, we introduce a collection of climate indices typically used to describe Earth System dynamics. This collection is consistent and comprehensive as we use control simulations from Earth System Models (ESMs) over 1,000 years to derive climate indices. The data set is provided as an open-source framework that can be extended and customized to individual needs. It allows to develop new ML methodologies and to compare results to existing methods and models as benchmark. Exemplary, we use the data set to predict rainfall in the African Sahel region and El Niño Southern Oscillation with various ML models. We argue that this new data set allows to thoroughly explore techniques from the domain of explainable artificial intelligence to have trustworthy models, that are accepted by domain scientists. Our aim is to build a bridge between the data science community and researchers and practitioners from the domain of climate science to jointly improve our understanding of the climate system.

How to cite: Landt-Hayen, M., Rath, W., Wahl, S., Niebaum, N., Claus, M., and Kröger, P.: Data-driven Attributing of Climate Events with Climate Index Collection based on Model Data (CICMoD), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-984,, 2023.

EGU23-1135 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Curation of High-level Molecular Atmospheric Data for Machine Learning Purposes 

Vitus Besel, Milica Todorović, Theo Kurtén, Patrick Rinke, and Hanna Vehkamäki

As cloud and aerosol interactions remain large uncertainties in current climate models (IPCC) they are of special interest for atmospheric science. It is estimated that more than 70% of all cloud condensation nuclei origin from so-called New Particle Formation, which is the process of gaseous precursors clustering together in the atmosphere and subsequent growth into particles and aerosols. After initial clustering this growth is driven strongly by condensation of low volatile organic compounds (LVOC), that is molecules with saturation vapor pressures (pSat) below 10-6 mbar [1]. These origin from organic molecules emitted by vegetation that are subsequently rapidly oxidized in the air, so-called Biogenic LVOC (BLVOC).

We have created a big data set of BLVOC using high-throughput computing and Density Functional Theory (DFT), and use it to train Machine Learning models to predict pSat of previously unseen BLVOC. Figure 1 illustrates some sample molecules form the data.

Figure 1: Sample molecules, for small, medium large sizes.     Figure 2: Histogram of the calculated saturation vapor pressures.

Initially the chemical mechanism GECKO-A provides possible BLVOC molecules in the form of SMILES strings. In a first step the COSMOconf program finds and optimizes structures of possible conformers and provides their energies for the liquid phase on a DFT level of theory. After an additional calculation of the gas phase energies with Turbomole, COSMOtherm calculates thermodynamical properties, such as the pSat, using the COSMO-RS [1] model. We compressed all these computations together in a highly parallelised high-throughput workflow to calculate 32k BLVOC, that include over 7 Mio. molecular conformers. See a histogram of the calculated pSat in Figure 2.

We use the calculated pSat to train a Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) machine learning model with the Topological Fingerprint as descriptor for molecular structures. The GPR incorporates noise and outputs uncertainties for predictions on the pSat. These uncertainties and data cluster techniques allow for the active choosing of molecules to include in the training data, so-called Active Learning. Further, we explore using SLISEMAP [2] explainable AI methods to correlate Machine Learning predictions, the high-dimensional descriptors and human-readable properties, such as functional groups.

[1] Metzger, A. et al. Evidence for the role of organics in aerosol particle formation under atmospheric conditions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 107, 6646–6651, 10.1073/pnas.0911330107 (2010)
[2] Klamt, A. & Schüürmann, G. Cosmo: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with explicit expressions for the
screening energy and its gradient. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2 799–805, 10.1039/P29930000799 (1993).
[3] Björklund, A., Mäkelä, J. & Puolamäki, K. SLISEMAP: supervised dimensionality reduction through local explanations. Mach Learn (2022).

How to cite: Besel, V., Todorović, M., Kurtén, T., Rinke, P., and Vehkamäki, H.: Curation of High-level Molecular Atmospheric Data for Machine Learning Purposes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1135,, 2023.

EGU23-1244 | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Machine learning for non-orographic gravity waves in a climate model 

Steven Hardiman, Adam Scaife, Annelize van Niekerk, Rachel Prudden, Aled Owen, Samantha Adams, Tom Dunstan, Nick Dunstone, and Melissa Seabrook

There is growing use of machine learning algorithms to replicate sub-grid parametrisation schemes in global climate models.  Parametrisations rely on approximations, thus there is potential for machine learning to aid improvements.  In this study, a neural network is used to mimic the behaviour of the non-orographic gravity wave scheme used in the Met Office climate model, important for stratospheric climate and variability.  The neural network is found to require only two of the six inputs used by the parametrisation scheme, suggesting the potential for greater efficiency in this scheme.  Use of a one-dimensional mechanistic model is advocated, allowing neural network hyperparameters to be trained based on emergent features of the coupled system with minimal computational cost, and providing a test bed prior to coupling to a climate model.  A climate model simulation, using the neural network in place of the existing parametrisation scheme, is found to accurately generate a quasi-biennial oscillation of the tropical stratospheric winds, and correctly simulate the non-orographic gravity wave variability associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation and stratospheric polar vortex variability.  These internal sources of variability are essential for providing seasonal forecast skill, and the gravity wave forcing associated with them is reproduced without explicit training for these patterns.

How to cite: Hardiman, S., Scaife, A., van Niekerk, A., Prudden, R., Owen, A., Adams, S., Dunstan, T., Dunstone, N., and Seabrook, M.: Machine learning for non-orographic gravity waves in a climate model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1244,, 2023.

EGU23-1502 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Adapting Transfer Learning for Multiple Channels in Satellite Data Applications 

Naomi Simumba and Michiaki Tatsubori

Transfer learning is a technique wherein information learned by previously trained models is applied to new learning tasks. Typically, weights learned by a network pretrained on other datasets are copied or transferred to new networks. These new networks, or downstream models, are then are then used for assorted tasks. Foundation models extend this concept by training models on large datasets. Such models gain a contextual understanding which can then be used to improve performance of downstream tasks in different domains. Common examples include GPT-3 in the field on natural language processing and ImageNet trained models in the field of computer vision.

Beyond its high rate of data collection, satellite data also has a wide range of meaningful applications including climate impact modelling and sustainable energy. This makes foundation models trained on satellite data very beneficial as they would reduce the time, data, and computational resources required to obtain useful downstream models for these applications.

However, satellite data models differ from typical computer vision models in a crucial way. Because several types of satellite data exist, each with its own benefits, a typical use case for satellite data involves combining multiple data inputs in configurations that are not readily apparent during pretraining of the foundation model. Essentially, this means that the downstream application may have a different number of input channels from the pretrained model, which raises the question of how to successfully transfer information learned by the pretrained model to the downstream application.

This research proposes and examines several architectures for the downstream model that allow for pretrained weights to be incorporated when a different number of input channels is required. For evaluation, models pretrained with self-supervised learning on precipitation data are applied to a downstream model which conducts temporal interpolation of precipitation data and requires two inputs. The effect of including perceptual loss to enhance model performance is also evaluated. These findings can be used to guide adaptation for applications ranging from flood modeling, land use detection, and more.

How to cite: Simumba, N. and Tatsubori, M.: Adapting Transfer Learning for Multiple Channels in Satellite Data Applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1502,, 2023.

Unprecedented flash floods (FF) in urban regions are increasing due to heavy rainfall intensity and magnitude as a result of human-induced climate and land-use changes. The changes in weather patterns and various anthropogenic activities increase the complexity of modelling the FF at different spatiotemporal scales: which indicates the importance of multi-resolution forcing information. Towards this, developing new methods for processing coarser resolution spatio-temporal datasets are essential for the efficient modelling of FF. While a wide range of methods is available for spatial and temporal downscaling of the climate data, the multi-temporal downscaling strategy has not been investigated for ungauged stations of streamflow. The current study proposed a multi-temporal downscaling (MTD) methodology for gauged and ungauged stations using Adaptive Emulator Modelling concepts for daily to sub-daily streamflows. The proposed MTD framework for ungauged stations comprise a hybrid framework with conceptual and machine learning-based approaches to analyze the catchment behavior and downscale the model outputs from daily to sub-daily scales. The study area, Peachtree Creek watershed (USA), frequently experiences flash floods; hence, selected to validate the proposed framework. Further, the study addresses the critical issues of model development, seasonality, and diurnal variation of MTD data. The study obtained MTD data with minimal uncertainty on capturing the hydrological signatures and nearly 95% of accuracy in predicting the flow attributes over ungauged stations. The proposed framework can be highly useful for short- and long-range planning, management, and mitigation measurements, where the absence of fine resolution data prohibits flash flood modeling.

How to cite: Budamala, V., Wadhwa, A., and Bhowmik, R. D.: Multi-Temporal Downscaling of Streamflow for Ungauged Stations/ Sub-Basins from Daily to Sub-Daily Interval Using Hybrid Framework – A Case Study on Flash Flood Watershed, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1855,, 2023.

EGU23-2289 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Towards understanding the effect of parametric aerosol uncertainty on climate using a chemical transport model perturbed parameter ensemble. 

Meryem Bouchahmoud, Tommi Bergman, and Christina Williamson

Aerosols in the climate system have a direct link to the Earth’s energy balance. Aerosols interact directly with the solar radiation through scattering and absorption; and indirectly by changing cloud properties. The effect aerosols have on climate is one of the major causes of radiative forcing (RF) uncertainty in global climate model simulations. Thus, reducing aerosol RF uncertainty is key to improving climate prediction. The objective of this work is to understand the magnitude and causes of aerosol uncertainty in the chemical transport model TM5.

Perturbed Parameter Ensembles (PPEs) are a set of model runs created by perturbing an ensemble of parameters. Parameters are model inputs, for this study we focus on parameters describing aerosol emissions, properties and processes, such as dry deposition, aging rate, emissions to aerosols microphysics. PPEs vary theses parameters over their uncertainty range all at once to study their combine effect on TM5.

Varying these parameters along with others through their value range, will reflect on TM5 outputs. The TM5 outputs parameters we are using in our sensitivity study are the cloud droplet number concentration and the ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550nm.

Here we discuss the design of the PPE, and one-at-a-time sensitivity studies used in this process. The PPE samples the parameter space to enable us to use emulation. Emulating is a machine learning technique that uses a statistical surrogate model to replace the chemical transport model. The aim is to provide output data with more dense sampling throughout the parameter space. We will be using a Gaussian process emulator, which has been shown to be an efficient technique for quantifying parameter sensitivity in complex global atmospheric models.

We also describe plans to extend this work to emulate an aerosol PPE for EC-Earth. The PPE for EC-Earth will also contain cloud parameters that will vary over their uncertainty range together with the aerosol parameters to examine the influence of aerosol parametric uncertainty on RF.


How to cite: Bouchahmoud, M., Bergman, T., and Williamson, C.: Towards understanding the effect of parametric aerosol uncertainty on climate using a chemical transport model perturbed parameter ensemble., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2289,, 2023.

EGU23-2541 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Machine learning based automated parameter tuning of ICON-A using satellite data 

Pauline Bonnet, Fernando Iglesias-Suarez, Pierre Gentine, Marco Giorgetta, and Veronika Eyring

Global climate models use parameterizations to represent the effect of subgrid scale processes on the resolved state. Parameterizations in the atmosphere component usually include radiation, convection, cloud microphysics, cloud cover, gravity wave drag, vertical turbulence in the boundary layer and other processes. Parameterizations are semi-empirical functions that include a number of tunable parameters. Because these parameters are loosely constraint with experimental data, a range of values are typically explored by evaluating model runs against observations and/or high resolution runs. Fine tuning a climate model is a complex inverse problem due to the number of tunable parameters and observed climate properties to fit. Moreover, parameterizations are sources of uncertainties for climate projections, thus fine tuning is a crucial step in model development.

Traditionally, tuning is a time-consuming task done manually, by iteratively updating the values of the parameters in order to investigate the parameter space with user-experience driven choices. To overcome such limitation and search efficiently through the parameter space one can implement automatic techniques. Typical steps in automatic tuning are: (i) constraining the scope of the study (model, simulation setup, parameters, metrics to fit and corresponding reference values); (ii) conducting a sensitivity analysis to reduce the parameter space and/or building an emulator for the climate model; and (iii) conducting a sophisticated grid search to define the optimum parameter set or its distribution (e.g., rejection sampling and history matching). The ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) model is a modelling framework for numerical weather prediction and climate projections. We implement a ML-based automatic tuning technic to tune a recent version of ICON-A with a spatial resolution typically used for climate projections. We evaluate the tuned ICON-A model against satellite observations using the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool). Although automatic tuning technics allow to reach the optimum parameter values in less steps than with the manual tuning, they still require some experience-driven choices throughout the tuning process. Moreover, the performances of the tuned model is limited by the structural errors of the model, inherent to the mathematical description of the parameterizations included in the model.

How to cite: Bonnet, P., Iglesias-Suarez, F., Gentine, P., Giorgetta, M., and Eyring, V.: Machine learning based automated parameter tuning of ICON-A using satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2541,, 2023.

EGU23-3404 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

Deep learning-based generation of 3D cloud structures from geostationary satellite data 

Sarah Brüning, Stefan Niebler, and Holger Tost

Clouds and their interdependent feedback mechanisms remain a source of insecurity in climate science. This said, overcoming relating obstacles especially in the context of a changing climate emphasizes the need for a reliable database today more than ever. While passive remote sensing sensors provide continuous observations of the cloud top, they lack vital information on subjacent levels. Here, active instruments can deliver valuable insights to fill this gap in knowledge.

This study sets on to combine the benefits of both instrument types. It aims (1) to reconstruct the vertical distribution of volumetric radar data along the cloud column and (2) to interpolate the resultant 3D cloud structure to the satellite’s full disk by applying a contemporary Deep-Learning approach. Input data was derived by an automated spatio-temporally matching between high-resoluted satellite channels and the overflight of the radar. These samples display the physical predictors that were fed into the network to reconstruct the cloud vertical distribution on each of the radar’s height levels along the whole domain. Data from the entire year 2017 was used to integrate seasonal variations into the modeling routine.

The results demonstrate not only the network’s ability to reconstruct the cloud column along the radar track but also to interpolate coherent structures into a large-scale perspective. While the model performs equally well over land and water bodies, its applicable time frame is limited to daytime predictions only. Finally, the generated data can be leveraged to build a comprehensive database of 3D cloud structures that is to be exploited in proceeding applications.

How to cite: Brüning, S., Niebler, S., and Tost, H.: Deep learning-based generation of 3D cloud structures from geostationary satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3404,, 2023.

EGU23-3418 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Building a physics-constrained, fast and stable machine learning-based radiation emulator 

Guillaume Bertoli, Sebastian Schemm, Firat Ozdemir, Fernando Perez Cruz, and Eniko Szekely

Modelling the transfer of radiation through the atmosphere is a key component of weather and climate models. The operational radiation scheme in the Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Weather and Climate Model (ICON) is ecRad. The radiation scheme ecRad is accurate but computationally expensive. It is operationally run in ICON on a grid coarser than the dynamical grid and the time step interval between two calls is significantly larger. This is known to reduce the quality of the climate prediction. A possible approach to accelerate the computation of the radiation fluxes is to use machine learning methods. Machine learning methods can significantly speed up computation of radiation, but they may cause climate drifts if they do not respect essential physical laws. In this work, we study random forest and neural network emulations of ecRad. We study different strategies to compare the stability of the emulations. Concerning the neural network, we compare loss functions with an additional energy penalty term and we observe that modifying the loss function is essential to predict accurately the heating rates. The random forest emulator, which is significantly faster to train than the neural network is used as a reference model that the neural network must outperform. The random forest emulator can become extremely accurate but the memory requirement quickly become prohibitive. Various numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the properties of the machine learning emulators.

How to cite: Bertoli, G., Schemm, S., Ozdemir, F., Perez Cruz, F., and Szekely, E.: Building a physics-constrained, fast and stable machine learning-based radiation emulator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3418,, 2023.

EGU23-3457 | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Evaluating Vegetation Modelling in Earth System Models with Machine Learning Approaches 

Ranjini Swaminathan, Tristan Quaife, and Richard Allan

The presence and amount of vegetation in any given region controls Gross Primary Production (GPP) or  the flux of carbon into the land driven by the process of photosynthesis. Earth System Models (ESMs) give us the ability to simulate GPP through modelling the various interactions between the atmosphere and biosphere including under different climate change scenarios in the future. GPP is the largest flux of the global carbon cycle and plays an important role including in carbon budget calculations.  However, GPP estimates from ESMs not only vary widely but also have much uncertainty in the underpinning attributors for this variability.  

We use data from pre-industrial Control (pi-Control) simulations to avail of the longer time period to sample data from as well as to exclude the influence of anthropogenic forcing in GPP estimation thereby leaving GPP to be largely attributable to two factor - (a) input atmospheric forcings and (b) the processes using those input climate variables to diagnose GPP. 

We explore the processes determining GPP with a physically-guided Machine Learning framework applied to a set of Earth System Models (ESMs) from the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). We use this framework to examine whether differences in GPP across models are caused by differences in atmospheric state or process representations. 

Results from our analysis show that models with similar regional atmospheric forcing do not always have similar GPP distributions. While there are regions where climate models largely agree on what atmospheric variables are most relevant for GPP, there are regions such as the tropics where there is more uncertainty.  Our analysis highlights the potential of ML to identify differences in atmospheric forcing and carbon cycle process modelling across current state-of-the-art ESMs. It also allows us to extend the analysis with observational estimates of forcings as well as GPP for model improvement. 

How to cite: Swaminathan, R., Quaife, T., and Allan, R.: Evaluating Vegetation Modelling in Earth System Models with Machine Learning Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3457,, 2023.

EGU23-3619 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

TCDetect: A new method of Detecting the Presence of Tropical Cyclones using Deep Learning 

Daniel Galea, Julian Kunkel, and Bryan Lawrence

Tropical cyclones are high-impact weather events which have large human and economic effects, so it is important to be able to understand how their location, frequency and structure might change in a future climate.

Here, a lightweight deep learning model is presented which is intended for detecting the presence of tropical cyclones during the execution of numerical simulations for use in an online data reduction method. This will help to avoid saving vast amounts of data for analysis after the simulation is complete. With run-time detection, it might be possible to reduce the need for some of the high-frequency high-resolution output which would otherwise be required.

The model was trained on ERA-Interim reanalysis data from 1979 to 2017 and the training concentrated on delivering the highest possible recall rate (successful detection of cyclones) while rejecting enough data to make a difference in outputs.

When tested using data from the two subsequent years, the recall or probability of detection rate was 92%. The precision rate or success ratio obtained was that of 36%. For the desired data reduction application, if the desired target included all tropical cyclone events, even those which did not obtain hurricane-strength status, the effective precision was 85%.

The recall rate and the Area Under Curve for the Precision/Recall (AUC-PR) compare favourably with other methods of cyclone identification while using the smallest number of parameters for both training and inference. 

Work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-843612

How to cite: Galea, D., Kunkel, J., and Lawrence, B.: TCDetect: A new method of Detecting the Presence of Tropical Cyclones using Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3619,, 2023.

EGU23-3875 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Explainable AI for oceanic carbon cycle analysis of CMIP6 

Paul Heubel, Lydia Keppler, and Tatiana Iliyna

The Southern Ocean acts as one of Earth's major carbon sinks, taking up anthropogenic carbon from the atmosphere. Earth System Models (ESMs) are used to project its future evolution. However, the ESMs in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project version 6 (CMIP6) disagree on the biogeochemical representation of the Southern Ocean carbon cycle, both with respect to the phasing and the magnitude of the seasonal cycle of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and they compare poorly with observations.

We develop a framework to investigate model biases in 10 CMIP6 ESMs historical runs incorporating explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) methodologies. Using both a linear Random Forest feature relevance approach to a nonlinear self organizing map - feed forward neural network (SOM-FFN) framework, we relate 5 drivers of the seasonal cycle of DIC in the Southern Ocean in the different CMIP6 models. We investigate temperature, salinity, silicate, nitrate and dissolved oxygen as potential drivers. This analysis allows us to determine dominant statistical drivers of the seasonal cycle of DIC in the different models, and how they compare to the observations. Our findings inform future model development to better constrain the seasonal cycle of DIC.

How to cite: Heubel, P., Keppler, L., and Iliyna, T.: Explainable AI for oceanic carbon cycle analysis of CMIP6, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3875,, 2023.

EGU23-4044 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

DailyMelt: Diffusion-based Models for Spatiotemporal Downscaling of (Ant-)arctic Surface Meltwater Maps 

Björn Lütjens, Patrick Alexander, Raf Antwerpen, Guido Cervone, Matthew Kearney, Bingkun Luo, Dava Newman, and Marco Tedesco

Motivation. Ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica has increasingly contributed to rising sea levels. Yet, the exact speed of melting, existence of abrupt tipping points, and in-detail links to climate change remain uncertain. Ice shelves essentially prevent the ice sheet from slipping into the ocean and better prediction of collapses is needed. Meltwater at the surface of ice shelves indicates ice shelf collapse through destabilizing ice shelves via fracturing and flexural processes (Banwell et al., 2013) and is likely impacted by a warming climate ( Kingslake et al., 2017). Maps of meltwater have been created from in-situ and remote observations, but their low and irregular spatiotemporal resolution severely limits studies (Kingslake et al., 2019).

Research Gap. In particular, there does not exist daily high-resolution (< 500m) maps of surface meltwater. We propose the first daily high-resolution surface meltwater maps by developing a deep learning-based downscaling method, called DailyMelt, that fuses observations and simulations of varying spatiotemporal resolution, as illustrated in Fig.1. The created maps will improve understanding of the origin, transport, and controlling physical processes of surface meltwater. Moreover, they will act as unified source to improve sea level rise and meltwater predictions in climate models. 

Data. To synthesize surface meltwater maps, we leverage observations from satellites (MODIS, Sen-1 SAR) which are high-resolution (500m, 10m), but have substantial temporal gaps due to repeat time and cloud coverage. We fuse them with simulations (MAR) and passive microwave observations (MEaSURE) that are daily, but low-resolution (6km, 3.125km). In a significant remote sensing effort, we have downloaded, reprojected, and regridded all products into daily observations for our study area over Greenland’s Helheim glacier. 

Approach and expected results. Within deep generative vision models, diffusion-based models promise sharp and probabilistic predictions. We have implemented SRDiff (Li H. et al., 2022) and tested it on spatially downscaling external data. As a baseline model, we have implemented a statistical downscaling model that is a local hybrid physics-linear regression model (Noel et al., 2016). In our planned benchmark, we expect a baseline UNet architecture that minimizes RMSE to create blurry maps and a generative adversarial network that minimizes adversarial loss to create sharp but deterministic maps. We have started with spatial downscaling and will include temporal downscaling. 

In summary, we will create the first daily high-resolution (500m) surface meltwater maps, have introduced the first diffusion-based model for downscaling Earth sciences data, and have created the first benchmark dataset for downscaling surface meltwater maps.



Banwell, A. F., et al. (2013), Breakup of the Larsen B Ice Shelf triggered by chain reaction drainage of supraglacial lakes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40 

Kingslake J, et al. (2017), Widespread movement of meltwater onto and across Antarctic ice shelves, Nature, 544(7650)

Kingslake J., et al. (2019), Antarctic Surface Hydrology and Ice Shelf Stability Workshop report, US Antarctic Program Data Center

Li H., et al. (2022), SRDiff: Single image super-resolution with diffusion probabilistic models, Neurocomputing, 479

Noël, B., et al. (2016), A daily, 1 km resolution data set of downscaled Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance (1958–2015), The Cryosphere, 10

How to cite: Lütjens, B., Alexander, P., Antwerpen, R., Cervone, G., Kearney, M., Luo, B., Newman, D., and Tedesco, M.: DailyMelt: Diffusion-based Models for Spatiotemporal Downscaling of (Ant-)arctic Surface Meltwater Maps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4044,, 2023.

EGU23-4350 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for Downscaling 

Paula Harder, Venkatesh Ramesh, Alex Hernandez-Garcia, Qidong Yang, Prasanna Sattigeri, Daniela Szwarcman, Campbell Watson, and David Rolnick

The availability of reliable, high-resolution climate and weather data is important to inform long-term decisions on climate adaptation and mitigation and to guide rapid responses to extreme events. Forecasting models are limited by computational costs and, therefore, often generate coarse-resolution predictions. Statistical downscaling can provide an efficient method of upsampling low-resolution data. In this field, deep learning has been applied successfully, often using image super-resolution methods from computer vision. However, despite achieving visually compelling results in some cases, such models frequently violate conservation laws when predicting physical variables. In order to conserve physical quantities, we develop methods that guarantee physical constraints are satisfied by a deep learning downscaling model while also improving their performance according to traditional metrics. We compare different constraining approaches and demonstrate their applicability across different neural architectures as well as a variety of climate and weather data sets, including ERA5 and WRF data sets.

How to cite: Harder, P., Ramesh, V., Hernandez-Garcia, A., Yang, Q., Sattigeri, P., Szwarcman, D., Watson, C., and Rolnick, D.: Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for Downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4350,, 2023.

EGU23-5431 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Towards Robust Parameterizations in Ecosystem-level Photosynthesis Models 

Shanning Bao, Nuno Carvalhais, Lazaro Alonso, Siyuan Wang, Johannes Gensheimer, Ranit De, and Jiancheng Shi

Photosynthesis model parameters represent vegetation properties or sensitivities of photosynthesis processes. As one of the model uncertainty sources, parameters affect the accuracy and generalizability of the model. Ideally, parameters of ecosystem-level photosynthesis models, i.e., gross primary productivity (GPP) models, can be measured or inversed from observations at the local scale. To extrapolate parameters to a larger spatial scale, current photosynthesis models typically adopted fixed values or plant-functional-type(PFT)-specific values. However, the fixed and PFT-based parameterization approaches cannot capture sufficiently the spatial variability of parameters and lead to significant estimation errors. Here, we propose a Simultaneous Parameter Inversion and Extrapolation approach (SPIE) to overcome these issues. 

SPIE refers to predicting model parameters using an artificial neural network (NN) constrained by both model loss and ecosystem features including PFT, climate types, bioclimatic variables, vegetation features, atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus deposition and soil properties. Taking a light use efficiency (LUE) model as an example, we evaluated SPIE at 196 FLUXNET eddy covariance flux sites. The LUE model accounts for the effects of air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, soil water availability (SW), light saturation, diffuse radiation fraction and CO2 on GPP using five independent sensitivity functions. The SW was represented using the water availability index and can be optimized based on evapotranspiration. Thus, we optimized the NN by minimizing the model loss which consists of GPP errors, evapotranspiration errors, and constraints on sensitivity functions. Furthermore, we compared SPIE with 11 typical parameter extrapolating approaches, including PFT- and climate-specific parameterizations, global and PFT-based parameter optimization, site-similarity, and regression methods using Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE), determination coefficient (R2) and normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE).

The results in ten-fold cross-validation showed that SPIE had the best performance across various temporal and spatial scales and across assessing metrics. None of the parameter extrapolating approaches reached the same performance as the on-site calibrated parameters (NSE=0.95), but SPIE was the only approach showing positive NSE (=0.68) in cross-validation across sites. Moreover, the site-level NSE, R2, and NRMSE of SPIE all significantly outperformed per biome and per climate type. Ranges of parameters were more constrained by SPIE than site calibrations.

Overall, SPIE is a robust parameter extrapolation approach that overcomes strong limitations observed in many of the standard model parameterization approaches. Our approach suggests that model parameterizations can be determined from observations of vegetation, climate and soil properties, and expands from customary clustering methods (e.g., PFT-specific parameterization). We argue that expanding SPIE to other models overcomes current limits in parameterization and serves as an entry point to investigate the robustness and generalization of different models.

How to cite: Bao, S., Carvalhais, N., Alonso, L., Wang, S., Gensheimer, J., De, R., and Shi, J.: Towards Robust Parameterizations in Ecosystem-level Photosynthesis Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5431,, 2023.

EGU23-5487 * | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

Harvesting historical spy imagery by evaluating deep learning models for state-wide mapping of land cover changes between 1965-1978 

Lucas Kugler, Christopher Marrs, Eric Kosczor, and Matthias Forkel

Remote sensing has played a fundamental role for land cover mapping and change detection at least since the launch of the Landsat satellite program in 1972. In 1995, the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America released previously classified spy imagery taken from 1960 onwards with near-global coverage from the Keyhole programme, which includes the CORONA satellite mission. CORONA imagery is a treasure because it contains information about land cover 10 years before the beginning of the civilian Earth observation and has a high spatial resolution < 2m. However, this imagery is only pan-chromatic and usually not georeferenced, which has so far prevented a large-scale application for land cover mapping or other geophysical and environmental applications.

Here, we aim to harvest the valuable information about past land cover from CORONA imagery for a state-wide mapping of past land cover changes between 1965 and 1978 by training, testing and validating various deep learning models.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to analyse land cover from CORONA data on a large scale, dividing land cover into six classes based on the CORINE classification scheme. The particular focus of the work is to test the transferability of the deep learning approaches to unknown CORONA data.

To investigate the transferability, we selected 27 spatially and temporally distributed study areas (each 23 km²) in the Free State of Saxony (Germany) and created semantic masks to train and test 10 different U-shaped neuronal network architectures to extract land cover from CORONA data. As input, we use either the original panchromatic pixel values and different texture measures. From these input data, ten different training datasets and test datasets were derived for cross-validation.

The training results show that a semantic segmentation of land cover from CORONA data with the used architectures is possible. Strong differences in model performance (based on cross validation and the intersection over union metric, IOU) were detected among the classes. Classes with many sample data achieve significantly better IOU values than underrepresented classes. In general, a U-shaped architecture with a Transformer as Encoder (Transformer U-Net) achieved the best results. The best segmentation performance (IOU 83.29%), was obtained for forests, followed by agriculture (74.21%). For artificial surfaces, a mean IOU of 68.83% was achieved. Water surfaces achieved a mean IOU of 66.49%. For the shrub vegetation and open areas classes only IOU values mostly below 25% were achieved. The deep learning models were successfully transferable in space (between test areas) and time (between CORONA imagery from different years) especially for classes with many sample data. The transferability of deep learning models was difficult for the mapping of water bodies. Despite the general good model performance and successful transferability for most classes, the transferability was limited especially for imagery of very poor quality. Our approach enabled the state-wide mapping of land cover in Saxony between 1965 and 1978 with a spatial resolution of 2 m. We identify an increase in urban cover and a decrease in cropland cover

How to cite: Kugler, L., Marrs, C., Kosczor, E., and Forkel, M.: Harvesting historical spy imagery by evaluating deep learning models for state-wide mapping of land cover changes between 1965-1978, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5487,, 2023.

EGU23-5583 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Identifying and Locating Volcanic Eruptions using Convolutional Neural Networks and Interpretability Techniques 

Johannes Meuer, Claudia Timmreck, Shih-Wei Fang, and Christopher Kadow

Accurately interpreting past climate variability can be a challenging task, particularly when it comes to distinguishing between forced and unforced changes. In the  case of large volcanic eruptions, ice core records are a very valuable tool but still often not sufficient to link reconstructed anomaly patterns to a volcanic eruption at all or to its geographical location. In this study, we developed a convolutional neural network (CNN) that is able to classify whether a volcanic eruption occurred and its location (northern hemisphere extratropical, southern hemisphere extratropical, or tropics) with an accuracy of 92%.

To train the CNN, we used 100 member ensembles of the MPI-ESM-LR global climate model, generated using the easy volcanic aerosol (EVA) model, which provides the radiative forcing of idealized volcanic eruptions of different strengths and locations. The model considered global sea surface temperature and precipitation patterns 12 months after the eruption over a time period of 3 months.

In addition to demonstrating the high accuracy of the CNN, we also applied layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) to the model to understand its decision-making process and identify the input data that influenced its predictions. Our study demonstrates the potential of using CNNs and interpretability techniques for identifying and locating past volcanic eruptions as well as improving the accuracy and understanding of volcanic climate signals.

How to cite: Meuer, J., Timmreck, C., Fang, S.-W., and Kadow, C.: Identifying and Locating Volcanic Eruptions using Convolutional Neural Networks and Interpretability Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5583,, 2023.

EGU23-5967 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Potentials and challenges of using Explainable AI for understanding atmospheric circulation 

Sebastian Scher, Andreas Trügler, and Jakob Abermann

Machine Learning (ML) and AI techniques, especially methods based on Deep Learning, have long been considered as black boxes that might be good at predicting, but not explaining predictions. This has changed recently, with more techniques becoming available that explain predictions by ML models – known as Explainable AI (XAI). These have seen adaptation also in climate science, because they could have the potential to help us in understanding the physics behind phenomena in geoscience. It is, however, unclear, how large that potential really is, and how these methods can be incorporated into the scientific process. In our study, we use the exemplary research question of which aspects of the large-scale atmospheric circulation affect specific local conditions. We compare the different answers to this question obtained with a range of different methods, from the traditional approach of targeted data analysis based on physical knowledge (such as using dimensionality reduction based on physical reasoning) to purely data-driven and physics-unaware methods using Deep Learning with XAI techniques. Based on these insights, we discuss the usefulness and potential pitfalls of XAI for understanding and explaining phenomena in geosciences. 

How to cite: Scher, S., Trügler, A., and Abermann, J.: Potentials and challenges of using Explainable AI for understanding atmospheric circulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5967,, 2023.

EGU23-6061 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

Using reduced representations of atmospheric fields to quantify the causal drivers of air pollution 

Sebastian Hickman, Paul Griffiths, Peer Nowack, and Alex Archibald

Air pollution contributes to millions of deaths worldwide every year. The concentration of a particular air pollutant, such as ozone, is controlled by physical and chemical processes which act on varying temporal and spatial scales. Quantifying the strength of causal drivers (e.g. temperature) on air pollution from observational data, particularly at extrema, is challenging due to the difficulty of disentangling correlation and causation, as many drivers are correlated. Furthermore, because air pollution is controlled in part by large scale atmospheric phenomena, using local (e.g. individual grid cell level) covariates for analysis is insufficient to fully capture the effect of these phenomena on air pollution. 


Access to large spatiotemporal datasets of air pollutant concentrations and atmospheric variables, coupled with recent advances in self-supervised learning, allow us to learn reduced representations of spatiotemporal atmospheric fields, and therefore account for non-local and non-instantaneous processes in downstream tasks.


We show that these learned reduced representations can be useful for tasks such as air pollution forecasting, and crucially to quantify the causal effect of varying atmospheric fields on air pollution. We make use of recent advances in bounding causal effects in the presence of unobserved confounding to estimate, with uncertainty, the causal effect of changing atmospheric fields on air pollution. Finally, we compare our quantification of the causal drivers of air pollution to results from other approaches, and explore implications for our methods and for the wider goal of improving the process-level treatment of air pollutants in chemistry-climate models.

How to cite: Hickman, S., Griffiths, P., Nowack, P., and Archibald, A.: Using reduced representations of atmospheric fields to quantify the causal drivers of air pollution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6061,, 2023.

EGU23-6306 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

Data-Driven Cloud Cover Parameterizations 

Arthur Grundner, Tom Beucler, Pierre Gentine, Marco A. Giorgetta, Fernando Iglesias-Suarez, and Veronika Eyring

A promising approach to improve cloud parameterizations within climate models, and thus climate projections, is to train machine learning algorithms on storm-resolving model (SRM) output. The ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) modeling framework permits simulations ranging from numerical weather prediction to climate projections, making it an ideal target to develop data-driven parameterizations for sub-grid scale processes. Here, we systematically derive and evaluate the first data-driven cloud cover parameterizations with coarse-grained data based on ICON SRM simulations. These parameterizations range from simple analytic models and symbolic regression fits to neural networks (NNs), populating a performance x complexity plane. In most models, we enforce sparsity and discourage correlated features by sequentially selecting features based on the models' performance gains. Guided by a set of physical constraints, we use symbolic regression to find a novel equation to parameterize cloud cover. The equation represents a good compromise between performance and complexity, achieving the highest performance (R^2>0.9) for its complexity (13 trainable parameters). To model sub-grid scale cloud cover in its full complexity, we also develop three different types of NNs that differ in the degree of vertical locality they assume for diagnosing cloud cover from coarse-grained atmospheric state variables. Using the game-theory based interpretability library SHapley Additive exPlanations, we analyze our most non-local NN and identify an overemphasis on specific humidity and cloud ice as the reason why it cannot perfectly generalize from the global to the regional coarse-grained SRM data. The interpretability tool also helps visualize similarities and differences in feature importance between regionally and globally trained NNs, and reveals a local relationship between their cloud cover predictions and the thermodynamic environment. Our results show the potential of deep learning and symbolic regression to derive accurate yet interpretable cloud cover parameterizations from SRMs.

How to cite: Grundner, A., Beucler, T., Gentine, P., Giorgetta, M. A., Iglesias-Suarez, F., and Eyring, V.: Data-Driven Cloud Cover Parameterizations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6306,, 2023.

EGU23-6450 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

The key role of causal discovery to improve data-driven parameterizations in climate models 

Fernando Iglesias-Suarez, Veronika Eyring, Pierre Gentine, Tom Beucler, Michael Pritchard, Jakob Runge, and Breixo Solino-Fernandez

Earth system models are fundamental to understanding and projecting climate change, although there are considerable biases and uncertainties in their projections. A large contribution to this uncertainty stems from differences in the representation of clouds and convection occurring at scales smaller than the resolved model grid. These long-standing deficiencies in cloud parameterizations have motivated developments of computationally costly global high-resolution cloud resolving models, that can explicitly resolve clouds and convection. Deep learning can learn such explicitly resolved processes from cloud resolving models. While unconstrained neural networks often learn non-physical relationships that can lead to instabilities in climate simulations, causally-informed deep learning can mitigate this problem by identifying direct physical drivers of subgrid-scale processes. Both unconstrained and causally-informed neural networks are developed using a superparameterized climate model in which deep convection is explicitly resolved, and are coupled to the climate model. Prognostic climate simulations with causally-informed neural network parameterization are stable, accurately represent mean climate and variability of the original climate model, and clearly outperform its non-causal counterpart. Combining causal discovery and deep learning is a promising approach to improve data-driven parameterizations (informed by causally-consistent physical fields) for both their design and trustworthiness.

How to cite: Iglesias-Suarez, F., Eyring, V., Gentine, P., Beucler, T., Pritchard, M., Runge, J., and Solino-Fernandez, B.: The key role of causal discovery to improve data-driven parameterizations in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6450,, 2023.

EGU23-7457 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Towards the effective autoencoder architecture to detect weather anomalies 

Dusan Fister, Jorge Pérez-Aracil, César Peláez-Rodríguez, Marie Drouard, Pablo G. Zaninelli, David Barriopedro Cepero, Ricardo García-Herrera, and Sancho Salcedo-Sanz

To organise weather data as images, pixels represent coordinates and magnitude of pixels represents the state of the observed variable in a given time. Observed variables, such as air temperature, mean sea level pressure, wind components and others, may be collected into higher dimensional images or even into a motion structure. Codification of formers as a spatial and the latter as a spatio-temporal allows them to be processed using the deep learning methods, for instance autoencoders and autoencoder-like architectures. The objective of the original autoencoder is to reproduce the input image as much as possible, thus effectively equalising the input and output during the training. Then, an advantage of autoencoder can be utilised to calculate the deviations between (1) true states (effectively the inputs), which are derived by nature, and the (2) expected states, which are derived by means of statistical learning. Calculated deviations can then be interpreted to identify the extreme events, such as heatwaves, hot days or any other rare events (so-called anomalies). Additionally, by modelling deviations by statistical distributions, geographical areas with higher probabilities of anomalies can be deduced at the tails of the distribution. The capability of reproduction of the (original input) images is hence crucial in order to avoid addressing arbitrary noise as anomaly. We would like to run experiments to realise the effective architecture that give reasonable solutions, verify the benefits of implementing the variational autoencoder, realise the effect of selecting various statistical loss functions, and find out the effective architecture of the decoder part of the autoencoder.

How to cite: Fister, D., Pérez-Aracil, J., Peláez-Rodríguez, C., Drouard, M., G. Zaninelli, P., Barriopedro Cepero, D., García-Herrera, R., and Salcedo-Sanz, S.: Towards the effective autoencoder architecture to detect weather anomalies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7457,, 2023.

EGU23-7465 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Invertible neural networks for satellite retrievals of aerosol optical depth 

Paolo Pelucchi, Jorge Vicent, J. Emmanuel Johnson, Philip Stier, and Gustau Camps-Valls

The retrieval of atmospheric aerosol properties from satellite remote sensing is a complex and under-determined inverse problem. Traditional retrieval algorithms, based on radiative transfer models, must make approximations and assumptions to reach a unique solution or repeatedly use the expensive forward models to be able to quantify uncertainty. The recently introduced Invertible Neural Networks (INNs), a machine learning method based on Normalizing Flows, appear particularly suited for tackling inverse problems. They simultaneously model both the forward and the inverse branches of the problem, and their generative aspect allows them to efficiently provide non-parametric posterior distributions for the retrieved parameters, which can be used to quantify the retrieval uncertainty. So far INNs have successfully been applied to low-dimensional idealised inverse problems and even to some simpler scientific retrieval problems. Still, satellite aerosol retrievals present particular challenges, such as the high variability of the surface reflectance signal and the often comparatively small aerosol signal in the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) measurements.

In this study, we investigate the use of INNs for retrieving aerosol optical depth (AOD) and its uncertainty estimates at the pixel level from MODIS TOA reflectance measurements. The models are trained with custom synthetic datasets of TOA reflectance-AOD pairs made by combining the MODIS Dark Target algorithm’s atmospheric look-up tables and a MODIS surface reflectance product. The INNs are found to perform emulation and inversion of the look-up tables successfully. We initially train models adapted to different surface types by focusing our application on limited regional and seasonal contexts. The models are applied to real measurements from the MODIS sensor, and the generated AOD retrievals and posterior distributions are compared to the corresponding Dark Target and AERONET retrievals for evaluation and discussion.

How to cite: Pelucchi, P., Vicent, J., Johnson, J. E., Stier, P., and Camps-Valls, G.: Invertible neural networks for satellite retrievals of aerosol optical depth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7465,, 2023.

The rapid development of deep learning approaches has conquered many fields, and precipitation prediction is one of them. Precipitation modeling remains a challenge for numerical weather prediction or climate models, and parameterization is required for low spatial resolution models, such as those used in climate change impact studies. Machine learning models have been shown to be capable of learning the relationships between other meteorological variables and precipitation. Such models are much less computationally intensive than explicit modeling of precipitation processes and are becoming more accurate than parametrization schemes.

Most existing applications focus either on precipitation extremes aggregated over a domain of interest or on average precipitation fields. Here, we are interested in spatial extremes and focus on the prediction of heavy precipitation events (>95th percentile) and extreme events (>99th percentile) over the European domain. Meteorological variables from ERA5 are used as input, and E-OBS data as target. Different architectures from the literature are compared in terms of predictive skill for average precipitation fields as well as for the occurrence of heavy or extreme precipitation events (threshold exceedance). U-Net architectures show higher skills than other variants of convolutional neural networks (CNN). We also show that a shallower U-Net architecture performs as well as the original network for this application, thus reducing the model complexity and, consequently, the computational resources. In addition, we analyze the number of inputs based on the importance of the predictors provided by a layer-wise relevance propagation procedure.

How to cite: Horton, P. and Otero, N.: Predicting spatial precipitation extremes with deep learning models. A comparison of existing model architectures., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7862,, 2023.

EGU23-8085 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Improving the spatial accuracy of extreme tropical cyclone rainfall in ERA5 using deep learning 

Guido Ascenso, Andrea Ficchì, Leone Cavicchia, Enrico Scoccimarro, Matteo Giuliani, and Andrea Castelletti

Tropical cyclones (TCs) are one of the costliest and deadliest natural disasters due to the combination of their strong winds and induced storm surges and heavy precipitation, which can cause devastating floods. Unfortunately, due to its high spatio-temporal variability, complex underlying physical process, and lack of high-quality observations, precipitation is still one of the most challenging aspects of a TC to model. However, as precipitation is a key forcing variable for hydrological processes acting across multiple space-time scales, accurate precipitation input is crucial for reliable hydrological simulations and forecasts.

A popular source of precipitation data is the ERA5 reanalysis dataset, frequently used as input to hydrological models when studying floods. However, ERA5 systematically underestimates TC-induced precipitation compared to MSWEP, a multi-source observational dataset fusing gauge, satellite, and reanalysis-based data, currently one of the most accurate precipitation datasets. Moreover, the spatial distribution of TC-rainfall in ERA5 has large room for improvement.

Here, we present a precipitation correction scheme based on U-Net, a popular deep-learning architecture. Rather than only adjusting the per-pixel precipitation values at each timestep of a given TC, we explicitly design our model to also adjust the spatial distribution of the precipitation; to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to do so. The key novelty of our model is a custom-made loss function, based on the combination of the fractions skill score (FSS) and mean absolute error (MAE) metrics. We train and validate the model on 100k time steps (with an 80:20 train:test split) from global TC precipitation events. We show how a U-Net trained with our loss function can reduce the per-pixel MAE of ERA5 precipitation by nearly as much as other state-of-the-art methods, while surpassing them significantly in terms of improved spatial patterns of precipitation. Finally, we discuss how the outputs of our model can be used for future research.

How to cite: Ascenso, G., Ficchì, A., Cavicchia, L., Scoccimarro, E., Giuliani, M., and Castelletti, A.: Improving the spatial accuracy of extreme tropical cyclone rainfall in ERA5 using deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8085,, 2023.

EGU23-8496 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Utilizing AI emulators to Model Stratospheric Aerosol Injections and their Effect on Climate 

Eshaan Agrawal and Christian Schroder de Witt

With no end to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in sight, policymakers are increasingly debating artificial mechanisms to cool the earth's climate. One such solution is stratospheric atmospheric injections (SAI), a method of solar geoengineering where particles are injected into the stratosphere in order to reflect the sun’s rays and lower global temperatures. Past volcanic events suggest that SAI can lead to fast substantial surface temperature reductions, and it is projected to be economically feasible. Research in simulation, however, suggests that SAI can lead to catastrophic side effects. It is also controversial among politicians and environmentalists because of the numerous challenges it poses geopolitically, environmentally, and for human health. Nevertheless, SAI is increasingly receiving attention from policymakers. In this research project, we use deep reinforcement learning to study if, and by how much, carefully engineered temporally and spatially varying injection strategies can mitigate catastrophic side effects of SAI. To do this, we are using the HadCM3 global circulation model to collect climate system data in response to artificial longitudinal aerosol injections. We then train a neural network emulator on this data, and use it to learn optimal injection strategies under a variety of objectives by alternating model updates with reinforcement learning. We release our dataset and code as a benchmark dataset to improve emulator creation for solar aerosol engineering modeling. 

How to cite: Agrawal, E. and Schroder de Witt, C.: Utilizing AI emulators to Model Stratospheric Aerosol Injections and their Effect on Climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8496,, 2023.

Multiple studies have now demonstrated that machine learning (ML) can give improved skill for simulating fairly typical weather events in climate simulations, for tasks such as downscaling to higher resolution and emulating and speeding up expensive model parameterisations. Many of these used ML methods with very high numbers of parameters, such as neural networks, which are the focus of the discussion here. Not much attention has been given to the performance of these methods for extreme event severities of relevance for many critical weather and climate prediction applications, with return periods of more than a few years. This leaves a lot of uncertainty about the usefulness of these methods, particularly for general purpose models that must perform reliably in extreme situations. ML models may be expected to struggle to predict extremes due to there usually being few samples of such events. 
This presentation will review the small number of studies that have examined the skill of machine learning methods in extreme weather situations. It will be shown using recent results that machine learning methods that perform reasonably for typical weather events can have very large errors in extreme situations, highlighting the necessity of testing the performance for these cases. Extrapolation to extremes is found to work well in some studies, however. 
It will be argued that more attention needs to be given to performance for extremes in work applying ML in climate science. Research gaps that seem particularly important are identified. These include investigating the behaviour of ML systems in events that are multiple standard deviations beyond observed records, which have occurred in the past, and evaluating performance of complex generative models in extreme events. Approaches to address these problems will be discussed.

How to cite: Watson, P.: Machine learning applications for weather and climate need greater focus on extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8615,, 2023.

EGU23-8661 | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

An urban climate neural network screening tool 

Robert von Tils and Sven Wiemers

Microscale RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) models are able to simulate the urban climate for entire large cities with a high spatial resolution of up to 5 m horizontally. They do this using data from geographic information systems (GIS) that must be specially processed to provide the models with information about the terrain, buildings, land use, and resolved vegetation. If high-performance computers, for example from research institutions, are not available for the simulations or are beyond the financial scope, the calculation on commercially available servers can take several weeks. The calculation of a reference initial state for a city is often followed by questions regarding adaptation measures due to climate change or the influence of smaller and larger future building developments on the urban climate. These changes lead locally to a change of the urban climate but are also influenced by the urban climate itself.

In order to save computational time and to comfortably give a quantitative fast initial assessment, we trained a neural network that predicts the simulation results of a RANS model (for example: air temperature at night and during the day, wind speed, cold air flow) and implemented this network in a GIS. The tool allows to calculate the impact of development projects on the urban climate in a fraction of the time required by a RANS simulation and comes close to the RANS model in terms of accuracy. It can also be used by people without in-depth knowledge of urban climate modeling and is therefore particularly suitable for use, for example, in specialized offices of administrative departments or by project developers.

How to cite: von Tils, R. and Wiemers, S.: An urban climate neural network screening tool, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8661,, 2023.

EGU23-8666 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Drivers of Natural Gas Use in United States Buildings 

Rohith Teja Mittakola, Philippe Ciais, Jochen Schubert, David Makowski, Chuanlong Zhou, Hassan Bazzi, Taochun Sun, Zhu Liu, and Steven Davis

Natural gas is the primary fuel used in U.S. residences, especially during winter, when cold temperatures drive the heating demand. In this study, we use daily county-level gas consumption data to assess the spatial patterns of the relationships and sensitivities of gas consumption by U.S. households considering outdoor temperatures. Linear-plus-plateau functions are found to be the best fit for gas consumption and are applied to derive two key coefficients for each county: the heating temperature threshold (Tcrit) below which residential heating starts and the rate of increase in gas consumption when the outdoor temperature drops by one degree (Slope). We then use interpretable machine learning models to evaluate the key building properties and socioeconomic factors related to the spatial patterns of Tcrit and Slope based on a large database of individual household properties and population census data. We find that building age, employment rates, and household size are the main predictors of Tcrit, whereas the share of gas as a heating fuel and household income are the main predictors of Slope. The latter result suggests inequalities across the U.S. with respect to gas consumption, with wealthy people living in well-insulated houses associated with low Tcrit and Slope values. Finally, we estimate potential reductions in gas use in U.S. residences due to improvements in household insulation or a hypothetical behavioral change toward reduced consumption by adopting a 1°C lower Tcrit than the current value and a reduced slope. These two scenarios would result in 25% lower gas consumption at the national scale, avoiding 1.24 million MtCO2 of emissions per year. Most of these reductions occur in the Midwest and East Coast regions. The results from this study provide new quantitative information for targeting efforts to reduce household gas use and related CO2 emissions in the U.S.

How to cite: Mittakola, R. T., Ciais, P., Schubert, J., Makowski, D., Zhou, C., Bazzi, H., Sun, T., Liu, Z., and Davis, S.: Drivers of Natural Gas Use in United States Buildings, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8666,, 2023.

EGU23-8921 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Identification of sensitive regions to climate change and anticipation of climate events in Brazil 

Angelica Caseri and Francisco A. Rodrigues

In Brazil, the water system is essential for the electrical system and agribusiness. Understanding climate changes and predicting long-term hydrometeorological phenomena is vital for developing and maintaining these sectors in the country. This work aims to use data from the SIN system (National Interconnected System) in Brazil, from the main hydrological basins, as well as historical rainfall data, in complex networks and deep learning algorithms, to identify possible climate changes in Brazil and predict future hydrometeorological phenomena. Through the methodology developed in this work, the predictions generated showed satisfactory results, which allows identifying regions more sensitive to climate change and anticipating climate events. This work is expected to help the energy generation system in Brazil and the agronomy sector, the main sectors that drive the country's economy.

How to cite: Caseri, A. and A. Rodrigues, F.: Identification of sensitive regions to climate change and anticipation of climate events in Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8921,, 2023.

EGU23-9337 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Modeling landscape-scale vegetation response to climate: Synthesis of the EarthNet challenge 

Vitus Benson, Christian Requena-Mesa, Claire Robin, Lazaro Alonso, Nuno Carvalhais, and Markus Reichstein

The biosphere displays high heterogeneity at landscape-scale. Vegetation modelers struggle to represent this variability in process-based models because global observations of micrometeorology and plant traits are not available at such fine granularity. However, remote sensing data is available: the Sentinel 2 satellites with a 10m resolution capture aspects of localized vegetation dynamics. The EarthNet challenge (EarthNet2021, [1]) aims at predicting satellite imagery conditioned on coarse-scale weather data. Multiple research groups approached this challenge with deep learning [2,3,4]. Here, we evaluate how well these satellite image models simulate the vegetation response to climate, where the vegetation status is approximated by the NDVI vegetation index.

Achieving the new vegetation-centric evaluation requires three steps. First, we update the original EarthNet2021 dataset to be suitable for vegetation modeling: EarthNet2021x includes improved georeferencing, a land cover map, and a more effective cloud mask. Second, we introduce the interpretable evaluation metric VegetationScore: the Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) of NDVI predictions over clear-sky observations per vegetated pixel aggregated through normalization to dataset level. The ground truth NDVI time series achieves a VegetationScore of 1, the target period mean NDVI a VegetationScore of 0. Third, we assess the skill of two deep neural networks with the VegetationScore: ConvLSTM [2,3], which combines convolutions and recurrency, and EarthFormer [4], a Transformer adaptation for Earth science problems. 

Both models significantly outperform the persistence baseline. They do not display systematic biases and generally catch spatial patterns. Yet, both neural networks achieve a negative VegetationScore. Only in about 20% of vegetated pixels, the deep learning models do beat a hypothetical model predicting the true target period mean NDVI. This is partly because models largely underestimate the temporal variability. However, the target variability may partially be inflated by the noisy nature of the observed NDVI. Additionally, increasing uncertainty for longer lead times decreases scores: the mean RMSE in the first 25 days is 50% lower than between 75 and 100 days lead time. In general, consistent with the EarthNet2021 leaderboard, the EarthFormer outperforms the ConvLSTM. With EarthNet2021x, a more narrow perspective to the EarthNet challenge is introduced. Modeling localized vegetation response is a task that requires careful adjustments of off-the-shelf computer vision architectures for them to excel. The resulting specialized approaches can then be used to advance our understanding of the complex interactions between vegetation and climate.

 [1] Requena-Mesa, Benson, Reichstein, Runge and Denzler. EarthNet2021: A large-scale dataset and challenge for Earth surface forecasting as a guided video prediction task. CVPR Workshops, 2021.

 [2] Diaconu, Saha, Günnemann and Zhu. Understanding the Role of Weather Data for Earth Surface Forecasting Using a ConvLSTM-Based Model. CVPR Workshops, 2022.

 [3] Kladny, Milanta, Mraz, Hufkens and Stocker. Deep learning for satellite image forecasting of vegetation greenness. bioRxiv, 2022.

 [4] Gao, Shi, Wang, Zhu, Wang, Li and Yeung. Earthformer: Exploring Space-Time Transformers for Earth System Forecasting. NeurIPS, 2022.

How to cite: Benson, V., Requena-Mesa, C., Robin, C., Alonso, L., Carvalhais, N., and Reichstein, M.: Modeling landscape-scale vegetation response to climate: Synthesis of the EarthNet challenge, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9337,, 2023.

EGU23-9434 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Enhancing environmental sensor data quality control with graph neural networks 

Elżbieta Lasota, Julius Polz, Christian Chwala, Lennart Schmidt, Peter Lünenschloß, David Schäfer, and Jan Bumberger

The rapidly growing number of low-cost environmental sensors and data from opportunistic sensors constantly advances the quality as well as the spatial and temporal resolution of weather and climate models. However, it also leads to the need for effective tools to ensure the quality of collected data.

Time series quality control (QC) from multiple spatial, irregularly distributed sensors is a challenging task, as it requires the simultaneous integration and analysis of observations from sparse neighboring sensors and consecutive time steps. Manual QC is very often time- and labour- expensive and requires expert knowledge, which introduces subjectivity and limits reproducibility. Therefore, automatic, accurate, and robust QC solutions are in high demand, where among them one can distinguish machine learning techniques. 

In this study, we present a novel approach for the quality control of time series data from multiple spatial, irregularly distributed sensors using graph neural networks (GNNs). Although we applied our method to commercial microwave link attenuation data collected from a network in Germany between April and October 2021, our solution aims to be generic with respect to the number and type of sensors, The proposed approach involves the use of an autoencoder architecture, where the GNN is used to model the spatial relationships between the sensors, allowing for the incorporation of contextual information in the quality control process. 

While our model shows promising results in initial tests, further research is needed to fully evaluate its effectiveness and to demonstrate its potential in a wider range of environmental applications. Eventually, our solution will allow us to further foster the observational basis of our understanding of the natural environment.

How to cite: Lasota, E., Polz, J., Chwala, C., Schmidt, L., Lünenschloß, P., Schäfer, D., and Bumberger, J.: Enhancing environmental sensor data quality control with graph neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9434,, 2023.

EGU23-9810 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Integration of a deep-learning-based fire model into a global land surface model 

Rackhun Son, Nuno Carvalhais, Lazaro Silva, Christian Requena-Mesa, Ulrich Weber, Veronika Gayler, Tobias Stacke, Reiner Schnur, Julia Nabel, Alexander Winkler, and Sönke Zaehle

Fire is an ubiquitous process within the Earth system that has significant impacts in terrestrial ecosystems. Process-based fire models quantify fire disturbance effects in stand-alone dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) and within coupled Earth system models (ESMs), and their advances have incorporated both descriptions of natural processes and anthropogenic drivers. However, we still observe a limited skill in modeling and predicting fire at global scale, mostly due to the stochastic nature of fire, but also due to the limits in empirical parameterizations in these process-based models. As an alternative, statistical approaches have shown the advantages of machine learning in providing robust diagnostics of fire damages, though with limited value for process-based modeling frameworks. Here, we develop a deep-learning-based fire model (DL-fire) to estimate gridded burned area fraction at global scale and couple it within JSBACH4, the land surface model used in the ICON ESM. We compare the resulting hybrid model integrating DL-fire into JSBACH4 (JDL-fire) against the standard fire model within JSBACH4 and the stand-alone DL-fire results. The stand-alone DL-fire model forced with observations shows high performance in simulating global burnt fraction, showing a monthly correlation (Rm) with the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED4) of 0.78 and of 0.8 at global scale during the training (2004-10) and validation periods (2011-15), respectively. The performance remains nearly the same when evaluating the hybrid modeling approach JDL-fire (Rm=0.76 and 0.86 in training and evaluation periods, respectively). This outperforms the currently used standard fire model in JSBACH4 (Rm=-0.16 and 0.22 in training and evaluation periods, respectively) by far. We further evaluate the modeling results across specific fire regions and apply layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) to quantify importance of each predictor. Overall, land properties, such as fuel amount and water contents in soil layers, stand out as the major factors determining burnt fraction in DL-fire, paralleled by meteorological conditions, over tropical and high latitude regions. Our study demonstrates the potential of hybrid modeling in advancing the predictability of Earth system processes by integrating statistical learning approaches in physics-based dynamical systems.

How to cite: Son, R., Carvalhais, N., Silva, L., Requena-Mesa, C., Weber, U., Gayler, V., Stacke, T., Schnur, R., Nabel, J., Winkler, A., and Zaehle, S.: Integration of a deep-learning-based fire model into a global land surface model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9810,, 2023.

EGU23-10219 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Identifying compound weather prototypes of forest mortality with β-VAE 

Mohit Anand, Friedrich Bohn, Lily-belle Sweet, Gustau Camps-Valls, and Jakob Zscheischler

Forest health is affected by many interacting and correlated weather variables over multiple temporal scales. Climate change affects weather conditions and their dependencies. To better understand future forest health and status, an improved scientific  understanding of the complex relationships between weather conditions and forest mortality is required. Explainable AI (XAI) methods are increasingly used to understand and simulate physical processes in complex environments given enough data. In this work, an hourly weather generator (AWE-GEN) is used  to simulate 200,000 years of daily weather conditions representative of central Germany. It is capable of simulating low and high-frequency characteristics of weather variables and also captures the inter-annual variability of precipitation. These data are then used to drive an individual-based forest model (FORMIND) to simulate the dynamics of a beech, pine, and spruce forest. A variational autoencoder β-VAE is used to learn representations of the generated weather conditions, which include radiation, precipitation and temperature. We learn shared and specific variable latent representations using a decoder network which remains the same for all the weather variables. The representation learning is completely unsupervised. Using the output of the forest model, we identify single and compounding weather prototypes that are associated with extreme forest mortality. We find that the prototypes associated with extreme mortality are similar for pine and spruce forests and slightly different for beech forests. Furthermore, although the compounding weather prototypes represent a larger sample size (2.4%-3.5%) than the single prototypes (1.7%-2.2%), they are associated with higher levels of mortality on average. Overall, our research illustrates how deep learning frameworks can be used to identify weather patterns that are associated with extreme impacts.


How to cite: Anand, M., Bohn, F., Sweet, L., Camps-Valls, G., and Zscheischler, J.: Identifying compound weather prototypes of forest mortality with β-VAE, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10219,, 2023.

Hydrological models and machine learning models are widely used in streamflow simulation and data reconstruction. However, a global assessment of these models is still lacking and no synthesized catchment-scale streamflow product derived from multiple models is available over the globe. In this study, we comprehensively evaluated four conceptual hydrological models (GR2M, XAJ, SAC, Alpine) and four machine learning models (RF, GBDT, DNN, CNN) based on the selected 16,218 gauging stations worldwide, and then applied multi-model weighting ensemble (MWE) method to merge streamflow simulated from these models. Generally, the average performance of the machine learning model for all stations is better than that of the hydrological model, and with more stations having a quantified simulation accuracy (KGE>0.2); However, the hydrological model achieves a higher percentage of stations with a good simulation accuracy (KGE>0.6). Specifically, for the average accuracy during the validation period, there are 67% (27%) and 74% (21%) of stations showed a “quantified” (“good”) level for the hydrological models and machine learning models, respectively. The XAJ is the best-performing model of the four hydrological models, particularly in tropical and temperate zones. Among the machine learning models, the GBDT model shows better performance on the global scale. The MWE can effectively improve the simulation accuracy and perform much better than the traditional multi-model arithmetic ensemble (MAE), especially for the constrained least squares prediction combination method (CLS) with 82% (28%) of the stations having a “qualified” (“good”) accuracy. Furthermore, by exploring the influencing factors of the streamflow simulation, we found that both machine-learning models and hydrological models perform better in wetter areas.

How to cite: Zhang, J. and Liu, J.: Simulation and reconstruction of global monthly runoff based on hydrological models and machine learning models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10391,, 2023.

Physical process-based numerical prediction models (NWPs) and radar-based probabilistic methods have been mainly used for short-term precipitation prediction. Recently, radar-based precipitation nowcasting models using advanced machine learning (ML) have been actively developed. Although the ML-based model shows outstanding performance in short-term rainfall prediction, it significantly decreases performance due to increased lead time. It has the limitation of being a black box model that does not consider the physical process of the atmosphere. To address these limitations, we aimed to develop a hybrid precipitation nowcasting model, which combines NWP and an advanced ML-based model via an ML-based ensemble method. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used as NWP to generate a physics-based rainfall forecast. In this study, we developed the ML-based precipitation nowcasting model with conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN), which shows high performance in the image generation tasks. The radar reflectivity data, WRF hindcast meteorological outputs (e.g., temperature and wind speed), and static information of the target basin (e.g., DEM, Land cover) were used as input data of cGAN-based model to generate physics-informed rainfall prediction at the lead time up to 6 hours. The cGAN-based model was trained with the data for the summer season of 2014-2017. In addition, we proposed an ML-based blending method, i.e., XGBoost, that combines cGAN-based model results and WRF forecast results. To evaluate the hybrid model performance, we analyzed the performance of precipitation predictions on three heavy rain events in South Korea. The results confirmed that using the blending method to develop a hybrid model could provide an improved precipitation nowcasting approach.



 This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (2020R1A2C2007670).

How to cite: Choi, S. and Kim, Y.: Developing hybrid precipitation nowcasting model with WRF and conditional GAN-based model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10431,, 2023.

EGU23-10568 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Extended-range predictability of stratospheric extreme events using explainable neural networks 

Zheng Wu, Tom Beucler, and Daniela Domeisen

Extreme stratospheric events such as extremely weak vortex events and strong vortex events can influence weather in the troposphere from weeks to months and thus are important sources of predictability of tropospheric weather on subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) timescales. However, the predictability of weak vortex events is limited to 1-2 weeks in state-of-the-art forecasting systems, while strong vortex events are more predictable than weak vortex events. Longer predictability timescales of the stratospheric extreme events would benefit long-range surface weather prediction. Recent studies showed promising results in the use of machine learning for improving weather prediction. The goal of this study is to explore the potential of a machine learning approach in extending the predictability of stratospheric extreme events in S2S timescales. We use neural networks (NNs) to predict the monthly stratospheric polar vortex strength with lead times up to five months using the first five principal components (PCs) of the sea surface temperature (SST), mean sea level pressure (MSLP), Barents–Kara sea-ice concentration (BK-SIC), poleward heat flux at 100 hPa, and zonal wind at 50, 30, and 2 hPa as precursors. These physical variables are chosen as they are indicated as potential precursors for the stratospheric extremes in previous studies. The results show that the accuracy and Brier Skill Score decrease with longer lead times and the performance is similar between weak and strong vortex events. We then employ two different NN attribution methods to uncover feature importance (heat map) in the inputs for the NNs, which indicates the relevance of each input for NNs to make the prediction. The heat maps suggest that precursors from the lower stratosphere are important for the prediction of the stratospheric polar vortex strength with a lead time of one month while the precursors at the surface and the upper stratosphere become more important with lead times longer than one month. This result is overall consistent with the previous studies that subseasonal precursors to the stratospheric extreme events may come from the lower troposphere. Our study sheds light on the potential of explainable NNs in searching for opportunities for skillful prediction of stratospheric extreme events and, by extension, surface weather on S2S timescales.

How to cite: Wu, Z., Beucler, T., and Domeisen, D.: Extended-range predictability of stratospheric extreme events using explainable neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10568,, 2023.

One of the main challenges for forecasting fire activity is the tradeoff between accuracy at finer spatial scales relevant to local decision making and predictability over seasonal (next 2-4 months) and subseasonal-to-seasonal (next 2 weeks to 2 months) timescales. To achieve predictability at long lead times and high spatial resolution, several analyses in the literature have constructed statistical models of fire activity using only antecedent climate predictors. However, in this talk, I will present preliminary seasonal forecasts of wildfire frequency and burned area for the western United States using SMLFire1.0, a stochastic machine learning (SML) fire model, that relies on both observed antecedent climate and vegetation predictors and seasonal forecasts of fire month climate. In particular, I will discuss results obtained by forcing the SMLFire1.0 model with seasonal forecasts from: a) downscaled and bias-corrected North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) outputs, and b) skill-weighted climate analogs constructed using an autoregressive ML model. I will also comment upon the relative contribution of uncertainties, from climate forecasts and fire model simulations respectively, in projections of wildfire frequency and burned area across several spatial scales and lead times. 

How to cite: Buch, J., Williams, A. P., and Gentine, P.: Seasonal forecasts of wildfire frequency and burned area in the western United States using a stochastic machine learning fire model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11238,, 2023.

EGU23-11355 | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Estimation of Fine Dust Concentration from BGR Images in Surveillance Cameras 

Hoyoung Cha, Jongyun Byun, Jongjin Baik, and Changhyun Jun

  This study proposes a novel approach on estimation of fine dust concentration from raw video data recorded by surveillance cameras. At first, several regions of interest are defined from specific images extracted from videos in surveillance cameras installed at Chung-Ang University. Among them, sky fields are mainly considered to figure out changes in characteristics of each color. After converting RGB images into BGR images, a number of discrete pixels with brightness intensities in a blue channel is mainly analyzed by investigating any relationships with fine dust concentration measured from automatic monitoring stations near the campus. Here, different values of thresholds from 125 to 200 are considered to find optimal conditions from changes in values of each pixel in the blue channel. This study uses the Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate the correlation between the number of pixels with values over the selected threshold and observed data for fine dust concentration. As an example on one specific date, the coefficients reflect their positive correlations with a range from 0.57 to 0.89 for each threshold. It should be noted that this study is a novel attempt to suggest a new, simple, and efficient method for estimating fine dust concentration from surveillance cameras common in many areas around the world.


Keywords: Fine Dust Concentration, BGR Image, Surveillance Camera, Threshold, Correlation Analysis



  This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. NRF-2022R1A4A3032838) and this work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI2022-01910 and this work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2020R1G1A1013624).

How to cite: Cha, H., Byun, J., Baik, J., and Jun, C.: Estimation of Fine Dust Concentration from BGR Images in Surveillance Cameras, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11355,, 2023.

EGU23-12137 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Identifying mechanisms of low-level jets near coast of Kurzeme using Principal Component Analysis 

Maksims Pogumirskis, Tija Sīle, and Uldis Bethers

Low-level jets are maximums in the vertical profile of the wind speed profile in the lowest levels of atmosphere. Low-level jets, when present, can make a significant impact on the wind energy. Wind conditions in low-level jets depart from traditional assumptions about wind profile and low-level jets can also influence the stability and turbulence that are important for wind energy applications.

In literature commonly an algorithm of identifying low-level jets is used to estimate frequency of low-level jets. The algorithm searches for maximum in the lowest levels of the atmosphere with a temperature inversion above the jet maximum. The algorithm is useful in identifying the presence of the low-level jets and estimating their frequency. However, low-level jets can be caused by a number of different mechanisms which leads to differences in low-level jet characteristics. Therefore, additional analysis is necessary to distinguish between different types of jets and characterize their properties. We aim to automate this process using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify main patterns of wind speed and temperature. By analyzing diurnal and seasonal cycles of these patterns a better understanding about climatology of low-level jets in the region can be gained.

This study focuses on the central part of the Baltic Sea. Several recent studies have identified the presence of low-level jets near the coast of Kurzeme. Typically, maximums of low-level jets are located several hundred meters above the surface, while near the coast of Kurzeme maximums of low-level jets are usually within the lowest 100 meters of the atmosphere.

Data from UERRA reanalysis with 11 km horizontal resolution on 12 height levels in the lowest 500 meters of atmosphere was used. The algorithm that identifies low-level jets was applied to the data, to estimate frequency of low-level jets in each grid cell of the model. Jet events were grouped by the wind direction to identify main trajectories of low-level jets in the region. Several atmosphere cross-sections that low-level jets frequently flow through were chosen for further analysis.

Model data was interpolated to the chosen cross-sections and PCA was applied to the cross-section data of wind speed, geostrophic wind speed and temperature. Main patterns of these meteorological parameters, such as wind speed maximum, temperature inversion above the surface of the sea and temperature difference between sea and land were identified by the PCA. Differences of principal components between cross-sections and diurnal and seasonal patterns of principal components helped to gain better understanding of climatology, extent and mechanisms of low-level jets in the region.

How to cite: Pogumirskis, M., Sīle, T., and Bethers, U.: Identifying mechanisms of low-level jets near coast of Kurzeme using Principal Component Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12137,, 2023.

EGU23-12528 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Evaluation of explainable AI solutions in climate science 

Philine Bommer, Marlene Kretschmer, Anna Hedstroem, Dilyara Bareeva, and Marina M.-C. Hoehne

Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods serve as a support for researchers to shed light onto the reasons behind the predictions made by deep neural networks (DNNs). XAI methods have already been successfully applied to climate science, revealing underlying physical mechanisms inherent in the studied data. However, the evaluation and validation of XAI performance is challenging as explanation methods often lack ground truth. As the number of XAI methods is growing, a comprehensive evaluation is necessary to enable well-founded XAI application in climate science.

In this work we introduce explanation evaluation in the context of climate research. We apply XAI evaluation to compare multiple explanation methods for a multi-layer percepton (MLP) and a convolutional neural network (CNN). Both MLP and CNN assign temperature maps to classes based on their decade. We assess the respective explanation methods using evaluation metrics measuring robustness, faithfulness, randomization, complexity and localization. Based on the results of a random baseline test we establish an explanation evaluation guideline for the climate community. We use this guideline to rank the performance in each property of similar sets of explanation methods for the MLP and CNN. Independent of the network type, we find that Integrated Gradients, Layer-wise relevance propagation and InputGradients exhibit a higher robustness, faithfulness and complexity compared to purely Gradient-based methods, while sacrificing reactivity to network parameters, i.e. low randomisation scores. The contrary holds for Gradient, SmoothGrad, NoiseGrad and FusionGrad. Another key observation is that explanations using input perturbations, such as SmoothGrad and Integrated Gradients, do not improve robustness and faithfulness, in contrast to theoretical claims. Our experiments highlight that XAI evaluation can be applied to different network tasks and offers more detailed information about different properties of explanation method than previous research. We demonstrate that using XAI evaluation helps to tackle the challenge of choosing an explanation method.

How to cite: Bommer, P., Kretschmer, M., Hedstroem, A., Bareeva, D., and Hoehne, M. M.-C.: Evaluation of explainable AI solutions in climate science, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12528,, 2023.

EGU23-12657 | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

DeepExtremes: Explainable Earth Surface Forecasting Under Extreme Climate Conditions 

Karin Mora, Gunnar Brandt, Vitus Benson, Carsten Brockmann, Gustau Camps-Valls, Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Tonio Fincke, Norman Fomferra, Fabian Gans, Maria Gonzalez, Chaonan Ji, Guido Kraemer, Eva Sevillano Marco, David Montero, Markus Reichstein, Christian Requena-Mesa, Oscar José Pellicer Valero, Mélanie Weynants, Sebastian Wieneke, and Miguel D. Mahecha

Compound heat waves and drought events draw our particular attention as they become more frequent. Co-occurring extreme events often exacerbate impacts on ecosystems and can induce a cascade of detrimental consequences. However, the research to understand these events is still in its infancy. DeepExtremes is a project funded by the European Space Agency ( aiming at using deep learning to gain insight into Earth surface under extreme climate conditions. Specifically, the goal is to forecast and explain extreme, multi-hazard, and compound events. To this end, the project leverages the existing Earth observation archive to help us better understand and represent different types of hazards and their effects on society and vegetation. The project implementation involves a multi-stage process consisting of 1) global event detection; 2) intelligent subsampling and creation of mini-data-cubes; 3) forecasting methods development, interpretation, and testing; and 4) cloud deployment and upscaling. The data products will be made available to the community following the reproducibility and FAIR data principles. By effectively combining Earth system science with explainable AI, the project contributes knowledge to advancing the sustainable management of consequences of extreme events. This presentation will show the progress made so far and specifically introduce how to participate in the challenges about spatio-temporal extreme event prediction in DeepExtremes.

How to cite: Mora, K., Brandt, G., Benson, V., Brockmann, C., Camps-Valls, G., Fernández-Torres, M.-Á., Fincke, T., Fomferra, N., Gans, F., Gonzalez, M., Ji, C., Kraemer, G., Marco, E. S., Montero, D., Reichstein, M., Requena-Mesa, C., Valero, O. J. P., Weynants, M., Wieneke, S., and Mahecha, M. D.: DeepExtremes: Explainable Earth Surface Forecasting Under Extreme Climate Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12657,, 2023.

EGU23-12889 | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

New Berkeley Earth High Resolution Temperature Data Set 

Robert A. Rohde and Zeke Hausfather

Berkeley Earth is premiering a new high resolution analysis of historical instrumental temperatures.

This builds on our existing work on climate reconstruction by adding a simple machine learning layer to our analysis.  This new approach extracts weather patterns from model, satellite, and reanalysis data, and then layers these weather patterns on top of instrumental observations and our existing interpolation methods to produce new high resolution historical temperature fields.  This has quadrupled our output resolution from the previous 1° x 1° lat-long to a new global 0.25° x 0.25° lat-long resolution.  However, this is not simply a downscaling effort.  Firstly, the use of weather patterns derived from physical models and observations increases the spatial realism of the reconstructed fields.  Secondly, observations from regions with high density measurement networks have been directly incorporated into the high resolution field, allowing dense observations to be more fully utilized.  

This new data product uses significantly more observational weather station data and produces higher resolution historical temperature fields than any comparable product, allowing for unprecedented insights into historical local and regional climate change.  In particular, the effect of geographic features such as mountains, coastlines, and ecosystem variations are resolved with a level of detail that was not previously possible.  At the same time, previously established techniques for bias corrections, noise reduction, and error analysis continued to be utilized.  The resulting global field initially spans 1850 to present and will be updated on an ongoing basis.  This project does not significantly change the global understanding of climate change, but helps to provide local detail that was often unresolved previously.  The initial data product focuses on monthly temperatures, though a proposal exists to also create a high resolution daily temperature data set using similar methods.

This talk will describe the construction of the new data set and its characteristics.  The techniques used in this project are accessible enough that they are likely to be useful for other types of instrumental analyses wishing to improve resolution or leverage basic information about weather patterns derived from models or other sources.

How to cite: Rohde, R. A. and Hausfather, Z.: New Berkeley Earth High Resolution Temperature Data Set, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12889,, 2023.

EGU23-12948 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Identifying drivers of river floods using causal inference 

Peter Miersch, Shijie Jiang, Oldrich Rakovec, and Jakob Zscheischler

River floods are among the most devastating natural hazards, causing thousands of deaths and billions of euros in damages every year. Floods can result from a combination of compounding drivers such as heavy precipitation, snowmelt, and high antecedent soil moisture. These drivers and the processes they govern vary widely both between catchments and between flood events within a catchment, making a causal understanding of the underlying hydrological processes difficult.

Modern causal inference methods, such as the PCMCI framework, are able to identify drivers from complex time series through causal discovery and build causally aware statistical models. However, causal inference tailored to extreme events remains a challenge due to data length limitations. To overcome data limitations, here we bridge the gap between synthetic and real world data using 1,000 years of simulated weather to drive as state-of-the-art hydrological model (the mesoscale Hydrological Model, mHM) over a wide range of European catchments. From the simulated time series, we extract high runoff events, on which we evaluate the causal inference approach. We identify the minimum data necessary for obtaining robust causal models, evaluate metrics for model evaluation and comparison, and compare causal flood drivers across catchments. Ultimately, this work will help establish best practices in causal inference for flood research to identify meteorological and catchment specific flood drivers in a changing climate.

How to cite: Miersch, P., Jiang, S., Rakovec, O., and Zscheischler, J.: Identifying drivers of river floods using causal inference, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12948,, 2023.

EGU23-13250 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

From MODIS cloud properties to cloud types using semi-supervised learning 

Julien Lenhardt, Johannes Quaas, and Dino Sejdinovic

Clouds are classified into types, classes, or regimes. The World Meteorological Organization distinguishes stratus and cumulus clouds and three altitude layers. Cloud types exhibit very different radiative properties and interact in numerous ways with aerosol particles in the atmosphere. However, it has proven difficult to define cloud regimes objectively and from remote sensing data, hindering the understanding we have of the processes and adjustments involved.

Building on the method we previously developed, we combine synoptic observations and passive satellite remote-sensing retrievals to constitute a database of cloud types and cloud properties to eventually train a cloud classification algorithm. The cloud type labels come from the global marine meteorological observations dataset (UK Met Office, 2006) which is comprised of near-global synoptic observations. This data record reports back information about cloud type and other meteorological quantities at the surface. The cloud classification model is built on different cloud-top and cloud optical properties (Level 2 products MOD06/MYD06 from the MODIS sensor) extracted temporally close to the observation time and on a 128km x 128km grid around the synoptic observation location. To make full use of the large quantity of remote sensing data available and to investigate the variety in cloud settings, a convolutional variational auto-encoder (VAE) is applied as a dimensionality reduction tool in a first step. Furthermore, such model architecture allows to account for spatial relationships while describing non-linear patterns in the input data. The cloud classification task is subsequently performed drawing on the constructed latent representation of the VAE. Associating information from underneath and above the cloud enables to build a robust model to classify cloud types. For the training we specify a study domain in the Atlantic ocean around the equator and evaluate the method globally. Further experiments and evaluation are done on simulation data produced by the ICON model.

How to cite: Lenhardt, J., Quaas, J., and Sejdinovic, D.: From MODIS cloud properties to cloud types using semi-supervised learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13250,, 2023.

EGU23-13462 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Double machine learning for geosciences 

Kai-Hendrik Cohrs, Gherardo Varando, Markus Reichstein, and Gustau Camps-Valls

Hybrid modeling describes the synergy between parametric models and machine learning [1]. Parts of a parametric equation are substituted by non-parametric machine learning models, which can then represent complex functions. These are inferred together with the parameters of the equation from the data. Hybrid modeling promises to describe complex relationships and to be scientifically interpretable. These promises, however, need to be taken with a grain of salt. With too flexible models, such as deep neural networks, the problem of equifinality arises: There is no identifiable optimal solution. Instead, many outcomes describe the data equally well, and we will obtain one of them by chance. Interpreting the result may lead to erroneous conclusions. Moreover, studies have shown that regularization techniques can introduce a bias on jointly estimated physical parameters [1].

We propose double machine learning (DML) to solve these problems [2]. DML is a theoretically well-founded technique for fitting semi-parametric models, i.e., models consisting of a parametric and a non-parametric component. DML is widely used for debiased treatment effect estimation in economics. We showcase its use for geosciences on two problems related to carbon dioxide fluxes: 

  • Flux partitioning, which aims at separating the net carbon flux (NEE) into its main contributing gross fluxes, namely, RECO and GPP.
  • Estimation of the temperature sensitivity parameter of ecosystem respiration Q10.

First, we show that in the case of synthetic data for Q10 estimation, we can consistently retrieve the true value of Q10 where the naive neural network approach fails. We further apply DML to the carbon flux partitioning problem and find that it is 1) able to retrieve the true fluxes of synthetic data, even in the presence of strong (and more realistic) heteroscedastic noise, 2) retrieves main gross carbon fluxes on real data consistent with established methods, and 3) allows us to causally interpret the retrieved GPP as the direct effect of the photosynthetically active radiation on NEE. This way, the DML approach can be seen as a causally interpretable, semi-parametric version of the established daytime methods. We also investigate the functional relationships inferred with DML and the drivers modulating the obtained light-use efficiency function. In conclusion, DML offers a solid framework to develop hybrid and semiparametric modeling and can be of widespread use in geosciences.


[1] Reichstein, Markus, et al. “Combining system modeling and machine learning into hybrid ecosystem modeling.” Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning (2022).

[2] Chernozhukov, Victor, et al. “Double/debiased machine learning for treatment and structural parameters.” The Econometrics Journal, Volume 21, Issue 1, 1 (2018): C1–C68.

How to cite: Cohrs, K.-H., Varando, G., Reichstein, M., and Camps-Valls, G.: Double machine learning for geosciences, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13462,, 2023.

EGU23-13622 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Towards explainable marine heatwaves forecasts 

Ayush Prasad and Swarnalee Mazumder

In recent years, both the intensity and extent of marine heatwaves have increased across the world. Anomalies in sea surface temperature have an effect on the health of marine ecosystems, which are crucial to the Earth's climate system. Marine Heatwaves' devastating impacts on aquatic life have been increasing steadily in recent years, harming aquatic ecosystems and causing a tremendous loss of marine life. Early warning systems and operational forecasting that can foresee such events can aid in designing effective and better mitigation techniques. Recent studies have shown that machine learning and deep learning-based approaches can be used for forecasting the occurrence of marine heatwaves up to a year in advance. However, these models are black box in nature and do not provide an understanding of the factors influencing MHWs. In this study, we used machine learning methods to forecast marine heatwaves. The developed models were tested across four historical Marine Heatwave events around the world. Explainable AI methods were then used to understand and analyze the relationships between the drivers of these events.

How to cite: Prasad, A. and Mazumder, S.: Towards explainable marine heatwaves forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13622,, 2023.

EGU23-14493 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Interpretable probabilistic forecast of extreme heat waves 

Alessandro Lovo, Corentin Herbert, and Freddy Bouchet
Understanding and predicting extreme events is one of the major challenges for the study of climate change impacts, risk assessment, adaptation, and the protection of living beings. Extreme heatwaves are, and likely will be in the future, among the deadliest weather events. They also increase strain on water resources, food security and energy supply. Developing the ability to forecast their probability of occurrence a few days, weeks, or even months in advance would have major consequences to reduce our vulnerability to these events. Beyond the practical benefits of forecasting heat waves, building statistical models for extreme events which are interpretable is also highly beneficial from a fundamental point of view. Indeed, they enable proper studies of the processes underlying extreme events such as heat waves, improve dataset or model validation, and contribute to attribution studies. Machine learning provides tools to reach both these goals.
We will first demonstrate that deep neural networks can predict the probability of occurrence of long-lasting 14-day heatwaves over France, up to 15 days ahead of time for fast dynamical drivers (500 hPa geopotential height field), and at much longer lead times for slow physical drivers (soil moisture). Those results are amazing in terms of forecasting skill. However, these machine learning models tend to be very complex and are often treated as black boxes. This limits our ability to use them for investigating the dynamics of extreme heat waves.
To gain physical understanding, we have then designed a network architecture which is intrinsically interpretable. The main idea of this architecture is that the network first computes an optimal index, which is an optimal projection of the physical fields in a low-dimensional space. In a second step, it uses a fully non-linear representation of the probability of occurrence of the event as a function of the optimal index. This optimal index can be visualized and compared with classical heuristic understanding of the physical process, for instance in terms of geopotential height and soil moisture. This fully interpretable network is slightly less efficient than the off-the-shelf deep neural network. We fully quantify the performance loss incurred when requiring interpretability and make the connection with the mathematical notion of committor functions.
This new machine learning tool opens the way for understanding optimal predictors of weather and climate extremes. This has potential for the study of slow drivers, and the effect of climate change on the drivers of extreme events.

How to cite: Lovo, A., Herbert, C., and Bouchet, F.: Interpretable probabilistic forecast of extreme heat waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14493,, 2023.

EGU23-14856 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Classification of Indoor Air Pollution Using Low-cost Sensors by Machine Learning 

Andrii Antonenko, Viacheslav Boretskij, and Oleksandr Zagaria

Air pollution has become an integral part of modern life. The main source of air pollution can be considered combustion processes associated with energy-intensive corporate activities. Energy companies consume about one-third of the fuel produced and are a significant source of air pollution [1]. State and public air quality monitoring networks were created to monitor the situation. Public monitoring networks are cheaper and have more coverage than government ones. Although the state monitoring system shows more accurate data, an inexpensive network is sufficient to inform the public about the presence or absence of pollution (air quality). In order to inform the public, the idea arose to test the possibility of detecting types of pollution using data from cheap air quality monitoring sensors. In general, to use a cheap sensor for measurements, it must first be calibrated (corrected) by comparing its readings with a reference device. Various mathematical methods can be used for this. One of such method is neural network training, which has proven itself well for correcting PM particle readings due to relative humidity impact [2].

The idea of using a neural network to improve data quality is not new, but it is quite promising, as the authors showed in [3]. The main problem to implement this method is connected with a reliable dataset for training the network. For this, it is necessary to register sensor readings for relatively clean air and for artificially generated or known sources of pollution. Training the neural network on the basis of collected data can be used to determine (classify) types of air: with pollution (pollutant) or without. For this, an experiment was set up in the "ReLab" co-working space at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The sensors were placed in a closed box, in which airflow ventilation is provided. The ZPHS01B [4] sensor module was used for inbox measurements, as well as, calibrated sensors PMS7003 [5] and BME280 [6]. Additionally, IPS 7100 [7] and SPS30 [8] were added to enrich the database for ML training. A platform based on HiLink 7688 was used for data collecting, processing, and transmission.

Data was measured every two seconds, independently from each sensor. Before each experiment, the room was ventilated to avoid influence on the next series of experiments.


1. Zaporozhets A. Analysis of means for monitoring air pollution in the environment. Science-based technologies. 2017, Vol. 35, no3. 242-252. DOI: 10.18372/2310-5461.35.11844

2. Antonenko A, (2021) Correction of fine particle concentration readings depending on relative humidity, [Master's thesis, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv], 35 pp.

3. Lee, J. Kang, S. Kim, Y. Im, S. Yoo , D. Lee, “Long-Term Evaluation and Calibration of Low-Cost Particulate Matter (PM) Sensor”, Sensors 2020, vol. 20, 3617, 24 pp., 2020.`

4. ZPHS01B Datasheet URL:

5. Plantower PMS7003 Datasheet URL:

6. Bosch 280 Datasheet URL:



How to cite: Antonenko, A., Boretskij, V., and Zagaria, O.: Classification of Indoor Air Pollution Using Low-cost Sensors by Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14856,, 2023.

EGU23-15000 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

Causal inference to study food insecurity in Africa 

Jordi Cerdà-Bautista, José María Tárraga, Gherardo Varando, Alberto Arribas, Ted Shepherd, and Gustau Camps-Valls

The current situation regarding food insecurity in the continent of Africa, and the Horn of Africa in particular, is at an unprecedented risk level triggered by continuous drought events, complicated interactions between food prices, crop yield, energy inflation and lack of humanitarian aid, along with disrupting conflicts and migration flows. The study of a food-secure environment is a complex, multivariate, multiscale, and non-linear problem difficult to understand with canonical data science methodologies. We propose an alternative approach to the food insecurity problem from a causal inference standpoint to discover the causal relations and evaluate the likelihood and potential consequences of specific interventions. In particular, we demonstrate the use of causal inference for understanding the impact of humanitarian interventions on food insecurity in Somalia. In the first stage of the problem, we apply different data transformations to the main drivers to achieve the highest degree of correlation with the interested variable. In the second stage, we infer causation from the main drivers and interested variables by applying different causal methods such as PCMCI or Granger causality. We analyze and harmonize different time series, per district of Somalia, of the global acute malnutrition (GAM) index, food market prices, crop production, conflict levels, drought and flood internal displacements, as well as climate indicators such as the NDVI index, precipitation or land surface temperature. Then, assuming a causal graph between the main drivers causing the food insecurity problem, we estimate the effect of increasing humanitarian interventions on the GAM index, considering the effects of a changing climate, migration flows, and conflict events. We show that causal estimation with modern methodologies allows us to quantify the impact of humanitarian aid on food insecurity.




[1] Runge, J., Bathiany, S., Bollt, E. et al. Inferring causation from time series in Earth system sciences. Nat Commun 10, 2553 (2019).

[2] Sazib Nazmus, Mladenova lliana E., Bolten John D., Assessing the Impact of ENSO on Agriculture Over Africa Using Earth Observation Data, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2020, 10.3389/fsufs.2020.509914.

[3] Checchi, F., Frison, S., Warsame, A. et al. Can we predict the burden of acute malnutrition in crisis-affected countries? Findings from Somalia and South Sudan. BMC Nutr 8, 92 (2022).

How to cite: Cerdà-Bautista, J., Tárraga, J. M., Varando, G., Arribas, A., Shepherd, T., and Camps-Valls, G.: Causal inference to study food insecurity in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15000,, 2023.

EGU23-15185 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Deep learning to support ocean data quality control 

Mohamed Chouai, Felix Simon Reimers, and Sebastian Mieruch-Schnülle

In this study, which is part of the M-VRE [] project, we aim to improve a quality control (QC) system on arctic ocean temperature profile data using deep learning. For the training, validation, and evaluation of our algorithms, we are using the UDASH dataset []. In the classical QC setting, the ocean expert or "operator", applies a series of thresholding (classical) algorithms to identify, i.e. flag, erroneous data. In the next step, the operator visually inspects every data profile, where suspicious samples have been identified. The goal of this time-consuming visual QC is to find "false positives", i.e. flagged data that is actually good, because every sample/profile has not only a scientific value but also a monetary one. Finally, the operator turns all "false positive" data back to good. The crucial point here is that although these samples/profiles are above certain thresholds they are considered good by the ocean expert. These human expert decisions are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to map by classical algorithms. However, deep-learning neural networks have the potential to learn complex human behavior. Therefore, we have trained a deep learning system to "learn" exactly the expert behavior of finding "false positives" (identified by the classic thresholds), which can be turned back to good accordingly. The first results are promising. In a fully automated setting, deep learning improves the results and fewer data are flagged. In a subsequent visual QC setting, deep learning relieves the expert with a distinct workload reduction and gives the option to clearly increase the quality of the data.
Our long-term goal is to develop an arctic quality control system as a series of web services and Jupyter notebooks to apply automated and visual QC online, efficient, consistent, reproducible, and interactively.

How to cite: Chouai, M., Simon Reimers, F., and Mieruch-Schnülle, S.: Deep learning to support ocean data quality control, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15185,, 2023.

EGU23-15286 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Spatio-temporal downscaling of precipitation data using a conditional generative adversarial network 

Luca Glawion, Julius Polz, Benjamin Fersch, Harald Kunstmann, and Christian Chwala

Natural disasters caused by cyclones, hail, landslides or floods are directly related to precipitation. Global climate models are an important tool to adapt to these hazards in a future climate. However, they operate on spatial and temporal discretizations that limit the ability to adequately reflect these fast evolving, highly localized phenomena which has led to the development of various downscaling approaches .

Conditional generative adversarial networks (cGAN) have recently been applied as a promising downscaling technique to improve the spatial resolution of climate data. The ability of GANs to generate ensembles of solutions from random perturbations can be used to account for the stochasticity of climate data and quantify uncertainties. 

We present a cGAN for not only downscaling the spatial, but simultaneously also the temporal dimension of precipitation data as a so-called video super resolution approach. 3D convolutional layers are exploited for extracting and generating temporally consistent  rain events with realistic fine-scale structure. We downscale coarsened gauge adjusted and climatology corrected precipitation data from Germany from a spatial resolution of 32 km to 2 km and a temporal resolution of 1 hr to 10 min, by applying a novel training routine using partly normalized and logarithmized data, allowing for improved extreme value statistics of the generated fields.

Exploiting the fully convolutional nature of our model we can generate downscaled maps for the whole of Germany in a single downscaling step at low latency. The evaluation of these maps using a spatial and temporal power spectrum analysis shows that the generated temporal and spatial structures are in high agreement with the reference. Visually, the generated temporally evolving and advecting rain events are hardly classifiable as artificial generated. The model also shows high skill regarding pixel-wise error and localization of high precipitation intensities, considering the FSS, CRPS, KS and RMSE. Due to the underdetermined downscaling problem a probabilistic cGAN approach yields additional information to deterministic models which we use for comparison. The method is also capable of preserving the climatology, e.g., expressed as the annual precipitation sum. Investigations of temporal aggregations of the downscaled fields revealed an interesting effect. We observe that structures generated in networks with convolutional layers are not placed completely at random, but can generate recurrent structures, which can also be discovered within other prominent DL downscaling models. Although they can be mitigated by adequate model selection, their occurrence remains an open research question.

We conclude that our proposed approach can extend the application of cGANs for downscaling to the time dimension and therefore is a promising candidate to supplement conventional downscaling methods due to the high performance and computational efficiency.

How to cite: Glawion, L., Polz, J., Fersch, B., Kunstmann, H., and Chwala, C.: Spatio-temporal downscaling of precipitation data using a conditional generative adversarial network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15286,, 2023.

EGU23-15540 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8 | Highlight

USCC: A Benchmark Dataset for Crop Yield Prediction under Climate Extremes 

Adrian Höhl, Stella Ofori-Ampofo, Ivica Obadic, Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Ridvan Salih Kuzu, and Xiaoxiang Zhu

Climate variability and extremes are known to represent major causes for crop yield anomalies. They can lead to the reduction of crop productivity, which results in disruptions in food availability and nutritional quality, as well as in rising food prices. Extreme climates will become even more severe as global warming proceeds, challenging the achievement of food security. These extreme events, especially droughts and heat waves, are already evident in major food-production regions like the United States. Crops cultivated in this country such as corn and soybean are critical for both domestic use and international supply. Considering the sensitivity of crops to climate, here we present a dataset that couples remote sensing surface reflectances with climate variables (e.g. minimum and maximum temperature, precipitation, and vapor pressure) and extreme indicators. The dataset contains the crop yields of various commodities over the USA for nearly two decades. Given the advances and proven success of machine learning in numerous remote sensing tasks, our dataset constitutes a benchmark to advance the development of novel models for crop yield prediction, and to analyze the relationship between climate and crop yields for gaining scientific insights. Other potential use cases include extreme event detection and climate forecasting from satellite imagery. As a starting point, we evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art machine and deep learning models to form a baseline for our benchmark dataset.

How to cite: Höhl, A., Ofori-Ampofo, S., Obadic, I., Fernández-Torres, M.-Á., Salih Kuzu, R., and Zhu, X.: USCC: A Benchmark Dataset for Crop Yield Prediction under Climate Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15540,, 2023.

EGU23-15817 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Evaluating the generalization ability of a deep learning model trained to detect cloud-to-ground lightning on raw ERA5 data 

Gregor Ehrensperger, Tobias Hell, Georg Johann Mayr, and Thorsten Simon

Atmospheric conditions that are typical for lightning are commonly represented by proxies such as cloud top height, cloud ice flux, CAPE times precipitation, or the lightning potential index. While these proxies generally deliver reasonable results, they often need to be adapted for local conditions in order to perform well. This suggests that there is a need for more complex and holistic proxies. Recent research confirms that the use of machine learning (ML) approaches for describing lightning is promising.

In a previous study a deep learning model was trained on single spatiotemporal (30km x 30km x 1h) cells in the summer period of the years 2010--2018 and showed good results for the unseen test year 2019 within Austria. We now improve this model by using multiple neighboring vertical atmospheric columns to also address for horizontal moisture advection. Furthermore data of successive hours is used as input data to enable the model to capture the temporal development of atmospheric conditions such as the build-up and breakdown of convections.

In this work we focus on the summer months June to August and use data from parts of Central Europe. This spatial domain is thought to be representative for Continental Europe since it covers mountainous aswell as coastal regions. We take raw ERA5 parameters beyond the tropopause enriched with a small amount of meta data such as the day of the year and the hour of the day for training. The quality of the resulting paramaterized model is then evaluated on Continental Europe to examine the generalization ability.

Using parts of Central Europe to train the model, we evaluate its ability to generalize on unseen parts of Continental Europe using EUCLID data. Having a model that generalizes well is a building block for a retrospective analysis back into years where the structured recording of accurate lightning observations in a unified way was not established yet.

How to cite: Ehrensperger, G., Hell, T., Mayr, G. J., and Simon, T.: Evaluating the generalization ability of a deep learning model trained to detect cloud-to-ground lightning on raw ERA5 data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15817,, 2023.

EGU23-16098 | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Identifying Lightning Processes in ERA5 Soundings with Deep Learning 

Tobias Hell, Gregor Ehrensperger, Georg J. Mayr, and Thorsten Simon

Atmospheric environments favorable for lightning and convection are commonly represented by proxies or parameterizations based on expert knowledge such as CAPE, wind shears, charge separation, or combinations thereof. Recent developments in the field of machine learning, high resolution reanalyses, and accurate lightning observations open possibilities for identifying tailored proxies without prior expert knowledge. To identify vertical profiles favorable for lightning, a deep neural network links ERA5 vertical profiles of cloud physics, mass field variables and wind to lightning location data from the Austrian Lightning Detection & Information System (ALDIS), which has been transformed to a binary target variable labelling the ERA5 cells as lightning and no lightning cells. The ERA5 parameters are taken on model levels beyond the tropopause forming an input layer of approx. 670 features. The data of 2010 - 2018 serve as training/validation. On independent test data, 2019, the deep network outperforms a reference with features based on meteorological expertise. Shapley values highlight the atmospheric processes learned by the network which identifies cloud ice and snow content in the upper and mid-troposphere as relevant features. As these patterns correspond to the separation of charge in thunderstorm cloud, the deep learning model can serve as physically meaningful description of lightning. 

How to cite: Hell, T., Ehrensperger, G., Mayr, G. J., and Simon, T.: Identifying Lightning Processes in ERA5 Soundings with Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16098,, 2023.

EGU23-16163 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

A comparison of methods for determining the number of classes in unsupervised classification of climate models 

Emma Boland, Dani Jones, and Erin Atkinson

Unsupervised classification is becoming an increasingly common method to objectively identify coherent structures within both observed and modelled climate data. However, the user must choose the number of classes to fit in advance. Typically, a combination of statistical methods and expertise is used to choose the appropriate number of classes for a given study, however it may not be possible to identify a single ‘optimal’ number of classes. In this
work we present a heuristic method for determining the number of classes unambiguously for modelled data where more than one ensemble member is available. This method requires robustness in the class definition between simulated ensembles of the system of interest. For demonstration, we apply this to the clustering of Southern Ocean potential temperatures in a CMIP6 climate model, and compare with other common criteria such as Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and the Silhouette Score.

How to cite: Boland, E., Jones, D., and Atkinson, E.: A comparison of methods for determining the number of classes in unsupervised classification of climate models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16163,, 2023.

EGU23-16186 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

A review of deep learning for weather prediction 

Jannik Thümmel, Martin Butz, and Bedartha Goswami

Recent years have seen substantial performance-improvements of deep-learning-based
weather prediction models (DLWPs). These models cover a large range of temporal and
spatial resolutions—from nowcasting to seasonal forecasting and on scales ranging from
single to hundreds of kilometers. DLWPs also exhibit a wide variety of neural architec-
tures and training schemes, with no clear consensus on best practices. Focusing on the
short-to-mid-term forecasting ranges, we review several recent, best-performing models
with respect to critical design choices. We emphasize the importance of self-organizing
latent representations and inductive biases in DLWPs: While NWPs are designed to sim-
ulate resolvable physical processes and integrate unresolvable subgrid-scale processes by
approximate parameterizations, DLWPs allow the latent representation of both kinds of
dynamics. The purpose of this review is to facilitate targeted research developments and
understanding of how design choices influence performance of DLWPs. While there is
no single best model, we highlight promising avenues towards accurate spatio-temporal
modeling, probabilistic forecasts and computationally efficient training and infer

How to cite: Thümmel, J., Butz, M., and Goswami, B.: A review of deep learning for weather prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16186,, 2023.

EGU23-16443 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Hybrid machine learning model of coupled carbon and water cycles 

Zavud Baghirov, Basil Kraft, Martin Jung, Marco Körner, and Markus Reichstein

There is evidence for a strong coupling between the terrestrial carbon and water cycles and that these cycles should be studied as an interconnected system (Humphrey et al. 2018). One of the key methods to numerically represent the Earth system is process based modelling, which is, however, still subject to large uncertainties, e.g., due to wrong or incomplete process knowledge (Bonan and Doney 2018). Such models are often rigid and only marginally informed by Earth observations. This is where machine learning (ML) approaches can be advantageous, due to their ability to learn from data in a flexible way. These methods have their own shortcomings, such as their “black-box” nature and lack of physical consistency.

Recently, it has been suggested by Reichstein et al. (2019) to combine process knowledge with ML algorithms to model environmental processes. The so-called hybrid modelling approach has already been used to model different components of terrestrial water storage (TWS) in a global hydrological model (Kraft et al. 2022). This study follows-up on this work with the objective to improve the parameterization of some processes (e.g., soil moisture) and to couple the model with the carbon cycle. The coupling could potentially reduce model uncertainties and help to better understand water-carbon interactions.

The proposed hybrid model of the coupled water and carbon cycles is forced with reanalysis data from ERA-5, such as air temperature, net radiation, and CO2 concentration from CAMS. Water-carbon cycle processes are constrained using observational data products of water-carbon cycles. The hybrid model uses a long short-term memory (LSTM) model—a member of the recurrent neural networks family—at its core for processing the time-series Earth observation data. The LSTM simulates a number of coefficients which are used as parameters in the conceptual model of water and carbon cycles. Some of the key processes represented in the conceptual model are evapotranspiration, snow, soil moisture, runoff, groundwater, water use efficiency (WUE), ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem exchange. The model partitions TWS into different components and it can be used to assess the impact of different TWS components on the CO2 growth rate. Moreover, we can assess the learned system behaviors of water and carbon cycle interactions for different ecosystems.


Bonan, Gordon B, and Scott C Doney. 2018. “Climate, Ecosystems, and Planetary Futures: The Challenge to Predict Life in Earth System Models.” Science 359 (6375): eaam8328.

Humphrey, Vincent, Jakob Zscheischler, Philippe Ciais, Lukas Gudmundsson, Stephen Sitch, and Sonia I Seneviratne. 2018. “Sensitivity of Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate to Observed Changes in Terrestrial Water Storage.” Nature 560 (7720): 628–31.

Kraft, Basil, Martin Jung, Marco Körner, Sujan Koirala, and Markus Reichstein. 2022. “Towards Hybrid Modeling of the Global Hydrological Cycle.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (6): 1579–1614.

Reichstein, Markus, Gustau Camps-Valls, Bjorn Stevens, Martin Jung, Joachim Denzler, Nuno Carvalhais, et al. 2019. “Deep Learning and Process Understanding for Data-Driven Earth System Science.” Nature 566 (7743): 195–204.

How to cite: Baghirov, Z., Kraft, B., Jung, M., Körner, M., and Reichstein, M.: Hybrid machine learning model of coupled carbon and water cycles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16443,, 2023.

EGU23-16449 | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Data-driven seasonal forecasts of European heat waves 

Stefano Materia, Martin Jung, Markus G. Donat, and Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez

Seasonal Forecasts are critical tools for early-warning decision support systems, that can help reduce the related risk associated with hot or cold weather and other events that can strongly affect a multitude of socio-economic sectors. Recent advances in both statistical approaches and numerical modeling have improved the skill of Seasonal Forecasts. However, especially in mid-latitudes, they are still affected by large uncertainties that can limit their usefulness.

The MSCA-H2020 project ARTIST aims at improving our knowledge of climate predictability at the seasonal time-scale, focusing on the role of unexplored drivers, to finally enhance the performance of current prediction systems. This effort is meant to reduce uncertainties and make forecasts efficiently usable by regional meteorological services and private bodies. This study focuses on seasonal prediction of heat extremes in Europe, and here we present a first attempt to predict heat wave accumulated activity across different target seasons. An empirical seasonal forecast is designed based on Machine Learning techniques. A feature selection approach is used to detect the best subset of predictors among a variety of candidates, and then an assessment of the relative importance of each predictor is done, in different European regions for the four main seasons.

Results show that many observed teleconnections are caught by the data-driven approach, while a few features that show to be linked to the heat wave propensity of a season deserve a deeper understanding of the underpinning physical process.

How to cite: Materia, S., Jung, M., Donat, M. G., and Gomez-Gonzalez, C.: Data-driven seasonal forecasts of European heat waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16449,, 2023.

EGU23-16846 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Learning causal drivers of PyroCb 

Emiliano Díaz, Gherardo Varando, Fernando Iglesias-Suarez, Gustau Camps-Valls, Kenza Tazi, Kara Lamb, and Duncan Watson-Parris

Discovering causal relationships from purely observational data is often not possible. In this case, combining observational and experimental data can allow for the identifiability of the underlying causal structure. In Earth Systems sciences, carrying out interventional experiments is often impossible for ethical and practical reasons. However, “natural interventions”, are often present in the data, and these represent regime changes caused by changes to exogenous drivers. In [3,4], the Invariant Causal Prediction (ICP) methodology was presented to identify the causes of a target variable of interest from a set of candidate causes. This methodology takes advantage of natural interventions, resulting in different cause variables distributions across different environments.  In [2] this methodology is implemented in a geoscience problem, namely identifying the causes of Pyrocumulunimbus (pyroCb), and storm clouds resulting from extreme wildfires. Although a set of plausible causes is produced, certain heuristic adaptations to the original ICP methodology were implemented to overcome some of the practical. limitations of ICP: a large number of hypothesis tests required and a failure to identify causes when these have a high degree of interdependence. In this work, we try to circumvent these difficulties by taking a different approach. We use a learning paradigm similar to that presented in [3] to learn causal representations invariant across different environments. Since we often don’t know exactly how to define the different environments best, we also propose to learn functions that describe their spatiotemporal extent. We apply the resulting algorithm to the pyroCb database in [1] and other Earth System sciences datasets to verify the plausibility of the causal representations found and the environments that describe the so-called natural interventions.. 


[1] Tazi et al. 2022.

[2] Díaz et al. 2022 .

[3] Arjovsky et al. 2019.

[4] Peters et al.2016.

[5] Heinze-Deml et al. 2018.

How to cite: Díaz, E., Varando, G., Iglesias-Suarez, F., Camps-Valls, G., Tazi, K., Lamb, K., and Watson-Parris, D.: Learning causal drivers of PyroCb, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16846,, 2023.

EGU23-17082 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

A statistical approach on rapid estimations of climate change indices by monthly instead of daily data 

Kristofer Hasel, Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, and Herbert Formayer

Climate change indices (CCI) defined by the expert team on climate change detection and indices (ETCCDI) profoundly contribute to understanding climate and its change. They are used to present climate change in an easy to understand and tangible way, thus facilitating climate communication. Many of the indices are peak over threshold indices needing daily and, if necessary, bias corrected data to be calculated from. We present a method to rapidly estimate specific CCI from monthly data instead of daily while also performing a simple bias correction as well as a localisation (downscaling). Therefore, we used the ERA5 Land data with a spatial resolution of 0.1° supplemented by a CMIP6 ssp5-8.5 climate projection to derive different regression functions which allow a rapid estimation by monthly data. Using a climate projection as a supplement in training the regression functions allows an application not only on historical periods but also on future periods such as those provided by climate projections. Nevertheless, the presented method can be adapted to any data set, allowing an even higher spatial resolution.

How to cite: Hasel, K., Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M., and Formayer, H.: A statistical approach on rapid estimations of climate change indices by monthly instead of daily data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17082,, 2023.

EGU23-17197 | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Machine learning workflow for deriving regional geoclimatic clusters from high-dimensional data 

Sebastian Lehner, Katharina Enigl, and Matthias Schlögl

Geoclimatic regions represent climatic forcing zones, which constitute important spatial entities that serve as a basis for a broad range of analyses in earth system sciences. The plethora of geospatial variables that are relevant for obtaining consistent clusters represent a high-dimensionality, especially when working with high-resolution gridded data, which may render the derivation of such regions complex. This is worsened by typical characteristics of geoclimatic data like multicollinearity, nonlinear effects and potentially complex interactions between features. We therefore present a nonparametric machine learning workflow, consisting of dimensionality reduction and clustering for deriving geospatial clusters of similar geoclimatic characteristics. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed procedure using a comprehensive dataset featuring climatological and geomorphometric data from Austria, aggregated to the recent climatological normal from 1992 to 2021.
The modelling workflow consists of three major sequential steps: (1) linear dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis, yielding a reduced, orthogonal sub-space, (2) nonlinear dimensionality reduction applied to the reduced sub-space using Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection, and (3) clustering the learned manifold projection via Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise. The contribution of the input features to the cluster result is then assessed by means of permutation feature importance of random forest models. These are trained by treating the clustering result as a supervised classification problem. Results show the flexibility of the defined workflow and exhibit good agreement with both quantitatively derived and synoptically informed characterizations of geoclimatic regions from other studies. However, this flexibility does entail certain challenges with respect to hyperparameter settings, which require careful exploration and tuning. The proposed workflow may serve as a blueprint for deriving consistent geospatial clusters exhibiting similar geoclimatic attributes.

How to cite: Lehner, S., Enigl, K., and Schlögl, M.: Machine learning workflow for deriving regional geoclimatic clusters from high-dimensional data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17197,, 2023.

EGU23-17333 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.14/CL5.8

Emulating the regional temperature responses (RTPs) of short-lived climate forcers 

Maura Dewey, Hans Christen Hansson, and Annica M. L. Ekman

Here we develop a statistical model emulating the surface temperature response to changes in emissions of short-lived climate forcers as simulated by an Earth system model. Short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) are chemical components in the atmosphere that interact with radiation and have both an immediate effect on local air quality, and regional and global effects on the climate in terms of changes in temperature and precipitation distributions. The short atmospheric residence times of SLCFs lead to high atmospheric concentrations in emission regions and a highly variable radiative forcing pattern. Regional Temperature Potentials (RTPs) are metrics which quantify the impact of emission changes in a given region on the temperature or forcing response of another, accounting for spatial inhomogeneities in both forcing and the temperature response, while being easy to compare across models and to use in integrated assessment studies or policy briefs. We have developed a Gaussian-process emulator using output from the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM) to predict the temperature responses to regional emission changes in SLCFs (specifically back carbon, organic carbon, sulfur dioxide, and methane) and use this model to calculate regional RTPs and study the sensitivity of surface temperature in a certain region, e.g. the Arctic, to anthropogenic emission changes in key policy regions. The main challenge in developing the emulator was creating the training data set such that we included maximal SLCF variability in a realistic and policy relevant range compared to future emission scenarios, while also getting a significant temperature response. We also had to account for the confounding influence of greenhouse gases (GHG), which may not follow the same future emission trajectories as SLCFs and can overwhelm the more subtle temperature response that comes from the direct and indirect effects of SLCF emissions. The emulator can potentially provide accurate and customizable predictions for policy makers to proposed emission changes with minimized climate impact.

How to cite: Dewey, M., Hansson, H. C., and Ekman, A. M. L.: Emulating the regional temperature responses (RTPs) of short-lived climate forcers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17333,, 2023.

EGU23-4796 | Posters virtual | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18

Seabed substrate mapping using MBES data 

Sanghun Son, Jaegu Bae, Doi Lee, So Ryeon Park, Jeong Min Seo, and Jinsoo Kim

Seafloor mapping is essential for effective management and sustainable development of marine resources. Various attempts have been made to map the seafloor using single beam echo sounders, multi beam echo sounders, and side scan sonars. The purpose of this study is to map the sea floor using backscatter and bathymetry based on multi-beam echo sounders. For seafloor mapping, seafloor cover was defined as rock, gravel, sand, and mud according to the folk structure, and 135 grab data were collected for seafloor mapping and accuracy evaluation. For seafloor mapping, bathymetry depth and depth-based secondary products (aspect, curvature, slope, roughness, eastness, northness, mean, standard deviation) and backscatter intensity and secondary products that can be produced from intensity (mean, variance, roughness) was established. In addition, the output of the GLCM algorithm (angular second moment, contrast, dissimilarity, energy, entropy, homogeneity, max, mean, standard deviation) was constructed to extract various features of backscatter intensity. For seafloor cover, a random forest model, a machine learning technique that shows high performance in various fields, was selected, and the ratio of training and test datasets was selected as 8:2. To improve the performance of the random forest model, a hyperparameter was selected by applying a 5-fold cross validation and grid-search method, and the overall accuracy was 0.83.

How to cite: Son, S., Bae, J., Lee, D., Park, S. R., Seo, J. M., and Kim, J.: Seabed substrate mapping using MBES data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4796,, 2023.

EGU23-10770 | Posters on site | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18 | Highlight

EMODnet Geology – towards new standards on harmonizing marine geological data of the European seas - and beyond 

Henry Vallius, Susanna Kihlman, Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen, and EMODnet Geology Partners

High-quality maritime spatial planning, coastal zone management, management of marine resources, environmental assessments and forecasting require comprehensive understanding of the seabed. Already in 2008 and in response to these needs the European Commission established the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). The EMODnet concept is to assemble existing but often fragmented and partly inaccessible marine information into harmonized, interoperable, and publicly freely available data layers encompassing whole marine basins. As the data products are free of restrictions on use, the program is supporting any European maritime activities in promotion of sustainable use and management of the European seas.

Now in its fourth phase, the EMODnet-Geology project is delivering integrated geological data products that include seabed substrates, sediment accumulation and seabed erosion rates, seafloor geology including lithology and stratigraphy, Quaternary geology and geomorphology, coastal behavior, geological events such as submarine landslides and earthquakes, marine mineral resources, as well as submerged landscapes of the European continental shelf at various time-frames. All new map products are presented at a scale of 1:100,000 all over or finer but also at coarser scales to ensure maximum areal coverage. Thus partner updates of single-scale products at 1:250,000 and 1:1,000,000 were encouraged and these data products have been uploaded when available. A multi-scale approach is adopted whenever possible.

The EMODnet Geology project is executed by a consortium of 39 partners and subcontractors which core is made up by 23 members of European geological surveys (Eurogeosurveys) backed up by 16 other partner organizations with valuable expertise and data.

The EMODnet concept is, however, not restricted to the European seas only, as also the Caspian and the Caribbean Seas are included in the geographical scope of the EMODnet Geology project, and selected methods were shared with the EMODnet PArtnership for China and Europe (EMOD-PACE) project (2019-2022).

Discover Europe’s seabed geology at:


How to cite: Vallius, H., Kihlman, S., Kaskela, A., Kotilainen, A., Alanen, U., and Geology Partners, E.: EMODnet Geology – towards new standards on harmonizing marine geological data of the European seas - and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10770,, 2023.

EGU23-10791 | Posters on site | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18

Artificial Intelligence-Based Lithology Classification Using Sentinel-1 Data in Amurang, Sulawesi, Indonesia 

Lorraine Tighe, Ir Ipranta, Rohit Singh, and Tony said

One of the biggest challenges temperate and tropical regions face is that dense forest covers much of the landscape, which can be problematic in lithological mapping. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data provides a window through heavily vegetated canopy and essential information about surface scattering that can be used to infer underlying lithology. This research proposes a new methodology for lithology classification based on Sentinel-1 SAR nested geospatial data and a hybrid Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technique. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the ability of AI, GIS, and Sentinel-1 data to classify lithology in the heavy jungle of Amurang, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results indicate the proposed method can accurately map 1:50,000 scale lithology and refine the Qv unit into young volcanic rocks (Qv) and young lava (Qvl) and further define the Qvl unit into three sub-units based on age where Qvls-1 is the younger and Qvls-3 is the older. Cross-validated results indicate our method identified lithology with an overall accuracy of 91.00%, a commission error rate of 3.03%, and an omission error rate of 2.15% compared to the 2006 X-band InSAR derived geological map of the Amurang, Sulawesi. The proposed method distinguishes and refines specific rock units and has the potential to semi-automate lithological mapping in heavily vegetated areas.

How to cite: Tighe, L., Ipranta, I., Singh, R., and said, T.: Artificial Intelligence-Based Lithology Classification Using Sentinel-1 Data in Amurang, Sulawesi, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10791,, 2023.

EGU23-10960 | Posters on site | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18

Modelling intensity of brittle deformation in ice-covered regions: a case study in North Victoria Land (Antarctica) 

Paola Cianfarra, Michele Locatelli, Alessio Bagnasco, Laura Crispini, Francesco Salvini, and Laura Federico

Remoteness and extreme environmental conditions characterize the North Victoria Land (NVL, Antarctica), located at the Pacific-Southern Ocean termination of the Transantarctic Mountains. Here only the 5% of the emerged land is ice free and available for direct geologic investigations.

Present knowledge of the NVL geotectonic setting derives from: i) geologic-structural data collected in the last decades from the sparse rock outcrops; ii) geophysical investigations performed in the framework of national and international scientific expeditions; iii) remote sensing analyses of radar and multi/hyperspectral data; and iv) integration of these multi-scale data.

Regionally sized, crustal scale faults crosscut the NVL from the Southern Ocean to the Ross Sea and represent inherited weakness zones that have been reactivated several times until Recent. These are both first-order faults, which separate crustal blocks (from W to E, the Wilson, Bowers, and Robertson Bay terranes), and second-order faults cutting through homogenous lithotectonic units. Due to the extensive ice cover, the real characteristics of these fault zones (e.g., geometry, thickness, persistence, locations of transfer zones and so possible associated fluid circulation) are still unclear, as well as the possible connections between the on-land and off-shore tectonic structures.

Here we present the intensity of brittle deformation distribution of an area of NVL where two main fault zones are supposed to interact (i.e., the Rennick and Aviator faults). The model map is derived by applying the parameter H/S, which quantifies the intensity of brittle deformation (H = fracture dimension and S = spacing among fractures belonging to the same azimuthal family; see Cianfarra et al. 2022).

The H/S map is derived from polymodal regression by full cubic surface of the mean normalized H/S. A total of 1224 H/S measurements from 113 sites were collected in NVL during the 2018 and 2021 PNRA campaigns in the framework of the G-IDEA and LARK PNRA-projects. The mean H/S for each site of field measurement was computed and then normalized by weighting the measured value by a factor proportional to the brittle strength of the various lithotypes (e.g., basalts-dolerites, well cemented sandstone-conglomerates, granites-migmatites, gneiss).

Preliminary results show: i) the presence of a relative maximum of the normalized mean H/S (Mt Jackman area) that could be linked to the Rennick and Aviator faults transfer zone; ii) a polymodal regression of the mean normalized H/S that matches the NNW-SSE orientation of the main regional mapped faults; iii) the increasing trend of the H/S in the northern area at the Pacific side of NVL suggesting a possible continuation and link between onshore and offshore tectonic structures (offshore investigations in NVL will be the target of the Authors in the next PNRA-BOOST 2023 Antarctic expedition).

The H/S map and its integration with remote observations and geophysical data represents a promising tool to locate ice-covered tectonic structures, define corridors of fracture damage zones and give new constrains for modelling any kind of fluid circulation.


Cianfarra et al. 2022, Tectonics 41, e2021TC007124,

How to cite: Cianfarra, P., Locatelli, M., Bagnasco, A., Crispini, L., Salvini, F., and Federico, L.: Modelling intensity of brittle deformation in ice-covered regions: a case study in North Victoria Land (Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10960,, 2023.

EGU23-12547 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18

Geodatabase of structural data from North Victoria Land (Antarctica): a useful tool for geodynamic modelling 

Alessio Bagnasco, Paola Cianfarra, Michele Locatelli, Laura Crispini, Evandro Balbi, Francesco Salvini, and Laura Federico

Here we present an open access GIS project associated to a structural database which includes the geo-structural measurements (over 6000) collected in the field during the past Italian PNRA (National Antarctic Research Program) scientific expeditions from the year 1988 to 2021. The targeted research area is the North Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica, between the 70°-76° S latitude and the 159°-171° E longitude.

NVL is an area difficult to be accessed for direct geological studies on rocks due to the extensive ice/snow coverage (~5%) and few published studies with complete structural datasets are available so far.

Our database is organized in various fields which include: number/code of the expedition, date, code of the site of field structural measurement, geographical coordinates of the field measurement site, elevation, toponyms, lithological classification, geological unit, description of any collected sample, name of the field data collector, classification, attitude of measured structural element (strike/trend, dip/plunge, dip/plunge direction), local magnetic declination at the date of the field survey.  Fault attributes include fault type (normal, reverse, strike-slip), rake of the slickenlines and sense of motion. Attributes of the extensional fractures/joints also include their dimension (height, H) and spacing (S).

Moreover, the GIS project includes basic georeferenced maps such as: i) geological maps of NVL available in literature at 1:250.000 and 1:500.000 scale; ii) DEM of the bedrock and of the ice surface (from Bedmap 2); iii) the Radarsat mosaic of Antarctica; and iv) the MODIS mosaic of Antarctica.

This queryable database allows to perform multiple geostatistical analyses and realise geothematic maps such as: i) the spatial variability of the main azimuthal structural trends at the regional scale; ii) the intensity of brittle deformation quantified by the H/S parameter (see contribution of Cianfarra et al. in this meeting); and iii) thematic geostructural maps (e.g: maps of the foliation traces, of strain partitioning or fractures distribution).

These analyses, pivotal to better understand the tectonic framework of complex regions such as the NVL and to provide constraints supporting any geodynamic modelling, will greatly benefit from the extreme pliability and interoperability of such a database, which can be easily modified and expanded according to different scientific research needs by the production of newly derived data.

How to cite: Bagnasco, A., Cianfarra, P., Locatelli, M., Crispini, L., Balbi, E., Salvini, F., and Federico, L.: Geodatabase of structural data from North Victoria Land (Antarctica): a useful tool for geodynamic modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12547,, 2023.

EGU23-13602 | Posters on site | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18

Analysing the added value of surface features information in the Seabed substrate data from the European sea areas - EMODnet Geology 

Susanna Kihlman, Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen, Henry Vallius, and EMODnet Geology Partners

Increasing anthropogenic pressure in marine and coastal environments emphasizes the importance of the easily accessible, reliable, and suitable data on marine environment, to support conservation, research, and sustainable marine management decisions. The EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data network) Geology project has been aiming to address this demand by collecting and harmonising geological data at different scales from all the European sea areas since 2009, at present with a collaboration of about 40 partners and subcontractors.

Seabed substrate data has been collected since the beginning of the EMODnet Geology project and it is one of the key elements shaping the physical structure of benthic habitats. In the project, national seabed substrate data is harmonised into a shared schema, based on the sediment grain size. However, there are some geologically and ecologically important seabed surface features, which cannot be explained only by grain size e.g., bioclastic features, moving sediment and FeMn concretion fields. Therefore, the project has also collected information on these features that partners have considered vital for the seabed environment. At best, this data could be a valuable addition to define e.g., geodiversity of the seabed environment when grain size distribution is insufficient.

The first review of the collected data aimed to identify and analyse the surface features, their occurrence and briefly discuss the prospects this additional information could provide. However, the development of a valuable surface features database requires further work, like developing guidelines concerning data collection methods, terminology, and classification. This work will need collaboration with different stakeholders and end users.

The EMODnet Geology project is funded by The European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency (CINEA) through contract EASME/EMFF/2020/3.1.11 - Lot 2/SI2.853812_EMODnet – Geology.

How to cite: Kihlman, S., Kaskela, A., Kotilainen, A., Alanen, U., Vallius, H., and Partners, E. G.: Analysing the added value of surface features information in the Seabed substrate data from the European sea areas - EMODnet Geology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13602,, 2023.

EGU23-15536 | Posters on site | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18

The Geological mapping of Iceland’s Insular Shelf and Adjacent Deep Ocean. 

Ögmundur Erlendsson, Anett Blischke, Árni Hjartarson, Davíð Þ. Óðinsson, and Árni Þ. Vésteinsson

We present our contribution to the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) and the first comprehensive marine geological seafloor map compilation for Icelandic waters across an area of 764,000 km2. Our study is based on a variety of datasets, such as multi-beam and high-resolution bathymetry, sub-bottom profile and 2D seismic reflection, seafloor samples, and core data. This forms the basis for this map compilation, as well as previously published research. Mapping the seafloor geology of Icelandic waters is highly variable and challenging including volcanic, tectonic, sedimentary, and glacial features. These include e.g., present-day active and dormant volcanic systems, eruptive fissures and craters, seamounts and ridges, faults and lineaments, submarine lava borders, landslides, hydrothermal vents, terminal moraines, the extent of the last glacial maximum, glacial streamlines, drumlins, and gravity channels elements. Iceland´s onshore volcanic systems are well characterized based on their distribution of volcanic and tectonic fissures and rock compositions, which continue across the Icelandic insular shelf and the country´s marine domain. On the Icelandic insular shelf and shelf slopes, 17 active volcanic systems have been defined. Seamounts and Seamount ridges were mapped as isolated topographic features rising from the ocean floor that are typically volcanic and/or tectonic in origin. More than 600 craters and 250 eruptive fissures have been mapped and are common within active spreading zones or along extinct ridges. Subaerial and submarine lava flows, primarily seen as pillow lava sheets, have been mapped along the Reykjanes- and Kolbeinsey Ridges, craters, and eruptive fissures. Distinct submarine pillow lava flows can be seen deeper than 400 m depth with flow lengths up to 8-9 km from the crater of origin, and an aerial extent of 45-50 km2. Tectonic elements, fault zones, or fissures are prominent along the active spreading zones, and common across the insular shelf all around Iceland. They follow the primary structural grain of the mid-oceanic ridges north and southwest of Iceland and are predominantly active normal fault systems that are accompanied by earthquakes. Near the rift axes, these faults can form 20 km long and up to 400 m high continuous fault escarpments. Submarine landslides around Iceland are found in the fjords of east and west Iceland, but some are located on the insular slopes and on the Iceland-Faroe Ridge. The ages of these landslides are inferred to be of prehistoric age (>1200 years B.C.) as coastal areas became unstable after the last glaciation. Glacial landforms and erosional marks have been mapped along the entire insular shelf. This includes moraine ridges and glacial streamlines that hold information about past glacial movements and behaviour. This marine geological map compilation for Icelandic waters provides vital data input and starting point for future research and mapping projects that require maps such as seabed substrate, seafloor geology, coastal behaviour, geological events and probabilities, minerals, and submerged landscape map coverages.

How to cite: Erlendsson, Ö., Blischke, A., Hjartarson, Á., Óðinsson, D. Þ., and Vésteinsson, Á. Þ.: The Geological mapping of Iceland’s Insular Shelf and Adjacent Deep Ocean., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15536,, 2023.

Data and information on the ocean floor is hardly findable scattered, rarely compatible, often inaccessible, and often usable only by insiders. The main reason for this situation is the inaccessibility of the ocean floor and the need to use and rely on mostly geophysical methods in order to create a geological map. Therefore, the ocean floor is by far not as thoroughly explored as on-shore areas: “we have better maps of the surface of Mars and the Moon than we do of the bottom of the ocean.” [Gene Feldmann, NASA, 2009:].

Thus, in 2009 the European Commission established the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) programme, subdivided into seven thematic projects, one of which is EMODnet Geology. It aims to build digitally available map layers of the European Seas to be interoperable and generally and freely available. Within the EMODnet Geology the workpackage “Seafloor geology” (lead by BGR) compiles and harmonizes marine geological and geomorphological data from the EMODnet partners all over Europe and adjacent areas, to be made available on the EMODnet Geology portal [] and the BGR portal [].

These data contain information on geomorphology, age, lithology and genesis (process, environment) of each unit and encompass two relevant aspects of extreme environmental mapping:

a) they are often mapped in extreme environments such as mid-oceanic ridges, rift propagation zone, and subsea volcanic centres, e.g. the Grimsey lineament rift propagation zone located north-of Iceland; 

b) they contain information on past extreme environments, e.g. subglacial, volcanic or deep sea environments.

Underpinned by examples, this poster will present and discuss both aspects and outline the benefits of mapping in extreme environments also for general mapping projects such as EMODnet geology.

How to cite: Asch, K., Müller, A. M., and Blischke, A.: Ocean mapping: Finding and compiling spatial data on extreme environments – key information even for a general mapping project such as EMODnet geology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16050,, 2023.

EGU23-16497 | Posters on site | ITS1.15/ESSI2.18

Bridging “Around the world in 80 days” and “Journey to the Center of the Earth”: web-based mapping of exploration seismics data around the globe 

Paolo Diviacco, Alessandro Busato, Mihai Burca, Alberto Viola, and Nikolas Potleca

Exploration Seismics is one of the most important geophysical methods that could provide insights of the Earth crust up to depths of several Kilometers. This approach has been used widely in many areas of the globe accumulating large datasets that allow to improve the knowledge of the Earth dynamics.

Providing access to recent and old datasets to the widest scientific community is of paramount importance to foster, as much as possible, collaborative research among scientists. In this, the possibility to find, preview and possibly process data directly on the web is extremely relevant.

National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS is deeply committed in developing a web-based framework named Seismic data Network Access Point (SNAP) (, that allows scientists to remotely explore data assets that have been acquired by OGS itself and by other research institutions. SNAP is used within several international data dissemination initiatives such as EMODnet, SeaDataNet, SCAR-SDLS and others.

These kinds of initiatives often focus on specific areas, such as for example the European Seas or Antarctica, that are located far from each other and that have different needs in terms of projections or bounding boxes. Finding a one-fits-all solution for web mapping and data access to georeferenced data in such diverse environments is not easy.

Polar areas, in particular, are as complex to handle as difficult to survey. At the same time these regions are of overwhelming importance for climate studies. The remoteness, extreme weather conditions, and environmental sensitivity of Antarctica make new data acquisition complicated and existing seismic data very valuable. It is, therefore, critical that existing data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The aim of the SNAP framework and its implementations is to allow seismic data acquired in distant and different regions of the globe to be immediately accessible within a FAIR paradigm, offering all standard OGC compliant metadata models, and OGC compliant data access services.

We will present in detail the SNAP web-based framework in the light of Open Data and FAIR principles, and its planned future developments.

How to cite: Diviacco, P., Busato, A., Burca, M., Viola, A., and Potleca, N.: Bridging “Around the world in 80 days” and “Journey to the Center of the Earth”: web-based mapping of exploration seismics data around the globe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16497,, 2023.

ITS2 – Global geoscientific initiatives and research

EGU23-257 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Assessment of the Long-term Temporal Resilience of the Indian Terrestrial Ecosystems: Insights into the Country-scale Drivers 

Abhishek Chakraborty, Sekhar Muddu, and Lakshminarayana Rao

The knowledge of the long-term resilience of Indian terrestrial ecosystems is essential in the background of massive land-use conversion to croplands, intensification of irrigation, and the enhanced climate change signals over the past few decades. Previous assessments of Indian ecosystem resilience were limited by a smaller temporal span, lack of consideration for the sub-annual ecosystem transitions, and non-aridity-based stressors of the loss of resilience of ecosystems (Sharma and Goyal, 2017, Glob Chang Biol; Kumar and Sharma, 2023, J Environ Manage). This study aims towards a comprehensive understanding of the resilience of Indian terrestrial ecosystems through monthly scale assessment considering the driving role of the stressors in a standalone and compound manner.

The study utilizes ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE) as a state variable to assess the resilience of Indian ecosystems. WUE, produced from the FLUXCOM RS+METEO gross primary productivity (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET) datasets at a monthly scale (WUEe=GPP/ET) from 1950 to 2010 (Jung et al., 2019, Sci Data; Tramontana et al., 2016, Biogeosciences), is a metric to quantify the strength of the coupling between terrestrial water and carbon cycles. Further lag-1 autocorrelation time series (AC(1)) is produced by evaluating the Kendall tau correlations for each pixel's residual component of the decomposed time series of WUE (excluding the impacts of trends and seasonal cycles). Such higher-order statistical assessments have been used earlier to quantify the loss of resilience (Smith et al., 2022, Nat Clim Change; Boulton et al., 2022, Nat Clim Change). We conduct the AC(1) analysis for resilience for India's six homogeneous meteorological regions, the eight major river basins, and the biome scale. We further consider the impacts of different forms of aridity on the loss of resilience: atmospheric aridity, hydrological aridity, and soil moisture aridity, individually and in a compound pattern. We also assess the loss of resilience at a seasonal scale (winter, summer, monsoon, post-monsoon) for the two major anthropogenic influences on Indian ecosystems: intensity of irrigation and groundwater fluctuations. This study attempts at a holistic understanding of the loss of resilience through its quantification and impacts of drivers, which could help the policymakers to identify the hotspots of loss of resilience and the significant perturbations to the resilience of Indian terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., Muddu, S., and Rao, L.: Assessment of the Long-term Temporal Resilience of the Indian Terrestrial Ecosystems: Insights into the Country-scale Drivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-257,, 2023.

EGU23-406 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Stochastic data adapted AMOC box models 

Ruth Chapman, Peter Ashwin, and Richard Wood

The Atlantic Meridional overturning Circulation is responsible for the comparatively temperate climate found in Western Europe, and its previous collapse thought to have triggered glacial periods seen in the paleo data. This is a system that has multiple stable states- referred to as ‘on’ when the circulation is strong as in the current climate, and ‘off’ when it is much weaker. The AMOC has tipping points between these states. Tipping points occur when a rapid shift in dynamics happens in response to a relatively small change in a parameter. Making future projections of AMOC response to the climate is essential for avoiding any anthropogenic caused tipping, but it is computationally expensive to calculate the full hysteresis for different scenarios. This work looks at a conceptual five box model of the AMOC [1] which is easy to understand and cheap to implement. Previous work has considered bifurcation and rate-dependent tipping [2] of this model. This current work looks to estimate a realistic amount of noise from various GCM data sets and apply this to the model. We compare the covariance of the salinity data for a variety of CMIP6 models, and we compare the amount of noise covariance found in each data set, and how this can be input back into the box model. We perform some analysis to suggest where in the model the largest noise sources should be found.

[1] Wood, R. (2019), Climate Dynamics, 53(11), 6815-6834

[2] Alkhayuon, H. (2019), Proc. R. Soc. A, 475(2225)

How to cite: Chapman, R., Ashwin, P., and Wood, R.: Stochastic data adapted AMOC box models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-406,, 2023.

EGU23-687 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Stochastic resonance, climate variability, and phase-tipping: The increasing risk of extinction in cyclic ecosystems 

Hassan Alkhayuon, Rebecca Tyson, and Sebastian Wieczorek

Global warming is expected to lead to increase in amplitude and autocorrelation in climate variability in most locations around the world. These changes could have a great and imminent impact on ecosystems. In this work, we demonstrate that changes in climate variability can drive cyclic predator-prey ecosystems to extinction via so-called phase tipping (P-tipping), a new type of instability that occurs only from certain phases of the predator-prey cycle. We coupled a simple mathematical model of climate variability to a self-oscillating paradigmatic predator-prey model. Most importantly, we combine realistic parameter values for the Canada lynx and snowshoe hare with actual climate data from the boreal forest to demonstrate that critically important species in the boreal forest have increased likelihood of extinction under predicted changes in climate variability. The cyclic populations of these species are most vulnerable during stages of the cycle when the predator population is near its maximum. We identify stochastic resonance as the underlying mechanism for the increased likelihood extinction.

How to cite: Alkhayuon, H., Tyson, R., and Wieczorek, S.: Stochastic resonance, climate variability, and phase-tipping: The increasing risk of extinction in cyclic ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-687,, 2023.

EGU23-1021 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Impact of tropical cyclones on global ecosystems 

Chahan M. Kropf, Loïc Pellissier, Lisa Vaterlaus, Christopher Fairless, and David N. Bresch

Human societies rely on the existence of functioning global ecosystems, which are threatened by a combination of gradual changes and extreme events. Among the latter, natural hazards such as wildfires or floods can play a *functional* role for ecosystems, with plant and animal species requiring regular disturbance in their life-cycle in order to thrive, but beyond a threshold, the extreme events might cause ecosystem degradation.

Here we map and project the risk of tropical cyclones on coastal ecosystems worldwide, using the probabilistic risk model CLIMADA to describe the vulnerability of global terrestrial ecosystems to tropical cyclones. First, a baseline for the current climate conditions is used to determine whether ecosystems are resilient, dependent, or vulnerable to tropical cyclones. We show that most ecosystems in the tropics are at least resilient to lower-intensity storms, but only a few ecosystems are not vulnerable to high-intensity storms. Second, the changes in tropical cyclone frequency under the high-emission scenario RCP8.5 in 2050 are used to determine which ecosystems are at risk. We show that while the global increase in the frequency of strong storms is the most threatening effect, several ecosystems with a dependency relationship are also at risk of locally decreasing frequency of low to middle-intensity storms.

Our study paves the way for a better understanding of the functional and vital relationship between extreme weather events and ecosystems at a global scale, and how regime shifts under climate change might threaten them. This can prove useful to improve ecosystem management and design appropriate nature-based protection measures in a rapidly changing climate.  

How to cite: Kropf, C. M., Pellissier, L., Vaterlaus, L., Fairless, C., and Bresch, D. N.: Impact of tropical cyclones on global ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1021,, 2023.

EGU23-1283 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Drought mortality and resilience of savannas and forests in tropical Asia 

Simon Scheiter, Dushyant Kumar, Mirjam Pfeiffer, and Liam Langan

The projected increase of drought occurrence under future climates will affect terrestrial ecosystems, particularly by increasing drought-induced tree mortality. The capacity to simulate drought mortality in vegetation models is therefore essential to understand climate change impacts on ecosystem functions and services, as well as on functional diversity. Using the trait-based vegetation model aDGVM2, we assessed tree mortality under drought conditions in tropical Asia under future climate, and if vegetation is resilient to drought or if tipping point behavior occurs. We further assessed how drought impacts are related to pre-drought community composition and diversity. We conducted model simulations for multiple sites in tropical Asia, representing a biogeographic gradient ranging from savannas to tropical forests. Responses of vegetation attributes and mortality rates were simulated until 2099 under the RCP8.5 scenario. Repeated droughts of different length were modeled to test drought impacts and resilience. Finally, the diversity of pre-drought communities was constrained by removing different trait syndromes to test how community composition and diversity influence drought resistance and resilience. Model simulations showed substantial biomass dieback during drought which was attributed to increased mortality rates, primarily among tall and old trees. Drought response differed between current and elevated CO2 levels under RCP8.5, with higher biomass recovery under elevated CO2 due to fertilization effects. Pre-drought community composition influenced biomass dieback and mortality during drought, and the presence or absence of drought-adapted plants had the highest effect on drought impacts. Despite severe drought impacts, recovery of most vegetation attributes was possible after drought periods. We conclude that repeated droughts under future conditions will have vast impacts on vegetation attributes and mortality in tropical ecosystems. Conserving functional diversity in ecosystems buffers drought impacts. However, according to model results, vegetation is resilient, and irreversible transitions to alternative vegetation states do, for the investigated scenarios, not occur. Improved models representing lagged drought impacts, irreversible damage of individual plants, and the interactions between drought regimes, CO2 fertilization and trait diversity are required.

How to cite: Scheiter, S., Kumar, D., Pfeiffer, M., and Langan, L.: Drought mortality and resilience of savannas and forests in tropical Asia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1283,, 2023.

A hybrid data assimilation algorithm is developed for complex dynamical systems with partial observations. The method starts with applying a spectral decomposition to the entire spatiotemporal fields, followed by creating a machine learning model that builds a nonlinear map between the coefficients of observed and unobserved state variables for each spectral mode. A cheap low-order nonlinear stochastic parameterized extended Kalman filter (SPEKF) model is employed as the forecast model in the ensemble Kalman filter to deal with each mode associated with the observed variables. The resulting ensemble members are then fed into the machine learning model to create an ensemble of the corresponding unobserved variables. In addition to the ensemble spread, the training residual in the machine learning-induced nonlinear map is further incorporated into the state estimation that advances the quantification of the posterior uncertainty. The hybrid data assimilation algorithm is applied to a precipitation quasi-geostrophic (PQG) model, which includes the effects of water vapor, clouds, and rainfall beyond the classical two-level QG model. The complicated nonlinearities in the PQG equations prevent traditional methods from building simple and accurate reduced-order forecast models. In contrast, the SPEKF model is skillful in recovering the intermittent observed states, and the machine learning model effectively estimates the chaotic unobserved signals. Utilizing the calibrated SPEKF and machine learning models under a moderate cloud fraction, the resulting hybrid data assimilation remains reasonably accurate when applied to other geophysical scenarios with nearly clear skies or relatively heavy rainfall, implying the robustness of the algorithm for extrapolation.

How to cite: Mou, C., Smith, L. M., and Chen, N.: Combining Stochastic Parameterized Reduced-Order Models with Machine Learning for Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification with Partial Observations , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1335,, 2023.

EGU23-2147 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Bifurcations and Early-Warning Signs for SPDEs 

Paolo Bernuzzi and Christian Kuehn

Bistability is a key property of many systems arising in the nonlinear sciences. For example, it appears in many partial differential equations (PDEs). For scalar bistable reaction-diffusions PDEs, the bistable case even has taken on different names within communities such as Allee, Allen-Cahn, Chafee-Infante, Nagumo, Ginzburg-Landau, Schlögl, Stommel, just to name a few structurally similar bistable model names. One key mechanism, how bistability arises under parameter variation is a pitchfork bifurcation. In particular, taking the pitchfork bifurcation normal form for reaction-diffusion PDEs is yet another variant within the family of PDEs mentioned above. More generally, the study of this PDE class considering steady states and stability, related to bifurcations due to a parameter is well-understood for the deterministic case. For the stochastic PDE (SPDE) case, the situation is less well-understood and has been studied recently. We generalize and unify several recent results for SPDE bifurcations. Our generalisation is motivated directly by applications as we introduce in the equation a spatially heterogeneous term and relax the assumptions on the covariance operator that defines the noise. For this spatially heterogeneous SPDE, we prove a finite-time Lyapunov exponent bifurcation result. Furthermore, we extend the theory of early warning signs in our context and we explain the role of universal exponents between covariance operator warning signs and the lack of finite-time Lyapunov uniformity. Our results are accompanied and cross-validated by numerical simulations.

How to cite: Bernuzzi, P. and Kuehn, C.: Bifurcations and Early-Warning Signs for SPDEs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2147,, 2023.

EGU23-2359 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Uncertainties in critical slowing down indicators of observation-based fingerprints of the AMOC 

Maya Ben Yami, Niklas Boers, Vanessa Skiba, and Sebastian Bathiany

In recent years, sea-surface temperature (SST) and salinity-based indices have been used to detect critical slowing down (CSD) indicators for a possible collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). However, these observational SST and salinity datasets have inherent uncertainties and biases which could influence the CSD analysis. Here we present an in-depth uncertainty analysis of AMOC CSD indicators. We first use uncertainties provided with the HadSST4 and HadCRUT5 datasets to generate uncertainty ensembles and estimate the uncertainty of SST-based AMOC fingerprints, and we then calculate stringent significance measures on the CSD indicators in the EN4.2.2, HadISST1 and HadCRUT5 datasets.

How to cite: Ben Yami, M., Boers, N., Skiba, V., and Bathiany, S.: Uncertainties in critical slowing down indicators of observation-based fingerprints of the AMOC, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2359,, 2023.

EGU23-2840 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Estimate of Critical Thresholds with Variance and Parabolic Approximations 

Alessandro Cotronei and Martin Rypdal

It is wide scientific consensus that tipping points, in the form of rapid, large and irreversible changes in features of the climate system, are a possible scenario consequent to anthropogenic climate change. In literature there are several ways to detect the so-called Early-Warning-Signals, indicators (as increasing variance) that these changes are close to our current state and that the climate state is about to shift. We propose two novel indicators based on variance and parabolic approximations that expand the current theory to detect these EWSs. We show that the methods can produce estimations for the critical thresholds for particular systems. We finally show that our indicators predict close thresholds for the loss of ice of the Greenland ice sheet.

How to cite: Cotronei, A. and Rypdal, M.: Estimate of Critical Thresholds with Variance and Parabolic Approximations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2840,, 2023.

EGU23-3074 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4 | Highlight

Overshooting the critical threshold for the Greenland ice sheet 

Nils Bochow, Anna Poltronieri, Martin Rypdal, Alexander Robinson, and Niklas Boers

Global sea level rise due to the melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) in response to anthropogenic global warming poses a severe threat to ecosystems and human society (IPCC, 2021). Modelling and paleoclimatic evidence suggest that rapidly increasing temperatures in the Arctic can trigger positive feedback mechanisms, and the GrIS is hypothesised to exhibit multiple stable states (Gregory et al., 2020). 
Consequently, critical transitions are expected when the global mean surface temperature crosses specific thresholds, and there is substantial hysteresis between the alternative stable states (Robinson et al., 2012). 
Here, we investigate the impact of different climate scenarios that overshoot temperature goals and then return to lower temperatures at different pace. Our results show that both the maximum GMT and the time span of overshooting given GMT targets are critical in determining GrIS stability. We find an abrupt loss of the ice sheet for a threshold temperature, preceded by several intermediate stable states. We show that even temporarily overshooting the temperature threshold may lead to catastrophic consequences in specific scenarios. On the other hand, overshoots might be tolerable if GMTs are subsequently reduced below 1.5°C GMT above pre-industrial levels within a few centuries. Even without a transition to a new ice sheet state the short-term global sea level rise can exceed several metres before returning to moderate GMTs.

Allan, R. P., Hawkins, E., Bellouin, N., & Collins, B. (2021). IPCC, 2021: Summary for Policymakers (V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S. L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M. I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J. B. R. Matthews, T. K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, & B. Zhou, Eds.). Cambridge University Press.

Gregory, J. M., George, S. E., & Smith, R. S. (2020). Large and irreversible future decline of the Greenland ice sheet. The Cryosphere, 14(12), 4299–4322.

Robinson, A., Calov, R., & Ganopolski, A. (2012). Multistability and critical thresholds of the Greenland ice sheet. Nature Climate Change, 2(6), 429–432.

How to cite: Bochow, N., Poltronieri, A., Rypdal, M., Robinson, A., and Boers, N.: Overshooting the critical threshold for the Greenland ice sheet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3074,, 2023.

EGU23-3246 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Links between climate tipping elements: A story of ice, overturning and trade winds 

Swinda Falkena and Anna von der Heydt

Within the earth system several tipping elements exist. It is important to understand the links between these tipping elements, as a critical transition in one element could lead to tipping of another. Here, we study the links between some of these tipping elements in CMIP6 data. The starting point is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), whose collapse would have world-wide impacts and for which nearly all climate models show a decrease in the strength. In the Northern Hemisphere it would induce wide-spread cooling, impacting both sea-ice and the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). The corresponding changes in the global distribution of heat impact the atmospheric circulation. Where the response of the trade winds in the Atlantic is still relatively similar between models, this is not the case for the Pacific resulting in large uncertainty in the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) response.

To understand the effect of the AMOC on ENSO and other tipping elements, we consider the effect it has on the physical processes involved. For example, to study the effect of the AMOC on ENSO we consider its effect on the Pacific trade winds and other physically relevant variables. This aids in better understanding the consequences of an AMOC collapse and the potential for tipping cascades.

How to cite: Falkena, S. and von der Heydt, A.: Links between climate tipping elements: A story of ice, overturning and trade winds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3246,, 2023.

EGU23-3291 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

The combined effect of global warming and AMOC collapse on the Amazon Forest 

Da Nian, Sebastian Bathiany, Maya Ben-Yami, Lana Blaschke, Marina Hirota, Regina Rodrigues, and Niklas Boers

The Amazon forest is at risk of dieback due to climate change, in particular decreasing mean annual precipitation (MAP) and increasing mean annual temperature (MAT). This study assesses the influence on South American vegetation under two possible future climate change scenarios: global warming, and global warming combined with an AMOC collapse. We consider MAT and MAP as control parameters and use their projected changes from climate model simulations with the Earth System Model HadGEM3. We then estimate the most probable states of vegetation based on empirical relationships between these parameters and tree cover. Our results suggest that an AMOC collapse would not contribute to further rainforest dieback over most of the Amazon basin. Instead, in parts of tropical South America, MAP increases and MAT decreases after AMOC collapse, which tends to stabilize the Amazon forest and hence delay the Amazon dieback compared to the default global warming scenario.

How to cite: Nian, D., Bathiany, S., Ben-Yami, M., Blaschke, L., Hirota, M., Rodrigues, R., and Boers, N.: The combined effect of global warming and AMOC collapse on the Amazon Forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3291,, 2023.

EGU23-3328 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4 | Highlight

Using self-organization to build climate-resilient ecosystems 

Johan Van de Koppel, Loreta Cornacchia, Roeland Van de Vijsel, and Daphne Van der Wal

Whether current-day ecosystems, often heavily modified by humans, can adapt to climate change is one of the most pressing scientific questions. Coastal ecosystems are at the forefront of climate impact, as salt marshes and intertidal flats may drown if these systems cannot follow sea level rise.

We developed a model to investigate how the emergence of complex creek networks during early salt marsh development affects the ability of marsh ecosystems to accumulate sediment, thereby compensating for sea level rise. This model is based on a scale-dependent feedback relation between vegetation growth and sedimentation, as plants locally block water flow, which then diverts to their surroundings. The model revealed that this self-organization process drives the emergence of a complex creek network of ever smaller creeks nested in between larger ones.

We used the model to analyze the importance of creek network complexity for the rate at which marshes accumulate sediment. The model highlights that in salt marshes, plant traits have a defining effect on the development of creek network complexity. Yet, it is the emergent effect of creek network complexity on sedimentation, rather than plant traits directly, that controlled sedimentation rates, determining the adaptive capacity of the marsh to sea level rise. Self-organized creek complexity proved a defining characteristic determining the resilience of this ecosystem to climate change.

We used our model to study whether restored coastal wetlands can be designed in such a way as to improve the adaptive capacity to sea level rise. We explored 14 realigned coastal wetlands and related the established, real-world creek network, being either entirely artificial dug-out channels or naturally formed creeks, to their potential, model-predicted sedimentation rate.

We observed that the developing channel networks in restored wetlands had much lower creek development and channel branching than natural systems, resulting in less efficient channel networks. Model simulations showed that if artificial creek networks deviated more from the creek pattern observed in natural ecosystems, or from the ones predicted from our model, they had lower sediment transport efficiency. Our findings suggest that if a more natural organization is followed when designing climate-proof coastal ecosystems, they are more resilient to climate change.

How to cite: Van de Koppel, J., Cornacchia, L., Van de Vijsel, R., and Van der Wal, D.: Using self-organization to build climate-resilient ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3328,, 2023.

EGU23-3354 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Tipping points in hydrology: attribution of regime shifts using historical climate simulations and dynamical system modeling 

Erwan Le Roux, Valentin Wendling, Gérémy Panthou, Paul-Alain Raynal, Abdramane Ba, Ibrahim Bouzou-Moussa, Jean-Martial Cohard, Jérome Demarty, Fabrice Gangneron, Manuela Grippa, Basile Hector, Pierre Hiernaux, Laurent Kergoat, Emmanuel Lawin, Thierry Lebel, Olivier Mora, Eric Mougin, Caroline Pierre, Jean-Louis Rajot, and Christophe Peugeot and the TipHyc Project
The Sahel (the semi-arid fringe south of the Sahara) experienced a severe drought in the 70s-90s. During this drought, an hydrological regime shift was observed for most watersheds in the Central Sahel: runoff has significantly increased despite the rainfall deficit. Did the drought cause this regime shift ? What if the drought did not happen ? To answer these questions, we introduce a simple dynamical model that represents feedbacks between soil, vegetation and runoff at the watershed scale and at the annual time step. This model is forced with annual rainfall and evaluated using long-term observations of runoff from selected watersheds. We find that the model forced with observed rainfall reproduces well the observed regime shift in runoff. For the attribution of the regime shift to the drought, we rely on two sets of historical rainfall simulations from CMIP6 global climate models: fully-coupled simulations that do not reproduce the drought, and atmosphere-only simulations (AMIP) that represent the drought. Our results show that a regime shift would have been unlikely without the drought. This approach will be extended to identify areas that are likely to experience an hydrological regime shift in the future.

How to cite: Le Roux, E., Wendling, V., Panthou, G., Raynal, P.-A., Ba, A., Bouzou-Moussa, I., Cohard, J.-M., Demarty, J., Gangneron, F., Grippa, M., Hector, B., Hiernaux, P., Kergoat, L., Lawin, E., Lebel, T., Mora, O., Mougin, E., Pierre, C., Rajot, J.-L., and Peugeot, C. and the TipHyc Project: Tipping points in hydrology: attribution of regime shifts using historical climate simulations and dynamical system modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3354,, 2023.

EGU23-3612 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Automatic characterisation of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate ice records 

Susana Barbosa, Maria Eduarda Silva, Nuno Dias, and Denis-Didier Rousseau

Greenland ice core records display abrupt transitions, designated as Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, characterised by episodes of rapid warming (typically decades) followed by a slower cooling. The identification of abrupt transitions is hindered by the typical low resolution and small size of paleoclimate records, and their significant temporal variability. Furthermore, the amplitude and duration of the DO events varies substantially along the last glacial period, which further hinders the objective identification of abrupt transitions from ice core records Automatic, purely data-driven methods, have the potential to foster the identification of abrupt transitions in palaeoclimate time series in an objective way, complementing the traditional identification of transitions by visual inspection of the time series.

In this study we apply an algorithmic time series method, the Matrix Profile approach, to the analysis of the NGRIP Greenland ice core record, focusing on:

- the ability of the method to retrieve in an automatic way abrupt transitions, by comparing the anomalies identified by the matrix profile method with the expert-based identification of DO events;

- the characterisation of DO events, by classifying DO events in terms of shape and identifying events with similar warming/cooling temporal pattern

The results for the NGRIP time series show that the matrix profile approach struggles to retrieve all the abrupt transitions that are identified by experts as DO events, the main limitation arising from the diversity in length of DO events and the method’s dependence on fixed-size sub-sequences within the time series. However, the matrix profile method is able to characterise the similarity of shape patterns between DO events in an objective and consistent way.

How to cite: Barbosa, S., Silva, M. E., Dias, N., and Rousseau, D.-D.: Automatic characterisation of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in palaeoclimate ice records, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3612,, 2023.

A deterministic excitation (DE) paradigm is formulated, according to which the abrupt glacial-interglacial transitions occurred after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition correspond to the excitation by the orbital forcing, of nonlinear relaxation oscillations (ROs) internal to the climate system in the absence of any stochastic parameterization. Specific rules are derived from the DE paradigm: they parameterize internal climate feedbacks which, when activated by the crossing of certain tipping points, excite a RO. Such rules are then applied to the fluctuations of the glacial state simulated by a conceptual model subjected to realistic orbital forcing. The timing of the glacial terminations thus obtained in a reference simulation is found to be in good agreement with proxy records; besides, a sensitivity analysis insures the robustness of the timing. The role of noise in the glacial-interglacial transitions and the problems arising in the implementation of theories in which noise is crucial (such as stochastic resonance) are finally discussed. In conclusion, the DE paradigm provides the simplest possible dynamical systems characterization of the link between orbital forcing and glacial terminations implied by the Milankovitch hypothesis.

How to cite: Pierini, S.: The deterministic excitation paradigm, with application to the glacial-interglacial transitions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3864,, 2023.

Greenland ice core records feature Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events; abrupt warming episodes followed by a gradual cooling phase during mid-glacial periods. Here, we analysis spontaneous self-sustained D-O type oscillations reproduced in three climate models: CCSM4, MPI-ESM and HadCM3. The three models show D-O type oscillatory behaviour in a remarkably similar, narrow window of atmospheric CO2 concentrations between approximately 185 to 230 parts per million (ppm). This CO2 range also compares particularly well with Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3 - between 27.8 – 59.4 thousand of years BP, hereafter ka) atmospheric CO2 values (∼ 233-187.5 ppm), when D-O events occurred with most regularity. Outside this CO2 window of oscillatory behaviour, two different stable states are shown in the three models; warm high CO2 (strong AMOC) and cold low CO2 (weak AMOC) states. The weak state remains stable below the first critical tipping point near 185-195 ppm and the strong state remains stable above the second tipping point near 217-230 ppm. In all three models, the oscillatory experiments with higher CO2 show an increased built-up of stadial salinity in the upper ocean in the subtropics, especially in the eastern edge of the North Atlantic Current, compared with the ensemble mean: the tendency to re-invigorate the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is increased and so the system spend less time in the stadial phase. CO2 also affects North Atlantic and Arctic sea ice, determining interstadial and stadial duration. Similar sensitivity CO2 experiments performed with other climate models may help in further constraining the here-identified range of atmospheric CO2 (∼185-230 ppm) bounding this D-O sweet-spot. 

How to cite: Malmierca Vallet, I. and Sime, L. C.: Atmospheric CO2 impact on spontaneous Dansgaard–Oeschger type oscillations: oscillatory sweet-spot for three climate models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4149,, 2023.

EGU23-4501 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Identifying topological tipping points in noise-driven chaotic dynamics using random templexes 

Gisela Daniela Charó, Michael Ghil, and Denisse Sciamarella

Random attractors are the time-evolving pullback attractors of stochastically perturbed, deterministically chaotic dynamical systems. These attractors have a structure that changes in time, and that has been characterized recently using BraMAH cell complexes and their homology groups (Chaos, 2021, doi:10.1063/5.0059461). A more complete description is obtained for their deterministic counterparts if the cell is endowed with a directed graph (digraph) that prescribes cell connections in terms of the flow direction. Such a topological description is given by a templex, which carries the information of the structure of the branched manifold, as well as information on the flow (Chaos, 2022, doi:10.1063/5.0092933). The present work (Chaos, 2023, arXiv:2212.14450 [nlin.CD]) introduces the stochastic version of a templex. Stochastic attractors in the pullback approach, like the LOrenz Random Attractor (LORA), include sharp transitions in their branched manifold. These sharp transitions can be suitably described using what we call here a random templex. In a random templex, there is one cell complex per snapshot of the random attractor and the cell complexes are such that changes can be followed in terms of how the generators of the homology groups, i.e., the “holes” of these complexes, evolve. The nodes of the digraph are the generators of the homology groups, and its directed edges indicate the correspondence between holes from one snapshot to the next. Topological tipping points can be identified with the creation, destruction, splitting or merging of holes, through a definition in terms of the nodes in the digraph.

How to cite: Charó, G. D., Ghil, M., and Sciamarella, D.: Identifying topological tipping points in noise-driven chaotic dynamics using random templexes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4501,, 2023.

EGU23-5180 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4 | Highlight

Emerging signals of a global drift in forest resilience under climate change 

Giovanni Forzieri, Vasilis Dakos, Nate G Mc Dowell, Ramdane Alkama, and Alessandro Cescatti

The persistence and functionality of forest ecosystems are highly dependent on their resilience to the ongoing rapid changes in climate conditions and in natural and anthropogenic pressures. Experimental evidences of a sudden increase in tree mortality across different biomes are rising concerns about the ongoing changes in forest resilience. However, how forest resilience, which is the capacity to withstand and recover from perturbations, is evolving in response to global changes is not yet explored. Here, we integrate satellite-based vegetation indices with machine learning to show how forest resilience, quantified in terms of critical slowing down indicators, has changed over the period 2000-2020. We show that tropical, arid and temperate forests are experiencing a significant decline in resilience, likely related to the increase in water limitations and climate variability. On the contrary, boreal forests show an increasing trend in resilience, likely for the benefits of climate warming and CO2 fertilization in cold biomes, which may outweigh the adverse effects of climate change. These patterns emerge consistently in both managed and intact forests corroborating the existence of common large-scale climate drivers. Reductions in resilience are statistically linked to abrupt declines in forest productivity, occurring in response to a slow drifting toward a critical resilience threshold. We estimate that about 22% of intact undisturbed forests, corresponding to 3.32 Pg C of GPP, have already reached such critical threshold and are experiencing a further degradation in resilience. Altogether, these signals reveal a widespread and increasing instability of global forests and should be accounted for in the design of land-based mitigation and adaption plans.

How to cite: Forzieri, G., Dakos, V., G Mc Dowell, N., Alkama, R., and Cescatti, A.: Emerging signals of a global drift in forest resilience under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5180,, 2023.

EGU23-5250 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Detecting Critical Slowing Down under the influence of continuous-time Red Noise 

Andreas Morr and Niklas Boers

The observational research of tipping elements in the climate system relies largely on time series analysis via so-called Early Warning Signals. An upward trend in the estimated variance or lag-1 autocorrelation of the observable may be a sign for Critical Slowing Down (CSD), a phenomenon exhibited during the destabilization a system’s fixed point. This approach has been employed extensively both for assessing contemporary tipping risks [1] and understanding the dynamics in the advent of past abrupt climate change [2]. However, this inference of destabilization from statistical observations is in general only valid under certain model assumptions with regard to both the deterministic dynamics and the stochastic component (noise). While the assumption of additive white noise is the most canonical approach to representing unresolved dynamics, it has long been understood that certain variabilities in the climate system exhibit correlation and persistence [3]. In this case, trends in the above indicators should no longer be attributed solely to CSD, since they may also be rooted in possibly changing correlation characteristics of the driving noise. While there has been progress in the development of indicators for discrete-time models incorporating correlated noise [4], the task of assessing discrete-time data from continuous-time models has not received as much attention. We present a simple linearly restoring stochastic model with red noise as its driving force and discuss possible avenues of estimating system stability from time series data through the autocorrelation structure and power spectral density of the observable. We quantitatively compare these methods to conventional Early Warning Signals, highlighting the potential pitfalls of the latter in this setting.


[1] Boers, N. (2021). Observation-based early-warning signals for a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Nature Climate Change 11

[2] Rypdal, M. (2016). Early-Warning Signals for the Onsets of Greenland Interstadials and the Younger Dryas–Preboreal Transition, Journal of Climate, 29(11)

[3] Mann, M.E., Lees, J.M. (1996). Robust estimation of background noise and signal detection in climatic time series. Climatic Change 33

[4] Rodal, M., Krumscheid, S., Madan,G. , LaCasce, J.H., and Vercauteren, N. (2022). Dynamical stability indicator based on autoregressive moving-average models: Critical transitions and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, Chaos 32

How to cite: Morr, A. and Boers, N.: Detecting Critical Slowing Down under the influence of continuous-time Red Noise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5250,, 2023.

EGU23-5409 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Timing the collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation 

Peter Ditlevsen and Susanne Ditlevsen

Statistical Early warning signals (EWS) indicate an approach towards a tipping point. These are increased variance (loss of resilience) and increased autocorrelation (critical slow down). The early warning is based on the significance in a linear trend above random fluctuations in the measures. Here we suggest a more rigorous evaluation of the statistics assuming a linear change with time of a control parameter towards a critical value. We calculate explicitly the uncertainty of the EWS as a function of the length of the data window and the time scales involved. This enables us to not only detect a trend but also estimate the timing of the forthcoming collapse.



Ref: Ditlevsen & Ditlevsen: Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, preprint

How to cite: Ditlevsen, P. and Ditlevsen, S.: Timing the collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5409,, 2023.

Spatial and temporal aggregations are common when preparing remote sensing data for analysis. Aggregations often serve to enhance the underlying signal of interest while suppressing noise, and can improve estimations of mean states and long-term trends in data. However, aggregating means that the highest-resolution parts of a signal can no longer be resolved, and rapid or fine-scale fluctuations are removed, potentially biasing analyses that rely on these parts of the signal. Further, data aggregation often goes along with gap-filling, which can further dilute the signals of interest.

In this work, we examine the impact of spatial aggregation on estimates of vegetation resilience by comparing MODIS vegetation data sets at a range of spatial resolutions (native 250 m – 25 km). We first use synthetic data to investigate various de-seasoning and de-trending schemes and their responsiveness to gaps in the underlying data. Based on these insights, we calculate two estimates of vegetation resilience at the global scale and at multiple spatial resolutions to determine the optimal level of spatial aggregation for MODIS data, considering the tradeoffs between fine-scale (gappy, noisy) and aggregated (continuous, smooth) vegetation data in terms of resilience estimation. Our results provide best practices for the aggregation, deseasoning, detrending, and analysis of vegetation resilience at the global scale.

How to cite: Smith, T. and Boers, N.: How Low Can You Go? Implications of Spatial Aggregation for the Estimation of Ecosystem Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5449,, 2023.

EGU23-5496 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Multistability in a Coupled Ocean-AtmosphereReduced Order Model: Non-linear TemperatureEquations 

Oisin Hamilton, Jonathan Demaeyer, Stéphane Vannitsem, and Michel Crucifix

Reduced order quasi-geostrophic ocean-atmosphere coupled models provide a platform that preserve key atmosphere behaviours, while still being simple enough to allow for analysis of the system dynamics. These models produce typical atmospheric dynamical features like atmospheric blocking and other low-frequency variability, while having a low number of degrees of freedom. For this reason, these models are well suited to investigating tipping points or bifurcations in the Earth's climate due to their simplified but insightful dynamics.

In our present work we compare the dynamics of an ocean-atmosphere coupled model, previously implemented with linearised temperature equations (Vannitsem et al., 2015), but here we solve the equations including the non-linear Stefan-Boltzmann law in the radiative temperature term. When compared with the original version of the model with linearised temperature equations, the modified version of the model is found to produce multiple stable flows in the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. We find, for increasing atmospheric emissivity, there is an increase in the number of stable attractors, and these stable attractors present distinct flows in the ocean and atmosphere and distinct Lyapunov stability properties.

Vannitsem, S., Demaeyer, J., De Cruz, L., & Ghil, M. (2015). Low-frequency variability and heat transport in a low-order nonlinear coupled ocean–atmosphere model. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 309, 71-85.

How to cite: Hamilton, O., Demaeyer, J., Vannitsem, S., and Crucifix, M.: Multistability in a Coupled Ocean-AtmosphereReduced Order Model: Non-linear TemperatureEquations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5496,, 2023.

EGU23-6420 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Cloud-based quantification of Spatial Explicit Uncertainty of Remote Sensing-based Benthic Habitat Classification and its utilization in the context of Active Learning 

Spyridon Christofilakos, Avi Putri Pertiwi, Chengfa Benjamin Lee, and Dimosthenis Traganos

With the latest advances in cloud image processing, scientists and policy makers have found an effective and robust platform to process vast satellite data in order to be able to map the extent, monitor the condition and create effective protection policies for different ecosystems across the globe. Cloud-based techniques though lack information on the spatial explicit uncertainty of the mapping algorithms. In this study, we present a novel approach on the estimation of uncertainty in a benthic habitat classification context. We explore the benefits of such information in the context of better classification results through an ensemble classifier and the visualization of the uncertain areas in an attempt to provide better maps to the policy makers. 

The study area consists of Komodo and Wakatobi islands in Indonesia while reference and satellite data come from the Allen Coral Atlas(ACA) project sampling and a six-year PlanetScope composite, free of clouds and optical deep waters Our semi-automated algorithm is divided in three sectors. The first one prepares the data in the context of sampling a number of subsets of reference points according to ACA map products and runs the first classification based on the first subset. The second one aims to help the model re-train itself in a data driven way by accepting training points of the remaining subsets that have mediocre to low uncertainty scores. The uncertainty score is calculated based on probabilistic principles and the theory of Information. The last stage consists of three ensemble classifiers with the inputs of the classification of the second sector. The ensemble classifiers produce three different map products based on mode, max likelihood and simple weighted average values, respectively.

 According to the results, our workflow is able to minimize the noise of reference points, especially when they come from mapping products and non in-situ measurements. Furthermore, accuracy scores following retraining are better than the initial ones which verifies the hypothesis of removing training data with noise in an attempt to reduce the introduced bias in the classification model. Last but not least, the bi-product of classification uncertainty map can be utilized as a tool for better in-situ sampling planning and render a better understanding to policy makers regarding the validity of scientific reports such as change detection, satellite derived bathymetry and blue carbon accounting, among others.

How to cite: Christofilakos, S., Pertiwi, A. P., Lee, C. B., and Traganos, D.: Cloud-based quantification of Spatial Explicit Uncertainty of Remote Sensing-based Benthic Habitat Classification and its utilization in the context of Active Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6420,, 2023.

A superrotating atmosphere, one in which the angular momentum of the atmosphere exceeds the solid body rotation of the planet occurs on Venus and Titan. However, it may have occurred on the Earth in the hot house climates of the Early Cenozoic and some climate models have transitioned abruptly to a superrotating state under the more extreme global warming scenarios. Applied to the Earth, the transition to superrotation causes the prevailing easterlies at the equator to become westerlies and accompanying large changes in global circulation patterns. Although current thinking is that this scenario is unlikely, it shares features of other global tipping points in that it is a low probability, high risk event.

Using an idealized general circulation model developed for exoplanet research here at Exeter, we simulate the transition from a normal to a superrotating atmospheric state. We look at the changes in typical early warning indicators of tipping which show critical slowing down as well as oscillatory behaviour close to the transition. Inspired by the studies of phase transitions we also look at the critical spatial modes and correlation lengths close to the transition.

How to cite: Williamson, M.: Early warnings of the transition to a superrotating atmospheric state, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6501,, 2023.

EGU23-6885 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Analysis of Early-Warning Signals for Arctic Summer Sea Ice Loss 

Anna Poltronieri, Nils Bochow, and Martin Rypdal

The rapid loss of Arctic Sea Ice (ASI) in the last decades is one of the most evident manifestations of anthropogenic climate change. A transition to an ice-free Arctic during summer would impact climate and ecosystems, both regionally and globally. The identification of Early-Warning Signals (EWSs) for the loss of the summer ASI could provide important insights into the state of the Arctic region.

We collect and analyze CMIP6 model runs that reach ASI-free conditions (area below 106 km2) in September. Despite the high inter-model spread, with the range for the date of an ice-free summer spanning around 100 years, the evolution of the summer ASI area right before reaching ice-free conditions is strikingly similar across the CMIP6 models.

When looking for EWSs for summer ASI loss, we observe a significant increase in the variance of the ASI area before reaching ice-free conditions. This behavior is detected in the majority of the models and also averaged over the ensemble. We find no increase in the 1-year-lag autocorrelation in model data, possibly due to the multiscale characteristics of climate variability, which can mask changes in serial correlations. However, in the satellite-inferred observations, increases in both variance and 1-year-lag autocorrelation have recently been revealed. 

How to cite: Poltronieri, A., Bochow, N., and Rypdal, M.: Analysis of Early-Warning Signals for Arctic Summer Sea Ice Loss, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6885,, 2023.

EGU23-7787 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Escape by jumps and diffusion by 𝛼-stable noise across the barrier in a double well potential 

Ignacio del Amo and Peter Ditlevsen

Inspired by the previous evidence that the DO events can be modelled as transitions driven by Lévy noise, we perform a detailed numerical study of the average transition rate in a double well potential for a Langevin equation driven by Lévy noise. The potential considered has the height and width of the potential barrier as free parameters, which allows to study their influence separately. The results show that there are two different behaviours depending on the noise intensity. For high noise intensity the transitions are dominated by gaussian diffusion and follow Kramer’s law. When noise intensity decreases the average transition time changes to the expected power law only dependent on the width on the potential and not on the height. Moreover, we find a scaling under which the transition time collapses for all heights and widths into a universal curve, only dependent on 𝛼.

How to cite: del Amo, I. and Ditlevsen, P.: Escape by jumps and diffusion by 𝛼-stable noise across the barrier in a double well potential, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7787,, 2023.

EGU23-7885 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Adaptive cycles of ecosystems under natural perturbation and human intervention 

Hannah Zoller, Borgþor Magnússon, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, and Wolfgang zu Castell

In light of global changes and the need of a sustainable lifestyle, understanding the dynamics of ecological systems is steadily gaining in importance. However, with ecosystems being shaped by the complex interplay of physical, chemical, and biological processes, this remains a demanding endeavor. Addressing this challenge, we have developed a computational method to assess complex systems development, based on the abstract framework provided by Gunderson’s and Holling’s adaptive cycle metaphor [1]. The metaphor describes ecosystem development as alternating phases of stability and reorganization, being shaped by three systemic properties: the system’s potential available for future change, the connectedness among its internal variables and processes, and its resilience in the light of unpredicted perturbations. Resilience, in the sense of Gunderson and Holling, denotes the amount of disturbance that a system can absorb without changing its identity [2]. Our definitions of these three notions are based on a representation of the system as directed network of information transfer. While we consider the system’s potential and connectedness as information theoretical features of the network, we approach the system’s resilience via the spectral properties of the network’s Laplacian matrices.

In the present study, we follow this approach to provide holistic analyses of two ecosystems evolving through different successional stages. One of the systems, a vascular plant community on a volcanic island near Iceland, has been largely unspoiled since its formation and has therefore been exposed to natural perturbations, like droughts and breeding birds, only [3]. In contrast, we consider a plant community in the prairie-forest ecotone of Kansas, which has been subject to regular direct human interventions in the form of spring burns [4]. In both cases, our method reveals phases of system breakdown and reorganization, allows us to identify the corresponding drivers of change, and gives hints on the systemic role of single species in the maturation process [1,5].

The case studies illustrate the application of the R-package QtAC (Quantifying the adaptive cycle), which provides an easy access to our method [6].


[1] W. zu Castell, and H. Schrenk, Computing the adaptive cycle, Scientific Reports 2020(10):18175 (2020).

[2] L. H. Gunderson and C. S. Holling. Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems (Island, Washington, D.C., 2002).

[3] S. Fridriksson, Surtsey. Ecosystems formed (University of Iceland Press, 2005).

[4] Long-term studies of secondary succession and community assembly in the prairie-forest ecotone of eastern Kansas. Accessed: 2019-05-19.

[5] H. Schrenk, B. Magnússon, B. D. Sigurdsson, and W. zu Castell, Systemic analysis of a developing plant community on the island of Surtsey, Ecology and Society 27(1):35 (2022).

[6] H. Schrenk, C. Garcia-Perez, N. Schreiber, and W. zu Castell, QtAC: an R-package for analyzing complex systems development in the framework of the adaptive cycle metaphor, Ecological Modelling 466:109860 (2022).

How to cite: Zoller, H., Magnússon, B., Sigurdsson, B. D., and zu Castell, W.: Adaptive cycles of ecosystems under natural perturbation and human intervention, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7885,, 2023.

EGU23-7898 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Dependence of Early Warning Signals on Time Scale Separation 

Kolja Kypke

The  two-dimensional stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo (sFHN) model is a popular idealization of the dynamics of the temperature of Greenland during the Last Glacial Period as measured in the ice-core record. Specifically, the sFHN model is used to simulate the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events, which are sharp changes in temperature and the most prominent example of abrupt climate change in the paleoclimate. The theory of early warning signals (EWS) has been applied to D-O events, specifically the critical slowdown corresponding to an increase in variance and autocorrelation of the climate signal right before approaching a bifurcation point where the system changes state. There is a debate in the literature on the state of these in the record of D-O events, with studies demonstrating both the absence and existence of these EWS. A desirable element of the sFHN is that it is a fast-slow system with multiple timescales. For a very large time scale separation, a quasi-steady-state in the slow variable causes the system to act as a bistable potential, where EWS do not precede an abrupt change in state. On the other hand, for a smaller time scale separation, the system displays clear EWS. The subject of this study is the case of intermediate time scale separation and its effects on EWS, along with an exploration of the physical implications of the results. 

How to cite: Kypke, K.: Dependence of Early Warning Signals on Time Scale Separation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7898,, 2023.

EGU23-7989 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Model complexity and Arctic sea ice tipping points – a single column model approach 

Edmund Derby and Raymond Pierrehumbert

Some simple models of Arctic sea ice show bifurcations associated with the loss of sea ice under increased surface radiative forcing (Eisenman and Wettlaufer 2009). However, experiments using GCMs typically show a smooth loss of sea ice under increasing CO2. This mismatch adds to uncertainty on the existence of tipping point behaviour in the Arctic and the processes that stabilise or destabilise it from this behaviour.

Simple models exhibiting tipping points typically omit many features of the Arctic climate system. Their bifurcations usually arise from the ice-albedo feedback. The purpose of my work is to use a bottom-up hierarchical approach to investigate how additional features of Arctic climate not included in simple models affect the existence of bifurcations in the system.

I started with a base ice model (Eisenman and Wettlaufer 2009) and investigate the role of local ice-atmosphere feedbacks using a coupled atmospheric column model. This allowed me to analyse the impact of the following on the possible states for the model to exist in:

  • Changes to the atmospheric temperature profile – particularly the transition from a stable atmosphere with a strong temperature inversion to a less stable atmosphere as the Arctic warms.
  • Explicitly resolved changes in surface heat fluxes and downwelling longwave radiation.
  • Changes in low level Arctic clouds – particularly as the atmospheric structure changes.

I also explored the sensitivity of the model to changes and variation in atmospheric heat transport.

I will present results of this work and demonstrate how local atmospheric feedbacks affect the stability of tipping points in Arctic sea ice.

How to cite: Derby, E. and Pierrehumbert, R.: Model complexity and Arctic sea ice tipping points – a single column model approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7989,, 2023.

EGU23-8099 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Simulating spontaneous AMOC collapses with a Rare Event Algorithm 

Matteo Cini, Giuseppe Zappa, Susanna Corti, and Francesco Ragone

 Understanding the stability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and its future development under anthropogenic forcing is of key importance for advancing climate science. Previous studies have explored the stability of the AMOC by applying external perturbations in climate models, such as freshwater hosing to the North Atlantic Ocean. However, if the system is close to losing stability, the tipping of the AMOC may also spontaneously occur via internal coupled atmosphere-ocean variability. Here, we address this hypothesis - using an innovative approach - by studying the nature of a spontaneous collapse of the AMOC in an intermediate complexity climate model (PlaSIM coupled to the LSG ocean) featuring - under pre-industrial conditions - an apparently stable state. Excluding all possible external forcing elements (for example green-house gasses increase, water hosing, radiative forcing anomalies), significant AMOC slowdowns and collapses can be treated as extreme events solely driven by the chaotic internal atmospheric variability.  Facing this problem, we look for extreme AMOC slowdowns by applying a Rare Event Algorithm (Ragone, Wouters and Bouchet, 2018), which - via a selective cloning of the most interesting model trajectories -  allows a faster exploration of the model phase space in the direction of an AMOC decrease.

After exploring the parameters of the rare event algorithm, we find a regime in which PLASIM/LSG shows an abrupt AMOC slowdown over a 20-years period to a substantially weakened state, which is unprecedented in the pre-industrial run. Stability analysis reveals that part of these slowdown states are actually collapsed, i.e. states around a much lower value of the AMOC that do not recover to previous values.

This approach also enables us to isolate the atmospheric processes driving the AMOC slowdown, from the climate response to the weakened AMOC state. Interestingly, we find that the climatic response to internally-induced AMOC slowdowns shows strong similarities with the responses to externally forced AMOC slowdowns in state-of-the-art climate models  for what concerns temperature, wind, and precipitation changes. Looking at the mechanisms causing the AMOC weakening, instead, we find that zonal wind stress over the North Atlantic is the main driver of the AMOC slowdown, via changes in Ekman transport that affect salinity and deep convection in the Labrador sea. In this climate model, the repeated occurrence of this circulation anomaly for a few decades is sufficient to drive  an AMOC collapse without possibility of recovery on multi-centennial time scales.

Overall, these results show that the methodology proposed here can be generally useful for other studies in Tipping Points since it introduces the possibility of collecting a large number of critical events that cannot be sampled using traditional approaches. 


How to cite: Cini, M., Zappa, G., Corti, S., and Ragone, F.: Simulating spontaneous AMOC collapses with a Rare Event Algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8099,, 2023.

EGU23-8105 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

When to Expect Rate-Induced Tipping in Natural and Human Systems 

Paul Ritchie, Hassan Alkhayuon, Peter Cox, and Sebastian Wieczorek

Over the last two decades, tipping points have become a hot topic due to the devastating consequences that they may have on natural and human systems. Tipping points are typically associated with a system bifurcation when external forcing crosses a critical level, causing an abrupt transition to an alternative, and often less desirable, state. However, the rate of change in forcing is arguably of even greater relevance in the human-dominated anthropocene, but is rarely examined as a potential sole mechanism for tipping points. Thus, I will introduce the related phenomenon of rate-induced tipping: an instability that occurs when external forcing varies across some critical rate, usually without crossing any bifurcations. First, I will explain when to expect rate-induced tipping. Then, using illustrating examples of differing complexity I will highlight universal and generic properties of rate-induced tipping in a range of natural and human systems.

How to cite: Ritchie, P., Alkhayuon, H., Cox, P., and Wieczorek, S.: When to Expect Rate-Induced Tipping in Natural and Human Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8105,, 2023.

EGU23-8187 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Testing new indicators for ecological resilience in a dryland mountain ecosystem using a multidecadal NDVI time-series 

Angelique Vermeer, Ángeles Garcia Mayor, and Saskia Förster

In this work, the ecological resilience to drought of a dryland catchment in the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains was studied. A time-series of Landsat NDVI data between 1984 and 2019 was used to determine areas of overall greening and browning. The Breaks For Additive Seasonal and Trend (BFAST) change detection methodology was used to determine breakpoints and trends in the time-series. The breakpoints were classified using a newly developed typology based on the trend before and after the breakpoint. The improved typology that is introduced, considers the statistical significance of trends, and subdivides them in categories of abrupt changes that lead to an improvement of ecosystem functioning (positive breakpoints) and abrupt changes that lead to a deterioration of ecosystem functioning (negative breakpoints). The ecological resilience in the catchment was explored using the number, sign and typology of the breakpoints detected and their relation to the various land uses and climatic zones of the catchment. In general, a small amount of change in NDVI between 1984 and 2019 was observed in the whole catchment. However, there was a large spatial variability in the number and type of breakpoints, pointing to the additional information provided by these indicators, which will be discussed in our presentation.

How to cite: Vermeer, A., Garcia Mayor, Á., and Förster, S.: Testing new indicators for ecological resilience in a dryland mountain ecosystem using a multidecadal NDVI time-series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8187,, 2023.

EGU23-8340 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Probabilistic forecast of extreme heat waves using convolutional neural networks and rare event simulations 

Freddy Bouchet, George Milosevich, Francesco Ragone, Alessandro Lovo, Pierre Borgnat, and Patrice Abry

Understanding extreme events and their probability is key for the study of climate change impacts, risk assessment, adaptation, and the protection of living beings. Extreme heatwaves are, and likely will be in the future, among the deadliest weather events. Forecasting their occurrence probability a few days, weeks, or months in advance is a primary challenge for risk assessment and attribution, but also for fundamental studies about processes, dataset or model validation, and climate change studies.

       Because of a lack of data related to a too short historical record, the rarity of the events, and of the difficulty to obtain rare events in climate models, uncertainty quantification is extremely difficult for extreme events. We develop a methodology to tackle this problem by combining probabilistic machine learning using deep neural network and rare event simulations.

We will first demonstrate that deep neural networks can predict the probability of occurrence of long lasting 14-day heatwaves over France, up to 15 days ahead of time for fast dynamical drivers (500 hPa geopotential height fields), and at much longer lead times for slow physical drivers (soil moisture). This forecast is made seamlessly in time and space, for fast hemispheric and slow local drivers.

A key scientific message is that training deep neural networks for predicting extreme heatwaves occurs in a regime of drastic lack of data. We suggest that this is likely the case for most other applications of machine learning to large scale atmosphere and climate phenomena. We discuss perspectives for dealing with this lack of data issue, for instance using rare event simulations.

Rare event simulations are a very efficient tool to oversample drastically the statistics of rare events. Using a climate model, with this tool we obtain several orders of magnitude more extreme heat waves compared to a control run. We will discuss the coupling of machine learning approaches, for instance the analogue method, with rare event simulations, and discuss their efficiency and their future interest for climate simulations. 

How to cite: Bouchet, F., Milosevich, G., Ragone, F., Lovo, A., Borgnat, P., and Abry, P.: Probabilistic forecast of extreme heat waves using convolutional neural networks and rare event simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8340,, 2023.

EGU23-8645 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Is El Niño only due to the noise or it is a self-sustained phenomenon? 

Francesco Guardamagna, Henk Dijkstra, and Claudia Weiners

On average every 4 years, the sea-surface temperature in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific is a few degrees higher than normal. This phenomenon, which reaches its maximum usually around Christmas is known as El Niño. This event has a strong influence on the climate all around the globe through well-known tele-connections. The occurrence of El Niño is related to extreme weather events, that affect people and properties. For these reasons is important to better understand the behavior of this climatic phenomenon. The property of EL Niño we have focused on during our project is related to the following research question: Is El Niño only due to external noise, or it is a self-sustained phenomenon, which amplitude is amplified by the noise?

To answer to this question, we have applied a Machine Learning tool called Reservoir Computer. After the training procedure, through feedback connections, the Reservoir model can be transformed into an autonomous evolving system. Our results show that the autonomous evolving Reservoir can delete the noise from the training data. The signal produced in output by the autonomous evolving Reservoir reflects the patterns of the training data, without noise. This method can therefore be used to understand if the EL Niño oscillations is only due to random noise, that excites a steady state, or it is a periodic phenomenon, which amplitude is randomly increased by external noise. To understand its limitations, our approach has been first applied to data produced by different models, that simulate EL Niño (Jin Timmerman, Zebiak Cane and CESM). After these first experiments, performed in a controlled scenario, our method has been applied to real data, to see what the self-evolving Reservoir model can tell us about the real EL Niño phenomenon.

How to cite: Guardamagna, F., Dijkstra, H., and Weiners, C.: Is El Niño only due to the noise or it is a self-sustained phenomenon?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8645,, 2023.

EGU23-8648 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Computation of the AMOC collapse probability using a rare-event algorithm 

Valérian Jacques-Dumas, René M. van Westen, and Henk A. Dijkstra

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) transports warm, saline water towards the northern North Atlantic, contributing substantially to the meridional heat transport in the climate system. Measurements of the Atlantic freshwater divergence show that the AMOC may be in a bistable state and hence subject to collapsing under anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing. We aim at computing the probability of such a transition, focusing on time scales up to the end of this century.  

Simulating trajectories in a climate model is very expensive. To minimize the amount of data required to compute the probability of such rare AMOC transitions, we use a rare-events algorithm called TAMS (Trajectory-Adaptive Multilevel Sampling), that encourages the transition without changing the statistics. In TAMS, N trajectories are simulated and evaluated with a score function; the poorest-performing trajectories are discarded, and the best ones are re-simulated.

The optimal score function is the committor function, defined as the probability that a trajectory reaches a zone A of the phase space before another zone B. To avoid the difficulties raised by its exact computation, we estimate it using a feedforward neural network. Because of the expense of simulating data in a climate model, we also minimize the amount of data needed to train the neural network by reusing data processed through TAMS.

As a first step, using simulated data from an idealized stochastic AMOC model, where forcing and white noise are applied via a surface freshwater flux, we compute the transition probabilities versus noise and forcing amplitudes. Then, we apply the same protocol to compute these transition probabilities in the much more sophisticated climate model FAMOUS. This model is a coarse resolution Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model that has been shown to exhibit a collapse of the AMOC via hosing experiments. In this new setup, we compute once again the transition probabilities of the AMOC versus noise and forcing, where the forcing amplitude is a hosing flux, and the atmosphere dynamics plays the role of the noise.

How to cite: Jacques-Dumas, V., van Westen, R. M., and Dijkstra, H. A.: Computation of the AMOC collapse probability using a rare-event algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8648,, 2023.

EGU23-9072 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Loss of Amazon rainforest resilience confirmed from single-sensor satellite data 

Lana Blaschke, Da Nian, Sebastian Bathiany, Maya Ben-Yami, and Niklas Boers

The Amazon rainforest acts as a carbon sink and is one of the most bio-diverse ecosystems of our planet. As such, it is an important but vulnerable subsystem of the Earth System. Studies suggest that the region is bi-stable with respect to mean annual precipitation. Thus, it is considered a Tipping Element of the Earth System.

In this work, we investigate several statistics which, according to dynamical system theory, change in the advent of a Tipping Point. To assess the state of the Amazon rainforest, various remotely sensed vegetation indices (VIs) exist. Multiple single-sensor VIs are considered and analyzed if they show reasonable behavior. The results reveal an ongoing loss of resilience in several parts of the Amazon rainforest. 


How to cite: Blaschke, L., Nian, D., Bathiany, S., Ben-Yami, M., and Boers, N.: Loss of Amazon rainforest resilience confirmed from single-sensor satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9072,, 2023.

EGU23-9078 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

The contribution of stochastic vegetation dynamics to overall model uncertainty of the global carbon sink 

Lucia Sophie Layritz, Prabha Neupane, and Anja Rammig

The terrestrial carbon sink plays a central role in the global carbon cycle, providing a strong negative feedback on anthropogenic climate change. However, it is also one of the more uncertain elements when simulating past and future carbon dynamics, mainly due to the challenge of modeling biological and ecological complexity across scales. One possible strategy, taken by the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS, is to use stochastic processes to describe key ecological processes, whose mechanistic modeling is still challenging (e.g. tree mortality, establishment, seed dispersal and disturbance).

Such introduced randomness can propagate through the model in various ways and may result in a final model output that is probabilistic in nature as well. Internal stochasticity can thus be seen as an additional source of model uncertainty, which so far has rarely been investigated systematically.

We perform global simulations of terrestrial carbon dynamics with LPJ-GUESS and quantify the resulting stochastic uncertainty. We find that stochasticity-induced uncertainty is a relevant share of overall uncertainty, comparable in magnitude to scenario uncertainty in some instances. When introducing stochastic processes into Earth system models, the resulting additional uncertainty should therefore be something to always be aware of.

How to cite: Layritz, L. S., Neupane, P., and Rammig, A.: The contribution of stochastic vegetation dynamics to overall model uncertainty of the global carbon sink, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9078,, 2023.

It is an ongoing debate whether the abrupt climate changes during the last glacial interval, the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, are solely due to stochastic fluctuations or a result of bifurcations in the structural stability of the climate. This raises the question whether they are predictable, and thus whether early warning signals for the abrupt transitions from Greenland stadial to interstadial periods could be observed.

Here, we propose a new method to analyze the DO events between 60 ka before present and the Holocene, where we look at the ensemble of oxygen isotope ratio (δ¹⁸O) measurements from three different Greenland ice cores. For each rapid transition from a Greenland stadial to interstadial period, the three time series are normalized and scaled individually. The goal is to determine whether early warning signals in the further detrended ensemble are observable and thus to contribute to the ongoing debate whether past abrupt climate change has been purely noise-induced or a result of changed stability in the climate system.


How to cite: Hummel, C.: Predictability of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in the Greenland ice core ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9117,, 2023.

EGU23-9121 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Learning Stochastic Dynamics with Probabilistic Neural Networks to study Zonal Jets 

Ira Shokar, Peter Haynes, and Rich Kerswell

In this study, we present a deep learning approach to deriving a reduced-order model of stochastically forced atmospheric zonal jets. The approach provides a four orders of magnitude speed-up in simulating the jets, over numerical integration, together with a lower-degrees-of-freedom latent representation of the system- used to yield insight into the underlying dynamics.

We consider the behaviour of zonal jets on a beta plane as represented by a two-dimensional model driven by stochastic forcing, which parameterises the turbulence due to baroclinic instability. This idealised model gives a useful analogue for week-to-week variations in the large-scale dynamics of the tropospheric midlatitude jet - the driver of European weather. We establish that the time evolution of the jets depends both on the nonlinear two-way interaction between the mean flow and the eddies and, crucially, the time history of the stochastic forcing. As a result, the current state or recent history of the system does not predict the forward evolution but instead determines a distribution of possible time evolutions.

To model the flow, we utilise methods in manifold learning to learn a transformation to a latent representation of the system and then use a probabilistic neural network to model the stochastic latent dynamics. We verify the neural network’s performance by comparing the statistical and spectral properties of an ensemble from the neural network, obtained via sampling in the latent space, with an ensemble of numerical integrations, with different realisations of the stochastic forcing- with identical initial conditions. To study jet variability, we use ensembles of trajectories in both the latent and observation space to quantify to what extent different system states are driven by deterministic or stochastic dynamics.


How to cite: Shokar, I., Haynes, P., and Kerswell, R.: Learning Stochastic Dynamics with Probabilistic Neural Networks to study Zonal Jets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9121,, 2023.

EGU23-9297 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Indicators of tropical forest resilience in vegetation models 

Sebastian Bathiany, Da Nian, and Niklas Boers

The resilience of tropical forests against climate change and deforestation is vital for biodiversity and carbon drawdown. This resilience is hard to measure directly, but is suspected to be decreasing. There is particular concern that the Amazon rainforest may be approaching a “tipping point” where the large-scale loss of species and carbon pools amplifies substantially. Candidate mechanisms for such threshold effects often involve positive feedbacks and span a large range of scales. For example, individual trees can die from hydraulic failure when soil moisture decreaseses, forest fires can mediate a regional transition to a savanna state, and by synchronising remote regions, the moisture recycling feedback could cause a continental-scale forest dieback. Conceptual dynamical systems suggest that the loss of resilience that accompanies such transitions can be measured by statistical indicators like increasing autocorrelation. Satellite observations of vegetation indices related to greenness and biomass seem to support these theoretical expectations.

Here we analyse dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) from CMIP6, as well as idealised simulations with LPJ, in order to bridge the complexity gap between conceptual models and the real world. First, we assess how resilience of terrestrial carbon pools in the tropics depends on mean annual rainfall (MAP). We find that this relationship differs between models, and can also differ substantially from the observed positive relationship, depending on how the models capture carbon pool dynamics on the grid-cell level. Second, we show that changes in resilience do not necessarily require any atmosphere-vegetation feedbacks, fire feedback or ecological interactions, suggesting that observed relationships may capture physiological effects in individual trees rather than the stability of the entire forest. Third, we also find that the coexistence of vegetation types affects vegetation resilience in DGVMs. In particular, plant types with faster dynamics can replace slower ones (e.g., grass replacing trees), leading to decreased autocorrelation but not necessarily larger sensitivity to MAP. We conclude that suitable indicators of tropical vegetation resilience should be determined by (i) using DGVMs to understand better what mechanisms are at play, and (ii) using observations to rule out certain model approaches (e.g. area-averaged versus individual-based models).

How to cite: Bathiany, S., Nian, D., and Boers, N.: Indicators of tropical forest resilience in vegetation models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9297,, 2023.

EGU23-9335 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Emulating internal and external components of global temperature variability with a stochastic energy balance model and Bayesian approach 

Maybritt Schillinger, Beatrice Ellerhoff, Robert Scheichl, and Kira Rehfeld

To characterize Earth’s temperature variability, it is necessary to better understand underlying mechanisms and contributions from internal and externally forced components. Here, we utilize a stochastic two-box energy balance model to emulate internal and forced global mean surface temperature (GMST) variability [1]. As target data for the emulation, we employ observations and 20 last millennium simulations from climate models of intermediate to high complexity. We infer the parameters of the stochastic EBM using the target data and a Bayesian approach, as implemented with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm in our “ClimBayes” software package [2]. This yields the best estimates of the EBM’s forced and forced + internal response. Applying spectral analysis, we contrast timescale-dependent variances of the EBM’s forced and forced + internal variance with that of the GMST target. Our findings show that the simple two-box stochastic EBM reproduces the characteristics of simulated global temperature fluctuations, even from comprehensive climate models. Minor deviations occur mainly at interannual timescales and are related to the simplistic representation of internal variability in the EBM. Furthermore, the relative contribution of internal dynamics increases with model complexity and decreases with timescale. Altogether, we demonstrate that the combined use of simple stochastic climate models and Bayesian inference provides a valuable tool to emulate climate variability across timescales.

[1] M. Schillinger, B. Ellerhoff, R. Scheichl, and K. Rehfeld: “Separating internal and externally forced contributions to global temperature variability using a Bayesian stochastic energy balance framework,” Chaos, (2022). 

[2] M. Schillinger, B. Ellerhoff, R. Scheichl, and K. Rehfeld, “The ClimBayes package in R,” Zenodo, V. 0.1.1, (2022). 

How to cite: Schillinger, M., Ellerhoff, B., Scheichl, R., and Rehfeld, K.: Emulating internal and external components of global temperature variability with a stochastic energy balance model and Bayesian approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9335,, 2023.

EGU23-9441 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Evaluating the risk of tipping cascades through the strength of the bipolar seesaw 

Marisa Montoya, Laura C. Jackson, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, and Alexander Robinson

The potential for the coupling between tipping elements leading to the occurrence of tipping cascades is of deep concern. One major tipping cascade that is often invoked results from coupling between the Greenland ice sheet, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS). Melting of Greenland could contribute to a weakening of the AMOC, which would then result in a decrease in the northward heat transport in the Atlantic Ocean, causing warming of the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. This idea is supported by the evidence provided by ice-core records and models of different complexity suggesting that, during the last glacial period, the Southern Ocean acted as a heat reservoir which dampened and integrated in time the North Atlantic abrupt climatic variations through the bipolar seesaw. However, it has been argued instead that the heat reservoir to the Atlantic meridional heat transport involved does not lie in the Southern Ocean but north of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and transmitted via the atmosphere to the interior of Antarctica. Determining the ultimate heat reservoir in the sense of the strength of the Southern Ocean heat reservoir is critical to evaluate the risk of a tipping cascade.  Here we will investigate how model resolution affects the strength of the bipolar seesaw and the ultimate heat reservoir involved in this mechanism by using two different model horizontal resolution versions (0.25 and 1 degree, respectively) of the HadGEM3-GC3-1 model in simulations with a reduced AMOC in response to freshwater forcing in the North Atlantic.

How to cite: Montoya, M., Jackson, L. C., Alvarez-Solas, J., and Robinson, A.: Evaluating the risk of tipping cascades through the strength of the bipolar seesaw, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9441,, 2023.

EGU23-9554 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

An extension of SURFER to study tipping cascades on multiple time scales 

Victor Couplet, Marina Martínez Montero, and Michel Crucifix

Tipping cascades are series of tipping events in the Earth system where transitions in one subsystem can trigger further transitions in other subsystems. In previous work, we demonstrated that the near-linear relationship predicted by GCMs between global temperature and cumulative greenhouse gas emissions for the next century can break up at millennial time scales due to cascades involving slower tipping elements such as the ice sheets. This means that we must consider tipping cascades also from a long-term perspective. Subsequently, we need fast models that encode the relevant physical processes and that we can calibrate on more comprehensive models. In this context, we present an extension of the SURFER model (Martínez Montero et al. 2022) that incorporates sediments and weathering feedbacks in the carbon cycle submodel (Archer et al. 2009), and an additional set of coupled tipping elements. This model may be used both as a surrogate for more computationally expensive models, for example in the context of decision-making problems, and as an exploratory tool to investigate the climate response's sensitivity to specific processes on long-time scales.

Archer, D. et al. (2009). “Atmospheric Lifetime of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide”.en. In : Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 37.1, p. 117-134. DOI : 10.1146/

Martínez Montero, M. et al. (2022). “SURFER v2.0 : a flexible and simple model linking anthropogenic CO2 emissions and solar radiation modification to ocean acidification and sea level rise”. en. In : Geoscientific Model Development 15.21, p. 8059-8084. DOI : 10.5194/gmd-15-8059-2022.

How to cite: Couplet, V., Martínez Montero, M., and Crucifix, M.: An extension of SURFER to study tipping cascades on multiple time scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9554,, 2023.

In response to abruptly increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, general circulation model experiments typically evidence a rapid reduction or full collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) from its current, strongly overturning state, into one characterized by weak overturning and reduced northward oceanic heat transport. This tipping point is frequently discussed in the context of present and past global climate changes. Less understood, however, is the evolution of the circulation towards a new equilibrium state, which occurs over many centuries or millennia following the initial AMOC response. To revisit this problem, we have performed multi-millennial simulations of the Community Earth System Model version 1 (CESM1) in a low-resolution configuration (T31 gx3v7), appropriate for paleoclimate studies. We consider a pre-industrial control (284.7ppm) simulation, as well as abrupt 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, and 0.5x pre-industrial control atmospheric CO2 concentrations whereby atmospheric concentrations are increased at the start of integration and held constant for the duration of the experiment. In all global warming scenarios, we observe a rapid collapse to the AMOC within the first 250 years, attributed mechanistically to the complex interplay between surface salinity and temperature which inhibits deep-water formation in the sub-polar North Atlantic. Then, in our abrupt doubling and quadrupling of atmospheric CO2 experiments we observe a recovery to the circulation after some 1,000 years, and 3,500 years, respectively. After initially collapsing, our 8xCO2 experiment remains in this weakened state even after 10,000 years of integration have been performed, potentially indicating that a new equilibrium may have been met in this very warm climate.


We have further observed other intriguing bifurcations which arise stochastically in the forced system. First, in our abrupt 4xCO2 experiment, with the AMOC in a collapsed state we observe a spontaneous activation of the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (PMOC) some 2,500 years following the initial forcing. The circulation persists for 1,000 years and has a notable effect on climate in the North Pacific region, for instance raising surface temperatures through the associated increase in Pacific Ocean northward heat transport. At 3,500 years the circulation collapses concomitantly with an AMOC recovery in the experiment, demonstrating a AMOC/PMOC seesaw. Secondly, in our abrupt global cooling experiment, we observe a spontaneous collapse of the AMOC after 2,000 years, which precedes a recovery over the next 1,500 years, before a secondary, rapid collapse to the circulation at 3,500 years. The behavior resembles a Dansgaard-Oeschger Event. Overall, our results highlight the rich quasi-equilibrium dynamical behavior of the Global Meridional Overturning Circulation in past climates for which atmospheric CO2 concentrations were markedly different.

How to cite: Curtis, P. E. and Fedorov, A.: The Tipping Points of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Warm and Cold Climates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9907,, 2023.

Supervised machine learning (ML) models rely on labels in the training data to learn the patterns of interest. In Earth science applications, these labels are usually collected by humans either as labels annotated on imagery (such as land cover class) or as in situ measurements (such as soil moisture). Both annotations and in situ measurements contain uncertainties resulting from factors such as class misinterpretation and device error. These training data uncertainties propagate through the ML model training and result in uncertainties in the model outputs. Therefore, it is essential to quantify these uncertainties and incorporate them in the model [1].

In this research, we will present results of inputting semantic segmentation label uncertainties into the model training and show that it improves model performance. The experiment is run using the LandCoverNet training dataset which contains global land cover labels based on time-series of Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery [2]. These labels are human annotations derived using a consensus algorithm based on the input labels from three independent annotators. The training dataset contains the consensus label and consensus score, and we treat the latter as a measure of uncertainty for each labeled pixel in the data. Our model architecture is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained on a subset of LandCoverNet with the rest of the dataset used for validation. We compare the results of this experiment with the same model trained on the dataset without the uncertainty information and show the improvement in the accuracy of the model.


[1] Elmes, A., Alemohammad, H., Avery, R., Caylor, K., Eastman, J., Fishgold, L., Friedl, M., Jain, M., Kohli, D., Laso Bayas, J., Lunga, D., McCarty, J., Pontius, R., Reinmann, A., Rogan, J., Song, L., Stoynova, H., Ye, S., Yi, Z.-F., Estes, L. (2020). Accounting for Training Data Error in Machine Learning Applied to Earth Observations. Remote Sensing, 12(6), 1034.

[2] Alemohammad, H., Booth, K. (2020). LandCoverNet: A global benchmark land cover classification training dataset. NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on AI for Earth Sciences.

How to cite: Alemohammad, H.: Incorporating Training Data Uncertainty in Machine Learning Models for Satellite Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10528,, 2023.

EGU23-10972 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Uncertainty quantification for the retrieval of cloud properties with deep neural networks for TROPOMI / Sentinel-5 Precursor 

Fabian Romahn, Diego Loyola, Adrian Doicu, Víctor Molina García, Ronny Lutz, and Athina Argyrouli

Due to their fast computational performance, neural networks (NNs) are nowadays commonly used in the context of remote sensing. The issue of performance is especially important in the context of big data and operational processing. Classical retrieval algorithms often use a radiative transfer model (RTM) as forward model with which an optimization algorithm can then solve the inverse problem of inferring the quantities of interest from the measured spectra. However, these RTMs are usually computationally very expensive and therefore replacing them by a NN is desirable to increase performance. But the application of NNs is not straightforward and there are at least two main approaches:

1. NNs used as forward model, where a NN approximates the radiative transfer model and can thus replace it in the inversion algorithm

2. NNs for solving the inverse problem, where a NN is trained to infer the atmospheric parameters from the measurement directly

The first approach is more straightforward to apply. However, the inversion algorithm still faces many challenges, as the spectral fitting problem is generally ill-posed. Therefore, local minima are possible and the results often depend on the selection of the a-priori values for the retrieval parameters.

For the second case, some of these issues can be avoided: no a-priori values are necessary, and as the training of the NN is performed globally, i.e. for many training samples at once, this approach is potentially less affected by local minima. However, due to the black-box nature of a NN, no indication about the quality of the results is available. In order to address this issue, novel methods like Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) or invertible neural networks (INNs) have been presented in recent years. This allows the characterization of the retrieved values by an estimate of uncertainty describing a range of values that are probable to produce the observed measurement. We apply and evaluate these new BNN and INN methods for the retrieval of cloud properties from TROPOMI in order to demonstrate their potential as operational algorithms for current (Sentinel-5P) and future (Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5) Copernicus atmospheric composition missions.

How to cite: Romahn, F., Loyola, D., Doicu, A., Molina García, V., Lutz, R., and Argyrouli, A.: Uncertainty quantification for the retrieval of cloud properties with deep neural networks for TROPOMI / Sentinel-5 Precursor, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10972,, 2023.

EGU23-11666 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4 | Highlight

Prevalence and drivers of abrupt shifts in global drylands: gathering dynamical evidences of aridity thresholds 

Miguel Berdugo, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Emilio Guirado, Juan J. Gaitan, Camille Fournier, Thomas W. Crowther, and Vasilis Dakos

Drylands occupy 45% emerged lands on Earth, are home of more than 2 billion people and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. Aridity increases is expected to influence the structure and functioning of drylands in a non-linear fashion. Yet, the prevalence and drivers of these abrupt changes in ecosystem structure and function remain poorly studied. We especially lack investigations of the changes of dynamical properties of these systems and how these dynamical properties relate to aridity. Those are key to understand the real menace of experiencing abrupt shifts with aridity increases in the near future.

Here we used remote sensing tools to acquire dynamical trajectories of normalized vegetation indices (NDVI, surrogates of plant fractional cover) for more than 50,000 dryland sites. With this information we conducted analysis using machine learning processes to examine the relationship of aridity with some key dynamical properties of dryland ecosystems, including several aspects of resilience (ability to withstand fluctuations without changing the functioning of ecosystems), dynamical drivers of productivity, complexity of dynamical trajectories and abruptness of productivity changes.

By doing so we provide a comprehensive assessment of aridity thresholds on dynamical properties of dryland productivity that show clear vulnerability of certain zones of the Earth exhibiting critical aridity thresholds previously identified through space. In particular, we show accumulation of abrupt shifts on aridity values characteristic of transition areas from semiarid to arid ecosystems. Furthermore, these values exhibit also nonlinear shifts in resilience of ecosystems and on the identity of key dynamical drivers. Our work paves the way to expand the incidence of aridity threshold from spatial to temporal implications, and highlights the necessity of developing strategies to protect and monitor especially vulnerable areas affecting more than one fifth of emerged lands.

How to cite: Berdugo, M., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Guirado, E., Gaitan, J. J., Fournier, C., Crowther, T. W., and Dakos, V.: Prevalence and drivers of abrupt shifts in global drylands: gathering dynamical evidences of aridity thresholds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11666,, 2023.

EGU23-11696 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

A New Strategy for Training Deep Learning Ensembles 

Tobias Schanz and David Greenberg

Quantifying the error of predictions in earth system models is just as important as the quality of the predictions themselves. While machine learning methods become better by the day in emulating weather and climate forecasting systems, they are rarely used operationally. Two reasons for this are poor handling of extreme events and a lack of uncertainty quantification. The poor handling of extreme events can mainly be attributed to loss functions emphasizing accurate prediction of mean outcomes. Since extreme events are not frequent in climate and weather applications, capturing them accurately is not a natural consequence of minimizing such a loss. Uncertainty quantification for numerical weather prediction usually proceeds through creating an ensemble of predictions. The machine learning domain has adapted this to some extent, creating machine learning ensembles, with multiple architectures trained on the same data or the same architecture trained on altered datasets. Nevertheless, few approaches currently exist for tuning a deep learning ensemble. 

We introduce a new approach using a generative neural network, similar to those employed in adversarial learning, but we replace the discriminator with a new loss function. This gives us the control over the statistical properties the generator should learn and increases the stability of the training process immensely. By generating a prediction ensemble during training, we can tune ensemble properties such as variance or skewness in addition to the mean. Early results of this approach will be demonstrated using simple 1D experiments, showing the advantage over classically trained neural networks. Especially the task of predicting extremes and the added value of ensemble predictions will be highlighted. Additionally, predictions of a Lorenz-96 system are demonstrated to show the skill in forecasting chaotic systems.

How to cite: Schanz, T. and Greenberg, D.: A New Strategy for Training Deep Learning Ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11696,, 2023.

EGU23-11899 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Glacial abrupt climate change as a multi-scalephenomenon resulting from monostable excitabledynamics 

Keno Riechers, Georg Gottwald, and Niklas Boers

During past glacial intervals the high northern latitude’s climate was punctuated by abrupt warming events which were accompanied by a sudden loss of sea ice, a reinvigoration of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and cooling of the Nordic Seas. Despite being considered the archetype of past abrupt climatic change, to date there is no consensus about the physical mechanism behind these so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events and the subsequent milder interstadial phase. Here, we propose an excitable model system to explain the DO cycles, in which interstadials are regarded as noise-induced state space excursions. Our model comprises the mutual multi-scale interactions between four dynamical variables representing Arctic atmospheric temperatures, Nordic Seas’ temperatures and sea ice cover, and AMOC. Crucially, the model’s atmosphere-ocean heat flux is moderated by the sea ice variable, which in turn is subject to large perturbations dynamically generated by fast evolving intermittent noise. If supercritical, these perturbations trigger interstadial-like state space excursions seizing all four model variables. As a physical source for such a driving noise process we propose convective events in the ocean or atmospheric blocking events. The key characteristics of DO cycles are reproduced by our model with remarkable resemblance to the proxy record; in particular, their shape, return time, as well as the dependence of the interstadial and stadial durations on the background temperatures are reproduced accurately. In contrast to the prevailing understanding that the DO variability showcases bistability in the underlying dynamics, we conclude that multi-scale, monostable excitable dynamics provides a promising alternative candidate to explain the millennial-scale climate variability associated with the DO events.

How to cite: Riechers, K., Gottwald, G., and Boers, N.: Glacial abrupt climate change as a multi-scalephenomenon resulting from monostable excitabledynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11899,, 2023.

EGU23-12102 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4 | Highlight

Revealing global drivers of recent losses in vegetation resilience 

Camille Fournier de Lauriere, Kathi Runge, Gabriel Smith, Vasilis Dakos, Sonia Kéfi, Thomas Crowther, and Miguel Berdugo
  • Context: Changes in ecosystem resilience have been recently studied on various scales using remote sensing data, revealing various regions exhibiting decreasing resilience. However, the drivers of these changes have not been identified yet. Our study aims at filling this gap by exploring the factors that have caused the resilience of ecosystems to change during the last two decades.
  • Methods: We investigate changes in vegetation resilience at the planetary scale, by quantifying two complementary aspects of resilience, namely sensitivity and autocorrelation, which are respectively associated with resistance and recovery abilities of ecosystems. We use a machine learning approach to identify the main environmental, climatic, and anthropogenic drivers of changes in resilience between two periods (the period 2000-2010 vs that of 2010-2020).
  • Results: We find that in 26% of ecosystems worldwide, vegetation exhibits signs of resilience loss, and that the changes in climate conditions as well as the ecosystem’s intrinsic properties (aridity, elevation, anthropization) affect the way vegetation resilience has changed over time. Different biomes (forest, grasslands, and savannas) exhibit similar responses to their changing environment. Regions experiencing intense warming (>0.2ºC/decade) have shown a major loss in vegetation resilience. Decreasing productivity is associated with reduced resilience, and interacts with warming, exacerbating resilience loss of degraded lands. This shows that global warming and human activities are major drivers of losses in vegetation resilience across vegetation types.
  • Conclusions: We reveal a decline in the capacity of a number of ecosystems to withstand perturbations, which should be accounted for in the management of vulnerable areas. Our results raise concerns about the persistence of ecosystems due to projected warming and expected intensification of human activities.

How to cite: Fournier de Lauriere, C., Runge, K., Smith, G., Dakos, V., Kéfi, S., Crowther, T., and Berdugo, M.: Revealing global drivers of recent losses in vegetation resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12102,, 2023.

EGU23-12900 | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4 | Highlight

Tipping Points: A challenge for climate change projections 

Thomas Stocker

Multiple equilibria are found in all members of the hierarchy of climate models, ranging from simple planetary energy balance models to fully coupled general circulation models. They arise from the physical and biogeochemical coupling of different climate system components, and hence they are a general feature of planetary dynamics. Transitions from one equilibrium to another can be triggered by a temporary perturbation of the system which crosses a tipping point. Greenland ice cores and many other paleoclimate archives have abundantly demonstrated that the Earth System had limited stability during the last ice ages and that tipping has occurred in the past. A particularly dynamic period was the transition from the last ice age to the present. We present recent model simulations that reconcile different paleoceanographic indicators and so permit the quantitative reconstruction of the transient changes of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. This circulation may also tip in the future depending on the level and rate of increases in greenhouse gas concentrations. However, reducing the uncertainties where such tipping points lie and how close the climate system is to them, requires much better resolved climate models.

The tipping of regional systems has come into recent focus because the impacts on humans and ecosystems may be substantial. Among them are the various monsoon systems, parts of the Antarctic ice sheet, shifts in the statistics of extreme climate and weather events, the extent of the Amazon rain forest, or the grassland distribution in Eastern Africa, and hence biodiversity. Such changes would all have regional consequences that are not yet reflected in current climate change projections.

Therefore, regional tipping needs to be assessed systematically by the scientific community using a new generation of climate models at kilometer-scale resolution. A cross-working group IPCC Special Report on “Climate Tipping Points and Consequences for Habitability and Resources” in its forthcoming 7th assessment cycle would help strengthening a consensus on this topic and trigger the much needed advances in scientific understanding to more comprehensively inform adaptation and mitigation strategies.


How to cite: Stocker, T.: Tipping Points: A challenge for climate change projections, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12900,, 2023.

EGU23-12923 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Spatial Early Warning Signals for Rapidly Forced Systems 

Joe Clarke, Peter Cox, Paul Ritchie, and Chris Huntingford

Climate Change is forcing Earth System tipping elements rapidly, in some cases this forcing occurs on a similar timescale to the intrinsic timescale of the tipping element itself. This poses challenges for our ability to get good early warning signals for these tipping elements, as typical approaches require a clear timescale separation between the assumed slow forcing and the timescale of the system. We demonstrate that by calculating early warning signals ‘over space’ instead of ‘over time’ better early warning signals can be obtained for faster forcing. We compare the relative merits of these two ways of calculating early warning signals.

How to cite: Clarke, J., Cox, P., Ritchie, P., and Huntingford, C.: Spatial Early Warning Signals for Rapidly Forced Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12923,, 2023.

EGU23-12928 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Improving and understanding probabilistic precipitation forecasts using machine learning 

Hannah Brown, Stephen Haddad, Aaron Hopkinson, Nigel Roberts, Steven Ramsdale, and Peter Killick

Uncertainty in numerical weather prediction (NWP) arises due to the initial state not being fully known and physical processes not being perfectly represented within the models. Precipitation is challenging to predict because it is non-linear with complex drivers from the atmosphere and so varies quickly even on a local scale. This means even advanced NWP models struggle to predict precipitation with the correct intensity at the right time or location. This study aims to explore whether machine learning (ML) can rediagnose precipitation rates based on vertical profiles of temperature, humidity and wind, thus replicating the precipitation calculated by cloud and precipitation parametrization schemes that are used in NWP models to represent the unresolved microphysical processes. A small but high-quality dataset comprised of days with widespread precipitation has been curated for developing an initial model, with in depth exploratory data analysis carried out to understand any trends in the model input data and assess the need for feature engineering. Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables (temperature, humidity, wind) taken from 6-hour forecasts of the Met Office Unified Model global ensemble (MOGREPS-G) provide input features for the ML model, and the target variable (or truth) is instantaneous precipitation intensity measured by the UK radar network at a 1km resolution. The two data sources are aligned onto the same grid by calculating the fractions of the MOGREPS-G ~20km cell containing radar precipitation in five precipitation intensity bands, with bounds informed by domain experts.

Each MOGREPS-G ensemble member is used to generate a ML prediction of the fractional precipitation coverage that exceeds each intensity threshold, then an ensemble average of these fractions is calculated for each intensity threshold. These values can be considered as ML generated ensemble probabilities. They can then be compared with the true fractional coverage from radar, as well as precipitation probabilities from MOGREPS-G to identify similarities and differences in their behaviour. Explainable AI techniques are applied to better understand the decisions made by the ML model when creating predictions.  The aim is to understand the potential of using ML for improving precipitation forecasts, either through complementing NWP outputs with ML outputs, or by using ML as a tool for improving the understanding of the drivers of errors in NWP precipitation forecasts. Initial results look promising and a number of avenues for further development have been identified following consultation with domain experts.

How to cite: Brown, H., Haddad, S., Hopkinson, A., Roberts, N., Ramsdale, S., and Killick, P.: Improving and understanding probabilistic precipitation forecasts using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12928,, 2023.

EGU23-12987 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Rethinking tipping points in spatial ecosystems 

Swarnendu Banerjee, Mara Baudena, Paul Carter, Robbin Bastiaansen, Arjen Doelman, and Max Rietkerk

The theory of alternative stable states and tipping points has garnered a lot of attention in recent years. However, typically the ecosystem models that predict tipping behaviors do not resolve space explicitly. Ecosystems being inherently spatial, it is important to understand the implication of incorporating spatial processes in theoretical models and their applicability to real world. In this talk, I will illustrate several pattern formation phenomena that may arise when incorporating spatial dynamics in models exhibiting alternative stable state. For this, we use simple mathematical models of savannas to study the behavior of these spatial ecosystems in the face of environmental change. Model analyses presented here challenge the simplistic notion of tipping and lay down a way forward regarding studying ecosystem response to global change.

How to cite: Banerjee, S., Baudena, M., Carter, P., Bastiaansen, R., Doelman, A., and Rietkerk, M.: Rethinking tipping points in spatial ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12987,, 2023.

EGU23-13893 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Effects of different uncertainties on optimal policies 

Marina Martinez Montero, Michel Crucifix, Nuria Brede, Nicola Botta, and Victor Couplet

Decisions are usually taken sequentially in climate change policy: every certain amount of years, new agreements and promises are made about greenhouse gas emission reduction etc. In the intersection of decision theory and climate science, sequential decision problems can be formulated and solved, to find optimal sequences of policies and support policy makers with some advice.

There are, however, many uncertainties affecting the outcome of these optimisations. Since these decision problems tend to be very simple in comparison with the complexity of the real world, knowing how different uncertainties affect optimal policies might be more important than what the optimal policy comes out to be. In this work, we explore how some uncertainties affect optimal policies and the possible trajectories associated with those optimal policies. 
For this aim we formulate a sequential decision problem with a single "global" policy maker. The decision problem starts with the world state in 2020 and decisions are taken every 10 years till 2100. The policy maker has options regarding CO2 emissions reduction, geoengineering in the form of solar radiation modification and carbon dioxide removal.

We simulate the effects of the decisions on the world’s state with SURFER. SURFER is a simple and fast model featuring a carbon cycle responsive to positive and negative emissions, it allows for geoengineering and accounts for sea level rise from ice sheets (containing tipping points) and from ocean expansion and glacier melt. SURFER has been shown to reproduce the globally averaged behavior of earth system models and models of intermediate complexity from decades to millennia. As opposed to some optimal decision problems in the context of climate change which use integrated assessment models of the climate and the economy, here, with the aim of transparency and simplicity, we consider only a climate model. 

We define a modular and transparent cost function that contains what the policy maker cares about. This function is a linear sum of costs associated with: green transition, geoengineering use and risks, temperature and ocean acidification damages and long term sea level rise commitments.

Using this decision problem we investigate how different kinds of uncertainties affect the sequence of optimal policies obtained and the optimal trajectories associated with those optimal policies. We consider three different kinds of uncertainties: uncertainties in the priorities of the decision maker (i.e., in the reward, cost or utility function), uncertainties on some physical parameters (in particular, climate sensitivity and ice sheet tipping points) and political uncertainty (policymaker’s decisions may not be implemented). 

How to cite: Martinez Montero, M., Crucifix, M., Brede, N., Botta, N., and Couplet, V.: Effects of different uncertainties on optimal policies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13893,, 2023.

EGU23-14342 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Investigating the dynamics of cusp bifurcations: A conceptual model for glacial-interglacial cycles 

Jade Ajagun-Brauns and Peter Ditlevsen

An investigation into the dynamics of a two-parameter family of non-linear differential equations inspired by MacAyeal (1979) reveals the utility of simple conceptual models in understanding climate response to forcing. A slow-fast model is used to explain the non-linear response of the climate to insolation forcing after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) which produces the saw-toothed glacial cycles in the paleoclimate record. Global ice volume is taken to be a function of two independently varying parameters, the solar insolation and ‘alpha’, a secondary control parameter. The pleated cusp geometry of the model, due to the addition of the second control allows the system to exhibit both smooth changes and sudden discontinuous transitions from one stable solution to another, producing the gradual increase and sudden decrease in global ice volume observed in the paleoclimate record.  The control parameter alpha is suggested to be related to internal dynamics of the climate system, proposed to be a measure of glacial-oceanic interaction, which varies due to glacial isostatic adjustments of the bedrock.  The transition in period of glacial cycles at the MPT is suggested to occur as a result of northern hemisphere glaciers exceeding a critical threshold, which allows alpha to become larger, causing the asymmetric, higher amplitude glacial cycles with quasi-period of 100kyr of the late Pleistocene.



R. MacAyeal, ‘A Catastrophe Model of the Paleoclimate Record’ , Journal of Glaciology , Volume 24 , Issue 90 , 1979 , pp. 245 – 257.


How to cite: Ajagun-Brauns, J. and Ditlevsen, P.: Investigating the dynamics of cusp bifurcations: A conceptual model for glacial-interglacial cycles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14342,, 2023.

EGU23-14486 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Transition indicators on a flowline ice sheet model 

Daniel Moreno-Parada, Jan Swierczek-Jereczek, Marisa Montoya, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, and Alexander Robinson

Marine ice-sheet behaviour and grounding line stability have been fundamental objects of study in the last two decades. In particular, the ice sheet-shelf transition deserves special attention as it determines the outflow of ice from the grounded region and, together with accumulation, governs the global mass balance. Yet, the dynamics of ice flow are strongly coupled to the climate system via surface mass balance, frontal ablation and atmospheric temperature among others. The interplay of such variables combined with the bed geometry determine the equilibrium position of a glacier terminus, which can display bistability due to the marine ice-sheet instability. These variables further define the boundary conditions of an ice-sheet model and are given by the particular climate scenario. However, a realistic representation of the climate must be described as a stochastic process (short-term variability i.e., “noise”) interacting with long-term deterministic dynamics. The response of a multi-stable system to noisy forcing can be used to predict abrupt transitions by means of so-called transition indicators. That is, a direct application of classical slowdown theory to capture the essence of shifts at tipping points. In the present work, we apply some of these indicators to a 1-D flowline model to study whether a glacier collapse can be predicted by critical slowdown theory. A key challenge with transition indicators is to determine when the system can be expected to tip given that a critical slowdown begins to occur. We explore this issue through a large ensemble of simulations.

How to cite: Moreno-Parada, D., Swierczek-Jereczek, J., Montoya, M., Alvarez-Solas, J., and Robinson, A.: Transition indicators on a flowline ice sheet model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14486,, 2023.

EGU23-14678 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Minimal Modelling of Internal Macroeconomic Variability 

Daniel Ohara and Michael Ghil

In the climate sciences, highly simplified nonlinear models are useful tools for understanding and discussing tipping points. However, the economic models used to study their coupling to the economy, as in Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), are typically linear and represent an inertia-free economy in equilibrium. This representation is challenged by persistent unemployment, recessions, and changing economic institutions. 

Therefore, we investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of the economy and the corresponding tipping from equilibrium to so-called endogenous business cycles. To this end, we build a basic Solow-type equilibrium growth model that incorporates, in a highly simplified manner, frictions and delay in the labor system. When the delay exceeds a critical value of 3.4 days, business cycles with periodic unemployment and recessions arise in our minimal business cycle (MinBC) model. Given a dynamic investment mode, the MinBC's cyclic economy responds to external forcing asymmetrically throughout the cycle. Advanced time series analysis methods are applied to macroeconomic data sets to evaluate the realism of the model's response, with encouraging results.

Our study is a step towards understanding the evolution of the sources of internal economic variability. Such an understanding is needed to represent the extent of coupling between the earth system and the economy.

How to cite: Ohara, D. and Ghil, M.: Minimal Modelling of Internal Macroeconomic Variability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14678,, 2023.

EGU23-16103 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Fractal Dimension of nonattracting chaotic sets 

Raphael Roemer and Peter Ashwin

The fractal dimension of a nonattracting chaotic set provides information about its geometric complexity and can often be of practical use. For example in the case of a chaotic saddle on a (fractal) basin boundary between two basins of attraction where the boundary is the stable set of the chaotic saddle. Then, the fractal dimension of the saddle and of the boundary provide information about the impact of small changes to the initial conditions on the future behaviour of the system, when the system is in a state close to the boundary.
This information is highly relevant in the context of climate tipping phenomena.
Building on Edward Ott’s and David Sweet’s work from 2000, we will discuss how to rigorously construct a measure on a chaotic repellor which leads to the estimation of its fractal dimension. Further, we discuss the fractal dimension of its stable and unstable set.

How to cite: Roemer, R. and Ashwin, P.: Fractal Dimension of nonattracting chaotic sets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16103,, 2023.

It is thought that tropical forests can exist as an alternative stable state to savanna. Therefore, perturbation by climate change or human impact may lead to crossing of a tipping point beyond which there is rapid large-scale forest dieback that is not easily reversed. Modelling studies of alternative stable tree cover states have either relied on mean-field assumptions or not included the spatiotemporal dynamics of fire, making it hard to compare their output to spatial data. In this talk, we analyse a microscopic model of tropical forest and fire and show how dynamics of forest area are linked to its emergent spatial structure. We find that the relation between forest perimeter and area determines the nonlinearity in forest growth while forest perimeter weighted by adjacent grassland area determines the nonlinearity in forest loss. Together with the linear changes, which are independent of spatial structure, these two effects lead to an emergent relation between forest area change and forest area, defining a single-variable ordinary differential equation. Such a relation between pattern and dynamics enables empiricists to assess forest stability and resilience directly from a single spatial observation of a tropical forest-grassland landscape.

How to cite: Wuyts, B. and Sieber, J.: Emergent structure, dynamics and abrupt transitions in a cellular automaton of tropical forest and fire, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16946,, 2023.

Discovering the underlying dynamics of complex systems from data is an important practical topic. Constrained optimization algorithms are widely utilized and lead to many successes. Yet, such purely data-driven methods may bring about incorrect physics in the presence of random noise and cannot easily handle the situation with incomplete data. In this paper, a new iterative learning algorithm for complex turbulent systems with partial observations is developed that alternates between identifying model structures, recovering unobserved variables, and estimating parameters. First, a causality-based learning approach is utilized for the sparse identification of model structures, which takes into account certain physics knowledge that is pre-learned from data. It has unique advantages in coping with indirect coupling between features and is robust to the stochastic noise. A practical algorithm is designed to facilitate the causal inference for high-dimensional systems. Next, a systematic nonlinear stochastic parameterization is built to characterize the time evolution of the unobserved variables. Closed analytic formula via an efficient nonlinear data assimilation is exploited to sample the trajectories of the unobserved variables, which are then treated as synthetic observations to advance a rapid parameter estimation. Furthermore, the localization of the state variable dependence and the physics constraints are incorporated into the learning procedure, which mitigate the curse of dimensionality and prevent the finite time blow-up issue. Numerical experiments show that the new algorithm succeeds in identifying the model structure and providing suitable stochastic parameterizations for many complex nonlinear systems with chaotic dynamics, spatiotemporal multiscale structures, intermittency, and extreme events.

How to cite: Zhang, Y. and Chen, N.: A Causality-Based Learning Approach for Discovering the Underlying Dynamics of Complex Systems from Partial Observations with Stochastic Parameterization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16981,, 2023.

EGU23-17031 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/NP0.4

Probabilistic Machine Learning of the Natural Variability of Climate 

Balasubramanya Nadiga

Because of natural or internal variability, the behavior of processes ranging from unresolved small-scale physical and dynamical processes to the response of the climate system at the largest scales is probabilistic rather than denterministic. Indeed, it is also the case that while climate models are skilful at predicting the response of the climate system to external forcing, they are less skilful when it comes to predicting natural variability. A variety of probabilistic machine learning techniques ranging from Reservoir Computing to Generative Adversarial Networks to Bayesian Neural Networks are considered in the context of modeling natural variability. At the large scales, these models are seen to improve upon the Linear Inverse Modeling (LIM) approach which has itself been sometimes thought of as capturing the bulk of the predictable component of natural variability. 

How to cite: Nadiga, B.: Probabilistic Machine Learning of the Natural Variability of Climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17031,, 2023.

EGU23-1375 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

IODP 302: Dating 'Zebra'; was the Lomonosov Ridge a central Arctic Ocean Island in the Oligocene? 

Henk Brinkhuis, Francesca Sangiorgi, Evi Wubben, and Matt O'Regan

Some fifteen years ago, the pioneering Arctic IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX) drilled, and partly recovered Cenozoic sedimentary successions at the Lomonosov Ridge (LR) close to the North Pole. Of the few intervals recovered, one was regarded to likely encompass the Paleogene-Neogene (P/N) transition. On board and follow up marine palynological (mainly dinoflagellate cyst) studies indicate that within this P/N section, a hiatus lasting ~ 25 Myr likely separates the top of the recovered Paleogene (dated ~44 Ma, mid Eocene) from the locally recovered base of the Neogene (likely dated ~18 Ma, mid Early Miocene).


The hiatus is represented by the boundary between local lithological subunits 1/6 and 1/5. Unit 1/5 is informally often referred to as the “Zebra unit”, owing to its characteristic (cross bedded) black/white colored alternations of silty clays. Palynological and elemental and organic geochemical studies of subunits 1/6 and 1/5 supported the inference of a major hiatus, as the proxies show a sharp change at the subunit boundary, although the reconstructed paleoenvironments of both subunits indicate marginal marine, restricted conditions. This aspect on its own already represents a challenge for geophysical models, which placed the LR at deeper waters at the P/N boundary. A key finding in the “Zebra unit” is a massive occurrence of representatives of a – back then - unknown dinoflagellate cyst genus, later formally described as Arcticacysta. Because of its morphology, akin to typical Neogene dinocyst taxa, it was postulated that the Zebra interval was early Neogene in age, confirming the existence of a major hiatus. However, successive Rhenium‐Osmium (Re‐Os) isochron ages and complementary Os‐isotope measurements from subunits 1/6 and 1/5 led to postulate that the P/N transition was in essence complete, albeit extremely condensed. This data hence challenged the presence of a major hiatus and depicted a very different geological evolution of the LR.


Here we introduce new findings from the lower to mid-Miocene sediments retrieved from the Pennell Basin during IODP Expedition 374 (Ross Sea, Antarctica) in 2018. These now constitute the second known record containing specimens of Arcticacysta. Importantly, these findings now confirm the initial age assignment of the Arctic “Zebra Unit” to the early Miocene and provide decisive evidence for a large hiatus characterizing the P/N transition on the central Lomonosov Ridge. An important corollary is that the central Lomonosov Ridge was likely subaerial or ultra-shallow marine by the end of Oligocene, leading to a totally new perspective of its Cenozoic history.

How to cite: Brinkhuis, H., Sangiorgi, F., Wubben, E., and O'Regan, M.: IODP 302: Dating 'Zebra'; was the Lomonosov Ridge a central Arctic Ocean Island in the Oligocene?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1375,, 2023.

EGU23-1869 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

The COSC-2 scientific drilling project: summary of science, operations, management and legacy 

Henning Lorenz, Jan-Erik Rosberg, and Christopher Juhlin and the COSC-2 operations team

The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) multi-disciplinary scientific drilling project characterises the structure and orogenic processes involved in a major collisional mountain belt. Located in western central Sweden, the project drilled its second fully cored borehole, COSC-2, during spring and summer 2020. It extends the COSC composite geological section, which above is composed of outcrops at Åreskutan mountain and the COSC-1 scientific borehole (drilled 2014), through the nappes of the Caledonian Lower Allochthon, the main décollement and the upper kilometre of basement rocks. In summary, the retrieved geological section differs partially from the expected geological section with respect to the depth to the main décollement and the expected rock types. COSC-2 targets include the characterisation of orogen-scale detachments, the impact of orogenesis on the basement below the detachment, and the Early to Lower Ordovician(?) palaeoenvironment on the outer margin of palaeocontinent Baltica. This is complemented by research on heat flow, groundwater flow, gas compositions and characterisation of the microbial community in the present hard rock environment of the relict mountain belt.

COSC-2 successfully, and within budget, recovered a continuous drill core to 2276 m depth. On-site scientific investigations on the drill core by experts were impeded by travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the core was first completely described in late 2021 at the BGR Core Repository for Scientific Drilling (Berlin Spandau, Germany). After further delay, the sampling party was held in mid-2022.

The entire operations, technical and scientific, were conducted on a 1600 m2 drill site. COSC-2 was drilled by the Swedish national research infrastructure for scientific drilling, Riksriggen, with a core recovery close to 100 %. Drilling was performed with water as drilling fluid. Biodegradable polymers were added for drilling in greater depth to reduce friction. Down to 1576 m, HQ triple tube drilling was used (96 mm hole diameter, 61 mm core diameter), followed by NQ triple and double tube drilling to total depth (76 mm hole diameter, 45/48 mm core diameter). Drilling was directly followed by extensive downhole surveying. In autumn 2021, a major surface and borehole seismic survey was conducted, covering approximately an area of 20 km2 around the borehole. In 2022, fluid-conducting zones were investigated and fluids sampled with different methods for geochemical (gas and fluid) and microbiological analysis.

The drill site was restored in 2022, leaving a 35 m long and 4 m wide access road to the borehole. This is sufficient for COSC-2 long-term downhole investigations. The borehole is also available for research that is not part of the original COSC project. However, observations during recent downhole investigations suggest that sedimentation with a rate of several tens of meters per year successively is limiting access to the deepest part of the borehole. Scientific results from the COSC project are presented in session TS6.4 "The Caledonian Orogen of the North Atlantic region: insights from geological and geophysical studies".

How to cite: Lorenz, H., Rosberg, J.-E., and Juhlin, C. and the COSC-2 operations team: The COSC-2 scientific drilling project: summary of science, operations, management and legacy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1869,, 2023.

EGU23-2139 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight


Gilbert Camoin, Edouard Bard, Pierre Deschamps, Marc Humblet, Juan Carlos Braga, Abel Guilhou, Nadine Hallmann, Jennifer Weil-Accardo, Yoann Fagault, and Bruno Hamelin

Coral reef records related to past higher and/or rising sea levels provide an important baseline for developing projections regarding the response of modern coastal systems to future sea-level rise. Sea-level rise at the end of the current century is expected to range between 5.5 and 10 mm. yr-1 on average, depending on the various scenarios of  global warming [IPCC, 2019]. The Last Deglaciation (23 to 6 kyr B.P.) is seen as a potential recent analogue of the environmental changes that the Earth may face in the near future as a consequence of ocean thermal expansion and the melting of polar ice sheets. The last deglacial record from Barbados suggests a non-monotonous sea-level rise averaging 10 mm.yr-1 and punctuated by two ‘meltwater pulses’ (MWP) characterized by several centuries of extremely rapid sea-level rise related to catastrophic ice-sheet collapse [Fairbanks, 1989, Nature, 342, 637; Bard et al., 1990, Nature, 346, 456; Peltier & Fairbanks, 2006, Quat. Sci. Rev., 25, 3322].

IODP Expedition 310 ‘Tahiti Sea Level’ and land drilling on the modern barrier reef of Papeete have provided unparalleled coral reef records encompassing the period covered by the two MWP identified previously in Barbados. Reefs accreted continuously between 16 and 10 kyr B.P. in Tahiti, mostly through aggradational processes, at growth rates averaging 10 mm yr–1. Changes in the composition of coralgal assemblages coincide with abrupt variations in reef growth rates and characterize the response of the upward-growing reef pile to non-monotonous sea-level rise and coeval environmental changes [Camoin et al., 2012; Geology, 40, 643; Camoin & Webster, 2015; Sedimentology, 62, 401].

While the MWP-1B at approximately 11.3 kyr B.P. in Barbados is absent or very small in Tahiti [Bard et al. 1996; Nature, 382, 241; Bard et al., 2010; Science, 327, 1235; Bard et al., 2016; Paleoceanography, 31], the Tahiti offshore record has provided the opportunity to document the MWP-1A at several drill sites. A sea-level rise of 16±2 m in amplitude has been evidenced between 14.65 and 14.3 kyr B.P., coeval with the Bølling warming [Deschamps et al., 2012, Nature, 483, 559]. The rate of eustatic sea-level rise ranged from 40 to 50 mm.yr-1 during MWP-1A, implying that this episode corresponds to one of the fastest rises in sea level ever documented in Earth history.

This paper documents in unprecedented detail the reef response to extreme sea-level rise during MWP-1A in Tahiti. It is based on new accurate U-series and 14C AMS ages of corals and algae and the reappraisal of the environmental significance and paleowater depth interpretation of various coralgal assemblages. The succession in time and space of successive reef assemblages involved in reef accretion during the MWP-1A leads, for the first time, to reconstruct reef accretion patterns during this dramatic period, which is of prime importance to help forecasting coral reef response to future sea-level change.

How to cite: Camoin, G., Bard, E., Deschamps, P., Humblet, M., Braga, J. C., Guilhou, A., Hallmann, N., Weil-Accardo, J., Fagault, Y., and Hamelin, B.: CORAL REEF RESPONSE TO EXTREME SEA-LEVEL CHANGE: THE MELTWATER PULSE 1A (14.65 ka and 14.3 ka BP). IODP EXPEDITION #310 ‘TAHITI SEA LEVEL’, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2139,, 2023.

EGU23-2476 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Searching for Manicouagan: astrochronological predictions and tests of alternative age models in the Late Triassic Chinle Formation [Colorado Plateau Coring Project-1 (CPCP-1), Arizona, USA]  

Paul Olsen, Dennis Kent, Christopher Lepre, Sean Kinney, Abhishek RoyChowdhury, Clara Chang, David Tibbetts, and Chase Bebo

The age of the ~100 km Manicouagan impact structure (Quebec, Canada) is ~215.5 Ma (1, 2), falling roughly in the middle of the Norian (228-206 Ma) of the Late Triassic, plausibly corresponding to the mid-Norian biotic crisis in the oceans (3) and Adamanian-Revueltian (4) biotic turnover on land. The latter is the largest apparent biotic disruption in the continental Triassic of North America, as documented in the Chinle Formation of the Colorado Plateau and environs in the southwestern USA. Funded by ICDP and NSF (2013-2016), CPCP-1 cored nearly the entire Norian part of the Chinle intersecting what should be the time of the giant impact and biotic transition. Analyses of detrital CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon ages and magnetostratigraphy resulted in two alternative age models for the Chinle in the core (5, 6). Model A emphasized the one-to-one magnetostratigraphic match of polarity zones between the Chinle (5) and the Newark-Hartford Astrochronostratigraphic Polarity Time Scale (N-H APTS) (7) and is consisent with the youngest zircon ages, whereas Model B emphasized the mean of the youngest coherent cluster of ages at a specific level (6). Although both age models agree for the upper stratigraphic core section of the Chinle, they differ dramatically lower down with Model B having three additional accumulation rate segments, one of which is so low as to suggest a hiatus at the Adamanian-Revueltian turnover and Manicouagan impact, similar to a  previous CA-ID-TIMS outcrop study (8). Model A predicts no discernable change in rate or hiatus at the putative event level and only one other accumulation rate segment. Timeseries analysis using Model A reveals significant ~1.8 Myr and 405 kyr cycles in both accumulation rate segments for natural gamma radiation and the elemental XRF ratios, in phase in both segments with the chaotic Mars-Earth and metronomic Venus-Jupiter cycles in the N-H APTS (9). Model B, in contrast, lacks significant cycles at these periods for the lower three accumulation rate segments. Consilience between Model A and the independent astrochronological predictions suggests it is the better model. The discrepancy with Model B is parsimoniously explained by the youngest coherent age clusters tending to be dominated by recycled zircons in the lower part of the core as suggested by LA-ICP-MS data (10). The Adamanian-Revueltian biotic turnover and Manicouagan impact therefore should have a record in the higher accumulation rate part of the Chinle and not be cut out by a hiatus or in a condensed section. Additional coring and denser CA-ID-TIMS ages will be needed to fully test the robustness of this conclusion.

1, Ramezani+ (2005) Geochim, Cosmochim. Acta 69:321. 2, Jaret+ (2018) EPSL 501:78. 3, Onoue+ (2016) Sci. Repts. 6:29609. 4, Parker & Martz (2011) EESTSE 101:231. 5, Kent+ (2019) Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 20:4654. 6, Rasmussen+ (2021) GSA Bull. 133:539. 7, Kent+ (2017) Earth-Sci. Rev. 166:153. 8, Ramezani+ (2014) AJS  314:981. 9, Olsen+ (2019) PNAS 116:10664. 10, Gehrels+ (2020) Geochronology 2:257.

How to cite: Olsen, P., Kent, D., Lepre, C., Kinney, S., RoyChowdhury, A., Chang, C., Tibbetts, D., and Bebo, C.: Searching for Manicouagan: astrochronological predictions and tests of alternative age models in the Late Triassic Chinle Formation [Colorado Plateau Coring Project-1 (CPCP-1), Arizona, USA] , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2476,, 2023.

EGU23-3744 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

How do long-term climate changes affect the magnitude/frequency of sediment density flows? Insights from the Dead Sea ICDP drilling 

Yin Lu, Ed Pope, Jasper Moernaut, Revital Bookman, Nicolas Waldmann, Amotz Agnon, Shmuel Marco, and Michael Strasser

Sediment density flows (ρflow<ρwater, overflows: flood plumes; ρflow>ρwater, underflows: including turbidity currents and debris flows) are major processes for transporting sediments and organic carbon from rivers, coasts or continental shelves into deep basins. These flows can also have serious socioeconomic consequences such as breaking seabed communications cables and pipelines. Given the potential impacts of climate change, it is important to quantify how sediment density flow processes are impacted by changing environmental conditions.

Lab-simulations and/or field monitoring campaigns on the timescales of seconds to years are helpful for understanding specific triggers for sediment density flows and how their magnitude/frequency may change under different conditions. However, these methods cannot be applied to longer timescales, which are of great interest to geologists and palaeoclimatologists trying to understand the past. It is unclear whether, and if so how, long-term climate changes affect the magnitude/frequency or type of sediment density flows within a specific water body. One approach to answering this question is to analyze a comprehensive geological record that comprises deposits that can be reliably linked to modern sediment flow processes.

To address this question, we analyzed the unique ICDP Core 5017-1 from the Dead Sea (the largest and deepest hypersaline lake on Earth -- ρwater:1240 g/L) depocenter covering MIS 7-1. Based on an understanding of modern sediment density flow processes in the lake, we link homogeneous muds in the core to overflows (surface flood plumes, ρflow<ρwater), and link graded turbidites and debrites to underflows (ρflow>ρwater). Our dataset reveals (1) overflows are more prominent during interglacials, while underflows are more prominent during glacials; (2) orbital-scale climate changes affected the magnitude/frequency of the flows via changing salinity and density of lake brine and lake-level (Lu et al., 2022).

The current research bridges the gap between our understanding of modern sediment density flow processes and deposits preserved in a long-term geological record in the Dead Sea, a tectonically active subaqueous environment (Lu et al., 2020). It has wider implications for turbidite paleoseismology and implies that to develop prehistoric turbidites as a reliable paleoearthquake indicator, comprehensive modern sediment flow monitoring is essential. It also has wider implications for paleoclimate research in a tectonically active subaqueous environment. A sedimentary archive is filtered to remove significant instantaneous event deposits such as turbidites and debrites could help paleoclimatologists to better reconstruct paleoclimate change.



Lu, Y., Wetzler, N., Waldmann, N.D., Agnon, A., Biasi, G.P., and Marco, S., 2020. A 220,000-year-long continuous large earthquake record on a slow-slipping plate boundary. Science Advances, 6 (48), doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba4170

Lu, Y., Pope E., Moernaut, J., Bookman, R., Waldmann, N., Agnon, A., Marco, S., Strasser, M., 2022. Stratigraphic record reveals contrasting roles of overflows and underflows over glacial cycles in a hypersaline lake (Dead Sea). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594, 117723, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117723

How to cite: Lu, Y., Pope, E., Moernaut, J., Bookman, R., Waldmann, N., Agnon, A., Marco, S., and Strasser, M.: How do long-term climate changes affect the magnitude/frequency of sediment density flows? Insights from the Dead Sea ICDP drilling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3744,, 2023.

EGU23-4047 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Drilling and monitoring in Hyuga-Nada: Unveiling effects of ridge subduction on slow earthquakes 

Masataka Kinoshita, Rie Nakata, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Yohei Hamada, Laura Wallace, Tianhaozhe Sun, Eiichiro Araki, and Yusuke Yamashita

Shallow slow earthquakes, which last minutes to years, are important indicators of subduction megathrust slip behavior and future seismic and tsunami potential. Subducting plate roughness and seamounts have been proposed to promote slow earthquakes by inducing local geomechanical and hydrogeological anomalies. The Hyuga-Nada region offshore Kyushu, Japan is an outstanding locale for drilling and observatory experiments to investigate these effects. In this region, slow earthquakes are repeatedly observed on and near the subducting Kyushu-Palau-Ridge, KPR, chain of seamounts thus providing excellent opportunities to explore the effects of seamounts on geomechanical/hydrological/thermal properties, and ultimately seismic coupling. Long-term monitoring enabled by a planned permanent network (N-net) will allow subsurface processes during frequent (~1 year) periodical slow earthquakes and ~M7 earthquakes (~20-30 year interval) to be captured with high fidelity. Drilling, logging, and coring will provide key constraints on stress state, hydrological processes, and sediment physical properties in the region above the ridge.  We have originally proposed the drilling and monitoring plan to IODP in 2019 (Nakata et al. 2019). In this presentation, we report the updated proposal plan along with initial processing results of new site survey data acquired with JAMSTEC (Miura et al., 2021, Arai et al., 2021, Ma et al., 2021).


We propose to drill and install observatories at three primary locations in Hyuga-Nada to address two hypotheses: 1) Seamount subduction modulates stress and pore pressure, creates fracture networks and influences the thermal and hydrological state of the margin. 2) The spatiotemporal distribution of slow earthquakes is strongly influenced by seamount subduction through the processes outlined in Hypothesis 1. We will drill three primary distinct sites relative to the seamount, to (1) measure physical properties, and (2) describe deformation by LWD, APCT-3, and core analysis to characterize in-situ stress state, fracture density, heat flow, and pore fluid flow. Spatial variations in the upper plate disruption caused by seamount subduction will be revealed by comparing results from sites in the leading and lateral edges, and top of the currently subducting seamount; and these will constrain geomechanical, hydrological, and thermal models. At two of the sites, we will install a “Fiber-CORK” observatory equipped with conventional pressure and temperature sensors and cutting-edge fiber-optic sensors. One site may be connected to the N-net node for real-time data streaming. The combination will fill a gap in slip durations currently observable in this region with seismic and geodetic instrumentation. Fully characterizing slow earthquakes will reveal the degree to which they accommodate plate motion, and whether strain is accumulated for future earthquakes.

How to cite: Kinoshita, M., Nakata, R., Hashimoto, Y., Hamada, Y., Wallace, L., Sun, T., Araki, E., and Yamashita, Y.: Drilling and monitoring in Hyuga-Nada: Unveiling effects of ridge subduction on slow earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4047,, 2023.

EGU23-4098 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Microbial cell distribution in the Guaymas Basin subseafloor biosphere, a young marginal rift basin with rich organics and steep temperature gradient 

Yuki Morono, Andreas Teske, Diana Bojanova, Virginia Edgcomb, Nicolette Meyer, Florian Schubert, Laurent Toffin, and Christophe Galerne and the IODP Expedition 385 Scientists

Guaymas Basin is a young marginal rift basin in the Gulf of California characterized by active seafloor spreading and rapid sediment deposition, including organic-rich sediments derived from highly productive overlying waters and terrigenous sediments from nearby continental margins. The combination of active seafloor spreading and rapid sedimentation within a narrow basin results in a dynamic environment where linked physical, chemical, and biological processes regulate the cycling of sedimentary carbon and other elements.

During IODP Expedition 385, eight sites were drilled on the flanking regions and in the northern axial graben of Guaymas Basin, recovering organic-rich sediments with sill intrusions. Those cored samples were examined for their microbial cell abundance in a highly sensitive manner by density-gradient cell separation at the super clean room of Kochi Core Center, Japan, followed by direct counting on fluorescence microscopy. Cell abundance in surficial seafloor sediment (~109 cells/cm3) was roughly 1000 times higher than the bottom seawater (~106 cells/cm3) and gradually decreased with increasing depth and temperature. In contrast to the cell abundance profile observed at Nankai Trough (IODP Exp. 370), the gradual decrease of cell abundance was observed up to around 75ºC, and we detected microbial cells even at hot horizons above 100ºC. The existence of smaller size of microbial cells was uniquely found in this region of subseafloor.

We will present the overview of the microbial cell distribution in the Guaymas Basin and discuss its relation to the current and past environmental conditions, e.g., temperature and sill-intrusion, etc.

How to cite: Morono, Y., Teske, A., Bojanova, D., Edgcomb, V., Meyer, N., Schubert, F., Toffin, L., and Galerne, C. and the IODP Expedition 385 Scientists: Microbial cell distribution in the Guaymas Basin subseafloor biosphere, a young marginal rift basin with rich organics and steep temperature gradient, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4098,, 2023.

EGU23-4104 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

ICDP Drilling into Seismogenic zones in South African mines (DSeis; 2016 – onwards) 

Hiroshi Ogasawara and the ICDP DSeis team

Limited access has hindered understanding of seismogenic zone and life at depth (e.g., ICDP Science Plan 2014-2019; 2020-2030). The 2014 M5.5 Orkney earthquake South Africa ruptured the entire vertical depth range, between 3.5 and 7 km of the West Rand Group (2.9 Ga metasedimentary formations with altered mafic/ultramafic sill/dyke complex). We could have a drilling rig at 2.9 km depth in hard-rock formations in West Rand Group at the Moab Khotsong gold mine. During 2017-2018, we accomplished NQ wireline full-core diamond drilling and downhole logging with a total length of 1.6 km (ICDP Thrill to Drill; Ogasawara et al. 2019; Nkosi et al. 2022). We could not make downhole logging at and below the intersections of the structure that hosted the Orkney main- and after-shocks. So, we exported the most critical section of the core to Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University/Kochi Core Center (KCC) Japan to log and for further investigation. Mineral/geochemical studies (XRD, XRF, EPMA, SEM-EDS, X-ray CT, friction) at KCC, Hiroshima, Tohoku, Tokyo, and Kyoto Universities, as well as SPring8 elucidate the assemblage with talc and/or associated altered mafic minerals in greenschist facies and their mechano-chemical characteristics (e.g., Miyamoto et al. 2022; Yabe et al. 2023 GeoCongress). Our drilling also intersected the ancient hypersaline brine vein. US geomicrobiology team extensively investigated the brine (Oliver et al. 2022; Nisson et al. 2022). The outstanding outcomes include the age (>1Ga) and the salinity, the end-member in their research history since the 1990s. COVID-19 hindered, in particular, our research activity at 2.9 km depth at Moab Khotsong mine and access to the core during 2020-2021. However, we could log Holes A and B again in 2022 to compare with the previous logging data. This paper overviews the activity mentioned above, as well as prospects.

Our research is financially supported by ICDP, JSPS, JST-JICA, MEXT Japan, US NSF, German DFG, SA NRF, Ritsumeikan Univ., GFZ. Kochi Core Center, Astrobiology Center.

How to cite: Ogasawara, H. and the ICDP DSeis team: ICDP Drilling into Seismogenic zones in South African mines (DSeis; 2016 – onwards), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4104,, 2023.

EGU23-4301 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

The opening of the Fram Strait and its influence on sediment transport, climate and ocean circulation between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic 

Wolfram H. Geissler, Jens Gruetzner, Jens Matthiessen, A. Catalina Gebhardt, and Michael Schreck

During a long period of its Cenozoic history, the Arctic Ocean was isolated from any global thermohaline circulation system. Thus, the opening and subsequent widening of the Fram Strait, the only deep-water connection between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, was a fundamental tectonic process with extensive consequences for the global ocean circulation and paleoclimate evolution as well as for sedimentation processes in the adjacent ocean basins and along the continental margins.

In order to reconstruct both the development of the ocean circulation within and the glacial history of the Arctic-Atlantic gateway we interpreted sediment packages imaged in reflection seismic profiles together with updated stratigraphic information from existing Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) holes. Our new, high resolution seismic stratigraphy for the Molloy Basin (central Fram Strait) is based on a revised chronology for ODP Site 909 and on reprocessed seismic reflection data with now better resolution than in previous studies.

An improved core-log-seismic integration for ODP Site 909 and crossing seismic reflection profile AWI-20020300 was substantial in deriving the new seismic stratigraphy as well as characterizing the seismic units lithologically (Gruetzner et al., 2022). The core-seismic integration was combined with a revised magnetostratigraphy calibrated by new palynomorph bioevents which shifts previously used stratigraphies for ODP Site 909 (e.g. Myhre et al., 1995) to significantly younger ages in the time interval from c. 15 Ma to 3 Ma. The new stratigraphy implies that prominent maxima in coarse sand particles and kaolinite, often interpreted as evidence for ice rafting in the Fram Strait occur at c. 10.8 Ma, c. 3 Myr later as previously inferred. In the late Tortonian (< 7.5 Ma), sediment transport became current controlled, most probably through a western, recirculating branch of the West Spitsbergen Current. This current influence was strongly enhanced between c. 6.4 and 4.6 Ma and likely linked to the subsiding Hovgaard (Hovgård) Ridge and the widening of the AAG. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene seismic reflectors correlate with episodes of elevated ice-rafted detritus input related to major phases in Northern Hemisphere ice sheet growth such as the prominent glacial inception MIS M2 and the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation starting at c. 2.7 Ma.

Tracing the most prominent reflectors in a dense net (~5800 km) of re-processed seismic profiles allowed us to extrapolate these events into the western Boreas Basin and towards the adjacent Northeast Greenland continental margin. Subsequently compilations of updated digital isochron and depth-to-horizon maps were used to map depocenter geometries of current controlled sediments and mass-transport deposits within the western part of the Arctic-Atlantic gateway.



Gruetzner, J., Matthiessen, J., Geissler, W.H., Gebhardt, A.C., Schreck, M. (2022). A revised core-seismic integration in the Molloy Basin (ODP Site 909): Implications for the history of ice rafting and ocean circulation in the Atlantic-Arctic gateway. Global and Planetary Change, 215, 103876.

Myhre, A. M., Thiede, J., Firth, J. V., Ahagon, N., Black, K. S., Bloemendal, J., et al. (1995). Site 909. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Part A: Initial Reports, 151, 159-220.

How to cite: Geissler, W. H., Gruetzner, J., Matthiessen, J., Gebhardt, A. C., and Schreck, M.: The opening of the Fram Strait and its influence on sediment transport, climate and ocean circulation between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4301,, 2023.

EGU23-4430 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

The influence of environment on adaptive radiation of diatoms in East African Rift lakes 

Elena Jovanovska, Jeffery Stone, Walter Salzburger, and Friedemann Schrenk

Adaptive radiation is considered to play an important role in the diversification of life on Earth. This is especially true in isolated long-term environments where the largest adaptive radiations have been found and where the adaptive nature of diversification has been best studied. However, the environmental conditions that influence rapid diversification during adaptive radiations and potentially lead to differences in evolutionary trajectories and species richness across the tree of life are still unclear, primarily because there few, if any, fossil records for some of the most iconic examples of vertebrate radiations. Here, we use two diverse groups of diatoms (Diploneis and Afrocymbella) with different lifestyles and great fossilization potential to test the role of environment in adaptive radiation and its impact on evolutionary trajectories between different diatom clades in East African Rift lakes that are home to the world's largest radiations – that of cichlid fishes. We constructed a time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of extant and extinct species, as well as a trait matrix, and show that the two diatom groups evolved within the rift from a common ancestor over a relatively short time, with accelerated diversification leading to much higher species richness in the genus Diploneis. We then correlate the inferred diversification rates and trajectories of trait evolution with biological and environmental variables to determine the influence of the environment on the progression of adaptive radiation. This integration of genetic, morphological, and paleoenvironmental information allowed us to demonstrate the influence of the environment on a key process that has produced much of Earth's biological diversity.

How to cite: Jovanovska, E., Stone, J., Salzburger, W., and Schrenk, F.: The influence of environment on adaptive radiation of diatoms in East African Rift lakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4430,, 2023.

EGU23-5598 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Comparing lacustrine sedimentation rates and their response to climatic and environmental change 

Christian Zeeden, Luc Grandolas, Mathias Vinnepand, Arne Ulfers, Mehrdad Sardar Abadi, Simona Pierdominici, and Thomas Wonik

Continuous limnic archives may record millions of years of climatic and environmental change at their locality. Typically, such archives reflect environmental conditions in the lakes’ catchments, but also the imprint of large-scale atmospheric systems e.g. related to insolation and/or global ice-sheet dynamics. These parameters may vary considerably in space and time, and our understanding on patterns across continents that relate to this forcing is still incomplete. Comparing sedimentation rates from limnic archives covering fundamental changes in the Earth’s system like the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (change from 41 kyr to 100 kyr cycle world) has potential to shed light into spatial differences in Earth’s climate response, if applied carefully.

In this context, we use age-depth models along with stratigraphic and chronological information e.g. from tephrochronology, magnetostratigraphy and tuning to assess differences in sedimentation rates of limnic geoarchives. We focus on limnic records that have been investigated during International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) drilling projects, and specifically assess the influence of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and the Mid-Brunhes Transition on sedimentation rates.

How to cite: Zeeden, C., Grandolas, L., Vinnepand, M., Ulfers, A., Sardar Abadi, M., Pierdominici, S., and Wonik, T.: Comparing lacustrine sedimentation rates and their response to climatic and environmental change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5598,, 2023.

The Mariana forearc constitutes the southern sector of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) trench-arc system (12° N to 35° N) in the NW Pacific Ocean. It is the only setting where active serpentinite mud volcanism is recorded.

The Mariana forearc hosts several large serpentinite mud volcanoes, among which Fantangisña seamount was cored during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 366. Lithologies comprise pelagic sediments covering serpentinite mud deposits with ultramafic clasts which derive from the subducting Pacific Plate, forearc crust and mantle. In addition, nannofossil-bearing pelagic sediments and volcanic ash/tephra layers were found at the bottom of the core.

Fantangisña seamount is located in the tropical Pacific region, at low latitudes (16° N) within the latitudinal band of the North Equatorial Current (NEC). The NEC is a warm and nutrient- poor water mass, flowing westward in the tropical Pacific Ocean, driven by trade winds.

In this study, benthic and planktonic foraminifera analyses were performed at Site U1498A, located on the southern flank of Fantangisña serpentinite mud volcano. Most of our analysed interval covers the Early to Late Pleistocene as indicated by previous biostratigraphic investigation on this site. Cluster analyses on Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera resulted in two major clusters based on thermocline-dwelling species (e.g., Globorotalia spp.) to mixed-layer dwellers (e.g., G. ruber, G. rubescens, G. glutinata, Trilobatus spp.) ratio, which infer variations of the depth of the thermocline (DOT) during the Pleistocene. These changes of the DOT can be related to fluctuations in the intensity of the NEC. Our data implies a deep and stable thermocline with an intense NEC during the interval of the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition (EMPT). In contrast, both thermocline and NEC weakened during the Middle-Late Pleistocene, following the EMPT. Variations in strength of the NEC could be associated with ENSO climate conditions (El Niño/La Niña).

Planktonic foraminifera diversity suggests that the distribution of planktonic assemblages was not affected by the serpentinite mud activity in the area. In addition, our results imply that the preservation of the planktonic tests could be enhanced by rapid burial under the serpentinite mud flows.

High diversity (99 taxa) was recorded for benthic foraminifera before and after the serpentinite mud flow volcanism indicating oligotrophic and well-oxygenated bottom-water conditions. In contrast, benthic species were severely affected by the volcanic activity due to serpentinite mud flows and gas emissions.


How to cite: Del Gaudio, A. V., Piller, W. E., Auer, G., and Kurz, W.: Planktonic and benthic foraminifera assemblages from Fantangisña serpentinite mud volcano in the NW Pacific Ocean during the Pleistocene (IODP Expedition 366), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5797,, 2023.

EGU23-6170 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

Pleistocene climatic variability in eastern Africa influenced hominin evolution: the 620,000-year climate record from Chew Bahir 

Verena Foerster, Asfawossen Asrat, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Erik T. Brown, Alan Deino, Matthew Grove, Annette Hahn, Annett Junginger, Stephanie Kaboth-Bahr, Christine S. Lane, Stephan Opitz, Anders Noren, Helen M. Roberts, Ralph Tiedemann, Ralf Vogelsang, Céline M. Vidal, Andrew S. Cohen, Henry F. Lamb, Frank Schaebitz, and Martin H. Trauth

As a contribution towards a regional environmental context of human-climate interactions, the ICDP co-funded Chew Bahir Drilling Project, a part of the HSPDP (Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project), recovered ~280-m long cores of sedimentary strata through continental scientific drilling in southern Ethiopia. The fluvio-lacustrine coring locality in the Chew Bahir basin is situated near key archaeological and paleoanthropological sites, such as the Omo-Kibish where the Omo 1 and 2 Homo sapiens fossils were recovered.

Here we present the 620,000-year environmental record from Chew Bahir that provides an extraordinary opportunity to examine the potential influence of climate variability on hominin evolution, cultural innovation and dispersal during the Middle to Late Pleistocene. The near-continuous Chew Bahir record documents 13 environmental episodes that differ in length and character, potentially inducing habitat changes influencing hominin biological and cultural transformation. We infer that long-lasting and relatively stable humid conditions from ~620,000–275,000 years BP (Episodes 1–6) were interrupted by several abrupt and extreme hydroclimatic oscillations. This phase coincided with the appearance of high anatomical diversity in hominin groups. During Episodes 7–9 (~275,000–60,000 years BP), a pronounced pattern of climatic cyclicity was paralleled by the gradual transition from Acheulean to Middle Stone Age technologies, the emergence of H. sapiens in eastern Africa, and a key phase of human social and cultural innovation. Episodes 10–12 (~60,000–10,000 years BP), marked by high-frequency climate oscillations, is contemporaneous with the global dispersal of H. sapiens, facilitated by continued technological innovation and the alignment of humid pulses between eastern Africa and the eastern Mediterranean.

Prospectively, the Chew Bahir record represents a crucial component for the Middle and Late Pleistocene in the ongoing efforts of the scientific community (future and upcoming ICDP-funded projects) to address questions in Africa  across four topical core areas: paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, basin evolution, and modern lake systems.

How to cite: Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Bronk Ramsey, C., Brown, E. T., Deino, A., Grove, M., Hahn, A., Junginger, A., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Lane, C. S., Opitz, S., Noren, A., Roberts, H. M., Tiedemann, R., Vogelsang, R., Vidal, C. M., Cohen, A. S., Lamb, H. F., Schaebitz, F., and Trauth, M. H.: Pleistocene climatic variability in eastern Africa influenced hominin evolution: the 620,000-year climate record from Chew Bahir, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6170,, 2023.

EGU23-6477 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Middle Eocene to the early Miocene northward migration of northern Zealandia determined from the sedimentary record of IODP Exp. 371 (Tasman Sea) 

Edoardo Dallanave, Rupert Sutherland, Gerald Dickens, Liao Chang, Evdokia Tema, Laia Alegret, Claudia Agnini, Thomas Westerhold, Cherry Newsam, Adriane Lam, Wanda Stratford, Julien Collot, Samuel Etienne, and Tilo von Dobeneck

Northern Zealandia is a continent submerged for more than 90% under the water of the southwest Pacific Ocean and separated from Australia by the Tasman Sea ocean basin. Its absolute position since its drift form Australia in the Cretaceous is determined by means of global absolute plate motion models, as local paleomagnetic constraints are completely missing. We present new absolute paleolatitudes for northern Zealandia using paleomagnetic data from sediments drilled in International Ocean Discovery Program Sites U1507 and U1511 (Expedition 3711,2). After correcting for paleomagnetic inclination shallowing, typical of sediments, we derived five paleolatitude estimates that provide a trajectory of northern Zealandia past position from the middle Eocene to early Miocene, spanning geomagnetic polarity chrons C21n to C5Er (~48–18 Ma). Generally, our results support previous works on global absolute plate motion, including a rapid 6° northward migration of northern Zealandia between the early Oligocene–early Miocene. However, paleomagnetic-determined absolute paleolatitude is systematically lower, and this difference is significant in the Bartonian and Priabonian (C18n–C13r). This discrepancy may be explained by some degree of true polar wander, a solid Earth rotation with respect to the spin axis that can be resolved only using paleomagnetic data. These new paleomagnetic dataset anchors past latitudes of Zealandia to Earth’s spin axis, with implications not only for global geodynamics, but for addressing paleoceanographic problems, which generally require precise paleolatitude placement of proxy data3.

Figure 1. Present-day map of northern and southern Zealandia, enveloped respectively by the yellow and orange dashed line. The yellow stars indicate the location of International Ocean Discovery Program Sites U1507 (26.4886°S, 166.5286°E) and U1511 (37.5611°S, 160.3156°E). Solid and dashed white lines indicate active and inactive subduction zones, respectively, with arrows lying on the overriding plate. LHR = Lord Howe Rise, NCT = New Caledonia trough, NR = Norfolk Ridge, RB = Reinga basin.

(1) Sutherland, R. et al. Proc. Int. Ocean Discov. Progr. 371, 1–33 (2019); (2) Dallanave, E. & Chang, L. Newsletters Stratigr. 53, 365–387 (2020); (3) Dallanave, E. et al. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 127, 1–19 (2022).

How to cite: Dallanave, E., Sutherland, R., Dickens, G., Chang, L., Tema, E., Alegret, L., Agnini, C., Westerhold, T., Newsam, C., Lam, A., Stratford, W., Collot, J., Etienne, S., and von Dobeneck, T.: Middle Eocene to the early Miocene northward migration of northern Zealandia determined from the sedimentary record of IODP Exp. 371 (Tasman Sea), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6477,, 2023.

EGU23-7814 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

European Petrophysics Consortium's Contributions to IODP 

Tim van Peer, Andrew McIntyre, Marisa Rydzy, Erwan Le Ber, and European Petrophysics Consortium Team Members

The European Petrophysics Consortium (EPC) is part of the ECORD Science Operator (ESO). EPC comprises the University of Leicester and Géosciences Montpellier and provides petrophysics staff scientists and petrophysicists, as well as expertise in downhole logging and core petrophysics programmes. The EPC has dedicated equipment for core logging and discrete measurements and is involved in data calibration, quality control, evaluation and interpretation of these data. The EPC is also involved in post-expedition activities, the preparation of upcoming expeditions, capability development, and training for IODP MSP expeditions and other key activities, including education and training.

Over the past pandemic years, EPC has been active within expeditions and the community. EPC recognizes the importance of scientific drilling to palaeoclimate studies amongst other key topics, which is also reflected in our new science and operations roadmap: i) hired new staff members with a paleoclimate background; ii) developed a system for knowledge exchange between petrophysics and climate scientists, for instance via the ECORD summer schools; iii) renewed focus to include the development of measurement protocols and data analysis techniques to better serve the IODP community.

EPC also has a website ( and will host the next ECORD Summer School Downhole Logging for IODP Science in person in Leicester in summer 2023.


*European Petrophysics Consortium Team Members:

Sarah Davies, Simon Draper, Tim van Peer, Andrew McIntyre, Marisa Rydzy (University of Leicester).

Philippe Pezard, Johanna Lofi, Erwan Le Ber, Laurent Brun (University of Montpellier).

How to cite: van Peer, T., McIntyre, A., Rydzy, M., Le Ber, E., and Team Members, E. P. C.: European Petrophysics Consortium's Contributions to IODP, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7814,, 2023.

EGU23-7938 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

Legacy scientific ocean drilling data suggest that subsurface heat and salts cause exceptionally limited methane hydrate stability in the Mediterranean Basin 

Cristina Corradin, Angelo Camerlenghi, Umberta Tinivella, Michela Giustiniani, and Claudia Bertoni

The knowledge of the global reservoir of submarine gas hydrates is of great relevance for understanding global climate dynamics, submarine geohazards, and unconventional hydrocarbon energy resources. Methane hydrate formation and preservation is favored by high pressure and low geothermal gradient and this leads the reservoir to be hosted mostly in cold passive continental margins. Several studies describe the Mediterranean basin's potential to host a Methane hydrate reservoir. However, in spite of the ample evidence of subsurface hydrocarbons, especially biogenic methane, widespread evidence of gas hydrate either from samples or seismic data is missing.  We modeled the theoretical Mediterranean distribution of methane hydrate stability field below the seafloor and in the water column using available geological information provided by 44 Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) boreholes, measured geothermal gradients, and thermohaline characteristics of the water masses from CMEMS (Copernicus Marine services). We find that the pervasive presence of high-salinity waters in sediments, coupled with the uniquely warm and salty water column, limits the thickness of the theoretical methane hydrate stability zone in the subsurface and deepens its top surface. Because of the homogeneous characteristics of water masses, the top surface in the Mediterranean sea lays uniformly from 1163 to 1391 mbsl, much deeper than the oceanic basins where it lays around 300 - 500 mbsl. The theoretical distribution of methane hydrates coincides well with the distribution of shallow, low-permeability Messinian salt deposits, further limiting the formation of pervasive gas hydrate fronts and controlling their distribution due to the prevention of upward hydrocarbon gas migration. We conclude that the Mediterranean Basin, hosting the youngest salt giant on Earth, is not prone to the widespread formation and preservation of gas hydrates in the subsurface and that the gas hydrate potential of salt-bearing rifted continental margins may be considerably decreased by the presence of subsurface brines. This study was entirely conducted using data (stratigraphy, pore water salinity, and where available downhole temperature measurements) obtained with scientific ocean drilling, thus demonstrating the importance of the legacy data as a source of quality information even decades after their acquisition.

How to cite: Corradin, C., Camerlenghi, A., Tinivella, U., Giustiniani, M., and Bertoni, C.: Legacy scientific ocean drilling data suggest that subsurface heat and salts cause exceptionally limited methane hydrate stability in the Mediterranean Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7938,, 2023.

Borehole temperature measurements can be easily conducted  at the end of a drilling operation during trip out of the drill string (logging while tripping) without the need for additional operational time. After the final drilling depth was reached, an autonomous borehole logging tool including a temperature sensor is placed at the lower end of the drill string with the sensor part having passed the drill bit and sticking out in the open borehole between bottom of the borehole and drill bit. During trip out the logging tool is hooked up together with the drill string inside the borehole and measures the fluid temperature within the borehole. Stationary phases occur at regular intervals during disconnecting drill rods from the drill string. The analysis of the borehole temperatures during these stationary phases allow the investigation of changes of borehole temperatures with depth and with time. These temperature changes are a function of the geothermal gradient and the perturbation of the temperature field by the drilling action. Here we present results of a pilot study (Freudenthal et al., 2022) based on borehole temperature measurements acquired with the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo200. By modeling the temperature evolution from the start of the drilling operation on, it is possible to analyze the impact of the drilling perturbation on the temperature field and to conclude on the regional heat flux.



Freudenthal, T., Villinger, H., Riedel, M., and Pape, T. (2022) Heat flux estimation from borehole temperatures acquired during logging while tripping: a case study with the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo. Marine Geophysical Research 43:37. doi: 10.1007/s11001-022-09500-1

How to cite: Freudenthal, T., Villinger, H., Riedel, M., and Pape, T.: Estimation of regional heat flux based on borehole temperatures acquired during logging while tripping with the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo200, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7956,, 2023.

EGU23-7958 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

Implementing the Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT): linking volcanology and geothermal research for future hazard and energy solutions 

Yan Lavallée, Anette Mortensen, Paolo Papale, John Eichelberger, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Ben Kennedy, Marlène Villeneuve, Philippe Jousset, Donald Bruce Dingwell, Sigurdur Markusson, Vordís Eiríksdóttir, Bjarni Pálsson, Jeff Tester, Sigrún Nanna Karlsdóttir, John Midgley, Hjalti Páll Ingolfsson, and John Ludden

Driven by the need to understand magmatic systems, to improve volcano monitoring strategy, and to develop next-generation, high-enthalpy, geothermal energy, we introduce the Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) – located in Northeast Iceland. KMT aims to establish the first magma observatory – an international, open access, scientific platform to advance ductile zone to magma research via drilling and novel sensor systems. This frontier undertaking will enable direct, in situ sampling, instrumentation and manipulation, and monitoring of magma and its interface with solid Earth’s crust, vastly advancing models of high-temperature crustal processes. 

This initiative is enabled by past geothermal drilling at Krafla volcano that was serendipitously intersected and thus determined the exact location of magma for the first time. This unprecedented experience, including safe control of the wells, provides the basis for KMT, which stands to transform modern volcanology and geothermic disciplines. 

KMT will develop a long-term infrastructure (>25 years) for the conduct of interdisciplinary scientific, engineering, technological, and educational activities. The Krafla volcano has the advantage of a long history of geological study, volcano monitoring, and drilling as well as supporting surface facilities combining to produce the safest and most efficient base from which to explore Earth beyond the solidus.  

KMT will be the place to develop (1) our science of hot and molten Earth; (2) new ways of understanding and monitoring volcanoes; (3) our ability to extract and exploit geothermal energy sources; and (4) new technology and materials that function in the most extreme conditions in planetary systems. 

The value of potential gains in fundamental understanding of crustal processes is beyond our possibility to estimate. There is the prospect of an order of magnitude gain in geothermal energy productivity. The need to improve understanding of the source of catastrophic eruptions and to better forecast them is a compelling humanitarian one.

How to cite: Lavallée, Y., Mortensen, A., Papale, P., Eichelberger, J., Sigmundsson, F., Kennedy, B., Villeneuve, M., Jousset, P., Dingwell, D. B., Markusson, S., Eiríksdóttir, V., Pálsson, B., Tester, J., Karlsdóttir, S. N., Midgley, J., Ingolfsson, H. P., and Ludden, J.: Implementing the Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT): linking volcanology and geothermal research for future hazard and energy solutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7958,, 2023.

EGU23-8462 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

A strainmeter array to unravel the Alto Tiberina fault slip behaviour, Central Italy - ICDP STAR Drilling Project 

Lauro Chiaraluce, David Mencin, Rick Bennett, Massimiliano R. Barchi, and Marco Bohnhoff and the STAR team

Earthquakes are complex natural phenomena that involve multiple spatio-temporal scales. To understand the physical/chemical processes responsible for the faulting that earthquakes occur on, a multidisciplinary approach is highly recommended. Near Fault Observatories (NFOs) aim at providing high-precision and spatio-temporally dense multidisciplinary near fault data, enabling the generation of innovative scientific products.

The Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (TABOO-NFO) is a permanent monitoring infrastructure around the Alto Tiberina Fault (ATF). The ATF is a 60 km long very low-angle normal fault (mean dip 20°) located along a 3 mm/yr extending sector of the Northern Apennines (Central Italy). The presence of repeating earthquakes on the ATF, as well as a steep gradient in crustal velocities measured by GNSS stations, suggest that portions of the ATF are creeping aseismically. Both laboratory and theoretical studies indicate that any given patch of a fault can creep, nucleate slow earthquakes, and host large earthquakes, as also documented in nature for some earthquakes (e.g., Iquique, Tohoku and Parkfield earthquakes). Nonetheless, how a fault patch switches from one mode of slip to another as well as the interaction between creep, slow and regular earthquakes are still poorly documented by near field observation.

TABOO is a state-of-the-art dense network, managed by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), with mean inter-distance of about 5 km between multidisciplinary sensors, deployed both at surface and within shallow boreholes (<250m). Stations record and transmit in real time via dedicated Wi-Fi technology; then data is stored in standard formats on open access thematic portals and distributed via web services ( With STAR, during the Fall of 2021 and Spring of 2022, INGV in collaboration with UNAVCO, drilled six 80-160 m deep boreholes surrounding the creeping portion of the ATF, to deploy Gladwin Tensor strainmeters and short period seismometers. Each “observatory” is also equipped with surface GNSS, meteorological instruments, and additional seismic sensors. The two deepest boreholes host fibre optic cables for temperature and strain. The strainmeter array (STAR) instruments are four-gauge strainmeters, from which we can resolve the horizontal strain matrix and measure deformation on the order of nanostrain, and bridge timescales encompassed neither by GNSS nor by Seismometers. With this new suite of instruments TABOO will enable the collection and calibration of strain records with exquisitely high precision, allowing for a quantitative characterization of ATF creep (~1 mm over <1 km2), enhanced monitoring of microseismicity (below Mc 0.5), and allowing correlation between degassing (CO2, Rn) measurements and subsurface strain.

Such unique near fault data Illuminating the spatiotemporal characteristics of creep on the ATF including possible stress triggering of larger earthquakes by transient creep events, are needed to address key questions of global importance in the seismic hazards and risk assessment community about the physics that allows for both seismic and aseismic slip on a single fault patch.

After presenting the field campaigns, we give an overview of the new data, showing how they enable us to detect new dynamic and static strain features missed by the other in situ instruments.

How to cite: Chiaraluce, L., Mencin, D., Bennett, R., Barchi, M. R., and Bohnhoff, M. and the STAR team: A strainmeter array to unravel the Alto Tiberina fault slip behaviour, Central Italy - ICDP STAR Drilling Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8462,, 2023.

EGU23-8488 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Site survey for potential MoHole drilling sites in the Guatemala Basin 

Timothy Henstock, Ingo Grevemeyer, Anke Dannowski, Milena Marjanovic, Helene-Sophie Hilbert, Adam Robinson, Yuhan Li, and Damon Teagle

A founding ambition of scientific ocean drilling is to drill a MoHole that penetrates the entire ocean crust and into the upper mantle at a location representative of normal crustal accretion and evolution. This remains the only way to test many of our key ideas about how new crust forms at mid-ocean ridges, cools and ages through interactions with the oceans. The technical challenges of drilling such a deep hole limit potential locations to a small number of candidate regions, which need to be sufficiently old to be cool at Moho depths but shallow enough for riser drilling.

In December 2022 and January 2023 RRS James Cook expedition JC228 carried out the first site survey to collect complete seismic datasets in one of the candidate regions, the Guatemala Basin. We collected two grids and a long flowline profile of multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) data using a tuned airgun array of 5000 in3 together with a 6 km hydrophone streamer. Airgun shots were simultaneously recorded on 52 ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) deployed at 84 locations. Shot spacings of 150 m and 75 m were optimised for the different recordings. The survey samples crust formed between 19 and 21 Ma, at present-day water depths of 3200-3400 m, and is approximately along a flowline from the existing ODP/IODP Site 1256, where intact ocean crust has been drilled to the gabbros. Initial processing of the MCS data on board the ship shows a normal incidence reflection Moho that is variable in amplitude over distances of ~10 km, but is present at the intersections of several MCS profiles. Wide-angle PmP reflections on the OBS are clear across the region. There is obvious anisotropy in the Pn upper mantle refraction on the OBS, with a strong and high-velocity arrival along the flowline, and weaker and slower arrivals in the isochron direction at each grid. Overall, the initial observations are extremely promising for identification of multiple viable Mohole drilling locations.

How to cite: Henstock, T., Grevemeyer, I., Dannowski, A., Marjanovic, M., Hilbert, H.-S., Robinson, A., Li, Y., and Teagle, D.: Site survey for potential MoHole drilling sites in the Guatemala Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8488,, 2023.

EGU23-9391 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

A proposal for drilling “Geiseltal” – a near complete terrestrial section of the Eocene in Central Europe 

Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, André Bahr, and Christian Zeeden

As the world warms due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations, the Earth system moves toward climate states without historic precedent, challenging societal adaptation. One way to investigate these unprecedented conditions is to study past climates and ecosystems that shar similarities to our current and future ones. One such period is the Eocene (~56 – 33 Ma), during which the climate changed from a hot-house to a greenhouse state, comprising a wide range of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, our knowledge of the Eocene climate evolution is incomplete because of a lack of terrestrial records covering the entire period. To address this gap in our understanding, we propose to obtain drill cores at Geiseltal in Eastern Germany as part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).

This former lignite quarry is famous for its exceptionally well-preserved Eocene mammal fossils, but its potential as a climate archive has not yet been explored due to the lack of existing drill cores. By drilling a maximum of three cores, we aim to create a spliced 100-120 m long record comprising the entire Eocene archived in Geiseltal as an alteration of lignite seems intercalated with fluvial strata. High-resolution, multi-proxy analyses of the obtained sediments will allow to generate a unique record of (sub)orbital climate variability under various atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The integration of newly developed paleoclimate records with the existing paleoecological data will further help to inform how the terrestrial ecosystems reacted to long-term as well short-term changes, e.g., during hyperthermals. To advance this project, we welcome scientific input from a wide range of disciplines (e.g., stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleolimnology, paleobotany, paleontology, and organic/inorganic geochemistry) as well as are actively seeking interested groups and individuals to collaborate with us on this project.

How to cite: Kaboth-Bahr, S., Bahr, A., and Zeeden, C.: A proposal for drilling “Geiseltal” – a near complete terrestrial section of the Eocene in Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9391,, 2023.

EGU23-9523 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

Grinding through the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition 

Catherine Rose, Tony Prave, Iona Baillie, Marjorie Cantine, Simone Kasemann, Francis Macdonald, Melanie Mesli, Andreas Nduutepo, Sara Pruss, Ricardo Trindade, and Maoyan Zhu

The Neoproterozoic Era (1000 - 541 Ma) is one of the most dramatic in Earth history: metazoans evolved, the supercontinent Rodinia formed and broke apart, the global carbon cycle underwent high-amplitude fluctuations, oxygen concentrations rose and climate experienced at least two episodes of worldwide glaciation. However, the discontinuous and fragmented nature of outcrop-based studies has hindered developing quantitative models of Earth system functioning during that Era. The Geological Research through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling (GRIND) project begins to rectify this scientific shortcoming by obtaining 13 cores through the archetype successions that record this environmental and biogeochemical change.


The specific targets are the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition (ECT; c. 560-530 Ma) in south Namibia (Nama Group), strata of west Brazil (Corumbá Group), and South China (Doushantuo, Dengying and equivalent formations). Drilling in Namibia and Brazil is complete, and drilling in China will commence in 2023. The work aims to 1) construct a highly resolved temporal framework that will lead to the development of age models for the ECT; 2) refine the patterns of biotic evolution of organic-walled and mineralised microfossils, metazoans and trace fossils, and identify the links between and test hypotheses about biological evolution and environmental change, and 3) using fresh, unweathered samples, determine the palaeoenvironmental and biogeochemical conditions that led to the rise of oxygen and distinguish cause-and-effect relationships and basin-specific versus global-scale secular trends in geochemical and stable isotope patterns.


We present sedimentological data from the characterised split cores from Namibia and Brazil, which are permanently archived at an in-country repository as well as the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Germany. All cores will be available for future research, education and national capacity building activities and mark the first step towards creating an on-shore core archive that will match in stature that of the IODP.

How to cite: Rose, C., Prave, T., Baillie, I., Cantine, M., Kasemann, S., Macdonald, F., Mesli, M., Nduutepo, A., Pruss, S., Trindade, R., and Zhu, M.: Grinding through the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9523,, 2023.

EGU23-9728 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Inventory of ice-rafted clasts and sediment constituents that pertain to dynamic ice-margin processes and biological productivity, Amundsen Sea region, Antarctica 

Christine S Siddoway, Stuart N Thomson, Aaron Cavosie, Jan Alfaro, and Nels Iverson

Marine sediments, obtained from cores and captures from deep sea and continental shelf sites of West Antarctica, contain rich records of latest Miocene to Present glacial and deglacial processes and conditions at the margin of the West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS). The materials we are investigating were recovered from a) Resolution Drift on the Amundsen Sea continental rise (water depths >3900m), b)the continental shelf in the Amundsen Sea, Wrigley Gulf, and Sultzberger Bay (water depths <1000m). Resolution Drift cores were drilled by IODP Expedition 379 (Gohl et al., doi:10.14379/iodp.proc.379.2021) in sediments dominated by compacted clay and silty clay, with conglomeratic intervals of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) and downslope deposits. The shelf sediments were recovered by piston core, trigger core, and Smith McIntyre Grab (SMG) during USA research cruises of the RVIB Nathaniel B Palmer (1999, 2000, 2007) and USCGC Glacier (1983). The shelf samples are non-compacted clay, containing abundant cobbles, pebbles and biogenic fragments.

Our research focuses upon rock clasts, detrital apatite and zircon, felsic volcanic tephra, and micro-manganese nodules separated from marine and glaciomarine clay. The rock clasts and detrital minerals represent samples of continental crust that we characterise according to rock type, petrology, geochemistry, and geo-thermochronology [U-Pb, (U-Th)/He, and fission track methods]. These characteristics illuminate solid Earth processes, including the development of subglacial topography . We compared clasts’ petrology and age data to the exposed onshore geology and thermochronology of bedrock, and determined that ≥90% of clasts likely originated in West Antarctica. Therefore the materials can be used to assign roughness, erodibility, and heat production factors for subglacial bedrock, which constitute boundary conditions used by ice sheet modelers.

Rhyolite ash and fragments provide new evidence for explosive eruptions (dated ca. 2.55 to 2.92 Ma; feldspar 40Ar/39Ar) delivered to sea as airfall, IRD, and possible subglacial water transport. Silicic eruptions produce ash and aerosols that may screen solar energy, and provide bio-available nutrients that produce phytoplankton blooms leading to sequestration of carbon. The rhyolite dates coincide with the end of a Pliocene warm period recorded in IODP379 cores (Gille-Petzoldt et al., 10.3389/feart.2022.976703). Our work in progress seeks to obtain higher resolution geochronology in order to determine whether silicic continental volcanism occurred in response to ice unloading due to deglaciation (cf. Lin et al., 10.5194/cp-18-485-2022) and whether erupted products contributed to latest Pliocene significant cooling and WAIS re-glaciation.

Another distinctive sediment constituent is micro-manganese nodules of unusual form. Whereas typical micro-MN nodules are dark, formed of concentric layers, this form is pale in color, ‘barbell’ shaped, and transparent in transmitted light. Scanning electron microscopy shows these to be microcrystalline Mn-oxide with embedded grains of quartz and feldspar, which likely served as seed material.  Mn-oxides form by authigenesis at/near the seafloor surface, requiring  high oxygen concentrations in the bottom water and low sedimentation rates, generally associated with the end of glacials/during interglacials (Hillenbrand et al. 2021, 10.1029/2021GL093103). Work is in progress to determine whether Mn oxides formed through passive accretion upon seed grains or microbially-mediated precipitation from Mn-oxyhydroxides or colloids, of possible relevance for coastal carbon budgets.

How to cite: Siddoway, C. S., Thomson, S. N., Cavosie, A., Alfaro, J., and Iverson, N.: Inventory of ice-rafted clasts and sediment constituents that pertain to dynamic ice-margin processes and biological productivity, Amundsen Sea region, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9728,, 2023.

EGU23-10280 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Recycling mercury at a convergent margin from Nankai Trough to southwest Japan 

Akinori Takeuchi and Harue Masuda

In the southwest Japan, located at the eastern edge of Eurasian plate, dehydrated water from subducting Philippine Sea Plate from the Nankai Trough issues without magmatic activity as thermal brines. Those brines contain high amounts of mantle derived components, and mercury may be one of those components. Mercury contamination is found in shallow groundwaters (>0.1 µg/kg) and soils (>200 µg/kg) along peripheral active faults of Osaka Basin, where subducting slab from the Nankai Trough appears deeper than the surroundings. Occurrence of the mercury contaminated groundwater also corresponds to the areas of deep low frequency tremor, which is known as a phenomenon occurring in relation to dehydration from subducting slab.

In order to specify the source(s) of mercury above described, mercury concentration and stable isotopes were analyzed for the sediments down to 2200 mbsf (meters below seafloor) taken from drilled cores at Kumano-nada basin IODP Site 0002, where accreted oceanic and forearc sediments are deposited. The mercury concentration, ranging 30-240 µg/kg, except three of 330-820 µg/kg of samples taken from ≥2000 mbsf. The range of 30-240 µg/kg is the same as those of surface sediments of ocean bottom of the study area. The high concentrations seemed due to high contribution of volcanogenic materials. The mercury stable isotopes values, –0.26 to –0.83 ‰ for δ202Hg and no shift of Δ199Hg and Δ201Hg, indicating geogenic origin without biogenic and/or photochemical alteration. The isotope values are in the similar range of those in the shallow groundwater in the Osaka Basin. The isotope values of δ202Hg are slightly smaller than that of mantle (0 ‰). These observations would be direct evidence that the mercury deposited in the subducting slab comes up with upwelling fluids.

Ocean scientific drillings have dissolved material cycles and the associating geological phenomenon, especially related to volcanic and seismic activities, at convergent margins related to subduction factory. From the point of views of concentration of useful elements, subduction factory is an important role for formation of ore deposits mainly via magmatic and the associating hydrothermal activities, which also cause the contamination of toxic elements. However, this study gives possible contamination of hydrosphere and pedosphere with toxic elements via non-volcanic tectonic activity.

How to cite: Takeuchi, A. and Masuda, H.: Recycling mercury at a convergent margin from Nankai Trough to southwest Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10280,, 2023.

EGU23-10613 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Rare earth elements and Yttrium (REY) abundances and distribution characteristics depending on lithofacies in the South Pacific sediment 

Yuri Kim, Sung Kyung Hong, Yoon-Mi Kim, Changyoon Lee, and Seok-Hwi Hong

Since rare earth elements and Yttrium (REY) were considered critical resources in modern technological and economic industries, deep-sea sediments in the world oceans have started to gain attention as an essential source of REY. In particular, recent studies have discovered that deep-sea sediments in the western North Pacific Ocean near Minamitorishima island have the highest REY concentrations (over 5,000 ppm of REY). In this study, our goals are to identify the existence potential of REY-rich sediment in the South Pacific Ocean and investigate REY abundance and distribution characteristics depending on lithofacies. We acquired the sediment samples from seven sites (U1365, U1366, U1367, U1368, U1369, U1370, U1371) recovered from Integrated Ocean Drilling Project (IODP) Expedition 329. The sediment samples were analyzed for bulk chemical composition, mineral composition, and sedimentary facies. The results indicate that REY concentrations ranged from 53 to 4,177 ppm. U1365 and U1366 sediments showed extremely high REY abundances over 2,000 ppm. On the other hand, U1368 and U1371 sediments showed the lowest contents of REY, less than 200 ppm. Based on the geochemical results, the sediments were divided into six lithofacies: Bioapatite-rich clay, Fe or Mn-rich clay, zeolitic clay, pelagic clay, siliceous ooze, and calcareous ooze. Bioapatite-rich clay with high P2O5 content contained the highest REY peak layers (1,141 ~ 4,177 ppm). We observed abundant fish teeth debris in the sediments composed of biogenic calcium phosphate. Fe or Mn-rich clay contained an average of 1,073 ppm of REY, indicating the second-highest abundance among the six lithofacies. XRD analysis and wet sieving results suggested that Fe or Mn originated mainly from goethite derived from hydrogenous and hydrothermal origins. Zeolitic clay and pelagic clay contained an average of 729 ppm and 344 ppm of REY, respectively. In addition, siliceous ooze and calcareous ooze showed an average of 152 ppm and 130 ppm of REY, respectively. These results imply that clay deposits are expected to have high REY contents than biogenic ooze. In addition, it implies that the main host phases of REY from deep-sea clay in the South Pacific are bioapatite and Fe or Mn (oxyhydr)oxides.

How to cite: Kim, Y., Hong, S. K., Kim, Y.-M., Lee, C., and Hong, S.-H.: Rare earth elements and Yttrium (REY) abundances and distribution characteristics depending on lithofacies in the South Pacific sediment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10613,, 2023.

EGU23-10649 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

High temperature fluid flow through active décollement at the Nankai subduction zone 

Nana Kamiya, Masataka Kinoshita, Weiren Lin, Takehiro Hirose, Yuzuru Yamamoto, Stephen A Bowden, Man-Yin Tsang, and Satoshi Tonai

Temperature is one of the important parameters to understand complex dynamics, because temperature of the crust is changed by some events such as volcanic activities and a passage of high temperature fluid, which affects physical property, chemical cycle and also microbiosphere. Therefore, information about temperature allow us to understand the dynamics of the active subduction zone.

IODP Site C0023, located at the tip of subduction zone in the Muroto transect of the Nankai Trough, was drilled by IODP Expedition 370. There, we measured the vitrinite reflectance which is an index of the maximum temperature experienced by the sediments. Comparing the measured reflectance and the model values calculated by assuming the past heat flow, it was found that Site C0023 experienced a higher heat flow than the present, which was approximately 160 mW/m2. However, the vitrinite reflectance is significantly higher than that in the above model just below the décollement, which suggested that another thermal anomaly originated directly under the décollement in addition to the high heat flow from the basement. With assumptions on the temperature of the heat source and the duration of heating below the décollement, we calculated the vitrinite reflectance in different models.

As a result, it was found that heat source temperature of 200˚C and heat generation duration of 500-1000 years are required just below the décollement to explain the depth distribution of the measured values. At Site C0023, a high pore pressure zone is distributed just below the décollement, which can serve as a path for fluids from deeper part. Considering that the temperature at the depth corresponding to the seismogenic zone in the Muroto area of the Nankai Trough is approximately 200˚C, and that a specific high temperature has not been confirmed just below the décollement of C0023 at present, the origin of the high-temperature fluid would be the deep seismogenic zone. Furthermore, the advection of high-temperature fluids is thought to be intermittent. In other words, the high reflectance just below the décollement is considered to indicate the advection of the high-temperature fluid from deep to shallow areas at the time of past earthquakes.

How to cite: Kamiya, N., Kinoshita, M., Lin, W., Hirose, T., Yamamoto, Y., Bowden, S. A., Tsang, M.-Y., and Tonai, S.: High temperature fluid flow through active décollement at the Nankai subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10649,, 2023.

EGU23-10947 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

ICDP STAR drilling project in Italy: preliminary analysis of geophysical downhole logging data 

Assel Akimbekova, Massimiliano Rinaldo Barchi, Lauro Chiaraluce, Wade Johnson, M.Teresa Mariucci, Francesco Mirabella, Paola Montone, Simona Pierdominici, and Marco Urbani

The ICDP STAR drilling project (Strain Meter Array) is a joint research project among different institutions that aims to study the fault slip behaviour of the low angle Alto Tiberina Fault (ATF) in the Northern Apennines, Italy. The ATF is an active low-angle normal fault (mean dip 20°) whose activity and mechanics is still debated. Therefore, STAR drilled and instrumented six shallow boreholes, providing an excellent opportunity to study creep at local scale and over periods of minutes to months, poorly constrained by other geophysical instruments.

Two drilling campaigns were made in Fall 2021 and in Summer 2022, drilling a total of six 80-160 m deep vertical boreholes. Each borehole was instrumented with seismometers (three-component (3C) borehole geophones) and strainmeters (Gladwin Tensor Strainmeters, GTSM).  Strainmeters are the only instruments capable of measuring small creep events, as has been demonstrated near other creeping faults, such as the creeping section of the strike-slip San Andreas fault near Parkfield.


Two boreholes drilled the Mesozoic-Paleogene, Umbria-Marche carbonate succession (Maiolica, Marne a Fucoidi, Scaglia Bianca, Scaglia Rossa and Scaglia Variegata formations). The other four boreholes encountered the Neogene marls and turbidite sandstones (Schlier and Marnoso-Arenacea formations). Upon completion of the drilling operations, a suite of downhole logging measurements was performed in each borehole, comprising: total gamma ray, full wave sonic, electrical conductivity and temperature, caliper, resistivity, optical and acoustic borehole images. The sondes recorded data only in the deepest portion (open section) of the wellbore, except for the total gamma ray that run also in the cased section. The objective was to record the physical properties of the rocks in situ, and to reconstruct the spatial distribution and characteristics of the fractures (i.e. partially open, closed, thickness) and their connection with the geological structures mapped on the surface. 


Here we present a preliminary analysis of the logging data. In the carbonate units (i.e. Maiolica and Scaglia Rossa) the gamma ray shows low and flat curve (less than 30 cps) and P-wave velocity about 3 km/s. In the sandstone-marly units (Marnoso-Arenacea), encountered in three boreholes, the gamma ray records high values (about 80-100 cps) correlated mainly to marly intervals and P-wave velocity of 3-3.5 km/s. The hemipelagic marls of the Schlier Formation are characterized by high gamma ray (mean value of 80 cps) and by an average P-wave velocity of 3.5 km/s. These values will be compared with the results of laboratory analysis of samples, collected in similar lithologies, as well as with the results of logging performed in deeper wells drilled for commercial purposes. Through this comparison, we will evaluate the effect of depth (i.e. pressure) on the main physical properties of sedimentary rocks. The physical properties, in combination with the orientation and geometry of the discontinuities (fractures, veins, bedding), acquired by downhole logging, will contribute in building-up improved 3-D geological models of the ATF.


How to cite: Akimbekova, A., Barchi, M. R., Chiaraluce, L., Johnson, W., Mariucci, M. T., Mirabella, F., Montone, P., Pierdominici, S., and Urbani, M.: ICDP STAR drilling project in Italy: preliminary analysis of geophysical downhole logging data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10947,, 2023.

EGU23-11174 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

Preliminary results from the ICDP - DIVE project: Hole DT-1b (Ornavasso, Italy) 

Othmar Müntener, György Hétenyi, Andrew Greenwood, Luca Ziberna, Alberto Zanetti, Mattia Pistone, and Donato Giovanelli and the DIVE Drilling Project Science Team

We report preliminary results from drill cores and logging from the ICDP Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE (DIVE) project, Hole DT-1b in Ornavasso (Val d’Ossola, northern Italy). Characterized by pronounced geophysical anomalies, the exposed Ivrea-Verbano Zone in the Italian Alps represents an archetypal lower continental crust section. The first phase of DIVE is dedicated to the drilling and the petrological and geophysical characterization of the lowermost continental crust. Specifically, Hole DT-1b was set in the in the hinge zone of the Massone Antiform to explore the pre-Permian lithologies of the lower continental crust. Hole DT-1b was drilled using the diamond double tube continuous wireline coring method, from October 6 to December 10, 2022, and the retrieved rock cores were inspected and classified by the DIVE drilling project science team. Core recovery was effectively 100% throughout the entire drill hole. In total, 578m of the upper part of the lower continental crust in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone were drilled and cored.

Here we summarize on site visual core descriptions and preliminary geophysical logging and microbiological investigations. The cores mostly consist of amphibolites and garnet-bearing metapelites with variable presence of migmatitic structures, and with local high and low temperature shear zones, pegmatitic dikes, and open fractures.

Continuous monitoring of borehole fluids and gases (OLGA and miniRuedi devices, see EGU abstract by Dutoit and coworkers), and a suite of borehole logging measurements (see abstract by Li, Greenwood, Caspari and coworkers) were performed. They match very well the core logs performed on site (magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma radiation). The most prominent, directly observable deformation feature was a high-temperature foliation, with a dip angle between 30 and 60° in the upper part of the hole, becoming increasingly steeper in the deeper part.

Along the entire drill hole fractures and open cracks were observed, some of them filled with precipitates of quartz, carbonates, sulphides and oxides. These fractures are potentially promising hosts for microbial communities and are currently under investigation. Additional samples for microbiological studies were taken every 20m from the drill cores and are currently cultivated for further investigations.

Hole DT-1b provides detailed insights into the compositional, structural and geophysical variation of metasedimentary continental lower crust, including the distribution of sulphides. Relamination of metamorphic pelitic and mafic rocks may produce an important reservoir of sulphur bearing minerals in the lower continental crust. Further results emerging between abstract submission and the conference will be presented.

How to cite: Müntener, O., Hétenyi, G., Greenwood, A., Ziberna, L., Zanetti, A., Pistone, M., and Giovanelli, D. and the DIVE Drilling Project Science Team: Preliminary results from the ICDP - DIVE project: Hole DT-1b (Ornavasso, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11174,, 2023.

EGU23-11373 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

The ostracod clumped-isotope thermometer: A new tool to quantify continental climate change. 

Marta Marchegiano, Marion Peral, Jeroen Venderickx, Koen Martens, Antonio García-Alix, Steven Goderis, and Philippe Claeys

Ostracod shells are small aquatic crustaceans (0.3 - 5 mm) capable of recording climatic and environmental changes at high-resolution in sedimentary archives of modern and ancient lakes. Their stable low-Mg calcite shell mineralogy makes them ideally suited for targeted geochemical analyses. Therefore, ostracods represent the best candidate to develop a new carbonate clumped isotope (∆47) lacustrine paleothermometer that disentangles and quantifies the effects of global climate changes at regional scale. To establish the relationship between 47 and the temperature for ostracod shells, three different species were collected in monitored environments at 4°C and 12°C and one was cultivated in the lab at 23°C. Our results show a linear regression between ostracod-47 and calcification temperature that is in agreement with previous published calibrations. This implies that ostracods are an equally-good recorder of (paleo)temperatures as other carbonaceous micro- or macrofossils from the marine realm. Moreover, we report the absence of a consistent offset between the species Eucypris virens and Bradleystrandesia fuscata coming from the same environment and precipitated at the same temperature. This observation suggests the absence of a vital effect at the genus and species level. Samples from shallow Lake Trasimeno (Italy) cover the last 50000 years and confirm the ability of the ostracod clumped-isotope thermometer as well as the absence of vital effect in the fossil record. The new paleothermometer identifies warmer/colder and humid/dryer conditions during Greenland Interstadial and Greenland Stadial/Heinrich events respectively.

These findings show that the ostracod-47 thermometer has several advantages that makes it an attractive tool for scientific drilling: (i) It is independent of ostracod species and geography. Hence, one can also use endemic species.  (ii) It is applicable throughout geological time, as extinct species can be used. (iii) Temperature reconstructions for all environments where ostracods live are within reach. We emphasize that also high-diversity lacustrine environments are suitable for 47 analysis, by mixing shells of different species together. This is of particular importance when working with small samples size from sediment cores.

The establishment of this new lacustrine proxy enables precise paleoclimatic reconstructions from different climate belts. It opens the door to new high-resolution continental paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions and therefore has the potential to be a key tool in future lacustrine drilling in the ICDP framework.

How to cite: Marchegiano, M., Peral, M., Venderickx, J., Martens, K., García-Alix, A., Goderis, S., and Claeys, P.: The ostracod clumped-isotope thermometer: A new tool to quantify continental climate change., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11373,, 2023.

In our study we investigate the subsurface velocity structure of the Cheb Basin (Czech Republic) based on shallow high-resolution 2D seismic data collected in the years 2014-2020. The Cheb Basin is a small intracontinental basin, located in the north-west part of the Bohemian Massif and at the western end of the Cenozoic Eger Rift. The basin and underlying crustal structure are the subject of the ongoing International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) “Drilling the Eger Rift''. Our surveys aim to investigate the up to 350-m-thick Miocene and Quaternary sediments and the bedrock, made of Paleozoic Variscan units and post-Variscan granites.

Four datasets were collected, each with a 480-m-long split-spread of single geophones at 2 m spacing. The 2014 dataset was acquired with a 10 m source interval, mainly with a weight-drop source and partly with a SISSY source, resulting in an almost 3 km long profile. The 2017, 2020 line 1 and 2020 line 2 datasets were shot with a buffalo gun at a 20 m source interval. Their lengths are 2 km, 0.8 km and 1 km respectively.

We present the traveltime tomography output for all 4 profiles, which brings important information about the subsurface. The results give us insight into the velocities of the sediments, which in this area mainly range from 600 m/s to 2500 m/s. The bedrock is observed with velocities up to 4500 m/s and is present at a depth of around 250 m below the surface. This velocity information is complimented by the preliminary results of the ongoing reflection processing.

How to cite: Banasiak, N. and Bleibinhaus, F.: Seismic structure of the Cheb Basin from high resolution surveying – traveltime tomography results, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11508,, 2023.

EGU23-11575 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

Scientific drilling in Northeast Greenland: Greenland Ice Sheet sensitivity to polar amplification and long-term ice-ocean-tectonic interactions 

Lara F. Pérez, Paul C. Knutz, John Hopper, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, and Matt O'Regan

The projections of future scenarios under the current trend of global climate change demand a better understanding of the long-term ice-ocean-tectonic interactions, and in particular the potential meltwater contributions from modern ice sheets. The sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to polar amplification, changes in ocean heat transport and deteriorating perennial sea ice conditions makes the Northeast Greenland margin one of the most critical locations to understand the impact of future climate change on ice sheet instability and associated sea level rise. The development of oceanic gateways controlling the long-term water mass exchanges between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, notably the Fram Strait and the Greenland-Scotland Ridge, have played a pivotal role for the Cenozoic evolution of the Northeast Greenland regions. In Northeast Greenland, ice-ocean-tectonic interactions and coupling between the ice sheet, ocean and sea ice are readily observable today, but geological records that can illuminate long-term trends are lacking. Consequently, NorthGreen MagellanPlus workshop was organised at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland in collaboration with Aarhus (Denmark) and Stockholm (Sweden) universities in November 2022 as an international effort to develop Mission Specific Platform (MSP) proposals on Northeast Greenland margins under the umbrella of the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD). For three days, seventy-one participants (56 in person + 15 online) discussed the key scientific questions and primary targets for scientific drilling in Northeast Greenland. Three pre-proposals have been initiated during the workshop targeting Morris Jesup Rise, Northeast Greenland continental shelf and Denmark Straight.

How to cite: Pérez, L. F., Knutz, P. C., Hopper, J., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., and O'Regan, M.: Scientific drilling in Northeast Greenland: Greenland Ice Sheet sensitivity to polar amplification and long-term ice-ocean-tectonic interactions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11575,, 2023.

EGU23-11796 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE project: DT-1b borehole geophysics 

Junjian Li, Andrew Greenwood, Eva Caspari, Simona Pierdominici, Jochem Kück, Ludovic Baron, and Marco Venier and the DIVE Drilling project Science team

The ICDP Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE project (DIVE), aims at unravelling long-standing fundamental questions on the nature of the continental lower crust, its lithological correlation with geophysical anomalies and the characteristics of the underlying physical and chemical rock properties. Borehole geophysics provides an excellent opportunity and is the method of choice to explore the origin of geophysical anomalies, observed within the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, and their link to lithologies of the lower crust across several spatial scales. The first borehole of the DIVE project DT-1b in Ornavasso, Val’d Ossola (Italy), drilled into the Massone antiform, has been completed in December 2022 at a depth of 578.5 m. Geophysical borehole experiments comprising a suite of downhole logging and vertical seismic profiling (VSP) measurements have been conducted in two stages. A select set of first-look logs were collected to a depth of 315 m and a full suite at the end of drilling. The drilled rock types are metapelite, metapsammite, schist, gneiss, amphibolite, and, in places, migmatite and pegmatite. Several fractures are encountered within the drilled rock mass, exhibiting a NW-SE orientation and a variation of dip angles as identified by acoustic televiewer data. The acoustic televiewer data also show a couple of breakout zones, which may allow to constrain the current stress field orientation after carefully analyzing the impact of the topography. Preliminary results of the wireline logs suggest that they broadly correlate with the different rock types. Notably, the amphibolites as well as some of the more pelitic migmatites and gneiss exhibit locally high values of magnetic susceptibility of the order of 1000 10-6 SI. These values are confirmed by magnetic susceptibility measurements performed on drilled cores on-site with a self-built manual core scanner. Such high values have been reported in previous studies for amphibolites and mafic granulites in the Ivrea-Verbano zone and are most likely related to pyrrhotite and magnetite. Apart from the amphibolites, for most of the other rock types encountered, a weak correlation between magnetic susceptibility and the natural gamma radiation can be observed. The sonic P-wave velocities and preliminary P-wave velocity estimates of the VSP data are generally consistent. The average P-wave velocity estimate from the VSP is 5.3 km/s and slightly lower than the average estimate of 5.6 km/s obtained from the sonic logs. An integrated analysis of the complete set of the borehole geophysical data is currently undertaken to classify the rock mass with respect to their geophysical responses and to systematically delineate the underlying major factors of influence governing these responses.

How to cite: Li, J., Greenwood, A., Caspari, E., Pierdominici, S., Kück, J., Baron, L., and Venier, M. and the DIVE Drilling project Science team: Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE project: DT-1b borehole geophysics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11796,, 2023.

EGU23-11822 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Extending the age model for Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana) to reconstruct West African climate and dust dynamics during the last million years 

Mathias Vinnepand, Christian Zeeden, Anders Noren, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, William Gosling, Jochem Kück, and Thomas Wonik

Lake Bosumtwi was created after a meteorite impact 1.07 Ma ago in an area that is highly susceptible for climate changes due to shifts of the tropical rain belt, as well as variation in dust dynamics. The sedimentary sequence records such changes in the tension field between the North African Monsoon (humid, wet) and the Harmattan (dry and dusty winds from the Sahara) and has been intensively studied. Drilling in 2004, supported by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), recovered downhole logging data and sediment cores that allow for the analysis of the complete ~300 m lacustrine sequence. Yet, detailed climatic and environmental reconstructions for the record have not been completed, mostly due to the absence of a robust age model beyond 500 ka. In 2022, we obtained core scanning natural gamma ray data of the ~300 m lacustrine sedimentary sequence. Based on this data, we are generating an astronomical age model that can be directly compared to the independently dated sections, but extends farther back in time. Our age model will provide critical chronologic context for the numerous existing and new proxy data that illuminate past changes in climate, environment, and ecosystems. This breakthrough will allow a robust framework to analyse climatic interferences with archaeological findings that might shed new light on habitat availability for our ancestors in tropical Western Africa.


How to cite: Vinnepand, M., Zeeden, C., Noren, A., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Gosling, W., Kück, J., and Wonik, T.: Extending the age model for Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana) to reconstruct West African climate and dust dynamics during the last million years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11822,, 2023.

EGU23-11937 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

The Albian to Turonian record of IODP Site U1407 (SE Newfoundland Ridge) 

André Bornemann, Oliver Friedrich, Kazuyoshi Moriya, and Howie Scher

At IODP Site U1407 (SE Newfoundland Ridge, IODP Expedition 342) a 270-m-thick sedimentary succession of Cretaceous and Paleogene age has been recovered. The two holes U1407A and B contain the transition from the reef basement to fine grained (hemi-)pelagic marls at ~270 mCCSF. The basal, incomplete short-cores of these two holes revealed a number of shallow-water fossils such as gastropods, corals, rudists and larger foraminifera (orbitulinids; Norris et al., 2014) from the top of the reef. In addition, a well-developed Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary (CTB) with its typical black shale expression of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 is represented in the cores. Here, we present a high-resolution carbon isotope record of the 40-m-thick succession from the top of the reef to the bathyal CTB black shales. Beside the typical δ13C anomalies associated with the CTB we identified the decline of δ13C values related to the top of the Albian-Cenomanian boundary interval and the Mid-Cenomanian Event. We further present new biostratigraphic results based on calcareous nannofossils as well as 87Sr/86Sr isotope ages for the top of the reef analyzed on Orbitulina. These new data in combination with the identified, stratigraphically well-calibrated events allow for a detailed comparison with other mid-Cretaceous records around the world and provide new insights into the subsidence history of the western Atlantic margin off Newfoundland.

Norris, R.D., et al. 2014. Site U1407. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 342, doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.342.108.2014.

How to cite: Bornemann, A., Friedrich, O., Moriya, K., and Scher, H.: The Albian to Turonian record of IODP Site U1407 (SE Newfoundland Ridge), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11937,, 2023.

EGU23-12721 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

GEOREAL: An adaptive stimulation experiment at 3.9 km depth at the KTB deep crustal lab, Germany 

Carolin Boese, Georg Dresen, Jochem Kück, Marco Bohnhoff, Ulrich Harms, Said Kamrani-Mehni, Günter Zimmermann, Ingo Sass, and Frank Holzförster

In 2023, the GEOREAL hydraulic stimulation experiment will be conducted at the KTB deep crustal lab in Windischeschenbach/Germany that originated from the Continental Deep Drilling Program of the Federal Republic of Germany ( The two 4 and 9.1 km deep boreholes were drilled between 1987 and 1994, followed by a long-term experimental program between 1996 and 2005, providing key knowledge on in-situ geomechanical processes and the subsurface at the KTB site. This also led to the foundation of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) in 1996.

GEOREAL aims at addressing research topics relevant for characterizing the geothermal potential of the metamorphic basement. The two KTB wells provide direct access to a petrothermal fluid reservoir at crustal depth and at temperatures ≥100°C at >3 km depth in the low-permeability rock, typical for large parts of the Earth's crust in Germany. These ambient pressure and temperature conditions are representative for a deep geothermal reservoir and have been extensively studied in the past. GEOREAL builds upon three major injection experiments between 1994 and 2005, during which 150–400 microearthquakes were located in close proximity to the stimulation intervals. The largest induced earthquake of M=1.2 occurred during the phase of highest flow rate. Most of the observed events had M∼0.

The GEOREAL hydraulic stimulation experiment aims at further refining the adaptive reservoir stimulation concept employing near-real-time microseismic monitoring with direct feedback on hydraulic parameters. It will include a series of hydraulic tests at depths ≥3.9 km to investigate the effect of pressure build-up and release, the role of continuous and periodically varying flow rates, the effect of relaxation phases and maximum injection pressure on the spatial propagation of induced earthquakes and the temporal evolution of their magnitudes. This procedure was successfully applied during the 2018 and 2020 geothermal stimulations in Helsinki, Finland. Using a double packer assembly, controlled injection in 15–20 m-long depth intervals, identified through logging will be performed. The goal of GEOREAL is to enhance hydraulic reservoir properties in the KTB pilot hole while avoiding noticeable seismic events. A unique seismic monitoring network will be set up with a 12-level geophone chain in the KTB main hole at only ~300 m distance to the stimulation interval to monitor the fluid injection with high precision. In addition, ≤40 seismometers will be installed surrounding the KTB, including several 45–150 m deep boreholes, and their data transmitted in real-time for rapid evaluation. With this setup, we expect a significantly higher number of locatable microearthquakes than observed during previous injection experiments at the KTB and thus more detailed information on the spatio-temporal propagation of the induced seismicity. A further goal of GEOREAL is to improve existing best practices for technical implementation and to reduce potential risks associated with the technology, thus improving the acceptance of deep geothermal energy in Germany.

How to cite: Boese, C., Dresen, G., Kück, J., Bohnhoff, M., Harms, U., Kamrani-Mehni, S., Zimmermann, G., Sass, I., and Holzförster, F.: GEOREAL: An adaptive stimulation experiment at 3.9 km depth at the KTB deep crustal lab, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12721,, 2023.

EGU23-12837 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

How scientific ocean drilling helps to decode chalcophile trace element behaviour in mid-ocean ridge magmatic systems 

Wiebke Schäfer, Manuel Keith, Marcel Regelous, Reiner Klemd, and Martin Kutzschbach

Immiscible sulphide liquids, preserved as magmatic sulphide droplets, are believed to strongly control the partitioning behaviour of chalcophile trace elements [1-2]. Hence, the chemical composition of sulphide droplets can be used to understand the fractionation processes of chalcophile elements in magmatic systems that reached sulphide saturation. We carried out LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulphide droplets from gabbros of the lower oceanic crust recovered by deep ocean drilling from mid-ocean ridge spreading centres in the Pacific (ODP147), Indian (ODP176, ODP179, IODP360) and the Atlantic (OPD209 and IODP305) Oceans. For comparison, sulphide droplets from mid-ocean ridge basalts from the East Pacific Rise, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Southwest Indian Ridge were analysed. Our results show that most gabbros host abundant large magmatic sulphide droplets (mostly above 100 µm up to 1 mm) significantly exceeding those from the related lava units [2-4]. The droplets are commonly associated with or incorporated in olivine or clinopyroxene suggesting an early-stage sulphide saturation but are locally also incorporated in Fe-oxides indicating a later-stage formation during magma cooling [4-5]. The Ni contents of sulphide droplets hosted in gabbros from Hess Deep (Pacific Ocean) are highly variable ranging from ~10 µg/g to weight % levels. Nickel is also strongly controlled by olivine fractionation, and thus can be seen as a parameter indicating whether sulphide saturation was reached before or after the onset of olivine crystallisation. Due to the highly variable Ni contents and in combination with petrographic observations, we suggest that the magma reached early sulphide saturation at Hess Deep, as typically seen in mid-ocean ridge magmatic systems. However, the variable Ni contents in the sulphide droplets indicate that the magma was sulphide-saturated over a longer time span. Alternatively, the magma may frequently switch between being sulphide undersaturated and saturated, due to decreasing pressure during magma ascent accompanied by crystal fractionation at different levels in the crust. Generally, the trace element composition of the sulphide droplets hosted by gabbros from the different drill sites overlap. However, there are significant differences in the compositions of sulphide droplets from lava samples and from associated gabbroic xenoliths [4]. Thus, analysis of droplets from lavas alone provide an incomplete picture of the chalcophile element evolution of the magmatic system. We find no clear differences in sulphide composition with spreading rate or degree of melting as suggested for the silicate melt portion. Instead, the composition of sulphide droplets indicates that fractionation during magma ascent in the crust is the main driver that causes the observed chemical variations, which is part of ongoing investigations.

[1] Wood, B. J. and Kiseeva, E. S. (2015), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 424, 280-294. [2] Patten, C. et al. (2013), Chemical Geology, 358, 170–188. [3] Peach et al. (1990), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 12, 3379-3389. [4] Keith, M. et al. (2017), Chemical Geology, 451, 67–77. [5] Jenner, F. E. et al. (2010), Journal of Petrology, 51, 2445-2464.

How to cite: Schäfer, W., Keith, M., Regelous, M., Klemd, R., and Kutzschbach, M.: How scientific ocean drilling helps to decode chalcophile trace element behaviour in mid-ocean ridge magmatic systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12837,, 2023.

EGU23-13942 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

News on ICDP’s data management system mDIS: experiences, adaptions and extensions after three years of field application and core repository installation 

Katja Heeschen, Cindy Kunkel, Henning Lorenz, Vera B. Bender, Holger Kuhlmann, and Knut Behrends

The mobile Drilling Information System (mDIS) is ICDP’s (Internal Continental Scientific Drilling Program) database management software, initially designed for the acquisition of data gained during a drilling campaign. It is now in use for three years and is by far exceeding its intended application. MDIS has now been installed in core repositories with varying requirements and it is currently been tested for the use as a laboratory data collection application.

The system is based on 25 years of sample and data management at ICDP. It is a database backed web application that is entirely based on open-source code, is platform-independent and has a responsive design. Beyond the basic data registration and management, mDIS provides functionality for QR code label-printing, data export and report generation. Application specific XML export supports International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) registration and data visualization in the “Corelyzer” software ( Third party software can interface the mDIS through its REST application programming interface (API). Version 3 of the mDIS software features an updated, consistent data model and n:m relations.

Driven by the pandemic, the “expedition mDIS” has mostly been installed as a SaaS (software as a service) variant hosted on a shared ICDP server rather than an offline virtual box application on a personal computer. This solution facilitates training and enhanced support by the ICDP-OSG, it provides continuity by the use of a single project database throughout the project lifespan, and it provides uncomplicated data access to scientists that are currently off-site. Next to the design of further print labels, reports and entry masks for borehole measurements, the most significant extension for the “expedition mDIS” is a digital visual core description allowing for printing a stratigraphic column while simultaneously filling the database. Inspired by a user, our next plan is to develop an add-on for managing sample requests in mDIS.

MDIS has now been implemented in several core repositories (“curation mDIS”), amongst them the Bremen Core Repository (BCR) of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), were curators face up to several thousand samples a week during sample parties. The simultaneous input and processing of large amounts of data lead to new challenges in terms of data handling and database performance. The mDIS has been supplemented with modules to curate and store different sample types, to design and adapt sample series, to add a contact data base and adaptable reports. One of the most important add-ons is the so called “sample-sheet”, which facilitates fast data entry and automated printing of sample labels during large sampling parties.

For more information please visit the ICDP homepage (, the mDIS Documentation website ( or contact us directly. MDIS is open source and as such available for all projects and everybody who is interested.   

How to cite: Heeschen, K., Kunkel, C., Lorenz, H., Bender, V. B., Kuhlmann, H., and Behrends, K.: News on ICDP’s data management system mDIS: experiences, adaptions and extensions after three years of field application and core repository installation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13942,, 2023.

The need for constraining future climate scenarios requires a better understanding of how the cryosphere responded to ocean-climate conditions that were warmer than present. The Greenland shelf margins store thick sedimentary packages that may offer detailed information pertaining to ice-ocean-climate dynamics and Arctic ecosystems. A wealth of seismic data acquired since the early nineties has generated numerous subsurface maps and geomorphic studies of expanded sedimentary archives located proximal to the Greenland Ice Sheet. While paleoclimate reconstructions of ice sheet and ocean dynamics have largely been based on North Atlantic deep-water records, the Greenland continental margin will be the focus of forthcoming International Ocean Discovery Program missions such as Exp. 400, NW Greenland margin. The aim of this presentation is to provide an update of the late Cenozoic marine successions that form key targets for understanding cryospheric behavior during warm climate periods, in particular the Miocene-Pliocene interval characterized by contourite drifts and hemipelagic sequences. The significance for pushing knowledge frontiers on Northern Hemisphere climate evolution and Earth System modelling will be discussed. 

How to cite: Knutz, P., Perez, L., and Nielsen, T.: Late Cenozoic sedimentary systems offshore West Greenland providing new insights to ice-ocean interactions during periods of enhanced climate warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14109,, 2023.

EGU23-15184 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

3D Tomography across the Balmuccia Peridotite, Ivrea Zone, Italy - Project DIVE, phase two 

Damian Pasiecznik, Andrew Greenwood, György Hetényi, and Florian Bleibinhaus

The Ivrea Verbano Zone (IVZ) is one of the most complete crust upper-mantle geological references in the world, an area that the Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zone project (DIVE) aims to study. Associated with the IVZ, the Ivrea Geophysical Body (IGB) is of particular interest, as it is a structure beneath the IVZ characterized by high seismic velocities and a strong gravity anomaly. Recent studies across the IGB indicate that dense mantle rocks are located at depths as shallow as ca. 3 km. Several geological, geochemical and geophysical studies are planned, including the drilling of a 4 km deep borehole that will cross the crust–mantle transition zone, and provide, for the first time, geophysical in situ measurements of the IGB.

In preparation for the drilling campaign, a seismic survey was performed in October 2020 in collaboration with GFZ Potsdam, Université de Lausanne, and Montanuniversität Leoben. In this study, we present results from a shallow seismic survey across the Blamuccia Peridotite, where the prospective drill site is planned. The survey was carried out with a fixed spread of 200 vertical geophones and 160 3C-sensors, spaced at 11 m along three sub-parallel lines 50-80 m apart. Vibroseis source points were at 22 m stations along a 2.2 km line utilizing a 12-140 Hz 10 s linear sweep with 3 s listening time.

Through the application of 3D traveltime tomography, a shallow velocity model was obtained. The model shows a good correlation with the surface geology and can outline the east and west boundaries of the peridotite body; however, it is not deep enough to interpret its relationship with the mantle. Velocity analyses performed through the tomography process show that the peridotite body must have a P-wave velocity at least greater than 7.3 km/s, which is consistent with the high velocities measured in several laboratory studies from samples throughout the area.

Seismic data show a lack of reflectors from the peridotite body, which could be interpreted in two ways: The peridotite body is attached to the mantle, or its structure is such that reflections from its boundaries cannot be detected by our seismic survey due to its limited aperture. However, a deep reflector was observed in some shot gathers, originating from a depth between 2-3 km from sea level. This corresponds well to the depth of the crust-mantle transition estimated from gravity and receiver function surveys. The shallow 3D velocity was used for the application of refraction statics and the development of a deeper velocity model to perform 3D pre-stack depth migration. Extreme topography, high P-wave velocities, and vertical geological structures present a challenge for the imaging process.

How to cite: Pasiecznik, D., Greenwood, A., Hetényi, G., and Bleibinhaus, F.: 3D Tomography across the Balmuccia Peridotite, Ivrea Zone, Italy - Project DIVE, phase two, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15184,, 2023.

EGU23-16019 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Benchmark sedimentary records recovered from the Iberian margin during IODP Expedition 397  

David Hodell, Abrantes Fatima, and Zarikian Carlos and the IODP Expedition 397 Scientists

The Iberian margin is a well-known source of rapidly accumulating sediment that preserves a high-fidelity record of millennial climate variability. Previous studies of piston cores and IODP Site U1385 demonstrated that surface, and deep-water climate signals from the region can be correlated precisely to the polar ice cores in both hemispheres and with European terrestrial sequences. The continuity, high sedimentation rates, and fidelity of the climate signals recorded in Iberian margin sediments make this region a prime target for ocean drilling. The primary objective of IODP Expedition 397 was to extend these remarkable paleoclimate records beyond the range of existing piston and IODP cores -- currently limited to the last 1.5 million years. To this end, we recovered a total of 6176.7 m of core at four sites (U1586, U1587, U1385, and U1588) arranged along a bathymetric transect (4691, 3479, 2590 and 1339 mbsl, respectively) to intersect each of the major subsurface water masses of the eastern North Atlantic. The bathymetric transect provides an opportunity to study the history of deep-water circulation, ventilation and carbon storage in the deep eastern North Atlantic and its relationship to changing atmospheric CO2. Sediments from all sites display strong cyclicity in bulk sediment properties, permitting the development of orbitally-tuned time scales and correlation with classic Mediterranean cyclostratigraphy. We will report on existing results from Site U1385 drilled during Expedition 339, new preliminary results from Expedition 397 sites (including the reoccupation of Site U1385), and discuss the future potential of Iberian margin sediments for providing benchmark paleoclimate records for the late Miocene through Quaternary. 

How to cite: Hodell, D., Fatima, A., and Carlos, Z. and the IODP Expedition 397 Scientists: Benchmark sedimentary records recovered from the Iberian margin during IODP Expedition 397 , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16019,, 2023.

The use of µEDXRF elemental mapping provides access to data on relatively large core sections within a reasonable time at high spatial resolution down to 20 µm, enabling to link macroscopic to microscopic information, and providing an objective tool to select areas of interest for more sophisticated data acquisition by EPMA, LA-ICP-MS etc. Textural features can be visualized, that hardly are identified with the naked eye e.g. interstitial silicates in massive chromitites of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. The application of automated mineralogy provides access to local paragenetic changes and to modal analyses of selected areas. Automated mineralogy based on µEDXRF has to overcome a number of obstacles due to aspects of diffraction, depth of information and grain boundary effects. Tools have been developed to limit these aspects within an acceptable error frame by combining the information of two opposing detectors to reduce the side effects of diffraction. By applying a supervised endmember based classification using the spectral angle mapper algorithm of the ENVI hyperspectral software, phase distribution maps can be produced. Within a well-known system such as the UG-2 chromitite mineral names can be attributed to the identified phases. Exceptions exist for very fine grained secondary phases which might show mixed signals. Well-identified phases can be segmented and grain size, shape and orientation of individual grains can be obtained supported by diffraction signals of single grains. Chemical information can further be extracted for individual minerals, individual grains and bulk area corresponding to the modal mineralogy for any selected area. This offers a new approach to interprete (Verb fehlt?) complex textures by comparing chemical and mineralogical aspects of individual textural pattern. The example of mottled UG-2 chromite shows that the hosting silicates of the chromititebasically orthopyroxene and anorthite-rich plagioclase, but within stringers phlogopite, anorthite-poor plagioclase, potassic feldspar, amphibole, quartz with local enrichment of apatite and sulphides, show differences in grain size and chemistry of the chromite. EPMA investigations on chromite show that Cr/(Cr+Al), Mg/(Mg+Fe), and Cr/Fe is controlled by the chemistry of its hosting oikocryst silicates plagioclase or orthopyroxene. The appearance of late inter-oikocryst phlogopites induces a metasomatic loss of titanium in the chromite. By applying several steps of µEDXRF data reduction and phase masking, these changes in chromite chemistry can be visualized despite of the relatively large spot size of 20 µm for large areas. Using this information the metasomatic impact within a continuously µEDXRF mapped half drill core can be visualized and quantified. 

How to cite: Rammlmair, D., Nikonow, W., and Goldmann, S.: Highlighting the metasomatic impact on mottled UG-2 chromitites from the Bushveld Complex (South Africa)  by large-scale µEDXRF mapping., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16429,, 2023.

Units of the up to 3.7 km thick Moodies Group (~3.22 Ga) in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa and Eswatini, comprise some of the oldest well-preserved sedimentary strata on Earth, deposited within only a few million years in pro-deltaic to alluvial settings, with a dominance of tidal deltas and coastal plains. They consist of widespread quartzose, lithic, tuffaceous and arkosic sandstones, polymict conglomerates, common siltstones and shales, and rare BIFs and jaspilites, all interbedded with rare dacitic air-fall tuffs and several lavas. Moodies strata preserve abundant sedimentary structures and represent a very-high-resolution record of Paleoarchean surface processes. Microbial mats, early diagenetic vadose-alteration zones and tidal rhythmites are locally common. Moodies strata provide a unique opportunity to investigate the conditions under which bacterial life spread and thrived in coastal-zone and terrestrial settings on early Earth.

The ICDP Barberton Archean Surface Environments (BASE) Project drilled November 2021 to July 2022 eight inclined boreholes of 280 to 497 m length each through steeply inclined or overturned Moodies Group strata. The unweathered and continuous core record was complemented by sampling in three several-km-long tunnels and by detailed surface mapping. Two to three rigs operated concurrently, delivering twenty to sixty m of high-quality core daily. This core was processed in a large, publicly accessible hall in downtown Barberton. An exhibition provided background explanations for visitors and related this fundamental-geoscience research project to the geology of the Barberton-Makhonjwa Mountains World Heritage Site. The archive half of the core, nearly 3 km total, remained in South Africa, the working half is curated at the ICDP core repository in Berlin, Germany. We show preliminary cross sections, overall core photographs and representative lithologic descriptions.

How to cite: Heubeck, C. and Beukes, N.: Geologic framework and first results from ICDP BASE drilling in the Moodies Group (~3.22 Ga), Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17266,, 2023.

EGU23-17472 | Orals | ITS2.2/SSP1.2

Cyclostratigraphic investigations with special emphasis on half-precession signals using XRF-data from ODP Site 663 (Eastern Equatorial Atlantic) 

Arne Ulfers, Christian Zeeden, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Thomas Westerhold, and Ursula Röhl

The characteristics of half-precession (HP) cycles (~9,000 - 12,000 years) are still poorly understood, despite their appearance in numerous records. Previous studies on European terrestrial and marine records indicate a connection of the HP-signal to low latitudes. Here, we investigate HP-cycles in equatorial regions to study the assumed origin of this signal.

Spectral analysis, evolutive approaches and correlation techniques are used on records from ODP Sites 662 and 663 to identify the HP-signal in elemental ratios reflecting e.g. terrigenuous input and/or bioproductivity. Filters have been designed to remove the classical orbital cycles (eccentricity, obliquity, precession), in order to isolate the HP-signal and to determine the temporal evolution of its presence and amplitude.

We present first results of a larger project which has the overall objective to characterize the HP-signal across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) at Sites 662 and 663. Over the course of the MPT, the ~100 kyr-eccentricity cycles supersede the 41-kyr obliquity as the primary driver of climate forcing. As precession is modulated by eccentricity, a similar relationship may be assumed for HP and eccentricity. Our preliminary analyses show an enhanced HP-signal in the younger, 100-kyr eccentricity world, but also in the late MPT which is partly influenced by the 41-kyr obliquity cycle. Cyclostratigraphic investigations of high-resolution XRF data will provide a clearer insight into the presence, amplitude and role of HP during the MPT and the late Pleistocene.

How to cite: Ulfers, A., Zeeden, C., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Westerhold, T., and Röhl, U.: Cyclostratigraphic investigations with special emphasis on half-precession signals using XRF-data from ODP Site 663 (Eastern Equatorial Atlantic), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17472,, 2023.

EGU23-17524 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/SSP1.2 | Highlight

The high-resolution paleoclimatic record of the western margin of Svalbard (Proposal IODP 985-Full2) 

Renata Giulia Lucchi, Stefan Buenz, Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola, Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta, Jochen Knies, Michele Rebesco, and Kristen St. John

High-resolution depositional archives were identified in the contourite drifts developed on the mid-upper slope of the western continental margin of Svalbard (Bellsund and Isfjorden drifts, Vestnesa and Svyatogor ridges) under the persistent effect of the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC). The sediment drifts contain very similar stratigraphic sequences characterised by depositional marker beds (Heinrich-like and meltwater related deposits) outlining a synchronous, almost simultaneous response of the Svalbard-Barents Sea paleo-ice sheet to changing climatic conditions. These observations strengthened the idea that the WSC, transporting warm Atlantic Waters to the Arctic ,was one of the major drivers of the Arctic climate variability and cryosphere evolution in the area.

The considerations made above, inspired the writing of Proposal IODP 985-Full2 that was motivated by the necessity of retrieving continuous, high-resolution, and datable depositional sequences containing the record of the palaeoceanographic characteristics and cryosphere evolution during the past climatic transitions that followed the opening of the Fram Strait in the Arctic. Such data are greatly needed to better constrain global climate connections, forcing mechanisms and climate models. The general objective of 985-Full2 is the reconstruction of the variability of the WSC and its influence on climate changes particularly during key climate transitions (i.e. the late Miocene–Pliocene transition, late Pliocene–Pleistocene Transition, Mid-Pleistocene Transition, Mid-Brunhes Transition, and sub-orbital Heinrich-like events), its impact on the Arctic glaciations, ice shelves development and stability, and sea ice distribution over last 5.3 Ma.The proposal submitted in April 2020 was approved in May 2022 and scheduled as IODP Exp. 403 (June 4th to August 2nd, 2024).

How to cite: Lucchi, R. G., Buenz, S., Plaza Faverola, A. A., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Knies, J., Rebesco, M., and St. John, K.: The high-resolution paleoclimatic record of the western margin of Svalbard (Proposal IODP 985-Full2), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17524,, 2023.

EGU23-466 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Climate relevant processing of mineral dust by volatile organic compounds: first results on composition of complex dust/organic systems from the uptake of glyoxal 

Francesco Battaglia, Paola Formenti, Mathieu Cazaunau, Vincent Michoud, Antonin Berge, Edouard Pangui, Gael Noyalet, Servanne Chevaillier, Chiara Giorio, Sara D'Aronco, Philippe Decorse, and Jean-Francois Doussin

Mineral dust aerosols, which account for about 40% of global annual aerosol emissions, contribute to the persistent and large uncertainties on the global radiative budget and the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere.

Indeed, the uptake of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on mineral dust particles can contribute to the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA), with consequent modification of the chemical and optical properties of the dust.

Glyoxal, one of the most important VOC in the atmosphere, is a precursor of SOA, capable of interacting with mineral dust and forming SOA as a consequence of the interaction.

In this experimental study we investigate the formation of SOA by the uptake of glyoxal on mineral dust particles. We present the results of the heterogeneous interaction obtained in the CESAM atmospheric simulation chamber (Chambre Expérimentale de Simulation Atmosphérique Multiphasique), used to conduct aging experiments in various controlled conditions in terms of relative humidity, irradiation, and gas phase composition. Prior entering the chamber, particles from a real soil sample (Gobi Desert) are size-selected using an aerodynamic aerosol classifier (AAC) in order to obtain a monodispersed size distribution centered at 300 nm in mobility diameter, narrow enough to be able to appreciate a dimensional variation from glyoxal condensation.

In experiments conducted in humid conditions (RH=80%), a rapid uptake of glyoxal was observed on sub micrometric dust particles. 15 minutes after the injection of 1 ppm of glyoxal into the chamber, the mass of the particles increased by about 10%, with a variation of the modal diameter of the size distribution. As a consequence of glyoxal uptake in humid conditions, an increase of the aerosol organic mass concentration occurred immediately after the interaction, which was not observed in dry conditions. At the same time, the aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) mass spectra of the organic fraction show the increase in intensity of the glyoxal marker signals at m/z 58 and m/z 29. It is interesting to note also the drop of O/C ratio of the dust organic fraction after the injection of the glyoxal from 1.5 (the one of the dust itself) to a value close to 1, that is the one of the glyoxal.

Hence, the first results of the study suggest the presence of a fast glyoxal uptake on submicronic mineral dust particles in high relative humidity conditions. This process modifies the mass and the size distribution of the aerosol, as well as the chemical composition of its organic fraction.

How to cite: Battaglia, F., Formenti, P., Cazaunau, M., Michoud, V., Berge, A., Pangui, E., Noyalet, G., Chevaillier, S., Giorio, C., D'Aronco, S., Decorse, P., and Doussin, J.-F.: Climate relevant processing of mineral dust by volatile organic compounds: first results on composition of complex dust/organic systems from the uptake of glyoxal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-466,, 2023.

The flux of wind-driven dust emissions from a susceptible area is determined by a complex relation between the driving force of the wind and the emissivity of the surface.  This relation is also modulated by the availability of sand-sized particles available for saltation, the roughness of the surface, and environmental conditions related to moisture, i.e., soil moisture and relative humidity.  The flux (F, µg m-2 s-1) of dust-sized particles from the surface scales non-linearly with the shear stress (τ, N m-2, or shear velocity u*, m s-1 [τ=ρu*2, where ρ is fluid density]) created by the wind flowing over the surface.  Shear stress or shear velocity are not easily measured without the use of multiple instruments to characterize the vertical gradient of wind speed; vertical flux of particles requires measurement of vertical gradient of particle concentration or application of the eddy covariance method.  Here we describe a simple but effective metric to track changes through time due to physical alteration of a surface or due to changes in the environment.  The metric is based on measuring mean hourly concentrations of particulate matter, e.g., PM10 (µg m-3) and mean hourly wind power density (WPD=0.5×ρ×A×wind speed3, W m-2), which quantifies the power in the moving air.  A is area, that we arbitrarily set at 1 m2.  These hourly values are individually summed over a period of interest (e.g., monthly) to calculate the ratio value of total PM10:total WPD.  These data can also be filtered to isolate the effect of the source area emissions on the receptor site, for example, by wind direction range.  Tracking this metric on a monthly basis across multiple years at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area has allowed for the characterization of the change in dust (PM10) production due to dust control measures (i.e., hectares of dust control) being placed onto the dunes, as well as the changes to the dust emission system during a period in 2020 when the area was left relatively undisturbed due to restrictions due to COVID-19.  We suggest, and demonstrate, that this method can be broadly applied, is effective in quantifying change, and cost-effective.

How to cite: Gillies, J., Furtak-Cole, E., Nikolich, G., and Etyemezian, V.: A Simple Metric, Total PM10:Total Wind Power Density, to Quantify Changes in Dust Emission from Areas of Interest as a Function of Environmental Change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-986,, 2023.

EGU23-990 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Dust fertilization: Measurements of CO2 sequestration by coral reefs in the Gulf of Eilat, Israel after atmospheric dust loading. 

Hamish McGowan, Nadav Lensky, Shai Abir, Yonathan Shaked, and Eyal Wurgaft

Coral reefs are complex biophysical, geochemical and hydrodynamic marine environments impacted by meteorological processes. In continental coastal and oceanic locations bordering or downwind of dust source areas, coral reefs are affected by the deposition of dust. Dust may supply nanomolar amounts of nitrate and essential bio-elements including iron, manganese, zinc and copper from natural, industrial and agricultural processes to coral reefs; in turn these are absorbed by the coral algae symbionts, thereby enhancing chlorophyll concentrations. This fertilization of coral reefs by dust increases photosynthesis which lowers the aqueous CO2 partial pressure relative to the overlying air. If this causes a reversal of the coral reef water to air CO2 gradient, then a coral reef will switch from a source to sink of CO2.

Here we present the first direct measurements of air-sea CO2 exchange measured by an eddy covariance tower exclusively over the fringing coral reefs in the Gulf of Eilat, Israel. These show a strong relationship to atmospheric dust load entrained from the surrounding hyper-arid deserts in Israel, Saudi Arabia and North Africa. The coral reefs became CO2 sinks most notably during episodes of moderate to high atmospheric dust load. We conclude that the coral reefs in the Gulf of Eilat are net sinks of atmospheric CO2 due to the deposition of dust and suggest that direct measurements of air – sea CO2 exchange are required over coral reefs in other locations impacted by dust to increase accuracy of marine and global carbon budgets.          

How to cite: McGowan, H., Lensky, N., Abir, S., Shaked, Y., and Wurgaft, E.: Dust fertilization: Measurements of CO2 sequestration by coral reefs in the Gulf of Eilat, Israel after atmospheric dust loading., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-990,, 2023.

This work investigated seasonal variation of aerosol iron (Fe) solubility for coarse (>1 μm) and fine (<1 μm) particles at Xi’an, a megacity in northwestern China impacted by anthropogenic emission and desert dust. Total Fe concentrations were lowest in summer and similar in other seasons for coarse particles, while lowest in summer and highest in spring for fine particles; for comparison, dissolved Fe concentrations were higher in autumn and winter than spring and summer for coarse particles, while highest in winter and lowest in spring and summer for fine particles. Desert dust aerosol was always the major source of total Fe for both coarse and fine particles in all the four seasons, but it may not be the dominant source for dissolved Fe. Fe solubility was lowest in spring for both coarse and fine particles, and highest in winter for coarse particles and in autumn for fine particles. In general aerosol Fe solubility was found to be higher in air masses originating from local and nearby regions than those arriving from desert regions after long-distance transport. Compared to coarse particles, Fe solubility was similar for fine particles in spring but significantly higher in the other three seasons, and at a given aerosol pH range Fe solubility was always higher in fine particles. Aerosol Fe solubility was well correlated with relative abundance of aerosol acidic species, implying aerosol Fe solubility enhancement by acid processing; moreover, such correlations were better for coarse particles than fine particles in all the four seasons. Fe solubility was found to increase with relative humidity and acid acidity for both coarse and fine particles at Xi’an, underscoring the importance of aerosol liquid water and aerosol acidity in regulating Fe solubility via chemical processing.

How to cite: Tang, M., Zhang, H., and Li, R.: Seasonal variation of aerosol iron solubility in coarse and fine particles at an inland city in northwestern China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1097,, 2023.

EGU23-1303 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Was the 137Cs contained in Saharan dust deposited across Europe in March 2022 emitted by French nuclear tests in Algeria? 

Olivier Evrard, Octave Bryskere, Charlotte Skonieczny, Anthony Foucher, Rémi Bizeul, Thomas Chalaux Clergue, Jean-Sébastien Barbier, Jean-Eudes Petit, José A. Corcho‑Alvarado, Stefan Röllin, Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, and Germán Orizaola

Air masses loaded with mineral dust and originating from the Sahara arrive frequently in Europe, which has multiple impacts on global and regional cycles. However, the occurrence of these processes may further accelerate in the future in response to climate change, and more knowledge is therefore required on the characteristics of the particles transported during these massive dust transport and deposition episodes. Furthermore, questions arise regarding the content of this dust in radionuclides, in relationship with the atmospheric nuclear bomb testing conducted around the world between the 1950s and the 1970s in general, and those tests conducted by France in the Sahara in the early 1960s in particular.

The Saharan dust episode that took place from 13th to 16th March 2022 led to the occurrence of dense dust deposition across multiple European countries, which raised concerns among the population regarding the potential radioactivity content of this dust. To address this question with a representative sample set, a participative science campaign to collect dust across Europe was launched on Twitter on 17th March 2022. Thanks to this initiative, 110 dust samples could be collected along a transect from Southern Spain to Austria.

This unique sample bank was regrouped at University Paris-Saclay, France, to conduct a set of physico-chemical analyses on a selection or on the totality of these dust samples including particle size, colourimetry, mineralogy and fallout radionuclides.

Backward trajectories of air masses that have led to these deposits were calculated, and this analysis confirm their potential origin from Algeria. 137Cs was detected in all dust samples, with variable activity concentrations. A strong relationship was found between the particle size of the analysed particles and the 137Cs activity concentrations, which is consistent with the literature on this topic. Particle size was found to decrease with increasing distances from the source. The colour and mineralogy analyses demonstrated that the dust collected in Austria showed different properties than those samples collected in Spain, France, Luxembourg and Germany, which likely indicates that this material did not fully consist of Saharan dust deposited during the March 2022 episode. Accordingly, the following interpretations did not take the properties of Austrian dust into account.

The mineralogical analyses confirmed the potential origin of the dust from the Maghreb region, including a vast area in Southern Morocco and Southern Algeria. In contrast, the analysis of plutonium isotopic ratios (240Pu/239Pu) and 137Cs/239+240Pu activity ratios, which provide diagnosis tools to investigate the source of artificial radionuclides, in a selection of dust samples collected between Southern Spain and Luxembourg showed that the dust signature was consistent with that of the global fallout largely dominated by the nuclear tests conducted by the USA and the Soviet Union. The 137Cs contained in the dust transported and deposited during this episode was therefore very likely not associated with the French nuclear tests conducted in the early 1960s in Sahara.

In the future, elemental geochemistry analyses will provide additional information on their source provenance. All results will also be published in open-access database and disseminated to the public.

How to cite: Evrard, O., Bryskere, O., Skonieczny, C., Foucher, A., Bizeul, R., Chalaux Clergue, T., Barbier, J.-S., Petit, J.-E., Corcho‑Alvarado, J. A., Röllin, S., Chaboche, P.-A., and Orizaola, G.: Was the 137Cs contained in Saharan dust deposited across Europe in March 2022 emitted by French nuclear tests in Algeria?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1303,, 2023.

EGU23-1682 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

The effects of coarse dust in the models and observations in the dust source regions 

Georgiy Stenchikov, Suleiman Mostamandi, Ilia Shevchenko, and Alex Ukhov

In dust source regions, such as the Middle East, dust is a major environmental factor affecting climate, air quality, and human health. Dust also hampers solar energy harvesting by weakening downward solar flux and depositing on optically active surfaces of solar energy devices. In this study, we combine fine-resolution WRF-Chem simulations with size-segregated measurements of dust deposition to quantify the contribution of coarse (2.5 um < r < 10 um) and giant (10 um <r < 100 um) dust particles in aerosols radiative forcing and deposition rates. Most up-to-date models do not represent the particles with r > 10 um. The absence of large particles in the models does not significantly affect the radiative fluxes, as their contribution to AOD is relatively small, but they comprise the most dust-deposited mass. We found that dust deposition rates calculated in WRF-Chem and reanalysis products are 2-3 times smaller than the observed. However, the deposition rate of particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 10 um (PM10) is in good agreement between the models and observations. In the Middle East, fine dust particles are predominantly responsible for the significant reduction (> 5 %) of the downward solar flux hampering solar energy production. Still, dust-deposited mass, primarily associated with coarse particles, causes about a 2% loss of PV panel efficiency daily due to soiling. As was suggested previously, WRF-Chem, like many other models, tends to overestimate the atmospheric concentration of fine (r < 2.5 um) dust particles and underestimate the concentration of coarse particles. As seen from the comparison of the size distribution of deposited dust in simulations and observations, the latter is caused not as much by too fast deposition of large particles but due to underestimating their emission in the models.


How to cite: Stenchikov, G., Mostamandi, S., Shevchenko, I., and Ukhov, A.: The effects of coarse dust in the models and observations in the dust source regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1682,, 2023.

EGU23-1698 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Desert dust as a plant fertilizer in an ambient and elevated CO2 

Anton Lokshin, Daniel Palchan, and Avner Gross

Desert dust, volcanic ash and fire ash are the most abundant natural atmospheric particles. These particles considered as an important nutrient source that controls the long-term productivity of infertile terrestrial ecosystems, by replenishing soil nutrient stocks. However, currently we do not know whether atmospheric deposition can act as a direct, alternative source for nutrients. These are particles enriched with phosphorus (P) and other essential macro and micronutrients such as: K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Mo. These nutrients are vital for plants and support their growth.

The current research shows that elevated CO2 (eCO2) in the atmosphere has positive and negative effects: On the positive side, increase of CO2 levels is predicted to result with an increase in photosynthesis leading to improved primary biomass production and thus enhancement of CO2 capture. On the other hand, at eCO2 plants show decreased concentrations of mineral nutrients in most of their organs, suggesting downregulation of the activity of the membrane transporters involved in root nutrient uptake; a decreased ability to assimilate nutrients from the roots system.

Preliminary results of recent studies had shown that plants can utilize P via foliar nutrient uptake mechanism, directly from dust that settled on the plant’s leaves. Since the efficiency of roots to assimilate nutrients is projected to decrease in future eCO2, foliar nutrient uptake may be a significant alternative pathway for plants to gain needed nutrients. In this work, we used atmospheric fertilization experiments – where we deposited dust directly on plant leaves – to show that atmospheric deposition boosts plant growth and fertilizes them through direct foliar nutrient uptake pathway. The foliar nutrient uptake mechanism was shown both in an ambient and eCO2 levels for the three primary atmospheric particles mentioned above. We saw that volcanic ash had significantly increased biomass at eCO2 compared with ambient CO2 levels. Our results demonstrate that foliar nutrient uptake is a significant mechanism at immediate timescales. Furthermore, that the direct alternative pathway of foliage nutrients assimilation has a potential to regulate carbon sink processes in a terrestrial ecosystem in a future climate.

How to cite: Lokshin, A., Palchan, D., and Gross, A.: Desert dust as a plant fertilizer in an ambient and elevated CO2, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1698,, 2023.

Barkan investigated the synoptics of dust trajectories to Europe, Arctic, E. & W. Mediterranean, and the Atlantic Ocean (Barkan et al. 2004). His most recent research just before he passed away Barkan studied the outstanding Red Snow Event in Eastern Europe on March 2018. In April 2018 the European media published in great headlines a strange occurrence. Red colored snow fell in Bulgaria, Rumania, Ukraine and what was most interesting to the media, was reported in the mountains around Sochi the location of the former winter Olympic Games. Barkan showed that the phenomenon of the red snow in southwestern Europe is the result of a cold trough which penetrated from the north toward the central Mediterranean and Saharan Africa, together with its movement eastward. Consequently, a strong southwesterly flow formed along the eastern flank of the trough. This flow transported a large amount of red Saharan dust which upon mixing with the snowfall in the area painted the snow red (Barkan and Alpert, 2020). In this case the trough developed further east which is not a common occurrence. This has caused heavy dust storms in central Sahara near the most ample dust sources (Barkan, Kutiel and Alpert, 2004). So, it will be shown that the transported dust reached the area together with snow flakes and probably painted it in red or brown.

Another interesting study by late Barkan is on the difference in the synoptic situation between years with a large amount of dust and years with relatively small amount, in the Sahara- this was examined for 1979-1992 (Barkan and Alpert, 2008). For every month the dustiest and the non-dustiest year were chosen and the average of the three months in the season of these years was examined. The examination was made for the atmospheric variables: wind flow, wind velocity, geopotential height and temperature, at the 700 hPa level. The data used were the daily aerosol index from the TOMS satellite born instrument and the daily NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data of the variables mentioned above between the years 1979-1992.

 Other interesting studies will be reviewed including, a novel climatic index for the total Saharan dust being discovered as the Sun insolation; a unique case-study of near-circular Saharan dust transport over the Atlantic Ocean; and dust as a potential tracer for the flow over different topographical shapes employing MODIS-Terra observations.


  • Barkan, P. Kishcha, H. Kutiel, and P. Alpert, "The Synoptics of Dust Intrusion Days from the African Continent into the Atlantic Ocean", J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, No. D8, D08201=2010.1029/2003JD004416=20, 2004.
  • Barkan, H. Kutiel and P. Alpert, "Climatology of dust sources over the North African region, based on TOMS data", Indoor-Built Environ., Vol. 13, 407-419, 2004.
  • Barkan, P. Alpert, H. Kutiel, and P. Kishcha,"The Synoptics of dust transportation days from Africa toward Italy and Central Europe", J. Geophy. Res., 110, doi:10.1029/2003 JD004416, 2005.
  • Alpert, J. Barkan, and P. Kishcha, "A potential climatic index for total Saharan dust: the Sun insolation", J Geophy. Res., 111, D01103, doi:10.1029/2005JD006105, 2006.

How to cite: Alpert, P. and Kishcha, P.: Saharan Dust Sources and their World Trajectories - A review in memory of J. Barkan (deceased 27 May 2020), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1839,, 2023.

EGU23-2075 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Exploring the sensitivity of mineral dust aging to parameters of aerosol size distribution in the ICON-ART model 

Mega Octaviani, Rong Tian, Gholamali Hoshyaripour, Roland Rhunke, Oliver Kirner, Christian Scharun, and Martina Klose

Mineral dust is known to play an important role in weather and climate through its interactions with clouds, radiation, and nutrient cycles. Dust aerosols are emitted as water-insoluble particles which experience chemical aging (conversion to water-soluble mixtures) through the accumulation of soluble materials like sulfate and nitrate. This aging process affects the chemical composition and size distribution of the dust particles as well as their optical properties. Within the context of the dust aging mechanism, different approaches are applied in atmospheric models regarding the representation of the aerosol size distribution (bin or modal representation) and the number of microphysical processes included. The ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic model with Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases (ICON-ART) and the new AERODYN aerosol dynamic module consider the nucleation and condensation of sulfuric acid gas, coagulation and aging of aerosols, size-dependent wet and dry deposition, and sedimentation. The aerosol size distribution in the model is represented by eight unimodal lognormal distributions (also called modes) with constant width. These modes describe four different size groups, two in the submicron range (typically <1 μm) and two in the coarse range (>1 μm), and two hygroscopic classes in a homogeneous or core-shell mixture (insoluble, soluble, and mixed). This approach is a common technique in global aerosol simulations yet implies simplifications of complex aerosol size distributions. It may cause uncertainties in simulating the aging processes of dust aerosols and inaccuracies in representing their observed size distributions. We conduct global simulations using ICON-ART to analyze the sensitivity of simulated dust to parameters representing properties of the modes, namely initial geometric median diameter and standard deviations, and threshold diameters for shifting between modes. We also aim to explore the impact of the mineral dust aging process on the range of dust direct radiative feedback.  This study will show the importance of aerosol size distribution parameter combinations for representing the chemical aging of mineral dust and its climate impacts.

How to cite: Octaviani, M., Tian, R., Hoshyaripour, G., Rhunke, R., Kirner, O., Scharun, C., and Klose, M.: Exploring the sensitivity of mineral dust aging to parameters of aerosol size distribution in the ICON-ART model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2075,, 2023.

EGU23-2678 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

A Climatology of Dust Activity in the Atacama for 1950-2021 

Rovina Pinto and Stephanie Fiedler

Arid and semi-arid regions are sources of mineral-dust aerosols but very little is known of the dust activity in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert. The limited moisture supply and barren landscape should promote dust emission via wind erosion but the Atacama rarely sees strong dust outbreaks. Our study is the first detailed assessment of the observed dust reports for the Atacama. We analysed dust reports and meteorological data from surface synoptic observations spanning 72 years (1950-2021) to quantify the frequency distribution of dust events in the Atacama Desert, analyze changes over time, and evaluate influencing factors on dust events. Furthermore, we computed the threshold wind speeds for dust events at the different stations. A total of 1920 dusty days were recorded over a period of 72 years across the Atacama, where a dusty day is defined as a day with at least one recorded dust event. There is no perceptible trend visible but the results indicate several year-long periods with enhanced dust activity. Most dust events were observed in the 1990s with a rapid decline in dust activity post the early 2000s. Of the 1920 dust days, 72 days had a visibility of less than a kilometre, of which 12 days also reported dust storms. Chañaral was the dustiest station in the region with about 20 dust days per year. There is little seasonality in the dust activity, but a strong diurnal cycle with most dust events between 1500 and 1800 local time. Threshold wind speeds, t5, t25 and t50, are estimated as the minimum wind speed required for 5, 25 and 50% of the dust event frequency distribution. The thresholds allow us to determine the lowest winds capable of emitting dust from the surface and infer spatial differences in soil conditions due to soil moisture or land cover. Given the varying geomorphology of the surfaces in the Atacama, different threshold wind speeds are found at the stations in the Atacama. The t5 threshold wind speeds range from 6 ms-1to 14 ms-1across the desert. The evaluation of all stations yields annual mean threshold wind speeds of 10.9 ±1.6 ms-1, 13.2 ±1.9 ms-1and 15.6 ±2.3 ms-1for t5, t25 and t50. Ongoing research aims to evaluate the findings for the threshold wind speed against measurements from the pi-swerL Atacama Measurement EXperiment (LAMEX) conducted in October 2022.

How to cite: Pinto, R. and Fiedler, S.: A Climatology of Dust Activity in the Atacama for 1950-2021, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2678,, 2023.

EGU23-2699 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

On the Middle East's severe dust storms in spring 2022: Triggers and impacts 

Diana Francis, Ricardo Fonseca, Narendra Nelli, Deniz Bozkurt, Juan Cuesta, and Emmanuel Bosc

Large amounts of dust in the air can disrupt daily activities and pose a threat to human health. In May 2022, consecutive major dust storms occurred over the Middle East resulting in severe environmental, social and health impacts. In this study, we investigate the exceptional factors driving these storms and the effects of the dust clouds. Using a combination of satellite, in-situ and reanalysis datasets, we identify the atmospheric triggers for the occurrence of these severe dust storms, characterize their three-dimensional structure and evaluate the dust radiative impact. The dust emission was promoted by density currents emanating from deep convection over Turkey. The convective systems were triggered by cut-off lows from mid-latitudes fed by moisture from African atmospheric rivers. Data from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) showed that the dust clouds were transported southward at 4 km in altitudes but sunk to ground levels when they reached the southern Arabian Peninsula due to strong subsidence. At a station in coastal UAE, the dust caused a 350 W m−2 drop in the surface downward shortwave flux and a 70 W m−2 increase in the longwave one during the dust episodes. This contributed to a 9 °C increase in nighttime temperatures which exacerbated the effects of the heat for the population. The newly highlighted mechanism for dust emission in the Middle East, in which a cut-off low interacts with an atmospheric river, as well as direct observations of the dust impact on the radiative budget can contribute to reducing associated uncertainties in climate models.

How to cite: Francis, D., Fonseca, R., Nelli, N., Bozkurt, D., Cuesta, J., and Bosc, E.: On the Middle East's severe dust storms in spring 2022: Triggers and impacts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2699,, 2023.

EGU23-3449 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Paleodust cycle in Europe during the last climate cycle 

Denis-Didier Rousseau, Pierre Antoine, Catherine Chauvel, Ségolène Saulnier-Copard, France Lagroix, Christine Hatté, Peter Hopcroft, and Markus Fuchs

The Last Climate Cycle (LCC, 130-15kyr) has shown cold, dusty (GS) and warmer, non-dusty (GI) intervals, when the atmosphere was 2-20 times more loaded with dust than today. The alternations between GS and GI occurred on millennial time scales, involving climate forcings other than orbital. The transition between GS and GI lasted on average 50 yrs, resulting from a complete climate reorganization that is not presently understood. A data-model project has acquired and investigated European loess sequences to get high-resolution and well-dated paleodust records of the LCC showing Europe experienced millennial paleodust variations through paleosol-loess unit alternations. These alternations correspond to the millennial climate variability as expressed in the Greenland ice cores, with the paleosol developments occurring during GIs, and loess deposition during GSs. Although evidenced for the last climate cycle along a 50°N transect from Brittany to Ukraine, such system prevailed at least also during the penultimate climate cycle with evidence of similar millennial climate variability during the past 192-130 ka interval, equivalent to marine isotope stage 6. Earth System Models contribute i) to characterize the source regions of the paleodust and ii) to reproduce past variations in dust deposition for key paleoclimate scenarios.

A key component of our investigation analyses loess samples dated from the last glacial maximum to detect the origin of the deposited material. A first study on the bulk sediment demonstrates that the paleodust deposited over Europe along a long longitudinal transect (about 2000 km) indicates a short distance transport implying local to regional source. Targeting the <2 microns and 2-20 microns grain size fractions and comparing with the previous results from the bulk samples, preliminary results indicate a local to regional origin for the coarse (2-20 microns and bulk) material and a more distant source for the finer fraction (<2 microns), involving longer transport in relation to general atmospheric circulation, for the finer particles. This is a critical new research question because it implies potentially important order of magnitude regional variations in dust radiative forcing that have never been accounted for in simulations of abrupt events.

How to cite: Rousseau, D.-D., Antoine, P., Chauvel, C., Saulnier-Copard, S., Lagroix, F., Hatté, C., Hopcroft, P., and Fuchs, M.: Paleodust cycle in Europe during the last climate cycle, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3449,, 2023.

EGU23-3512 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

The WInd-blown Sand Experiment (WISE) – UAE: Introduction and first results 

Narendra Nelli, Diana Francis, Mamadou Sow, Emmanuel Bosc, and Gilles Bergametti

The Arabian Peninsula is among the major dust sources on Earth. Here, dust storms occur frequently as a result of the action of surface winds on desert surface such as the Empty Quarter Desert located in southern Arabian Peninsula. Despite being a frequent occurrence, no direct measurement of dust emission in this region existed to date. In summer 2022, the WInd-blown Sand Experiment (WISE) kicked off in the Empty Quarter area located in southern United Arab Emirates (UAE). The aim of the experiment is to quantify dust emission from this major dust source through direct observations. A full set of instrumentation is being operated to study saltation, winds, temperature, humidity, radiative fluxes, physical and optical properties of dust aerosols, atmospheric electric field, and soil properties. In this presentation, we describe the instrumentation being used in WISE UAE and we show some preliminary results during different weather regimes such as strong wind erosion, local convection, dense radiation fog and land-sea breeze. The analysis of atmospheric electric field data suggests the presence of relatively higher electric field at the onset of sea breeze occurrence and wind erosion events. The detailed investigation on relative humidity, frictional velocity, dust particle size distribution impact on the electric field will be presented. WISE is a first-of-its-kind experiment in the region and it aims ultimately at improving dust parametrizations in numerical models. We hope that this presentation at the EGU can trigger collaborations in this direction.

How to cite: Nelli, N., Francis, D., Sow, M., Bosc, E., and Bergametti, G.: The WInd-blown Sand Experiment (WISE) – UAE: Introduction and first results, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3512,, 2023.

EGU23-3721 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

What are coarse dust aerosols, and how do they impact the Earth's climate system? 

Adeyemi Adebiyi, Jasper Kok, Benjamin Murray, Claire Ryder, Jan-Berend Stuut, Ralph Kahn, Peter Knippertz, Paola Formenti, Natalie Mahowald, Carlos Perez García-Pando, Martina Klose, Albert Ansmann, Bjørn Samset, Akinori Ito, Yves Balkanski, Claudia Di Biagio, Manolis Romanias, Yue Huang, and Jun Meng

Mineral dust is an important aerosol specie in the atmosphere that impacts the Earth’s climate system through its interactions with radiation, clouds, hydrology, atmospheric chemistry, and biogeochemistry. Because dust sizes span more than three orders of magnitude in diameter and dust properties are size-dependent, most previous studies separate dust particles into different classes – broadly defined as fine and coarse dust – which could produce distinct impacts on the Earth system. However, there are general inconsistencies in the terminology, the diameter boundaries, and diameter ranges currently attributed to dust size classes across the literature. As part of a comprehensive review of coarse dust recently completed, we propose, with justification, a new uniform classification that defines coarse and super-coarse dust as particles between 2.5 - 10 µm and 10 - 62.5 µm in diameter, respectively. In addition, we will show several lines of observational evidence that indicate coarse and super-coarse dust particles are transported much farther than previously expected and that the abundance of these particles is substantially underestimated in current global models. Despite the limitations of representing coarse and super-coarse dust aerosols in models, we will highlight their unique impacts on several aspects of the Earth's climate system.

How to cite: Adebiyi, A., Kok, J., Murray, B., Ryder, C., Stuut, J.-B., Kahn, R., Knippertz, P., Formenti, P., Mahowald, N., Perez García-Pando, C., Klose, M., Ansmann, A., Samset, B., Ito, A., Balkanski, Y., Di Biagio, C., Romanias, M., Huang, Y., and Meng, J.: What are coarse dust aerosols, and how do they impact the Earth's climate system?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3721,, 2023.

While the most extensive and active sources of mineral dust are found at mid-latitudes (Sahara, East Asia and the Arabic peninsula), source areas at high latitudes both in northern and the southern Hemispheres, are gaining attention because of their distinct characteristics and impacts at the appropriate regional and semi-hemispheric scales.

Southern Africa is estimated to account for approximately 5% of the global annual emissions of mineral dust and the long-range transport of dust emitted from these regions are shown to head towards the South Atlantic, the southern Oceans, and across the subcontinent by both observations and modelling.

In particular, hundreds distinct point sources have been identified in Namibia, including the topographical lows of the Etosha pan alluvial basin, the dry lands (Kalahari Desert, gravel plains bordering the Namib Deserts), but mostly the numerous ephemeral riverbeds, pans, wetlands and possibly mines along the coastline. By deposition, this windblown dust could impact to the productivity of the waters offshore, but also the formation and the chemical composition of the fog and low marine clouds. Through the fog, the dust emitted has the potential of redistributing nutrients not only to the marine but also to the continental ecosystems. Likewise, the strong and almost omnipresent southerly trade winds driven by the temperature contrast between the cold Benguela current and warm and dry continental desert air masses also provide an opportunity to transport sediment influenced by the nutrient rich aerosols of the ocean further onto land to nourish the nearshore ecosystems. To date, the majority of dust emissions observations from this region have relied heavily on the improved ability of satellite platforms to optically isolate dust aerosols over the ocean surface and despite the consistent high winds from the south, have excluded the potential for dust emission transport processes towards the interior.

This presentation illustrates the new results of recent coordinated research exploring the emissions, the transport, and properties of net transported mineral dust from Namibia sources. These new results rely on model simulations at different spatial resolution, on the analysis of local and regional wind regimes, on field observations, and on laboratory-based experiments on airborne dust generated from natural soils. Our results demonstrate that the frequency of emission might be higher than expected by only easterly berg winds. We also suggest that the Namibian dust may be transported to Antartica and that its processing by marine biogenic emissions could be responsible for the seasonal increase in the dust iron solubility observed in the Austral fall.

How to cite: Formenti, P.: Mineral dust in Namibia: new research on emissions, transport and properties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3887,, 2023.

EGU23-6167 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

The northern hight latitude dust belt 

Outi Meinander, Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova, and Ana Vucovic Vimic and the HLD team

Identifying the locations of local dust sources and their emission, transport, and deposition processes is important for understanding the multiple impacts of dust on the Earth's systems. We have recently provided a significant update to the scientific understanding on the climatically and environmentally significant high-latitude dust (HLD) sources. Based on the presented evidence (Meinander et al. 2022), we have suggested a “northern high latitude dust belt” (Meinander et al. 2022), defined as the area north of 50 N, with a “transitional HLD-source area” extending at latitudes 50–58 N in Eurasia and 50–55 N in Canada and a “cold HLD-source area” including areas north of 60 N in Eurasia and north of 58 N in Canada, with currently “no dust source” area between the HLD and low-latitude dust (LLD) dust belt, except for British Columbia. We estimate the high-latitude land area with potential dust activity to cover over 560 000 km2 with very high potential for dust emission, and over 240 000 km2 with the highest potential for dust emission.

We have identified, described, and quantified the source intensity (SI) values, which show the potential of soil surfaces for dust emission scaled to values 0 to 1 concerning globally best productive sources, using the Global Sand and Dust Storms Source Base Map (G-SDS-SBM). This includes 64 HLD sources in our collection for the northern (Alaska, Canada, Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, Sweden, and Russia) and southern (Antarctica and Patagonia) high latitudes. Our work also included model results on HLD emission, long-range transport, and deposition at various scales of time and space, and we have specified key climatic and environmental impacts of HLD and related research questions, which could improve our understanding of HLD sources, on clouds and climate feedback, atmospheric chemistry, marine environment, cryosphere, and cryosphere–atmosphere feedbacks. For example, we estimated that about 57% of the dust deposition in snow- and ice-covered Arctic regions was from high latitude dust sources.

We gratefully acknowledge Douglas Hamilton.

Citation: Meinander, O. et al. Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high-latitude dust sources, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 11889–11930,, 2022.

How to cite: Meinander, O., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., and Vucovic Vimic, A. and the HLD team: The northern hight latitude dust belt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6167,, 2023.

EGU23-6171 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Monitoring present-day Saharan dust above and below the ocean surface 

Jan-Berend Stuut, Catarina Guerreiro, Blanda Matzenbacher, and Michèlle Van der Does

Mineral dust plays an important role in the ocean’s carbon cycle through the input of nutrients

and metals which potentially fertilise phytoplankton, and by ballasting organic matter from the surface ocean to the sea floor. However, time series and records of open-ocean dust deposition fluxes are sparse. Here, we present a series of Saharan dust collected between 2015 and 2022 by dust-collecting buoys that are monitoring dust in the equatorial North Atlantic Ocean, as well as by moored sediment traps at the buoys' positions at ~21°N/21°W and ~11°N/23°W directly below the major dust Saharan-dust plume offshore northwest Africa. We present dust-flux data as well as particle-size distribution data, and make a comparison of the dust collected from the atmosphere at the ocean surface with the dust settling through the ocean and intercepted by the submarine sediment traps.

How to cite: Stuut, J.-B., Guerreiro, C., Matzenbacher, B., and Van der Does, M.: Monitoring present-day Saharan dust above and below the ocean surface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6171,, 2023.

EGU23-8190 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

The mineralogy of coarse dust aerosols retrieved from its mid−infrared extinction spectra: a laboratory testbed study on dust from worldwide sources 

Claudia Di Biagio, Jean Francois Doussin, Mathieu Cazaunau, Edouard Pangui, Paul Kleiber, Juan Cuesta, Mila Rodenas, and Paola Formenti

The mineralogy of dust aerosols (i.e. the abundance, relative proportions and state of mixing of the different minerals composing the aerosols, including mainly silicates in the form of clays, quartz, and feldspars, carbonates, sulfates, and iron and titanium oxides) is of key relevance in driving its climatic and environmental effects. Ground–based and airborne observations support the evidence that the dust mineralogy is heterogeneous in the atmosphere, varying from local to global scale due to changes in the mineralogical composition of the emitting source soils and atmospheric processing. However, the capability to get regional and global mapping of airborne dust mineralogy is still missing to date. This gap represents a fundamental limitation for properly developing and validating the representation of dust in Earth System Models and constraining its regional and global climate forcing.

Because the different minerals composing the fine and coarse fractions of dust show different spectral absorption signatures, remote sensing spectral and hyperspectral observations can be used to fill this gap by detecting the presence of diverse minerals and reconstructing their relative proportions in the dust aerosols. Based on this idea, recent efforts move into this direction, including the EMIT mission (Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation) started in 2022.

In this study we demonstrate, starting from exemplary data acquired in the CESAM simulation chamber on dust aerosols from global sources (Di Biagio et al., 2017), that the extinction signature of suspended dust aerosols in the 740−1475 cm−1 infrared spectral range (6.8−13.5 µm) can be used to derive dust mineralogy in terms of its infrared−active and coarse−sized minerals: quartz, clays, feldspars and calcite. We show that diverse spectral infrared signatures allow to distinguish dust aerosols from different sources worldwide with variable composition, and that following the changes of the dust extinction spectra with time informs on particles size−selective mineralogy changes during atmospheric transport. Results from the present study confirm the major advance that hyperspectral infrared remote sensing observations, as those by IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) and the IASI−NG (Next Generation) instruments, can provide to dust science.


Di Biagio, C., Formenti, P., Balkanski, Y., Caponi, L., Cazaunau, M., Pangui, E., Journet, E., Nowak, S., Caquineau, S., Andreae, M. O., Kandler, K., Saeed, T., Piketh, S., Seibert, D., Williams, E., and Doussin, J.-F.: Global scale variability of the mineral dust long-wave refractive index: a new dataset of in situ measurements for climate modeling and remote sensing, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 1901–1929,, 2017.

How to cite: Di Biagio, C., Doussin, J. F., Cazaunau, M., Pangui, E., Kleiber, P., Cuesta, J., Rodenas, M., and Formenti, P.: The mineralogy of coarse dust aerosols retrieved from its mid−infrared extinction spectra: a laboratory testbed study on dust from worldwide sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8190,, 2023.

EGU23-8286 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

The Jordan Wind erosion And Dust Investigation (J-WADI) 

Martina Klose and Carlos Pérez García-Pando and the J-WADI Team

Knowledge about the particle-size distribution and mineralogical composition of mineral dust at emission are fundamental to advance our understanding and quantification of dust climate effects, yet comprehensive measurements are still largely lacking, especially of super-coarse and giant particles and particle composition. Here, we introduce the Jordan Wind erosion And Dust Investigation (J-WADI), an intensive field measurement campaign conducted in September 2022 north of Wadi Rum in Jordan. The aim of J-WADI is to improve our fundamental understanding of the emission of mineral dust, in particular its full-range size distribution (from fine to giant dust particles) and mineralogical composition. For this purpose, in-situ and ground-based remote sensing instrumentation was installed to measure aerosol properties, e.g. particle numbers and sizes up to about 100 μm, optical  properties, and aerosol distributions; collect soil and aerosol samples for laboratory analysis and experimentation; and to measure meteorological parameters including wind cross sections at high temporal and spatial resolutions and near-surface turbulence. In this contribution, we will present an overview of the J-WADI measurement setup and campaign conditions, together with preliminary results of observed dust events. In the future, J-WADI measurements will serve as a basis to investigate, e.g., (a) the mechanisms leading to the emission and continued suspension of super-coarse and giant dust particles and the possible variability of the emitted dust particle-size distribution; (b) the size-resolved mineralogy of dust at emission, its relationship with the parent soil, and spectroscopic measurement, and (c) dust-radiation and dust-cloud interactions.

How to cite: Klose, M. and Pérez García-Pando, C. and the J-WADI Team: The Jordan Wind erosion And Dust Investigation (J-WADI), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8286,, 2023.

The transport of mineral dust from arid lowlands to higher elevations has profound consequences for the geoecology of mountain ecosystems.  With expanding human populations and widespread disturbance due to land use, dust deposition rates and compositions are changing, presenting unique challenges for human and ecosystem health.  The American Southwest, a region that has experienced a massive increase in dust deposition rates in the past century, is no exception to this trend.  Understanding the flux and composition of dust can help identify where dust is coming from, and can inform management strategies for dust emitting landscapes.  As part of the DUST^2 Critical Zone Thematic Cluster, this project utilized a network of 18 passive dust traps in the southwestern US, 15 of which were deployed on high mountains summits and ridgelines.  The dust traps were emptied biannually between 2020 and 2022 to reveal spatial and temporal differences in dust compositions and depositional fluxes.  Results demonstrate that dust flux is higher in the summer compared to winter; at the 13 collectors with the most complete data, summer fluxes averaged 47.9 mg/m2/day whereas winter fluxes averaged 24.2 mg/m2/day.  Interannual variability is notable: for instance, some collectors received 2x as much dust in summer 2022 vs. 2021, whereas for others the pattern was reversed.  In contrast, all collectors received more dust during winter 2021-22 than in 2020-21.  Superimposed on these temporal differences is a spatial disparity in accumulation rates, with the highest values at the urban sampler in Salt Lake City and at sites immediately downwind.  In contrast, lower fluxes are common at high elevation sites in Nevada, particularly during the winter.  Overall, measured dust fluxes span a wide range from 5.3 to 255 mg/m2/day.   The grain size distribution, color, mineralogy, and geochemistry of dust also vary notably between sites, supporting the interpretation that much of the dust is sourced from the immediately surrounding lowlands.

How to cite: Munroe, J.: Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Dust Flux to High-Elevation Ecosystems in the Southwestern United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9012,, 2023.

EGU23-9364 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Numerical diffusion on vertical advection due to gravitational settling in WRF: 2D simulations 

Eleni Drakaki, Sotirios Mallios, Vassilis Amiridis, Alexandra Tsekeri, Demetri Bouris, and Petros Katsafados

One of the deficiencies of atmospheric dust models is that they struggle to accurately reproduce the transport of coarse and giant dust particles, according to observational evidence. Among the reasons behind that model incapacity that have been proposed in the literature, is the issue of numerical diffusion inside the advection codes of the models. In this study, we examine the importance of that issue in the WRF-L model. To do so, we update the default numerical scheme (UPWIND) which is used for the vertical advection of dust due to gravitational settling. The diffusive UPWIND scheme is replaced with a non-diffusive one, named UNO3 (third-order Upstream Non-Oscillatory scheme). To test the code performance, we perform simulations reproducing the 2D transport of a dust plume which is released at 4 km height above Cabo Verde towards Barbados. The model is initialized on 13/06/2014 at 12 UTC (which coincides with the day of the SALTRACE flight above Cabo Verde) using meteorological conditions of radiosonde from Tenerife airport and wind profile based on ECMWF model climatology. The results suggest that, in the UNO3 simulation, dust particles with a diameter 26 μm can be transported more than 500 km longer than in the BASE simulation and the dust in the atmosphere can be 10% more in the UNO3 simulation compared to the BASE simulation. In future studies, the UNO3 scheme will be tested in other aerosol types also (e.g. volcanic ash, smoke from fires).

Acknowledgements: Authors acknowledge support by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Post-Doctoral Researchers” (Project Acronym: StratoFIRE, Project number:  3995) and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Project Acronym: D-TECT, Grant Agreement: 725698).

How to cite: Drakaki, E., Mallios, S., Amiridis, V., Tsekeri, A., Bouris, D., and Katsafados, P.: Numerical diffusion on vertical advection due to gravitational settling in WRF: 2D simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9364,, 2023.

EGU23-9569 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Constraining spatio-temporal variations in dust emission at global scale with ensemble data assimilation of satellite optical depth retrievals 

Jerónimo Escribano, Enza Di Tomaso, Oriol Jorba, María Gonçalves Ageitos, Martina Klose, Sara Basart, and Carlos Pérez García-Pando

Mineral dust emissions play a fundamental role in the simulation of the dust cycle in numerical models. The emission of dust depends on a number of atmospheric and surface conditions that span a large range of time and spatial scales. Due to the inherent difficulties to physically represent this complexity in a simplified way, the emission of mineral dust is usually parameterized in the atmospheric numerical models. The heterogeneity of available dust emission parametrizations, along with the soil characteristics and meteorological information, the atmospheric models themselves, their tuning, and their boundary and initial conditions, contribute to the large spread of net dust flux estimated with different modeling frameworks.

This work presents a novel approach to estimate dust emissions through the assimilation of dust optical depth filtered retrievals from satellite measurements, by means of an ensemble-based data assimilation scheme. Because of the lagged nature of the emission inversion problem, the assimilation is produced with a slightly modified version of the ensemble Kalman Filter algorithm. We show results of the inversion for 5-year global numerical experiments (2017 to 2021), by using dust-only simulations with three of the available state-of-the-art dust emission schemes implemented in the chemical MONARCH model.

In these three experiments, we assimilate dust optical depth obtained from the SNPP-VIIRS Deep Blue retrievals. The control vector consists of model dust emissions at native spatial resolution (1.4 by 1 degrees) and a 3-days time resolution. We find regional and temporal corrections in the estimated emissions after assimilation that are consistent across the different dust emission scheme experiments, making our findings robust. We compare the dust optical depth of our simulations with the assimilated observations, as well as with independent dust-filtered optical depth from ground-based AERONET sun-photometers. The dust optical depth resulting from the simulations that use the corrected emissions show substantial improvements in the skill scores than the dust optical depth simulated with the uncorrected emissions. Our work paves the road toward quantifying and eventually reducing uncertainties in dust emission schemes and toward better constraining the contribution to climate of the dust sources at sub-regional scale.

How to cite: Escribano, J., Di Tomaso, E., Jorba, O., Gonçalves Ageitos, M., Klose, M., Basart, S., and Pérez García-Pando, C.: Constraining spatio-temporal variations in dust emission at global scale with ensemble data assimilation of satellite optical depth retrievals, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9569,, 2023.

EGU23-11139 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

4D-Atlantic Dust-Ocean Modelling & Observing Study (DOMOS) 

Stephanie Fiedler, Angela Benedetti, Vassilis Amiridis, Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Jan-Berend Stuut, and Jan Griesfeller and the DOMOS team

The ESA-funded “4D-Atlantic Dust-Ocean Modelling & Observing Study” (DOMOS) kicked off in September 2021, with the overarching objective to advance our fundamental understanding on the complex atmospheric dust-ocean interactions in the Atlantic Ocean in the context of climate change. The project has an innovative approach with the integrated use of modelling, EO-based products and in-situ datasets. 

DOMOS has created and validated a novel EO-based product of dust deposition fluxes against in-situ observations and previously existing datasets of dust deposition. Specifically, the project has developed a product of pure-dust deposition fluxes across the Atlantic Ocean for 2007-2020, based on the exploitation of (1) the CALIPSO-based ESA-LIVAS pure-dust database, (2) the MODIS-MIDAS and Metop-IASI MAPIR/IMARS/LMD/ULB atmospheric pure-dust products, and (3) ERA5 U/V wind components. Moreover, DOMOS has provided a validation of the dust deposition field from the CAMS reanalysis and has performed assimilation tests of IASI and Aeolus aerosol products with the goal of providing a better description of the dust aerosol transport over the Tropical Atlantic. The DOMOS products also contribute to an improved representation of the physical and chemical characteristics of dust deposition over the ocean, which is crucial to interpret past changes in the atmosphere and ocean and to better understand the possible future development. This includes a better understanding and quantification of the contributions from natural and anthropogenic dust to the deposition of soluble iron, compared to depositions associated with biomass burning and anthropogenic aerosols. This has been achieved through new experiments with the climate model EC-Earth3-Iron. 

Finally, DOMOS foresees providing a scientific roadmap to highlight the findings of the project and identify possible gaps in the modeling and the observing approaches of atmospheric dust-ocean interactions. In this presentation, we give an overview of the project and highlight the most important results from the DOMOS dust deposition products and model experiments.

More information can be found at

How to cite: Fiedler, S., Benedetti, A., Amiridis, V., Pérez García-Pando, C., Stuut, J.-B., and Griesfeller, J. and the DOMOS team: 4D-Atlantic Dust-Ocean Modelling & Observing Study (DOMOS), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11139,, 2023.

Current dust storms, originating from afar, are common in Israel and the eastern Mediterranean, and thus most dust sources are considered to be distal. However, recent studies suggest that the latest Quaternary loess accreted in the Northern Negev can also serve as a proximal source of dust. These sources were mostly neglected in past discussions as contributors of dust. Here, we demonstrate that such proximal dust sources, mostly the Negev loess, currently contribute relatively large amounts of recycled dust to the regional dust cycle. We conducted a sampling campaign of deposited dust during individual dust storms and identified high content of coarse silt grains and quartzo-feldspathic minerals within and adjacent to the Negev loess that gradually decreases toward the north. These grains, characteristics of the Negev loess, indicate a short transport distance. In addition, our data reveal that local wind speed is the limiting factor for emitting proximal dust, regardless of the synoptic system. We determined that proximal sources in Israel emit dust during either local events or as a part of regional dust storms originating from afar. We evaluate the minimal contribution of this proximal dust to the total mass of deposited dust as 58–74%, 54–70%, 52–64%, and 26–34% for the northern Negev, central Negev, central mountainous region, and northern Israel, respectively. These estimates indicate that at the desert fringe, both proximal and distal sources of dust should be considered when inferring dust sources from dust geochemistry that can sometimes be similar due to the long dust history.

How to cite: Crouvi, O., Shalom, O., Enzel, Y., and Rosenfeld, D.: Locally recycled late Pleistocene loess feeds modern dust storms at the desert margins of the eastern Mediterranean, Israel, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11692,, 2023.

In this study, we perform simulations with the ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 aerosol-climate model with two prescribed different reconstructions of sea surface temperatures (SST) for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as boundary conditions. While one of the datasets suggests a global cooling of 4.1°C (GLOMAP; Paul et al., 2021), the other suggests a much stronger cooling of 6.1°C (Tierney et al., 2020) during the LGM compared to pre-industrial climate conditions. The comparison of our simulation results to LGM land surface temperatures reconstructed based on noble gas concentrations in groundwater (Seltzer et al., 2021) does not indicate clearly which SST dataset results in a better agreement between our simulation results and observational data. For further assessment, we also compare for both SST datasets the simulated mineral dust deposition in the Southern Hemisphere to observational data (Kohfeld et al., 2013). While GLOMAP SSTs result in a strong overrepresentation of Australian mineral dust deposited over Antarctica, the SSTs provided by Tierney et al. (2020) indicate Patagonia to be the dominant dust source during the LGM in terms of deposition over Antarctica with minor contributions from Australia and South Africa. Such dominant Patagonian dust source is in agreement with geochemical data from East Antarctic ice cores (Basile et al., 1997; Delmonte et al., 2008). The differences in individual source contributions can be traced back on the one hand to changes in the meteorological conditions in the source regions, including vegetation, wind speed and precipitation. On the other hand, both SST datasets result in different characteristic high- and low-pressure patterns in the Southern Hemisphere, which allow for a more efficient transport of Australian dust for the warmer GLOMAP SSTs and Patagonian dust for the colder Tierney et al. SSTs to Antarctica.

How to cite: Krätschmer, S., Cauquoin, A., Lohmann, G., and Werner, M.: Investigating the Effects of Prescribing Different Sea Surface Temperature Reconstructions on the Mineral Dust Cycle During the Last Glacial Maximum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12893,, 2023.

EGU23-13450 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

On the severe East Asian dust outbreak in March 2021: from atmospheric dynamics to air quality impact 

Feifei Mu, Eduardo Weide Luiz, and Stephanie Fiedler

The Gobi and the Taklamakan Desert are the two main dust source regions in East Asia. Extra-tropical cyclones are known as atmospheric driver for severe dust outbreaks in East Asia. Although previous studies show that dust storm frequency in Northern China have decreased associated with a decrease in near-surface wind speed, a severe dust storm occurred in mid-March 2021. This exceptional dust storm was driven by a Mongolian extra-tropical cyclone and had adverse socio-economic and health impacts. The aim of our study is to investigate the atmospheric dynamics, dust-aerosol contributions from the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert, as well as dust emission mechanisms involved in the event. We use ground-based observations from Chinese observational networks, satellite images from MODIS, data from ERA5 re-analysis, CAMS forecasts, and MERRA-2 re-analysis.

The passage of the Mongolian cyclone first induced high dust-emitting winds along its cold front. The maximum wind speeds at 10m a.g.l. over the Gobi Desert exceeded the 99th percentile of the 30-year climatology (1992-2021) for March by around 6 ms−1 . The dust aerosols were emitted by these exceptionally strong near-surface winds and transported southeastwards along with the passage of the frontal system of the Mongolian cyclone from the afternoon of 14th March to the morning of 15th March 2021. Hence, high atmospheric PM10 concentrations were first recorded in Northern China on 15th March. As a consequence of the associated poor air quality caused by the high PM10 concentrations, 19 out of 218 stations recorded the lowest atmospheric visibility for March since the past 30 years.

The passage of the Mongolian cyclone then led to a cold air intrusion into the Taklamakan Desert from the afternoon of the 15th onward, which was a few hours after the dust emissions in the Gobi Desert. The cold air intrusion with the associated near-surface temperature inversion was favourable for the formation of Nocturnal Low-Level Jets (NLLJs), which are known as an important mechanism for dust emissions in the dust source regions (e.g., East Asia and North Africa). By comparing the NLLJs from radiosonde observations and an automated detection algorithm applied to ERA5, stronger NLLJs were seen in the Taklamakan Desert in the mornings of 16, 17, and 18 March. The NLLJs breakdown during the morning hours led to sufficiently strong dust-emitting winds in this desert. Consequently, dust emissions are simulated in the mornings of 16, 17, and 18 March 2021 by both CAMS forecasts and MERRA-2 re-analysis. The impacts of the dust aerosols from the Taklamakan Desert were, however, limited to the west of China, supported by spatio-temporal distributions of station observations of the atmospheric PM10 concentrations and visibility.

How to cite: Mu, F., Luiz, E. W., and Fiedler, S.: On the severe East Asian dust outbreak in March 2021: from atmospheric dynamics to air quality impact, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13450,, 2023.

Millions of tonnes of dust are emitted into the atmosphere every year, a large proportion of which is transported and deposited to the oceans. Dust particles can directly affect the climate via dust–radiation interaction and indirectly via dust–cloud interaction, the snow/ice albedo effect and impacts on ocean biogeochemical cycles. Dust impacts on the climate and ecosystems depend on their mineralogical, chemical, microphysical, and optical properties. Over the past 20 years, important progress has been made in determining the properties of low-latitude dust and understanding how they change in the atmosphere.

The mineralogical compositions, including iron mineralogy, of northern African and Asian dust are now better known and show a large variability depending on the source region. Distinctive patterns were found. For example, more calcium minerals (such as calcite) are found in dust from the Taklamakan Desert and palaeolakes in northern Africa than in dust from the Gobi and Sahara Desert; the contribution of iron oxides to the total iron in Saharan dust (25%-40%) is lower than in Sahel dust (ca. 60%), whereas dust from palaeolakes, including that from the Bodele depression, has lower iron oxide content (<25%). Most of the Fe oxide particles from the Sahara and Gobi Desert are as goethite, while more hematite is found in Sahel dust. These new data have allowed a much better modelling of the role of low-latitude dust in the Earth system.

Only until recently, we started to study the properties of high-latitude dust, including from Iceland, Canada (Yukon), and Alaska. Icelandic dust particles are distinguished by the fact that most of them consist primarily of amorphous basaltic materials, up to 90 wt %. The total Fe content is usually very high (10%–13%), and hematite and goethite contribute only 1%–6% of the total Fe, which is significantly lower than in low-latitude dust (except in palaeolakes). Magnetite accounts for 7%–15% of the total Fe, which is orders of magnitude higher than in dust from northern Africa. Nevertheless, about 80%–90% of the Fe is contained in pyroxene and amorphous glass. Data from both low- and high-latitude dust showed that the iron mineralogy is associated with the degree of chemical weathering and the composition of the parent sediments.

The spectral single scattering albedo (SSA) of Icelandic dust falls within the range of low-latitude dust. The complex refractive index of dust is highly dependent on its source region, with Sahel and Icelandic dust showing highest values of imaginary index - k(λ). This indicates that Sahel and Icelandic dust is likely to be more absorbing. The measured spectral optical properties of both low- and high- latitude dust in the short-wave spectrum are consistent with what was predicted from their iron mineralogy.

The iron mineralogy in dust also determines the rate of dissolution during atmospheric processing, and thus its impact on ocean biogeochemical processes after dust deposition. For example, the high dissolution rate in the first few minutes in dust under acidic conditions is related to the content of amorphous Fe oxides.

How to cite: Shi, Z. and Baldo, C.: Key role of iron oxyhydroxides in dust aerosol from high and low latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13991,, 2023.

EGU23-14601 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Paleogene to Neogene aeolian dust provenance in the Chinese Loess Plateau region 

Katja Bohm, Anu Kaakinen, Thomas Stevens, Yann Lahaye, and Hui Tang

Understanding atmospheric circulation in the geologic past under warm climates is crucial for projection of future climate scenarios. One of the few ways to unravel past atmospheric circulation is to study aeolian mineral dust deposits that link the geosphere to the atmosphere. Atmospheric mineral dust both affects and is affected by climate changes, but its role in the Earth system is poorly constrained. The aeolian dust deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) and adjacent regions provide an exceptionally vast amount of material to study Central-East Asian atmosphere and environments since the Eocene. Moreover, provenance research on these deposits is the key to reconstruct past atmospheric circulation and to understand the evolution of regional aridity and dustiness, which are closely linked with global climate.

In this study, we investigate the Paleogene to Neogene dust deposits in and near the CLP at latitude ~40°N. We present multiproxy provenance data from the Paleogene Ulantatal dust sequence in Inner Mongolia, China, approx. 400 km northwest of the central CLP, and from the Neogene Baode Red Clay in the northern CLP. As the first comprehensive study using detrital rutile trace element geochemistry combined with detrital zircon U-Pb ages in the CLP region, our data reveal both longer- and shorter-term pre-Quaternary provenance trends in the area. The Ulantatal dust sequence shows constant dust provenance during c. 34–29 Ma, including through the Eocene-Oligocene global climate transition. Strikingly, this provenance signal, which suggests dominant northerly to northwesterly dust transport, is very similar to that of the Neogene Baode Red Clay, reinforcing suggestions that a pre-Quaternary East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) regime existed in the region for at least 30+ million years despite changes in paleogeography. However, the late Miocene (c. 8–7 Ma) extension of dust deposition to the eastern CLP was coupled with an increasing dominance of Northern Tibetan Plateau (NTP) provenance signal in Baode, implying an at least 1–2 Myr period of enhanced dust production in the NTP, a dominance of westerly winds over the EAWM, and/or contribution of silt-sized material by a proto-Yellow River. After, in the latest Miocene and in the Pliocene the EAWM again dominated the dust transport to the northern CLP. While the long-term temporal variability of dust provenance is small through Paleo-Neogene in the northern CLP latitudes, spatial variability of Paleogene dust in the CLP region is similar to that of the Neogene Red Clay and Quaternary loess in the area: the Ulantatal dust provenance differs from the Paleogene southwestern CLP dust provenance. This spatial variability confirms previous conclusions that local sources define most of the dust provenance signals in the silt fraction, complicating the interpretation of possible global climate forcing in the Central-East Asian dust cycle, and reinforcing the need for multiproxy provenance analysis of loess dust.

How to cite: Bohm, K., Kaakinen, A., Stevens, T., Lahaye, Y., and Tang, H.: Paleogene to Neogene aeolian dust provenance in the Chinese Loess Plateau region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14601,, 2023.

EGU23-14832 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Continuous flow analysis of Alpine ice cores: preliminary data and perspectives 

Llorenç Cremonesi, Luca Teruzzi, Claudio Artoni, Claudia Ravasio, Mirko Siano, Marco A. C. Potenza, Barbara Delmonte, and Valter Maggi

Mineral dust aerosol plays an important role in climate and biogeochemical processes by providing nutrients to marine and terrestrial ecosystems and by influencing the radiation balance of the atmosphere. In turn, mineral dust responds to natural and anthropogenic alterations of land cover and land use resulting from several environmental changes that occurred on different timescales. Contamination by aerosols is a very tangible threat to the cryosphere in the European Alps due to its proximity to highly urbanized areas, cultivated landscapes, and the largest hot desert in the world. We recently developed and assembled a continuous flow analysis system for studying the solid content of ice cores with a high time resolution, focusing on optical characterization methods based on light scattering. The line is designed to provide an integrated measurement of dust particles with Single-Particle Extinction and Scattering (SPES), digital holography, and an optical particle sizer (Abakus). Many of the particles found in ice are efficient scatterers and absorbers close to the size range of the visible light wavelength. We report some preliminary results from ice cores drilled during the ADA270 project, aiming at an in-depth characterization of the samples that provide essential information on the fast climate evolution, which is causing a severe degeneration of glaciers, among other consequences.

How to cite: Cremonesi, L., Teruzzi, L., Artoni, C., Ravasio, C., Siano, M., Potenza, M. A. C., Delmonte, B., and Maggi, V.: Continuous flow analysis of Alpine ice cores: preliminary data and perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14832,, 2023.

EGU23-15181 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Assessing the relationship between Saharan dust input and export of organic material in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea using a one-year sediment-trap record 

Anouk van Boxtel, Addison Rice, Gert de Lange, Francien Peterse, and Jan-Berend Stuut

Dust deposition can trigger phytoplankton growth in oligotrophic low nutrient low chlorophyl (LNLC) regions by providing essential nutrients to the surface ocean. As LNLC regions comprise 60% of the global ocean, dust fertilisation and potential subsequent increased downward carbon export could affect the strength of the biological carbon pump considerably. Additionally, ballasting effects of large dust particles could enhance downward carbon export even further, independent from fertilisation effects. However, compared to high nutrient low chlorophyl (HNLC) regions, the biogeochemical effect of dust deposition and its sensitivity to future climate change is less well understood for LNLC regions. For the LNLC Mediterranean Sea mesocosm experiments and satellite data suggest that some, but not all, dust events lead to increased primary production. However, the exact relationship between dust deposition, productivity and carbon export remains unresolved.  

Here, we aim to identify and quantify the relationships between Saharan dust deposition (deposition mode, dust source), phytoplankton response (changes in community composition, phytoplankton vs heterotrophic bacterial growth) and carbon export in the eastern Mediterranean Sea by studying an exceptional high-resolution, 30-year sediment-trap time series of settling Saharan dust particles and phytoplankton remains (partly at 500m, 1500m, and 2500m water depth), combining sedimentological, biogeochemical, and remote sensing techniques. We here present a combined record of dust and organic matter fluxes for one full year of the time series (April 2017 to May 2018, 2200m water depth). Furthermore, the response of specific phytoplankton groups to dust input as well as the input of terrestrial plant material associated with desert dust is determined based on the presence and distribution of lipid biomarkers in the trap material.

Dust fluxes vary substantially over this one-year period, but peaks occur during spring 2017 and 2018, summer 2017, as well as some smaller, less pronounced peaks during autumn 2017. Some of these dust events indeed correspond to increased fluxes of lipid biomarkers, suggesting a relationship between dust input and enhanced sinking of organic material. However, due to the depth of trap deployment, the record does not allow to differentiate between the influence of dust input as fertiliser or as ballasting effect. This will later be assessed by comparing biomarker records from sediment traps from different depths representing the surface and deep ocean. Nevertheless, the lipid biomarkers representing different phytoplankton groups (e.g., long-chain alkenones for coccolithophores, 23,24-dimethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-β-ol for diatoms, dinosterol for dinoflagellates, long-chain diols for eustigmatophytes) do not show a uniform response to dust input, indicating that the response of these phytoplankton groups depends on different conditions. Moreover, some dust events do not seem to trigger any phytoplankton response at all as they do not coincide with enhanced biomarker fluxes. This indicates that other factors such as dust source, deposition mode and/or trophic state of the surface ocean determine whether dust input triggers enhanced export of organic material or not. Differences in grain-size distribution and terrestrial plant content (indicated by terrestrial plant biomarkers) indeed suggest that the observed contrasting response might be due to differences in dust source and composition. 

How to cite: van Boxtel, A., Rice, A., de Lange, G., Peterse, F., and Stuut, J.-B.: Assessing the relationship between Saharan dust input and export of organic material in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea using a one-year sediment-trap record, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15181,, 2023.

The Pleistocene periglacial loess-palaeosol series covers about 70% of the territory of Ukraine. The loess-palaeosol mantle of the Volhynian and Podolian uplands, which are the reference region of our many years of research, is even larger, almost continuous in area. Loess is also widespread on the surfaces of the high river terraces in the Forecarpathians.

Dozens of key sections of the Quaternary deposits were studied in Volhyn-Podillia and Forecarpathians using the most modern analytical methods. Among them are sections of Novovolynsk, Boyanychi, Torchyn, Horokhiv, Korshiv, Dubno, Rivne, Basiv Kut, Zdolbuniv (Volhynian upland), Velykyi Hlybochok, Proniatyn, Ihrovytsia, Ternopil, Malyi Khodachkiv, Pidvolochysk, Volochysk, Krasnosilka, Sharovechka, Yarmolyntsi, Letychiv, Vanzhuliv (Podolian upland), Halych, Kolodiiv, Torhanovychi (transition zone to the Forecarpathian upland), etc. P. Tutkovskyi developed an aeolian hypothesis of loess origin (1899) based on the materials of the study of loess deposits in the west of Ukraine, and W. Łoziński introduced the concept of "periglacial" into scientific circulation in 1909.

In the loess-palaeosol series of the west of Ukraine, a number of well-known Palaeolithic sites were discovered and studied, namely the Lower Palaeolithic site of Korolevo, the Middle Palaeolithic sites of Yezupil I, Yezupil II, Mariampil I, Mariampil V, Velykyi Hlybochok I, Proniatyn, Ihrovytsia, Buhliv V, Upper Palaeolithic sites of Vanzhuliv (Zamchysko), Kulychivka, Lypa and many others.

The significance of the study of the periglacial loess-palaeosol sequences for the study of the Palaeolithic of Ukraine is as follows.

  • Solving the problems of stratification of Palaeolithic cultural horizons, substantiation of their age. The results of absolute dating of the Quaternary deposits are important in this context.
  • Solving the issues of preservation of cultural horizons and their redeposition by diluvial-solifluction processes. Palaeocryogenic analysis, widely used in the study of the loess-palaeosol series of the Pleistocene, is very promising here.
  • Correlation of Palaeolithic cultural horizons with stratigraphic ones.
  • The results of the study of loess-palaeosol sequences make it possible to more thoroughly understand the living conditions of ancient people, to study the ways of their migration and adaptations to climate, landscape and ecosystem change.



This study was supported by the project of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, grant number 2020.02/0165.

How to cite: Tomeniuk, O. and Bogucki, A.: The significance of the Pleistocene periglacial loess-palaeosol sequences study for the knowledge of the Palaeolithic of Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15856,, 2023.

EGU23-16284 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Loss of loess in the geological record due to poor preservation 

Niels Meijer and Bas van der Meulen

Loess deposits are widespread in the Quaternary, but relatively rare in older geological records. This disparity is commonly linked to the unique climate conditions of the Quaternary, but those cannot fully explain the scarcity of loess in older records. Instead, we propose that the poor preservation of loess due to its windblown nature also plays an essential role. To test this hypothesis, we assess the preservation potential of loess by quantifying its modern-day distribution in active sedimentary basins. This analysis shows that on the global scale only 20% of loess occurs in basins of which the majority is in a foreland setting, possibly because of the proximity to silt-producing mountains and rain shadow aridity. The other 80% is ultimately either eroded or reworked and therefore poorly preserved in the long term. This conclusion implies that loess deposits may have been more common in pre-Quaternary periods, despite being less abundant in the geological record.

How to cite: Meijer, N. and van der Meulen, B.: Loss of loess in the geological record due to poor preservation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16284,, 2023.

EGU23-16902 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Size distribution of atmospheric particles during the Saharan dust episodes over central Europe in Spring 2021 

Kalliopi Violaki, Andrea Mario Arangio, and Athanasios Nenes

Aeolian dust plays a major role in Earth’s climate, by absorbing and scattering radiation, and by influencing the hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. Saharan dust is a significant carrier of limited nutrients (e.g., iron and phosphorus) in many regions of the global ocean but also transfer toxic elements such as chromium, cadmium, arsenic, and lead, influencing public health and ecosystems. Annually, Europe receives millions of tons of Saharan dust while climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of dust episodes, especially in the south and central part, with unknown impact on sensitive ecosystems.  

During this study, aerosol particles were collected with a size-segregated hi-volume sampler (Tisch 230-High Volume Cascade Impactor). The impactor separated the particles in six different stages; from larger than 7.2 µm to less than 0.49 µm. Those samples were used to characterize the properties of dust particles during the severe dust episodes in Spring, 2021 in a forest site near Lausanne, Switzerland. We analyzed trace metals and nutrients (Fe, Cu, P, N), inorganic ions, sugars, and phospholipids. Preliminary results showed that a single dust episode can cause an increase of poisonous metals, such as lead and arsenic, by up to four times, affecting public health. In addition, it could be responsible for a large fraction of nutrients deposition - accounting for a significant part of the total annual deposition in the terrestrial and lake ecosystems in the area.

How to cite: Violaki, K., Arangio, A. M., and Nenes, A.: Size distribution of atmospheric particles during the Saharan dust episodes over central Europe in Spring 2021, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16902,, 2023.

EGU23-17135 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Which type of atmospheric circulations promoted formation of loess in the Middle Danube Basin during the last million years? 

Slobodan Markovic, Zhentang Guo, Qingzhen Hao, Patrick Ludwig, Milivoj Gavrilov, Ivana Cvijanovic Begg, and Zoran Peric

Loess covers huge parts of the continents, especially in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. However, except in the case of formation of the Chinese Loess Plateau, which is linked with the East Asian Monsoon, we do not know the potential relationship between loess formation and responsible air circulation types in any other loess region. Comparison between Serbian and Chinese loess-paleosol sequences provide general similarities of magnetic records. This transcontinental correlation reveals also that there are significant similarities between the magnetic records of northern Serbia and the central Chinese loess plateau. The general multi-millennial variations of magnetic proxies are almost identical in these distant major loess regions. This correspondence appears to be also similar with the globally integrated marine records, potentially suggesting accordance in soil formation processes on Eurasian scale. However, median grain size and other parameters of textural variations indicate significant differences in variations of median grain size between Serbian and Chinese loess-paleosol records. These textural differences point that Serbian loess is formed as a consequence of completely different air circulation than in the case of Chinese loess plateau. Robust evidence of grain size variations recorded in the Serbian loess indicates significant synchronicity with the appearance of Ice Rafted Debris events identified from deep sea cores in the North Atlantic during the last one million years. Higher contribution of coarse grains, the thickness of loess layers and increase of sedimentation rates in Serbian loess-paleosol sequences is associated with a more pronounced decrease of sea surface temperatures in the Western than in Eastern Mediterranean. These differences in the sea surface temperatures between the Western Mediterranean and Eastern Mediterranean illustrate more polar front fluctuations between the Pyrenees and Alps influencing the more frequent cyclone genesis in Genova gulf, as an important regional climatic anomaly. This enhanced cyclonic activity significantly influences the hydro-climatic process in the Danube Basin responsible for loess formation.

How to cite: Markovic, S., Guo, Z., Hao, Q., Ludwig, P., Gavrilov, M., Begg, I. C., and Peric, Z.: Which type of atmospheric circulations promoted formation of loess in the Middle Danube Basin during the last million years?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17135,, 2023.

EGU23-17138 | PICO | ITS2.5/CL4.14

Quantifying Ireland’s Dust Bowl: An interdisciplinary assessment of loess genesis, deposition, and dynamics in the Burren 

Gordon Bromley, Colin Bunce, Tom Stevens, Marta Cabello, Martin Nauton, and Kathryn Fitzsimmons

The west coast of Ireland is currently one of the wettest environments in Europe, with year-round precipitation, high humidity, and minimal thermal seasonality maintained by a strongly North Atlantic climate. While such conditions are not conducive to dust entrainment, transport, and deposition today, we report geologic evidence from the limestone Burren uplands for a period of sustained aeolian sedimentation during the last glacial termination. Contrasting with Ireland’s till- and glacial-outwash-dominated lowlands, the Burren’s extant sediment cover comprises a homogenous mineral silt preserved in lee-side zones and karst depressions, the outer reaches of caves, and amongst drumlins. Compositionally, our sedimentologic-geochemical data confirm the quartz minerology of these silts, which are consistent in composition and morphology to similar deposits reported from the England and France previously identified as loess. We used U-Pb age profiling of zircons to establish the primary source of the loess, providing a robust test of whether Irish deposits are locally sourced or instead derived from more distal regions (e.g., central Europe-Asia); both scenarios have ramifications for atmospheric circulation patterns during glacial-interglacial transitions and abrupt climate shifts. While OSL dating of the Burren silts is ongoing, the sedimentary stratigraphy is consistent with deposition during or immediately following ice sheet retreat, which our 10Be-dating of glacial surfaces places during early Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1). In Ireland, HS1 was also characterised by winter sea ice, extreme thermal seasonality, and relatively low sea level. At multiple Burren sites, a bi-fold stratigraphy suggests the in situ (i.e., airfall) loess is overlain by a subsequently reworked unit of silt that was remobilised during the mid-Holocene, potentially reflecting a combination of climatic and anthropogenic drivers. Thus far, the Burren loess is providing a new aeolian vantage on Europe’s Atlantic margin during the close of the last ice age and has considerable potential for exploring environmental conditions during climatic transitions.

How to cite: Bromley, G., Bunce, C., Stevens, T., Cabello, M., Nauton, M., and Fitzsimmons, K.: Quantifying Ireland’s Dust Bowl: An interdisciplinary assessment of loess genesis, deposition, and dynamics in the Burren, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17138,, 2023.

Mineral dust contributes significantly to the global atmospheric aerosol burden and is an important climate factor. Its model-based description of the atmospheric life cycle and impacts largely depends on an accurate parameterization of dust emissions. The large variability of near-source dust distribution in current forecast and aerosol-climate models is an indication that accurate simulation of dust emissions remains problematic. The occurrence and strength of dust emissions depends on both surface properties and surface winds. While satellite remote sensing offers great potential for determining relevant surface properties such as surface roughness and land use, model simulations of surface winds remain problematic in resolving strong wind events that occur on small spatial and temporal scales. The peak wind speeds of such events have the potential to cause strong dust emissions, but are unlikely to be captured in model simulations with parameterized convection.  Advances in high-resolution convection atmospheric modelling are a major opportunity for overcoming these limitations. Convection permitting simulations and multi-scale model approaches become feasible with the new ICON model framework which has been developed jointly by the German Weather Service (DWD) and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. Results of dust simulations with the HAM aerosol model coupled to ICON will be presented. The new model system will advance the flexibility and possibilities to work on understanding the role of mineral dust aerosol and their interactions within the changing climate. The new model system will improve the ability to understand the role of mineral dust aerosols and their interactions with the climate system.

How to cite: Tegen, I. and Kubin, A.: Towards improving dust emission simulations with the ICON-HAM model framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17139,, 2023.

Dispersion and deposition of mineral dust from natural or anthropogenic sources can have both positive and negative effects on the environment depending on the geochemical and mineralogical composition of the dust. In Greenland, proglacial river systems draining the Greenland Ice Sheet occupy extensive areas of dust prone deposits, which are commonly mobilized and transported by winds of both katabatic and cyclonic origin and subsequently deposited as high latitude dust. The geochemical fingerprint of natural dust emitted along the latitudinal transect reflects the mineralogical and elemental composition of the bedrock underlying the Ice Sheet in the different geological provinces of Greenland. As dust emissions respond to changes in climate-sensitive drivers such as soil moisture, winds speed and precipitation, marked variations in natural dust emissions are present along the climatic gradient in Greenland, ranging from high latitude arctic deserts in North Greenland to low latitude shrub tundra in the South.

With a changing climate, interest has increased to access and exploit the rich mineral resources located in the Arctic. In Greenland, development of large-scale mines range from rare earth element mines in the sub-arctic South to zinc-lead mines in the high-arctic North. While the mining sector provides society with essential raw materials for a wide range of industrial processes as well as forming the basis for the transition into a global green economy, it also has significant environmental pitfalls, which should be avoided or mitigated. Mobilization, transport, and deposition of mineral dust from mine sites is often significant in regions susceptible to wind erosion because of the dry climate and lack of vegetation. Once dispersed into the environment, this mineral dust may impair important ecosystem functions due to its potential content of heavy metals and other trace elements, as well as cause concerns for public health.

To support the sustainable development of environmentally safe mining in sensitive Arctic land areas and reduce airborne environmental pollution, an improved understanding of processes leading to the dispersion of mineral dust in a changing Arctic is needed. This involves improved methods for monitoring dust emissions and dust deposition in a cold environment as well as analytical tools and methods to source trace and differentiate between natural and mining related dust. Accurate identification of individual dust sources subsequently makes it possible to mitigate emissions and target the regulation of mining activities towards these sources.

In the following, we present a new high latitude dust sampling location in Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland, where dust is collected using a wide array of passive and active dust samplers, including a continuously operated high volume dust sampler, which will offer filter samples of large air volumes (13.000 m3) at a weekly sampling frequency over multiple years. In addition, we would like to present data from a study (1) in which we developed a fast and cost-effective surface screening methodology that is easily applicable for dust source characterization in remote Arctic areas such as Greenland, where dry conditions and high winds create a high natural dust generation potential.

(1) Søndergaard, J. & Jørgensen, C.J. (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s11270-021-05095-2

How to cite: Jørgensen, C. J., Søndergaard, J., and Mosbech, A.: Geochemical fingerprinting of high latitude dust – potential environmental impacts of natural and mining related dust in Greenland in a changing climate., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2609,, 2023.

EGU23-3776 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

The lifecycle of snow in the Sierra Nevada USA: from snowfall to snowmelt and effects on endangered bighorn sheep 

Yun Qian, Huilin Huang, Cenlin He, Ned Bair, and Karl Rittger

Snow is a valuable resource in California. Snow from the Sierra Nevada sustains a diverse ecosystem and provides 3/4 of California’s Agricultural water supply. Because of its importance in water supply and global climate, snow accumulation, melt, and sublimation were ranked as the most important objectives in the 2017 Decadal Survey. This study employs a fully coupled meteorology‐chemistry‐snow model to investigate the impacts of both global warming and light‐absorbing particles (LAPs) on snow in the Sierra Nevada. Using self-organizing map (SOM) analysis with dust deposition and flux data from model and observations, we identify four typical dust transport patterns across the Sierra Nevada, associated with the mesoscale winds, Sierra barrier jet, North Pacific High, and long-range cross-Pacific westerlies, respectively. The satellite retrievals and model results show that LAPs in snow reduce snow albedo by 0.013 (0–0.045) in the Sierra Nevada during the ablation season (April-July), producing a midday mean radiative forcing of 4.5 W m−2 which increases to 15–22 W m−2 in July. LAPs in snow accelerate snow aging processes and reduce snow cover fraction, which doubles the albedo change and radiative forcing caused by LAPs. The impurity-induced snow darkening effects decrease snow water equivalent and snow depth by 20 and 70 mm in June in the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep habitat. The earlier snowmelt reduces root-zone soil water content by 20%, deteriorating the forage productivity and playing a negative role in the survival of bighorn sheep. We also conduct the simulations using our coupled regional model to compare the impact of global warming vs. LAPs on snow melting by adopting the pseudo-global warming (PGW) approach to generate projections of future meteorological forcing. These results will be used to examine snow effects on endangered Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep and how a future climate might modify habitat and behavior.

How to cite: Qian, Y., Huang, H., He, C., Bair, N., and Rittger, K.: The lifecycle of snow in the Sierra Nevada USA: from snowfall to snowmelt and effects on endangered bighorn sheep, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3776,, 2023.

The amplified climate effect of black carbon (BC) in the Arctic is widely acknowledged. Despite this, information on its deposition patterns and particularly sources are still scarce from the area. Arctic-wide atmospheric BC monitoring show decreasing BC concentrations since the 1990s. However, increasing amounts of BC deposition records from the area show more spatial variability in long-term trends, and some records suggest deviating trends between atmospheric BC concentrations and deposition. Particularly in the European Arctic (northern Fennoscandia and northwestern Russia) BC deposition trends seem to have increased in recent decades rather than decreased as suggested by models and observed for atmospheric concentrations. Such dissimilarities between atmospheric BC concentrations and deposition trends suggest different meteorological processes and sources driving these, which need to be further studied to understand the effects of different BC emissions on the Arctic climate. Although we have quantified different BC fractions from lake sediments and ice cores in the European Arctic indicating variable deposition trends during the last 300 years, the records suggest surprisingly similar sources of the deposited BC particles. Our future endeavors lie in further illuminating the sources of deposited BC in the Arctic and particularly studying the potential significance of Russian gas flaring and increasing peatland fires.

How to cite: Korhola, A. and Ruppel, M.: Past black carbon deposition and sources in the European Arctic depicted from lake sediments and ice cores, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5032,, 2023.

EGU23-5749 | Posters virtual | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

15-yr long records of aerosol and surface snow chemical composition at Dome C (High Antarctic Plateau) 

Rita Traversi, Silvia Becagli, Laura Caiazzo, Paolo Cristofanelli, Raffaello Nardin, Davide Putero, and Mirko Severi

The study of aerosol chemical composition in the Antarctic plateau can provide basic information on the main natural (and also anthropogenic) inputs, atmospheric reactivity, and long-range transport processes of the aerosol components. Moreover, chemical and physical processes occurring at the atmosphere-snow interface are yet not fully understood and work is needed to assess the impact of atmospheric chemistry on snow composition and to better interpret ice core records retrieved at those sites.

At this purpose, simultaneous aerosol and surface snow samplings were set up and run at Dome C station (75° 06’ S; 123° 20’ E, 3233 m a.s.l) all year-round since 2004/05 and are still ongoing through various PNRA Projects, particularly LTCPAA (2016-2020) and STEAR (2020-2023).

Aerosol and snow samples were analysed for main and trace ion markers, aiming to better constrain extent and timing of the main natural sources (sea salt, marine biogenic, mineral dust) and to detect the possible contribution of anthropic inputs (biomass burning, wildfires, local contamination). In addition, such a study might help in improving our knowledge of transport processes (free troposphere, stratosphere-troposphere exchange) and atmospheric reaction processes (such as neutralization, chemical fractionation).

A comparison with ozone measurements, carried out continuously over the same period, is also attempted, to better address the atmospheric processes involving the atmosphere-snow exchanges of N-cycle species and atmosphere oxidative properties.

How to cite: Traversi, R., Becagli, S., Caiazzo, L., Cristofanelli, P., Nardin, R., Putero, D., and Severi, M.: 15-yr long records of aerosol and surface snow chemical composition at Dome C (High Antarctic Plateau), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5749,, 2023.

EGU23-6458 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

An overview of recent High Latitude Dust (HLD) and aerosol measurements in Iceland, Antarctica, Svalbard, and Greenland, including HLD impacts on climate 

Pavla Dagsson Waldhauserova, Outi Meinander, Olafur Arnalds, and IceDust members

Two billion tons of dust are annually transported in our atmosphere all around the world. High latitudes include active desert regions with at least 5 % production of the global atmospheric dust. Active High Latitude Dust (HLD) sources cover > 1,600,000 km2 and are located in both the Northern (Iceland, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Svalbard, North Eurasia, and Scandinavia) and Southern (Antarctica, Patagonia, New Zealand) Hemispheres. Recent studies have shown that HLD travels several thousands of km inside the Arctic and > 3,500 km towards Europe. In Polar Regions, HLD was recognized as an important climate driver in the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate in 2019. In situ HLD measurements are sparse, but there is increasing number of research groups investigating HLD and its impacts on climate in terms of effects on cryosphere, cloud properties and marine environment.

Long-term dust in situ measurements conducted in Arctic deserts of Iceland and Antarctic deserts of Eastern Antarctic Peninsula in 2018-2023 revealed some of the most severe dust storms in terms of particulate matter (PM) concentrations. While one-minute PM10 concentrations is Iceland exceeded 50,000 ugm-3, ten-min PM10 means in James Ross Island, Antarctica exceeded 120 ugm-3. The largest HLD field campaign was organized in Iceland in 2021 where 11 international institutions with > 70 instruments and 12 m tower conducted dust measurements (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Darmstadt, Berlin and Karlsruhe Universities, NASA, Czech University of Life sciences, Agricultural University of Iceland etc.). Additionally, examples of aerosol measurements from Svalbard and Greenland will be shown. There are newly two online models (DREAM, SILAM) providing daily operational dust forecasts of HLD. DREAM is first operational dust forecast for Icelandic dust available at the World Meteorological Organization Sand/Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (WMO SDS-WAS). SILAM from the Finnish Meteorological Institute provides HLD forecast for both circumpolar regions. 

Icelandic dust has impacts on atmosphere, cryosphere, marine and terrestrial environments. It decreases albedo of both glacial ice/snow similarly as Black Carbon,  as well as albedo of mixed phase clouds via reduction in supercooled water content. There is also an evidence that volcanic dust particles scavenge efficiently SO2 and NO2 to form sulphites/sulfates and nitrous acid. High concentrations of volcanic dust and Eyjafjallajokull ash were associated with up to 20% decline in ozone concentrations in 2010. In marine environment, Icelandic dust with high total Fe content (10-13 wt%) and the initial Fe solubility of 0.08-0.6%, can impact primary productivity and nitrogen fixation in the N Atlantic Ocean, leading to additional carbon uptake.

Sand and dust storms, including HLD, were identified as a hazard that affects 11 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. HLD research community is growing and Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association (IceDust) has > 100 members from 55 institutions in 21 countries (, including references to this abstract). IceDust became new member aerosol association of the European Aerosol Assembly in 2022. 


How to cite: Dagsson Waldhauserova, P., Meinander, O., Arnalds, O., and members, I.: An overview of recent High Latitude Dust (HLD) and aerosol measurements in Iceland, Antarctica, Svalbard, and Greenland, including HLD impacts on climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6458,, 2023.

EGU23-6600 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

Topographic controls on the distribution of dark ice on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet 

Shunan Feng, Joseph Mitchell Cook, Alexandre Magno Anesio, Liane G. Benning, and Martyn Tranter

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is the largest single cyospheric contributor to global sea level rise. The surface ice albedo modulates the absorption of solar radiation and the current darkening of the GrIS enhances the surface meltwater production. However, the dark ice is unevenly distributed on the GrIS. Remote sensing observations found that dark ice is limited to the margin in the southeast region, while the spatial extent of dark ice stretches further inland in the southwest GrIS. This band of dark ice, with an albedo that is significantly lower than the surrounding ice in the melt season, is known as the Dark Zone. One hypothesis is that the spatial distribution of dark ice is influenced by topography, and surface slope in particular. This study attempts to verify this hypothesis and presents the first medium resolution (30 m) analysis of the topographic controls on the distribution of dark ice on the surface of the GrIS. The association between albedo and topographic factors, such as elevation, slope and aspect, and the distance from the ice margin, and the duration of bare ice exposure, are investigated using the ArcticDEM and a satellite albedo product derived from a harmonized Landsat and Sentinel 2 dataset. The results may allow certain controls on glacier ice algal growth, a key contributor to the progressive darkening of the ice surface, to be surmised.

How to cite: Feng, S., Cook, J. M., Anesio, A. M., Benning, L. G., and Tranter, M.: Topographic controls on the distribution of dark ice on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6600,, 2023.

EGU23-7762 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

Regional Impact of Snow-Darkening During a Severe Saharan Dust Deposition Event in 2018 Across Eurasia 

Anika Rohde, Heike Vogel, Gholam Ali Hoshyaripour, Christoph Kottmeier, and Bernhard Vogel

Aerosols such as mineral dust particles reduce the surface albedo when deposited on snow. This leads to increased absorption of solar radiation. Especially in spring, this phenomenon can lead to increased snowmelt, which triggers further feedbacks at the land surface and in the atmosphere. Quantifying the magnitude of dust-induced variations is difficult because of the high variability in the spatial distribution of mineral dust and snow. We present an extension of a fully coupled atmospheric and land surface model system to investigate the effects of mineral dust on snow albedo across Eurasia. In a comprehensive ensemble simulation study, we investigated the short-term effects of an extreme Saharan dust deposition event in 2018. We found region-dependent feedbacks. Mountainous regions and areas near the snowline showed a strong impact from mineral dust deposition. The former showed a particularly strong decrease in snow depth. For instance, in the Caucasus Mountains we found a mean significant decrease in snow depth of -1.4 cm after one week. The latter showed a stronger feedback effect on surface temperature. In the flat region around the snow line, we found a mean significant surface warming of 0.9 K after one week. This study shows that the effects of mineral dust deposition depend on several factors. Primarily, these are elevation, slope, snow depth, and fraction of snow cover. Therefore, especially in complex terrain, it is necessary to use fully coupled models to study the effects of mineral dust on the snowpack and the atmosphere.

How to cite: Rohde, A., Vogel, H., Hoshyaripour, G. A., Kottmeier, C., and Vogel, B.: Regional Impact of Snow-Darkening During a Severe Saharan Dust Deposition Event in 2018 Across Eurasia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7762,, 2023.

EGU23-8920 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

Meridional Saharan dust transport towards higher latitudes 

György Varga, Ágnes Rostási, Adrienn Csávics, Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Outi Meinander, and Fruzsina Gresina

Over the past decades, an increasing number of Saharan dust storm events have been identified across Europe, using satellite measurements and imagery, numerical simulation data, meteorological analyses, air mass dispersion trajectories and surface observations, thus excluding subjective forcing factors. Both the frequency and intensity of dust storm events have been increasing over the last decade.
Saharan dust reached the Carpathian Basin at least 250 times between 1979 and 2022. The episodes of intense dust deposition in Hungary clearly showed the effect of the downwelling of high-latitude jet streams, leading to (1) extreme weather events and intense dust storms in the Atlas region and (2) increased atmospheric meridionality, which transported the large amounts of dust northwards.
To identify such events, we started our research in the North Atlantic region, where we identified 15 Saharan dust storm events in Iceland between 2008 and 2020, two of which were also surface sampled. The scope of these studies has now been extended to 1980 to 2022 to identify further events. Laboratory analyses of the sampled dust material have found abundant quartz particles larger than 100 µm, indicating that large dust particles can sometimes travel thousands of kilometres.
Similar studies have been initiated in the region of Finland, where 59 Saharan dust storm events were identified between 1980 and 2022. Note that we also found 22 dust storm events from the Aral-Caspian region and 5 episodes with Middle Eastern sources.
The research was supported by the NRDI projects FK138692 and RRF-2.3.1-21-2021.

How to cite: Varga, G., Rostási, Á., Csávics, A., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Meinander, O., and Gresina, F.: Meridional Saharan dust transport towards higher latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8920,, 2023.

EGU23-9330 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

Glacier darkening quantified from airborne imaging spectroscopy, Place Glacier, British Columbia, Canada 

Christopher Donahue, Brian Menounos, Nick Viner, Steven Beffort, Santiago Gonzalez Arriola, Rob White, and Derek Heathfield

Seasonal to long-term changes in albedo, or glacier darkening, is a critical parameter for energy and mass balance models. Yet many of these models employ simple parameterization schemes that darken snow and ice surfaces non-linearly through time. This simplification is not representative of the complex controls on albedo that vary spatially and temporally, driven by atmospheric processes, surface-atmosphere interaction, topography, and timing of glacier ice exposure. Albedo also spectrally varies, controlled by concentrations of light absorbing constituents (LACs) in the visible wavelengths and grain size in the near infrared wavelengths. Radiative forcing by LACs can enhance grain growth, leading to more rapid glacier darkening over the full solar spectrum. This process can accelerate as snow and ice melts because LACs tend to accumulate at the surface which can lead to increased radiative forcing over time for some glaciers. As temperatures warm, and aerosols increase due to land use change, drought, fire, and urbanization, it is likely that glacier darkening will intensify. To better quantify seasonal rates of darkening, and understand controls on intra- and interannual variability, we collected and analyzed a rich dataset obtained from imaging spectroscopy and lidar collected over Place Glacier in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Over the years 2021-2022, we acquired monthly data during the period of snow and glacier melt (March to October for 2021 and July to October 2022) using an aircraft with dedicated lidar (Riegl-780) and hyperspectral (Specim-Fenix; 451 bands) sensors. We processed these monthly acquisitions into 1-m, analysis-ready products. We describe our workflow for these products including development of snow and ice surface property retrievals in complex mountainous terrain. Our workflow yields retrievals that include broadband albedo, radiative forcing by LACs, and grain size. Radiative forcing from LACs can originate from abiotic and biotic sources, and we use the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) to interpret our retrievals with respect to contributions from dust and black carbon. We also highlight how these data can be used to understand seasonal glacier darkening events that occurred during a heat dome, snow algae blooms, and a late start to accumulation season. All these events are expected to increase in frequency or intensity due to climate change and hence, a better understanding of these physical processes will lead to improved physical models for future glacier evolution.

How to cite: Donahue, C., Menounos, B., Viner, N., Beffort, S., Gonzalez Arriola, S., White, R., and Heathfield, D.: Glacier darkening quantified from airborne imaging spectroscopy, Place Glacier, British Columbia, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9330,, 2023.

EGU23-16143 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

Multi-scale remote sensing and modeling for estimating liquid water content and LAPs on snow in the European Alps 

Claudia Ravasio, Roberto Garzonio, Biagio Di Mauro, and Roberto Colombo

The spectral reflectance of snow and ice varies widely depending on several quantities related (1) to the local environmental variables, such as the solar zenith angle and the surface slope, (2) to the physical properties of the snow, such as the grain size and the snow liquid content, and (3) to the presence of light-absorbing particles (LAPs).  Different absorption features are displayed in snow spectra. In particular, the absorption at 1030 nm has been exploited for estimating the grain effective radius of snow both from remote and proximal sensing data (Dozier et al., 2009, Garzonio et al., 2018). This absorption feature has been also used for the retrieval of the liquid water content (LWC) of surface snow since it is characterized by a shift toward shorter wavelengths when LWC increases (Green et al., 2006). Taking benefit of this spectral shift of the absorption feature, we applied a continuum removal approach to obtain both the grain equivalent radius and the LWC value. Furthermore, the accumulation of LAPs, such as dust, black carbon, volcanic ash, and pigmented snow algae on the snowpack albedo increases the absorption of solar radiation and induces a positive surface radiative forcing, enhancing the surface melting.

In this contribution, we show a retrieval algorithm to estimate the variables of snow (i.e., snow grain size, snow water equivalent, LAPs concentration) by using the openly available radiative transfer model BioSnicar (Bio-optical Snow, Ice, and Aerosol Radiative model) to simulate the spectral albedo of snow and the absorption of solar light in the snowpack. We present data from two experimental sites located in the Eastern Alps (Stelvio Pass and Brenta Dolomites) collected using a Spectral Evolution spectroradiometer. Measured variables of snow with a Snow Sensor device were compared with those estimated from BioSnicar simulations. Moreover, the impurities content in snow samples collected will be analyzed in a laboratory to better constrain modeling results. Remote sensing is a fundamental tool for characterizing snow cover properties, from the accumulation of LAPs to the wet/dry state of the snow, and the use of satellite sensors (e.g. PRISMA) opens the possibility for monitoring their spatial and temporal variability. This may have an important impact on snow hydrology studies, mainly for monitoring snow melting and improving the management of freshwater resources in the Alpine environment.

How to cite: Ravasio, C., Garzonio, R., Di Mauro, B., and Colombo, R.: Multi-scale remote sensing and modeling for estimating liquid water content and LAPs on snow in the European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16143,, 2023.

EGU23-17351 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

Stable Pb isotope signals in the Arctic: does the general background exist? 

Blanca Astray, Vladislav Chrastný, and Adela Šípková

The crucial historical milestone, phasing out leaded gasoline, has rapidly affected atmospheric Pb's concentration and isotope composition. Distant Arctic localities, often without significant industrial contamination sources, can be influenced by foreign transport. For instance, Greenland is affected by Eurasian and Canadian sources in spring and summer, and North American sources in autumn and winter.

Using snow samples, we chose three Arctic/Subarctic localities of Svalbard, Greenland, and Iceland to study the Pb stable isotope signals from the atmosphere. To learn more about possible sources of Pb pollution, we also processed local rock and fuel samples.

We filtrated the melted snow to analyze the solid snow particles and the dissolved Pb pool in the snow. The Pb isotope composition in the solid particles was more related to the rock samples in Iceland and Greenland. Signals from rock samples in Greenland are less radiogenic than those we found in Icelandic rocks. In Svalbard, the solid particles are enriched with coal content which is still mined at this locality. In filtrates, the signals from fuel (gasoline/diesel) Pb are present, which indicates that the local sources of car and snowmobile traffic are a significant source of Pb in this area. In Greenland, we also found extremely radiogenic signals in filtrate snow samples. The origin of this source would be more likely related to distant sources by transboundary pollution transfer.  

From our data, we conclude that several local and distant sources of Pb exist in pristine Arctic and Subarctic localities. Fuel seems to be the predominant source in Nuuk, while other sources, such as coal, are significant in Iceland and Svalbard, even in areas of higher local traffic.

How to cite: Astray, B., Chrastný, V., and Šípková, A.: Stable Pb isotope signals in the Arctic: does the general background exist?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17351,, 2023.

EGU23-17546 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/AS4 .5

Local dust plume analysis and classification using ground-based remote sensing and microphysical measurement acquired at Lhù’ààn Mân’ (Kluane Lake), Yukon 

Seyedali Sayedain, Norman T. O’Neill, James King, Patrick L. Hayes, Daniel Bellamy, Richard Washington, Sebastian Engelstaedter, Andy Vicente-Luis, Jill Bachelder, and Malo Bernhard

The sub-Arctic Lhù’ààn Mân’ (Kluane Lake) region in the Canadian Yukon is subject to regular drainage wind-induced dust plumes emanating from the Slims River basin. This dust emissions site is just one of many current and potential future proglacial dust sources in the Canadian North. We employed ground-based passive and active remote sensing (RS) techniques to analyze the complementarity and redundancy of such RS retrievals relative to springtime (May 2019) Kluane Lake microphysical measurements. This included correlation analyses between ground-based coarse mode (CM) aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrievals from AERONET AOD spectra, CM AODs derived from co-located Doppler lidar profiles and OPS (Optical Particle Sizer) surface measurements of CM particle-volume concentration ( ). An automated dust classification scheme tied to intercorrelations between lidar-derived CM AOD, AERONET-derived CM AODs and  variations was developed to objectively identify local dust events. Lidar ratios derived from a priori refractive indices and OPS-derived effective radius statistics were also validated using AERONET-derived CM AODs. Bi-modal CM PSDs from AERONET inversions showed CM peaks at ~ 1.3 µm and 5 – 6.6 µm radius: we argued that this was associated with springtime Asian dust and Lhù’ààn Mân’ dust, respectively. Correlations between the CIMEL-derived fine-mode (FM) AOD and FM OPS-derived particle-volume concentration suggest that remote sensing techniques can be employed to monitor FM dust (which is arguably a better indicator of the long-distance transport of HLD).

How to cite: Sayedain, S., O’Neill, N. T., King, J., Hayes, P. L., Bellamy, D., Washington, R., Engelstaedter, S., Vicente-Luis, A., Bachelder, J., and Bernhard, M.: Local dust plume analysis and classification using ground-based remote sensing and microphysical measurement acquired at Lhù’ààn Mân’ (Kluane Lake), Yukon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17546,, 2023.

As cities around the world are growing at a rapid pace, the need to understand their impact on the regional to local climate has become more crucial.  Urban settlements are more affected by extreme weather than rural areas. Localised circulation patterns, the topography of the region and micro-scale systems induced by Land-Use Land-Cover (LULC) can modify regional flows to produce unique patterns in the urban region. National Capital Region (NCR) - Delhi, the second biggest urban settlement globally, reported an almost ~20 fold increase in urban and built-up areas in past decades. NCR urbanisation during the past few decades caused a corresponding increase up to 3–5 and 2–4 K in values of LST and T2m, respectively, while a decrease in the magnitude of surface winds up to 2 m s−1 was noted. The LULC plays a crucial role in meteorological models because they determine the crustal properties that interfere with the exchange of energy, moisture, and momentum between the land surface and the atmosphere. This study attempts to assess the impact of legitimate present-state LULC based on AWiFS in the mesoscale model for simulating monsoon weather over NCR Delhi. The newly implemented AWiFS LULC precisely distinguishes the default MODIS classification used in the model framework. Overall, the AWiFS-based simulations showed an improved performance in predicting the study period during the monsoon.

How to cite: Chalakkal, J. B. and Mohan, M.: Impact of accurate representation of Land Use/Land Cover over the National Capital Region (NCR) Delhi in simulating Monsoon Weather, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-605,, 2023.

EGU23-2418 | Posters on site | ITS2.8/AS1.23

Probabilistic Rainy Season Onset Prediction over the Greater Horn of Africa based on Long-Range Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts 

Michael Scheuerer, Titike Bahaga, Zewdu Segele, and Thordis Thorarinsdottir

Most of the socioeconomic activities in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) region are rain dependent, and economic sectors such as agriculture, hydroelectric power generation, and health would greatly benefit from reliable information about onset, cessation, intensity, and frequency of rainfall. 
In a seasonal climate forecast at lead times on the order of weeks or months, uncertainty about these variables is significant, making a case for probabilistic forecasting where uncertainties are communicated along with the forecast.

We present results of an evaluation of the skill of probabilistic rainy season onset forecasts over GHA, which were derived from bias-corrected, long-range, multi-model ensemble precipitation forecasts. A careful analysis of the contribution of the different forecast systems to the overall multi-model skill shows that the improvement over the best performing individual model can largely be explained by the increased ensemble size. An alternative way of increasing ensemble size by blending a single model ensemble with climatology is explored and demonstrated to yield better probabilistic forecasts than the multi-model ensemble. Both reliability and skill of the probabilistic forecasts are better for OND onset than for MAM and JJAS; for the two latter, forecasts are found to be late biased and have only minimal skill relative to climatology. While the overall level of skill is limited in our setup where predictions are made at a horizontal resolution of 0.25 degrees, we find that especially OND forecast skill increases substantially under a metric that evaluates the forecasts at coarser spatial scales.

How to cite: Scheuerer, M., Bahaga, T., Segele, Z., and Thorarinsdottir, T.: Probabilistic Rainy Season Onset Prediction over the Greater Horn of Africa based on Long-Range Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2418,, 2023.

Western Equatorial Africa (WEA) is characterized by a long and cloudy dry season extending from June to September. So far, no study has investigated the intra-seasonal characteristics of this dry season especially its onset and cessation dates. In our study, the onset and cessation dates are determined over the 38-year period 1983–2020, using daily surface solar radiation (SSR) data from CMSAF SARAH-2. The maximum and minimum values of the cumulative anomalies of a regional index, for each year, are used to extract the onset and cessation dates. The mean onset date of the dry season in the region is May 17, the mean cessation date is October 3. We obtain very distinct anomaly patterns of SSR but also of low-level clouds and precipitation before/after the onset/cessation dates. The onset and cessation dates show strong year-to-year variability but no significant trend is detected over the 4 decades studied. Lastly, the cumulative anomalies for each year are also used to classify the dry seasons according to the SSR intra-seasonal evolution. Three types of years are obtained which are associated to different patterns of SST anomalies in the tropics.

How to cite: Ouhechou, A., Philippon, N., and Morel, B.: Detection and characterization of the onset and cessation dates of the dry season in Western Equatorial Africa based on solar radiation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4418,, 2023.

EGU23-5395 | Posters virtual | ITS2.8/AS1.23

Potential shift of rainy seasons’ onset and cessation under climate change scenarios in West Africa 

Torsten Weber, Imoleayo E. Gbode, Amadou Coulibaly, Daniel Abel, Karin Ziegler, Jean-Bosco B. Zoungrana, Seydou B. Traore, and Heiko Paeth

Information on the onset and cessation of rainy seasons is an important prerequisite for planning the sowing of crops in West Africa. A late onset, but also too early cessation of a rainy season, has a direct impact on plant growth and thus on the crop yield in the region. However, onset and cessation dates of rainy seasons can change under future climatic conditions. Therefore, this information is key for stakeholders and decision-makers to mainstream climate change into agricultural activities and policies for better adaptation in the region.

To obtain information on the onset and cessation of rainy seasons on a regional scale under future climate change, Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are applied to dynamically downscale global climate projections generated by Earth System Models (ESMs). Therefore, regional climate projections provide more detailed information due to the higher spatial resolution compared to the climate projections generated by ESMs.

The study will show initial results on the onset and cessation of rainy seasons in West Africa under two emission scenarios using the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6 and 8.5 for the end of the century (2071-2100 vs. 1981-2010). The regional climate projections are taken from the Coordinated Output for Regional Evaluations (CORE) embedded in the WCRP Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) for Africa with a spatial resolution of about 25 km. In this initiative, three different RCMs (REMO2015, RegCM4-7, and CCLM5-0-15) were applied to perform the downscaling process.

How to cite: Weber, T., Gbode, I. E., Coulibaly, A., Abel, D., Ziegler, K., Zoungrana, J.-B. B., Traore, S. B., and Paeth, H.: Potential shift of rainy seasons’ onset and cessation under climate change scenarios in West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5395,, 2023.

The Climate Predictability Tool (CPT) is a well established tool for creating calibrated objective predictions of seasonal rainfall anomalies, and is used for this purpose by many institutions including  the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)  to create operational forecasts for the Greater Horn of Africa wet seasons. CPT can also be used to predict other variables such as wet season onset. Such predictions require a non spatially dependent definition of onset, in our case we define onset as the number of days into the season when rainfall reaches 10% of seasonal rainfall for that location. The CPT forecasts are created by detecting relationships between predictions of precipitation and SST from global dynamical forecasting systems and observed onset patterns using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA).  CPT has the advantage that skill statistics are automatically produced for assessing the performance of the forecasts. CPT forecasts of Short rains (October-December) onset have been found to have useful skill.

How to cite: Colman, A.: Hybrid dynamical/statistical forecasts of wet season onset using CCA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7802,, 2023.

Monsoon onset is the most awaited event for more than a billion people in India because monsoon rainfall is a source of life for the population. The abruptness of the transition to monsoon and its spatial and temporal variability from year to year are key features of the phenomenon that makes predicting the monsoon's onset a scientific challenge. According to Ananthakrishnan and Soman, 1988, [1], the onset of a monsoon is a transition from a regime of sporadic rainfall to spatially organized and temporally sustained rainfall. Our recent study [2] added a single word to this definition by discovering that a transition to monsoon is a 'critical' transition. We defined two states in the transition: pre-monsoon and monsoon. Between two states must be a critical point - a threshold in the atmospheric variables (near-surface air temperature, relative humidity). We found that the monsoon begins when the variables overcome a critical threshold. This funding allowed us to develop and successfully implement [3] the methodology of the long-term forecast of monsoon onset and withdrawal in Central India, Northern Telangana, and Delhi: 40 days before the onset date and 70 days before the withdrawal date. Building on these findings, I move forward to understand how to describe the critical conditions for a local onset and withdrawal of monsoon in every state in India, where the monsoon forecast desperately needs.

Here, I present a definition of monsoon onset for every location based on critical values of three atmospheric variables: temperature (Tc), relative humidity (RHc), and outgoing longwave radiation (OLRc). The OLR is included in the critical points set because it is a crucial indicator for the upcoming monsoon characterizing convective activity, implying scarcity or deep convective clouds. The critical values (Tc, RHc, OLRc) for every location can be revealed from the historical observations: near-surface temperature and relative humidity at 1000 hPa from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and OLR data from NOAA. The three critical points do not always appear simultaneously; the dates might differ from one to three days. Hence, monsoon onset occurs when all three variables pass a critical threshold. I anticipate the definition to be a starting point for other monsoon-related applications, such as planning agriculture season, the water and energy recourses management.

Importantly, a vulnerable period could appear between monsoon onset and sustainable rainfall - a dry spell after initial rainfall strongly affecting the agriculture sector. I work towards a deeper understanding of the precursors of a dry spell and its extremes and uncover how to avoid false alarms that are disastrous for farming.

ES acknowledges the financial support of the B-EPICC project (18_II_149_Global_A_Risikovorhersage) funded by FFO.

[1] Ananthakrishnan R., and M. K. Soman, 1988: The onset of southwest monsoon over Kerala: 1901-1980. J. Climatol., 8, 283–296.

[2] Stolbova, V., E. Surovyatkina, B. Bookhagen, and J. Kurths (2016): Tipping elements of the Indian monsoon: Prediction of onset and withdrawal. GRL 43, 1–9 [doi:10.1002/2016GL068392]


How to cite: Surovyatkina, E.: Local onset of monsoon defined by critical values of atmospheric variables: Indian summer monsoon case, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8441,, 2023.

EGU23-10749 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.8/AS1.23

Delayed response of the onset of the summer monsoon over the Bay of Bengal to land–sea thermal contrast 

Sun Weihao, Liu Yimin, and Wu Guoxiong

The mechanisms involved in the onset of the Bay of Bengal summer monsoon (BOBSM) were studied using reanalysis data and numerical model experiments. Results revealed that the weak meridional land–sea thermal contrast (LSTC) over the northern BOB in early spring enhances the lower-tropospheric easterly belt along 10°–15°N, which is unfavorable for the BOBSM onset. The BOBSM onset is driven by the cumulative impact of this LSTC along with the LSTC in the meridional direction across the equator and in the zonal direction across the tropics, together with air–sea interactions. While the LSTC intensifies over the northern BOB, a near-surface northward cross-equatorial flow develops south of India, inducing springtime zonal flow and surface sensible heating over the southern BOB and a pair of cyclones straddling the equator over the central Indian Ocean at 700 hPa. The zonal LSTC in the tropics generates near-surface cyclones over land and anticyclones over the sea. This induces a zonal SST warm pool around 10°N, which produces vertical westerly wind shear to the north and weakens the wintertime easterly aloft and the anticyclone to its north. As the cyclone over southern India develops eastward, the cyclone below 700 hPa develops northward over the eastern BOB in response to the enhancing tropical westerly and surface sensible heating. The wintertime anticyclonic belt and easterly belt split, and the southerly carries water vapor northward over the eastern BOB, heralding the onset of the BOBSM and presenting a delayed response to the springtime LSTC changes.

How to cite: Weihao, S., Yimin, L., and Guoxiong, W.: Delayed response of the onset of the summer monsoon over the Bay of Bengal to land–sea thermal contrast, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10749,, 2023.

EGU23-12235 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.8/AS1.23

Characterizing the growing period using seasonal rainfall onset dates in the semi-arid region of Tanzania 

Jacob Joseph, Anthony Whitbread, Reimund Roetter, and Elena Surovyatkina

Rainfall characteristics such as onset and cessation dates, seasonal rainfall amount, and distribution significantly impact agricultural production in rainfed systems. Studies have found that timely crop planning is necessary to maximize crop production and increase the resilience and sustainability of the rain-fed system. Thus, timely and accurate prediction of seasonal rainfall characteristics is crucial to enhance effective crop planning and minimize climate-induced crop production risks. The present study used seasonal rainfall onset dates computed using a long-term dataset, i.e., 1935–2020, acquired from the Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) using Liebmann’s method to characterize the growing period in the semi-arid region of Tanzania—Kongwa district. Liebmann’s method was used due to its proven suitability in both hydrological and agronomical applications. We further used the well-known climate indices, i.e., the SOI (Southern Oscillation Index), the IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole), and NINO 3.4 averaged over the July–September period in the decision tree model, to predict the onset dates and characterize the growing period. We found the late-onset seasons—two weeks after the 7th of December—had lower rainfall (17% less than the climatological mean) and were at least 15 days shorter than the climatologically normal growing period. Moreover, the variability in seasonal rainfall in the late-onset season (CV = 28%) was found to be at least 5% higher than in the early-onset season. Late-onset seasons had a 40% chance of receiving the minimum amount of rainfall required for high-water-demand cereals like maize (450 mm). We also found SOI to be a good predictor of onset dates compared to NINO 3.4 and IOD. The SOI predicted well both normal and late-onset infections—50% and 68% precision (hit rate), respectively—compared to the IOD and NINO 3.4, whose precision was less than 10% in predicting the late onset and about 63% in predicting the normal onset. Although our results are useful to guide crop planning before the season, we recommend further studies to examine the agronomical and economic impacts the onset dates would have on crop productivity.

How to cite: Joseph, J., Whitbread, A., Roetter, R., and Surovyatkina, E.: Characterizing the growing period using seasonal rainfall onset dates in the semi-arid region of Tanzania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12235,, 2023.

EGU23-12834 | Posters on site | ITS2.8/AS1.23

Rainy season onset and cessation over the Greater Horn of Africa area: definitions and forecasts. 

Rondrotiana Barimalala, Masilin Gudoshava, Teferi Demissie, Stefan Sobolowski, Erik Kolstad, and Michael Scheuerer

The demand for more accurate forecasts in rainy season onset, length and cessation has significantly increased over the Greater Horn of Africa area. Recent failed rainy seasons, and an extended drought over much of the region, have highlighted the need for both reliable and timely forecasts so that action can be taken proactively rather than reactively. One of the major challenges in the weather and climate science community is how to appropriately define and characterize onset in such a way that is both robust and useful to the stakeholders.

As part of the EU H2020 project CONFER (Co-production of Climate Services for east Africa), we revisit the rainfall onset and cessation definitions used over the subcontinent, with a particular focus on the large discrepancies, reaching up to 50 days, in the onset and cessation dates that emerge from different definitions. The climate over the Greater Horn of Africa is highly variable with most of the region classified as arid and semi-arid and only a few areas classified as humid. A regionalization of the thresholds used in the definitions that more accurately accounts for user needs and the amount of total rainfall an area receives is suggested. These regional details are then combined with a probabilistic approach developed in CONFER, based on a widely available multi-model seasonal forecast ensemble, to predict rainy season onset over the Greater Horn of Africa area.

How to cite: Barimalala, R., Gudoshava, M., Demissie, T., Sobolowski, S., Kolstad, E., and Scheuerer, M.: Rainy season onset and cessation over the Greater Horn of Africa area: definitions and forecasts., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12834,, 2023.

EGU23-14836 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.8/AS1.23

Evaluating the Performance of the WRF model in reproducing the Rainfall Onset and Cessation  over Eastern  Africa 

Masilin Gudoshava, Titike Bahaga, Rondrotiana Barimalala, Stefan Sobolowski, Zachary Atheru, Teferi Demissie, and Guleid Artan

Knowledge of the onset, cessation and length of the rainy season is important for decision-making in various climate sensitive sectors over Eastern Africa. In the agricultural sector for example the forecast information on these characteristics can be used to decide on when and what to plant.  We customize the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model over the region and evaluate the skill of producing the onset and cessation over the region. The WRF regional climate model is utilised in sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting over the region.  We utilize the threshold on accumulated rainfall method for calculating the rainfall onset and cessation as is currently done operationally over the region by the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre.   The customization experiments focus on the land surface, cumulus and microphysics schemes for the long rains (March-April- May), June to September and the short rains (October-November-December). In this study 3 land surface schemes, 5 cumulus and 6 microphysics schemes are utilized in combination with other physics schemes.  The WRF model is able to simulate the seasonal rainfall over the region. In addition it is shown that some physics combinations represent the onset and cessation  dates  better compared to others. The preliminary results  highlight the usefulness of the WRF model in reproducing the onset and cessation characteristics over the region. 

How to cite: Gudoshava, M., Bahaga, T., Barimalala, R., Sobolowski, S., Atheru, Z., Demissie, T., and Artan, G.: Evaluating the Performance of the WRF model in reproducing the Rainfall Onset and Cessation  over Eastern  Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14836,, 2023.

While it is well known that the interannual variability of Kiremt (boreal summer) Rains in Ethiopia is forced by Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the Pacific Ocean, the mechanisms for ENSO-Kiremt Rains teleconnections and the role of other oceans are not fully understood. In this study, the Ethiopian Kiremt Rains interannual variability was analyzed using observational data and higher-resolution SST-forced ICON experiments for the period 1981–2017. Such fine-grid global and two-way nests over the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) were carried out here for the first time. The physical mechanisms that link ENSO influence on the Kiremt Rains in the model and ERA5 reanalysis are also investigated. It is found that the model reasonably simulates the main features of the JJAS rainfall climatology over GHA and also reproduces horizontal wind intensity and patterns at (150, 600, 850, and 925- hPa) levels over Africa. It is shown that there is a substantial skill in reproducing the leading modes of Kiremt Rains interannual variability (r = 0.64), given the SSTs are known. The results suggest that the majority (> 50%) of Kiremt Rains anomalies are driven by Equatorial Pacific SST variability, while the SST effects from other regions counteracted ENSO impact in the model. Consistent with previous studies, it is found that the El Niño phase of the ENSO drives a corresponding large-scale circulation anomaly, which weakens the monsoon trough over the Arabian Peninsula, and descending motion and upper-level convergence right over Ethiopia. The subsidence over the GHA region induces upper (lower) level westerly (easterly) wind anomalies over North Africa, weakening Tropical Easterly Jet, Somali Low-Level Jet, and reducing the moist westerly from Atlantic and Congo basin, and thus a reduction of Kiremt Rains over Ethiopia. The opposite pattern is considered under La Niña events and enhanced surface westerlies leading to wetter Kiremt Rains. This mechanism represents an anomalous Walker-type circulation for the ENSO-Kiremt Rains teleconnection. The results will have ramifications for climate model improvement and seasonal forecast improvement in Ethiopia and GHA.

How to cite: Bahaga, T.: Representation of the Mean Climate and Interannual Variability of Kiremt Rains over the Ethiopian Highlands within ICON AMIP Simulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16914,, 2023.

The  onset  of  the  southwest  monsoon  over  Kerala  (Southern tip of India) is  very  crucial  as  it  marks  the  beginning  of  the rainy  season  for  Indian  land  mass.  The  onset  of  the  broad  scale  Asian  monsoon  occur  in  many  stages  associated with the significant  transitions  in  the  large-scale  atmospheric  and  ocean  circulations  over  the  region.  Along with this, the changes in sea surface temperature (SST) and convective activity over the north Indian Ocean also play crucial roles during the onset and advance of monsoon over India. Recent analysis (based on data from 1971 to 2019) by India Meteorological Department (IMD) on the onset & withdrawal of southwest monsoon over India compared to the earlier onset and withdrawal dates (based on the rainfall data from 1901 to 1940) has found variations in onset and withdrawal dates over different parts of India.


        The variability of SST and convective activity over the north Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea) on inter-annual time scales and their association with the onset and withdrawal of southwest monsoon over India has been analysed by using 42-year (1980-2021) monthly mean outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data. The 42-year period is categorised into two groups of 21 years each (Former: 1980-2000 & Later: 2021-2021). The inter-annual variability of SST shows significant increasing trends over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal with a comparatively higher rate of increase of SST over the Arabian Sea. Associated with this increasing SST, the degree of moist static convective instability and associated convective rainfall is also increasing during later period compared to the former period with a magnitude of difference is higher over the Arabian Sea compared to the Bay of Bengal.

         The analysis also indicated that there is a rapid progress of monsoon to the north after its onset over the southern tip of India leading to early onset over parts of northern India.  Similarly, there is a delayed withdrawal of monsoon from northwest India in later period compared to the former period, which is basically, due to the increasing convective activity over the north Arabian Sea and neighbourhood during the onset and withdrawal phase of monsoon.

How to cite: Pattanaik, D. R.: Recent Changes in Onset and Withdrawal Characteristics of Monsoon over India in Relation to Variability of SST and Convection over the Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17236,, 2023.

EGU23-17545 | Posters virtual | ITS2.8/AS1.23

Major drivers of East African Monsoon variability and improved prediction for Onset dates 

Indrani Roy, Alberto Troccoli, and Meshack Mliwa

Monsoon rain and its year-to-year variability have a profound influence on Africa’s socio-economic structure by heavily impacting agricultural and energy sectors.  The current study focuses on major drivers of the east African Monsoon during October-November-December (OND) which is a common onset window for various rainfall patterns, unimodal or bimodal. Major drivers of monsoon rain in the East African sector, covering Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya and Somalia could be different in early or extended boreal winter, due to the relative positioning of the Intertropical convergence zone and its seasonal migration -hence the location and season is the focus here.

Two drivers viz. Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) both separately  indicate very strong positive connections with monsoon(OND) rain. Not only is a strong significant correlation present in OND season with zero seasonal lag, but the signal is also present even a season ahead (before four months too).  This is also confirmed using various data sources, detrending the data, using regression technique and covering even earlier as well as later periods.  To further strengthen results, a compositing technique is applied that can additionally identify strong signals when different combinations of ENSO and IOD phases act as confounding factors. Results of precipitation anomaly suggest that when IOD and ENSO are both on the same phase in July-August-September (JAS), a significant OND rainfall anomaly is noticed around the east African sector: a deficit (excess) of monsoon rain when both drivers are in the negative (positive) phase. Walker circulation seems to play a major part in transporting signals, via reversing its ascending or descending branch over the regions, when IOD and ENSO are in the same phase. These results can be used for prediction purposes and interestingly, that criterion of IOD and ENSO being of same phase in JAS was again matched in 2022 (both negative) and hence it was possible to deliver early warnings for a deficit in the rain, a season ahead.

Methods to compute the Monsoon Onset as determined by meteorological services such as the Tanzania Meteorological Authority rely on various thresholds (these can vary according to the country). To overcome some of the biases with such methods, other definitions of ‘Onset’ take into account cumulative rainfall amount: these have also been tested. Late (early) Onsets dominate years when ENSO and IOD are both in their negative (positive) phases during the JAS season. The cumulative rainfall and Onset days are correlated such that early Onsets are usually associated with more seasonal rainfall and vice versa. Uncertainty in cumulative rain as well as the Onset date of the OND Monsoon is reduced to a large degree when years are categorised based on ENSO and IOD phases of the previous season. Such results have implications for future planning in optimizing agricultural and energy outputs, mitigating severe consequences and losses, alongside taking advantage of favourable weather scenarios. It will impact the livelihoods of millions of Africans. 

How to cite: Roy, I., Troccoli, A., and Mliwa, M.: Major drivers of East African Monsoon variability and improved prediction for Onset dates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17545,, 2023.

ITS3 – Sustainable energy, geo-resources, and land-use for the future

EGU23-1285 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Circular approach for industrial water management via water balance and LCA: A poultry slaughterhouse case study 

Chuan Jiet Teo, Thomas Wintgens, and Johann Poinapen

Ensuring the availability and sustainable water management not only is one of the UN SDGs, but sustainable water production is also one of the main accelerating global challenges within the upcoming decades. Unless the efficiency of water use rises, this imbalance of available freshwater resources and the increasing consumption will reduce freshwater ecosystem services. Industries are one of the largest freshwater consumers. Despite the huge potential to tackle water scarcity, industrial (waste)water management is often underlooked and has become a barrier to overcome to complete the transition towards a circular economy. This means designing for resource (water) minimisation and reduced hazards (such as phosphorus and heavy metals). A decentralised wastewater treatment, in association with local organisation and governance, is increasingly recognised as one of the options to contribute towards increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment and closing the industrial water loop by the recovery and reuse of the treated wastewater. However, the design of an industrial water treatment system is a complex problem that involves different trade-offs (i.e. use of energy vs use of chemicals). In this context, life cycle assessment (LCA) offers an opportunity to evaluate the environmental sustainability of these technologies and processes, identifying the environmental impacts of the processes in the value chain by capturing trade-offs across various categories of environmental concern.

Circular water management for a slaughterhouse is especially relevant for the sustainable transition towards a circular economy. Throughout the value chain of livestock processing, the slaughterhouse is the second largest user of water, and also a potentially significant point source of pollution to local ecosystems and communities.

The objective of this study is to apply LCA and water footprint analysis to evaluate the environmental impact and missed opportunity of treating industrial wastewater streams generated from a poultry slaughterhouse located in Romania. LCA will be carried out at the planning and design levels of the wastewater system to allow analysis to be done regarding alternative wastewater management strategies, considering different treatment schemes including retrofitting physical-chemical treatment and biological treatment as separate scenarios. The foreground data is based on field data collection that considers effluent qualities. The background inventories are based on the Ecoinvent database v.3. The life cycle impact assessment is applied on both the characterised and normalised levels using the Environmental Footprint (EF) method.

How to cite: Teo, C. J., Wintgens, T., and Poinapen, J.: Circular approach for industrial water management via water balance and LCA: A poultry slaughterhouse case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1285,, 2023.

EGU23-1435 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/ERE4.7 | Highlight

Social and environmental impacts associated with fossil and mineral supply chains - a quantitative assessment of the EU’s international spillover effects 

Arunima Malik, Guillaume Lafortune, Camille Mora, Sarah Carter, and Manfred Lenzen

Fossil and mineral raw materials enable sustainable development and undermine it, causing unintended and detrimental environmental and social impacts via extraction and production processes. The reliance of humans on minerals has led to wide-scale mining and depletion of resources. In this study, we analyse how consumer demand in the European Union drives environmental and social impacts in mining sectors worldwide. We employ multi-regional input-output analysis to quantify positive (i.e., income, female and male employment) and negative (greenhouse gas emissions, accidents at work, and modern slavery) impacts of mining in raw material sectors, as indicators of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We trace these environmen­tal and social impacts across the EU’s trading partners to identify sectors and regions as hotspots of international spillovers embodied in the EU’s consumer demand and find that these hotspots are wide-ranging in all continents. We estimate that across all sectors, EU’s consumption is associated with about 4200 cases of fatal accidents at work and 1.2 million cases of modern slavery annually. Raw material supply chains are respectively responsible for 5% and 3% of these totals, but also 14% of imported GHG emissions. These impacts take place primarily in Central Asia and the Asia Pacific as well as Africa. Our results underline the need for further reforms in mining industries and trade policies to eradicate modern slavery and other adverse social and environmental impacts and to implement safe workplaces for workers. Our results also highlight the need for transitioning to circularity in global supply chains for addressing the climate crisis.

How to cite: Malik, A., Lafortune, G., Mora, C., Carter, S., and Lenzen, M.: Social and environmental impacts associated with fossil and mineral supply chains - a quantitative assessment of the EU’s international spillover effects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1435,, 2023.

EGU23-2198 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Biogenic waste transformation into resources through anaerobic digestion 

You-Yi Lee and Chihhao Fan

A large amount of agricultural byproducts and animal husbandry waste have been produced due to the inevitable agricultural practice for human survival. The utilization of agricultural and animal husbandry residues in waste-to-energy technologies has become an eye-catching issue over years because of the concept of circular economy for sustainable development. These biogenic residues possess a high content of organic carbon such as sugars, proteins, and lipids and are being dumped into landfills or incinerated, causing severe environmental challenges and the waste of available resources. Anaerobic digestion (AD) provides a sustainable route for resource circular utilization in agriculture and husbandry waste. The dry anaerobic digestion process is adopted to treat biogenic waste including outer leaves of cabbage (C), litter (L), and pig manure (PM) in the present study. Different from the main target of past studies to enhance biomethane production, this study aimed to transform the waste into saccharides and organic acids which are the intermediates in AD processes (i.e. hydrolysis and acidogenesis phases) and can be further refined or utilized in various industries. For instance, succinic acid of high economic benefits can be obtained through transforming AD digestate. Hence, Saccharomyces cerevisiae was chosen as the microbial inoculum due to its non-gas-generating characteristic. The results of batch AD experiments for 35 days showed that the optimum feedstock mass mixture ratios are C:L = 2:1, C:L = 3:1, C:PM = 2:1, and C:PM = 3:1 since the observation of more saccharides formation. Moreover, the optimal feedstock-to-inoculum ratio (F/I ratio) is 1:1 and the best AD operation temperature is 50℃. The substance flow analysis was established based on the measurement of key AD products (i.e. saccharides, organic acids, CH4, CO2, and digestate). The batch experiments was scaled up to the 10L continuously-stirred reaction tank to determine the feasibility of in situ AD practice. In comparison to the traditional way to deal with agriculture and husbandry waste, AD is promising to be a valorized treatment to convert waste into reusable bioproducts which enables economic and environmental benefits to realize the concept of the circular economy.

How to cite: Lee, Y.-Y. and Fan, C.: Biogenic waste transformation into resources through anaerobic digestion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2198,, 2023.

Extended over 85.4 km2 with more than 2.5 million date palm trees, Al-Ahsa oasis in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia is the largest oasis in Arabian Peninsula and probably in the world. The oasis became a World Heritage site in 2018 and has also been part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network since 2015. The urban expansion and the transition from farms being the main source of income to farms being lifestyle properties, has changed the farm management practices. However, farm ownership continues to be a very strong feature of Al Ahsa communities, with livestock raising integrated with the cultivation of date palms. In oasis farms, date palms products are used as animal feed while animal manure is used as date palm fertilizer. Unfortunately, the huge stockpiles of date palm fronds and burning within the oasis suggest that the waste management practices may not be environmentally sustainable. Therefore, this study was carried out to assess the impact of livestock raising on the oasis farms soil conditions. The methodology followed in the study involved site visits to farms, reviewing related reports and articles on farm management practices and water quality. Key findings of the study indicated that livestock raising on date palm farms has significantly increased over the last 4 decades. Since the 1970’s, the number of farms housing cows has increased from 34% to 100%, and the number with hybrid poultry farms has increased from 4% to 50%. Results indicated that the reuse of all cow and chicken sand / manure mixes, generated on oasis farms, as fertilizer would increase the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by 17, 32 and 8 times respectively, over the recommended levels. Moreover, further application of manure from intensive chicken and dairy enterprises located near the oasis as fertilizer is not sustainable and lead to several environmental impacts. To reduce these impacts, the study recommends the development of a composting facility for the date palm fronds which may provide a sustainable alternative waste management system for the green and livestock wastes. In addition, farmers could benefit from both a high volume, low cost mulch that could be produced from date palm pruning, and a low volume, higher cost composted soil conditioner that could be produced from low nutrient shredded green waste and high nutrient livestock waste. Reuse of these recycled products within the urban centers could improve water use efficiency and protect landscape plantings from sand storms, and could replace imported soil conditioners. These alternative waste management strategies will reduce the nutrient pressure on the oasis by redirecting organic products processed from farm wastes for beneficial reuse in urban centers.   

How to cite: Tawabini, B.: Sustainable Agriculture Waste Management Strategies: Case Study from Al-Ahsa Oasis, Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2280,, 2023.

This research focuses on the reutilization strategy and plan of the electric vehicle battery as the main body, if the battery is replaced. Under different development scenarios of electric vehicles, there will be uncertainty in the amount of electric vehicle batteries to be replaced later. At the same time, the service life of electric vehicle batteries may be slightly different in different years of production. Therefore, it is necessary to understand through data collection and actual interviews. Regardless of the number and the original service life, as long as it is judged that the battery must be replaced, if it can enter the reuse system and reuse it as an energy storage device in a different way, it will immediately show the extended battery energy service. Benefits, reduce environmental impact, improve resource utilization efficiency, etc.After the battery pack of the electric locomotive is replaced after regular maintenance, it may be necessary to distinguish and understand different battery states again. If it can be used again, there will be differences in the battery energy storage methods required for different battery usage habits derived from different solutions (for example, whether it is frequently charged and discharged, and whether it is more necessary to output electric energy stably). In addition to consumption habits, there are also uncertainties and situations in the use demand.The research methods that need to be used include: material flow analysis (MFA), life cycle analysis (Life cycle analysis LCA), etc. In the end, we can put forward the concept of circular economy, hoping to establish a plan or model that has economic feasibility, so that the plan may really be implemented. Therefore, in the evaluation of the program, the service of the battery is viewed from the overall life cycle, and the indicators that can be provided include resource service efficiency, energy service efficiency, and environmental impact. 

How to cite: Wang, Y.-S. and Kuo, N.: The strategy of recycling electric vehicle batteries from the perspective of circular economy in Taipei city, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2316,, 2023.

EGU23-4293 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Towards Circular Economy by Using Green Concrete in the Egyptian Building Sector 

Heba Marey, Gábor Kozma, and György Szabó

Concrete is considered the most anthropogenic material used in the construction sector worldwide. It is associated with consuming massive amounts of energy and the depletion of natural resources, based on the increasing Egyptian urban expansion by establishing new cities to face the population growth challenges and achieve the national development strategy. The importance of applying the Circular Economy (CE) for concrete materials in the building sector became a robust key for reducing conventional concrete (CC) materials and addressing the building materials' future challenges. This study investigates the benefits of Green Concrete (GC) materials and their potential for supporting the principles of achieving circularity for concrete materials in the Egyptian building sector. Furthermore, develop a conceptual framework for using GC from the building scale perspective in two new Egyptian cities. The study attempts to answer how GC materials help achieve a circular economy and the potential benefits of integrating different CE strategies for using GC in the Egyptian building sector. The evidence-based solutions (EBS) methodology was used for collecting and analyzing data for assessing the environmental impacts based on reducing the natural resources consumption, recycling, and reusing waste products in the Egyptian building sector. Case studies are used to provide in-depth insights into the practicalities of GC. Applying the before-and-after (BAA) technique for two building models highlights the challenges and opportunities for substituting CC with GC to assess the interactive factors for achieving CE and applying sustainability. The results showed valuable insights into the potential for using GC to support the CE and have a strong ability to reduce natural resources consumption and construction waste stream, which leads to close the loop and achieving circularity in the Egyptian building sector, and recommended that Design for Recycling (DfR) strategy is the most need for improving the using of GC in the building sectors.

Keywords, Green Concrete, Circular Economy, Evidence-based Solutions, Egyptian building sector

How to cite: Marey, H., Kozma, G., and Szabó, G.: Towards Circular Economy by Using Green Concrete in the Egyptian Building Sector, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4293,, 2023.

EGU23-4460 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Investigation of Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash Reactivity into Magnesium Phosphate Cement 

Davide Bernasconi, Alberto Viani, Lucie Zárybnická, Gangadhar Das, Elisa Borfecchia, Caterina Caviglia, Enrico Destefanis, Roberto Gobetto, and Alessandro Pavese

Municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWI-FA) is one of the solid by-products of MSWI treatment, accounting for about 1–3% of the total incinerated waste. FA forms in the plant purification system and bears important amount of heavy metals and salt (chloride and sulphate), therefore it is considered as hazardous waste (Bernasconi et al, 2022). For this reason, FA is required to undergo stabilization/inertization treatment (one of the most common is water washing), before being landfilled or used as secondary/supplementary raw materials. In this latter case, few studies have evaluated the incorporation of waste residues into magnesium potassium phosphate cements (MKPCs), mainly focussing on coal fly ash and grounded blast furnace slag (Gardner et al., 2015; Xu et al, 2017). They represent an example of chemically-bonded ceramics, in which the hardening occurs at room temperature through the acid-base aqueous reaction between an alkaline magnesia source (MgO) and a phosphate source (KDP, KH2PO4), according to the following chemical equation:

MgO + KH2PO4 + 5H2O → MgKPO4·6H2O (K-struvite)

This reaction is fast, exothermic and its mechanism has been described as a multi-step process (Viani et al., 2018). MKPCs are receiving increasing interest because of their excellent properties, namely high early age and long-term strengths, resistance to sulphate attack, rapid setting, near-neutral pH, low shrinkage (Xu et al, 2017). However, there are also some drawbacks, mainly related to the fast kinetics and expensive cost of the starting materials, since MgO needs to be calcinated at high temperature (at least 1500°C). The introduction of FA would be economically beneficial both by reducing the amount of MgO needed and providing a destination for a waste residue which otherwise would require important management costs.

In this work, the incorporation of washed MSWI-FA into MKPC is studied, paying major attention on how and in what extent MSWI-FA participates in the cement reaction. Indeed, an approach similar to the one adopted by Xu et al is employed, where the design strategy takes into account the reactivity of MSWI-FA. In particular, one formulation treats MSWI-FA as fully inert, replacing both magnesia and KDP, while in another one MSWI-FA is considered as fully reactive, thus replacing magnesia only. The obtained cement pastes are thoroughly characterized by employing spectroscopic (SSNMR, Zn K-edge XANES), X-ray diffraction, SEM-EDS and isocalorimetry techniques.



  • D. Bernasconi, C. Caviglia, E. Destefanis, A. Agostino, R. Boero, N. Marinoni, C. Bonadiman, A. Pavese. Influence of speciation distribution and particle size on heavy metal leaching from MSWI fly ash, Waste Management, 138 (2022), 318-327.
  • L.J. Gardner, S.A. Bernal, S.A. Walling, C.L. Corkhill, J.L. Provis, N.C. Hyatt. Characterisation of magnesium potassium phosphate cements blended with fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag, Cement and Concrete Research, 74 (2015), 78-87.
  • B. Xu, H. Ma, H. Shao, Z. Li, B. Lothenbach. Influence of fly ash on compressive strength and micro-characteristics of magnesium potassium phosphate cement mortars. Cement and Concrete Research, 99 (2017), 86-94.
  • A. Viani, P. Mácová. Polyamorphism and frustrated crystallization in the acid–base reaction of magnesium potassium phosphate cements, CrystEngComm, 20 (2018), 4600.

How to cite: Bernasconi, D., Viani, A., Zárybnická, L., Das, G., Borfecchia, E., Caviglia, C., Destefanis, E., Gobetto, R., and Pavese, A.: Investigation of Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash Reactivity into Magnesium Phosphate Cement, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4460,, 2023.

EGU23-5273 | Posters on site | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

MSWI fly ash steam washing, aimed to reach a condition of non-hazardous waste and to their possible reuse. 

Caterina Caviglia, Davide Bernasconi, Enrico Destefanis, Costanza Bonadiman, and Alessandro Pavese

Due to the high content of heavy metals and soluble salts, municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWI FA) is classified as hazardous waste and its reuse is limited for their environmental risks. This work analyzes the steam washing application, to remove chlorides and heavy metals from MSWI FA, in order to reach a condition of non-hazardous waste, making them more suitable for stabilization as geopolymers or cement. The target of the steam application is both a sustainable and optimized utilization of water, to reduce the waste-water, and to take the advantage of the heat generation to dissolve most of the soluble salts; moreover, the steam is a resource that can be generated directly at the incineration plant. Steam washing experiments were performed under different conditions of flux and humidity, continuously monitored by sensors, keeping a low enthalpy steam (T< 100°C) for some cycles of washing; a vacuum pressure was applied to remove rapidly the superficial water in the washing chamber. Pre-treated (washed by water) samples of fly ash were also tested with steam washing for comparison. The steam washing was seen to be efficient in removing water-soluble chlorides including sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sulfates as well as heavy metals. The best efficiency of chlorides and sulfates removal was seen to be by 85%, using a steam flux of 2L/min and humidity of 40% v/v; while for heavy metals, like Cd, Zn, Pb the removal was up to 80% at the same conditions.

How to cite: Caviglia, C., Bernasconi, D., Destefanis, E., Bonadiman, C., and Pavese, A.: MSWI fly ash steam washing, aimed to reach a condition of non-hazardous waste and to their possible reuse., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5273,, 2023.

EGU23-6595 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Strength performance of high-water content clays stabilized with cement and superabsorbent polymers 

Zhenhua Wang, Joachim Rohn, and Wei Xiang

An ideal solution for dealing with large volumes of waste clays is to stabilize and use them as fill materials for road construction. This paper presents an experimental study on the strength behavior of the clays with high water content stabilized by cement and superabsorbent polymers (SAP) at different curing periods. The SAP can effectively improve the strength of cement soils, and the increase in strength becomes more significant with time. The microstructures of the stabilized soils are also investigated via mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and microcomputed tomography (Miro-CT). Comparison of the porosity and the pore size distribution of the stabilized soils shows clearly that the SAP facilitated the hydration/pozzolanic reaction through the absorption-release on free water. With this concept, free water, cement content, and curing period are considered as important parameters based on Abrams' law to characterize the strength of the cement-SAP-soil system.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Rohn, J., and Xiang, W.: Strength performance of high-water content clays stabilized with cement and superabsorbent polymers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6595,, 2023.

The management and final disposal of waste containing radioactive elements is currently challenging in many countries due to the large volumes and their potential radiological risk. A promising alternative is the re-use to reduce the amount of waste to be disposed and to provide additional profit to the companies that generates this residue. This can be the case of fluorite sludge produced after the manufacturing of dicalcium phosphate. In this study, the initial stage of waste characterisation of fluorite sludge from two industrial sites, one active in Flix (NE Spain) and another one consisting of legacy ponds and stockpiles at El Hondón, in SE Spain, is reported. Fluorite sludge consists of 40-60% of CaF2, which precipitates during the reaction between fluorapatite (main component of phosphorite raw material) and HCl. This fluorite is very fine grained, with most particle sizes below 5 microns, and contains significant amounts of REEs, mainly Y, La, Ce and Nd, (0.2wt%, 800 ppm, 600 ppm and 300 respectively), especially in the sludge that precipitated in the reaction tanks. Concentration of the other REEs vary from 18 ppm to 167 ppm. Prices for the top grade REEs are high at the moment, and with time, as the reserves become scarcer, the prices will grow even more. Also, fluorite concentrate can be a valuable commodity. Taking into account the large amounts of disposed waste in both sites, and the concentrations of REEs, their recovery can be a great opportunity to reduce the amount of waste to be managed, and to provide new sources for these critical raw materials. So, current investigations are focused on cost-effective methodologies of fluorite separation and concentration and REEs extraction. 

How to cite: Grandia, F. and Plachciak, M.: Recovery of rare earth elements from fluorite sludges from dicalcium phosphate industry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7985,, 2023.

EGU23-8863 | Orals | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Recycling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus with Bone Biochar and Biogas Digestates from Abattoir Residues 

Gerhard Soja, Anders Sörensen, Bernhard Drosg, Wolfgang Gabauer, Alexander Schumergruber, Gerald Dunst, Daniela Meitner, Elena Guillen, and Christoph Pfeifer

The by-products of abattoirs may become valuable resources for nutrient recycling and energy generation by including pyrolysis and biogas production in the value creation chain. This study investigated the potential of bone chars as sorbents for ammonium in order to produce a soil amendment useful for fertilizing purposes. Ammonium enriched from the digestate by membrane distillation or from pure ammonium sulphate solutions accommodated the nitrogen sorption to the bone chars. The plant availability of the sorbed nitrogen was studied by a standardized short-term plant test with rye (Secale cereale L.).

The results showed that ammonium, both from biogas digestate of the abattoir and from pure salt solutions, could be sorbed successfully to the bone chars post-pyrolysis and increased the nitrogen concentration of the chars (1.6±0.3 %) by 0.2-0.4 %. This additional nitrogen was desorbed easily and supported plant growth (+17 to +37 %) and plant nitrogen uptake (+19 to 74 %). The sorption of ammonium to the bone chars had a positive effect on the reversal of pure bone char phytotoxicity and on nitrogen availability. In summary, this study showed that abattoir wastes are useful pyrolysis input materials to produce bone chars and to use biogas digestates as ammonium source for nitrogen sorption to the chars. This innovation offers the possibility to produce nitrogen-enriched bone chars as a new type of fertilizer that upgrades the known value of bone char as phosphorus fertilizer by an additional nitrogen fertilizer effect. The study also shows that abattoirs, too, may become contributors to circular economy by facilitating the recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus.

How to cite: Soja, G., Sörensen, A., Drosg, B., Gabauer, W., Schumergruber, A., Dunst, G., Meitner, D., Guillen, E., and Pfeifer, C.: Recycling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus with Bone Biochar and Biogas Digestates from Abattoir Residues, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8863,, 2023.

EGU23-10660 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Analysis of variables for the modeling of aerobic processes on the treatment of the organic fraction of solid waste in megacities 

Ana Paola Becerra Quiroz, Johanna Karina Solano Meza, Maria Elena Rodrigo Clavero, and Javier Rodrigo Ilarri

The organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) in megacities is usually managed by composting. In this technique the decomposition and stabilization of organic matter occurs under thermophilic conditions. Currently, composting systems range from simple garden piles and bins to highly engineered computer controlled mechanized processes. Composting is used worldwide, currently treating 5.5% of total urban solid waste. Therefore, modeling aerobic processes becomes important since it is the basis for determining the optimal conditions of the system and a fundamental tool to define its relevance and quantify environmental impacts.

However, biological processes such as composting require complex methods and specific software to predict the behavior of organic waste through mathematical models. In the case of the treatment of the organic fraction of urban solid waste, it is necessary to develop this type of models to enhance the recovery of the waste and determine the impacts associated with this technology. For this reason, modeling of organic waste processes is one of the priorities solid waste managing in megacities, where the development of technologies of greater complexity and magnitude is necessary due to the large population.

Success in determining feasibility in a predictive model is based on the parameter calibration process. Model results are dependent on the accuracy of the input variables and the way in which the collection and statistical treatment of the information is be carried out. Despite this need, the information associated with the management of solid waste in megacities is often scarce and incomplete. This is usually due to the poor information systems available in many countries for recording all the stages involved in MSW management.

Therefore, this research seeks the determination and standardization of the variables required for the mathematical modeling of aerobic processes of the organic fraction of solid waste in megacities. The proposal includes the definition of technical but also environmental, social, economic, administrative and financial variables for the case study of the megacity of Bogotá (Colombia).

How to cite: Becerra Quiroz, A. P., Solano Meza, J. K., Rodrigo Clavero, M. E., and Rodrigo Ilarri, J.: Analysis of variables for the modeling of aerobic processes on the treatment of the organic fraction of solid waste in megacities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10660,, 2023.

Within the rural electrification literature, only a few studies make remarks on the relation between the concept of circular economy and the effects of electricity in these marginalised communities. In contrast, most electrification studies describe the marginalised nature of the rural contexts in the Global South, leaving the dialogue about efficient technologies and economic models typical of CE literature outside their main discussion. The few articles to mention circularity seem to adopt a vision similar to the Global North, reproducing thoughts on the need to implement more efficient technologies, effective policies and financing schemes to promote the "sharing economy", yet under an overwhelming number of difficulties for its implementation [1, 2]. However, there is also a literature critical of CE primarily inside the Global North, which argues that circularity emerges as a theoretically, practically and ideologically questionable notion [3, 4]. These analyses argue that although some initiatives may lead to the decoupling of economic growth from resource extraction, it does not necessarily mean reducing the extraction rate or, for practical use, meeting environmental needs. It is also reasoned that CE can create an inevitable accumulation of individual wealth and exacerbate the informal economy and the precariousness of work [4, 5]. Nevertheless, few reflections on CE and community development emerge from the circumstances of marginalised communities in the global south [6]. Hence, there is not enough evidence to refute or support the idea that the circular economy can meet social and environmental goals compatible with the development needs in these contexts. The aim of this research is to discuss aspects of circularity in the perspective of marginalised communities without electrification in Southeast Asia. Building upon previous analyses of changes in daily activities experienced from introducing renewable solar systems in 2019-2022, we will address how compatible CE notions could be to promote sustainable development in rural communities in The Philippines and Malaysia and the relevance of the raised criticisms to CE. The investigation will be based on the analysis of interviews with members of the community.


[1] Desmond, P., & Asamba, M. (2019). Accelerating the transition to a circular economy in Africa: Case studies from Kenya and South Africa. In The Circular Economy and the Global South (pp. 152-172). Routledge.

[2] Bhattacharyya, S. C., & Palit, D. (2016). Mini-grid based off-grid electrification to enhance electricity access in developing countries: What policies may be required?. Energy Policy94, 166-178.

[3] Corvellec, H., Stowell, A. F., & Johansson, N. (2022). Critiques of the circular economy. Journal of Industrial Ecology26(2), 421-432.

[4] Hart, J., & Pomponi, F. (2021). A circular economy: where will it take us?. Circular Economy and Sustainability1(1), 127-141.

[5] Fevrier, K. (2022). Informal Waste Recycling Economies in the Global South and the Chimera of Green Capitalism. Antipode.

[6] Kinally, C., Antonanzas-Torres, F., Podd, F., & Gallego-Schmid, A. (2022). Off-grid solar waste in sub-Saharan Africa: Market dynamics, barriers to sustainability, and circular economy solutions. Energy for Sustainable Development70, 415-429.

How to cite: Cravioto, J. and Ohgaki, H.: Can the circular economy be relevant for rural development? Insights from communities without electricity in South-East Asia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11487,, 2023.

EGU23-12298 | Orals | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

How can agile sensing improve recycling stream characterisation and monitoring for e-waste? - news from the HELIOS lab 

Margret C. Fuchs, Sandra Lorenz, Yuleika C. Madriz Diaz, Titus Abend, Junaidh Shaik Fareedh, Andrea de Lima Ribeiro, Elias Arbash, Behnood Rasti, Jan Beyer, Christian Röder, Nadine Schüler, Kay Dornich, Johannes Heitmann, and Richard Gloaguen

Increasing volumes of electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) demand for innovative and efficient recycling solutions to keep materials in the process/recovery loop. The recovery percentage and quality of resulting recycling products depend fundamentally on the ability to accurately identify the constituents of the e-waste stream. Traditionally, recycling is based on sequential enrichment of target components and reduction of hazardous substances with random sampling from an assumed homogeneous mass. E-waste represents in this context a highly heterogeneous, complex waste composed of a variety of different compounds required to meet the high diversity of functional requirements. Tailored sensor-systems can achieve a successful extraction of several target materials such as precious metals or specific polymers, but reach their limits for many low concentrated, critical raw materials. Hazardous substances and additives (e.g. dark pigments in polymers, poisonous oxides) are difficult to remove from the stream and induce risks of down-cycling, quality loss and reduced acceptance of recycling products. 

HELIOS lab is an agile solution for non-invasive sensing applied to complex recycling streams such as e-waste suited for conveyor belt operations. We employ hyperspectral imaging technology for the fast and spatially resolved acquisition of information associated with physical material properties. Multiple cameras allow for combining reflectance information from the visible to midwave-infrared wavelengths range to differentiate material classes. Fast data processing routines then allow for generating first order material maps. Such maps suffice for well defined, relatively homogeneous material streams but not  for a precise and accurate sorting and process monitoring. For efficient e-waste recycling, further information is required to enhance the component identification, particularly for certain critical raw materials and complex compounds. We suggest additional validation cycles to refine the initial mapping. Several sensors traditionally used for bulk measurements deliver the solution for detailed point validation. Here, Raman spectroscopy, XRF and LIBS provide the needed complementary data for the identification of a wide range of critical raw materials and hazardous e-waste components. Additionally, our in-house developed laser-induced fluorescence (LiF) system contributes a scanning solution for rare-earth element mapping. However, those validation sensors are very sensitive to signal integration times, power and focus distances. We showcase two examples for a combination of Raman spectroscopy and LiF with hyperspectral imaging technology to extract meaningful information from typical e-waste streams such as printed circuit boards and electrolysers in a conveyor belt setting. We discuss the main challenges and give an outlook on additional development needs that we will address in our HELIOS lab in the frame of the EU funded projects RAMSES and inSPECtor (EIT RawMaterials), and the BMBF funded projects High-speed imaging, InfraDatRec, Digisort and H2Giga.

How to cite: Fuchs, M. C., Lorenz, S., Madriz Diaz, Y. C., Abend, T., Shaik Fareedh, J., de Lima Ribeiro, A., Arbash, E., Rasti, B., Beyer, J., Röder, C., Schüler, N., Dornich, K., Heitmann, J., and Gloaguen, R.: How can agile sensing improve recycling stream characterisation and monitoring for e-waste? - news from the HELIOS lab, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12298,, 2023.

EGU23-12409 | Posters virtual | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

A naturally circular fibre: Sheep wool as a tool for assessing human and environmental exposure 

Sara Bortolu, Emanuela Azara, and Pierpaolo Duce

In the context of the Circular Economy, the enhancement of raw wool in new bioproducts represents an important challenge. Wool is the main by-product of sheep, although its production has decreased largely during the last decades. In addition, wools with coarse fiber diameter have little economic value since they are not adequate to be used in the textile sector and, when not transformed, wool needs to be treated as a special waste.

Wool is by its nature a circular fiber. Due to its complex chemical composition, physical structure and mechanical properties, it represents a biodegradable renewable resource and can find various value-added applications beyond the textile industry. The technological characteristics make wool particularly suitable for different applications such as thermo-acoustic insulation, agricultural amendment, biomedical polymers, etc.

Furthermore, it absorbs harmful pollutants, becoming a specific chemical indicator. In fact, it has been shown that wool fibers are good bio-indicators of the environmental status (soil, water and air pollution). The concentration of pollutants reflects either the feed and nutrition quality and the general health status of sheep as well as the climatic and environmental conditions. The sustainable and innovative alternative uses of this livestock waste could reduce and minimise keratinous waste disposal, reduce environmental impact and increase commercial process sustainability and circular economy.

The aim of this research was to investigate the degree of contamination of Sarda sheep wool to understand if wool fiber can be a contamination source for both the environment and human health.

Chemical analyses were carried out through Liquid chromatography Orbitrap mass spectrometry and Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Both analytical techniques were targeted for a wide range of micropollutants including pesticides, veterinary drugs and heavy metals. The results obtained in this study represent the first step for developing a new wool valorization chain.

Wool analysis can be an important strategy for the biomonitoring of human exposure to pesticides and for evaluating the quality of wool-based products.

How to cite: Bortolu, S., Azara, E., and Duce, P.: A naturally circular fibre: Sheep wool as a tool for assessing human and environmental exposure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12409,, 2023.

EGU23-12643 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Potential of optical sensors for polymer type identification in e-waste recycling streams 

Andréa de Lima Ribeiro, Margret Fuchs, Christian Röder, Nadine Schüler, Sandra Lorenz, Yang Xiao Sheng, Johannes Heitmann, Kay Dornich, and Richard Gloaguen

Plastics are major components of waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE, or e-waste) accounting for up to 25% of annual e-waste production. The composition of such plastics varies greatly according to their original function in the electrical and electronic equipment, and may include additives such as dark pigments and brominated compounds. With WEEE becoming the fastest growing waste stream in recent years, the recycling of polymers became a keystone for waste management and closing material loops. Closing the loops in material life cycles requires that type-pure plastics are obtained at the end of the recycling chain. Accordingly, the identification of polymers prior to their sorting in recycling lines is a fundamental prerequisite.

Here, we explore how an innovative combination of optical sensors can aid the identification of plastics in the plastic recycling environment in order to increase recovery rates and quality of recyclates.

We have selected 23 different polymer samples, representative of the plastic types commonly found in e-waste. We investigated the sequential use of high-speed hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and Raman spectroscopic sensors for digitalization of the waste stream and identification of polymer composition. HSI-reflectance sensors in the short-wave infrared (HSI-SWIR, Specim AisaFenix, 970 - 2500 nm) domain acquired simultaneously spatial and spectral information, allowing for mapping and initial identification of certain transparent and light-coloured polymers (PE, PP, PET, and PC). Raman measurements, collected at specific points and with integration times < 2 seconds, allowed for specific identification of all polymer samples, including black plastics. The use of both sensor technologies on conveyor belts has the potential to fully characterise the WEEE plastics stream, generating identification signals serving as input for sorting machines or simulation models. The combination of latest high-speed sensors and data processing opens many further fields of material stream characterisation and monitoring, which come with high data acquisition rates and volumes. 

Consequently, a smart selection of sensors along with a tailored and learning data processing will be key to innovations towards more complex and agile recycling processes. In this context, our multi-sensor solution focuses on a combination of advantages from HSI and Raman spectroscopy aided by efficient data integration (‘RAMSES-4-CE’ project, supported by the EU EIT Raw Materials).




How to cite: de Lima Ribeiro, A., Fuchs, M., Röder, C., Schüler, N., Lorenz, S., Sheng, Y. X., Heitmann, J., Dornich, K., and Gloaguen, R.: Potential of optical sensors for polymer type identification in e-waste recycling streams, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12643,, 2023.

EGU23-13238 | Posters on site | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Leachability of elements in municipal, sewage sludge and industrial incineration ashes using a sequential extraction method 

Monika Kasina, Kinga Jarosz, Yingzun He, and Nhung Phan

A stable supply of raw materials required for industrial development and production of everyday goods is one of the major challenges for economies nowadays. EU countries are highly dependent on supplies which currently are extracted in only a few countries worldwide. It is also expected that the prices of industrially important raw materials will fluctuate, depending on the supplier policies. Growing concerns of mineral resources supplies on one hand, and the sustainable economy, where protection of natural resources is one of the key goals on the other hand, force us to search for alternative sources of economically important elements. For this reason, waste stream materials: municipal waste incineration ashes, sewage sludge incineration ashes and industrial incineration ashes were studied. The rational use of incineration wastes as a source of economically important materials requires detailed mineralogical and chemical characterization and evaluation of their recovery and leaching potential since they might contain both, important and potentially toxic for the environment elements. To maximize the extraction rates of valuable elements such as phosphorus and/or to minimize the leachability of potentially hazardous elements (e.g. As, Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) a three-step sequential extraction procedure in accordance with the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR; Standards, Measurements and Testing Program) was implemented to characterize the content of trace elements and heavy metals, bonds and potential bioavailability of studied ashes. Leachates were analyzed using ICP methods. Mineralogical methods (XRD and SEM-EDS) were applied to study the composition of starting materials and post extraction solid samples. Efficiency of the proposed extraction method was strongly dependent on incineration technology, types of incinerated waste, bulk chemical composition and mineralogy of ashes that influenced their solubility and thus leaching efficacy.

Acknowledgment. This publication has been funded from the Anthropocene Priority Research Area budget under the program "Excellence Initiative – Research University" at the Jagiellonian University.

How to cite: Kasina, M., Jarosz, K., He, Y., and Phan, N.: Leachability of elements in municipal, sewage sludge and industrial incineration ashes using a sequential extraction method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13238,, 2023.

EGU23-14734 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

How to power an off-grid telescope? Comparative life cycle analysis of renewable-based energy systems 

Isabelle Viole, Guillermo Valenzuela Venegas, Li Shen, Luis Ramirez Camargo, and Sabrina Sartori

A new radio telescope in the Atacama desert, Chile, is currently under design and envisaged to be powered by an off-grid energy system of photovoltaic arrays during the day-time and a hybrid energy storage system for non-sunny hours. Similar isolated solar energy systems employ Lithium-ion or Lead-acid batteries as storage, which either increase the pressure on critical materials like lithium and cobalt or contain lead which mining brings a set of harmful environmental impacts. Hydrides based on intermetallic compounds are emerging as a viable solution for energy storage in stationary applications and are particularly appealing due to their abundance and non-toxicity. Here, by developing a multi-objective techno-environmental optimization, we size a power system that can fuel the telescope’s demand economically while also maintaining a low life cycle carbon footprint. The optimization includes life cycle inventory data of potential components next to costs, including monocrystalline photovoltaic arrays, lithium-ion batteries, hydrogen storage in metal hydrides and as compressed gas, alkaline electrolyzers, PEM fuel cells and diesel generators.

Pure techno-economical optimization without life-cycle inventory optimizes towards power systems with up to 32% of curtailed photovoltaic power. Levelized costs of electricity resulted in $120/MWh with photovoltaics, hybrid storage systems and diesel generators as a backup, and $140/MWh for systems relying on solely batteries and photovoltaics. With our optimization, we propose a system resulting in a low life cycle carbon footprint and acceptable electricity prices, analyzing indirect carbon emissions of the stationary system as well as costs.

The life-cycle carbon footprint optimization performed allows both the remote telescope in question and other off-grid energy systems to make informed decisions on sustainable solutions to fuel their power needs.

How to cite: Viole, I., Valenzuela Venegas, G., Shen, L., Ramirez Camargo, L., and Sartori, S.: How to power an off-grid telescope? Comparative life cycle analysis of renewable-based energy systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14734,, 2023.

EGU23-14785 | Orals | ITS3.1/ERE4.7

Bioleaching by endophytic microorganisms as a method of element recovery from sewage sludge incineration ash 

Kinga Jarosz, Monika Kasina, Piotr Rozpądek, and Rafał Ważny

Bioleaching by endophytic microorganisms as a method of element recovery from sewage sludge incineration ash 

Incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) has been proven to have resource potential, and in case of some elements, such as phosphorus, in the same concentration range as currently exploited ores. Usage of waste resources, such as ISSA, to recover valuable elements together with the efficient methods are main assumption for sustainable development. Alongside feasibility, economic, energetic and environmental cost of methods applied have to be taken into consideration.  

The effective alternative methods to chemical treatment to recover elements form ISSA that simultaneously lower the negative impact of chemical reagents are biological methods. Microorganisms based solutions, even though described, have still underexplored potential in the field of element recovery. One of the reasons for this state is a limited range of species of microorganisms used for this purpose up to date.  

In present study bacteria and fungi, capable of phosphorus and metal containing phase solubilization, were employed in bioleaching of ISSA. microorganisms have been shown to be both effective in compound transformation as well as resilient in high pH environment – characteristic for ISSA water mixtures. The course and efficiency of bioleaching was determined by the means of ICP methods. The chemical composition of ISSA, leachates, and the post-reaction residues were examined. Moreover, direct observation of interactions between the fungi and the ash was made by SEM-EDS. 

Apart from element recovery, both in case of use of ISSA for fertilization or for any other use (e.g. as an additive to cement), the toxicity of the ash must be examined and reduced.  

The course and effect of ISSA bioleaching by microorganisms was described. The study confirmed that phosphorus extraction as well as chemical neutralization of ash can be achieved using microorganism based bioleaching methods. 


This publication has been funded from the Anthropocene Priority Research Area budget under the program "Excellence Initiative – Research University" at the Jagiellonian University”.  

This publication has been financed by Opus 17 Project 2019/33/B/NZ9/01372 

How to cite: Jarosz, K., Kasina, M., Rozpądek, P., and Ważny, R.: Bioleaching by endophytic microorganisms as a method of element recovery from sewage sludge incineration ash, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14785,, 2023.

EGU23-228 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Releasing Climate-Sensitive Critical Infrastructure Power Reserves to Improve Grid Resilience 

James Fallon, David Brayshaw, John Methven, Kjeld Jensen, and Louise Krug

Reserve power systems are widely used to provide power to critical infrastructure systems in the event of power outages. The reserve power system may be subject to regulation, typically focussing on operational time, but the energy required for ensuring the supply of reserve power may be highly variable. The energy required may be strongly influenced by prevailing weather conditions and seasonality, for example, heating and cooling requirements have strong temperature sensitivities. Reserve infrastructure can therefore offer potential benefits and services back to the wider electricity system when not in use, supporting a transition to low-carbon technologies such as wind and solar power.

Drawing on the Great Britain (GB) telecommunications systems as an example, we present a methodology and case studies demonstrating that historic meteorological reanalyses can be used to evaluate the capacity of reserve required to maintain the regulated target of 5-days operations. Across three case-study regions with diverse weather-sensitivities, it is shown that infrastructure with cooling-driven electricity demand leads to a peak in the energy consumption during the summer, thus determining both the overall capacity of the reserve required and the availability of 'surplus' capacity (with the surplus appearing during other periods of the year when demand is lower).

Both the total capacity and surplus are further shown to depend strongly on risk preference, with lower risk tolerance leading to substantial cost increase (in terms of capacity required) but also enhanced opportunities for the use of surplus capacity. It is also shown that meteorological forecast information enables greater volumes of surplus capacity to be accessed for a given reserve capacity and risk tolerance.

The availability of surplus capacity is compared to a measure of supply-stress (so-called demand-net-wind) on the wider GB energy network. For infrastructure with cooling-driven demand (typical of most UK telecommunication assets), it is shown that surplus availability peaks during periods of supply-stress, offering greatest potential benefit to the national electricity grid.

How to cite: Fallon, J., Brayshaw, D., Methven, J., Jensen, K., and Krug, L.: Releasing Climate-Sensitive Critical Infrastructure Power Reserves to Improve Grid Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-228,, 2023.

The regional energy transition requires a growing share of alternative technologies powered by biomass sources,
for which not all their environmental impacts have been fully understood yet. The UN and the sustainable
development goal (SDG’s) seven encourage a cleaner, safer and modern energy production for all to uphold
environmental and climatic protection. This case study aims to apply the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) modeling
tool such as the openLCA in assessing wholly (from up to downstream) the environmental, socio-economic and
engineering perspectives of energy transitions.
The Purpose is to analyze the environmental impacts of maize silage production for biogas production in support
of clean and affordable energy. This means, analyzing the supply chain activities from upstream to the downstream
to obtain the impacts on ecosystem and its services. The objectives of this research are to (a) explore different
bioenergy emission and climate change related problems while finding the tradeoffs across various impacts when
maize silage is used as feedstock. (b) To discover current natural gas production technology pathways in Alberta,
the oil exploration province of Canada and compare them with biogas production impacts

The Method applied is the Eco-indicator 99, E, E method, used in analyzing life cycle impact assessment worst-
case scenario of products or services, while comparing the effects with the TRACI & ReCipe methods across board. It provides robust quantitative estimates of GHG emissions, eutrophication, climate impacts, health and land-use impacts of maize silage production for biogas on a regional scale.
From the study’s scientific findings, relevant information on the interconnectedness of bioenergy environmental
impact is generated, which are also useful/applicable for Canada and globally. The result found that the use of high
nitrogen fertilizer (above 120 kg/h) contributes to high eutrophication potentials and drying of the maize silage
has high climate change potentials which proves that biogas production from maize silage is not completely clean
but can be improved
In conclusion. It concludes that biogas systems can decarbonize regional fossil energy grids, drying of the silage
be carried out in summer with biogas and natural gas mix, and supports the moderate use of farm chemicals to
create a balance between bioenergy development and environmental prosperity. the project is significant because
it comprehensively states the need for reduction of excessive emission of greenhouse
gases, land conversion, and nutrient delivery through biogas production and other energy transition activities that
have the potential to increase global warming, damage water and land resources in Alberta which is scarcely available.

KEYWORDS: Energy transition, Environmental impacts, Life cycle impact assessment, Openlca Eco indicator
99, biogas production, Sustainable Environmental.

How to cite: Kalu, A.: Investigating the environmental implications of biogas production pathways using life cycle impact assessment model to support regional energy transitions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1393,, 2023.

EGU23-1471 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Constraints on the provision of bio-energy from forest biomass in Austria 

Robert Jandl and Andreas Schindlbacher

Limited access to gas has stimulated a new interest in domestically available sources of renewable energy. Currently, about 13% of the Austrian national energy demand (1453.9 PJ) is met from forest biomass and residues from wood product manufactoring. The share of renewable sources of energy is 29.8% (432.9 PJ). Efforts to increase the bioenergy production are in stark contrast to European policies to prevent an icrease of the direct energetic use of primary forest biomass. Austria has a highly efficient timber processing sector and is globally the second largest importer of timber. After a cascade of timber utilization for sawnwood, particle boards and pulp & paper about 50% of the resource is used for energy production. It partially supplies energy for timber processing, and is partially used in biomass power plants. Primary wood that goes directly from the forest into energy production comprises assortments and tree parts that presently cannot be turned into wood products. Yet, particularly in rural areas small-holder foresters extract timber for their regional energy needs. The growing demand for pellets cannot be fully met from the residues of timber processing and relies partially on imported pellets. A further increase of the provision of energy is possible, if (i) the market demands more wood products, and/or (ii) the harvesting rate is increased. Simulations have shown that Austrian forests can sustain several decades of increased harvesting rates, merely because the harvesting rate has been lower than the annual growth, as shown by rising biomass stocks since at least 60 years. Many forests are overdue for thinning because the operational  costs are not covered. Sustainability issues are raised. A slight increase in the production of bioenergy is feasible. Strong increases would deplete resources within only a few decades, and potentially lead to undesired side effects such as nutrient depletion.

How to cite: Jandl, R. and Schindlbacher, A.: Constraints on the provision of bio-energy from forest biomass in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1471,, 2023.

EGU23-3450 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Potential of Waste to Generate Heat at a Domestic Scale 

Darpan Das, Avtar Matharu, Hannah Briers, and Nicola Carslaw

Rising energy costs and net zero carbon goals mean that the UK needs plentiful and clean energy sources. Current clean energy sources (biomass/ heat pumps) in the country are insufficient to meet residential space heating demands. Further with the advent of higher energy costs, residents are expected to start burning more solid fuel in their homes, as opposed to using gas-based central heating. The UK generates 222.2 million tonnes of waste annually, of which only ~45% is recyclable. The typical calorific value of municipal solid waste and agricultural/garden waste is ~10 MJ/kg and ~20 MJ/kg respectively. Traditionally, waste to energy (WtE) for the circular economy has been associated with waste incineration, but it could be used for household heating. Efficient utilization of waste through different thermochemical transition pathways has been primarily explored at an incineration plant scale (~50 MW heat) and not at a scale of residential heating stove (~5 kW). In the present study, we will use thermogravimetric analyzer- mass spectrometer (TGA-MS) to simulate conditions inside a heating stove. Reaction parameters would include packed bed temperature of 650 °C and heating rate of 10 °C/min for characterisation and assessment of the volatile species evolved during the thermal degradation of several waste materials. Pyrolysis behaviour of some typical household wastes would be analysed through characteristic reaction temperatures and evaluation of mass loss rates. The results from this study can contribute to better evaluation and testing of different waste materials with the aim to know their technical and economic feasibility for heat generation at a small scale.

How to cite: Das, D., Matharu, A., Briers, H., and Carslaw, N.: Potential of Waste to Generate Heat at a Domestic Scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3450,, 2023.

The European Union consumes about 60 Exajoule (16.6 Peta Wh) of primary energy per year. In the past years, about 10% of this energy originated from natural gas (CH4). The dramatic developments in Ukraine and the accentuating climate crisis call for an eminent replacement of imported Russian natural gas with climate-neutral alternatives. Consumption reduction, enhanced energy efficiency, electrification, and industrial symbiosis should be prioritized. Being part of the European Economic Area, Iceland annually produces almost 20 TWh of green renewable electricity, using domestic hydropower and geothermal sources. About 80% of Icelandic electricity is exported in the form of energy-intensive products, namely aluminum and silicon. Due to the use of renewable energies, the exported Icelandic products disclose a very low carbon footprint. In regard to EU energy security and climate change targets, the Icelandic example may be used as a demonstration case for other energy products, namely hydrogen and power to X products. It may also be applied to other Arctic regions, namely Greenland, which is also part of the overseas countries and territories of the EU. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the following: i) how to assess the hydropower potential of remote Artic areas (Finger, 2018), ii) how excess hydropower can be used for green hydrogen production and subsequently converted to carbon-neutral CH4 (Cabalzar et al. 2021), iii) compare the life cycle analysis results of hydrogen produced in Iceland and mainland Europe (Vilbergsson et al. 2023) and iv) show the potential of Greenland to become a key player in decarbonizing the EU. While the first three topics have been well described and published (see references below), the potential of renewable energy production in Greenland is currently being investigated by the University of Greenland. One single fjord could yield an electricity production of over 2 GW and an annual yield of around 5 TWh. While exploiting such natural resources should consider local environmental, social, and economic aspects, the production of climate-neutral energy in the arctic can be an essential part of decarbonizing Europe – and be an alternative to other fossil-based foreign energy sources.


Finger D. (2018) The value of satellite retrieved snow cover images to assess water resources and the theoretical hydropower potential in ungauged mountain catchments, Jökull, 68, 47-66.

Cabalzar U., Blumer L., Fluri R., Zhang X., Bauer C., Finger D., Bach C., Frank E., Bordenet B., and C. Stahel (2021) Projekt IMPEGA - Import von strombasiertem Gas, Aqua & Gas 6, 40-45, Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches

Vilbergsson K., Dillman K., Emami N., Ásbjörnsson E., Heinonen J., and D.C. Finger (in press) Can remote green hydrogen production play a key role in decarbonizing Europe in the future? A cradle-to-gate LCA of hydrogen production in Austria, Belgium, and Iceland, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, in press

How to cite: Finger, D. C. and Hardenberg, S.: Climate-Neutral Europe: the Role of Renewable Energies in the Arctic to decarbonize Europe and enhance energy independence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4148,, 2023.

EGU23-4975 | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Feasibility and Challenges of Adopting Solar Energy for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings: Lessons from Taiwan 

S. Ping Ho, Yaowen Hsu, Yu-Tien Lin, and Chung L. Chen

Promoting and developing Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) is crucial to achieving the goal of net-zero emissions. Zero Energy Buildings emphasize not only on buildings’ energy efficiency, but also on the transition of buildings’ energy consumption from nonrenewable energy to renewable energy. However, practically, since it is often impossible to achieve the “Zero” energy consumption in a strict sense, the concept of ZEB is implemented as Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB). Although adopting solar energy to achieve the goal of NZEB is currently one of the most feasible strategies, under what conditions the use solar energy for NZEB is technically feasible and how the building owners are motivated to invest in NZEB are still vague and challenging. As the solar power technology continues to advance and the environmental morality continues to rise in countries and societies, this study takes Taiwan as a case to study how feasible technically and behaviorally the NZEB is and what could be the main challenges.

Through extensive literature review and expert interviews, we analyze and establish the standards for defining the NZEB in Taiwan. Then we categorize the building types and residential energy consumption scenarios in Taiwan and investigate different approaches to installing solar photovoltaic systems. In sum, the two main approaches to installing solar photovoltaic systems are the roof floor installation and the roof trellis installation. The types of buildings to be studied are the terrace houses, the five-story apartments, and the eight-story apartments. To simulate the net energy consumption, firstly, Ladybug Tools is used to simulate the annual power generation of each solar photovoltaic installation in different climatic regions in Taiwan. Secondly, the formula for calculating the photovoltaic power generation is proposed according to the simulation results. Lastly, we analyze whether each installation approach can meet the specifications of NZEB under different energy consumption scenarios and evaluate, accordingly, the technical feasibility of achieving the goal of NZEB.

Based on the simulation, the roof trellis type is shown to generate the most power under the same construction area and to be the most feasible solar photovoltaic installation approach for the residential buildings to achieve NZEB.

We also analyze the economic feasibility of different NZEB scenarios using NPV and IRR methods. It is shown that, except for the eight-story apartments in the northern Taiwan’s climatic region, the simulated NZEB scenarios are economically feasible. Among them, the NPVs of the roof trellis type are lower than other schemes, the investment costs are expected to be recovered in about 13 to 17 years, and the IRR is about 5 to 7% for terrace houses and five-story apartments. To conclude, based on the current/modern solar photovoltaic technologies, NZEB can be well achieved for the residential buildings if the housing owners choose to invest.

Finally, whether the NZEB can be achieved depends on the house owners’ willingness to invest in NZEB, the main challenges of NZEB in Taiwan. We shall develop a consumer behavior model and form policy insights concerning NZEB.

Acknowledgment: Grant number 111-2124-M-002-006 and Grant number 110-2221-E-002-060

How to cite: Ho, S. P., Hsu, Y., Lin, Y.-T., and Chen, C. L.: Feasibility and Challenges of Adopting Solar Energy for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings: Lessons from Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4975,, 2023.

Millions of oil and gas wells are abandoned and orphaned in Canada and the United States. These well sites can be repurposed for wind and solar energy, while the wells access itself can be redeveloped for geothermal energy production. To identify opportunities for repurposing abandoned and orphaned wells and well sites for renewable energy development, we analyze public oil and gas well data from state, provincial, and territorial agencies to estimate the number and geospatial distribution of abandoned and orphaned wells in Canada and the United States. As of March 2022, we identify 4,724 orphaned wells and 420,113 abandoned wells in Canada and identify 123,318 orphaned wells (as of March 2022) and 3,151,700 abandoned wells (as of August 2022) in the United States. Using this dataset, we analyze geographic locations of abandoned and orphaned wells with national maps of renewable energy potential (geothermal, wind, and solar) and land cover/land use in Canada and the United States. We then evaluate how the potential to repurpose wells/well sites vary across Canada and the United States. Due to funding shortfalls, many abandoned and orphaned wells remain unplugged and are negatively impacting the environment and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Repurposing wells and well sites can provide an additional funding stream to manage the millions of abandoned and orphaned wells around the world.

How to cite: Boutot, J. and Kang, M.: Potential to convert abandoned and orphaned oil and gas well sites for renewable energy production in Canada and the United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7310,, 2023.

EGU23-7547 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

The Water, Land, and Carbon Intensity of Electricity Production: The Case of South Africa 

Thomas van Huyssteen, Djiby Thiam, and Sanderine Nonhebel

Electricity production has a significant impact on the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus sectors as it requires substantial amounts of water and land, whilst also being a primary polluter of these resources. In addition, electricity production is a key contributor to global CO2 emissions.  With electricity production predicted to increase by over 50% by 2050, the impact of electricity production on water and land resources, as well as the environment, will need to be significantly reduced This is particularly important in countries facing water, energy, and food scarcity and insecurity such as South Africa. This paper therefore investigates the impact of electricity production on the WEF nexus sectors and environment in South Africa. To do this, this paper conducts a lifecycle assessment of the water footprint (WF), land footprint (LF), and carbon footprint (CF) of electricity production in South Africa, by electricity source, and under key scenarios. The results from the IRP 2030 scenario showed that despite a 63% increase in electricity production targeted from 2018-2030 in South Africa, the water, land, and carbon footprints of electricity production would decrease by 29%, 9%, and 5.5% respectively. Compared to the BAU 2030 scenario, it was shown that the water, land, and carbon footprints would be 55.5%, 42.6%, and 41.5% lower in the IRP 2030 scenario, respectively. Overall, the results show that to reduce the impact of electricity production on the WEF nexus sectors and the environment, integrated resource planning, switching away from fossil fuels, particularly coal, and promoting the use of non-hydro and non-biomass renewables is required.

How to cite: van Huyssteen, T., Thiam, D., and Nonhebel, S.: The Water, Land, and Carbon Intensity of Electricity Production: The Case of South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7547,, 2023.

EGU23-9018 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Accelerated energy transitions and the Earth system 

Harald Desing

Staying below 1.5°C and returning to 350ppm require much more ambitious and radical actions than currently envisioned. This necessitates different modelling approaches too, transcending current economically optimized equilibrium models. Planetary boundaries need to span the frame for transition modelling, e.g. by setting sustainable limits for renewable energy potentials or incorporating the need to return to 350ppm, which induces negative emissions at a massive scale. Furthermore, building renewable infrastructure needs energy and this feedback loop becomes decisive when accelerating transitions. It also needs materials: speed and pathways of mobilizing materials are pivotal for impacts on planetary boundaries and the energy needed for the transition. Initial modelling with a simple, global system dynamics model suggest that it is still possible energetically to stay below 1.5°C and return to 350ppm this century; however, this requires to keep energy demand and energy storage low.

How to cite: Desing, H.: Accelerated energy transitions and the Earth system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9018,, 2023.

Buildings are responsible for a significant proportion of total energy consumption and therefore represent an important target for energy savings. Their consumption is strongly temperature-dependent, as it is dominated by the heating and cooling demand to ensure thermal comfort inside.

To quantify the energy savings of a building over time (for example after renovation or with lowered indoor temperatures), it is necessary to remove the influence of meteorology on energy consumption and determine the part that is independent of weather, i.e. related to the building properties and its use. Current methodologies use daily energy demand proxies (degree-days) with fixed temperature thresholds for heating and cooling. However, hourly energy consumption is increasingly monitored by smart meters, and high-quality meteorological reanalysis data are available globally, giving access to a finer temporal scale on which variations in both outside temperature and building use are expected.

Here we present a case study using 10 years of hourly meteorological data and energy consumption data from a university campus in Germany. We analyze the meteorology-dependent energy consumption including its sub-daily variations. We investigate the differences in energy savings quantification depending on the time step used. The detailed knowledge of energy consumption patterns and their temperature sensitivity that we obtain also provides the basis for identifying potential future energy savings through retrofits and changes in user behavior.

How to cite: Labuhn, I. and Deroubaix, A.: Improving the quantification of building energy savings through temperature-sensitivity analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9187,, 2023.

EGU23-10368 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Humankind, Energy and the Climate - A EURO-CORDEX Analysis 

Markus Schlott, Omar El Sayed, Mariia Bilousova, Chen Li, Filippo Guidi, Alexander Kies, and Horst Stöcker

Climate change is going to alter the appearance of planet Earth throughout the century and beyond unprecedentedly. Therefore the United Nations (UN) decided to classify climate action as the 13th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG); right after the fight against poverty, hunger and other emphases. With the Paris Agreement from 2015, the world community finally got through to tackle this crisis in an ambitious step forward, aiming at a global warming rate of well below 2°C. However, it is by far not clear, how this task can be achieved in an economically sensible way; especially with regard to the first twelve SGDs, and, in addition to this, an ever increasing world population with around eleven billion human beings at the end of the century. This dilemma makes clear: future action against climate change must also develop solutions to the social questions from nowadays. But even more: it must be thought in a broader context, regarding energy security, population dynamics, economic transformation processes, as well as the general standard of living.

The presented work is the first part of a study that addresses these questions for Europe by cost-optimizing a sector-coupled network model of its energy system (PyPSA-Eur-Sec), done under two main aspects: first, the impact of climate change on the energy related infrastructure, and second, the role of socio-economic uncertainties in form of boundary conditions. The first is achieved by invoking all energy relevant meteorological weather data variables from the EURO-CORDEX climate projections. The second is based on social and economic projections such as the World Population Prospects from the UN Population Division.

The results from part one are given by an energy-meteorological analysis of the full EURO-CORDEX ensemble, covering three distinct greenhouse gas emission scenarios: RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The analysis investigates the power output from wind turbines (sfcWind, rlst), solar panels (hurs, rsds, rsus, tas), and hydro plants (mrro, orog); each time for the EUR-11 domain and at the end of the century in form of a last-year approach. The resulting fields are evaluated in two ways: in comparison to each other, quantifying the uncertainties among the different climate models, and in comparison to today’s climate status quo with respect to the ERA5 reanalysis, quantifying any impact of climate change on the variables and their related power potentials.

How to cite: Schlott, M., El Sayed, O., Bilousova, M., Li, C., Guidi, F., Kies, A., and Stöcker, H.: Humankind, Energy and the Climate - A EURO-CORDEX Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10368,, 2023.

EGU23-11361 | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8 | ERE Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture

The role of the subsurface in the energy transition – (some of) the (scientific) challenges 

Johannes Miocic

The transition towards carbon-free, renewable based energy systems is a central element to limit global warming and is one of the key societal challenges we are currently facing. The subsurface offers many different pieces for the energy transition jigsaw, from renewable energy from geothermal sources to large volumes of pore-space to permanently sequester carbon dioxide. The subsurface also provides several options for storing renewable energy over seasonal timescales, by storing renewable energy surplus converted into hydrogen and compressed air. As the subsurface can be utilized for many different energy related purposes, it becomes clear that it has to be a crucial part of the energy-transition.  However, most subsurface utilization technologies are not yet used on the scale that is needed for a successful energy transition. One reason for this lies in the incomplete understanding of (geological) processes that occur in the subsurface during, and after, the operation of these technologies. Predicting the performance and the potential of subsurface utilisation in the energy transition can also be hampered by limited data availability and the uncertainties associated with sparse datasets. Here, some of the key geoscience challenges that need to be solved for a timely energy transition are presented and some potential solutions are reviewed. The subsurface can, and must, play an important role in tomorrow’s green energy systems!

How to cite: Miocic, J.: The role of the subsurface in the energy transition – (some of) the (scientific) challenges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11361,, 2023.

Increasing renewable energy penetration is essential for achieving carbon neutrality in the electricity system. In this regard, the most promising technologies are wind and PV. The degree of penetration of these technologies in the mix is affected by their capacity factor.

The objective of this study is to determine the sensitivity of the electricity system to changes in the capacity factor of wind and PV, not only uniform changes but also the changes in the low and high wind or PV production conditions. Simulations were performed using EOLES, an investment and dispatch optimization model. This model minimizes the total system cost by satisfying hourly demand, respecting technical and operational constraints, and giving us the optimal electricity system for a given input. This result provides an overview for the decision makers deciding how much capacity to install. In addition, to reflect the realistic situation of the energy system, in which we have already invested in installed capacities, EOLES is used only for dispatch optimization with the pre-fixed installed capacities.

Output variables chosen for sensitivity tests are total system cost and installed capacity of production technologies. Their sensitivity to changes in the average capacity factor was measured using elasticity quantity, which is calculated by dividing the relative change of the chosen output variable by the relative change of the capacity factor average. Uncertainty of capacity factor in the different production conditions of wind and PV was modeled by perturbing a specific quantile of the capacity factor dataset at each test and uniform errors by uniform perturbation of all time steps. Furthermore, perturbations of different magnitudes and signs are included to show the behavior of EOLES concerning the amount of perturbation.

The result shows the EOLES model is more sensitive to change in the capacity factor of the wind and least to PV for both Installed capacities and total system cost; also, it is more sensitive to the perturbation of low-production than high-production conditions. For instance, the elasticity of the installed capacity of PV and wind to perturbation of their capacity factor in low-production conditions is 15 and one, respectively, and it is approximately zero for both PV and wind in high-production conditions.

Optimization of installed capacities and dispatch in response to capacity factor perturbations results in a weak sensitivity of the total system cost (elasticities less than 0.5). On the other hand, optimizing only dispatch leads to having the elasticity of the total system cost as high as 14. Comparing elasticities indicates that installed capacity optimization compensates for the effect of capacity factor perturbation on total system cost. However, fixed installed capacity leads to either having an oversize system in positive or extra usage of expensive reserve technologies in negative perturbations; as a result, the higher elasticity of the total system is expected. Considering the high sensitivity of the low production events of the wind, it is worth improving our modeling of smaller capacity factors, including choosing a wind dataset, a bias correction method, and a power curve.

How to cite: Kadkhodaei, M., Tantet, A., Drobinski, P., and Quirion, P.: Evaluating the sensitivity of the total system cost and installed capacity of technologies of the electricity system to the perturbation of the wind and PV capacity factor, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11901,, 2023.

EGU23-11915 | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Fertilizers as batteries and regulators in the global Water-Energy-Food equilibrium 

George Kirkmalis, George-Fivos Sargentis, Romanos Ioannidis, David Markantonis, Theano Iliopoulou, Panayiotis Dimitriadis, Nikos Mamasis, and Demetris Koutsoyiannis

Fertilizers and especially Nutrient Nitrogen, are high consumers of energy. At present, the energy crisis has a serious effect in the production of fertilizers. As the world is seeking to smooth the curves of energy production, especially by renewable energy installations, the use of potential energy surplus in fertilizers’ production could be an alternative practice. Fertilizers can be utilized for the cultivation of energy crops or food (which also has an energy equivalent). In this work, we attempt to evaluate the potential of the integration of fertilizers in the energy production both for energy recovery and for the avoidance of possible failures by the deficit of fertilizers in the global Water-Energy-Food equilibrium. 

How to cite: Kirkmalis, G., Sargentis, G.-F., Ioannidis, R., Markantonis, D., Iliopoulou, T., Dimitriadis, P., Mamasis, N., and Koutsoyiannis, D.: Fertilizers as batteries and regulators in the global Water-Energy-Food equilibrium, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11915,, 2023.

Often overlooked, citizen-led energy initiatives contribute to the low carbon energy transition in Europe. Under the name of energy communities, these groups have been specifically addressed in two separate EU directives (Directives EU-2018/2001 and EU-2019/944). Their projects have grown to produce, distribute, and consume energy from renewable sources while being governed democratically and benefits accruing locally. Despite this, data collection on the topic and statistical accounting of their impacts have not been undertaken systematically until now. This short documentary film quantifies the aggregate contributions of collective action in pursuit of the sustainable energy transition in Europe, estimating the number of initiatives (10,540), projects (22,830), people involved (2,010,600), installed renewable capacities (7.2-9.9 GW), and investments made (6.2-11.3 billion EUR) for 30 European countries.

The data presented in the video draws on our groundbreaking dataset which is the first systematic data collection to capture the nature and scope of collective citizen-led action in the energy transition for each country in Europe ( The dataset consists of a broad range of variables to a high degree of granularity, covering both organizations and the individual projects that they manage, e.g., installation of renewable capacities, operation of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, engagement in energy education and services provision, etc.

The documentary begins with background on energy services and cooperatives, highlighting 10 solutions by citizen action initiatives across Europe addressing various current issues of energy security, sustainability, and the affordable provision of energy services. While many of these initiatives are small in scope, they are of sufficient importance to policymakers as they actively involve people in the transformation. A "Facts & Figures" segment quantifies the aggregate contributions of citizen-led energy initiatives. These aggregate estimates do not suggest that collective action will replace government or commercial action in the short- or medium-term without fundamental alterations to policy and market structures, but the film presents strong evidence for the historical, emerging, and actual importance of citizen-led collective action to the European energy transition. Continued decentralization of energy systems and more stringent decarbonization policies will increase the importance of these actors in the future.

How to cite: Arghandeh Paudler, H. J.: "Power To & By the People": A documentary film on statistical evidence for the contribution of citizen-led initiatives to the energy transition in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14326,, 2023.

EGU23-14331 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

A review of key material supply constraints to the future deployment of batteries in energy system modelling 

Tobias Verheugen Hvidsten, Marianne Zeyringer, and Fred Espen Benth

This paper presents a literature review identifying the issues relating to the supply of battery materials most likely to cause constraints. The efforts to decarbonize the electricity and transport sector cause an increasing demand for batteries. Batteries are deployed as energy storage to facilitate high shares of variable renewable energy and in battery electric vehicles. With this rising deployment, the demand for materials utilized in battery technology follow. Lithium, graphite and cobalt are examples of important battery materials expected to experience immense demand growth. The continued access to these materials is essential to decarbonize the electricity and transport sector, which is crucial to meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement.

The increased demand for these materials makes it of importance to consider possible constraints to their availability. This paper investigates issues across disciplines to assess these constraints. Causes to such constraints include: (i) Material scarcity, when a material is utilized to the point where reserves are depleted. (ii) Geopolitical issues, which could cause disruptions in supply of a material if reserves are mainly located in one country or region. (iii) Social issues, such as poor working conditions or the effect of extraction on the local environment and population. The literature review is performed to identify these key issues for the supply of critical materials for battery technology, and identify how each of these might constrain the deployment of batteries in the energy system. The key constraining factor of each battery material is identified, and the degree to which this might constrain the deployment of batteries is assessed.

Energy system models are often used to assess how to transition to future net-zero energy systems.  To better address sustainability as well as to account for the feasibility of the transition, material constraints should be implemented in the energy system model. This could also lead to optimized energy system developments showing greater resilience against the risks associated with these constraints. The work will provide a comprehensive overview of the main limiting factor to the supply of materials critical to batteries, and with that form a basis for the implementation of these constraints in energy system models.

How to cite: Hvidsten, T. V., Zeyringer, M., and Benth, F. E.: A review of key material supply constraints to the future deployment of batteries in energy system modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14331,, 2023.

EGU23-14495 | Orals | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Assessment of geothermal energy resources and in Armenia 

Khachatur Meliksetian, Gevorg Navasardyan, Lilit Sargsyan, Andrey Medvedev, Edmond Grigoryan, Peter LaFemina, Charles Connor, Vassily Lavrushin, Elya Sahakyan, Ivan Savov, and Natasha Toghramadjian

Armenia is a landlocked country in the South Caucasus region, situated between Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey, with population of about 3.0 million. Since Neogene to Quaternary times, the territory of Armenia has been located in a continent-continent collision zone (i.e., collision of the Arabian and Eurasian plates) and exposed to transpressional tectonics resulting in widespread and long-lasting polygenetic and monogenetic volcanic activity.

The studies of spatial density of vents in Armenia (Weller et al., 2018, Sugden et al.  2021) demonstrate that Armenia is one of the densest clusters of Quaternary monogenetic volcanoes on Earth: in total, 516 volcanoes are mapped within the area of  ~30,000  km2. Most of the monogenetic volcano clusters are oriented NW to SE, perpendicular to the major stress direction related to the movement of the Arabian plate from SW to NE.

Several active faults and potentially active and active volcanic systems exist in the country and many historical earthquakes have been recorded. The geology of Armenia with its volcanoes and active faults being potential source of hazards at the same time, has an important potential for geothermal energy, whilst much of Armenia’s current energy production is from imported fossil and nuclear fuel.

It is noteworthy, that hundreds of sources of thermal mineral waters exist in Armenia and most of them are found in close proximity to volcanic systems and active faults. Our preliminary geochemical studies of mineral waters aiming to apply geochemical thermometers to investigate the formation temperature of waters demonstrate several geothermal anomalies in Armenia. This contribution will present unified geological, geophysical, volcanological, geochemical database with selection of promising sites for further studies of geothermal energy potential of Armenia, and some preliminary results of application of ambient noise tomography (ANT) and satellite data.

How to cite: Meliksetian, K., Navasardyan, G., Sargsyan, L., Medvedev, A., Grigoryan, E., LaFemina, P., Connor, C., Lavrushin, V., Sahakyan, E., Savov, I., and Toghramadjian, N.: Assessment of geothermal energy resources and in Armenia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14495,, 2023.

EGU23-15481 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

The future Pan-European Atlas for Sustainable Geo-Energy Capacities. The #GSEU project. 

Ignasi Herms, Paula Canteli, Elsa Ramalho, Georgina Arnó, Jesús Garcia-Crespo, Joao Carvalho, Montse Colomer, Celestino Garcia de la Noceda, Rita Caldeira, Ignacio Marzán, Cristina de Santiago, Gregor Glotzl, Vit Hladik, Annamaria Nador, Cornelia Steiner, Petr Jirman, and Maayke Koevoets

Through a five-year Coordination and Support Action, the new #GSEU (Geological Service for Europe) project, EuroGeoSurveys, and 48 partner organizations from 36 European countries (including both national and regional Geological Survey Organisations - GSO, and associated partners) will deliver a plan for a sustainable Geological Service for Europe to be implemented beyond the 2027 project end. The project will directly support the vision of European Green Deal, focusing on our Earth and what lies within its subsurface, i.e. water, energy, raw materials, and all areas that require subsurface data and expertise. The GSEU’s key objective is to develop and make permanently available pan-European geological data on the already existing European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) and related information services for the sustainable and safe use of our subsurface and its resources. The project is structured in 9 Working Packages (WP). Its ‘WP3 Geothermal energy & underground storage inventory’ will deliver the named online GIS ‘Pan-European Atlas for Sustainable Geo-Energy Capacities (SGEC)’, a future harmonized and generalized distribution of maps and databases of already known assessed capacity and resource potential, mainly from previous European projects, and supported with additional national and regional information from GSOs, including standardized qualitative and quantitative attributes. This will consider information on geothermal energy resources and subsurface storage capacities for sustainable energy carriers (hydrogen, heat and cold) and sequestration of CO2. This contribution will present the main objectives, methods and expected results with the publication of the future atlas.

How to cite: Herms, I., Canteli, P., Ramalho, E., Arnó, G., Garcia-Crespo, J., Carvalho, J., Colomer, M., Garcia de la Noceda, C., Caldeira, R., Marzán, I., de Santiago, C., Glotzl, G., Hladik, V., Nador, A., Steiner, C., Jirman, P., and Koevoets, M.: The future Pan-European Atlas for Sustainable Geo-Energy Capacities. The #GSEU project., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15481,, 2023.

EGU23-17148 | Posters virtual | ITS3.2/ERE2.8

Sustainability impact assessment of urban energy transformation in smart cities 

Dr Ashish Sharma, Satya Narayan Singh, and Vladimir Strezov

The rapid urbanization and urban energy transformation worldwide have surpassed the urban global tipping point and poses serious challenges to the current energy systems and infrastructures in global mega cities. The cities consume about 75% of worldwide energy production and produce 80% of CO2 emissions. It is estimated that nearly 68% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050 as well as 2.5 billion people will be added to the world’s urban population (UN Department of Economic Social Affairs, 2018). The exponentially increasing urbanization poses environmental threats. This calls for research and development of technologies, sustainability assessment tools and public policy instruments with a strong focus on the energy transformation in mega cities. The knowledge base compiled from such an analysis will help in fast-tracking the transition towards equitable, sustainable, and livable cities. This requires a thorough analysis via life-cycle approach for the structure and the feedback of the cities to the implementation of the sustainable energy transformation pathways. To fill these gaps, the overarching goal of this proposed study is to assess the sustainability (i.e., environmental, economic and social) impacts and air quality benefits of urban energy transformation in future smart cities. This will be accomplished via a systematic review of existing literature for following key objectives, (i) To assess the impact of energy efficiency measures in smart cities planning as well as increasing uptake of renewable energy sources and diversification; (ii) To conduct the sustainability assessment and quantify the environmental benefits (i.e., air pollution reduction) of four specific interventions in smart city transport planning including, electrification, automation, vehicle sharing schemes and micro mobility options. The analysis will follow a life cycle thinking approach ; (iii) To examine the structure and the sensitivities of the cities in response to the sustainable energy transformation via modes such as alternative energy use, deployment of green infrastructure and distribution of decentralized energy systems (e.g., Solar photovoltaic technology and battery technology);  (iv) Further, the necessity and effectiveness of the legislative policies for energy transformation in smart cities planning and governance will be evaluated. This proposed study will provide benchmarks to broaden our knowledge and decision-making capabilities to quantify the energy and resource efficiencies of sustainable energy transformation pathways. It will indirectly contribute towards fulfilling and realizing the Sustainability Developments Goals (SDG’s) put forward by the UN. The findings of this study will be helpful for the city planners, local councils as well as the policy makers for a sustainable urban energy transformation for smart cities planning and implementation. This will help to broaden knowledge of different stakeholders for informed decision-making towards energy options with minimal sustainability impacts and greater energy/resource efficacies.

How to cite: Sharma, D. A., Singh, S. N., and Strezov, V.: Sustainability impact assessment of urban energy transformation in smart cities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17148,, 2023.

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been proposed as a key solution for decarbonizing urban transportation and addressing climate change. As the use of EVs increases in cities worldwide, it may lead to significant transformation in urban development, including changes in the electrical system and people's travel behavior, such as charging preferences and choices of where to live and work. Some questions arise, will the rise of EVs lead to more suburbanization or drive people towards a more compact urban form? Additionally, how can the relationship between EV users' residential locations and new energy infrastructure be best coordinated? A study in the rapidly growing metropolis of Beijing aims to address these questions by combining geo-spatial big data analysis, machine learning, and theories of urban development to understand the relationship between EV users' residential locations and new energy infrastructure. A novel data mining strategy was proposed to identify actual EV users based on location data from smartphones. By analyzing observation data of EV users, the study applies the Gradient Boost Decision Tree model to examine the nonlinear associations between the spatial distribution of EV residents and neighborhood attributes such as employment density, GDP, land use mix, public charging accessibility, building areas, access to public transit, and suburbanization. The results indicate that a higher percentage of EV users prefer to live in areas that are neither too far away from the city center nor too close to it, particularly the threshold effects show that they are concentrated in areas where it has a 10 km distance from the city center. Additionally, the study found that most public charging activities tend to occur within 1.5 km from home, suggesting an optimal threshold for public charging station deployment. The findings of this study can help inform energy management and infrastructure planning at the local, regional, and national levels to promote sustainable urbanization and smarter energy planning in policy-making.

How to cite: Kang, J., Kong, H., and Lin, Z.: Assessing the Effects of Electric Vehicle Adoption on Urban Energy Structure Transition: A Geospatial Machine Learning Study in Beijing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17241,, 2023.

High urbanization rate and climate change are the main drivers of urban floods in developing countries. The increase in urban flooding incidents has become a significant threat to cities, which also result into considerable losses of life and the economy. Adapting to the risks of a changing climate and ill-effects of urbanization is imperative for national and local governments. This calls for a functionally and structurally resilient urban drainage infrastructure. Functional resilience is the coping capacity of system against external threats such as urbanization and climate change, whereas structural resilience is the resilience against internal failures such as blockage of inlets or sewers, structural damage of a pipe, bed load sediment deposition, asset aging/decay, and sewer collapse. This work aims to understand the impact of nature-based solutions on urban drainage resilience. Various researchers have identified Low Impact development (LID) practices as a potential solution to enhance drainage systems' resilience. LID can be defined as a land development and retrofit strategy that emphasizes the protection and use of distributed interventions to reduce the volume and rate of stormwater runoff from a developed landscape. In the present study, the green roofs and rain gardens are simulated in a part of Gurugram city of India using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 5.2. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to overcome the problem of a lack of in-depth data to perform model calibration and validation. The simulations were carried out by developing various scenarios for functional and structural resilience assessment. The results indicate that if 25% of potential subcatchments are deployed with LIDs, functional resiliency of the system enhances by 25%, and structural resilience of vulnerable nodes decreases by 17%.  The study reveals that introduction of LIDs aids into enhancing the functional resilience of the system rather than structural resilience. This research provides evidence of LIDs' positive influence on the resilience performance of drainage systems. Overall, the study can help urban planners and drainage management engineers to develop understanding on LIDs role vis-à-vis city's resilience to urban flood problems.

How to cite: Mehta, O., Kansal, M. L., and Bisht, D. S.: Integrating Green and Grey Infrastructure for Resilience Enhancement of Conventional Urban Drainage System and its Evaluation through Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-137,, 2023.

EGU23-569 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

The positive effect of Nature-based Solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Mediterranean agroecosystems: a meta-analysis  

Miguel Rodrigues, Luís Filipe Antunes Dias, and João Pedro Carvalho Nunes

The increasingly frequent impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean region challenge the resilience and sustainability of the region's agroecosystems. In this context, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) emerge as a sustainable strategy to address climate change adaptation and mitigation. Extensive literature focuses on the analysis of NbS to address this problem, although no analysis discriminates against the individual and combined effect of NbS in agroecosystems. In this work, we capitalize on state-of-the-art results and present a random-effects meta-analysis of NbS. Our analysis focuses on a cohort of 80 NbS for agricultural land management, such as conservation tillage practices, soil-improving cropping systems, organic amendments and fertilizers, and landscape solutions. We used response ratios as effect sizes to determine the most suitable NbS for improving soil health. We built a database with field-scale data from 70 published case studies comparing NbS and conventional agricultural management practices in agroecosystems in 12 countries with a Mediterranean climate. Our analysis results from a literature selection of 988 scientific articles published from 2019 to 2022. We have analyzed the combined effect that NbS have on soil's ability to retain water, organic matter, and carbon and to reduce soil loss. To further understand the influence of abiotic factors, we also analyze the impact of precipitation, soil texture, and irrigation systems on the effects of NbS. These results shall contribute to leveraging climate change adaptation in Mediterranean agroecosystems, addressing land and water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How to cite: Rodrigues, M., Antunes Dias, L. F., and Carvalho Nunes, J. P.: The positive effect of Nature-based Solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Mediterranean agroecosystems: a meta-analysis , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-569,, 2023.

EGU23-934 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1 | Highlight

Towards implementation of hybrid solutions for flood risk management under climate change 

Nejc Bezak, Mojca Šraj, Pavel Raška, Lenka Slavikova, and Jiri Jakubínský

Climate change is expected to affect the frequency, magnitude, and seasonality of several rainfall-related hazards, including flooding as one of the costliest hazards in Europe. Recent studies have shown that flood risk in Europe is both increasing and decreasing, with increases in most eastern and southern European countries, including Slovenia and Czechia. In addition, significant changes in the seasonal occurrence of floods have also been observed in Europe, thus challenging conventional approaches to flood risk management.

As natural hazards have major impacts on infrastructure, human lives, and habitats, and cause large social and economic damages, it is clear that adaptation measures aimed at both prevention and mitigation of impacts must be considered to cope with climate change. To deal with the changing occurrence and characteristics of floods, different types of measures need to be adopted, including green, blue, and grey measures or combinations of these. Although their application is currently emphasized, purely green or blue-green measures in some cases may not be insufficient to cope with predicted future climate hazards. Additionally, implementation of such measures often encounter resistance in planning departments and among decision makers due to institutional path dependency related to the history of utilizing grey infrastructure measures. This is especially the case for some Central-Eastern European countries. An alternative are hybrid solutions that combine parts of grey and green infrastructure, since these kinds of measures can reflect the variety of environmental conditions. However, not much attention has been given to the documentation and evaluation of hybrid infrastructure in comparison to purely green measures. Hence, there are still several open questions related to the implementation and functioning of solutions combining elements of green and grey measures, so called hybrid solutions.

The main objective of this contribution is to present the theoretical framework, research design and initial research steps of a newly launched international project focusing on: (i) enhancement of documentation and standardization related to hybrid solutions, (ii) development and testing of applicability and social acceptability of specific hybrid infrastructure in different environments and climate change scenarios, and (iii) environmental modelling and evaluation of effectiveness of different measures from the perspective of the flood risk management. Within the project, the effects of hybrid solutions on flood hazard and hydrological regime of the landscape will be modelled for selected small catchments in Slovenia and Czechia, but the standardization of hybrid solutions will enable to extrapolate our results beyond Central and Eastern Europe.  

Acknowledgment: The research was conducted within the project [Evaluation of hazard-mitigating hybrid infrastructure under climate change scenarios] co-granted by Slovenian Research Agency (J6-4628) and Czech Science Foundation (22-04520L). 

How to cite: Bezak, N., Šraj, M., Raška, P., Slavikova, L., and Jakubínský, J.: Towards implementation of hybrid solutions for flood risk management under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-934,, 2023.

Recent disasters have demonstrated the challenges faced by our global society because of the increasing complexity of disasters caused by natural hazards. For example, a community hit by a natural hazard while still recovering from the impacts of an earlier hazard faces many different challenges than when it is hit by a single hazard that occurs in isolation. With growing awareness of this complexity and its impact on disaster risk, there has been a push, from scientists as well as international organizations such as the UNDRR, for disaster risk research to account for these complexities. This research has aimed to take an increasingly integrated approach, often bridging across individual hazard types to accomplish a more comprehensive understanding of overall risk.


Incorporating spatiotemporal dynamics of all risk components (i.e., hazards, exposure, and vulnerability) is key to accurately modelling compound and multi-hazard risk events. There is great potential to better capturedynamics between and within risk components by learning from common approaches and methods used in different research communities. For example, recent years have seen a growing attention for research into compound hazards and hazard drivers using methods such as storylines, agent-based models, and system dynamics, all novelties for this field of research. An important, less studied aspect is that of the dynamics of vulnerability. Many of these once-novel methods now applied in compound hazard research have the potential to improve modelling capabilities of other compound risk aspects, such as vulnerability dynamics. This talk will highlight recent developments in assessing the complexities of disaster risk and discuss potential opportunities to further advance our modelling capabilities through multidisciplinary exchanges.

How to cite: de Ruiter, M.: The challenges of risk dynamics and how to assess them, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1243,, 2023.

In Mediterranean areas, rainfall is one of the main variables affecting the control of eco-geomorphological processes. Water erosion processes, sealing and degradation of soils, reduction of the amount of water available for vegetation, modification of hydrological regimes can be cited among the most remarkable. Thus, the modifications in climatic variables resulting from Global Change are having an impact on the Mediterranean eco-geomorphological system, especially issues associated with water risks. Specifically, a dual pattern can be observed: on the one hand, a notable increase in the recurrence of the number of torrential events and an increase in the risk of water erosion, and on the other hand, an increase in the intensity or frequency of droughts, determining productivity and ecological and economic values due to the reduction in the availability of water in the soil. In this context, the research has focused on a traditionally agricultural territory that is highly fragile to these processes, namely GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) dedicated to the raisin production in the Axarquia (Malaga, Spain). The main objective has been to (i) assess the impact of the most important water risks and (ii) identify the main Nature-based Solutions (NbS) implemented as adaptive mechanisms that have been implemented to ensure food security and the sustainability of these areas. To achieve these objectives, the rainfall dynamics have been statistically analysed with the data downloaded from nine meteorological stations of the SAIH Hidrosur Network located in the region (1997-2021). In addition, a total of 60 soil samples have been collected and analysed for the estimation of soil water erosion rates, based on the RUSLE model, and for the evaluation of its hydrological dynamics in recent decades. Finally, the NbS identified in the study area have been qualitatively assessed and analysed from an ecosystemic and agricultural approach. The results show an increased water stress in this GIAHS area according to the projections published by the latest IPCC report for the Mediterranean region. A slight tendency to concentration and increased rainfall erosivity is detected, as well as a lower water availability in soil for crop phenology. Similarly, soil erosion rates show very high values, with slopes exceeding 250 t ha-1 year-1) However, agricultural practices and the different structures identified have been determinant in the control of these natural risks, being considered as sustainable adaptation strategies and conforming as NbS.

How to cite: Sillero-Medina, J. A. and Ruiz-Sinoga, J. D.: Nature-based solutions to address water threats in the Mediterranean region. A characterisation of the GIAHS area of Axarquia (Málaga, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1521,, 2023.

EGU23-1871 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Seaweed as a resilient food solution in nuclear winter 

Florian Ulrich Jehn, Farrah Jasmine Dingal, Aron Mill, Ekaterina Ilin, Cheryl Harrison, Michael Y. Roleda, and David Denkenberger

Abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios such as a nuclear winter, an asteroid impact or an eruption of a supervolcano would decimate agriculture as it is practised today. We therefore need resilient food sources for such an event. One promising candidate is seaweed, as it can grow quickly in a wide range of environmental conditions. To explore the feasibility of seaweed in a nuclear winter, we simulate the growth of seaweed on a global scale using an empirical model based on Gracilaria tikvahiae forced by nuclear winter climate simulations. We assess how quickly global seaweed production could be scaled to provide a significant fraction of global food demand. We find seaweed can be grown in tropical oceans, even in nuclear winter. The simulated growth is high enough to allow a scale up to an equivalent of 70 % of the global human caloric demand, while only using a small fraction of the global ocean area. The results also show that the growth of seaweed increases with the severity of the nuclear war, as more nutrients become available due to upwelling. This means that seaweed has the potential to be a viable resilient food source for abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios. 

How to cite: Jehn, F. U., Dingal, F. J., Mill, A., Ilin, E., Harrison, C., Roleda, M. Y., and Denkenberger, D.: Seaweed as a resilient food solution in nuclear winter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1871,, 2023.

EGU23-2659 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Sustainability of Pastoralism: Climate Change Risk to Rangelands in Eurasia 

Banzragch Nandintsetseg, Jinfeng Chang, and Omer L. Sen

Climate change is projected to increase the aridity of semi-arid ecosystems, including Eurasian rangelands (EAR), which provide ecosystem services that support food supply and pastoralist lifestyles. Climate hazards are expected to become more frequent and intense, leading to the most significant risk to pastoralists and impacting their future sustainability. There is an urgent need for research-based interventions that can help herder communities adapt to future risks. However, rigorous impact assessments of climate change on pastoralism-based livelihoods considering region-specific socioeconomic changes in the Eurasian Drylands are relatively neglected research areas with limited knowledge. Thus, we assess the climate change risk to rangelands in Eurasia under regional grazing patterns and intensity across EAR spatial domain (34−56◦ N, 20−130◦ E: West Asia, Central Asia and East Asia) during 1971–2100. We conducted a grid-scale (0.5 °× 0.5°) probabilistic risk assessment of EAR in the context of climate change based on probability theory. Risk is quantified as the product of the probability of a hazardous drought and vulnerability of the ecosystem. The probability of hazardous drought is defined by the Standardized Precipitation–Evapotranspiration Index. Vulnerability is defined as the expected difference in key ecosystem variables between years with and without hazardous conditions. The ecosystem variables were productivity (aboveground biomass, net primary productivity, soil carbon, and leaf area index) and plant-available soil moisture in the root zone, simulated with a process-based ecosystem model ORCHIDEE-GM (Organizing Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems-Grassland Management) validated with field observations of biomass and soil moisture. Climate data were based on gridded observations and projections of CMIP6 the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) using scenarios ssp1-2.6, ssp3-7.0, and ssp5-8.5. Historical land-use data were based on the number of province-based livestock during 1971–2019. The constant value of 2019 is used to simulate the future impact of grazing on EAR. The results revealed that EAR experienced more frequent hazardous droughts with rapid warming and slight drying during 1971−2020, aggravated by increasing grazing intensity, which resulted in a reduction in soil water availability and grassland productivity, particularly in northeastern areas. In the future, climate change will lead to increased droughts in the EAR under these three scenarios. These great drought hazards increase the risk of rangeland productivity in the EAR, particularly in the western and southern parts of Central and Eastern Asia.

How to cite: Nandintsetseg, B., Chang, J., and Sen, O. L.: Sustainability of Pastoralism: Climate Change Risk to Rangelands in Eurasia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2659,, 2023.

As a vital element of public spaces, trees in urban settings are acclaimed to offer numerous social and environmental benefits, making them a quintessential nature-based solution for a more sustainable city. While carbon sequestration, air quality, and urban heat island mitigation benefits have long been acknowledged, less emphasis is directed to utilizing the hydrologic function of trees in terms of stormwater runoff reduction in the urban environment and this benefit is often underutilized. For urban areas with high proportions of impervious surfaces, increasing the percentage of tree canopy cover and green spaces is crucial in restoring the natural functioning of the ecosystem and water cycle. Within the framework of our ongoing research, we are investigating the positive impacts of trees (i.e., single tree elements, forests) as nature-based solutions on the urban water cycle using field measurements of rainfall partitioning, runoff, soil moisture, and infiltration from experimental catchments in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia which started on August of 2021. Preliminary results revealed that open-grown birch (deciduous) and pine (coniferous) tree canopies intercepted a relative amount of gross rainfall with pine trees having a greater interception capacity. The following trees also modified the drop size distribution (e.g., drop number, diameter, fall velocity) of below-canopy rainfall before reaching the ground, thus attenuating the mean and maximum 10-minute rainfall intensities by 42-50% and 40-44%, respectively, depending on canopy phenoseasons. Such reduction in the intensity of rainfall has a significant effect on the peak water level of event runoff which could provide important information for understanding the runoff generation process. Moreover, this benefit with the root system of trees has a positive impact on the condition and structure of soils in urban areas promoting infiltration, preferential flow, and soil water recharge. In addition to this, tree canopies also dampen the average kinetic energies of rainfall to cause soil erosion by 34%. These initial findings suggest that the hydrological benefits of trees in the urban environment are adequate to warrant a further investigation into their potential to regulate the flow mechanisms of stormwater runoff and reduce urban pluvial flooding. Thus, it is also imperative to explore how the integration of trees interacts with other stormwater control measures and how this interaction could leverage their functions. This will deliver invaluable information to urban planners, landscape designers, stormwater management experts, and decision-makers on the need to expand the efforts of urban greening to address the associated adverse impacts of rapid urbanization and various environmental challenges.


Acknowledgments: Results are part of the CELSA project entitled “Interception experimentation and modelling for enhanced impact analysis of nature-based solution” and research programmes and projects P2-0180, J6-4629, and N2-0313 financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).

How to cite: Alivio, M. B. and Bezak, N.: Role of trees as part of the nature-based solutions in cities and their effects on stormwater runoff generation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3140,, 2023.

EGU23-3378 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Negative year-to-year agricultural yield extremes projected to occur more frequently under global warming 

Leonard Borchert, Anton Orlov, Jonas Jägermeyer, Christoph Müller, and Jana Sillmann

Studies on projected agricultural yields focus on end-of-century scenarios. Simulations from the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison (GGCMI) Project phase 3b show conflicting results for global and regional changes of different crops by the end of the century. Here, we interrogate the same simulations, focusing on year-to-year variations of agricultural yields in the important staple crops maize, rice, soybean and wheat.

An ensemble of GGCMI models shows a larger agreement on the variations of crop yields than for the long-term trend. Year-to-year variations of projected crop yields become more pronounced over time, especially so for negative crop yield anomalies. As a result, the frequency of negative global crop yield extremes increases with global warming. We show that these negative yield extremes may occur for individual or multiple crops at the same time, and may originate from individual or multiple regions. North America dominates global maize and soybean yield extremes (57% and 44% of all significant global extremes, respectively), and South East Asia and South Asia are important for rice extremes (24% and 22%, respectively), while regional results are inconclusive for wheat. Multi-crop extremes occur most commonly for the combination of maize and soybean, and are dominated by the North America region. Based on these findings, we show that depending on the region and crop, persistent spring or summer drought, cold or heat can be associated with years of global and regional negative agricultural yield extremes.

Our results show how specific climatic boundary conditions can lead to year-to-year extremes in important staple crops, highlighting the potential to anticipate such events in the future.

How to cite: Borchert, L., Orlov, A., Jägermeyer, J., Müller, C., and Sillmann, J.: Negative year-to-year agricultural yield extremes projected to occur more frequently under global warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3378,, 2023.

In light of the hysteresis and acceleration of the climate crisis, climate overshoot has only recently been acknowledged as inevitable. As the IPCC belatedly reports, current pledges are not even remotely on track to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels (Anderson 2015, IPCC 2018). Further, no amount of future emissions reductions can suffice to avert climate overshoot. Hence, this presentation critically analyses the proposition that a climate change technofix – namely Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) – is the only potentially efficacious means to avert runaway climate change (Carton 2020, Reynolds 2015).

However, not only is the efficacy of NETs to reduce sufficient greenhouse gas concentrations highly dubious, but any such technofix requires gambling on a host of unknown unknowns – namely, the inexorable complexity of the Earth System, coupled with planetary-scale interventions in the crisis. Therein, this presentation explores the linkages between extreme climate and societal dynamics surrounding risk, offering a theoretical study from the fields of social sciences and humanities as to the non-linearity of cascades and feedbacks between the biosphere and society.

To do so, I put forth a critique of how normative ethics remains anchored in rigid positions of anachronistic risk aversion, given how any attempted climate technofix entails unprecedented realms of risk and uncertainty. Using the frameworks of the Environmental Humanities, and Science & Technology Studies, I critically engage with the risk ethics of imminent climate overshoot, in relation to the interventionist gambles proposed by NETs through Synthetic Biology and Climate Engineering. Given the scale of the unknown unknowns unleashed by the Anthropocene, I present gambling as the most apt analogy for both the absurdity (and denied imminence) of the existential predicament, as well as the sheer improbability that any technofix can be invented in a sufficiently short time and implemented on a sufficiently large scale.

Given the profound social, cultural and ethical dimensions that this entails, discussion will include an overview of outreach activities I have undertaken as a Chief Investigator at the Australian Research Council Centre for Excellence in Synthetic Biology, including the At Risk in the Climate Crisis symposium and podcast series that I co-produced in 2021-22. Overall, in the context of the rapidly diminishing prospect for any efficacious environmental action, the presentation contemplates the unthinkable questions that our current situation demands we ask, and perhaps even try to answer.

How to cite: Wodak, J.: The Non-Linearity of Cascades and Feedbacks Between The Biosphere and Society: Risk Ethics for a Climate Change Technofix, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3746,, 2023.

EGU23-4088 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Analysing Trade-Offs between Safety from Tsunamis Risk and Views of Ocean Water Using an Optimal Residential Area Model 

Fuko Nakai, Tatsuya Uchiuzo, Kazuaki Okubo, and Eizo Hideshima

Disaster risk reduction has become an increasingly prominent concern in urban planning due to recent catastrophic disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Building levees or relocating to higher ground are measures used to reduce the risk of tsunamis. However, if those measures are implemented too extensively, they may obstruct views of coastal water that benefit residents. Environments where residents can visually access the waterfront are crucial for promoting awareness of river and disaster risk reduction and repairing the way we interact with nature. However, in Japan, safety has frequently been prioritized by ignoring the views of coastal water that may be lost.

This study developed an optimal residential area model for analysing the trade-offs between safety from tsunamis and views of coastal water (hereafter, ocean views), which will be able to support detailed urban planning. The model comprises weighted multicriteria, that is, the total tsunami risk and ocean views with controlling optimal allocations of population. Here we optimized “Improved Potential Achievement (IPA).” This indicated the extent to which the respective optimal value achieved has been achieved against the value (improved potential) of the two objectives being optimized alone as a baseline. 

We used the viewshed analysis to quantify ocean views. The analysis used the elevation value of each cell of the digital elevation model (DEM) to determine the visibility of a particular point of the ocean from a specific residential mesh. Using the visibility between specific locations, we conceptualized the index of “the ocean view presence” and “the width of the ocean view”. The ocean view presence expresses how many locations in a particular residential mesh have an ocean view. Meanwhile, the width of the ocean view expresses whether people have a panoramic view of the open ocean or whether they can only see a small area of ocean. We quantified ocean views using these indices.

We applied the model to Kuroshio, a tsunami-prone area along the Nankai Trough in Japan and the optimal residential area is calculated for each 500-meter mesh. The results of the sensitivity analysis that changed the weight β (0<β<1) of the safety from tsunami criteria showed trade-offs in which the more safety from tsunami risk is weighted, the more the view of ocean water in the target area is reduced. If weight β is larger than 0.7, ocean views decreases steadily. This is a case study of a specific area and such results are not spatially consistent in all areas. However, similar trade-offs are likely to be obtained in areas with the ocean and mountains in close proximity. This analytical technique is likely to be useful in pre-disaster recovery planning that explores induction-encouraged residential areas that benefit safety from tsunamis and ocean views.

How to cite: Nakai, F., Uchiuzo, T., Okubo, K., and Hideshima, E.: Analysing Trade-Offs between Safety from Tsunamis Risk and Views of Ocean Water Using an Optimal Residential Area Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4088,, 2023.

EGU23-4262 | Posters virtual | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Governance Innovations for Nature-based Solutions from Translocal Networks 

Rui Shi and Haozhi Pan

Environmental governance innovation, especially nature-based solutions (NbS), is gaining scholarly attention over the past years due to issues including urban expansion and climate change. Most existing studies of such innovation focus on national, provincial or single city level, while few explore the translocal interactions among urban agglomeration levels. This paper illustrates the process of emergence and adoption of environmental governance innovations in the context of NbS. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the contributing factors of the innovation processes with particular focus on the role of translocal governance networks that involves the center and local governments, urban agglomeration networks and non-governmental actors.

Event history analysis is used to understand the sources and processes of environmental innovation generation and adoption. Environmental innovation event history is established via obtaining policy documents published on government portals across the country and case reports published by mainstream media from 2011 to 2021. Then, we use the pooled regression model to explain the probability of innovation being generated or adopted to analyze the contributing factors of environmental governance innovation in urban agglomeration. Vertical, horizontal, internal and external interactions are measured and used to explain the processes with other explanatory variables including political factors, economic factors, and other socioeconomic covariates. The following results are expected. First, environmental governance innovations mostly originate from external factors, such as breakthrough of environmental technology and global environmental alliances, and are generated from both central and provincial government. Second, the probability of innovation adoption is positively correlated with interactions across and within urban agglomeration, and the frequencies of vertical, internal and external interactions, and significantly negatively correlated with horizontal interaction factors. Third, economic and educational factors are expected to have the most significant influence on the probability of innovation generation; among social factors, population density could be negatively correlated with the probability of innovation generation. The findings of this study can further optimize relationship between local actors and governance structure to promote environmental governance innovation.

How to cite: Shi, R. and Pan, H.: Governance Innovations for Nature-based Solutions from Translocal Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4262,, 2023.

EGU23-4599 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

A multiple-benefit framework for implementing nature-based solutions using conservation finance 

Tessa Maurer, Kimberly Seipp, Micah Elias, and Phil Saksa

Sitting at the intersection of knowledge production and project implementation, our work as conservation finance project developers leverages economic and other benefits of environmental restoration to attract new and diverse funding sources for nature-based solutions (NBS). Our work supports project activities ranging from variable density thinning and prescribed burning to low-tech and process-based riparian restoration. In our experience, NBS presents a powerful, cost-effective opportunity to create scaled improvements in ecosystem function. However, funding NBS projects can be challenging, as some NBS outcomes are only achieved through large-scale landscape restoration, which is expensive, or are realized gradually over a period of time following restoration activities. Conservation finance is one tool that can catalyze meaningful NBS work at scale by providing the necessary upfront capital for projects while contracting funding commitments based on outcomes over time. Using several examples of successful NBS projects, we present a process-based, multiple-benefit framework to demonstrate how NBS can be leveraged to increase funds and enable financing. This framework is grounded in western U.S. forest management to address catastrophic wildfire, but can be applied in other regions and for other types of restoration activities. This approach addresses the logistical, governance, and sociocultural challenges we have encountered to leveraging NBS within a conservation finance framework. We also propose future avenues of research to help increase investment based on NBS. These include formalizing metrics for measuring and monitoring of different NBS activities, managing the uncertainty and expectations around outcomes of NBS projects, and incorporating the future impacts of climate change into NBS models and planning. By describing this work in a U.S. context, we hope to catalyze a discussion about how the needs and opportunities identified in our projects can inform work in Europe and vice versa.

How to cite: Maurer, T., Seipp, K., Elias, M., and Saksa, P.: A multiple-benefit framework for implementing nature-based solutions using conservation finance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4599,, 2023.

EGU23-4835 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Extreme rainfall reduces one-twelfth of China’s rice yield 

Yiwei Jian, Jin Fu, Xuhui Wang, and Feng Zhou

Extreme climate events constitute a major risk to global food production. Among these, the extreme rainfall is often dismissed from historical analyses and future projections, whose impacts and mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we find that rice yield reductions due to extreme rainfall in China were comparable to those induced by extreme heat over the last two decades, reaching 7.6 ± 0.9% (one standard error) according to nationwide observations and 8.1 ± 1.1% according to the crop model incorporating the mechanisms revealed from manipulative experiments. Extreme rainfall reduces rice yield mainly by limiting nitrogen availability for tillering that lowers per-area effective panicles and by exerting physical disturbance on pollination that declines per-panicle filled grains. Considering these mechanisms, we projected ~8% additional yield reduction due to extreme rainfall under warmer climate by the end of the century. These findings demonstrate the critical importance to account for extreme rainfall in food security assessments, posing greater challenges to climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Jian, Y., Fu, J., Wang, X., and Zhou, F.: Extreme rainfall reduces one-twelfth of China’s rice yield, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4835,, 2023.

Given observed and predicted increases in the frequency and intensity of many climate extremes, researchers have shown an increased interest in the climate extremes and their impacts on ecosystems because of the profound effects. However, most previous studies on the responses of ecosystems to climate extremes focus on droughts and summer heatwaves, and relatively little is known about the effects of other kinds of extremes, such as winter heatwaves, extreme wet periods, and cold waves.

In this study, we identify four types of extremes (two temperature (heatwaves and cold waves) and two precipitation ones (droughts and extreme wet periods)) and present 4 alternatives to identify compound extreme events. We demonstrate the relevance of the different types of year-round (compound) events for ecological studies by demonstrating their impact on the abundance of 34 UK butterfly species across each species' life stages (hibernation, egg, larval, pupal, and adult) over a 45-year period. We chose this example as these species are expected to respond rapidly to climates due to their ectothermic nature and short life cycles.

The results show that considering different types of year-round (compound) extreme events is relevant from an ecological point of view as at different stages, other extremes have more impact on the survival of individuals. For instance, statistics show that heatwaves and droughts during the pupal and adult stages appear beneficial for butterflies in England, with around 30% of univoltine species showing significant positive influences, whereas extreme wet periods during the pupal life stage cause negative population change for 26% of univoltine species. Our study demonstrates that considering different forms of extremes during all seasons of a year may bring interesting new insights for ecologists. However, we did not seek any eco(fysio)logical explanations of the obtained results.

How to cite: Shan, B., De Baets, B., and E.C. Verhoest, N.: Four alternative ways to identify compound climate extremes and their relevance to ecological impacts: a case study of UK butterflies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5001,, 2023.

EGU23-5017 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Accounting for systemic complexity in the assessment of climate risk 

Jakob Zscheischler and Seth Westra

Widespread changes to climate-sensitive systems are placing increased demands on risk assessments as a key for managing climate risk, enabling adaptive responses and enhancing system resilience. Although the complex, uncertain and ambiguous nature of climate-sensitive systems has been long recognised, recent attention on concepts such as compounding and cascading risks, deep uncertainty and ‘bottom-up’ risk assessment frameworks have stressed the need to more explicitly confront the overarching theme of systemic complexity. Drawing on insights from the field of systems thinking, we provide a theoretical foundation for addressing systemic complexity when assessing climate risks. We first describe the sources of systemic complexity as they pertain to climate risk, and highlight the role of climate risk assessment as a formal sense-making device that enables learning and the organisation of knowledge of the interplay between the climate-sensitive system and its (climatological) environment. We then highlight boundary judgements as one of the core concerns of risk assessment, acting as a filter of both information and value judgements, and thereby creating islands of analytical and cognitive tractability in a complex, uncertain and ambiguous world. Yet boundary judgements necessarily result in partiality, leading to the need for boundary critique, which emphasises the need of multi-methodologies and second-order learning processes as part of standard risk assessment practice. We build these concepts into a framework that divides climate risk assessments into five distinct but interrelated concerns or ‘problematics’ that collectively can be used as a starting point for managing systemic complexity in the assessment of climate risk. 

How to cite: Zscheischler, J. and Westra, S.: Accounting for systemic complexity in the assessment of climate risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5017,, 2023.

EGU23-5754 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

NBS implemented in the Pyrenees during the PHUSICOS project 

Anders Solheim, Didier Vergès, Santiago Fabregas, Laurent Lespine, Carles Räimät, Eva Garcia, Amy Oen, Bjørn Kalsnes, and Vittoria Capobianco

The H2020 project PHUSICOS designs and implements NBS for DRR at demonstrator case sites in rural areas of Norway, Italy, and in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. This presentation covers four locations in the Pyrenees, where NBS to reduce risk from snow avalanches, rockfall and debris flows are implemented. Snow avalanches from the steep slopes of the Capet Forest threaten the French village of Barèges. The NBS here consist of afforestation in the release areas. 5000 trees have been planted in groups of 30-50, protected behind wooden tripods, which also act as protection structures until the trees are large enough to stabilize the snowpack. Rockfall poses a severe hazard at two locations along the important road A-136 / RD-934 between France and Spain. At St. Elena, Spain, the rocks are released by erosion of a slope in a thick till deposit. The implemented NBS consists of vegetated terraces, built up by a dry masonry wall and gabions constructed from wood and filled with the local till. At the location in Artouste, France, rockfalls in the steep slope are released from exposed ledges and from loose blocks in the till surface. The measures here consist of wooden stabilising and retaining structures for each individual ledge or block. These solutions are also tested at newly established laboratory and full-scale test facilities in Spain and France, respectively. The fourth location is near the Spanish village Erill-la-Vall, where debris flows from a >50m thick till deposit pose the threat. Several gullies feed the main debris flow path towards the village during periods of extreme precipitation. The implemented solution is a series of terraces, built up by local rocks and whole-log gabions in the lower parts of the gullies. These will prevent deepening of the erosional base and form increased rugosity in the debris flow paths. The site has been monitored during the last 15 years. In-situ borehole (piezometer) data shows two processes: a deep-seated (15-20 m) failure level, which reacts up to two weeks after a period of heavy rain, and shallow erosion, which reacts almost immediately as a direct response to heavy precipitation. The implemented NBS are primarily to mitigate against the latter process.

The NBS described here all have large upscaling potential, as there are numerous locations in the Pyrenees and elsewhere with similar problems. Terracing and afforestation for slope stabilization is not a new concept but is here re-vitalized in cooperation with stakeholders through Living-Lab processes. These processes have also helped overcoming challenges related to land ownership issues and permissions to operate, e.g., in national parks, which have caused implementation delays. Monitoring of the implemented measures, focused on both the resilience aspect and, not the least, the NBS' co-benefits will be important for building up an evidence-base for the functionality of NBS for DRR.

How to cite: Solheim, A., Vergès, D., Fabregas, S., Lespine, L., Räimät, C., Garcia, E., Oen, A., Kalsnes, B., and Capobianco, V.: NBS implemented in the Pyrenees during the PHUSICOS project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5754,, 2023.

EGU23-6712 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Deriving targeted intervention packages for ecosystem-based adaptation: A geospatial multi-criteria approach for building climate resilience in the Puna region, Peru. 

Oscar Higuera Roa, Davide Cotti, Natalia Aste, Alicia Bustillos-Ardaya, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Ignacio Tourino-Soto, Francisco Roman-Dañobeytia, and Yvonne Walz

Emergent dynamic climate risks challenge conventional approaches for climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. This situation demands new ways of addressing climate risks with integrated solutions. However, little attention has been paid to exploring methodological approaches for combining adaptation measures to reduce climate risks. Still, selecting the appropriate and effective combination of adaptation measures is a challenging task. This research results in a geospatial multi-criteria approach for developing ecosystem-based adaptation packages to face climate change effects and applies this innovative methodology to a case study area in the Puna region in Peru. We started with an in-depth literature analysis combined with a participatory process with local experts to identify and select locally valid adaptation measures for the specific context of the case study area. Building upon that, we developed the overall multi-criteria approach consisting of a matrix-based procedure to evaluate the applicability of relevant adaptation measures and their feasibility of being combined in adaptation packages. We then integrated the multi-criteria analysis into a Geographic Information System using a spatial analysis model to map suitable intervention areas. Next to the methodological innovation, we applied this multi-criteria approach in the case study area to generate a place-based adaptation package for addressing the risk of reduced water provision, with its respective potential intervention sites differentiated by adaptation measure. This methodological approach is novel and considered an affordable support tool that helps practitioners design more robust and effective adaptative interventions. Furthermore, this methodological approach involves shifting the perspective from activities focused on "single adaptations" to "multi-solution" strategic interventions that address climate risks more comprehensively, recognizing the dynamics and complexities of the social-ecological systems. We encourage researchers and practitioners to transfer the methodological approach to other contexts and, with that, accelerate the efficient and targeted implementation of nature-based solutions for climate resilience.

How to cite: Higuera Roa, O., Cotti, D., Aste, N., Bustillos-Ardaya, A., Schneiderbauer, S., Tourino-Soto, I., Roman-Dañobeytia, F., and Walz, Y.: Deriving targeted intervention packages for ecosystem-based adaptation: A geospatial multi-criteria approach for building climate resilience in the Puna region, Peru., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6712,, 2023.

EGU23-7906 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Connected urban green spaces for pluvial flood risk reduction in the Metropolitan area of Milan 

Andrea Staccione, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Stefano Bagli, and Jaroslav Mysiak

Rethinking cities in a more sustainable and integrated way is a key opportunity for successful climate change adaptation and mitigation. Nature-based solutions and green infrastructures can help to safeguard urban nature and biodiversity while providing multiple benefits to reduce climate risks and improving human well-being. Nature-based solutions help to mitigate flood risk by regulating storm-water runoff and peak-flow. This paper investigates the effects of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure networks on pluvial flood risk in Milan metropolitan area in terms of direct economic damage to buildings and population exposed. Results show that extended urban green networks can reduce pluvial flood damages (by up to 60%) and the population exposed (up to 50%). For all analysed rainfall intensities, damages to buildings and share of population exposed decrease as green area coverage increases, with slightly higher risk reduction for lower-intensity events. 25% of additional urban green coverage can halve the expected annual damage and reduce by 40% the expected annual population exposed. The applied methodological framework makes it possible to identify priority-action urban areas and hence inform decision-making processes as for where green solutions are most efficient.

How to cite: Staccione, A., Hrast Essenfelder, A., Bagli, S., and Mysiak, J.: Connected urban green spaces for pluvial flood risk reduction in the Metropolitan area of Milan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7906,, 2023.

EGU23-8181 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Impact of global change on the protective effect of forests in mountain areas 

Christine Moos, Alessandra Bottero, Ana Stritih, and Michaela Teich

Forests in mountain regions provide an indispensable ecosystem service by protecting people and infrastructure against natural hazards. Thanks to this Nature-based Solution (NbS), costs of engineered technical protection measures can be reduced or even avoided. Numerous studies have proven the high effectiveness of forests in mitigating the negative impacts of natural hazards. However, open questions remain about the long-term and sustainable provision of protective service by mountain forests, which are expected to be increasingly affected by global change. Natural forest dynamics and disturbances can result in temporary or irreversible loss of protective effects of forests, potentially accelerated by climate change. At the same time, rising temperatures and more frequent and severe droughts will lead to shifts in tree species distribution and forest composition, which may in turn impact their protective effect depending on the type of natural hazard. Furthermore, socio-economic changes, such as land-use change or the expansion of settlements, may affect the protective function of forests. The uncertainties related to these changes pose great challenges for the quantification and sustainable management of this key ecosystem service in mountain areas. To improve our understanding of the various effects global change has on protective forests, we summarized current knowledge based on a quantitative review. We conducted a systematic literature search using predefined terms in different databases. We focused on forests in mountain regions protecting against gravitational hazards (i.e., snow avalanches, landslides, rockfall, torrential floods and debris flow). This resulted in 70 peer-reviewed articles, books or book chapters that we systematically assessed. Most studies focused on anthropogenic forest change (i.e., management, de-/afforestation), followed by natural disturbances, whereas climatically induced changes (e.g., clearly linked to drought or rising temperatures) were less often addressed in the literature. The analyzed studies mainly examined the protection against floods, followed by avalanches, landslides and rockfall. Preliminary results indicate that global change had a predominantly negative impact on the protective effect of forests in mountain areas. In a next step, the types of impacts and potential interacting and compound effects will be analyzed in more detail.

How to cite: Moos, C., Bottero, A., Stritih, A., and Teich, M.: Impact of global change on the protective effect of forests in mountain areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8181,, 2023.

EGU23-9392 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Nature-based solutions for wildfire risk management: the role of insurance 

JoAnne Bayer, Valentina Bacciu, Eduard Plana, Luis Sousa, Swenja Surminski, and teresa Deubelli-Hwang

A consensus is emerging that restoring the fire-adapted forest ecology through nature-based solutions (NBS), such as prioritizing fire-resistant vegetation, promoting less fire-prone forests, enabling grazing by herbivores in areas facing land abandonment, prescribed burns, and restricted or risk-adapted development in wildlands, can reduce the risk of extreme wildfires. This paradigm shift away from fire suppression towards a fire loss-prevention strategy is urgently needed. The question is whether risk financing strategies, especially insurance, can untap the potential for promoting NBS, for example, by providing protection in case of damages from livestock grazing or prescribed burns, or by giving discounts to forest owners and homeowners that pursue ecological fire-prevention measures. Additionally, insurers can provide (parametric) policies that repair ecological damage, for example, for coral reefs after extreme storms, or policies that transfer the construction or liability risk of NBS. Since wildfire mitigation is to a large extent collective, another potential policy option to support NBS is community-based insurance strategies. This presentation will explore the opportunities and constraints for public and private insurers to support NBS for wildfire risk management. It reflects on-going research in three recently funded Horizon Europe projects: (Cross sector dialogue for wildfire risk management (FireLogue), Building a safe haven for climate extremes (The HuT), and Nature for insurance and insurance for nature (NATURANCE).

How to cite: Bayer, J., Bacciu, V., Plana, E., Sousa, L., Surminski, S., and Deubelli-Hwang, T.: Nature-based solutions for wildfire risk management: the role of insurance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9392,, 2023.

EGU23-9646 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Economic benefits of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based climate change adaptation: a global review 

Marta Vicarelli, Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Ali Alsadadi, Michael Kang, Madeline Leue, Simon Schütze, Aryen Shrestha, Ella Steciuk, David Wasielewski, Jaroslav Mysiak, Shannon McAndrew, Michael Marr, and Miranda Vance

Ecosystems and ecosystem services may contribute to reduction in disaster risk, sustainable development and climate change adaptation. The potential of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is now recognized by major national policies and international framework agreements. However, to date there is limited scientific evidence about their economic viability and equity impacts. In this study we developed a global database of 406 observations from 87 peer-reviewed studies published between 2000 and 2020, completing economic evaluations of NbS for Ecosystem-based Climate Adaptation (EbA) and Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR). We examine available scientific knowledge on the economic viability and performance of NbS for Eco-DRR and EbA, both in terms of efficiency and equity. More than 40% of the studies analyze the role of coastal ecosystems, coral reefs, wetlands, and mangroves in attenuating disaster risk, with a special focus on floods, storms and erosion. Abundant are also studies examining forest ecosystems (30%), followed by urban (25%) and riparian ecosystems (23%). A smaller number of studies analyzes agro-ecosystems. The number of studies per region suggests that Europe, Asia, and North America are the regions where most Eco-DRR research was undertaken. Based on our results, 71% of studies found that the ecosystems studied were effective NbS in mitigating hazards. 24% of studies found that the ecosystems were occasionally effective in mitigating hazards. None of the studies found NbS ineffective in mitigating hazards. The ecosystems most frequently effective in mitigating hazards included mangroves (80%), forests (77%), and coastal ecosystems (73%). A subset of studies compared the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of NbS and engineering-based solutions in mitigating certain hazards (39%). Among these studies, 65% found that NbS are always more effective in attenuating hazards compared to engineering-based solutions, and 26% found that NbS are partially more effective. No study found that NbS are less effective than engineering-based solutions. 

How to cite: Vicarelli, M., Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Alsadadi, A., Kang, M., Leue, M., Schütze, S., Shrestha, A., Steciuk, E., Wasielewski, D., Mysiak, J., McAndrew, S., Marr, M., and Vance, M.: Economic benefits of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based climate change adaptation: a global review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9646,, 2023.

EGU23-12053 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Nice weather or burning heat? Sentiment analysis of temperature-related media reports. 

Ekaterina Bogdanovich, Alexander Brenning, Lars Guenther, Markus Reichstein, Dorothea Frank, Mike S. Schäfer, Georg Ruhrmann, and René Orth

The frequency, duration, and intensity of heat waves are expected to increase in the coming decades. This could lead to elevated heat stress and consequently an increase in excess mortality, caused by hyperthermia, dehydration, respiratory disease, cerebrovascular disease, or heat stroke. Public awareness of such impacts is key to mitigate heat-related consequences of hot temperatures. For example, the sentiment of heat-related media coverage can affect the perceived risk and the motivation of people to implement risk mitigation such as avoiding outside activities and ensuring sufficient water intake.  

In this study, we analyze the sentiment of temperature-related newspaper reports from multiple countries in an automated way. In particular, we investigate (i) how newspapers in different countries respond to hot temperatures in terms of the number of on-topic articles and their sentiment, and (ii) to what extent socioeconomic and climatic characteristics can explain differences between countries.
For this purpose, we employ data on minimum, mean, maximum, and apparent temperature from the ERA5 reanalysis. We obtain country-specific relationships between the sentiment of temperature-related newspaper articles and the respective temperatures. We hypothesize that these relationships differ, for example, between cold and warm countries, and that heat waves are generally perceived more positively in cold regions.

In summary, this work reveals the links between the sentiment of newspaper articles and hot temperatures across countries. Linking these results with observed heat-related health impacts can guide public health agencies, newspapers, and journalists in particular to ensure public awareness of the detrimental impacts of heat waves, which are expected to further aggravate in a warming world.

How to cite: Bogdanovich, E., Brenning, A., Guenther, L., Reichstein, M., Frank, D., Schäfer, M. S., Ruhrmann, G., and Orth, R.: Nice weather or burning heat? Sentiment analysis of temperature-related media reports., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12053,, 2023.

EGU23-12929 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Global societal vulnerability to volcanic eruptions 

Lara Mani, Mike Cassidy, Asaf Tzachor, and Paul Cole

The climatic cooling effects associated with large magnitude volcanic eruptions – the so-called ‘volcanic winter’ scenario – have long been identified as an extreme risk that may impact the continued flourishing of humanity. Such eruptions are relatively rare, but perhaps not as rare as we might think. A greater understanding of this mechanism and increased resolution of our geological records through the study of ice core records demonstrate that the recurrence of an eruption capable of this impact may be as frequent as 1 in 6 per century. These large magnitude volcanic eruptions (VEI 7 and above), could cause a global cooling event for up to a decade, if not longer, with more severe effects felt in the northern hemisphere, presenting a unique challenge for global food security.

Further, viewed through the lens of vulnerability, human society now closely intersects with regions of volcanic activity, potentially forging new pathways for volcanic eruptions to cause global disruption. Our research identified regions of intersection, or ‘pinch points’, where a compounding of global critical systems and infrastructure, such as submarine cables, global shipping lanes, and transportation networks, are proximal to regions of volcanic activity. These pinch points present locations in our interconnected world where volcanic eruptions may disrupt our systems, cascading us toward global catastrophe. With climate change increasing the frequency and intensity of volcanic eruptions globally and enhancing their impacts, more must be done to accelerate our preparedness for such events.

How to cite: Mani, L., Cassidy, M., Tzachor, A., and Cole, P.: Global societal vulnerability to volcanic eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12929,, 2023.

Extreme weather and climate events (EWCEs) have jeopardized crop yields globally. The evidenced increasing trends of EWCEs would amplify their impacts if they co-occurred. This would bring additional shocks to global food markets, and result in severe risks to food security. A systemical analysis of the risk of crop yield failure under EWCEs and their changes in a warming future is essential to guide adaptations adequately and ensure food security. In this study, we compared the relations between maize yield anomalies and 14 climatic indices over the growing season in the breadbasket (10 provinces) in China during 1981-2018 to identify the main EWCEs determining maize yield anomalies. We then compared the probabilities of crop yield failure under current climatic conditions and its projected changes under 1.5 and 2.0 oC global warming using 28 climate models from CMIP6. The result shows that the maize yield anomalies can be mainly explained by extreme temperate-related indices, despite the various indices for individual provinces. The probability of synchronous yield failure in 1981-2018 was below 7.5% when we randomly summed up seven maize provinces among ten. The probability may reach 2.45% and 7.73% on average under 1.5 and 2.0 oC global warming conditions for all ten provinces, respectively. The transferred risk of crop yield failure revealed that more current maize land would be outstripping its climate-safe space under warmer conditions. Our results highlighted the benefits of limiting global temperature rise within 1.5 oC. Furthermore, enhancing crop resistance to adverse climate situations through appropriate adaptations would be a promising solution to stabilize crop productivity.

How to cite: Liu, S. and Xiao, L.: Limit global warming to 1.5 oC will alleviate the synchronous failure of maize yield in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13890,, 2023.

EGU23-15116 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

The WOODPDLAKE project. Lakes, wood and sediment: Natural and Cultural Heritage affected by climate changes 

Swati Tamantini, Giancarlo Sidoti, Federica Antonelli, Giulia Galotta, Maria Cristina Moscatelli, Davor Kržišnik, Vittorio Vinciguerra, Rosita Marabottini, Natalia Macro, and Manuela Romagnoli

Wooden pile dwellings (WPD) are an inexhaustible and precious source of information on landscape evolution and contingent cultural activities. There have been significant investigations on WPD submerged in Alpine areas, but important knowledge gaps are evident regarding Mediterranean volcanic and karstic lakes. The conservation of the latter archaeological remnants is endangered by the climatic change impacts and anthropogenic pressure, further exacerbated by the sensitive and circumscribed lake environments. Wood from pile dwellings is waterlogged, and its conservation mostly depends on the surrounding environment i.e. sediments and water quality. This project aims to study all the aspects of WPD in volcanic and karstic lakes through studies ranging from their potential exploitation, the investigation into their conservation and restoration, monitoring lake environment and forecasting scenarios through an aquarium reproducing the most significant abiotic conditions occurring in the lake. This last study will be achieved by means of an aquarium model. Three case studies have been selected in which agricultural practices influence climatic stress and pollution impact: Lake Banyoles in Spain and Lakes Bolsena and Mezzano in Italy. The foreseen investigations will employ an extraordinarily wide spectrum of skills and disciplines (palynology, dendrochronology, micromorphology, soil science and innovative tools like isotopic analysis). The characterization of wooden materials will involve gravimetric measurements, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and thermogravimetry. Samples will derive from different sources to include immersed, reburied finds and restored wood, lake water and lake sediment samples. The main activities will be devoted to fields campaigns and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), high-resolution methods for monitoring environmental conditions (for example the installed probe will measure water lake temperature, pH and so on), capitalization of results (network of big data about lake sites), involvement of local actors and population on the historical, cultural and environmental value of WPDs to establish decision-making processes and to foster high-quality tourism.

How to cite: Tamantini, S., Sidoti, G., Antonelli, F., Galotta, G., Moscatelli, M. C., Kržišnik, D., Vinciguerra, V., Marabottini, R., Macro, N., and Romagnoli, M.: The WOODPDLAKE project. Lakes, wood and sediment: Natural and Cultural Heritage affected by climate changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15116,, 2023.

EGU23-16961 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Effect of weather extremes on climate change media coverage - Evidence from 57 000 newspaper articles 

Jakob H. Lochner, Annika Stechemesser, and Leonie Wenz

Climate change media coverage shapes climate-related societal and political debates and decisions [1, 2]. Yet it is unclear what drives media attention for climate change. More frequent and more intense weather extremes are a clear consequence of climate change and have a large impact on society. Extreme weather events might hence be an important factor for climate coverage. Here, we investigate whether weather extremes lead to more climate change coverage in the media. Further, we analyse how this changes over time and whether it differs between different types of extreme weather events such as heat waves or floods. Finally, we examine how the influence on climate coverage varies between weather extremes and other climate-related events such as climate protests, IPCC report publications and world climate summits.

To this end, we analyse approximately nine million articles from nine German newspapers over the last three decades (1991 - 2021). The selection of newspapers is diverse and includes regional and national media, daily and weekly publication rhythms, as well as various political leanings. Currently, the nine newspapers have a cumulative readership of more than 12 million people. Within all nine million articles, we identify approximately 57 000 climate-related articles, using a bag-of-word machine learning approach. Changes in the share of climate-related articles are evaluated against the background of the occurrence of weather extremes and other climate-related events, while controlling for potential confounders using fixed effects panel regressions. Information about extreme weather events are derived from the meteorological ERA5 reanalysis data as well as from the international disasters' database EM-DAT. In addition, we use data on activists’ protest, scientific publications and political climate-related conferences, derived from press releases of the corresponding organizations. 

Our study provides evidence that weather extremes increase climate change coverage. Separate analyses for the three decades (1991 - 2000, 2001 - 2010, 2011 - 2021) show that the influence of weather extremes on climate coverage increases over time. Differences in the influence on climate coverage are found for different weather extreme types. The influence of floods in Germany on climate coverage is about twice as large as that of heat waves. Comparing the effect of weather extremes with that of other climate-related events shows that the influence of social events on climate coverage is much stronger than the influence of weather extremes. We find evidence that protests exceed the influence of heat waves by a factor of four, and world climate summits even exceed the influence of heat waves by a factor of ten. These trends apply to all newspapers studied and are preserved under different controls and alternative climate coverage measures.

[1] Brulle, R. J., Carmichael, J. & Jenkins, J. C. Shifting public opinion on climate change: An empirical assessment of factors influencing concern over climate change in the U.S., 2002-2010. Climatic Change 114, 169–188 (2012).

[2] Sampei, Y. & Aoyagi-Usui, M. Mass-media coverage, its influence on public awareness of climate-change issues, and implications for Japan’s national campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Global Environmental Change 19, 203–212 (2009).

How to cite: Lochner, J. H., Stechemesser, A., and Wenz, L.: Effect of weather extremes on climate change media coverage - Evidence from 57 000 newspaper articles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16961,, 2023.

EGU23-17016 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Constructing multi-functional Technosols for storm-water management: mixing high-carbon organic amendments, a microcosm experiment 

Lauren Porter, Franziska Bucka, Maha Deeb, Natalie Paez-Curtidor, Monika Egerer, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

As the global water cycle intensifies – with it’s increased variability projected to cause greater storm-events, more extensive flooding and more severe droughts – the obsolescence of current urban infrastructure is made clear, particularly in the face of an ever increasing urban population. To combat these challenges, concepts have been developed across the globe in order to better manage and utilize stormwater run-off; many leaning on the larger concept of green infrastructure, implementing solutions replicative of a more natural water cycle. The simplistic design, low capital costs and flexible application and incorporation into urban spaces has made bio-infiltration swales an excellent choice for urban planners and a center point of recent research. As the base of these systems, the soil substrate lends significantly to a swale’s services of dewatering, pollutant processing, biodiversity promotion and carbon accumulation. By combining urban mineral and organic wastes, we attempt to optimize the synergies between these services. In a microcosm incubation experiment, an extracted deep soil horizon was mixed with green waste compost to form a fertile constructed Technosol. Subsequently, biochars of varying feedstock and pyrolysis processing temperatures were added individually and in combination to determine their impact on water processing properties and nutrient availability. We hypothesized the combinations of biochars will create a structure that maximizes water-substrate interactions while also retaining a larger variety of pollutants due to their differences in chemical composition. The addition of biochar will also minimize run-off of nutrients introduced by the green waste compost, increasing their availability to potential vegetation.

How to cite: Porter, L., Bucka, F., Deeb, M., Paez-Curtidor, N., Egerer, M., and Kögel-Knabner, I.: Constructing multi-functional Technosols for storm-water management: mixing high-carbon organic amendments, a microcosm experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17016,, 2023.

EGU23-17315 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Connecting COVID-19 and climate change in the anthropocene: evidence from urban vulnerability in São Paulo 

Alexandre Pereira Santos, Miguel Rodriguez Lopez, and Jürgen Scheffran

Global crises such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic do not affect cities uniformly. These crises converge in urban areas and often interact through their primary and secondary impacts with the vulnerability of urban populations. This paper investigates urban development dynamics and socio-environmental vulnerability in a megalopolis in the Global South, São Paulo (Brasil). Our goal is to assess the connections between urbanisation and risk exposure, a gap in vulnerability research when considering climate and health hazards. We implement an innovative mixed methods research design using thematic, hot spots, and survival analysis techniques. Two focus groups at the central and peripheral regions of the city provide qualitative data, while open data sets and COVID-19 case microdata (n= 1,948,601) support the quantitative methods. We find a complex system of relationships between urbanisation and risk exposure. Socioeconomic vulnerability characteristics of the population do not explain exposure entirely but significantly contribute to risk-prone location choices. Additionally, social vulnerability factors such as low income and social segregation are highly concentrated in São Paulo, coinciding with substantial COVID-19 fatality rates during 25 months of the pandemic. Finally, qualitative analysis helps us overcome the limitations of quantitative methods on the intraurban scale, indicating contrasting experiences of resilience and resistance during the health crisis. While the low-income group faced mental health and food security issues, the upper-middle-income sample took advantage of opportunities arising during the pandemic to improve work and well-being. We argue that these results demonstrate potential synergies for climate adaptation and health policies in combating socio-environmental vulnerability at the community scale. Environmental justice is thus paramount for global development agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Sendai Framework, and the Paris Agreement.

How to cite: Pereira Santos, A., Lopez, M. R., and Scheffran, J.: Connecting COVID-19 and climate change in the anthropocene: evidence from urban vulnerability in São Paulo, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17315,, 2023.

Small island states and jurisdictions face enormous sustainability challenges such as isolation from global markets, tenuous resource availability, heavy reliance on imports to meet basic needs, coastal squeeze, and reduced waste absorption capacity. At the same time, the adverse effects of global environmental change such as global warming, extreme events, and outbreaks of pandemics significantly hinder island economies’ progress towards sustainability, and consistently rank them high on various vulnerability indices. This talk introduces the concept of socio-metabolic risk, defined as systemic risk associated with the availability of critical resources, the integrity of material circulation, and the (in)equitable distribution of derived products and societal services in a socio-ecological system. Drawing on years of socio-metabolic research on islands, I will argue that specific configurations and combinations of material stocks and flows and their ‘resistance to change’ contribute to the system’s proliferation of socio-metabolic risk (SMR). For better or for worse, these influence the system’s ability to consistently and effectively deliver societal services necessary for human survival. Governing SMR would mean governing socio-metabolic flows, and easing resource requirements through green(-blue) infrastructure and nature-based solutions (NBS) to provide crucial societal services. Such interventions will need strategies to reconfigure resource-use patterns and associated services that are sustainable as well as socially equitable.

How to cite: Singh, S.: Socio-metabolic Risks and Tipping Points on Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17529,, 2023.

EGU23-2593 | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Coarse and fine root development of street-tree species in different planting soil substrate 

Joscha N. Becker, Stephan Musal, Susann Ocker, Alexander Schütt, and Annette Eschenbach

Climate change increases the pressure on urban street trees by limited soil-water availability during extended heat and dry summer periods. Young and freshly planted trees are particularly affected by soil drought since their root system is not well developed and spatially limited to the volume of the initial root ball. The vitality and survival of these trees is strongly dependent on their ability to quickly exploit a larger rooting zone.

To investigate early tree development and root growth, we established a field trial in a tree nursery within the metropolitan region of Hamburg, Germany. Three tree species (Amelanchier lamarckii, Quercus cerris and Tilia cordata ‚Greenspire‘) were grown in two soil substrates (loam, sand) in five replicates. After three years, we excavated a defined soil volume radially from each tree trunk, and determined root biomass (coarse > 2 mm, and fine < 2 mm diameter) in three distances and three depths. Results were compared to species-specific allometric equations, derived from stem diameter measurements.

While no overall substrate effect appeared for total root biomass, the average fine-root biomass between all species was 59% higher in loam compared to sand. Species wise, A. lamarckii showed 68% lower total root biomass and a lower root spread in sand substrate, compared to loam. This was mainly related to the near complete absence of A. lamarckii‘s coarse roots in sand. In contrast Q. cerris developed larger root biomass in sand substrate, particularly in form of deep fine roots, with a maximum in 60-90 cm depth. This was not reflected in the allometric equation (r = -0.8), indicating a shift in belowground carbon allocation under water stress. Compared to the restricted root system of A. lamarckii and the deep roots of Q. cerris, T. cordata formed an extensive fine root system, with a reduced fine root abundance in sand substrate.

We conclude that the rooting-zone exploitation in planting pits is strongly affected by soil substrate and differs between tree species. Particularly Q. cerris invests in a large deep rooting system under enhanced water stress (i.e. in sand substrate), which is not reflected by common allometric equation methods. Ensuring a healthy urban tree population under climate change, therefore requires the combined consideration of adaptive tree species and present urban soil substrates for new tree plantings.

How to cite: Becker, J. N., Musal, S., Ocker, S., Schütt, A., and Eschenbach, A.: Coarse and fine root development of street-tree species in different planting soil substrate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2593,, 2023.

EGU23-2682 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Assessing the state of the adoption of Nature-based Solutions for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean basin 

Giulia Motta Zanin, Simon Peter Muwafu, and María Máñez Costa

The ineffectiveness of traditional grey engineering infrastructures to counteract coastal risks such as erosion and flooding, combined with the exacerbation of climate change impacts, is leading scientists, experts and decision makers to devise and implement more adaptive, cost-effective, resilient, sustainable and environment-friendly risk management measures. Nature-based Solutions (NbSs), as an alternative or complement to traditional grey infrastructures for coastal risk management, are gaining importance in the international and EU debate. The Mediterranean Basin is considered one of the most vulnerable regions worldwide mainly due to its population density and concentration of economic activities along the coasts and its borderline climatic balance. It is defined as one of the most critical erosion hotspots in Europe, due to the degradation of coastal areas and the overexploitation and unsustainable practices along the coasts and in the sea, heavily affecting beach tourism, agriculture and fishing activities. Moreover, the Mediterranean coasts are affected by impacts of other phenomena (e.g. storms, floods), exacerbated by climate change. To mitigate and adapt to such environmental and climatic changes, NbSs are considered a promising step-forward, as it is based on the principle that the enhancement and protection of natural processes provide multiple benefits to society, thus ensuring a sustainable provision of benefits and co-benefits and counteracting the negative climate change impacts.

This paper seeks to bring a comprehensive understanding of the state of the adoption of NbSs for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean. To assess the goal, an in-depth analysis based on a literature review of past and current implemented NbSs for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean has been performed. Starting from 162 scientific papers and documents, only 23 fit the goal of the work. Through the support of an innovative four-dimensional matrix, the operationalized classification of the NbSs has been performed. The main result reveals a lack of consideration of NbSs for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean leading to difficulties in helping to facilitate NbS mainstreaming and uptake.

The current study raises the necessity to examine the reasons behind the difficulties in implementing  NbSs for coastal risk management in a complex system such as the Mediterranean, by identifying strengths and gaps.

How to cite: Motta Zanin, G., Muwafu, S. P., and Máñez Costa, M.: Assessing the state of the adoption of Nature-based Solutions for coastal risk management in the Mediterranean basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2682,, 2023.

EGU23-3139 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Future climatic suitability of cocoa agroforestry systems with common fruit trees in Cameroon 

Nele Gloy, Paula Romanovska, Abel Chemura, and Christoph Gornott

Climate change is projected to become limiting for cocoa production which can increase drastically the pressure on forest land as cocoa is already now a major driver for deforestation in Cameroon. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of climate risks that are associated to cocoa production and change in suitability is key for future resilient land use planning.  The nature based solution agroforestry is a common and promising strategy in the face of climate change impacts on cocoa production due to the reduction of heat stress by providing shade and its various co-benefits, as for instance the diversification of income. Crop suitability models are used in assessing the impact of climate change on season-long crop production potential and provide important information for projections of production rates. In this study, we developed an approach to assess the vulnerability of cocoa production in agroforestry systems under climate change considering common fruit tree species (Dacryodes edulis and Mangifera indica) in cocoa plantations in Cameroon. We simulated first the general suitability for cocoa under current and projected climate change and then compared the suitability under an emulated agroforestry system. We considered various climatic parameters such as monthly temperature, mean monthly precipitation, number of hot nights and days, (consecutive) dry months as well as further soil parameters such as pH. Farmers and expert’s opinion were considered through interviews and focus groups to complete and improve data availability on further socio-economic factors that might affect future suitability and productivity within agroforestry systems. We modelled future climate projections with Global Climate Models covering the time period 2015-2100 under the two climate change scenarios SSP1-RCP2.6 and SSP3-RCP7.0. Our results show an important shift of suitable areas and considerable decrease of suitability especially for the fruit trees which should be considered in adaptation planning to ensure future viable production.

How to cite: Gloy, N., Romanovska, P., Chemura, A., and Gornott, C.: Future climatic suitability of cocoa agroforestry systems with common fruit trees in Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3139,, 2023.

In order to adapt to sea level rise, sand nourishments are one of the measures to protect the coast from erosion and stabilize shorelines. Marine sands are being dredged from the ocean floor and nourished onto the beach or in the shallow water. To understand the ecological effects of these measurements, the following case study was performed. Both short and long-term effects on aquatic and terrestrial coastal ecosystems were monitored during a 24 months survey which started in June 2021 in Ahrenshoop at the Baltic Sea (Germany). Sediment structure and vegetation along the nourished beach as well as the turbidity plume caused by the nourishment were monitored.
It was shown that it takes around 6 months until the sediment and water conditions prior to the nourishment are met again. This is due to the mechanism of the nourishment itself and depending on the nourished sediment. The algae vegetation was only influenced by seasons and not affected by the nourishment. In contrast, there were major changes in vegetation of the dune since part of the dune was burrowed under the nourished sand. The vegetation coverage decreased as well as the biodiversity in the primary and secondary dune which both were buried under a new layer of sediment that was significantly different and only Ammophila arenaria was restored there. The tertiary dune was not directly affected by the nourishment. Nevertheless, comparisons of the dune with unnourished dunes showed overall lower biodiversity including the tertiary dune.
Sand nourishments can change the ecology of a coastal ecosystem. Even after reinstating similar sediment parameters, the results of the case study suggest that long-term effects occur regarding vegetation of the dune. 

How to cite: Glueck, D.: Can sand nourishments counteract the consequences of climate change while preserving ecosystems: A case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4894,, 2023.

EGU23-6288 | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Systemic design approach for climate change adaptation and enhancement of public health and wellbeing 

Stanislava Boskovic, Pepe Puchol-Salort, Ana Mijic, and Cedo Maksimovic

Climate change-related phenomena are putting an enormous strain on cities’ infrastructure, human livelihoods, public health and citizens well-being. This, together with the increase in urban growth and urbanization, results in an expansion of urban hazards - including water scarcity, disease transmission and consequent social issues.

To address this complexity in an urban design context we introduce a Systemic Design (SyD) framework for Multifunctional Nature-based Solutions (NBS) to rethink and contribute to the planet’s health and people’s quality of life. The SyD approach focuses on context knowledge creation (environmental, climatic, social…) that includes perspectives from the point of view of multiple stakeholders, maps its key features, and analyses alternatives for exploiting different design options. Exploratory or suitability modelling supports all these steps.

The examples here presented are part of the multidisciplinary project euPOLIS focused on climate change adaptation and on enhancement of public health and citizen’s well-being through the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS). Although diversity of the size and the scale of presented case studies, the systematic baseline analysis have revealed that there are several shared conditions, such as an immediate need for improvement of existing green spaces, mitigation of direct and indirect UHI effect and refinement of maintenance systems.

A mapping of the local features, and variety of specific spatial and social conditions in public spaces studied in euPOLIS’s Cities (Belgrade, Gladsaxe, Lodz and Pireas) gives synthetic prospects to better understand the potential effectiveness of Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) solutions (design options) in relation to their wider ecosystem and citizens’ concerns.  This leads to a systematic assessment of possible future scenarios of different scales (local, urban, regional…) and allows an examination of possible steps to better define locally specific variables, evaluation and validation of benefits to reduce existing vulnerability, and to improve community’s liveability.  The systemic design approach allows to explore the main drivers of urban development, climate change mitigation and urban resilience. In this way, it also supports decisions for further planning stages and anticipates actions for the management of the multifaceted hazards of the entire urban system.

How to cite: Boskovic, S., Puchol-Salort, P., Mijic, A., and Maksimovic, C.: Systemic design approach for climate change adaptation and enhancement of public health and wellbeing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6288,, 2023.

EGU23-6674 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Estimation of crop fractional cover (FCover) in smallholder farming systems using UAV and Sentinel-2 images : Case study of a Senegalese agroforestry parkland 

Ibrahima Diack, Louise Leroux, Benjamin Heuclin, Philippe Letourmy, Serigne Mansour Diene, Alain Audebert, Olivier Roupsard, Abdoul Aziz Diouf, Idrissa Sarr, and Moussa Diallo

Scattered trees in farmer fields, also known as agroforestry parkland, are integrated part of West African smallholder agricultural landscapes. While they are used for centuries by farmers, they are now recognised by the scientific and politic communities as a mean to face climate changes (Skole et al., 2021). Fractional cover (FCover) is an important biophysical parameter allowing to monitor the crop growth. Satellite images has been proven very efficient for crop FCover estimation in various ecosystems (Gräzing et al 2021). However, in agroforestry parklands, the presence of trees inside the fields induced a huge variability that can be hardly captured by traditional approach relying on satellite images and ground information.

We propose an original empirical framework relying on the combining use of UAV-based FCover and Sentinel-2 data to estimate the pearl millet FCover at landscape scale in an agroforestry parkland of Senegal. 6 UAV images were acquired during the 2021 cropping season and the millet FCover has been derived from a threshold of UAV images for 95 subplots on a 3-m grid and used as targeted variable. 4 vegetation indices and 8 texture featured calculated from S2 data were used as models’ predictors. 3 machine learning regression algorithms (RF, GBM and SVM) and a multiple linear regression (MLR) model were calibrated over the 3-m grid using a cross-validation approach and different scenarii of modelling were tested: (1) fit the four models date by date dataset, (2) fit the four models on all dates dataset with and without date information as predictor, (3) single models vs a meta-model resulting from the stacking of the different models.

Our results evidenced that for each model tested the accuracy is dependent to the millet growth stage, the vegetative period being overall the one allowing to reach the higher accuracy. MLR is not adapted to estimate millet FCover (R² between 0.07 and 0.13) while the machine learning models gave overall good results, RF being the better one (R² between 0.45 and 0.69).

We have shown that the use of date information as predictor allowed to improve the FCover estimation (R² increases up to 24%) however, the use of a meta-model didn’t significantly improve the accuracy suggesting that RF, GBM and SVM are robust enough for millet FCover estimation in such kind of landscape.

While the original workflow we proposed in this study need to be confirmed by adding data from the 2022 cropping season, the results obtained show promising opportunities for improving the crop monitoring in heterogeneous landscapes. The next step will be to better understand the influence of trees on the millet FCover, at the field scale and at the landscape scale.

How to cite: Diack, I., Leroux, L., Heuclin, B., Letourmy, P., Diene, S. M., Audebert, A., Roupsard, O., Diouf, A. A., Sarr, I., and Diallo, M.: Estimation of crop fractional cover (FCover) in smallholder farming systems using UAV and Sentinel-2 images : Case study of a Senegalese agroforestry parkland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6674,, 2023.

EGU23-7009 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Estimation of Mangrove Leaf Area Index using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle multispectral imagery 

Mariana Elías-Lara, Jorge Rodríguez, Yu-Hsuan Tu, Javier Blanco-Sacristán, Marcel M. El Hajj, Kasper Johansen, and Matthew F. McCabe

Mangroves are essential ecosystems composed of salt-tolerant plants that grow in tropical and subtropical intertidal zones, acting as a vital link between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Interest in mangrove preservation and restoration has been increasing in recent years due to their important role in climate regulation by capturing and preserving carbon. Despite their importance, these ecosystems are under huge pressure due to human activities. It is estimated that these environments have lost up to half of the area occupied under pristine conditions. Leaf area index (LAI) is a well-known biophysical parameter related to plant health, as it provides information on the water, energy, and CO2 exchange between plants and the atmosphere. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have emerged in recent years as a viable solution for ecosystem monitoring, as they allow for rapid and frequent data acquisition of a wide range of wavelengths. In this work, we evaluated the potential of multispectral images acquired by a UAV to estimate the LAI of a mangrove (Avicennia marina) forest located in the coastal area of the Red Sea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Multicollinearity assessment was performed to select significant variables suited for estimating LAI, including five multispectral bands, a canopy height model, and eight vegetation indices. Multicollinearity assessment was performed with three approaches: the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), Random Forest (RF) for variable selection, and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). The capability of significant variables to estimate LAI was assessed using the Generalized Linear Model (GLM), RF and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Results showed high estimation accuracy of LAI (R² = 0.91 for GLM, R² = 0.89 for RF and R² = 0.90 for SVM). However, further analysis showed that it is possible to estimate LAI of the mangrove forest with reasonable accuracy (R² = 0.87 for GLM, R² = 0.78 for RF and R² = 0.87 for SVM) using only two variables, the canopy height model and the GreenNDVI. The same variables were used to estimate LAI at another mangrove site and similar results were obtained (R² = 0.74 for GLM, R² = 0.73 for RF and R² = 0.68 for SVM). 

How to cite: Elías-Lara, M., Rodríguez, J., Tu, Y.-H., Blanco-Sacristán, J., El Hajj, M. M., Johansen, K., and McCabe, M. F.: Estimation of Mangrove Leaf Area Index using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle multispectral imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7009,, 2023.

Nature-based solutions are increasingly promoted in regional and national policies as actions to address societal challenges and promote climate change mitigation and adaptation while leading to co-benefits to human well-being and biodiversity. However, several challenges limit the mainstreaming of nature-based solutions in decision-making. Through the presentation of case studies from the island state of Malta, we analyse the (a) use of urban ecosystem service assessment to prioritise nature-based solutions based on existing distributional patterns, (b) recent case-studies of nature-based solutions implementation, and (c) barriers and enablers to mainstreaming nature-based solutions in decision-making. We show how urban ecosystem service assessments can support greening strategies by identifying the most effective nature-based solutions that can play a redistributive role by addressing existing inequalities in ecosystem services supply within cities. Our results also indicate that while nature-based solutions were used to address multiple societal challenges, including tackling drought and heat risk, low place aesthetic value, low green infrastructure availability, and biodiversity and knowledge loss, several gaps in practice remain. We show how nature-based solutions uptake has been more strongly associated with the environmental sector, and social and economic benefits, such as green job creation, social cohesion and ownership by communities, were less often identified in the analysed case-studies. We also show how current bottlenecks, including knowledge gaps regarding the scope, cost-effectiveness and benefits arising from nature-based solutions, and limited practical experience, act as barriers to implementation while the arising public relations, adoption of interdisciplinary approaches involving multiple stakeholders, and the availability of regional guidelines were considered as key enablers. Drawing on these case-studies, we present recent collaborative work aiming at addressing some of the gaps in knowledge and practice, while engaging with communities to co-create nature-based solutions and evaluating the impacts of implementation.

How to cite: Balzan, M.: Planning effective and multifunctional nature-based solutions: insights from the case-study of Malta, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7092,, 2023.

EGU23-7179 | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures in a drought-prone area 

Beate Zimmermann, Sarah Kruber, and Christian Hildmann

In the state of Brandenburg in eastern Germany, land use is increasingly affected by long-lasting soil moisture deficits in the vegetation period. Therefore, it is important to take measures to improve water retention at the landscape level to delay and mitigate the effects of droughts.

As a first step, we developed a catalog of possible measures that can be implemented on agricultural land, in forests, settlements, and nature reserves in our study area, a 1900 km² county in Brandenburg. Our objective was then to quantify their bio-physical efficacy. The distribution of land surface temperature (LST), which we derived from Landsat thermal images from the vegetation seasons of 2013 to 2020, served as a proxy for environmental conditions that favor water retention. We modeled LST as a function of several parameters of the physical environment such as land cover, forest and crop type. In addition, we incorporated an antecedent moisture index and potential evapotranspiration at time of satellite overpass into the model. With the help of meteorological time series from climate projections, we can thus check to what extent the model results could change in the future.

In this contribution, we will present the modeling framework and results. The model predictions provide a ranking of measures in terms of their effectiveness both within and between land use classes. In agricultural landscapes, for example, the conversion of cropland to forest and, albeit to a lesser extent, to permanent grassland is much more efficient than organic fertilization, agroforestry, or the cultivation of permanent crops. Finally, we discuss possible approaches to using the results for practical recommendations despite the various uncertainties (data and model uncertainty, uncertainty of climate projection data).

How to cite: Zimmermann, B., Kruber, S., and Hildmann, C.: Effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures in a drought-prone area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7179,, 2023.

Nature-based adaptation Solutions (NbaS) have become central elements for action on climate. With a wide range of forms across different ecosystems, NBaS are now recognized to mitigate the intensity and frequency of climate-related events, to buffer heat stress and to regulate altered hydrological cycles for instance.

The LIFE ARTISAN project (Achieving Resiliency by Triggering Implementation of nature-based Solutions for climate Adaptation at a National scale) aims to promote the implementation of NbaS throughout the French territory ( in the framework of the National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation. For this purpose, many actions are carried out to facilitate the design, use, assessment and maintenance of NbaS: development of tools, trainings, grid of indicators, taking benefit from 10 pilot sites.

This communication is particularly focused on the way in which the naturation of the urban environment can attenuate heat islands. It presents the thermo-hydric coupling carried out between the Multi-Hydro and Solène-Microclimate models. This new platform is able to simulate both water balance and energy budget to assess the performance of NbaS in stormwater management and microclimate mitigation at the urban project scale. This coupling, based on the evapotranspiration process, was validated by using observed data collected during the ANR EVNATURB project (

Perspectives are proposed concerning schoolyards. These locations, often highly impervious, appear very relevant for setting up NbaS in order to create cooling islands, while having an educational aim.

How to cite: Versini, P.-A.: Thermo-hydric assessment of Nature-based adaptation Solutions in urban environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9250,, 2023.

Photovoltaic electricity, heat, or biomass are potential products of transformed solar radiation on building envelopes. In the urban landscape all of these energy forms can be used. Walls can be heated when left blank (in winter) and plants can generate biomass, which stores CO2. Roof- and facade greening are both discussed climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, whereas its cooling performance is of highest interest in order to prevent indoor heat stress in urban areas, e.g. in the mid latitudes. Shading is the most effective cooling process before transpiration and insulation, its impact depends on the solar radiation. Therefore, solar radiation must be quantified for a set of typical urban conditions in order to prioritize roof or façade greening as the most effective cooling strategy.

The latitude and the regional climatic conditions have an impact on the radiation absorbed by the roofs and the facades of a city. Additionally, the urban design (street canyon height-to-width ratio, roof-to-facade area ratio, altitude of the facade and roof, albedo) and the building orientation play an important role.

We simulated idealized (clear sky conditions, constant albedo and elevation) and realistic scenarios (accounting realistic mean annual weather conditions) with three simplified urban designs (street canyon height-to-width ratio =1, 0.5, 0), using the meteonorm database for seven latitudinal evenly distributed cities between the equator and Svalbard. We present results for buildings with a roof to facade ratio of 1, 2 and 3 and discuss the corresponding effectiveness of roof and facade greening.

How to cite: Dahm, Y. and Nehls, T.: Seasonal solar radiation input of building surfaces depending on latitude, orientation and urban design- implications for urban greening, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9635,, 2023.

EGU23-10916 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Leveraging Climate and Governance Variability to Support Future Protected Area Risk Assessments  

Amina Ly and Noah Diffenbaugh

Protected areas are a critical tool for managing and ensuring the persistence of species biodiversity and land conservation. Their spatial extents are used to measure progress towards land protections by several international targets. However, governance type, management, and enforcement of these protected areas vary sub-nationally, and can influence the efficacy of the designation. Simultaneously, climatic conditions are coupled with species resilience, and changes in climate can be associated with shifts, expansions, and contractions of viable areas for habitat maintenance. Climate change is expected to change baseline climatic conditions globally and is likely to limit the benefits of terrestrial protected areas. Improved understanding of the relationship between governance, regional climate change, and protected areas can further enhance tracking of land cover change and inform protection strategies implemented across spatial scales. To aid in informed decision making at sub-national scales, we combine information on terrestrial sites in the World Database on Protected Areas, historic and future climate projections from CMIP6, and remotely sensed data on vegetation cover (NDVI). We leverage categorical differences in protected area management, as well as climate anomalies through time to explore their relationship to land cover change, and create additional tools for risk assessment that may be used in conjunction with local governance processes

How to cite: Ly, A. and Diffenbaugh, N.: Leveraging Climate and Governance Variability to Support Future Protected Area Risk Assessments , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10916,, 2023.

The intensified accumulation of greenhouse gasses has led to rapid changes in global temperature trends and climate. In urban areas, this issue may also be exacerbated by the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. There is an extensive body of studies investigating the effectiveness of nature-based solutions in addressing these concerns. The majority of investigations have been conducted in evaluating the performance of urban greenspaces on cooling the environment since greenspaces can provide significant urban cooling via shade provision, evapotranspiration, and increased albedo. However, there remain some technical constraints for currently widely used methods for quantifying the cooling effect of greenspace. For example, although remote sensing techniques can provide spatially representative temperature observations over large areas from regional to global scales, satellite thermal sensors possess relatively low-spatial resolution. Therefore, this study proposes an effective temperature downscaling method to assess the cooling effect of urban greenspaces based on the high-resolution temperature data. A total of five sites among typical urban communities in a highly-density city/country - Singapore were selected as study areas. The temperature downscaling algorithm proposed in this research combines predictions of both the geographically weighted regression (GWR) and the neural network. Results show that the hybrid temperature downscaling method outperforms the conventional downscaling method on whole territories of study regions. The cooling effect of greenspace improves with both increments in the area and the intensity of greenspace (indicated by the green plot ratio; GnPR) with R2 of 0.12 and 0.24, respectively. The characteristics of the urban built environment can also affect the cooling effect of greenspace with the R2 between the cooling effect and the sky view factor (SVF) ranging from 0.10 to 0.22 among the sites. Based on the high-resolution cooling performance of greenspace, our research offered some interesting findings: (1) small greenspace with low canopy density (e.g., small patches of grassland) may deliver higher temperature than the temperature of surroundings, thus becoming local heat islands. (2) In sites characterized by relatively high SVF, greenspace is less effective in urban cooling with an increase of openness. This suggests the effect of wind in dense high-rise urban built environments. These findings may assist in better planning of urban greenspaces to increase their cooling effects among different urban communities. The model developed in this study can also be used in other studies to study the influences of potential driving factors on the cooling performance of urban greenspace or other types of nature-based solutions at the regional level.

How to cite: Jia, S. and Weng, Q.: Planning of Urban Greenspace for Cooling Singapore: Modeling the Cooling Effects of Greenspace and Urban Morphology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11790,, 2023.

EGU23-11799 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

A systemic framework based on the One Health approach to assess the performance of Nature-based Solutions in urban areas 

Aurore Toulou, Lucie Merlier, Bernard Kaufmann, Claire Harpet, and Frédéric Lefèvre

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in urban areas can be solutions that simultaneously enable adaptation to climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure human health and well-being. Since NbS are open systems, their behavior is highly dependent on their interactions with the environment, which are particularly complex and diverse in the urban ecosystem. The dynamics of the urban socio-ecosystem are driven by humans who create new flows, new interactions and further redefine natural ecological processes.  

Urban NbS have the potential to deliver multiple benefits, such as cooling air, regulating the water cycle, capturing pollutants, producing biomass, contributing to the creation of ecological corridors, providing spaces for socialization and recreational activities, and improving quality of life. However, in the literature, their effectiveness is mainly assessed through siloed approaches, making it fragmented and unnuanced, with the outcomes rarely studied together. Following this, we develop a systemic framework, based on the “One Health” approach, to assess NbS as complex systems having interactions with biodiversity, microclimate, and humans. A well-performing NbS is assumed to be a solution in which biodiversity and humans are healthy in a mitigated microclimate. Through this systemic analysis, several outcomes of a NbS are studied together and links can be identified between the underlying processes, as synergies or antagonisms.

This work presents the One Health assessment framework. It is based on semantic work to define the system and conceptualize the One Health approach. It was supplemented by a literature review of studies developing other systemic frameworks and studies on the impacts of NbS. In addition, the framework was first developed for a particular type of urban NbS, green spaces, in order to focus on solutions based on the same objects – lawn, shrub, and tree –, and therefore, with mostly identical ecological functions.

This work was supported by the LabEx IMU (ANR-10-LABX-0088) of Université de Lyon, within the «Plan France 2030» operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR), and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME).

How to cite: Toulou, A., Merlier, L., Kaufmann, B., Harpet, C., and Lefèvre, F.: A systemic framework based on the One Health approach to assess the performance of Nature-based Solutions in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11799,, 2023.

EGU23-13824 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Model-based assessment of the effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in flood risk reduction: The case of Tamnava River Basin in Serbia 

Laddaporn Ruangpan, Jasna Plavšić, Nikola Rosic, Alex Curran, Ranko Pudar, and Zoran Vojinovic

Urbanization and climate change are making societies around the world more vulnerable to flooding. Effective and sustainable adaptation measures are needed to counteract the impacts of these changes and Nature-Based solutions have gained considerable attention for both mitigation and adaptation methods of flood risk reduction. However, methodologies to evaluate their performance and upscale their implementation are lacking. Performance evaluation in particular is an important process for decision-makers to be able to decide on the most desirable measures to be implemented. The present research aims to develop a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of NBS in reducing flood risk. The hydrological model (HEC-HMS) and 1D-2D hydrodynamic model (HEC-RAS) were coupled to create probabilistic inundation depth maps. A detailed flood damage model is then built and applied to estimate damage with and without the measures. The flood damage model was developed within the model builder in ArcGIS so that it can be easily replicated with many scenarios. Four measures were selected for the analyses, namely; reforestation, retention ponds, riparian buffer stripes, and bridge removal. This methodology has been applied to the case study of the Tamnava River Basin in Serbia within the EU-funded RECONECT project.

How to cite: Ruangpan, L., Plavšić, J., Rosic, N., Curran, A., Pudar, R., and Vojinovic, Z.: Model-based assessment of the effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in flood risk reduction: The case of Tamnava River Basin in Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13824,, 2023.

EGU23-13851 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Discerning relationships between urban ecosystem connectivity and social vulnerability in a major US city 

Zane Havens, Stephen Macko, and Laura Mogensen

As the body of research surrounding the benefits of Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) grows, questions regarding how and where UGI is implemented in regards to vulnerable populations require more investigation. Although US cities and municipalities have begun to examine the environmental justice implications of UGI placement, the spatial aggregation and connectivity characteristics of urban ecosystems in vulnerable areas aren’t always considered when making these decisions.  Evidence suggests that connectivity of UGI can influence the ecosystem services UGI provides, but currently research into the differences in UGI connectivity between vulnerable and non-vulnerable populations is sparse. Understanding this relationship can help to better inform decisionmakers on how to effectively address discrepancies in UGI implementation while minimizing the expenditure of municipal resources.

In this case study of Washington, DC, we explore relationships between metrics of ecosystem connectivity derived from high spatial resolution (1m) land cover maps and components of the US Center for Disease Control’s Social Vulnerability Index.  These relationships are analyzed using PCA to uncover correlations between commonly used indicators of social vulnerability and the spatial patterns of land cover in a major US city.

How to cite: Havens, Z., Macko, S., and Mogensen, L.: Discerning relationships between urban ecosystem connectivity and social vulnerability in a major US city, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13851,, 2023.

EGU23-14044 | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Towards the intentional, multifunctional design of green infrastructure 

Lauren M. Cook, Kelly D. Good, Marco Moretti, Peleg Kremer, Bridget Wadzuk, Robert Traver, and Virginia Smith

Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), which are mitigation measures seeking to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems, have been lauded as a solution to multiple environmental challenges in urban areas, including adaptation to climate change and protection of biodiversity. NbS are particularly compelling due to their perceived multifunctionality, or the ability to simultaneously perform multiple ecosystem functions or deliver multiple ecosystem services. However, after several decades discussing the ideas surrounding this broad vision, the implementation of multifunctional NbS in urban areas remains elusive. As several authors have pointed out, this can be due to poor coordination between planning and implementation efforts of NbS elements at the site-level, referred to here as “green infrastructure” (GI).  GI are typically designed for one, maybe two purposes, such as water absorption and/or shade, while other ecosystem services and benefits of GI are a passive consideration, assumed to occur based on principles of ecology. With this approach, the lessons learned, management and best practices of these elements are siloed, and synergies within green infrastructure implementation efforts are often overlooked, limiting comprehensive design and consideration of multi-functionality.

In this literature analysis, we offer a new perspective for the holistic design of multifunctional green infrastructure. First, we identify 15 types of GI elements that encompass a larger system. Second, we establish the “design objective” as a way to intentionally consider various ecosystem functions or benefits before GI implementation. Based on a literature review, we identify 13 design objectives, such as stormwater management, heat mitigation, biodiversity, human health & well-being, and social justice. By cross analyzing the GI elements and design objectives using literature queries, we find that most objectives are indeed siloed among particular elements. For instance, literature on stormwater management-focused elements, such as vegetated and non-vegetated infiltration systems (e.g., rain gardens), is dominated by stormwater management papers. Biodiversity is repeatedly considered in papers related to GI elements that are seldom associated to stormwater management (e.g., trees, parks). Design objectives related to social justice are largely lacking from the GI literature, with the exception of parks, trees, and urban gardens. These findings highlight that efforts for multifunctional GI planning will need to be coordinated across design objectives and elements. Yet, with a vast number of objectives to consider, evaluating all options before implementation may eventually impede the decision-making process and lead to a paradox of choice. A solution could be to follow principles of flexible and adaptable design, allowing for changes in the system along the way to account for new information. Ultimately, inter and transdisciplinary collaboration, research, and coordination are needed to address this multifaceted and critical issue. 

How to cite: Cook, L. M., Good, K. D., Moretti, M., Kremer, P., Wadzuk, B., Traver, R., and Smith, V.: Towards the intentional, multifunctional design of green infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14044,, 2023.

EGU23-14076 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

A multi-stage analytical framework for the integration of Nature-based Solutions into climate risk management and adaptation 

Elisa Furlan, Elena Allegri, Christian Simeoni, Remy Simide, Geraldine Perez, Bethan O'Leary, Catarina Fonseca, Andrea Critto, and Antonio Marcomini

Climate change and environmental degradation are severely affecting marine and coastal systems and the innumerable ecosystem goods and services on which people rely. As result, biodiversity loss and reductions in ecosystem functioning have been recorded across marine and terrestrial systems. A transformative change in the way we adapt to climate change is needed, centered around preserving and restoring nature. Nature-based Solutions (NbS), an umbrella term for conservation, restoration and other management measures (e.g., regulation law implementation), offer an opportunity to transform climate adaptation pathways while providing environmental and societal benefits. They can act as risk reduction measures and address ecological, political, societal, economic issues at multi-level from individual targeted local interventions to collective regional upscaling.

To facilitate the adoption of evidence-informed NbS responding to environmental targets as posed by relevant EU acquis (e.g., Marine Strategy Framework Directive) and specific contexts, in the frame of the MaCoBioS project, a harmonized modeling framework has been developed. It brings together risk assessment approaches, NbS suitability mapping and a decision-support system guiding the selection of most appropriate NbS in marine and coastal ecosystems. In particular, following a progressive analytical process, Machine Learning techniques and GIS are exploited to recognize risk-prone areas against the combined effect of human and climate-related pressures, while identifying suitable areas for marine-coastal NbS implementation today and into the future. Drawing on this, the designed decision-support system offers a portfolio of potential actionable interventions based on a variety of factors (e.g., from ecological to socio-economic) that will need to be considered during NbS planning and implementation. It allows practitioners an overview of NbS approaches that are best suited to addressing societal challenges, also linked to climate-related risks, thereby potentially helping to achieve value for money from the often-limited resources available for environmental conservation and management.

Overall, the proposed multi-stage analytical framework aims to provide evidence-based guidance on the inter-relations between climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services, offering a basis for strategic discussions and better alignment of marine-coastal NbS with respect to societal challenges. Its adoption by marine-coastal managers can facilitate an effective pathway towards NbS adoption that enhances the adaptation and resilience capacity of marine-coastal ecosystems.

How to cite: Furlan, E., Allegri, E., Simeoni, C., Simide, R., Perez, G., O'Leary, B., Fonseca, C., Critto, A., and Marcomini, A.: A multi-stage analytical framework for the integration of Nature-based Solutions into climate risk management and adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14076,, 2023.

Recently, most cities have opted for urban greening as a way to mitigate climate change. However, the urban characteristics, such as the fragmented land cover and harsh environment hard to maintain vegetation healthy, reduce the efficiency of greenery. Therefore, a continuous and scientific management tool is required to mitigate climate change through urban greenery. In this study, we developed the decision-making tool, CMRI (Carbon Management Requiring Index), which can identify the area with low carbon sequestering performance and propose the priority for the carbon management requirement. The index was determined by integrating five parameters; 1) terrestrial carbon storage, 2) terrestrial carbon uptake, 3) soil texture, which implies the capacity for soil carbon sequestration, 4) green area ratio, which means that the chance of carbon management, and 5) landscape context, which represents the edge effect by the adjacent urban landscape. The three parameters of terrestrial carbon storage, green area ratio, and landscape context were estimated based on the 0.25 m land cover map using satellite data through machine learning. The terrestrial carbon uptake was determined by the data-driven model through satellite measurement data. Lastly, we acquired the soil texture data from ISRIC – World Soil Information dataset. We normalized each parameter with the z score method. We applied the index in our test site (Suwon, Republic of Korea), and we mapped CMRI with its spatial resolution of 30 m x 30 m considering the resolution of each parameter. The CMRI values had a gradient which showed the high management demand in the city center and the relatively low in the forest interior. The range of CMRI values was from 0.2 to 0.8. To suggest the priority of carbon management requirements, we divided the CMRI grids into four quarters, low, medium, high, and extremely high. To verify that CMRI represents the carbon management requirement level properly, we plan to validate it by field observation. Three grids in each priority level will be selected to measure the vegetation condition, including DBH and chlorophyll-a content, and soil characteristics, including soil texture, soil carbon stock, and soil respiration. Through principal component analysis (PCA) using field measurement results of the grids, we can weigh each parameter and make the index more accurate.

How to cite: Seo, I. and Yoo, G.: Carbon Management Requiring Index: The Scientific Decision-making Tool for Urban Green Management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15045,, 2023.

EGU23-15121 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

A cropland application of Enhanced Weathering in the Mediterranean area to face climate change and preserve natural resources 

Giuseppe Cipolla, Davide Danilo Chiarelli, Salvatore Calabrese, Matteo Bertagni, Maria Cristina Rulli, Amilcare Porporato, and Leonardo Valerio Noto

The goal of limiting the use of natural resources and combatting climate change has led to the improvement of agricultural techniques and the development of some Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) techniques, given their proficiency to sequester carbon from the atmospheric CO2 and to store it in more stable forms within oceans, plants, soil, or other terrestrial environments. Among them, Enhanced Weathering (EW) is regarded as one of the most promising. This consists of amending soils with silicate minerals, such as olivine, so as to speed up the weathering process that naturally occurs in soils. This work aims to couple a model for the resolution of the agro-hydrological balance in the active soil layer of croplands (i.e., WATNEEDS model) and a dynamic mass balance model that explores ecohydrological, biogeochemical, and olivine dissolution dynamics, also estimating carbon sequestration rates (i.e., EW model). This latter is composed of different interacting components and takes into account important processes, such as the cation exchange.

From the operational point of view, the EW model is fed by rainfall data, and the outputs of the soil water balance (i.e., infiltration, evapotranspiration, leaching, and runoff rates) estimated by the WATNEEDS at the global scale at a 5 arcminute resolution. In this study, a regional application of both models is proposed to explore EW efficiency in various cropland areas in Sicily (Italy), the largest island of the Mediterranean basin, which is considered a hot spot of climate change. The methodological approach will be developed and tested for four different crops (i.e., olive and citrus groves, vineyards, and fruit trees) that are particularly widespread and profitable in the selected region. Apart from facing climate change, the goal of this study is also to preserve water, thus selecting the most suitable irrigation strategies in the context of a changing climate and olivine amendment prescription. This study may also provide a tool to decision-makers for an actual future application of EW, which can be valid for Sicily and for other parts of the world with similar climatic conditions, soil, and vegetation.

How to cite: Cipolla, G., Chiarelli, D. D., Calabrese, S., Bertagni, M., Rulli, M. C., Porporato, A., and Noto, L. V.: A cropland application of Enhanced Weathering in the Mediterranean area to face climate change and preserve natural resources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15121,, 2023.

One of the ways to increase green areas that are shrinking due to urbanization is to create urban roadside greenery. Among the various ecosystem services of roadside greenery, carbon uptake plays a significant role in reducing CO2, the main factor of climate change. Multi-layered planting can enhance carbon uptake, which is focused on as an effective method. Hence, the roadside ecosystem consists of trees, understory shrubs, and soil. Although shrubs are as crucial as trees because of the large number of populations per unit area, only a few studies were focused on shrubs. Therefore, considering shrub carbon uptake is necessary for estimating the accurate carbon exchange on the roadside ecosystem.

This study focused on the roadside greenery composed of a tree, shrubs, and soil in the unit 1m x 8m area. The experiment was conducted in Suwon city, the Republic of Korea. The selected tree and shrub are Zelkova serrata and Euonymus japonicus, the most common species in Suwon. Net Ecosystem Exchange(NEE) was calculated by the equation [NEE = NPPtree + NPPshrub + Rheterotroph]. NPPtree was estimated through the allometric equation. NPPshrub and Rheterotroph were calculated through measurements. To calculate NPPshrub, two experiments were conducted. One was field measurement using the closed chamber with LI-820, and another was greenhouse incubation and harvesting. In the field measurement, the closed chamber measured the real-time change of CO2 concentration including leaf photosynthesis and stem respiration, and the results showed the aboveground NPPshrub. Also, environmental factors such as air temperature, PAR (photosynthetically active radiation), and leaf area were collected. In the greenhouse experiment, the results showed the accurate NPPshrub without considering field conditions. With those two results, the equation for calculating field shrub NPP was developed considering field conditions and root respiration. However, the closed chamber has a problem with installation, management, and stability, so the leaf chamber would be more adaptable for field measurement than the closed chamber. For accurate measurement of field shrub NPP, this study also did an experiment using Vaseline to block the stomata to calculate the proportion of stem respiration in the aboveground NPPshrub. The stem respiration can be measured by comparing the CO2 concentration change before and after pasting Vaseline on the shrub leaves in the closed chamber. Soil respiration(Rs) was measured by EGM-5 in the field and used the equation [Rs = Rroot + Rheterotroph].

The results of these experiments accurately estimated NPPshrub and Rheterotroph, and the NEE of the 1m x 8m roadside greenery section could be quantified as 5.23 kg C/yr. This amount could mitigate 1.09% of annual vehicle carbon emissions in Suwon city if roadside greenery is applied on all roadsides in Suwon.

How to cite: Jeong, M. and Yoo, G.: Quantification of Carbon Uptake in Urban Roadside Ecosystem by Measuring Carbon Exchange from the Leaf, Stem, and Root of the Shrub, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15204,, 2023.

EGU23-15256 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Stress tests on a modular green wall for greywater treatment 

Elisa Costamagna, Silvia Fiore, Anacleto Rizzo, Fabio Masi, and Fulvio Boano

Water scarcity and sanitation are two challenges deeply related to urbanization and climate change. Thus, the future development of urban areas requires innovative design solutions to increase cities’ resilience (SDG11), looking for new resources. One answer is the use of nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment, to provide multiple benefits while transforming a waste into a new resource. Green walls for greywater (GW) treatment are the NBS that converts the unused vertical facades into important ecosystem services, treating the amount of domestic wastewater that excludes the toilet flush. To better understand the removal processes and improve green walls design, pilot studies have been performed in recent years, usually in controlled conditions. However, it is important to evaluate also the influence of more real operating conditions that can stress the biological component or damage the whole system, affecting the effectiveness of the GW treatment.

This study aims to test stressing conditions due to chemical loads caused by variations in GW composition. Fifteen identical vegetated pots have been filled with a mix of coconut fibre and perlite (1:1 in volume) and one Hedera helix per pot. Every pot received 24 L day-1 of standard GW (Diaper et al., 2008), provided in 15-minute batches every hour (HLR=740 L m-2 day-1). The pots were organised in 5 configurations (3 pots each as replicates) and four of them received periodic spikes of modified GW: (i) – always standard GW as control (ii) bleach, (iii) floor cleaner, (iv) drain opener, (v) sodium hydroxide added to the standard recipe at increasing concentrations. The concentration was selected simulating the common use of these cleaning products in buildings, provided with wastewater collecting tanks of different sizes, resulting in (a) 500 ppm for (ii-iv) and 100 ppm for (v); (b) 1000 ppm for (ii-iv) and 200 ppm for (v); (c) 2500 ppm for (ii-iv) and 500 ppm for (v). The input and output water were weekly sampled from May 2022 and different parameters (pH, Temperature, Electric Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand - BOD5, Chemical Oxygen Demand - COD, Sulphate, anionic surfactants - MBAS) have been measured to evaluate the effects on biological systems (plants and biofilm) through their removal performance.

Results showed that all configurations were not damaged by load events (a) and (b). Experiments on high chemical load (c) are still ongoing. The plants’ health was generally similar for all configurations and removal performances for BOD5, COD and MBAS were good for all configurations.

How to cite: Costamagna, E., Fiore, S., Rizzo, A., Masi, F., and Boano, F.: Stress tests on a modular green wall for greywater treatment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15256,, 2023.

EGU23-15449 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Preliminary results of salt marsh transplants in rewilded coastal wetlands 

Inês Carneiro, A. Rita Carrasco, Karin Didderen, and Ana I. Sousa

The loss of coastal wetlands in the last decades has been dominated by human-induced pressures and sea-level rise. Still, wetlands restoration has gained political momentum (e.g., the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030) as means of coastal protection, while supporting nature values and its biodiversity, addressing causes and consequences of climate change and securing ecosystem services for human well-being. Assessing the success of ecological restoration projects is thus critical to support the use of restoration actions as a natural enhancement of ecosystem health and to improve current restoration practices. Though there is plenty of information about seagrass transplant and restoration, less is known about salt marsh restoration.

We conducted a salt marsh vegetation transplant experiment in a rewilded wetland in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (South Portugal). This study aimed to (1) advance knowledge on the facilitation of pioneer salt marsh species colonization and development in rewilded wetlands, and (2) monitor the evolution of flora biodiversity and phytosociology over time. Two pioneer and perennial halophyte species, the Spartina maritima and the Sarcocornia perennis, were transplanted from a natural donor place into a rewilded marsh. Biodegradable 3D BESE-elements® were implemented to facilitate the salt marsh plant establishment, sedimentation process, and natural recovery process. Data collected include ecological datasets, sediment characteristics, and hydrodynamics.

Early results from the transplant experiment show that, four months later, S. maritima has successfully adapted to the restored area, while several transplants of S. perennis did not survive after this period. S. maritima leaves length increased on average >30% since the transplant was implemented. The elevation gradient, sediment geochemistry in the transplanted area, and probably the timing of the transplants were found to be determinants for S. perennis survival.  The preliminary results of this study highlight the importance of considering the bio-physical interactions in salt marsh restoration projects, and the use of environmental indicators to evaluate wetland-based solutions performances.

How to cite: Carneiro, I., Carrasco, A. R., Didderen, K., and Sousa, A. I.: Preliminary results of salt marsh transplants in rewilded coastal wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15449,, 2023.

EGU23-15939 | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Future forest growth in the UK – a case study of supporting land use decisions for net zero 

Anna B. Harper, Arthur Argles, Peter Cox, Richard Betts, Eddy Robertson, and Ian Bateman

The UK has committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050, and the government plans to triple current tree planting rates over the next 25 years. This commitment brings up many questions – Where should the trees be planted? If they displace agriculture, where should the displaced food come from, and how should farmers be compensated? And how will future UK woodlands fare in a changing climate?

We are developing a suite of models to address the multifaceted implications of land use change in the UK. The aim is to empower decision makers to understand policy options that would lead to a desired outcome – for example tree planting incentives to maximize greenhouse gas removal. A core component of this modelling framework is forest carbon storage and its sensitivity to climate, CO2, and management. Using km-scale climate forcing from an ensemble of projections, we model forest carbon with JULES, which typically represents the land surface in the UK/Hadley Centre climate models. We include developments to represent forest demography, multiple species, and management. Future climate in the UK is projected to be warmer with drier summers and wetter winters. Therefore, both drought and flooding are concerns for planning future land use.

This study highlights both the mitigation and adaptation potential of UK woodlands, focusing on a case study of locations illustrative of the climate change patterns seen in UKCP18 projections produced by the UK Met Office. We evaluate the potential for carbon removal, as well as impacts of the new woodlands on water resources (runoff and soil water retention) and local surface temperatures. Although higher CO2 levels are expected to enhance growth, the potential for warmer and drier summers pose regional threats to future UK woodlands, even in high mitigation scenarios.

How to cite: Harper, A. B., Argles, A., Cox, P., Betts, R., Robertson, E., and Bateman, I.: Future forest growth in the UK – a case study of supporting land use decisions for net zero, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15939,, 2023.

EGU23-16076 | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Transformative Adaptation through Nature-Based Solutions: A Comparative Case Study Analysis in China, Italy and Germany 

Anna Scolobig, JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer, Mark Pelling, Juliette Martin, Teresa Deubelli, Wei Liu, and Amy Oen

This presentation explores how claims for transformative adaptation toward more equitable and sustainable societies can be assessed. We build on a theoretical framework describing transformative adaptation as it manifests across four core elements of the public-sector adaptation lifecycle: vision, planning, institutional frameworks, and interventions. For each element, we identify characteristics that can help track adaptation as transformative. Our purpose is to identify how governance systems can constrain or support transformative choices and thus enable targeted interventions. We demonstrate and test the usefulness of the framework with reference to three case studies of nature-based solutions (NBS): river restoration (Germany), forest conservation (China), and landslide risk reduction (Italy). Building on a desktop study and open-ended interviews, our analysis adds evidence to the view that transformation is not an abrupt system change, but a dynamic complex process that evolves over time. While each of the NBS cases fails to fulfill all the transformation characteristics, there are important transformative elements in their visions, planning, and interventions. There is a deficit, however, in the transformation of institutional frameworks. The cases show institutional commonalities in multi-scale and cross- sectoral (polycentric) collaboration as well as innovative processes for inclusive stakeholder engagement; yet, these arrangements are ad hoc, short-term, dependent on local champions, and lacking the permanency needed for upscaling. For the public sector, this result highlights the potential for establishing cross-competing priorities among agencies, cross-sectoral formal mechanisms, new dedicated institutions, as well as programmatic and regulatory mainstreaming.

How to cite: Scolobig, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Pelling, M., Martin, J., Deubelli, T., Liu, W., and Oen, A.: Transformative Adaptation through Nature-Based Solutions: A Comparative Case Study Analysis in China, Italy and Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16076,, 2023.

EGU23-16310 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Accretion capacity in Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. Study case: Ebro Delta 

Lucía Rodríguez Arias, Jordi Pagès Fauria, Candela Marco-Méndez, and Teresa Alcoverro Pedrola

Coastal ecosystems exist at the interface between land and sea and are characterized by their high dynamism, related to the interaction between marine agents (winds, waves, currents, sea level changes) and continental forms and processes. These environments are well known for their great diversity of habitats and communities, a high capacity for sequestering carbon and a range of ecosystem services, but they are also highly sensitive to a variety of natural and anthropogenic factors. The ability to repeatedly observe and quantify the accretion capacity of the environments located in the shoreline is key to present-day coastal management and future coastal planning. This study focused on the Ebro Delta, where we evaluated how the ability to retain sediment in coastal ecosystems, both emerged and submerged (dunes, salt marshes and seagrass meadows), is influenced by the presence or absence of vegetation and other ecological variables such as the patch area, biodiversity orspecies dominance. We carried out transects with a differential GPS to measure ground elevation inside and outside vegetation patches in contrasting habitats to understand the mechanism of sediment retention. In addition, we complemented this data with UAVs orthomosaic data to gather data on a bigger spatial scale. Our results show that the presence of vegetation facilitates sediment retention in all ecosystems. Greater species diversity and larger patch areas increased sediment retention capacity. In dune ecosystems, Ammophila arenaria was significantly better at retaining sediment than any of the other species surveyed, while in salt marshes and seagrass meadows we did not find significant differences between species. We believe that while understanding the abiotic environment and physical drivers of sediment retention in coastal habitats is key, we also need to focus on the ecology of coastal vegetated ecosystems if we are to use them as nature-based solutions. Our study sheds light to how vegetation presence, patch size, patch plant diversity and plant traits influence sediment retention capacity across habitat types and scales, which is useful to face event-scale shoreline changes (e.i. individual storms) and others related to the climate change.  

How to cite: Rodríguez Arias, L., Pagès Fauria, J., Marco-Méndez, C., and Alcoverro Pedrola, T.: Accretion capacity in Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. Study case: Ebro Delta, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16310,, 2023.

EGU23-16330 | Posters virtual | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Spatio-temporal analysis of two decadal (2000 – 2020) landcover changes and spectral indices assessment for major Southeast Asian urban clusters 

Shankar Acharya Kamarajugedda, Fairul Edros Shaikh Bin Shaikh Ahmad, Perrine Hamel, and Raffaele Lafortezza

The world is urbanizing at an unprecedented rate, with the United Nations projecting that 68% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050. In Southeast Asia (SEA) region, it is expected that 47% of the population will live in urban areas by 2025.  Urbanization patterns in this region are generally associated with rapid population growth, economic development and competing demands for land. SEA is also a hotspot of tropical deforestation due to rapid urbanization, resulting in detrimental impacts to the environment and associated ecosystem services. For example, changes in vegetation due to land use/ land cover (LULC) change impact the thermal environment. The objectives of this study are to i) calculate the land cover changes between 2000 and 2020 for 20 major SEA urban clusters; ii) characterise the change in urban form within SEA urban clusters via landscape metrics used at the neighbourhood-scale; iii) determine the relationship between landscape metrics and urban heat measured by LST; and iv) determine the relationship between landscape metrics and vegetation indices such as NDVI and EVI. Documenting the LULC transitions (2000 – 2020) and the associated impacts on urban heat and vegetation changes can help inform policy, sustainable land management and ecosystem services management using Nature based Solutions. We discuss the results per country, contrasting results for major cities and secondary cities, which show different changes in landscape. 

How to cite: Kamarajugedda, S. A., Shaikh Bin Shaikh Ahmad, F. E., Hamel, P., and Lafortezza, R.: Spatio-temporal analysis of two decadal (2000 – 2020) landcover changes and spectral indices assessment for major Southeast Asian urban clusters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16330,, 2023.

EGU23-16784 | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Criteria for assessing the impact of nature-based solutions on groundwater systems 

Adrien Selles, Cécile Herivaux, Philippe Le Coent, and Jean-Christophe Marechal

Nature-based solutions (NBS) involve using natural systems such as wetlands, forests, and rivers restoration, to address challenges related to water, such as flooding, water scarcity, and water quality. Groundwater circulations and processes play a critical role in these natural systems. The solutions applied at the surface will have qualitative and quantitative impacts on groundwater, in this case, we propose the term NBS-GW (nature based solutions on groundwater). Therefore, the impact of the NBS on the groundwater systems should be assessed.

The evaluation of NBS implemented with the objective of sustainable management of groundwater poses particular challenges related to the specificities of aquifers, invisible due to their underground location, whose functioning is complex and highly dependent on the geological context. Many factors influence the hydrogeological effects of a NBS-GW, including the climate, the topography of the watershed, the geology, but also the characteristics of the ecosystems concerned.

The recharge of the aquifers allows to store water during times of plenty, and then it can be released gradually during times of drought providing sustainable base flow in the rivers, helping to mitigate the effects of water scarcity. Moreover, groundwater systems can act as a buffer against flooding by absorbing excess water during heavy rainfall events. NBS can have negative impact if not designed and implemented based on hydrogeological considerations. The benefits of NBS-GW can be maximized by combining different solutions and tailoring them to the specific conditions of a given area.

This work aims to define the criteria to assess the effectiveness of different NBS in terms of their ability to recharge aquifers and improve water quality. NBS-GW can be distinguished according to the type of environment/ecosystem on which the solution acts, by preserving it, by improving its functioning, or by creating a new ecosystem. At the scale of a hydrogeological watershed, we will then distinguish between the solutions implemented (1) in agro-forestry environments, (2) in urban and peri-urban environments, or (3) aimed at aquatic environments.

A review of the scientific literature was carried out in order to characterize the hydrogeological effects of NBS-GW by major type of environment (agro-forestry, urban, aquatic), and to identify the main factors of variation of these effects.

These indicators of hydrogeological effects and efficiency could contribute to the list of NBS impact indicators recommended by the European Commission, which currently do not take groundwater into account.

How to cite: Selles, A., Herivaux, C., Le Coent, P., and Marechal, J.-C.: Criteria for assessing the impact of nature-based solutions on groundwater systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16784,, 2023.

In this talk, we will present an innovative French program on Biodiversity and Nature Based Solutions, SOLU-BIOD, driven by the CNRS and INRAe. This is an ambitious (>44 Mio€), long term (9 years) transformative (systemic) program, part of an investment plan of the French Government, which will address the challenges of implementing innovative NbS by tackling three main issues:

(i) an organizational challenge: SOLU-BIOD will structure in France the community of research and practice on NbS in an unprecedented way by making possible highly inter- and transdisciplinary research;  (ii) scientific challenges: SOLU-BIOD will enable highly innovative research, in particular on the roles of biodiversity facets (in particular genetic diversity and evolutionary potential) for NbS; the importance of social processes (legislation frameworks, social norms, financing and governance systems) underlying NbS; the approaches and criteria to assess the effectiveness of NbS with the necessity to go beyond a case-by-case approach; and the creation of models and development of scenarios to design and assess NbS for the forthcoming decades. These scientific challenges will be addressed for four priority cases of NbS, namely NbS based on protected area networks, NbS in agricultural/natural mosaics, urban NbS and coastal NbS; (iii) a knowledge transfer, education and training challenge: SOLU-BIOD will profoundly change access to data and scientific knowledge and capacity building on NbS, through rethinking higher education and academic and continuing training and creating unprecedented access to expertise on these types of solutions in French territories. We will present more particularly the national network of living labs on NbS established by SOLU-BIOD and the research conducted therein.

How to cite: Hossaert, M. and Le Roux, X.: Revising our way to program and support research to tackle the scientific issues of nature-based solutions: the case of France institutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16964,, 2023.

EGU23-17063 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) at work and monitoring their performance – the innovative research case of the EU-funded project euPOLIS 

Anja Randelović, Alfred Figueras, Frida Seidelin, Lars Briggs, and Filip Stanić

Climate change impacts are affecting and will continue to widely affect particularly urban areas and their dwellers. These impacts not only come with economic losses, but also directly threaten the health of urban dwellers, as well as the functionality of urban ecosystems in terms of providing ecosystem services (EES) and ensuring habitats for threatened biodiversity. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are approaches that can tackle many of these impacts by mimicking natural processes.

In this case, the euPOLIS project, aims at creating cities-for-healthy-people by introducing NBS as a common practice in the urban planning methodologies, to locally improve thermal comfort, enhance biodiversity, mitigate pollution, improve climate resilience, provide open areas that stimulate social exchange and inclusivity, and much more, all contributing to enhancing public health and wellbeing (PH&WB) of citizens. By selecting 4 front-runner cities acting as demo-cases in different biogeographical and climatic regions, NBS are designed and tailored to each urban environment characteristics and problems. An innovative urban planning methodology that actively engage citizens is firstly developed, then tested and finally put into practice in all FR cities and resulting into a set of NBS interventions which aim to enhance the outdoor environmental conditions of the sites, supporting and promoting increased physical activity of citizens (as a precursor for health and well-being enhancements) and providing ground for socio-cultural and business improvements. These NBSs are then, implemented and constructed on each site, and carefully monitored before, under and after construction in order to measure their expected impacts.

The monitoring phase is based on an exhaustive data collection approach of different variables (environmental, social, public health and well-being, urban), which together with the posterior data analysis are expected to be important research tools and methodologies allowing to withdraw evidence-based conclusions of the NBS impacts. Different approaches to monitor NBS will be used, such as biodiversity surveys and environmental modelling, that in combination with in-situ sensors and satellite imagery and will provide insights about the environmental status of the site. In addition, the use of wearables together with health apps will help to determine the effects on PH & WB of citizens. Finally, questionaries on-site along with other qualitative methods will help to shed light on the enhanced social and economic conditions. NBS implemented in the project sites will therefore cover a multi-disciplinary consortium, actively engage citizens for consultation in all phases of the project and have a strong focus on PH & WB with the assessment of multiple co-benefits the solutions can provide. The enhanced EES by the newly introduced NBS, are expected to revitalize the urban ecosystems, protect local biodiversity and by doing so, regenerate the economic, social, cultural aspects of the site. Finally, this process is expected to directly/indirectly improve PH & WB in the demonstration sites.

The euPOLIS Project is on-going and expected to finish by August 2024, when the results and conclusions of the developed urban planning methodologies and NBS impacts on PH&WB will be shared, discussed and potentially scaled-up in other urban environments impacted by climate change. 

How to cite: Randelović, A., Figueras, A., Seidelin, F., Briggs, L., and Stanić, F.: Nature-based Solutions (NBS) at work and monitoring their performance – the innovative research case of the EU-funded project euPOLIS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17063,, 2023.

Implementing Nature-based Solutions (NBS) will be crucial in the context of the urban environment, as the global share of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to urban areas is - according to the latest IPCC report - increasing. In 2020, urban emissions were estimated at 29 GtCO2-eq. These emissions represent 67-72% of the global share. In that sense, NBS can play an important role. On the one hand, by reducing emissions, and on the other hand, by adapting the environment to the consequences of climate change, such as making the urban environment more resilient to the heat island effect and the increased risk of flooding.

Although investments in NBS infrastructures are considered a cost-effective way to achieve future societal and environmental benefits, the current public spending in Flanders (Belgium) still needs to be increased. As a result, the gap between investments and the societal need for NBS is growing. In contrast to the limited public spending, the private capital seeking for investments is abundant. Yet, the potential to invest private capital in NBS is not fully exploited. NBS projects typically have sizeable upfront costs and diffuse and long-term societal benefits that are not easily captured in steady cash flows. In order to attract private investments to NBS, new business models and alternative financing mechanisms are needed.

This research focuses on land value capture instruments as an alternative financing mechanism for NBS. The interest in this topic, and especially in developer obligations as an alternative financing instrument, has recently grown exponentially among scholars. The developer obligations are related to permits for additional buildings/constructions. In Flanders, however, the legal preconditions imply that the developer’s obligation must have a direct link with the project. This leaves little room for using (incomes from) developer obligations in a non-site-specific way. Although, those additional buildings and the associated sealing of soil, have a clear link with its heat island effect in the cities. Mitigating measures such as cooling nature, forestry, and water surfaces in and near the cities are therefore of vital importance in this era of climate change. 

In this research, the legal context in Flanders will be assessed through in-depth doctrinal legal research. By illustration, the legal framework will be applied to the Stiemervalley NBS case in Genk.

How to cite: Van Esbroeck, C.: Developer obligations as an alternative financing instrument for Nature-based Solutions in Flemish cities: an urban planning law perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17085,, 2023.

EGU23-17125 | Orals | ITS3.5/CL3.6

NBS efficiency-informed urban upscaling methodology: the euPOLIS approach 

Sotiria Baki, Athanasia Kazantzi, and Christos Makropoulos

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) offer multiple and diverse benefits for both nature and society as they could simultaneously address a spectrum of environmental, social, and economic aspects. The need to upscale urban environments via NBS has resulted in an ever-increasing demand for structured methodologies and easy-to-implement urban design tools to facilitate their adaptation in standard urban policies and modern practices. Within this context, an innovative multi-dimensional, indicator-based NBS assessment framework for enabling a first-order site-specific selection of NBS has been developed herein. The proposed two-step simple, yet systematic, methodological framework enables urban planners to rank a set of candidate NBS, considered for a site of interest, on the basis of multi-dimensional measurable criteria, instead of founding their decision on a purely subjective interpretation of the potential NBS benefits in view of past good practices.

The first step of the proposed methodology exploits readily available data and expert knowledge to eventually deliver an initial site screening through estimating appropriate indicators that monitor site performance in a set of concerns associated with the following categories: (a) Public Health and Well Being, (b) Urban, (c) Environment, (d) Social, and (e) Economic. In particular, urban planners initially perform a qualitative site assessment to evaluate site performance across a list of concerns, representing critical issues identified within each of the aforementioned categories, that could potentially be mitigated via NBS interventions. Although the severity assessment of a particular concern (e.g. air quality, overweight population) is offered in a descriptive form (i.e. High/Moderate/Low/Not a problem/Not a concern), specific thresholds are recommended for each concern to guide stakeholders’ decisions with regards to the transition from one severity state to the other. The second step involves assessing the capacity for each of the NBS identified for the site of interest to mitigate the most pressing site-specific concerns. This NBS impact assessment, likewise the site screening, is performed in a qualitative manner. Hence, based on available literature, past experience and expert opinion, urban planners specify whether a specific NBS could have a Direct/Indirect/No mitigating impact on a particular site concern.

Following the input phase, the information related to the severity of the concerns (step 1) is convolved with the ability of an NBS to impact them (step 2) to produce a ranked list of the site-specific candidate NBS on the basis of their efficiency to address the most pressing site concerns. To facilitate this, a score is assigned to each of the qualitative descriptions in both steps. Through multiplying the two step scores per concern and then summing them, a total score per NBS is computed reflecting the overall NBS site-specific score. Supplementary factors could be accommodated by the proposed framework, to account for other aspects that are likely to affect NBS selection, e.g. budget or other constraints.

The proposed innovative methodology is also offered in the form of an online application, to serve as a decision-assisting tool for undertaking a first-order NBS selection and consequently prioritising further investigation and detailed modelling to appropriate interventions prior to their implementation.

How to cite: Baki, S., Kazantzi, A., and Makropoulos, C.: NBS efficiency-informed urban upscaling methodology: the euPOLIS approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17125,, 2023.

Recently, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have received increasing attention for their potential to contribute to climate change mitigation, as well as disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change. Previous research has used a variety of methods to assess NbS and ecosystem- based risk reduction. The overarching question we aim to answer is: How many people do coastal ecosystems protect from the impacts of tropical cyclones and resulting storm surges?

The combination of event-based risk modelling and ecosystem modelling data is a novel approach. This research uses the probabilistic model CLIMADA and ecosystem service data to quantify the coastal protection provided by coastal ecosystems. First, a baseline of the number of people impacted by tropical cyclones in the low-elevation coastal zone globally and the number of people simultaneously within the protection distance of coastal habitats is established. Next, the baseline is compared with historical habitat and population data from 1992. Looking to the future, we investigate changes in coastal protection under climate change (SSP585 in 2050). Finally, scenarios of different options for human action in protecting, managing, and restoring nature in the near future (2050) are appraised: continued forest conversion, agroforestry, mangrove restoration, and reforestation.

Currently, the annual average number of people in the global low-elevation coastal zone protected from tropical cyclones by coastal habitats is 13.84 million, which corresponds to approximately a quarter of all people impacted annually by tropical cyclones in this zone. Historically, the share of protected people has decreased by approximately 4%, both due to population developments and habitat loss. With climate change, the average annual number of people impacted will increase by up to 40%, however, there is a slight decrease in the share of people protected by coastal ecosystems. Protecting, managing, and restoring nature is important to prevent a further decrease in the protection provided by coastal ecosystems globally, but especially on a local scale. While the number of people protected globally only increases slightly across the nature management and protection scenarios, protection in individual countries can increase by around 30% under reforestation or mangrove restoration, and around 5% under agroforestry. These findings form an important basis for NbS policy and use for disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change, e.g. by highlighting areas which have both a need for protection and a potential for NbS.

How to cite: Hülsen, S., Kropf, C. M., and McDonald, R.: Nature-based Solutions for disaster risk reduction - How many people do coastal ecosystems protect from tropical cyclones globally?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17166,, 2023.

EGU23-429 | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

Geochemical carbon dioxide removal potential of Spain 

Fernando Tornos, Liam Bullock, José-Luis Fernandez-Turiel, and Juan Alcalde

Many nations have pledged to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions over the remainder of the century to meet the Paris Agreement targets of limiting warming to no more than 1.5°C, aiming for net zero by mid-century. This is the long-term commitment of the European Union (EU), which is targeting climate-neutrality by 2050, in line with the commitment to global climate action under the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. For many European nations, this means a critical examination of all potential pathways to net zero (or net negative), including assessing methodological options, material suitability and physical footprints.

To achieve national and EU reduction targets, there is a further need for CO2 removal (CDR) approaches on a scale of millions of tonnes, necessitating a better understanding of feasible methods and materials for utilization. One approach that is gaining attention is geochemical CDR, encompassing (1) in-situ injection of CO2-rich gases into Ca and Mg-rich rocks for geological storage by mineral carbonation, (2) ex-situ approaches such as ocean alkalinity enhancement and ocean liming, enhanced weathering and carbonation of alkaline-rich materials, and (3) electrochemical separation processes. In this study, we examine the geochemical CDR potential of Spain. As an EU Member State, Spain is bound to adopt the national energy and climate plans to make considerable progress on its climate actions. Here, an assessment of the reactivity potential of materials and utilization sites in Spain has been made based on the suitability of hosted materials in terms of spatial and volumetric availability, chemistry, modal mineralogies and mineral kinetics.

Spain hosts a potentially high geochemical CDR capacity thanks to its varied geological settings and its high tonnage production of industrial alkaline wastes, suitable due to their high Ca and Mg contents and varying occurrence of kinetically favourable minerals (e.g., serpentine, brucite, olivine). There are notional kilotonne to million tonne scale CDR options for Spain over the rest of the century, with attention paid to mafic, ultramafic and carbonate rocks, mine tailings, fly ashes, slag by-products, desalination brines and ceramic wastes, with industrial, agricultural and coastal areas providing opportunities to launch pilot schemes. Materials and land space are distributed across the Spanish mainland and islands, with particularly high potential for Galicia, Andalucía, Murcia and the Canary Islands regions. The CDR potential of Spain warrants dedicated investigations to achieve the highest possible CDR to make valuable contributions to national reduction targets. Results can also be used to further define Spain’s overall climate targets and initiate future CDR plans and projects for academia, industry, government and other sectors of interest.

This work forms part of the DETAILS project (Developing enhanced weathering methods in mine tailings for CO2 sequestration; Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement ID: 101018312).

How to cite: Tornos, F., Bullock, L., Fernandez-Turiel, J.-L., and Alcalde, J.: Geochemical carbon dioxide removal potential of Spain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-429,, 2023.

EGU23-1974 | ECS | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

Increase of injection efficiency in geological CO2 sequestration using SDS and SDBS 

Jongwon Jung, Seokgu Gang, and Jae-Eun Ryou

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global warming as a greenhouse gas. Therefore, countries around the world are considering underground storage to reduce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide underground storage means injection before waste gas filed, oil field, deep saline aquifer and so on. The temperature and pressure conditions of carbon dioxide for underground storage are supercritical, and a reduction in injection efficiency is expected due to high capillary pressure during injection. In this study, considering the high capillary pressure, utilizing anionic surfactants (SDS, SDBS). Thus, the enhancement of carbon dioxide efficiency with surfactant type and concentration was evaluated. In addition, quantitative injection characteristics according to the injection rate of carbon dioxide were analyzed using a micro model.

Experimental results look like follow. Surfactant exhibits higher injection efficiency than water at low carbon dioxide injection rates, and the difference in injection efficiency between water and surfactant decreases as the injection rate increases. However, the differences between the types of surfactants (SDS, SDBS) and concentrations used in this study are relatively modest.

To solve the experimental technology limitations in field use, the pore network model is used. The pore network model has the advantage of effective prediction of carbon dioxide injection efficiency in the future. To validate the Pore network model, constructed network is like the micromodel. As a result, the analysis derived the same tendency as the experiment. In the future expected, the pore network model developed in this study will be able to predict carbon dioxide injection.

How to cite: Jung, J., Gang, S., and Ryou, J.-E.: Increase of injection efficiency in geological CO2 sequestration using SDS and SDBS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1974,, 2023.

In recent decades, anthropogenic disturbance and rising climate change exposed global lakes, in particular shallow lakes,  to an increased risk of eutrophication. Thus received global attention due to their high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contributing to global warming. The role of the lake trophic state index (TSI) and water quality parameters such as chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), pH, total organic carbon (TOC), and total phosphorus (TP) on GHG emissions are still poorly estimated and a hot topic of global discussion to understand the key sources and drivers of GHG emissions. In this study, GHG and lake eutrophication datasets of 146 lakes in China have been collected from the scientific literature and analyzed statistically to determine the influence of lake eutrophication on GHG emissions. The statistical analysis reveals that Chl-a (R2 > 0.90) and TOC (R2 > 0.65) are the key factors of eutrophication and dominate carbon intensity dynamics in the Chinese lakes. Our finding further suggests that CH4 contributes largely to regional carbon budgets compared to CO2 and N2O. Proactive management of lake catchment not only reduces the potential GHG emissions but also helps in lake restorations.

How to cite: Kumar, A.: Impact of water quality drivers and lake eutrophication on greenhouse gas emission rate: A critical analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1986,, 2023.

EGU23-2294 | ECS | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

Quantifying the drivers of forest-based climate change mitigation 

Konstantin Gregor, Andreas Krause, Christopher P.O. Reyer, Thomas Knoke, Benjamin F. Meyer, Susanne Suvanto, and Anja Rammig

Besides offering numerous important ecosystem services, sustainably managed forests can help reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations and thus mitigate climate change. Forest-based mitigation occurs through the carbon sink in the forest itself, the carbon sink in wood products, and through substitution effects when wood products replace carbon-intensive materials and fuels.

The relative importance of each of these three mitigation dimensions depends on a multitude of factors. First, forest type and structure, site conditions, and climate change and associated disturbances determine the amount of carbon that may be sequestered over the next decades at a given site. Second, the type and intensity of management determines the trade-off between on-site carbon sequestration and carbon storage in wood products. Third, management, wood usage patterns, and the carbon-intensity of the economy determine the amount of avoided emissions via substitution effects.

To assess their impact on the total forest mitigation potential, we conducted a factorial modeling experiment by varying all of the aforementioned factors. Specifically, we looked at the forest type (needle-leaved vs broad-leaved) and age (young vs mature), increased and decreased harvest intensities, increased material wood usage and cascading, decarbonization rates, climate change and disturbance scenarios, and salvage logging practices after disturbance.

Under an assumed "closer-to-nature forest management" our results show a higher mitigation potential of young forests compared to mature forests, whereas the forest type does not have a clear effect. The importance of substitution effects outweighs the importance of the forest and product carbon sink on shorter time scales. This changes towards the end of the century, assuming that substitution effects decrease because the substituted materials can be produced in a less carbon-intensive way. Increases in harvest intensity consequently are also only beneficial for climate change mitigation on these shorter time scales, though they likely have adverse effects on other ecosystem services. Our results also show that increased material usage (as opposed to energy usage) of wood can be an important lever for mitigation. Finally, changes in disturbances strongly affect the mitigation potential, though the mitigation impact of a subsequent salvaging operation heavily depends on the forest type and the product portfolio created from the salvaged wood.

In conclusion, our results quantify the impacts and interactions of the different factors that govern forest-based mitigation, while highlighting the complexity of the topic and the importance of the considered time-scales.

How to cite: Gregor, K., Krause, A., Reyer, C. P. O., Knoke, T., Meyer, B. F., Suvanto, S., and Rammig, A.: Quantifying the drivers of forest-based climate change mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2294,, 2023.

Farm Africa is an international NGO working with smallholder farmers in eastern Africa to promote sustainable agriculture, improved market access, and holistic natural resource management.

Smallholder farmers and pastoralists rely on the natural environment for their livelihoods, and they are also the custodians of significant global goods – the habitats and biospheres that exist as soils, rangelands and forests. How they manage those natural resources has a significant impact on the carbon cycle.

Food production in the region is increasingly under pressure as a result of climate change, conflict, population growth and poor agriculture and land management practices. As natural habitats are exhausted, through soil health depletion, drought, deforestation, or overgrazing, so the ability of those landscapes to sequester carbon is reduced.

Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) provides a powerful nature-based solution to habitat restoration as well as improving food security, combining habitat protection with a multi-stakeholder approach to resource governance, benefit sharing and sustainable livelihoods. This has a significant impact on the carbon cycle, either through the prevention of carbon emissions from deforestation, or through the restoration of landscapes to the extent that soil health and biomass increase carbon sequestration, for example through agroforestry, rangeland restoration, and regenerative agriculture.

ILM works through a set of complementary incentives: diversified livelihoods help communities make more income through the sustainable use of the natural environment than they do from denuding it.  For example, farmers’ yields increase after adopting climate-smart agriculture practices or forest dwellers are able to harvest and sell forest-friendly produce such as wild coffee. Participatory governance arrangements for landscapes give communities a strong stake in the management of the natural resources that they rely on; and the transparent sharing of income from the sale of carbon credits further promotes the protection of the environment.

Farm Africa’s REDD+ project in the Bale Eco-region of Oromia, Ethiopia is a powerful example of nature based carbon management. Funded by the Norwegian Government, the project has resulted in more than 25,000 hectares of forest being saved, and emissions being reduced by 10.5 million tonnes of CO2e. Livelihoods have diversified away from agricultural expansion and into non-timber forest products, in particular high value forest coffee. A pioneering model of participatory forest management has seen responsibility for forest protection shared between local government and 64 forest cooperatives, who have also shared the income from the sale of carbon credits on the voluntary carbon market.

Average annual household incomes of the forest dependent communities that we worked with rose by 143% from 17,000 Ethiopia Birr in 2016 to 43,000 Birr in 2021 (excluding income from carbon sales). This provides a strong incentive for the communities to continue to protect the forest, and to keep carbon locked in the biosphere.

The evidence shows that ILM can support carbon management at scale as a nature based solution, and that if properly agreed, structured and transparently handled with local communities, carbon credits can be an important part of that solution..

How to cite: Collison, D.: Carbon Management through Participatory Forest Governance in the Bale Eco-region, Oromia, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3161,, 2023.

As various political initiatives have set goals to reach net-zero emissions by
the mid-21st century, forests will play an important role as a carbon sink for sequestering
unavoidable emissions. Forest management can take two approaches
by either decreasing harvest and enlarging the forest carbon stock or increasing
harvest to increase carbon uptake of the remaining forest stock and create harvested
wood products (HWPs). Currently, these two management options seem
at odds with seemingly conflicting policy directives being written. We used the
BEKLIFUH model to assess six management scenarios based on carbon offset
potential taking into consideration forest carbon, HWPs and the material and
energetic substitution effects. The results show that while conservation leads
to a higher above-ground carbon pool, including HWPs, material and energetic
substitution leads to more overall carbon offsets for management scenarios with
more timber harvesting. With compromise being possible by selectively conserving
old growth forests with a high biodiversity value. In conclusion, if the
forest sector decouples GHG reporting from forest management and includes
all the secondary effects of timber harvest, this new approach can lead to a
different cost–benefit analysis for the choice between harvest vs. conservation.
This could result in a paradigm shift to a future where biodiversity and carbon
neutrality can coexist.

How to cite: Martes, L. and Köhl, M.: Improving the Contribution of Forests to CarbonNeutrality under Different Policies—A Case Study fromthe Hamburg Metropolitan Area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3324,, 2023.

EGU23-5407 | ECS | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

How does the potential to sequester carbon via short rotation forestry vary with species? 

Naomi Gatis, Leslie Galstaun, David Luscombe, Elena Vanguelova, Timothy Hill, George Xenakis, Matthew Wilkinson, Matthew Heard, Karen Anderson, James Morrison, and Richard Brazier

Conversion of land to short rotation forestry (fast growing, densely planted trees, harvested within 15 years) has increased in recent years.  The wood produced is primarily used in short lived products (e.g. paper) or as biomass for renewable energy production, quickly returning carbon to the atmosphere. 

We ask, how much potential is there to sequester carbon via short rotation forestry and how does it differ between species when soil type and meteorological conditions are the same?

We present preliminary results from a species field trial nearing maturity (planted in 2010), comparing soil carbon stocks (pre-planting to the present day); woody biomass; total and heterotrophic below-ground respiration; soil methane fluxes and leaf area index assessments between six commonly used short rotation forestry species (silver birch, common alder, sycamore, sweet chestnut, aspen and red alder). 

How to cite: Gatis, N., Galstaun, L., Luscombe, D., Vanguelova, E., Hill, T., Xenakis, G., Wilkinson, M., Heard, M., Anderson, K., Morrison, J., and Brazier, R.: How does the potential to sequester carbon via short rotation forestry vary with species?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5407,, 2023.

EGU23-6478 | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

Studying forest management and carbon absorption considering watershed in South Korea 

Youngjin Ko, Moonil Kim, Mina Hong, and Woo-kyun Lee

Recently, the action on climate crisis response was emphasized with spread of carbon neutrality from the international community, and the role of forests which is carbon sink was further accentuated. Forest is an important role to respond climate change. Therefore, it could be utilized for the strategy for achieving carbon neutrality. Forest in South Korea account for approximately 63 percent (6,286,438 ha) of land area. In this study, KO–G–Dynamics (Korean dynamic stand growh) model was used for estimating carbon sink with forest management considering watershed, which could help decision making through not fragmented but consistent forest management. Korean reach file (KRF) and forest functions (production forest, disaster prevention for forest etc.) classification map were used for considering watershed and each function. Especially, forest having different functions is applied to different methods of forest management. In addition, in the study, the data including species and age etc., which are representing the forest characteristics, based on 1 ha (100 m x 100m) resolution were used. Compared with a proceeding studies and national statistics, more accurate stem volumes (1,058 million m3 in 2020) and biomass (1,245 million ton in 2020) were estimated. In addition, the study is significant in the sense that diverse management methods in accordance with forest functions and watershed are considered. Furthermore, accurate modeling is possible through understanding of inhomogeneity on forest stands and forest in island area. It could help decision making of forest policy

How to cite: Ko, Y., Kim, M., Hong, M., and Lee, W.: Studying forest management and carbon absorption considering watershed in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6478,, 2023.

EGU23-8864 | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5 | Highlight

Re-balancing the Earth’s Natural Carbon Cycle; Greening the Deserts of the Oceans through Tele-illumination 

John Allen, Calum Fitzgerald, and Lonnie Franks

ECOPIATM (Earth Climate Optimisation Productivity Island Array) is a global solution to the anthropogenic climate change problem, without the risks of engineering the environment itself. Led by Ecopia Marine Ltd, and MyOcean Resources Ltd., ECOPIATM empowers the natural primary production capacity of the oceans solely through the provision of light. The programme provides a global Nature Based Carbon Management Solution (NBCMS) removing the excess atmospheric CO2, de-acidifying the ocean’s waters, creating new sustainable fisheries, and importantly allowing the economies of the world to continue to grow and prosper,

ECOPIATM’s global Nature Based Carbon Management Solution (NBCMS) effects the natural capture and storage of carbon, enabling the control and regulation of CO2 levels in the atmosphere via natural mechanisms. Many nature based solutions have significant uncertainties that largely come about from the practise of engineering the composition of the environment. ECOPIATM takes a different approach, that of channelling light down to the depths where there are plenty of naturally determined nutrients and seed population. Through simply providing light and nothing more, ECOPIATM provides no mechanism for a preferential pressure on the naturally determined biodiversity of the light cultured ecosystem.

The ECOPINs (Earth Climate Optimisation Productivity Island Nodes) that make up ECOPIATM will be located in the great oligotrophic gyres of the world’s oceans. These otherwise minimally productive gyres are growing at a rate of 80 million hectares (800,000 km2) per year, at the cost of productive ocean areas. Taking the, perhaps pessimistic, view that the world as a whole can only achieve a static anthropogenic fossil fuels usage by the year 2030, then around 100 ECOPINs will be required; this is derived from the approximately 100 Megatonnes uptake of carbon as atmospheric CO2 to be achieved per ECOPIN per year, or 10 Gigatonnes per year by ECOPIATM in total.

As a modular, scalable solution made up of ECOPINs, which themselves are modular, scalable, floating structures, each ECOPIN will take up approximately 2,000 km2 of ocean surface, just 0.25% of the otherwise annual rate of decrease of productive ocean area. Of course as a scalable system, if greater reductions in fossil fuels usage can be achieved then the size of ECOPIATM reduces approximately linearly.

Having worked out how to supercharge the combustion side of the Earth’s carbon cycle through the incredible ingenuity of the industrial revolution it is not surprising to find that there are NBCMSs for supercharging the photosynthetic side of this natural cycle and rebalancing the system. Ecopia Marine and MyOcean Resources have a solution to the global problem of excess anthropogenic carbon; the Earth’s oceans are indeed the true lungs of our world and we are committed to engaging this ocean-based solution to let the oceans save our planet. 

How to cite: Allen, J., Fitzgerald, C., and Franks, L.: Re-balancing the Earth’s Natural Carbon Cycle; Greening the Deserts of the Oceans through Tele-illumination, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8864,, 2023.

EGU23-10106 | ECS | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

Role of forest thinning techniques towards nature-based climate solutions 

Kangyu So, Cheryl A. Rogers, Tanisha Sharma, Rachel Badzioch, and Alemu Gonsamo

Forest ecosystems provide many essential services such as climate regulation and carbon storage, which are important for many industries and for global Earth system health. However, forest ecosystems are endangered by ongoing resource exploitation and climate and land cover changes which could lead to the destruction of large quantities of forest carbon stocks and stand inventory. Nature-based climate solutions are gaining traction in recent years, particularly forest thinning techniques like variable retention harvesting (VRH) which promotes forest growth, biodiversity, and ecosystem function. Still, they require an intensive assessment of their contribution to forest structure and enhanced carbon dioxide (CO₂) sequestration, but traditional inventory-based forest monitoring practices are time-, cost-, and labour-intensive and impractical at a national scale. In this study, we implement a comprehensive methodology of forest monitoring that uses a combination of field measurements, digital hemispherical photography, spectroscopic analysis, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-derived data to derive canopy structure, light environment, and soil biogeochemistry. We evaluated the impact of four different VRH treatments on the leaf area index (LAI), canopy openness, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbance, biomass, and soil carbon and nitrogen content of an 84-year-old red pine (Pinus resinosa) plantation forest in Southern Ontario, Canada. The VRH treatments included 33% dispersed crown retention (33D), 33% aggregated crown retention (33A), 55% dispersed crown retention (55D), and 55% aggregated crown retention (55A). Our findings show that the VRH treatments were major controls or drivers of seasonal variation in LAI, canopy openness, PAR absorbance, biomass, and soil carbon and nitrogen content. Our study suggests that the dispersed crown retention of 55% basal area is the ideal forest thinning technique to enhance CO₂ sequestration and preserve forest structure and light environment. This study provides insight into the interactions between forest ecosystem dynamics and silvicultural interventions, which is indispensable for improving our understanding of nature-based climate solutions. It will also help outline the framework for monitoring forest structure and CO₂ sequestration on large spatiotemporal scales.

How to cite: So, K., Rogers, C. A., Sharma, T., Badzioch, R., and Gonsamo, A.: Role of forest thinning techniques towards nature-based climate solutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10106,, 2023.

The remaining carbon budget for curbing climate change according to the Paris Agreement can be depleted within only less than a decade or at most a few decades if the current emissions trend continues. Many ideas and policies have been proposed to reduce carbon emissions. However, the importance of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration has not been properly empirically underscored.

According to the latest Living Planet Report, between 1970 and 2018, the average abundance of 31,821 populations of 5,230 species monitored worldwide declined by 69% (63–75%). When living organisms die and decompose, they can only increase CO₂ in the atmosphere or further acidify the oceans. Therefore, maintaining an abundance of living organisms can help global climate action.

And while plants are the largest reservoirs of carbon (450 billion tonnes), they are not the only ones. For example, bacteria (70 billion tonnes) and fungi (12 billion tonnes) contain far more carbon than the entire animal kingdom (2 billion tonnes). If we can increase or at least conserve the biomass of living organisms, we can maintain living carbon stocks, avoiding additional carbon emissions from local extinctions or, in the long run, extinction of the species itself. That’s why biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration could fill in the last blank on achieving carbon neutrality.

In this regard, this study investigates how environmental degradation as well as changing land and ocean use disrupt the global carbon cycle from the conservation biology perspective.

Using the levels of success to meet the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) adopted by 196 parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in December 2022, this study estimates the expected carbon storage gains. Policy implications in relation to the GBF and the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement are also discussed.


This research was supported by the Core Research Institute Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2021R1A6A1A10045235).

How to cite: Park, H., Song, C., Choi, H.-A., and Lee, W.-K.: Biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration to meet the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and satisfy climate goals of the Paris Agreement, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10419,, 2023.

Greenlight Bio Oil LLC’s patent-pending process grows and harvests locally sourced marine microalgae and cyanobacteria offshore, processes them into biofuel and converts the remaining matter into fertilizer to grow more microalgae. The process absorbs as much CO2 in fuel production as is created when the fuel is used: true carbon neutrality. 

Current research into growing algae is concentrated in developing land-based systems: either photobioreactors where algae are grown indoors in closed systems often under artificial light, or in purpose-built ponds. These have several disadvantages for the mass industrialization needed to have a significant impact on climate change. Although the productivity of algae farming is much greater than arable farming, tens of millions of acres of land and billions of tons of water would be required to generate sufficient energy to replace fossil fuels at their current rate of use. Rather than the difficult and expensive process of replicating the marine environment on land, Greenlight Bio Oil LLC proposes growing marine algae in their natural environment using an installation we call a Bioil RigTM

The Bioil RigTM is composed of an interconnected array of modular enclosures that float below the ocean surface. Some of these enclosures have impermeable walls. These are stocked with local algae and bacteria and kept in a nutrient-rich environment to promote rapid growth. Once sufficent biomass concentration is reached, the algae are transferred to other enclosures that have permeable walls to allow seawater to pass through. As the local sea water is rich in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), but poor in micronutrients, autotrophic growth becomes focused on producing lipids and carbohydrates with little reproduction. The algae are harvested when their rate of biomass growth tapers off and transferred to a processing platform. 

The algae are processed to separate out their lipids, in a similar process to vegetable oil production. Other useful products may be separated, and the remaining bioavailable material is returned to the impermeable enclosures to promote further growth. System losses of nitrogen-containing chemicals should be replaced by growing nitrogen-fixing bacteria. But other micronutrients such as phosphorous may have to be imported. So, limiting system losses is essential to economic production. However, as all organic materials will remain bioavailable, losses will promote local biomass growth and eventual carbon sequestration. Positioning permeable enclosures at the extremities will encourage reuptake of system losses. 

Given the much greater consistency of the growing environment of the equatorial seas, productivity should be higher than the land-based ponds north of the Tropics that have currently been trialed. However, assuming this as a worst case, 6 billion enclosures covering 240,000 sq miles (620 000km²) would match current fossil oil extraction of 100 million barrels per day. The marginal cost of biofuel is expected to be of order $30 per barrel, making this a practical, short-term solution to decarbonize 26% of GHG emissions, without rebuilding the global energy infrastructure in which the World has invested trillions of dollars. 

How to cite: Brown, D.: The Bioil RigTM: growing carbon neutral fuels to replace all fossil oil extraction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10804,, 2023.

Coastal cities are facing unexpected repercussions due to climate change. Thus, it is urgent and necessary to introduce nature-based solutions to enhance ecosystem services. However, since most coastal cities are highly urbanized and fully densified, it is difficult to find spaces to apply nature-based solutions. In this context, this study focused on vacant lands as alternative spaces, abandoned and remnant areas with high biodiversity and ecological values. This study aimed to evaluate how adopting nature-based solutions in vacant lands might improve ecosystem services including carbon storage, flood control, air quality control, and building energy saving. This study selected Seoguipo-si of Jeju-do as a study site because this city is considered as one of the cities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change in South Korea. First, this study investigated the social-ecological characteristics of vacant lands, such as geographical data, specification of trees and shrubs, vegetation composition, and land-use patterns. Then, this study determined that the study area had six types of vacant lands including (1) unmanaged vegetation with no grass, (2) single tree with grass cover, (3) street trees, (4) multi-layered vegetation, (5) single-layered vegetation, and (6) mini-lot vegetation. Second, this study assessed and simulated the improvement of ecosystem services according to types of vacant lands, planting strategies, and budget levels of nature-based solutions. The results show that prioritizing the introduction of multi-layered vegetation in areas vulnerable to climate change helped improve ecosystem services. Also, it was found that the higher the budget, the better the ecosystem services in vacant lands of the study area. Based on the results, this study suggested specific restoration strategies for applying nature-based solutions to vacant lands in the coastal city. The findings of this study can contribute to a deeper understanding of the novel role that vacant lands play in building coastal resilience. Also, the evidence-based design for adopting nature-based solutions conducted in this study may provide the basis for climate adaptive urban planning with limited budget and spaces.

Funding: This research was suported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(NRF-2022R1A6A3A01087632).


How to cite: Kim, M. and Chon, J.: Nature-based Solutions for improving ecosystem services from vacant lands in a coastal city, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11309,, 2023.

EGU23-14054 | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

Fast Growing Forests (FGF) to offset Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions 

Deepak Jaiswal, Sruthi Surendran, Merlin Lopus, Amit Kushwaha, Akhila K Chandrabose, Anna Geveena, Saranga Shaji P, Sethulakshmi Nair, and Kalpuzha Ashtamoorthy Sreejith

Nature-based solutions (Nbs) are seen as an effective way to mitigate climate change and stabilize the climate of the earth. Here, we report ground measurements of a newly established forest site on the campus of IIT Palakkad, Kerala India (lat = 10.809, lon =76.746). The site (approximately 1600 meter2 ) was previously dominated by fountain grass, which is locally considered to be an invasive species. After land preparation, a new forest utilizing approximately 20 native species of trees was planted following Miyawaki's methodology. Direct measurements of tree diameter at the breast height (tbh) were made to estimate total standing biomass using species specific allometric equations. The standing biomass after two years is estimated to be 3261 kg (5967 kg CO2) over the entire forest area. The total carbon sequestered during the first two years of this forest’s life is sufficient to neutralize carbon emission by a gasoline car driven for a distance of 48909  km or carbon emission by a car running on 100E fuel over a distance of 349355 km. Our work demonstrates that the carbon sequestration rate (18 tons CO2 ha-1 yr-1) by the forest established using the Miyawaki method at our study site is comparable to some of the most productive forests reported in the available literature. Further, our analysis demonstrates that NbS can be made more efficient if spatial land use planning can be optimized to make room for sustainable biomass production for energy and conservation purposes.

How to cite: Jaiswal, D., Surendran, S., Lopus, M., Kushwaha, A., K Chandrabose, A., Geveena, A., Shaji P, S., Nair, S., and Sreejith, K. A.: Fast Growing Forests (FGF) to offset Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14054,, 2023.

EGU23-17228 | PICO | ITS3.6/BG8.5

How different thinning can improve carbon sequestration, carbon stock and mechanical stability in peri-urban mixed forest stands: a study case in Mediterranean environment. 

Ugo Chiavetta, Gianluigi Mazza, Alessandro Paletto, Isabella De Meo, Marco Di Carlo, Alessandra Lagomarsino, and Paolo Cantiani

Peri-urban plantations - artificial forests located near urban areas - in the Mediterranean context are often degraded due to the combined effect of human inactivity and climate changes. Degraded peri-urban forests provide fewer ecosystem services and have reduced biodiversity compared to natural and semi-natural forests.

Silvicultural practices – such as thinning, pruning, weeding, planting – can increase the amount of carbon stored in trees and forests. Thinning can also create more growing space for new trees, resulting in higher carbon sequestration. Additionally, thinning in forests can increase tree mechanical stability and reduce the forest fires risk and, consequently, the related large amounts of carbon released into the atmosphere.

While the main trend of the process is well known, the magnitude can vary significantly according to the climate, the starting condition of the stand, and the natural and human disturbances. All these causes can impact the payback time of carbon stocks. Payback time refers to the time span for the carbon recovering by remaining trees after thinning intervention.

In this study case, we report the results of a silvicultural trial in a mixed peri-urban degraded plantation after 6 years from thinning. Three different silvicultural treatments were compared: a) moderate thinning from below (-20% of current biomass) representing the typical silvicultural treatment of Italian Apennine and considered the traditional scenario; b) intense selective thinning (-30% of current biomass) representing the innovative scenario and c) no management considered the business-as-usual scenario). We also projected the growth to estimate the payback time in recovering harvested carbon stock.

The results show that the more intense thinning has a positive impact on carbon sequestration in the following years, confirming literature results. Besides, the estimated payback time was a) of about 7 years for recovering (in both thinning approaches) the harvested volume; b) of about 8 years for innovative thinning overcoming traditional one; c) of about 12 years for innovative thinning overcoming the control option; d) of about 17 years for traditional thinning overcoming the control option. Finally, we also observed a significant tree mechanical stability increasing from no management option to both thinning options after 2 years. After 6 years, we observed an additional increase of stability for the stands treated with the innovative thinning, while for stands treated with traditional thinning the difference with business as usual reduced until losing its significance.

How to cite: Chiavetta, U., Mazza, G., Paletto, A., De Meo, I., Di Carlo, M., Lagomarsino, A., and Cantiani, P.: How different thinning can improve carbon sequestration, carbon stock and mechanical stability in peri-urban mixed forest stands: a study case in Mediterranean environment., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17228,, 2023.

ITS4 – Citizen science and science for citizens in geoscientific research

EGU23-172 * | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

Open Science as the new normal, Citizen Science as the new component of research infrastructure 

Kaori Otsu and Joan Masó

The increasing involvement of citizens in scientific projects over the last decade is another critical factor that has encouraged Open and FAIR data. Citizen science is in fact one of the eight priorities of the European Open Science Agenda (2018), along with the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) enabling a federation of multidisciplinary research infrastructures.

Until now, citizen science projects and platforms, also known as Citizen Observatories (COs) in Europe, are yet to be considered among the research sector in the EOSC ecosystem. With the ambition of overcoming this challenge, the Cos4Cloud (Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud) project was the first ‘Enabling an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem (INFRAEOSC)’ project to include citizen science as a core part of research infrastructure.

Specifically, the Cos4Cloud aimed to integrate citizen science in the EOSC through co-designing innovative services to support widely used COs in biodiversity and environmental monitoring. To make COs interoperable, the services adopted internationally recognized standards such as SensorThings API and Darwin Core. As a result, over 30 interoperability experiments have been reported in various combinations among the new services and existing COs during the project period; some of which are now offered in the EOSC Marketplace following open and FAIR principles. The Cos4Colud has also demonstrated that the services combined with AI technologies and robust algorithms could improve COs by leveraging the data quality to the research grade.

We thus expect more resources and services derived from COs to be reused in the EOSC ecosystem, eventually enabling to establish its own thematic cluster for citizen science in the research infrastructure as well as facilitate the reuse of data by other researchers. We conclude with the key role of such diverse scientific communities enriched in the EOSC that may create a bridge among researchers, citizens and decision-makers.

 (This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 863463.)

How to cite: Otsu, K. and Masó, J.: Open Science as the new normal, Citizen Science as the new component of research infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-172,, 2023.

Motivation. Recent research shows promising results in gridding methods that aim to fuse official and citizen weather observations to produce high-resolution weather maps. These high-resolution weather maps are essential to verify weather models at finer spatial resolutions and are crucial for Early Warning Centres to provide measures of risk at neighborhood scale. In this way, citizen weather observations may be the key to better inform communities and decision makers about the local weather and important for future generation’s climate adaptation research. Citizen science weather collections like WOW-NL ( offer dense monitoring networks, potentially providing sheer volumes of observations. Continuous growth is a desired characteristic of these alternative networks overall. However, a “guided growth” could prove a more robust strategy in the long term. For this purpose, in this research we focus on quantifying the insights of some questions: How important is it to keep increasing the volume of observations? When should we do so? And at which locations in a region should these stations be located? 

Approach. In this work we apply multi-fidelity adaptative sampling (MF-AS) to daily interpolations of WOW-NL air temperature and wind speed observations. MF-AS is a method developed in the discipline of simulation-based engineering, where it is used to efficiently optimise the design of vehicles. The questions that we try to answer are: what would be the best locations for a sequence of new stations? Should they be official stations or (clusters of) citizen stations? And how much improvement by the network can we expect? We apply and develop MF-AS for the Netherlands: 

We identify typical weather patterns and define some important focus areas for gridded weather products. In this example, we focus on three user areas for the accuracy for our weather products: accuracy over the entire country, accuracy in populated areas and accuracy for road traffic. We then develop and apply MF-AS. The performance for the different user areas, evaluated for different candidate station locations, defines the cost function for our MF-AS strategy. Then, during this MF-AS approach – again borrowing heavily from vehicle design optimisation – in each iteration we do not only quantify the expected improvement in accuracy, but we also determine whether the next station should be an official station or a cluster of citizen stations, as well as where in the country it should ideally be located. In this way, we aim to develop a strategy for efficient growth of the combined official / citizen station network. 

Results. This study acts a proof-of-concept for the use of quantitative methods to optimally design future multi-fidelity weather observation networks. The results will illustrate why, when and where, ideally, we should attract people to engage in citizen weather observation. We are convinced that these quantitative results can contribute to the broader effort to engage people in citizen weather science. 

How to cite: de Baar, J. and Garcia-Marti, I.: Towards quantifying why, when and where to engage citizens to participate in weather observation networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2655,, 2023.

EGU23-2698 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

UndercoverEisAgenten - Monitoring Permafrost Thaw in the Arctic using Local Knowledge and UAVs 

Marlin M. Mueller, Christian Thiel, Soraya Kaiser, Josefine Lenz, Moritz Langer, Hugues Lantuit, Sabrina Marx, Oliver Fritz, and Alexander Zipf

The Arctic is experiencing severe changes to its landscapes due to the thawing of permafrost influenced by the twofold increase of temperature across the Arctic due to global warming compared to the global average. This process, which affects the livelihoods of indigenous people, is also associated with the further release of greenhouse gases and also connected to ecological impacts on the arctic flora and fauna. These small-scale changes and disturbances to the land surface caused by permafrost thaw have been inadequately documented.

To better understand and monitor land surface changes, the project "UndercoverEisAgenten" is using a combination of local knowledge, satellite remote sensing, and data from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to study permafrost thaw impacts in Northwest Canada. The high-resolution UAV data will serve as a baseline for further analysis of optical and radar remote sensing time series data. The project aims to achieve two main goals: 1) to demonstrate the value of using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data in remote regions of the global north, and 2) to involve young citizen scientists from schools in Canada and Germany in the process. By involving students in the project, the project aims to not only expand the use of remote sensing in these regions, but also provides educational opportunities for the participating students. By using UAVs and satellite imagery, the project aims to develop a comprehensive archive of observable surface features that indicate the degree of permafrost degradation. This will be accomplished through the use of automatic image enhancement techniques, as well as classical image processing approaches and machine learning-based classification methods. The data is being prepared to be shared and analyzed through a web-based crowd mapping application. The project aims to involve the students in independently acquiring data and developing their own scientific questions through the use of this application.

In September 2022, a first expedition was conducted in the Northwest Territories, Canada and UAV data was collected with the assistance of students from Moose Kerr School in Aklavik. The data consists of approximately 30,000 individual photos taken over an area of around 13 km². The expedition also provided an opportunity for the students to learn about the basics of data collection and the goals of the collaborative permafrost survey, which included the incorporation of local knowledge to address the questions of the local community.

By involving school students in the data acquisition, classification and evaluation process, the project also seeks to transfer knowledge and raise awareness about global warming, permafrost, and related regional and global challenges. Additionally, a connection through the shared research experience between students in Germany and Canada is established to enable the exchange of knowledge. The resulting scientific data will provide new insights into biophysical processes in Arctic regions and contribute to a better understanding of the state and change of permafrost in the Arctic. This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and was initiated in 2021.

How to cite: Mueller, M. M., Thiel, C., Kaiser, S., Lenz, J., Langer, M., Lantuit, H., Marx, S., Fritz, O., and Zipf, A.: UndercoverEisAgenten - Monitoring Permafrost Thaw in the Arctic using Local Knowledge and UAVs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2698,, 2023.

EGU23-4538 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

How do roots restructure water and carbon dynamics in the critical zone? 

Pamela L. Sullivan and the SitS, FRES, and CZCN teams

Roots are physical and chemical engineers of the subsurface that are sensitive to changes in climate, and whose power to reshape the subsurface differs with land cover. Roots create and destroy porosity through enmeshment of particles, lateral and vertical boring through regolith, and cleaving of rocks from parent material. Their ability to translocate water, exude sugars and acids, and take up solutes influences hydrologic connectivity, water residence times, carbon transport and transformation, microbial access to resources, and chemical equilibrium conditions. Analysis of land-cover datasets suggest that root depth distributions are changing globally, shallowing in agricultural environments and deepening with woody encroachment. Yet where, when, and how changes in root distributions alter water and carbon dynamics in the critical zone is not well known. Using data generated at environmental observatories across the U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research program, the Critical Zone Collaborative Network, National Ecological Observatory Network, and the Department of Energy Watershed Focus Areas in combination with the Pedogenic and Environmental Dataset (PEDS), we ask: How do roots shape regolith hydrology and carbon dynamics? 

A clear signal is emerging from grassland, forest, and agricultural sites across the U.S. that indicates changes in rooting dynamics have measurable and meaningful impacts on critical zone functions. Evidence shows that changes from forest to crop and back to forest impacts soil structure deep beneath the plow line in systematic ways. Losses of rooting abundance upon conversion of grasslands to agriculture affects the propensity of organic carbon to form and protect aggregates throughout the subsoil. Reduced fire frequency at tallgrass prairie sites in the Midwest have led to rapid woody expansion in recent decades. Where woody encroachment persists, coarse roots, smaller mean soil aggregate diameters, and more readily destabilized carbon pools proliferate. Encroachment of woody plants increases the infiltration of soil water rich in  CO2 into deep rocks and enhances carbonate weathering as predicted by models. These woody plants rely on deeper water sources, draw soil moisture down to a greater degree at depth, and are likely responsible for reducing streamflow and changing the timing of groundwater contributions to the stream. At Rocky Mountains sites dominated by conifers and aspen, coarse- and fine-root abundances are elevated under aspen in the upper 75 cm of the soil profile compared to conifer sites. Elevated soil organic carbon, lower extractable organic carbon, lower C:N values and elevated enzyme activity indicate soil carbon under aspen is likely more stable as a result of more microbial processing. Finally, in a predominantly Douglas-fir forest in the Pacific Northwest, second-growth forests exhibit substantially fewer fine roots at depths <50 cm, which appears to exert control on nitrogen availability in this nutrient-limited system and thus potentially limits carbon stability as more extractable organic carbon is generated from second-growth forests at depth. Data from these sites demonstrate how alterations to rooting distributions change the physical structure and moisture status of soil, and may be linked to carbon stability as the proportion of fine and coarse roots dictate overall access to carbon pools.     

How to cite: Sullivan, P. L. and the SitS, FRES, and CZCN teams: How do roots restructure water and carbon dynamics in the critical zone?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4538,, 2023.

EGU23-7238 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Improving efficiency of citizen science projects by targeted activation of selected stakeholder groups 

Christine Liang, Claudia Schütze, Uta Ködel, Thora Herrmann, Felix Schmidt, Fabian Schütze, Sophia Schütze, and Peter Dietrich

As citizen science is becoming a widely accepted research approach across multiple disciplines, it is essential to explore methods for effective recruitment, involvement, and retention of participants for these programs. An effective recruitment strategy results in motivated and engaged contributors, longer-term participation, and better communication exchange.

In this research, we present two marketing approaches adapted from best practice in customer-facing fields in order to identify appropriate stakeholder groups for citizen science and keep motivation and retention of the participants high. Firstly, stakeholder analysis is a major tool within the frame of stakeholder management and includes the systematic identification of stakeholders and their relevance and influence on a project. Thus, efficiency of citizen science projects can be improved significantly by targeted identification and selection of participants and groups through stakeholder analysis, which are suited to generate the data needed to reach the project and research goals. Secondly, the value proposition canvas approach is based on business strategies to match products and services to the market or customer. The value proposition canvas can be adapted to scientific processes and the data generated can help citizen science groups to build a communication strategy that can clearly communicate the value of their message and shared goals to the participants.

The application of stakeholder analysis and value proposition canvas is demonstrated using the case study of the project "Next Generation City Climate Services Using Advanced Weather Models and Emerging Data Sources" (CityCLIM, a European Union Horizon 2020 funded project), where the focus is to develop next-generation City Climate Services based on advanced weather forecast models enhanced with data from emerging data sources such as Citizen Science approaches for urban climate monitoring. Before meetings with citizens in pilot cities, stakeholder groups involved in the CityCLIM project were examined and their profiles were analysed using the value proposition canvas. Lessons learned from the use of these tools for engagement with citizens in pilot cities will be presented. Findings also provide an approach that can be used by citizen science groups in environmental observation to strategically target participants and tailor key communication messages, towards the goal of a focused and sustained monitoring of environmental processes.

How to cite: Liang, C., Schütze, C., Ködel, U., Herrmann, T., Schmidt, F., Schütze, F., Schütze, S., and Dietrich, P.: Improving efficiency of citizen science projects by targeted activation of selected stakeholder groups, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7238,, 2023.

EGU23-7615 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

PrESENCE : a participative citizen seismic network. 

Mathieu Turlure, Marc Grunberg, Hélène Jund, Fabien Engels, Antoine Schlupp, Philippe Chavot, and Jean Schmittbuhl

The SeismoCitizen (SismoCitoyen) project presents and tests a new paradigm of collaborative monitoring of geohazards in urban and peri-urban environments. Seismological observations are obtained using a large number of low cost internet-connected equipment (Raspberry Shake seismic sensors and associated open access data). The breakthrough strategy of the project relies on the deployment of the sensors in residences or administrative buildings of non-seismologist voluntary citizens or authorities. The aim is to use those stations to densify the french permanent seismic network, and to improve the detection and location of seismic events, in particularly small ones. The volunteers take part in a sociological survey to estimate the impact of that participative project on their perception of science. Candidates are primarily chosen according to the seismic interest of their location and for some of them to represent the social variability of the population. 


Since the “Sismocitoyen” project was launched in 2018 by BCSF-Rénass and EOST (CNRS and Strasbourg University), sixty sensors have been deployed and are currently hosted by voluntary citizens in the region of the Upper Rhine Graben, in the area of Strasbourg, Mulhouse and alongside Vosges mountains. They were able to strongly improve our monitoring of the seismic events induced by a deep geothermal project close to Strasbourg where several events have been largely felt (2019-2022). The topic is becoming a major issue in the development of renewable energies that involve the subsurface as seismic hazards are of significant public concern and can have major socio-economic impacts. 


With the new PrESENCE ANR project (2022-2025) we focus on seismic hazards induced by deep geothermal operations in northern Alsace and their associated societal perception.  Seventy Raspberry Shake seismic stations are being deployed since the end of 2022 and installations will continue in 2023. We will use our previous experience to improve, refine and develop all aspects such as site selection, protection of privacy and confidentiality of volunteers data and information, station calibration before deployment, data transmission and protocol to minimize data losses, stations monitoring and data analysis.


During the project, interactions with the station hosts will be reinforced, in particular with convivial meetings (Stammtisch) to answer questions, present the use of the data and the results obtained.

How to cite: Turlure, M., Grunberg, M., Jund, H., Engels, F., Schlupp, A., Chavot, P., and Schmittbuhl, J.: PrESENCE : a participative citizen seismic network., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7615,, 2023.

EGU23-7816 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Darwinian approaches for the Urban Critical Zone — A case study in the city of Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany 

Mikael Gillefalk, Franziska Neumann, Matthias Bücker, and Ilhan Özgen-Xian

The ecohydrology of the Urban Critical Zone is characterised by strong heterogeneity and the entangling of hydrological and human time scales (Sivapalan & Blöschl, 2015). This not only poses a challenge to field measurements and the transfer of insights to other urban systems, but consequently limits the development of universal theoretical approaches for urban systems. In this contribution, we propose an interdisciplinary methodology to approach this challenge. Following the school of Darwinian hydrology (Harman & Troch, 2014), we hypothesise that analog to the co-evolution of natural systems, the history of a city and its neighbourhoods is a strong control on current ecohydrological patterns and processes. Thus, we argue that field measurements must be complemented by research into the historical evolution of the urban area to provide a full description and explanation of any observations made. While we need to be careful to avoid a too deterministic or simplistic view of history, research into the historical evolution of an urban area can strengthen explanation of current urban ecohydrological behaviour and potentially enable knowledge transfer and prediction capabilities in “ungauged” cities with similar historical development, as well as to help guide measurement campaigns. Hence, we search for historical and environmental patterns that correlate to provide a testable explanation of current ecohydrological function of urban space. Similar to the "uniqueness of place" in hydrology, every society and city has a unique history that is shaped by the complex interaction among culture, environment, and political events (Berking & Löw, 2008). Thus, we want to formulate a framework for determining similarities in historical development at relevant temporal scales. This requires a strictly interdisciplinary approach, because the application of historical sciences and the interpretation of results is non-trivial and should not be attempted separately. 
We discuss our current progress in developing such an interdisciplinary framework in a case study of the city of Braunschweig, Germany. Braunschweig has 250,000 inhabitants, a medieval city centre with Gründerzeit–era neighbourhoods surrounding it. The former fortifications of the city have been converted into urban green spaces during the 18th century. The Oker river that surrounds the medieval city centre has been heavily modified. The built areas of the city centre show very little green space with few trees, especially compared to the surrounding neighbourhoods, where we find a multitude of street trees, smaller green spaces scattered throughout, and large parks adjacent to the built-up area. This works as an example of how the policy regarding green spaces has changed over time. In this heterogeneous environment, we hunt for urban ecohydrological units. In particular, we are interested in whether similar historical development is an indicator of similar ecohydrological function in an urban context.

Berking, H. & Löw, M. (2008). Die Eigenlogik der Städte, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, Germany.
Harman, C. & Troch, P. (2014), Hydrology & Earth System Science, 18, 417–433.
Sivapalan, M. & Blöschl, G. (2015), Water Resources Research, 51, 6988–7022.

How to cite: Gillefalk, M., Neumann, F., Bücker, M., and Özgen-Xian, I.: Darwinian approaches for the Urban Critical Zone — A case study in the city of Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7816,, 2023.

EGU23-8059 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Evaluation and correction of precipitation data obtained with different measurement methods using data from precision lysimeter network 

Thomas Puetz, Tobias Schnepper, Horst H. Gerke, Barbara Reichert, and Jannis Groh

Accurate precipitation measurements are essential for various applications such as determining the water balance of ecosystems and modelling soil-water fluxes in the earth critical zone. Gauge based point precipitation measurements are affected by wind, gauge design, and maintenance of the device. Ground-level gauges, like high precision weighing lysimeters, are less affected by environmental factors and thus provide more accurate data if well managed and the data are post-processed with filters. However, studies evaluating precipitation measuring methods with lysimeter references at multiple sites with high temporal resolution and detailed weather data are rare.

In the present study, high-precision weighing lysimeter precipitation data from four years of measurement with an hourly resolution were used as references to evaluate data from four different precipitation measurement methods at three sites under different climatic conditions. The methods were tipping bucket gauges (TB), weighing gauges (WG), acoustic sensors (AS), and laser disdrometers (LD). Different sites and climatic conditions were chosen to be able to draw conclusions as to whether deviations between the measurement and comparison data were environment-dependent or unit-specific. Methodically, the evaluation included correlation analyses, comparison of catch ratios, x-y scatter plots, and the application of correction schemes.

For the total period, all measurement methods recorded less precipitation than the lysimeters, with catch ratios between 33 to 92 % depending on the measuring method. Non-rainfall water inputs, like dew and fog, have been excluded for this study, therefore the measuring differences are attributed to the precipitation gauges. The bias of the hourly measurements varied between -0.69 to -0.01 mm h-1 based on the measuring method and no site-specific influence on the data was detected. Correction algorithms reduced the bias and improved the catching ratios of hourly precipitation data with similar improvements at all sites for the same gauge models, thus one adequate correction scheme may be sufficient to be used for the same model under different climatic conditions and environments. The findings suggest that a correction of the data by empirical or mathematical models appears to be necessary to ensure the quality of the precipitation data and to reduce over- and underestimations, which is the prerequisite for environmental studies in the critical zone.

How to cite: Puetz, T., Schnepper, T., Gerke, H. H., Reichert, B., and Groh, J.: Evaluation and correction of precipitation data obtained with different measurement methods using data from precision lysimeter network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8059,, 2023.

EGU23-8411 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

What does it mean to be a data researcher and platform facilitator of crowdsourced weather observations? 

Irene Garcia-Marti and Jan Willem Noteboom

In 2011 the UK Met Office established the Weather Observations Website (WOW) initiative, a global-coverage project in which users of personal weather stations (PWS) can contribute their weather observations to a central repository. In this decade, more than 10,000 PWS around the world have contributed 2 billion measurements to this project, with a remarkable presence of WOW users in Europe. The Dutch Met Office (KNMI) joined this initiative as partner in 2015. In the past 8 years, 1,000+ PWS located in the Netherlands have collected 250+ million observations of the most relevant weather variables, and the interest of the Dutch public in this network continues growing. 

In this context, the KNMI has two main roles with respect to WOW-NL observations: Platform Facilitator and Data Researcher. The KNMI facilitates WOW-NL to the public via the portal, which enables visualizing the latest observations in a map, allows querying to inspect the historical data contributed by each station, and provides a space for news. As platform facilitator, the KNMI aims for a measurement system of PWS that provides optimal added value to our science and services. The Data Research teams at KNMI have dedicated continuous efforts to develop quality controls (QC) enabling a full quality assessment of the WOW-NL observations. The latest results show that the application of QC methods yields promising results for air temperature, rainfall, and wind speed measurements. This means that WOW-NL observations may have sufficient quality to be incorporated into successive research or operational workflows and become part of the ‘daily business’ of the organization. 

These two roles are designed to work independently, but we believe that bringing them together would positively and effectively impact quality of data for the organization’s science and services. Hence, how can we interlace them most optimally in a feedback loop and take them to the next level? How can we expand the Platform Facilitator role, to stimulate and provide guidance for citizens to obtain quality of crowd sourced data most optimal for our science and services? How to enable the Data Researcher role to deliver peer-reviewed scientific content to a broader audience and in a real-world set up? Last but not least, how to establish a dialogue with the users to create a community ensuring long-term data provision for national meteorological services?

In this work we investigate the relationship between the Platform Facilitator and the Data Researcher roles to balance investment in actions “upstream” (e.g. network design, PWS location) vs “downstream” (e.g. metadata, statistical QC procedures). We also elaborate on how the inclusion of WOW-NL in operational workflows might require revisiting or creating new policies for crowdsourced data or assessing the readiness of the digital infrastructure of the organization.

How to cite: Garcia-Marti, I. and Noteboom, J. W.: What does it mean to be a data researcher and platform facilitator of crowdsourced weather observations?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8411,, 2023.

In the context of a double democratic and environmental crisis, participatory/collaborative action-research has multiplied in recent years with increased attention from institutions. Over the last ten years, many participatory research projects have taken up the democratic and environmental crises by proposing an emancipatory normative scheme to improve public participation and the effectiveness of environmental action.

Our paper presents the first results of a participatory science project, BREATHE, funded by the ANR. It aims to articulate two components : (1) a participatory measurement of fine particulate matter (PM) concentration (PM 10 - PM 2.5 - PM 1 - PM 0.1) and an identification of pollution sources) from passive filters (plants and sensors) and micro-sensors subject to standardization (2) a component of accompaniment and support of public policies based.

The project is based on a participatory science protocol (Chevalier and Buckles, 2009) based on participation engineering (Dosias-Perla et al., 2020). Our fieldwork covers three targets: (a) the incinerator (waste recovery center) - (b) a highways around a small town; (c) a street canyon, city of Montpellier, south of France. On the metrological level, the project aims at analyzing the implication and the effects of the Citizen Science device aiming at "co-constructing" at micro-scales a fine cartography of fine particles concentrations while discriminating the source and modeling the dispersion phenomena. On the political level, the project aims on the one hand to analyze the institutionalization process of the device and on the other hand to analyze its effects on the "co-production" of public policies and strategies through different regulatory frameworks (EPZ, PCAET, Mobility Plan, etc.).

We will also discuss the limits and contributions of this type of interdisciplinary and participatory approach aiming at acting on pollution with and for society. We will present current results and first analyses concerning the complex intertwining of technical and political issues related to air quality metrology, the importance and difficulties of standardizing measurement and of truly developing metrology at relevant scale levels when it comes to supporting public action and addressing health issues

How to cite: Dosias-Perla, D., Lefevre, M., and Camps, P.: Observing, measuring and tackling air pollution with citizens and elected officials: the case of public policy and technical democracy about particulates matter issue in Montpellier, France., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9605,, 2023.

EGU23-9749 | Posters virtual | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

A synthesis of the use of citizen science on soils and agroecosystems across Europe 

Chantal Gascuel-Odoux, Ulrike Aldrian, Sophia Goetzinger, Eloise Masson, Julia Miloczki, and Taru Sandén

Along with the development of citizen science, more and more citizen science initiatives on soils are emerging. Soils are key components of ecosystems and from where 95% of our food originates. Because soils integrate multiple impacts of human activities, they are increasingly taken into account in public policies (agroecology, biodiversity, food, climate). This presentation will share the results of an online survey on agricultural soil citizen science across Europe. Most reported citizen science projects were at the national level (56%, n=40), limited in time (64.9%, n=40) because of funding (82.6%, n=23), with a budget less than 50.000 € (41.7%, n=36) and funded by a national research funding agency (47.2%, n=36). Regarding agricultural soil systems, half of citizen science projects studied urban or urban-countering gardening and 39% studied cropping systems, 29% fruit-vegetables and grassland systems, 18% arboriculture and vineyards. Over 57% of the reported projects have generated soil biodiversity data, 46% and 35% vegetation cover and soil organic carbon data, respectively. According to citizen science coordinators (n=33), the benefits for the scientists taking part in citizen science were ranging from publication of research outputs (69.7%) and learning opportunities (63.6%) to the potential to influence policy (45.5%). The reported benefits for the citizen scientists (n=33) ranged from learning opportunities (81.8%) and satisfaction through contributing to scientific evidence (72.7%) to publication of research outputs (24.2%). ‘Project very time consuming’ and ‘funding temporary’ were identified as the main research challenges for citizen science projects (n=31). ‘More staff resources’ was reported as the most important prerequisites for citizen science work followed by ‘more financial resources’ and ‘more recognition from academia for citizen science’ (n=28). This synthesis shows the state of the art in agricultural soil citizen science, but also the main lockers for citizen science development on soils.

How to cite: Gascuel-Odoux, C., Aldrian, U., Goetzinger, S., Masson, E., Miloczki, J., and Sandén, T.: A synthesis of the use of citizen science on soils and agroecosystems across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9749,, 2023.

EGU23-11150 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Marsh migration in the coastal critical zone: Drivers and impacts of hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological change 

Holly Michael, Dannielle Pratt, Yu-Ping Chin, Sergio Fagherazzi, Keryn Gedan, Matthew Kirwan, Angelia Seyfferth, Lee Slater, Stotts Stephanie, and Katherine Tully

Ghost forests and abandoned farms are stark indicators of ecological change along world coastlines, caused by sea level rise (SLR). These changes adversely affect terrestrial ecosystems and economies, but expanding coastal marshes resulting from SLR also provide crucial ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and mediate material fluxes to the ocean. We introduce a US-NSF Critical Zone Network project designed to untangle the hydrological, ecological, geomorphological, and biogeochemical processes that are altering the functioning of the marsh-upland transition in the coastal critical zone. We have instrumented six sites in the mid-Atlantic region of the US, along the coastlines of the Atlantic Ocean, Delaware Bay, and Chesapeake Bay where marshes are rapidly encroaching into forests and farmland. We have installed field sensors to observe the effects of slow hydrologic change (i.e. SLR) and fast episodic events such as high tides and storm surges on water levels, land surface elevation, salinity, redox conditions, and sap flow. We are coupling these measurements to laboratory experiments and analyses, as well as modeling to elucidate drivers and feedbacks in these complex and highly transient critical zone systems.

How to cite: Michael, H., Pratt, D., Chin, Y.-P., Fagherazzi, S., Gedan, K., Kirwan, M., Seyfferth, A., Slater, L., Stephanie, S., and Tully, K.: Marsh migration in the coastal critical zone: Drivers and impacts of hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11150,, 2023.

EGU23-11691 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Environmental and social drivers behind spatial variability of soil carbon in urban green infrastructures of Wageningen 

Slava Vasenev, Mirabel Vlaming, Josca Breeman, Olga Romzaykina, and Jetse Stoorvogel

Recent IPCC reports claim carbon neutrality as the key strategy for climate mitigation, therefore compensating greenhouse gases’ emissions by carbon (С) sequestration become the core of climate mitigation measures taken by cities. Developing urban green infrastructures is considered an efficient measure for C sequestration and climate mitigation in cities. However, most of these solutions consider C sequestration in aboveground biomass and ignore the role of urban soil-C stocks. Urban soils’ contribution to C balance in urban ecosystems remains overlooked so far, but gets increasingly important with ongoing climate change. Urban soils are exposed to direct and indirect anthropogenic influences, they are very heterogeneous and dynamic. This variability is driven by both environmental (e.g., vegetation, geomorphology, and parent material) and social (e.g., decisions on maintenance and management) factors. Traditional soil surveys focus on the environmental factor and barely ignore the social drivers, that might be appropriate for natural or agricultural areas, but can hardly be implemented to study soil C stocks in cities.  In the Netherlands, urban areas cover at least 15% of the territory and are projected to expand with more than 1000 km2 by 2040, however urban soils remain overlooked and sustainable urban development strategies are not supported by soil data. this study we aimed to explore the effect of natural and social factors on the spatial variability in soil C on Wageningen – a middle-size university town in the Netherlands.

Wageningen is a perfect case study to investigate factors influencing spatial variability of urban soil C. A long history and unique landscape diversity create conditions for high spatial variation in soil-forming factors. Based on the parent materials, the residential blocks outside the center can be subdivided into strata dominated by sandy and clayey soils. Urban expansion and building up new residential blocks, public and private green areas coincided with development and management of urban soils. A random stratified soil survey (n=56) allowed capturing the effect of parent materials, land cover and land-use history. The effect of the social factor was studied by expert interviews with the owners of the green areas (key plots, n=10), where detailed soil survey was done. Expert interviews included information on soil management as well as personal questions. In result, typical ‘portraits’ of landowners/ green-keepers were developed and related to soil C-stocks assessment. It was concluded that land-cover and land-use history/ historical zoning distinguished spatial patterns in soil C at the city level, whereas at the local scale social factors dominated. Moreover, local spatial variability distinguished by differences in maintenance/ management practices (e.g., minimal management in a student house in comparison to an intensive maintenance with irrigation and adding composts in a high-price cottage) was comparable or even higher than total variance at the city level.  This is an important message for urban planners and landscape designers, claiming that the social factors and personal decisions shall not be ignored in climate-resilient strategies and practices to develop and maintain urban green infrastructures.

How to cite: Vasenev, S., Vlaming, M., Breeman, J., Romzaykina, O., and Stoorvogel, J.: Environmental and social drivers behind spatial variability of soil carbon in urban green infrastructures of Wageningen, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11691,, 2023.

EGU23-12067 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Groundwater flow patterns and subsurface heterogeneity drive critical zone geochemical reactions 

Camille Bouchez, Ivan Osorio, Charlotte Le Traon, and Tanguy Le Borgne

In continental subsurface environments, biogeochemical reactions drive nutrient delivery, deep microbial life and mineral weathering, with crucial importance in the critical zone. Current models often simplify groundwater transport, using the residence time approach or hillslope models. However, increasing observations suggest that the nature, location and efficiency of reactions are strongly affected by groundwater 3D flow patterns, chemical gradients and subsurface heterogeneity. Here, we investigate how hydrological and geological structures control where and when biogeochemical reactions occur in the deep critical zone. For this purpose, our approach integrates long-term and widespread local observations in a catchment-scale framework and is based on data from two critical zone observatories of the French OZCAR national network. The first study took place in Guadeloupe (Obsera), where we integrated geophysical, hydrological and geochemical data in a reactive-hydrogeological model to simulate the 3D structure of groundwater flow paths and weathering. We found that the downstream evolution of the river chemistry is controlled by the pattern of hydrogeological circulations and by the depth of the weathering front. Furthermore, the calibrated 3D model allowed the delimitation of areas where weathering occurs and we showed that active weathering is restricted to catchment-areas where downward groundwater flows are deep. The second study focused on the dynamics of dissolved oxygen (DO) in a fractured aquifer at the Ploemeur catchment (Bretagne, France). Deep and intermittent inputs of DO in groundwater were observed, enabling the reaction of DO with dissolved Fe2+, in turn sustaining the development of deep microbial communities. In this study, we designed a simple model to simulate jointly the depth-distribution of DO and Fe2+ and to investigate the hydrological and geological factors controlling the DO depth-distribution. We found that the reducing capacity of the bedrock and the mean fluid transit time are the main parameters to explain and predict the depth of the oxic-anoxic transition in crystalline environments. In this presentation, we will provide new perspectives to observe and understand the origin of subsurface biogeochemical reactions and we will illustrate key processes that breakdown classical assumptions of reactive groundwater models.

How to cite: Bouchez, C., Osorio, I., Le Traon, C., and Le Borgne, T.: Groundwater flow patterns and subsurface heterogeneity drive critical zone geochemical reactions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12067,, 2023.

EGU23-12542 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Comparison of Mobile Environmental Sensors for Citizen Science Based Climate Monitoring 

Felix Schmidt, Claudia Schütze, Uta Ködel, Fabian Schütze, Christine Liang, David Schäfer, and Peter Dietrich

The possibilities of citizen science-based approaches to environmental research and especially climate monitoring have recently expanded. This is among other things due to the availability of diverse measuring equipment at low costs, so that citizen science-based measuring missions can be implemented with a large number of participants. The advantages of high data density and spatial coverage are obvious. These advantages have been exploited for years by platforms such as or and many others. With the help of mobile monitoring systems, the spatial coverage can now be extended even further. This means that the variability of climate values such as air temperature and relative humidity in cities can be investigated and more accurate forecasting models can be used.

A crucial aspect here is the reliability and comparability of the data collected with different devices. Therefore, we tested and compared within the EU project CityCLIM ( different measurement equipment. Important characteristics of these devices are their low cost, ease of use and data access, data security and protection and the reliability of the measurement data. In the experiments presented here, 4 mobile systems were used: Meteotracker, senseBox, CHEAL5, PAM-AS520. All of these devices can determine air temperature, relative humidity, GPS-location and time and partly also particulate matter. In order to compare these systems, several measurement trips were made in the city of Leipzig in Saxony/Germany at different times of the year.

Surprisingly, there are considerable deviations between the devices in all measured values. This starts with the time and the GPS position. Here, there are sometimes shifts of several minutes and several metres. These errors could certainly be corrected with the help of calibration. However, this must also be practicable for the citizen scientist. In general, this example shows that quality control and backup of the data is necessary. In this sense, it is advantageous if there is a possibility to check the data live from the measurement operator or citizen. For this purpose, a direct upload of the data into the online portal/dashboard is very helpful. This direct data transfer also allows a simple and automated evaluation and storage of the large amounts of data.

Also the measurements of the air parameters show larger differences. Here, air flow at the sensor during the journey, protection from direct sunlight and the sensors used influence the measurement results. In any case, it is necessary to provide the users with detailed guidelines for the use of the sensors in order to increase the data quality. In summary, it turned out that the mobile measuring systems are suitable for citizen science-based climate observation with some limitations. Through the experiments, clear requirements for the devices could be worked out, which is helpful for the planning of future projects. The investigation of further devices and especially of quality control tools for the data are important next steps.

How to cite: Schmidt, F., Schütze, C., Ködel, U., Schütze, F., Liang, C., Schäfer, D., and Dietrich, P.: Comparison of Mobile Environmental Sensors for Citizen Science Based Climate Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12542,, 2023.

EGU23-12615 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

Exploring practical citizen science in China 

Xudong Zhou, Luwen Wan, Jingyu Lin, Manqing Shao, Sifang Feng, Beichen Zhang, Yuanhao Xu, Yuxin Li, Yuan Liu, Ming Liu, Libo Wang, and Xingyan Tan

The development of citizen science is still at a very early stage in China. There are three primary reasons: 1. The government has strict data collection and sharing regulations. 2. There are very limited official leading groups, guidelines, and financial support on citizen science. 3. The public still lacks enthusiasm and basic training in citizen science. However, given the large population, increasing educational level of the society, and the help of new technologies, we can see a bright future for citizen science in China. We need to be prepared for that.

Hydro90 is a bottom-to-top established scientific community within the field of hydrology and earth science. It shares the latest academic research, broadcasts latest news, and organizes lectures, webinars, and workshops. It aims to enhance the communication among scholars, and between scholars and the public, especially among the young ages. It has been run for almost three years, with around 20,000 followers on the social media platform. However, we are still exploring how to promote citizen science in China. We want to share our recent experiences and efforts to overcome the current barriers in citizen science in the EGU. We are also looking forward to the great suggestions from European communities.

How to cite: Zhou, X., Wan, L., Lin, J., Shao, M., Feng, S., Zhang, B., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, M., Wang, L., and Tan, X.: Exploring practical citizen science in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12615,, 2023.

EGU23-12709 | Posters virtual | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

The influence of deep groundwater flow systems on the Earth’s critical zone  

Brigitta Czauner, Szilvia Szkolnikovics-Simon, and Judit Mádl-Szőnyi

The depth of the Earth’s critical zone can be questionable especially in thousands meter deep sedimentary basins. Therefore, extension of the critical zone’s usually studied 10s of meters depth considering groundwater flow systems has critical importance. Growing demand for groundwater resources (water, geothermal energy), economic services of the groundwater flow related surface and subsurface processes and phenomena (e.g., groundwater dependent ecosystems, surface salinization), and the potential role of groundwater in the adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of human activities and climate change represent the significance and functions of groundwater flow systems in the critical zone.

Regarding the complexity of these flow systems, the primary goal could be the determination of their relative significance in the shallower parts of the critical zone. To this end, the present study proposes a methodology based on the hydrodynamic analysis of measured data to separate flow systems with different driving forces (topography, vertical compaction) and pore pressure regimes (normal or  close to hydrostatic, overpressured, underpressured). These characteristics define the renewability of groundwater resources, the near-surface conditions (e.g., distribution of nutrients, salts and heat, type of vegetation and soils, slope stability, etc.), and the exposure of flow systems to the effects of global and climate change.

As a case study, groundwater flow systems of the Great Hungarian Plain (Pannonian Basin, Hungary) were evaluated and characterized by analyzing about 5,800 measured hydraulic data (pre-production static water levels and static formation pressures) in hydraulic head vs. elevation and pressure vs. elevation profiles, tomographic maps, and hydraulic cross sections in combination with the geologic build-up and some surface phenomena (distribution of saline soils and vegetation). As a result, spatial extension and distinct functions in the critical zone were defined for three flow regimes, namely i) the near-surface topography-driven groundwater flow systems, ii) an underlying overpressured regime, and iii) the transition zone of i) and ii). For instance, outstanding significance of the upward flows of saline water from the transition zone was revealed in the generation of saline soils and vegetation.

The research was funded by the National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change, RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 project.

How to cite: Czauner, B., Szkolnikovics-Simon, S., and Mádl-Szőnyi, J.: The influence of deep groundwater flow systems on the Earth’s critical zone , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12709,, 2023.

Academia is more and more under the demand to create both scientific and societally relevant research with beneficial effects for society. There is a strong consensus that the engagement of non-academic actors in research activities is associated with greater societal relevance and usability of science for society. Involving non-academic actors within natural hazards and disaster risk research has seen a rise in popularity with the advent of participatory and transdisciplinary research approaches. Particularly in countries of the Global South, the participation, engagement, or involvement of non-academic actors in research on natural hazards and disaster risk is seen as promising strategy for solving data issues, raising awareness and generating knowledge. However, besides beneficial consequences, the participation, engagement, or involvement in scientific research may also have negative side-effects for non-academic actors (e.g., causing mistrust, anxiety, or research-fatigue). Against this background, the aim of the ImSE-R project is to assess how the participation, engagement, or involvement in scientific research on natural hazards and disaster risk may have consequences – ranging from intended impacts to unintended implications and negative side-effects for non-academic actors. This contribution presents the results of a systematic review of studies on hazards and disaster risk in the Himalayan region (2000-2022) to better understand how academic actors negotiate and manage research relationships with non-academic actors in the context of natural hazards and disaster risk research. The contribution derives insights on how non-academic actors were involved in natural hazard and disaster risk research activities (actively, passively); underlying motivations and goals of academic actors for involving non-academic actors in natural hazard and disaster risk research; and perceived impacts and implications of involving non-academic actors in research. The results of the review feed into the development of a conceptual framework on research impacts and implications in the context of natural hazard and disaster risk research.

How to cite: Posch, E.: Side-effects of doing research? Potential consequences of involving non-academic actors in natural hazard research, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14528,, 2023.

EGU23-14567 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

The impact of landscape and land use changes on the critical zone and society: the Belmont Forum ABRESO project 

Chiara Richiardi, Maria Adamo, Andrea Scartazza, Lisa Sella, Ilaria Baneschi, Serena Botteghi, Enrico Brugnoli, Silvana Fuina, Olga Gavrichkova, Michael Maerker, Michele Mattioni, Elena Ragazzi, Valentina Rossi, Francesca Silvia Rota, Matteo Salvadori, Cristina Tarantino, Saverio Vicario, Alberto Zanetti, and Maddalena Pennisi

The stable presence of humans in the Alps dates back to the Bronze Age and peaked in the mid-19th century, deeply shaping the landscape and allowing the co-evolution of numerous plant and animal species. Since the 1950s, socio-economic changes have led to the gradual depopulation of mountain areas, and the consequent abandonment of traditional agro-pastoral activities. The rupture of the long-established balance between man and nature has triggered a process of transition, further exacerbated and accelerated by climate change. The Belmont Forum project ABRESO (Abandonment and rebound: Societal views on landscape and land-use change and their impacts on water and soils) started in 2021 and aims at advancing the understanding of mitigation and adaptation strategies to environmental change, through an international partnership involving five countries (the United States, France, Italy, Japan and Taiwan). Italy contributes to the project with three case studies: Gran Paradiso National Park, Val Grande National Park and the Tesino highlands are investigated in the Italian Alps. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the project aims to study the impact of the abandonment of traditional activities on ecosystem services provisioning, such as biodiversity conservation and soil sustainability, as well as the actual perception of the ongoing environmental changes by different stakeholders and its subsequent integration into local land management practices and policies. The land use and land cover change occurring due to land abandonment can have profound implications in the critical zone (CZ), inducing changes in soil, vegetation, carbon fluxes and water resources. This project integrates the natural and social sciences approaches to study the evolution of ecosystems in response to these factors. More specifically, advanced techniques that integrate Earth Observation, biogeochemical analyses and socio-economic investigation are used in the Italian sites to understand in which extent geo-biophysical and social landscapes reciprocally interact. The environmental variables collected for ecosystem monitoring and to study and upscale the ongoing dynamics in the CZ include snow cover and phenology parameters, soil organic carbon, and land use change maps extracted from time series of satellite imagery, validated via in situ measurements. Then, the observed processes will be compared to the perception of different stakeholders (local population, policy makers, tourists, business keepers, etc.) to unveil new insights into the way land use change in the mountain areas influence and is influenced by the local land management practices and policies.

How to cite: Richiardi, C., Adamo, M., Scartazza, A., Sella, L., Baneschi, I., Botteghi, S., Brugnoli, E., Fuina, S., Gavrichkova, O., Maerker, M., Mattioni, M., Ragazzi, E., Rossi, V., Rota, F. S., Salvadori, M., Tarantino, C., Vicario, S., Zanetti, A., and Pennisi, M.: The impact of landscape and land use changes on the critical zone and society: the Belmont Forum ABRESO project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14567,, 2023.

EGU23-15940 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Tracking natural hazard disasters in non-surveyed regions: the “citizen” observer network of the Kivu in DR Congo 

Caroline Michellier, Théo Mana Ngotuly, Jean-Claude Maki Mateso, Joseph Kambale Makundi, Jean-Marie Bwishe, Olivier Dewitte, and François Kervyn

In the Tropics, disasters associated with natural hazards (intense convective rainfalls, floods, landslides) occur regularly. However, the general scarcity of reliable and accurate data collected on these events does not allow for a complete picture of their frequency and magnitude, thus hindering effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Such situation is observed in the Kivu region, in the eastern part of the DR Congo. Recurrent insecurity, long distances to travel, poor communication networks and the lack of financial resources to reach the affected areas are the main challenges faced by the Congolese Civil Protection in building a database that would allow for a better knowledge of these phenomena, in view of an appropriate disaster response and, in the long term, efficient DRR.

Based on this observation, a group of 20 citizen observers was set up to collect data on six different types of natural hazard disasters (floods, landslides, wind storms, hail storms, lightning, and earthquakes) using smartphone technology connected to an online platform. This new approach, based on citizen science, makes it possible to significantly improve the documenting and understanding of the spatial and temporal occurrence of these disasters that affect the provinces of North and South Kivu. Since the establishment of this network in December 2019, more than 700 events have been recorded.

If the data collected by this network of citizen observers constitute above all an unprecedented amount of information on the disasters occurring in such a tropical environment, they also allow for the compilation of a WebGIS and quarterly reports illustrated with maps and graphs, disseminated by Civil Protection to key DRR stakeholders active in the region, for a more tailored response, its planification, and, to some extent, the anticipation of such events. Scientists from universities and research centers in Bukavu and Goma are associated to that data collection and analysis. Moreover, citizen observers position themselves within their communities as key actors in raising awareness about disaster risks. However, although this type of approach has proven to be effective in the short term, the motivation on the long term of citizen observers, as volunteers, has been identified as a weakness to be addressed.

How to cite: Michellier, C., Mana Ngotuly, T., Maki Mateso, J.-C., Kambale Makundi, J., Bwishe, J.-M., Dewitte, O., and Kervyn, F.: Tracking natural hazard disasters in non-surveyed regions: the “citizen” observer network of the Kivu in DR Congo, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15940,, 2023.

Processes linking lower and upper parts of the Critical Zone (CZ) are crucial for sustaining life on continents and ecosystem services provided by eco- or agro-systems. Rock weathering at depth is expected to be an essential source of nutrients and deep-rooted trees are believed to induce water and nutrient ‘lift’, benefiting the whole community. However, quantifying this nutrient lift remains a challenge linked on the one hand to the hidden nature of the roots and on the other hand to the complexity of the rhizosphere dynamics. The Nutrilift project aims at quantifying the role of deep critical zone in the supply of nutrients to eco- and agrosystems, based on the hypothesis that while in natural forests, deep-rooted species can derive part of their nutrient resources from increased mineral weathering at depth, the relative importance of this process in shallow-rooted agrosystems is much less - and agroforestry systems represent an intermediate situation. Conducted within the framework of the Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences (IRD - CNRS - INRAE - UPS - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India), the project is based on long-term monitoring in the Mule Hole (diversified forest) and Berambadi (irrigated agriculture and agroforestry) watersheds of the M-TROPICS Observatory in Peninsular India. For this purpose, we study the vertical evolution of soil properties and associated pedological processes as a function of plant cover/land-use. Weathering processes and/or plant uptake will be studied in the vicinity of the roots using micro-characterization techniques, which will allow to calibrate combined hydro-geochemical models. The deep contribution to the nutrient budgets of each site will be quantified by intra-plant isotopic balances as well as by the identification of specific geochemical signatures to the deep contribution of the critical zone. An originality of the project is the observation of the deep critical zone (up to 10m) via instrumented pits with continuous pCO2 and moisture measurements, scanners (root dynamics) imaging and pore water collection. The effects of future changes -associated with climate and land uses- on the dynamics of the deep critical zone will be explored from scenarios co-constructed with local stakeholders.

How to cite: Riotte, J. and the Nutrilift team: Deep roots versus pumps: comparison of deep nutrient removal in dry tropical eco- and agrosystems (ANR project Nutrilift), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17441,, 2023.

While developed nations are assumed to provide high groundwater quality security, populations reliant on (typically rural, unregulated) private domestic groundwater wells are often uniquely vulnerable to supply contamination. The potential health ramifications of exposure to contaminated groundwater may be especially grave for immunosuppressed populations residing in service-deprived and climate-vulnerable areas, necessitating concerted government (educational) and household-level (behavioural) action. In response, a growing number of studies (spanning quantitative contamination risk assessments, policy strategies, communicative interventions and householder surveys) have emerged within the last several decades. To date, few investigations have sought to synthesise this literature and ascertain the potential generality of drivers of both private groundwater contamination and preventive responses in high-income countries.


The developed regions of the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and Ontario represent an appropriate point of comparison to establish research transferability. Both regions are characterised by high private groundwater reliance (> 10% of their respective populations), pervasive microbial groundwater contamination and significant associations between acute gastrointestinal illness (AGI) and private well use. Consumption of private well water contributes to approximately 4,800 annual cases of AGI in Ontario and as many as 80% of annual cases of verotoxigenic E.coli (VTEC) in the ROI. However, despite similarities, regional discrepancies exist with respect to policy landscapes (e.g., monetary requirements for private water quality testing) and contamination risk profiles (e.g., frequency of extreme weather event concurrence). In efforts to elucidate the potential implications of these phenomena, a scoping review of literature (1990-2022) in the ROI and Ontario outlining risk management measures to prevent private groundwater contamination in the was undertaken. The SPICE (Setting, Population/Phenomenon, Intervention, Setting, Perspective) methodology was utilised to inform literature search terms, with Scopus and Web of Science selected as primary databases for article searches. Following removal of duplicate studies and article screening, 92 articles (Canada = 70, ROI = 22) were retained for analysis.


Articles were predominantly comprised of quantitative contamination risk assessment studies (n = 68), with qualitative and quantitative questionnaire investigations (n = 16), interventions (n = 2) and policy studies (n = 6) noticeably less frequent. Quantitative risk assessments published after the year 2000 demonstrated an overwhelming focus on microbial supply contamination, identifying well type and proximity of agricultural activity as significant determinants of supply contamination. Survey studies in both regions also consistently highlighted gender, perceived confidence in maintaining supply and economic and convenience barriers as significant determinants of well user knowledge and behaviour. However, well users in Ontario demonstrated markedly higher rates of prior well testing (irrespective of adherence to regional guidelines), suggesting that incentivised (or free) well testing may lead to significant increases in uptake of well water quality testing. The paucity of identified intervention studies suggests that increased research investigating methods of well user outreach and groundwater risk communication will be necessary in the future to determine the broad efficacy of risk communication in developed nations.

How to cite: Mooney, S., O’Neill, E., and Hynds, P.: Top-down and bottom-up management of private groundwater contamination risk: A comparative scoping review of similarities, drivers and challenges in two developed regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17513,, 2023.

In criminal cases of clandestine homicide graves, the criminal behavior and mental map of an offender may be influenced by several geographical, botanical, and geological features. Among these factors, diggability assumes for a concealer a predominating role in the concealment act because an easy and efficient digging of a hole requires that the ground is diggable. The diggability (the ease and efficiency with which soils and sediments may be dug and reinstated in a grave) may vary from very easy to difficult, and forensic geologists may qualitatively and relatively evaluate it by using a T-metal bar for offensive and defensive search purposes. Results of a diggability survey were processed in the GIS platform, reconstructing contour maps, Inverse Distance Weighting, Kriging, and Thin Plate Spline with Tension maps of a crime scene. The interpolation of the data by Thin Plate Spline with Tension rendered the best results. The diggability survey demonstrated that the pit fell in a suitable area for concealment, being one of the easiest diggable and thick sectors of the search area.

How to cite: Somma, R.: Diggability field survey for the assessment of the most suitable site for a clandestine homicide grave, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-20,, 2023.

EGU23-70 | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Procedures for the documentation and collection of physical evidence from human and animal envenomization cases. 

Jason Byrd, Daniela Sapienza, Michael Schaer, Adam Stern, Roberta Somma, Lerah Sutton, and Domenico Trombetta

Legal cases involving human and animal envenomizations may be encountered by the medicolegal investigator.  Such cases are often difficult due to lack of physical evidence and analytical difficulty.  The development and use of an interdisciplinary approach and standardized protocol involving experts in environmental and life sciences (toxicology, legal medicine, entomology, veterinary forensic science, biology, geography, geology, and meteorology) may improve the documentation, collection, and presentation of physical evidence in court.  This information can be utilized to develop and optimize new protocols for toxicological screenings for application in human and animal cases.  In such cases, the scientific background of coroners and police experts may not be sufficient to correctively delineate the environmental features of the territory that may be typical of certain species of venomous fauna present in the scene of the events. Therefore, protocols providing complete information concerning the environment of the scene and detail of the events together with exam protocols, sample collection, tissue preservation, and testing/analysis are needed. This holistic approach could enhance the ability to detect toxins involved in envenomizations to better manage forensic science and legal cases. 


How to cite: Byrd, J., Sapienza, D., Schaer, M., Stern, A., Somma, R., Sutton, L., and Trombetta, D.: Procedures for the documentation and collection of physical evidence from human and animal envenomization cases., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-70,, 2023.

EGU23-145 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

The unique contextual situation of the Ca’ Granda burial ground: from taphonomic observations towards a new type of anthropogenic soil 

Giulia Tagliabue, Anna Masseroli, Mirko Mattia, Carlotta Sala, Elena Belgiovine, Daniele Capuzzo, Gaia Giordano, Paolo Maria Galimberti, Fabrizio Slavazzi, Cristina Cattaneo, and Luca Trombino

Soil is a dynamic matrix that can rapidly respond to disturbance events, such as the death and the subsequent deposition of an organism. Concurrently, it can be considered an archive of evidence due to its ability to record the signals of disturbance events. Such a condition turns the biogeochemical analysis of geopedological samples into a valuable tool for the study of decomposition processes, especially when they are flanked with the examination of the remains. The aim of the present research is to present the unique contextual situation of the Sepolcreto (i.e., burial ground) under the crypt of the ancient Ospedale Maggiore of Milan Ca’ Granda (Italy). The sepulchre hosted an estimated amount of 150000 buried individuals, 10000 of which are still buried in one of the underground chambers, named “chamber O”, and whose remains underwent various type of post-mortem transformative processes, both disruptive and preservative. In this study microscopic and ultramicroscopic analysis have been carried out in order to detect any evidence of material exchange between the bone tissue, from three skeletal remains collected from the “chamber O” of the Sepolcreto, and the surrounding pedosedimentary matrix. The specimens were analysed by the mean of a polarizing microscope and a SEM-EDS, which pointed out the presence of a mutual exchange of material between the two substrates, underlying the intensity of the interaction between organisms (even after their death) and the environment. Finally, this burial context permitted to observe an inedited type of soil, mainly composed of organic matter transformed by thanatological processes, bone tissue fragments and some other evidence of anthropic origin and/or activity. Therefore, it has been considered a new type of anthropogenic soil named “Thanatogenic soil”.

How to cite: Tagliabue, G., Masseroli, A., Mattia, M., Sala, C., Belgiovine, E., Capuzzo, D., Giordano, G., Galimberti, P. M., Slavazzi, F., Cattaneo, C., and Trombino, L.: The unique contextual situation of the Ca’ Granda burial ground: from taphonomic observations towards a new type of anthropogenic soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-145,, 2023.

Contrarily to land plants, which display complex anatomical features useful in diagnostics, algae are problematic to identify at the species level. Taxonomic identifications classically are focused on morphological observations at the light microscopy, but current research showed extensive phenotypic plasticity and cryptic diversity resulting in different phylogenetic assemblages. Modern taxonomic approaches also include ultrastructural (SEM and/or TEM), phylogenetic and phylogenomics information, all methodologies that may be expensive and need the involvement of skilled experts. In criminal investigations, such methodologies may not be always applicable by the judicial system because of the costs, and morphological identification of algae at the light microscope is usually the standard method. Consequently, scientific data coming from algae are often neglected in forensic investigations, with the notable exceptions of the diatoms in drowning victims.

This research deals with a traditional morphological investigation on the detection and identification of soil microalgae in a case of disappearance. The method was useful in forensic investigations to associate control samples from the scene of the events to detected traces of unknown origin found on the victims.

Morphological characteristics (shape, size, color, taking into consideration the different state of conservation of the algae) and cellular characteristics (wall, unicellular, colonial, multicellular organization) were observed at the light microscopy.  Where species identification was not achievable with certainty, the smallest identifiable taxonomic level was recorded. A comparison of identified morphotypes as well as of the peculiar associations of taxonomic entities was made between sample of unknown origin to those of known origin and was used to evaluate similarity degree.

Observations of microalgae, in association with other geological (shape, size, color, composition of mineral grains) and botanical (shape, size, color of leaves and seeds) analyses, allowed investigators to: i) associate the walking of a person under investigation in specific sites of the scene of the events; ii) exclude that the bodies of two victims were submerged under water; iii) exclude the contact of any surface of the persons’ belongings, other than the soles of their shoes, with water basins of any kind.

The present investigation proved how a traditional light microscopic approach could be decisive to associate field samples to detected traces, basing on the identification of associations of morpho-types of microalgae.

How to cite: Morabito, M. and Somma, R.: May light microscopy observations of algae play a significative role in forensic investigations of soils?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1336,, 2023.

EGU23-2692 | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Pesticide use under the influence of socio-economic and climate change: Pest-Agri-SSPs 

Stefan Dekker, Poornima Nagesh, Oreane Edelenbosch, Hugo de Boer, Hermine Mitter, and Detlef P. van Vuuren

Pesticide use is a crucial human-driven change in the Anthropocene that negatively impacts the environment and ecosystems. While pesticides are essential to agriculture to sustain crop production and ensure global food security, they also lead to significant environmental impacts. The export of pesticides after application from the agricultural fields threatens the soil, groundwater and surface water quality in many world regions. Pesticide use is constantly increasing globally, driven mainly by agricultural intensification, despite stricter regulations and higher pesticide effectiveness. To enhance the understanding of future pesticide use and emissions and make informed farm-to-policy decisions, we developed Pesticide Agricultural Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (Pest-Agri-SSPs) in six steps. The Pest-Agri-SSPs are based on an extensive literature review and expert knowledge, considering significant climate and socio-economic drivers from farm to continental scale in combination with multiple actors impacting them. In the literature, pesticide use is associated with farmer behaviour and agricultural practices, pest damage, technique and efficiency of pesticide application, agricultural policy and demand for agricultural products. Here, we developed Pest-Agri-SSPs upon this understanding of pesticide use drivers and relating them to plausible sectoral developments, as described by the Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems (Eur-Agri-SSPs).

The Pest-Agri-SSPs present European pesticide use in five scenarios with low to high challenges to climate change adaptation and mitigation up to 2050. The most sustainable scenario (Pest-Agri-SSP1) shows a decrease in pesticide use owing to sustainable agricultural practices, technological advances and a pro-environmental orientation of agricultural policies. On the contrary, the Pest-Agri-SSP3 and Pest-Agri-SSP4 show an increase in pesticide use resulting from high challenges from pest pressure, resource depletion and relaxed agricultural policies. Pest-Agri-SSP2 presents a stabilised pesticide use resulting from strict policies and slow transitions by farmers to sustainable agricultural practices. Pest-Agri-SSP5 shows a decrease in pesticide use for most drivers, influenced mainly by rapid technological development and the application of sustainable agricultural practices. However, Pest-Agri-SSP5 also shows a relatively low rise in pesticide use driven by agricultural demand, production, and climate change. Our results highlight the need for a holistic approach to tackle pesticide use and emissions, considering the identified drivers and future developments. The storylines and qualitative assessment provide a platform to make quantitative assumptions for numerical modelling and evaluating policy targets.

Keywords: Farm characteristics, pest damage, technology, policy, socioeconomic, agriculture and food systems

Adapted version of this work has been submitted to Journal of Environmental Management: Nagesh P, Edelenbosch OY , Dekker SC, de Boer HJ, Mitter H, van Vuuren DP. Pesticide use under the influence of socio-economic and climate change: Pest-Agri-SSPs



How to cite: Dekker, S., Nagesh, P., Edelenbosch, O., de Boer, H., Mitter, H., and van Vuuren, D. P.: Pesticide use under the influence of socio-economic and climate change: Pest-Agri-SSPs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2692,, 2023.

EGU23-3869 | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Overview in forensic purpose and application of plant DNA 

Daniela Sapienza, Gennaro Baldino, Irene Lo Piccolo, Roberta Somma, Elvira Ventura Spagnolo, Cristina Mondello, Patrizia Gualniera, and Alessio Asmundo

The multidisciplinary approach in forensic science led to the development of geology and botany as predictive forensic applications (forensic geology – forensic botany) aimed at analyzing and studying the crime scene for the "solving" of the criminal hypothesis. Over the past fifteen years, the study of plant DNA has been used in forensics science to discriminate the place of origin of plant material found at a crime scene, to identify poisonous vegetable species, as a forensic marker in all cases where determining geographic origin is essential to investigative leads, missing person cases, and intelligence application (Bell et al., 2015), in the identification of Cannabis as support of law authorities in fighting drug abuse and global trafficking. These specific topics to date made it possible to: distinguish a primary crime scene from a secondary one, link a suspect to the crime scene, and determine the date of death. Findings of plant material can be examined through chemical analysis, morphological analysis, DNA analysis, PCR and electrophoresis. Comparative studies may be carried out among the plant remains collected from the victim and suspect and plant sampled on the event scene in order to trace the place where the plant transfer occurred. The analysis of the international literature presented through this review shows the importance of further developments in plant DNA analysis, growing and expanding a global database containing the plant DNA barcode, and implementing specific guidelines for the collection and sampling procedures of forensic samples.

How to cite: Sapienza, D., Baldino, G., Lo Piccolo, I., Somma, R., Ventura Spagnolo, E., Mondello, C., Gualniera, P., and Asmundo, A.: Overview in forensic purpose and application of plant DNA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3869,, 2023.

One pillar of the protection of groundwater established by the EU legislation is the “polluter pays principle”. Following this principle, the costs for the remediation of contaminated sites must be in charge of the responsible of the environmental crime. Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA), also known as “isotopic fingerprinting”, is a robust tool to apportion the source of groundwater contamination and eventually the polluter. The isotopic composition of the contaminant molecule may reflect the production process of a compound or the origin of the raw materials used in the production. Here we present the effective and decisive application of isotopic fingerprinting of carbon stable isotopes in the molecule of chlorinated hydrocarbons (chlorinated ethenes PCE-Perchloroethylene and TCE-Trichloroethylene) for the source apportionment in two contaminated sites in Italy, namely Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna region, Northern Italy) and Bussi sul Tirino (Abruzzo region, Central Italy). In both cases, industrial wastes from a production of chloromethanes, using methane and chlorine, were disposed illegally in unlined dumps resulting in a severe contamination of groundwater. The companies responsible for the contamination are different in the two sites but the production process is the same, resulting in a similar isotopic signature of the wastes. In both cases, the isotopic fingerprinting was critical to identify the chlorometane production as the source of contamination among other possible sources, despite two different hydrogeological settings (a large alluvial plain in the Ferrara site and a narrow valley with macroclastic alluvial deposits and travertines in the Bussi site). In both cases, PCE and TCE showed strongly depleted values of δ13C (isotopic ratio of the fraction of 13C respect to 12C isotopes of carbon) ranging between  -87 and -65‰ for PCE and between -79 and -64‰ for TCE. The very depleted isotopic values are related to the use of methane in the production process instead of coal, this last one being commonly adopted in the synthesis of PCE and TCE for commercial use (e.g. for laundry of textiles or metal degreasing). The groundwater contamination in the two sites had serious implications in terms of sanitary risk due to vapour intrusion into residential buildings (Ferrara site) or water ingestion by local citizens (Bussi site) from a public water supply well field site serving about 300.000 inhabitants and affected for more than 20 years by the contamination (from the opening in 1984 to the decomissioning in 2007). In both cases, complex legal issues arose either below penal or civil jurisdiction and the isotopic fingerprinting was used as the most relevant proof in order to identify the polluters.

How to cite: Gargini, A. and Filippini, M.: Isotopic fingerprinting as an effective tool for polluter apportionment in environmental crimes involving groundwater, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4120,, 2023.

EGU23-4457 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

No chance for doubts: a multidisciplinary approach for solving a criminal case. 

Gennaro Baldino, Elvira Ventura Spagnolo, Stefano Vanin, Roberta Somma, Filippo Cucinotta, Cristina Mondello, Patrizia Gualniera, Michele Gaeta, Alessio Asmundo, and Daniela Sapienza

In a forensic context, the criminal case evaluation is often challenging, and the only autopsy may not be exhaustive to determine the cause and the time of death, mainly when the corpse is dismembered, charred, or putrefied. Moreover, the conditions of an altered corpse and the recovered places of the cadaver (countryside, forests, rivers, beaches, etc.), outdoors, or in burnt buildings and ruins, can raise challenges not only in terms of victim identification but also in terms of acquisition of additional information aimed at elucidating the dynamics of death, like the detection of the corpse transfer after the death, especially in cases of suspected homicides. In such complex cases, it is, therefore, of paramount importance to provide a multidisciplinary approach involving the collaboration of ultra-specialized forensic experts. In this context, experts in criminalistic disciplines, such as forensic geology, botany, and entomology, may provide their contribution, as well as the engineers applying to medicine new technologies for the 2D and 3D reconstructions of crime scenes and evidence. We consider helpful to report a court case that came to our attention, involving forensic pathology experts together with forensic biologists, geologists, botanists, naturalists, entomologists, veterinarians, physicists, computer scientists, and engineers whose collaboration based on a multidisciplinary approach contributed to the management and the solving of a suspect crime.

How to cite: Baldino, G., Ventura Spagnolo, E., Vanin, S., Somma, R., Cucinotta, F., Mondello, C., Gualniera, P., Gaeta, M., Asmundo, A., and Sapienza, D.: No chance for doubts: a multidisciplinary approach for solving a criminal case., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4457,, 2023.

EGU23-5269 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Environmental issues of self-heating coal waste dumps in Poland 

Ádám Nádudvari, Mariola Jabłońska, and Monika Fabiańska

During coal mining, an enormous amount of economically not used humic or sapropelic coals, coal shales are deposited as wastes nearby the coal mines in urbanised areas, e.g. Upper Silesia, Katowice – Rybnik Industrial Region, in Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland. These wastes start to oxidise or lose out weathering immediately; in the worst cases, they will undergo self-heating. During exothermic reactions, the heavy metals contained in these rocks, especially sulfur compounds of  Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Hg, As are mobilised to the environment due to their high volatility at elevated temperatures and due to low pH levels (2 – 4) occurring on the dumps (Nádudvari et al., 2021, 2022). Amongst them, the Hg mobilisation and enrichment make such coal waste dumps more dangerous. Nádudvari et al. (2021, 2022) reported >1000 mg/kg enrichment of Hg in crusts of expelled bitumen and in gases from thermally affected wastes Hg concentration reached ~100 times higher than in polluted urban air from Upper Silesia. Additionally, the MeHg formation - Methylmercury (10 – 30 μg/kg) was also significant and probably formed via chemical reactions. Furthermore, other toxic gases emitted from the vents like benzene, formaldehyde, NH3, HCl, H2S, CO, Cl2, NH3, SO2, and NO were detected, and many of their average annual concentrations exceeded numerous times the permissible Polish norms limits (Nádudvari et al., 2022). The formation of PAHs – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons is also very common due to the burning processes, therefore, the lifetime cancer risks due to PAHs and heavy metals accumulations in the dumps are significant. Thus access to these dumps should be prohibited (Nádudvari et al., 2021). Abundant phenols are typical products of self-heating dumps, and their occurrence shows the coking conditions inside the dumps (Nádudvari et al., 2020). The potential ecological and human health risks of these dumps are moderate to very high due to the significant influence of the high Hg concentrations (Nádudvari et al., 2022).

How to cite: Nádudvari, Á., Jabłońska, M., and Fabiańska, M.: Environmental issues of self-heating coal waste dumps in Poland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5269,, 2023.

Land reclamation is a significant environmental and economic issue. Nowadays, there is a need to restore industrial areas to a state as close to nature as possible. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the condition of soils in a quick and non-invasive way. In southern Poland, the mining industry led to the creation of diverse waste dumps like post-mining waste, tailings from flotation, or Zn-Pb wash waste dumps. The research area covers the industrial waste dumps in Olkusz, Bytom and Piekary Śląskie. For the study, soil samples were taken from 1 m soil pits to determine the migration of pollutants into the soil profile. Additionally, waste dumps contacting the soils were sampled (from 0.5 m deep pits). The total organic carbon and sulphur were determined using Eltra Elemental Analyser CS530, while the composition of the total extracts was analyzed using Agilent gas chromatograph 7890A, with a DB-5 column coupled with a mass spectrometer 5975 C XL MDS. The total concentration of trace elements was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry in an acetylene-air flame (Analyst 400, Perkin Elmer). The ERT measurements were performed using LUND electrical imaging system with SAS 4000 Terrameter produced by ABEM Malå (Guideline Geo).

The samples contain av. 3.7 wt. % TOC and 0.4 wt. % TS. In GC-MS chromatograms, the Bytom and Piekary Śląskie samples show a higher PAHs abundance than the Olkusz samples. In soil profiles near waste dumps, a higher abundance of PAHs was found not only in the surface layer but also in samples to 0.75 m depth. In soil profiles away from the landfill, a higher abundance of PAHs was found only to 0.5 m depth. The PAHs abundance was decreased below 0.5 m depth, and even some of the PAHs weren't found. The high PAHs abundance even at a depth of up to 1m was observed in soil profiles under a waste layer. In samples, the concentrations of trace elements are higher than the limit values (Cd 1.1 to 135.7, Pb 17 to 12407 and Zn 19 to 28903 mg/kg). Soil contamination and its spatial diversity with trace elements in the mining area can be successfully located and studied using ERT measurements. The impact of soil pollution was observed on the geoelectric cross-sections in the form of reduced electrical resistivity associated with an elevated trace element content compared to the unpolluted area. The differentiation of the electrical resistivity was related in particular to the sites of surface runoff from the waste dump. The sediment washed out from the waste dump changed the physical characteristics of the soil and lowered the electrical resistivity of the native geology. The results suggest that the trace elements and toxic organic compounds in wastes are mobilised by surface runoff and the infiltration of rainwater into the ground.


The financial support of the National Science Centre, grant No 2017/27/B/ST10/00680 is gratefully acknowledged.

Presentation preference: poster on-site in Vienna



How to cite: Szram, E., Kondracka, M., Fabiańska, M., and Marynowski, L.: Soil degradation caused by post-mining and post-metallurgical waste - detection using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5477,, 2023.

EGU23-5500 | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Find the culprit 

Francesco Crea, Chiara Alessandrello, Francesco Parello, Roberta Somma, and Sebastiano Ettore Spoto

In Forensic Geology, Environmental Forensics is devoted to ascertaining contaminants in the soil/subsoil, surface waters, and groundwaters. In such cases, forensic geologists usually accomplish activities concerning geological, hydrogeological, geochemical, and geophysical research to individuate the source of the contaminant substance and discover if this latter depends on anthropogenic or natural origins.

Preliminary chemical data on groundwaters from some areas of the Peloritani Mountains showed anomalous high contents of fluoride F-, a halogen element in the atmosphere, sea, fresh waters, and minerals. Natural sources of fluoride in the groundwaters are volcanic gas, the sea, and minerals. Fluoride is an essential component in around 300 minerals, among which the most diffused are fluorite and fluorapatite. A significant chemical feature of the ions of fluoride is that they have the same charge as the hydroxyl group OH- and present an ionic radius very similar to OH-. These chemical characteristics make it possible that F- may readily substitute the hydroxyl group in minerals such as micas, X2Y4-6Z8O20(OH,F)4.

Most of the collected groundwaters in the present research were hosted in aquifers formed by Variscan high-grade metamorphic rocks provided with fracture permeability and in aquifers made up of Tertiary to Quaternary siliciclastic deposits with porosity permeability. These aquifers have a silicate composition and are rich in biotite. Among micas, biotite is the most diffused mafic mineral in the high-medium grade metamorphic rocks (augen gneiss, gneiss, mica schists) of the Peloritani Mountains. This mineral is also widespread in weathered monomineralic lithoclasts of siliciclastic deposits (Miocene, middle to upper Pleistocene, Holocene to Actual clastic deposits) deriving from dismantling the chain's metamorphic rocks.

Previous studies on biotite from acid plutonic rocks of India demonstrated that fluoride contents might reach a concentration up to 7 wt%. Biotite mica may be likely responsible for the natural fluoride contamination of some of the studied groundwaters, in some cases also commercially exploited in the past.

WHO suggests that the F- concentration in the drinking waters must range between 700 and 1500 µg/l depending on the different climatic zones. Concentrations over 1500 µg/l in Italian drinking waters are prohibited and dangerous for public health.

The present research carried out in the Peloritani Mountains is devoted to: i) defining the actual geographical extent of the identified F- anomaly; ii) studying the water/rock interactions to ascertain if the leaching of F- from biotite mica, present in the high-grade metamorphic rocks and siliciclastic deposits, may be the natural phenomenon responsible for the ascertained fluoride contamination; iii) search for possible other causes of F- contamination as the salt wedge intrusion in the groundwaters of the coastal areas.

How to cite: Crea, F., Alessandrello, C., Parello, F., Somma, R., and Spoto, S. E.: Find the culprit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5500,, 2023.

EGU23-5737 | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Self-heating-generated compounds release to water phase simulated by hydrous pyrolysis 

Monika Fabiańska, Ewa Szram, Dariusz Więcław, Magdalena Misz-Kennan, and Justyna Ciesielczuk

            Spontaneous heating of coal waste rocks stored within the dumps is the worldwide phenomenon. It occurs in oxygen-deficient conditions that can be well simulated by hydrous pyrolysis. The process leads to production of new, relatively well water soluble compounds. They should be considered a hazard to the aquatic systems, both to the surface and groundwater since many older coal waste dumps are not isolated from below. However, the amounts of water soluble compounds produced and their fingerprint are not well recognized. In this project we aimed to identify types of compounds produced using hydrous pyrolysis as laboratory simulation of self-heating carried out in controlled conditions. This will allow for identification of distribution patterns of self-heating-produced compounds also in natural waters.

            Four mudstones from two coal mines, the Janina (subbituminous) and Marcel (bituminous) (Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland) were selected for hydrous pyrolysis. The experiments were conducted in 1-liter reactors (Parr Co.) in temperatures 250, 360, and 400oC during 72 h. the procedure details are presented by Lewan et al. (2008). Amount of water added ranged from 200-380 mL. Dissolved organic compounds were isolated using solid phase extraction on C18 PolarPlus columns (BAKERBOND, 3g). Compounds were eluted with dichloromethane (HPLC grade). The compositions of SPE extracts was investigated with an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph coupled with an Agilent Technology 5973 mass spectrometer.

            Hydrous pyrolysis released compounds such as phenols, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, and ketones, including numerous aromatic ketones and quinones, and S-heterocyclic compounds such as dibenzothiophenes. Phenolic derivatives, dominating in pyrolytic water phase (up to 60% of the total extract composition), comprised compounds from phenol (C0) to C4 phenols. The minimal temperature of phenol release, caused by the macromolecule cracking, was 360oC. Water phase from 250oC pyrolysis contained phenols in minor amounts only, and vitrinite, the main source of them, was not changed. The general composition of organic phase at this temperature corresponds to water leachates of Upper Silesia coal.

            Thus the major hazard to the aquatic environment is sites in coal waste dumps with self-heating temperature exceeding 250oC and compounds indicating this pollution origin are phenols with cresols and xylenols domination in the distribution.



The financial support of the National Science Centre, grant No 2017/27/B/ST10/00680 is gratefully acknowledged.

Lewan, M.D., Kotarba, M.J., Więcław, D., Piestrzyński, A., 2008. Evaluating transition-metal catalysis in gas generation from the Permian Kupferschiefer by hydrous pyrolysis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, 4069-4093.

How to cite: Fabiańska, M., Szram, E., Więcław, D., Misz-Kennan, M., and Ciesielczuk, J.: Self-heating-generated compounds release to water phase simulated by hydrous pyrolysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5737,, 2023.

In the 1978, Gianni Lombardi and Valerio Giacomini, two Italian experts in forensic geology and botany, respectively, were involved by the judicial authority for analysing the sands and plant remains found in the clothing and moccasins of the honorable Aldo Moro, kidnapped and killed by terrorists. Experts had to determine the site where this material transfer occurred.

As demonstrated by the analyses carried out by these experts, plant taxonomists can give useful information in forensic analyses especially for events occurring outdoor. Small plant traces spread in quantity, like pollens, spores, thorns, seeds and small fruits, may easily transfer to the clothing and footwear of people or to the same human body, moving outdoor in the countryside.

In 2020, 42 years later, the authors of this research were involved by the judicial systems to reconstruct the events related to the disappearance of two persons, in the Sicilian countryside, found cadavers a few days after in a site near the last sighting of them.

The research focused on the morphological description of thorns, other pointed structures, and seeds produced by plants thriving in the scene of events. For simplicity, it was chosen to use the generic term "thorns" to indicate pointed plant structures, although aware that the term "prickle" should have been used for epidermal structures, “thorns” strictly for stem-derived structures, and "spines" for other structures derived from leaves, petioles or stipules.

A photographic atlas of thorns and seeds was produced with the species found in the scene of the events. A comprehensive description of plants as they appeared in situ as well as of their thorny appendices was made, and explanatory pictures were captured, both in situ and under the stereoscopic microscope in the laboratory. The extensive biometric analysis made on thorns and seeds of all collected species in the scene of events was recorded.

Soil traces and microtraces of forensic samples of unknown origin (from the victims’ bodies and their belongings) were investigated for the presence of thorns or thorn fragments and seeds, which were then compared with those recorded in the atlas.

The organic component (vegetal elements) of the forensic geological traces from victims and their belongings was predominant in quantity over the inorganic one.

Comparative observations allowed to identify hundreds of thorns and thorn fragments and several hundreds of seeds found on the clothes and footwear of both victims, as plants thriving in the area under investigations. Basing on the punctual distribution of individual plants, the analysis of thorn traces and seeds was useful, together with geological analyses on sands and clay minerals, in reconstructing the path of the victims in the hours immediately preceding their death and, therefore, provided valuable information to the investigating authorities.

How to cite: Mondello, F., Morabito, M., and Somma, R.: Holistic approach in the forensic analysis of geological trace evidence: as Forensic Botanists and Geologists may help judicial investigations , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6304,, 2023.

EGU23-6763 | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Contaminants in continental shelf sediments, a way to reconstruct a source to sink pathway (Naples Bay, Italy) 

francesco paolo buonocunto, alfonsa milia, matilda mali, santina giandomenico, antonella di leo, lucia spada, luciana ferraro, and laura giordano

In areas characterized by geologic variability and high demographic pressure, seafloor sediment characteristics and the study of contaminants are important to reconstruct the origin and pathway of both contaminants and the sediments from source to sink.

The area off-shore the alluvial Sarno plain (Naples Bay, Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea) is bounded by the Vesuvius volcano in the northern part and by the carbonates relief of the Sorrento Peninsula in the southern part, and it is affected by metals contamination due the outflow of industrial vast.

A Geochemical and physical parameters of the sediments were analysed along a transect moving from the coast until the 100 m of water depth with the aim to explore how the onshore documented contamination affect the offshore counterpart. Surface sediment samples collected from the offshore Sarno plain, were analysed for grain size, nutrients (TOC, TN, TP) and heavy metals (Hg, Cd, As, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb) to evaluate the contamination status, and processed using multivariate statistical analysis. A sediment survey along the transect has been used to evaluate: 1) the relative influences of parent lithology and anthropogenic effects offshore the Sarno river; and 2) the extension of the influence of the river in the submarine area.

Four clusters are identified through PCA analysis: 1) the first resulted associated to the presence of As and Fe, low TOC content and prevalence of sandy fraction reflecting a geogenic contribution from Vesuvius Plan; 2) the second mainly include Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb and partially Cd and Hg, high TOC content and finest granulometry, reflecting the influence of the Sarno River discharges in the marine area; 3) the third include a variability in the Mn, Fe and TOC content. This area might reflect the Sorrento-Peninsula influence; 4) the forth include samples of the distal area in which a low contamination rate is displayed and irregular Hg and Cd pattern are verified, probably due to diffuse contamination origin and other coupling factors

Results indicate that 1) the area offshore Vesuvius displays physical and geochemical association mainly related to the natural origin of volcanoclastic sediments; 2) in the central area, the association of contaminants suggests their anthropogenic origin from the Sarno Plain, whereas the distal area, characterized by low rate of contamination, are mainly influenced by sediment from Sorrento Peninsula. Finally based on the contaminant and nutrient distribution it is possible to individuate the distribution of terrigenous sediments and organic matter of the Sarno delta deposits. The results show that the river should account as one of the main contribution sources of anthropogenic contaminants.  Some metals contamination anthropogenic in origin and TOC in general decreased gradually with distance from the coast and in particular is limited to the area of deposition of the river discharge.

Individuation of several marine sector with different geochemical associations permitted the reconstruction of source to sink contaminants pathway on the continental shelf.

How to cite: buonocunto, F. P., milia, A., mali, M., giandomenico, S., di leo, A., spada, L., ferraro, L., and giordano, L.: Contaminants in continental shelf sediments, a way to reconstruct a source to sink pathway (Naples Bay, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6763,, 2023.

EGU23-8174 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Searching for the bomb spike in Danube river sediments: Extracting the anthropogenic impact of Vienna 

Diana Hatzenbühler, Michael Weißl, Christian Baumgartner, and Michael Wagreich

The Anthropocene, the strongly debated potential new unit of the Geological Time Scale, describes the intensified anthropogenic influence on the environment and geological processes, and its traces in geological archives. Regional studies characterizing the growth of human impact, the Anthropocene transformation, are scarce, especially for urban or per-urban environments.

In this project, we investigate the anthropogenic impact of the metropolis Vienna on its peri-urban environment and the proposed beginning of the Anthropocene epoch in the 1950s CE by applying sedimentological and geochemical methods. In previous studies (Wagreich et al. 2022), the authors were able to successfully detect the human influence in urban sedimentary archives of Vienna (anthropogenic coarse sediments) using artificial isotopes and anthropogenic trace metals. For our project, we extend the study area from Vienna to the city of Hainburg to investigate Vienna’s anthropogenic impact in both anthropogenic and natural sediments downstream the Danube river. In this area, direct human intervention in the environment, such as ground excavations, backfill and damming, is highly variable, from locally strong (e.g., hydro-power dams, airport constructions), to not existing (National Park Donau-Auen), thus offering a suitable location to trace and quantify the extent of anthropogenic impact.

Within petrographic facies, sedimentological and geochemical markers are applied to characterize the anthropogenic strata in this area: The archive of fine-grained natural Danube deposits, i.e. erosional profiles and sediment cores, is analysed for trace metals, artificial radiogenic isotopes, and microplastics with the aim (i) to disentangle the anthropogenic fingerprint of Vienna from the sediment, (ii) to identify and evaluate the proposed Anthropocene geological boundary around 1950 CE, and (iii) to evaluate a potential correlative stratigraphic reference section section/ point for the Anthropocene downstream of Vienna. Finally, the Carnuntum-Vienna Anthropocene field lab offers the opportunity to integrate environmental systems modelling with an Anthropocene equation approach for the temporal and spatial growth of the anthropogenic layers (iv).           

How to cite: Hatzenbühler, D., Weißl, M., Baumgartner, C., and Wagreich, M.: Searching for the bomb spike in Danube river sediments: Extracting the anthropogenic impact of Vienna, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8174,, 2023.

EGU23-8685 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

The application of soil analysis in forensic taphonomy: using pigs as analogues for human corpses 

Giulia Tagliabue, Cristina Cattaneo, and Luca Trombino

Many studies have shown how Environmental Sciences can contribute to the forensic and medico-legal investigations on murder and body concealment dynamics. Nonetheless, most of the research is generally limited to botanical, entomological and anthropological fields leaving out the observation of the active interaction between a decomposing body and the surrounding environment, such as soil. Indeed, a clandestine grave can destroy the valuable forensic evidence as well as prevent the identification of the offender or the victim itself and even the determination of the post-mortem interval (PMI), post-burial interval (PBI) and, overall, the dynamics of the crime act. Therefore, the present experiment, built on the basis of a previous pioneer project carried out in the same area between 2009 and 2011, will be based on the re-enactment of real cases of body disposal, consisting in a combination of multiple methods of concealment, all of them including the inhumation of the remains in a woodland setting. It will consist of the excavation of 32 burials, all dug on the same day, at a depth between 40 and 60 cm involving just as many piglet cadavers (Sus scrofa) weighing between 3 and 5 kg. They will be divided into four different groups, each of which will undergo peculiar treatments: eight will be buried naked; eight clothed; eight will be buried in quicklime and the last eight will be previously hurt. The experiment will be conducted for a total of 730 days and the exhumations of the specimens will be performed in eight increasing time intervals, to achieve different PBIs for each group of subjects (15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 365, 545 and 730 days). At the time of each exhumation biological material, commodities and soil will be sampled and investigated from a geochemical, microscopic (polarizing microscope) and ultramicroscopic (SEM-EDS) point of view, aiming to underline any evidence of mutual exchange of material between the different substrates, as well as any symptom of disturbance, both biochemical and mechanical. As focusing on a multidisciplinary approach, not only this study will allow to reach a standardization for the right reading of trace evidence in real cases of clandestine burials inquiry, but it also will contribute to draw up some guidelines for the exploitation of the parameters registered by the geopedological analytical techniques, which have been neglected for years in the forensic and medico-legal context.

How to cite: Tagliabue, G., Cattaneo, C., and Trombino, L.: The application of soil analysis in forensic taphonomy: using pigs as analogues for human corpses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8685,, 2023.

EGU23-8782 | Posters on site | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Forensic geosciences investigations on experimental fields 

Sebastiano D’Amico, Jason H Byrd, Emanuele Colica, Saviour Formosa, Roberta Somma, Giulia Tagliabue, and Luca Trombino

The search for homicide graves is a very strenuous activity that may lead to the identification of the burial site if it is planned based on articulated scientific approaches considering several aspects of forensic sciences. Moreover, another difficult task in such criminal cases may be the estimation of the Post-Mortem Interval (PMI) of the victim. Discrepancies between PMI estimation through entomological studies and other evaluations may be. This inconsistency is at the base of the necessity to examine and well understand the human decay process of human beings and the decay consequences in the surrounding environmental context. It is noteworthy that several processes may occur on the surrounding site the burial. Phenomena as a depression, a different growth of plants, or the occurrence of peculiar insect associations may be observed on the grave, due to the body’s decay, and the body fluids release in the underground. These aspects may be analysed in experimental fields where pig carcasses, usually used as analogues for the human cadavers, are inhumated in holes dug by means of hand instruments (pick and shovel) or mechanical excavators. These sites may be monitored by applying geological, geophysical, geochemical, and geomatic methods, as well as entomological and botanical characterization of the insects and flora, respectively. The present research is devoted to plan, analyse and monitoring of a simulated experimental field in Malta, where a simulated grave containing a pig carcass will be prepared. The research project is dedicated to geophysical and geomatic surveys to be realized before the excavations and during the project for monitoring the depression development and the shape and dimensions of the leachate plume. Geophysical methods consist of ERT tomographies, seismic and georadar profiles, parallel and orthogonal to the graves. Geological investigations are focused on characterizing the pedogenic profile and the composition, texture, and structure of the soil/sediment. Entomological research is devoted to identifying insect species typically related to body decay. Ideally and in addition to the above, botanical surveys are aimed at defining the main species and differences in the plant growth. The reconstructed evolution of the burial environment may be investigated to better assist criminal investigations into the definition of the PMI in recognition of a burial site and other significative criminological and criminalistic data.

How to cite: D’Amico, S., Byrd, J. H., Colica, E., Formosa, S., Somma, R., Tagliabue, G., and Trombino, L.: Forensic geosciences investigations on experimental fields, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8782,, 2023.

EGU23-13026 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Old and modern challenges of Forensic Gemmology 

Sebastiano Ettore Spoto

Forensic Gemmology is a branch of Forensic Science where the analysis of gemstones has legal implications, which cannot be set aside, improvised, or, even worse, done with approximation. Local and world markets and archaeological sites can currently encounter a wide range of gemmological objects that are incorrectly declared, treated, or classified. Materials in question are made by also using the latest technologies. Occasionally, cases are brought to court regarding the value of a precious gem in addition to its "authenticity," which often, to be resolved, require complex preparation. Therefore, keeping in mind the significance of gemstone identification, here are specific methodologies discussed to test the authenticity of the gemstones and to find out whether the gemstones are authentic or not. Modern challenges also concern determining whether gemstones were extracted under ethical conditions and determining whether gemstones are of synthetic or natural origins. Thus, forensic examination of gemstones becomes very difficult if proper procedures are not outlaid. The problems that need to be addressed at the international level remain relevant, for instance, creating a standard scheme for determining the ethical origin of colored gemstones, similar to the one existing in the diamond market.

How to cite: Spoto, S. E.: Old and modern challenges of Forensic Gemmology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13026,, 2023.

Effective support for people´s responses to climate change requires knowledge on the gap between physical climate change science and practices where the responses are realized. Studies have shown that individuals´ strong belief in local impacts of climate change is an important driver of climate change response (e.g. Blennow et al. 2012). Arguably this belief can be fortified by the belief that one has experienced the local impacts of climate change. However, a recent study shows that while responses to climate change correlate positively with the strength of belief that one has experienced negative local impacts of climate change, experience of positive local climate change impacts can either promote or inhibit the response (Blennow and Persson 2021). If the intention is adaptation to the impacts of climate change, positive experiences of climate change promote the response but if the intention is climate change mitigation, experience of positive impacts of climate change inhibit the response.

While strong belief in the local impacts of climate change is a prerequisite of climate change response, for adaptation, the agent also needs detailed knowledge of the causal links between climate change and the negative and positive values of expected climate change related impacts (Blennow et al. 2020). Decision-making in favor of adaptation to climate change generally increases with the absolute value of the net of positive and negative expected impacts in the absence of ‘tipping point’ behavior (Persson et al. 2020; Blennow et al. 2020). Tipping point behaviour occurs when adaptation is not pursued in spite of the strongly negative or positive net value of expected climate change impacts. For mitigation, moreover, it is important that the net value of expected impacts is negative and not positive (Blennow and Persson 2021). We discuss the implications of the results for policies aiming at supporting responses to climate change, such as communications that help the receiver subjectively attribute the causes of an event to climate change.



Blennow, K. Persson, J., 2021. To Mitigate or Adapt? Explaining Why Citizens Responding to Climate Change Favour the Former. Land, 10, 240.

Blennow, K., Persson, J., Tomé, M., & Hanewinkel, M., 2012. Climate change: believing and seeing implies adapting. PLOS ONE, 7(11):e50181.

Blennow, K. Persson, J., Gonçalves, L.M.S., Borys, A., Dutcă, I., Hynynen, J., Janeczko, E., Lyubenova, M., Merganič, J., Merganiová, K., Peltoniemi, M., Petr, M., Reboredo, F., Vacchiano, G., Reyer, C.P.O., 2020. The role of beliefs, expectations and values in decision-making favoring climate change adaptation – implications for communications with European forest professionals. Environmental Research Letters,15: 114061.  /

Persson, J., Blennow, K., Gonçalves, L.M.S., Borys, A., Dutca, I., Hynynen, J., Janeczko, E., Lyubenova, M., Martel, S., Merganic, J., Merganicova, K., Peltoniemi, M., Petr, M., Reboredo, F., Vacchiano, G., Reyer, C.P.O., 2020. No polarization – expected values of climate change impacts among European forest professionals and scientists. Sustainability, 12, 2659; doi:10.3390/su12072659

How to cite: Blennow, K. and Persson, J.: The role of beliefs, expectations and values for decision-making in response to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6880,, 2023.

EGU23-8097 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Climate X: Making climate risk data useful and usable for the financial sector 

Sally Woodhouse, Claire Burke, Nick Leach, James Brennan, Graham Reveley, Laura Ramsamy, and Hamish Mitchell

Increasingly the financial sector is interested in understanding their risk to the impacts of climate change. This is driven both by governmental regulation that requires financial services to declare their risks due to climate change, as well as a desire to mitigate risks to profits that climate change poses.

To generate useful and accurate risks assessments users need access to high quality data of the projected changes to hazard due to climate change. However, there is typically a gap between scientific research and what our clients need to understand their risk. Many of the most damaging hazards, such as flooding and subsidence, are not directly modelled by climate models and require specialist hazard knowledge and well as climate data to assess. Scientific studies often focus on large scale changes or small regional studies, whereas clients need consistent high-resolution data across multiple regions. Additionally, a risk portfolio covers a wide range of climate related hazards, which all must be considered when understanding and attempting to mitigate risk. Users will often not have the inhouse knowledge to use data generated by the scientific community directly or the expertise to assess how this relates to the risks posed by different hazards. Therefore, the financial sector is turning to external data providers for this information, such as Climate X.

This talk will cover how at Climate X we make reliable and robust risk assessments of climate hazards that are presented in a way that is usable and useful for the financial sector as well as various other decision makers. The focus will be on how we use open-source climate model data to generate our heat risk metric. This will cover the definition of the metric, how it is calculated and how we how we present the data to users including accuracy and uncertainty. I will also present overview of the other hazards that we provide and the need for an interdisciplinary team to cover the broad range of physical hazards related to climate change.

How to cite: Woodhouse, S., Burke, C., Leach, N., Brennan, J., Reveley, G., Ramsamy, L., and Mitchell, H.: Climate X: Making climate risk data useful and usable for the financial sector, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8097,, 2023.

EGU23-10040 | Posters on site | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Communicating impacts of climate change with the RECEIPT storyline visualizer 

Gijs van den Oord, Maarten van Meersbergen, Peter Kok, Jesus Garcia Gonzales, Sander van Rijn, Alessio Ciullo, Elco Koks, Ertug Ercin, Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart, Esther Boere, Christian Otto, Patryk Kubiczek, Robin Middelanis, Carla Mauricio, Keren Prize Bolter, Dana Stuparu, and Bart van den Hurk

Disseminating the effects of climate change and its potential future impacts to a wider audience is a demanding task, yet of great importance to society. Moreover, quantifying causal chains emerging from global warming is often impeded by the growth of unknown parameters related to modeling socio-economic responses. One method to obtain insights into the complex consequences of climate change is the use of physical climate storylines. Conceptually, storylines correspond to reasonable choices for the unknowns within the modeled impact transmission chain. They allow us to understand and describe the unfolding of climate-induced extreme events, making the impacts of global warming tangible to a wide range of potential stakeholders.

The RECEIPT project develops and applies the concept of climate storylines to provide risk information on climate change effects with a remote origin and an impact on European socio-economic sectors. Sectors that are being addressed within RECEIPT are the European critical infrastructure, manufacturing chains, the food system, financial markets and European international cooperation with (developing) regions. Experts within the consortium construct credible storylines for these sectors, often starting from extreme, disrupting historical events and translating these to counterfactual climate and socio-economic futures. These analyses are being published in scientific journals, but the RECEIPT consortium envisions an alternative dissemination channel to target a larger community.

The storyline visualizer ( is an interactive, web-based user interface, aimed at communicating physical climate storylines to an audience of informed stakeholders. The visualizer enables storyline developers in RECEIPT to structure their message into a logical progression of sections, and support each page with text, pictures, geospatial data and interactive charts. The visualizer also allows the user to explore data used within the storyline and browse through counterfactual futures. Currently, five storylines have been visualized with this platform, describing:

  • the future impacts of sea level rise and storm surges upon critical infrastructure around the French Atlantic coast, based upon storm Xynthia;

  • increased impacts of cyclones upon European overseas territories and the sustainability of the European Solidarity Fund within this context;

  • soy production disruptions in a warming climate and their impact on the European food system;

  • multi-breadbasket harvest failures, locust infestations and their impact upon food security in the Greater Horn of Africa;

  • the impact of extreme hurricanes in the Houston metropolitan area for global manufacturing chains and European industry.

Implementing these studies as captivating climate storylines in the visualizer has taught us valuable lessons; one particular challenge has been to handle the growing complexity of the analyses when multiple socio-economic aspects are taken into account. Using a minimalist approach, shifting the focus towards the modeled impacts rather than the full academic reasoning, have appeared to be a useful path forward, resulting in accessible yet credible storylines of climate impacts. In this session, we plan to showcase the capabilities of the storyline visualizer, review lessons learned during the implementation process and discuss possible applications beyond RECEIPT.

How to cite: van den Oord, G., van Meersbergen, M., Kok, P., Garcia Gonzales, J., van Rijn, S., Ciullo, A., Koks, E., Ercin, E., Moreno Dumont Goulart, H., Boere, E., Otto, C., Kubiczek, P., Middelanis, R., Mauricio, C., Prize Bolter, K., Stuparu, D., and van den Hurk, B.: Communicating impacts of climate change with the RECEIPT storyline visualizer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10040,, 2023.

EGU23-11023 | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

AI for Climate Adaptation? 

Tina-Simone Neset, Katerina Vrotsou, Carlo Navarra, Fredrik Schück, Clara Greve Villaro, Magnus Mateo Edström, and Caroline Rydholm

In October 2021, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute launched a novel national system for impact-based weather warnings, moving from the traditional format for meteorological, hydrological, and oceanographic warnings towards an assessment process that includes collaboration and consultation with regional stakeholders on the impacts that certain weather events would have for a specific geographic area and time frame. As part of this new system, local and regional administrative efforts are made to create assessment-support documentation drawing on local knowledge and providing support ahead of and during extreme weather events.

We present initial results from the ongoing research project ‘AI4ClimateAdaptation’ (, which explores the potential of employing AI-based image and text analysis to support the process and evaluate the precision of impact-based weather warnings. The project collects image and text data appropriate for subsequent use in AI-based analysis from citizen science campaigns and social media. The presentation focuses on the concept of integrating AI-based text and image analysis with the processes of the warning system, as well as the barriers and enablers that are identified by local, regional, and national stakeholders related to the role of AI in weather warning systems. We further discuss to what extent data and knowledge on historical extreme weather events can be integrated with local and regional climate adaptation efforts, and whether these efforts could bridge the divide between long-term adaptation strategies and short-term response measures related to extreme weather events. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the national system for impact-based weather warnings and to increase resilience to extreme climate-related weather events.

How to cite: Neset, T.-S., Vrotsou, K., Navarra, C., Schück, F., Greve Villaro, C., Mateo Edström, M., and Rydholm, C.: AI for Climate Adaptation?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11023,, 2023.

EGU23-11292 | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Challenges and opportunities of knowledge co-creation for the water-energy-land nexus 

Nicu Constantin Tudose, Mirabela Marin, Sorin Cheval, and Cezar Ungurean

The pressure on natural resources including water, energy and land is continuously growing through changes in climate and land use. Representatives of academia, industry, governments and society need to join forces in order to develop new pathways towards sustainable natural resource use and management. Such pathways start from the basic idea that natural resources are finite and interlinked and that human activities can affect these resources and links, with partly irreversible effects. We combine the water−energy−land nexus and the climate services concept and present a cross-sectoral approach of knowledge co-creation to inform natural resource use and management. The approach is tested in three case studies across Europe that face different challenges resulting from climate and socio-economic change. We present the process, applied methods and major results of knowledge co-creation for sustainable natural resource use and management, and we reflect on the challenges and opportunities from engaging multiple stakeholders. Even if a comprehensive, cross-sectoral approach encourages embedding the water−energy−land nexus into climate services and allows the development of pathways towards sustainable natural resource use and management, maintaining these achievements and partnerships beyond the lifetime of a research project remains challenging.

How to cite: Tudose, N. C., Marin, M., Cheval, S., and Ungurean, C.: Challenges and opportunities of knowledge co-creation for the water-energy-land nexus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11292,, 2023.

EGU23-13145 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Implications of governance mechanisms for spanning boundaries and managing risk  

Lydia Cumiskey, Denise McCullagh, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, and Sukaina Bharwani

Managing flood risk and adapting to climate change is complex where multiple actors need to work together across sectoral and disciplinary boundaries to capture synergies and manage trade-offs. A selection of governance mechanisms were found to influence actors’ capacity to work in partnership, break down silos and unlock opportunities.

Results from research conducted within the SYSTEM-RISK project identifies boundary spanning roles as governance mechanisms facilitating integrated flood risk management in England and Serbia (Cumiskey, 2020). Among other characteristics, the ‘reticulist’ was found to utlise networks and diplomacy to access funding, ‘entrepreneurs’ acted creatively to capture funding and test the flexibility of rules, ‘interpreters’ built interpersonal relationships and interpreted different professional languages, ‘organisers’ managed actor partnerships and ‘specialists’ were willing to engage and try new approaches. The availability of rules and resources influenced capacities to hire, train and sustain such boundary spanning staff.  Results highlighting the dynamic interdependencies between such roles and the governance system will be shared.

Place-based adaptation partnerships were found as another governance mechanism, strengthening collaboration, knowledge exchange and joint action across boundaries. The Climate Adaptation Partnership Framework1 was developed through the TalX project (Transboundary Adaptation Learning Exchange) to collate learning from applications in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales and provide guidance for stakeholders interested in implementing such partnerships.  

The RISK-TANDEM framework is being developed within the DIRECTED project (Horizon Europe, 2022 - 2026) to enhance risk governance, knowledge co-production and interoperability across data, models and tools to enable disaster resilience in four Real World Lab regions. An initial version of the framework, which builds upon the existing Tandem Framework2 (among others) will be shared along with plans for implementation.   

The role of such governance mechanisms in integrating research, innovation and science in a collaborative way will be introduced, while opening the discussion on how to improve the application of such mechanisms to facilitate future engaged research.


Cumiskey, L. (2020). Embracing boundary spanning roles in Flood Risk Management. PhD Research Briefing Note 2. Middlesex University. Available at:

1 Climate Adaptation Partnership Framework. Available at:

2 The Tandem framework: a holistic approach to co-designing climate services. Available at:

How to cite: Cumiskey, L., McCullagh, D., Schweizer, P.-J., and Bharwani, S.: Implications of governance mechanisms for spanning boundaries and managing risk , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13145,, 2023.

EGU23-14166 * | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4 | Highlight

Reversing the impact chain 

Peter Pfleiderer, Jana Sillmann, Robin Lamboll, Joeri Rogelj, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Climate impacts have been studied intensively and our understanding of changes in climate impacts due to anthropogenic activity is impressive (see IPCC AR6). There is, however, a gap between the physical understanding of changes in climate impacts and availability of information that could directly be used by adaptation planners. We argue that this gap is to a large extent a result of the usual modeling chain that is based on a handful of representative emission scenarios.

Most climate change studies take a small, predefined set of emission scenarios (SSP2-45, SSP1-26, SSP5-85 etc.) and calculate the global and regional climate impacts resulting from these. Focusing on a limited set of emission scenarios allows us to compare results from different modeling groups and lets us run detailed climate models on each scenario. However, this modeling approach does not align with relevant research questions such as: “How much can be emitted to avoid a certain impact?” Or “what are the emission constraints to limit the probability of experiencing a certain event until 2050 to 10%?”

The presented reversal of the impact chain would help to answer these questions. The idea is to start from a clearly defined impact and evolve uncertainties backwards into the emission space. Doing so, we take the perspective of practitioners who know very well what impacts are of relevance and would like to know how these impacts are related to greenhouse gas emissions.

How to cite: Pfleiderer, P., Sillmann, J., Lamboll, R., Rogelj, J., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Reversing the impact chain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14166,, 2023.

EGU23-14580 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Strategic litigation on climate change adaptation: The case of public authorities’ liability in flood risk reduction 

Riccardo Luporini, Marcello Arosio, Emanuele Sommario, and Mario Martina

Strategic climate change litigation is rising on a global scale as a tool to bridge the accountability and enforcement gap that is currently affecting climate change law. The vast majority of strategic climate cases concern mitigation, while adaptation is rarely addressed, and when it is, this is done in a rather residual and vague manner (Setzer and Higham, 2022). However, if it is true that states and corporate actors are lagging behind their emission reduction commitments, at the same time ‘at current rates of adaptation planning and implementation, the adaptation gap will continue to grow’ (IPCC, 2022). Accordingly, once strategic litigation is found to be a suitable tool to advance climate action, opportunities to litigate adaptation strategically should be further explored.

 The role of science in substantiating climate change litigation is very much under the spotlight when it comes to the determination of emission reduction targets, carbon budget and ‘fair shares’ in mitigation cases (BIICL and Sant’Anna, 2021). On the other hand, science does not yet provide accurate indicators of adaptation progress or lack thereof and this contributes to narrowing down opportunities for strategic litigation on adaptation (Berrang-Ford, Biesbroek et al, 2019).

Against this background, this study aims to investigate the role of geosciences in fostering strategic litigation on climate change adaptation. This objective is pursued via a case study. The study builds hypothetical strategic cases concerning public authorities’ liability for flood risk reduction and investigates the potential role of geosciences in such cases. How can geosciences help determine the impacts of climate change on flood risk in a given area and the consequent exposure and vulnerability of specific communities? What does a science-based assessment of given adaptation and flood risk reduction policies and measures look like? To what extent can geosciences determine the activities that public authorities should take to reduce flood risk in a certain area? And, finally, how far can existing commitments in the area of disaster risk reduction and human rights be used in order to distill concrete obligations in terms of adaptation to climate change-induced hazards? The study aims to address these questions by means of an interdisciplinary approach based on combining legal and policy practice with sound geoscience methodology.


Joana Setzer and Catherine Higham, ‘Global trends in climate change litigation: 2022 snapshot’, (2022) Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science

IPCC [Hans-O Pörtner et al. (eds)], Climate Change 2022 Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Summary for Policy Makers

A Holzhausen, R Luporini (Eds), The Role of Science in Climate Change Litigation: International Workshop Report, (July 2021)

Lea Berrang-Ford, Robbert Biesbroek, et al, Tracking global climate change adaptation among governments, Nature Climate Change 9, 440–449 (2019)

How to cite: Luporini, R., Arosio, M., Sommario, E., and Martina, M.: Strategic litigation on climate change adaptation: The case of public authorities’ liability in flood risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14580,, 2023.

Climate change is posing challenges for operating and designing critical infrastructure. Increasingly, AI has been used to enhance these decision making process. Reinforcement Learning has shown its advantages in dealing with difficult sequential decision making in games. When scaling to real life applications, their complexity and heterogenous nature potentially will require Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) to provide adaptive capacity in a distributed manner. However, the human system is also characterised by the diverse belief of each individuals and groups - a feature that was captured in agent based models. AI/agent systems are evolving to work with human and become ubiquitous in real life/applications critical to society (such as health and transport). We argue that allowing belief transfer and full interactions across MARL actors in a three-layer model capturing data uncertainty, logical model and belief will help create a heterogeneous MARL system for better human-AI interaction that better aligns with human thoughts/values for actionable climate decisions.

How to cite: Hoang, L. and Smyrnakis, M.: Towards teaching multi agent system the concept of risks and safety for actionable climate decisions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15960,, 2023.

EGU23-16311 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Flood risk assessment in support of the evaluation and selection of risk mitigation measures 

Alice Gallazzi, Francesco Ballio, Daniela Molinari, Marina Credali, and Immacolata Tolone

The purpose of the study is to define how the models available for flood damage assessment in the Italian context can support cost-benefit or multi-criteria analyses of risk mitigation measures, in accordance with current laws and regulations on the subject. On the basis of the present situation in which risk mitigation measures are evaluated mostly according to their capability of reducing the hazard and by considering few simple exposure factors, the study aims at identifying more robust indicators to assess measures effectiveness based on results from flood damage modelling. State of the art flood damage models developed within the context of the project MOVIDA (MOdello per la Valutazione Integrata del Danno Alluvionale – Model for integrated evaluation of flood damage, were applied to evaluate the expected damage in several flood prone areas within the Lombardia Region (northern Italy), where mitigation actions are planned by the Regional Authority. Then, obtained results for these areas were analysed to define effectiveness indicators as well as their range of values. Finally, specific indicators were developed to evaluate the environmental impact of each intervention according to present policies to promote sustainable investments in the field of soil protection as well as contribute to achieve Green Deal goals. Results show that developed indicators increase the ability of local authorities in the definition of priorities of intervention, leading to a reduction of institutional and legislative inefficiencies and increasing the efficiency of disaster risk reduction policies.

How to cite: Gallazzi, A., Ballio, F., Molinari, D., Credali, M., and Tolone, I.: Flood risk assessment in support of the evaluation and selection of risk mitigation measures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16311,, 2023.

EGU23-17453 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Next Steps for Earth Science Contributions to Community Resilience 

Sruti Modekurty, Arika Virapongse, Rupanwita Gupta, Zachary J. Robbins, Jonathan Blythe, and Ruth E. Duerr

Community resilience increases a place-based community’s capacity to respond and adapt to life-changing environmental dynamics like climate change and natural disasters. Timely access to environmental data is an important factor for community resilience. Most Earth science information is created for a particular science community for a specific scientific purpose, without much thought to who else could benefit from it and how they might use it. New approaches are needed to facilitate better data production and integration for community use.

In this session, we present the findings of a paper published by ESIP’s (Earth Science Information Partners) Community Resilience Cluster. As a convening space for over 150 member organizations across different sectors, ESIP’s biannual meetings, conference calls, and topic-driven clusters provided the infrastructure and expertise to support the Community Resilience cluster’s examination of the role of Earth science data for community resilience. This presentation highlights the challenges communities face when applying Earth science data to their efforts:

• Inequity in the scientific process,

• Gaps in data ethics and governance,

• A mismatch of scale and focus, and

• Lack of actionable information for communities.

Recommendations are made as starting points to address the challenges, along with examples of good practices from across the Earth science community. Given ESIP’s data stewardship efforts with large organizations and across domains, the recommendations are applicable at scale. We offer actionable steps for the Earth science community to help them produce data to better support community resilience.

How to cite: Modekurty, S., Virapongse, A., Gupta, R., Robbins, Z. J., Blythe, J., and Duerr, R. E.: Next Steps for Earth Science Contributions to Community Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17453,, 2023.

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